HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0300 :.d4d� '���1 , .�i-�a�� . v..,� " R~ + t r"' r Y'� -" ~ � �� �� /�� Z ..��,.�? il�n��ri���rin��nt Or�li�i�iuc��—liniu��r�i:it�, I'���-an��nt Forin.) ORDINANCE NO. �.�.._C''. .__. , :�\ t)I' )I\:1\Ck; PR()V�ll�\�G F��)I� 'l'III�;_ I.lTPRO�'k:.lI��;1'1' (�F �'�� '� �—.�='�-�� --�it-OC� (l ���-�v�L� — � , � O �-,¢ � � . /�-C,L-c(.�-�c�c.-r.� �� ���-��-�-� "��-l %� �` � iiist�rt slrects ��t� Ixn�ti�uus th��r��o1 to be itnprove,ct) by (spec�fy�in� nrttttre ot in�proveilici�t�) Q.c�'� <ill in accord�nce with R.esolution ivo.��'�_� of the City Gotxncil of the City of Renton, creatin,a � local in�proveinent district therefor, ancl providing that payment for s�id improvement be rn�de by special aesess- rnents npon �roperty in said district pa�ynble by the mode of "In�mediate Yayinent." 'I'11I�. CITY COU\�CIL OF '1'III�. CI'1'Y OF R7�,ATp.A, W.�SHI\CTO\, DOk:S ORll�AI\ :1S F'OI:I,O�WS: � � � � , - �,� ti��i�t i on 1: '1'7l3 t i��t�U/�^ �/�" �j`t�`-�-v u� /�`j�l'�-� ��� •-��-Q-rT�� �y��*-�rT/-c���r Gf%�- o ��; �,��`� ����r��.� � �- � �� ��.��- ����' � - «u� � �� .�-��� �2�� c � z�-�-e � -�� �� (insert etreets or portions thereof to be inlproved) be� improved by (specifying nature of irnprovervent) � , � y _ �/� �� i %i i� ;�;� ,/i// �'-�j( '� r`.� . `'�/ ��ki�,�) � � � /�. i, ��nd that such other ���ork be done as inay be necessary in connection therewith, accordina to the plans and sp�cifications therefor prepared under the direction of the City En�ineer and on file in the office of the City Clerk. � Section 2: '1'hat the cost and expense of said im�rovei�ient, including �ll necessary and incidental ez- penseq, shall be borne by and assessed against the property incluc�ed in the assessment district hereinafter ci•eated in accordance with law. The City of Renton sl�all not be liable in an�� mam�er for any portion of tiic eost and expense of sa�id iniprovetnent, e�cept as here in provided. (insert �l�propriate pro��iso for contribtttioii fro�n the Geri�ral Fnnci if ��nti�) r�`�. �. �ection 3: '1'h€t�lier�� is l�ereby establishe�l a local improveiiieut �listrict to 1��� exllecl "Locztl Iiiipl�ov��- ment District No. � .... ," which sa�d district is described as follows: �'� "�11 the property between the termini of sai�l improverrient abutting upon, adjacent, vicinal or pro�i- `' , mate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a distance back from the marginal lines thereof, as pro- vided by law." �'•�.., Section 4: T'hat the cost �nd expense of,s��id improvement shall be defrayed by special �assessirient� '� �>ayable by the mode of Iininediate Pay�ment as clefined by law and the charter and ordinances of the Citti� ��_ of Renton. Warrants bParinn� interest at the rate of 8 per cerit. pe�r �nmm� nntil paid, shall l�e isslaed tn -��, the contractor for the redemption of as many of the warrants issued o» th�� Luc<il Inil�ro���ui��nt l)istri��t F�nn�l � on estimates of the City Enbineer, as �nay not� be redeemed in cas1�. .,�,� SecYion 5: This ordinance shall be in f.ull force and ef�ect fi�-e (:�) �la�-� f'r�ni� and after its passanc, � approval and legal publication. �:. ,"� Approved this ,�-�-----_---_ cla�� of _.__�.__.. _ 191.�, '� ._ . �,,,` i ��_ -� - ... -..� _./1/t� _ --- _ _ __ � p �Fayor.. � O�� !�� '• Yassecl t�iis - -- ..,_ - ---- daY�ofi������ l --• 19'1�-_.. - .• _ _ _- _ ., . "' - -- - �- ---- - - -� -- - �D�' _._ -- -_ x, -�� Cit�� Clcrl�. ��,yr Date of first publication .. ....._... J././._�.�.,,1.,� � _ 3a ----�- - :"_ ' , ..• s *, • _ . . . , . � J NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. �Immediate Payment Plan) _ _ ,. . , , . °! 1tj ».' � �`_C)�� a�: �.��1`s<''Se i �C`.f' "�i.� Improvenient of _._ _ � �� � - 57�•- ____ li�� .- ` 1,. 1. n. _ `'`�_ __ __ . _ _ _ _ oxn.- _ .�c�r \utic�� i� l�ereb}• �,'i����u thr�t thr :i�s���siu��nt r��ll f��r 11i�� in�j�rn�ruirnt uY Isr'i 1 T 1 ia � I]t�'•;'r.� 1:i`� (insert str•��ets or ����rtio>>s ti���r�eof t�i hr inipro�•t��l) 1i,�� (specif�-in:; nxtni��� of inij�ruvc�ucntl l.�:��?�.Y"{ C" a.C�:�`.;�:��..� k �11 in the City of Rentou, co�uprisin�; Local Iiuprove»ic;nt District \o. --�?.d___-_ t�ucler Ordinance No.�O�'_-_- is in my liands for collection, �nd any assessment thereon or any purtion of any such assessme�t u�e�y be 1>��itl at any time within thirty (30) days frorri the clate of the first pnblication of this liotice, withont peneilt�-. interest or costs, and nnless payment is iY�ade within such time such as�essment or unpaid portion thereof ���ill become delinquent. Zipon delinqliency a penalty of five (5) per cent. will attacli to �ncl becon�e a i�art oi' such assessment. Delinqueut �ssessment wi11 bear interest at the rate of eig�ht (8) per cent. per annmu uutil paid. Stich delinquent assessment with penalty and interest will forthwith be collected and the li��u th��rt���f b�� rnforced i❑ the ni�inn��r ��ru��i�l���l l�ti• I,���� .�n�l t{�e ��i�.irt��r �ln�l ��rclin�ui����� iif th�� C'it�• ��i' h��i�tuii. i ,�"� � �_ . . ..... ...... .. _ _ . ._.._ ' City Tre�,in•ci•. ])��te of first ptiblication