HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/23/2007 - Minutes ',�'" v,�r` Agenda Item #1 Minutes Hurnan Services Advisory Cammittee CITYOFRENTON January 23, 2007 F�B 2 � 2�07 Committee: Janet Bertagni Excused Absences: Margie Albritton �C��vEa Laura$rock Casey Bui C�N�LERK�S OFFlCE Rolf Dragseth Samantha Williams Charlie Gray Staff: Karen Bergsvik Robin Jones Gloria Gamba Laura Law Dianne Utecht Palice Liaison: Katie McClincy Guests: Bob Bleisner, Vice President H.O.M.E. Board Susan Camerer, Executive Director, Vision House Anne Snook,Program Manager, Vision House The meeting was called to arder at 3:02 p.m. The Decernber 19, 2006 minutes were approved as submitted. Katie McClincy, Police Cornmander was introduced. Katie will now be the Police liaison to the Human Services Advisory Cornmittee. At�encv nerst�ective of Ten Year Plan to End Hamelessness: Susan Camerer, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Vision House explained that Vision House has been in existence since 1990 to provide transitional housing(stay from 18 rnonths ta 2 years)and case management to hameless single rnpthers and their children, and homeless single men recovering from drug and alcohol addictions. There are fifty staff members wha speak nine languages. About 1/3rd of the clients are from Rentan. Vision House has 16 family units and 4 in the men's program. Vision House runs a daycare center in Renton that serves 88 children, Thirty percent are from Visian House and 70°/a are private pay clients fram the community. Susan does nat have an apinion on the Ten Year Plan and still ha.s questions. She indicated forty percent o�the homeless will need an-going support. �ome of the issues she raised are: � 1. Plan does not differentiate between the different populations of horneless. 2. Needs of the chranically homeless are different than the needs of the transitional homeless. 3. What happens when families need the hausing but not the intensive services that go with it, and 4. tertninology being used is confusing—what is"transitianal" housing versus"permanent housing". Bob Bleisner, Vice President H.O.M.E. Board, helped start Area af Renton Interfaith Shelter (A.R.I.S.E.). A.R.I.S.E. is a rotating shelter whose goal is ta provide a safe, warrn sleeping environment, meals, and case management far homeless men in the Renton area. Housed for ane manth at a host church, the rnen arrive at 9:00 pm and are out the next morning at 7:00 a.m. There is a 90-day lirnit; SQ% are chronically homeless but they da not kick them out. Originally the shelter operated fram November through March, but it now operates year-round. ] � � Agenda Item #1 He is very suppartive af the Ten Year Plan, but noted the Board hasn't taken any official action. He was also supportive of the Performance Measure Metrics. He is concerned that the prograrn may be penalized if they keep peaple longer than they are supposed to. He alsa raised the issue of what happens if there isn't hausing for the men when their time is up. Palice Persnective on Homelessness: Commander Katie McClincy shared her perspective on homelessness. Renton Palice deal with the chranic hameless who frequently have both drug and mental health prablems. Jail often is the anly place for them ta receive healthcare and faod. They are frequently in the Renton jail and very costly to house. Katie wQuld like to stop the revolving door. The Palice receive many complaints from businesses, Rentan Main Library, and the Renton Community Center. Citizens are complaining ihey do nat feel safe taking their children to play at Liberty Park. This presents a legal issue. How can you deny access to public places only to the homeless and still allow other citizens access? One Ni�ht Caunt: Katie and Karen have been identifying the homeless sites and mapping out the areas to prepare for the One Night Count on January 25. Karen explained the t�ne Night Count has nine teams of volunteers and she will share their experience at the February meeting. Anne Snaok from Vision Hause worked closely with Karen and is in charge of volunteer recruitment. HB #2163: Karen shared a letter fram a number of South King County municipalities expressing concerns aver the geographic funding pattern with#2163 dollars. South Kin�Countv Hausin�First: Qne of the pilot projects far the Cornmittee To End Homelessness is to provide Hausing First for 28 individuals with lang histaries of homelessness in South King County. Placement will b�in supportive housing with intensive services. So far only nine have been placed. Seattle Mental Health is the lead agency far this praject. Correlation of HSAC Results to Ten Year Plan and Housin�Element:. Karen distributed a City of Rentan draft Resolution endarsing the goals of"A Roof t�ver Every Bed in King County, our Comrnunity's Ten Year Plan ta End Hamelessness. She stated the intent of the City af Renton is to work with other organizatians and gavernmental e�tities in the implementation of this Plan should the Committee recommend that Cauncil endorse the Plan. She also noted there are no canflicts between it and the Housing and Human Serviees elements in the Camprehensive Plan. There are some issues to be explared such as the role of the Renton Housing Authority. Karen recommends inviting the Renton Housing Authority tt�a future Advisory Committee meeting. Ten Year Plan Endorsement Discussion:, After further discussion, Laura Law made a motian to endarse The Ten Year Plan To End Homelessness, seconded by Charlie Gray. Motion carried. Clther: No one has volunteered to be vice chair. It was decided to wait until Junel7uly and bring it up fQr discussion then. The m�eting was adjourned at 4:5Q pm. , J Bert�gni U 2