HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0249 ; ` � , � � �� .: ,�.., ,:���` . � 0 �: � 3 It �: �� C E T�' 0. ,,�� ,tliu OR�ITTi�iiC; ��i.OVS�ITaG ;'CR '_'� TitS"_'�i�.T�i�iTOi�' OF Oi� i�iyrD 02r.'T'�.'., �T�' ITZCH HOSE CO�Ii1:C^IO�.S �'Qit �'IF'.:: ?L�:1Gu;�.�'i� S�I3?TUTu�.`�'.T�iiG r'�� GCii���TOiiS UidDF,iz �iI-i�CH �U!;H COT�T��'�-'.C^?OI�S P:�'�� BE �iS'"�y?,�:J ��.� U�E:J .�.iID .�i:C'TI�S�'G a�i .L7ilYliZ�!�� i.��li 1Ti�.���iiTlVi� �_`^'iLl���• t?��y*+�-� }^'t T'1 ST rtf�j j �(''�-� '{1 C'1'{7`+l T Ci V '^I T�-;�?Tr!1 TT r e .-�si7-..�,T ri."1(� . ".\r� /l '} T7�T A n 111iJ V 1i 1 ./l/l/T`I�I.�13 �.L' _Ll:I �...�. �1. l..:Jiwr. �ll j ::la]171.i1���.I_Vli JV �3�L1'.'.li� t1{.) �az:�ar�s: Section I. ���..t '�e�ea��v�r o:�e u.ld one h�1f (l�; � ir�eh con�ee-� tions r�a,� be inst�,lled �.nd znuin�ainec'� in t21� C��`� o�' �?c�ntan, :���shin��. t on, �'or �ire pur�os e s, sub je et t o t�a� �o?lc�ir.� concli��ons : un� pErson or perso�s, au:�oc�wt�onU o� corpor�.tions, desiz�ng t o ir st�,11 o:�e oi nor� �h�n one, one �:�rld one h^,lf 1'1�; ) inch hose ' co.nectio�is sr�11 -�ile u�pyication i:� c�riui��; there�or Z'T1'�Yi �IZ� Cit� Cler�, o� tre Ci��� o�' :;cnto:�, '��a��n�Lon, r.*hich ;;�zi� ��.pplic�.-- �ion sh€�ll �e�i€nate the- I►ot �s.3 �loc�� nu�ber o-� the pre��ises �ar �:rnich �nch connection i, �e�ire�, �he occu�wnc� thereo�, �he na�E c-� �Y�� o�ner thE rco-�, �he :v��er a�� lae�,�ion of th� ho�e corne c-- tion desii-ed, �,nd shall be accor:�~�,nied ��ith w pl�n of the buildy�� ��n� rreu���_L�s, s bc.:��r�� the e�:�,c* lec�� �o� c�' ��,E r�o;�f: �o���z1ectaon de-� ._�red. `��E?C�'ii0'12 T.�'.• ��C�i �'Y�G �:�:.�.� G_ >:,Z:�;.�1 �7Cv���Ou „y.��_ v�lb' Cj.�'i� e1Erk, tslE N�e ,hf�ll be �e-�errec? to �hE ci�� en�ineer ��r�� if wp-� r'!"OVeCx' b� such En�ineer, ,�ul� be re�orteu �; o �he c��`,T cotzncil ;or action thereon. '���e �n�fallutio� o-'' ::,;' one �x_ci cl.� ���,I.� �nch �?'-� � ; ti uer�yce pi�es £or fire pu�r�o:es shall 3e un�er �he �,�rect su�erv�,�_on ar �he �,rater uupe�intellaen� o� �h� Ci+� o� :�er�on, '?�,:,;��.n�;�an, rrho s'r��.`!? h�,ve autharit� �o con�enn ;s� c�orr� �ot ��operl� in,t��iled �-;�;� ;�rho sh�.??. '�e�ore �he �u��r is turned ori in �t�ch p�pe, -��le a st�,te-- r�ent ��7 ��xit�u�; c:�th ���e Cit� Clsrk tc t�e o�fec� �h�,+ such -�ire li�E is �.�aPErl�r ins���lied �:.c� �rl pluce �.u� h�.� becn acce�t�d b;� hi�. _`��',.. ��ll �alves used in �uch one �rr.d one (lti } ineh connections shall be gate v�.lves of an �.�proved pat�Ern. Section II3. Su�h one €�nci or�e �.2� (1��; ) �nc�i conr:ections v�hen so inst�.l�e�, sh��.l1 be use� onl� �'or tr.E �u.r�ose a� -����htin� fire �,nd an� �er�on or ��rsons, corpor�.t�on or coryoratior��, u�in� , €�fter the same �o� �.n� o�he� nu�posa sh�.�l �s -�ine�, a� hereinfp�-ovicLecl, pr ovi deel, hoi�e�;er, �hG,t sucn c onne c�ion� �,,.5 bE u;ed -�o� the pur-- pose of tc�tin� �.r�d prEser�i�� �he hose coiznection� thereon, noc oftener th�,� evE��r �hree {3) �onths, �ttcr 'teu�ing to be �one un�e� thE personal supe�vision of the �atE� s�:perin+endent o�' the Cit� o-� Renton, �ashir�ton. Section IV« '�h�t ar_� ��rson or pe�sc��, cor;�orat�on or �.ssoci�.tiqn ir�s�alling one and. ane half (11) inch Sra�er connections in the Cit;� of usnyon, :7asr�in�;ton, ��i�haut ha�ir� ��rst co�plied ��iti� the p��ovisians he�eof, or �r�o s�:.,ll ar�er th� �rc7er inst�,llation th��•�eo�' use �he s�e �or a,nd �urpose o�hcr th��n -�c� �i�h�ing ���e, ��cept €zs provided in �ection III hereo�, �h�,ll be �ined ir ��.r1J surn �o� exceedin� One hunc�rec� (w100.00) Dol�a��s, or ir.�prisonr:�ent in the city jail nat e�.cecLLin�; �:�i�� (�0) d,:;�,*;, o� b;; both �uch �ine �Lnd i�Prisonrien�. Sectio� V.. 'TM:�i� or�i�.nee ��,,11 be in -�i�ll force �.nd efreet five (5) da�s fro� ar.�i a-�ter i�s p�.��a�,e, a�,�yc��..1. �.�d 1ega1 pub-- lic�.i�ion. :;�-��o�es �.z�� � c�a�r o-� T��,,� �. �. 19 . tl /� � , /, I'.i u^.`�O� � Passec� �'��;s f f ���,�T o� r�w;; ... �. 1911 i� /,I 1 � �--��',y � ,� C it�; '�le_�1=. �