HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0259 , ' ' ' , � , ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' �' ' . , . . � . ` , , , , " � • ` •, , r y�,' � �� i Q�\.�.��.��Id d.� TY O♦ � �N O��I�'��TC� OI' �'� C I�'Y OF P�:ii OI�, A P�l7TTICII'!�Z C0�PO�'�TIOBT QF y� ^fiIHD CI�SS, GE�����'IT1G �� T� COZtI�:�I� �c PUGE� SOUI�D ��il��bD CO&aPbtTY� A CQ�'�iOR��'IO�� ITS SUCC �'SSO�:S �i'�J �S��IGi1S� �IiE �,IfixHT� PE�IVIIu:Gi �TD t"1UTHOi3Ii'�'i TO Z��1 D0�'�� CO�+T.�,�iRUCT� F,�iIt1i"�`Ilt �`iTiD OPERA�'E SUITI�RY Pli.T3��'��� �R�1CKS AZ(?ITG ��'D pC�iOS� SV'�RY S�' T+'ETS� �V.^�TZUI�S t� OTI�+'R PUBI+IL� �'�;CES Y7�'HIN iI1Z'; G'IZ'Y 0� FT+"iOTS, ,r"aT1� U�'OTT C71'HER P80Zy`8T� �t�'I i i3IA' THE �I�.�T S OF 5.�� C I�''�, At� G�T IT�G �d St�ID C�PwP.�Y ITS StJ'CG`ESuOu i �dD �S�IGZTS� Pti��IiTS � t,�nY FOF SU�H TRI�CKS ��OT7G kl�ID �=.C�OSS aT.:, SU��i ��'I�:LS, a`TET�TT�'S �T;� 0�R PL'���C °I.I�C;S 0� ;�i;ID �2�1'. iiif: �.`�iY COUTTCTL C�Z� i� CI�i OP ;,�T+�'OT�, t7r��iIT1G^QTT DO ORD.i�.S1tT , � T-/�. �, �ia1.� J: �ity V�i U� �ec�ian 1: �he City o� P►en�on aoes hereby gr€�nt �o the Colurabia & Puget iound Failro�4 Comp�,n�r, a �az•poration, its succes�ors a�ci assi�s, zn perpetuity, thE ri�ht, privilege and authori�� �a l�y dot�rn, cons�-ruct, r�sin��in and o�erate s�c�ry trac�s of stand�ra gauge rail�ay as hereinbelov� desi�nated and specified, �ogether �.i�h all needful cross--avers �and con� ctions bet��e en an3r of sa�d tracks �xnd any o�her �liereof as he re inafter '� specified, alon� and across sun�ry s�reet3, avenues and ct her pub-� lic places yri�hin tlze limits of �aid city; and also a right o� �vay for said tracks alon.g and across aIl of sai� sundry s�reets, avenues an� other pti:blic �laces of uai4 ci�y, the r�idth of which s�,id ri�ht of �aa� shall be as hereiva�ter specified, �or eaeh sueh i tr€�ct herein �u�horized, ali o� �rhich rigUt�, pri4ile�es �.nd �,u�horities are ]�ereb�r granted, uub ject �o all of �he conditions, restrictions, specificsa#:ions and requirements in this ordin�,nce I expressed. ��� ;�ection 2: �:SCi�I�'IOT�i ^he t-racn� of str�nd.�rci g€�u�e railr�ay, the laying do�rn, construetion, nsin�enance s.nd ope+a�ion !, �hereaf are authorized by ti�is or�in�uce �d the ri�hts of v��y II hereby �r°�te� �or tlz� same, are described as folloa�,rs: �I�' ZIT3E: One. �o tracks o� 3tandard gau�e rail���.�r� the center line s wl�ereo� shall be as nearly as ma9 be pa.rallel with and 6.5 fset distant on either side from the center line o� the right o� ��r the�efor negt hereinbelo�,r speciyisd, €�.n�. � right of wgy 24 feet in c�idth for s�zch tracks, �he cEnter 2ine of �hich right of v��;y shall be�in in the cves� line of �3ur�et� �treet at a ' poin� wh�ch is 5.5 feet northerly fro�, neauu�ed at right an,�les to the center linE of �alla �lalla 1�vEnue; the�ce Eas�erl�r on a tangent parallel crith and 5.5 feet distr�nt from, measured at right � angles to, the Qenter line of �;alla �7a1�� .�venue as aforesaid, a distance of 1443.15 feE�, �ore or Iess, ;;o � point �hich is 44.87 feet eas�erly �ram, mea�rured a� ri�Ii� �ngl.es to, the cen�er line o� l�ill Street; �hence on a curve �o thE right �v:ith a radius of 1336.65 fee-� (radius at poin� o� be�;inr�i� being at righ� a ngles to �alla �dall�. �vsnue ) a di�tance o� 24� feet, raore or lEss to an intersection �ith a son�herly pro�ee�ion o� the east line of Blo�k 2, as sane is sho�-an on the o��icial plut of the �'ocrn of �?enton (the same 'being identical C�ith the conter linE north and south �Yi,-rough �he west half of Sectio� 17, �'o�rnship 23 �or�h, E�an�e 5 East o�' I �illamette �ieridian) ��e northerl�r �.nd southerly �arginal lines of said 24 foo� right of c�a�y origit��.ting in the �est line of Burnett Street a.nd terminating in �he said p-�o�ection of ths e€�st line o� I Block 2,� �lsa t�o six�2e t-racks of standa-rd gsuge railcray connect� l�g the t�o tracks above deseribed ar�d enf;irel crithin 3� the .. baund aries of the 24 foo� right vf ��r �here�or� '�he first connecting _ _ __ . . . . . , ____ _. _ _.._ . _. . � __. . . . - . � � • , • ' . . • ' ' r-- � � •� - . n ..�r..� traek to begin in the r�ost sou�I��rly of ;;�e tti�ro r�ain track at a point 10 fest ��es� o� �he ��es-� line of Vl�lls �tree�, running thence in a cresterly c�irection 190 fee�, nore or less, �o a connection . r�ith the r�ost northerl� o� the �a �i;� �racks� �he second i eonneetiz� �raek to be�in in the mo�� sou�'ae-rIy of the tvro r�r�in tracks a� a point 13 fe�t �est a� ths ��est line of �ill StrEet, running �hEnee in an easterl� ciirection 190 feet nore or ]� ss to a conne et ion crith the mos-t northe rly o i �he two ma in tr�.cks. T1E4'7' Ca��iu, �F�T�'CH: ��oE u si��Is t�ac�: of standard �auge r�,ilv,�ay, the center line �rhereof shall be as nearly as may be co� incident �-i�h the ceuter line of �hE ri�h� of �r€�.y therefor nex'� hereinbelo� specified, and a ri�ht of �7ay 11 �eet in �idth for sueh track, the center line of c�hich right of �day shall begin in the center lins of the most northerly of �he tc�o r�ain tracks described in Par. 1 of Section � hereof, a� a point 127.71 feet easterly f'rom, mea�tzred at ri��i� €�.glss ta the center lins oi P�ill 3treet ; thence �tortheas�erly on a eur4e ta the left �rith a r�}dius of 3154.03 feet, t�'ar�ent to saici curve a� t�e paint of begiru�in�; bein� parallel �.nd ooincident taith a t�snt to the center linE of said most ' northerly ma,in t-r�ck o� P€xr. 1 of Sec� 2 at �hat point) a di st�nce of 157.3I feet, nors or less, to an inter�ection c�ith a southerl�r I pro�ection af the east line of Bloc�: 2, as s�me is shoti,n on �he offici€�.1 plat o� th� To�.n o� Renton (�he same being identieal c�ith the center line I�or�h and South thraugh the �7est half of ' Section 17, Township 23 P�o���, P.ange 5 East of �'lillame�te �eridian) the northerly an� sou�herl�r marginal lines of suid 11 �oot right of �a� origin�;t ing in the r�os� 7�ortherly margin of the 24 foo� right of yvay deseribed in �'ar. 1 of aec�io� 2 her�of and terninatM ing in the saici pro jectior�. o� the eas� liz�e of �lock 2» r. C100D SPUR; mhree, � sin�;Ie track of standard g�,uge ' railv�a�r, the center line �rhereof s�all be as nearl�r as �ay� be ML'�t! eoincident :rith the cen�e:� line o� �he -ri��i� of ��a�, therefor ne�t hereinbelo�r speci�ie�, and a z ight of ��a�r lI feEt z n tividth II for such track, the center line of �rhich righ� o� vra�r �m.11 begin in the center line of the most sou�herl� of the t�ro nGin �racks describec� in zar,� 1 of S:e�ion 2 hareo�, at a point 150.43 feet easterly fron, �e€zsured at right an�les to the cen�er line of �i11 Street; th�nce soutl���esterlar on a eu�ve �o �hE le�t j�ith a I ra�ius of 5��r.33 fee� (t�.ngent to sa3d curve a�: �he point of begin�in� being parullel and caineident �rith a t�ngent to the center line of suid r�as� sou�horly nain truck af Pa�,. 1 of aec� i tian 2 hereof, ut tha� �oint ) a �ist�nce af 265�3�3 �eet; thence south��esterl�r tan�;ent to the curve las� above described, a ais� tance o� 26.63 iQet, nore or less, to an intersec�ion raith the north line of Lot 13, o� �1ock 9 as same is s�.oc�n on the official plat of the Toc�n of Renton, the northerly �.nd uoutherl�r narginal lines of said 11 foo� righ� of ���y o�i�inating in the most south� I erly margin o� �he 24 ioot ri�h� o� ��ay described in P€�r. 1 of Section 2 he-reof, anc� �ernina�ing in �he suid na��h line o� Zot 19s HOUSE�R.=,CK; rozzr. � single tr�c� of standard gau�;e rail� wuy', �h� center line `E�hereof shall be as nearl� as may be coincident F + �i�h the ceater line :oi t�e ri�;h� o� �ray �hereB�r nex� herein belo� speci�ied aud a righ� of c�ay 11 �eet in s�id�h for such track (except that portion l�ing �Yithin �LE bo�anclarie� of i Iac � 26, as ' same is shor�m on ths ofiicial plut of thE ^ov� o� Renton) �he I�i cente�• line o� c.hich ri.�h� of ��ay s�all tiegin in the ce�ter line o� t2�e rsost northerly of -��ie ��o r��.in t-rac�s de�cribec� in Par. 1 of Section 2 hereo�, at a poin� �:hich is 6b feet �7esterly fram� measu.red a-t right an€;les to the center line of i'�illiar�sStreets; thence south�esterly on. �, curve uo �rie �.�i.�ht �i�h a r�dius M�� 942.29 feet �rai�1us a� poirtt of be�inr�ing Ueing at right �gles to Walla �Yalla �ver�ue � a distance of ��G.16 feet; thence south-- westerly an a tangent to curve las� ab ove deseribed a distance of 144.9 feet, r�ore or less, to r� intersec�ion c�ith the ��e� line of :ur�et� �treet, �he :�or�he�I� and sou�harZy raa�rgi�l lines oi said 11 foo� ri�h� oi �a� o-riginating in the nost uortherl� ma�gin of �ne 24 �oot right o� �vag desez^ibed in Par. 1 0� Section 2 hereof� and terninating in the �es� line oi Burnet� Stree-�, c�ritliout break ' or in�te�.^rup�ion except as abo�e no�ed in Block 26. TI�YSI'L'�'. ��C�: Five. 6 sin,�le trach o� standard gauge rail�ray the center line c�he-reof s�iall be as ne arl�r as may be coindident v�ith the center lin.� o� ths rz�;I�t o� t�a;� �here�or ne�t hereinbelow specified, and a ri�ht of ti�� 11 fee� in v�idth for suc�h trac�, the center linE of �rhich r3�h� of �ay shall be�in on C��v--�, the south narginal line of �hird a��o a� a point 32.26 feet eas� of �he northeas� corner o� B1oeI: 33, as aarae is s�ia�. oa the o�ficial pl�t of Snither�'s ls� .�ddition �o the To�n o� Renton; thence on a curve tQ the le�t wi�h a radius 105 feet (safl radius, fron point oi l�e�i "in�, bear•in� sou�heaste��ly t��o rlegrees, fort� four minutes from the line o� Third S�reet) a dis��nce o� 102„17 fee�, nore or lesss �o an intersec�ion ti�ith the center line of the most souther7.� of the t�;�o traaks of the Seattle, �2enton and Sou�hern fiail�ay as �he same are notiv loca�ec3 o-�er and across said Third Street tangent to the center line o:° the s�id �eat�le, Rentan az�: Southern � trtzck and the c en�er line o�' the 11 foot right af �ray las� �,Love � describeds Ueing parallel and coinciaent a� �aid intersec�ion, .Also the right, privi�.ege and authority to loca�e, lay do�,in, opera�e a�,rl maint ain in c onne etion vrith such ra ilro ad track as in thi� paragrnph authorized at s�uch places in said �hird Street an� Burnet� Street as is necessary or conve�ient the liecessary poles, a� al'L necessary equip�ent o� every sort, �nd to erec� polee and strin� �ires, �o . ` . . � � � �� ^, . 1 �6� make a proper a�d eomplete electrical con�eation to the a�ommesaid track of tY�e Seattle, Renton �nd �outhern Railv�a�, A de:�criptio� of said rights of �Tag herein g��.nted, is sno�n on a blue print map entitled "�ap of a port3on of Renton, Kir�; Cov.nty, �ashingtan, April 10� 1911s" �rhich map, ic3ez€tified b�r the sigm.ture of G. �. P�erteus, Superin�endent o� said grantee�and b� tlie Ci��r Clerk of the City of Fer��on, is on file i�l �he o�'3ce of t�.e Citg C le rl�� Section 3: The grant in. tnis ordi�nae contazned, ism�.de expressly sub�ect �o the follo�r� conditions anc� requirements,to-�c�it: Firs�: The City af �En�on shall re�ain the s�.me contral of ths streets, ave�ue s and alleys�in and seross ��hich said rail�ay � tracks shall be l�.id dov�n, as over ot3�Er streets, aves�ues and alle�rs �� � and shall have the r�gh� a-� alI �i�e s by gene ral or�ina�ce, to regulate the speed of loeonotives a�d trains �ithin the limits of �he rights of ��y herein granted, and -�he maximum period of �zr:1e f for which locomatives, cars or trains �hall be a3lo�ed to b1Qek � ade travel a�ong or across -�he s�reets, enbraced in thi�s grant or intersec�ing streets and shall ha.ve such fu�ther control and tne poliee povrers over sueh rigllts of c�a3r as �he state la�rs permit. dnd said Cit� of Renton reserve� to itsel� �.nd i�s gr�n.tees, the right to carry all wa�e-r mains, se�er raains, gas pipe s, eonduits and other public u�ilities unaer�ea�h any ancl all o� the tracks herein autho�ized, �n:d ths ri�ht of aeeess �o any spaees oeeupied by such tracks �ithin the linits oi €iny such street, avenn.� or other public place, and �hs rib�it to open tl�e �•ound �er.teath sai�. tr�.eks for all �urpose� of constructian, maintena�tee, repair, €3.3f;eration and inspection of ar�y such public utilities, �hieh rights shall be egcercised, however, ,o as �o interfere as li��le a� practic� le �ith the use oi uai�. tracks and so as �o leave the right of �ay occupied th.ereby, re;to�e3 to as good a condition as prior to �y ' � 1 , . `. . . , . . � , � . = . . • . � +!t�M eAercise of s�ch ri�hts. aecond: �'he said gr�.�tee agrees �o� i�self, its successors and assi�ns, a�E its o��n e�ense �ri�hin ninety (90j days after thi� orclinance shall tai�e effect, �o pave �he rig��G of �ra� granted b� this or�inance 24 feet �rids Qn �7alla Z'7alla l��venue from the T�athern Pacif ie Rai lwa�r track ta the e as� line of T�iill Stre e� an d th� portion of the �looct Spur included �rithin t�e boundaries of �Yalla �lalla Avenue and tha� portion of �he House �'rack bounded o� � e �est b� the �Tor�heru Paciiie Railv�ag track �n� on the east by the �nnction of said Houss �rack �ith the main line �rack hereinbefore descr�bed, such paving �o be sinilar to �;l�e paving to be construct� ed in the rer�ainder of �Jalla �alla dve�ue uns3er the provisions of Ordinat�ce �To� 251 of ��ie Cit�r of I�en'�on, CTashir�ton, €�nd s�id gran�ee its successors and assig-,�s agree3 to nain�ain said above descri3ed paving in rirs-� class cond.it�on riuring -�he life of this franchise. Thiru: Said grantse its sueces:�ors and assigns iurth� agree to pave tha� portion o� the Trans�er Track herein�efore d.escrib-- � ed. included v�ithin thE boundarie s of �ourth xvenue and o f Th�r d A�enue in the Ci�y of Ren�on, �laahington, �rhe�ever �lle rer�ainir� portions j of said streets or either of thsm are pa�ed uuder €3n�r ordingz� e of the City o� Reutan, eVas]iing�on, such p�rin,� to be sirmilax to t i�� pa43ng cons uructed in the rer�ainuer of said s�reets or e ither of them, Fow^th: il�e sai3 �raYstee, its succes�ars aud as�i€;ns, sh�zll bear and pay one�-hal� of t�e reasonable e�.�ense of r�aintaining the necessar� li�hts af: the intersec�ion o� all stree`;s �th�ch cross t�i� r ight of �va� he rain g�ant e d, on �lalla ��al la �venus . Fifth; Said grantee by its accep�an.ce o� �n�� �rat1�, does agree and covenant for itself, its �ucces�ors �nd asui��s, to �nd with the City of Renton, '�o protect �.ncl save har�Ies� said c�r �� a � �..$�. from all ela3.ms, actions or damages of e�er3r kind and descrip� on whieh msy aearus to or be suf�ered. b� � person or persons b� reasan o� as�y defee�ive construction or naintenance ;'or� improper , occupat ion af saicl ri�ht s of �ay, or by rea�o� of the neglige�� operation of said grarr�ee,� its succes�ors a.nc� a�si�ns, of its or thsir rail� trains over the r' h�s of �ra elo d � � g an across -�he � said publia places here�nbe�are described and in case any aetion or suit be begun ag�inst sa�d Cit� ior d�a�es arising c�ut o� or b�r reason af such defective eonstruction or main�en�inQe or inproper oecupation or negligent operation, said gratltee, i�s suceessQ s and assigns, nay and shall upan n.otice to it or then of the comraenee� mer�� of such �ac�ian or sui�, �elend the st�e at its or their sole cast and expense; and in case judgment s�all be ren�dered again.st said ci�y in suah action or suit, s�.iall �ull�r sa�isf� such �udgxae�t �ithin ninet� (90) d�.ys after such action ar suit shall have been � finally deterrai�d, i� deterrnined adversely to said cit3r. I Sixth: Sai� grantee, its suecessors �;,n� asa��ns, s�a�I. be�in c�ork upon th� cous��uction of the tracks herein authorized, aa._d �he eonst�uction of the pav�n� herein provic�ed to be constr�zc�ted by sa�d grantee, c�ithin thi�rt� �3�� da�rs after �his orainance s�ll t�ake ' effect, and sha11 complete the eonstr�iation of the s�e cr3thin ninEty (90) da�s after tbe date it cormnez�ees suid work as a�oresaid„ i�nd if said r�ork s�all not be be�;vn rri�hin the< time in this clause prescribed, then vnless the Ueginning o� said ��o-rk Qr the completion of the same shall have b�en p2eve�ted by in�unctions, una�oidable dela�rs in condemnation suits, strikes, riots, or other oecurrences be�ond the eontrol of said grantee, its successors and as�igra � �hE said coaw2eil of said city s3�a11 have the right afte-r �hirty (30) days not iee �o sa�.d grantee, i�s sueeesso�•s and assigns, to declwre by ordinance the forfeiture o� al� ri�I�ts, privileges and a�hori�ies herein granted. Se�ven�h: i�1E saic3 �;rautee, aoes a�;;ree in ancl by the accep��Ce s � ,5,, • ' � • • • . _ . ` , • � � • . ►K Ca..a of the benofits o� this ordina.nce tha� said grantee, its sucaessors and assig�ns, �i11 ts�e up and remove the s��itch nocr used by it ix� connection crith �;he Seatvle , Renton 8c Southein Rail�-ra� track at the I jvnction af �'Palla i91a11a �venue an� Third Street in sa�d Cit�rw Eighth: The saic� gr�ntee ag•ree� for itself, i�s successors and assigns, to eonstruct ana put ir� at it� o�n e�-pense, c�i�.� one hundred �Gv�ent�r d�rs from the date of the accept�nce of t�:is ordinan�e, a railroad crossing 14 fee� �ide in tne alear under its tracks op�osite Shat�ucb Strest in s3� Cit�r. �3in�h: Said � grantee for �tself, it� successors az d a s s i�ns, furthe r agre e tha'� �hE port�o� o� th� s o�-eal le d �o oc� Spur nov� in place east o�' ths proposed ne�r loea�ion af said �lood Spur as here�na'oove described s�ia1.1 ba �aken up and removed by t� said grantee, and the said grantee for itseTf, its �uecessors and assigns, does hereby consent that the City o� Renton shall be allocred to nse the ground covered thereby as a public thorough�are. Ten�nt Said �ra�.�se, i�s suecessors and assi�ns further agree in conside�a�ion o� the �assage and ap�roval of this �ranchiseto I rer�ove ths pale line no�� installec3 arri in plaae on the �iort'n. side o�' �alla �al1a bvense to the sou�h sic3e thereo�. Seetion 4: In the operation o� �he tracks authoxized by thi� orci3�,nce, �ai�. �ran,-�ee, its successors �c� as�i.gns, s�sll hage � the right to use s�Geam �ogrer or an� o�her motive povTer that it or ' t�ey may deem suit�.ble, sub�ect �o the rea�onable co�ltl•o1 a7zd regul�.�- t ion of the C it�r of Ren�on, Section 5: �'he rights of ���.y anc� a11 the ri�;Yits, privileges and authorities granted by this ordinanoe �nd all benefi�s Y� reof� shall be assignable b� the safd grantee, i�s sueeessars and assi�s� � as i� ar they may �,� any t i.me sa e fit, eithe r as an en�ir e ty or as , . 'i . �•, � ' ' • � + ' y , ` R , ' ' . . � • ' , ' '"i�'"' respects any oue or �are oi �he tracLs o:� p�.r�� of �he sam� embraced ti�ithin the scope of such �r�nts� provicied, ho�Jever, �ha� no such assignment, either total or pnrtial, shall be a� €�ny force or effect zzntil a copy thereoi certified �.s such by t��e iecretary of tY�.e assignee or otlier officer or person h.a.ving the proper custaLy, af such assisnra�nt in it� be�.a1�, shal.l Isave been filed in the office of the C i�� C le rl�. Section 6: In orcier to clairn the bEne�it of this ordin�nce wn3. to acqui�e �he righ��, privileges anc� authorities h�reby gr�:n�ed, suik gran-�Ee, its successo�s anc� as�i��, r�ust vri�Eh-� in thirty (30� du�s after �hs tal;in,� e��ect o� �his ordin�.nce, file in the ofiice of �he City Cle��, €� copy c�uly certi�ied and a ttested. by its Secretary undsr its corporate se�l o�' a resolntion duly adopted by 3t� �3oard of irustees, aceepting the benefit o� this ordinance, �and the ri�lzts, privilege� and autllorities hereby granted I subject �o all the con�itions, restrictiona, speci�ications and � requirenents herein e�pressed, and a�ree�ng anu covenanting ��ith �the t Ci-�y a�f Rsn�on as i� req�irec� in and U� ths iors�oin� provi�ions of this orc:inance ; and i� uucl� a certifiQd cop�r of sueli a resalntion .�- .R.- of acceptauce shall not be so ,�Zled '6efore the s�:pira�lon a� s�id tine, this ordin�.ce shal.l thereupon �econe void an� oi no effect. Seetion 7: l�lEi4 Ordinance i�a. 2�8 of the Ci�;y � Ref�ton, ��lashin��on, passed Jul� � 1:. :�. l�ll si:a�.� L•e �.rs� ';��e ��e i� hereby repeaZed« Section �: �ni„ or���i4r.ce �l:ul� be in �'uli �c��ce anc� efyect iive (5) duJ s f�o�;. �c: a�-�er ��� �as:��:�e, ��aroval a� l�gal pub�ication, b roved �;�i�, � " � 191I. • pP � �' ��"`" da� of ��,���<� �. ___��� � ,� v' r---� % , ;� ',. Lia;,ror w t - . , . . ' : ,� . , , � �,. , '� '"� ' � � � " ' t . ' . , _ s - , �11�- Passed �his day o� u. : 1J11, i �- ✓ � C � /��/��' /��,'�r-'�_._-%. � Ci�y Cle��. I, luul �7, �iouser, Cyt� �t�or�ley in una io� the Ci�� of �er�ton, �o hereb p�rove �i aUove ��n� iore�oin� orclin�aace ��,h�i.� �-4u;,� o� J� " . �. 1911. � C Ci uy �t�orne�'. � i ` , . ` '