HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0267 ' '�, � � _... � ` � • n � ` ' } ./L�f/��'v` � _� , �.�.�1-��.,,���,,,(..-,��,,, � _, .,.....,.""""„*► _ .,. ORD INbNCE I� O. �., � ? A :_iI OR�INnI`ZG`E PROVII7ING FOR THL ID+�PROV��i�IVT OF TF�i'_''�' PORTION C�+' iIi� :�AST SID.�, OF RENTON A?I'ETSUE Ild "'H� CITY 0�' R�'�TSTON, '7h�HI�TGTON BOUI�TDED OT: '!'� :i�ORTH BY 2'H� SOUi'H BOUNDr":�RY Ol �1HIR7 nV"Ji�UE PRO�UC•- ;1�. EAS`I' A�D ON T ?� SOUTH BY THv SOUT� BOtTl`ZD�,.�Y OI+`' ACRF TR�iCT T:r':TdTY- 1iIl�IE �29� PI��T N0, 0� (1) R`�i�TOl`I CO-CPE�Z'N a CO.n.I, CON:PI�NYi S ���'; yRACTS PROZU�ED � t ST BY 1'� C O�IaTRUCmI01�� OF ��. BOARD SIDEY�I�K "'i��:��- GA: I�I ";, °t _..'���`� ,':; _ �:'� IlV C{)N:PT�Ikt�TC: .�rITH iHE aP��ul�iiTIOrTS rCF, � _,.." _ Tt"L�' ��::. " :.'C ':.'=�_ �;; ORJINAIiCE 1�T0. 39 OF TI� CITY OF R�.NTO�V, y.A�.uJ ,j� 7nSHINGTOI�T� �F� COST OF T� :���I10E TO BE IE VIED UPON THE PRO�.'�T�' ��T'�tEEi1 THE T��iINI OF S��D �ir OV�EIVT �BIJT��'IN� IIPON, ADJl:C��TT, I �TICIl`T� 0� r"�PPROXT.�'ri1:T"E m0 T� S�EETS tiT�TD I��I^'�T"JES 0�2D�R':D IG�iPnO�T''.� :�';I�IN ��y'D Si:aC7�UDED I%T T�i� ASS�S�'v:r�I`�T I�ISTRIC T l�a �ROVI�ED BY I,�`ii'd. 'i;� CI�y� Cou�ac zz or T� C ZT� 0�' P.';S;TOT:, "r�`�HITt�"'GTti DO GR7)i.IN .�� �'01:,���U„S: Sectio� I: Tha-� that portion of the �ast side of Ren�on -A-:'e-=�zt �_� �.-,�e Cit�r of Rez��on, '�i�,shir���v� �ounded on the l�orth b�r `u'�� ;o���� ���oundar�r o� Third �ve�ue �roduced �as� a�r� �on� the So�z�,': i '�:f the South bound�,rJ of gere Tract t��e���r�-nine (29) P1at Tia. �, ;:en�Eon Co-operative Cosl Comp�,n�rs l�cre Tracts proauced wes� �;_.�,�!l , ':fe improved b� the construction of a board sidewalk thereon �_. I �onformi�� �o and in co�pliance �ith the sp�cific��ians �cr the s�.r� as se-� forth in Ordina.n�.e TTo. 39 of the Ci v;r o-� Ren�on, "ia�,?�- ington, t�le cost of t�e s�ne �o be levied upon a11 of �he proper+y� �e�reen �he termini of s� d improvEment abu.tting upfln, ad�acen.t, -ricinal or approximate to the streets and avenues ordered ir��-�o�r�d Y�erei� as provided b� la�r. Section II: That �here is hereb� esta�lished a loc�:l � ir��rove�mer,.t c��strict to be �ovrn as "Zocal Improvemer� Disf,°ic� No. �_' vvhich said clistric� sh�.11 conr�st; of aI1 �'�e p��opert�r � . �� � • � �4 ! es��cially ber�efitUea b�r �he irr.l.�°oye�ei�� he-rei� order�c, to-�.�ri�;�: I �,11 the p-ropert�r between the terr�ini of s�:id ir�proverr�ent �.bu.tJ�.-.V upon, ac�jacen-�, vincinal or a�rroYi�ate to the portiorls of ti��A � strceLti �.1.�:;_ �•.4r�-_-�avs o�dered i.�.nproved here�n, as provided b� ��;�F. 'I Sec���ar IIT: �'hat there is hereby levied a`ainst �].l of ' L��e re��l es�ate included in said Zocal Ir�proverr.ent Distric� suc.h �� sum es ma� be sufficient to discharge the �o�al cos�s an.d ex-- II �enses o� the imprave�e-n_� herein orclered, together �vith all i��c�c'- ��:tal evpenses, �v�.ich s�id assessx�ent sY�ull b� due and pa�abl� 1="Zi��y (30) da�s �rom and �.fter the co�ple-�ion of the �vork �e�ei7z c-��=�ve�c�' �o_,�::, .�._vh ��„sEss�entto bear interes� �:t ��E r�te o ...�.� � '� _ �� "ti�-_ �'-rom and after maturi�y� Immedi�,tely after �J Cs._ .✓..A.s:J .., �,.._. �:��le passa�,e, approval and le�a1 public�tion of this ordinance the �"it�r Clerk of the City of Rer�ton, '�ashington be and he is herEby c�d.ered and directed to advertise for b�ds for the cons�ruc�ion o.`' "�;: :,�vrk herein orciered done . ti�ction IV: This ordinance s�.11 be in �f'tz11 force and ef�'�ct "ive (5) d�ys from and €�.fter its pass�ge, appraval anc� 1•��;i�l publication. ��pi:rove d t'rlis c,a�; o f � A., �. 1911. �":��a�or. � Pass��w t�1is o3� c�a�rof September .�. D. 1911. � �-�i�//�����'����-� Ci�� Clerk. ,