HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0212 , • � �� ,� _ � . ' � � � r�''�� y _ _ , � �,. � � - � 191U +� :���, ��t0flRS1 fIM! AU� y .�. `�r � � �� ;,. � ���, � � ` � 1J10 �� � . �t�. 7 s�� � i ,A G 1 r -' � r �,,,��6�j/� .. ' �. .. O��.DI1T��iCL T�'0. � � � / At+ ORDIii��I+C� T�tO VI:UIi+(x �'OP. THT; IT�,I�'��OV�^' �I�I:d'.L' OF MHI��' �'ORfiIQPd Or' COUI�'�Y RUAi) TiO. 464 Ii0tJ1l��E:'i OT� �'F�� �`TEST I3Y :.�r�.'.smUCT� STfWET 1�S:J �T� ';.'IiE �AST' BY T� ��IGHl' OF �'11�Y OF T�E T+OF�T��Rit ��CIFIC R�I,i��"��Y CO��.I�'Y, �'�i`1' 1'ORmIOi� 0�' al�;.iFi iiV'�.�iitTE i0Ui1:D.:� OT1 iK:� ��.:�ST .�3Y ��L`iL^UC� S�'R.�;:T .�.NL QI� 'i.`H: :A:�;�T �3Y BURi1I:T� �TFur?:T� �':�?' PORTIG`� OF F IF�Ii i�.VF.Ti U�:, FOUR'�H iiVEi:rUL�, r'TAZ::.r`� C�1�;.,1i l�V�dUE �3 QUiJD�'' �I1' TfiE k9�:S1' �Y SHs��'�'tTCK Sr�,"RE�T iiirD 4T1 ^H� F.,t1S:l' BY �i I.IT� ?�UTaTTIITC T30t�TIi 1ii�I) :iOUTH �HRUUCxH i�iE C.�.,IZ�,�'R 0�.' �OCLS S�:VEi7, .'�IG�'Z' �D I.�IIt'l: IIT '�'.�IE 0��IGIiZl�T� �'ZA"' t3�' TH� m0;'ltT QF Rr'�d i 0 �� , ^H�l�' PORT IQTr OF '"HIRU ��V�It1�� �30Ut�.�..,�D OTJ TF�.: C'la;aT FiY ."'iHT: CI� I,II;iITS .r►i:dD Uil "L'i� F1iST �3Y ^f�: L'kS''t' I,I1u�,' OI`+ 1sURTlE�.'"�' STRT+�i��T� T�iL' PO1�T IOSI OF '1'HE :�OUiIi �itiI�' 0�` T�3I�.�D t��TtULt' Bt�UNDED OT+T THI: �'�ES'1' B�' il'� ii�S3' LIT� Q�' �3U?tI�'I:iT STP.i:E� �i[�I? QiJ �+}:I�:: ,+.�;t1"aT I3Y � IaITiI� �iUT�iuZiTG` T;10R"1'�.{ �',i1D �iL1T•i:.'�I '.".T3Ii0UGH TI�i; C�+"�'F'.� OF B7�OCYS ��VEI:T� �;IG��^, P�II�� i��D '�F•ii I� �'I�I: UitIGIP�hs. YI,��'l� OF iHI� TC"�TT OF ���7TOI1, '"ILi7,' T''ORTIQI? 0�+' SH.t�T'i'11�C� S^L'���'� Tl:'iIT';�0�:^H SiI'ti�;;;'.�� I:�:O�,.RI:i STRT=.,�I:y� �T:�iI'?HI;B'S STREEi� .i3UFiT�`^m SL� '''���'� �r'ILL,T�1iT1� SiF�.�:^�'� i'�,'F,�.ZTrS ;i�'T':E�:'y'� I��iITI' ST '��T BOliNDE:ll OTa '�'bi TTOR^�'H� B3� 1HIR� �V1T�.',iNz..i; �.iu�} OZl 'i i� ;�OUi�I 13Y T� C T`�Y LII..ITS }3Y '�'� C�OTdS'L'RUC�It�N OF l� TFiUDT�i �iE'�1I�'�R I�1 AC COHD�iITG`E T 0 �fi1`�I} IiT CU��,1T'i,I1iT.�C.�'.�, i S'CH ':.'H��: �'T�iNH r'�I�D S�'EC3�'ICA�'IQI�S �'OF: THF S�1I:'�.�7 i�iO;�T ON L`I � ITT i�i:: OF}+'IC:; Oi�' ?'� '�I'�Y CI�F.�;K OF T� CI:"Y OI' R�.�11TOi�i r1.t�;3ii.�i?G�Uiy� t�3T:�S7G �'I�ii.i�S �`�I+D S�'�.CI�IC��TIGTtS �i0. ��, t;he cos� of the s�e to be l�vied upon the PRRO�:R'lY �13UiTITsTG, i�a?1'"i�O:�iIT�i.t�T� OF�i 1�llJL�CI:NT� .'PH�R.t:TU l�ID I�TCI�U:JED IZT T�li 11�iSESSi:��i.r^! llISiRIC� �a �iOVIVL� I3Y I�i"d. TH� C 11.'� C OUIjC I Z 0�+' �'�L` C I r�`Y G'I±` i�:'�i��'OT� .i�0 OR.i�lilT7 .��5 F OLI:O�'�S: S�CTION I '.ihat that portion of County Roa,d IZo. 464 bounded on �hQ �est by Sh€�ttuck Street an.d on the e�.st �� tne ri�ht of way of the lTor�hern Pacific Railway Cor�pany, th�t portion of sixth r�venue bounded on the we�t bgr Shattuck Street and on the east by I3urnett Street, that portion of �'ifth �venue, Fourth �venue, , • . . � � �alla ��lalls �venue bounded on t��e west by Shattuck Street and an the east b� a line rannin� nor�h €�nd south throug� the center of Blocks Seven, Eight, r7ine and yen in the ori€;in€�1 plat of the '�own of Renton, that por�ion of �'�ird l�venue bounded on the �est bythe Cit� ]:i�its an� an the east by the ea��t lige of nurnett Street, that portion of the south side of Third Avenue bounded on the tivest by the er�.�t line of �3urnett S�reet t�nd on the east by� a line running north and south throu�h the center of Bloeks seven, ei�ht nine and �en in the ori�;inal pla� of the �'otivxn of Ren�on, th�zt portion of Shattuck Stree�, �Yh3twQrth Street, I��Zorris 3treet, Sr�ithers Street, �3urnett Street, d7illiams �treet, �e�ls Street, P�ain Street bounded on the nart�� b�r Lhird �venue ana on the south b� the City T,imits shall �e improved by the constrnetion of a �runk sewer, the initial point of ��hich shall be at the intersection of the center line of Sixth �venue produced west , �vith the easterly bou�idary of Blacx i�iver, runnin� �henoe Qast t�lon� the cen�er line of S�.xt�s �venue produced �vest �o the intersection of s�.id line ��.�ith th� center line of the alley runnin�; north �nd south throu�h �lock Thirty�one, Smitriers First Aclaition t o tlie '"own of Hentnn, thence ea�t �.lon� said Sixth avenue to the westerly boU.nd�ry of �loak mrventy--eight, �orvn of Renton, produced sou�h, thence east �lon�, upon and �hrough �. �trip of ltind seven feet in width bounded on the north b; Block 28, �Yilliams Street, and �31oak 1E3, moyrai of R�nton, to the cen�er Iine of �Jells Street, tuid the construction and in- stillation of �,11 necessary u�d proper purifie�.tion �vorks, man� holes and other appli�nces necessary for the proper operation of said trunk sewer, the s��e to be constructed in conformity to €3nd in co�pli€�nce with the plans €�nd specifications for the sr:�me now � on file in the office of the City Glerk of the Ci�y of R�n�on, being Plans and Specification� TZo. ' � . , • • , • • - , , . � S�CTIQTS II The co st of sai d ir:ypr oveYne nt shal� be asse�sed upon the prop�rty a'hutting, approxima�e or adjacent to said above described portions of said �oiant� FZoad I1o. 464, Sixth �`�alla �'�,li� t'�ve. Avenue, �ifth r�v�nue, Four�h Avenue�/ Third gvenue, Shattuck Street, :�Phit�.rorth Str�et, i>iorris �tr�e�, Smi�hers Street, Burnett Street, �Yilli�.ms Street, ��e�.ls Street, T�ain .itree'� and included in the asse�sment distriet as pravided b�� Iaw, and all of said a�sessr�ent sha11 be funded by a bonci i:�sue , the :���e to r�e levied a�°ainst and inclnde all of the property inc�uded in saic� afiove ae3cribe3 assessrnent district, �he said bonds to be issuect in such an� amoU.nt as raa� be necessary to prov�de for �he entire x�ayr.lent of s�id im�rovemea�t, inaludir�g all incident�.I e�p�nses. Such bond i�sue shall be accepted by the Qontrac�or awardec� the eon�ract for the eanstruction of said above described ir�provement in full pa�ent ther�for. S�CTIQ�T III Such bonds sh€�,11 be �rnovJn and de�i�-nated as " Renton Zoc�1. Ir�provemen� Bonds ITo. 8 "and shal� 'be due �.nd payable �ive ( 5 ) years from and �,fter the �ate of their issuance �nd �hall bear interest �.t �he rate of ei�ht ( 8 ) per cent per annum� interest pa��.ble annua113�, and sha11 have �ttached thereto inte re st coupons for the inte re st pa��me nt s he re in provided for. Such bond� shall be in denominu.tions of not less than One hundred ! y�100.00 ) Dollars €�d not more than Five ilundred ( �500.00 ) Dollars, and shall be nutabered from TZo. I up consecuti�el� ancl e€�.ch bond and cou�on shall be si�ned by t�e raa�ror €�nd �ttestec� by the CitST �ler�: of the said Cit� of I�errton, eac�� shF�11 h€�ve the seal of said City affixe� th�re�o wnd sha11 refer to the improvement for �zhich the s�.rae �re issued €�nd to this ordinance, tznd each bond shall provide �;ha� �he principa.l s��im therein naxned anc? �he in�er�st thereon sha11 be p�,�rable out of the loa�,l improvement fund hereby created, �he sar�e to �e kno�vn as " I�oc�.l Zr�prover�ent Fund I1o, l'� ", and not otnertivise. Suoh bond:� shali not be issueci in �.ny �ount in , , • . exeess of the cost and e�>pense of the improver��ent herein orderede SECTI02� IV That there is hereby created a local improvement district to be known �nd de�i�na�ed �.s " Zoca1 Inprovement District �To. l 3 � , �vhieh said district shall include all the � propertyT abuttin�, a�proxirr�,te or adjacent �o s�.i� �zbove described portians of s€�id County Road T;o. 4f4� Sixth �ivenue, Fift� bvenue, , Third Avenue ' � Fourtn Avenue, �"1a11a 1�a11a �lvenue� Shattucl�� Stree�, �'Jhitv�orth Street, �orris Street, Smithers Street, Burnett S��eet, �'illiame Street, i�ells atreet, S�i�.in Street. Tha� there ia hereb�r levied and a5sessed t��;ainst eaeh of the lots and parcels af lands in sr�id local imrnoveraent distz ict suc�i a suru as sha11 be necessary to �.�a.y off and dischar�e the total cost of the irr�prover�ent herein ordered, to�ether ti7it� trie interest thereon, ��zch assessment �o becone due �nd be paid in five equal annual installrae�rts ti�ith interest thereon from �he c:ate af issuance o f �he b c�nd s at �� rat e of 8 pe r o ent pe r annum, and e ach ye ar one of said instal7�nts, to�et�er grith t he interest thereon �nd the inte re st on all in�tal Ine nt s thQrc�.f te r t o be come due sha11 be collectea in the sarae m.nner provided by law for �he collection of speci�,l assessnents where no bovds r�re issuecl. SECTIOrd V The owner of any lot or �areel of land charged �ith such assessment muy redeem the s�e fror� �.11 li�,bility for the coiitract price of s�id improvenerYt and the tvtal cost thereof b� payin� the entire assess�aent charged ag�.inst s�id 1ot or pareel of land ;�vithout interest, rvithin thirty d�,ys after no�ice to him o� such assessment, sueh notice to be �iven lr�p the City Treasurer in the manner prQvided by lav�, by the publication of a proper notice t�to � in then official. ne�sp�,per of said City far�consecutive weekly issues th�.t tho s�id roll is in his hands for collection and that any assessment therein may be paid at a.n�r ti�e cv3.thin thrity da.ys from the date a� the firs�t publication of such notiae, �ithou� , � --- pena,lty, interest or cos�s. fihe bonds herein provided for shall not b� issued prior to t�venty days �.ftEr the expirat3on of the � thirty days ;�bove nentioned, but ma� be issuecl at an� tlme thereafter. The owner of an;� lot or p�.reel of land na�y redeen the same from a11 liabilit�r �or said �,ssessr�ent at any tirne after said thirty dr�;rs by payir� the er�tire ins��.11raents of said �.ssessinent remainin� unpaict �nd char�;ed againat s�id lot or parcel of land nt the time of such p€�yment c�ith interest thereon to the date of m�,turity of the installment next falling due. In a11 ca�es v�here ar.y installment or any aUse�sment ie ��.id as herein provided the ��me sha11 be p�,id to t�ie Cit� �reasurer or to the officer whose du��r it is to colleat said assessraent �nd �11 sums so paid �hall be �,�plied sol�ly to the pay�aent o-� the costs and expenses of�uch improveraent or tY:e redemption of the bonds issu�d therefor. • The Cit;; Trer�surer shall pay the interest on the bonds authoriaed -�o be issuecl �ierein out of the locr�l irnproveraent fund fron which they sre payable . �Tnenever there sh�11 be sufficent ruone� in said iznprovement fund over and above �ufficent for the payment of interest on all unpaid bonds, to pay the principal of one or rnore bonc�s, the City Treasuz•er shall call in anc� p�y such bands, provided trla� the sar�e sha11 be called in €znd p�.id in their numerical order, snzch calZ to be raade by �, publica.tion in the Cit� Of�ici�.l iyev�spaper on the date follo��in€ the delinquincy of �he installn�ent of the assessm�nb or as soon thareafter �.s ia pr�.eticizble, anr3 s�aa.11 s�ate that Loeal Ir�provement Bond3 TTo. �J'—�, giving tlie serial n�mber or numbers of the bonds calle�, �vill be paid on tne da,t� the next interest coupons on said bonds �hall become due�, and the intere�t on said bonds shall cease on �aid da.te. . ' � 5�:���'IOI� VI T�ei ther the holder or the ov�rne r o�' an�rr bonds issued under the provisions af thi� ordin�,nce, shall have an� clai�n therefor �z�ainst the Cit� of ��entan, ex�ept from �he spe� cial asseasrrient levied for triis ir�provement, but his rer�ed� in case of nan �Syment shall be confined to the enforaement of such assessinent. S�CTIOII �TII Y'Vithin thirty days €�fter the pasua�e and. approva.l of th�s ordinance the Clerk o� the s�.id City* shall advertise for bids -�or the conatruction of the work herein ordered done in confor�nit� to tlie lacvs of the State of olashin�;;ton a.nd �he Ordin�,nces of the City of Renton. S;CTIO�,i VIII Thi� ordinance �h�,11 be in full force and effect five da� frora and �.fter its p�ssage, a.pprova3 and legal publication. Ap�roved this �u�ust 16th. 1�10. ��.�����n�-- � r�a�ror. Passed this gu�ust , 9 _�� (�,�' �_�7 /. Ci�yT Clerk.