HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0211 � . r � . . _ � _ , �-� � ' s t. �.� �EAQ SECO�"� TiME � b � �, ORDINA �' CE N0. 211. ,."`�� � �, t � , �.�' '` < �'�'° � � '` � � '``-�AN ORDIZSANCE PFOVIDING FOR '.�^H�+ IT`�PRQVEI:TF:I1T OF TH�iT 1'O�TION 3,-� , ���° OF FIRST AVF..TtUE NORTH> SI:CO�D AVENITE itORTH� mHIRD 'dVFTNF. I�ORTII� FOURTH �� 4 AVENITE P�OHTH, BOUIItDF� ON THE QPEST BY ITiII� STF�EET NO�T�i AND OTJ TI� EAST BY R1�II��OAD �VENtFE: TH�T PORTIOSI OF MARIOI� dVF.1�tUE BOUt1DE� 019' TIIE �EST BY £ACTOF�Y STRF.ET b�T'D ON THF. EAST BY RAIZROAD BVETtUE: THAT PORTIOTI OF PIGOTT .AVF�TUE BOU�iDL+'D O1V THE �ST BY GA�D .I� ^^'T'_";�'� .EiTdD si � �,� O1V THE EAST BY RAI7.ROdD �1V,�NUE: THAT P�}'�RTIC�SI OF �i�� AV�:IdtyE ,;'b �• .> BOUITDZIG OTJ TH� �ST B� FACTORY STR��T AT� OZ� TAE EAST BY TH�+: E�"'" PRODII�ED SOUTH �-�, _ . I,II�T.�: OF '"�"' : ": ��'^ 0�' RF�1T�T1 �t1R1�� ACR�+'.AGE� TH[�'i' POK��'IOTiT 0�' ��� /�'Q��,�u. AVFTu�..�r��?UNDED ON THE �EST BY GARDFTZ STftEEfi AIID OAI THE EAST BY FACTORY STREET: T�T PORTIOTI OF GARDEN STP" � :.�.iiDED ON THE S4UT�i BY FIRST gVT�IiTUE NORTH �SND O�t �`AE I10RTH �:� �1� � ��� .� `�;. ���E��� AVENUL.f �'�T PORTIOII 0�' �+tEADdW STREET BOUNDED Q�t THE SOUT�i BY FIBST AV�TUE riORTH AND ON THE NORTH BY PI�OTT gVENUE: T�idT PORTIO�i OF F�C20RY 51REET BOU�iDED Ol� TH� �OUTH BY FIf�S�' gVEDTUE NORTH �1'D O�i THE NORTH BY PIGOTT .AVE�: T�iT POP,�`IONN OF FACTORY S"s'R_�T Af�TTTdDED aI9' THE SnTJm�? -S/ r',y ./��c f��; . J�,1, . BY ` � AVENUE, ��:U O�T THE IIUR TH BY �� . � ��lt AVENLL: THAT PORTIOIVT (3F R.t�II.I�OAD AV�.'NUE B�UN'DED ON THE SaUTII BY SECO�TD �VENUE NQRTH AND OrZ THE IIORTH BY FOURTH AV^..�,NUE NQRTIi, BY THE CO�tSTRUCTIOIT SND TPtST.kZI,11TI0N OP A WATFR SYSTEM THEREOId Irs gCCORDAIdCE TO 1�JD I� CO�I,IIgNG`r. ��ITH 7.'HC PL1"�.I:T:i AlITD SP�CIFICATIOivS �OR THE S���E ITOW Ol`l FI uE II`� TI�� OFFI� OF TTiE C I"�'Y CI,ERK OF Tk� C ITY QF R�ITON� BF.Ii�iC SPECIFIC�TIONS N0. � � TAE COS�' OF THE SAT�1� TO BE 7.�VIFD UPOIQ THE PROPII3TY ABUTTITlG� ADJ�iCEIdi OR APPROXIP�ATE TO S.c1ID �BOVE �ESCIR�ED STREETS 1�TD AV^ `IUES, ANv I17CZUDF� IN TFiE ASSESST�iTITT DISTRICT AS PROVIDF.D BY I.�1'�'i(. �',I1TD QRDi+.RITiG AT�TD DIRECTIN'G T�iE COTJ�DED�TTTATTOTt OF C�RT�GITd STREETS ITd 'P� PZAT OF SARTORISVITa3� FOR THC �STABZISHI+�ENT OF THE �Y6T� SYSTEh� COD1T { '�Zt�TED H.EREII�. THE C I'1'Y C OtT�dC II, OF THE C ITY OF R�.ii T�T3 DO ORI?gITl AS FOZ?�OYYS: Section 1. That that x>ortion of Fir�t dvenue North, Second Avenue �orth, Third �venue �torth, Fourth 1�venue D'orth bounded on the . _ � . t • • � .� t ,�.,,,,,,M • � � �! GPest by �ill Street North and on the East by Railroad �venuQ; that portion of Maxion ����u� bounded on the l�est b� Faotory Street and on the East by Railroad Avenue; that portio� of �'igott Avenue bounded on the �est b� Garcle� St�eet and on the East by Railroad Avenue; that sik�-,�,� portion of i��!-�i�e gvenue bouncied on the '�est by Faatory Street e�nd Proauced South on the East b�,T '-��r= ;�L�.�t line of the Plat of Renton Farm Acreag� that ,.v`r�s/,�;,, ..,-. portion of � ! Avenue, bounded on the ��est by Garden Street �nd on the East by Faatory Street; that portion of Garden Street bou�ded _ � r,x= _h,__. , on the South by First dvenue 8orth a.nd on thQ North by �G:�li�►��a• gvenue; that portion of Meadow Street bounded on the South by First Avenue North an.d on the Tdorth by Pigott bvenue; that portion of Factory Stree� bounded on the South by Fir�t bvenue North and on the North by Pi�ott f:��:�ue; that portion of Facstory S'�s���>=� , :�c�unded on the �.Six T't,� ,:, � - 3�U��.,- , y South by Su,a��e Avenue, and on the North b�� `° venue ; that portion of Railroad 6venue bounded on the South by Second gven�ze Ttorth and on the North by Fourth Avenue Szorth, shall be improvea b� t he conatruction and installation o� � water system tnereon in aacordance to and in complianae with the plans and specifieationa for the same now on �i1e in the office of �he City Clerk of the City of Renton, Being �peaifications No. 16 . Section 2. The cost of said i�progement sha11 be nsseased against the property abuttin�, ad�aaent, or appra�imate to s�id above desaribed portions of First gvenue North, S�eetnd 6venue 2lorth, Third �venue �?or�h, Fourth Aver�i�� N�r�h, t:iaxioi� A�voune, Pigott Avenue, w�',z�,, - -���1:.:'..�.�o &venue: 6i��s��Yiia Avenue, Garclen Street, rdeadow Street, Factory Street, Railroad avenue, and included in the assessment �istriot ae provided b�r law, and ell af said assessment shall be funded b�r a bond issue, the $ame to be levied a�r�inst and inalude all o� the property included in said above deseribed assess�ent district. The said bonds to be is�ued in such an amount as nay be necessary to provide for the entire pt3.�rnent of said improvement, including aIl necessary ineidental e�pen�es. . � _ Y r, • . �_� �,,,.�► • ' � ,�► � . a Suah bonds to be accepted i�y the contraator awarded the contract for the construction of said above described improvement in full payment therefor. Seetion 3. Suah bonds shall be known and de�ignated as "Renton Local Improvement Bonds �o. a.nd �hal�. be due and pa�able five � 5 ) �ears fron a.nd after the date of their issuance and shall bear interest at the rate of ei�ht ( 8 � per eent per annura, interest payable annually, and ahall have attached thereto interest coupons for the interest payments herein provided for. Such bonds sha11 be in denominations o� no� less th€�,n One Hundred (�100.00) Dollars and not more than Five Hundred (�500.00) Dollars, and shall be numbered from Dio. 1 up consecutively and each bond and coupon sha.l,l be signed by the ]�tayor and attested by the �ity Clerk of the C its* of Rerlton. Each shall have the seal of said City affized thereto and shall refer to the improvenent for which the same are issued and �o this ordinance, aad eaah bond shall prov3de that the prineipal sum therein n�.med and the interest thereon hereby shall be payable out of the local improvenent fnnd created6 �he same �o be �own and desi�nated as "Zoca1 Im�roveraent Fund No.Zl, and not otherwise. Sueh bonds $hall not be issued in any amount to exceed the cost and expen$e �f the imProve�►ent. That there is hereby e�tablished a �ocal Improver�ent Distrie�; to be I�o�rn and designated as Local Improvenetst District No� #�which said district $��11 include all of the real estate abuttin.g, ad�acent or appro:�imate to said above described portions of First Avenue North, Second Avenue T�orth, Third �.�vem�� Tdorth, Four+?� '��r�ue North, h��Faarion �5''i X �-�, �' Avenue, Pigott Avenue, S�a�luu� Avenue> ��� Avenue, G€�xden Street, I�eadow Stree�, Factory Street, Railroad Avenue, and included in the asses�nen� distriot as provided by law. That there is hereby levied and assessed agai.nst each o� the Iots and paxcela o�f ltin.d in ssid local impro�e�ent distriet suoh a sur,z as shall be nece�sary to pay off and di�char�e the total '�' ... . ` ^ . � � • � � `�� �� , r aost of the improveravnt herein ordered, �ogether with the interest thereon, Such assessment to be levied, to beeome due, and to be paid in five ( 5 ) equal annual installment� with interest thereon from the date of the issuanoe of such bonds at the rate of ei�ht ( 8 ) per eent per ann�m. Such assessment to be levied and collea�red in the manner provided by law, and the Charter and Ordinanoes of t he City of Renton for the levy and eolleation of special assessments where no bonds sre issued, egcept as otherwise providea b� law. Section 4. The owner of any parcel of land liable for �he asses$men� herein provided mt�.y redeem his pro�,erty froa such lia3�ility by paying aff the entire assessment charged against his property thirty ( 30 ) days be�ore the issuance of the bonds or after the issuanae of the bonds b� paying a.11 o� the installments of the asseasment which have been levied, also the $mount of the unlevied ins�allments with intarest on the latter at the rate of ei�ht ( 8 ) per aent per annum from the date of the issuance of the bonds to the date of maturity of the last installment,�, It shall be the duty o� the City Clerk not less ��ian thirty ( 30 ) days prior to the issuance of the bonds to mail to the owners of eaah pieQe of propert� liable to the assessment herein a written or printed notioe stati.ng the amount of the assessment and reaiting the faQt; that the same may be paid within thir� ( 30 ) da�s prior to the issua.nce of the bonds �or such aseessment, without penalty, intErest or costs. In all cases where an� installment of asse�s�ent not yet leYied is paid as above provided, whether before or after the iasuance of the bonda, the same shall be paa.d to the City Treasurer who shall receipt therefor, and all sums so pai.d shall be applied solelg to the payment of the improvement herein ordered and the redemption of the bonds issued therefor. S�here any piece of prapertyr has been redeemed from lisbility for the aos�s o� said im�rovement as herein provided sueh proper�y .. a � � , <' _ �` � 1 � , • t �' shall not thereafte� be liable for further assessment for the costs of the improvement herein ordered. SeQt3on 5. Such bonds when issued to the Contractor as herein provided shall tr�n�fer to the Contraetor, or other thereof owner or holder�a11 the right and interest of the Citf of 8enton in and with respect to the assessment levied herein, a.nd the lien hereby areated against the property of auah ov�ners in said asaessment district as shall not have availed thenselves of �he provisions hereof in re�ard to the redemption of �heir property, as aforesaid, shall authorize said contractor and his assign.s, or the owner or holder o� said bonds to reeeive, sue �.nd collect or have eollected the assessment herein levied by or through any of the methods provide�i b� law for the colleetion of looal improvement assessMents. Seotion 6. The holder of any bond issued nnder the provisions hereof shall have no cla,�m therefor a�ainst the City of Rer,ton, exaept from the special assesmment made for this improvement, but his remedy in aase of non--payment sha11 be confined b� �he enforcement of suah �ssessment. 3ection 7. That the Cit�r 6t�orne�r o� said Cit� of xenton be and he is hereby suthorizeci and empowered to institute a proper aondemnr�tion suit in the Superior Court of Kin� County. Washington, for the condemnation of aertain streets described aud shown in the Plat of Sartorisville filed for record in the o�fiae of the �uditor of King County, Washington, 3eptember 1?th, 1891, and recorded in Volume 8 of P1ats, a� P�.ge 7, of the records of King County, VPashington, to--wit : Coun.t� Aoad a.nd Garden Avenue. Such Qondemnation suits being far �he purpose of acquiring the right on the pe.r� of the City of Renton to Qonstruat, operate, a.nd ma�.ntain water pipes in, upon, and along said County Road and Garden Avenne, a� platted and shown in said Plat of Sartoris�ille. The amount of the �udgment$ �o rendered therein and the cost of the same�be included in the assessraent levied herein. i , � � ' N � ,�'u• �' � , • ' � T. � • � Section 8. As soon after the passage, approval, and legal publication of this Ordinanee aa the City of Renton shall aaquire the legal ri�ht to construct, operate, and maintain �ater mains in the streets described in paragraph seven ( 7 ) hereof, the Git9 Clerk of said City shall be and he is hereb� anthorized and empawered arid direc�ed to adverbise for bids for the construction of the work herein ordered done in aonfromi�y to the laws of the State of Washington and the Ordi.nanees of the City of Ren�on. Section 9. This Ordinance shall be in full force and e�'feat five ( 5 ) da�s from and after its passage, approval, and legal publication. �pproved this ��� day of � A. D. 1910. � , �����. ����� ,� . Mayor. Passed this -�� day o� A. D. 1910. , ;� City �lerk.