HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0186 ��-�r �-v�-� � . � �'� .ii ._ b; _� ... .. �s ly�.n,'. �.`.�v ���.1._.i_.._ .t�.J . �a.> ,'.�.. / .�� .�aV.�f Y A...:1..., 1 \J.�._, , 1_:�. �� ... `...s9�.,.b1 �l' �l a ..,.1t ....'':::.'.:i Z�t'��id�::� Olv' '�I�I:a iIO:�:'iH BY S�'�";'IOi; S"_"F�:��:.' i�I.�v Oi:I :.'H� ;;OUy�i BY :'Ii�: CI�'Y T.I��I'?,3: �'H1's:�,' PQRTI01'T 0�` ��:�a"(;�; 1';V�;ilU�: z30Uii:1?��I) Oii ;.'i.':; i�+�i:TH I3Y :i�..,'C�I(;:� SiR�I'�`W' 1'�i7v 0.;� ��- F' SOj7�1'�i 13Y v'��L CI:.'Y �,TiiI`'�J: "�:.i��'1° PO:�"1.'IOIi Q2�' C'�:�1�i+T:.' ;i��:�.;:a �30li.i�T.��J�.il C)ii '�'I�a i10:T.'ii �3� ��;:C�'IO:ii 5���:- .;'� _::,`.;� �i: L'`�� �S(?U��I �3Y �'fi;: CI'`1' �.Ih;;I:��: ''i'Fi�im �'OTZ'�IOiT C�' �ii(',-�� >.��r�_;":�' , ` �i=i '113�; IIZ i'a:R�;G':'I Qii OF :1:tI� HIC�:i ;:�tRI;�::�' �i�I��i ''�I a IZO�:LF� ��I�::; t?1 <_,�, '�'Rti.C':.' ITU. 37 U�' �':i,��T 1'�0. 1 OP '�':d: �ZI:iI'i'Oi+ CO--�Pi,I-i�iy:''�'':; ��e�.....:: �..Fs,�, r � <.r� < ,.-r,-., ..l ;S; 7 1 ` � :•m m n1* ? c+ f!1 nt ?;� '.' � ,c;.._ . _�w ._.;y. � ��_�.. _ , _ o�c:�,. _, ta� �.<<,vl, �o l�. �oulx����Z� �J�z:�zy5 c� _,ls_�, ��.T's'`I': '�':_��'�.' , i'�i' �u��.; r�_ �'; , �: .i ;..V-.;itTI,,' BOIJI�dDi�iJ GzT '"�i.a: TIO�:�.'H 33Y a�';C�'IC�: ;;1'R:::�' .�ui:J Qi; :.'H:: SOTJ'L'$ I3Y �HE CI"�'Y Iailil'":7: `�Iu� " _:URi'IOIi ()3' aEG^�Oi� � `°iT>-��� w f1 i ,-m�., -�i'r, ;�.i '� ^7 '1?i I T t ?1 -� - c. ��,�.:...T i30t11�DF::� OTl ��i�: �,r..�T 13Y C...,;.��. ,ilR?:�... ��I:1� G�3 r'lz'.� .�,���,'" I3Y <<OI�i::g i;V�:IuU?�:� �Y �'IL: C OiTa'�I�UC�'IOT,f .t�It� I,1�YIIdG OI,' 't:Tx�'�'��.R P�T��ITJ�.i tilii� m�� x'RO���iIZ P3+��".�°G _ �T:D COTi:'i��tlG":"IOia O1+' �; R�::��'yr;VO1R k'OI� :3t�i:I) SYS�:�Pd IPZ .�CC:Os.��y'- +i�CE '1'0 �i:�.11 .ITT ��UI';i%T�It;TdCE ':;I�'iH :�I:.t: S1'i�.;II'ICt��'�C��;� i�I��i���FC'R IJO'.," �Ts �`II�� Ii� i�ii: DI`F 3C: Oi�' T�-��: C i"_'Y C7�i�R:r� Oi' "'H�; C�`'Y G 1' RI�:`ti�'Gi:j . . ji`7�.ti�`.�.(l.Lid ��r\T�( T(t c'-�-��7 t�'(� �. -'1—J� i T„ ��'("[1 VO��.7� Ul'� ,f�ll.i �G.'_iJl1� ) �J 11'1 l I i.�.L L V.LS� `J 11,..1�JIi S lY O�,+�• Sli�{ ��.�.�._....�.�� �1i%i1� lU B:: :i:,�.VI:�.11 Ui'Oly '�r t�.�,�01'i�;R'�Y TO i31 �3�i;.i:i'.�rl"�'a.l} `�'�:,<: :;?5Y .".IT�J 1a ,"•�_j �-';13 IIv '�Ii�Tt: h�SEa�li.�li'' DI��'RI�;'^ .��5 FRC�V:CI}:;ll I3Y ��a�-.�: �'�i:�: UI�Y COUTJCIT� 0�' '�i.:iF GI�'Y C>I' i�t:iY'70iT �0 0%t.i3i�Iit ti;:� �Oi .;.:O�o�'a: �ect�.on 1. Th�.t �;h�v'� por�ion oi Ced�zr Street ��:�zz:ndec� or '� f;i�e a<<,rt1i b�; aQctic7n Avenlie f3ncx on the Sou�h by 1;hE C,it� �.irai�s; � T;:.�--� �xor-�-:. oa� o� Itenton t�v�nue '�oundecZ �n �;he iiorth b�j :�ec��ic;n :�trce;, :�ncz ;>n �he 5ozl�:ri �y the City lir_1i�s; triC.LJ �J�t �Jion of ��i€;h :3t-ree� �;�,�r�'�F=�'� i�� ;:i�� ��� '::�:� i�� the T3or�h li��e o�° Aere tr�wct i1o. ��7 ,�`� ,{- � � �' J l y 1 C om;��.n . � I�cre ,.r�.ct� __ :�'1�.,, iyo. � c�� the Renccr� Co--o��er�,�ive �ou � _-' � � ::roduced �€�st, �na on the South ��;T the CitJ lirni�s; tr��1, 4,orf� en of �7ores :�ven�ze bol�:�de�3 on the ITort;�i ���,T Sectio� ,��;1��e� �z���'_ o_�� fhe �o���;� >� �r��e Cit� lirlits �.ncz t���.t ;��r��on of Sec��on Stre�� '�o��,ncle�. on tY�e �����.� t�o�+��.c�x� �� Grwr�t �i.;ree�� :�ouncle�� cn �;iie .iior�h � `r Section St. :�est ��,= Cec'�ar St;reet ar�ci. uAnon t�ie �wst b� Jones Stree� �" :-..r�;_� on ty:� aUu�h b;� the cit� lir�i';s3 ;;Il�,il be . 1:�';iJ?,�:r 4rE}C� :i;;' _�11f: �u.;;"s.z"�� 0"'' Riiu.�',C`_=' .:;�;,7.135 cLilil :rE.'C@S�ci.�'`" i�0:i-18Ct".?.i021�,^7 u.�1C� construc�ion of � reservoir �n conformi-�y �o �,r�d in cor�a�liance �xr��;:� ��E� ;�-..ecifica�ion;� for �he s��e noc� on file in the oifice o` �i�e C�U4,r "� -•'��� ^ �' t;he said City of Rer��on, bein� snecifications t�o.��_____. 'vs`-'± .� :� , aectian 2. TIYe cos� o� s�.ict sr:���roveraent snall be �sse�s�.� ��e-�77 "1��� Wc e�}~ty abuttin� upon such a�,ove described 1�ortions of su� � ��,�-e�,w�� C;edar S�r ��erlt�n ��venue, Iii�;h Stieet, Section Stree � u���. ��s•�����: atree� � �.,1�� inclu1ecl ir. tne assessr.Zent c'tistrici: �s provided b;;� ��'_, a��� W�.1- �-�� s�id assess�ent sl��.Il b� funded b�� a bond issue, the s�e �o ��e ieuie�� a��.ins+ �.nc1 incltzde all o�' the ;�ro�ertf ineludeu in said a��o�r� �escriUed assessraent •aistrict, tne s�id bondSto Ue issued in uucl� �,:i I a�oun� €�s rnwy ve neces:�a�ry to provide ior the entire p�,�nuen� of sai� i�aprove:��en� iiicluding all necessar�% incidental e���er��es, Such bor°�::: issue to be acce��te�l bf the contr�.ctor aUr�.rdec� the contr�,c': -���° �;�:.e .�.�R. F} i F � ,7; �_,,� -n-..i. �- r ,��; -,,-`- cans�ruc c�� �_ s �_� �..",c ,�e �_ .�� _ r;._c,_ � :rf����r��._.� , .._ .,��.��- . � =c. � _i�'�,i��''��±i�.,:.�s iJ�:v���e._.s v'r a)u.�_�_ �-,�.l�i�.�� :.�y-<..iy f.it' , ._�. . �--1 �..__:L _..c.'.:i ` si::i✓�'`-_ c.i.i;i , " �e���o� �oc�.l Ir��roven�erl� Bonds ilo. l;y �zd s���w11 1�e clue �.n.d �w;Tab�_�_ five � 5 ) �ears irora anc�. �.f�er the cia�e o�' tneir isslzance and sY��l.�_ bea� in�eres� �� the r�,te of 8;� per �nnum, �r�ereat z�ay�.ble arnual:�e,- av�,a sh�,li have ��.�L�,ehec� ��.e�:•e�c ilz�e��°est eouporls �or �hP interes� �:�:.�t?_ i,:e'1#,:; h�l'e;_. ,T'c,'Tiu.e:i ��Or�. N�L1C� �OYICT.S Sil�i.l� i:�c 1i1 �i@;1G::��?7&�'i:�i2S G'.i �'_0't; _tu`':i:� G_^.'�-.� one lra��'�•ec� � ��.GQ.00 ) �oll�,rs €�ncl not raore t�lan �'ive Huncired ( �500,00 ) i�oll�,rs, and �h�.11 be nuxaberecl from T1o. .1 u� consec�a�ivelJ and each '�ond and coliron sh�,l� Ue si�;ned by �he �.�1��-or �.nd A�tes�ecl bJ the v��3T Cle�lr of the said CitJ of Ren�,:�n. E�.ch shall i�a.ve ��ie seal of s�zd Cit;� a.ffixed there�o �ncL sh�.11 refer to �he improver�en?; �fol� ��.�+:����� -r:n�s� �,;.e s�.rr�� are issued ttnd to �his or�in�nce, and each Uond sh�,�.:� i��°�T�ic?e ����wt the principal sura there�n narnecl anc� tr�e ir�tez•es� tiiereon sh�,�l t:e p�.;�able out of the local irs��rovement fund here�?i cre�.tec�, the same to '.�e ?�o�°�n �.s " Local Ir"��rove.�:er_'; Fund t�o. � . I � _.'�.L _i�l.J :J i:_1� �. ...�.i:i£'r Nli.�,�i.: �.:Ca-:.._;:� �.i.:__�i�.. Iilt v �;£� ..�5;:::.'���._ ��:?"; i,i.:Civ �i:::1Q11iit.i 1�1 e����es� of the coat and e�.pense of the i�aprover�e�.t; . mh�.� �he�e is hereb� leviec? and assesseu ut;�_�=.r�s� e��ch o:? �ne lots �nd parcels of 1€�.nds in said local ir�pr�ve�enl; ��is*rict slzeh �� s2u.: as shall �e necess����T �� ��Aw;; o-�� arid ��asch�zr�;e tiie to��,i cost �� the improv�r.7ent herein ordered, to�e-�her v�ri�h the interes� -�hereor_. �aid €zssessment �o becorne due and �o be paici in �i�re ( 5 � �cival �.nnua.l installr�en�s ��ith intere�t thereon �ror� �he date of issuanee o� the '�onds at the rate of 8;0 �er annum and tiierea�te� interest therQon shall be come uue and Pa�able, �nd s?�a11 ?,�e ;yc�?_�ec ve� in the r�anner �rovidecl buT I�.�ry �c,r �he ^0�_1�=c�_;c:� c-' �_nc�.l _��i�:;����c.:.at��5 , 4"�i 18�"c' xi0 zJ�11C'_S c.i'E :5��?f,'�l, �e�.,i;v�:-. :_. r���e c,�a����i� :;� ,;�- i�t r�w �_:�,rcel �= i�nd ch�.j�ec �,.-;_ti� s�zc?� ir�y�rove�nent rnay redeem �he sarLe fz•o�n aIl Iiabili�y iar th� Ui«tract �riee of said ir�prover�er�t b;� p�.ying �lie entire €�ss�ssr�er�; c"r�arge� again�t sai3 lot or p�,rce1 of l�.nd� cr:i�hout interest�ti�i�h�tz ���.r�y ( 30 ) da�s a.f�er no�iee to hir� of such assessment, �uch ::otye� to be given bu t�e Ci�� Tre�,surer in the r�anner providect l�� lati�, ��r the ;suY�lication of a proper notice i� �ne o��iciai nevra�����,e�° o_r s�.ic� City for �Jo { 2 ) consecutive weekly issues that the s��d ro11 ys �.n. ni� r=�ly��1� �",� ec�llec�ion and that an;; assessi:�ent therein rna� be ,r,��� at ����;- �:,��.�e c;'�;;�:�in thirtJ ( 30 ) days fror:i the datQ of �he firs� public�tion of said notice �iUhout pen�.lt�, intereu� ar cost. �'i��e bo�zds lierein 7�rovicled for shall noi; be issuec� �rior to t�vent�T ( 2�? � da�s after tn.e expir�,�ion of the tnir°�;T ( 30 ) ��a��s a?�ove ��er��1071PC7� bu� r�ay be issuec,i at any tir�e tnereaf�e�r. I '"=�e o�rner of an;� 1ot or parcel of la,nd m:�.�;- �edeeL� ur�e s��.�.e �ror� �,?1 li€�.bilit�� � said assess�ent �.t an� tix�e af�er s�.id t_zir�ur � 30 ) days, by paSTin� �he entire inst�.lir�ents of s�ic1 asse�snent I� remainin� unpaid and ch�.rged a�ains� said lot or parcel of land �� �i�e time o� such pay�en� t�rith interest ther_e�ri ¢4� t7ie cl�,�e of ���.turit�T o�' �he ir�s�Lalli�enfi ne�t z�.Iiin� due . �.�� �,?� �;as�a ::-��ere �,nvr inst��llmer�; o� �.:�;.� �,s�ess�_:e_::�„ !;:��L�o� is bazd �,s Yierein �rovided �he s�.���e sli�.11 t�e paicl �o tl�e Cyt� '�.�e���tirer or to the of�'icer v�ho:�e �luty it is �o collec� said assessrae3�ti`s �::���: u�.I .Dt.imv� :,�.�.ms so paid sn�,ll be apnlied solel� �o the ���yr�enl; o� tiie "o�:�;� ul��l expen�es cf slx�sh ���rot�re�:aent ar 1�'.�.e rede�pticn o�• �re bcx�ds isst?ec: therefor. �:,e �Jit�T �reasurer s�ia:i.i pay �:le infieres� o� ���e o�r_�s �,�z�horized to Le �ssued 'nerein oufi of the local iraprover:��e�_L _"���:�� y'_ro:�� �rnich i,hey �.re pay�,ble . 6�-ienever '�'nere shs11 be suf�icM1 ¢r�� r:.c��e�;- i in said loe�.l ir{zprovement fund over €�nd above sufficer.t for the #�-����-� men� o� interest on €�11 u����.id bonds, �o pa;� the �rincipal. of one o� r.:�re bonds, tne City Treasurer shall c�.11 in and pay �uoh bonds, i ��rovideci �ha� the sar�e s�iall be ca�leci in and aid in the ir nu.��eric�.� � P order, such call to r�ade by �. puUlicz�tion in the Ci��r Officif�l i�e��s-i_��;_�er on �he da�;e fol2o�ring the delinquency of �;ne install�ent of �he wssessr�e�.t or as soon thereaiter �.s is ��z��c�ic�.ble, axzd s��all s�a�e tha� I,ocal Zm�rover_lent Bonds Syo. l, �;ivin� tne seria]. mu:,':��� L�� ib,�����-�s of �he bonds callec�, t���ll be ��aid or �he date the ne�t ir..�e��es�- cc:��-U:� orl s�.id boncls s%iall becol�e duQ, °anc� ti�e inter�s+ o� s�ad bola.cls sh��l� cease u�on such date . Sec�ion 5. �iei�'r���.• t�ie hol�e;�� or t�rie cvY;:er o� an� 1��:�cis issued under the �rovisions of tnis Orclinar�ce, snail h�.ve anJ cl�.~�:< tl�erefor a�a.inst the City of Ren�otl, except �ror1 t;he spec��,1 asses:�-- ment ra�.de foz• this i�!�a�rovement, bu.t h;� rernedJ ir� ea�e :,�-" r,ur�--���w�T�e��� ;�'nall 1�e confine�i �;� �he en�orceraent of s�zch �,ssess.���ri�. Section 6. t�i�nin �nir�T- ( 30 � da�rs arter t'r�e ���.ss�:.:�, _ aild �i�.a�ov�,l of �rzis Orclinanee the Clerk oT the sv.�c� C;ity sli�.11 ad�re-r�ise ior bids for t_�e construction of t}ie v�orl� hereir. c�rdere..� done in con�or�::it� Vc ��ie 1:��-r�s o-� i�he �ta�e a� ;�1��. ; . _ �;,f-�, ��.:_ '�i:L Orc�i��.rce,S �"' �<<c C�t�� o-f' Rer�o��. 1 • � -�� 7 J'--w..,� o--�d-�� �'�.� { - � � �� .�"°'`� `�`'`��"�,�"���L�,�P z �� �-..-� ��� �� �- , �1�-���� �¢��� ��_� �� � �� � ; F�;:��rovecl. thi� , -�__ �.�;� o-� .��,i.�r=s ��. �J. s 91C9 �' i _._._._/ ���- c _�._....�Gz ��-��:.�:�_________.�.� / �:1�',i rG�'e J .i�i i.]��:�. v r-�a iJ�l/ �__.�_ "�.:yY �'r..e�'��!��2?�!/!.'._.�_. "° =�a .L:.�_� �J e / ...,__ ....� ........_._.� � ,�_..._...�.....,.�..�._...-.�.___..-.�.... �l u t�; i�I e r�... _ �