HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0181 r► > � � � �� � �_ ' r. f � � s '�"i ���* x ORDIT?A1�TCE N0. � �„An ardinance of tre City of Renton,graf� in� to Tho:liws Clz�,p;�.�n,hi� :���`s asseciates,represent�,tives and assi�;n.s, the ri�ht ��rivile�e arid au- ' thority to build, ec�l�ip,�1�intain and operate a r�.il�vay,a�erated . by electric or otrer pov,rer,but not Y�y steam or hnrse pacrer,upon �t�,in public streets and hi�;��_�ra��s in said City. 4 �.�4 � 2'I]E CITY C4U'"CIL OF T"� CITY OF R�;TOR DO OR�ATiT AS FO��LOl�v�S: `��� � ��`` Sectitrn l. There shall be and is hereb ; y �;rani,ed to Thomas C�ap- �„ "V �an,his associates,reprE,sentatives and assigr_s,the ri�ht,privi- le�e,franc'n ise at�d aLat�ior•ity to iauild,cons�ruct, eqLip, l�.y dotivn and ���� main�ain,ai�d to o;��era,te by e7.ectric or ot��er povrer but not by � ��� steam or horse pa�ler,a single or do�ble track railv�ray line,.v�ith ` '�. all necessar�� stivitcres, tt,irnouts,connections ar�ci ot���er necesN�ar;r arid convcnient appliances far t��e o�er�,tion of ts�.e s ��:e, iriclL.din� the erectin�,maintainin�; ar�d oy;eratimg of such poles and vrires vJith their attach��ents as ma;� be necessar;;� and convenient for operating said railv,ay,upon, over,along and �cross the streets,alleys and hi�- �aysin the said City of Renton,na:-,-�ed and described as follows: On Fourt'� Street fror�. t�e v�rest boundary line of' tr.e City to 5�21ither' s Street;' on Srnit��er � s Street from Four�th ��*e�t to Tnird ��-���-�e�:;� on Tl�irci �.��e�t,fror�. the west m�ar�;inal lir�e oi' Purnett Street to 1�:�orris Street' and on ��orris Street from Third ,�-�e�;t to ?'o4?rth �.tre�:t; or ir� lieu thereof,upon over,a.long and acrass t'r_e foll,ovying streets ,alle;�s and hi�l�ways ir. the s aid Cit;,T, t�v��it: On tl�at cer�cain street r.ext south fram Sixth �St-r�;et,at present urnar.:ed,fro� the west bound��r��r lir�e the City to T�iorris Street; �r_ � �arr•is Street from the s �.id unnar.�.ed street, to Fiftr �tr-es�; �:��.. ��, . or_ Fift}�. „�..�r���t froi� i;`�Grris Street to wells Street�� or Wells Stre�t �;- . r � , �rorn Fiftl� .�-�r�ee� to Cedar River; on Four�;��. „�.a�; f�rcr.�l V'ells �.��a�. Street to �Villiar�s Street; on Williar�s Street fro� Fouri�h -�.�.�. � �a;;��°�:�.�. to Fifth �r°���; �raviaed, tr.at within six montrs after the �assa�e of' this orc-_inance and before be�inning constructiQn of the said railv��ay the s aid Tho��las Cl�a,pn�an ,ht�s asscciwtes ,re��resentwtives cr assi�rs s��.all file his or their elec�icn +�n writi.ng, stating �hich vf t'r�e said. above described routes vrill be �aken and followe� in t�:�e cor?str�c�ion o�' the said rai��ray,whicl, election sl��.:.11 be fi� ed vaith the clerl� of the s�.ict Cizy,�,rd from and after tl�e filing o� sueh election all provis�.ons ol t,�i�; ordir��::,�!ce �,f:E'cctin� the � � � • i , y " _ � �• i �` �"',� �� �' other route, sh�.11 become and t:nereafter rernain void and �rithout effect. The center line of the tracks of tre said railv�ay,where there is only one track in a street, srall be noi, less than five nor more than eight feet from the cente:• line of the street;�.nd where there are double tracks the� sh�.11 be not less than five nor more than seven feet apart;arid the center lix�e af the street ' sh.allbe midway bet:.-en the t�o tracks . Section 2. �he tracks of the s aid r�,ilw�vy ahall be of star�dard gua�e, t�e r�ils tLereaf to be o� steel,laid_ so that the tops there��' sh�.11 be as near�y unifor�a. as practicable �rith the surface cf the street orother highvaay where lwid�at the est�,blishec� �;rade t.�ereof. And t'r�e space be�v�een t�e tracks and for one f�ot on each side tA-�.ereof, shall be planked or paved,so that vehicles af any and all kinds can easily cross thesa�rle at any and all points; and �rhenever and v�herever the �: aid City s���ll �auae an�t street or ' streets ta ba on �hieh tY��e said railrod. or any portion tl�.ereof s11a11 be�to be improvecl by paving or planking�the otivner of tnis francl�ise shall at thesasr�e time cause the space betvaeen the rails and for one foot on eac�� side thereaf ta be irnproved in like m�.riner in the street where �ucr i:m.provemer�t is made. 11heEever the track or track� of tr�.e s aid rail�ray s�-al1 cross or be cr�ssed by tl�e rails of any other railway�t�-�e ra��s of each sl��ll be altere�. so a:� to perr.iit the cars of each to pass �i�rout obstructio�. The ot�ner of this frar�ehise, in constructing����,in- tainir_g and operatin� t'�e said railway shall avcid so far as pas- sible,consistent c,rith the practicable progress of vTork,and rea� sonable operating f�.cilities of the roa.d,t�e tearing up and ob- struction o�' streets and alleys,and all s�reets and alleys disturbi or obstructed by ti�ork of construction or repair stib�l"1 be placed �.nd lefJ� in as �ood condit ion after t11e y�ork is ca�pl�ted as it �:as before bein�.; sc disturbed. All poles and wires �.nd all t:_ppliances cor?.nec�ed tl�erewith,�nd aZl ma�erie�ls�nteri�i�, ir�.t_�� t�-e c onstructicn of said rTail�rray sYiall be of firstclass materi�,ls,�.nd constrti�etiori s�i.a.11 interfere as lit- tIe as �raeti�able ,�rith t'r.�e orc►inary use of the strzets and al"leys . , II . _� _. _ __�..___ . � i�r� '� � �� ' �i „ �_ � r ; , ' ' � �; �� ��•� j M��� by the public . ..---�----�--�-. Section 3 . The said City of Re�:ton s�__:-.11 ret.ain all�f the ri�hts to contro� the said streets o�eer which thes aid railway may pass �� that are now given to it or may be hereafter given to^by la�v for the ccntrol of any of its streets and ylle�aS; provided that in the irn.�roveraent of streets ard alleys , c�r tYie placing or removirL� of any � p�zblic utilities pipes,wires or other conveyors oz any kind,or any public iraprovei.�ent whatsoever,dve care shall be used to cause as little hindra.nce o�� obstruction to the operation of tr�e s aid rai?way as s��.�a,ll be practicable �-n_d er tre circums�a.nces,and in case it s���ll becor�le necessary or convenient during the progress of svch vPork f or the s aid rai lv�ray to shif t its tracks ternporarily, it s��a.11 i� l�ave t��e privile�e of s� doing under tl�e sz pervisi on of tre City authorities . Section 4. The said Th.omas Chapman,by aceeptin� the benefits cf the prov is ions of� is ordinar�ce,coven�,n�s to and vJi�;h t�-_e s aid City of Renton,for hi�self,his associates, representatives arzd as- sigr.s, that he v,rill and t��ey shall keep and aave thesaid City harm� Iess at all times,fro�� arld a=;�.�inst any and all loss ar.d liability clama�es and co sts,vrhicll may at �,ny time arise by reasorl of ne�ii- ger�ce in the constructior_,�aintenance operation or re�a ir of tre said r�,il�ay or ar.y part or per-tion. t�ierecf . �ection 5 . The said City of Renton reserves the right at any future tirne to grant a franchise ta any otrerrailuray aver,?�Pon � along and across any and all of t7:e stree�s and alley� na�ied in this ordir�ance ,a��d any railyray u�on receivin� sucn francl�ise fro�t the said City shall have the right to tre cammon use of the tracks of the owner of this francY,.ise,upon paying to him a reasonable rent- al therefor,and coniplying with any and a11 reasor_able ccnditions af thesaid o�v�Pr nf t?�.� � fr��cl�ise,a.s to the operatian of e#' cars � upon thes aid tracks; and inc ase of failure to a�ree as to what is re�,sona�le rentale, or reasana�ale re�;Ulations for operation of cars and trai:�s, tl�en the question of what is reasonable under ti�e circtiunstar�ces sl�ll be svb�:itted to arbi�;��ation b� a board consist- ir�g of one meber appoir.ted by t1,e oTuner oz this fraz:ci�ise, �ne appoin- . 11 � I r � �� i � r, . �R" � !' N � � �� ted by the r��ilvray Y�.vin� o�pouint,� interests, �wn� in c�.se o� f�il� ure in �.greei�lg �. third �o be �,z�pointea by �he �it� Council of. the s�.ia City, ��nd such bo��rd sh�:�11 h€�ve ��.e sa�e po�rers <:;uct t'rieir �.c�s .�.nd decisions li�,ve t1�:e same binc'in� e�fec� u1:on �'rie p�.rties to tne controvers7 as ��;ravided b� the 1�c�s o" t;he u,tra�e o� :'l�.�h- ir.�•ton in ot}�er e�ses o-� �.rbitr�,�ion. The �ity o;' Reil�on furt'r�er r�se-rves thE zi�;ht ta re�ul�.:�te t;i�e s�eed o� r_�11 �r€�ins on the sfaic� x��ilc�:a�r �;nc� r€�i1c����T �r�cks in tne sfzid Cit�. Section 6, The ��re zor one contimzo��s ���ssa�� o� saici road ��n� r�.ilcray from €�,n:�,= poin� in tY�e s�,id cit� �o any other point �hcrein sh�31 never ei:ceec� tl��.e sum of �ive cer.us, ��r�« i;he f<;.re �rors ar_�r roir�t; in �he Ci�y o�' t�en�on �o ��.r1�- �=oiiit i�i the �it�T �en�, ox �-ice vers;, sh�,Il ��etrer et,ceeci �' e surn of �e�z cer��s. ��r�cl �l�e f�:ire fro:� ��J pain� in �'.��;� ���;�. �it�� of Renton, �o an;� rooin� in the �aid �ity o� ae��tle, or �ice vers�,, sh�..11 reve r e�ceec� the �ur� of 12w cents, F�.nd t}ie ;,�€yrne rr� of fare �h�.11 entitle the passen�er to €v tr�.nsfer to �n;� other line or s�s�em of r•��ilc����s in �in�; �ount� cr�lieh ra�;,y ;�ive €�ncl reeeyve �ran�fers �'i0 �.I1ii. fror� '�''1E' S yri'�;8�2 0� 1].:'iE?S oper�:,�@C�. t111C'tE'1 t�11 S iZ'�.;��'�C;�?.�@• Sec�ior� 7. i'�.ilure on t�ae p�.rt oi tl.e o�.�ner of -L�is �rwnchi�e �o �ae�wn cor.s�ruc�ion o� tne s��id r�.ilr,ay �,ri-thirl tl�e Ci�y �ir�i�� o�' �;��ie s€�ic� Cit�, �ri�hin �ro �ewrs ��f�er �re r�,,srz�e o� t'ni� oruirk;,nce, or to complete �;n�. o�er�,�� ��ie s��ic� r�.il:�€3„y ���it?:in �he :��.id �i�� limi�s, �:ithin tnree ;-��,rs �.i�er �he pa�s�:;�e o� this arclin�nce, uh�_Il �;i�re t7iE s�ic? �if;y ��}e ri�:ht �o revolie this �'r�::nelli,e u��on tr��rty c��ys not ice in c�ri�in� to the c�rnEr of the sa� �o t,��no�.� catl�e �;hy such revoe�':�.on sholilcl rot 1�e clecl��rec�. �ection f3. '?��i, rra�chise r^�.� 1�e �,:..assi�;ned b,ti,- Lr:e s�id Tlio:�as Ch�.pman, but be-"ore tr e ��s;i�nr�ent shr.�l l 1�eco�ae o�.erai;ive, �LS tQ '��1E :�,�C't L1L�iS interest�� 710'�1Ce i71 �'iI'1�1.Y1� 0� \ _ / � � � C M , . ♦ M .�� ` � �; • � �� such �,s�i�nrnei�t sh�zll be .Eile� c;ith the �'i��r Clez'lr� Seetion 9. ln c�,ue o� f�ilure to o�er�t� �he :€��d rGi1�7w;� -yor ui� con�ecu�ive �o3�zths, ��.t ��:�r f.ir�e z�f�er i�u con- �letio�, �h� ��,id �i�y r_l�z;- deci.�,re this franchi.�e °or�ei-tect as to t��e streets €�na z�lleys over �rhich uuch oper�.��on 3�,s ceased for Ul:�.t 1en�t1�. o� time, ul7on �hir�� d��`s no�ice �o tY:e o;y�rer o� �l�is �r<.�r.chiUe �c uho�r c�,uue ti�;hJ s��c', �"o����itur� ,hou.lc? no� tal�e place. �ecfion 10. The s�,id ihot�:s C��L�r���, hiU �z�;;oeiates, repres�n��,tives ��nc� �.s,�.r•ns shall ��e ��ee:�ed �o h�ave ��U�,nclonecl �.11 o� �;',.e �i�hts, x;ri�ile�es r:��c� ���z�l.ori�ie� cor.�erred UJ this ordil ��r�ce, unless yrithin ���ir�� d�z�*s af�er it� l��zblic<_:tion as ��;;r l�t'T �?l'0�T1C1ed� �:E OY' �1.1u ��SSOCZc��eS� Z'Cs,r'ESC11�£;��VeS OZ' ?S�1€",Y1S sn_.11 �ile his or �he :�s• z,ece�;�ance �he i�e of in ::r��an� rri�th th e Citv Clerk o� s�.id ���y, �.ccep�ir.�; as crell t��e cor�c�if,;�.onu of �;hls czr din�,nce �,s ��•.e s�:aic� ri�;hts, ��rivile�es _>>�t �,u�;nori�ies. S�ct�on ll. �'he ��:�d `;'horr�.s Ch�zpm�in, hi� sttccessos s �n� as;i�ns, ��ree �0 7:.��illt;ai i1 ��t ��11 ;��re�t ccru�ir�€�s o r inter� sec�ior,s ':;.�,:.t r��:v 7�e cro�s�d or intersec�ec' by ��.eir r�il�r€�y �racks one �hirty-t��o cand�.e x�oti�er irlc�ncle ucent e le ctric li€;•h�, or �uch o�hcr illur:��na�ior_ �:s r�ili ��ive an equ�.1. �.�ount o-f' li�;:h�, s��id li�hts to ne ra�.irlt�.ined in �L raanr.er ;�L�isf?ctor� �,o �;Y e Cit� �ouncil o� the �#i�y o-� �.ei1t on, ��na �aid co unci 1 �1u:Il be �'r:e �t�cl�e €�s �o t;he the r uaic� 1 i��ht s ��re s�,-"i sr�.et or�r or not. Section 1u. ^Le said '"hora��s Chapr_�an, }i�s successors or t�ssi��ns, a�ree upon receivin� notice ;�it neci Y�;� t1�e I.��,�ror of s�,ic� ci�;r o� 11ie ex�c�ation o� �, �,er�i� ��ut�lorizi2� ',;lze movir.� of ary ?�uiluin� or o�1�er structl�re across *he ri�-:nt 0_E VJ�:.vr caver-- ed b�r �his frane�iise to rer�o�e �.t his or ';heir o�vn co�t �znd e��e�.se �z;� iaire or irlires in place on said ri�h� o� z�ay so a,s to €�11ov� such building to be moved acros� .aid ri€;ht o�' �.��ay, --� Vrr "�` ' TT�.3. �t � ` � +� � » +� provided hotilever, he or ���e;� sh�:ll not be recluired to rer:iove such ��ire oz ��ires for a, longer �eriod of ti�e than three 'r_ours, a.nd sh�ll have the ri�;ht to uo rer�ove such tixrires a� such hoi�r of �he da�r a,s tiz�ill least d�sturd the proper operation cf sueh railtiray. Section 13. '�he ri�hts, ��rivile�es ��r.cl �.utlio-rities by,,�his ordin�.rce �rantecl aa�d �;on�erred shall be in �oree �.nd. continue for tiie per�.od of +�hirL� iive Je�rN �ro� ar�c? af�er �he �n�.ssa�e �.nd �.pproval hereof. aectio� 14. '^hi� o-rciin�;�.nce ���,y ?�e °�nended ��t �n`T tir�e b� tl�e City ��oun��l oi �he s�,i.cl ri�y, rroviciec' fh�,t clue re€���rcl �or t��e ri�hts ancz � in�erea�s ol �he otnier of this fr�r.c��iise, of �,11 otliers ir_�eres�ecl �:;n� of. �he �eneral -y,u�lic shall be ll�,d, in any amendment r��.c?e. ����rove? �'r�.i� i ebru�.r� � 1�1�:`. � r, , , ���-���.. 'sl��'� ��_ i:.�,��-or o I'assec� �his �Er�rta:�r�T � 19�G. �-!.�,✓'-� .���'�(�.Zt-�,u�`/� _ uit�.T "1erl�. .;_=�ab 1 i e l,e c� � �� 191 C�.