HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0127 o��z�iarrcT rTo. 127 Ah QI���I�?�.l?C� PI��VIT'ITIG �`0'_? TIL+, L�'��.C?jT�'?:-i��'T 0� A P0�?TId!�? QF THF WEST SIT"' OF I�TILL ST'REET BET�n1E�:T•' SrCO1�1T_1 Si'RT'r,T ANP. CEDAR. I�.IVER AND A POTT�^r' ��r m�-., TrORTH SjDE OF SECO�.� S�`RFFT BFZWF'EP1 A�SILL ST}?"?;,T AND 1';AmT S`1?t?NT. TI�? TH� TOT,T"' 0�' R�TTO?'•'� ti;tAS�-iTT�GTON, B� THE CON- STRUCTIOAT C7F A SIDEt<<�ALK THERFOF, THE COST OF THE SAN'F TO 1� LEVIED UPON TH:', P�?t�P��TY Ti BE BENEFITTED THERFBY� B'�' IT �Ii�`��l`�?� ��' `?'HE COUI�?CIL OF THE T�:�T; C`-' rT'l��I'OT,T;- SECTIOAT Is That a portion of the west side of Prill Str��t between �econd Street and Cedar �iver, -ta-wit that �ortion ar�u-�ti:�g on lots 7�8�9�10�11 in B1ock 11� Town of Renton� and a portion of the IVTorth si�e of Second S-�reet� between 1=i11 Street and. �iain �freet� to-wit that portior_ a'��u.ttin� on Lot 7 in Bleck 1"1� lo�m of Renton, shall ue ;7�:�roved b,y the constructao3� oT" a board sidewalk thereons �rhieh daid sidewalk sha11 in all respects confor:r, to and c�mply with the speci�'icati�ns for sidewalks as set fol th in �rdinance r�o. 3° ci �h� ��own of L entor, aaid u�ide�ralk shall be construc�:.ed at the established street �;ra�.e and the inside edge thereof shall be on the esta�lished property line. SECTION �I: Trat there is '�ereb,y establis�.ed a local improvement district to be designed as "Local L« rovement District i�To, l�"� wi�icr. said dis�ric� �_s de- scribed as follo�Ts:- all ul�e �ronerty abuiti�L or. sa`_d portion of r�Iill Street and said portion o1: Seconr?_ a�»��t, to-j�rit Lots 7, �� ;'� 10� 11� in Block 11 lo��n oi Renton. The pro��rts- i_Zcl����ed ir. ;aid Iocal im;�rev�men�t clistrict and none other shall be deemed to b� as�l shall b� the nropertv �sp�c:ially benefitted b,y the said im- pr�vernent, and tre ��ta�1 costs and e�ense� o? �k}r ir���rovement herein o�ered� ircluding all necessartr -ineid�ntal exner.ses, shall be defra�red by the collection of a special aus�ss�rnent to �ae levied unon the pra�ertv ir.cluded in said local im- provesnent disi�rict� said assessment to be due ar.._d ^ayable upon the com�letion and accentance of the �1or}� herein ordered done, and if not paid at mat�arit,y� the sam� shall bear inter�st at ten z�er cent therefrom until naia. SECTT�"- T��: This ordinarce shall be ir full force and e.ffect five da,ys from and after its i�as�age� annroval and legal p�ablication. Approved this 17th dazi of Nevember� A.P. 1908. �s� F. .'. 1:NOWLE5 I�a;tor Passed this 17th da.y of November9 I�. �. 1908. � �s� i�. _�. �?.�FS C1�rk