HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0126 /, . ` ` _ � �� : ��/'�J �� � �� ', .y�N '�/� n T�T� lt� �/ vl�i.0 11�r-1��i� 11t�• �p/i ` i� . AN ORDIN'�C$ DEFIBIDtG A 1�HOI�E�AI.E ZIQUOR DEAZER AItD � nETAIZ ZIQUOR DEAS�E� IN T T' TO��N OF+' F.ETv'TQi4? �1AS33I�,TGr"O1V 9N,7 I PHOHIBI�'ING THE SAI�E gT �OI�ES�IS�E OF �1YY VIPaOUS? SPIRImUQUS, F`E��ENTED? MALT OR OTHER INTOXICATING ZIQUORS BY ABTY RETAIL ZIQUOR D�R! Ox T� SAI�E dT RET�IZ 0�' ANY VINOUS, SPIRITUOUS 3'ERT�tENTED, �T O�t OTIiEF I�ITO�TGATIDIG ZZQUOgS BY ANY 4�1'HOI.S58ZE ZIQU08 DEgLE�i; PROVIDING CERTAII� RUI�ES �IdD REGUI,ATIOI�S �'OR CONDUCTIIVG 1 WHOI,ES�I�E ZIQU08 HOU� Il�' T�tE TO��l]' OF REi�TON? � Ps�iOVI'��'ING A PENAZTY FOR VIOI,AmION HEREOF. Be 3t �rdained b3r the Couneil of the Town of 8enton:- Seotion I A retail liquor dealer in the Town of �enton, Washing-�on, shall be an� person or persons who shall sell vinous, spirituous, fermented, malt or other intoxicating I, liquor� in quantities less than ane gallon. � wholesale liquor dealer in the Tawn. of 8enton, Washington, shall be a.ny persc�:� or persone wha shall sell einous, $pirituous, fermented, malt or other into$icating liquors in qnantities of one gallon or aver, or �nore than one gallon. Seotion II �,ny retail liquor dealer who si�all sell ariy vinaus, spirituous, fermented, malt or other intoxicating in said Town of 8enton liqnor�in quantities of one gallon or over or more th�n ��e gallon or any wholesale liquor dealer who shall sell any vinous, spirituous, fermented, malt or other intoxieating liquors in s�.id To�n in quantities less than one gallon shall be fined dollars not less than twen� fiFe (�25.0� nor :�c�re �han ane huunc�xed ( �100.00 } dollars for eaeh offense. 3ection III No person or �cerso�s who may be licensed nnder the ordinances of the Town of Renton to sell v3.nous, spirituous, fermented, mal� or other intoxicating liquors �.t �holesale shall, by himself, his agent, clerk or servant, sell or give away to any person any intoxicating, v3.nous, spirituons T�alt or fermented liquor ta be used or drank as a beverage in his store or place of business. or in any place ad�acent thereto �aithin his control or allow any game or games of cards or at�ie� �ame or games to �ae pla�red in h�i_s s��re or F1€�ce �f busine,�� �r in any place adjacen� thereto �vithin his can�rol under a penalty ' of not less than twenty five do�.lar� nar mare +h€��r� oue hundre� I dollars for eaoh offense. Section 2� 1'his ordin�nee st��ll t�e i� fu�1 forae and e�fect �ive days from and a�ter its passage, approvsl anc� legal publiQation. Approved this � day� of���9�5. _�-- _ , i' � �r � �r z-v`_�' . Mayor. .� , Passed �his �'C� day of y�����/�G�-�%�v A. D. 1908. , -;(�������:==� . ' I Clerk. I State of �fashingtor�.: . . ss King County : � I, David H. Rees, Clerk o� the Town of Rentan, nereby eertify� that I have this day pos�ed in three Qonspieuous I pnblia plaQes in the Town of Renton, to�wit:-- at the sou�h-�rest oor�rier of Third and Wells strests, at the north-west corner of I Main and Third streets, and in front of the City �iall of said ', Tow3i, trne aapies hereof. Dated at Benton, l�ash. This day of November, g�D. 1908. . C3ty Clerk. �I Snbscribed and sworn to before me this � day of �ovember, 1908. . �totary Public in and for the State of �Gashington, residing at Renton, ��t�sn.