HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0099 � AN ORDINAN�E. ��� tion to the first day of Janµary l,ext o1 said Town. , ► AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 8ucceeding. Said petitioner shall 31so Sec. 7. No perniit'shull be fe�ued the registratiou oP certain doniestic receive 'from said clerk a metal tag, for any animal other thau a milch cow j auimals in t�e �own of Renton, �'hich shall be stamped "Town of Ren� �p the age of two yearr or pver. No `. _ WashIngton,.tpr i�suing permits al- tou, Washington, Cow Licenae," �,nd peFmit shaA be ieaued} to a cow ' lowin registered animals to run at shall have stamped thereon the year ; f ! � such ermit is issued, and shall show known to be breachy. In�,no instapce. T large during certain �ours, prohib- � shaA permixs be issued fo1r two cows e iting the ruuningat large oY any agd in numerals at least two (2) inches kept by the same Pamily. j all ;unregistered domestic animals in height, on both sides�, of said tag, � within'the'city liniits of said Town, the nuniber of the permit,so issued as Sec. 8. No permit shali be issuoa ,i i at the same t�eeting at which the pc- I prohibiting registered domestic ani- aPoresaid. � � . tition therePor is •presented, but .ac-'r' � mals from running at large durittg Sec. 3. The Town, Clerk oY said tion thereon shall be taken at the next � certain hours, providing for the can- Town shall keep a record known and Pollowing regular meeting, at whic h i cellation, in certain cases, oP the per• designated' as "Cow Permit Register" i any objections•' to the issuing pf.,sa'l.;_;: ► mit allowing registered anlmals to in which shall be imserted the name r Permit shall be heard by the Counci:,' run at lar.ge during certain hours, of the petitioner, his address, ihe date � prescribing a penalty for violation of such petition, and a full descrip- Sec. 9. N4 owner or keeper of an;� hereoP, providing for the impound- tion of the animal designated therein, cattle, horses, mules, swine ox shee> ing of any unregistered domestic the action oP the�Council thereon, the and goats shall permit-such ar�lmals t� � animals Yound running at large with- date and number of the permit and run at large witliln tlie city limits a� in the li�its of said Town or any reg- tag issued, if favorable action is tak- tihe Town of Renton, W�slungton„ex- istered animals found running�at en on said petition. cept as hereinbefore p�ovided. large during certain hours, �provid- �ec. 4. The tag so issued to said pe- Sec. 10. Any persan owning A��or j ing for impounding fees a�d charges(titioner shall be attached, by the own- keeping any�_cattle; horses, nnules, for animals impounded,!providing a�er thereof, in a firm manner, aTQund swine, sheep/and goats who Shail p.er- , ,. ,. _.,_ : � method Yor final dispo'S#tion of im- the neck of the anima! dsscribed in mit them to run at large in violation f ' pounded animals, and repealing a1L $aid petition,-a�d shall be ke.pt t#�ere oi the provisions of this ordittance � ordinances or parts oP ordinances in during the time designated in sai,d sball be punished bY a �ne of not Tnore � conflict'with the provisions hereof. permit, . than 'five ($5.00) doilars Eor t.he arst F Be It Ordained by the Council of the Sea 5. ' Such permit,'sq issued as o�ense, and foT the same o.ffense eoni- � f Town of Renton,`�ashington: atoresaid, shall authorize the owner mitted by the same owaer or,��Ceeper : � Ssctiou 1. Any person residing with, or keeper oY the apin�al described after one conviction under tt}i� ordi• < ' in the city limits`oP the Town o�Y Ren-�therein to. allow said aniinal to Tun nance, shall be punistied by a 8ne oP , ton, Washington, mAy by proper pe- at large within the: limits of said not more thau twenty-flve Q$23.00).: tition, presented to the City Council, ToWn onl}� between the hours.of fro;n dpllars, ' make application for permission to al- 7 a. m. to 5 p. m, froin October 1 to Sec. Il. It shall be the duty oP the t low one n�iich Cow� to run at large April 1, and-from 6 a. m. to 8 p: i, Marshal, or any person who may be within the limits of said Town. 'Such fxo;n April 1 to October 1. - appointed by him,;to seize and im- � petition shaii be signed by the:person Se�.'6. Upon the written cowplal t Pound any cattle, horses, mules, §wine, , 'so applying for such pQrmission, and of any resident of said ;Town that a sl�eep, goats or other than milch co�s� -I shall state the sex, age, color, wei ht � for wh ch a permit in accordance wi :i g , animal for which a pern�it to run t � height, markings and name of the,an- �arge has been issued, as herein prq- the proviaions hereoZ has�been iss;�y�t � imal for w ich sueh ermission is f and whl�h are wearing a cow tag as k! P vided, has broken through a law_ul i sought, and shall designate the place Pence, pushed dpwn or jumped over Provided herein,-asti�ay or'ruRning at , where such animal is to be confined the same, or in any other manner un- large •Witht{� the limits o� sald:Totiva, � � 'during the hours prohiUit�d for the lawfully entered an enclosure; or that and to det�in at the pub11G,pound or : 'running at large of any and a11 do• the oivner �ot any registered animal, other''Suitable pl�,ce;:.any stray, ani-. ' destic animals. or keeper.Lr►ereof has knowingly �er- �al namecl in, or�;easonalaly,to be con- V Sec. 2. If such permission be grant- mitte�, or�allowed the sanie to run aE siderQd as includgd',;within E�e.pro• .I ed by the City Council the person so I,arge contrary to the provlsions;of thiy v#sions oP this ordinance, "u�til the�. ` applying shall, upon 2he payment of ordinance, the Council may, upqn mo• owner thereoY has suUstantiatea�hia !oue dollar ($1,OQ) to� the Town Clerk tion, caucel the permit so issued. if right to such animai to the Marshl�, a of'said Town, receive�a permit to be satisfied that the allegatione contaiqed or person aPPointed by him for such �ur ose, or in case af dis ute as to � signed by the Mayor oT said Town, in said oomplaiut are true, whereuson i � p -, I countersigned by said' Clerk, which it shall be the duty of the Town Mar- °wnership, before any court oE eom- t shali recite the fact oE such petition shall' to notify the person to wh�m_ Petent jurisdiGtion, syb7eaE tp fhe pen- ;. havi� been presented to the Council, such permit has:beep issued that �he altiea, fees and costs prescribed here- ; I t6e name oP the � t in for the regulation, of the pub�ic petitioner, the date same .has been cancelled �nd uion Pound. Pravided, ho.w�ver; it shall be s :thereof, .the descri�ption oP such ani- receipt oY said permit and metal r,ag . " �mal, as set forth in such petition,.and from �uch person, shall repay.`to a}�h the duty oP the Masshal, or persou ap- ' shall authori�� said petttioner to al- Person the fee of one dQUar ($1�0) ipOjnted by him for that pur}�ose, to� C impound any registered ,animal tor � � i low the animal described in said peti- hereinbefore provided fox. Upon khe e tion to run at Iarge within the city cancell�tion of'any pe�•�ni# as he�ein I whiC�} a permit has Ueen issued as r. � limits qP said Town during Ehe hours Provided it shail ,Ue unlawful toi�'the berein provided yvhere such animal is� • ;hereinafter set .forth and designated owner:or keeper. of �the aniznal de- found r�nning at 7arge wlthin the lim- � 4 for the,running at large of regietered sc�•ibed therein to allow such animal its oP said To.vyn �ulthqut the tag here-� . i aninials� from•the date of such in provided for, or where suc�i anim�,l peti- to run'at la�•ge within the city liu�its r ._ _ _ � , �R . [ :s found run�igg at ]arg� within the ures as shall be, necessary to inaure�served upon him at least one day prior � limits of'said Town at any tinle other its proper care`and feedingt and he� to such sale. ' �than during the hours herein proyided shall charge an impounding Pee pf two, Sec, 16. At any time within sis � ($2.00) dollars for each animal im- mon'ths from the date oP the sale of for the runnin at lar re of regiate•�-�d any ani�ial the Yormer owner thereof, i g b pounded, .to be 'paid into thc� City � aniinais. , tiian ro er applic�t}o� to tbH Cik`1 Treasury as otliac. Aues, upc� tees ar� l P P Sec. 12. The only domest(c ant- paid. � � Treasurec, and uppn e�tistactory proot ' mals than c.dn lawfull run at large i • s}tiou of tp sych CitX Treasurer that he�i� the Y Sec. 13/z. •,Z� at the exPir. � ut auy tlme within�the I�u�its oC said two d�y�, any imp.ounc�ed an[iµal shal) Yormer owuer, �ay recelva the resi- `1`own fi•om.uq�i after th�.t��e.the P�'R- not be released by the owner q�ee due oP the proceeQa oC the:sale l�ro- '� 1?' vicied for 'fu "the Poregoing seccion , visions hereof take eCYe�t, shall, be er tliereoP Ly the payment oY tpe costs � such aaimals CoF• which s�`permit ancl and Pees herein provided, khe Marahul hereoY, u[ter deductittg ull casts �nd tag have Leei� issued by the Council �hall proceed to 6ive 6fteen (15) days' �x��en�ea, and tt �t tlie ezklrutlon of aa aliuve aet Porth, provided how�ver uotice Uy puUlicati.on in eome Aews- six nionth� the Pormer owner shall not that in case such permit is cancelled paper �tilished in said Towa ot the ��ve applled to ttie Clty `Preasurer as by ttie Cquc�cil, 1t ahall be unl�wfu] time and place when and where he �l•ovided for i�;thie sectlon, tbep sald �for th,e ownc:r or kee er•.ot the auimal City 'Preasurer fdhal� pay sald residue P w111 expose the said anima� to s�le at I � ,designated therein to ItnoWingly per- into the general tund. puUlic ,aucUov, ut which time and '�iit �nr ,allow �ach an�►ual to rqn at ��a�Q be shall, at puUlic auction, ez� Sec. 16, All ordinancea or parts ot large.wlthlu the limity oY saic� T,own, ��0es $ald sintmal Lo sµl� gnd aell the ordinances 1n contilw� With the pro,. after receiving notice ot such cancel• samq to 1he highest bldd�r tor c?ah, vtstone her�oP shull be, and tha sume• lation Yrom t]�e Marshai oY said Town, ;�nd out ot the'proceeds he shall pay br�? hereby repe�led. . and !t, r�fter receiving such notice, ��l ot the eYpeusea aPore�aid and� all Sec. 17. Thie ordiRance shall be in( such owner or keeper ahall kAowingly other expeu�es and pay the residue, lt full �orce and'eGeGt thlrty (30) da)�s� permit or al�ow suGh animal to run at any thei•e be, to the City Treasurer. froni and atter it� pabsage, a�prqvul large, such a�71tua1 shall be dealt w[th �Ph� saic} notice shall deaGribe the batd �,ud legal puUlicatiop. ` •"" by the Marshal in the samc� nianuer �nimal with reasonable certalnty, und App�•oved thi� 1St1i �Y ot Februury, �rovided hereiu for.snimals Por�which �hall state the nanie o[ the owa4p or A. D. 19U�. � u perqitt has �ever bee� is�ueci.' ��Eeper, if the �ame pe kuown to;the F, y;; KI30WI.E8, . Sec. 13, Thn Mu�ehal, 6hr�11 oharge i Mal•shal,.apd i[the name oP,tlie oy�aer � hq�yQr u� the Towu ot Renton. the.owner ot uny iaipounded nuimal i oF keel�or be unknowu-co Cho Mar+hal, � fl�ty (EO) ceuts for each duy, or part thet fact shall be dtated- in said� 'aI Punsed t�1s 38th daY of February, A. , of"a duY, compptting fro� mid-uibht,l tice; lt auch owner pr keep�r�bp��•�•1908. ,' � AND��W,ADAMS, 1 1t is detuined, Yor the care,and teed-�known aad he can bg touud 1n hQ t • . ing thereot; aud shall take �ucl� niea�•iTown, � copy ot�such pot�ce sh• 1 '�i Clerk ot the Tpwn o1 �ientou. .��