HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0086A RE S OZUT I ON N0. O � ' (� RESOZUTION PROVIDIlQG FQ�? T� I6gPROV�ENT F THAT PORT�.�1V OF BURT�TE�'T �TREE�' S PT.�ATTED �ITD SHOS�N IN ^� QR�G�NAZ PI�A.T �F �HE �'0�"IN OF RENTODi BOUI�DED ON THE NORTH BY THE SOU�H ZIl�'E OP FOtlRTI3 gVENUE AND ON THE SOUTH BY 1'HE SOIITH BQU�IDkRY QP I,�'� TEN (l0) BLOCK TS'IEI�TY��GHT (28) IN THE O�TGIN�.I� PZAT OF 'I�HE T0� OF �TOB FRO�U�= �,D t`IEST, IN THE CITY OF R�'NTON, ti°�ASHINGTON, 1BY GEl�?'NG, GURBING \ A1�D PAVIIVG mHE S� ,'JS�'H BRICI� IN ACCORDAtVCE TO � IN COMPZS:R�TCE �fiITH THE PTaAT�S t�3D aYECIFIC.A.TTONS �OR THE S.� NO�Y ON FI?.�E IN THE OFFICE OF THE C TTY C LERK 0� �H� CITY Or RFIITQN, i�gSHINGTON, BEING PI�JS AiID SPECIFICATIONS I�O. � mHE C{�ST 0� �il� S.A.ME TO BL I�EVIF� UPON THE PRQPERTY BETtT�;EN� THE TEt�P3INI OT►' SA� I[t�PROVEMEN�' ABUTTING UPO�T, �I?�bCF.�iiT, VICINAZ OR 6PPr�OX�ATE �0 R�HE STREETS AND AVETtUES OR�DERE]) �PROVED HEREIN ArT:D IN�ZUDED SN THE IsSSESSt�ENT . DISTRTCT gS PROVIDED BY LA�T �N� IJO�'I�'Y�NG !�Z PERSONS �ESIRING TO OBJEC�' TO THE 11�iPR0 nNT HEREIN� 0�` TH�,' TIME s"�N, AND THE PI�ACE ;7H�RE �UC1� OBJECTZOI�S t�IZZ BE HE.FiRD gi."0D DSR�CTII�TG THE CITY �NGI�EER OF THE �ITY 0� R�+iTQN, �TAS$I1�GTON Tfl S[TBT�IIT FIVE(�) DAYS� PRIOR Ti� THE D�TE I'IX'ED FflR SUCH FE�ING THE ESTIflIATED C�ST A.ND EXPENSE OF THE IMPROV�VlEI�T ORDE$ED _HERE�N, AI�TD .A ST�T��'l��T OF THE PROPORTIDN�.TE �OUNT HEREOF� �'�iICH SHOU7.� BE BORNE BY THE PR01'ER�Y' .�THIN �'HE PROPOSED .ASSES�N�' DIST�ZCT 9ND A STAT��TJT 0� TAE gSSESSED V.�I,UATIQN OF THE R�'I� EST�.T� ��ITHIN' SAID DISTRICT� TOGETHER �rITH A DIAG�€� 0� PRINT SHO�t'II�G ��OTS THE TRACTS� ?,OTS OR PAR�ELS 0�` 3�AND �'0 BE ESPECI�ZY BENEFITTED I�REBY 9ND �HE ES�Il'JlATED APIT�UNT OF COSTS .AND EgPEl�FSES 0� �AID IP�Pr�OVEit�DT�° �'0 BE . BORNE BY EACH ZE}T, Tt'�A.�T OR PARCEZ 0� S,AND, HE IT RESOZV�D BY '��' CZmY GOUNCIZ 0�+' �'HE �ITY 0�' RENTOl�� t'IASHSN'GTO�': -2� �ection I: That that portion of Burn�tt S�reet as platted and shov�n in �the original pla-� of the �'o��rn. of Renton bou�.ded on the �ar�h b�r the south line of Four-�h Avenue a�d on the South b�r the South boundary of Zot ten (10� Block T�ex���-eight (28) in t�.e origznal plat of -�he Town of Renton, produced west shall be im�- praved bg grading, curbing anri paving the same �Tith brick in accordance to �.nc� ir�. eonformi�y �i�h �he pla.n.s and specifications for the same now on file in the office of the City Clerk o� the Czty of Renton, :��ashing�on, being plans a�.d specifica��ons Z�o.�b the cost of the same �o be lev3.ed upon all of the propert�r between . the �erffiini o� sazd 3mproveme�st abutting npon, adjaeen�, vieinal or approximate to -�he s�reets and a�renues ordered. improvad herein • � as provided by law. Sec�ion II: That all persob.s v�h.a ma�r desire to ob ject �o the improvement herein ordered are hereby notified to appear ari.d present sueh ob jections a-� a mee-�i�g of �he City Councxl on to�i�: the l2th da� of September A. D. 1911, on avhich date at �he hour o� '�:30 P. M� aIl ob ject3on.s to the improvement� herezn ordered will be considered b�r the City Council of the C2ty o� Renton, L�ashingtona Seetion III: That the Cit� En,gineer of the Cit� o� Renton} t�ashin�on is hereb�r ordered and directe�� to file with �he Cit�r Clerk of said �it�r at least five (5 j days prior �o �he said. 12�h. _._._.__,__ da�r of Sep�smber A. D. l9ll, �he estimated cos� mnd �egpense of �he improvement herein ordered and a sta-�ement of the proportionate amount thereflf which shall be borne b� the property within ��.e proposed assesssnent di�trict an:d a stateme�t of the aggregate assessed valuation of �he real es�a-�es egelusive of improvement� within said district, according to the valua-�iou l�,s� plaeed upon it for the purpose of general taAa�ion, toge-�her v�i�h a diagr�n or priu� showin.g thereon �he lots, tracts and. pareels of land and o�her propert�r which shall be especiall� bene�it�ed hereby and the estimated amouut of �he cos-�s axa.d. e�spenses of such _3� � improvement �o be borne b� eaeh lot, tract or parcel of land or o�her. propert�. Ap�ro�ed this 22nd. daar of gugust �. DE 1911. � � � , � bT9. Y4R Passed �his 22nd day of August A. D. 1911. " � �/ - Cit� Clerk.