HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0091A �. -� .. .!� ,�; , . �t ft �(. ��+{ . �� �•`� � , ,m... � � :I.i �t.k ,♦ . � 4• . M�R� ♦�.v , , -�rt u' , � . _ . . . . .�. R E S 0 I� �1 T I 0 N N 0� � I RESnLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE I1,+IPR�VkIMENT 4F BLOCK TEN ( �.�) IN THE OF.IGINAL pLAT OF THE CITY OF RENTON, �6ASHINGTON, B.Y THE ESTABLISh�iENT AND CONSTF�UCTTON OF A TEN FflbT ALLEY RUNNING NORTH AND S�tJTH THROUGH TIiE CENTER TfiEREQF, 5 FEP�T ON EAC�i StDE 0�' THE CENTER LINE TIiEREOF, THE C�ST OF THE SAhSE TO BE I,EVIED UPON THE PRQPERTY BETWEEN Tfi� TERMINI �F SAZD I�PROVkIENT ARUT`�ING UPONf ADJACEN�, VICI�IAL OR APPROXIMATE TO THE IMPROVEI�ENT HERE— IN ORDl;RED AND iNCI,UDED IN THF ASSESSkSENT D1SS�RI�T AS PROVIDED BY LA� AND NOTIFYINQ ALI, PERSt�NS DESIRINQ TO OBJECT TO THF Itd— PROVEMEN� HEREIN ORDER��D 4F TH� �'I�E �HEN AND THE PLAC� 19HERE SUCH OBJECTIOAIS �GILL BE HEARD AAIJI DIRECTING TAE ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF RENTOI�', �;'ASHIMGTdN, TO SrT$MIT ONE {1) WEEK PAIOR TO THE DATE FIXED FOR SUCI; HEARx1dC THP ESTT�ATED CQST AIJD EX— P�NSE OF THE ZMPROVEMENT HEREIN ORDERED AND A STATE�dENT OF TxE PROPORTIONATE AMOUNT HFRFOF, �Hi�H SHOt1T,D BJ+� BQRNE BY THE PROP— ERTY A�ITHIN THE PRQP4SED AS�ESSb�ENT DISTRICT AND A STATF,�IENT dF' THE ASSESSED VqLUATION OP' THE REALESTATE �lI2HXN SAID DIS— TRICT� TOGETHFR �'ZTK A DIAGRA��I OR PR7�� �Ap��� THEREON THE TRACT, LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND TO BF ESPECIALLY BENEFITED HERx'BY AND THE ESTI�dA�'�T AM4tlNT bF Cf�S?'S AND EXpENSES OF SAID IIiPROV-� MENT TO BE $flRNF BY EACH LOT, TRACT �R PARCFI� (}F LAND. BE IT RES�LYED BY THE CI^'Y COTjNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON. Section 1. That Blnek 10 of thP ori�inal plat oP the tawil af Rertton,now Dart of the eity af Renton shall be improve�i by the con�t��:tion and �stablisruti�lit of a �0-foat all�u running north and South through the eenter thered.f, 5 feet �� each si�a of the center line thereo*', the east of tha sama tn be levied on all ttie �roperty between the termini of �aid improvementa- butting unon, ad�aeent, �ir.lnal or approxima�te to the improve- ment hercin order�d as �rovided by la�. Sect�on ?. That all �erson� who may desire to ob�eet t� the imnr.ovemPnt herein ordered are hereby nvtifi�d to a��ear �nd nrpsent sueh ob�ectio�� at ' ►� �� ' a meetirt� of the Cit�r Couneil on to-�it : the �„_ , Da3r oi' � A. D. 1911, on whieh date at the hour of 7;30 p.m. all ob�er►tions to th� im�pro��emerit � herein ordered v�iJ.l be �onsidered by the City C�uneil af the City of �ent�n, wa4�ington. Seetion �, That t�e �ity �n�incer of the City oP Renton, t�ashin�to�i, ig hereby ordered and direeted to file with �ih� eity Clerk o�' said C1.ty at least r�ne (1� week prior tc� said � d�y oP �,��,,, 0.�. i9].1 , the estimat�d cost and exAense of the 3m�arove-- raent herein orclered anc� � statement of the �ropertp within t�e nroposed assessMent district and a state- ment of t�e ag�regate a�s�essed valuation of the rea3. estate, exelusive of im?�rov�ement, within said Distriet, ae�ord3ng t o the nalustion last p�ar,ed upon it for th�s purpose of general t�aation, togethPr v�ith a dia- �ram o�' print �howit�; thereon the lots, t�aets and ?aare�ls of land and other prop�rty ��rhieh �il� be es- peeiall� beneQited heraby and the estimate amount � oP the costs and e�pens�s oP sueh imnrovement to be borne by each lot, traet or naree7. oP land or oth�r pronerty. .��nroved this,�--R-,-`-t day of A.D.1911 �/ Mayor � l Passed this� day o�' _A,D. 1911 � Gity Clerk.