HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0297 Resolution No. 297. Resolution No. 299. Resolution No. 301. Be it Ordained by the City Council of Be it Ordained by the City Coun 'Be it.Ordained by the City Council of the City of Renton: V the City of Renton: the City of Renton: 1: That it is the intention of the 1: That it is the intention of 't 1: That it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement City Council to order the improveme ?City Council to order the improvement of Smithers Street between south mar- of the sidewalk in front of Lots 7,;, of the street in front of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 ginal line of Third Avenue and north and 9, Block 7, Renton Farm Pla and 5,Block 6, Renton Farm Plat, and marginal line of Fourth Avenue by and Lot 3, Block 7,Renton Farm Pla by constructing a concrete sidewalk on constructing a concrete curb on each also Lot'7, Block 1, Renton Far the south side of Lot 1, Block 6, Ren• side thereof, and doing such other Plat, by constructing a concrete sid Ston Farm Plat, by constructing a con- work as may be necessary in connec- walk in front of said lots and doin trete sidewalk in front of said Lots 1, tion therewith, all in accordance with such other work as may be necessa.ryy��i 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 6, Renton Farm i plans to be prepared by the City En- in connection therewith, all in accord- Plat, and by constructing a concrete gineer. ante with plans prepared by the City sidewalk on the south side of Lot 1, 2: That all persons who may desire Engineer. Block 6, Renton Farm Plat, and doing to object thereto are hereby notified 2: That all persons who may desire such other work as may be necessary to appear and present such objections to object thereto are hereby notified in connection therewith, all in accord- at a meeting of the City Council to be to appear and present such objections ante with plans prepared by the City held in the Council Chamber in the at a meeting of the City Council to be Ei gineer. City Hall in the City of Renton at 8 held in the Council Chamber in the 2: That all persons who may desire o'clock P. M., on the 13th day of June, City Hall in the City of Renton at 8 to object thereto are hereby notified 1922, which time and place is hereby o'clock P. M., on the 18th day of July, to appear and present such objections fixed for hearing all matters relating 1922, which time and place is hereby; at a meeting o1;the City Council to be ' to said proposed improvement, and all fixed for hearing all matters relating held in the Council Chamber in the objections thereto, and for determin- to said proposed improvement, and all City Hall in the City of Renton at 8 Ing the method of.payment for said objections thereto, and for determin- o'clock P. M., on the 18th day of July, improvement. ing the method of payment for said 1922, which time and place is hereby 3: That the City Engineer sl-11, in improvement. 1 fixed for hearing all matters relating the manner provided by law, submit 3: That the City Engineer shall, in to said proposed improvement, and all to the City Council, at or prior to said, the manner provided by law, submitobjections thereto, and for determin- date, all data and information required to the City Council, at or prior to said! ing the method of payment for said by law to be submitted. date, all data and information required! improvement. 4: That the cost and expense of said by law to be submitted. 3: That the City Engineer shall, in improvement shall be borne 'iy and 4: That the cost and expense of said the manner provided by law, submit assessed against the property liable improvement shall be 'borne by and to the City Council, at, or prior to said therefor, as provided by law. assessed against the property liable date,all data and information required Approved this 16th day of May, A. therefor, as provided by law. by law to be submitted. D. 1922. Approved this 27th day of June, A.' 4: That the cost and• expense of THos. RAYMOND, Mayor. D. 1922. said improvement shall be borne by Passed this 16th day of May, A. D. THos. RAYMOND, Mayor. and assessed against the property lia- 1922. Passed this 27th day of June, A. D. ble therefor, as provided by law. W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. 1922. Date of first publication, May 19, 1922. Approved this 27th day of.June, A. W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. D. 1922. Date of second publication, May 26, Date of first publication, June 30, 1922. THOS. RAYMOND, Mayor. 1922. Date of second publication, July 7, Passed this 27th day of June, A. D. 1922. 1922. (RESOLUTION OF INTENTION) W J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. (RESOLUTION OF INTENTION) Date of first publication, June 30, 151.12. Resolution N0. 298. Date of second publication, July 7, Resolution No. 300. .1922. _ Be it Ordained by the City Council of A SOLUTION OF INTENTI:tFN) the City of Renton: Be it Ordained by the City Council o' Resolution No. 302• 1: That it is the intention of the the City of Renton: City Council to order the improvement 1: That it is the intention of thj of the sidewalk in front of Lots thir- City Council to order the improve ' Be it Ordained by the City Council of ten (13), fourteen (14) and fifteen 15, the City of Renton: ( ) went of the sidewalk on the gp� i Block eight (8), Original Town (now side of Third Avenue between the t That it is, the intention of t1 a , 'city)of Renton by. constructing con- poration limits at the southwest corn City Council to order the improvement Crete sidewalks and doing such other of the Fred G. Smithers property a of the sidewalk on the southwest improvement I as may be necessary in connFc- running thence east to Logan Stree of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Renton Farr.i tion therewith, all in accordance with by cons ructing a concrete sidewalk in Pat, by constructing a concrete Sid.. plans to be prepared by tho City En- front of the abutting property and do- walk and doing such other work as gineer. ing such other work as may be neces- 2: That all persons who may desire sary in connection therewith, all in may be necessary in connection then to object thereto are hereby notified accordance with plans prepared by the with, all in accordance with plans to appear and present such objections City Engineer. prepared by the City Engineer. at a meeting of the City Council to be 3: That all persons who may desire 2:. That all persons who may desire held in the Council Chamber in the l to object thereto are hereby notified to object thereto are hereby notified. City Hall in the Cit of Renton at 8 to appear 1 and resent such ob'ectionsi to appear and present such objections o'clock P. M., on the 11th day of July, i at aeeting of the City Council to beei� at a meeting of the City Council to be 1922, which time and place is hereby held in the Council Chamber in thel held in the Council Chamber in the fixed for hearing all matters relating Cit Hall in the City of Renton at 8 City Hall in the City of Renton at 8 to said proposed improvement, and all o'clock P. M., on the 18th day of July, - I'' -_�__�"'•"- _ objections thereto, and for determin- 1922, which time and place is hereby o'clock P. M.,on the lst day of August. Ing the method of payment for said fixed for hearing all matters relating ,1922, which time and place is hereby improvement. to said proposed improvement, and all 'fixed for hearing all matters relating 3: That the City Engineer shall in objections thereto. and for determin- to said proposed improvement, and all the manner provided by law, submit ing the method of payment for said objections thereto, and, for determin- to the City Council, at or prior to said improvement. !ing the method of payment for said date, all data and informaion required 3That the�tt� Engineer shall, i improvement. by law to be submitted. the manner provideyy,d by law, submit t 3: That the City Engineer shall, in 4: That the cost and expense of said the City Council, at or prior to sai the manner provided by law, submit improvement shall be borne by and date, all data and information require to the City Council, at or prior to said assessed against the property liable b law to be submitted. date,all data and information required therefor, as provided by law. 4, That the cost and expense of by law to be submitted. Approved this 13th day of June, A. said improvement shall be borne by{ 4: That the cost and expense of said D. 1922• and assessed against the property lia improvement shall be borne by and THOS. RAYMOND, Mayor. ble therefor, as provided by law. assessed against the property liable Passed this 13th day of June, A. D. Approved this 27th day of June, A.; therefor, as provided by law. 1922. ! D.1922. Approved this 11th day of July, A. W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. THos. RAYMOND, Mayor. D. 1922. Date of first publication,June 16, 1922. Passed this 27th day of June; A. D., Tim. RAYMOND, Mayor. Date of second publication, June 23, ' 1922. Passed this 11th day of July, A. D. 1922. W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. 1922, Date of first publication, June 30, 1922. W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. Date of second publication, Ju4y 7, Date of first publi 'tion,July 14,1922. 1922. Date of second tion, July 21, — 1922.