HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0313 RESOLUTION No. 317. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY i� COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: RENTON: THAT WHEREAS, by reason of RESOLUTION NO. 313 the failure of the City Council of 1• That it order the improve- the intention of the e City of Renton to be caused to be City Council to I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY •ed and actually sold, the bonds ment of the East one •half of COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Block 6 and the East one half of RENTON: Block 7 in the original town of 1. That it is the intention of the authorized at he special election Renton by constructing sub-sewers 'City Council to order the improve- on May 8th before Chapter 151, therein, and doing such other ment of Mills Street between 5th Laws of 1923, took effect,,and said work as may be necessary in and 6th Avenues; constructing a bonds so authorized not being in connection therewith, all in ac- sub-sewer therein, and doing such serial form, the same cannot now cordance with plans prepared by other work as may be necessary in be legally sold or issued and th-) City Engineer. connection therewith, all in accord- WHEREAS, the City of Renton is 2. That all persons who may ante with plans prepared by the City without a City Hall or office- in desire to object thereto are hereby Engineer. which to transact the business of notified to appear and present such 2. That all persons who may de- the city and a new city hall cannot objections at a meeting of the City sire to object thereto are hereby be built without a special election Council to be held in the Council notified to appear and present such to authorize the issuance of bonds Chamber in the City Hall in the objections at a meeting of the City in serial form and an emergency, City of Renton at 8 o'clock P. M., Council to be held in the Council exists. on the 2nd day of October, Cha4iber in the City Hall in the That it is the intention of the 1923, which time and place is City of Renton at 7:30 o'clock City Council of the City of Renton, hereby fixed for hearing all matters P. M., on the 17th day of July,I Washington, to order a special relating to said proposed improve- I111923, which time and place is here election to be held in the City Of ment, and all objections thereto, by fixed for hearing all matters re- Renton on August 14th, 1923, at and for determining the method of j lating to said proposed improve- which will be submitted to the payment for said improvement. ment, and all objections thereto, voters the question whether or not 3. That the City Engineer shall, land for determining the method of the city shall issue its bonds in in the manner provided by law, payment for said improvement. the sum of Twenty Five Thousand submit to the City Council, at or 3. That the City Engineer shall, Dollars for the construction of a prior to said date, all data and in the manner provided by law, sub- new city hall. information required by law to be mit to the City Council, at or prior That the County Election Board submitted. to said date, all data and informa- of King County, Washington, be, 4. That the cost and expense of tion required by law to be submit- and it is hereby requested to call said improvement shall be borne by f ted. a special election therefor and the and assessed against the property 4. That the cost and expense of City Clerk of the City of Renton is liable therefor, as provided by law. said improvement shall be borne by hereby directed and ordered to Approved this 11th day of Sep- d assessed against the property certify to the said Election Board, tember, 1923. ble therefor, as provided by law.( the foregoing proposition in the THOS. RAYMOND, ,`Approved this 19th day of June," form'of a ballot title not to exceed Mayor. D. 1923. twenty-five words so formed so as to Passed this 11th day of Sep-, THOS. RAYMOND, enable voters favoring the propo- tember, 1923. Mayor. sition to vote "Yes" and those op- W. J. WILLIAMS, '.Passed this 19th day of June, posed to vote "No." City Clerk. D. 1923. + Approved this 3rd day of July, Date of, first publication, Sep- W. J. WILLIAMS, I A. D. 1923. tember 14th, 1923. City Clerk, THOS. RAYMOND, Date of first -- - --- - publication June 22, Mayor. 23. Passed this 3rd day of July, RESOLUTION NO. 318. Date of second publication June A. D. 1923. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor 1923. W. J. WILLIAMS, and City Council of the City of City Clerk. Renton, King County, Washington, RESOLUTION NO. 314 Date of first publication, July 6, that on Tuesday, the 30th day of 1923. October, 1923, at the hour of 8 E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY o'clock P. M., be, and the same is Date of second publication, July COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON: 13, 1923. hereby fixed as the time, and the Council Chamber of the City Hall 1. That it is the intention of the RESOLUTION NO. 316, in the City of Renton, King Coun- ty Council to order the improve- ty, Washington, be, and the same is nt of Cedar Street between 3rd BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY hereby fixed as the place when d 7th produced Eastward; con- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF and where that certain petition of rutting a sub-sewer therein, and RENTON: the Union Oil Company of Cali- Ing such other work as may be 1. That it is the intention of fornia, asking for the vacation of cessary in connection therewith, the City Council to order the im- that portion of the alley located in 1 in accordance with plans pre- ,provement of Whitworth and Mor- Block 10, Renton Farm Plat of red by the City Engineer. ris Streets between Third and Sec- Renton, King County, Washington, 2. That all persons who may de- and Avenues, and Second Ave- lying between Lots Fourteen (14), sire to object thereto are hereby nue between the Nest line of Fifteen (15), and Sixteen (16), 'notified to appear and present such Shattuck Street and the East line and the North Thirty (30) feet of objections at a meeting of the City of Smithers Sixth Addition to the Lot Seventeen (17), and Lots Council to be held in the Council City of Renton, by grading and Thirteen (13), Twelve (12) and Chamber in the City Hall in the 'gravelling the same and construct- Eleven (11), and the North Thirty City of Renton at 7:30 o'clock Ing a concrete sidewalk and con- (30) feet of Lot Ten-(10) in said P. M., on the 17th day of July, trete curbs on both sides thereof, Block 10, Renton, King County, 1923, which time and place is here- and doing such other work as may Washington, will be heard and de- by fixed for hearing all matters re- be necessary in connection there- termined by said City Council; and lating to said proposed improve- with, all in accordance with plans BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ment, and all objections thereto, prepared by the City Engineer, that the City Clerk of said city, be, and for determining the method of 2• That all persons who may de- and he is hereby instructed to give payment for said improvement. sire to object thereto are hereby twenty (20) days notice of the 3. That the City Engineer shall, ;notified to appear and present such pendency of said petition by writ- in the manner provided by law, sub- JoLjections at a meeting of the ten notice posted in three of the mit to the City Council, at or prior I City Council to be held in the most public places in said city, to said date, all data and informa- 'Council Chambers in the City Hall, and a like notice.in a conspicuous tion required by law to be submit- ,in the City of Renton at 8 o'clock place on the alley to be vacated, ` ted. ' P. M., on the 16th day of October, which said notice shall contain a 4. That the cost and expense of ',1923, which time and place is here- description of the portion of said said "improvement shall be borne by ;'by fixed for hearing all matters re- and assessed against the property lating to said proposed improve- liable therefor, as provided by law. ment, and all objections thereto, alley sought to at vacated, he Approved this 19th da of June, 4 gather with a statement of the y and for determining the method time and place set for the hearing A. D. 1923. of payment for said improvement. of said petition. THOS. RAYMOND, 3. That the City Engineer shall, ADOPTED by the City Council Mayor. in the manner provided by law, this 18th day of September, 1923. Passed this 19th day of June , submit to the City Council, at or A. D. 1923. !prior to said date, all data and OS. RAYMOND, president Tof HHthe City Council. W. J. WILLIAMS, 'information required by lay to be, ATTEST: City Clerk. ,submitted. Y. J. WILLIAMS, Date of first publication June 22, 4. That the cost and expense of City Cleak. 1923. Date of Seco: said improvement shall be borne by )ate of first publication Septem-� 29, 1923. ttc publication June and assessed against the property beP 21, 1923. 'liable therefor, as provided by,law. Approved this 28th day of Aug- ust, A. D. 1923. THOS. RAYMOND, Mayor. Passed this 28th day of August, A. D. 1923. W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk. Date of first publication Septem- ber 28, 1923.