HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0373 1 II �T c (Resolut on of Intention) -- liable therefor, as provided by law. j ! jv(' (ResolutioiA of Intention) Approved this 15th day of Sep- RESOLC TION NO. 370 RESOLUTION NO. 372 IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY tember, 1925. z s COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEO. H. THOMAS, RENTON: RENTON: Mayor. 1: That it is the intention of the + Passed this 15th day of Sep- 14 That it is the intention of cniber, 1925. the City Council to order the 1mr City Cbuncil to order the improve- W. J. WILLIAMS, provement of Fifth Avenue and of went of Third Avenue between the City Clerk. Burnett Street by constructing ce- west line of Burnett Street and the Date of first ment walks in front of or alongside west city limit line as follows: publication Septem- berof the following described lots: Between the west line of Burnett 17, 1925. Lots Nos. n 9 and et in Block 27 i Street and the west line of Morris _ of-Notice On Burnett Street in front of (Resolution For Notice' of tissess-; ',Street to widen the roadway four ment R l.) 0. T.; on Fifth Avenue alongside feet on each side by using what is RESOLUTION NO. 374 Lots Nos. 10 and 11, in Block 27, known as "black base"; to surface O. T.; Lot No. 11 in Block 19, O. ,I the entire width of roadway with a Be It Resolved by the City Council T.; Lots 1 and 24 in Block 31, two inch wearing surface of asphal- of the City of Renton: Smithers First Addition; Lot No. 1 tic concrete; to remove existing Section 1: That the 6,th day of in Block 37, Smithers Third Addi- curbs and construct new curbing October, 1925, at 8:00 o'clock P. tion, and doing such other work as along the widened roadway. M., is hereby fixed as the date of may be necessary in connection Between the west line of Morris hearing on the sidewalk assessment therewith, all in accordance with Street and the west city limit line i rolls for the following Local. Im- plans prepared by the City En-i to widen the present twenty foot provement District, viz: gineer. concrete roadway to a width of No. 152 for the improvement of �..� 2: That all persons who may de-I thirty nine feet and construct curbs Pelly Avenue and Cedar Street et sire to object thereto are hereby l along the edges thereof, and doing al. under Ordinance No. 757. notified to appear and present such such other work as may be neces- ISection 2: That the City Clerk objections at a meeting of the City sary in connection therewith, all in be, and he is hereby directed to Council to be held in the Council accordance with plans prepared by publish in the official newspaper of Chamber in the City Hall in the the City Engineer. the City of 'Renton, notices thereof City of Renton at 8 o'clock P. in. i 2: That all persons who may de- as required by law and the ordi- on the 15th day of Sept., 1925,,lsire to object thereto are hereby nances of the City of Renton. which time and place is hereby fixed I notified to appear and present such Approved this 15th day of Sep- for hearing all matters relating to objections at a meeting of the City tember, 1925. , said proposed improvement, and all Council to be held in the Council GEO. H. THOMAS, objections thereto, and for deter- Chamber in the City Hall in the Mayor. mining the method of payment for City of Renton at 8:00 o'clock p. m' Passed this 15th day of Sep- said improvement. on the 15th day of Sept., 1925, tember, 1925. 3. That the City Engineer shall, which time and place is here- W. J. WILLIAMS, in the manner provided by law, by fixed for hearing all matters re- City C..erli. submit to the City Council, at or lating to said proposed improve- Date of first publication Septem- prior to said date, all data and in- ment,• and all objections thereto, ber 17, 1925. formation required by law to be and for determining the method of Date of second publication Sep- submitted. payment for said improvement. tember 24, 1925. 4. That the cost and expense of 3. That the City Engineer shall, RESOLUTION NO. 375 said improvement shall be borne by in the manner provided by law, and assessed against the property submit to the City Council, at or A Resolution of the City Council liable therefor, as provided by law. prior to said date, all data and in- of Renton, Washington, fixing the Approved this 25th day of Aug- formation required by law to be time for the Hearing of the Petition ust, 1925. submitted. for the Vacation of a Portion of GEO. H. THOMAS, 4. That the cost and expense of Bronson Way, Hor-oinafter De- Mayor-said improvement shall be borne by I scribed, and Directing Notices to Passed this 25th day of August,l and. assessed against the property be Posted in the Manner Prescribed 1925. liable therefor, as provided by law. by Law: W. J. WILLIAMS, Approved this 25th day of Aug- WHEREAS: a petition has been City Clerk. ust, 1925. filed by Meredith Rees and Mary J. Date of first publication August GEO. H. THOMAS, Rees, his wife, the owners of the 27, 1925. Mayor. ;property abutting on Bronson Way, Passed this 25th day of August, praying for the vacation of the strip (Resolution of-Intention) 1925. thereof described as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 371 W. J. WILLIAMS, Beginning at a point on the West BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY City Clerk. line of Main Street 68.65 feet North COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Date of first publication August from the Southeast corner of Block 27, 1925. Twelve (12)- in the original Town RENTON: r-- - —{ lof Renton; thence South 48'7' 1: That it is the intention of (Resolution of Intention) { West 101.40 feet; thence South the City Council to order the im- RESOLUTION NO. 373 I 189'7' East 14.77 feet; thence North provement of Main Street by con- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY 148'17' East 81.37 feet; thence strutting cement walks and a the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF North 46' East 13.56 feet to the drain along the east side of Main RENTON: point of beginning, containing 918 Street from the south line of Fourth 1: That it is the intention of the' feet, more or less. Avenue to the south line of Lot No. City Council to order the improve- THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 5 in Block No. 7 in the Original ment of Park, Pelly and Fifth Ave- by the City Council of the City of Townsite and to construct a longi- nues and Main and Wells Streets by Renton that said matter be set for tudinal plank walk, two feet in constructing cement walks alongside Learing on the 13th day of October, width, along the west said line of of Lots 1 and 26, Blk.,10; 1 and 1925, at the hour of 8 o'clock P. Main Street from the south line of 24, Blk. 12; 1 and 24, Blk. 13;, M. and that the City Clerk cause Fifth Avenue to they south city 13 and 14, Blk. 17; and 13 and 14, notices to be posted in three of the limits. Said plank walk to follow Blk. 16; also in front of.Lots 1 to niost public places in the City of the west line of the concrete pave- 13, Blk. 10; Lots 14 to 21 inclusive Renton, Washington, and a like ment, and doing such other work and Lot 26, Blk. 10; 1 to 12 in- notice to be posted in a conspicuous as may be necessary in connection clusive and 18, 19, 23 and 24, Blk. place on the strip to be vacated end therewith, all in accordance with 13; 1 to 6 in Blk. 14 and Lots 14 that said notice shall contain a plans prepared by the City En- to 26 in Blk. 16, all in the Renton statement that the petition has been gineer. Farm Plats, by cement walks and filed praying for, the said 2: That all portion of persons who may de- doing sttgh other work as may be Bronson Way, the petitioner to pay sire to object thereto are hereby necessary in connection therewith, i the City of Renton per foot dollar notified to appear and present such all in accordance with plans pre-I for dollar what the City paid them. objections at a meeting of the City pared by the City Engineer. Passed by the City Council of the Council to be held in the Council 2: That all persons who may de- City of Renton, Washington, this Chamber in the City Hall in the sire to object thereto are hereby 22nd day of September, 1925. City of Renton at 8 o'clock p, in., notified to appear and present such GEO. H. THOMAS, on the 15th day of Sept., 1925, objections at a meeting of the City Mayor. which time and place is hereby fixed Council to be held in the Council Attest: { for hearing all matters relating to Chamber in the City Hall in the W. J. WILLIAMS, said proposed improvement, and all City of Renton at 8:00 o'clock p. m. City Clerk. objections thereto, and for deter-I r.. mining the method of on the 6th day of October, 1925, � Date of 9icst publication Septem- payment for 1 I which time and place .is here- 'ber 24, 192, said improvement. by fixed for hearing all matters re- I Date of -second publication Octo- 3: That the City Engineer shall,' lating to said proposed improve- ber 1, 1925. in the manner provided by law, sub ment, apti all objections thereto, ----- - mit to the City Council, at or prior,, and for determining the method of to said date, all data and informa- payment for said improvement. tion required by law to be sub- 3. That the City Engineer shall, mi4: in the manner provided by law, 4: That the cost and expense of submit to the City Council, at or said improvement shall be borne by prior to said date, all data and in- and assessed against the property, formation required by law to bel liable therefor, as provided by law. submitted. Approved this 25th day of Aug- 4. That the cost and expense of I ust, 1925, said improvement shall be borne by GEO. H. THOMAS, and assessed against the property Mayor. Passed this 25th day of August, 1925. W. J. WILLIAMS, City Clerk Date of first publication August r2..7,.•1 ck2 . .,.