HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0051 " � ,. „�,,,,��» _..._ ,�, .. �rt:x.� , - , # �. � , � . . �,��9 ... . � . � �; . . vl � � �� . , ]�rdinance N'o. �✓'��. An �rdir��.nc� ta f ix, r��ulat� anid contrnJ. th� use and price t�f the water suppli�d by the to�n water warka:- �REAS� the C ounc i1 0� the �wn af Rent c�n has adapted �ha rules and re�ulations in this ordinance contai��d far fix�'�. :_._�__�_ re��zl.ating and c4ntrollin� the us� anc� price of the wra�er sup- pli�d by �Gh� tovvn. water w�rks; and� 1�lI�REA5� �aid rules and r�gu�tions have been and are here- by approved by the Cauncil of the tawn of Renton; �'41� �HF�.EFORE, Be it ard�ined by the Council of the Tawn af Renton:- S�etion l. ti'Y�.at the follewing rules and re�;ula,tions b�, and �the sana+e are hereby� established for th� fixin�,re�ulating t;�,'� and c ontro111ng af the us� and price of th� water supplied b� " '., �t]��e toqvn water �ork,�,towit :- + Rule 1. Ap�31c��.�Gions f or �k�e use of wa�Ler sr�n.�t b� made on printed form� to b� furnished at the office of the town i wat�r worka� and th� applic� must et�te fu11y and truly all i the purgos�s f 0r which the v�at�r may bs requ$red� and must �, a�ree to conforrn to the rules and regulations as a condi.tion f or the use flf the wa�er. � Ru1e 2. Na person s�applied �rith water �rom the towri mains ��vi11 be er�l�3.�d to �zse if� for �,ny purpose other than those st�.ted 9.n th� a'�DpliCat�.an� or to �upply in any wa,y ather �, persons Qr families. - Ru7.� 3. Should th� applicant 9x'- ooc��a�� a�' �tne ein sea� � d�air� an additional ��rvice o�^ fixture� or to apply the watsr � �/ for� a �;urpose not stated in the ori�inal appli.cat3.on� a nea� ap- � plication must bs made and a permit abt:4ined at the off ice af -� the � of the town water works. Rule 4, Should it be deaired to discontirtue the use af , � �vat�r f'or any special purp�se� whether ft�r closets,bath tuba� ��reet �spr3nkler�,irrigation, hos� conn�ctions, or oth�r fix- � w�� , , , �, r� ; ture�, the faucet must be re��o�red; th� branch pi�e t�f �ervica supplying �he f ixturea ,plu�g�d; ar�d not�.ce given in writing at th� office of �he �, �z,�-t-t.�.�,_..f ;� �f the tc��vn water } � xork�, befare any redt�ctian af rent� �111 be mad�. Rule 5. 5hould �.t be d�sir�d tn discontinue the us� nf all the �vater supplied �v the pr�mis�s for a p�riod no� less than one month� nnt3ce in writ3.n� must bs given and payment in ,�� - �; fu11 of all a,�r�ara�es made at t�.c dffic� of the ta�m rovat�er ��� u�orks, Th� water will �h�n be turned off� and turned an ags�in � on �,pplieation, without char�e; bu� no remissio� of rent wi11 t,� �`' be made for a pericrd of less �than on� month, ar wi�thout the �� not�.c� pr�scr3.bed in th3s rul�. Ru1e 6, Hereafi'ter th� aervice pipes must be sa arran��d that the supply to each ��parat� h�u.se or pr�mis�s may be con- troll�d bg a separ�,t� stop cock placed within a.nd near th� line � of th� strest �urb� and one p�r�on� aompany Qr associ�,tion mus�t � °� pay f ar all the wat�r used throu�.h said service fQr his or their c��vn us� or fQr ths use o.f athers to whom it ma�r b� ac- cessibl�. Ru1e �'. �h�r� wat�r ie noa� supplied through on� service , �' �o sev�ral housea� famil�e� �r persons, �he - �-�-�-�� �h�,11 declin� to #�urnish wa,ter after the ex�irat3.c�n of ���-v' day€� from �he tak3.n� effec� saf this ard3.nane�� tznt9.1 �ea�g��.te � s�rvice� are prnv�d�d-. Ru].e 8. �t �hal�l. b e t he du'F,�r of the -r�, �`�C'��--1--*� �, �o rep ort t a the �%y2� ' 4,,,�,�x:, `� of wat er wark� __ - all build�.n�� n4w or her�a.�t�r ir� proc�ss of constructivn in the tflwn! i�, the cox�ttruction of �h3.eh water is used from ths town �a�er �rarks. �hs ��- �-G��- �� o- t��e �at e r �ork s � ` ���s �ha��. r�q��.re gaym�n� in �dvancs 4f a reasonabls surr�, not ex- c��din� ,%�!�c�u.� .____��__ Dc�l�.��rs in � .�e of any one build- ing � fmr ��.� water to be us�d ir� �ueh ��n�truetion� and �`rom �i.me t v t irn� s�.a�1 require othar paym��t�� not exce�din� �� Dollar� at any one time, a� ahall be neaessary to �2... , � . � � '�;, . ' �eeur� ��.e toc*m a�ain�t loe�. In e�se ar�y w�.ter tzs�d �.n the construe�ian, a1t�r�tion or rpp�.ir of. as�y building �.a not pa�.d ` ft�r it sha�.l be ths duty of the ��"-c��,��-t���,� of w�,ter - � . � work� to c�u�e a lien notice to be f31�� in �he narne of the `a t� t��vn aga�.nst the property far �he arncunt due� a.nd �uch 1.ion � ' to be enforc�d by actian� as prov�.ded hy law. �, Rule 9. Psrr��.ts for s�.de�a7�.k �prinkl�rs,privat� hydrantg, ' irri�ation, hos� eonnee�;�,on, c1Q�et� or '�ath tubs �ri11 be . ;�rant�d vnly �o partie� pm,ying not 2ess than ths minimum ra,t�. }�u1e 10, S�.dewal.k sprinkling musi: be confir�d with�.n th� lim�ts of th� front of the premises for �vhic�. p�,yment ha�s been I /�`� ' �,de� �.nd not ext�ncied to t'�e ad�oinin� s�reet. Ru1� Il. �Che use of vr�.��r for irrigation i� prohibit�d� �xc�pt 'between th� hours of �r�'��ir� �� ���21' . �+'or viola- t3on c�f the a3�o�� �ia.le a penalty of� � Dollars shall �e imp�sed and t�ed ��;ainNt the person supp?i�d v�ith the I �: r�rvice used th�r�f. or� �.:�d the wa�er s'�a11 b� turnad off unti.l th� sam� is paid. �ni.�n the wa�er �hall hav� b��n �hut a�f fnr '��,- viol�.t3.an of th� .rule it ahall under na c�nsideration b� turned on aga�n to th� sarsas pro�e��ty until such pen�lty has bcen pa3.d. �u1e 12. The wat er m�.y at any -�i..�.e be �hut vf f f rom the ,�main� without n�btice, for repa3rs,�xtensian� ar ather necessary i purpo�es , and p�rsons having boiler� �upp�.�.�d b� dir�et pre�- �ure ,'rom the rnains ar� cautioned a�;�.3.nst danE er fram eollap��. % _�_:..� � T.he to�m wi.11 not be r�sponsibl� f or th� safety c�f b4ilers on 1�°� +he prezmi�es 4f any watEr cansumer. � __.. � _ ' R�z_� 33_. .��err wf.il nc� T�� �urn�.shec� where t�iert� ^re / .: defecti�� or 1��.,��n� f�,ucets, closets crr o�.h�r �3xtures,�.nd , �rxen s�.ch m y be dieevv�red the supply� wil1, be �rithdra�vn. , ,f Rul� . l,�.en a permit h.�.s be�n ob�ain�ci �t�r t?�e intro-� duct3c�n of w�.te�t th� uert.rice pip�;� �,nd connections from �:he ��,in tp and inclL�dint a stop cock tn be p3.�.ced within one fcot Qf th� �_�.ne of the �tr��t curb wi�.1. b� �ut 1n and maintal.ned by r�M �' �. ....... . . _ . . ..�... . ... . J the to�n and . k�pt within its �xclusive control� gor �hich a ah�r�;� flf �`:;. �„� �-✓ Do7.?ar� will 'oe mad�� p�.yabl� in , ad��na� = far a, on�-half 3.nch �onnection� for �, thre�-favx`th QO . #.nch connect�.a� �--�' Dollars and for a one inch cnn- n�ct�.on f` �rr"� bc�].1wr� ; �'r�r 1ar��r aiz�s in pra- , —_ __---�--_�.__._ �- ,` .. �ar��.on. Ru1.� 15. �lith�.n �F,re basement �all a �top and wa�te �ack� prdtec��d f�om fro:;t, �ust in a.17. �cr�.�es be p�..��c:�d� by meang of ° �vhich ���i� �ervi.c� pipeg in the b�ildin�; m�.y be drained durin� � �> � � fr..ez�n� �e�t..1�r, Ae�di�i.c�r_al sto� and ro�aste coclf� �h�,ll a1sc� .- •>•. be; plae:�d in �aga and b�nds in the �ip� when i� c�x�.not nther- �;,�y �ri�e b� drained. �ule I.S. T�h.e serviep pi��s w3,t�.in tre� pr�_r�ia�s must b� kept 3.n ��p�.ir and prot�ct�d f�am �'ree�inp; at the �xpensa Q� �`� �° t�.e o�ner �r �ccupant, �tha wri11 be rc��pt�n�ible �'or a1.1 dama�;�s � , r��ui-�ing ir�m ���.k� Qr �r�a'��. Rule I7 . Sf any per�son allown an� faucet or pip� to run p n� thu� �,��,��;in� xat�r, a char�� of � Do11�rs sh�.I1 b� i.mposed for ��,ch offense� wYa.i�r� aha,ll be t�c�ci against v`� t?^�� p�r�bn suppl�.�d throut;h such �ervice and the w���r be turn�d i � ;� off' �r�r.n the gr�mis��. In nv c�.se �hal=�. �h� w:�ter be turned on C� - ' a�a1n un��l t�.a char�:� haa be�n paid, RLclm 1$. R�� plumber ar �thPr n�r�an �v311 �e �.�lowsd to ma�.� esnnect�.�n �rith th� t�� mains, �r t� m�,k� alt�r. ations in � any ec�ndizit, �ai�e, c�r o�her �ixtur�+� conn�eting ther�wa.th, or to conn�ct pip�s �i.�n the;� have been disconnect�d, c�r to turn :..._ �aater off or on an;� premis�s, �:�thout �ermissi� Q�' �hP � �s ..__._. - - ; �,.�,��cy af th� to�m. w�.ter works, R�.1.e 1�1. Non� but l�cen�eci plumk��r€� ah�,17. b� allawed to do an�r wa .rk in. cnnnsetiofl �ith the to�vn serv�.ca where �rater may b� % dx'av�n. �'ram th� town znains, and a11. �1.um�ers anus� make in writ- � �n� �. +ru� �.nd aut'�a.�. retttx•z� Q� t}�.e �rark dene �ri.thin ��+�nty-� four rours af'ter cornpl�tion and befor� turnin� r�n the wate� .�d. �u�t descri'b� �hh� �a�it2o:�� Qf �h� ��rvi�e pi.p�s, f�rrul�s, stop _,�.. . . �, eack� and at]�Ter �i�Lur�� � out�id� c�S' bu#.ld.�.n�;�, b�r r��'�r�nr,� to stree•4 ar�d lo� corrl�ra, c�n blan��: f Qxms to be furxi�.�hed by t�e t��n �a�ex� �orks. Rul� 2t�. P�umb;�rs :�ai?3.n�=; �� p�r.�nrm tY�air �rork accora�.ng �c� ��.he �sta�l3.sh�d �^u1.es �.nd r��;�u�.#�.�ion�� ar executing i+� �riskilZa�;;7.1�r tar t� th� ri�,�a�e a: th� tawn �v��+er �or��, snay� be � , . �' deb�,rred fr�:� ir.aki��:; con.i�c��bn �:v:t���. 1he to��n ma3ns. kul� 2�. ���ntW c�f ths to�un �ra�ar �orks may h�.v� free aec��� at praper hou�::� c�f th� day to al1 parts of` bui.ldin�� in , �r��icYi 1�at�r xn�,y '�� d�xivhYad �rom �r3e tflv�,n �:ain�� �'or th� ��u.r� � pQse o�' 3nspect3.n� �h� condition of th�: pipess a�d fixtur�� and _�"`�`':' tlze zna,a�.ne r in �icYi th� ��at er �.s t��d:d. Ru1e ?_-w» �411 ��er�ons ucir�� �r���,e�:�: �hall p�y to �re t�'�n '' w�.ter depa.�t�rle:�t t11� f�1lo�ir���; r����a of rent �nr�.ually f.n ad- v�.nc�. � a. -O �--- Qi�ewri�.l� i.nch �:��ter,_-._...___.._...��..�__,. � - / v o ��.r��-quart�r inch met�r,__________,. =- • u a Qr_� anch �;�e��r,- ___ .�_..____..�, ��� . • :-,, . �ne a,nd. �ne-ha.1�' 3nch meter,________ �,�. � � '�"1�re' �.nch m�ter,-��_.._....._,_...._____,.___.. ��` �� �r�� inch zneter,_____________.._____ �s . � Faur lnch �:�ter,_..__....__..__�_..___..__ ......�_ =�-.J �.� �ix i.nch m�t�r,�_..__�.___.»..______.._,.,. _„��,-• � �, ^ l�u1e 23. All water r:at�s sha11 be char��d again�t th.e property an wY�a.ch it is furnished and aga,in�t the own�r there-» �f, and 3.f f ar any cau�e any sums c�win�; therefor b�scom� de- linquent '�h� �ater �ha12 be cu� of�', and in no case shall i� be � t�.irn�d bn tfl the s�ne property until a7.1 �uch d�l�.nquenci.es � hav� been pa3d in full. NQ cha.n�;e bf owner�hip or accupa-� �/tion shall affeat th� a.pplicatian a� thi� rule. ___ �'"'�" � y Rule 24. A1]. accounts f or �ater shal,l be kept in the� / namc �f t�� csv�ne� af th� prc�perty� and not in the nam� of any __ `` t�n�.n�; a,rid the owner only, or his le�ally authorized a��;�nt, ahall be hel�. responsible far w�.ter ren�;s. Rv1e 25. CIn fail.ur� tQ c�mply �i���� th� ru1 e� and r��u3.a� tion� ��tabli�hed a� a condit�.c�n tQ th� t�s� c�f wa.t�r� c�� �Q pay' ��� fi �� the �r�.ter x�nt� car m�-�er r�rit in th� t�.me �za,d manner herPin i �rov�.ded� �h� �vat�r z�ay be s�.ut o�:f un�Gi�. pas*ment of th� amount lj Y ., due �� m<�,e'te, v�ith cne �.olla.r in addition for �the expenss of , ; turnin�; th.� �r�.�et� o�� �.nd o��. ', - Rul� ��� S��a�71ci �1�� ae:cu�ant oi t"r�e premises turn on the i ; / :�t�r or �ufter or c�,�za� i� 'to be turrzed Qn aft�r it h�.s been �°' shut off ��t the curb ctac7�� �.t �vi11 'o� �urn�d o�'f <.�,t th.e �ra.�.in! , `, � � c/��l�c/�. .� � �nd a char e of & �'�� 7�oil�,rs m�d� f ar �h� �x- _ , p�nse o�' furn3.n� �he �rater• o�f a,nd on. Ru�.c 2"7. Thr� wat�r ratess exeept �t�r meters� will be due ,. � d gayabl.� in �dvanc�� on the r�.rst day af �aeh �4ni;��� at �the of:��ce c�f th� _��..�r.. c�x" t1lA to�srn �rat�r avQrksy a.rzd i� not pa�id �ithin �ten �. .,-,�� t�i�r��:E'ter th� water �vill be shu� off � frorl �h� �remis�� �.� pr�ovided �n ru;.�s �5 a,nd 28. i�u3.e 2£. �'h� �cc�n r�:�r�rv�s the ri�ht, in ca,ae of �, short-� a�e of wa��r for �.ny cau��! �o m�.ke �.ny order �orb�dd3ng ar' m8sperdin� the u�e a�' irri�;ating a,nd �prinkling! a.nd th�� ` '4�A.���'�mar.y �r�. its discr•eti.on �.t any �3.me mal�e such ord�r by �;iv3n� nati�e through the to�m. €r�iicia.l newspaper, and any pers �° viol�.tin� sucrz O1G.�Y� sY��z"11 a� subj�et to a. char�e of . ���`� 1?o11ar� for �ach aFf's�nse, whicr� shall also be a char�� �.�pan �th�; �ro�„3r�ty on w�z�c� 4h� o�i�n�e is cammi�r•�ed; �,nd the w�t��r sn�,l k�t.: cut oft' therefor. In no cas� shall the wat�r be �».rr�ed on un;il suc11 i 3.ne �.�s been paid, Rul� ?9 � �y�� mozlthl.y ratea i or ��ie u�e �f water �iri11 be a,� f p�.l o�"t�:- R��'p'�?T'�LY �ATFR R�.TES, �in3.m��m r���^: A�o r�,�� 1Us:. v��an,�-w____--_--��._�� ��'���„•--� �3ai�eries: � Ncsra�� 1�s5 th�,n -_...._..____....___,.______..�_...�w �_ Far each barrel of flour used per da,y-�-------- �.,__,�v..,� Aarl�er shoxr� �irst cha�.r ( in addition to w�:.ter clos�ts and / �� � bwtja.�) -.------�..--- . B�ch additional, cha,ir ------------- ._.�,� �----------- Bath tubs Private ( six or le�s) � eaeh tub,-----�----�--- � In hotels and boardin�; houses� �ach tub,-----� �o• Public buildings and blocka,each tub,--------- -,,,_j,��,,,� Barber shopa and bathin� bousE�, �ach tub,---- ,� l f� _6.. ` • B1ac��ami i l� s1zc�1;� ; One fire, in additipn to water clo�eta,-----�- � �'ach add�.t�.o�.a,�. fire,_..______._�_____..._..____.�_.. �3reweries: "'-'�' ??y m�i er on1.y, ___.�____........._ Buil�.in� pur�os�s: ��'cs��;�n�; ��:.ch 1C�C3c� brick,Sune� z ,,c "Tov�rib�r 1,- ��;_ " " " ,r Iv'ovember 1 to Jun� 1-- �`�� n n ba,Y'z'e:'_ Of 1.�.T!'� i____�._______.�......_.� � Plastering 64 squar� yarcla�_____.._..__.._____...... � '�Tett3n� �:�.cz� "b�..rr�1 . af c�r��ent�, ______�_______ �D Stone vvork, p�r pereh,- _____________________ � Butcher �hc,p� and f ish ;rark�t�a; In a�dition to �rat�r clo�et fram ��00 �co ---- °�' Dair•1es: `� � By rr��ter onl�T. �':�,r�1:'tl�r r�,t;�s : Ei�ht persons or 1P�s, a�ater close���bat:h �nd AO ho��� �,d�itio:��.l,_.._____,�.... � . Era.ch additional pPr�on,____________________.�.._ ,L� i�l:l1.�.11t�; C�.B';�rs ,pri�:�.��: Fox �ach 100� �allons,---______.�_..__________.._ r�p 'i'i,�� ��part,:^1e:n`, : Ea.eh hydrant,_____.._____________..______..______ Z f"� . E��.c:�� �f'ir�e ��.�i,e��r..�-___�-__�,.._--_--_.__--�-__._-__--_�-- ^�-� L�ach sn�in� hous�,-____---..-----»___�___------ Cx=.:.rden hose �nd 7.a�q�"z�t 120 fee� front �her� oecupied by buildin�,frpe , oi co:;t ., �:a,��� :�,d��t�_eri�l 1C?G ,���,y�:;. ��S -Gre�n housea: �vT 7.�t�.�x' t�l'�.�'%': V O, �tot�ls a.nd b�arding houaes: �� -�-'�•. � �-� /�'. � ! Ice cr�.�,m saloc.ns: __ _ _ �+;ach,in addition to water closet i---_.._______ �v�' I�abc�i�a*c�ri�s,sc;d.N. *n�nt�_�'�.ctories,�ot�7..irto�,estaU�.j.sT�.� .-- _ � ments,tele�raph and telephone �fi'ice,v3nega�r facto��i.�s �ra p�.;�'rz;�,�- hc.�;::c;~, „ `. lo"''t"°�aap�'� I,€�u�c�r i�s: ��w�•��j�. -, ?'��.'c�ra. f ountair�: : With one-fourth inch nozzel,_______________..__ ;-ea � . �T�.ehin.e sho�;s,-------- By mpter only. M��er rates: ��` Ii'rom �.�OC� �c� �'S0�0 �;�313.ar_�� ti��r mo.�zth�--_..______ .a�s�,P�� � From 25000 to 50000 " " n ________ ""''Per �. "^�orr� 50�00 tc 1000�0 '� " ,� ______.... � Per $� A11 over 100000 g�.11ons per manth,-�-_________ f,; ;�"'p�r �g� Pr�r_tin�� oTT ic�^ : :�y���er a�r�.-y. ; .- :� Publ�.c buildin�� and Y�locks,B� -�s�r�-�• ;« > j p. Pu�?.i.r. Yz?1.1�: �;,. r��. ar��.�-„ �u�,��.��"°� Restaurants and eoff'ee houses: ��.,m�te�� a�ly. �.d � �'�°O "r.�,loanes: ��. �#..-�-�o�t�^: i�o -� �' a`' Sehaolg ( publ.ic or private) __ � Tach w'rom '" �;o �?��, or b„� m�tez�. Sew�r works: � �'��'',�1'�.21;'�; r'_'�,7`i:ll �?.i' '��.001L�._...�.,...._._..,..__�...._____..,_.. � ;�u�.�D.w"`�C4.o 4 Sidewa1k spri.nkl�ng: �ach 60 foot frc�nt or IPs�, includir�� vc�a�Y�ir., window�,___.. �-o ��,.��;h r.c�clitior��.l 3� Fept er Ie;;h �_.__�.,_�...__�._..r� �6 51�ep i.n�; r p oms: B�-a��--���. ,!,S' �`ada f oun��.ir.s : �1ach, in �:�ddition to �at� �los�t,-___________.» r�r SprinklinF; str�ets, ��� Yn�i,��:; .;���;; , -7- � � � Stables : '�'ir��t � ':.�,il, on� or t�:�-c hvrsas,with carri���,E : !°4 � � � � ��*a�.-�.��=���Y---�� �-�+— --____�____..___.e__.... � .._ �=tor�� : "' � Dru� stor�s,in addition ta water clpset and � urirla.l,.�� vO to f �a � ,at �r�Gery �tor�s, �3.x persQe or le�s, iri ac'�ditian ` � � � � to �a�e!^ clos��.; •�.n�. �,�rinal y____..___.�__ �� � } �ach p�r�an additional,__________________..____ '-"���o�,.--�` � r Pr�t �;oods �,r7d ot����� . ��:o: e� ,six �,ers�r�s c�r '.�e�s, i�� . C� �,dditi.on to water c�.o�et �,n�. ur'inal �� 1ra.f:i i.�f��P�i : Prirtr��te ;logets,--___..__.._..�_____________..____ �����-��_ �� �ia'ulic t��n�-, -�-..________.__ ..______..____�.�._...._.._ � .���- Pt�blir n�,n ar plun�er,�--�------_»._____..__________ o�"'�"�""' '�Va��� x.3ot;ors : By �nei.er �n7..y,____.__�__.�__ For o�;�ier u�Qs or buazn�as nc-,t hC •�in m�ntioil�C�.y'qy' p�cial .r�,t,�v or m�te�r, as ar•d�rea 'b;r the � ° �� Ru1e :34. Tnc ri�_;ht is re��rvea to �,he to�rm to a..�r��nd or ' add �to tti�P�� �•�.�lc�� an� re„u1.��.i,icr�� cr to �_r�_t�r� �e tr_� �rat�r ra�es� �; � as px�a:�J�ienae� r1�;dT ahc,.�.� �c� be s�ccetis�.ry or e�::p�dian�. Section 2. Tni� o��dinance sha11 tak� eff'ect on and �.fter f ivt� (5) days from it� publ ica.ti,on. Paased the To�n �`Qunczl thi� ��� _�_�. day af �!%����;��� _ _ _ ___�.��s . �'t�t°'�� -- ��5ayo�' o.;_ �,YiA`i'own oi kenton. .A:p��'ov�d. �y ?rme th�.;� �'� r7.�y �f i��r'l�G'C�Z�h- pl��,:�. ;'s;:��J,�P�.`t.-�"�v'�� ayor a the �o `�rri o en an. � �� � � i At�e�ti. � �, � - ��{►21 � �2'.�S 0��_ 11� lOWri O �8T'�+ri• ,.. : �t3�-�:•T��3���`-t�C��` `���� . ..,f'.. .. ., � ..',�39 U3. •��,..-.. � _ �:2 .�. y. � �,f, , � ,,��'' s'� �.� w�,-� .t �,. ���,'a �•.�`�'C..+4'.°..�•t2e;a..%�n„��;'�t,,�. 4I<'t��q"��.�%'i�. ,. '�'� r�"' °�.�< P rla`� "�� �� .. ��. *.. , w" ���, �;, � _, 1. o, l� . 'f; i t w��