HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0041A /� ��� � �""`� k � �.�,,,i ,.y ��»�...,�.���� `���r���',�' :��a ���tsl ri��� �� ������ ��� �iz :��r�.. . :..��x ,�UL �� 19i0 � �sa�U��o�a �o.� � RE�QZUfiION �'aR �'HE I�IPROV�I='�:1T G��' •�Hx�T PORTI4I� 0�' CaUN�'Y $a.AD N�.464 IiOLfiiD�D (J�' �HE �i�S3' BY' SHI�TsUCK S2'�i'.3+;;�� �� O�I THC E�ST BY � �IG13T-fl�'-��TA`� QI' T�': �QRTH��tT3' P�'s.C��'�C �I��T�.�1' CO��TP�IY: �H.�.T PQ$TION OF S�X�'H gV�IUE BOUI:1"D� OZJ THE �"�E�T BY SHAITUCIL STREET . .�TD O1V' THE E.QS'�' BY BZT].3.Iti�'`.T.^I. STREEI: 'I'HA'1' P(7RTSOSd 0�+` FZ�`T�i' A.VE�NEr �OUR.�.'H �.VEI�iLfi�, t'�AI,T�. �A�3�A A�UE, B4UND�� {}TT 2'HE �'7�5�' Bg 5�-IA�'I'UCY� STR�:ET AI�D O�T T�L �AS�' BY ��iE SI:TE�SEC 1'SO�T 0�' A ZII�� Rt7�IT:ING NQRTH ,A�`D SQU2'H T�IROUGH THE CFSI'�:R OF BZCIC�:S SEVEN' { 'T } E�GH2' � 8 � l�D 1VTI`,�E �' 9 � IId THE ORIGIN� FLA�' f}F TH� TC?�'�ST fJ� REl'J�iO�t: '��i.A�.' POR.TION 0� �'�iIRU 9.V:t3UE B�UI.iD�"� OI� '��E sx�ST B� �H� �S'Z'Y I�I�'�ITS �ND C?�d T� E13.S�' BY �'�:E E�1Ss�'. �I�E ��` BURT:IET�' �2RF;�."'c : TH,AT Pt?R2'It�N OF 'T�3E :S�U�S HAZF OF TIiIN.D �l.VETdUE BOU�TD�� OT+T i H� �"IEST B"Y THE �g�T �IDE 0�' BU£tITE'�T THE C?�NTERFiF �TREL� � OTT TIi� EAS�' BY 13. LI�TE RT.Tr�IT�� IZORTH A.�P.J SOUTH THE�4UGH� Bzoc�� s�vE�r t �r � ���� ( � ) �t�r� � � � .�� ���t t lo ) xN �� ORZGITSAZ PZAT 4�' a. + �0�12�' fi?�` RE�iTTQN: TH�T P(}R�IQN 4� 5�,�'�'U�K S'�REET t �YSI�'1YORTH STRF�ET, �tCORRIS S�'�T� S�T�TIiER� �TREE�', BUR1`d'E�'T STi�`,E�ET� r'�IZ.�I1��bS STREE3', 6`J�ZI+S STRn�T, M�IN STR�''�T, BOtTNDL+'� OS� iHE SIOi�TH BY THIRD �1V��IUE ,1�fiTD ON � S{�U.�i� BIr °tHE CI�'Y �I�'tII'�S: BY �HE �ON�T'Rt3�TI0N i71�' A �'i�UItK SE�'7E� ITd A.�CQRDI��E TO .A�:�D Ii� CO3�tI.�T,TANC� �S�'H. �'HE P�gi�`S .A�J`D SPECIFICd�'IC3id'S FOR �HE SJ�''E NO�I 4It FILE IN ^� OFFICE OF '�YH�: ,P7.�1TtifS A�'D CZ�'Y C��K t7F �'�iE �ITY OF R�STT�Sd,, BEING/SPECTFZC.�1'IONS N0. . �'HE �£}S�' {3F '�� S���ZE st} BE �jTS�D UP4i� T� �"ROPER�'Y .�'iB�TTTNG, �DJ,ACEI.T',,", (3R dP�'ROYI�.�'iE �'�R�TO ��"A INCZUD� Z3S ��iE �SSESSISE�d� I}IS��ZC2' AS Pt�QV ID�� BY I,��r. BE IT P.,ESdI,VFF:UD BY THE CITY Ct�UiVCIZ �F THE CITY C?F R�,'StLOPd: ' See�io:� 'I. �'h�t tha� portzan of �aun�� Road No.464 bounded i on �he �es� by Shat�uck Strree� �,�d an �he East bp �he ri�h��-a��-way of the �Tor�hern Pacifie �Railcsa� Cornp�ny; �nat portion of Sixth t�venue bounded on the +'les� by �h�ttucl� Stree� and an �he East by ; _._,_ .___-.--. i �� Bw�aet� Street; that portian of �if�h Avenue, Fourth Abenue, �falla �a1la Avenue baunded an the �test 'by Sha�tuek S�reet and on the East by the in�ersection of �. 1.ine running �'flrth and South thraugh Uhe center af Blocks seven ( 7 � eight � 8 a and Nine � 9 � in the original Plat of the 2own af Renton; That por�ion af Third gvenue boundedon thv �es� b;� the Ci�G;� Z��-'�s �d on the E�.�� by the East Zine af Burnett Street; that partion of the Sout� �ial� of Third Avenue bounded on th� C�es-� by �he Eas�G side of Burnet�Q���nter �� on the East by a line running I�arth and South throug�locks seven { 7 ) ei�ht � 8 � � n1ne � 9 � and �e� � lQ � in the ori�in�.l Fla'� af the �'o�rn o� Renton; �', That portion of Sha-�tuck S�reet, �Jhit�orth Stree�, P�iorris Street, Smithers S�Greet, nuxne-�t Stree�, Clilliams S�ree�, ;�tells S�reets, �iain Street baunded on �he �7or�h by Third Avenue and on the aouth by � tr�.k the Gi�� Limi-Gs, , �h�.11 be imp�aved by �he cons�ruction o� a�sewer :the initial point of �rhieh shall be at �he in�ersection of Sixth `� Avenue, Produced �es�, w�.th �he Eas�erly baundary of Blaek River, runn� i i i thence East �o �he in�ersec�ian of �Ghe eenter line af S��h Avenue � i � �ith �he center line af an a31ey running North and South �hrough Block th3.r�yNone � 3l � Smithers �'irst Addition ta the �"avrn of Rentan, � i thence East aloxr� s�.i.d Si�h gvenue �o the �Tes�erly boundary of Block t�renty��-eight � 28 � To�►n af Renton, Pr�adv.ced �ou�h, �hence East ' along, upon, and through a str�.p of land �even � � ) fee� in wid�h bounded an, �he Piorth by Block t�enty�-ei�;ht ( 28 }, �'illiams �treet, and BloQk ei�hteen ( l8 } Town of Renton �o the center of �ells ��ree�. Said i�provement �o inelude the construetian and installa�ion o� all praper and necessary purification v�ork�, man.--holes, and a�her necessary a�tachment�. Said �'runk se�rer ta '�e cons�ructed in can- formity ta a.nd in compliance with the plans and speei��.ca�ions �o� the same na�v an file in the c�ffiee of the Cit� �lerk of �hc Cit� of Renton, be�..ng Pl�.n� and Specifica�ion� IIQ. . The ccst o� said impr�vemen� shall 3�e 3evied upon �he praper��r ttbu��ing, ad j�.ce�n�, or approxima�e ta said ab bve deserib��. � portion� of said �.b ove describsd streets and avenues and ine�uded �n � �he assessmen� distriet as provided. by la�v. � -------- — -3 The esti�ate� co�t of said improvemen� bein�, to-����, the su� of � � ���� '� , Section 2. Protests against the improvement of�at�.id above desoribed port�.bns of said above desaribod streets and avenues may be filed with the Ci�� Clerk of the City of Renton on ar bQfore the � day o�������" . A. D. 1910. ��: d�proved t�is��7`---day o d. D. 1910. � � . �ayor. - Passed this�day o A. D. 1�10. � Cit� Clerk.