HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1156 '_m— — _'__ _ —' —' —'_ —' —'__ —' — — - , �........�...,�.� . � {..,.. « ;i, r � r —.�..,,, • "' . r K. � ...1 y � ' y � � f.L � a - AT:sT s-s»42 s i � a�zrr�c� �o. i !.�`�OJ. AN 4RDINANGE of �he Gity of Renton, Y�ashington, providing � �Y�at the sewerage s�rstsm o�' said cit� s�all beccxme a part of and beloag to the �rat�r �rorks sgstem of said �ii�$; providing for the construction of certa�.n addi- tions and improvements to bot� the sewer azad �ater s�stems af said city and declmring the egt�ated coat thereof as near as maq be; authorizing the issuaace of water reve�ue bonds in �he p�incipal sum of �4{}d�40t� to pay part oF �he cost therea�'; crea�ing a special fund for the payment of said bonds; pro�iding �he form, date, maturities and o�her deta3.1� of said bands, a�d aut�.ori�� ita� their 3.ssuance and sale, �TAERE.A.S, there has bee�a a �re�.t increase i.n the populatio�a of �� the Git� af Rsntoz� lately, �which isacrease w�13 most 33,ke2� cou�inue far a coza�iderable period af time, az�d W��3EAS, it is �aecessary in ordsr to prav3.de an adequate water supply and adequate se�rerage service far t'�e Citg af Renton and 3,ts �i inhab3.tan�Ga that certai� add�.tior�s and improvemen�s shfluld. be mada �Q � �istir� s stems ar�d � the saxd e g g' , j 1�EiEREAS, the Federal 117arks Agency oP the Ur��.ted S�ates Government I has gra�ated to the Citg of Renton the sum of �28'7,649.04; provided that the G�.�y of Renton coz�tribute no� less than �lOCi,40Q.c7Q additianal for � the gurpo�e o� adding ta and improvi�ag t�e se�rerage s��tem o�' said ci,ty, ', aXJId � ' �iEREAS, the Faderal Housing Au�hor3.ty 3.s constructin,� a housing gro�ect c�f approx3�natelg 2,04� units for defen�s workers and their familie� �ust outaide the city limit� and �.t will be nsaes�ary to supplg sa3�d hausing pro3ect �rith sewer a�ad �rater serv3.ce, ar�d � '�REAS, in t�.e �udgment af the Citg �oune3l and other corpora�e authorfties of said city �he public hea3,th 1s being andangered b� t� � i�aadequacy of the �re�ent sewerage s�stem and said da�ager may be aba�ed by the construction of certai.n additioraa and impravemen�s �o the pre�ent sewera�e s9�tem, at�d 1 1 � - - -- - - - - - � / / : ' f . . . . . � � ♦ { / . • . � . . r I . � � . �REAS, in the further �udgment of said council and corporate authoritias it is necessary for the best ibterests of -said cit� that s�id sewerage system, including a11 additions and improvements there� , to� shall be considered as and became a p�.rt of the water works �� system of said city and that the cost of construction of the �rn.provements ', thereto and the maintenance and opera�tion thereof shall be chargeable �I to said water �vorks spstem. NQW, T�OR�, be it ordained by the Council of the C3.t�r ot Renton, Washir�gton, as follows: .. Seetion 1. Tha.t in the 3udgment of the Citg Cou�cil and ot}�er , corporate au�horitis�s of the city the public health is being en- dangered by the lack� of an adequate sewerage $ystem wh3.eh danger may be abatad by the eonstruction of certain addit3ons �nd improvemeats thereto, and in their further �udgment it wilZ be to the benefit of the city to combine its sewerage and water systems, thersfore, the sewerage sys�em shall hereafter be considered as a part of and belong- ing to �he water works sgatem of the city and the cost oP the cosa- struction of the foliowing described improvement$ to the sewerage system and the maintenance and operation thereof shall be chargeable to such �vater �rorks sgstem. Section 2. That the following descr3bed plan or spstem for additiona to ax�d improvements o� the sewerage portion of the co�mbined sewerage and water �yste�es of the Citp o� Renton is here�by proposed, specified and adopted, to wits Ti�at the city construet a sewage diaposal plant (the exact type to be determir�ed later accord3.ng ta bids and according to equip�eat available due to priorities), to�ether wi�h all appurtenances, o£ such capacit�r that it will serve �t least 20,000 people, said di$posal plant to be loeated in the northwest eorner of the .southeast quarter ' (�E�� of the southe�.st quarter {SE�) of Section 7, Township 23 North� � 2. . � I • : . , , ' � . T . . , o • • � - " � „ , , _ • . Range 5 East� W. lld. That the city purehase approgima.tel�r two acre� o� real property at said loeat3.on which, with the property there now owned by the citg, will be the site of said disposal plant• That said city lag, construct and install the following trunk sewars, maxaholes, wyes and appurtenances necessar� to construct a cc�nplete sewer syst�m, the same to be loeated. in or along the following named highways and streetss �n 18 inch trunk sewer along Sunset Highway (Primary State Highv�ay No. 2j from a point on Sunaet High�a near the N.E, Corner of the N. qG. � of the S. E. � of Section 8, Twp. 23 N., R-, 5 E.,1N. M•, to Fourth .�venue North, also along Fourth �.veuue North froan the East Margin of Sunset Hi�h�a� to a point approxim,ately two hundred fifty (250) Peet West thereof; a 24 inch tru�ak s�er�er extending from the last mentioried point� along Fourth Avenue to Will3.ams Street; a 24 inch �runk sewer along �til- liams Street North fram Fourth ,A�renue North to Six�h Avenue North; a 24 inch trut�k �ewer along Sixth .�venue North fram W3iliams Streat North to proposed see�age d3.spo�al plant and Commercial W�terway No. 2. An 8 inch pressure se�vgr line along Shattuck Street fram 3ixth Avenue to Fourth Avenue iaclud3.ng two small sewer pUmps complete; a 24 inch trunk aewer alor�g Shattuck Stre�t and Shattuck Street produced northerl�r� fro�m Fourth Avenue to Commercial �iaterwag No. 2; a 24 ineh cast iro�a siphoa under Commercial Water�vay No. 2 near Sixth Aver�ue Nort}a to the pre�iously mentioned proposed sewage disposal plant. '� .� 12 inch se�rer 13ne on Fourt�i Avenue from the al- �� ley between Morris and Wb.itworth Street to Sh.attuck � Street. _,- That the city obta3.n all rights of wa�r, franchise� and easement� necessary for the construct3.on of said improvements and construct sucn other additions and extens3ons to such system as may be deemed �dvisable and that are consistent with t he abova ; 3• � . ' , � . , ' L � . described plan of improvement. 2'hat the sewer pipe to be installed as a.bove described shall be vitriPied olay. That the amount oY sewer pipe for each side thereoY is as Yollov�s: 24" sewer pipe, approgimately - 11,500 Yt. 18" sewer pipe, approximatelp - 3,500 ft. 12" sewer pipe, approximately - 750 ft. 8" sewer pipe, approgimately 1,500 ft. 24" cast iron pipe, approaimately 500 ft. That all of said improvements to said sewerage system shall be connected to and become a part o� the present seweage system of said city. That the estimated eost of sueh additions and improve- ments is hereby figed, as near as mag be, in the sum of �437,0�0. oY which amount $287,000. has been granted to the eity by the Federal S��orks Agenc� of the IInited States of America and the remaining $150,000. will be paid Prom part of the proceeds of the bond issue hereinaYter proaided for. ' Section 3. 2hat the following deseribed plan or system Por additions and improvements of the egisting water works portion oP the combined sewerage and water systems of the City of Renton , is hereby proposed, specified and adopted, to-wit: �� That the city dig two deep water wells at Liberty Park in the Cit� of Renton, construet a one million gallong per day pumping plant eomplete with motors and all necess�ry appurtenances, ineludiag a sand-boz, drain, automatie regulating deviees, and eonerete housing for pumps and motors, said plant to be located at or near the site of said wells at said Ziberty Park. Construct two 500,000 gal. reservoirs 3 a h� � , . f . • • li I eomplete with an 8 ineh drain pipe and automatie re ulatin de�iees � � and all necessarg appurtenances thereto, at a site on or near 112th Avenue S.E. and the Old Iss�quah Road as s�.id avenue and road are shov�n on plat of Windsor Hills Addition to the City of Renton on f ile in the King County Engineerts OfficE and purchase approximately 1� aeres oP real property at said locativn for the site of said reser- voirs;Cconstruet a 400,000 gallon per daq pumping plant at said reser- voir�:site for the purpose oP pumping water to the new Pederal housing pro�ect, said plant to be complete with all appurtenanees including automatic regulating devices �nd housing for pumps and motors.) _ That the city lay and install the following deseribed water mains and �11 hydrants, valav�s, fittings and appurtenances necessary to construct a eomplete water system on or along the following land or streets: A 14 �neh waterm.ain egtending from said �rposed de water wells at Liberty Fark, along Houser Waq, (Fac�tory'-������ Street, �iarion Avenue and Marion Avenue produced }easterly, , to said proposed reservoirs. A 14 inch watermain extending Yrom said water wells along ou� Houser Way, Walla V�alla Avenue and Main Street to a point at I Fourth Avenue and Main Street. � A 12 ineh watermain extending from a point at the intersec- ��X tion oY Faetory Street and Marion Avenue to serve additional water to the plant of the Paeif ie Car and Foundr�r Compang. k A 6 ineh watermain a1on� Fark Street from Sixth Avenue North ��� to Eighth Avenue North. . A 6 inch watermain along Zogan Street from Seeond AQenue to �w�� Co�ercial Avenue. The City shall also construet and install �ny �ther additions, improvsments and eztensions to said system as may be deemed ad�isable and whieh are eonsistent with the above deserib- - __ ed plan of improvement. 4. That the pipe to be purehased and inst�lled as above deseribed shall be as �ollo�s: 14" pipe, approgimatelg 6500 ft. 12" p3.pe, �pprogimately 2250. ft. 8" pipe, approximately 3000� ft. 6" pipe, approzimately 3250 ft. , That all of said improvements to the water system shall be conneated to and beeome a part of the present egisting water system of the City oP Rentoa. That the estimated cost of such additfons and improvements is hereby fi$ed, as near as may be, in the sum of �250,0�0. which will be paid f'rom part of th� proceeds of th� bond issue herein- after provided Yor. Section 4: The cit� does hereby propose 8nd adopt as an integral pa�t of the plan for the above described improvements that the boads neae�sa�y for the payment oY part oP the cost of the sewerage system improvements in the principal s�m. oP �150,000. and the bonds necessary to pay for the improvements to the water s�rstem in the prineipal sum of �250,000. shall be combined in a single issue of water re�enue bonds in the total prineipal sum oP �400,000. Said bogds shall be in denominations of �1,000. each, shall be numbered from 1 to 40� inelusive, shall be dated Julg l, 1942,� shall bear interest at a rate not to exeeed 4� per annum payable semi-annually on the first days oP J'anuary and July oP each year, shall be pagable solely from the fund kaown as "Renton 1942 Water Revenue Bond Redemption �Znd" hereinaYter ereated by this ordia8nce, out of the gross reQenues of the muniei- pal water system, and shall mature serially in order of their number as follows: Jul�r 1, 1943 �15,004. � July 1, 19�3 �15,000 J'ul�r l, 1944 _ 15,000.. Ju19 1, 1954. 15,040 July 1, 1945 15,0�0. July 1, 1955 15,000 J'uly 1, 1946 15,040. July 1, 1956 15,800 �'ulg 1, 1947 15,000. Julp 1, 1957. 15,000 5. , . . , ` " , - 1�uly 1, 1949' �15�000 Sul� l� 1958 �15,000 �'uly 1, 19�9 15,000 July 1, 19� 15�000 Julg l� 19�b 15�000 �ul�r l� 19�p 15�000 July l, 1954 I5l000 Jul� l, 196� 15,000 ��uly l, 195� 15,040 �'ul9 l, 1962 115,000 Said bonds shall be payable 3n lawPul monay of the IInited States in the office of the Treasurer oP the City of Renton, �'gshir�gton, or at the fiseal agency of the State oP Washington in New York Citg, Ne�v York, st the optioa of the holder• The City of Ren�on reserves the right to redeem any or all of the unmatured bonds of th3.s 3.ssue at par and in inverse numerical order on any interest payment date on and after two yeara from the da�e j thereof� by giv�ng thirty da9s � notiQe of such intended redemption by publication oP such notice 3n the official city paper• I�aterest upon any bonds so called for re3emption shall cease on the date �bs same are called for psymeat• � Section 5• That said revenus bonds sha,ll be ia substantially the Pollowing �'orm, except as to date of payment: i Wo. ________-- �1,000•fl� UNITED STATES OF ANIERICA • STATE OF WA3HINGTOR CI�Y OF RENT�N I�UNICIPAZ �AT�t REVENUE BOND, 1942 KN(?W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN2Ss That the City of Renton, s mun3cipal corporat3on of the State of Washington, acknoAledges itself to owe, and for value received hersby pPom3.ses to pay to bear.er on the lst day oP �uly of 19�,the principal s�wm of ONE THOIIS#1ND AND N��100 DOEI,AAS {�1�040.00) together with interest thereon at the rate of _ � per annum, payable ssmi aanually on the lst days of January and Julp of each �ear as evidenced by and upo� presentation and surrender of the anneaed interest coupoas as they severally become due. Both � principal and 3nteres� are payable 3n lawful money of the United States oP Ameriea at the office of �the City Treasurer at Ren�on, ' Washin$�o�n, or at the fiscal agency of the �tate of Washington in Ne� �ork C3.ty, New York, at the option of the holder, solel3� out of I tk►e special fund knovan as "Renton, 1942 i�atsr Revenue Bond Redemption Fur�d" create.d by Ordinance No. l IS6 of 8a3.d tot►�• � 6• � . ' • , ` •• ., . . . .. , � . � The Ci�y of 8e�at�� reserves the right to redeem a�ay or alZ of I the unmatured and ou�standing bo�ds of this issue at par in 3nverse numerical order on auy ir�terest payment date on and after two years from the date hereof by giving thirty days notice of such ir�te�aded redemption by publieation of sueh notiee �r� the offieial eity paper aad 3.n�erest upon any bor�dsso called shall cease on �he date the same are called for pa�rmer�t• Tb.is bond is one of an issue oP water revenue bonda in the princ3pal �um ot �400�000 issued pursuant to 4rdinance ldo. //�SC� of said city for the purpose o� providing fl�znds for the conatru��fon of certain addit3.ons and improvements to the seveerage �,nd the water sy�teans of said citg and is pa�able solely out of the gross revenues of said sewerage and water system�, The City of ReAton hereby agrees v�ith the holder of this bond ' that 3.t will keep and pers"orm all of the covenan�s i� this bond atad in said Ordinance N�. //.�' to be kept and per�'orsned by it and said city does herebg irrevoca y obligate and bind itself to set aside from the gross revenues of said sewerage and water systems ar�d all addit3o�s to eaeh and to pap in�o said f�.ind by� the 15th day of eaah mon-�h an smount equa7. to at least one-twelfth of the eomb3.ned principal and intereat payments to be paid durin�; the r�egt su�ceeding twelve months in which there are ariy bonds of this issue outstaznding. 3a3d amounts sv pl�dged are hereby declared to be a prior ].ien and charge upon the gross revenues of both the se�verage and w�ter systems of said cit� and alI additior�s to eaeh superior to all other liens and charges whatsoever excepting the necessary cost of mainten�.nce and operation of said s�rstems ar�d exceptir�g the necessary charges for tkie payment of the outstanding water revenue bonds of said city dated Juzas l, 1940. The City of Renton has further bound itself to establish and maintain rates for water and sewer serviees that will provide sufficient revenue� to permi� the payment into said fund of the sums �vhieh tb.e city has pledged to be set aside for the payinent oP the prir�eipal ar�d iz�terest of th3s bond issue aad also to pay all the expen aes of maintaining and operating sa�.d systems and the necessar�r charges for the paymen� of the principaZ and 3.nterest of the said outstanding water revenue bonds. It is hereby certified a�ad declared tha�E said bor�ds are 3ssued pursuant to and in strict com.p]iance with the laws aad const3.tution . of the State of Washington and the ordir�ances of the City of Rentora and that all aets, conditions ar�d things required to be doAe precedent ta ar�d in the 3ssuance oP thia bond have h.a,ppened, been do�e and perfox�ned as requ3red by lau. IlV t�ITNESS T19�KEOF the C3.ty of Renton has causad th3.s bond t0 be s3gned by its �+iayor and attested by its C3.ty Clerk and its corporate seal. to be hereto a.ffixed and the interest coupons hereta attached to be signed with the facsim�.le signatures of said oPficials this lst dag of Julq, 1942• C IrI'Y OF RENT ON, �ASHIhtGTON _ . By � ATTEST: Magor City C erk q� i ' , , - . '. - .• , ,. Interest cQupor�s attached to said bonds sha11 be in sub- s�ar�tially the followipg form; No. � On the first dag of , 19 , the Gity of Renton, 1�ash3.ngton, wi31 pag to �earer at t e Office of the City Treasurer or at the f3.sca1 agency of the �tate of Washington in Iuew Yo�k City, New York, at the option oi the holder the sum of � iz� lawful r�oneg of the Un3ted States from the special fund of said city known as �'Renton, 1942 Water Revenue Bond Redenp- tion F'und" �aid sum being the aemi annual interes� dua tha� day upan ita water revenue bond d�.ted Jul� 1, 1942 a�d numbered . � C ITY OF R�1VT ON, �YASH3NGT ON By' �ayor ATTEST; , ty C er Section 6• Said bonds� shall be ai.gned by the ,.�. I�ayor az�d attested by the City Cl�erk under the seal of said city� and each of the interest coupons attached �hereto sha1Z be signed wzth the fac- simil�.e si�natures of said officials. Sectior� 7. �here is hereby created a spec3al fund to be know� as the "Renton, 1942 Water Revenue Bond Redemption Fund" which said fund is to be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the prin- cipal and interest of the �►ater revenue bonds herein provided for. From and after the date of said bonds and as lo�ng as any of the same are outstanding and unpaid the Cit y Treasurer shall set aside and pay into said fund by the l��h day of Each. month out o� the gross revenues of the sewerage and �vater systems of said eity, including all additians to each, an amour�t equal to at least one-t�relfth oP the corabined principal and interest payments to be made duri.ng the next succeeding twelve �onthsxin which there are any bonds of this issue outstanding. 8• I .r � ,� � � . � - � -. � { �`• , .. , I The gross reveaue from the munic3pal water syst�m� including al'1 rebeAues derived from all charges for water and se�rer service and all revenues der3ved from the water and �ewer service furnished the IIxaited S��.��.a tes Qovernmez�t or any branch oP the Federal Housing .�uth- ority for ata�yt un3.ts of an� Federal Hous3.ng Pro�eet, whether said servicas are charged to each izadividual unit or are pa3d un,der a � ' contr�.ct with the IIn3ted States Government or said Federal Haus3ag ,Authority, are hereb�r pledged to such payments v�hich shall constitute a charge upon a11 such gross rever�ues prior a.nd super3or to all other charges whatsoever excepting the necessary charges for maintenance arxd operation for said water and se�rerage spstems and excepting the neces- sary eharges for the pa�mez�t of principal an3 interest of t he outstand- ing water revenue bonds of said city dated �`une 1, 1940, The corporate suthorit3�s flf the Cit� of Ren�on hereby declare that in fixing the amount �Go be paid into said fur�d they have exercised due re�ard to the cost and operat3.on and maintenanae of said sewe�age and v�ater systems; that no port3on of the revenues of said sewerage I system has been prev�ously pledged Por ara� indebtedness and that no portion of ths revenues oP said w�ter s,ys�em has been p�+eviouslg pledged for an�r indebtedness except the outstanding bonds hereinbefore mentioned in this section. That ita the 3udgment of the eorpora�e authorit3es of said city the gross reveAues to be derived Pra� the operation of said se�verage and water systems will be sufficietat to� meet a11 expenses of operation and maintenance of t he same, and all charges for the payment of principal and interest of said outstanding water revenue bonds, aiad will pex�it to be set aside into said special fund an amoutat sufficient to pay the pr3.ncipal and interest of the bonds hereb� authorized as the same shall become due. The Citg of Renton covenants and agrees to and with the holders o�' each and every one of said bonds, 3.n the event sueh bonds or any 9• � _ _ __ . ., y + ` - y r • � j` � � .. .. ..i . �. .'� � 2 � r F � , ` • � , � . ( portion thereo�' be i$susd,to ma3,n�ain iza gaod conditior� and operate � � I � said sev�erage and watex sy�tems and ta establis'h and ma3.ntain �uch � � ratea far ��:a�er and aewer service as wi12 provide sufficient revenues Ito praduce the gross revenue� required to meet the c�bligations of � said citg as herein �et forth, � Sect3.on 8. Sa3.d bonds shall be sold at public sale �o the highest and bsst bidder and hids for the same aha2l be opened by �the Council at their Council Chambers a� 8 o;�lock p. m. on June 1?t 1942. Notice of sale of these borads sha11 be had by p�zbli�ation�o�' , the same �.n the official cit�r newspaper ora June 11, 1942 ar�d by f�rther gublication a� the sams in the Seat�le, Washington Daily Journal of '� Cammerce on June 12, 1942, T'he officisls af tk�e City af Renton are hereby authori�ed and I d3.rectad to da enerytha.ng necessary far the issuance and sale of these bonds and the canstruction c�f the improvements herei�befare provided for. Sectian 9. T}�3.s ordinancs shall gQ i.nto effect immedaatelg upon 3.ts pas�age, approval and publicat3.on as requirsd bg la�r. PpSSED by �he Council of the Ci�y af Rentc�n and ,�pproved by � tk�e �#ayor this � day of duz�e, 1942: � � °- ; , C2TY OF RENT4N, �NA�HINGTON By .� �4� • . ATTEST: i y er I Published: June 11, 1942. � 1 � 1�. I � _ - - -- -- - -