HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1164 \ �':.�.�. � • «_4__ „ . • .a,�r �,,�`��""`""`� ' . , - . • '�,�- � ��� ������� ' a (�-�'��'� - �.� ._. ,j.�� , , • � � ORI)INAI�TCE N0. �� . .AN OR�3INANCE TO REGIILA�'E AND RE�TRICT TI� LOCATION �F9 USE OF BUIi,T)INGS AND TH� USE OF I,ANI� WITHIN �IE CITY 0.� RENTON, WASHINGTON, '` TO I,I�IT TH'E HEIGHT OF BUIZDINGS; THE PRESCRIBE BIIILDING I,INES ANI) THE SIZE OF YAR�S AN� ��R OFEN SPACES� AN� FOR 'I'I�ESE PZJRPO�ES TO �Y3SVIDE TSE C ITY INTO �9ISTRICTS, AN33 AMENDING OR�INANCE N0. 1083 OF� THE C ITY OF RE�Tt?N, V�7ASHINGTOIV, FASSE�3 AN�� APFROVED OC TOBER 17, 1939: - � � T£��' CITY C�IINCIL. OF � CITY,OF RENTQN DO ORI�AIN AS FOLyOWS; y�,.�_--�-�--�---F'_..._.._._.. �.. _ _ . • �.---�'"� �ECTION I: � � � l: This Ordinaace shall be k�nown as the "Zoaing Ordinax�er�' f' � ' o�' the City oP Renton." , ` � . �: This 4rdinanee shall consist o� the tezt hereoP and as well of that aertais map or book of maps identiPied b�r the approving signature of the Mayor �nd City Clerk on the title pa�e and ma.rked and designated as "The Maps of the Zoning Ordinance of the Ci�p� of Renton," whioh map or book is now on Pile in the Office of the City Clerk of this City. Said book oP maps has been heretofore examix�ed in detail by the City Council, and is hereby adopted as a part of this Ordinar�.ce. Said �rdinanee, and eaeh and all of its term�, is to be read and interpreted in the light of t�he contents of said book of maps. If any conPlict between the map or book of maps and the text of this Ordinance is deemed to arise, the text , of the orc3inance will prevail. I SECTION II. ' For the purpose of this ordinance cer�ain w�ords and terms are defined as follows: . Words used in the present tense inelude t�he future; words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural number include� the singular num.ber. V�ords not dePined herein shall be construed as �efined in the building ordinances of� the City oP Renton iP defined therein. 1. 'tACCEBSORY IISE OR BUILDING:" A snbordin€�te use or ;� building customarilp ineident to and located upon the same lot oceupied by the main use or building. ' ,, ` 2. nALLEY." A vehicular righ� oY way not over thirty feet wide. \ � "' `_'` 3. "AFAR'��ENT HOUSE:" A building or porti.on thereof used or , intended to be used as the home of three or more families or houae- holders li�ing independently oY each other. , ' 4. "CaIIRT:" An open, unoccupied spa�re other thaa a yard � on the lot on which a building is erected or situated. A court, � one entire side or end of which is bound by a front yard, a rear , yard, or a side yard, or b�r the front oY lot, or by a street or �� publie a�.ley, is an "outer court." Every court w}a3.ch is not an "outer eourt" is an inner Court." � 5. "COURT HEIGHT:'� The eourt height shall be measured �rom the floor level of�the lowest story in the building i.n whieh there are windows �rom room.s served by�the said court, to the highest point oP the enclosing walls of �.the said court. 4' I� �� _1_ �i�I . � __ .�r. � ♦ . \, �' ' � . , 6. "ESTABZISED GRADE:"} �he curb line grade at the frant lot line as established by the City Couneil. 7. "FAMILY:" A number of related individ�zals or not more than four (4} ur�related individuals, living together as a single housekeeping unit and doing �heir eooking on the premi.ses. 8. "HE3GHT OF BUII,DING:" �he height of a build�ng is the vertical distanee at the ceuter oP a bttildi�g's prinoipal Pront, measured from level o� the first floor above grade to the highest point of the roof beams 3n the ease oP flat roofs, to the deek line o� mansard roofs, or to the ceatet height between eaves and ridges for gable, hip or gain.brel rooPs. For buildings set baek from the street line, the he�ght may be meaaured f'rom the average elevation of the finished grade, along the Pront of the building. 9. "yOT:" Z�and occupied or to be ocaupied b� a buildirig and its aecessory buildin�, inel�ding sueh open spaces as are re- quired under this ordinanee, and having frontage upon � street or alleq. lfl. t'PUBLIC GARAGE:" Ang premise� used P�r the s��rage or housing of more than three steam or motor-�riven vehicles, or where suoh vehicles are repaired or kept for hire or sale. 11. �FROA3T YARD:tt An open unoecupied spaee on the same lot with a buildiag, between �he front line of �he building (egclusive of steps) and the� front property lin�. 12. "FRONT PROT1ERTY I,INE;" The front property line shall be the Prant line as shown upon the .offieial plats oP the property. 13. TMNIULTIPLE UNIT RESI�EENNCES:" A buildin� arranged to be oecupied by more than one fam.ily, and .having separete bat�� and kitchens. 14. "RLAR YARi�:n �in open unoceupied space on the same lot with a building between the rear liue of the build3.�ig (exelusive oP steps, porehes and accessory buildiag� and the rea-r line of 1 the lot. 15. "SI�7E YAR�;" An open unoecupied space og the same lot with a building, betweeA the side wall line oP the building and the �ide line of the same lot. � 16. "SINGLE-FAMILY �WEI�LING:" A buildiu� arra.nged or designed to be oceupied by not more than one f�mily. 1'�. "ST�RY:" That portion oP a building included between the '__ - �urf ace oP any Yloor and trhe surface oP the floor negt �abo�re it, or if there be no floor abov�: it, then the space between such fl�oor and the ceiling nezt above it. � 18. Where�er th� term "this ordinance" is used herein, it shall be deemed to include, where the eontext permits, and all amegd- ments thereto as the same may here�fter f'rom td�me to time be adopted. SECTION iII. �'- USE �I�TRICTS. � : ' , The City of Renton is hereby divided i.nto three (3) types of use distriets as follows: 1. Resideatial �istrict (R-1 is sumbol on maps� 2. Commereial Use District (C-1 is sumbol on maps) 3. Industrial Distr3.ct {I-1 is sumbol on maps} � -2- �� i , , � �.. _ �.r- '`� ►�7F.+CiTIO� I�. ! . R-1 RESIi�ENTIAL �I�TRICT ' In the R-1, Residential Distriet, no building or premises shall be hereafter erected or structurali�. altered, unless other- �rise provided in this orc3inanee, �gcept for ome ormore oY the fol- lowing uses: � ���'� ' ' r l. �ibgle and�double fami.ly dwellings, or single uait residence. 2. Multipl�. #'amil� dwelTing� or multiple unit residence�, �oP one story height only: - I �� �3, Apartments, hotels and offiees may be allowed by permit, iP approeed b�r the Planning Commission after public he�.ring, examina- t3.on of the loeation, and upon due proof to th� satisFaetion of the Commission th�t sueh proposed use will not be �ndn�ly detrimental to ,�� adjacent and surrounding property. 4. Libraries and ar� galleries. 5. Farks and playgrounds (includ�ng park buildings} 6. (a) Aecessor;T buildings, such as are ordi.narilg. appurten- ` ` e.nt to single-familp dwellings, shall be permitted, ineluding one ' ' � private garage to each family, when located not less than sixty (f�'�'� feet from the. f'ront, iine nor less �han twenty (20� feet from an.y flanking street line, unless att�ahed to or within t� dwelling. (b) The office of a physiQian, dentist or oth� professional person when located in his or her dwelling, also home oceupation engaged in by individuals within their dwellings are permitted provided that no wi.ndow dis lay is made or any sign show3�i other than one not exeeeding two �2} sq. Yt. in area, and bearing only the name and occupation of the occupant. The'renting of rooms for lodging purposes only, Por the aecomYnodation of not to exeeed four (4) persons, in a single-family dwelling i� likewise permitted� (c� Signs not ezceeding sig (6j sq. ft. in area pertain- ing to the le�sing, rental or sale of' huildings or premisss are perm.itted; si�ns o#� non-conform.ing uses are likewise perm3.t�ted, pro- vided however, that sueh signs shall be erected Ylat agains�t�'�he buildin g or pai�tted upon the sides thereof; ali other sigas, si�n- ' boards, and billboards are prohibited. � (d) Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to pro- hibit the use of vaeant property for gardenin� or fruit raising. (e} No trailer shall be used as a place of habita�ion - but ma.y be stored in an aeceasory building on the property. ' (Y} A nursery or greenhouse may be located with3.n• an R-1, Residential District; speeial permit for a period of not more than ten (10) years, issued by the Couneil after hearing and exam�.nation of the locat� and the making oP a finding by the City P`lanning Commission that such nursery or greenhouse may be ma3.nt�in- ed for sueh period without uridue detriment to ad�acent and surround- ing property. (g) Telephone ezehanges and electric substations and similar uses of public serviee corporations and hospitals may be per- mitted b�r speeial perm.i.t from the Commission, provided such building shall conform to and harmonize with surrounding buildings as to type of archi�ecture, set-baek and l�cnscaping. Complete plans showing eleva�ions and locations on the lot, toge�her with tl� loeatioa of ad- �oin3.ng residential buildi,ngs, must be submitted to the Planning Co�.i.ssion with applieation for permit . (h) Church�s and sehools (either public or pri�ate} may ' be allowed by special permit Prom the -Couneil aPter publie hearing -3- examination of th� ldcation upon due proof to the satis�a�ti�n af the Flanning Cam�nisaion that �uch school o r church �rill no� be unduly ' c�:etrimental to ad�acent and surz:t3unding pr€�pert�. {i} Pr3v�.te gara.ges in A-1, Residential I}is�rie� shall be ` limited to nine {�') per cen� of the lot area, provided th�.t r�o'��Sing I in �this regula'�lon be construed to pY�ient the build3.�g of a priva�e garage of not mare t�an t�ro (2) car capaeity on an�t lot .ar plo't of record at the tim� oP passage of' '�h:�a ordinance. 1 FRC3NT YAR�: T�.ere shall be a fr4nt yard �a�ring a minim�m depth � af tv�enty {2{�� �eet. , REATt YARD: There sk��l..l be a rear yard ha4i�g a minimum dep'�h I of tv�en�y-five �25} �eet, except �hat on a lot which i� a compl.ete I unit held under aeparate and distinct ownership �'ram the a.d�oining j lots and of record prior to the tak�.ng effee� of thi� ordinance; t�iis j d.egth c+f re�,r yard m�.y be reduee� to not less �h�,n t� (la} feet, l�' necesaary to sueh ex'�en'� anly as will permit a building dept� oP � thir�y {3Q) feet. �IDE XARD: There shall be a side yard o�' no� lesa �han �ive (5) teet in v�idth on each s3de of � build�.ng, provided, hov�ever, tha't on a l�+t �a,ving a width of less �han fortg ��0} feet as shown by �he la�t eonveyanee of reeord a'� '��e tizne of the passage of �Ghis ordinancs, t�ere �hall be a side y�ard on each sic�e o� a bu#.lding oY r�ot less than tY�ree (3� �`eet in �rid'�kt, (�ide of building means cauter face of any part of bu�.ldin� nearest �o sid.� 13.ne, nat lr�cluding roof eaves� and side yard �et-- along flanking side stree� shall be no� 3.ess tha,n ten �10) feet. �I�� AREA: Ever�y� �►uilding hereaf`ter erec�ed or strueturally al�ered whSch is loea�ed in an R-1, Residential Distr#,et, shall pro- vide a lot area oY nc�t less �han �or�y-eigYi� hundred �48C�4� �q. �'�. a��.th a mimimum width of �'�.f�y (50� feet Pc�r the single-gamily dwell�.ng ana an additional twelPe #��xa hundred {1200�s�. �'t. af land area for each additional familp or housekeepin uni�; provide�., hoTarever that where a lot has less area t�.an herew�th required, as shovim by �he last conveya.z�ce af record at the time of the passag� oP thia ordinance, this regu].a�ifln s��uld r�o� prohibit one (l� private dwelling and i�$ accessory� buildings on such lot, �i�ty-�'lve �fi5) per cer�� of the area o� all sites mus� be le�t lr� o�en spa,ce� �'ree from ��ruc�ures, HEIC�H� LI�I�: No b�zilding aha�.l exeeed helght af �hir'�y-five (35} feet, nor more '�han two (2} stories. . � �EG'3.'TON Y. C-1,� �4�ERCIAL U�S� �SSTRIGT In �rie �-1, Commercial Use Distri.et, no building or premisea shall be used and no build.ing. s�ia��.l be k�erea�'ter ereeted ar stx�ictural� ly altered, unle�s othe�rrise pr4nided in �hia Qrd9.nanee, exce�t� Por one or more of the �'ollo�ing us�s. � 1. It�.y use permit��d in �Ghe R-1, Re�lden�ial �istrict, praviding regulatlons per�ainin�, the�e'�Q as heretd�'ore pr�ovided, are ebm��Ii�d wi�h, nanaely. si�e area, open �ae�, y�.rds, heigh'G� limit, ana permits, 2. Retail stores and shops, such as are u�uall�' needed �c� serve a re�idant�.al distrie'�, such as groeery store, m�at aho�, retai�. �akery, etc B�,nks " Bakeries er�ployi�� les� �Ghan five persans« B�,rber s�aps, beaut;� �arlor�, pe�s4nal service sho�s. I Blll-bo�.rds and advert�.sing signs and devices, of any s3ze, provid�.ng the same he3.ght and yard regula'��.ons governing bu2ld.inga and struetures in C-1, Comr�ercial U�se Dis�ric� are compl:Led v�ith. E3.ec�Grie shops, �'urr�iture stores, drug stores. t -4- . f--- i ' ; . . , .. ' . M ' ` . • , S ' Hand laundries, clothes cleaning and pressing. ' Locksmith, shoe and. other repair shops. Lumbef' yaxds az�d building materials, coal and fuel s�ores, pro- �3ded tha� they are co��letely 2ioused, and the yard regulations o� this distric� shall be obeerved; and pronided further that no such lumber yards, bui�.ing material -yards, and coal and #'uel� s�ores shall I be maintained closer thax� one hundred (140� feet to the aide lines of an R-1 Distriet. Only manufacture, proc�uction or treatmen� o�' products cle�,rl� lneidental to the conduct o�' a retaf�l business eonducted on the premisee. � Parking lots Police or fire s�ations Printing establish�ents and newrspa�er printing. P ublic garage, repair° �Y�ops and battery service statian, tire repair shops. � I�estauran�s, eaPe�erias and catering. �eta.11 tra� or shops for custom work or the making o�' art�cles not manufactured b;� chemical proce�ses..� Sales rooms or s�ore rooma �Yor motor vehiclea and other articlee of inerchandise. � Service station�. � Store�, retail and markets . Studios, offices, business or professional.� TelephQne sxchanges or telegraph offic.es. Undertaking establishmen'ts and eremat�ries, only when a permit �herefore has been flrst obtained from the Plaa�ning Commisaion. ' T�ea'Gres, d�nee halls, skating rinks, or o'Gher eomr�erelal smuse- � �ent places, onl� when a perrnit therefbr<= has beer� Pirst obta2ned . Yrom the Planning Comtt�ission. - . HEIQHT LI1�IT: �thenener any G-1, Commercial Use �istriat is loeat�:.d � , within or is ad�acent to, on �wo or nore sides, any R.-1, Residential District, the buildin�s in sueh G-1, Commercial Use Distriet shall be limited to one �1) story ln helght, provided harov�ver, that the Council may a17.o�r a building to be- erec�Ged to an additional height not exceeding two (2� additional stories, by special permit aYter publ.i� hearing and ex�,mina'tion of the loQa'�ion upon due proo�' to the satlsYaction of the City F�,anning Gommisslon �hat such. addition�7. h eigh� will not be unduly� detrimental to ad�acent and surround n prop= er�y. IJo buildin� sha11 exeeed a height .limit o�' ��i�t�l-�'"_'-' .8�� , , feet nor four (4) stories. ' FFt0I3T Y'ARD, �IDE YAR�: No yards are required exce�t Por lots �r:hose side line is ad�acen� to a�esiden�ial c�.istri.et,..� wY�ere said yard regul.ations ghall then be the s�ne as 1.n i�he R-1, Reside�tf.al Disttiect, and frbnt yard ahall conform to ad��;cent residences, sidr� �ard not less than five (5) f�et, sid.e �ard on flanking stree� �o conform to front yards o�' res3.dencea �o th"e rear 3�ut not less than ten (10) �ee'G snd rear yard sha11 be no� less thsn ten (10) �eet. 3ECTTON VI: " . . I,:1�, iNDUBTRI&L DISTRICT _ in the I-� ���i�:s�t��a1 District a11_ buildings and prenises may be ' used forthe f�l7.o�ring; l. Farming, truek gardening and such �gricu�.tural use�, but exe��d.ing permanent places of habitation or permanent farm structur�es. 2. Any o� the follo�nin�; uses: (1� Airp2ane manufacture, ( 2)As��halt manu�acture or re�ining. ( 3} Assaying (other than gold and silver) (4) Auto assembZy plan�s � ( 5) Auto laundries, . fender and body rep�.ir shops -5� " ' , , � (fi) Auto;nobile �anuf a,eture � � 7} Auto wr�cl�ing �2ace�, luraber yards, caa�, and fuel yards ; s torage �,��.s, pro�rided that �rhen unhoused they s�ia].]� be s�rro�nded b� an �, eig,�t (8 foot solid wa21 or s�.ght-c�bse�ring Psnce knc►wn �erein as a �trueture, ana �h� yard regulat�.ons of th3.s distr�.c� �hm11 be obeerved; a.nd provided further �hat no sueh au'�o �reckin lumber yards, coal �.nd fuel � �Iaces, � y�,rds. shall be maintained closer than one hundred tl��} i �'eet �o �he side 2ia�es of an R-1, Residential S3is�rie�. � 8 Baker3ea emp�.oyi�g mor� than five (5) persons, (9� Blas� furnaces (10� Boa� building {11� Boil�r �►orks (12� Ba t tl ir�,g wo rk� (13) �3ee�reries or dis�lller3.es (14� B�lek, ti.le c�r terra cotta manufaeture ar st,�;,ge �15 Bro4m and brus� �an�faeture (lfi Candle �an�facture {17 Garb�n manu�'a.c�ure I (Z8� �ar�ing, express and hauling 19) Celluloid or �imSlar cellulc�se mater3als manu�acture 24� dereal mllls (21� C�.ain and cable �zanuPacture � �2} �hareoal rnanufaeturing or pulverizing - {23} Chemical manufac�ure t 24� Clothing and dpein; es�Gaia3l�h�nents t 2�� Clothing manu�a.c�ure (2�) Cc►ke ovens ( 27) Ctapp erage wo rks � 28) cre4sote trea'G�ent or mar�ufae�ure t 2A Disinfec�a,�ats manufaeture {30� 53.�.stilleriv�s and �r�.ne�les (31} Ikrg paunds . ( 32) I3ress manufacture � 33� Dry kilns ' � 34� Dyestu�f manufacture �35) �aer� eloth or sandpaper manu�cture ( 36) E�nplo�n,ent ageneiee _ �37� Enameling ` { 38) Fe�d �.nd cereal m�.11 ( 39� Flour mi21 {.�{?� Foundr3 es 42a 41ass or g�lass pro�.uc�s manufac�ure 42) H,�ngar ( 43) Ice Manufaeturin� plan� (44) Japanning (45} Junk, ra�s;- scrap iron; or paper stc�rage ar baling {�fi} �elp reduetic►n and ��Ze ex�racti.or� c�f .i�s b�-products , (4?� Lamp bl�.ak manufacture { 48} Laundries �49� Lt�bricating gr�ase manuf�,cture or oil compounds ( 5Q) Lumber or sh�.n�lemilla ( 51} Ddaehinery manuF�.c�Gure 52) ��,chine shop 53} �at.ch manufacture ( 54} I�ilk bo�tling p�an�Gs � ( �5) ��1 clo'���r 1.l�,aleum manufacture ( 5�) Oxygen m uPacture ( 5'�� F'ainting and decoratin� shops ( �g} P�t.nt, oil, ehella�, varnish pr turper�tine m�.nufacture ( 59) Pa.per arid pulp manufa,eture ( 60} P�,per and box manuPaeture � ( 61) Petrol�tun a� by-p�odue�s storage �62} Planing �ill or �voad-�vorkifig p1�n� ( f3}Plaster ar wall board manufac�Gure ��4} Plumbing shop� t �i5� Po��erj iigY�t, or stea� glan� (central sta�ion� (�f� Printin� ink manufacture I (�7} Aallroad y�.rd cir rour�d house (fi8� Rolling or blooming mill �� ( 69) Rope manufacture ( 74) Rubber or caoutchoue manufac�ure from crude material { 71� Sal-G works ( 72} �r�„� mill ( '�3} Shi.p �rards or ship b�3lding � (?4) Shoddy max�uYactu�e { 75) Shoe manuf'aeture ( ?6) Soap manufacture (?7� 9oap a.nd compound manuYaeture ('78 w'tables, ca�merc3a]. (79 3tarch; glueose, or destrose manufacture (8� Steel or iron mf.11s ( 81 Stoneware or earthenware manufacture (82� Storage warehouses (83) Stove polish manufaeture (84) Tallar� , (85) Tar di�tilla2�lon or maxiufect�re (86) Ta,r roofing or 'tar waterproofing manuPaeture or similar produe�s of ehem3.ca1 composition. , {�3�) Tex�ile mills I (88) Tobacco (chewing) or cigar manuf�.�ture j (83) Vege�able oil or o�her oil manufacture, refining or . , storage. f94} Upholster� shops {91) Used car sales' area {92) �Pare�ouse� (93) �a.olesale houses ( 94 Welding, sheet metal and ma.chine shop� ' f 95� Yeast �lan'G ' (96) Q�her uses which ca,n be reasanabl� considered similar or related to �he uses listed aboee, upon appro�a�l of �he P�anning , Commission. ' (9?) The follow�.ng uses may have a buibding, o� occupaneq permi� issued Por same, if and only, when the location oY sueh use sha.11 have been approved by the Planning Cornn�i'ssion after publi.c hearing and exaz�ination oY the location: (s) Acid manufaeture (b) Ammonia, chlorine or bleacb.ing powder manufaeture (c) Cement, lime e.ad gypsum, and �laster of paris manu- f ac�ure. {d) Di$��.1lation af bon�a (e) Explosivea, manufacture or storage tf) �at rendering ' (g) �ertilizer manufaeture , (h} q�a$, ma,nufac�ure, or storage (i) Glue man af acture (�) Petroleum, refining or manufacture o� i�s by-products (k) S�elting ar refining of alu�num, copper, tia or zine (1) 3tock�rards or slaughter oP animals j {m) Tanning, curing or storage of raw h9.des or akins ; (n) Usec7. car �unk �ards ' R�AR YARD; No rear yard ls required excep� v�here an Industri al Dis'�rict abuts c�n a Residenti�l n�.str�ct �aitn no intervenin� strest o r alley, in wnich ease a rear yard of not less �han ten (10) �ee� i s r�quired. SIDE YARD; No side yard is raquired except where an Industrial �� �istri.ot ad�oins a Resident�l .District �vith no intervening street or � alley, in wnich case the si�e yard requirements on the ad�oining side anall be the same as required for the R-1,Residential District. --�- ,.,� _7,� . � -_ � . . ' . - , , . � ' - - �I GEN'�RAL F13UVISS�2�3� � I Section VII �R�, �►I�E AND REAR Y�RI7�3 1« FRC7N� Y'ARA: i�'here arty front �rard ls �equS.red, no builc"�9 ing s�all be hereaf�er e�eeeted or �2tersd sa that any por'�3on thereoF ��iaZl Yas nearer the f'rc�n� prQperty line than �he c�is�anee lndicated by the dep'Gh of 'the required fron�t yard. EX�EPTZOI��: Eaves, cornices, s�e,ps, �erraces, platYarms and porches Fav'�"ng�n�'a roc�f covering, and being not oiaer forty-�wo � (42) inehes high ma.y be built within a front yard. �hen farty {4U) per cen�G or �ore, an �ron� �oot basis, of a11 the property an ane side of a street betwe�n twa in�ersec�ing street� a'� the �ime a� ga.ssage of this orc�.3.nance, �.�,s,�been built up �rith buildings ha�ring a� min3�.�um � front yard v�' more or less dept� th�.n tha� e�tabli�hed by tris o rdinance, and provided �hat the ma�orc�rity of such �'ront yards do not vary more than six (6} feet in depth, na buil,ding sM.all b�e bul3� wlth3.n ar shall an� portion, save as a.bove excep'�ed, pra�,�eet in'�o sueh ml�imum fron� �ard; prc>vlaed further that no ne�°� buildings b s requi red to s e� back mo re �han t�l rty-�i ve (35} f ee'� f ron �he stre�t llne in the R-1, A.esiden�i�1 Distric'G, nor more than two {2� feet �arther than any builc�.3.ng can an ad�o�.ning lot ar�d that 'Ghis regula'�ion shall no� be sa �.nterpre'ted as �o reduce a requi�ed Pront yard to less �han ten (l�) fee� in depth. 2. SZll� �'ARD: �Ghere any specifl.ed side �*ard is required, no building sha3.1 be herea�"ter eree�ed or altered so �hat any porti.an thereof' sh�1.l be nearer �o �Ghe slde lot l�ne than the distan�e 3n�- dicatec3 by the width af the required slde ya.rd. ����'��,�,« �aves and earnices may ex�end aver the �quired side 9ar�c.'��'or a distance o�' not more tha3� '�wo �2} feet. �►ceessory build�.ngs �hen erec�Ged sr� tY��t �he entire building is v¢ithin a d�.s- tanee of thl�ty (3t�} feet frarn the rear lot line, m€�p also aecuAY t�.e �ide �ard t�n an �.ns3.de lot li�e. ` Fences not over fbrty-�wn (42� in$hea m�,y occupy a side yard. The Ci�y Planning Comm�.ssian may upom the ,�oint request of the owners o�' �he ad,�olning properties, perzn3t t�.e erectioz�. oP private garages c�r o;her ou'Gbuild�.ngs upon or imnediately ad,�acen� �o 'Ghe �.ivls�.a� 1.ine bet�rean�he t�a pro�e�ties, af'�er an egam3.nation aP the 1c�edtlQn and the mak�.ng of a flnding tha� the granting ttf such �ermis��on will not be undulg detriment,�,1. '�o ad�aeent and surround- ing proper�y nor to the zone in �hich such permis'sion is granted. Permlt� gr�.nted under th.e foregc�ing provision �hall be lim3ted to tk�.i�.fe af the s�ructure or atructures for �r�.ieh �he permi� is i ssued. . 3. REAR "Y�?: �'�h�re any speeiFi ed r��.� yard �.�s required, no build3ng �a.�l �"e heresf ter ereGted or altered sa, �hat any portion thereoE m��r be r�earer '�o '�he rear lot line than '�he distance lr�d.iea,'�ed by the depth of '�he required yard. � ���E�'fiTt32�8: Eaves, cornices, steps, p3atforms, a.nd rear,�( porches e�hether enclosed or not, bu� not exeee�.ir�g 3n width ane-half tha� of the bui lding, nor more than one s�or�r 3n helght may extend i�.�a �he rear yard. Aeceas�or� bu%ld.3ngs may be built wi�hin a rear yard, provided the re�ulred total c�pen space area is not exceeded. No aaceasory building shall eover more than fifty (50) 3��� per cent of the ar�a o P the rea.r �rard. _g«. 4. OFF-S�'REET PARI�ING: Multiple unit residences and apartment houses a 11 provide for their tenants as part of the �truct ure storage spaee for as man.y automobiles as there are apartments or housekeeping units. No comom,ereial,buildiag or structure shall be erected, or structurally altered or land used for any purpose whieh will aause customers, employees or residents to park their vehieles of trans- portation for one hour or longer unles� space for sueh parkir�g i� � pro��.ded and maintained on the lot or ��act of lar�d used. For eVEPg' st�.eture, or part thereof, prineipallp used as e, theatre, auditorium, or other similar plaee of public assemF���r there sh�ll be provided and main�ained, aecessible off-street parking spaQe for the s�orage of self-propelled passen�er vehieles on the basis of two hundred �200� square feet for eaeh ten {10� seats of the total audienees seati.ng eapacity of the building, structuxe, or part thereof, or within five hundred (500) feet th�reof. SECTION VIII EXTENSION OF NON-CONF'ORIVIING USES Any use not egeluded Prom the I-i, Industrial �istriet, which is a non-conforming use in �ny district in the city, may be eontinued bp reconstruction or alteration, upon any traet of land held under the ownership and partially oeeupied by said use at the time of the passage of this ordi- nance, provided, however, that in the ease oP reconstruetion the yard provisions of the distr3at v�ithin which the use may be located shall be Complied v�ith. � In case of destruction by fir�, or other cause, re- construetion may be perm.itted if said reconstruetion is made within one �rear Prom time of destruction, and provided, however, that t�re yard pro�visions oP the district within which the use was located shall be �omplied with. SECTION IX OT,tVNERSHIP �IVI�ED BY A �ISTRICT BOU1V33ARY ZINE If a distri.ct boundary line euts a property having a single ownership as of reeord at the time of passage of this ordinar�ee, all such property may take the least restrietive classiPication, provided the prcperty is developed as one unit. SECTI�N X C OURTS .....__..� In all buildings hereafter erected or stru�turally altered, all windows shall open upon a yard, court street or � ' alley as hereafter provided. In no event sha.11 any yard or court be made to serve two buildings hereefter erected, or any existing building and a building hereafter ereeted. � Every court shall be open and unobstrueted to the sky from the floor level of the lowest story in, a building � � in wnich there are windows Prom rooms o� apartments �butting � the said court and served by the said court, .except that a . . cornice, belt course or similar projection on the building may egtend into an �'outer court," two inches Por each Poot in width oP such court, and may egtend into an "inner court" one inah Yor eaeh such Yoot in width oP sueh court; provided, further, that a cornice or similar projection map e�tend any distanee desired, into a court, ' provided the minimum unobstructed width of the eourt is maintained. IN1�1ER GOURT: An inner court shall be oY a width of not less ' than four�4 feet nor less than sixteen (16) per cent of the court I height, provided, further that in no case shall a width of more than twenty (20} Pee� be required. A minimum eourt length of one and oae-ha1P (12) tim.es the court width is required. ! OUTER COURT: An outer court shall be oF a width oP not less than four 4 feet mor less than ten (10} per cent of the court height, provided further that in no ease shall a width of more than ten (101 Peet be required. VENTILATION AN33 LIGHT: Every room used for habitation shall have openings to the exterior with an area through which light map pass of not less than one-eighth of the floor area. E�terior doors and windows shall open to the extent of not less than 5f of the floor area. �ilindows shall Pace unobstrueted, uncovered, horizontal areas of at least the extent of the glas� area of all windows open- I ing thereoa, but no dimeAsion�of which is les� than fi4e feet. AUMIIVISTR.ATION AND EI�TI'ORCEIV�NT C I SN`�ERPRETA�'IaN AND APPLICATION' 1. In interpreting and applying the provisions oP th3.sor- dinance, theq shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion. oY the publie health, safety, morals and general welPare; therefore where this ordinance 3mposes a greater restriction upon the use oY the buildings or premises, or upon the height of 13uildings, or requires larger open spaees than are imposed or required by other ' laws, ordinanees, rules or regulations, the provisions of this ordinance shall control. 2. Furthermore, resognizing that there are �ertain uses of property that ma�, or may not, be detrimental to the publie heal�Gh, safety, morals and �eneral welfare, depending upon the faets of eaeh particular case, a limited power to issue permits for such uses is vested, by specifie mention in this ordinance, in �the Planning Commission, sub�ect to review by the Council as herein provided. Subject to such review, the Cit3r Flanning Co�nission (or the Couneil on review) shall have power to place in such permit conditions� or limitations in its �udgment requa.red to secure adequate protection to the zone or locality in which the use is to be permi.tted. Zike- wise subject to such review, the City Palnning Commission (or the Couneil on reviewl shall have power to terminate any such permit, upon complaint and public hearing, for any violation of the terms or limitations there prescribed. 3. The Council may permit in a zone any u$e not deseribed in th3.s ordinance and deemed by the Planning Cor�ission to be in general keeping with the uses authorized in such zone. 4. The Planning Co�nission may approve the grantin.g in un- developed �ections of the city, temporary and eonditional permits for not more than two year periods, for structures and uses tha� do not conform with the regulations herein pres�ribed for the zones in which they are located. � . 5. In specific cases the Planning Co�mmission under speeific regulations may authorize the permit for a variation of the application of the use district regulations herein established, in harmony with their general purpose and intent, by granting a per- mit for a temporary building or land use for eo�.eree and industry in an undeveloped residenee district, which is incidental to the II residential development, �uch perm3.t to be issued for a period of � � -10= . . ` .� - . � . � � � � i not �s�re than one year. � 6, , The Council may, in s;�eeifie casea where the topography � of the premises or the location of bui3�dings ex'�s�ing prior �o the � passage of t�.is ordinanee make cor��3iQnce w�.�h �he provisions �averning the laca�ion of p�iva�e ,garages �.rn�c�s�ible, �ran� a spec�.aL perm��, for a priva'�e garage �GQ be 34ca�ed nearer� to 'the �treet line than ma�..n structure, but in any aase where such locatio�a is wi�Ghin a required front ar side y�,rcl, the highes'� �?ain� o� a building so � located shall no'� be more than thirty (30) inehes above '�he average j level of the ground on the sid� farthest frorn �he �trest 19.ne. I 7. Zt shali be the du'�� o#' '��e Ci'�q Flanning Com�zissic�n; (a� To interpret the pro�is�.ona of thf.s flrd�.nanes in such a way as to carry ou� the intent a,r�d �ur�ase a� ths plan thereof, as shc��vn by the map� fix�.n� t�e several c�istrict� aeco�panying and ma�,e a pa,rt o� thi� ordinance, whers �h� s4reet la,you't actually an �he ground. varies from. the st�e�t layout as shourn on the maps afare�aid. �b� To ruZe c►n the proper a��plieat�.on, or to 3nterpret �he mea,r�ing o�' the zonin� c�rdinance in case there is a dispute hetween the adm�.n�.s�rative o�'Picials o.� the ci�y and an�r 4wner or owners o�' pro�erty. Appeal to the F.� anning Cammi�sion rnay be made w3.thin '�en days fram such ruling. A�,���ant sha].l �i�.e with �he build2ng inspsetar and �ith the Council written no�ice of �he appeal.. The buildir�g inspec�or shall far�hwi'�h �ransml� �o the Planning Commiss-- ian all papers con�titutin the record upon which the aetiar� appe�,ed I from �$s taken, and in add��ior� thereto �he Planning Commission I may receiqe such �dd3�io�,a1 ev3.denee as seems rel.enant to i'�. � �ECTIC3N XII APFEALS TQ �HE CITY COUNGZL .Any intere�ted ci'�i�en ar administra'�ive o�'ficer o� the city may appeal to the City Cauncil from an,y ruling af the Planning Cc�mmission pertainin� to �he gr�.n�3ng or deni�,1 0�' ,�xiy permit applled for hereunder when such ruling is adveree to his interests, by Fi2ing with �Ghe 3eere�ary €�f the F�annS.n� Co�tmiseion with2.n �Gen (lfl� days Prom such ruling a �ritter� no'Gice of appeal. Thereupan the Secretary o� the'�Pla.nning Commission shall forthw�.th transmit ta the Council �.7.1 papers cons�ituting �he record upon which the ' action appealed Prom was taI�en, and in �,ddition thereto, the City C - C o u n c i l �a y a'� i�s �ear ing �r�ee i�e suc h fur'�h�r e�ridez�ce as seems � to it relevant. Upon d�e and pub2ic hear3.ng, the Cauneil shall have power to overrul.e or alter any such r�3.2ng of �he Planning Commi ssl.on p�rtaining �o the �ranting or wi��b.4lding a� �,ny perm�.t so a,pplied for, p�avided the Council vo'�es in favar of such ove�+- ruling ar al�ering by a three-�ourths ma,�ority vote . � I �E��IOI� XIII. BC3UNA�RI�� AN� I3TS�RSCTB l.' T}�e b4undaries o�' the various c�i.stric'Gs sha11 be shown on �Ghe Use and Area maps acc+�mpanying and hereby maae a part of this ardinance. 'Z"he said c�istrict boun�darie� ar�, unless other�+rise ind.icated, the center lines af street�, alley� or lo� line as shown on the said maps. t�cere �he loeation o� the bounda.ries in such dis�r3.ct, as indic�ted on these maps; are shown t4 be other �han street, a�.ley� or la't Iines, �then such baundar� sh�I.1. 'be canst�ued �a be d.lst�,n�e t�ne hundred ��enty (120) Pee'G fr�om and par,a3.le1 �i'�h the frontage s�ree� line, �an3.ess sho�rn �o be oth�rw�.�e by a ais�Gance in Pigure�. _ll-� i � � � � � - - . ( - � - - ; 2, 1�her� 'Ghe s�r�et layout �etually c►n the gfb und varies I fro� that shown on the U�e � �� pistrict maps, �he designations � shown on the map� shaZ1 be applied b� ths .��.x�ning Commission �o '�he street as actually la�.d ou'� �o as to ea-rry out �Ghe intent and purpose flf the Za�ing Plan c��' that dis�r�.c�. SE�TI0�1 36I V I ENFt3RC�:��' It sk�all bs '�he duty o�' the Buil.ding Z�sp�ctor ( or c��'Pic3a3,' in c�.arge o� issui�g buil�.ing permi'�s and inspec��:�n of builc�.ings� t o s e e that �hi s o rdinar�:c e i s enfo rc ed '�hrough the prop er 1 egal ehannels. He shall issue no permlt fbr the construe�ion or al�era.tion o�' any 'building or �art th�reo�' unle�s the plans, specifications and intended use of sueh building eonf�r�n in a11 respec�s w��h the provisions of this ordinance. � PI�T�� Al2 spec3F3catldns Por bu�ld�.ng p�rrni'�s shall be accam��"`ed b�r a plat in dupl3cate �rawn to scale, sho�ing the � actt�al df.mensicrns oP the lot �Go be built upoau, the size, the use �,nd lacatioa of existing buildings and building� to be erected, and �uch . otY�er infarmation as may be nece$sary '�o p�4vide �'or tY�e enfarce- i :�en� of this ardinance. A eareful recard aP �ue� applicatSon �,nd plats s�.all be kepdC in the o�'fies of` 'Ghe bu�.ldin� ina�ee�or o� pro�er enforeemsnt c�ff�.cial. � SECTIbN XV; ,h�1tEN'�3�TS y. The Gourncil may, upan �rflpes� petitic�n and af�er puialic he�.ring,and wi'� the concur�ence a�' the Plannin� Cammiss�.on, change b�► ordinanee the district bound_ar� lines or za�e classiPication as ahown on the di�trict ma�s. 2. 2'he Council may, upon its own motion and after public ' hearing and with the eoncurren.ce c►f the �lanning Commissla�, amend supplement ar change b� orc�.in�ce the regu3a.tic�ns hersin estab3.i�hed, � 3, A pe�ltion �`or change o�' �one C�.H.38�f�C�.�lOY1 or district bflundary 11.nes ahall carry the consent bt' the owners of not less than fiftp-ane (51) per cent (by � area} of all proper�y wi�.hin a dis��nee o�' �wo nundred (200) feet, streets and aileys e�cluded, o� the pro�osed district, and havin�;, frontage ugaon any street passing , --thr4ugh ar ad�oi�.�$w` '�y the prapo�ed d.istriet, Tn calcula'Ging sueh � areas that por�la� of any�,property lying at a distan�e of m4re �Ghan one hundred PiPty {1�} �ee� frc�� a stree�G upon w:r�,ek�i.ts frontage, for �he �ur�ose oY this aection, 3.s based, shall b� excludea and �ot considered in the petition. Any property lyin� wi'�h�.n a c�.3.�'�rict of equal or less restrietive charac�er than that pet3��ioned for, sh,all not be inc�..uded in calculating a��eas an such petition.. 3�gnatured so obta.�.n,ed do nat ma�e grar�ting of petition manda�or�. 3EG TT QN �VI QOMPLETIQIV AND RESTORA�24N OF EXI3TING BUILDING� �iathing herein cr��'�ained s:na.�.l requ3.re any �hange in the plans, eonstruction, designated ar intended use of a 'bu3.lding; Por ��ich a buildf.ng permi� has heretofore been �ssued, ar plans �or `v�hieh r o on fi �ith th bui.ldin i.ns eetar and a ermit for the a e n ev 1 e e g P , P eree�lor� o#' �hic� is lssued w�.�hin +��i�e� ��� maflth� af ths adaption of this errdir�anes, and the eo�st.rucl�Gion c�f �hich i� either �ase shall have begun and been dillge�'�ly pro�`ecuted w1'�hin �S3�e�Q (��.) mon�Gh�- af �he a,doption QY" this ordinance, nd which build�.r�g shall be en�irel;� cor�ple�ed accordin� to such� plans a� �31ed �vi�thin one ye�x -12- r � �, `w , ! '1 , . , . , � � _ <. ..' . from the adoptioa of this ordinanee. No�hing in thla ordlnance sha11 prevent the restoration o� a bu3lding with3n a period of one year from the date of its des�ruction,, wh3eh has been partly c�s.tro�ed $y Pire or c�t�.er eause, subsequen�G to the passage of �GY� ordinance, or prevent the eontinu- anee of �he use �f sueY� buildings, �.s part thereof. The lawful ��e of the land existing at �he tiz�e o� the passing of this ordinance, althou� such use d�es not con�'orm to the provisions oY this ordinance, may be continued; but iY sueh non-c�nforming use i� �iscontinued Por a periad of one year or more, any fi�rther usa oY 'those lands and premises ghall be in conPormity with the provi�ions of this ordin�.nee. SECTI4N XVSI CE1�TI�IC�iTE �F OCCUPANCY b3o vacant land shall be occupied or used and no bu�ldir�g � herea,fter erected shall be occup3ed or used, nar ehall the use oY a building be changed from a use limlted to one district to that of any other dls�rie� �s definecl. by tha.s ordint�nee until a certiPi- eate of occupancy sha3.1 have been issued by the building inspeetor. No permit Por exeaeation Por �zny building shall be issued before the applieation has b$en made Yor certificate o� occupancy. LAND� Certi�icate of oecupancy for the use of vacant l�nds or the e ange in the use oY land zs herein provided, shall be applisd for before any such la,nd shall be occupied or used, ana. a cer�Gificate of oceunaney shall be issued within ten (YO) days aPter the appliea'�ior� h�s been made, providing such use is in confor�mity with �he provisions of theas regul a�ions. NON-CONFORi�hI�G USES: Upon a �ritten reques� oY the owner, the build�.ng inspector shal.l issue a certiYicate of oecupancy Por any builc7.i.ng or land existing a� �he time this ordinance takes ef�ect, certifying, after inspection, the use of t he bu�l ding or l and and whether sueh use con�orms to the provisions of the ordinance. VPhera a plat as above provided is �ot alreac7.y' on �ile, an application for a eertiYic�.te of oecup�.ney shall be aecompanied by a survey in d�plicate form such �.s is required for a permi�. � SEC�TON X�TIII �AI,InITY 3hould any sec�ion, claus� or provisio3� of this ordinance be declared by the cour�s to b\e inva3.id, the same sha31 not afYect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any par�t thereot', othPr than the part �ao declared to be invalid. SEC�IC3N XIX. a � C�NFLICT,TI�G PROVISI�N� j That all orc�.nances or parts o�' ordinances in conflict here�rith be and �he same are here�y repealed. SECTZON XX 1 _ ��� 'VIOLA�TON AI�1D Fr.�VALTTE� ' Any person, Yirm or corporation �rho violatea, disobeys, omits � -13-� ' , _ '� , . , . negleets, or _regu�es to comp�.y w1.th, ar whd re�ist �he enFarc�- �ent o�' ,�.n� o�'..tY�s prdvisic�na flf this or�.�.nance, shall be deer�ed guil'�y af a mieder�eanQr, and snall be fined in any sum nat more then fif'ty (5q� Dcallars or imprisoned i.n �Ghe ci�y ��1„ fbr a term I of not exceeding th�f�ty {3pj days, or both, gor eac�.offen�e. Ea,ch day that a vi.�Iation is permitted 'Co exis't sha11 cons�i�u'�e a . separata af�'ense. SEC�ZC1� XX= ��N EFFEC'�ISRs� This o�dlnance shall ta,�e sffect and be in Porce f3.ve days �rom and af'�er i�s passage, a�proval anc1, Iega1, publ3.cation. Apprvved this ����day of �1'���, 1942 I { ��'�, ����i��1`���''�J j _ G. �. Beanbl.c�ssom � ��,yor I � . P a s s ed thi s��—'! dayo f ����-� 1942 � � A es �wards i Cit� C1erk I � ,Appraved �s '�c� �a�t; , � _..,�_ ���� ( City A'�tarney ,�.��'���� z .� � q � 2. � � _l�_