HomeMy WebLinkAboutA 8808150803 � . � � r � ., h . � � � �, • File 23 #8, � &' 10 • � ' �"1.. ' .... -..,, •' i���'��. �# � Madsen Creek � i �. . .. � ..1 .. . . .., , _ , ,. V�... - . C/%�� � � RELEASE OF DAMAGES , !L�tq,�.... . . _. �_._.__._._ (AGREEM�NT/LEGAL DESCRIPTIVN) �: ;� '� � ,�.�::� .3.:�:..� :.. ...:: . .:.::::,;., ����..���t r � TI31. aREEMENT � de t �� day of , 198k, by and ��v' N c.� � � � �� uetween -�� , herel after called thP S -`3� �=� �..1 � �- Granl:or, and King County, hereinafter called thc Graniee. 14'I'TNESSETf-I: WHEREAS, the Grantor represents and ��rarrants th�,�t he/she is the uwner of thaL eertain parcel of lai�d clr�sc.ril�F�cl as folluws: Ttiat. portion ,uf Government Lut 2, in Sectiui� `?2, anrl ihat. p��rtion of Government Lot 9 in Srction 23 all in 7'���s•nsl�ip �3 � ' " North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, 0 � desc:ribed as follows: � �` Cvmmencing at thfa 1/4 corner common to Sections :.''� �nd �3: � 0 th�nce North 00 20` 10" East along a lin� common tu :;aid � (�Q seci:lons 496.59 feet; ihence Soui:h 79 55' S0" East: 200.03 fPet, more or less, to tlie WPsterly line of abandotied County R,oad No. 124� and the point of Ueginning; thencF N�,ri.h 79 55' 50" West 345.43 feet; thence South i4 18` 07" Wc�t. 3�0.78 feet to intersect a li►ie parallel to and 320 f.eet Northerly measured at right aijgles from thf� Noytlterly margin of Columbia and Puget Sound Railway riglit of way; ttic+nc�� Suutli 75 41'63" East along said parallel line 364.02 fe<�t to the Westerly margin of J.E. Jones Raad; i.hF•��ce N<,�•tlierly al����g tl�e iVesterly margln of J.E. J��nes Road and #.he iYesterly lir�e of said abartcic►ned County Road No. 1244 to the i�oint of bPginning. �I 1�'Ii�RLAS, tli�� Grantce is about. to perform certain i►nf_�ruve►nent work on a portion of thF Madsen Creek Channel, i a nd, � Wflls'FtEAS, said iuiprovement Tvor{i involves th� cliv�rsion of tl�at ��ortlon of tlie Madsen Creelt from tlie �roperty belungi�ig to said Grantor, * * * ' R�I.1�A;�� i�F I�AMAt�C� PACaL C>N�: ClF Fi_iIiR Q � � �.f� �f��� r � , �. ,�,, - , . a nd, ' {�}I[:REAS, the said improveuieilt work is adjaceut Lo, in th�. vicinliy of, or abuts tlie �roperty belanging to said (��•ai�t ���•. P�ON, THEREFORE, IT IS HEI3LBX AGftEED AS 1�OL,LOWS: (1j That the c;,rantee, Iti��g County, wfll bY re�p��nsll�J�� tor f11:lli�;_ l�t t.ite creeti bed ��n tLe aU�ve desc:ribecl E�ro��crty :�.1'tF�r tl�e divNrsion uf Madscn Ci•eelc from th� Grantvr`s pro�>erty is co�nlslr�t r�d. ICing Cou.rit y {VI11 fill and grade i.l��� c:i�ecii be�l �,u Lla�� Grantor's proE�erty to a level consistenfi ivitl� the currenl l�ani.s of ih� creelc bed. Said flll material shall be a suik�Lle flll malerial that is of the sama. quality as is currenily existiijg in i:he fielci i.lirough which Madsen Creek currently runs on i.l�e Grantor's proE�Prty. The County will flll thr� creelc bed �vithin niuety (90) days after tl�e diversion of the creeli f.rom ihc. Grantor's property. In ��erforming the fill3ng and �rading ot: tlie channel, t.he County will need to remove tr'P,PS alo�Ig one sldc: c�f the channel and will malce every rNasonahle effort n��t tn c.famage any r�tt►cr trees. If thcre is a necessity for the rernov;�l of. any othNr trees gi•eater than 6 incl�es in diameter, sairl ren�oval will liave to be ap�>roved Uy tlie Grantors. (2j If any permits ar� requirrd fnr tlie filling of thr� • ereelc becl on the Grantur's ��ruperty, the same will be ablainr�c] by ICIi�g Coi�nty. 'Pl�r> c��sis of saici pe,rmiis, if a►iy, will l�e burn�, by tlie Grat�tee. (3) If the contractor is unablc� to pa•�vide a�propi•l.�i:e fill material tu tl�e U"rantors as is requlrFd herein th��n, King County will provide i:lie apprapri.ate fill materials to t:tie Grant o►�s. Sald suitabl� fill material may be stuckplled E�rior to the flc�w div��rsion uf Madsen Creelc int.o the new channel on the Gy�ntor's E�ruperty. The rt•antor herPby grants unto King C��uniy a n►►�--tim�� te�nporary easement for the place►nent of saicl fill mat.eri,�.J on llir, Gi•anl ��r's �ru�erty. All fill materlal tu be st ��ckpiled on llir: * * * * R1:L1?AST; OF DAD4AGF.S F'AC�F: 'Tt4'ia iaF I'tjtlR �. � -. . ' ,�, .,,,. • . • , , S'I'A'I'E OE� WAStII1VG'I'ON ) • , SS. COUN'I'Y OF ICING ) ' On thls day f�ersonally appeared l�efure mc.� ►`vt�t►.r1C �. lTy'�l�S anclC�-�-2�L }-f-liUC=-`S , to u�e Itnown tu be tliF� inc.il �- vidu.al(s) descrlbed in ancl wlto e�ecu.t:ecl the wii.liin and f.i�i�eg��ing lnstrumeilt, and ar;}{IIOW�.�'C��P�] tliat ti�ey signed tlif• sam�� a>; ;� f.i'F�t� anc3 voluntary act ar�d deed, for th�� uses and purposr.s ili��t�f�i�� rnrt�lzont.cl. Sr ''t Giv��n uncl�:.r my liand and official seal tl�is �+ �day of�l�- `r, 19SS. I 1 �� ��� P � -.. ... ,�..�.«�.,,, N]'PARY FUBLIC In n I f.��r tti.�� State of. Washington., residiug �.., /������ f�' at � hiy com i -. iun . � expires Zz- - S'fA'I'E UF FYASHINGTOIV ) • ss. COUNTY t�F KING ) ' On this day �ersonally a�E�eared befure me � � .�.Ckis� d��d , t o me known t o be thr� indi- vidua2(s) described in and who executed the wiihi►i and foregoiug instru�ut�nt, and acknowledged that tliey slgned the same as a free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and pu.rE�c�ses th:�r��ln mPnt iunec). c�iven under my hand and o�ficia] seal Lliis /,2 day c,f Qu.q_ , � i988. ;�.•�,:;:.- � , , > , . . , h.��}?';,•`; �i;, ., . ,; �lLc`� S(i,'�.+ . .,' ,, , � :_^.1.-- NOTARY 'UBLIC .Ii� a►���,fot� tlik . St.ate of Was�iitigton, rfasi:li�ig ���c���at �a. A4v c��mmitisior� c xp i r e s SL,�i,�/ ,p'g _ -y---�--- A' : ._. . ,�t+� t- ,.. RELEASC OF DAhiAGES PAGE FOUR AND LAST