HomeMy WebLinkAboutA 9411180737I I t� r . . . � ! ' wH�xEcoRDED RErvtuv�ro: CITY OF RENTON ' ' � Oftice oE the city cterk ' AGREEMENT FOR TEMPORARY USE OF SEPTIC SYSTEM Renton Municipal Building � yn ': 'M- 200 Mill Avenue South DATE / �, Renton,W A 98055 ' c, .^,, �` I, Michael Freilich owner of 2625 NE 27th Street, Renton, Washington � King County Tax Account# 042305-9152 legally described as follows: '�=� :�>- �.n � �> That portion of the Northwest q;�arter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.,described � as follows: r� � Beginning at a point 293.00 feet North and 741.42 feet East of the Southwest corner of the North half of the Northwest quarter of '�' . ��� said Section 4, which point is on the East border line of the East half of the West 21.27 acres of the North half of the Northwest � quarter of said Section 4; running � Thence West 370.71 feet, � r� Thence North to the South line of County road; � Thence Easterly along the South line of the County road to a point due North of the point of beginning; `r' Thence South to the point of beginning; � , r: EXCEPT the East 200 feet thereof. � Situate in King County, Washington. � m� for and in consideration of the Renton Water and Wastewater Utilities granting permission to temporarily use an approved septic system in Zone 2 of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area; .�� r_.� �• I "The owner(s) of the above-described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant to complete connection to public sanitary sewer within 12 (twelve) months of notice of availability and further: � 1. To participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any Local Improvement District (LID), 2. To participate in or sign a petition in support of any other City-initiated proposal, other than an LID, �. and pay their fair share thereof, � 3. Otherwise financially or physically participate in any proposal, City-initiated or otherwise, � , � for the purpose of extension of a sanitary sewer main that provides direct sanitary sewer service to the � subject property when required by the Renton Subdivision Ordinance or as directed by the � Administrator of Public Works. Despite the language in City Code Section 8-5-2(d) the undersigned � will connect to a sanitary sewer, even if such sewer is installed by a developer for the purpose of ,dr meeting platting requirements and the undersigned is not an owner within the confines of said plat." "�: IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) (Seal) ) SS. j�j,�dt/%�� �� /�'/��/'��i� �`�U"i��� COUNTY OF KING ) � � • - I, �,tn(Aft-C•�-K-r�l6ST,41? a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at SEA rft� , do hereby certify that on this -�t �' day of (�(bV . , 19��, personally appeared before me (ZU�3 L�.T' C. C0� �1�(.C.. , to me l�nown to be the individua�described herein and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged that {-f� signed and sealed the same as�j 6 free and voluntary act and deed for uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. Dated: . -�;',i�t4 .�.-� C • � �� � ; Nota Public in and for the State o shin ton , �' g ����� Notary (Print) �-t�l��,4 C • �_ lC.,I�G S 1 A-Q7 11/94-641/DM�/bh . . Q.�t/d�/��', My appointment expires: 5 6 9(0 ��Sr r�U� �-`l� �� 'I . ��+ • �' JUL• 05 '90 11�43� SAlJT00TF' �ITLE CO f�t�'�i��+��6�sy � P.2i9 . ,. .. : .;�r �� •. � . � � - , Ebcr4w Fi�a No,c:,.2 . . � Titia O�de�N4,; �13T0 � ; � Qorrower(a): ��.A�INQ AqRE�MENT AND L9CFi0W IN3'�RUC'�IqNB For Aetln�nclr���'emn�c'i0�n The undersianed bocrower and lender(ret�rred to heteln ae'th�partles")h�re�y dea�pnete and appolnt Best �scz'ow Servi,cee, Inc. � (�eferr4d to he�eln a� "tha clostna apont") to act ea. khair closfna and a�crow a�ent aocordin� to the lofiowing apreements and lnstructlons, iT 19 AOF��Eb,4Nb'CH�CLq$INQ AdLNT l8,IN�TRtJCTEO,A8 FdLLOW$: 1'erm�ot�Inxrtoing 7rAn���atlan.l'he tarm� and Gondttiona �f the ftnancing �ran�ac�ion which is ihe subJect ol thssu tnstruGttana (r�farr9d t4 hereln as "th� tran9aCt�on"), and tha real property which wilt be uaed tp secure �� paymenc of the taan treterred to herein as "th� propgrty') are� aet fonh In ihe ioan Commitmant o� alh�r written , dacumant or agreamant, and any attachments, amendments o� addonda to th�t C4mn'�itment, QoCUmeht or agraement (reterred ta herein a9 "the parties' a�rearr►enl"), whlCh !a made a pArt nf tl»�e in9lruotion9 by this ret�rence_ Any changes to the pari�es' 8gre�m9nt wnt be m�de � part of I�iesa (natru�tlana, wRhput �v�thvr reterAn�a, when aigneci by the parttes and dellverad to th$ GlOging E�a9nt. These Inelructians are not lnt�nded to �mond, mt�dify nr �upatsed� th� t��ms and conditlons bf �he partl�a' apteemertt end it thsre is eny conhict or fncvnsiStehCy b�tween th�ese tnstruc�ions and the p�nies' a��eem�nt, the terms �nd condltlons of the pa�lies' ayre�ment shall contrat. Ciosinp Dvte,The dete on which the� doauments required ta c�ose ths transa�tton are ti�ed for' record (rGferre4 to horeln a� "the clo�ing dnte") �hell bb On or bo�oro�hq dato tor cloatn� vf the t�an3actlon spe�lfia�l 1�� U�n parties' agreamant or in an addendum extendlnp th�t date. [locum9nt�,Th� Glaaing-agent Is Instru�ted t0 sAldOt, preparo, Comp(ete, cprrect, receiv�, hoid, tecord end " de�iver ddcuments as neaeasary to ciose the transactlon. the cioaing agent may request that odreain documents be prepared or dbtaln�! by thA pa�ies or their attorn�ys, in which cese ths pan(ea shall deliyer tttie reqUested documents to the cPn9in� Ag�nt befate the closinQ dat8. ��9C11'tl4t�4f 8ny docum�nt wift be cansld�red approval of its torm and contents by eaah p�ny eianin� such document. Deporit�end ptaburaamant of Fund�. �atora the Cioelnp data, each party ah�ll dapostt wfth tho closlng agent ai! fundS ►�quirod to ba paid by such party to cloe�the tranaactlan. The closing agent IQ authorizsd, but nof required, to COn9lder the lender's written comrnnmenl tq dep4slt lunds as!he equlvalent of a d�posit at Suah funds, it all candltlons ot the commitment wlll be met on or before fhe ciosinq d�t�. Alt fUnd� teaelved by ths closinq agent shaA ba dapasfted in one or rnore ot its g�neraf escrow o�trust gocounta with any bank dotng busine9s in tt�e State � 01 Washtn9ton and may ba trenslerred tn any athe► such BCcounts. Th6 Clqsin� a�ent shail not be r�qulred to Cp? disburse any lunds d�posited by c}»ck or dratt until il ha� be�n gdvised by it� bank ihat suoh �heck or drah has � been honored.A!!dl&butssments shali be m�d6 by the Glo�in�agA�t's check, p Settlement &tatamant.The �losinn agotit i� inst�ucted to prepare a aettlament atatement shbwing all tunds � deposited lor the accaunt ot aach of the parti�s and the proposed dlsbu�s9m0nts i�om such tunds. No funda shail � be disbursed until the parllaa have exam�n�d snd approv� th� settlement statemanc. 5ome ftema m�y be � estimated, a�d the final amount o( aach astimat�d hem wil) be adjusted td the exact amaunt required to be pald �t � the tfine o1 disbursement. 7he settlement stat�ment w(il be sub�ect to audit $nd a�y errors or omisslon.s may be � ccrrected at any tima, If any monetary ��ror is taund, the am0unt wili b� �mmedi�tely paid by the party liable for � such payment to the pariy entitled to rec9tv9 it. � Tttle In�urAc►ce.T'hs ctostng ��ent la inat�ucted f� obtsl� and forward to !he partl�a i proliittin�ry , commilment f4r title fnSutance on ttte propQrtY and on eny bthel parcel af real prvpetty that wlll be used to secure payment pf any obtigation created in th� transaction (rei4rrbd to herein as "tt�g t�tie repoH"). The closing a �nt is �uthorized to rely on the title �epo�t In the pa�(ormanca a1 its dutie9 9nd �hall have no responsib��ity or (lab�ily for any titte detacts or qnCumbra�ces which ure nat�I�sciosed irt the tltle r0po�t. Vsrlllcation ol�xiNln�`Enoumbranea:.Th• claainS aqent I• InetrUcted to request � wrhtqn at��ement from the hold�r of each 8xistinq ehqumbrance vn the property, veri�ring ita status, terms, and b�fAnC9 Owing. Th� ctosing a�ent Is authorlxed io tely upan such written 8tat9m�nts in Ihe pe�lormance o� ity dutlee, without Ilability or � responsib�l�ty far their accuraGy ot compt�tenesB. g�p�r�Re In�rtlCtiQn�r�rom l.ender, {f th4 IOndgt d0�d5 n4t�Ipn thq88 InS��uCtiong, but(n�tead d�lfvers otfter w�itten ingtruot�On9 to thA C1081�g agent, au�h inatructlan� are accepted end agreed to t�y th� borrowar and are made � part of these In9trU�tlongby this���er�nc�. ii there Is$n�r Gonflfct or incon�i9tency between the It�struGtfons in ihi9 torm and the lender'�inst�uctions,th�tarm�and canditlona ot the lander's(nstructiOnS shall Cdntroi. IrtiMructton�From Tt�l�d P�rtla�.lf eny written Inatructiona neces�ary ta cloae the tran �Ctlon vcco�ding tn ' � n n th r th n the artfes ar t�efr at�orne s such the panlas a9ceement are gIven to the cia9ln� 8�ent by a yd e o e a p y , in�tructions a�e accepted and agreed to by tho part�es. pl�c�osure ot Informativ�to�Ti►�rd �artlea.Tha �iosin9 �gor�i i� auiharix�d c�fiu�n3�0i, �po� request, ��plo� ot any closin documents, agreem�nts dr �nstructlo�s cancerning ihe transaction to th0 pa�rties' attarneye, and to any real esta�e agent, lender pr eicle insuranne compa�y involved in the Iransaction. Othsr pap9ra o� docum�n�s concaining personal or tinanclal intormation concerning any parl� m8y nat bo r�l�ased 46 �nyone othar than the party's atiorney or lender,wilhvttl priot wrrltE�n s�p�avai. potantlat Legat Prabiem�. tl the cloe�ng agenR �aaom�s I�w�r4 ni �hy foct�, clrcumet�noe� or p�centtal probtems whlctt In the clo�►ng aaent a opintan sfiould b�1 tev ewed by �ny oi th� p�ttlee ah4rneys the �losinp egent is authorized, in its �41e discretion, tb �dVl�e the partl�s bf suCh t8qts, clrcumsta�cet or potent�al problems ahd recommend that tegal CoUnsel be sought. . � P�q�t a19 . �0 �� PQ� ' . ���1lk�E�� ¢,C� �� . . . ,� e,r �� ��,� i ,'.:.��•• . �r�1��i�,� I , . �i � ����.£��tt' : , • I ' , � ' • . ,� • ' , � , . .. . . �� . . { �^ �;�^�.fI.JL �0� �'�0 11-�'���SAWTddTF' fTLE Cd � �= •� �w i'. tJ �1� ��r � � � I � l_ � 1"' P.6i9 ,� , • - � � . ,�. . � eohedules af qu�h po�icy fo�m�, tneurinp tlis IOnd�r'� Intere�t in ih• properly eq�l��t ell dete�te or enoutt�br�ncos oxogpt ihose set fo►th Itt th� piinted AXC�ptlons and exolUBto��3 cusloma�rily Contalned �n Ihe printed provrslons anct eahedutea ol auah petlay lorms, taxes not yet due, and th� mattera �et torth In the lollawtng numberad pare�raphs of So�edui��di ths Prelimingry Commnment(or 1'lila Ingu►ance; � 3. 9. & !2 Completlan or Correctlo�ot liooumenla. Th� olas;r�� ��n4 la In�tructed to correcl any �rro�s lound In my dacume�t deposited under ihese in�tru�tlo�a, and to Inee�1 �e nece��ary the ClOsln� date, the d�te on which interea�beqins to accru�,and the datAa Qn which p�yments must ba mude,!t auah items.ere Incomplete,, . . � , ' Addltlon#I I�Mructloni: - � . � . � , � It ie agreed thak esornw �t�a�t Z�avo no rpaponetbtlity �n rrerifyitng 1len r�leaeo amaunts nor in obt�intng llvn releaae� for oloarin� title. h1fahael �'�eillah i� nct�ng und�� �dvlce of hia attornsy and eacrdw'a roapot►s�billty wi11 be that of fallowing inetxuottane. lt �e� Purther agreed ttte�t Mloha�i Freiliah hs� dpp�lnted. Rab�rt Colwell to � � aet a� hie agent and to amond �g ne�easary any digbur�ement am4unte. . � � . ' � � . , � �(0 B� Pp`t . ' , � �R�\F�����PC� �� . � � � D t7 � �RVE y ����: . . Q ��3 ����� ; ' , � ���� �I �e�� � . : � . � ' � • • �" ; • . . �� � �. AV RIANINA THR9R IM�TRUQTIONS, EACN PXqT'V 11CKNOWLQDOQO� � The clo�in� epanf ha• not �tfe��d ��y IsoaO �d•rDc• or r�ts�r�d mo to sny n�med �Itorn�yo but h�s aiearly requesfed that ( se�k lndspendent lepai caunsei i! 1 have any doubt conC�r.nlnd the ttane�eifon or iha�e(netructton�. � � ' � 1 heve h�d •diqu�t• fim• �nd oppo�lu�Ny to �aed and undarst�nd the�o InNruolton� �nd.�II otl��� � . ' exist�nQ documentr r�f�rred to In fh�ss(n�tructlan�r. � . . . . � . , . � . . �oriower: � , � � � � �. . � tIA�L F'RB C . n� �ane�r , � . � • . � . . �Y � • . D� . �u , � � ; . �, .. . : , . . , , , P�d��ot Q : • � , . : ..,,, • ' � • ' � ' : t . i . After recording return to: City Clerk's Office � City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057-3232 2010091fi000992 CITY OF RENTON TERM 64.00 PAGE-001 OF 003 09I16/2010 12:55 KING COUNTY, WA DOCUMENT TITLE: Termination of Agreement for Temporary Use of Septic System REFERENCE NUMBER OF RELATED DOCUMENT: 9411180737 GRANTOR(S): City of Renton GRANTEE(S): Colwell, Robert C. (Agent for Michael Freilich) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Exhibit "A" attached ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S): 0423059152 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT FOR TEMPORARY USE OF SEPTIC SYSTEM WHEREAS, an Agreement for Temporary Use of Septic System was heretofore executed by and between the City of Renton, a Washington municipal corporation, and Robert C. Colwell (Agent for Michael Freilich), and , WHEREAS, said Temporary Sewer Service Agreement was recorded on the 10th day of January, 2002, bearing Auditor's File Number 9411180737, and WHEREAS, said Agreement for Temporary Use of Septic System is of record on specifically � defined properties; and WHEREAS, said Agreement for Temporary Use of Septic System has been fully satisfied and it is necessary that all parcels covered by the legal descriptions bearing Auditor's File Number 9411180737 be released from said Agreement for Temporary Use of Septic System due to the satisfaction of said agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KNOWN: That the Agreement for Temporary Use of Septic System bearing Auditor's File Number 9411180737 has been fully satisfied and all described properties within the agreement should be and shall be and are hereby fully released from any further responsibilities or claims under said Agreement for Temporary Use of Septic System. ���-�%��� FLTLL RECONVEYANCE—Page 1 DATED this 9th day of September, 2010. , City of Renton � Gregg Zimm r an dmin'strator Public Wor epartment STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that GREGG A. ZIMMERMAN, to me known to be the Administrator of the Public Works Department of the City of Renton acknowledged to me that he was authorized to execute this instrument, this day before me, and who signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. . --�._� DATED this �- day of�l�� �� �,�, � `\\��.����ti«�,������i . c,�;� J. � '��1� � _=�fj��.�,��.������it,�` ��<< �-.---_ 4rl � � �yS:flRj . �;� +� _�_ �", �`-�� a ,_/�=�R_�TAnt,.�'��9,'� �' �7 .s`.�--%t.-- , ---�_ ; =o r ,� m'� ; Notary Public in and for the�tate, = >" - ° -- �; of Washington, residing at ����-.h-�-j C�;-. : � ��u��% '�;��,�� =� - Notary name [prin �� ��. :� � �`�q_��, �'%,9�:''��,;��..j�_;�,����= My appointment expires: ( � t � �q F`r,�+Et�s�,��.,E::��Ca; � , � 1 �,�'` � #Fl�����������"`-�� t FULL RECONVEYANCE—Page 2 I EXHIBIT"A" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FOR PROPERTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER 042305-9152 AGREEMENT FOR TEMPORARY USE OF SEPTIC SYSTEM LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 4,Township 23 North, Range 5 East,W.M., described as foilows: Beginning at a point 293.00 feet North and 741.42 feet East of the Southwest corner of the North half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 4,which point is on the East border line of the East half of the West 21.27 acres of the North half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 4; running Tfience West 370.71 feet,Thence North to the South line of County Road;Thence Easterly along the South line of the County road to a point due North of the point of beginning;Thence South to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the East 200 feet thereof,Situated in King County,Washington.