HomeMy WebLinkAboutA 03311911i len s*�, uw location. of sax lime oast o:r min st. to be govema by tho plat submi.ttea tomthe committee herewith. 2. That the oonnoot;ion of thea oo oalie& a spur r1th the southerly trach of said railroad company in 7allaa 7e3:lta Ave. be echaa ed so as tD conne-ot tharewith at or near the east line of Ein St. aaca 9harm on said plat. Tha%,*s a drove 12 IS STIRUL&TED ARD LGR : Dy and betmen Benj. Tiokor, • r ra . G. ami hors, S. E. Doff, Lots i:cinobo�► and Thos. Dobson,,e4�rl�.t+to�a Sts, be moved Vestorly tori appointee by "bio Oity Counoll of the City of Rento3x, 176ohir ton h tim eastorn�i�02 M ao con2or vith G. :7. 1:ort ona of the Columbia & ZaCot soim& R. R. Go. - rolativo to proposed ob3ngoQ, loomtion and operation of the Columbia:, 6 llucet Sound Railroad Co., in t1r Cit? of Renton, uaashizagton, as parties of the first part amd oald G. i!. Ilertons and Zaaasaes person, Chief En neer, as parties of tho sooand ptartf as ibllom, to -fit: 1. That the oanter line of tho noet, aeu aerly traek, off.' said railroad oo=,. Ay shall be located on tho oc ester lid tai :falls :7611a Avenue as pla£tod in the ar i, -,i a plat of the Tarn of Renton; that the northerly tract: is to be looatod TAth the oentor line thoreof thirteen (33) toot distant the refran newarod at richt a ng - los to thea eonter lUe 02 t=id aouthorly trash. This location to oonlb= on Ualla '"aa,lia Ave. from Barnett St. to the oeat Jim of i len s*�, uw location. of sax lime oast o:r min st. to be govema by tho plat submi.ttea tomthe committee herewith. 2. That the oonnoot;ion of thea oo oalie& a spur r1th the southerly trach of said railroad company in 7allaa 7e3:lta Ave. be echaa ed so as tD conne-ot tharewith at or near the east line of Ein St. aaca 9harm on said plat. Tha%,*s a drove over noax in. "oaf, -cen Welle aril 7illiwm Sts, be moved Vestorly tori (10) toot and that tim eastorn�i�02 acda tar Os over bo 02"T the coutherly trach. "Shat the Oolunbia 6 Puaet Bound R. R. Co be alloamcl to oonnoot with its aaf"orooa id most northerly doh in o--tomion oa i.i-alla .italla Ave. near ito dopot =1 build a tradl: parallol with Durnutt St, seven a2!ft O -ha if MH ft. Easterly oz tba east line Of Burnott St, no rt3orly to connoot vith trach of oxo ►cattle., Renton Cl Soathoza. A fraanohise to ba granted across 3r$ Ave., in Liau of thiol: the Col=bia 30uzad, R. R. Co. abree to take rip t"ho -70110 "%Wz AVO =a Ora 4VO O cRa3#dnbltii ya"ii! somd R. Ia. 04 ea.00 '140 parr i Rl&t tial a; � .oUt� fOU"A (,6) 2be-, r4ae on 0131- lel is Avod eta too go 7a Pati=o Tre4t to tho Oact lite 02 M11 St, • 000h paize to dao oit-- cr to the Intim to M,7 bo coo t=toffs in t - ca o o,� Walla .Wla A70. dor � t�iu•,�=,U-,30 OA' th C C .# e 1411=t tho 001mb & mat «ego& R. R. 00. C�;roo to on- u=ov mil pad in al; o a rod 2rocA or wa :?oA��a. st. C llod Koa a -x nw in pia= eant o g uo woposoa now '00=0tion oma' a d :Dar vit .-,mh nont4i e ly 'arm' chall btu tokm rva =. i+�t�4��++K.: 01,40,7 ; & r4nn oa i.313.* Y7 a fie a R -h cTomna i7, crea �uhcrow no s publI ie� t7a'o3 '0. Rho Colmbia b Zluoot Som ru. R. Co azd the M7 o2 Koros moo thet OC44, b2r ono - QX CIO i the otpenso of p�`aj 1iCAt)oi% t; ."=a Ur�1=IUL-N . 7-MMWo ;; .Q €i 3 C ire eo t$ I o i* siCna- "00 t"Xin Unrob : . av szen ,dtoh in oonmotion -,,-Ith tho MI-TTUt - ton 4. roadie= at 1-vau 0741la Ave and 3rd Ave. Col=bU & l-'agat Bound�*31- R. 00 agree to jim its Rl&t o:t ft7 t-,,,,.,-nt7-foar (.0, 4) f*et vide on 71alla Walla Ave. **m the 1fortiv-rn lluaifio Trte to the cant lino of 2411 St.,, a pewing to be oix. ilar to tho Lv.,dinc aa "a," be oonstmoted .4n the balawo of 'Nal la "'all a Ave. tinder arq ord:�naivo of �Uia Cit-, of Alonton, Mit tb.o (,',Ol=bia & kuCet f5o=& K.. R.. 00. agree to con- stmot rzd put in at ovm expenso, a ra-'Uro t -Z croaf-41mg fourteen (14) feet wi4o in a clear under its traokz opponito to 31iattuok rt IT IS' MU f Vmt the portion othe so callod4illood spur now in plam eatit. of tbo proposed now ommotion of OaJA*od sp= with rAueh southerly tra&. shall be taken up and saia Olty of nton &.134wod to uae 'Mie j;roun& oovered thcreb7 as a publia thoroughfare. The Coluabia &- 2t,,Cet -Oourd ;t. R, Go and the 0.11ty of :Rlautou agree that *a*% bear one- if NI-) the oxponoo Of PJA44-yle liCit�on tbo 'Vala 011040=91� 1UA I'll ZZ NI ESS' ',V3L:XXVj, 'T?v mrtloa heroto eet their sigm- tares this Mph 31st A. D. 1911. 4AA