HomeMy WebLinkAboutA 4251213 � ' r �. - , 1� " � ` ' ���_��:� � `�� ' ' r• . _ �''"C.. n � �, , • . .��,.,„ ; ,� � �_. . EY+.�� 3 � ' ,�..��., ? . . � � f ��. V4t �,�.���• �j�,; :�� AG�+tT FO T�ZWATIO�i OF LEASE ,��i �r�? -�, , , �. � 'V(�L ._ �.� �� �'�Gt.��:.� Pro�ect N�.. 1�'�ASH-45136 �'�R�A8, by lea�• d,ated Fsbruary 1, 19��, Henry J, .Sartori , Er�i13a 1�. 3barboro, �atherin� �. �artari, I�ura t3. Sartori, ErsilS.a H�hz�, l�athryri 8�lla�� Benice Powell, Olive G. Bal�eom„ Haraae L. :3art�ri,, I3or�cte B. Sartori� and Henrg �'. Ssrtori, Ereilia i�i. Sbarboro and Kath.eri.ne E. Sartor3, trugtees for the use and b�n�fi� of IIorace (� L. 3artori, and Ho��.ce 8, �artori did �rant unto The United State� of ,�, Am+�rica, the use and oaaupanc� of aertain land $ituatad 3n tha Caunt� ,� of g3.ng, State Gf Wash�.ngton, being a portton of Gfovernment I�ots 4 \ and 7 and of �he �outhwest quarter oF the Northea�t quarter �g �ection 37, Tdx,�..�h3g 23 North,� Range 5, east �d.T:',� in s�.3d �.ease more partic- � ularly� desar3bed; and � WHt�t�A3, the C�tg of Rentcn acquired �e�e �imple title to s�.�.c1 Iand b�r corademn�tion proceedings Case No. 44�30g in�stituted �gainst th�e �rirnara of ��id lar�d 3n the Superior Caurt of ths �tate of Washi.ngton fbr King County; and VY�tBAS, by �zg�2emental Order and. JudBment entered 3n said aonde��at3on proceedir��� �Case 2�0, 4403�8 on June 33, 2952, it is pre'�d�d tbat e�.I titl.e, interest b�nef3ts and rights af the Respon- dent� in the conde�ation proceedings in ths iease dated Fe?�ruary 1� 1943, �t t0 the IInited Sta�e� of America shall be transf�rred, �ssigned, set � 046P $O� and vested ir� tY�e City af Ren�on exc�pting that the Re�poadents �, in ths candemnation proc�edings �1�11 ba entitl�rd to the pro*�rata por- �.` ti+�n of th� quarterly rental �� prov3ded in said lea�e, du+� or ta ; � b�some due an June 30, 1952; and 'J� �H��A.S, it i� 3r� the 3nterest of the t3�verr�ment to termina�� � �„� said 1�a�e and the City of Renton hereb� consar�ts to �uch tex�m3.na- � � tion; ND�E, TIiE.REFORE, the p�ptie� �reto do hereb�t a,�ree, a� Pollows s (1) The lease hereinabove m�ntione$, by �utusl oonsent, is hereby terminated. (2) That 3.n consideration of the termir�ati.or� of +�aid lea�e the C�.ty of Renton, �or �aid C3ty �� �he sucoessors in t�,tle and intex�st of the said Citg, doe� hereb$ re- � lease and forever diaeharge Tha United St�te� of America, 3te offic�r� and a►gents, fram ��,1 ala3ms of �aid City e�ri�ing out of �aid lease and th+e ac�cupatiC►n b� The � Uni�ed Statsa +�f Am�rica of th� afore�nt3oned p�em3�es up to aasci i�.cl�din� the date o� acCeptance of �thi� Agre�- ment bp ths United �ta�es of America; Prov3ded, that such adceptance �h�ll bm made� by t� Uni�Lod State� of �nerica. by Oatober 1� 29g2; Provided, a�.so ��.t this rele�.se , �ha�l. r�t �ppl� tQ an� renta2 due at t�.e d�te af aceept- � ariC• Y18r8��'. �I � -;�.-;, :�'�,s Agre�m�nt �hall be effeetive �n the date oP accept- ' -��'s� � , ,;a,�oe hereof by 'the IInitefl Statea af Americe as �et forth ,� �� ' � ���� � ����• ' . I. ^ � . _ . ��' Sl� 1�T'��� �.�L�EOF, thia instrument has b�en eaecuted b9 ��e . G�.ty of R�n#�� asa ef the 24th day of June , 1952. � � . 4�F RENTQ� - �:�� - � � a . „' � , �'' ;`'� `� By } . � . ,. . . `�1. ,� , i e May�r _':. �.'; - Accepted thi a ���.g of , 19b2 , , '� b � T� iTNZTLD S�AT:�S 4F .A.�ICA � . ? }` FUBLIC H4USIIdG At�l4�NTS'`�ZATION i � �����-�'�� . ;�:,.. Actin Director ��� >����. , � �' r n • ield �ffice � .1,_ /p =� � � �r t �. c Housing o�mm3.ss3 oner �.. � L l�. �,e Y � � . ��!'" , �,, � _ ��: ��'�-s•.�: ..=a; ',�: �r�� �`—� 2..�__:. _ � `"�, , � = k • ' � ". , - . . ' - , . a. , ' , ` � . 'T - � . V�L �c.�� PA(if:�'��� � VOL. ��� P�►GF��� �SC}�.,D�.'I ��: ITtI, �� F�� IT ii��UZ,�T�t �3Y' T� GI`�Y C�}���TL tJF 'I'HE C�fi� £7�'` R�3'����t Tha.t the 11a�c�r and Ci�� Clerk a� th+� Ci�y oP Ren��n are herepy authorized and dtrec�ed. to �i�n end sxecuto the AGR�I�EPJ�T FOR '��z�':�iZ��A�T�3:�� OF LEA��, s�.me bein�; a�tt�.che� hereta az�.d mad.e � p�r� hereaf, 1.�.beled Ex�,ib�t r�A" , a� if �ull� �et fs�r�� �c�r�in and sai� c�.t� afficials �v take ar�y �d a1.1. f urth�� �teps �n�. ac�ions necessary for �he �erminat�.on of sa�d Lease ,��rec�nent and the tr�n.sfer and re�3.in�u�.�hm�nt of Pro�ec�� �;c�. WAS�S-�.,�I�b, knpt�m as ��AR Ft�.V�t. P�RK f�c�rn t�.c�� '�I�`�� S'�. TES' GC?�ER1�2�NT ur�to the �2�_`� C3F R�1�ITt}': �d' in par�uanc� of Qrdinances�do. 1�.�.� �nd �to« 7.?�29 �znd the canderrmia�ic�z� proceedin�s° #.n �tir�g Caun�� �upericr Ct . Cau�e�,`�.03t�8. , �'h� Cit�t �1srk is hereb� au�h+ariz��. and d�..r��tad ta fort�r�rd wi��ou� de�.�.y th.�ee C3} s�.�;ned anc3 f'3.ve {�� coa.�c�rtned copi�s of �aid AGRE�T��IYTr�.' �`AR Ti�TF1I:�yAT�aT�' t�F L'�,t��E unto ths proper F'�deral .���n cy. PAS��33 �x Ti-1� GI�Y' CQT3�'C�L �his �day af J�zn�, 1.952 � N i�r'I�if.r�'r� /`"r �� f i��. 6"f �`i }�: �'i�.`��'' 3.$1' � APPR4��I? �'� 2�I� l�AY4�. t�zis ��day c�f June, l�s�. E �,'�\ ` �i`� -�..��-�..� So . Bax�Ger, T�Ia�car. `+ F i ' - - - t c ry n • � .o • ♦ r ',••A + Z •� F R'"( • ' � a,. : ` ' '� ., � VU� ��� �i�UE�:��• � • ` � ��� V�t �a� FAGE!`�� RFLIIdQUTSHNt�NT �9�ND TR4�NSFF�I OF HOUSING IINDER SECTION 601(b) OF Ti� LANH,�M �CT Pursuant to the request of the City of Renton, �ashtngton, dated June 19, 1951, filed and s�.ppor�ed as required by Section 601 of the Lanham ,�ct (Pablie Law 849, 76th Congress) as amended and based upon the representa�ions contained therein� and sub- �ect to the cond3tion conta3:ned in t�.e second paragraph of this instrument, the Hou�ing and Home Finance �.dm�n3 stration hereb9 relinquishes and transfers, without monetary consideration, to said City of Renton, all right, t3.tle and interest of the United States in and with respect to tMe temporar� housing located on land cQntrolled by aaid City of Renton in an area kno�vn as Renton, K3.ng Countg, �ashir�ton, and des�.gnated as Pro ject W;�SH-45136 (comprising 41 dwelling �tructures and cor�taining 580 dwelling units, together with 11 central heating and service structures 1 ice house, attached to sa3d dWelling atr�et�a.re� and 1 non-dwe313ng structure together with appurtena.nces thereto) . In addit3on to any amounts which the City of Renton has agreed to pay to the IIzi3.ted States pursuant to the prov�$ions of l paragraph VT of it� applicat3on, dated J�a.ne 19, 1951, the City� furfiher ag�ees,_ �pan acceptance of this instrument, to reimburae the IInited States f�r '�ny land rent WhicY� the Governmen�G may , have prepaid Por th� Pro�eet aite for any period which extends . beyond June 30, 1952. No right,tit�e or interest in or to any land held by the IInited States are relinquished or transferred by this inatrument, � but there is he�eby transferred to the Citg of Renton all right, title and interest of the United States in and to the personal property located on Prm�ect W,�SH-45136 as more particularlg described on the inventory a.ttached hereto marked �Fs�chibit "�e1 ' and ma.de a, part hereof. There is also hereb� transferred and I ' 1. I __ + = r� I ' � ,t �a`• • * ' `_ , ~ .Z + ' j . n . ♦ t • . f � � � � t 4 s � � � I l . J � ��� ��� ���F�'92 VOL ��� PkGr_-�Z�. a�s�.gned t� the Ci�p of Renton all ri�ht, title a�d interest of the United States in a �er�er line and ,�n urzderpass eatend- ing beyand t}�►e aite af Pro�ect iP�'ASH-�45136 and in the easement� acquired by tha United States Por the purpose of con�tructing , � and u�ir�g t]�s utility lines and the underpass. T�e abave-d�scribed request filed bp �he Ci�Gy of Renton, ll�as22ziington, bsving been made bs the governing bod� of the C3 ty hav3,ng ,�uri.sd3.etiou in the area in �hic�. the temporar� l�ous3.ng i� located, the remaval requi�ements ct�nta�rs.ed in Section 313 of fihe La�n}a�m �ct are hereby terminated (pu�suant to the pro- vis3.o�.s of �ection 601 (c� of tbs Lanham �ct} and gha.11 cease t� I appl� to said tempora.rg housing. T�.� relinquishment s�.11 becom� 6ffE�C'��.VE: as oP 5;00 p.a�. on Jun.e 30, 1952, Eaec�.ted thia �� day� of June, 1952. . _.;�...��.. :�;��f��•�'`r`;� �IOUSI NG ,(�ND Ht)ME ,�,D�I NT.S3`R�l.TOR ,:_��fl��-1� 'a- . r- w •:.�0�- :_ .�., . � :.',;�'�'�;�'�� ���t�+��' • ' ' ��. .��. _ _ , ��,, ; ���. � � ��-�~ �°�`��, B Actin�, Llirectar, : 4� �' �e,=�, ; � f� ..6r� �`��� San �ranci sco Field Offi ce �� �� �� � ����` Public Hous3.ng .�dministrat3on :,� ';�-w=' . . } ,�+� �, ��` • � '"' t«+�- cg: . -r "t. ~ -_ * - f � J �" � � �r. ,�,. ._,..,. �,;,� �,� f�F'y��, l3'6�'�`,����,� , '��,,,. �� 1 .�t'�C` ttesting .. iCer 2. ritAd for RecOr � 19��- �� ��A� Reques#af ������. �. � � RQ$ERT A. MORRl5, Coun Auditor � ' -r � r ; `, , • � . CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY, WASH. ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, ATTORNEY JOE R. BAXTER, MAYOR COUNCILMEN DR. JOHN F. BEATTY, HEALTH OFFICER WALTER REID.PRES. OLIN HANSEN DOROTHEA 5. GOSSETT, TREASURER HUGH BRUCE B.J.RICHARDSON ANG BUSATO, CHIEF OF POLICE DON HOLM GEORGE D.SWIFT F. E. LAWRENCE, FIRE CHIEF �N�LEY CROOK, GLERK CLARENCE DULLAHANT STEVE TAMBORINI HERMANFREYMAN THOMASTRIMM JAMES HIGHTON. CITY ENGINEER PAUL W. HOUSER, JR.. POLICE JUDGE ARNOLD HAGEN CHARLES DELAURENTI DAVID J. PUGH,sUPT.oF Uri�i7iES July 15, 1952 Mr. Wiley Crook City Clerk Renton, Washington Re: Transfer oi Cedar River Park Project to C�t� Dear Sir: 1rTe hand you herewith, to be filed in the City Clerk's records, a set of documents ora the above which �we fil.ed for record in the King County Auditor �s Office on July 3, 1952, recorded in Volume 137 of Leasea, Page 218, anct also recorded in Vol. 265 of Niscellaneous at Page 288; consisting of the following: f a) "Agreement for Te'rmination of Lease" dated June 21�.., 1952 and accepted by the United States June 30, 3952; terminating the lease between Sartoris and the United States, an the ground occupied by the Cedar Rzver Park project. �b) "Resolution No• �4Oft-City of Renton, authorizing termination of' lease. ( c) "Rel.inquishment an d Transfer of Housing under Sectian 601(b) o�' Lan.ham Actt' , executed by Housing and Home Adminis�rator (U .S. ) dated Jrzne 27, 1952, to be ef'f'ect- ive June 30, 1.a52. V"e truly yours Ol � �y( ARTHUR L. HA GAN I _�,� �i ty At t orney , ALH:hb I, , � �ncls. I � ... �.J .�> < j' �.. r` �� _� . . i..: �.. W .. _ . - - W. d te�.i.aY. .. . �. . � . Y . :.���� 4 � " ..- .. . .. �v'.. . �.�"... ... •'. `.. ..�.. . . .:° �. ' _ . � .. .'. .. ... . .- �._.,., .., . . . . . � 7 L a RECL�RDF�J • ` :. ,"'�, VOl..._..-----13� -. OF Leases . +ati P!',��_..218....f;E�!U�'ST OF � �'� �- also Vol 265 pg 288 ��iscl '� w� , ( � � c 1952 �1'.�'_ � PC�I 3 03 �, � +, ��'>,� ��ai � 1 �.i� �� «`. ' . � r�Oo�.RT A. t�i�i�R1S AUUITOR � ;` �' KING COU(�T'Y WASH. �-;i - ^ ,�z ���.�n��E P J TY , . , �, _ . . , . � � •