HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 5811 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 5811 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGiNG THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON (KING COUNTY PARCEL NO. 863710-0440; TRACT F OF THRESHOLD 1) FROM RESIDENTIAL-TEN UNITS PER NET ACRE (R-10), TO RESIDENTIAL-FOURTEEN UNITS PER NET ACRE (R-14) (FILE NO. LUA-15-000745, ECF, SHPL-A, SA-A, R, MOD, MOD). WHEREAS, on March 15, 2015, the City accepted an application from Zhao Zhang Su and Ying Han Wei to amend the City of Renton zoning map to change the zoning classification of King County Parcel No. 863710-0440 ("Subject Property") from Residential-Ten (R-10) units per net acre to Residential-Fourteen (R-14) units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is 3,571 square feet in size and is located at approximately 450 feet northeast of the intersection of 108th Avenue SE and SE 170th Street; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 2016 the Environmenta) Review Committee issued a SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the zoning map amendment from Residential-Ten (R-10) units per net acre to Residential-Fourteen (R-14) units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is located within the Residential High Density (RHD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation, which includes the Residential-Ten (R-10) and Residential-Fourteen (R-14) zoning classifications; and WHEREAS, this matter was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation and study, after notice of public hearing was posted and circulated as required by the Renton Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on May 17, 2016; and 1 �RDINANCE NtJ. 5811 WHEREAS,the matter was duly considered by the Hearing Examiner,wha issued Findings of Fact, Conclusior►s of Law and Recommendation on May 31, 2016; and WHEREAS, #he Council duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and al! par#ies were heard appearing in support ar opposition; N�W, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The Gty Council hereby affirms and adopts the Hearing Examiner Findings of Fact, Canclusions af�aw and Recommendation, attached hereto as Attachment A. SECTION il, The afficia! City of Renton Zoning Map is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment B, attached hereta. SECTION 111. This ordinance shali be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordnance's title. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11t" day of July, 2016. �r �ason . Seth, City Cferk APPROVED BY THE tUTAY{�R this 11th day of 1uly, 2016. � Denis Law, Mayor 2 tJRDINANCE N�. 5811 Approved as to form: l\ i�.i�ii;"'��'N<.`t��'�,';',,'fl��!!! .�`t,.`l\'.t 1 � ��/ /r" �CI+I��'`�! � ti`�•�t P���/ /� tit v J %f \ � � ! _ t �awrence 1. Warren, City Attorney :� �� =y r Z �.�, a��. Date of PubHcation: 1uly 15, 2016 (summarv} � � � =" - �, ; '%� �'� ;,,: �f;f�„ 7�t1 S�' �3:. ORD:1924:5/23/16:scr `��'rfirrr�s�°!�„�k����;�"���`�•> 3 4RDINANCE N0. 5811 ATTACHIVIENT A � 1 3 � � b � fi � BEF+QRE?HE�iE.�G E'��'�iL'�'ETt.FQI�THE C:I?�"C}F�.E:�TG�ti 1 Cl �g i� � RE: 1�s D�V�lvg�ent � 12 � FL'dDL'tiGS t��F�CT, CO:�iC"LUSIt�'�FS taF 13 `� L=�t�'.r��RECt�'a��.��'v'��,`I'IC��v l� �ez�e_F'relsn:i�arv Plat, '�it�Plau and � Stree�It�gsoc���t'4�'a���ers � 15 � LL::��}-�C�1��+ ;t l� 1? I. 5C�1#�4L�.R�' l� �"he agplicaui i�re��.�StinQ apgrr�4=a!�,f a sst�sge�ific re��ane_�-lc�t shc�p�at,site plan re���^��,a.s�d t��-c� l� street�sa��;ersmcxiif�c�tic►ns fc�r tt3��c�nst�ac.tion 4f three n�u•tou�hcr�nes�ith t��-a d:��el�i���m:t�in e�ch. The C'�t�C:o�eil has �ia.a]r�°c�ie�=autl��rit�o�er tY�se applic�tiar�s tae�au.�e it i�r�air�d�r*,•state ?p 1��,�• to �ke the ft�t decisi�n c}n r�.zc� re�u�-t� a�d t�e re.���;n��g apglicat��s hatie b�en cons€�lidat�u�ith the rr�z��e reqc�st Th+��rr�j�et�ite i��.�5 acr�s ifl ar�a and i���ssentl�cte�-e�op�ed '� �.�ith c�ne sirt�e fazr�l��hame l�ac�ted a� 16�L�i l��th��•e SE. "Ihe r�qc�es�ed re;�c�ne is fr��€�-10 tc�R- ,,� l� fcr� t�e back-e�d (���.�a�; frc�m ih�e stre�t frcmtage} caf the pr�#ect site a�d ca�ly ccrostitutes ` ���prc�xi�atel�1�°�4 c�f t�ie tc�tal prc��ect area. The staff r�r�notes that th�rez�would ncrt�ncrease ,3 the r�izmk�r c�f re�i�trtial us�its all���•ed:�7this�the deYelc�gme�#. but{��c��ld re3.11c�cate t�e resic]ential t densit�a�d uuit t;.�, th� �enabliug the ap�licant io k�p tlte curs�ent siu�l�-faruila residence iu i� ?-} �egt lc�catic� Th�re���inin�prc�jc� sile � alze���;�c�ed R-14. It is rc�cc�u�:t�deci tt�3#he�'gt�; Cc��zxcil ap�rct�.e#�e r�c�an�i a�sc��ated ptoj�t agplzca#ic��s s�a`b;ect t�a ccan�iti�n�. - �� <� Re��ne_Pr�laz�inar��i��t a�€i Strc�e�Va'�i;.�erw - 1 4 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 � II. TESTL1iCJ'��'4' ' ��c�'lt�se_ l�eutc�gla�ner,�tm�m�ri�P,��p���. � � III. E�IBITS � �he 2� e..schibfts ide�ti�ecii at ga�e L of t2ie '��IaY 1i_ '(�16 st�ff`r�por�v�ere �d�ticd in##ca the record b d���the hearin�. The sta�fr pc���=�r g�oi�t}�•as ac�tte�as�.�hsbit 30. C it�;uf Rentor�GrIS n�a�.3s lo�ated at the Cii�,=s u-�bv:te rtiere admitted. as E�bi# �l. �a�le x�g�s fc�r the `•iciu�t� u-ere a�ittet9 a.5 � �ubit j?. � c� I�'. FI�-DI�GS QF F�CT 10 Pracedut�al: 11 1. :�l:�ant CJ����r. Stet�e�,'u t5 tlae�a�:pli�anr. Zhaa�cz�r�`ing�'4`ei are t}�e o���rs�f the l� suttjc�t p�'crp�lt'y. 1 ti ?. Hzarin�. ?� 2�e.aring on the s�,bject app�caricros �.�as hel� at na� on�ia� �i. ��t1C� in the 1� �.cnte�n Cit�,�Cc�uncil n�eetiug chan��rs. li :�ubstan���: 16 3. Prc,iect �'1e�i��c�r�. 'F'he agplicant is reqi.:�tit� a��rot�l af a site sspeeifi� rezc�ne {RIfl tc� 17 R1=#1, =#-lot shmt plat. site plan re�:eu�, a�d fi��a str�t u-ai��erc fcar the cer�st��cm af thrc� ne�a• tc����c�n��es tc��t?.��-acre�te#hat is currentl�;�ti�elopeci witYs tm�sin�le fa�il��b�e I�at��3 at 1��2t� 1� 14St6 A w e SE. I�e�#in�si�g3e-fa�il r haaie���cauld be reta�ned in-gl�ee�lcm�1�Sth A�;e 5E. T}�e �,� �ite is locateci ��°ithin tl� Resideatial-l� �R.-1�#� and R�esi�tial-1{� #R-l�j zcrr,in� district�. The gr�jec#sBte a;curren#li�cou�pased af tsrc�garcels�the sn�aller a�the n�,�o (3.7i 1 4qi�re�feet in -�� area j i� the gc�rficm curr�ntt�-zcan�€1�-IU and sub;€�t ta th�reaone r�qcu�t tt� R-1�. T#�prc�pcased �� resiciential 1�ts ra�uge in size from�,1?5 SF tc� 9,?t�9 SF in area u-�th an avera�e lo# size of 6,�8�t SF. i he site��ou1d a3s.c�cc�ntain�co�svn are��-a�t an.�a sham3 c�i��ew-av rract_ �,t'ith a�ak;nnu�,of t���o �'� d;a�elling uuit�per to�v2�ame,t�r�-idenrial c3�siT�is 11.7 d�c��ellifl�uuiTs p�r��t acre. Access t�the ,� :ite u�c�uld be frc,n�a siugle�haf�r3 clr�ke�-�y access a�cm�t�e s�au�h prapert�•ltn�fr�u �LBtf���;e 5€. �� '�e applicant�s street��ai�er�n��catit�n requ�st���uiore sp�ifeallY deacri�ed as fol3oi�•s_ �ti �� Re�oue.Fr�linu.*�Plat aud Stree�t�'ai�:er-`� 5 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 1 :�. Street Frc�nta�� ��'ai�.-er Tlre a�plica:�t is rec���zing a n�.odi�catic�n fr+� I�'.1d�fC =�-C- , t3�F.� `�e�ininru�Uesi� Standards Table fvr Ft�blie Sireets aad�e;�s"�c�der to � kc�g the eaistin� 1{�St� �;�er�ue SE. rr�*hi-caf-c��a� in�prc�:�es�ents �c�td� -� �p�praximatel�,�2?-fc�t pa�•e�e�t u�i�ih frc3ui the raac�u=a�'centerline, C�.i-fc�#curb�nd � guttc�r, and �-�c�ot sideualk an place rather th�i�-�alli�g a fle�-glanter str<g far trees bei�a.�e+�n the��anc�ne:�•sidew-all�alang the prc�j�ct frtantage. In ac3riitiatz the e.�r�t�nQ � c�snfi�uratian a3loufs tbe e.�istina cagb Iine to ren��in cc�nsistes�i uii� the �uzzc}cmdin� b street cc�nfigtuati�n. � � ���th:�tern�t� SE is a Aiinor�.r#�rial c�-it��e�i5ting R0�4'��dt��f�tc�f�1 f€et�as � per�sse�ssur u�p). This�tre�t cla�sificati�n req��res a r��+ninn�,ri�t-�rf-u�a�•u�i�th o� Ql feet. Ta nxeet i�e Cit��s con�}al�te street st�ndai� far 1C�3th. half street a i�rc�t�ea�ents inclt�d+e 27-fooi ga�-�d re�ad�.�a�,�'-fcr�t pla�ter s#rip a��'�-fac>t si���a3k l� alcmg u��ith a suinirii�m r�gh#�f��a�J€ied:caticxn eaf�'�.i �`c�t p�r C'it�.�Cr�de�-+�-0b�J. �� B. Shared D7-i�,-ev��a�?�icrdi�icati�� 1"l�e agg3ic:aut is rec�uesting a nrc�difi�at�on frc�ui R'��C =#-�a-�1f+�J.� '`�hared I3ri�e�•a� �tanciards — �,'hen Peruiiit[e3-- in c�r�r ta �x-tend t3�e 1=' len�ath of the chareei dti��ev��a;J�crte than?�0 fe�e#in ien¢th. Th��+tt�s�1 €s cant�ii�nnt 13 with the ft�llal�•in�n��c]ificatic7u�i2��ia_ pur�iant#c�R.liC�-�_,:�D, if�li conc3iticrn..: of a�rt��-al�„re met. l� �. Surro�din��rea. The s��b;�t sit� is saisraufldin�tm�sides�i�ir��1e f�n:il4�resideutial 1� clez�lt�gn��nt. � sh��,�in tl�e ae�ial g�cstc�gragh.af P��e 1 of the�ta�r�perrt, hiJi c3er�sit�r sin�ie- 1� familF clece�ogn�eut�it�a4 c�narrou�se#�acl�is l�cated c�n at3jcr�nin�*Par�.e3s to the nrn�h�zone�i R- l�l} ai�d socFtt��zane�R-14 j. iktac}�ed sing�e faniil��hcmies are lc�cated to t�e east(z�ae�i R-1Cl j an� 17 ��,•est�zonett�Z-14;� ~ 1� �. :���.-erse IIImacts �ie gropc��e�re2�ne> site plan and prelin�isa��y shc�rt glat c3a aot��r�ate an�• lo si�ifi�an.t ad�erse en��i.r�anuien#�I ir.�pa�ct�. T� prc��a� «i3I t�e s�.°ec1. b�,` aciequate:�ar�pr�ate infrastn�cti.�re � d�te�un�ci in Findiag af F�ct�1c�. 6. I�patt� �re m�re s�ecifieall�' acict�es�d as 2� fat�ows: �� :�. �'nri�a2:�reas. �here are�no crit��al areas or�tber na��ra1�r-ster�on site ,, � �_ B. Ccr€s�s�atibilit-y. The pr�pcssal i� couzpat�t�le c�.�ith siurc�unr�g u,s�. � prc.�cssed i'� azgzcme is ag.�pragriate fc�r its 14xa#ion. as t� g�rcel is a ��Il gortion of a Iarger L� sutaetit�sion th�#is predn��antl�alre�ac��-zo�ed R-14. Th��ta.ffre�rt notes t2iat the rezo�e r�ould n�at �ncrease the n�a�r af residenrial tmits allc�uxed w�thin tb+e L� d�s�elQpsneat. t�ut��s�uld realtc�ate th� re�iciential densit�ar�d uuit ��pe�. T� rezane Prc�rsa�,u�csuld alta�.�the aggli�ant ta�etaifl t�e e�i�-tic�singl�fauu3�'ho��c�n� I(}Si� ,� Rezone.Prelim.tnar��Flat an�Str�et tR'ai.-er-3 6 tJRDINANCE IVO. 5811 � At�e S�,wfi�ch ti�;�u?d�ll�,��t�e�.x.ast�hon�e t���e as��i�zal L�i�'c�f�r tl�e sia�Ie- fa�z�ii����es l�ate�vn the d�esi�zde c�f If����c�e�E. � . � Ttt�o�,-erall �ut�li:�sitm adjain3 t1�€� star�l��h des�it�d c�s-�Icagment�ti�th l�ttle crr nry setba� ta ba#h t.�e �cautti ar��nQrt2z. The parcels to the�e�c# ar� I�ss cl�� deta�hed .� �-4�;�liin��_but ihe pro�.wsed clewelt}pn.es�t w�uld be ca�,sisteg#«ith tY�e hi�e� +c.ensi�- de�.-e3ap�eat th�t a� aLreadti izi�ie�c fr�iha�e s�le-f�i��hc�nes ta the sa�rt� and � �c�rt�c�f th�prc�j�#site. � C. ��ie�s The�a�at3�ape�f#��ar�s i�relati�.�ely f�t u�ath large tre�s�d h�a:�4 e�etai�an � restric#iu��ri,it�ilix�'frt�m ancB t�r��the site, Th�e 3-stt�r�'a;�astfl�nt:�tta t�e n�.~rrili an�i t3�e 3-st�;c�n�mit�i��t�the scr�th also�e�-tri�t.-ieu°s fsa�a�ci t3rrc�ct�th�pr�,'. g TY�e gr� smscture� ��•c�td nai b2ack�a�ie�� c�arrid�rrs tcr �hvr�lin�s ar'�Zt. :E�ai�ier. Thereft�re>the progao�erd h+�i�ts of the sutu�res are appr�priate fc�r t�is �it�uation�� � will n�t zs�teriall�aff�t the�;i�4�s+.,f s�zrrot��n�prc�#ies. 1G �_ ���sst}�e#ics. �I'h� �rrckpc�s�l d�s n+�t create a�a� s��si.ficas�t a�c�rs� �esthetic ix�cts_ 1� �cat�c�a� �t�a�.iti�s�esi it is ct�rsi�ent v�ith tl�e Ci#��s desi�and l�ds�a�ain��`Ean��r� as outlin�d in Fira�iaQ c�f Fact 2�:c�. ?1 atid??. 1'' V �. Li�htu� :�.s con�dit�oned. the pr�gcrsal�s l�gt�ting t�i�l n�±t a��,•erselti�ai�ect�uro�u�dsr�� 13 pT�pe�ti�. A ii�timg pl����as��#prca�°id�i��.-i�h t�e a�glication;therefor�e,a c�n�ii�a�+n 1� �f ap��-�val rec�ire� that a li�t� gI� that a��ate��� prc��:id�� fc�r public �a.f�tv ��ithcaut cas#in� e.�ce�si�.°e �1�e �n adjacenz prc�perties t�e su�mzitte�c3 at th� tir�.� �.�f �� en�nc�rin��ersuit re��e�.�• 1� F. �'e¢etatiers�_ Th�prvp�as€�d ePar��inatian�f��getati4n is �acst de�d tt�� si�niuca�t2�` �d:-e�se�ihe a�alicant l�,�ill be c�upl��ing t;•i�the Citk's iree retentic�n stas�.dards, tl� 17 4s�#�.���egetation rete�icro starldard�applica�+le tc�the pra�i�t. :�s t�utlus�d iu Fusdin�c�f l� Fact�o_ �l af�sta€�`rep�t,th�Cit�.�"s tree reze�ticr� stanc��zds require�retes�ti�r� c�f �ree si�cant trees ar�d th� �+licarst e�cc�cls t� st�ndas� t�� recai,�in� �i��e �p si�n�fic�,nt tr�s. ,�j 6. �ctern�ac��af Infrast�tctur�e Adec��c�o�`infra�#r►3ct�zre'Pu�Iic :Serri�es. The pr�ject ��ill be iI serv�b�,•adeqE�ate in.fra.sln�taz�e and�ublie ser��ices as f�rllc���;�: ��r :"� �,t'ates and S�u�:r Ser�-�re. t�t'ater�d s�t,ar�:���er sert-�ce fcrs#he c�e�.-els�p��st u��uld t� ?3 �ro.�ide�bj;t�� S�os�ree��J4'�ter aud�u•�r I�trict. `$ B. Fire Prc��c�tic� Fir�ps�c.�tecticm u°�uld be p�rc����.ed b:•�Ci?�:c«f R.entc�F�re L�garm:c'nt. �� �� Rezcme_Pr�l.inzza�.�.r:Plat a�nd Sts�t V�'�a�,-erv-� 7 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 � C�. .I)raina�e. In cou;�c�iofl��:th the Cit�J�s st�u-at�r regutati�. tu�p�-apasal n�ti�*�s�I ., si�c�nt d�aifiage iuzga�ts. T�ae ap��ie�a.t has subn�itte�a Te�hflical Infc�ticzn Report y �`-I�ras�.a�e R�port„_ Ex. �'1�#}�t e w•aft�a#�s �d gr�ses a�r�lin.�i.narG stc�r�3�.�ater�ti�st� � de�� The Drainage Report gr�o�s t-�Q starna.�-ater facilities. r1 cie�entic,r����ult{�.'au?t � #1�is pr�sed b�t���e�u the c��stem t����taun�c�n�es�E,E?thibit 1`�- T�i�stautt is int�cted tc� graticie#he required flot�t��r4l f�r�is�xgert•it�us rc�fs of tti�tc�.��emes.A co�bi��area i r.�ten�ion,'t�,-e#t-au2t(G'autt m?�is�arc�sec�un�r t2�� acc�ss rc��ttu•av�c,uutt�c�f tl�e�sisa� � ho�s� and ihe w estem�uost to�nh�e (�,.�hi�tait 1��. Thi; 4�ault i� iutendefi iv grcr�zde cietentiau fc�r the rema�nder gf t}.�e ga��e�l �ud &�sic I�'at�r Qt;.alit� fcsr tl� palluticra 7 �cn�rat�� i.n�gertioc� stu�faee. Public ;�•arF:s staff��,z11 r�quire r.c��Grn::an�e flf rhe fina.l � s#or����ater s:ste�u des=�tc��`ii�;•st�rui:��ater st�ndard��s a gart c���inal g2at ret-ie-�,�. �4 I}_P�•fl�c�eri �r,ace. �'he prajeei proL�c�s for ad�quate parks and op� sgaee. F��t gark: ititpacts. the applic�nt vs-i21�e paz�in�a g�i�gact fe� t#ue at che ti�e of builc�sn� �i# 1� i���nc�. :�ic�c�fl-site par�i�req�uired uncier t�e ci#��`s park at����ace�tant�arrds t�ecau� 1 I t2�e�#e4�elcxpmestt is le;s than 10 net a�xes in size. See R'�iC�#-'_-I 1���''j. 1-� :�ecmditic�n�d,the pr�sal t�ill satis�apglicable a��ace re�au��ts. r1s gmp�eti u�itlic�ut the ccmditions.the grc�sal fails tc��ieet o�sp�ce r�iiren�ents. A�?5.�� by�=4' 13 (l.l�l sf�ca�csn��.paee tract.lo�at�ed a�4-e cm�ofthe�tcarm��ater�,�a�ltc.is grag�s�. far can�.cTn Qpea spa�ce that is easi3-,' ac.�si�le u�thin the sh�srt g1at. T�e cie��elc��es�t 1`� incl�des a t�t�I c��`7 uvits_ uhach aa�s�uld requir� i.�>C ;���re fe�t caf cc�nn�c�n a�spaee 1,� pursc��nz tu R3�iC-�-?-11��'E�r.�';�-�-tii�h rcqu�res ��€� square feet c�f crpen sg��e�r c-iwelluse tmi#. Addititmal ar�a fmm Lat? anc�I,cst 3 c�auTd satis��s this re�q�.iretu�nnnt. :� ca�dititm of 1� agpr�7��I r€�aires that ihe apfahcant pr�s,::d� a �.-iseti site plan d�on5trating c�n.��aac� �7t3t the 35t�stg�re fc�et ger�it rct�uiren�cnt. BeYz�nd tk�e de�icit�n a�u�t of c�n sp�ce, 1 f the t�Y�e and c�esi�n of�space ati�fies 3gpl�cal�Ie rc�c�.te��zs a� c��#l�ned at p. 1� of tbe staf#'rep�.-rr#. 1S l� �. Pe�st�an �irculaticrn_ .r'�s nt�ied in Fit�c�inr af Fact I`�ca. 3. tl� agpla�as�t i� reqt�estin� a �r� m�ctification ftom R'4iC'�-b-t}�iCpF._' -'.�tini.riaFm�Desi�u 5tanc�ards TabTe for Put�Iic 5tree#� and�21e�-�"� ir�crrd�r ta keep the e�:istin�, l�J$�h r"1�-en� SE ri�t-af-s��i J im�n-o�•ements as �� i�. B��auc� #3�is. the Frr�pc�sal Prc�.-ides fc�s ade�u�te'agpropria#e pede5-trian circc�l�tian as .�.� rec�€�red��the Ci�y's desien and flg�u s�a��stanciard�,�'��C�-'-11�. Pedestrian e�ntr��and `_ access fram 1C��th_��=e SE, to tb�e shrnt plat. i�.•c-��1d be pro�,id�ed ria a 4-fcx32�mi� sideu�a�k �� al�ng the�ared cE�i 4 e�.�ay frtruta��. The sid�u�aik c��t�uld be Sc�cafe�.across the fr�snt af zach ` Iai anc3 wc�utd grc���ic!€ a pe�striar� coim�ectian t� e�ch a�u�tc�re. P"�destri�n sit�w-a3k�; as �:} ��eII as gri��ate pet��stri� c+crtmecti+-fns t�rc��*hcaui the gro�crt�. are groposed fc�r�e uad e�cient pe�stri�access t�raugh�ut the site.C,��,ectioias���a€t1d aI�1��r�cic�ed bet���e�e�a L� the propascci sisuctures and the efla�ofl ageu sg�te tract. Iu eard�r t� ensuure a s.a�fe �� c�elinea#ian af#he s�cle��alb:s. a co�diti�an Qf apprc�t-a1 requires that#lx pedestrian�:det�.•alks R�cme.Preltniin�.ar�;Flat and Stree#Vt.'ait�er�-5 8 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 � and pn��ate eatxti�irle��-alk�t�e4nss�cted usifl�et�.cret�cr�a�iff�ent ty�e a��aterial il�au the sl�r�i c���eu-aT,�. � - � F. Tr�c I�nro��e.a�n�s. Ti�e gragcs�l is s�-ed ts�' ac3ec��cat� and ap�rc�gri�te tra�ic in.frasir�nare. � t}ff site�ic ia�pac#s;�ill be arlc�ressefi thr���� the pa�n�ent caf tr�ffi.�iu�sa�#fe�due at # the tinte af t7uiSding, pemut issu.ance_ Putjlic ��or�s st�' c�id not find t�iat ag�tficable re�,ilation�ret�uireci an�;traffic iu�act analy�sis cc�n��set��i far the lec�Ls of tr�ic�euer�ted 4 b�'the pr�+gosal. Pu�aiie t�'�rks s#a�t� r�:-ieu•ed the preliIIziu��� #raffic circulativn and - gr�ed strc�z i�gre�c��mc�nts an�i f+�u�d them ta t� ccrnsistent �ifih Cit��: streer �taT�c�ds � �h;�ct to agFrat-�I of the �eq�.u��ted st.fle�et t�.�ai w•ers_ Sta�'ha ve alsa focmd t;� prupase�i � t�hi�ular sir�latic�t�s be:�afe au�3 ef�'ica€�t as eanditioue�i. a G B��veles. The proz�sicm pio�.�ides fcar ae}equat� bie��cle f�cilitic-°� ��,� comp���ia� uith 1� a�spli�able tric�,-ele�tand�rds. Fer R11iC: �-0S�F_11_a bicy�le ga�kiflg s�aces are r�uired forresidential des�elcsgnae4is t�at�:ce�ed fi 4�e(5�residenrial�aits.Attach�c3 unit�are r�ured 1 I ta pro4�ide one-half((�.5��ic�'ele gari�s���ac�per a�e d,�e3lin��m.it.S�acc�sha3l mee�the r�aireaa�ents af�-t38C��.11.c..T3�e eara�es tca each uuit sl�ould be able to n�eet the txac��rle 1�? garleins requir�ent. :�conciition of apprcn�t reqz�es the appli�ar�t tcs prc��ide flc�er plans that ide�#s��adequate bsc�•cIe gark�ing c,f ane-ha3f sgace p�r du��Ilin6 uait. 1� 1� H_ S�haals. Th�grc�as.al proti-id�s far ade�uat� agpropri�#� schc�ol facilities �nd safe� 4na conditic�r�.s tc� and fr�scho�ol. The staff'rcptn#uc�ies t�t it is anticapat��t�at t.�e Re�t+3u 1� Se�o�ol F}i�trict can�cca��Iate aar additic�na�sttident� gene�ated b_y t#�is proposal at the fc�ll���•ing sc3�cacFls��'ascad�Ele�e�+art�.Ne1��.�iddle S�h�41 and Lindber�h I�i�h Schoc�l 1{ (Fxhi�rit ��}. .� �ch�l I�aci Fee_ based on u��,��ulti-f�nul�,�2o#s, w�c�uld be re€�s.zir�cl in order#�s�i#i�ate the prcaposal"s gntent�a3 i�aacts tt�th�e F�ntc►n�chc�l I}is�ic#. l�e fc�zs 17 ga��ble to the Citt�•as specifiert b�,:the Re�#cm��Suua�ipal C�. Currently the fee i5 as�e�se� l� at$L38�.OQ�er multi-fan�il��tmit�z�i#h credit�ic°en f�r the��tinff r�idenee. lcy :�.t�z gew hi�h sehac}1 stuc�ienL� fre� thz prc�osed cie��log�ent t��ould b�e b�tts�i t�a �-ieir scho�Is. 1'�e t�us stcap#t�the hi�s s�hc�1 is lac�ted apgrQ�xel��1 a�iles frcrna the groj�t �� site at IC33th�te SE�SE �7(}th St_ St°��ents�outd t��a1�:sout�along 1(182h Are SE_ alcsng the�.i�sideu�k to SE 1�4th St. 5t��i�nts ta tl�e e3��utar�a�d middle schuols u�outd �� b�t�•ithgn v�alkiu�tiis-cance. S�fe u�alEe��r.a F4t12P`S P.�'i5�fI4Ilz�1£ 51t�ts3 C3SC3t�F�2iI1f�lI�G ,, t�}=��all�i�g on p�ubli�c sict�v�-alks.The raute bzgins b Y�FaTking uc�on 108#]i��,�e�E,nuning `_ eas#c�n SE 1 ES�th S#and finall�-u�alt'�gar�h on 4�6th AE�e SE(aggrc��iu�ztel Y I tuile}. Safe ,:, u:�tkln�rc�utes taI`�e�sen��iid.dle Schc�l t�}•u�all.in�*crfl publ�c sic#�E�•alks and u�ide�hautcl�rv. � T�e rc�ure be�in.s b�u-�tki.ng Eaca-th cm 1 C►�th:��-�e SE, ea�# on S ?�3th St amd nor#h agaiia cm ?� 1(1�th A.-e SE�appro?i {�.��ife�,)- ?i �� Rezcme_Freli��ina.r,�Plat and Street't�'ai.�ess-6 9 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 � C't�'�C�L�-SIC}ti5+�}F L-�t�' � 3 1. :�uthc�rit�,'- �'4�C �-5-0��;+�} cla�sifies a rez�n�e rec��t as a T�pe Ii�' agplic�tion u-t3icl7 � rec�€res th�hearir� e��er tc� n�akk+z a recc�n:ra�c�ndaricm t� the C'ih-C:�tzu�il aften c��I�in�a�l�c � h�:�. The s2i�rt sut�di;,7sicm applic�rian reqct.�si i�classs seci�s a T�,�e a�lication h�.�R4SC 4-5- " �8{�(Gj and tY� a:�di�catia�re�sts as T�pe I �licatie�as. R.'��iC�-8�G3�{C'j�utf�orizes n�ultipl� fa perIIut app3i��ti�+ns #o be cc�soli�ated und�t�e hiQhest nunab�es re��eu•ci�sificatio� �-h�cb ist tI� � ca.se;��ou1d b€T�,g�I�'reti�iec�. The�taff reg�rt doesn't idc�Tif�r u��hethes#he agglicant h�s Qgted far �ons�lid.ated reti•iew>�ut gi�-en that the s.�j�ct perxluts�s,-e a�bec�su�miited#o tL�+e�ae�in���an�sfler 8 for re�.ies�• it is pre�-t�d that crptien has t��eu e.�erciseci. � a rea-vlt of ec�n�olidation_ the rezone 4 �pp��ati� sh4r#plat�nc�a�odi�icatitm re�uuests are aIl sui�jc-tct t�a i��pe I�'resieu-. l,� �. Z�nis�'Cc�r�re3��i�Je Plan Iksi�#ians, Th�entire gr�a;ect site has a�an:preh�i:�plau Iand use n�a� d�si�atiuoa of Res��deatial High I3en�it�. T'he laraes af t�e h�o garcel� af th� �ite i� 1� za�d R-�4 anci the sn�llex garcel is z�+ned R-lC� 1� 3. Re��ie«;C�riteria. F.I��C�-7-470 g�i-erm�t�e crat�ia fi�r shar#glat re a�eti�_ �he s�eet stanc3ard 13 };•ait�er' i� subject tca Rto�C�-�-�'>�C} and ihe str�ei stanciard mcxlificaticrn is subje�t tc� R.'�iC' �-!�- 1� ?��l`IJ)- R�za�e st�ci�rd�are sc�;ect to R.'1•iC'�-9-I8f�(F`}�._'). �ite plau rei,�ier�•is go�;emed t��R.�,i�' 4-�-�C�E�l3}. :�gp�cable sta�ds �re qu�ted b�fcs;�- it� itatics a�d apgLe,�ttarou� �c�rre�ptmdin� 1 j canelusior�cf lau-. 1� IiEZO'�-E C:RITERL�i 17 F..IiC'�-9-150{F�(2}{a): T���r�-nn�is in t�3�p�rl:i�e a��;e*�.st, �:r��i 18 �. The cri#esi€�n is met. The progosal is clearly u7thin tt�e gublic iix#erest. T�gropa�al f�silitat� l� c3�ti�elapnaent�f th�prcajec#site with na�i�ifi��nt u�acis tfl 3�.;c�inin��ragerties. �s�tc-nnin�d in ?t} "?i `-, � i�e s#aff reper.pro�esses t�se sareet taon.�a�e wuf-er as a modcficatron pcssccant to�`�fC 4-9-2itll�;. The�'4iC >- Y 5-?5�`e���grocess genencally�nthonzes mc+d�ficauc��ta ''Sta:�ar�"a-ct�.�ut limi�tion as to scope. RC�.��.�-Y-=SC ,�j {Cl a-�xize= u-ar.-ers oniti•t4 stzeet star�r3.�. Sm:e 4-9-_���;C} is a:are �itic in s�a�e; rt as con..-eued as t� ' re�-t�vr grocess tbas=houl�i$rsi be app:�eti t�reque�to u°ar•e s°:ee>stanciards. ThQ cau.-�requi:e that a sgecafi,: ?� :taatut� vni`s� stzpettszde a eece:a :*atut�e ssh�eu bta;h apph• S�� �:.tura ti F3'a.:hrn,�7ars S�ate�epr qfL�br�r a�rr� Indu:rraa:. ?b�R's.=C 8i f,,�l�� If a progasec�u�i.ficaaio�tr,sazeet srar3ar3:d�e=n`t meet+'�e sueet wai.•e:erieiia. L� Shen the�oie general medificatcan standard3 af_ti14f�1-9-'_',�Q��; can� appset? aa uras focmd�essar�•fc�r dus pzojett smt_e t�e req�s'e�c orar.�es of s,�red c:ei:�ewav:�Ygih s�dard=aicdn t qualiiv ar a a�.•er Tzdar RC':4`�-9-'SC {Cl. ?6 Rezcme_Fr�l�n.�i�r��Plat�d Street Lt�'ait�ers- 7 10 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 I Findin� of F�ct '�o. 3 aad '�. tt� r�zone is f�r � n�I are.a and i� full��' caa�patible ��-�th #he , sun�ttmdin� area an�3��ill nut r��lt iu an�'increas�in du-elling�nits on th�e�r�j�ct sit� � R'�iC-�-�-184{F}{2}(h}. �te r�_t�r�e t�at�s tc��rr�irer tl���r�e����tiun crrat7��,��?��prat cr�'�zm.�su��t��r�!i.�,' �?'{?t,�??21'?'da.�li5 f){L�1�'�T;El,TtdCT1�'�''; �dTlu"' � �. T'he crgts�rfca� is met. �.s e.ipla�ned ia t�e staff scp��rt, t�nt��.t.lvT sized parc�l tt�t is t��e '� ��bj�ct of the rezone z�s� the result vf ax� �ct-wc�e pas�s�ian acticr�. Th�e result �f t�at a�i�erse gc�s�essian ac#ion u•as the likel�reasoa�-h�,`che lot si�je�t to the rezcme requ��t L landicxked w�iU� � z�in�tha#i�incc�nsistent ci•itli the 1c�t Lhat segarates it from its �cnl��ti�ail�ble acces�raad. 1G����t•e f SF. :�7pfOL'31 Ck��ieZC�t3�ik��l e�b1�the p�rcel ta t�e zon��i th�s�e as the re�-t r�f the de^4et�ent Prc�pc'saI ari � lagical and effieiea� n�a.�ner. t�ereb�fiutherin�t�e gr�:-ation and enaa�n�ent c,f#he 8 Prop�m-au�ner'�a�i�it�Y t�dev-�lc�p the pro�ert�.�in a r�aconabl�naanuer. � R�iC'�-9-18f1(�2j{c}: T'�ao r�_ora�is r��tmt�a'era��i�.�c7�trirr��r�ta:�o t.he�.t��ic x��l,frn•�ofthe�r��ertiea 1� o`�;,�t�r�rsons,'ccar��'ir�rM�tiic�rritt th�r�t:':�1a �� �. The criterion is met. �s detesnuneci iu Finc�in��f Fact I�:c�. �,the rezc�ne rec�uea�t z�rill nof ereat� an�si�uifie�nt ad��erse in�aaets. Tf�eref�are.ihe gr�sal is not con�i�iere�i#t�b�e n�ter�l�-c3et�imc�tal 1? t�tl�gu�lic 4�elfare e�f the prc7gerties csf ot�+�gers�n::l�ateci mri the 4°i�.inicY. 13 1� R.iiC'�#-9-180�(_'}(d j: ��z�r�-�r��m�ets th�r�i�a�c-�it�ici ir3 sir'�s�ctir�»Fi ca�'ti�is.S'�ctivn. li 7. �he criterioa is naet. The pr�sal i� ca�isi�t��i#h al�stan�ards i�.ed b�subsecti�a Fl. Sub�sec�ofl F1 rer�.�ire�. c�an�istenc�°zcith the ccs�pr��ensi,:e g1�n. Fot the reas�� it�ntifeei Finciu� 16 ofFaet Ito. Ia c�fth�staffre�sa�rt_ �prap�a�al is ccm3is#ent��ith i�ie e�;grehensii�e glan. Sc��se�tic� 17 F1 also requtres�it�er iha#{l}i�e�ibject pr�:�4�s flat s�cific�fl M•eonsidered in the Zast area land u�avaly�sis�rid area zvnin�c�r�2.7 t�at cire�tanc�ha�-e siguifica�,tl�chau�eti svaee the ntc�s#rc�ent 18 �onin��f t3�e area. The sta�'repc�n't u�t�s t�at the rez�nz of the prc��,'��as nc�t ccm�tder�cl in t3�la�t rezeme c�f th�arza.uhich t��s done iu�C�1�. Finally_ 5ubsecricm Fl rer�uires that the rezc�IIe-�m.���t��� 1� r�i�x� cri;eri� in .F�:tfC.' �-9-Q'�'�. RIt1C� �-4-��[� sets ihe re.-te�.• ciit�ri� fc�r cca�gte2�ensi�-� plan aate��e�ts. T}�e ec��prehensi��e glan criteria fc�ew upan ia�acts tc�ero��th rat�.�decg�asv�,f�ublic �� iflfrast�.�tute> cc�nsistenc}� «ith e�teher�si�e pl� Q1ajc�ti�;�s aatd iaipacts c�n e�tirc����ntallr• ,� �nsiti�.� areas. Si�ce the gr�seti rezc�e v�-ilI nc�t re�t iu any incr��.se isi the ntmab�er crf ctt��e�iug ` units_ ��•ill not ac�-easel�• af�ect �n r �u��ir�entall,Y sensiti��e areas and ���i11 nc�t ad��ersel�= aff'ett ?'? �urrouuding praperties.it shairld not�a�e an.�naateaiall�ad��erse i�aact t���of the fac#�rs r€�e�ired t�r t�ad�r�ss�i duziag eoII�rehensi�:e plan r�r-ie��;and is thes�efore c�nsidereci to be ce�nsis#ent�.�ith the '3 ccrntpr�ensi:-�plan criicria ef R.�iC�#-�-0?{}. `�� PFtELLi�'ti�F"i4 SHC►AT PL.�T CFtITERL� ?i �� Rez€m.e_Pre�rni.na.r:�1at an�t Street V�'aii�er�-S 11 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 � R�1C-�-?-0?0{B): .�s�or7�i;�t silcrt���co�asdst�i�z��itta th�.,{:��ic��.�?ag�riraclp�c�s r�fncee.ptrr.�i.itt�: � ?.Lea���,cats. C'rec�;�i��rrt�iz�ir��sat�s x�i�h��n���ti°kit�i cz�E prrti��sior�s�fi���C'ir��Zcr��rr�C�cfe. �_�#cc�ss:E'stca�sis.h rr�eess t�t��a„�I�c rna�for e��h sc���*crt������. 3 �. Fin�sical �"'h��rcacteris�ics. Hcn°c? 3�rit�.�,`e Fin�si.A� chcrruc�'�ri.�ties. :?�r��c�sc�� shc�rt�.rrt mcr�• �e �:�nie�l��ccrus�aj�;c�ad ir�tn���ti�r�, �r��r�t.crr�;.'cor�itrott;. CQ��stn.�ti�ir�of�roT��ti��e rrrrp.���em�}ts .� mcay .�rer,����cf'crs«:o�t�i�ir�rr o,�tr�?�r�v�a; nr3�sa�ci�im�rc�tiem�rr�s sj�ral�.�e�at�:d cn tipe,frl,��`slavr; r�fn�_ � �. .�rair�c�;�a: ;f�a.� ad�c.c,�u2te�rn�?SIOTt_;�4'" cfrr�irac�g�x�tr�s. srr��ts, crii�t.�s, c�the���'ic x��s, �s���ar � Stll?�td�.'SC7ltt�S€7t21ICPT4 z4E`ZSPEZS. � 8. The criterion is n�ei. `�he Ia�s ptopcased b�'t� a�g3�cant meet all a�plicabl�zonin� staa�r� ` as c�utlis�.ed in Finctin�of Fact Na. ?1 c�f the staff rc�rt if the requzsted rezcr�e is�rfl 4�_ rr�.s�ho�a g ia the site plaa F�_9.each of il�e prc�osed f4ur lt�ts ba��e�ec��t4 1(�3`�:�ti-e SE�-i�an inte�al s3�areci dri�.�e�.�,-a�;_ Th+�re are nc�critical are�.s cn�n�,'�ther ph��sical characteri�-zi�s t�f the pr€�g.�ert�;that n:ake i# � u.flsuit�t�le fc�r cie�-elc-�p�ent. The gia�pc-�sal gr��i� far adet�taat� infrastru�t�re �s r�€�.u-e�i abt�:�e as 1� detzrrt�i in Findin�of F�ct Itia. 6_ 11 R'�iC`�-�-0?t7{H?(3�: I�'th�.Y�'mir�istratc�r,��r�t.�ar ttt���rn�s€.��tc�r m�a�;n�proari�te�r�z�Fsior�s jc�r Fia��a�tSlic,�2�;tlr, sc��:;x, crnd��ra�rQi�a-e2,fax�trrad fnr sr�eh c���spc�c�s. ���age�+-�r}s, str��ts, 17 af:�}s. c�tJa�rtnt�rie tis�crc�s, ���ter��r�Y;i�s, s�rri,�ca;t xt�zst�s,�r?�+�,p.�r}�'�rrrnc�s, sit���for sehco��nci �t3Y�?�erar�.� c�:��ri;'c�i��r re,`erc�rrt fcrcts rr�rd L+rr�t t.+i�a�t��tic t�se cand irPt�r�st x�tz�e��.��r�'��th� 13 �,r��os�.�s�s�.�t��n;, �hen is.�hni,''��rrp�rai��:`. 1 he cr�,�zi�an�shrr����naEi�a�r'�a�ar�ti�ag a;'t�ag ca'�cisirn. 1-� l� 9. The critera�an is m�et- T�e P�QP��� Frt��i�s fctr ade�uate:'ag�prapriat� tr�a�.tn�cnu� as r�i.re� ab�t�e a� e�etesuLned in Find�rs�of Fact 2�0_ 6. The gr�l n�alces �pptcrpriate gr���ision far public l� hea�fth,safet-r�nd d;-�Ifare and the pu�lic use aa�intere�t�,�ili l�serz��ci b�eaczse it ee�aabtes re�.soflable 17 use+�f land with�€tt an�c�rr+e�po�ctin�si�i�cant at�.•erse imp�cts to g��b3ic in�ra�-tn�ture_sturoz�diflg Prcrpertsc�c�r the euE-ircmme�t a�ele#er�sa�d in Finclit��o�Fact Nu. �. l� 1� SITE PI..�.'ti ,� K�iC �#-9-ZQO{E}(3}: �'riteria. �',�e..�irarnisrr�rc?�c�r desi�a��mustMfir���:��rr�,��se.:3�.r�a;�r�t���i�t y c�rrrp.icance��i,h t}ae fd;,'���irag: �� i? d. Caarr�liartc�crnr��`o�rsist�ct�: Confama�rr�:e��ith r�iar��, na?iri�, regu�czti�n�rr�ar�A��ro��ais. iracir:�`ing: `, i. Cam�teh�i�sn�e Ple�rr: �7P Car.►��reher�s�.e Picral> its edemer}Fs, ,��s, o��esri3�es, r�+ad ?� ��icies, �spe�inl�;��r.nose Qfth�cap�ti�-�bi�:�°rn�i�sse a�sig�aa��aa, t.�e�`cmmarni�°�7�si�ra E'iernerrt; anci ma� �r���ic��i���c��t�:���igh���rir�c�{�'l�rrt; �� �� P�T.t��3�iFCi7hit?it:Tt,i'Lt.;6?r��Ptit'�a1G°r3.;: R�4n�_Pr�lifl„�an Flat and Strezt[�.'ai:�er�-� 12 QRDINANCE N�. 5811 � ii�, �e���a P���r�r��f.�t�r��a{?r�i;��rrc�rarxG���=�»`ca���;.�,����t�, cr�d4� ` i��. �si��r Re�grr�Crtic�ns:Irrter�r cnasn,�i�e.:irx�cft�z�r��sigrr r��rrPn�icrrs tc�crst�ir���tC�- 3 i-1�f1. .� l�. `I'lie ccnit�rion is met. T1�e prc�pas�S i� cc�istc�t�itla agplacable cc�nzpreheusiz��plan�lici�s and zc�rtin�ie�tatic�n�as �utli�e�in Fin�i�u�s �f�act Itir�. l� aIId'1 af th�staffrc�rt. '� d�e��� � �zd�3ines c�f R'�ZC�t-3-1�l�do�tot apgl�,�to p�c�jec#�in th��14�-��#zcme. �ee R'+riC'=�-:�-lU+'3.�3)(1�'b;�. � Hc���e.=e�,�il�a•�C:�i-?-11'�c3r�s u�apQ��de�i��ta�ci�rc�t�resi�enti�l de�:elrspment iaz the P.2��-1�ac�e. Since R..'�S�' �-�-1 l�a qualifses as a -`l�nt4 use re�alati��,#he afaplicant nsca�t esta�lish c�si7e����fc�r � �it�e pl�n appr�st=a1. Fcn the reasc�s idc�tified in Fin�c�f F��t I�ca. '?of#he staffrege�rt,the prog�s�t is ccr�sisteg#a�•itli t�rie�ign st�ndar�.s�:��K'4-?-11�. 1�e grc��l is nat yubj�t za a gla�e�i a�La� � ardi�nce�r�ti���c7pnaent a�re�n�eIlt. 0 �iS�;-�-�-2�{E}(3){b�: t7,�.Si���n���aets:P�irig;�t��r�cfi�,�a�ts F..�z��;�ir�,��rc�rri�s rr.�:� 1 J u��,s, irt�.`�r�i���: ]� I, .�ld°IiCl71Tt�S:�EStI'1�I�df,�Cl'�',r5�f:it'SI?'liCil:?'�."s tlti�'(tb't?F':Gd�C��.�'i'CltTf��t?����'4'fa�GC.�75P�12 ptt�I ps�r�n�;�rr��ir�>�r�f'��r�,site; 12 13 �% Crrctflation:?''ra��idirr�r��s�n1�;�;rrrrzsitic�r�;cn�r1 t�xr�<a��s �¢����a�s�s. st����s, k�;�i;�.°rn°s��rt��czd,;n��rrt t�rvta�rti�,; 1�# r�i, Lvc�r�frr�arrd.Storrsg�_�rf res:Lr�c.�:7nQ. n€.�i,s�rrin¢c�n�'ser��.�r����s,vr�r,�e cr�cu. �-� t�rfxiti��, r�r�ov�ti��n�ar, �n�r�i?t�ar�rss, c���.�'r€�f�r��cn�:�r���c,`ca�vi�s tr�rr�irzi�r�r-��.i�-�a�� l� frrm szr=rcz�rtc�ir��pr��rties; l"r' a��. �i�►►�s:�e�c�,�i:ira�t�e.�e�.�:iz�7a�,��,frt arrc���..;ix=�hr.at����'�n;�t�ttt7i.�it����ija�c�� �� �i:ce.�si.�itir��t�a at.��n�-��e n�r*���r�.''e��cr�; �q ro�. Lrtrrdsce�aing�° L�sirx�g t�2rtdscn�Fng,�pr��a��de rr�ruitit�ns�e���r�r����d��rr��azt cn}�i srr,roaarac�in�,�re,,��r�i�tc rec:�.ee npr3e rnad glrare, rr;cr�r�tc�in�ri+.°�r���, axacr'ge��err,:i�� -'`� e.rr.n�r��-��he n,�p�car�;�tcc�a;tt���r�,��c�, �rr�c� ?1 �-i. Zi�ht��r I3esi m rm�r�r�ii�:ni_ a��t�rirar ii tttira c�n�g:�.:ir�g i>�rra�r t���c�ic� +� g� � .� r � ,� � ?? �x-c�sn�€?t�rr�hna�ss or�t'.�r�i�trc�i�zc�rt�prr��rtF�s cmd s�r��rs. '_� 11. The enteritm i� n�e�. T�ere is �aa# an €�t-er��c�ra#ic�n c�f ci��Telcsgpu�at cm t�e site. The seurc�unc�in��es 1��ve be�en tic��lar�eci or�r�zc�ned to t�e cie 4 ela�ecf at a sinxilar scale. Tl����h�cant ?`� � Prc�Osin� to re�tain t�e e�sistiug '-�ta��sin�� fanut� str�ture o�a�Lot 1 anti cr,�str�.ui a #+at�I �+f �,� thr��e �3) ri�o--�tc7r�- tauTnhame unit�. T� structt�es ��ocald b�e e���nlnl� s�a�e� acrc�ss fihe� site ���i�h g�rkin� gr€�ti�i�i +t� e,�cta lot. '�I� a�ap�t��t is nt�t �rrap�rsau� asl�,• lc�adin� c�r st�rs-a�e are�s. The ?� agp�ic�ctt i�grc�:�ding fc�r ac��ate g�-tri�u a�d��ehic�zlar circulatios��n w�c�h�in¢de�;rable�an�iti� y R�zcm�.Preli�,�n�r�P�at aud�ue�t t��ai�-�ers- lt� 13 ORDINANCE NO. 5811 � 3u�i lin�a�s as tt�#ern.tsned ifl Fiadig� ofFact�Tc�. �i. T7ae p��ptssal�i�l nc�t create a��erse::e��vr � :i�htu�i�cts as c3etern�eci ul Fia�ir�t�f Fact�to. 4. _� RIiC�-�-9-�(►[){���3}(c;�: 07r-.57t�Impdcts:tfrri,g:�r�c�r cfi.+n�rr�ts t�the srte, �c.`�,r�n;�: .� i. .SPra�ttrereFlae�rrt�irt.�'rctti�isi��suf;�r�ra��rrct mtc�nc�is�*�ch�c,���:t?t����i,'c�ir�����ac�rn�r:. 51th?Ctt7�'t7�7�'t?Tde^s727tI Pd�t7; � ii. S'trrirrrrr�Sc�al�: �'cnsirl��c�tion ai t.�r�sct��e cf�rorose.ca's�ct�rr��s i��rFFcrti�n to n���asr��1 � chcarr�cteri�n�.�, 1�i�ss rmc 1�isir�c, srte c�Tn�r�i�i�s,s���tigk�t,prc���;i:'irrg wn��fs, czn€��c�d�4rrf�?rr �rt!1�'eJ�F�i�rr�e,3s; � rii.:'�i�nrrul F�atures:Pr�at��t��n�J��te r��{1a,�°�:Itrracis:;�p�1n r�tcrir�ir�g�is3ir�g��g�,�tic�ra cfiarl sc�i:s, r�sir�g tn��rar��r�':�re.cirrc�a.�rad��e.t�ae:Ting.:r�d,�[tin�, cant.'t�rririrg immr�n>t�a� g si�fat.�s, rmd r►•, Larldsea�i�a;: L.�s�c?�'im�dsc�crt�ir�g t���1`�gaa th�crp��-<�rmae�c?����kira���re�zs, to�rc��iEi� ° slaar;e c�nt�'r�ri�.>nt� K�f���n��cl�rl, PQ�i�ftra�an��'�rrr'��r�e o�€aa sp�r��s, anc,'gen�r;�t.'� r� l� e-rah�ne�.�s�c?���c�rartce oftn��rc;r�r.Lr�rr�sttt,�ir�g f115J IT3:tuc�Ps�+ae c��si,�rr c�� �rc�tE�ti�r�o,f�drirr�ing c��ca�sc�thnt ti���car���ss si�sc�p�'i�:`�,Q�3c,rrra��,fro�r v��r�i�i�ar 1I �e:�`�srricar��c�ti°��rre,��s_ 1?. l�. T� cnteritan i� n�et. Pr�tia��; and noi3e retiuctic�n s�~ill be �ced b�; the platig� o� the to��ht���s t�l�d the e.s:istiu�h��and�,u1-au�ding the t�u�htrme�-ith landscapin�and tr��5 13 s�o��in the landscaPin�PIa� E.� 19. �,s atrte�ur Fiadiflg of Fact itit�. �_1he s�ale�f t�e prc�a�al 1� is ct�inp�til�le��ith s�oundin�ciecelcr�ent,at prc��r�ies to the nt�rt��and s�uih aie de�el�ged u�ith three stcsr�' high cle�it� de�.���o�pment. :�s d�ten.uines3 in F�din� �f Fa�t I�o. �. t�e applgc�t 15 ade�uaiely pratec#s e.�sSS� ti�geta#ion t�y�.�:ce��in.e a�licabl�t�egetac�cm re#c�s.tti�reqiiirc-�ents. The pro;�ct �.coul�not impaet st� slages ar rc�-uit in extensi wTe gt�dia�. The applie�at e��ates 16 earth��,=c�ric qt:an#irie� at 3ppro:�at€l� "','�1� cubic cards vf c-��t u�aterial a.�d �pproximat�l� 1>1�'3 cubic �,�ards c�f falt mat�al. � defesnYined ia Findi�a� �af Fa�# IiQ. �. fhe propc�sa.t grQiide� f+�r 17 ad,e�{i�t�landscap�ff sir3ce it cc�nnglies���ith�glica�le landscapinfi standard�. T't�e I�o�pc�sal P�c�v�icbes 1� f�r aciequ��te tauccist.aping as c�tcr�ni��in�int�ing af Fatt:�it�_ �. 1� F�IiC'-�-9-Z�Qt,E}(3}�d}:.-lecQss�xPtrl C"ircrcl,at�o�r.•Sirfe�rr;����ci�a�ccee.;s��ra�circ��.4��inr��jc,r ��l�s�rs, inc,'�u�ir��: '{} i. Lacarrvn n�►rf C"r+rrsr�dirldtinar:r�rc��iding crc�ess pvir�is nn sid�stre����r��r�tcr,��s:r���s r�thc�r tianr}c�ireett��c�3ara;z�t�ri���str��ts ar�,'cransr�;idr�tior��fir�ar�ss rmd�r�ss���rrts or� �� r.����i����rl, x°.►r�rr f���ih1e, x�z�a�=�c�r�t�rc�c�..r�i�; `., ii,hric�mrrd Circrrlatrnrr,�Pr�rr��,�rrg s�'���a�rd��ienc� ��`tiie ir�t�rne�i e�°�t:��tir�r�si°st�rn. " iractuc�in�ih�irseati�n, a�sigr�c�cf di.�nexi;ic�ns vj'ti��tsicaa�ar€rnc'pac�estrirrra access poitstl, �3 r�rri-€:r,p{rrr��� rarr�ncaa-ca�tas, �at�lkx�cr}s, bi;t�srr��s, c�rac�emc��nr,}°crcc�s u-�s; �ii Lv�rc7i�rg drtrlD��ti4��rr.S�e��rr;rrirr€��o���airag rrr��c7�tis�e.��crre.�s,��m�crrking c�ac� ?� pat��strian nreczs; }- n�. Trans�f a�r�l Bi�'cl�c:�'rr�iiding rrarzsi�, ccrrt;��s rar��'�ic�r,�,f��-i:i�i€s t�r�c�c��;ess; c��� `� ��.Pa��Te slrrnns:Pr�vidi,�r,�saf�errt�'amr�c;n�e pec:'�st�acrn ct�nn�c�atas��tsa•��,�r�;zz�-;iirrs;� �� crr�s. �li�`:rn�s, �za�t'ic.�i��-cri.�czr�:�cr:���c�nrproz��rti�: Tt�zcme,�'re2isnin��:�F1at a�d Sireet'L�'aa�-ers- 11 14 tJRDINANCE N�. 5811 � 13. `�e crsteric��s met r1s d�eter�ur�r�in Fir�lit�g�fFact:�tc�.6,�he p�c�csal�ro�id�s f�r a�u�te , acce�s, circul�tior�aad k�ic�zl�faciliti�s ��rc�rcd bF t3�e criteriaa a�t�e. '`�c�dir�ct �cces� tc� an att�iat�tree#is gr�sed_ No Iaad��a�d deli.�er�w•areas ar�pr��c�sed. �"he r�c�rd dt�s�c���pg+�t 3 a�y�miti�;�tit�.far tran�it�r cafgaot f�cil�tie�. � R1ft�.l-�-?0�(E�{3)(e): C3perr.�pac�:I.��:�r��aYa,7�������,��ac�i�sPr���crs a'isti�ictz�e�rv,�ac,F�'c�c�a� � ,��a��3 c�a�`��nrcn:ic��t���q��rare ar�c�fcr pc��n.�e n�c��rct�•�,r�cr�rr�ic�n ��th��t�r��nt.r=iz��rs c?f ti�� " SFtt?. � 1�. The�teri+�a is met_ The�rr�gc>�al grc��.�ic3e�for a�k�te c�space a.s rec�uire�b�Y the criter�c+� 7 abc��;e�c�t�zineti in Fi�dit�g��+�'Fact:v'�. 6. � R.iiC�.i-�-�`��(E}(�}(fj: t i���vr�c�Prrblir_�ccess: ���.rr�Cassfbae.,�rcn�rdirag��r��:n?ri��s�sca �y �ia�re�ir��s rrnd�lft.Rnr�i€r.�:nt�ia�c��r�cr�r�ir�g�t;bt'ic n�t��s3 ��shores'���s. 1{} 1`:. '�crit�rio�is u��t. .� c�tert7zinec�in Fi�adin�of Fact'�5�. 5_n�,cieu•c�rid+a�tc� shareline.s cxr :�St. ��r ar� ac����l� �'�ted I�� shoreli.�es ar� in the v�i�iuit�f�r pezrgc>s� r�f sequirit�� 1� public�cces�. - �� � ¢ ��+na7tral.�;t`st�rrrs�.�r,r�rr,air��t�rc, �c*�.'�rrt€�ts tc� rat�ct�:�isd7n *�cr�uYr�; RI�iC �-9-_UO�E}���t�,?� o .� � P• �". 13 s�st�rrrs�a�ta���:���icca�t�. 1� l�. `�e criteiic� is �et. '_'�at�al s��st�a�s u-i21 not tae ac�-;�ersely �ect�d bY the grc�per�al a.s 1; det�r�rinet�in Fis��ing c�f Faci?�a. w. 16 FL.�SC��i-9-�Cft3(E.�3��h}: S�m�icc�s rtra�ll,�rfrn�lr�rctarre:'�t��in�c.��t�i:���:e p;�?��i�s�r�°a>��c�rr� le �`crt�i.i�i�'s tc?�:::c=�.mm��atU t+a��r�,��+s��z;��. 13 17. Tf�e criteri�ru is�et 'Ihe prc�ject is s�-e�i t��•ac�qt�ate�es�wi�es and f��ilit€�as rieteruzan�9 i�a Finciin��f Fact i3c�. b. 1� r RVC"#-9-2U0(E�3}(i): Pha�ing:Irrc.�ac�irag a�ptc�i���sec��c�ci�����an x-ith r����t'a,�m��,������s�s '� cara��taa�c;te�'trm�,frc�m�s„�'or�htr::�.c�;rc?�����.�. `� 1�. The proi�:t i nc�i pl�s�'.. ,� `i STREET 5T�..'�Z}.�.RD�4:��I't�RS �� �.tS�' �-9-2�Q(�C��2�: .�ernc�srtt��fvr �iri���r af Stre�t It�a,arvi�em�rrrs. I'ne cr��inistrt�tc�r �tr�° ?� �rtrr�d x�a��ex c�,` st�ee� t�f�rcn�rraer��s s�a:��ec� t� t,�� €�����tu�fi�n tit�rt t�s�� i.� r�c�s�:rt�uf'� �; rz,.sti�ie;�tirr�f�rsuc�f��.°�ar��r. ?� Rc���, E�relim:nar��Plat and St��et�"a���ers- l� 15 ORDINANCE NO. 5811 2 R1iC-�-9-j�Of.C�}{5},�?�risaQa�CriteranfvrT�'rti�•r�rsvf.�'tr��tlnr�rrtr����r�ettt�:�etr�r�r�ra�:`e;1�.st���c::ian St�sT��:31��'!�!''�2�Pdl'JItJ1��'ildPPdi2'.1" �rJ e`F!€��%Ji�G}SlTi¢: M 1 � � C7. i�l^�1tP1'c':fl'S�T'�`�177ftr7"t)VE171�+115 lt'lii t7ii�?' CItT �1Si��1�#.'Pii�7f�5 LiT St*'`ET.ClTTJ, E77'�7C71.'C� Q Tl�a�ra"�`2 TTtd�?[:CI t1tl f;S.�i:7T�lP??�'�S Ci?'r�'ld. :} �. �.'xist,�rag sr���t�tlagra��ati3 h��z�tri�nc�f;�r€?c�.rir�,�'s���r ina�ro���m�nts infegzs�v��. e. Raquire.�s1r��t imz�r���m�-ra*s �caa,'r;' ����� rr r��gn.*,�.°� rrn�a��ct c�n c�rh�r�r�ta�rr?7ts, sa�:.� ras � P251T3C�I7t�,'Cfl'QFtCl'zJie^-tPC'Ce-'S5. � t�. 1 YPP.T� fll'E' TTC} S]'TtPdiQT IFT1�`iT01'�1�775 �d IT�� 1'FCP�'lPl�, LdP�t7 FfPE7"� 15 iPrit£' i11�?i�tf✓C�^.' t,fi'(7! f�iC� iTnp?z�v�rra�r�:s x�i::be n����cr r�.ir�.�ir�rro n�x�1�i �1 G?1}�errr.�. � e. Ixt no crue shcadr'c�xy�io��r�grr�aa:�.cf r�r�tess i�is sr'�c��at �Faca��h�re�,i:t:�e nt�aetr�rr���P�c�;��"�cr ar� rh� t�.L�ri� :���Ith, s�{'�it or wet7��o �thg im�:r�.���ae�rrs r�re r�cr rr���:':��� trr�� r.ha; ;tz� $ Tlra,.'�r'rJT'�'PI�'�tP!s't`�?'F T}tJt?I&'�^L��' �rJ?'C't1T7E.�it tJ?',�2ai"ttP'&'ttc?t''�[U�Tt��B?t. Q l� 19_ Frc�nia�� In.�rcati�ment ��'aiz-er Fiecruea-t. Ts�e requ�teri u�a�z•er far 1D8� Street frc�ntage u�r�7��me�ts identi.tie�in Findi�of Fa�t�Tc�. � s�ti�fies all ag�licat�le criteria fe�r a �tr�et standar� 1� ��-ai��er. I�e«ax�;er is ju��ed tmder sub�.ecucm�d)ab��e,sinc�the prc�persed franta�e ir�xgrc�4 er�ents are cc�n�ictent c��ith tbe cca�r.~tin�fr�mta�e tc� the sesuth and flrn#h and there is nc� indicatian�at tlt� 1� sturc��c3in� frantage ���ill be redec-elog�! �a��ris�e in the ne��t 1� �=ears. In adclitic�� t}�e e.kist�n¢ 13 rc�ati��y atlouTs the ctu� arni �uT#er tc, reu�ain i� tt�e same c�i�uation as tfie �urrr�din� �treet 14 fl:ai�tainin� #he �nctio�alaty and s�af��af#lre street. The fi�:e-fc�cat-w;c�e si���zrl�: at this 1�cati�.�� na�� tY�e needs c�f ihe re3id�nts rel��in�nn t�is sicb���al�: fc�r a�eess tcr th�e great�nei�b�rht��c3. � li ccanditic�n af ap�proti-al nrilt rec�ciir� th�t the �prc+���ents s�li �rotzcie a n7ininlur� �-foat u�de planting strig ��the backsicle of the sideu�a.tk. T'he �t�dified street in�gr�ti en�ents E��c��.tild �e# tY�e 1� ot�jecia`°e�of a saf�and f�ctioual u•a3�;ab1e en:ir+�n�e�t u•ith enhauced a�etics th�c�u�*h the planrer 1 f �trip a�d t3iu��hc���ld ha 4-�no tfetriui�ntal eff�~t can public�al#�i.�afe�-gr��elfare. 18 STREET�iflDIFIC:�TIO�i 19 F��i�'-1-9-'_�OtD}(?y:�eci�siatr�i-irerrcr. ��r�n���:r fh�r�rrre�r�ae�acn:�r„�`iacut'ri�.��rn�c�iti��.c�in etrr*��i'�e �Cl c���t i�tc�pro��i�ic�r�s v,t'this Ti�;�, i�e.t��rr�m�kt:?�rrrir�P,�trrrt�r rrur�, �;rcm:rrsv�'i�ccr�c�rrs fU�i�aci�.�icf�ral .�� c�s�s prtr��tcf�d .h�:�"srae shc�,�firs;�.�irrt� thnt cz s��c�c. rerr��n rrsa;re.� the S�'�i�t l���r o�"t��is C�ca'� ` rmFrc�cti:r�a, ttacat�h�i�tten�aruip�ri�s�uftir���ti3�air��1�nc r�s���i�rrtiar� o�`�he C'�rr�reht�ra�n� �? �1� is t�r�t c�r�:�thrrt 4.n�rn�i��c�tia� is �r� e�ra,f�a�r:#�:���irh t�i� irat.�nt c.�nd�,�cs� c�f this t'oc�e. ar7r� tr�arrr s��rn m��cWti�n: �� . �� tI. ,S'i��Sit7A71�1Au�1' III�t�Eltt�S ��]E.' �'f3ilCyl C,�7'C�t.tl{?TI �,� 1t3t�s ��ilC72S QPtt7 a�IE?C�'P.5 t7{� I�'1t'� Y t'om�r€�iaeru��e�tc:n im���;'se�:`eaxae��carrr.;th��"�m.�rau�fr�°£�si,�a E1em�a3r a�a�the�ra�.�e�� '? rrrodi�en�i�ra is ti��rrai�i»nmr rr�;a��irrer�r r�e��s.zn�ro;mAl�mc�rat�h�s�F��r�i��czr1;�a�i��m�€�, �� R�one,Preli.t�.in.�Plat and Street t�"ai-:ers- 13 16 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 � �. �iait m��z th� �rb,,��ctiti°�s crnd sa#'et�,,�nzcti�,�, e�a��r�rrac�.?, e.rrtiirc��rm�rat;�z;prr�rteti�n r�n� ^, Tttt7PTtit^<6)3e`7.r`i3.diF6'I7diET2t7�1��7}'I1i7E?��iL`l�'2.t�2171'P.1?IP�Tt�S, F't7��tt^'�.'FI:i011Ti.�b'tP4T77c�?)'�TTI�;i1Cj�$E?F7t, ;j C. �l.''t TiC7i t'�'T�jt2Tdt7Yts�?t1 ,t'it��^P�??'C,I7P.T7t'{l�Sl 1T?1'l'tf?1�tti1?}g^'; � s;'. Crt�,���rz:, tc�tt?�ir�[�,�j 4.nc7�ar�cs���'iha C�:.��; ti �. C.'c:ra h�s.�rJw�a t���r�rs��.d c:rr�'r�qr�ireti,�'�r�t1�?�es�carl�.�i�adrr acars ntt�nc��.��; rrxr:�' 6 _` �1.��ic�t Cr�,.7t�Clt�l'�,r.��177�}'�C.'CYS Ft7 ��l1@.t"�TC��'Tti'fIPSi dri P�1��'7C'ItYIIt'. � ?�. Sh�re�i L7ri 4-e��y';4�c�dtficatic��Rec�t�-t. Sance the shareci drt��e���Y t�c�sn�i n�eet all of tt�e � rec�a.uem�nts ferr a�tr�et�-�irer. t���crre general aaodi£catia�re�i� s#audards applti. Th�e re�.c�r� 4 ct��tains n�u�fta�at:�crn w�t�er the re�{t�sted maii�catian meets i�riterien�b3 ab�ti e.�stabl€,;hin� t�:��her #he m�ctification ��zll n�eci #h� c�bjec�t-� ancl s.afet�, fimction ap��ran+:e_ enc��rQumental l� prot�tion anti II7aintainat��tit� intencl�d b�;= the C°o+�e requiren�ents. �Sase�i u�fl so�mfi engis�e� 1� �ud��ni. Ii agpeai� that t�e �-t��'report e�rc�nec��sl� c�gi�d the �l��si5 of s��b�ctioA a iuirr it� anal��sis c�f�ut�s�.tic� t�_ Since ��.-�ifieati�ns cau t� agprc��°ed a��inistrati��1}�_ the co�c�iti� t�f 1? approw-aI re�uire that the modifi�ation be �asoee�sed actalinisirati�-el�� sinc� there � in�iuff�ient 13 infrn�atic>u in#he ads:unistrati��e recc*rd tt�asss�s t�liance i��ith all ag�lical�le�stan�ards. l:� S'. DE��ISIO:� 1 ti `�he pro�o�3 re�o�e. greli�ina��sht�r�t p2�i_ ��te plan aYad 1�8 :��•e SE street st�clar����i4-�r are a3I c�nsist�ui ���th apglic�ble ccxie crit�ria as�tem�ined in th� �'�uchasians�f Lau• �f tt�is d�ci�iQn i��` l� cc�nctiticmed as re�amnt�nded. Tl�h�earing�asn�ner r�ec4um��nd:�that the�'at�C"i�ut�tiil a�gr��-e the 17 agplicati�ms s���t td t2��f��fl���contiiti�ns c�f�aro-�°al: 1� I. The applicant sha31 prv�.�ide a rainin.�um lt7-foc�� rear J�r� sett�c3c �et-a��eeu the e�::isstin= hQu�e and the e.asi ggQgeity b4aundar� line af Lat l. �, re�is�cl s�flr[ pl�t plaa �ba21 be ��' sub�z€ttexi cca a�ri ored bY the Cit�'of Rentar�Pr�e�t '��ana��r � L g�ic�r to consin:ction �� peruut apq7rdn.�a1 c�I�,�ti�ith R'�iC�?-I 14.�. �j 2_ °�e agplicant shall gra��i�.e�IIxinimtiuu of ten fe�t (1�'} af on-site laudscapiag a1c�n� the gt�blic stre�t froatage af 1C18i�:��.e SE. A final�etaiied�ds.cape glan shall be sub�iti� ,� to �d apgrr��eci by [he City c�f Rentofl Prcr,ect I4�iar�a¢er pria�r to ccm�-tr€�ctia� pen7tit � apgro�,�al ccm�I�ing v�ith R'�1C`�-07f}. � ?� 3. If the adjacent prcaperi��ot�v�r c�i u�st �ant tf�� agglicaut g�rntcssie,n 2c�rea��t-e the crff- 2,� site tr�es>ihe gra;ect s�all be redesi�necl to elan:inate sm�ac�an a�site irees. '�ie gr�ject re-ci�sign ta e�2e imgaet� �n a�;ac�nt tr�s shal� be� :�er�� bt,� an art�an�t and �� re�,�ie��.•eti fQr ag�ro�.-a3 b��the C�uurc�.t P3anx�in�F'io,e�.t'+��nager ?�6 Rezcme,��Ii�aunar,�Plat and StreQt t�'ai�.�rs- 1�# 17 ORDINANCE N�. 5811 � �#. �l] geciestrian �ide;�•alks at��i �ri�.-at� entr;,� sit3�a��al�s � e�-�n�ct�t usan� c�crer� �r a dif�`�re�t�,'pe of u�ter�a2 thart the shared c��:e:�•a�y. A r�t-��i site pI�s�all E�e��1sn�i�t� ' t�+.an�a�pra�.�ed b_�.t�e C�arr�t P�armin�Pre�j�ct'�f a��er pai�t�issuanee a ecr�sts�zeticm � ' �rn�it. �. �ie a�p;ie�n#sball�Ciieate a�pro?tin�atel�' 1�.� f�et(1�'-6�af ii�t-�f-ta-a�.�a1onQ 1�J�`�h '� :��.•e SE�sarb;ect to a fival �a�j. :�f�xal det�iled$treet crc�ss-se�tivu n��.�s#be sut�auit#c�i � ar�l ag�g�c��:ed b1,�t.h�Pl�n��,�ie����Pra1�.t I��aIIa�er grie�r tc�is,���:e a ccros:ruc�i+�fl per�,sait. b. 'I'he appl�c�nt shaL� e�te�d the shared c�iz-���.�aj,= tract frcrru It��t� r'il:e �� tr� tt�e ����t � pr�.�r`% 3�e 4f e�t�rn mc�t �rce1 (Lctt �i tc� ser.•r �ea�}� prc�as�ti resi�ial 2�t ;�n ��ted�lat�lan s�sa33 i��abgaitte�i t�au�agpra��c�b�{�.re Ci#��c�f I�tcn Prc�ject I�£a�¢er f �r��r t�is�fe a��siru�ticm��st. � r. '�he app�ie�zat s}�12 rc�ts�.�e #h� e..�i�ttin� iuzp�er°�-tc��s c�'i�eu�a�� lacat�c� at ttre n�rt��«est � ac�sner c�f the�:te�d�eg>lace it��it�lands�apin�_Ac�e�s tt�the e,.�tsn��ia��le�y hr>m� ' �hal1 taa.l+..e��cs�e�s fro�the shar�i d�i�-�a.•a��tract. The����a t�ri�-e:�•a��clzt sltall�i�ti�ed l� c�n the �ec«s�..�tructicm p�rnut a�plicatic�n, fcn re��e3xr atld agpr�ral��the C'�rrent Pl�n�g �'rajecf i����s' 1� �, �ach r��.�su�lti-f�ily lc�t�hail t�liruite�l ta�c�rze j�int�e�iz�s�.���a�•�ith a sin�le�,ut�c�. li :�fina]detailed site pL�n m�.a�t b�su�.3srutt�d tca. and apgrc�t-ed���.t�e�"it}'t�f Rent�Pr�;c�t ItrL�,naQer�riar t�i.s�tce�f a ccra�sm��ticm pergut. 13 c�. The apglicant shail grQ�.�id��r�4-i.�e�i.�ite pla�cter�:�#r�tis�cc�s��i�nc����itf�the cc���� l� �gen sPar.e sTancl�rd of at�east t�aree buu�irreci ft�w�3�4� �qu.�e fe�t p�s t�nit. The re�ise: sate plau and�art�lat shal]1x�abnut�e�1 t�o.and apprc��.-eci by.the C'�r�nt Pl�.�.ts�Fro,�ect ��, hf�r�.a�er prio�#o is�nce a c��trucii�p�r��it. l� t�. Th�appl�cant �haa11 prc�;�ici�flc�r platn�that i�.t�f�adequa#e b��:y'cI���.��irr�af�sae-hal� �pace�r d�e11�= rmit. :� c�#ai3�flc�r plau shall�e sul�tt�d t� a�d ap�rove�i t�s,'t�e 1� Cifi.�af Rent�fl Prt��c�t I�fana�er pricar tc�issa�an���ce�structiesn pe�rr�it. 3� Il. T�i� 3pplac�n.t ;�a11 prt�i�ide a li�htin� �lan t�aai a�ua�e1� g�otid�ss :�or �3i� sa�`ei��, �.�zthc�u# ca�-tin� �e�iti�e �re cm ad;acent pr�rti+�s: at ti�e t�e of e��ina.ecris�gery�t 1� z-e ti�ie�x. Pedestrian scale and dc�u�nli�tia�g sl�li l�e �se� in a9� e� tc, ��r� �afe p�stri��t�ehic�ar sa�+�w�euaent. �mSe�s altema��-� F���t�ia�a�a1e lr�a�in�ha..�tae� ?p �gp���;ecl a�}tratit�elz,' ear is �pe�if�all� listed � ��pt fr�y gre�;-ision� l�atect iu ��1C'�-�-�?� Li�rti��,E.�.-teric�r Ch�-Sfte. °I'he ligt�t�.u�gl�n sl��tr�su�m�i�t�ci at th�ti�e '� �f cc�ns�nseti�rn g�r�7�it re��i�e��far r���eu and�rc�;�a3�XJ the C'ir��s P1�n�Ze��ie+�er. „ �.�. The appla�ant s1�at1 s�buii# buildi€�.� ele�-�tic� i2aat ar� e�iste,at ��th th� R_-�-� z�uis�� desi�ri�ar�i are cc�satibl��re2ati�n go r�a�.sra2 ch�rract�stics.ti�e:�°s aud c�ista�. sit� '� arYaeni�ies, s�tz�lzght> greti°ailisl� ��«�inds. an�i petle�tr�a� aud �.-e�h�el�e z�etls. The b�iil�a� }� �e2e�=ati�r�,s sl� t�e s��tauufi�€� at #he tivae �f consmart:c� �rstut ze.ie:�� far r�:ie�- and 3�iC}*Y'�l b5�th�C�it'S'�C`1357+�'Stt P'��ilt'�slc�ff51eCf'4'�"iIl�t�fS. �; i3. The �gplicant shall cseate a �au�� C?wn� :�s�+ciaticrn ��HQA�j that uza�t�tai�s atl �� i�xpra�.-c-xuenis ifl the s�r+�d drit-e���Y tr��t. faa.dsc�pta� i�the cr�en s�ce tract at�d ant� � Re�cx��_F�el,_r�inn��P2at�nd Street ti�'�s 4-�rs- 1� 1$ ORDINANCE N0. 5811 � �d�ll ath�r ean�on i�r��°en:�nts_:�drai't ef th�Ht����nen#s sha11 be�a�miTSec�t�. ��ro�,��t��. the Cit��c�f RentQn Pr�°ect�iana�er�ud the Cit�.��ttarge�;gra�r t4 Fival � P1at reeardigg '�uch�a���ents shal]be reccrrd�d cQucctrre�tl r n•itli th�Fuzal.PI��t. 3 ��. The apglicant sha�t t�ret�uired t�ab#aifl a t�p�r�cc�iru�t�c�e��ent fcar al� �,•arl� �trncfi�ctesi�ut�c�e Qf the�pplic.ant's gres�,�Y�. The t�r�r�eai�structiQn e.a,seuient sht�I: � t�sutm�itte�t�the C`it�'prior tr�anr�c�nu#s beifl�is,5.,t�e.ci. 5 15. The morii�ic�ticm re�c��-# tc� shared dr�ti=e�,�a Y lengL� ic3en�ific�d an Fusc�it�� of F�ct '�a. 3 shall be prc�ce�ser3 an� c�cici��l. u�n a�T.ir�i�ttrrahb��Iv far th� r�a�nns i�n�e� ifl � C��ulusi�an af I.au�'�To. '�� z r D�.��' i.�11a��St f��'O�:�b�2�'.i.�1�. � ° � �-�-'��'� ��___---�,.m. 1�3 �hi�n.cJlbnrh�s . _ 11 C'it��of R�n#oa He�rui�Exautiner 1? 13 �:�LI"�IIQI��OTIC:E S l� 15 :�fected prc>p+�€�s� awners n�a�,` r�st a chan�e ir, �-alua#ion ft�: pr��z�Y ta� g�u�e� l� nc�t-��ich��andiu�an}'�r���n�,c�f re�ti�Iuaticm. l� i3 l� ?� �I �,-� �} �� )� 1� Rc-�on�,Fr���Plat �ri Strc�et��'�i��s- 15 19 �RDINANCE N�. 5811 ATTACHMENT B Kin�Countv Parcel 863710-0440 Le�ai Description TRACT F OF THRESHOLD 1, AS PER PLAT RECORDING IN VOLUME 164 OF PLATS, PAGES 8 THROUGH 12, INCWSIVE, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY AUDITOR; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. 20 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 � ......::..... �: :::::::::�� ... __:::. � .... . . .. . .. . . .... .. : : ... ..... , .... ... . .... . ,—r _____ . ....... . ,.......... ....... .. ....... : ........... ... .. . ... . ... . .. .. . ..: ........... .. .. ..... . .. . ..... .. . ;..... ... ... .. . ........ .. ....... ....... . . .. ...... ,� � :...:..:::. :....: .:::�.... . .. :::::...:.... :.::::::.::.::...�: . :.. � � ....: : ...... ...... . .. . .:.:. .. 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CN ; °° :::::::::::::::: ..�. .... :::::::::.:::j:::;.�. ::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::�:� _..�_. _ _ ' -- _� -' SE 168th Sr � � � � , , ' w �. _. _ v� —.._ , � ¢ _ _R-14 .._ o � R-14� � i � `�-- �:: � I.... .. . .� ��_.___-__-- __--_ _ SE J69th PI ���� -,...� � � f ___ � � � _.�... �m� ... , ,. � 0 __ ..... �, _ � —._. � , �SE_iT_Dth_St� _�._._..�------- .�---��` � : .�. ...�... � _�...e w — :: C � � :.... ---,... � � � ::: � � � � r :::: � R-14 � � ....: � __ _^i � .:: I � _ � � I �.::::__ _._. ! __ - � ___ _ . o �so soo SE 168th St Develapment-LUA15-000745 ' �2,000 +e�� Zoning Change fram R10 to R14 Date S/SrzpiS E N � G E'Cniy"VinrtM Adripm Abrorrrovtch nam�nr,v�m. G�sar�,y>r �Site 2oning Oesignation �ResidenGal-14 OUlAC �',,. �Renton Q �parcels�Residenfial 8 du(ac �Commercial Neighborhood {,,,,,„,,,,.,,,x�:,,,,,,,,., �Residertial�4 dufac 0 Proposed zoning change from R10 to R14 .e,..l�q,cn�n 21