HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-003CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works h Grady Way -Renton Washington 98055 '~' ;" . ,. ",. -~ .~;,;~ " <,~""~~ '~;j:", . -... -,:~--:,:;-':~-,~"'~' '" Jeffrey & Ofelia Marr 10223 SE 185th PI Renton, WA 98055-6499 1111,11,1'111,1 •• 1.1"',111,11,.,'.',.11,,,',' ./,1" I,', ,,11,1 . " .. "'.~ , I f .. ......... NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: February 5, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA 04-003, PP, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stonehaven Preliminary Piat PROJECT DESCRiPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is iocated within the Residentiai - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and ail outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. PROJECT LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S. OPTiONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.11 0, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M) process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: February 2, 2004 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: February 4, 2004 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: PermitslReview Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: Location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use/Zoning: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Notice.doc Lafe Hermansen I Core Design Inc. Tel: (425) 885-7877 e-mail: Ibh@coredesigninc.com Environmental (SEPA) Review, Preliminary Plat Review Building, Construction and Fire Permits Environmental (SEPA) Checklist, Drainage, Geotechnical, Traffic and Wetland reports Planning/Building/Public Works Department, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hail, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Public hearing tentatively scheduled for April 6. 2004 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential -(R-8) on the City's Zoning Map. These designations encourage and permit single family residential development at a net density range of 5.0 to 8.0 dulac. The proposal for 36 lots would result in a net density of 7.42 dulac after the deduction of lands for streets and critical areas. SEPA Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measures: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, Subdivision Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on February 19, 2004. This matter is also tentatively scheduled for a public hearing on April 6. 2004. at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers. Seventh Floor. Renton City Hall. 1055 South Grady Way. Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on 'the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Susan Fiala Tel: (425) 430-7382 I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File No.!Name: LUA04-003, PP, ECF / Stonehaven Preliminary Plat NAME: __________________________________________________ _ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ ___ TELEPHONE NO.: _________ _ Notlce.doc Map Output ® King County ~ __ &146"4. Comments iMAP -Sensitive Areas wet themes 3223OM1183 • 3123OM1048 3223059171 ~ Legend m County Boundary 0-.1 SAO Wetland / ..... /. Streets C_2Per.......,. Paroel ;V Ct.!l!m2 S3mcnd Incorporated Area I } .... / Class.) ;V Fish and Ditch U~t<rl SAO Stream D lakes and large RWers {o::rI1; . 3ObOOlO 8~O 8~ he information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on his rna is rohibited exce t b written ermission of Kin Count. KingC9_unt~ I GI~ .. Cente.r I NeWS I SeQl.Lces I comments I S,ea[ch By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. The details. Page 1 of 1 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAYIJ 6 20M RECCJV.Er~ http://www5 .metrokc.gov 1 serv letl com. esri.esrimap.Esrimap ?ServiceN ame=overview &Client V ersion=4. 0 ... 5/412004 Lake~ FenWiCk, Star Lake ~ ([) DUWAMISH RIVER Kent Area OEvaOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON MAY 062004 RECEIVED SYMBOLS PASSABLE -BARRIERS -IMPASSABLE ll1L Falls l1IL ~ Cascades ~ ~ Beaver Dams ~ ~ Log Jams ~ ~ Dams ~ ~ Salmon Hatchery <::><J Fish Passage Foci lity Stream Gage Stream Mile Reference Point 1/2 0 I MILE i..-===-_c::::::i:! ======::::ll SCALE' I" = I MILE NOTES ~h' ! ~ 1 i !~'<L~,.H7·.:;1~~ < N'lrMl~·;: .'l(;.e'; I LEGAL ::>ESCRIF'TION AND EASEI"'E'<" fl\FORf"'A-ON FEQ C-.ICA6Q TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY p_tl+ CER+IF,CA,E ~R NO 11'!>';I14, DATED !>EFTEH6ER 25, 200.3 AND SliPl"LEMEN7ED :tIN. 5, .004. IN F'REFARIN6 T"If:} HAP, CORE Dl:51UN INC "Aet CCNDUCT"ED NO 'r..IDE~E'o.~ ~I'"LE SEAO:;;C" NOlI< 15 CO~ PE5<iN. I",C. Al,!AQE OF AN,"'-~,-cE '55L.E5 4I=EC-""" THE SURVEYED ~1"'E~+v OTI-IE'" + .. A1-< -.-lOSE ~ ON r"E "'lAP 2 TI-I15 .5l!RVEY RE~5ENT5 VISIBLE P"Y5ICA~ II'"'F'RCIIE"IE'--CC1>.::>'"l"IQt.,5 EX,S"l"iNGo C', NOYEH~ 10, 100:> Al-I-!>uRVEY CQl>..TRD_ :NDICATED A5 "FOUNO' WAI'> RECOYE1'<ED FOR 11-IIS F'RO~ECT 'N 5EPTEI'1e:R, 200' :> '"'RQPEIQ"""-A1'<EA. '&':!I""I 5Q.JA'i/E <=EET 15?t;1(.1 AClQEI'». 4 ALL Ol5TANCE5 ARE IN FEEi 5 .,. .. & S A I' E ... D ~~ 5I.R'YET, A 60KKIA FIVE 5EeOND COMBINED ELECTRONIC TO" Ai.. S-A-ION WAS UseD TO ""E~ THE ANC;,ULA~ AND DISTANCE R.E:lAT'ClN&I-II"'S ee"'u.eEN THE' CONTROLLlNC:.1'10NUME'NTATI0N AS!>IOUi CLOe.JR:E: RA~I::::S 0" -'-'E TRAYERSE HET OR EXCEEDED +..o$E 5"'ECIFI!=:D IN YiAC .3;l1'I;.o-~O, OJ5TAI><CE HEAeURINCir EQUIF'MENT I-JAe 8!;I::N co:-1PAf'i:ED AT AI>< N4.5. 8A5l"'LINE WIT>-IIN ONE YEA~ ~ TI-IE DATE ~ -,,15 5l. ... YEY Eo ~~'LlTlee O;-Hl:<;< ~.."A1'I ~H05E ~ MA~ EXIS, ON T~15 51""E. ONLT THoeE UHlITIE5 Uf,TI-< EYDENCE ~ THE',.. 1N5TALLA-ION Vl518Uo AT C5R0(jN~ SUIliFACE ARE 5I-JClU.N ~EeO<l LNDEF<I'>F<OLND UTILITY LOCATIONS 5I-i0ti."-ARE AI==ROX'MAf""E O'<L .... L.'ND~ CCf'II'''tECTlON$ A~ 5~ AS> STIiCAI':;''''' LINES 6ET...eEN WIOf'AC!: UTlllTT LOCAT,ON$ SUT HA-r c.co...TAI\. 8El\.P5 DC< CIJRVE& ~ S4-101IN 50HE I.'NDE~ROUNO LOCATIONS 51-1OJ.N HEIli.EON 1"104"'- I-IAY;:; SEEN TAKEN F"'OM R-IBLIC "'<ECOR::)5 coq;: DE51G1'<1 A!l9JME!l '>to _'Aal,-TY ~--IE Ac:CURACT OF F'IJBlIC Ji<ECOIiD& ~ .... (:." ,::.-: "~1 ~I! '"I <':5\'".-" 5.E. Yl5Tlt PLACE ! I' I SEC-;-·C," Si-B:::>:VISION ( ~ I .1 x··· ij N' SCALE: 1 n = 50 1 AEELICANT STEVEN "''''--''0 ,~12!!1 S~ 1-0TI-< ST~ET ~~c:t.,.JA~'!'I o " '---- OUJNER c;.ARL D F-AL..K ROSEFaTA E "ALK JA'Jl"'T _ A~J~AKAR ~;:~~;I~F~~to ':!O2 BIG,EL..o.o A~E NO!ii.~I-I, A"'T. 40. SEA'T'TLE, WA5HIN6.TON !!ISlO':'l FLANNEfSlENGINEERISURYEYOR COF<E DESIGN II'lC 14-'1 .... E :':!In_ 1"_, e.J'TE 100 ~;~~:.~~~5HIN"TCN ~W01 CO">.+AC+. LAFE loIE"""'AN~ + I"_ANNER DAVID E. CA"rTON. F'1: + ENCoINEER <Ey''"' ., YANCEo<ZANCa.., F1-.5 • 5-'~""OR LEG.AL DESCRIFTION -,..jE NORT .... ALI" OF TI-oe NORTHu.!"':ST GUARTER OF T'I-E' NORTH..J.t:ST QuARTER OF TI-IE SOUTHWEST QJA~ Cf' SECTIO"< :>2, +OI.I.NS.·p''' :13 NORTI-I. ~ ~ EAeT, ,.)1"', IN KN6 co...N ...... ""AS--<I},6-ON. EXCEFT THE EAST 20 FEET THiiiI"!EOF CONVEYED -:-0 KIN::;, cou."-"'- 1"0f'i: ROAD !"'IJ~e E'!oy :::>EED Ri":COR:)EO ...N:::>ER f'i:ECO'i!DfN(; NO 144>'.3e4. Alec> EXCEPT T>-IAT f"CRTION Tf-IE~OF COI-<.YE'T'ED TO K"'lG COI.l-r'f ~ "1OAD -=-JRF'C$ES ey DEED ~COQDED iJNDEF< F<ECORDINa. "O~12001'1:>. TI-/E NO~i>-l 1. FEET 01= T><E eotJT .... ALI' OF -1-1£ NORTo-I:.;JEeT QUARTER OF' TI-IE NCF<-I-II1ES-~=< CF T ... !: 50uT~5'" :;"AR,=R 0= SEeTON 3 .. , TOll.I>IeI-iIP 2:> NCRTi", ~ !> EAST, WH, " >(1l\6 COUNTT, llJAe.-!INGTON. EXCEF~ .,. ... E cA;>+ 20 =EET T"EIOEO" CCNVE,=D TO KIN6 COUNTY ~ ROA::> f"ti~ee5 eT DEED ~CORDED LINDER ~CORDIN6 NO 14",I.3e4 DATUM: CTT~t;;!E:-"TOI'<·NAv::;>I':l88 6ASIS OF 6EARING.6 NOI·lb'42"E ALO>'IG EMT UN!': QIF t>lJJ 114, NW 1/4 ew 1/4 ~ 6!:C '>:1-23-5 6ENCI4MAF<K5, CITY OF Ii:ENTQ>.. eM I~ • "'OP OF 'Ie ~OI"-'ED BRASS =-150< .l!.I FU<CI-I 'N CCNC Met-. .n' SCL>~'" 0" INTERSECTION OF SE 192).1D ST. , 102ND AYE. 51;, -5T ~~D "llJiIOlA I1:;lEo4' E_EY • 4100~ co- CITY OF Ii:ENTON eM I~ TO!'" OF lie>" 6RA55 pi" '" CONe '"1O'>J. IN CA&E .!>' "0Ir>-< OF C/L c::F 5.;:: '':!I2ND S~ NEA~ +-Ia.>5E • 100:/0 ELEY.·314.':!IOFT 5'TE~AfiiK. 'OP OF 1 )14" BRASS DlfO>!< 1.111 FUNC>< N CONe ~02~~O;~ no; ~~~~~NTE~C-rIO'J ELEV • 3!l>W2 FT. TREE LEG.END ! 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APT 40, SEArlLE. ~I~"ON ~I~ PLANNERIENG INEEFSISURYEYOR c;:.oRE DESIG<N I!-<C. 14111 ~ 1~TH PL. SU'""1": '00 6ELLEY1...E.~:~~"'<::I8OO­ r"",S!0e&-le-1 coo:-. TACT .... AFt HEFil""tANSrN FLAN."lE1ii' DAVID E CATTON. P.E. _ ENGI'EEro: o<.EV'''I,I V""-"'OERZA~ =_.6 .. &..IRvt:TOIi! LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1"HE >.;C$:n-Il-lA.Ll' OF T-<E NC~H!....!:'5" QJAR7E1I;1 ~ T'-iE ,",O"<TI-<Ui':St CLA~=!,<: CF-• ...e; SOJT"!-l..ES· OJA.RTEI'< Cf' $EC"ION 3-2, T0\l.t-!5HIF 2~ NCQ"l.1, RA~ 5 EAST, wM., 1"1 KIN<::# COUNTY, 1.l!A!f<INGTON; EXCEFt THE EAS1" ,0 "EET 1" .. EREOF COt.,Yen:::; "0 <: '-6 CO~~TT" FC~ i'OClAD ~Q5E! e" DEED RE~~ '-"'PER; REC~ING NO '4h'3e.4 . .4 .... 50 EXCEPT THAT PO~ION THEIO!fOF CO!'lVE~ ~O '<'6 COl." ....... Fero< ~AD ~O$Ee e"'-OEI:O RE~ED lNDEI'< ~CO~INGo NO '~~el:10:?:;'3 -,..!'" "OIO<I-I~:I FE,,-OF -H!:: SOJTH....,4,LF 0" '"I-e. NQRTHu.E5-12JAI'<T2F<. OF TI-<E l><01'<T'-1I1.f;&T QUARTER OF 1">-lE $OJt-l!JEST QLARTER OF 5EC1"10I-. 31 "0tl.t'5HIP :13 NQRT"'. RA'lGE 5 EAST • .t .... '''I KINC:iI CQI.N""T, WASI-U'~TC'\I. ~CEFT T><E EAST :10 i=E!":T T"IEREOF CONVEYe:D "0 KI"l6 COUNTT FOR i'OClAD F'URF'05O::S elY DEED RECORDE::> UNO"''"' RECOfiaC "'-CI NO :"613e.4 DATUM: CITY OF ~n:;N _ "IAY1) ''3ae BASIS OF BEARINGS ~;~;2·E A...~ =A5-.. .'NE a= 1',..1. 14, ....... 14, ~JJ 'I .. OF SEC. BENCI-4MARKS, CITY OF IOENTON eM 1'2l0!> -TOP 0" , 318 PCMED 6RA$6 ::>,51< ~ PI.."C>-' IN CO-C. t"'a-.. ;'-SOlrl-< OF-I' TE~C"TICN Ci' 51" I~ND 5T • ~ AVE 5£ -5TAMPED "URA 1~3£'4' EL..EV • 4r0.61 FT CI-"'-0= Oi/E'.-o-,~"" ','2lOb --OF OF lIE;' 6"<ASS PIN iN CO .... ::::. MON. IN CA&E !Ei NQ!;<.~H OF C/L.. OF &E I~N::> ST. NEAl'<. HOLI5E .. IOC20 '-:-El.EV=314~FT S.E. 1 S5TI-1 PLACE ( " :1 ",,!r. -b;~,,) ~'''''''I~ \~ I' . I! ffi VICINITY MAP Sl"1,<;;'ncr>f &""1": eE'-CHHAi'<K, TOP 0= I 3/4" 6111A55 D,S!< WI F'UNC" IN CONC HON. -~ O.3l 'N CA&E • AT I"TEI'<eECtl"" i':~e:l~=:~';,! ~£ • &.E 85TM p- i~ IV' ~ LJ.-J' T SCALE: 1" = 40 0 ~ < ~ ~ q~ ~ lIo",:::! /Ie !r 0 " . ~ • ~ 0 :: r i ~ ! :i ~ i . (~~l ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~~ !;):s if" g; ~ ~ l'~~ 'q:", r--~zs \!) ... 1ft"::; ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Oo/§~ a:: ~ ~~~. ~ p i~~ Q::~ C!jVi ~tI) ~ ;E ,J ~ ( ~ ~ 1. 03095 I' , I . ' .~ SW,v4, SW,v4, SEC. 32, TWP. 23 N., ROE. 5 E., w.M. ----:-~_--:--:-;O-;' ...... ~~.".. ~'-. " ,~ "' ¢9 OJ;.Pl ... . ~.. . ~~ , ,.:~p. ~O ! S.E. : 85TH PLACE i N' SCALE: ," = 50 1 AFPLICANT !:I"""E~8Ecx. ~.n<! 5E. '4!>~ .... e·~i"'t ~TON . ..A'?bC5~ w-: -T OWNER CAR..... D. ~A.lK ROBERTA E. "A..", ~~",-AE'lUI3AKA"< C>4<le·,~ r-" AAL·O hAN,Cy".FAU(: ~ BIGtE;Lou, AVENue: NORTf-!, APT 40. SEAr .. E, ~,,'''''''TON '.lal~ FLANNE8/ENGINEER/OURYE'T'0!5 COI'i'!E DE51CiIN N~ '4~11 "IE .':3T .. ~~, !'I.... -I'" k:XJ ~~~~,~t,'~5"" "",·ON <;l=, CON~AC'. LAFE IoIE..,....ANE>EN • PL ... ,..NER ::>Ay'D E. CA~~"" ~.E. EN.G:INEEIii: P<Ev,," ~ vA"-DE!iUA'9Et-.. P~S .. 5j~YCR LEGAL D-.E.~CRIFTION T.jE ~'-I "'AL~ OF +"E t-.QRT"u.E5T a.ARtE:R OF 'fl.IE NO"ITHU.e51' Q~AR~EQ OF T .... = ~O~~-wE5-QUA~ OF Bi:C~ION 32, T~SI-M' 2J NOR"'_, RAf..I:::.;E ~ EAST W .... IN KING. c.o..J>,Ii'r. ,JAeI-<ING'TC*.; EXC","--;-... ", =~-,0 ~E~ -Ht=:~o= CCN\I£'rED ·0 KING. COUNIT R/R oroA::> lC\)~ee.& 13 .... DEED QECOf'lDI"'D UNDER !'<E~'NG '<0 ~ :3a,.;, ALSO :XCE"'''' -~A" ~.C". "c..E1O£or= c;oo...V!":T!':D TO KING Co.N'"~ ==oR ~AD "'",~se5 BY :::>EED REC~!"'D UNDER <i!ECORDING "O~·100'2"3 . T4e NOIr~ ," ;::e:E-~ ":"~E &OUT" '<Ac.F d= T>-IE NQRT>-W1":5T Cl-,AA"l"ER Of' TI-<l": '-IC=<"!-<lI!:S-r ClI.IAR11::R OF TI-<E eOL..if.li.l.E$T ,"L..AR,",,!': c<" SECT ON 32, ·c:tJ.Ne ... IP 23 'NORTI->, ~ So E~L W:'1. ''''K:~co...'1rr WAb-."<C.+ON. 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BLACK RIVER BASIN Basin Boundary Subcatchment Boundary ® Collection Point Stream 0006 .0301 Tributary Number Proposed Project N -+- July, 1987 , \\ ---~---. \ ./f ,S'!.:, ___ ",-_ @ 8JJ ~ j ,,, .. " blJ-~' ':::::' -, ~~ ~-~ i~,"" f---t5J. [ '~-"<::,~+ J",,=: Ii!? "''',~ ust.c?!. \0ifi ~ .• "il " . 0 1>'/' \ .. ,:VJi ill 0" • ~-. ifill ~ _ .. _ ,,)N fS;J f.I'~ iii ,,,,,,,.-9 I; II! XAt..I.:t(f ylEW J lSE)G~TS , , .~I{ i \W 1·-~) .. 1.n· , "\.--_.,--, .... 1 State of WashinQ,on J '@\ i Sl"le ofWa,h''''1lon Sflle of W.~hin9ton \ ! 1 51~tc ofWash\"q\~n '" '".~. '-'--"1~ L.o:,J U '-'-J I fIr I 1,1" , """ , wlIJII 'eJ C""" rl 4~4""'-1 ,,,,I , ., :j ;1 1 , , 0 i on"'I'! \( '~~':;';i"i''''''~'''*'''''+~'':'''':'''4=~~\~~~J~ l \ -",. ~ (i n//'iOj ,Q"f{/pqll)yj Il®A( NEIGHi30Ri-l00P DETAIL MAP STONEHAVEN RENTON, W,6,SHINci,l CORE DESIGN INC., ENCifINEERING • FLAN"'II~ • GUf~EY CORE NO. 03~5 JANUARY 16, 20C 2i§ I" = 200' C ~;i . 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DENSITY CAkCULATIONS ""ROSS AREA OF F'ROPErorrv -F\J6L'C R-O-.lI _ ~VATC ACeE5€> ""RA:::T5 • u.eTkANP5 2S':l"'5"SF(5.':l!>1l.~5) ~;I&-'i;of' ~T5 UJC)ljLP 1'<E5UL T IN A I>/ET PEN51TY OF 1 .oJ PLlELU'G .JNIT5 ~R ~ § ~ ~ , ; ~ > ii] ~ ~ ~ q~ ~ ~ f· :: ~ :8 , ~H z , ~ ~I ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ 0.: ~'-~ ). ~ ~~~ Q: J: !Il§~ ~ III ::;)~~ :::: '" ,~~ ~ ~ ~ ",~'! ~ 0 \.~~ ~ L :(~~ ... ~ ~il ~ ~~ La: .1. 03095 Fred & Debra Gustafson 18437 102nd Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 (owner) Ray Owens 10325 SE 185th Street Renton, WA 98055 Parties of Record Stonehaven Preliminary Plat LUA04-003, PP, ECF Carl D. Falk et al. 1902 Bigelow Ave N. Seattle, WA 98109 (owner) Joseph MacKenzie 18533 102nd Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th Street Renton, WA 98059 (applicant) Smooth Feed Sheets™ Thu Mai & Tan Dinh Bui 10210 SE 186th St Renton, W A 98055-8428 King County 500 4th Ave Seattle, WA 98104-2337 Reid & Megan Mcnair 18463 1 02nd Ave SE Renton, WA 98055-6321 Cynthia Kelly 18517 102ndAve SE Renton, WA 98055-6318 John & Karla Sperber 735 S 47th St Renton, W A 98055-6272 Kenneth & Jodie Sykes 4714 Smithers Ave S Renton, WA 98055-6399 Specialized Homes 3001 E Yesler Way Seattle, W A 98122-6363 Matthew Coder PO Box 81092 Seattle, WA 98108-1092 Douglas & Linda Macdonald 718 S 47th St Renton, W A 98055-6272 Xinyan Yu 736 S 47th St Renton, W A 98055-6272 {I AVERY® Address labels Norin & Phanny Chea 10216 SE 186th St Renton, W A 98055-8428 Schneider Homes I LIc 6510 Southcenter Blvd #1 Tukwila, WA 98188-2549 L Longo 18509 102nd Ave SE Renton, WA 98055-6318 Paul & Lois Gibler 18404 1 02nd Ave SE Renton, W A 98055-6320 Steven & Rita Charles 723 S 47th St Renton, WA 98055-6272 Debbie Subia & Kevin Burke 4720 Smithers Ave S Renton, WA 98055-6399 Eric Hanson 4711 Smithers Ave S Renton, W A 98055-6399 Tammarian Rogers 706 S 47th St Renton, W A 98055-6272 Sandeep & Preeti Mangla 724 S 47th St Renton, W A 98055-6272 John Sheppard 10205 SE 185th PI Renton, WA 98055-6499 Use template for 5160® Tom Nguyen 10222 SE 186th St Renton, W A 98055-8428 Kolin & Jacki Taylor Solomon A vzaradel 12505 Bel Red Rd #212E Bellevue, WA 98005-2510 Joseph Mackenzie 18533 102nd Ave SE Renton, WA 98055-6318 Sotiris & Georg Calaghiu Current Resident 18414 102nd Ave SE Renton, W A 98055-6320 Jim & Susan Claeys 4708 Smithers Ave S Renton, W A 98055-6399 Timothy & Krista Holmes 739 S 47th St Renton, W A 98055-6272 William Struyk 4707 Smithers Ave S Renton, W A 98055-6399 Robert & Sarah Hayes Jr. 712 S 47th St Renton, W A 98055-6272 Michael & Shirin Grady 730 S 47th St Renton, W A 98055-6272 Alvin & Lisa Reyes 10211 SE 185thPI Renton, WA 98055-6499 laser ~ AVERY ~ AVERY ~ AVERY E .~ AVERY Smooth Feed Sheets™ John Van & Lieu Nguyen 10217 SE 185thPI Renton, W A 98055-6499 Johnathan & Nancy Mccabe 10220 SE 185th PI Renton, WA 98055-6499 King County 500 4th Ave Seattle, WA 98104-2337 8 AVERY® Address Labels Jeffrey & Ofelia Marr 10223 SE 185th PI Renton, W A 98055-6499 Michael Nguyen 10214 SE 185th PI Renton, W A 98055-6499 Use template for 5160® Mark & Francine Reeves 10226 SE 185th PI Renton, W A 98055-6499 Glenn & Consuelo Stuttgen 10208 SE 185th PI Renton, W A 98055-6499 Laser •.. ~ AVERY :~ 6 AVE~ , AVERY .~ AVERY .~ . AVERY .. ~ \ \ \ "',-\ \ ') ~~r;,; 37 IJ9o.olr .J.l1.o , , , , \ __ .... -.... -,1 ".,.,,."!fJ2---- /~ 29 1390.01 ~ \ \ () W • qryplataddress • 1111712005 LQ,T WBEE SWB STR6E1S,jMI SUBOIV 2 4709 BURNETTCTS STONEHAVEN PLAT 3 4715 BURNETTCTS STONEHAVEN PLAT ~ 4721 BURNETTCT8 STONEHAVEN PLAT 5 4727 BURNETTCT8 STONEHAVEN PLAT 6 4733 BURNETTCTS STONEHAVEN PLAT 7 4739 BURNETTCT8 STONEHAVEN PLAT 8 855 8 8THST 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 9 861 8 8THST 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 10 867 8 8THST 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 11 901 8 148TH 8T STONEHAVEN PLAT 12 907 8 148TH ST 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 13 913 8 8TH8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 14 919 8 8TH8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 15 1005 8 48TH 8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 16 1011 8 8TH8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 17 920 8 148TH 8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 18 9268 ~8TH 8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 19 9328 48TH8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT ~O 9108 48TH 8T STONEHAVEN PLAT 21 9148 8TH8T ~TONEHAVEN PLAT 22 9028 8TH8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 23 9068 148TH 8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 24 8748 148TH 8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT ~5 880S 48TH ST STONEHAVEN PLAT ~6 8668 8TH8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 27 870S 8TH8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 28 10038 I47TH 8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 29 9118 I47TH 8T STONEHAVEN PLAT 30 9038 47TH ST STONEHAVEN PLAT 31 8738 7TH8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 32 8658 147TH 8T 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 33 4726 BURNETTCT8 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 34 4712 BURNETTCT8 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 35 4706 BURNETTCT8 8TONEHAVEN PLAT 36 4700 BURNETTCT8 8TONEHAVEN PLAT Page 1 Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor June 8, 2005 Department of Natural Resources South Puget Sound Region 950 Farman Avenue North Enumclaw, W A 98022-9282 CIT OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator SUBJECT: STONEHA VEN PLAT (FILE LUA 04-003) -WAIVER OF 14-DAY COMMENT PERIOD FOR DNR FOREST PRACTICE PERMIT Dear Ms. Bass, I understand that George Steirer of Blue Line Group, has requested expedited over-the-counter permit approval from Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for the Stonehaven Plat (located in Renton). This letter verifies that the City of Renton agrees to a waiver of the 14-day comment period of the DNR Forest Practices permit for the Stonehaven Plat (LUA-04-003). The SEPA environmental review for the project was completed at the'time of preliminary plat review and approval. All other required permits have been issued by the City of Renton, and a pre- construction conference has been conducted. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, or need additional information, please contact me at (425) 430-7286. ~ird&~ Jennifer Toth Henning, AICP Principal Planner cc: George Steirer Susan Fiala, Senior Planner Arneta Henninger, Plan Review Engineering Project File LUA-04-003 ---t+H.''lftDTviivi",",SiO=II.s.M\D~ev>'P.lf(f::rm~'''''5'"§T\l1lf)e~~~mle:"lITI~~-m'~~""''Wa:ffiaf-P<j~?C'TI?1T1'W;=~~m1itrlP.dJ,"",:IWa~a:trrmirre!rnttlr'lgt'l'!lt~nlhdT1TI§ie1~~ttEo~15r-rtdOCnc'!IrT'COn-I ----~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE _. June 6, 2005 Public Safety: Calling 911 AUDIENCE COMMENT Citizen Comment: DeMastus - Pit Bull Dogs Citizen Comment: Claeys - S1:onehaven Development. Use of Sundance at Talbot Ridge Private Water Detention Facility yf" v~AJ~3 Renton City Council Minutes Page 203 * Thanks to the generosity of service groups and City of Renton employees, since April of this year, the City has been able to a ward 61 scholarships totaling $3,500 to low-income children and adults to participate in City- sponsored activities. * The Renton Clean Sweep Program will continue with individual neighborhood clean ups on the weekends of June 11th/12th and June 18th/19th. The City held its first Stop & Swap event on June 4th, and its Spring Recycling Day event on May 14th. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler advised citizens to report suspicious activities by calling 911 at the time of the event instead of waiting until days later to report the incident. Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, reported that two pit bull dogs attacked her neighbor last Friday, that two weeks ago the same dogs attempted to attack another neighbor, and that a number of pit bulls live in the Highlands area. Ms. DeMastus asked that the City consider banning pit bulls, as has been done in other cities. Stating that an ordinance regulating dangerous dogs was adopted in 2002, Councilman Clawson reviewed the process by which incidents are handled by the Police Department. He encouraged residents to report any occurrences. In response to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the possibility of prosecuting the animal owner if someone is hurt or killed, City Attorney Larry Warren indicated it is possible to prosecute that type of case; however, a substantial record must be established that shows knowledge or reckless disregard for public safety. He noted the importance of showing a history when prosecuting cases, and the importance of reporting incidents. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler stated for the record that the two pit bulls are in custody. Susan Claeys, Sundance at Talbot Ridge Homeowners Association President, 4708 Smithers Ave. S., Renton, 98055, stated that Sundance is an 18-10t subdivision located on the corner of S. 47th St. and Smithers Ave. S. The subdivision contains a privately owned wet vault. Ms. Clay pointed out that drainage from the heavily forested area located above Sundance was factored into the design of its wet vault, and that wetlands also appear to drain through the forested area into the wet vault. She reported that the builder of Stonehaven, a 36-10t development currently in the permitting process located southeast of Sundance, plans to connect four homes and a portion of street to Sundance's wet vault. Ms. Claeys expressed the following concerns: 1) Will the four new homeowners accept the same financial obligations and responsibilities for the maintenance of the wet vault as the Sundance residents have? 2) Was the drainage from the wetlands factored into the original calculations that determined the size of the wet vault? MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ALLOW THE SPEAKER THREE ADDITIONAL MINUTES FOR HER COMMENTS. CARRIED. Ms. Claeys continued with her concerns as follows: 3) How many other homes will Renton allow to connect to Sundance's wet vault? 4) Why did the builder June 6, 2005 Renton City Council Minutes Page 204 not have to seek permission from Sundance to use the wet vault? 5) How can Renton compel the developer of Sundance to have the residents pay for the maintenance of the private wet vault, but not have future homeowners who connect to the vault pay their share? 5) How will Renton determine negligence in connection to Sundance's wet vault if homes outside of the development are connected to the vault? Ms. Claeys relayed that she was told this is a unique situation, and countered that a unique solution is required that is fair and equitable for all concerned. Gregg Zimmerman, PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Administrator, explained that subdivisions are held to the City's current surface water standards. In this vicinity, the City generally adds a requirement to contain the lOO-year storm, and because of the added impervious surface, subdivisions must have detention ponds and water quality vaults. The City requires that engineers characterize the entire sub-basin to make sure that the water detention system is sized not only to handle the added impervious surface, but also any other drainage that is naturally occurring in the sub-basin. Mr. Zimmerman noted that the Sundance wet vault was sized in this manner. He reported that the City also requires developers to establish restrictive covenants requiring the established homeowners association to pay for the maintenance and operation of these facilities. Regarding the Stonehaven development, Mr. Zimmerman stated that a homeowners association will be established, and residents will be required to provide maintenance and upkeep of Stonehaven's water detention facility. However, due a slope, four lots and a portion of street will not be able to drain into this system. He pointed out that this is not a unique situation, and there are situations throughout the City where existing drainage from new subdivisions go through existing systems, most of which are public, but portions of the system are private. Mr. Zimmerman indicated that he will further investigate Ms. Claeys concern regarding the wetland drainage into Sundance's wet vault. Continuing, Mr. Zimmerman explained that the City does not get involved with the individual arrangements of homeowners associations. Pointing out that the future owners of the subject four lots will eventually pay dues to their homeowners association, he recommended that once the association is established, that the two affected associations discuss the issue and come to an arrangement regarding Sundance's water detention facility. Mr. Zimmerman assured that Sundance's facility is sized to handle the modest flow from the four lots and pavement, and there is no added danger or risk. Councilman Clawson noted that water goes where it goes, especially in areas that have not yet been developed. He indicated that one of the problems with development is that impermeable surface is created. Mr. Clawson stated that he wants the City to encourage builders to retain more of the water on the property. Responding to Council President Briere's inquiry, Mr. Zimmerman stated that he will find out why the water detention facility for the Stonehaven development was located at that particular place. Councilman Persson inquired as to how the City can give permission to a developer to hook-up to an already existing private water detention facility. Mr. Zimmerman explained that the associated public roadways also drain to the facilities; thus a homeowners association maintains a mixture of public June 6, 2005 Citizen Comment: High - Swap & Stop Event, Sewer Moratorium in East Renton Plateau PAA Citizen Comment: Hoben - Renton Farmers Market Citizen Comment: Brehmer - Sewer Moratorium in East Renton Plateau P AA RECESS CONSENT AGENDA Council Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2005 Renton City Council Minutes Page 205 roadways and a facility. He pointed out that the drainage does not connect directly into the facility, but uses existing public conveyance pipes. Councilman Corman questioned why an additional wet vault was not created to handle the four lots. He expressed concern that the City is trying to get private parties to take on the long-term maintenance of the water detention facilities. Mr. Corman noted the dilemma of the City requesting homeowner associations to maintain the facilities, yet outside parties are allowed to hook-up to the systems. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler stated that the Administration will review the matter and provide additional information. City Attorney Warren noted that the legal issues related to this matter are complicated. Gwendolyn High, 13405 158th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, praised the Clean Sweep Renton program's Stop and Swap event held on June 4th. On another subject, Ms. High stated that the Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell requested the sewer moratorium in the East Renton Plateau potential annexation area as the community is considering the possibility of annexation to Renton. She inquired as to what is deemed a complete application for sewer certificate for two milestones in the sewer concurrency certification application process, vesting and granting. Mayor Keolker-Wheeler noted the complexity of the issue and indicated that the Administration will provide an answer within the next few days. (See page 208 for resolution.) Nancy Hoben, 17434 128th Ave. SE, Renton, 98058, announced that the Renton Farmers Market opens on June 7th. Ms. Hoben explained that the market's goal is to not only support the smaller farmers and producers of goods, but to also be a community event. She reported that in addition to the regularly scheduled Master Gardener Clinics, Arts and Crafts Kids Booth, and Chefs Demonstrations, the Cascade Kids Circus and the Finnish Dancers will perform at the June 7th market. Theresa Brehmer, Bennett Development, 12011 NE 1st St., Bellevue, 98005, stated her support for Care's (Citizens' Alliance for a Responsible Evendell) annexation effort. However, she expressed concern that CARE will use the proposed sewer moratorium in the East Renton Plateau potential annexation area as a means to stop growth in the area if the moratorium is not linked to a possible annexation election this fall. She asked that extensions to the sewer moratorium not be allowed. (See page 208 for resolution.) MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 8:58 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:03 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of Councilman Clawson, item 6.i. was removed for separate consideration. Approval of Council meeting minutes of May 23, 2005. Council concur. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION & PUBLIC HEARING ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE·MITIGATED (DNS·M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: 8_oven ProIlmlnory .... t PROJECT NUMBER: LU_3, ECF, PP LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (102"' Ave. SE In King County) DESCRIPTION: The applicant I. reque.tlng Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acr. lite. The recently annexed land Is located within the Residential .. 8 (R-6) zoning d •• lonaHon. The propos.d lot. are Intended for the eventual development of detached lingle family hom .... lot. rangIng In size from 4.500 square f •• t to 11.583 square f •• t. The existing r •• ldence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Acc ••• 1. proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE In King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland Is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 PM on March 22, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee w~h: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the 7th floor of City Hall. 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on April 6, 2004 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. If the Environmental Determination Is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Identification. CERTIFICATION I, , hereby certify that ? copies of the above docu nt ere posted by me in "3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on _---"-c·3...£----'?"----'=ZC::Jo..-;~O:f"'-+ __________ _ ~;. A ,.. ........... """"', Signe ,.(-,--+ . ......"t"-'-::Ju77F=---!.--''"''''-~_-;.<..J..:.)...=.tI}A. c~._ ...... ~~~.~~C~I.II" ATTEST: SUbscribe~~om before me, a Notary ~!!plic, in and for Co- .: -~"'~S\ON i~~~"}8ashington residing in~/b=(C ',,..,, , on the 5 -tr day of-'--.\b-;l~""""--4-_=:I:;::..J,--",,;Y..J -~ .. "" "'~'~', ., ., ~ .. ~"f(" z·. , .. 'I : ;0 ~OTA~y ~". ~ MARILYNKAMCHEFF ;. :u CIl; ~ ~ • _. -C ; ~ It( APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 ~ tP '.. PUBL\ .: ~ ; '~ ;A", ... 0 : " ~~ ·· .. ~·29·01 . ...-S-.: 't ~ ......... \~ -- ttt" OF WA.SV\. ...... ~-,\,\,~"" ............. .,. CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 5th day of March, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Environmental Determination documents. This information was sent to: I~·~~ 'iI1?¥j,,,> " " .' >%\1{". , </g , , ;;:;;:;:; > :')i~' • "1:>' ""', ',':X .;>~?, ,'J)' ",> ".' /Name" '. " Representing , Agencies See Attached ~ (Signature of Sender): ~ l~ ~l~ NGTO~C \ ............ ,""'\\, STATE OFWAS ....:1N '" __ ' I. : -~\:. ...... ~"", " ,: ~v::.·;t,\ss'o;;··"O.L_'" : .. ~ ~ .. -~" : /0° ~OT-4 ~ ... ~ t ~: ~)..:sl~""T\~ ~: ~. m:, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Patrick Roduin ~ ~ \ ~l.J8 -en f : signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and volun(~~ a~&for ~~ us.es aid Purposes mentioned in the instrument. 1"'~O···:?9-07 .... ··:o~,: ". ~ ...... <:;.'-- ( " , _,' . .j , '" WASH\~ ......... -- Dated: ~l.b.lL-L-x. C'~3 .:~Y' '--7/ilyvve..~1i(J.. ''''', ......... ... I ublic in and for the Sat ' ashington SS COUNTY OF KING Notary (Print): ____ --iMA~R;;ILYN~KAM==C:;:;HEFF~------------ My appointment expires: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 template -affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology * Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region - Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers - Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Jamey Taylor - Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Stewart Reinbold * Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. c/o Department of Ecology * 3190 160th Ave SE Attn. SEPA Reviewer Bellevue, WA 98008 39015-172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office -Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program 14235 Ambaum Blvd. SW -Front A - Burien, WA 98166 Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division -Office of Archaeology & Historic Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation- Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Stephanie Kramer 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 SE 72nd Place 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Eric Swennson 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 Seattle, W A 98104-5004 Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application. - Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. template -affidavit of service by mailing KC<Jlker-Wbee:ler Mayor July 20, 2004 Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th Street Renton, W A 98059 CIT~ Re: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat; LUA-04-003, PP, ECF Dear Mr. Beck: )F RENTON City Clerk Bonnie I. Walton At the regular Council meeting of July 19,2004, the Rentqn City Council adopted the recommendation of the hearing examiner to approve the referenced preliminary plat, subject to conditions to be met at later stages of the platting prOCess. Pursuant to RCW, a final plat meeting all requirements of State law and Renton Municipal Code shall be submitted to the, City for approval withirifive years ofthe date of preliminary plat approval: If I can provide additional information or assistance, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk cc: Mayor Kl\thy Keolker~ Wheeler Council President Don Persson Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner Fred Kaufman, Bearing Examiner Fred & Debra Gustafson, 18439 1 02nd Ave. SE, Renton, W A 98055 Carl Falk, 1902 Bigelow Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109 ih Lafe Hermansen, 14711 NE 29 PI., Ste. 101, Bellevue, WA 98007 -10-5-S-S-ou-th-G-ra-dy-W.-a-y-.-lt-en-to-n-, W.-as-h-in-gt-on-9-80-S-S -. (-42-S-) 4-3-0-6-S 1-0-1 F-:AJ{-(-42-S-) 4-3-0--6-S1-6-~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON April 22, 2004 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION APPLICANT: OWNERS: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th Street Renton, W A 98059 Fred & Debra Gustafson 18439 I 02nd Ave. SE Renton, WA 98055 Carl Falk, et al 19129 SE 145th Street Renton, W A 98059 Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No: LUA-04-003,PP,ECF 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (l02nd Ave SE in King County) Subdivide a S.95-acre property into 36-lot subdivision for the construction of detached single-family homes. Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on March 30, 2004. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the April 6, 2004 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, April 6, 2004, at 9:36 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor ofthe Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original application, reports, staff comments and other documentation pertinent to the review ofthe project. Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map Stonehaven Prelim inary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 2 Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Plat Plan Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Grading and Utility Plan The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. There are two separate parcels comprising the 5.95-acre site. There are two separate property owners. This property was annexed into the City in December 2003 and is located in the Residential-8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposal would create 36 lots intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes. There is an existing single family home that is proposed to remain on what would become new lot 24, on the larger parcel to the north. On the narrow southern parcel are a mobile home and several outbuildings. Those are proposed to be removed as part of the development of the plat. There are two tracts, Tract A is located in the southwest comer of the site, which contains a Category 2 wetland, approximately 3,000 square feet is located on this parcel, the remaining is on other parcels. A 50-foot buffer is required and will be maintained. Track B would contain the storm detention facility located in the northeast portion of the site. The Examiner noted that in the staff report the storm detention facility is listed as being in the northwest portion of the site and it is actually in the northeast portion. Ms. Fiala continued stating that access to the plat is from Main Avenue South within the City of Renton or 102nd Avenue SE as well as South 47th Street. Internal to the plat would be two new roads designated as Road A and Road B. The plat is divided into three areas, Lots 1-16 following the western and southern property lines. A central block, containing nine lots, and the northeast block which will contain the storm detention, the existing home, and several new lots. The project was reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) who issued a Determination of Non- Significance Mitig~ted (DNS-M). The DNS-M included seven mitigation measures. There were no appeals filed. The seven mitigation measures included those related to erosion control, temporary and permanent fencing for the wetland area, the storm drainage facilities would be designed to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual for 100 year storms, and standard mitigation fees for Fire, Traffic and Parks. The Comprehensive Plan is Residential Single Family, it complies with the land use element, housing, and environmental element as related to residential single family. It meets all density requiremeRts as well as completing housing infill by adding 35 new lots to an undeveloped lot. With respect to the underlying zoning designation, the density after deduction of the critical area wetland, streets and roads is 7.42 dwelling units per acre. All lots meet width, depth and area requirements. The proposal meets all front, rear and side yard setback requirements, but will be verified at the time of individual building permits. There are several comer lots, Lots 1, 16, 17, 21, 27, 28, 32, 33 and 36. It is necessary to insure that they are at the appropriate front yard setbacks, it is not appropriate for the front of a yard to be facing South 47th Street Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 3 versus Road A, this will be a condition of approval that Lots I, 16, 17, 2 I and 36 face Road A and Lots 28, and 32 face Road B. The internal road system has been requested to reduce the right-of-way from 50' to 42' with 32' of pavement, including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting on both sides of the street and as appropriate. Staff has several recommendations, due to the distance from secondary access all buildings within the plat, with the exception of the existing home, will have to be sprinklered, provide a 20'access easement between proposed lots 10 and I I, and to place "No Parking" signs along Main Avenue South. Staff also recommends as a condition of plat approval the establishment of a homeowner's association or maintenance agreement including but not limited to common improvements. Fire, Transportation and Parks mitigation fees are required. The plat is within the Renton School District, the proposed plat will generate approximately 16 additional students and the school district is able to handle these new students. The plat is within the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, as a condition of approval the applicant be required to obtain a certificate of water and sewer availability from the Water District prior to obtaining a construction permit. In conclusion, staff recommends approval of the project subject to conditions. Lafe Hermansen, Core Design, 1471 I NE 29th Place, Suite 101, Bellevue, W A 98007 stated the he represents the applicant and property owners, and are in agreement with most everything that staff has reported. The only contention is with the access easement, there is room to provide it with the adjustment of Lots 1,2, and 3, sliding all of them up around the comer. However, the houses being built are required to be sprinklered and the additional access easement with the property owner to the southwest has indicated that he has no interest in developing or granting an easement. It this is a requirement, then that easement will have to be relocated. The water/sewer certificate of availability has been obtained from Soos Creek and copies will be provided to the City. The Examiner further inquired as to the easement requirement by the Fire Department. Kayren Kittrick, Development Services, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 stated that in regard to the Required easement stated that it was recognized from the beginning that the owner may noLwish to grant such an easement and therefore, it was a preferred alternative but not a required one. It is not a requirement that there . be a 20'easement. The Examiner asked about a reference to a storm drainage system that would be routed around the detention facility. What is that reference all about? David Cayton, Core Design, 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite, 101, Bellevue, WA 98007 stated there is an existing pipe coming out of the main street that runs through the tract to a culvert. A proposed by-pass system that will go around the pond, it is a direct off-site runoff through the site and around the pond. It is not draining this site, but collecting drainage from the southeasterly area. Most of the recharge of the aquifer occurs from off-site runoff. Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 4 Carl Falk, 1902 Bigelow A venue North, Seattle 98109 stated that he is one of the owners of the property and has read the report and agrees with the recommendations. If any adjustments are necessary, they are willing to work with the Fire Department to make this work. Fred Gustafson, 18439 102nd A venue SE, Renton 98055 stated that he is one of the owners of the property and he supports the project and thinks that it will be an improvement to the neighborhood. There currently are farm animals and they are not a good mix with residential areas. Steve Beck, 19129 SE 145th Street, Renton 98059 stated that he is the applicant for Stonehaven Plat and that in order to clarify some of the Fire Department requirements, it was that if an easement could be obtained and shift the lots over and run a 20' access through the adjoining property then no sprinkler systems would be required for the individual homes. The attempt was made with the property owner, he has no interest in ever developing. Therefore with individual sprinklers required in each individual home it will be a very safe neighborhood, there are roads coming in and out of that 5-acre tract. Ms. Kittrick stated that she had just spoken with Mr. Rudy, the Fire Marshall and had a discussion on the 20' easement. They do want the 20' easement to the south, but it doesn't have to go through the property but they do wish it left open in this plat so that eventually someday perhaps when this property is developed, they wish there to be a secondary access available to all the properties involved. The Examiner caJJed for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10: 17 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant, Steve Beck, filed a request for approval of a 36-lot Preliminary Plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit #1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter,- 5. The subject site is located at 4801 and 4815 Main Avenue South. The subject site is located on the west side of Main (l02nd Avenue SE in King County) immediately south of South 47th Street. The subject site consists of two underlying lots. A single family home and separate mobile home are currently located on the site. The single family home would be retained on what would be Proposed Lot 24. All other structures would be removed. 6. A Category 2 wetland is located in the southwest comer of the subject site. There are approximately 3,129 square feet of the wetland on the subject site. Its buffer would be east of the wetland. The Category 2 wetland requires a 50-foot buffer. 7. The subject site is approximately 5.95 acres or 259,251 square feet in area. The parcel is rectangular. It Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 5 is approximately 636 feet wide (east to west) and 406 feet deep. 8. The subject site generally slopes upward to the west approximately 2% to 3% but reaches approximately 22% at the southwest comer of the site near the wetland. 9. The subject site contains evergreen and deciduous forest and brush. Ornamental vegetation is located near the existing home. Vegetation around the home and wetland will be maintained while most of the remaining vegetation will be removed to accommodate roads and building pads. 10. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 5041 enacted in December 2003. 11. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family -8 dwelling units/acre). 12. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single-family uses. 13. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into 36 lots for the development of detached single- family uses. The lots would more or less be arranged as two blocks divided by a new, north south road and a separate tier of lots along the south and west margins of the site that follows the curve of a new east-west road. 14. Access to the plat will be provided from both Main, east of the site and S. 47th Street north of the site. both of these access roads originate from the same roadway system and are considered a "dead end" roadway. The length of the system exceeds 700 feet. The applicant has requested and been granted a modification allowing a longer than permitted dead end road system. Homes beyond 500 feet will have to have sprinklers installed. In addition, the city has required an easement in the vicinity of Proposed Lots 10 and 11 to provide potential access to the south eventually. The property owner of the property to the south will not at this time provide access across that property. The applicant has indicated that lot lines on nearby lots can be shifted to accommodate this easement. 15. The division of the subject site into 36 lots yields a density of 7.42 units per acre after subtracting roadways (44,716 sq ft) and the small part of the wetland found on the subject site (3,129 sq ft). The wetland buffer is not subtracted when calculating density. 16. The stormwater detention system will be located in the northeast corner of the site. It will be an open pond system approximately 16,347 square feet in size on Proposed Tract B. The topography of the site will necessitate routing storm water to both the wetland (clean water sources) and the detention pond area. The ERC imposed a 1 OO-year storm plus 30% additional capacity on the project due to its terrain and location. 17. The wetland on the subject site is a portion of a larger 20,000 square foot wetland located on adjacent property. As noted above, the wetland is a Category 2 wetland and a 50-foot buffer will be maintained on the subject site. The wetland and buffer will be contained on Proposed Tact A and will be approximately 10,456 square feet. 18. Staff has noted that Proposed Lots 1, 16, 1 7, 21, 27, 32, 33 and 36 are comer lots. In order to create consistent building setback lines and somewhat uniform front yards staffhas recommended that Proposed Lots 1, 16, 17, 21 and 36 front on proposed Road A (a city street nam e has not yet been assigned). Similarly, staff recommended that Proposed Lots 28 and 32 front proposed Road B. Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 6 19. The subject proposal would generate approximately fifteen school age children. These students would attend the Renton School District and would be spread across the grades and be assigned on a space available basis. 20. The subject site is located in the Soos Creek Water District. Sanitary sewer and domestic water will be provided by that district. The applicant has been provided availability certificates. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed 36-lot plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The applicant will be preserving the small on-site portion of a Category 2 wetland and providing the required 50-foot setback buffer. The subdivision will create nearly rectangular lots in fairly standard block and tier arrangements. 2. The area has or can be provided with appropriate utilities. It appears that the site has made provision for storm water detention while also assuring the wetland's character is maintained. 3. There will be increased traffic but the street system can apparently handle it. The applicant will be paying a traffic mitigation fee to help with overall circulation flow. The applicant has agreed to create an easement near the southwest corner of the subject site that may ultimately serve to shorten what is now considered an excessive dead end street pattern. That easement though will not provide any quick relief, as the adjacent property owner has not agreed to allow passage at this time. 4. The subdivision will increase the tax base of the City. The additional taxes plus the mitigation fees will offset some of the impacts particularly on parks and fire. 5. The plat meets the density required by the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. 6. Staffs recommendations on the issue of which direction corner lots should face appear appropriate and will be made a condition of approval. 7. In conclusion, the proposed preliminary plat should be approved by the City Council subject to the conditions enumerated below. RECOMMENDATION: The Preliminary Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall indicate on the face of the final plat the orientation of the front yard of Lots 1, 16, 17, 21, 27 and 36 to face Road A and Lots 28 and 32 to face Road B. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. The satisfaction ofthis requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. 3. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. A draft of the document(s), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 7 Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District The certificate shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division prior to the issuance of a utility construction permit 5. The applicant shall comply with the Conditions imposed by the ERe. ORDERED THIS 22nd day of April, 2004. ~~~~ FRED 1. KA MAN 2 HEARING E MINER TRANSMITTED THIS 22nd day of April, 2004 to the parties of record: Susan Fiala 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Carl Falk 1902 Bigelow Ave N. Seattle, W A 98109 Fred & Debra Gustafson 18439-102nd Ave SE Renton, W A 98055 Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th St Renton, W A 98059 Lafe Hermansen 14711 NE 29th PI., Ste. 101 Bellevue, W A 98007 TRANSMITTED THIS 22nd day of April 2004 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian; Council Liaison Larry Rude, Fire Marshal Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Transportation Systems Division Utilities System Division King County Journal Gregg Zimmerman, Plan/Bldg/PW Admin. Neil Watts, Development Services Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Alex Pietsch, Econ. Dev. Administrator Larry Meckling, Building Official Jennifer Henning, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Servu.es Patrick Roduin, Development Services Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 1 OOGofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., May 6, 2004. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review ofthe record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 8 Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., May 6, 2004. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. j I II ! i -I ! ~-' -~------------ ;! - I i ! i .. f i J "' I '! ~ I .. - ·f i -; I I @i , «f B< I ,~ € I i ! . - ExIt/btf Z k ~ ::;; ! q, ~ ~ tli s.. !'J .. O ... T£ JIfIIII.lNfy 2f]t;U Q f k ~ O(SIC;NED /J£C ~!: .... ORA_ W' f,QZ APf'1iO\o'EO 0. k ~ DAM£) £ CA~P.£. .. --=-J(C'" .. --f [~ . ~ . • • b : . "~ ; ", ; ';, ;' .~ " , ~, 'j .. r "P'::. :;; J PRELlMINARYGRADINGAND lIT1LITY PlAN STONEHAVEN F' __ L..~ GO ll.f.:sT __ F'.:s~'" 1902 M:l'ZOW AI01(C NOR11( APT. 402 SfATIII. tl'A.SWf(;Tt:W 16109 ... ~ ~ j ~ ;!: '" '" !II ... !II ~ ~ ~/)£SIGN INGIHlt.,NG. ,JANNING· sutvlY"H"G " July 19,2004 Development Services: Skywire Short Plat ROW Dedication, Index Ave NE & NE 5th PI Annexation: Anthone', Talbot Rd S & SE 192nd St Plat: Stonehaven, Main Ave S, PP-04-003 Human Resources: 2004 Group Health Cooperative Medical Coverage Agreements Utility: SW 7th St Storm System Improvement Project & Small Drainage Projects Program, Fund Transfer Separate Consideration Item 6.f. Fire: King County Emergency Medical Services Lease at Station #14 CORRESPONDENCE Citizen Comment: Rigley - Sewer Service Connection Request, 148th Ave SE UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Development Services: Portable Generators, Noise Ordinance Revision Transportation (Aviation) Committee Public Works: Access Roads with RR Crossings for Barbee Mill Plat, Public or Private Renton City Council Minutes Page 239 Development Services Division recommended acceptance of the dedication of additional right-of-way at the comer of Index Ave. NE and NE 5th PI. to fulfill a requirement of the S~ire Short Plat (SHP-04-023). Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submitted 10% Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Anthone' Annexation, 4.84 acres located east of Talbot Rd. S. and south of SE 192nd St., and recommended a public meeting be set on 8/0212004, to consider the petition. Council concur. \ Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of the Stonehaven Preliminary Plat; 36 single-family lots on 5.95 acres located at 4801 and 4815 Main Ave. S. (PP-04-OO3). Council concur. Human Resources and Risk Management Department recommended approval of the 2004 Group Health Cooperative medical coverage agreements for LEOFF I Employees; LEOFF I Retirees; and all other City of Renton covered employees. Refer to Finance Committee. Utilities Systems Division requested approval to transfer $165,000 from the NE 10th St. and Anacortes Ave. NE Storm System Improvement Project to the SW 7th St. Storm System Improvement Project ($120,000) and the Small Drainage Projects Program ($45,000). Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6.f. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Fire Department recommended approval of a lease with King County in the amount of $751.29 per month plus escalation clause, to continue allowing the stationing of a King County paramedic unit in Renton's Fire Station #14. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER ITEM 6.f. TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. A letter was read from David Rigley, 9845 148th Ave. SE, Renton, 98059, requesting connection to Renton's sewer for a future single-family residence at 9831148th Ave. SE (King County parcel #032305-9257-06), located outside the Renton City limits. Noting that this request meets City Code requirements, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE DAVID RIGLEY'S REQUEST FOR SEWER CONNECTION. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Chair Law presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation that Renton's noise ordinance be modified so portable generator use is permitted during times when no electrical service is available due to a natural disaster or power outage. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for reading at a subsequent meeting. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Palmer presented a report regarding access roads for Barbee Mill Preliminary Plat (LUA-02-040). The property owner for the proposed plat has requested approval from City Council, designating the two proposed railroad crossings providing access to the site as public crossings. These two at-grade crossings of the Burlington Northern CI.l 1 OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA ~_":"L I I AI #: In .Gj...-• 0 Submitting Data: For Agenda of: 7/1912004 Dept/Div/Board .. Hearing Examiner Staff Contact. ..... Fred J. Kaufman, ext. 6515 Agenda Status Consent. ............. I Subject: Public Hearing .. Correspondence .. Stonehaven Preliminary Plat Ordinance ............. File No. LUA-04-003, PP, ECF Resolution ............ Old Business ........ Exhibits: New Business ....... Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation Study Sessions ...... Request for Delay and Examiner's Response Information ......... Legal Description and Vicinity Map Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept ........ . Council Concur Finance Dept ..... . Other .............. . Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required. . . N / A Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project .. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation on the Stonehaven Preliminary Plat was published on April 22, 2004. The appeal period ended on May 6,2004. The Examiner recommends approval of the proposed preliminary plat, subject to the conditions outlined on page 6 of the Examiner's Report and Recommendation. Staff submitted a Request for Delay of Final Decision concerning a "stream course" on the site on May 6, 2004. After further review and correspondence, The Examiner's response was issued on June 28, 2004 approving the development of the plat as now proposed. The appeal period ended on July 12, 2004. This office notes that the conditions placed on this project are to be met a later states of the platting process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Stonehaven Preliminary Plat. Rentonnetlagnbilll bh X CIT1 )F RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 24,2004 Mr. Fred Kaufman City of Renton Hearing Examiner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA 04-003, PP, ECF Submittal of Additional Information Dear Mr. Kaufman: fD) P -- Wf .. ~-.. ".,J CiTY OF 1\':'.0'(';-) .... _-:I-tEAR!NG EXAMINER In reference to the Request for Reconsideration, letter of May 6, 2004, staff respectfully submits the following information for the subject plat forward in reference to the potential presence of a stream/watercourse tributary to Panther Creek that meets the City's code definition of "stream". May 5, 2004: Staff (Susan Fiala), applicant (Steve Beck) and contact (Lafe Hermansen) met on site with the City's On-Call wetland consultant to 'assess the potential presence of a stream. Greg Johnston, a Certified Fisheries Professional of The Watershed Company assessed the site and surroundings as well as reviewed information provided by staff from the project file. May 6, 2004: The consultant provided a written summarization of the site visit, documentation review and findings. (See' Attachment 1). As' stated in the correspondence, no flow was present along the drainage path on the day of the site visit. It appeared that a small, unclassified, intermittent stream that has a poorly defined channel and not used directly by. fish is present. Furthermore, the consultant questioned the City of Renton if gaps along the course of a stream . area accepted and at what width. Staff has' determined that that portion of a potential stream/watercourse within the subject plat does not fully meet the City's definition due to the non-contiguous nature of the watercourse, the surrounding detention, culverts, etc. that currently exist. May 10, 2004: Staff met with applicant and contact whereupon it was determined that the applicartt needed to revise the plat and stom drainage plan,. if needed. May 20, 2004: Received revised plat. Analysis of Revised Preliminary Plat: • The number oflots remains the same.as originally proposed, 36 lots. • The access has been revised inc1uding:" shifting the internal public road to the south at Lot 16. Removing the north-south internal road and replacing lot access with private access easements. Removing the single driveway to Lot 19. • Creating Tract D as open space. ------------l-OS-S-S-o-ut-h-G-rn-d-y-W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-,W--as-hl-.n-gt-on--9-80-S-S------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post Consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat Page 2 of2 • Lots 28 through 32 front S. 47th St. Originally 3 lots gained direct access via individual driveways, with the revised plat two more lots would obtain direct access from the public road. • All lots would comply with lot size, dimensions, and arrangement. • Density would be 7.42 dulac (259,251 sq. ft. -47,845 sq. ft. = 211,406 sq. ft. net/4.85 ac. So 36 lots 14.85 ac. Net = 7 .42 dulac) • The required access easement, labeled as Tract C, would be provided between Lots 10 and 11 to address fire access issues. • Storm Drainage remains as previously proposed for sizing. The water would be routed to the west side of the tract. • The unclassified stream would daylight in Tract D after it is existing culvert is extended under the road. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the revised plat plan, dated May 20, 2004 as the request for reconsideration in light of the aforementioned information. If there are questions, please contact me at 430-7382. 2~ Susan A. Fiala, AICP Senior Planner Attachments cc: Jennifer Henning CIT1 )F RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 6, 2004 Mr. Fred Kaufman City of Renton Hearing Examiner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA 04-003, PP, ECF Request for Reconsideration Dear Mr. Kaufman: The decision was issued on April 22, 2004 for the subject preliminary plat. It has been brought to our attention that information related to the potential presence of a stream /watercourse tributary to Panther Creek was not available at the public hearing held on April 6, 2004. In light of the developing new information, we respectfully request that once the information becomes available that it is brought forward to you for review. This may necessitate that the hearing be re-opened. Based on the information pertaining to the potential stream tributary/watercourse, several features of the preliminary plat may be potentially affected including the number of lots (density) and storm drainage design. However, all of the potential impacts are not fully known at this time. In short, we request that the record be kept open in order to submit additional information. Susan A. Fial ,AICP Senior Planner cc: Jennifer Henning ------1-0-S-S -So-u-th-G-ra-dy-W,-aY---R-e-n-to-n-, W,-as-h-in-gt-o-n-9-g0-S-S-------~ m 'This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% POSt consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ~R CI~ _ JF RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor June 7, 2004 Susan Fiala Development Services City of Renton Renton, W A 98055 Re: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Dear Ms. Fiala: Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman This office has reviewed your letter regarding Stonehaven and I'm not clear on some of the issues. The documents still leave issues unclear. A tributary to Panther Creek, no matter how small must playa part in the hydrology of the Panther Creek and its associated wetlands. The absence of water during one visit does not appear to be deten:ilinative of a stream's status. There is a "stream" upstream of the subject site and it appears to enter the subject site. It would seem problematical that is disappear On its course through the subject site. Also some parts of the letter are unclear and this office would appreciate additional clarifying information and maybe additional details. Also, should this new information and proposed changes to the plat be made available to the neighboring property owners and parties of record? If this office can provide additional assistance please feel free to write. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner .City of Renton ----lO-S-S-s-o-ut-'--h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-, -W-a-sh-in-g-to-n-9-8-0-SS---(-42-S-)-4-30---6S-1-S----~ ~ _.. . ....• ' ,~"' ___ ._ .• _ . '._ ~no' _. _ AHEAD OF THE CURVE Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor June 14,2004 Mr. Fred Kaufman City of Renton Hearing Examiner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 CITY )F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA 04-003, PP, ECF Dear Mr. Kaufman: In response to your letter of June 7, 2004, staff submits this letter as a clarification concerning the potential presence of a stream/watercourse tributary to Panther Creek that meets the City's code definition of "stream" for the above-referenced plat. Determination of the Presence of a "Stream": Staff has determined that the potential stream/watercourse within the subject plat does not meet the City's definition for a "stream" (RMC 4-11-190). Culverts channeling the unclassified watercourse upstream exist under Main Ave. S. (SE 102nd St. in King County) adjacent to the subject site and under SE 185th and SE 186th Streets, south of the subject site, in King County. The proposal is to continue the existing culvert from Main Ave .. S. under the subject plat's access road and then daylight the watercourse within Open Space Tract D. Although the watercourse within Tract D has a defined channel, it does not support fish or salmonoids which is part of the criteria to meet the City of Renton's stream definition. The stream channel ends at the north boundary line of Tract D. There is no channel within proposed Tract B -Storm Detention . .. Discussion: Based on the site visit conducted with Greg Johnston a Certified Fisheries Professional of the Watershed Company, it was stated in his letter of May 6,2004 (see attached), that the stream or stream channel does not exist on the northern portion of the subject site where Tract B is proposed. From Tract B, heading north, there exists another culvert of same stream channel. As apparent, the stream is not a continuously definea channel through the subject site. Culverts exist under both Main Ave. ·S. and S. 47th St. which . leads to the conclusion as stated above, that there is no "stream" present on site that meets the City's definition . . The applicant has revised the plat (see Attachment'"B") such that the defined channel is proposed to be located within Tract D as described below. ------}-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-, W-as-h-in-gt-o-n-9-80-S-S~-----R E N TON ® This paper contains 50% recyded material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat Page 2 of 2 Staffs Analysis of Revised Preliminary Plat: • The number of lots remains the same as originally proposed, 36 lots, thus the density remains within the R-8 allowed range. Density would be 7.42 dulac (259,251 sq. ft. - 47,845 sq. ft. = 211,406 sq. ft. net/4.85 ac. So 36 lots 14.85 ac. Net = 7.42 dulac) • The access has been revised including: shifting the internal public road to the south at Lot 16; removing the north-south internal road and replacing lot access with private access easements; and removing the individual driveway to Lot 19. • Tract D is proposed as open space. • Lots 28 through 32 front S. 4th St. Originally 3 lots gained direct access via individual driveways, with the revised plat two more lots would obtain direct access from the public road. • All lots would comply with lot size, dimensions, and arrangement. • The required access easement, labeled as Tract C, would be provided between Lots 10 and 11 to address fire access issues. • . Storm Drainage remains as previously proposed for sizing. The water would be routed to the west side of the tract. • The unclassified stream would daylight in Tract D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the revised plat plan, dated May 20, 2004. Furthermore, we concur that your decision of the request for reconsideration be made available to the parties of record. If there are questions, please contact me at 430-7382. ~~~ "'--Susan A. Fiala, AICP Senior Planner Attachments A. The Watershed Company Letter B. Revised Plat Plan cc: Jennifer Henning Kathy Keolker-Wbeeler, Mayor June 28, 2004 Susan Fiala Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th Street Renton, WA 98055 Re: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA-04-003, ECf, PP Dear Ms. Fiala and Mr. Beck: OF RENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman This office has received correspondence from staff that asked that the final decision on this plat be delayed while it explored a "stream course" that runs through the subject site. Apparently, subsequent to the public hearing, staff learned that a possibly regulated or defined stream ran across a portion of the subject site. The City used its consultant to review the situation. That review appears to have determined that the stream that runs through the subject site does not meet the City's definition of a stream. At the same time, the applicant revised the plat in some ways to protect a portion of the course as it runs through open space at the east edge of the plat. It appears reasonable to allow the plat to be developed as now proposed. Although, this office does have to express some misgivings about the way this information was made available. It would have helped the entire process if this information had been made available prior to the public hearing and could have been explored in thatsettirig where questions could have been asked and answered. The submission of information after the close of the hearing led to some delays as issues were sorted out for review. As stated in the last correspondence of this office, the fact that a more defined stream-course (I will not at this juncture debate whether it is defined as a stream by code) is found upstream and downstream of the subject site does create some hesitancy to just write if off where is crosses the subject site. If all, many or even some such drainage, water or moist courses were ignored upstream of Panther Creek, ultimately, no water or less water would reach and recharge Panther Creek. That could affect waters that are defined and which do contain fish. Also, swales, runnels or courses that do not contain fish might contribute nutrients and or insect life that again, ultimately affects fish~ So while the course passing through the subject site might not be much in the way of a stream or water channel, it has and is part of an interdependency that affects larger bodies of water, some of them having special significance or protected status. It appears that the course will be incorporated into and subsumed. by the detention pond area (TractB) and it will be preserved in open space that will be protected as Tract D.Again, this might not be the best situation but one, Which at this time, is reasonable. This office has to believe that it would help the process if there were a bit more time and thorough review of projects prior to the public hearing. This would avoid post;.hearing delays as occurred in· this instance when information is discovered as when questions arise at the hearing or in ----IO-S-S-s-ou-t-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-'-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-8-0S-S---(-42-S-)-43-0--6-S-I-S----~ ~ _. .AHEAD OF THE ·CUllVE Steve Beck 19129 SE 1451h Street Renton, W A 98055 Page Two subsequent processes. A similar situation recently occurred with a plat with a proposed road system that did not meet Code. There was no reason for that project to have come to a public hearing when it was clear that it could not be approved and would have to be substantially reworked to meet code requirements. Clearly, the applicant in this case did not happily accept the delays but at the same time,· potentially sensitive environmental features were not addressed in the initial review: This office wants to be clear that staff requested a delay in the decision due to the discovery of this potential stream. Once that discovery was made, some delay became necessary to fully answer all questions. If this office can provide further assistance please submit those requests in writing. Sincerely, =kJJ~t~~~ Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton FKlnt cc: Fred & Debra Gustafson Carl Falk Lafe Hermansen Mayor Kathy Keolker;. Wheeler Neil Watts, DeveJopmerit Servlces Jennifer Henning, Development Services· • \ i TALBOT RIDGE RIW DESCRIPTION f --, • • LEGAL DESCRIPTION "TRIAD NO. 97-006 ,Jllly 8,1998 (R.IGHT~F·WAY DEDICATlON·TAX LOr NO. 32230S-90~MS) PARCEL I: R1CiHT-OF·WAYDEDlCATlON THAT PORTION OF THE NORm ifAtF OF THE NORTIfWEST QUARTER Of mE NORntWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUllIWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 23 NORm. RANGE' EAST. W.M.. KING COUNlY. WASHINGTON MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' BEGINNING ATllJE ImElSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTH HALF WITlf 1lJE WESTERLY MARGIN OF 102 AVE. S.E: lliENCESOUTII ago26'29~ WEST AWN(; SAID NORm UNf 2'.82 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE; TJfEHCE SOUTltEASTERL Y AWNO A CURVE ro mE RIGHT. mE CEtlI'ER OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 00'11'31~ EAST 25.00 FEET. THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91·SO·20~ AN ARC DISTANCE OF 40.07 FEETro A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY MARGIN OF 102 AVE s'E.: THENCE NORTH 4WI6'4~ EAST ALONG SAID WESTERLY RlGIfT -OF-WAY MARGIN UlI2 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNlNG CONTAINING 14-1 50 FT. WRITTEN-JML CHECKED. WVS 6 TRIAD ASSOCIATES 11814 115th Avenue N.E. Kiridand, WA 9803.01 (425)821-84481 Fax (425)821-3481 FP.~T ,. S,£It(Jr uo 1100 19999812001273 f'<Q: "4 or 884 8EI-1l"1'9" 12 ,Z _(MC; GO(.I'h_ "" , • -- ! R-8 S 179th St. i . R-8 .~ Z Cf) .N f-4 ~ ~ H4 -29 T23N R5E W 112 r£l J:x1 rn CI) cD Q) 1;: :> < ..Q ..Q ~ ~ 0) co . 0 0 .....-f ....... SE 180th St. SE 18Ist I~ I I IrE Q) 1;: :5 co .0 ....... SE 190th S SE 192 'b.12 T 14 ·32 T23N R5E W V2 _ ._,., _ 53Jl .. Kathy Keolker-Wheeler: Mayor June 28, 2004 Susan Fiala Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Steve Beck 19129 SE 1451h Street Renton, W A 98055 Re: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Dear Ms: Fiala and ML Beck: CIT~ OF RENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman This office has received correspondence from staff that asked that the final decision on this plat be delayed while it explored a "stream course" that runs through the subject site. Apparently, subsequent to the public hearing, staff learned that a possibly regulated or defined stream ran across a portion of the subject site. The City used its consultant to review the situation. That review appears to have determined that the stream that runs through the subject site does not meet the City's definition of a stream. At the same time, the applicant revised the plat in some ways to protect a portion of the course as it runs through open space at the east edge of the plat. It appears reasonable to allow the plat to be developed as now proposed. Although, this office does have to express some misgivings about the way this information was made available. It would have helped the entire process if this information had been made available prior to the public hearing and could have been explored in that setting where questions could have been asked and answered. The submission of information after the close of the hearing led to some delays as issues were sorted out for review. As stated in the last correspondence of this office, the fact that a more defined stream-course (I will not at this juncture debate whether it is defined as a stream by code) is found upstream and downstream of the subject site does create some hesitancy to just write if off where is crosses the subject site. If all, many or even some such drainage, water or moist courses were ignored upstream of Panther Creek, ultimately, no water or less water would reach and recharge Panther Creek. That could affect waters that are defined and which do contain fish. Also, swales, runnels or courses that do not contain fish might contribute nutrients and or insect life that again, ultimately affects fish. So while the course passing through the subject site might not be much in the way of a stream or water channel, it has and is part of an interdependency that affects larger bodies of water, some of them having special significance or protected status. It appears that the course will be incorporated into and subsumed by the detention pond area (Tract B) and it will be preserved in open space that will be protected as Tract D. Again, this might not be the best situation but one, which at this time, is reasonable. This office has to believe that it would help the process if there were a bit more time and thorough review of projects prior to the public hearing: This would avoid post-hearing delays as occurred in this instance when information is discovered as when questions arise at the hearing or in ----1 o-s-s-s-ou-t-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-8-0-SS---C-42-S-)-43-0--6-S-1-S----~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Steve Beck 19129 SE 145 th Street Renton, W A 98055 Page Two subsequent processes. A similar situation recently occurred with a plat with a proposed road system that did not meet code. There was no reason for that project to have come to a public hearing when it was clear that it could not be approved and would have to be substantially reworked to meet code requirements. Clearly, the applicant in this case did not happily accept the delays but at the same time, potentially sensitive environmental features were not addressed in the initial review. This office wants to be clear that staff requested a delay in the decision due to the discovery of this potential stream. Once that discovery was made, some delay became necessary to fully answer all questions. If this office can provide further assistance please submit those requests in writing. Sincerely, ~J~f~----..c Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton FKlnt cc: Fred & Debra Gustafson Carl Falk Lafe Hermansen Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Neil Watts, Development Services Jennifer Henning, Development Services u:rt . Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor June 14, 2004 Mr. Fred Kaufman City of Renton Hearing Examiner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 CITY .F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA 04-003, PP, ECF Dear Mr. Kaufman: In response to your letter of June 7, 2004, staff submits this letter as a clarification concerning the potential presence of a stream/watercourse tributary to Panther Creek that meets the City's code definition of "stream" for the above-referenced plat. Determination of the Presence of a "Stream": Staff has determined that the potential stream/watercourse within the subject plat does not meet the City's definition for a "stream" (RMC 4-11-190). Culverts channeling the unclassified watercourse upstream exist under Main Ave. S. (SE 102nd St. in King County) adjacent to the subject site and under SE 185th and SE 186th Streets, south of the subject site, in King County. The proposal is to continue the existing culvert from Main Ave. S. under the subject plat's access road and then daylight the watercourse within Open Space Tract D. Although the watercourse within Tract D has a defined channel, it does not support fish or salmonoids which is part of the criteria to meet the City of Renton's stream definition. The stream channel ends at the north boundary line of Tract D. There is no channel within proposed Tract B -Storm Detention. Discussion: Based on the site visit conducted with Greg Johnston a Certified Fisheries Professional of the Watershed Company, it was stated in his letter of May 6, 2004 (see attached), that the stream or stream channel does not exist on the northern portion of the subject site where Tract B is proposed. From Tract B, heading north, there exists another culvert of same stream channel. As apparent, the stream is not a continuously defined channel through the subject site. Culverts exist under both Main Ave. S. and S. 47'h St. which leads to the conclusion as stated above, that there is no "stream" present on site that meets the City's definition. The applicant has revised the plat (see Attachment "B") such that the defined channel is proposed to be located within Tract D as described below. ------l-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-gt-on-9-S0-S-s------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat Page 2 of 2 Staffs Analysis of Revised Preliminary Plat: • The number of lots remains the same as originally proposed, 36 lots, thus the density remains within the R-8 allowed range. Density would be 7.42 dulac (259,251 sq. ft. - 47,845 sq. ft. = 211,406 sq. ft. netl4.85 ac. So 36 lots 14.85 ac. Net = 7.42 dulac) • The access has been revised including: shifting the internal public road to the south at Lot 16; removing the north-south internal road and replacing lot access with private access easements; and removing the individual driveway to Lot 19. • Tract D is proposed as open space. • Lots 28 through 32 front S. 4th St. Originally 3 lots gained direct access via individual driveways, with the revised plat two more lots would obtain direct access from the public road. • All lots would comply with lot size, dimensions, and arrangement. • The required access easement, labeled as Tract C, would be provided between Lots 10 and 11 to address fire access issues. • Storm Drainage remains as previously proposed for sizing. The water would be routed to the west side of the tract. • The unclassified stream would daylight in Tract D. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the revised plat plan, dated May 20, 2004. Furthermore, we concur that your decision of the request for reconsideration be made available to the parties of record. If there are questions, please contact me at 430-7382. S4~ --Susan A. Fiala, AICP Senior Planner Attachments A. The Watershed Company Letter B. Revised Plat Plan cc: Jennifer Henning Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor June 7, 2004 Susan Fiala Development Services City of Renton Renton, WA 98055 Re: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Dear Ms. Fiala: CIT1 lFRENTON Hearing Examiner Fred J. Kaufman This office has reviewed your letter regarding Stonehaven and I'm not clear on some of the issues. The documents still leave issues unclear. A tributary to Panther Creek, no matter how small must playa part in the hydrology of the Panther Creek and its associated wetlands. The absence of water during one visit does not appear to be determinative of a stream's status. There is a "stream" upstream ofthe subject site and it appears to enter the subject site. It would seem problematical that is disappear on its course through the subject site. Also some parts ofthe letter are unclear and this office would appreciate additional clarifying information and maybe additional details. Also, should this new information and proposed changes to the plat be made available to the neighboring property owners and parties of record? If this office can provide additional assistance please feel free to write. Sincerely, . ~~~~ .. Fred Kaufman Hearing Examiner City of Renton ----lO-5-5-S-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-,-W-a-sh-in-g-to-n-9-8-0-SS---C-4-2S-)-4-30---6S-1-5----~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY .F RENTON ·:re Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator May 24,2004 Mr. Fred Kaufman City of Renton Hearing Examiner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA 04-003, PP, ECF Submittal of Additional Information Dear Mr. Kaufman: In reference to the Request for· Reconsideration, letter of May 6, 2004, staff respectfully submits the following information for the subject plat forward in reference to the potential presence of a stream/watercourse tributary to Panther Creek that meets the City's code definition of "stream". May 5, 2004: Staff (Susan Fiala), applicant (Steve Beck) and contact (Lafe Hermansen) met on site with the City's On-Call wetland consultant to assess the potential presence of a stream. Greg Johnston, a Certified Fisheries Professional of The Watershed Company assessed the site and surroundings as well as reviewed information provided by staff from the project file. May 6, 2004: The consultant provided a written summarization of the site visit, documentation review and findings. (See Attachment 1). As stated in the correspondence, no flow was present along the drainage path on the day of the site visit. It appeared that a small, unclassified, intermittent stream that has a poorly defined channel and not used directly by fish is present. Furthermore, the consultant questioned the City of Renton if gaps along the course of a stream area accepted and at what width. Staff has determined that that portion of a potential stream/watercourse within the subject plat does not fully meet the City's definition due to the non-contiguous nature of the watercourse, the surrounding detention, culverts, etc. that currently exist. May 10, 2004: Staff met with applicant and contact whereupon it was determined that the applicant needed to revise the plat and storm drainage plan, if needed. May 20, 2004: Received revised plat. Analysis of Revised Preliminary Plat: • The number oflots remains the same as originally proposed, 36 lots. • The access has been revised including: shifting the internal public road to the south at Lot 16. Removing the north-south internal road and replacing lot access with private access easements. Removing the single driveway to Lot 19. • Creating Tract D as open space. ------l-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-a-ra-d-y-W.-a-y --R-e-n-to-n-, W.-a-s-hi-ng-t-on-9S-0-S-S------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled male!ial. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat Page 2 of2 • Lots 28 through 32 front S. 47th St. Originally 3 lots gained direct access via individual driveways, with the revised plat two more lots would obtain direct access from the public road. • All lots would comply with lot size, dimensions, and arrangement. • Density would be 7.42 dulac (259,251 sq. ft. -47,845 sq. ft. = 211,406 sq. ft. netl4.85 ac. So 36 lots 14.85 ac. Net = 7.42 dulac) • The required access easement, labeled as Tract C, would be provided between Lots 10 and 11 to address fire access issues. • Storm Drainage remains as previously proposed for sizing. The water would be routed to the west side of the tract. • The unclassified stream would daylight in Tract D after it is existing culvert is extended under the road. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the revised plat plan, dated May 20, 2004 as the request for reconsideration in light of the aforementioned information. If there are questions, please contact me at 430-7382. ~~ Susan A. Fiala, AICP Senior Planner Attachments cc: Jennifer Henning CITY )F RENTON ·:R Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator May 6, 2004 Mr. Fred Kaufman City of Renton Hearing Examiner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, LUA 04-003, PP, ECF Request for Reconsideration Dear Mr. Kaufman: The decision was issued on April 22, 2004 for the subject preliminary plat. It has been brought to our attention that information related to the potential presence of a stream /watercourse tributary to Panther Creek was not available at the public hearing held on April 6, 2004. In light of the developing new information, we respectfully request that once the information becomes available that it is brought forward to you for review. This may necessitate that the hearing be re-opened. Based on the information pertaining to the potential stream tributary/watercourse, several features of the preliminary plat may be potentially affected including the number of lots (density) and storm drainage design. However, all of the potential impacts are not fully known at this time. In short, we request that the record be kept open in order to submit additional information. Senior Planner cc: Jennifer Henning ------l-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y-W:-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W:-a-s-hi-n-gt-on-9S-0-S-S------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE The Watershed Companlc DEV c'~~~~~~N/NG May 6, 2004 Susan Fiala City of Renton DevelopmentlPlanning Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 MAY 062004 ,RECEIVED Re: Summary of Stonehaven on-site meeting on May 5,2004. Subject: Potential presence of an on-site stream. Dear Ms. Fiala: The purpose of this letter is to summarize the discussion of stream-related issues we had at the site of the proposed Stonehaven residential development on the morning of May 5, 2004. The site is located on the southwest comer of the intersection 1 02nd Avenue SE and South 47th Street in Renton. Present at the site meeting were you, Steve Beck of Amberwood LLC, Lafe Hermansen of Core Design, and myself. You had asked me to become involved the day before to provide my professional opinion as to whether or not a stream is present on-site, and had faxed me some site and proposed project information for my review. During the course of reviewing these materials and looking up additional references prior to our on-site meeting, I discovered that a number of maps of the area show a stream to be crossing the site. The initial such mapping I found was a map from the 1975 Washington State Department of Fisheries' Catalog of Washington Streams and Salmon Utilization which shows a tributary of Panther Creek numbered WRIA 09-0010 in the project vicinity. The resolution on that map is not fine enough to verify that the stream is shown to actually cross the site specifically, however the same-numbered stream is also shown on a map from King County's June 1987 Black River Basin Reconnaissance Report No. J 4, which has finer resolution and shows the stream to be on or very near the Stonehaven site. King County's 1990 Sensitive Areas Map Folio also shows the stream, as an unclassified stream, and mapping obtained from King County's iMAP web site clearly shows an unclassified stream as crossing the northeast comer of parcel #3223059022, which is the primary parcel making up the Stonehaven site. Copies of these maps are included for your reference following the letter text. 1410 Market Street • Kirkland • WA 98033 • Phone (425) 822-5242 • Fax (425) 827-8136 A;f{yc/~~ / s. Fiala May 6, 2004 Page 2 of3 On the ground in the vicinity of the site, I noted that a defined stream channel occurred along the east side of 1 02nd Avenue SE upstream of the Stonehaven site, through a pastured area on the upper part of the site, and through a wooded area north of South 47th Street downstream of the site. Such a channel was poorly defined or lacking along a heavily grassed and sodded on-site area immediately to the south of and bordering South 47th Street. The stream definition provided by the Renton Municipal Code requires that a defined bed and/or bank be present to, in tum, indicate the presence of a stream channel. No flow was present along the drainage pathway on the morning of our site visit, save a few isolated pools immediately north of South 47th Street downstream of the site. A defined channel exists northward from the site through a deciduous forest for perhaps a few hundred feet, after which flow, when present, enters a piped section and is therein tightlined down the steep slopes of the Panther Creek (WRIA 09-0006) ravine to join that creek. The observed facts that the stream #09-0010 is both seasonal and has an absolute barrier to upstream fish migration at its mouth provide sufficient information to conclude that the stream cannot be used directly by fish. As such, the primary-habitat related concerns with respect to this stream involve the quality, quantity, and timing of the water it provides to downstream waters which are used by fish. Preliminary indications are that it appears that a stream does cross the Stonehaven site, albeit a small, intermittent one which has a poorly defined channel in places and which is not used directly by fish. These indications consist primarily of the previously-mentioned mapping by King County and the Washington Department of Fisheries and the observed presence of defined-channel sections both upstream and downstream of the site. However, clarification on several issues is still needed, and the stream's presence as indicated by the mapping on at least part of the site might still be questioned from a couple of angles. The first is that a stream or stream channel as would be indicated by a defined bed and/or bank according to the stream definition given by the Renton Municipal Code is not present along a section in the northern portion of the site approaching the culvert under South 47th Street. A question that City staff and officials should consider is whether or not they are willing to accept the identification and designation of any gaps along the course of a defined stream channel and, if so, what their minimum length would be. A second area of consideration would be to find out whether King County staff defined this same drainage as a stream within their jurisdiction just upstream (southeast) of the site and, if so, how consistent they were in applying that designation to the development they authorized there. The drainage along the east side of 102nd Avenue SE between SE 185th Place and SE 186th Street appears to have been provided with 25-foot buffers and a native vegetation plan, consistent S. Fiala May 6, 2004 Page 3 of3 with its possible designation as a Class 3 stream. However, on the northeast side of the intersection of l02nd Avenue SE and SE 185th Place, this same drainage flows through an excavated, in-line detention pond. Since King County does not normally allow the private placement of in-stream detention facilities, the existence of this facility would bring into question the premise that King County staff were considering the drainage to be an identified stream and regulating it as such. I trust that this information meets your needs at this time. If you have any questions, or if I can be of any further service, please give me a call. Sin~elY' 1"\ J J/rJ1h;/;;:: Greg J oh Ston Certified Fisheries Professional HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON April 22, 2004 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION APPLICANT: OWNERS: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th Street Renton, W A 98059 Fred & Debra Gustafson 18439 I 02nd Ave. SE Renton, W A 98055 Carl Falk, et al 19129 SE 145th Street Renton, W A 98059 Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No: LUA-04-003,PP,ECF 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (l02nd Ave SE in King County) Subdivide a 5.95-acre property into 36-lot subdivision for the construction of detached single-family homes. Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on March 30, 2004. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the April 6, 2004 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD. The hearing opened on Tuesday, April 6, 2004, at 9:36 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original application, reports, staff comments and other documentation pertinent to the review of the project. Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 2 Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Plat Plan Exhibit No.5: Zoning Map Exhibit No.4: Preliminary Grading and Utility Plan The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. There are two separate parcels comprising the 5.95-acre site. There are two separate property owners. This property was annexed into the City in December 2003 and is located in the Residential-8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposal would create 36 lots intended for the eventual development of detached single-family homes. There is an existing single family home that is proposed to remain on what would become new lot 24, on the larger parcel to the north. On the narrow southern parcel are a mobile home and several outbuildings. Those are proposed to be removed as part of the development of the plat. There are two tracts, Tract A is located in the southwest corner of the site, which contains a Category 2 wetland, approximately 3,000 square feet is located on this parcel, the remaining is on other parcels. A 50-foot buffer is required and will be maintained. Track B would contain the storm detention facility located in the northeast portion of the site. The Examiner noted that in the staff report the stonn detention facility is listed as being in the northwest portion of the site and it is actually in the northeast portion. Ms. Fiala continued stating that access to the plat is from Main Avenue South within the City of Renton or 102nd Avenue SE as well as South 47th Street. Internal to the plat would be two new roads designated as Road A and Road B. The plat is divided into three areas, Lots 1-16 following the western and southern property lines. A central block, containing nine lots, and the northeast block which will contain the storm detention, the existing home, and several new lots. The project was reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) who issued a Determination of Non- Significance Mitigated (DNS-M). The DNS-M included seven mitigation measures. There were no appeals filed. The seven mitigation measures included those related to erosion control, temporary and permanent fencing for the wetland area, the storm drainage facilities would be designed to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual for 100 year storms, and standard mitigation fees for Fire, Traffic and Parks. The Comprehensive Plan is Residential Single Family, it complies with the land use element, housing, and environmental element as related to residential single family. It meets all density requirements as well as completing housing infill by adding 35 new lots to an undeveloped lot. With respect to the underlying zoning designation, the density after deduction of the critical area wetland, streets and roads is 7.42 dwelling units per acre. All lots meet width, depth and area requirements. The proposal meets all front, rear and side yard setback requirements, but will be verified at the time of individual building pennits. There are several corner lots, Lots 1,16,17,21,27,28,32,33 and 36. It is necessary to insure that they are at the appropriate front yard setbacks, it is not appropriate for the front of a yard to be facing South 4ih Street Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 3 versus Road A, this will be a condition of approval that Lots I, 16, 17,21 and 36 face Road A and Lots 28, and 32 face Road B. The internal road system has been requested to reduce the right-of-way from 50' to 42' with 32' of pavement, including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting on both sides ofthe street and as appropriate. Staff has several recommendations, due to the distance from secondary access all buildings within the plat, with the exception of the existing home, will have to be sprinklered, provide a 20'access easement between proposed lots 10 and 11, and to place "No Parking" signs along Main Avenue South. Staff also recommends as a condition of plat approval the establishment of a homeowner's association or maintenance agreement including but not limited to common improvements. Fire, Transportation and Parks mitigation fees are required. The plat is within the Renton School District, the proposed plat wi II generate approximately 16 additional students and the school district is able to handle these new students. The plat is within the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District, as a condition of approval the applicant be required to obtain a certificate of water and sewer availability from the Water District prior to obtaining a construction permit. In conclusion, staff recommends approval of the project subject to conditions. Lafe Hermansen, Core Design, 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101, Bellevue, W A 98007 stated the he represents the applicant and property owners, and are in agreement with most everything that staff has reported. The only contention is with the access easement, there is room to provide it with the adjustment of Lots 1,2, and 3, sliding all of them up around the comer. However, the houses being built are required to be sprinklered and the additional access easement with the property owner to the southwest has indicated that he has no interest in developing or granting an easement. It this is a requirement, then that easement will have to be relocated. The water/sewer certificate of availability has been obtained from Soos Creek and copies will be provided to the City. The Examiner further inquired as to the easement requirement by the Fire Department. Kayren Kittrick, Development Services, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 stated that in regard to the Required easement stated that it was recognized from the beginning that the owner may not wish to grant such an easement and therefore, it was a preferred alternative but not a required one. It is not a requirement that there be a 20'easement. The Examiner asked about a reference to a storm drainage system that would be routed around the detention facility. What is that reference all about? David Cayton, Core Design, 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite, 101, Bellevue, W A 98007 stated there is an existing pipe coming out of the main street that runs through the tract to a culvert. A proposed by-pass system that will go around the pond, it is a direct off-site runoff through the site and around the pond. It is not draining this site, but collecting drainage from the southeasterly area. Most of the recharge of the aquifer occurs from off-site runoff. Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 4 Carl Falk, 1902 Bigelow Avenue North, Seattle 98109 stated that he is one of the owners of the property and has read the report and agrees with the recommendations. If any adjustments are necessary, they are willing to work with the Fire Department to make this work. Fred Gustafson, 18439 102nd Avenue SE, Renton 98055 stated that he is one of the owners of the property and he supports the project and thinks that it will be an improvement to the neighborhood. There currently are farm animals and they are not a good mix with residential areas. Steve Beck, 19129 SE 1451h Street, Renton 98059 stated that he is the applicant for Stonehaven Plat and that in order to clarify some of the Fire Department requirements, it was that if an easement could be obtained and shift the lots over and run a 20' access through the adjoining property then no sprinkler systems would be required for the individual homes. The attempt was made with the property owner, he has no interest in ever developing. Therefore with individual sprinklers required in each individual home it will be a very safe neighborhood, there are roads coming in and out of that 5-acre tract. Ms. Kittrick stated that she had just spoken with Mr. Rudy, the Fire Marshall and had a discussion on the 20' easement. They do want the 20' easement to the south, but it doesn't have to go through the property but they do wish it left open in this plat so that eventually someday perhaps when this property is developed, they wish there to be a secondary access available to all the properties involved. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10: 17 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Steve Beck, filed a request for approval of a 36-lot Preliminary Plat. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # 1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at 4801 and 4815 Main Avenue South. The subject site is located on the west side of Main (102nd Avenue SE in King County) immediately south of South 47th Street. The subject site consists of two underlying lots. A single family home and separate mobile home are currently located on the site. The single family home would be retained on what would be Proposed Lot 24. All other structures would be removed. 6. A Category 2 wetland is located in the southwest corner of the subject site. There are approximately 3,129 square feet of the wetland on the subject site. Its buffer would be east of the wetland. The Category 2 wetland requires a 50-foot buffer. 7. The subject site is approximately 5.95 acres or 259,251 square feet in area. The parcel is rectangular. It Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 5 is approximately 636 feet wide (east to west) and 406 feet deep. 8. The subject site generally slopes upward to the west approximately 2% to 3% but reaches approximately 22% at the southwest corner of the site near the wetland. 9. The subject site contains evergreen and deciduous forest and brush. Ornamental vegetation is located near the existing home. Vegetation around the home and wetland will be maintained while most of the remaining vegetation will be removed to accommodate roads and building pads. 10. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ord inance 5041 enacted in December 2003. 11. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family - 8 dwelling units/acre). 12. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single-family uses. 13. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into 36 lots for the development of detached single- family uses. The lots would more or less be arranged as two blocks divided by a new, north south road and a separate tier of lots along the south and west margins of the site that follows the curve of a new east-west road. 14. Access to the plat will be provided from both Main, east of the site and S. 47th Street north of the site. both of these access roads originate from the same roadway system and are considered a "dead end" roadway. The length of the system exceeds 700 feet. The applicant has requested and been granted a modification allowing a longer than permitted dead end road system. Homes beyond 500 feet will have to have sprinklers installed. In addition, the city has required an easement in the vicinity of Proposed Lots 10 and 11 to provide potential access to the south eventually. The property owner of the property to the south will not at this time provide access across that property. The applicant has indicated that lot lines on nearby lots can be shifted to accommodate this easement. 15. The division of the subject site into 36 lots yields a density of 7.42 units per acre after subtracting roadways (44,716 sq ft) and the small part of the wetland found on the subject site (3,129 sq ft). The wetland buffer is not subtracted when calculating density. 16. The storm water detention system will be located in the northeast corner of the site. It will be an open pond system approximately 16,347 square feet in size on Proposed Tract B. The topography of the site will necessitate routing storm water to both the wetland (clean water sources) and the detention pond area. The ERC imposed a 1 OO-year storm plus 30% additional capacity on the project due to its terrain and location. 17. The wetland on the subject site is a portion of a larger 20,000 square foot wetland located on adjacent property. As noted above, the wetland is a Category 2 wetland and a 50-foot buffer will be maintained on the subject site. The wetland and buffer will be contained on Proposed Tact A and will be approximately 10,456 square feet. 18. Staff has noted that Proposed Lots 1, 16, 17, 21,27, 32, 33 and 36 are corner lots. In order to create consistent building setback lines and somewhat uniform front yards staff has recommended that Proposed Lots 1, 16, 17, 21 and 36 front on proposed Road A (a city street name has not yet been assigned). Similarly, staff recommended that Proposed Lots 28 and 32 front proposed Road B. Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 6 19. The subject proposal would generate approximately fifteen school age children. These students would attend the Renton School District and would be spread across the grades and be assigned on a space available basis. 20. The subject site is located in the Soos Creek Water District. Sanitary sewer and domestic water will be provided by that district. The applicant has been provided availability certificates. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed 36-lot plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The applicant will be preserving the small on-site portion of a Category 2 wetland and providing the required 50-foot setback buffer. The subdivision will create nearly rectangular lots in fairly standard block and tier arrangements. 2. The area has or can be provided with appropriate utilities. It appears that the site has made provision for storm water detention while also assuring the wetland's character is maintained. 3. There will be increased traffic but the street system can apparently handle it. The applicant will be paying a traffic mitigation fee to help with overall circulation flow. The applicant has agreed to create an easement near the southwest corner of the subject site that may ultimately serve to shorten what is now considered an excessive dead end street pattern. That easement though will not provide any quick relief, as the adjacent property owner has not agreed to allow passage at this time. 4. The subdivision will increase the tax base of the City. The additional taxes plus the mitigation fees will offset some of the impacts particularly on parks and fire. 5. The plat meets the density required by the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. 6. Staffs recommendations on the issue of which direction corner lots should face appear appropriate and will be made a condition of approval. 7. In conclusion, the proposed preliminary plat should be approved by the City Council subject to the conditions enumerated below. RECOMMENDATION: The Preliminary Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall indicate on the face of the final plat the orientation of the front yard of Lots 1, 16, 17,21,27 and 36 to face Road A and Lots 28 and 32 to face Road B. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording ofthe final plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. 3. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. A draft ofthe document(s), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services • Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 7 Division for review and approval by the City Attomey and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The certificate shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division prior to the issuance of a utility construction permit. 5. The applicant shall comply with the Conditions imposed by the ERe. ORDERED THIS 22nd day of April, 2004. ~~~~ FRED J. KA MAN 2 HEARING E MINER TRANSMITTED THIS 22"d day of April, 2004 to the parties of record: Susan Fiala 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Carl Falk 1902 Bigelow Ave N. Seattle, W A 98109 Fred & Debra Gustafson 18439-1 02nd Ave SE Renton, W A 98055 Steve Beck 19129 SE 145 th St. Renton, W A 98059 Lafe Hermansen 14711 NE 29th PI., Ste. 101 Bellevue, W A 98007 TRANSMITTED THIS 22"d day of April 2004 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Rude, Fire Marshal Lawrence J. Warren, City Attomey Transportation Systems Division Utilities System Division King County Joumal Gregg Zimmerman, Plan/Bldg/PW Admin. Neil Watts, Development Services Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Alex Pietsch, Econ. Dev. Administrator Larry Meckling, Building Official Jennifer Henning, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services Patrick Roduin, Development Services Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 1 OOGofthe City'S Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., May 6, 2004. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision ofthe Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is govemed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of $75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 7 • Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The certificate shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division prior to the issuance of a utility construction permit. 5. The applicant shall comply with the Conditions imposed by the ERe. ORDERED THIS 22"d day of April, 2004. FRED J. KAUFMAN HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMITTED THIS 22"d day of April, 2004 to the parties of record: Susan Fiala 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Carl Falk 1902 Bigelow Ave N. Seattle, W A 98109 Fred & Debra Gustafson I 8439-I02"d Ave SE Renton, W A 98055 Steve Beck 19129 SE 1451h St. Renton, W A 98059 Lafe Hermansen 14711 NE 291h PI., Ste. 101 Bellevue, W A 98007 TRANSMITTED THIS 22nd day of April 2004 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Rude, Fire Marshal Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Transportation Systems Division Utilities System Division King County Journal Gregg Zimmerman, Plan/Bldg/PW Admin. Neil Watts, Development Services Director Members, Renton Planning Commission Alex Pietsch, Econ. Dev. Administrator Larry Meckling, Building Official Jennifer Henning, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services Patrick Roduin, Development Services Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 1 OOGofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., May 6, 2004. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. ... Stonehaven Preliminary Plat File No.: LUA-04-003-ECF, PP April 22, 2004 Page 8 Copies ofthis ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., May 6, 2004. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. ._-_. ---_ .. _-------._-- N ~ ~ l!j NEIGHeC>RHOOD DeTAIL MAP STONEHAVEN ~TON, W,4€>I-lING.' COM CI!6IGoN INC. ENGoINEa ... "", • !"l.A>I<_ • ~'!' COM NO. OJ~& JANUAft'T' Ib, 20C ~t( I" • 200 -----....... ---.. _---_. --_ ..... _-- .- • ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ !li $II '" ~ ",PPRO\IEC k ~ OAlfD £. CAY1tW. P.E. _"'A:C'''......-.GlR .... --" ~ [~ . ~ . D • b PREUMINARYGRADlNG AND unUTY PlAN STONEHAVEN F"~L#V" <;;~$-r-~F"~C>IV 1902 /JIGCl.OW A~M.£ Na?1H, APT. 402 SEAT1l£. WASH/NGTav 98109 ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ill !It ... PI ~ ~ ~OES'GN fHGINEEflNG· "'ANNIHG· SU,VEYING • H4 .. 29 T23N R5E W 112 --~ ~ R-8 ----~ / R-IO ::!ii .;- rx:J rx:J (I) en Q) Q) ~ i ~ " R-th ...Q ...Q ~ .. S 179th St / ~ 0) :r-eo . C> L Ii C> ........ ........ i RM-I R-8 ~ SE IBOth St. <p> " \J ~ Q. ~ V' ..... I' oc -~ SE IBIst I \ I I ~ 0 t.J .~ ~ I z ~ e! .~ rrEi E-c I M ~ M ~ /:::=J ~ 0 I I rx:J en Q) ~ ...Q ~ eo . C> ........ SE 190th S I i I SE 192 H .. 5 T22N R5E W 112 14 E)a Y ZONING ----__ dity LImit,. ~ T . .~+ ~~ DCIINICAL SEJlVlCES ~ ..._ _ 32 T23N R5E W 1/~"1 It -~».I I -. ..",--~ L-~~ ____________ ~~~ ________ -4~~~ STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Lily Nguyen, being first duly sworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Notice of Environmental Determination was published on Monday, 3/8/04 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $126.13 ~ the rate of $15.50 per inch for the first publication and NI A per inch f~ch subse~ertion. Legal Advertising Representative, King County Journal ~ ,nd ,worn [0 mo th;, 8'" day afM"ch, 2004 .. {A \\\\\\.\\11111/1// ~ ~ ,~\\\ C~\ER II///'l ,~" <:'~"'"'''''' ~ Tom A Meaoher <, ~ .,' "-,,p,res •••• ~ e::::- o b .> •• (\ .'y"" Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residi~.{iT~,"¥~m~~ Wasfn~~t~ Ad Number: 816351 P.O. Number: ::: ';:2:: 2 (J'" ./ c,) .... : 0 == Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavif~~~~gg. / ~.;:; ~i ~ 2 ,... O'\) 'V ...... __ ~ -.. t ~: •. : c., $ ~ .•••. 1oII~:.·' ~\~ ~ //. {'\ ........ ..:. ","' ~ '//" l).,." TE o~ ''-' ,I'll '1 \\\ " l,'i'" I : I \ \ \ \ \ \\ NonCEOF~NNmNTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMI'ITEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental RevieW Committee has issued a ,Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton . requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and,Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision .of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently imnexed land is located within the Residential -8· (R-S) zoning dellipatien. The propoaed lots are intended for; the eventual development of detached single' . family homes-lots ranging in sizel from 4,500 square feet to 11,583, ,square feet., The existing I, residence on new 'bit 24 would \ remain. A mobile home and all outbuildingS are p1'C!JlOsed to be demolished or removed. ' Access is proPosed via Main Ave. , S. (102nd Ave, BE in King' County), S. 47th· St. and new' public roads witbiD the. plat. A • Category '2 wetland is. located wi1hi;n th~ southwest portion' of I the SIte WIth a 50 foot buffer. " Appeals of the' environmental i" determination, Blust be filed in,' writing on or before 5:00 pM on I March 22, 2004. Appeals must be I filed in writinlt tcntether with the ' reqw.reu ~lb.UO epplicatla fee with: Hearing' Examinet, Ci~ of Renton, 1055 South ,Grad;-Way, Renton; WA9~'totbe Examiner are by City of iemea> l4UoiciPai'eede'S8etion 4-.~fl\f.li:;:c1\dditidn:idr~ regarding the appeal pNIIIeI8 may be obtained' from the'Renteli City Clerk's Office, (425)430-'6510. A Public Hearing will beheld by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on April 6, 2004 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. . If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of' this public. hearing. ,Interested partiell are . inVited to~ attend the public,hearing. . .. , : Pliblished in the, King. CountY' Journal March 8. 2004. 1R1AAfil AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 22ndday of April, 2004z affiant deposited in the United States Mail a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: ,2004. ot Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at .5?~ttfL & A ,therein. 7 Application, Petition, or Case No.: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat LUA 04-003 PP, ECF The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 6, 2004 AGENDA COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Stone haven Preliminary Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-04-003, ECF, PP PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. PROJECT NAME: Salvation Army Food Bank PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-03-075, CU-H, SA-H, ECF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review approval for the construction of a new food bank outlet located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation. The building is proposed to be 7,642 square feet on the first floor with a 685 square foot loft area totaling 8,295 gross square feet. The first floor is proposed to contain the food storage, office and distribution areas, while the loft would provide additional storage and/or office areas. The structure is planned to be approximately 21 feet in height at its highest point upon project completion. The development includes street frontage improvements, on-site landscaping, and the construction of a 16-stall parking lot with a 24-foot two-way drive aisle. Primary access to the site is proposed from South Tobin Street; however, as the subject site is a through lot, it will also have secondary access via South Tillicum Street. Construction improvements are anticipated to begin in the spring of 2004 and be substantially completed by the end of the same year. PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: Project Name: Owners: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: April 6, 2004 Stonehaven Preliminary Plat Fred & Debra Gustafson 18437 102nd Ave. SE Renton, WA 98055 Carl Falk et al 1902 Bigelow Ave N. Seattle, WA 98109 Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th St. Renton, WA 98059 Lafe B. Hermansen, Core Design Inc. 14711 NE 29th PL, Ste. 101 Bellevue, WA 98007 LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Project Manager: Susan Fiala, AICP The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County) City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHAVEN PRELIMINARY PLA T Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: APRIL 6, 2004 Page 2 of 10 B. HEARING EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Neighborhood Detail Map (dated 01/30/2004) Preliminary Plat Plan (dated 01/30/2004) Preliminary Grading and Utility Plan (dated 01/30/2004) Zoning Map: Sheet 14 West (dated 12/04/2003) c. GENERAL INFORM A TION: 1. 2. 3. 4. Owners of Record: Zoning Designation: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Existing Site Use: 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: 6. Access: 7. Site Area: 8. Project Data: Fred & Debra Gustafson 18437 102nd Ave. SE Renton, WA 98055 Carl Falk et al 1902 Bigelow Ave N. Seattle, WA 98109 Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) Residential Single Family (RSF) Single Family Residential and associated outbuildings. North: Single family residential; R-5 zoning East: Single family residential; King County zoning South: Single family residential; King County zoning West: Single family residential; R-5 zoning Main St. S., S. 4ih St. and two new internal public streets .. 5.95 acres (259,251 square feet -gross area) Area Comments Existing Building Area: 3,630 NIA 3,630 House to remain on new Lot 24 NIA New Building Area: Total Building Area: D. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Annexation Comprehensive Plan Zoning hexrpt_ Stonehaven .doc Land Use File No. NIA NIA NIA House to remain on new Lot 24 Ordinance No. 5041 5041 5041 Date 12/1012003 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 City of Renton PIB/PW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PtA T Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 6, 2004 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts Section 4-3-050: Critical Areas Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Page 3 of 10 Section 4-7-050: General Outline of Subdivision, Short Plat and Lot Line Adjustment Procedures Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-160: Residential Blocks -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: Residential Single Family objectives and policies; Residential Streets objectives and policies; Subdivision of Land objectives and policies. 2. Housing Element 3. Environmental Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The applicant has proposed to subdivide a 5.95 -acre site into 36 lots and two tracts. The site consists of two parcels zoned R-8. The lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family residences. The site currently contains a single family residence and a mobile home and outbuildings. The mobile home and outbuildings would be removed/demolished. A portion of a Category 2 wetland is located in the southwest portion of the site. Access to the site would be provided from two existing roads including Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County), South 4ih Street and two new internal roads (labeled Road A and Road B for ease of reference). The internal roads would be constructed at a reduced right-of-way width of 42 feet with 32 feet of pavement. All lots would gain access directly to the public roads via private, individual driveways. Proposed new Lot 24 which would contain the existing home to remain would gain access directly from Main Ave. South. hexrpt_ Stonehaven .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: APRIL 6, 2004 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 4 of 10 Tract A would contain the wetland and buffer and be located in the southwest portion of the site. Tract B would include the storm detention/water quality pond and be located in the northwest portion of the site. The applicant submitted several studies including: a geotechnical report, a wetland delineation report, a traffic impact analysis and a preliminary storm drainage report. The site was recently annexed into the City of Renton and zoned as Residential - 8 (R-8) dwelling units per acre zone and the Residential Single Family (RSF) Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The R-8 zone allows residential densities that range from a minimum of 5.0 dulac to a maximum of 8.0 dulac. Proposed density for the 36 lot subdivision on the 4.85 net acre site after the deduction of public rights-of-way and critical areas would be 7.42 du/acre. The Environmental Review Committee placed seven mitigation measures on the project including those addressing erosion and wetlands. A wetland delineation report was submitted and stated that a portion of a Category 2 wetland is located on the site. The wetland and its 50 foot buffer is delineated on the proposed plat and located within proposed Tract A. The plat is proposed to have two internal public streets. These streets are unnamed at this time, for ease of reference in the report, the road which extends from S 4ih St. to Main Ave. South is labeled as "Road A" and the north -south street is labeled as "Road B". The plat is divided into three areas. Lots 1 through 16 are arranged in a linear fashion along Road A and to the west and south property lines. A central block would contain Lots 28 through 36. The northwest block would include Lots 17 through 25 and Tract B for storm detention. The proposed lots would range from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet in size and generally be rectangular in shape (lot lines at right angles). Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. The project would also include the installation of utilities and the dedication of public rights-of-way. Approximately 44,716 square feet of the site area is identified as street right-of-way dedication (Roads A and B) to the City of Renton. Tract A covers 10,456 square feet and Tract B covers 16,347. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on March 2, 2004, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Stonehaven Preliminary Plat. The DNS-M included seven (7) mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on March 8, 2004 and ended on March 22, 2004. No appeals were filed. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of the probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measures with the Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M): 1. The erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology (DOE) manual shall be complied with for the plat. 2. During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland area and buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 3. After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland buffer to denote the critical area. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. hexrpt_ Stonehaven .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 6, 2004 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 5 of 10 4. The storm drainage system shall be designed according to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual for the 100 year storm event, with a 30% safety factor. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following preliminary plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the subdivision: (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The objective established by the RSF designation is to protect and enhance single family neighborhoods. The proposal is consistent with the RSF designation in that it would provide for the future construction of single family homes and would promote goals of infill development. The proposed plat is consistent with the following Residential Single Family policies: Land Use Element Policy LU-34. Net development densities should fall within a range of 5 to 8 dwelling units per acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. The proposed plat has a net density of 7.42 du/acre which is within the allowable density range. Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. All 36 lots equal or exceed the minimum of 4,500 square feet. The smallest lot is 4,500 square feet and the largest lot is 11,583 square feet. Policy LU-70. Streets, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood development should be arranged as an interconnecting network. The extensive or predominant use of cul-de- sacs and pipestems should be discouraged for new development. A "flexible grid" pattern of streets and pathways should be used to connect adjacent and future development. The two new internal streets would interconnect with the grid of S. 47'h St. and Main Ave. S. Policy LU-73. Residential streets should be constructed to the narrowest widths (distance from curb to curb) feasible without impeding emergency vehicle access. A reduced right-of-way from the standard 50 feet for residential streets to 42 feet wide is proposed. hexrpt_ Stonehaven .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 6, 2004 Housing Element Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 6 of 10 The proposal should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element. The addition of 35 new single family homes to an underutilized property would increase the City's housing supply, thereby furthering an objective of the City of Renton. Policy H-4, "Encourage infill development as a means to increase capacity," would be addressed by this project. Environmental Element The proposal should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Environmental Element. A Category 2 wetland is located on site. In addition to the applicant complying with wetland and regulations, the ERC issued several mitigation measures on the project to mitigate impacts including the provision of permanent fencing and signage around the critical area. (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The 5.95 -acre site (gross area) consists of two parcels designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development allows for the future construction of up to 35 dwelling units with one existing unit to remain along with associated plat improvements. Density -The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac) for lots exceeding 0.50-acre in size. Net density is calculated after critical areas (wetland) and public rights-of-way are deducted from the gross acreage of the site. After the deduction of 47,845 square feet (streets = 44,716 sq. ft. and wetland = 3,129 sq. ft.) from the 259,251 gross square foot parcel (259,251 gross square feet -47,845 square feet total deducted area = 211,406 net square feet I 4.85 net acres), the proposal would arrive at a net density of 7.42 dwelling units per acre (36 units I 4.85 acres = 7.42 dulac). The proposed plat complies with density requirements for the R-8 zoning designation. Lot Dimensions -The plat plan (Exhibit 3) was analyzed to determine compliance with the R-8 zone development standards. The minimum lot width requires 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots and a lot depth of 65 feet. Lot widths proposed range from 50 to approximately 100 feet and lot depths are proposed from 90 to 106 feet. All lots comply with the lot dimension requirements. Lot sizes would be equal to or greater than the minimum of 4,500 square feet; the smallest lot would be 4,500 square feet and the largest would be 11,583 square feet. The plat would create 36 lots and two tracts with the following sizes: Lot Area (square feet) Access 1 5,259 Road A 2 5,402 Road A 3 5,402 Road A 4 5,402 Road A 5 5,104 Road A 6 6,390 Road A 7 5,730 Road A 8 5,790 Road A 9 4,501 Road A 10 4,500 Road A 11 4,500 Road A 12 4,500 Road A 13 4,516 Road A 14 4,762 Road A 15 5,161 Road A 16 6,396 Road A 17 5,270 Road A hexrpt_ Stonehaven .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: APRIL 6, 2004 Lot 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Tract A Tract B Area (square feet) 4,662 4,664 4,506 4,975 4,502 4,502 11,583 4,639 4,502 5,278 5,259 4,502 4,502 4,861 5,363 7,266 4,502 4,502 5,278 10,456 16,347 Access Road A Road A Road A Road A Road B Road B Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 7 of 10 Main Ave. S. S. 4tn St. S. 4tn St. S. 4tn St. Road B Road B Road B Road B Road B Road A Road A Road A Road A N/A N/A Setbacks -The plat plan includes setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes within the R-8 zoned parcel. Building setbacks as required by the R-8 zone, including front and rear yard setbacks of 20 feet, corner side yard setback of 15 feet and interior side yard setbacks of 5 feet. A front yard setback of 15 feet is allowed for the primary structure and 20 feet for attached garages which access from the front yard street for those streets created after September 1, 1995. These setbacks would be applicable for this subject plat as all public roads would be newly constructed. Lots 1, 16, 17, 21, 27, 28, 32, 33 and 36 are corner lots. To ensure a consistent front yard setback along the new roads, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the front yard of Lots 1,16, 17, 21 and 36 face Road A; Lots 28 and 32 face Road B. Building Standards -The R-8 zone permits one single family residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support the construction of one detached unit. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Accessory structures are permitted only when associated with a primary structure located on the same parcel. A mobile home and several outbuildings are shown as existing on the site. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. Building height in the R-8 zone is limited to two stories and 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. For lots greater than 5,000 square feet .in size, the maximum building coverage is 35% or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater. The proposal's compliance with these building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance. hexrpt_ Stonehaven .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHAVEN PRELIMINARY PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: APRIL 6, 2004 , Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 8 of 10 The side lot lines of the proposed lots are generally at right angles to street lines. All lots would have direct frontage to public roadways. As proposed, all lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Each of the proposed lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R-8 zone. The plat plan does include setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes and when considering the required setbacks, as well as access points for each lot, the proposed lots appear to have sufficient building area for the development of detached single family homes. Property Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of- way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. The proposed subdivision would create Lots 1, 16, 17,21,27,28,32,33 and 36 to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. The proposed radius for these lots would meet code, all would have a minimum radius of 25 feet. (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access and Street Improvements: Access to the site is proposed via Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County) and South 47'h Street. Main Avenue South is the northern section of the north-south road within the city limits of Renton and within King County the named road is 102nd Ave. SE as it extends from SE 192nd St. At the northerly terminus of Main Avenue South, South 47'h Street is on the north of the subject plat and continues to the west. There is no eastbound road at the intersection of Main and S. 47'h, there is only a stub to the east. Main Avenue South and South 47'h Street currently exist and no additional right-of-way dedication is required. However, both frontages of the subject site are required to have street improvements installed including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting. The new interior streets, labeled as Road A and Road B, must be developed to City Standards including 42 feet of right-of-way with 32 feet of pavement and curb, gutter, five foot sidewalks and street lighting. That portion of the north-south road is Main Avenue South within the City limits of Renton and the remaining section is 102nd Ave. SE in King County. The dead end roadway is greater than 700 feet and per code the plat requires a secondary means of access and buildings beyond 500 feet are to be sprinklered. The applicant has requested an modification from the street standards for dead end streets. The proposed plat is limited to a single street access for 350 feet. Beyond this point there are two and eventually three points of access to the plat. As a condition of the street modification, the applicant shall provide a 20 ft. access easement to the City between proposed Lots 10 and 11 to provide access to the property south of the plat. Other conditions of the modification approval include providing "no parking" signs on Main Ave. S. and all houses to be sprinklered. Staff recommends the establishment of a homeowner's association or maintenance agreement for all common improvements, including but not limited to: utility and access easements, stormwater facilities and wetland and buffer tracts, as a condition of preliminary plat approval. Topography: The site gently slopes upward to the west property line at a two to three percent grade in the central portion of the property that increases to a 22 percent grade in the southwest corner of the property. The property is forested with conifers (cedar, fir) and deciduous (cottonwood, maple and alder) trees with a dense understory of brush. The vegetation around the existing house to remain on new Lot 24 and the wetland and its buffer would remain undisturbed. The remainder of the site would be cleared for the construction of homes, roads and storm detention as depicted on the tree inventory plan which also identifies the location of all trees and the clearing area. A forest practices permit may be required for this project. hexrpt_ Stonehaven .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: APRIL 6, 2004 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 9 of 10 Wetlands -The applicant submitted a Wetland Delineation report prepared by AlderNW, dated January 29, 2004, The report indicated that one wetland was found on the subject site and was delineated. The wetland, referred to as Wetland A, is located in the southwest portion of the site on Tract A and has an on-site area of 3,129 sq. ft. with a total area of approximately 20,000 sq. ft. Wetland A includes areas of scrub-scrub habitat and mixed deciduous/conifer forest. Vegetation within the onsite portion of the wetland includes Oregon ash forming a forest canopy with willows and hardhack spirea as the shrub understory species. Creeping buttercup and grasses are the common groundcovers. Fencing allowed access to a portion of the onsite wetland for horse grazing. Hydrologically, the wetland is supported primarily by near surface seepage drainage. There is no defined surface flow into the wetland. The report indicated that the wetland meets the criteria for a Category 2 designation as it is larger than 2,200 sq. ft. and has not been subject to significant disturbance. The wetland requires a 50 foot buffer which would be provided. The wetland and buffer would be contained within Tract A and would not be directly impacted by the proposed development. The ERC placed several mitigation measures on the project including silt fencing, permanent fencing and signage. Relationship to Existing Uses: The subject site currently contains an eXisting single family residence proposed to remain on one new lot. Single family residential is located to the immediate west, east and south developed under both the City of Renton and King County. To the north of S. 4?,h St. is undeveloped land within the City of Renton. The proposed single family subdivision is compatible with these existing uses. (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements and fees. As noted in the section on Transportation, staff is discussing the length of road to the subject plat. The Environmental Review Committee imposed a Fire Mitigation Fee in order to mitigate the project's potential impacts to emergency services. Recreation: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. There are no existing recreational facilities in the immediate vicinity of the subject property and it is anticipated that the proposed development would generate additional users of existing City park and recreational facilities and programs. As required by the Environmental Review Committee, a Parks Mitigation Fee will be required prior to the recording of the final plat. Schools: The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District No. 403. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed plat would potentially result in sixteen (16) additional students (0.44 x 36 = 15.84). The school district has indicated that the following schools would be able to handle the additional students generated by the proposed development. The schools would include: Renton Park Elementary, Nelson Middle School and Lindbergh High School. Storm Drainage/Surface Water: The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Storm Drainage Report prepared by Core Design, Inc. The report states that on-site generated runoff would be directed to a combination detention/wet pond located within a storm drainage easement in the northeast corner of the property. The 24 inch storm drain system would be routed around the detention facility. All drainage discharging from the pond and the 24 inch bypass line would pass underneath South 47th St. via an existing culvert and continue downstream. The report continues to state that in order to provide only one detention facility for a site with such a diverse overland flow patterns, the wetland would be recharged with nearby footing drains and the remainder of the site would be directed to the slightly oversized detention/water quality pond. Water quality would be accomplished by providing dead storage in the bottom of the detention pond. The conceptual drainage plan includes detention and water quality treatment for the fully built out plat, including future houses, driveways and roadway improvements. The runoff from the new houses must be tightlined into the storm drainage system constructed for the preliminary plat. The hexrpl_ Sionehaven .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: APRIL 6, 2004 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 10 of 10 ERC placed a mitigation measure on the project that the storm drainage system is to be designed for detention for the 100 year storm event, with a 30% safety factor. Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: The proposed plat is not located in the City of Renton Water Service Area. It is within the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. This project site is not served by the City of Renton sanitary sewer system. The applicant should contact the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District for availability, fees, plan review and permits. Although the Soos Creek District will have the final review and approval the City still needs to see the sewer on the engineering design plans. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant be required to obtain a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District prior to the issuance of a utility construction permit. H. RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends approval of the Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, Project File No. LUA-04-003, ECF, PP subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall indicate on the face of the final plat the orientation of the front yards of Lots 1,16, 17,21 and 36 to face Road A and Lots 28 and 32 to face Road B. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. 3. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. A draft of the document(s), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The certificate shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division prior to the issuance of a utility construction permit. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Preliminary Plats (PP): Five (5) years from final approval (signature) date. hexrpt_ Stonehaven.doc / I!!!·~I o,,~1 I .~. ® ~ !llr-:::! il'" Ii]) 1/: I' t I ! f lJ ~. ttl,' fl,!" l Ii It .. j i~USk.. I J'.® ) ·~r-, .. ) il "--'I -1' I It i I I " .=------l~"""Uo..;.Jl ~-------._--_._._--_. St.t.Jof\Jol • .tIlngton 1®. 'St.ttof W .... ll\9ton St, .. Of"" .. hI1'l9ion St.tlof'ollllhll'li!Jton 1"1~" IT PARK N ~ m NEI6H60RJ-IOOP DETAIL MAP STONEHAVEN RENTON, WA5HIN61 COIlE DE&IGN INc. ENCioINEE"''''''' ' PLANN''''''' • SI.Il<V1EY ~ NO. o,~~ JANUAFtr 16, :lOG ~N \" .. 200 VI DA IE JANUARY 2004 i k ~ DESIGNED LBH ~ DRAWN iRB APPROVED k. ~ OA\o1O £ CAYTON, P.E P~OJECT "''''N''CEP PRELIMINARY PLAT STONEHAVEN I 111 p , F-';'90+!£:, !i~~r.1f"~ON SEA mE, WASH/HcrON 98109 ~DES'GN ENGINEEIING· ,UNNING· SU'VEY'NG ......... ~.. .. '; '.' ."2II·IJ"(,·(t) NC"z6iU"«(P-11I;) R/W 42" R/W ~·1'·5 ',. "'1 ~5'r,~L, .. l C;~b::.i~ .. r THICK CDlCNT CEMENT CONCRU£ CONCReTE S«W.ALK I£RTICAJ.. CURB k CUTIU? TYPICAL ONSITE ROAD NO SCAi.E 7WP. 23 N.. RG£. 5 £.. w.M. i W q ROW I O.:J· ~02nd A lIE: 5.£ ttl APPLICANT 6T!Yl!N1!II!!'0<. I9Q" a.a. \o46T\.1 .TMET MN"t'*. WA von OWNEI'! ~ ANtI CI!IMIA oo&T,l#6GlIo4 ~CI."AL..K !IIOI!eIItTAI!."ALJ( .IAN1TL..~ a«I&TINE tot AA.l.TO N.o!HCYI!.!"ALX ~~~~~~·AP"'f·402~151 PLANNEB/ENGINEEI'5lSUFSYEYOB COllI!! DEi:6kiN!IoIC. 14111 NJ!. ~ .-t.... 5iJITI 100 I!ELL.E\o'lI!:.~TCIN~ (.043) .... ,." CGWTACT. L.AN ~. ~~ OAVfP E. CATTON,".E. _ ~~ I<KVH.I.V,tt.D~.~.1..6.· ~TOR LEc::.AL DEecl'!lPTION n.a NOIIf1.II-W.P Of' TI-Ie ~6T QfJAIItT!!~ C1I' TIoI! HOJItTl-llU!6T ~C1I'Tl-eeaJn.ll.e:I!oT~C1I'I!o!CT'c:N».TOUN6/oII'" 23 ~ ~. EA6T. 101M. .... K.II..c:. CClLNTY, w,uI4IN1::ioTQN, ~ TI-e I!A&T 20~T T~ClI"~ TO KING COI.NTT FORIIIIOAO J"'UIIPo.t5e eT o~p FiE~ 1.N)~I't~1NCi NO. """1SNr AUC ~ THAT I"'OIInICl't 1l.£tIIEC1I' c:G1NY1!Ya' TO 1(lNClI cot.WrY I"OItItOAO~6eToeeo .. ~~~1Hao NO.~')' .. <II.ItCI!L.e. nE NOItTH 12 PEEl C1F "fI.IE &aJTW w.AI.F C1F JI.E NORTI-ILPT QJAIIrTl!!I'. Of TI--I! ~6T GIJAIin!I'. C1I' TWE IIoOUn.wI:l!ot ~ CI' eeCTlON~. tOll.H8WIP" 2) ~1oI.!IIANG! t !MT. 001. INICJNGCo..NTY,IIIAI!o1-IH:iTQN, ~I""T T\oII!! I!MT 201"l!!I!!T ~O" ~D TO ~ GO..NtT ~IIIOAO~.TDEEOI'ilSCOlllDEP~~1NCio NO. ""' ..... DATUM, CIT'rCl-~Q.I_NAVPIY8 eA5IS OF eEAl'!lNCSS NOI""·0(.2,,£ A.I...ClNCII ~"'T L.INE OF NW I .... , NIl 11-4. _ 114 OF &ec. J2.,).~. eENCI-lM~: CITY OfIl5NTClNI!I"1 KK:e. TOP'Of 1~' DOI"'tI) BItA6& DIIK!LV "'-INCH IN CONe, MQN. tn· &OIJTI.I~INTI!ItaBe"TIONCfI'6..I!.~6T.' I02Nt)A'IE.&.E.-aT~"UlllAn»<t· BU ....... 410011"1". CITT CIt' RENTClN eM ""'" -TO!" OF' va' BIIIAU ~ IN CQlC.MClN. INc.t1611 tfIo·~C1I'ClL.C1I' 6.«. lf12l\C1 6T. NaAA I-IOU8II!! • 10020 '--ELI ........ ~,,,.!IGl I'T . . \ 61T1!~~ ---. VICINIT.,.. MAP T~OI' 13/ .. ' I!IIIItAM DIeKILVP"I..NOoO fNCQNC. MON.-DOIIoNO.s, INCA6I!! -.... T ~ION Of' I02NP AYE. 62. II U. 166TJ.1 fOL. EL.EV .• H'a.82 FT. ~ 1 SCALE: ,. = 40 LU i c ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ I i u' ~ I I , ~~I ~ Z ~ 0 ~ ~ ~~ t::I::; "'!1;~ :c ~ ~~il< "'I: "Ii i';~ ~ ~ ~~~ § '101 ~§~ ~ ~ ~~'" ~ e \i~ ~ ~ ~~ i '" a ~ ~ ~ g "- SHEET ~ ~~ ~ , "e l,J~ ~[ <!; ~ ~().J(CT NU,"""C'" 030911 <p> R-8 S 179t st. RM-I _1 () ! .-=-J.--U-_.--j i R-8 (I) ~ ...c: ...c:: ~ ~ m co 0 o ~ II SE i80th S~ 1 • _1_ '-1 SE 18ist 11'----1 I I I I I /-::=:J ~ .. --.. ~==~// (~----~ I~~ 10 In===" ~L UJL, ~ I ,e; ~ J 'e ...c: I ~ ~ /1 SE 190th st. \ ~ SE 190th S SE gOth! I 11 11 I I C~ ~ C;l I ! I ! ,-J I~ I J R-l : ,~~ ! f ! Ii; I; SE 192 --' ~,~ I! " _____ -:------J ~----5'--e--L~ 'rN-~----L--' ~~ ,i'--_-----i :;' (/)/ '/'l/ ----I' (-------7~-__ ~~: -,;~ I, , 14 .. 5 T22N RSE W 112 6 w· no 14 ~ :..!............. ~----""..... 32 T;;' R5E W 1/~ .. L-~~ ______________ ~I-~ ________ ~~~.~.~~ ~ . ~It Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor CITY JF REN"TON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator March 30, 2004 Lafe B. Hermansen, Project Manager Core DesIgn, Inc. 14711-NE 29th Place, Suite #101 Bellevue, W A 98007 . SUBJECT: STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION_ __ .. __ .... __ .. ______ . _ .... __ . -····-DEADENDSTREET-STANJJARDS Dear Mr. Hermansen: " " We have reviewed the proposed street modification r~qtlest associated with the proposed 36~lot "single~family r~sidence pl~t, to be located at the southwest comer of S. 47th St and MainAvS. A modification has been r~uested to the "requirement limiting a dead. end" street system (i.e., a "single access point) to 700 feet. The· standards for deadeQd streets are in Renton Municipal Code section 4-6-0600. . Theprelimiriary plat, as proposed, only has access frQm ~ sorith oli Main Av S., which is· limited to a sIngle street access to the plat for 350 feet. " Beyorid; this point there are two, and . eventually" three, points of .acce~ to the plat, The longest distances, as measured from the point of two accesSes to Main Av S. are 850 feeL(LQtS:z8<Uld 27) and 970feet(Lots 1 and 36). A total of 15 of the new lots'wouldbe tecMkallY beyondthe700-fOOt res"triction. --' .. .~ -. . " We strongly recommend that the project applicant work with the o~er of the property south of the site to obtain an access easement to lOSth Ave S.The easementwQuld need to be a minimum· of iOfeetin WIdth, and tie improved with a 20-foot' pa~ed roa&way. This would satisfythe requirement for·secondary access, and the modification· wouldnotbe required. However; we recognize that the neighbOring property may elect· to not gnmt such an easement, making this preferred alternate unfeasible for the project applicant." . . . ". .... . The Street Modification -request is approved subject to conditions listed beiow: --------~------~------~R·EN·T·ON 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 * This paper contains 5O"A. rec}Ided material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat March 30, 2004 Page 2 Meets objectives and safety, function: Due to steep topography, there is no street access from this plat location from the north or west. There are two separate fully improved street routes to the intersection of 102nd Av SE (Main Av S.) and SE 1861h St. There is a single road from this intersection to the first access road into the new plat, for a total distance of 350 feet. This street -----sectioii-ls-Tii1W1iriproved, including~32~ fee16fpavemenC111erewilroetwo fully -improved paved street routes to all points in the new plat beyond this point, all paved to a minimum of 32 feet in width. Based on the limited section of single access, the full pavement widths, limited traffic volumes, and flat street grades, the proposed preliminary plat and associated street improvements, would meet the City's objectives for safe access, both for regular vehicular use and emergency access. Not injurious or adversely impa<ttadj~cent prowrties: Adjil~pt properties are not injured nor adversely impacted, provided ail eprergJncy ac,(:e~s easeD¢nt i§ provided through the plat to the property to the south. This will-provide future development the''Qpportunity to complete this secondary access route to the neighbOrhood, effectively el~Ung\1he, dead-end street system for emergency response. -The existingstree~~~~tel1u~rves a. recent p.lat, which is further down the dead end system. The new plat will~<l,~iih;additiojitl route for a pbrtion of this single street route, improving emergency acceSs to"~~~$gn~igll~rhood. . ; ,,: .. "",. . <-.;-. .'.'':,.. ~~.\:; . . Conforms to the intent of the code: Tbeint~t of proyjding secondary ;'ccess beyond 700 feet is to avoid situations whereemergem;yvehic1es cannotacces~ ap(ope~ due to blockage of the single route. In this case, there is 350 feet of the route liniitedt6f:l.:.:~ingle street section. This street section is fully paved to '32 feet in width and is rehl,tivelyfIat. By requiring parking restrictions along both sides of the street for -this 350,foot s~non, access would be readily available, even if it disabled vehicle blocked a portion,of the r9ia: , -, Justified and required for use and situation Intended: The zoning of this parcel is R-8, Single Family. The modifications, as requested, allow the development of this property with new houses as planned by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Further development of the properties west and south of this site will include completion of 'a looped street system, removing the dead end status for this neighborhood. The Street Modification request is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. A 20-foot access easement to the City is to be provided between proposed Lots 10 and 11 to provide access to the property south of the plat. 2. No Parking signs shall be placed along both sides of Main Av S. (10200 Av SE) between SE 186th St and SE 18Slh St. Signs shall be in place prior to recording of the plat. 3. Fire sprinkler systems will be required for all future houses within the new plat. This requirement will be noted on the face of the plat prior to recording. t. .. • Stonehaven Preliminary Plat March 30, 2004 Page 2 This decision to approve the proposed Street Modification is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 p.m., April 16, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing, together with the required $75.00 applicationJee~ to: Hearing Examiner, City of ---------R-entOD, 105S-8euth-Gr-ady-Way, Renten,W A-98055;-Appeals-te-the-Ex-aminer-ar-e-gove-rned by- City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. The letter dated March 10, 2004, from the Fire Department in response to this same request, addressed the requirement for fire sprinkler systems. Renton Municipal Code section 4-6-0600 requires fire sprinkler systems for all h()~&()ffadead,~nd system beyond 500 feet of two points of access. The request to allow a yatfa~ee ~lhis require~nt was denied. Additionally, as a condition of this modification.approvM .. fire<~prinkler ~ysteths, are also required for all new houses within the plat, regardless of the diStance from a s&:on<Jipo~1 of access. I ~ ~ . The preferred alternative would be for the project applicant tq,.ofitaih, a 20-foot access easement to the City across the par~el south ofth~ pr~,.~lAAtp, complete sec~ndary access to 108th Ave S. The access easement,would need w'be .·~ea lotttiJinim~ of 20~feet in width, from 108th Ave S. to the new public' street V'{ith4t,~; ';.U-;fuis.~ondaty acces~roadway were provided, fire sprinkler systems would not be requite' .' "iriijtbfthe hous~s fii'lheitew plat. '. v~ •• ~,'~. ',", ~,~,::> '~""v, .~ .: If you have any questions, please contaCtS~ Fiala,S~nior PI~.nner, at (425) 430-7382. Sincerely, ~~~-1\~c)L ~a~e~ Kittrick Development Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections & Permits cc: Neil Watts Larry Rude susan Fiala Land Use File ~Pe Kathy Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor March 10,2004 Lafe B. Hermansen, Project Planner Core Design, Inc. 14711 Northeast 29th Place Suite #101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 Dear Mr. Hermansen: CITY LJEVELOP~ CITY ( F RENTON Fire Department A. Lee Wheeler, Chief DEVELOPMENT PlANNING CITY OF RENTON J\NNING ,-.lTON MAR J 2004 RE~cIVED MAR 1 62004 RECEIVED Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat -Variance Request In reply to your letter dated March 5, 2004 concerning a variance request for fire sprinkler systems and secondary access for the above referenced plat proposal, the Renton Fire Department offers the following response. Your letter states the City of Renton Code that requires two (2) means of access. As the code states, it is possible to build homes to the outer limit of700-feet dead-end access as long as all homes past 500-feet are equipped with an approved fire sprinkler system. The street design within the proposed plat does offer a looped roadway system that addresses fire department concerns within the plat, but in no way addresses the existing dead-end street system that leads to the plat. The location of the plat at the far edge of our response area is of further concern to us. The Talbot Ridge Plat that is referenced in the letter had many conditions placed upon it. The installation of fire sprinkler systems was one of those conditions and that condition was met in all homes constructed in that plat. In summary, the request for variances concerning the requirements for fire sprinkler systems and a secondary access road is denied. If you have questions, please contact either Corey Thomas or myself at (425) 430-7000. Thank you for working with our department to ensure a fire-safe working environment in this community. Sincerely, Lawrence A. Rude Fire Marshal LARljh cc: A. Lee Wheeler S. Engler C. Thomas S. Fiala -l-OS-S-S-o-uth-G-ra-d-y w'-ay---R-c-nt-on-,-W,-a-sh-in-g-to-n-9-g0-S-S---(4-2-S)-4-30---70-0-0-' P-A-X-(-4-2S-)-43-0--7-0-44-~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE .. ~ CORE ~DESIGN March 5, 2004 Core No. 03095 City of Renton Mr. Larry Rude, Fire Marshal 1055 South Grady Way - 6th Floor Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Variance Request -Length of Dead End Street Stonehaven Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Rude: Core Design, Inc. 14711 N.E. 29th place Suite #101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 DEVELOPMENT CITY OF RE~~~NlNG MAR f 1 2004 RECEIVED The City of Renton Development Services Division has brought it to our attention that we need to request a Variance from the allowed length of a Dead End Street. The City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 4-6-060(G)(2) states that a length of street 500' - 700' in length needs to have a cul-de-sac and that fire sprinklers are required in all homes. If the dead end street is longer than 700' in length, two means of access and fire sprinklers are required for all houses beyond 500'. Specifically, we are asking that the homes built in this new neighborhood not be required to have fire sprinkler systems built into them. The following is a brief description of the current road pattern surrounding the Stonehaven Preliminary Plat. The project site is located in the southwest comer of the intersection of 1 02nd Avenue SE and South 4 i h Street. 1 02nd Avenue SE runs directly north from SE 192nd Street, the right-of-way width varies from 42' -60'. Approximately 700' to the east of the intersection of 102nd and 192nd, 104th Place SE (48' of right-of- way) heads north from 192nd before turning to the west, becoming SE 186th Street, and intersecting with 1 02nd Avenue SE. This is the point at which emergency vehicles no longer have two access points. Our site entrance is approximately 350' to the north. SE 185th Place intersects with 102nd Ave SE approximately 200 feet north of the intersection of 186th um1102nd. l02nd AvenUe SE has bet'w'een 50' alld 60' oL:ight-of-way, from the intersection with SE 186th Street north to our property. Please see the attached neighborhood detail map and site plan for a visual representation. The Talbot Ridge Preliminary Plat was built at the end of the South 47th Street extension. It currently sits approximately 1,230 feet from the intersection ofSE 186th Street and 1 02nd Avenue SE. This measurement is to the entrance of the development; the furthest home is approximately 1,604 feet from this same intersection. We have been told by City Staff that the Talbot Ridge Preliminary Plat was granted a variance for this same issue and none of these 18 homes are currently sprinklered. It is our contention that the new streets constructed as part of our project are adding alternative routes for emergency access. The Stonehaven Preliminary Plat will provide three new access points from ENGINEERING· PLANNING SURVEYING South 4 i h and 1 02nd Avenue SE. Therefore our homes should not be required to have fire sprinkler systems installed. Please review our Preliminary Plat in relation to the sun-ounding street pattern and right- of-way widths. If you would like I would be more than willing to sit down and go through any ideas or alternatives you may have. Please feel free to contact me at (425) 885-7877. I look forward to speaking with you on the above mentioned issue. Thank you in advance for your time. Sincerely, CORE DESIGN, INC. Project Planner Cc: Steve Beck, Applicant Susan Fiala, Senior Planner -City of Renton Attachments .. .".<P"? i~-c~i I, ' , .~~i L :~ ) t il: EB " :::.~~"f.'9.1.:, __ --i<_ L <.~~ , , -'--'::--;;-----;- ----;c--- I' -::;"'L'::~~'0:: ~.- "i' ,-. :;.~ ',. t,';, :~ ~~;'t;~'" / 1IETl.~ E06E (~.I / <, 2'~ '~'!. NEIG+eOfJ;1j..jOOD DETAIL MAP ~ , ., , 'b~~, i_'" 1, I '~I NW -".'0' "'C~",", .ro HO '"""0'0.00"" .,,",,·rr -.,,--.:;;l7: S. 47TH STREn ',' " -' .o' I ~I ~ ~ ,../:r .. -,-~ ii , ,. " 1\"""'.' i, ii! ... »0.' I ~ I L 'L""':-~~ . '"----'-::--.. "--1 s: I ... ~:~.~ I sl L ------ " ...,., ... _~ _""_ _ 5~ _I "_':c" -Ii - -II ~ I ~,-,~ A'o~ ~'R ,~il,~ ...• --w-- " . !~ w.M. ~I ~ I~ I • ~ -:.~.:a.. .-<!:r---- __ ,IL:_ ........ , .. ' , ,1 111 -i~ 1,1 ... ~~ .. ~!, --:-;,. 1·';~ ... _"~f I: ,I' , " L '\ I -'/ .I.-----s.£. 185m PlAa: ---" .. ' r"·'·':·~';:-<:- , '. " I~ S£'~sr EB viCINITY MAP L '1 SCALE: ," = 50 LJ-J T -~<. OWNER AEELICANT ~ANO~~T»e.oN. S~~ 1912'!1&J!!.1"'ItTI-I&~ CAIItL. C,i"ALJ(. IilE'tTON. WA ~ ~AE.I"~ JAr-eTL~ ~&TINEH.A.4l.TO NANCT I!.I"ALK I'!I02SICiEL.~AV!!NUE~.~.<402 &EAT'TLJ!!, UJAtII.IINGTON '!I&1O'lI ELANNER/ENGoINEE8ISURVEYOfJ;1 COllI:!! ot!!&1QN INC, 1-4'11 \'tE. 2"'!ITI-I ~ ~1'Tf! 100 SELLE...t.II!:, IlAA$lII>a-TON "!IeOOl (-42&188&·'8'" CONTACT, L.~ e.1E1liMAN&!N· ~~ CAYlC I!. CAT"I'()N. "J!! .• 1!i'G~ QVlNJ Y.:INO~.~~ ·~OR LEGoAL DESCRIFTION n.eNClftTl-l"'ALI'OI'Tl-lENOIIm-4U.E&T~OFTl-lENOIUI-IIJ.I!&T QJAIII!'TEIItOl'ToE~ST~0I'ee:CTION'2,T0J.N6I-Ir~ 23NC1ftTl-1.~S!AST.iUM.INKH:jo~.~mTON. E)(CEPT TI-IE EA&T 20 I'I!!!T fl.II!lIIi!!:OF CONvEYEO TO KING ca.NTY FOIItIl1OAD ~se:~ST DEED ~~ ~1ItE~1NGo ~, 1<1613&4, .:.Leo !xC@'II'T 1'1-I.4T ~Ct>I ~O" CON~I!D TO KINCir co.NTT ~ ~~S ST OEEC RECORO!i'D I.NOel'<: RECDI'IDtNCir T).II!NO!'lT>-I'21'1!ET0"T).II!&OIJTI.II--lAU"O"TI--II!!~&T QJAflfTEIlii!:C1i' TIoIE NORTI--UESTQtiARrEl'lO"TIoE 6OJ1l.IU.EST QJAfIlTEIII: elf e.ECTIO>! 32, TOJN&I.IIP 23 NORTI-I, IIii!:ANaoE ~ EAST. WM, IN ~ CO-NTT, \LI4&I--IINCirTCN. 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""""""'"" DENom- DENSITY CALCULATIONS ~ Alll:EA OF PRO!"'ERIT· -I"Uei..ICIIii!:-O-W .~VAT!ACCI!!!1e.T'lUCTS ·~ANC$ 2!-'!1.2!!o1.SF(5.~I6AQ1i11;e.1 -:;:~"'tSF 3.12'!1tSF 21I.<I06.!lFOR ... .8&.AOI!ES ,. LOTS ~ RESUL. T IN A NET !:>ENSI"" Of 1.42 DILELLIN::iI UNITS ~ ""'" ~ ::I~ ~ ! ~ §~ii i ~ d~ hi! ! 3 ~ ~ ; i . .-(illl l~ ~ ~ ~~~ Q; ~ ... ~~ ). 'It .:;:~~ ct :t: ~~~ ~ III ::;~~ ~ l ~:~ ill 0 '\~~ ~j;. ~~ ~ U) '" ~ ~. @ o '" ~ ~ .1 .1 03095 · , ~4~ 4il~ ~ -Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor March 3, 2004 Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th St. Renton, WA 98059 SUBJECT: Dear Mr. Beck: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat LUA-04-003, ECF, PP CITY. RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project. The ERC issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. Appeals 0 f t he environmental determination must b e filed in writing 0 n 0 rb efore 5 :00 P M 0 n March 22, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A Pubiic Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on April 6, 2004 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy 0 f t he staff report will bern ailed to you 0 ne week before the h earirig. If t he Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as Pc;lrt of this public hearing. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) 430-7382. . For the Environmental Review Committee, ~fcrJ&~ rAN'. Susan Fiala ~V. Senior Planner cc: Fred & Debra Gustafson, Carl D. Falk et al. fOwners Ray Owens , Joseph MacKenzie fParties of Record Lafe Hermanson, Core Design fContact Enclosure -------lO-S-S-s-ou-t-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-g-0S-S------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE til» ~.~ CITY. RENTON WI. -Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor Planning/l3uildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator March 3, 2004 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations . Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on March 2, 2004: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED PROJECT NAME: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-04~003, ECF, PP LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County) DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential-8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE iliKing County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. -Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on March 22, 2004. Appears must be filed in writing together with therequired $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process maybe obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7382 For the Envirbnmental Review Committee, ~-fuJM~ Gy: Susan Fiala ,v Senior Planner cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division WDFW, Stewart Reinbold David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources WSDOT, Northwest Region Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Melissa Calvert, Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program US Army Corp. of Engineers ~ -E-nc-l-os-u-~-et_e_p_ha_n_i_~_:-;5-am-S-:U-r~-ho_:-:-::_y_OW_f A_ay_rC __ hR_a_:n_o~_:n_g,_y w_&a_~_h_i:_t:_:o_i:_P_:_:o_s:_;_v_a_tio_n _____ R E N TON * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE / CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE·MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-04-003, ECF, PP APPLICANT: Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th St. Renton, WA 98059 PROJECT NAME: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County) LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section ADVISORY NOTES: Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. A forest practices permit from the Department of Natural Resources may be required prior to the development of the site. Please contact Dave Dietzman of DNR at (360) 825-1631 for more information. 2. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 3. The applicant shall be required to c reate a separate native growth protection area containing the wetland and its buffer via a conservation easement, protective easement or tracVdeed prior to final plat approval (RMC4-3-050G). 4. The applicant shall be required to permanently identify the native growth protection area by including a wood or metal sign on treated or metal posts. Suggested wording of the sign is as follows: "Protection of this natural area is in your care. Alteration or disturbance is prohibited by law." (RMC4-3-050G5) Fire 1. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 feet wide. This plat is required to have a secondary access due to the dead end roadway serving this plat being over 700 feet. All lots beyond 500 feet on the dead end . road way are required to be sprinklered, except Lots 15 through 18. 2. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. 3. Separate plans and permits are required for the sprinkler systems. Building 1. Demolition permits are required. Plan Review -Surface Water/Storm Drainage 1 . A conceptual drainage plan and drainage report was submitted with the preliminary plat application for this project. The conceptual drainage plan includes detention and water quality treatment for the fully built 0 ut plat, including future houses, driveways and roadway improvements. The runoff from the new houses must be tightlined into the Advisory Notes.doc storm drainage system const. ",,,.ed for the preliminary plat. The drainage iJlan is to be designed per the 1990 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual. 2. Surface Water System Development Charges of $715 per new single family parcel will be required for this plat. This fee must be paid prior to issuance of the construction permit for the preliminary plat. Plan Review -Water 1. New fire hydrants shall be installed according to City of Renton codes and standards. 2. These improvements will be installed at the developer's cost. Civil plans must be prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of Washington and shall meet City's standards. 3. Per Renton fire code, any new single family-dwelling construction (not exceeding 3,600 square-feet of gross building area, including garage) must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm fire within 300 feet of the structure. If the proposed single-family dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM or higher and will require two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure, and each hydrant must be able to deliver 1,000 gpm. This distance is measured along a traveled roadway, access road and driveway from the hydrant(s) to the building. 4. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants shall be predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. 5. Per the City of Renton code dead end roadways in excess of 700 feet are required to have a secondary access. 6. Per the City of Renton Fire Marshal all single family structures beyond 500 feet on a dead end roadway are required to be sprinklered. 7. Water main improvements, including fire hydrants and domestic water services will be required within the existing and proposed streets in accordance with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and City of Renton standards. 8. The applicant shall verify with the District regarding all fees, permits, submittal and review of water main improvements plans. 9. Final deSign plans for water main improvements shall be approved by the District with concurrence from the City of Renton. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. The applicant needs to contact the Soos Creek Sanitary Sewer District for availability, fees, plan review and permits. 2. Although the Soos Creek District will have the final review and approval the City still needs to see the sewer on the engineering design plans. Plan Review -Street Improvements 1. The project needs to install street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting all to City of Renton standards and specifications across the full frontage of the parcel being developed on both right-of-ways. 2. A traffic study was submitted and reviewed. The concept is approved. 3. The new streets interior to the plat must be developed to City standards, which are 42' right-of-way, full 32' pavement width, with curbs, gutters, 5' sidewalks adjacent to curb and street lighting. 4. Additional right-of-way will not be required to be dedicated on 102nd Ave SE. 5. Per City of Renton code all lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet. Plan Review -General 1. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will requir~ separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a registered Civil Engineer. 2. The construction permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,00 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of this fee must be paid upon application for construction permits (preliminary plat improvements), and the remainder when the construction permit is issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. 3. All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and Vertical Control Network. 4. All new electrical, phone and cable services to the plat must be undergrounded. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording of the plat. Property Services 1. Note that Soos Creek will be providing both the water service and sanitary sewer service for this plat (erroneously assigned to the City of Renton under Item No. 16, Environmental Checklist). Advisory Notes.doc \ 2. Is there to be an access easement to _ .. _ wetland buffer? If so, indicate where it is __ .'e located. 3. NOTE: The property a ddresses and street names have c hanged a sa result 0 f the F alk Annexation ( 12/1/2003). Therefore, note the city-designated street name (Main Ave. S.) instead of 102nd Ave SE (the county name) on the drawing. Information needed for final plat approval includes the following: 1. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-OX-XXX-FP and LND-10-0411, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Please note that the land use action number for the final plat will be different from the preliminary plat and is unknown as of this date. 2. Note two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties are provided. 3. Provide plat and lot closure calculations. 4. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards, with reference points of all new right of way monuments set as part of the plat. 5. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. 6. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. 7. Note the date the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. 8. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. 9. Note all easements, agreements or restrictions of record on the drawing. 10. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. 11. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots after the preliminary plat proposal is approved. 12. On the final plat submittal, remove all references to trees, utility facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary plat approval. Encroachments, if any, do need to be shown. 13. Required City of Renton signatures include the Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works, the Mayor and the City Clerk. An approval block for the city's Finance Director is also required. The appropriate King County approvals needs to be noted on the drawing also. 14. All vested owners of the subject plat property need to sign the final plat document. Include as many notary blocks as is needed. 15. Include a dedication/certification block on the drawing. 16. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, easements or agreements to others (adjacent property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the plat. The plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The plat will get the first recording number (from King County). The recording number(s) from the associated document(s) will be referenced on the plat in the appropriate locations. 17. The current position of the city regarding wetlands/open space areas and storm detention tracts applies to the subject plat and said position should be noted on the final plat drawing as follows: Upon the recording of this plat, Tract A (wetland buffer) and Tract B (storm detention) are hereby granted and conveyed to the Stonehaven Homeowners Association (HOA). Ownership and maintenance activities for said Tracts will be the responsibility of the HOA. In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations as evidenced by non-payment of property taxes for a period of eighteen (18) months, then each lot in this plat shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in the Tracts previously owned by the HOA and have the attendant responsibilities. 18. An updated Plat Certificate will be required (dated within the 45-day time frame prior to the plat approval consideration by City Council). Advisory Notes.doc CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES PROJECT NAME: APPLICATION NO: APPLICANT: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES Stonehaven Preliminary Plat LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th St. Renton, WA 98059 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County) The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. The erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology (DOE) manual shall be complied with for the plat. 2. During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction ffags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland area and buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 3. After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and sign age along the entire edge of the wetland buffer to denote the critical area. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. 4. The storm drainage system shall be designed according to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual for the 100 year storm event, with a 30% safety factor. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. APPLICATION NO(S): APPLICANT: PROJECT NAME: CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) LUA04-003, ECF, PP Steve Beck Stonehaven Preliminary Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County) City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton MuniCipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on March 22, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 O.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: March 8, 2004 DATE OF DECISION: March 2, 2004 SIGNATURES: Ai/Uti Z ) lOU If DATE DATE Community Services DAT~ Signature Sheet.doc STAFF REPORT A. BACKGROUND ERG MEETING DA TE Project Name: Owners: Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area gsf: Site Area: RECOMMENDA TlON: City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE March 2, 2004 Stonehaven Preliminary Plat Fred & Debra Gustafson 18437 102nd Ave. SE Renton, WA 98055 Carl Falk et al 1902 Bigelow Ave N. Seattle, WA 98109 Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th St. Renton, WA 98059 Lafe Hermansen, Core Design Inc. 14711 NE 29th PL, Ste. 101 Bellevue, WA 98007 LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Project Manager: Susan Fiala, AICP The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning deSignation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. Continued on next page. 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue South (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County) 3,630 sq. ft. Proposed New Bldg. Area: N/A 5.95 acres (gross area) Total Building Area gs(· 3,630 sq. ft. Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee Issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). P Il. R K I I @"\ City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T REPORT OF MARCH 3, 2004 Enviro /ta/ Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 2 of 8 Project description continued: Access to the site would be provided from two existing roads including Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County), South 4th Street and two new internal roads (labeled Road A and Road B for ease of reference). The internal roads would be constructed at a reduced right-of-way width of 42 feet with 32 feet of pavement. All lots would gain access directly to the public roads via private, individual driveways. Proposed new Lot 24 which would contain the existing home to remain would gain access directly from Main Ave. South. The site would be developed into 36 lots for single family detached homes and two tracts. Tract A would contain the wetland and buffer and be located in the southwest portion of the site. Tract B would include the storm detention/water quality pond and be located in the northwest portion of the site. The applicant submitted several studies including: a geotechnical report, a wetland delineation report, a traffic impact analysis and a preliminary storm drainage report. The wetland delineation report stated that there is one Category 2 wetland partially onsite which would maintain a 50 foot buffer and be included in Tract A. Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for roadways, utilities and building pads. The site was recently annexed into the City of Renton and zoned as Residential - 8 (R-8) dwelling units per acre zone and the Residential Single Family (RSF) Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The R-8 zone allows residential densities that range from a minimum of 5.0 du/ac to a maximum of 8.0 du/ac. The proposed plat would arrive at a net density of 7.42 du/ac after the deduction of public roadways and critical areas (wetland) from the gross acreage of the site. B. RECOMMENDA TlON Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF NON·S/GNIFICANCE Issue DNS with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGA TION MEASURES DETERMINA TION OF XX NON· SIGNIFICANCE· MITIGA TED. xx Issue DNS-M with 14 da A eal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period with Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. 1. The erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology (DOE) manual shall be complied with for the plat. 2. During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland area and buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 3. After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split- rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland buffer to denote the critical area. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. 4. The storm drainage system shall be designed according to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual for the 100 year storm event, with a 30% safety factor. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. ERC _ SlonehavenPP .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T Enviro 1ta/ Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-003, ECF PP REPORT OF MARCH 3, 2004 Page 3 of 8 Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. A forest practices permit from the Department of Natural Resources may be required prior to the development of the site. Please contact Dave Dietzman of DNR at (360) 825-1631 for more information. 2. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. The Development Services Division reserves the right to rescind the approved extended haul hours at any time if complaints are received. 3. The applicant shall be required to create a separate native growth protection area containing the wetland and its buffer via a conservation easement, protective easement or tracUdeed prior to final plat approval (RMC4-3-050G). 4. The applicant shall be required to permanently identify the native growth protection area by including a wood or metal sign on treated or metal posts. Suggested wording of the sign is as follows: "Protection of this natural area is in your care. Alteration or disturbance is prohibited by law." (RMC4-3-050G5) Fire 1. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 feet wide. This plat is required to have a secondary access due to the dead end roadway serving this plat being over 700 feet. All lots beyond 500 feet on the dead end road way are required to be sprinklered, except Lots 15 through 18. 2. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. 3. Separate plans and permits are required for the sprinkler systems. Building 1. Demolition permits are required. Plan Review -Surface Water/Storm Drainage 1. A conceptual drainage plan and drainage report was submitted with the preliminary plat application for this project. The conceptual drainage plan includes detention and water quality treatment for the fully built out plat, including future houses, driveways and roadway improvements. The runoff from the new houses must be tightlined into the storm drainage system constructed for the preliminary plat. The drainage plan is to be designed per the 1990 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual. 2. Surface Water System Development Charges of $715 per new single family parcel will be required for this plat. This fee must be paid prior to issuance of the construction permit for the preliminary plat. Plan Review -Water 1. New fire hydrants shall be installed according to City of Renton codes and standards. 2. These improvements will be installed at the developer's cost. Civil plans must be prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of Washington and shall meet City's standards. 3. Per Renton fire code, any new single family-dwelling construction (not exceeding 3,600 square-feet of gross building area, including garage) must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm fire within 300 feet of the structure. If the proposed single-family dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM or higher and will require two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure, and each hydrant must be able to deliver 1,000 gpm. This distance is measured along a traveled roadway, access road and driveway from the hydrant(s) to the building. 4. Lateral spacing of fire hydrants shall be predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. 5. Per the City of Renton code dead end roadways in excess of 700 feet are required to have a secondary access. 6. Per the City of Renton Fire Marshal all single family structures beyond 500 feet on a dead end roadway are required to be sprinklered. 7. Water main improvements, including fire hydrants and domestic water services will be required within the existing and proposed streets in accordance with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and City of Renton standards. 8. The applicant shall verify with the District regarding all fees, permits, submittal and review of water main improvements plans. 9. Final design plans for water main improvements shall be approved by the District with concurrence from the City of Renton. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. The applicant needs to contact the Soos Creek Sanitary Sewer District for availability, fees, plan review and permits. 2. Although the Soos Creek District will have the final review and approval the City still needs to see the sewer on the engineering design plans. ERC _ StonehavenPP .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T Enviro Ital Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-003, ECF, PP REPORT OF MARCH 3, 2004 Page 4 of 8 Plan Review -Street Improvements 1. The project needs to install street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting all to City of Renton standards and specifications across the full frontage of the parcel being developed on both right-of-ways. 2. A traffic study was submitted and reviewed. The concept is approved. 3. The new streets interior to the plat must be developed to City standards, which are 42' right-of-way, full 32' pavement width, with curbs, gutters, 5' sidewalks adjacent to curb and street lighting. 4. Additional right-of-way will not be required to be dedicated on 102nd Ave SE. 5. Per City of Renton code all lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet. Plan Review -General 1. All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a registered Civil Engineer. 2. The construction permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,00 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of this fee must be paid upon application for construction permits (preliminary plat improvements), and the remainder when the construction permit is issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. 3. All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and Vertical Control Network. 4. All new electrical, phone and cable services to the plat must be undergrounded. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording of the plat. Property Services 1. Note that So os Creek will be providing both the water service and sanitary sewer service for this plat (erroneously assigned to the City of Renton under Item No. 16, Environmental Checklist). 2. Is there to be an access easement to the wetland buffer? If so, indicate where it is to be located. 3. NOTE: The property addresses and street names have changed as a result of the Falk Annexation (12/1/2003). Therefore, note the City-designated street name (Main Ave. S.) instead of 102nd Ave SE (the county name) on the drawing. Information needed for final plat approval includes the following: 1. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-OX-XXX-FP and LND-10-0411, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Please note that the land use action number for the final plat will be different from the preliminary plat and is unknown as of this date. 2. Note two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties are provided. 3. Provide plat and lot closure calculations. 4. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards, with reference points of all new right of way monuments set as part of the plat. 5. Include a statement of eqUipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. 6. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. 7. Note the date the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. 8. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. 9. Note all easements, agreements or restrictions of record on the drawing. 10. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. 11. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots after the preliminary plat proposal is approved. 12. On the final plat submittal, remove all references to trees, utility facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary plat approval. Encroachments, if any, do need to be shown. 13. Required City of Renton signatures include the Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works, the Mayor and the City Clerk. An approval block for the city's Finance Director is also required. The appropriate King County approvals needs to be noted on the drawing also. 14. All vested owners of the subject plat property need to sign the final plat document. Include as many notary blocks as is needed. 15. Include a dedication/certification block on the drawing. 16. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, easements or agreements to others (adjacent property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the plat. The plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The plat will get the first recording number from Kin Count . The recordin number s from the associated document s will be referenced on the lat in ERC _ StonehavenPP.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T REPORT OF MARCH 3, 2004 the appropriate locations. Enviro 1ta/ Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 50'8 17. The current position of the city regarding wetlands/open space areas and storm detention tracts applies to the subject plat and said position should be noted on the final plat drawing as follows: Upon the recording of this plat, Tract A (wetland buffer) and Tract B (storm detention) are hereby granted and conveyed to the Stonehaven Homeowners Association (HOA). Ownership and maintenance activities for said Tracts will be the responsibility of the HOA. In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations as evidenced by non-payment of property taxes for a period of eighteen (18) months, then each lot in this plat shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in the Tracts previously owned by the HOA and have the attendant responsibilities. 18. An updated Plat Certificate will be required (dated within the 45-day time frame prior to the plat approval consideration by City Council). D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The applicant has submitted a geotechnical evaluation report prepared by Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc., dated January 28, 2004. ' The site gently slopes upward to the west property line at a two to three percent grade in the central portion of the property that increases to approximately a 22 percent grade in the southwest corner of the property. The property is forested with conifers (cedar, fir) and deciduous (cottonwood, maple and alder) trees with a dense understory of brush. The vegetation around the existing house to remain on new Lot 24 and the wetland and its buffer would remain undisturbed. The remainder of the site would be cleared for the construction of homes, roads and storm detention as depicted on the tree inventory plan which also identifies the location of all trees and the clearing area. A forest practices permit may be required for this project. The soils are referred to as glacial till as encountered during subsurface condition testing. Five test pits were sampled at various locations on the site. At the test pit locations, relatively uniform subsurface conditions were encountered. The forest duff and topsoil was underlain by weathered glacial till. Slow ground water seepage was observed at three of the test pits. The report continues to states that it is likely that the ground water is "perched" in more permeable layers within the weathered and native soils and would likely dry out by late summer. The report states that houses be supported on conventional spread footings founded on the unweathered dense glacial till or dense advance outwash or on well-compacted structural fill. The reports recommends that site earthwork be completed during dry weather as the on-site soils are moisture sensitive due to the high silt content and would be difficult to work on and compact during wet weather. The environmental checklist states that grading would be balanced on site. The quantity of cut and fill would be approximately 5,000 cubic yards. The applicant has indicated that if fill would be imported a fill source statement would be prepared. Due to concerns for possible erosion and sedimentation problems from construction activities on the site, staff recommends the that the plat comply with the erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology (DOE) manual (for both preliminary plat development and future building permits for the individual lots) to reduce potential impacts. Mitigation Measures: • The erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology (DOE) manual shall be complied with for the plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations 2. Wetlands Impacts: The applicant submitted a Wetland Delineation report prepared by AlderNW, dated January 29, 2004. The report indicated that one wetland was found on the subject site and was delineated. The wetland, referred to as Wetland A, is located in the southwest portion of the site and has an on-site area of 3,129 sq. ft. with a total area of approximately 20,000 sq. ft. ERC_StonehavenPP.doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLA T REPORT OF MARCH 3, 2004 Envin nta/ Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 6 of 8 Wetland A includes areas of scrub-scrub habitat and mixed deciduous/conifer forest. Vegetation within the onsite portion of the wetland includes Oregon ash forming a forest canopy with willows and hardhack spirea as the shrub understory species. Creeping buttercup and grasses are the common groundcovers. Fencing allowed access to a portion of the onsite wetland for horse grazing. Hydrologically, the wetland is supported primarily by near surface seepage drainage. There is no defined surface flow into the wetland. The report indicated that the wetland meets the criteria for a Category 2 designation as it is larger than 2,200 sq. ft. and has not been subject to significant disturbance. The wetland requires a 50 foot buffer which would be provided. The wetland and buffer would be contained within Tract A and would not be directly impacted by the proposed development. In order to ensure the wetland remains undisturbed during project construction, staff recommends that the applicant be required to install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland area and buffer prior to the issuance of construction permits. A split rail fence or other approved barrier and signage will be also be required to be permanently installed along the wetland buffer to denote the critical area and prevent intrusion into the wetland area and buffers. Pursuant to RMC 4-3-050.G. and RMC 4-3-050.M.7, the property owner is required to create a separate native growth protection area containing the area(s) determined to be wetland and wetland buffer and be permanently identified by signage. Mitigation Measures: • During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland area and buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. • After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split- rail fence or other approved barrier) and sign age along the entire edge of the wetland buffer to denote the critical area. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations 3. Surface Water Impacts: There are no storm drainage structures in South 4ih St. or in Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE) in this area. The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Storm Drainage Report prepared by Core Design, Inc., dated January, 2004 with the land use application. The existing site conditions include an undefined ridge which separates the onsite runoff in several directions. Approximately % acre of the site drains to the existing wetland in the southwest corner of the site and the remaining site area collects in the onsite drainage swale or within ~ mile downstream of the site. The report states that on-site generated runoff would be directed to a combination detention/wet pond located within a storm drainage easement in the northeast corner of the property. The 24 inch storm drain system would be routed around the detention facility. All drainage discharging from the pond and the 24 inch bypass line would pass underneath South 4ih St. via an existing culvert and continue downstream. The report continues to state that in order to provide only one detention facility for a site with such a diverse overland flow patterns, the wetland would be recharged with nearby footing drains and the remainder of the site would be directed to the slightly oversized detention/water quality pond. Water quality would be accomplished by providing dead storage in the bottom of the detention pond. The conceptual drainage plan includes detention and water quality treatment for the fully built out plat, including future houses, driveways and roadway improvements. The runoff from the new houses must be tightlined into the storm drainage system constructed for the preliminary plat. The drainage plan is to be designed per the 1990 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual. Staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the storm drainage system is also designed with additional drainage requirements for detention for the 100 year storm event, with a 30% safety factor. Mitigation Measures: The storm drainage system shall be designed according to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual for the 100 year storm event, with a 30% safety factor. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations ERC _ StonehavenPP .doc City of Renton P/B/PW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLAT REPORT OF MARCH 3, 2004 4. Fire Protection Envin ntal Review Committee Staff Report LUA·04·003, ECF, PP Page 7 of 8 Impacts: Fire Prevention staff indicates that the applicant provide required improvements and fees to offset the impacts associated with the new development. The proposal to add 36 new residential lots to the City would impact the City's Fire Emergency Services. Therefore, a Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per new single family lot. The fee is estimated at $17,568.00 (36 new lots x $488.00 = $17,568.00) and is required prior to the recording of the final plat. The dead end roadway serving this plat is over 700 feet in length; thus a secondary access road is required. The applicant may request an exception to this requirement from the Fire Marshal. Although, no request has been made to date, the applicant has been informed of this code requirement and indicates they are preparing a request. Furthermore, those lots beyond 500 feet on the dead end road must be sprinklered with the exception of Lots 15 through 18. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527. 5. Access/Transportation Impacts: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was prepared by Christopher Brown & Associates, dated October 15, 2004, and submitted with the land use application. The report reviewed existing conditions and projected Level of Service (LOS) conditions at year 2006. The roadways/intersections evaluated for the rroposed development included: 108th and 102nd Avenues SE @ SE 192nd St.; Talbot Rd. S. @ S. 55th St.lSE 192n St. and SW 43ril St.lCarr Rd.; and SW 43rd St. @ SR 167 NB ramps and East Valley Highway. The report indicated that for analysis purposes, only a single access is assumed on South 4 ih St. in order to yield a worst case scenario. The current Levels of Service range from B to D. Of the six intersections/roads analyzed, only two LOS would lower with the project as projected for year 2006. The two intersections would be S. 56tn St.lTalbot Rd. S. and SW 43rd St.lEast Valley Rd. going from B to C and D to E, respectively. In the year 2006, the report states that no changes in street geometrics or in traffic control device strategy are needed or required. The report concluded that the proposed development would not produce a significant direct traffic impact to the surrounding road system. Access to the site is proposed via Main Avenue South (102nd Ave. SE in King County) and South 4ih Street. Main Avenue South is the northern section of the north-south road within the city limits of Renton and within King County the named road is 102nd Ave. SE as it extends from SE 192nd st. At the northerly terminus of Main Avenue South, South 4ih Street is on the north ofthe subject plat and continues to the west. There is no eastbound road at the intersection of Main and S. 4ih, there is only a stub to the east. The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system; therefore, the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee will be imposed. The Traffic Mitigation Fee is calculated at a rate of $75.00 per additional generated trip per new single family lot at a rate of 9.57 trips per lot home. For the proposal, the Traffic Mitigation Fee is estimated at $24,403.50 (34 new lots x 9.57 trips x $75 per trip = $24,403.50) with credit for the two existing lots. The fee is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3100, Ordinance 4527. ERC _ StonehavenPP .doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department STONEHA VEN PRELIMINARY PLAT REPORT OF MARCH 3, 2004 6. Parks & Recreation En vir ·ntal Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-003, ECF, PP Page 80f8 Impacts: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. Therefore, a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single family lot would be required for the proposal. The fee is estimated at $19,107.36 (36 new lots x $530.76 = $19,107.36) and is payable prior to the recording of the final plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Parks Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3082, Ordinance 4527. E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant . ..lL... Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on March 22, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.8. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. ERC _ StonehavenPP .doc ~ >- !L L ~ I « <l> 03 1: (---, ~ • !It --' g; ~ .. Z ~ i~ .. w i £ e Q Q ~ 0 p::j iI' 0 w II Z i 0 0 III i~ I E-t ~ w U') I~ z i~ '---'" NW 7JM'! 23 N., RC/£ 5 E. w.M. .,:;.:-t:...;: ";"'1: ",i'. ~,. C' ~~:':~':~:·>;Xi~-;'~:·';~~~:'jC.:;-~~~; " . .: .... ;::~:~}~~l .. ' .. '" :\~-¥tl._ .••.. li· lj+r ... 1·'= ... ,1:...... ~"·.1 '06 ~.~,".;',~ EB VICINITT MAP ~ ] SCALE: 1" = 50 LJ-1 r OllNE~ l"fI:!D..tH:>DeB""'a.utT .... 6aIoj CANl...D.1".ALlC IIIIOeeIII[fA~.'ALK. J.u.erL..~ Q.111i16TINIiM.A.ALTC No4HCT I.I"ALJ( AFPLICANT 6~ee:Q(. ~&LI4T1-l&~t 1lENT0N,1IIA'MC8'I ~ BIGoELCW ............. 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DATUM: CITY OP M!!N'f'CN -NAVO '.e 6.4$IS OF 6EA~INa.S NO!'16'042"e AI..c:ItG .... tLINI GflN,U 1I<f.,NWIt04.awIl4 Of'8I!G. S'-2~_ •. eEN~, <:ITYC1FIIIINTONa1~ -T~CIF I:s..' PQ-Ep efUtI6 plet( IW I'UCI-I IN CQNC. ~ tn· ~0I'~CTION0f'6J!.1fQt08T.41Cm(:1 .4 ........ N .• 6TA/'1""SO 'UtA "»4' EL.Ev .• .o4IO.Q1FT. <:ITY C1F NiNTON 81'1 !tIC» • TO!'" CIF vr IIItAM ~ IN CQNC.HON.INc::.6eE tfo'NQIIm.I CIF CJ\. OF eL~.T.reMloIOIJee·1OO')O EI.EV .• ~1""SOFT. .".....,...-. T~C1F 11I4' M.4NpllKllJIl"\.NC.W 1Hc:.clN<:. P1ON. -Dc:UH 0.)1 IK c::.Ae& -AT ~ION Of' I02tC Ave. &J!. • 0. _11-1 ""-ELly .• :I-..o FT. SITE STATISTICS ~, TOTAl..elTEoIIrIIEAt ","","""",,,", NO. 01' l.eta, .4~L.OT&lZE. ~~Irr. 1"S.IIf'1ITTJ:PPIiN6/TT. EXI.TINGt~ Rak:II-0-11J TIUCT '.4' -o.-I!N.l!I~.4CI! llIIACT '8' -1ET'L..ANC "~T-IO' Illlli!AIl -I.' .'DE -.'. 10' iIIdJ_ "" .1.1_ 2M,2&11 It.!'. (10 •• '" ACIIiE6) paTACl-ep-tNGL.!: FAMIl..,. .. .... 1, • .1' • ''''2 OUIAC. II P.LUAC:. R-O 44,1"" 111.1'. 16,,41t6.l". 10M""'. DENSITY CALCULATIONS ~AIIIE.4OF~. -~~1I-0-\IJ • ~y.4T!! ACel!M tIIACT& -""'-ANOO NItt~AIIII!A, NO. Of'l.OT6t ~.'I"'(~._'" ~e.) .014,''''.&1' WA 3,1291 eF ,n,.4061 &I' 011 ... ACMe .. '.oI2C1L11ACIIIE ,. .. O'f& IUOUL.CI III!I5l1.. T IN A Nn ~ Of' ',",,' oua.l.ING LiNIT& Nil """"- ;; i ~ r ~ ! ~f; o " i " ~ ~~i ~~ ~~ ~! Q; ~ ","-!S ). ~ ~;~ Ct: ~ !Il§~ i ~ ~gl ~e ~~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ \: <I ~ ~ ~ .., \l ~ e ~ 1\ ~ ~ i S,,!EET 0' 1 1 03096 ... 1~ ~:jI;I'ln::(c) JoISII~"l:f!>-lR) ~, T '.5 ,.. l " '/T xl.;;t: .I. ,~l., .. 1. ilil1&:;&,jp~~L~ ~" TfflCK CEMENT CCAlENT t:()IrIcm:TC CONCRt:1'£ S!OCWALJ( I£RT/CAJ.. C/JIfB ct GlJTTCR TYPICAL 0N$I1F ROAD NO SC<II jW .5' C£JJ£NT C(NCR['1E 1of7I'11CAl. CURtJ ct GUTIFR 102ndAIo£ s.£. NO SCAlI W.M. AFPLICANT &TEV!!NRc::K M!I ... 14Ti-1 ITMIT MNTON..111"" 'IIOH QU.NER PI@P Ate) 0EI!MItA 6IJ&TN&oN GAft1.0."AUC. IllGeE!RTA!!.1'ALK ,JAtoET~~ CJ.IIItI&TN!M.AA.I,.TO HANC'Y!:.I"AL.K IfI02 81GeL.C::W AVI!!NJe 1>I01tTI-I. ~. 0401 6f!!ATTI..!!', IUA&I·/lHG,TON !l&IO!I ELANNEMN4INEE8IWFSYEYOg c;;ON! PI!:&I<iN INc:. 14111 N.!!. HfI.I .-t., eulTi 100 1SElL.EVLJE, ~TON 1IlOO1 (.,~) ... -,." CONTAeT. L.AN 14!~ -.-L.ANHDI: DAviD 1:. ca.YTc:w, ~L. ENcH€E1't QVINJ,V,.t,PC)~~U -6UftV'EY~ l.EGAl. DESCRIFTION ~""""'-... n.eNOflTl..lJ.W.ll~'ft.IE~&T~~TJ..eNCIIIt'tI-IU2&T ~ a' TI-I! eountI.e6T c:uAItTJ!Jt ~ eeGTlCN 32, TOUNe;.II .... 23 Nr:IIImI. ~ • EAreT, WI1, III tc:/NG CQI.HTY. \UMI4INc:iTON; ~ TW!' ~T 20 I"e!T n.eN!0I" GONYe'Y1!P 1"0 KI)o.lG COI.NTT' FOIIii IIiOAP P"'URf"'OeE6 ~y PEEP ~ lJ.CE.R RIOC~1Nc!I NO W61)&4..4L60 E>«:t;,.,.. 1'I-I.4T POfItTrCN nel'SOF CQNYliYEP TO IC.iNCll GQL.N1'Y IIOIt 1'IO.40~.!!IT P •• O MCOfIICI.o I.NO!!JIt IItI!!!COfICIfNCIo NO.~'OOt2's. ~.4.Itr::II.I!I, T\.Iii NOIItll-l l' PEET a< TJ.IE eoJTl-I ~ 01' TWI NClRI'l-IL£6T GlJ.4Il'11IIt 01" TI-I! NOIt1'~6T c:aJAItTJIIt 01" 1'\.11 eoJf1.lLa6T ~ 01" eeCTII!)N ». TOIIN8I-I11"" 2:1 NCfIT .... ~e ~ e.4&T, WH. IN I(INCf CQHI'Y, IIIMII-IINCiTCINo E<CI!""TJ.I!eA&TlO~TI-I!IIII!OI"~TOKJI..G~ I'QIItIlaO.4O~eTDEI<p~UoC&R_~"'6 NO.W6\M04. DATUM: CITTGFI'$ITCN-lt4VP~ 6.4&1& OF eEARINCi& NQI .... '.Q • .A.L..ON&!.46T L.INE 01' NW 1/04. N.I) 11.04, tw V<4-01' a&C. :a2-'3_&. 6ENCHMA~, CltTCI'~IlII'1I1Ce-TOf'C1Fl:&18' Da'l!:P ...... DI8I(ILV~INCONC.l"IQN.tn· 6OIJn.I0I"1NTI:1ltl!l&CT1otoI0I"6.!.~6T.' I02NP AVE. U. _ .TAI"FEC "lIRA 1'136-4" ~., 4IOD11"T. CITY Cll'lIIBNTClN.l!/"Ilt06o -TOP"CfF L/a'1!5II!Ae6 ~ IN CQNC.MClN.IN c:.t.ee ~'NQIITH 01" CJ!. 01" 6L IDC 6r./I&6It I-IOIJeE -10020 "'-El..EV .• 3''' . .0", " 81T1!~""'" ---, EB VICINITY MAF TOlD CI' I lI"" ~ PI8K l1li P'UCW IN CCNC. MON. • POIN o.J, IN c;..t.M • AT !NTUIC!eCT1ON C#-I02NP ....... U •••• , IM'fI.I ~, ElSV,.~II'T, ! 1( SCALE: ,. = 40 LiU i ~Ii If ~l~ ~ i ~ ~~i ~ Z ~ 0 i ~ ~~ ~) ff~~ ~!:( ~i!!~ 'lit 'ti ~~ i ~ ~~!!l § ... ~d ~ ~ 'K~'" III 0 \/'"'' :"100 i'j~ i~ ~ ,-~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ e I ~ § ! ;3 ~ ~ 1 .., .: ~ <:j .., ~ ;§ 1 p~OJl:cr NUMeER 0309IJ NW SWV4. SEC. 32. nw. 23 N.. ROE. 6 E. w.M. ,"'0_ ;itt~ I 7::\~;~:":~"~f -. ""~ ~, . .;~,€i5~:ii~~}~:'"'-- .' ;~~~)/.;:;:'~'J·t,-I-I ',' "./ / ,?' ,.,;;,-",A,( / .... \" \(//~? ./ ~~l~m ~:~~:~( ";~' lS.l-'.f~ ~/.,j,,,.~~ I i f, .... " " /.~ ':'.'." I ! ~ \ ~."~' fo \" ' " I \ '.',' ~ "\ .,' .. (/ ... \ .. -. ~., .{~ "" ," .... /< / ,,", \ =~~~,~l~~:ft~~! '1~1,\.),,'\io;p NOTES j L~ OEt;Ot!~ICN AND ~ N'OJIIr'IATJClN ,""It CI·uCA4C rlTlI! ~ c:oropANY PLAT CERTIFICATE, OIIIPER NO, .lb3'<I. DATED &E~!';j. 25, 2003 AND ~EMENTEP JAN. 5, '004. IN ~"MINao 1I-I1&~. COlt!: oe61ON. INC. 11.46 c:c:NDl.ICTEO NO ~ TIn.E eEAltCl-I ~It 1& CO¥ DESIGN. ING. ~ <:# ANT TITL!! 166U!& Al'll&:TINc3o ,... ~ PIiiIOPEIiIT'Y OTI-IER TI-OAN TIo+08E ewcu.N GN T~~. , T..!IS elJltveT "2 .... "T6 V1611!1U! 1'"I-n'61CA1.. ~1' eoNOITION$I!)(I&TIN/3r ON ~ 10, 2~. AU.. 8IJIItvoEY ~ INDICATED A& '1'OJNO' W.A& IllliiCOYE,.;:O FOI'ii: TWIt. ~JI!CT IN. eet"T!!I"Be~ '00'. 3. ~1In'Y Af;!EA • iM,a11 ec:I.14AE R9i!T ( .... 161 4CftE6). .. ~L DJ6TANc:I!& AfItIIN ~ET. 110. TI-II& 1& A 1'11t:U> TIU,~ euflM!T. A 6OIOCJ.f,!"IYE 61COND COI1I5INeD I!L~C TOT ...... !!orATION IUAS tJ6I!D TO M!Aa.at! n.e ~.4111: ANC Dl&tANCE IIII!LATI~I~ enuEEN,.,.. ~INao I'IDNJ"'ENTAllClN A,6 5WOuH. CI..OeIJIIE IIlATIO& a 'fl.E TlU.~ MET 0IIiI ~I!D ~ ~c •• ~ IN IIlAIC m-UlQ-Qk). DI6TANCe Ml!AIUIIIIi:i eGIJIfI'!'1eNT HAt MeN CO"PAJIII!O AT AN N6.6. 8AaeLN Wfn.IIN. a.II '!'1!AM: e. n.e OATa e. T>OI& 8UItYtr'. •. UTILITI1!:6 one" THAN THOeI!; 6HOU..N MAY 1!Xl6T ON n·1I6 eolTI!:. ~T ~ UTILITe& UJITI-! I!VIDENC! 011 n.1!;r" !N&TALLATICN Vl6teU!! AT GIItOI.N:l ~ACE! AIII!I! 8I<lUN lotI!iII!!CN. L.NDE~ROUCI UTILITY L.OCAT1ClNe fII.IOIN AIiIE Al"'l"'fl;DXIMATE Cl>LY. ~ ~CTIOH6 ~ ~ Ao6 &ntAIClIMT 1. ... 6 De:'T\LI!I:N 6U11P,.t,C8 UTILITY LOC .... TlQNt auT MAY CONTAIN ~ 0IIt CUlltvl!6 NOT 6/.IOILN. 5CM!! I.NO!!JII:IoIllaJNO LoeATION& 6101OJ.N H!R!CN MAY !-lAVE BEEN TAKEN. Ffi!ClH 1"U15I..\C JlilECQIIiIDe. COIlE Oe61GN AMI.I1i!& NO L.IABIL.ITY FOR T\.IE ~ C#' '"'-l8L.1C llfeCQ11D6. /~. ' >J"""~~~(o;', / I_ I .. ~tc(\j,~\ I' ~i~~y;.,~~~·~ 'J:.\~:;'t.,?~~G'ri~: l'~ ~ • ...... (·I_IMfI'l ~~=.~ ~ .rr .t:J-~ "1'" I =;\'.iU~ ---.J --J70';o(Wl:J7o.2t ' Pl :~J_+ ~I I L 3132 -~ .. ~~ 261U;O- SECTION SU6DIVISION " ~. ~~ ~"K" Nelr29'IJ"[ 2683."" I ~i I~ I~ -1 t 1 SCALE: 1" = 50 LJ-J T AEELICANT 6"","" """" roao ..... I-4&TI-I.TI'II!!'T -""-Oll.NE~ f'IIIII!D NC ~ GUeTAH>GiN CAI'tLD.P'.AlJ( ~Ae:.~AL..K. J..u.eTL..~ QfI!&T-" 11. AAL to H.6NCY~~AI.J(. ~BkU:LOWAVINJI!~""'<402 61!.4nU!. lUA6t-IlNcITdN !IINO!I FLANNERlENC"sINEERf5\.J8YEXOR ~0I6I~1NC. 14'11 NM.2SJI.I PL..1lU1TE 100 ~\UA6~TQ.I'$IOO1 (42I!o)N&·"I6T1 CGNTACT, l.AI'II: 14ii1llM.4N8EN " PL~ D .... Yle "C.4YTQIol,~.I!: .• e~Vt Kl!vlNJ.vANO~"'.L.e.· 6I.JfitYeY0It I.EGJAL~...IlOt-I. ... .AlliCEL .... tie: NOfm.I!oUoU' (')II'"tIe ~T ~ (')II' TIe ~~ST QJ.o\RI'&IIII OF nE IClUT'I-II£eT QU,iIlraIIi OF tiCTIO\l )~, TO\IN&~I" 2.J NOItn-I, IItAHcIII • U6't.1UI1.. IN KING COI.IoITT. Ul.4el.<1~'0N. i!>:CEf"T n.II £.46T 20 ~5~ TI4I.O' ~ to KINCIo COLHrY IIOI1tI"tlCl.AP~eTPBo .. C()!IItPIIt>I.t4PI!III:~N:i ~.IoC6"""Al...eo ~ TWA' ~ldN "..,.e. ec:t(vt!,...t:;I TO tc.m COI.NTT 1"OIIt.llOA!)~6 SToeP IIeCOIIIO!:OtlolPe:lII:lleCOlltOINGo NO.~iCCl2u.. ~AIItCI!L& n.wNOlt1'lol'2....,0II'T146OJT1.1+14L1"e.Tl4'~eT ~1II:~fI.I!N~&T~III:~n.e~T QU~" 0' MeTION ~, T~ 2) HORtH,IUNGE ~ &.46T, WM., IN ICJIoti COlHTT, II.IA6IoIN:1TClH; &:xceP"T TI« £4tT 2Q nET T\.E1IIEO' CClNYEYKD TO I(INc:io COLHrY l'OIII: I'IOAl) ~6 BT OE!D IItI:COfIICIeD lNDeR III!COIIDING NC. "'61le4. DATUM: ctTYOFRENTa.{.NAVQIM6 BASIS OF BEARINGS NOI"'-42"K AI...~ I!MT L.1te Cf' MIl v"'. NI!J V-4. ew v", 0#1 61e. ~2·2)·!O. eeNC~ CltYQPIleNTQN W11eQ6. t""''''' I M' ~o I!NtAM OIlK lIN ~ IN CONe. MClo<I • .n' &()I,IfI.IQFo .,..,.a.-..cr\CINOFU.1S2NO _T. C IOat-D .... ve.u.. &TA/"PE) """"'1'U6<f" eLtv • 410bT"'. CITY ClI"I'WNTONeI'1 ~ -t~ClI" 1 ... ·1i!IIUoM ...... IN CONC.MON.IN CA8I! 16' NOfm.I ClI" c:..t. "" e.E.1S2tC1 ST.1'EAllt1olCl..leE ·1C020 ELev .• ~'411O"" . &ITE!I&NCI-I1A11K! TOP"' "" I !l/-4-~ DleK \IV NiC+I IN c:QC. I"ION. • OOJ.N 0'" IH CA8I! • AT NTEfMeCTlON OF I02ND A'IE. 6.1!:. , It.£. IMTW PL. EJ..I!:V .• ~"t. TREE LEGEND .. --...... ~ II H ~ r ~ i ~ ~ ;; ~ ~~i ~ 1t § ~~ !II~ ~ ~ 1:&:: ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Yl~~ ~t!l1IJ 5n ~ \.~'" ~ :d~ ~ e ..a~~ !U) ~ III ~ II~I~ ~ ~ ! ~ l5 ~ SHEET 1 '" " ~ ~ <l '" ~ <! 1 03096 H4 .. 29 T23N R5E W 112 \ R-8 ~ ZONING '0 ~ 'l'BCIINICAL SEIlVICJ!S 14 .. 5 T22N R5E W 112 - - - -_to .. dit.T Umi~ 32 T23N R5E W 1/2 5332 City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: APPLICATION NO: LUA04-003, PP, ECF APPLICANT: Steve Beck PROJECT MANA PROJECT TITLE: Stonehaven Prelimina Plat PLAN REVIEW: A SITE AREA: 259,251 s uare feet BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S I WORK ORDER NO: 77207 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeN/ces ~ Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where a?~i~~al information is needed to properly assess this proposal. ~wJQ ~l,~j3_-D_L~f ____ _ Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Routing.doc Rev. 10193 City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: --r; ~?O(""~a-tl oY\ COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 19, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-003, PP, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 5,2004 APPLICANT: Steve Beck PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger SITE AREA: 259,251 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A RECEIVED LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S I WORK ORDER NO: 77207 FEB 05 2004 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat6\RWRypJlo,J:..ft ,36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-er~0\9~~""~~QY1~jOO The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet tI SS 7 B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ar)eas where addit~onal int rmation is needed to properly assess this proposal. ! ," L jffirJ Da~;T~~T Rev. 10/93 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM February 17, 2004 Susan Fiala Arneta Henninger X7298 STONEHAVEN PLAT APPLICATION LUA04-003 S 47TH ST AND MAIN AVE S -REVISED I have reviewed the preapplication submittal for this 36 lot plat located in Section 32, Twp. 23N Rng. 5E, and have the following comments. Existing Conditions: Water --The proposed plat is not located in the City of Renton Water Service Area. The proposed subdivision is within the water service area of Soos Creek Water and Sewer District (SCWSD). The applicant shall contact SCWSD and obtain a certificate of water availability before any development of the property. This site is not located in the City of Renton Aquifer Protection Zone. Sanitary sewer --This project site is not served by the City of Renton sanitary sewer system. The property is located within Soos Creek's sanitary sewer service area. Storm --There are no storm drainage structures in S 47th St or in 102nd Ave SE in this area. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER: • New fire hydrants shall be installed according to City of Renton codes and standards. • These improvements will be installed at the developer's cost. Civil plans must be prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of Washington and shall meet City's standards. • Per Renton fire code, any new single family-dwelling construction (not exceeding 3,600 square-feet of gross building area, including garage) must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm fire within 300 feet of the structure. If the proposed single-family dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM or higher and will require two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure, and each hydrant must be able to deliver 1,000 gpm. This distance is · Stonehaven Plat Application Page 2 measured along a traveled roadway, access road and driveway from the hydrant(s) to the building. • Lateral spacing of fire hydrants shall be predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. • Per the City of Renton code dead end roadways in excess of 700 feet are required to have a secondary access. • Per the City of Renton Fire Marshall all single family structures beyond 500 feet on a dead end roadway are required to be sprinklered. • Water main improvements, including fire hydrants and domestic water services will be required within the existing and proposed streets in accordance with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and City of Renton standards. • The applicant shall verify with the District regarding all fees, permits, submittal and review of water main improvements plans. • Final design plans for water main improvements shall be approved by the District with concurrence from the City of Renton. SANITARY SEWER • The applicant needs to contact the Soos Creek Sanitary Sewer District for availability, fees, plan review and permits. • Although the So os Creek District will have the final review and approval the City still needs to see the sewer on the engineering design plans. STORM DRAINAGE • A conceptual drainage plan and drainage report was submitted with the preliminary plat application for this project. The conceptual drainage plan includes detention and water quality treatment for the fully built out plat, including future houses, driveways and roadway improvements. The runoff from the new houses must be tightlined into the storm drainage system constructed for the preliminary plat. The drainage plan is to be designed per the 1990 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual with additional drainage requirements for detention for the 100 year storm even, with a 30% safety factor (additional requirements are a Condition). • Surface Water System Development Charges of $715 per new single family parcel will be required for this plat. This fee must be paid prior to issuance of the construction permit for the preliminary plat. STREET IMPROVEMENTS • The project needs to install street improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting all to City of Renton standards and specifications across the full frontage of the parcel being developed on both right-of-ways. Stonehaven Plat Application Page 3 • A traffic study was submitted and reviewed. The concept is approved. • The new streets interior to the plat must be developed to City standards, which are 42' right-of-way, full 32' pavement width, with curbs, gutters, 5' sidewalks adjacent to curb and street lighting. • Additional right-of-way will not be required to be dedicated on 102nd Ave SE. • Per City of Renton code all lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way shall have minimum radius of fifteen feet. • All new electrical, phone and cable services to the plat must be undergrounded. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording of the plat. • Fire mitigation and Parks mitigation fees must also be paid prior to recording of the plat. CONDITIONS Traffic mitigation fees of $24403.50 will be required to be paid prior to recording of the plat. We will recommend this as a condition of the plat. Erosion Control Measures • Due to the possible erosion and sedimentation problems from construction activities on the site, we will recommend the following condition for this preliminary plat (for both preliminary plat development and future building permits for the individual lots): 1. It is recommended as a condition of this plat that it comply with the erosion control measures per the DOE manual. GENERAL • All required utility, drainage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a registered Civil Engineer. • The construction permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5 % of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4 % of anything over $100,00 but less than $200,000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of this fee must be paid upon application for construction permits (preliminary plat improvements), and the remainder when the construction permit is issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. • All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and Vertical Control Network. cc: Kayren K. Project Name S"naJ61\J?\JEll). £f· Project A~dress L\?o\ KA\\() Mr§ S Contact Person __ SU;.;w=:;....:N;.Jop~'?&;;,;:;-;..;:;(J(...=-______ _ Address ______________ _ Phone Number "_" ___________ _ Permit Number LUP. 04-003 Proje~t Description $le Lei Slty~l£ mtJ...\~¥ ~LA1. (}J\11-t" :tWO G'11~lltJ~ '®~W.s, \ ~Y,J\\l)\~ ~ land Us'e Type: . ·~e~ . Method of Calculation: . • (7-\ ~ Sf" " PlI-'Residential "fa ITE Trip Generation Manual 0 Ii!i Traffic Study· C\.\1e\~Al)pJ-telZ.-~","" .... H\.J"<:Lr As<:,.oCI ~ o Retail o Non-retail (] Other \0/' s/;)'1lV$ [:..~ A-~c~ c>w21'~/'Wo~ Calculation: ""3 G\ '\ C\.,'?l ~ ~~5, .~f> ~W ~~~ 3~S, ~ V ~ ,S ::-~~'\,\{t()3J SO Transportation Mitigation Fee: !\, ~~, YO~j So Calculated ~y: ¥. ¥,;;ti)\~ Account Number: ___________ _ Date of Payment ______ --:-_-__ _ Date: • PROPERTY SERVICEl :£ REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS No.2 APPLICANT: ~lJf;>TA.FSOb-l J F="AI LL J A.j=3U8AkAE ) AAJ:fb RECEIVED FROM ------:--:---c--,----(date) JOB ADDRESS: 4601 & 4815 MAl bl A'YE.. S . WO#_7,-7-#-<e.~O,,---7-,--_____ _ NATURE OF WORK: .3<0-L-DT L..DkJ~ PI AT (8ToJ.Je::HAVEbJ 'PI ~ ) LND #-'-"/o ___ --'-O=4~' , _____ _ 'V' PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION BY LONG PLAT, NEED MdRE INFORMATION: -LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. -PID #'s -VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, TIllS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# .3ee.aa.s-goec~ -VNEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when -qOq<;; assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice, !hat the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges !hat may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that diese fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid ____ SOC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LotU will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. Th fi II ed fi d NOT' I d . fi'd /. fi th f e oowmgquot ees 0 me u e InspectIon ees, SI e sewer permIts, r w permIt ees or e cost 0 water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL MEmODOF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer A~reement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) W ASTEW ATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) OTHER ·'0- / Special Assessment District/W A TER /-0- / Special Assessment District/W ASTEW ATER /-0- Joint Use A~eement (METRO) - Local Improvement District * - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated # OF UNITS/ SDC FEE -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1,525/unit x -~~,. ~"'----EST Mobile home dwellin~ unit $1220/unit in park Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE - W ASTEW ATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x -~ERT'~I~cT Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/sq. ft. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x 36 $e57~ All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ e5n40~ '<: I'J r l1ATE III 0 III 0 11 ",. 11 III <: .. *If subject property is within an LlD, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. .... III >: Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. ;J 0 Current City SDC fee charges apply to __________________ _ EFFECTIVE January I, 2004 City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public ~.~, ,,$ ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: :SV"\.~/~2S+~::2~ COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 19,2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-003, PP, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 5, 2004 APPLICANT: Steve Beck PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala -._- PROJECT TITLE: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger --- SITE AREA: 259,251 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): NlA r tt1 U !J LUU~ LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S I WORK ORDER NO: 77207 BUILDING DIVISION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St.· and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinq Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cu/tural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this pplication with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or "eas W1CdWlio al 'nto""""on '5 needed 10 properly a"ffis this proposal. '01; '1/0"1- Signature of Director or Authorized Date ( Routing.doc Rev. 10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public \.40(ks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'Pt-;:M. ~\~ COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 19, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-003, PP, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 5,2004 APPLICANT: Steve Beck PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala Ht:CEIVED PROJECT TITLE: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger FEB 1 n ')r'll .. SITE AREA: 259,251 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S I WORK ORDER NO: 77207 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public SeNices Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources PreseNation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14 000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or am" wham {U~ded to properly "'0$' thl' p"",""t. .... /( 7 L b lJ- Signature of Director or Authorized epresentative Date ~~~~ ~~lom City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public ~V"'S ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: t=" 1(" 4-COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUAijV_19-J_2004 DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY Pl~o<ii '/, '. --, jP----.~ APPLICANT: Steve Beck PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fial:-'! r-'-~ .' -.:...., 'D' " II APPLICATION NO: LUA04-003, PP, ECF ~~~~~~~~~~-----------------------------r~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~------------------LJ . I ; PROJECT TITLE: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta HenninQer. I=~A "" ~ N\ft. '!! --"" W\N • ~I SITE AREA: 259,251 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A ; I . ; I . I I LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S WORK ORDER NO: 77207 , 'j;V 0, '-i~T5~ I SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Prelimi~ry'Plat apProvat-f~~~ subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth HOUSinQ Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS /JA· C. CODE-RELATED COMME;'TS ~ YvU..-Uef1 We have reviewed this appJi ation with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whefi additional info tion is needed to properly assess this proposal . ...... - Date Rev. 10193 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM February 9,2004 Susan Fiala, Senior Planner Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal ~ /1 Stone Haven Preliminary Plat, 48g & 4815 Main Ave S MITIGATION ITEMS; 1. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 wide. This plat is required to have a secondary access due to the dead end roadway serving this plat being over 700 feet. All lots beyond 500 feet on the dead end road way are required to be sprinklered, except lots 15 thru 18. 3. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. 4. Separate plans and permits are required for the sprinkler systems. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. .. City of .. _ .. ton Department of Planning / Building / Public -dorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: :{/Q.vk.-$ COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 19, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-003, PP, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 5, 2004 $.2r\ APPLICANT: Steve Beck PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger :Il C") ~'-~ SITE AREA: 259,251 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A ~ [Q ot.:" LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S WORK ORDER NO: 77207 ~~ ~ rn SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat appnma,1 for a 36 lot U subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~~ fo<J~~ Jt, /&u ~ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is ded to properly assess this proposal. Date I i I Rev. 10193 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS "It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize existing City park and recreation facilities and programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new single family lot to address these potential impacts." Parks Mitigation Fee DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM February 18,2004 Susan Fiala Sonja !. Fesseri Stonehaven Plat, LUA-04-003, PP Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note that Soos Creek will be providing both the water service and sanitary sewer service for this plat (erroneously assigned to the City of Renton under Item No. 16, Environmental Checklist). Is there to be an access easement to the wetland buffer? If so, indicate where it is to be located. NOTE: The property addresses and street names have changed as a result of the Falk Annexation (12/1/2003). Therefore, note the city-designated street name (Main Ave. S.) instead of 102nd Ave SE (the county name) on the drawing. Information needed for final plat approval includes the following: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-OX-XXX-FP and LND-1O-0411, respectively, on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Please note that the land use action number for the final plat will be different from the preliminary plat and is unknown as of this date. Note two ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. The geometry will be checked by the city when the ties are provided. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-lO -Plats\0411\RV040213.doc February 18, 2004 Page 2 Provide plat and lot closure calculations. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards, with reference points of all new right of way monuments set as part of the plat. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note the date the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-150, and what was found. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, agreements or restrictions of record on the drawing. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. The city will provide addresses for the proposed lots after the preliminary plat proposal is approved. On the final plat submittal, remove all references to trees, utility facilities, topog lines and other items not directly impacting the subdivision. These items are provided only for preliminary plat approval. Encroachments, if any, do need to be shown. Required City of Renton signatures include the Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works, the Mayor and the City Clerk. An approval block for the city's Finance Director is also required. The appropriate King County approvals needs to be noted on the drawing also. All vested owners of the subject plat property need to sign the final plat document. Include as many notary blocks as is needed. Include a dedication/certification block on the drawing. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, easements or agreements to others (adjacent property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the plat. The plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The plat will get the first recording number (from King County). The recording number(s) from the associated document(s) will be referenced on the plat in the appropriate locations. The current position of the city regarding wetlands/open space areas and storm detention tracts applies to the subject plat, and said position should be noted on the final plat drawing as follows: Upon the recording of this plat, Tract A (wetland buffer) and Tract B (storm detention) are hereby granted and conveyed to the Stone haven Homeowners Association (HOA). Ownership and maintenance activities for said Tracts will be the responsibility of the HOA. In the event that the HOA is dissolved or otherwise fails to meet its property tax obligations as evidenced by non-payment of property taxes H:\Pile Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-IO -Plats\0411\RY040213.doc\cor February 18, 2004 Page 3 for a period of eighteen (18) months, then each lot in this plat shall assume and have an equal and undivided ownership interest in the Tracts previously owned by the HOA and have the attendant responsibilities. An updated Plat Certificate will be required (dated within the 45-day time frame prior to the plat approval consideration by City Council). Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this review of the preliminary plat is provided for your use and information. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-lO -Plats\0411 \RV040213.doc\cor .. PROPERTY SERVICES FE :VIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS No. 2004 -__ ,-J8~ __ APPLICANT: ~I Jf;>TAFSOb.l, E"4.! 1L I A:)=3/ 'eLk Al3 ) A AJ :ro RECEIVED FROM ___ ----;--:-:--:--_ (date) JOB ADDRESS: 4601 & 4815 MAIt-J AYE.. S . WO#_"'l-7-l-<e.~O,,-7-,--_____ _ NATURE OF WORK: .~ -L-oT ~ pi AI (8TOble:HAY£b,J 'PI A1" ) LND #---,-,,/ O""'---..... Q.c:;4::o:.LJII _____ _ V PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION BY LONG PLAT, NEED MORE INFORMATION: -LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. -PID #'s _. VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, TIllS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# ..3ee-aos -goez.. -1/ NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when -qOq<::;. assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice, Ih;tt the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that tliese fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid --:---:-__ SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LoW will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include Inspection fees, side sewer permits, r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL MEmODOF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement (Ilvt) WATER -0- Latecomer Agreement (pvt) W ASTEW ATER -0- Latecomer Aereement (pvt) OTHER ··'0- L Special Assessment District/W A TER /-0- / Special Assessment DistrictlW ASTEW ATER /-0- Joint Use Agreement (METRO) - Local Improvement District * - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FUTURE OBLIGATIONS - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -WATER .. Estimated # OF UNITSI SDC FEE -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1,525/unit x -~~ ---vl~ By Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -W ASTEW ATER -Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x ~ER.r~,-=-.or Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/sq. ft. of propertxx(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER .. Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) .. Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $715/unit x .36 $e57~ All other properties $0.249/sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ e.5n40~ Ik&~ _0. . GUQDtAJ z.jle./o4 Signaturuf Rev@!mg Authority i3A TE '< I\) ID 0 PI 11 0 01:> 11 .. *[f subject property is nithin an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. (I) <: ... Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. ID >: Current City SDC fee charges apply to ___ ~ ______________ _ ;:l 0 EFFECTIVE January I, 2004 City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ?('"O?aw+~ S~S. COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 19, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-003, PP, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 5,2004 APPLICANT: Steve Beck PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala RJ:"',.. .. _ -&.:.:.. r~D PROJECT TITLE: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta HenninQer ,-. ~If I;J SITE AREA: 259,251 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): N/A rttJ G ... 2nn4 LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S WORK ORDER NO: 77207 'tlr"';:;J?F AE;At-,-. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 361~tST£M~N subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (1 02nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinq Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Routing.doc Date Rev. 10193 City of I ~n Department of Planning / Building / Public V~vrks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: C.£;msh""",--lr-~ o V\. -Sv'c-s. COMMENTS DUE: FEBRUARY 19, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-003, PP, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: FEBRUARY 5,2004 APPLICANT: Steve Beck R £!TY·C 0t. A,EN VTO':;: n PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala ,.. ~ ,. PROJECT TITLE: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PLAN REVIEW: Arneta Henninger rr-n .p ...... SITE AREA: 259,251 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): NlA I L..U U J £UU'f LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S I WORK ORDER NO: 77207 BUILDING DIVISION SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) RevieW and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential - 8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located within the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housinq Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whe~ aditional information is needed toproperly assess this proposal. ---'' v~ ::::-:'~':-..f-6~/;/t1-=-~-+-X __ _ Date I Rev. 10193 CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 5th day of Febru, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Notice of Application documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached (Signature of Se '''IN KA4f. 'I, ~\; ........ eLI, /' 'to."r ••• ~SSION ~~.: ~ "" .. ~ • ~ """fA) '. "<' I : ':0 ... \QTAr. ~'. ~ ~ : :0 \" '7y (I"\~ ~ ~ : ~.~ en: ~ -, • • ;I '" • /:) C : , I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Patrick Roduin \ ~..... UBU ."" ~ i signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary ~f.~.~~5·~ purposes mentioned in the instrument. "" 01: WAS~\~ ....... .. ','\'\, ........................ ... STATE OF WASHING SS COUNTY OF KING Dated: 3/odov ate of Washington Notary (Print):----"*MIA-M~:j.l~LYql,lN-K:K:JAlI\~WAG-mIlIR[r;;FF-------------- My appointment expires: i'0y·WP{J!~ITMENT EXPiRES G-2S-J7 ,'>1 .. '%.¥'?··" ' /'/, ,ftitt~m~;,~ Stonehaven Preliminary Plat ........ -"'~~=--bef9j~~1;~~#l, • LUA-04-003, PP, ECF template -affidavit of service by mailing Dept. of Ecology * Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region * Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers * Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Jamey Taylor * Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Stewart Reinbold * Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. clo Department of Ecology * 3190 160th Ave SE Attn. SEPA Reviewer Bellevue, WA 98008 39015 -172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office * Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program 14235 Ambaum Blvd. SW -Front A * Burien, WA 98166 Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert 39015 172nd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division * Office of Archaeology & Historic Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation* Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Stephanie Kramer 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA 98504-8343 City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 SE 72nd Place 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Eric Swerinson 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 Seattle, WA 98104-5004 Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application. * Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. template -affidavit of service by mailing CITY 4 ? RENTON --l~rt Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator February 5, 2004 Superintendent's Office Renton School District #403 300 SW ih Street Renton, WA 98055-2307 Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat LUA04-003, PP, ECF RECEIVED FEB 1 3 lOa, TRANSPORTATION DEPT "":," The City of Renton Development Services Division has received an application for a 36 lot subdivision located at 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S. Please see the enclosed Notice of Application for further details. In order to process this application, the Development Services Division needs to know which Renton schools would be attended by children living in residences at the location indicated above. Please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below and return this letter to my attention, Development Services Division, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. Elementary School: ~ ;tJ~ Middle School: 4.e~ //7 . .5. High School: cY~ I/$'. Will the schools you have indicated be able to handle the impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes 1-No __ _ AnyComments: _______________ ~------------------- Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact me at (425) 430-7382. Sincerely, Susan Fiala Senior Planner -En-C-I.-----IO-S-S-s-ou-t-h-o-ra-d-y-W;-a-y-_ R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-g-to-n-9-g-0-SS------------~ schOol/_/kac * This paper contains 50% recycled matertal, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY Wheelttr. Mayor PlanningIBuilding/Public Works Department Gl'egg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator February 5, 2004 Lafe Hermansen Core Design Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat LUA-04-003, PP, ECF Dear Mr. Hermansen: The Development Planning SeCtion of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on March 2, 2004. Prior to that reView, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Susan Fiala Senior Planner cc: Fred & Debra Gustafson / Carl D. Falk et al. / Owner Steve Beck / Applicant -------------lO-5-5-S-ou-th--G-ra-dy-~--ay---R-e-n-to-n-,~--as-h-in-gt-o-n-9-80-5-5-------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: February 5, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA 04·003. PP, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stoneheven Preliminary Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant Is reque.tlng Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval tor 8 36 lot subdivision 01 8 two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land I, located within the Residential -8 (R-a) zoning d •• lgnatlon. The proposed lot. are Intended for the eventual development of detached lingle family homes· lot. ranging In size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square f.et The existing residence on new Lot 24 would femaln. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Acc ••• l. propo .. d via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE In King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland la located within the 80uthweat portion of the alte with a 50 foot buffer. PROJECT LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S. OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS·M): As the Lead Agency. the City 01 Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M) process to give notice that a DNS· M Is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are Integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period follOWing the issuance 01 the Threshold Determination of Non-SigOificance· Mitigated (ONS-M). A 14-day appeal periOd will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: February 2, 2004 February 4, 2004 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Lefa Harmensen I Core Design Inc. Tel: (425) 885--78n .mall: IbhOcoredealgnlnc.com Permits/Review Requested: Environmental (SEPA) ReView, Preliminary Plat Review Other Pennlta which mey be required: Building, Construction and Fire Permits Requested Studies: Locellon where eppllcatlon may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVtEW: Land UselZonlng: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist, Drainage, Geotechnical, Traffic and Wetland reports Plannlng/BulldlngfPublic Works Department, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way. Renton, WA 98055 Public hearing tentatively scheduled for April 6 2004 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential -(A-8) on the City's Zoning Map. These designations encourage and permit single family residential development at a net density range of 5.0 to 8.0 dulac. The proposal for 36 lots would result in a net density of 7.42 dulac after the deduction of lands for streets and critical areas. SEPA Checkllat Development Regulation. U.ad For Project Mitigation: Proposed Mitigation Measura.: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code, Public Works Standarda, Subdlvlsion Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes and other appllcabte codes and regulations as appropriate. The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to SUlan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development Service. Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on February 19, 2004. This matter is also tentatively scheduled for a pyblic hearing on April 6 2004 at 9;00 AM Coyncil Chambers Seventh Floor Renton City Hall 1055 South Grady Way. Renton If you are Interested In attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services DiviSion, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted In writing by the date Indicated above, you may stili appear at the hearing and present your comments on 'the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mall, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Susan Fiala Tel: (425) 430·7382 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton. Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renlon, WA 98055. File No.lName: LUA04·003, PP, ECF I Stonehaven Preliminary Plat NAME: __________________________________________ ___ ADDRESS: _______________________________________ _ ............... ,""','\\. TELEPHONE NO.: ________ ___ _ ....... ~\..~N IV1 " --~ ••.••••. 41Q :-~v-:.·;t.\SS'O,v·· .. ~"" f /O~ .. \OT ~+';;" ~'~ : :'0 \... ~-9 ~". '1\ ~ CERTIFICATION , • _ J.. m: ~ ~ ,_ (I)" , ., CJ). .01 , :: ~ A .. v811e : : "'~'" 6. ... ~.: 3 I" ~ ···.:<9.07 .. ···0 .... .: C! rc. I. ""?!:' WASH\~(?)~"''''--'1, J~~/I}l n;:1 Pi-, hereby certify that copies of the ·""h""................. above document were posted ~ 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on ~ • .s;2tbtI Signed:'72)n;,l &.n14 to ATTEST: Subscribed a.nd ~om before me, a NO~1iC' in and for th' tate of Washington residing iIi. 4.;k;..c" on the day ot:--;?j7.(t 4. B.tr.. E2<2?1. MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-29·07 NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: February 5, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA 04-003, PP, ECF PROJECT NAME: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review and Preliminary Plat approval for a 36 lot subdivision of a two parcel, 5.95 acre site. The recently annexed land is located within the Residential -8 (R-8) zoning designation. The proposed lots are intended for the eventual development of detached single family homes-lots ranging in size from 4,500 square feet to 11,583 square feet. The existing residence on new Lot 24 would remain. A mobile home and all outbuildings are proposed to be demolished or removed. Access is proposed via Main Ave. S. (102nd Ave. SE in King County), S. 47th St. and new public roads within the plat. A Category 2 wetland is located wHhin the southwest portion of the site with a 50 foot buffer. PROJECT LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Ave S. OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmentai impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS-M) process to give notice that a DNS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14·day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: February 2, 2004 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: February 4, 2004 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: PermitS/Review Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: Location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use/Zoning: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Notice.doc Lafe Hermansen I Core Design Inc. Tel: (425) 885-78n e-mail: Ibh@coredesigninc.com Environmental (SEPA) Review, Preliminary Plat Review Building, Construction and Fire Permits Environmental (SEPA) Checklist, Drainage, Geotechnical, Traffic and Wetland reports PlanninglBuilding/Public Works Department, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Public hearing tentatively scheduled for April 6. 2004 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family on the City of Renton Comprehensive Land Use Map and Residential -(R-8) on the City's Zoning Map. These designations encourage and permit single family residential development at a net density range of 5.0 to 8.0 dulac. The proposal for 36 lots would result in a net density of 7.42 dulac after the deduction of lands for streets and critical areas. SEPA Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, Subdivision Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee. The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee. The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. ,I Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on February 19, 2004. This matter is also tentatively scheduled for a public hearing on April 6. 2004. at 9:00 AM. Council Chambers. Seventh Floor. Renton City Hall. 1055 South Grady Way. Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on 'the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Susan Fiala Tel: (425) 430-7382 I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File No./Name: LUA04-003, PP, ECF I Stonehaven Preliminary Plat NAME: ADDRESS: ____________________________________________ ___ TELEPHONE NO.: ________________ _ Notice.doc I LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 300-FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 PROJECT NAME: _______ S=T.!....:O=N....!.!E=H..!!A-'-'V'-"E=N.!.-______________ _ APPLICATION NO: ____ =L.::...;U::...:.A....>....:::o'-L.....:~_-_O=---::::O'-=-3'""'--_______________ _ The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS PLEASE SEE ATTACHED ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED Q:/web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/owners.doc 08/27/03 (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) NAME ADDRESS Applicant Certification ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER I, L-A1=E ~~(<:>u4 , hereby certify that the above list(sl o( a~~~y (Print Name) ~ LAURIE K. BARNHARI ' owners and their addresses were obtained from: ~ NOTARY PUBLIC Cntie compan~ RecordS::> STATE OF WASHINGTON ~ ~~ :~ng County ssessors Records ~O~~~$IS~ Po~RES • Si . -+ .:.I._V: Date 0/· l'l--'ot Applicant) NOTARY ATTESTED: S~bscribed and s"'!,orn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of WaShington?!! residing at~ ~ on the ~daYOf~ .2rfJ . . ~~ ... Signed I ? . (Notary Public) ****For City of Renton Use**** CERTIFICATION OF MAILING ..... " _ .... '~\,'<N KAA .. 'II. _-___ ().'\ ........ '1f10~!" f_~\. .. ~\SSIO/,/~ ••• : ~ I" ,~.~ ""',().,,<,~ f /8 ~OTA09r ~\ ~ ~ I, ?a..\-C";£..k. l<.P¢v..i t\. , hereby certify that notices of the proposed appliCitiori were ..... d t~ ~ ~ i'!(/)·,oU .; (City Employee) 1 """ ... BUe .:! each listed property owner on 0 I" "> ··· .. 8.< 1 ..... <! f 'f ~ '" g-O •• ' ~ - Date: ?!6 f {) 0-""'?: WAS~\~ .... """,,-T t i ",\\,,,,,,, NOTARY AT::~: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing at(.., .,Q'=T!,d&-n on the a::#" day of ")Z}t£1A'! A ,20~ Signed C-').) --rYlA-~ http://www.ci . ren tOil. wa.lIs/pw/devserv/forms/p Ian n ing/owners.doc 2 = MET R 0 S N PRO PER T Y P 0 R T = King (WA) ********************************************************************************************** * Date :10/23/2003 Prepared By : * * Time :8:55 AM Prepared For: * * Report Type : TFARM.TCF Company * * Sort Type : PARCEL Address * * Parcels Printed :42 City/ST/Zip * ********************************************************************************************** ******************************* * Search Parameters * ******************************* Parcel Number ... 42 312305 9083 855920 0010 855920 0020 855920 0030 855920 0040 855920 0050 855920 0060 855920 0070 855920 0080 855920 0090 855920 0100 855920 0110 855920 0130 855920 0140 855920 0150 855920 0160 855920 0170 855920 0180 312305 9048 322305 9097 322305 9170 322305 9171 322305 9176 322305 9162 322305 9183 322305 9187 322305 9286 322305 9298 947600 0010 947600 0020 947600 0030 947600 0040 947600 0170 947600 0180 947600 0190 947600 0200 947600 0210 264140 0640 264140 0010 264140 0020 264140 0030 1 _ 'oScan / King (WA) : Bui Thu Mai & Tan Dinh : 10210 SE 186th St Renton 98055 : 10210 SE 186th St Renton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Parcel # : 2641400010 01 Sale Date : 03/3111995 Sale Price : $214,950 Asd. V : $268,000 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm : LOT 1 FREDERICKS PLACE TGW UND INT Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E : 4 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,390 Ac:.15 YB:1995 Ph: Owner : Chea NorinlPhanny Parcel # : 2641400020 09 Site : 10216 SE 186th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 06/26/1998 Mail: 10216 SE 186th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd. V : $255,000 Lgl : LOT 2 FREDERICKS PLACE TGW UND !NT Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : 4 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,140 Ac: .14 YB:1995 Ph: Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm : Nguyen Tom : 10222 SE 186th St Renton 98055 : 10222 SE 186th St Renton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : LOT 3 FREDERICKS PLACE TGW UND INT : 4 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 : King County : *no Site Address* : 500 4th Ave Seattle Wa 98104 : 300 Vacant,Residential : LOT TRACT B FREDERICKS PLACE Bth F3H: / / Stories: : Schneider Homes I LIc : 18430 96th Ave S Renton 98055 : 6510 Southcenter Blvd #1 Tukwila Wa 98188 : 301 Vacant,Multi-family : STR 312305 TAXLOT 48 PARCEL C OF Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: 2,390 BldgSF: BldgSF: Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price : 2641400030 : 01113/2003 Asd. V : $268,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N Ac: .14 YB:1995 Ph: Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price : 2641400640 Asd.V : $500 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N Ac: .33 YB: Ph: Parcel # : 312305 9048 Sale Date : 09/0111999 Sale Price : $1,500,000 Full Asd. V : $745,900 Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N Ac: 9.31 YB: Ph: 07 R : 05E 09 R : 05E 06 R : 05E Owner : State Of Washington Parcel # Sale Date : 312305 9083 02 Site : *no Site Address* Renton Mail Use Lgl Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm : 300 Vacant,Residential : STR 312305 TAXLOT 83 E 112 OF Bth F3H: / / Stories: : Taylor Kolin B/Jacki F;Ruddell RobertiSu : 18607102ndAveSERenton98055 : 12505 Bel Red Rd #212E Bellevue Wa 98005 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence BldgSF: Sale Price Asd. V : $280,000 Q : NE S : 31 T: 23N R :05E Ac:.l0.50 YB: Ph: Parcel # : 322305 9097 05 Sale Date : 1110311997 Sale Price : $160,000 Full Asd. V : $290,000 : STR 322305 TAXLOT 97 N 114 OF SW Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1.5 : Taylor Kolin B/Jacki F;Ruddell RobertiSu : 18607 102nd Ave SE Renton 98055 : 12505 Bel Red Rd #212E Bellevue Wa 98005 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : STR 322305 TAXLOT 97 N 114 OF SW : 1 Bth F3H: / /1 Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,090 BldgSF: 390 Ac: 2.45 YB: 1943 Ph: Parcel # : 322305 9097 05 Sale Date : 11103/1997 Sale Price : $160,000 Full Asd. V : $290,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: 2.45 YB:1953 Ph: : Mcnair Reid HlMegan J Parcel # : 322305 9162 05 : 18525 102nd Ave SE Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/2911994 : 18463 102nd Ave SE Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $109,000 Full :002 Res, Single Family Residence Asd.V :$161,000 : STR 322305 TAXllnj~r;;';iio;; c~~piiedjr;;;;"various sources. Real Estate Solutions m(;kes ;;;-"~p;ese~i;ltions T: 23N R : 05E : 2 Bth F3H: 1 .or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness olin/ormation contained in this report.956 Ph: 'oScan / King (WA) Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm : Longo L : 18509 102nd Ave SE Renton 98055 : 18509102ndAveSERentonWa98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : STR 322305 TAXLOT 170 S 78 FT OF N : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 Owner : Mackenzie Joseph Site : 18533 102nd Ave SE Renton 98055 Mail: 18533 102nd Ave SE Renton Wa 98055 Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 171 W 410 FT OF Bedrm : 4 Bth F3H: 1 / 1 / Stories: 1 Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm : Kelly Cynthia L : 18517 102nd Ave SE Renton 98055 : 18517102ndAveSERentonWa98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : STR 322305 TAXLOT 176 S 78 FT OF N : 2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 Owner : State Of Washington Site : *no Site Address* Renton Mail Use Lgl Bedrm : 300 Vacant,Residential : STR322305 TAXLOT 183 W 112 OF SW Bth F3H: / / Stories: Owner : State Of Washington Site : *no Site Address* Renton Mail Use Lgl Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm : 300 Vacant,Residential : STR 322305 TAXLOT 187 E 112 OF SW Bth F3H: / / Stories: : Gibler Paul J/Lois L : 18404 102nd Ave SE Renton 98055 : 18404 102nd Ave SE Renton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : STR 322305 TAXLOT 286 LOT 1 KC : 3 Bth F3H: 2 /1 / Stories: 1 : Calaghiu Sotiris/Georgeta : 18414 102nd Ave SE Renton 98055 : 18414 102nd Ave SE Renton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : STR 322305 TAXLOT 298 LOT 2 LESS E : 3 Bth F3H: 1 / /1 Stories: 1 Owner : Sperber John LlKarla J Site : 735 S 47th St Renton 98055 Mail: 735 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Use : 300 Vacant,Residential Lgi : LOT 1 TALBOT RIDGE TGW UND INT IN Bedrm : 4 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 1,590 BldgSF: 3,000 BldgSF: 1,580 BldgSF: BldgSF: BldgSF: 2,560 BldgSF: 1,400 BldgSF: 2,590 Parcel # : 322305 9170 05 Sale Date Sale Price Asd.v : $183,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: .41 YB:1956 Ph: 425-255-1265 Parcel # : 322305 9171 04 Sale Date Sale Price Asd. V : $340,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: 2.61 YB:1964 Ph: Parcel # : 322305 9176 09 Sale Date : 06/29/1984 Sale Price : $63,000 Asd. V : $183,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: .41 YB:1957 Ph: Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price : 322305 9183 Asd. V : $450,000 Q : NW S : 32 T: 23N Ac: 20.01 YB: Ph: Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price : 322305 9187 Asd. V : $357,000 Q : NW S : 32 T: 23N Ac: 17.22 YB: Ph: 00 06 Parcel # : 322305 9286 06 Sale Date : 03/17/1998 Sale Price : $1,090,800 Full Asd. V : $278,000 R :05E R :05E Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: 1.97 YB:1976 Ph: Parcel # : 322305 9298 02 Sale Date : 08/08/2000 Sale Price Asd.V :$217,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: 1.47 YB:1957 Ph: 425-204-7989 Parcel # : 8559200010 02 Sale Date : 01130/2002 Sale Price : $338,990 Asd. V : $366,000 Q : SE S : 31 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: .11 YB:2001 Ph: Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm : Navarro Jaime/Joyce Parcel # : 855920 0020 00 : 729 S 47th St ( No Mail) Renton 98055 Sale Date : 05120/2002 : 729 S 47th St (No Mail) Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $387,305 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd. V : $401,000 : LOT 2 TALBOT RI--;ifo-;;;;ati~';;~iiled j;;~-v;;;'i'ous sources. Real Estate Solutions m(;kes ;;;;rep;.ese~t~tions T: 23N R : 05E : 5 Bth F3H: 2 ,or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report.OO 1 Ph: Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm 1.~~.roScan / King (WA) : Charles Steven GlRita M Parcel # : 855920 0030 08 : 723 S 47th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 0110212002 : 723 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $350,000 : 300 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $365,000 : LOT 3 TALBOT RIDGE TGW UND INT IN Q :SE S : 31 T:23N R :05E :3 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,570 Ac: .11 YB:2001 Ph: : Claeys JimlSusan;+ Parcel # : 8559200040 06 : 4712 Smithers Ave S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/27/2001 : 4708 Smithers Ave S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $370,000 : 300 Vacant, Residential Asd.V : $404,000 : LOT 4-5 TALBOT RIDGE LOT 4 TGW Q :SE S : 31 T:23N R :05E :3 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,750 Ac: .15 YB:2001 Ph: : Sykes Kenneth W IJodie M Parcel # : 855920 0050 03 : 4714 Smithers Ave S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 02/2112002 : 4714 Smithers Ave S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $391,745 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $402,000 : LOT 5-6 TALBOT RIDGE PORTION OF Q :SE S :31 T:23N R :05E : 5 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 3,180 Ac: .lD YB:2001 Ph: : Subia Debbie R;+ Parcel # : 855920 0060 01 : 4720 Smithers Ave S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 0411112002 : 4720 Smithers Ave S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $369,070 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $385,000 : LOT 6-7 TALBOT RIDGE PORTION OF Q :SE S :31 T:23N R : 05E : 3 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,750 Ac: .17 YB:2001 Ph: : Holmes Timothy AlKrista M Parcel # : 855920 0070 09 : 739 S 47th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 02114/2002 : 739 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $369,075 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $385,000 : LOT 7 TALBOT RIDGE PORTION OF LOT Q :SE S :31 T:23N R : 05E :3 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,750 Ac: .17 YB:2001 Ph: : Specialized Homes Parcel # : 855920 0080 07 : 4717 Smithers Ave S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 05/1112001 : 3001 E Yesler Way Seattle Wa 98122 Sale Price : 300 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $314,000 : LOT 8 TALBOT RIDGE PORTION OF LOT Q :SE S :31 T:23N R :05E :4 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 3,140 Ac: .. 16 YB:2002 Ph: : Hanson Eric Parcel # : 855920 0090 05 : 4711 Smithers Ave S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 06/2012002 : 4711 Smithers Ave S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $358,000 : 300 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $363,000 : LOT 8-9 TALBOT RIDGE PORTION LOTS Q :SE S : 31 T:23N R : 05E :3 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,570 Ac: .10 YB:2002 Ph: 425-226-2703 : Struyk William E Parcel # : 855920 OlDO 03 : 4707 Smithers Ave S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 02/0512003 : 4707 Smithers Ave S Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : 300 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $406,000 : LOT 9-10 TALBOT RIDGE PORTION LOTS Q :SE S :31 T:23N R :05E : 5 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 3,180 Ac: .11 YB:2002 Ph: 425-235-5186 : Coder Matthew L Parcel # : 8559200110 01 : 4701 Smithers Ave S Renton 98055 Sale Date : 10/3112002 : PO Box 81092 Seattle Wa 98108 Sale Price : $373,895 : 300 Vacant,Residential Asd. V : $369,000 : LOT 10-11 T ALBCi;ifo-;.;;;-mio;; c-;';;pii;df;'o~ ~arious sources. Real Estate Solutions m(;kes ~~-;'ep;'ese~i"ations T: 23N R : 05E : 4 Bth F3H: 2 .or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report.D02 Ph: oScan / King (WA) Owner : Rogers Tammarian S Parcel # : 8559200130 07 Site : 706 S 47th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 01115/2002 Mail : 706 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $397,605 Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $385,000 Lgl : LOT 12-13 TALBOT RIDGE PORTION LOT Q:NES:31 T: 23N R :05E Bedrm :3 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,800 Ac: .13 YB:2001 Ph: 425-255-1296 Owner : Hayes Robert B JrlSarah Parcel # : 8559200140 05 Site : 712 S 47th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 04/19/2002 Mail : 712 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $426,610 Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $398,000 Lgl : LOT 14 TALBOT RIDGE TGW UND INT IN Q:NES:31 T:23N R :05E Bedrm :4 Bth F3H: 2 / 11 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 3,140 Ac: .14 YB:2001 Ph: Owner : Mac Donald Douglas MlLinda L;+ Parcel # : 8559200150 02 Site : 718 S 47th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 06/28/2001 Mail : 718 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $392,425 Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $403,000 Lgl : LOT 15 TALBOT RIDGE TGW UND INT IN Q:NES:31 T:23N R :05E Bedrm : 3 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,810 Ac: .12 YB:2000 Ph: Owner : Mangla SandeeplPreeti S;+ Parcel # : 8559200160 00 Site : 724 S 47th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/10/2001 Mail : 724 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $437,620 Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $441,000 Lgl : LOT 16 TALBOT RIDGE TGW UND INT IN Q:NES:31 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm :4 BthF3H: 2 / 11 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 3,160 Ac: .11 YB:2000 Ph: Owner : Grady Michael W IShirin Parcel # : 8559200170 08 Site : 730 S 47th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 09/04/2001 Mail : 730 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $374,900 Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $386,000 Lg/ : LOT 17 TALBOT RIDGE TGW UND INT IN Q:NES:31 T:23N R :05E Bedrm : 3 Bth F3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 B/dgSF: 2,610 Ac: .11 YB:2000 Ph: Owner : YuXinyan Parcel # : 8559200180 06 Site : 736 S 47th St Renton 98055 Sale Date : 04/1112002 Mail : 736 S 47th St Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $393,755 Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $382,000 Lgl : LOT 18 TALBOT RIDGE TGW UND INT IN Q : NE S : 31 T:23N R :05E Bedrm : 3 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,810 Ac: .10 YB:2001 Ph: 425-254-0506 Owner : Sheppard John B Parcel # : 9476000010 04 Site : 10205 SE 185th PI Renton 98055 Sale Date : 08/30/1995 Mail : 10205 SE 185th PI Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $216,950 Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $272,000 Lgl : LOT 1 WINDSOR HEIGHTS TGW UND INT Q : SW S : 32 T:23N R :05E Bedrm :4 Bth F3H: 2 /1 / Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,455 Ac: .16 YB:1995 Ph: Owner : Reyes Alvin AlLisa M Parcel # : 947600 0020 02 Site : 10211 SE 185th PI Renton 98055 Sale Date : 09/28/1995 Mail : 10211 SE 185th PI Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $216,950 Full Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $267,000 Lgl : LOT 2 WINDSOR HEIGHTS TGW UND INT Q : SW S : 32 T:23N R :05E Bedrm :4 BthF3H: 2 / /1 Stories: 2 BldgSF: 2,375 Ac: .14 YB:1995 Ph: Owner : Nguyen John Van/Lieu T Parcel # : 9476000030 00 Site : 10217 SE 185th PI Renton 98055 Sale Date : 09/2011995 Mail : 10217SE 185thPl RentonWa 98055 Sale Price : $208,000 Full Use : 002 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $255,000 Lgl : LOT 3 WINDSOR I~io;;;;;"ii~-c;;,;piiedfr~;;;v;;;'i~-;;s sources. Real Estate Solutions makes ;;;-"~p;ese~t""ations T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm :4 Bth F3H: 2 .or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. 995 Ph: . . .. Owner Site Mail Use Lgl Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use Lgi Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm Owner Site Mail Use LgI Bedrm "~ oScan / King (WA) : Marr Jeffrey F/Ofelia : 10223 SE 185th PI Renton 98055 : 10223 SE 185th PI Renton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : LOT 4 WINDSOR HEIGHTS TGW lIND INT : 4 Bth F3H: 2 I 11 Stories: 2 : Reeves Mark TlFrancine P : 10226 SE 185th PI Renton 98055 : 10226 SE 185th PI Renton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : LOT 17 WINDSOR HEIGHTS TGW lIND !NT : 4 Bth F3H: 2 I 11 Stories: 2 : Mccabe JohnathanINancy D : 10220 SE 185th PI Renton 98055 : 10220 SE 185th PI Renton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : LOT 18 WINDSOR HEIGHTS TGW lIND !NT : 4 Bth F3H: 2 11 I Stories: 2 : Nguyen Michael;+ : 10214 SE 185th PI Renton 98055 : 10214 SE 185th PI Renton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : LOT 19 WINDSOR HEIGHTS TGW lIND INT : 4 Bth F3H: 2 11 I Stories: 2 : Stuttgen Glenn J/Consuelo B : 10208 SE 185th PI Renton 98055 : 10208 SE 185thPIRenton Wa 98055 : 002 Res,Single Family Residence : LOT 20 WINDSOR HEIGHTS TGW lIND !NT : 4 Bth F3H: 2 I I Stories: 2 : King County : *no Site Address* : 500 4th Ave Seattle Wa 98104 : 300 Vacant,Residential : LOT TRACT A WINDSOR HEIGHTS Bth F3H: I I Stories: BldgSF: 1,915 BldgSF: 2,380 BldgSF: 2,455 BldgSF: 2,455 BldgSF: 2,415 BldgSF: Parcel # : 9476000040 08 Sale Date : 10/3011995 Sale Price : $194,950 Full Asd. V : $242,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: .14 YB:1995 Ph: Parcel # : 9476000170 00 Sale Date : 05/31/1996 Sale Price : $224,000 Full Asd. V : $268,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Ac: .18 YB:1996 Ph: 425-254-0000 Parcel # : 9476000180 Sale Date : 01/13/1999 Sale Price : $255,000 Full Asd. V : $272,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N Ac: .18 YB:1995 Ph: Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price : 9476000190 : 0712612002 Asd. V : $272,000 Q:SWS:32 T:23N Ac: .18 YB:1995 Ph: Parcel # : 947600 0200 Sale Date : 03/0811996 Sale Price : $214,950 Full Asd. V : $267,000 Q:SWS:32 T:23N Ac: .02 YB:1996 Ph: Parcel # Sale Date Sale Price : 947600 0210 Asd. V : $76,000 Q : SW S : 32 T: 23N Ac:.13 YB: Ph: 08 R : 05E 06 R : 05E 04 R : 05E 02 R : 05E Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. City of Renton DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON LAND USE PERMIT JAN 3 0 200~ RECEIVED MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Fred E. Gustafson and Debra O. Gustafson PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: ADDRESS: 18437 102nd Avenue SE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98055 18415 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: See Applicant L\'e>o\ "''\A\ ",-b"'~' ~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 3223059096 NAME: Steve Beck EXISTING LAND USE(S): Vacant COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-family detached ADDRESS: 19129 S.E. 145th Street EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98059 Residential Single Family TELEPHONE NUMBER 425-444-0461 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): N/A CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: R-8 NAME: Lafe B. Hermansen PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A COMPANY (if applicable): Core Design, Inc. SITE AREA (in square feet): 259,251 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 44,716 S.F. CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP:98007 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): .. DUiACRE ,/-1) TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 36 425-885-7877 - -Ibh@coredesigninc.com Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc 11/18/03 "OJECT INFORMATION continued NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 17 PROJECT VALUE: $750,000 NUMBER·OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 1 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTALL Y CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE BUILDIN~$ (if applicable): +/-2,100 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE o WETLANDS 3,129 sq. ft. NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 23N ,RANGE 5E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Preliminary Plat 3. 2. Environmental Review 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ 21513.69 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I. (Print Name/s) fred (,lVJcJ Debrv,-fr v'J I-'l ~ jo r'\ • declare that I am (please check one) the current owner of the property Involved In thiS application or __ the authonzed representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof o~uthorrzatron) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. . .. £11 ~~~ ~ U,~J ./;Y'-.. (Signature of Owner/Representative) , (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:web/pw/devserv/fonns/planning/masterapp.doc I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that r; t'd tft. (/J. tf/&~ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and volunta uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. r' I ! My appointment eXPires:_,-",-)_ .. _~_(_J_Y' _____ _ 1111 8/03 "EVELOPMENT PLANNING 01' CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 City of Renton LAND USE PERMIT RECEIVED MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Carl D. Falk; Roberta E. Falk; Janet L. Abubakar; PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Christine M. Aalto; and Nancy E. Falk ADDRESS: 18415 102nd Avenue SE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98055 18415 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: See Applicant t..\~o\ t-<\c\f\~e. S ~~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 3223059022 NAME: Steve Beck EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single-family residential COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-family detached ADDRESS: 19129 S.E. 145th Street EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98059 Residential Single Family PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION TELEPHONE NUMBER 425-444-0461 (if applicable): N/A CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: R-8 NAME: Lafe B. Hermansen PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A SITE AREA (in square feet): 259,251 S.F. COMPANY (if applicable): Core Design, Inc. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 44,716 S.F. CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP:98007 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 7At-uUJACRE TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 36 425-885-7877 - -Ibh@coredesigninc.com Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/pJanningimasterapp.doc 11118/03 ~OJECT INFORMATION continued , I NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 17 PROJECT VALUE: $750,000 NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 1 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE CiF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE BUILDINGS (if applicable): +1-2,100 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE o WETLANDS 3,129 sq. ft. NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 23N ,RANGE 5E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Preliminary Plat 3. 2. Environmental Review 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ 2,513.69 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Reb c>rk.· [: re( I/:: , declare that I am (please check one) ~he current owner of the property . .. . . Involved In this application or __ the authOrized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authOrization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner/Representative) (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planlling/masterapp,doc I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that (2c;L" t' t-k E, ;; (I? signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary (prin~ It { (I r' '----~~~~~~~~~~ r;, 1~{)G7 My appointment expires:. ____ " ______ _ 11/18/03 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON City of Renton JAN 302004 RECEIVED LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Carl D. Falk; Roberta E. Falk; Janet L. Abubakar; PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Christine M. Aalto; and Nancy E. Falk ADDRESS: 18415 102nd Avenue SE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98055 18415102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: See Applicant 4'80 ( f't\O:~ ~.J (L S:::. ~~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 3223059022 NAME: Steve Beck EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single-family residential COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-family detached ADDRESS: 19129 S.E. 145th Street EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98059 Residential Single Family PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION TELEPHONE NUMBER 425-444-0461 (if applicable): N/A CO NT ACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: R-8 NAME: Lafe B. Hermansen PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A SITE AREA (in square feet): 259,251 S.F. COMPANY (if applicable): Core Design, Inc. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 44,716 S.F. CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP:98007 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 7."1~DU/ACRE TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 36 425-885-7877 --Ibh@coredesigninc.com Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc 11118/03 • I !OJECT INFORMATION continued NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 17 PROJECT VALUE: $750,000 NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 1 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTALL Y CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE BUILDINGS (if applicable): +1-2,100 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A ; '"\ '~., ~ ',} ~ ." o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO' SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE o WETLANDS 3,129 sq. ft. NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 23N ,RANGE 5E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Prelimina[y Plat 3. 2. Environmental Review 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ 2,513.69 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) /~rl f) FA IlL , declare that I am (please check one) ,0"he current owner of the property involved in this a lica~n or fI'(e authorized re resentative to act for a cor oration lease attach roof of authorization) and that the foregoing p p (p p pp statements 1 answers /.// ... / (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:web/pw/devservlforms/planning/1ll3sterapp.doc ation herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that C::it.! /2. rei II<: signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the L-__ . .Y.ses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary (prinQ_h_L_f_1 f_l+' -------t---"lK' My appointment eXPires:_5_~_1 ~_D_(P _____ _ 11118103 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON City of Renton JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Carl D. Falk; Roberta E. Falk; Janet L. Abubakar; PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Christine M. Aalto; and Nancy E. Falk ADDRESS: 18415 102nd Avenue SE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98055 18415 102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: See Applicant L-\:<Ool (V\c(\y"\ ~ S , ~~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 3223059022 NAME: Steve Beck EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single-family residential COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-family detached ADDRESS: 19129 S.E. 145th Street EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98059 Residential Single Family PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION TELEPHONE NUMBER 425-444-0461 (if applicable): N/A CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: R-8 NAME: Lafe B. Hermansen PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A SITE AREA (in square feet): 259,251 S.F. COMPANY (if applicable): Core Design, Inc. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 44,716 S.F. CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP:98007 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 711-DUiACRE TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 36 425-885-7877 - -Ibh@coredesigninc.com Q: web/pw/devserv/forllls/p lann ing/1ll3sterapp.doc 11118/03 •. !OJECT INFORMATION contmued NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 17 PROJECT VALUE: $750,000 NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 1 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE BUILDINGS (if applicable): +1-2,100 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): , . SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE o WETLANDS 3,129 sq. ft. NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 23N ,RANGE 5E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Preliminary Plat 3. 2. Environmental Review 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ 21513.69 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) !<t;,fJt't'm e· (--{//!: , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or ~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. / 'i I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that tfc;(;c"l·/c; e, /::f !I~ . /:;< ;;J j signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the Lh.! ?~i; -\ /-) / / uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. , / t1t; Il? 'Ed (Signature of Owner/Representative) /. -f2r .k?11t f { I!JIJt;!Jt/(C{/G/ (Signature of Owner/Representative) [: I My appointment expires:]J / -' {)r ------------------- Q:web/pw/devserv/forllls/planningllllasterapp.doc 11/18/03 ..... The orivnal G'1 this instlilr.lent has been placed In safekC'cpir::: '-'it:' MG;~TGJ:';;[RY, PU;{DUE, BLANKtf~SHIP & AUSTIN 58'~;1 Floar, Co! urnbia Center 701 Fifth A\!G·I1Ge 'ieaWe, Washington 98104 SPECIAL PO\VER OF ATTORNEY OF JANET L. ABUBAKAR ('Vith Durable Provision) I. I, Janet L. Abubakar ("Principal"), a married person, am a resident of i<odC( /1 ~'~I /\(/~;c'/~',;t ,Africa, and hereby appoint Roberta E. Falk as my attorney in fact (" Attorncy-i n-Fact"). (1) Powers. The Attorney-in-Fact, as a fiduciary, shall have all the powers of absolute ownership and control, with full power of substitution, to vote and otherwise act (by writtcn consent or otherwisc) with respcct to: (i) the general partnership interest of thc Principal as a partner in Bolagct, a Washington general partnership, (ii) the membership interest of the Principal as a member in Bolaget, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, (iii) the interest of the Principal as a beneficiary of the estate of Carl G. Falk, (iv) the interest of the Principal as a beneficiary of the estate of Nina E. Falk, and (v) to do all acts granted trustees by the Washington Trust Act and any amendments to that Act (which powers are incorporated herein by this reference). (2) Additional Specific Powers. In addition to the foregoing, the Attomey-in- Fact, as a fiduciary, shall have the power (i) to make a disclaimer of property as described in Revised Code of Washington Chapter 11.86, as amended; (ii) to execute and deliver documents to waive any rights granted me under the Falk Family Trust Agreement, as amended, or other trust instruments to annually withdraw assets from such trusts; and (iii) to execute and deliver documents to waive any rights granted my minor children under the Falk Family Trust Agreement, as amended, or other trust instruments to annually withdraw assets from such trusts. All of the powers enumerated in this paragraph (2) are intended to be exercised only in a manner that is in accordance with what my wishes most likely would have been had I been able to exercise the powers personally; Principal hereby ratifying and confirn1ing all that Principal's said Attomey-in-Fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents. (3) Effectiveness and Duration. This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately and shall not be affected by my disability. (4) Reliance. All persons dealing with the Attorney-in-Fact shall be entitled to rely upon this Power of Attorney so long as the person with whom the Attorney-in- Fact is dealing at the time of any act taken under the authority of this document has not received actual knowledge of any revocation, suspension or termination of the Power of Attorney by death or otherwise. Any action so taken, unless otherwise invalid or SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY OF JANET L. ABUBAKAR Page 1 682-7090 .. unenforceable, shall be binding on my heirs, devisees, legatees, sLlccessors and personal representati ves. (5) Indemnity. Attorney-in-Fact from all good faith for me. I and my estate shall hold harmless and indemnify the liability and expenses, including legal fees, for acts done in (6) Applicable Law. Washington law shall govem this Power of Attomey and all actions taken by virtue or it. Dated: __ , (r-'.:..."-'-' _______ , 19iL· PRINCIPAL: I ;' /' ,\ \ i /1 I! . / i Janet L. Abubakar STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. / 1 ' COUNTY OF """,' 1\ (J' ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Janet L. Abubakar is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes stated therein. Dated: ___ ......:I......:-\-+I_:)/_i_I_~(_r......:I __ , 19qt, .;" , I ( /i 7 V j[,{(A~ Printe(lNI1ih~: CII,', >,, ;\1. 1)\ j·t'\. {I0 NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Washington My appointment expires: '1 L!" ),(}() I SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY OF JANET L. ABUBAKAR Page 2 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON City of Renton JAN 3 0 200Jt RECEIVED LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Carl D. Falk; Roberta E. Falk; Janet L. Abubakar; PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Christine M. Aalto; and Nancy E. Falk ADDRESS: 18415 102nd Avenue SE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98055 18415102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: See Applicant .l..[«o1 }J\o:.A ~Ve.-S 'Re-".~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 3223059022 NAME: Steve Beck EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single-family residential COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-family detached ADDRESS: 19129 S.E. 145th Street EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98059 Residential Single Family PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION TELEPHONE NUMBER 425-444-0461 (if applicable): N/A CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: R-8 NAME: Lafe B. Hermansen PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A SITE AREA (in square feet): 259,251 S.F. COMPANY (if applicable): Core Design, Inc. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 44,716 S.F. CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP:98007 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 7. 4(L. )U1ACRE TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 36 425-885-7877 - -Ibh@coredesigninc.com Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc 11/18/OJ __ !OJECT INFORMATION continued NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 17 PROJECT VALUE: $750,000 NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 1 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYP~ OF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE BUILDINGS (if applicable): +1-2,100 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE o WETLANDS 3,129 sq. ft. NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY {Attach legal description on se~arate sheet with the following information included} SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 23N ,RANGE 5E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Preliminarv Plat 3. 2. Environmental Review 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ 2,513.69 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) f:LiJ[~/k t.:'1 Fi; lit::.' , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property . .. Involved In thiS application or ~ the authOrized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authOrization) and that the foregOing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. /, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that &/J (''I-ic'r e~ (7; (K & I. j 7 . J... ri signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the . ".~;f{(t/// 2-L..--?'P \ £::r/ , u~s and purposes mentioned in the instrument. ----c.f--'-"'-__ -"'~.L.L1 _____ · _---T'-I_L-t( ("'(,V 1'-/ V 7 ' r (Si9Qature of Own~r/Representative) A / . /;;-£c; /t tcv flIP es/t; if' C; / y{//1,:f '--, f ,( (('-" (Signature of Owner/Representative) di> « ( 'I Notary (Print).) h t' I t'VI --..J K ~ . My appointment expires: ). 1/ () lJ ---------- Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc 11118103 .. • < -. l\IiEW.TE CAlISE (11III1"1It<ir tondIIIOIitllSlilting!>dedo); , DO NOTEHicR ~EI.r.iOEOF 0YlNG: SUCH AS CARIlIAC:OR AESPNTOI\Y ARREST. sHocK, OR' .' ~ '" 'I: .:~.:" . -.liHe~!th ,~ CERTIFlCATE OF DEATH ,~ ',., . . ... ~ . ~ ," ,.J,: ..... 146 STATE FILE NUNBEii"' " ZIP HEARHAILUREU8T ON~YONE ·J-:iiiiimi:OO~AcilNsirouENCEOi;;-----:--~~·--------:---------''----!~~M:iimmiiiNmANtd c.wse ON ~CH LtE. . I ~illtCO!iCllliN.ill'¥: . faqlolnmldirl""",EIIIai ". IJHOERt rING CNJSE~ 0( i¥rY'OII\:h~..,.;uIWllng' " ildll!ll)LAST. " ... • . ' -' . • < IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING IN RE THE ESTATE OF NO: 02-4-01537-6 KNT NANCY ELLEN FALK LETTERS TESTAMENTARY DECEASED (LTRTS) The last will of the above named decedent was duly exhibited, proven and filed on APRIL 12, 2002. It appears in and by said will that: ROBERTA ELIZABETH FALK is named Executor(s) and by order of this court is authorized to execute said will according to law. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Court: April 12, 2002. ST ATE OF WASHINGTON) County of King ) PAUL L. SHERFEY . (ourt Clerk B . .r-....~~I---+-_..t'__ ,Deputy Clerk ERAL TA-CLARK I, PAUL L. SHERFEY, Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for the County of King, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original instrument as the sanle appears on file and of record in my office, and that the same is a true and perfect transcript of said original and of the whole thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Superior Court at my office at Seattle on this date APR 1 2 2002 . Superior Court Clerk By: l--_A------I--c-(--,Deputy Clerk • NOT OFFICIAL WITHOUT RAISED SEAL • RCW 11.28.140; ~L28.280 L:\fotm~.\ca.;J.:e,,'.\dowlltown cdshiers\Letters Testamentary-fill in. doc SCOMIS code: LTRTS revised: 03/01 : "'" . DEVElOPMEW P~N'NO CITY OF RENiON City of Renton JAN 3 0 200~ LAND USE PERMIT RECEIVED MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Carl D. Falkj Roberta E. Falkj Janet L. Abubakarj PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Christine M. Aaltoj and Nancy E. Falk ADDRESS: 18415 102nd Avenue SE Stonehaven Preliminary Plat PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98055 18415102nd Avenue SE Renton, WA 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: See Applicant '-\<00 \ l<\~1'"\. ~v(' ~ ~~\c~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): APPLICANT (if other than owner) 3223059022 NAME: Steve Beck EXISTING LAND USE(S): Single-family residential COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-family detached ADDRESS: 19129 S.E. 145th Street EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP:98059 Residential Single Family PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION TELEPHONE NUMBER 425-444-0461 (if applicable): N/A CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: R-8 NAME: Lafe B. Hermansen PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A SITE AREA (in square feet): 259,251 S.F. COMPANY (if applicable): Core Design, Inc. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING ADDRESS: 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 44,716 S.F. CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP:98007 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 7.1"2-DUIACRE .. TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED Lm-s (if applicable): 36 425-885-7877 - -Ibh@coredesigninc.com Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/pJanningimasterapp.doc 11/18/03 · .~OJECT INFORMATION continued NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 17 PROJECT VALUE: $750,000 NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 1 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE BUILDINGS (if applicable): +1-2,100 S.F. SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA O~;. , "'. " ,_. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A -') ." !. :: ,,' .. o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON·RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A o FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq, ft. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. ft. BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N/A o HABITAT CONSERVATION sq. ft. NET FLOOR AREA OF NON·RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sq. ft. applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE o WETLANDS 3,129 sq. ft. NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 32 , TOWNSHIP 23N ,RANGE 5E , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Preliminarv Plat 3. 2. Environmental Review 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ 21513.69 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) Kct I' '-~\. C. L-::\.. c; 1 \' -i~. , declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this application or ~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. u (' (k 11>'(;11.' I' \ , r\ it i, I i.l (Signature of Owner/Representative) Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that k titC'/1 r: L. {} C' signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. / My appointment eXPires:~L,,--2_-'_!_~_(J_0._rJ ____ _ 11118/03 ; .~ . CERTIFIED COpy IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNn" OF KING IN RE THE ESTATE OF NO: 01-4-01538-4 KNT CHRISTINE .MARIA AALTO LETTERS TESTAMENTARY DECEASED (LTRTS) The last will of the above named decedent was duly e,rnibited. proven and filed on APRIL] 1,1002. It appears in and by said wiU that: KAREN C. LAO is named Executor(s) and by order oftbis court is authorized to execute said will according to law. WITNESS my hand and se-JI of said Court: April 11, 2001. STATE OF WASHINGTON) County of King ) \ , Deputy Clerk ~ L -. -. I, PAUL L. SHERFEY, Clerk of the Superior Court of tIle State of Washington, for the County of King. do hereby certify that I have compared tIle foregoing copy Wilh the original instrument as the same appears on file and of record in my office. and that the same is a true and perfect transcript of said original and of tIle whole thereof. IN TESTIM?NY ~Rljog, 2bfJ'l hercunto sct my hand IUId affix Seal of said Superior Court at my office at Seattle on this datd'lA' . • NOT OFFICIAL WITHOUT RAISED SEAL • RCW 11.28.14U; 11.28.2111' L:\folTl1s\cftshiers'·do\\'1IloWn eashitn\LtntB Tcslllmtntaly.fill in.due perior Court Clerk • Deputy Clerk scQt"t}s code: LTRTS !'e\;sed: OJtO 1 TYp~ UH PRINT IN PERMANENT sLACK INK- 22. RESIDENCE -NUMBER AND STREET 23414 SE 305th St. FATHER'S NAME -FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Filial disease or condition resulting in death). DO NOT ENTER THE MODE OF DYING, SUCH AS CARDIAC OR A. t~rreaitii CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 146 STATE FILE NUMBER Middle Last 27. ZIP CODE 98010 DEAD (Mo .. 1 2002 Seattle WA with a:h:ernl h=nn+1.q",,:: .. :, "VUN"~UU"r"_~ OF: ~~~~~~~~~ii6~~~~EOR~B~'~~~~L=~~Qe~~~~~ ________________________________________________ ~~~~====~~~~ CAUSE ON EACH UNE. Sequentialy lisl conditions, H any, leading to immediate cause. Enter UNDERLYING CAUSE (Disease or injury which initiated events resulting in death) lAST. 51. OTHER C. DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: ONSET AND D. DEVELOPMEI'IT PLANNING CITY OF REI'ITON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED Stonehaven a Christopher Brown @ Associates 9688 Rainier Ave. C!J. &attle, W A 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 fax. (206) 722-1909 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS for a 40-Lot Single Family Residential Plat near the Southeast City Limits of the City of Renton King County October 15,2003 Traffic Engineers & Transportation Planners Stonehaven TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Table of Contents Purpose Location and Access Scope Adjacent Land Uses Phasing Street System Transit Traffic Characteristics Horizon Year Traffic Trip Generation Trip Distribution & Assignment Year 2005 Horizon Year Traffic Capacity Analysis Comments on Level of Service Adverse Consequences and Mitigation Measures Accidents Conclusions List of Figures Vicinity Map Current P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (2003) Year 2006 Traffic Volumes without Development Trip Distribution in Percent Stonehaven Peak Hour Traffic Assignment 1. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 7. 7. 7. 8. 12. 13. 13. 13. 14. 2. 6. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Year 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Volumes with the Stonehaven Project 10. 11. List of Tables I II Stonehaven Trip Generation Levels of Service Appendix 7. 12. Christopher Brown (9 Associates 9688 Rainier Ave. &. &cattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) 7'22-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 Stonehaven a TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS for a 40-Lot Single Family Residential Plat near the Southeast City Limits ofthe City of Renton King County Purpose Briefly, the purpose of this study is to determine the horizon year traffic impacts that may be anticipated with the completion if the referenced 40-10t single family residential plat that is to be constructed on a parcel of land located on the south side of South 47th Street and immediately west of 102nd Avenue SE near the south city limits of City of Renton, King County. More particularly, the general focus of this traffic study is to obtain current traffic volume data on those local arterial facilities expected to be impacted by ten (10) or more directional p.m. peak hour trips, to derive a traffic forecast of the year 2006 traffic conditions, both without and with the development, and to assess the traffic circulation impacts that may be produced by site related traffic. The location of the plat is shown on the VicinityMap, Figure 1, page 2. The trip generation data for the development is based on the Institute of Transportation . Engineers (ITE) 6th edition of the Trip Generation Manual. It may be noted that the p.m. peak hour is the highest peak hour of the average weekday since it contains work, shopping and social-recreation travel demands. Accordingly, for residential developments it represents the worst-case conditions when traffic congestion is at its most severe level. This TIA bases its conclusions and recommendations on the p.m. peak hour of the average weekday. -1-Christopher Brown 0 Associates 9688 Qainier Ave. 6. <Seattle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 fax. (206) 7'22-1909 FIGURE 1 Vicinity Map -2- Christopher Brown ~ Associates 9688 Qainier Ave. &. &eaWe, WA 98118-5981 ('206) 7'2'2-1910 Fax ('206) 7'2'2-1909 ru The inclusion of a background traffic growth rate for assessing horizon year volumes is in accordance with the recommended practice of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Traffic Access and Impact Studies for Site Development, Transportation Engineering, August 1988. The trip distribution is predicated on the 2010 employment forecasts published by PSRC. For this residential project it is based on all of the traffic analysis zones (TAZ's) lying within a IS-mile radius of the site. To assess traffic impacts the levels of service (LOS) that measures the quality of traffic flow by computed average intersection delay are computed for the horizon year both with and without the project. As a reference, the current years LOS is also computed. The capacity analysis is in accordance with the 1997 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and attendant intersection capacity up-dates for the new HCM 2000 publication of the Transportation Research Board. Location and Access The location of the proposed 40 single-family residences was briefly noted earlier on page 1. It is located on a single parcel ofland situated on the south side of South 47th Street, more particularly, located on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of South 47th Street and 102nd Avenue SE. In terms of similar plats it lies northwest of the existing Windsor Heights single family residential development. Four of the lots will be accessed directly off 102nd Avenue SE while the balance of36 lots will be served from South 47th Street. For analysis purposed only a single access is assumed on South 47th Street in order to yield a worst case~ For the purposes of this traffic study the scope ofthe work considers 40 S-F residences so that the key intersections that may be impacted by 10 or more trips initially includes: • 1 o 8th Avenue SE @ SE 192nd Street • 1 02nd Avenue SE @ SE 192nd Street • Talbot Road S. @ S. 55th Street/SE 192nd Street • Talbot Road S. @ SW 43rd Street/Carr Road • SW 43rd Street @ SR 167 NB Ramps • SW 43rd Street @ East Valley Highway -3-Christopher Brown @ Associates 9688 Qainier Ave. &. &eattle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 These key intersections are described schematically in the following traffic diagrams. In general, the scope of the study is to address potential design needs and/or capacity restrictions, and potential traffic safety impacts on those facilities receiving ten of more site generated p.m. peak hour trips. Adjacent Land Uses The adjacent, developed land uses in the vicinity of the proposed plat of Stonehaven are all single family residential. For example, to the southeast of the site is the Windsor Heights single family residential development noted above and, to its south, Fredericks Place and further south Cougar Meadows. To the west of the site, at the end of South 47th Street, is the recently constructed Sundance development which is currently offering homes for sale. There are no commercial or industrial properties in the immediate vicinity. As a result, for the adjacent neighborhood, the plat will conform to the current residential design standards as they have developed in the past and are currently developing as evidenced by new construction in the area such as Sundance. Phasing The project will be developed in a single phase of 40 lots. Additionally, for the purposes of this study, the total development is expected to be fully occupied in no more than two to'three years, say by the end of2006. Thus, 2006 defines the horizon year for this TIA. Street System The local collector street serving the main portion of the plat is South 47th Street. This is a newly built street with curbs and gutter sections and currently a sidewalk on one side. Modern nighttime illumination with underground wiring is provided on one side. It has a "stubbed" section on the east side of its intersection with 102nd Avenue SE indicating its future eastward expansion for on-going development. 102nd Avenue SE at SE 192nd Street is STOP sign controlled. It has a 2-lane section with shoulders and a posted speed limit of 25 mph. -4-Christopher Brown ~ Associates 9688 Qainier Ave. &. &attle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 fax (206) 722-1909 Similarly, SE 192nd Street, as a county road, is also a 2-lane facility with a posted speed limit of35 mph to the east of the intersection of 102nd Avenue SE and 25 mph to the west. As it winds down the hill in a series of'S' turns the advisory speed is set at 15 mph. Talbot Road at its intersection with South 55th Street is also a 2-lane facility. It has STOP sign control on the east and west sides for South 55th Street traffic. It has a posted speed limit of35 mph. Where development has taken place along its margins there are curbs, gutters and sidewalks along with City of Renton standard nighttime street lighting. The various intersection geometrics and related approach lane assignments and grades are included in the appended LOS analyses. Transit Metro transit operates Routes 153 and 155 along SW 43rd Street and Dial a Ride transit along Talbot Road S. Traffic Characteristics Current (early October, 2003) peak hour traffic volume data along SE 192nd Street were obtained in the field under dry and clear weather conditions. Although this was essentially in the beginning of the fall season, no adverse weather or unusual traffic conditions existed that would skew or otherwise bias the data. Likewise, being in the early fall season with schools in session and normal employment patterns extant, the data is considered entirely stable and useful for traffic analysis purposes. The peak hour data along SW 43rd Street was obtained from the City of Renton traffic operations files. Current p.m. peak hour traffic volumes are shown schematically on Figure 2. As a traffic diagram no scale is assumed in the drawing. The respective arrowheads for the various traffic volumes note the direction of travel. In general, currently, on the local2-lane arterial street network jitney bus and pedestrian traffic volumes were light. Along SW 43rd Street, conversely, traffic was rather heavy as later shown in the LOS analyses. -5-Christopher Brown (f) Associates 9688 Rainier Ave. &. &allle. WA 98118-5981 ('206) 7'2'2-1910 Fax ('206) 7'2'2-1909 ~-¥ 1Jfl l08th Ave. SE I~J' ~51- .< ':;02- 'JS"'1 >" 3~ ~~~50 ~ ~S ~ Jf~ Rd. S. H -I-l CI) -I-l (]) '0 (]) H J:! C"J -I-l 0\ CI) r--l ..d -I-l \tV~j ~ r--- -.j" . l02nd Ave. SE CI) -< 0 0 ,. imr ~ f-l 1~ H CI) '3 '3011--\~ \J~~ ~S-~ Talbot Road:-:'S-. -~4~Sl~8~7=1-:::=~~~--~ East Valley Highway . . ~. t~ /1- \\ ( b FIGURE 2 . CI) Current (2003) P.M P k H . ea our Volumes Chrislopher Brown @ A . 9688 Qainier Ave & ssoctales &cattle, WA 98W3-5981 ('206) 7'2'2-1910 fax ('206) 7'22-1909 -6- Horizon Year Traffic Figure 3 shows the 2006 horizon year traffic forecast without the proposed 40-10t, Stonehaven residential development completed. The data of Figure 3 is based on a background growth rate of 1.0103 percent per year compounded to the horizon year of2006. This rate of growth is the mean 4-year rate found on SR 167 atADC Number P610cated to the south of the SW 43rd Street interchange. The data covers the 1999 through 2002 interval, published by WSDOT in the latest (2002) Annual Traffic Report. It is considered representative of this region. Trip Generation Trip generation for the proposed 40-10t, Stonehaven residential is based on the 6th edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, for Land Use Code 210, the applicable reference for single-family residential developments. As a reasonably significant development in terms of its scale the published regression equations are used for defining daily and peak hour traffic volumes. TABLE I Stonehaven Trip Generation AW.D.T. AM. Inbound AM. Outbound P.M. Inbound P.M. Outbound Trip Distribution & Assignment 446 Trips/Day 9 vehicles/hour 28 vehicles/hour 30 vehicles/hour 17 vehicles/hour The new traffic generated by this residential development will be distributed onto the adjacent roadway system and then onto the regional transportation network. The traffic distribution and assignment of site-generated traffic is based on the Growth-Factor Method and is established by the estimated year 2010 employment forecast within a 15- mile radius of the site. It is described in detail in Transportation and Land Development. Vergil G. Stover, 1988, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). -7-Christopher Brown ({f Associates 9688 Rainier Ave. 6. 6eattle, WA 98118-5981 ('206) 7'2'2-1910 fax ('206) 7'2'2-1909 DEC. 9.2003 2:38PM CORE DESIGN INC NO.354 P.l I' ",,' OEVEUDPMENTS~C!S crrv OF RENTON . DEC 092003 RECEIVED From: ~ Fax: 47d7· 1-20 . 720'0 Pages: I~ cc: , Date: It,..· ']-o~ I I' I, ,,' , .. i~ D Urgent X For Review 0 Please Comment 0 please Reply 0 Please Recycle ( • Comments: ~'f: . ~\ '10,"" ~ nK C-.-\!:1 k=C't'?~ ~ A.ryQ ~ Me. ~~O~ l3? ~ we, 14711 NE 29th Place, #101, Bellevue, WA 98007 Phone: 425 885-7877 Fax 425885-7963 'ELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMeNTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS :.:. . .: .:. . .:.:-:->:-:.: ««',«' >:.:.: «<.: « .. ... .COMMENTS~:><:» .. Calculations l' :¢ojOr.~~: M.#pSdoij)isptay':~< < < ...... . . ................... . Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND 4 :t¥.~~itY.:Wor.ks~~~t:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:.<::::::::::::::::::::::<:: Drainage Control Plan 2 :~j~~~¢:R¢~/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::> !»>:<:::>: :>:::::::::::<: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Elevations, Architectural 3 AND 4 :~~yjt9~~t~':¢ii~~kij~t:~::::::::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::·::·:.::::::: ::: Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 4 :$~i~!89:~~~~t~:(f{~~~d~d:¢~p.Y):f:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Flood Hazard Data 4 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Geotechnical Report 2 AND 3 :$.rading:Riari;::¢o~c~Pt~~I:(:· .... ««««« (»»»> «« Grading Plan, Detailed 2 King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site4 Legal Description 4 :q$i:~f::$~~r6@~I~~::Pt:9@.ttY.:p.w.r.;~r~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 ........... '" ." ..... . M~P:Qf::~j~tiii~:$.I~:9on~j~18~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........... -. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ...... -...................... -............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master Application Form 4 M9him.'i~~¢:~itii~:(~:~:rBe;;n~fuen.tj:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Neighborhood Detail Map 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\Pw\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls PROJECT NAME: ~ft~-ffq folJ DATE: _+1:_3--10;(_'cYY-'--__ _ DEVELOPMENT PlANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVE0 01/0612004 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVIS WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS : LAND.:USEPERMlT$UBMJnAl:::>: >::wAniEri:::: :MODIJ:1ED> . .. ..: ... :::::REQuiREMENTS::< .::::::<::::::::<: ::>:BY:«:::·:::BY~«.:. ........................................ p6t.t~~N!~« ..... . . Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 P:1~n:R.e<iUctfOi1~:(p:MT:s}:~:::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Postage 4 P:reap.piii;atj~~:~e.ti~~:~~rnr:n~iY:~::::::<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: Public Works Approval Letter2 R~~~~iita~i~~:P:Ja~:f:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<::::::::::::::::: .:::>:::: ::::::: Screening Detail 4 ~ite::j:il~~:;:~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::: :::::::::: Street Profiles 2 t~i¢::~~P9~:#.::pi~~:9.~if~t~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::< ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> Topography Map3 jf~~9:$.t~~y::~::::::::::::::>:::::::<::::::::::::::·::::::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:::::::· :.: :::::::::::::::::::::::: Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 W~i~~:Mi~ti~~:~;:Fi~~l:4::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::.: I·:·: .:.::::: :::~:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>:::::::::::::::::::.::::::::>: Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 Wetiarld:s: :Rep'ojjj.D~ltn~a~iOO: ~:::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: :.:.:::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 I nventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECTNAME: ________________________ __ 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: __________________________ _ 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\Pw\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls 01/0612004 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON DENSITY WORKSHEET JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. 2. Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include public roadways, private access easements serving 3 or more dwelling units, and critical areas.* Total excluded area:** 2. 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. 259,251 square feet 47,845 square feet 211 ,406 square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. ___ 4,-,-.8~5=---_ acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. 36 units/lots -------'''-''--- 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. __ ....;.7..;...4..:.,::2=--_ d. u ./acre _---:3::....;:6,---lots or units would result in a net density of _--,7-,-.4--,-,2=--_ dwelling units per acre. *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and' which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations not including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. I:\2003\03095\Docs\03095 densityOI.doc 1I12/20Of , • Project Name: Project Size: Location of Site: • Parcel Numbers: • Current zoning: Surrounding zoning: • Current use: • Soil type and Drainage: • Proposed property use: DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVEO·· Project Narrative Stonehaven --Renton, Washington Stonehaven Preliminary Plat The total site is approximately 5.95 acres. The project is located in the southwest comer of the intersection of 102nd Avenue SE and South 47th Street. 3223059022 and 3223059096 Residential 8 dulac North: Residential 1 dulac (Across S. 47th St./undeveloped) South: Residential 8 dulac (Single-family homes) West: Residential 8 dulac (Single-family homes) East: Residential 8 dulac (Unincorporated King County) The site currently has one single-family detached home. Special site features: There is one wetland located on the property. The wetland, located in the southwest portion of the site is approximately 3,129 square feet in size. The main body of the wetland is located off site. Please see the wetland report prepared by AlderNW for more specific information. There are no steep, sensitive, or protected slopes located on the site. According to the King County Soils Report the site is entirely underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. A preliminary storm drainage system has been designed to handle all the stormwater run-off that will be generated by the site. The system will include temporary erosion control barriers during site construction, and a permanent storm pond, located in the northeast comer of the property. This permanent system will ensure that prior to the discharge of stormwater into the downstream system, the on-site system will have significantly reduced the potential impacts to ground and surface waters. The proposal is to subdivide the property into 36 single- family detached, fee simple, lots. The project will create two new public roads. Per City of Renton Development Regulations Section 4-6-060 R.3, Reduced Right-of-Way Dedication, we are proposing to reduce the right-of-way width for the proposed public roads from 50 feet to 42 feet. This reduction allows the creation of additional lots within the shape and size constraints of the site. :1 • Access: • • • • • • • • • Off-site improvements: Est. Construction Costs: Est. fair market value: Quantity and type of fill: Trees to be removed: Land dedication: Number, size, and density of lots: Proposed job shacks: Modifications: The project is proposing to gain access from both South 47th Street and 1 020d Avenue SE via two new 42' wide public streets. There are no private access tracts proposed at this time. None proposed at this time $600,000 $1,150,000 At this point in the design process, the site is anticipated to be balanced by cutting and filling. The quantities of the cut and fill that will occur on site are approximately 5000 cubic yards. If it is discovered that the site will need fill material, the applicant will submit a fill source statement at that time. Every effort will be made to retain as many trees as possible. Please see the Tree Cutting/Land Clearing plan for the approximate location of the clearing limit. The new public right-of-ways will be dedicated to the City of Renton. There are 36 lots proposed for the property. The average lot size is approximately 4,671 S.F. The net density is approximately 7.42 dulac. The site will have a construction trailer during the construction of the development. Per City of Renton Development Regulations Section 4-6-060 R.3, Reduced Right-of-Way Dedication, we are proposing to reduce the right-of-way width for the proposed public roads from 50 feet to 42 feet. This reduction allows the creation of additional lots within the shape and size constraints of the site. nl 'j. AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ____ ~ ____ --.:..~__.!.· ___ , __ s_, '_a--I ___________ , being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: 1. On the I ~ 11+ day of J~\UA.fl...r1 , 20~, I installed oNe public information sign(s) and plastic flyer box on the property located at ~ C~ OF 4· 41ill 41". Mf.) tot,..'!) AJ6 5£, for the following project: 4Th~tC.-~ Owner Name I 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 7 Title 4 of Renton Municipal Code. I ~ae. - SUBSCRIBED AND~WORN to before me this I ~ day of ~. 20~'f LAURIE K. BARNHART ~e ;::., ~ NOTARY PU BLI~, ---"N=-O-TA-R-Y-P-U-~!3-LlLI-\.jC-mi-n -aa-nnad-=-rfEJo-.-th-e-S-t-at-e-o-f -W-a-shington, STATE OF WASH_IN~,~O:,~ < residing at ~ cr/"'"-. i COMMISSION !:::Xfli\ 'f ,;:t , 7 ") , ....... _I""J ... U,...L.:r:..~~;.n~.,.",.,.<~~... My commission expires on ~ (.,.. 2 ".-D DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 Q:\f~~\VSERV\FOnns\Plal1l1il1g\PUbSigl1,dOC QECEIVED 09/24/03 · OHIIUHIOHJ HOI$!J(J~ ~ I II il d ; it w~ 1.1 -u! B 111!'!1 Iii I, ill Pi IU ,i i I~ ! . <{ Ii ~. ~ ~i ll.\) Ii i ~ . Ii . I~PI II ;~!!I ~ ~ it: "iii Ii ~ ,II ~ h~ ~~lii!~ ~ mlli.~,~:=~i , 'rl Iidl II illl II I ~ III ~~B I ~I~I i [ "~n. ~t. ·~i d) I Ii -Bill 0 h!llilll! ' 3 I~ Ii 'II iii Is 1M 3~i "I'! 1!1l I!! ~ I i' II 5'., Is • RI I; Is I 21 6 i~ i~ ~t i~l[ 15it ~ I i! ~i ; iil~~~i i'P L I !, i i .. ~!. II,,;! !!i~ I~'I~ ~ tr i ih ~ Iii 'u ~I 'Iii 'u ~ ! ;~~ ~ I U;;lIliii I ~ • iiI; ~§ I , n ID~ ~~i I, ! ID~ Q ,!; 6111~ 6f~; C~f,,~ ....... =-ei;~~~~~ a VI .... ~ ""':"r .. ,;' CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION S.tonehaven Preliminary Plat, Core # 03095 1. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION DATES Grading will start in the fall of 2004. The road and utilities will start shortly thereafter with building construction to follow. II. HOURS OF OPERATION FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Per City of Renton: Monday -Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 7AM-8PM 9AM-8PM None III. PROPOSED HAULING/TRANSPORTATION ROUTES All equipment, materials, and laborers will enter the site off of 1 02nd Avenue SE. IV. MEASURES TO BE IMPLEMENTED TO MINIMIZE DUST, TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS, MUD, NOISE AND OTHER NOXIOUS CHARACTERISTICS . • Dust Best management practices will be used to minimize dust on the project site. Water trucks or metered fire hoses will be used as needed to wet down the areas used by construction equipment. Disturbed slopes will be hydroseeded per the Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan to control dust. • Traffic DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED During site infrastructure and building construction, the traffic entering and leaving the site will consist of subcontractors and deliveries. When arriving for work, the subcontractors will be traveling opp~site the traffic leaving the residential area, and materials are primarily delivered at off peak hours during the day. None of these operations are anticipated to have a significant impact on the peak or non-peak traffic hour in the area. , • Transportation Impacts There will be one access point for construction of the proj ect located 0 ff 0 f 1 02nd Avenue SE. As was stated above the construction traffic will not have a significant impact on traffic. The construction of the entrance, the new internal public right-of-way, and the extension ofthe utilities to the project may require some construction in the 1 02nd Avenue SE and South 47th Street right-of-way. This work will be performed during non-peak hours and lane channelization will be used if needed. • Mud In keeping with state law, any vehicle with deposits of mud, etc. on the vehicle's body, (fender, undercarriage, wheels or tires) will be cleaned of such material before the operation ofthe vehicle on a paved public highway. In addition a street sweeper will also be used as necessary to remove any deposits from the roadways. • Noise All Construction equipment will have approved mufflers. Impacts from noise are expected to be minimal. The hours of operation will be consistent with City regulations. !; J AN-Il-0,4 I . I I 08:51AM FROM-Admin 4252275224 /r rt V t7 C' ('"'tA' ""'l ? T-487 P.001/Oll , DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON F6mPREVEXflONBUREAU MEMORANDUM July 1, 20.0.3 Susan Fiala, Senior Planner ~ (j Jim Gray, Assistant Fire MarSha1(\j{ Stonehaven Preliminruy Plat, S 4V& Mill Ave SE Fire Department Comments: 1. A frre hydrant with 10.00 GPM flIe flow is required within 30.0. feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 360.0 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 150.0. GPM and requires two hydrants within 30.0. feet of the structure. . 2. A fire mitigation fee of $488.0.0. is required for all new single-family structures. 3. Fire Department access roadways require a minimum 20. Foot paved roadway. This plat is required to have a secondary access due to the fact that the dead end roadway serving the plat is over 70.0 Feet. All buildings are required to be sprinklered except lots 15 thru 18. This is required due to the dead end access road over 500 feet in length. 4. All building addresses shall be visible from the public street. 5. Separate plans and permits are required for the sprinkler and fire alarm plans. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED F-728 ~JAN-13'-0.4 08:51AM FROM-Admin DATE: TO: . FROM: SUBJECT: 4Z52Z75224 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM July 8,.2003 . Susan Rala Ameta Henninger X7298 STONEHAVEN PLAT PREAPPUCATION 03-077 S 47TH ST AND MILL AVE S T-487 P.002/011 F-728 NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT: TBJ: FOLLOWING COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT AND PERMl'1"I1NG ISSUES ARE BASED ON T.BE PRE-APPLICATION SUBMI'1TALS MADE TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY TIm APPUCANT. THE APPLICANT IS CA.unONED THAT INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SUMMARY MAY BE SlJBJECT TO MODIFICATION AND/OR CONCIJRRENCE BY OFFICIAL DECISION MAKERS (E.G. HEAlUNG ExAMINER, BoARDS 0)1' ADJUSTMENT, BOARD OF PUBUC WORKS AND CITY COllNCIL). REVIEW COMMENTS MAY ALSO NEED TO BE REVISED BASED ON SITE PLANNING AND OTHER DESIGN CHANGES REQUIRED BY THE CITy OR MADE BY THE APPLICANT. I have revieWed the preapplication submittal for this 34 lot plat located in Section 32, Twp. 23N lng. 5E, and have the following comments. WATER • The proposed plat is not located in the City of Renton Water Service Area. • This site is not located in th~ City of Renton Aquifer Protection Zone. • New fire hydrants shall be installed according to City of Renton codes and standards. • These improvements will be installed at the developer's cost. Civil plans must be prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State ofWasrungton and shall meet City's standards. • Per Renton fire code, any new single family-dwelling construction (not exceeding 3,600 square- feet of gross building area, including garage) must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimlDll of 1,000 gpm fire within 300 feet of the structure. If the proposed single-family dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM or higher and will require two hydrants within 300 feet of tile structure, and each hydrant must be able to deliver 1,000 gpm. This distance is measured along a traveled roadway, access road and driveway from the hydrant(s) to the building. :JAN-13-a4 08:51AM FROM-Admin 4252275224 T-487 P.OD3/011 F-728 Pagc2 )0:09 AM 0711012003 • Per the City of Renton code dead end roadways in excess of 700 feet are required to have a secondtuy access. • Per the City of Renton Fire Marshall all single family structures beyond 500 feet aD. a dead end roadwa.y are required to be spriDklered. SANITARY SEWER • This project site is not served by the City of Renton sanitary sewer system. • The property is located within SODS Creek's sanitaIy sewer service area. Anything beyond direct service by Soos Creek would be negotiated with the City of Renton through Soos Creek. • The applicant needs to contact the Soos Creek Saniuuy Sewer District for availability, fees, plan review and permits all ofwhicb appears that the applicant has made contact with Soos Creek. • Although the Soos Creek District will have the final review and approval the City still needs to see the sewer on the engineering design plans. STORM DRAINAGE • . There are no stonn drainage structures in S 47th St or in 102nd Ave SE in this area. • A conceptUal drainage plan and drainage report shall be submitted with the preliminary plat application for this proj~ct.The conceptual drainage plan is to include detention and water quality treatlllent for the fully built out plat, including future houses, driveways and roadway improvements. The ronotI ftom the new houses must be tightlined into the storm drainage system coIlS1nlcted for the preliminary plat. The drainage plan is to be designed per the 1990 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual with additional drainase requirements for detention for the 100 year stonn even, with a 30% safety factor. • Swface Water System Development Charges of SS25 per new single fiunily parcel win be required for this plat. This fee must be paid prior to issuance of the Construction permit for the preliminary plat. ERO~ONCONTROL~S • Due to the possible erosion and sedimentation problems from construction activities on the site, we will recommend the fonowing conditions for this preliminary plat (for both preliminary plat development and future building permits for the individual lots): 1. The applicant shall install a silt fence along the downslope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence shall be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and shall be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in Section D.43.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. This will be required during 1he construction of both off-site and on-site improvements as wen as building construction. 2. Shallow drainage swales shall be constructed to intercept surface water flow and route the flow away from the construction area to a stabilized discharge point. Vegetation growth shall be establisbed in the ditch by seeding or placing sod. Depending on site grades. it may be necessary to line the ditch With rock to protect the ditch from erosion , \ JAN-13-04 08:51AM FROM-Admin 4252275224 T-487 P.004/011 F-728 Stonebaven Plat PreappJicatiOD Page 3 10:09 AM 0711012003 and to reduce flow rates. The design and construction of drainage swales shall confonn to the specifications presented in Section 4.4.1 oftbe SWDM. Temporary pipe systems can also be used to convey stormwater across the site. This will be required during the construction of both off-site and on-site improvements as well as building construction. 3. The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures at the site during the construction of both off-site and on-site improvements as welJ as building construction. 4. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of cbange or revision to JDaintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project Engineer of record to the public works inspector for the preliminary plat construction. Certification of the installation, maintenance and proper removal of the erosion control facilities shall be required prior to recording of the plat. STREET IMPROVEMENTS • The project needs to install street improvements including curb, gutter. sidewalk and street lighting all to City of Renton standards and specifications across the fulJ frontage of the parcel being developed on both right-of-ways. • . A traffic study will be required. • The new $treet interior to the plat must be developed to City standards, which are 42' rigbt-of- way, full 32' pavement width, with curb~ ~ers, S· sidewaJb adjacent to curb and street lighting. • All new electrical. phone and cable services to the plat must be undergrounded. Construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to recording of the plat. • Traffic mitigation fees of approximately S7S per net now average daily trip will be required prior to recording of the plat. Fire mitigation and Parks mitigation fees must also be paid prior to recording of the plat. GENERAL • All required utility, dninage and street improvements will require separate plan submittals prepared according to City of Renton drafting standards by a registered Civil Engineer. • The construction permit application must include an itemized cost estimate for these improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100,000 of the estimated construction costs; 4% of anything over $100,00 but less than $200.000, and 3% of anything over $200,000. Half of this fee must be paid upon application for construction permits (preliminary plat improvemenTS), and 1he remainder when the construction permit is issued. There may be additional fees for water service related expenses. • All plans shall be tied to a minimum of two of the City of Renton Horizontal and Venical Control Network. :JAN-13-04 08: 52AM FROM-Adm in 4Z52275224 T-487 P.OOS/Ol1 F-728 c/'r'ro R E C EF FlI<N1"ON IVEO JUN 30 2003 DATE:: .J TO: .' -,,<I aU/LDIN G DIVIS/ON MEMORANDUM Construction Services. Fire Prevention, Plan Review, EDNSP, . Project Planner ------_ ....... " ----_ .. -.... ----.----.. '._'----'.-_._----,-...... ----------....: FROM: Neil Watts, Development Services Division Director SUBJECT: New Preliminary Application: ~mbavM2 ThOll I mJ~ II '* LOCATION: l) ~ ~ ~ mit' It'tec ~ PREAPP NO. J~t: 6:x513: plicant has been scheduled for ID am ,'Thursday, __ .::...u.~o\---L...l-==:::::--_~ in on~ of the 6tl floor conference i%oms (new City Hall). Ifthi eating is scheduled at 10:00 AM, the MEETING MUST BE CONCLUDED PRIOR TO 11 :00 AM to allow time to prepare for the 11 :00 AM meeting. Please review the attached project plans prior to the scheduled meeting with the applicant. You will not need to do a thorough "permit lever review at this time. Note only major Issues that must be resolved priorto formal land Lise and/or building permit application submittal. . Plan Reviewer assigned is _ ..... A~f!.;:.::JJ~ern=:~=---___ _ Please submit your written comments to Sf J~ . least two (2) days before the meeting. Thank you. ........ H:\Division.s\Develop.scnDev & Plan.ing\Template\Preapp2 Revised 9/00 (Planner) at · . 'JAN-13-D4 08:52AM FROM-Admin 4252275224 T-487 P,OOS/Oll F-72B DATE: July 17, 2003 CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM TO: Pre-Application File No. 03-077 FROM: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, x7382 SUBJECT; Stonehaven Preliminary Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton MuniCipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $55.00 plus tax. from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. Project Proposal: The subject property is currently under the jurisdiction of King County. The proposal is currently undergoing the annexation process to be incorporated Into the City Limits of Renton. Rezoning of the site from King County zonIng to City of Renton's R-8 would also occur. The subject property is located to the southwest of the intersection of South 47th Street and approx. Mill Avenue SE (102nd Ave. SE in KC) within the City Limits of Renton. The proposal is to subdivide a 259,617 square foot (5.96 acres) two-parcel site into 40 lots for eventual development of detached single family homes. The parcels currently contain single family residences and associated outbuildings which would be removed. ZonlnglDenslty Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-B) zoning designation.' " Net density is calculated after deducting deSignated critical areas, areas Intended for dedication to public rights-of-way, andlor private streets serving more than three units from the gross area of the site. The density range required in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac). Net density would be calculated after deductions for the public right.af-way and wetlands from the gross area of the Site. The property appears to, contain areas to be dedicated to right-of-way. The square footages of the streets were not provided; therefore. net density for the proposal could not be calculated to determine compliance. , . ·JAN-13-04 08:52AM FROM-Admin 4252275224 T-487 P.OOi/OII F-728 Stonehaven Preliminary Plat -Pre Application JUly 17. 2003 Page2of3 Development Standards: The R-8 zone permits one residential structure I unit per lot. Detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each. or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Minimum Lot Size. Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4.500 square feet. A minimum lot width of 50 feet for Interior lots and 60 feet for comer lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 65 feet, is also required: At the time of formal land use application submittal, all lots are to be dimensioned. Lots 7 and 13 appear to be pipestem lots. Each must have a minimum street frontage (pipestem) width of 20 feet. Building Standards -The R-8 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Lots under 5,000 square feet in size are permitted a maximum building coverage of 50% of the lot area. Building height is restrlcted to 30 feet and two stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story with a gross floor area that is less than the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included In building lot coverage calculations. Setbacks -Setbacks are measured from the property lines to the nearest point of the structure. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are 20 feet In the front. 20 feet in the rear, 5 feet on interior side yards, and 15 feet on side yarc!s along streets. A front yard setback of 15 feet is allowed for the primary structure and 20 feet for attached garages Which access from the front yard street for those. streets created after .september 1, 1995. All setbacks are to be shown on the formal land use application plat plan; however, setbacks would be removed from the plan prior to recording. Access, Parking and Circulation: The proposed development would be accessed via So. 47th Street and several lots from 102nd Ave. SE (King County). However. the Fire Department raises the issue of the length of road (over 700 feet) which would require a secondary means of access. Staff strongly encourages the applicant to revise the plat layout to meet required access. Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of two vehIcles per lot. In addition, appropriate shared maintenance and access agreement/easements will be required between lots with shared access. A formal request for a modification to street standards would be required to be submitted by the applicant for the proposed reduced right-of-way from 50 to 42 feet. The modification would be reviewed administratively. Private streets are allowed for access to six or less lots. with no more than 4 of the lots not abutting a public right-of-way. The street is to include a minimum easement width of 26 feet with 20 feet of paving. Private driveways may serve a maximum of two lots and must have a minimum easement width of 20 feet with 12 feet of paving. Addresses of lots along private streets are to be visible from the public street by provision of a sign stating all house numbers and is to be located at the intersection of the private street and the public street. Driveway Grades: The maximum driveway slopes can not exceed fifteen percent (15%), provided that driveways exceeding eight percent (8%) are to provide slotted drains at the lower end of the driveway. If the grade exceeds 15%, a variance from the Board of Adjustment is required. , , . JAN-13-04 08:52AM FROM-Admin 4252275224 T-487 P.D08/011 F-728 Stonehaven PrelimInary Plat -Pre Application July 17, 2003 Page 3 0'3 Sensitive Areas: Based on the City's Critical Areas Maps, the site does not appear to contain any critical areas. However, pursuant to the Renton Municipal Code (RMC4~3-050J) the applicant would be required to obtain a geotechnical report stamped and signed from a Geotechnical Engineer stating that the site is suitable for development. In addition, the report would need to address any special construction requirements deemed necessary by the Geotechnical Engineer, Through the preliminary plat review process, the City may condition the approval of the development in order to require mitigation of any potential hazards based on the results of the study. In addition. pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050.J.3, the geotechnical report submitted with the application may be required to undergo independent secondary review by a qualified specialist selected by the City at the applicant's expense, Permit Requirements: The project would require Preliminary Plat and Environmental (SEPA) Review. The review of these applications would be process concurrently within an estimated time frame of 12 to 16 weeks. After the required notification period, the Environmental Review Committee would issue a Threshold Determination for the project. When the required two-week appeal period is completed I the project would go before the Hearing Examiner for a recommendation to the City Council on the Preliminary Plat. The HearIng Examiner's recommendation, as well as the deciSion Issued by the City Council. would be subject to two- week appeal periods, The application fee would be $2,000 for the Preliminary Plat and ~ of full fee for SEPA Review (Environmental Checklist) which is dependent on project value: less than $100,000 is $200 (1/2 of $400.00 full fee) and project value over $100,000 is a $500,00 fee (112 of $1000.00 full fee) plus first cfass postage ($0.37) per mailing label required for notification to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the site. The applicant will be required to install a public information sign on the property. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal requirements is provided in the attached handouts, Once Preliminary Plat approval is obtained, the applicant must complete the required Improvements and dedications, as well as satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before submitting for Final Plat review. The Final Plat process also requires City Council approval. Once final approval is received, the plat may be recorded. The newly created lots may only be sold after the plat has been recorded, Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the plat. • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each ~ average daily trip attributable to the project: • A Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per mn¥ single famDy.lot; and~ • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per ~ single family lot. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees is included in the packet for your review. Additional Comments; Prior to submitting the full application' package, applicants are strongly encouraged to bring in one copy of each application material for informal review to help ensure that the application is complete. co: Jennifer Henning :JAN-(3-04 08:52AM FROM-Admin 4252275224 T-497 P.009/011 F-728 CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF CONTACT: SUBJECf; July 16.2003 Susan Fiala Rebecca Lind Don Erickson ~ Stonehaven Preliminary Plat, S 471b Str~t & Mill Avenue SE; PRE03.()77 The applicant has submitted a preliminary plat for a site in the proposed Falk Amlexation area immediately south of South 47th Street (in Renton) and west of 102l1li Avenue SE in King County. The 5.96-acre site abuts Renton on the north and weSL An election on the proposed annexation is scheduled for September 16, 2003. The site is designated GreenbeltlUrban Separator in King County but Residential Single Family in Renton. The City of Renton and King County have been in discussions about changing the County's land use designation for this area from GreeDbeltlUrban Separator to Urban Residential 4-12 du/acre. This would most likeJy allow R-6 zoning (6 du/net acre) on the site. The City of Renton has indicated that the site would come into the City with R-8 zoning (8 dulfoSS acre) if appro'Ved by voterS. Vehicular access [0 the proposed plat appears to be off S 47 Street (this should be confirmed). AJlalysis: All lots within the proposed plat appear to be at least 4,500 square feet in area (policy LU-35). Approximately seven lots abut the western property line of which only three would abut the two existing residential lots in the Sundance Subdivision to the west. As a result there should be .minimal impacts on this existing subdivision in ten:ns of privacy and quality of life issues (poUcy LU-40). The proposed street is a loop system accessed off of S.471b Street. Given the site's relative isolation there is not an extensive interconnection circulation system at this time. New development will likely occur in the future to the north, west, and south. The proposed development should, in staff s opinion. anticipate furore development in the annexation area to the south by providing a street extension to future development to the south, approximately where proposed Lot 12 is located (policy LU-70). The applicant's proposed layout has seven lots that provide no frontage on either a street or park. The applicant should be asked to look at other layout options that provide the potential for connecting streets with the property to the south when it develops as well as providing a greater number of lots with stteet frontage. Consideration should also be given to the treaanent of the proposed storm water retention facility. As currently proposed it is located at the southwest comer of the intersection of 102M Avenue SE and S 47th Street where it will be highly visible. Care should be taken to ensure that this facility is attractive to passersby. ': JAN-ia--04 08:53AM FROM-Admin Stonebave Preliminary Plat 071I4J03 Recommendation: 4252275224 T-487 P.010/Oll F-728 2 Support in concept a multi-lot preliminary plat at this location assuming a revised layout can be developed that provides for future vebicUlar access to underdeveloped properties to the south and a higher percentage oj lots baving street frontage. ( cc; DoD BriCksoD H:'Il!DNSP\JulCtdc:p;u1lmmllll\Dcvclopmcut RcricMPrcapps\Commcnlll\RS\SlOIlChavc Prcliminmy Plat.doc\d • ':JAN-h-.o4 08:53AM FROM-Admin Stoneha\le Preliminary PIal 07114/03 4252275224 ReleYant Cogrehensive Plan SingJe-family Detached Land Use Policies: T-487 P,Qll/0l1 F-728 3 Policy LU-3S. A minimum lot siz.e of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single-family residential neighborhoods except when fle:dble development sttmdards are used for projecr review. Policy LU~40. New plats developed at higher densities within existing "Mighborhoods should be designed to incorporate Slreet locations. lot co7t/igUTaTions, and building envelopes, which address privacy and qualiry of life jor existing residents. Policy LU-40.1. New plats proposed at higher densities than adjacfnr neighborhood developments may be modified within the allowed density range 10 reduce conflicts benveen old and new development patterns. However, ,trier adherence to older srantiards is not required. Policy LU-70. Srreers. sidewalJcs, pedestrian or bike paths in a neighborhood developmelll 3hould be arranged as an interconnecting network. Polky LU-80. land should be arranged in blocks divided inco lots with all lots required to front on a public street or a park H:\EDNSPwuetdeparuaenw\Dovolopmcn, Rcvlow\Prcapps\Commc:rns\RS\Stooebavc l'rcIilJliJllU')' PIaLdoc\d nl~VIRONMENTAL CHECKLI~~ INTRODUCTION Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: (A nonproject proposal includes plans, policies and programs where actions are different or broader than a single site-specific proposal) Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply". IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPRO]ECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the word "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer", and "affected geographic area," respectively. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 200~ RECEIVED !. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Stonehaven Preliminary Plat 2. N arne of applicant: Steven Beck 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Applicant: Mr. Steve Beck 4735 NE 4th Street Renton, WA 98059 (425) 227-9200 4. Date checklist prepared: January 8, 2004 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton Contact Person: Lafe B. Hermansen c/o Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 Bellevue, WA 98007 (425) 885-7877 Department of Planning, Building, Public Works 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construction is proposed to start in the fall of 2004 subject to the approval process. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Not at this time. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. • Traffic Impact Analysis, Prepared by Christopher Brown and Associates (October 15, 2003) • Wetland Study Report and Mitigation Plan, Prepared by AlderNW Oanuary 2004) 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. N one to our knowledge. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Construction Plan Approval Final Plat Approval Building Permits Grading Permits Other Customary Permits 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) This application proposes a 36 lot preliminary plat on a 5.95-acre site under the existing requirements for an R-8 zone. The single-family homes are anticipated to be in the middle-income price range. Construction of the site will result in ± 75% of the property being developed. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The project is located in the southwest corner of the intersection 102nd Avenue S.E. and South 47th Street in the NW 1/4 of the SW % of Section 32, Township 23N, Range 5E. The site is located east of the Talbot Ridge Plat. A legal description and vicinity map is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. O~095 SFP\O!.I EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description ofthe site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous other The western half of the property is forested and the eastern half contains a single-family detached home. The ground surface gently slopes upward to the west property line at about a 2 to 3 percent grade in the central portion of the property then steepens to about a 22 percent grade in the southwest corner of the property. A small wetland (3,129 S.F.) is located in the southewest corner of the property. The property is forested with conifer (cedar and fir) and deciduous (maple and alder) trees with a dense understory of brush b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? The steepest slope, of approximately 22%, is located in the southwest corner of the property. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. According to the King County Soil Survey prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture the site is completely underlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No, not to our knowledge. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The purpose of the grading is to construct the new public right-of-way and to provide building pads and utility locations for the single-family residences. The grading is intended to be balanced onsite. The quantities of the cut and fill that will occur on site are approximately 5000 cubic yards. If it is discovered that the site will need fill materials, a fill source statement will be submitted at that time. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion could occur as a result of denuded soil during and immediately following storm events. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 60% of the site will be covered by impervious surfaces. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. Air A temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESCP) plan will be prepared and implemented prior to commencement of construction activities. During construction, erosion control measures may include any of the following: siltation fence, temporary siltation ponds, and other measures; which may be used in accordance with the requirements of the City of Renton. At completion of the project, permanent measures will include stormwater runoff detention and water quality facilities as required. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During construction, there will be increased exhaust and dust particle emissions. After construction, the principle source of emissions will be from automobile traffic, lawn equipment, and others typical of a residential neighborhood. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Off-site sources of emissions or odors are those typical of the residential neighborhoods that surround this site, such as automobile emissions from traffic on adjacent roadways and fireplace emissions from nearby homes. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Construction impacts will not be significant and can be controlled by several methods: watering or using dust suppressants on areas of exposed soils, washing truck wheels before leaving the site, and maintaining gravel construction entrances. Automobile and fireplace emission standards are regulated by the State of Washington. The site has been included in a "No Burn Zone" by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency which went into effect on September 1, 1992. No land clearing or residential yard debris fires would be permitted on-site, nor in the surrounding neighborhood in accordance with the regulation. 3. Water a. Surface: .. \ () I . .tL Ie 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. According to the Wetland Report performed by AlderNW, they delineated one wetland on site (Wetland A). Wetland A has been classified as category II and requires a 50' buffer. Wetland A is just a corner of a larger wetland, which spreads out to the southwest of the property . 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (wltliin 200 feet) of the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No, the project as it is currently proposed will remain out of the wetland and it's buffers. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No, there will be no surface water withdrawals or diversions. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No, a public sanitary sewer system will be installed to serve the future homes. b. Ground: !\()I.I 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No groundwater will be withdrawn, public water mains will be installed as part of the plat construction. No water will be discharged to groundwater except through the incidental inftltration of stormwater. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage: industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. The site will be served by public sanitary sewer extended from off-site. There will be no waste material discharged to the ground from the development. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Stormwater runoff will result from roadways and other impervious surfaces and will be collected and routed to the detention facility located on-site, treated for sediment and petroleum removal, then released into the downstream storm system. Requirements for water quality, and runoff rate control will be met. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. This would be very unlikely. The only materials that could enter ground or surface waters would be those associated with automobile discharges and yard and garden preparations. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: 4. Plants A City approved storm drainage system will be designed and implemented in order to mitigate any adverse impacts from stormwater runoff. The system will include temporary erosion control barriers during site construction, and permanent stormwater collection/ treatment facilities soon after beginning the site development construction. This permanent system will ensure that prior to the release of stormwater into the downstream storm system, the system will have significantly reduced the potential impacts to ground and surface waters. a. Check or underline types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other: cottonwood, ash -.X evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other: hemlock -.X shrubs --.X grass pasture -.X wet soil plants: cattail, creeping buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, horsetail, water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other: other types of vegetation: b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The property is currently heavily treed with a dense understory of brush. Wetland A and it's associated buffers, as well as the area around the existing house will remain undisturbed. The remainder of the site will be cleared for the construction of homes, right-of-way, and storm detention. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. No threatened or endangered plants are known to exist on the site. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: \V'etland A and it's associated buffers, as well as the area around the existing home will remain undisturbed. This will help to preserve a portion of the existing vegetation currently found on the site. In addition, the yard areas associated with individual ownership will be landscaped by the future residents with both formal and informal plantings. 5. Animals a. Underline any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: woodpecker mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: squirrel fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other: b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. No threatened or endangered species are known to exist on the site. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Yes, The site is part of the Pacific Fly Way. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: Wetland A and it's associated buffers, as well as the area around the existing home will remain undisturbed. This will help to preserve a portion of the existing vegetation currently found on the site. In addition, the yard areas associated with individual ownership will be landscaped by the future residents with both formal and informal plantings. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity and/ or natural gas will be the primary source of energy used to provide heating and cooling to each home. These forms of energy are immediately available to the site. The builder will provide the appropriate heating and cooling systems which are energy efficient and cost effective for the homebuyer. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal: List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: >,01 The requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the State Energy Code will be incorporated into the construction of the buildings. Energy conserving materials and fixtures are encouraged in all new cons truction. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. The project will not generate any environmental health hazards. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. N one to our knowledge. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: There are no on-site environmental health hazards known to exist today nor are there any that will be generated as a direct result of this proposal. b. Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? The main source of off-site noise in this area originates from the vehicular traffic present on 102nd Avenue S.E. and South 47th Street. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short- term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short-term noise impacts will result from the use of construction and building equipment during site development and home construction. These temporary activities will be limited to normal working hours set forth by the City of Renton. Long-term impacts will be those associated with the increase of human population; additional traffic and the typical noise associated with a residential development. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Building construction will be done during the hours prescribed by the city. Construction equipment will be equipped with muffler devices and idling time should be kept at a minimum. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site currently has one single-family detached home. The current use of the adjacent properties is as follows; North: South: East: \Vest: Single-Family Residential (undeveloped) Single-Family Residential Single-Family Residential (Both developed and undeveloped) Single-Family Residential (Both developed and undeveloped) b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Not to our knowledge. c. Describe any structures on the site. The site currently contains one single-family detached home. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The current zoning is R-8. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? The current comprehensive plan designation is Residential Single-Family. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Yes, AlderNW has located one wetland on site. Please refer to the reports listed on page 2 of this SEP A checklist for more specific information. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Approximately 90 people (36 x 2.5 persons per dwelling unit). j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? N one, the current home will remain. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Not applicable. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The area surrounding the site consists of single-family residential housing that will be similar in size and value with the new homes. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. The preliminary plat contains 35 new single-family residences and one existing. The new homes are anticipated to be in the middle-income price range . . I o b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not applicable 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material( s) proposed? The buildings will meet the height requirements of the R-8 zone and will not exceed 2 stories or 30 feet. The exterior building materials may include any of the following; wood, hardwood, vinyl, masonry, cedar shakes and/or asphalt shingles. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Because of the surrounding development and mature forest, the visual impact on the adjacent area will be minimal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: The wetland area and the area around the existing home will remain undisturbed which will help reduce the aesthetic impact. Also, the new homes will be of a scale and size to be compatible with the existing neighborhoods. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur. Light and glare will originate from building lighting and exterior lighting. Light will also be produced from vehicles using the site. These impacts would occur primarily in the evening and before dawn. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? The only offsite source of light and glare are from vehicles and street lighting from the adjacent streets and the single-family neighborhoods. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Street lighting, when deemed necessary, will be installed in a manner that directs the lighting downward. 11 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Springbrook Park (located along South 200th) and Cleveland Park (located along Talbot Road South) are in close proximity to the site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreational opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any? There will be no on-site recreation space; the project will pay the current parks mitigation fee. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. No. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None, there are no known impacts. If an archeological site is found during the course of construction, the State Historical Preservation Officer will be notified. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The northern and eastern property lines front on public right-of-way. Currently there are two connection to South 47th Street proposed and one to 102nd Avenue S.E. Per City of Renton Development Regulations Section 4-6-060 R.3, Reduced Right-of-Way Dedication, we are proposing to reduce the right-of-way width for the proposed public roads from 50 feet to 42 feet. This reduction allows the creation of additional lots within the shape and size constraints of the site. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? No. The nearest transit stop is located at the intersection of Talbot Road South and Carr Road SE . . \01 c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Four parking spaces will be provided in association with each home; a total of 144 spaces will be provided on the site. The spaces will be located in garages and on the driveways. There are no parking spaces eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). The project will create two new public roads. There will be one main connection from South 47 th Street to 102nd Avenue SE. The new road starts out in a east-west direction from 102nd and then bends north and connects with 47th. The other new road runs north and south and connects 47th with the other new road. Both new roads have 42' of right-of-way. As part of this project a reduction in the right-of-way width is requested. No private access tracts are proposed at this time. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. This project is estimated to generate a total of 446 weekday daily trips, of which 37 trips would occur during the AM peak hour and 47 during the PM peak hour. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Transportation impacts will be mitigated through participation in the City's traffic mitigation program. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The need for public service such as fire, health, and police protection will be typical of single-family development of this size. The school children originating from the homes in this development will attend the schools in the Renton School District. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. The roads and homes will be constructed to meet all applicable standards and codes of the City and the Uniform Building Code. The proposed development will contribute to the local tax base and provide additional tax revenue for the various public services. The impact to the schools and traffic will be mitigated through the payment of impact fees. 16. Utilities a. Underline utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. All utilities are available to the site through the proper extension of services. Extension of services is the developers'responsibility. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Electricity will be provided by Puget Sound Energy. Natural Gas will be provided by Puget Sound Energy. Water Service will be provided by City of Renton. Sanitary Sewer will be provided by the City of Renton. Telephone Service will be provided by Verizon. c. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. ~/2.~~~::::t=~~:::::::::======::i3l':1te Submitted: January 8. 2004 CORE DESIGN, 'INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Legal Description Parcel A: Core Project No: 03095 10/23/03 The north half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 20 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road purposes by Deed recorded under Recording No. 1461384; ALSO EXCEPT that portion thereof conveyed to King County for road purposes by Deed recorded under Recording No. 19990812001273. Parcel B: The north 72 feet of the south half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the east 20 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road purposes by Deed recorded under Recording No. 1461384. 03095LOl1ega1.doc, 118/04, page 1 • , .. I It-I I SE 172nd ST 5£ SE 176th ST ~~------------~ S 43rd ST 119th ST ~ sf,. ~ SE 182nd ST ~ :S ~ - ).,. SE 186th ST ~ V) !:9 ~. SE 187th ST ~ ~ ....... ~ -a. t CJ a Q:l ~ 0'1 ~ ....... " ':::I" ""'J ~ ""'J ~ ~ ::t:. c:::; ~ S 55th ST ...... SE 192nd ST ~ vICINITY MAF f .... ,-. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5041 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ANNEXING CONTIGUOUS UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY KNOWN AS THE FALK ANNEXATION, BY THE ELECTION METHOD, AND SETTING THE TAXATION RATE, ESTABLISHING ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS, AND FIXING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ANNEXATION. WHEREAS, after public hearing, the City Council enacted a resolution calling for an annexation by election under RCW 35A.14.015 for an area commonly referred to as the Falk: Annexation, which area is the property generally bounded by the existing City boundaries to the ("I") north boundary (the southern edge of South 47th Street) and west, the northern edge of SE 185th 0) N 8 Place, if extended, to the south, and the eastern edge of 1 020d Avenue SE to the east, legally o ~ N N descnbed in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if:fully set forth; and ,......j ("I") o o WHEREAS, said resolution also called for an election on a proposition that the property N O'l in the Falk: Annexation should be subject to existing bonded indebtedness; and s:: • ..-1 'B WHEREAS, said resolution also called for an election on the proposition that all property o u ~ located within the territory to be annexed, excluding street right-of-ways, shall, simultaneous with the annexation, have imposed City of Renton zoning regulations, with a Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Single Family (RS) and a zoning designation ofR-8; and WHEREAS, said proposed annexation had been submitted to and approved by the King County Boundary Review Board; and WHEREAS, an election was held pursuant to State statute; and WHEREAS, in the September 16, 2003 election for the Falk: Annexation, the assumption of indebtedness, and the zoning regulations were approved by the voters; and ORDINANCE NO. 5041 WHEREAS, the election results certifying a sufficient majority to permit annexation of the area have been received by the City; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City Council finds it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Renton to annex and does hereby annex the territory submitted to the voters as the Falk Annexation situated in King County, Washington, as contiguous, proximate and adjacent to the present corporate limits of the City and as more particularly described by its legal description as set forth in Exhibit A and graphically shown on Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated in full by this reference. SECTION II. The territory set forth in this ordinance and for which said election results were certified for annexation should be and is hereby made a part of the City of Renton. The area shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate on the same basis as property within the City of Renton to pay for all or any portion of the outstanding indebtedness of the City of Renton, which indebtedness has been approved by the voters, contracted for, or incurred prior to or existing at, the date of annexation. SECTION III. Zoning for the annexed area is hereby designated as R-8, with a Comprehensive Plan designation ofRS (Residential Single Family). SECTION IV. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum, and shall take effect five days after its passage, approval, and publication 2 · . ORDINANCE NO. 5041 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1 s t day of December ,2003. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st dayof December ,2003. Approved as to form: £~~~ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12 /5/2003 (summary) ORD.1051:1017103:ma 3 ORDINANCE NO. 5041 FALK ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION Exhibit A' That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, lying northerly of the south line of the north 72 feet of the south half (1/2) of said subdivision; EXCEPT the east 20 feet thereof; TOGETHER WITH those portions of the west 30 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter and the east 20 feet of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, all in Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, lying no-rtherly of a line described as follows: Beginning said line at a point on the west boundary line of the plat of Windsor Heights, as recorded in Volume 173 of Plats, Pages 28 through 30, inclusive, records of King County, Washington, said point being 102.80 feet southerly of the northwest comer of said plat and also being a point on the easterly right of way margin of 102nd Ave SE; Thence westerly along said line, said line being perpendicular to said plat boundary line and right of way margin, crossin§ 102 Ave SE, to an intersection with the westerly right of way margin of 1 02n Ave SE and the termination of said line. · ,. ORDINANCE NO. 5041 -Exhibit B Falk Annexation o 200 400 1 : 2400 \ . ICICLE CREEK ENGINEERS Geotechnical, Geologic and Environmental Services January 28, 2004 CarlFalk 1902 Bigelow Avenue North, Apt. 402 Seattle, Washington 98109 INTRODUCTION Report Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Services Proposed Residential Development Tax Lot Parcel Nos. 3223059022 and 3223059096 Renton, Washington File No. 0530-001 This report presents the results of Icicle Creek Engineers' (ICE's) preliminary geotechnical engineering services for a proposed residential development located on Tax Lot Parcel Nos. 3223059022 (owned byNinaFalk at 18415 -10200 Avenue SE) and 3223059096 (owned by Fred Gustafson at 18437- 1 0200 Avenue SE). These parcels are located on about 6 acres southwest of the intersection of 1 0200 Avenue SE and South 47th Street in Renton, Washington. Our services were completed in general accordance with our Proposal dated January 15, 2004 and were authorized in writing by Carl Falk on January 17,2004. The project site is shown relative to nearby physical features on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. We understand that the City of Renton requested a "geotechnical report" stating that the site is suitable for the proposed development. Our services address this requirement to a level of detail appropriate for the preliminary plat application to the City of Renton. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Our understanding of the project is based on a discussion with Mr. Falk and a set of preliminary plans provided by Steve Beck with John L. Scott Real Estate. The preliminary project plans are referenced as follows: • Core Design, Inc., January 2004, "Preliminary Plat for Stonehaven," 3 sheets, scale 1 inch = 40 feet. We understand that the preliminary development plans include 36 residential lots along with paved road access and utilities. The grading plans show cuts and fills to be relatively small overall with maximum cuts up to 9 feet deep in the vicinity of a proposed stonn detention pond in the northeast corner of the site, and fills up to 6 feet thick along the west margin of the site and up to 10 feet thick in the Lot 17 area where a shallow swale will be filled. SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of our geotechnical engineering services was to explore subsurface soil and ground water conditions at the property as a basis for developing preliminary geotechnical recommendations for site . DEV~1~~~Gour specjfic scope of services included: JAN 3 0 2004 23aeCElVtEJ:)suite 101 • Issaquah, WA 98027-2519 • www.iciclecreekengineers.com • (425) 427-8187 phone • (425) 427-6629 fax Carl Falk January 28, 2004 Page 2 • Explore subsurface conditions by excavating five test pits across the site using a backhoe. • Provide preliminary recommendations for site preparation and earthwork criteria including fill material and compaction requirements. • Provide preliminary recommendations for foundation support to include allowable bearing capacities and settlement estimates for shallow spread footings. • Provide preliminary recommendations for design of subgrade for slab-on-grade floors. • Provide preliminary recommendations for subgrade preparation in new pavement areas. • Provide preliminary recommendations for subsurface drainage, if appropriate. SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE CONDITIONS Scott Dobner ofICE conducted a site visit on January 23, 2004 to observe the present site conditions . . The layout of the property and the proposed development area are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. The approximately 6-acre property is rectangular in shape located on an upland area bordering the east side of the Green River valley. The ground surface is gently undulating with general topographic slope down to the north and west from the middle of the property. A drainage swale is present along the east property line that begins as a "ditch" in the southeast corner of the property then gradually widens and deepens to the northeast corner of the property. The topographic high point on the property is in the southeast corner at about Elevation 404 feet and the topographic low point is in the southwest corner at about Elevation 376 feet. The property is occupied by two houses (including a mobile home on the south parcel owned by Mr. Gustafson) and outbuildings (carport, shop, barn, storage sheds), with the balance ofthe area as lawn, orchard and pasture. Scattered large conifer trees exist in the western half of the property. Driveways access the property off of 1 02nd Avenue SE. No surface water was observed on the property, including the drainage swale in the northeast corner of the property, at the time of our site reconnaissance. The property is bordered to the south and west by residential development and undeveloped land, to the north by South 47th Street and to the east by 102nd Avenue SE. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Regional geologic mapping by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS -Mullineaux, D.R., 1965, "Geologic Map ofthe Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington," Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-405) shows that the property is underlain by Quaternary-age "Ground Moraine Deposits." Ground Moraine Deposits typically consist of an unsorted mixture of silt, sand, gravel and cobbles that is generally referred to as "Glacial Till." The soil conditions observed in our subsurface explorations on the site are generally consistent with the regional geologic mapping. Subsurface conditions at the site were explored by excavating five test pits (Test Pits TP-l through TP- 5) to depths of 8 to 9 feet on January 23, 2004 using a Case 580E, rubber tire-mounted backhoe. The test pit locations were based on measuring from known features shown on the site topographic drawing referenced previously. The approximate test pit locations are shown on Figure 2. The test pit excavations were continuously monitored by a representative from our firm who examined and classified the soils encountered, observed ground water conditions, obtained soil samples and prepared a detailed log of each test pit. Soils were classified in general accordance with the classification system described in Figure 3. The test pit explorations encountered relatively uniform subsurface conditions with about 3 to 6 inches of sod or forest duff and topsoil covering the ground surface underlain by 2.5 to 4.1 feet of weathered glacial till consisting ofloose to medium dense silty sand with gravel. The weathered glacial till is underlain by 2 to 3 Icicle Creek Engineers 0530001/012804 Carl Falk January 28, 2004 Page 3 feet of dense to very dense silty sand with gravel (unweathered glacial till) in Test Pits TP-l and TP-2; unweathered glacial till is absent in Test Pits TP-3, TP-4 and TP-5. Underlying the unweathered glacial till (or the weathered glacial till where the unweathered glacial till is absent) is dense sand with variable amounts of gravel (advance outwash) to the completion depths of the test pits at 8 to 9 feet. GROUNDWATER Slow ground water seepage was observed at a depth of about 1.5 feet in Test Pits TP-l and TP-2 and about 6 feet in Test Pit TP-5. No ground water was observed in Test Pits TP-3 and TP-4. It is likely that the ground water observed is "perched" in more permeable layers within the weathered and native soils and likely dries out by the late summer months. The perched ground water conditions should be expected to fluctuate as a function of precipitation and site topography. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL It is our opinion that the site may be satisfactorily developed using standard residential construction practices. The proposed houses can be adequately supported on spread footings founded on the unweathered dense to very dense glacial till or dense advance outwash, or on well-compacted structural fill. The loose weathered glacial till that mantles the property could be used for foundation support provided it is free of roots and can be compacted to a firm and uniform condition. The surficial soils (weathered and unweathered glacial till) possess a relatively high fmes (silt and clay) content. These soils are moisture-sensitive and will be difficult or impossible to work or properly compact when wet. We strongly recommend that the earthwork portions of the project be completed during the drier summer months in order to minimize grading costs. Ifwet weather construction is necessary, all wet, loose or otherwise unsuitable soils should be removed and replaced with imported material. This will substantially increase grading costs. Proper temporary erosion control measures should be installed prior to the start of construction. Permanent drainage measures such as footing drains and French drains are recommended, where appropriate, to collect and transmit shallow ground water. SITE PREPARATION Temporary erosion control measures such as silt fences, straw bales, and detention structures should be installed to local standards prior to the start of construction. We recommend that the building sites and access road areas be stripped of vegetation and significant organic material and that this material be removed from the site. All tree stumps and roots over 2 inches in diameter should be grubbed and removed from these areas. During dry weather conditions, the depth of stripping is expected to typically range from 0.5 to 1 foot unless excessive disturbance is caused by the clearing operations. Stripping to a greater depth should be expected near grubbed tree stumps or if these operations are performed during wet weather. After stripping is complete, the exposed surface should be proofrolled or probed. Proofrolling should be accomplished using heavy construction equipment such as a fully loaded dump truck or large vibratory roller. The site should be proofrolled only during dry weather. Probing should be used to evaluate subgrade conditions during periods of"wet weather. Any soft areas noted during proofrolling or probing of the ground surface should be overexcavated and replaced with compacted structural fill, as outlined in the following section. Icicle Creek Engineers 0530001/012804 Carl Falk January 28, 2004 Page 4 The on-site soils are moisture sensitive because of the high silt content of this material. These soils will be difficult to work on and difficult or impossible to compact during periods of wet weather. Therefore, we recommend that site earthwork be completed during periods of dry weather. STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT All new fill in building and access road areas should be placed as compacted structural fill. The suitability of soil for use as structural fill will depend on its gradation and moisture content. As the amount of fmes (material passing U.S. Standard No. 200 sieve) increases, soil becomes increasingly more sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult to achieve. The on-site soils contain sufficient silt to be moisture-sensitive. During dry weather, the on-site soils can be used as structural fill, provided that these materials are conditioned to the proper moisture content for compaction. The on-site soils will not be suitable for use as structural fill during wet weather. On-site soils considered unsuitable for use as structural fill during any weather conditions include the sod, and weathered glacial till where dense roots exist unless the roots can be satisfactorily segregated from the soil matrix. If structural fill must be placed during wet weather, we recommend the use of imported sand and gravel containing less than 5 percent fmes by weight relative to the fraction ofthe material passing the %-inch sieve. The imported sand and gravel should be moisture-conditioned as necessary for proper compaction. All structural fill should be mechanically compacted to a finn, nonyielding condition. Structural fill in the building areas should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density (MDD) as determined by the ASTM D 1557 test procedure. Access road areas, including utility trench backfill, should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the MDD, except for the upper 2 feet below the fmished subgrade surface of access road areas, which should be compacted to 95 percent of the MDD. Structural fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness. Each lift should be conditioned to the proper moisture content and compacted to the specified density. Structural fill should be free of debris, organic contaminants and rock fragments larger than 6 inches. We recommend that a representative from ICE be present during site stripping, proofrolling and/or probing of the subgrade, and structural ftll placement operations. Our representative would observe the stripping, evaluate subgrade performance, perform in-place moisture-density tests to evaluate compliance with the compaction specifications, and advise on any modifications to procedures which may be appropriate for the prevailing conditions. FOUNDATION SUPPORT We recommend that the houses be supported on conventional spread footings founded either on the dense to very dense glacial till or dense advance outwash, the weathered glacial till provided it is free of roots and can be compacted to a firm and uniform condition, or on a zone of structural fill that extends down to the medium dense to very dense native soils. If used, the zone of structural fill should extend laterally beyond the footing edges a horizontal distance at least equal to its thickness. The structural fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the MDD. All footing excavations should be observed by a representative from our firm before placing structural fill or pouring concrete to confirm that suitable bearing soils have been exposed. The depth of embedment below the lowest adjacent fmished grade for all exterior and interior footings should be at least 18 inches and 12 inches, respectively. We recommend a minimum footing width of at least 15 inches for continuous wall footings and 18 inches for isolated column footings. For footings designed and constructed according to the above criteria, we recommend an allowable bearing pressure of2,500 pounds per square foot. This value applies to the total of all dead plus long-term live loads, exclusive of the weight of the footing and any overlying backfill. This value may be increased by one-third when considering wind or seismic loads. Icicle Creek Engineers 0530001/012804 CarlFalk January 28, 2004 PageS We expect that many of the footings will be supported on the unweathered glacial till or advance outwash soils. Although the native soils are normally relatively strong in a fresh and undisturbed condition, they are moisture-sensitive and can be expected to soften easily when exposed to moisture and foot or machinery traffic. During wet weather, it may be necessary to protect the footing excavations against disturbance by using a thin layer of crushed rock or lean mix concrete. The settlement of footings supported on medium dense to very dense native soil, or on structural fill placed and compacted in accordance with our recommendations, is expected to be less than 1 inch. Settlements will occur rapidly as loads are applied and postconstruction settlements should be minor. FLOOR SLAB SUPPORT Floor slabs can be supported on-grade provided that slab subgrade areas are prepared as recommended above under SITE PREPARATION and STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT, and that the following capillary break measures are installed. We recommend that a compacted base-course layer consisting of at least 4 inches of gravel containing less than 3 percent fmes be placed on the subgrade to provide uniform support and a capillary break beneath the slab. A vapor barrier should be placed beneath the slab if moisture control in the slab is critical (i.e., where tile or carpeting is to be glued to the slab). This vapor barrier should consist of polyethylene sheeting overlain by 2 inches of clean sand. The vapor barrier should be placed immediately below the slab. We estimate that the settlement of floor slabs due to uniform areal loads of on the order of 150 pounds per square foot will be less than 112 inch. These settlements are expected to occur rapidly upon load application. PAVEMENT SUPPORT Pavement subgrade for the access road should be prepared as recommended under SITE PREPARATION and STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT. For these conditions, a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 12 is appropriate to describe the pavement support condition at the surface of the subgrade. PERMANENT DRAINAGE MEASURES General As previously described, much of the site is underlain by relatively poorly-draining weathered and unweathered glacial till. The glacial till tends to prevent the downward infIltration of precipitation, and therefore creates "perched" ground water conditions. It is very important that appropriate permanent drainage measures be provided for the project. In our opinion, these drainage measures should consist of footing drains and French drains. Also, surface runoff should be adequately handled. Footing Drains Footing drains should be provided for the exterior footings of the houses. These drains should consist of a 4-inch-diameter rigid, perforated drainpipe installed at the outside base of the perimeter footing. The perforated drainpipe should be embedded in a zone of coarse sand and gravel containing less than 3 percent fmes. At appropriate intervals such that water backup does not occur, the drainpipe should be connected to a tightline system leading to a suitable discharge. French Drains A system of French drains may be designed and installed in landscaped areas to provide drainage. Without this system, these areas may be intermittently saturated during the wet season. Icicle Creek Engineers 0530001/012804 Carl Falk January 28, 2004 Page 6 The French drain trenches should be at least 24 inches wide. Where possible, the trenches should penetrate through the upper pervious soils and extend into the relatively impervious unweathered glacial till. The base and sides of the French drain trench should be lined with nonwoven filter fabric such as Mirafi 140N, or equal. No fabric should be placed over the top of the trench backfill. It is important that the filter fabric not be placed in a muddy trench to avoid filling the pore spaces with mud and plugging the fabric. All French drains should be composed of a zone of clean free-draining coarse sand and gravel containing less than 3 percent fmes. Smooth-walled perforated drainpipe having a minimum diameter of 4 inches should be embedded within this zone of coarse sand and gravel. The drainpipe should be installed with the perforations "down" and should be sloped to drain. At appropriate intervals, the perforated drainpipe should be connected to a tightline leading to the stormwater collection system for the site. Cleanouts should be installed at appropriate intervals. Other Drainage Considerations We recommend that the ground surface be sloped away from building areas to permit drainage away from the foundations. We recommend that all roof drains be connected to a tightline leading to the storm sewer system. This tightline should be independent from the footing drains. Appropriate surface swales, drainage ditches and other facilities should be installed to control and collect surface runoff. ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL STUDY It may be appropriate to conduct additional geotechnical study in the vicinity of the stormwater detention pond to evaluate ground water conditions in this area during the design or early grading process. It may also be appropriate to conduct additional geotechnical study depending on the final grading plans for the project. We recommend that a representative from ICE be present during site stripping, proofrolling and/or probing of the subgrade, and structural fill placement operations. Our representative would observe the stripping, evaluate subgrade performance, perform in-place moisture-density tests to evaluate compliance with the compaction specifications, and advise on any modifications to procedures which may be appropriate for the prevailing conditions. USE OF TmS REPORT We have prepared this preliminary report for use by Carl Falk in evaluating the geotechnical conditions of the subject property. The data and report should be provided to prospective contractors for their bidding or estimating purposes, but our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. If there are changes in the grades, locations, configurations or types of the facilities planned, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report may not be applicable. If design changes are made, we request that we be given the opportunity to review our conclusions and recommendations and to provide a written modification or verification. When the design has been fmalized, we recommend that the fmal design and specifications be reviewed by our firm to see that our recommendations have been interpreted and implemented as intended. There are possible variations in subsurface conditions between the explorations and also with time. A contingency for unexpected conditions should be included in the budget and schedule. Sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation by our firm should be provided during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design Icicle Creek Engineers 0530001/012804 Carl Falk January 28, 2004 Page 7 changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not earthwork and foundation installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time the report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. ******************** We trust this report meets your present needs. Please call if you have any questions concerning this report. Yours very truly, Icicle Creek Engineers, Inc. Principal Engineer/Geologist Document ID: 0530001.REP Three copies submitted Icicle Creek Engineers 0530001/012804 ~ o o a M U') o o z ~ u::: ~ Icicle Creek Engineers Vicinity Map -Figure 1 ICE File No. 0530-001 r , ~""7~~;b--;==,-~:,:~-t--",' . -" + , , I ~~~";'~I~~'~'~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r=~~~~~~~~~~~ N < ..... -.'f~ -~., I i I PiZl,,\!~~,J~ ",~, , ) ~~ / 1-=_:.::.. --", ' .' If (;: ' \ ' f ~I 1 , 11 " " frIll I I., 1. ~ I!f·,ft I)_N~-t· J-",--;/~ I~ ~~~ I __ ,e ) ~-- 2.8 !i /1 I ..'~' ,'i III 'I' ,I '. ~'" 1"// till l~--' ~!L'~,,~, ,J ~ '~"'~,' :L':~ " : II~oo .;~.>~ /,,','\, " "1'! ;~r_~t" I _.J~: ,-, III -"4 II II 'ifIB-~"1~-i9i-Falk Parcel (4.91 acres) ,---(King County Tax Lot No. 3223059022) ~o I I L Ii !/fl ' ;5t; I ........... ' Base map titled "Preliminary Grading and Utility Plan, Stanehaven," dated January 2004, prepared by Core Design, Inc, o 80 Scale in Feet Icicle Creek EnQineers 160 :::::J Explanation: TP-1 -$-Test Pit Location #1 " Site Plan -Figure 2 , r'------------------------------------ Unified Soil Classification System Soil Classification and MAJOR DIVISIONS Generalized Group Description Coarse-GRAVEL GW Well-graded gravels Grained CLEAN GRAVEL Soils More than 50% GP Poorly-graded gravels of coarse fraction GRAVEL WITH GM Gravel and silt mixtures retained on the FINES No.4 sieve GC Gravel and clay mixtures SAND CLEAN SAND SW Well-graded sand More than 50% SP Poorly-graded sand More than 50% of coarse fraction SAND WITH SM Sand and silt mixtures retained on the passes the FINES SC No. 200 sieve No.4 sieve Sand and clay mixtures Fine-SILT AND CLAY ML Low-plasticity silts Grained INORGANIC Soils CL Low-plasticity clays Liquid Limit ORGANIC OL Low plaslclty orgamc silts less than 50 and organic clays SILT AND CLAY MH High-plasticity silts INORGANIC More than 50% CH High-plasticity clays passing the Liquid Limit ORGANIC OH High-plasticity organic silts No. 200 sieve greater than 50 and or~anic clays Highly Organic Soils Primarily organic matter with organic odor PT Peat Notes: J) Soil classification based on visual classification of soil in general accordance with ASTM D2488-9O. 2) Soil classification using laboratory tests is based on ASTM D2487-90. 3) Description of soil density or consistency is based on interpretation of blow count data and/or test data. Soil Particle Size Definitions Component Size Range Boulders Greater than 12 inch Cobbles 3 inch to 12 inch Soil Moisture Modifiers Gravel 3 inch to No.4 (4.78 mm) Coarse 3 inch to 3/4 inch Soil Moisture Description Fine 3/4 inch to No.4 (4.78 mm) Sand No.4 (4.78 mm) to No. 200 Dry Absence of moisture (0.074mm) Coarse No.4 (4.78 mm) to No. 10 (2.0 mm) Moist Damp, but no visible water Wet Visible water Medium No. 10 (2.0 mm) to No. 40 (0.42 mm) Fine No. 40 (0.42 mm) to No. 200 (0.074mm) Silt and Clay Less than No. 200 (0.074 mm) Icicle Creek Engineers Soil Classification System -Figure 3 .. . Depth Soil Group Test Pit Description (3) (feet) (I) Symbol (2) Test Pit TP-l Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 389 feet 0.0 -0.3 Sod and topsoil 0.3 -3.0 SM Brown silty fine to medium SAND with gravel (loose, moist) (weathered glacial till) 3.0 -5.0 SM Grayish-brown silty fine to medium SAND with gravel (dense, moist) (glacial till) 5.0 -9.0 SP Gray fine to medium SAND with a trace of gravel (dense, moist) (advance outwash) Test pit completed at 9.0 feet on 01123/04 Disturbed soil samples obtained at 1.0, 4.5 and 8.0 feet Slow ground water seepage observed at 1.5 feet Test Pit TP-2 Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 40 I feet 0.0 -0.5 Sod and topsoil 0.5 -3.0 SM Brown silty fine to medium SAND with gravel (loose, moist) (weathered glacial till) 3.0 -6.0 SM Grayish-brown silty fine to medium SAND with gravel (dense to very dense, moist) (glacial till) 6.0 -8.5 SP Gray fine to medium SAND with a trace of gravel (dense, moist) (advance outwash) Test pit completed at 8.5 feet on 01123/04 Disturbed soil samples obtained at 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 feet Slow ground water seepage observed at 1.5 feet Test Pit TP·3 Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 394 feet 0.0 -0.3 Forest duff and topsoil 0.3 -4.0 SM Light brown silty fine to medium SAND with gravel (loose to medium dense, moist) (weathered glacial till) 4.0 -6.0 SP Gray fine to coarse SAND with occasional gravel (dense, moist) (advance outwash) 6.0 -8.5 SP Gray fine to medium SAND with a trace of gravel (dense, moist) (advance outwash) Test pit completed at 8.5 feet on 01123/04 Disturbed soil sample obtained at 2.0 feet No ground water seepage observed Test Pit TP-4 Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 386 feet 0.0 -0.4 Forest duff and topsoil 0.4 -4.5 SM Light brown silty fine to medium SAND with occasional gravel (medium dense, moist) (weathered glacial till) 4.5 -9.0 SP Gray fine to coarse SAND with occasional gravel (dense, moist) (advance outwash) Test pit completed at 9.0 feet on 01123/04 Disturbed soil samples obtained at 2.0 and 5.0 feet No ground water seepage observed Telt PIt TP·5 Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 395 feet 0.0 -0.3 Sod and topsoil 0.3 -3.0 SM Light brown silty fine to medium SAND with occasional gravel (medium dense, moist) (weathered glacial till) 3.0 -8.0 SP Gray fine to medium SAND with gravel (dense, moist) (advance outwash) Test pit completed at 8.0 feet on 01123/04 Disturbed soil samples obtained at 1.5 and 4.5 feet Slow ground water seepage observed at 6.0 feet Notes: (I) The depths on the test pit logs are shown in 0.1 foot increments, however these depths are based on approximate measurements across the length of the test pit and should be considered accurate to 0.5 foot. The depths are relative to the adjacent ground surface. (2) The soil group symbols are based on the Soil Classification System, Figure 3. (3) The approximate test pit locations are shown on the Site Plan, Figure 2. 0530001/012804 Icicle Creek Engineers Test Pit Logs -Figure 4 · f • Mr. Steve Beck 19129 SE 145th Street Renton, Washington 98056 Wetland Evaluation Stonebaven Renton, Washington King County Tax ID# 3223059022 and 3223059096 Dear Mr. Beck: AlderNW January 29, 2003 Project No. 71803 As requested, we have conducted a wetland evaluation for the property located on the south west comer of 1 02nd Avenue SE and S. 47th Street in the City of Renton. The location of the subject parcel is shown on the attached Vicinity Map (Figure 1). The purpose of our work was to identify the limits of the wetland areas on and immediately adjacent to the subject property. We have also reviewed Site Development plans prepared by Core Design, Inc. In conducting our site evaluation, we followed the general procedures for the routine on-site methodology as outlined in the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (March 1997). This procedure involves analysis of vegetation patterns, soil conditions, and near-surface hydrology in making a detennination of wetland conditions. Our scope' of work included site visits in April, 2003 and in October, 2003, at which time we completed our site' evaluation and flagged the limits of the wetland along the west side. We completed the delineation and flagging of the wetland area during site visits in April, 2003 and revisited the site in October, to review site conditions for the preparation of this report and conceptual mitigation plan. The flagged wetland points have been surveyed and plotted on project maps by Core Design. Inc. PROCEDURES For the purpose of this study, we used the wetland definition adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Anny Corps of Engineers (COE) for administering Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. According to this definition, wetlands are: '''Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas." (33 CFR 323) In Washington State, the Shoreline Management Act and Growth Management Act have amended this definition to exclude some wetland situations by adding the following sentences to the wetland definition: DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 200~ RECElVED 518 North 59th Street; Seattle. Washington 98103-Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernW@aol.com , ' Mr. Steven Beck January 29, 2004 Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland sites, including but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were intentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street or Highway. Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland areas to mitigate the conversion of wetlands. Delineation procedures are based on diagnostic environmental indicators of wetland vegetation, wetland soils, and wetland hydrology. These procedures, outlined in the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (March 1997) are commonly known as a Triple Parameter Method. By definition, an area is designated as wetland when there are positive indicators for all three parameters. A listing of plant species has been developed for use in the methodology for delineating wetland areas. This listing assigns plant species to one of five indicator status categories ranging from Obligate wetland species, which almost always occur in wetlands, to Upland species, which rarely occur in wetlands. Under normal conditions, hydrophytic vegetation is determined to be present if more than 50 percent of the dominant species are in the Obligate (OBL), Facultative Wetland (F ACW), or Facultative (F AC) indicator categories. Diagnostic indicators of hydric soils are related to soil saturation, which leads to anaerobic conditions in the soil. Under these conditions, decomposition of organic material is inhibited and soil minerals are reduced, creating characteristic soil colors that can be quantified by comparison with Munsell Soil Color Charts. A chroma of one or less in unmottled soils or a chroma of two or less in mottled soils generally indicates a hydric soil. In addition, soils that are saturated during the growing season satisfy a criterion for hydric soils. We used a hand auger and or shovel to collect soil samples from depths of 8 to 18 inches, or below the A horizon. Wetland hydrology is defined as inundated or saturated soil conditions for at least 14 consecutive days during the growing season. If no water is present at the time of evaluation, other indicators may include topographic low points or channels, flood debris, complete absence of vegetation, or presence of hydric soils. Standardized data forms are available to record observations on each wetland parameter. For this project, we completed data forms for the Routine On-Site Determination Method at three representative locations on the site. A Copy of these data forms is included with this report. The format of the data forms is based on the forms for the Routine Wetland Determination from the Washington State Wetland Delineation Manual and the 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual. Additional observations of soils, vegetation and hydrology, beyond those reported on the data forms were used in completing the site evaluation. GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS The subject property is an approximately 6 acre property located on the southeast corner of the intersection of 102nd Avenue SE and S. 47th Street in the City of Renton, as shown on Figure 1. The site includes two parcels; the southern parcel has an area of approximately 1.1 acres and the northern parcel an area of approximately 4.9 acres. There is an existing mobile home and other structures on the southern parcel, and there is an existing home with associated outbuildings on the northern parcel. Adjacent properties to the south and east are occupied by existing residences on large lots. Properties off the southwest corner of the site are undeveloped and occupied by mixed forest. South 47th Street, along the north property line was recently constructed to provide access to the residential development of Talbot Ridge. Project No. 71803 Page No. 2 , ' Mr. Steven Beck January 29, 2004 In general, vegetation on the eastern section of the property is dominated by lawn and landscaped areas. The western section of the property is occupied by a mixed forest stand with Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menzies;;) as the predominant tree. Big leaf maple (Acermacrophyllum), and red alder (Alnus rubra) are present with the Douglas fir. Understory shrub species include Oso plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), Vine maple (Acer circinatum), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor). Most of the property has been fenced and is accessible to horses. Soils across the property and on much of the surrounding area are mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Soil Survey 0/ King County, Washington, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1973). The Alderwood series is made up of moderately well- drained soils that have a weakly to strongly consolidated substratum at depths ofbetween 24 and 40 inches. The National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils does not list the Alderwood series as a hydric soil although wetland conditions are common in depressional areas within Alderwood soil units. Our observations across the site outside of the wetlands and away from disturbed areas are generally consistent with the description of the Alderwood soil series. Topographically, the property generally includes a broad ridge sloping down from about elev. 400 at the southeast toward the northwest comer at approximate elev. 380. A portion of the property slopes down toward the southwest into a wetland area at about elev. 376. The northeast comer of the site is crossed by a broad topographic swale, with the low point at about elev. 380 at the inlet to the recently installed culvert through S. 47th Street. A drainage course crosses the northeast comer of the property in a broad topographic swale. Surface flows enter the site near the southeast comer from two culverts under 102nd Avenue SE and cross the property to the recently installed culvert in S. 47th Street. For a portion of the length across the property extending north from the culvert outfalls to the property and for a distance of about 150ft., there is a shallow excavated ditch line which flows onto the mowed lawn area. Drainage sheet flows across the :flat, mowed lawn and then to the rough grass in front of the embankment for S. 47th Street, and then into the arch culvert under the roadway. The Technical Information Report prepared by Triad Associates, dated April 6, 1998 addresses design considerations for construction of S. 47th. Street along the north side of the subject property. This report includes calculations for sizing the arch culvert in S. 47th Street and other requirements for construction of the roadway. Design and construction of the roadway and culvert was reviewed by King County. During the design and review process, the drainage course was identified as a swale. Aside from sizing the culvert to handle anticipated volumes, there were no other requirements for crossing the drainage swale. WETLAND AREA We have identified the limits of the wetland area where it extends partially onto the southwest comer of the property as illustrated on the Site Plan (Figure 2). The wetland limits were flagged by AlderNW, and have been surveyed and plotted on project maps by Core Design. Inc. Vegetation within the wetland on the property includes Oregon ash (Fraxinus lati/olia) forming a forest canopy, with willows (Salir spp.) and hardhack spirea (Spiraea douglas;;) as the predominant shrub understory species. Off-site there are western red cedar (Thuja plicata) and black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) trees within the wetland. Creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) and grasses are the comIilon groundcover species in the on-site section of the wetland. Fencing allowed access to a portion of the on-site wetland for grazing by horses. Using the U. S. Fish and Wtldlife Service wetland classification system Cowardin et al., 1979), the wetland includes two habitat classes; scrub-shrub habitat and mixed deciduous/conifer forest. Project No. 71803 Page No. 3 Mr. Steven Beck Janumy 29.2004 Hydrologically the wetland is supported primarily by near surface seepage drainage into the wetland. There is no defined surface flow into the wetland. Sur&.ce water drains through the off-site wetland to a drainage course which flows to the west. At the time of our observations in September, 2003, soils within the on-site wetland were generally moist. There was no surface water present. It is our interpretation of the City of Renton Critical Area Regulations, that the wetland meets the criteria for designation as a City of Renton Category 2 Wetland. It meets the Category 2 criteria because it is larger than 2,200sq.ft. and does not meet the criteria as a Category 3 wetland. It does not meet the category 3 criteria because it has not been significantly disturbed. There are no special habitats or threatened species which would satisfy the criteria as a Category 1 wetland. City of Renton Critical Area Regulations require a 50 foot buffer measured from the edge of the wetland, for Category 2 Wetlands. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT It is proposed to develop the property for construction of a 16 lot residential development as shown on project maps by Core Design, Inc. and on the Site Development Plan (Figure 2). Access to the proposed residential building lots will be provided by construction of access roads entering the site from 102nd Avenue SE near the southeast corner and from S. 47th Street along the north. The site wetland is being set aside from development within Tract A. This tract includes the wetland and a 50ft. buffer between the wetland limits and new development. With preservation of the on-site wetland within the designated tract there will be no direct impacts to the wetland area. Storm water run-off from the developed site will be collected in the storm water system and directed into the storm water treatment pond on the northeast comer of the site. Sur&.ce water entering the site from the culverts in 102nd Avenue SE will be collected in a drain pipe and diverted around the storm water pond to be discharged into the existing culvert in S. 47th Street. The Renton Municipal Code does not identify specific requirements related to designation of buffers for drainage courses. We trust the information presented is sufficient for your current needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, AlderNW L~·~~Q ~p.Munger .. -'~r Project Scientist Encl.: Figure l' Vicinity Map Figure 2, Site Map Data Forms (3) Project No. 71803 Page No. 4 DATA FORM ROUTINE ON-SITE WETLAND DETERMINATION Describe General Site Mixed conifer forest Data Point No.: DP-l Conditions: Site Disturbance? Used as pasture land Location: See site Map VEGETATION 8 J s J Dominant Plant Species ~.a Dominant Plant Species ~.a ~S .9S s::=rn 'grn -rJ'J -rJ'J 1 Fraxinus latifolia FacW T 8 2 Ranunculus repens FacW H 9 3 Grasses 10 4 Salixsp Fac S 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 Percent of dominant species that are OBL, F ACW, and/or F AC: 100 Is the hydrophytic vegetation criterion met? yes Rationale: More than 50% species hydrophytic SOIL Soil Type: Alderwood Hydric Soils List: No Histic Epipedon? No Mottles? Yes Gleyed? No Matrix Color: lOYR412 Mottle Colors: Depth: 12" Other hydric soil indicators: No Is the hydric soil criterion met? Yes Rationale: Chroma 2 with mottles HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? No Surface water depth: - Is the soil saturated? No Depth to free-standing water in probe hole: NQ Other field evidence hydrology: Soils with low chroma, mottled Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? Yes Rationale: HJ!.droloKJ!.. i~"ed from soil conditions WETLAND DETERMINATION Are wetland criteria met? yes Rationale for wetland decision: Positive indicatorsfor each parameter Project Name: Stonehaven AlderNW Field Investigator(s): G.Munger 518 North 59th Street Project No.: 51103 Date: 91412003 Seattle, Washington 98103 . · . DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE WETLAND DETERMINATION Describe General Site Mixed forest Data Point No.: DP-2 Conditions: Site Disturbance? Horses have access for pasture Location: See Site Map VEGETATION C) I C) I Dominant Plant Species tiSB Dominant Plant Species tiSB ·gs ,gs ~oo ~oo -tZl -tZl 1 Fraxins latifolia FacW T 8 2 Ranunculus repens FacW S 9 3 Grasses 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 Percent of dominant species that are OBL, F ACW, and/or F AC: 100 Is the hydrophytic vegetation criterion met? Yes Rationale: More than 500/6 species hydrophytic SOIL Soil Type: Alderwood Hydric Soils List: No Histic Epipedon? No Mottles? Yes Gleyed? No Matrix Color: 10YR4/3 Mottle Colors: Depth: 12" Other hydric soil indicators: No Is the hydric soil criterion met? No Rationale: Chroma 3 HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? No Surface water depth: - Is the soil saturated? No Depth to free-Standing water in probe hole: - Other field evidence hydrology: No Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? No Rationale: No evidence of long term soil saturaion WETLAND DETERMINATION Are wetland criteria met? No Rationale for wetland decision: Non hydric soil; no evidence of soil saturation Project Name: Stonehaven AlderNW Field Investigator(s): G.Munger 518 North 59th Street Project No.: 51103 Date: 9/4/03 Seattle, Washington 98103 · . DATA FORM ROUTINE ON-SITE WETLAND DETERMINATION Describe General Site Adjacent to mowed lawn, landscaping Data Point No.: DP-3 Conditions: Site Disturbance? mowing Location: &esite map VEGETATION (5 J (5 J Dominant Plant Species ~2 Dominant Plant Species ~2 .2S :as ]r/) 00 Clr/) 00 -1 Phalaris arundinacea FacW H 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 Percent of dominant species that are OBL, F ACW, and/or F AC: 100 Is the hydrophytic vegetation criterion met? Yes Rationale: More than 50% sspecies hydrophytic SOIL SOil Type: Alderwood Hydric Soils List: No Histic Epipedon? No Mottles? No Gleyed? No Matrix Color: 1OYR4/3 Mottle Colors: -Depth: 12" Other hydric soil indicators: No Rationale: Chroma 3 with mottles HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? No Surface water depth: - Is the soil saturated? Depth to free-standing water in probe hole: - Other field evidence hydrology: No Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? No Rationale: No evidence of soil saturation WETLAND DETERMINATION Are wetland criteria met? No Rationale for wetland decision: Non hydric soil, no evidence of soil saturation Project Name: Stonehaven A1derNW Field Investigator(s): G.Munger 518 North 59th Street Project No.: 51103 Date: 9/4/03 Seattle, Washington 98103 · . Not to Scale ALDERNW VICINITY MAP Stonehaven Renton, Washington Project No.71B03 Date Jan, 2004 Figure 1 ~. 80 1/>.\.601 \<\Oct _,1 .,,' pCS. ,':I \l0\" ,.,.'" DP-l. ApproxlMo.te Do.to. Point Loco.tlon APPROXIMATE SCALE o 80 160 feet -------------- S. 47TH STREET \.ll'lp\./>.11tO .eI' \.l\,\p\./>.11tO '4!~E\ TCP Of PI'[ 375.1 D/W D/W o/W P 61':10S6 'f..C' s· 18"ooOS':I"?J \<tC. \,\0. -.ftW" 'N\I'IO~O\< ?~~C~~~"?JO \lO\'. ,,"?J. S.E. 185TH PLACE (DEAD END) A derNW SITE PLAN Stonehaven Renton, Washington t J( ~ Proj. No. 71803 Date Jan. 2004 Figure 2 '--~ j ( l08th Ave. SE \>\10 1 \6t .. 171 789 IF" I~V ~t:-J ~ 110 p,6 s. l-l .j..J Cf.l .j..J Q) "CI Q) l-l ~ C'l .j..J 0\ Cf.l ,..d ~ .j..J ~\V ~ " -..:t . l02nd Ave. SE \~V~j Cf.l .<0 a , t~r ~ ~~ H Cf.l "3 FIGURE 3 . Cf.l Year 2006 P.M. Peak Without Devel Hour Volumes opment Chrislopher Bro 9688 Qainier A wn.Q@ Associales 6 1 ve.l9 eall e, WA 98118-5981 ('206) 7'2'2-1910 fax ('206) 7'2'2-1909 -8- A schematic diagram showing the trip distribution, as a percent of all trips, is shown below. In developing this figure there are no assumed arterial facility capacity restraints. Moreover, it is also presumed that there is an equal likelihood for employment to be evenly distributed in accordance with the PSRC employment forecast by traffic analysis zone and that spatial distance does not skew the results. ~, ~ Carr Road Assignment 8 ..c: +J ;:j o SITBn FIGURE 4 Trip Distribution in Percent Street A schematic diagram showing the future design hour (p.m. peak) trip assignment developed by Stonehaven is shown on Figure 5. In developing this figure there are no assumed arterial facility capacity restraints. Year 2006 Horizon Year Traffic Figure 6, the 2006Vo!umes with Project, displays the traffic volumes with Stonehaven completed and fully occupied. -9-Christopher Brown (9 Associates 9688 Qainier Ave. &. &eattle, WA 98118-5981 ('206) 7'2'2-1910 fax ('206) 7'2'2-1909 Jol ~ . i I Talbot f ..... °0 H .j.J U) '\j H ("f) ..j" " Rd. S. .j.J OJ OJ H .j.J U) ..c: .j.J ,...... ..j" l08th Ave. SE ~ l02nd Ave. SE o ;F '0 1°(1 .j.J U) '\j P N 0'1 .....-I 1VO~ ~ __ 0 . 1-(, o)~ y o~ I~C TalbotRoad~.~s~._l~--::J==~~,O~~t=-<==~~O==='3=-·--- East V 1 ~o ~ a ley Highway 0 0\ 1° CO FIGURE 5 . U) Stonehaven Peak H our Traffic Assignment Christopher Br 9688 Rainier A~:.n6 @ Associates ~attle, WA 98118-5981 ( 06) 7'2'2-1910 Fax ('206) 7'2'2-1909 -10- Rd. S . .j.J Q) Q) H .j.J Cf) ,..d .j.J " ~ \. -----', l08th Ave. SE ~ l02ndAve SE , v."t/ \1-\" \,).~ ~~ /~ TalbotRoad~:--~q~'S:~2-277 =-t.::=~~:....---- I."l? /"'1- rP East Valley Highway .S. t~' tl.o r ~ f\",~ .j.J Q) Q) H .j.J FIGURE 6 Year 2006 PM P k With the Sto~eh ea Hour Volumes aven Development -11- Cf) ..c: .j.J Lf) Lf) . Cf) Chrislopher B 9688 Rainier ;own Sl (9 Associ ales & 1 ve.o all e, Wi\.. 98118 5981 (206) 7'.22-1910 r~ (206) 7'22-1909 As described earlier, the data assumes no diversion due to inadequate traffic conditions (such as congestion) nor presumes any geometrically or capacity inadequate linkages by the horizon year of2006. Capacity Analysis Capacity analysis is in accordance with the 1997 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and attendant intersection capacity up-dates for the new HCM 2000 publication by the Transportation Research Board. The analysis was accomplished using the software entitled HCS 3, produced and published by the McTrans Center at the University of Florida and used under license to Christopher Brown, P.E. When reviewing the following LOS summaries, note that the computer input and results are included in the Appendix. The appendix computations show only the worst case LOS at the various STOP controlled intersections. Further, for simplicity, only the LOS and average per vehicle delay (in seconds) are used in the following table. TABLEll Levels of Service Intersection 2002 SE 192nd Streetll08th Avenue SE D 44.5sec. SE 192nd Streetll02nd Avenue SE B 11.6 sec. S. 56th Streetrralbot Road S. * B 13.8 sec. SW 43rd StreetiTalbot Road S. * D 46.1 sec. SW 43rd StreetlNB Ramps at SR 167 C 28.1 sec. SW 43rd StreetlEast Valley Road D 49.4 sec. -12- 2006 2006 Without With Project Project D D 49.9 sec. 50.1 sec. B B 11.8 sec. 12.2 sec. B C 14.3 sec. 17.4 sec. D D 51.0 sec. 51.8 sec. C C 30.6 sec. 30.7 sec. D E 54.7 sec. 56.2 sec. Christopher Brown (9 Associates 9688 Qainier Ave. &. &cattle. WA 98118-5981 ('206) 7'2'2-1910 fax ('206) 7'2'2-1909 Comments on Levels of Service In Table II the levels of service use the existing street geometry. In the year 2006 no changes in street geometrics or in traffic control device strategy are needed or required. The LOS at the intersection of SW 43rd Street and Talbot Road S. shown by an * is for the STOP controlled east side serving site generated traffic. On the minor traffic side, the west leg, the LOS is actually at 'F' under today's traffic and also at LOS'F' in the future either with or without the project. It is doubtful volume based signal warrants exist at the intersection of SW 43 rd Street and Talbot Road S. and, a review of the traffic accident history at this intersection, with 3 in the year 2000, 2 in the year 2001 and 3 in the year 2002 similarly are insufficient to bring the accident warrant into play. Accordingly, the current low LOS on the west leg can be deemed as an unmitigated adverse element not impacted by the project's traffic. With the above results no changes are proposed to either the road system or to the traffic control strategy now being used. The projected levels of service are all within the acceptable limits. Indeed, with only one intersection, SW 43 rd Street at East Valley Road, dropping to LOS 'E' by the year 2006 it may be taken that traffic operations are at adequate levels: on the face of this analysis. Accordingly, no remediation is required. Finally, the Comprehensive Plan, as amended on August 14th, 2000, no longer uses levels of service as a threshold but, rather, at Il:·30, has a new LOS policy that is based on travel times. At II-32, for single occupant vehicles, being able to travel 14 miles in 30 minutes is deemed adequ~te. With the foregoing noted LOS values of Table II, this is met. Adverse Consequences and Mitigation Measures This project will not induce any adverse traffic impacts. Since the levels of service indicate that the project's added traffic will be well within the adopted travel-time standards, no traffic mitigation measures are required. Fundamentally, the local street network will continue to function very well on completion of the project. Accidents Accident data for the last three years was obtained from city files. Only 4 collisions were tabulated for Talbot Road S. from SW 43 rd Street to S. 55th Street. -13-Christopher Brown @ Associates 9688 Rainier Ave. &. &eattle. WA 98118-5981 ('206) 72'2-1910 Fax ('206) 7'2'2-1909 On Talbot Road S. at 45th Place South there were 2 accidents in three years. Similarly, at South 54th Street there were also 2 accidents in three years. The highest frequency was noted at South 55th Street there were 8 accidents in three years. Of these eight accidents 2 involved turning vehicles and 5 were rear end types. No statistical certainty is associated with this low accident frequency. Accordingly, it may be concluded that accidents appear to be taking place as random events: driver error is the common factor. Conclusions The following conclusions may be considered with respect to the proposed 40-10t single- family residential development -Stonehaven. -14- • The development, as a single-family residential project, will conform to the neighborhood as it is currently developing. • The road network under review in this TIA includes 1 02nd Avenue SE, SE 192nd Street, Talbot Road S., and SW 43 rd Street. • All of these roads currently have adequate levels of service. • Based on the 6th edition of Traffic Generation and the use of the published regression equations for single-family residences it will generate some 446 trips per day with 37 of these trips taking place during the morning peak hour and 47 in the p.m. peak hour. • For analysis purposes the time when the project is complete and fully occupied is taken at the year 2006. This is the horizon year for the TIA. • The traffic assignment of site-generated traffic is based on the published PSRC 2010 employment forecast within a 15-mile radius of the site. • The City of Renton Comprehensive Plan, amended August 14th, 2000, no longer uses levels of service (LOS) at intersections for threshold determinations; rather, it references the LOS to travel times. For a single unit vehicle it sets the threshold at completing a 14-mile trip in 30 or less minutes. From the LOS computations noted in this TIA that standard is met. • From a traffic perspective, while additional traffic will be borne by the arterial street network, there are no documented adverse traffic consequences. • There is no documented significant accident hazard along the Talbot Road S. corridor from SW 43rd Street to S. 55th Street. • With entirely adequate LOS standards being maintained up through the year 2006 it may be concluded that the Stonehaven project produces no significant direct traffic impacts to the road system. • On the basis of the foregoing analysis no traffic mitigation is required. No adverse traffic impacts are anticipated as a direct result of the project. Christopher Brown (f) Associates 9688 Rainier A ve. ~. &attle. WA 98118-5981 (206) 72'2-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 Land Use: 210 Single-Family Detached Housing Description Single-family detached housing includes all single-family detached homes on individual lots. A typical site surveyed is a suburban subdivision. Additional Data The peak hour of the generator typically coincides with the peak hour of the adjacent street traffic. The sites were surveyed from the late 1960s to the mid-1990s throughout the United States and Canada. The number of vehicles and the number of residents have a high correlation with average weekday vehicle trip ends. The use of these variables is limited, however, because the number of vehicles and residents is often difficult to obtain or predict. The number of dwelling units is generally used as the independent variable of choice because it is usually readily available, easy to project, and has a high correla:tion with average weekday vehicle trip ends. This land use includes data from a wide variety of units with different sizes, price ranges, locations, and ages. Consequently, there is a wide variation in trips generated within this category. As expected, dwelling units that were larger in size, more expensive, or farther away from the central business district (CBD) had a higher rate of trip generation per unit than those smaller in size, less expensive, or closer to the CBD. Other factors, such as geographic location and type of adjacent and nearby development, may also have had an effect on the site trip generation. Single-family detached units have the highest trip generation rate per dwelling unit of all residential uses, because they are the largest units in size and have more residents and more vehicles per unit than other residential land uses; they are generally located farther away from shopping centers, employment areas, and other trip attractors than are other residential land uses; and they generally have fewer alternate modes of transportation available, because they are typically not as concentrated as other residential land uses. Source Numbers 1,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14, 16, 19,20,21,26,34,35,36,38,40,71,72,84,91,98,100,105, 108,110,114,117,119,157,167,177, 187, 192,207,211,246,275,283,293,300,319,320, 357,384,435 Trip Generation, 6th Edition 262 Institute of Transportation Engineers Single-FamilY Detached Housing (210) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday ... Number of Studies: 348 Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 198 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation per Dwelling Unit Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 9.57 4 .. 31 -21.85 3.69 Data Plot and Equation 30,000 .------------------------------~ .,;"'// //// """"""""" X 20,000 .. - -.... --. -. -. - -----.. - -.. - -. -. - -----... - -- -. - ---~.//,.",: -. --. -----. -. --. -. --. x /~//////. //" x . //// . ------... -.... -... -.. ~~>f'-~ -. --... -.......... ---',-----. -. -. -. -------... -.. . .. ~ ..... // . x: x 10,000 x o~~---~-----r-----.-----T-----,----~ o 1000 2000 3000 x = Number of Dwelling Units X Actual Data Points -~-Fitted Curve - - - - - -Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.920 Ln(X) + 2.707 R2 = 0.96 Trip Generation, 6th Edition 263 Institute of Transportation Engineers . -------.. _-"---._-- Si •• gle-Family Detached Housing (210) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. Number of Studies: 271 Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 202 Directional Distribution: 25% entering, 75% exiting Trip Generation per Dwelling Unit Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 0.75 0.33 2.27 0.90 Data Plot and Equation 3,000 -,------~-------------------------...-,--, ,.,.,.,. . . ,."" 2,000 ............................................................. //'>;/. x x 1,000 .... -. -. -.... - -.. _ .... _. -",' --.~",."":.;..,, : .".",,'" x o o 1000 x = Number of Dwelling Units X Actual Data Points ---Fitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.700(X) + 9.477 Trip Generation, 6th Edition 264 2000 3000 - - - - - -Average Rate R2 = 0.89 Institute of Transportation Engineers Single-Family Detached Housing (210) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m . .. . Number of Studies: 294 Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 216 Directional Distribwtion: 64% entering, 36% exiting Trip Generation per Dwelling Unit Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 1.01 0.42 2.98 1.05 Data Plot and Equation 3,000 -,----~-------------------------/-/----, / x : ,,;/// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / x 2,0.0.0 .......................... ' ......................... /. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ........ . x x X X /"/ ,/ 1,.000 ........................ /~ .. . X,..../" . .................. "t"········· _ .............. - x // D~~----~----~-----~-----T-----~---~ o 100.0 20.0.0 300.0 x = Number of Dwelling Units X Actual Data Points ---Fitted Curve ------Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.901 Ln(X) + 0.527 R2 = 0.91 Trip Generation, 6th Edition 265 Institute of Transportation Engineers City of Renton Corridor Report 10/9/03 {eport Period: 01/0112000 to 12/31/2002 ~orridor: TALBOT RD S between Fifty Fifth. S and CARRRD S ~omment: Requested by Ron Mar, 10/8/03 ~ifty Fifth. S at TALBOT RD S :ear: 2000 Date TIme Of Case Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Mon-6/5/00 08:10PM 00-484 Right Angle Wed-9/6/00 04:20PM 00-807 Rear End Thu-12/28/00 05:25 PM 00-1176 Rear End Vearly Totals: Number of Collisio 3 Tear: 2001 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Tue-8/21101 11:32 AM 01-740 Rear End Wed-9/26/01 04:08PM 01-846 Rear End iearly Totals: Number of Collisio 2 Tear: 2002 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Tue-4/9/02 02:15 AM 02-2821 Rear End Thu-4/25/02 07:29PM 02-329 Approach Tum Mon-6/24/02 03:51 PM 02-500 Ap roach Tum (early Totals: Number of Collisio 3 :'ink Totals: Number of Collisio 8 'ALBOT RD S, 225 ft. N of Fifty Fifth. S , ear: 2000 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Sun-7 /23/00 01:15 AM 00-671 Fixed ObjectlParked Vehicle {early Totals: Number of Collisio 1 .. ink Totals: Number of Collisio 1 'ORTY FIFTH PL. S at TALBOT RD S ear: 2000 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number Type of Collision Page 1 Direction Veh 1 Veh2 E->W N->E E->W E->W N->S N->E Totals: Direction Veh 1 Veh2 E->W E->W N->S N->S Totals: Direction Veh 1 Veh2 N->S N->E N->E S->N N->E S->N Totals: Totals: Direction Veh 1 Veh2 N->S Totals: Totals: Direction Veh 1 Veh2 Num Num Hit & Tot Fat In" PD~ Run Veh P 2· P 2 1 2 0 1 2 0 6 Num Num Hit & Tot Fat In" PD~ Run Veh P 2 2 2 0 2 1 0 4 Num Num Hit & Tot Fat In" PD~ Run Veh P H 2 2 P 2 0 1 2 1 6 0 4 5 1 16 Num Num Hit & Tot Fat In" PD~ Run 'Veh P 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Num Num Hit & Tot Fat Inj PD~ Run Veh Fri-11117/00 02:10PM 00-1041 wipe S->E S-> P 21 Yearly Totals: Number of Collisio 1 Tota 0 0 1 0 2 {ear: 2001 Date Time Of Case Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Veh 1 Veh2 Fat In" PD~ Run Veh Sun-3/25/01 09:26PM 01-0264 Sideswipe S->S S->N P 2 Yearly Totals: Number of Collisio 1 Totals: 0 0 1 0 2 Link Totals: Number of Collisio 2 Totals: 0 0 2 0 4 [' ALBOT RD S, 200 ft. N of FORTY FIFTH PL. S {ear: 2000 Date Time Of Case Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Veh 1 Veh2 Fat In" PD~ Run Veh Mon-9/18/00 07:09AM 00-849 Approach Tum N->E S->N 1 Yearly Totals: Number of Collisio 1 Totals: 0 1 0 0 Link Totals: Number of Collisio 1 Totals: 0 1 0 0 :ARR RD S at TALBOT RD S :ear: 2001 Date Time Of Case Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Veh 1 Veh2 Fat In" PD~ Run Veh Sun-9/23/01 08:30AM 01-833 Fixed ObjectlParked Vehicle E->W 1 1 Yearly Totals: Number of Collisio 1 Totals: 0 1 0 0 1 'ear: 2002 Date Time Of Case Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Veh 1 Veh2 Fat In" PD~ Run Veh Sat-12/14/02 04:00PM 02-10581 Rear End E->W E->W P 2 ~early Totals: Number of Collisio 1 Totals: 0 0 1 0 2 ~ink Totals: Number of Collisio 2 Totals: 0 1 1 0 3 'otals for Corridor rumber of Collisions: 14 'otal Vehicles Involved: 23 rumber of Fatalities: 0 (0.00%) rumber ofInjuries: 5/6 (35.71% rumber ofPDOs: 9 (64.29% Page 2 City of Renton Corridor Report 10/9/03 Report Period: 0110112000 to 12/3112002 Corridor: Fifty Fifth. S between ONE-SIX-SEVEN. SR and CITY LIMITS Comment: Requested by Ron Mar, 10/8/03 [fifty Fifth. S at TALBOT RD S iear: 2000 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Mon-6/5/00 08:10 PM 00-484 Right Angle Wed-9/6/00 04:20PM 00-807 Rear End Thu-12/28/00 05:25 PM 00-1176 Rear End Yearly Totals: Number of Collisio 3 {ear: 2001 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Tue-8/21/0 1 11:32 AM 01-740 Rear End Wed-9/26/01 04:08 PM 01-846 Rear End Yearly Totals: Number of Collisio 2 {ear: 2002 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Tue-4/9/02 02:15 AM 02-2821 Rear End Thu-4/25/02 07:29 PM 02-329 Approach Tum Mon-6/24/02 03:51 PM 02-500 Approach Tum Yearly Totals: Number of Collisio 3 Link Totals: Number of Collisio 8 ~ifty Fifth. S, 1,500 ft. E of TALBOT RD S 'ear: 2000 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number T e of Collision Tue-8/29/00 05:20PM 00-787 -C Right Angle ~ early Totals: Number of Collisio 1 :"ink Totals: Number of Collisio 1 'ifty Fifth. S, 2,650 ft. E of TALBOT RD S 'ear: 2000 Date Time Of Case Collision Collision Number Type of Collision Page 1 Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Veh 1 Veh2 Fat In" PD~ Run Veh E->W N->E P 2 E->W E->W P 2 N->S N->E 1 2 Totals: 0 1 2 0 6 Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Veh 1 Veh2 Fat In" PD~ Run Veh E->W E->W P 2 N->S N->S 2 2 Totals: 0 2 1 0 4 Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Veh 1 Veh2 Fat In" PD~ Run Veh N->S N->E P H 2 N->E S->N 2 N->E S->N P 2 Totals: 0 1 2 1 6 Totals: 0 4 5 1 16 Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Veh 1 Veh2 Fat In" PD~ Run Veh W->E E->W I Totals: 0 1 0 0 Totals: 0 1 0 0 Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Veh 1 Veh2 Fat Ini PD~ Run Veh Wed-6128/00 09:40AM Yearly Totals: Number of Collisio Link Totals: Number of Collisio rotals for Corridor ~umber of Collisions: total Vehicles Involved: ~umber of Fatalities: ~umber ofInjuries: ~umber of PDOs: 00-570 1 1 10 16 0 (0.00%) 5/6 (50.00% 5 (50.00% 1 ObjectlParked VehicIe E->W 1 Tot 0 1 0 0 Totals: 0 1 0 0 Page 2 City of Renton Location Report 10/9/03 leport Period: 0110112000 to 12/3112002 Jocation: FORTY THIRD ST. S at TALBOT RD S ~omment: Requested by Ron Mar, 10/8/03 Year 2000 Collision Time Of Case Date Collision Number Type of Collision Sun-1/16/00 06:44AM 00-50 Sideswipe Mon-3/6/00 03:53 PM 00-201 Rear End Tue-3/21/00 04:44AM 00-254 Sideswipe Mon-4/3/00 03:23 PM 00-294 Rear End Fri-5/12/00 09:56AM 00-424 Right Angle Tue-5/23/00 01:08 PM 00-455-1 RightAngle Wed-6/7/00 12:50 AM 00-490 Rear End Sun-6/11/00 12:20 PM 00-515 Rear End Sat-7/8/00 05:53 PM 00-615 Rear End Fri-8/25/00 07:08 PM 00-774 Right Angle Sun-9/3/00 07:05 PM 00-804 Rear End Wed-9/20/00 01:48 PM 00-857 Rear End Mon-10/16/00 07:30 AM 00-934-C Rear End Thu-10/19/00 01:00PM 00-945 Sideswipe Mon-IO/30/00 01:41 PM 00-982 Sideswipe Mon-11/20/00 09:52AM 00-1054 Rear End Fri-12/8/00 05:20 PM 00-1111C Rear End Mon-12/11/00 12:15 PM 00-1120C Rear End Fri-12/29/00 06:45 PM 00-1177B Rear End umber of Collisions: 19 Year 2001 Collision Time Of Case Date Collision Number Type of Collision Tue-1/16/01 03:15 PMOI-0047C Sideswipe Mon-1/22/01 04:15 PM 01-0068 Sideswipe Sun-2/11/01 01:50 PM 01-0125C Sideswipe Fri-3/23/0 1 08:21 AM 01-0255 Right Angle Tue-3/27/01 04:40 PM 01-275-B Head On Thu-3/29/01 01:08 AM 01-0283 Right Angle Sat-5/5/01 02:28 AM 01-404 Right Angle Tue-5/22/01 06:40AM 01-458 Right Angle Sat-5/26/0 1 01:22 PM 01-475 Right Angle Fri-6/1/01 02:20PM 01-491 Right Angle Sat-6/23/0 1 04:00AM 01-562 Fixed ObjectlParked Vehicle Tue-6/26/0 1 03:00 PM 01-567 Right Angle Tue-7/1 0/01 10:35 PM 01-612 Rear End Sun-7/15/01 05:41 PM 01-627 Rear End Wed-7/18/01 12:20 PM 01-632C Backing Tue-7 /24/01 10:09 AM 01-647 Rear End Fri-l0/12/01 11 :30 AM 01-891 C Rear End Sun-11111/01 12:54 AM 01-990 Approach Tum Thu-12/6/01 04:19 PM 01-1072 Rear End Mon-12/1O/0 1 08:50 PM 01-1 085C Sideswipe Pagel Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Veh 1 Veh2 Fat Inj PDO Run Veh E->W E->W 0 P 2 W->E W->E 0 2 4 W->W W->E 0 1 2 E->W E->W 0 P H 3 N->W S->W 0 P 2 W->S N->S 0 P 2 W->S W->S 0 3 2 E->W E->W 0 P 3 W->E W->E 0 3 W->E N->S 0 2 W->E W->E 0 P 2 E->W E->W 0 P 3 W->E W->E 0 5 W->S W->S 0 P 3 W->S W->S 0 P 2 E->W E->W 0 P 3 S->W S->N 0 P 2 S->N S->N 0 2 E->W E->W 0 P 2 Totals: 0 10 12 1 49 Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Veh 1 Veh2 Fat Inj PDO Run Veh S->N S->W 0 P 2 N->S N->S 0 P 2 E->W E->W 0 P 2 N->S W->E 0 P 2 E->W W->E 0 3 3 N->S W->E 0 1 H 2 E->W N->S 0 2 H 2 E->W S->N 0 P 3 W->S S->N 0 P H 2 S->E W->E 0 P 2 S->N 0 P 1 E->W N->S 0 2 N->S N->S 0 P H 2 E->W E->W 0 P 2 Bck N->S 0 P 2 E->W E->W 0 P 2 E->W E->W 0 2 W->N E->W 0 P 2 W->E W->E 0 P 2 W->E W->E 0 P 2 ~umber of Collisions: 20 Tota 0 8 15 4 41 Year 2002 Collision Time Of Case Direction Num Num Hit & Tot Date Collision Number Type of Collision Veh 1 Veh2 Fat Inj PD~ Run Veh Thu-1I24/02 12:47 PM 02-082 Sideswipe S->N S->N 0 P 2 Wed-3/6/02 07:15 AM 02-180C Rear End E->W E->W 0 P 2 Mon-3/25/02 05:29PM 02-245 Backing Bck N->S 0 P 2 Thu-4/4/02 05:56PM 02-267 Right Angle S->W W->N 0 P 3 Tue-7116/02 05:54PM 02-557 Rear End S->N S->N 0 1 3 Tue-7/30/02 11:27 AM 02-598 Right Angle W->S S->W 0 P 2 Wed-8/21/02 11:56 PM 02-685 Right Angle N->S W->N 0 1 2 Tue-9117/02 12:30 AM 02-7421 Sideswipe E->W E->W 0 P H 2 Thu-9/19/02 07:51 PM 02-754 Right Angle W->E N->E 0 3 4 Sat-l 0/ 19/02 05:10PM 02-849 Right Angle N->S W->E 0 2 2 Fri-l1/8/02 06:24AM 02-920 Right Angle S->E W->E 0 P 2 Fri-I1/8/02 11 :55 AM 02-923C Rear End W->E W->E 0 2 2 Thu-12/5/02 04:29PM 02-1015 Rear End E->W E->W 0 P 2 ~umber of Collisions: 13 Totals: 0 9 8 1 30 :;rand Totals: ~umber of Collsions: 52 ~umber of Vehicles Involved: 120 ~umber of Fatalities: 0 (0.00%) ~umber ofInjuries: 17127 (32.69%) ~umber of PDOs: 35 (67.31%) ~ollision Rate: 0.00 Page2 'J '-) . - ).: -. CITY OF RENTON: TRANSPORTATION DIVISION, TRAFFIC COUNT SUMM LOCATION: S CARR RD E/O TALBOT RD S ~~ TC#: 137 STA#: P 03050-10 03 AVERAGE WEEKDAY TRAFFIC 1l DATE: Jul-03 AVERAGE HOURLY VOLUMES WKD WKD P P BEGIN END EB WB TOTAL EB WB 0 100 251 126 377 0.67 0.33 100 200 159 86 245 0.65 0.35 200 300 114 79 193 0.59 0.41 300 400 78 102 180 0.43 0.57 400 500 89 253 342 0.26 0.74 500 600 166 752 918 0.18 0.82 600 700 317 1286 1603 0.20 0.80 700 800 465 1432 1897 0.25 0.75 800 900 576 1245 1821 0.32 0.68 900 1000 685 1298 1983 0.35 0.65 1000 1100 827 1296 2122 0.39 0.61 1100 1200 1016 1178 2195 0.46 0.54 1200 1300 1065 1207 2272 0.47 0.53 1300 1400 1076 1276 2352 0.46 0.54 1400 1500 1240 1158 2398 0.52 0.48 1500 1600 1442 1019 2460 0.59 0.41 1600 1700 1543 965 2507 0.62 0.38 1700 1800 1507 920 2427 0.62 0.38 1800 1900 1191 1015 2206 0.54 0.46 1900 2000 1054 829 1882 0.56 0.44 2000 2100 943 673 1616 0.58 0.42 2100 2200 865 601 1466 0.59 0.41 2200 2300 648 453 1101 0.59 0.41 2300 2400 430 288 718 0.60 0.40 TOTAL: 17746 19536 37282 ANGSUMMAR Y: AM PM ENDHR iVOLUME ENDHR VOLUME TOTAL 1200 2195 1700 2507 EB 1200 1016 1700 1543 WB 800 1432 1400 1276 K FACTOR 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.9 2.5 4.3 5.1 4.9 5.3 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.3 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.5 5.9 5.0 4.3 3.9 3.0 1.9 100 /. CITY OF RENTON: TRANSPORTATION DIVISION, TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY LOCATION: S 55TH ST EJO TALBOT RD S p..wfl' TC#: 019 STA#: P 06224-20 00 ~) AVERAGE WEEKDAY TRAFFIC DATE: Feb-OO AVERAGE HOURLY VOLUMES WKD WKD P P K BEGIN END EB WB TOTAL EB WB FACTOR 0 100 14 4 18 0.80 0.20 0.3 100 200 9 2 11 0.79 0.21 0.2 200 300 5 4 9 0.56 0.44 0.2 300 400 3 4 7 0.44 0.56 0.1 400 500 3 21 24 0.11 0.89 0.5 500 600 9 114 123 0.07 0.93 2.4 600 700 16 358 373 0.04 0.96 7.4 700 800 31 471 502 0.06 0.94 10.0 800 900 45 245 289 0.15 0.85 5.7 900 1000 47 150 197 0.24 0.76 3.9 1000 1100 57 121 178 0.32 0.68 3.5 1100 1200 77 106 182 0.42 0.58 3.6 1200 1300 93 117 210 0.44 0.56 4.2 1300 1400 101 119 221 0.46 0.54 4.4 1400 1500 148 109 257 0.58 0.42 5.1 ./ '\ 1500 1600 272 123 395 0.69 0.31 7.8 1 1600 1700 406 115 521 0.78 0.22 10.3 I 1700 1800 467 106 573 0.82 0.18 1l.4 1800 1900 244 103 347 0.70 0.30 6.9 1900 2000 128 75 203 0.63 0.37 4.0 2000 2100 106 46 152 0.70 0.30 3.0 2100 2200 87 35 121 0.71 0.29 2.4 2200 2300 57 20 77 0.74 0.26 1.5 2300 2400 39 10 49 0.80 0.20 1.0 TOTAL: 2463 2575 5039 100 WANG SUM MARY: AM PM ENDHR VOLUME ENDHR VOLUME TOTAL 800 502 1800 573 EB 1200 77 1800 467 WB 800 471 1600 123 --., 077P Cih of Renton \ieather-: SUNNY Trans::lC<da~~on Sy~t~lIIs Division ~ Studv Nalle: TMC077P ""\ -d bv:JWSiSLC Tt'a~t1: Operatlons {l.~ Site Code : 00000000 .: fnte ~-;:;a:-d ij : ;-(>,920 c0.0~ Studles St.art Date: 08/04/03 S:jt"face : ;)F:f P3gr : " CARSJPEDESTRIANS~HEAVY VEHICLES ISR-167 NB m~ RP.tl)P is(~ 43RD CT iSR-167 NB OFF RAj'I;P !5W 43RD 1-" '"" ;::li i Southbound ! Westbound i Nor·thbound iEastbound Start ! !ntv:. Tille i Left TnrlJ Rioht Otheri Left Thr--u Rir:ht Othe~' i Left Thr'u Righi: Other-f Left Tllr" Rioht Othe~'-i TCt2.~ 08/04/03 15:001 0 0 ~ 2i 0 227 · .. :t 0i B~ 0 bit 0; 33 393 0 0! ';37 15:151 0 e e 0i 0 2i3 l03 2i &8 0 73 0i ;. ~ 404 0 {if 'J5~ )G 15:301 0 0 0 0i 0 250 (1" 01 67 0 &8 ~,; 79 :m ~ 01 S37 -'-'-I 15:451 0 0 0 1! 0 277 Ba 0! &6 0 B2 01 75 402 0 01 991 HourI 0 0 0 31 0 %7 371 2i 28: 0 287 21 333 1578 0 01 3824 1 I j 1&:001 0 0 0 01 0 304 75 11 78 0 79 01 97 485 0 01 1119 1&: 151 0 0 0 01 ~; 333 % 01 70 0 74 01 89 4&9 0 01 1131 16:301 0 0 0 01 0 300 11& r.· 1:. ~ 7~, 0 77 31 % 455 0 01 1124 1&:451 0 0 0 01 0 303 &9 11 &9 0 70 0l &9 446 0 01 10&7 Hoad 0 0 0 01 0 1240 37b 4: 292 0 300 31 371 IB55 0 0i 4441 1 I i Totall 0 e €I 31 0 2207 747 bi 573 0 587 51 704 3433 0 01 8265 ~ Apr. I -100.01 74.5 25.2 0.2i 49.1 50.3 0.41 17.0 82.9 -I " Int. -I 2b. 7 9.0 -I &.9 7.1 -I 8.5 41. 5 "_.- /;) CO'jrte-G ii'l:.r~)S/SLC tDa;--d;! :D4-1t·2S i Southbound !5 43RD 51 CARS/~'EDESTRIANS, HEAVY vEHICLES i TALBOT RD ~ ! North~,Ct'JnG ':: 43RD 5T iEastbo-.;nd SLldv \al!~: T~iC~7~.~ Site Code : 00000000 Siad Daif: 07/14/03 : 1 St. ar-t i: I nt v 1. Tite L.eft Thr'IJ Eillht Jtj,er L.eft T'lru Right [)th~< l...eft Tht'u Ril.lht Otheri l.eft Thr-u Riohi Oiher) Total 07/14103 I 16: 151 1&:301 1&:451 17:001 17: 15i 17:301 17:45i Hour-i Total I 'j. Apr. ;< Int. 43 42 63 204 48 c-,,;/ 40 198 402 30. 7 5.0 42 51 17S 38 45 61 45 189 368 28.1 4.E> 57 &1 275 r .-~ l'C 63 72 60 257 40. 7 b.& < , ':'1 31 i 1 i 01 01 01 11 4! 0.31 -i 11 7 10 42 15 9 18 12 9b 5.1 1.2 199 208 7% 186 22b 190 824 1&20 86.3 20.3 17 20 80 21 19 19 14 73 153 8.1 1.9 0i 31 0i 0i 31 21 0! 21 11 51 81 0.41 0.11 "IC. 48 54 613 208 65 76 69 80 290 4% 57.9 6.2 27 31 31 29 118 27 35 28 122 240 27.9 3.0 17 12 16 19 13 18 15 121 14.0 1.5 0J &0 0i 68 ti ;; 0; 62 0i 256 I' 01 59 01 44 01 48 0i 5& 01 207 0! 463 -11. B -\ 5.8 261 285 304 33& 1188 309 345 280 1247 &2.1 30.5 105 122 ii7 134 142 139 129 544 1017 25.9 12.7 0~ S79 0l S4S 0! ifi~0 1 j 1055 1 i 3&32 j' .1 987 2 i 1072 0! 1066 01 ':.."- 31 4079 4! 7%1 0. i i -i l I --~ ...... 07<bf .. \: City of Renton Wl!ather : SUNNY Tr'ansportation Systus Diyision Study Nale: TMC07BP Countl!d by:SLC/JWS Tt'affic Opet'at ions '(L~tt\ Site Code : 00000000 Board # :D4-10211 2003 Studil!s Start Date: 07J~2/~3 Surface :DRY Pagl! : 1 CARS/PEDESTRIANS,HEAVY VEHICLES I EAST VALLEY RD 15101 43RD 5T I EAST VALLEY RD 15W 43RD 5T I Southbound IWl!stbound i NDrthbound IEa~tbound Start I 1 I Ilnhl. Tile I Left Thru Right Otherl Ll!ft Thru Right othl!rl Ll!ft Thru Right Otherl Ll!ft Thru Right Otherl Total 07/02/03 1 1 I I 15:001 121 54 7 01 23 162 88 2i 311 54 54 01 39 2% 52 0! 986 15:151 104 60 5 0! 25 185 110 01 41 47 54 01 j~ 372 47 11 1084 15:301 141 53 (:. 21 36 227 143 41 52 61 70 01 -:r~ L.L. 307 37 0\ 11&1 15:451 143 54 10 11 38 187 ;'JI; 31 42 &0 70 11 37 297 c~ 01 1125 ..... ~ oJ( Houri 509 221 2B 31 122 7&1 466 91 1&9 222 248 11 131 1272 193 11 435& I I I I 16:001 171 8b (. 01 25 1438 92 01 30 60 82 21 cr, ~'C. 291 ~C" ':'oJ 21 1132 16:151 152 72 10 01 39 201 114 21 48 66 89 01 41 298 49 01 1181 16:301 140 59 6" 21 42 232 140 01 59 68 86 01 38 309 59 01 1240 16:451 125 57 3 01 22 175 434 31 51 44 70 21 34 281 51 01 1012 Houri 588 274 25 21 128 806 440 51 100 238 327 41 165 1!79 194 21 4565 1 I I I Total! 10437 495 53 51 250 1567 906 141 357 460 575 51 2% 2451 387 31 8921 ~ Apr. I 66.4 30.0 3.2 0.31 9.1 57.2 33.1 0.51 25.5 32.9 41.1 0.31 9.4 78.1 12.3 -! " Int. 12.2 5.5 0.5 -I 2.8 17.5 10.1 0.11 4.0 5.1 6.4 -I 3.3 27.4 4.3 -I I I I TRAfFIC VOLUME SUMMARY • (/P (YO TIM! _7:1---__ TO _6 __ _ P = P!,AK HOU R Ea:s4-ecur"'c· 'Ne::s I b ~"'Sd Nc.r-+~Cc ur'\d S::: u+kccvr;c:! 15 T '-ME • ~,- I L 5 I I L 5 R I L S R I L 5 I rc+c 1411; -Pj;.r:-.;f-S~ II I .5'5 b 2ql , J-:l:} SOl tS-I;2:?D S-t-20 ~l~-~7> _r :SO If? 2£ :21-5'£ I -~ ·In ;>.)1 J>;) 12:P8 II :f:rL ( /:f?6 -~~)' 8 6:5 /1-s-/ IS-q.:r /0 jp:f-::}/ R 2& G i-20 4fj/-5lfl> S-CI 12 41 2fJ .:?2. 21 26/ 12 £1 212-ct. ?}]y ~ ~-rj5" 12. .;1-/3 :9/ It .:s:J -l: /('1 7'J 8/ 25':1 -S-1-YSJ t7S-S";r> II :;.d 11-1.1' /J' 3D 6 ISo )/£'" :rJ( 2"2/ S-'~J1). .~50'-S"/j5 1/ 12. /2-2'1 /5 J>/ I C lsi' J>:f -lb 221-~ '115" '>1/) -.{f71J r:t (0 /0 2S-/5' .z1..1 ~ /Jf2 :;j [/ :205 :3 t1.Z I . tt1(~ ;?for b b J;.h ~LX I I I :Jj1h~l1M "2-2-'2-'2. 2~i 1-ifl b :z j>.:) I I z I ~4'" I I b"'X I / M·e I I I I l/- p~,.r 2.. I :9 :z ~ 4ft> -S-:5'O 5& 2Tf :SO lLS2 _:;'1 Itfl. 11ft{ 1()2 ~I 2M JS!i 2S- Pllr' '1) ·:1'1 .. 'ib ,:r~ -bI, .~b .[1. . »::r ,72-,is" -I) ·/i TOTALS I I I ~OfTOTAL I I TRAf FIe VOLUME SUMMARY 'r-~OJCcr 5'?6Jt~hqvcn . INTEIScCTION OF: /O.zI7~~.~ • tJt> ~ TIME ,£1-TO b~ OA TE ali wo:? OA1 ~l!'".r«'9J' AND 5f!F"/np~t'e/- P= P!.AK HOUI Ec.s+ecur.c:. 'AJe::s I b ~~ ~~Ccur'\d Sc \..J~CcvflC! T I'M E I L 5 I I L 5 4cro -4/5" b' 58 0 I I I:f- 4}5"-q~ / 81-Z () .25' 4:Jb -/lq), :J :}Cj 0 0 2t1 ·7'~5-5?JO f Iff)" 0 I 2D ~_ 5'"/5 6 /10 / 6 26 .fl.j-.s~ ~ grr ·0 ~ 2'/ 5"j() ~ .j-?o/Y ;-Cftf / 2-:zt S-qr--6'00 b g5' 0 0 2D , Me 2- ~et.x I :z j7,oy / ?~uI./' / ;6}'j1.~ f }j~ /fLJf;5"15 '2.6 :J?~ P :5-rt ?Hr ·7' .fl ·)"0 -tJ .72. ~ . '}1 . -yJJ TOTALS I 1% of TOTAL I 7))-!l/ jl//Q"~ ~/I~ /i;r/o¢'. 7~~/ I I L S R I L 5 I 61 0 0 C> 11 I I / ~'I I. .~ C> 2 1 g 10 b r· 1 0 C> 7-2-0 3 Jf 0 0 1 ~ 0 2 Lf 0 0 0 g 0 0 ~ 0 6 I I o· / #1 I 0 L £ 0 0 #1 0 0 0 q 0 0 / 1 1 I I I t I 11-1 / 0 .3 tl. 0 :? ~ 1'1 I-j> . -1)" ::;s ·'3Y 1 . " I IS • ~,~ (c-b Cf/ /-:;0 /22- /1.i{ j~l /JC>( 1'10,) //1- f flAF F J (... V~l. UMt: ::'UMM.,.~i(j - . r-~QJE-CT ~G'"hqv~n DATE at] ",-002 OA'fMd. I NT! I S cC T ION 0 F : fo /6()t 1&1 s: A N 0 .:;: s-..r-lt, J"?-I'if Ec.s+cct...:r.c V\es: :-~~ 1~~.cC 0'"'.c Sc \.J~tco...;r,c rs T 1M E • ~, I LIs I I I Lis 1'1 L I s I I I s I I 1 L 1~ 4PD-q/sl / I / 01 0 ol~ o I /3 l:z 1 2.5 1:28 1 2 :;./ 4/5 -1':;>ill 012 01 310 zr / ·I..n /1 :;0 I ?~ 1 L 2Z qfO-4~~1 0 o· 01 q. () 15'S-D 2,~ 18 I ?816'£ z :;.0 ( 4-"~,.. .. {;trt> / I / I Z I ~r / 2'2-.J> .8tl ill, ~. ~bl S'~ "S/5 !l / I I / 0 9/ / ~ 'Z gr //t. ::P. 1.-1-~ .J r;,. ... ~~ 1 2-·0 / I 28 :2-1'1 SI /0-6 jOj· Z. 2.tb -. !>'Y> .. 5"t/s I / 2. C> I 1 I :Y'{) 1-;;'0 lS-I 1111 //)9 2.' 2~ 5'4r-·?Ci6 0 / 0 10 0 2D L L1-f--7S-1 <t / I :z 22') I , I I I ::r1l110' I z 1 13 I J;..h J9¢ I I I I I II I 5:t;){ I I I 1 / 4"'1 I I I I I 1 I I :Y<x I I I I I 1 I I . 1"1 , I I I / I I 19 I M·e. I I / I I I I I I I I I I 7 _9t'--~·-s-qr I f-6 21 s-:? I/O It' 7r 1151 372.I/lJ81 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I . TOTALS I I I , I I ~ of .J~~AL.\ I , I ,. '. . . , .• .. ' .. .. . .... . Stonehaven Appendix Table of Contents o ITE LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing-Definition o ITE LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing-weekday traffic o ITE LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing-a.m. peak traffic o ITE LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing-p.m. peak traffic o Accident Data, 2000 through 2003 ~ Weekday Traffic Counts -S. Carr Road east of Talbot Road S. ~ Weekday Traffic Counts -S. 55th Street east of Talbot Road S . • :. Manual Counts -SR 167 NB Ramps @ SW 43 rd Street .:. Manual Counts -Talbot Road S. @ @ SW 43rd Street .:. Manual Counts -East Valley Road @ @ SW 43rd Street .:. Manual Counts -SE 192nd Streetll0Sth Avenue SE .:. Manual Counts -SE 192nd Streetll 02nd Avenue SE .:. Manual Counts -Talbot Road S. @ S. 55th Street Levels of Service SE 192nd StreetllOSth Avenue SE SE 192nd Streetll0Sth Avenue SE SE 192nd Street/lOSth Avenue SE SE 192nd Streetll 02nd Avenue SE SE 192nd Streetll 02nd Avenue SE SE 192nd Streetl102nd Avenue SE Talbot Road S. @ S. 55th Street Talbot Road S. @ S. 55th Street Talbot Road S. @ S. 55th Street Talbot Road S. @ @ SW 43rd Street Talbot Road S. @ @ SW 43rd Street Talbot Road S. @ @ SW 43rd Street SR 167 NB Ramps @ SW 43 rd Street SR 167 NB Ramps @ SW 43 rd Street SR 167 NB Ramps @ SW 43 rd Street East Valley Road @ @ SW 43rd Street East Valley Road @ @ SW 43rd Street East Valley Road @ @ SW 43rd Street Current Volumes 2006 without Project 2006 with Project Current Volumes 2006 without Project 2006 with Project Current Volumes 2006 without Project 2006 with Project Current Volumes 2006 without Project 2006 with Project Current Volumes 2006 without Project 2006 with Project Current Volumes 2006 without Project 2006 with Project SH-CIP 1. SH-HIP 2. SH-PIP 3. SH-C2P 4. SH-H2P 5. SH-P2P 6. SH-C3P 7. SH-H3P S. SH-P3P 9. SH-C4P 10. SH-H4P 11. SH-P4P 12. SH-C5P 13. SH-H5P 14. SH-P5P 15. SH-C6P 16. SH-H6P 17. SH-P6P IS. Christopher Brown (S) Associates 9688 Rainier Ave. &. &cattle, WA 98118-5981 (206) 722-1910 Fax (206) 722-1909 Stonehaven SE 192nd Street @ 108th Avenue SE/SR 515 Current Traffic Volumes File SH-C1P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S GRADES -2.0 -4.0 2.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 3 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 4 0 4 RIGHTTURNONREDS 10 10 10 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 25 959 274 142 74 152 341 702 44 WIDTHS . 0 24.0 12.0 10.0 11. 0 . 0 . 0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 1.0 . 0 3.0 3.0 . 0 .0 .0 .0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .96 .90 .90 .80 .80 .80 .92 .90 .90 ARRIVALTYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUPLOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 3574 1823 1493 827 0 0 3376 1787 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 81 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEAD LAGS OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET CYCLES 90 110 10 PEDTIME GREENTIMES 16.18 20.25 5.23 32.34 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 8 9 5 10/10/03 14:49:07 RT 50 . 0 0 .00 . 0 .90 3 YES 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1900 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 W 7.0 3 NONE o o o .00 TH 271 12.0 1 .00 . 0 .90 3 YES 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1900 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NORM NORM 0 1526 NONE .00 .0 LT 36 .0 0 .00 . 0 .90 3 YES 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1900 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 NORM 0 NONE 1 0 Stonehaven SE 192nd Street @ 108th Avenue SE/SR 515 Current Traffic Volumes File SH-C1P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: 10/10/03 14:48:39 Degree of Saturation (v/c) .82 Vehicle Delay 44.5 Level of Service D+ Sq 81 **/** . / \ North I Phase 1 + + * "- + + * ++++ <+ + *> v G/C= .180 G= 16.211 Y+R= 4.0 11 OFF= 09,-• 0 Phase 2 + + + + <+ + v G/C= G= Y+R= * *> * * * * .225 20.3 11 4.0 11 OFF=22.4% Phase 3 Phase 4 ++++ <**** **** ++++ v <* + +> ++++> * + + ++++ * + + v G/C= .058 G/C= .359 G= 5.211 G= 32.3 11 Y+R= 4.0 11 Y+R= 4.0 11 OFF=49.4% OFF=59.6% C= 90 sec G= 74.0 sec = 82.2% Y=16.0 sec = 17.8% Ped= .0 sec = 09,-• 0 I Lane 'Width/' g/C , Service Rate, Adj , Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume , HCM 'L 190% Maxi vic Delay S Queue N Approach 31.0 C =============================================================================== TH+RTI 24/2 I .345 I LT 12/1 .245 .449 I 1511 I 1605 , 1082 I .674 I .180 173 321 304 .927' S Approach 20.7 I C+I 375 ftl 67.8 *E 312 ft 64.6 E+ =============================================================================== TH+RTI 24/2 I .377 , .328 , LT 12/1 .135 .058 946 , 1106 I 1140 11 .031 I 1 86 49 .471 E Approach 65.5 I*E+I 479 ftl 44.4 *D+ 58 ft 45.4 D =============================================================================== I RT LT+TH I 10/1 I .197 I .584 I 11/1 .426 .359 W Approach 819 I 222 871 I 296 165 , .189 , 282 .949 8.9 I A' 87 ftl 66.8 *E+ 227 ft 29.7 C =============================================================================== I LT + TH + RT I 12/1 I . 332 I . 359 I 445 I 548 I 3 97 I . 724 I 29 . 7 I C I 318 f t I Stonehaven 10/14/03 SE 192nd Street @ 108th Avenue SE/SR 515 13:22:45 2006 Volumes without Project File SH-H1P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES -2.0 -4.0 2.0 7.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 3 3 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 4 0 4 0 RIGHTTURNONREDS 10 10 10 0 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 26 989 283 146 76 157 352 724 45 50 279 37 WIDTHS .0 24.0 12.0 10.0 11. 0 . 0 . 0 24.0 12.0 . 0 12.0 .0 LANES 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 1.0 . 0 3.0 3.0 . 0 .0 . 0 . 0 . 0 .0 .0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .96 .90 .90 .80 .80 .80 .92 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 ARRIVAL TYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUP LOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 3573 1823 1493 813 0 0 3375 1787 0 1524 0 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 81 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEADLAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 90 110 10 PEDTIME .0 0 GREENTIMES 16.18 20.25 5.23 32.34 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 8 9 5 Stonehaven SE 192nd Street @ 108th Avenue SE/SR 515 2006 Volumes without Project File SH-H1P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Sq 81 **/** / \ North I Degree of Saturation (v/c) Phase 1 + + * " + + * ++++ <+ + *> v G/C= .180 G= 16.2" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% Phase 2 + + + + <+ + v G/C= G= Y+R= * *> * * * * .225 20.3" 4.0" OFF=22.4% .84 Vehicle Delay 49.9 Phase 3 Phase 4 ++++ <**** **** ++++ v <* + +> ++++> * + + ++++ * + + v G/C= .058 G/C= .359 G= 5.2" G= 32.3" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=49.4% OFF=59.6% 10/14/03 13:22:25 Level of Service D C= 90 sec G= 74.0 sec = 82.2% Y=16.0 sec = 17.8% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane IWidth/1 g/C I Service Ratel Adj I Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190% Maxi vic Delay S Queue N Approach 33.0 C =============================================================================== TH+RT I 24/2 I .354 I .449 I 1511 I 1605 I 1116 I .695 I LT 12/1 .250 .180 173 321 314 .957 S Approach 21.2 I. C+I 386 ftl 74.9 *E 322 ft 74.6 E =============================================================================== TH+RTI 24/2 I .386 I .328 I LT 12/1 .136 .058 946 I 1106 I 1176 .1 1 .063 I 1 86 50 .481 E Approach 75.8 I*E I 494 ftl 44.5 *D+ 59 ft 54.1 D =============================================================================== I RT LT+TH I 10/1 I 11/1 W Approach .201 I .584 I .441 .359 819 I 217 871 I 291 170 I .195 I 291 .997 8.9 I A I 90 ftl 80.4 *F 234 ft 30.6 C =============================================================================== ILT+TH+RTI 12/1 I .338 I .359 I 445 I 548 I 407 1.743 I 30.6 I CI 326 ftl Stonehaven 10/14/03 SE 192nd Street @ 108th Avenue SE/SR 515 13:24:17 2006 Volumes with Project File SH-P1P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES -2.0 -4.0 2.0 7.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 3 3 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 4 0 4 0 RIGHTTURNONREDS 10 10 10 0 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 27 989 283 146 76 157 352 724 46 53 279 38 WIDTHS .0 24.0 12.0 10.0 11. 0 .0 . 0 24.0 12.0 .0 12.0 .0 LANES 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 1.0 .0 3.0 3.0 .0 . 0 . 0 . 0 .0 .0 .0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .96 .90 .90 .80 .80 .80 .92 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 ARRIVAL TYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUPLOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 ·1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 3573 1823 1493 809 0 0 3375 1787 0 1521 0 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 81 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEADLAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 90 110 10 PEDTIME . 0 0 GREENTIMES 16.18 20.25 5.23 32.34 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 8 9 5 Stonehaven SE 192nd Street @ 108th Avenue SE/SR 515 2006 Volumes with Project File SH-P1P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Sq 81 **/** . / \ North I Degree of Saturation (v/c) Phase 1 Phase 2 + + * A + + + + * ++++ + + <+ + *> <+ + v v G/C= .180 G/C= G= 16.2" G= Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= * *> * * * * .225 20.3" 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF=22.4% .85 Vehicle Delay 50.1 Phase 3 Phase 4 ++++ <**** **** ++++ v <* + +> ++++> * + + ++++ * + + v G/C= .058 G/C= .359 G= 5.2" G= 32.3" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=49.4% OFF=59.6% 10/14/03 13:23:58 Level of SerVice D C= 90 sec G= 74.0 sec = 82.2% Y=16.0 sec = 17.8% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane IWidth/1 g/C 1 Service Rate 1 Adj 1 Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume 1 HCM 1 L 1 90% Maxi vic Delay S Queue N Approach 33.0 C =============================================================================== TH+RT I 24/2 I .354 I .449 I 1511 1 1605 I 1117 I .696 I LT 12/1 .250 .180 173 321 314 .957 S Approach 21.2 I C+I 387 ftl 74.9 *E 322 ft 74.5 E =============================================================================== TH+RTI 24/2 I .386 I .328 1 LT 12/1 .136 .058 946 1 1106 I 1176 11 .063 I 1 86 51 .490 E Approach 75.8 I*E I 494 ftl 44.7 *D+ 60 ft 54.8 D =============================================================================== I RT LT+TH 1 10/1 I .201 I .584 I 11/1 .443 .359 W Approach 819 I 216 871 I 290 170 I .195 I 291 1.000 8.9 I A I 90 ftl 81.6 *F 234 ft 31.1 C =============================================================================== ILT+TH+RTI 12/1 1·341 1·359 I 444 I 547 I 411 1·751 I 31.1 I C 1329 ftl Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of2 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst C. V. Brown Intersection 102nd Ave. SE/SE 192nd St. Agency/Co. Stonehaven Jurisdiction King County DPW Date Performed 10/14/2003 Analysis Year 2003 Analysis Time Period P.M. Peak Hour Project 10 Stonehaven SH-C2P Northbound 7 8 9 LTR LTR 4 16 1475 1137 548 443 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.11 7.5 8.2 11.6 13.4 A B 11.6 13.4 B B Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Version 4.1 file:IIC:\Documents%20and%20Settings\Administrator\Local%20Settings\Temp\u2k9.tmp 10/14/2003 Two-Way Stop Control Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY C. V. Brown Stonehaven 1011412003 P.M. Peak Hour 1125 0.02 0.00 0.06 0.01 7.5 8.2 A A Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Project 10 7 LTR 4 535 1 0.02 11.8 B B 9 Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of2 102nd Ave. SEiSE 192nd St. King County DPW 2006 wlo Project Stonehaven SH-H2P 10 LTR 429 0.12 13.7 B 13. B 12 Version 4.1 file:/ /e: \Documents%20and%20Settings\Administrator\Local%20Settings\ Temp \u2kD. tmp 1011412003 Two-Way Stop Control Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY C. V. Brown Stonehaven 1011412003 P.M. Peak Hour LTR 5 1466 0.04 0.13 0.01 7.6 8.2 A Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Project ID LTR 4 0.01 0.02 12.2 B 12.2 Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of2 102nd Ave. SEiSE 192nd Sf. King County DPW 2006 wlProject Stonehaven SH-P2P LTR 35 0.07 0.21 B 12.2 Version 4.1 file:IIC:\Documents%20and%20Settings\Administrator\Local%20Settings\Temp\u2kll.tn ... 10114/2003 · Two-Way ·Stop Control Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period Configuration Approach Movement Lane Configuration v (vph) C (m) (vph) vIc 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS HCS2000™ TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY C. V. Brown Stonehaven 1011412003 P.M. Peak Hour LTR NB SB 1 4 LTR LTR 6 426 1081 1472 0.01 0.29 0.02 1.22 8.3 8.4 A A -- ---- Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Project 10 Westbound 7 8 LTR 127 535 0.24 0.93 13.8 B 13.8 B 9 Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Page 1 ofl Talbot Road S./S. 55th St. City of Renton 2003 Stonehaven SH-C3P LTR Eastbound 10 11 12 LTR 15 73 0.21 0.76 67.0 F 67.0 F Version 4.1 file:IIC:\Documents%20and%20Setlings\Administrator\Local%20Setlings\Temp\u2kI6.tn. .. 10/14/2003 Two-Way Stop Control Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period HCS200o'rM TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY C. V. Brown Stonehaven 1011412003 P.M. Peak Hour 1068 0.01 O. 0.02 1.28 8.4 8.5 A A Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Project ID 7 LTR 130 516 0.25 14.3 B B 9 Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Page 1 ofl Talbot Road S./S. 55th Sf. City of Renton 2006 without Project Stonehaven SH-H3P o 10 LTR 66 0.23 75.4 F 75. F 12 Version 4.1 file:IIC:\Documents%20and%20Settings\Administrator\Local%20Settings\ Temp\u2kl9 .tn... 10/14/2003 Two-Way Stop Control Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period HCS2000™ TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY C. V. Brown Stonehaven 1011412003 P.M. Peak Hour LTR 1068 1460 0.01 0.32 1.39 8.4 8.6 A A Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Project ID LTR 435 0.34 17.4 C 7.4 C 9 Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 1 Talbot Road S./S. 55th St. City of Renton 2006 with Project Stonehaven SH-P3P 10 LTR 57 0.26 90.3 F 90. F Version 4.1 file:IIC:\Documents%20and%20Settings\Administrator\Local%20Settings\ Temp\u2kl D .u... 10/14/2003 Stonehaven 10/14/03 Talbot Road S.@ SW 43rd Street 13:28:53 Current Traffic Volumes File SH-C4P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES -1. 0 -3.0 . 0 3.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 2 0 2 RIGHTTURNONREDS 10 10 0 25 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 257 189 198 73 824 54 65 122 290 544 1247 207 WIDTHS . 0 24.0 12.0 .0 24.0 12:0 .0 12.0 22.0 12.0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 . 0 . 0 .0 1.0 .0 .0 .0 . 0 . 0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .92 .92 .92 .93 .93 .93 .91 .91 .91 .97 .97 .97 ARRIVALTYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUPLOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 3320 1814 0 3577 415 0 1801 3385 1578 3521 1760 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 83 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEADLAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 90 110 10 PEDTIME . 0 0 GREENTIMES 11.99 .00 9.24 28.97 23.80 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 .00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 0 9 12 5 .::> L.' ..... H~Ha. v CH Talbot Road S.@ SW 43rd Str--~ Current Traffic Volumes 13:28:35 File SH-C4P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Sq 83 **/** / \ Degree of Saturation (v/c) Phase 1 Phase 2 + + * + + + + * <+ + *> v + + <+ + v .77 Vehicle Delay 46.1 Level of Service D Phase 3 Phase 4 **** Phase 5 **** <**** ++++ v North + +> <* + +> ++++> ++++> ++++ v I + + ++++ * + + ++++ + + v * + + v G/C= .133 G/C= .000 G/C= .103 G/C= .322 G/C= .264 G= 12.0" G= .0" G= 9.2" G= 29.0" G= 23.8" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= .0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= O~ • 0 OFF=17.8% OFF=17.8% OFF=32.5% OFF=69.1% C= 90 sec G= 74.0 sec = 82.2% Y=16.0 sec = 17.8% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane IWidth/1 g/C I Service Ratel Adj I Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190 % Maxi vic Delay S Queue N Approach 91. 5 F =============================================================================== TH+RT I 24/2 I .213 I .133 I LT 12/1 .202 .133 92 I 44 S Approach 440 I 228 473 11.070 I 101.8 I F I 256 ftl 215 .888 68.8 *E 233 ft 95.7 F =============================================================================~= TH+RTI 12/1 I .197 I LT 22/2 .173 E Approach .103 I .103 i I 168 I 338 205 11.108 I 138.5 I F I 230 ftl 319 .917 68.2 *E 179 ft 62.6 E+ =============================================================================== TH+RTI 24/2 I .315 I .264 I LT 12/1 .254 .264 W Approach 740 I 62 946 I 96 954 11.008 I 58 .527 64.4 I*E+I 441 ftl 33.0 C· 53 ft 9.8 A =============================================================================== RT TH LT I 12/1 I .400 I 24/2 .400 I 12/1 I .204 I .778 I 1226 I 1228 I 535 I .436 I .631 2216 2221 1286 .579 .322 I 447 I 567 I 213 I .376 I 3.6 I A I 149 ftl 10.0 B+ 299 ft 24.0 l*c+1 182 ftl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonehaven 10/14/03 Talbot Road S.@ SW 43rd Street 13:27:46 2006 Volumes without Project File SH-H4P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES -1. 0 -3.0 .0 3.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 2 0 2 RIGHTTURNONREDS 10 10 0 25 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 265 195 204 75 850 56 67 126 299 561 1286 213 WIDTHS . 0 24.0 12.0 . 0 24.0 12.0 .0 12.0 22.0 12.0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 1.0 .0 .0 . 0 .0 . 0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .92 .92 .92 .93 .93 .93 .91 .91 .91 .97 .97 .97 ARRIVAL TYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUP LOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 3320 1814 0 3577 399 0 1801 3385 1578 3521 1760 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 83 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEADLAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 90 110 10 PEDTIME . 0 0 GREENTIMES 11.99 .00 9.24 28.97 23.80 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 .00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 0 9 12 5 Stonehaven Talbot Road S.@ SW 43rd Street 2006 Volumes without Project File SH-H4P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation (vic) .79 Vehicle Delay 51.0 10/14/03 13:27:26 Level of Service D Sq 83 **1** Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 / \ + + * + + + + * <+ + *> V + + <+ + V **** **** <**** ++++ v North + +> <* + +> ++++> ++++> ++++ v I G/c= .133 G= 12.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% c= 90 sec G/c= G= Y+R= + + ++++ * + + ++++ + + v * + + v .000 G/c= .103 G/c= .0" G= 9.2" G= .0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= .322 29.0" 4.0" OFF=17.8% OFF=17.8% OFF=32.5% G/e= .264 G= 23.8" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=69.1% G= 74.0 sec = 82.2% Y=16.0 sec = 17.8% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane IWidth/1 g/C I Service Ratel Adj I Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190% Maxi vic Delay S Queue N Approach 101.7 F ==;============================================================================ TH + RT I 24/2 1 . 21 7 I . 133 1 LT 12/1 .205 .133 92 I 44 S Approach 440 I 228 489 11.106 I 113.9 I F 1 265 ftl 222 .917 74.9 *E 241 ft 104.5 F =============================================================================== TH+RT I 12/1 1 .201 I .103 I LT 22/2 .176 .103 i I 168 1 338 212 11.146 I 151.3 I F I 238 ftl 329 .945 74.4 *E 185 ft E Approach 71. 2 E =============================================================================== TH+RT I 24/2 I .322 I .264 I LT 12/1 .267 .264 W Approach 740 I 59 946 I 91 984 11.040 I 60 .571 7~.3 I*E I 455 ftl 36.0 D+ 55 ft 10.0 A ~============================================================================== RT TH LT 1 12/1 1 .410 1 .778 1 1226 1 1228 1 553 1 .450 1 24/2 .409 .631 2216 2221 1326 .597 11211 1.2 08 1·322 I 447 I 567 I 220 1·388 I 3.7 I A I 154 ftl 10.3 B+ 308 ft 24.1 I*C+I 188 ftl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonehaven 10/14/03 Talbot Road S.@ SW 43rd Street 13:30:55 2006 Volumes with Project File SH-P4P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES -1. 0 -3.0 . 0 3.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 2 0 2 RIGHTTURNONREDS 10 10 0 25 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 265 196 204 75 850 56 67 127 310 582 1286 213 WIDTHS . 0 24.0 12.0 .0 24.0 12.0 . 0 12.0 22.0 12.0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 .0 .0 .0 1.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 . 0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .92 .92 .92 .93 .93 .93 .91 .91 .91 .97 .97 .97 ARRIVAL TYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUP LOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 3320 1814 0 3577 399 0 1801 3385 1578 3521 1760 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 83 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEADLAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 90 110 10 PEDTIME .0 0 GREENTIMES 11. 99 .00 9.24 28.97 23.80 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 .00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 0 9 12 5 St'on"ehaven Talbot Road S.@ SW 43rd Str ·2006 Volumes with Project File SH-P4P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation (v/c) .80 Vehicle Delay 51.8 10/14/03 13:30:36 Level of Service D Sq 83 **/** Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 / \ + + * + + * <+ + *> V + + + + <+ + V **** **** <**** ++++ v North + +> <* + +> ++++> ++++> ++++ v I G/C= .133 G= 12.0 11 Y+R= 4.0 11 OFF= O~ • 0 C= 90 sec G/C= G= Y+R= + + ++++ * + + ++++ + + v * + + v .000 G/C= .103 G/C= .0 11 G= 9.211 G= .0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= .322 29.0 11 4.0" OFF=17.8% OFF=17.8% OFF=32.5% G/C= .264 G= 23.8" Y+R= 4.0 11 OFF=69.1% G= 74.0 sec = 82.2% Y=16.0 sec = 17.8% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane /Width// g/C / Service Rate/ Adj / Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume / HCM / L /90% Max/ vic Delay S Queue N Approach 102.3 F ====================~========================================================== TH+RT/ 24/2 / .217 / .133 / LT 12/1 .205 .133 92 / 44 S Approach 440 / 228 490 /1.109 / 114.7 / F / 265 ft/ 222 .917 74.9 *E 241 ft 110.8 F =============================================================================== TH+RT/ 12/1 / .202 / .103 / LT 22/2 .179 .103 i / 168 I 338 214 11.157 I 155.1 / F I 240 ft/ 341 .980 83.0 *F 191 ft E Approach 71.2 E =============================================================================== TH+RT/ 24/2 / .322 / .264 / LT 12/1 .267 .264 W Approach 740 / 59 946 / 91 984 /1.040 / 60 .571 73.3 /*E / 455 ft/ 36.0 D+ 55 ft 10.0 A =============~=~=============================================================== RT TH LT / 12/1 / .422 / .778 / 1226 / 1228 / 574 / .467 / 24/2 .409 .631 2216 2221 1326 .597 I 12/1 ! .208 ! .322! 447! 567! 220 I .388 ! 3.8 I A I 159 ftl 10.3 B+ 308 ft 24.1 I*c+! 188 ftl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stonehaven 10/13/03 SR 167 NB Ramp @ SW 43rd Street 15:56:07 Current Traffic Volumes File SH-C5P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES . 0 -3.0 2.0 3.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 RIGHTTURNONREDS 35 35 0 0 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 0 0 0 376 1240 0 300 0 292 0 1855 371 WIDTHS . 0 .0 . 0 12.0 24.0 . 0 12.0 . 0 24.0 . 0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 .0 .0 . 0 1.0 . 0 .0 . 0 .0 .0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 .95 .95 1. 00 .95 1. 00 .95 1.00 .97 .97 ARRIVALTYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUPLOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 0 0 1639 3628 0 1599 0 3467 o 3521 1760 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 13 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEADLAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 100 110 10 PEDTIME .0 0 GREENTIMES 24.13 25.86 38.01 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 7 12 5 Stonehaven SR 167 NB Ramp @ SW 43rd Street Current Traffic Volumes File SH-C5P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation (v/c) .78 Vehicle Delay 28.1 Sq 13 **/** / \ North I Phase 1 ++++ <+ *> + * + * G/C= .241 G= 24.1" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% Phase 2 **** ++++> G/C= .259 G= 25.9" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=28.1% Phase 3 ++++ <**** ++++> G/C= .380 G= 38.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=58.0% 10/13/03 15:55:50 Level of Service C C=100 sec G= 88.0 sec = 88.0% Y=12.0 sec = 12.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane IWidth/1 g/C I Service Ratel Adj I Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190% Maxi vic Delay S Queue S Approach 40.5 D+ =============================================================================== RT LT 1 12/1 I .293 I .241 I 24/2 .206 .241 E Approach 215 I 509 381 I 837 3161.8191 307 .367 48.9 I*D I 333 ftl 31.8 C 162 ft 35.8 D+ =============================================================================== RT TH 1 12/1 1 .310 1 .661 1 1045 1 1084 1 359 1 .331 1 24/2 .404 .380 1200 1379 1305 .946 W Approach 7.5 1 A 1 169 ftl 43.5 *D+ 565 ft 19.1 B =============================================================================== TH LT 1 24/21.560 1.6791238912389119121.8001 12/1 .306 .259 278 455 382 .840 13.3 1 B+I 429 ftl 48.2 *D 396 ft Stonehaven 10/14/03 SR 167 NB Ramp @ SW 43rd Street 13:36:24 2006 Volumes without Project File SH-H5P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES .0 -3.0 2.0 3.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 RIGHTTURNONREDS 35 35 0 0 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 0 0 0 388 1279 0 309 0 301 0 1913 383 WIDTHS .0 .0 . 0 12.0 24.0 . 0 12.0 .0 24.0 . 0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 .0 .0 . 0 1.0 .0 . 0 .0 . 0 .0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 .95 .95 1. 00 .95 1. 00 .95 1. 00 .97 .97 ARRIVAL TYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUPLOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 NSTOPFACTORS 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 0 0 1639 3628 0 1599 0 3467 0 3521 1760 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 13 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEAD LAG S NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 100 110 10 PEDTIME . 0 0 GREENTIMES 24.13 25.86 38.01 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 7 12 5 Stonehaven SR 167 NB Ramp @ SW 43rd Street 2006 Volumes without Project File SH-H5P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation (v/c) .81 Vehicle Delay 30.6 Sq 13 **/** . / \ North I Phase 1 ++++ <+ *> + * + * G/C= .241 G= 24.1" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= Og.. • 0 Phase 2 Phase 3 ++++ <**** **** ++++> ++++> G/C= .259 G/C= .380 G= 25.9" G= 38.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=28.1% OFF=58.0% 10/14/03 13:36:08 Level of Service C C=100 sec G= 88.0 sec = 88.0% Y=12.0 sec = 12.0% Ped= .0 sec = Og.. • 0 I Lane IWidth/1 g/C I Service Rate I Adj I Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190% Maxi vic Delay S Queue S Approach 41.9 D+ =============================================================================== RT LT I 12/1 1 .297 1 .241 1 24/2 .207 .241 E Approach 215 1 509 381 1 837 325 I .842 I 317 .379 51.5 I*D I 342 ftl 32.0 C 167 ft 40.2 D+ =============================================================================== RT TH 1 12/11.3161.66111045110841 3721.3431 24/2 .413 .380 1200 1379 1346 .976 W Approach 7.6 I A I 175 ftl 49.3 *D 583 ft 20.5 C+ =============================================================================== TH LT 1 24/21.5751.6791238912389119721.8251 12/1 .312 .259 278 455 395 .868 14.2 I B+I 443 ftl 51.7 *D 409 ft Stonehaven 10/14/03 SR 167 NB Ramp @ SW 43rd Street 13:35:21 2006 Volumes with Project File SH-P5P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES .0 -3.0 2.0 3.0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 RIGHTTURNONREDS 35 35 0 0 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 0 0 0 398 1280 0 309 0 301 0 1934 383 WIDTHS . 0 . 0 .0 12.0 24.0 . 0 12.0 .0 24.0 . 0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 . 0 .0 .0 1.0 .0 .0 .0 . 0 . 0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 .95 .95 1. 00 .95 1.00 .95 1. 00 .97 .97 ARRIVAL TYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUP LOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 0 0 1639 3628 0 1599 0 3467 o 3521 1760 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 13 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEAD LAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 100 110 10 PEDTIME .0 0 GREENTIMES 24.13 25.86 38.01 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 7 12 5 Stonehaven SR 167 NB Ramp @ SW 43rd Street 2006 Volumes with Project File SH-P5P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation (vic) .81 Vehicle Delay 30.7 Sq 13 **/** . / \ North I Phase 1 ++++ <+ *> + * + * G/C= .241 G= 24.1" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% Phase 2 **** ++++> G/C= .259 G= 25.9" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=28.1% Phase 3 ++++ <**** ++++> G/C= .380 G= 38.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=58.0% 10/14/03 13:35:01 Level of Service C C=100 sec G= 88.0 sec = 88.0% Y=12.0 sec = 12.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane IWidth/1 g/C 1 Service Rate 1 Adj 1 Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190% Maxi vic Delay S Queue S Approach 41.9 D+ =============================================================================== RT LT I 12/1 1 .297 I .241 I 24/2 .207 .241 E Approach 215 I 509 381 I 837 325 1 .842 1 317 .379 51.5 I*D I 342 ftl 32.0 C 167 ft 40.2 D+ =============================================================================== RT TH I 12/1 I .321 I .661 I 1045 I 1084 I 382 I .352 I 24/2 .413 .380 1200 1379 1347 .977 W Approach 7.7 I A I 180 ftl 49.4 *D 583 ft 20.8 C+ =============================================================================== TH LT 1 24/21.580 1.6791238912389119941.8351 12/1 .312 .259 278 455 395 .868 14.6 I B+I 448 ftl 51.7 *D 409 ft Stonehaven 10/13/03 East Valley Road @ SW 43rd Street 13:37:15 Current Traffic Volumes File SH-C6P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES .0 -5.0 . 0 .0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 RIGHTTURNONREDS 0 0 0 50 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 25 274 588 440 806 128 327 238 188 194 1179 165 WIDTHS .0 36.0 . 0 . 0 24.0 12.0 . 0 24.0 12.0 12.0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 . 0 . 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .92 .95 .85 .95 .95 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .97 .92 ARRIVALTYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUPLOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 4946 0 0 3470 1850 0 3283 1787 1599 3574 1787 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 84 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEADLAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 100 110 10 PEDTIME . 0 0 GREENTIMES 5.36 11.35 13.44 12.04 37.81 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 2 9 12 5 Stonehaven East Valley Road @ SW 43rd Street Current Traffic Volumes File SH-C6P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation (v/c) .88 Vehicle Delay 49.4 10/13/03 13:36:54 Level of Service D Sq 84 **/** Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 / \ North I + + * + + * <+ + *> V * * * * <* * v + +> + + + + <* + +> * + + * + + **** ++++ v ++++> ++++ v **** <**** ------------------------------------------------------------- G/C= .054 G/C= .114 G/C= .134 G/C= .120 G/C= .378 G= 5.4" G= 11.4" G= 13.4" G= 12.0" G= 37.8" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= .0% OFF= 9.4% OFF=24.7% OFF=42.2% OFF=58.2% C=100 sec G= 80.0 sec = 80.0% Y=20.0 sec = 20.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane IWidth/1 g/C I Service Rate I Adj I Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190 % Maxi vic Delay S Queue N Approach 63.3 E+ =============================================================================== ILT+TH+RTI 36/3 1.276 1.207 I 464 I 1025 I 1007 1·982 I 63.3 I*E+I 372 ftl S Approach 41.1 D+ =============================================================================== TH+RTI 24/2 I .271 I .288 I LT 12/1 .225 .134 E Approach 69~ I 945 I 221 614 I .650 I 204 .850 32.8 I C I 304 ftl 66.3 *E+ 247 ft 54.9 D =============================================================================== TH+RTI24/2 1.420 1.378111351131211311 1.999 1 LT 12/1 .203 .120 1 203 139 .623 W Approach 55.7 I*E+I 570 ftl 47.2 D 170 ft 39.4 D+ =============================================================================== RT 12/1 .216 .378 482 605 157 .260 21.7 C+ 136 ft TH 24/2 .388 .378 1172 1351 1215 .899 37.8 D+ 528 ft LT 12/1 .216 .120 1 195 179 .833 66.4 *E+ 220 ft Stonehaven 10/14/03 East Valley Road @ SW 43rd Street 13:38:48 2006 Volumes without Project File SH-H6P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S W GRADES .0 -5.0 . 0 .0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 0 0 0 RIGHTTURNONREDS 0 0 0 50 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 26 283 606 454 831 132 337 245 194 200 1216 170 WIDTHS . 0 36.0 . 0 .0 24.0 12.0 . 0 24.0 12.0 12.0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS . 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 . 0 .0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .92 .95 .85 .95 .95 .92 .92 .92 .92 .92 .97 .92 ARRIVAL TYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUP LOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAYFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 4947 0 0 3469 1850 0 3283 1787 1599 3574 1787 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 84 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEADLAGS NONE NONE OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET .00 1 CYCLES 100 110 10 PEDTIME .0 0 GREENTIMES 5.36 11. 35 13.44 12.04 37.81 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 2 9 12 5 Stonehaven East Valley Road @ SW 43rd Street 2006 Volumes without Project File SH-H6P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: Degree of Saturation (v/c) .91 Vehicle Delay 54.7 10/14/03 13:38:29 Level of Service D Sq 84 **/** Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 . / \ North I + + * * * + + * <+ + *> V * * <* * v + +> + + + + <* + +> * + + * + + ++++ **** v ++++> ++++ V **** <**** ------------------------------------------------------------- G/C= .054 G/C= .114 G/C= .134 G/C= .120 G/C= .378 G= 5.4 11 G= 11.411 G= 13.4 11 G= 12.0 11 G= 37.8 11 Y+R= 4.0 11 Y+R= 4.0 11 Y+R= 4.0 11 Y+R= 4.0 11 Y+R= 4.0 11 OFF= O~ • 0 OFF= 9.4% OFF=24.7% OFF=42.2% OFF=58.2% C=100 sec G= 80.0 sec = 80.0% Y=20.0 sec = 20.0% Ped= .0 sec = O ~ • 0 I Lane IWidth/1 g/C I Service Rate I Adj I Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190 % Maxi vic Delay S Queue N Approach 71. 5 E =============================================================================== I LT+TH+RT I 36/3 I .281 I .207 I 463 I 1024 I 1039 11. 015 I 71. 5 I *E I 384 ft I S Approach 42.8 D+ =============================================================================== TH+RTI 24/2 I .275 I .288 I LT 12/1 .228 .134 E Approach 69~ I 945 I 221 632 ·1 .669 I 211 .879 33.2 I C I 313 ftl 71.4 *E 255 ft 62.8 E+ =============================================================================== TH+RTI24/21 .430 1.37811135113121135311.031 I LT 12/1 .204 .120 1 203 143 .641 W Approach 64.3 I*E+I 588 ftl 48.0 D 175 ft 42.6 D+ =============================================================================== RT 12/1 .218 .378 482 605 163 .269 21.8 C+ 142 ft TH 24/2 .397 .378 1172 1351 1254 .928 41.1 D+ 545 ft LT 12/1 .218 .120 1 195 185 .860 71.1 *E 227 ft Stonehaven East Valley Road @ SW 43rd Street 2006 Volumes with Project File SH-P6P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Summary of Parameter Values Intersection Parameters METROAREA NONCBD SIMULATION PERIOD 15 LEVELOFSERVICE C S NODELOCATION 0 0 Approach Parameters APPLABELS N E S GRADES .0 -5.0 .0 PEDLEVELS 0 0 0 PARKINGSIDES NONE NONE NONE PARKVOLUMES 0 0 0 BUSVOLUMES 0 0 0 RIGHTTURNONREDS 0 0 0 UPSTREAMVC .00 .00 .00 Movement Parameters MOVLABELS RT TH LT RT TH LT RT TH LT VOLUMES 26 283 625 454 832 132 337 245 194 WIDTHS . 0 36.0 .0 . 0 24.0 12.0 . 0 24.0 12.0 LANES 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 UTILIZATIONS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TRUCKPERCENTS .0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .0 . 0 1.0 1.0 PEAKHOURFACTORS .92 .95 .85 .95 .95 .92 .92 .92 .92 ARRIVALTYPES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACTUATIONS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES REQCLEARANCES 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 MINIMUMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 STARTUPLOST 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ENDGAIN 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 IDEALSATFLOWS 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 FACTORS 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 DELAY FACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 NSTOPFACTORS 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 GROUPTYPES NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM NORM SATURATIONFLOWS 0 4945 0 0 3470 1850 o 3283 1787 Phasing Parameters SEQUENCES 84 ALL PERMISSIVES NO NO NO NO LEAD LAGS OVERLAPS YES YES YES YES OFFSET CYCLES 100 110 10 PEDTIME GREENTIMES 5.36 11.35 13.44 12.04 37.81 YELLOWTIMES 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 CRITICALS 3 2 9 12 5 10/14/03 13:40:29 W .0 0 NONE 0 0 50 .00 RT TH LT 200 1218 170 12.0 24.0 12.0 1 2 1 .00 .00 .00 1.0 1.0 1.0 .92 .97 .92 3 3 3 YES YES YES 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1900 1900 1900 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1.00 1.00 1. 00 NORM NORM NORM 1599 3574 1787 NONE NONE .00 1 .0 0 Stonehaven East Valley Road @ SW 43rd Street 2006 Volumes with Project File SH-P6P SIGNAL97/TEAPAC[Ver 1.02.12] -Capacity Analysis Summary Intersection Averages: 10/14/03 13:40:06 Degree of Saturation (v/c) .91 Vehicle Delay 56.2 Level of Service E+ Sq 84 **/** . / \ North I Phase 1 + + * + + * <+ + *> v G/C= .054 G= 5.4" Y+R= 4.0" OFF= O!)" • 0 Phase 2 * * * * <* * v G/C= G= Y+R= OFF= + +> + + + + .114 11.4" 4.0" 9.4% Phase 3 <* + +> * + + * + + G/C= .134 G= 13.4" Y+R= 4.0" OFF=24.7% Phase 4 **** G/C= G= Y+R= ++++ v .120 12.0" 4.0" OFF=42.2% Phase 5 ++++> ++++ V G/C= G= Y+R= **** <**** .378 37.8" 4.0" OFF=58.2% C=100 sec G= 80.0 sec = 80.0% Y=20.0 sec = 20.0% Ped= .0 sec = .0% I Lane IWidth/1 g/C 1 Service Ratel Adj 1 Group Lanes Reqd Used @C (vph) @E Volume I HCM I L 190% Maxi vic Delay S Queue N Approach 77.5 E =============================================================================== ILT+TH+RTI 36/3 1.284 1.207/ 463/1024/1061/1.036/ 77.5 /*E / 392 ft/ S Approach 42.8 D+ =============================================================================== TH+RTI 24/2 I .275 I .288 I LT 12/1 .228 .134 E Approach 69~ I 945 I 221 6321.6691 211 .879 33.2 I C I 313 ftl 71.4 *E 255 ft 63.0 E+ =============================================================================== TH+RTI24/2 1.430 1.37811135113121135411.032 I LT 12/1 .204 .120 1 203 143 .641 W Approach 64.5 I*E+I 588 ftl 48.0 D 175 ft 42.8 D+ =============================================================================== RT 12/1 .218 .378 482 605 163 .269 21.8 C+ 142 ft TH 24/2 .397 .378 1172 1351 1256 .930 41.3 D+ 546 ft LT 12/1 .218 .120 1 195 185 .860 71.1 *E 227 ft • NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST This Trust Agreement ("Agreement") is between Nina E. Falk as Grantor, and Carl D. Falk, Roberta E. Falk, Janet L. Abubakar, Christine M. Aalto and Nancy E. Falk as co-trustees ("Trustee" or "Trustees"), and is for the purpose of establishing a qualified personal residence trust under § 2702 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code" or "IRC"), and Treas. Regulations § 25.2702-5. Grantor will irrevocably transfer to the Trustee all of Grantor's interest in the personal residence located at 18415 -102nd Ave SE, Renton, WA 98155 as legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto which, together with any replacement personal residence acquired by the Trustee pursuant to the terms of this Trust, is referred to in this Agreement as the "Residence." The term "personal residence" in this Agreement shall have the meaning defined in Treas. Regulations § 25.2702-5. The Residence and any other property acquired by the Trustee pursuant to the terms of, this Trust Agreement shall be administered and distributed as provided in this Agreement. . 1. NAME. The trust shall be known as the Nina E. Falk Residence Trust, which shall be referred to as the "Trust" in this Agreement. The actuarial computations regarding the value of the Grantor's interest and the remainder interests are contained on Exhibit B attached hereto, and are made in accordance with the valuation principles of Sections 2511, 2512 and 7520 of the Code, the applicable regulations thereunder, and other applicable Code sections and regulations . 2. IRREVOCABILITY. The Trust is irrevocable and the Grantor has retained no right to revoke, alter or amend any of the provisions of the Trust. 3. RESTRICTIONS. The restrictions contained in this Agreement shall apply separately to each Trust if multiple trusts are created hereunder. 4. PERSONAL RESIDENCE. 4.1. IN GENERAL. The Grantor shall have the right, rent free, to the exclusive use, possession and enjoyment of the Residence. The Grantor shall pay when due all costs associated with the Residence, including costs of extraordinary repairs and improvements, real property taxes, liability and casualty insurance premiums, maintenance expenses, and any mortgage debt incurred by Grantor and secured by the Residence. The Trustee shall have no responsibility for the payment of costs associated with the Residence, including any payments on any such mortgage debt, except to the extent funds are added to the Trust and are available for that purpose. Grantor agrees to indemnify and hold the Trustee harmless from liability for any NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED PAGEl mortgage debt incurred by Grantor and secured by the Residence. For purposes of this Trust, the Residence shall mean a personal residence within the meaning of Section 2702 of the Code and Treasury Regulation § 25.2702- 5(c), including either: 4.1.1. The principal residence of the Grantor; 4.1.2. One other residence of the Grantor (within the meaning of me § 280A(d)(1), but without regard to IRC § 280A(d)(2)); or 4.1.3. An undivided fractional interest in either. 4.2. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY. The Residence may include appurtenant structures used by the Grantor for residential purposes and adjacent land not in excess of that which is reasonably appropriate for residential purposes (taking into account the Residence's size and location). The fact that the Residence may be subject to a mortgage shall not affect its status as a personal residence. The Residence shall not include any personal property (e.g., household furnishings). 4.3. USE OF RESIDENCE. The primary use of the Residence is as a personal residence of the Grantor. The principal residence of the Grantor will not fail to meet the requirements of the preceding sentence merely because a portion of the Residence is used in an activity meeting the requirements of IRC § 280A(c)(1) or (4) (relating to the deductibility of expenses related to certain uses), provided that such use is secondary to use of the Residence as a personal residence. The Residence shall not be used to provide transient lodging and substantial services in connection with the provision of lodging (e.g., a hotel or a bed and breakfast). During any period not occupied by the Grantor, the primary use of the Residence shall be as a personal residence. 4.4. INTERESTS OF SPOUSES IN THE SAME RESIDENCE. No person other than a spouse of Grantor may hold a term interest in the Trust concurrently with the Grantor. 4.5 No RIGHT TO USE OR OCCUPANCY FOLLOWING THE FIXED TERM. Grantor's right to use and occupy the Residence shall· end upon the expiration of the respective Fixed Term, as defined in Paragraph 12, and Grantor retains no right (directly or indirectly, expressly or impliedly) to use or occupy the Residence following the expiration of the Fixed Term. 5. INCOME OF THE TRUST. During the Term, as defined in Paragraph 12, any income of the Trust shall be distributed to the Grantor not less frequently than annually. Unless the Treasury Regulations require otherwise with respect to a Qualified Personal Residence Trust, whenever the right of a Grantor to payment of income under a Qualified Personal NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 2 . ~ . . , . Residence Trust shall terminate, either by reason of death or otherwise, all income which is then accrued or on hand but undistributed shall be distributed by the Trustee to such Grantor, or if the right to income terminated due to such Grantor's death, then as provided in Paragraph 13. 6. DISTRIBUTIONS FROM THE TRUST TO OTHER PERSONS. The Trustee is prohibited from making any distributions of corpus to any beneficiary other than the Grantor prior to the expiration of the Term. 7. ASSETS OF THE TRUST. 7.1. PERSONAL RESIDENCE. Except as otherwise provided in Paragraphs 7.2, 10 and 11, the Trust shall not hold during the Term any asset other than one Residence to be used or held for use (within the meaning of Paragraph 9.1) as a personal residence of the Grantor. 7.2. AsSETS OTHER THAN A PERSONAL RESIDENCE. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Trust may hold the following assets (in addition to the Residence) in the amount and in the manner described in this Paragraph 7.2: 7.2.1. ADDITIONS OF CASH. The Trustee may permit additions of cash to the Trust, and shall hold such additions of cash in a separate account, in an amount which, when added to the cash already held in the account for such purposes, does not exceed the amount required: For payment of Trust expenses (including mortgage payments) already incurred or reasonably expected to be paid by the Trust within six months from the date the addition is made; For improvements to the Residence to be paid by the Trust within six months from the date the addition is made; For purchase by the Trust of the initial residence, within three months of the date the Trust is created, provided that no addition may be made for this purpose, and the Trust may not hold any such addition, unless the Trustee has previously entered into a contract to purchase that residence; and For purchase by the Trust of a residence to replace another residence, within three months of the date the addition is made, provided that no addition may be made for this purpose, and the Trust may not ,hold any such addition, unless the Trustee has previously entered into a contract to purchase that residence. 7.2.2. DISTRIBUTIONS OF EXCESS CASH. If the Trustee receives additions of cash to the Trust pursuant to Paragraph 7.2.1, the Trustee shall NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 3 determine, not less frequently than quarterly, the amounts held by the Trust for payment of expenses in excess of the amounts permitted by that paragraph and shall distribute such excess amounts immediately thereafter to the Grantor. In addition, upon termination of the Grantor's interest in the Trust, any amounts held by the Trust for the purposes permitted by Paragraph 7.2.1 that are not used to pay Trust expenses due and payable on the date of termination (including expenses directly related to termination) shall be distributed outright to the Grantor within 30 days of termination. 7.2.3. IMPRoVEMENTS. Improvements to the Residence may be added to the Trust and the Trust may hold such improvements, provided that the Residence, as improved, continues to constitute a personal residence. 7.2.4. SALE PROCEEDS. The Trustee may sell the Residence, in which event the Trust shall hold the proceeds from the sale of the Residence in a separate account. 7.2.5. INSURANCE AND INSURANCE PROCEEDS. The Trust may hold one or more policies of insurance on the Residence. In addition, the Trust may hold, in a separate account, proceeds of insurance payable to the Trust as a result of damage to or destruction of the Residence. For purposes of this paragraph, amounts (other than insurance proceeds payable to the Trust as a result of damage to or destruction of the residence) received as a result of the involuntary conversion (within the meaning of IRe § 1033) of the Residence shall be treated as proceeds of insurance. 8. COMMUTATION. There shall be no commutation (prepayment) of the Grantor's interest. 9. CESSATION OF USE AS A PERSONAL RESIDENCE. 9.1. USE AS PERSONAL RESIDENCE. The Trust will cease to be a Qualified Personal Residence Trust if the Residence ceases to be used or held for use as a personal residence of the Grantor. The Residence shall not be occupied by any person other than the Grantor, his or her spouse, or the Grantor's dependents, and shall be available at all times for use by the Grantor as a personal residence. 9.2. SALE OF RESIDENCE. If the Residence is sold, the Trustee shall hold the proceeds of sale of the Residence pursuant to Paragraph 7.2.4. The Trust will cease to be a Qualified Personal Residence Trust with respect to all proceeds of sale held by the Trust not later than the earliest of: 9.2.1. The date that is two years after the date of sale; 9.2.2. The termination of the Grantor's interest in the Trust; or NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 4 9.2.3. The date on which a new residence is acquired by the Trust. 9.3. DAMAGE TO OR DESTRUCTION OF PERSONAL RESIDENCE. 9.3.1. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION. If damage or destruction renders the Residence unusable as a residence, the Trust will cease to be a Qualified Personal Residence Trust on the date that is two years after the date of damage or destruction (or the date of termination of the Grantor's interest in the Trust, if earlier) unless, prior to such date, either repair or replacement of the Residence is completed, or a new residence is acquired by the Trust. 9.3.2. INSURANCE PROCEEDS. For purposes of this Paragraph 9.3, if the Trust holds proceeds of insurance received as a result of damage to or destruction of the Residence pursuant to Paragraph 7.2.5, the provisions of Paragraph 9.2 pertaining to sale proceeds shall apply to such insurance proceeds. 10. DISPOSITION OF TRUST ASSETS ON CESSATION AS PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST. 10.1. IN GENERAL. Within thirty (30) days after the date on which the Trust has ceased to be a Qualified Personal Residence Trust with respect to certain assets, either: 10.1.1 The assets shall be distributed outright to the Grantor; 10.1.2The assets shall be converted to and held for the balance of the Grantor's Term in a separate share of the Trust meeting the requirements of a qualified annuity interest; or 10.1.3 In the Trustee's sole discretion, the Trustee may elect to comply with either Paragraph 10.1.1 or 10.1.2 pursuant to their terms. 10.2. REQumEMENTS FOR CONVERSION TO A QUALIFIED .ANNuITY INTEREST. 10.2.1. REQUIREMENTS. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, with respect to assets subject to this Paragraph 10 which are converted to and held as a qualified annuity interest, all provisions required by Treas. Reg. § 25.2702-3 with respect to a qualified annuity interest shall apply. 10.2.2. EFFECTIVE DATE OF .ANNuITY. The right of the Grantor to receive the annuity amount begins on the date of sale of the Residence, the date of damage to or destruction of the Residence, or the date on which the Residence ceases to be used or held for use as a personal NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 5 , I residence, as the case may be (the "Cessation Date"). Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the Trustee may defer payment of any annuity amount otherwise payable after the Cessation Date until the date that is thirty (30) days after the assets are converted to a qualified annuity interest under Paragraph 10.1 (the "Conversion Date"); provided, that any deferred payment must bear interest from the Cessation Date at a rate not less than the Code § 7520 rate in effect on the Cessation Date. The Trustee may reduce aggregate deferred annuity payments by the amount of income actually distributed by the Trust to the Grantor during the deferral period. 10.2.3. DETERMINATION OF ANNuITY AMOUNT. IN GENERAL. The annuity amount shall be no less than the amount determined under this Paragraph 10.2.3. ENTIRE TRUST CEASES TO BE A QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST. If, on the Conversion Date, the assets of the Trust do not include a Residence used or held for use as a personal residence, the annuity shall not be less than an amount determined by dividing the lesser of the value of all interests retained by the Grantor (as of the date of the original transfer or transfers) or the value of all the Trust assets (as of the Conversion Date) by an annuity factor determined: For the original term of the Grantor's interest; and At the rate used In valuing the retained interest at the time of the original transfer. PORTION OF TRUST CONTINUES AS QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST. If, on the Conversion Date, the assets of the Trust include a Residence used or held for use as a personal residence, the annuity shall not be less than the amount determined under Paragraph multiplied by a fraction. The numerator of the fraction shall be the excess of the fair market value of the Trust assets on the Conversion Date over the fair market value of the assets as to which the Trust continues as a qualified personal residence trust, and the denominator of the fraction shall be the fair market value of the Trust· assets on the Conversion Date. 11. SPECIAL RULES APPLICABLE TO QUALIFIED ANNUITY INTERESTS. 11.1. PAYMENT OF ANNuITY AMOUNT. 11.1.1. IN GENERAL. The qualified annuity interest shall be an irrevocable right to receive a fixed amount. The annuity amount shall NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 6 be payable to (or for the benefit of) the holder of the annuity interest for each taXable year of the term. There shall be no right of withdrawal. The annuity payment may be made after the close of the taxable year, provided the payment is made no later than the date by which the Trustee is required to file the federal income tax return of the trust for the taxable year (without regard to extensions). 11.1.2. FIXED AMOUNT. A fixed amount means: A stated dollar amount payable periodically, but not less frequently than annually, but only to the extent the amount does not exceed 120 percent of the stated dollar amount payable in the preceding year; or A fixed fraction or percentage of the initial fair market value of the property transferred to the trust, as finally determined for federal tax purposes, payable periodically but not less frequently than annually, but only to the extent the fraction or percentage does not exceed 120 percent of the fixed fraction or percentage payable in the preceding year. 11.1.3. INCOME IN EXCESS OF THE ANNuITY AMOUNT. Income in excess of the amount required to pay the annuity amount shall not be paid to or for the benefit of the holder of the qualified annuity interest, but shall be added to Trust principal. 11.2. INCORRECT VALUATIONS OF TRUST PROPERTY. If the annuity is stated in terms of a fraction or percentage of the initial fair market value of the Trust property, then adjustments for any incorrect determination of the fair market value of the property in the trust shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 1.664-2(a)(1)(iii). The stated dollar amount may be expressed as a fraction or a percentage of the initial net fair market value of the property irrevocably passing in trust as finally determined for federal tax purposes. If the stated dollar amount is so expressed and such market value is incorrectly determined by the Trustee, then in such event the Trust shall pay to the Grantor (in the case of an undervaluation) or be repaid by the Grantor (in the case of an overvaluation) an amount equal to the difference between the amount which the Trust should have paid the Grantor if the correct value were used and the amount which the Trust actually paid the recipient. Such payments or repayments shall be made within a reasonable period after the final determination of such value. 11.3. COMPUTATION OF ANNuITY AMOUNT IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. Computation of the annuity amount in the case of short taxable years and the last taxable year of the term of the Trust shall be in accordance with the requirements ofTreas. Reg. §1.664-2(a)(1)(iv). NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 7 · . , 11.3.1. SHORT TAXABLE YEARS. In the case of a taxable year which is for a period of less than 12 months other than the taxable year in which the end of the Term occurs, the annuity amount determined under Paragraph 10 shall be the amount otherwise determined under Paragraph 10 multiplied by a fraction the numerator of which is the number of days in the taxable year of the trust and the denominator of which is 365 (366 if February 29 is a day included in the numerator). 11.3.2. LAsT TAXABLE YEAR OF PERIOD. In the case of the taxable year in which the end of the Term of this Trust occurs, the annuity amount which must be distributed under Paragraph 11 shall be the amount otherwise determined thereunder multiplied by a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is the number of days in the period beginning on the first day of such taxable year and ending on the last day of the Term, and the denominator is 365 (366 if February 29 is a day included in the numerator). 11.4. ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS PROHIBITED. contributions to the Trust are prohibited. Additional II.S. AMOUNTS PAYABLE TO OTHER PERSONS. No distributions shall be made from the Trust to or for the benefit of any person other than the holder of the qualified annuity interest during the term of the qualified interest. 11.6. TERM OF THE ANNuITY INTEREST. The term of the annuity interest shall be as described in Paragraph 12. 11.7. COMMUTATION. Commutation (prepayment) of the interest of the Grantor is prohibited. 12. TERM. The term of the Trust ("Term") shall commence on the date of this Agreement and shall terminate upon the earlier of (1) the death of the Grantor; or (2) the date which is two years after the date when the Residence is conveyed to the Trust (the "Fixed Term"). 13. DEATH OF GRANTOR. If the Grantor dies prior to the expiration of the Fixed Term, then upon the death of the Grantor the Trust estate, as it is then constituted, shall be transferred, conveyed and paid' over to such Grantor's executor or administrator, to be disposed of as part of the Grantor's estate. 14. TERMINATION AFTER EXPIRATION OF FIXED TERM. 14.1. EXPIRATION OF FIXED TERM. If the Grantor survives the Fixed Term, the Trustee shall thereupon distribute to the Grantor any amounts required by Paragraphs 5 and 7.2.2, any remaining retained interest of the Grantor in the Trust shall terminate, and the Trustee thereafter shall NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 8 continue to hold and administer the remainder of the Trust estate as it is then constituted in trust, for the benefit of Grantor's five children Carl D. Fa1k, Nancy E. Fa1k, Christine M. Aalto, Roberta E. Fa1k and Janet L. Abubakar ("Child" or "Children"). The Trust shall thereafter be administered and distributed in accordance with the terms provided in the Falk Family Trust Agreement dated December 25, 1998, as amended from time to time ("Falk Family Trust Agreement"), the relevant terms of which are incorporated herein by this reference, effective immediately after the expiration of the Fixed Term. During any continuation of the Trust beyond the Fixed Term, the Trustee shall collect fair market rent for use of the Residence and shall pay all expenses of the Trust. 14.2. DEATH OF GRANTOR AFTER EXPIRATION OF FIXED TERM. Upon the death of the Grantor after the expiration of the Fixed Term, the remainder of the Trust shall be divided into equal funds or shares ("Share" or "Shares"), one Share for each surviving Child, and one Share for the issue of any deceased Child, subject, however, to the testamentary general power of appointment exercisable upon a Child's death as provided in Paragraph 15 below. Each Share shall be administered and distributed as provided in Article V paragraph 2 of the Falk Family Trust Agreement. 15. GENERAL POWER OF APPOINT:MENT. If prior to the expiration of the Fixed Term, a Child should die leaving issue, such Child shall have a testamentary general power of appointment over his or her share of the Trust estate distributable after the expiration of the Fixed Term, exercisable only by specific reference in his or her Will to this Paragraph of the Trust. This is intended to be a taxable testamentary general power of appointment within the meaning of IRC Sec. 2041(b)(I), and this paragraph shall be construed as broadly as necessary to accomplish this intention. Absent an effective exercise of a deceased Child's power of appointment under this Paragraph, then after the expiration of the Fixed Term the Trustee shall administer such deceased Child's share of the Trust for such Child's surviving issue by representation, as provided in paragraph 14.2 above. 16. POWERS AND DUTIES OF TRUSTEE 16.1. GENERAL. Subject to the limitations specifically imposed in this Agreement during the Term, the Trustee shall have full power to sell, dispose of, invest, reinvest, exchange, lease and manage the assets of the Trust and all of the powers incident to trustees as provided by law, including but not limited to the powers specified in the Revised Code of Washington ("RCW") Chapter 11.98. Pursuant to RCW 11.97.010, the Trustee shall be relieved of any and .all restrictions, duties and liabilities imposed by or arising from RCW 11.100.140 or any similar requirements of prior case law (as specified in RCW 11.100.140(8» regarding notice and procedure for nonroutine transactions, and Trustee shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage, cause of action or claim attributable to Trustee's failure to comply NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 9 with RCW 11.100.140 or any similar requirements of prior law. The Trustee shall have full power to make equitable adjustments as required to properly carry out the intention of the Grantor. The authorities, duties and discretion granted to or imposed upon the Trustee under this instrument or under applicable law shall be subject to the fiduciary duties otherwise imposed by law and no such power, authority, duty or discretion shall be exercised or discharged in such a way as to prevent a trust from qualifying as a Qualified Personal Residence Trust or as a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (qualified annuity interest), as the case may be. 16.2. RETENTION OF AsSETS. Subject to the applicable requirements of a qualified annuity interest with respect to a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust described herein, or a qualified personal residence trust with respect to a Qualified Personal Residence Trust hereunder, as the case may be, the Trustee shall have the power, authority and discretion to hold and retain in the same form as received any and all property initially transferred to the Trustee for administration hereunder as part of a Qualified Personal Residence Trust which property is the Residence (and any replacement Residences), during such times as any such trust is a Qualified Personal Residence Trust, even though such property is not of a nature or character authorized under the laws of the State of Washington or of any other state or jurisdiction for trust investments, or be unsecured, unproductive, underproductive, overproductive, or be of a wasting nature, or be inconsistent with the usual concepts of diversification of trust assets. The power, authority and discretion granted pursuant to this Paragraph 16.2 shall be subject to the fiduciary duties otherwise imposed by law, and no such power, authority or discretion shall be exercised in such a way as to prevent a trust from qualifying as a Qualified Personal Residence Trust or as a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (qualified annuity interest), as the case may be. 16.3. ACCOUNTING. Unless a bank or trust company is acting as Trustee, the requirements or provisions of the Uniform Trustee's Accounting Act relating to periodic statements to beneficiaries are waived, and similar requirements and provisions of any other act of like or similar import also are waived. 16.4. RELIANCE ON GOOD FAITH ACTIONS; LIABILITY. Every action made in good faith by the Trustee in the exercise of any power, authority, judgment or discretion conferred hereunder shall be conclusive and binding upon all persons interested in the assets of any trust hereunder. The Trustee shall be fully protected in relying upon the advice of legal counsel on questions of law, and if reasonable care was exercised in such selection and retention, the Trustee shall not be liable for loss or damage caused by any agent or attorney selected by the Trustee. NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 10 16.5. CO-TRUSTEES. In the event more than one Trustee is then serving as a trustee of a particular trust established hereunder, each Co- Trustee shall have one vote and decisions shall be made by majority vote. 16.6. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. If at any time for any reason a Co- Trustee is unable or unwilling to act as Trustee, then the remaining Co- Trustee(s) shall act as the Trustee hereunder. The word "Trustee" as used herein shall refer to sole or co-trustees, and to original, alternate, or successor trustees, whether corporate or individual, as may be appropriate in the context. 16.7. WAIVER OF BOND. No bond or other surety shall be required of any Trustee. 16.8. PRINCIPAL AND INCOME. The Trustee shall allocate all receipts, disbursements and charges, cash or non-cash, between principal and income as provided under Washington State law. 16.9. DISTRIBUTIONS TO ANOTHER FOR A BENEFICIARY. If any beneficiary is a minor or under a disability, the Trustee may apply any distributable sum directly for his or her benefit, or pay the same to the custodian under the Washington Uniform Transfers to Minors Act or guardian of the beneficiary, or directly to the beneficiary, and the receipt showing any of these shall be full and sufficient discharge of the Trustee unless the amount involved is so large that the course of action is unreasonable under the circumstances. 16.10.RELIANCE ON ADVICE OF COUNSEL. The Trustee shall be fully protected in relying upon the advice of legal counsel on questions of law. The Trustee may likewise rely upon the actions or advice of other agents if reasonable care shall have been exercised in selecting and retaining such agent. 17. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS. 17.1. SPENDTHRIFT PROVISION. The beneficial interests (in principal or income) of any beneficiary of any trust created by this Agreement shall not be subject to claims of the respective beneficiary's creditors or· others, nor to legal process, nor be an asset in the bankruptcy of any beneficiary, and shall not be voluntarily or involuntarily assigned, alienated, or encumbered, except to the extent specifically permitted herein. 17,2. GOVERNING LAw. This Agreement has been delivered to and accepted by the Trustee in Washington, and this Agreement and the Trust created hereunder shall be administered and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. In addition to the powers set forth herein, the Trustee shall administer and distribute the Trust NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 11 in accordance with the duties, powers and rights imposed and granted by Washington law. 17.3. QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST AND GRANTOR RETAINED ANNuITY TRUST. It is the Grantor's intention by this Agreement to create a Qualified Personal Residence Trust within the meaning of § 2702(a) of the Code and Treas. Reg. § 25.2702-5, or a qualified annuity interest within the meaning of § 2702(b)(1) and Treas. Reg. § 25.2702-3 and § 25.2702-5(c)(8)(ii) and other provisions cited herein. Accordingly, the provisions of this Agreement shall be construed and the Trust created hereunder shall be administered solely in accordance with said intention and in a manner consistent with that section of the Code and those regulations and with any successor section or regulations and any revenue rulings, revenue procedures, notices or other administrative pronouncements that may be issued thereunder by the Internal Revenue Service. Should the provisions of this Agreement be inconsistent or in conflict with such section, regulations, any successor section or regulations, or any revenue rulings, notices or other administrative pronouncements, in effect or issued from time to time, then such section, regulations, successor section or regulations, or rulings, notices or administrative pronouncements shall be deemed to override and supersede the provisions which are set forth herein. If such section or regulations, or any successor section or regulations, or any ruling, notice or other administrative pronouncement issued thereunder, at any time require that Agreements creating a trust to hold a personal residence contain provisions that are not expressly set forth herein, such provisions shall be incorporated into this Agreement by reference and shall be deemed to be a part of this Agreement to the same extent as though they had been expressly set forth herein. To the extent required to qualify as a Qualified Personal Residence Trust and as provided in Treas. Reg. § 25.2702-5(c)(9), the Trustee is prohibited from selling or transferring the Residence, directly or indirectly, to the Grantor, the Grantor's spouse, or an entity controlled by the Grantor or the Grantor's spouse during the retained term interest of the Trust, or at any time after the retained term interest that the Trust is a grantor trust. 17.4. AsCERTAINABLE VALUES. It is also the intent and purpose of the Grantor that the trust estate of any trust established under this Agreement be held, administered and distributed so that each beneficial interest in the trust, whether retained by the Grantor, or given away by the Grantor, be susceptible of measurement on the basis of generally accepted valuation principles for federal gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer tax purposes, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Code and the applicable Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder, including Code §§ 2511, '2512 and 7520 and other applicable Code sections and regulations. Accordingly, it is the Grantor's intent that each beneficial interest, including but not limited to, any income interest, term of years, annuity, reversion, possibility of reverter, executory interest, or remainder be susceptible of measurement and not be of an unascertainable value for federal tax NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 12 purposes, so that beneficial interests retained by a Grantor are not valued at zero because their value cannot be reasonably ascertained under such aforementioned valuation principles. This Paragraph 17.4 shall be subject to Paragraph 17.3, but the Grantor realizes that values of interests, such as the annuity interest and the remainder interest of property which becomes subject to a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust under Paragraphs 10.2 and 11 cannot be determined until such later time. 17.5. ISSUE. All references to issue shall include descendants and adopted children. 17.6. CONTEXT. Unless some other meaning and intent is apparent from the context, the plural shall include the singular and vice versa, and masculine, feminine and neuter words shall be used interchangeably. 17.7. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. For purposes of recording, filing, or providing copies of this Agreement, the counterpart signature pages (and any other pages that are specially marked by the signatories) may be inserted into one of the counterparts to create a single original or copy of the entire agreement. Date: Od.) 9-_" _, 2000 GRANTOR: *~->-4'-L--£.. -::;-/d-££.._ Nina E. Falk NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST Nanl:1y·. Fal ,.0-rust /) . y/ v;:::' tyz-\ ~ . ~;?/./< ~.;f v.~-s 1_V q ?'_ ,/ ~~~ ... "'(.. .... ' .-........ __ _ Rtberta E. Falk, Co-Trustee PAGE 13 STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss. ) ) ) ss. ) On this day personally appeared before me Carl D. Falk, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument as a Co-Trustee and Carl D. Falk acknowledged signing the same in the above capacity as Carl D. Falk's free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and seal on OJ. ~tj , 2000. NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 14 . STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss. ) On this day personally appeared before me Nancy E. Falk, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument as a Co-Trustee and Nancy E. Falk acknowledged signing the same in the above capacity as Nancy E. Falk's free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. COUNTY OF KING NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST ad ~~j, 2000. Printe-N~~~La~~~~~~~~ Notary Public, State of My appointment expire ) ) ss. ) PAGE 15 · , STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING COUNTY OF KING ) ) SSe ) ;q ,2000. ) ) SSe ) On this day personally appeared before me Janet L. Abubakar, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument as a Co-Trustee and Janet L. Abubakar acknowledged signing the same in the above capacity as Janet L. Abubakar's free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and seal on od r:?4, 2000. NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 16 EXHIBIT A TO NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST , -) The personal residence to be transferred to the Trustee is that certain real property commonly known as 18415 -102nd Ave SE Renton, WA 98155, and legally described as: The North one-half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 W.M.; except the East 20 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1461384, records of King County, State of Washington. Situated in King County, Washington. King County Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 322305-9022-05. NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 17 NINAE. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST EXHIBITB TO NINAE.FALK RESIDENCE TRUST PAGE 18 , , DE,", -1AN 3 0 RECE'" \ ~'.',. -" I' " Qt": ~f [;l Ell a .) ::i~~~ ~ c~~:~~)' THE GRA.'"TOa· PALMER COlCIllJ COAL COMPANY. INC. '., "'"'5{ . . . . • :~"~~ri; .. ,~f;.~~~l~~~~::. ~'.-rwandiD~ol $1.00 andoth.er: .. ,~luab1~ ~onsideratlon .. 'J' .' :!:> .' , C-::"ud~nu-Io.CARL G. p~ an~:.~~ ~l,lA,~ •. '·hIs w1fe .~'~i"';';rtal",at" . .iI~lod in tkC_~-~J·ici.~';· Slat"oIW~: . . '; l' ;' ~ i"~~ The . Nor=th one-hal!' of the Northwest~J~rte~ of the rlorthw('n quarter of the Southwest quarter oC'Section 32, Townsh1p ~3 ~orth. Ran"e 5 Ea!lt \I.M.; except. ~he. Bast 20 feet the~c~' conve;red t.o JUno:; CountY' 1"or;·.J008C:(·:~ by deed rec-ord.,d under AudItor's Pile No. 14(2)84 ""reCord'S oJ: lUng Co::nty. sta'te of Wa::hlngton. . . '. / .. J J\Jt 2 iJ 191)\ .~~~~$~ -.. , ... ~ -- IX WIT:'I:E5S WHEREOF • .aid (OfT'O.atl·1Iai· Q...d tJoi,; Uumml 10 Ill' nec:ulrd b,' iu p~. offi<e .. and iu ct'rpo.alr _110 Ill' brr.unlO .ffixrd Ibt. "ada~ 0' .... ;.~~~~..C~r.-~. go~t~'" ._l~.: .. ~~ . ....;;::; I>.-~. ,'" -. ....... ... ' .;4.;;;.cr. ' ... ~"'L II ..... '-"" S . ~I .1 .. '11 .. '.'" , .. ~. ~?i ... -... ...-.-'" ::. f .. ~. ,,' ."" .~ ~ ~ ----. -I :t.;: .... -.~ ............ _._._ ........... ~~ "".l'i ';:0 .,:' ST.\TF. OF WASHIXGTOS. I "/.:;" ... '''' , ...... ~?-•• s. ,/';) .•• ;. .. ; ..... , ,'\. l'oUAly 01 KING.L \ . '. 7t'O~C)\\ On Ihis . .3()~ da)' 01 June ,19 61 ~fore me, the unarrsignrd. a Sotary Public la and lor the Slalr 01 Wubintlon, duly commillioo<d and IWOm. prnnnally apprarrd • .. JOHN H IIDRRIS· uid C'ARL G. PALK 10 me kllOWll to be \he. I'raldall and . Srcrrlary. rnp<elively. 01 PALMIR. . . COMPANY • INC. . Ihe corporallota IilluulMllt, and acknowlrdllrd lhe said instrumenl t. Ill' lhe I.H and voIUllIary.Ii:( .the URI and purp''''" lherrin menlionod. and on CAlh stall'<! Ihat c~"L~ . . .lIIItrumenl and Ihat Ih~ ,.al alli .. d is the corpora,r _I "I said .~ ~.~~'fo}t:j;~ •••• :."~ .•••• '.~ ••• ;._.;..;... ...... l,) ... ~.J--.;.·· __ ..... _____ ~.~~n~ ...... :; .. ~ ...... -t ...... ,. .. ~~.-~..... '. • •• '. - - , I , I j I ." ... Return Addras: NedY. Sato MonIIomcry, Purdue, BIenki_ip &: AusIiD, p .u..c. 5100 Columbia Cemer 701 fiflh Avawe SallIe, WA 98104-7096 • • PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE'S DEED Ref ...... N.aJ.(I) ofrdlded d ...... ): NODe. Cruter: PaIk, Carl D., Personal RepmentatiwoftheEaclteofCarl O. Fait GraDteI: Falk, Nina E. LepI o..crtpdoD (1lbIt1'ftiated): N Yi of the NW ~ of tile NW 'A of the SW 'A of Section 32, ToWDlbip 23 N, Ranae S W.M., less coUDtyroad, Killl County, WA Full Jcpl(.) on JII&C 1 All •• ,', To ....... m N"""-: 32230S-9022-05 The Otaotor, Carl D. FaIk, Pmonal Repmcntlliw of tile Escatc of earl O. Falk, Kina Cuunty Probefc Cautc No. 97-4-04541-7 SEA. II part of III ovaall equal, DOD-pJO rata partition oflbl: community property estate fonnerly owned by c.t O. Faile and Nina E. Palk, aad II put of the distribution of the eSIIIe of CarlO. Fait. convey. aDd quit claims to the 0rm1ee, Nina E. FaIk, an undiYided lOOK intcrcat in die following described real property 10C8led in ICing. County, WaabiDgton, commonly known u 1141 S 102"'* S.E., Renton, WA 98055, including my illlel'eSt themn which Grantor may hmaftcr lCquUc: The Norch one-balf of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the SouIbwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Ranse S W.M.; except the But 20 feet 1hereof c:onvcyed to Kina CoUllly for road purposes by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 1461314, records of King County, Stale ofWubiDgton. £1684094 otI.lU/B .DO ~ i ~ ~ 8 • ... i I I • ;JI ij ~ ~ I - - STA -rn OF WASHlN01'ON ) ) COUNTY OF KlNG ) • • 7} .1999. ~ D.F . I certitY tbId I know or have aatiJfiIctory evidaw:e tbIl cart D. Falk is the pcmon who appeIhd lIefoN me, and Mid penon acknowIedacd dill be siaDcd this iaIIrumcat, on oadi lilted tbIl be wu IUIhorizecI to execute the inItnameot ...r IIclaIowIed&ed it IS the Penonal ~ve oflbe Estate ofcart O. FaIk, dec:eascd, to be the free and voluntary act of sucb party for the UICS and purposes ItIted 1beRiD. Dated 1n&ct '"'l . 1999. , J Return Address James H WIshaar Montgomery, Purdue, BlankInshIp & AustIn, P L L C 5800 ColumbIa Center 701 FIfth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104-7096 III III I .• E1784923 111=tv!lwA~ SILl •. :: PAGE III OF 114 QUIT CLAIM DEED Reference Number(s) of related document(s): None. Grantor: Falk, Nma E. Grantees: Carl D Falk, Roberta E Falk, Janet L Abubakar, Chnstme M Aalto and Nancy E Falk, Co-Trustees of the NIna E Falk ResIdence Trust Legal Description (abbreviated): N YJ of the NW ~ of the NW ~ of the SW 1,4 of SectIOn 32, Townshlp 23 N, Range 5 W.M , less county road, Kmg County, WA Fulllegal(s) on pages 1 Assessor's Tax Parcel ID Number: 322305-9022-05 The Grantor, NIna E. Falk, as a gUt and wIthout conslderatIon, hereby conveys and qwt claIms In trust to the Grantees, Carl D. Falk, Roberta E Falk, Janet L Abuhakar, Christ me M Aalto and Nancy E Falk, Co-Trustees of the Nma E Falk ResIdence Trust, all of grantor's Interest 10 the follow1Og described real property located 10 King, County, State of WashIngton' The North one-half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, TownshIp 23 North, Range 5 W M , except the East 20 feet thereof conveyed to Kmg County for road purposes by deed recorded under AudItor's FIle No 1461384, records of KIng County, State of WashIngton QUIT CLAIM DEED - 1 C \JHw\2000\FALKQPRTDEED DOC Dated _--={A:....-(;/,=--, ---=tJ7~. ___ , 2000 Nma E Falk, Grantor STATE OF WASIDNGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) I certIfy that I know or have satIsfactory eVIdence that NIna E. Falk IS the person who appeared before me, and saId person acknowledged that she sIgned thIs Instrument, on oath stated that she was authonzed to execute the Instrument and acknowledged It to be her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes stated therem Dated _-=6tJ::..-=--:......----+'-U'--+'l ______ , 2000. QmT CLAIM DEED - 2 C \JffiV'2000\FALKQPRTDEED DOC STEWART TITLE COMPANY of Washington, Inc. Fit: IJ fDA "'COMO" ~€QU(ST 0' 8!5/0~/03 11027 to ReeD F 3.00 1(' UtlTV C~SHSL ....... 3.00 Wh[" A(C0AIl£D A['uAt< '0 " .... Add"!.' Pacific West ESCI'ow Co., Inc. P.O. Box 953 Renton Washington 98057 E"crow '6864 EXCISe TAX PA::) MAYs-as 1KJ822:i57 I~~ Statutory Warranty heel THE GRANTOR GLEN C. ANDERSON AND AUDRY L. ANDERSON, Hill ",if e for .nd in (OftOidto ... imo." TEN DOLLARS AND ontER GOOD AND VALUABLE in hand paid. ron"·.-ye and .. rl'lln" to FRED E. GUSTAFSON AND DEBRA C. GUSTAFSON, Husband' wife King . SIIIlrol W •• hmpon' !55 The north 72 feet of the south half of the northwest quarter of rhe northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 32. Township 23 North Range 5 East. W.K •• In King County, Washlngtoll; EXCEPT the east 20 feet thereof conveyed to Kina County for road by Deed recorded under Recording Ntmber 1461l84. TOGETHER WlTR a 14 X 71 Mobile Home. Identified as I. D. 5042, 1975 Bayfront. Subject to easements, restrictions. covenants and reservations of record. De'''', APRI~9~ ,.d..L:hc-.. ~~~ , .~~;.~ '~" ,,-, , STATE OF WASHINGTON I ('Ol'NTY OF Kina I .. --.19 85 -- .STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF 1- !! -§ - 0" ..... <I", ... • ....... 1." ."""" ......... "' ..... On .hi. cia,. of '.... .. • 19 • ...,..,. _ ..... _n ........ NolllfY Publi .. In ..... fo. I'" SIIIIr 01 W .... · C, & Audry L., Anderson ,,' ~nnwn to .... lhf" ,,",,,·WuaI ......... in .... i",.on duly -o..icnwcI ..... _. PHMNIIly _ ..... ......... IPd .... wi' hill and ' ........... i_...-.... .nd ~'.n .... kllC ...... I~...t .ha. they ............. -10 _ II_II ID ........ .......... .nd s.-.-.... ~. ~ l~ their.'. ""'unlll,., a<'t ..... cIoed. .....".nMolv '" ~' In. hP u ..... nd .~~. ,.n _. "'101Ied I ............. 'K .... ha .... OC'Uw .... rOI'ellOlRi ..... n;menl .• nd ack_IPdlf'll .., ....::. • ..... id ino ......... II •• " .... th .. , ...... nd vol ..... .,. .., ...... cIoood of Mid n ....... • -~ • , .... )~lD'~ ~,~ . ". alion. 10 ..... __ ..... pu_ Ih...-n _Iioned ...... on oalh m'f'II .hat =: • ..... . .... ~ " .u.hnnlf'llto .......... tIw oaicI inolftlMPftt .nd .ha ...... _I ~ IHN ';: my ha~oIIIria\ ... 1 u.i: ... f'II is.hP ............ r wei 01 .111 """"' ... ..... ~. da MJI'H ~/ Z"5 Wil_ m,. I!.nd .nd"-';"I wei ... -......... .,. and YR. llrot c. J ; _. ahowo _ritc.n ~ /:. ~ ~.,u:-: -~:. _ ... ~'a.)· uhl.~.n lnd lb. ".~ ' •• ol W .... ~ Nola.,. .... hhc III and I ....... S ••• r of W .. hinpoll, .: IftCtUn MNIt ... e .... "Seattl rflllidiftC.' --... 2 0,1 I ~ ~Qt l6-ao l'r~a I' ' ,k oat ,a.. ~_..... .80 ira P~i:4urt 11l1J.~ .. 4t. COIfPtlftJi', a wn -..,1 ... to 1.8.Vall .m~. o'f ... i'p • ., aAd WI' t (I ., fh. tQl de, I' • I L.t lJ .-.. 4 LO,Jal iiei"bte ~11'111~H' N~h •• ft a.dd to the C of tl \ '.G!tJtt i .. 0'_ i'~. ~rr 1\ot .l"Q' &ftt all tax ct_ •• eno 01 &117 _t\d". tht anI hllye ...... f: lien u:~t th. 'Pl''''' .1ftft, .AWl J6-1oa ~t tn kG .. lnt"_ .. tr bat .. " ... tll. ,n, t. tt .... h, it. 1'1'.' Ita. it • ...,,, 0 It. nunto otts .. aM Att~. '1 11', S.e Pro9'i4 • ...t I a •• " •• "t a.ap.., l17 JhUI, D ........ ' .. , U. $.t • .. ..., .1 a" .. 0 .. 4 "'1 h •• a.Plt.lon ••• Jr ... k_ w. la-IQ 1111 MIll' D •• lu.,'.' _4 .he • .a.Jt-.. t ... on, ....... 1' ....... lqt."'7 ot' hut 00",' tt-tt ... U, ... thin Ul4 t'.~. 1.et (el) tI.r .arie au1191' np faJ .... s at • _ ••• y 18-10 (Ill .. 6JOI I6tb Aft 8.11. Cit,) Lrt 1.. Oet ro-aQ .., 9-. ...... 11-'6 .... -.. " -. 11 Out 10-10 oet .a-ao tl • ll .. ao Il, " ! i' " ,[ t') , .a.a-1a¥4. all" J_n1. h .. l:l:aJ1l'~~t h !Inc" ud C.lhhrHll to.o .. , " 1ft .,. .t t a. ben t ••• eru. to thotll b)' r •• Mtl 4)t la,yl,.. out I and .... \. a plA .. l:.· raali fUll +bal!' pro) Ilnd 11Gb. 1,. f.lan ..... , V ", "., aN ('Q to e4 ., to," \Ut. of the ,ubl1t'1 tore ... r •• e m. ~~ .n4 bl«h9&7 all 1nt in th8 rot d~. r • 6. 80' of the.".. 1)( ¥ 1/" or )lft f)f 81); .. iii n(JO :sa r-.p. 23 Ii. n 6 .if. .. W.JI1. fttmt .60 &0 III or i rt of ... , G.H. :i"a,l"Hl ro!!l!. tilt in ko _ (JoL~h.r"11 1 ~t JUMle n.Ha"'~n al.~J' ~..,~~n. k ... 0 et 4-210 01 H1 a.1" Kut.em ,. to r '" r., liay'lea ~t J .,,"J.. it .Uay4e". .. .. lit' H d • at }.-n1 ft. J un 1 -23 .Jr. ... Oot 1)-&0 li1 C .. H ·1'&,,..11, 'b.t i\;JII,Oi"l ~ • .'1.1I9 n, t3l1' ,. r." at , "I ... .I .. I~ ('1 b,y ... ... - J) Ont iO-W 11. ~n Oct .. to .1 itO • b-\d 'ft. a •• tt. 'If!\ tt 0,. o! r..nt. .; •• h t. Ttl. Cit, f)f r;.nt •• liNn! ~J']) of the ~ oy eM ~rt' '0 .@ tb. to1 1." "~l PI'O' Tnir4 Cl •• ~. ot .. ~ lot.... 1 e'..lI' a !a Jilt 13 .t w .. lb1 ~t Dn Oem rAl l_prOye"Mnt CO!l&,..,'. )taft lUll Iodtj t;) ~"~nt. .." 1J1. ~O"t '~l'... P9&ll i",41 &_ t &1 C~ CUt 6-80 hI' 1',,11'106 ~.!ot't, ... itio'ti. 1,).,' H ,B.Iii"lU.t3I~ liP te'l" .. r.$.t 1'"_t lU ",un 1-23 (i.ll LS.:tt'lrofl • .l\~at. 1M) •..• ( s) \ I j - l , -r-. • • KING COUNTY PROPERTY SERVICES 500 KC. ADMINISTRATION BLDG. 500 FOURTH AVENUE SEAmE. WA 98104 1'/91"-"~ -. Yo f-",~~.,,-~ .. DOCUft.EHT TlnJ;(SJ: StetiltCIIV WII1 f/IIty Ond El7t3127 :faZ/I• 12:41 ~m COUNTY. \III SIU p.m:~ GRANTORIS! lleat nem •• ilrtt name. mid ... initial): Nln' Fllk ••• ingI. wom." Addidonal 1'1II1II" an PIIa. of document. GRANTEE(S) IIIIt nllnB. tWit neme. mldd. initlell: King CountY. B Municipal CDrpor.tion AddItIon .. /'lam .. on p~ of dgwmtRl. 11." 1tIIIeZ2IIJ273 IIIIGI "I OF ... I(lIt/12/1. SZ'SZ NG COCIt/TY, IlII PAGi: "I OF HZ LEGAL oesCRlPTIOH Itbbrev(lled: lot. block. pllt or .. .;tion. tDw.oahip. rlllg'): A portion of the North half of the Northwest Quan.r 0' the Northwe., Quart,r of U.e SDuthwest Quarter of SlICtiGn 32. Township 23 NDnh. Rang, 5 EWM. King CQ~t' .. , Wahlnllton. Addltlonel laall d •• erllnlon Oil Pea. 2 01 dcc~m.nl. .-ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL OR ACCOUNT NUM8E~: 322305·9022'()5 Addltillnll 5tfer,"c" on Pilla of documar.t. JtDlUOI .\. $ hi Uti .. • i It f j ... r , • • STAntrORV WARRANJ'Y DEED THE GRANTOR. Nina Falk •• lingle woman (-Grlmo"'). fot and In consideration of Ten DoUII'S ($10) end other valuabla conaidera1iOn. in nand plid. convey and warrant to King County. iJ Municipal Corporation. I"Grllm .. "). the following dllscribed ra.1 estate. SItuated In the County of K1nv. Sta~e of Washington: JIOIIUUQI LEGAllY DESCRIBED on the attached exhibit A. SUBJECT TO: all Covenants condtions. easements. reserv.tions. end festrtctions of record. DATED this H day of I1;;ri I Nina Falk -2- xu k .. J 2 .1991· 19990812001213 PW..E aez ryr 119- eel't2"'1"~ 12 ~, KI .... COLIITV. UA • . '; '( - ::,~ '. i • • • &TATE OF WASHINGTON as. I Clrtify that I know or hlYI AtisflCtury evtdlnc, that NIna fll: II the person Who appee,.d btfoll 1IMt. end .lid person eclcnowl.dged th.t slid perlOll tignec1 tNl inatrum'n1 lIIIeI Icknowlecfaed it to be slid IMIMn'S " .. and voluntary act fo, the u ... alld purpo ... mlll11lonld in 1t1eln8trument. -3- •• ..-- 19990S12E101Z73 p..,;c eel r:F 00. 118.'12-1099 1. 52 I( INC COtlff'l". IJA . ..., . - • \ I TALBOT RIDGE RIW DESCRIPTION • • LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRIAD NO. 97-006 July 8,19911 (RIGHT ~F-\v AY DEDICATION-TAX LOT NO. 322J()S-9012.(J~) PARCEL I: RIGIIT.()f-WAY DEDICATION THAT PORTION OF TIm NORTH HALF OF THE NOR1tIWEST QUARTER OF TIlE NOR1tIWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTlfWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 2J NORTI/, RANGE S EAST. W.M, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS fOLLOWS' BEGINNING AT 1tIE INTERSECTION OF 1tIE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORm HAl.F WITH THE WESTERLY MA RGIN OF 102 AVE. 5.E.: THENCE sotTrn 89"26 '29~ WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 2S.S2 FEET TO A POIl'lT ON A CURVE; ll1ENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE RIGFIT. THE CENTER OF WHICH BEARS SOVTH oo·n·) r' EAST 25.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 91·50'20' AN ARC DISTANCE OF 40.01 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY RJGIIT "()F-WA Y MARGIN OF 102 AVE S.E.: TIffiNCE NORTH 01 916' 49" EAST ALONG SAJD WESTERLY RlGIIT -OF· WAY MARGIN 2~.82 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 144 SQ FT. WRITIEN' JML CHECKED. WVS TRIAD ASSOCIATES 11814 115th Avenue N.E. Kirldand, WA 911034 (425)821-84481 Fsx (425)821-3431 F'P.~TI· s[Jtur LID II 00 199998129a1213 PAC[ 0114 0<" 00. 11$-1<.'1799 12 ~z kiNG CilU<h. "" • . ..., o Oat. 11-" Se, ..... ) ilO. ~ .10 J.r •• i-J.. a-t-r •• lts. 0 ... , 0.1 !loa .. ." • H Too.., ,. ii~d.l. 5 ••• 0B alld CJe,.tJ'1l(le oballllOA, b ~ I, OJ a" wrr '0 ep t.~ f'dn 1A k. "n. :;! ot 1Ri; ot Hill. ot ~11:1, o~ .30. 32 1', 2; Dr 'J ... dQllt 5 ••. t 1~ .1'1 Tn. tor_" duos pm. al''' oJ"! 11\1" ---.. aa 9'" to --11; 1D tU4t l1lteattn. t.n1. 4 •• 4 \0 01 \;U .cu.,fO~.o Grlll ot lid Lit 'I Ilia ••• d 1. _de pur .... 4" ~o • r. ast b.~. \.Ae ya r to!>, • hW d I.d e" 12-). and toile ')()Y hi. an •• of IIIC <lat •• ---.1 alII Ii Ad aU .... tOl'. q e~ ut,e ,jelJ .;.:8 •• , -bet· Ullilt.ll il. l,e 11' ro .... He .t. a .. l.~ 1 ~~, Ull t P 2126 ~l-d'h To .... ) --- t Oat 11-4) .;..p 2~41 .; lu. U.6S lnx :;l~SO .-t I a.Ul. Coa.to :J"l ..;., ...... .a y I)OII'JI ,. I.e Pa4et.rrl t, .1 0 III "rr to.p r.l1e rein in k •• 'lid pta of i.u. lil, JOO r. 02" ~~ ,';;)} ot d'tt uC 80. 21 Tp 24 III , ... lf1 ... __ at." Ito road jlf11i •• tno 'l'1,;,g1lM J40"'" Jo f0lL4 .,4) ••••• , 17.'" .0 ., ld er1 2.~J \0 all La wrae ... 110.041 ot t.ut -0.: ~.J.rl ... for J,1O ... 1.Iiv •• to. bl ,.118 at._ Ill. t.o t._ [-'lIl*t ... .t" Lt.1 i,;o .m oa1ac d ,. J. 11.)8 .n~ ••• eJ .. _e ot tn.1. '.ct., hi. •• b lt1 •. ~r.ee to la,1 • .,iAl:)' "ad I»ld IJ'or J t.a GCor., ."t., .. H::alae. tra om .~8t .1.1a b111t, fane: ij lat.a ! .. a C'A ."ot. ot d ...... to prOf Of M4/or la.JW"1 \0 Q1' de.til or "tee en1 ;M •• bel' ot' ct.e. C.aUI, G' ... iAll'.OD ~n~ Ut •••••• U. Mrrt or '.~I 11 .. D •••• ) .111 .~ • .,.. ... I'I upo. llIl loG, arlalr;i r..-alll ....... _t.81).' •• *.uar e~CI •• led IIr tJot fII aI .eUler l<A t-o ,telt IU· L.ot e.nd C'liMU1'ri~ 011 111 or L..!s.hr 81 .A.d, :'C4t al.,mt 1A \obI" ~cr c.olltaS .. d gtDllle; i.LbI ~,..a •• 4 Q;<Otl set 111 .a tI 001 rwa .ita tt .• 1'_ 1'81'1" d •• V na are 010' .tlb~ to "All tol .XMp \1.l.)nl!l p ad ray u; A.. All 0.1 I. 11111ra1 rt. of .9., oa~ •• har.so.~lJr Lt &4 14 • • a4 til. r' to 4le. ai_, .zoe,.". QaJ'l"J' • ..., •• all II D~ <!1 rJ~o "t _* oal ta •• 1_1111. ae .. , tit tl'i.Uld tuiA, .l~a, 11. a111~1 f H 1111 lO.~ or 4M. ... Ii"o tG a __ ba14aoo of t.lliI •• 11 or a.r1..1A, 1!. 'AI IUDDO' out. of .. 141_ opal.tolena t;.ht £.. &lIe D •• D Gr tat 1 I~at\_ t'8 •• rrlecl DIl 1A ad J.d 1tb.ltn.1' ... aubaltl-.lc,oe ~ .0v.81td ... "I [ .• ~1::$_'11 Q.m~ 0. ad da1A3 oJQ.ra\lolJa 01' ottuan1J1l1t. It. 1 •• M Jilt ell t.ioA of trda , ••• ~ II] tM .artoo.e CI r,l, ot .... 14 T1'le rawn,a 1':00 tt~"pUo ... ot rona 1n tw 4 •• 4 .n '-IoolIl"lIt.oe4 t.o 'Jo QOW rim w1'1l totll 11, at..ll ~iGl Ln. ~"'_ ao.d \or. L/:1 ot c. •• A:''''. m •• iJ~. aue! .,., .-aa ••• l.:.t; a.;:.al.l. lWl.N ~ !.at at_ 'Ir 'i. ,tor, 1 to ••• and I1~OI). braceb. .. ~ t!1a Jt. •• 0.:' It t:1l1 aWl Ie .... J ~ ot \..lJ.~ g'''. or tlll.1 .,;.-.:;Y .1'41. GOA "In,,,J, till. f •• ~ :1,1&11. beo::ao I.&lll allIS vol", .at the t.l to .. J 1 .. elta t.lle apPlU" anall ~~,oa J _'.rt. '0 c.ll;~ b. r.w~.wd 1~ t, .. ,t.0l" 1 toa 3. J'A1 opt.ion c. r rt. ... in r •• r·;., 1 "r Qoat •• r,,~ 1l .. >011 tbe f,t Ql" 01 I) 0 os.rol a •• lJY t.j'" }.o r 1. .. a b.,. 8 of taB au !~ IiJ b. daal ~.G. .....or..i • D ,Jo' ll-oIr.) Oot. 5-4) ,10. .5S 11'811 .50." Pu1t1o co.., Ooa1 Co.,... ••• ~ T oc·~ co J:t.!1.'l'J.n.a 1p 01 ... 'ur to 'j,) !.Ao tal"ll '0!1 k\1ll "1A~ pta of ~b. NIt ot wi 0 t !;.o 14 ·r, n Aio,' 6 ... a,O" .pial" th 4 1', JSa,'P ~~ ta. a1, __ ot to road No 101' s4 ;:t l::eiCc.: 107~. 77 n ~ or eo.1 )5).~1o It .. or :'Il~ Ill, .... (It .Il:so l.io. t.6 J\ 31;.~),(' r .• 1, t.be oll;, ... of tolls .t 00 rMd f1ulS • 41ft. tit )00 n. ad to t4l .11 .. ! or Il .. ter, HiU .... i128. \A 1. a 81.1 a44 ell cUr de; ~ ae Illl op ot ~Il. oct Co nat 1121 '0 .. ;' MIl -..1". oj 0-12'C)· ; fro. 1'1 Itt ' .. n tA • 0-12'0)· • 181 n ad. to p1 at ••• DIIl OOAt. 0.8.:. ot fa: ...• t 14 ul ~l ••• ~ ... l .. ~ I'd .. p~. a' _p at. eoAed ow etDll ut. tL retareuo a par' -It r~Ae to,.,~ tla. a,. .,.t au)J ~o lOa. tol uoepUoaa e~ rU .. I' ~"'u 00&1 ooel 01 ... &1 I'M flit .. ...., .. \an .... U.vor 10 ~ l~ ••• UID n \. 41" 111 .. , .z •••• , •• caerr,. • .,., a.u a. 41opoll" or alA. at-.-,.J.a ... , _. t ..... UlA. dh' 11d111', tor 841 10311 or 44.!.natIJI:141l .. too _Ml4_~. nt tob. MU 01' bri.1A& 1n a~' ~n.r ., • 1Il1A1nc op.rat.tu. t.A' ~Yor bau. :11''' .-..t\or It. oerr1~ GA 1a It 14. wa"A" .4 _1t014.JI ... be .,,,aa_d bJ o.cUSeotjJ o.n11~ or: .4 '~~Dlna o,.nt.\o ... ar olJuMlh •• It Sf... 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' lJt ot l()~ rot t.,~ .1 r;.r torus be. of until .cr .. )) ... tc i.ln ~hD;' ~oa~ ~ 12·Z2' :: .. ;.1.." of f,() ft. t. . .3 77-)7')1" e cl,.t rC 14<'.)9 r, 1.0 \.01 aly ~;a of ';;\;M\a a"l ';J 5. ~b !If ::. ·r2._' \ a':'e t.le ,,~; .1)' !:Lv- a d a tor 6 u r:.. t b N 77· 3/' J". :; a db t t1 142 .)9 r t. t. 0 r 1 o. ber, ,,'lt1t. '!~l'" .o'. l't. :lHll"ll .' t II' 0"14 ol4tll.~ct :n r,,4 CD , :i!1" l1e; .t·,,;;:1.11 ;..to tllld "'\)4 1" in' .. '1 ..-:' r.t .. rsn.t ... ?&l'to :.of q •• r~rs .. ; ] .. :1 ;4:'i!1II ~:'" ci'''; .I_OJ ---ricJ,. !.D..to .ino ;'g .ddHI~ !lID 5;1 963 111 '.cit '0·'.1 ~~t :-4,: -._-{::I,e~~ \A'l.t.~::'el 61 abu'" r":sr!·." - FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 58039 RENTON, WA98058-1039 S008 CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT DEVELOPER EXTENSION REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT LATECOMER AGREEMENT NO. 118 cgj Water o Sewer Resolution No. c2J $k-W DATED 6/5/01 Total Latecomer $ 62,123.88 Total Latecomer Termination Date 81212015 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between Soos Creek Water and Sewer DIstriCt, a Washington MUniCipal Corporation, her~inafter referred to as "the Distnct", and Talbot Development Partners, LLC., or assigns, heremafter collectively referred to as "Owner" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Owner has installed water or sewer mams andlor facilities pursuant to a Developer ExtensIon Agreement to provIde serVice to properties within the servIce area of the DIStnct, and the DIstrict has accepted a Bill of Sale for such facihtIes; and WHEREAS, in accordance with R.C W 5722 the DIstrIct has by Resolution provIded for the execution of agreements for the reImbursement to owners from other property owners who connect to or use such facilIties withm 15 years. NOW THEREFORE IT IS AGREED: 1. Reimbursement. That Owner shall be entitled to reimbursement from connection charges described herem Wlthm 15 years from the date of the DIStrict's acceptance of a BIll of Sale. -1- - - 2. Amount of reimbursement to Owner. The Latecomer total is the amount which has been detennined by the District to be the Owner's reasonable costs of construction of the faCilities for which it is entitled to reimbursement, plus 10% for the District's reasonable costs of establishmg and admInistering this Agreement. The District shall retam such additional 10010, and shall deduct 10010 from the remamder as the Owner's share of the District's reasonable costs of establishing and administerIng this Agreement. 3. Developer Extension Agreement. That the terms of the Developer Extension Agreement between the parties regarding Latecomer Reimbursement IS incorporated herein by this reference A copy is on file at the District. 4. Facilities. That the facilIties subject to this Agreement are described as follows: See Exhibit "A" 5. Reimbursement Area. That the reimbursement area subject to this Agreement is legally described as follows' SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT By: See Exhibit "B" -2- OWNER Talbot Deve10pnent Partners, ILC By: Harry J O'IXmnell Ross N. Case ~--~-----~------- Co-Managing Member eo-Managing Ma:IiJer STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this ~ day of JUUb • 20~, before me personally appeared HA65'1"J Q'D2IJ.i€' r and POS5 W . CASE, I to me known to be Cc~ ..:#Ie 'Pfahjfiil Mid Seelie~ resfectively, of J'Al.fpr DEve I'Pr1f1.?T p~ LLC.-. ~ a Washington COl1'6ralien, the-e~t=ati9B that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therem mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year above written. ELLEN fRANCES SMITH NEBRE STATE OF WASHINGTON NOTARY -.-PUBLIC MY COIIImlOI £XPUIS H5-04 tILtog,a.o~~ 1 NOTARY PUBLIC in orthe State 0 ashington, ResIding at: BeLtaJU€ I UA My comnusslon expires' ll-«3 -y STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this ~ day of JUUEi , 20~, before me personally appeared HA8BL(J' Q'I;bU,:;eLL. and &255 W . CASE , to me known to be lb~ ..:llm Pt:all!elil and See'E~ res~ectively, of J"Al..fpr oe;;\/s. ~ p~ L~ -"£:...j a 'ft'ashington COIpefQti9Jl,o the1;1~Rlti9n that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therem mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year above written. ELLEN FRANCES SMITH NEBRE STATE OF WASHINGTON NOTARY-··-PUBLIC MY CGIIISU* OPES 11-06-04 01 UoY.fta.o~~&u 1 NOTARY PUBLIC in orthe State 0 ashington. Residing at: ~LtaJU€ (VA My comnusslon expires' ( , -'3 -t.{ SIZE 8" 8" 8" Exhibit "A" 5005 CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT ON 102nd Avenue S E South 47th Street Smithers Avenue South WATER LATECOMER'S NO. 118 TALBOT RIDGE FROM TO Valve, 140+1-feet South of Valve cluster, IntersectIOn of the Intersecbon of 102nd 102nd Avenue S E and Avenue S E and South South 47th Street 47th Street Valve cluster, Intersection POint. Intersect/on of South of 102nd Avenue S E and 47th Street and Smithers South 47th Street AvenueS E POint. IntersectIon of South Blow-off. 20+/-feet 47th Street and Smithers Westerly of the Southwest AvenueS E comer of Lot 6 of said Plat TotalS" TOGETHER WITH valves, fire hydra-nts. services and appurtenances LENGTH 136l F 889LF 164L F 1,209 L F F \ 12\014\03\LC118ExA DOe-04125101 (~ C"3 Exhibit "8" SOOS CREEK WATER & SEWER DISTRICT PARCEL NO 322305-9022 WATER LATECOMER'S NO. 118 TALBOT RIDGE Base Maps 0-2 & E-2 The North 150 feet of the following descnbed parcel The North half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, township 23 North, Range 5 East, W M, KIng County, Washington, c-LESS County Road, ~ AND LESS right-of-way to King County recorded under RecordIng No 19990812001273 ~ LATECOMER'S CHARGE $27,801 73 6 10% ADMIN CHARGE $ 2,78017 ~ TOTAL L C CHARGE c:;:) ~ PARCEL NO 322305-9183 $30,58190 The South 150 feet of the followrng descnbed parcel The West half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W M,. King County, Washington LATECOMER'S CHARGE $28,67453 10% ADMIN CHARGE $ 2,867 45 TOTAL L C CHARGE $ 31,541 98 LATECOMER'S RATE $ 43 64 PER FRONT FOOT F \ 12\014\03\LC 118ExB DOC-04125101 ·to ~. ~HORT FORM DEED OF TRUST -------------, PACtflC IIlSI [StROW co lilt. (', / ( p.oloom . I len,.. ........ ~7 Till. D;;;£D \)1' TltUST " _d. '~I' , !9c II , _ .... "'. i,PI< II. .... • I-..!!.l .• ut.ni£N fRED F.. C:1'STA"~O~~t!!...~_.I.:...~:IJS·t~AJ'~ilNJIIIl"!>.and ,\, wI ft' _____ ." ..••• ' ••• n' .... ... ..,. •• 44 ...... . • nd .. ft ........... I. 701 Fifth Av~nu~ • ..... (:U·.N C. ANOt:kSON AND t\UpRY I .. ANOF.NSON, H~J:!E.!lnd ,\, w\f(' .. hu." ....... I. ____________________ _ Tht' north 72 f .... t of th .... outh hll\ f .,f th., I.fochweat 'luart<'r of th .. north"""t q\lart~r of the s,,"t~,W(,9t quarter of Sect 101' 32. TO!mshlp 23 North. Ran!'! .. 5 East. W.M,. In Kill!! County. Washington; EXCEPT the ea"t 20 fe"t th .. reof convev .. d to KIll!! COllnt'· for road by de .. d r .. corded under Record!n!!. Numb .. r 1461384. TOGETIlER WITII " 14 X 71 MobO .. 110m ... identified as I. D.'~042. l'Hi 8avfront. 85/()S,,03 Reel> i=' CQSHSL 3.50 11028 TOGanta_ ." ... 11 ................. _ .................... ___ ...... n ................ -. ....................... , .... .. ..... ,III' ....................... u...ef ..... _ .......... _ ............. _, .. __ ........................ , .. _ ....... , ••••• ~ ••• u •• , ................ .-4 .. _ .............. 1M ...... _ ............. , ... .......-.... IMI ............... _ ........... . • u ................................... ___ Itt" ............ ,.. -. ...................................................... , ....... IIte • .. _ ...... 4 .......................................................................................................... • ....... . .... ...... .... c ................. n_ ...................... , ..... n .................. ell ............. 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IIIfIoI!e .......... .,c ........ r • ....,... .................................... 'D.c .................. _..., ................. ., ... _ ................. ..., ..... .--.. -............................ ..-.......... .. .. , ... _ .......... ,., ............................................................... _ ...... _ 1M UNlDC ........ ,... lII1. .... CIIIIcbI ............ 1ftIcn .......................... ~ III ........................ I1& ...................... _ ..... ~ • ......u: . . ------.... -... -".... .... ...... .'. ." ... A..... .....,~ .................. . ~.:.: UI 1:lJ::= e_ _ ... nil" e_ _ ... ___ DUM CW .... e._ 0'''''''' _ .. ., .. c_.... 'M. ... ~, .. ....... 'U He ,_ ~=... n ~r m I :rea.:: .......... ___ .... _lIn. co-n ...... _ •• ._ __ .,...... .11 _M' 1.-.. , _ ... _ l=--.. 'f ..... ~ 11 .= "._ .1 n. __ ..... -... -, .. , .. "'_ .... _ .4 ,._ ..... w".L. ,.. L."_ ._If aa -.. ., ..... .--:.- 1 .. 0-. •• -. ... ~:....~. I ..... ..... ,., r., ... .. II • .. et .... • 01-- _ .... ... ••• _I_ISCI ... .. > I .. n . ... •• ., --'13 11 II. ... , .. , . •• II_ .. _ ... _P--.. -.. __ ..... _ ............ -~-..... Jh,rJle ........ .. T ........ _--...... __ .. _ .. __ D-.. -·Plea.e initial (r) ~. D;.;l ~ n. ............ Ie .......... ., ......... ., ................... -..u. ............ r--. ....... . ~'=-==-.. ~ .... _._. __ .hj..~_ .. _ .. _ ......... -~ ...... --'-.. ~ . ..- CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, WA 98104 Order No.: 001115374 Your No.: FALK/GUSTAFSON CORE DESIGN, INC 14711 NE 29TH PL,#101 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98007 ATTN: LAFE HERMANSEN JOB #03095 PROPERTY ADDRESS: WASHINGTON 1/1 Enclosed are your materials on the above transaction. If you have any questions regarding these materials, please contact us. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you. ««««««««««««««««««<»»»»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»> UNIT 10 -YOUR COMPLEIEBUILDER/DEVELOPERSERVICE CENIER WE HAVE EXPANDED TO SERVE ALL YOUR TIlLE INSURANCE NEEDS RELATED TO LAND ACQUISITION, DEVELOPMENT FINANCING AND PROPERTY SUBDIVISION. MIKE HARRIS KEITH EISENBREY STEVE KINSELLA BOB BLOEDEL TITLE OFFICER (206) 628-5623 (E-MAIL: HARRISMI@CTT.COM) TITLE OFFICER (206) 628-8377 (E-MAIL: EISENBREYK@CTT.COM) CONDO COORDINATOR (206) 628-5614 (E-MAIL: KINSELLAS@CTT.COM) SENIOR TIlLE EXAMINER FAX NUMBER (206) 628-5657 ««««««««««««««««««<»»»»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»> •• ALERT: NEW DEED OF TRUST RECORDING FEES •• EFFECTIVE JULY 27, 2003 THE RECORDING FEE FOR DEEDS OF TRUST WILL INCREASE BY $1.00. THE NEW RECORDING FEE WILL BE $20.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND $1.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. THIS INCREASE ONLY APPLIES TO DEEDS OF TRUST. RECORDING FEES FORALL OTHER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ASSIGNMENTS OF DEEDS OF TRUST, WILL REMAIN THE SAME. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED TITIEf7 /RDA/0999 L CHICAGO TITLb .I.J. ~JURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #1800, SEATILE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LOAN NO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 001115374 FALK/GUSTAFSON 10 o R D ERR E FER ENe E I N FOR MAT ION SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: 1 SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: NINA E. FALK, AND FRED E. GUSTAFSON AND DEBRA O. GUSTAFSON PROPERTY ADDRESS: WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: M PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 3 OF OUR COMMITMENT IS (ARE) ELIMINATED. N THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH(S} HAS (HAVE) BEEN ADDED TO OUR COMMITMENT: o PARAGRAPH NUMBER 7: P 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL A. 2004 322305-9022-05 4260 $ 228,000.00 $ 257,000.00 BILLED: $ NOT AVAILABLE PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ NOT AVAILABLE NOTE: TAXES FOR 2003 IN THE SUM OF $ 5,349.29 HAVE BEEN PAID. Q PARAGRAPH NUMBER 8: SEE NEXT PAGE SUPPLCOM!RDA!r1m CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: Your No.: Unit No.: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) 1115374 FALK/GUSTAFSON 10 R 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF s T FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL B. 2004 322305-9096-06 4260 $ 101,000.00 $ 29,000.00 BILLED: $ NOT AVAILABLE PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ NOT AVAILABLE THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE SEPTEMBER 25, 2003, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. JANUARY 5, 2004 AUTHORIZED BY: KEITH EISENBREY SUPLCOM2/RDAj0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, WA 98104 Order No.: 001115374 Your No.: FALK/GUSTAFSON CORE DESIGN, INC 14711 NE 29TH PL,#101 BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98007 ATTN: HARLEY JOB #03095 PROPERTY ADDRESS: WASHINGTON 1/1 Enclosed are your materials on the above transaction. If you have any questions regarding these materials, please contact us. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you. ««««««««««««««««««<»»»»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»> UNIT 10 -YOUR COMPLETE BUILDER/DEVELOPER SERVICE CENfER WE HAVE EXPANDED TO SERVE ALL YOUR TIlLE INSURANCE NEEDS RELATED TO IAl'ID ACQUIsmON, DEVELOPMENT FINANCING AND PROPER'IY SUBDIVISION. MIKE HARRIS ROGER TERRIERE KEITH EISENBREY STEVE KINSELLA DAVID BENNETT BOB BLOEDEL TIlLE OFFICER (206) 628-5623 (E-MAIL: HARRISMI@CTT.COM) TIlLE OFFICER (206) 370-3180 (E-MAIL: TERRIERER@CTT.COM) TITLE OFFICER (206) 628-8377 (E-MAIL: EISENBREYK@CTT.COM) CONDO COORDINATOR (206) 628-5614 (E-MAIL: KINSELLAS@CTT.COM) SENIOR TITLE EXAMINER SENIOR TIlLE EXAMINER FAXNUMBER: (206) 628-5657 ««««««««««««««««««<»»»»»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»> •• ALERT: NEW DEED OF TRUST RECORDING FEES •• EFFECTIVE JULY 27, 2003 mE RECORDING FEE FOR DEEDS OF TRUST WILL INCREASE BY $1.00. mE NEW RECORDING FEE WILL BE $20.00 FOR mE FIRST PAGE AND $1.00 FOREACHADDmONALPAGE. mIS INCREASE ONLY APPLIES TO DEEDS OF TRUST. RECORDING FEES FOR ALL omER DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING ASSIGNMENTS OF DEEDS OF TRUST, WILL REMAIN mE SAME. TITLEJ7 /RDA/0999 ,-.. , 0 TITLE INSURANCE COMP ANY-. " AVENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PLAT CERTIFICATE Order No.: 1115374 Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate in said KING County, to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: CARL D. FALK, ROBERTA E. FALK, JANET L. ABUBAKAR, CHRISTINE M. AALTO, AND NANCY E. FALK, OR THEIR SUCCESSORS IN TRUST, AS CO-TRUSTEES OF THE NINA E. FALK RESIDENCE TRUST, AS TO PARCEL A; AND FRED E. GUSTAFSON AND DEBRA O. GUSTAFSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TO PARCEL B EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $17.60 Records examined to SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 at 8: 00 AM By HARRIS/TERRIERE/EISE Title Officer (206)628-5623 /' PLATCRTA/RDA/0999 PARCEL A: \GO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA!'T'-- PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: 1115374 THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1461384; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1990812001273. A , , f , , THE NORTH 72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1461384. PIA TCR1L(RDA(0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULEB Order No.: 1115374 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, alI as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1000.00). PLATCRTB/RDA/0999 'I .GO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA!"'- PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1115374 A 1. EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED: FROM: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PACIFIC COAST COAL COMPANY OCTOBER 11, 1943 3340970 AS FOLLOWS: ALL COAL AND MINERAL RIGHTS OF EVERY NATURE WHATSOEVER IN SAID LANDS, AND THE RIGHT TO DIG, MINE, EXCAVATE, CARRY AWAY, SELL, AND DISPOSE OF SUCH MINERALS AS MAY BE FOUND THEREIN, WITHOUT LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES DUE TO SUBSIDENCE OF THE SOIL OR ARISING IN ANY MANNER OUT OF MINING OPERATIONS THAT HAVE BEEN OR MAY HEREAFTER BE CARRIED ON IN SAID LAND, WHETHER SAID SUBSIDENCE BE CAUSED BY NEGLIGENTLY CARRYING ON SAID MINING OPERATIONS OR OTHERWISE. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THIS DEED TO CONVEY THE SURFACE ONLY OF SAID LAND. B AFFECTS: PARCEL B. c 2. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: AND: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT TALBOT DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LLC JULY 31, 2001 20010731000733 DEVELOPER EXTENSION REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT D AFFECTS: PARCEL A, AND OTHER PROPERTY. E 3. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL A. 2003 322305-9022-05 4260 $ 220,000.00 $ 237,000.00 BILLED: $ 5,349.29 PAID: $ 2,674.65 UNPAID: $ 2,674.64 PLATCRTBI/RDA/0999 \..GO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAl'T~" PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1115374 F 4. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL B. 2003 322305-9096-06 4260 $ 98,000.00 $ 28,000.00 BILLED: $ 1,493.48 PAID: $ 746.74 UNPAID: $ 746.74 G 5. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: LOAN NUMBER: FRED E. GUSTAFSON AND DEBRA O. GUSTAFSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GLEN C. ANDERSON AND AUDRY L. ANDERSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE $ 35,000.00 APRIL 29, 1985 MAY 3, 1985 8505031028 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. H AFFECTS: PARCEL B. I 6. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. J NOTE 1: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION QN THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: PlATCRB2/RDA/0999 -'l ,GO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAt"-- PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B ( Continued) Order No.: 1115374 PORTIONS OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32-23-5. AS OF SEPTEMBER 25, 2003, THE TAX ACCOUNTS FOR SAID PREMISES ARE 322305-9022-05 AND 322305-9096-06. END OF SCHEDULE B PIATCRB2/RDA/0999 * CHICAGO TITL.L iNSURANCE COMP~Y CHICAGO TITLE INSURA::J.~JCE CO.MPA .. 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #1800, SEATTLE, \VA 98104 701 5TH AVENUE #1700, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: ~~628-5623 PHONE~:2 ~657 . .... ca e ereoJ) lr PORT ANT: ThP.fkmA~g~e1k U1lbDt:lt.mdclud.a1'«>~ mJ~ft ~iP~~ePeIDI. reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. Northwest Y4 of the Northwest Y4 of the Southwest Y4 of Section 32-23-5 , •• ~ o ... 6 47TH ST A B CA06.60 "t/-'" ("01 5~7 07 ) .0 -76 C> ... •• , AC ~ '1'. r-----------~~~~I . 4' ID ~I ~ ')$,\9 "s I t-____ ~..,-_--..::9w;,;;.;41~A~: r " , • ~';' .".:: II' r ... ~ 2 .61 ~ ___ "';<2;230~>~_--=IIIIZ=--1 "': ~ " -9I7'l 0 lij ___________________ ~6~AO~~-~--------------~~ I . .. 636.'6 ':! Printed: 01-30-2004 Payment Made: <:",.'Y OF RENTON 1 055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-003 01/30/2004 12:11 PM Receipt Number: R0400422 Total Payment: 2,513.69 Payee: CARLAND ROBERTA FALK Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 1026 2,513.69 Account Balances Amount 500.00 2,000.00 13.69 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5036 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.81.00.0017 000.345.81.00.0018 000.345.81.00.0019 o 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/EIS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVE( -- DEVELOPMENT PlANNING ' CITY OF RENTON MAY 062004 RECEIVED ;:. p. d"t H~y .. ' 1/2 C + MILE N " \\ ,~vj'Y",,,.,~ !"':"I '\ " (, The boundaries of the sersitive areas dis-played or: these maos arf' appro)~:matc. Additional sensitive Zlrea,5 that have no~ been mapped may be present on i:l devel-opment proposa; site-. V'.'here ci7ferences oc~u:' be~ween what !S ii!t.'str~rted 0., ttlese milDS 3!lC the site condltions. the ac!ua·: t)rr:-· sencc or "bscncc or: the site 0': the sensi:ive area -as defined ir; t~e ~ensjtlVf: Ayea O"dinance -is the legaf cont:-o;. One· hu ndred·year floodplains extend be-yond those shown on maps. Flood In· surance Rate Maps do not always show the floodplain to the headwaters of streams. C~11QO.Year Aoodplalns Streams and 100- Year Floodplains ••••• ,~ .~L(~2r~ 'C . \y-.~'--~~ . . .. '.. ..'> ~ ~.<.~-:? ••.•. r .,' ,.,.~. \ ,.:",-", ~<-, v.--'~"'" . ,~_;" ~ ___ ._,~. -::-:'--8 :-: .. ;0~~<\~ _I Jl t"~ =7,' 3.\ ~.,~.~;.?-----,,<,~'1; J!:;.~'; ," .. ,,-'<"'" r~_ ''"' \-:v ' '-dY .~~~ I' ~ t-' : -1 ..•. ",:'1 ., ~'i· r ~~' L, I -~~; '\ l, ·r""· ~~. ••. 'i"f'" .....--:: ~ Class 1 Class 2 (with salmon ids) Ciass 2 (perennial; salmonid use undetermined) Class 3 Unclassified Kent 5 ~2-:-7 --~~. :<: g 'f.1 7 .. _I-- TO YtP,{l -0.9. 5 Plb.~ 2.8 GHT) -2.2 TAU. '05T -4.0 TAU. • tP. -1.1 TALl', I AN -1.5 TAU. \ SEE REF. NO. 5 E (T'rPJ tE tr PYG W -.371.5 Lt.. 1...L \...F.t1-' ~1!F =: ·j-t;z..t I.E. 3" N = 31)3.1 ~~i ;40", ~; 387.0 I.L '~2'" CP£F N ;;m 3B.:J.S ==-. .-,.~ .. \J '5' '"~r:r . 3~ 5218: SF. :34~' 4;;02t SF. IE 3' PVC 'III ~ .37'3.5 ' .... ' .... , .~ .. 'E Ei P'.'C W -;;';1.1 I-I.P~I 3O ........ J I 2~ -' I ... s363i SF. ~ 5303t SF. ~ S~15t I I' ---.JL_~L o -~~l 1111 "". >-.,.. .,v f .,--. i'.' 3 1 -., I" , ~.-<..;~ b: • _ "~9' .. '1~.4?1 59' /' 59!f.':·~,:r-;:,.. ... A·= .. ·-· .. ·li' "\ 21 "-55~t,SF. ':f- SO' C· .. ,·,·· I 2& 5309: SF. I j ~ I I -~ -,-~~- 20' I I --- 22 5311t SF. L ...... _ .•.... 50' BAR"~ \..\iAPt t\ .. \.\'(.1~) / ,. '" PROPOSEJ:> J:>RAINACiE ' c;qtJRSE '", /" Di'VI ;l~ __ .~~;:"'c~o 1:. ..... -, o; ... j lL ... ,/r .).\". r'-"c';:"'''1, [,.'-" _,_."., 00\ lO~"~' r""r NO. ;,'0' \ . ~ l"t.··~" ' ri""'':>~ .. (J :;,;;; .. , 13 \.\ FC N89'29'13"E (C) ~N8~9~'26~'2=g~"E~(~P-~T~R) _______ ~~~~~~~------~~~~~--I-------~~ 178.22 0 :,\$l- 380 .'~ ---............ ~---I rl ( '" I iii I I 3b I I I I J U----1.._ -~ --- 1 1----l 34 I I 'I I SW 1 4, SW 4, SEC. 32, TWP. 23 N., RGE. 5 E., w.M. PUBLIC R/W DEDICATION REC. NO. 20000204001404 S. 47TH STREET 1--------- 28 I L _____ J 1-----l I 2'3 I l _______ J 392 1-- I 30 N89'29'13"E 657.40 C) 657.43 (P-TR) 1 ...... ! .. _ .................... _/-_. 1 _______ J L ___ J ______ J 2 WE:: TLAND f6UF"'ER ""'" R,/II W 4.5 1B' 4~' 1B' 4.5' R,/IIW ~.;j_~=2~%~:-~Ii::I~=·5=' ==~2~%~===~1 ====~2~%~===1dF' I=~'~~~~~", ";>'7 1f'-1-i:- • THICK CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK CEMENT CONCRETE J VERTICAL CURB &-GUTTER TYPICAL ON-SITE ROAD NO SCALE ROW I tt ROW I 20' 14" Ft1 1()"I 0.5'-f-0.5' EX. PA VEMENT 2% i 4" THICK CEMENT...! CONCRETE SIDEWALK (B" THICK AT DRIVEWA YS) II I ~ CEMENT CONCRETE VERTICAL CURB &-GUTTER 102nd AVE 5.E NO SCALE 402 .......... _ •. -.... _ ........... . 1 ~ " S 43rd ST LLi vi ~ « o z C'I o m <Xl " <Xl <D FROPOSED 24' CPEP 6TORf1 DRAIN OI'FSITE Bn='A66 S.E. 185TH PLACE i:j ~ '< ;s ~ - 172nd ST SE 176th viCINITY MAF AFFLICANT 5TEVEN 6ECK 1':112':1 5.E. 145Tl-l 5TREET RENT ON, WA ':1605':1 OWNER FRED AND DE6~ GU5T AF50N CARl.. D. FALK R06E~TA E. FALK JANET L. A6U6AKA~ Cl-l~15TINE M. AAL TO NANCY E. FALK 1':102 61GELOW AVENUE NO~TH AFT. 402 5EATTLE, WA5l-lINGoTON ':1610':1 FLANNER/ENGINEER/SURVEYOR CORE DE51GN INC. 14111 N.E. 2':1Tl-l FL., 5UITE 100 6ELLEVUE, WA5l-lINGTON ':16001 (425) 665-1611 CONTACT, LAFE l-lE~AN5EN -FlANNE~ DAVID E. CAYTON, F.E. -ENGoINEER KEVIN J. vANDE~ANDEN, FL5. -5U~VEYO~ LEGAL DESCRIFTION Tl-lE NO~Tl-l l-lAlF OF Tl-lE NO~Tl-lWE5T QUA~E~ OF Tl-lE NO~l-lWE5T QUA~ER OF Tl-lE 50UTl-lWE5T QUA~TE~ OF 5ECTION 32, TOWN5l-lIF 23 NO~Tl-l, ~NGoE 5 EA5T, W.M., IN KINGo COUNTY, WA5l-lINGoTON; EXCEFT Tl-lE EA5T 20 FEET Tl-lEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FO~ ROAD FURF05E5 61' DEED RECO~ED UNDER RECO~INGo NO. 1461364; AL50 EXCEFT Tl-lAT FO~ION Tl-lEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FO~ ROAD FU~F05E5 61' DEED RECO~ED UNDE~ RECORDINGo NO. 1':1':1':10612001213. FA~CEl 6, Tl-lE NO~Tl-l 12 FEET OF Tl-lE 50UTl-l l-lAlF OF Tl-lE NORTl-lWE5T QUA~TE~ OF Tl-lE NO~l-lWE5T QUA~TER OF Tl-lE 50UTl-lWE5T QUA~TER OF 5ECTION 32, TOWN5l-lIF 23 NO~Tl-l, ~NGoE 5 EA5T, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WA5l-lINGoTON; EXCEFT Tl-lE EA5T 20 FEET Tl-lEREOF CONVEYED TO KINGo COUNTY FO~ ROAD FURF05E5 61' DEED RECO~ED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1461364. D A TUM: CITY OF RENTON -NAYD 1':166 6ASIS OF 6EARINGS NOI"16'42"E ALONG EA5T LINE OF NW 1/4, NW 1/4, 5W 1/4 OF 5EC. 32-23-5. 6ENCI-IMARK6: CITY OF RENTON 6M 1':105 -TOF OF I 3/6" DOMED 6~55 DISK WI FUNCl-l IN CONC. MON .• 11' 50UTl-l OF INTE~ECTION OF 5.E. 1~2ND 5T. C 102ND AVE. 5.E. -5TAMPED "~ 11364" ELEV .• 410.01 FT. CITY OF RENTON 13M 1':106 -TOF OF 1/6" 6~55 FIN IN CONC. MON. IN CA5E .5' NO~Tl-l OF C/l OF 5.E. 1~2ND 5T. NEA~ l-lOU5E ~ 10020 ELEV. = 314.':10 FT. 51TE 6ENCl-lMARK, TOF OF I 3/4" 6~55 DISK WI FUNCl-l IN CONC. MON. -DOWN 0.31 IN CA5E -AT INTE~ECTION 4 OF I02ND AVE. 5.E. 4 5.E. I65Tl-l PL. ElEv. = 3':1':1.82 FT. SCALE: 0 20 ! I 1" 40 -- 40 80 I I DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF REN ION JAN 3 0 2004 ~iECEIVED W f-« o Ul Z o iii 5' w cr ..,.. <:::J <:::J C\o :>.. Il::: ~ ~ ~ w f- <J: 0 -c -'It b' u " 0: ..;: Qo. '" LU Z -"-" - f;J t:::l 0 w z () Vl w 0 M '0 R: ~ '<i c co co co ~ Qo. 5 " , -0> 0 .5 ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. lJ") > CO b "! '" '" b '" <Xl " h.. ~ 0 w > z 0 '5: D:' <J: D... D:' D... 0 <C SHEET 1 ~ Z ->- IJ.J :> e>: :::l V) ~ Z -Z Z "« ..... "- ~ Z -e>: IJ.J IJ.J Z -~ Z IJ.J lcj a..: cr ;::' w (j f2 <t z :>.. <t ~ :;; f-u lcj w -, ~ 0 cr Q. tS OF 1 PROJECT NUMBER 03095 FOUND 1 3/4" 8RASS DIS!< wi PUNCH de "22335" IN CONC. MON -DOWN 0.25 IN CASE - 0.5 N OF CENTERLINE FOUND 1 3/4' BRASS DIS!< wi PUNCH <I< "22335" IN CONC. ~ON. -DOWN 0.35 IN CASE - 0.' E OF SECllON LINE .I< 0.6 N or CENTERUNE '" NB9"29'13"E (e) "" N89'2S'29"E (P-TR) ~ __ 24J~-----"::':: 178.22 ~------~--------:II:;;-" ~100,OO l'.=8812'22" L=153.95 , o I wi (I) ---"-,~-. ~~.I 121 '1.53Ac' @ ," W 1/4-CORNER MONUt.lENT NOT FOUND FOUND 1/2" REBAR &: CAP "TRIAD 22335 &: 18094" It LOT STAKE 0.9 E OF UNE -DOES NOT CORRESPOND W/ ANY LOT LINE IN ADJACENT PLAT OF TALBOT RIDGE - UNLESS INTENDED 20' &: JO' CORNER OFFSETS FOUND T/2" REBAR &: YELLOW PLASTIC---- CAP "HANSEN 21464" & LOT STAKE "PROP COR LOT 7" 0.1 E '" 05 1\1 or ~ CALC ADJ. PROP CORNER ~ T /.\ L "'4' L __ 1-----",,'_ I .~ I 2 1 9 ... 5402t SF '" I ___ ~ r---.------~ ,_SO'_I ~ I 54o;! 6F. I ~ L __ ~ -r 4 5104± 5F. !O,50 @ Z,51 t.c. @ ----------.-.------,, __ ~ ____ ~'c:':b f;1.6~11 0 ,<" ,~j" L-l (03; ! ---~-~q-:::. '--, --------. ~-iil-- -·1;----------- " " 41' NE IGl-I60Rl-IOOD DETAIL MAF I" = 200't: NW PUBLIC R/W DEDICATION REC. NO. 20000204001404 N89'29'13"E 12:2' 657.40 (C) 657.43 (P-TR) S. 47TH STREET '" N I ~I .. ' .4' 28 N~':2':1'13"E bll.&e' 41' -------..... <" ~ 525'3:t SF. I"';' --~~ 2':l 4502± e.,F, 1_ ....J L __ ----=c .. --... --+-----:c ---j I -so I I -so' - ~ I 4';'~SF I I~ I ::l0 4502:1 of. __ ....J L __ ....J ~----~.o~' __ ---+--~---~S~o==-~---4 ::l::l 1266± 5F, I ::ll 11 4U1± SF, .. , i L __ -----.J 1~--------------~ ~ .-90-1 ~ ~ j 5~~:: 5F_ ) (./" L ------" .,0',; L~s' 51' v tl:-J; ~'------=::.:------- , ~_I""( ._---- I ~I SEC, TWP.23 324' '0' ",' RGE. 5 s.' rJ'aACT B w.M. R~25.o0' ±o':l1"41'2':1" L,,40.05' 20' 5TORM DETENTION JL_J S 4.3rd ST 11S>~41± !3F. S.E. 185lH PLACE FOUND 1 J/4" BRASS DISK WI PUNCH IN CONC. IAQili. -DOWN D.J7 IN CASE -J't W OF CENTERLINE - HELD AS INTX/SUBD UNE PER WiNDSOR HEIGHTS PLAT 172nd ST VICINITY MAF SCALE: 1" 50 430.04 eM) 430.01 (P) OWNER AFFLICANT FFCED AND DEB~ CoU5TAF50N 5TEVEN BECK CARL D_FALK ROBERTA E_ FALK JANET L ABUBAKAR Cl4RI5TINE M_ AAL TO NANC.,.. E. FALK 1'912'9 5E_ 145Tl4 5TFCEET FCENTON, WA '9805':l l':l02 BlCoELOW AVENUE NORTl4, AFT. 402 5EA TTLE, WA5141Ne. TON ':l810'9 FLANNER/ENGINEER/SURVEYOR COFCE DE51CoN INC. 14111 NE. 2':lTl4 FL., 5UITE 100 BELLEYUE, WA514lNCoTON '98001 (425) 885-1811 CONTACT, LAFE B.l4ERMAN5EN -FLANNER DAYID E. CAnON, FE. -ENe.INEER KEYIN J. YANDERZANDEN, F.L.5_ -5URYE.,..OR LEGAL DESCRIFTION PARCEL A, Tl4E NORTl4 l4ALF OF Tl4E NORTl4WE5T QUARTER OF Tl4E NORTl4WE5T QUARTER OF Tl4E 50UTl4WEST QUARTER OF 5ECTION ::l2, TOWN514lF 2::l NORTl4, ~Ne.E 5 EA5T, W.M., IN KINCo COUNTY, WA5141Ne.TON; EXCEPT Tl4E EA5T 20 FEET Tl4EFCEOF CONVEYED TO KINe. COUNT.,.. FOR ROAD FURP05E5 B"" DEED FCECORDED UNDER FCECORDINCo NO. 1461::l84; AL50 EXCEPT Tl4AT PORTION Tl4EFCEOF CONVE.,..ED TO KINe. COUNT.,.. FOR ROAD FURP05E5 B"" DEED FCECORDED UNDER FCECORDINCo NO. 1':l':l':l081200121::l. FP.~EL B, T142 NORTl4 12 FEET OF Tl4E 50UTl4 l4ALF OF Tl4E NORTl4WE5T QUARTER OF Tl4E NORTl4WE5T QUARTER OF Tl4E 50UTl4WE5T QUARTER OF 5ECTION ::l2, TOWN514lF 2::l NORTl4, ~NCoE 5 EA5T, W.M., IN KINCo COUNT.,.., WA5141Ne.TON; EXCEFT Tl4E EA5T 20 FEET TI-IEFCEOF CONVE.,..ED TO KINe. COUNT'r FOR ROAD FURF05E5 B.,.. DEED FCECORDED UNDER FCECORDINe. NO. 1461::l84. D A TUM: CIT.,.. OF FCENTON -NAYD 1'988 BASIS OF 6EARINGS NOI'16'42"E ALONCo EA5T LINE OF NW 1/4, NUJ 114, 5W 114 OF 5EC. ::l2 -2::l-5. 6ENCI-IMARKS: CIT'r OF FCENTON BM 1'905 -TOP OF I ::l/8" DOMED BF<A55 DISK WI PUNCl4 IN CONC. MON. >11' 50UTl4 OF INTERSECTION OF 5E. 1'92ND 5T .• 102ND AVE. 5E. -5T AMFED "UJ~ 11::l64" ELEY. = 410.01 FT. CIT.,.. OF FCENTON BM 1'906 -TOF OF 1/8" B~55 FIN IN CONC. MON. IN CA5E ±5' NORTl4 OF CIL OF 5E. 1'92ND 5T_ NEAR 140USE • 10020 ELEY. = ::l14.'90 FT. 51TE BENCl4MARK, TOF OF I ::l/4" B~55 DISK WI PUNCl4 IN CONC. MON_ -DOWN 031 IN CA5E -AT INTERSECTION OF 102ND AVE. 5E. 4 5E. 185Tl4 FL. ELEv. = ::l'9'9.82 FT. SITE STATISTICS 5ETBACKS, FRONT -10' FCEAR -15' 51DE -5', 10' adjacent to .tr .... t TOTAL SITE AFCEA, FF<OP05ED USE, NO. OF LOT5, AVERAc.E LOT 5IZE, PROPOSED DEN5IT.,.., PERMITTED DE:N51T'r, EXI5TINe. ZONINCo, PUBLIC R-O-W T~CT 'A' -OPEN 5FACE T~CT 'B' -WETLAND =~=~----~.~-25'9,251> 5r. (5.'9516 ACFCE5) DETACl4ED-51Ne.LE FAMIL"" ::l6 4,611 5r. 1,42 DUlAC. 8 D.uJAC. R-8 44,116± 5r. 16,341± 5.F. 10,451± Sr. DENSITY CALCULATIONS CoR055 AFCEA OF PROPERTY, -PUBLIC R-O-W -PRIYATE ACCE55 T~CT5 -WETLAND5 NET 51TE AFCEA, NO. OF LOTS, NET DEN5IT.,.., 25'9,251± SF (5.':l516 ACFCE5) 44,116± SF NIA ::l,12'9± SF LANNING DiNELOI'MEW ~ON 211,406± SF OR 4.85 ACFCE~\TYOFRE JAN 3 U 1004 1.42 DU/ACFCE 'AECE\\IEO ::ll!:> LOT5 WOULD FCE5UL T IN A NET DEN51TY OF 1.42 DWELLINCo UNIT5 FER ACFCE_ W I-« o o w > o 0:' D- D-« SHEET OF 1 1 .... Q.. -"" UJ UJ :z: -t:) :z: UJ PROJECT NUMBER 03095 FOUND 1 3/4" BRASS DISK W/ PUNCH &: '·22335" IN CONC_ IuION -DOWN 0,25 IN CASE - 0.5 N OF CENTERLINE FOUND 1 J/4" 8RASS DISK W/ PUNCH '" "22335" IN CONC_ MON -DOWN O,~~ IN CASE - 0.1 E OF SECTION LINE ole 0.5 1'1 OF CENTERUNE ~ "o_"~""'~ ••• ~" ~ -, NS9'29'13"E eel '"'. 1lI~-----'-----'N"'89"2.·"'·[ (P-.:!TR::2)-'--___ --~~~-~~~----~-e& 1782~ W 1/4 CORNER ~ONUMENT NOT FOUND rOUND 1/2" REBAR & CAP "TRIAD 22335 '" 18094" &: LOT STAKE 0,9 E OF LINE -DOES NOT CORRESPOND W/ ANY LOT LINE IN ADJACENT PLAT or TALBOT RIDCE - UNLESS INTENDED 20' & 30' CORNER OFFSETS rOUND 1/2" REBAR &; YELLOW PLASTIC---- CAP "KIINSEN 21464'· & LOT STAKE "PROP COR LOT 7· 0,' E & 05 N Qr CALC AOJ. PROP CORNER CORNER BOUQUET -NEAREST TO Vi P/L _ 0.9, FOUND ," IRON BAR (5.5 TALL) 0.2 10 OF LINE '--WIRE,D fENCE POSf S 1'/'--',,_ HI. _______ .".. ___ ..-.,_;.-._..: FOUND 3/4" I.P. (~AIN '" STRAIGHT) -2.2 l'ALL ,.. fOUND T-BAR FENCEPOST -4.0 TAL"!., FOUND 3/4" I.P. -1.1 TALL fOUND PIPE W/ FIN -'.5 TALL SEE REF. NO 5 +;'-= -FooNO 1/~-IRON PIF"~ 1,2' TALL' 2.6· N or PROf' LINE de 4.5 TALL IfiON PIPE W/ RAG IHI E SW 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 32, TWP. 23 N., RGE 5 E, W.M ~~~<~~ PUBLl9 R/W DEDICATION REC. NO, 20000204001404 ; N8g·29'1.3"E 557.40 (C) 557.43 (P TR) S. 47TH SlREET . , 1: . ~ II, I I II I II di--I 00' ;-d ~' "' "' S.E. 185TH PLACE N89'S3·24"E "C43ccO"'.O-"4 -C:(M'C) 4.30,01 (P) ".':.------------------ FOUND 1 3/4" BRASS DIS!( W/ PUNCH IN CONC. MON. -DOWN 0.37 IN CASE -3'± W OF CENTERLINE - HELlJ AS I~TX/SUBO LINE PER WINDSOR HEIGHTS PLAT AFFLICANT STEvEN eECK 1~1:2~ S,E. 145>TH STREET RENTON, WA ~805>~ SCALE: 1" 50 OWNER FRED AND DEeRA GUSTAFSON CARL D. FALK ROeERTA E. FALK JANET L. AeUeAKAR CHRISTINE M. AAL TO NANC.,.. E. FALK 1~02 elGELOW AVENUE NORTH, AFT. 402 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON ~810~ FLANNER/ENGINEER/SURVEYOR CORE DESIGN INC. 14111 N,E. 2~TH FL., SUITE 100 eELLEVUE, WASHINGTON ~8001 ("'25» 88:>-1811 CONTACT, LAFE HEI'it'tANSEN -FLANNER DAVID E. CAnON, F,E. -ENGINEER KEVIN J. VANDERZANDEN, Fl..S. -SURVE.,..OR LEGAL DESCRIFTION FARCEL A, THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIF 23 NORTH, RANGE 5> EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNT.,.., WASHINGTON: EXCEFT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVE.,..ED TO KING COUNT.,.. FOR ROAD PURFOSES e.,.. DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1410 1384; ALSO EXCEFT THAT FORTION THEREOF CONVE.,..ED TO KING COUNT.,.. FOR ROAD PURFOSES e.,.. DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1<:1<:1<:10812001213. F'''.~CEL e, TI-E NORTH 12 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTI-IWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIF 23 NORTH, RANGE 5> EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNT.,.., WASHINGTON. EXCEFT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVE.,..ED TO KINe:. COUNT.,.. FOR ROAD PURFOSES e.,.. DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1410 1384. D A TUM: CIT.,.. OF RENTON -NAYD 1~88 BASIS OF BEARINGS NOI-Ib'42"E ALONG EAST LINE OF NW 114, NW 114, SW 1/4 OF SEC. 32-23-5>. .§ENC+-IMARKS: CIT.,.. OF RENTON eM I~S -TOF OF 1 3/8" DOMED eRASS DISK WI PUNCH IN CONC. MON .• 11' SOUTH OF INTERSECTION OF S,E. 1~2ND ST .• 102ND AVE. S,E. -ST AMFED "WRA 11%4" ELEV. = 410.01 FT. CITY OF RENTON eM I~Ob -TOF OF 118" eRASS FIN IN CONC. MON. IN CASE .5>' NORTH OF C/L OF S.E. 1~2ND ST. NEAR HOUSE • 100:20 ELEV. = 314.':10 FT. SITE eENCHMARK, TOP OF I 3/4" eRASS DISK WI PUNCH IN CONC. MON. -DOWN 0.31 IN CASE -AT INTE~ECTION OF 102ND AVE. S,E .• S,E. 185>TH FL. ELEv. = 3~~.82 FT. TREE LEGEND A&i-I AeI-I A Ai..DEfO! C CEDAfO! cw COTTONWOOD DEC DECIDUO!J& f FIfO! ~ I-IEM~OCK MAD MADI'<ONA M MAF~E DEVELOPMENT PLANNNING CI1Y OF RENTO JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED W f-« o U1 Z o U1 5' w '" c:i z "l-C::> C::> ~ )... Il::: ~ <:: ~ w f- <t 0 -c 'I< ~-u £ -oE '" '" ~ "-" - ~ ...., 0 w z () (/) w 0 '" '" '" ~ "-'<i c co co co '" :!j C " l! , 0> .E .~ -iii ~ 0 $ ~ ~r ~ > co • "l '" '" . '" ., " ~ 0 ...., w > z 0 S D:: <t [L D:: [L 0 <t SHEET 1 ~ z >- LI.J :;,.. '" ::l ." ~ Z z z "" .... 0.. ~ Z -'" LI.J LI.J Z -~ Z LI.J ~ 0.: Q:" ~ w " e <: z )... <: (l 2 f- 0 ~ w .., 0 ~ Q:" Q. ~ OF 1 PROJECT NUMBER 03095 FOUND 1 3/4" BRASS DISK W! PUNCH .& "22335" IN CONC. MON. -OO'IIN 0.25 IN CASE -0.5 N or CENTERUNE FOUND 1 .J/4" BRASS DISK wi PUNCH '" '223~5-IN CONC_ MON. -DOWN 0.35 IN CASE - 0.1 E OF SECTION UNE <Ie 0.5 N OF CENTERLINE ~ NB9'~9'13~E; (C) _.--: "~ ___ ,---__ "N"o9"2.'29"E (p-T,,,Ri..) -----~e_--~--- 178.22 ~100.00 tF88i2'2Z"- L=153.95 W 1/4 CORNER MONUMENT NOT roUND FOUND 1/2" REBAR '" CAP "TRIAD 22335 &t 18094" d: LOT STAKE 0.9 E OF LINE -DOES NOT CORRESPOND WI ANY LOT LINE IN AOJACENT PLAT OF TALBOT RIDGE -c,. UNLESS INTENDED 20' '" JD' CORNER OFFSETS ~ --,'. ,', ,':', FOUND 1/2" REBAR &; YELLOW PLASTIC ~ CAP "HANSEN 21464" '" LOT STAKe: .11 ~PROP COR LOT 7" 0.1 E & D 5 N Of u:) CALC ADJ. PROP COO~ER ~ FOUND ," IRON "BAR (5.t;; TALL) 0.2 E OF UN~:. :W!RE;O ~ FENCE P.w;if" NW PUBLIC _.RjW' DEDICATION REC. NO. 20000204001404 }489"29'13"E -' ,------ TWP.23 RGE5 R=25,OO , 11=91'47'29" l=40.05 ." ..... CORNER BDUQUET -NEAREST TO W"p/L ~ 0.9. S P/L~ 2.8 ~ ____ -.:...-.:... ______ ...... ___ -.:... _____ .:.,--:.. ___ ...... _--'-_':4.:.,-___ =:::::::::--:-::-:-:--____ --'-____ --'-_________ ------------'--':"'::"'""1" rOUND 3/4" loP. (MAIN'" STRAIGHT) -2,2l-AJ..L r-;':'i FOUND T-BAR FENCEPOST -4,0 TAL!. fOONO 1/2" IRON PIP[ 1.2' TIILL' N89".37'16·E 6.36.95 FOUND 3/4" 1.1'. -1.1 TALL 2.5 N OF PROP UNE &: 4.5 TIILL FOUND PIPE wi ~~ RE~:5 N~AL~ IRON PIPE w/ RAG 0,9 E .: i NS9'29'13"E NOTES I. LEGoAL DESCRIPTION AND EASEMENT INFORMATION PER CI-lICAGoO TITLE INSURANCE COMFANY FLAT CERTIFICATE, ORDER NO. 1115314, DATED SEPTEMeER 25, 2003 AND SUFFLEMENTED JAN. 5, 2004. IN F'REFARINGo TI-lIS MAF, CORe DESIGoN, INC. I-lAS CONDUCTED NO INDEFENDENT TITLE SEARCI-l NOR 15 CORE DESIGoN, INC. AWARE OF ANY TITLE ISSUES AFFECTINGo mE SURVEyeD PROPERTY OTI-lER TI-lAN TI-lOSE SI-lOWN ON TI-lE MAF. 2. TI-lIS SURVEY RePRESENTS vlSleLE FI-lYSICAL IMFROVEMENT CONDITION€o EXISTINGo ON NOVEMeER 10,2003. ALL SURVEY CONTROL INDICATED AS "FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR TI-lIS FROJECT IN SEFTEMeER. 2003. 3. FROFERTY AREA. 25'3,25It SQUARE FEET (5.';)516t ACRES). 4. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FeeT. 5. TI-lIS 15 A FIELD TRAVERSE SURVEY, A SOKKIA FIVE SeCOND COMelNED ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE TI-lE ANe:.ULAR AND DISTANCE RELATIONSI-lIFS eETWEEN TI-lE CONTROL LINGo MONUMENTATION AS SI-lOWN. CLOSURE RATIOS OF TI-lE TRAVERSE MET OR EXCEEDED TI-lOSE SFECIFIED IN WAC 332-130-0'30. DISTANCE MEASURINe:. EQUIA1eNT I-lAS eEeN COMFARED AT AN N.CiI.5. eASELINE WITI-lIN ONe YEAR OF mE DATE OF mls SURVEY. 6. UTILITIES OTI-lER mAN TI-lOSE SI-lOWN MAY EXIST ON TI-lIS SITE. ONLy TI-lOSE UTILITIES WITI-l EviDENCE OF TI-lEIR IN€oTALLATION VISleLE AT G!ROUND SURFACE ARe SI-lOWN I-lEREON, UNDERGoROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS SI-lOWN ARE AFFROXIMATE ONLY. UNDERGoROUND CONNECTIONS ARE SI-lOWN AS STRAIGoI-lT LINES eETWEEN SURFACE UTILITY LOCATIONS eUT MAY CONTAIN eENDS OR CURVES NOT SI-lOWN. SOMe UNDERGoROUND LOCATIONS SI-lOWN I-lEREON MAY I-lAVE eEEN TAKeN FROM FU6L1C ReCORDS. CORE DESIGoN ASSUMES NO L1AeILiTY FOR TI-lE ACCURACY OF FUeLlc RECORDS. 30 29 w n n 51 z 30 29 31 32 SITE NS9'51'3b"E (e) NS9'51'Js"~) 3711.30 (M1 370,29 (P) N89'26'OS"W I 2629,52 ----' S.E. 185TH PLACE FOUND 1 3/4" BRASS DISK wi PUNCH IN CONG. MON. -DOWN 0.37 IN CASE -3'± W Of CENTERUNE - HELD AS INTX/sUBD UI>IE PER WINDSOR HEIGI-ITS PLAT 29 = 32 .w ho> 0,", tool '"'''' '-'" 0'"' z 430,04 eM) 430.01 (P) ------f29f------''''-.,-s----32 'il 33 N S9'29'13"E IJ 2663.00 .w h I~ 0 z I 2618,55 32 SECTION SU6D/VISION AFFLICANT STeVEN eeCK 19129 5£, 145TI-l STI~eeT ReNTON, WA '3605'3 SCALE: 1" 50 a I 25 100 I I OWNER FReD AND DeeRA GoUSTAFSON CARL D. FALK ROeeRT A e. FALK JANeT L. AeUeAKAR CI-lRISTINe M. AAL TO NANCY e, FALK 1902 elGoeLow AVENUE NORTI-l, APT. 402 SEATTLe, WASI-lINe:.TON '3610'3 FLANNER/ENGINEER/SURVEYOR CORE DESIGoN INC. 14111 N£. 29TI-l FL., SUITe 100 eELLEVUE, WASI-lINGoTON '36001 (425) 685-1611 CONTACT, LAFE I-lE~ANSEN -FLANNER DAVID E, CAYTON, F£. -ENGoINEER KeVIN J. vANDERZANDEN, FL,S. -SURVEYOR LEGAL DESCRIFTION FARCEL A, TI-lE NORTI-l I-lALF OF TI-lE NORTI-lWEST QUARTER OF TI-lE NORTI-lWEST QUARTER OF TI-lE SOUTI-lWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSI-lIF 23 NORTH RANGoE 5 eAST, WM., IN KINe:. COUNTY, WASI-lINe:.TON.; EXCEFT TI-lE EAST 20 FEET TI-lEREOF CONVEYED TO KINGo COUNTY FOR ROAD PURF0€oES ey DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDINe:. NO. 1461364; ALSO E>(CEFT TI-lAT FORTION TI-lEREOF CONVEYED TO KINe:. COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES ey DEED RECORDeD UNDER RECORDINe:. NO. 1'3990612001213. FARCEL e, TI-lE NORTI-l 12 FEET OF TI-lE SOUTI-l I-lALF OF TI-lE NORTI-lWEST QUARTER OF TI-le NORTI-lWEST QUARTeR OF TI-le SOUTI-lWEST QUARTER OF seCTION 32, TOWNSI-lIF 23 NORTI-l, RANGoE 5 EAST, WM., IN KINe:. COUNTY, WASI-lINGo TON.; EXCEFT TI-lE EAST 20 FEET TI-lEReOF CONVEYED TO KINe:. COUNTY FOR ROAD PURFOSES ey DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDINe:. NO, 1461364. D A TUM: CITY OF RENTON -NAYD 1'366 6ASIS OF 6EARINGS NOI"16'42"E ALONe:. EAST LINE OF NW 1/4, NW 1/4, SW 1/4 OF SEC. 32-23-5. 6ENCI-IMARKS: CITY OF RENTON eM 1905 -TOF OF I 3/6" DOMED eRASS DISK WI PUNCI-l IN CONC. MON. tiT SOUTI-l OF INTERSECTION OF 5£. 192ND €OT. _ 102ND Ave:. 5£. -STAMPED "WRA 11364" EL.EV. = 410.01 FT. CITY OF RENTON eM 1906 -TOF OF 1/6" eRASS FIN IN CONC. MON. IN CASE t5' NORTI-l OF C/L OF S,E. 192ND ST. NEAR 1-l0USE • 10020 ELEV, = 314.'30 FT. SIte: eENCI-lMARK, TOP OF I 3/4" eRASS DISK WI PUNCI-l IN CONC. MON. -DOWN 0..31 IN CA€oE -AT INTERSECTION OF 102ND AVE. 5£. _ 5£, I65TI-l FL. ELEv. = 399.82 FT. TREE LEGEND A&I-I A5i-I A ALDER C CEDAR CIU COTIQNWOOD D£C DECIDUOUS F FIR 1-1 I-a1~OCK MAD MADRONA M MAPLE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 2004 RECEIVED ~ '" z '" '" ~ "->-0 :;i Lu -0 co 'I> ~ ~ :> ~. '" u ~ ". £ 0 ::l -, '" 0 tI) '" ,~ "- '" 'iii r::: '" ~ LU ~ 2: ~. '<\ ~ -, co > co Z "-~ ~ ". '" " z Z '« .... Q., (,') z -'" Lu Lu Z -~ Z Lu L,j CJ..: fr' ~. W () 8 2 '" 2 c:::. ).., '" "-I G ::; ).., f--u Q:; 6S L,j w ~ , 82 0 -..J ~ fr' <: 0 0. -..J ~ 0 w 2§ w > z z 0 w CJ ~ 0:: e-If) « 0.. « w et: 0.. 0 0 0 « SHEET OF 1 1 PROJECT NUMBER 03095 1/ E N 1 \ ~ ... \ \ _I I ,. \ "' \ \/,... ... , -... ... \ --... : ... .:::~.t\ .. , (t :. I J ,_ \\ ...... 11 1/ .............. -....... --.:.:::::10 I I f I ~... I VitI, II ~l fl,', I{ \ ...... 11/ /1 'oJ,'[ Ii \. 1'-"_ .. ../1 ,,-__ f \. ___ " ,----. ... ," .'.' " o 10 s. 45TH PL. ., 9 lAc. I@ " .. " " '," ' ,<f4;~'$ .0, A c. @ , Ac. ----------- FUTURE PHASE 1.6SAc. @ " 38.zBAc. ® , , YolleLJ Ville Convalescent ~~~ASEIV , . '-'-'_.-. ( I ) 1.22 Ac. @ (21 (4) 2.63 ® TRACT A M MIT TRACT A '<:. ___ (2) '.G8Ac. ® RD. o 'State of Washington 1.0'1 Ac. @ S'late of Washington State of Washington 10.50 ~c'l @. t6lAc. @ "nAc. @) 45, Ac. TRACT 0 @ l.4L Ac. @ TRACT B PAR K S.P.$7:l02B I . (II (3) (2) (31 I. 25Ac. I , @ S.P.059'85'! (I) , I -' D State of Washing{on ( I ) (2) (2) (4) I ' j r;w I V::Y I I',~ ____ J-.JlJ.2"----:j I I:r;. 1 I I 1 : I 1 I 1 I , I 8 1.91 Ac @ l' . _._-------1 TRAcr E 6 5 (I) S,P, 383067 S.P. R 676064 (I) (21 \ 1.61Ac. @) --------- \'11 S.P. E .; :: .' .. .. '. .' .. . ' .' .'. 'I , I ( NEIGI-H30RHOOP PET AIL MAP STONEHAVEN RENTON, CORE DESIGN INC., ENGINEERING • CORE NO. 030~5 I" = 2001 WA5HII'.!GT(} ! PLANNING ' ~)UF~Vi~YII'k·. JANUA,!'<t( I c;',) , 200:'\ DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JAN 3 D 2004 RECEIVED : .. : . '. o --'-.... '. o 10 s. 45TH .., 9 lAc. I@ '.' , ~', . AG. ,. B9P.c. --~--@ -..----- FUTURE PHASE (J) , ;" 1.6SAc. @ ® , , , ., . ',.. , .',', :" :" " PL. ti 0' o 1§i:J 2.50 Ac. ~- O.13,~J @ Va11e~ Villa Convale.scent '-" Ac. o IS) 141 2.31 Ac. @) '1.63 ® TRACT A MM T TRACT A S,P, 068-87 (2) USAc. \ \ , , , ® State of Washington 1.5Uc. ® State of Washin9ton 10.50 @ , \ / l.T/Ac. @ TRACT B p ARK (II S,p. 674217 (31 225Ac, R , 1.%f;t. ~ RD. o 4OB.I'1 f W"shingion State 0 e, S,p.a75028 (I) (3) [I) S.P. 6750S" 1784114 t::J TRACT 0 D hingion State of was (I) (2) (2) (4) \II S.P. ~a30S7 6 5 1.66Ac. m.eT E S.P. R 678064 (I) (2) 0.83 @ 1.61Ac. 131 S.P. \Il @)!---..:=-::LM-;S- '-'lAc. !@ ----~----- '! I! lafa " '.' .. " ,;-'.: '. ,. .' ' . . ' :. '. .. "I ;.: ,'. ". I :' :' :. '. " " r NEIGl-I60Rl-IOOP PET AIL M,4P STONEHA VB],! RENTON, CORE DESIGN INC., ENGINEERING' CORE NO. 030SS I" = 200' WA,6I,-lli'j(;r.TC): i DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CiTY OF RENTON JAN 3 0 20n4 RECEIVED FOUND 1 3/4" BRASS DISK W/ PUNCH &: "22335·· IN CONC. MON. -DO~ 0.25 IN CASE - 0.5 N OF CENTERLINE FOUND 1 3/4" BRASS DISK WI PUNCH '" »22335» IN CONe. MON. -DD'M'I 0.35 IN CASE - 0.1 E OF SECnON LINE &: 0.5 N OF CENTERUNE " N89"29"13"E (C) " N89·2.'29"E (p-r,."R!...) ------ilIOO~----_= -.---:'@-------~ 178.22 III' ~100.00 lr=88"12'22" L=153.95 ON 1/4 CORNER MONUMENT NOT FOUND FOUND 1/2·· RE8AR &: CAP "TRIAD 22335 &: 18094" &: LOT 5TAKE 0.9 E OF LINE -00E5 NOT CORRESPOND W/ ANY LOT LINE IN ADJACENT PLAT OF TALBOT RIDGE - UNLESS INTENDED 20' b. JO· CORNER OFTSETS fOUND 1/2" REBAR &: YELLOW PLASTIC CAP "HANSEN 21464" &: LOT STAKE ·PROP COR LOT 7" 0.1 E & 0.5 N OF CALC ADJ. PROP CORNER I I L I I 1_-, I 1- 2 5402t 5.1". 3 S.40~t SF. 4 !!ol04t SF. J I I -.J t::03':101 SF. I I L I I 1- 1 3~ 521e± 5.1". _90'_ 3S 4502± SF. 34 4!:>O2± SF. 33 , I ~ I I ~ I I ~ l I I '" I ~~ I ~ I 1 I L -~~'- 2~ 4502" SF. 30 45-0;215.1". 31 466lt e..F. 51' I I ~ I I NW Ne9":;n'lb"E 211.30' TWP.23 RGE.5 w.M. l I I I l I I I l I L=40.0~' 21 2~ 2& I 5-218t &.1". I 4502" e..F. I 4b3~t SF. I I __ ~ L_J L_J I 23 4&02t SF. I 1- I _90'_ I I 22 4502t &.F. I L"EX. I-IOU5E TO REMAIN --- rl'i!ACT B 5TOFO!M DETENTION 1"341~ SF. L ~ i-l /'1 i-l 1 18 I i-li-i S-21~ SF. I I 21 4915>± 5F. 19 46e;.2± S.F. 46641 5.F. ) I ' 4'0.'OF. I I 1'1 _.--J I~ I I I 20 l J L--~ L---16' L __ ' 110' ROUJ 44116: S.F. [- 1'I~"0~,;;te>"E 1S4.1!';1' 4" ) SCALE: 1" 50 5>1;'01 SF. 111111-1 1 1 --II i l ~ II I 14 II .,~~ .F~ ~ I o 0·"-- vr.lk'i 'Ji i'('j C0f1V"'c'r.~,,l CORNER BOUQUET -NEAREST TO W P/L = s P/L ~ fOUND 3/4" I.P. (MAIN <Ii: STRAIGHT) -2.2 roUND T~8AR FENCEPOST -4.0 FOUND 3/4" I.P. - FOUND PIPE W/ ~k~ -,_',,0 '''' [3) G TAL 8! ' , "·RAe A t P:> . , ' , ' " " !t).SD Ac @ j j I i ?1l.Oik; @' , NEIGl-IBORl-IOOD DETAIL MAP I" = 2001:1: 8 I ~ I 10 I I II I I 12 I 51'30t SF. 4500:1 SF. 4500f SF. 4501± 5.1". I I I I I 450015.1". L __ ~ k.J L_.J L .J L rOUND l/Z" IRON PIPE 1.2' TALL 2.6 N OF PROP UNE &: 4.5 TALL IRON PIPE w/ RAG 0.9 E "p. 1075085 ( 11 ;0' 13 450lt::ot S.F. 4162t f>F. '" - I I I I I J L J L _~ L S ~rd ST S 55th ST PLACE "-'" __ ----------~~~------~L--- FOUND 1 3/4" BRASS DISK w/ PUNCH IN CONC. MON. -DOWN 0.31 IN CASE ~ J.± W OF CENTERLINE - HELD AS INTX/SUBD LINE PER WINDSOR HEIGHTS PLAT 172nd ST ST VICINITY MAF OWNER FRED AND DE6F<A e:.USTAF5ON CARL D. FALK R06ERT A E. FALK JANET L. A6U6AKAR C;..jRI5TINE M. AAL TO NANCY E. FALK APPLICANT STEVEN 6ECK 1~12~ S.I:. 14&TI-I STREET RENTON, UJA ~80&~ 1~02 61e:.ELOUJ AVENUE NORTI-I, AFT. 402 5EATTLE, UJASHINe:.TON ~810~ FL ANNE R/ENG INEER/SURVEYOR CORE DESIe:.N INC. 14111 NE. 2~TI-I FL., SUITE 100 6ELLEYlJE, UJASI-IINe:.TON ~8001 (42S) 88S-1811 CONTACT, LAFE 6.I-IEFO!MANSEN -FLANNER DAVID E. CAYTON, FE. -ENGINEER KEviN J. vANDERZANDEN, F.L.€>. -SURVEYOR LEGAL DESCRIFTION FARCEL A, TI-IE NORTI-I I-IALF OF TI-IE NORTI-IUJEST QUARTER OF TI-IE NORTI-IUJEST Qt.:ARTER OF TI-IE SOUTI-IWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWN5I-IIF 23 NORTI-I, F<ANGE S EAST, UJ.M., IN KING COUNTY, UJASI-lINe:.TON; EXCEPT TI-IE EAST 20 FEET TI-IEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FCR ROAD PURPOSES 6Y DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 14~1384; ALSO EXCEFT THAT FORTION TI-IEREOF CONVEYED TO KINe:. COUNTY FOR ROAD FURPOSES 6Y DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDINe:. NO. 1~~~0812001213. FARCEL 6, TI-IE NORTI-I 12 FEET OF TI-IE SOUTI-I I-IALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TI-IE NORTI-IUJEST QUARTER OF TI-IE SOUTI-IWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWN5I-IIF 23 NORTI-I, F<ANe:.E & EAST, UJM., IN KINe:. COUNTY, UJA51-11Ne:.TON; EXCEPT TI-IE EA5T 20 FEET TI-IEREOF CONVEYED TO KINe:. COUNTY FOR ROAD FURPOSE5 6Y DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NC. 14~1384. D A TUM: CITY OF RENTON -NAYP 1~88 BASIS OF 6EARINGS NOI·I~'42"E ALONG EAST LINE OF NUJ 114, NUJ 1/4, SUJ 1/4 OF SEC. 32-23-S. 6ENCI-IMARKS: C,'-Y OF RENTON 6M !~OS -TOP OF I 3/1>" DOMED 6F<ASS DI5K UJI PUNCH IN CONC. MON. ±11' SOUTI-I OF INTERSECTION OF S.I:. 1~2ND ST .• 102ND AVE. SE. -STAMPED "WF<A 113~4" ELEV. = 410.01 FT. CITY OF RENTON 6M 1~06 -TOF OF 118" 6F<ASS FIN IN CONC. MON. IN CASE ±&' NORTI-I OF CIL OF SE. 1~2ND ST. NEAR I-IOUSE • 10020 ELEV. = 314.~0 FT. SITE 6ENCI-IMARK, TOF OF I 3/4" 6F<ASS DI5K WI PUNCI-I IN CONC. MON. -DOWN 0.31 IN CASE -AT INTERSECTION OF 102ND AvE. S.I:. ~ S.I:. lasTI-I FL. ELEv. = 3~~.82 FT. SITE STATISTICS TOTAL SITE AREA, F~OFOSED U5E, NO. OF LOTS, AIIEF<AG.E LOT SIZE, FROPOSED DENSITY, FEFO!MITTED DEN5ITY, E)(ISTINe:. ZONING, FU6L1C R-O-UJ TRACT 'A' -OFEN 5FACE TRACT '6' -UJETLAND FRONT -10' REAR -1&' SIDE -&', 10' adjacent to str .... t 2&~,2&1± SF. (&.~&I~ ACRES) DETACI-IED-51Ne:.LE FAMILY 36 4,611 SF. 1.42 DUlAC. 8 D.u.IAC. R-8 44,11~± SF. 1~,341± SF. 10,4&1± SF. DENSITY CALCULATIONS e:.R055 AREA OF FROPERTY, • PU6LIC R-O-UJ • PRIVATE ACCESS TF<ACTS • WETLANDS NET elTE AREA, NO. OF LOTS, NET DENSITY, 2&~,2&1± 5F (&.~SI~ ACRES) 44,11~± 5F NIA 3,12~± 5F 211,40~± 5F OR 4.8S ACRES 3~ 1.42 DUIACRE 3~ LOTS UJOULD RE5UL T IN A NET DENSITY OF 1.42 DWELLING UNITS FER ACRE. o w > o Q' ll. ll. « SHEET OF 1 1 PROJECT NUMBER 03095 ~100.00 e.=88"12'22" L=153.95 1·:;·1 ::.:J D , "_ /1), FOUND 1 3/4" BRASS DISK WI PUNCH di; "22335" IN CONC-!,jON -DOM! 0.35 IN CASE - 0.1 E OF SECTION UNE & .Q~,.tI, OF CENTERUNE W 1/4 CORNER I.4ONUt.lENT NOT FOUND FOUN~ 1/2" REBAR & CAP '"TRIAD 223:.!1!!i & 1809<4-" &< LOT STAKE O.~ E or UNE -OOES NOT CORRESPOND wi ANY LOT UNE IN ADJACOO PLAT OF TALBOT RIDGE -. UNLESS INTENDED 20' & 30' CORNER OFFSETS '. ,,',' .. '.oJ' , 2 4~OZ:t pr. ',' <. r;--'0'-' ". ~ I I 0 ,I ....... '" ·.,Ii,:_~ "'~ 222' ill' - ,."' .. ~ ...... ·ltbb'-~_" In, 42' 1-90'-,,7'1 34 4&o:;a 5F. J~, l' " . NW TWP.23 RGE. 5 w.M. I"! _.J'_, ~ :[ " r ,-, '."- It ,'" '" I', ,-,-",-""",,,,",,,, PUBLIC R/W DEDICAl}ON REC. NO. 20000204001404 ~:_N89'29'1-3~E--- '657.40 (C) 657.43 (P-TR) S. 471H S'TREET'r'~"'" ~,. __ ~'" """_ , _""_",.",(,,,_"~ ~ __ .,~"",',,"."'., I. """ ..... '" ", "",' ,.." .... _ •• ~ " ",~, c~. •• !~,~~.,:'!6-lIS~~ 'i; ,'I~:" ~:i" 5>9 &~ •• .. ' ••• , " ,Ie' ' 1-1" ~ ~:" ,'., , ,. 324' • .. ' r-I r"~::t, I ,-',::' -:; ! 2~ 1 28'1 I •• 0 .. of. T I ." •• of. 2 L _.-J L .~. I~ , 6342~ 5r. .. ' ~O' ROW 44111b~ 5F. " i' U '; ""-,.,~. ,I,' TRACT B " R .. 2S.0(!l' 1"91'41'29" L.4D.05>' STO~ DETENTI,ON, 1606~:j: 51". ,j"" / PROPOSED DRAINAGE COURSE . . In I -'" ' ,,1 ,i " '~ " ' , I, ' --1,. ~ I' : T--LI,j, Qlll i . I ,j' ,. : i , , I. 20" , ;~ \ .', " i I, • .. , ,;.;>-I '.~~-r n , ". I ' : f ,',,-, ~ " , [',r f" " ",!,. .. ' - ;~, I< , 'I' " , .. :." c.' SCALE: 1" 50 a m ~ 100 !~I_I--~I CORNER BOUOUET -NEAREST TO WP/L ~ 0.9. ,,_<1' lioO' W" 50' SO' -!foO' &0' SO' e.O' SP/L~2.8l. ________ ~~.'~,~~'~~ ____ ~ ____ ~:-__ ~~~"~ __ ~l-__ -=~~.l ____ ~~~~~~=:~~ __ -J ____ ~~ __ ~~~~ __ -J ____ ~ ____ ~~~~ __ ~ ____ -=~ __ ~~ '0' ~-------------------------- L~nc-~ '~d'rl (.Q rlti ~h. ~(,"~. t _~,.fo'-';rh;.-, -... rOUND .3/~O~~D (~~~ ~~6'if : ~:~ i~ FOlJND 1/2" IRON PIP[ 1,;r TALL N&~'31'16~E 1b3q.~' FOUND .3/4' I.P. -1.1 TALi 2,6' N or PROP UNE 4: 4.;' TALL FOUND PIPE W/ ~ "R&,.5 N1~ IRCI'I PIPE wi flAG 0.9 E WETLAND EDGE (TYF.) " .. _.~_. :LL. .. ~i , h , 1 I TAL :G' .',~ @ . -,-" ... _---, _ ..... " .. _-- NE IGl-I60~l-IOOP PET AIL 1"1AF 111 • 2001* II'" i , i S 4Jrd Sf S 55th I,: , '! "~--~ 'I 1 I I' I S.E. 1851H PLACE " • 0." FOUND 1 .3/<4-" SRASS DISK WI PUNCH IN CONe. l.tON. -DOWN 0 . .37 IN CASE -J't W or CENTERUNE - HELD AS INTX/sUBD UNE PER WINDSOR HEIGHTS PLAT 172nd ST S£ 186th ST viCINITY MAP N89'S3'24"E 430.04 (M) 430.01 (P) OWNER FRED AND DE6RA c::.uST AF50N CARL D.FALK R06ERT A E. FAJ...K JANET L. A6U6AKAR CI-lRISTINE M. AAJ... TO NANC.,.. E. FALK APPLICANT STEVEN 6ECK 1~12'3 S.E. 14ST ... STREET RENTON. WA '380S~ 1~2 61GELOW AVENUE NORT .... AFT. 402 SEATILE. WASI-IINGTON '3810'3 PLANNERIENGINEERISURVEYOR CORE DESIGN INC. 14111 N.E. 2'3T'" FL .• SUITE 100 6ELLEWE. WAS ... INGTON ~8001 (42S) 88S-1811 CONTACT, LAFE 6. "'E~AN5EN -FLANNER DAVID E. CA.,..TON. F.E. -ENGINEER KEviN J. vANDERZANDEN. F.L.5. -SURVE.,..OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION F..j..RCEL A, I n NORT'" ... ALF OF TI-IE NORTI-IWEST QUARTER OF T ... E NORT ... WEST ARTER OF TI-IE 5OUTI-IWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32. TOu..N5l-IIF 23 NORTI-l. RANGE S EAST. W.M .• IN KING COUNT.,... WAS ... INGTON; E' CEFT T ... E EAST 20 FEET T"'EREOF CONvE""ED TO KING COUNT.,.. R ROAD PURPOSES 6.,.. DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING .1461384, ALSO CEFT T ... AT FORTI ON TI-IEREOF CONVE.,..ED TO KING COUNTY ROAD PURPOSES 6"" DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1'3~~0812001213. FARCEL 6, THE NORT ... 12 FEET OF TI-IE SOUT ... I-lALF OF T ... E NORT ... UEST QJARTER OF TI-IE NORTI-IWEST QUARTER OF T"'E 5OUT ... UEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32. TOu..N5l-IIF 23 NORT .... RANGE S EAST. W.M •• IN KING COUNT.,... WAS ... INGTON; EXCEFT T ... E EAST 20 FEET T ... EREOF CONvE""ED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES 6.,.. DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1461384. DATUM: CIT.,.. OF RENTON -NAVD 1'388 6ASIS OF BEARINGS NOI'I~'4:l"E ALONG. EAST LINE OF NW 114. NW 114. SW 1/4 OF SEC. 32 -23-S. 6ENCl-4MARKS: CITY OF RENTON iSM 1'30S -TOF OF I 3/8" -::7"C:"1CD ~z, DISK Uh'-FUNCI4 IN CONC# MON. :1:11' (;OUT'" OF INTERSECTION OF S.E. 1~2ND ST .• 102ND AVE. S.E. -STAMPED "lURA 113~4" f.LEv .• 410.01 FT. CITY OF RENTON 6M I~~ -TOF OF 1/8" 6RASS FIN IN CONC. MON. IN CASE ±S' NORT ... OF CIL OF 6.e. iS2ND ST. NEAR ... OUSE • 10020 ELEv .• 314.'30 FT. SITE 6ENC ... MARK, TOF OF I 314" 6RASS DI5K. WI FUNC ... IN CONC. MON. -DOUN 0.31 IN CASE -AT INTERSECTION OF 102ND Ave. S.E •• S.E. lasT ... FL. E'LEv .• 3~S,82 FT. SITE STATISTICS I 5ET6ACKS, TOTAL SITE AREA, PROFOSED USE, ~!O. OF LOTS, AYERAGE LOT SIZE, FROFOSED DENSITY, f'E~ITTED DENSITY, EXISTING ZONING, FU6LIC R-O-W TRACT 'A' -UETLANDI6UFFER FRONT -IS' REAR -20' SIDE -S'. IS' adjacent to str .... t 2S'3.2SI± SF. (S.'3SI~ ACRES) DETACI-IED-SINGLE FAMIL.,.. 3~ S.210 SF. 1.42 DUlAC. 8 DUlAC. R-8 32':'SO± SF. 10.4S~± SF. TP.ACT '6' -STO~ DETENTION 1~.08~± SF. TRACT 'C' -ACCESS 1,800. SF. TRACT 'D' -OFEN SFACE DENSITY CALCULATIONS GROSS AREA OF PROPERTY, -PU6LIC R-O-W -PRIVATE ACCESS TRACTS -WETLANDS NET SITE AREA, NO. OF LOTS, NET DENS IT.,.., 2S'3.2SI± 5F (&.~SI~ ACRES) 32,&SO'5F NlA 3.12'3± 5F 2:13':'12± 5F OR S.l3 ACRES 3~ 1.01 DUIACRE % LOTS WOULD RESULT IN A NET DENSITY OF 1.01 DUELLING UNITS FER ACRE. ~ ~ ).. Cl:: ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ W Z Z W CJ S f--III « « w CL o 0 0 o w > o CL CL CL « SHEET OF 1. 1. -'" lJJ lJJ Z -l') Z lJJ PROJECT NUMBER 03095