HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-113CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: December 17, 2004 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy M. Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Scherer Lot Line Adjustment LUA (file) Number: LUA-04-113, LLA Cross-References: AKA's: Project Manager: Susan Fiala Acceptance Date: September 27, 2004 . Applicant: Douglas V. & Sharlene J. Scherer Owner: Douglas V. & Sharlene J. Scherer Contact: Kevin Vanderzanden PID Number: 152305902404, 152305911504 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Approval: November 18, 2004 Appeal Period Ends: December 2, 2004 Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: The applicant is pr:oposing to adjust property lines between Parcels A and B (Lots 1 and 2) to convey a portion of Lot 1 to Lot 2 and align property lines between the two lots. Location': 103 Duvall Avenue NE Comments: ""diU • II 1&14 3.11 I.t . I J £td -... f PARTIES OF RECORD SCHERER/SCHERER LOT LINE ADlUS LUA04-113, LLA Douglas & Sharlene Scherer 13731 SE 133rd Street Renton, WA 98059 tel: 425-226-8390 (owner) Kevin Vanderzanden, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place ste: #101 Bellevue, WA 98007 tel: 425-885-7877 (contact) " ~4~·".·'· .~ . ..a --: CITY " F REN:T()N Pl~glBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.,E., AiI~nistrator Kathy Kooiker-Wheeler, Mayor November 29, 2004 Kevin Vanderzanden Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th 'Place, Suite 101 , Bellevue" WA 98007 . SUBJECT:· Scherer Lot'UneAdjustmenl. File No~ LUA~p4-113. LLA .' . ·DearKevin:, . The City' of Renton has completed ptocessingthe above referenced iotlineadjustment . and has forwarded 'the final myl~rs,tb'King County fbrre~ording. . . . . Please note,.the recbrding'~f the lot lineadjustll1enf map alone does' flOt·· tra~sfer ownership of property. If·necessCiry, prepare and reGord a:deedtransferringownership bfJheportion of land depicted in the lot 'in~~djustme'rifmap.yve recommend that the' legal, description for this dOC~i'nentbe·.pre'parea' bya surveyor. It is the applicant's re~ponsibjlity ,to ensure . tnis .90Gl,JI"Tl-enf' 'is.:ptope,rIY prepared:~nd reGorded' with the County;' <: .' ". "-.' 'If you have any further questions regarding thislbtline'adjustment, please cohtactme at ·(425)430~7382. ,. ." , '. " .~SinCereIY .............•.•. ~ ..... . . " ......... ~~~ .. .... , .... ~.~. Susan Fiala,AICP Senior Planner' . , .... ~, cc: Douglas& Sharlene Scherer, Connor Homes Company I Owners .=prQj~_cr Eile .. J, * This paper contains 50% recyded matenal, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO:, FROM: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM November 29, 2004 City Clerk's Office Susan Fiala, P/B/PW -DevelopmenVPlanning, x7382 . . . .. SUBJECT: Connor/Belmondo Lot Line Adjustment; File No. LUA-04-129, LLA; and Scherer Lot Line Adjustment; File No. LUA 04-113 Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County for each of the lot line adjustments. Please have Consolidated Delivery & Logistics, Inc. take these documents via: Priority service ($22.46) Rush service ($17.94) X Economy service ($15.73) Attached is a check for the amount of $31.46 for the fee to CD&L for the two projects. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000/007.590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x7382 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yellow file Property Management Jan Conklin Kevin Vanderzanden H:\Oivision,s\Oevelop,ser\Dev&plan.ing\SAF\LLA_templates\ClERKMMO,doc ,. "-"""<A".-Wheeler, Mayor November 18, 2004 Kevin Vanderzanden Core Design, Inc., , 14711 NE 29th Place, Suite 101 ' Bellevue, WA'980Q7 Subject: Scherer Lot Line Adjustment , LUA04-113, LLA ' Dear Mr. Vanderzanden: CITY. RENTON Plannin!if.BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg zimmerman P.E~ Adlmnistrator , The City has finished reviewing your proposed lot lineadjus'tinent' and is now ready to approve, subject to the corrections' arid typos'as list~d ,onJhe, Clttached memo from Property Service's, and send the final version for r~cording. 56 as nQtto deiaythe,recording, please ensure,tbat the listed corrections are completed as necessarY, ott:aerwlsewe, \NiII request newmylars untHfhe corrections are done. , Please submit two sets of anoriginaHiignedmylar ~nd~ch~ckl6r $15~73 mcideouUo CI:J'&L at· . thesixthfloorcounter of City Hall fbmy attentic>h:'Ple~severify that the mylarshavet;>een sig.,ed by" , all owners, 'ofrecordandhav.e' been',nqtafi~ed;:wi~h\a)Jink , stamp,Chof embossed). ' The ,ink -stamp, , f11ustbelegible so that King Countyw'in prdmptiyrecord the lof line adjustment. " . . "... . " ...... , . .',. . , , , This decision to approve the proposed lot lineadjustoiel1t is subject to a fourteen (14) day.appeal " period from the date of thisletteL Arlyappeals of the administrative decision must befiled'vVith the, , City of Renton Hearing ExaiTlinerby 5:00. p:m:, Decernber2, 2004 .. ", ..". . . . .~ . . Appeals must be filed iflwritingt6getherwiththe: r~quired,$i5.00,application fee With: Hearing Exaniiner, City of Renton, 1055 South GradyVVay, Renton, WA 980.55. Appeals to the Examiner are governed. by City of Renton, Municipa!Code seCtion '4~8-110. Additional informatiofl regardiilig the appeal'process maybe obtained from the Renton City Clerk;sOffice, (425)430-6510; , If you have further questions regarding this project, please cal,1 me at (425) 430~7382. , Susan Fiala, AICP Senior Planner Attachment cc: Douglas & Sharlene Schererl Owners Project File \\DAEDALUS\S"'S~SH~Yistil'e:>1We'W:.se''itYfii'a,,~OJ~C'f~itr5S3.susdll\FII<lAtREO.doc R E 'N' TO', N ou ra y ay -en on, , mg ~n , . , " " , , AHEAD Of TaE CURVE j DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 16,2004 Susan Fiala Sonja J. Fesse'JSf; Scherer Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-1I.3-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: It might be better to name the subject properties as "PARCEL A" an<l "PARCEL B" (in the address block on Sheet 2 of 2) to match the name designated for the properties after the lot line adjustment is recorded. See the attachments for circled items that need to be corrected. "PARCEL A" and "PARCEL B" should be made bold on the drawing (Sheet 2 of 2). \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustments,\0283\RV041 1 16.doc .4. THIS. SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF A ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECORDED ;DECEMBER 19, 1978 AS DISCLOSED BY IW ")MENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING N.12190786. 5. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4612 RECORDED JUNE 21, 1996 AS DISCLOSED BY INS""TRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9606210966 REGARDING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE. DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNERS OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN Tt-IIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANT AND AGREE TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE TEMPORARY EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OF ANY SUBDIVISIOI\IS THEREOF. THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. THIS DECLARATION OF COVENANT BECOMES NULL AND VOID UPON THE PROVISION THAT THE LANDLOCKED PARCEL B IS SERVED WITH OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS. NEW TEMPORARY PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINiENANCE AGREEMENT ~RCEL.. --- NEW TEMPORARY PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND ES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. THE OWNER OF LOT SH.ALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF lHE TEMPORARY PRIVATE ACCES SEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINIENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AN~R INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UllLlTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCEi...COAT$SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WlDry:S GREATER THAN 20 FEET. THIS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BECOMES NULL AND VOID UPON THE PROVISION AT THE LANDLOCKED PARCEL B IS SERVED WITH OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS. , COSTS NOTES 1. ALL llTLE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACTED FROM CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER NO. 1144252, DATED AUGUST 30, 2004. IN PREPARING THIS MAP. CORE DESIGN, INC. HAS CONDUCTED NO INDEPENDENT TITLE SEARCH NOR IS CORE DESIGN, INC. AWARE OF ANY TITLE ISSUES AFFECllNG THE SURVEYED PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THE MAP AND DISCLOSED BY THE REFERENCED llTLE COMMITMENTS. CORE DESIGN, INC. HAS RELIED WHOLLY ON CHICAGO TITLE REPRESENTATION OF THE llTLE'S CONDIllON TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY AND THEREFORE CORE DESIGN, INC. QUALIFIES THE MAP'S ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS TO THAT EXTEN T. 2. THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS VISIBLE PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS EXISTING O~ DECEMBER 18. 2003. ALL SURVEY CONTROL INDICA TED AS "FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR THIS PROJECT IN JUL........ 2002. 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET. 4. THIS IS A FIELD TRAVERSE SURVEY. A SOKKIA FIVE SECOND COMBINED ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE CONTROWNC MONUMENTATION AS SHOWN. CLOSURE RATIOS OF THE TRAVERSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN VlAC 332-130-090. DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN COMPARED TO AN N.G.S. BASELINE WlTHI'tII ONE YEAR OF THE DAlE OF THIS SURVEY. .., • u 20' J4 SEC. 15-23-5 -- 330.05 ~. lO I n C'l I lO ~ U w :1 3: z ~I ~ 3: z w }'2a"W z :J -31 10.1' -----...... W 330.00' @ 90' - ARAGE i88± SF 260.00' @ 90' I --l1."J -.. -, 0 0 - ,.j I aa.i 0 0 u; C'l (J) ~ - @ 10 rD 1'-~ ~ (J) w " • ~ )T 2 0 0 C'l (J) 0 N ix> --...., ~2059715 ~ ~ -0 -0 z z w ~ 7.2" • 0 0 < ;j ix> ~ n 0 0 z I ~ 0 : SF I 22'42"W Naa., g'2a"W )1 12 240.04 --+--ROADWA Y EASEMENT :)"E ~ , REC. NO. 4909728 L __ N ~ 30' P.S.P.L. EASEMENT ------------"<t- o REC. NO. 7705120619-;;) --...: ----------------------- ~ 26' WIDE TEMPORARY~GREEi>ND UTILITY EASEMENT 20' ." Place Suite 1 0 1 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM D ATE: November 15, 2004 TO: Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review F ROM: Susan Fiala, Development/Planning, x7382 SUBJECT: Scherer Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-04-113, LLA A..ttached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Plan Review approval: cc: Yellow File PLATMEMO_2.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 15, 2004 TO: Sonja Fesser, Property Services FROM: Susan Fiala, Development/Planning, x7382 SUBJECT: Scherer Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-04-113, LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: cc: Yellow File PLATMEMO_2.doc CITY.·4tF'·RENTON. ~ '~ . . Kathy Keolker-Wheeler,'Mayor PlanninWBuildinglPublicW~rlcs Jjq>3rtment Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Ad~iiustrator November 3, 2004 Kevin Vanderzanden Core Design, Jnc~ .. 14711 NE 29th Place,Suite 101 . . Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Schere'rLot Line Adjustment LUA04,.113,. LLA '. . . . . .. . Dear Mr. Vanderzanden: The City of Renton has cbmpletedthe seY9M. rE;lyiewof your proposed 'lot line adju~trnent. the following changes~iIIbe necessarY-in ()rderJodhe.Cityto approve your proposal: .' '.1. See attached memo with commentsfromPr~perty Se~fces .. "Once thechan~es; asnoteej'·above·and in theattached.memoi haveoeenmade,please . submit three (3)'. copies of' the~reYisec:tlo(lin.~,ii1<;JjlJstment' to<my;attention at the ~lxthflobr.· .' ·'co.unter of City Hi:lIL The~eviseaplal')~'lVili)~'·'foqte~·'forfin:alre"iew arid you will be notified . when. iUs appropriate to submit toe firial~xnYi~rs.··...\: .' "," , , . . ... . ."l, ';:> . , . :.': -'\>':'~':.:;;; :.:":"~:';~:""~'...,".:, :', If-y~u have~nyqlJestiQns' reg~rding,y6ur appii.cation q(the changes requested above, please contact me at 425~30;'73~2. .: " . .... " .~~: ....... , .. Susan Fiala, AICP Se n.i or Plar:mer .. . . Attachment cc: Douglas & Sharlene S.cherer! Owners P~ectR~ .. -RlRe=v;.,,;s'=eqT1.d-fno ..... c ---:}=0-=-55=-S=-0-u-'-:th-'G=-r-a-=-dy-=W.:-=-:-ay----=R=-e-nt-'0-n,--=W.-:::as-='":hin;-gt-.-on---'::=-9-='=80:-:5;-::'5------~ * This ~rcontains 50% reCycfed materia'., 30% poSlconsumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 3, 2004 TO: Susan Fiala FROM: Sonja J. Fesser }i SUBJECT: Scherer Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-113-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The "BASIS OF BEARING" block (Sheet 2 of 2) refers to Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. Section 29 is in error. Further, "W.M." is missing from this indexing information. Also, said block refers to "NOTE 1 OF REFERENCES", but there is no "REFERENCES" block. Remove "LOT 2:" from the "RESTRICTIONS" block if it is not subject to the restrictions noted for Lot 1 (Sheet 1 of 2). If Lot 2 is subject to some or all of said restrictions listed, or others, then revise the "RESTRICTIONS" block as needed. At the time that the plat of Laurelhurst is recorded and/or the subject lots are sold to others, Parcel B (Lot 2) could be landlocked. A new private easement for ingress, egress and utilities (7) (somewhere on the 31.42' strip of Parcel A between the subject property and Duvall Ave NE) of acceptable width (26'7) is needed to provide a solution to this problem. Said easement is for the benefit of future owners of Parcel B. Since the reconfigured lots are under common ownership at the time of lot line adjustment recording, there can be no new easement created until ownership of the lots is conveyed to others, together with and/or subject to specific easement rights. Add the following Declaration of Covenant language on the face of the subject drawing, iJ: the previous paragraph applies: DECLARATION OF COVENANT: The owners of the land embraced within this lot line adjustment, in return for the benefit to accrue from this subdivision, by signing hereon covenant and agree to convey the beneficial interest in the new easement shown on this lot line adjustment \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND·30 -Lot Line Adjustments\0283\RV04I 027.doc \'. November 3, 2004 Page 2 to any and allfuture purchasers of the lots, or of any subdivisions thereof This covenant shall run with the land as shown on this lot line adjustment. The new private ingress, egress and utilities easement requires a 'NEW PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement noted on the lot line adjustment drawing. See the attachment. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustments\0283\RY041027.doc\cor Title for both of the following paragraphs: NEW PRIV ATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Use the following paragraph if there are two or more lots participating in the agreement: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIV ATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. Use the following paragraph if the agreement applies to one lot only: NOTE: NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. THE OWNER OF LOT . SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIV ATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. I J . Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor October 11, 2004 . Kevin Vanderzanden Core Design; Inc. . 14711 NE29thPlace, Suite 101 . Bellevue, W A 98007 Subject: Scherer Lot Line Adjustment . LUA04-113, LLA Dear Mr: Vi:mderzandei1: • CITY .L.-F RENTON ]>IannfugIBuildinglPublic WorkS Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator . T~e City. of Renton has. completedthe.:ipittal, r~vi~W of your proposed lot line adjustment. . The following changes will be n~cessarYirl.order fonhecCity.toapprove your proposal: '. . .':': -. '. , :-,. . . ,', . ~. . . . '. -'. '. : .'. .. . : '.' 1. An amendment to the apprqved'preljminaryplathas beeh~requestedby you. Its approval . will. be necessary' before' recording tile lof line' 'adJustment>$taff will forWard ~mendment' . . . ":res'ponse to you assooh aSit,'~ec:omes"available:PI~:~~'et~~Ke note. tl:1alamendments ..• ' ,have a tw.o~week appealperiod.foliowin'gjts:cjeCisiori and are. mailed to parties of record: . -'" ':<;. ,'(" ,~: -"." --')~<"-: :'.-."~.'.:: .. ,".'" -: • . ;,~, • .' .' • . ' 2. See attached rn~mo .with corT)mentsJrom·PrdpertY;;Servi,~s .. . :-.,~ . ~"-<":""""~.':'.~'.:.'--"." '~.'. . . 'O'nee the changes, as··ndted'-ab9ve:.~f,d':i'W1U~!:~~~·che~m.en10,··haveb~en.made; .please' submit three (3) copies cif the revisEf~flot/lineadjustmenttoh1yattention at the sixth flbor counter of City Hall. Therevis,ep-,p'la.l"ls WiHbe roufeCffor.fincjjreView and you will 'be notified .. when it is appropriate to submiftpe'flnalniylars. --' . . .:. If you have any que~tions regc:JJ~i-ng YCiu~; .apPlitati6n?r,th~ chang~srequested' above, please contact me at425-430-73f32.--. '. : . '. '."'-' -. ~. -Susan Fiala, AICP Senior Planner . Attachment cc:· Douglas & Sharlene Scherer! Owners Project File ' ~. --BR .... ev ..... ls ..... renorq"*.do'""'C~-'-:-1-=-05::-:5:--:S::-o-ti-::-th--G=-r-ad-=-y-=W.==---ay-'.-=R=-e-n-to-n--, W.==-as-::-h-:-iD-g-to-n-9---8:-:0-5-::-5--~---'-RE NTON * This paper contains 50% recycled m~terial .. 30% postconsu"';'r . AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM October 4, 2004 Susan Fiala Sonja J. Fesse~c:rs(j Scherer Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-113-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-113-LLA and LND-30-0283, respectively, on the drawings in the spaces provided. The indexing information is incorrect on both drawing sheets. The "LEGAL DESCRIPTION" block is missing the word "EXCEPT" before the call "the south 110 feet of the north 205 feet of the east 360 feet" (per Chicago Title Insurance Co. Short Plat Certificate, Order No. 1144252, Schedule A Legal Description). Note all encroachments, if any, on the drawing (per Item No.7 under "RESTRICTIONS" on Sheet 1 of 2). Item No.6 under said "RESTRICTIONS" block does not directly impact the subdivision or rights in land, and should be removed from said block. Indicate what has been, or is to be, set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. The city will provide an address for Lot 1 as soon as possible. Note said address in the space already provided for it (Sheet 2 of 2). \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustments\0283\RV041001.doc .. October 7, 2004 Page 2 The "BASIS OF BEARING" block (Sheet 2 of 2) refers to Section 29, Township 23 North, Range 5 East. The "W.M." is missing. Also, said block refers to "NOTE 1 OF REFERENCES", but there is no "REFERENCE" block. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, easements or agreements t::o others (City of Renton, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently wi"l:h the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. King County will record the lot line adjustment first, with the accompanying documents following. Fee Review Comments: Lots within or affected by the lot line adjustment are subject to the c~ty' s special charges, if any. H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustments\0283\RV041001.doc\cor City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 11, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-113, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: SEPTEMBER 27, 2004 CITY Of' RENTor. APPLICANT: Core Desi n RECEiVED PROJECT TITLE: Scherer Lot Line Ad·ustment SITE AREA: 2.97 acres 1\1 LOCATION: 103 Duvall Avenue NE SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to adjust property lines between Parcels A and B (Lots 1 and 2) to convey a portion of Lot 1 to Lot 2 and align property lines between the two lots. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e:g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources PreseNation Airport Environment to,OOOFeet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is ed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authoriz Date City of Ran Department of Planning / Building / Public W<irks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 11, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-113, LLA DATE CIRCULATED: SEP.EMBER 27, 2004 APPLICANT: Core DesiQn PROJECT MANAGER: ~lf~ ~Ia~ ~ n ~D ~ Q PROJECT TITLE: Scherer Lot Line Adjustment PLAN REVIEW: Mike D ~~ ~ ~ SITE AREA:' 2.97 acres BUILDING AREA (gross :1 i .~$ 0 sq~fe~ 0 """. IU U ......."., -.vvT ~ LOCATION: 103 Duvall Avenue NE WORK ORDER NO: 77 16 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is proposing to adjust property lines between Pa cels A andCBT(LafSFlEatT@R) to convey a portion of Lot 1 to Lot 2 and align property lines between the two lots. FiRE DEPARTMENT A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment /lAinor Major Information Ir7Ipacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELA TED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed is application with particular aNention to those areas in which we have expertise ancf have iet ntified areas of probable impact or areas where additio al information is n d to properly assess this proposal. Date CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 27'h day of September, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter documents. This information was sent to: Kevin Vanderzanden Contact Douglas & Sharlene Scherer Owners (Signature of Sender):_~~ / ~~1si::f?~ .... , : ... o~ "-to •• ~ ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ! :"0 ~OT.c1t9).-w,\""1\ ~ ) SS '-. ~·tIIIIIIbI en· , ~(f)~ /:J : ~ COUNTY OF KING ) ~ A ... £laue .: 5" """Y~""~''''9 1 ·····o~: ". • c--0 .' ~ -I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker "III°,c:-·WASH\~Q). ...... --: signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free ·and volLl ntary act Ib'r'~~'and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Qc.A- shington Notary (Print): ______ mMARl:r"ll'TllL"lI'I"YNrm'rnKAI"I"Mi'FC:=::HE=FF~~---------- My appointment expires: MV APP01NlMENT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Scherer Lot Line Adjustment LUA04-113, LLA CITY IF RENTON , Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPubJ.i.c Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator September 27,2004 Kevin Vanderzanden, PLS Core Design, Inc. 14711 NE 29th Place #101 Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Scherer Lot Line Adjustment LUA04-113, LLA Dear Mr. Vanderzanden: The Development Planning S,ection of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, th erefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified, if any add itional information rs required to continue processing your application. . . Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. Sincerely, -~~ Susan A. Fiala, AICP Senior Planner cc: Douglas & Sharlene Scherer / Owner -------=-1 O~5::-:5:-::S::-o-uth-:-:G:-ra-::d:--y-::W:=-a-y--=-R-en-to-n-,-:-:w:"'-a-:sh--:-in-g-to-n-9~8--:0--:-55-:--------R E N TON * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE .,. City of Renton DEVELOPMENT PLANNI :3 CITY OF RENTON LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: Douglas V. & Sharlene J. PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: ~C'!hprpr Scherer/Scherer Lot Line Adjust- ADDRESS: 1 3 731 SE 133rd Street lllClll.. PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton, WA ZIP: 98059 4 ... ..,. ......" las /)ilW~( A'I-t·N -I J~J 1 IJOl..ll five. 0-'" Renton WA 98059 TELEPHONE NUMBER: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 425-226-8390 Lot 1 • 152305-9024-04 APPLICANT (if other than owner) Lot 2. 152305-9115-04 NAME: EXISTING LAND USE(S): Residential sin..gle family COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Residential single family ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Residential single family CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION ) (if applicable): NIA TELEPHONE NUMBER EXISTING ZONING: R-8 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A NAME: SITE AREA (in square feettotal : 2 • 9 acres, Kevin Vanderzanden, PLS SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED COMPANY (if applicable): FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING rnr"", n"",,,,,irrn Tn,.. THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): N/A ADDRESS: 1 4 71 1 NE 29th Pl. , #101 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): N/A CITY: ZIP: Bellevue WA 98007 NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (ifap~;lfcabie">: ro/71 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: 425-885-7877 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 11.1 I 71 Q:\veb/pw/devserv/forms/planning/masterapp.doc 09124/03 PROJECTINFORMATrl_O_N_(~lc_on_t_i_n~u~e~d)~ ____________ ~ NU MBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): One SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BU ILDINGS (if applicable): N / A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BU ILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N / A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BU I LDI NGS (if applicable): N / A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BU ILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): N / A NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N / A PROJECT VALLJ E: N / A IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENT .ALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO Q FLOOD HAZARD AREA Q GEOLOGI'C HAZARD Q HABITAT CONSERVATION Q SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES Q WETLANDS ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the follovving information included) SITUATE IN THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION J2" TOWN SHIP 23 , RANGE2,..., IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1 . Lot Line Adjustment, $450.00 3. 2. 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I. (Print NameJs) b Ou. q / as "f' fA arlen ( S:.h ere. ,declare that I am (please check one) ~e current owner of the property j'Ilvolved in this application Of __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (plea-se attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the beh of my knowledge and belief. ~ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislh Itheir ee and voluntary act for the §~ ~ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that OIA&J/M +-",,,rtf" ~ £t, {re.. , (Signature of Own r/Representative) ( Signature of Owner/Represe Q:web/pw/devserv/forms/planningJlllasterapp.doc uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. {!fl!;Ir;, Ae~ --""'" _---:nW D~ "\\ .:-(j~ ........ C..., '. ft: ; .. ·~\SSIO.-i:·.: i~ " Notary Public in an for the Sta!e o~ wa;hington ~ . .~~ ~ •• ~ " /\0 ~ 1 ~~,......' JVl.... .xJttl1.h,,4fo..,.J:'Q NOi..q/;,1_ ~~ ~ , ~-r cr ~. ___ r :D. "I. I. :.oua m: ~ e. Ie:, C ~ 0 ~. 'L CI). ,. Notary (Print) ~Ii J " e Let ,~··tr"9-05 ...... j II,O,t.'~ ...... ~~/ \" ~H\N -- / / ~ 0 ~ ","'----My appointment expires:' , 09/24/03 September 13, 2004 Core No. 02052 Susan Fiala City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 S. Grady Way Renton W A 98055 Subject: Scherer/Scherer Lot Line Adjustment Dear Susan: DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON SEP 2 0 2004 RECEIVED On behalf of our client, Douglas & Sharlene Scherer, we are submitting a Boundary Line Adjustment between Lot 1 and Lot 2 of properties owned by Douglas & Sharlene Scherer and located at 13251 138th Ave. S.B. Lot 2 is currently used as single-family dwelling and Lot 1 is currently an undeveloped residential property and a portion of Laureihurst Preliminary Plat under the City of Renton File No. LUA 04-063, PP, ECF. The application for this Boundary Line Adjustment does not propose any changes to the current use of the properties. The purpose of the proposed boundary 1:ine adjustment is to convey a portion of Lot 1 to Lot 2 and to align t4e boundary lines 'Vith Tract N of the Preliminary Plat. Sincerely, c~ DESI~N, f'c. lemPv~~PL~S :....-.--- Managing Principal Senior Project Surveyor 02052-01 City ofRentofl.doc ... PLANNING OEVE6i~tt~WEN10N SEP 7. \l 7.\l\l~ RECE'\JED " LOT CALCULATION REPORTS FOR 'SCHERER/SCHERER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Prepared by: Approved by: Date: Core Design, Inc. Job #: RENTON, W ASIDNGTON Robert K. Brooks Kevin J. Vanderzanden, P.L.S. September, 2004 02052 .. Lot Report 08/26/2004 10:18 CRD File> P:\2002\02052\Carlson\Lot Files\X02052bla.crd LOT LOT 1 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 505 179064.90 1312983.40 0.00 S 880 22'42" E 70.01 506 179062.92 1313053.38 70.01 N 000 38'00" E 1.65 507 179064.57 1313053.40 71.66 S 880 19'28" E 240.04 508 179057.55 1313293.33 311.70 S 000 38'00" W 31.42 509 179026.13 1313292.99 343.12 N 880 22'42" W 630.09 510 179043.96 1312663.14 973 .21 N 00 0 44'31" E 330.03 511 179373.96 1312667.42 1303.24 S 880 19'28" E 319.43 512 179364.62 1312986.71 1622.67 S 000 38'00" W 299.73 505 179064.90 1312983.40 1922.40 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 1922.40 LOT AREA: 115130 SQ FT OR 2.6430 ACRES ' . . ' LOT :LOT 2 OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING EASTING STATION 515 179269.61 1312985.66 0.00 S 88°19'28" E 70.01 516 179267.56 1313055.64 70.01 S 00°38'00" W 204.65 506 179062.92 1313053.38 274.66 N 88°22'42" W 70.01 505 179064.90 1312983.40 344.67 N 00°38'00" E 204.71 515 179269.61 1312985.66 549.39 Clos;ure Error Distance> 0.0000 TotaLl Distance> 549.39 LOT AREA: '14328 SQ FT OR 0.3289 ACRES LOT PARCEL A OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DIST~CE NORTHING 500 179112.22 S 56°23'33" E 89.90 EASTING 1312886. OS STATION 0.00 501 179062.46 1312960.9~ 89.90 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 21.77 CHORD: 21.49 DELTA: 31°59' 09" CHORD BRG: S 72°23'08" E PC-R: N 33°36'27" E PT-R: N 01°37'18" E RADIUS. POINT: 502 17909~.94/1312982.51 TANGENT: 11.3L8 503 179055.96 1312981. 4 a 111.67 S 88°22'42" E 1.89 504 N 00°38'00" E 9.00 505 S 88°22'42" E 70.0 ~ 506 N 00°38'00" E 1.65 507 S 88°19'28" E 240. 04 508 S 00°38'00" W 31.402 509 N 88°22 '42" W 630 _ 09 510 N 00°44'31" E 330 _ 03 511 S 88°19'28" E 319 _43 512 S 00°38'00" W 81.59 513 N 89°15 '29" W 97.54 514 S 00°44'31" W 172 .09 500 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 2096.45 179055.90 179064.90 179062.92 179064.57 179057.55 179026.13 179043.96 179373.96 179364.62 179283.03 179284.30 179112.22 LOT AREA: 95283 SQ FT OR. 2.1874 ACRES 1312983.30 113.57 1312983.4<> 122.57 1313053. 3·~ 192.58 1313053.4 0 194.22 1313293.33 434.26 1313292. ~ 9 465.69 1312663. L4 1095.78 1312667.42 1425.81 1312986. "71 1745.24 1312985.81 1826.82 1312888.27 1924.37 1312886. <l5 2096.45 LOT PARCEL B OF BLOCK 1 PNT# BEARING DISTANCE NORTHING 506 179062.92 N 88°22'42" W 70.01 505 179064.90 S 00°38'00" W 9.00 504 179055.90 N 88°22'42" W 1.89 EASTING 1313053.38 1312983.40 1312983.30 STATION 0.00 70.01 79.01 503 179055.96 1312981.40 80.91 RADIUS: 39.00 LENGTH: 21.77 CHORD: 21.49 DELTA: 31°59'09" CHORD BRG: N 72°23' 08" W PC-R: N 01°37 '18" E PT-R: KI 33°36' 27" E RADIUS POINT: 502 179094.94,13L2982.51 TANGENT: 11.18 501 179062.46 1312960.92 102.68 N 56°23'33" W 89.90 500 N 00°44'31" E 172.09 514 S 89°15'29" E 97.54 513 S 00°38'00" W 13.43 515 S 88°19'28" E 70.01 516 S 00°38'00" W 204.65 506 Closure Error Distance> 0.0000 Total Distance> 750.29 179112.22 179284.30 179283.03 179269.61 179267.56 179,962.92 LOT AREA: 34174 SQ FT OR 0.7845 ~CRES 1312886.05 192.58 1312888.27 364.67 1312985.81 462.21 1312985.66 475.63 1313055.64 545.65 1313053.38 750.29 .~~ .. ~. <:/iUCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP,<S';y '\ iOO COLOHBIA CKNTBR, 701 5TH AVB SBATTLB, WA !J8:L.04 Order No.: 3..144252 SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE Certificate for Filing Proposed Short Plat In the matter of the short plat submitted for your approval, ths Company has examined the records of tie County Auditor and County Clerk of KING Co~ty, VI ashington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and frOIn. such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following descnbed land Situate in said KING County, to-wit: DEVELOPMENT' C lTV OF RE~~~N/NG SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: DOUGLAS V. SCHERER AND SHARLENE J. SCHERER I HUSBAND AND WIFE EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $ 17.60 Records examined to August 30 I 2004 at 8 ;00 A.M. By Bf CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY HARRIS/EISENBREY Title Officer (206) 628-5623 SEP 202004 RIECEIVED SHPlATA/12-S-90/EK PARCEL A: ''--'''~ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP.·:-v. ~> .. -'\ SHORT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continaed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Order No.: ) 1144252 THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF "THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, W~HINGTON; EXCEPT THE NOR'TH 95 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FE:ET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE SOU"TH 92.97 FEET OF THE NORTH 2~7.97 FEET OF THE EAST 260 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE SOU"TH 110 FEET OF THE NORTH 205 FEET OF THE EAST 260 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE ~-r 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED T~ KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1798214; ~ EXCEPT THAT POJRTION OF THE WEST 70 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF AND LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTH 95 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL B: THAT PORTION ~F THE WEST 70 FEET.OF THE E~T 330 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QU~TER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP :23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAsT, WIL~ETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LY:I:NG NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF; EXCEPT THE NORTH 95 FEET THEREOF. e CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY '~ .. .r-:' f:· ... \ -,\ ":L CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 1 ::::I.44252 SHORTPLATCER~CATE SCHEDULEB This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of tlie following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensCltion, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not sho'VID. by the public records. F. Liens'under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. v H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. l. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. 1. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OFTHE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($lOOO.OO). €PE SHPlATB/031694/sac CHICAGO TITLE INSURAl\1CE COMPANY SHORTPLATCER~CATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1144252 A 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: ROADWAY A SOUTHEASTERLY PORTION OF PARCEL A AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT JUNE 10, 1958 4909728 B 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: c GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION LINE A SOUTHEASTERLY PORTION OF PARCEL A AS . DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT MAY 12, 1977 7705120619 3. RESERVATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY: RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS THEREOF AS ARE. OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO THE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TITLE TO THE USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND THE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS,. INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME. RECORDING NUMBER: 192430 D 4. ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: DECEMBER 19, 1978 7812190786 E 5. CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 4612, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: REGARDING: JUNE 21, 1996 9606210966 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE +*##* + CHICAGO TIlLE INSURANCE COMPANY (~::~"~CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP.<p-'. ~, ~~ . SHORTPLATCERT~CATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1144252 6. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL A. 2004 152305-9024-04 4155 $ 135,000.00 $ 0.00 BILLED: $ 1,638.64 PAID: $ 819.32 UNPAID: $ 819.32 Q 7. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL B. 2004 152305-9115-04 4155 $ 69,000.00 $ 113,000.00 BILLED: $ 2,308.51 PAID: $ 1,154.26 UNPAID: $ 1,154.25 H 8. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. I NOTE 1: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE is PSi SHPLATB3/12-12-90 /EK CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAl"IY REF ~ c ';-,w~CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP/?· , SHORTPLATCER~CATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS Order No.: 1144252 LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: PORTIONS SEQ NWQ SECTION 15~23-5. AS OF AUGUST 30, 2004, THE TAX ACCOUNTS FOR SAID PREMISES ARE 152305-9024-04 AND 152305-9115-04. END OF SCHEDULE B &?d&¥*t5 ·9 *95 4'!! . 9 p§¥ z &Efi SHPlATB3/12-12-90/EK CHICAGO 1TI\E INSURANCE COMPANY '.> . a :::-""l.UCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP.C~v " SHORTPLATCER~CATE SCHEDULEB (Continued) EXCEPTIONS I -." .. , Order No.: 1144252 K THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS COMMITMENT: CORE DESIGN, INC KEVIN VANDERZANDEN CONNER, HOMES COMPANY JOHN SKOCHDOPOLE JOB #02052 1/1 1/1 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PH *" & '*& a e- SHPIATB3/12-12-90/EK '.~'. - CHICAGO TITLf""'l\JSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH A VENUE, #3400, SEA TILE, WA 98104-PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a cOIlt.venience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. Southeast ~ of the Northwest ~ of Section 15-23-5 ---""'31'"'------I 4'08,47. '.D 5" - ,.,0"" 1--________ "_OS~'_TII _____ . (jj) ... ., MAP /RDA/f1J99 CHICAGO TITLr!1NSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #3400, SEATILE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: lJNITNO: LOAN NO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 001144252 SCHERER/CONNER BLA 10 ~. ORDBR RBJ'BRBHeB :I25IJ'ORIIAT:IOH SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1 CONNER HOMES COMPANY RENTON, WASHINGTON y "'-:',' OUr Title Commitment dated 08/30/04 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: THE VESTING IN PARAGRAPH THREE OF SCHEDULE A OF OUR COMMITMENT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: CONNER HamS COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION, AS TO THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING ~ER 20040930001793; AND DOOGLAS V. SCHERER AND SHARLENE J. SCHERER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TO PARCEL B AND THE REMAINDER OF PARCEL A M PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 6 AND 7 HAS (HAVE) BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: o PARAGRAPH NUMBER 6: , 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAY~LE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DEL::INQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFECTS: PARCEL A 2004 152305-9024 -04 4155 $ 135,000_00 $ 0 _ 00 BILLED: $ PAID: $ UNPAID: $ SEE NEXT PAGE 1,638.64 1,638.64 0.00 SVPPLCOM/RDAIf1HI CIDCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Ord-erNo.: YBlD'No.: UDtNo.: SUPPLEMENfAL COMMITMENT (Continued) 1144252 SCHERER/CONNER BLA 10 Q PARAGRAPH NUMBER 7: ./l 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRS~ HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF EJELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE :I:NTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR : TAX ~CCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: ASSE SSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: GENE:RAL & SPECIAL TAXES: AFFBCTS: PARCEL B 2004 152305-9115-04 4155 $ 69,000.00 $ 113,000.00 BILLED: $ 2,308.51 PAID: $ 2,308.51 UNPAID: $ 0.00 • THE FOLLOWING NOTE (S) HAS (HAVE) BEEN ADDED TO OUR COMMITMENT: r NOTE 2: v OUR EXAMINATION DISCLOSES THAT THE PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED HEREIN DOES NOT CON~ORM WITH THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ~ REAL PROPERTY TAX ACCOUNT UNDE~ WHI CH THE PROPERTY IS TAXED. THE REAL PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED HEREIN MAY NOT COMPLY WITH LOCAL SUBDIVISION ORDI~CES. TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES DO NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR LOSS BY REASON OF THIS MATTER. THE:RE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMI~ENT SINCE AUGUST 30, 2004, EXCEPT THe: MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. NO~ER 15, 2004 AUTHORIZED BY: M~KE HARRIS " NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COpy OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COI'-1MITMBNT : CO~E DESIGN, INC KEVIN VANDERZANDEN CONNER HOMES COMPANY JO~ SKOCHDOPOLE JOB #02052 1/1 1/1 SUPLC0M2/RDA/0999 ·! WHEN IUlCOJWBD IlBl1JRNTO CONNBllHOMmCOMPANY 8461081HAYBNVBNB BP1J.BVUB, WASHINOI'ONl18U04 E2fJ73611 ~u.:r ~ ..a:II:1I 20040930001793.001 • _C_HI_CA:_G_O_TITLE __ IN_SU_RAN __ CE_CO_MP_J\NY ___ 107247O __ _ STATUTORY WARRANfY DEED THE ORANl'OR. DOUOlASV.SCHBItBItANDSHAlW!NBJ.samaBR.HtlSBANDANDWIPB for and in CODSidenlion of TEN OOlLUSAND O'l1U!llGOOD ANDVALUABLB CONSIDI!RAllON in hand paid, aD1VDJI aDd WUI'lIDli to OJNHBaHONES CONPANY,A WASHINGTON OlIU'ORA'nON the foJIowiDs cIescribed IQl estIID siluated ia the 0Rm1y of KINO TuAlxoaDt Namber('): 1523OS-9IJ24.04 State ofWuhiDgton: THE ABBRBVIATBD LBGAL DBSCRIPTION IS AS f'OLLOIIS: A PORTION OF THB sotmmAST QWIRTBR OP THB NOImItIBST QtJARTBR OP SBCTION 15-23-5. THB CQlPLBTS LEGAL DBSCRIPTION IS LOCATBD ON PJIGB 3 AS EXHIBIT "A" A'l'TJICHBO HBRBTO .AND BY THIS RBPBRBNCB MADB A PART HBRBOF. SOBJBCT 'l'O:BXCBPTIONS SET FORTH ON Al'TACHBD BXHIBIT "B" AND BY THIS RBFBRBNCB MADE A PART HBRBOF AS IF FULLY INCORPORATBI> HBRBIII. l~~ DOUGLASV. NOTAR GRATORB PRIRTBD NJIMB I USIl M· JD t.uA. S NOTARY PUBLIC ~AHpJOR THB STATE OP WASRINGTOIl RBSIDIlfG AT ~~ • , MY CCNlISSION IXPIRBS 0111 'II ff o<? . . CHICAGO 11TLB INSURANCE COMPANY BXHIBIT A LBGAL DBSCllIP'l10N The land rclcrred to is situared in the State ofWuIaiDgtoa, Cotmty of KING asfollowa: 200408300017a.OO$ Escrow No.: 1071A10 "nIAT PORTICIIIl OF THB SOOTH HALF OF THB IJORTHNBST Q01IJlTBR OF THB SOOTHBAST QOARTBR OF 'l'R8 NOR.THIIBST QOARTBR OF SBC'l'IOR 15, 'l'OMHSIUP 23 HORTH, RAHGB 5 BAST, NILLIIMBT1'B MBRIDIAIIJ, . IN )(100 0XDI'l'Y, WJ\SllINO'l'CIH, DBSCRIBBD AS FOLLOWS: CCMaNCIlCO AT THB HORTHBAST CORIIIBR OF SAID SOOTH HALF I THENCB RORTR 88°19'28" DST ALOlIIG 'l'HB RORTR LIlI1B OF SAID sotmf HALF, 330.05 FDT '1'0 THB WBST LD1B OF THB BAST 330.00 FBBT OF SAID soom HALP AND THB TROB POINT OP BBGDIIINGI 'I1IBRCB CORTINOIBG IlOR'lH 88°19'28" WBST ALONG SAID NORTH LIN8, 319.U FBBT'1'O THB IfBST LnfB OF SAID SOO'nI HALF I THBlIICB SOO'nl 00· ... ' 31" 1IBST ALONG SAID IUIST LIllIE, 330.03 PBBT TO THB SOOTH LIllIE OF SAID SOOTH HALP; THBNCB SOO'nl 88°22'42" BAST ALORG SAID SOOTH LIllIE, 630.09 FBBT TO THB IUIST RIGHT OP WAY JQRGDt FOR DUVALL AVB. N.B. (138'n1 AVB. S.B.I, THBlIICB NORTH 00°38'00" BAST ALONG SAID IUIST MARGDI, 31.42 FBIT TO THB SOOTH LIllIE OF THB RORTR 297.97 FBB'l' OP SAID SOOTH HALF; THBlIICB IIIOR'1'H 88°19'28" IfBST ALORG SAID SOOTH LIllIE, 240.04 FBBT TO THB WBST LIllIE OF THB BAST 260.00 FBB'l' OF SAID SOUTH HALF, THBlIICB SOO'nl 0003S'00" 1IBST ALCl!IG SAID 1IBST LIllIE, 1.65 FBBT TO 'nIB NORTH LINK OP THB SOOTH 30.00 FBBT OF SAID SOUTH HALF, THBlIICB lIIORTH 88·22'42" 1fBST ALONG SAID tIOR'11l LDIB. 70.01 FBBT'1'O THB NBST LIlIIB OF SAID BAST 330.00 FBBT OF SAID SOOTH HALF; THBlIICB sotmf 00°38'00' NBST ALCHG SAID IfBST LINK, 9.00 PBBT; THBlIICB HOR'l'H 88·22'42" WBST 1.89 FBBT TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A 39.00 FOOT RADIUS CIaaJLAR CUIMI '1'0 THB RIGHT; THBtlCB NOR1'tftIBSTBRLY, ALOIIIG SAID CORVB, THROUGH A CBNTRAL ANGLB OF OP 31°59'09", DARe DISTANcB OP 21.77 FBBT TO A POINT OF TJlHGBlIICY, THBlIICB BORTH 56°23'33" WIST S9.90 PBBT, THBtlCB tlORTH 00· •• '31" BAST 172.09 FBBTI THBlIICB SOOTH 89·15'29" BAST 97.54 PBBT TO 'nIB WEST LDIB OF SAID BAST 330.00 FBBT OF SAID SOOTH HALP I THBlIICB HOR'l'H 00·38' 00" BAST ALONG SAID WEST LIllIE, 81. 59 FBBT '1'0 THB TRUB POINT OF BBGDllIIIG. · 20040930001793.004 CHICAGO m1.B INSURANCE COMPANY EXHIBIT B EscrowNo.: 1072470 BASBMBNT AND THB TBRMS AND CONDITIONS THBREOF: PURPOSB: AREA APPBCTBD: RBCORDBD: RBCORDIli1G NtIGBR: ROAD1IAY A SOOTHBASTBRLY PORTION 01" SAID PRBMXSES AS DESCRIBBD IN SAID UfSTRtlMBNT .rotm 10, 1958 4909728 BASBMBHT AND TIll TBRMS AND CONDITIONS THBREOF: GRANTSB: PURPOSB: AREA APPBCTBD: POGBT SOUND PONBll & LIGHT CCMPANY BLBC'11UC 'lRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBOTION L~ A SOUTHBASTBRLY PORTION OF SAID PRBMISBS AS DBSCRIBBD IN SAID INSTRmCBRT MAY 12, 1977 7705120619 RESBaVATIOtlS AND BXCBPTIOHS COi'lJ'AINBl) IN ODD PRCM NOR'l1IBRIiI PACIPIC RAILJIOAD CClCPANY z RESERVING AND BXCBP'1'IIIG PROt SAID LMDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIc.S THBRBOP AS ARB OR MlLY BB NDIBRAL LARDS OR COIl'rADI coaL OR lRaI, AHD ALSO THB USB AND THB RIGHT AND 'l'ITLB 'l'O THB USB 01" SUCH SUltPAC8 GIlOOHD AS MaY BB NBCBSSARY 1"OR GROOND OPBRATIOHS AND '1'HB JUGHT OF .ACCBSS 'l'O SUCH RBSBRVBD AND BXCBP'l'BD MINBJtAL LANDS, D1CLUDDIG LAllDS OOIIITAIlIDlG COAL OR IRON, FOR THB PURPOSB OF BXPLORING, DBVBLOPDiG AND NORKING THB SAMB. RBCORDIli1G RtICBBR: 192430 ROAD ~ AGRBBMBNT AND '1'HB TERMS AND CONDITtc.S THBRBOP: RBCORDBDz RBCORDDlG NtlMBBR: DBCBMBBR 19, 1978 7812190786 CITY 01" RENTON ORDDlAHCB NUMBER 4612. AND THB TERMS AND CONDITIONS THBREOF: RBCORDED: RBCORDIHG NtlMBBR. REGARDING: JUNB 21, 1996 9606210966 ASSBSSMBHT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SBNBR SERVICB MATTBRS DISCLOSED BY StlRVBY RBCORDED ONDBR RBCORDING NUMBER 8103129002 , AS l"OLLOWS: INCROACHMENT OF PINOS, GARAGB, AND OIL TANlt SOCTHBRLY 01" 'nIB SOU"l'HBRLYMOST NORTH LINB 01" SAID PR8MlSBS, AND ANY ADVBRSB RIGHTS STEMMING THBRBPRCM. ~--~------------------------ ~-------------------------an ABe lIVA1I ___________ __ ~ .... -... ~ .... ~ ......... ~,. THE GRANTOR J AJiES R. RU PFELL Jft AI D . for and in ~ of 1'E2I DCLLARS AND OTHER . ; ~. .::~:-:':' ~ -.--. ; ---; : ... i -. _ _ ~ ~.-. . --: .~~.~ ~ -.-, : ~EP 20 200+ RECEIVED I BERGOLT M. RUFFBLL. hia wire /. . V~LUABLE CCNSIDERATICNS '" in hand paid,con.-cys and ~a 10 DOUGl-AS V. SCHERER AlID SHARLENE J. SCP.ERER. his wire d1C fOilowinB ~~ibcd real awe, !ituared in tbc County of King' ,Sare cI "' -~ ,-,,', washington: The scuth half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of.aection lS, township 2) nortn. range 5 east. ~.M., 1n King County. wasnlngtcn; .EXCEPT the north 95 f'eet of the east 3)0 rflet; EXCEPT· tne south 92.97 teet of' tbe north 297.97 feet of' the east 260 f~~t; EXCEPT the south 110 teet cf the north 20S Co.t of tne east 260 \eet;-and EXCEPT ahe eas t 20 teet tnereef' con,,07ed to. 1(1 unty, l.'asn1ngtcn, for' road by deed· recorded under 26th ;:, rATE OF WASHINGTON c.ountyof King On rhis 28th cby of January 1963 ,before me, rhe undersigned. a Norary Public in and for dle ~tatr of WashingtOn, duly commissioned and swotn. penonaIly appn,.."J JAY.E5 R. i-lUiFELL JR ANr. BERGCLT M. R(lFFit.~. his wife . to me known to be thl: individual. daaibtd in and who OICaH~_1IIir. to me rbar tM Y signed and saled rhis saKi insuumcm the usa and purposes rherein menrioned. GIVEN under my hand and oflicial !CIl this 28 II r ft .1' W 310 rt of a 3~ tt of It of tkdWt e4' sa! og w or Me 15-23 ... ' ... , 1 UW eubJto .e 4td _r 8-57 p •• ot.ltsd t;1~". It.Buttel1 Jr. a n4!J1rcle' M. a-ttol1., to O1tlHftsrdeml say!_ & !Acft ASeMi.':'ac, sbebMa ~ hr1!l ...... , •••• ll.1DaM 1J!i&, .o~ord. '0 1'. t.~ e~.eno. aQb.J'. el1_ ... rltn. end Yrlivn •• t "0_ it 6ny ltonok Au, 2)-57 "lt~ V.aft ~ o~ow CO.A Burlen,Vn ?14bYSfoGlS-S718 llpt ... I· , t n Sep 27-51 I Alii 22-57 'lO~ tc,vo a6.60 lru fbo • "X ( JaM. it Burr.ll J~. and BeJ-Clot ".lurrtll, ... to X"' .... htJ'ftCUe (I. COO .... :-."d ~1J.M CI rooper. bit .~;; . ..i: ... . .~~:: .... ,. oy and If II r tt or ':~61 lJ 310 tt of tnc I 3'0 tt of the !Ii of INt or S! or Wi ,I r Sec 15 .. ·23 ... 5 e .. 1n tlo. 8UbJ to DIltg dtd Mar 8-'7 cxo ~ fp ft11'\ to OJ-tit! ~ Sa" filiUS Loan.an .oh mtl pur flI1D I&IIN. to .. e1illlll lind pay hO to 1tag ~.rma and 0000 1 8_J to illl .smt. ratfls -and revNI of rec l.t any XCIi OK aD .... NO ot aud 1t 48287~) V,)l 3111 M 619 ., , , (IQ. V.ah &coro. 00 Bur1.8 Branon 8~1~~ s:,) " . ,~, 0' ..... ,... \h til. /::j- ill - p Statutory Wammty Deed.!i;iii !h~ f.tl).ta'ina ..J("~"t...rl 1'1,.,1 t$II!t> .. ~lualrl to lhl" (:",,~.m: \' ui ·\\·a.:tuner, • .,I'" " . . e.·'L3"'. T~~rt~r (":~ :"r-~·t"'L~···~;~·. ~~.:£.~ .. .:r3. .. '.~ ~.~. ','!,: u.'~i;.,:.: ~:·r! 1.:-:', ~.:.:: ···.il·: i.lr ::-.---: . .,or':. ~ ~ ~!)-.. lt:.~ "10'.. .:~. ;~:'!~i'; :::-:;~ ..... :: , ·i·~~~~.~:::'~l. W,,~;iH,.,;;{ ';t:rf...~rit t~r rea1~.1Y over .,=-.n.l "acro&a t~e eouth15te¢ ot,':the ncrth 31~. ~'i ' -J e ... t.' of the ',;'est 120 'teet. of' ,the East. u.-: L ef:~ C( tlb!:Od,h;hiltot the Dol'tli~t.~rt.er cfti-~t; . ··8~UIlliUt. .qU;.rter ,ot.ti)e< nOrt}",tit ·cr~r,-er 'of ·secticin 156 townsbip;Zl :;or.th.;·Range 5 ~t,.;#;:/. reebrda Of, Ba!irc~t7~~;', y... . . . ~ ,.~., .. "' .... I: ., .. ~..:~ ....... " , .... >-~-;'E . '. t:t .... -" ..... .. -~ ~:-at ~ .. L ... 1" I' " '. f. ".,0: ,.' ;-- J' R£1:GftO£3 *_ ....... _ ..... __ .. __ . Of PACE .... -..• __ ftEDUC:sr Of Statutory Warranty Deedi TlI'·I.II"ri·~ .'. . '. ".'-' ........ . , . . 1:: -..•. -•• ,--:' .:~ ',' i • t~'" j!l.I!!.tw:n .. ~ ,J,:,~r.ihrd r .. ai 'f";,ate-. ~ltUM\M ir., tht rt\uuty ot '<, ; ;.~:~ \\ "-,hon., ... ,,... . . ;.,,:t~: i 1'.. . ~"-t d' D0!:th ~:':·S [pet;;: iiJest240~e~t :.,f .,'.'~~ 1. . ,(";: . f· .... e T· .) f s cu ~.:i .,.:fal!. ," :)~ f. ::.,r t 0-we.s t .. .'.;ua·rJ .. t r:' o.j ';'~':i1.; : .. ]"1 oC:~-:'!~; ~. ·,·-"ar:"er;,!' Tt'Jrthll/f:s.t.quar·ter '.::,[ section 1,;6 ·.cwr,~!;i,~ :-,',:. :,,:~~rt~:.: '~.' :.in f..ln.~. C~ur~t..·';:J:. ~v.as:-l·t.~·;Gt~r·.·. \ ". " :::.~~:WASHINGTON' l~,.:,. ,;., .. -';" ,-: -.:" . . . ' ~ '" I I j ., ! ....... ~' ...... ' ..... ~e~:::~I_S:it.r~_0.FfELL .. JR~ :A?-in 'aERG(:Jr ~,'. ?-(l!;:'f::LL, wbO:~ . tb,;~itidD.: arid 'r~iilMlmmt, and '.' th~dr rr~ ~:~ voI~nt8ry act and ceed, f~ W ....• J ... '·:·-:-H i ,. ~:~J"'jF E ") d -\ ,. 1"'\ "" ~ ~ ,lJ .~ ~ ':":" 1 0 ; . t~ s II) .~j 4· ~ 1m ~ , ] Stahdory Vtfwrcmty Deed THE GRANTOR s JA't.ES R. RtlFFELL, JR. f'.:::) !3ERGL::lT M. RUFf ELL, his wi 1"e lorBDdiDCODSi~ioDor TEN ,)")LLARS i\!'-![) JTHER VALiJA'lLE C~SIDE'W.Tj,)NS IDbaadpaid,coowysandwanantsto AS/,?r! E. CHASE I,;J ·'A!UE D. C~SE, his wife the fol1owiDg descn'bed real estate, situated in tht Coucaty of K n:G WasbiugtQD: ,R./. ~outh 110 feet of north 205 feel o!' west 240 feet of east ~~ ~ feet of south half of northwest quarter of southeest quarter of northwest quarter of section 15. township 23 north. ran:·!e 5 east. W.M. ~ in King County, Wash ington. STATE OF WASHINGTON, , r=· ,State of " ; ... 4 th day of . AU9~19 5ti ... ~ ........ _.lAJ~ __ _ DIary PtdJIk ills _ Joy • Stole oj If • . -It_ ~1t/~ , t· ... _. r I I I I I :. I t· i I 1 I I I I I I , I l -.. -.. ~ 8 30· FIDed ~ WT.~ .1 ~~~~--~=&~ ~--~=-~~~.~'-~~~ v6~794 r:.:". I . • ID I .... ~ Q I >-d ~ "i r , ; .< 0 ;1 ~ >-I ~ 0 ::s j "0 . , ff) -"0 0 '. : E; R£CORtI{ •• oY YUl. _ .. _ .. __ ~' ___ r~ . ____ ££DUtST OF 195B Jtm 10 A.\I 8 lO ROBERJ A. ~ AUDJJOR .. COWO IV J1ASK. DEPtnY Statutory Warranty De~ ~:;;;;;;r:~ ..... .• -..:!;;' ";"".' '," .~( -. _____ . ___ :'~_. 4 €.:.:~t. :.'C'r rt'c .. ~:,-~-c·\:"C'=-:.::;~ .2.~t-=:.""!J!L·~~!' s .... :.··~·. ::,'.f.e.et. 0~ t.t.e il(r-.: ... :'.~~: .. !.~:.. ct':":..;·;~ 'e'lt l·!(· feet. G!'-the ~~ ":~ •. _ :'e£-: 'f::: the ~1.-:t". ;;:r :-!' --:e' .. ~r:'! .... ~~~~~~;, ::.:-::.f ~~~~~~~. ~;:~~:~.~i .b'u: :~~~r-:.~~~'; ~ .. ~~ :~i ~-. ~ri8 ~! .... s3.:"ci .~.~~~~t~~:_ . '.--- ';.~'.~ :£. !!L7PKLt, ... n~. a..'\:' :, .. If'::" .. ~:. ·;:-~5'1..l., .\', : who 'netlStrd. tl>t rrillWo and ... ...plll ;nst""'-l.. aN! ~!:d.r ._""" ""hmw1"n and ~"" ,II< .~ .-;- ,,..)t ... EASEMENT :t .. '" 1 •.• 1. for anC In """s:drrc,lon "r One Dollar (SI.COI and othu valuable anoslderaUon. the rO<flpl of w"leII Is hereb, Kknowledged. ______________________________________________________________________ __ DOUCLl\S V. SCHER£: R and SHARlENE J. SCHERER, his wire, ,"Grantor" herelnl. hereb)' gTants. conveys and waOTan" to PUG£T SOUl'll> I' .WER &. UGH! CO~_;·ANY .• Washington corporotilXl ,"Grantee" herein) .. ior the-purposes hereinafter sei rorth. a perperuaJ t&sem.·-ent <"ver. Dcross one! und"r 0>" 101l""'in8 described real property {the "Prapeny" hereinl In _-=K.:.;~::.· :.:"..:g'-____________ _ Co .. ,nty. Washlngtc>n: The South 1/2 of the North-est 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the. Nc::.rthwest 1/4 of Section 15, Township 23 North, Pange 5 East, 14.11., in King County, Washington: EXCEPT the north 95 feet of the east ))0 feet: EXCEPT the south 92.97 feet of the north 297.97 feet of the east 260 feet; EXCEPT the south 110 feet of the T10rth 205 feet of the Bast 260 feet and EXCEPT the east 20 feet thereof c~nveyed to Kinq county, Washington, foz:-road by deed recorded under Audi. tor's rile No. 1798214. EXCl'C)1 as may be oth'!'nise set ronh herein Grantee"s rtgblS Shan ~ t'xercised upon mat poni.-.:::»n 01 the J-f"OI>erty (the" Rlghl-oI·Way" herrin) de5c:ri'bed a" 10110"'11' A RIght·of-Way 30 leet in width :ita8~p2.pDED_II"._D .. p&mtt~.Wlh.::aII:. :=c:tt::=cII=cI::s::1:zmz1:tinr des<: ribed 85 100Iaw=: I. ''''1)OSr. Gran.ee """-II hav .. Ibe ~i~t '0 c:ons.~ •• cperate. maln •• in. repair. replace II!d en.arg" one or mo", ~Iectrjc transmission andIoJ: dist ribution Jines over and/or under th~ Right-ot-Way together. " .. Ith aU nt"C'essary or converueln appu"enan~s"(hel:E'to, which may1nc)udebt.Jt are not limited 10 the followlnail: a. Overttl'Ad raellJdes .. Poles andI'CJ:r .towers _itb CJ"DSsarm5" braHS. guys and anchors: eJect ric 'raasmissjon IUld distribution lines: C'orruDunlcaljon and stpaJ Unes: .ransfonner!;. b. UDder: ......... lacWdes. IJndergr-ound ·condults. cabl"s. vaults. ",lIAhores. switches "'" 'raons- formers: semi-buried or ground mounted facllUes sudl as ~ads" Iran&formel'5 and swtlches. FoUOVIIDg t.'1e Initial constl'UCUor1 01 ia:.s ·;acjlitJes. Grantee may from time to time ~S!ruct ~ch addi- tional Jiaes and other 'aciUdH as it may r~jre. 2. Attes5. Grantee shall have !he rigr,t 01 O(,cess to th" Right-ot·Way over and across 1M Prc::>perty '0 enable Grantee '0 ""e...,ise its righlS hereunder. provided. !hal Gran.ee shall compensa.e Grantor lor any dam&&e to IhP. Property caused by tile exe-Tcl:se 01 said right 01 access. 3. Oo'lina of Trees. Grantee shall bav, .. the right 10 cut or trim ar,y and oil brush or trees s~ing or g"''''1::& upon the Risht-<ol-Way. and also the rigbt 10 CUI or trim any trees upotI the Property wlIich. t ... lolJlns. couJd.11I Gran.ee·s reasonable judBmenl. be a hazard to GrBDI£e's facillli'!S. 4. Gl1l1l1or's Use or IIIpl-o'-W,)', Gran-tor reserves !be rigb! to the Righ.-or-Way lor 1117 purpose not inmnsistrnt with the rights herr-in granted. provided. that Grantor sha..i:", construct or mair-tain any building or oilier S'nocQore on "'eRlghl-ol'Wayand Grantor shaJJ do no blasl"" w'lbln 300 lee, 01 Grao.",,·s facilitIes wi!bout Grantee's prior ""rinen consent. s. lndemaJlY. By a~tlng and recordSng thts easement, Grantee 38rees 10 Indemnify atJd hold WlarmJess Grantor from any &nd an c}ajn:.s for daJliTlagcs suffered by any person which may be caused by C ... anu."e·s exercise-01 the rights herein granlfe!. provided, that Graruee shall not be responsible to Cranlor-tor any damage5 rn;ulling (rom injuries to any p~TSCJ>n Caused by acts or omissions of Grantor. 6. AbeDdoomen1. Th ... rilthts nen'in granted shaJi conllnue untU such time as Grantee t:EaSe-s Ie> use the Rlgt.l·oI·Way fl)r a period 01 (ivt> 15. 5ucce-ssive )'~rs. In which e""lenl I!!.s ease-mf"nl ~h811 termlnat~ and all rIghts }.tr·'Under shall re,,~n to GranlOr. pr-ovtded. that no abandonC"ent shall be ·~~meC t? have I'JCC"1JTred by "' .. ason of Grantee's failure to ir • .Hi.aJ!), insta.-I ;lS faciJitie-s O!l !:he Right-of,Way \-zJthln af\)' per!~ or t!-rn~ rrom the dBIP he-reof. fiLED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF: pur-x. ro,-..·/: ... :-: "Ul ,_ ... , ~i :1-3101'J p. O. 'BUf "'3 BHLEVUE. WASHINGTON {,rlL...; .. u;r Ei'JS L BAKER . OJ .':'. ;. s.. .... essors ....., Asst/IDs. Th~ rlgh's and obligations 01 :he "arli",; shall Inure to the b"",,/!I of and be bl~Jn8 upor. lh~t r ~espet:tiye successors ar.d assjgns. DATED this ~ day 0( _--'~CL"<-';'+-__ ' 19..22. STATE OF WA...CJlINCTON COUr-ITY OF XING On tlUs dIIy personally 8J1P1!ared belore me DOUGLAS V" SCHERER and SHARLENE J" SCF...E!!ER, to me kno"", to be the indlYidual.,!l described in and ..t.o executed the wtthln and 10rellOing Instrument • ....., acltnowledged that they signed tha sam" as their Ir"" and volunuuy acl and deed lor the U&4!S _ purpose ~""reln mentioned. GIVF.N ~r my hand and official seal this __ .L'I __ dIIy 01 n~ . 197-2- ... ~ ) -1 --;. /7 s:;:::;> :)".~~~~ ST~TE'oi II.·ASIfi~GTON I ·55 COUNTY (]I; I ~ ~r the s.ifii of Washington. r"sidi, .. M_--=8.,...:.-,c.:(.:{-,(,-,".:<.I,--"L~ _______ _ On .. 'Js _____ dIIy 01 ___ .:.;., _______ . I~ __ . belore m". !hi> undersignod. personally .ppeared, ___________ ~ ________ .....,, ______________ ~ _____ _ to me !mo-.n 10 hi> Ihe_· ____________ ,and'-__________ • respectlv .. ;y. 01 _______ _ _______________ -'-______________________ ~ corporation thai .. "ec:uted !he fore,olna Ill1Iu,\lment. and aduxnrledged the said Instnun_ to be the I ...... and volun.ary act ....., deed of said ""rporatJDII. ror the ""es and"purposes tJiereiD mentioned. and on oath stated Ibat__ . _-:-:-___ -.,._ authori .. ed 10 "xecu," the said Instrumenr and thai the seal affixed Is the corporate seal "': said corporation. Witness my hand _ official seal hen alrix"" the day and year lirs. abcm! wrlnen. Notary Public In an<! lor the S.ate 01 Washing Ion. residing ... ________________ _ ~.: .. ••• " •• Ii:'" MIA. ~·~ifWlt:~~--.. ' -~ ... 1.1.41tr ..... -.-.... ,'. '~·~I ..... _ ... ~~r.u.Jlc •• (CIiIP) .• _ ...... r __ .. _ .sM.~ __ .. eWlo~-a.s.~er ... .;., •• _.... -jl .. ,..._ ... ". .. .,..." .... ,,_ ...... ,..-_...--'. awMl/tlr,.". AJI.CII& ~11.""&p "1M ... tld"'e6!ID"~"'_. 1 ::r-",,-' '8'i1 ..... ~4 ,-. ..... __ &~..,._" .. s.p.._ ~~ .-&Nltalw-.. _~ .... (JI1VdD·1II fir Dllll:t4iM' iI. e8p ad .. aigI tw .... 1'nrJL J j ,,: ; t' f ,.-.. ........ ",. ';: .. " '. F . i ~...,~ -. -'--, - ii~;;J;·~-:jJ~:~~~.~·~·: ..... ~a-~~~ _(J'?/' )~u liL... . ..... ,l& I. . .. 'f. t:n/u It":' i,_ . <Ii , -1j . .'.J .~) ·.~~ t··' .. .". JOINT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT : .~: ·05: :> - THIS .AGREEHENT is made and entered into this If .J. day of ._} December, 1978, between Raymond P. Bomer, acting in respect -I ., . . .. : ... ,.-< to his separate pronerty, as owner of real property nescribed as fol J01./S: The South 92.97 feet of the North 297.97 feet of the West 240 feet of the East 260 f~et of the South half of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast auarter of the Northeast Quarter of section 15, township 23 North 5 Cast, W.M., in Ki.ng County, Washington; Together with easement for roadway over and across the South 15 feet of the North 312.97 feet of the West 120 feet of the East 140 feet of the South half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of section IS, Township 23 North. Range S East, H.M., in King County, Washington. and Douglas Scherer and~Charlene Scherer, husband ann wife, as owners of. the real prpn~rty described as follows: The South 1/2 of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast ouarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15 township 2~, North range 5 East Wi 11arnette in King .County, . Washington. Except the North 95 feet of the East 130 feet; except the South 92.97 feet of the North 297.97 feet of the East 260 feet; except Sout~ 110 feet of the North 205 feet of the East 7.60 feet; except the East 20 feet thereof convrY0d to Kin~ County, Washington for road by Deed recorl.<eri under .Auditor's fil e ,'lInbf'r -170 8214. \mER~AS, the real property described above includes an easerr.cnL f0r mutual roadway purposes which the parties heler.o de~~re to maintain for their joint uses, NmoS, Tl-IEREFORE, the undersigned parties do hereby agree to cu.ch bear one-half of the reasonable cost ot maintaining the existing roadway over the said easement, providing, however, that no costs shall be incurred by either party without prior notice to the other party; and these parties further agree that the cost of paving or hard-surfacing the roadway shall be the sole RECORe/EO I\C ilECORO~ ...: ... ,_. QO .. -...... ,:" ,;, .. ;, ~~ obligation of the party making such improvements unless a separate agreement is made between the parties, providing, however, that if the entire roadway is paved, then each party shall bear one-half of the reasonable cost of maintaining the roadway in its then existing condition. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss,:-: COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me Raymond P. Bomer to me known to the {ndividual described in and who executed the within and foregoing i~strument and acknowledged that he signed the same as hi.s free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein ~entioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ~~~ day of December, 1978. STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me Douglas Scherer and Charlene Scherer to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they signed the same as their fre~ and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this /6 .. n .. day of December, 1978. NOTARY PUBLIC of Washington .. ~-. -" .- c; l.;~ -. _ .. -lJ,; ~:..; lU c..= In .... C":::I -- -::;- ~ """") .~ ::: -- CERTIfICAlE ' •. the l!:-.:.~;:rsigned. w:r Clerk of the City of i"\enton. W~d:ington, C0Vtify that this is iii true and correct copy of {, !. Subscribed and Sea ~ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON OllDINANCB NO. 4612 AN OBDDlABCK OF TBB crrr OF HENTOR, WASBDIGTOIT, ESTABLJ:SKDIG .All ASSKSSlIIBBT DISTRICT POR SARrl'ART SB'IID. SlImV7CB m A POllTZOW OP TBB SOUTH ltI:GBLANDS, BBATBBR . DOlDlS, AlID JIaPLBWOOD SUB-BASXNS AlIID ESTAlBLXSBllItG THE AliIOOI1T OJ! 'l'BE CHARGB UPOR COlmEC"l':ION '1'0 TBB FACXL:ITDS. mE CITY COUNCIL OFTHB CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SBC'fiON' :r. There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment Distr1ct for the area served bytbe Bast Renton Sanitary Sewer InterceptoF in the northeast quadrant of the City of Renton and a portion of its urban' growth area within unincorporated King county, which area is more particularly described in Exhibi.t "'A" attached hereto. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit "B.'" The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection charge may be paid 'at. any time, the , City does not require payment until such time as the parcel is connected to and thus benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SEctION II. Persons connecting to the sanitary seVier facilities in this Special Assessment District and which properties Coo :$ --~....,..."....,-------~---;)\ ------- ORDINANCE 4612 have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the East Renton Sani tary Sewer Interceptor, as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the system development charge, the following additional fees: A. Per Unit Charge. New connections of residential dwelling units or equiva1ents shall pay a fee of $224.52 per dwelling unit and all other uses shall pay a unit charge of $0.069 per square foot of property. Those properties included within this Special Assessment District and which may be assessed a charge thereunder are included within the boundary legally described in Exhibit ~An and which boundary is shown on tbe'mz.p attached as Exhibit UB." SECT:IOR III:_ In addi tion to· the aforestated charges I there shall be a charge of 4.11\ per annum added to the Per Unit Charge .. The. interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (10) years from the date this ordinance becomes effective. Interest charges. will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION :IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after pUblication'. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this~ day of June J... 1996_ Clerk 2 gar WAH ri% esa *fff A · ~;;:'.:' ORDINANCE 4612 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 10th day of Appro~as to form: o<~~~ .. t2.- Lawrence J. Warren. City Attorney Date of Publication: 6/14/96 ORD.576:S/20/96:as. ___ J_un_e ___________ , 1996. I I I I ,.:; I ~ i f i i j ! i I i 1 1 I ~ j j Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT· FOR THE CITY OF RENTON -EAST RENTON INTERCEPTOR Portions of Sections 8,9. 10. 11.14. and 22 an in ToWnship 231\1". Range 5E W.M. in King County. Washington Section 8, Township 23M, Range SE W.M. All of that portion of Section 8, Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying East of th.e East right-of-way line of SR-405 and South of the following descnbed line: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of said Section 8 with the centerl.in!.e of NE 7th Street: thence Westerly along said centerline of NE 7th Street to it:s intersection with the centerline of Sunset Boulevard NE; thence Northerly along the centerline of Sunset BouleVard NE to the North line of the Southeast Y4 elf said Section 8: thence West along said North line to the East right-of-way line Clf SR-405 and the terminus of said line. SectIon 9, Township 23M, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 9. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying South aJ:3d East of the following described line: Beginning on the centerline of NE 7th Street at its intersection with the center1irie of Edmonds Avenue NE; thence Easterly along the centerline of NE 7th street ~o its intersection with the centerline of Monroe Avenue NE; thence North along sa:id centerline to the South line of the Northeast 1A. of said Section 9; thence Ea..st along said South line to its intersection with the centerline of Redmond Avenue NE; thence Northerly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of NE 10th Street; thence East along said centerline to the East line of said Section 9 and the terminus of said line. Section 10, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 10. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. lying Southe3:1y and Westerly of the following described line: Beginning on the West line of Section 10 at its intersection with the North Une of the South ~ of the North ~ of said Section lO~ thence East along said North line to its intersection with the centerline of 142nd Avenue SE; thence Southerly along said centerline to its intersection with the North line .of the Southeast V4 of said Section 10; thence East along said North line to its intersection with the East line of said Section 10 and the terminus of said line. :' "". ~ '. -'~". '."' J J i 1 ! I ] 1 --:-: .. -.,.: ... '= •. .-".,-,. . .,...-. -----,..-,~""'"""'-~~~.·.:;~;~\~··~~~---------(Q;~;1 •. Legal Description of the Special Assessment District for the City of Renton -East Renton Interceptur Sectic>n 11, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M_ All of tile Southwest '>4 of Section 11. TOVYI1ship 23N. Range 5E W.M.. Section 14, Township23N, Ran~5EW.M_ Page2o{3 All of that portion of Section 14. Township 23N, Range 5E. W.M. descnbed as folloW'S: AlI of the Northwest lJ4 of said section. together with the Southwest lJ4 of said sect1<>n, except the South 11'2 of the Souilieast ~ of said Southwest 1A and except the p1at of Mcintire Homesites and lh 01 streets adjacent as recorded in the Book of Pla-'ts, Volume 58, Page 82, Records <If King County. Washington. and exr:ept the South 151.55 feet o[the East 239.4:35 feet of Tract 6, Block 1 of Cedar River Five Acre Tracts as recorded in the Book of Plats, Volume 16. Page 52, Records of King County, Washington, less ~ of the street abutting said portion of Tract 6, Block: 1. and less Tract 6. Block 2 of said Cedar River FiVe Acre Tracts, less 'h of the street adjacent to said Tract 6, Block 2.. and except the South 82.785 feet of the East ISO feet of Tract 5, Block 2 of said Cedar River Five Acre Tracts and less lh the street adjacent to said portion of'rract 5, Block 2. SectiC2ln 15, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All 0.-that portion of Section i5. Township 23N. Range 5E. W.M., except the Scu~west ~ of the Southwest V-\ of the Southwest ~ of said section. Secti.c:m 16, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. - All o::f that portlonof Section 16, Tow:nship 23N. Range 5E W.M •• except that port1<>n of the Southeast l..4 of the Southeast ~ of the said Section 16 lying East of the East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No. 2 as recorded in the Book of Plats Volume 39, page 39. Records of King County Washington and its Northerly exte~on to the North line of said So1.:!theast 1A of the Southeast 14 of the said Secti.on 16 and except that portion of said section lying Southerly o,fthe Northerly right-of-way line ofSR-169 (Maple Valley Highway). . Section 17, Township 23N, Range 5E W.INI. All -of that portion of Section 17. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M., lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly righ-':-of-way of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and Easterly of the East right-of-way line of SR-405 less that portion lying generally West of the East and Southeasterly line of Bronson Way NE lying J·-----------~----===-=="""""'=-........ """"" __ e5mlE!I<l:!~pea;"J5*_I!O!.!*o.!!l+FmA&li!!!~!i!l!!I!&l;sme4gZl!+;;;I!iEIiIII_IlliilEi!.EIb$I!l!IIl'!!!!!l£.; -~~~"..,--."....",----~ .. -~. ,T\~---==~---------:;(;l---o ~ legal Description of the Spedtzl Assessment District fOT the City of Renton -East Rentm Interceptor Pag~ 30[3 between the South line of the NE 3rd Street and the Northeasterly margin of SR- 405. Section 21 J Township 23Ms Range 5E W.M. All that portion of Section 21, Township 23N, R 5E W.M. lying Northeas1:eIly of the Northeasterly right-of-way line of SR-169 (Maple Valley Highway) and West of the ,East line of the Plat of Maplewood Division No. 2 as recorded in the Book of Plats. volume 39, page 39. Records of King County. Washington Section 22, Township 23N, Range 5E W.M. All of that portion of Section 22. Township 23N. Range 5E W.M. desaibed as follows: '.' , All of the Northwest ~ of the Northeast ~ of said Section 22 lying Northerly C)f the Southerly line of the Plat of Maplewood HeJgh~ as recorded in the Book of Plats, volume 78. pages 1 through 4. Records of King County, Washington. : Together with the North 227.11 feet of the west 97.02 of the Northeast ~ <>f the Northeast ~ of said Section 22. 9 HE#i li I • ~ I ..:-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ! ., f: ~ ~ x ! i 1 I ! ~ ! , t i t I f i j .. i ! i ! I " j ! , I l j , IExhibit B EAST RENTON ~CEPTOR Special Assessment District Boundary -1 :24,000 -------City Limitll (ZT.J.-ZJ spedcl Auessment Di,irlct 'it. @h -fWD" "EVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION" DEVELOPME WAIVER 0F SUBMITTAL REQUIRE:.n,fENT S CITYo/tk;;"~~NING FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS SEP 2 0 200~ RECEIV~n [/l/.:[}[001lr.:.t.QijiN.t3~~;(~0:)/l[lHH. /j~v~:::l:~ ·l0jijf~0)((U./\:H)~l./:i·.:R~~~!~~I~;!:?!U\i!!l~<:H:: Calculations 1 ~~)~r~~:M~p'~:~9:~:~!#.~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<::::::~ ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Construction Mitigation Description 2 AND 4 :9~;n.~io/.:W~~#~~~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::>:::::::::~ ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \.Drainage Control Plan 2 :~i~~~~:~~p.~#6::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::)::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Elevations, Architectural 3 AND 4 :$h~~~~~j~i:¢~~~~!i~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 4 :$~i~t!~9.:~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~:¢8P'yj:f:::::::::::::<::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::>:::::::~ ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Flood Hazard Data 4 . :~!9.~f::P:~~~:~:~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::}::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Geotechnical Repor12AND 3 :$.(~~j~f;::~!~~;::¢~~p:t~~I:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Grading Plan, Detailed 2 :~~~l~~:p~~:~#?#.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::::::~ ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 :41~~§.p.~n~:f!~~~::¢?~¥.~~~':~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::<::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::>::::::::~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<:: Legal Description4 :q#f8~:$.~rr:8@~~~f:~f.9~:~~~r:#:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::<::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 M~~:8~:$iW.9i~!~:¢~~j~!8#.\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::>:::::::~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Master Application Form 4 :~~~~~~¢~~~i8~:~:~~~~~~htH:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::)\::::::~ ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Neighborhood Detail Map 4 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: 8(~JIrl§fe/~: /-ul.l.f" f"-'U""{ 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section DATE: __ 1yj~/-:"')""7-' ~!.....(/w:..)+r_··· ___ _ I ! I Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls 01/0612004 , DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISIC WAIV~K OF SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON SEP 202004 RIF~I:J"cn :~~~~.~~~·:~~H·~~W~B:?::J61:;t~~:Mn%mtj!~\:~~~y.\~~ ~~~j~m;tt\{~~;~:~7~B:~j :~~~!/U!~!~YH~~~~~~~AB'M~!#:<~~~~Ir!!~ZJGl Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 ~1~~:~~®~~~:(!?::Mr~}.:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Postage 4 ~~#-~pp:!i~ti~f:(~~i~9:~~~~~Jj:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Public Works Approval Letter 2 ~~~~~W~~~!9~~e~~:f::::::::::::::::::::~:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Screening Detail 4 , .' ~ite~~e!~~:~:~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~13.t~::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::f:~~~41~::~f~~f!.Y::W!~~t~~*~~::::::::::::::::::::::::: Street Profiles 2 '... dl)r~.i/o·k£;<".:.lVl.J ~/'iJ /o·/-· (/;(;" ffi,~::~~P.P.~:¥::e!~~i?~i@.t~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i&~:i(::::::ii.~~;~!~it<~~::::4~bi~i:~~i~(: . Topography Map3 l)~W~> u!--I.j),u ... J!.. !J ......................................................................................................................................... t.~~f.(J~: $.~~~i:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ~: ~: ~::::::::::::::: ~::::::::::::: ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 ~f:@.::¢~~~f:#~ig~:9yg~~y:P~~9~:~9~~::::::::~:::: ::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::: :::::~:::::::~::~:::::::::~::::: ::::::::~:~:~::::::::~:::~:::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::~::~~~::::::~:::::::::::~::~::~:~: Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 w~li~~~:Mi®~ti~~:~i:firi~:4::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::: ~i~7:::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::~:>~:::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::~::::::::::: . Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 ~'tr'r w.~~!~~(f~(:R~p'g!#Q~I~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:::::: ::::4St.~;~:::::::::::: :::::::::~:::::::~:::::::::::::: :::::::~:::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND. 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 .. Map of Existing Site Conditions 2AND3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2.. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls DATE: ________________________ _ 0110612004 Printed: 09-20-2004 Payment Made: .. TY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-113 09/20/2004 03:20 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 450.00 Payee: CORE DESIGN INC. Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 450.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 41774 450.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 5006 5007 5008 5009 5010 50ll 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5024 5036 5909 5941 5954 5955 5998 303.000.00.345.85 000.345.81.00.0002 000.345.81.00.0003 000.345.81.00.0004 000.345.81.00.0006 000.345.81.00.0007 000.345.81.00.0008 000.345.81.00.0009 000.345.81.00.0010 000.345.81.00.0011 000.345.81.00.0012 000.345.81.00.0013 000.345.81.00.0014 000.345.81.00.0015 000.345.81.00.0016 000.345.81.00.0017 000.345.81.00.0018 000.345.81.00.0019 000.345.81.00.0024 000.345.81.00.0005 000.341.60.00.0024 000.341.50.00.0000 604. 000.05.519.90.42.1 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/ErS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DEVELOPMENT CITY OF RE~'1~NING SEP 2 0 200~ RECeIVED R0405104 ~ CORE ~DESIGN Core Des'I", Inc. ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING 14711 N.f.29th Place Suite #101 Bellevue. Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax. 425.885.7963 TRANSJVlITTAL City of Renton -Development Services DivisioB 9/20/04 02052 TO ................................................................................................................................... ATE ...................................................... JOB NO ............................................... . Renton City Hall, 6th Floor . Develop. Services Division ........................................................................................................................................... ATTN ........................................................................................................................ . 1055 South Grady Way Scherer/Sherer Lot Line Adjustment ........................................................................................................................................... REF: .............................................................................................................................. . Renton, WA 98055 X DEVELOPMENT PLANN/N ........................................................................ CnV-OF·RENTON"······G ....... . MAIL ...................................................... ·····················x DELIVER ......................................................................... PICKUP ························-S-EP··l··o-·-2004-················· TRANSMITTED FOR: YOUR USE ............... ~ ......................... PER REQUEST ............................................ INFORMATION ~CEIVED .................. . ACTION REQUIRED: PROCESSING .................................... REPLy ....................................... RETURN ....................................... NONE .................................... . QUANTITY 5 5 ---------------... ------.----------- 5 1 5 5 .... -.--------_ .. _-_ ... __ ...... _.--- 5 DATED 9/20/04 " " " " DESCRIPTION Land Use Permit Master Application Form Project Narrative ----------------------_._._----------------_.--------.---.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._-------------------_._---- Plat Certificate with attached documents --------------------.-."-------------.. ---------------------------------------------_._._-------------------._-----------------------.. __ ._-------_ ....................... -..................... . Check to the City of Renton for $450.00 Lot Line Adjustment Plan Waiver of Submittal Requirements _ ..... _ .................................. _.--_ .............. _ .. _ ....................................................................... __ ._._._ .. -.. -_ .. _. __ ._._-.. __ ......... _ ... _ .. _._----......... . Lot Calculation Reports COMMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . CC: ................................................................................................................................ BY: ..... i-. ................................................................................................................................. Kevin J. Vanderzanden, P.L.S. CITY OF RENTON CONNER/SCHERER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-113-LLA LNO-30-0283 DECLARA TION KNOW ALL MEN BY 111ESE PRESENTS 111AT WE 111E UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF 111E LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 111EREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE 111IS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTAllON OF 111E SAME. AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WI111 111E FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE 'II1TH THE DESIRES OF 111E OWNER(S). IN 'II1llNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STAllE OF WASHINGTO~I ) V .... ~(} )SS COUNTY OF -=4-) O~ 1111" DAY...E' Efl,SDNALL Y APPEARED BEFORE ME ~(Ji'~ t=.. Goo tat' C TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECU rED THE 'II1111IN AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT. AND ACKNOWLEDGED 111AT HE/SHE SIGNED 111E SAME AS HIS/HER FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. FOR 111E USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENllONED. o A llED: +-,-~UC>..Ll.'=--'--s.< PRINllED NAME: h I ~'" M. \IQhl1S NOT.ARY PUBLIC IN Nib FOR THE STAllE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT rzn\~ . vJA MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES l\! Itt \ oS? STAllE OF WASHINGTON ) 1/ I'IN} )SS COUNTY OF ~_ ) APPEAR~Q~F.0RE ME r; ( ( :;orC' ME KNOWN TO BE THE INDI UAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECUllED THE 'II1111IN AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT. AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE/SHE SIGNED 111E SAME AS HIS/HER FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED. FOR 111E USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENllONED. c~~ PRINllED NAME: L\60 . \fi",""~ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STAllE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT ,r<:e \<\1M, 1AJA- MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES lit \1~ APPROVAL CITY OF RENTON APPROVED THIS 2c( DAY OF /JOI/( .... lxv 2004:-_N~P!~~~: __ ~~~~_~=~:~=~=-vL -- Planning/Building/Public Works Department Admin istrator KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this __ day of ________ . 20 King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor RECORDII'IG NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARllER OF 111E SOU111EAST QUARllER OF THE NOR111WEST QUARllER OF SECllON 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .• IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 95 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FEET 111EREOF; AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 92.97 FEET OF 111E NORTH 297.97 FEET OF 111E EAST 260 FEET; AND EXCEPT 111E SOUTH 110 FEET OF THE NOR111 205 FEET OF THE EAST 260 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1798214; AND EXCEPT THAT PORllON OF THE WEST 70 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION L YlNG NOR111ERL Y OF THE SOU111 30 FEET THEREOF AND L YlNG SOU111ERLY OF THE NOR111 95 FEET 111EREOF. LOT 2: THAT PORllON OF THE WEST 70 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FEET OF 111E SOUTH HALF OF 111E NOR111WEST QUARllER OF THE SOU rHEAST QUARllER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARllER OF SECllON 15. TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST. 'II1LLAMETIE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUflTY. WASHINGTON LYING NOR111ERLY OF 111E SOU111 30 FEET 111EREOF; EXCEPT 111E NORTH 95 FEET THEREOF. F~I[i CASED COII(REE W/I/S·· COPPEF F'III Dfl n 6' 01·1 7/01 CI I, OF PE~I lOti COlllp'lL P'lII·IT HlrO" MorJ -I I ,~ ., , r'_1 r Z '" ,=' ':t >--CL ::::: (I w 11 ( F~ID 3" SURFACE DISC KING COUNTY SURVEY MO~I STAMPED 10-15 ~18=-::8_·0)_·I_O·_·W __ 2585_.6-c9-:cc:--::-c-___ ~ ON 7/01/02 -12::-:'~:-:?'-:8':'r,-" 1 ~92 84 15 flo;FrlFi'17.,,"w 1 :::g7.7 4 (To ri IJ) ,7, O'J U1 0 ," <D 0, ,w '" OJ Co RESTRICTIONS LOT 1: 1. 111IS SlllE IS SUBJECT TO 111E llERMS AND CONDlllONS OF AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY RECORDED JUNE 10. 1958 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 4909728. 2. 111IS SlllE IS SUBJECT TO 111E llERMS AND CONDlllONS OF AN EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUllON LINE RECORDED MAY 12. 1977 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7705120619. 3. 111IS SlllE IS SUBJECT TO RESERVAllONS AND EXCEPllONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NOR111ERN PACIFlC RAILIROAD COMPANY. RESERVING AND EXCEPllNG FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORllONS 111EREOF AS ARE OR MAYBE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON. AND ALSO 111E USE AND 111E RIGHT AND llllLE TO 111E USE OF SUCH SURFACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERA 1l0NS AND 111E RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPllED MINERAL LANDS. INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON. FOR 111E PURPOSE OF EXPLOR:NG. DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 192430. 4. 111IS SlllE IS SUBJECT TO 111E llERMS AND CONDIllONS OF A ROAD MAINllENANCE AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 19. 1978 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7812190786. 5. 111IS SlllE IS SUBJECT TO 111E llERMS AND CONDIllONS OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4612 RECORDED JUNE 21. 1996 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9606210966 REGARDING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE. DECLARATION OF COV~~::.:....:Nc:....:A.:....:.N-=--T _________ _ 111E OI'fNERS OF 111E LAND EMBRACED WITHIN 111IS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. IN RETURN FOR 111E BENEFlT TO ACCRUE FROM 111IS SUBDIVISION. BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANT AND AGREE TO CONVEY 111E BENEFICIAL INllEREST IN 111E llEMPORARY EASEMENT SHOWN ON 111IS LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF 111E LOTS. OF ANY SUBUIVISIONS THEREOF. 111IS COVENANT SHALL RUN '111111 111E LAND AS SHOWN ON 111IS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. lHIS DECLARA 1l0N OF COVENANT BECOMES NULL AND VOID UPON THE PROVISION 111AT 111E LANDLOCKED PARCEL B IS SERVED 'II1TH OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS. NEW TEMPORARY PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 0. '" ,n 0 .wf:-~""9'-__ :'~ Z HELD KING COUNTY ;.~ ;-;" [SURVEY CONTROL NEW llEMPORARY PRIVAllE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS. EGRESS AND UllUllES IS TO BE CREAllED UPON 111E SALlE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. 111E OWNER OF PARCEL B SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR 111E MAINllENANCE OF 111E llEMPORARY PRIVAllE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURllENANCES. 111ESE APPURllENANCES AND MAINllENANCE RESPONSIBILIllES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINllENANCE OF 111E PRIVAllE ACCESS ROAD. DRAINAGE PIPES. AND STORM WAllER QUALITY AND/OR DEllENllON FACIUllES Wl111IN 111IS EASEMENT. PRIVAllE SIGN AGE. AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY 111E CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UllUTY PROVIDERS. MAINllENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING IN 111E ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBlllED. UNLIESS PAVEMENT '1110111 IS GREAllER THAN 20 FEET. 111IS MAINllENANCE AGREEMENT BECOMES HJD CASED (mJr~Rf~Tl - MOt! W/l/4" OPlltJ.T rill Dr! ur UII / !UI i"~ CITY (IF PEfll(ll! «(tllTr'l II I "j I T :d "- STAllE OF WASHINGTON ) )SS COUNTY OF ____ ) ., L POlfIT #3758 0(1 ~ :::: ~188'29'1 0 'w 1302 65 130~~---f15 ~15 14 'Io,o·:'g 10 W :,1i405 ,I '-:r!-U '" . SECTION ;(~ SUBDIVSION ~ I is i52 DIA-CRAM I~-{---nJO CASED CONCRETE MeN rIOT Te, S'_ALE W/3·· BRONZE DISC ON 1.7' ON 7/01/02 CI TY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT #1855 I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ----:---,-.~-:-::-_:_::::-;:c-=-_::_:_::-:-=::_:::_:­ IS 111E PERSON THAT APPEARED BEFORE ME. AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWLEDGED 111AT HE/SHE SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT; ON OATH STAllED THAT HE/SHE WAS AU1110RIZED TO EXECUllE HIE INSTRUMENT; AND ACKNOWLIEDGED IT AS OF CONNER HOMES COMPANY. A WASHINGTON CORPORAllON. TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTAR'( ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DAllED: ______ • 2004. ~~~Aif~ ~~~L~h--'I"'"'N-A"'"'N-:::D:-=FO::-:R:--:::THC:CE;::-----­ STAllE OF WASHINGTON ~~SI2~~~I~~=ENC::T=-=-EXC::P:C:IR=E:-:::S- LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NULL AND VOID UPON THE PROVISION THAT 111E LANDLOCKED PARCEL B IS SERVED '111111 0111ER MEANS OF ACCESS. NOTES 1. ALL llllLE INFORMAllON. SHOWN ON ;tJ.US MAp HAS BEEN EXTRACllED FROM CHICAGO llllLE INSURANCE COMPAN¥--PLAT cErfnFlCATE-QRDER N6.-~14¥25j.:; DA-TED AUGUST 30. 200-i. iN PREPARING TIiIS MAP, CORE DESIGN. INC. HAS CONDUCllED NO INDEPENDENT 111lE SEARCH NOR IS CORE DESIGN. INC. AWARE OF ANY llllLE ISSUES AFFECllNG THE SURVEYED PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON 111E MAP AND DISCLOSED BY 111E REFERENCED ll1lE COMMITMENTS. CORE DESIGN. INC. HAS RELIED WHOLLY ON CHICAGO 111lE REPRESENTAllON OF THE 111lE'S CONDlllON TO PREPARE THIS SURVEY AND 111EREFORE CORE DESIGN. INC. QUALIFIES 111E MAP'S ACCURACY AND COMPLEllENESS TO 111AT EXllENT. 2. 111IS SURVEY REPRESENTS 'J1SIBLE PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDIllONS EXISllNG ON DECEMBER 18. 2003. ALL SURVEY CONTROL INDICA llED AS "FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR THIS PROJECT IN JULY. 2002. 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET. 4. THIS IS A FIELD TRAVERSE SURVEY. A SOKKIA FIVE SECOND COMBINED ELIECTRONIC TOTAL STAll ON WAS USED TO MEASURE THE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELAllONSHIPS BETWEEN 111E CONTROLLING MONUMENTAllON AS SHOWN. CLOSURE RAllOS OF THE TRAVERSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN WAC 332-130-090. DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN COMPARED TO AN N.G.S. BASELINE 'II1111IN ONE YEAR OF 111E DAllE OF 111IS SURVEY. cORE ~DESIGN 14711 NE 29th Place Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE PORTION OF This LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with stote and county statutes filed for record this ........... day of ..• 20 ....... at ...... M in book ........ . of ........ at page ......... at the request of _~f_l/4 of ~_\:t!J/4. S.J __ ~ T._~~ R.~_ W.M. in AUGUST. 2004 ) /1 lLW.m:~\J~ ... ~ DWN. BY DATE JOB NO. GXS 9/20/04 02052 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET Certificate No. 30427 Mgr. Supt. of Records 1"=50' OF 2 1- - '" I ''1 0' 1 :" ,j w V' ~ :so z ;.,.'f w OJ) d :so z w Z ~ :so l...., - '" 0 0 '" I') f" ;;; ;,. .". b 0 z CITY OF RENTON CONNER/SCHERER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-113-LLA Lf\ID . 7,0·-028=~ N88'19'28"W 319.43 L I,' r 1 f 'N. 7530.:.'1(1'5902·1 PARCEL A '- Ol o N r--- CITY OF RE~JTO~l ADDRESS PARCEL SEE NOTE BELOW A PARCrl B 103 DUVALL AVE. N.E. NOTE: VACANT LAND AND ADDRESS NOT APPLICABLE PER CITY OF RE~JTO~I-DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION. '" o Iii 0>0> <I1 row o o io '" b o z LOT 1 LOT 2 AREA BEFORE AREA AFTER LLA LLA 115,130± SQ. FT. PARCEL 95,283± SQ. FT. (2.6430± AC.) A (2.1874± AC.) 14,328± SQ. FT. PARCEL 34,174± SQ. FT. (0.3289± AC.) B (O.7845± AC.) 20' -~ 33~ N89'15'29"W 97.54 13~ {'~~~N8~8~'9~~~8W~~~_:~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~.~~:~i .. qo'_/" 70.01 101'-, ------ --- ---." T --- _._ __. ____ .___ 330.00' @ 90' GARAGE / 138810 SF ':'Ir, I_OT IIIIE --'- ;:::. I~ PARCEL B N88'22'4Z"W 1.89 /PN Lor 2 7532059175 _ / '."'_.w8, _____ ---' w ~ .2.?~+_ ~ :" o 0 o 0 Z HOUSE Z R=39 00 I 1580.t SF '''>J,"l,-:':;;:;;'" \ \ L._ "" J \ ~ ,"",,',," ~, 70.01 "-NOO'38'00"E I.D 630.09 I 9.00 b en -- 30' PS.PL EASEMENT REe. NO. 7705120619 N88'19'28"W 240.04-I L 260.00' @ 90' --- ROADWAY EASEMENT REC. NO. 4909728 -- -1 IEi' ~ 00( i" i!' 0 g 0 io r> W 0 0 z z ~ 00( ~ I a '" z !!f « z 0 Z ::> II - 1/ NE 4TH ST IX !!f « '" z iE !!f <0 ~ ~L NE 2ND ST ~ 1 ::> IX 0 !!f « iE SE 136TH ST I :t SITE I VICINITY MAP 1" = 3000'± SCALE: 1" -40' BASIS OF BEARINGS NOO'57'Z8"E, ALONG THE WEST LINE NW1/4 SECnON 15-Z3-5 BETWEEN CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINTS ,1503 & 1/478 LEGEND • SET l/Z" X 24" REBAR W/YELILOW PLASnC CAP STAMPED "CORE 37555" r-S LlIJE. 1·IW) •. SE!" IJw.14 SEC 15 :'3 5 .-N88'22'42"W \. APPROVAL CITY OF RENTON APPROVED THIS _Z,!'L DAY OF .J..Je':!.(''':i.~~_,20!21. .Jle;Lj11.t1,!!L:f!!L~!..f!!!~'1_~~~.!!!.~~_~~'1 __ Planning/Building/Public Works Deportment Administrator KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Examined and approved this __ day of ________ , 20 __ King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor RECORDIr--IG NO. 76' WIDE TE cORE ~DESIGN 14711 NE 29th Place SuIte 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 fax 425.885.7963 ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This LOT LI~lE ADJUSTMENT correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with stote and county statutes in AUGUST, 2004 Certificate No. 30427 MPORARY INGRESS. EGRESS MID UnliTY EASEMENT I 20' RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE PORTION OF filed for record this ........... day of ......... ,20 ....... at ...... M in book ......... SE N W 15 __1/4 of ____ 1/4, S. __ T...1.0_ R . .?_ W.M. of.. ...... at page ......... at the request of OWN. BY DATE JOB NO. GXS 9/20/04 02052 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET Mgr. Supt. of Records 1" 40' 2 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON CONNER/SCHERER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-113-LLA L[\ID-30-0283 DECLARATIO~1 KNOW ALL MEN BY Tl-iESE PRESENTS Tl-iAT WE Tl-iE UNDERSIGNED OWNER(S) OF Tl-iE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Tl-iEREOF PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE Tl-iIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE Tl-iE GRAPHIC REPRESENTAnON OF Tl-iE SAME, AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WlTl-i Tl-iE DESIRES OF THE OWNER(S). IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. CONNER HOMES COMPAY, A WASHINGTON CORPORA nON ctJJj~JL By: c. ... ""·lt~ F. C .... m,,- ITS: f\·~''''c:kr.t rA~~0,(p,~'fj,~~'1f1't...U ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF WASHINGTON ) 1/.. )SS COUNTY OF pi n~ ) ~IS. DAYJ'E[MSONALL Y APPEARED BEFORE ME [J@.(J'1'~ G. L~ IA.t C , TO ME KNOWN TO BE THE INDIVIDUAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECU lED THE WlTl-iIN AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE/SHE SIGNED THE SAME AS HIS/HER FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES Tl-iEREIN MENnONED. DA TED: +,-~~'-I£"-'-~ PRINTED NAME: h I ~f( M. \JQltI1S NOTARY PUBLIC IN ANvD FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT rz"O\~, vJA MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES {, / III \ O~ • 1 ON Tl-i SOY PERSONA APPEAR~~UlJ;;F.DRE ME Q .. ( ( ;;>ore'ME K~IOWN TO BE THE INDI UAL(S) DESCRIBED IN AND WHO EXECUTED THE WITHIN AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE/SHE SIGNED THE SAME AS HIS/HER FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENnONED. DATED:~~_,2tr ~/J,. d1 ~~f(?/pt/UV PRINTED NAME:-.L\Ei0 ' \fi,t..IA..:.:::~ __ _ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STA TE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT lZe\Jl,~., \J"JA MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES J1~_\!&\'LU---__ _ APPROVAL CITY OF RENTON APPROVED THIS 2c( DAY OF NoWI>!.&fV 2004-_N~Eri!!J~~-; __ ~~~f1_~=~:~=~=-vL -- Planning/Building/Public Works Department Adm inistrator KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF Aj)SESSMEtl-,TS Examined and approved this '~(day' of ~nl*'.~, 20t.(!. ~xdL_bidili"-______ 1fLL&ltll-/L -1~J£l1.k.~~ King County Ass ssor 5 Deputy King County Assessor 15-oS-lin L 6 c. I RECORDING NO. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTl-iEAST OUARTER OF Tl-iE NORTl-iWEST QUARTER OF SECnON IS, TOWtlSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 95 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 92.97 FEET OF THE NORTH 297.97 FEET OF THE EAST 260 FEET; AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 110 FEET OF THE ~IORTH 205 FEET OF THE EAST 260 FEET; AND EXCEPT Tl-iE EAST 20 FEET Tl-iEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNn FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDlflG flO. 1798214; AND EXCEP f THAr PORnml OF fHE WEST 70 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FEET OF SAID SUBDIVISION L YlNG flORTHERL Y OF THE SOUTH 30 FEET THEREOF AND LYING SOUTHERLY OF rHE NORTl-i 95 FEET Tl-iEREOF. LOT 2: THAT PORn ON OF THE WEST 70 FEET OF THE EAST 330 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF Tl-iE NORTl-iWEST OUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEcnON IS, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTl-i, RANGE 5 EAST, WlLLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTl-i 30 FEET Tl-iEREOF; EXCEPT THE NORTH 95 FEET THEREOF. fnu CASED (')WPETE W/I/8" COPPER Pili OI'J n 6' l,)tJ 7/01, I!OII 7 r FND 3" SURFACE DISC I / KING COUNTY SURVEY CI f, OF REIITOII (01-1 IROl P'-'IIIT #1 C,:l" ~ I MON SfAMPED 10-15 91;_~ ____ ?Y2.0"W 258569 C'~ ml 7/01/02 1 f, j 1 <-1 1 292.8 =, '--", "'::'::'::'''--'-1 :-'--9CC2"C.8"'4-----4 I 5 w -Co.' (0) " ~t:; F~m C N·,'[l' 1-:~Ir)< f .... f_ '( fA(~ltl IN:!;'.I' l~J.' II;.·~ (':11 l' r ) I • ~ : ClTr OF REtilOtl COtJTROL pnlllT #47,0. STA TE OF WASHINGroN ) ';--:J u )SS COUNTY OF ______ ) ., '" -, I 11,"WI6'13"W Ilo3WI6'I3"w ---12')7 7.~ --~-.--~--=~ " ;;; 0. 0 r" 0 :~ c ;' ? HELD KING COUNTY 'T ~ ; , [SURVEY CONTROL " (,) POINT #3758 0[1 0" z ~ 11038'29'10 'w 130265 13n2 fi6 265222 --IIP8':'91-i1W 'filn531~ -~-(lf5~-~15 14 &j ~ SECTION 0> • SUBDIVSION 11 ~ 152' DIAGRAM -,,...-'c~-!.--FtIO CASED CONCRETE MaN W/3" BRONZE DISC ON 1.7' ON 7/01/02 CITY OF RENTON CON IROL POINf #1855 I CERnFY Tl-iAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT IS THE PERSON THAT APPEARED BEFORE ME, AND SAID PERSON ACKNOWILEDGEO Tl-iAT HE/SHE SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT; ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT; AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS OF CONNER HOMES COMPANY, A WASHINGTON CORPORAnml, TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIOfIED IN Tl-IE INSTRUMENT. DATED: ______ . _, 2004. PRINTED NAME: __________ _ NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESIDING AT ____ _ RESTRICTIONS LOT I: 1. THIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDmONS OF AN EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY RECORDED JUNE 10, 1958 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 4909728. 2. Tl-iIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO Tl-iE TERMS AND CONDmONS OF AN EASEMENT TO PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUnON LINE RECORDED MAY 12, 1977 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7705120619. 3. Tl-iIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO RESER VA TIONS AND EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM NORTl-iERN PACIFIC RAILIROAD COMPANY, RESERVING AND EXCEPTING FROM SAID LANDS SO MUCH OR SUCH PORTIONS Tl-iEREOF AS ARE OR MAY BE MINERAL LANDS OR CONTAIN COAL OR IRON, AND ALSO Tl-iE USE AND THE RIGHT AND TInLE TO Tl-iE USE OF SUCH SURF ACE GROUND AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR GROUND OPERATIONS AND Tl-iE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO SUCH RESERVED AND EXCEPTED MINERAL LANDS, INCLUDING LANDS CONTAINING COAL OR IRON, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPLORING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 192430. 4. Tl-iIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO Tl-iE TERMS AND CONDmONS OF A ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 19, 1978 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7812190786. 5. Tl-iIS SITE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDmONS OF CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4612 RECORDED JUNE 21, 1996 AS DISCLOSED BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9606210966 REGARDING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE. DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNERS OF Tl-iE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN Tl-iIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM Tl-iIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANT AND AGREE TO CONVEY Tl-iE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN Tl-iE TEMPORARY EASEMENT SHOWN ON THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OF ANY SUBDIVISIONS Tl-iEREOF. Tl-iIS COVENANT SHALIL RUN WlTl-i THE LAND AS SHOWN ON Tl-iIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. Tl-iIS DECLARA nON OF COVENANT BECOMES NULL AND VOID UPON THE PROVISION Tl-iAT Tl-iE LANDLOCKED PARCEL B IS SERVED WlTl-i OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS. NEW TEMPORARY PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW TEMPORARY PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGflESS AND UTILITIES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALlE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. Tl-iE OWNER OF PARCEL B SHALL HAVE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR Tl-iE MAINTENANCE OF Tl-iE TEMPORARY PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILInES INCLUDE Tl-iE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF Tl-iE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALIfY AND/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WlTl-iIN Tl-iIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY Tl-iE CITY OF RENTON OR OTl-iER unLiTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING IN Tl-iE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLIESS PAVEMENT WlDTl-i IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. THIS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BECOMES NULIL AND VOID UPON Tl-iE PROVISION Tl-iAT Tl-iE LANDLOCKED PARCEL B IS SERVED WlTl-i OTl-iER MEANS OF ACCESS. NOTES 1. ALIL TInLE INFORMATION SHOWN ON Tl-iIS MAP HAS BEEN EXTRACTED FROM CHICAGO nnLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERnFICME ORDER NO. 1144252, DAlEO AUGUST 30, 2004. IN PREPARING Tl-iIS MAP, CORE DESIGN, INC. HAS CONDUCTED NO INDEPENDENT nnuE SEARCH NOR IS CORE DESIGN, INC. AWARE OF ANY nnLE ISSUES AFFECnNG THE SURVEYlED PROPERTY OTl-iER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON Tl-iE MAP AND DISCLOSED BY Tl-iE REFERENCED nnLE COMMITMENTS. CORE DESIGN, INC. HAS RELIED WHOLLY ON CHICAGO nnuE REPRESENTATION OF THE nnuE'S CONDmON TO PREPARE Tl-iIS SURVEY AND Tl-iEREFORE CORE DESIGN, INC. QUALIFIES Tl-iE MAP'S ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS TO Tl-iAT EXTENT. 2. Tl-iIS SURVEY REPRESENTS VISIBLE PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 18, 2003. ALIL SURVEY CONTROL INDICATED AS "FOUND" WAS RECOVERED FOR Tl-iIS PROJECT IN JULY, 2002. 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET. 4. Tl-iIS IS A FIELD TRAVERSE SURVEY. A SOKKIA FIVE SECOND COMBINED ELIECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED TO MEASURE Tl-iE ANGULAR AND DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN Tl-iE CONTROLILING MONUMENTAnON AS SHOWN. CLOSURE RA nos OF Tl-iE TRAVERSE MET OR EXCEEDED THOSE SPECIFIED IN WAC 332-130-090. DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN COMPARED TO AN N.G.S. BASElINE WlTl-iIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY. {' () -< r(-, s:: ~ r ), u c:. () MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ roRE ~DESIGN 14711 NE 29th Place Suite 101 Belleyue, Washington 98007 425,885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 .L W rl> :T1 "\ r" no "" LA[\JO SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This LOT LI~lE ADJIjSTME~n correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with state and county statutes in AUGUST, 2004 Certificate ~Io. 30427 ENGINEERING· PLANNING· SURVEYING RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE PORTION OF CONFORMED COPY 20041202900026 OWN. BY DATE GXS 9/20/04 CITY OF RENTON BLAM 90.00 PAGE001 OF 002 12/02/2004 14: 16 KING COUNTY, WA CHKD. BY SCALE Mgr. Supt. of Records ,"=50' JOB NO. 02052 SHEET OF 2 1- CITY OF RENTON CONNER/SCHERER LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-113-LLA LI\JD-.30-0283. N88'19'28"W 319.43 CITY OF RENTON ADDRESS PARCEL SEE NOTE BELOW A PARCEL 103 DUVALL AVE. N.E. B ~JOTE: VACANT LAND AND ADDRESS NOT APPLICABLE PER CITY OF RENTON-DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION N89'15'29"W 97.54 '" a .,.; 0>0> U') COw 8 00 n Co a z AREA BEFORE LLA LOT 115,130± SQ. FT. PARCEL 1 (2.6430± AC.) A LOT 14,328± SQ. FT. PARCEL 2 (0.3289± AC.) B 15-23-5 --- 33D:1J!5"- AREA AFTER LLA 95,283± SQ. FT. (2.1874± AC.) 34,174± SQ. FT. (0.7845± AC.) 20' U') 1 n C"J 1 U') flEW LOT LlfIE~, -"' I '''l OJ I ;':' '-; w Vl LIH I "" 3; i" z ;:,.'f ;;; '"' -..,. en :" 0 PARCEL A ~ 0 3; z z w Z :::; 3; ~ 1- S. LI~IE. tfWI,. SEY.!. NWy'! SEC 15 23 5 APPROVAL CITY OF RENTON APPROVED THIS _Z:!L DAY OF jolQ.'!L"'.'.."!....f!_,20Q.1. 'I r' I ':'T Lilli _. ,I -f---- 330.00' @ 90' W -~-. -~-.. --.--~~-t-----.---t-----------------~--l ;::: GARAGE 1388± '~F 7 __ · Ill' g 260.00' @ 90' -1 I~ ,,-; a '" b en I~ ~ N88"22'42"W 1.89 PARCEL B 'I;.N LOT 2 1532059115 __ I~,~ -2.1 ~ ~r------------~~~1I~ a 0 a 0 Z HOUSE Z R=39 00 I 1580± SF ,yS~~JjJ" t:~; ';~'09" \ \ - @ ----- • "" '-\ \. ;; ,,,,,',,', ,""'·"·W ~~,--~-7~0~.0~1~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~2f44~0~.oi4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 "-NOO'38'00"E ~ I ROADWA Y EASEMENT 630.09 N88'22'42"W cORE ~DESIGN I 9.00 -' \ 30' P.S.P.L. EASEMENT L REC. NO. 4909728 _~. REC. NO. 7705120619 "---26' 1471 1 NE 29th Place Suite 101 Bellevue, Washington 98007 425.885.7877 Fax 425.885.7963 WIDE TEMPORARY INGRESS. EGRESS MID UTILITY EASEMENT ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING -< l" j!: a 15! a 00 c r> 1&1 a a :i z !!J -< ~ I ~ I 20' UJ 2: ~ "< 2: 0 :Z ::J II '- 1/ NE I 4TH ST UJ (/) ~ "< UJ 2: iE ~ <D ::! "< ::J NE 2ND ST ;! 1 ;:) I;i 0 ~ "< iE .... SE 136TH ST I :! SITE I ffi VICINITY MAP 1" = 3000'± A l::! ~ SCALE: 1" -40' 0 20 40 80 ! J 1 ! BASIS OF BEARINGS NOO'57'28"E, ALONG lHE WEST LINE NW1/4 SECTION 15-23-5 BETWEEN CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINTS ,1503 & ,478 LEGEND • SEr 1/2" X 24" REBAR W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "CORE 37555" -»-ed._tJLq;!iL.f!!L~~~!J_~~,,!,!'!!!"~_I.1j:f""' __ LAf\1O SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE PORTION OF Planning/Building/Public WorKs Department Adm in istrator KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMEmS Examined and approved this __ day of ________ , 20 __ ---------------~------------------------King County Assessor Deputy King County Assessor RECORDI~IG NO. This LOT LINE ADJUSTME~JT correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with state and county statutes in AUGUST. 2004 Certificate No. 30427 filed for record thls ........... day of ......... ,20 .... , .. at.. .... M in book ......... of.. ...... at page ......... at the request of Mgr. Supt. of Records OWN. BY GXS CHKD. BY DATE JOB NO. 9~0~4 02052 SCALE SHEET 1" 40' 2 OF 2