HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-04-139CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRlV"lE EXQ.U!ilVE EASDlENT F'OR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UTUT1£S IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE IX LOTS SHO'fIN ON THIS SHIOAT !"!.AT. n£ O'IIHEftS OF LOTS 1-7 SHAll. HAVE AN EQUAL IoNO UNDIVIDED INT[fI[ST IN ntE OlINERSHIP AND RE!J'QHS8UTY fOR iWNTEH ..... CE OF lHE PIIIVA 1[ ACCESS E.o\SEW£NT N'PURTEHANCD. n£SE Al'f'U'nENANCD AND WHNTEl4AHCE It£SP'ONliIBII. I«1.lU n£ REPMt N«J YAlNTEHANCE OF THE ""VAl[ ACCESS ROAD. ~=~~~;rgQN?AND~ INF'IIASlRUClURE NOT OWNED BY TI£ CITY RDmlN CR OTHER U11JTY PIIOWlERS. WAlNTENANa: COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EOUAU.Y, PARI(WC ON THE PAYING IN THE ACCESS u.sENENT IS PIWH18fTED, UNLESS "A'oDIDlT 'M01H IS CR£ATEA THAN 20 FEET. 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT DECLARATION OF COVENANT TH[ OWNER OF TI£ l..NCl EMBRACED .TNM 1HS SHORT PLAT. N A£T\aI rnA THE IIEND'mi TIl AOCRUE FROW THS SUIlOl .... SION. BY SlQMINO HElIEON COVENAIITS AN) AGAtES 10 CONVEY lkE BENEFICIAL NTEREST 1M 1liE H£W EASalENTS SHO'IIN ON 1li1S SHORT PLAT TIl AllY N40 AU. fU1lJR[ PURCHASERS OF TI£ LOTS. OR OF lollY SUllDlYiSlON lHEREOF. TI£ COVEJtAMT SHALL RUM .1li TI£ lAND AS SHO'IIM ON TNS SHORT PlAT. (an' OF RDlTON !:.II) nil) 1/2' 8RASS= .. ~~ DCl'MIIl.2!I· ",."" TBt.I 'CO-lOP OF MON ELEv-1M.13' LOT 0 ~5848DD007 OTY or RENTON LLA t---..... A.r.N. 200607!g90DDO~ (tm' OF RENTt»I lOa) FMC I/T BRASS Pl.IJO wjPuNat IN.-=~ON IN CASE ____ ~--------­ -----.A "'..L ('~ ~ 1¥ tf!\~ ~-'.".'" -----h'''~'-' ~~, ... ~ ~ CASE w~ a:~ POST 2" BRASS IN • '/1</0< r • Z ~\ 0 , ''''f. >1 ;;j ........ I~,~ aTY OF RDmlN 18116 rouND CASE IIClI YIIlH REBAR II: ClIP. DOWN 1.70' '/1<"" NW 4TH ST EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE ,-roTAl $TAllON USlMC STANDARO FlEl..D TRA'o£RSE WETHODS Ft'IR COIfFlOL AND STAKING. nus !IJR'IEY WE1S 011 [l(CEEDS TH[ R£OJIRDIDITS or THE SUR\£Y RUORDIHG ~. 0IAPltR &8.011 R.C.W. AHO JJ2-130 WAC. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY 01' RDITa11 5UR'of:Y CONlRCl NEl't'IOfI!t HaIIZONTAl DATUoI_NORTH AIotERICAN OA1\IW 18SJ/1I~ WEltRS (NAD CONVERTED TO LIS fEET CITY OF F1ENTCIt SURVEY CONTROl POINT 1S911 2 INCH MASS DISC IN .. IN )( .. IN CONaI£TE POST 'MTH PUNai 11-. IN WONUt,lENT CASE AT lHE INTERSEC'OOH Of UNO II'¥[ NW AND TA'I\.OR PI.. NW ............. ["385358.447111 CITY OF R£NTON SURY£Y CONTROl POINT 'ISM FOJND 1 INCH REBAR .1M CAP DOlfI 1.7' IN " 10 INOi IoIONJIoIENT CAS[ AT 1liE IHTERSECT10N OF TA'l'LOR AVE HW. TA'I\.OR PI. MW N40 HW 41li SlREET. N-!I!I212.1OJ E_~I2.I~ ,-~ D.C.F. -.~ J.W.B. NW 6TH STREET ~ LEGEND L1It.. FOlMI oTY or RENTON MOHl.IWENT V AS NOlEtl TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR • CAP o LS lM81 P£R lOP'OIlRAPttC SURVEY SEE NOTE AT RIGHT NOTE: :r-SET~~~~:"~N~ ~7U TO AU. LOTS 'MTHN lHlS SHORT PLAT. LOT 7, BLOCK J ., \¥OOO~ GlEN ADOITION '< Q5(;4800105 ~. !UMl'OR'S HOt[: '" AU. EXTERIOR CORNERS SIlO. .1li '0' HEREON Il[NOTES ~o::~C ~R~ ~otl~1 Jill TlfIIAD ASSOCIA TE5. LOT 11. BLOCK' WOODY GlEN ADDITION 9564800165 LOT 7 24.112 oq. II:. 0.&7_ 117 NW 8lH ST. ,,' ~J~'q,... . '\ GRAPHIC SCALE \ ~\ ¢; .. .1" lit. ,. .. '" I - ( Dr P'DT ) I lDcIh _ MI f\. RECORDING NO. VOL/PAGE PORTION OF _~_1/4 of _~Y!..J/4, s.~L T • .2LN., R . .Q.9_E .. W.M. ;' PSE UllU1'Y [ASEWtNT CENTERED ON LOT UME PARCEL B 956~80-0110-09 OT\' or RENTON LLA ,,-rN.2oo51219900014 LOT B OTY OF R'ENTON LLA A ~.N 20060719900005 t::. orr OF RENTON LLA ii A.~X 20060719!KlOOO5 !'z'v' CO" 'r ~~~! \~ """ ".~ ;~o:: "Ec. ~o M04OGOOSI. ~-------------------_/ -. LOT A aT\' or ROlTON LU. Ar.N. 20060719900005 LOT 5 17.JOS oq. It. ... -101 NW IlH ST. EASEMENT. (~ IULDINIl ~'~""" SET9AQ(S TO fIE D£TERMNlI BY .... _ GEClTEOHCAL ENQNEER.) l.Ji __ __~ L1i-TJ.r'-d' ~I , , I~ ~I;t ~Ig '" I ~"" 'l"" : -~ , ... .,----.... , ~ V SET 5 REBAR • ~1~(~) ~ MEA ADDRESSED IN ·AGREE!.IENT TIl RESOLVE AND FIX IIOUNDMY POIHTS AMI UNES'" RECORDED IN TI£ RECOItO$ rE IONC COUNTY, WASHNCTON IN)[R R[C. Nos. 2001K1nllOll21311 • 2001K172MC0Q27 , AS .f.l.L.CJIIIC) In" RCW 58.04 -; , ~, NIII".l7'3 .3.r.a' 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT CONCEPTUAL TREE PLAN RECORDING NO. POR110N OF VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 _~_1/4 of _~lY..J/4, s.Jl.L C£:LN .. R . .9~_E.,W.M. TREE TABLE FP _ flO'IIDIINC PEAR (P'lRUS CAl..L£RYNlAj 7 lOlAi. RS _ R01\JNDILOBA SWEEllJUW (UQlJIlAW9AR ST'\'RAQn.uA) 7 TOTAL " PS[ unuTY EASDlDH CENmtm ON LOT IJIE NORni CRlllCAL SLOPE 4,1KI~ ~ ft. ~J7 0.0100 .. " \ .. \. 'l~ (an Of REN'lON '!!II) FlID 1/2" BIIASS ~G W~~: DOWN 1.Z!i' .".,.. '/' " , , >li! I-lj! __ ~'!.-- " C'. " .. ",',,,=---'rI"lI~ IBM °c"_TOP Of WON EL£v-l05..7J" ~ "-----------.-/ Of REN1tlN 218) --V ~'~":t"'""''''''~.-NW 6TH STREET 5/28/04.-t1Io." ~ "I ""~ -yo -"'.~ -?: ~ ~-<)~-~ ('" \. ~ ~" an Of REN1tlN 1889 FOUND CASE WON 'IIInl 2" BRASS H 4" CONe POST .no,.. '1.-.t"~:" , . Z "il\\. 0, ~, ~I OlY OF REN1tlN ,_ FOUND CASE WON 'IIInt REBAR .. CAP. DOWN 1.70' . "',.. NW 4TH ST EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE T TOTAl. STATION USING STANDARD FIElD TRA\OISE WEIHODS F'OR (X)iTR0I. NI) STAKING. THIS :ur.£Y W{E15 OR EXCEEDS ntE REQUlREiIIDITS OF 11iE !ilJR't£Y REalIII*G 1Cf, CHAPlER 58.01 R.c.w. "-NO 332-130 ...... c. BASIS OF BEARINGS OlY OF RDOtlN !ilJR't£Y CONTRa. NETWORK HORIZONTAl. DAru .... IIORTk AMERICAN DAlUIoI '-.:5/1" WETERS (N,t,D CCNo'ER1ED TIl us FlET OlY Of RDmlN !ilJR't£Y 00N1R0L PmfT \II1I\I 2 INOI BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 N CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH WARIC. N WONUWDIT CASE AT M INTERSECTION OF IN) A'oIE '"' AN) TA'I'UlII PI. NW ... -E-3M3S8.447t.1 an OF R£NTOH SUR'tIEY CONTRa. !'OM" ,. FOUND I INOl AE8AA 'MTH CAP DIM'i 1.7 1M A 10 INa-I IOfJIIIDfl CASE AT lHE tlTERSEC11DN OF TA'1'I..QII A'o£ HW. TA'1'I..QII PI.. NW AND HW 4lH SlIIEET. N-M2I2.ID3 EaJII!I512.111J1,1 -~ D.C.F. -~ J.W.B. ;;,;---~ ~._'~.II!.I~~G W/PUNCH IN I , LEGEND d FlltJN) alY Of ADmIN WONUIoIDIT V AS NOTED mAD ASSOCIATES REBAR II ~ i o LS \518\ PER TOPIXlRAPHIC !Ut'o£Y SEE NOTE AT Ron NOTE: S/r REBAR N«J CN', LS NO. 13870 TIl BE SET AT EXlUIIOA CORtIERS OF ALL LOTS 'IIITHN nus SHOAT PLAT. , LOT 7 24,112 .:j. I't. 0.57_ 117 NW IIlH ST . ",' ~./B~ '\ \ ~\ ¢. ~ il ~~, ~ CRITICAL _ £{1M)£Jt SD'ERATE APPUCATlCII} SLOPE --------- LOT II. BLOC!< 4 'MlOOY ~ ADDITION 9564800165 GRAPHIC SCALE .. . 11... ... .. --I I I I (IKrDT) 1!Dah-8Dft. LOT 2 7.081 .cj. 1'1. 0.11_ lOll NW lint ST. LOT 3 8.511(1 .:j. n. 0.15 oem 102 NW IIrn ST. '-'-" "-\ 52.84' N&B'~ PARC8. EI 9564110--0110--1)9 LOT 5 17.lD!! .q. It. 0.40 a ..... 107 NW 11TH ST. ~·io~~EDBY j§ ..... ..... _ GE01£ONCAl ENCiNEEfI.) I..ii ..... _ _-:'1 L'J2-TJY-1,)" Dbl 1 1 AREA ~:~ ='11/: I" , ~gQ' 1 S=' 'y ,,, . .,. ~ \ SET 5 REBAR It CAR LS ,'w; (m>ICAL) \\ ~ MEA ADDR£SS£Il IN "AIlRtEWENT TIl RE50..YE AND fill BQJHDNIY PDINT5 AND UNES" RECCIlDEO .. 11-£ RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHNG1t* I.HlER H16"21'3 ~ .. ' CITY OF RENTON lU. A.F.N. 20051219900014 flEe. Nos. 2Cl()5()728OD211l1 It 2DD!107281DOD27 --"-~-'--AS AI..l..O'«tI BY RCW 5a.D4 ; ~ CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-2D-0398 CERTIFICA 1l0N KNOW BY AU. PEOPLE '!tiES[ PRESENlS 'IliAT \fIlE THE UNDERSIGNED O"M'IERS Of INTEREST ON THE LAND H£REfIy SHORT SUBDIWlED, DO HEREBY WAKE A SHORT SUBDlYiSION THEREFtIRE DEClARE 1liIS WAF' TO lIE THE CRAPHC REPRESENTATION Of '!HE SNoIE AND THAT SHORT SUBDMSlON IS WADE 'MTH 1l£ FREE CONSDIT AND IN ACCORDANCE MlH niE DESIRE Of '!HE ~ERS. IN !illNESS MaEOf' WE SET OUR HMI>S AND SEALS. "'" "., "'" "., STAlE Of ) ,,, COUNTY OF _____ 1 I comFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATlSFACTUIIY E\'IDENCE lMAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATIOH AND ~NO'M..EDGED IT TO BE (HIS,A£R) FREE AND 'otlI..l.tITARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES IENT10NED IN THE INSl'IMoIENT. ~~ru",","~.---------- =~ ~':;fOF'------- NOlMY PUBUC '"'-'--- MY APPOIHTIoIENT EXPIRES ____ _ ~A1E OF } ,,, COUNTY OF ) I CERT1FY THAT I KNOW OR HAYE SAllSFACTtlRy E'otJENCE TMAT :~ ~::~~ ~ :s:.:ENSf~ ~ I~A!s '!tiE ii"',"""'TI£""'''''''''''''''''''''''''T'~ ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES WENTIONfD IN 'THE lNSlRUWENT. ~~ru"~"",,.---------­ ~~ ~~CCF'------- NOTAIIY PUBUC '"'-'--- lilY APPaN'NENT EXPIRES ____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF ............ 20 ••••••• AT M IN BOOK OF ........ AT PAGE ........ AT THE REQUEST Of ..... " ... , ....................... . SURV£YOR'S NAME SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARn.4ENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAWINED AHO AI'I'RO'.m ~IS __ DAY Of' 20 __ LEGAL DESCRIPTION PEA PACIFIC NmTHlllEST llM PLAT CERTIncATE ORDER NO. snloa, SUPPl.DolOITAL REPORT NO. J, DATED WAY I, 2001. PARCEL 1: THE SOUlHIESTERLY 100 F'E:ET 01' LOT 7, ELDCK 2. WOODY GlEN ADIlfTION, ACCOfIDING TO THE PLAT lHEREOf RECORDED IN YOLIJIoIE 47 Of PLATS. PAGES WI AND i2, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINIl'lON. TOIlE1HER .~ THAT PORTICIN Of VACAlED PLATTED WAU<WAY CCNlECT1NC NOR~WEST IS~ S1ItEET TIl RmER A'oENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TIl CITY Of RENTON, WASHlNGltlN ORI)jNANCE NUWBER 5212, 'MooIICH, UPC1N VACA11ON, ATTACHED TO SAID PIIOPERTY BY OP£RA11ON or LAW. PAliCEl 2: LOT A, CITY or RENTON LOT UNE AD.AJ5l\IENT WA-04-1J11-LLA RECORIl£ll UNDER RECORDING NlAjBER 2OO~12111111lOO14. BEING A PORllCIN or THE F'01..l.O'MNG DESCR1IIED PARCEl..: THE SClJTHERLY 100 F'E:ET 01' LOT 7. ANO AU. 01' LOT a. ELDCK J, WOODY GLDI ADIl111ON, ACCClIONC TO THE PLAT THEIlEa'" REaRDEll IN YOlUWE 41 CF PLAT, PAGES 81 AND D2, IN KI'fG COUNTY, WASHNGTON. TOGElHElI: .TH THAT PORTICIN 01' VACATED SOJlH 121STH S'!lIEE'T AS VACATED BY PURSUANT TIl OROiNANCt: NO. ~ RECORDED UNDER RE~G NU1II9ER 2002040201lZ350, .. 01 UPC1N VACATION. ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERlY BY OPERATlON Of LAW. AND TOG£THER 'NTH THAT PORTION 01' VACAlED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECT1NC NORTHWEST 8TH S1ItEET TO RAtlIER A'oENUE AS VACAlED PURSUANT TO CllY Of RENTON, WASHlNIl'lON ORD.v.NCE _BER 5272, 'M-fICH. UPC1N VACA11ON, ATTA01ED TO SAID PIIOPERTY BY OPERA11ON Of LAW. BUILDING SETBACK NOTE: THE F'RCINT YAIIO SElBACKS or LOTS 3, 4, 5 AND IS SHAU. BE NO LESS THAN III F'E:ET F'R0I0I THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEIo1ENT. lHE FRONT YARD SElBAQ( SHAU. BE WEASlJRED AT A OISTANCE F'ROM "!HE PIIIVATE ACCESS EASEWENT ~AT CREATES A UNIF'ORW F'RONT YARD """"'. DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPRCMD ~IS __ (lAY 01' 20 __ """'" DEl'UTY ASSESSOR CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT: THOSE AREAS SHOlIIN CIN SHEET 2 01' 2 AND UBELEl) AS "aII1ICAL SlOP£ EASEIo101T AND 'llETLAHD BUFfER AR£Mt' ARE TO BE ESTABUSHED AS PE:RMANEJlT AND IRREVOCABLE EASEWENTS 'NlH THE RECORDING Of 'MS SHORT PLAT. lHESE PROTECTI\£ EASEMENTS SHALl. BE H£l.D BY THE CURRENT AND FUTURE PROPERlY OWNERS, SHALl. RUN .TH 1HE LAND, ANI) SHAll. PROHIIIT ~T, ALlERATION. OR DISTURBANCE 'NlHIN THE EASalENTS EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES Of HMIITAT EHtiAHCElolENT AS PART 01' AN ENHANCEWOH PIIo.ECT VHCH HAS RECEIVED PfIIOR 'MIITTEN APPROVAL FROII THE CITY. AND F'ROM ANY DTHER AGENCY 'NTH .AJRlSOICnON 0't9 SlIQ1 ACTI'oIITY. RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PDRTlON OF ~1/~ of _~l\'..J/~, s._QL T.~~_N., R.Q9_E.,W.M. r-- , ) S l1fTH Sf 11! .~--~ I\. .1 flslTEI : \" """'-\\:: ali ~ 1"-- J."" ~ ,;J '''''''" \. loIU~PAL AIRPORT '\ ~p VICINITY MAP t --'-"'-"- ~ J:::i OWNER PROPOSED LOT AREAS ... ~, " SOJlH TOBIN STR£ET, SUITE 201 RENTON. WA M055 CONTACT: JAa( ALHADD'F CIVIL ENGINEER AHBL ENGINEEltS, PLANNERS, oil ~s 221 ~ NORTH 30TH S'llIEET, SUITE 300 TAOOIoIA. WA IIIM03 25J.-3S3-J572 CONTACT: WATT \IIEBER, PE SURVEYOR TOPOGRAPHY: '!lIIAD ASSOCIATES 11814 115lH A\£NUE NE KIRKLAND, WA i8034 .»-.... CONTACT: WICK WATHESON, PE SHORT PLAT: "'0. "" CONTACT: .DiN BECKER. PLS LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 'tHIS SHORT PLAT CORRECT\.Y REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY WE OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERV1S10N IN CONFORIoIANCE 'NITH THE REQUIREloIENTIi OF THE APPROf>RIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND OftDINANCE IN MAo" ...... ~ ~Wm' ~ATE NO . .\!tCI.'1o .. SHORT F'\.AT 80,297 5.r. -U4 ACRES LOT 1 7,1S!I7 5.r. LOT 2 7.O!Il 5.r. LOT 3 8.5IKI s,r. LOT 4 5,542 s,r. LOT 8 17,JO!! s,r. LOT B 11,115 s.r. LOT 7 24.812 s,r. PRIVATE ROAD EASDlENT 4,1152 s,r. allTICAL 3.OPE EASEWEloiTS 31,1I7!I S.F. ~I! ~-...... ----'""""'-mmmlJ ~ ..... -6TH STREET SHORT TACOMA SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Str8et. Suite 300. T800ma. WA 96403 253.383.2422 m 31600xi:1enta'A_ueSooA'l, Su11f1320, $eatie, WA96104 200.261.2425 m A SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-8 CITY OF RENTON ~ RENTON, WASHINGTON CERnFICATION KNOW BY .o.u. P£Cf'I..£ THESE PRESENTS nlH WE THE l.INJERSIGNED OWI([RS Of I~TER£ST '" THE LAND HEREBY SHalT SI.eOIWlEO, 00 I£M9T 111Il0l([ .II StiOAT SUBDI .... SIOIoI MRErORE OEQ.ARE THIS .. "" TO BE M GRAPHIC I£PII£SEHrAnor.. Of THE S ... wr AND 'T11AT SHORT SUBIlMSIOtI IS "'AIlE ... 1M THE FREE CONSENT N¥> IN IlCCOROANCE 'MTH 11-1[ O£SlR( Of THE O-.£RS. IN 'M1NESS ~or 'til[ S(T (UI HANDS AND SEALS. "'''ME ""' ,~, NAWE SrA,TE Of--------i; ss CCUlTY Of ) I CERTIfY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISf"ACTCIIY EYlOEJICE THAT SlGPEO lHS DEDlCAnor.. AND AOOIOW...EDG[D IT TO BE {HIS/HER} FREE IN;) 0,0.u.l1""Y olCT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES IoIENTlONEO IN THE IHSlR\NEJ'H. ~~~~o<"~.----------­ ~~~ ~~Cf',---------- HOIMY PUBLIC _______ _ "'---------- loIY APPOItfl\lENT EIG"IR:ES ____ ___ STATE or-------1l SS COUNTY Of ) I CDnlF'Y THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAl1srACTORY ~CE lH,t,r SIGNED THIS O£tllCAnON .v.o ON OATH STATED 11-I"T (HE/SHE) WAS "lJ'IliOAIZED TO [)(:[CUTE THE INSTRUIoIEHT ","0 ACI(HO'M..£l)l;ED IT AS 1HE ro lIE 1HE FREE AND YCU.JNT~ •• ""'"~,.ru"O<"'."AA"~""."' .. ".'"'".== .. _ PURPOSES IoIENlION£O IN M IIISTllur.tE"Ir. ~~~,.,<~.---------­ ~";'g ::tcrs'------- NOTAAY PU9.JC '" liT ~T"II(NT EXPIRES ____ ___ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FILED fOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 20 ... AT lot IN BOOK OF ........ AT PAGE ........... T THE REQUEST OF ............................ " ... . SURVEYOR'S NAME MANAGER SUPT. Of" RECOROS APPROVALS: RECORDING NO. I VOL./PAGE CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAIoIllOEO .oJIO APPIIO>,a) lHS _ C ... Y Of 20_ I PORTION OF EI(ANINEO .oJIO APPRO'o£Il mlS __ OAY Of 2o __ .o.()t,AH!STR"'TOA LEGAL DESCRIPTION "TllE SOU"Tll£Rl.Y 100 fUT or LOT 7. BLOO< 2 TOGElliE~ Wlm THE SOUTHER\. Y 100 FEET Of LOT 7. LOT e. EXCEPT "TllE SOU"Tll£Rl.Y 102.110 rEET lliEREOf. 8l00< J TOGElliE~ WITH TH ... T f'ORTION Of PLATTm .. 1<V<WAY LYlNG BETW:EN LOT 7. BLOC!( 2. A.'IO LOT 8. 8l00< J AU. IN WOODY ClEN ADOlllON. ACCORtlING TO THE PlAT THEREOf RECORO(O IN l'Olu ... E '7 Of ?LArs. P ... GES 91 AND 92. RECORtIS or ~ING COU~TY ...... ~INGTON. OWNER ... ""'" g~ SOUTH ToaN STREET. SlUE 201 RENTOtt WA 9~5 CONT-"CT: JAa< AIJ"I.o.DEIT CIVIL ENGINEER .t.HBL ENGINEERS. PLAHNER5. A: Sl.IRYEYORS 2215 NORm 30TH STlIEET. SUITE XlO T"'COWA ...... lIII403 25J-JaJ-J572 CONT ... CT: ... An M:BER. PE ZONING EXlSTING ZONING TOT ...... LOrs .o.u.O"lle) TOT ...... PROPOSEO F'FICf'OSED OEHSlT'r FRONT YARD S£1B"'CI< SIDE YARD SETB"'CI< REAR YARD SETBACI< ... AX BllJIlDING N[JGtjT SURVEYOR TOPOGRAPHY· TRlAO "'SSOOATES 11814 115m ... YENUE NE ~IRKLI<NO. WA 980J4 .25-_ . """" OO'UTY "'SSUSM "'CCOUNT NUNBER ,-. , 1 F![SICI[NTIAl >OOj'" '''''' "'''' """, ~~, CONT ... CT, ... ,CI< ...... THESON. PE ~ORT Pl ... T' --~, cor"'CT: JOHN El[O<ER. PLS LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY t.4AOE BY tolE OR UNDER IoIY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CQNrQRt.lANCE WITH THE REQlJIREt.lENTS or THE .... PPROP~:~AS: .... TE AN~~~ . .rr2g~TE .... NO ~'~;O' ._._---_._-_._ .. __ ."""""\ I <" ~.BeC r$"'.. .. or ... ,.,,~"\o+~ ~~. i~; I~~I r_~1!00& ~l_1/4 of _??'!:Ll/4, s._QL T_~~N. R.9.9_E .• WM . IT S 111n. Sf I , ~ f--- .... -\ h ~ RENTON '\ IIIUNIOI' ...... !o AI~T ~ ~ ~ ~ VICINITY MAP ~ PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PlAT 110.297 S.F. -1.84 "'CRES LOT 1 7.M7 S.F. LOT 2 7.061 S.F. LOT J 6.560 S.F. LOT 4 5.~2 SF. LOT 5 17.3!51 5 F. LOT 6 11.11~ SF . LOT 7 24.812 Sf. PRIVATE RO ... O EASEMENT 4.952 S.F. CRITICAl Sl.OPE EASOIENTS 31.975 S.f. ~' ~',ilI ~>. ~}\'l. Pl~ l"<, ... ··" .. ·1 ;1'.T\.' ~:~~~ ~~l>.."lii.!", mGfmil TACOMA SEATTLE 2215 North 3OtI1 SV&et. Suite 300, Tacoma. WA 98403 l16~ Awnue5ou1h, SUte320. SeIde. WA981()( ""---~- """""'- ~,..., - 253383.2422 m 206 267.2425 m 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT I DYIN BY D.C.F. ICHKD.9Y I J.W.B. I,m 1-" 10/27/04 203615.50 I SCAI.E --I ~cr' 1"=.30' 1 <T 2 1 I ; I , :. ,. jL~~~~~~~,L~_f~~ U l='='=~1U,b.. _ _1_LL___LL s: i ~ , , ! i > I ~ 1 ~ ~ , ! , ~ , ! I I , ! i • ~ , , ! , • • i ~ , ; , ! , • l- i! I _. I' , ; i ' i , ! ! , ! ! , , I i i , , ! I , ! , , ! i I i , ! ~ ~ ! ~ ! i ! I , ! I i dill Il . .[1.. D ! l! !l u w 11111 Q iii ~ ~ II .. '" .. w > .. :> CI) 0 • • , ~ .-.', ... i Q 1? z w , ! ~ ~ '" ~~ ,-c § ~ w ,. 1 ~ "' ., 0 , ~1-}1-0 . " " --------------------------------------------------~ GRADING ~ r-.. a Renton. Washington 6TH STREET SHORT PL.A T SUI. 201 AHBL JOB NO. 203615.10 , ~ .~ o :~ . -! I . ~ = :~ ;.. ., ·i -:: .. : • ; j< f N I \ CITY OF RENTON ~ SHORT PLAT NO. LUA-'8 ~ RENTON, WASHINGTON 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE OQ.USlVE EASEWENT FOR INGRESS N/O EGA£SS IS TO BE CREATm VPON 11-£ s.ou: OF" LOTS SIlO\Wll ON 'MS SHORT PV.T. lH( OWNERS 01' LOTS 1-7 SHAlL HAVE AN [eu ...... AND lJIoIDWlElI IIflEREST IN nt£ O'IfiER5M1I' AND Rt9'OI'ISlBLITY HIR MAINTENANCE 01' THE PRIVATE "'CC£SS (ASOIENT APf'UR~.vaS. lKESE APPURTENANCES A/oID NoIdNTENANCE RESPON98IUTES Na..UOt: l1iE REPoUR IHJ I,V,INTDIANCE Of THE PRlv ... rr "'CCESS ROAD, OfUINAGE ~1PEs. AND STORIoI WATEA QUALITY NIt)/CWI. DfTDfllCtl F.lCIl..Ifl'ES YIIlHIN TlflS EASEWENT. PRlVAlE SlGN"()[, ...... 0 OTHER INFlIU,SlRUClVRE NOT O~ BY l1iE orr FlOnON OR OTHER uruTY f>fI~ t,I"'~lENAHCE COSTS SHAlL BE SHAAED Eo.JALLT. PARKING ON THE PAw.<: IN THE ACCESS EASEWrNT IS PRCHSIl'ED. UNl£SS PA'oUIIENT IiIIOTH IS GR[ATEfI Ttl ..... 70 F'EET. DECLARA TION OF COVENANT TliE 0-.0 OF" Tl£ lNoO OI9RACED .. THIN TH4S SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENUlTS TO ACCR\.I£ /1iION THIS SUBOIIIISHlN. BY SIGNING IiEREOtI CO\o£NANTS NIl! AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENUlOAl. INlER£ST IN l'rlE N£W E.o.5'E.IIOITS SMO __ ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY ANIl AlL F\JTiJR[ PUROiA5ERS 01' THE LOTS. OR OF" AHY SlJ!lD!VlSlON THEJ![Of. THE cmm.4NT SHolLl. '!UN "TH THE ~o AS SH~ ON TliIS SHORT PLlT. (OlY 01' RrnTON 1!111) flID 1/2-BRAS'S PLUG W/PUNCti IN CONC IjCl-! ~ C"SE ~1,2:i' 5/26/04 TBIoI "C"-TOP Otr Ijl)'ol EtEV_IO~.7J· ~ -----------' (an Of' It[NTi)'oI 2G9) f1(0 1/2" 91'1"55 F'lUC W/PUNOi 1101.-~;: IN CASE _____ NW 6TH STREET \ "~~,, ~ S/lIS'55'10"E U~,91'(1oI? ~ ------.-A , . C~'_ , ' _ 1_ 1 i RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF _~l_l/4 of _~'!:I_l/4, s._Q.L C£:LN, R.,9,;LE .. W.M. NORTII CRlTICAJ.. stCK ',0115 oq. It 0.09 00'"" si5.-;:fi~~-. 9~'~'­ (' LOT 3 \\ --- •• "'", <: ~~ ~ --" ..... ---,., .. -" "'"<,,, .•.••• ;~ ~'b.'-'r "'1"~ -!l11. ---r (an' Of' RENTI)'oI ~J)----~ -.J --I ,--...._--..L ,-4;--.:;: .... '!I .• 'J:~tJ/~· ~ _ftt.J"e't-,..lj 1 85110.., n :: -12'::'::::.::;: ~ct: '~7 .... -.-=:.--::----. \ "otI'.JC U~ITY EAS[~" O>('c 'Q ~W<-ll9l)t,,. • -0. \. ('" f~ -FNO 1/2" EI'!"55 PI.lIG W/PUNOoI ~ ------CONC lola. IN CASE ------OO'IIN 0.7' I/. an' Otr R[t;TON lG!N A/z-.... ~\~ FCIIJN:) CASE 101<»1 _til 2" BRASS IN ," COiC POSl 5/26/04 r • Z ~\. °1 .~ .. ~I an' Of RENltI'I ,_ FOOHO CASE liON ~TII REBAII " CN>. 00""" 1.70' ',.,./0< -4TnST BASIS OF BEARINGS On' OF RENTON SIJR~Y COttTROt. NET'IIOfII( 1l0000ZONT .... OATI)Ij_NOIITII AIjERICAN O"lVIoi 19113/1!Nl IjETERS (N.o CONVERTED TO US FEET an Otr ~TON SUR'>€Y CONTROL PONT lM9 2 INOI BRASS [lISC IN 4 IN ~ 4 IN CONCRETE POOl 'MTII PUNcti IjAll!(. IN IjOljUIoIEH1 CASE .toT tilE INTERSECTION Otr UNO ... ~ N'/r ~ 1"YlOR PI. NW 1oI_~9~l!4lN E-395351L ..... 7101 an Of RENTON SI.JR'\'£Y CONTROL POtH 18De FOONO 1 INOI RUlAII _til CN> 00.,.". 1.7' IN ... 10 INOi 1j(HJl,l[t;r c.o..SE .toT TJo£ INTERSEC110N Of T"''rlOR ... ~ NW. T ... YLOR PI. NW AoNO NW 4T11 STREET. N_55212.1OJ E·J95512.B03lol 0.... BY D.C.F. CH<D. BY J.W.8. 5/28/04 LEGEND .dt.. FOUND OlY Otr RENTON IoI(l1jUIooIOIT V "-S NOTED TRlAO AssoaArES REBAR " CN> o LS I~OI PEl! lCPOQllN>1l1C SURVEY SEE NOrE AT RIGHT ~ ~ • ~ ~ -.....;!.l',.~, b / ...... ,::-..:..::i"'o., ,// -.... ............. ' '-, LOT 7 24.812 ..,. ft. 0.5100'"" ~\ \ (~'&~~"" ~ ~\, SHOMj IIIITII "0' I<EREON OENOtES 1/2" R£!IAA NIlJ CN> LS 11S6t11 PEl! TOPQGIIAmC SUR\o£Y PRO..utI BY TRI"-O "SSOO"lES. OLD UME UNOOI / , SEPAA"'lE t.Ll suBlotlnALJ _ lIyPf) ---__ I o _~-etllT -.-=:.---.:::---'-:=-~ y ---\ \ ~~£-..;;: TI r \ , -~li"'""= I 1 -- II I Z LOT 4 E ... SfM£NT ...... ~542 Iq. ft. ,/ /' ,0.13 oereI ;' , '<i-...... "" ----~ , '-. \ ----.,{~ ' ...... ',,- " ' , LOT 6 11.115 oq. fl. 0.26 Octll " , LOT 5 11.3~1 oq. ft. 0,4(100'"" , \ \ EASEWENT (REAR IIUIlDNC \ ........ GEOTECHNIC"l. ENGN([R) . / \ //"'. -1--// /// C / / ",/ ,// '"e' /// - '1"1 , rPROP05£D wrTl.ANO BUF'f"El'! _ ...L _(U~ SEPERA~ ~TlON) CRi TiCAL 'fiITlCALSLOf'E \ ~ SETBACKS TO lIE DElER',UNEO BY, ~ 1..i7 ...... _ _;1 \ ':> cr2-WJ ...... §~1 --C"": . , GRAPHIC SCALE EASEMENT : AREA ":~ 511,20' ~11t '" I I I , :e-- JJ,U'" 52-e.' Nae'~ ""~. A ' , C' , " -----' ~ _..1 'i -'1'_"" '~ PRQPOSEO NEW UNE lII'<1)Eft SEPAII"TE u..o, .... n~ IlULDING • .toS1'N"l.T ,,,-----r. 'IE "-NO O~ANG \..-elllG. ENCIIOAOi ...s SHO'IIN ~A!iPt<.lLT ( 1M rn:r ) 1 Incb • 30 n. , .. ---,,--' --/-,--"-- ~ , j I , ! I ! I I I , DRAINAGE PlAN I rr 'il '~m; i Ii Ii II !i: 11'lj ,j ,a ~I ~ , 0 ~ ,;:i s~ Ii! :D ! I! ~f '" ~ r p , i " a~ i5 EI~III Q<'>Q,j~ jIII~ 1>" m ~~ji~'1 ~ <;I,. "'~ .. ~!n I i~ ~! .... ~:; :"1 ! : nl • • • • ! i' ; · ~~ · " , H! • , , Iii ! l ~, ". 0"""" 6TH STREET SHOAT PlAT " " r---I-I~ ~-_ .. (n'Ol5'~"£ :', \. \ \ . l ' ; 1 ,'01_<0'1 --:-~' -"-' ii, ' \ ' ", " / I: I \ • \ "' ',/ \ ",f§\: \' ! ',r; \. ,I \ I / ' ',II \ I' \\ '\ \ _ell I . f4/Ii', I! \. /..: \ 1,'1 / I I ! /, /: / / /;' ! i '" ,./ I~ I Ii / / / J! " / ',11' ' ;/ / '/ . ~ i f" k ! { ("II " , , Ii r . '/ i ./ I, ,/ I' I ; : II; ; / I I I f I I I / I, ;, / I f i 1/ ! ,I / -j ,f., I ; 1~l-,j"-: ! ,I, I ,1 -j I "/ /. ,.-,,-,.T''!, /. j I !, I, 'C,II" '/ I I I /'1""'1,/,/' ( .I I A 'I i I /i ! 'I': 1,1/ I I !, I I'/--, I I. I ,I ... _J.,-r- I I I _ + --r' 1/ " 1--7-1 I I (--- I ' \' I I I / I '" , ',,1(' 'i.' \ I 1- ; / ./ . / / I ,/ ./ I I /' " / / ' 1'1,,' \, '\ , \ \ ",' I' I . --' ',' . ~. "} ~ '7 ~,~ ~. , • V .. ~b, < :~:.~.2_ .. ~- c - 6TH snEET SHOAT ' PLAT UTILITY PLAN .-.'-- Renton, WllBtWlgton OWNEf> !lUte 201 I ! i i I I LAND ClEARING PLAN 6TH Sl'FIEET SHOAT PLAT l' " • 'Ir " OWNEl> /0 /' !' 1, ,/" / --.... / ~ i "1 2 ~O) "'--I g~I ~~ ~:lJ .' :...m ~~m ~ --I ", § ~ (IJ , ~iI . 0 iL :lJ ~ '" --I ~ ~ ""U 2~r ~:l> !'1--1 ~ i iii ~ r U il • ... ~ ,. nl '" o ~ en ~ o z: 1_~.:::"~I:'i~ ~ el~ ~!; z -~2-~C---n' / PRIVATE ROAD PLAN + PROFiLE 6TH STlEET SHORT PLAT ~ I i ~ ":,' 2 ,'i',Ji • :'.~~~~, 4 ! ~ " ~~ ~::IJ 'm a ~m '1'-1 '"(f) '~~I 110 ;~ ~\J ~r \1!» . A-';,">):' i-< / ~ ml:! ~(O~ ~ 0WhEI> ..DA GrCJt4l LLC Mr. Jaclc AtIadeff 201 ~:Eigi~l§! 1!2 -c ~:~;ilii~ !; ~'!"'i'9 '1'1' m ,I .. '~i~ ~ 'I'! I ' , II )( II , " '" '" : : : I 1\ 'I" :' I I 1\: '_ ,\ f;: · ,R ~;~-',-=,"7 ' " " ; I \ I \ \ ',\ \ , I,' , , :--ii' \ '., \ I' " j, ,\ \ \ \ . \ / I \ I j I ' : \ I '/ ,1'" I \ " I i II II I i' f.' I (i ( 1/11 COVER SHEET 61H STREET SHOAT PlAT WA COVER SHEET 0 . ~ I. ;! il " '~ OWNERo JDA Group LLC Mr. Jack. AtJadef1 0 c ~O> ~~ §~I \1 ~ (J) ill ~ ;!i ~ :::0 ~Im . m ~ ~ ~ ~ (J) ~I iO " :::0 !i~ § "1J o~ r z~ » ~~ ~ r ~ 201 I I t I I I i FLOOR PLANS ',I .. ~ Il_~~: Id-I --- LPP::'< FL'<. PLAN ~AIS F~'<. Pl~ --- -=- r-------· I I bf .ifJk= __ --= =:---- "t-j I II/ i ">dj:='l':':u-- BAS[;]::,EI\ i f'l «. PLAr\ --.>Ir-----------------------------=",<:,( ;::.-:::'1-\T,O' -i.=ll.:l+-5fLk---~ c-- --- REAR ELEVATIoN 50::;J;L;:'/AiICN --I _I _ __I ""Jf----,,---'" ---~II m HI Ell 1lIe11l1 l!lt!D e:..- ~ -------+---=-=---~--~ Sp= EL::VA,T,C"l i I ELEVATIONS oM ',,':.......: PRELIMINARY.NOTFORCONSTRUCTlmJ i -" ,. --<-------- a~~~-:=:;::' f-f-W <l: W ...J 0:: a. f-f- r/) c:: I 0 f-I <0 r/) ~­"'-« ~I '-.~I~~_I FLOOR PLANS ELEVATIONS A1 18C1TY OF RENTON 1 ~ BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT ~ LUA- ! N CERTIFICATION KNOW BY ALL P£OPL£ THESE PRESUfI'S THAr '/IE THE: UNOERSIGNEO O'M'IERS CF INTER£ST ON me: LA"" IIrRElN DESCRIBED, 00 HEREBY !,IAI(E " BOONDAAY UN( A()..IJSTWENT THERErOllE P\JRsu ...... r TO RCW M.17.Q.40 ,,"0 OCQ.ARE THIS AO.lJSn..ENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REP!!ESDlTAllON OF THE SAME ...... 0 THAT SAID MlJJSTloIENT IS MADE 'll\TH lltE Fl'lEE COiSENT .o.NJ ,,.. ACCCf!DANC( WITH lHE OCSiRE OF lliE O~ffiS. IN .THESS 'f\\.IEREOF 'lIE S[T OOR llANOS NfO SEAlS N"IoIE "~, "-"~, SlATE or ) ,,, COONTY OF } I C£Rlln' rn"'T I KNOW 011 fl1<YI: SATlSl'ACT()IIT E~OENCE nv,T SlC/oIEO THIS DEDIC"'T1ON AND ACKNO'll\.EOGEO IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND "'(tJ..INT""Y ACT n~ THE USES AND ~POSES WENllONED IN THE INSlRIJIoIENT. ~~~~,;o"~,-----------------­ ~~~ =c or;-------------- NOTARY P\JBUC m __ _ NY .oPPQlNNENT OJ'IRES ________ _ STATE OF ) ,,, """~ ~ ----c-cc---, I C£RllFr TriAl I I(toI()w 011 HAVE SAnsrACTORY E'oIOENCE THAT SIGNED THIS D'EDICATlQN »10 ON OATH STHEO mAT (HE(SHE) '/lAS .f,IJTHOR!ZED TO EX£OJTE THE NS1R\JIoIOH AND .o.c~NO'llH'CED IT AS THE TO BE f1.£ rR£E AND ';'a.UNT~'.~"'"~"ru,",,~,""~,",~,",~"''''''''~c'''"'''~o PURPOS£S MENl10NED IN lI1E INSTRU<oIENT ~~~~,,","~o-----------------­ ~~"iii> ~!~C "";-------------- NOTARY pueuc _____________ _ ''''----------- II.,. .f'f>CINTJojENT ElCPlRES _____ __ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE FlLEO FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF .. " 20 .. AT. ~IN800K OF ........ AT PAGE ........ AT THE REOOEST OF ................................. . SUR\fEYOR·S NAME MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: RECORDING NO. I VOL./PAGE CITY Of RENTON DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS E:ocAWINED Nf(l APP!!OW THS ___ DAY 01' 20 __ _ PORTION OF ~"'''''' _~~_1/4 of _~'!!_1/4, s._Q.I_ T,_?·LN .• R . .9~_E .• W,M, ElCiUllNED MIJ ""PROVED nHS ___ OAr (F 10 __ _ AOI,I""STIiI.TOR ORIGINAL LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL A:. THE SOOTHERLY 100 fEET (F LOT 7. 11.00( J. PARCEL B· .LL 01' LOT B. Bl.()O( J. TOGETHER ~TH TH.T PORTION 01' SO-ITH 12DTH STlilEET "£1U~G ON THE SOOTH AS .... CATro PER On' or RENTON ~N"'NCE NO. 49~~. REC. NO. 20020.w2002Joo. o\U. IN "MJODY GLEN 0t.001ION. "'CCOROING TO THE PlAT THER£Of" RECORDED IN VQUIIIE 47 01' PU,TS. P ... G£S 91 ... ~ n. RECO!!OS Of" lONG COIJNn', W"'SHINGTON. OWNER ,(I. GROOP 9~ SOOTH TcaN STlilEET. SUITE 201 RENTON, W. \I!IO~~ ~T"'CT, JAO< A~A,[)IJT CIVIL ENGINEER A.HBL EN()1NUFIS. PLA.NNERS. '" SliR'"£YORS 2215 NCflTH .l(I~ STREET, SUITE JOO TA.CQI,I .... W ... l180WJ 25l-JaJ-~72 ~T"'CT: lII ... n WEBrR. PE ZONING E~STING ZONING SURVEYOR TOPOGR~Y 1lI1AD "'SSOO"'TES 11814 l1~TH ... \£HUE NE KIRIQANO. W'" 980J~ 425-114-48 OEPU TY ... SSESSOR A.CCOUNT NVN9ER , ) S IIIIH Sf REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS r- ,-, PARCEl. A:. THE SO-ITHERLY 100 FEET or LOT 7, Bloo( 3 TOOETHER ~TH LOT 8, HC£PT THE S()1JlHER\.Y 102.80 rEEl" floIEREOF". .. """ ALL IN WOODY GLEN "'OO1TlON •• CCORDING TO THE PLAT mEREOF" RECCIIDED IN ...:l.UWE 47 01' pu,rs. P.o.G(S 91 A.NtI n. RECORDS or NING COUNTY. WASIlINGTCIN. PAAC[L B: me: SOUlHER\.Y 102.80 FUT OF" LOT a. BLoo( J. lOOEll-£R ¥11TH THA.T PORTION (F SOUTH 126TH STREET .t.8UTlI'IG CIN THE SOUTH .S ...... C ... TEO pER On' OF" REtHON ~N.t.Na: NO. 49~~. AEC. NO. 2OO=OO2J~. ALL IN WOODY GUN -"OOIlION •• CCOROING TO THE ?u.T THUlEor RECOF!OElI IN YOLUME 47 or PlATS. P ... c;rs 91 .o.N;l 92, RECORDS 01' NING COONn', W"-SHINCTCIN. PARCEL AREAS OF!1G1N .... P"'Ra:LS PARCEL ... 12.480 S.F. PARCEl. B D7.~J S.F. REIilSED PAAca5 PAACEL ... ~.~51 S.F. PAACEL B 20.012 S.r. ..1 COIH"'Cf: IIIIC~ III.~ESON, PE SIiORT PLA.T· .IoH8l. INC. COT ... CT, JOHN BECI(ER. PLS LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS BOUND ... RY LINE "'OJUSTt.lENT CORRECTLY REJ'>RES£NTS ... SURVEY "'ADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORM ... NCE 'MTH THE REQUIREMENTS Of THE APPROP~~O~AS:ATE AND ~'~.~Y2g~TE AND m"2:T)U)O") , c:::r:~;~ATE NO. .\~LD.1C. I &::.~~ (~l:?~~;'~\ 1 :\ ~~ 1 ~~""~', 1-"~~ IONA 'i> ~--.....•. mmmlJ TACOMA SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street. SUIe 300. Tacoma. WA 984ro 316 OccidllnlalAI'8OOf) Sootn, Surte 320. SeaI!Ie. WAgell)o1 ~'- _If~ '---.- ~--- 25,J,38J 2422 m 200,267,2425 m ~ ~ I~ ~\ -'-""'- t "'""" It IIIUHICIP .... !. .o\IRPCflT ~ ~, ;t; :J::i VICINITY MAP 6TH STREET BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT lo .... DY D.C.F. I CHI<O. 8Y --.l J.W.8. I'" j~~ 11/01/04 . 20.3615.50 I~~ I~' 1"=30' 1 00" '2 1 I ! I • !I~! I I-_~ l w Il:lP I w => . : i l'I " w a II x III ;1 1 .. ~ hllhaml! I ~ ~ ~ " " 0 rr 0 < Q ; :i .It .. \ !. .. 11; ; I ' i • , , ~ , ~ 1 , , \ '" '" '" > j. w > ~ iii ~ ~ j ~ J U I I '~'II l', ':. ; . , '). ~.: . -1 ". I S,1) ,\ ii r I :! l oI" ,0, , , 0_ '1(': ! ~ ,; + i N ~1)CT\.\ ~~E:r ~~l2\ 'M ~~~~O~ - · , ~ Zz ~ ~o 0..!Z !Z~ ...- wu. = ~o >-0..>-0 gt: z: wO AaOOM 08tiJga tu 0 \ ltL08L01iL \ Jam Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5960™ Jda Group Lie & 123 Rainier Ave S Renton, WA 98055 Morel First Family Limited Partnership 214 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Tommie Madlock 305 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Carl Burns 213 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Jeffrey & Elizabeth Munger-scharff 516 Taylor PI NW Renton, W A 98055 215 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 Rolland & Deloris Dewing 210 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 .u0965 ®AU3J\V @ -- Eduardo & Miriam Ballesteros 304 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Flatten 210 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Gregory Erickson & Melody Sauls 301 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Kelly Swanson 209 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Ronnie Mcdonald 216 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 Shurondia Otis 211 NW 5th St Renton, W A 98055 A1I3111f-09-008-~ wo)'Ala"e'MMM -- Henry Ellingson 300 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Philip & Deborah Gerisilo 206 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Andrew & Deborah Nazzal 217 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Francine Sweeney 205 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Than Lee & Thu-huong Phan 304 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 Sue Gregg 207 NW 5th St Renton, W A 98055 .,,0965 31'o'ldll\l31 ®AlaJl''I 3Sn 6u!IU!Jd aaJ~ wer Jam Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5960'M Jda Group Lie & 95 S Tobin St #201 Renton, WA 98055 Morel First Family Limited Partnership PO Box 5399 Kent, W A 98064 Jda Group Lie & 95 S Tobin St #201 Renton, W A 98055 Andrew & Deborah Nazzal 217NW6thSt Renton, W A 98055 Francine Sweeney 205 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Jeffrey & Elizabeth Munger-scharff 516 Taylor PI NW Renton, WA 98055 Funnan & Violet Carter 450 Taylor PI NW Renton, WA 98055 Sue Gregg 207 NW 5th St Renton, W A 98055 .u096S ®AHMV ~ -www.avery.comi1.\ceJ L,);;; c. @ AVERY® 5960'M 1-800-GO-AVERY ~~ - Eduardo & Miriam Ballesteros 304 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Flatten 210 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Tommie Madlock 305 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Carl Burns 213 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Jda Group Lie & I D Kline Corp 11661 SE 1st St #203 Bellevue, W A 98005 Ronnie Mcdonald 216 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 215 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 Rolland & Deloris Dewing 210 NW 5th St Renton, W A 98055 AII3I1'o'-O!)-008-~ WO)"AlaAe"MMM -- Henry Ellingson 300 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Philip & Deborah Gerisilo 31117 E Lake Morton Dr SE Kent, W A 98042 Gregory Erickson & Melody Sauls 301 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Kelly Swanson 209 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Jda Group Lie & 95 S Tobin St #20 I Renton, W A 98055 Than Lee & Thu-huong Phan 3927 S Pearl St Seattle, W A 98118 Shurondia Otis 108 Wells Ave S Renton, WA 98055 .u096S 3lIf1dll'HJ. ®AlaA'o' asn 6u!~U!Jd aaJ~ wer r Jam Free Printing Use Avery® TEMPLATE 5960™ Jda Group Llc & 123 Rainier Ave S Renton, W A 98055 Morel First Family Limited Partnership 214 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Tommie Madlock 305 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Carl Bums 213 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Jeffrey & Elizabeth Munger-scharff 516 Taylor PI NW Renton, W A 98055 215 NW 5th St Renton, W A 98055 Rolland & Deloris Dewing 210 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 ,,"0965 ®AU3AV ~ --www.avery.com 1-800-GO-AVERY Eduardo & Miriam Ballesteros 304 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Flatten 210 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Gregory Erickson & Melody Sauls 301 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Kelly Swanson 209 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Ronnie Mcdonald 216 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 Shurondia Otis 211 NW5thSt Renton, WA 98055 A1I3/\ ""09'008-~ WOYAlaAe"MMM -- @ AVERY® 5960™ Henry Ellingson 300 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Philip & Deborah Gerisilo 206 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Andrew & Deborah Nazzal 217 NW 6th St Renton, W A 98055 Francine Sweeney 205 NW 6th St Renton, WA 98055 Than Lee & Thu-huong Phan 304 NW 5th St Renton, WA 98055 Sue Gregg 207 NW 5th St Renton, W A 98055 ",0965 3l1fldll\l31 ®J.JaAV asn 6U!IU!Jd aaJ~ wer " 6TH STREET BOUNDARY elY CITY OF RENTON ~ BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT ~ LUA- (cnr 01' RENTON 1~) mo 1/2" BR.a.sSc:;:;~G ~N~~ 00'M'I1.2!> ~/28/04 N 'IBM "C"-TOP 01' ~ ELEV_l05,7~' ~N-W 6TH ST~EET (OTY or RENTON 2119) ~o 1/2" BRASS PLUG W!pU"IOj 1"1_ ~;;~ IN CASE ____ -----SlIII'li~'10"E 2e~_9!, ( .. LINE ADJUSTMENT \ ~ - .-A "..L ('~¥ ~ ~ "------~6'04'~94"'(P? & ~~~' V -~'" j~'y.--... f~Gb·--t "'1'·~.'''''' ~ --~11 "" ------Y _ :::ci',r,.'::~ ~~J """"'" -~ 10'W-'lLkWA.;~~,,,,_ _ ______ _ I~. tl o~ 8~"' d£lt~ --0. -\'? (' ~~~~) --~c IoION IN C.o.S£ ~ ---OO'lm 0.7' rot~ -"'DOi~ S71!.Js •••• , TO 8£ \'A.~1to " 180.JI· ~ "-j.:. ;. 01' Fl[NTON 18W 1li -;,t:;.-~~ND CASE ~?" a:c POST 2" 8!lASS IN !i/U/04 r ~ Z ~~. °1 ~~i ~I ory 01' RENTON 1898 FOUNO CASE IoION YUH REBiI.R a c;.o.p. DO'M-I 1.70' .5/26/04 NW 4TH ST BASIS OF BEARINGS eHY OF RENTON 50111/[Y CONTlIOl NET'iI'ORK HOR:IZCf'lTAL O.o.rvl,hoNOR1li .o.wERIC,t.N OARI'" 1983/1991 IoI(1't:RS (N.oJ) 113/91). CON-.mrro TO us rEEl CITY Of RENTON Sl.IR'¥t:Y Wlmct. P().NT 1899 2 INCH BRASS a-sc IN 4 IN ~ 4 IN CONCIIETE POST .11-1 PlJNCH M.o.R~. IN IoIONUIoiENT CASE AT THE INTERSEcnCN 01' LlNO A\IE NYI' AND T"''II.~ Pl NYI' N_~49!i,&t9lol E_J95J!III.447101 OTY or IIDHON SUflVEY CCf'jTRa. POINT 181M! FOIJHO 1 INCH RmAR 'MTH CAP oo~ 1.7' IN ~ 10 INCH IIONU"ENT c.o..sE H THE IHl'ERSECTlON OF T~'Il.OfI A\o£ Nil'. TA'Il.OR PL Nil' AND Nil' 4TH STR£!T. N .. ~212.IOJ E .. J9~12.66:l/,j O~. BY D.C.F. CH~O. BY J.W.8. RECORDING NO. !i/2&/04 ~ ~ LEGEND .dilL FOUND OlY OF RENTON .. ONU .. ENT V AS NOTED o IllIAO ASSOClAl'ES REBNI a: CAP LS T5eDI PEN TOPOGIIAPHIC SUR\O£Y SEE NOT'( AT RlQH YOl./I'AGE o ~ ~~ ~ .. ~. SURVEYOR'S NOTE, .... ( AlL EJ(TERlOR CORNERS SI'~ Sl'O ..... WITH '0· HER£ON CENOTES 1/2" REBAR ANO CJJ>. lS t1S661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PR()Y()(ll BY TRIAD ASSOOAl'ES '. ~ '" § ~ OlD P.t.RCO. A 12.480 oq. It. 029 ocr •• r-, -0 , , \ \ ~\% $.\~ "-\ \ \ \ PARCEL A 956480-0106-05 '-, '- NElli PNlca A ~9.9~1 oq. 11.. l.lI! ocr •• -- rPRQPOS[O YlETl.o.t.o B\.JfFER 1 (UNO~EPEPA~PLlCATlON) ~. J; ,.... '\ CRITICAL SLOPE AREA --~---\:------~-~ OlDP.t.RCO.B I 61."43 oq. n. , f--,- ~\ .. \ \ GRAPHIC SCALE ~ . " ~. ~ .. I '" , -- (UIPUT) linch .. 30 tt. "- ~.'i ~~ ~ '. e "-"-"- I.~acr .. "-\ llCAl SlOPE I "". , NEW lOT UNE , I I I I , :\I\!BlDG. ~ c N8I!'46'~'E 190.48' \ ---r--: A;·L,," =~~ e~ PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 ~III PARCEl e 20.012 tq. II. 0.41\ ocr .. 158.15' NSI!'4I\'50"E ~/ll' REBAR WI'· CAP. l1'IIAD. NU"ERQJS lS ;S \: ~" S. 126TH STREET _ ___ _ ~Si 28.9G' roI --------S8II'4I\'5(I"'II (VACATED) NlEA VAGAlEO PER OROINANCE NO. ,g~. REC. NO. 20020402002350 POBUC UTlUlY EAS("ENT RETAItlED S._Q? __ T._£..3 __ N., R . .2~_E.,W.M. ., i.,' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 956480-0070, -0170 AMENDMENT Project File #: LUA-04-139-8IIPL Street Intersection or Project Name: SIXTII STREET SHORT PLAT Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): IJDA Group, LLC I. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Additional legal is on page __ of document. (Abbrt!Viated legal description MUST go here.) ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUIlJECT PROPERTY: A portion of the SW quarter of Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington WHEREAS JDA Group, LLC is the owner of lands subject to an easement granted to the City of Renton, said easement being recorded under King County Rec. No. 8404090614, dated February 21, 1984; and WHEREAS the parties are desirous of amending said easement; NOW THEREFORE, Grantor does hereby amend said easement to read as follows: ... \ rA-f-. .,... _ .... , , 42-5-6(.:; 7-/ 1f,?J5 I ::r;;~J<- , L\ ?-S -~ <=t I -\00 d-i I ~'~I ..,.. I ... _._ J ~ ~ \ \ ,,' I I~ t CZa;7-eXi9'5 I , Easement Amendment.doc\ Page 1 July 18,2007 • • The Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, amend and supercede the terms and extent of said existing easement and warrants unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, this easement amendment for puQ)ic utilities (including water, wastewater, and surfuce water) with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the that portion of property (right-of-way» within the City of Renton, King County, Washington, more particularly described in Exhibit A. For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. Said easement is subject to the following tenns and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and nny private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however, have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be phlced within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop. landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig. tunnel or perform other fonns of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this amendment. By this instrument, Grantor will warrant and defend the easement amendment hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whom~ver. lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This amendment shall bind the heirs, executors. administrators and assigns forever. All modifications contained herein shall take effect immediately. and Grantee's exercise of any of the rights contained herein shall be deemed an acceptance of the terms, provisions and conditions of said easement and this amendment. See "EXHIBIT B" for a map exhibit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said Grantor has caused thisinstrum--obe e~c-;;i;;dthisftday of J;:;I:( 2007 Ll c. Easement Amendment-doc\ Page 2 July 18.2007 ,. . i • Notary SeaJ must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Easement Amendment.doc\ • INDIVIDUAL FORM OFACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) Form 84 OOOllbh I certifY that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _________ _ --;----:---:---;.,----:-:.,-,c---:---,--.,-------;--c---signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print)---:-_-:-___________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING) -t:" _ L '1'\ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _--,ClO'5-"",--,,--=~==--_=-I.I--,,,- +----''--I'-<-''''''''''¥1b-1.._---:-----,-;-.,-----signed this instrument, on oath as/were authOri~cu~e instrument and to b the free and voluntary act of such ntianed in the instrument. CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of ______ • 19---------> before me personally appeared :--____________________ -,-__ to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument. and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on (lath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) __ -:-___________ _ My appointment expires: _____________ _ Dated: Page 3 July 18,2007 • EXHIBIT A EASEMENT DESCRIPTION • AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5.00 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECTIONNW 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED BY CITY OF RENTON VACATION ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, AND RECORDED MAY 30, 2007 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609. ALSO TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTHERLY 10.00 FEET OF BLOCK 5, SAID WOODY GLEN ADDITION. ALSO TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED PLA TIED W ALKW A Y CONNECTION NW 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED BY CITY OF RENTON VACATION ORDINANCE NUMBER 5273, AND RECORDED MAY 30, 2007 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000608. SITUATE IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. • • EXHIBIT B LOT 7, BLOCK 2 WOODY GLEN ADDITION g NE COR., S. 100.00' LOT 7, BLOCK 2 BLOCK 5 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 1J ~ ~ ~ __ -..!N.!2W~6TH STREET --:... _---_ t ~ (0 S. LINE, LOT-:':-7~ffl~-~.:::J~ -~ /' ~ "1:% :.>-BLOCK, 2 0 Z----/' I~~~l& ~ ~01-G(~1-10' WALKWAY, VACAlED 10' WALKWAY, VACAlED 1-..J REC. NO. 20070530000609 REC. NO. 20070530000608 SCALE: 1"=100' LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION A PORllON OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECllON 07, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., aTY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. AHBL, INC. 2215 NORTH 30TH STREET, SUllE 300 TACOMA, WA 98403 253-383-2422 JOB NO. 203615.50 UllLlllES EASEMENT • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGlBillLDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: August 15,2007 TO: Bonnie Walton, City Clerk's Office FROM: Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 SUBJECT: SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139-SHPL Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced original mylars and three paper copies of the mylar for recording with King County. Also, attached is one original document to be recorded along with the short plat mylar. The recording instructions in order are as follows: I. Record the short plat mylar. 2. Record the Utilities Easement Amendment; 3. Request King County to write the recording number of the document in the spaces provided on the short plat mylar. 4. Request King County to return one of the executed mylars to us for our records and also, the related document. Please have the Courier take these documents via 4-hour service. A check in the amount of $17.97 made out to Velocity Express is attached. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and an subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #000000.007.5590.0060.49.000014. Please can me if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Kayren Kittrick (Notice of Recording) Jan Conklin (Please provide PID/recording #'5 to Sonja, Carrie. and Patrick) Patrick (Notice to final short plat on Permits Plus) Carrie Olson (Provide any unpaid SOC/SAD fees to Jan for posting to parcels on Permits Plus) Yellow File \\I:lPlanReviewlCOLSONlShonplats 2007l6\h SI SHPL 09m CIerl<Reeord.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECI': • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 15,2007 Neil Watts, Development Services Director Carrie K. Olson, Plan Review x7235 SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139-SHPL Technical Services and Development Services have reviewed and recommended approval for the above-mentioned short plat. Requirements and conditions have been fulfilled, fees paid. Two original mylars are attached and are submitted for your review and signature. Please return mylars to me for recording. Thank you. cc: Yellow File \\I:\PlanReviewICOLSON'Shortplats 2007\6th Sl SHPL 08m ZimSign.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 31, 2007· Mike Dotson, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review cO SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139-SHPL Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Attachment included: • Letter of Compliance • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Atcel!t~ R.lat~ NA i. Prolect#s Comments i. As-Builts ./ Cost Data Inventory ,/ Bill orSalc ../ Easements r7IF.f .'+."'14. E,.." • ,. ~ -j.. (J un M.l .... If-r-(Water, Sewer, Utilities. ./ • <-..v. Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Square Footage: i. Restrictive Covenants i. Note on mylar for Trees Maintenance Bond .; Release Permit Bond Comments: Approval: ~ 1\ ~~J; Ka e ittrick ,,/ • ,~A-ll'\ /J t7£L1C:..!:::'"'-----__ , Date: 7&hl..Jz7t)?-~ 77 i Cc; Yellow File , , , DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 11,2007 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services .>. n Carrie Olson, Plan Review x7235 V SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Short Plat Certificate • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. "-lor=: : ~OVA.L I~ 8Ue.J91t:> /HE A,1TACI-\E1:) M5HO . "THE: AHE:I..l'1:lEt::J t.rr.L.IT'e:~ EA'bt:.J...1e::I-LT t:>OcUl-1EJ..Jf Ie 5ATI CbF.4.qOAY A"::> ~E~I::....rIEO . APPro~~U RobertFa~ Cc: Y cHow File I:IPlanReview'COlSONlShortplalS 2007161h SI SHPL 04m PR·TS ReviewStart.doc • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PURL I C WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: July 24, 20U7 Carrie Olson . ~ Sonja J. Fesser ~ Sixth Street Short Plat, LUA-04-13Y-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced shon pl:lt submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Remove the "BUILDING SETBACK NOTE" block on Sheet 101' 2. Setbacks arc determined when building permits are issued. Note what was set at the corners along th!.: suutherly lines of Lots 5. () and 7, and at the easterly corner common to Lots 4 and 5. Items 9,10, II and 12 under the 'SCHEDULE 13 EXCEPTIONS" hied (Sheet I of 2) should be removed, as they do not directly impact the subdivision. The "LUA" number noted in Item NO.7 under said "SCHEDULE n EXCEPTIONS" is shown as "LUA-04-I08-LLA". The title reporl notes the same nllmber as LUA-04-139- LLA Remove the dimension of 9.85' from Sheet :2 of 2. It has no e1irect i I11pact un the subdivision. The reference to a "NEW 15' PRIV ATE"UTILlTJES EASEkIEi-H"CShcct 2 of 2) should be changed to "NEW 15' PUBLIC UTILITIES EASH'IENT·. Remove the "BUILDING SETBACK NOTE" shown on Shed I of 1. Setbacks are determined when building permits are issued. \H:\File Sys\LND -Lund Subdivision & Surveying Recortl;;\LNU·20 -Stilii'! l)l;\l;;\OY)~\!( V()70724.doc '. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS- MEMORANDUM June 28, 2007 Jennifer Henning, Planning rtrl Carrie Olson, Plan Review LV SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139-SHPL Attached is the LUA folder for the short plat. We are in the final review stage of recording this short plat. If you find any short plat requirements that have not been properly addressed, please let me know. Please return comments and folder to me by Thursday July 5, 2007, so I can proceed to final recording. Thanks. • Short Plat drawings • Demo permit not required. • Also, Sonja, has this comment for you: Is the language included in the "CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT" block correct as shown? Who supplied said language? (Maybe Susan.) Should we keep a sample of said language for future use? Is the Native Growth Protection Easement language not suitable for use in this instance? Please respond here. Cc: Y cHow File l:\PlanReview\COLSON\Shortplats 2007\6th St SHPL 03m Planning RcviewStart.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECf: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM August 10, 2007 Jan Conklin, Development Services Carrie K. Olson, Development ServiceslPlan Review X723SC.O SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139-SHPL A copy of the above mentioned short plat is attached for your information. If you have comments or changes in addressing, please let me know. III:IPlanReviewlCOLSON'Shortplats 2007l61h SI SHPL 06m Jan.doc Printed: 08-15-2007 Payment Made: ~ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-139 08/15/2007 10:43 AM • Receipt Number: Total Payment: 12,155.57 Payee: JDA GROUP LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 5508 12,155.57 Account Balances Amount 3,715.32 3,416.00 5,024.25 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Horne Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 BookletS/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0704274 Printed: 08-15-2007 Payment Made: t1cITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U050112 05/12/200602:11 PM • Receipt Number: Total Payment: 33,884.62 Payee: JDA GROUP LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 5089 33,884.62 Account Balances Amount 3,823.52 929.78 7,119.00 580.11 90.00 13,692.00 632.21 1,705.00 5,313.00 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Util Connect Sewer .00 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 R0602431 Printed: 08-15-2007 Payment Made: ·CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Utility Services Permit RECEIPT Permit#: U050112 07/25/200501 :42 PM • Receipt Number: R0504007 Total Payment: 5,966.00 Payee: 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT· LUA04·139 Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approv1 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check 5047 5,966.00 Account Balances Amount 3,823.90 929.78 580.11 632.21 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 4028 000.343.20.00.0000 Public Works Inspection .00 4033 407.343.90.00.0003 Stormwater Insp Approval .00 4040 426.388.10.00.0020 Spec Uti1 Connect Sewer .00 4042 406.343.90.00.0002 Sewer Inspection Approvl .00 4044 406.322.10.00.0015 Sewer Permit .00 4050 000.322.40.00.0000 Right-of-way Constructn .00 4056 425.388.10.00.0010 Spec Util Connect Water .00 4057 405.343.90.00.0001 Water Inspection Approvl .00 4059 405.388.10.00.0013 Misc. Water Installation .00 4061 407.322.10.00.0020 Storm Water Permits .00 4069 427.388.10.00.0040 Spec Util Connect Stormw .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 • .., cri'V.'RENTON -.", . ". . . . Kathy Kerilker, Mayor August 13,2007 . Mr. David Follansbee, LSIT . . Survey Manager , 'AHBL '. 2215 North 30th St, Suite 300 Tacoma W A 98403-3350 '. Dear Mr. Follansbee: ". Plimiing/BuildinglPublic W ~rks Deparhmint Gregg Zimmerman P,E" Adniinistr~tcir . ": . SixTH STREET SHORT.PLATLUA04,.139-SHPL .' : " The review submittal on the above-mentioned 'shoit piat has beehcompletedand th~ following" . comments have be.en rettirlied: . , ." .' .'. SHORT PLATREVIEW COMMEivTs:. (These items are required to.be cOrilpletedpriono rec~rding, ,.:. of the short plat) . .... '.' .....". ,... .' '~.' ... , ",--, I. Re'u;ove the Note: "Critical Area P~otective Eiuiement" .titie and' langUage' and replace with the' title. "Native Growth ProtectionAre~':Easement" and language on. ,Sheet I of2,See.attachedNGPE,panigiaph,··· .' .... .. . "-.. :' '-.:. ,", ' ." -. -.~ 2, . Remove the language circled on Sheet' 2 of 2 .and replace .with Native Gro\Vth ,.. Protection Ar~~.Ea~emerif. • .'. . ". 0 ' , .. ' ' .. '. ' , . . . '. -.-',- "".:. 3: Clarify Item 3 : ~der Schedule.BExceptions'to reild,"BiIiiding setbackJine~ a~ : delineated on.face ofplatio.bedeterrnined by Geo TechnicaIReport". . : ,.-",,' '". -",". . .. " '. .', .. ' - 4: . Pay the Transp.~rtati()n;Fin: and Park Mitigation Fees in theamount.,of $12, !55.5ifot7 ". lots under LUA06:0 19 made payable to thec:ity 9f ~enton.· TI1ese fees maybe paid ~t ' 'ihe Customer SerncesCoirilter on tIle 6th floorofReriton Cityliall:' ..... " ." . -',... ',-', . -. .. -': . . WbentheaboveiterriS ar,! complete(you may sU!J~ifihe signeda~dnotariZed shortplatrilylar(rin~ · ..original mylar anl,lonecopy( on.mylar) of each sheet) along ~~ ac~eck in tbe' amoimt of $ i7:9T . (turrent courier'fee) made outto Velocity Express; . . . . . ." . , .' . ' .... ' ,-'- . 'Should you rieed,to disc~;saIlY p6rtiim of this letter please c~ntact~e it(4,?5) 430-7235 .. ' •• ' .... I • ,'". , ," ' .' '. • ',' ',' .. , _. "' . · . Sincerely, , ..,. '. ' '. './J' .. '~' "I/nll,,'~i-A:' t;ctN~t;\'r;~r-\ . . ' dmeK: Olson: ....;, .' '.' '", ", '"," • .'Developrilerit SbrVices,i>ia" Re\.qev,; .' .' i .. " .. ' .... '. • ,c.,' . -'-'---'-~'FAXEjjTO,.' AHBL-;53~383_~5723~L~ ... "-' /- .... ; , . . ' -, ""',' . :" '.~ -, . , .. ......• ,.. ." ·C';:1ac~Alhadeff;JDAGroup,LL¢,I~'I<line. C;orp:, 9~Southl'?bil1'Stfeet,RelltOriWA~8055'.·· . ,.. _. -. ,-,"'.':' .. -. "-"-.--.... " '-. -" -:' --" --. -.'" .-,-". ",-" '-', ., . ". -"" . --~ . ;~;'-~~~.-'"".;;-.~"' ... ..... . ..... ~ ••... ~055s~~t?~·~~4~~~~~=n.J:~5~~;"PA'B.E'AP ?F!H~ C~RVE::_ ",-.,' ,',. :;. , ' >RT'PLAT ,. . . LOT 0 9564800007 -CITY Of-RENTON ux A.F.N.· 200607t99OOOO5 .".....3 .... " LOT 7, BLOCK 2". , WOODY Gl£N ADDITION , \ LOT 1 \ 7,857 aq. ft. \ 0.18 acret :iJll!~S:::~.:....' 114-NW 8TH ST. HERS SHOWN DENOTES. . CAP LS 115861 PER YEY PROVIDED BY ---- BLOCK • GlEN ADDlnON no. LOT 7 . GRAPHIC SCALE LOT 2 7,061 aq. ft. 0.16 GcteI 1~ NW 8TH, ST. RECORDING NO. PORllON OF ~1/4 of~1/4. S.~ T.~N .• R.~E .• W. 6.560 8q. ft. 0.115 acru 102 NW 6TH ST. -- LOT 4 5,542 aq. tt. 0.13 ac:ru LOT B CITY OF RENTON Ll.A A.f.N. 2006071990000~ LOT A CITY Of RENTON I..LA A.f.N. 20060719900005 ----- 101 NW 6TH ST. lOT A LOT 5 17,305 aq. It. .. .., ..... 107 NW 8TH ST. 5/ff' REBAR at . LS 13670 CITY Of RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 t\\WI/ll,IIIII/lI~ "16 ti 43.f AREA",ADORESSED IN -ACRmmrr TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY PQNTS' AND -lJNES" RECORDED IN THE ------. --.-.. -•... _ ..........• __ ...... _- • • NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA EASEMENT "The Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) on the Plat identifies the steep slopes. The creation of the Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement area. This interest shall be for the purpose of preserving native vegetation for the control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, visual and aural buffering, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The Native Growth Protection Easement imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of the easement area enforceable on behalf of the public by the City of Renton, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement area. The vegetation within the NGPE may not be cut, pnmed, covered by fill, removed or damaged without express written permission from the City of Renton. The » right of entry granted herein shall apply to the agents, representatives and employees of the owners or subsequent owners of the underlying property." August 14,2007' '. ". . '. David follansbee 2215 North 30th Street. SUite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 SUBJECT: Sixth Street Short PlatpJA04" 139 '. Dear Mr.Follansbee, . This office has review~d your request (datedMay 17, 2007) toextend an approved short plat ... (File No. LUA04" I 39; SHPL}.purstiant to RMC4-7-070M. Specifically, themunicipal code .. ' . allows the original appr6'ving body to isshe a 'singleone (1) year extension: .', . The decision was issuedo~ February. I 0, 2005. Further, you note in your,corre;pondencethat ,the· . ~eqliired itpproveinents are in the process ofbeing;in~talled,Therefore, yourr~quest is reasonable, . ' . , . . .' . . , '. YO\i~houldbeaware this office is empowered to issue oi11y'oiJ.~ such extension. If the fiiialshort .' plat approval is not co~pleted by F~b~lO; 2008 it willexpireandc~otb~ elitended,agam~·.· , " ..... . Theref~re; your short plat extension request isappi'o~ed. The short (JlatwiiIeX(Jireon February 10, 2008. . '. . '. """, ' Pleasefeelfree to con~2t me at (425) 430-7286 should you have any further quesiionsor co~mentsregardiilg this' exteilsi8ll: .' , . ..' . . . '. Sincerel~, .'.'."" .,' •• ~ < -VA~{-f~+Mr~ . , '~~~T~~Henning,AICP . -:, '", .' Current Planning Manager' . '. ' ( .' Kathy Keolkcr; Mayor July 26, 2007 . Mr. David Follansbee, LSrr Survey Manager AHBL 2215 North 30th St, Suite 300 . Tacoma W A 98403-3350 PlanningiBuildingIPublicWorks Department .' . .' Gregg Zimmj,rmanP;E., Adininistrator .' . SUBJECT: SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA()4;.139-SBPL . ,-.' . ~ Dear Mr.·Follansbee: , The. review ~ubmittal on.the aboveCmentio~ed~hort plat has. been completed and the following conlments· . ." haye been returned. Please review these:comments arid make the necessary changes. Once changes have ..... been completed pleaseresubrriitthree c~pies'~fthe short plat dr:iwingsand of any other related documents .. . ." . . " . '-; SlfORT PLA TREVIEWCOMMENTS: " L' Contact Mike Dotson; Pliui Reviewer, 'ar425-430-7304', for requireme~ts to be . complet~d ~n the civil cons!riJction'portion to y~"urproject.·. . , .' .' ,-' -' ---. '~ . A-~Yh..' Remov~ the "BUILDING"SETBACK NO'TE" piock on Sheet 1M2. Setbacks are determin~d ~_ ~ rhen building permits are issued. . . . '.' .. . ~.;-? /. N~ie ~hat was:set at the c?me~s along ;he south~ly lines of Lots 5~ 6 and 7, and ~t the easterly.··::·.· ...•.. • ~y ." '. v . comer common to Lots 4 and 5. '. (4 .. Items 9; 10;11 :md I~und~i the'SCHEDlJLEBE:,(~EPTIONS;;'blO~k (Sheetl of2}shollld . '.' be removed, as they do not directly Impact the subdiVIsion. '. .' .... .' .. '. 0. The "LUN'.number no;edm It~mN~. 7un~ersaid '~SCHEDULEBEXCEP'fIONS:.' issh6.wn. . .••... · .' as "LUA~04~108cLLA". The'title repoit' n6te~ the saine number as LUA-04-139-LLA..· •• ' .. v6:~emovethe.dimenSi0110f9.85' from Sheet 2 of2. It has nO dire~timpacto~the subdivision ... ' · 0'. The reference to a "NEW 15' PRN A TE''UTILITIES EASEMENT;'(Sh~et 20f 2) should be changed to "NEW 15 'PUBLIC UTILITIES EASEMENT". .... . . .... .., . · vi The. amended.utilities ease~entdocument is satisfact~ry as presented. Submit ,m originai, sigIi~d and notarized New IS' PublicUtiiitiesEasement. . . t· .c,'· . ,,'. •... ..; .... '.'. July26,2007 Page2 .. ' ". . '. short plat mylar. , , . " " ~9 Please submit a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Trees document to' be recorded with the , ~., 10. Place a note on the short plat mylar referencing "A Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Trees as ".' ~recorded under King County Recording No. "',' .. Shouldyoli n~edt9 discuss any portion of this letter:please contact meat (425) 430~7235.· ~inser~IY, .' '.:., .' ';"' t, ,',:' ",: '. ':'. :,' . :; , .. '''.~' .;, , ;. ',~ :" :" .. ;' "".' .... ' " ':.J:, .. ' ;." ,.' . -' .. . ' " , '. ,." ' . .- . 'i" .: •• <' ". , ".' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 • • Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT Property Tax Parcel Number: 956480-0070, -0170 AMENDMENT Project File #: LUA-j)4-139-SIIPL Street Intersection or Project Name: SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT Refereuce Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): I.JDA Group, LLC I. City of Renton, a Municipal COI]JOTation Additional legal is on page __ of document (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECf PROPERTY: A portion of the SW quarter of Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington WHEREAS JDA Group, LLC is the owner oflands subject to an easement granted to the City of Renton, said easement being recorded under King County Rec. No. 8404090614, dated February 21, 1984; and WHEREAS the parties are desirous of amending said easement; NOW THEREFORE, Grantor does hereby amend said easement to read as follows: Easement Amendment.doc\ Page I July 18, 2007 • • The Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, amend and supercede the terms and extent of said existing easement and warrants unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, this easement amendment for public utilities (including water, wastewater, and surface water) with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the that portion of propertY (right-of-way» within the City of Renton, King County, Washington, more particularly described in Exhibit A. For the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing. repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incUITing any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initi~1 construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. Said easement is subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work. within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however. have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop, landscape, or beautifY the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. e. Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this amendment. By this instrument, Grantor will warrant and defend the easement amendment hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This amendment shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. All modifications contained herein shall take effect immediately. and Grantee's exercise of any of the rights contained herein shall be deemed an acceptance of the terms, provisions and conditions of said easement and this amendment. See "EXHIBIT B" for a map exhibit. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrum o be executed this 1'Lday of Jv ~ 2007 L( c Easement Arnendment.doc\ Page 2 July 18, 2007 • Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must he within box Notary Seal must be within box Easement Amendment.doc\ INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) • Form 84 000llbh I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ~-___:__;___,_:-_,__~_;___,_:-,-"7"----:-__,,___-signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print)' __ -,----__________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFWASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING) -r:-_ L 1'\ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _-,ClU'5-...L:,-,,,t-----=-=--_Ll=--->l_ +-=>-"\cL:::L~!>!j.~-k--,___--;--c---;---signed this instrument, on oath stated that helsh aslwere authori~'t to fxecut_~e instrument and acknowledged it as the ~ mTtl Of;;~~~~tii'i~~:fj~~; to b the frec and voluntary act of such party/p ntianed in the instrument. CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this ___ day of _____ , 19-, before me personally appeared ___________________ __,---to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seaJ of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), __ -:-___________ _ My appointment expires.: _____________ _ Dated: Page 3 July 18,2007 • EXHIBIT A EASEMENT DESCRIPTION AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • THE SOUTHWESTERLY 5.00 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED PLA TIED W ALKW AY CONNECTION NW 6TH STREET TO RAINIER A VENUE AS VACATED BY CITY OF RENTON VACATION ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, AND RECORDED MAY 30, 2007 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609. ALSO TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTHERLY 10.00 FEET OF BLOCK 5, SAID WOODY GLEN ADDITION. ALSO TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED PLATTED W ALKWA Y CONNECTION NW 6T11 STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED BY CITY OF RENTON VACATION ORDINANCE NUMBER 5273, AND RECORDED MA Y 30, 2007 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000608. SITUATE IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. • • EXHIBIT B I SCALE: ," ='00' LOT 7, BLOCK 2 WOODY GLEN ADOIllON LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDIllON A PORTION OF mE SE 1/4 OF mE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 07, TOWNSHIP 23 NORm, RANGE 05 EAST, W.M., CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. NE COR., S. 100.00' LOT 7, BLOCK 2 BLOCK 5 WOOD Y GLEN ADDIll ON S. UNE -q BLOCK 5 ~./ ./ ./ ./ ___ ..L-~ ./ Z ........-./ <?Q 10' WALKWAY, VA~AlED REC. NO. 20070530000603 AHBL, INC. 2215 NORm 30m STREET, SUllE 300 TACOMA, WA 98403 253-383-2422 JOB NO. 203615.50 Ul1Ul1ES EASEMENT • r' • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: -• • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM July 10, 2007 Mike Dotson Sonja J. FesserJ>~ Sixth Street Short Plat, LUA-04-\39-SHPL Amended Easement Document (Rec. No. 8404090614) Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the property description page, the legal description page and the map exhibit page of the above referenced easement document, and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: Since the above referenced utilities easement document is to be amended, the entire document is needed to ensure that the necessary language for the amendments are included. See the attached Utility Easement Amendment document that we have provided for your use in this endeavor. Said document includes the first three pages of the easement document thaI was not provided in the applicant's submittal. What was "EXHIBIT A", the "Property Description" page, is not needed. The property is adequately described in the "EXHIBIT B "Easement Description". "EXHIBIT B"(now "EXHIBIT A") is the easement description page, which needs to be stamped, signed and dated by the applicant's surveyor. Note the last paragraph in this memo for new stamping requirements. "EXHIBIT COO (now "EXHIBIT B"), is the map exhibit, which needs to have the appropriate indexing information (quarter section, section, township and range, plus W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington) added to the page. Note that said page needs to have a I" margin on all sides. Change the note regarding the public utility easement 'TO BE RELINQUISHED" (Sheet 2 of 2 of the short plat) to AMENDED PER KING COUNTY REC. NO. _____ _ \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Rt."Cords\LND-20 -Short Plals\0398\RV070710.doc July 18,2007 Page 2 • • The reference to 9.85' for the width of the public easement (Sheet 2 of 2 of the short plat submittal) is not necessary. It is assumed that said width is IO feet. Pursuant to the recently revised WAC 196-23-020, the surveyor's expiration date now needs to be applied manually. Any final document must contain the seal/stamp, handwritten license expiration date by the licensee [,J signature and date of signature of the licensee who prepared or directly supervised the work. For the purpose of this section "document" is defined as plans, specifications, plats, surveys [.J as-built documents prepared by the licensee [.J and reports. H:\Fiie Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Rccords\LND-20 -Shon Plals\039H\RV070710.doc\cor "~" .. ~ .. ,,,,: .... , ... , RetfirriAddress: Ci.tY Clerl{'.sOffice ~ltyof ~enton, • ./'1 055 ~iiuth Grapy W_~y . R;;ntQ1'i, WA 9~OS5" . CITY OF RENTON ORD ./ .•.. PAGE001 OF 006 . ..,/ 05/30/2007 11:05 ," ..... . ,',." i KING COUNTY, IIA • 37.00 ';'." ::: / .. ,"" .. ", .''' ...... Please pLc ~;Yi infL~i:n wiA~Jn:N~fol~TAf.t CORDER'S Cover Sheet (ReW 65.04) Document TitJ.e(s) (or ,,";;5oo.\I;'n5 <:o~~~d !herd;'); (.I[~ applicable to your document must be filled in) I. Ordinance S2n········ .C' .c· / •··• •. ·2. 3. .,. ,::'" 4. ---------------1 Reference Nnmber(s) of Docume9!s assigned o~'rflleased: .' Additional reference #'s on page _ of docuni~nt /' .;, Grantor(s) .. (last liallle first name, initials) I. City of Renton " 2. ':1;" Additiori~1 nanies oJ pagi~_ of document. " " .' " Gl1\ntee($) (La$t'name··first,·then.first name and initials) J. .i ":"" ...•...• .. 2' , • Additionai'riali'ie.; on page.'_·· _ of doo~ll1)Oiit. ." . .. ' ~:,.'" . ." Legal description (~bbreviated.A.¢' lot \>Iock;pla(or ~tipn, township, range) A portion ofvacated'pla,\~~"vValkway': per City:o(Rentrin Qrdinance No. 5272, in the Somheast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec!ion 7, Township'23 Nortl)'tRa,rtge 5 East, W,M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. ",.. .. ......... ".;. ... . . ' of docoment. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account ~um';~~·.:' 9564800106,9564800110,9564800070 "./:':: The AuditorlRecorder will rely on the information provided on,lhe f<irm. :rhe staff y;iIl nOt read thC'il<lcument to verif the accurac or com leteness of the indexin informatiori:' . ided:-hertiin.·' ..... . I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an~dcjitional fee·'as I'rtiv!dedin RCW 36.18.010, I understand that the recording processing requircments·may.¢over'up·or ~herwi!i~" obscure some pare of the text on the original document. , ........ i ::. "" " ,., .. /" ,.::." ",,' . . .' ,.' .. " ________________________ Signa:rirepf,~~~u~stin~ P(irty ;; .. • ,./".-." •• ,. CITY OF RENfON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5272 • . .... " .. , . AN .. mIDlNANct OFjTHE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING t,'A {~FEET WIDE PLArrED WALKWAY ~PPJ(oxIiifATELYc{i'87 ~EE'FIN LENGTH, CONNECTING NW 6TH .STREET TORAINQiR, A,VENUIji' (JACK D. ALHADEFF -JDA GROUP; Y~C-oS1foz)/ / /" ...... )../ ·.c'> .", ./ ... '" " -:.-,:: ;: ~~ ", '::::" .,,-"WHE~¥, •. '~ro"9" P"'!.ti~(jbr •. vacating • 10' wide platted walkway pi~ fdr a Pliblic hearing on this matter; and the City Clerk having giYeJ) pr~;ep~oti~of this .~' ;: ;; ,,' " :' ," /'heariD~ as Ptovidi;;i'i,ylaw, and all pernons having been heard who a~t~ ~ •.. ~ favor or ·i~···~p~i . .;n· 0ll··this nuitter, and the City Council having considered alli~id~ation and ·argu;;;'ents,~~t'·;o it;~' ...... . W!t!',:aEAS, .~·i"lm!llf~ of t¥·Planning/Building.lPublic Works Department has considered ~~·peti;;on ,'fur ~~.on, '~:has ~und.itiq. be in the public interest and for the public benefi~ and that no. injury idafu~:to az.;Y pei;"n·~iproperties will result from this :,. _.,' """~-' ... ,-.' ..... vacation; .; ...... > .,'" .. -, NOW, lHEREFORE, TIIE Cfrvc6UNcft. of nfu dry OF RErirON, ,-.' " ,: ;. ""'-~., ;: WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: .-"'.-.,. ..... ..CERTIFICATE .' .,i •. ' .;;: ··~;.,.i,t~e uride~igne(j:Cit~E~rk ?ftiJe,. /;~\..".~.~~ .. " ·· . .(;Io/.·;gf Renton, Was\lIl!$IOn, q.ertlfY. '> /,', 2'. ·thatifiis is a true ancl co~t.eo.py ot.' . ;:~'f!<' c'.' ,. orp;i;nim¢e5272 " . Subscril)e<:l .,. ,Y)) i:~. ,:~tili' . led thi~ay orR ri I; 2007 .... . $~~:.: .. ' ", . ...:; . .'. Cit(.?~rk • ORDINANCE NO. 5272 • SECTION I. The following described wall,:way connecting NW 6th Street to "Rainier Avenue, to wit: :;', "')", ...... . .. (A.'}O' wide platted walJ..-way approximately 187' in length, connecting NW 6th Street to Rainier Avenue) "" ., .... , .. . ~~ExhiQit "A" attac.lie<j'h~teto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein . -~",,:~../ " ".,,:/ is:he~~byvac;lited,,~ubj~(to a uti.Jity"ea~'~~~ntin favor of the City retained over the entire right- of-way; fuJ:lhe~, :qg;adlng 9dd;~; is ~;~~~,lithin the easement area, and the petitioner must •... ..... " :.:' -: / .": ..... provide sati~;~~;oryp;oofthat ~tsi?~ritii~t~,~o~p~ies have received and are satisfied with any easements necessary t~6roteCi th~ mc'ilitiis,Witlun th~area . . ,' " ," ':' .",:. ," SECfrONII. Comp~nsatiod is;~~t ih~~e,4Ill6.unt of $6,000.00 for this street ..... ' /f ,t' -""" .. ~':":;\ ':'~:"\'-'.""'.,,:. "\ ./ ::: This ordinance;hall··be.~ff~~iye~ponit; pa'ssag~, lI£proval, and .:, ... -.- " SEg;l(:):N m. fiyidaY$::a~ its 6UbJication.',i " .:' .' -,:' -::"" ..... ," ,i A o;ertificil ~pyofthis ordinance shall be filed with the offi~b~Records and Elections, and as othenyi~proYided bi law. . '. "'=:."" PAsSED BY uiE ClT\' COUNCIL this . . " "," ," ';'.... ." ," ", ,' . 16th day of_~Ap!:::.r=-1=-· 1~ ___ ., 2007. .. ,.~,., BoDniel(W~on, City Clerk "".,,, .. ,, " ..•... APPROVED BY THE MAYORthis::16l:h ". dayoff-i---,,-A..,;'P,...' r_i_l,,:,":' _____ , 2007. '-""'" ,,' ','".," 2 • • e" ORDINANCE NO, 5272 .. ~~ed as to form: ~ .. :a~. ft{~. A Ji3wrence 1. Warren, City Attorney .... .,<" _.,," D~te .6fPJ:blicition,:o-'4i.21/2007 (summary) -----------------------------------------• • ORDINANCE NO. 5272 Exhibit A :' .... I,;~g~tD~s~ription -Walkway Vacation: .' .". ", "~ F~rtion o;:platt_~d walkway, 10 feel in widlh.lying between Lot 7, Block 2 and Lol 8, Block 3, Wood§ GlenACldiikin,according.l!l. the PIal thereof. as recorded in Volume 47 o[Plals. Pages 91 ... ",ahd~2.Rec6rd~yfKili~ ~,~~:Pty:,.~:tShi~~~on . .. Sittiat,dn,the Southeas(Q'uartcr'ofth~'Soutl\,\'esl Quarter o[Seclion 7. Tm\TIship 23 North. RlllIge:5 East,W.·K,I., lii th~ Cilyi;rRenIO-Jl,'kjng',Counly_ Washinglon. ,,' ,<.,.. " :-~ ,;: /' / ~:, '::':" ,;.'" .{ .{ .":' ;; ", . . ..;:, ,f .,.""" '-". "" ""; . .. : ..... . / .' .... ;"""':" )" ,'- ...•..•. ".,./ • NW6TH'ST --- • ORDINANCE NO. ~ MAP EXHIBIT i L(~f 7, B~OeK2 i II(O()OY GlEN ADDITION ..- VOL 47;"PA9E !!i '" .92 '" ~'::':,-,-:"" ::', ..•... ,.,,,,,, .. ,,.): LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION \fOL 47, PAGE 91 '" 92 """"" THIS VACATION IS BEING REQUESTED ':jN CDN.aJNCnON '/tITH THE SHORT .,' PLAT ... LUA-D4-139 BEING REVlEy,£I) . BY TtIE.I;.ITY OF RENTON . ... ,' .,"'''.,. ..",~ .. G~AI?HIC .BCALE; 50 ·:'>:, . ..:'i: .,/: .~ .:~. /"'" 50 100 : C~."D~.~":J'· ... ,1: .J .. ':~ IIIiIIIiIII ... L (cl '~ETl",',i 1 inch ='pD fl .: '.:, .. ~ .. , • • • • • Letter of Transmittal OJ To: Date: July 10. 2007 Ms. Carrie Olson Development Services Renton City Hall. 6th Floor 1055 Grady Way Project No.: 203615.50 Task: 00 Renton. WA 98055 Phone No.: 425-430-7235 Fax No.: WE ARE SENDING: NO. COPIES 3 1 THESE ARE SENT VIA: o Mail ~ FedEx o Hand Delivered DATE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: ~ For your review and comment ~ For your use o For approval REMARKS: Carrie. Project Name: Regarding: Sixth Street Short Plat Revisions DESCRIPTION revised short plat maps per June 28. 2007 leiter updated plat certificate o Client Pick-up o Other: D Reviewed as noted D As requested I believe that I have covered everything. The easement requested by Mike Dotson was delivered July 3. I believe the approval of that easement is the only outstanding issue. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Thank you. Project Manager Title TACOMA 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403·3350 253.383.2422 TEL 253.383.2572 FAX www.ahbl.com .. '" • ' Kathy Keolker. Mayor CITY /IF," RENTON . Planning/BuildinglPublic Worksriepa~ent 'Gregg Zimmerman r.E." Administrator, JUne 28, 2007 ¥r. David FolIarisbe~,LSIT Survey Manager AHBL 2215 'North 30th St, Suite 300 Tacoma W A 98403,-3350 ' , SUBJECT:' SIXTH StREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139-SHPL" Dear Mr. FolIansbee: The review submittal on the above-mentioned short plat has been completed andthefolIowing comments , have been nitumed, Please review these, comments andrriake ihe necessary changes: ,Once changes hav~' been completed please resubmit three copies of the shoriplat drawings and of any other ie1ateddocunients: ' . . ", '. SHORT PLAfilEVIEW COMMENTS: ," i I, ,'Co~ta~tMike Dotson, Plan Reviewer, at425-4:i0~7j()4, for requirements to be completed on the civil construction portion toyou,r projebt ";'. :4 Retpove the "OWNER", "CIVIL ENGINEER"and "SURVEYOR"blocksfroJ;Sheetl of2. , ' ,',..,--3: Include KING COUNTY in the title for the "DEPARTMENT ciFASSESSMENTS';approvals,' ~ " .,,' . '. '. ,. " ~I'lote what :-vas set ~t ill'of thelotcomers 01) the ,short platdrawing(Sheet~Of 2). ,SheetZ'of2 "" , , jriCiuctes (in the "NOTE" block), a note that says"5/8~'REBAR & cAP; LSNO.: I 3670TOIiE ' 'SET AT EXTERIOR CORNERS OF ALLLciTSWITHINTHIS SHOR'fPLAT," Illchide ' what is to be setal the inteiiorco~eri;ofthe l~ts/aswelI.,' ' .'~ " ,v:s: ,The "LEGEND" block.(Sheet 2 0[2) ends with "SEE NOTE AT RIGHT". Saiq directive is' , .cc)J;fusing ~ there is no note'to the right; unless the "note" is the language in the right-hand , comer 'of said Sheet 2:" ,,'" ' , ,'" " ' ,"'", ': Thetwo"CRITICAL SLOPE EASEMENT AREAS': sh~iIidbe named "A" and "B"(orother) til identify one from the other, it needed. ','. ' , ' -. . /. "'. -'. ,;-VI. ,Note alI easements, restrictive covenants and agn:ements of record or the short plat submittaL 'A title report that inc1udesthe ':SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS" section will provide the neyded ' ' , infoITmition . . >;'; . . . ' . , . . -. '.' ..-. ", . . .. ' --' :. VS. NOTE:, It is suggested that the legal description for "PARCEL 2"note only the lot line adjustment desigratedname C'LOTA"), the "LUA" number and the recording number thereof., , . Including the description of all the lot line adjustrn~ntproperty is notneeded;, ' '/';fthe9.85' utility easement (Re~.No.8404090614) over Lots 1,2, 3 ~nd4 has been rele~sed, then remove the easement from the short plat drawing and also remove the accompanying text. I:IPIanReviewiCOlBON\Shortplats 2007l6th St SHPL02L·ChangeRequestStop.doc ' '~' , ' ' • -'-c:------IO-S-S ~so.:.-u-th.-G-ra.-d-y.-w~a.,-y~'~-R~en-to~n~, W-=,'-as~h.:cin-gt-on"':"-9-80"-S-7 ~~~'-'.c.~-,--" RE NT ON . ~ . '.' ". - . . . . AIIE"AD'OF'TH'~ CURVE . ~ ~ This papel""'contains 50:0_ ~ material. 30"k poSt ~s~mer , . . '." ••••• ' . .If said easeIl)ent is amended for a newprvat~le'rS.,:e.m::en_iit" th!,n Pro~i~.~ .. a stat. emen.t tJ that effect onthe,short plat subrmttal. htff\Jt:&.~ ~~ r" ~*, . ~rovide a new public easement for wate~, sewer and storm water that was constructed for the '.' .Ilew ~latConta. ct Mike D. otson. with ques. tiaIls reo garding this reo qu.est; See .app.roved Utilities. '" j.:..u . . Easement d~cument forY9ur use, . b::~~' A-«kvtiib.d fo'~t .. ~rnclude the recording number on the. short plat draWing for the 10' walkway vacation VAC-05-V ~. :So '.002),.' . . . '. . ---'. ", . ,'. -'. :;' .' .: . " .' . ". ,.-,'; . . -'" ..' . . . 0'2, Pursuant to the recently revised WAC I 96-23~020, the surveyor's expiration date now needs to be applied inanually, AllY final-document must coiltainthe seallstamp, handwritten license '. expiration date by the libensee[,]signature and date of signature of the licensee who. prepared. or directlysupeNised the work: For the purpose of this section. "document" is . defined as plans; specific<ations, piats, sUNeys I.J as~built docllmentsprepared by the . 'licfmsee (,jand reports.' . . .. Should;ou need todis~u;s;1I1yportion oft'!i~"!!?~er~lea§..~.,~2ntact me at (425)430-7235, , SincerelY ,.... .... •... ~4-'~:~\ '\/ ,."'#~',,:~\ ' . /)~.'_ ". 1/;/')tJ ..• l:" ",. .1L .~.r"''',,,:,'.. .·.··~·,~I:~f;>·:'~·-·""'~<,t.,~:,(E\· . Catne-K. Olson . ,~;t ,-<~~"?;"-~.,.),, , \', . J:-~\ " ,',." ~-, " tt ~ t ..... b,?velopment Sel'\'ices~ Plan1F-eview i . '\ ~ . Enclosure: Utilities Easem;~t .j . '. II . '{r'" ".' w' Ce: Jack Alhadeff, '1\\. i . }J JD~Gm~p,LLC .ij. if,., IY I,D, Kline Corp: "t"", <~." .... /f<",C-;J;Jt""'/' 95 South Tobin Street "".''''' .~Y: ;'-;;..~,; ...... <','i -._;" ''1.1' Renton WA 98055 '~<~~~":f:~~~~~~::;;~4"" . Ye}low Fiie . , ' Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 • Title: UTILITIES EASEMENT • Property Tax Parcel Number: Project File #: Street Intersection or Project Name: Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page __ ' Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation Additional legal is on page __ of document. (Abbreviated legal description MUST go here.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PWEOOI3.doc\ Page 1 FORM 03 00J3/bh/CA2-21-97 • • That said Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits, do by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and warrants unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, an easement for public utilities (including water, wastewater, and surface water) with necessary appurtenances over, under, through, across and upon the following described property (the right-of-way) in King County, Washington, more particularly described on page I. (or if full legal is not on page 1--Exhibit A.) For the purpose of constructing. reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and storm drainage lines, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, Grantee may from time to time construct sllch additional facilities as it may require. This easement is granted subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The Grantee shall, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the Grantee. 2. Grantor shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the Grantee. Grantor shall not, however, have the right to: a. Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or b. Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with thc utilities to be placed within the easement by the Grantee; or c. Develop, landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the Grantee of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein. d. Dig. tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth Grantee's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities. c. Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the right-of-way. This easement shall run with the land described herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors in interest and assigns. Grantors covenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properties and that they have a good and lawful right to execute this agreement. By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this __ day of 20 __ PWEOO 13 .doc\ Page 2 FORM 03 OOI3IbhICA2-21·Y7 J • • Fonn 84 OOOlibh IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box Notary Seal must be within box PWE0013.doc\ INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that ________ _ ---,-__c~__c,____c__c_,..._o____,_,____,,----_,__c_--signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print), __ -:-__________ _ My appointment expires: ____________ _ Dated: REPRESENTATIVE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEOFWASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument, on oath stated that helshelthey was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the and of to be the free and voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of , 19 __ , before me personally appeared to me known to be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Page 3 FORM 03 0013ibhiCA2·21·97 , • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Must be stamped by a P.E. or L.S.) Q: \D AT A_Ceo tcr\Forms\PB PW\U tliltySystems\ Tee hmcalServlces\Easements\PWE0009. doc\ FORM OJ 0008/bh/ • Page 4 ~ •.. , DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM June 16,2007 ~~J\t )?, Carrie Olson Jij" 0",. "?~~11 Sonja J. Fesser JJr:f Il. ? ~ ?'Ol\' ' ~C~ 100/ Sixth Street Short Plat, LUA-04-139-SHPL IVI2D Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Apol icant: :;:Jt", /H/';'_ Rgmg,,@ lAP "IU IlLDING SETBACK NO:rg." bIOCk-(Sheet+Of-2J~~ /f':J-~~"V"CJ Remove the "OWNER", "CIVIL ENGINEER" and "SURVEYOR" blocks from Sheet 1 of 2. Include KING COUNTY in the title for the "DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS" approvals. Note what was set at all of the lot corners on the short plat drawing (Sheet 2 of 2). Sheet 2 of 2 includes (in the "NOTE" block), a note that says "5/8" REBAR & CAP, LS NO. 13670 TO BE SET AT EXTERIOR CORNERS OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT." Include what is to be set at the interior corners of the lots, as well. The "LEGEND" block (Sheet 2 of2) ends with "SEE NOTE AT RIGHT". Said directive is confusing -there is no note to the right, unless the "note" is the language in the right- hand corner of said Sheet 2. The two "CRITICAL SLOPE EASEMENT AREAS" should be named "A" and "B" (or other) to identify one from the other, if needed. Note !ill easements, restrictive covenants and agreements of record on the short plat submittal. A title report that includes the "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS" section will provide the needed information. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surwying Records\LND-20 -ShUl1 Plms\0398\RV070612.doc • June 27, 2007 Page 2 • • NOTE: It is suggested that the legal description for "PARCEL 2"note only the lot line adjustment designated name ("LOT A"), the "LUA" number and the recording number thereof. Including the description of all the lot line adjustment property is not needed. If the 9.85' utility easement (Ree. No. 8404090614) over Lots 1,2,3 and 4 has been released, then remove the easement from the short plat drawing and also remove the accompanying text. If said easement is amended for a new private easement, then provide a statement to that effect on the short plat submittal. Include the recording number on the short plat drawing for the 10' walkway vacation V AC- 05-002). Pursuant to the recently revised WAC 196-23-020, the surveyor's expiration date now needs to be applied manually. Any final document must contain the seallstamp, handwritten license expiration date by the licensee [,j signature and date of signature of the licensee who prepared or directly supervised the work. For the purpose of this section "document" is defined as plans, specifications, plats, surveys [,j as-built documents prepared by the licensee [,j and reports. Comments for the Project Manager: Is the language included in the "CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT" block correct as shown? Who supplied said language? Should we keep a sample of said language for future use? Is the Native Growth Protection Easement language not suitable for use in this instance? What is the status of the 9.85'utility easement (to be released)? Has it been amended, as noted in our December 3, 2004 review? If now private, did said amended document need to be recorded? H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Rccords\LND-20 -Short Plats\0398\RV070oI 2.doc\cor • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 31,2007 Bob Mac Onie, Technical Services Sonja Fesser, Technical Services Carrie Olson, Plan Review X723ry SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139-SHPL AND LEGAL REVIEW Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short plat. The following attachments are enclosed for your review: • Letter of Compliance • Lot Closures • Short Plat Certificate • Short Plat drawings If all review concerns have been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Thanks. Approval: _____________ \, __________ , Date:. ____ _ Robert T Mac Onie, IT. Sonja Fesser Cc: Yellow File I:IPlanReviewICOLSON\Shortplats 200716th St SHPL 0 1m PR-TS ReviewStart.doc DATE: TO: ROUTE TO: FROM: SUBJECf: • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM May 31, 2007 Mike Dotson, Plan Review Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Carrie Olson, Plan Review SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04 ~ wc.J I h~ /h-. /U "'-' ?IJ, Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced short pial . been addressed, please sign below or return your comments as needed. Attachment included: • Letter of Compliance • Short Plat drawings Also provide the following information requested by Gregg Zimmermen as requirement of project closeout and signing of short plat mylars. Status Of: Acc:etted Related NA Proltd#S Comments 7 As-Builts Cost Data Inventory Bill of Sale Easements ~ (Water, Sewer, Utilities, Hydrant, etc.) Deed of Dedication Square Footage: ~ Restrictive Covenants ~ Note on mylar for Trees Maintenance Bond Release Permit Bond Comments: Approval: ::-:-----:c:-:---:--,---------cc=-=:---------' Date:. _____ _ Kayren Kittrick Mike Dotson Cc: Y cHow File May 17, 2007 Ms. Jennifer Toth Henning, AICP City of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Renton City Hall-6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055-3232 Project: ~ainier Station, Our File No. 203615.'50 Subject: Sixth Street Short Plat (LUA-04-139, :SHPL-H, V,H, ECF, ,LLA) Dear Ms. Henning: , Ii] Per your direction, please accept this request to extend the expiration date of the above referenced 'project to Februa'ry 2008 :to-allow us sufficient time to complete the , short plat process. We are-submitting th~ final short plat along with this request. anq , anticipate ,closing out this: project ~ithin 90:days. ' /' , : • -·-r" , ,I;:' If you have any questions, please call me, at (253) 383-2422. . •• _ ~ _~_-.J -', • CI Follansbee, LSIT Survey Manager DF/sca c: Jack Alhadeff, JDA Group , . K: \Survey\ Yr _2003\203615\Extension Request-wp,doc 20070517 _ltr _Extenslon_203615.doc ./ . ,/- ./ /' Civil Engineers Structural Engineers Landscape Architects Community Plan/Jers Land Surveyors Neighbors TACOMA 2215 Nort~ 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403·3350 253.383.2422 TEl 253.383,2571 fAX www.ahbl.com .\ , .' " i' , • • Sl".Of ____________ ~) CCMm' Of ) ss ) I CDt1n naT IIOCOW 011 HA'ot: SA1ISP'ACftIIIT ['GMa! 1M .... ' IiIGICD 1HIS DmtA'IICIt ... ~ 11' IV • fiS/'IIER) fill[[ NIl IO..lJfTNIT ACr ftII M USES NIOI'\JIP05E3 IIDI1ICIClI .. IN[ -. RECORDER'S CERllFK:A TE ~~!)"':'\':\O.QR.tl( Ft.£D FOR RECORD THIS .1.1. DAY Of ~~ .. 20.0..- AT\\':~U IN APPROVALS: OTY OF RENTON OEPARN[NT or PlANNING/ BUllDlNGjPUBUC WORKS .' ",-'--'"'' .' ." ..... , ... , .\\:. ~( :.~ . ., .... -,": , """", ., ....... '. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERnFICATE lH!3 LOT UH£ ~S1\~,n (:QRR£Cl1. Y REPftESEJ4TS A 5UR'<€Y "'AI)[ ST ME OR ltoIDER MY OR[CT SUP£R'vWON IN C~ .".. lH[ REQUR£MEMTS OF lH! AWRCP=~~.g!TL IH) RECOROlNG NO. I VOL./P .... CE IlEPARlWENT OF A5S(SSl<£NTS 2-00.s-12..14 'I 000 1'-1 I "l &, ~_~1MS~~YOfQQm ... 4..toQi.. ~ I Scott NoM.. PORnON OF ~..4"" ~ SE 1/4 of SW 1/4. S. 07 T. 23 N .. R. O~.,w.~. ~ty~ PARCEL AREAS _ ..... I"NICQ.S "~"'2._U'. "'Mal. • tJ,4IJ .. " ~.~ "Mea " .,101 SS. "MC:t\. • zo,0I2 v. EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE ' . .r. mAL SlA_ UlIJaIQ ST __ t'U.111U.1IMI: ~ n;II (D(1IIO.. _ ST_ !r .,~' """ ..... . TJ I--!JJI". • I I m: ',.),,", \ ,1,1· f ...... ~~ .("';.:'/ " •. -" <'" .:~\\ ,/" Vlq'fNITY MAP ::,'" .• ,:,:, .... / .... 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' , • • 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT.txt parcel name: 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT North: 182398.7653 East : 1297647.1376 Line Course: N 14-07-44 E Length: 55.28 North: 182452.3730 East 1297660.6316 Line Course: S 78-35-39 E Length: 171. 32 North: 182418.4933 East 1297828.5683 Line course: S 16-27-39 E Length: 326.69 North: 182105.1931 East 1297921.1391 Line Course: S 05-51-02 E Length: 21. 92 North: 182083.3873 East 1297923.3735 Line cou rse: S 88-46-50 w Length: 186.30 North: 182079.4225 East : 1297737.1157 Line Course: N 76-29-27 W Length: 147.00 North: 182113.7618 East : 1297594.1828 Line Course: N 01-04-37 E Length: 102.40 North: 182216.1437 East : 1297596.1074 Line course: S 76-29-27 E Length: 102.60 North: 182192.1763 East 1297695.8687 Line course: N 20-05-39 W Length: 128.53 North: 182312.8825 East 1297651.7104 Curve Lenrth: 114.44 Radius: 45.00 De ta: 145-42-37 Tangent: 145.87 Chord: 86.00 cou rse: N 03-02-43 W course In: N 20-11-24 W Course Out: N 14-05-59 E RP North: 182355.1174 East 1297636.1794 End North: 182398.7617 East 1297647.1419 perimeter: 1356.48 Area: 80,252 sq. ft. 1.84 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses Error Closure: 0.0055 Error North: -0.00354 precision 1: 246,632.73 1 i sted courses, radi i, and deltas) Course: S 50-22-07 E East : 0.00427 parcel name: ACCESS EASEMENT North: 182353.5689 curve Length: 39.23 Delta: 49-57-02 Chord: 38.00 course In: N 88-01-24 W RP North: 182355.1211 End North: 182319.6958 curve Length: 13.48 Delta: 35-05-53 chord: 13.27 Course In: S 08-08-46 E RP North: 182297.9178 End North: 182317.5283 Line Course: S 63-02-53 E North: 182302.3492 curve Length: 14.90 Delta: 50-12-29 Chord: 14.42 course In: S 26-57-07 W East Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East East Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: East East Length: 33.49 East Radius: Tangent: Course: Course Out: page 1297681.1483 45.00 20.96 S 26-57-07 W S 38-04-22 E 1297636.1751 1297663.9249 22.00 6.96 S 80-35-50 E N 26-57-07 E 1297667.0422 1297677 . 0136 1297706.8661 17.00 7.96 S 37-56-38 E N 77-09-36 E 1 • 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT.txt RP North: 182287.1956 East : 1297699.1610 End North: 182290.9735 East 1297715.7359 curve Len~th: 161.51 Radius: 33.00 De ta: 280-24-58 Tangent: 27.49 chord: 42.24 Course: N 26-57-07 E Course In: N 77-09-36 E course out: N 23-15-22 w RP North: 182298.3071 East 1297747.9107 End North: 182328.6258 East 1297734.8809 Curve Len~th: 14.90 Radius: 17.00 De ta: 50-12-29 Tangent: 7.96 Chord: 14.42 Course: N 88-09-08 w Course In: N 23-15-22 w Course Out: S 26-57-07 w RP North: 182344.2445 East 1297728.1686 End North: 182329.0910 East 1297720.4635 Line Course: N 63-02-53 W Length: 33.49 North: 182344.2701 East 1297690.6109 Curve Len~th: 13.48 Radius: 22.00 De ta: 35-05-53 Tangent: 6.96 chord: 13.27 Course: N 45-29-56 W course In: N 26-57-07 E Course out: S 62-03-00 W RP North: 182363.8806 East 1297700.5823 End North: 182353.5692 East 1297681.1484 perimeter: 324.47 Area: 4,950 sq. ft. 0.11 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error closure: 0.0003 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 26-57-07 E East : 0.00013 Error North: 0.00025 Precision 1: 1,081,600.00 parcel name: LOT 1 North: 182398.7653 Line Course: N 14-07-44 E North: 182452.3730 Line course: S 78-35-39 E North: 182436.7858 Line Course: S 07-12-48 W North: 182311.4655 Line course: N 63-02-53 W North: 182334.7260 curve Len~th: 80.78 De ta: 102-51-08 Chord: 70.36 course In: N 63-02-53 W RP North: 182355.1219 End North: 182398.7662· East 1297647.1376 Length: 55.28 East 1297660.6316 Length: 78.82 East : 1297737.8950 Length: 126.32 East 1297722.0338 Length: 51. 32 East 1297676.2878 Radi us: 45.00 Tangent: 56.42 course: N 24-28-27 W course Out: N 14-05-59 E East 1297636.1754 East 1297647.1378 perimeter: 392.52 Area: 7,857 sq. ft. 0.18 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed Error Closure: 0.0010 Error North: 0.00093 precision 1: 392,520.00 parcel name: LOT 2 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 16-03-38 E East : 0.00027 Page 2 • .. • • 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT. txt North: 182436.7866 East 1297737.8945 Line course: S 07-12-48 W Length: 126.32 North: 182311. 4663 East 1297722.0332 Line course: S 63-02-53 E Length: 21. 25 North: 182301.8349 East 1297740.9752 Line course: N 07-12-48 E Length: 55.54 North: 182356.9353 East 1297747.9490 Line Course: N 73-32-21 E Length: 94.76 North: 182383.7865 East 1297838.8251 Line course: N 16-27-39 W Length: 36.19 North: 182418.4932 East 1297828.5703 Line Course: N 78-35-39 W Length: 92.50 North: 182436.7858 East 1297737.8971 perimeter: 426.56 Area: 7,061 sq. ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed Error Closure: 0.0028 Error North: -0.00081 Precision 1: 152,342.86 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 73-08-17 E East : 0.00267 Parcel name: LOT 3 North: 182356.9384 East 1297747.9481 Line Course: N 73-32-21 E Length: 94.76 North: 182383.7896 East 1297838.8242 Line Course: S 16-27-39 E Length: 86.47 North: 182300.8637 East 1297863.3263 Line Course: N 78-35-39 W Length: 88.71 North: 182318.4067 East 1297776.3683 Line course: S 54-44-56 W Length: 34.83 North: 182298.3042 East 1297747.9250 Line course: N 63-02-53 W Length: 7.79 North: 182301. 8350 East 1297740.9811 Line Course: N 07-12-48 E Length: 55.54 North: 182356.9354 East 1297747.9550 perimeter: 368.10 Area: 6,560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0075 courses, radii, and deltas) course: S 66-16-51 E East : 0.00688 Error North: -0.00302 precision 1: 49,080.00 parcel name: LOT 4 North: 182298.3053 Line Course: N 54-44-56 E North: 182318.4078 Line Course: S 78-35-39 E North: 182300.8648 Line course: S 16-27-39 E North: 182235.4313 Line Course: N 71-58-25 W North: 182263.1368 Line Course: N 42-06-32 W North: 182284.7401 East 1297747.9138 Length: 34.83 East 1297776.3570 Length: 88.71 East 1297863.3151 Length: 68.23 East 1297882.6487 Length: 89.53 East 1297797.5134 Length: 29.12 East 1297777 . 9872 Page 3 ----, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT. txt Line Course: N 65-43-18 W Length: 33.00. North: 182298.3087 East: 1297747.9058 Perimeter: 343.43 Area: 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres • Mapcheck closure -(uses Error Closure: 0.0087 Error North: 0.00339 Precision 1: 39,473.56 listed courses, radii, and deltas) course: N 67-02-10 W East : -0.00801 parcel name: LOT 5 North: 182298.3053 East 1297747.9138 Line Course: S 65-43-18 E Length: 33.00 North: 182284.7367 East 1297777 . 9952 Line Course: S 42-06-32 E Length: 29.12 North: 182263.1334 East 1297797.5214 Line Course: S 71-58-25 E Length: 89.53 North: 182235.4279 East 1297882.6567 Line Course: S 16-27-39 E Length: 135.80 North: 182105.1938 East 1297921.1370 Line course: S 05-51-02 E Length: 21. 92 North: 182083.3880 East 1297923.3714 Line Course: S 88-46-50 W Length: 85.90 North: 182081. 5599 East 1297837.4908 Line Course: N 20-05-39 W Length: 182.32 North: 182252.7819 East 1297774.8522 Line course: N 46-22-29 W Length: 24.57 North: 182269.7337 East 1297757.0668 Line Course: N 17-45-36 W Length: 30.00 North: 182298.3040 East 1297747.9159 perimeter: 632.17 Area: 17,305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error closure: 0.0025 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 59-10-55 E East : 0.00213 Error North: -0.00127 precision 1: 252,864.00 parcel name: LOT 6 North: 182298.3053 Line course: 5 17-45-36 E North: 182269.7350 Line course: 5 46-22-29 E North: 1822 52.7832 Line course: 5 20-05-39 E North: 182081. 5612 Line course: 5 88-46-50 W North: 182080.4366 Line course: N 20-05-39 W North: 182251. 6681 Line course: N 69-54-21 E North: 182253.3859 Line course: N 20-05-39 W North: 182292.5194 Line course: N 26-57-07 E East 1297747.9138 Length: 30.00 East 1297757.0647 Length: 24.57 East 1297774.8501 Length: 182.32 East 1297837.4887 Length: 52.84 East 1297784.6607 Length: 182.33 East 1297722.0186 Length: 5.00 East 1297726.7143 Length: 41. 67 East 1297712.3980 Length: 21.26 page 4 Line Line • North: 182311.4703 Course: S 63-02-53 E North: 182301.8389 course: S 63-02-53 E North: 182298.3081 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT.txt East 1297722.0339 Length: 21.25 East Length: 7.79 East 1297740.9759 1297747.9198 perimeter: 569.03 Area: 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres • Mapcheck closure -(Uses Error closure: 0.0067 Error North: 0.00283 Precision 1: 84,929.85 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 64-49-39 E East : 0.00603 Parcel name: LOT 7 North: 182311. 4648 East 1297722.0332 Line Course: S 26-57-07 w Length: 21. 26 North: 182292.5139 East 1297712.3972 Line Course: S 20-05-39 E Length: 41. 67 North: 182253.3804 East 1297726.713 5 Line Course: S 69-54-21 w Length: 5.00 North: 182251. 6626 East 1297722.0179 Line Course: S 20-05-39 E Length: 182.33 North: 182080.4311 East 1297784.6599 Line Course: S 88-46-50 W Length: 47.56 North: 182079.4190 East : 1297737.1107 Line course: N 76-29-27 W Length: 147.00 North: 182113.7583 East 1297594.1778 Line Course: N 01-04-37 E Length: 102.40 North: 182216.1402 East : 1297596.1024 Line Course: S 76-29-27 E Length: 102.60 North: 182192.1728 East 1297695.8638 Line Course: N 20-05-39 W Length: 128.53 North: 182312.8790 East 1297651. 7055 Curve Lenrth: 33.66 Radius: 45.00 De ta: 42-51-29 Tangent: 17.66 chord: 32.88 Course: N 48-22-51 E Course In: N 20-11-24 W Course Out: S 63-02-53 E RP North: 182355.1139 East 1297636.1744 End North: 182334.7180 East 1297676.2868 Line Course: S 63-02-53 E Length: 51. 32 North: 182311.4576 East 1297722 .0328 perimeter: 863.33 Area: 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres Mapcheck closure -(uses listed Error Closure: 0.0072 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 02-50-10 W East : -0.00036 Error North: -0.00721 precision 1: 119,906.94 Parcel name: NORTH CRITICAL SLOPE North: 182452.3737 Line Course: S 78-35-39 E North: 182436.7864 Line course: S 78-35-39 E North: 182425.7575 East : 1297660.6318 Length: 78.82 East: 1297737.8952 Length: 55.77 East: 1297792.5638 page 5 Line Course: S 48-00-16 W North: 182419.5820 Line Course: S 65-16-09 W North: 182413.5409 Line Course: S 74-00-21 W North: 182408.6639 Line Course: S 80-53-44 W North: 182404.8900 Line Course: S 86-56-12 W North: 182404.4192 Line Course: N 76-54-13 W North: 182407.0861 Line Course: S 34-43-21 W North: 182405.0478 Line Course: S 84-38-29 W North: 182403.2958 Line Course: N 70-45-57 W North: 182410.6091 Line course: N 63-42-38 W North: 182415.3837 Line Course: N 52-42-49 W North: 182417.6251 Line Course: N 33-43-53 W North: 182424.3781 Line Course: N 14-07-44 E North: 182452.3651 • 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT.txt Length: 9.23 East Length: 14.44 East Length: 17.70 East Length: 23.85 East Length: 8.81 East Length: 11.77 East Length: 2.48 East Length: 18.76 East Length: 22.20 East Length: 10.78 East Length: 3.70 East Length: 8.12 East Length: 28.86 East 1297785.7041 1297772.5885 1297755.5737 1297732.0242 1297723.2267 1297711. 7629 1297710.3503 1297691. 6722 1297670.7114 1297661. 0464 1297658.1027 1297653.5936 1297660.6385 perimeter: 315.29 Area: 4,095 sq. ft. 0.09 acres Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed Error Closure: 0.0108 cou rses, radi i, and deltas) Course: S 37-41-35 E East : 0.00663 Error North: -0.00858 precision 1: 29,193.52 parcel name: SOUTH CRITICAL North: 182192.1755 Line Course: N 20-05-39 W North: 182226.5101 Line course: S 73-32-22 E North: 182221. 6392 Line Course: N 14-38-06 E North: 182228.5766 Line Course: N 60-16-49 E North: 182229.1814 Line course: S 55-39-43 E North: 182215.1529 Line Course: S 33-04-28 E North: 182194.4552 Line Course: S 39-39-47 E North: 182186.1643 Line course: S 64-26-30 E North: 182180.9354 Line Course: S 27-22-25 E North: 182175.1455 Line course: S 70-46-37 E North: 182157.6723 Line Course: S 66-57-34 E North: 182144.1188 Line course: S 79-33-30 E SLOPE East 1297695.8660 Length: 36.56 East 1297683.3053 Length: 17.19 East 1297699.7908 Length: 7.17 East 1297701.6024 Length: 1. 22 East 1297702.6619 Length: 24.87 East 1297723.1976 Length: 24.70 East 1297736.6771 Length: 10.77 East 1297743.5513 Length: 12.12 East 1297754.4853 Length: 6.52 East 1297757.4832 Length: 53.07 East 1297807.5942 Length: 34.63 East 1297839.4617 Length: 14.09 Page 6 • I j Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line • North: 182141.5652 Course: 5 83-05-45 E North: 182139.4158 course: N 67-17-28 E North: 182142.7474 course: N 77-27-32 E North: 182145.6680 Course: S 01-22-56 E North: 182082.7563 Course: S 88-46-50 W North: 182081.5603 Course: S 88-46-50 W North: 182080.4357 Course: 5 88-46-50 W North: 182079.4236 Course: N 76-29-27 W North: 182113.7629 Course: N 01-04-37 E North: 182216.1448 Course: 5 76-29-27 E North: 182192.1774 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT. txt East 1297853.3183 Length: 17.88 East Length: 8.63 East Length: 13.45 1297871.0687 1297879.0297 East 1297892.1588 Length: 62.93 East 1297893.6768 Length: 56.20 East 1297837.4895 Length: 52.84 East 1297784.6615 Length: 47.56 East 1297737.1122 Length: 147.00 East 1297594.1793 Length: 102.40 East 1297596.1040 Length: 102.60 East 1297695.8653 perimeter: 854.41 Area: 27,880 sq. ft. 0.64 acres • Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed Error Closure: 0.0020 Error North: 0.00184 Precision 1: 427,200.00 courses, radii, and deltas) course: N 21-32-12 W East -0.00073 page 7 • • DATE PREPARED Revised Opinion of Probable Construction Cost 3/28/2007 PRDJECT Sixth Street Short Plat LUA-04-139-SHPL PREPARED BY: LOCATION 100 Block NW sixth Street HW QUANTITY MATERIAL TASK DESCRIPTION NO. UNITS UNIT UNIT PRICE COST Trees -2" Caliper 14 EA $100.00 $1,400.00 Bark Mulch -3" Depth for Plant Well 3 YD $30.00 $90.00 Subtotal Construction, '" $1,490,00 8,8% Sales Tax 1 LS $131.12 Total .$1,621.12 (ALL COSTS LISTED IN THIS ESTIMATE ARE INSTALLED COSTS AND REPRESENT OUR OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS) PAGE 1 OF ...!. • DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone ~25-430-7200 Fax 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets" Private access easements" Critical Areas' ~~~~ square feet q f1 SO square feet 3\f\'5 square feet Total excluded area: 2. 3<0 'iZS square feet 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3.<.1~, ;,Z-, square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. _--'7'--__ units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density 6. 7. O~ = dwelling units/acre 'Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded . •• A"eys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:\ VlEB\P\ll\DEV S[R V\F onns\PJ ann ing \dens ily. doc Lasl updated: 11/0812004 ~ .. --------------::::::-=:-::==---=-=---l.l I Y Uf-O:cN I ON 425 430 7231 P. 02 &VELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • WAIVER OF SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS his requirement may be waived by; Property Services Section Public Works Plan Review Section Building Section PROJECT NAME: hy:.. .5/rebf ~ SA.v-f /J W DATE; 31(3 lor I I Development Planning Section a :\WE8\PW\OEV$ ERV\F ormS\PlannJno\wai\lf!rof.r::llnmitt~!ro:.I'<O; o..n~ "I" 03/15/07 Till) 15: .12 [TX/RX NO 83541 • • " £ • .~ I -, , 425 430 7231 ...... 1 I r ur-t'(t:.NIUN &EVElOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Applicant Agreement statement 2 AND. Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND' Lease Draft Map of Existing Site Conditions 2MO 3 ulations 2 ANO 3 his requirement may be waived by: Property Services Section Public Works Plan Review Section Building Seclion Developmenl Planning Section PROJECT NAME: c:t~ st@ shc:(r p{rd- DATE: ~3L/pl (L!c3~/I-'!O,,----,---=J-____ _ P.03 Q:\WE8\PVV\OEVSERv\Forms\Planninn\W~'"AlT\fClI ,hp¥\~H",lro"" a tv:: .... 1~ TOTRL P. 03 03/15/07 THU 15:12 fTX/RX NO 83541 .. • TO: JDA Group, LLC cc: 95 South Tobin Street Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Jack Alhadeff AHBL 2215 North 30th Street, Ste. 300 Tacoma, WA 98403-3305 Attn: David Follansbee • ~ PACJJ'IC NORTHw~r TITlli 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #3 THIRD PLAT CERTIFICATE PNWT Order Number: 577198 Owner: JDA Group, LLC The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Third Plat Certificate from May 1, 2007 through May 11, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • The following paragraph(s) of our preliminary commitment has/have been eliminated: 2 and 19 • The legal description has been amended to read as follows: As on page 2, attached. (continued) • • SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Page 2 Order No. 577198 • The legal description has been amended to read as follows: PARCEL 1, The southwesterly 100 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated platted walkway connecting Northwest 6th Street to Rainier Avenue as vacated pursuant to City of Renton, Washington Ordinance Number 5272, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. PARCEL 2: Lot A, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA-04-139-LLA recorded under Recording Number 20051219900014 being a portion of the following described parcel: The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3, Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated South 126th Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4955, recorded under Recording Number 20020402002350, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated platted walkway connecting Northwest 6th Street to Rainier Avenue as vacated pursuant to City of Renton, Washington Ordinance Number 5272, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since May I, 2007, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. Dated as of May 16, 2007 at 8;00 a.m. cg PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Curtis Goodman Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 Woody , iU S~:Z 07 .C • " ! 1 ""," ~;~ ~i~ g89. 'Sf:. :.em .! J:t~<> ~ , '229, """ • Glenn Addition " OJ ~, , ~! 'f,'::- 9'l~ ... i~l.~ ~1 ili 4~~'1 & U!o:s <I' e 90~ i ,~., • ------------------------- • a.,.t.~' -',,;. , • 47/91-92 Q att~ached LLA \: \ -----_.'_\"'\ , , __ .. -"i:-\.'\ .-2 -~ __ \ , ~~ !o.oo sr ~ , 8 •• c " -----../. ... PACIFlCNORTIIWEST TrrLE Order No, 577198 Company of Washington, Inc_ IMPORTANT: convenience streets and hereon. This is not a to locate the other land. Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a land indicated hereon with reference to No liability is assumed by reason of reliance N • Woody Glenn Addition ..... .,:' leT ~. HOC" 3 WOOllY Gl[N MOInON 1 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Company of Washington, Inc. _ .... "., .... ,.\0') Order No. • 47/91-92 ~ .... '.~" t \ 577198 Detail IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N • Filed for record at request of JDA Group, LLC When recorded return to: Dieter G. Struzyna 3000 Northup Way Suite 101 Bellevue, W A, 98004 • 20060825001878.002 QUIT CLAIM DEED The Grantor, LD. Kline Corporation, an Oregon cOll'oration, for and in consideration of fulfillment of Grantor's obligations pursuant to the Option Agreement for the Purchase and Sale oflnterest in Real Property between Grantor and Grantee dated June 29, 2001, hereby conveys and quitclaims to: JDA Group, LLC, a Washington limited liability company all of grantors' right, title and interest in the real property situated in the County of King, State of Washington, described on the attached Exhibit A, which is by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Dated this ), J r,,{ day of __ -LAt..:v"-;Jl-'vC.!.J.l..i-____ , 2006. LD. Kline Corporation BY:~..9~ Irvin D. Kline, President S6id doc!.Jmsnt(s} wan-; filad for r~cord b~' Pac.:irk NGllh!",o$! Tr.te ~s <~cxmm,::?dc,!ll)n o:;Jy. :~ I;~.ls no: been o:lI:t:nnjner; ns to pFJper cx<?cution at <~:: 1<") tis @.ffecf unon tiil€' Page 1 of3 • --STATE OF \fO{)f55e-e COUNTY OF \1(>", \ \; (treD ) ) ss. ) • 20060825001878.003 On this 6(1 day of AI'~110+ . , 2006, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fo the State of 1£ oy\Bj'P , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Irvin D. Kline, to me known to be, or having furnished sufficient evidence that he is, the President of J.D. Kline Corporation, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly appointed and acting as President of the corporation and that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Publi and for the State of HI1Of.3"1f .' residing atdt~ rY¥~Lrme. 1rU,,,l!,,,) TlJ My CommiSSIOn expires: --1..wl.l.fLl-'tF,.I.._.l..j;~'I'-'...I....(~. _ Page 2 of3 • • 20060825001878.004 EXHIBIT A TO QUIT CLAIM DEED THE REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS B, C, AND D, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-06-045-LLA, RECORDED JULY 19, 2006 lTh'DER KING COUNTY RECORDER'S ]\l1..iMBER 20060719900005 ; TOGETHER WITH PA.RCELS A AND B, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA·04·139·LLA, RECORDED DECEMBER 19,2005 lTh'DER KING COUNTY RECORDER'S NUMBER 20051219900014; TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 Al\'D 92, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH THE PLATTED WALKWAY LYING BETWEEN LOT 7, BLOCK 2, AND LOT 8, BLOCK 3 IN WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 At,,'D 92, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Page 3 of3 • RETURN ADDRESS: EvergreenBank Attn: Loan Services Dept 1111lhird Avenue, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98101 DATE: January 18, 2006 • 20060201001668.001 DEED OF TRUS(~ 1 \0) FILED BY PNWr \0 '-'\ 0D7!:Z3. 2- Reference # (if applicable): ____________ -" AdditIOnal on page __ Grantor(s): 1, JDA Group, L.L.C. 2. t.D. Kline Corporation Granlee(s) 1. EvergreenBank 2. Pacilic Northwest Title Company. Trustee Legal Description: PIn Lot 7, Lot 8, Block 3, Woody Glen Add., Vol. 47. pgs. 91-92 I Additional on page __ Assessor's Tax Parcel 10#: 956480·0106-05 and 956480·0110-09 THIS DeED OF TRUST is dated January 18, 2006, among JDA Group. L.L.C., whose ~ddress Is 95 S Tobin Street. Suite 201, Renton, WA 98055, as to an undivided 70% Interest, and 1.0. Kline Corporation, an Oregon Corporation, whose address Is 1494 NE Stephens Street, Roseburg, OR, as to an undivided 30"'10 Interest, as tenants in common, and not as partners 01 a partnership (MGrantor"); EvergreenBank, whose mailing address is Third & Seneca Office, 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 100, Seattle, WA 98101 (referred.to below sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"); and Pacific Northwest Tille Company, whose mailing address is 215 Columbia St, Seattle, WA 98104 (referred to below as "Trustee") .. • DEED OF TRUST (Continued) • 200602010Q1668.002 Page 2 CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consldet'illion, Grantor conveys to Trustee In trust with pow~ of sale, right of entry and possession and for the benelit 01 Lender at BenefIcIary, all 01 Granto(s right, lltIe, and interest in and to !tie following described real property, togett'ler with all existing or s\.lbsequemly erected or affi)(ed buildif19S. improvements and rlXtUres; all easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all waler, water rights find dlleh rights (lOeluding slock in utilities wi1t1 ditch or inigabon rights); and aU other tights. royalties, and prorlts relating to the real property, incrlJd.ng Witholl'! Irnitabon all miflerals. oil, gas, geothermal and similar mal!el1l. (the "Real Property") located in King County, State of Washlngton:Parcels A &. B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No LUA-04-139-LLA as recorded under recording number 20051219900014 bein£ a..porti0n of the fnllowin . The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3; Wooay men Adal ion, accorcHng g. to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92. in King County, Washington; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated South 126th Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4955, recorded under Recording Number 20020402002350, whiCh, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 7 Lots located on 6th Street and 505 Rainier Avenue N, Renton, WA. The Real Property tax identification number is 95648(}-0106-05 and 95648(}-011(}-09. CROSS-COLLATERAUZATlON. In addition to the NOle, this Deed oj Trust secures alt obligations, debts and tiabilities, pius interest thereon, 01 80m)0. ... er to Lender, or any OI'1e or more 01 them, as welt as aU claims by Leoder against Borrower or any 009 or more of them. IvI'1ether now existing or hereatter arising, \vI'1ether related or lJnrelated 10 the purpose of the NOle, whether voluntary Of otherwise, whether due or not due, direcl or il'ldirt!'Ct, determinoo or undetermined, absolllle OJ' contingent, liquidated or lJnliquidated Ivheltler Borrower or Grantor may be liable individually or joif'ltly with others. whether obligated as guarantor, surety, aocommodatioo party or otherwise, and whether recovery upon such amounts. may be or hereafter may become barred by any slaMe 01 limitationS, and whether the obligation to repay such amounts may be or hereafter may becOme otl1envise unenforceable. Grantor hereby assigns as securtty to lender, all 01 Grantor's light, title, and interest in ancllo all teases, Refits, and profits of the Property. This assignment is recorded in accordanctllvittl RCW 65,08,070; the lien created by this assignment is intended 10 be specific, perfected and choate upon ltIe recoroing 01 Itlis De«! 01 Trusl lender grants to Granlor a license to collect tt1e Rents and profits, which I~nse may be revoked ot Lender's option and snail be alllomatiCally revoked upon accelemtion of all or part of the Indebtedness. THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS GWEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (S) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND AU OBUGATlONS UNDER THIS DEED OF TRUST. nilS OeEO OF TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS: GRANTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, Granlor walTants that (a) this Deed of Trust is executed at Borrcnver's request and not at the requesl 01 Lender; (b) Granlor has me tuD power, right, and authotity to enter inlo ltliS Deed 01 Trust and to hypothecate the Property; (c) the provisions 01 this Deed of Trust do not conllict with, or result in a default mder any agreement or other instrument binding upon Grantor and do not result in 8 violation 01 any law, regutatiOo, court decree Of order applicable Itt Grantor; (d) Grantor has estatflShed adequate means 01 obtaining trom Borrower on a continuing basis .,formatioo about Borrower's financial condition: and (e) lender has made no representation Itt Grantor about Bo'rower rncloo.ng without limitation U'le crechtworthiness of BoITt.lWel). GRANTOR'S WAIVERS, Gf3tI!or waives all rights or delenses arising by reason 01 any "one action" or "anti-<leficieocy" law, ()( any oIt1er law which may prevent lender from bringing any action against Grantor, including a claim lor deficiency to the extent lender is otherwise entitled to a claim for deroeiency, before or atter lel'lCler's OOf1'V'n9OCement or completion of any foreclosure action, elttler jucflCiatly or by exercise of a power of sara. PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this Deed of Trust, Borrower shall pay 10 Lender all Indebtedness secured by this Deed 01 Trust as it OOcomes dUR, and Borrower and Grantor snail strictly perform arl !heir respective obligationS under the Note, this Deed 01 Trust, and the Aelated D«umenrs. POSSESSION AND MAInTENANCE OF TliE PROPERTY. Booower and GflIl1tor agree that Borrower's and GI3n1()('s possessiOn and use of tile Property shall be governed by the following provisions: PossessIon and Use. Unta the occurrence of an Event 01 Defautt, Grantor may (1) remain in possession and control 01 the Property; (2) use, opera!'" or manage the Property; and 13l colJectltle Aenl'$ from Ihe Property (ltlis privilege is a license from Lender to Grantor aU10malicaUy ravokOd upon delauU). The following provisions relate to Itle use of the Property or 10 other limitations 00 the Property. The Real Property is no! used principally for agricuflural purposes, Duty to MaIntaIn. Grantor Shal! maintain the Property in tef1sntable condition and prompUy perform all repairs, replacements, and maintenance necessary 10 preseNe its value. Compliance With Environmenlal Laws. Grantor represents and warf1lnts to Leodar that (1) During the period of Grantor's OIYIlership 01 the Prt!perty, !here has been no use, generation, manufacture, slorage, treatment., disposal, re/ease Of threatened release of any Hazardous Subslancil by any person on, uncler, about or 'rom thQ Property; (2) Granlor has no kna.vledge of. or reasQrl to befleve that there has been, e)(~t as previously disclosed to and ack(')O\vled~ b}' lender in writing. la) any breach or violation of any EnvilonmentaJ Laws, jb) any use, generation, manufaclure, slorage, Ileatment, disp0$8J, releasa or threatened release 01 any HazardOus Substance on, under, aoout or from the PropGrty by any priol' OIVflefS or occl.lp8nls 01 the Property, or (e) any actual or threatened litigation or claims of any kioo by any petS001elating 10 such matters; and (3) Excepl as previously (jisclosed to and ackno,vredged by lender in Wnline, (a) neither Grantor nor any tenant, conllllclol, agent or othel authorized user 01 the Property shall use, generate, manufacture, store, !reat, olSpose of Of re/ellse any Hazardous Substance on, uooer, abolll or from the Property; and (b) any slJC/l activity shalt be cooducted in compliance with aU applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and ordinances. including IVrthoU1 limitation all Environmental Laws. Glantor authOrizes lender and its agentS to enter upon the Property to make such inspections and tests, 8t Granlor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine complianca of Itla Property with this section of !.he Deed 01 Trust Any inspections or tests made by Lender shaU be lor leflder's purpose-s only end shall not be construed to creale any responsib~ity or liability on the part of Lender to Grantor or 10 any oltler person. The representations al'lCl warrMlias contained herein are based on Grantor's due d"~igenc.e in investigating the Property lor HazardoLtS Substances. Grantor hereby {11 relaasBS aod waives any hrtt.Jre claims against lender lor indemnity or contribution in Ihe event Grantor becomes liable for cleanup or oltler costs under any such laws; and (21 agrees 10 indemnily and hold harmless lender against any anct all claims, losses, liabilities, damaQas, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direclly or indirectly sustain or suHer resUlting • DEED OF TRUST (Continued) • 20060201001668.003 Page 3 from a bf'6:l!.ch 01 this s9Ctiorl 01 the Deed of Trust or as a ConSequerlC8 01 any use, generation, manufacture, storage. disposal, release or threatened relaase occurr1ng prior 10 Grantor's ownership or Interest in 1tJe Property. whether or flOl the same was or should have been known to Grantor. The provisions ollhis section of the Deed 01 Trust, incluchng ttw obligaliofllo indemnity, shall survive ltIe payment 01 the Indebtedness and the satisfactiOn and reconveyance of the hen 01 this Deed 01 Trust and shall not be aflected by Leoder's acqulsltkm 01 any interest in the Properly, whether by forac!osura or olherwise. Nuisance, Waste. Grantor shall not causa, cOnduct or permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or suller any stripping 01 or waste on or to ttle Property or any portion 01 the Property. WIIhOLIt limiting the generality 01 the foregoing, Grantor will not remove, or grIm! to, any other party the tight to remove, any timber, mnerals (Including oil and gas), coal, clay, scoria, soli, gravel or rock products without letlder's prior written consent. Removal of Improvements. Grantor shall not demolish or remove any Improvements from tha Real Property without lend&r's prior wrinen consent. As a oondiUcn to the removal of any Improvements, lender may require Grantor to make afTangements salisfactory to lender to rep/aca such Improvements with Improvem9nts of al least equal value, lender's Right to Enter. lender and lender's agents and representallves may enter upon the Real Property at all reasonablo times to anend to Lender's Interests and 10 mspect tho Real Property for PlXposes 01 Grantor's ~Jance with the tenns and conditions of this Deed rJ Trust Compliance with Gov.nmental Requirements. Grantor shall promplly comply, and shall prO/llltly cause compliance by all agents, tenants or other persons or antlties of every nature whatsoevQf who rent, lease or otherwise use 01 occupy the Property in any manner, With all laws, ordinancss, and regJlalions, now or hereaher in effect, 01 all governmental authorities applicable to the use or occupancy of lhe Property. Including withoutlimltalion, tM Americans With Disabl!llies Act. Grantor may contest In gOOd faith any such lew, ordinance, or regulation and withhold compliance during any proceeding, incfuding appropr1ate appeals, so long as Grantor has notified Lender in writing prior 10 doing so end so long as, in Lendtu's 50le opinion, Lender's Interests In the Property are not Jeopardized. Lender may require Grantor to post edequate 5ecurity or a surety bOnd, reasonably satisfactory 10 Lender, to protect Lende,'s interest Duty to Protect. Grantor agrees neither to abandon or leave unattended Ihe Property. Grantor shall do all other acts, in addition 10 those acts set forth ebov& In !hls section, which Irom the character and use 01 the Property are reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the Property. DUE ON SALE -CONSENT BY LENDER. lender may, at Lellder's option, (A) declare ammediately due and payable all sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust or lB) increase the interest rate provided lor In the Note or olher document evidencing the Incteb1edness and impose such other conditions as lender deems appropriate, upon the sale or transler, WIthout lender's prior written consent, 01 all or any part of the Real Property, or eny interest mlhe Real Property. A ·sale ortransler" means the conveyance 01 Real Property or any right, tille or interest In the Real Property; whelher legal, beneficial or equitable: whether voluntary or Involuntary; whe\hel by outright sale. deed. ir1stallment sale contract, land contract, contract for deed, leasehold interest with a term Qf$9.ter than three (3) years, loase'optiOfl contract, or by sale, assignment, or translar 01 any benefICial interest in or to any land trust holding title to the Real Property, Of by any ottler method 01 conveyanc& 01 an interest in Itle Real Property. If any Granlor is a corporation, partflership Of limited liability co~ny. transfer alSO Includes any change in ownership of more than \wenty·llve perceot (25%) 01 lI"1e voting slock, pBrtnsrship interests or limited liability company interests, as the case may be, of sut:h Grantor. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender rI such exercise is prohibited by fe<ieralJaw or by Washington law: TAXES AND liENS. The following provisions relating to tlie.laxes and liens on the Property are part 01 this D~d of Trust: Payment Grantor shell pay when due (and in all events prior to d9linquency) all taxes, special taxes. assessments, charges (including watM and sewer), lines and impositions levi&d egainst Or on account of the Property, and shell pay when due all claims lor work done on or lor services rendered or material furnished to the Property. Grantor shall malntaln the Pr~rty free of an tiens having PJlority ovar or equal to the interest of lender under 1his Deod 01 Trust, excep1 fof Itle lien of laXes and assessments 001 due and except as otneJWise provided In this Deed of Trust. . Right to Contest. Grantor may withhold peymefll 01 any ta)(, assessment, or claim., connectiOn with a ~ laith dispute over the obligation to pay, 50 long as Lender's Interest In the Property is not jeopardized. If a \len arises or is lied as a resull of nonpayment, Granlnr shall wilhin lifteen (15) days aftar the ~en arises or, II a lien is med, within fifteen (15) days after Grantor has notice ollhe fifing. secure the discharge of the lien, or if requested by Lender, deposil with lender cash or a sufficient corporale surety bond or other security satisfactory to lender In an amount sufficient to discharge 1ha lien plus any cosls and anorneys' lees, or other charges that could accrue as a resuit of a foreclosure or sale under the lien. In any contosl, Grantor shall deland Itsell and Leoder and shan satisfy any adverse judgment before enlorcement aganst the Property. Granlor shall name lender as an addltlonf.ll obligee under any surety bond furnished In the contest proceedings. Evktence of Payment. Grantor sha~ l4XlI1 demand furnish to lender satisfactory evidence oj payment of the taxes Of assessments and shall authorize the appropriate governmental otUclalto delivQf to lender at any time 8 written statement of !he taxes and asSlQSSmen\s agaInst the Property. Nollce or Construellon. Grantor shall nolify Lender at leasl liltesn (15) days before any work is commenced, any services are furnished, or any malelials are supplied 10 tho Property, If any mechanic's fl9l'\, maleilalmen's lien, or other lien coUld be asserted on account 01 the work, servk:es. or materials. Granlor w~1 t4>OR roquesl 01 Lender tumlsh 10 Lender advance assurances salislactOfY 10 Lender thel GranlOr can and w~1 pay Itle cost 01 such improVerntml$. . PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The 100IoWing Pfovlslons relaling to insuring the Property are a pan of thiS Deed 01 Trust. . . Maintenance of Insurance. Grantor silf.lll procure and maintain poficies 01 fire insurallOG with standard extended coverage 4JIldora8ln8l;lt8 on a. replacamenl· baala· .1or.thlH\dUnsul"Ilb(e .. valuo covering aI ilT1)rovement$ on the Real Property: inan ~UnI.UftIciem 10 ~~ aWllc&.uoo.,~ any. ~!,ls.~r~·.~i1Se, .and with a :stanCiBrd 1'flI?I1g8ge9 Clau~ In ·IeVOf of· Lencler:·· Grantor $hall also procure and .maintain CXlmprehen:!iive' Qenlnal. liability lnsurance'ln 5uch coverage 8J'JlOi¥Its .as.lender .may.request with T~lee and l...erId6r. being named 8S adc:bt!Oll8' Insureds in such 1i8~ity insuranca policies. Additionally, Grantor shalt maintain sUCh 'other insurance. including but not ~rMed 10 hazard, business interruption, and boiler insumnc9, as . lender may reasonably rBqulre. Policies shall be written in form, amounts, coverages and basis reasonably acceptable to Lender and IssuGd by a compa'oy or COfJl)anIes reasonably acceptable to Lender. Grantor, upon request oIlMder, wiU deliver to Lender from time to time the policies or certificates 01 Insurance in form saiisfacnry 10 lender, Including stIpUlations hI covera~ win not be cancelled Of diminished wilhoul at least ten (10) days prior wrinen notice ~o leodar. Each Insurance policy also she/I. InClude an endorsement providing that ooverage In favor 01 lendeN" wiD not be Impaired In any way by any act, omission or default 01 Grantor or any other per$OI1. Should. the .Real ~~oper1y be located In an area designated by Itle Director 01 the Fed9ral Emergency Manag~ AQancy as a special flood haz«rd area, Grlltllor agr_ to oblaln and maintain Federal Flood Insurance, If avaiable .. within 45 days alter notice Is grven by lender that the Property is localE'Cl iry a special ~ hazard area, 101 the full. unpaId principal balance 01 the loan and any prior liens on the property securing the loan, up to the maximUm policy Irn~s set under the National Flood Insurance Program, ·or as olherwlse required by Lender, and to maintain such • insural"lCe (or lIle [enn 01 the loan. DEED OF TRUST (Continued) • 20060201001666.004 Page 4 Application 01 Proceeds. Grantor shall promptly notify lender of any loss Of damage 10 Ihe Property illhe estimated cost of repair or replacement exceeds SSOO.OO. Lender may make proof 01 IDSS il Grantor fails 10 do so within fTtIeen (15) da)'S oIlh& casualty. Wheltler 01 nolleneler's securiry is impaired. lender may, at Lender's election, receive and retain lIle proceeds of My insurance and apply the proeeeds to the reduction 01 the Indebtedness, payment 01 any lien eHeeting the Property. 01 the restoration and repair of 111& Property. II lender elects to apply the proceeds to restoration and repair. Grantor shall repair or replace the damaged or destroyed Improvements in a manner satiSfactory to Lender. lender shall, upon satisfactory proof of svch eJl:pend"rture. payor reimburse Granlor lrom the proceeds lor the reasonable eml of repair or restoration if Grantor is not in default under Ihls Deed 0/ Trust Any ptoceeds which have not been disbursed wfttlin 180 clays after their receipt alld ..... hich Lender has not committed 10 the repair or restoration 01 the Property shall be used first to pay any amount owing to Lender under this Deed of Trust, then 10 pay accrued interest, and the remainder, i! any, shall be applied to the pril\Cipal balance 01 the Indebtedness. If Lender holds any proceeds aner payment in fulJ 01 the Indebtedness, suc::h proceeOs shall be paid without interest to Grantor as Granto(s interests may appear. Complian~ with Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any Existing Indebtedness descnbed below is in effect, compliance with the insurance provisions contained in the insll\Jmenl evidencing such &isling Indebledness shan cons!itute compliance with the Insurance provisions under this Deed 01 Trust, to the oxtent compliance with the terms 01 this Deed of Trust would COI'lStiMe a duplication of insurance requilelTllml. If any proceeds "om the il'1$u/V)Ce become payable on loss, the pmvisions in this Deed 01 Trust lor division 01 proceedS shall apply only to that por6on of the proceeds not payable to the holder of the Existing Indebtedness. Granlor's Report on Insurance.. Upon request 01 Lender, however not more than once a year, Grantor shall furnish to Lender a report 00 each ekisdng pol"ocy 01 insurance showing: (l) 1hu name of the insurer; (2) ttle risks insured; (3) the amount of the policy; (4) the property insured, the then cuneot replacement value of such property, and the manner 01 delermining that value; and (S) the expiration date olltle policy. Grantor shall, upon request 01 lender, have an independent appralsef satisfactory to lender determine the cash value replacement cost of the Property. LENDER'S EXPENDITURES, If any action or proceeding is commenced Itlat would materially alleel Lender's interest in the Property or it Granlor faRs 10 comply with any provision 01 this Deed of Trust or any Related Documents, lIlCIuding but not limrted to Grantor's failure to comply with any obIi!;13lion to maintain Existing Indebtedness in good sl.anchng as required below, or to disc:haroe or pay when due any amounts Granlor is required to discharge or pay under ttlis Qe.ed 01 Trust or any Related Documents, Lender 00 Grantor's behalf may (but shall no! be obligated to) take any action that Leoder deems appropriate, including but oot limited to discharging or paying all wes, liens, security interest!;, encumt::Prances and oltler claims. at any time levied or placed on the PlOper1y and paying all costs lor iflsunng, mainlaining and preserving the Property. AJI such expeodtrures incurred or paid by 19ndar lor such purpose:; will then bear interest at the rale charged under the Note Irom the date incurred or paid by Lender 10 the dale 01 repayment by Gronlor. All such expenses wiU become a part of the Indebtedness ar.::!, at Lender's option, wiIJ (A) be payable 00 demand; j8) be added 10 the balance 01 the Note and be apportioned among and be payable with any installment payments to become due du~ either (1) the lerm 01 any applicable illSurance policy: or (2) the remaining term of tha Note; or IC) be treated as a balloon paymenlwhich w~1 be due and payable alttle Note's maturity. The Deed 01 Trust also will secure paymeol 01 these amounts. Such nght shall be in addiboo to aU other r:lghts and remedies 10 which lender may be I'If'ltitl9o' upon Default WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TTTl..E. The following provisiOns relating to ownership of the Property arc a part 01 this Deed Of Trust: nue. Grantor warrants that (a) Grantor holds good and mart<;etable ti1Ie of record to the Property in lee simple, "eo and clear 01 aft liens and encumbrances other !han those sel forth in the Real Property description or in the Existing Indebtedness section below or in any title illSutance policy, title report. or final li1Ie op',flion issued in lavor 01, and eccepted by, Lender in connection with this Doed of Trusl and (b) Gf8fltor has the ruU right, powar, and authorit}' to &xecute and deliver thi$ Oved of Trust to Landin. Delense of Trtle. Su~ecl to the exception in the paragraph above, Granlor warmnts and will forever delend the title to the Propefty against the lawful claimS 01 all persons. In the evenl any action or proceeding is 00fM'IeflCed thai questiOns Gmnlor's titla or the intllf8'St 01 Truslee or Lender under this Deed of Trust. Grantor shall delend tha action at Grantor's expense. Grantor may be the nominal party In Such proceeding. but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and 10 be represeoted in the proceeding .by counsel 01 Lender's own choice, and Granlor wilt deliver. or cause to be delivered, 10 Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time \0 tllne 10 PEtrrnit such palticipation. Compliance With Laws, GranlOl warranlS that the Property and Grantor's usa 01 the Property complies with all exiSting applicable laws, onfanances, and regulations 01 governmental authorities. Survival of ReprlP!Sentations and WalTanties. AJI represantations, warfanties, and agreements made by Grantor in !his Deed 01 Trusl shall survive the execution and detivery of Ihis Deed 01 Trust, shall be continuing in nature, and shall remain in full force anCl effect ur1HI such time as BoITower's Indebtedness shalt be paid in tuli. EXISTING INDEBTeONESS, The loIIolVing provisions concerning Existing Indebtedness are a part 01 this Deed of Trust. ExlslJng lien. The fien of this Deed of Trust securing tlle Indebtedness may be secondary and 'mlenor to an existing (len. Grantor expressly covenant!; and agrees to pay, or see 10 the paymenl of, Itle Existing Indebtedness and to prevent any default on such indebtedness, any defaUlt under the instruments evidencing such indebfedn&ss, or any default under any secunty documents for such indebtedness. No ModHlcation, Grantor shall oot DIller into any agreement with the hoIdar 01 any mortgage, deed of trust, or other security agreement which has priority over thiS Deed 01 Trust by which thai agreement is modified, amended, ex1eoded, or ron.wed ~ut the pr\oI written consent 01 lender. Grantor shan neither request nor accepl any fuhlre advances under any such sectJrity agreemenl without the ptiOf wrineo consent 01 Lender. CONDEMNATION, The fOllowing provisions relating to condemnation proceedings are a part of this Oeoed 01 Trust Proceedings. "any proceoeding in condemnation is filed, Gf3lltor shaM promptly oobfy Lender in wri~ng, and Grantor shall promplly lake such steps as may be necessary to defend the action and obtain the award. Grantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel 01 its OIYn choice all at Grantor's expense, and Grantor wm detiver or cause to be delivered 10 Lender such instruments and documentation 8S may be requested by Lender from time 10 lime to parm1t such partie ipation. Application of Net ProceedS. 1/ aU or any part of the Property is condermed by emineflt domain proceedings or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu of condermation, Lender may at its election requife thaI all or any portion 01 the nat proceeds 01 the award be applied to !he Indeblednllss or the repair or restoration of the Property. 11'Ie net proceeds of tha award shall mean the award aHar payment of all reasonable costs, expenses, and anomeys' lees incurred by Trustee or lender in COMectioo with the condemnation. IMPOSmON OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AlITHORmES. The 1~lowing provisions relabng 10 • DEED OF TRUST (Continued) govemmental taxes, lees and charges are a pan of this Deed 01 Trust: • 20060201001668.005 Page 5 Curlenl Taxes. F08$ and Charges. Upon reQuest by lender, Grantor shall execute such documents In addition to !his Deed 01 TruS1 and take wt"lalevet other action is requested by Lender to perlect and continue lender's lien 011 the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, as descrIbed balow, together with all expenses Incurred In recording. perlecling or continuing this Deed 01 Trust, including without limitation 8111ax95, 1095, documentary stamps, and other charges 'Of recording Of registering this Deed 01 Trust. Taxc:s. The 'oHowing shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: (1) 8 specifiC tax upon this I)'p&l of Deed of Trust or upon all ()( any parl altha Indeb!9dness ~r8d by this Dead 01 Trust; (2) a specific lax OIl Borrower wIlich Borrow9l' is authorized or Tgquifed to deducl from payments on the Indebtedness secured by Ihls typ9 01 Deed Of Trus!: (3) a tal{ on this type 01 Deed of Trust chargeable against the Lender or the holder 01 the Note; and (4) a specific Ill){ on all or any portion ollt1e Indebledness or on payments Of principal and interest made by Borrower. Subsequent T8l(es. If any tal( 10 which this secllon app«es Is enacted subsequent 10 the dale 01 this Deed of Trust, ~IS event shaU have the sam& effect as en Event 01 Default, and Lender may el(erclse any or all 01 its available remedies lor an Even! of Default as provid9d balow unla$S Grantor eithar (1) pays tho tax belon) it becorfIes delinquent, or (2) contests the tal( as provided above in Ihe Taxes and Liens section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or oUler security satislactory 10 lender. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FiNANCING STATEMENTS. The following provisions relaling 10 this Deed 01 Trust as a security agr99ment are a part Of this Deed of Trust Security Agreement. This Instrument shall constitute a Security Agreem9f1t 10 the extent any of tha Property constitutes fixtures, end lender shall have alf ollhe rights 01 a secured party under the UnllOlTTl Commercial Code as amended from time 10 time Security Interell. Upo!'1 request by lender, Granlor shan talle whatever action Is requested by lender to perleel and continue Lender's secunty Interest In the Rents 8J1d Personal Property. In addillon to recording this Deed of Truslln the feal property records, Lender mllY, alany lime and wilhoullurther lIulhorizalion Irom Grantor. file executetl COUnI9!p3rts, copies or reproductions of this De9d of Trust as II financing statement. Grantor shall reimburse lender lor all el(penses Incurred 'In perlecting or conl'inuing thiS security interest. Upon defautt, Grantor shall not remove, sever Of delach the Personal Property from the Property. Upon default, Grantor shall assemble any Personal Property not affixed to the Property In a manner and al a place reasonably conllenient 10 Grantor and lender and make" available 10 lender within three (3) days after receipt of wril1en demand from Lender to tne extent permil1ed by applicable law. AddrHset;. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debJor) and lender (secured party) from which information concerning Ihe S9Currty interest granted by Ihis Deed of Trust may be obtained (88ch as required by the Unitorm Commercial Code) are as staled onlhe Hrsl page of Ihls Deed of Trust. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY-iN·FACT. The folrowing provisiOns relating to further assurances and al1omey·io-fact arB 8 part of this Deed of Trust Further Assurances. AI any tim&, and from time 10 time, upon request 01 Lender, Grantor wilt make, execute and defiver, or win cause to be made, el(6Cutad or deliv91eci, to lender Of to Lender's designee, aflc! 'Nhen requested by Lendaf, causa 10 be filed, recorded, reMed, or r&lscorded, as 'the cllSe may be, at SlJCh nmes &nd In such offices and places as lender may doom appropriate, any and all sucH mortgages, deeds 01 trust, security deeds; security agreements, linanclng statements, conllf'luatlOtl statemen!S, Instruments 01 fuMer assurance, 'certiflcates, and other docum8flts es may, in the sole opinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable In order to effectuale. complete, periee!, cOOllnue, or preserve (1) Borrowel"S and Grantor's Obligations under the Note, ttlis Deed of Trust, and ttle Related Documents, and (2) the tiens and seclM'lty Interests created by !his Deed Of Trust as lirst and prior liens 011 tile Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by GrankN'. Unl89S prohibited by law or Lender-agrees to Itle contrary in writing, Grantor shal reimburse Lender for ali costs and expenses incurred In connection with Itlf;t maffers ralerred to in this paragraph. Attorney-In-Fact. It Grantor falls to do any 01 the things raferred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so for and in tile name of GranlDr and al Grantor's expense. For such purposes, Grantor hereby irrevocably apPOints ler-Ider as Grantor's attorney-in.lact lot the purpose of making, execUling, delivering, filing, recording, and doing an other things as may be necessary, or desirable, in Lender's sole opinion, to accomp~sh tI'le matters relerred to in the preceding paragraph., . . FUll PERFORMANCE. II Borrower pays all the Indebtedness when due, and oth9fWise periorms alilhe obligations Imposed upon Grantor under this Deed of Trust, lender shall 91(ecute and deriver 10 TruStee 8 requ8S.t for full reconveyance 8nd shalt execute and deliver to Grantor suitable statements of termination of any financing statement on file evidencing Lenders security Interest in the Rents and lhe Personal Property. Any reconveyance lee shall be paid by Grantor, If permitted by applicable law. The grantee in any reconveyance may be described as the "parson or P&rllons legally entitled thereto", and the racitllls in the reconveyance o! any matters or feelS sha~ be conclusive prool of tna Iruthlulness of any such matters or facts. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each of the following, ellender's option, shalt conslilute 8n Even1 of Detaul under Ihls Deed of Trust: Payment DeI.ult. Borrower leils to makQ any pe:ylTlQnt when due under the Incl9'btedness. Other Oaf.unl. Borrower or Grantor fails to cotfl)ly with or to periorm any other term, obligation, covenanl or condition contained in this Deed of Trust or in any oIlhe Related Documants or 10 comply with or 10 perlorm any term, obligation, covenant or condilion contained In eny other agreement between Lendar and Borrowm or Grantor. Compl1an~ DehlulL .r=.a~ura to OOI'TllIy with I¥ly oth~r.term, ,~galion:covenan!.or ~ contained in this Deed or Trust,·Ihe·Noteorfn'anyoithtfRef;8:ledDoCumenb.·' .': ,.: .... :."', '."' ... ::.. . . oefautr on omw j,.;.,m;.,ts;· FaUure' 0; G~ior Within the time r&Quired ·by'this Deed 01 Trust ~ make any payment for was or Insurance, Of any other paymGnt necessary to prevent filing 01 Of to effect discharge of any Uao. OeIautt In Favor 01 third Pails. Should Borrower or any Grantor dalautt under any loan, extension of credit, security agreement, purchase or sales agresrnent, or any other agreement, In favor of any other creditor or person It1at may materially affect any of Granlo(s property or Borrower's or any Granlors'abllity to repay the Indebtedness oi' perform !heir I'99pective obligations under this Deed 01 Trust or any of the Afll:e.ted Documents. False Statements. Any wartllnty, representation or statement made Or furnished to lender by Borrowar or Grantor or on Borrower'l 'or Grantor's behalf under !his 'o..cl 01 Trust or"the Relaf'&cl'Documents Is false or misleading In any material respect, elth9l" now or at,the time made or furnished or becOlTl88 false Of mJsJeaOing ateny time thereafter. Detective CollatwalfuHon. This Deed of Trust or any of the Related ~"menis C9&58$ to be In full force ancl eflect (inCludi~ ftl,ihoJre of anycollataral document to'create a varJd and periected securitY interest or lien) at anY time and lor MY reasoo. . • DEED OF TRUST (Continued) • 20060201001668.006 Page 6 Insolvency. The dissolution or lermination of Borrower's or Grantor's existence as a QOinQ busin~. lIle insotveocy of Borrower or Grantor, the appointment 01 a receiver lor any part 01 Bonower's or Granlor's property, any assignmeo! lor the benefit 01 creditors, any type 01 creditor workou1, or the commencement 01 any proceedIng ul"lder any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or ag.ainsl BoITOlVer or Granior Creditor or Forfeiture Proceedings. Commancement 01 foreclosure or forfeiture prOCeedings. wheltler by judoeial proceeding. self·help. repossession or any other method, by any creditor 01 Borrower or Grantor or by any governmental agency against any property securing the Inde~ednf!SS. This includes 8. garnishment of any 01 BorrO\ve(s or Granlor's ar::counts. including dC!pOSit accounts, lvith Leoder. Howevet. tflis Event of Delaull shall not apply rt there is a good lai1h dispute by Borrower or Grantor as 10 the validity or reasonableness 01 \he claim which is the basis 01 the creditor or torient.lle proceeding and if Borrower or Grantor gives Lef'lder writlen notice 01 the creditor or lorlelture proceedrng and deposits ~rith Lender monies or a surety bond for the creditor or 10r1eitvre proceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, in its sole discretion. 8S beirlQ an adeQuate reserve or rond for the dispute. Br~ch of Other Agreemenl Ally breach by Borrower or Grantor under the terms of any other agreement benvE!en Ballower Of Grantor and Lender that is not remedied within any grace perJod provided therein. including \\I'lthout limitation MY agreement conceming any indebtedness or other obligation 01 Borrower or Grantor to Lender. whether e)(iStin~rnow or later. Events AtfecUng Guarantor. Any ot the pl"eceding events occurs with respect to any GuaranlOl 01 any 01 the Indebtedness or any GuaraniOf' dies or becomes incompetent. or revokes or disputes the validity a\' or liability under, any Guaranty 01 the Indebtedness. In the event 01 a death. leoder. at its oplioo. may. but shall not be required to, permit the Guarantots estale to assume uncondlbonally the obligations arising under the guaranty in a manner safi:sfactOty 10 Lender. and. in doing so, cure any Event 01 Delaull. Adverse Change.. A material adverse chan!}9 occurs in Borrower's or Grantor's financial condition, Of Lender believes the prospect 01 pa~t OJ perlonnance of the Indebtedness is imp;lired, InsecurIty. Lender in good fai1h believes !Isert insecure. Existing IndebtednesS. The payment of Mrf ins!.a.Jlment of principal or any interest on the Existing tndebteodness is not made wrthin !he lime required by the promissory note evidencing such indebleodness, or a detaul! occurs under th& instrument securing such indebtedness and is not cureod during any applicable grace period In such instrument, or any suit or other action is convnenoed to foreclose any existing lien Oflthe Property. Right 10 Cure. If any delautt. oltler than a delauh in payment is curable and if Grantor has not been given a nobce 01 a breach 01 ttJe sam& provision 01 this Deed 01 Trust within the preceding twelve (12) monltls. it may be cured if Grantor. aMer receiving \vrinen notice from Lender demanding cure 01 such delault: (1) cures the delault within ten (10) days; or (2) it !tie cure requires more 1I1an ten (10) dayS. immethatety initiates steps which Lender deems in Lender's sole dIScretion to be sufficient to cure the de/ault and thereatter continues and completes at! reaSOnab/9 and necessary steps sufficient to produce compliance as soon as reasonably jlI'actical. RIGHTS ANO REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. If an Event 01 Default OCCUB under this Deed 01 Trust, at any time iherool1er. Tn.1Stee or lender may exercise anyone 01' more 011l1e IoIlo\\ling rights and remedIes: Election 01 Remedies. Election by Lender 10 pursue any remedy shall not exclude pursuil 01 any other remedy, aI'Id an ~ection to make exDOOdllures or to take action to perform an Obligation at Grantor under this Deed of Trust, aMar Grantor's failUla to perform, shall not atlect Lender's nght to declare a default and exercise its remedies. Accelerate Indebtedness. lender shall have the right at its option to declare the entire Indebtedness imnedl!l.tely due and payabh., 'induding any prep.8ymetJl penatty which Borrower would be required to pay. ForeclO$llt'e. Wrth r~pect to all or any part of the Real Property. !he Trustee shall have the right to e~ercise its p:Jwer 01 sale a'lCl to foreclose by notice and sale. and Lender shaU have the right to foreclose by judicial foreclosure, in either case in accordance with and to the lull extent providoo by applicable law. UCC Remedies. With respect to all or any part or !he Personal Property. Lender shall have all the rights and remedies 01 a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Coo'e. Collect Rents. Lender shall have !he ril1\t, without notice to Borrower or Grantor to take possession of and manage the Property and collect !he Rents, including amounts past due and unpaid. and apply the net proceeds, over and above Lender's costs. against the Indebtedness. In furtheratlC9 ollhis right, lender may require any tenant or oItler user of t!1e Prq:>erty to make payments of rent Of use lees direcUy to Lender. lithe Ref'l1$ are collected by Lender, then GranlO( irrevocably designates lender as Granto(s aoomey·m-Iact to eooorse instruments received in payment thereof in ttJe name 01 Grantot and to negoliale Itl8 same and COllect tI'I9 proceeds. Payments by tetWlls or other users to leor:lltf in response to Lende(s demand shaU satisiy the olJIigations for which the pa)'lTl9f\l:s are made, whether Of not any proper grounds for the demand eXisted. lender may exercise its rights under this subparagraph ei1her in person, by agent, Of !tIrough a receiver, Appoint Recelvel'_ leoder shall have 1111'1 right to have a rllCeiver appointed to take JXlISS8$sion 01 ell or any part ot the Property. with the power to Pl'otecl and preserve the Property, to operate the Property preceding or pending toreclosure or sale. and to coIlecithe Ref\1s from the Property and apply the proceeds, over and above the cost 01 the receivel'$hip. agaiost !he Indebtedness. The receiver may serve wilhout bond it permined by taw. Lender's right to the appointment 01 a receiver shall e~ist whether or oot the apparent .... alue of II'Ie Property exceeds the Indebtedness by a substantial amount. Employment by lender shall not disqualify e person from serving as a receiver. Tenancy at Suffer.ance. II Gnmtor remains in pQS!ession olltle Property aher t!1e Propeny is sold es provided above or Lender olhenvise becomes E!flti1led to possession of Ihe PfOperty uJX:lO default 01 Grantor. G.antOl' shall become a tenant at sufferance of Lend@r or the purchaser 01 the PrOperty and shan. at Lender's option, either (1) pay a reasonable rental lor the use of ltIe Property, or (2) vacate thE! Property immediately upon the demand 01 Lender. Other Remedies, Trustee or Lender shall have any 01l1er right Of remedy provided in this Deed of Trust or !he Note or by law. Notice 01 Sale. lender shan grve Grantor reasonable notice of the time and place of any public sale of the Personal Property or of the lime after which any privatB sale or other inlended disposition 01 the Personal Property is to be made. Reasonable notice Shall mean notice given at leasl ten (10) days before the time 011he sale or disposillon. Any sale 01 ttle Persooal Property may be made in conjunclion wlltl any sale 01 the Real Property. sale 01 the Property. To the extent permitted by applicable law. Bonower and Grantor hereby waives any and aU rights to have \he Property marshalled. In exercising its rights and remedies. IMe Truslee Of lender shall be Iree to sell all or any part 01 the Property t09'llher or separately, in one sale or by separate sates. lender shall be ef\tided to bid at any public sale on all or any portion 01 the Property. Attomeys' Fees; Expenses. tlLender institutes any sun or action to enJorce any of the terms of this Deed of Trust. Lender shalt be entitled to recover SUCh sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as anomeys· lees at trial and ulXlfl • DEED OF TRUST (Continued) • 20060201001668.007 Page 7 any appeal. Whelher or not any c:oort action is involved, and 10 the extant not protlibJt9d by law, all reasonable oxpell'lsos Lender Incurs thai in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time lor the protection 01 Its intelBst or the enl0rcemenl of 115 rights shall become a pan ollhe Indebtedness payable 0fI demand and shall bear inwest allhe Note rate Irom the (iato of tho expenditure unt~ rspald. Expenses covered by this paragraph include, without Umltation, however $ub}e6110 any limits under applicable law, lender's anomeys' lees and lender's leoal expenses, whether or not there Is 8 lawsuit, including attorneys' lees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to moc:Iify O!' vacale any automatic Slay 01 Injunction). appeals, aod ~ny anticipated p:lSt-judgmenl collection services, the cost 01 S93lchinQ records, obtaining litie reports (InctudinQ foreclosure reportS), surveyors' reports, and appraisal fees, tlUe insurance, and lees lor It1e Trustee, to the extent permitted by applicable law. GrantOf also win pay any CO\lrt costs, in addition 10 all ohler sums provided by IIIw. . Rlghls of TrustH:. Trustee shan have all 01 the rights and duties 01 lendar as sal forth in this section. POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The following provisions relating 10 the powers and obI"tQ8tions 01 TnlStea (pUrsuant to Lendar's 'Instructions) are part of this Deed of Trust Powers of Trustee. In addition to all powers of Trustee arising as a matter 01 law, Trustee shall have lhe powar to tak:e th& following actions w'rth resl»CI to tho Property upon the written request 01 Lendar and Grantor: (a) join in preparing and filing a map or plal Of the Real Property. including the dedication 01 straets or olt1er rights to the public; (b) join in granting any easement or creating any restriction on the Real Property; and (c) jorn in any subordlna~on or other agreement affecting this Deed Of Trust or the Interest 01 Lender under this Deed 01 Trust. OblJgalions 10 Nollfy. Trustee shaM not be obligated to notify any other party of a pending sale under any other trust deed or flBll, or of any actIOn or proceeding in Which Grantor, Lender, Of Trustee shall be a party, unless reqUIred by applicable taw, Of unless the action Of proc&eding is brought by Trustee. Trustee, Trustee shall meet a~ qualifications required fOi Trustee under applicable law. In addttlon to the rights and remedies set forth at)(we, with respeclto an or any ~rt 01 the Property, the Trustee shall have lt1e right 10 foreclose by notice and sale, and lender shall have Ihe-righilO lorec/ose by judicial foreclosure, in either case in accordance with and to the lui extent provided by ap,olicable law. Successor Trustee. Lander, al Lender's option, may from lime 10 time appoint a successor Trustee 10 any Trustee appointed under Itlis Deed 01 Trust by an Instrument executed and a.cknowledged by Lander and recordad In the office 01 tile recorder of KirIQ Counly, State-of Washlng1on. The Instrument shall contam, in addition 10 all other matters required by state law, the names 01 the original Lender, Trustee, end Grantor. the book and page or the Auditor's File Number Where this D~ of Trust is recorded, and the name end address 01 the successor trustee, and the instrument shall be executed and acknowledg&d by lGnder or its succ&ssors in interesl. The successor trustee, wrthout conveyance of the Property. Shall SUCCeed 10 all the tide, power, and duties conlerrad upon Ihe Trustee In thiS Deed 01 TrlJSl and by applicable law. This procedure lor substitution 01 Trustee shall fJovarn 10 the exclusiOn of all other provisions for substitution NOTICES. Subject 10 apPlicable law, and except for notice required 0( allowed by law 10 be given in another manner, any notICe required 10 be given under this Deed oj Trust, includIng without limitation any notice of defautt and any notice of sale shall be given In wriUng, and shall be effective when actually delivered, when actually received by telefaeslmile (unless otherwise requited by law), When deposited with a natiOnally r9Cognized ovamignt COurier, or, if mailed, when deposited in the United States ma~, as first class, cerli/II)!:! or registered man postaGe prepaid, dir9cled to lI1e addresses shown ooar tile tl9glnnlng olltlis Deed of Trust. All capies 01 notices ollorectosure Irom 11"1& hOlder 01 any lten which has priority over this Deed 01 Trust shall be sent to Lender's address, os shown neer the b99irlnil"lQ ollhis Deed ot Trust. Any party may change its address lor notices under ltIis Deed 01 Trust by giving lormal writt&n notICe 10 the other parties, specifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the party's address. For notK:e purposes. Grllntor agrees to keep lender Informed at all times of GrantOf's current address. Subjeclto applICable law, and except lor notice required or alJowed by Jaw to be given in another manner, if there Is more than one Grantor, any notice gIVen by lender to any Grantor Is dQamed 10 be nolice given to all Grantors. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The following misceilaneoLlS provlsions are a pari 01 this Deed 01 Trust Amendments. This Deed 01 Trust. together wtth any Related DOCuments, constitutes !he 9I'1tire understanding and agreement 01 the parties as 10 the matters sellorth In ttl!s Deed 01 Trust No alteration of or amen<1menllo this Deed of Trust shell be effective unless given In wrillng and sicnee' by the party or partles sought 10 be chargQC/ Of bolXld by the alteration Of amendlTl9l1t Annual Reporll. lithe Property IS used #or purposes other than Grantor's residence, Grantor shall fUmlsh to Lender, upoo request a certified statement 01 net operating Income received from the Property duriflQ Grantor's previous Iiscal year in such form and detaif as Lender shall reqtJlre. 'Net operating income" s/\all mean all cash receipts from the Property less all cash eXpel'1dltures made in connection wlltllhe oper8tron 01 the Property. Caption Headings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are tor convenience purposes only and are not to be used to Interpret or define the provisiOns 01 this D&ed 01 Trust. Merger. There sha~ be no merger ot the Interest or estate created by this Deed 01 Trust with any other Interest or estate In the Property at any ttm& held by or tor the benefit 01 lender If"l any capacity, without the WJm91l consent of Lender. Governing Law. This Deed of Trust will be governed by federal I.w .ppllc:able to Lender Wid, to the extent not preempted by rederallaw, the taws of the SIal. ot Wa.hinglon withoul regard to tis conflicts ot law provlalons. This Deed of Trusl has been accepted by lender 1n 1he State 01 Washington. Choice ot Venue. II theTe is e lawsuit, Grantor agr&9S upon Lender's request to submit to the jurisdiction ot tho courts 01 K~ County, State of wasr:wngton.. ~. . . '. . ..' . '. ". '.' . Jolnt .n~ SeveriifUabli'i'~:\~il ~~'uooi:Ot 8ofT~e;. 8nd',Gi~~iOr'U:nd8r .Uii~ Deed "of. Trusrsh~' be Joinl.·~ soviiral, . and e" relerences It' Granto; shall mean each and iwefy GrantOr, 'oOd all relerencea. 'to 'BorroW8f.shall mean each and fN«y Borrower. Thts (Tleansthat each Borrower and Grantor signing below Is r8$ponsib!e lor all obllgllttoos In this Deed 01 TMt: Where arr-t one Of more of the parties is a COlpOration, partnership, limited liability cOfTlplJ"ly or sImilar entity, it Is not necessary for lender 10 Inquire Into the powerS 01 any ot 1I"1e oHicers, directors, partners, merri>efs, or other agents acting or purporting 10 act on the entity's behan, and any obligations made Or creat&d In rel'lancs upon the professe(] ax&fCise 01 such powers shall be guaranteed uf'lder this Deed of Trust. No Waiver by Lender, Lender sha~ not b& deemed 10 have waived any tlghls t.nder thIS Deed Of Trust W"IIess such waiver Is gWen in writing and sl\1l9d by Lender. No delay or omission on the pan of Lender in exerCising any right shall operate as a waiver ot suchrigilt or any oth~ right. A waiver by Lender of a provI:slon 01 this Deed ot Trust shall nol prejudJce or constitute a wa~ 01 Lender's' rigtT! otherwise 10 demand slrict compliance wlttl that provislcm ()( any other proviSion 01 tilts Deed of Trust. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any course 01 d&allng between Lender and Granlor, shaU conslihJte e waiver of any of lender's rights or 01 any of Gran/Of'S obIlgatlons as to any future transactions. Whenever the consent of lender is required IIlder lhis Deed of Trust the gralltlng of such CQrlsent by Lend&( in any Instance sha~ not oonstit\Jfe continuing conserrt to subsSQuent Instances: where such coMant is required and in en caS98 such consent • DEED OF TRUST (Continued) may be granted or wiltlhetd in the sole discreuon olle-oder. • 20060201001668.008 Page 8 Sever.abllity. II a COlJrt 01 competenl jUnsdlCllon rlllCls any proviSion of this Deed 01 Trust 10 be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable as to any person or circumstance, that finding sl'1a!1 1"101 make tile offending provision illegal, invalid, or unenforceable as to any other person or circumstance. II leasible, the offending provision shall be consideT(~d mcdified SO thaI it becomes legal. valid and enlorceable. I! the offending provisiorl cannol be so modified. it shall be considered deleted from this Deed 01 Trus\. Unless other .... ise required by law, the ~Iegality. invalidity. or unenfon;eabilrty of any provision of this Deed 01 Trust shall not affect the legality, validity or enfOlceability of any other provision 01 this Deed of T""t Successors lind Assigns. Subject to any limitations staled in this Deed of Trust on transfer of Granlo(s interest, this Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure \0 the benerlt 01 the par1ies, their successors and assigns. II ownership 01 the Property becomes vested in a persoo othE'l" than Grantor, lender. wi1tlo1.ll notice to Grantor, may deal wittl Granlor's SUCCessOfS with reference to this Deed 01 Trust and the Indebtedness by way 01 lorbearant;e or a)(1ension without releasing Grantor from the Obligations 01 this Deed of Trust or liability under the IMebl€."dness. Time Is of the E$.$en~. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Deed of Trusl Waiver 01 Homestead Exempllon. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights and benefits 01 the homestead exemption raws of the State of Washington as to all IndebtednesS secured by this Deed of Trust. DEFINmONS. The following capitali2:ed words and terms shall have the following meanings when used in this Deed 01 Trust Unless specifically slated 10 the COI1trary. all references to dollar amounts shall mean amounts in lawful money of !he UnitGd Stales of America. Words and terms used in the singular shall include the plural. and the plural shall include the singular, as the COI"llaxt may requira. WOfds and tBrms not otherwise defined in this Deed of Trusl shall have \he meanillQS attributed 10 such terms in the Unilorm Commen::iaJ Code: Beneficiary, The word 'BeI1eficiary' means EvergreenBank, and its successors and aSSigns. BOfTow~. The WOrd "Borrower" means JDA Group, l.LC. and includes all co-signers and cc>-makers signing lI1e Note and a1llheir successor.; and assigns. Deed of Trust The words "Deed of Trusl" mean this Deed of Trust 8!T1011g Granlor, lender. and Trust&€t, and includes Without limitabon all assignment and sacurity inleresl provisions relating to the Personal Property and Rents. Defautl The word 'Default' means the Oelault sellorth ill this Deed 01 Trusl in the section litjed 'Oefault". Environmental laws. The words 'Envisonme-ntal Laws' mean any aod all slale, f€."deral and local slaMes, regulations and on:Iinances relating to the protection of human health or me erwiroomenl, including without limita\lon the Comp!"ehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Uabilrty Act of t9&), as amended, 42 U.S.C. SectiOn 9601, at seq. rCEACLA"), the Superlund Amendments and Reauthorilation Act 01 1986, PUb. l. No. 99-499 (,SARA,), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act. 49 U.S.C. Section 1601. et seq., the Resource ConservatiOl'1 and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6"901. al seq .• or other applicable stllle or federal laws, rvles, or regulations adopled pursuant therelo. Evenl of Default The words 'Evenl of DefauU' mean any of lI1e events of delault setlorth in this Deed of Trvsl in the events of default section 01 this Deed of Trvsl exIsting Indebtedness. ThB words 'Existing Indebtedness' mean !he indebtedness descnbed in the Exislmg IJeM provision of this Deed of Trust GrnnlOf_ The word 'Gran!Or" means JOA Group, LLC.: and 1.0. Kline CorpoJatioo. Guarantor. The word 'Guarantor" means any guarantor. surety. Of acconvnodation party 01 any Of all 01 the Indetlledness. Guaranty. The \'<Onf 'Guaranty' means the guaranty from Guarantor 10 Lender, inCILlding \vithout limilatiotl a guaranty of all or pan 01 the Note. Hazardous Substances. The words 'Hazardous Substances" me.an materials that. because 01 their quantity, ooncentmtion or physiCal. chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause or pose a present Of potential hazard 10 human healltJ or the environment when improperty used, treated, stored, disposed of, generaled. manufactured_ transported or othe,wise handled. The words 'Hazardous Substances' are used In their very broadesl sense and include without limitation any and an hazardous or lo~ic subslances. matenals or waste as defined by or lisled under the EnvirOl"VTlefltal Laws. 1he term 'Hazardous Substances' also incfodes, wilhol.ll limitalion, pel10leum and pel101eum by-products or any fnlcfion thereof and asbestos. Improvements. The word ·Improvements' means an existing and Mure improvements, buildings, structurE'S, mob~e homes alfu.:e<:I on the Real Property, fac~ilies. add"rtions. replacements and oll1er construction on the Real Property. Indebtecln!:$.S. The word 'Indebtedness" means all principal, interest. and other amounts, costs and expenses payable under ttJe Nole or Ralated Documents, together with all renewals 01, extensions of, modificationS of, CQnso!idatlOos 01 and substitutiOns for the Note Of Relaled Documents and any amounts e~pended or advanced by lender to discharge Grantor's ObIi!)8tions or exp&nsE15 incurrad by Trvstee or Lender to enlorca Granlor's ob1igations under this Deed 01 Trust, together with interest on such amounts as provide(! in this Deed 01 Trost. Specifically. wnhoot limitation, Indebtedness includes all amounts thaI may be indirectly seeured by the Cross·CoIIateralization provision of this Deed of Trost lC!nOer. The word "Lender" means EvergreenBank, its Sl.lC:CeS$otS and assigns. Note.. The word "Note' means the promissory note dated January 18. 2006. In the original prinCipal amount of S959,042_10 from Borrower to Lender. together with all renewals 01. extensions 01, modifICations of. refinancings of, consolidations 01. and substitutions for the promissory note or agreement. NOnCE TO GRANTOR: THE NOTE CONTAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. Penonal PIOpert)', The woros 'Personal Property' mean an eqUipment. fixtu/e5, and other articles 01 personal prOperty now or hereafter owned by Grantor, and now or hereafter attaChed or affi~ed 10 the Real Property: tooether with all accessions. parts, and additions to, all replacements 01. and al subslIMions IOf. any of such property; and togelh9r with all issues and profits thereon and proceeds (inc!Llding withoutlimltalion all insurance proceeds and refunds 01 premiums) from any sale or other disposition 01 the Property. Property_ The word "Pmparty' means collectively !he Real Property and the Personal Property. Real Property. The words ·Real Property· mean the real property, interests and rights, as lurther d&scribed in this Deed 01 Trusl Related Documents. The words 'Related Documents" mean all promissory notes. (;red~ agreements, toan agreements. environmental agreements, guaranties, security agr~ents, mor1~ges., deeds 01 IJUst, security deeds, collateral mol19Bges, and aU other instruments. agreements and documents, whether now or hereafter existing. e~ecuted in • connection with the Incleb!9dness. DEED OF TRUST (Continued) • 20060201001668.009 Page 9 Rents. The word "Rents' means all present and future rents, revenues, income, issues, royalties, prolits, and other benefits derived from the Property. Trustee. The word "Trustee" means Pacific Northwest Title Company, whose mailing address Is 215 Columbia St, Seattle, WA 98104 and any substitute Of succeSSOf lrusleas. . EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. GRANTOR: LIMITED STATEOF ~~ COUNTYOFC~~~~ __ ~ __________ ___ Onlhis ~~ day o,n ...... AA,/,1/DA.fA ' _____ ' before ma, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appQared Jack ~er 01 JDA Group, LLC., and personally known 10 me or provQd to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be a membt;H" or designalBd agent 01 the Nmited liabilrty company thai executed Ih& Doed of Trust and acknowl&d~ 100 Deed of Tflr.j! to be the free and voluntary act and deed 01 the limited liability company, by author~ 01 SlalUle, It$ articles oj organiZatiOn or lis operat'lllg agreQment, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oatn sIal al he 01 she is authorized to execute this Deed 01 TllJsl and in fllc! executed lha By ~ Resldlng.tLI~='-"""=='-f=r",,::=-Deed 01 Tr~st on ~~ the limlled tlily company. ~ Notary Public In and for the State of ..tAt....~ hvt, ~ My commission exp_ CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF _______________ __ COUNTYOF _________ ~~~--------- )S ) On this 20 ___ , bGiole me, ttle undersigned Notary Public, pelsonally norney of Fact for 1.0, Kline Corporation, an Oregon Corporal lon, and personaUy known to 109 ved to me 01"1 the . of satisfactory evidence to be an authollzed agent 01 th& cOtporalion thai executed the 0 Trust and acknowledged the of Trust to be the tree and voluntary acl and d98d of the corporation, by author" its Bylaws or by resolution 01 Its board 0 tors, 'or the uses and purposes lt1erein mentIOned, and on oath stated) t he or she is authorized to execute this Deed of and in lact 8l1;OCuted the Deed of Trust on behalf 01 lhe corpo dOn. B', ________ ~L-------~ " r:'~Jdlng a,~-____ ~ __________ __ Notary Publlc-J for the State-of ___ My comml.slon explr. ______ _ • DEED OF TRUST (Continued) • 20060201001668.010 Page 10 REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE To. __________________ , Trustee The undersigned is ttle legal owner and holder 01 all indebtedness secured by ttllS Deed 0) Trusl You are hereby requested, ,UJX>O payment 01 aD sums owing to you, to reconvey without warranty. 10 the persons entilled thereto. the right, tJt1e and interest now held by you uncler the DeOO 01 TrusL Dale: _________________ _ Beneficiary: ________ _ By: _______ _ lis: • DEED OF TRUST (Continued) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY STATE OF--,{JJ-'.;.:W::..:...-.:::JAA."--7'~~~_) )ss County of ~ ) • 20060201001668.011 Page 11 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Jack D. Alhadeff. As Attornev of Fact for I.D. Kline Corporation, an Oregon Corporation is/are the person (5) who appeared before me, and said person (s) acknowledged that he or she/they signed this instrument, on oath stated that he or shelthey islare authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. _~-'-~ ___ day of gMU(~ ·,20 !::::d::... _ Residing alab '145tftwL By _.::::rt2:b.ill~~ ___ _ Notary Public in and for the State orf.MJdc, (f1j~ ~L~EE:"!R~. R~O~M~B~OU"::GH NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES J-.....,..:M';;.:,;RI ... L~ 9200~';:..7 . ."..,. My commission expires !f fer lett . , , . .. • • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5272 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A to-FEET WIDE PLATTED WALKWAY APPROXIMATELY 187 FEET IN LENGTH, CONNECTING NW 6TH STREET TO RAINIER A VENUE (JACK D. ALHADEFF -JDA GROUP; VAC-05-002). WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a 10' wide platted walkway approximately 187 feet in length, connecting NW 6th Street to Rainier Avenue, was filed with the City Clerk on January 26, 2005, and that petition was signed by the owners representing more than two-thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon the street or alley to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 3742, passed on March 21, 2005, set April 18, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton as the time and place for a public hearing on this matter; and the City Clerk having given proper notice of this hearing as provided by law, and all persons having been heard who appeared to testifY in favor or in opposition on this matter, and the City Council having considered all information and arguments presented to it; and WHEREAS, the Administrator of the PlanningiBuildinglPublic Works Department has considered this petition for vacation, and has found it to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and that no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from this vacation; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 • • ORDINANCE NO. 5272 SECTION I. The following described walkway connecting NW 6th Street to Rainier A venue, to wit: (A 10' wide platted walkway approximately 187' in length, connecting NW 6th Street to Rainier Avenue) See Exhibit" A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein is hereby vacated subject to a utility easement in favor of the City retained over the entire right- of-way; further, no grading or filling is allowed within the easement area, and the petitioner must provide satisfactory proof that outside utility companies have received and are satisfied with any easements necessary to protect their facilities within the area. SECTIONU. Compensation is set in the amount of $6,000.00 for this street vacation. SECTION ill. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16 t h day of_----"A:!:p:.::r-=i-=l ___ ~, 2007. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16th day of __ A-'--pr_il _____ ~, 2007. Kathy Ke6ifer, Mayor 2 • ORDINANCE NO. 5272 ~ed as to form: Sw .... !I!!#WG. ~ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 4/21/2007 ( summary) ORD.134S:3/30/07:ma 3 • • • ORDINANCE NO. 5272 Exhibit A Legal Description -Walkway Vacation: A portion of platted walkway, 10 teet in width, lying between Lot 7, Block 2 and Lot 8, Block 3, Woody Glen Addition, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, Pages 91 and 92, Records of King Coumy, Washington. Situate in the Southeast Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. -' • NW 6TH ST --- ORDINANCE NO, 5272 MAP EXHIBIT LOT 7, BLOCK 2 WOODY GLEN AOOfTlON VOL 47, PAGE 91 & 92 LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOOD Y GLEN AOOfTlON VOL 47, PAGE 91 & 92 THIS VACATION IS BEING REQUESTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139 BEING REVlEWlEO BY THE CITY OF RENTON_ GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 ~ .... ! I ...... ' ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 it .:D:..:e;.:c.:cem=be.:.:r_I-=I.:...' =-20'-0:..:6 _____ " Renton City Council Minutes .,, ________ :.:p..:a"'g::.e:.:44.:9:..: . ,. , __ Development Services: Removal of Restrictive Covenants on Dalpay Properties, Union Ave NE Utilities Committee Utility: Oversizing Reimbursement for Water Main, Sixth Street Short Plat, JDA Group Slff-otf-/31 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution #3847 Plat Cottages at Honey Creek, NE Sunset Blvd, FP-06-041 Resolution #3848 Plat Savannah at the Park, Union Ave NE, FP-06-127 Development Services: Boeing Subdistrict I B Planned Action Ordinance #5242 Development Services: Boeing Subdistrict I B Planned Action Annexation: Maplewood Addition, Maple Valley Hwy Planning and Development Committee Chair Briere presented a report concurring with the staff recommendation. to remove restrictive covenants placed on the Dalpay properties (tax nos. 30423059273, 0423059273, and 142305235) in 1984, and recorded by King County a~ no. 8404300578. The properties are located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection ofNE 12th SI. and Union Ave. NE. The property owner James Dalpay requested consideration of this action. Staff concurred due to conflicts between the recorded restrictions and current Comprehensive Plan policy. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLA WSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the request for reimbursement in the total amount of$53,750 from IDA Group LLC, for costs related to the installation of a new eight-inch water line in NW 6th SI. as requested by the City's Utility Division. City Code allows developers to request the City to participate in the cost of the utility improvement when the City requires a route for the utility that is more expensive than other potential routes for the best interest of the City and the general locality. MOVED BY CLA WSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: A resolution was read approving the Cottages at Honey Creek Final Plat; approximately 4.1 acres located at 4821 NE Sunset Blvd. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLA WSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. A resolution waS read approving the Savannah at the Park Final Plat; approximately 1.73 acres located in the vicinity of the 900 block of Union Ave. NE. MOVED BY BRJERE, SECONDED BY CLA WSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: An ordinance was read designating a Planned Action for Sub-District I-B of the Boeing Renton Plant property, an approximately 51-acre parcel bounded by Logan Ave. N., Garden Ave. N., N. 8th St., and N. 6th SI. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRJED. Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was MOVED BY CLA WSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL A YES. CARRIED. An ordinance was read annexing approximately 60.5 acres of property located primarily along the south side ofSE Renton -Maple Valley Hwy. east of Maplewood Gardens and west of the Cedar River where it crosses under the SE Renton -Maple Valley Hwy. (Maplewood Addition). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY CLA WSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. • UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT December 11, 2006 APPROVED BY CiT'{ COUNCIL Date /).-//-MOb Water Main Improvements in NW 6th Street Request for Reimbursement for Developer's Extension of Water Main (November 27,2006) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence of the staff recommendation to approve the request for reimbursement in the total amount of $53,750.00 from IDA Group LLC, for costs related to the installation of a new 8-inch water line in NW 6th Street as requested by the City's Water Utility section. City Code allows developers to request the City to participate in the cost of the utility improvement when the City requires a route for the utility that is more expensive than other potential routes for the best interest of the City and the generarIocality. Dan Clawson; Chair ~~ Terri Briere, V~ Denis W. Law, Member cc: Lys Hornsby, Utility Systems Director Abdoul Gafour. Water Utility Supervisor --,. October 4,2006 Dave Follansbee AHBL • 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, W A 98403-3350 CIT~F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator SUBJECT: SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT (LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA) Dear Mr. Follansbee, This letter is to inform you that the Hearing Examiner Decision for the above-referenced short plat was issued on February 10, 2005. A condition of the short plat approval required that the lot line adjustment be recorded prior to the recording of the Short Plat. That Lot Line Adjustment was recorded in December,2005. You may proceed with the nex/step of the short plat process. The enclosed handout, titled "Short Plat Recording," provides detailed information for this process. The conditions listed in the Hearing Examiner Decision dated February 10, 2005 must be satisfied before the short plat can be recorded. In addition, the Advisory Notes and Mitigation Measures required of the project inust also be complied with. Copies of these documents are enclosed for your use. Comments received from Property Services are also enclosed to. assist you. If you have any questions regarding the decision issued for this short plat proposal, please call me at (425) 430-7286. For questio'us regarding the recording process for the short plat, as well as for submitting revised plans, you. may contact Carrie Olson at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, . . ~--e~~ Jennifer Toth Henning, AICP . Current Planning Manager cc: Clu=Re elseh -------------Io-s-s-So-u-th-ili--.d-y-W-a-y---R-en-w-n-,-W-as-h-in-~-0-n-9-80-S-S------------~ til This paper contains 50% recycled matenal. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE 1 Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor December 9. 2005 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10811 Main Street. #110 Bellevue. WA 98004 SUBJECT: Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment File No. LUA-04-139, LLA Dear Mr. Wagner: C1TVt>F RENTON PlanningIBuiidinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The City of Renton has completed processing the above referenced lot line adjustment and has forwarded the final mylars to King County for recording. Please note the recording of the lot line adjustment map alone does not transfer ownership of property. If necessary. prepare and record a deed transferring ownership of the portion of land depicted in the lot line adjustment map. We recommend that the legal description for this document be prepared by a surveyor. It is the. applicant's responsibility to ensure this document is properly prepared and recorded with the·County. If you have any further questions regarding this lot line adjustment. please contact me at (425) 430-7286. ~. Jennifer Toth Henning. A CP . Principal Planner cc: Yellow file ------------~IO~5~5~S~o-ut~h~G~r-ad~y-~-a-y---R-e-n-to-n~.~~a-s~h~in-gt-o-n~9~8-05~5-------------~ ® This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: • CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM December 9, 2005 City Clerk's Office Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner, x7286 SUBJECT: Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment; File No, LUA-04-139, LLA Attached please find two sets of the above-referenced mylar and three copies for recording with King County. Please have Consolidated Delivery & Logistics, Inc. take these documents via: x Priority service Rush service Economy service ($22.46) ($17.94) ($15.73) Attached is a check for the amount of $15.73 for the fee to CD&L. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recordings should be charged to account #0001007.590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x7382 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Yellow file Sonja Fesser, Property Services Jan Conklin, Development Services APPLICANT H:\Oivision.s\Oevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\JTH\LLA's\CLERKMMO.DOC ----------------------------------------------- - Mayor December 7,2005 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10811 Main Street, #110 . Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment File No. LUA-04-139, LLA Dear Mr. Wagner, CITY _7 RENTON . PlanningIBuildiil!¥PublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator The City has completed the review your proposed lot line adjustment and is now ready to sign and send the final version for recording. Please submit two sets of an original mylar and a check for $15.73 made out to CD&L to me atthe sixth floor counter of City Hall. . Please verify that the mylars have been signed by all owners of record and have been notarized with an ink stamp (not embossed). The ink stamp must be legible so that King County will promptly record the lot line adjustment. This decision to approve the proposed lot line adjustment is subject to a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter. Any appeals of the administrative decision must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 pm, December 21, 2005. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. If you have further questions regarding this project, please call me at (425) 430-7286. Sincerely, . ( ; ; . \-··-r;, ri-, 1'1' -t, ~ ') . ~"" .. , ,t:~\..1 l L -t' ; I ",~; . >:/ '. ' Jennifer Henning Principal Planner cc: JDA Group, LLC & 10 Kline/Owners Project File -------~1~05~5~S~o-u~th~G~r-ad~y~W~a-y--~R~e-n-to-n~,W~a-S~h~in-g-to-n~9~8705~5~-------·~ ® This paper contains 50% recyclt:ld materia!, 30% post consumer AHEAD Of THE CURVE ' .. • DATE: TO: FROM: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 23, 2005 Sonja Fesser, Property Services Jennifer Henning, Development/Planning, x7286 d1Y -~ SUBJECT: Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-04-139,LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: <d?~ Name Robert T_ Mac Onie, Jr. PLS cc: Yellow File H;\Division.s\Develop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\kmc\planner manual\LLA\Templates\lIa memo.doc ..P " ." DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 28, 2005 Jennifer Henning SonjaJ. FesserJ5? Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-139-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the fOllowing comments: Comments for the Applicant: See the attachment for a spelling error in the new legal description for "PARCEL B". Remove all references to the 10.00 feet public utility easement (including dashed lines), per Rec. No. 8404090614, as noted northerly of the subject lot line adjustment properties on Sheet 2 of 2. Said easement has no impact on this lot line adjustment. The dimension indicator (at the northeast corner of Lot 8 for the dimension of 202.27") is missing. The indicator that is present is on the wrong side of said northea,t comer. Add a correct indicator and remove the existing at said corner, or flip the existing indicator (currently not used for any dimension). The recording number noted for the 58.04 agreement has an extra digit. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Rccords\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustments\0286\RV051128.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • PLANNINGIBUILDINGI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 4, 2005 Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Supervisor Jennifer Henning, Principal Plannerd\'r\ Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment (File No. LUA04-139, LLA) Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Plan Review approval: cc: Yellow File h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev&pJan.ing\jth\memos\6th street plat memo doc -lIa.doc I I I I , PARTIES OF RECORD SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street ste: # 110 Bellevue, WA 98004 tel: 425-454-0566 eml: wagnerr@baylisarchitects.com (contact) JDA Group, LLC & ID Kline 95 S Tobin Street Renton, WA 98055 tel: 425-891-1002 (owner / applicant) Melford E. Flatten 210 NW 6th Street Renton, WA 98055-1077 tel: 206-772-5120 (party of record) (Page I I (': ~ • AFFIDA VIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of King ) Nancy Thompson being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 10th day or February 2005, amant deposited via the United States Mail a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: ,2005. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at & ~( II ' therein. Application. Petition or Case No.: Sixth Street Short Plat File No.: LUA 04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete lis! of!he Parties of Record • • February 10, 2005 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON Minutes APPLICANT: CONTACT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: SUMMARY OF ACTION: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: PUBLIC HEARING: JDA Group, LLC 1.0. Kline Corp. 95 South Tobin Street Renton, W A 98055 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 1080 I Main Street, Ste. 110 Bellevue, W A 98004 Sixth Street Short Plat LUA 04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA 100 block ofNW 6th Street Hearing Examiner Short Plat approval for a seven lot subdivision of a I.S4 acre site. Development Services Recommendation: Approve subject to conditions The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on January II, 2005. After reviewing the Development Services Report, examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area; the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the January 18, 2005 hearing. The legal record is recorded on CD ... The hearing opened on Tuesday, January IS, 2005, at 9:59 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No.1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Neighborhood Detail Map application, proof of posting, proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Preliminary Short Plat Plan Exhibit No.4: Land Clearing Plan Sixth Street Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 2 Exhibit No.5: Topographic Survey Exhibit No.7: Drainage Plan Exhibit No.9: Private Road Plan and Profile Exhibit No. 11: Zoning Map Exhibit No. 13: Variance request showing the 40 foot setback for each of the lots • Exhibit No.6: Grading Plan Exhibit No.8: Utility Plan Exhibit No. 10: Exempt steep Slopes through Modification Exhibit No. 12: ERC Mitigation Measures The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by Susan Fiala. Senior Planner, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The subject short plat is for seven lots on a 1.84-acre site that has had a lot line adjustment that has not yet been recorded. The site is located in the West Hill area of the City of Renton. The subject site is zoned R·8, Residential Single Family under the Comprehensive Plan Lane Use Designation. There are wetlands that are on and off site as well as associated buffers. There is commercial located to the east of the subject site along Rainier Avenue North, there is existing single family residential along NW 6th Street, and steep slopes, both protected slopes that are 40% and greater, and several man made slopes that have been approved through exception, along the east property line. There is an area ofland currently owned by the City that is separating the north parcel from one of the two southern parcels, the applicant has requested a vacation ofthat property, an easement would be given back to the City, that would be allowed for public utilil)r area. A 30-foot wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac at the end ofNW 6th Street to access the lots. To the north and south ofthe site there are critical areas, these are protected area slopes that are 40% and greater and those would be located within a slope easement area. There wi II be no vegetation removed from the critical areas on the site. The average slope of the site did not meet the criteria as a "hillside subdivision". There are three parcels to this site, the lots are long and narrow, however they do meet the requirements of the R-8 zone. This subject land is vested to the R-8 development regulations that were in effect prior to the new code effective date of November 10,2004. The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated with six mitigation measures. No appeals were filed. Variance: The applicant is requesting a variance from the Renton Municipal Code 4· 7·170.F.I, standard requirements for measuring the required front yard setback. Proposed Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the east portion, not fronting the public cul-de-sac, and considered pipestem lots whereby the front yard setback is measured from the point where the lot is 80 percent of the required lot width, in this case for the R·8 properties, a 50-foot lot width is required, 80% is 40 feet. The applicant contends that the site is encumbered by several environmental elements that encircle the perimeter of the site and reduce the buildable area of the site. Staff recommends that the front yards of Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 be measured from the private access easement at a distance that would create a Sixth Street Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 3 • uniform setback for these four lots. However, in no case should any structure be closer than 15 feet from the private access easement. The side and rear yard setbacks as required by the R-8 zone would be maintained. The Examiner stated that if there were less lots, there would not be a problem. The hardship seems to be generated by the number of lots. Ms. Fiala stated that they had reviewed all the criteria and they would like to see that each of the houses on Lots 3,4, 5, and 6 be located to provide a uniform setback, not necessarily all in a row, but so that they are not in such a haphazard location along the private access easement. Short Plat Criteria: The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. It is in compliance with the land use element, housing element and environmental element of the Comprehensive Plan with those policies relating to density, lot size, infill as well as protecting those areas of protected slopes and other critical areas as the wetlands. The 1.84 acre site is designated Residential-8 (R-8) dwelling units per acre on the zoning map. This would allow the construction of up to seven dwelling units along with associated plat improvements. The net density for this site is 7 dulac. This density is based on the site after the lot line adjustment has been completed. There are no corner lots within this short plat. The lot widths and depths meet the criteria for minimum requirements. Lot sizes would be equal to or greater than the minimum of 4,500 square feet. All lots contain portions of steep slopes that are excepted or to be placed within a critical areas easement. Lots 1,2 and 7 comply with the R-8 minimum setback requirement. Lots 3, 4,5, and 6 are part of the variance requested by the applicant. The compliance with all building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. As proposed, the lots comply with arrangement and access requirement of the Subdivision Regulations. All lots, with the approval of the variance, appear to have sufficient building area for the development of detached single-family homes. The proposed subdivision does not include any lots to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way. The proposed private access easement would be 30 feet with 24 feet of pavement. All seven lots would utilize the private access easement. The request for one additional lot off the private easement has been approved administratively with conditions. The length of the dead end road, NW 61h Street, would be 650 feet to the end of the upgradcd cui-dc-sac. Fire has indicated that an additional 50 feet beyond the cul-de-sac would be allowed and beyond that 700 feet all homes would have to be within ISO feet of the furthest edge ofthe structure to allow for emergency access. Staff recommends the establ ishment of a maintenance agreement for all common improvements, including utility and private access easements and critical area easements/tracts. The plans indicate that all vegetation would be removed for the development of the short plat, except within the critical areas easement area. As a result of the loss of vegetation, staff recommends that two trees be planted in the front yard of each orthesc lots. However, with the variance for some of the yards, if there is not adequate Sixth Street Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V -H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 4 • area in the front yard, stafTwould be willing to work with the applicant and see that the trees are located somewhere within the plat. Fire, Traffic and Park Mitigation Fees are proposed. The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District. The School District has indicated that they can accommodate the additional students. The site lies within the West Hill sub-basin of the Cedar River Basin and ultimately drains to the south end of Lake Washington. The proposed project will allow some roof drainage to flow onto the north and south slopes, while the rest of the runoff will be connected to the Rainier Avenue storm system via a closed pipe. Stormwater flows from the site would be conveyed through a proposed 12-inch storm drain to the existing storm system in Rainier Avenue. There is a 12-inch high-pressure water main in NW 6th Street, through the site to Rainier Avenue North. No structures will be built over this easement. Fire flow requirements dictate a new S-inch water main. All homes within this plat would be required to be sprinklered per Code requirement. Staff recommends approval of this short plat subject to six conditions. Richard Wagner, Baylis Architects, 10SOI Main Street, Ste. 110, Bellevue, WA 9S004 stated that when the applicant originally purchased this project he met with senior staff at the City and was encouraged at that time to consider development of this site as a much higher zone site. Through the years it became very clear that a single-family development would be most favorably received by both the neighbors andJhe_City._They.are.in------ I ____ --"agreement.overall-with.staff.recommendations. In regards to some of the questions, starting with the public walkway, that term is used in the underlying plat that was recorded in t950. The walkway as such has never been developed and it would be difficult with hiking boots to figure out how to maneuver through there. City utilities are in that area, the walkway area was never improved, it is a utility easement. They are working with staff for the vacation of the walkway area. There are some nice trees on the steep slopes that will be preserved. Within the developed area there are only three or four significant trees. The site was cleared 30 to 40 years ago and as a result there is not old growth and no second growth on the site, what is there now is third growth. Regarding the number of lots, The Examiner stated that regardless of what had happened in the past, this I.S4 plat is severely constrained by both distance from local streets and its topography itself. It is necessary to grant the minimum variance necessary for relief, not the maximum in all dimensions. While IS lots may have been nice, 6 or 7 lots may be what are given. After the pipestems are subtracted from some of the lots, do they still meet the minimum requirements for this acreage? Mr. Wagner stated that the net area of each lot is shown on the cover sheet of the application. The calculations have been made. Lot 4, with 4,552 square feet is the smallest lot when calculated per the net area definition. They would be happy to work with staff on the setback issued and the uniformity issues of this development. The Examiner stated that the site presents some novel twists and the fact that a uniform setback is trying to be created on a site that has significant grades mayor may not make sense. Sixth Street Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V -H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 5 Kayren Kittrick, Development Services stated that she had nothing to add. There is lots of water for the development and an additional line will be built because high-pressure lines are not allowed to serve direct. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at II :04 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: I. The applicant, lDA Group, LLC and 1.0. Kline Corp, filed a request for a seven-lot short plat together with variances from front yard setback requirements. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit # I. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City'S responsible official issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located in the 100 block ofNW 6th Street. NW 6th Street actually runs east into the subject site and terminates at the property line. The subject site is located east of Taylor Avenue NW and west of Rainier Avenue. 6. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single-family uses, but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 7. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family - 8 dwelling units/acre). A Lot Line Adjustment is being processed to segregate the property by Zoning District. The subject site would be R-8 and separated from that portion of property zoned CA. 8. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1461 enacted in September 1953. 9. The subject site is approximately 1.84 acres or 80,297 square feet. The subject site is irregularly shaped. It is approximately 200 wide (east to west) by 360 feet long. 10. There are steep to very steep slopes located on the subject site that are greater than 40 percent. The steep areas of the site are located in the northwest, east and south. Staff found some of the slopes were manmade and granted a modification from slope requirements. II. There is a segment of a Category 3 wetland on the southwest corner of the subject site. It will be protected and buffered. 12. All vegetation will be removed from the subject site with the exception of trees located in the sensitive areas. • Sixth Street Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 6 13. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into seven lots. The lots would be arrayed around a new cul-de-sac that would be created slightly east of the existing NW 6th cul-de-sac. This second cul- de-sac would be approximately 50 feet from the current cul-de-sac road end. Staff did describe the two cul-de-sacs as somewhat unique. 14. As noted, the subject site is quite irregularly shaped and this has resulted in very irregularly shaped lots. Most of the proposed lots would have what might be described as narrow, skewed pipestems connecting them to the cul-de-sac. The applicant has requested a variance for Proposed Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 which would not meet front yard setback standards. Narrow pipestems set the standard for measuring front yard setback. The front yard is measured from the point where lot width is 80 percent ofthe required lot width. [n the case of interior lots (none ofthe proposed lots are comer lots) would be 40 feet (50 feet is the required width). Other setbacks will be provided as required by code. 15. Staff has recommended that the homes be setback not less than 15 feet to provide a uniform appearance from the street. 16. The Fire Department did permit the deadend road length to exceed the normal limits but required that the furthest edge of all homes be within 150 feet of the 700-foot public street end. Staff noted that the home on Proposed Lot 5 might not meet these requirements. 17. As noted, access to the site is via a longer than normal deadend.roadway.-[n·addition;-staff-has-------- I ________ -administratively·approveo a modification allowing more than six homes to be served by a private roadway. 18. The subject site is located within the Renton School District. The project is expected to generate approximately 3 school age children. These students would be spread across the grades and would be assigned on a space available basis. 19. The density for the plat would be 7 dwelling units per acre after subtracting sensitive areas (steep slopes and wetland) and roadways. 20. The development will increase traffic by approximately 70 trips per day. 21. Storm water flows off the site to the north, east and south. The north and south flows run off the naturally steep slopes and replenish wetlands·below those slopes. Clean stormwater from roof drains will be directed to the natural systems north and south of the subject site. The eastern runoff sheet flows toward Rainier and the property downslope. This storrnwater will be directed into a pipe to a system located in Rainier Avenue. All the storm water eventually flows toward Lake Washington, north of the subject site. 22. The City will provide sewer service to the plat. Service is available and a main actually runs through an easement through the site .. Appropriate hookups will be implemented as required by code. 23. While a major water main also runs through the subject site in the same easement as the sewer line, its pressure is such that it cannot serve the site. Water can be provided and the applicant will have to meet code requirements. Sixth Street Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 7 24. Staff has indicated that nothing can be located in the easement and that no fill may be placed over the water line. If the line or lines have to be moved to accommodate any development, the applicant would have to bear the costs. 25. An easement for a walkway runs through the subject site down to Rainier Avenue. This easement would either have to be vacated or rerouted to allow the development as proposed. The applicant has requested that the walkway easement be vacated. CONCLUSIONS: Variance I. Variances may be granted when the property generally satisfies all the conditions described in part below: a. The applicant suffers undue hardship caused by special circumstances such as: the size, shape, topography, or location where code enforcement would deprive the owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by others similarly situated; b. The granting of the variance would not materially harm either the public welfare CI' other property in the vicinity; c. . The approval will not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other property in the vicinity; and d. The variance is the minimum variance necessary to allow reasenable development of the subject site. The applicant's property appears ripe for the variance requested. 2. The subject site is constrained by both a steep slope and a wetland and is located at the end of a deadend street. The subject site is also quite irregularly shaped which makes it difficult to subdivide. Approximately half of the site is constrained by steep slopes. Access to the site is limited which makes the proposed pipestems a reasonable method of providing access to the interior portions of the subject site. 3. The proposal should not ultimately affect either the public welfare or other property in the area. The site is somewhat isolated by its location at the end of a street and by its topography. Of course, anytime new development occurs, there will be additional traffic and that will be the result of allowing the proposed development. But those impacts are not unusual. 4. Approval of a variance in this case will not extend a special privilege to the applicant. Th~ nature of the site and its combination of steep slope and wetlands clearly distinguishes this property from other property in the vicinity. 5. While it might be possible to avoid granting variances for as many homes as proposed, almost half of the subject site is constrained by the steep slopes and the need for access to this hillside lot. This results in a substantially reduced development potential. Approval of the proposed variances will allow a reasonable density to be achieved on the remaining acreage. Sixth Street Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 8 6. 7. 8. Short Plat The proposed short plat appears to serve the use and interest. It creates additional single-family homes in an area where urban services are available. It appears to reasonably work with the steep terrain and deadend access although the double cul-de-sac is a bit unorthodox. In order for the plat to be approved they have needed modifications for roadway length and the number of homes accessed as well as I variances from setback requirements. Unique properties require unique solutions. \t will create some lots with views but with exposure to the traffic noise of Rainier Avenue and noise from the nearby airport. The applicant will be paying mitigation fees to offset its impacts on fire services, roadways and recreation. 9. In order to divide as proposed the applicant will have to complete the lot line adjustment and also get a vacation of the walkway easement that crosses the subject site. It will also have to carefully work on the steep slope and respect the utility lines that cross the site. 10. Development of the site will create additional housing opportunities and increase the tax base of the City. 11. In conclusion, while a lot reduction might have created a better overall layout and reduced the need for a variance, the proposal is reasonable. I ____ DECISION: The Variance is approved subject to the following conditions: 1 . The setback of all of the homes shall be no less than 15 feet from the private access easement. 2. The setbacks may be reduced to meet any fire department restrictions but only by the minimum amollnt necessary to meet those requirements. The Short Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the ERC conditions. 2. The applicant shall comply with any requirements imposed by the Fire Department. The vacation of the walkway shall be finalized and approved prior to final short plat approval. 4. No construction, grading or other operations shall disturb the City owned utilities. Any cost associated with relocation of those utilities shall be borne solely by the applicant. 5. The front yard setback of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be~o ss than 15 feet from the private access easement. The front yard setback shall be measured a a distance from the private access easement that creates a uniform front yard setback. note shall be placed on the face of the final short plat stating the same. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Sixth Street Short Plat • • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 9 7. The Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. All single family residential addresses of lots not facing a public street shall be visible from public street by providing an approved private street address sign. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final short plat. A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the front yard setback area of all lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Devel09ment Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. ORDERED THIS lOth day of February 2005 TRANSMITTED THIS 10'h day of February 2005 to the parties of record: Susan Fiala 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects JDA Group, LLC ID Kline Corp. 1080 I Main Street, Ste. 110 Bellevue, W A 98004 95 South Tobin Street Renton, W A 98055 Kayren Kittrick 1055 S Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS lOth day of February 2005 to the following: Mayor Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Julia Medzegian, Council Liaison Larry Warren, City Attorney Gregg Zimmerman, PBPW Administrator Alex Pietsch, Economic Development Jennifer Henning, Development Services Stacy Tucker, Development Services Stan Engler, Fire Larry Meckling, Building Official Planning Commission Transportation Division Utilities Division Neil Watts, Development Services Janet Conklin, Development Services King County 10urnal Sixth Street Short Plat • File No.: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V -H, ECF, LLA February 10, 2005 Page 10 • Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 100Gofthe City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., February 24, 2005. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure, errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen (14) days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record, take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 110, which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. An appeal must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m., February 24, 2005. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains tbe requirement for Restrictive Covenants, the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Councilor final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte (private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication perrn;;:.:i.::ts:.,:a.::I:..I _____ _ interested parties to know the contents of the communication.and.would.allow·them·to·openly·reburtlie I _____ evidence:-Any·violation oftliisdoctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. !: ;0 r • -/"' .. "--'-:-.--.~ -: .. EXHIBIT 2 ~----~1l~--------~~~----~ ~ ------------ ---------- ----------j£~-- _s /113th ~ Dr Qi14th st. 10 ~ I : 11::: :8 [JJ ~ ------ -"--" --- -..l. .,- " ~ Ql17th st.U IbA ~ Ql17th PI.U J ~ r====~ Q~18th st. 0 L JH CD ~ o '19th st.U "I~ CA~ l· ~~qt 0 bOth stD '1 \" IM(P) -.U21st St <:I '-~21-·LlL.~ 1 F3 • 18 TZ3N R5E W lIZ D T.too E3 ...... " 7 T23N R5E W 1/~ EXHIBIT n 8 ZONING + ;R + PIBIVW 'DCBlUCAJ. Sl&VKSS t&IWOf • " ----111 .......... RENTON PLA T NO. LUA-~RENTON, WASHINGTON 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NtW ,""VA'll [l(CI./,I$IY[ tAJOIOIT ~OIfINCIIQI AND tcltWlll TO I( CRUno U'OH TIC uu: fJF LOTI ~0'Mt OM lMIlHCIII.T ","",T. ~r o .... W 01' LOts '-7 IM..u. HAW: NI tQIJN,. AAO UClNOlO NTPUT IN TIC ~ AHO ~ tOIl w.tIllMANCt fJF TIll ~ ... 1t ACCOI [A$llCNT ~1INAHCIO. nar .uo"-'llTtHANCU IoND WAiNnKANQI IlIPONIIIILlIItI INCWOI we ItD"AIfI AND tu.INlVtANC:f: (W DC I'IWA'II ACCOI ~ 0ItAINA0I: ~"" AND ITCIInI ..... TCII QUAUT't ~ __ ' ....... IIiIMH n ... lUCICHT. I"ItIVA1't .ON N/O O'ftCII INP1W1I\IJClUN: NOT O'IIKEO .., ,.. fIamIN (III 01MPt U1UlY ~~':'AJ"~~rrM,r::&.f~NIICM PA\OID/T 1fC)1H .. CllltATOI l\oIAH to mT, . DECLARA nON OF COVENANT ., L~~~~&-=.n::.~';., 8II1II0 IWON COWMANTI Mel AOIIED TO CCIMY 1Mt IIJC1IOAi. IODDT It 1IC NEW CAlDCMT'lIMo.! OM '!MIl IttC*T "",,,T TO oWlY AND ..u. ~ I'UII<MAIDII <If' 'IMl LOTI, 011 fJF NfT .IUICI\UION 1MEItEtF. M CO\GINfT IIWL lUI 'MYH 1IC WCI .... ltIo. ON 1MI IMCItT PU.T, ftIO tlr .lA';w..h.Mc ODIIO lIICh .. c (CITY 0I1tDmlH sa) ~ "-----_ fNO l/r tRAIIl"WO .~ IN .... --V --::-: __ -' _ .... * ..... ___ UU, ~-. • /2.1'0+.... ' '''IV V ---. ~ . ..A / ~~-7i -Y ,,, Q -~1~ ~"+~;', ------~ 'ii"'iiiii~_. "-.:. ~:,.:t' )I,CN IN CAR ... --'~ aww::tJIlUt %. ClTT Of' IItKTCIM 1_ rouND CAX MON ..". r IIIlAU tI Ita COHC JIIOIT 'I"'" '~ Z"!l . 0, '" > ~=rrON1=, r1i I ~tot w. IIGWt loW . -4~ST ............ ), IPAIU.'Il UA """"AL \ .~............ CR~nCAL _ ..L. ~_ ", ... ", -"'" , SLOPE: BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OP' ItDnON MMY COMtIICIL. NnWOIIK ~!.I.I!~,tA~~ Ni/OtICAM CUOU IIUI'ItI WE'IPI (MAO ~• IItM'I'CtI IIJIM'Y 0CINlIUL I'OIMT 1", I MAlI OISC IN ,. IN I( .. IN COHOICTI I'OIT .,.. PUNCH '" ilNT C,"" At '!Ie If1'DtIrC1ICIN 01 UND "'4 MW IHJ T"'~L NW IN. ..... t6ISSLM7N ~,";~ ~~TH~~';':'" to INCH IoICINIJICN'I' CASt AT I1!IIIEClION 0' T4'11,011 A\C MW, TA'IlOII 1'1,. Nfl AHO MW '1M 1l1IU1. (,o.)1I2.lo.J LS\UtJIII LEGEND ~ ra.to GTI' fI IIIDmIN IoICIUIDCT ....... I 1JUI) AllDClATrI JIIIM • CJ# o \.II tlMt "" 'nI"OCIIW'MC IUInC\' III MD1t AT 'lIGHT 'IN ------1"--_ GRAPIIIC SCALI!: p,JIt I T ~. (111"_ , lllloJa_eo & NO. VOL;I'AGE PORllON OF ~1/<4-of ~1/4, s . ...QL T.~ .. R . .Q§J: .. W.t.I. LOT 5 17.., .. It. ... - \ !t-,." . .-l.-' •.•. ... , \. . \ \ , 'I \. 1,..-' r~~'W .r -~--.--'",'" ".,...",,, . ~ ~ " ~ .. " -" "~-. .... ','. ." , .. , '::' .. :" ....... -'.: '''.':.'' ...... .: ~. ~ .. , ,.,..,...,., .. NVld , NVld_ I I II I = . I I ~ I , i Ifn =I. • .... II I elU ill i =:. !t ~II ;111 Ie: .. 11... • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINA nON OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPliCATION NO(S): PROJECT NAME: APPlICANT: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Sixth Street Short Plat JDA Group, LlC and 10 Kline Corp. 100 Block of NVtI 6"' Street DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a· lot Une Adjustment, Environmental -·"',~""·~"'4lemW;'Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances tor:a-seven.iol· subdivision of . a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from· the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway wou~ also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and .south of the re-constructed cuI-' . de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilfties and new underground utilfties are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greatsr in grade) exist as weD as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re- use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. lEAD AGENCY: MmGATION MEASURES: The City of Renton Department of Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Development Planning Section 1. The applicant· shall comply with recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003, regarding "Setbacks from Top of Slope-Central SlopeJHousing Project". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during buDding construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecofogy's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outfined In Volume" of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor(s) shaD contact the State Archaeologist at the State of Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, phone (360) 586-3065. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Are Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new Single-family Iol The fee shaJI be paid prior to the recording of the fUJaI short plat. ·5 ... The applicant shall pay the appropriate TraffIC Mitigation Fee based on $75.00' per each· new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat .. 6. The appflcant shalf pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. EXHIBIT 12 • CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 11 th day of January, 2005, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner documents. This information was sent to: ?'" "j'('(J:~~'t ;',.';"'atr;e' ;:.{:;";~.(;'. :,";:t: ;::':";"" ~~:~·~):i~p;e~e~ti;;g~~}:.~.:~.'?;· . Richard Wagner Contact JDA Group, LLC & ID Kline Owner Melford Flatten Party of Record '" ~ ................ \\\" 'A_ J. ~ ~~~' '!(.S'iM 0:10 "'" (Signature of Sender); ~ :-C)~\o:iii':9"'-?-<:\ :0:-,..·· "" Y": " ........ • . tP ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON : .. :" 0"en ci ": ~ , . . , ) SS ~ : -.-: : COUNTY OF KING ) ~ \1 "'~'V10~ ;/~ i 'I v--"~-t ~ .'~ - ", \Y~" .•• ~ NO\~?:···~ .f I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker 111,";Y0~V>i·~}.~~~~ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for t~!l~"'-'lnl:f purposes mentioned in the instrument. e of Washington Notary (Print): __ ---.:MAR.n.:I"'LY;;,;NriiKA;;;M;;;:C,..HEf;;,;..F """~----------_ My appointment expires: MY APPOINIMENI EXPiRES6-29-ll7 Sixth Street Short Plat , LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING January 18, 2005 AGENDA 'COMMENdNG AT 9:00 AM, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF, LLA PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul- de-sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: Federal Reserve Bank -Seattle Cash Processing & Branch Administration Facility LUA-04-145, SA-H, ECF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Federal Reserve Bank (FRB), is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan approval for the construction of a 95,415 sq. ft. cash processing facility and a 3,600 sq. ft. vehicle screening building on a 10.8 acre site in Longacres Office Park (LOP). The project also includes a stormwater detention pond, truck loading court, 120 surface parking' stalls, and landscape and site improvements. Access to the property would be via an access drive connecting to SW 27th St. (to be constructed per Strander Blvd'/27th St. Corridor Improvement by the City of Renton). HEX Agenda 01-18-05.doc PUBLIC HEARING • City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: Project Name: Owners/Applicant: Contact: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: January 18, 2005 Sixth Street Short Plat JDA Group, LLC and I.D. Kline Corp., 95 South Tobin St., Renton, WA 9B055 Richard Wagner, Baylis Architects, 10BOI Main St., Ste. 110. Bellevue, WA 9B004 LUA-04-139, SHPL-H. V-H, ECF, LLA Project Manager: Susan Fiala, AICP The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a I.B4 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. 100 block of NW 6th Street City of Renton P!BIPW Department .J SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: JANUARY 25, 2005 Page2of11 B. HEARING EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Exhibit 2: Neighborhood Detail Map (dated 11/04/2004) Exhibit 3: Preliminary Short Plat (dated 11/04/2004) Exhibit 4: Land Clearing Plan (dated 11/04/2004) Exhibit 5: Topographic Survey (dated 11/04/2004) Exhibit 6: Grading Plan (dated 11/04/2004» Exhibit 7: Drainage Plan (dated 11/04/2004) Exhibit 8: Utility Plan (dated 11/04/2004) Exhibit 9: Private Road Plan and Profile (dated 1110412004) Exhibit 10: Exempt Steep Slopes through Modification (dated April 12, 2004) Exhibit 11: Zoning Map: Sheet E 3 West (dated 12/28/04) Exhibit 12: ERC Mitigation Measures (issued 12/07/2004) C. GENERAL INFORMA TION: 1. Owners of Record: JDA Group, LLC & J.D. Kline Corp., 95 South Tobin St., Renton, WA 98055 2. Zoning Designation: Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per acre (R-8) [vested to Development Standards prior to Nov. 10, 2004] 3. Comprehensive Plan Residential Single Family (RSF) Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: Undeveloped. 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Undeveloped and wetlands; R-1 and R-8 zoning East: Commercial-auto sales; CA zoning South: Undeveloped & proposed parking lot; CA zoning West: Single family residential; R-8 zoning 6. Access: 7. Site Area: 8. Project Data: Existing Building Area: New Building Area: Total Building Area: Private access easement via NW 6th Street 1.84 acres (80,297 square feet -gross area) Area NA NA NA Comments NA NA N/A D. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Annexation Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A Ordinance No. 1461 4498 4404 Date 09/15/1953 02/20/1995 06/07/1993 City of Renton PIBIPW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 25, 2005 E_ APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Residential Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts Section 4-3-050: Critical Areas Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations Page 3 of 11 Section 4-7-050: General Outline of Subdivision, Short Plat and Lot Line Adjustment Procedures Section 4-7-080: Detailed Procedures for Subdivision Section 4-7-120: Compatibility with Existing Land Use and Plan-General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-150: Streets -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-160: Residential Blocks -General Requirements and Minimum Standards Section 4-7-170: Residential Lots -General Requirements and Minimum Standards 6. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria 7. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element: Residential Single Family objectives and policies; Residential Streets objectives and policies; Subdivision of Land objectives and policies. 2. Housing Element 3. Environmental Element G. DEPARTMENT ANAL YSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The site includes portions of three parcels. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the site into seven lots located within the R-8 zone. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de- sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. A lot line adjustment has been submitted concurrently with the short plat application and is being processed administratively. The Lot Line Adjustment would reconfigure one of the parcels which has two zoning designations, R-8 and Commercial Arterial (CA). After the lot line adjustment, the site would be 1.84 acres. The proposed density on the site after the required deductions would be 7.0 dulac which is within the range of the R-8 zone. City of Renton PIB/PW Department .' SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: JANUARY 25. 2005 • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Page 4 of 11 The applicant is requesting a modifications of street standards to allow a private street to serve more than six lots and to allow a 30 ft. wide private access easement width with 24 ft. of pavement. Furthermore, the applicant is requesting variances from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. The request is to vary from the method measuring the front yard setback for pipestem lots. The applicant is to make a separate request for the vacation of City of Renton property that contains several utility lines of which the 12-inch water transmission line is proposed to be relocated to provide for the development. The vacation would be a portion of a public walkway, located between proposed Lots 3 and 4. The request has not been made by the applicant to Property Services as of date of this report. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. These critical areas would not be disturbed as part of this proposal. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. The site is Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) as deSignated on the City's zoning map and Residential Single Family (RSF) on the City's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed density would be 7.0 dulac after the deduction of the critical areas (protected slopes) and the private access easement. Access is proposed via NW 6th Street to a 30 ft. wide private access easement. All seven lots would utilize the private access easement. NW 61h Street is a dead-end street that terminates in a substandard cul-de-sac which the applicant is required to revise to meet current Renton Codes for cul-de-sacs. The applicant submitted several studies including: a geotechnical report, habitat report, wetland and stream determination and delineation report and a storm drainage report. Site preparation for development of the plat would include the removal of vegetation and trees for utilities and building pads. Existing vegetation would be removed to provide for the new access easement, utilities and building pads. Vegetation within the steep slopes would not be disturbed. Thirty-six trees including maple, alder, and other conifers and deciduous would be removed. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on December 7, 2004, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) for the Sixth Street Short Plat. The DNS-M included six (6) mitigation measure. A 14-day appeal period commenced on December 13, 2004 and ended on December 27, 2004. No appeals were filed. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES Based on an analysis of the probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measure with the Determination of Non- Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M): 1. The applicant shall comply with recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003, regarding 'Setbacks from Top of Slope-Central Slope/Housing Project". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control ReqUirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. City of Renton P/BIPW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 25, 2005 • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Page 5 of 11 3. In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor(s) shall contact the State Archaeologist at the State of Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, phone (360) 586-3065. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks MI1igation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the offiCial file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. VARIANCE The applicant is requesting a variance from RMC 4-7-170.F.1. (Residential Lots-General Requirements and Minimum Standards) for the methodology of measuring the required front yard setback. Proposed Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 are considered pipestem lots whereby the front yard setback is measured from the point where the lot is 80 percent (40 ft. of 50 ft. for interior lots) of the required lot width. Development Regulations Section 4-9-250.B.5 -The Reviewing Official shall have authority to grant a variance upon making a determination in writing that the conditions specified below have been found to exist: 1) That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Building and Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification: The applicant contends that the site in encumbered by several environmental elements (critical areas) including steep (protected slopes), on and off-site wetlands and on-site wetland buffers. Further, the applicant states the site is located at the end of a street originally platted under King County jurisdiction and regulations. From this dead-end street terminating in a substandard cul-de-sac per City of Renton code, the applicant would provide a private access easement configured as a small cul-de-sac with the lots aligned in a pie-shape. The lots having irregular angles. Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 are considered pipe-stem lots due to the narrow taper of the front of the lot. It appears that the applicant has made an attempt to keep each new lot as rectangular as possible with the front portion of the lot tapering to the private access easement. The shape of the existing parcels are somewhat rectangular, but contain steep slopes that encircle the perimeter of the site thus reducing the buildable area of the site and in effect, dictate the angularity of the lots while complying with code for lot size and width and depth as well as meeting the Fire Department requirements. Staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that the front yard of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 should be measured from the private access easement at a distance that would create a uniform setback for these four lots. If each lot were to be measured according to code, each building would be setback randomly; thus creating a disorganized visual appearance for the short plat. However, in no case should any structure be closer than 15 feet from the private access easement. hex_6thSt_SHPL.doc ----~ ---------------- City of Renton PIB/PW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: JANUARY 25, 2005 • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Page 6 of 11 2) That the granting of the variance will not be· materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements-in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated: The applicant contends the variance requests are directed to only the four lots that are internal to the short plat and would be a distance to the nearest existing neighbors. This variance would allow what is appropriate development for these four internal lots of the short plat Based on the floor plans submitted, the garage would be located to the front of the proposed single family residences keeping the rear yards open to views. Staff believes the front yard of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 should be measured from the private access easement at a distance that would create a uniform setback for these four lots. If each lot were to be measured according to code, each building would be setback randomly; thus creating a haphazard visual appearance for the short plat However, in no case should the any structure be closer than 15 feet from the private access easement Furthermore, the side and rear yard setbacks and lot size as required by the R-8 zone would be maintained by this subdivision and ensure privacy for abutting homes. 3) That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated: The applicant justification states: The proposed lots are constrained by special and unique circumstances including distance to the nearest intersection resulting from the original plat under county regulations, steep slopes and unique lot configurations made necessary by the environmental conditions. Granting the variance is a reasonable solution to make the property productive. While the additional area will not resolve the substandard width, this action demonstrates that the applicant is taking every step possible to address any concerns and attain as much compliance with the code as possible. The applicant is simply requesting a variance for the City to allow the measurement of the front yard setback to be slightly different in this subdivision. By adhering to a recommended front yard setback no less than 15 feet from the private access easement and creating the same setback on Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, the construction of the single family residences would look more consistent with other lots in the vicinity. 4) That the approval as determined by the Hearing Examiner is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose: The applicant contends that the variance to the methodology of measuring the front yard setbacks is the most reasonable request which creates the least impact on the site and surrounding properties. By granting approval of the request, the minimum variance of allowing a varied method of measuring the front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 with the recommended condition of no less than 15 feet from the private access easement and maintaining a setback creating continuity would accomplish the purpose of subdividing the short plat into seven lots. 6. CONSISTENCY WITH SHORT PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following short plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the subdivision: (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation. The subject site is designated Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The objective established by the RSF designation is to protect and enhance single family neighborhoods. The proposal is consistent with the RSF designation in that it would provide for the future construction of single family homes and would promote goals of infill development The proposed plat is consistent with the following Residential Single Family policies: Cit~ of Renton PIBIPW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: JANUARY 25, 2005 Land Use Element • Preliminary Report to the Hearing EXaminer LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Page 70f11 Policy LU-34, Net development densities should fall within a range of 5 to 8 dwelling units per acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. The plat would result in a net density of 7.0 dulacre which is within the allowable density range. Policy LU-3S. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. All lots equal or exceed the minimum of 4,500 square feet. The smallest lot is 5,542 sq. ft. and the largest lot is 24,812 sq. ft. Housing Element The proposal should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element. Policy H-4. Encourage intill development as a means to increase capacity. The eventual addition of seven new single family residences to an undeveloped property would increase the City's housing supply, thereby furthering the following objective of the City of Renton. Environmental Element Policy EN-70. Land uses on steep slopes should be designed to prevent property damage and environmental degradation, and to enhance greenbelt and wildlife habitat values by preserving and enhancing existing vegetation to the maximum extent possible. The slopes which are 40 percent or greater would be placed within a critical areas easement and would not be disturbed. Policy EN-72, Mitigate problems of drainage, erosion, siltation, and landslides by decreasing development intensity, site coverage and vegetation removal as slope increases. The proposed short plat would include Lots 2 through 5 containing man-made slopes which have been determined to be an exception through modification approved on April 12, 2004. Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 contain steep (protected) slopes which would not be disturbed. (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The 1.84 -acre site (gross area) is designated Residential - 8 Dwelling units per acres (R-8) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development allows for the future construction of up to seven additional dwelling units along with associated plat improvements. Density -The allowed density range in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac) for lots exceeding 0.50-acre in size. Net density is calculated after public rights-of-way and private streets serving more than three lots and critical areas are deducted from the gross acreage of the site. The steep slopes are 31,975 sq. ft. and the private access easement is 4,952 sq. ft. for a total of 36,927 sq. ft. would be deducted from the gross site area. After the deduction of 36,927 square feet from the 80,295 gross square foot parcel, after the lot line adjustment, (80,295 gross sq. ft. -36,927 sq. ft. total deducted area = 43,368 net sq. ft. 11.0 net acre), the proposal would arrive at a net density of 7.0 dwelling units per acre (7 units I 1.0 acres = 7.03 du/ac).The proposed plat complies with density requirements for the R-8 zoning deSignation. However, this density is based on the site after the lot line adjustment has been completed (administrative approval). To ensure that the site is 1.84 acres per the lot line adjustment, staff recommends as a condition of short plat approval that the lot line adjustment is recorded prior to recording of the final short plat. Lot Dimensions -The minimum lot width requires 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots and a lot depth of 65 feet. Lot widths proposed range from 50 to 95 feet and lot depths are proposed from a range of 85 to 200 feet. All lots are considered interior lots. Lots 1 and 7 have frontage on the NW 6th Street cul-de-sac which requires a minimum of 35 feet frontage; these lots comply the standard as they would have a minimum of 35 feet of the lot fronting the cul-de-sac. City of Renton PIBIPW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: JANUARY 25, 2005 • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Page 8 of 11 Lot sizes would be equal to or greater than the minimum of 4,500 square feet; the smallest lot, Lot 4, would be 5,542 square feet and the largest lot, Lot 7, would be 24,812 square feet. All lots contain portions of steep slopes that are excepted or to be placed within a critical areas easement. The short plat would create seven (7) lots with the following sizes: Lot Area (square feet) Access 1 7,857 Private Access Easement 2 7,061 Private Access Easement 3 6,560 Private Access Easement 4 5,542 Private Access Easement 5 17,351 Private Access Easement 6 11,115 Private Access Easement 7 24,812 Private Access Easement Setbacks -The short plat plan includes setback lines for each lot. Building setbacks required by the R-8 zone include front and rear yard setbacks of 20 feet, corner lot side yard setback of 15 feet and interior side yard setbacks of 5 feet. The applicant has requested a variance to the methodology of measuring the front yard for pipestem lots, Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6. Please see discussion under Variance. Lots 1, 2 and 7 comply with the R-8 minimum setback requirements. Compliance with setback standards would be verified at the time of individual building permit review. Building Standards -The R-8 zone permits one residential structure per lot. Each of the proposed lots would support the construction of one detached unit within the R-8 zone. Accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Accessory structures are permitted only when associated with a primary structure located on the same parcel. Building height in the R-8 zone is limited to two stories and 30 feet for primary structures and 15 feet for detached accessory structures. The R-8 zone restricts lots greater than 5,000 square feet in size with a maximum building coverage of 35 percent or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater. The proposal's compliance with these building standards would be verified prior to the issuance of individual building permits. (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The side lot lines of the proposed lots are at varied angles to street lines due to the cul-de-sac and the private access easement proposed by the applicant. Lots 1 and 7 have frontage on NW 6th Street but would accessed via the private street. Lots 2 through 6 would be accessed from the new private street. As proposed, the lots comply with arrangement and access requirements of the Subdivision Regulations. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Each of the proposed lots satisfies the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the R-8 zone. The lots are irregular in shape. The plat plan does include setback lines for each lot showing potential building envelopes. The applicant has requested a variance to the front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Please see discussion under Variance). When considering the required setbacks and if approval of the variance is permitted, as well as access points for each lot, the proposed lots appear to have sufficient building area for the development of detached single family homes. City of Renton P/BIPW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 25, 2005 • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Page 90fl1 Property Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of- way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. The proposed subdivision does not include any lots to be located at the intersection of public rights-of-way, (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries Access and Street Improvements: Access to the site is proposed via NW 6th St. to a private access easement. The private access easement is proposed to be 30 feet wide with 24 feet of pavement. All seven lots would utilize the private access easement. However, Lots 1 and 7 front the public street, NW 6th Street. The number of lots exceeds that permitted by code (six lots) and seven are proposed. The applicant requested a modification to the street standards to allow one additional lot to be accessed from the private street. The request has been approved administratively with conditions. Furthermore, the length of the dead end road, NW 6th Street, would be 650 feet as measured to the end of the upgraded cul-de-sac (public road). Fire Prevention has indicated that an additional 50 feet beyond this approved public cul-de-sac would be allowed to meet the maximum of 700 feet. The Fire Prevention staff has indicated no secondary access is required. From the 700 foot point fire/emergency access must be able to access all homes within 150 feet of the furthest edge of the structure. The grade of the private access easement is proposed to be about 10.0 percent which is below the maximum permitted driveway grade of 15 percent. Driveways greater than 8 percent are required to have slotted drains at the lower end. Street improvements are required, including curb, gutter, sidewalk and along the frontage of the parcel being developed in NW 6th Street. To ensure that all emergency response vehicles would be able to locate any residence from the public right-of-way (NW 6th Street), staff recommends as a condition of approval that residential addresses be visible from the public street by installing a private street address sign listing residential addresses of the subject short plat at the intersection of the private easement with NW 6th Street. Staff also recommends the establishment of a maintenance agreement for all common improvements, including but not limited to: utility and private access easements and critical area easements/tracts as a condition of short plat approval. Topography: The majority of the site can be described as steep to very steep with slopes greater than 40 percent. The proposed development would occur within the less steep area of the site that contains no steep slopes. Slopes equal to or greater than 40% are located on site, to the south and north of the proposed lots. The applicant requested an exception through modification and was granted this exception, on April 12, 2004, for those slopes on the east and central portion of the site. The remaining slopes on-site are not included in the exception (See Exhibit 10), The applicant is proposing to designate the protected slopes within a protective easement. Per code, this area is required to be protected during construction and permanent signage is to be placed around the edge of the easement. Relationship to Existing Uses: The short plat is adjacent to existing single family residential to the west. To the east are commercial uses, to the south is a proposed parking lot and to the north is undeveloped land. The proposed detached single family development appears to be suitable within the context of the existing uses in the area, City at Renton PIBIPW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 25, 2005 • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Page 100tl1 Community Assets: The plans indicate that all vegetation would be removed for the development of the short plat, except within the critical areas (steep slope) easement area, As a result of the loss of existing vegetation and in keeping with the code, which requires adding attractiveness and value to the property, staff recommends the following condition: the applicant be required to plant two ornamental trees, a minimum caliper of 1-1/2 inches (deciduous) or 6 to 8 feet in height (conifer) per each new lot, within the 20-foot front yard setback area for all lots within the short plat. In order to ensure the trees are maintained andlor replaced if damaged, the applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property. The restrictive covenant shall indicate that two ornamental trees are required to be planted and maintained within the front yard setback area of each new lot. The restrictive covenant shall be recorded prior to or in conjunction with short plat recording; however, the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services (Timeliness) Police and Fire: Police and Fire Prevention staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements and fees. The Environmental Review Committee imposed a Fire Mitigation Fee in order to mitigate the project's potential impacts to emergency services. Due to the length of the roadway, over 500 feet in length, all homes will be required to be provided with an approved fire sprinkler system per City Code. Recreation: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. There are no existing recreational facilities in the immediate vicinity of the subject property and it is anticipated that the proposed development would generate additional users of existing City park and recreational facilities and programs. As required by the Environmental Review Committee, a Parks Mitigation Fee will be required prior to the recording of the final short plat. Schools: The site is located within the boundaries of the Renton School District No. 403. Based on the student generation factor, the proposed plat would potentially result in three (3) additional students (0.44 x 7 = 3.08). The schools would include: Bryn Mawr Elementary, Dimmitt Middle School and Renton High School. Storm Drainage / Surface Water: The site lies within the West Hill sub-basin of the Cedar River Basin and ultimately drains to the south end of Lake Washington. The applicant submitted a Storm Drainage Technical Information Report prepared by AHBL, dated October, 2004. The report states that current runoff from the site sheet flows off the site in several directions. Runoff flows off the north and south slopes to two existing wetlands, while runoff from the central area of the site flows off the east slope and onto the developed parcel east of the proposed project with an eventual discharge to the storm drain system in Rainier Avenue. The proposed project will mimic this flow pattern by allowing some roof drainage to flow onto the north and south slopes, while the rest of the runoff will be connected to the Rainier Avenue storm system via a closed pipe. The downstream conveyance system consists of an existing storm drainage system located east of Rainier Avenue. The stormwater is conveyed north in this system for greater than Y. mile to its ultimate discharge in Lake Washington. The report states that there are no known existing downstream restrictions and the project site would only slightly increase the flows through this system. Therefore, the report indicates that the downstream conveyance system should have adequate capacity to convey the additional flows from this project. The off-site analYSis described in the report that stormwater flows from the site would be conveyed through a proposed 12-inch storm drain to the existing storm system in Rainier Avenue. Also, some stormwater runoff from NW 6th St. flows onto the project site. This runoff would be collected by the on site system to be treated and conveyed downstream. There is an existing pipe from NW 6th St. that discharges on the slope at the northwest corner of the site. City of Renton PIBIPW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PtA T PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JANUARY 25, 2005 • Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Page 11 of 11 Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities: There is a 12-inch "high-pressure" water main in NW 6th Street continuing through the site (via easement) to Rainier Ave N. This main is not suitable for service to the plat. There is also a 4-inch water main that is servicing the existing homes along NW 6th Street, and extends to Rainier Ave N. Fire flow requirements will dictate a new 8-inch water main (minimum). There appears to be two equally viable options to provide water service: One; connection to the West with approximately 680 lineal feet (from Taylor Ave NW to the end of the cul-de-sac in NW 6th Street) of new 8-inch Ductile Iron (D.I.) line to replace the existing 4-inch main. And alternative Two; connection to the East at Rainier Ave South to the existing 12" water main with approximately 350 lineal feet of new 8-inch Ductile Iron pipe. Either of these options may provide the minimum fire flow requirements. Also, no substantial filling over the existing 12-inch transmission water main running through the site is allowed. If filling is needed over this line, it may dictate relocation of this facility. Water system development charges at the rate of $1,525 per lot is required to be paid at the time of the construction permit. There is an existing 8-inch sewer main in NW 6th Street continuing through the site (via easement) to Rainier Ave N. New sewer main and structures as required to serve the new single-family dwelling units. Individual sewer stubs to the new lots must be provided prior to recording the short plat. No dual side sewers are allowed. The site is subject to the Sanitary Sewer System Development charge of $900.00 per new connection and is payable at the time the utility/construction permit is issued. H. RECOMMENDA TlON: Staff recommends approval of the Sixth Street Short Plat and Variance, Project File No. LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, ECF subject to the following conditions: 1. The front yard setback of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be no less than 15 feet from the private access easement. The front yard setback shall be measured at a distance from the private access easement that creates a uniform front yard setback. A note shall be placed on the face of the final short plat stating same. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 2. The Lot Line Adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording of the short plat. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. 3. All single family residential addresses of lots not facing a public street shall be visible from public streets by providing an approved private street address sign. The satisfaction of the completion of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final short plat. 4. A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. 5. The applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the front yard setback area of all lots within the short plat. The applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording, which indicates that two trees are required to be planted within the front yard setback area of each new lot. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division and the trees shall be planted prior to final building permit inspection. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Short Plats (SHPL): If the short plat is not filed within two years from date of approval (RMC 4-7- 070.M). the short plat shall become null and void. • . ; , , • . = , • I : !-+--I .. j--: EXHIBIT 2 f N CITY OF RENTON PLA T NO. LUA- RENTON, WASHINGTON 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION Of _~1/4 of -.2'11-1/4, s.JLL T._&N" R . .Q2-E.,W.M. PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT HEW' PIIIIV"'l[ ElCClUSI'>£ tASDoIDll FOR IHCR£SS AND EQRUS 15 10 tIE CR[AttlI t.IP'(II 1M[ SALE (7 LOT5 SHO'tIN OM lHIS SItOIfT PLAT. THE: O'WGS OF LOTS 1_7 SIW.I. HA'JE: AN !QUAt. NIO UHDIWXD DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OW£II OF" THE LAHO EIoIIIRACUI WlTHN ntIS SHORT PLAT, IN FIE1\MN roft THE flEHEf'llS Ttl ACX:MJt F1IOIoI fHI!I $U8DlWiION, 8Y !i1GIIClNO HD\tON CO'tUtAHTS NIO AQIIIUS TO COM'oO" TIt[ IIDCICIAL INTEREST .. 1HE NEW USEWOIlS SHO'ftI ON THIS 9KlRT PLAT TO IMY o\HO Al.L FU1\JItt ~ fI' M LOn. (l1li OF /MY SJIDMSICJoI THEMOf'. THE CO'oOIANT SHALL II\,toI IfIIInt M LAHO t.S ~ ON THIS SHORT I'\.AT. .. _ .... NOIt~OO~" It. • flQlEST IN '!liE ~~IP N«I ~IIUTY rill! 1oI ..... 1DIIoMC! (71H[ PIIIVATE Aceus tASEKMT """""TtMAHCD. THESE APPU111DIANCES AI(! WAlNlDIlHX 1IUI'ON5lBlJ1D INaJ.U M /lEPAlII NIO t.lAlNttNANCl or 1H[ PRIVATI: ACCESS IWAO. ORAUtAGt: = ~ ~~~~~AN~: FACUTIB N'Rt.SlRVCM£ NOT O'*Ell 8Y lHe OTT RtHTON OR OTH'" UTlJlY PIIOWlOl!. WAlNlDW«% costs SIW.I. II[ ~ EQUALLY. PAIlI<HQ ON 'IlIE p"''''He .. 1M[ ACaSS £ASOIvn IS PR<»tDTtD. '-"Lt53 PA'4W£NT 'MOlH IS <;ftAltR lHNI 21l ft[T. (an ~ RDUCH HIli) fM) 1/2" IIRASS=II~:~ DOYIN U~' ,,.,.,.. .,,- CRITiCA.L SLOPE "''' '" EASfl.AENT AREA , _ ....... essl (71'1>.; l8N "C"-TOP (:I WON ElLVwlca7.f (CITY ~ III[HTCN 2") --------.. "--- fM) 1/2" MASS PLUC W/I'UNCH 111_ --Y _ ~ - - --------- CCHC liON IN CAS[ ----~ I ~ LI,...J.'! '.:t_J;H .. ~-1-'. --' 5/2'/04 ----. '''IV " .-------. -~ ----=:>'"~. .... •. ('I ~ "'''''--''~ "~ ... ..---..;,' .. ~~ ~ I '!l'~ l< F.J." ~ ,,,. ('0 ~ --10 ~ -______ -(arr ~ ... ~ m, -~ n.o Iff I!ItASS PWC w/PUNQ4 IN .-('j COlt liON IN CAS!: (' ~ DOYIN 0.7' "t-. ~J~~ ,"',.. ::t:. •. • CITY ~ IIOII'ON IBM f'OUHO CASt WON 'Mnl 2" BRASS IN 4" CO'fC POST ,,.,.,.. r • Z <0\'1:> . Ol""~~' » CITY ~ RENTON ,_ f'OlKI CAS[ WON liII1TH < I REBAR " CM'. DOYIN 1.70' rr1 ~/2tI/04 . -4TFrST BASIS OF BEARI.NGS an or RENTON IIJII\llEY CONTROL NETWORK IIOIIIZONTAI. OAruw-t«JlTll AICRICAN OAl1.AI 19113/1"' WEttRS (HAD ----lIltD TO us fEET m F RENTON SI..IIt'¥£Y OCNTItOI. ~T 18~ >< I 811.us DISC IN 4 IN • 4 IN COMCR£TE I'OST WITH PUNCH WARIC, IN IOIT CASt AT 1M! IHlDtSEC110H (7 LN) A'>£ NW NIO 'A'I\.OR Pl 11'111' I.Q5.a.OW ffi.35U47N =i~I~~~~lH~~~'~7!S:A 10 INCH WCHJWENT CASE AT ITtlIS£ClIOH OIF '",'I'lOR A'J[ NW. TA't\.OR PI. NW NIl NW 4TH stREEt. W~l.IOJ oSl2.HJt.I ~ ~ LEGEND l'1li. F01..NI CITY ~ RENTON liIOIUIon V AS HOlm 1R1AD ASSOCIATE! MBNI " eN' o LS 15Ml PER ttPOQRAf>HC !UR\£l' sa NO'![ AT 1IIQHT 'IN OLD UHf: UNDER I \ SD'NtA'I( Lt.A 9JlMTTN...i \ \ /,""""'" ........ ,,'''' CR).rICAL _..L .(UNtI[Jt~~~1ION) \, SLOPf -\ GRAPIllC SCALE (DfPUr) 1 IDcb • 3D n. ~ .... ,- /J --_ ss.-.(l'}p·;Zl-_, LOT 5 17,rol "'" It. .~- \ \ \ \ ... ,. ~-.... \ u.so.tDIT, ~ \ S£1IAO(S "D€TtRWINm IV \ C(0TE04NICAt. DoICINEa) \ \ \ \:~--- ,0. " - ; ! • " I I . ! ::', II ':~'. ; ! I I -' I~ ~I .Jl, •• 1 • tNld DN1W31:J ON'(] ' . . ' i It.. EXHIBIT 4 --,~ = ..r U) w II CJ 'J Z ,~ oC "-? II:Z re ZCJ "'Z <'Ii! w~~ (I) ~,. ;::)Z_ ,.> CO .... w .... ~ >< -0 _ .... U :::!!! ~CJ a: i= 2!i WU:OO:: w _ -enz Z ... O ;Co!i;: a: ... w ..... 11: [' .-/ . ,.~ , :---~ . / / -:.., 1;---en> '/ w .... / ,I :z:-/ .... U '" / ... 0 ~ Z " 0 t: 0) ~ ~---c;--=~ oC ~ ~ 0 J, \ • ., . / . / //./,) " / // 'I/ " // / / I I II;'; /I~ , . Ii I -,~,~ , , I ~ Ii! [1rl tJU I i --- Z 4- iIi ,"I .il ., !I: !Ii I"' II' ir!- !: lI·i .II! 1.V1d .woHS J.33:U.B Hl.9 B= 'ON 8()(' 18HV , ~ " 1/ NY1d JJJ"1J/l .. ;:-........... " .. -. II.. . . ",.1 '\1 I :' :.\~ I ,/il (. -j -'/ . " I I ' 1 ~\., " ......... /' I. 11 " 'I. , ' '; '/"I:i' "I ' ,.'';, '; ,r I",: \ I (~\,:,( /'l \ / .\ \ II \~~!\ \ ' .\ '-. \ \ ". I-' ,"\ " \ \' '\ \,' \ I \ . ' 'J' \ \ 1 \ , \ \ \ \ \ 1'\ ' ',I , \ \ \ ' \ I 'J ~. \ / \, I I I 'I " L , '~ ____ _ ----T-l..K.llQ.8N , I \' \.' \. I , I / ~ EXHIBIT 8 J.Vld .1UOHS.13:Ill8 Hl.9 i II , , . .. . . D B 8 -! ! ~ I 1 I I I I • • ~ 8 • • • a 8 , I,"~ ., II: =. , I~ , . i'-. I i '" i i , , II: .. • • • • • • • _ a _ ~ _ _ = ! I _ _ I I • • • • • • • • • , 3ll.:l0Md '" NVld avOM 3llli\lMd EXHIBIT 9 \qw\~ c.~ UT\~T\Ce c.oT ~ .... ill, 'Iii II' , ," ... I I ~ :li t 1 m m I! fi I I' I ~ X r. ~ I Reference: Boundary & Topographic Survey IlRainier Avenue Mixed Use", ~ '. bv Triad Associates, dated 26 September 2002 ..... ' , • "t • '\ J I~III II :" I ~ IQ4Z 0I57T" CQT}~ - I I I I • I ; }j.~ .: " r..:-::) ~f'r: ~\t2~ ~~ ~.~.~+ -• a ... _ '" * "--: PA\""'~ M\'"#.I:OV' v<=. • Graphical Sea .. : 1~. PIJ +N 1_-'" <D --, The Riley Group, Inc. . Rainier Avenue Mtxed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WA Y NE ->;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;S;i;~;A;;dru..;;;';';5;'9;;.;62;5;;Ra;;UU·;·~;;A;V;';n;"';N;;.,;R;,;n;to;n;,;VV;~;ru;·;n;;~;n;;;;;;~ --0 -SEAmE, WASHINGTON 98115 Topographic Site Plan Figure 3 Q~ ~~---------~~- , , i Qi14th SLID ~ Q J15th SLID DO ~ \ Q {15th pl.ID G t======:;Q~16th SLID Dc=', I ~I Q 117th SLID I il Q 117th pl.IO ;=;;:':::=:::J-.\ r-==~ Q~18th SLID o ~ 19th st.lD .::::=J-fc.:......::L------\ ---=-~ IMCP) ~~ 0 bOth stlD ~~~ 0 ~D S 121st sd Is 122nJ ~===~ st. 23rd St Is 123rdl S ~===:; Is 123rdl Pl.'-=-=--=- ~~~Is 124thl st. IMCP F3 • 18 T23N RSE W 112 ~ ZONING ----....... ""'Limi .. ~ = TBaINlCAL SBIlVlOlS o !YO "00 E3 . ..... 7 T23N R5E W EXHIBIT 11' •• CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): PROJECT NAME: APPLICANT: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Sixth Street Short Plat JDA Group, LLC and ID Kline Corp. 1 00 Block of NW 6" Street DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental ....... -.. ,., d:leview,'Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variancesfora-seven .. lotsubdivision ofa 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 It and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from . the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cui- de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re- use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. The applicant shall comply with recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003, regarding "Setbacks from Top of Slope-Central Slope!Housing projecr. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume" of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor(s) shall contact the State Archaeologist at the State of Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, phone (360) 586-3065. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat.. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. EXHIBIT 12 ':R! , Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor January 6, 2005 Matt Weber AHBL 2215 North 30"'Street,Sliite 300 Tacoma, W A 98403-3350 Subject: AlhadolT Short Plat Request for Modifications Dear Mr:Weber: CITY'" RENTON PIanningIBuilding/Public Wodes Departmeilt Gregg Zlmmeroian P.E., AdOtirustrator We have reviewed the proposed street modification request associated with the single-family residential short plat located generally at the 200 block of NW 6th Street. This is an infill development in an existing neighborhood with one access from NW 6"' Street. Thepi-op~l1y is surrounded on three sides by critical slopes with access only possible from 'NW 6"' Street. The existing cul-de-sac pavement does not meet City of Renton standards. The proposed modification requests to approve the proposed new private road easement width to be inc.reased to 30 feet with 24 feet of pavement and an additional road bulb with a 30-foot'radius to be built primarily for ease, of residential access, In; addition, a request to allow ~n 'additional lot beyond the six lots maximum for access off of a private street was submitted. ' The Street Modification request is he~eby appr~ved'subject to conditions.listed below, . ~ . City Code 4-6-050 (Stree!Standards) Teqlli~~sfull streelimprovements f~r all adjacent rights-of- way for, within and dedicated by a plat. ' ' City Code 4,.6-060.J (Private Streets)' proVides the paralTIeters and standards for design and use of private streetS for access to six or ,less propel1ies. The standard ,provides for domestic, utility, emergency and pedestrian access without dedication'ofpropel1y 'to the city, All maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowners." ".- ,The City can modify street improvements for new plats if there are practical difficulti~s in carrying out the provisions of the Street Improvement Ordinance. The Modification Procedures as defined in Section 4-9-2500 clearly states the criteria for approval by the Depal1ment Administrator. In order ,for a modification to be, approved, the Department Administrator must "fmd that a special individual reason makes the strict letter of this Ordinance impractical, thilt the modification is in confonnity with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance, and that such modification: ' (a) Will meet the' objectives and safety,' function, appearance, environmental protection and' maintainability intended by this Ordinance, based upon sound engineering judgment; and (b) Will not be injurious to oth~r property(s) in the vicinity; and , (c) Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and (d) Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and (e) Will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity." ----------~1~O~55~S~o-utb~G~rad~y~W~ay~-R~e-D~to-n.~W~~~hi~ng-t-OD~98~O~55-------------~' * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Meets objectives and safety, function: Due to the physical location' of the parcel and the constraints of critical slopes of 40% on three sides of the property, staff supports the modification request. The. intent of public and emergency access and pedestrian amenities is met with the proposal. The proposed road cross-section exceeds the minimum standards for the typical private . street improvement providing 24 feet of pavement at the narrowest point. Where the bulb does. not strictly meet fire department turnaround standards, it will accommodate police and paramedic response, . The existing cul'<le-sac on NW 6"' Street will be improved to meet City of Renton standards~ thus providing. the required turnaround for larger emergency vehicles .within· the appropriate service Oistance: All the houses are required to 'have sprinkler systems. Not'injurious 'or adversely impact adjacent properties: . Adjacent proPerties are not injured nor adversely impacted as all easemenii are frqm the proposed short plat. . The adjacent properties will JJenefit froin the improved cul-de-sac pavement to be provided, . . . Conforms to the intent of .the code:. The intent of providing fci~ domestic, e~ergency and pedesirian access is met with the proposal. . ". .. Justified and required.for use and sitUation intended: The zoning of this parcel is R-8. Single Family, The modifications as requestooallowthe maximum de'nsity and number of lots that still . _ " -' .,' _ . -,' ,~._:{~;;.:.'-"'~:.,,',,~"c-:!>.~. '. . .' meet the various setbacks and acces~sriteta:.,T~e pla:rpr<;l};L~~s over t~e, minimum necessary for. full use for access, emergency ang'dom~~tlc, as~",ell'as pedestn!!p amenIties .. -,' ". I.~';" __ .:'-.;"". A't.~"" . 6;j,'-·~····'.JzA . The Street Modification is approved subjecHo·thc..following conditions: . . . . ," ,"1:' -'._ .-'?o,~ ........ _.. ''''', .. ."Jy"'t < :"~. _ ' , • • I. No parking is allowed .anywhere',on the private street:'"j\pp,ropria!e signage shall be installed . . ."., A' • ~. , ,:.t.> prior t~ occupancy of".iily'l!p,use: ,>:"*'",v.:q,,,,. \. "'·.Ii 'i'; . , . : . . _ ~:.' .'.' ~ J ¥:¥ii;,': ;:><::.<=-v0'~(·".\ _ '\ -,~. -' '. . ... :2,' The cul-de-sac:i.t the~end~of ~W 6::_~~~t!sr~Jl:~ jrnprov¥ withi~(the existing right-of-way . as approved by the q,eve1gp~nt;~~ry}R~~~~X'\~~~W~\"~ :' ,&}; ~. . . . . . . ~.' -, '. ,_ "to'! -"l_'S'1""~_ _ i::;; . t," .' -' 1_~.,:..,. __ ~_~3,-:A.street.sign-with.all\i,nterior:a~dr~~~~~.·~JiJl·tJe:1~Nalled:pri.or·to oc5PpancY'of any house . . '. This de~isioli to approvei~e pr9Pb~~ciStree(Modifi~kiiBn is,s~bje5.~ tq,!~ fourte'en (1.4) day appeal period .from the date of this~letfe~,,;;An>:,appealsof the, ad~hi~,tfIiiiv7.:'decision mustbe.fil~d ~ith • . the City of Renton Hearing El\a~ine[;by 5.:QQ·p.m., J,muarY'2Q, 2OQ5?' . .' .". . "~',,; .• -,>'..,' +' "il ,'_, ,,' ',,"' -'. ,! ... ~ . .f,!' Appe~ls.rtus,tbCfiledin Writini"i~g~her J"1th,.th~'~~9~i~~~5~ applicatiOli fee with: Hea~ing EXannner, CIty of R~nton; 1055 SouthG~l!~y~~!X;.,I~}fpro~;WA98055, Appe~~s to th,eExanu?er are govemed by CIty of Renton MUnICIpal 'Coi:Ie SectIon 4-8-110,. AddllIonaLmformatlOn, regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 4~O-' MIQ . . .' .' '.-. .... Sincerely, .•. . . .... '. ~~~, ~'*tnOu . . iJ.~ri Kitirlck . '.. Development Engineering Supervisor. . . . Publit Works Inspections & Permits cc: Land Use File Neil Watts Stan Engler. Susan Fiala Nov 22 2005 1:41PM p.3 2533832572 • Inc. . ~' ;:' and attached Exhibit A; A; end " WHEREAS the Millers ~'L~~;~ ~cnix:d:;;~~ &l)d'~ the-'il~~d ExJul>it .. ,,;' _." ';. '~::,~.:' ::' " .-:'" .,:;'/ '::' WHEREAS IDA 8lld the Millen; c:annot identi(y aj>o~ or..~ deteiil~nin, t¥" boundary betw=l Lot A and Lot B throogh use s~~Iliit,o~ ,>, and landmarks; and r~ by Paciflii~tTIl!e WO"'\'/ / ., .- AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX 2:lCOmmodation onIy,l! hila not'fiaeI!,,' BOUNDARY POINTS AND LINES -Page I of6 axamined as to proper <lXe.;;,mon Cr..··· : ,. as to Its a{~ " -.--; ~:::~. '--" ,.~ :,.. . Nov 22 2005 1:41PM ;! . r ·f ." .' x .-: .' .-: .• ~' .: Inc. 2533832572 .. i',. ;" ... "./' //,/' .. ~~~> ... "~ IDA and the Millers wish to resolve and fil( !he boundary points and '\~ .... ~, ... ,//" /Iin~ be~een.!&t A and Lot B byagree,nent; ." " .... i' // .ii~6~, .• Ol~1(:ro~.and the Millers hereby agree as follows; ":'. ~ .'.';' :~ •. _." , •. _ ... , 'f., :.,,: •• !;",~,;,.r •.••.•.• "t ~·~,:.f - /' ./': 1 . .lIne,iegaf ~P1i<ir.· ofpi'A'>js as described on the attached Exhibit A, the "'Jqiu ~56n °fl~f B is ,s,:de$crib~ op-'t1?,e attached Exhibit B, and the boundary points::~ 'lmes .. ~ UtA 8!1d{I'bt;:l3 \Ii"e as ShoWll on the Record of Survey recordC3,jn v9It1ffle/l.1Ci P~2b:l?llb6 Book of Surveys, recorded under King ColUlty rCc'oroing/~ 1,P1lS91t;ICq'P40 2.1 and included herein by this reference. /~ .. _ :.,/ /. ~.l if: i/. /~::::"" -.\:-: .f· ;:" ,l': .~."" "",.,..-"'~':":' .:.i- 2. This Agi 't .4611 be fite<!;'for the reC\)rd ana. s\iall be binding on all signatories hereto,tliei~e~;' as§i~ h"ifitand aevi~> This Agreement shall run with the land and shan be ~~iI ~th,1he rdJ,pioyillty:ieconIs of King Couuty, ~~'':'' t _ I 7 'v t~:>;.f.«"<;:;:'.·,·) .. , .. /} .i· .... ;~ . f ... -..... ~ //~ .. {~. J..c. 8 WashingtOn Limited Liability ~\..;' ... ./ / fl/ .,Ii' / ;./ ' ··,···· .. ··/,:.,j"f /' /' Jr j' " .,~. :~ i ""-:. ·' ... ·:} • .-i; ". '':; , ., .:. ,.:' .' t . , .,., .... :. '." ... -.-.".',:;. ~. .' .... .~'. .,' ~:. .,' AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND LINES -Pogo 2 of6 '. "-::.::; ""., .~. ' .. :. .; . ';"'''''' ,.""~""' ... :.' ' . .... ,. :: .::, .... :.~:. . :. "'. p.4 > •• Nov 22 2005 1:42PM AHBL, Inc. ,c " ,.' ./" :-'- ,\' . • .,', ':-',- .-,i AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND LINES -1'18< 2 of6 " :: •f,: ','" " .:,,, ..... ,- '. .. , . ... ," 2533832572 • ,., ....... :: !: . ,' '~. ,-,-.. :: .. c, ';. ~:. ... -.. '-':. '-""1 . " ...... .:::. " .. , p.5 '- ';. Nov 22 2005 1:42PM Inc .. . l .. : " . ~ .. My AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX 1I0UNDARYPOINTSA'NDLlNES'-Page30f3 2533832572 • '., .... :"." ... " .. p.6 .:' " " l······'·~ ./-,:/' Nov 22 2005 1:43PM Inc. ,f :: :' ,-: AGREEMENT TO RI!SOLVE ANO FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND LINES -Page 4 of4 ;i ' .. ~ 2533832572 • p.7 .c· ..... ':'; ·,'Ie., ..... Nov 22 2005 1:43PM ,::'::: . . ' "" ':;. - ,,' .'-"--""" EXHIBIT A ,." ",: . ,. :: ...•. -.. := .' .: .:' ii···-'·,· ~. :: p.8 .' ',: . . i· :' -:"',.;' :-., •• 0:. ~ ":- .~ ./ l~"fe 00Il -Kathy K.colker-Wheeler. Mayor January 6, 2005 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street #110 . Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: Sixth Street Short Plat LUA·04-139; SHPL-H; V-H"LLA,ECF Dear Mr.Wagner: CITVt>F RENTON PlanningIBuildin!ifPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E .. Administrator This letter is to inlorm you that the appeal period has ended lor the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non"SigllifIcance -Mitigated lortheabove-relerenced project. . . No appeals were filed on the ERC aetermination: .. . . . This decision is linal and application lor the,appropriately required :permits may proceed. The applicant must comply with all ERCMitigation Measures. A Hearing Examiner Public Hearing has been scheduled lor January 18, 2005, where Short PlatGoil'ditions maybe issued. The applicant or representative(s) 01 the applicant are required to be present. A copy 01 the staff report will be mailed to you one week belore the hearing. II you have any quesiions, please leel Iree to contact me at (425) 430-7382. For the Environmental Review Commi,ttee, Susan Fiala Senior Planner cc: JDA Group, LLC & ID Kline / Owners Mellord. E. Flatten / Party 01 Record ------------~IO~5~5~S~ou~t~b~G~~~d~y~~~a-y--~Re-n-to-n-,~~~~~b~in-g-to-n~98~O~575------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30"10 post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ,:fit Kathy Keolkcr·WbccIcr; Mayor • CITA>F RENTON PlanninlifBuildhi!¥l'ublicWorks Department Gregg ZlDunernian P.E., Ad.mDiStrator January 6, 2005 Matt \\' eber ·.AHBL· 2215 North 30"'. Street,Suite 300 Tacoma,WA 98403·3350· ··Subject: Alhadoff SbortPlat Request for Modifi"ations Dear Mr: Weber: We have reviewed the. proposed street modification request associated with the single·familY residential short plat located generally at the 200 block of NW 6"' Street. . This is an infill developmentin an existing neighborhood with one access froin NW 6"' Street. Thepro~rty is · surrounded on thrtie sides by critical sloJie(with access only possible fromNW 6"' Street.· The existing cul-de·sac pave~ntdoes nOlmeel City of Renton sta!ldards. The proposed modification · requests to approvetheproposednew private road easementwidth to be in<;reased to 30 feet with 24.feet of paveinent andari additional TOad bulb with a 3Q"fO?t ·radius to be built primarily for .. ease. of residential access. lq, addition, a request to ililow an ·additional lot beyond the six lots maximum for access off of a private street was submitted. • . . . .. The Street Modification re4uest is herebyappt~ved'~ubject t<;> conditions listed below. City Code 4,6-050 (SireetStandards) teqllires fill' stteeiimprpvementsfo~all adjacent rights.of-· way for, within and dedicated by a plat. ..., . cltyCode 4,6-060.J (Private Streets) provides the paran1etersandstandards for design and use of· · private streets for access to"ix or hiss. properties. The standardpiovides for doinestic,. utility, · einergtmcy and pedesl,rian access withoutdedic4tionofproperty 'tplhe city. All niaintenance is the. responsibility of the homeowners: .. . . · The City can modify street improvements for new plats jf there are practical difficulties in · carrying out the' provisions ofthe Street Improvement Ordinance. The Modification Procedures as ,. defined in Section 4·9-2500 clearly states the criteria for approval by . the Department .. Administnitor. In orderfor·a modification to be. approved,.the Department Administraior must. 'Trod that a speciill individuaf reason makes the strict Jetter ofthis Ordinance impractical, thiltlhe · modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Ordinance, and that such · modification: -. . -. . (a) Will meet the objectives. and safety, fUnction, appearance,· environmental protection and· maintainability intended by this'Ordinance,based upon sound engineering judgment; and (b) Will notbeinjurious to other property(s) in the vicinity;and . (c) Co~fOfm totheintent and purpose ~fthe Code; and · (d) Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and ,. (e) Will not create adverse impacts to other properties in the vicinity." -----~1;:;O-;-:55;-;SO;-:,o ~uth:;-;:;G::::rad-;y~Wi;;;a,-y-.-;:;R~en-:-to~n,~W;;;as:--;---:bi,-ngt-:-o-n~9;;;8;;:05;-;.s:-----~--~. * ThIs paper contains 50% recydad materlaI, 30% post consurnet'" AHEAD OF THE CURVE .. ;.: ~ . .- • Meets objectives and. safetv. function: Due to the physical location' of the parcel and the constraints of critical slopes of 40% on three sides of the property, staff supports the m9<iification request. The intent of public and emergency access and pedestriaJ.l· amenities is met with the '. proposal. . The proposed road cross-section exceeds the mi~imum standards for the typical private' '.' street iffiprovement providing 24 feeiof pavement at the narrowest point. . Where the bulb does, . . not strictly meet fire department turnaround standards, it will accommodate .police and paramedic: . '. reSponse .. , The existing cul.:cte.-sac on-NW 6"' Street will be improved . to' 'meet City' of Renlpn . , standards' ihus p,ovidiIig, the reqlirrect 'tUinaround for larger emergency vehiCIeswithln the appropriate service i:Iistince: _ All tI:ie hOlises: are required to 'ha ve sprinkler-systems.: . '. Not iitjurious-~radversely ilDpactadjacent properties: . Adjacent proPerties are ri()t inj~rednor adverseIY'lmpact~asall easemenisare from the proposed sh()itplat. . The adjacent properties will benefilfrom the impro-ved cul-de~sac pavemerit to be provided. . . .COnfortnsiothe ;ritent{;ftIi~ code:' TIie intent of prOVIding forClomesiic, e~rgency and . • ,pedesiriait access iSmetwithihe proposal. : ..... .. .'. . . ·~:f1:.~~~!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~'i!T:~h::e.zoning of ihisparcel' is R-8. Single,.' . , ··-1 '. The modificl\tions . denSity.and numbef Of lots that still . . :' meet the vari6~s set~acks' a II" ~'a,cct:'s, lii!\'ftm,·id,,, dver theinininlum necessary 'foi -. full usef!?r access. Ijru:j§iilc,l!S;I!}lell'aspcile amenities." . ... 1. No parking isallow~d' a mywhere',on '~:Pll¢tm}llP' . sigiiiige shilll be installed '.,' . prior to occupancy ·.~·ny1il!.o;!lS¢' 1f~~~~~,:.;:;~"" . . . . <2.' The cul-de-sac at th~r~~~:~~;\~~; h wu:mr!\Wle eXisting right-Qf-w~y.·: a~ approved bylbe 3 ... A slreetsignwith aJlt,jnieri'lr ~$idfl"~~~ ()co~IPancy of any house. ' 'Thisd';:isiQD to .. foillrte<.~n·(14)day appeal' period from ihe dateofthi51;1e('i'¢~,",~ \i1~:t-alpp,eall;of .adlpilj~'llfli~~~ecisi(m·mustbe.filed. with' ;'th~ CityofRentoil'Hearing.~~iii~lf'b~is.~QQ~p.nl:,)~~lian(2(b'2P9J~ Apperusn\ustbefiied iii w' ritiIlg Ct(lg~lther )ViiM~e. reqtlire;1Ij " f~ewit":He~ring .. .' ... :Exilniner,CitYofRenion~1055·S ~u;~~~~~~~i~~ . Appeals toiheExairtiner' . " are govemed!?y CIty· of Reriton '. . ~",,;uu'n 4-8-110.: .Additioiia.I information' .. ' .' . " .. ····regardiDg the appeal process iliay be obtained fr()m the 'CityClerl<soffi~e, (425) 4~b-· 6510;> . ' . . . ' ..•...•... ' •• si~Cerely,~ .• ~atn(k;·, .... =itirick •.......... ···Developmerit Engineering Supervisor,. . . . Public Works Inspections & Pemiits .. .. . . .... cc: Land Use Bie . '. Neil Watts Stan Engler Susan Fiala . ... . .. -. , .. .. :; : .... --- Jennifer Hennin~ -Sixth Street Lot Line4justment LUA04-139 From: To: Date: Subject: Janet Conklin Henning, Jennifer; Plat routers 12/20/2005 8:00:07 AM Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment LUA04-139 Recording #20051219900014 Jan Conklin City of Renton Development Services Department jconklin@ci.renton.wa.us 425-430-7276 Fax 425-430-7231 • Page 1 ---------------- • • CilV of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division - 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 TO: Phone: (l?'J)?<h 7;l 'Z-yn Fax Phone: h,,5~) '? <g '1 '2--7"17.-- I SUBJECT: REMARKS: D Original to be mailed D Urgent FROM: Phone: (425) 430-['2--~ {p Fax Phone: (425) 430-'7700 I Number of pages including cover sheet 1-- D Reply ASAP D Please C For your Comment review ."'HF .... O OF THF. CURVE TO: Phone: Fax Phone: I SUBJECT: REMARKS: • CilV of Renton P/B/PW Department Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Kathy Honanie King County Department of Assessments (206) 205-5752 • Date: 12/16/05 FROM: Jennifer Henning Principal Planner Phone: (425) 430-7286 (206) 296-0106 Fax Phone: (425) 430-7300 6th Street LLA o Original to be mailed Number of pages including cover sheet 2 o Urgent o Reply ASAP "[.J) n 1Y\llt A n .J.. ,"v.l.llV..L.J... Ahead of the curve o Please Comment C Foryour review '" .: .' . ; . ,,' , , . , '" '" '.' ~ . ~, , -". ~ .'. .',. ,'-. ',.' r. , ',' '. " ,'''.' " """ ' "1." -', ," L~~~'''' ',00II. "_" -..... katliy.Keolker':'Wheeler. Mayor .', I I,.:. ' :- December'16,2,OOS . ;" , " ,. .. , ,., .' " ',Kaihy Honan,ie :' , " , ' .' King CouniyDepartment of Assessments .. , 708 KingCoimty Admiriistration Building, Se,attle, W A 98104" ' ' , " ' , .. '-;CITv4t>F> iiE'~T()N " pi.mmngmuil~g/PublicWorkSDepartiileni ' , 'Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator' -; !.' " ••• --.. . " , , . ~ , , oJ.", .-: < .-' • .J'" " ~. -.,;. " .. ' , , ' , ' '.: VIA FACSIMILE: (206) 296-0 I 06:, ," ". . , --. ',' . ~ .. , ,c. SUBJECT: " 6Tfl ST~EET LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (LUA:04, 139 LLA: LND-30-, , , """" 0286)' : ", ' , , " ' , .-, " '~' " ' ", ' ' , . '. ' " , ;.;. . -',' ,.-:.'Oear Ms. Hon"anie: .',' -, "\.'>"~._ . "':~'-">"-. _.,",. '.~. ",~ .. ~': •. ,' ,. 1: ". This ietterverifIes th~t thej;::ity o(R,~ntonack~O\vledges andapp'~ovesth~"Agr~~~ent !o': '" , Resolve and Fix Boundary, Points'and Lines" between Debra and Wayne Miller(the Millers)iuld' , JDA Group, LEe: This' agreeme~i ~as accomplished per RCW S8,04 to'resolve encroachment, , :' , with reg'lfd'to the above-ref~r';nceolot ii~e' adjustrritint "Tliis'SK04 agreement has ]jee~ recorded, --, ", :',," i~ ihe'j~,ec6rds o( King tountYiWasiiington,~rider'Recording,Numbers: , 20Q507280021 38 arid ';::" .',' , " 20050728900027, " ' ' , , , " .~ .~,' , , . ::'. " .: " , ., ." . cc; , . , " \ <. .' .. ", , , .... >-.: , , , " , , . ~ " Neil Watts: , Dave Christensen ,. " " , ' •• <r '. " .' Bob MacO~ie ~ , , -- LalJ)' Warren','Oty Attorney ~.' , , , ,-' , " ',' ,"r " " . ',' ,:,:' ... :. '.' "';'"', .i., ". " . ". " " ,1<-'_., ' , " . ". " . , :t •• _ '. ~. " ," ,: , ..... ,' .' ,~ " ' -'". ..-:.. .. -.. ( , ... ,' ". , , -,-' ,:., ', .. ,-. -"'~- ."~ ., -",.. '," , '" ' , ", -. .. .', .• 1" , ,.-' " ',',J ): . ..:. "., ',. ' . -. ..., " ' .. J .~. \ ,', : r: " ~" '". , " ~." ~:, ., :'.: ... -" , , ,..' , ') '. ,. ' •• < '.' . , .' ' .. ' .'" ~. '.- '. '-. .. ' , " " . " " , .>' " ,,' "" .. ~ ·.t· . " . ..•.. " , ... , , " .... " .", :,~-" ",'.',: ,,,' ,:.--. ~',"',' , .. ,:~- ~~-:-'-"". -7 .. ,'-,,~,-:-, ~', -'.I""0"'55=-, S=-o'-u-'th~G""r-ad":'~-"'W~ay~, --:R'-e~'n~to-n~" W"'a-s-'-ht"" n~gt-o=-n ""9~8"-05"'. 5-,-, '-, -'-, --"c-_:~" "-'., ~' :R E NT 'e: N . ':' :' .... ~' ',' , ,{ .~\ ,,', ~ .,.. *'nu;p3~r~i~~~~:~~Posi~~~,~.' '<: . A~'~ADc6~'''T'~r: -C,U~VE' .'~ -,---,--'-,' -' '... " ,", " . ", , TO: Phone: Fax Phone: I SUBJECT: REMARKS: • CilV of Renlon P/B/PW Department Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Dieter Struzyna (425) 827-4794 • Date: 12/16/05 FROM: Jennifer Henning Principal Planner Phone: (425) 430-7286 (425) 827-9785 Fax Phone: (425) 430-7300 6th Street LLA D Original to be mailed Number of pages including cover sheet 2 D Urgent D Reply ASAP Tn ;1 Lkt) CD.lY\J u" n_~ Ur-~ .J.. '-\..IlllV .I..I.. Ahead of the curve D Please Comment C Foryour review \ ~-.--~-~--- i ! • ---_ ... • ./ -... -~ • • DOCUMENTS FOR RECORDING KING COUN1Y RECORDS & ELECTIONS DIVISION CITY OF RENTON DEC () 9 Lues RECEIVEu CITY CLERK'S OFFICI: TO: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE DATE: --'..:1'2."'---.·1L·...:...O_t7 ____ _ FROM: (N_J£.t;~'" H(hl-q'V\g, OW ~v ~V, xi1.1r, BILLING ACCOUNT NUMBER: OOfI:J't. r;«O. () 0(,0.4"'1· "" ''''1'1 (xxxi .xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xx.xxxxxx): IS REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX FORM REQUIRED? No % Yes 0 (Attach fonn) (Aoooum will be cha:rged $2.00 filins fcc) INDEXING NOTES: SPECIAL RECORDING INSTRUCTIONS: DATE ACQUIRED: _____ GRANTOR: _________ _ PURPOSE: ~(;UhC-1'{<,-fAf [iVJ!'1 ~ c:.~/t\(;ia~ wi*, '2 ~Ihi~ d~!Jn?ffl/.t1 COMMON DESCRIPTION: Adj\A.~t tof lih~ .,Iff-f11ih fJ,1k7'tr-<bf7horl fla:f ADDRESS: 1,.00 ~tl::.. t Nfl ~ 1f.t ~<ot-. P.l.D. 1i~r;f86DIDO I tIf~'fl4 0 lOr, S-T-R: 1= -1, 1; -'i CROSS STREETS: NW ftf/A, ttlr<lA-I f2.81·vti't-r hI~ N. CURRENT USE: \13 v mf- MANAGING DEPARTMENT: _----'p'-f/--'t1~If__!..Le...:.../JJ---------- DEPT. FILE #. ~IA.A jU: ,I:;" I ~LA, RECORDING # ________ _ ~pbtf, V-H, W Rev Dale 7197 TSIREC _ DOC.DOTlbh DATE: TO: FROM: • • CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM December 9. 2005 Stacy Tucker Jennifer Henning. x 7286 SUBJECT: Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-04-139, LLA This Lot Line Adjustment has been sent to the County for recording. Once recorded. we will receive a copy of the mylar and the recording number. Please update the status of the project on the tracking list and in Permits Plus. Thank you. cc: Yellow file H:\Oivision,s\Oevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\kmc\planner manual\LLA\Templates\final me-ma.doc t· .. TO: Phone: • Cill of RenlOn Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division - 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 FROM: AHf7L- Phone: • Date: i 2-( t; /0'7 Fax Phone: (1-,,'7) '7 'j) ~ 1-'5 7 'L. Fax Phone: (425) 430-'"17;;0 0 I SUBJECT: REMARKS: 0 Original to bemai/ed Number of pages including cover sheet :;;;7 o Urgent o Reply ASAP :\Hf.AIl OF THF. CURVJ; D Please C For your Comment review • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 23,2005 TO: Sonja Fesser, Property Services FROM: Jennifer Henning, DevelopmenVPlanning, x7286 cf« SUBJECT: Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA-04-139.LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: <~~ Name Robert T. Mac Onie, cc: Yellow File H:\Oivision.s\Oevelop.ser\Oev&plan.ing\kmc\Planner manual\LLA\TempJates\Ua memo.doc 11..( LLDS- bllte Jr. PLS DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 28, 2005 Jennifer Henning SonjaJ. Fesser~ Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-139-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: See the attachment for a spelling error in the new legal description for "PARCEL B". Remove all references to the 10.00 feet public utility easement (including dashed lines), per Rec. No. 8404090614, as noted northerly of the subject lot line adjustment properties on Sheet 2 of 2. Said easement has no impact on this lot line adjustment. The dimension indicator (at the northeast corner of Lot 8 for the dimension of 202.27") is missing. The indicator that is present is on the wrong side of said northeast corner. Add a correct indicator and remove the existing at said corner, or flip the existing indicator (currently not used for any dimension). The recording number noted for the 58.04 agreement has an extra digit. \H:\file Sys\LND -Umd Subdivision & Surveying Records\l..ND-30 -Lal Une Adjustments\0286\RV051121i.doc STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING} AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Lori Tedder, being fIrst duly sworn on oath that she is a Legal Advertising Representative of the King County Journal a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a daily newspaper in King County, Washington. The King County Journal has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the King County Journal (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Public Notice was published on Monday, 12113/04 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $99.00 at the rate of$15.50 per inch for the fIrst publication and NIA per inch for each subsequent insertion. ~ Jed1£oL LOiTeddeP Legal Advertising Representative, King County Journal Subscribed and..sworn to me this 14th day of December, 2004. 11111 I 11111/ II III/ ""II M E4 G 1111,z Tom A. Meagher .$.' ~ ~: ........... Iy~ ~ Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Redmond, Washington ~ ",0 ..... ~\",,\on fi~,o~~'" -9 ~ .::::-• f;: .. °0 -:::. Ad Number:847764 P.O. Number: :: fd ~01 AR Y 0. \ ::. Cost of publishing this notice includes an affidavit surcharge. == i _. _ i :: -• .2: -~ ~\ PUBL'" /0 $ ~"1'" o'\.··I..;,~ "/: ,;. '.:'f~y 2 '2.Q 0° 0-~ ~ ~ ....... ; .... :,\~ ~ ,z OF ,,-,.,' III/ WA" III' 1/,," 1/ 111111 I III NOTICE OF ENViRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE & PUBLIC HEARING RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmenta1 Review Committee has issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. Sixth Street Short Plat LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Location: 100 Block of NW 6th Street. The applicant is requesting a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site. Additional requests include: modifications of street standards; variances to front yard setbacks; r.o.w. vacation. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writ- ing on or before 5:00 PM on December 27, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on January 18, 2005 at 9:00 AM to con- sider the Short Plat and Variances. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. lnterested parties are invited to attend the pub- lic hearing . Published in the King County Journal Deceniber13,2004.#847764 e, • '- -< , ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION & PUBLIC HEARING ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON·SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: SIxth 51,", Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA04-13., SHPL·H, V·H, LL .... ECF LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 6-51,..' DESCRIPTION: The appllCllnt I, .ltqu .. Ung I Lot line AdJUIIlTM'nt, Environmental Rnn, Hearing Exemln..-Short Plat and Hurlng Elo;amlner Varlancel for I ..von lot lubdlvilion 01. 1.84 acre ,Ito (Irt •• lot Uno adJu.-tment). AddlUon.' r.q ... eltl Includ.: modlflcIlJonl of 1',,"1 etandord' to allow. dead-end ,t ... 1 \I,ut •• than 700 It and to allow. privati II ... , to lervl mota thO" .Ix lot •. The vlrranc .. would ba '.om the R.8 reqvlrwod 20 n. lront yord •• Iback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A .. p.IlI!. r&quesl lor neallog I portion of • public walkway would a'io be mad. by th •• pplk:.nl. Thl lot Ilus r.ngltrom 4,552 Iq. I'L to 24,1115 Iq. II. (grOIi .r •• ). TIl •• ltl I. 10000led II thl Ind 0;01 • lub-.landard ckad1nd slroel 01 whlth the cukl .... t would be enlarged 10 meet toefl. II 30 ft. wldl privati ICCI ...... menl would I.'end to thl ... 1 .nd .outh 01 UHt re-conltrutled tul. cte-Ut 10 att<llS thl lOla. Partl.r relocltlon of exliling city ulllltles and nlw underground ulllltl .. are Intludad. Slaap slop" (tlanlfled a. prollC'led slopal 01 40 ~I or gmllr In grade) exil! I. WIU .. a portion of • CIII~ory 3 wattand and "Iocl.'ed bullar. IIpprodm.'ely 2,000 cubIc y.rdl olloploll woufd be removed lor r .. u .. and 5,000 ty of Import.cl rm II ptopoHd. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE (ERG) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeal. of Ihl Invlronmlnlal delermlnatlon mu.' be flIed In wrlllng on or belo", 5:00 PM on Oaelmber 21, 2004, Appeal. mus' be flied In writing toglther with Ihe rlqulred $15.00 application I .. with: Hurlng Eumlnlr, City 01 Renlon, 1055 South Ol'lldy Way, Rlnlon, WA 'a055. Appaall to Iha Examlnlr .,. govlmed by City 01 Renton Munltlpal Codl Section 4-lIol10.B. Addll1onallnfonnallon rlg.rdlng Iha appa.1 proce .. mlY be Obtained lrom thl Rlnlon City Clerk', Office, (U5) 4»6510. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR --... MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JANUARY 18, 2005 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE SHORT PLAT AND VARIANCES. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT (425) 430·7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Idenllflcatlon. . ............ """"",. ,_---""MIL r> "" -!. J, ,:: ·'00MMis,~.·. . ... '", :: Go •• ' tv c:' , . ., '? ~ : ""1 :' 0). '-'~' .. 0 ~ :~: .-0' .. ~~~, )(::1:, CERTIFICATION ~ m ~ c-~., ~ $= m ~ ~ 0 '."! (Ie "'.' JJ:: I ~ "~$l e;,." ":: I, ,~ /i,K.}jw , hereb)' certify that 3 cop~l>.ij"ai,i((c:. ..... ···/ - ab;;;;;;Qment were posted by me in ~ conBl!S!!?Ys places on 6\..n&'atby ""- the described property on _'D1E..I.6",,!=<:!.m-.!...ll£.Yl~~-1..13-l:j~W=U~~L-_____ _ "/1~ .,f'~rnc:1t~ Signed:~~~~ A TrEST: Subscg.,d~nd sworn before me, a Notar1x Public, in and for Washington reSIding m~JJ.;7k?, u ' on the...! day of--/.~='----"'~LLL.?~6,,-, MIIRIL YN KAMCHEFF 'W ADP(1INT"CNT EXPIRES 6-29-07 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION & PUBLIC HEARING ISSUANCE OF A DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED (DNS-M) POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA04-t39, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 6~ Street DESCRIPTION: The applicant Is requesting 8 Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests Include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-B required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating 8 portion of 8 public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site Is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul- de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater In grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. ApproxImately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re- use and 5,000 cy of Imported fill Is proposed. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITIEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on December 27, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.8. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-65tO. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE 7TH FLOOR OF CITY HALL, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON JANUARY 18, 2005 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE SHORT PLAT AND VARIANCES. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. _l"- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT (425) 430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION ,l'1E!,!se incl~d!, tt\eprojecf,NUMBER;~hencalling for proper file Identification. • • '.' CITY OF RENTON On the 9th day of December, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ERe Determination documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached Richard Wagner Contact JDA Group & ID Kline Corp. Onwer/ Applicant Melford E. Flatten Party of Record ~"R.ILY", 't (Signature of "" NO,. en STATE OF WASHINGTON ) -< : ... -1-9 : " ~ ) SS ~: ~ " ~ ',,:n ~ COUNTY OF KING ) (t\ .... ~ "&(IC .'''' f o~ '."'09 .;-~. ··.·01 .;- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker ~A/8Hi·t,iC;;~o"".._---- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary a~t'IM,tbe-llses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 1///10 <2 , Notary (Print): ___ ....,.."".",..,nmll"Dttt"' ____________ _ My appointment expires: MARILyN KAMCHEFF MY 'P"""'T!!FNT EXPIRES 6-29-07 Sixth Street Short Plat LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF template -affidavit of seMee by mailing Dept. of Ecology' Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, W A 98504-7703 WSDOT Northwest Region' Attn: Ramin Pazooki King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 PO Box 330310 Seattle, WA 98133-9710 US Army Corp. of Engineers' Seattle District Office Attn: SEPA Reviewer PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124 Jamey Taylor' Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo Attn: SEPA Section 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Renton, WA 98055-1219 Metro Transit Senior Environmental Planner Gary Kriedt AGENCY (DOE) LETTER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) WDFW -Stewart Reinbold' Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. clo Department of Ecology . 3190 160th Ave SE Attn. SEPA Reviewer .. Bellevue, WA 98008 39015 -172'd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 Duwamish Tribal Office' Muckleshoot Cullural Resources Program 4717 W Marginal Way SW . Seattle, WA 98106-1514 Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert 39015 ; 72'd Avenue SE Aotiurn, WA 98092-9763 KC Wastewater Treatment Division· Office of Archaeology & Historic Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation .. Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Stephanie Kramer 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 .x« Sealtle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, WA.9.8504-8343 "' ".'. : ~$';:;~; :,:~;;fj/if;~ . City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director 13020 SE 72'd Place 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, W A 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Municipal Liason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-01W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Title Examiner 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Optional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application .• Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork . • • template -affidavit of service by mailing I I I I L:R! Kathy Keolker-Wbeeler. Mayor December 9, 2004 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street #110 Bellevue; WA 98004 • SUBJECT: SiXth Street Short Plat LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Dear Mr. Wagner: .. CITY .F RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department . Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject· project. The ERC issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. Please refer to the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. Appeals of the environmental,determination must be fihid in writing on or before 5:00 PM on December 27, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton: WA98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton MuniCipal Code 'Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process maybe obtained.frqm th~ REmton City Cle(k's Office, (425) 430-6510. .' ". . . . A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner in the Council·Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady. Way, Renton, Washington, on January 18, 2005 at 9:00 AM to consider the Short Plat and Variances. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the' hearing. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. ., . The preceding information will assist you in plarihing for implementation of your project and enable you .to exercise your appeal rights more fully, ff you choose to do so: .If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) 430'7382. . Susan A. Fiala Senior Planner cc: JDA Group, LLC & 10 Kline Corp. I Owners Enclosure ------------~IO~5~5~S~ou-t~h~G~m~d~y~W~a-y--~R-en-to-n-,~W~a~Sh~in-g-to-n-9~8~O~5~5------------~ ® This paper contains 50"10 recyded malelial, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF .TH E CURVE 1~1i! Kathy Keolker·Wheeler. Mayor December 9, 2004 . Wa~hiiigton State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA98504·7703 • CITY.F RENTON PIanning/BuiIdinglPubJic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E~ Administrator Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination foi the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on December 7, 2004: . DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGATED PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Sixth Street Short Plat LUA04-139"SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF 100 Block of NW 6th Street Thi,appli"';nt is'requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision 01 a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than sidots. The variances would be'fromthe.R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback fofLot.s 3,4; 5 and 6: A separate request for vacating a portion of· a' public walkWay' would·,also be made by. the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552sq; ft. to 24,815 sq. ft.' (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard. dead-end street of which the cul-de·sac would be enlarged to . meet code': A 30ft. wide private a'ccess easement would . extend.to the east and south of the re-constructed.cul-de-sac to access the lots., Partial relocation ~f existing' city utilities' and new underground utmties are included .. Steep slopes (cla'ssilied as. protected slopes 01 40 percent or greater in grader'exist' as well.as a portion Of a Category 3· wetland anif associated buffer. Approximately' 2;000 .cubic yards of topsoil would be remo.ved .for re-use and 5,000 cy 01 imported Iillis. proposed. , Appeals of. the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on ' December 27, 2004; Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75,00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton: 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of 'Renton Municipal Code. Section 4·8·110.8. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk'sOllice, (425) 430-6510 .. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7382, For the Environmental Review Committee, ~ZM Susan A. Fiala Senior Planner cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division WDFW. Stewart Reinbold ' ~E8A~e*le~s*"*r&~_a_Vi_d_F_._D~ie~t~zm~a~n_.D~e~p~a~rt_m~e~n~t~0_I_N~a~tu_ra_I_R_e~s~o_ur7c7e_s __ ~~~ _______________ ~RE N'T 0 N 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA APPLICANT: JDA Group, LLC and I.D. Kline Corp. PROJECT NAME: Sixth Street Short Plat DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a t .84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEAD AGENCY: '100 block of NW 6th Street The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM on December 27, 2004. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: DATE OF DECISION: SIGNATURES: Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Dennis Culp, Administrator Community Services ~{,t~ Renton Fire Department DECEMBER 13, 2004 DECEMBER 7, 2004 ILIZ/a Y DATE' • DATE CITY OF RENTON • DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): PROJECT NAME: APPLICANT: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LUA04-139, SHPL·H, V·H, LLA, ECF Sixth Street Short Plat JDA Group, LLC and 10 Kline Corp. ~OO Block of NW 6th Street DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead·end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub·standard dead·end street of which the cul·de·sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re·constructed cui· de·sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for reo use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. LEAD AGENCY: MITIGATION MEASURES: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section 1. The applicant shall comply with recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003, regarding "Setbacks from Top of Slope·Central Slope/Housing Project". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor(s) shall contact the State Archaeologist at the State of Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, phone (360) 586-3065. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single·family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single·family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. CITY OF RENTON • DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): PROJECT NAME: APPLICANT: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Sixth Street Short Plat JDA Group, LLC and 10 Kline Corp. 100 Block of NW 61h Street DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.B4 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-B required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,B15 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul- de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re- use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (B:OO) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (B:OO) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 2. The right-of-way/street vacation process is a separate process from the short plat. The process may take up to three months or more. Please see attached comments from Property Services. Property Services 1. Comments attached in separate memo. Fire Department 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 ft. of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 sq. ft. in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 ft. of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 ft. wide. Dead-end roadways over 150 ft. in length are required to have an approve turnaround. The required fire access road shall be extended 50 ft. beyond the approved cul-de-sac for the maximum 700 ft. dead-end road. 3. All of the structures are required to be sprinklered due to being over 500 ft. on the dead-end road. Separate plans and permits are required for the sprinkler systems. 4. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. / Plan Review -Water • 1. Fire flow requirements will dictate a new 8-inch water main (minimum). There appears to be two equally viable options to provide water service: One; connection to the West with approximately 680 lineal feet (from Taylor Ave NW to the end of the cul-de-sac in NW 6th Street) of new 8-inch Ductile Iron (0.1.) line to replace the existing 4-inch main. And alternative Two; connection to the East at Rainier Ave South to the existing 12" water main with approximately 350 lineal feet of new 8-inch Ductile Iron pipe. Either of these options may provide the minimum fire flow requirements. 2. No substantial filling over the existing 12-inch transmission wa1er main running through the site is allowed. If filling is needed over this line, it may dictate relocation of this facility. 3. Any existing hydrants, that are counted toward meeting the fire flow requirements, will be required to have a quick connect Storz fittings. 4. New water service "setters" will be required to be installed prior to recording the plat. 5. The System Development Charge is $1,525 for each new single-family building lot. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review -San itary Sewer 1. New sewer main and structures as required to serve the new single-family dwelling units. 2. The System Development Charge is $900 for each new single-family building lot being served with a new sewer service. This fee is payable with the construction permit. 3. Separate side sewers (and any necessary easements) to each new building lot are required prior to recording of the plat. Plan Review -Surface Water 1. The System Development Charge is $715 per new single-family building lot. This fee is payable with the construction permit. 2. One item in the drainage analysis and design submitted with the Land Use application does not appear to meet the required City of Renton design criteria. In accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water design manual, a storm filter is not an approved water quality facility. An administrative variance is required to use a storm filter device. Please submit a request to the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator explaining the justification and performance information for the alternative water quality device. Plan Review -Transportation 1. This project is required by City Code to install frontage improvements. Improvements include half pavement width, curb, gutter, streetlights and sidewalks along the existing right of ways and any new internal streets that are frontage to the site. 2. This project will be required to dedicate right-of-way to meet the minimum street width and cul-de-sac radius standards (currently there is a request for modification to this requirement pending). • ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING NOTICE December 7, 2004 . To: Gregg Zimmerman, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Dennis Culp, Community SeNices Administrator Lee Wheeler, Fire Chief From: Jennifer Henning, Development Planning Meeting Date: Tuesday, December 7,2004 . Time: 9:00 AM Location: Sixth Floor Conference Room #620 Agenda listed below. Ridgeview Court Preliminary Plat (Weill LUA04-131, PP, SA-H, ECF The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan and Preliminary Plat approvals and a code modification for cul-de-sac radius. The proposal is to subdivide the 2.4-acre site into 20 lots for the eventual development of single-family dwellings. The lots range in size from 2,725 sq. ft. to 5,831 sq. ft. Access is proposed via improved Bremerton Avenue NE to a new public street terminating in a cul·de-sac. Further access will be provided by private easements. The site has been shown not to contain any protected Critical Areas. The site is zoned Center Suburban (CS) and is located in the Centers ReSidential Bonus District B. Parkside at 95 Burnett (Fiala) LUA04-133, SA-H, CU-H, ECF The applicant is requesting Environmental (SEPA) Review, Hearing Examiner Site Plan and Hearing Examiner Conditional Use approval for a 147,430 sq. ft. multi family residential development. The site is 0.83 acres in size and is relatively flat with no known critical areas. The project would include 106 dwelling units, indoor exercise room, common areas and service areas within six building levels including four residential, and two levels of structured parking of which one level would be below grade. Ten of the multi family units would be townhouse style and front directly onto Burne" Ave. So. The remaining multi family units would be setback from the street. The structured parking garage would include 181 parking stalls of which 46 would be tandem. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit in order to increase the density above the maximum of the CD zone. The subject property is located within the Center Downtown (CD) zoning designation, Downtown Core and Urban Center Design Overlay District A. Sixth Street Short Plat (Fiala I LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental ReView, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead·end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de- sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re· constructed cul·de·sac to access the lots. Partial relocation 01 existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. cc: K. Keolker·Wheeler, Mayor J. Covington, Chief Administrative Ofticer A. Pietsch, EDNSP Administrator ® B. Woiters, EDNSP Director ® J. Gray, Fire Prevention N. Watts, P/B/PW Development Services Director ® F. Kaufman, Hearing Examiner S. Engler, Fire Prevention ® J. Medzegian, Council S. Meyer, PIBIPW Transportation Systems Director R. Lind, Economic Development l. Warren, City Attorney ® • • STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE December 7, 2004 Project Name: Sixth Street Short Plat Owners/Applicants: JDA Group, LLC and I.D. Kline Corp. 95 South Tobin St. Renton, WA 98055 Contact: Richard Wagner, Baylis Architects, 10801 Main St., Ste. 110, Bellevue, WA 98004 File Number: LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA Project Manager: Susan A. Fiala, AICP Project Description: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.B4 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-B required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,B15 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code. A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a Category 3 wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. Continued on next page Project Location: 200 block of NW 6th Street Site Area: 1.84 acres (gross area -after the lot line adjustment-80,295 sq. ft. ) RECOMMENDA TlON: Staff recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M) Project Location Map City of Renton PIB/PW Department • StXTH STREET SHORT PLA T ERC REPORT of DECEMBER 7. 2004 PROJECT DESCRIPTION CONTINUED: Enviro.ntal Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, LLA, V-H Page 20f8 The site includes portions of three parcels. A lot line adjustment has been submitted concurrently with the short plat application as one of the parcels has two separate zoning designations. The 1.84 acre site contains critical areas, specifically protected slopes which would be located within a Native Growth Protection Area. The site is located west of Rainier Ave. South and at the east end of NW 6th Street. Modifications to the street standards has been requested by the applicant and are under review by staff. The applicant is also requesting a vacation of City of Renton property which contains several utility lines of which the 12-inch water transmission line is proposed to be relocated to provide for the development. The site is Residential-8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) as designated on the City's zoning map and Residential Single Family (RSF) on the City's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed density would be 7.03 dulac after the deduction of the critical areas (protected slopes) and the private access easement. Existing vegetation would be removed to provide for the new access easement, utilities and building pads. Vegetation within the steep slopes would not be disturbed. Thirty-six trees including maple, alder. and other conifers and deciduous would be removed. B. RECOMMENDA TlON Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINA TlON OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGA TlON MEASURES DETERMINA TION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE -MITIGA TED. XX Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. 1. The applicant shall comply with recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003. regarding "Setbacks from Top of Siope- Central Slope/Housing Project". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during building construction. 2. The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. 3. In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor(s) shall contact the State Archaeologist at the State of Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, phone (360) 586-3065. 4. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single- family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. ERC_6thStSHPL.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T EnVir.ntat Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, LLA, V-H ERC REPORT of DECEMBER 7, 2004 Page 30f8 Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination, Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Planning 1. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o'clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o'clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 2. The right-of-way/street vacation process is a separate process from the short plat. The process may take up to three months or more. Please see attached comments from Property Services. Propertv Services Comments attached in separate memo. Fire Department 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 ft. of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 sq. ft. in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 ft. of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 ft. wide. Dead-end roadways over 150 ft. in length are required to have an approve turnaround. The required fire access road shall be extended 50 ft. beyond the approved cul-de-sac for the maximum 700 ft. dead-end road. 3. All of the structures are required to be sprinklered due to being over 500 ft. on the dead-end road. Separate plans and permits are required for the sprinkler systems. 4. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Plan Review -Water 1. Fire flow requirements will dictate a new 8-inch water main (minimum). There appears to be two equally viable options to provide water service: One; connection to the West with approximately 680 lineal feet (from Taylor Ave NW to the end of the cul-de-sac in NW 6th Street) of new 8-inch Ductile Iron (0.1.) line to replace the existing 4- inch main. And alternative Two; connection to the East at Rainier Ave South to the existing 12" water main with approximately 350 lineal feet of new 8-inch Ductile Iron pipe. Either of these options may provide the minimum fire flow requirements. 2. No substantial filling over the existing 12-inch transmission water main running through the site is allowed. If filling is needed over this line, it may dictate relocation of this facility. 3. Any existing hydrants. that are counted toward meeting the fire flow requirements, will be required to have a quick connect Storz fittings. 4. New water service "setters" will be required to be installed prior to recording the plat. 5. The System Development Charge is $1,525 for each new single-family building lot. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review -Sanitarv Sewer 1. New sewer main and structures as required to serve the new single-family dwelling units. 2. The System Development Charge is $900 for each new single-family building lot being served with a new sewer service. This fee is payable with the construction permit. 3. Separate side sewers (and any necessary easements) to each new building lot are required prior to recording of the plat. Plan Review -Surface Water 1. The System Development Charge is $715 per new single-family building lot. This fee is payable with the construction permit. 2. One item in the drainage analysis and design submitted with the Land Use application does not appear to meet the required City of Renton design criteria. In accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water design manual, a storm filter is not an approved water quality facility. An administrative variance is required to use a storm filter device. Please submit a request to the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator explaining the justification and performance information for the alternative water quality device. Plan Review -Transportation 1. This project is required by City Code to install frontage improvements. Improvements include half pavement width, curb, gutter, streetlights and sidewalks along the existing right of ways and any new internal streets that are frontage to the site. 2. This project will be required to dedicate right-of-way to meet the minimum street width and cul-de-sac radius standards (currently there is a request for modification to this requirement pendingt ERC_6thStSHPL.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T ERC REPORT of DECEMBER 7, 2004 D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS EnVir.ntat Review Committee Siaff Report LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, LLA, V-H Page 4 of8 In compliance with RCW 43,21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations, 1. Earth Impacts: The site can be described as steep to very steep with slopes greater than 40 percent. The proposed development would occur within the less steep area of the site that contains no steep slopes. The City's Critical Areas maps depict the presence of steep slopes and erosion hazards on site. Slopes equal to or greater than 40% are located on site, to the south and north of the proposed lots. The applicant requested an exception through modification and was granted this exception for those slopes on the east and central portion of the site. The remaining slopes on-site are not included in the exception. As part of the previous review of the slopes, a geotechnical report was submitted and has been re-submitted as part of this project as described below. The applicant indicates that approximately 2,000 cubic yards of duff and topsoil would be excavated and about 5,000 cubic yards of fill would be imported. The applicant submitted a Geotechnical Report prepared by The Riley Group, Inc., dated June 2, 2003 with the land use application. The report addressed soils, ground water, landslide hazards including historical slide activity, foundation systems and site preparation. The report discussed conditions for multiple parcels under the same owner. The report addressed both a commercial and residential housing component, of which this land use application is the residential component. Based on the soils encountered during testing, the soils were found to be silty sand with some gravel below a three foot depth. In review of seismic considerations, the silty sand on the central slope is very dense and is the geotech's opinion that there is not the potential for liquefaction. In review of the potential for landslides, there are not surficial indications of large-scale landslides and the slopes are stable in their current configuration. The report states that the proposed residential buildings can be supported on conventional shallow spread footings bearing on medium dense to dense native soil. Setbacks from the top of slope are recommended to reduce the impact of the buildings on slope stability. The geotech report recommends that structure foundations be setback a minimum of 15 feet from the top of the steep slopes. This can be done by placing a normal depth footing about 15 ft. back from the top of the slope. It can also be done by placing the footings deep enough so that the bottom of the footing is a horizontal distance of a minimum of 15 ft. from the face of the slope, and thus provides an "effective setback". This can be done by deepening conventional spread footings, or by using drilled piers. Staff recommends as a mitigation measure that the applicant follow the recommendation of the Geotechnical Engineering report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003 concerning the setbacks from the top of slope. In order to reduce the potential for erosion and control sedimentation to the site and to adjacent properties, staff recommends additional mitigation including that the project be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Mitigation Measures: • The applicant shall comply with recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003, regarding "Setbacks from Top of Slope-Central Slope/Housing Project". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during building construction. • The project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations. ERC_6thStSHPL.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T ERC REPORT of DECEMBER 7, 2004 2, Surface Water EnVir.ental Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, LLA, V-H Page 5 of8 Impacts: The site lies within the West Hill sub-basin of the Cedar River Basin and ultimately drains to the south end of Lake Washington. The applicant submitted a Storm Drainage Technical Information Report prepared by AHBL, dated October, 2004. The report states that current runoff from the site sheet flows off the site in several directions. Runoff flows off the north and south slopes to two existing wetlands, while runoff from the central area of the site flows off the east slope and onto the developed parcel eas,t of the proposed project with an eventual discharge to the storm drain system in Rainier Avenue. The proposed project will mimic this flow pattern by allowing some roof drainage to flow onto the north and south slopes, while the rest of the runoff will be connected to the Rainier Avenue storm system via a closed pipe. The downstream conveyance system consists of an existing storm drainage system located east of Rainier Avenue. The stormwater is conveyed north in this system for greater than V. mile to its ultimate discharge in Lake Washington. The report states that there are no known existing downstream restrictions and the project site would only slightly increase the flows through this system. Therefore, the report indicates that the downstream conveyance system should have adequate capacity to convey the additional flows from this project. The off-site analysis described in the report that stormwater flows from the site would be conveyed through a proposed 12-inch storm drain to the existing storm system in Rainier Avenue. Also, some stormwater runoff from NW 6th St. flows onto the project site. This runoff would be collected by the on site system to be treated and conveyed downstream. There is an existing pipe from NW 6th St. that discharges on the slope at the northwest corner of the site. There are two separate water quality components for this project including a catch basin storm filter and a bio-infiltration cell as described in the 2002 DOE Stormwater Manual for Western Washington. The drainage analysis and design for this project is required to meet the 1990 King County Surface Water design manual (KCSWDM). From staffs review, there is one item in the drainage analysis and design that does not appear to meet the required City of Renton design criteria. In accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water design manual, a storm filter is not an approved water quality facility. An administrative variance is required to use a storm filter device. The applicant will need to submit a request to the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator explaining the justification and performance information for the alternative water quality device. No further mitigation is recommended; however, the applicant is required to address staffs issue concerning the storm filter as stated above prior to utility construction plan approval. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Policy Nexus: N/A 3. Wetlands/Streams Impacts: The applicant submitted a Wetland and Stream Determination Technical Memorandum prepared by The Riley Group, Inc., dated October 27, 2004. The purpose of the study was to determine if wetlands, streams or their buffers are present within 100 ft. of the site and if the development would impact them. No wetlands or streams are located on site. For an abutting development, a wetland delineation report was completed (property under same ownership as subject site). The study delineated an approximate 16,600 sq. ft. Category 3 wetland within the ravine to the south of the short plat and an approximate 21,700 sq. ft. Category 2 wetland located to the north of the short plat. The Category 3 wetland would have a 25-ft. buffer and the Category 2 wetland would have a 50 ft. buffer; neither to be disturbed by the subject development. ERG _ 6thStSHPL.doc ,-------------------------------------------------------, City of Renton PIB/PW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T ERC REPORT of DECEMBER 7. 2004 Env;Antal Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, LLA, V-H Page $of8 Furthermore, a watercourse lying within the wetland boundaries of the off site Category 3 wetland was determined to exist. This water course's 25 ft. buffer from the ordinary high water mark per the Tree Cutting and Land Clearing regulations would not be affected by the subject project. As development of the subject short plat would not affect the wetland, watercourse and their associated buffer, no further mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Policy Nexus: N/A 4. HabitatIWildlife Impacts: A habitat data report was submitted with the land use application as prepared by Raedeke Associates, Inc., dated October 28, 2004. The report states that the majority of the site is dominated by third growth deciduous forest with big leaf maple as a major canopy species. Other canopy species include red alder and conifers. The understory contains a sub-canopy of vine maple, Indian Plum, hawthorn, hazelnut, and non-native invasive species including English Ivy and holly. A Category 3 wetland (further discussed under "Wetlands" section) is a scrub-scrub wetland. There are scattered small to moderate sized snags on site, with the largest cedar snags associated with the Category 3 wetland in the southern ravine. The wildlife communities on site are small given the size of the site and the developed area surrounding the site. The report referenced an earlier study of the site reviewing the potential for endangered or threatened species on the project site which concluded that none were present on or near the site. The proposed development would retain approximately 43 percent of the site in open space of native vegetation (due to the steep slopes). The clearing of the site would likely reduce the amount of wildlife on site by number but not by the number of species using the site. Those wildlife adapted to urban environments (e.g. robins, crows, squirrels) may increase on site. The report continues to states that it is not expected that any impacts to any endangered or sensitive species would occur as none are present on the site. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation is recommended. Policy Nexus: N/A 5. Archaeological and Cultural Resources Impacts: Although no letter has been received from the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation concerning the proposed project, the adjacent project located immediately to the south did. As this site is abutting that site, staff recommends the same mitigation measure to ensure no impacts to any potential resources would be made by the proposed development. The previous State's letter indicated that there are six ethnographiC place names adjacent to or surrounding the project area. The distances from the subject site to these place names are as close as 300 feet and as far as 2,600 feet. These places are clustered in the vicinity. The State indicated that due to the area's location by a small seasonal watercourse and wetlands, that these factors combine to increase the probability for archaeological resources to be present. Staff recommends as a mitigation measure that in the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work must stop and the contractor(s) must contact the Washington State Archaeologist. Mitigation Measures: In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor(s) shall contact the State Archaeologist at the State of Washington Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. phone (360) 586-3065. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations ERe _ 6thStSHPL.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T ERC REPORT of DECEMBER 7, 2004 6, Fire Protection EnVir.ntal Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, LLA, V-H Page 70'8 Imoacts: Fire Prevention staff indicates that the applicant provide required improvements and fees to offset the impacts associated with the new development. The proposal to add seven (7) new residential lots to the City would impact the City's Fire Emergency Services. Therefore, a Fire Mitigation Fee of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee is estimated at $3,416.00 (7 new lots x $488.00 = $3,416.00) and is required prior to the recording of the final short plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 2913, Ordinance 4527. 7. AccessfTransportation Impacts: A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required for the project. Access to the site is proposed via NW 6th St. to a private access easement. The private access easement is proposed to be 30 feet wide with 24 feet of pavement. All seven lots would utilize the private access easement. The number of lots exceeds that permitted by code which is six and seven are proposed. The applicant has requested a modification to the street standards which is currently under review. The length of the dead end road, NW 6'h Street, would be 650 feet as measured to the end of the upgraded cul-de-sac (public road). Fire Prevention has indicated that 50 feet beyond this approved public cul-de-sac would be allowed for fire/emergency access where from that point all homes would need to be within 150 feet. The proposal would result in an increase in traffic trips to the City's street system; therefore, the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee will be imposed. The Traffic Mitigation Fee is calculated at a rate of $75.00 per additional generated trip per new single-family lot at a rate of 9.57 trips per lot home. For the proposal, the Traffic Mitigation Fee is estimated at $5,024.25 (7 new lots x 9.57 trips = 66.99 trips) thus (66.99 x $75 per trip = $5,024.25). The fee is payable prior to the recording of the final short plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3100, Ordinance 4527. 8. Parks & Recreation Impacts: The proposal does not provide on-site recreation areas for future residents of the proposed plat. It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. Therefore, a Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per each new single-family lot would be required for the proposal. The fee is estimated at $3,715.32 (7 new lots x $530.76 = $3,715.32) and is payable prior to the recording of the final short plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single-family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final short plat. Policy Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations; Parks Mitigation Fee Resolution No. 3082, Ordinance 4527. E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. ~ Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File, __ Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. ERC _ 6thS1SHPL.doc City of Renton PIB/PW Department SIXTH STREET SHORT PLA T ERC REPORT of DECEMBER 7. 2004 • EnVir.ntal Review Committee Staff Report LUA-04-139, ECF, SHPL-H, LLA, V-H Page 8 0(8 Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM December 27, 2004. If no appeals are filed by this date, the action will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.E. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425) 430-6510. ERC_6thSISHPL.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM December 3, 2004 Susan Fiala Sonja 1. Fesser;:pr:!t Sixth Street Short Plat, LUA-04-139-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: NOTE: The lot line adjustment submitted with this short plat request must be approved before the adjusted lots can be part of this short plat proposal. In particular, see paragraphs two and three of the lot line adjustment review memo dated November 29, 2004, (attached) for issues that need to be resolved. It would be better to have the legal description (Sheet I of 2) reflect the lot designations as established per the lot line adjustment that precedes this short plat subdivision proposal. Include a reference to the recording number of said lot line adjustment in said legal. The vacation of the 10' walkway (per the plat of Woody Glen Addition) is a separate processing procedure from the short plat. NOTE: Said vacation process can be time-consuming (three months or more). It is advisable to begin the vacation process as soon as possible. Karen McFarland (Ext.7209) should be contacted to answer questions regarding the vacation. She processes the vacation requests for the city. The lQ'. public utility easement, recorded under Rec. No. 8404090614, needs to be amended to provide for the new IS' utilities easement (over new Lots 1,2, 3 and 4). Note on the drawing that said IS' easement is "NEW" and "PRIVATE" (Sheet 2 of 2). Use a City of Renton Utilities Easement form for said amendment. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-20 -Short Plnts\0398\RV04I 203.doc December 7, 2004 Page 2 • • Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-139-SHPL and LND-20-0398, respectively, on the drawing sheets. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Note what has been, or is to be, set at all the corners of the new lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. See the Pacific Northwest Title Company Second Amended Plat Certificate report, dated October 22, 2004. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. Remove the building setback lines from the proposed lots (Sheet 2 of 2). Setbacks will be determined at time of issuance of building permits. The city will provide the addresses for the new lots as soon as possible. Said addresses need to be noted on the short plat drawing. Remove the "ZONING" block noted on Sheet I of 2. The information contained therein does not directly impact the subdivision. The dimension noted for "C I" in the "CURVE TABLE" (Sheet 2 of 2) is the curve dimension for Lot 7 only (33.66'). Is this what was intended? The placement of"CI" on the drawing (not near Lot 7) infers that the total arc length for both Lots I and 7 was intended. Review and revise as needed. Add the words "AND UTILITIES" after "EGRESS" in the first line of the "PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement (Sheet 2 of 2). Note language on the drawing, as needed, for the critical slope easement areas. Note that if there are easements, agreements or restrictive covenants to others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the plat) need to be referenced on the short plat drawings. See the attachment for additional circled errors that need to be addressed. Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for the preliminary short plat review is provided for your use and information. H:\Fik Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying RcconJs\LND-20 -Short Plals\0398\RV041203.doc\cor . - .......... ~ ............... ··r··--·~--·· ON IN CASE .1 4 IlETABLE I RADIUS I DELTA I 4S.00 I 42"51'29' , TABLE 1M BEARING 4' S0712'48'W 3' N54'44'56'E 0' N6S'43'18'W 0' S17'4S'36'E ,7' 546'22'29'E 2' N42'06'32'W 6' N26"5/07"E 7' N20'0S'39'W )' N69"54'21'E l' N33'43'S3"W a' NS2'42' 49'W '8' N63"42'38'W !o' N70'45'57'W '6' 584 '38'29'W s' 534'43'21'W . 7' N76"54'13"W ,. 586-s6'12'W . IS' 580'53' «'W '0' 574'OO'21'W ~' 56516'09'W 3' 548'OO'16"W 9' 573"32'22"E .. 7' N14'38'06'E 2' N6016'49"E II 555'39' 43'E ro' 533'04'28"E '7' 539'39'47"E 12' 564'26 '30"£ 2' 527'22'25"E JI 570'46'37'E ;3' 566"57'34'E )9' 579'33'3O'E 18' 583'05' 45'E 3' N6717'28'E ~S' N77'27'32"E GEND ·OUND CITY OF RENTON M ONUMENT \S NOTED RlAD ASSOCI A TES REBAR "'CAP SURVEY .5 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC ;£E NOTE AT RIGHT • 30 • - 'A. \ LOT 7 ~ \ 24,812 sit-It; 0'. \ 0.57 acres ';t,. !O \ I" ~.\ ~\ t \ ~..,o/! ~~~~!;?'=c::v. \ CAP LS 115661 PER iOF'OGf~APHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. \ \ OLD UNE UNDER ) \ SEPARATE UA SUBMITIAL 0 ./'PROPOSED WEllAND BUFfER .1 (UNDER SEPERATE APPUCATION) ------ GRAPHIC SCALE 15 30 60 ~-. I I I ..... ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. \ LC 11,1 0.: -- "sOUlll CRITICAL : , 27,880 sq. , \ .0.64 acres \ ~ 120 I PROPERTY SERY FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS .0Q4 ----,<OeO<><;..L-__ APPLICANT: • JbA 'lEoI !p, J J C AL '0 T.t> k'i 1 L 'E RECEIVED FROM ___ ....,..-,-;_ (date) JOB ADDRESS: &:>08' 0C1<' OF blW tP')H. 51 HEe+ WOU-::-7L-l7..;:">"'k"""':;.,. _____ _ NATURE OF WORK: 7-1 a AHOe:t: l?I ~I><[H -51 REF I ,9;OST'a ql.ND # GO -0!"PB 'X. PRELIMINARY REVIEWbF SUBDIVi§ION B7LONG PLAT. NEED MORE INFORMATION: -LEGAL DESCRJPTlON SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. -PID #'5 -VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, TIllS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTIIER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# 9'5<04-80 -0:>70 'X. NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when -0 I OG assigned by King County. It is the intent of Chis development fee analysis to put Ihe.developer/o~r'ot~tice. that the fees"quoted. below may be applicable ro the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to imtall the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities, street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note lhat these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Pennil application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid -;'7"-:-:-;-SOC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LotH will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. 111 ~ II ed ~ d NOT' I d . ~'d I' ~ th f e 0 OWUlg quot ees 0 me u e mspecnon ees, Sl e sewer permits. r w permit ees or e cost 0 water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL MEmODOF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement (pvt) WATER 0- Latecomer A2reement (pvt) WASTEWATER -0- Latecomer A2reement (pvt) OTHER -0- / Special Assessment District/W A TER /-0- / Special Assessment District/W ASTEW A TER /-0- Joint Use A2reement (METRO) - Local Improvement District • - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRJP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION -FUTURE OBLIGATIONS I - SYSTEM DEVEWPMENT CHARGE -WATER -Estimated # OF UNITSI SDCFEE -Pd Prevo .. Partially Pd (Ud Exemption) -Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential $1,525/unit x 7 $ 10 G7S.CiC Mobile home dwelling unit $1220/unit in park Apartment, Condo $915/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.213/sq. n. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing. by Special Agreement/Footprim of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter (2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVEWPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER -Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ud Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential $900/unit x '"1 ~ c;, . .3CJD .01:) Mobile home dwelling unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial $0.126/sq. ft. ofpn>perty x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE -SURFACEWATER -Estimated -Pd Prevo -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit $71S/unit x 7 $ 5. "" "" 1'): All other properties $O.249/sq ft of new impe~ious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ el "lBO.OC 11/IBL.a4-'< '" ~_~tki • 0 • 0 " SignalU f Rev· g Authority rATE <> , " ~ .. *If subject property is within an LID, it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. • < p Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. • • .. Current City SHe fee charges apply to , 0 EFFECTIVE January I, 2004 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 29, 2004 Susan Fiala Sonja J. Fesser }'Ys'0: Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-139-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The subject lot line adjustment must be approved by the city before the adjusted lots can be part of the subsequent proposed short plat. The issue of the encroachment upon adjusted Parcels A & B need to be resolved prior to the approval this lot line adjustment. The encroachment is of long standing and may invest the adjoiner with rights in the land at issue. On a separate note the southern portion of the eastern boundary upon the vacated street, although in agreement with the Record of Survey, under King County recording # 20030401900004 doesn't conform to the standard method of apportionment, to wit, lot line extended to the centerline of the vacated street. The line shown connects the previous lot comer to an angle point in the street centerline. The property adjoining to the east is currently under review for a lot line adjustment. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-139-LLA and LND-30-0286, respectively, on the drawing. NOTE: The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide lot line adjustment and lot closure calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Ad.iustments\0286\RV041129.doc December 7, 2004 Page 2 • • Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing, if any. Indicate what has, or is to be, set at the new comers of the lot line adjustment. Change all references from "BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT" to LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (both drawing sheets). Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. The original legal description (noted on Sheet I of 2) should be revised to note the pertinent plat for Parcel A, if the two subject parcels are to be described separately. For Parcel B, note the plat before the referenced vacation ordinance. See the legal description attached on Page 2 of the Pacific Northwest Title Company Second Amended Plat Certificate, Order No. 577298, dated October 22, 2004. The city does not require revised legal descriptions and therefore, did not review those noted on Sheet I of 2. Remove the "ZONING" block from Sheet 1 of 2. Note (on the drawing) the bearing to center between City of Renton Mon #158 (center of cul-de- sac) and either one of the two comers of Parcel A that intersect with the cul-de-sac 45' radius line. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, agreements or easements to others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the plat) need to be referenced on the lot line adjustment drawings. Fee Review Comments: Lots within or affected by the lot line adjustment are subject to the city's special charges, if any. H:\Filc Sys\LND -Land Suhdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustlllt!nls\0286\R V041129.doc\cor -' i~ g "" ~I ~ . ~. III • • CITY OF RENTON T PLAT NO. LUA- RENTON, WASHINGTON PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT DECLARATION OF COVENANT RECORDING NO. PORTION OF _~_1/4 of MEW PMV~1t [XCUJ$I','[ EASEWEHT F"OII (NC11[S5 AHCI tCR[SS IS TO It CRUTtD o.PCIoI M SAl[ OF LOTS !HOllIN ON THIS !!tQff ~"'T. 'J1oIE O'M'«RS r;Jf LOTS 1-7 SHAlL I1A\E: AN EClJAI.. AND UHOIwxtI IHTEllDT lH M 0'tINEI'$HIP NOD RtSPOHSlIIUTY fOIl lof~ttNANa: ar TIl( PRlVAlt ACCtsS ~T ~ANCES. ~ APP.111(NANCE$ A.MO WNNTEHN+CIE R£!PON!UlJTES INa..t.a: tHE: THE o.mt 0# 'HE: LU«) DlMACm 'II"" 1MS SHOII'f Pt.A T, .. N:1U1tM rOIl M BDe'I'I1 TO MlCIIUE ",0lIl THIS !iIJ8DMSICIN, IV SlGNHCI HMOH CO\IOI'AH'/'$ AND ACJ!aS ro CON~ THE: IItNmaAL J(TDI£ST .. THE: I€W [.o.stWDIfS SHOW<! OH MS SHOIIIl PLAT TO ANY AND ~ fUTIJII( I'UItOUoSDtS 0# 1H[ Lars. CJIII (Jf foNY SUIOI~ 1W[JI[0P'. M CO\oOIAHT SHAU. l1\.l<I '11TH tHE: LU«) "" SHOW'! ON ntl SH(IIT PLAT. ~""' ..... 1I0IIIn:.0I~ ... fL ~'JO'" 0.011_ Tlf"~~' ~J.7' CRITiCAL SLOPE EASEMENT AREA REPAiR Nit) "~1DIAlla: OF M 1W\I,I,1[ ACCESS ROAD, I)IlJoINAQ[ 1'11'£5, AHD STOII1II .Am QUALITY N«J/OR OETtHTICIN fACUTIES _U •• N n.s EAS6tENT, P/IIVA1[ SlCHoi.Q[, AND one lHnu.sTllUC1URE NOT O'III«D BY M CITY ftOITCN OIl O'MJI uruTY PIItOW)[JtS. W-"'ITtNNoICI: COSTS $1j/oU. IE SH.u!(D [OU"'l.l.Y. ,Jr.RKI>IG ON lH[ P"'_O 1'1 tHE ACCESS tASOI[NT IS PR<Ha1tO. UH.£SS PA\OIlNT .tnt! IS OAEATtR THNI 20 ft£T. (OTl' 0# II[NTON 1~) fM) 1{2" MASS I'I.UG W/I'UI'tCI1 IN CONe WON .. CAS( OO'MI 1.2,' '1l'1G' 1IW "C"-tOP 0# WCN [L£Vool05.1l' CcnY OF R£NTCII 2B') __________ "-___ ~ fN:I,tr IIRASS PlUG W/PUNCH IH_ --V· ~ '9S8t (7rp,) ~: • "" -------N W 6 TH ~ -~-STREET .A "A 111\~ <0. "P~ 1\·' ... ~ ........ ~ ~-,,,. .--(CITY 0# R[NllJN 273) ___ 010 lIT IIRASS I'U.IG W/I'I.l'tOIIN ______ <X»IC .liON IN CAS£ DOWoI O.T ~ ~ ... art OF RDlfOIoI ,_ fOl.H) CAS[ ~ .1M 2" IIRASS IN •• CONe POST ."''''' ~~)~~ r • . Z 'ii\. 0 1 ':''!..~. ~I ClfT r;Jf IIDITON 115M fOUIII) CASE _ 'Mlli IIE8N! .It CN'. I)()'/IN 1.70' ."'''' -4TnST BASIS OF BEARINGS ellY OF" RENTON SIJII\EY CONllWI. NE1WORK HORIttloITAL OAtuW_liOllTH ...... ERlC.IoN OA'l\JW IMJ/1Hl W£1[KS (MAD CONVERTED TO US rt£T CITY Of RENTON UYEY CONTROL POOIT IH' 2 INQ-l 811ASS DISC IN <4 IN X <4 IN CONCRE1E POST .1H PI.*CH WAR!(, IN "~ENT C,t,SIE ... 1 THE INttRS[Cl1Ot1 r;Jf UN:) A'-€ Ii'" AN:! T"'I\.OII I't. liW N_SS48i!.D48IoI [_30539.4+7\01 CITY OF Im'lTON SUR'>£!' OCIHTROL PaNT lUI fOUND I INCtl R£BNt filTH C4P DO .. 1.7' IN ... 10 INQI VQ'fUUENT CASE AT THE IfI£RSEC11ON Of TAl\.OR A\<E lollii'. 'A'I'\.OR PL NW AHCI NW 411C STRUT. N·~212.IOJ tool!l~12.Ullol ."''''' LEGEND ...... 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ReaidenUal 14 dulac: I RM-II Realdential MulU-Family 101ill MIXIP un CJ:NTER ~ Center Neiahborhood- ~ Center Suburban- ~ Urban CeDler -North ~ Urban CenleT -North 2 ~ Cenler DotnlotoWD· ~ Center Office Reaidential COMMERCIAl ~ Commercial Arterial- lND1'mIAI ~ Induatrial -Hn.~ o Industrial -Medium o Industri&l -Li&'ht (P) PubUc!J' oWDed __ Renton Cily Limite __ Adjacent City lJmib _ BoolI: Pili'''' 6oundU)' I """-N I Residential Multi-Family Neilhborhood Center . ~ Commercial Office-KROll IRM-C I Re.ldential Multi-Family Subllrbao Center 0 CODvenieoee COllUDeI'd.! 104-1 I Re"ldeoUILI Multi-Family TndiUooal IRM-U I Re.idential Multi-Family Urban Center-, • May include o.el'l.,. Districts. See Appendix m.ps: For additional reauIations in Oftrlay DIBtricts. pl •••• Bee RIIC 4-3. PAGE PAGE# INDEX \--, \ • Y ==~'~~.=.============== December I, 2004 Ms. Susan Fiala PlanninglBuilding/Public Works Department City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 Re: Sixth Street Short Plat LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF PHS data search results Dear Ms. Fiala: Enclosed is a copy of the requcst for information on Priority Habitats and Species from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) for the Sixth Street Short Plat project. As we noted at the time of our original, these requests usually take 4-6 weeks to get results from the WDFW. Please note that the information provided is CONFIDENTIAL and is not to be distributed to the public, except per the terms of the attached agreement that we have with WDFW. The results of the PHS search are consistent with the conclusions of our report on the plant and animal communities of the site. There are no PHS species or habitats on or near the proposed plat. If you have any questions about this information or its usc, please feel free to give me a call at 206-525-8122. Sincerely, Cc: Richard Wagner, wlo attachments Jack Alhadeff, wlo attachments 5711 Northeast 63rd St. RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC Seattle, \J\/L1 98115 (206) 525-8122 .. • • State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE RECEIVED . NOV 12 2OD~ RAEDEKEASSOC. Mailing Address: 600 Capitol Way N· Olympia, WA 98501·1091' (360) 902·2200. TDD (360) 902·2207 Main Office Location: Natural Resources Building· 1111 Washington Street SE· Olympia, WA Date: NOV 1 0 2004 Dear Habitats and Species Requester: Enclosed are the habitats and species products you requested from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFWl. This package may also contain documentation to help you understand and use these products. These products only include information that WDFW maintains in a computer database. They are not an attempt to provide you with an official agency response as to the impacts of your project on fish and wildlife, nor are they designed to provide you with guidance on interpreting this information and determining how to proceed in consideration of fish and wildlife. These products only document the location of important fish and wildlife resources to the best of our knowledge. It is important to note that habitats or species may occur on the ground in areas not currently known to WDFW biologists, or in areas for which comprehensive surveys have not been conducted. Site-specific surveys are frequently necessary to rule out the presence of priority habitats or species. Your project may require further field inspection or you may need to contact our field biologists or others in WDFW to assist you in interpreting and applying this information. Generally, for assistance on a specific project, you should contact the WDFW Habitat Program Manager for your county and ask for the area habitat biologist for your project area. Refer to the enclosed directory for those contacts. Please note that sections potentially impacted by spotted owl management concerns are displayed on the 1 :24,000 scale standard map products. If specific details on spotted owl site centers are required they must be requested separately. These products are designed for users external to the forest practice permit process and as such, does not reflect all the information pertinent to forest practice review. The Forest Practice Rules adopted August 22, 1997 by the Forest Practice Board and administered by the Washington Department of Natural Resources require forest practice applications to be screened against marbled murrelet detection areas and detection sections. Marbled murrelet detection locations are included in the standard priority habitats and species products, but the detection areas and detection sections are not included. If your project is affected by Forest Practice Regulations, you should specially request murre let detection areas. WDFW updates this information as additional data become available. Because fish and wildlife species are mobile and because habitats and species information changes, project reviews for fish and wildlife should not rest solely on mapped information. Instead, they should also consider new information gathered from current field investigations. Remember, habitats and species information can only show that a species or habitat type is present, they cannot show that a species or habitat type is not present These products should not be used for future projects. Please obtain updates rather than use outdated information. ,January 2004 Because of the high vOlum. requests for information that WDFW teives, we need to charge for these products to recover some of our costs. Enclosed is an invoice itemizing the costs for your request and instructions for submitting payment. Please note that sensitive information (e.g., threatened andlor endangered species) may be included in this request. These species are vulnerable to disturbances and harassment. In order to protect the viability of these species we request that you not disseminate the information as to their whereabouts. Please refer to these species presence in general terms. For example: "A Peregrine Falcon is located within two miles of the project area'. If your request required a Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Agreement and you or your organization has one on file, please refer to that document for conditions regarding release of this information. For more information on WDFW you may visit our web site www.wdfw.wa.gov or visit the Priority Habitats and Species site at www.wdfw.wa.gov/hab/phspage.htm . For information on the state's endangered, threatened, and sensitive plants as well as high quality wetland and terrestrial ecosystems, please contact the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program at PO Box 47014, Olympia Washington 98504-7014, by phone (360) 902-1667 or visit the web site at www.dnr.wa.gov/nhp . If you have any questions or problems with the information you received please call me at (360) 902-2543 or fax (360) 902-2946. Sincerely, Lori Guggenmos, GIS Programmer Priority Habitats and Species Enclosures • • WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE REGIONAL HABITAT PROGRAM MANAGER CONTACTS For assistance with Priority Habitats and Species Information contact a regional habitat program manger and they will direct your questions to a biologist. County project is in ... Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Garfield Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan Benton, Franklin, Kittitas, Yakima Island, King, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Whatcom Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Lewis, Skamania, Wahkiakum Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, Thurston ,January 2004 Contact ... Kevin Robinette 8702 North Division Street Spokane, WA 99218-1199 Phone: (509) 456-4082 Tracy Lloyd 1550 Alder Street NW Ephrata, WA 98823-9699 Phone: (509) 754-4624 Ted Clausing 1701 24th Avenue Yakima, WA 98902-5720 Phone: (509) 575-2740 Rich Costello 16018 Mill Creek Blvd. Mill Creek, WA 98012-1296 Phone: (425) 775-1311 Steve Manlow 2108 Grand Blvd. Vancouver, WA 98661 Phone: (360) 696-6211 Steve Kalinowski 48 Devonshire Road Montesano, WA 98563-9618 Phone: (360) 249-4628 • · J' I WASHINGTON DEPARWT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE -HABITATS ANO .1ES REPORT i,A L .. m~ i' . HE VICINITY OF T23R05E SECTION 7 ftVU 'I.l .. , L! .. ~Z--Report Date: November 09, 2004 .) 00") -<::5 j1 { pr~~~ec;~~~~~;;~~~:~~~~:~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~:~~~~:~~~~"+" symbol. roughly in the center of the polygon on the map. This PHS Poly number refers to a list of form numbers and species and habitat codes contained in the PHS Polygon Cross Reference Report (listed below). The form numbers refer to the attached PHS Polygon Report. This report details each species or habitat depicted as a polygon on the map. For a complete description of the codes used in this report please refer to the Fish and Wildlife Map Products document. This document may be viewed on our web site at http://www.wdfw.wa.gov/hab/release.htm. Priority Habitats and Species Polygon -Summary Habitat and Species List: This report and the accompanying maps may contain some species or habitats that are not considered priority by the agency. YES under the "PHS· column in the table below indicates that the species is considered a priority and is on the priority Habitats and Species List and/or the species of Concern List. NO under the "PHS" column indicates the species/habitat is not considered an agency priority. PHS YES YES YES YES State Status PHS Code Common Name SM ARHE RIPAR UNOS WET GREAT BLUE HERON RIPARIAN ZONES URBAN NATURAL OPEN SPACE WETLANDS Species Use Species Use Description B BREEDING OCCURRENCE priority Habitats and Species Polygon Cross Reference Report: Form number 900000 indicates presence of PHS is unknown or the area was not mapped. Form numbers 909998, 909997, or 909996 indicate compilation errors. PHS Poly# Form# PHS Code*Species Use 2 900000 0- 3 902505 RIPAR*- 4 900000 o- S 902030 UNOS*- 6 902042 UNOS*- 7 902042 UNOS*- 8 902042 UNOS*- 9 903662 UNOS*- 10 900000 0- 11 902688 UNOS*- 12 903661 UNOS*- 13 903661-903664 UNOS*-WET*- 14 902688 UNOS*- 15 902525-903662 WET*-UNOS*- 16 902726-903661-903664 ARHE*B-UNOS*-WET*- 17 903661 UNOS*- 18 902723 WET*- 19 902723 WET*- Information About Wildlife Heritage Point Report Wildlife Heritage points on the map can be referenced to this report by noting the quadpt number where the point occurs on the map, and then looking up the information.listed below. This report is sorted by the quadpt number and provides details on each species depicted on the map. For a complete description of the codes used in this report, please refer to the Fish and Wildlife Map Products document. This document may be viewed on our web site at http://www.wdfw.wa.90v/hab/release.htm. Wildlife Heritage Point -Summary Species List: This report and the accompanying maps may contain some species or habitats that are not considered priority by the agency. YES under the "PHS" column in the table below indicates that the species is considered a priority and is on the Priority Habitats and species List and/or the Species of Concern List. NO under the "PHS" column indicates the species/habitat is not considered an agency priority. PHS YES NO State Species Status Code SM SM ARHE PAHA Common Name GREAT BLUE HERON OSPREY Species Use Species Use Description B B BREEDING OCCURRENCE BREEDING OCCURRENCE Wildlife Heritage Point Report: Quadpt#: 4712242003 Species Code: ARHE Species Use: B Common Name: GREAT BLUE HERON Year: 1994 Class: SA Accuracy: C Scientific Name: ARDEA HERODIAS State Status: SM Federal Status: priority: YES WDFW Region: 4 Verified: V Township -Range -Section: T23N R04E S13 SWOF Occurrence#: 178 Sequence#: 1 General Description: GREAT BLUE HERON COLONY, ON ISLAND IN SCS PONDS NEAR OLD EARLINGTON GOLF COURSE. Quadpt#: 4712252039 Year: 2003 ACT-85;7NESTS-86;9NESTS-87;22-88i24-89;30 TO 37-90;DATA '87-'90 FROM SUE KROM, SEATTLE AUD., l6NESTS; 2ACT NESTS-92;93 4-5 ACT NESTS; 94-14 ACT NESTS; 96-25 ACT Species Code: PARA Class: SA Species Use: B Accuracy: C Common Name: OSPREY Scientific Name: PANDION HALIAETUS Quadpt# State Status: SM Federal _us; Priority: 'Township -Range -Section 3N ROSE 508 NEOFNW General Description: OSPREY 'ST ON CELL TOWER. DATABASE IN 2001. NO BEEN WDFW RegiOn'. Occurrence# 3 HERE AT LEAST R 5 Codes Used In Wildlife Heritage Point Report Verified: V Sequence# : 1 YEARS PRIOR TO ENTRY Unique sequential number for a point based on a us Geological 7.S-minute quadrangle. Species Code Code which identifies the species. List of codes are available in the documentation. IN Species Use: Criteria that identifies how the area is used by the indicated species. List of codes are available in the documentation. Common Name : Common name of the species. Year : Year of the observation. Class : Code that separates animals into general groups. AA Artifical animal (e.g., nest platforms). GA Game animal. SA special animal (e.g., state listed and monitor species). Accuracy; Mapping accuracy. e Accurate to within 1/4 mile radius and confirmed by a reliable source. U = Accurate to within 1/4 mile radius and unconfirmed by a reliable source. Scientific Name ; Scientific name of the species. State Status: State listing status. SE State endangered. se State candidate. ST State threatened. SM = State monitor. SS State sensitive. Federal Status ; Federal FE Federal endangered. FT = Federal threatened. listing status. FC = Federal candidate. FCo = Federal concern. Priority Species and habitats that are considered to be priorities for conservation and management by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). For a copy of the most current Priority Habitats and Species List contact WDFW PHS Section at (360)902-2543, or it is available on our web site at http;//www.wdfw.wa.gov/hab/phspage.htm. YES = Indicates that the species is considered a WDFW priority and is on the Priority Habitat and Species List and/or Species of Concern List. NO = Indicates that the species is not a WDFW priority. WDFW Region; This contains the WDFW administrative region number 1-6. Verified : verification code for an observation. V verified by a reliable source, generally WDFW or other agency biologist. U Not verified by a reliable source, or identification of species is uncertain. 1 Confirmed grizzly bear or wolf observation. 2 Probable grizzly bear or wolf observation. Township -Range -Section The legal description of the species occurrence. Occurrence# : An ascension catalog number that combined with sequence number identifies a unique record within a species. Sequence# : Occurrences with multiple locations of a species. General Description : Description of location of species. ~rioritY Habitats and Species Polygon 'll'rt Form#: 902030 PHS Code: UNOS Species Use: Season: Definition: 4 Accuracy: 1 State Status; Federal Status: Priority: YES General Description: SEATTLE CITY PARKS. Source: MULLER, TED; wnw; PERSONAL OBSERVATION. Source Date: 91 Source Code: PROF Conunon Name: URBAN Scientific Name: Site Name: SEATTLE NATURAL OPEN SPACE CITY PARKS (VARIOUS)_ Synopsis: HAVE PERSONALLY VISITED MOST OF THE CITY PARKS OVER A 30 YEAR PERIOD. Fonm#: 902042 PHS Code: UNGS Season: Definition: 4 State Status: Federal Status: General Description: FORESTED RAVINES Species Use: Accuracy: 1 Priority; YES WITH INTERMITANT Source: MULLER, TED WOW; PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS. Source Date: 03 91 Source Code: PROF Corrunon Name: URBAN NATURAL OPEN SPACE Scientific Name: Site Name: NORTH RENTON STREAMS. Synopsis: WORKED WITH PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. TO SOLVE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS. Form#: 902505 PHS Code: RIPAR Species Use: Season: Definition: 4 Accuracy: 1 State Status: Federal Status: Priority: YES General Description: MIXED FOREST RIPARIAN ZONE Source: OPPERMAN, TONY wnw; PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS. Source Date: 04 91 Source Code: PROF Synopsis: VISITS TO THE AREA WHILE DOING SEPA REVIEW. Common Name: RIPARIAN ZONES Scientific Name: Site Name: MAY CREEK RIPARIAN AREA ~rioritY Habitats and Species polygon R4II(t Forro#: 902525 PHS Code: WET Season: Definition: 4 State Status: Federal Status: General Description: VARIOUS TYPES OF OM FLAMING GEYSR species Use: Common Name: WETLANDS Accuracy: 1 Scientific Name: Priority: YES Site Name: GREEN RIVER WETLANDS THROUGHOUT THE LOWER GREEN RIVER PARK). SOME OF THESE ALSO HAVE OPEN WATER Source: KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREAS MAPS. Source Date: 12 90 Source Code: GSHAP Synopsis: A USGS BASED MAP SYSTEM ALSO USING NWI INFORMATlON. Source: MULLER, TED; ET Source Date: 91 Synopsis: MANY OF THESE AL; wnw, SCS, AND COUNTY. Source Code: PROF SITES HAVE BEEN VISITED BY FIELD STAFF. WETLANDS (LOWER RIVER). VALLEY (DOWNSTREAM FR COMPONENTS. Form#: 902688 PHS Code: UNOS Species Use: Common Name: URBAN NATURAL OPEN SPACE Season: Definition: 4 Accuracy: 1 Scientific Name: State Status: Federal Status: priority: YES Site Name: CEDAR RIVER VALLEY OPEN SPACE AREAS General Description; STEEP FORESTED SLOPES AND HIGH GRADIENT RIPARIAN AREAS. THESE ARE MOSTLY UNSTABL E SLOPE AREAS WHICH SHOULD BE LEFT UNCLEARED. PROVIDE HABITAT FOR MANY AVIAN AND TERRESTRIAL SFP. THESE AREAS ALSO CONTAIN RIPARIAN HABITATS. Source: MULLER, TED, WOW; PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS. Source Date: 04 91 Source Code: PROF Synopsis: MANY DRIVE-BY VISITS TO THIS AREA OVER A PERIOD OF SIXTEEN YEARS. Form#: 902723 PHS Code: WET Season: Definition: 4 State Status: Federal Status: Species Use: Accuracy: 1 Priority; YES General Description: SCRUB SHRUB AND EMERGENT WETLANDS. Source: KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREA MAPS. Source Date: 12 90 Source Code: GSMAP Synopsis: MAPS BASED ON NWI MAPS. Source: OPPERMANN, TONY; WOW; PERSONAL OBSERVATION Source Date: 041991 Source Code: PROF Synopsis: SITES OBSERVED WHILE DOING SEPA REVIEWS. Common Name: WETLANDS Scientific Name: Site Name: BLACK RIVER WETLANDS. AREA INCLUDES PANTHER LAKE. ~rioritY Habitats and Species polygon R~rt Form#: 902726 PHS Code: ARHE Species Use: B Common Name: GREAT BLUE HERON Season: SU Definition: 4 Accuracy: 1 Scientific Name: ARDEA HERODIAS State Status: 8M Federal Status: Priority: YES Site Name: BLACK RIVER HERON COLONY General Description: NEST COLONY ON ISLAND IN ses PONDS AT BLACK RIVER PUMP STATION. FIRST NOTED 1985. 1990: 30-37 NESTS; 1991: 25-34 NESTS; 1996:A [ > 37 NESTS> 17 JUVENILES. SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY. Source Code: LOCAL Source: KROM SUZANNE; Source Date: 102596 synopsis: HERON COLONY UPDATE BASED ON FREQUENT OBSERVATION OF SITE. Source: wnw NONGAME DATA SYSTEM QUARTERLY UPDATE Source Date: 020391 Source Code: LIT Synopsis: ANNUAL DATA SUPPLIED BY SUE KROM, SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY. Form#: 903661 PHS Code: UNOS Species Use: Common Name: URBAN NATURAL OPEN SPACE Season: Definition: 4 Accuracy: 1 Scientific Name: State Status: Federal Status: Priority: YES Site Name: RENTON RIPARIAN FOREST General Description: URBAN DECIDUOUS RIPARIAN FOREST (COTTONWOOD; ALDER; MAPLE). GREAT BLUE HERON COLONY ON SITE. USED BY MANY WATERFOWL (BUFFLEHEAD; MALLARDS; SCAUP; WIGEON; GREEN-WINGED TEAL; GADWALL; ETC.) BALD EAGLE FEEDING AREA.A[[D Source: GOLDSMITH MARK; WDFW PERSONAL OBSERVATION Source Date: 102596 Source Code: PROF Synopsis: HIKED THROUGH AREA. Source: KROM SUZANNE; SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY. Source Date: 10 96 Source Code: LOCAL Synopsis: FREQUENT VISITS TO SITE OVER SEVERAL YEARS. Form#: 903662 PHS Code: UNOS Season: Definition: 4 State Status: Federal Status: General Description: DECIDUOUS FOREST CONIFERS. Species Use: Accuracy: 1 Priority: YES SLOPING DOWN TO Source: GOLDSMITH MARK; WDFW PERSONAL OBSERVATION. Source Date: 102596 Source Code: PROF Synopsis: SITE VISIT Common Name: URBAN NATURAL OPEN SPACE Scientific Name: Site Name: RENTON DECIDUOUS FOREST WETLAND. MAPLE; ALDER; COTTONWOOD; SCATTERED r I . ~rioritY Habitats and Species Polygon R4IIft Forrn#: 903664 PHS Code: WET species Use: Common Name: WETLANDS Season: Definition: 4 Accuracy: 1 Scientific Name: State Status; Federal Status: Priority: YES Site Name: BLACK RIVER RIPARIAN WETLAND General Description: RIPARIAN FORESTED WETLAND. DECIDUOUS COVER OF COTTONWOOD; ALDER; MAPLE. SITE HAS ACTIVE GREAT BLUE HERON COLONY AND IS USED BY MANY WATERFOWL. SITE CONTAINS HISTORIC CHANNEL OF BLACK RIVER AND IS WITHIN ITS HISTORIC FLOODPLAIN. Source: GOLDSMITH MARK; WDFW PERSONAL OBSERVATION. Source Date; 102596 Source Code; PROF Synopsis; SITE VISIT Source: KING COUNTY SENSITIVE AREA MAPS Source Date; 12 90 Source Code; GSMAP Synopsis; MAPS BASED ON NWI MAPS Source; OPPERMANN TONY; WDFW PERSONAL OBSERVATION. Source Date; 041991 Source Code; PROF Synopsis; SITE OBSERVED WHILE DOING SEPA REVIEW. Codes Used In priority Habitat and Species Polygon Report Form# ; Unique number that links the information in the reports to features on the map. PHS Code; Code that identifies the priority habitat or species. List of codes are available in the documentation. Species Use: Criteria that identifies how the area is used by the indicated species. List of codes are available in the documentation. Common Name : Common name of the species or habitat. Season ; Season of W Winter use. U Summer use. species use. S Spring use. F = Fall use. S Severe winter use. Definition Identifies the definitions or criteria used to classify the area as a priority. List of codes are available in the documentation. Accuracy : Mapping accuracy of the 1 Accurate within a 1/4 mile. 3 2 = Accurate within a 1/2 mile. 4 line delineation as determined by the mapper. Location known to within one mile. Location known to general locality only. Scientific Name: Scientific name of the species. State Status ; State listing status. SE State endangered. SC State candidate. ST State threatened. SM = State monitor. SS State sensitive. Federal Status ; Federal FE Federal endangered. FT = Federal threatened. listing status. FC = Federal candidate. FCo = Federal concern. Priority ; Species and habitats that are considered to be priorities for conservation and management by Washington Department of Fish and wildlife (WDFW). For a copy of the most current Priority Habitats and Species List contact WDFW PHS Section at (360)902-2543, or it is available on our web site at http://www.wdfw.wa.gov/hab/phspage.htm. YES = Indicates that the species is considered a WDFW priority and is on the Priority Habitat and Species List and/or Species of Concern List. NO = Indicates that the species is not a WDFW priority. Site Name; Name assigned to the area based generally on a local place name. General Description : Description about the area, including how it is used and why it is important. Source : Source of information; single or multiple sources may be cited. Source Date Date of source of information. Source Code Code identifying the source of information. Synopsis : Brief narrative describing content of source of information. WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE PRIORITY ANADROMQUS AND RESIDENT FISH PRESENCE REPORT FROM THE STREAMNET DATABASE FOR TOWNSHIP T23R05E, SECTION 7 Report Date: November 09, 2004 Information About The Fish Presence Report The fish information in this report only includes information that Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) maintains in a central computer database. This information only documents the location of important fish resources to the best of our knowledge. It is not a complete inventory of the fish species in the state. Fish are identified as priority by WDFW if they meet one of three criterion as listed in the Priority Habitats and Species List. The list is available by contacting WDFW Priority Habitats and Species section at (360)902-2543, or it is available on our web site at http://www.wdfw.wa.gov/hab/phspage.htm. To insure appropriate use of this information, users are encouraged to consult with WDFW biologists. State status information is not available in the StreamNet database for these species. Please See WDFW Species of Concern List for current status. For a copy of this list, contact WDFW Endangered Species Section at (360)902-2515, or it is available on our web site at http://www.wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/soc.htm. Priority Anadromous Fish Presence: • Code Cornmon Name Stream Name Stream LLID Record Date Source COHO Coho Salmon Black River 1222505474742 04-21-97 C. Boranski, WDFW CHFA Fall Chinook Cedar River 1222590476452 05-20-97 C. Smith, WDFW COHO Coho Salmon Cedar River 1222590476452 04-17-97 C. Boranski, WDFW SOCK Sockeye Salmon Cedar River 1222590476452 06-27-97 R. Egan, WDFW STWI Winter Steelhead Cedar River 1222590476452 07-10-97 S. Follie, WDFW CHFA Fall Chinook May Creek 1222101475287 05-20-97 C. Smith, WDFW COHO Coho Salmon May Creek 1222101475287 04-17-97 C. Baranski, WDFW SOCK Sockeye Salmon May Creek 1222101475287 06-27-97 R. Egan, WDFW STWI Winter Steelhead May Creek 1222101475287 07-10-97 S. Follie, WDFW Priority Resident Fish Presence: Code Cornman Name Stream Name Stream LLID Record Date Source CCT Resident Cutthroat Black River 1222505474742 07-15-97 WDFW Staff CCT Resident Cutthroat Cedar River 1222590476452 07-15-97 WDFW Staff RBT Rainbow Trout Cedar River 1222590476452 11/24/93 WDFW Staff CCT Resident Cutthroat May Creek 1222101475287 07-15-97 WDFW Staff • DBT Dolly Varden/Bull Trout Cedar River 1222590476452 07-05-01 Jeff Chan, USFW Codes Used In The Fish Presence Report Code WDFW alphanumeric code that identifies the fish species. Conrrnon Name Common name of the fish species. Stream Name Stream name based on the US Geological Survey, Geographic Names Information System database. Stream LLID : Unique stream identifier (ID) generated from the node latitude and longitude located at a stream's mouth. This 10 is to be construed only as an 10, and not necessarily as a reference to a stream's location. Record Date Date the information was entered into the StreamNet database. I -T"'-. "1 S I I I I I I .-'----I I I • "-i" --,' .[ "', Q :z: .... <.!> .... ..... ... < :2 ... - -c -~ -c C '" .c; ~ ... 0 = ... E! --'" "'" ... Q c 0 -"" c .c; ~ '" ~ ~~ ~- • ~ :;;; 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ "iii .~ = u ~ '" "" do Co ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ., ., ~ ~ -'" <5 <5 ~ "" -'" • ~ • • • 0 • 0 ~ .~ u '" Co ~ 3 ~ ;<; ~ €t o -... P-. <e: ::E C/":l >-r-l .......... U >-r-l P-. C/":l a Z <e: C/":l t- <e: t-.......... co <e: ::r::: .... :z: 0 ..... U ... '" .... on = ... ""' '"'" ..... ... 0 >-..... :z: u > ... ::t: ..... :z: ~ ~ = ~ = = ~ = ~ = = = ~~ e 0 =~ = = = =~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ !j ~ > -e 0 ~ = , ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ u_= ~~ e ~ , 0 ro '" !j u -~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ro e ~ ~ 0 0 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ e 0 ~ § 0 e - ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e = .- ~ ~ = ~ ro "" [ill' [J' " , " , , ' I I , , , * 0·-.:!:;; ,.-~~ -~ -0 ~~ : .:: =- 00 -. -g-0 __ 0-_ ~~ !'!e 0_ 0 z::;;~ .... 0_ c .,.. CL. ..... 0 ~!'....:= ~ _0 ..... C> ... 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""0-0_::::1 __ =""0-0" 0 __ 0 C ._._ -<: .... 00 .oE--__ =0·_ -E-E -~~::=~~~~~.;., _. __ .,.., .. ., 0 C 0.. 3=-3= ",,,,,0<...J_1""- • • State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE RECEIVED MAR 5 2003 RAEDEKE AS5OC. Mailing Address: 600 Capitol Way N· Olympia, WA 98501-1091· (360) 902-2200, TDD (360) 902-2207 Main Office Location: Natural Resources Building· 1111 Washington Street SE • Olympia, WA Dear Authorized Representative: Thank you for requesting habitats and species information from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Enclosed is a copy of the Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Agreement that·has been agreed 10. by your organization and ours, Please inform all users about WDFW Releasing Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Policy -5210 and Release. Agreement for conditions regarding the use of the requested habitats and species maps and digital data products, and the resolutions that the information can be disclosed and displayed. -, Future written requests by you or listed Technical ContactS for sensitive information can be honored by WDFW under the enclosed Release Agreement. Technical Contacts may be added or deleted by you at anytime. Please refer or have listed Technical Contacts refer to this signed Release Agreement on all requests for habitats and species information. If you have any questions, please contact me at (360) 902-2543, Sincerely, Lori Guggenmos, GIS Programmer Priority Habitats and Species Enclosures . ... Washingtoo Department of FISh and Wildlife • . Mailing Address: '600 Capitoi Way N. Olympia, W~1-1091 Main Office Location:' Natural Resources B g. 1111 Wasb.ingtcio. Street S8 -Olympia! WA i5 ' Informed land use decisions often require information about specific fish, wildlife, and habitat locations. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife CNDFW) can provide you with such information while meeting our responsibility to protect fish and wildlife from inadvertent or malicious harm. The signing of this agreement indicates that the signatory. (person or organization) recognizes the appropriate guidelines for disseminating Sensnive Fish and Wildlife Information and has agreed to the provisions in the WDFW Releasing Sensitive Fish and Wildlne Information Policy -5210. Fish and wildlife information is deemed sensitive by the WDFW Director when the viability of a fish or wildlife population may be compromised by displaying the locations of a species or ns habitat and at least one of the following apply: (A) The species has a known commercial or black-market value; (8) The species behavior or ecology renders it especially . vulnerable and has a history of malicious take; (C) There is a known demand to visit, take, or disturb the species or haMat; or (D) The species has an extremely limited distribution and concentration. SeeWDFW Policy -5210 for a list of the species and haMats considered sensitive. Careful and reasonable use and distribution of sensnive information will meet your needs while protecting our state's most vulnerable fish and wildlife resources. General Requirements 1. The locations of species may change over time. WDFW updates fish and wildlife information as additional data become available .. WDFW does not recommend using maps or digital data more than six mClnths old; please obtain updates rather than use outdated information. 2. Washington State law (RCW 42.17.310) exempts Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information from public insPElCtion . and copying. . Redistributing or Displaying Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information 1. Parties holding Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information, obtained from WDFW, may release it for areas less than thirty-six square miles (one Township) only to the following parties when such a release accompanies an agreementto abide by the provisions of WDFW Policy -5210. All materials provided must be marked confidential, • Govemment agencies; Tribes; Researchers affiliated with an accredited college or university; Private landowners (or other parties with permission fromthe landowner) for their own lands; or Agents of the above parties (e.g., consultants, realtors, etc,), 2, Parties holding Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information shall not disclose or release it for areas greater then thirty- six square miles (one TownShip). Refer requesters to WDFW for these information requests .. 1 3. Individuals and organizations may release Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information during certain govemmental activities. The following activities constitute circumstances appropriate for the·release of maps or other items that . display Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information. Any Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information released in these circumstances shall abide by the other provisions in WDFW Policy -5210, All material provided must be marked confidential. '. . . . • • • Working with citizen advisory committees. In public meetings and hearings, Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Informaiion can only be displayed at map scales equal to or smaller than 1 :100,000. Maps or other media that display Sensitive ~ish and Wildlife Information may not be reproduced or distributed. . . Very small scale maps (1 :250,000 or smaller) that display Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information may be reproduced and distributed to the public. 4. Providing sensitive information to the public (persons not included in the above): • Inquires from the public about the existence of sensitive species on a specific site should be answered with a direct 'yes" or "no' without referring to the species' name. However, some situations may necessitate providing site-specnic locations of sensitive species. Please consult with WDFW when you wish to balance the public's need to know against our shared responsibility to protect fish and wildlife. 'P..lease return the signed Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Agreement form to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Priority Habitats and Species, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia WA 98501-1091. For questions about the form or to address special needs for information distribution not Covered in the agreement call (360) 902-2543. November 2002 Release Aqreement -PaQe 1 of 2 'eMailID&,=' 600 CapilDl Way N • Olympia, Washinpm Department of Fish and WUdlif'e Main ()ffia Location: Nanni Resources -. 1IB1I.. ' 1/Ul/lFl Organization Name _.!..F-,'","I'/::::r:;-"u"-~,,,-!::.....><,,-..:.A..:.s,-,S_O_C,:...:.LA.!!7JiS--""'''''-;)I-' .:!:T,::!.A.I,,-,,-C~ _________ --'-_____ _ Authorized Representative gc16s/ fZD' Lv C. JF:?c(2V I~ Phone Number' 1£iC. -£7Z? . 'b I U Technical Contact(s) D« VJf1 GC:H--C(~ ,LJcJ.L.{,_ He-rI-er &141M. eft p,( fdr.ort?, r J ) ch ('1/£ W rly It f;, L, 5"Ct DcU-1t.RJ s (z/; t;::. e-11 ~ k-e , Mailing Address G 1-/I N IF (P3 f-iJ S T 56---"'" 77L.e! w,q OJ 2> ( t5 _ _ ..... .., w • •• -·~.7 ,..-., t -:., ... ~. ' ... -."' " " ';' .•. ' DeSCription of information that you are requesting m 5 . fVt4 p:s til M' t:iAh I rstz,s I, The Authorized Representative of the said organization, agree to the terms and conditions on the reverse side. I am one of the fol/owing parties that are eligible to receive Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information: Government agency; Tribe; Researcher affiliated with an accredited col/ege or university; Private landiJwner (receiving Information for my lands); Agent of the above parties (e.g., consultants, realtors, etc). Authorized Representative Title A '>'%C I ATE Name Kf[tirJ??D ;;J. Li/Nt!S?UI.'}'(\ Signatur4<--..::~c-=-"~+-_/..::.t-0-"--'~=-==t--.;;:tr'A-';';:'>S--,- Date -:t-/-:H 0 "5 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Title 6".u ~r0!JOiLtYJroelC N_ b/!;;,C ~O~ Signature =d =M~ Date c3/~/dOO? I November 2002 Release Agreement --Page 2 of 2 • • Department of Fish and Wildlife Effective Date: 8/21/02 Page: 1 of 6 POLICY -5210 Cancels: wow 1004 See Also: RCW 42.17.310 (1) (yy) POL -1005 Approved by: Jeff Koenings, Director POL -5210 RELEASING SENSITIVE FISH AND WILDLIFE INFORMATION This policy applies to all WDFW employees and parties.holding fish and wildlife information that the Director has determined as sensitive. Definitions: Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information: As determined by the Director, fish and wildlife locational information displayed on maps or by other media (including video or print media, digital data, web-based information, press releases, public service announcements, public display items, and Department or journal publications) that meet the criteria for determining that fish and wildlife information is sensitive. Criteria for Determining That Fish and Wildlife Information is Sensitive: Fish and wildlife information is determined to be sensitive by the Director when the viability of a fish or wildlife population may be compromised by displaying the locations of a species or its habitat, and meets at least one (1) of the following criteria: A. The species has a known commercial or black-market value; B. The species behavior or ecology renders it especially vulnerable and has a history of malicious take; C. A known demand to visit, take, or disturb; or D. Extremely limited distribution and concentration of the species. Updated: 8121102 • Department of Fish and Wildlife Pol-5210 • Additional fish and wildlife information considered sensitive, includes: A. Radio frequencies used in telemetry studies'; B. Locational data generated by telemetry studies2 . Page 2 of6 . Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Agreement: An agreement that indicates that the signatory (person or organization) recognizes the appropriate guidelines for disseminating Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information and has agreed to the provisions of this policy. 1. Washington State Law Exempts Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information from Public Inspection and Copying 2. Employees Shall Only Release Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information to the Following Parties: A. Government agencies; B. Tribes; C. Researchers affiliated with an accredited college or university; D. Private landowners (for their lands), or other parties with permission from the landowner; or E. Agents of the above parties (e.g., consultants, realtors, etc.). 3. Employees Shall Only Release Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information In Conjunction With a WDFW Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Agreement 'Radio frequencies used in radio telemetry studies have been determined by the Director to be sensitive because they provide an increased opportunity to take or harass individual radio-tagged animals. . 2The locational data generated by telemetry studies has been determined by the Director to be sensitive because disclosure may provide a facilitated advantage to hunters or collectors who receive this information. Updated: 8121102 • Department of Fish and Wildlife Pol -5210 • Page 3 of 6 A. Releasing information covering an area less than thirty-six square miles (one Township): (1) Employe~s will release Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information covering an area less than thirty-six square miles (one Township) to the parties listed in Section 2 of this policy along with a request fora signed Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Agreement. (2) Employees will grant subsequent releases of Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information only to those parties from whom the signed Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Agreement has been obtained. B. Releasing information'covering an area greater than thirty-six square miles (one Township): (1) Employees will release Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information covering an area greater than thirty-six miles (one Township),only to the parties listed in Section 2 of this policy after a signed Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Agreement has been obtained. 4. Individuals and Organizations May Release Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Obtained From WDFW Subject to the Following Provisions A. Parties holding Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information obtained from the WDFW may release it for areas less than 36 square miles (one Township) only to the parties listed in Section 2 of this policy when such a release accompanies an agreement to abide by the provisions of this policy. B. Parties holding Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information obtained from the WDFW shall not disclose or release it for areas greater than thirty-six square miles (one Township). Refer back to WDFW for these information requests. 5. Employees May Release Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information During Certain Governmental Activities The following activities constitute circumstances appropriate for the release of maps or other items that display Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information. Any Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information released in these circumstances shall abide by the other provisions of this policy. A. When working with citizen advisory committees, Updated: 8121102 ~------- • Department of Fish and Wildlife Pol-5210 -----.~------- • Page 4 of6 B. In public meetings and hearings, Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information shall not be displayed at resolutions finer than 1: 1 00,000. Maps or other media that display or refer to Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information in accordance with this policy may not be reproduced or distributed. Answer specific questions only to the extent as provided in the provisions of this policy. C. Very small-scale maps (1 :250,000) that display Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information may be reproduced and distributed to the public. ·6. The Director, or a Designee, May Waive Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Release Requirements in Emergencies In the event of an emergency, as defined by the Administrative Procedure Act, the Director, or a designee,may waive restrictions on release of sensitive information to assist in minimizing negative impacts to fish and wildlife, to assess damage, or to otherwise assist in managing the emergency. 7. Appendix A Lists Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information Updated: 8121102 • Department of Fish and Wildlife Pol-5210 • PageS of 6 APPENDIX A SENSITIVE FISH AND WILDLIFE INFORMATION I nformation concerning the· specific locations of the species and habitats listed below is considered to be fish and wildlife information that has been determined to be sensitive by the Director. Locations are not regarded as sensitive if they are generalized to the Finest Resolution Allowable Without Release Agreement. Note: Not all information related to a species or habitat may be considered sensitive. The information that is considered sensitive is indicated in the column titled "Information Considered Sensitive" in the table below. For example, the only Grizzly Bear information considered sensitive involves DEN SlTES. The release of locations or other information related to DEN SITES would be restricted to the disclosure of which Township(s) have Grizzly Bear DEN SITES but not where th'ey occur. Species or Habitat for Which Sensitive Information Finest Resolution Information is Considered Criteria' Considered Allowable Without Release Sen sHive Sensitive Agreement FISH/SHELLFISH Abalone A,C All Township AMPHIBIANS Tiger salamander A All Township REPTILES Western pond turtle A,D All' Township BIRDS Northern goshawk A,C Nest sites Section Merlin A,C Nest sites Section Peregrine falcon A,C Nest sites Township Prairie falcon A,C Nest sites Township Sage grouse C,D Leks Section Sharp-tailed grouse C,D Leks Section Updated: 8121102 • Department of Fish and Wildlife Pol-5210 Species or Habitat for Which Information is Considered Sensitive Spotted owl** MAMMALS All 8ats Gray wolf Grizzly bear HABITATS Caves Sensitive Criteria* 8 8 8 8 8,C • Page 6 of 6 Information Finest Resolution Considered Allowable Without Release Sensitive Agreement All Township Roost Sites Township Den Sites Township Den Sites Township . .. All Township *See POL -5210: Cr~eria for Determining Sensitive Fish and Wildlife Information. **Data will be provided that indicates the presence 01 a spotted owl circle ih a given section without a WDFW Sensitive Fish and WildlHe Information Release Agreement. Updated: 8121102 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM December 3, 2004 Susan Fiala Sonja J. Fesser;p~ Sixth Street Short Plat, LUA-04-139-SHPL Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced short plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: NOTE: The lot line adjustment submitted with this short plat request must be approved before the adjusted lots can be part of this short plat proposal. In particular, see paragraphs two and three of the lot line adjustment review memo dated Novemher 29,2004, (attached) for issues that need to be resolved. It would be better to have the legal description (Sheet I of 2) reflect the lot designations as established per the lot line adjustment that precedes this short plat subdivision proposal. Include a reference to the recording number of said lot line adjustment in said legal. The vacation of the 10' walkway (per the plat of Woody Glen Addition) is a separate processing procedure from the short plat. NOTE: Said vacation process can be time-consuming (three months or more). It is advisable to begin the vacation process as soon as possible. Karen McFarland (Ext.7209) should be contacted to answer questions regarding the vacation. She processes the vacation requests for the city. The N public utility easement, recorded under Rec. No. 8404090614, needs to he amended to provide for the new 15' utilities easement (over new Lots I, 2, 3 and 4). Note on the drawing that said 15' casement is "NEW" and "PRIV ATE" (Sheet 2 of 2). Use a City of Renton Utilities Easement form for said amendment. Information needed for final short plat approval includes the following: \H:\Filc Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Rccol'ds\LND-20 -Shurt Piuts\039l:\\RV041203.doc December 7, 2004 Page 2 ·' • Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-139-SHPL and LND-20-0398, respectively, on the drawing sheets. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. Note what has been, or is to be, set at all the corners of the new lots. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, if any. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing. See the Pacific Northwest Title Company Second Amended Plat Certificate report, dated October 22, 2004. Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. Remove the building setback lines from the proposed lots (Sheet 2 of 2). Setbacks will be determined at time of issuance of building permits. The city will provide the addresses for the new lots as soon as possihle. Said addresses need to be noted on the short plat drawing. Remove the "ZONING" block noted on Sheet I of 2. The information contained therein does not directly impact the subdivision. The dimension noted for "c I" in the "CURVE TABLE" (Sheet 2 of 2) is the curve dimension for Lot 7 only (33.66'). Is this what was intended? The placement of"C I" on the drawing (not near Lot 7) infers that the total arc length for both Lots I and 7 was intended. Review and revise as needed. Add the words "AND UTILITIES" after "EGRESS" in the first line of the "PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT" statement (Sheet 2 of 2). Note language on the drawing, as needed, for the critical slope easement areas. Note that if there are easements, agreements or restrictive covenants to others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the short plat. The short plat drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The short plat will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the plat) need to be referenced on the short plat drawings. See the attachment for additional circled errors that need to be addressed. Fcc Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for the preliminary short plat review is provided for your use and information. H:\Filc Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Kccords\LND-20 -Short Plat!i\OWH\RV04I 203.doc\cor ON l;:rCASE~----,. _.-_ ... , .1' 4 lIE TABLE I RADIUS I DELTA I 45.00 I 42"51'29" , TABLE 1H BEARING 4' S07'2'48"W 3' N54'44'56"E 0' N6S'43'IS"W 0' S17'4S'36"E ,7' S46'22'29"E 2' N42'06'32"W 6' N26"57'07"E l' N2<rOS'39"W )' N69"54'21"E t· N33'43'S3"W J' NS2'42' 49"W '8' NS3'42'38"W ~o" N70'4S'S7"W ·s' S84 '38'29"W 8' S34'43'21"W 7' N76"54'13"W I' S8S'SS'12"W IS' SBO'S3' 44"W '0' S7 4 'OO'21"W >4' SSS'S'09"W 3' S48'OO'16"W ;9' S73'32'22"E . 7' NI4'38'OS"E 2' . N60'S'49"E 37' SSS'39' 43"E 70' S33'04'28"E 77' S39'39' 47"E 12' SS4'26'30"E ,2' S27'22'2S"E )7' S70'4S'37"E 33' S66"57'34"E )9' 579'33'30"E 38' SB3'OS' 4S"E i3' N67'7'28"E 45' N71'27'32"E GEND 'OUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT \S NOTED IRIAD ASSOOATE5 REBAR & CAP .S 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY ,EE NOTE AT RIGHT • -'I'lj' '"'C' --~J. --...!!.~s -1~r _ . -, ~ ...... ~-1Sr'.SS f;/:'::'O'~ ...... -'I/(~-1Nl). \\"~-::~;';_\ / /'-.. .................. ,,-" ~ :~;;)7;? ~~f} / "" ~ f/IA \ '/ (,1 if;, ~. \ iii_ % \ 24,812 sq. ft; "" \J\, \ 0.57 acres ~!jjJitii tf>s ~ \ <" '<e.,\ - LOT 7 ~ \ SURVEYOR'S NOTE: ..-~ ,~ • ...-" 'Co, \ ALL_~OR CORNER~ \ <SfIO~TH. "0" HEREON DENOTES \ 1/'2" REBAR AND CAP LS #15661 PER \ _ "a. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY '"'Co TRIAD ASSOOATE5. ~""'.J~ ..... '-2< -.J \ OLD LINE UNDER ) \ SEPARATE 1.lA SUBMITIAL \ ----._" --... LC 11,1 0.: ~ cr, '< CRt . /,PROPOSEO WElLAND BUFFER TICAL SLO _ 1 (UNDER SEPERATE APPLICATION) \ Pi --------\-- , "sOUlll CRITICAL ' , 27,880 sq. f \ 0.64 acres \ , GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. PROPERTY SERVII FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS N.OO4 -tOe APPLICANT: • I"bA 'iSOI .If?, I I C At 10 r.O k'i Il IE RECEIVED FROM ___ ----:~_,___ (date) JOB ADDRESS: ZQO 51 Qc:J.:' OF blW G"]'H. 51 SEe r WO#_7-1-7t...'3=4<!j,C"'--_____ _ NATURE OF WORK: 7-1 d{:. AHoB:t: 1?' .<,;z:lsl~ -5, e I SiOB'L'f1 .ql.N1l# eo -o-ae. 'X. PRELIMINARY REVIEWbF SUBDiVciION B?L'imGPLAT' NEED MORE INFOOMATION: -LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT, BINDING SITE PLAN, ETC. -PID #'s -VICINITY MAP -FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION, THIS REVIEW REPLACES SQUARE FOOTAGE -OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED FRONT FOOTAGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID# 95".,480 -Q?70 ~ NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s) are required when . -0 Ioc;;; assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the.deVeloper/o;.~rlotcr?otice. that the fees:quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property_All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements (i.e. underground utilities. street improvements, etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SOC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. PLease note dult these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of BuiJding PennitlConstruction Permit application. The existing house on SP Lot # , addressed as has not previously paid -;-:--:-;-,: SDC fees, due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP LotH will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees, side sewer permits, r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICf PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer A~reement (pvt) WATER -0- Latecomer A~reement (pvt) W ASTEW A TER -0- Latecomer A~reement (pvt) OTIIER -0- / Special Assessment DistrictlW A TER /-0- / Special Assessment DistrictlW ASTEW A TER " -0- Joint Use Agreement (METRO) - Local Improvement District • - Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP, CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION - FIITURE OBLIGATIONS I I - SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE· WATER " Estimated # OF UNITS/ SDCFEE " Pd Prevo " Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) " Never Pd SQ. FTG. Sin21e family residential $1,S2S/uoit x 7 ~ 10 1075.00 Mobile home dweUinJ! unit $1220/uoit in park Apartment, Condo $915/uoit not in CD or COR zones x Conunercialllndustrial, $0.213/sq. ft. of property (not less than $1,525.00) x Boeing, by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft-perimeter (2.800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEV~;LOPMENT CHARGE -WASTEWATER" Estimated -PdPrev. -Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) " Never Pd Sin~le ramily residential $900/l1oit x ..., ~ c, 3C,D.Q/J Mobile home dwellin}! unit $720/unit x Apartment, Condo $540/unit not in CD or COR zones x CommerciallIndustrial $0.126/sQ. fl. of property x(not less than $900.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE· SURF ACEW ATER " Estimated -Pd Prevo " Partiallv Pd (Ltd Exemption) -Never Pd Sinele familv residential and mobile home dwelling unit $71 S/uuit x 7 $ F;.I'Y'\ c:;. /'V All other properties $O.249/sq ft of ncw imper.vious area of property x (not less than $715.00) I PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ .e.1 "lao.oc _l~lJrr>;") 0_. d~ Oc..H ) II IJe:!of '< tv • a • a " '" s,gna'!:tf Rcv(fb\g AlI.hon,y I ATE , " ~ " • *If subject property is within an LID, it is deHlopers respolisihilitJ to ('heck \\-1th the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. < ,". Square rootage figures arc taken from the King County Assessor's m<.lp and are subject to change. • • Current City snc fee charges appl}' to " 0 EFFECTIVE .fanuarJ' I, 2004 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 29, 2004 Susan Fiala Sonja J. Fesser J>'rs"Y Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-139-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The subject lot line adjustment must be approved by the city before the adjusted lots can be part of the subsequent proposed short plat. The issue of the encroachment upon adjusted Parcels A & B need to be resolved prior to the approval this lot line adjustment. The encroachment is of long standing and may invest the adjoiner with rights in the land at issue. On a separate note the southern portion of the eastern boundary upon the vacated street, although in agreement with the Record of Survey, under King County recording # 20030401900004 doesn't conform to the standard method of apportionment, to wit, lot line extended to the centerline of the vacated street. The line shown connects the previous lot corner to an angle point in the street centerline. The property adjoining to the east is currently under review for a lot line adjustment. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-139-LLA and LND-30-0286, respectively, on the drawing. NOTE: The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide lot line adjustment and lot closure calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. \1-I:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Rcconls\LND-30 -Lot Unt! Adjustmenls\0286\RV041129,doc • December 7, 2004 Page 2 • Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing, if any. Indicate what has, or is to be, set at the new corners of the lot line adjustment. Change all references from "BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT" to LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (both drawing sheets). Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. The original legal description (noted on Sheet I of 2) should be revised to note the pertinent plat for Parcel A, if the two subject parcels are to be described separately. For Parcel B, note the plat before the referenced vacation ordinance. See the legal description attached on Page 2 of the Pacific Northwest Title Company Second Amended Plat Certiticate, Order No. 577298, dated October 22, 2004. The city docs not require revised legal descriptions and therefore, did not review those noted on Sheet I of 2. Remove the "ZONING" block from Sheet I of 2 . Note (on the drawing) the bearing to center between City of Renton Man #158 (center of cul-de- sac) and either one of the two corners of Parcel A that intersect with the cul-de-sac 45' radius line. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, agreements or easements to others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the plat) need to be referenced on the lot line adjustment drawings. Fee Review Comments: Lots within or affected by the lot line adjustment are subject to the city's special charges, if any. H:\Filc Sys\LND -Land Suhdivisio!l & Surveying Rcconls\LND-JO -Lot Line Adjuslmcnts\()2HMRV()4112lJ.doc\r.:or City ol/l!n Department of Planning / Building / PUb~S ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 0a .1 'J SI/es COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-139, SHPtH, V:'H;"LLA, ECF APPLICANT: JDA GroUD, LLC/ID Kline DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 8, 20~""t1tfl' ...... r-_ PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala nr:;vr:;!Vr:U PROJECT TITLE: Sixth Street Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 80,295 sauare feet BUILDING AREA (aross): NlA LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 6th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77342 v UTILITY SYSTEMS , SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1_84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code (90 ft. diameter). A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. A, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e_g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Uih HiiUSJiiO 'iiRi ~ ~ Public Semces N~~:?!:. ! A~,!?",;;,;;'~: ;~';';'~ -.: B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of D~rector or Authorized Representative Date • '~~R ..u. '. • CITY. RENTON P1anningIBuildmwPublicWorks Department -. Kathy KeOlker-Wbeeler. Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E~ Administrator November 30, 2004 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street #110 Bellevue, WA 98004 Subject: Sixth. Street Short Plat with associated Lot Line Adjustment LUA04~139,LLA, ECF, SHPL-H, V-H . OearMr. Wagner: The City of Henton has completed the in'itial review of your proposed lot line adjustment. The following changes will be necessary in order for the, City to approve your proposal: 1. See attached memo with comments from Property Services. Once the changes, as noted above and ,in ,!he. attached memo; have been made, please submit three (3) copies cif the revised lot line adjustment to my attention at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised 'planswill,be:rollted. for final review and you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final mYlarS... . . If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested above, .. please contact me at425-430"7382 .. . Susan Fiala, AICP Senior Planner Attachment cc: JOA Group, LLC& 10 Kline I Owners . Project File -'R1l!e1/l;Vis""re",qrt.dmo"'C-~I;-;O;-;5-;5~S~ou:::t:LhrG'=ra~dLy~W:-;;a~y:---;R~e::::n:-to::::n-', W:;-;;-as'h7in-g"'Cto-n-;;-98"'O'"'5:-;5-------·~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30"10 post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 29, 2004 Susan Fiala Sonja J. Fessery~ Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-139-LLA Fonnat and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The subject lot line adjustment must be approved by the city before the adjusted lots can be part of the subsequent proposed short plat. The issue of the encroachment upon adjusted Parcels A & B need to be resolved prior to the approval this lot line adjustment. The encroachment is of long standing and may invest the adjoiner with rights in the land at issue. On a separate note the southern portion of the eastern boundary upon the vacated street, although in agreement with the Record of Survey, under King County recording # 20030401900004 doesn't conform to the standard method of apportionment, to wit,lot line extended to the centerline of the vacated street. The line shown connects the previous lot comer to an angle point in the street centerline. The property adjoining to the east is currently under review for a lot line adjustment. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-139-LLA and LND-30-0286, respectively, on the drawing. NOTE: The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide lot line adjustment and lot closure calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-1 DO. \H:\File Sys\LNO -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjus.tments\o286\RV041129.doc November 29, 2004 Page 2 • ." Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing, if any. Indicate what has, or is to be, set at the new comers of the lot line adjustment. Change all references from "BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT' to LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (both drawing sheets). Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. The original legal description (noted on Sheet I of 2) should be revised to note the pertinent plat for Parcel A, if the two subject parcels are to be described separately. For Parcel B, note the plat before the referenced vacation ordinance. See the legal description attached on Page 2 of the Pacific Northwest Title Company Second Amended Plat Certificate, Order No. 577298, dated October 22, 2004. The city does not require revised legal descriptions and therefore, did not review those noted on Sheet I of2. Remove the "ZONING" block from Sheet I of 2. Note (on the drawing) the bearing to center between City of Renton Man # 158 (center of cul-de- sac) and either one of the two corners of Parcel A that intersect with the cul-de-sac 45' radius line. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, agreements or easements to others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the plat) need to be referenced on the lot line adjustment drawings. Fee Review Comments: Lots within or affected by the lot line adjustment are subject to the city's special charges, if any. lI:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot une Adjustments\0286\RV041129.doc\cor • • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM Date: November 24, 2004 To: Susan Fiala From: Mike Dotson~ Subject: Sixth Street Short Plat, LUA -04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, ECF 200 Block of NW 6th Street The following Utility and Transportation comments concern the Environmental (SEPA) review for the subject 7 -lot subdivision. EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER -There is a 12-inch "high-pressure" water main in NW 6th Street continuing through the site (via easement) to Rainier Ave N. This main is not suitable for service to the plat. There is also a 4-inch water main that is servicing the existing homes along NW 6th Street, and extended to Rainier Ave N. The site is within the 270 and 495 water pressure zone. The site is outside the Aquifer Protection Area. SEWER -There is an existing 8-inch sewer main in NW 6th Street continuing through the site (via easement) to Rainier Ave N. SURFACE WATER -The project is located in the West Hill drainage area; a sub-basin of the West Lake Washington Basin .. STREETS -The existing right of way along NW 6th Street is unimproved (no existing curb, gutter, street lights or sidewalk). CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. Fire flow requirements will dictate a new 8-inch water main (minimum). There appears to be two equally viable options to provide water service: One; connection to the West with approximately 680 lineal feet (from Taylor Ave NW to the end of the cul-de-sac in NW 61h Street) of new 8-inch Ductile Iron (0.1.) line to replace the existing 4-inch main. And alternative Two; connection to the East at Rainier Ave South to the existing 12" water main with approximately 350 lineal feet of new 8-inch Ductile Iron pipe. Either of these options may provide the minimum fire flow requirements. 2. No SUbstantial filling over the existing 12-inch transmission water main running through the site is allowed. If filling is needed over this line, it may dictate relocation of this facility. 3. Any existing hydrants, that are counted toward meeting the fire flow requirements, will be required to have a quick connect Storz fittings. H;\OIVlSlon.slDevelop.ser\Dev&plan-ingIPROJECTSI04-139.Susan\6th Street Plat GF.doc • • 4. New water service "setters" will be required to be installed prior to recording the plat. 5. The System Development Charge is $1,525 for each new single-family building lot. This fee is payable with the construction permit. SANITARY SEWER 1. New sewer main and structures as required to serve the new single-family dwelling units. 2. The System Development Charge is $900 for each new single-family building lot being served with a new sewer service. This fee is payable with the construction permit. 3. Separate side sewers (and any necessary easements) to each new building lot are required prior to recording of the plat. SURFACE WATER 1. The System Development Charge is $715 per new single-family building lot. This fee is payable with the construction permit. 2. One item in the drainage analysis and design submitted with the Land Use application does not appear to meet the required City of Renton design criteria. In accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water design manual, a storm filter is not an approved water quality facility. An administrative variance is required to use a storm filter device. Please submit a request to the Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator explaining the justification and performance information for the alternative water quality device. In addition, the temporary erosion control is further conditioned (see below) to meet Department of Ecology Standards. TRANSPORTATION 1. This project is required by City Code to install frontage improvements. Improvements include half pavement width, curb, gutter, streetlights and sidewalks along the existing right of ways and any new internal streets that are frontage to the site. 2. This project will be required to dedicate right-of-way to meet the minimum street width and cul-de-sac radius standards (currently there is a request for modification to this requirement pending). CONDITIONS 1. Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology Standards and staff review. 2. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per additional Average Daily Trip shall be assessed. H:IDlvision,sIDeveIOD.ser\Oev&plan-ing\PROJECTSI04-139,Susan16th Street Pial GF.doc ----------------------- City of R.on Department of Planning / Building / Public _kS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ? COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2004 ~AP!::!P::.'L~ICi!.A~T.!!'O~N~NO~: !:!LU:!J.A~0~4.:..!-1~39!!."..!:S~H!.'::P!::L-:.':H!,..., Vy;'-:.<:H!,..., L,=!LA~, .!:CEC~F'=---_ _!_-"!D~A-'-'TE~C!!:'R~C~U~LA~T!..!:E:!:D!.:.: ...!N~O~VC'::E~M'-'=B'-"E!!RJ:8~, ~~~l;:O~P~M~E~N~T,s.e:maciES APPLICANT: JDA Group, LLC/ID Kline PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala t.;, fY OF RENTON PROJECT TITLE: Sixth Street Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson NO V 1 5 2004 SITE AREA: 80,295 square feet BUILDING AREA (qross): N/A "r-"" ...... LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 61h Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77342 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Une Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 It and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code (90 ft. diameter). A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable Mor. Element of the Probable Probable M",. Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals r Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources co:~,~~~:: B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS -A / ~ ~~~ 7~2'(2ge;</ We have reviewed this lication with particular aNention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or I info alion is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date / I City of R.n Department of Planning / Building / Public .kS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: S/JrhleJ/"/~"I." ,b./' COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2004 • APPLICATION NO: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER B, 2004 APPLICANT: JDA Group, LLCIID Kline PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala "'T> PROJECT TITLE: Sixth Street Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson R E C E i II f 0 ~S~IT~E~A~R~E~A~:~B~0~,2~95~sq~lu~a~re~l~ee~t ____________________ ~B~U~IL~D~I~NG~A~R~E~A~(Qrr~o~sS~)::~N~/~A _________ JWnL~ no 7nnL ~~.n LOCATION: 200 Block 01 NW 6"' Street WORK ORDER NO: 77342 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Une Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Exa,,;rn.Pr'¥/'~!9ib/at and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a I.B4 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications 01 street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-B required 20 ft. front yard setback lor Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,B15 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code (90 ft. diameter). A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported lill is proposed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e,g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housi Air Aesthetics Water LightIGlare Plants Recreation LandlShorelins Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energyl HistoriclCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS We have reviewed t' plication with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or naf fo ation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date ') City of Rlon Department of Planning / Building / Public .kS ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2004 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 8, 2004 APPLICANT: JDA Grou ,LLC/ID Kline PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Sixth Street Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: 80,295 s uare feel BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 6~ Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77342 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision at a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. fronl yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code (90 ft. diameter). A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. ApproXimately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. A_ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e-9. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Environment Earth Air Water Plants LancVShOreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources Probable Minor Impacts Probable Major Impacts B_ POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS More Information Necessary Element of the Probable Environment Minor Impacts Housing Aesthetics UghtIGlare Recreation Utilities Transportation Public Services Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 4 ~~ d.4/~ Zq,2a?i.f Probable More Major Information Impacts Necessary We have reviewed this plication with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or al in rmation is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date • • S#._-'=s::.....q--'-q--=---__ _ Project Name: SinH SrfZ.!a.::;\ St\12L Project Address: koP f,\o<.!1.< 0\ IVI!J ~ ST Q Contact Person: ,) t:,P-Gfoue Permit Number: LvA oy -\2~ Project Description: _7L-.:::Lm~----"<S~P....l!L",,-...::S~I\o~&f""'-....If...!4¥C~L...-___________ _ Land ufe Type: WResidential D Retail D Non-retail Calculation: Method of Calculation: J2j'--ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition D Traffic Study (va) S~12- D Other 9.S' /Lo1- -, 'f-q.S ( ~ lo lo· q,\ J\JJ\... -\-YI rS lo\o. qq y. i"lS :: 'SDL~.-z.<; Transportation.lt . Mitigation Fee: ll> 50?..lJ· -z-C; Calculated by: ..... 1<'-'. '--\\ ........ ~ ....... .....,.c1""""j _______ _ Date of Payment: ,. " City of Renton Department of Planning / Building / Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Fire. APPLICATION NO: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF APPLICANT: JDA Grou ,LLCIID Kline PROJECT TITLE: Sixth Street Short Plat SITE AREA: 80,295 s uare feet LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 61h Street BUILDING AREA WORK ORDER NO: 77342 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code (90 ft. diameter). A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non·Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LighVGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoricICultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet ej. B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ~tV btp1< i particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or eOOed 10 properly assess Ihis proposal. / / A j If Signature of ?ir etor or Authorized Repr sentative Date 7 I , - DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: --------------------• • CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM November 15, 2004 Susan Fiala, Senior Planner Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshall./! ' Sixth Street Short Plat, 200 Block of NW 6th Street MITIGATION ITEMS; 1. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. FIRE CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structures. 2. Fire Department access roads are required to be paved, 20 wide. Dead end roadways over 150 feet in length are required to have an approved turnaround. The required fire access road shall be extended 50 feet beyond the approved cul-de-sac for the maximum 700 foot dead end road. 3. All of the structures are required to be sprinkle red due to being over 500 feet on the dead end road. Separate plans and permits are required for the sprinkler systems. 4. Street addresses shall be visible from a public street. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. City of Rel.n De'pa,rtm'ent rJ""nrling / Building / Public ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELO APPLICATION SITE AREA: LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 6th Street SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Une Adjustment, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site (after Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 fl and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-8 required 20 fl. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. fl. to 24,815 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code (90 ft. diameter). A 30 fl. wide private acceSS easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to aCCess the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable Mor. Element of the Probable Probable Mar. Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water UghVGlare Plants Recreation LandlShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services V Energy/ HistoricICultura/ Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas wh e additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. -.(/1 Q -/ . Vu· ~'~I~~~k~/.~O~~L-____ __ Date I • T- City of Rfon Department of Planning / Building / Public .S ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Par/c..S COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2004~ APPLICATION NO: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER ~2004 ~ "h APPLICANT: JDA Group, LLC/ID Kline PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala ~~ ... ~ '1;'..>. PROJECT TITLE: Sixth Street Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: BO,295 square feet BUILDING AREA (Qross): N/A LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 6'" Street WORK ORDER NO: 77342 L'. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Ex~ner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a I.B4 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-B required 20 ft. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,B15 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code (90 ft. diameter). A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. i A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e_g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element o( the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Ea"" Housi Air Aesthetics Water U htIGfare Plants Recreation LandlShorefine Use Utilities Animals Trans rtation Environmental Health Public Services Enecgy/ HistoricICultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8. c_ We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is ded to properly assess this proposal. / Date • • A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS "It is anticipated that the proposed development would generate future residents that would utilize existing City park and recreation facilities and programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new single family lot to address these potential impacts." Parks Mitigation Fec ---------~--~ --------------------------------- City of Rein Department of Planning / Building / Public ~S ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: , COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 22, 2 APPLICATION NO: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER B, 2004 APPLICANT: JDA Grou ,LLC/ID Kline PROJECT MANAGER: Susan Fiala PROJECT TITLE: Sixth Street Short Plat PLAN REVIEW: Mike Dotson SITE AREA: BO,295 s uare feet BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 6th Street I WORK ORDER NO: 77342 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Lot Une Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.B4 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-B required 20 ft. front yard selback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacaling a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. ft. to 24,B15 sq. ft. (gross area). The site is localed at the end of a sub-standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged 10 meet code (90 ft. diameter). A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the easl and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utililies are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e-9-Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Air Water Plants Land/Shoreline Use Animals Environmental Health Energy/ Natural Resources B_ POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS Element of the Environment Housi Aesthetics U ht/Glare Recreation Utilities Trans rtation Public Services Historic/Cultural Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet Probable Minor Impacts Probable Major Impacts Mor. Information Necessary We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Date " r • CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 8th day of November, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing NOA, Environmental Checklist, PMT's documents. This information was sent to: Agencies See Attached (Signature of Sender).:.,: 77'~=-=!:tC#:.""7F''--~-='-='''''''~z....----------..."",::«",« .... "" .. \\\, {/ _-" ",~\LYN k~"" STATE OF WASHINGTON ) --~r ....... :VYA-' ) SS .: ... ~"'\SS/O.;·. ''7" '" : ,,(,0 v '. ':.<-" ) : ... NO,. ~".>' ~ -. -1", "\). (tI , ~ rn : ,,'T;" ~: -n ~ COUNTY OF KING ~ -t! ~6:.' rn: " ~ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker ~ ~ ..... 6' "EJ(/C ~.: i signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and vOlur..la~·~1W t~.fi1..~efand purposes mentioned in the instrument. .... , 4-4;"H"I'~;C;~O _--- It, ~ ,~ "" \\\\.\.\.'\."" ..... Dated :----'-IIL..LI-'M==s-U<ID'-"V __ Notary (Print): __ --',':':''''.~'''.!I':cVN=KA'''M'''·r. .""fl~""I'l''''-_____________ _ My appointment expires: iC'.'k·'rJ!,~rMtNTEXfi;;E" e-2S-B7 Sixth Street Short Plat LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF template· affidavit of service by mailing • AGENCY (DOE) LEITER MAILING (ERe DETERMINATIONS) Dept. of Ecology' WDFW -Stewart Reinbold' Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries Dept. Environmental Review Section c/o Department of Ecology . PO Box 47703 3190 160th Ave SE Attn. SEPA Reviewer Olympia, W A 98504-7703 Bellevue, WA 98008 39015 -172'd Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98092 WSDOT Northwest Region' Duwamish Tribal Office' Muckleshoot Cultural Resources Program Attn: Ramin Pazooki 4717W Marginal Way SW . King Area Dev. Serv., MS-240 Seattle, WA 98106-1514 Attn: Ms Melissa Calvert PO Box 330310 39015 172'd Avenue SE Seattle, WA 98133-9710 Auburn, WA 98092-9763 US Army Corp. of Engineers • KC Wastewater Treatment Division' Office of Archaeology & Historic Seattle District Office Environmental Planning Supervisor Preservation" Attn: SEPA Reviewer Ms. Shirley Marroquin Attn: Stephanie Kramer PO Box C-3755 201 S. Jackson ST, MS KSC-NR-050 PO Box 48343 Seattle, WA 98124 Seattle, WA 98104-3855 Olympia, W A 98504-8343 Jamey Taylor' Depart. of Natural Resources PO Box 47015 Olympia, WA 98504-7015 KC Dev. & Environmental Servo City of Newcastle City of Kent Attn: SEPA Section Attn: Mr. Micheal E. Nicholson Attn: Mr. Fred Satterstrom, AICP 900 Oakesdale Ave. SW Director of Community Development Acting Community Dev. Director Renton, WA 98055-1219 13020 SE 7200 Place 220 Fourth Avenue South Newcastle, WA 98059 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Metro Transit Puget Sound Energy City of Tukwila Senior Environmental Planner Municipal Uason Manager Steve Lancaster, Responsible Official Gary Kriedt Joe Jainga 6300 Southcenter Blvd. 201 South Jackson Street KSC-TR-0431 PO Box 90868, MS: XRD-Ol W Tukwila, WA 98188 Seattle, WA 98104-3856 Bellevue, WA 98009-0868 Seattle Public Utilities Real Estate Services Title Examiner 700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900 PO Box 34018 Seattle, WA 98124-4018 Note: If the Notice of Application states that it is an "Opfional DNS", the marked agencies and cities will need to be sent a copy of the checklist, PMT's, and the notice of application .• Also note, do not mail Jamey Taylor any of the notices she gets hers from the web. Only send her the ERC Determination paperwork. tTpJate -affidavit of service by mailing • • DATE: ~ • NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) November 8, 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA04·139, $HPl-H, V.H, LLA, ECF Pro.,.,... MIUgIItJon Mauu ... : • Tho 'ollowing Mitigation Maasures will likely be Jm~sad on the proposed project. Those recommerded Millgatlon Measures address proi&et Impac!a nol covered by el<istng codes and regulations as cited above. The ~nt WJi' bI!I requillJd /0 /1IIY /he ~t' TranapOt1l1tlon Mitigation Fee; The 1Ippi/can/ w'" be required /0 pay ihallpp(OPriale Pi" Mlliga'ion F9iI; and The ~1lI WJi' bI!I requitTKJ to pay the appropriIIle Parks MrigIIllon F .... ComltMlnll! on tIM abova application mu.t be lubmlttOKl In writing to SUNn Fiala, Senior Plannll, o.valopmen' ServIcH DMllon, 1055 Soulh Grady Way, Ranton, WAII8055, by 5:00 PM on November 22, 2OG4. This matlllr os also lentalwry 'chl!d"fM (pr a qup!Ic IIMrlnq po JaDiIflOl 18 2005 Hr 9:00 AM CounCil Chambers, Soventh Floor, R<II1ton City HaU. 1055 So\Ith Grady Way, Renton. H you are mtereated m atlonding the hoarmg, please contact the [)ellOilopment S<IrvIcos DIviaIOfl, (42.5) 430-728.2, to ensure that the l"Ieamg has not been reac~. II commaolS cannol be submmed In lYriIing by the date Indicated above,)"Ju may 81111 pppear al the heprlng and prlllenl your commants OIl the proponl before the Hearing examiner. I! you ha~ qUGllilons about thts ptOpOs.al, Of wish to be madll a party ot record and receive additional intormat;on by mall, plellSQ contact Ille project mana"",. Anyone wflO lubmrts ",""en comments will automatically become a party 01 record and will be nomled 01 any decision on thiS project. CONTACT PERSON: Susan Fiala, Sanlor Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7382 S~S~t~~P~t 1::~~~~~~]!~~~~~~~~~]J~~~!2EJ~~~~~~~~~~c:J PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant Is reQUelling I Lot Ur.e Adjuslm .. nt, Environmental ~. PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FLLE IOENTIFICATION HMring E~amJner Short Plat and Hearing Exam"., Variances lor a ael'lln lot ~ubdlvision 01 a 1.64 aelll s,te (after lot Iirle I PROJECT NAME: Idjustment). Addttlonal '9quests include: mQdificatkms 01 street standards to allow a dead-aJld ,I,.,.,! lI'eaM than 700 It .xiII) allow II private Itree! to $eMIl more than six 101$, Tha variancH woula bitt from the A·a r9qUlfed 20 !to If,,", yan:I .1IIback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A llflperatll reqUHt lor va(:lItlng a portJon 01 a public walkway would also be made by the appI;:ant. The lot lila, ranoe from 4.552 IQ. It to 24.815 sQ. It. (gron a,ea), The s~e IS located at the and 01. Iub- SIanCIIord deed-eod street 01 whict1lha cukSe-aac would bitt enl<lrged 10 meet coda (90 It. diameter). A 30 It. wide private IICC8U eas.mllnt would exteJld to the &ast lind IOU1h 01 the re-«onslruclod cUl-de-sac to ecell" the lots. Parllal reloeltloo 01 e:dsting city UIM;", and new underground utililies are InCluded. St ... p slo?es (clsnllied &$ protected slope. 01 40 I*"C*It or greater n grade) 8.l$t as MIa as a portoon ot a wetland and associa!od bIIIrer. Appro.mately 2.000 cubic ~ oIlOptOll \I/Ould be removed tor re-USII and 5.000 cy at importlld liIIls proposed. PROJECT LOCATION: 200 Block 01 NW 8"' Street OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCe, MITIGATED (DNS-IoI): As tha Leed Agancy. tha CLty 01 RlltltOll has detarm~ed that 8ign~icfl.nl envlronmantal impac:ts are unllkaly to resuR tram lha proposed project. Therefore, as potmlltled uodor the RCW 43.2IC.ll0. IhII City or Renton Is using the Optional DNS·"" process to giva nolice Ihat a ONS. Io! it likely to be isSued. Comment periodl lor the pro)ecl and the proposed DN5-M an, in:agratlld IIlto a singie Commenl P'fIOd. There will be no comment period lorrowlng the issuance 01 tho Threshold Determination of Noo.Slgniti;ance- MiligatlKl (DN5-M). A 14·day appeal period wllliollow the IBluance of the DNS.M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: November 4, 2004 NOnCE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: NOI/ember 8, 2004 APPUCANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Richard Wagner; Tel: (425) 454.os&6 Email: wagnlrrObayllnrchltactl.com P.rrnIW'Ravlew RaquHtad: Environmental {SePAl Review". Short Plat. and Vallonell. Other Panni'. which may be r.qul.-.d: Building, Utility. Construction. end Fire Permits Requlated Stud,...: Watland, Drainege, Habllal, and GOOIachnlcalr8jlOne Location whInL application may be revlew.d: PlannLnl)lBuildin~ublic Worke Department. Development Services Division, Shah Roor ROniOfl City HaH, 1055 SOuth Grady Way, RentOfl, WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: A PUblic hearing Is tentatwaty ache-dutold lor January 18, 2005 batere the Renton Heamg Eumn.r in Renlon Council Cl"Iambers. Hearing!l begin at 11:00 AM on the 7th lloor (II Iha nllW Renton City Halilocaled al tOSS South Grady Way CON$tSTENCY OVERVIEW: ZonlnglLlnd Un: Envir<;>nmental Documenta that Evaluatl thl Propo,OKI ProJ-et: o.valopment Regulation, Used For Projotc:t Mllli'lIJon: Thf;I subjecl ake is designated as Residenl.aJ 8 Owelhng UMS per Acfll (R-B) on !hOI City'l Zoning Map and Residential Single Family (RSF) Oll \ha' ComprllhensivII Plan Land Use Map. The propoalld IIlngl&.lamlty develO\lment" appoan 10 bu genera'/y consiSlent with both designations. I Environmental (SePA) Checklist. Habitat. Watland and GeQlechnicaf r8jlOrts The project will be slJbi9ct to the City's SEPA ordinance. Zoning Code, Public Works Standards. SubdM,"on RII9ulations. Un~orm Building and F1Io Cod.n and other apphcable codes and r....,ulallons as appropriata. + N 11 you would like to be made a party of record to raceive further information on this proposed project, complete this lorm and retum to: City 01 Renton, Development Plannins, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Ria NolName: LUAQ4-13S. SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF I Sixth Street Short Plat NAME: ________________________________________________ __ MAILING ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ _ TELEPHONE NO.: _______________ __ CERTIFICA TION . ............... """'\,\, ", ~\.,(N K. '" ", '?-~ ..... :."'f~ '" / ~ ... :~~\SSloiV·· .. ~ '1,' : .'0""'-.. ~.,,~~, ~-.-. /, : :,U I'lO"'.<I.09)-\'\~~ I,' ~C"lW ---'-3"'--___ copie~fth90 -..... i:i~ .~ ab~ nt were posted ,.....~ __ conspicuous places ot\t$: ~ear~LlC ./ j ',Aoe. .-the described property on I ~ ". ' •• ' ~ : ~ ~ 7~-..l--:»1!Iii!!!I~4 .. ....ILJ ,L,'ooI..:-sO~---------Yn:-~~w";~i~6~~>-- f / I -v/nc/'(ft""'{{) Signed: ,,,,,,,,,,, ATTEST: Subscri a/~om ~fore me, a Notary Public, i and for t Washington residing(i~7~2'J ,on the.?? qcJ1-day of_-+-~=~-==....L_ MARILYN KAMCHEA= MY AI'FOINTI.tENr EXFfREs 1t29-07 • • NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: November 8. 2004 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF PROJECT NAME: Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Lot Line Adjustment, Environmental Review, Hearing Examiner Short Plat and Hearing Examiner Variances for a seven lot subdivision of a 1.84 acre site (after lot line adjustment). Additional requests include: modifications of street standards to allow a dead-end street greater than 700 ft and to allow a private street to serve more than six lots. The variances would be from the R-B required 20 It. front yard setback for Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. A separate request for vacating a portion of a public walkway would also be made by the applicant. The lot sizes range from 4,552 sq. It. to 24,815 sq. It. (gross area). The site is located at the end of a sub- standard dead-end street of which the cul-de-sac would be enlarged to meet code (90 II. diameter). A 30 ft. wide private access easement would extend to the east and south of the re-constructed cul-de-sac to access the lots. Partial relocation of existing city utilities and new underground utilities are included. Steep slopes (classified as protected slopes of 40 percent or greater in grade) exist as well as a portion of a wetland and associated buffer. Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil would be removed for re-use and 5,000 cy of imported fill is proposed. PROJECT LOCATION: 200 Block of NW 61h Street OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE, MITIGATED (DNS-M): As the Lead Agency, the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed projecl. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110, the City of Renton is using the Optional ONS-M process to give notice that a ONS- M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance 01 the ONS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: November 4, 2004 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: November 8, 2004 APPLICANTIPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Richard Wagner; Tel: (425) 454-0566 Email: wagnerr@baylisarchitects.com PermitsiRevlew Requested: Other Permits which may be required: Requested Studies: Location where application may be reviewed: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Zonlng/land Use: Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: Environmental (SEPA) Review, Short Plat, and Variances Building, Utility, Construction, and Fire Permits Wetland, Drainage, Habitat, and Geotechnical reports Planning/Building/Public Works Department, Development Services Division, Sixth Floor Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 A Public hearing is tentatively scheduled for January 18, 2005 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 South Grady Way. The subject site is designated as Residential 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-B) on the City's Zoning Map and Residential Single Family (RSF) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposed single-family development appears to be generally consistent with both designations. Environmental (SEPA) Checklist, Habitat, Wetland and Geotechnical reports The project will be subject to the City's SEPA ordinance, Zoning Code. Public Works Standards, Subdivision Regulations, Uniform Building and Fire Codes and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Meas.: The following Mitigation Measures willlikely&posed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee; • The applicant will b8 required to pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee; and • The applicant will be required to pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee. Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, 5:00 PM on November 22, 2004. This matter is also . CounCil Chambers. Seventh Floor. Renton the hearing. please contact the Development Services Division. to ensure that the hearing has not rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receiVe additional information by mail, please contact the project manager. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner; Tel: (425) 430-7382 I PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I + N If you would like to be made a party of record to receive further information on this proposed project, complete this form and return to: City of Renton, Development Planning, 1055 So. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. File NoJName: LUA04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF I Sixth Street Short Plat NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: • • CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 8th day of November, 2004, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Acceptance Letter documents. This information was sent to: :';: ~:r..::.;,' . ~~tll;::,~; .. Narne~h~' ::;. ' . r:,;:~: Richard Wagner JDA Group, LLC/ID Kline (Signature of Sender):7~ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING ) SS ) ." . . :'c'?:.? Contact Owners " :!Zs;··l"'~" "'.'-' ::;;t~.·'·: '.~"; ; r.' .. Representing ... ",,;" f' ':':., .. :. ~ ................ """'" .:,---~~~:.~.Jc.1"ttt, : ~.':·'V.\SSIO;:·~" '" -'0"" 'v ,,,~, i .... 0 NOr ~'" i1\ ~ :: -1A ~'. -n ~ , en : -.. '7J-:Xl: , ~ -I: ,.() ., m: ,,~ , . ~'lJ '" . • 'i ~... LIC ... ; I, «' '.~ ...- I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker .... o;··f~:9.? ..... ~~ f signed this Instrument and acknowledged It to be his/her/their free and voluntaly,~~tfieuJles and purposes mentioned in the instrument. "\""",,,~,- Dated :_..!.J./I'-+/ ...... '2'""~1~l"'t2~7''---- Notary (print): _____ ti',~"'A.Q"'·lnlYl;;;;.,~l(""Ar1i11AC'7:,H"',EFF~· """-;:;;-;:::-_________ _ My appointment expires: ;.;,urU'N,NjcNt t:XJ5iilES 6-28-07 Sixth Street Short Plat LUA04-139, SHPL·H, V-H, LLA, ECF ':R Kathy Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor CITY.FRENTON PIanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator November 8, 2004 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 10801' Main Street #110 ' Bellevue, WA 98004 Subject: Sixth Street Short Plat LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF Dear Mr. Wagner: The Development Planning ,Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. ' It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on December 7, 2004. Prior to that review; you will be. notified if any additional information, is required to continue processing your application. "In addition, a Public Hearing is tentativelysched~led with the Renton Hearing Examiner, in the Council Chambers, onttie seventh floor of City, Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on January 18,,2005 at 9:00 AMto consider the Short Plat. The ' applicant or representative(s) of the applicant are required to be 'present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff repo(! will be mailed to you 'one week before the hearing; , . r Please contact me at (425) 430-7382 if you have any questions. Susan A. Fiala Senior Planner cc: JDA Group, LLC & ID Kline / Owners ------------~IO~5~5~S~ou~t·h~G~rn~d~y~~~a-y~-~R~en~to-n-,~~·a~Sh~in-g~ro-n-9~8~O~55~-----------~, <1'> This papercontains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF TIlE CURVE [~~ Kathy Keolk.er-Wheeler, Mayor November 8, 2004 Superintendent's Office Renton School District #403 300 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98055-2307 • Subject:' Sixth Street Short Plat LUA-04-139, SHPL-H, V-H, LLA, ECF CITY.F RENTON PlanninWBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E;, Administrator The City of Renton Development Services Division has received an application for a 7-lot single- family subdivision located at 200 Block of NW 6th Street. Please see the enclosed Notice of Application for further details. ' In order to process this application, the Development Services Division needs to know which Renton schools would be attended by children living in residences at the location indicated above. Please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below, and return this letter to my attention, Development Services Division, City of Renton, 1 055 'South Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055 by November 22, 2004. ' , Elementary School: ___ ~,--_~_""-~--'-'-_-'-____ ~ ________ _ Middle School: ____ -,--_-:-:--;-~__.:.--~---------~'----- High School:_--,-_---_----------,-------,------"---- Will the schools you have indicated be able to ~aildle the) impaCt of the addiiional students' estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes No __ _ Any Comments: ____________ -------~-------_ Thank you for providing this important information. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact me at (425) 430-7382. Sincerely, ~4? Susan A. Fiala Senior Planner -En-C-I.----~lOn.5~5~S~o~ut~hrG~ra~dLY~WU.~Y~-nR~en~t~on~, .. W~~~h~in~g~to~n~98"'O~5'5-------~ * This paper contains 50% recyded material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ),.: • ···i·· DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON City of Renton :. ~g)V C 4 2004 LAND.USE PERMIT RECEIVED MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATJON NAME: JOA GROUP, LLC and 1.0. Kline· PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: Sixth Street Short Plat ADDRESS: 95 S. Tobin Street PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)lLOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 200 Block of NW 6th St., Renton 98055 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-891-1002 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR·S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 9564800070,9564800110,9564800106 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: JDA GROUP, LLC EXISTING LAND USE(S): Vacant COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): Single-Family Residential ADDRESS: 95 S. Tobin Street EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Residential Single Family CITY: Renton ZIP: 98055 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION TELEPHONE NUMBER 425-891-1002 (if applicable): No change proposed EXISTING ZONING: R-8, Single-Family Residential CO NT ACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): No change proposed NAME: Richard Wagner . :!l!l:-o."1- SITE AREA (in square feet): 1.84 acres after LLA COMPANY (if applicable): BAYLIS ARCHITECTS SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED·. -. FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVIN.f.z. 'il THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): .11 acres ADDRESS: 10801 Main Street, Suite 110 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable): 7.03 CITY: Bellevue ZIP: 98004 NUMBER Of' PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 7 TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 7 425-454-0566 wagnerr@baylisarchitects.com Q:web/pw/devserv/formslplanninglmasterapp.dOC 10/28/04 r;, P"JECT INFORMATrl:..=O:..:.N.:....(1.::,C..::.o:..:.nt::::· .. =e:..=d:L-) _____ .. _"_··----, - NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): -00- SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N.A. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): -00- SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): -00· SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): -00· NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): N/A NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): N/A PROJECT VALUE: $800.000 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): a AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE a AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO a FLOOD HAZARD AREA sq. ft. a GEOLOGIC HAZARD 31,975 sq. ft. a HABITAT CONSERVATION sQ. ft. a SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES sQ. ft. a WETlANDS AfterLLA na sQ. ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following infonnation included) SITUATE IN THE SW QUARTER OF SECTION l. TOWNSHIP 23. RANGEi. IN THE CITY OF RENTON. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1. Short Plat: 11,000 3. Set back Variances 4 at 150.00 = 1200 2. SEPA {More than 1100K}: i500 4. Modifications N.C • .. . It>{ \-iN<'. A.lj~ Z.U.oO .. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ 17.76 . . , AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I. (Print Namols) Jack A1hadeff • declare that I am (please check one) II the current owner of the property ved in this application or __ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing ments and answers herein contained and the information herewith are In all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge a?d beVef'rl I certify that I know or have salisfa ory evidence that ~ t-,)), A ( N.d. ~ . signed this instrument and ackn edged It to be hlslherltheir free and voluntary ad fer the uses and purposes mentioned in e Instrument ~"""'"'''' _~-.. ~ G. HO "" ----t;~~~~~~~====ft.~~~~~~ ........... ~~'" ~ .,' ION € ..... ~.'" _. .,..o' •.. ~ I. ; t:IJ ... ~ OT~ ""... ~ f i8 ~ r 'ci\: ~ Notary Public In and for the State of Washington ~:,... ~ : ~ /II! • • .. ~ G I ( \~;;. .. :~~~~ .. :..~o/ , ~ ~OF·WAS"\:··· Notary {Print) __ -'--__ ....::o_______ ",\.\.".", ................ My appointment explres: ___ <?'-=--.:..I_'...!{_O_7.!-__ Q:weblpw/devserv/fonnslpJanninglmastera.pp.doc 10128104 / I , • • LEGAL DESCRIPTION lHE SOUlHERl Y 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2 TOGElHER WllH lHE SOUiHERlY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, LOT 8, EXCEPT lHE SOUlHERlY 102.80 FEET lHEREOF, BLOCK 3 TOGElHER WllH lHAT PORll0N OF PLAT1EO WALKWAY LYING BETWEEN LOT 7, BLOCK 2, AND LOT a. BLOCK 3 All IN WOODY GLEN ADDlllON, ACCORDING TO lHE PLAT lHEREOF RECORDED IN VOlUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, RECORDS Of' KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. .' • • LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 300-FEET OF THE SUBJECT SITE City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425430-7200 Fax: 425430-7231 PROJECT NAME:, ___ ~-=-",L)Clli-=.LO"'--'~::::..Ll<=~--,Pf:toI?=r"",,",,",~~--+~""""'-'''-4rlo-~_ AF'?UCATION NO: __ {j-/=-:,.' _-(~~:"'>" ________ ~ __ --" ___ _ The followin9 is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these Individuals of the proposed development Parcel Number 9564800007 9564800046 9564800051 9564800056 9564800061 9564800066 9564800070 9564800086 956480 0087 : : 9564800090 9564800095 9564800096 9564800105 9564800106 956480 OlIO 9564800115 9564800125 9564800126 9564800136 9564800140 9564800145 9564800160 9564800165 MetroScan / King (WA) Owner Name Jda Group Llc;+ Ballesteros EduardolMiriam N Ellingson Henry L Morel First Family Limited Partnersh Flatten Living Trust Gerisilo Philip G & Deborah C Jda Group Llc;+ Madlock Tommie L Erickson Gregory J;Sauls Melody S , "Nazzal Andrew WlDeborah J Burns Carl P Swanson Kelly R Sweeney Francine A Jda Group Llc;+ Jda Group Llc;+ Munger-scharff JeffreylElizabeth Mcdonald Ronnie Phan Than LeerrhU-huong Carter Furman GNiolet M Otis Shurondia R Gregg Sue A Dewing Rolland LlDeloris M Site Address 123 Rainier Ave S Renton 98055 304 NW 6th St Renton 98055 300 NW 6th St Renton 98055 214 NW 6th St Renton 98055 210 NW 6th St Renton 98055 206 NW 6th St Renton 98055 'no Site Address' Renton I 305NW 6th StRenton 98055-~pkd ()<t~n it nloi 30 I NW 6th St Renton 98055 217 NW 6th St Renton 98055 213 NW 6th St Renton 98055 209 NW 6th St Renton 98055 205 NW 6th St Renton 98055 'no Site Address' Renton 'no Site Address' Renton 516 Taylor PI NW Renton 98055 -Unda.!l'Ied -~~ ~~rd 216 NW 5th St Renton 98055 "'15/~ 304 NW 5th St Renton 98055 'no Site Address' Renton 215 NW 5th St Renton 98055 211 NW 5th St Renton 98055 207 NW 5th St Renton 98055 210 NW 5th St Renton 98055 .< .) NAME • (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) ADDRESS • ASSESSOR'S PARCa NUMBER I, \~ ALl-\AQf::£F . hereby certify that the above Hs!(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: Title Records King Records NOTARY -For City of Renton Use- CERTIFICAnON OF MAILING I.~t't:r • hereby certify I that l notices of the proposed"llpplicatio!1 were mailed to eaCh Usted property owner on 1e u ~()'1 . . I j . 5igned7~ ;1uM Date: 1tJ70l( NOTARY ATTEST: Subscribed and swom befo~ Nolaly P~in and for the state ofWashinglCn residing ~<71;frtn onth~ day of :::L2,d() ...• ct. ~2~~,r ...... .. '/\,' :. ".: f\' ' l 5i ned ~" 2 LELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section ENT PlANNING Dev~~~F RENTON NOV 0 ~ 200lt RECE\VED . PROJECT NAME: -f-<.!()..."I-I:c2---<?-'-c/f-!()LL-I-Y---- DATE: /[2of1--,y (~ Q:IWEBIPWlDEVSERVlFonnslPlanninglwaiver.xls • DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION. WAIVER OF SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing S~es 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: tJlld {g 1-6-/-P lor 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section DATE: 1O!':;'.:1( of Hj;J~ " 'I \I[!!! U I .t. Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls • • AFFIDAVIT OF 'INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN OEV~~W~~WE~ING NOV 0 ~ 2011~ City of Renton Development SeNices Division 1055 South GradyWay, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 REG£l'liQF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING D. ) ) y:\ \ hc--.,je...~ E being .. first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: . / 1f::>oc.( 1. On the "Z.. 1 day of 0 c...tc \,. ~f ,'tS:... , I installed / public information "Slgn(s) and plastic flyer box on the property located. at ________________ for the following project: Sld~ S{'·",<.+ :::her+-PL+ Pt \~<--<:(J ~ Project name :k--~ t.-... \;). Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy. of the neighborhood detail map marked with an ·X· to indicate the location of the installed sign. was/were constructed and installed in Chapter 7 Title 4 of· Renton Municipal residing in and for the State of at My commission expires on _~8'~I..;,~(l--=o;..7.1.__. Q:IWliBIPWlDEVSEIlVll'orms\Planniaglpub,ign.doe08I27103 LZO/T60 ~ -----------------------_. --_______ --'¥o'Jlll1tnOTI)R"-'TL'~~__ .. ! n~...4.i'!.n."",. ... ~ ••• _. _. ,-' -. STEW ARTTITLE • ORDER No._2=-:...o_O..!./_l=3...;:;.5--=Z......:t;,~~ SectiOD,-__ TowasIUp __ Raage __ Short Plat Rec.. No.'--_-,-_____ _ Volume ___ Pag,, __ ,.,-t'\': ... ,:. ~ ... ~~. ~ i:. ~: ...... ,. ;# ~.~: ..... .:.£ S '''6TH-ST... I . , __ . 6. _~,. • ~ ~"'" ~. 13 " ;,,.·,:,.;c."'·"· ~ . " .. ,#,a._ I '." ... -I ' : , .. • :0.0 :-. I • , .... I • I ·c. --i + N This sketch is provided withoul'charge for YOUr' information. II is nol intended 10 show all mailers related to the property including,.· but nOllimited to area, dimensions. easements, encroachments or location of boundaries. It is not a part of, nor does it modit)', the commi=nt or policy to which il is attached. The company assumes NO LIABILITY for any mailer related to this sketch. Reference should be made to an accurate survey for further information. ! I I i I I, Ii i II I' ,I ! l I I ji I , , I I I I I I ./ / , . . :;/ ,,' ," ,'" :!.': .' .- ..~:.~.;.; ...... :_,_.~c;~~.~_j~ ~ ~. i.n'.J'.iCJ: ~N o'~ r'Ni~'!!"~~J't.~~:'!' r"~7J~) .... L 4jiHtAlIN,,"':, j"' : ~~~~. ,k p~ ..1,.._ ~ ... ~~_ , J ..... ; -.. ;','. ., : '0 .. ' t :!:l ' . ..... - ;.. - qo\WJ:B\PW\DEVSEIlV\formslP\aDllinglpUbai1!Jl.doc:08I27/03 L;:on;:o I2l VI'I O:lV.L 1 \IIIV -_.-----------------;:LS;:CSCCS;: l~d 9;::60 I. I r . to/SlIOl • • AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF DEv.~PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN NOV 042004 RECEIVED City of Renton Development Services DMsion 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF KING ) --;-:-_..::...iJ1._~..:....:....tt.,,--M.,--e._J_er_-:---___________ , being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: ., . (w;-bft$frJ) 1. On the cX~ day of A/ovell1ber ,~~, I installed{:1 public information yn(s) and plastic flyer box on the property located. at 240 p/ocIllt..-.!:IftI ib"!!t Sf for the following project: ~ # SIred sheri PiAf Project name .jIJA GfDlff t :ro k7,.,A uC tYti cj I/IAtttldl) Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an ~X·. to indicate the loecition of the installed sign. 3. This/these public infonmation sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in ~:~ns in confonmance with the requi~~2f Renton Municipal ;:i7ll1Stai1er Signature SUBSCRIBED AIND'SW0RN to before me thisC2 day of IAbwn.b.Y, ~. ,,""0~\,.~.~1..~;:"", ~ " c.;V!-"".P~ON ":;" 1~ -_ I 1, " , : /rJ>!' ~~~>~":. /~ -'" IC' T.A Ry ~ ---...,..,...~-::"=~~'-:--::-=:-==---=::::;:=.-::--:::: :: ~ "J , ~:: N UBLIC in and for the State of . = : -tC<I-: _ .. WaShInJl~t06' ':.. PUBLiC ,/ ~:: reSiding at 7 C I # ..:i) • ;<...) .. , , ~ ~o \',." ("Po' c,' Q:\WEB\PW\DEYSERV\Forms\Planning\pubsign.doc08l27/03 • • :" ,'. ,,: . Jn~t/lllei-., In.ttuctjOci~: ,~'il~:\:\t~i;tZ~~r:,~lffi;[:~ r;~~~~t'::,il;n.,t. . :, , " . \' .,::.1:\ .;!'--.., , ." I '\ -....... , . ...... \ ... ..;,.1 14' I Q:\WEB\PW\DEVSERV\Forms\Planning'lpubsign.doc08I27103 • ,,,. .... ," . • -<> ... ~ . , .. ", f, V'-.. .. ..: J ... ::" ... t,; t .. H' :111 :-: " f I" :7r ""', :: ~~ .. .: \ . -\.' -" . ..' \ ..... \. k ," , ... ..-... ., .':"';. • DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON NOV 042004 RECEIVED Sixth Street Short Plat Renton, Washington October 27, 2004 JDA Group, Applicant PROJECT NARRATIVE Other Technical Documents: • • Geotechnical Engineering Report; prepared by The Riley Group, Inc. -June 2, 2003 • Wildlife Reconnaissance; prepared by Raedeke Associates -September 4, 2004 • Environmental Checklist; prepared by Baylis Architects -October 20, 2004 • Wetlands Delineation Report; prepared by The Riley Group -October 27, 2004 • Habitat Data Report; prepared by Raedeke Associates -October 26, 2004 Project Summary This application is for the approval of a short plat for seven single-family parcels on approximately 1.84 acres located on the 200 block o·f N.W. 6,h Street. The project property includes three parcels, all located east and southeast of the existing street-end of N.W. 6,h Street, in the Lakeview Neighborhood of Renton. The property will include the existing city utility corridor and pedestrian right-of-way, which extends east from the street-end and for which the applicant requests the city to vacate, and agrees to grant back necessary easements. Parcel 1 lies north of the utility corridor; Parcel 2 lies south of the utility corridor and extends south to the commercial-zoned property along vacated N.W. 5,h Street. Parcel 3 lies west of the south end of the Parcel 2. The existing commercial property south of Parcel 2 will be separated from Parcel 2 by a Lot Line Adjustment. For purposes of clarity, and at the request of city staff, this proposed LLA is assumed to be in place and, thus, the commercial property is not included in this Short Plat application. Required land use permits, preceded by a Lot Line Adjustment, include the approval of a seven lot Short Plat, a Front Yard Variance for four lots, three Modifications for access, and the Vacation of a utility and pedestrian right-of-way. The subject property is designated as Residential Single-Family in the Comprehensive Plan and is zoned as R-8, Residential Single-Family on the Land Use Map. Property to the north is zoned R-l, to the west is zoned CA, to the south is a combination of CA and R-8, and to the west is R-8. • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT NARRATIVE • Page 2 The existing site is vacant and undeveloped with the exception of the municipal utility services that pass through, but do not serve the site. The site includes multiple special features, including a small on-site portion of larger Class 3 wetland; non-exempt steep slopes; and man-made steep slopes that have been deemed exempt through an approved modification. The soils, slopes and drainage are thoroughly addressed in the geotechnical report include in the application. The soils are generally of the loam and clay varieties with some groundwater flows. The slopes have all been determined to be stable, both by testing and by the evident stability of the steep faces of the man-made cuts made decades ago. Storm water runoff now surface drains and percolates into the natural drainage courses of the undeveloped site. In the completed project, surface water drainage will be collected from the impervious areas and passed through a surface water treatment system as required by City standards, then released iota the City storm water sewer system. No detention of the surface water is proposed. The proposed use of the site is to develop the parcel into seven single-family detached residences, consistent with the existing underlying zoning. Access to all parcels will be from a private drive connecting at single curb-cut to an upgraded cul-de- sac at the existing street end ofN.W. 6,h Street. No lots, including the two lots fronting N.W. 6,h Street, will have direct vehicular access to the right-of-way. The project will include the construction of a cul-de-sac on city right-of-way, a private access road and private turn-around, partial relocation of existing city utilities, and construction of all underground utilities. Included in the proposal is the removal of dead trees and blackberry, as well as construction of surface water biD-filtering systems, in open spaces. Surface construction will include rockeries, asphalt base and paving, curbing, hydro-seeding and slope protection, and site lighting. All municipal and franchise utilities will be extended from existing services. Offsite improvements include right-of-way utility extensions, cul-de-sac paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ligh ting, and landscaping. The construction cost is estimated to be $170,000. The fair market value of the completed plat is estimated to be $800,000. Approximately 2,000 cyds of unsuitable topsoil will be removed and stockpiled on-site for later use and approximately 5,000 cyds of fill material will be imported; most likely from the immediately adjacent commercial site to the east, which is owned by the applicant. • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT NARRATIVE • Page 3 The existing vegetation includes third growth maple, alder, cottonwood, a few fm and hemlock, and an under-story of shrubbery and blackberry. Tree cover exists on all parcels, especially on the steep slopes, but is sparser in the upper plateau, where the work areas exist. Site Data (All numbers are approximate. See the Civil and Survey Data for exact figures) Total Parcel ................................................................................ . Density: -Net Development Area .......................................................... . Total Density Allowed ............................................................ . Total Number of Lots Proposed ............................................ . Proposed Density .................................................................... . Lot Sizes: -Largest Lot Area -Smallest Lot Area -Average Lot Area Tree Count: Existing, including eight (8) in city RO ................................. . -To be removed, including eight (8) in city ROW .................. . Total Existing Wetland On Site .................................................. . Project Environmentally Sensitive Areas Wetlands and Watercourses 80,295 SF 43,368 SF (1.00 acres) 7 7 Residential 7.03 DU/ Acre 24,800 SF 4,550 SF 10,600 SF >125 56 770 SF The site rests on a geologic plateau generally sloping down to the east, surrounded by protected steep slopes on the north and the south and man-made steep slopes to the east. The site is bifurcated by a utility corridor and pedestrian right-of-way cut into the east slope. At the toe of the south slope of the property, there is a small seasonal watercourse surrounded by Class 3 wetlands. The total wetland area extends well beyond the subject site and is approximately 16,600 SF. The onsite portion of this southern wetland is approximately 770 SF. There is also a small seasonal watercourse at the toe of the north slope, approximately 150 ft from the site, surrounded by a Class 2 wetland of approximately 22,000 SF. No work in or around the north and south wetlands and watercourses is included in this application. All required buffers and setbacks, including those proposed in other applications, will be maintained. • /' • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT NARRATIVE • For a complete description of the steep slopes, man-made slopes, slope exemptions, wetlands, wildlife habitat and environmental reconnaissance, see the Technical Reports noted above and included in the application. Steep Slopes Page 4 Portions of the southern and northern edges of the site contain non-exempt slopes with gradients greater than 40%. These slopes continue beyond the subject property onto other parcel, both north and south. General construction has intentionally been kept clear of these slopes. Building setbacks are set in strict accordance with the Geotechnical Report. This project does propose cleaning the dead trees, underbrush and blackberry on the slopes and adding landscaping, which is recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer and the Wetlands Biologist. Project Proposed Modifications. Vacations and Variances Modifications requested for this project are contained in the civil portion of the application and include the Waiver of Secondary Access, approval of Additional Lots on a Private Access, and approval of Private Access Easements and Cross-Sections. Vacation application and approval will be necessary for the Pedestrian Access and Utility Corridor Right-of-Way for which easements, as might be necessary, will be granted by the applicant. The Lot Line Adjustment described more fully above and assumed in this application for purposes of clarity and at staffs request, will be necessary to divide the existing commercial property from the residential property of this short plat application. The commercial property is approximately the south 110 ft of the residential property. Variances to the methodology of measuring the front yard setbacks for four internal lots are required. As a part of this short plat application, those variances are being concurrently filed. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON NOV 0 ~ 2OO't RECEIVED • Sixth Street Short Plat Renton, Washington October 30, 2004 JDA Group, Applicant VARIANCE APPLICATION and JUSTIFICATION Other Technical Documents: • • Geotechnical Engineering Report; prepared by The Riley Group, Inc. -June 2, 2003 • Wildlife Reconnaissance; prepared by Raedeke Associates -September 4, 2004 • Environmental Checklist; prepared by Baylis Architects -October 20, 2004 • Wetlands Delineation Report; prepared by The Riley Group -October 27, 2004 • Habitat Data Report; prepared by Raedeke Associates -October 26, 2004 Project Summary This application is for the approval of a variance for the front yard setback and measuring methodology for four of seven lots within a single family short plat on approximately 1.84 acres located on the 200 block of N.W. 6" Street. Required land use permits, preceded by a Lot Line Adjustment, include approval of this Front Yard Variance, the approval of a seven lot Short Plat, three Modifications for access, and the Vacation of a utility and pedestrian right-of-way. The subject property is designated as Residential Single-Family in the Comprehensive Plan and is zoned as R-8, Residential Single-Family on the Land Use Map. Property to the north is zoned R-t, to the west is zoned CA, to the south is a combination of CA and R-8, and to the west is R-8. The existing site is vacant and undeveloped with the exception of the municipal utility services that pass through, but do not serve the site. The site includes multiple special features, including a small on-site portion of a larger Class 3 wetland; non-exempt steep slopes; and man-made steep slopes that have been deemed exempt through an approved modification. See the Project Environmentally Sensitive Areas information, below. , ------------------ • • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT VARIANCE and JUSTIFICATION Page 2 The soils, slopes and drainage are thoroughly addressed in the geotechnical report include in the application. The soils are generally of the loam and clay varieties with some groundwater flows. The slopes have all been determined to be stable, both by testing and by the evident stability of the steep faces of the man-made cuts made decades ago. Storm water runoff now surface drains and percolates into the natural drainage courses of the undeveloped site. In the completed project, surface water drainage will be collected from the impervious areas and passed through a surface water treatment system as required by City standards, then released into the City storm water sewer system. No detention of the surface water is proposed. The proposed use of the site is to develop the parcel into seven single-family detached residences, consistent with the existing underlying zoning. Access to all parcels will be from a private drive connecting at single curb-cut to an upgraded cul-de- sac at the existing street end of N.W. 6,h Street. No lots, inclucling the two lots fronting N.W. 6,h Street, will have direct vehicular access to the right-of-way. The project will include the construction of a cul-de-sac on city right-of-way, a private access road and private turn-around, partial relocation of existing city utilities, and construction of all underground utilities. Included in th'e proposal is the removal of dead trees and blackberry, as well as construction of surface water bio-filtering systems, in open spaces. Surface construction will include rockeries, asphalt base and paving, curbing, hydro-seeding and slope protection, and site lighting. All municipal and franchise utilities will be extended from existing services. Offsite improvements include right-of-way utility extensions, cul-de-sac paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, lighting, and landscaping. The construction cost is estimated to be $170,000. The fair market value of the completed plat is estimated to be $800,000. Approximately 2,000 cyds of unsuitable topsoil will be removed and stockpiled on-site for later use and approximately 5,000 cyds of fill material will be imported; most likely from the immediately adjacent commercial site to the east, which is owned by the applicant. The existing vegetation includes third growth maple, alder, cottonwood, a few firs and hemlock, and an under-story of shrubbery and blackberry. Tree cover exists on all parcels, especially on the steep slopes, but is sparser in the upper plateau, where the work areas exist. Site Data (All nllmbers are approximate. See the Civil and S lIrvey Data for exact figures) • • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT VARIANCE and JUSTIFICATION Total Parcel ................................................................................ . Density: Net Development Area .......................................................... . Total Density Allowed ............................................................ . Total Number of Lots Proposed ............................................ . Proposed Density .................................................................... . Lot Sizes: Largest Lot Area Smallest Lot Area Average Lot Area Tree Count: Existing, including eight (8) in city RO ................................. . -To be removed, including eight (8) in city ROW .................. . Total Existing Wetland On Site .................................................. . Proiect Environmentally Sensitive Areas Page 3 80,295 SF 43,368 SF (1.00 acres) 7 7 Residential 7.03 DU/Acre 24,800 SF 4,550 SF 10,600 SF >125 56 770 SF For a complete description of the steep slopes, man-made slopes, slope exemptions, slope setbacks, wetlands, wetland buffers, wildlife habitat and environmental reconnaissance, see the Technical Reports noted above and included in the application. Wetlands and Watercourses The site rests on a geologic plateau generally sloping down to the east, surrounded by protected steep slopes on the north and the south and man-made steep slopes to the east. The site is bifurcated by a utility corridor and pedestrian right-of-way cut into the east slope. At the toe of the south slope of the property, there is a small seasonal watercourse surrounded by Class 3 wetlands. The total wetland area extends well beyond the subject site and is approximately 16,600 SF. The onsite portion of this southern wetland is approximately 770 SF. There is also a small seasonal watercourse at the toe of the north slope, approximately 150 ft from the site, surrounded by a Class 2 wetland of approximately 22,000 SF. No work in or around the north and south wetlands and watercourses is included in this application. All required buffers and setbacks, including those proposed in other applications, will be maintained. Steep Slopes --------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT VARIANCE and JUSTIFICATION Page 4 Portions of the southern and northern edges of the site contain non-exempt slopes with gradients greater than 40%. These slopes continue beyond the subject property onto other parcel, both north and south. General construction has intentionally been kept clear of these slopes. Building setbacks are set in strict accordance with the Geotechnical Report. This project does propose cleaning the dead trees, underbrush and blackberry on the slopes and adding landscaping, which is recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer and the Wetlands Biologist. Project Proposed Modifications and Vacations In addition to the Variance applications, the proposed project includes three Modifications Requests and a Vacation application of a 10 ft. wide public access and utility corridor. Modifications requested for this project are contained in the civil portion of the application and include the Waiver of Secondary Access, approval of Additional Lots on a Private Access, and approval of Private Access Easements and Cross-Sections. Vacation application and approval will be necessary for the Pedestrian Access and Utility Corridor Right-of-Way for which easements, as might be necessary, will be granted by the applicant. The Lot Line Adjustment described more fully in the Short Plat application is assumed in this application for purposes of clarity and at staffs request. The LLA is necessary to divide the existing commercial property from the residential property. The commercial property is approximately the south 110 ft of the residential property. Tustification for the Variance For the city to approve a variance, the applicant must demonstrate four conditions as described in the application form. Each criterion is met by the Sixth Street Short Plat application as described below. The applicanl suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to Ihe suo/ect property, including size, shape, lopograpl[y, and localion or surroundings of the subjecl property; and Ihe stricl applicalion of Ihe Building and Zoning Code is found 10 deprive the subjeci property owner of righls and privileges enjoyed by olher property owners in Ihe vicinity and under idenlical classificalion. The existing site totals 1.84 acres which, based on the underlying zoning, would allow for 14.7 homes. Although the city policies encourage the highest and best use of all land and encourages • -------~---------------------- • • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT VARIANCE and JUSTIFICATION Page 5 density where achievable, the Sixth Street Short Plat project proposes only? homes, which is less than half the zoned density. However, density is not the only goal of the city. Other goals include environmental protection, health and safety and many others. The site is encumbered by many environmental amenities, which the applicant is attempting to preserve, including steep slopes, on and off-site wetlands and on-site wetland buffers. Further, the site is located at a street-end originally platted by King County under the relations that were in place decades ago. However, because of the distance to the next intersection and the impossibility of a second access due to the steep slopes, the city fire department has determined that all portions of all the homes must be held within approximately 200 ft from the improved cul-de-sac. All seven of the proposed lots meet this environmental and fire department requiremen t. As a result of the preservation effort and the fire department determination, all of the proposed lots are held as close as possible to a proposed private turn-around in the center of the project. From this turn-around, the lots are all somewhat pie-shaped being tapered in each front yard to the circle. From the front property line, the lots are required by code to hold a 20 ft front yard setback. All seven of the proposed lots meet this requirement when measured to the front property line. However, the city has an obscure requirement that on tapered lots, front yards must be measured from the location at which the lot width is no smaller than 80% of the minimum lot width. Since the minimum lot width for this project is 50 ft, the front yard must be measured from the line at which the lot width is 40 ft. This requirement is met on the two lots fronting to our neighbors on the cul- de-sac (lots 1 and?) and one of the internal lots (lot 2). This requirement is not met at lots 3,4,5 and 6, all of which lots are internal to the project and have no detrimental effect on the neighbors or the city. These non-conforming lots can be brought into conformance by variances to the environmental goals and requirements, variances from the fire department requirements, variances to the 20 ft. front yard requirement, OR variances to how and where the front yard is measured. Since the last option does not threaten the health and safety of citizens, does not impact the environment and does not impact the neighbors, it has been selected as the most benign method of converting this in-city, fully serviced, residential property to productive use. The bulk regulations, including setbacks, for residential properties were developed for applicability to the standard, rectangular lots proposed in most subdivisions. Although every attempt has been made on this short plat to keep each parcel rectilinear, they in fact are generally obtuse in shaped and only three of the seven lots attains full conformance to the front yard setback requirement. • • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT VARIANCE and JUSTIFICATION Page 6 As justification for the variance requests to the method of measuring the front yard setbacks on lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, the applicant requests that the decision maker find that the requests are justified by the special circumstances of the subject property. The shape of the existing parcels are oddly shaped and the proposed parcels, although often rectilinear, are also oddly shaped; the existing topography and the goal of preserving the exempt steep slopes force uniquely shaped parcels in the subject four lots; and the life safety goals of the city caused by the distance to the nearest intersection make other options unattainable. The granting of the variance will not be material!y detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated. The variance requests are directed to only the four lots that are all internal to the site and distant to the nearest neighbors. Special attention and preference has been given Lots 1 and 7. Both face the public street and abut the nearest neighbors and. therefore, no variance is requested. Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 are internal to the project and affect only the internal edges of the other proposed lots. Since these are front yard variance, there will be no affect on the commercial properties in the rear yards. Approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon llseS of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the sflbjeCt property is sitflated. Approval of these variance requests would not constitute special privilege. The proposed lots are constrained by special and unique circumstances including distance to the nearest intersection resulting from the original plat under county regulations, steep slopes and unique lot configurations made necessary by the environmental conditions. Granting of the variance requests is a reasonable solution to make the properry productive. The approval, as determined by the Reviewing Official, is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. Three years ago, the applicant was encouraged by city staff to make application for 16 homes on this and adjacent properties. This attempt failed during the rezone process and remains suspended. One year ago, the applicant began work on 8 homes on the subject property and currently, due to fire department requirements, the application is for 7 homes. As is presented above, multiple variance and modification options exist, but it is thought that the variances to the methodology of measuring the front yard setbacks are the most reasonable and have • • Sixth Street Short Plat PROJECT VARIANCE and JUSTIFICATION the least impact. Thus granting the variances should be deemed as the minimum required to accomplish the desired purpose. Page 7 For all these reasons, the applicant requests that the variances to the methodology of measuring the front yard setbacks be granted. • DEVELOPMENT PlANNI~ CITY OF REmON NOV 0 4 200~ RECEIVED October 27, 2004 t-.Jr. Neil Watts Development Services Director City of Renton Renton City Hall -6tb Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055-3232 Project: Subject: Allladeff Short Plat, Our File No. 203615.10 Revised Modification Request Dear Mr. Watts, • m We arc currently working with Mr . .lack Alliadeff on development of a short plat at tbe 200 Block of NW 6"' Street in the City of Renton. We previously submitted a modification request for this project on September 2, 2004, and received a response from Kayren Kittrick on October 18, 2004 (enclosed). As Kayren notes in her response, comments were received from tbe City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau which have prompted us to revise our proposal. We have been working witb tbe Fire Prevention Bureau on a revised layout which we believe they can support. However, the revised proposal will still require several modifications outlined below. This letter will serve as our formal request for these modifications and replaces our previous request of September 2, 2004. The project involves tbe subdivision of parcels, 956480-0070, 956480-0100, and 956480-0106 into 7 new residential lots. We attended a pre-application meeting with tbe City of Renton development staff on August 1 'J, 2004, where we discussed tbe project and rwo modifications necessary for development of the project. This letter is sent to request the necessary modifications. There are two modifications necessary; the first modification is to alleviate tbe requirement for two access points. The second modification has to do witb tbe type of street proposed for tbe development and tbe number of lots accessing from a private street. Specifically, we are requesting modifications to Chapter 6 (Street and Utility Standards) of tbe Renton l'\"lunicipal Code section 4-6-060.G.2 (Dead End Streets) and Section 4-6-060.].1&2 (private Streets). A copy of the applicable code sections follow: Civil Engineers Structural Engineers Landscape Architects Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors TACOMA 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403-3350 253.383.2422 TEl 253.383.2572 fAX www.ahbl.com i\Ir. Neil Watts October 27, 2004 Page 2 • • 4-6-060.G G. DEAD END STREETS: 1. When Permitted: Dead end streets are permitted where through streets are determined by the Department not to be feasible. For other circumstances, dead end streets may be approved by the Department or Hearing Examiner as part of the plat approval of site plan approval for a proposed development. 2. Cul-de-sacs and Turn-arounds -Minimum Requirements: Minimum standards for dead end streets, when approved by the Department, are as follows: LENGTH OF STREET TYPE OF TURNAROUND For up to 150' in length No turnaround required. From 150' to 300' in length Dedicated hammerhead turnaround or cul-de-sac required. From 300' to 500' in length Cul-de-sac required. From 500' to 700' in length Cul-de-sac required. Fire sprinkler system required for houses. Longer than 700' in length Two means of access and fire sprinklers required for all houses beyond 500'. 3. Turnaround Design: The hammerhead turnaround shall have a design approved by the Administrator and the Bureau of Fire Prevention. 4. Cul-de-sac Design: Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum paved radius of forty five feet (45') with a right-of-way radius of fifty five feet (55') for the turnaround. The cul-de-sac turnaround shall have a design approved by the Administrator and the Bureau of Fire Prevention. 5. Secondary Access: Secondary access for emergency equipment is required when a development of three (3) or more buildings is located more than two hundred feet (200') from a public street. 6. Waiver of Turnaround: The requirement for a turnaround or cul-de-sac may be waived by the Administrator with approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention when the development proposal will not create an increased need for emergency operations pursuant to RMC 4-9-250C, Waiver Procedures. mmmm i\.fr. Neil Watts October 27, 2004 Page 3 • • 4-6-060.J J. PRIVATE STREETS: 1. When Permitted: Private streets are allowed for access to six (6) or less lots, with no more than four (4) of the lots not abutting a public right-of- way. Private streets will only be permitted if the proposed private street is not anticipated by the Department to be necessary for existing or future traffic and/or pedestrian circulation through the subdivision or to serve adjacent property. 2. Minimum Standards: Such private streets shall consist of a minimum of a twenty six-foot (26') easement with a twenty-foot (20') pavement width. The private street shall provide a turnaround meeting the minimum requirements of this Chapter. No sidewalks are required for private streets, however, drainage improvements per City Code are required, as well as an approved pavement thickness (minimum of four inches (4") asphalt over six inches (6") crushed rock). The maximum grade for the private street shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%), except for within approved hillside subdivisions. 3. Signage Required: Appurtenant traffic control devices including installation of traffic and street name signs, as required by the Department, shall be provided by the subdivider. The street name signs will include a sign labeled "Private Street". 4. Easement Required: An easement will be required to create the private street. 5. Timing of Improvements: The private street must be installed prior to recording of the plat unless deferred. Detailed Explanation of Request: The project is located at the end of N\'V 6"' Street. NW G'h Street extends from '1'aylor Avenue and terminates in a cui-dc-sac. The total length of the NW 6'h Street is currently about 650 feet in length. The proposed de,-elopment will gain access from the end of the cui-de-sac with a new private road. The new private road will be approximately 115 feet in length. Because the proposed residential lots will gain access from a dead-end road longer than 700 feet, City Code Section 4-6-060.G.2 would require a second access. However, because of the special circumstances of the subject property, including topographic and wetland constraints, a second access is not feasible. We have discussed the current layout with the Fire Prevention Bureau and believe it is acceptable. [DCJmlJ Mr. Neil Watts October 27, 2004 Page 4 • • The second modification has to do with the "type" of private roadway proposed and includes several modifications. Specifically, we are requesting a modification to City Code Section 4-6-06.].1 to allow 7 lots to gain access from a private road and to allow 6 lots not abutting public right-of-way. In addition, we are requesting a modification to Section 4-6-06.].2 to allow a thirty-foot (30') easement width, twenty four-foot (24') pavement width, and to waive any sidewalk requirements. The proposed lot layout offering this and roadway geometries are shown on the enclosed site plan. The private road will terminate in a cul-de-sac with a 30 foot (30') radius. This tum-around is not intended to be an emergency vehicle tum-around but rather provide an adequate tum-around for the residents of the project. Decision Criteria: We ate requesting the modifications pursuant to section 4-9-2S0.D of the City of Renton Code. The required showings to approve the modification request follow: a. . .. such modification "Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment"; and The sole point of access to the site is by way of N\'V 6'" Street and the site does not abut any other public road right of way. In addition, the property is surrounded by slopes in excess of 40 percent which prohibit a second access. In addition, the surrounding slopes and environmentally sensitive areas would not allow any future extension of the roadway. Because of these special circumstances, construction of a second access to the site is not feasible. We have discussed the proposal with the City of Renton Fire Prevention Bureau and they are agreeable to our proposal provided that the existing cui-de-sac at the end of NW 6'" Street is improved and that the new homes are equipped with fire sprinklers. In addition, the Fire Prevention Bureau does not require an additional emergency vehicle turnaround within the development. The applicant is willing to improve the existing cui-de-sac at the end of NW 6'" Street which does not meet current emergency vehicle access standards (the existing cul-de-sac has a diameter of approximately 44 feet). The applicant is willing to improve the tum-around to a 90 foot diameter cul-de-sac or as large as possible within existing right-of-way. With respect to the "type" of roadway, the applicant is offering a larger pavement width and easement width than standard due to the fact that we arc requesting that seven lots gain access from the roadway. The flexibility to have more than si.x lots accessing from the roadway is necessary to develop the site in accordance with the zoning for the site (Hdu/ ae). mmmil 0.1r. Neil \Vatts October 27, 2004 Page 5 • • The requested modifications are based on sound engineering judgment and approval of the requests would have no adverse affect on safety, function, or appearance, b. . .. such modification Will not be injurious to other property(s) in the vicinity; and Approval of the requested modifications would not be injutious to other property in the vicinity. In fact, thto surrounding neighborhood would benefit by having a larger cuI-de-sac at the end of NW 6'h Street and improved fire safety. In addition, the site is bounded by similar rtosidential property to the cast and steep slopes to the south, north, and west. Therefore, the propostod development would be a nice addition to the neighborhood and would not be injurious to other property in thto vicinity. c. ... such modification Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and It is our objective to conform to the intent and purpose of the Code. However, the surrounding steep slopes and special circumstances of the site make a second access infeasible. The applicant is attempting to develop the site at a reasonable potential and yet fit in with the neighborhood and surrounding uses. In order to develop the sitto to a reasonable potential, the requested design flexibility is necessary. Approval of the requested modifications would also conform to the intent and purpose of the Code by allowing us to dtovelop the site with utility improvements, which would benefit the City and surrounding neighborhood. d. . .. such modification Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and The applicant is proposing to improvto the existing cul-de-sac and widen the on-site private road to mitigate the fact that a second access is not feasible. This mitigation will also improve emergtoncy vehicle access to the surrounding neighborhood and provide a wider road for the residtonts. With approval of the requested modifications, the proposed development will provide a nice addition to the City, be adequate for emergency vehicles, and provide an adequate access for the site. c. . .. such modification Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity, i\pproval of the requested modification would not create adverse impacts to other property in the vicinity. As stated previously, the surrounding neighborhood would benefit by a larger cuI-de-sac at the end of NW 6'h Street and improve fire safety. The private roadway will have signs stating that it is a private road. mmmll l\1r. Neil \X1atts October 27, 2004 Page 6 • • I trust that the comments above are adequate for your review and approval of the requested modifications. Your prompt review of this request will be much appreciated. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at (253) 383-2422. jii~~ Matt Weber, P.E. Project Manager !V[\'(1/lak Enclosure c: Jack Albadeff,JDA Group Rich Wagner, Baylis Architects Kayren Kittrick, City of Renton Susan Fiala, City of Renton Corey Thomas, City of Renton Fire Prevention Glenn Hume, AHBL (Spokane) K: \ Civil\ Y r_2003 \203615\Short Plat\615-.".lhadeff-SP-rcv-mod-rcqucst-l 0-27 -04.doc 615ltr041027.doc mmmm Kathy Keolker-Wbecler, Mayor October 18, 2004 Matt Weber AHBL • 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300 Tacoma, W A 98403-3350 Subject: AlhadotT Short Plat Request for Modification Dear Mr. Weber: CITY.F RENTON PlanningIBuildingfPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator RECEIVED A H B L, INC. The request for modification to City of Renton street standards dated September 2, 2004 asks for all the following: 1. Waive Secondary Access: The accumulated distance from the nearest intersection exceeds 700'. The Bureau of Fire Prevention has denied the request for modification or waiver. 2. Request for Additional Lots on Private Access: Given the constraints of the site, Public Works Development Services would consider this modification favorable if Fire Prevention requirements are met. 3. Modification of Private Access Easement and Cross-section: Consideration may be given to this request· once a clear proposal is available along with appropriate calculations and justifications for the proposed design. As a new proposal has been submitted that is significantly different from the proposal referenced in this modification request, this request is hereby considered rescinded. Any modifications required for the actual proposal will be considered separately and without prejudice at the time of submi ttal. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Fiala at 425-430-7382. Sincerely, i~tt~&(V Development Engineering Supervisor Public Works Inspections & Permits Development Services Division CC: Susan Fiala Laureen Nicolay . S tan Engler Neil Watts ------------~IO~5~5~S~ou-t~h~G~rn~d~y7.W7a-y--=R-en-to-n-,7.W~a~sh~in-~-o-n-9~8~O~575------------~ ® This p~per contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AIIEAO OF THE CURVE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON • • THE RILEY GROUP, INC. APPENDIX 2: WETLAND BOUNDARY MAP vtTLAND ---- ~.- NOV 042004 RECElV "I ~ 'land Delineation & Mitigation Report 20 June B. 2004 • Sixth Street Short Plat Renton, Washington October 27, 2004 JDA Group, Applicant • PROTECT CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION This application is for the approval of a short plat for seven single family parcels and will include the construction of a cul-de-sac on city right-of-way, a private access road and turn- around, partial relocation of existing city utilities, and construction of all underground utilities. Included in the proposal is the removal of dead trees and noxious weeds, construction of surface water boifiltering systems in open spaces. Surface construction will include rockeries, asphalt base and paving, curbing, hydroseeding and slope protection and site lighting. No buildings are proposed as part of this application, but they are anticipated under future applications. All municipal and franchise utilities will be extended from existing serVlces. Construction is scheduled to commence in the Spring of 2005 and is anticipated to be completed in the Summer of that same year. The hours of operation for the construction will be from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The unsuitable materials, when disturbed, will be exported from the site and dumped in a legal fill site. Suitable and reusable fill materials will be redistributed on-site. The import of fill materials is required, and will be hauled, as might be required, across surface roads from an approved borrow entering the site from Rainier Avenue to the east and NW 6'h street to the west. It is hope that most if not all of the import material will come from the immediately adjacent site to the west, which is owned by the applicant. Measures to mitigate the impacts of the proposed construction will include installation of an approved Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Pian, installation and maintenance of mud wash-off areas, periodic sweeping of paved access areas and roads adjacent to the site, periodic wetting of dry soils to reduce dust, and periodic maintenance of equipment to reduce emISSIons. Construction traffic will access the site from both Rainier Ave and from NW 6'h Street. If necessary, trained flaggers and traffic controllers will be employed to protect the public safety. • • "" " .. • 1!~ • /. ,-"-' ., . I J •• -: .. ~ ! . ~ -i.: ..I :"~:-1 H: . " .J • • NOV 042004 RECEIVED DENSITY WORKSHEET DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON . City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. ]?0l '.;;ft5 square feet 2. Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include public roadways, private access easements serving 3 or more dwelling units, and critical areas: Total excluded area:"" 2. ~q :), square feet 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 3. ;.j?J,'~ ~ square feet 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 4. ,99 (P acres 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: 5. __ -'-__ units/lots 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6./·D O d.u./acre '7 lots or units would result in a net density of 7 uP dwelling units per acre. ·Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations not including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:lWEBIPWlDEYSERVlFormslPlanningldensity.doc08129/03 1 • • PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist isto provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICANTS: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if questions do not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal. Even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NONPROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for non project proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. NlI'~\NG OE.\lEd-~~~ !'.ENlot'l ~O'J ~ ~ 1~~~ flE.eEWED --~ • Environmental Checklist A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Sixth Street Short Plat 2. Name of Owner and Applicant: JDA Group, LLC and J.D. Kline 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Richard L. Wagner, Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street, Suite 110 Bellevue, W A., 98004 425·454·0566 4. Date checklist prepared: October 28, 2004 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton, Development Services Division 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Summer 2005 Construction complete in Fall of 2007 • 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No. All construction will occur on a phased, per house basis. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. A Wetlands Delineation Report, a Steep Slopes Analysis, a Geotechnical Report, a determination of Steep Slope Stability and a Steep Slope Exemption Report have been prepared by The Riley Group. Additionally, a Habitat Data Report and a Wildlife Reconnaissance has been prepared by Raedeke Associates. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. There has been filed an application for a Site Plan Review approval for the construction of a parking lot on the south approximately 110 feet of the south parcel of this short plat application. This proposed parking lot is on property zoned CA, will be developed under separate permits, and is not a part of this application. Included in the south parkin~ lot application is review of changes, and mitigation of those changes, to the eXisting wetland and watercourse. Prior to the recording of the this short plat application, the Lot Line Adjustment will be required to have been approved. Thus, for purposes of clarity, and in conformance with the re!luest from city staff, the Lot Line Adjustment is assumed to be in place in this apphcation. 2 • • Environmental Checklist 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Certain Requests for Modification are a part of this aI?plication. A Vacation of an existing utility corridor and pedestrIan right-of-way is required. A variance of the front yard setback requirements as measured from a private street is a part of this application. Building and General Construction Permits are required, prior to commencement of construction. 11. Give brief. complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. This project proposes to legally divide three existing recorded parcels into seven (7) single-family residential lots via a short plat aI?plication and approval. Pursuant development of these lots as single-family homes IS expected. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. The site is located at the existing east street-end of NW 6th Street in the Lakeview Nei!?hborhood of Renton. The site is a plateau set lower than the street grade, slopIng away from the street. The address is in the 200 block of NW 6th Street. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other ______ _ The site rests on a geologic plateau generally sloping down to the east, surrounded by protected steep slopes to the south and north, and an exempt steep slope to the east. The site is bifurcated by a utility corridor cut into the existin;; east slope by the city. See the attached Protected Slope Exemption through Modification. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximately percent slope)? Steepest slopes on the site are approximately 45%. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Soils are generally a loam and clay variety. See Geotechnical Report d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. 3 Environmental Checklist • • No. Quite the opposite, the site has a history of being excavated in the 1950's for fill materials for the Renton Airport and construction of Interstate 405. The resulting hillsides -with manmade steep slopes -have been found to be geologically stable. See Geotechnical Report. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximately quantities of any fill or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The source of fill material will be an approved borrow site and is expected to be the adjacent commercial property at the toe of the east slope. Excavated Materials: Approximately 2,000 cyds of duff and unsuitable topsoil materials. Import Fill Materials: Approximately 5,000 CYDS. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe It is possible that some erosion could occur as a result of clearing and grading, utility and structures improvements. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Final impervious area will be approximately 35% of total site area. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: 2. AIR Reduction and control of erosion will be implemented by using erosion- prevention practices as recommended by the project soils engineer and approved by the Cit;' of Renton. Construction work Including landscapin!7 is proposed along the tops of the slopes and setbacks from the slopes in strIct accordance with the geotechnical engineers approval. No work is proposed on the protected steep slopes. a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, and industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During construction, emissions to the air would include occasional dust raised during the clearing and construction process, plus diesel exhaust fumes from operating earth-moving vehicles and construction trucks. After the project is completed and in use, emissions to the air would be those associated with residential occupancy, such as barbeque, and parking and traffic. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any. 4 Environmental Checklist 3. WATER • • Periodic maintenance of all construction equipment and restriction of long- term idling of engine_ a. Surface Water: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. There exists a small seasonal watercourse south of and north of the existing property after the Lot Line Adjustment The south watercourse is surrounded by Class 3 wetlands, The north watercourse is surrounded by Class 2 wetlands. Both these north and south wetlands and watercourses, as stated in paragraph A.9 above, are not part of this application. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No. See paragraph A.9 above, 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. 4) None Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 1 DO-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No. b. Ground Water: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... ; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. No. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 5 • • Environmental Chec:kllst 1 ) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? With this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Storm water runoff will be collected from the impervious areas and passed through a surface water treatment system as required by City standards, then released into the City storm water sewer system. No detention of the surface water is proposed. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Not likely. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: All exposed open land resulting from grading and construction will be landscaped wIth approrriate ground cover planting to hold the soil and mitigate the impacts 0 surface runoff. 4 PLANTS (See Habitat Data Report) a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: ...JL deciduous tree: alder. maple, aspen, other cottonwood, willow _x_ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other ...JL shrubs ...JL grass pasture crop or grain __ water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other _x_ other types of vegetation Noxious weeds including Himalayan blackberry b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Alder, cottonwood and willow trees, general lower canopy woodland plants and noxious weeds will be removed for construction and improvements. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. There have been sightings of blue heron, but a habitat study shows that they are temporary and are not forming a rookery. See the Wildlife Reconnaissance. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants. or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: The existing protected and non· protected steep slopes will be cleaned of noxious weeds, dead trees and non-indiginous undergrowth, and new groundcovers and vegetaion will be healed in to protect soils. Residential areas will be partially landscaped by the residential developers and finished by the buyers. 5. ANIMALS (See Habitat Data Report) 6 • • Environmental Checklist a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other songbirds and blue herons Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other small fauna Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other ---'n...,o"'n"'e"-_____ _ b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. See Wildlife Reconnaissance and the Habitat Data Report. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: On the non-impervious areas, emr.hasis will be placed on reintroducing native plants -grass lawn areas Will be minimized. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity will provide power for the residences and site lighting. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The project will be constructed to meet the current standards of the Washington State Energy Code, as well as working with any energy conservation programs established by the City of Renton. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services are anticipated. The completed residences will marginally increase the needs of normal emergency services of health, fire and police. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: There are no environmental health hazards foreseen coming from this project. 7 • • Environmental Cheddist b. Noise: 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, aircraft, other)? The noise generated by airplane/jet takeoffs and landings at Renton Airport affect this site, as does the truck and auto traffic on Rainier Ave. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long·term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short·term noises will be generated from construction equil?ment and materials delivery trucks. These noises would occur primanly Monday through Friday, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. On a long· term basis, noise would be ~enerated by vehicles entering and leaving the site, and, hopefully periodIc neighborhood parties and events. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: During construction, this project will comply with all noise standards established by the City of Renton. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The subject site is currently undeveloped. There are undeveloped properties to the north, and developed residential property to the south and west. Property to the east is in commercial use. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. None. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? None. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? The site is currently zoned R·8, Single. Family Residential. The southern 110 ft is zoned CA, Commercial Arterial and will be separated from this application by a Lot Line Adjustment prior to recording. f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Residential Single Family g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not Applicable 8 • • Envirormental Checklist h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Wetland and watercourses exist north of the site and south of the site, after the Lot Line Adjustment is recorded, as described in paragraph A.9 above. Protected steep slopes exist on the north and south portions, and an exempt steep slope eXIsts on the east portion of the site. See Protected Slope Exemption through Modification. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 20. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None. I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: See Project Narrative. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how man'y units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. Seven middle-income homes will be provided at the completion of the project. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Single-Family Residential structures anticipated on this site would be no more than 30 ft in height, as defined by the City of Renton Land-use Code. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. 9 • • EnVironmental CheCklist None. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Light and glare might be produced from windows in the completed residential structures and periodic automobile and delivery trucks. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: Alllighting will have fixtur es selected to control glare. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Walking and biking on residential streets. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. None. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None. Does not apply. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, sCientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None. Does not apply. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: None. Does not apply. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. 10 Environmental Cheddist • • The site will be accessed via a single shared private drive from NW 6'h Street, east of Taylor Ave. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not. what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Two blocks to the east. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The completed project will provide approximately 28 parking spaces, including a minimum of two parking spaces per residential structure plus guest parking. There are no current parking spaces provided on this sIte. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets. or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). This project will provide completion of the existing street end cul-de-sac to current city standards. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. The project anticipates approximately 70 VTD's_ Peak volumes would occur during the weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and from 4 to 6 p.m. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: None. 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. As with any small addition to the housing stock, there will be a slight rise in the need for all public services. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities current available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service. telephone. sanitary sewer, septic system, other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. 11 • environmental Chedclist Electricity: Natural Gas: Water: Sewer: Storm: Refuse: Telephone: Cable: Puget Sound Energy Puget Sound Energy City of Renton City of Renton City of Renton Waste Management Comcast Comcast • During construction, there will be a need for temporary electrical and water service. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned. state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non- significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willf ck of full disclosure on my part. Applicant: Proponent: Name Printed: Contact: Date: ENVCHLST.DOC REVISED 6/98 Jack Alhadeff, General Manager Richard Wagner, Vice President Baylis Architects October 28, 2004 12 c . 0021003 ~ ~ • , • Crry . )F RENTON Kathy Keolker·Wbeeler. Mayor April 12. 2004 Richard L. Wagner, Principal Baylis Architects· '10801 Main Street Bellevue, WA 98004 Subject: Protected Slopes Exception through Modification Oear Mr. Wagner: PlanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Adminlstrator I , . As you have requested, I have evaluated the geotechnical report that you submitted as well as the slope evaluaUon from The Riley Group, Inc. dated October 29,2003 in order to determine whether or not the slopes on your site qualify for an "exception through modification" per Renton Municipal Code Section 4-3-050J .5. -The Slope Evalualion submitted by The Riley Grou'p, Inc. concludes: " ... [It} is oW conclusion that the northern and southern east-fadng stS{!P .slopes, and the ~op of the north- facing slope associated with the southern ea~t-ta~ng slopes, were man-made by WSDOT andlor the' subsequent site owner, and that they w~re the result of nalUl:al resoun:e recoveiy activities, utility installation, andlor public and private road improvements. This includE's the limited-heigh( (typically about 10 feet tall) steep north-facing and south-facing slopes associated Wit/I the utility installation that traversed the top of the steep ~outhern east-facing s'Jope (e.ast of N. W ffh .Street)." 'Regarding the history of slopes not addressed above, the Slope Evaluation states: . "The south-facing and the remaining north-facing "Slopes, directly adjacent to the southern east-facing slope, also may have been aNared .. However, pased on. aeria'J photographs from 1956 to 2002. the shape of the Jevel area at the toe of the slope and along Rajn!er Avenue rsmuined,about the same, indicating that significant additional grading did not occur. No other anecdotal or recorded evidence was found indicating additional work on these areas." It is my determination that the slopes. identified on Exhibit A qualify for Exceptions through modification, per . Renton Munjcipal Code Section 4-3-050,J5.bii. Therefore, filling and' grading;could occur on the·slopes . identified in Exhibit A, with the 'benefi( of tM applicable permits.and land use approvals. Although the slopes qualify for excep~ons through modification, grading permits and/or. a.fiU and grade land use approval may still be required. Please submit plans to the Developmenl-Servic.es Division for the appropriate permit processes prior to beginning any work on site. Furthermore, this determination that the slopes qualify for an exception through modification does not mean that development or construction will be allowed on the slopes. RMC 4-3- 050.J5.bii allows only filling and grading on slopes that qualify for the el.:ception. Further geotechnical review will be required as parto! any proposed development on the subject sit". This determination will be final unless a written appeal of this adminislr<ltive determinatio~ is filed with the Cilys Hearing Examiner within 14 days of the date of this letter. See Section 4-8-11 of Ihe Renton Municipal Code for further information of the appeal process. . . Sincerely, t2~~fL7/I11I1fe!JI4~ Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator -------jC':O-"S"CS"CS-ou-t-:-h-=G;-r.-d-:-v-W-=.-Y-_-R-e-n-to-n-. W":-a-sh-in-.-to-n-9-S0-S-S-------~ , , \~W\~ C-TN' un\..\.~ CVT' ~ ~-> ~l" I'll 1! ~ J " , " I Reference: Boundary & Topographic Survey "Rainier Avenue Mix.ed Use", by Triad Associates, dated 26 September 2002 , • ", • 'II" 'I ~,'~:=:~ IQ4-Z QVj, ~}~ - :1,;.j -', " ': '\ , '1111"':'0 i I I I • I : c:::) ~f'T. ":>\aq:' ~pe:, ~.?&,.6+ The Riley Group, Inc. 10721 LAKE CIlYWAYNE SRAmE, WASHINGTON 98125 ' __ • _.... ~ .l-Jolpo\~\-,\.\,~.,,'l:.E.. 1 " 'I +N Qaphh::al Scale: ,". PJJ Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project ..:----,FIgure 3 EXhlbd-A ,-' 0' o '" .. • -• DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF REillTON The Riley Group, Inc. Engineering· EnvironlTIcntal • Wet1.and Services RECEIVED October 29, 2002 JDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street Renton, Washington 98055 Attn: Me Jack Alhadeff Subject: Slope Evaluation Rainier Ave. Mixed Usc Project 559 to 625 Rainier Ave. North Renton, Washington Riley Projcct No. 2002-062 Dear Mr. Alhadeff: This letter summarizes the results of the slope evaluation completed by The Riley Group, Inc. (Riley) at the Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project site located at 559 to 625 Rainier Ave. North in Renton, Washington. The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the nature and origin of the steep slopes located on the property and evaluate whether the slopes on site qualified for a possible exception to the Renton Municipal Code prohibition of grading on, and setbacks from, protected slopes. Although some of the slopes are steep enough to be considered "protected slopes", some of them may have been modified from their original, natural, configuration. Our scope of work was to research and document the nature and origin of the existing slopes. Riley completed our services in general accordance with our Standard Agrcement for Consulting Services, dated April 30, 2002, and pcr subsequent correspondence with Me Alhadeff and other design team members. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND UNDERSTANDING The Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 4-3-050-J-5 prohibits development on protected slopes. Protected slopes are defined as slopes with an average slope equal to or greater than 40 percent and a vertical height of at least 15 feet (RMC 4-11-190). However, an exception to this prohibition may be granted ("Exceptions through Modification", Section 4-3-050-J-5-b-ii) for: "Grading to the extent that it eliminates all or portions of a mound or to allow reeonfiguration of protected slopes created through mineral and natural resource recovery activities or public or private road installation or widening and related transportation improvements, railroad track installation or improvement, or public or private utility installation activities, pursuant to subsection N2 of this Section, Modifications" There arc slopes steeper than 40 percent on the site. This can be seen on the attached Boundary & Topographic Survey, Figure A. Offices located in Washington, C)I-egon and Calit~onlia 10728 Lake City Way N .E. -Seattle. W A 98 t 25 -Tel (206) 417-0551 -Fax (206) 417-0552 hi tp: 'V.! 'oN '\.V. R i ley-C; rOllp.cOITl • JDA Group, LLC Slope Evaluation -Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, WA SITE IDSTORY • October 29, 2002 Riley Project No. 2002-062 Page 2/5 A Riley representative researched the easement and permit information available at King County, archived files at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and historical aerial photos available at Aerolist Photographers, Inc. in Renton and at Walker and Associates in Tukwila (3-D stereoscopic review). We also interviewed Mr. Randy Rockhill, a former school teacher and Renton City Council member, who has lived in Renton for approximately 69 ycars. During his 34 years of teaching, he regularly drove past the site on his way to and from work, and he still frequently drives by the site. In addition, we reviewed a Boundary & Topographic Survey for the site reccntly completed by Triad Associates. In the following discussion, references to supporting information attached to this letter are made based on bracketed Figure designation (alpha: A, B, C, ... ) and area or element designation on a given figure (numeric: I, 2, 3, ... ). For example, [C-4] refers to arcalelement 4 indicated on Figure C. The designated figures are listed below. More detailed information on these figures is included in the Attachments list at the end of this letter. A. Boundary & Topographic Survey by Triad B. Air Photo -Walker -1936 C. Air Photo -Walker -1946 D. Air Photo -Walker -1956 E. F. G. H. I. 1. K. Air Photo -Aerolist -1959 WSDOT Drawing, contract sheet number II of 24 Title Report Plat Map Permit to Extend Slopes -1940 WSDOT contract reference card Quit Claim Deed -1956 Interview log According to Mr. Rockhill [K] and historical aerial photo review (1936 & 1946 aerials), the east- facing slopes on the site previously extended to the current Rainier Avenue. The remaining large north-facing or south-facing slopes on the site were associated with two ravines, one on the north end of the site and one on the southern border, that drained into the valley to the east. The ravines appcared to be natural drainage pathways from the terrain above (stereoscopic review). According to our conversation with Mr. Jim Johnson of the WSDOT Engineering Records Department, the two east-facing slopes along the subject property were altered via excavation and embankment as part of a WSDOT roads project, between approximately 1940 and 1942, for the purpose of highway widening from 2 lanes to 4 lanes. The attached WSDOT drawing ("SRI67; Scattle to Renton", for contract sheet II of24 sheets, latest revision 8-23-44) [F] shows the portion of the subject property that runs along Rainier Avenue NOrtJ,. The drawing references WSDOT contract No. 2643. The attached copy of the reference card for contract No. 2643 [IJ indicates the dates of the work (September 1940 til rough December 1941) and nature of the improvement (Grading and Paving). Also attached is a copy of the permit to extend slopes at the property (King County reference No. 3103931, WSDOT reference No. 323) [HJ. The original drawing available at WSDOT has hand notes that reference the permit #323 directly on the subject property. Excavation for borrow matcrial was THE RILEY GROUP, INC. 2002_062 [IDA Group -R~ntnn Mixed Usc: -letter 29OCTIOO2j final • lOA Group, LLC Slope Evaluation -Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, WA • October 29, 2002 Riley Project No. 2002-062 Page 3/5 indicated at 2 locations [F-l, F-3] and fill was indicated at 2 locations [F-2, F-4]. Approximate arcas of excavation are apparent on the 1946 aerial photos [C-2, C-I]. In this letter, the area of [C-l] is referred to as the nortbern east-facing slope, and the arca of [C-2] is referred to as the southern east- facing slope. The title report for the property indicates that WSDOT owned the property up until 1956, and up until that time, the site was vacant and undeveloped. The site was then sold and developed by Mr. Robert Edwards (Quit Claim Deed dated September 13, 1956) Pl. Our review of the 1956 and 1959 aerial photos confirms this timetable. Mr. Edwards excavated the southern east-facing site slope furtber so that buildings could be constructed (Randy Rockhill interview and 1956 aerial). Aerial photograph review and current site conditions suggest that at least some of the soil may have been used to fill low spots on the nortb end of the property in order to level the site. Some of the soil excavated from the slopes may have been transported off-site to be used as fill material. Aerial photographs show what appears to be a road cut into the southern east-facing slope for access to the street above (1956 and 1959 aerials) [0-1], [E-I]. The current topography suggests the remnants of this road. The road appears to have started at the toe of the south end of the east-facing slope, traversed and climbed the slope as it headed nortb, and then turned west at the top of the nortb end of the east-facing slope to lead to the east end ofNW 6th Street. This would have involved grading along the east-facing slope, and at the top of the east-facing and nortb-facing slopes. The road appears to have been modified by subsequent utility installation (discussed below). The road is currently abandoned. In addition to the cutting of the slopes for building construction and recovery of borrow material for grading by Edwards, and construction of the road, a utility trench was cut into the southern east-facing slope and the top of the slope in the 1980's (Title report). This resulted in limited-height (typically about 10 feet tall), steep, nortb-facing and south-facing slopes The south-facing and the remaining nortb-facing slopes, directly adjacent to the southern east-facing slope, also may have been altered. However, based on aerial photographs from 1956 to 2002, the shape of the level area at the toe of the slope and along Rainier Avenue remained about the same, indicating that significant additional grading did not occur. No other anecdotal or recorded evidence was found indicating additional work on these areas. EVALUATION AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of our research, it is our conclusion that the nortbern and southern east-facing steep slopcs, and the top of the nortb-facing slope associated with the southern east-facing slope, wcre man-made by WSDOT and/or the subsequent site owner, and that they were the result of natural resource recovery activities, utility installation, and/or public and private road improvements. This includes the limited-height (typically about 10 feet tall) stcep nortb-facing and south-facing slopcs associated with the utility installation that traversed thc top of the steep southern east-facing slope (east of N.W. 6th Street). Accordingly, it is our opinion that these slopes qualify for Exceptions through Modification, as described in RMC Section 4-3-050-J-5-b-ii. The nortb-facing and south-facing site slopes, directly adjacent to the southern east-facing slope, also may have been altered beyond that discussed above. THE RILEY GROUP, INC, 2002_062 [IDA Group -Renton Mixed Use _letter 290CT20021 final • JDA Group, LLC Slope Evaluation -Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, WA LIMITATIONS • October 29, 2002 Riley Project No. 2002-062 Page 4/5 Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget for our services, we have attempted to complete our work in accordance with generally accepted professional principles and practices in the field of geotechnical engineering followed in this arca at the time this report was prepared. No warranty, express or implied, is made. We trust this Ictter satisfies your current needs. If you have any questions or comments, or you need additional information or services, please call. // -~~ ~IDS~r Environmental Assessor William M. Klick, P.E. Senior Engineer iley Senior Project Manager Attachments: see following page cc: Rich Wagner, Baylis Architects THE RILEY GROUP, INC. 2002-062 {IDA Group -Renton Mixed Usc _ letter 290CTIOO2j final • • JDA Group, LLC October 29, 2002 Riley Projeet No. 2002-062 Page 5/5 Slope Evaluation -Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, WA Attachments: Figure A Aerial Photos Figure B Figure C Figure D Figure E Figure F Figure G FigureH Figure I Figure J Figure K Boundary & Topographic Survey, "Rainier Avenue Mixed Use", by Triad Associates, dated 9-26-02 1936 -Walker and Associates 1946 -Walker and Associates 1956 -Walker and Associates 1959 -Aerolist Photographers, Inc WSDOT drawing, "SRI67, Seattle to Renton", for contract sheet 11 of 24 sheets, latest revision 8-23-44 Plat Map included in Title Report by Stewart Title, effective date February 26, 2001 King County "Permit to Extend Slopes", granted by Ray N. Latimer to WSDOT, dated May 1, 1940, King County reference No. 3103931, WSDOT reference No. 323 WSDOT reference card for Contract No. 2643 Quit Claim Deed, granted by WSDOT to Robert L. Edwards et ai, dated September 13, 1956, file no. 4733794 Interview log, with Randy Rockhill, September 24, 2002 THE RILEY GROUP, INC. 2002-062IJDA Group Renton Mixed Use -leIter 29OCT20021 [mal • • .. ., '\ \ ~ I I I i o MF;' -,', ~ ". . ~ '!". ' . . ~_~ )'Ji: . :&:"' .... --, ' .: . N ,·,t··.· .. ·/ ',,: .',' -': " ., .' .... 1 I u o ------------- • 50 , p .. 0_ c • 3 !: p < ------ e ~ < lu.Yds. e.orra....., I rar ROad ...... ay 1mbonlo...) ~[.c.ov. C.uYd~ [rnbonlo.,"'<tnl C.u.Yd~ • • N • -.,.....- c..uYd.". ? " , I Appcooch ;T::.-o_ £mbonkmwl I 5, l R:ood"'lT1 ~TO"I X. (,ruv~1 ~ud. I 50.1d fill~r = Ov~rhoul I IlJ.Yds. C.u.Yd.". (u.Yd.". -~- ERl"1 I 24 J<J/. 'I.I'J.~ --:.~ IS I b i lie. i.; .. oS! SEATTLE TO-RENTON KING COUNTY ~ ... __ C>O""w ..... ~ OOl7 ........... .....-r or_ ... v. o.. ........ _.~_~ _:0... • '''"''" ~ -.0 _aT VtJorr •. ..-..cH._ ~;",:'"'-~> "-000.. .. • .... C./rl.Corc.~HIg/"I EfrIy5fr. ·31"'t'ol::l.,. .. Oriv • .wo), . C>r) Rt UnU. (~CO'v. T ~ C.uYd~ S.,l RdWy.know 10 _ _ ~(,ra~l ,""r[ 10 F\6. F .1 l11li(= 3d Rd....iy. rx..-r. I - C. u.'i<::b. " I" , , .II Sanctity of Contract STEW ART TITLE • ORDER NO. -=2_o_0~.C-.1 -,I 3"--.5_2-_0_ SectioD, __ _ Township __ _ R:ange __ Short Pl2t Rec. No. ---,----- Volume. ___ _ P.ge __ ·._ + N This sketch is provided without charge for YOllf-information. It is not intended to show all maners ~elated to !.he property ~cluding." but not limited to area, dimensions, casements, encroachments or location of boundaries. It is not a part of. nor does it modify. the commiunenc or policy to which it is anachcd. The company assumes NO LlABILIlY for any maner rdated to this sketch. Reference should be made to an accur.He survey for further infonnarion. FI q. " . "-<1 ',3:1.u:mat H P!Illl(IT ,TO lIXTP::ND SLOPES A6 'r.J/Ol/ ALL'MEII BY TJ!!SlI: PRESEm'S, ThAt lV,,' II,L.,ti~"r,. Irot/RL BiR S78i-;,,: .PeIl5{fco/.II, floridn ' , of tho Count, of CSCi/Hsi!J- /10 the Statetof~, for PJld In consldere.t1on of the benefits -and other VI!..; ... e.b)e ,consl~,atlana, and the .s_ or t:~ /' n,llar -. Inhand,pa!d,tho,re,c.elpt vher.of Is horob, aclrnovlod;;od, dO~ horob, grant U;;C' tho Stnti"Of'l\ .. h1nston, the rlSht, prl,Uol!" and permit to r ... o .. , and/or ploce "'~ dfJPosit earthj6ater~a1 .from and/or .upon the hereinafter deSCribed. landa-adJacent !.o the hl8hva.,r in-,·tho ex tons ion of elopes 'of excavation e.nd./or embankment: as ~Urvn'; .. ~ over nn': -IlCrCl:-:;-: Lots 1 fUld ;.~, illack If;; i...ots l-:':-:~ ~nd 4., =-lock ~2,;;.!f. 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K • ;0-- 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT. txt Parcel name: 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT North: 182398.7653 East : 1297647.1376 Line course: N 14-07-44 E Length: 55.28 North: 182452.3730 East : 1297660.6316 Line Course: S 78-35-39 E Length: 171. 32 North: 182418.4933 East : 1297828.5683 Line Course: S 16-27-39 E Length: 349.34 North: 182083.4714 East : 1297927.5572 Line Course: S 88-46-50 w Length: 190.48 North: 182079.4177 East : 129773 7 .1203 Line Course: N 76-29-27 w Length: 147.00 North: 182113.7570 East : 1297594.1874 Line Course: N 01-04-37 E Length: 102.40 North: 182216.1389 East : 1297596.1121 Line Course: 5 76-29-27 E Length: 102.60 North: 182192.1715 East : 1297695.8734 Line Course: N 20-05-39 W Length: 128.53 North: 182312.8778 East 1297651.7151 curve Len~th: 114.44 Radius: 45.00 De ta: 145-42-37 Tangent: 145.87 Chord: 86.00 Course: N 03-02-43 w Course In: N 20-11-24 W Course out: N 14-05-59 E RP North: 182355.1126 East : 1297636.1840 End North: 182398.7569 East : 1297647.1465 Perimeter: 1361.39 Area: 80,297 sq. ft. 1.84 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed Error Closure: 0.0122 Error North: -0.00833 precision 1: 111,589.34 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 46-57-39 E East : 0.00892 • O~v. --------------------------------------------------------------------o~~-- parcel name: LOT 1 ~ o~~~ North: 182398.7653 East : 1297647.1376 VY(J -9~;'~~ Line Course: N 14-07 -44 E Length: 55. 28 ~~ f 01!~~ North: 182452.3730 East: 1297660.6316 ~~~/~ ~ Line Course: S 78-35-39 E Length: 78.82 '~~~~ North: 182436.7858 East: 1297737.8950 '<t, Line Course: S 07-12-48 W Length: 126.32 North: 182311.4655 East: 1297722.0338 Line Course: N 63-02-53 W Length: 51.32 North: 182334.7260 East: Curve Length: 80.78 Radius: Delta: 102-51-08 Tangent: Chord: 70.36 Course: Course In: N 63-02-53 W Course out: RP North: 182355.1219 East: End North: 182398.7662 East: 1297676.2878 45.00 56.42 N 24-28-27 W N 14-05-59 E 1297636.1754 1297647.1378 Perimeter: 392.52 Area: 7,857 sq. ft. 0.18 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed Error closure: 0.0010 Error North: 0.00093 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 16-03-38 E East : 0.00027 page 1 • 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT. txt Precision 1: 392,520.00 parcel name: LOT 2 North: 182436.7866 East : 1297737.8945 Line Course: S 07-12-48 w Length: 126.32 North: 182311. 4663 East 1297722.0332 Line Course: S 63-02-53 E Length: 21. 25 North: 182301. 8349 East 1297740.9752 Line Course: N 07-12-48 E Length: 55.54 North: 182356.9353 East 1297747.9490 Line Course: N 73-32-21 E Length: 94.76 North: 182383.7865 East 1297838.8251 Line Course: N 16-27-39 w Length: 36.19 North: 182418.4932 East 1297828.5703 Line Course: ~ 78-35-39 w Length: 92.50 North: 182436.7858 East 1297737.8971 Perimeter: 426.56 Area: 7,061 sq. ft. 0.16 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed Error Closure: 0.0028 courses, radii, and deltas) course: S 73-08-17 E East: 0.00267 Error North: -0.00081 precision 1: 152,342.86 parcel name: LOT 3 North: 182356.9384 Line Course: N 73-32-21 E North: 182383.7896 Line Course: S 16-27-39 E North: 182300.8637 Line Course: N 78-35-39 W North: 182318.4067 Line Course: 5 54-44-56 W North: 182298.3042 Line Course: N 63-02-53 W North: 182301. 8350 Line Course: N 07-12-48 E North: 182356.9354 East : 1297747.9481 Length: 94.76 East 1297838.8242 Length: 86.47 East 1297863.3263 Length: 88.71 East 1297776.3683 Length: 34.83 East 1297747.9250 Length: 7.79 East 1297740.9811 Length: 55.54 East 1297747.9550 Perimeter: 368.10 Area: 6,560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed Error Closure: 0.0075 Error North: -0.00302 Precision 1: 49,080.00 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 66-16-51 E East : 0.00688 • --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: LOT 4 North: 182298.3053 Line Course: N 54-44-56 E North: 182318.4078 Line Course: S 78-35-39 E East: 1297747.9138 Length: 34.83 East: 1297776.3570 Length: 88.71 Page 2 • 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT.txt North: 182300.8648 East 1297863.3151 Line Course: S 16-27-39 E Length: 68.23 North: 182235.4313 East 1297882.6487 Line Course: N 71-58-25 w Length: 89.53 North: 182263.1368 East 1297797.5134 Line course: N 42-06-32 W Length: 29.12 North: 182284.7401 East 1297777.9872 Line Course: N 65-43-18 w Length: 33.00 North: 182298.3087 East 1297747.9058 Perimeter: 343.43 Area: 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses Error Closure: 0.0087 Error North: 0.00339 Precision 1: 39,473.56 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 67-02-10 W East : -0.00801 • --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: LOT 5 North: 182298.3053 East : 1297747.9138 Line Course: S 65-43-18 E Length: 33.00 North: 182284.7367 East 1297777 . 9952 Line Course: S 42-06-32 E Length: 29.12 North: 182263.1334 East 1297797.5214 Line Course: S 71-58-25 E Length: 89.53 North: 182235.4279 East 1297882.6567 Line Course: S 16-27-39 E Length: 158.45 North: 182083.4722 East : 1297927.5551 Line Course: S 88-46-50 w Length: 90.08 North: 182081. 5551 East : 1297837.4955 Line Course: N 20-05-39 w Length: 182.32 North: 182252.7771 East 1297774.8569 Line Course: N 46-22-29 W Length: 24.57 North: 182269.7289 East 1297757.0715 Line Course: N 17-45-36 W Length: 30.00 North: 182298.2992 East 1297747.9206 Perimeter: 637.08 Area: 17,351 sq. ft. 0.40 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses Error Closure: 0.0091 Error North: -0.00606 Precision 1: .70,007.69 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 48-11-09 E East : 0.00678 Parcel name: LOT 6 North: 182298.3053 Line Course: S 17-45-36 E North: 182269.7350 Line Course: S 46-22-29 E North: 182252.7832 Line Course: S 20-05-39 E North: 182081.5612 Line Course: S 88-46-50 W North: 182080.4366 Line Course: N 20-05-39 W North: 182251.6681 East: 1297747.9138 Length: 30.00 East: 1297757.0647 Length: 24.57 East : 1297774.8501 Length: 182.32 East: 1297837.4887 Length: 52.84 East: 1297784.6607 Length: 182.33 East : 1297722.0186 Page 3 .-• 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT. txt Line Course: N 69-54-21 E Length: 5.00 North: 182253.3859 East 1297726.7143 Line Course: N 20-05-39 w Length: 41.67 North: 182292.5194 East 1297712.3980 Line Course: N 26-57-07 E Length: 21.26 North: 182311. 4703 East 1297722.0339 Line Course: S 63-02-53 E Length: 21. 25 North: 182301. 8389 East 1297740.9759 Line Course: S 63-02-53 E Length: 7.79 North: 182298.3081 East 1297747.9198 Perimeter: 569.03 Area: 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres Mapcheck closure -(uses Error Closure: 0.0067 Error North: 0.00283 Precision 1: 84,929.85 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 64-49-39 E East : 0.00603 • --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: LOT 7 North: 182311.4648 East : 1297722.0332 Line Course: S 26-57-07 w Length: 21. 26 North: 182292.5139 East 1297712.3972 Line Course: S 20-05-39 E Length: 41.67 North: 1822 5 3 . 3804 East 1297726.7135 Line Course: S 69-54-21 w Length: 5.00 North: 182251.6626 East 1297722.0179 Line Course: S 20-05-39 E Length: 182.33 North: 182080.4311 East : 1297784.6599 Line Course: S 88-46-50 w Length: 47.56 North: 182079.4190 East : 1297737.1107 Line Course: N 76-29-27 w Length: 147.00 North: 182113.7583 East : 1297594.1778 Line Course: N 01-04-37 E Length: 102.40 North: 182216.1402 East : 1297596.1024 Line Course: S 76-29-27 E Length: 102.60 North: 182192.1728 East : 1297695.8638 Line Course: N 20-05-39 w Length: 128.53 North: 182312.8790 East 1297651.7055 Curve Len~th: 33.66 Radius: 45.00 De ta: 42-51-29 Tangent: 17.66 Chord: 32.88 course: N 48-22-51 E Course In: N 20-11-24 W Course out: S 63-02-53 E RP North: 182355.1139 East 1297636.1744 End North: 182334.7180 East 1297676.2868 Line Course: S 63-02-53 E Length: 51.32 North: 182311.4576 East 1297722.0328 Perimeter: 863.33 Area: 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses Error Closure: 0.0072 Error North: -0.00721 precision 1: 119,906.94 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: S 02-50-10 W East : -0.00036 Page 4 '. -p\J'.NNI. OE'I"';~'OFi~E,,",ON • ~O'l 0 ~ '!\l\Yt en DECLARATIONS OF PROTECTIVE t\E.Ca'i~ICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PLAT OF 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT The undersigned, owners of the real property described in the Plat of Woody Glen Addition, which plat is recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, records of King County, Washington, hereby, declare and impose the following protective covenants, restrictions, conditions, easements, liens and agreements (hereinafter collectively called Clcovenants") upon said real property and each lot and parcel thereof. These covenants are imposed pursuant to a general plan for the development and use of the subject property, which property will be conveyed by the undersigned, their successors and assigns, subject hereto. These covenants shall run with the real property, shall be binding upon all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the subject property or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner of any portion of the subject real property, ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS The following terms, as used herein, shall have the meanings set forth in this Article_ "Properties": The real property within the Plat of Woody Glen Addition described in the Legal Description of the Short Plat application: "Lot": Any plot or parcel of land shown upon any recorded subdivision map of the properties. "Owner": The record owner, whether onc or more persons or entities, of a fee interest (the whole of which is not subject to a contract of sale) or a vendee's interest in a contract of sale to any lot, except persons having an interest merely as security fDr the payment of a debt or performance of an obligation, ARTICLE 2 RESIDENTIAL AREA COVENANTS L The area covered by these covenants is the entire area described in the Plat of 6,h Street Short Plat. 2. No strucrure shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot until the construction plans and specifications and a plan showing the location of the structure have been approved by the Architecrural Control Committee as tD harmony of external design with existing structures, and location with respect to topography and finish grade elevations_ Any dwelling or structure erected or placed on any lot in this subdivision shall be completed as to external appearance including finished staining, within six months after the date of commencement of construction. Variances may be granted by the Architectural Control Comntittee, 4. No structures shall be located on any lot nearer to the front line or nearer to the side street line than the minimum dwelling setback lines required by municipal ordinances. No dwelling shall be located on any lot nearer than rwenty (20) feet to rear lot line. For the purpose of this covenant, eaves, steps and open porches and decks shall not be considered as a part of the dwelling; provided, however, that this shall nDt be construed to permit any portion of a DE~LARATIONS OF PROTECTIt RESTRICTIONS, EI\.SEMENTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PLAT OF 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT • Page 3 0[6 dwelling on a lot to encroach upon another lot, or upon easement areas as delineated on the face of the plat or as otherwise recorded. 6. No permanent structures or landscaping of any kind, including fences, walls Dr shrubs, may be built Dr placed within any of the road right-of-ways, any "tracts" or easements as delineated on the plat. 7. Fences, walls Dr shrubs are permitted along lDt lines Df each lDt, subject tD Architectural CDntrDl CDmmittee approval, subject further tD said fences, walls Dr shrubs being removable if necessary to facilitate use Df utiliry easements as contained on the face of the plat and other easements elsewhere recorded. 8. No noxious or Dffensive activity shall be carried on upDn any lDt, nDr shall anything be dDne thereon which may be or may become any annoyance or nuisance to the adjoining lot owners or neighborhood. 9. ND structures Df a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage or any Dther Dutbuilding, shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently. 10. At nD time shall vehicles be parked Dn the private drive easement or any open tract. ND vehicles shall be parked upDn the lots so that they are visible from the street or abutting properties. This shall include trailers, boats, bicycles, autos, motorhomes, motorcycles. motorbikes or other forms of transportation. except this shall not exclude (i) tempDrary (less than 24 hDurs) parking Df vehicles on the designated driveway areas adjacent tD garages on the lDts or (ii) tempDrary (less than 8 hDurs) parking Df vehicles Dn the designated private drive easement. This paragraph shall further disallow permanent (more than 24 hours) parking or storage Df vehicles Dn any portiDn Df the lDts. 11. ND sign of any kind shall be displayed tD the public view Dn any lDt except one sign of nDt more than five (5) square feet advertising the property for sale Dr ren t, Dr signs used by a builder to advertise the property during the construction and sales period. 12. The wiring to accessory buildings of any type shall be underground. 13. Except as specifically provided, nD animals except dDgs, cats, caged birds and fish in tanks will be permitted on any lot. Any animals Dther than those named will require specific approval by the Architectural Control Committee. 14. All pens Dr enclDsures shall be kept clean and Ddor free at all times. Any complaints must be substantiated by the Architectural CDntrDI CDmmittee and remedied by said homeowner within ten (10) days of receipt Df written nDtice. Failure to comply with said notice will result in a fine of $100.00 per day. At nD time will animals be permitted Dn road rights-of-way, private road easements or any open tracts unattended and/or off leash. 15. No barbed wire fences shall be erected Dn any lot. All fences, Dpen and sDlid, are to meet the standards set by the Architectural ContrDl Committee. 16. ND radiD or televisiDn antennae Dr transmitters shall exceed ten (10) feet abDve the roDf ridge line Df a dwelling, and no separate tDwers therefDre shall be permitted. • DECLARATIONS OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS, EASE~NTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PLAT OF 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT • Page 4 of6 17. No lot shall be used for any purpose other than residential purposes. No dwelling shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than one detached, single-family dwelling not to exceed three (3) stories in height inclusive of basement and a private enclosed car shelter for not less than two cars. 18. No lot shall be permitted to be less than 4,500 square feet unless approved by governmental authorities having jurisdiction thereof. 19. No home may be constructed on any lot by other than a contractor licensed as a general contractor under the statues of the State of Washington without the prior approval of the Architectural Control Committee. All homes constructed on each lot shall be built of new material, with the exception of decor items such as used brick, weathered planking, and similar items; the determination of the Architectural Control Committee shall be conclusive as to whether a used material is a decor item or not. 20. N/A 21. All structures shall be permanently connected to the municipal sewer, water and storm systems and approved franchise electrical. telephone utilities and. at the Owner's option. cable and gas utilities. 22. Each lot owner is required to pay a $15.00 per month maintenance fee beginning at the time of closing. This $15.00 per month will be collected by the Architectural Control Committee. Of that, fee, $5.00 will be a management fee. Both the maintenance fee and the management fee are subject to adjustment at the sole discretion of the Architectural Review Committee. 23. Each lot owner is responsible for cleaning up of his own construction debris. On closing of the sale of any lot, a $500.00 fee will be paid to the Architectural Control Committee, to be used as follows: $250.00 (suggest lower?) for plan review, which amount is non-refundable, and the balance as a damage deposit to be held until construction is completed. The damage deposit will be used in the event the owner does not fulfill his clean-up responsibility, in which case the Architectural Control Committee will handle the clean-up and deduct the amount from the $250.00 deposit. Also, if the maintenance fee pursuant to paragraph 22 is in arrears, this amount will be deducted from the deposit. ARTICLE 3 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE 1. There is hereby designated and appointed an Architectural Control Committee, hereinafter called the "Committee". The initial members of the Committee shall be: Mr. Jack D. Alhadeff JDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street Suite 201 Renton, W A 98055 • • DECLARATIONS OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS, E.:\SEMliNTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PLAT OF 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT • Page 5 of6 2. The Committee may unanimously designate one or more of it's members or a third person to act for and on behalf of the Committee with respect to both ministerial matters and the exercise of judgments vested in the Committee subject to review by the Committee at the request of any member thereof. In all matters the decision of the majority of the Committee shall be the decision of the Committee. In the event of the, death, resignation or other inability to serve of any member of the Committee, the remaining member or members shall have the authority (but not the obligation) to designate a successor. Neither the member of the committee nor its designated representatives shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed on behalf of the Committee. 3. All buildings and structures, including all materials and colors, and including walls, fences, out buildings, decks, roofs and swimming pools to be erected within the properties shall be approved by the Committee. Complete plans and specifications of all proposed buildings, structures and exterior alterations, together with detailed plans showing proposed location of the same on the particular building site, shall be submitted to the Committee before construction or alteration is started and such construction or alteration shall not be started until written approval thereof is given by the Committee. The ultimate responsibility for satisfying all building codes and other requirements of the City of Renton and any other applicable governmental authority rests with the homeowner or builder. The Architectural Control Committee shall be held harmless from all building requirements. In the event the Committee fails to approve or disapprove plans submitted to it within thirty (30) days after submission, such plans and specifications shall be deemed to have been approved by the Committee unless suit to enjoin the construction pursuant to the submitted plans and specifications is commenced within ten (10) days after copies thereof arc delivered to the owners of each adjacent lot within the properties, together with a written notice stating that the said plans and specifications have been submitted to the Committee, that thirty (30) days have expired since the date of said submission, that no action has been taken thereon by the Committee, and that unless suit is commenced within ten (10) days of this delivery, construction will be commenced pursuant to said plans and specifications and an approved building permit issued by the City of Renton. No owner shan be enjoined or subjected to other equitable relief or required to respond in damages to any other owner or owners for any action taken or construction commenced or completed with the approval of the Committee or subsequent to notice as herein provided. 4. Plans and specifications for each building to be build on the properties shan in each case be delivered to and permanently left with the Committee. As to all improvements, construction and alterations, the Committee shall have the right to refuse to approve any design, plan, or color which is not suitable or desirable in the Committee's opinion for any reason, esthetic or otherwise, and in so passing upon such design, plan, or color, the Committee shall have the right to take into consideration the suitability of the proposed building or structure and the material of which it is to be built and the exterior color scheme to the site upon which it is proposed to erect the same, the harmony thereof with the surroundings, and the effect of the building or structure or alterations therein as planned on the outlook of the adjacent or neighboring property and any and all other factors which, in the Committee's opinion, shall affect the desirability or suitability of such proposed structure, improvement or alteration. 5. At such time as all lots have been developed and/or JDA Group, LLC ("JDA") has sold its interest in all lots in the development, JDA may notify the various owners of lots that JDA is relinquishing their duties in all respects (architectural control, collection of maintenance fees, etc.) and upon said notice the lot owners shall become the Architectural Control Committee and it shall be their responsibility for enforcement of these covenants and collection of maintenance and other necessary fees. • DECLARATIONS OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PLAT OF 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT ARTICLE 4 • MAINTENANCE OF EXTERIORS AND GROUNDS Page6of6 1. In the event an owner shall fail to maintain the exterior of the premises and the improvements situated thereon in a manner satisfactory to the Architectural Control Committee, the Committee shall have the right, through its agents and employees, to enter upon said parcel and to repair, maintain and restore the lot and the exterior of the buildings or any other exterior improvements thereon if the owner thereof shall fail to respond in a manner satisfactory to the Committee within sixty (60) days after mailing of adequate notice by certified or registered mail, to the last known address of the owner. The cost of such repair, maintenance or restoration shall be assessed against the owner, and the Committee shall have the right to cause to be recorded a notice of lien for labor and materials furnished, which lien may be enforced in the manner provided by law. 2. Any damage to any private or public easements or open tracts or the improvements thereon, including landscaping plantings, curbs, street surfaces, pathways, etc., by any property owner, their children, agents, visitors, friends, relatives, or service personnel shall be repaired by said property owner within twenty four (24) hours or the Committee shall execute said repair and the subject owner will immediately remit the fund so expended plus ten percent (10%). ARTICLE 5 DURATION AND ENFORCEMENTS OF COVENANTS 1. These covenants shall remain in full force and effect for a period of thirty (30) years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time they shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years each unless an instrument signed by the owners of a majority of the lots, agreeing to amend or terminate these covenants in whole or in part, is filed or recorded within the one (1) year period immediately preceding or the thirty-one (31) day period immediately following the dates of expiration. Exemptions, additions or deletions may be made to these covenants at any time by the Architectural Control Committee. 2. In the event an owner shall fail to comply or pay any fee specified in these covenants, the Committee shall have the right, within sixty (60) days after mailing of adequate notice by certified or registered mail, to the last known address of the owner, to cause to be recorded a notice of lien for said fees against the property of said owner, which lien may be enforced in the manner provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the DECLARANT herein, has thereunto set its hand this day of , 2004. JDA Group, LLC By: ____________________ __ Jack D. Alhadeff, Manager • DECLARATIONS OF PROTECTIVE RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS AND AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE PLAT OF 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) - ------ ------ • Page 70f6 On this day of , 2004, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Jack D. Alhadeff, to me known to be the Manager of JDA Group, LLC, the limited liability company that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly elected, qualified and acting as said Manager of the limited liability company and that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at: ________ _ My Commission expires: ________ _ , • PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 • Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com) Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Title Technician, Annette Strate (annettestrate@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206) 343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 JDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Jack Your Ref.: JDA Group/I. D. Kline Corporation Title Order No. 577198 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT SECOND AMENDED PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN: In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Wash~ngton, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN: JDA GROUP, L.L.C., as to an undivided 70% interest, and I.D. KLINE CORPORATION, an Oregon corporation, as to an undivided 30% interest, as tenants in common, and not as partners of a partnership SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE: TAX: $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL CHARGE: $0.00 RECORDS EXAMINED TO: October 22, 2004 at 8:00 a.m. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON NOV 042004 RECEIVED ~\ I , t,'r" ( , ' J • PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHIN~N, :i . i ' i ~ / , ~ II \--, ~/ I, ,i (-\----\ .. ~' . ..:,~ V. "Mike\ Sharke Senior Title Unit No. 12 • PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule A PAGE 2 • In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and county Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: The southwesterly 100 feet of Lot 7, Block 2; The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3; woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washington; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated South 126th Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4955, recorded under Recording Number 20020402002350, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. END OF SCHEDULE A • GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B • Order NO. 577198 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate surveyor inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. • SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 • Order No. 577198 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: ~ RECORDING NUMBER: City of Renton Public utilities South 10 feet of Lot 7, Block 2 April 9, 1984 8404090614 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: RESERVED BY: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: ~ RECORDING NUMBER: The City of Renton Constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines Portion in vacated South 126th Street April 2, 2002 20020402002350 3. RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED ON THE FACE OF THE PLAT AS FOLLOWS: No lot or portion of a lot in this plat shall be divided and sold or resold, or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than the area required for the use district in which it is located. Namely 6,000 square feet for R-l Residence Use, with a minimum lot or tract width of 60 feet. All lots in this plat are restricted to R-l District Use, governed by and subject to restrictions, rules and regulations of County Zoning Resolution Number 11373 and subsequent changes thereto by official county resolution. Sewage disposal shall be by septic tanks, except for the following: Lots 6 through 7, inclusive, Block 1, to be held pending outcome of slide conditions on the east side. Lots 8 and 9, Block 4, in low area to be made suitable for septic tanks. All lots subject to individual permits. (continued) • • 4. Building set back lines as delineated on the face of the plat. 5. Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises in the reasonable original grading of streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. 6. Matters disclosed on a survey recorded under Recording Number ~ 8903239001, a copy of which is hereto attached. 7. Matters disclosed on a survey recorded under Recording Number ~ 20030401900004, a copy of which is hereto attached. 8. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2004 956480-0070-07 2100 AFFECTS: Portion of said premises CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $51,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $586.53 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.50 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED: $593.03 PAID: $296.52 TOTAL DUE: $296.51 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2004 956480-0110-09 2100 AFFECTS: Portion of said premises CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $57,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $655.54 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.68 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED: $662.22 PAID: $331.11 TOTAL DUE: $331.11 (continued) • 10. DELINQUENT GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2004 956480-0106-05 2100 • LEVY CODE, AFFECTS, Remainder of said premises CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, Land, $44,000.00 Improvements, $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID GENERAL TAXES, $506.03 $0.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1. 50 $0.00 $5.00 $0.00 TOTAL BILLED: $512.53 PAID: $0.00 TOTAL DUE*: $512.53 PLUS INTEREST *CONTACT YOUR TITLE UNIT OR THE ASSESSORS OFFICE FOR A PAYOFF FIGURE THAT WOULD INCLUDE ALL INTEREST AND PENALTIES THAT HAVE BEEN ASSESSED. SAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON A MONTHLY BASIS. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Dave Clasen Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. DVe/slm • • Woody Glenn Addition 47/91-92 PACIFIC NORTIIWEST TITIE Order No. 577198 Company of Washington. Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N , 10/29/2004 09: 21 FAX 20634_34421 ~ RENTON ~002 ~ , .. • ,-' ',---' ;.--, . I ••. : , ! '. f r ,.; .• ..... .... ' .. ,:~: ... , . ", t .. ," '";1'" . ",:j " ! ! , , I i , , ; j: :1 : ! .. ::i ~ -, i r \ .,. ; I I I ' I I I I , , , , , I I , ." • u..~ o.r.-~ z:" c :'.' ~. . -, .' ~ UTILITIES EASEHEN .1-,. '"---,,, 84.'04/09 ReCD F C~..H5I . 4.00 110';14 8 ...... ots ..... OO " \\f'\~ 0..1 .. 11 \ ~f\Ilt'~~ . (.Ii.IJ2. N\ i:>f ii1IlIM~IWt/"'d. this __ ~~""'=--"""'~ day of :~c&l!,'" .... : ~Iit,we<.n IIG I" u a ... "/'. herel".fter tuli11 \} '~~~oi'!!!Yl:~jtrM Of' RENTON. I Municipal Ca."aratlan of KIng r hl'rtll'nlft.r called 'Grl •••• I I for and 1 n ~nsld.rltlon of the s... of rlntee. and othe valuible ·consider.tion. dO by rga1n. tell, con ey •• ReI warrlnt unto the satd . Iss1gns, an.· Isenent for public util1ttes W1th necessa .ppurtenanc~ over. through, .. ,If'nw'". descrlq" property In King County. .a;rtlcu'lar'~,", described .. : allows: rter Section 7. TIIii 'hlp 235. RalilJ~ '4E Tax lot '7. 5 of the: Woody! len AddItIon. lind lot 19. Block ~~I48o:ii17:i Lake Part< (Ail ,tar File Nos., 956480-0070 and 9! respectjyely)." :: EASEMENT: LOT FT. BLOC '[2 WOOOY GLEN AODllIDN SWLY,loo , , ,I ~OOoY GLE~ AODITION AhO POR LOT~ ,,,,,~30:BLK 13 AN1I 1.0TS 1.2.3. ANI) 19 lATlMERS LA~E PARK LY Wl Y OF 6" m~."[ ': ',~",,::,:":: ~~~'$J'~~~:7b)PROPERTY (AUDITOR FILE "0. THE SOUTHi 10 FEET 0 BLOCK S WOOOY GLEN ADD TlON ,,"0 THE SOU H 10 FEET OF LOT 19 22, LATII~ERS LAKE PARK OF THE piiE:~l(iUSL'f1, DESCRIBED PROPERTY (AUOITORS 0 9564&0-017 ) ucc:e~50M or assigns, pn)ceedt "'9 at law. lilt ~,.. upo said abov~ dt'$cMbed o~ con. truc:ting. maintaining. ufd ut lft1es. or makfng any :. ' n9 any legal 0fl1g.ttons or I such co tnJct1ol'l • .u1nta1n'."g. t·ton of 5 'id otilt its shall be the pf"ivtlte mprolleme'1 S e'll;ht1 ~g 1 n stu.rbed or d'maged. or they .. 111 be . as !they were tfIIIYIE!-d1at~ly before thp ~ran~ep.. ~'ld ~njOy the: ft)re1le~crJbP.<:1 Drf:'l'l1se~. slJrface of 5~1d pe;-TMntnt el!30ll!'Tleont ff 1n~!tlllh.llofl and l'IIa1nt .... Nlr"II;e of the : DEVelOPMENT PLANNI G ! C\1Y OF RENTON I·, NOV 04 2OO't , , I ' r'j'. !: {"." ,'/1 ~ RECEIVED I ! I. , ,JI't.. __ _ 10/29/2004 09:21,FAX " ".',", 'i .• ,. I; i.-. . , " > , .,. I .. , .. ;.' , I , 1 , I I l I: .~: '. 2063434421 • i , 1 , i -"-" I' I I , ,I I I I ~ RENTON ,:e!; w w.,y., ' " .. ~:-, " !, I' i' ii p i! : i However, the Grant'or shan Jqt eract buildings or , under or acros' 'the pemianent ea .... ent dUM 09' the ut11 'ths. COI.onl,nt" ,runntng with the land and shall and asstgns unless or until abandoned with :respect .... the full rights, of , "~:':=:~Ic::~:!,l..:;:ranrt to the G ... ntor, r. tllat th~ • re the . :,:' have a good and , I 19 'is'i, 'o~e me, of Li:"J p. , ~it~~~~~~~~~~~~;~;.s~w~o~r;n~p:;ersonaT'TY" i!~ eared me known to be the res p ect i ",,=". /-;y:-,-;;:or 'executll>d the fOf' otng i'Ument to -be the free and for t~e uses and purPoses m,/ hadiand ofn "ial. S f1 cat ~ ahov!:> wri . en~ i I '\'f\~_..J,' , a~tite seal ,Jff1.>:·f!(j· is " I e ~' ' \ -!""""~H-c",-:-'" .. -"".c,' '·~;:.irlln9 ",r. .. ~~fJ'f~.) I I i , , Ii ,--' -.------.--~.-.. -.--.--- " ~003 , I , , ::-' " ' ;. i ':: I I • \ ; , ./,.," .... ; ," . , Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton WA 98055 • Please print or type information Document Tltle(s): Ordinance 4955 Rerermce Number(s) or Documents assigned or released. [on page __ of document(s») Grantor(s) (Last name first. then first name and irutials) 1. C1ty of Renton 2 3 4. 0 AddilJonai names on page __ ofdocument Grantee(s) (Last name first. then first name and iniuals) I. Chang Brothers. Inc. 2 Wayne and Debra M~ller 3. 4 o AddilJonal names on page __ of document • Legal Description (abbreviated I c lot, block, plat or seCUOD. township, range) That port10n of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Sect10n 7 J Townslnp 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., ~n K~ng County, Washington, further legal on page 4 of Ord~nance. n Additional legal is on page.,Lof document AJsCS.lor's Property Tal ParceVAccount Number: 420240-1500 o Additional legalis On page __ of document The AuditorlRecorder ,wI rely on the information provided on the form The staff,wl not rcad the document to verifY the accuracy or completeness of the indexiD~ information provided herein • • CERT IflCATE I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Renton, Washington, certify that this is a true and correct copy of CITY OF RENTON WASHlNGTml Or(lioanCt:. "'tfa$S Subscnbed , and ~ y Off/:::! 20~..t' ORDINANCE NO 4955 "j,W" City Clerk AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, V ACA TING A PORTION OF NW 5" STREET, FROM RAINIER AVENUE NORTH TO 91ST A VENUE SOUTH (CHANG BROTHERS INC. AND MILLER; VAC 01·005). WHEREAS, a proper pehhon for vacatmg that portIon of NW 5~ Street, from RamIer Avenue North to 91" Avenue South, was duly filed WIth the CIty Clerk on or about October 22. 200 I, and saId pehhon havmg been signed by the owners representmg more than two· tlnrds (2/3) ofthe property abuttmg upon such street sought to be vacated, and WHEREAS, the CIty CouncIl, by ResolutIon No 3537, passed and approved on November 5, 2001, and after due InvestIgatIon dId fix and determme the day of November 26, 2001, at the hour of7 30 p m in the CIty CouncIl Chambers of the CIty of Renton to be the tinN: and place for a pubbc heanog thereon, and the CIty Clerk havmg gIVen due notICe of such hearmgs In the manner proVJded by law, and all persons haVIng been heard appearmg In favor or In opposlhon thereto, and the CIty CouncIl haVIng consIdered all mformatIon and arguments presented to It, and WHEREAS, the AdtllllllSlmtor of the PlanrunglBuIldmglPubbc Works Department havmg duJy considered said petItIon for SaId v.cahon, and haVJOg found same to be In the publIc mterest and for the publIc benefit, and no Injury or damage to any person or properties will result from such vacahon, NOW, THEREFORE, TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. The follOWIng descnbed portIon ofNW 5" Street, to WIt • • ORDINANCE NO 4955 (That portIon ofNW 5'· Street, from Raimer Avenue North to 91 U Avenue South) See Exlublt "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as If fully set forth herem be and the same IS hereby vacated subject to an easement over, across, under and on all that portion as descnbed on ExhibIt "An m favor of the City 11us easement IS for the purpose of constructing, reconstructmg, installing, repamng, replacmg, enlarging, operatmg and mamtammg utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sewer and stonn drainage hoes, together with the nght of mgress and egress thereto without pnor mstltutlOn of any SUIt or proceedmgs of law and without incumng any legal obligatIon or habihty therefor The CIty may from tlffie to tlffie construct such additional facilities as It may reqUITe. Thts easement is subject to the followmg terms and conditIOns That a utility easement be retained over the entire right-of-way, WIth the understanding that the property may be developed fully if the existmg utilitIes are relocated at the sole cost of the developer; and That this easement shall run with the land descnbed herein, and shall be binding upon the parties, thel[ heirs, successors in mterest and assIgns. SECTION II. The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $63,000 as a street vacation fee, winch has been paid to the Crty. SECTION III. Tins ordmance shall be effectIVe upon Its passage, approval, and five days after lis publicatIOn 2 C> -* c::> • • ORDINANCE NO 4955 A certified copy of this ordmance shall be filed WIth the Office of Records and Elections, and as otherwise proVided by law PASSED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL tlus 25th day of February ,2002 Donrue I Walton, Crty Clerk APPROVED BY TIIE MAYOR this 25th day of_-=-F.=e~b=-ru!e.a~r~YL-__ ---" 2002 J. .... ;4.#,,/ Approved as to form £~~,. .. t2._ Lawrence J W n, City Attorney Date of PublicatIOn 3/1/2002 (summary) ORO 974.214/02·ma 3 -a -• • • ORDINANCE NO. 4955 CORE DESIGN, INC. BELLEVUE WA 98007 Legal Description -Rlght-of·Way Vacation Core Pr<lJed No 01068 9/10/01 That porbon of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of SecIJon 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W M • In KJng County. Washington descnbed as follows' Commencing at the northwest comer of Lot I, Block 21 of the Plat of Labmer's Lake Park Addition. according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 18 of Plats, page 63, records of said county, said corner being on the southerly nght-of-way margin of Northwest 5"' Street (Fairweather Street) according to said plat; thence N89"04'52"E along the north line of said Block 21 and said southerty margm, 15.68 feet to the POint of Beginning of the herein desaibed tract; thence conbnulng N89"04'52"E along said north line and southerly margin, 33 28 feet to an angle pamt In saki north line and southerly rnargll1; thence Nno18'52"E along said north hne and southerly margin, 141 78 feet to a poent on the westerly nght-of-way margll1 of Rainier Avenue (State Road No 2) said point being on the arc of a 563.11 foot radiUS rurve to the left, the center of which bears S88°34'26'W, thence northerly along said rurve and margin through a central angie of 06°10'14", a distance of 60 65 feet to the south hne of Block 22 of said plat and the northerly nght-{)f- way margin of said Northwest 511> Street according to said piat; thence Sno18'S2"W along said south line and northerly margin, 63.25 feet to the southerly prolongaoon of the east line of Block 6 of the Ptat of Woody Glen Addibon according to the plat thereof recorded 111 Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92; thence N10"41'53'W along southerly prolongation 1 97 feet to the southeast oorner of said Block 6, thence Sno18'52"W along the south line of said Block 6 and the northerly margin of said Northwest 5"' Street, 80 26 feet to the southwest oomer of said Block 6 and the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 3 of said plat; thence S88°43'21"w along the south line of said Lot 8 and northerly margin, 24.20 feet, thence S02"OS'08"W 62.01 feet to the Pomt of Beginning Contains 10,537± square feet (0 2419 ± acres) 010681.02 legal doc, 9/13/0 I, page I • • ORDINANCE NO. 4955 BlK 22 N .... ,.53"W PLAT OF·97 LA nurn·s lAKE PARK AOOIllON YOL 18. PC 63 OIl aN1ERLNE I __ ---"'" PUT COfIERI.I'IE PER PU. T OF 'MXlDY ~ ADOIlIOH 'JCl.. 47, PC 916;92 BLK 6 t PlAT OF ... 0."" WOOOY GlEN AoonON ' l1 YOL '7. PG 9.&92 -lO.O5- LOT 13 CEH1ERLJNE PER PLAT CF 1.A 11WER's LIJ([ P MK ADDI:11OH va... 18. PC 63 LOT 1 BLK 21 PlAT OF LAllUrn'S lAKE PARK AIlIJ(llON VOL '8, PC 63 z 62.01 81 1102 LOT 8, BlK J. ~ .. g RIG!IT.()f-WAY VACAlIOII EXHIBIT JOB No.o .. oee D8"'E titi ~~ I ~ i ... PAGE 10Ft NW CCII LOT' .,," A'/E. SCII1If ( VACA1>:D) .. c c I'§!i. z o E-< z· ~. .. C C .. "-'" .. "-C ... ) .. ~,' _.'" : ... c.::· __ ':. _ ') ---~: -_ .. _ .. _-_._ .• .:......:.;..-:'--:~-,":--."':- "'-'.'--~'-'" -, ... PORTION --~ ~S,"'I - , .. -: :\.- RECORD OF·· SURVEY OF THE HE 1M II. i,.. Of SEC TION St 1'-' 8WII4 KING COUNTY, _'''')I'''' ... ~. (&oN1 '.''''.1''1 _.M,' ~J 7 , TWP. Z3 N " WASHIHGTON ._--_. -_.. , AGE. 5 E 'I ".ii. i 1l03t~qCOI ~7So· teALE ,. • .00' ....... 0 oDOr! ......... _ ...... ..... , _r .. ~ __ ·.., ___ ,.._IIIU ~ o -. fUT II' _, -.JI ~~AJ ___ #1',IIMS, __ • • • .. -.t . -_rr -i"': -'::r;r • . --:-::r,J«....:~ .. 11) *-, ." ,,,.,,. ..,.. ,;..t _,,_,~ •• . z.-:...... .. "'" "'" 'JOO . 6ttr __ o. _,' ..... '. :::z;..---~"!"l"f ___ •• ru _ .... MI!I .. _ inA}· I_I '_. __ .. , -, ~.-... ,... . . ',.a' LtGAI. Df~'P'TtO". !tOTES MD CUfW£'DIJ'A _._: ___ ·_.~J)H:_"'Et:r_~:· . . '-" _.'r r., ........ , .. ,ru,wJ TIIIIt' .,. _'If __ ._ ... _ ... .... . , ... , ..... ' ., ..... -., ........... .. .... " ,.. .... _, of.. IIM'«l lIIeDlI.,._ JCf .i ... ....... of· ..... 'M· i!"' .. ~·i i_u of!!. ~~; :j .. ~-;.~~:~:-~ •... :;;;-;-:.:..:----.. ~--~ ... ~ U~ _-~ :..,TI;-~~-~----··-··· -'. ".-. _._~ __ ... ~......J-"':"_- · ~, •• "",OM""" ~1_,2I''''''' • ... --... ~ . -. --- 10/29/2004 09:22 FAX ~ RENTON IgJ 005 • i . , 1 I· ., ~ '" '" !! n "-" ~ ~ :0 t .. " ~ i ! _., " /::i " " '" \ ~ .., .., ® : I: , 0 ........ , ; \ \'i . ." ~ \ ~ . 0 !i 21 , ... • !l \ 0 ·1 z I •• . , 0 , " , ... % ! '" I. $, ~. . " ~" .1 ., ,:;: •.. ::0 ~" • (TI ,::: ." ... ("') z 0 0 co ~ ::0 0 0 0 " <= IT' Z " -I -; c; 0 -< z: ." ~ " ,.; -I :0 ,. f ~ .. (J) % i Z -I C '" 1: ::0 S1 ... ;U 0 < .., Z § tl (TI :;: -< " " " ~ ~~. " , ~ IX '" . i ~. ~ . !E ~ ,. ·0 ~ ~ ~ " I. ! ,f -; '3 = is -. ~ U 1 1 I ; i 1 ! •• ... . :lll !I. ••• ~. -!l 1"''' . I! ~ a ;i: ; . •. I i.t", • i:i~ ~i~ '~ I' i' r! i-I' ". .z. . [ -. :~~' : '. ~ ·H. ; .. 1 ! :i: :,8 , ·l' 10/29i2004 09:23 FAX 20634 4421 .. • .. • . !. '. I . , .. . ':, ":"",: 4 RENTON • . '---../ . Ii!J 006 . .. o "g z. o ... ,:;: :: ::0 urn ~ ~~ n: zoO .. ... ::0 o .. n ,0 ~ en . ~ ~ :< ~:O . " " .. '" " '" . ~' ~: I I I • --------------------------------- ~1~5 1i ... ~~ .~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ; ~. \ • • RECORD OF SURVEY 'OIl JDA GROUP LLC 95 SOUTH TOBIN ST. SUm: 201 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 r , ..... ::: •. ::: ... • SURVEYOR'S CERT1FICATE n. .... ~..-• ......,_..,. ... "" -""'_ .. __ -.....-111 _stJII'I£Y~1Cf._.....-tot • RECORD OF SURVEY ",. JDA GROUP LLC 95 SOUTli TOBIN ST., SUITE 201 RENTON, WASHINCTON 98055 I'OIt. M( 1/4 or M S. 1/4.11: 11'I:!lE 1/4 Of' lI1E 5W I/t ~ 1. _1l1Qllllt, _SEAST."II. ) , . • , n . n , n I ~ I ~~ h )1 i ':::~'::::. :":. ~~ ~is \ ,,, ~:':':":".:.. ".::;. ':,~-."""'."",::-::\ ,;~.), '.:;. • SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ", .. "' . ...-,......-. .......,...-~, ....... .-"'r _ ~ .... ""'"--__ ~_"" .... SUfI'I£T IIECORDINC ACT 01 III • ...-_ ~-~ • RECORD OF SURVEY 'OR JDA GROUP LLC 9::i SOOTH TOBIN ST •• SUITE 201 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98CY.15 I'OIt.IIC 1/4 rF 'III( $'IIl/4"'!HE SE 1/4f7H!:SW1/4 !I[C'lIDM 7. ~ :u ~ IWIOE !t EAST, ...... lONG co::unT. WASMNCTQoI Dote 10/t!Z102 Ora .... :g DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • • CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM July 28,2004 Susan Fiala, Senior Planner J JI. Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal V Alhadeff Short Plat, 200 Blk. NW 6th Street Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of an new single-family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of $488.00 is required for all new single-family structures. 3. Fire Department access roadways require a minimum 20 Foot paved roadway. The project requires a secondary access due to the dead end road over 700 feet in length. Sprinkler systems may be required in this project. Fire department turnarounds are required to meet minimum dimensions as shown on attached diagram. 4. All building addresses shall be visible from the public street. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. .... ttl ~ II) .. ~ . .,.. . '~" .. CL • • . FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU II .,::1.1;-1130-7000 45' 'n,'" It) '.'\ .~ V'i: L j . . . ";-If :.""):;. .. " • • \ • TO: FROM: DATE: Susan Fiala Jan lilian August 19, 2004 • CITY OF RENTON MEMO PUBLIC WORKS • SUBJECT: PREAPPLICATON REVIEW -ADDENDUM ALHADEFF - 8 LOT SHORT PLAT PREAPP NO. 04-090 200 -Block NW 6'" Street NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT: The following comments on development and pennitting issues are based on the pre- application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant The applicant is cautioned that infonnation contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City CounCil). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant The following are supplemental to the preapplication review comments provided: WATER 1. All new construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of the structures. 2. There is an existing 4-inch water main (270 water pressure zone) in NE 6th Street that appears to extend down the hill to the east within the same easement as the sanitary sewer and the high pressure (180 psi), 12-inch transmission water main (495 water pressure zone). Available fire flow from the 4-inch is well below the1,000 gpm required to serve this plat. Static pressure available is 82 pSi. 3. Applicant will be required to replace the 4-inch water main (approximately 680 lineal feet) with new 8-inch 01 from Taylor Ave ~ to the end of the CUl-de-sac in NE 6th Street and extend approximately 230 If of B-inch DI within the plat. 4. Existing hydrants to be counted as fire protection will require a 5" storz quick disconnect frtting to be installed if not already in place. 5. All homes larger than 3,600 square feet (including garages) will require a minimum fire flow of 1,500 gpm. SANITARY SEWER 1. A sewer main extension will be required within in the plat. All lots shall provide gravity service. 2. Short plats shall provide a separate side sewer stubs to new building lot. No dual side sewers are allowed. Side sewer shall be a minimum of 2% grade. '41/11 To: From: Date: Subject: • • CITY OF RENTON MEMO PUBLIC WORKS Susan Fiala .AI· Av-- Mike Dotson/fYw' August 12, 2004 PreApplication Review Comments PREAPP No. 04-090 Alhadeff Short Plat -200 Block NW 6'h Street NOTE ON PRELIMINARY REVIEW COMMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS MEMO: The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by tbe applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this sumJJ12ry may. be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g. Hearing Examiner, Boards of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by the City or made by the applicant. The following comments concern various utility and transportation issues that are associated with development of the subject site. WATER: 1. Portions of this project are located in both the 270 and 495 Water Pressure Zone. 2. The static water pressure is approximately 65psi. 3. There is an existing 12" watennain located in NW 6'" Street and the pedestrian easement area. 4. All new single-family construction must have a fire hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gpm and must be located within 300 feet of the structures. There may be one existing fire hydrant in the vicinity that may be counted toward the fire protection for this projec!. Any existing sub-standard hydrants will need to be replaced and/or retrofitted with a quick disconnect Storz fittings. 5. If fire sprinkler systems are necessary, then a separate fire sprinkler pennit will be required. 6. A Water System development Charge of $1,525.00 per new single family home is payable at time of issuance of a construction penni!. 7. All short plats shall provide a separate water service (meter) to each building lot prior to recording of the short plat. 8. Water service lines (from the meter to the home) are inspected under a separate plumbing penni!. Sizing and location of these lines should be coordinated with the plumbing design of the individual house. • • • • Page 2 08/1212004 SANITARY SEWER 1. There is an existing 8-inch sewer main in NW 6'" Street and Pedestrian easement. 2. Short plats shall provide separate side sewer stubs to each building lot prior to recording of the short plat. No dual side sewers are allowed. Side sewer shall be a minimum 2% slope. 3. The Sanitary Sewer System Development Charges (SDC) is $900 per single family home. This fee is due at the time of the utility construction permit. SURFACE WATER 1. This site is located in the West Hill drainage basin. 2. There is a drainage course located on this property. Any changes or connections to this system must be analyzed for conveyance and downstream capacity. 3. During clearing and construction, erosion control must be provided in accordance with the Department of Ecology standards. 4. Surface water drainage impacts must be analyzed and mitigated in accordance with the King County 1990 Surface Water Design Manual specifications. A project narrative according to the Manual requirements will be required with the submittal of the short plat. Ifroofrunoff infiltration system is proposed, then a specific design must be submitted and approved prior to recording. 5. The Surface Water System Development Charges (SDC) is $715 per new single-family home. This fee is due at the time the utility construction permit is issued STREET IMPROVEMENTS I. Transportation Mitigation fees are $75 per additional generated trip/day. These fees shall be assessed for new single-family homes at a rate of 9.57 trips/day. 2. All new electrical, phone and cable services and lines must be underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton public works inspector prior to occupancy. 3. City Code requires installation of half pavement width on the existing right of way, frontage to the site. The code also requires installing curb, gutter, storm drainage, sidewalk, and street signage along the frontage of the parcel being developed. GENERAL COMMENTS I. Retaining walls greater than 4 feet in height are reviewed under a separate Building permit. A licensed engineer with geo-technical expertise must stamp design plans for retaining walls or rockeries greater than four feet in height. The engineer must monitor rockery construction and verify in writing that the rockery was constructed in accordance ARC standards. Written verification by the engineer must be provided to the City of Renton public works inspector prior to approval of an occupancy permit. Locations of water and sewer mains will be considered in relation to the retaining walls. It may require special protection or relocation of the lines under or near the retaining wall construction. 2. Submittal of conceptual utility plans showing all existing and proposed utilities; including water mains, sewer mains, manholes, valves, hydrants, drainage facilities, drainage mains I:IPlan ReviewIPlan Review -new computerlAlhadeff short plat pre-app.doc • • Page 3 08/1212004 and catch basins is required for permit review. All existing utility easements on the site must also be shown on the site plan. A complete conceptual drainage plan with a Level I (1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual) downstream analysis and calculations for sizing any required detention and water-quality treatment facilities may be required with the formal application of this project. If you have questions please call Mike Dotson, Plan Reviewer, at 425-430-7304. 3. Permit application must include an itemized cost of construction estimate for the utility and roadway improvements. The fee for review and inspection of these improvements is 5% of the first $100, 000 of the estimated cost; 4% of the next $100,000; and 3% of any additional cost. One-half of the fee is due upon permit application. 4. The owner is responsible for securing any necessary private utility easements. I:IPlan ReviewIPlan Review -new computerlAlhadeff short plat pre-app.doc •• • 'I I~-~-'-.. ~.~_L.~.=.,;_ -~------~-~~------.-... -1 F3 -18 T23N RSE W 1/2 SANITARY SEWERS PfBlPW TECHNICAL SERVICES 031U1o.+ ~ c:: \ Renton Munldpo.l Airport s ~ 1'4800 y 200 4y E3 7 T23N R5E W 112 5307 s .- , .... --. N\J79 \. N\J8 I , j .. 6" ~ I' S 121st St F3 .. 18 T23N RSE W 112 UTILITIES DIVISION ----Renton Clt,r LIm1t1 PIBIPW TECllNICAL SERVICES 05110/00 E:: 1.4800 Renton Municlpnl Airport )t ~f rf • <'J N273 196 E3 7 T23N R5E W 1/2 ~ : Storm System PIBIPW TECHNICAL SERVICES U/13/oz F3 -18 T23N R5E W 1/2 ...... \) ~ 1:4800 E3 7 T23N R5E W 1/2 5307 • • CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM DATE: August 19, 2004 TO: Pre-Application File No. 04-090 FROM: Susan Fiala, Senior Planner, (425) 430-7382 SUBJECT: Alhadeff Short Plat General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification andlor concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $55.00 plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of City Hall. Project Proposal: The subject site is within the 200 block of NW 6th Street. The proposal is to subdivide a multiple parcel site into eight lots and three tracts for common and open space. All parcels are owned by the same individual(s). The applicant has placed a note on the pre-application drawing that a lot line adjustment may be processed to separate this property from a current proposal for a parking lot located on one of the site parcels. ZoninglDensity Requirements: The subject property is located within the Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) zoning designation. The density range required in the R-8 zone is a minimum of 5.0 to a maximum of 8.0 dwelling units per acre (dulac) for parcels greater than one half acre. Net density is calculated after deducting designated critical areas, areas intended for dedication to public rights-of-way andlor private streets serving more than three units from the gross area of the site. The proposed density for the site would be 8.51 dulacre ( 8 dwellingsl 0.94 net acres = 8.51 dulac), after the deduction of the private street and critical area (protected slopes) which is above the allowed range for site greater than 1.2 acre in size. The short plat will need to be re-designed to meet density requirements. All areas for deduction are to be provided at the time of formal land use application to determine compliance with density. Development Standards: The R-8 zone permits one residential structurelunit per lot. Detached accessory structures are permitted at a maximum number of two per lot at 720 square feet each, or one per lot at 1,000 square feet in size. Minimum Lot Size. Width and Depth -The minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 zone is 4,500 square feet. A minimum lot width of 50 feet for interior lots and 60 feet for corner lots, as well as a minimum lot depth of 65 feet, is also required. As dimensions were not provided on the submitted drawing, compliance could not be determined for width and depth. Lot sizes were not provided for each lot, however, it was noted that the smallest lot would be 4,539 and the largest would be 9,980 sq. ft. Alhadeff Short Plat'pre.APPlication Meet' Page 2 of 4 • However, staff notes that Lot 2 has a portion of the lot that is considered a pipestem (that portion that is not 40% of the total lot width required) and can not be counted as part of the lot size. Building Standards -The R-8 zone allows a maximum building coverage of 35% of the lot area or 2,500 square feet, whichever is greater for lots over 5,000 square feet in size. Lots under 5,000 square feet in size are permitted a maximum building coverage of 50% of the lot area. Building height is restricted to 30 feet and two stories. Detached accessory structures must remain below a height of 15 feet and one-story with a gross floor area that is less than the primary structure. Accessory structures are also included in building lot coverage calculations. Setbacks -Setbacks are measured from the property lines to the nearest point of the structure. The required setbacks in the R-8 zone are 20 feet in the front, 20 feet in the rear, 5 feet on interior side yards and 15 feet on side yards along streets. The drawing submitted does show setbacks for the proposed lots. The setbacks for Lots 1 and 8 are not shown correctly for front, rear and side yard along a street. For Lot 2 the setback starts at the point where the lot is a minimum of 40% of the required lot width due to the pipestem. Please revise. All setbacks are to be shown on the formal land use application short plat plan submittal, but must be removed prior to final short plat recording. Access/Parking: Each lot is required to accommodate off street parking for a minimum of Iwo vehicles per lot. All lots would gain access directly to a public road, NW 6th Street via a private street. In addition, appropriate shared maintenance and access agreemenVeasements will be required between lots with shared access. Private streets are allowed for access to six or less lots, with no more than 4 of the lots not abutting a public right-of-way. The street is to include a minimum easement width of 26 feet with 20 feet of paving. Private driveways may serve a maximum of Iwo lots and must have a minimum easement width of 20 feet with 12 feet of paving. Addresses of lots along private streets/driveways are to be visible from the public street by provision of a sign stating all house numbers. The sign is to be located at the intersection of the private street and the public street. The applicant is proposing a private street within a 30 foot easement with 24 feet of pavement to serve eight lots. This does not meet code for either public or private streets. The applicant will either need to request a modification to the street standards with detailed justification or provide a public street or reduce the number of lots to six in order to use a 26 ft. wide private access easement. Any dead end street over 700 feet in length is required to have secondary emergency access. This can be in the form of a new street or a 20-foot wide emergency access easement. Demonstration of the length and/or type of access is to be provided at the time of formal land use application. If the applicant chooses they may ask for a modification to the required secondary access. However, there is no guarantee of approval of the request. Critical Areas: According to the City's Critical Areas maps, the site appears to contain steep slopes and erosion hazards. Geologic Hazards -Sensitive slopes have grades from 25% to 40%. Specific standards apply for development located within sensitive slopes and landslide hazard areas. Protected slopes are defined as topographical features that slope in excess of 40% and have a vertical rise of 15 feet or more. Development is prohibited on protected slopes, please see RMC 4-3-050J for additional information. As required by the City's Critical Areas Regulations, a slope delineation indicating the location of steep slopes will be required as part of the formal land use application. Pursuant to the Renton Municipal Code (RMC 4-3-050J) the applicant will be required to obtain a geotechnical report stamped and signed from a Geotechnical Engineer stating that the site is suitable Alhadeff Short Plat: -pre-APPlicau!eeUng Page 3 of 4 • for development and addresses soils, geology and other key elements. In addition, the report will need to address any special construction requirements deemed necessary by the Geotechnical Engineer. Through the preliminary plat review process, the City may condition the approval of the development in order to require mitigation of any potential hazards based on the results of the study. In addition, pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050.J.3, the geotechnical report submitted with the application may be required to undergo independent secondary review by a qualified specialist selected by the City at the applicant's expense_ Environmental Review: The project would require SEPA review due to the number of lots of the proposed plat (greater than four dwelling units). The proposal would be brought to the Environmental Review Committee for review as it is their charge to make threshold determinations for environmental checklists. Typically, mitigation of impacts is accomplished through fees related to issues such as transportation, fire and parks as well as measures to reduce impacts to environmental elements such as soils, streams, water, etc .. Lot Line Adjustment: The applicant has indicated that the proposed development would encompass a portion of one of the subject parcels. This parcel is owned by the same owner. The lot line adjustment can be completed through a land use application "Lot Line Adjustment (LLA)" process, which can be submitted at the same time as the short plat, but should be recorded prior to the processing of the short plat. Permit Requirements: Lot line adjustments are processed administratively within an estimated time frame of 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the number of requested revisions. The application fee is $450.00. Detailed information regarding the submittal requirements is provided in the attached handouts. Once the application is accepted as complete, copies of the lot line adjustment drawing will be routed to reviewing departments (Le., Property Services, Plan Review, and Fire). Comments regarding necessary revisions to the drawing will be forwarded to the applicant within approximately 2 to 3 weeks. The drawings will again be routed to the reviewers for final approval. If no further revisions are required, submission of the original, signed final mylar (all parties with interest in the site must sign), as well as a check for courier fees, will be requested after all conditions of approval, if any, are satisfied. Subsequent to the City's approval of and signature on the mylar, the lot line adjustment will be forwarded to King County for recording. The recording process for the County typically takes 1 to 2 days. Following the lot line adjustment, the project would require Hearing Examiner Short Plat review. Short plats that involve 9 or less lots, but more than four. require a public hearing before the City's Hearing Examiner. The project would not require Environmental (SEPA) Review. The preliminary review of the proposal would be processed within an estimated time frame of 12 weeks for preliminary approval. The application fee is $1,000.00 for the Hearing Examiner Short Plat. First class postage per mailing label is required for notification to surrounding property owners within 300 feet of the site. The estimated fee is $1.000.00 plus postage. The applicant will be required to install a public information sign on the property. Detailed infonmation regarding the land use application submittal requirements is provided in the attached handouts. Once preliminary approval is received, the applicant must complete the required improvements and satisfy any conditions of the preliminary approval before the plat can be recorded. It is the applicant's responsibility to initiate the final short plat process. The newly created lots may be sold only after the final short plat has been recorded. For your use, a copy of the short plat recording process to be completed after preliminary short plat approval is included in the informational packet. Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction permit fees, the following mitigation fees would be required prior to the recording of the short plat. • A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project; • Alhadeff Short Plat: Pre-Application Meeting Page 4 of 4 • • A Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot; and, • A Fire Mitigation Fee based on $488.00 per new single family lot. A handout listing all of the City's Development related fees is included in the packet for your review. Short Plat Expiration: Upon preliminary short plat approval, the preliminary short plat approval is valid for two years with a possible one year extension provided the requesl is submitted to the decision maker prior to expiration. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The existing development is located within the Residential Single Family (RSF) Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. The following policies are applicable to the proposal: Policy LU-34. Net development densities should fall within a range of 5 to 8 dwelling units per acre in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. Policy LU-35. A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single-family residential neighborhoods except when flexible development standards are used for project review. Policy H-85. Provide homeownership opportunities in all neighborhoods. Additional Comments: 1) In advance of submitting the full application package, applicants are strongly encouraged to bring in one copy of each application material for a pre-screening to the customer service counter to help ensure that the application is complete prior to making all copies. 2)· An Exception through Modification for the protected slopes was granted on April 12, 2004. Copy of letter is attached. cc: Jennifer Henning ~ • )F RENTON ~ Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 12, 2004 Richard L. Wagner, Principal Baylis Architects 10801 Main Street Bellevue, WA 98004 Subject: Protected Slopes Exception through Modification Dear Mr. Wagner: As you have requested, I have evaluated the geotechnical report that you submitted as well as the slope evaluation from The Riley Group, Inc. dated October 29, 2003 in order to determine whether or not the slopes on your site qualify for an "exception through modification" per Renton Municipal Code Section 4-3.Q50J.5. The Slope Evaluation submitted by The Riley Group, Inc. concludes: .... .flt) is our conclusion that the northern and southern east-facing steep slopes. and the top of the north·" facing slope associated with the southern east-facing slopes. were man-made by WSDO T andlor the' subsequent site owner, and that they were the result of natural resource recoveiy activities, utifity installation, and/or public and private road improvements. This includes the limited-height (typically about 10 feet tall) steep north-facing and south-facing slopes associated with the utility installation that traversed the top of the steep ~outhern east·facing slope (east of N. W. Sf! Street) ... Regarding the history of slopes not addressed above, the Slope Evaluation states: "The south·facing and the remaining nor1.h·facing slopes, directly adjacent to the southern east·facing slope, also may have been altered. However, based on aerial photographs from 1956 to 2002, the shape of the level area at the toe of the slope and along Rainier Avenue remained about the same, indicating that significant additional grading did not occur. No other anecdotal or recorded evidence was found indicating additional work'on these areas." It is my determination that the slopes identified on Exhibit A qualify for exceptions through modification, per Renton Municipal Code Section 4-3-050.J5.bii. Therefore, filling and grading could occur on the slopes identified in Exhibit A, with the beneftf of the applicable permits and land use approvals. Although the slopes qualify for exceptions through mOdification', grading permits andlor a fill and grade land use approval may still be required. Please submit plans to the Development Services Division for the appropriate permit processes prior to beginning any work on site. Furtherniore, this determination that the slopes qualify for an exception through modification does not mean that development or construction will be allowed on the slopes. RMC 4-3- 050.J5.bii allows only filling and grading on slopes that qualify for the exception. Further geotechnical review will be required as part of any proposed development on the subject site. This determination will be final unless a written appeal of this administrative determination is filed with the City's Hearing Examiner wilhin 14 days olthe date of this letter. See Section 4-8-11 of Ihe Renton Municipal Code for further information of the appeal process. Sincerely, ~~~rL7/I11Pft>flfl~ Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator ------------~IO~5~5~S-ou-t~h~G~ra~d~y~W~a-y--~R-en-to-n-,~W~as~h~in-g-to-n-9~8~O~55-------------~ ~ This oaoer contains 50% m<:vdAO rruotPrbll .on"!.. nnc:! ........... , -AHEAD OF THE CURVE \qw\~ Crt'( UT\\..\.~ ~ ~ ~.-" I " r Lmll ,II I:I ~I:;i , 'I' 'I !;:;tl 1,1' ~ 1m .. ~ III I ~ Reference' Boundary & Topographic Survey "Rainier Avenue Mixed Use", by Triad Associates, dated 26 September 2002 , • • ,'If! " . "r '\ , I"~'~ =-:rr; GUT)~ ,'$ ~III r I ~ :j.;,~ .: .'<',;\,--" ,----"\ \-__ J ~PT. ~\e;ep~~ "?'?&,.8+ The Riley Group, Inc. Ions LAKE cITY WA Y NE SEAmE, WASHINGTON 98125 PA\""\~ M\~~·l,)tE Gtlphitll SCI": 1". tIJ +N 1 __ '" "" -- Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Exh,b,.r-A 3 / / .. ' '. To: ... Susan Fiala Jack Alhadeff Rich Wagner Glenn Hume Meeting Date: 8/19/04 • Meeting Minutes Project No.: Project Name: Location: Attendees: • m 203615.10 Task Alhadeff Short Plat City of Renton Prepared By: Matt Weber Susan Fiala, Development Services/Planning Corey Thomas, Fire Prevention Abdoul Gafour, Water Utility Jan lilian, Public Works Matt Weber, AHBL Subject: Pre-application Meeting: The following notes are a summary of the pre-application meeting held at 1 0:00am on Thursday, August 19'h at the City of Renton. Fire Prevention Bureau Comments: The project is located at the end of NW 6th SI. and access to the new lots will be from an extension of the existing cul-de-sac. The total length of the roadway is measured from Taylor Avenue. With the proposed extension, the roadway will extend beyond the City's maximum cul- de-sac length of 700'. Because of this, City code would require two access points to the project. Approval of a modification will be needed to allow the roadway beyond 700'. If a modification is approved to allow the proposed extension beyond 700', then no additional tum-around would be required within the project (maximum private road length with no EV tum- around is 250'). However, the cul-de-sac at the end of NW 6th SI. will need to be improved and paved with a 90' diameter cul-de-sac. This may require pavement to the limit of the existing right of way. Because the houses will be located on a cul-de-sac road in excess of 700', all new houses will need to be sprinkled and will likely require a 1" domestic meter. MENT PLANNING OEV'Th~ OF RENTON NOV 04 200It RECE\VED c:\documents and settings\mweber\local settings\lemporary internet files\olk90\S15-alhedeff-sp-pre-ap-notes-a.20-04.doc TACOMA 2215 North 30th Street SuH.lOO Tacoma, WA 98403-3350 253.383.2422 TIL 253.383.2512 FAX www.ahbl.com • • Water: No connections or extensions will be allowed from the 12" transmission main running through the site. We discussed two possible altematives to provide water service. The first is to replace the existing 4" main in NW 6th Street with an 8" main (this is necessary in order to provide fire flow). This is the City's preferred method and they would contribute funds to pay for the improvement since the City and surrounding neighborhood would benefit from the improvement. The City ) would be willing to pay half of the cost for the improvement with a maximum contribution of . $30,0.00. If hydrants were ~eq~ired along the improvement, .the City would pay for them. Also, ) the City would allow a longitudinal cut and patch In the eXisting roadway With no overlay • I J'""./ required. tt-~~~ rl~'" The second alternative discussed was to install a new water main connecting to Rainier Ave. This may also work if it could be coordinated with the adjacent redevelopment. The City believes that the existing 4" main in NW 6th Street terminates at the cul-de-sac and does not extend through the site. The City would not allow substantial filling over the existing 12" transmission main. If we need to fill over the pipe, then we may be required to put in a new line. Sewer: The project will need to connect to the existing sewer main running through the site. This will likely require several new manholes and a sewer extension. Storm: The project will be required to meet the requirements of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Streets: The proposed intemal road will be private. Because of this, no frontage improvements or improvements to NW 6th Street will be required (with the exception of increasing the cul-de-sac to 90' diameter as noted previously). Sidewalks would typically be required along the internal plat road. However, since the road is proposed to be private and since there are no sidewalks along NW 6'h Street, we could ask for a modification to relieve this requirement. Two modifications with respect to streets will be necessary: 1. Modification to alleviate secondary access requirement (since roadway over 700'). 2. Modification to allow type of street. This request would include pavement width, easement width, waive sidewalk requirement, and number of lots accessing from a private road. This would also include a modification with respect to the number of lots not on public right of way (it does not matter where the driveways are located). (Delmll • • We can ask for approval of these modifications prior to submittal of the land-use application. The modification request should be submitted to Neil Watts. Land Use: Based on the areas submitted with the preliminary site plan, only 7 lots would be allowed (0.94 acres buildable). Rounding up is not allowed. A 40% slope analysis will be necessary to determine the buildable area. We also need clarification on the ·protected" slopes in order to determine the net buildable area. Code requirements will vest at time of complete short plat application. We should not submit the short plat application until the boundary line adjustment for the parking lot is finished. The building setbacks as we show on the preliminary site plan are OK (front yard setback can be measured to the centerline of the road since the lots go to the centerline of the new road) with the exception of lots 1, 2, and 8. The setbacks on lots 1 and 8 adjacent to the cul-de-sac can be reduced to 15'. The front yard setback on lot 2 starts at a point where the lot width is 40'. As a follow-up to the meeting, Susan Fiala is to get back to Matt Weber with the answer to two questions: 1. Confirmation that the slopes noted in Gregg Zimmermans letter to Rich Wagner dated April 12, 2004 would not be considered ·protected" and can be included in the net buildable area (since they can be graded and subsequently less than 40%). 2. Confirmation that the utility easement and/or right of way running through the site can be included as part of the site. End of Meeting Minutes The above summation is our Interpretation of the items discussed and decisions reached at the above-referenced meeting. Any person deSiring to add or otherwise correct the Minutes ;s requested to submit their comments in writing to AHBL within 14 days of the meeting date; otherwise. the Minutes stand as written. mmmm ....... :1'"-- -, • • /' TENANCY IN COMMON AGREEMENT This Tenancy In Common Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement"), dated asR!~~~V:§~ 2001, is made and entered into by and between IDA Group, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("IDA") and 1.D. Kline Corporation, an Oregon corporation (''Kline''). IDA and Kline are sometimes hereinafter referred to individually as "Owner" and collectively as "Owners." RECITALS A. IDA and Kline, as tenants in common, intend to acquire that certain real property and all of the improvements located thereon commonly known as the GM Auto Sales Property, located at 601 Rainier Avenue, Renton, Washington, 98055, and legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"). Specifically, IDA intends to acquire an undivided 70% tenancy in common interest in the Property, and Kline intends to acquire, pursuant to a IRC Section 1031 tax deferred like-kind exchange, an undivided 30% tenancy in common interest in the Property. B. In order to define and manage their relationship with respect to the Property and each other, the Owners desire to subject their respective interests in the Property to this Agreement, which, among other things, provides for the joint acquisition, ownership, operation, management, development, leasing, financing and disposition of the Property. AGREEMENT Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, the Owners hereby agree as follows: SECTION 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on the date the Owners take title to the Property in the manner provided in paragraph 2.1 of this Agreement, and shall continue until terminated by mutual agreement of the Owners or as otherwise provided in this Agreement. SECTION 2. ACQUISITION AND TITLE TO PROPERTY; NO PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE; ALLOCATION OF PROFITS AND LOSSES 2.1 Acquisition and Title to Property. The Owners will acquire their respective ownership interests in the Property ("Ownership Interests") as tenants in common as follows: IDA will acquire an undivided 70% tenancy in common interest in the Property, and Kline will acquire, pursuant to a IRC Section 1031 tax deferred like-kind exchange, an undivided 30% tenancy in common interest in the Property. IDA hereby acknowledges that Kline is acquiring its Ownership Interest in the Property in connection with a IRC Section 1031 tax deferred like-kind exchange of Kline's interest in the real property known as the Lakeview Building and located at 30819 14th Avenue South, Federal Way, Washington, 98003, and in connection therewith, IDA hereby agrees to cooperate. with Kline to effectively accomplish such exchange transaction; • • provided that (i) IDA shall not be obligated to incur any additional costs in order to enable such Section 1031 tax deferred like-kind exchange (the ''Exchange'') to take place, (ii) any such additional costs shall be borne solely by Kline, and (iii) Kline shall be responsible for making all detenninations as to the legal sufficiency, tax considerations and other considerations relating to the Exchange, the Exchange documents and the transactions contemplated thereby, and IDA shall not be responsible for, or in any way be deemed to warrant or represent any tax or other consequences of the Exchange arising by reason of IDA's performance of the acts required hereby. [ajd,l;oVl ,'., /r",(,,,jwidJ 2.2 No Partnership or loint Venture. The Owners expressly understand and agree that the acquisition of the Property and providing for its joint ownership, operation, management, development, leasing, financing and disposition in accordance with the terms of this Agreement does not in any way or for any purpose create a partnership or joint venture relationship between the Owners. The limited and only purposes of this Agreement are to provide for (i) the common acquisition and ownership of the Property, (ii) the operation and management of the Property and Building (as said term is defined in paragraph 5.1 hereof), (iii) the funding of the development of the Building on the Property, (iv) the financing of the development of the Building on the Property, and (v) the disposition of all or portions of the Property. Except for the Operating Account (as said term is defined in paragraph 4.1 hereof) for the Property, the Owners shall have no joint bank accounts in respect of the Property or otherwise. No Owner shall file any partnership informational federal or state income tax return or other joint tax return inconsistent with the separate undivided tenancy in common ownership interests of each Owner in the Property. Without limiting the intent and effect of this paragraph 2.2, if for any reason the joint ownership of the Property ever should be deemed or treated for tax purposes as a partnership, then, in such event, the Owners intend and hereby protectively elect under Treasury Regulation Section 1.761-2(a)(2) not to be a partnership. 2.3 Allocation of Profits and Losses. All profits and losses from the common ownership, operation and management of the Property, and all other items of deduction, credit, preference and the like associated therewith, shall be allocated and shared among the Owners in proportion to their respective Ownership Interests in the Property. SECTION 3. [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED.) SECTION 4. COLLECTION OF JNCOME, PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND DISTRIBUTIONS 4.1 Collection of Income and Payment of Expenses. The commercial property manager referred to in paragraph 6.2 shall collect rental and any other income from the day to day operation of the Property and pay all expenses relating thereto. All net income resulting from operation of the Property shall be deposited in an interest bearing bank account to be opened for that purpose (the "Operating Account"), and costs not paid by the property manager arising from the joint ownership of the Property shall be paid from the Operating Account. All costs of having the Property professionally managed, maintaining the Operating Account and accounting for the • • activity in the Operating Account shaH be shared by the Owners in proportion to each Owner's Ownership Interest. 4.2 Distributions. Distributions of cash generated by the Property in excess of the amounts reasonably needed to operate, maintain and develop the Property and to maintain reasonable reserves, as reasonably detennined by IDA, shall be made from the Operating Account from time to time as determined by IDA, to the Owners in proportion to their respective Ownership Interests. SECTION 5. DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Pw:pose. The Owners wiH construct at least one commercial office building containing at least 20,000 square feet of rentable space on the Property (''Building''). It is the Owners' long- term goal and intent to develop, construct, own, manage and operate the Building on a parcel of the Property. The Property will be otherwise subdivided and developed or transferred to third parties. All decisions with respect to the subdivision, development and transfer of the Property wiH be made by IDAv;;12-v1 tlMtUJw.ud-.JJ 1-/VA I 5.2 Subordination. The Owners wiH subordinate their interests in the Property to lenders or other lienholders on the Property as and when requested by IDA to facilitate development of the Property as contemplated hereby. 5.3 Determination. Whenever this Agreement states that a decision is to be made or a matter is to be determined by IDA, such decision or determination shall be made by IDA in such a manner as is reasonably calculated to maximize the value of the Property and complies with this Agreement, and shall otherwise be in IDA's sole discretion. So long as IDA's decision or determination is in compliance with the foregoing, the decision or determination shall not be subject to change or cha1lenge by any Owner. SECTION 6. MANAGEMENT 6.1 General. All decisions with respect to the management of the Property shall be made by IDA, provided that all such decisions are consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, however IDA shall have the authority to do the following on behalf of the Owners, so long as the terms thereof are customary, reasonable, fair, competitive, and consistent with the provisions of this Agreement: (a) enter into agreements for the lease, sale, exchange, or other disposition of portions of the Property; (b) grant a mortgage, deed of trust, security interest or agreement, pledge, or other instrument encumbering assets (including rents) in connection with developing the Property, or enter into any contract for such purpose; • • (c) borrow money in the Owners' names ) in connection with developing the Property or utilize collateral owned by the Owners as security for such loans; (d) employ on behalf of the Owners or delegate duties and responsibilities to any Owner or any person, firm or corporation related or affiliated with such Owner; and (e) release, compromise, assign or transfer any claim, right or benefit relating to the operation of the Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Owner shall have authority to act as an agent for or bind the Property or the other Owner in contravention of the provisions of this Agreement. 6.2 Property Management. IDA may employ Holman Real Estate Services, or such other property management firm as IDA may select, to operate and manage the Property on behalf of the Owners on such terms and for such compensation as is customary in Renton, Washington. 6.3 Execution of Documents. All documents (including without limitation, promissory notes, negotiable instruments, assignments, deeds, easements, bills of sale, leases, pledges, deeds of trust, mortgages, security agreements, contracts, and agreements) on behalf of or relating to the Property shall require the signature of all Owners. Each Owner shall cooperate in executing, acknowledging and delivering all such documents and instruments authorized hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in order to facilitate the smooth development and operation of the Property, each Owner hereby grants to Jack D. Alhadeff {"Alhadeli") their power-of-attorney solely for the purpose of executing, acknowledging and delivering (i) construction agreements, financing documents and all other documents necessary for development of the Property as contemplated by this Agreement, (ii) leases for the Property, and (iii) operating contracts for the Property, to the same force and effect as if they had been executed, acknowledged and delivered by each Ov.ner; provided, however, in the case ofIGine, Alhadeff shall not exercise the foregoing power-of-attorney with respect to documents described in subpart (i) of this sentence unless he first gives Irvin D. Kline or his legal representative five (5) days advance written request to execute the applicable documents and instruments authorized hereunder (which written request shall include complete and legible copies of the documents and instruments which Kline is being asked to execute and deliver) and Irvin D. Kline or his legal representative is unable or otherwise fails to execute the applicable documents and instruments by the end of such five (5) day period. This power of attorney is coupled with an interest and is therefore irrevocable. 6.4 Compensation of Owners. Except as unanimously agreed in writing by the Owners or as otherv.ise provided in this Agreement, no Owner, nor any person, firm, or cOilloration related or affiliated with an Owner, shall be entitled to any salary, commissions, fees or other compensation for services rendered to the Owners with respect to the management of the Property. Each Owner shall be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary costs and expenses, to be borne by the Owners in proportion to their Ownership Interests, which have been paid or incurred by such Owner on behalf of the Property. ------------- • • 6.5 Outside Business Interests: No Fiduciary Obligations. This Agreement shall not preclude any Owner, or any officer, director, shareholder, manager or member of any Owner, from engaging, directly or indirectly, in any other business, irrespective of whether such business shall be similar to the management of the Property, or shall involve the development, construction, management or operation of other commercial properties for investment or otherwise; provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, no such business may compete with the management of the Property in a way that materially adversely effects the income or value of the Building or Property. In connection with the foregoing, all Owners hereby acknowledge that JDA is in the business of developing commercial real property in Renton, Washington and agree that IDA's engaging in said business shall not in and of itself constitute a violation of the foregoing prohibition. The Owners and the officers, directors, shareholders, managers and members of the Owners shall not have any fiduciary duty or obligation to the other Owners to offer to them any business opportunity of which they may have knowledge or be informed. The Owners and the officers, directors, shareholders, managers and members of the Owners shall not have any right to participate in any manner in the income earned or derived by or accruing to any Owner, or any officer, director, shareholder, manager or member of any Owner, from the conduct of any other business. The Owners and the officers, directors, shareholders, managers and members of the Owners shall not be accountable to any other Owner or person associated with an Owner for any investment or business opportunity which he or she hereafter becomes aware of by reason of the operation of the Property. 6.6 Indemnification: Right of Contribution. Each Owner shall indemnifY and hold harmless the Property and each of the other Owners from any and all liabilities, losses, and expenses suffered or sustained (including, without limitation, any judgment, settlement, reasonable attorney's fees, or other costs or expenses incurred in connection with the defense of any actual or threatened action or proceeding) resulting from or arising out of any act of such Owner that is not within such Owner's authority under this Agreement. In the event liability is asserted against any Owner in connection with the Property or against the Property which results from or arises out of any act within such Owner's authority under this Agreement, all of the Owners and each of them, jointly and severally, agree to indemnifY and hold harmless any Owner or Owners against whom liability is so asserted from any liability in excess of the proportionate liability of each of the Owners for obligations relating to the Property, which proportionate liability shall be in accordance with each Owner's Ownership Interest. SECTION 7. ACCOUNTING MA TIERS 7.1 Accounting Records. At all times during the common ownership of the Property, JDA shall cause to be kept, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied ("GAPP"), complete and accurate accounting records that reflect all of the operations and transactions relating to the Property; provided that during such time as Holman Real Estate Services is the property manager of the Property, said accounting records shall be kept in the manner in which Holman Real Estate Services previously kept the records for the Lakeview Building referred to in paragraph 2.1 above. All such accounting records and bank account statements for the Operating Account shall be maintained at JDA's office, and shall be available for inspection and the making of copies therefrom by any of the Owners, or their representatives, • • at reasonable times. Such accounting records and bank account statements shall be maintained by IDA and preserved during the term of this Agreement and for four (4) years thereafter. 7.2 Calendar Year. All transactions relating to the Property shall be maintained on a calendar year basis. 7.3 l\Jmual Reports to Owners. The Owners, at their joint expense, shall have a mutually selected certified public accounting firm (or the property manager) furnish to each Owner within seventy-five (75) days after the end of each calendar year an annual report of information required to prepare income tax returns for the Owners, including cash flow, details of fixed asset acquisitions and dispositions, and such other selected information, such as unpaid bills and rent deposits, as may be requested by a majority of the Owners. 7.4 Reserves. From time to time IDA may decide to establish reasonable reserves or abolish reserves for estimated accrued expenses and unknown or unfixed liabilities or contingencies relating to the Property. 7.5 Operating Account. The Operating Account shall be maintained in such federally insured banking institutions as IDA shall determine. All rents, interest, and other receipts shall be deposited in the Operating Account and all operating expenses and disbursements to Owners shall be paid from the Operating Account. The funds held in the Operating Account shall not be commingled with the funds of any other person or entity. 7.6 Operating Expenses. The Owners shall bear all operating costs and expenses attributable to the management of the Property in proportion to their Ownership Interests. The operating e),:penses shall include, without limitation: (i) expenses incurred with respect to the management, operation, leasing, and ownership of the Property; (ii) interest and principal payments, loan fees and other expenses related to any indebtedness secured by the Property; and (iii) administrative expenses such as accounting, legal, and other professional services, audits, and bookkeeping. The Owners shall be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary travel and out -of- pocket expenses, copying, postage, long distance telephone expenses and costs of supplies, paid . or incurred by such Owner in connection with the management of the Property. 7.7 Audits. Any Owner may cause an audit to be made of the accounting records relating to the management of the Property by a certified public accountant and/or to cause certified or audited financial reports to be prepared at the Owner's own expense; provided, if such audit and/or certified or audited reports shows an error of more than ten (10%) percent of profit or loss, on a cash basis, then all costs of the audit and/or preparation of the certified or audited financial reports shall be paid from the Operating Account as a joint expense of all of the Owners. 7.8 Quarterly Income and Expense Statements; Financial Statements; Appraisals. During the term of this Agreement, IDA shall: (i) calendar-quarterly, within ten (10) days after the end of each calendar-quarter, provide to each Owner quarterly income and expense statements reflecting the income and expenses in connection with all of the operations and transactions relating to the Property for such calendar-quarter, and (ii) annually, within seventy-five (75) days after the end of • • each calendar year, provide to each Owner an unaudited year-end financial statement, prepared in accordance with GAPP, reflecting all of the operations and transactions relating to the Property for such 12 month period. In the event at any time IDA has an audited financial statement prepared reflecting all of the operations and transactions relating to the Property, IDA shall promptly provide a copy of such audited financial statement to each of the Owners. In the event at any time IDA causes the Property or any portion thereof or any improvement located thereon to be appraised, IDA shall promptly provide a copy of the appraisal to each of the Owners. SECTION 8. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP INTEREST 8.1 Transfer of Property Interest. An Owner may transfer all or part of such Owner's Ownership Interest in the Property only as follows: (a) to a corporation, limited liability company or other entity of which the Owner owns the majority of the voting stock., percentage interest or other controlling interest (a "Controlled Entity"); (b) by gift, sale, intestate succession or testamentary disposition to the spouse and/or children of a person owning an interest in an Owner, or to a trust for the benefit of such person's spouse and/or children, but only through the transfer of an ownership interest in the subject Owner (i.e., by transferring stock in Kline to the spouse and/or children of a stockholder in Kline, or by transferring a membership interest in IDA to a spouse and/or children of a member in IDA); (c) to another Owner in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.2; (d) to a third party in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.2; (e) pursuant to an option granted to any Owner by any other Owner with the unanimous written approval of all of the Owners, in strict accordance with the provisions of such option; or (f) upon the unanimous written approval of the remaining Owners. In addition, IDA shall have the right to transfer all (but not less than all) of its Ownership Interest in the Property to a new limited liability company to be fonned by A1hadeff ("New LLC"), provided that during the tenn of this Agreement, A1hadeff shall at all times solely manage and control the New LLC and own at least a majority ownership interest in the New LLC. In the event IDA transfers its Ownership Interest in the Property to New LLC, New LLC shall become, effective as of the date of transfer, the manager of the Property and for purposes of this Agreement, all references herein to IDA shall thereafter be deemed to mean and refer to New LLC. Any purported transfer, including but not limited to a sale, encumbrance, assignment, pledge, gift, bequest or other transfer, and whether voluntary, involuntary or by operation of law (collectively, a "Transfer") of all or part of an Owner's Ownership Interest in the Property which is not described in this Section 8.1 shall be void and of no effect against any other Owner. In the • • event of a Transfer which is described in this Section 8.1 (other than as described in Section 8.1(b) of this Agreement), the Controlled Entity or transferee shall automatically be admitted as a substituted Owner upon the execution of a counterpart copy of this Agreement, as amended from time to time, pursuant to which such Controlled Entity or transferee agrees to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement, including all amendments hereto. 8.2 Transfer Procedure. In the event that an Owner (the "Selling Owner") wishes to Transfer its Ownership lnterest in the Property or any portion thereof (the "Offered lnterest") in a Transfer not described in Section 8.1 hereof, the provisions of this Section 8.2 shall apply. 8.2.1 Transfer Notice. The Selling Owner shall first notify in writing the other Owners of the identities of the Selling Owner and the proposed transferee( s), the amount of the Offered Interest and the proposed price and terms of the subject Transfer (each, a "Transfer Notice"). 8.2.2 Owner Purchase. Thereupon the other Owners shall have the right to purchase any of the Offered Interest at the price and on the terms offered by the proposed transferee, provided that if such price or terms includes consideration other than money, the provisions of Section 8.2.4 hereof shall apply. In order to exercise their purchase rights, the other Owners shall, within thirty (30) days after receiving the Transfer Notice, deliver to the Selling Owner a written election to purchase so much of the Offered lnterest as each may desire to purchase. If the total amount of the Offered Interest that all other Owners elect to purchase exceeds the available amount of the Offered Interest, each such Owner shall have a priority right to purchase an amount of the Offered Interest equal to the lesser of (i) the amount which of the Offered lnterest which the purchasing Owner elected to purchase as set forth in such purchasing Owner's written election, or (ii) an amount equal to the total Offered Interest multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the Ownership Interest owned by the purchasing Owner and the denominator of which is the sum of Ownership Interests owned by all Owners who elected to purchase the Offered Interest. That portion of the available Offered Interest not purchased on such a priority basis shall be allocated in one or more successive allocations to those Owners who have indicated in their written elections that they desire to purchase more than the amount of Offered lnterest to which they have priority right, with the allocation determined by the fraction, the numerator of which is the Ownership Interest owned by such purchasing Owner and the denominator of which is the sum of Ownership Interests owned by all such purchasing Owners. 8.2.3 Transferee Purchase. If the other Owners together do not exercise their purchase rights within the time period provided herein with respect to all of the Offered Interest, the Selling Owner shall be free for a period of sixty (60) days thereafter to Transfer the Offered Interest to the transferee(s), at the price and on the terms set forth in the Transfer Notice. Upon expiration of such sixty (60) day period, any Transfer of the Selling Owner's interest in the Property shall again be subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 8.1. 8.2.4 Nonmonetarv Consideration. If the terms of the proposed Transfer include consideration other than money, the other Owners who purchase the Offered Interest ("Buyers") may at their option substitute for such consideration the monetary equivalent thereof (the --.. ------_. -.-.-. ~---. _.-. • • "Monetary Equivalent"). If the Selling Owner and the Buyers cannot agree upon the Monetary Equivalent, then the same shall be determined by appraisal in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.1 below. 8.2.5 Closing. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the closing of any sale pursuant to this Section 8.2 shall take place at the principal office of the Selling Owner on the first regular business day more than sixty (60) days after the later of (i) the date on which all Buyers have been identified in accordance with Section 8.2.2 or (ii) the monetary equivalent of any non- monetary consideration has been determined in accordance with Section 8.2.4. The purchase price shall be paid in accordance with the terms of the Transfer Notice, provided that to the extent the purchase price is paid in the form of the monetary equivalent of any non-monetary consideration as determined in accordance with Section 8.2.2 hereof, it shall be paid in full in cash at closing. SECTION 9. BANKRUPTCY 9.1 Definition. For purposes of this Agreement, "Bankruptcy" shall mean, with respect to any Owner, (i) the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy by or against that Owner pursuant to Chapters 7 or 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, unless such petition is denied or dismissed within thirty (30) days after filing in the case of a voluntary petition, or within ninety (90) days after filing in the case of an involuntary petition, (ii) the entry of an order of relief in bankruptcy of an Owner, (iii) the assignment by an Owner of its Ownership Interest in the Property for the benefit of creditors, (iv) the appointment of a receiver or trustee for all or substantially of an Owner's assets, (v) the attachment of an Owner's Ownership Interest in the Property which is not released within thirty (30) days, or (vi) the undertaking by any Owner of any course of action amounting to the commencement of liquidation or dissolution proceedings. 9.2 Purchase of Bankrupt Owner's Interest or Sale of Property. Upon the Bankruptcy of any Owner (the ''Bankrupt Owner"), the remaining Owners shall be entitled to purchase all (but not less than all) of the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest in the Property at a price equal to ninety percent (90%) of the appraised value of such Ownership Interest, as determined by appraisal in accordance with Sections 10.1 and 10.2 below ("Appraised Value"). Unless the remaining Owners electing to purchase the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest otherwise agree, each remaining Owner shall be entitled to purchase its proportionate share of the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest, determined by multiplying the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest by a fraction, the numerator of which is the remaining Owner's Ownership Interest and the denominator of which is the sum of all Ownership Interests of all remaining Owners electing to purchase the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest. The remaining Owners shall exercise their right to purchase the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest by delivering to the Bankrupt Owner a written notice of such exercise within ninety (90) days after the receipt of written notice of the Bankruptc)' of the Bankrupt Owner or, iflater, within thirty (30) days after the determination of the Appraised Value of the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest. If the remaining Owner(s) do not elect to purchase the entire interest of the Bankrupt Owner as provided in this Section 9.2, the remaining Owners(s) shall proceed with reasonable promptness to sell the Property and to distribute the net sales proceeds in accordance with Section 11.4 below. --"'-" ---_. ---,-. ----. -'-' R______________________________________________________________ ---. ------ • • 9.3 Payment of Purchase Price. In the event the remaining Owners elect to purchase a Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest in accordance with Section 9.2 above, the purchase price shall be paid, at the option of the remaining Owners purchasing the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest, (i) in cash, or (ii) by promissory notes of the remaining Owners purchasing the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest providing for equal monthly payments of principal and interest amortized over a period not exceeding five (5) years, with simple interest on the unpaid balance at the Bank of America prime rate plus three (3 %) percent as of the date of the purchase in question, which promissory notes shall be secured by security interests in the Ownership Interests in the Property of the remaining Owners electing to purchase the Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest. 9.4 Outstanding Liabilities. In the event the remaining Owners purchase a Bankrupt Owner's Ownership Interest in accordance with Section 9.2 above, the remaining Owners shall (i) pay all obligations and liabilities relating to the Property that exist on the effective date of such purchase as they mature and become due, and (ii) shall indemnifY and hold harmless the Bankrupt Owner, jointly and severally, from any such obligations or liabilities accruing after the effective date of such sale, excluding, however, any liabilities, known, unknown, or contingent, which may thereafter become due as a result of any negligent act or omission of the Bankrupt Owner, or any act of the Bankrupt Owner which is in contravention of this Agreement. 10. APPRAISAL 10.1 Aooraisal In the event an Ownership Interest is to be determined by appraisal as provided in Section 9.2 hereof, the matter shall be submitted for determination to a mutually agreeable licensed appraiser having a minimum of seven (7) years experience appraising real estate of the same nature and type as the Property. Such appraiser shall, within thirty (30) days after his or her appointment, determine the fair market value of the applicable Ownership Interest, which determination shall be binding upon the parties. If the parties cannot agree within a reasonable period of time upon an appraiser with the foregoing stated specifications, then, upon petition of any of the Owners, an appraiser meeting the foregoing stated specifications shall be appointed by the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. Each party shall pay one half of the costs of any appraiser appointed pursuant to this Section. 10.2 Determination of Appraised Value of Property. In determining the Appraised Value of the applicable Ownership Interest for purposes of Section 9.2, the appraiser shall value the Property on a going-concern basis, and shall observe the following in connection therewith: (a) the Property shall be valued at fair market value net of usual and customary selling expenses and other transaction costs; (b) the valuation shall include all items of substantial value compnsmg the Property, including all leases and all bank accounts maintained with respect to its management and operations; • • ( c) the valuation shall include establishment of reasonable reserves for estimated accrued expenses, anticipated expenses, and unknown or unfixed liabilities or contingencies relating to the Property; (d) past, present, and prospective income to be received from existing leases shall be considered; (e) the maturity dates, interest rates, terms and character of the indebtedness relating to the Property shall be considered; (f) the manner in which interests in the Property shall be distributed upon termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section I 1. 4 below shall be considered; (g) the allocation of profits and losses from the operation of the Property pursuant to this Agreement shall be considered; and (h) the price at which similar commercial properties in the same geographic area have been sold shall be considered. II. WINDING-UP AND TERMINATION I I.l Events of Termination. The joint management of the Property pursuant to this Agreement shall terminate upon the first to occur of the following events: (a) the termination of the joint ownership of the Property by agreement or operation oflaw; (b) the failure of the remaining Owner( s) to purchase the interest of a Bankrupt Owner pursuant to Section 9.2 above; ( c) the unanimous written decision by the Owners to terminate this Agreement; or (d) the sale, transfer, exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of the Property (excluding, however, any 1031 tax deferred like-kind exchange of the Property for substitute real property to which all of the Owner's unanimously consent). 11.2 Continuation of loint Management. Following the occurrence of an event described in Section I 1.1 above, the joint management of the Property shall be continued to the extent deemed necessary by the Owners, or other persons duly authorized by law, in order to allow an orderly winding-up of the joint management of the Property, including, without limitation, the sale of the Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 11.4 below. 11.3 Exclusive Procedure; Waiver of Right of Sale or Partition. The joint management of , the Property may be terminated and wound-up only as provided in this Section I I. Each Owner • • hereby irrevocably waives the right to cause a sale or partition of the Property, except as provided in this Agreement. 11.4 Distribution of Assets. Upon the tennination of the joint management of the Property as provided in Section 11.1 above, the Owners, or other persons duly authorized by Jaw, shall wind up the joint management of the Property, and if such Owners elect to sell the Property, to jointly market and sell the Property for such price and upon such terms as shall be detennined by the Owners by agreement or, barring such agreement, as determined by appraisal in the manner provided in Section 10 above, and to thereafter distribute the cash in the Operating Account and/or the net proceeds from the sale of the Property in the following order: (a) federal or state taxes, including interest and penalties thereon, accrued or assessed against the Property shall be paid or provided for; (b) all liabilities and obligations due non-Owner creditors shall be paid or provided for; (c) all loans or other indebtedness owed to any Owner shall be paid or provided for; (d) a reserve in such amount as IDA deems reasonably necessary shall be established for any contingent, unfixed or unknown liabilities relating to the Property; and ( e) all amounts remaining thereafter shall be paid to the Owners in the same proportion as the Owners' Ownership Interests. For purposes of this Section 11.4, any assets (other than an interest in the Property) which are distributed in kind to the Owners shall be treated as though such assets were sold. The difference between the fair market value of each asset distributed in kind and its book value shall be treated as gain or loss on the sale of the asset and such gain shall be allocated to the Owner receiving such appreciated asset in kind. 12. GENERAL PROVISIONS 12.1 Arbitration. All claims and disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in Renton, Washington pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association before a single arbitrator having demonstrated expertise in the matter submitted for detennination. If the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County upon petition of any Owner. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the Owners and shall be enforceable in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 12.2 Notices. All notices required or pennitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, • • postage prepaid, or by facsimile with confirmed receipt, or by commercial overnight courier service, addressed to the intended recipient at its address set forth below: If to IDA, to: If to Kline, to: with a copy to: IDA Group, LLC. c/o Mr. Jack D. Alhadeff 11661 S.E. First Street Suite 203 Bellevue, WA 98005-3526 I.D. Kline Corporation Attn: Irvin D. Kline 175 Heatherwood Lane Roseberg, OR 97470 Jeffrey S. Tarr Sussman Shank LLP: 1000 SW Broadway, Suite 1400 Portland, OR 97205 Either party may from time to time by notice to the other given in accordance with this Section 12.2 designate such other address(es) or recipient(s) for the giving of notices as such party deems necessary. All notices shall be deemed given when actually delivered to the applicable address as set forth herein. 12.3 Entire Agreement: Amendment. This Agreement represents the entire agreement and understanding of the Owners with respect to operation of the Property. This Agreement may be amended only by a written document signed by all of the Owners. 12.4 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall bind and benefit the Owners and the Owners' members' or shareholders' respective heirs, executors, legal representatives and permitted successors and assigns; provided that nothing contained in this Section 12.4 shall be construed to permit Transfer of an interest in the Property not otherwise expressly permitted elsewhere in this Agreement. 12.5 Waiver. No right or obligation under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived unless evidenced by a writing signed by the party against whom the waiver is asserted. Any waiver shall be effective only with respect to the specific instance involved, and will not impair or limit the right of the waiving party to insist upon strict performance in any other instance, in any other respect, or at any other time. 12.6 Attorney's Fees. In the event that any proceeding shall be brought to enforce or interpret this Agreement, the prevailing party in such proceeding shall have and recover against the other party(ies), in addition to all court costs and disbursements, such sum as the court or arbitrator may determine to be a reasonable attorney's fee. _ .... _ .. _. --. -._ ... ------.-. • • 12.7 Applicable LaW" Venue. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington without reference to its choice oflaw rules, and venue for any action arising under this Agreement shall lie in the Superior Court of Washington for King County. 12.8 Further Assurances. All Owners shall prepare, execute, acknowledge, file, record, publish and deliver such documents, and perform such acts, as may be necessary or appropriate to make this Agreement effective and binding upon all parties, to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, or which may be required under any applicable laws of the State of Washington. 12.9 Partial Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or circumstances is, to any extent, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed replaced with a valid and enforceable provision as similar as possible to the provision replaced. 12.10 Timeliness; Reasonableness. Whenever the consent or approval of an Owner is required hereunder, the same shall not be umeasonably withheld or delayed. 12.11 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which shall constitute one agreement notwithstanding that all ofthe parties are not signatory to the original or the same counterpart. 12.12 Survival of Representations; Covenants; Indemnities. All representations, warranties, covenants, agreements, undertakings and indemnities of the Owners set forth in this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 12.13 Interpretation. Headings used in this Agreement have been included for convenience and ease of reference only and shall not in any manner influence the construction or interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. Unless otherwise provided, or unless the context shall otherwise require, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall include the others. 12.14 Facsimile Signatures. Each party (i) has agreed to permit the use, from time to time and where appropriate, of telecopied signatures in order to expedite the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, (ii) intends to be bound by its respective telecopied signature, (iii) is aware that the other will rely on the telecopied signature, and (iv) acknowledges such reliance and waives any defenses to the enforcement of the documents effecting the transaction contemplated by this Agreement based on the fact that a signature was sent by telecopy. Documents executed by telecopied signatures will be promptly replaced with documents bearing original signatures. IDA: Kline: IDA Group, LLC, I.D. Kline Corporation, • • a Wa hington limited liability company an Oregon corporation By: ¢-. ,r..:. »,~ Irvin D. Kline, President _ .... _._. __ . -._ ... -----_._. .' " • Exhibit A Legal Description -_.---_. -------------- • The following described real property located in the County of King, State of Washington: THAT PORTION OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK I, LYING SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF TIlE CENTER LINE OF VACATED SOUTI! 123RD S1REET; EXCEPT THAT PORTION lHEREOF LYING NORTIIERL Y OF A LINE WIDCH IS 110 FEET SOUTHERLY FROM AND PARALLEL TO DiE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF SOU1B 122.0 S1REET TOGElliER "'1m THAT PORTION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, LYING WESTERLY OF TIlE CENTER LINE OF VACATED SOUTI! 123RD STREET; AND TOGETIlER WITH LOTS 4 AND 7, BLOCK I; EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING NORTIlERL Y AND EASTERLY OF VACATED SOUTI! 123RD S1REET; AND TOGETHER WITH DiE NOR1H 150 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 2; TIlE WEST 61.72 FEET OF DiE NORTH 150 FEET OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2; TIlE NORTH 125 FEET OF DiE EAST 28.28 FEET OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2; TIlE NORTH 125 FEET OF LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 2; TIlE NORTH 125 FEET OF DiE WEST 14.99 FEET OF LOT 6, BLOCK 2; TIlE NORTH 140 FEET OF LOT 6, EXCEPT TIlE WEST 14.99 FEET lHEREOF, OF BLOCK 2; AND ALL OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2 AND TOGETIlER WITH DiE SOU1BERL Y 100 FEET OF LOT 7, AND ALL OF LOT 8, BLOCK 3; ALL OF BLOCK 5: AND BLOCK 6 EXCEPT TIlE SOU1B 192 FEET THEREOF; ALL IN WOODY GLEN ADDmON, ACCORDING TO TIlE PLAT TIlEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 M'D 92, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGEDiER wrrn THAT PORTION OF BLOCKS 13 AND 22, LATIMER'S LAKE PARK ADDmON, ACCORDING TO DiE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHlNGTO~, V.'HlCH LIES EAST OF SAID WOODY GLEN ADDmON AND WEST OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL WITH AND 50 FEET WESTERLY WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES AND/OR RADlALL Y FROM TIlE CENTER LINE OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO 2 (RAINIER A VENUE), AND EXTENDING FROM HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 8()+ 30 SOU1BERL Y TO lllGHW A Y ENGINEER'S STATION 88+75; EXCEPT THAT PORTION DiEREOF LYING EAST OF TIlE SOU1B 192 FEET OF BLOCK 6 OF THE PLAT OF WOODY GLEN; AND TOGETHER WITH LOTS 1 THROUGH 6, INCLUSrvE, BLOCK 17, LATIMER'S LAKE PARK ADDmON, ACCORDING TO TIlE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE 83, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT PORTION CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEEDS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING !<lJMBERS 956173 AND 2032137; TOGETHER "'1m THAT PORTION OF VACATED NORTHWEST 7TH STREET AS VACATED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 3455, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8011030532, WIDCH, UPON VACATION, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW; AND TOGETIiER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED SOU1B 123RD S1REET AS VACATED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 4357, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9206181901, WInCH, UPON VACATION, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. \ • • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT OF JDA GROUP, L.L.c. DEVeLOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON NOV 04 200It RECEIVED This Agreement is made and entered into as of 'J;"J ~ II , 2000 by and among the persons identified on the attached Exhibit A, which is by this reference incorporated erem and made a part hereof (the "Members"). RECITALS A. By their mutual consenl the Members tarmed a limited liability company (the "LLC") under the laws of the State of Washington on the date set forth above for the purpose of owning and operating a real estate management company. B. The Members intend thar the LLC should be carried on in the form of a limited liability company duly organized under the laws of the State of Washington. C. The Members wish to set forth in writing the terms and conditions on which the LLC was formed and On which its business shall be conducted. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties, each to the other. and of other good and valuable consideration. the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. the panies agree as follows: ARTICLE I .. DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreemenl the tallowing defined terms shall have the meanings specified below: Section 1.01. Act means the Washington Limited Liability LLC ACl RCW 25.15, as amended. Section 1.02. Agreement means this Limited Liability Company Agreemenl as initially executed. or as amended from time to time. as the context may require. Section 1.03. Bankruptcv shall mean. with respect to any Member. the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy by or against a "'Iember pursuant to Chapters 7 or I I of the United States Bankruptcy Code, unless such petition is denied or dismissed within thirty (30) days after filing in the case of a voluntary petition, or within ninety (90) days after filing in the case of an involuntary petition; the entry of an order of relief in bankruptcy of a Member; the assignment by a Member of its Percentage Interest for the benefit of creditors: the appoinanent of a receiver or trustee for a Member's property: and the attachment of a Member's Percentage Interest which is not released within thirty (30) days; or the undertaking by any Member of any course or action amounting to the commencement of liquidation or dissolution proceedings. Section 1.04. Capital Account means the account established and maintained for each Member on the books of the LLC pursuant to Section 6.6. Section 1.05. Capital Contribution means the total amount of money and the fair market value of property (net of liabilities secured by such property that the LLC is considered to assume or take subject to under Code Section 752) actually contributed to the LLC by each Member pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Any reference to the Capital Contribution of a Member shall include the Capital Contribution made by a predecessor holder of the interest of the Member. Section 1.06. Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. LLC AGREEMENT -JDA -C -PAGE I • • Section 1.07. LLC means JDA Group, L.L.e., a limited liability company fmmed and operated under the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. Section 1.08. Major Decision means a decision by the LLC to adopt a matter listed in Section 4.2.3. Section 1.09. Member means each person who executes a counterpart of this Agreement and makes a Capital Contribution. Section 1.10. Percentage Interest means a Member's percentage interest in the LLC, which, unless modified by an amendment to this Agreement, shall be as set forth on Exhibit A. Section 1.11. Regulations means the Treasury Regulations promulgated under the Code by the Secretary of the Treasury. ARTICLE II -ORGANIZATION Section 2.1 Formation. This LLC was formed under and pursuant to the Act by filing the Certificate of Formation on the date set forth above. Consistent with the Act and the Certificate of Formation, the LLC will be operated pursuant to the tenns and conditions contained in this Agreement. Section 2.2 Name. The name of the LLC will be lOA Group, L.L.C. The Members may change the name of the LLC at any time, provided all provisions of the Act are satisfied in connection with such name change. Section 2.3 Fictitious Name Statements. The Manager will execute, and cause to be filed in the appropriate offices, any fictitious-name or doing-business statements or registrations that may be required by the laws of any state, and any other certificates or documents the Manager deem necessary or appropriate to comply with the requirements for qualification and operation of a limited liability LLC under the laws of the State or of any locality or other jurisdiction in which the LLC does business or owns property. Any such statement, registration, certificate or document may be executed on behalf of any Member by its attorney-in-fact, including any attorney-in-fact under Article X. Section 2.4 Tenn. The LLC will continue for a term of sixty (60) years, and shall automatically terminate on the sixty (60) -year anniversary of the date of this Agreement, unless the LLC is terminated earlier pursuant to the provisions of Section II. \. ARTICLE 111-PURPOSES OF THE LLC Section 3.1 Purooses. The primary purpose of the LLC is to facilitate ownership and operation of certain commercial real property located on South 4'" Street, Renton, W A and other commercial real estate. In addition, the LLC may engage in any other business or activity that is necessary or incidental to the LLC's primary purpose. Section 3.2 Authority of the LLe. In order to carry out any of its purposes, the LLC is authorized to take any lawful action consistent with any such purpose that a partnership is permitted to take under the laws of the State. Section 3.3 Title to LLC Property. All property owned by the LLC, whether real or personal, tangible or intangible, will be deemed to be owned by the LLC as an entity, and no Member will have any individual ownership of such property. The LLC may hold any of its assets in its own name or in the name of one or more individuals, partnerships, trusts or other entities, as nominee for the LLe. ARTICLE IV -MEMBERS Section 4.1 Members. The names and addresses of the Members are set forth on Exhibit A. LLC AGREEMENT -lDA-C -PAGEl -~ ------------------------------------------------------------ • • Section 4.2 Authority of Members. Section 4.2.1 General. Any matter affecting the LLC may be submitted to a vote for the consent of the Members. All Members shall be entitled to vote on any matter which is submitted to a vote for the consent of the Members. Section 4.2.2 Matters Requiring Majority Consent. The following matters shall be submitted to a vote for the consent of the Members, and shall require the consent of a majority of the Members in order to be adopted by the LLC: (a) the election of Managers; (b) the removal of any Manager with cause; (c) the filling of any position for Manager, whether created by resignation, renewal, death or the increase in the number of Managers; and (d) approving any transaction involving an actual or potential conflict of interest between a Member or a Manager and the LLC. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "majority of the Members" shall mean a Member or group of Members owning, individually or collectively, more than fifty percent (50%) of the Percentage Interests of the LLC. Section 4.2.3 Matters Requiring Unanimous Consent. The following matters shall be submitted to a vote for the consent of the Members, and shall require the consent of Members owning, individually or collectively, one hundred percent (100%) of the Percentage Interests of the LLC in order to be adopted by the LLC: (a) requiring or permitting the Members to make additional capital contributions or requiring the Members to make loans to the LLC, and, in the event of such requirement, the tenns upon, and proportions in which, such funds will be contributed or loaned. (b j the setting or adjusting of compensation or benefits of Managers (other than granting Managers compensation increases to compensate for increases in the cost of living, which shall be within the discretion of the Managers); (c) expelling a Member pursuant to Section 4.14.3 of this Agreement; (d) withholding Net Cash Flow from the Members and applying it to reduction of the LLC's indebtedness pursuant to Section 7.2.2; (ej transferring substantially all of the assets of the LLC; (I) merging the LLC into any other entity; (g) dissolving the LLC; (h) causing the LLC to seek protection from creditors under federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency laws; (i) permitting a Member to make a loan to the LLC, and the terms upon which such loan will be made; 0) taking any action reserved to the Members by the Act, the Certificate of Formation or this Agreement; and LLC AGREEMENT -IDA -C -PAGE J ----~--~- • • (k) admitting one or more additional or substirute Members. Section 4.3 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Members of the LLC for the election of Managers and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting shall be held each year on October 23 at a place and time to be set by the Members. Section 4.4 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Members for any purpose or purposes may be called at any time by the Managers or by one or more Members holding not less than ten percent (10%) of the total Percentage Interests, to be held at such time and place as the Managers or Members calling the meeting, as applicable, may prescribe. If a special meeting is called by any Member or Members other than the Managers, then a written demand, describing with reasonable clarity the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called and specitying the general nature of the business proposed to be transacted, shall be delivered personally or sent by registered mail or by telegraphic or other facsimile transmission to the Managers. Upon receipt of such a demand, the Managers shall cause notice of such meeting to be given, within thirty (30) days after the date the demand was delivered to the Managers, to the Members in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.5 of this Agreement. Except as provided below, if the notice is not given by the Managers within thirty (30) days after the date the demand was delivered to the Managers, then the Member or Members demanding the meeting may specity the time and place of the meeting and give notice thereof. Section 4.5 Notice of Meetings. Except as otherwise provided below, the Managers shall give, in any manner permitted by law, not less than ten (10) nor more than sixty (60) days before the date of any meeting of Members, written notice stating the place, day, and time of the meeting to each Member. Section 4.5.1 Notice of Special Meeting. In the case of a special meeting, the written notice shall also state with reasonable clarity the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called and the general nature of the business proposed to be transacted at the meeting. No business other than that within the purpose or purposes specified in the notice may be transacted at a special meeting. Section 4.5.2 Major Decision. If the business to be conducted at any meeting includes any Major Decision, then the written notice shall state that the purpose or one of the purposes is to consider the Major Decision and shall describe the proposed action with reasonable clarity. Written notice of such meeting shall be given to each Member, not less than twenty (20) days before such meeting, in the manner provided in Section 4.5 above. Section 4.5.3 Declaration of Mailing. A declaration of the mailing or other means of giving any notice of any Members' meeting, executed by one or more Managers under penalty of perjury, shall be prima facie evidence of the giving of such notice. Section 4.5.4 Waiver of Notice. A Member may waive notice of any meeting at any time, either before or after such meeting. Except as provided below, the waiver must be in writing, be signed by the Member entitled to the notice, and be delivered to the LLC for inclusion in the minutes or filing with the LLC's records. A Member's attendance at a meeting in person or by proxy waives objection to lack of notice or defective notice of the meeting unless the Member at the beginning of the meeting objects to holding the meeting or transacting business at the meeting on the ground that the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. In the case of a special meeting, or an annual meeting at which fundamental corporate changes are considered, a Member waives objection to consideration of a particular matter that is not within the purpose or purposes described in the meeting notice unless the Member objects to considering the matter when it is presented. Section 4.6 Quorum: Vote Requirement. A quorum shall exist at any meeting of Members if Members holding in excess of seventy five percent (75%) of Percentage Interests are represented in person or by proxy. Once a Member is represented for any purpose at a meeting other than solely to object to holding the meeting or transacting business at the meeting, the Member is deemed present for quorum purposes for the remainder of the meeting and for any adjournment of that meeting. In the case of any meeting of Members that is adjourned more than once because of the failure of a quorum to attend, those who attend the third convening of such meeting, although less than a quorum, LLC AGREEMENT -JDA-C-PAGE 4 • • shall nevertheless constitute a quorum for the purpose of electing Managers, provided that Members holding in excess of fifty percent (50%) of Percentage [nterests are represented in person or proxy. If a quorum exists, action on a matter is approved if the votes cast favoring the action exceed the votes cast opposing the action unless a greater number of affirmative votes is required by the Act, by the Certificate of Formation or by the Agreement. Section 4.7 Adjourned Meetings. An adjournment or adjournments of any Members' meeting, whether by reason of the failure of a quorum to attend or otherwise, may be taken to such date, time, and place as the chairman of the meeting may determine without new notice being given in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.5 of the Agreement, provided the date, time, and place are announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken and oral notice of the date, time, and place is given to the Members not present at the time of such announcement by a means reasonably calculated to furnish actual notice thereof. However, if the adjournment is for more than one hundred twenty (120) days from the date set for the original meeting, a new notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given to each Member, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.5 of the Agreement. At any adjourned meeting, the LLC may transact any business which might have been transacted at the original meeting. Any meeting at which Managers are to be elected shall be adjourned only from day to day until such Managers are elected. Section 4.8 Action by Members Without a Meeting. Any action which may be or which is required by law to be taken at any meeting of Members may be taken, without a meeting or notice of a meeting, if one or more consents in writing, setting forth the action so taken, are signed by all of the Members or, in the place ofany one or more of such Members, by a person holding a valid proxy to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof, and are delivered to the LLC for inclusion in the minutes or filing with the LLC records. Action taken by unanimous written consent is effective when all consents are in possession of the LLC, unless the consent specifies a later effective date. Such consent shall have the same force and effect as a meeting vote of Members and may be described as such in any articles or other document filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Washington. Section 4.9 Telephonic Meetings. Members may participate in a meeting by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time, and participation by such means shall constitute presence in person at a meeting. Section 4.10 Limitation of Liability. Each Member's liability shall be limited as set forth in this Agreement, the Act and other applicable law. A Member will not be personally liable, merely as a Member, for any debts or losses of the LLC beyond the Member's Capital Contributions, except as otherwise provided by law. Section 4.11 Indemnification. The LLC shall indemnify the Members, for all costs, losses, liabilities, and damages paid or accrued by such Member, and advance expenses incurred by the Member, in connection with the business of the LLC, to the fullest extent provided or allowed by the Act. Section 4.12 Admission of Additional Members. A person may be added as a Member upon satisfaction of such tenns and conditions approved by the Members. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a person shall not become an additional Member unless and until such person becomes a party to this Agreement by signing this Agreement and executing such documents and instruments as the Managers may reasonably request to confmn such person as a Member in the LLC. Section 4.13 Accounting. No additional Member shall be entitled to any retroactive allocation of losses, income or expense deductions incurred by the LLC. The Managers may at the time an additional Member is admitted, close the LLC books (as though the LLC's tax year had ended) or make pro rata allocations of loss, income and expense deductions to an additional Member for that portion of the LLC's tax year in which such Member was admitted in accordance with the provisions of Section 706(d) of the Code and the Regulations promulgated thereunder. Section 4.14 Dissociation of a Member. 4.14.1 Automatic. A Member shall cease to be a Member upon the happening of any of the following events: LLC AGREEMENT -lOA - C -PAGE 5 • • (a) the Member voluntarily withdraws from the LLC, or assigns hislheriits interest in the LLC to another person in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (b) the Member is removed ITom the LLC in accordance with the Act or the terms of this Agreement; (c) in the case of a Member who is a natural person, the death of the Member or the entry of an order by a court of competent jurisdiction adjudicating the Member incompetent to manage the Member's personal estate, provided that in such event, the provisions of Section 9.5, setting forth the rights of the deceased Member's spouse to become a Member, shall apply; (d) in the case of a Member who is acting as a Member by virtue of being trustee of a trust, the termination of the trust (but not merely the substitution of a new trustee); (e) in the case of a Member that is a separate entity other than a corporation, the dissolution and commencement of winding up that separate entity; (I) in the case of a Member that is a corporation, the filing of articles of dissolution or its equivalent for the corporation or the revocation of its charter; or (g) in the case of an estate, the distribution by the fiduciary of the estate's entire interest in the LLC. Section 4.14.2 Withdrawal. A Member may withdraw voluntarily ITom the LLC upon not less than six (6) months' prior written notice to the other Members and with the consent of the other Members. Such withdrawal shall be effective upon the latest of the date specified in the notice, or the date the consent is given. Section 4.14.3 Expulsion. A Member may be expelled ITom the LLC upon a determination by an arbitrator pursuant to Section 12.2 that the Member has been guilty of wrongful conduct that adversely and materially affects the business or affairs of the LLC, or has willfully and persistently committed a material breach of the Certificate of Formation or this Agreement, or has failed to make a capital contribution to the LLC which is required in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, or otherwise has breached a duty owed to the LLC or the other Members, to the extent that it is not reasonably practicable to carry on the business or affairs of the LLC with the Member. An expelled Member shall transfer his Percentage Interests pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.3. Section 4.14.4 Rights Upon Dissociation. In the event any Member ceases to be a Member prior to the expiration of the term of the LLC and the spouse of such Member does not become a Member pursuant to Section 9.5, the following shall apply: (a) The person shall be treated as a mere creditor of the LLC ITom the date of withdrawal ITom the LLC until such time as the person has received all distributions to which the person is or may be due under this Agreement. (b) If the dissociation of a Member causes the dissolution of the LLC and the business and affairs of the LLC are wound up under Article XI, the person shall be entitled to participate in the winding up of the LLC to the same extent as any Member except that any distributions to which the person would have been entitled shall be reduced by the damages sustained by the LLC as a result of the dissolution and winding up. (c) If the dissociation does not cause the dissolution of the LLC under Article XI, the person shall be entitled to an amount equal to the value determined in accordance with Section 9.4 of this Agreement, to be paid within six (6) months of the date of dissociation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the dissociation is other than as a result of the death or incompetence of the person, the Managers may pay the value determined in accordance with Section 9.4 of this Agreement over a period not to exceed five (5) years (plus interest at the prime rate quoted ITom time to time by Wells Fargo Bank or its successor plus two (2) percent). LLC AGREEMENT -JDA -C -PAGE 6 • • ARTICLE V -MANAGERS Section 5.1 Responsibility of Managers. Except for such matters requiring the vote of the Members pursuant to the Act, the Certificate of Fonnation or this Agreement, the Managers will have the exclusive right and power to manage, operate and control the LLC and to take all actions and make all decisions necessary or appropriate to carry on the business and affairs of the LLC. A Manager shall discharge the duties ofa Manager, including duties as a member of a committee, in good faith, with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances, and in a manner the Manager reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the LLC. In discharging the duties of a Manager, a Manager is entitled to rely on information, opinions, reports, or statements, including fmancial statements and other fmancial data, if prepared or presented by: (a) one or more Members or employees ofthe LLC whom the Manager reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented; (b) legal counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to matters the Manager reasonably believes are within the person's professional or expert competence; or (c) a committee of Managers or Members of which the Manager is not a member, if the Manager reasonably believes the committee merits confidence. A Manager is not acting in good faith if the Manager has knowledge concerning the matter in question that makes reliance otherwise pennitted above unwarranted. The creation of, delegation of authority to, or action by a committee does not alone constitute compliance by a Manager with the standards of conduct imposed by law upon Managers. A Manager is not liable for any action taken as a Manager, or any failure to take any action, if the Manager perfonned the duties of the Manager's office in compliance with this section. Section 5.2 Number of Managers; Qualification. Unless and until amended in accordance with this Agreement, the exact number of Managers of the LLC shall be one (I). If a greater or lesser number of Managers than is specified in this section is elected by the Members, then election of that number shall automatically be deemed to constitute an amendment to this Agreement.. No reduction ofthe authorized number of Managers shall have the effect of removing any Manager before that Manager's tenn of office expires. No Manager need be a Member of the LLC or a resident of Washington. Each Manager must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Section 5.3 Election; Tenn of Office. At the first annual meeting of Members and at each annual meeting thereafter, the Members shall elect Managers. Each Manager shall hold office until the next succeeding annual meeting, and in each case until his or her successor shall have been elected and qualified. The Manager until the fust armual meeting of Members shall be Jack D. Alhadeff. Section 5.4 Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in the Managers (whether caused by resignation, death, or otherwise) may be filled by the vote of a majority of the Managers remaining in office, provided that if there are no remaining Managers, the vacancy shall be filled by the Members. Notice shall be given to all of the remaining Managers that such vacancy will be filled at the meeting. A Manager elected to fill any vacancy shall hold office until the next meeting of Members at which Managers are elected, and until his or her other successor shall have been elected and qualified. Section 5.5 Removal. One or more of the Managers may be removed, with or without cause, at a special meeting of Members called expressly for that purpose. A Manager may be removed if the number of votes cast in favor of removing such Manager exceeds the number of votes cast against removal. The removal of a Manager who is also a Member shall not affect the Manager's rights as a Member and shall not constitute a withdrawal of a Member. Section 5.6 Resignation. A Manager may resign at any time by delivering written notice to the Members. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies a later effective date. The resignation of a Manager who is also a Member shall not affect the Manager's rights as a Member and shall not constitute a withdrawal as a Member. Section 5.7 Action by Managers. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Managers, meetings of the Managers will be held at such place, day, and time as shall from time to time be fixed by resolution of the Managers without notice other than the delivery of such resolution as provided in Section 5.8 below, or at such place, day, and time and for such LLC AGREEMENT -lOA -C -PAGE 7 • • purpose or purposes, as may be requested by any Manager provided that notice of such meeting has been given to each Manager in accordance with Section 5.8 herein. Section 5.8 Notice of Meeting. Section 5.8.1 Regular Notice Requirement. Notice of the place, day, and time of any meeting of the Managers for which notice is required shall be given, at least two (2) days preceding the day on which the meeting is to be held by the person calling the meeting, in any manner permitted by law, including orally. Any oral notice given. by personal communication over the telephone or otherwise may be communicated either to the Manager or to a person at the Manager's office who, in the reasonable opinion of the person giving the notice, will promptly communicate the notice to the Manager. Section 5.8.2 Exception to Notice Requirement. No notice of any regular meeting need be given if the place, day, and time thereof have been fixed by resolution of the Managers and a copy of such resolution has been delivered to every Manager at least two (2) days or deposited in the United States mail, as evidenced by the postmark, with first-class postage prepaid, and correctly addressed at least five (5) days preceding the day ofthe first meeting held in pursuance thereof. Section 5.8.3 Waiver of Notice. Notice of a meeting of the Managers need not be given to any Manager if it is waived by the Manager in writing, whether before or after such meeting is held. A Manager's attendance at or participation in a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting except when a Manager attends or participates in a meeting for the express purpose of objecting on legal grounds prior to or at the beginning of the meeting (or promptly upon the Manager's arrival) to the holding of the meeting or the transaction of any business and does not thereafter vote for or assent to action taken at the meeting. Any meeting of the Managers shall be a legal meeting without any notice thereof having been given if all of the Managers have received valid notice thereof, are present without objecting, or waive notice thereof, or any combination thereof. Section 5.9 Quorum of Managers. A majority of the number of Managers specified in or fixed in accordance with this Agreement shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the Managers present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Managers. If the number of Managers in office at any time is less than the number specified in or fixed in accordance with this Agreement, then a quorum shall consist of a majority of the number of Managers in office; provided that in no event shall a quorum consist of fewer than one-third of the number specified in or fixed in accordance with this Agreement. Managers at a meeting of the Managers at which a quorum is initially present may continue to transact business notwithstanding the withdrawal of Managers, provided such withdrawal does not reduce the number of Managers attending the meeting below the level of a quorum. A majority of the Managers present, whether or not constituting a quorum, may adjourn any meeting of the Managers to another time and place. Ifthe meeting is adjourned for more than forty-eight (48) hours, then notice of the time and place of the adjourned meeting shall be given before the adjourned meeting takes place, in the manner specified in Section 5.8.1 of this Agreement, to the Managers who were not present at the time of the adjournment. Section 5.10 Dissent by Managers. Any Manager who is present at any meeting of the Managers at which action on any matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless the Manager objects at the beginning of the meeting (or promptly upon the Manager's arrival) to the holding of, or the transaction of business at, the meeting; or unless the Manager's dissent or abstention shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting; or unless the Manager delivers written notice of the Manager's dissent or abstention to the presiding officer of the meeting before the adjournment thereof. Such right to dissent or abstention shall not be available to any Manager who votes in favor of such action. Section 5.11 Action by Managers Without a Meeting. Any action required by law to be taken or which may be taken at a meeting of the Managers may be taken without a meeting if one or more consents in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed either before or after the action so taken by all of the Managers and delivered to the LLC for inclusion in the minutes or filing with the corporate records. Such consent shall have the same effect as a LLC AGREEMENT -IDA - C -PAGE 8 • • meeting vote. Action taken under this section is effective when the last Manager signs the consent, unless the consent specifies a later effective date. Section 5.12 Telephonic Meetings. Managers may participate in a meeting of the Managers by any means of communication by which all Managers participating in the meeting may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting. Participation by such means shall constitute presence in person at a meeting. Section 5.\3 Authority of the Managers. The Manger(s) shall be primarily responsible for all administrative, growth, public relations, leasing, financial and accounting matters of the LLC as well as the day-ta-day operations of the LLC's property. Subject to the foregoing and to the limitations and restrictions set forth in the Act, the Certificate of Formation and this Agreement, the Managers shall have the sole and exclusive right to manage the business of the LLC and shall have all of the rights and powers which may be possessed by Managers under the Act and the Certificate of Formation including, without limitation, the right and power, on behalf and in the name of the LLC, to: (a) Institute, prosecute, and defend actions in all coutts in the LLC's name; (b) Purchase, receive, lease or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, use and otherwise deal in or with any real or personal property or any interest in real or personal property, wherever situated; (c) Sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, create a security interest in, lease, exchange, transfer and otherwise dispose of all or any pan of any LLC asset; (d) Make contracts or guarantees, incur liabilities, borrow money, issue notes or secure any of the obligations of the LLC by mortgage or pledge of any assets of the LLC; (e) Lend money, invest or reinvest LLC funds or receive and hold real or personal property as security for repayment of funds so loaned, invested or reinvested; (I) Conduct the LLC business, and exercise the powers granted by the Act and the Articles; (g) Establish pension plans, profit sharing plans and other benefit or incentive plans for any and all current or former employees or agents of the LLC; and (h) Transact any other lawful business not inconsistent with the Act, the Certificate of Fonnation and this Agreement. Section 5.14 RestrictIOns on Authority of Managers. A Manager shall not have the authority to do any of the following acts without the unanimous consent of the Members: (a) Knowingly do any act in contravention of this Agreement or without the consent of the Members as required by this Agreement; (b) Knowingly do any act which would make it impossible to carry on the ordinary business of the LLC, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement; and (c) Knowingly perform any act that would subject any Member to personal liability in any jurisdiction. Section 5.15 Duties and Obligations of Managers. In addition to such other duties and obligations as the Managers may have, the Managers shall take all actions which may be necessary or appropriate for the continuation of the LLC's valid existence as a limited liability LLC under the laws of this state and of each other jurisdiction in which such existence is necessary to protect the limited liability of the Members or to enable the LLC to conduct the business in which it is engaged. LLC AGREEMENT -lOA -C -PAGE 9 • • Section 5.16 Right to Rely on Managers. Any person dealing with the LLC may rely upon a certificate signed by any Manager as to: (a) The identity of any Manager or any Member; (b) The existence or nonexistence of any fact or facts regarding the affairs of the LLC; or (c) The names of the Managers andlor Members who are authorized to execute and deliver any instrument or document on behalf of the LLC. Section 5.17 Signarures of Managers. Except as otherwise set forth in the Act, the Certificate of Formation and this Agreement (including but not limited to the following sentence in this Section 5.17), the signarure of any Manager shall be necessary and sufficient to execute any statement of the LLC or other document necessary to effectuate the provisions of this Agreement. The signarure of the Manager shall be necessary and sufficient to acquire or convey title to any property of the LLC or to execute any promissory notes, deeds of trust, mortgages, or other instruments of hypothecation related to the LLC or its property. All of the Members agree that a copy of this Agreement may be shown to the appropriate parties in order to confirm the signarure authority set forth in this Section 5.17. Section 5.18 Indemnity of the Managers. A Manager is not personally liable for any debt, obligation or liability of the LLC merely by reason of being a Manager and is not liable to the LLC or its Members for monetary damages for conduct as a Manager. A Manager who performs the duties as Manager in accordance with this Agreement shall not have any liability by reason of being or having been a Manager. The LLC shall indemnifY the Managers and make advances for expenses incurred in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Certificate of Fonnation. Section 5.19 Duty of Loyalty. Subject to the provisions of Section \3.1, each Member and Manager shall be entitled to enter into transactions that may be considered to be competitive with, or a business opportunity that may be beneficial to, the LLC, it being expressly understood that some of the Members and Managers may enter into transactions that are similar to the transactions into which the LLC may enter and the LLC and each Member waive the right or claim to participate therein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Members and Managers shall account to the LLC and hold, as trustee for it, any property, profit, or benefit derived by the Member or Manager, without the consent of the Members , in the formation, conduct and winding up of the LLC business or from a use or appropriation by the Member or Manager of any assets of the LLC, including information developed exclusively for the LLC and opportunities expressly offered to the LLC. ARTICLE VI -CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE LLC Section 6.1 Capital Contributions of the Members. Each Member has contributed, or will contribute, to the capital of the LLC cash or other property in the amount set forth opposite his name on Exhibit A. Section 6.2 No Withdrawals of Capita\. A Member will have no right to withdraw any part of his Capital Contributions or Capital Account, or to receive any distribution from the LLC, except in accordance with the provisions ofthis Agreement. Section 6.3 No Interest on Capita\. A Member will not be entitled to receive interest on any portion of its Capital Contributions or Capital Account. A Member will, however, be entitled to receive interest on any loans it makes to the LLC pursuant to Section 6.5. Section 6.4 Additional Contributions. No Member may contribute additional funds to the LLC, and no Member shall be obligated to contribute such funds, unless the Members unanimously agree on the terms upon, and proportions in which, such funds will be contributed. Section 6.5 Loans by Members. LLC AGREEMENT -JDA -C -PAGE 10 • • Section 6.5.1 Optional Loans. A Member may, but will not be required to, advance additional moneys to the LLC as a loan upon such terms as the lending Member and the Managers may agree. Section 6.5.2 Treannent of Loans. No loan will result in an increase in the Percentage Interest of the lending Member. The amount of any such loan will not be credited to the lending Member's Capital Account. Any loan will be an obligation of the LLC to the lending Member, with interest, and will be repaid to the lending Member before any amount may be distributed to any Member with respect to its Percentage Interest. Interest on such loans will be payable without regard to the profits or losses of the LLC and will be treated as a transaction with a Member other than in its capacity as a member of the LLC pursuant to Section 707(a) of the Code. All such loans will be repayable solely from the LLC's assets and represented by promissory notes executed by the LLC. Section 6.6 Capital Accounts. Section 6.6.1 Accounts. The LLC will establish on its books a Capital Account for each Member. Capital Accounts will be determined and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the requirements of Section 1.704-1 (b )(2)(iv) of the Regulations, which are incorporated by this reference. Should there be any inconsistency between the provisions for Capital Account maintenance contained in this Agreement and the more detailed provisions of the Regulations, the provisions of the Regulations will prevail. Section 6.6.2 Basic Capital Account Adjusnnents. A Member's Capital Account (i) shall be increased by (a) the Member's Capital Contributions (including the fair market value of any property contributed to the LLC) net of liabilities assumed by the LLC and liabilities to which the contributed property is subject, and (b) the Member's distributive Interest of LLC income and gains (or items thereot), including income or gains exempt from tax; and (ii) shall be reduced by (a) all distributions to the Member of cash or property (computed at the fair market value of any distributed property and net of liabilities assumed by the Member and liabilities to which the distributed property is subject), and (b) the Member's distributive Interest ofLLC expenses, losses and deductions (or items thereot), including the Member's Interest of expenses which are not deductible in computing taxable income; and (iii) shall be further adjusted in certain circumstances as provided in Section 6.6.3 below or as otherwise may be necessary to satisfy the requirements of Section 1.704-1 (b )(2)(iv) of the Regulations. Section 6.6.3 Special Adjusnnents Upon Liquidation. If LLC assets are distributed in kind to one or more Members as a result of the liquidation and winding up of the LLC or the termination of a Member's interest in the LLC, the Members' Capital Accounts will be adjusted to reflect the manner in which the unrealized gain or loss, or any other item of income or deduction inherent in the distributed property (that has not been reflected in the Capital Accounts previously) would be allocated between the Members if the LLC sold the distributed property for its fair market value on the date of distribution. ARTICLE VII -ALLOCATION OF PROFITS AND LOSSES; DISTRIBUTIONS Section 7.1 Allocation of Profits and Losses. All profits and losses from LLC operations and all other items of deduction, credit, preference and the like will be allocated between the Members in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests. Section 7.2 Distributions. Section 7.2.1 Net Cash Flow. Within thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar year, the Managers will cause the LLC to distribute all Net Cash Flow, as that term is defined below in this Section 7.2.1, as follows: (a) fIrst, to pay the interest due on any loans made by any of the Members to the LLC pursuant to Section 6.5; LLC AGREEMENT -JDA -C-PAGE II • • (b) next, to repay the principal of any such loans; and (c) then, to each Member pro rata in accordance with his Percentage Interest. For purposes of this Section 7.2, "Net Cash Flow" shall mean all cash and cash equivalents received by the LLC as revenue from operation of its business, reduced by (i) all cash expenses incurred by the LLC in connection with operation of its business, including, but not limited to, fees and other expenses payable by the LLC to the Managers or to any other person or entity, (ii) required payments of principal and interest on any LLC indebtedness, (iii) amounts set aside by the Managers as reserves or contingency funds, and (iv) the cost of any capital improvements to LLC property. Section 7.2.2 Optional Application of Net Cash Flow to Reduce Indebtedness. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7.2.1, the Members shall have the option not to distribute some or all of the Net Cash Flow in accordance with Section 7.2. I at any time that there remains unpaid principal or interest with respect to any indebtedness of the LLC, provided that any such Net Cash Flow which is not so distributed is applied to reduce the unpaid amount of said indebtedness. This option shall be exercised, if at all, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2.3. Section 7.2.3 Upon Termination. After making the allocations of gain or loss required by Section 7.1 and the adjustments to the Members' Capital Accounts required by Section 1.704-1 of the Regulations, Sale or Refinancing Proceeds resulting from termination of the LLC will be applied within ninety (90) days of liquidation as follows: (a) first, to repay all outstanding debts and liabilities of the LLC other than loans made by Members to the LLC pursuant to Section 6.5; (b) next, to pay the interest due on any loans made by the Members to the LLC pursuant to Section 6.5; (c) next, to repay the principal of such loans; (d) next, to set up any reserves which the Managers reasonably deems necessary for contingent, unmatured and unforeseen liabilities or obligations of the LLC; (e) next, to the Members having positive Capital Account balances, to each such Member in the proportion that its positive Capital Account balance bears to the positive Capital Account balances of all such Members until all such Proceeds have been distributed or all Members' Capital Account balances have been reduced to zero, whichever occurs first; and (f) fmally, remaining Proceeds will be distributed among the Members, to each pro rata in proportion to his Percentage Interest. Any remaining reserves retained under Section 7.2.3(d) above shall be distributed to the Members, at such time as the Managers determine their retention is no longer necessary, in the same manmer as they would have been distributed had they not been retained. ARTICLE VJII-ACCOUNTING; BOOKS AND RECORDS Section 8. I Accounting. The LLC will keep its accounting records in accordance with sound accounting principles, consistently applied, and will report for federal income tax purposes on the cash or accrual basis, as determined by the Managers. All decisions concerning accounting principles and elections, methods of depreciation or capital cost recovery, and working capital requirements, whether for book or tax purposes (such decisions may be different for each such purpose), will be made by the Managers. The Managers will have full authority to payor contest any tax or assessment, as it deems to be in the best interest of the LLC. LLC AGREEMENT -JDA - C -PAGE t2 • • Section 8.2 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the LLC will be the calendar year. Section 8.3 Books and Records. During the tenn of the LLC, the Managers will keep, or cause to be kept, records and books of account in which each transaction of the LLC will be entered fully and accurately. The books and records will be kept in accordance with sound accounting principles, consistently applied, and will include separate Capital Accounts for each Member. The Managers will maintain the books and records of the LLC, a true and correct copy of the Certificate of Fonnation, this Agreement and amendments thereto, a current and past list of names and addresses of the Members, copies of all federal, state and local tax returns and reports and financial statements of the LLC for at least the three (3) most recent fiscal years, and any other records it deems appropriate or are required pursuant to the Act or by the Members. All books and records of the LLC will be available for reasonable inspection and examination by the Members or their duly authorized representatives during ordinary business hours. Section 8.4 Periodic Statements. The Managers will have prepared, at least annually, at LLC expense, an annual report which will include (i) a balance sheet, (ii) a statement of the LLC's income and expense, (iii) a statement of changes in Members' equity, (iv) a statement of Capital Account balances, and (v) a statement of changes in cash flows. Each item contained in the annual report will be prepared in accordance with sound accounting principles consistently applied by the LLC. The Managers will distribute copies of the statements and report to each Member within one hundred twenty (120) days after the close of each taxable year of the LLC. The Managers also will prepare and distribute to each Member quarterly operating statements for the business of the LLC. Section 8.5 Tax Returns: Income Tax Infonnation. Section 8.5.1 Tax Returns. The Managers will prepare, or cause to be prepared, all federal, state, and local income and other tax returns of the LLC. The Managers will cause the returns to be timely filed and will promptly furnish copies of the returns to any Member upon request. Section 8.5.2 Reports. The Managers will prepare and distribute, or cause to be prepared and distributed, to each Member, within seventy-five (75) days after the close of each taxable year of the LLC, a report infonning each Member of (i) the LLC's taxable income or loss for the preceding taxable year, (ii) the amount of each class of income, profit, loss, or deduction which is relevant to the reporting of these items of the LLC for federal income tax purposes, and (iii) the Member's distributive Interest of each class of income, gain, loss, or deduction. Section 8.6 Bank Accounts. The LLC will maintain a separate bank account or accounts in the name of the LLC to be used for the purposes of the LLC. Funds deposited in the LLC's account or accounts may be withdrawn only by check or other order for payment of money signed by a Manager or other authorized representative. Section 8.7 Duties of Tax Matters Member. The Managers shall elect a Member to be the Tax Matters Member of the LLC, to fulfill the duties of a ''Tax Matters Parmer" as that tenn is defined in Section 6231(a)(7) of the Code; provided that if at least one Manager is also a Member, said position shall be fulfilled by such Manager. Said Tax Matters Memberrrax Manager will keep all Members infonned of all administrative and judicial proceedings for the adjustment of LLC tax items, as required by Section 6223(g) of the Code and the Regulations thereunder. The Tax Matters Memberrrax Manager will represent the LLC in all such proceedings; provided, however, that other Members may participate in such proceedings to the extent pennitted by Sections 6221 through 6231 of the Code and the corresponding Regulations. The LLC will pay all ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in connection with any such proceedings. ARTICLE IX -TRANSFERS OF LLC INTERESTS Section 9.1 Prohibition on Transfer. No Member shall sell, encumber, transfer, assign, pledge, bequeath or gift, or pennit to be transferred, whether voluntarily, involuntarily or by operation of law (including without limitation, the laws of bankruptcy Or insolvency and the laws of intestacy, descent, and distribution and succession) or in any way alienate any of his Percentage Interest, whether now owned or hereafter acquired (the "Interest"), or any right or interest therein (any such transfer being hereinafter referred to as a "Transfer"), unless the Transfer LLC AGREEMENT -JDA-C -PAGE 13 • • either (a) meets the requirements of this Article IX or (b) has received the prior written consent of the LLC and all of the Members, which consent may be withheld with or without cause. Any purported Transfer in violation of any provision of this Agreement shall be void and ineffectual, and shall not operate to transfer any interest or title to the purported transferee. Section 9.2 General Transfer Procedure. In the event that a Member (the "Selling Member") wishes to Transfer his Interests or any portion thereof (the "Offered Interests") without the prior written consent of the LLC and all of the Members, the provisions ofthis Section 9.2 shall apply. Section 9.2. I Transfer Notice. The Selling Member shall first notify the LLC, and the LLC shall, in tum, notify the other Members of the identities of the Selling Member and the proposed transferee(s), the amount of the Offered Interests and the proposed price and terms of the subject Transfer (each, a "Transfer Notice"). Section 9.2.2 LLC Purchase. The LLC shall thereupon purchase as many of the Offered Interests as the LLC is legally permitted to purchase and the Managers determine the LLC should purchase giving due regard to sound business practices. The Offered Interests shall be purchased at the price and on the terms offered by the proposed transferee, provided that if such price or terms includes consideration other than money, the provisions of Section 9.2.7 shall apply. Within thirty (30) days following receipt of the Transfer Notice, the LLC shall exercise its right to purchase some or all of the Offered [nterests by giving notice to all Members stating the amount of Offered Interests, if any, it elects to purchase (a "LLC Election Notice"). Section 9.2.3 Member Purchase. Following issuance of the LLC Election Notice, the other Members shall have the right to purchase any of the Offered Interests not purchased by the LLC at the price and on the terms offered by the proposed transferee, provided that if such price or terms includes consideration other than money, the provisions of Section 9.2.7 shall apply. In order to exercise their purchase rights, the other Members shall, within thirty (30) days after receiving the LLC Election Notice, deliver to the LLC a written election to purchase so much of such available Interests as each may desire to purchase. I f the total amount of Interests that all other Members desire to purchase exceeds the amount of available Interests, each such other Member shall have priority, up to the amount of Interests set forth in his written election, to that fraction of the available Interests in which the numerator is the amount of Interests owned by the purchasing Member and the denominator is the amount of Interests owned by all Members who elect to purchase. That portion of the available Interests not purchased on such a priority basis shall be allocated in one or more successive allocations to those Members who have indicated in their written elections that they desire to purchase more than the amount of Interests to which they have priority right, with the allocation determined by the fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of Interests owned by such purchasing Member and the denominator is the amount of Interests owned by all such purchasing Members. Section 9.2.4 Transferee Purchase. Ifthe LLC and other Members together do not exercise their purchase rights within the time period provided herein with respect to all of the Offered Interests, the Selling Member shall be free for a period of sixty (60) days thereafter to Transfer the Offered Interests to the transferee(s), at the price and on the terms set forth in the Transfer Notice. Upon expiration of such sixty (60) day period, any Transfer of Interests by the Selling Member shall again be subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 9.1. Section 9.2.5 Transferor Restrictions. After giving a Transfer Notice, the Selling Member shall refrain from participating as a Member or Manager of the LLC in the LLC's decision on whether or not to purchase the Offered Interests, unless requested otherwise by the other Members holding a majority of the LLC's Percentage Interests not including the Interests held by the Selling Member; and, if so requested to participate, the Selling Member shall cooperate with the other Members in evety reasonable way to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement. Section 9.2.6 Transferee Restrictions. Except as provided herein, the Selling Member shall be bound by the restrictions and limitations imposed by this Agreement after any Transfer Notice is given and whether or not any such Transfer actually occurs. As a condition precedent to the effectiveness of any Transfer of the LLC AGREEMENT -JDA -C -PAGE 14 • • Offered Interests to any person or entity that is not a party to this Agreement, as well as any transfer by will or the laws of intestacy, descent, and distribution, succession or community property, and whether pursuant to this Section 9.2 or otherwise, such transferee shall agree in writing to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to be included as a Member pursuant to the terms hereof, said agreement to be evidenced by completion and execution of a document in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and attachment of the same hereto. Upon execution of such document, the executing party shall automatically become a Member for all purposes under this Agreement and Exhibit A shall be amended (or deemed amended) to reflect the same. Section 9.2.7 Nonmonetary Consideration. If the terms of the proposed Transfer include consideration other than money, the LLC and/or other Members who purchase the Offered Interests ("Buyers") may at their option substitute for such consideration the monetary equivalent thereof (the "Monetary Equivalent"). If the Selling Member and the Buyers cannot agree upon the Monetary Equivalent, then the same shall be determined by appraisal in accordance with Article XII. Section 9.2.8 Closing. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the closing of any sale pursuant to this Section 9.2 shall take place at the principal office of the LLC on the first regular business day more than sixty (60) days after the later of (i) the date on which all Buyers have been identified in accordance with Sections 9.2.2 or 9.2.3 or (ii) the monetary equivalent of any non-monetary consideration has been determined in accordance with Section 9.2.7. The purchase price shall be paid in full in cash at closing; provided that if the Selling Member is indebted to the LLC in any way, (i) the LLC shall set off against the purchase price of any Interests it purchases the amount of such indebtedness, whether or not such indebtedness is then due, and (ii) any other Buyer shall pay to the LLC that part of his purchase price which is equal to the Selling Member's indebtedness to the LLC, whether or not such indebtedness is then due, and such payment shall be deemed payment on account of said purchase price. Section 9.3 Expulsion. In the event of the expulsion of a Member pursuant to Section 4.14.3 (an "Expulsion"), such Member (the "Expelled Member") shall Transfer his Interests (the 'Transfer Interests") in accordance with the provisions of this Section 9.3. Section 9.3.1 Price. The purchase price for an Expelled Member's Transfer Interests shall be the amount derived by multiplying the Liquidation Value of the LLC, as hereinafter defined, by the Percentage Interest in the LLC represented by the Expelled Member's Transfer Interests. For purposes of this Section 9, "Liquidation Value" shall mean the value of the proceeds from a liquidation of the LLC after deduction of all costs and expenses of such liquidation. If the Expelled Member and the LLC cannot agree upon the Liquidation Value within thirty (30) days of the expulsion, then the same shall be determined by appraisal in accordance with Article XII. Section 9.3.2 LLC Purchase. Upon the Expulsion of a Member, the LLC shall purchase as many of the Transfer Interests as the LLC is legally permitted to purchase and the Managers determine the LLC should purchase giving due regard to sound business practices at the price determined in accordance with Section 9.3.1. Within thirty (30) days following the Involuntary Termination, the LLC shall give notice to all other Members stating the amount of Transfer Interests, if any, it will purchase (a "LLC Purchase Notice"). Section 9.3.3 Member Purchase. Section Election. Following issuance of the LLC Purchase Notice, the other Members shall purchase all of the Transfer Interests not purchased by the LLC at their price determined in accordance with Section 9.3.1. Each of the other Members shall, within thirty (30) days after receiving the LLC Purchase Notice, deliver to the LLC a written election to purchase such amount of such available Transfer Interests as each may desire to purchase. Section If Excessive Number of Interests Chosen. If the total amount of Transfer Interests that all other Members desire to purchase exceeds the amount of available Transfer Interests, each such other Member shall have priority, up to the amount of Transfer Interests set forth in his written election, to that fraction of the available Transfer Interests in which the numerator is the amount of Interests owned by the purchasing Member and the denominator is the amount of Interests owned by all Members who elect to purchase. LLCAGREEMENT-JDA-C-PAGE 15 • • That portion of the available Transfer Interests not purchased on such a priority basis shall be allocated in one or more successive allocations to those Members who have indicated in their written elections that they desire to purchase more than the amount of Transfer Interests to which they have priority right, with the allocation determined by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of Interests owned by such purchasing Member and the denominator is the amount of Interests owned by all such purchasing Members. Section If Insufficient Number of Interests Chosen. If the total amount of Transfer Interests that all other Members desire to purchase is less than the amount of available Transfer Interests, each Member who has elected to purchase Transfer Interests shall purchase the amount of Transfer Interests identified in his written election, and the balance shall be allocated to and purchased by all then existing Members, with the allocation determined by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of Interests owned by the Member in question and the denominator is the amount of Interests owned by all Members. Section 9.3.4 Expelled Member Restrictions. Following an Expulsion, the Expelled Member shall refrain from participating as Member or Manager of the LLC in the LLC's decision on whether or not to purchase the Transfer Interests, unless requested otherwise by the other Members holding a majority of the LLC's Percentage Interests not including the Interests held by the Expelled Member; and, if so requested to participate, the Expelled Member shall cooperate with the other Members in every reasonable way to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement. Section 9.3.5 Closing. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the closing of any sale pursuant to this Section 9.3 shall take place at the principal office of the LLC on the first regular business day more than six (6) months after the date of the Expulsion. The purchase price shall be paid in full in cash at closing; provided that if the Expelled Member is indebted to the LLC in any way, including but not limited to the amount, if any, owed by the Expelled Member to the LLC due to the events giving rise to the ExpUlsion, (i) the LLC shall set off against the purchase price of any Transfer Interests it purchases the amount of such indebtedness, whether or not such indebtedness is then due, and (ii) any other Member shall pay to the LLC that part of his purchase price which is equal to the Terminated Member's indebtedness to the LLC, whether or not such indebtedness is then due, and such payment shall be deemed payment on account of said purchase price. Section 9.4 Deadlock on Major Decisions. In the event of a deadlock on any Major Decision, the Member(s) who own all of the Percentage Interests voted together on the deadlocked issue (the "Offeror") may, at any time within ninety (90) days after the occurrence of the deadlock, purchase all, but no less portion, of the Percentage Interests of the other Member(s) (the "Offeree"), or sell all, but no less portion, of the Offeror's Percentage Interests to the Offeree, in accordance with the provisions of this Section 9.4. Section 9.4.1 Offer Notice. The Offeror shall send a written notice (the "Offer Notice") to the Offeree stating the cash price (the "Cash Price") at which the Offeror will be willing to purchase all (but no less portion) of the Percentage Interests of the Offeree and setting forth the terms of the purchase and sale. The Offeror, by sending the Offer Notice, shall be deemed to make an offer to the Offeree either to buy from the Offeree all of the Offeree's Percentage Interests or to sell to the Offeree all of the Offeror's Percentage Interests at the cash price and upon the terms set forth in the Offer Notice, or to vote the Offeror's Interests in favor of dissolution and liquidation of the LLC. Section 9.4.2 Response. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Offer Notice, the Offeree shall agree in writing to either buy from the Offeror all of the Offeror'S Percentage Interests in accordance with Section 9.4.3, sell to the Offeror all of the Offeree's Percentage Interests in accordance with Section 9.4.4 or liquidate the LLC in accordance with Section 9.4.5. Section 9.4.3 Purchase by Offeree. If the Offeree elects to buy the Percentage Interests of the Offeror, the Offeree shall give written notice of such election to the Offeror within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Offer Notice. Such notice of election shall be deemed acceptance of the offer of the Offeror to sell to the Offeree all of the Offeror'S Percentage Interests at the Cash Price and upon the terms set forth in the Offer Notice. The purchase and sale thus agreed upon shall be effectuated at closing in accordance with Section 9.4.6. LLC AGREEMENT -JDA-C-PAGE 16 • • Section 9.4.4 Sale by Offeree. Ifthe Offeree notifies the Offeror in writing of his election to sell his Percentage Interests to the Offeror, or fails to notify the Offeror in writing of his intention regarding the Offeror's offer set forth in the Offer Notice within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Offer Notice, the Offeree shall be deemed to have accepted the offer to sell to the Offeror all of the Offeree's Percentage Interests at the Cash Price and upon the terms set forth in the Offer Notice. The purchase and sale thus agreed upon shall be effectuated at closing in accordance with Section 9.4.6. Section 9.4.5 Liquidation. If the Offeree elects to liquidate the LLC, he shall give wrinen notice of such election to the Offeror within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Offer Notice. Commencing thirty one (31) days after receipt by the Offeror of the Offeree's wrinen notice of election to liquidate, the Offeror, the Offeree and the LLC shall do all things necessary to dissolve and liquidate the LLC, having due regard for maximizing the return from such liquidation, unless, prior to such thirty first (31st) day, the Offeror gives to the Offeree wrinen notice of the Offeror's election to purchase all of the Offeree's Interests for a price equal to the Offeree's portion of the proceeds of liquidation of the LLC (the "Notice to Purchase in Lieu of Liquidation"). Upon receipt by the Offeree of such Notice to Purchase in Lieu of Liquidation, the Offeror and the Offeree shall attempt to agree upon the Liquidation Value (as defined in Section 9.3.1). Ifthe Offeror and Offeree cannot agree upon the Liquidation Value within thirty (30) days of the date of the Notice to Purchase in Lieu of Liquidation, then the same shall be determined by appraisal in accordance with Article XII. Section 9.4.6 Closing. Unless otherwise agreed by the Offeror and the Offeree, the closing of any sale of Percentage Interests pursuant to this Section 9.4 shall take place at the principal office of the LLC on the first regular business day more than thirty (30) days after the election to buy or sell is made in accordance with Section 9.4.3 or 9.4.4 or the Liquidation Value is determined in accordance with Section 9.4.5, as applicable. In the case of a purchase and sale pursuant to Section 9.4.3 or 9.4.4, the Cash Price shall be paid according to the terms of the Offer Notice. In the case of a purchase and sale pursuant to Section 9.4.5, the Offeror shall pay the Offeree in full at closing an amount equal to that percentage of the Liquidation Value which is equal to the percentage of the proceeds from an actual liquidation of the LLC which the Offeree would be entitled to receive. Section 9.5 Interests Held as Community Property or Transferred by Bequest or Intestate Succession. Section 9.5.1 Consent of Spouses. The undersigned spouses of the Members hereby irrevocably consent to this Agreement. To the extent that the Percentage Interests or any other asset of or interest in the LLC now are or hereafter become the community property of the marital community of a Member and his respective spouse, such spouse hereby grants her husband an irrevocable power-of-anorney to act in her behalf with respect to the ownership of the Percentage Interests or assets and the management of the LLC. The spouse of each Member hereby grants her husband management authority over her community interest, if any, in the Percentage Interests and the assets of the LLC, and agrees that the other parties to this Agreement will and may rely upon this irrevocable grant of management authority. This grant of a power-or-anorney and management authority with respect to community property is coupled with an interest and is therefore irrevocable. Section 9.5.2 Interest of Spouse Subject to Agreement. Any property interests now owned or hereafter acquired in Percentage Interests by the spouse of any Member shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement and shall be subject to the same restrictions on disposition described in Section 9.1 as if such Percentage Interest constituted a Percentage Interest owned by a Member and as if such spouse constituted a Member; provided that any such Percentage Interest of the spouse of any Member may be transferred to such Member free of any requirement of a sale or offer to sell to the LLC or to the other Members. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement does not grant to any spouse of any Member the right to purchase or to elect to purchase any Percentage Interests offered pursuant to this Agreement for sale to the LLC or to any Member, unless such spouse becomes a Member in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. LLC AGREEMENT -JDA-C -PAGE 17 • • Section 9.5.3 Execution. Each Member shall have this Agreement executed by his spouse. Such execution shall constitute conclusive proof that such spouse has received notice of, has reviewed and agrees with the provisions of this Sections 9.5,9.6 and 9.7. Section 9.6 Right of Beneficiary to Become Member in the Event of Member's Death. In the event a Member dies and bequeaths hislher Percentage Interest to a person or such person obtains the deceased Member's Percentage Interest by intestate succession (each such person being hereinafter referred to as a "Beneficiary"), such Beneficiary may become a Member, the Managers shall do all things necessary or appropriate to transfer the deceased Member's Percentage Interest to the Beneficiary's name on the books and records of the LLC and to make the Beneficiary a Member for all purposes under this Agreement. ARTICLE X -SPECIAL AND LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY Section 10. I Grant of Power. The Managers will at all times during the existence of the LLC have a special and limited power of attorney as the attorney-in-fact for each Member, with power and authority to act in the name and on behalf of each Member to make, execute, acknowledge and file the following documents: (a) any fictitious business name statements, or any amendments to such statements (provided the amendments are in accordance with the terms of this Agreement) which, under the laws of any state, are required to be filed or which the Managers deem advisable to file; (b) any other instrument or document which the LLC is required to file under the laws of any state or by any goverrunental agency, or which the Managers deem in good faith to be in the best interests of the LLC and the Members to file; (c) any instrument or document which may be required to effect the continuation of the LLC, the admission of an additional or substituted Member, or the dissolution and termination of the LLC (provided such continuation, admission or dissolution and tennination are authorized in accordance with the tenns of this Agreement), or to reflect any changes in amount of contributions of Members, or to carry out any other powers granted to the Managers in this Agreement; and (d) any instrument or document described in Section 5.16 above. Section 10.2 Type of Power. The special and limited power of attorney granted to the Managers in this Article X: (a) is a special and limited power of attorney coupled with an interest, is irrevocable, shall survive the death or incompetence of the granting Member, and is limited to those matters set forth in this Agreement; (b) may be exercised by the Managers for each Member by listing all of the Members executing any instrument with a single signature of one of the Managers acting as attorney-in-fact for all of them; and (c) shall survive a transfer by a Member of all or any portion of its interest except that, where the transferee of such interest has been approved by the Managers as provided in this Agreement for admission to the LLC as a substituted Member, the special and limited power of attorney shall survive such transfer for the sole purpose of enabling the Managers to execute, acknowledge and file any instrument or document necessary in connection with sucb substitution. ARTICLE XI -DISSOLUTION, WINDING UP AND TERMINATION Section I I. I Events Causing Dissolution. The LLC will be dissolved and its affairs will be wound up upon the bappening of the first to occur of the following: (a) the expiration oftbe term specified in Section 2.4; LLC AGREEMENT -JDA -C -PAGE 18 • • (b) an event of dissociation of a Member as set forth in Section 4.14, unless the LLC is continued by the consent of all remaining Members within ninety (90) days following the event of dissociation; (c) the unanimous agreement of the Members; (d) the sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the LLC; (e) the entry of a decree of judicial dissolution; (I) the expiration of two years after the effective date of administrative dissolution; or (g) the occurrence of any other event or act causing dissolution of the LLC pursuant to the Act or this Agreement. Section 11.2 Winding UP. Upon dissolution of the LLC for any reason, the Managers will have the authority and responsibility to wind up the affuirs of the LLC and to liquidate its assets. Section 11.2.1 Conduct Pending Liquidation. The Members will continue to share income, gains, expenses, losses and all other items during the period of liquidation in the same proportion as before the dissolution. The Managers will have the full right and unlimited discretion to determine the time, manner and terms of any sale or sales of LLC property pursuant to the liquidation. Pending the sales, the Managers may continue to operate and otherwise deal with the assets of the LLC. Section 11.2.2 Time for Liquidation. A reasonable time will be allowed for the orderly winding up of the business of the LLC and the liquidation of its assets and the discharge of its liabilities to creditors so as to enable the Managers to minimize the normal losses attendant upon a liquidation, having due regard to the activity and condition of the relevant markets for the LLC properties and general fmancial and economic conditions. Section 11.2.3 Right of Member to Purchase. Any Member may be a purchaser of any properties of the LLC upon liquidation of the LLC's assets, including, without limitation, any liquidation conducted pursuant to a judicial dissolution or otherwise under judicial supervision; provided, however, that the purchase price and terms of sale must be fair and reasonable to the LLC. Section 11.2.4 Cooperation. In the course of any such winding up, any signature required of a Member (or the trustee, receiver, estate, personal representative, surviving spouse, or successor of a deceased, incapacitated, or insolvent Member) for the transfer of title to any property, real or personal, which has previously been owned by the LLC, will not be unreasonably withheld. If any Member, representative, surviving spouse or successor unreasonably withholds its signature, then the Managers may sign the Member's name. Section 11.2.5 Method of Liquidation. The Managers may liquidate the LLC by either or both of the following methods: (a) selling the LLC's assets and distributing the net proceeds from the sale, after the payment ofLLC liabilities or reservation of amounts therefor, to each Member in satisfaction of the Member's interest in the LLC in accordance with Section 7.2.3; or (b) distributing the LLC's assets to the Members in kind, each Member accepting an undivided interest in the LLC's assets, subject to its liabilities, in satisfaction of its interest in the LLC in accordance with Section 7.2.3. Upon completion of the liquidation, the LLC will be deemed completely dissolved and terminated. Section 11.3 Distribution of Proceeds of Liquidation. LLC AGREEMENT -JDA-C -PAGE 19 • • Section 11.3.1 Priority of Distribution. The proceeds of any dissolution or liquidation will be applied and distributed in the order of priority (to the extent that such order of priority is consistent with the laws of the State) specified in Section 7.2.3. Section 11.3.2 In-Kind Distributions. If any assets are to be distributed in kind, rather than in cash, they will be distributed on the basis of their fair market values, and the Members' respective Capital Accounts will be adjusted for the gain or loss that would have been recognized by them in accordance with Section 1.704-1 of the Regulations had such assets actually been sold at fair market value as of the date of distribution. If the Members cannot agree on the fair market values of the LLC's assets for purposes of this Section 11.3.2, the matter will be submitted to arbitration in accordance with Article XII. Section 11.4 Statement to Members. The Managers shall furnish to each of the Members a statement, prepared at LLC expense, which sets forth the assets and liabilities of the LLC at the commencement ofliquidation and an accounting with respect to the liquidation. ARTICLE XII -DISPUTE RESOLUTION Section 12.1 Appraisal. Wherever this Agreement specifies that a matter shall be determined by appraisal, the matter shall be submitted for determination to a mutually agreeable appraiser having demonstrated expertise in the matter submitted for determination. Such appraiser shall, within thirty (30) days after his appointment, determine the amount in question, which determination shall be binding upon the parties. If the parties cannot agree upon an appraiser, then, upon petition of any of them, the appraiser shall be appointed by the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. Prior to invoking the appraisal procedure of this paragraph, the party desiring to invoke appraisal shall tender to the other party a figure which is designated as that party's offer for agreement ("Offer of Agreement"). The other party shall, within fifteen (15) days thereafter, tender its own Offer of Agreement. Within ten (10) days following such second tender of an Offer of Agreement each party shall tender to the other a figure which is designated as the party's fmaI offer ("Final Offer"). Each tender of an Offer of Agreement or Final Offer shall be accompanied by supporting documents. If the parties fail to reach agreement within ten (10) days following tender of the Final Offers, then any party may invoke the procedure of this paragraph; provided that in that event each party shall deliver to the appraiser a copy of that party's Final Offer and supporting documents, and the appraiser shall choose one of the Final Offers as the amount in question. Each party shall pay one half of the costs of any appraisal, except that each party shall bear its own costs and fees. Section 12.2 Arbitration. Any dispute among the Members which they cannot resolve through good faith negotiation and which is not subject to resolution by appraisal pursuant to Section 12.1 (other than a deadlock on a Major Decision) shall be resolved by arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association in King County, Washington before a single arbitrator having demonstrated expertise with respect to the matter submitted for determination. If the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator within thirty (30) days after any Member delivers to the other Members a written demand for arbitration pursuant to this Section 12.2, then, upon petition of any of them, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The outcome of the arbitration shall be final and binding on all Members, and may, upon petition of any Member, be enforced by decree of any court of competent jurisdiction. Section 12.3 Attorneys Fees. In any arbitration, action at law to enforce an arbitration award under this Agreement or other action to enforce or interpreted this Agreement, the unsuccessful party in such arbitration or litigation, as determined by the arbitrator or court in a final judgment or decree, shall pay the successful party or parties all reasonable costs, expenses and attorney fees incurred therein by such party or parties, and if such successful parties shall recover judgment in any such action or proceeding, such costs, expenses and attorney fees shall be included as part of such judgment. ARTICLE XIII -MISCELLANEOUS LLC AGREEMENT -JDA - C -PAGE 20 • • Section 13.1 Governing Law. This Agreement will be interpreted, construed and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Section \3.2 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement will bind and benefit the parties and their respective heirs, executors, legal representatives and permitted successors and assigns. Nothing contained in this Section 13.3 will be construed to permit any assignment or conveyance of a Percentage Interest or other interest in the LLC not otherwise expressly permitted elsewhere in this Agreement. Section 13.3 Headings. Headings used in this Agreement have been included for convenience and ease of reference only and will not in any manner influence the construction or interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. Section 13.4 Entire Agreement; Amendment. This Agreement represents the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter. There are no other prior or contemporaneous agreements, either written or oral, among the parties with respect to this subject. This Agreement may be annended only by a written document signed by all of the Members. Section 13.5 Waiver. Other than with respect to waiver of a Spouse's right to become a Member in her deceased husband's place pursuant to Article IX, no right or obligation under this Agreement will be deemed to have been waived unless evidenced by a writing signed by the party against whom the waiver is asserted, or his/its dply authorized representative. Any waiver will be effective only with respect to the specific instance involved, and will not impair or limit the right of the waiving party to insist upon strict performance in any other instance, in any other respect, or at any other time. Section 13.6 Severability. The parties intend that this Agreement be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law. Therefore, if any provision of this Agreement, on its face or as applied to any person or circumstance, is or becomes unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of that provision to other persons or circumstances, or t? any other extent. will not be impaired. Section 13.7 Number and Gender. When required by the context, (al the singular will include the plural and vice versa, (b) the masculine will include the feminine and neuter genders, and vice versa, and (c) the word "person" will include trust, corporation, firm, partnership or other form of association. Section 13.8 References. Except as otherwise specifically indicated, all references in this Agreement to: (a) numbered or lettered articles, sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, clauses and subclauses, refer to articles, sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, clauses and subclauses of this Agreement; (b) exhibits refer to Exhibits attached to this Agreement; and (c) this Agreement or any Exhibit include any subsequent amendments to the Agreement or Exhibit, as the case may be. Section 13.9 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original and all of which together will constitute a single agreement. Section 13.10 Waiver of Action for Partition. For the term of the LLC and for the period of the winding up of its business following dissolution, each party irrevocably waives any right it may have to maintain any action for partition with respect to any of the LLC's assets. Section 13.11 Further Assurances. Each party agrees to take such further actions and to make, execute and deliver such further written instruments, as may be reasonably required from time to time to carry out the terms, provisions, intentions and purposes of this Agreement. LLC AGREEMENT -JDA-C-PAGE21 • • In witness of their agreemenL the parties have executed this Agreement of Limited Liability Company as of the day and year first above written. Members: LLC AGREEMENT -IDA -C -PAGE 22 • EXHIBIT A TO • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT OF JDA GROUP, L.L.c. Member Jack D. Alhadeff, a married man as his sole and separate property LLC AGREEMENT -JDA - C -PAGE 23 Percentage Interest 100% Capital Contribution $300,000 . . • • EXHIBIT B TO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT OF JDA GROUP, L.L.C. The undersigned wishes to acquire Percentage Interest of JDA Group, L.L.c. (the "Interests"). In connection therewith, the undersigned hereby (i) agrees to become a party to and subject to the Limited Liability Company Agreement dated as of , 2000, among all Members of JDA Group, L.L.C. (the "LLC Agreement") effective on the date the Interests are registered in the name of the undersigned on the books of IDA Group, L.L.C. and (ii) acknowledges receipt of a true copy of the LLC Agreement. Member: Spouse of Member: [sign name] [sign name] [print name] [print name] Date Signed: __________ _ Date Signed: _________ _ LLC AGREEMENT ~ lOA ~ C ~ PAGE 24 I Printed: 11-02-2004 Payment Made: .TV OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA04-139 11/0212004 04:16 PM , Receipt Number: Total Payment: 1,942.76 Payee: JDA GROUP, LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #1228 1,942.76 Account Balances Amount 1,000.00 500.00 225.00 200.00 17.76 Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 5954 604. 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 5998 Park Mitigation Fee Annexation Fees Appeals/Waivers Binding Site/Short Plat Conditional Use Fees Environmental Review Prelim/Tentative Plat Final Plat PUD Grading & Filling Fees Lot Line Adjustment Mobile Home Parks Rezone Routine Vegetation Mgmt Shoreline Subst Dev Site Plan Approval Temp Use or Fence Review Variance Fees Conditional Approval Fee Comprehensive Plan Amend Booklets/ErS/Copies Maps (Taxable) Special Deposits Postage Tax .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 R0405937 \ .. RECEIVED MAY 182007 AHBL, INC .. TO: JDA Group, LLC cc: 95 South Tobin Street Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Jack Alhadeff AHBL 2215 North 30" Street, Ste. 300 Tacoma, WA 98403-3305 Attn: David Follansbee ~ PAaFIC NoR1HW~"" Trll....E C""np".nyoFWQh'npon.I...-. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #3 THIRD PLAT CERTIFICATE PNWT Order Number: 577198 Owner: JDA Group, LLC The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Third Plat Certificate from May 1, 2007 through May 11, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • The following paragraph(s) of our preliminary commitment has/have been eliminated: 2 and 19 • The legal description has been amended to read as follows: As on page 2, attached. ( continued) -.. - SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Page 2 Order No. 577198 • The legal description has been amended to read as follows: PARCEL 1, The southwesterly 100 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washingtoni TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated platted walkway connecting Northwest 6 th Street to Rainier Avenue as vacated pursuant to City of Renton, Washington Ordinance Number 5272, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. Lot A, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA-04-139-LLA recorded under Recording Number 20051219900014 being a portion of the following described parcel: The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3, Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated South 126th Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4955, recorded under Recording Number 20020402002350, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated platted walkway connecting Northwest 6th Street to Rainier Avenue as vacated pursuant to City of Renton, Washington Ordinance Number 5272, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. END OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since May I, 2007, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. Dated as of May 16, 2007 at 8,00 a.m. cg PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: CUrtis Goodman Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 TO, JDA Group, LLC cc: 95 South Tobin Street Renton, WA 98055 Attn. Jack Alhadeff AHBL 2215 North 30'h Street, Ste. 300 Tacoma, WA 98403-3305 Attn, David Follansbee 215 Columbia SIreet Seattle, Washington 98104 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #2 THIRD PLAT CERTIFICATE PNWT Order Number, 577198 Owner, JDA Group, LLC The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Pull Update of the Third Plat Certificate from April 25, 2006 through May 1, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • Items disclosed on Supplemental Report #1. • Paragraphs 11, 12, and 13 of the commitment is/are out, 2006 taxes are paid in full. (continued) -- SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Page 2 Order NO. 577198 • The legal description has been amended to read as follows: PARCEL 1: The southwesterly 100 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats~ pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washingtoni TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated platted walkway connecting Northwest 6th Street to Rainier Avenue as vacated pursuant to City of RentoD, Washington Ordinance Number 5272, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. PARCEL 2: Lot A, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA-04-139-LLA recorded under Recording Number 20051219900014 being a portion of the following described parcel: The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3, Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County. washington; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated South 126'0 Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4955, recorded under Recording Number 20020402002350, whiCh, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated platted walkway connecting Northwest 6th Street to Rainier Avenue as vacated pursuant to City of Renton, Washington Ordinance Number 5272, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. PARCEL 3: Lot B, City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment LUA-04-139-LLA recorded under Recording Number 20051219900014 being a portion of the following described parcel: The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3, Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats. pages 91 and 52, in King CounCy, Washington; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated South 126" Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4955, recorded under Recording Number 20020402002350, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. (continued) SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Page 3 Order No. 577198 • The following has been added as paragraph 17: 17. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CllARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAlD: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: rAX ACCOUNT NllKBKR, LEVY CODE: 2007 956480-0070-07 2100 1IFFECTS: Parcell, except vacated walkway CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $88,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $962.70 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.50 $9.98 rorAL BrLLBD. $974.18 PAJ:D: $487.09 TOl'AL DUB: $487.09 • The following has been added as paragraph 18: 18. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR. TAX ACCOUNT NUHBBR. LEVY CODE: 2007 956480-0106-05 2100 1IFFECTS: Parcel 2, except vacated walkway CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $138,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $1,509.69 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.59 $9.99 TOTAL BrLI.ED. $1,521.27 >'AID. $760.64 (continued) TOTAL DUB: $760.63 RECENEO MAR 23 2UUG /\HBl, lNC. TO, JDA Group, LLC 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 cc: 95 south Tobin Street Renton, WA, 98055 Attn, Jack Alhadeff AHBL, Inc. 2215 North 30~ Street, #300 Tacoma, WA 98403 Attn: Sheri Green SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT #1 PNWT Order Number, 609986 The following matters affect the property covered by this order: • A Full Update of the Plat Certificate from November 28, 2005 through March 16, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. has disclosed the following: • The following has been added as paragraphs 16, 17, 18, and 19: 16. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID, YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, AFFECTS, 2006 420240-1210-04 2100 Parcel A CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, Land: $60,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $716.70 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.59 $10.00 TOTAL BILLED, $728.29 PAID, $0.00 TOTAL DUE, $728.29 (continued) SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Page 2 Order No. 609986 17. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID, YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, 2006 956480-0170-06 2100 AFFECTS, Portion of Parcels Band C CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, Land, $801,000.00 Improvements, $1,000.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES, $9,579.95 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.68 $10.00 TOTAL BILLED, $9,591.. 63 PAID, $0.00 TOTAL DUE, $9,591.63 18. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID, YEAR, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, 2006 956480-0175-01 2100 AFFECTS, The remainder of Parcels Band C CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, Land, $215,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES, $2,568.19 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.50 $10.00 TOTAL BILLED, $2,579.69 PAID, $0.00 (continued) TOTAL DUE, $2,579.69 -------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Page 3 Order No. 609986 19. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID, YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE, AFFECTS, 2006 956480-0007-05 2100 Parcel D CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, Land, $242,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES, $2,890.71 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $2.04 $10.00 TOTAL BILLED: $2,902.75 PAID: $0.00 TOTAL DUE: $2,902.75 • There has been no change in the title to the property covered by this order since November 28, 2005, EXCEPT the matters noted hereinabove. • Except as to the matters reported hereinabove, the title to the property covered by this order has NOT been re-examined Dated as of March 23, 2006 at 8;00 a.m. mrS PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY By: Mike Sharkey Title Officer Phone Number: 206-343-1327 'OIl' ,. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104-1511 Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt.com) Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Assistant Title Officer, Charlie Bell (charliebell@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206)343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 JDA Group, LLC Title Order No. 609986 CERTIFICATE FOR 95 South Tobin Street Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Jack Your Ref., JDA GROUP FILING PROPOSED PLAT PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A GENTLEMEN, In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: on Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN, JDA GROUP, L.L.C., as to an undivided 70% interest, and I.D. KLINE CORPORATION, an Oregon corporation, as to an undivided 30% interest, as tenants in common, and not as partners of a partnership SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS, As on Schedule B, attached hereto. $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL CHARGE, $0.00 RECORDS EXAMINED TO, November 28, 2005 at 8,00 a.m. PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. Mike Sharkey Senior Title Officer Unit No. 12 ,",' I. PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule A Page 2 Order No. 609986 In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land, PARCEL A, Lots 1 through 6, inclusive, Block 17, Latimer's Lake Park Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, page 63, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT portion conveyed to King County for road purposes by deeds recorded under Recording Numbers 956173 and 2032137; TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Northwest 7th Street as vacated pursuant to City of Renton Ordinance Number 3455, recorded under Recording Number 8011030532, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Ohio Place and vacated South 123rd as vacated pursuant to City of Renton Ordinance Number 4357, recorded under Recording Number 9206181901, which upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. PARCEL B, All of Block 5; and all of Block 6, EXCEPT the south 192 feet thereof; all in the plat of Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washington. PARCEL C, That portion of Blocks 13 and 22, Latimer's Lake Park Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, page 63, in King County, Washington, which lies east of said Woody Glen Addition and west of a line drawn parallel with and 50 feet westerly when measured at right angles and/or radially from the center line of Primary State Highway No. 2 (Rainier Avenue), and extending from Highway Engineer's Station 80+30 southerly to Highway Engineer's Station 88+75; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying easterly of the south 192 feet of Block 6 of the Plat of Woody Glen. (continued) .. ' ,. PARCEL D, PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule A Page 3 Order No. 609986 That portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, lying southerly and easterly of the centerline of vacated South 123rd Street; EXCEPT that portion thereof lying northerly of a line which is 110 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly margin of South 122nd Street; TOGETHER WITH that portion of Lot 3, Block 1, lying westerly of the centerline of Vacated South 123rd Streeti AND TOGETHER WITH Lots 4 and 7, Block 1; EXCEPT that portion lying northerly and easterly of vacated South 123rd Street; AND TOGETHER WITH the north 150 feet of Lot 2, Block 2· The west 61.72 feet of the north 150 feet of Lot 3, Block 2; The north 125 feet of the east 28.28 feet of Lot 3, Block 2· The north 125 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 2 ; The north 125 feet of the west 14.99 feet of Lot 6, Block 2 ; The north 140 feet of Lot 6 ; EXCEPT the west 14.99 feet thereof, of Block 2; AND Lot 7; EXCEPT the southwesterly 100 feet thereof, Block 2, all in Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washington. END OF SCHEDULE A GENERAL EXCEPTIONS, PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 609986 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate surveyor inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereofj (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 Order No. 609986 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, RESERVED BY, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, Ci ty of Renton Utility Northerly portion of Parcel A November 3, 1980 8011030532 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, GRANTEE, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, City of Renton, a municipal corporation Public utilities Portion of said premises April 9, 1984 8404090614 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, GRANTEE, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, City of Renton Public utilities Portion of Parcel A November 14, 1991 9111140883 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, GRANTEE, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, City of Renton Utilities Portion of Parcel A June 18, 1992 9206181901 (continued) · /. PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 3 Order No. 609986 5. RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED ON THE FACE OF THE PLAT AS FOLLOWS, No lot or portion of a lot in this plat shall be divided and sold or resold, or ownership 'changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than the area required for the use district in which it is located. Namely 6,000 square feet for R~l Residence Use, with a minimum lot or tract width of 60 feet. All lots in this plat are restricted to R-l District Use, governed by and subject to restrictions, rules and regulations of County Zoning Resolution Number 11373 and subsequent changes thereto by official county resolution. Sewage disposal shall be by septic tanks, except for the following: Lots 6 through 7, inclusive, Block 1, to be held pending outcome of slide conditions on the east side. Lots Band 9, Block 4, in low area to be made suitable for septic tanks. All lots subject to individual permits. AFFECTS, That portion of said premises within Woody Glen Addition 6. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, BY, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, REGARDING, Ray N. Latimer and State of Washington May 29, 1940 3103931 Permit to remove and/or place and deposit earth materials adjacent to the highway in the extension of slopes of excavation and/or embankment. (continued) · '. PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 4 Order No. 609986 7. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, BY, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, REGARDING, State of Washington and Robert L. Edwards and Jane I. Edwards, husband wife September 27, 1956 4733794 Perpetual right, permit, license and easement in the grantor to use and occupy the property conveyed herein for the purpose of constructing and maintaining highway slopes in excavation and/or embankment 8. Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises in the reasonable original grading of streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. AFFECTS, That portion of said premises within Woody Glen Addition 9. Matters disclosed on a survey recorded under Recording Number 8903239001, a copy of which is hereto attached. 10. Matters disclosed on a survey recorded under Recording Number 20030401900004, a copy of which is hereto attached. 11. DELINQUENT GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, AFFECTS, CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, 420240-1210-00 2100 Parcel A Land, $55,000.00 Improvements: $ 0.00 YEAR, 2004 AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID $293.27 $0.79 $2.50 GENERAL TAXES, $586.53 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.59 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED, $593.12 PAID, $296.56 TOTAL DUE', $296.56 PLUS INTEREST (continued) · .. Order No. 609966 PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 5 YEAR, 2005 AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 GENERAL TAXES, $652.67 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.59 $5.00 *CONTACT THE KING COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (206) 296-4~84 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN KING COUNTY, OR THE PIERCE COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (253) 796-6111 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN PIERCE COUNTY, FOR A PAYOFF FIGURE THAT WOULD INCLUDE ALL INTEREST, PENALTIES AND CHARGES THAT HAVE BEEN ASSESSED. SAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON A MONTHLY BASIS. 12. DELINQUENT GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, AFFECTS, CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, 956480-0~70-06 2100 Portion of Parcels Band C Land, $601,000.00 Improvements, $1,000.00 YEAR, 2004 AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID $4,611. 76 $0.64 $2.50 GENERAL TAXES, $9,223.52 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.68 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED, $9,230.20 PAID, YEAR, 2005 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES, $9,517.14 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.66 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED, $9,523.82 PAID, $4,6~5,10 TOTAL DUE*, $4,6~5.~0 PLUS INTEREST AMOUNT PAID $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL DUE*, $9,523.82 PLUS INTEREST *CONTACT THE KING COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (206) 296-4~84 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN KING COUNTY, OR THE PIERCE COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (253) 796-6111 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN PIERCE COUNTY, FOR A PAYOFF FIGURE THAT WOULD INCLUDE ALL INTEREST, PENALTIES AND CHARGES THAT HAVE BEEN ASSESSED. SAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON A MONTHLY BASIS. (continued) " PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 6 Order No. 609986 13. DELINQUENT GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, AFFECTS, CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, 956480-0175-01 2100 Remainder of Parcels Band C Land, $215,000.00 Improvements, $1,000.00 YEAR, 2004 GENERAL TAXES, SPECIAL DISTRICT, AMOUNT BILLED $2,484.14 AMOUNT $1,242.07 $0.75 $2.50 $1,245.32 PAID TOTAL BILLED, $1.50 $5.00 $2,490.64 PAID, YEAR, 2005 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES, $2,563.22 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.50 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED, $2,569.72 PAID, TOTAL DUE', $1,245.32 PLUS INTEREST AMOUNT PAID $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL DUE', $2,569.72 PLUS INTEREST 'CONTACT THE KING COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (206) 296-4184 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN KING COUNTY, OR THE PIERCE COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (253) 798-6111 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN PIERCE COUNTY, FOR A PAYOFF FIGURE THAT WOULD INCLUDE ALL INTEREST, PENALTIES AND CHARGES THAT HAVE BEEN ASSESSED. SAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON A MONTHLY BASIS. 14. DELINQUENT GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER, LEVY CODE, AFFECTS, CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, 956480-0007-05 2100 Parcel D Land, $221,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 YEAR, 2004 AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID $1,178.82 GENERAL TAXES, $2,357.63 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $2.04 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED, $2,364.67 PAID, $1. 02 $2.50 $1,182.34 TOTAL DUE" $1,182.33 PLUS INTEREST (continued) . '. Order No. 609986 PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 7 YEAR: 2005 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $2,622.55 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $2.04 $5.00 AMOUNT PAID $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 'CONTACT THE KING COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (206) 296-4184 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN KING COUNTY, OR THE PIERCE COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICE AT (253) 798-6111 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN PIERCE COUNTY, FOR A PAYOFF FIGURE THAT WOULD INCLUDE ALL INTEREST, PENALTIES AND CHARGES THAT HAVE BEEN ASSESSED. SAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON A MONTHLY BASIS. 15. DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: JDA Group, L.L.C., as to an undivided 70 % interest, and I.D. Kline Corporation, an Oregon corporation, as to an undivided 30 % interest, as tenants in common, and not as partners of a partnership TRUSTEE: BENEFICIARY: AMOUNT: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: AFFECTS: Pacific Northwest Title Company EvergreenBank $1,900,000.00 August 7, 2003 August 21, 2003 20030821001939 Parcels A, Band C The ~ount now secured by said Deed of Trust and the ter.ms upon which the same can be discharged or assumed should be ascertained from the holder of the indebtedness secured. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by: Dave Clasen Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. slm/20020204002197 • , . PACIFIC NORTIIWEST TITLE Order No. Company of Washington, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. " N PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, INC. 215 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington '98104-1511 Senior Title Officer, Mike Sharkey (mikesharkey@pnwt,com) Title Officer, Curtis Goodman (curtisgoodman@pnwt.com) Title Technician, Annette Strate (annettestrate@pnwt.com) Unit No. 12 FAX No. (206)343-1330 Telephone Number (206)343-1327 JDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street Renton, Washington 98055 Attention: Jack Title Order No. 577198 CERTIFICATE FOR FILING PROPOSED PLAT Your Ref.: JDA Group/I. D. Kline Corporation GENTLEMEN, SECOND AMENDED PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. IS VESTED IN, JDA GROUP, L.L.C., as to an undivided 70% interest, and I.D. KLINE CORPORATION, an Oregon corporation, as to an undivided 30% interest, as tenants in common, and not as partners of a partnership SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS, As on Schedule B, attached hereto. CHARGE, TAX, $0.00 $0.00 RECORDS EXAMINED TO, TOTAL CHARGE, Mike Sharkey Senior Title Officer Uni t No. 12 $0.00 PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule A PAGE 2 In the matter of the plat submitted for your approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of King County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that according to said records the title to the following described land: The southwesterly 100 feet of Lot 7, Block 2; The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3; Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washington; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated South 126th Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4955, recorded under Recording Number 20020402002350, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law. END OF SCHEDULE A GENERAL EXCEPTIONS, PLAT CERTIFICATE Schedule B Order No. 577198 1. Rights of claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Public or private easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate surveyor inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons, corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 8. General taxes not now payable or matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding the same becoming a lien. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS, PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Page 2 Order No. 577198 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, GRANTEE, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, City of Renton Public utilities South 10 feet of Lot 7, Block 2 April 9, 1984 8404090614 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REFERENCED THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING, RESERVED BY, PURPOSE, AREA AFFECTED, RECORDED, RECORDING NUMBER, The City of Renton Constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines Portion in vacated South 126th Street April 2, 2002 20020402002350 3. RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED ON THE FACE OF THE PLAT AS FOLLOWS, No lot or portion of a lot in this plat shall be divided and sold or resold, or ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this plat shall be less than the area required for the use district in which it is located. Namely 6,000 square feet for R-l Residence Use, with a minimum lot or tract width of 60 feet. All lots in this plat are restricted to R-l District Use, governed by and subject to restrictions, rules and regulations of County Zoning Resolution Number 11373 and subsequent changes thereto by official county resolution. Sewage disposal shall be by septic tanks, except for the following; Lots 6 through 7, inclusive, Block 1, to be held pending outcome of slide conditions on the east side. Lots 8 and 9, Block 4, in low area to be made suitable for septic tanks. All lots subject to individual permits. (continued) 4. Building set back lines as delineated on the face of the plat. 5. Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon said premises in the reasonable original grading of streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. 6. Matters disclosed on a survey recorded under Recording Number 8903239001, a copy of which is hereto attached. 7. Matters disclosed on a survey recorded under Recording Number 20030401900004, a copy of which is hereto attached. 8. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: AFFECTS: 2004 956480-0070-07 2100 Portion of said premises CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $51,000.00 GENERAL TAXES: SPECIAL DISTRICT: TOTAL BILLED: Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED $586.53 $1. 50 $5.00 $593.03 PAID: $296.52 TOTAL DUE: $296.51 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES: FIRST HALF DELINQUENT MAY 1, IF UNPAID: SECOND HALF DELINQUENT NOVEMBER 1, IF UNPAID: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: 2004 956480-0110-09 2100 AFFECTS: Portion of said premises CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE: Land: $57,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED GENERAL TAXES: $655.54 SPECIAL DISTRICT: $1.68 $5.00 TOTAL BILLED: $662.22 PAID: $331.11 TOTAL DUE: $331.11 ( continued) 10. DELINQUENT GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE, AFFECTS, 2004 956480-0106-05 2100 Remainder of said premises CURRENT ASSESSED VALUE, Land, $44,000.00 Improvements: $0.00 AMOUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID GENERAL TAXES, $506.03 $0.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT, $1.50 $0.00 $5.00 $0.00 TOTAL BILLED: $512.53 PAID: $0.00 TOTAL DUE*: $512.53 PLUS INTEREST *CONTACT YOUR TITLE UNIT OR THE ASSESSORS OFFICE FOR A PAYOFF FIGURE THAT WOULD INCLUDE ALL INTEREST AND PENALTIES THAT HAVE BEEN ASSESSED. SAID FIGURE WILL INCREASE ON A MONTHLY BASIS. END OF SCHEDULE B Title to this property was examined by; Dave Clasen Any inquiries should be directed to one of the title officers set forth in Schedule A. DVC/slm Woody Glenn Addition 47/91-92 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE Order No. 577198 Company cfWashington, Inc. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N ----------------- Filed for record at request of JDA Group, LLC When recorded return to: Dieter G. Struzyna 3000 Northup Way Suite 101 Bellevue, W A, 98004 20060825001878.002 QUIT CLAIM DEED The Grantor, I.D. Kline Corporation, an Oregon corporation, for and in consideration of fulfillment of Grantor's obligations pursuant to the Option Agreement for the Purchase and Sale of Interest in Real Property between Grantor and Grantee dated June 29,2001, hereby conveys and quitclaims to: JDA Group, LLC, a Washington limited liability company all of grantors' right, title and interest in the real property situated in the County of King, State of Washington, described on the attached Exhibit A, which is by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Dated this ), J .. ,{ day of __ ~AL.L.:")f"v J,-,f~ ___ , 2006. LD. Kline Corporation BY:~..9~ Irvin D. Kline, President SEiid documSni(s) W~rtl filed tor rr-cord b~' P8lGifl(; NOl1hwcs: Trlf~ as ncxmm·x!c,!;f)!', o;~!y. i~ !;:jS nol boon ~xaminN; <lS Iv pr·Jpcr execution 01 '1:1 ttl tis E"!ffect U(lon !ille Page 1 of3 -STATE OF IfOM55f-e COUNTYOF \l}\\\'ICt®'lO ) ) ss. ) 20060825001878.003 On this a I day of All~ll:=,t . , 2006, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fo ihe State of ~If rW\Etre , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Irvin D, Kline, to me known to be, or having furnished sufficient evidence that he is, the President of J.D. Kline Corporation, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly appointed and acting as President of the corporation and that he was authorized to execute said instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Publi and for the State of Tflll)l')lf .' residing at~ rf\'~Lane. My CommiSSIOn expires: -lfL.llL-!Lj.lChJ.._.L_J::ptX1j\U..L.1 __ _ Page 2 of3 20060825001878.004 EXHIBIT A TO QUIT CLAIM DEED THE REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN KING COUNTY, W ASHlNGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS B, C, AND D, CITY OF RENTON LOT LlNE ADJUSTMENT LUA-06-045-LLA, RECORDED JULY 19, 2006 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDER'S l\'UMBER 20060719900005 ; TOGETHER WITH PARCELS A AND B, CITY OF RENTON LOT LIl\TE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04·139-LLA, RECORDED DECEMBER 19, 2005 lJl\TJ)ER lUNG COUNTY RECORDER'S NUMBER 20051219900014; TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDlNG TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLl,,'ME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 MTI 92, RECORDS OF lUNG COUNTY, W ASHlNGTON; TOGETHER WITH THE PLATTED WALKWAY LYIJ\TG BETWEEN LOT 7, BLOCK 2, ANTI LOT 8, BLOCK 3 IN WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDlNG TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 Ai'm 92, RECORDS OF lUNG COUNTY, W ASHlNGTON. Page 3 of3 RETURN ADDRESS: EvergreenBank Attn: Loan ServIces Dept 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 100 Seattl~ WA 98101 DATE: January 18, "2006 20060201001666.001 '1111111111111111 •• eIF!9§l9,?D~ 1001668 PAGEee1 OF 818 U .Ie 8Z/11/288S 14:8. KINC COUNTY, UR DEED OF TRUS(~I \N FILED BY PNwl ® ~ 0D7S-'Z3. 2-- Reference # (if applicable): ____________ --"-AdditIOnal on page __ Grantor(s): 1. JOA Group, L.LC. 2. I.D. Kline Corporation Granlee(s) 1. EvergreenBank 2. PacifiC Northwest Tille Company, Trustee Legal Description: Pin Lot 7, Lot 8, Block 3. Woody Glen Add., Vol. 47. pgs. 91-92 Additional on page __ Assessor's Tax Parcel 10#: 9564B(}'0106-05 and 956480-0110-09 THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated January 18, 2006, among JDA Group. L..L.C •• whose address Is 95 S Tobin Street. Suite 20', Renton, WA 98055, as to an undivided 70% Interest, and 1.0. Kline Corporation, an Oregon Corporation, whose address 15 1494 NE Stephens Street, Roseburg, OR, 85 to an undivided 30% Interest, as tenants in common, and not as partners of a partnership ("Grantor"): EvergreenBank, whose mailing eddress is Third & Seneca Office, 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 100, Seattle, WA 98101 (referred to below sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"); and PacifiC Northwest Title Company, whose mailing address is 215 Columbia St, Seattle, WA 98104 (referred to below as "Trustee") .. . :, DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 200602010Q1668.002 Page 2 CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consideration, Gr.;mtor conveys to Trustee In lrust wilh power of sale, rigt'lt of entry and pos.sesslon and for the benefit of Lender as Beneficiary, air 01 Granlor's tight, litle, ancr interest in and 10 Ihe loIIowiog descnbed feal property. logelhef with an existing or subsequently srected or alfiJCOO buildings. imptovemetlts and rlXtures; aI' easements, rights 01 way, and appurtenances; ell water, waler rights and dilCh righh> (includiT19 stock in utilities wi'dl ditch Of irrigation rights): and air odler rights, royalties, and profits relating to 1I1e leal property, il'lC1LKfll"l9 without limitation all minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and sirmlar maners. (the "Real Property") located in King County, State of Washlngton:Parcels A & B of City of Renton Lot Line Adjustment No LUA-04-139-LLA as recorded under recording number 20051219900014 being .<:L.portiQn of the follow-in' The southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot B. Block 3; Wooey lifen Addition, accorffing g. to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, in King County, Washington; ANO TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated South 126th Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4955, recorded under Recording Number 20020402002350, which, upon vacation, attached to said property by operation of law The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 7 Lots located on 6th Street and 505 Rainier Avenue N, Renton, WA. The Real Property tax identification number is 95648(}-0106-05 and 956480-0110-09. CROSS-COUATERAUZAllON. In addition to the Note. this Deeod of Trust secures all obligations, debts and rl8:blfrties, pius interesl thercoo, of Botmwar 10 Leoder, or any OIle or more of them, as well as aP claimS by Lender against Borrower or any one 01 more of them, whather now existing or hereaher arising. whether related or unrelated 10 the purpose of the Note, wheltJer voluntal)' or o!tlelwise. Whether due or not due, direcl or ir'lClirect, determined or ur'lCletermined, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated llIt1ether Borrower or Grantor m.ly be liable indrvidualty or jointly with o!hef1;, \vhe!her obligated as guaranlor, surety, accommodation party or otherwise, and wheltl9r recov9ry upon such amounts may ~ or hereafter may become barred by any staMe of [imitations, and whether the obllgatioo to repay such amounts may be or hereaher may become othenvi.se unenforceable. Grantor hereby assigns as securi1y to lender, all 01 Grantor's right, btle, and interest in and to all leases, Rents, and profits 01 the Property. This assignment is recorded in accordanco with RCW 65.08.070; Ihelien created by this assiQnmeot is intended 10 be specific, perlecte<j and choate upon Itle recording 01 this Deed of Trusl Lendef grants to Gfantor a license 10 collect the Rents and profits, which licef\Se may be revoked al lender's option ar'lCl sha\) be automatically revoked upon accelemtion of all or part of the Indebtedness. THIS DEED OF mUST, INCLUOING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE SECURrTY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE CA) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (8) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND AU OBUGATlONS UNDER THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS DEED OF TRUST IS GrvEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWlNG TERMS: GRANTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTlES. Grantor warrants that: (a) this Deed 01 Trusl is e)l(ec11led at Borrower's leqUest and not at the request 01 Lend&r; (b) Granior has the full power, righI, and authority to enter into this Deed of Trust and 10 hypothecate the Property; (c) the provisiOns 011tJ1s Deed 01 Trusl do oot conDiel with, Of result in a default Lnder any agreement or oltJer insln.Jmenl bInding upon Grant(){ and do not result in a vjoIalion 01 any law, regulation. court deCree or order appliCable to Grantor; (d) Grantor has established adequate means of obtaining from Borrower on a continuing basis ilformation about Borrower's financial condition; and (e) lender has made-no (ep!esentation 10 Grantor about Borrow., foncllJding \vlthout r,mitation the Cledlt\vorthin8$S of Bonower). GRAtiTOR'S WAIVERS. Gnlntor waives all rights or defenses arising by reason oJ any "one actiOn" (){ "8I\ti-deficiency" law, or any other law \vhi::h may prevent lender lrom bringing any action against Granlor, incluchng a claim lor deficiency 10 tho eXlet1t lender is otherwise etl\!tled to a claim for derlCiency, before or aher Lander's commencomen! or completion of any 10rectO$ure action, eittler jucflCialty or by exercise 01 a power of sale. PAYMENT AND PERFO"RMANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this Deeod 01 Trust, Borrower shall pay to lender au Indebtedness secured by this Deed 01 Trust as it becomes due, and Borrower and Grantor shall Slriclfy perform all their respective obligations uocler Ih& Note, this Deed 01 Trusl, and tho Related Documents. POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. BonOlYer and Grantor agree thaI Borrower's and Grantor's po5Se:ssiotl and use of the Property shall be governed by the following provisions: Possession and Use. Unt~ the OCCUfTenca of an Evenl 01 DefaUlt, Grantor may (ll remain in possession and contrOl 01 the Property; (2) USO, operate or manage ltJe Property; and {3} collect Itle Rents trom the Property (this privilege is a IlCetlse from leoder to Grantor automatically revokQd upon defaull). "The following provisions relate to the use 01 the Property or to other rmilations on the Property, The Real PrOperty is not used principally lor agricultural purposes. Duty to MaintaIn, Grant(){ shall maintain !tie Property in tenantable condition and promplly perform all repairs, replacements, and maintenance neceSsary 10 preserve its value. Compliance Wlth Environmental Laws, Grantor represents and wafTants to lendor that (1) During the period 01 Granier's O\\'Tlership of !he Property, !here has been no use, generation, manulach.Jre, storage, t:eatment, disposal, reiNS' or ItJrealefled release of any Hazardous S\,Ibslan(;e by any person on, under, about or trom the Property; (2) Grantor has no kf'lO\vtt'dge ot, or reason to bO/ieve that there has been, except as previousty diSclos~ to and ackl'lOl'lledged by lender in writing, (a) any breach or violation 01 any Environmerl!al Laws, (b) any use. generation, manufacture, storage, treallTlent, disp:lS8I, release or thraatened release 01 any HazardoUS Substance on, under, about or from the Property by any prior owners or occupants of It1e Property, or (c) any actual or threatened litigation or claims 0I81T'f kind by any per$0fI relating to such maner.;.; and (3) Except as previously diSClosed to and acknoMedged by lender in wnting, (a) neither Grantor ocr any teoant, contractor, agent or other authorized user 01 !he Property shall use, generate, manufacture, store, treal, diSpose of or release any Hazardous Substance on, under, about or from the Property; and (b) any such activity shall be conducted in C(lmpliance with all applica.b!e federal, state, and locaIlaw$, r~u1atioos and ord'nances. including without limilation all Environmental laws. Grantor authorizes lender and its agents to eoter upon !he Property to make such inspections and IOSIS, at Grantor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate 10 determine compliance of ltJe Property with this section of the Dead of Trusl. Any in$pecbons or testt; made by Lender shall be lOt Lender's purpo.se!! only and shall nol be construed to craate any responsibaity 0( bab~rty on the part of lendor to Grantor or to any other person. The representations and warramies. contained herein 818 based on Grantor's due diligence in investigating the Property lor Hazardous Substances. Grantor hereby (1) roreues and waives any future claims against lender lor indemnity or contrtbution in the eveol Grantor becomes liable for cleanup or other costs unclel any Such laws; and (2) agrees to indemnity and hold harmless lender against any and all claims, losses, liabnities, damages, penalties, and eKperlsQs which lender may directly or indirectly sustain or suffer resulbng DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20060201001668.003 Page 3 from a breach 01 this section oj the Deed of Trust or liS a conseQuence of any use, generatlon, manufacture, storage. disposal, release or ttllsalened release occurnng priof to Grantor's own91Ship or Interest in the Property, .....nether or not the same was or should have been known to Gramor. The provisions 01 this section 01 the Deed of Trust, inclUCIll1g the obligation to indemnity. shall survive the PtIymenl of the Indebtedness and the satisfaction and recOfw$yance 01 the lien 01 this Deed of Trust and shall not be affected by Leodar's acquisition of any inteffr!lt ill 1M Property. whelher by foreclosure or otherwise. Nuisance, Waste. Grantor shan not cause, conauc! or permit any nuisance not commit, pormil, or sutler any stripping of or wasle on or to the Property or any portiOn 01 the Property. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Grantor wia . nol remove, Of grant 10. any other party the right to remove, any timber, minerals (Including oil and gas), coal, clay, scoria, soli, gravel or rock products without landar's prior written consent Removal of Improvements. Grantor shall nol demolish or remova any Improvements from the Real Property without lellder's prior written consent As e conditJon to the removal 01 any ImpfOvements, lender may require GrantOf to make afTangements satisfactory to lender 10 replace such ImprovemenlS with Improvements 01 at least equal value, Lender's Righi to Enter, lender and lender's agents and repr6s9f1tatlves may enter upon the Real Property at all reasonable times to attend to Lender's iIllerests and to inspect the Real Property for purposes of Grantor's compliance with tne lerms and condrtions 0( Ihls Deed of Trust. Compliance with Governmental Requirements, Grantor shall promptty comply, and shall promptly cause complianca by all agents, tenants or other persons or antities of every nature whatsoever who rent, lease or otherwise use or occupy the Property in any manner, with all laW!, ordinances, and regulations, now or hereafter in effect, of all govemmental authoritias applicable 10 the use or occupancy 0' the Property, IncllX1lrog without limitation, the AmeriCal'lS With Disabilities Act Grantor may contest In good faith any sveh law, ordinance, or regulation and withhold compliance during any proceeding, irlctuding approprtate appeals, so long as Grantor has 1l0tlflfKllender in Wilting ptlOf 10 doing sO and so long as, in Lender's sole opinion, lender's jnlerest$ in the Property are nol Jeopardized, lender may require Grantor to post adequate security or a surety bond, reasonably satisfactory to Lender, to protect Lender's Interest. Outy to Protect, Granlor agrees neither to abandon or leave unattended the Property, GraillO( shall do aft Olher acls, in addition 10 those acls set toI'Ih above In this section, which korn Ihe character and use of the Property are reasonably necessary to protect end preserve the Property, DUE ON SAL.E • CONSENT BY LENDER, lender may, at lender's option, (A) declare immediately due and payable all sums secured by mis Deed of Trust or (B) Increase the interest rate provided lor In lhe Note or other document avidef)Cing the Indebtedness and impose sveh other conditions as Lender deems appropriate, upon the sale or transfer, withovt Lender's prior written oonsenl, of all or any part of the ABaI Propeny, or eny interest In the Real Property, A "sale or transler" means the convayance of Real Property or any right, 1I\Ie or Interest fn the Real Property: whether legal, benefICial or equitable; whether voIunlary 01 Involunlary: whatn&r byoutrighl safe, deed, If'Istailment sale COf1l1'act, land contract. conlraCl10r deed, leasehold interest with a term gr&a\af t1Ian three (3) years, lease·op\ion contract, or by sale, assignment, or transfer 01 any berieflCial interest in or 10 any fand trust hoIdillg tltle 10 the Real Property, or by any oIIler meltlOd of conveyance of an interesl in the Rool Property, 11 any Grantor Is a corporation, partnership or limited liability company, transfer also Includes any cnange in O'N11ershlp of mOr(l than twenty-five percenl (25%) of the voting stock, partnership mt(Kests or limited liability company Interests, as the case may be, of such Grantor, However, thIs option shall not be exercised by Lend9f if such e:w:erClse is prohibited by federal law or by Washington law: TAXES AND LIENS, Tho foltowinll provisIOns relating IQ ttie.taJIQs and liens on the Property are pari of this Deed of Trust: Payment.. Grantor shall pay when due (and in all events pti()( to delinQUency) all taxes, special ta:w:es, assessments, charges (Inclooing water tmd sewer), lines and impositions levied o~inst or on account of the Property, and shall pay when due all claims f()( work done on 01 for serviCes r9lldered or malerial furnished to the Property, Granlor shall malntaln the Property free 01 an liens havhg priority over or equal to the interest of Lender under this Deed 01 Trust, e:w:cepl for the lien of taxes and assessments not due and except as otherwise provided In this Deed of Trust. RIght to Contest Grantor may withhold payment of any ta:w:, assessment, or claim in connection with a good faith dispute over the obligation to pay, so long as lender's interest In the Property is not jeopardized, If 0 Uen arises or is filed as a result of nonpayment, Grantor shalt within fifteen (15) days after Ihe lian arises or, II a lien is filed, within fifteen (15) days after Grantor has notiCe of the filing, secure the discharge oltha lien, 01 if requested by Lender, depos'~ w'~h lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other securiTy satislaclOry to Lender In an amount sufficient to diSCharge the lien plus any costs and attorneys' lees, or other charges that could accrue as a resUlt of a foreclosure or sale under the lien, In any COIlfQSt, Grantor shall defend Itself and lender and shan satiSfy any adverse juctgmant before enlorcemeot against the Property. Grantor shall name Lander 8$ an addlHonal obligee under any surety bond furnished In the contest proceeOlI'lgs. Evidence Of Payment. Grantor she. ~ demand furnish 10 lender satisfactory evidence 01 payment 01 the taxes or assessments and shall aUtt'lorlze the appropriate QCvernmantal official to deliver 10 Lender al any time a written statoment of the taxes and assessments egainst the Property. Notice of Construction, Grantor shall notify Lender al least fifteen (15) days before any wol1< Cs commanced, any services are furnished, or any materials are supplied to tha Property, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or other lien coUld be asserted on account 01 the wQrl<, servlc9&, or materlats, Grantor wil ~ request of Leoder furnish to Lender aCSVence assurances satislactory 10 Lender that Grantor can and will pay the cost 01 such improvBffl9ll1s, PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The following provlsfol'lS relating to insuring the Property are II pari of thIS Deed of Trust. Maintenance 01 lnsutance. Grantor shall procure and maintain policies of lire insurance with standard extended coverage endorsements on a __ r~ll'Mmt-baaJa for,,_Ih~qLlIUnsurabJQ,valua covering aJllmprovements on the Real Propeity'j(1"ai1 amount suff.s.nt to.avOid 8ppiicallol"l 01 eny.oolnsufanee'-ciauSe..-,and Wrth a_-"stAndard mortgagee aause In favor of,t,arider:" Grantor'shall also procure .hd maintain cOnipreheniiive-Oerie.ial, liability Insuranc'e·jn such coverage amounts as ,lender _TTIlIy,request with TTU$tee and Lender_ bEIIng named 85 additional Insureds in such liability insurance poliCies. AdditionaJJy. GrantOf shall maintain sUCh other Insurance, including but not limited to hazard, business interruption, and boiler insurance, as' Lender may reasonably require, Policies shan be written In form, amounts. coverages and basis reasonably acceptable to lender and Issued by a company or ClOrJl)anles reasonably acceptable to Lender, G,rantOf, upon request of lender, will delivar to Lender trom time to time the policIes or certifICates of Insurance in Ionn satisfllcloty 10 Lender, Including sllpufations that cov8I'aoes will not be cancelled Of cfrninlshed without all985t tM (lO),days prior written notice to lender, Each Insurance policy also shall Include an endorsement providing thai coverage In favor 01, lender Will riot be Impaired In any way by any act, omiSsion or dEifaull of Grantor or any other person, Sho1JkI.1hO ,Real P~rty be 10C.!l100 In an area designated by _the Director of !he FedEiral Emergency Manag~nt Aoency as a speelal Hood haZard araa, Grantor agr9Ga to Ob~1n and maintain F&deral Flood Insurance, It avalahle. within 45 days after notloe Is given by lendOf' that the Property Is Ioca\ed in a special ~ hazard area, fOr the fult unpaid prlnc'lpal balance 01 the loan and any prior ~ellS on the property securing the loan, up 10 the maximUm policy limilS" set under the National Flood Insurance Program,; or as oltlerwlse required by lendet, and to maintain such i/lSurance IOf \tie term 01 IDe loan. DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20060201001668.004 Page 4 Application of Proceeds. Granlor shall promptly notify Lender of any loss or damage 10 the Property i1 the estimated cost 01 repair or replacement exceeds S5OO.oo. lender may make proof 01 IDS!> if Grantor laUs 10 do so witllin fifteen (15) days 01 the casualty. Whether or flOI Lende(s secunty is impairl'd, leoO'er may, at leode(s electiorl, receive and retain Ihe proceeds 01 any insurance and apply the prOCt'eds to tI1G reduction of the Indebledness, payment of any JiM "Heeling the Property, or the restoration and repair 01 the Property. If Lender elects 10 apply the proceeds to reslOltltion and repair, Grantor shall repair or replace the oamagea' or destroyed Improvements in a manner satisfactory to lender. Lender shall, upon satisfactory proof of such expenditure, payor reimburse Grantor from the proceeds for the reasonable cost of repair or restonllion jj Grantor is not in default under this Deed 0/ Trust Any proceeds whiCh haye no! been disbursed with'n 180 days alter theIr receipt and which Lender has not committed to the repair or restoration 01 the Property shalf be used first 10 pay any amount owing to Lender under this Deed of TNst, then to pay accrued interest, and the remainder, i1 any, shall b9 applied 10 the priJ'lCipal balE1I'1CQ 01 the Indebtedness. II Lender hOlds any proceeds aner payment in full 01 the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid without ioterest to Grantor as Grantor's interests may appear. Compliance with Existing Indebtedness. During the period in which any Existing Indetlledness descnbed below is in ertect, compliance with the insurance provisionS contained io the instrument evidencing such Existing Indebtedness shall constitute compliance wittJ the insurance provisions under this Deed 01 Trusl. to the eldenl compliance with the terms of this Deed 01 Trust would consUMe a duplication 01 irlsur.mee requirement. Ii any proceeds from the insurance become payable on bss, the provisions in tills Deed 01 Trust lor division of proceeds shaa apply only 10 thai pJI1iOn ol the ptoc::eeds not payable to the holder 01 the Existing Indebtedness. Grantor's Report on Insurance. Upon request 01 Lender, however nol more than once a year, Grantor shall furnish 10 Lender a repotl on eaCh existing policy of insurance showing: (1) the name 01 the IllSurer; (2) the nsks insured; (3) !he amounl 01 !he policy; (4) the property insured, the then current replacement value of such property, and the manner 01 determining that value; end (5J Itle e~piretion date 01 the policy. Grantor shall, upon requesl of lender, have an incf!pelldent appraiser satisfactory to Lender determine the cash value replacement cost of the Propeny. LENDER'S EXPENOITURES. 1/ any aclion Of proceeding is corrvnenced that would materially effecl Lender's interest in the Property or if Gremio. fans 10 comply with Bny provision 01 this Deed of Trust or any Rl?laled Documents, nc/uding but nol limfled to Grantor's la~ure to comply wt\h any obligation to maintain ExisMg Incfebledness in gco:l standing as requited be!01V, or to discha~ or pay when due any amounts Grantor is requi.~ 10 discharge or pay under this Dfled of Trust or any Related Documents, lender on Grantor's beharf may (bUl shall not be obligated to) take any action that Lender deems appropriate, inctudlflg but noc limited to discharging or paying all taxes, liens, secunty inlerests. encumbfances and other claims, at any time levied or placed on the PrOperty and paying all costs lor insuring, maintaining and preserving the PlOperty. All such e~pendrtures incurred or paid by leoder for Such purposes w~l then bear inlerest at the rale charged under the Note from the elate incurred Or paid by lender 10 the dale 01 repayment by Granlor. All such expenses will becQme a par1 01 the Indebtedness and, 211 Lender's option, will (A) be payable on demand; (8) be added to the balance 01 the Note and be apPOrtioned 2lTIOO9 and be payable with any installmMt payments 10 become due during either (1) the term 01 any applicable insurance policy; or (2) the remaining term 01 the Note; or (C) be trealed as a balloon payment whd"iwill be due and payable el the Note's maturrty. The Deed of Trust also wiD secure payment 01 these e!TQunts. Such right shall be in addition 10 all other rights and remedies to IVhich Lender may be entitled ulX'n Delault WARRANTY; OEFENSE OF 1TTl.E. The IO/Iowing provis;ons re!atingto ownership of the Property are a part 01 this Deed of Trust: l1Ue. Grantor warrants that (a) Grantor holds GtOOd and mali(etabie title of record to the Property in lee simple, free and dear of all liens and encumbrances o:tJer than those set forth in the Aeal Property description or in the Existing Indebtedness section below or .in any title insurance poliCy, btllil report, or final trtIe op·nion issued in lavor 01, am accepted by, Lender in connection with this Deed of TI"\.ISt, and (b) GmnlOf has the fuU right, PD"I"er, and autttorit)' 10 vxecut9 and deliver this Doed 01 Trust to Lender. Delense of Trtlr!.. Su~eet to the QXcepBon in \he paragraph above. Gmnlor warrants and will forever delend Ihe title 10 the Property against the lawful claims of all pefSOf\$. In the evenl any action or proceeding is COfM1eIlC9d that questions Grantor's title or \he intern! of Trust9& or Lender under this Deed of Trust, Granlor sIlaIl dafend the action al Grantor's expense. GrantOf may be tile nominal party in Such prOCeedlng, but leoder shall be eoti1led 10 participate in the proceeding and to be reptesenled in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own cIloice, and Granlor \VIlI deliver. or cause to be delivered, to lender such instruments as Lender may reque.s1lrom lime to time to permll such participation. Compliance WIth laws. Grantor W3rTWlts thaI the Property and Grantor's use of the Property complies with all existing appIiCab!e laws, ord"mances, and regulations of govsmmllfltal authorTties. SurviVlllI of Representations and Warranties. AJI representations, warranties, and agreements made by Grantor in this Deed 01 Trust shall survive the execution and delivary of this Deed of TruSI, shall be continu·w.g in nature, and snaS remain in full force and elfeet until such time as Borrower's Indeblooness shall be paid in full. EXISTlNG INDEBTEDNESS. The following provisions conceming Existing Indebtedness are a part of this Deed of Trust: existing Lien. The lien of this Deed of Trusl securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and infenor to an e~isting lien. Grantor expressly covenants and agrees 10 pay, 01" see to the payment of, the Existing Inclet>tedness and 10 prevent any de1aUt on such indebtedness, any default under the instruments evidencing sUCh indebtedness, or any default under any security documents for such indebtedness. No Modification. Grantor shall not enter into any egreement with the holder of eny mol'1gage-, deed 01 trust, or other security agreomen! which has priority over this Deed 01 Trust by which that agreement is modified, amended, extended. or renewed without the prior wrinen consent of lender. Grantor shall neither reQuesl nor eccept any future advances under any such secufrty agreement without the prior IVrilte-n consent 01 Lender. CONDEMNATlON. The following provisions relating to condemnation puxeedings ale a part of this Deed of Trust Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Gr.mtor shall promptly notify Lender in writing. and Grantor shall promptly take such steps liS may be necessary 10 defend the action and obtain the award. Granlor may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the proc&edlllg and to be represerned in the proceeding by counsel 01 its own choice all at Gra.ntor's expense, lind Grantor Will deliver or causa 10 be OeIivered to Lender such instruments and documentation as may be requested by Lender from time 10 time to permit such participation. Application of Net Prooeeds. If aU or any part of the Property is ctllldermed by eminent domain proceedings or by any pfoee'8Cfll"lg or purchase in lieu of condemnation, Lender may at its erection require ltIat all or any portion of the net proceed:; 01 the award be applied 10 the IndebtedneSs or the repair or restoratiOn of the Property. The net proceeds of tho awan:! shall mean the award alter payment of all reasonable costs, expenses, and attomeys' lees incurred by Trustee or Lender in Q)Mection with the condemnation. lMPOSmON OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORmES. The following provisions relatmg 10 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) govemmootal taxes, lees and charges are a part 01 thIS Deed of Trust: 20060201001668.005 Page 5 Current TaxO$, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Grantor shall execute such docwnenlS In addition to this Deed of Trust and take Whatever other action is requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien OIl the Real Property. Grantor shaU reimburse lender for all taxes. as descrIbed below, together with an e.penses Incurred In recording, perfecting or continuing this Deed of Trust, Including without limillliion ell taxes, lees, Oocum9l1tary stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Deed 01 Trust. Taxes. The following shan constitutB taxes to which this section applies: (1) a specific tax upon this type of Deed of Trust or upon aU or any part 01 the Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust; (2) a specific laX on Borrower Which Borrower is authorized or required to deduct from payments OIl thee Indebtedness secured by this type 01 De9d at Trust: (3) a tax on this type Of Deed 01 Trust chargeabte agalrlst the Lender or the hOlder ollhe Note: and (4) a specific tax on all 01 any portIOn 01 the Indebtedness or on payments 01 principal and ·Interest maCle by Sou ower, Sub3equent Taxes, If any lax to which thiS sectIOn applIes Is enacted subsequent to Ihe date of this Deed of Trust, this event shall have the same eHect 85 an Event 01 Delault, and lel'lder may exerCise any or an 01 lis available remedies for an Evenl 01 Default as provided belOW unless Granlor eilher (1) pays the tax belore II becomes del!flQuent, Of (2) contests tho tax as prOVided above in the Taxes and liens section and deposits with Lender cash Or a sufficient corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to lender. SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The fotlowing prollisions relahng to Ihls Deed 01 Trust as a security 8gr&emenl are a part 01 this Deed of Trust: Security AgreemenL This Instrument shall constitute a Security Agreement to tho extent any of the Property conslilutes fixtures, and lender shall halle all 01 the lights 01 a secured party under the UnifOlTTl Commercial Code as amended Irom tIme to time Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, Grantor sha_ take whatever action Is requested by leoder to perlect and oontlrlue lende(s security Interest in the R9flts and P8fSonal Property. In aclditioo to recording this Deed 01 Trust to the real property records, lender may, at any tlmtl and without further authorization from Grantor, file e)(ecuted COlJnterpar1s, copies or reproductions of thIs Deed of Trust as a financing slatement. Grantor shall reimburse lender for all ellpenses Incurred in perlecling or contintJing this security interest. Upon default, GrantOf shall not remove, sever or detach tho Personal Property from the Property. Upon de/ault, Grantor shall assembte any Personal Property not affixed to the Property in a mamer and at a place reasonably convenient to Grantor and Lender and make it available to lender wrlt1in Ihree (3) days aher receipt 01 written demand from lender to the extent permitted by applicable taw. Addresses. The mailing addresses of Grantor (debtor) and lender (secured party) from which information concerning the security interest granted by this Dead of Trust may be obtained (each as reqUired by the Uniform Commerciat Code) are as stated on the fIrst page of this Deed of Trust. FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. TIle loIto'Ning provisions retaling to further assurances and anorney-in-fact are a par1 of this Deed 01 Trust Further Assurances. At any time, and from time 10 time, upon request of lender, Grantor will make, execute and d~lver, or WID cause to be made, executed or delivered, 10 lender or to lender's designee, and wilen requestocl by lender, cause to be filed, recOTded, rellied, or rerecorded, as·the case may be, at such times and In such offices and places as lender may deem appropriate, any and a_" such mortgages, deeds of trust, security deeds: security sgreemenfS, financing statements, cootlnuatloo statements, Instluments ·of further assurance; -certHlcates, and other documents as may, in the sole opinion 01 Lendar, be necessary or desirable In order to elfectuate, complete, perlect, COfltlnue. or pres8rve (1) BorrOW8r's and Grant01's obligations under the Note, 1t11S Deed of Trust, and the Related Documents, and (2) the liens and security Interests created by Ulis Deed of Trusl as ffsf Md pOOr lieos on the Propeny. whether now owned or hereaftar acquired by Grantor, Unless prOhibited by law or Lender agrees 10 the contrary in wriling, Grantor shal reimburse Lender for all cosls and expenses incurred In connection with the malters relerred to in this paragrapl1. Attomey-in,Faet, If Grantor faUs to do any of the things referred 10 in the preceding paragraph, lender may do so fOr and in the flame of Grantor al)d at Grantor's 8llpense. For such purposes, Grantor hereby irrevocably appoints lander as Grantor's attorney-,in-fact tor the purpose 01 making, e)(ecutlng, delillering, 'iling, recording, and doing eR other things as may be necassary or desirable, in lander's sole opinion, to aocompllsh the malters referred to In the preceding paragraph: . . . FULL PERFORMANCE. II BorrOW9f pays all the Indebtedness whElf1 du&, and otherwise performs all the obligations Imposed upon Grantor under thi$ Deed of Trust, lender shall execute and deliver 10 TruStee a request tor full reconveyance and shalt execute and deliver to Granlor sUItable statemenl$ 01 temlnation 01 My financing statement on I~e evidencing lender's security Interest In the Rents and the Personal Propeny, Any reconveyance fee shall be paid by Grantor, II permitted by applicable law. The grantee in any reconveyance may be d&scribed as thlt "person or persons IQgaIly entitled thereto", and thQ recitalS in the reconlleyance of any mailers or facts shall be conclusive prool 01 the truthfulness of any such maners or lacts, EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each 01 the following, at Lender's option, shaD constitute 8n Event of OetaLit under thts Deed 01 Trust Payment Delault. Borrower lalls to make any payment when due under the tndebtedness. Other Default.. Borrower or Grantor tails 10 coffl)ly with 0( to perlorm any other telTn, obligation. collenent or condition contained in this Deed of Trust or in any oIlhe Related Docum8l"la or to comply with or 10 perform any term. Obllgallon, covenant or condiliol'l contained In any othltr agreement between Lender and Borrower or Grantor. Compliance Defaukl F_8iure to CO'TfIIy with 8!lY other .term, obligation: covenan! or condition contained in this Deed of TrllSl. '!he'twt8 01' In 'any Of Ihe:RelaIOO DoCUments;.· -... :. ,,:-'-, . ~. ',-. -... :. .-; .' . . . . [)etaul1 on Other PaYments: FaUure-01 Grant~r within tho time reQUited by-this DNd OJ Trust to make any payment tor taxes or inSUfllf'lCt'l, or any.other paymerrt necessary to pnlvent filing of or to effect dischilrge 01 any lien. . Defaun In Favor of third Parties.. Shoutd Borrower or any Grantor default under,any klan, extension of credit, security agreement, purchase or sa/ea agreement, or any other agr&ament, In favor of any oth&r creditor 01' person that may materially elftICI'8ny of Grantor's property or Borrower's or any Grantor's'abllrty to repay the Indebtedness or perform their rospective obIigflltlons under this Deed of Trust or any of 1t1e Rllklted Documents. False statement$. Any warranty, repr~entation or statement made Or furnIshed to lender by Borrower or Grantor or on BorrOWef','or Grantor', behalf under this·Deed of Trust Or'the Related' Oocum&nts Is Ialse or misleading In any material respect. eittier now or at,the time made or furnished or becomes hllse or mlsJoadlng 81 any time thereafter, Defective COllaterallutlon. This 'Osed of Trust or any 01 the R81ated oOcum9nt.S ceases to be In lull force and elfect flflctuding failure of any COI'alerBI document to create a valid and perfected security interest or Il&n) at any lime and for any reason. . . DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20060201001668.006 Page 6 Insolvency. The dissorution or termination 01 Borrower's or Grantor's existence as a 90ing business. the insolvency of Borrower or Granlol. the appointment 01 a receivtu lor any part 01 Bonower's or Granlor's property. any assignment for the benefit 01 credi'lor.;;. any type 01 creditor 'M)rkout, or the commencelm!nl of any proceed<ng under any banl(ruptcy or insotveney laws by or agair'l$t BolTower or Grantor. Creditor or Forfeiture Proceedings. Commencement 01 foreclOSure or lorfeiture proceedings, whether by judiCial proce(!(fing. seN·help. rep:>.ssession or any other method, by any credllor of 8oI"roIYer or Grantor or by any governmental agency 8!)ains\ any PrQPerty securirlg the Indebtedness. This includes a garnishment of any 01 Borrower's or Gmnlo(s accountS. including deposit 8CCOtJnl$, lvittJ lender. However, thiS Event 01 Defaull shall no! apply if Itlere is a good faith dispute by Borrower or GrantOf as 10 the validrty or reasooableness of the claim which is !he basis ot !he Ctedrtor or forfeiture p~ing and if BorrO\. ... er or Grantor gives lender IVntleo notice 01 the credItor or forfeiture procecdl(1g and deposits wi!h leMar monies or a surely bond fOT the creditor or forfeiture proceeding. in an amount determined by lender. in its sole discretion. as being an adequate reserve or bond lor the dispute. Breach of Other Agreement. Any breach by Borrower or Grantor under the terms ot any other agreement between Borrower or Grnntor and lender that is not remedied within any grace period provided therein. inctuding wiltlout limitatiOn any agreement conceming any indebtedness or other obligation 01 Borrower or Grantor 10 lender, whether existing'now or L3ter. Events Atfecl1ng GUilranlor. Any Of the preceding events occurs with respect to any Guarantor of any of !he fndebtooness or any Guarantor dies or becomes incompetent. or revokes or disputes the validity 01, or liabtlity under, any Guaranty 01 the Indebtedness. In tha event of a death. leoder. al ns option. may, bllt shall not be required to, permit the Guarantor's estate to assume uncondrtionaJly the oOIigatJOns arising under the guaranty 'in a manner satisfactory 10 lender. and, in doing so, cure any Event 01 Delaull. Adverse Change.. A material adverse chan9€! occurs in BonO\. ... er's or Grantor's financial coodition, Of lendOf believes the prospect of payment or performance of the Indebtedness is impaired. Insecurity, lenOOf in good faith believes Itself ins8CU!f!. Existing Indebll!dness. The payment of any installment 01 principal 01 any interest on the Existing Indebtedness is not made within Ihe time required by Ihe promissory note evidencing such indebtedness, or a detauN occurs under the instrument securing such indebtednes.s and is not cured during any applicable grace period in such inslrvr'nOnl or any suil or other acbon is COITVTlenced to foreclose any existing lien 00 !he PrOperty. Right to Cure. If any default. other than a defauN in payment is curable and" Grantor has not been given a notice ola breach of tne same provisiOn 01 U'lis Deed 01 Trusl within the preceding twelve (12) months, It may be cured II Granlor. aft8f receiving written notice from Lender demanding cure 01 such default; (1) cures the default within ten (10) oays; or (2) if the cure requires fTlOfe than len (10) days, immediately inmates sleps which leJ'ldar deems in LenOer's SOle discretion 10 be sufficient 10 cure the default and thereafter continues and complet8'S all reasonable and necessary ste-ps sufficienl 10 prOOUC9 compllBnce as soon as reasonabty practical. RIGIiT'S AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. "an Event of Delault OCCUfS under this Deed olrrusl. al any time thereafter, Trustee or Lender may exercise any ooe or more of the following rights and remedies: Election 01 Remedies. Election by lender 10 pursue arty remQdy shalt not exclude pursuit of any other remedy, and an election 10 make expenditures or to lake action 10 per10rm an obligaliOn 01 Grantor under this Deed of Trust, after Grantor's failure to perform, shall nol affect lender's right to declare a default and eJ(erCise Its remedies. Accelerate IndMltedness. lender shall have the right at its option 10 declare the entire Indebtedness irTmedl8le!y due and payable, induding any prepayment penarty which Botrower would be required 10 pay. Foreclosure.. With respecl to all or any part of tha Rear Property. the Truslee shall have the right 10 exerCiSe Its pOWet of sale and to foreclose by notice and sale, and lender shall have the oghlto foreclose by judicial toreclosure. in either case in accordance with and 10 ttle full extent provided by applicable law. UCC Remedies, With respecllO all or any part of !he Personal Property. Lender shall have aU the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Unrlorm Corrvnercial Code. Collect Rents. lender shaU have the right, without notice to Borrower or Granlor to take possesSion of and manage the Ptopeny and collect the Rents, inclucling amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net proceeds. over and above lender's costs. against the Indebtedness. In rurttlelllllC9 of this right, leoder may require any tenant or other USer of the Propeny to maJ<.e payments 01 lent or use tees direclfy to Lender, If tna Rents are collected by lender. then Grantor irrevocably desi!1Ulles leoder as Grantor's anomey·"'·lacl 10 endorse instruments received in paymenl thereolin tne name of Grantor and to negotiate Ihe same and collect the proceeds. Payments by tenants or other users to lendlN in response 10 lender's demand shan satisty the Obligations for Which the payments are made. whether or not any proper grounds for the demand exiSted. lender may exercise its rights under this subparagraph e'llher in pef5Ofl, by agent, Of through a receNer. Appoint Receiver. lender shan have the right to have a receiver appointed to take possession 01 elt or any part of ttJe Propeny, w·lIt1the power to protecl and preserve the Property. to operate tho Property preceding or pertdlO9 foreclosure or sale, and to collect !he Rents from the property and apply the proceeds, over and above the cost 01 the receivership. against the IndQbledness. The receiver may serve without bond it permilted by law. Lender's righl 10 tne appointment of a receiver shall exist whether or not the apparent value 01 the Property exceeds the Indebtedness by a subslantia! amounL Empfoyment by lender shalf not disqualify e person from serving as a receiver. Tenaney at Sufferance. If GrarnOl remains '1Il possession of the Property after the Property is sold as provided above or lender otherwise becomeS entitled to possession of !he Property ulX'fl default of Grantor. Gr.anlo' shall beCOme a lenant at sufferance of Lender or the purchaser ot the Property and shan, at lender's option. either (1) pay a reasonable rentaJ for the use 01 the Property, or (2) vacate the Property invnedialely ulX'fl the demand of leoder. Other Remedies. Trustee Of lender shall have any other right or remedy provided in tIlis Deed 01 Trust or ttJe Note or bylaw, Notice or Sale. leoder shan give Granlor reasonable notice of the time and placa 01 any public sale of lhe Personal Property or m the time after which any private sale or other intended diSPOSition 01 the Personal PrDpQrty is to be mada. Reasonable notice shall mean notice givan at leasl len (10) days before the time of the sate or disposlbOn, Any sale 01 the Personal Property may be made in coojunction with any sale ellhe Raal Property. sale of the Property. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Borrower and Grantor hereby waNes any and all righls to have the Property marshalled. In exercising its rights and remedies. the Trustee Of lender shall be tree 10 sell all Of any part Of the Property togoltler or separately. in one sale or by sepalale sales, lender shall be enti~ed 10 bid al any public sale on all or any portion of the Property. Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. If lender instiMe$ any sui! or action 10 enforce any of !tie terms of this Deed of Trusl lendar shall be efltllled to recover such sum as the court may adjudge reasonablil as a"omeys' fees at trial and upon DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20060201001668.007 Page 7 any appatll. Whelt'l&r or not any court actior'l is invOlved, and to the extent not prohiDltad by law, all reasonabJe expenses umd&f inctJrs that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time lor the protection 01 Its interest or Ihe enforcement of Us rights shall become a part 01 lhe Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear interest al the Note rate Irom tile date of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses covered by this paragraph include, without Umilalion, however subjeclla any limrts under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' lees and lender's legal expenses, whether or not there is a lawsuit, including attorneys' lees and 9ltpenses for be:nJo:rvptcy prOCeedings (including aHons to modity or V.!ICale any eulomallc stay or InJunction), appeals, arld any anticipated post-Judgment OOf.ectiOll services, the cost 01 searching records, obtaining title reports (Including foreclosure repottS), SUrveyOfS' reports, and appraisal lees, title illSurance, and tees for the Trustee, to the extoot permlned by applicable law. Gr8n\ol also will pay any court costs, in aOdltlonto all other sums providoo by I8W. Rlghll 01 Trultee, Trustee shall have all oflhe rights and duties of lender as set fonh in this section. POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TRUSTEE, The follOWing provisions rolanng to the powers and obligations 01 Trustee (Pt-lrsuant to Lender's instll.JC1iOns) are part of this Deoo of Trust: Powers of Trustee. In aOClitlOn to all powers d Trustee arising as a matter 01 law, Trustee shall have the power 10 to"'e the following actions with respecl to the Property upon the written request of Lender and Grantor: (a) join in preparing and liling a map or plat oj the Real Property. including tt1e dedication 01 slreels or other rights to the publrC; (b) join in granlj~ any easement or cre3ting any restriction on ths Real Propany: and (c) join in any subordinafion Of other agreement sHecting this Deed 01 Trust or the Interest of lender under this Deed 01 Trust. Obllgallon. to NOIiIy. Trustee shall no! bs obligated to nolify any other party of a pending sale under any other trust deed or lien, or of any act(ln or proceedrng k1 Which Grantor, Lender, or Trustee shall be a party, unless required by applicable lew, or unless the action Of proceeding is brought by Trustee. Trust ... Trustee snail meel alt qualifications required for Trustee under applicable law. In additIOn 10 the rlghlS and remedies sel lorth above, with respect to all Of any part of the Property. the Trustee shan have tile righ!IO fOfeclose by notice 8Ild sate, and Lender shall have the righllo foreclose by judicial foreclosure, in either case in accordance with and to ths fuJI sxtenl Pfovicted by applicable law. SUCC$Slor Trustee. Lendar, at Lender's option. may Irom lime to lime appoinl a successor Trustee to any Trustee appointed under this Deed of TrusI by an Instrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded In tile office ot the recOI"der of King County, State of Washington. The Instrument shall contain, in addition to all other matters required by slate law, the names 01 the original Lender, Trustee, and Grantor. the book and pa~e or the Auditor's File Number wh9fe Ihls Deed 01 Trust is recorded, and the name and address 01 the successor trustee, and tile instrument shalt be executed and ac"'nowledged by lender Of its successors in interest. The successor trustee, WIthout corweyat"ICe of the Property, shalt succeed to all the lilie, power. and duties conferred upon Ihe Trustee in this Deed 01 Trust and by applicable law. This PfOC6dure tor subslilu!1on of Trustee shall govern to the exclusion of all other prov'lSions for substitution. NOTICES. Subject to app!icatUe law, and except for notice required or allowed by Jaw to be given in anothar manner, any notice required 10 be given U"ldtlr this Deed of Trust, InckJdin~ without limitation any notice of default and any notice of sale shall be given In writing, and shall be effective when actually delivered, when actually received by lelefacslmlle (unless otherwise required by law). when d&posl\ed with a nationally recognized overnight courier. or, if mailed, when deposited in the United Slates ma~, as firsl dass, certified or regist8l'ed maa postage prepaid, drr~lId 10 the addresses shown Ilear the beginning of IhlS Deed 01 Trust. All copies 01 notices of foreclosure from the holder of any ~en which has priority over this Deed 0( Trust shall be stint to Lender's address, as shown nllar the beginning of Ihis Dead 01 Trust. ATry pany may change its address for notices und8l' this Deed 01 Trust by givil"lg lonnal writt9l1 notICe to the other parties, specifying that the purpose of Ule notice is to Change the perty's address. For nooce purposes, Grantor a9rgss to keep Lellder informed at all times of Grantor's current address. Subject to applicable law, and except!or notice required or allowed by Jaw to be given in another manner, il there Is more than ona Grantor, any notice giv(!f'l by Lender to any Gramor Is deamed to be notice given to all Grantors, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, The torlowtog mlscetlaneous prOVisions are a pert 01 Ulis Deed of Trust Amllndments. This Deed of Trust. togalller WIttI any Related Documents, constitutes the enlire understanding and agreemerJt 01 the parties as to tho matters set forth In this Deed 01 Trusl No alteraUon of or amendment to Ihls Deed 01 Trust shall be effective unless gtven In wrltk1g snd signed by the party or parties soug/1110 be chargoo or bound by the alteration or amendment. Annu~1 Report •. 1/ the Property Is LlSed tor purposes other than Grantor's residence. Grantor shall fumlsh to Lender, upon requ9St. a certified statement 01 nel operating Income received from the Property during Granlor's previous Iiscal year in such Iorm and deta~ as Lender shall require. "Net operating Income" shall mean all cash receipts Irom the Preperty lass all cash expenditures made In connection wIth !he operation 01 the Property. caption HeadIngs. Caption headings in this Deed 01 Trust are lor conv9f1ience pUJpOSes only and are not to be used to Interpret or oofrne the provisiOns of this Deed of Trusl. Merger. Thore shall be no merger 01 the interest or estate created by this Deed of Trust with any olher Interest or eslats in the Property at any time held by or lor the benelit 01 Lender in any capacity, without the written consent of Lender. Governing Law. Th 1$ Deed of Trus' will be governed by federal law applicable to Lender and, to the extent not preempted by tederal law, the laws 01 the Stale 01 Washington wHhout regard to tis conflicts of law provlslonl. This Deed of Trust has been accepted by Lender In the State of WaShington. Choice of Venue. "thele is a lawsuit. Grantor agrees upon Lander'S request to suomit to !he jurisdiction 01 me courts oj Kng County, State.ofW89hin.~. '.' .... '. . '., .. " . : JOint ari~ aeriral ~blii~.": Aii·:~~~s:.~ Borr~~ .. ~d.~a'~k),-:·und&r .~i~ ~,~ .01 .T~t '~~I be ~t"~ 'seve~', and all referencea to Grantor sh8l1 mean each and e~ Grantqt', and all references to Borrower·shall mean each aod WfII"J Borrower. Thts ~ean$.1hat each Borrower and Gramer sigrllng t>9low is r8!lponslble for all obllgallOns In thkI Deed 01 Trust. Where anyone or more of the parties \$ a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or slmller entity. ills not necessary for leoder to Inquire Into tile powBr$ of any 01 the officers, directors, partners, ~, or other ag8fllS acting Ot purporting 10 act on !he entity's behalf, and any obligatioos made or creal9ci In reliance upon the professed e)(&rCise 01 euch powers shaU be guaranteed under this Deed 01 Trust. No Waiver by Lender. lender sl'la~ not be cieemed to have waived any rights under this Deed 01 Trust W'\Iess such waiver Is given in writing ~ sllJl9d by lender. No delay or omission on the part oIlendar In exercls.,g any right shall operate as a ~er a Such. right Of any other right. A waiver by Lender of a provision oIltlb Deed of Trust shall nol prefudice of constltute a wa~r 01 Lender's right otherwise to cHImand strict compliance wltt11hat provision or any otner provISion 01 thls Deed of Trust. No prior waiver by lende~, nor any course 01 <Jeailng between Lender and Grantor, she. consUMe a waiver of any.of Lendei's rights or 01 any ot Grantor's obligations as to any future transactions, Whenever the cons~ of Le~~ is required under !his Deed of Trust, the granting 01 such COrl$ent by Lender in any Instance shaN nOl conslltute contrnurng consent to subsequent Instances where such consent Is requJred and in an cases such consenl DEED OF TRUST (Continued) may be granted or withheld in the SOle discretion of lender. 20060201001668.008 Page 8 Severability. II a court 01 competent jurisdICtion finds any provision of this Deed of Trust 10 be illegal, invalid, Of unenlotC&.!Iblo as to any person or circumstance, thai finding shall 001 make the offending provision illegal, invalK!, or unenforceable as to any other person or circumstance. 11 lea sible, the oflending provisioo shall be COtISlOered modified so that it becomes legal, valid and enforceable. 11 the ottending provision cannot be so modffie(!, iI shall be considered de!e:ed from this Deed of Trust. Unless otherwise required by law, the ~Iegarity. invalidity. or unenforceabilrty 01 any provision 01 this Deed of Trust shan 001 aHect the legality, validity or enforceability 01 any other provisoo 01 this Deed of T"", Successors and ASSigns. Subject 10 any limitalioos slated in tills Deed 01 Trust on transfer 01 Granlor's interest. this Deed 01 Trust shall be binding upon and inure 10 the benefit 01 the parties, theit succ::essors and assigns. It ownership of the Prop6f1y becomes vested in a persOf1 other \1lan Grantor, lender, without notice 10 Granlor, may deal with Grantor's suo::essors with reference to th~ Deed of Trust and the Indebtedness by way 01 forbearance or o:dension without r&leasing Granlor lrom the obligations 01 this Deed of Trust or liability under ItIrt Indebledness. Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the perlorrnancrt 01 this Deed oj Trust Waiver 01 Homestead Exemption. Grantor hereby releases and waives an fights and benrtfits 01 the homestead exemption laws 01 the Stale 01 Washington as to all Indebtedness secured by this Deed 01 Trust. DEANmON$. Thrt following capitalized wortls and terms shall have the following meanings wMn used in thiS Deed 01 Trust Unless specifICally stated to the contrary. all references to dollar aImunts shall mean amounts in lawful money 01 the United Stales 01 Amerk:a. Words and terms used in the singular shall include the plural. and the p:ural sr.all include the singular, as the conle:d may require. WOrt1S and terms not OIhar. ... ise de~ned in tnis Deed 01 Trust shall ha ... e the meanings attributed \0 suc1llerms in the Uniform Commerctal Code: Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary" means EvergreenBank. and its successors and assigns. Borrowef". The word "SonO"IVer" means JDA Group. l.LC. and includes all co-signers and co-makers signing the NOle and all their successors and assigns. Deed of Trust The words "Deed 01 Trust" mean this Deed 01 Trust alTlOi1g Gran!or, Lender. and Trust&<!, and inc!udes withQut limltaboo all assignment and seo:urity inlerest prQvisions relating to the Personal PnJperty and Rents. Default. The word "Delaun" meilns the Defaun set forth in this Deed of Trusl in the seoclion tmed "oQtaulr. Environmental Laws. The words "Environmental laws" mean any and all stare, rederal aod local statutes. regulations and Ot"dinanc:es relallllQ tc the protection 101 human healttl or the environment, including without Hmitation the Comprehensive EnviroomentaJ Response, Compel1Sation, and Uab~ity At:t 01 1980, as ilmended. 42 U.S.C. Section 9601. at seq. rCEACLA"), the Superfund Amendmei"lts and Reauthorization Act 01 1986, PUb. l. Nc. 99-499 ('SARA"), the Hazardous Matelials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C_ Section 1801, at seq .• t/"le Resource ConservatiOfl and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901. el seq .. or other applicable sllIte or lederal laws, rules. or regulations adopted pur-want thereto. Event of Debult The words "Event 01 Delault" mean any cf the events 01 delaul1 ser 10m in this Deed Qf Trusl in the events of default section 01 this Deed cf Trust ExIsting Indebtedness. The words "Existing Indebtedness' mean the indebtedness described in the ExiSting Liens prQvision 01 this Deed 01 Trust Grantor. The word "Granier" means JDA Group. LLC.; aod I.D. Ktine CorporalK>n Guarantor. The \YOfd 'Guarantor" means any guarantor, sutety, or acc:ornmodation party of any or all 01 the IMeblednes.s. GUilranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from Guarantor to Lender. inCllJding without limitation a guaranty 01 all or part of the Nole. Hazardous Substance. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials that, because 01 their quantity, oooceotmtion or physical, chemicat or inlectious characteristics, may cause or pose a pl"8SBnI or po:ential ha.lard to human health or the enWonmenI when improperty used, treated, stored, disjX).Sed 01. generated, manufactured. Irilnsporled or o!hen .... ise handled. The words "Hazardous SUbstances" are used in their very broadest sense and include Ivrtnout [imitation any and ell haZaltlous or toxic substances. malenals or waste as defined by or tl$ted under \!'"Ie Environmental Laws. n.e term "HazarOOus Substances" also inctudes, without limitation, petroleum end petroleum by·products or any fl"action thereof and asbestos. Improvements. The word "improvements" means an existing and Mure improvements, buildings, structures. mob~e homes affIxed on the Real Property, facilities, add'lIions, replacements and other conslnJction on the Aul Property. Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means all principal, inlerest. and other amounts, costs and expenses payable under the Note or R&lated Documents, together with ail renewals 01, extensions 01, modificatiOflS of, consolidations 01 and substitutiOns Icr the Nole or Related Documents and any amounts e){pBnded or advanced by Lender to discharge Grantor's obligations or expenses incurred by Trustee Of Lender tQ enlorce Grantcr's obligations under this Deed of Trust. together with interest on such arr.ounts as provided in this Deed 01 Trust. Specifically. without limitation, Indebtsdness includes at! amounts th\!lt may be indlreclly secured by the Cross·CoIIateralization provision 01 this Deed oj Trust Lender. The wold "Lender"" means EvergreenBan~, its successors and assigns. Note. The word "Note" means the promissory nole dated JanU\!lry 18. 2005. in the original principal amount of S959,042.10 Irom Borrower to tender. together with all renewals 01, ex1ens"ions 01, modifoeations 01. refinancings 01, consolidiitions 01, and subsliMions for the promissory nole or agr~ment. NOnCE TO GRANTOR: THE NOTE CONTAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RAll:. Pef"$onat PIOperty. The words "Personal Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and other articles 01 personal property rtOIvor h8feafter own&d by Granlor, and now or hereafter attached or atriKed 10 the Real Propeny; togelher With all accessions. parts, and additions 10, all replacements of, and al substitutions lOt, any 01 such property; and together with all iSSues and profits thereon And proceeds (including withou1limitation an insurance proceeds and refunds of premiums) Irom any $Ble or other disposrtion 01 the Property. Property. The word "Property" means collectively !he Real Property and the Personal Property. Real Property. The words "Real Property" mean the real property, intereslS and rights. as further dltS(:riOed in this Deed of Trust Related Documents. The words -Relaled Documents" mean all promisscry nctes. cred~ agreements, loan agreements, environtnef1ta1 agreements, guaranties, security agreement!;. mor1gages, deeds 01 trust, security deeds, collateral m'Jrtgages. and aD other instruments. egreem/lflls and documents, whether 00\ ... or hereatter e.xisting. executed in connection with IhI'Ilndebledness, DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 200&0201001 &&8.009 Page 9 Rents. The word "Rents" means all present and futuro rerns, revenues, income, issues, royalties, profits. and olner benefits derived from the Property. Trustee. The word "Trustoo' means Pacific Northwest TlUe Company, whose mailing address Is 215 Columbia St, SeatUe, WA 98104 and any sUOstitute or successor trustees, EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. GRANTOR: ~~~-1~~~-!1.~~;;r;~~~'J",O;;'''TI.05C. 'KC"'n'.'Corporation, an LIMITED L"'U'L' STATEOF ~~ COUNTYOFC~~~~ __________ ~ __ ___ On this ?1~ day OfQ~ , _____ . before me, the undersigned Notary Publlc, parsonalJy appeared Jack D. ~er 01 JDA Group, LLC., and personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satiSfactory evidence to be a member or designated agent oj the limited liability cOITlp8ny lhal 91(OCul9d the Ooed of Trust and acknowledged tile Deed 01 Trust to be the flee and voluntary act and deed of the limited liability company, by authority of statute, rts articles 01 organliatlOn 01 its operaUng agnaem&nt, lor ttl9 uses and PlIfPOSes therein mentioned, and on oath stal al he or she is authorized 10 execute this Deed 01 Trust and in fact execLJIed the O&ad 01 Trusl 011 behalf Ihe IImted 'lity company. ~ By ResldlngatLf~="",,,,,,,="-f -~""'FC:::::'" Notary Public In and for the State of ...i.JC..cto h.vt, r-My commission explr. -"L.JeL-i'<"'-_ CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ___ ~ ________________ _ COUmYOF _______ ~~~~ ______ _ )S ) On this day of , 20 ___ • before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Jack Fact lor 1.0. KUne Corporation, an Or-egon Corporation, and petsonaUy known 10 me oved 10 ITI9 on the of satisfactory evidence to be an authorized 8\):enl 01 the corporation that executed ltIe 0 Trust and acknowledged the of TrUSI to be the free ond voluntary act and deed 01 the corporation. by author" its Bylaws or by resolution 0I1ls board 0 tors, for the uses and purposes !herein mentioned, Md on caltl stated) I he Of she is Buthorized to execute this Dead 01 and in fact executed the Deed 01 Trust on behalf 01 the co~ fIOn. By'-----~rL~--~~ ResldlOg at._-,--__ ..O-__________ _ NobJry Public I Ad for the State'o' __ My comml •• lon expires ______ _ DEED OF TRUST (Continued) REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE To: __________________ . Trustee 20060201001668.010 Page 10 The undelSlgned is tile legal O\yner and holder 01 aU indebtedness secured by this Deed 01 Trust You are hereby requested, upon payment of all sums owing to you, 10 reconvey without warranty. to Ihe persons entlUed thereto, Ule right, tJtfe and interest now held by you under the Deed 01 Trust Dille: _________________ _ Beneficiary: ________ _ By' ______ _ Its: ....... ...,........,., ... ,."''''=c-_ ..... '-''',,'"'-'' ... , __ ., ... ~_ ... "."~"" ...... =,,,,,....,. ........ DEED OF TRUST (Continued) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY STATE OF (JJ{).pkjib ) k':. _ )55 County of_IVtMJ(-'--+ _____ ) 20060201001668.011 Page II I r;ertify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Jack D. Alhaderr. As Attorney of Fact for I.D. Kline Corporation, an Oregon Corporation is/are the person (5) who appeared before me, and said person (s) acknowledged that be or she/they signed this instrument, on oath stated that he or sheltbey islare authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it to be the free and volunury act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in t~e instrument. _?i,-~ ___ day of gMUl.~ ., 20 ~d.=----_ By _~~:Q.llii!;~~___ Residing alab ?btootU Notary Public in and for the State o~ (ry~ My commission expires --'tf-'-'tLq!-+'I4jq. ___ _ ~LE~E~R~. R~O~M~BO~U~G~H' ...... ' NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 9 2007 . .....,.~ = <" = WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO Name Address Jack D Alhadeff JDA Group, L L C SUite 203 11661 Southeast First Street Bellevue, WA 98005 Escrow Number 01200037 E1866388 82/84/2882 13:53 KING COUNTY, UA TAK $24 e38 ee SALE $I,356,8~ e PAGE 001 OF eel Filed for Record at the Request of STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY "TE"" r'T TI' I ~ STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ~ "':""'<:' -. ,_C ;)0(''2 I .") ,~.\",,- The Grantors, DOROTHY MEYER, Individually and as Trustee of the Eugene ~eyer Testamentary Trust, and RICHARD GIOVI and PATRICIA GIOVI, husband and wife, DBA Richard GIOVI and Gene Meyer Partners, a Washington general partnership, In and for consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable conslderahon. and as Part of an I R C TaK Deferred Exchange In hand paid, conveys, and warrants to JDA Group, L L C , as to an undiVided 70% Interest, and I D KLINE CORPORATION, an Oregon corporation, as to an undiVided 30% Interest, as tenants In common, and not as partners of a partnership, the following described real estate, situated In the County of King, State of Washington Abbreviated Legal Ptn of Bk 1,2,3,5 & 6, Woody Glen Addition, Vol 47, pgs 91-92 and a Ptn of Bk 17 & 22, Latimer's Lake Park Addition, Vol 18, pg 63 Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number 956480-0007-05, 956480-0106-05, 956480-0110-09,956480-0175-01, 956480-0070-07, 956480-0170-06, and 420240-1210-04 That portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, lYing southerly and easterly of the center line of vacated South 123'" Street, Except that portion thereof lYing northerly of a line which IS 110 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly margin of South 122,d street, " "'" = = Together with that portion of Lot 3, Block 1, lYing westerly of the center line of vacated South 123'" Street, And together with Lots 4 and 7, Block 1, except that portion lYing northerly and easterly of vacated South 123'" Street, And together with the north 150 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, the west 61 72 feet of the north 150 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, the north 125 feet of the East 28 28 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, the north 125 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, the north 140 feet of Lot 6, except the west 14 99 feet thereof, of Block 2, and all of Lot 7, Block 2 and together with the southerly 100 feet of Lot 7, and all of Lot 8, Block 3, all of Block 5, Block 6, except the south 192 feet thereof, All In Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 and 92, records of King County, Washington Together with that portion of Block 13 and 22, Latimer's Lake Parlk Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 18 of Plats, page 63, records of King County, Washington, which lies east of said Woody Glen Addition and west of a line drawn parallel with and 50 feet westerly when measured at right angles and/or radially from the center line of Primary State Highway No 2 (Rainier Avenue), and extending from Highway Engineer's Station 80+30 southerly to Highway Engineer's Station 88+75, Except that portion thereof lYing east of the south 192 feet of Block6 of the Plat of Woody Glen, And together With Lots 1 through 6, InclUSive, Block 17, Latimer's Lake Park Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 18 of Plats, page 63, records of King County, Washington, Except portion conveyed to King County for road purposes by deeds recorded under Recording Numbers 956173 and 2032137, Together With that portion of vacated Northwest 7''' Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance No 345, recorded under Recording Number 801103052, WhiCh, upon vacalion, attached to said property by operating of law, And together With that portion of vacated South 123'" Street as vacated pursuant to Ordinance Number 4357, recorded under Recording Number 9206181901, which upon vacation, attached to said property by operating of law i SUBJECT TO Matters of public record only Dated January 29, 2002 Dorothy Meyer, of the Eugene R Trust STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING PatriCia GIOVI On this day personally appeared before me Dorothy Meyer and Patricia GIOVI, to me known the Indlvldual(s) described In and who executed the within and foregoing Ins ment, an acknowledged that they signed the same as their and voluntary act for the uses a d purposes therein mentioned residing at =-~~:0~~~=-::'::;=::=== My commiSSion expires on _-=~=-.Li_' LI--,' d:..::?"---__ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory eVidence that Dorothy Meyer IS the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this Instrument, on oath stated that she IS authorized to execute this Instrument and acknowledge It as the Trustee of the Eugene R Meyer Testamentary Trust to be the 1 ree and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned In thiS In (printed name) res Id In g at -----t.--'---J.Ll.0Z.\6~~__,,=f..J_..,f_:;_-­ My commission expires on _--"-'>.1-'-1--'<-<"-__ STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I hereby certify that I know or have satisfactory eVidence that Patricia GIOVI IS the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed thiS Instrument, on oath stated that she IS authOrized to execute thiS Instrument and ackno as the Attorney In Fact of Richard GIOVI to be the free and voluntary act such pa y for the uses and purposes mentioned In thiS Instrument D ed Janu ry-ft:;:::2 ~Notary ubilc In and f~ ROBERTE. of Washington (printed name) :1 residing at t:t=Y-&..ruJ I I- My commlsslonexplres on _-'K¥/..:. • ./-ZJ/Ac..?.L-__ _ .. 80~'11 "03 h'ECr· F r::~:'.HSL crn OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.~_ 5.00 AN ORDINANCE OF THE crn OF RENTON, WA&HINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF N.W. 7TH STREET (VAC-3-80- DICKSON) -+;>1'· .. ;*5.00 11 WHEREAS a proper petition fot vacatl~ 8 porti~n of N.W. 7th Street, i5 r.enton, King County, WUhI~ton, wu duly med with the City Clerk on or about May 23, 19SG, ""d raid petition havl~ been signed by owners representing more than two-thlrc.!s of tti8 t>'ropprty abUt:ing upor. such street sought to be vacated; and WIlERE ... S the City GouncD by Resolution No. 2343 passed and approved on June 9, 1980, end at\er due Investigation, did fix and determine the 14th day of July, 1980~ It tiN llOUr of 8;00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers cf the City of Renton to be 'he tim(' aM place Cor a public hearing thereon, !lnd the City Clerk having given due nOli~ Qi .:J1!eh hetitlng in the manner provided by law, and all persor.s having been heard apP('{lrir'i in favor or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS th~ Department or Public Works and the Planning Department of tile City of Renton h8vln~ duly cor."I.idered said petition for said vacation, and havir,g four.d :;r,ffi(: tc he in the publlc interest and for the put:>lic bene!: _, and no injury or dam agt' to alV person or ')roperttes w~ll result from such V8C8 tions; t::OW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WAStlli<JTON. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 3Ei :nCN I: The following described por~lon of street, to-wit: Sec Exhibit "A" attached hereto tUld made a part hereof ~9 it funy set tttrth herein. BE AND HIE SAME IS HEREBY VACIITED SUBJECT to an easement over, acros" und<,r "I'd on all of the aforedescribed property In favor of the City for utility .nd ,E,'TlON PI The City Councll heraby elects to charge a re. or one-ha1f )( $ j .211 per square foot to PeUUoner-owners, said amount not exceeding one-half of t)" Glly'. '~Fr.laal of tho right-of-way int.r~.t herain vacatod, and such charge being ______ ·· ____ ·_~_· ... _·_' _____ ~_ .. ~ __ .c~·.' .... ,~_"._ .. ,_, , .... ~:'> ••. "','!__ •. _-.. , ;,- o aJ QF. ~ON m, This Ordinalice 3hall be e!tective upon its passage, approval end five (!Qy~ after its t'Ubli~at1on. A certified copy of .his Onllnance sha!! be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, King County, and as otherwise pro",'ided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY CO')NCIL :his ..ua day of July, 1980 74i!'~~ e.:~~ Max!::"e E. Motor. Dt4»uty' City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 28thdaY of July, 1980. Approved as iO form: LaWI'ellce J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publieation: November 5, 1.980 "n EXHIBIT "AM N.W. 7th Street VAC-3-80 All that portiun of N.W. 7th St. (S. 122nd St.) baYing a width of fO ft. lying so"therl.v of Block 4 N. H. Lat·omer' $ Lake Washington plat as re-corded in Volume 6 of pl.ts, page 70 records of King County Washington and that portion of vacated 90th Ave. S. adjacent; northerly of the nortn H"e. of Blocks 15 and 17, Latimer's Lake Pork Add., as recorded in Vol. 18 of Plats, Page 63 records of King County Washington, extended; e.st~rly of the easterly right-of-way line of Taylor Ave. N.W. extended from the N.W. corner of Lot I, Block '" said plat of Latimers Lake Pa,i, Add. across Ncrthwest 7th St. to the -'",-therly right-of-way line thereof; ajjd ;;ssterly of the westeriy right-of-way iine of Rainier Ave. N" (State Highway No. Z) extended. As situated within the S.W. 1/4 ~f Section 7, Township ?3 N., Range 5 E., W.i'. i *0614 B RECr-F ~. 00 CI=tSHSL *",*",4.00:, "" L'TlLITIES 55 t ~. EASEMENT n f>1" ~'C . '-(2-~ Q"c.t\f\~O G-lO\l \ l'I\Irr~'''' --(7£~€. f'fl ~'i ~ ~, uJ. THIS Ir~STRUMENT/made this ~\ day of :::!~"""~. ;, 19ir; by and betweenllG & M Auto ales. Inc. hereinafter cailed r "Grartur(s).· and the CITY OF RL;:ON. a Municipal Corporation of King I County. Washington. herein"ftt!r called "Grantee". WITNESSETH: Th"t ·said Grantor(s). for and in consideration of the sum of paid by Grantee. and other valuable conSideration, do by these presents. gro.flt. bargaf n, sell. convey. and warrant unto the sa1d Grantee its successors and assigni. an easement for pub'ic utilities (1 ncludi rig water and sewer) with nece~sJry appurtenances over, through, t)cross 3nd upon the following described property in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: LOCJ<TION: sw Quarter Section 7, Township 235, Range 4E Tax Lot *7. and 81oc~ 5 of the Woody Glen Addition. and Lot 19, Block 22 Latimers Lake Park (Auditor File Nos. 956480-0070 and 956480-0170 respectively) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ~O. 7 BLOCK 5 AND LOT 19 PERMANENT UTILITY EASEr,,,NT: LOT NO. 7 BLOCK 5 AND LOT 19 LOT 7. BLOCK 2 WOODY GLEN ADDITION SWLY 100 FT. BLOCK 5, WOODY GLEN ADDITION AND POR LOT~ 24 THkU 30 BLK 13 AND LOTS 1.2,3, AND 19 BLOCK 22 LATlHERS LAKE PARK LV WLY OF 6N PLW AND 50 FT WL Y OF CfL OF PR 1M. ST. HWY NO.2. THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROPERTY (AUDITOR FILE NO. 956480-0070) THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF BLOCK 5 WOODY GLEN ADDITION AND THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF LOT 19 BLOCK 22 LATIHERS LAKE PARK OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED PROPERTY (AUDITORS' FILE NO. 956480-0170) Said heretofore mentioned Grantee. its successors or ass;gn~. shall have the right. without prior notice or pr'oceed1ng at law, at such times as may be necessary to enter upon said above described penna rent e-Bsement for the purpose of constructing, maintaining. repairing, altering or reconstructing said utilities, or making any connections therewith, without incurring <'tny legal obligations or liitbility th~refrom, provided. that such construction, maintaining, repai ring. altefing or recon:;truction of said utilities shall be accompl i shed i 1"1 such a manlIer that the pri vate improvements exist1 n9 ; n the easement area sh.ll not be disturbed or damaged, or they will be replaced in (IS good a condition as they were irmnediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee~ The Grantor sha~ 1 'ully use and enjoy the aforedescribed prem1se~J including the right to use the surface of said "ennanent easement if such use does l"It')t interfere with insta))atl0n and m~fnt(:'nance of the fIlED feR RECORD Al REIlUUl Of i' i I' t , i , . ~: I utilities. However. the Grantor shall not st ructures over, under or across the permanent existenLe of s~ch util~ties. ere.:t buildings or e.>l!II!enl during the This easement, shall be a covenant r ... nni"9 with the land and shall be binding en the Grantor, its successors. and assigns unless or until such tima as the aforedescrib .... premises become abandoned with respect to said use for public utilities at which time the full rights of ownership without encumbrance of easements shall revert to the Grantor, its suco:essors. and assign!;__ ("rantors convenant that they are the lawful owners of the above properti es and that they have a good and la\llful right to execute thls agreement. I n witn~ss wh.:-reof, the said Grantor(s) has .. executed this ease!:lent. R<e.1...TI"O J , and STATE or ---"lvT-Fl~ ____ _ courn, or ..l\Z:::::..l\..!r0~O--= ___ , SS On this a \ day of ~ , 19 ~{before me, the under-soignee: .. l'jotari Public 1n and for the !'tate of J+j-Pr • duly commissioned and sworn personatty a~peared c~'-\c~t\:-;-;:!I!?;:V;D~7(p!'7.:t;,:-:\l7'\;-ai'::;;,dr~\,,}.£.mE:.~oo.....to me known to be the,=",---::-;;;ii~~~~~~~'~iid . respect1vely, of ,?.f!ort,)r~:>:lt-l ~ th ...... ~.F.~lQ" that executed the foregol ng instrument, and acknowfe{fged the said i nstroment to be the free and Voluntary Jct and deed of said corporation, for th~uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that "\'t\.Q..! authorized to execute the said instrument and that t e seal affixed is ,:.1 ;th~:,c~~rate seal of said corporation. ~Sl_" t.. .. .. ,'~" "I!.;l"~t',sS my had and official seal hereto affi>ed the day and year '" ':/ tlllriQri\lo\~r'!-ificate above written. th· .... :.;:~.: ~ P" ... 01' ; '.-)~ • .,....... ./.ct.' ,~ ,,'a •• ~"" ... c> .. ~"'I\'iisii,,~b .' '" 'vV-71(, / [, -'i{L/ .'~J...LuJ ..: 2 W X " u a a ~ or .... ... a > .... ~ ~ « => 0 ; w '" .... 0 .... w => 0 ~ C"'": .... c:c § ~ WIIf:N IU,COROEO RFJ1JRN TO; Offiec: o( Ihc: Clly Clcrli Renlon Munlclp;lll DulloJltJ1I 200 MUI "'''enue Y-oulh Henion. \lIA 91KlSS o • Utilities EASEMENT THIS INSTRUMENT, mJ.dc this ~dlY of-!lllJlc;JtJlQ:l/.be .. ''-____ 19 91 by and bc~ccn _~D8Qu'~e~tdhUy':"M~e~y~e~'-------­ !pb>cp' ..... '""'l ,nd ,nd ,nd ,nd Gene Meyer hereinafter cllled "Grantor(s),· and the CI1Y OF REI''IiTON, a Municipal Carpor-Hi-.m of King County, Washington, hcrcm:lftcr called -Grantee" That said Grantor(s). for and In consideration of the: sum of $ One Dollar :lOd 00/100 ($] .00) paid by Grantce, :md other valu3ble conSider-lotion, recelpl of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents, Sr.J.nt, barg.:ain, scll, com'ey. :md warrant unto the said Gr.1ntcc, Hs successors and 3.5s1gns,:m casement for public utilities (including water and sewer) with necessary appurtenances over. through. ::Icross and upon the following described property In King County. Washington. more particul:lfly described::ls follows: TIlat portion of Lot 1. Dlock 17. L:ltimcrs L,ke Park Addition as recorded in Volume 18 of Plats. Page 63. Records of King Counry, W2shlngton. more paniculJrly described ::IS follows: A 15 foot wide strip of land Iyin~ parallel and contiguous to the northerly boundary of said lot 4; except any paniao lying within St:lte Highway No.2 (Rainier Avenue North). Together with:1 temporary construction C:l5emcnt dcscrib<>d as: AU that portion of lots 1.2.3 and -1 of Dlock 17. l..:Itimers Uke P:uk Addition as recorded in volume 18 of P]:!{s. p:lges 63. Records ofYJng County. W:l!;hinglon; Except that portion within Stale Highw:J.y No.2 (Rllnier Avenue North). Said tcmpor.lfY construction casement shall remlin in force during construction :md until such time:lS the utilities and appurtcn:mccs have been accepted for thc opcr:Jtion and maintenance by the Gr.mtec but not lalcr l\l:m one year (rom the d:uc of execution of this document. #-6/-1/ o<d-fr L{OI/ooo / 1/{.5J5. w. 'Iq./<{- IDIell. T~ NOT REQUIRED _co._OMolon It '? \"'" )~I\ Lao"" 00·(, Til1 Hl~ sa~m~ AmruJ ~t;!) lid Q{j:D1:W ~Beo.tlInG .t;t Q w= ,', . ; ;.:' "'1 ..:~ ., J (- II,.., / d 0-Z w :E ~ u o o w '" 0- "-o > 0- ;;! ~ o w '" 0- o 0- • o • SJ;d hcrclororc mentioned !-:l.Intcc, its successors or :t5signs, shalll13\'c the rihht. without prior notice or proceeding:lt laW,:l1 such times lS m:l}' be necessary to enter upon s:lid ahove descrihed property for the purpose of constructing, mainl:lining. n:pairing; altering or fcconstructin!: said utilities, or making allY conncctionSlhcrcwith. wjrhOLl1 incurring :l.n)' legal obligltions or !jab;!;!}' {Ilcrerorc, provided, 1I\:1[ sucll conslmction, nUint:l.ining. rcp:tiring, altering or reconstruction of s:lid {llililics 511:111 be accomplished in such:l n);loner 111;11 the priv.'!!c improvements existing in lhe ri~hl(s)-or·war sh:tll not he disturbed Dr dam;J.gcd, they will be replaced in 3S good:l condilion 3S they were immcdi:ltdy before the propert)' was entered upon by thc Gr.tn(ce. 111C Gr.lnlor shall fully U$C and enjoy the aforedcscribed premiscs, including the right to n::t:lin the right 10 usc tiLe ~urface of s:Jid right<>f·w:JY if such usc does not interfere with inslallliion :and mJinten;:mce of tbe utilities. Howevcr, the grantor shall not crcct buildings or structures over, under or :Jcross the right. of·way during the existence of such utilities. 'nlis casement, shall be a eovcn:J.n! running with lhe bnd and shall be binding on the Grantor, his successor.;, heir.; and J.Ssigns. Gr.lnto/1i covemot thai they arc the bwful owner.> of the :lbove propcnics and th:Jt they h:lvC :J. good :JncJ lawful right to execute this agreement. ~n':lIl1rcs of Gr:lntOr5: ,-:1 . .§ ). .nd and .nd and !NDlVIDUAI. [O!lM OF ACKNO\lo';JQGFm,.,T STATE Of WA51I1NGTON ) ) 55 COUNIT or KING ) I certify th.t I know or h,ve satisfactory evidence th:tt ~~~( i'7~t and &/7 ( ,;;1~.<..J signed this irutrumen~ and :J.cknowle::dged it to be:: hisjher~frc~d v ~t.ary :lct for lhc~~ d purposes memione::d In the instrument. D:UCd_/O;.I-t/ , ) ~ .. " .... "?:iI!: QiHiRJ:'Wd £ ,iLL:'.·.' .I.:. A a Nrypublic in and for th~t:ue:: of Washington residing atl A£,ia.! ~Lt)~ My ::Ippoinlme::m expires: /-7-9S- Utllilh::s Ea.s..'"mtl'll Shcrl Z 0[2 !ndirldual Fonn 11'(;1-91 _ t I(\} .; i ./ i 'I . ~ ; , \ o - \ #61-91 ,>,0 ,0, 0'1,0 , 7 ,'" ''eo '" o I I \ ~ ;1 ,-, __ ,In '- . , WrlEN RECORDED RETUllN 10: OID~of the C.j~y Ouk Rl!nIM ""unIdp.l1 DulJdlng 200 MW l\Ven~ South Renton. \VA 98055 Cl .. CITY OF RENTO~, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4357 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A PORTION OF 123RD STREET (HEYER/DORSEY -VAC 001-91). WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a portion of 123:.-d Street located in the 600 block of Rainier hvenue N. was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about November 5, 1990, and s~id petition having been signed by the owne~6 representing more than two-thirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon such 6tre~t sought to be vacated; and WHEREA$, the City Council by Resolution No. 2834 passed and approved on March 11, 1991, and after due investigation did fix and determine the day of April 15, 1991, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamberc of the City of Renton to be the time aod place £.or a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk having given due notice of 9uch hearing in the manner provided by law! and all persons having been heard appearing in favor or in opposition thereto, and the City Council having considered all information and arguments presented to it; and WHEREAS, the Board of Public Works of the City of Renton having duly considered said petition for said vacation, and having found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from such vacation, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, rlASHINGTON I DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 -1 I 5' I ! ~ u ~ ;;, ~ ;:; ~ ! ~ f! ;j [-~ r.! ~ fr ,'< 5' ., \,.~ [I " (~ r; .} ~ g W g IJ ~ " ., ~~ b I~a· 1% '~~ ~ :, q • !I F 'i I, r~. ~ ~ => '" ~ ~ '" '" ~ '" '" ~ ~>- J:=' W :::~ ,co "" " ~ , -. h! ·c ~ ... ::: IL :,-;1 ~ " ,- C~ --j " '.' I-,,! ,-, -':'0 ,>-, "., , ~ C J =~ -~ - ... , '. ORDINANCE HO. 4357 SECTION I. The following described street, to wit: Sec Exhibit "AH attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth he~ein be and the same is hereby vacated subj ect to an easement over, acrose, under and on all that portion as described on Exhibit "S" attached hereto and made a part hereof aa if fully set forth herein in favor of the City for utility and related purposes. SECTION II. The City C'Juncil hereby elects to charge a fee of SS, 100.00 to the peti tioner-ow!lers I said amount being SO't of the City's appraisal of the right-oi-way interest herein vacated, and r.uch charge being reasonable and proper. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty days after its publication. A certified copy of thio Ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Recorde and Elections, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ~ day of "!J~JJuD~e~ __________ __ 1992. ~"" ~ ~~P~~~~~C~i;t~Y~C'l~e~r~k-- APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ~1~5~\~, ~~~ __________ , 1992. APprov~~~~ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney 2 ", ~ "" ~ . ~I­:..J :"'-. w /l ¥.- .n:.i .. It .. ' ~" "u -..,,) ·c ~I-~'L! : ~.: ,) : ~f:: il; -o.~ ~ .. ; --! ' .. :0 ;v ' .. ! -., ".:0 "I-.1 ~ , . "w \ "" c ~ r," =.;\: ~ -' , = I ;,..:; '. \ , . . ' • - ................. , ORDINANCE NO. 4357 Date of Publication: June 19. 1992 ORD,23B-5/2B/92-dS. 3 ..." : .. ~----.-: -: .. , '. ~.-... -~ ,~ .... ".'" ' ... ,:.:.... ~ " ~ 00 '" ~ ;: 2 '" '" OX ~ '" ~ 0 ~>--.J:.:. C'l '" " :.; '"' ~~ (l) -! II ~O .-4 " " ~ -,''' ~;.: 0 ',. N .: ,) C'l , ~,- ,~ ---. , . , ", -., =":0 ~>--' ~W ~~ a ~ 0" ~!-:: ~ -' ,; o • EXlllBIT "A" Th3t portion of street risht~r-w3y known as Ohio Placc and Cambridge Boulcvnrd (also known as South 123rd SUcct), as shmm on the Plat of Latimcr's Lake Park Addition, as recorded in Volume 18 of Plats, Page 63, Records of King County. Washington, said plat situated in 3 portion of the Northc.3st quarter oflhc Southeast quarter of Section 7, TO\\lTl.Ship 23 North, Range 5 East, \V.M., King County. Washington. said right.of-w;ay being bounded as follows: Ohio Place' A) B) C) D) lying southerly orlhe south right-of-way margin ofvac:J.lcd Northwest 7th Street (as vacated by City ofRc.nton Ordin.mcc 3455) shown as Binghampton Street on s .. Lid PlatofL:!.timcr's L.lkc Park Addition (also known as South l22nd Strcct); lying westerly arthc westerly lot lines oflots 1 through 6 inclusive, Block 17, of said Plat of Latimer's Lake Park Addition; l>-inS easterly Oflhe most czterJy lot lines afLot I, Block 16, said pial, a.,d ca3leriy of Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block I oftheplai of Woody Glen Addition, as recorded in Volume 47 of Plats, Pages 91 and 92, Records of King County, W.J.Shington; lying r:ortherly of the northerly boundary of Block 5, of said PI>!t of Woody Glcn Addition; Cnmbridgc Boule:v:ud as sho ..... n on the: PI.Jt of said Latime:rs L.:Jcc Park Addition; A) B) C) lying westerly of the: westerly right-of*way line of Rainier Avenue North, also known as Sutc Route 167 (fort1'mlly knOWJI.JS SUle Route 2); lying southerly of the ::iouthcasterly lot line of Lot 6, Block 17 said Pbt of Latimer's l....aJ..e Park Addition; lying n:1rtl:erly of the: nortberly bouncbry of Block 5 said Plat of Woody Gk:n Addition; D) lying casterly of the most easlerly lot lincs of Lot 7, Block 1 of said Plat of La.timer's Lake P;uY. Addition. As sho\V1\ on the attached map. 91·]J2.1X)C/MDDl\Q ~ ~ :; " ~ " ~ ~ " ~ 5 ~~ ~:.;:. w , ~ , '" "" ,., , ""1 :c: ~~ . '0 -" ~ , ,. O~ . '-, c co ':! , . , "0 ,~ , , w , ~ 0 , ='" ~:: L _ .. ---_. --------------------------------------- ... ~.-: .. EXHIBIT"S" An c.l.SCJTlcnt for the purpose of utilities situated within the pam:1 described in Exhibit "N', attached hereto. being more particularly dc::;cribcd ns follows: BEGINNING ot the Northwest comer of Lot 4, Block 17, Latimer's Lake Park Addition Q5 rec.ordcd in Volume 18 ofPl:llS. Page 63, Records of King County, Washington; Thence North 0" 34' 44" West along the westerly c:dcnsjOD of the north boundary of said Lot 4, a disLlncc of 15 f~ more or Jess, to om intcrs~tion v.ilh the easterly boundary of Lot 6, Block I, Woody Glen Addition, as recorded in Volume 47 of Plats. Pagcs 9J and 92, R.t:corrts of King County, Washington; Thence South 0° 34' 44" East along said easterly boundary of said Lot 6, 3 wst.1nC".c of20 fect; Thence c:astcrly along a line. p:ltilllci .... ith :md 20 feet southerly of said ~tcrly c7rtensiou of the North line of said Lot 4, a distanc.: of IS feet, more Of less, to the westerly boundary of said Lot 4, Block 17, i..1timcr's Lake Park Addition; Thence nortberly along said westerly bourubry of Lot 4 te thc POINT OF BEGINNING. As situated in the Nonhcast quilrter of the Southwest quilrtcr of Section 7, Township 23 Nonh. Range 5 East, W.M. 9:2.))).DOC/MDDIbh 1 ~ -' => ~ ., ~ ~ c ~ ~~ J~ , '."1-., :i '" J " <.> " -,"1 -!~ '."-, " ~ ,,-, ~ -'" ., .. ", , CO ,~ , ,W , ~ 0 , : 1"1 -.- , , ~ 0 en ~ c.u .... C.D 0 N en ,.. ... ~ • \~'0 n··· .. I'· ,fO ... __ ... --- (I • 1 ,.j . ~i " II "J ;~ i~ ;~ i,; I) .' [,j i'~ , :~ Ii ," ,.; !;~ " P·i '. NORTH 11-- '} I', r ~ f~ 0, " :.~ I , ., , '.~ ~ . '.~-., ~ , I • (4). ( Plat Map) In , • I I l I ! , I I l 1 -I i i --i "' ] J , , :l j r ;!ifi\ ~A1/ /V{J ....-.... _ i ~ 31031131 --2 ere.! C lUay 29-40 M::,l 1-40 ~f'. a.Q d ben &;ovo In the metl'sr of .t'rimary ",tate tiwy no :> '"'eettle to "enton ;:;$(jtlon ''S.y: .Latimer, Naval ,,1r Station, ,'e08aoo1a, Jo'loride. to "'tat Q elf ,ias!l1ngton remove PJld/or t'p hby grant to sp the l't pri. aod permit to place anc deposit ea~tb m~tvfrom ~nd/or upon tldj&,cenfi Cv tliE: bwy ,i.e ~h6 oAtn of slcpt:s cf embankment; as surveyed over and aorOBS tbe binafter des lde sxoav~t1on and/or Lots 1 an d 2 RlJf le i.ots 1-2-3 and 4. Slit 22 ot Vlet.s P5 &3) ~.H.LatimeT·s ~ate ~ark Add (Vel 16 ~/ '~ , The sf>ec~.fto details oO;Jcerning all of weh are to be round with1n tht cert!1in m"p of dafin1 +;13 loofltion no".! of reo 0" 00 file in the off of tbe ~ir of Hwys at Olympia, and bear;ng date ot approval Feb 8-38 Slope lines ~s~ised Feb 6-40 'rhe rt, priv and permit of ingress a:.d egresa to and from ad Id fo I' the pcrp hili speo1f snd for the pUllp of maintaining so. slopes is hey granced. r'..ay N.L&C:tm6r Escambia 00 :b'loride., liJ.'{JY 1-4:0 by Ray i'L~Latimer1 bet ]""M. !'.obert .lD.p tor ,florida res at Pensacola ns Feb 17-41 / (ji'ld by Uept ot HWY15) ---,q{~ <'erOli t -y 29-40 J~j;:::;"1 J 3311 CO 3932 " " Ma y ? -40 ~1. and t.,.. -d:ll &ov~ ~ In tr~.-:;l matter of Primary ;;;tete u,;; .. ~o ue:!t 1e to c"8nton Ste"" T.Merrill, by assmt t:~i.ng the owner an • .iJOlder of a oertain mtg ooverinG the hioaf.er dt>, 1 as of Clallam Co Wn to ~tate of "'Babington ---sm as 931 --- h strip ct Id sit in tow being ell tnt ptn Dr Lots 5 and t; .elk 2 in the tld and ree plat of liixon'a l.ake "ark First Add as ilholCl on pg \I in "o1 24 of plats reo of kow lying and being nElly of a In drawn plw and 60 ft dlst swly, wben measure. at rt angles from the 0"'0 tel' In survey ot sd bwy. The speoifio details ---form to 9i8 --- It is hoy understood tht this permit is granted by the undersigned only as his inta in sd lds may appear as mtgee <';lal1am Go Vln '''aY '1-40 flllly j"eannett& Aldwell (Fld by uept 0: Hwys) .P .Polo! ~''-a ~~ 2 9 = 1!.) ~.lay ? ..... 4-0 ... ·9.1 !.~ecd Steve '£ .Merrill by dteve '-.Merrill, be! Jeannet~'e !lavis, np for sw res at rort Jillgfles ns JIIiB:' 211-43 ---Jb~ ,',/" ~I 3103935 // Tn the wetter of Primary '>ta!;e Hwy Nt> 5 .;;eattle to Henton ..:itava I.h'icrrill, by BSSJ.n.t to Cassie P'~'ID.all, indiv and as ext:x of "he est of t"rank L. ".'mall, de cd .t"p :!b~, :~el ~nd dis from t:.~ lie]. of sp tap of W2JDO. and int and rao in in ltol lJb3 of llitf~ .. ~ PC 205 aud fjle of t:::te mt,ged prem 8 it in kow ehe :ntg dtd Msy 1-36 uo by the ao of keno on apr :."'1-36 No 2895599 the 1'01 des pt.n " strlp of ld Del,,;.; all tht SltD uf J,OeB ~ ar,d 5 Blk 2 in chB fld '!.'Id :;'·t .. C !Jist of .LJix.)n's ,,-,ake .l'ljrk .rir.:tt aOd as sno¥1Il vn pg ';) il' yol 2", Qf placs !'~C Df kcw lying am "ein(,'" nc1y of a In drawD plw and I.J,LJ ft dist 8wly, when roessured at. rt u~lflas from the CeJlttlr 1~ survey ._11' sd. bwy. H,,, speoiCc ietail£ QU"'lcarnlng all Of' weh Dre tD be fOWld within t,!"'tt. ,J~~·'-·C,t:n ;aelp of' jefluite ,)(!Rtior: I,O'N uf ree Gnd on fllc:a \0 cn~ Orl' 01' the ui~ ~,f Hwys ~t Olyo.pi~, ·'ash ana Deering date of C1i'prc Ir31 ... '-"'b b-,::8 ~n(), l·t..,vl~ed :""Ab b-·40 ,;:,t-,:,Vi;-; T.':lerrlll ______ ~1<"'''c..'.,:._·.:::.!L~ lwn Ca .. n .. rJ'y 7--1,; ;.y .::it..e'J(~ .l. H",o.;rrlll, ber' J&annett..e ut\v1ae D •• II) , D Sep 27-jC 4733794- :;ep ]3-56 0t.ate of WIIBhlngton To Rob"ct L. 5dwardtl and Jane 1. BdW81'dB, hUB ar,d ,,1' In the matter of Primal" State Highwa, No 5, Seattle to He nt un (Bry 11 Mawl'-BlacK ,\1 vel' fp, for and 1 n consideDat ion of a "'jance to tl1uStateof 1.anal required for Highway purposes hry cy and qc tc sp all its right, title d and lnt, xcept as hrlnafter aet forth in and to the fIg de.od land sit in Guvtlota tj "!nf.i '(. Sec 7-23-5 EWM All tha(; ptn of tie eXlatlng l';W of Primary StHte Highway No. ~, Seattle tu nento~, In lots 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, blk 13 ahd 10ts 1, 2, 3, 17, 18 and 19 bll; 22, N. H. LbLiIJltH"S La"e Park add, lying Wlyof a In "awil pIw and 50 [t WIy, when meas at rt angles and/or rMdiM11~r, frm the cente.· In u;' ad highway and extonding frm H1ghw,::y engr's station 80+30 Sly to highway engr's ata:;ion 81)+.','5, the specif1c deLails cuncernillg all ofwch are to ;Je found wit that certain map ot' defi1te location now of r'ucd and cn f1 1n theofflceof the Director of H1ghwaYII at Ol:!mpla and bearl ng dt of approva 1 Peb 8-38; Sub huwever, to thep9rpetual right, permLt, license and esmt in ti18 grantor t US" occupy theJlty cyd hrin 4733794-2- ~or' thep,u'posc c,r construct1ng arad 1II1ntain1ng highwey !!lop~, 1n exc8vat1onand/or embankworlt; xcept Lh~t k 111 ths event the 1rantae8, hls heirs Dr /::13s1gns, sh:lU 6Kcavate IInd/oi' ple'ca en embankment up!:'n t!:le area covered by this slope eamt to tile leval of the "T'ade ~lf theabv mentioned h1ghwaj abuttlr ... throll, all rights of the State shall ceaee and !~rm1nate. Xcept IlS t)!"!n set forth, th!!1arx'1'! a'w deBed are not • 4733794-2- ~or the rurpoae d' conatructing and .. intaining highway slopee in eXc8vatlonand/vr embankmantj xcept that ~ In ths ev~nt the sranta.a, nis heir' or ~llslgnlS, 811311 excavate and/vi' pIa0;; !tn alllbankmt!nt 'lporl t:'e area covered by this slope eamt to the leval of the "rade ()f tl1eebv mentioned highwa] abuttir.g thron, bll rIghts of the State ahall ceale and ~ermlnate. Xcept BB hT'1 n aillt forth, th!!lanc'1\l a"'v delcd ara not rqu.ll'ed for stBte hJ.ghway purpolea aod are oyd pursuant to theprovlslonsof Chapter 384, laws of 1555 and In accordance with III Judgment and decree entered in the SC or KC .... cause 1.91927 xcn ok.; signed by Arthur B. langUe and Earl Cae ~l to Robert L. Edyards Bo 149, Renton nd by STco ·RES· n . D &: sarn't Cont Sep 2'{-';>b 4733795· Sep 25-56 Val R'~c Jatlles C. Williams and Nola Willlalll8, To !..arl"'yL. Stevena and G1LJria 1-: ,11I::1U1" Stevens, hwf r .. " RETURN ADDRESS: EvergreenBank Attn Loan ServiCes Dept 301 Eastlake Ave E Seattle, WA 98109 DATE: August 7, 2003 20030621001939.001 DEED OF TRUST FILED BY PNWI 9!-?-"8 9 / . Y Reference # (If applicable) _____________ Additional on page __ Grantor(s) 1 JDA Group, L L C 2 , 0 Kline Corporation Grantee(s) 1 EvergreenBank 2 PacIfic Northwest Title Company, Trustee Legal Descnptlon All Block 5, pin Block 6, Woody Glen Add. Vol 47/pgs 91-92, Lots '~6, Block 17, ptn Lots 24·36, Block 13. P'n LoIs 1·3 & 15-19, Block 22, Latimer's Lake Park Add, Vol 1 BlPg 63 Addlt10nal on page -- Assessors Tax ParcellD# 420240-1210-04/956460-0170-06/956460·0175-01 THIS DEED OF TRUST IS dated August 7, 2003. among JDA Group, L.L.C., whose address IS 95 S Tobin Street, Suite 201, Renton, WA 98055, as to an undivided 70% interest,. and I. O. Kline Corporation, an Oregon corporation, whose address Is 1494 NE Stephens Street, Roseburg, OR, as to an undivided 30% mterest, , as tenants In common, and not as partners of 8 partnershIp (~Grantorn); Evergreen8ank, whose mailing address Is 301 Eastlake Ave E, Seattle, WA 98109 (referred to below sometimes as "LenderM and sometImes as "Beneficiary"); and Pacific Northwest Title Company, whose mailing address Is 215 Columbia St, Seattle, WA 98104 (referred to below 8S "Trustee"). DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20030821001939.002 Page 2 == .. ================== CONVEYANCE J\ND GRANT For valuable conSideratIon, Grantor conveys to Trustee tn trust with power of sale, right of entry and pou.esslon and for the benefit of Lender as BenefiCiary. aD of Grantor's nght, hUe, and Iniereslill and 10 the fonowlllQ descnbPil real property, together wltll all 9lOSbng or subsequently erected or affixed bulldtngs, Improvements and fIXtures, all eas{'manls, rights 01 way, and appurtenances, all water, water fights and ditch fights (Including stock In ulJlI1~s WIth ditch or Irrlg!t,OI'l nghIS). and all other nghts, royaltieS, and profrts relahng to the real property •• ncludmg without limitation aU minerals, o~, 1)35, geothermal Bnd sfTUlar matters, (the "Real Property") located In King County, State of Washington: PARCEL.!i; Lots 1 through 6, inclusive, Block 17, Latimer's Lake Park Addition, according to the plat thereof lE'corded in Volume 18 of Plats, page 63, In King County, Washington; EXCEPT portion conveyed to Kmg County for road purposes by deeds recorded under Recordil1q Numbers 956173 and 2032137; TOGETH(;R WITH that portion of vacated Northwest 71h Street as vacated pursuant to City of J lenton Ordinance Number 3455, recorded under Recording Number 8011030532, WhiCh, u~,on vacation, attached to said property by operation of law; AND TOCiETHER WITH that portion of vacated OhiO Place and vacated South 123rd as vacated pursuant to City of Renton Ordinance Number 4357, recorded under Recording Number '3206181901, which upon vacation, attached to said property by operatln of law. PARCELJ8 All of BI-:;.ck 5; and all of Block 6, EXCEPT the south 192 feet thereof; all In the plat of Woody Glen Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded In Volume 47 of Plats, pages 91 .tnd 92. in King County, Washington. PARCEL ,.:; That POll;O" of Blocks 13 and 22, Latimer's Lake Park Addition, according to the plat thereof n~Gorded m Volume 18 of Plats, page 63, In Kmg County, Washington, which lies east of ·j..!ld Woody Glen Addition and west of a line drawn parallel with and 50 feet westerly when measured at right angles andlor radially from the center line of Primary State Highway No.2 (Ramier Avenue), and extending from Highway Engineer's Station 80+30 southerly to Highway Engineer's Station 88+75; EXCEPT that portion thereof lYing easterly of the south 192 feet of Block 6 of the Plat of Woody Glen The Real Pn 'perty or Its address IS commonly known as 595/601/625 Rainier Avenue North, Renton, WA 98055, The Real Property tax IdentlficaUon number is 420240-1210-04 I 956480·0170-()6 I 956480·0175-01 CROSS-COLLA1 I I:IAUZATION In add,lIon to 1I1e Note. thIS Deed 01 Trust secures all obligations, debts and l,abll~las, plus mlerest thereon, t.f Grantor to Lender, or anyone or more of them, as wall as all clams by lender aga1l1$1 Grantor or anyone or more of them, '~hether now exlStrng or hereafter ansl\"IQ, whether related or unrelated to the purpose of the Note, whe1her volunlary or othe"wlSe, whether dua or not due, dIrect or II1dlrect, datermmoo or undetermned, absolute or contmgenl, liqUIdated or unliquidated whether Grantor may be hable ,ndIVidually or JOIntly WIth others, whether obligated as guarantor, surety, accornrT\Ol1.3bon party or otherwIse, and whether recovary upon such amounts may be 0( hereaftar may become barred by any slaMa of lilTlltabons, and whether the obllgatJorl to repay such amoums may be Of hBfsafter may become othelWlSe unenfo!,:~able Grantor hereby a,:ugns as secunty 10 Looder, all of Grantor's fight. tItle, and Interest In and to aJlleases, Rents, and profits of the Property Thl~ assignment IS recorded In accordance With ACW 65 08 070, the hen created by thIS assignment IS lTl1ended to be Specific, periolCted and choate upon the recorting 01 th,s Deed of Trust lander grants to Grantor a license to coUee! the Rents and pf(,Irt.3, whiCh bcBf'ls& may be revoked at Lender's optIOn and shan be automatICally revoked upon acce!eratlOll of all or part o1ltleo Indebtedness THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND TltE SeCURrTY INTEREST IN ntE RENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND (B) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS. AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THIS OEED OF TRUST IS GWEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE Except as otherwise prOVided In thIS Deed 01 Trust, Grantor shan pay to lender an amounts secured -''I thiS Deed of Trust as they become due, and shaU strICtly and In a timely manner perform all of Grantor's obligatIOnS 1XIder 11(' Note, ttus Deed of Trust, and the Related Documents POSSESSION ANIl MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY Grantor agrees that Grantor's possess,on and use of the Property shaU be governed by the folow'"'Q prOVISions PossesSJOn ,snd Use Untd the occurrence of an Event of Default, Grantor may (1) remain 111 posseSSIOn and control of the Property, (2) use, operate or manage the Property, and (3) collect tIW Rents from the Property (thIS povtIege IS a license from lender to Grantor automabcally revoked upon default) The followmg provISions relaw to the use of the Property or to other Irnrtatlons on 1t'KI Property The Real Property's not used pnnclpal1y for agTlCultUral purposes Dutv 10 Mamtaln Grantor shaD mallltalfl the Property In tenantabla cond,tJon and promptly perfOfTTl all repo:,rs, raplacementt, lmd memtenance necessary to preserve liS value Comphance With EnVironmental Laws Grantor represenlS and warrants to Lender that (1) Dunng the penod of Gramor's ov.-_1(.fsh,p of the Property, there has been no usa, generallon, manufacture, storage, treatment. disposal, release or th!hllanad release of any Hazardous Substance by any person on, under, about or from the Property, (2) Grantor has n,) knowledge 01, or reasO!'! to beheve thaI there has been, except as preVIOusly disclosed to and ecknov.1edQerll)y Lender Jl wnbng, (a) any breach or vlOlabOn 01 any EfWlronmentallaws, (Il) any use, generalloo. manufacture, ~'oraga. treatment, diSposal, release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance on, under, aOOu1 , DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20030821001939.003 Page 3 Of from the Property by any prIOr ownets or occupants of \he Property, or (c)' any actual or threatened IrttgatlOn or claims of any kind by any person r&!allflg to such matters, and (3) Except as prevIously disclosed 10 and acknowledged by lender In wrltmg. (a) neither Grantor nor any tenant, contraclor, agent or other authonzed user 01 the Property shan use, generate. manufacture, store, treat, dispose oj or release any Hazardous Substance on, under, about 01 Irom the Prop&ny. and (b) any such actIVIty shall be conducted In comphance with en applicable federal. s\ate, and local laws, regUlations and ordlllance$, Including wrthout limitation an Enwonrmmtal Laws Grantor authonZes Lender end ItS agents to enter upon the Property to make such IflSpectlOns and tests, at Grantor's expense, as Lender may deem appropnate to determine comphance 01 the Property With thIS seellon of the Deed of Trust Any InSpections or tests made by lendGr shal be for Lender's purposes only and shall not be construed to create any responslblhty or Itabtllty on the part ol Lender to Grantor or to any other person The represenlatlOns and warranties contained her&ln am based on Grantor's due diligence 10 Investigating the Property for Hazardous Substances Grantor hereby (1) releases and waIVeS any luture clalr1\S against Lender lor lndermlty or contnbubOn In the event Grantor becomes bable tor cleanup or other costs under any such laws, and (2) agrees 10 .nd9l"mrfy and hOld harmless Leodl)r agaInSt any and all clams, losses, liabilities, damages, psnalbElS, and expensEis whlCl'1 Lender may dlrEiClIy or mdlrectly sustain or suffer resutbng Irom a breach of thIS s&ellon 01 ttle Deed of Trust or as a consequence of My use. generatIOn, manulachse, slotage, diSposal, release or threatened release OCCUTnO\l pnor to Grantor's ownership or Interest In 11'1& Property, whether or not the same was or shou\tl have been knOWfl to Grantor The pl"OVISIOflS of this sectIOn of the Deed 01 Trust, 1I1Cludmg the obligation to mdElmrllfy, shall survIVe the payment Of the Indebledness and the sallsfactlon and reconveyance of thEi hen of ttn ~ed 01 Trust and shall nol be affected by Lender's acqUISItion of any Interest I'l the Property, whethEif by fouK:iosure or otherwISe NUIsance, Waste Grantor shall nol cause, conduct or permTt any nUISance nor commrt, permit, or suffer any stnppcng of or waste on or to the Property or any portIOn of the Property Without limiting the generality 01 the foregotn9, Grantor Will not r,mow, or grant to any other party the nghl to remove, any limber, minerals (ncludlng 011 and gas), coal, clay, scona, s~, gravel or rock products Wllhout Lender's pnor wnllen consent Removal of Improvements Grentor shall not demolish or remove Bny Improvements from the Real Property Without Lender's poor wnllen consent As a condTtloo 10 the removal 01 any Improvsmenl$, Lerider mey reqUIte Grantor 10 make arrangements sallsiaclory to Lender to replace such tmprovements With Improvements of at least equal value Lendsr's Right to Enter, lenoer and Lender's agents and represanlatrves may enter upon the Real Property at al rsasonabte tmes to ettend 10 Lander's II1tereslS and to Illspecl the Real Property for purposes 01 Grantor'S compliance WIth tne terms and condl1lOf\S ollhrs Deed ot Trust ComplIance With Governmental Requirements Grantor shall promptly comply, and shall prompHy cause comphance by aB agents, tenants or other persons or anllll&S of every nature whatsoever whO rent, lease or othefWISe use Of occupy the Property U1 any manner, WIth alt laws, ordll18nces, and regulations, now or hereafter 111 eff9CI, of aU govefTVl"lental aulhontles applicable to the use or occupancy 01 Ihe Property, including 'Mthout limitation, the Amencans With Dlsabdlli8S Act Granlor may contesl In good faith any such law, ordinance, OJ regulatIOn and Wlthhold compliance dunng any proceedlllg, inclUding IIppropnate appeals, so long as Grantor has notmed Lender Ifl writing prIOr to doing so and so lOng as, In lender's sole OptnlOTl, Lende(s Interests ,n the Property are not Jeopardized Lender may require Gramor 10 post adequate secunty or a surety bond, reasonably sallsfactory to lender, to protect lender's Interest Duty 10 Protect Grantor agreBS nellher to abandon or leave unattended the Property Grantor shall do all other acts, In addltlOfl to those acls sel forth ebove In thiS sectIon, whtch from the chalacter and use Of the Property are reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the Property DUE ON SALE -CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's optron, (A) declare Immediately due and payable aU suns secured by thiS Deed of Trust or (8) mcrease the mterest rate proVIded for In the Note or other document evJdercmg the Indebtedness and unpose such other condrtlonS as LElrxler deems appropnate, upon the sale or transfer, Without Lender's prior wnttsn consent, of all or any part of the Real Proparty, Of any Interest In the Real Property A ~sale or trensfa(' means tile conveyance 01 Real Property or any fight, title Of Interest m the Real Property, whether legal, beneficIal or equrtable, whether voluntary or mvQluntary, whether by outfight sale, deed, II'IstaUment sale contract, land contract contract tor deed, leasehold I'lterost WIth a term greater lhan three (3) Y68fS, lease-opllon contract, Of by sale, asstgnment, or transfer 01 8J'f benellCl8I Interest In or to eny land trust hoIdlfl9 trtla to the Real Property, or by any other methOd 01 conveyance 01 an mterest In the Real Property If any Grantor IS a corJXlratlon, partnership Or limited Ilabdily company, transfer also If'ICludes any change III owne~ of more than twenly-flve percent (25°k) 01 the vohng stOCk, partners~ .-.terests or Ilml1ed habllrty company .... terests. as the case may be, Of such Grantor However, this opton shall not be 8xerc.l9ed by Lender If such exerCISe IS prohlbrtad by federal law or by Washington law TAXES AND LIENS The follOWing prOVISIOns relating 10 the taxes and liens on the PTOPEIrty are part 01 thIS Deed of Trust Payment. Grantor shal pay when due (ana In al events pnor 10 delinquency) all taxes, speetal taxes, assessments. chafV8$ (including water and sewer), fines and ImpoSItionS leVied agaInst or on account 01 the Property, and shall pay when due all Claims for work done on OJ for services rendered or matenal furnIshed 10 the Property Grantor shal maintain the Property free of all ~ens havlflg PTionly over OJ equal 10 the Interest 01 Lender under IhlS Deed Of Trust, except tor the 11911 of taxes and assessmeots not due end exceplas otherwISe prOVIded I) this DeEKl Of Trust Right to Contest Grantor may Withhold payment of any tax, assessment, or claun In COMectlOll wrth I!I good taJth dISpute over the obligation to pay, so long as Lender's Interest '"the Property IS not J90P8rdlZed If a lien anses or IS !dad as a result of nonpayment, Grantor shall Wlth,n IIIleen (15) days after \tie hen aosBS Of, d I!I lien IS filed, Within flf\een ('5) days atter Grantor has notice oIlhe filing, secure the dIScharge of the han, or If requ8Sted by Lender, deposrt wltl1 Lender cash Of a suffICient corporale surely bond Of other securrty satisfactory to Lender In an amount !!oufflClEln\ to dISCharge the hen plus any costs and attorneys' fees, or olller charges that couk! accrue as a resutt of a foreclOsure or sale under the lien In any con\ost, Grantor shall defend ltSeI1 and Lender and shal SBllsfy any adveTlle Judgment belote enforcement agamst Ihe Property Grantor shall name LandBr 8S an addJbonal obligee under any surety bond furrnshed In the contest proceedtrgs EVidence of Payment Grantor shaD upon demand furnrsh to lender &abslactory evldanoe of paymont of the taxes Of assessmenls and shall authonze the appropnate governmental offlcl8lto delrver to Lender at any bmo lit wntlon statemenl of the taxes and assessments agamst the Property Not.ce of Construction, Grantor shall notify Lender at least ftftaen (15) days before any wo~ IS commenced, any S9f'J:CSS are fum,shed, or any ma:enals fl.."" supplied ill tr.e rrop.3fiy, If any mecllol!\IC'to ben, matElTla!men's lien, Of other lien could be asserted on account of the work, servICes, or mauma.!s Grantor WIll upon request of Lender tUffilsh 1.0 Lender advance assurances satisfactory to Lender that Grantor can and Will pay tile coot 01 such Improvements PROPERTY DAMA.GE INSURA.NCE The loIlOwtng provlslOl'ls retahng to lTlSunng the Property are a part 01 thIS Deed ol T",,' Maintenance of Insurance, Grantor sMIl procure and maintain polICies Of fIre lTlSutance with 61andard extended coverage endorsements on a replacement basIS for the full Insurable value covef1l)~ aU Impro\l9fTl9Tlts on the Real Property In an amount sutfl(~lent to evold apphcallon o! any COinsurance clause, and wrth a standalrd mortgagee clause In DEED OF TRU~T (Continued) 20030821001939.004 Page 4 ==--.================ favor of lE',ller Grantor s~1J also procure end maintain comprehenSive gener8.1 Ilabllrty mSUfance In such coverage amounts &'. l endsr may request with Trustee and lender being named as additIOnal Insureds rn such l!ab~lty Insurance pOIrCles lV.ldltlone1ly, Grantor shall malntrun such other II'lsurance, tncJOOlng but not limrted to hazard, busnwss mterfuptlon, nnd bodsr Insurance, as Lender may reasonably reqUIre PoliCIes shall be wnlfen In form, amounls, coverages d.,d baSIS reasonably acceptable to Lender and ISsued by a company or companies raasonabty acceptable to Lender Grantor, upon request of Lender, WII deliver to Lender from Ime 10 \lfTle the polICies or C9rbllcates of Insurance In form sall';lactory to lender. Including stipUlations that coverages WIll not be cancelled or dmlnrshed without at least len (10) d&)"~ pnor wntten nohce to Lender Each Iflsuranca policy also shall II1cluda an endorsement pToVldn~ that coverage D lavor of Lender WIU root be Impalrad In any way by MY acl, omrsslOl"l or default of Grantor or any other person ~hould the Real Property be located m an ares desrgnalad by the Director 01 the Federal Emergency Managemel~ Agency as a speersl flood hazard araa, Grantor agrees to obtain and maintain Federal Flood Insurance, " available, will un 45 days after notICe IS gwen by Lander that the Property IS located In a spec181 flood hazard area, for the full unpard PII'\Cip81 balance of the loan and any prIOr hens on the property secunng the loan, up 10 the maxrnum polICy Ilmlis set uncler the National Flood Insurance Program, or as othefYIIse reqUIred by Lender, and to 11'I211ntalll such Insurance fClI !he term oIlhe loan Applicatl011 nf Proceeds Grantor shall promptly nobly Lender of any loss or damage to the Property d the esllmated cost of repelll or replacement exceeds $500 00 Lender may make proof 01 loss "Grantor falls to do so within frfleen (15) days, 01 the (asually Whether or 1'101 LEKlde/s sacurrty IS Impaired, Lender may, at Lenci9!'S elecllon, receIVe and retain the proceerl!. of any Insurance and apply the proceeds 10 the reduction of the Indebtedness, payment of any hen affecting thr' Property, or the restoration and repair of the Property If Lender ejects 10 apply the proceeds to restoratIOn and repaIr, ':"anlor shan repal( or replace the damaQed or destroyed Improvements 11'1 a manner sahsfactosy 10 Lender Lender shall upon sahsfac10ry proof of such expend,ture, payor reimburse Grantor from the proceeds lor the reasonable cost 01 repair or restorallon d Granlor IS not 111 defaul1 under this Deed of Trust Any proceeds whICh have not been dl! b Jrsed within 180 days after thel' receipt and whIch Lender has not commrtted to the repair or restoration of Itle Propen'r' Shall be used first to pay any amount oWing to Lender under thiS Deed 01 Trust, then to pay accrued II1leresl, an'l lhe remainder, If any, shan be applied 10 the pnnclPal balance 01 the Indebtedness II Lender holds BIly proceeds alII)' payment In full of the Indebtednass, such proceeds shan 00 paid without Interesl to Grantor as Grantor's II'1terests !TkI)' appear Grantor's 11(~oort on Insurance Upon request of Lender, however noll1'101e than once a year, Grantor snail furnish 10 Lender a rE')ut on each eXlsllng pellcy of Insurance shOWll'lg (t) the name of the Insurer, (2) the nsks Insured, (3) me amount ,r the pOliCy, (4) the property msured, the then currant replacement value of such property, and the maMer of determlnl'Clttrat value, and (5) the explratlOl'l date of ItIe polICY Granlor shal, upon request of Lender, have an ndependenl .lppralser s_at,sfactory to Lender clelermll1e the cash value replacemenl cost of the Property LENDER'S EXpr;~IDITURES If any aclion or proceeding IS corrrnanced that would materially aff9C1 Lander's Interest II1lhe Property or II Gr,l".tor taIls 10 comply Wllh any prOVISion of this Deed of Trust or any Related Documents, Including but not limited to Grantor'~ fallure to discharge or pay when dua any amolJ1l$ Grantor IS requwed to dIScharge or pay undar thIS Deed of Trust or any Re ated Documents, Lender on Grantor's behall may (but shall 1'101 be obligated 10) take any actIOn thai Lender deems appropnalf', includIng but not hmded to drscharglng or payrng ad taxes, liens, securlly lOIerests, encumbrances and other claIms, at MY lune levted or placed on the Property and paylrlQ all costs for II'Isunng, marntallllng and preservll'lg the Property AU SlJ,lh expandltures Incurred or pard by Lender for such purposes WI' then bear InlereSI at the rate charged uncler the Note fr"11 the date ll'lcurred 01 paid by Lender 10 the dale of repaymenl by Granlor All such expenses WIll become a part of the Indr.tl edness and, at Lender's optIOn, will (A) be payable on demand, tB) be addad to the balance of the Note and 00 app.llhoned among and be payable wl1h any Installment payments to become due durFlQ erthar (1) 1I1e term of any applicable In~ wance polICy, or (2) the remal1'\lng lerm of lhe Note, or (C) be treated as 8 balloon payment whIch WIll be due and payable! I the Note's maturlly The Deed of Trust also WIll secure payment olltJese amounts Such ngtll shan be In addrtlOl"l to al oIh1'1 Ilghts and remedIes to whICh Lender may be entrtlecl upon Defaun WARRANTY, DlFENSE OF mlE The fOlIOWJtl~ prOVISionS relalJng 10 ownershrp of the Property are a part or thIS Deed of Trust TlUe Granlt~ warrants that (a) Grantor holds good and marketable blle of record to the Property 11'1 fee sl~e, ftae and clear 01 all hens and encumbrances other than those s91 forth In the Real Property dascnptlOl'l or n any trtIe Ins~ance poley, ~lIe report, or tlfl8l trtle oprtllOn ISsued In favor of, and accepted by, Lender If'! conneehon with Un Deed 01 Trust, and (b) Granlor has the luU nght, power, and authority 10 execute and deliver this D*<:I 01 Trust to Lender Defense of rltfe Subject to the excep110Tl ., the paragraph above, Granlor warrants and WI. forever defeno' the Irtle 10 the Property ng81nst the lawful clarms of aU persons In the event any aCllon or proceedlllg IS commenced that quesllOl1s Gramor's IIt103 ::'Ir the .,Ierest of Trustee or Lender under thIS Deed of Trust, Grantc: shall oofend the actJon al Grantor's eXpense (duntOt may be the nominal party rl such proceedll'lg, but Lender shall be enhlled to partlClP8te In the proceeding .l1ld to be represented III lhe proceedll1g by counsel of Lender's own Choice, and Grantor MI delIVer, or cause to be delivered, to Lender such Instruments as Lender may requeslfrom tlffi9 10 ~me 10 perml! such parUc!p8.fiOti ComphiITIC(l With Laws; Grantor warrants that the Property and Grantor's use or the Property complies with all eXISting eppbcable !<I'IiS, ordlOances, and regulations of govemmer1ta! authorrtres Survtval of RepresentatIons and Warrantu:s All representabons, warranties, and agreements made by Grantor tlthls Deed of Trust shall survrve the execution and delIVery of this Deed of Trust, shall be conlll"l\J!ng In nature, aM shall remam In tun loree and effect un~ such tlffi9 as Grantor's Indebtedness shaD be paid rn fuU CONDEMNATION The foliowmg PKMSlOns relatlllg 10 condemnabon proceeclrngs are a part of this Deed' of Trust Proceeding', 11 any proceadlrlg If'l condemnallOll IS Ideo, Grantor shan ptomptly notify Lender rn wrrtll1g, and Grantor sha.I promp!~ take such steps as may be necessary to defend the &cllOO and obta.rn the award Grantor may be the nomnaf party Ifl such proceedng, but Lender shall be enlltled to partlc!pate Ul the proceeding and 10 be represented n the proceedng by counsel of Its own choree aU al Grantor's expense, and Granlor WlII delIVer or cause to be delivered to Lsnder such ,nslruments and documenlalron as may be requested by Lender from ttme to time to permrt such partlclpallon Apphcatlon or Net Proceeds 11 aU or any pan 01 the Property IS condemned by efTllt'l9n1 domaIn proceedmgs or by any procee{fing or purchase rn ltau 01 condel'TVl3oon, Lender may at ItS election requwe that all or any portIOn of the net pltlCeeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness or the reoarr or resloratlOtl of !he Property The net proceeds of the award $hall mean the award after payment 01 all reasonable costS, expenses, and attorneys' fees lOCurred by Trustea or Lender Ifl r.onneclJon wrtnlhe eoodemnabon [MPOsmON OF fAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GDVERNMENTAL AUTHORmeS, The follOWIng PfOVJSIOOS relating 10 governmenta[ taXq, fees and charges are a pan 01 this Deed of Trust Current Tall~:"', Fees and Charges Upon request by Leodar, Grantor shaU execute such documents rn addrtron to lhs Deed of Trl1'-t and take whatever other actron IS requested by Lender to perfect and conlrnue lender's hen 00 the Real Property Gnntor shall reImburse Lender lor all taxes, as descnbed belOw, logether WIth an expenses ncurred 11'1 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) 20030821001939.005 Page 5 recorthng, perfecting or contll1urng this Deed 01 Trust, Including without IImrtation all taxes, fees, documentary stamps, amI other charges for recording or reglStenng thiS Deed 01 Trust Taxes. The following shall constrtute taxes 10 which this section applies (1) B specific tax upon this type of Deed of Trust Of upon all or any port 01 the Indebtedness secured by th!$ Deed of Trust, (2) 8 specrflc laX on Grantor wtnCtl Grantor IS authorized or reqUired 10 decluct 'rom payments on the Indebtedness soc:urBd by thIS type of Deed 01 Trvst, (3) a tax on thiS type of Deed of Trust chargeable agslflst the Landw or the holder 01 the Note, and (oil) a specIfic tax on all or any ponoo of the Indebtedness or on payments of pnnclpal and Interest made by Grantor Subsequent Taxes If any la)( to whICh thIS seC110rl applte$ IS enacted subsequent to the dale 01 thIS Ooed 01 Trust, thIS 9vemt shan have the same eHoct as an Event 01 Default, and Lender may exercISe any Of all 01 Its ava~abla remedies fOI an Event 01 Dafau!! as provided below unless Gr8l1tor either (1) pays lhe tax before I! becomes delinquent, or (2) contests the tax as prOVided above In the Taxes and lJens section and deposits With Lender cash or a sufhclenl corporate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender SECURlTY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The follOWing prOVISIOns relabng to this D&ed of Trust as a seeunly agreement are a part 01 thIS Deed 01 Trust Sec~mty Agreement nils Instrumont shd constttute a SeC1Jflty Agreemenl to lhe extent any 01 tile Property constitutes fIxtUres, and Lender shall have all of the rlghfs of a seellred party under the Uniform Commercial Code as amended from time to Irme Seeunty interest Upon request by Lender, Granlor shall execule fJnar.crrg statements and take whatever other acllOn IS requested by Lender to portee! and contmue Lender's security II'\terest In the Rents and Personal Property In addition 10 recordl1'lg thiS Deed 01 Trust lfl the real propeny records, Lender mey, at any tIme and without further authorrzatlon from Grantor, f~e executed counterparts, COpies or reproductIOns of thiS Deed 01 Trust as a fmancmg statement Grantor shan r8lmbun;e 1.ender lor aU expenses rnctmed In periectrng or contlnl.Jl(1g this secunty mterest Upon default, Granlor shall not remova, sever or detach the Personal Property Irom the Property Upon delau!!, Grantor shall assemble any Personal Property not affixed to the Property tn a manner and at a place reasonably oonvenlant to Grantor and lender and make I! avarlable to Lender wrthlfl three (3) days alter receipt o! wntten demand from Lender to the extent permitted by applicable law Addre$$cs, The mailing addresses 01 Grantor (debtor) and Lender (secured party) Irom whICh 1nfOJn'l.1\10ll concemmg the secunty Interest granted by thIS Dood 01 Trust may be otrtaJl'l8d (each as reqUIred by the Untform CommarClai Code) ate as slated on the hrst page 01 thiS Deed of Trust FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY~IN·FACT attomeY·ln·lact are a part of this Deed of Trust The followrng prOVISIOf1S relating to further assurances and Further Assurances At 8tlY bme, and Irom lima to trma, upon request 01 Lender, Grantor WIll make, execute and delrver, or vdl cause to be made, executed or delIVered, to Lender or to Lender's deSignee, Bnd when requested by Lender, cause to be Illed, recorded, r911led, or f9recordad, as the case may be, at such times and 1n such offices and places as Lenti9r may deem appropnale, any and aU such mortgages, deeds 01 trust, secunty deeds, secunty agreements, fmancll"lO statements, continuatIOn slalamgnl$, IOstruments of further assurance, ceTtlhcates, BOO other documents as mey, If) the sole opll'llOn of Lender, be necessary or deslrBblo III order to eHectuate, complete, periect, conhnue, or preserve (I) Grantor's obhgatlOns under Iha Note, thiS Deed 01 Trust. and the Related Documants, and (2) the bans and Secllnty mterests created by !hIS Deed of Trust as flrsl and prior liens on the Property, whether now owned or hereafter acqurred by Grantor Unless protub~ed by law or Lender agrees to the contrary In wntlflg, G11IIltor shall rOlmbursa Lender for all costs and expenses Incurred III cOMacbon With the matters referred to In 1M paragraph Anorney·ln~Fact II Grantor fads to do any of the thrngs relerred to II the preceding paragraph, l.8nder may do so lor and lCl the name 01 Gran\Of and at Grantor's expense For sr.x:h plJrposes, Grantor hereby Irrevocably apporlts Lender as Grantor's attorneY-In-fact lor the purpose of makmg, 9xecu\1f\G, delr.lermg, Idlng, recOl'dlng, and dOlClg an other things as may be necessa.ry or dssrrable, 111 Lender's sole OpIniOn, to accomp\l:ih tho matters relerred to U1 the preceding paragraph FULL PERFORMANCE If Granlor pays all the Indebtedness when due, and otherwise performs an the oblrgatrons Imposed upon Grenter under thIS Deed 01 Trust, lender shan execute and deliver 10 Trustee a request for full reconveyance and shall execute and de1JVer to Grantor suitable statements 01 IGrmlnatlOn 01 any hnanclflg statement on file evrdencrng Lender's saconty tnteresl III the Rents and lila Personal Property Any reconveyance fee shall be paid by Grantor, If perrmted by applicable law The grantsa If\ any reconveyance may be descnbed as the 'person or pen;ons Ieg8Uy entrtlecllhereto', and the recitals rn the reconveyance of any matters or facts shan be conclUSIVe proof 01 the truthfulness 01 any such maners or 'acts EVENTS OF DEFAULT, Each of the follOWIng, at Lender's optIOn, shall const~ute an Event of Default under thiS Deed of Trust Paymenl Default Grantor falls to make any paymenl when due under the Indebtedness Other Defaults Granter fads to comply WIth or to pertorm any other term, obllgabon, covenant or conclthon contained In thIS Deed 01 Trust or 111 any 01 the Related Documents or to comply wdh or to perform any term, obI1gat1Q(l, covenant or COndition contained rn any other agreement between Lender and Grantor Compliance Default Fa~ure 10 comply with any other term, obhgatron, covenant or conditlOl'l contained 1n thcs Deed of Trust. the Note or III any of the Ra!ated DoctJments \I such a fa~ure IS cllfabls and If G11IIltor has not been given a nollCe of a breach of the same proVISJOn of thiS Daed of Trust wrthln the precedlflQ twetve (12) months, It may ba cured (and 1'10 Event of Default WID have occurred) If Grantor, atter Lender sends wnllan nobcQ demandlTlg cure 01 such failure (a) cures the Ja~ure Wlthm tQn (10) days, or (b)" the ctJre reqwres more than ten (10) days, II1'ImedBtely I'IItl8tes steps sulflclent to cure the fallurQ and thereafter conIlOUes and completes aD reasonabiG and necessary steps suHlclent to produce compliance as soon as reasonably practical Default on Other Payments Fa~ure of Grantor wrthln th9 bme reQUited by thiS Deed 01 Trust to make any payment lor wes or IfIsuranca, or any other payment necessary to prevent Illrng of or to effect dIScharge of any hen Default In Favor of Third Parties Should Grantor default under any loan, axtenslon 01 credl!, security aglaeme;Jl, purchaSe Or sales agreement, or any otner agreemen', IfI favor of any other credl!or or person that may r'l8tellally affect aNi at Glantor's property or Grantor's abJirty to repay the IndebtOO1l8$s Of perform thell' respectIVe oblrga\ioos unCIar this Deed of Trust or any 01 the Related Doouments False Statements, Any warranty, representation or statement made or fumlShed to Lander by Grantor or on GrantOl's behalf lJ'lder It'Is Deed oi Trust or the Related Documents IS lalsa or mlsleadrng In any metana\ respect, either now or at the tUTie made or furnIShed or becomes fatse or mISleading at any time thereafter DefectIve Collateralizal10n ThIS Deed 01 Trust or flny of the Related Documtlnts ceases to be In full force and effect (tnQudlflll failure 01 any collateral document to create a valid and perfected Sect.1fl1y 1ntsrest or hen) af ar'rf time and lor any reason , .~. ' DEED OF TRU?T (Continued) 20030821001939.006 Page 6 Insolvency The dlSsoluhon or terminatIOn 01 Granto(s eXistence as 8 going busmess, the Insolvency 01 Grantor, the appomlrnefll If a receMIr for any part 01 Grantor's property, any assignment for the benefrt of creditors, any type of creditor wvr\<?ul, or the commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or InsOlvency laws by or against Grantor Creditor or Forfeiture Proceeding' Commencement 01 foreclosure or lorferttJre proceedings, whether by JudiCial proceooil1g. ~elf.help, repossessIOn or any other methOd, by any creditor of Grantor or by any govemmental agency aga'nSt any property secUring the Indebtedness lhIs Includes a parrushmerll of any of Grantor's accounts, Including depoSIt 8e( :JlInts, With Lender However, thiS Event of Oefault shaD not apply If fhere IS 8 good faith dispute by Grantor as 10 the vrlrllty or reasonabiaMS& of the claim whrch IS the basIS 01 the creditor or fOl1edure proceedmg and "Grantor grves landt, wntten notICe of the creditor or folielture proceeding and deposrts WIth Lender momes or a surety bond lor the credltol nr lorfelture proceeding, III an amount determined by Lender, In Its sole dIScretion, as being an adequate reserve orl ('1d for the drspute Breach of Ot.her Agreement Any breach by Grantor under the terms of any other agreement between Grantor and lender tl'1al IS not remedred wrthll'l any grace penod prOVIded therelf'l, rncludng W1thout IImltatton any agreement concerning lr:y Indebtedness or OthOT obligatIOn of Grantor to Lendar, whether eXlSllng now or later Events ANt! tlng Guarantor My 01 the precedmg events OCC\Irs With respect to any Guarantor of any of the IndebtedneH. or any Guarantor dies or becomes ncompetent, or revoX8S or diSputes the validity of, or liability under, any Guara! If 01 the Indebtedness [n the event d a death, Lender, at liS optJon, may, bul shall not be reqUired 10, permit the (~uarantor's ~tate to 8lOSLmO U'"lCO<IClrlronaly the obligations anslng under the guaranty In a manner satisfactory t·-Lender, 8nd, m doing 50, cure eny Event of Default Adverse Ch.Jnge A material adverse change occurs m Grantor's financial condltlon, Of Lender be[Jeves the plospect of payment or J::f>lformance 0I1he Indebtedness IS impaired Insecurrty. lender m good lanh beheves Itse[f nsecure Right to CIU 0 II sUCh a la~ure IS curable and II Grantor has not b&en grvan a notice of a breach of the same provIsion of thiS Oeel1 of Trust Wlihln the precedlllg twelve (12) months, 11 may be cured (and no Event of Defau[t WIll have occurred) rI (irantor, after lander sends wnttan notICe damancllng cure 01 suCh fru[ure (a) cures lhe fadure wrthln len (10) days, or (b) If Ihe cure requIres more than ten (10) days, Immedl8te[y rn~lalas steps SuffiCient to cure it1e lallure and thereafter CI) tmues and completes aD reasonable and necessary steps suffICient to produce coq>Jl3.nce as soon as reasonably p ,lCtlcal RIGHTS AND F:E MEOIES ON DEFAULT, II an Event 01 Default ocellI'S under thIS Deed of Trust, al any bme thereafter, Trustee or LendE" rnay exerCISe anyone or more of the foUowmg nghts and remeclle.s ElectIOn of fI~me(hes Elecbon by Lender 10 pursue any remedy shaH not exclude pursuit of any other remedy, an:! an elecUon to m.\ke expendItUres or to \ake acton to pertorm an obllgatron 01 Grantor under thIS Deed of Trust, aher Grantor's faltws to perform, sha~ nol affecllsnder's tight to declare a default and exerCIse lis remedies Accelerate Indebtedness lender shag have the right at Its opUon to d~re the entire tndebtedness II'Tlmedralely due and payable, Inc[udlng any prepayment penalty which Grantor would be required to pay Forec{osUft' With respect to an or any part 0( ~ Real Property, the Trustee shan have the right to exerCISe lIS powar of sale and to f,:reclose by notlCo and sale, and Lender shall have the right to foreclose by JudICIS! foreclosure, .n either case rn aco ~,lance With and to the luU exlent prOVided by apphcable law UCC Remelf.os With respecllo an or any part of the Personal Property, Lender shall have 811 the Tights and remedies 01 a secured p.llly under the Uniform Commen::ral Code Collact Ren1-Lender shaD have the nght, WIItloUi notice to Grantor 10 taka possessIon of and manage tile Property and collect I~e Rents, II'lCluoll1g amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net proceeds, ovar eoo above lender's costs. agam'> the Indebtedness In furtherance of lI'us Tight, Lender may ~~re any tenant or other user 01 the Property to make paynents 01 rent or use fees directly to lander If the Rents ara collected by lender. than Grantor IITeV0C8b1y deslgnales L,}nder as Grantor's attomey.m-lact to endorse 1I1struments recerved In payment thereof In the name of Gramor and to negoll8te the same and collect the proceeds Payments by tenants or o1her users to Lendor 11'1 response to Lender's <H!mand shan satiSfy the obllgatlons for whICh the payments are made, whether or not any proper grounds for the demand eXISted lender may exercise Its nghlS under thIS subparagraph either 11 pEifSOIl, by agent, or throulfl a receIVer AppOInt ReceIver. Lender sheU have the right to Mve a receIVer 8ppomted to take POSSesSIOll of eU or sny part of the Property, Wflh the power to prolect and preserve the Property, to operate the Property precedng or pending foreclosure or sale, and 10 collect the Rents from the Property and apply the proceeds, over and abOve the cost of the receIVership, agamst the ['ldebtedness TIle r9COIVer may serve wrIhout bond If permrtted by law lander's r.gu to the appointment of 8 recelvel !.haU eXIst wflethGr or not the apparent value of the Property exceeds the Indebtedness by a substanllal amount Employment by Lender shaU not disqualify a person from sefvmg as a recerver Tenancy at Sufferance. 11 Grantor remams In possessIOn of the Property after the Property IS SOld as prOVIded above or lender othNwlSe becomes ent/Had to POSseSSion 01 the Property upon delault of Grantor, Grantor shal[ b9COffi8 a tenant at sufferance 01 lander or the purchaser 01 the Property and shaa, al lender's OpliOll, erther (1) pay a reasonable renla[ fOT the use of the Property, or (2) vacate lhe Property mmechately upon the demand of Lender Other RemrdlBS Trustee or Lender shall have any other TIght or remedy ptoVlded 111 thIS Deed of Trust or the Note or bylaw Notice of S.Jlc lender shall grve Grantor reasonable nollCe 01 the lime and piece of any pubJac sale of the Personal Property or of the tune after whICh any prIVate sale or OIher mlended disposition of !he Personal Property IS 10 be made Reasonable nohce shall mean notice given at [east ten (10) days before the Irme d the sa[e or dlSpoSltIOfl Ally sale 01 ~ Personal Property may be ma6e 1I'l COTlunctlOn with any sate 01 the Real Property Sale of the PIOperty To the extent pennlttad by epplicable Jaw, Grantor hereby waIVes any and all nghts 10 have the Property marshaUed In 6Xen::ISlng ns nghts and remedies. the Trustee or Lender shall be free to sell an or any pan of the Property togrther or separately, In one saJe or by separate sates lender shall be entitled to bid at any pubhc sale on all or any portion of the Property Attorneys' Ft.oes, Expensea It Lender loslrtutes :::ny Slllt or acllon 10 enlorce any of th(> tem'lS of thIS Deed of Trust, Landor shall be entitled to recover such sum as the coun may aqudge reasonable as ettorneys' fees al tnaI and upon any appeal Whether or not any court acbon IS UWOIved, and to the extent not prohibited by taw, aU reS50T'18b1e expenses LI nofer IncUrs that In Lende(s oPloon are necessary al any lime for the protectron of Its Interesl Of the enforcement c~ lis Tights shall become a part of the Indebtedness payable on demand and shal[ bear Iflterest at the Note rate from th" 'late 01 the expenditure unt~ repaid Expenses covered by thIS paragraph Include, wllhoul hmrtatlon, however SUb,f.:t to any tmlls under applicable law, lender's attomeys' fees and lender's legal expenses, whether or not there IS a 1& ~"'Ult, Inc[udlng attorneys' lees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings {ltlcludrn9 efforts to modify or , .. ,. OSEO OF TRUST (Continued) 20030821001939.007 Page 7 vacate any automatIC stay or InJunction), appeals, and any anticipated post-Judgment collection S6MCes, the cost 01 searctung records, obtaining IItle reports (Including foreclosure reports). surveyors' reports, and appraisal lees, bile Insurance, and fQes tOT the Trustee, to the extent permitted by applicable law Grantor also Will pay any court costs, In addition to aU ethel" sums prOVided by law Rights of Trustee Trustee shall have aU of the rights and duties of lender as set forth 111 thIS section POWERS AND OBUGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The followmg provISIOns relating to the powers and obllgatrons 01 Trustee (pursuant to lender's InstructIOns) are part of thts Deed 01 Trust Powers of Trustee In additIOn to aa powers of Trustee anSlI1g as (I matter of law, Trustee shall have the power to take the folloWIng actlOl1s WIth respect to the Property upon the written request of lender and Grantor (e) lOin In prepanng and I~~ a map or pial of the Asal Property, Including the dedICatIOn 01 streels or other fights 10 the publIC, (b) toIf'll1l granting any easement or crestmg any restriction on the Real Property, and (c) JOin 111 any subordlf'lallOf'l or other agreement sHeeting thIS Deed of Trust or the Interest of Lender under thIS Deed 01 Trust Obligatlons to Notlly Trustee shall not be obligated 10 I'lOtdy any other party 01 a pendln~ sale under any other trust deed or hen, Of of any actlOl"l or prtX:eading II'l which Grantor, Lender, Of Trustee shan be a party. unless reqUIred by sppllcable law, or unless the action or proceeding IS brought by Trustee Trustee Trustee shall I1'IOOt eU qualillCallOnS reqUired lor Trus\aa under applICable law In addition 10 the nghls ancl remedies set forth above, With respecllO a~ or any part or Iha Property, lhe Trustee shall have the nght to forecloss by notice and sale, and Lender shan have Ule fight to Ioraclose by JUdicaallorec1osure, II'l either case 10 accordance wrth and te the fun extent pfOVlded by applICable law Successor Trustee Lender, al ltmder's opllon, may Irom time to time 8ppOOt a successor Trustee to any Trustee appOlnled under this D&Qd 01 Trust by an Inslrumenl executed and acknowledged by lender and recorded 1C11ha oHlCe of the r&COrder of Kmg County, Stale of Washington The Instrument shal conta.lO, 111 adciltlOtl to all other matters required by state law, the namas of lhe ongll1allender, Trustee, and Grantor, the book and page or the Auditor's Fie Number where thiS Deed 01 Trust IS recordod. and the name and address 01 the SUCCQS.SQf trustee, and the I11strum9f1t shall be executed and acknowledged by lender or Its successors 10 Interest Th6 successor trustee, Without conveyance of the Propeny, shall succeed to all the litle, power, and dulles conferred upon the Trustee 111 this Deed of Trust and by applJCeb!e law ThIS procedure for substllu!1Of'l 01 Trustee shell govem 10 the excluslOfl of all other prOVISIOns for subs1rtutlon NOTICES Subject 10 appbcable law, end excepl lor nollee reqUired or allowed by law to be gIVen II'l another manner, any notICe reqUIred to I:>e gIVen under thiS Deed of Trust, Im:ludlng without limitation MY nobce of default and any notice 01 sale shall be gIVen In wntlf'lg, and shall be effectIVe wnen actually delMHeo, when actually receIVed by telolacslITllle (unless othOrwtS6 reqUired by law), when cleposlled wrth a nationally recogrnzed ovefTllght couner, or, " mailed, wh9l'l deposlled In the United States mall, as /lrst class, cendled or registered mall postage pMpald, dlrocted 10 the addressss shown near the begn'ung of thIS Deed of Trust An copies of nobces of foreclosure from the holder of any hen which has pnonty over this Deed 01 Trust sha. be sent 10 Lander's acl6ress, as shown near the beginning of thiS Deed 01 Trust Any pany may change lis address for notices under thIS Deed oC Trust by gIVIng formal wrllten notICe to the other parties, specdyng that the purpose of thO nOllce IS \0 change Ihe party's addra$$ For notcca purpo$~, Grantor agreG$ to kl)6p l.ender IIllormed at all times of Glantors current address Subject to applicable law, and except tor notJca reQlJIfed 01 allowed by law to be grven In another manner, If !here IS more than OM Grantor, any notice g.ven by Lender to Bny Grantor IS deemed to be nOtlce given 10 an GrantOI$ MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. The follOWing mlsceUaneous proviSIOns are e part 01 thiS Deed of Trust Amendments ThIS Deed 01 Trust, together with any Related Documents, constrtutes the en!lfe understandlflg and agr&9TnQnt 01 tn" parties as to the mailers set forth In thiS Deed 01 Trust No alteration of or amendment to thIS De:ed of Trust shall be efleclrv& unless gIVen 111 wntlng and SlQned by the party or parllss sought to be charged or bolS'ld by the alleratlon or alTl6l1dment Annual Reports. It 1he Property IS used for purposes other than Grantor's residence, Grantor shaU furnISh to lender. upon requost, a cartdled statemBl1I oj nat operatmg IIlCotTlS r&celved from the Property dunng Grantor's prevIOus j,seal year III such rOflTl and deta~ as lender shaH r&qUlre ~Net operatsng Income" &hall mean II~ cash r9C8lpts !rom the Property kfss aD cash expenditures made In connectIOn With the operultOn of th5 Property Caphon HeadmgS! Capbon headlflQS II'lltus Deed of Truslsre lor conveflllmC8 purposes only and ere not to be used to lI1Ierpret Of dehne the.prOV1Slons of thl$ D98'd of Trust Merger. There shall be no margar 01 the Interest or estate created by thrs Deed 01 Trust With any other merest or estate In tIl& Property al any Ime held by or Jar the benefrt 01 lender Ifl any capacity, Without the wrrtten consent 01 lender Govemmg law, ThiS Deed of Trust wl\1 be governed by, construed and enforced In accordance wllh lederallaw and thll laws oj the State of Washington. This Deed of Trust has been accepted by lender In the State of Washington Choice of Venue. If there IS a laWSUit, Grantor agrees upon Lender's request to submit to thelUflsdlcuon 01 the courts of KIflQ County, State of WashlngtOll JOint and Several liability. All obligatIOns of Grantor under thiS Deed of Tn.Jsl shall be JOInt Bind several, and aU relerences to Grantor shall mean each a!'lc\ every Gr8l'1tOr TIllS means that each Grantor Slgnll'l9 below IS responslbla lor aU obhgabons In thIS Deed of Trust WhQre anyone or more of the parties IS a corporallon, partnership, limrtecl babdlty company or srn~ar entity, It IS not necessary for lender to IIlQUII"9 U'lio the powers of any of the oHICerS, dUllctors, partners, members, or other agents actmg Of purportmg to act on the enl!ty's behalf. and any obllgalzom made or creatoo II'l reliance upon the professed exerCise of such powers shaD be guaranteed under 1hIs Deed of Trust No Wmver by Lender. lender shall not be deemed to have waIVed any nghts under thIS Deed 01 Trus1 unless such waIVer IS given IfI wnll11g and Signed by Lender No delay or OlTUSSIOl'\ on the part of lender Ii'I exercISing any nght sha9 opentle as e. waiver of such rlQht or any other nght A waiver by lander of a prOVISion of thiS Deed of Trust shan not pre)ucflce or constitute 8 waIVer 01 Lender's nght othelWlse to demand strICt compll8nce wllh that prOVISIOn or any other provISIOn of thts Deed of Trust No pflOf waIVer by lendar, nor sny course of dealing between L9f'ldef and Grantor, shan cons1Jtute a waIVer 01 any of Lender's fights or of any 01 Grantor's obllgauons as to any luture transactions When9VCIf the consent 01 Landor IS reQuired IJl"lder ths Deed 01 Trust, the glUllllllg of such consent by Lendar lfl any IfISIariciI shell not constrtute conbmntlg consent to subsequent I1l$tances where such consent 18 reqUlled and m all casos such c~nt may be granted or Withheld In the sole d,screllon 01 Lender Severability, II a court of competent JUrlSdlCl/oo finds any provlslClr1 of thiS De9d 01 Trust to be .nagai, JWalrd, or unenlorcaable as to any person or Circumstance, that Ilfldlng shaU not mak.e the offendlng prOVISIOn ltiagal, znvalld, or unenforceable as to any other person or circumstance \I feaSible, the offending prOVISIon shall be considered meddled so that rt becomes legal, valid and enforceable If tho offending prOVISion cannot be so modrhad, rt shall be considered deleted from thIS Deed of Trust Unless otherwise reqUired by law, Ihe lIegallty, Invalidity, or unenfQ(c9ab~lty oi any , .~ DEED OF TRU~T (Continued) 20030821001535.008 Page B ====-============================= prOVISion 01 t liS Deed 01 Trust shall not affect the legahty, validity or enfOJceablhty of any other provIsIOn oIths Deed 01 Trust SUCCesSOI s and Assigns Subject to any lurutabons stated III thIS Deed of Trust on transfer of Grantor's ItIterest, thIS Deed of Tw']' shall be binding upon and Inure to the benefrt oIlhe parties, lhelr successors and asslQns If ownership of the Propert, ~mes vested 1n8 persoo other than Grantor, Lender, wrthout nollee to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successo~ with reference to thiS Deed 01 Trust and the Indebtedn&ss by way of 10rbearance or extenslQ(I without releasmg Or3ntor 1rom the obllQallortS 01 this Deed of Trust Of Ile'eNllty under the Indebtedness Time 1& of the Essence Time IS 01 the essence In the perform.!lnce 01 this Deed of Trust Waiver of flomestcad Exemption Grantor hereby releases and waIVes all fights and benefits of tha horn&Stead e){amptlOfll~\vs of tha State of W8shln~on as to aU Indebtedness secured by thiS Deed of Trust DEFlNmONS The foilOWrlg caprtalized words and terms shall have the ioIlowlflg meanings when used In ttus Deed of Trust Unless SpecdlCll~~ slated to tho contrary, aa references to dollar amounts shal mean amounts In lawtul lTlOf"Iey of the U01Ied States of Arnent Cl Words and (erms used In 1he singular shall Include the plural. and the plural shaD mc:lude the slf"Igular, as the context may If'"Quare WOlds aooterms no! otherwIse delJned 10 thIS Deed of Trust shall have the meanlf"lgs attnbuted to such terms U"1 thl~ IJmlorm CommarClsl Code BenefiCial"'/" The word wBeneflClary" means EvergreenBank., and Its successors and assigns Borrower The word "Borrower" means JOA Group, L L C , and I 0 Khne CorporatIOn, and all Olhel parsons and entities 5IQ'~rg the Nota In whatever capacrty Deed of Trmt Tha words "Deed of Trusl" mean 11'115 Deed 01 Trusl among Grantor, Lender, and Trustee, and ncludes WTttIOu\ bm II IOn an aSSlgnrn&n1 and security Interest prOVIsIons (elallng 10 \he Personal Property and Rents Delaull TI1( word "Oefaulr /"Ileans the Default SelfoM., thrs Deed 01 Trust In the sectIOn titled "Default" EnvlronmrntaJ Laws. The words "Envlrorvnental Laws" mean any and all state, lederal and local statutes, regulations and ordIMr~'as relallng to \he protechon of human hesllh or the enVIronment, Includll"lg' WIthout limitatIOn the Compreh9f~, va Enwonrnental Response. CompensatIOn, and Llabdlty Act of 1980, as amended, 42 USC SectIOn 9601, et Sf (I ("CERCLA"j, the Superfund Amendments and ReauthOrizatIOn Act of 1986, Pub L No 99-499 rSARA'j, Ihe Hazerd:us Mat&nals Transportaboo Act, 49 USC SectIOn 1801. et seq, the Resource Conservaton and Recovery Act, 42 U '; C Secuon 6901, at seq, 01 other appllCeble state Of federal laws., rules, or regulatIOnS adopted pursuant thereto Event of r.I',ault The words 'Event of Defautt" mean any of the events of default set forth Ifl IhlS Deed of Trust Ifl the &vents of dglikUIi section of thiS Deed of Trust Grantor ! tl~ won::! 'Grantor'" means JDA Group, L L C , and t D Kline CorporatIOn Guarantor The word -Guarantor' means any guarantor, surety, Of accorrrnodatlOl'l party of aroj 01 au 01 the IndebteOOess Guaranty fhe word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from Guarantor 10 Lender, Inc!udlng wrthoullmrtatlon a guaranty of all or part 01 1M Note Hazardou', Substances The words "Hazardous Substances" mean matenals lhat, because of th8lr quanbty. coocentratl)f or physICal, chemICal or Infecbous charactefistICs, may cause or pose a present or potential hazard to human he,WI or the erlV1ronment when mproperiy used, treated, stored, dISposed 01, generated, manufactured, transportel. fir otherwise handleo The words "Hazardous Substances" ale used '" thelT vary broadest sense and Includa WI"~I~ lImrtalJOn any and aU hazardous Of toxIC substances, matenals or wasle as defined by or hsted IXIder the Enwonm&l) ,jl laws The term ~azardous Substances" also If"Icludes, Without 1Imrta.1Ion, petroleum and petroleum by-product', Df any fraction thereot and asbestos Improvemcnts, The word 'Improvements" means an eXISting and future IITIprovernents, buildtngs, structures, moIJIle homes afflXlad on the Real Property. iaCdl\Jes, addlllOnS, replacements and other COl1StructlOO on the Real Property Indeb1edne:ss The word 'Indebtedness' maans all pllnCip3.l, Interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses payable under the I~ote or Related Documents, together with all renewals of. eXlenSIOOS 01, modlIlCBoons 01, consobdaOOns of and substltul'Dns tol the Note or Related Docll1'lents and any amounts ell:pended or advanced by lender to dIScharge Grantor's c'b~lgahons or expenses ,"curred by Trustee or Lender to enforce Grantor's obligatIOns ullder thIS Deed of Trust, togeltlBr WIth ~teresl on such amounts as provided In thiS Deed of Trml Lender. n'E word 'Lander" means EvergreenBank.. lis successors and asSIgnS Note The ""'Ord 'Nole' means the prOrT"IISSOry note dated August. 7, 2003, in the onglnal prinCIpal amount of Sl,900,000.00 from Grantor to Lender, logether WIth all renewals 01, extanslons 01, modIficatIOnS 01, refll'larIClngs 01, consohdatlOns of, and subsbtullons for the prOtTUSsory note 01 agreement NOTICE TO GRANTOR THE NOTE CONTAINS A VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. Personal PIDperty The words ~Personal Property" mean all equIPment, fIXtures, and other artICles 01 personal property now or hareetter owned by Grantor, and now or hereafter attached or 8fI11ced to the Real Property, together wllh aU accesslOno;, part&, and addrtlOOS to, all replacements of, and al SubsbtutlOl1$ for, any of such proporty, and together With alIl$sues <IT'" profits thereon and proceeds (mctudlnQ wllhout ImitatIOn allms.urance proceeds and refunde of premiums) from any Sd, u or other dISpoSition of lI1e Property Property, T,e word "Property' means conectlvely the Real Property and the Personal Property Real Propp-rty, The words 'Real Property' mean the real property. Interests and nghlS, as further descnbed Ii thIS Deed 01 Trust Related Documents The words "Related Documents" mean all prom&sory notes, c(echt agreements, loan agreements, GnwDnmen!.d agreements, guaranties, SBCUnty agreements. mortgages. deecls of trust, security deeds, cdlateral mortgaQ8S, and all other Instruments, agreements and documents, whether now or I1ereaf1er eXlStlt"lg, executed In connecbon wJlh the lndabtedness Rents TI">3 word "Rents' means all present and futura rants, revenues, Iflcome, ISsuas, royalties, profits, and othel benehts denved from the Property Trustee 1 he word "Trustee' means PaCIfic Northwest Tille Company, whose m8~lng address IS 215 Columbia St, Seattle, WA 98104 and any substitute or SJX:C6SS0r trustees 20030821001939.009 DEED OF TRUST (Continued) Page 9 EACH GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, AND EACH GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. GRANTOR. o KUNE CORPORATION BYc-f-; ; • .9 ~ ?e<f"" Irvm.,O Kllne, Preslden1OtlKilJleCorporation LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY A STATEOF kAtlJ~ COUNTY OF )( ~.J KIlIIll1RJ..IIIDGI1JBIlIII NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL9 2007 On this J't:i day 01 CUt~ 20~, before me, the undersigned Notary PUblIC, p&rsonaUy appeared Jack 0 Aihadeff, Manager of JDA Group. L Le, and personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basIs of satrsfactory evidence to be a 01 the bmrted liability company that executed the Deed of Trust and acknowledged the Deed 01 Trust to be the free and voluntary act and dead of the limited liability company. by authority of statute, Its articles Of orgal"llzabOn or Its opsrallng agreement, lor the uses and purposes theraif') manlloned, and on oath stated that he or $he IS aulhorllad to 9xecUle U1IS Deed 01 Trust and In fecI executed the Deed 01 Trust on bahalf of the limited Bh~ •• rty=~y . ~ R."d",,,!~:;OA-.v& Notary Public In and for the State 01 W~ My comml"lon exPIf8S 0-/ '?Io7 CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~ATEOF ___ ~~~N ______________ __ COUNTY OF __ h}.!..li'!'L"~":'!'""'''-'';:'''!.I,J,,-____ _ ISS ) t ~ di~'\ ='N" ~~:. ;?' .. ~,<';';'~:.:;' ."."~':~:;. .." ,. ! ~>/ ;"l' •.. i~ :: .;; J\i !~ .. \ "t~ 1\ < • ;)1J. 1.' .. ' OnUliS 1. day of 11,JGIl"'-,20~, before me::.tna~nd~If.JW':.J o·~~.: Notary PUbliC, personally appeared Irvme 0 Kline, President of I D Kline Corporation, and personaC:t ~!f'"t$.it<d. ~ '0 W~ § provQd to me on the baSIS of satlsfactory eVidence to be an authonzed agent of th!! corporallOl1 thai ex~pihlJ'i~p'eed'~'!.. ....~' Trust and acknowledged the Deed of Trusllo be lne free and voluntary acl and deed of the corporahon,il?i'ejf~}o/""'~~~~~ Bylaws or by r$$OlutlOl1 of board of directors, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath ~(jo.~YMor\'\ \\\\.\'" she IS authonzed to ex t IS Deed 01 Trust anclll fact executed the Deed of Trust on behalf of the corporahon '~""'.!I!.IIU\ " By ::os 0I\Jt-. Residing at ' Notary PubliC In and for the State of ~ My comrm5510n expires 2 -l.. '1...--2J.;::o"f REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE To • Trustee The underslgOOd IS the legal owner and holder of all Indebtedness secured by thIS Deed of Trust You are hereby requested, upon payment of all sums owmg to you, 10 !PCOllvay wrth:;;..rt w!Iorranty, 10 thee persons enilUed thereto, the r.ght, trlle and 'merest now held by you under the Dead of Trust D.~ ____________________________ __ Beneficiary, ________ __ BY ____________ ___ ,ts. v.ft~_"_ ...... , .............. _"."" .. _,.,.,_ .. __ ..... ~ ..... ._:,~_ ....... >-w > 0:: ~ (f) I..!.. o o 0:: o U W 0:: '" z '" '" z a: 0 ;0 to .... z " U> t-; Z o >-;:: .... u z '" " U> 0 U !~ ~~ z~ '" j!: u. 0 o U ,. ~!. "'":' ..; '" a: r w'" > N Z r-a.: 0 LL. ;0 I-:::> I-'" z '!' (f) . ~ lL. o r--;: z . o ,. ;:: I-u Z "' ::> '" 0 U u. o z o ;:: a: o· D.. :' :)f i ·.,-f/;7(J?"2'1~OI In-bot? -' I I \ RECORD OF SURVEY PORTION OF THE ~i I:: ~: I:: OF SECTION COUNTY, 7 • TWP. 23 N ." -. . ::" ::.:-:: ... EN~RO~oIjMm,·.,··b "n""'"',, In-H' --,'. 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",In •••• 110_ lk,run UTru"~; 'hal I~I monulqlnh ~ut h.,;,',et, and 10' .n~ jol .. " ,"" .. r~ .tc.h~ c""tcH'I ... t~. ,c.~lIt:'II~U .... Iwn~ .. mpl;ld w,th Ih. pr ... io;.n, .r t~. ·,101 .. 1,,·- n~ ,I.H;~, "9"'01;.... ._~, ..... .... , f ",,(, -e-,i.-Z~:"".." PAUL l'I. WILLIAM'>j C.rlific';lt NCI,U.'>~ R'nc",t::Il H.~E-l9~~ O,d.: J ... ;';' '1,..\~5C . '"' 1 .-..... : .:,:~'::-... _ .. / RE51BICT\OtlS HO 1,1 .r p .. li." o! .1,1 .ll~;, ,1,1 1 ... 11 ~. ';.;d.~ ft~~ ,.'i tr nul6 Ir ... ~tq';p .klb!ed Ir IrUlhntA, "hrrob1 HI ,"",,,,,I.;, .f .n~ "dian If nil ,h .. U~. I.u Il",n Ihe .. Tn ,.~"iCld h. I., lilt Ili,h,t\ ,I.,.' '" I~;' ,111\: fI., ... 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'1·:'IlR~CORO'. .f K1HG CI)Ul1i'f; W~o;HlI1GiOl'., II~ .~<-i~~fT\our.R RU-DI"TOR" . _. _.~c;..".~.:. ____ = . tllUHi'f P.Ulllillll.. 91 !~.~ .: .... . "\ -.. > <~ :·jf ::., !,: '-.~.' ···.r it " / ..... -.. -~- " < . . .:. I '" --,-- . "-",,.:~-',,~­ WOODY GLEN ADPltlON(.> )£(1\01\ l-H.;H-R'S:W.M, ./\ SKEEl' ,291<2' Ie? ...... ' ..... ,-~-::. --!-T-,l,;~·r·'1'"';:· .{"";rr .... .,..,~ I" ,~,U .~:= : T r~--- /-., I t ~}, :1. .. :.\ I'IMER1G:Atl 'i~GI!1H.P.IMG r..~~,:' : ',-' ('5.C;£I.~f:'_1.11'l(H' ICOHH,' :" , '. ',", '~ :::-~:,,,,,,, . . (>(p?~.: ->:,-" ,/ , 1 -. .:~,,!,' • I: I ' '. II '" o'~ ." ... ;_:~ •• ~---~~:~~~ -~,,·r-f"''''~;I;J:;:c,-~'~·~~~;::~··...:.'~~':' , I~ I / < "I IS • , ......... '. •• -,'-_,<F ' .• ,;".~ .~{_; . , ' , ! " "0 . • A\HBL CIVILaSIRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. PLANNERS Letter of Transmittal TO: :;S;rp '\ k C C."" 1-;) o.c \2.. en 1-0,0 WE ARE SENDING: • Project No. ,;;)OS(Q IS . 66 Project Name La+h 5J· s1 Regarding: I oJ-I "1""'_ ~ Date i 7. r 8::aC NO. COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION \<;'J~ ~~ . C"'Yv...J2 ,.. -=> \~ ,,~, /}; kOG \\V', A 12,.. A.A ) \. l' ~.L jI AJ.I\ jlS'I~ J , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o FOR REVIEW / COMMENT ?OR APPROVAL o FOR YOUR USE o APPROVED AS NOTED o PER YOUR REQUEST o ______________ _ REMARKS: ______________________________________________________________ __ SIGNED:~~~ CC: __________________________________ ___ C\T~' OF REi\I. ' RECEIVED DEC 60 2uU!J BUILD/Nt> DI VISION 2215 NORTH 30th SUITE 300 • TACOMA, WA 98403· (253) 383·2422 • FAX (253) 383·2572 Nov 22 2005 1: 44PM AHBL, Inc • 2533832572 . '" f .z" it ", :: ," ;:" ;; / :"';'. " <".J'··f/,~~R~·~. 956480-0176 "\}, , .. l ,:' .:: ";;; ~. "'.: ~. .....;' ~.. ~ .~' , .... ,,,. -. .. -." J TiIE$O~'f92 ~T OF ~,l.QG,K 6, WOODY GLEN ADDmON, ACCORDING / !,TO fH~P~T.:rlJE~F",.RECOJIDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 <,"Ar-lD 92,JN ISrNqCqt.n,.ffy, :WASH.JNQTON. Tq(}~TijERWrpH 1;HA,T PO~~Q!\J OFj4TIMER'S LAKE PARK ADDITION, ACOORJ)INQ..l'O T.RE.,JiLA:r!~I1, ~ORDED IN VOLUME 18 OF PLATS, PAGE 63i:JN KIN~'C9'tJN:N,{iV ASaIN<1J:9N. LYING BETWEEN SAID SOmH 192 FEET ()F.SAio ~LQ¢( 6 ~ ~iINJ;lDRA WN PARALLEL WIlli AND 50 FEET WESTERL Y'i~N ~s.Ul4ID Ij'r RIGHT ANGLES AND/OR RADIALLY FROM THE CENT1lRLJNE OF pliIMARv STA'l'B.HIGHW AYNO.2 (RAINIER AVENUE). IN KING EoU1)frY/W ~Sm.N¢ON; <'.: .{ / ~.\. ;/ .{ ././ .......... '\. ~ i;:~~ .. :;/ TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTJ.bN,,Q~· Lq:1' 8, ru.,gqt 3;;WOODY GLEN ADDmON, ACCORDING TO TIlE,i'LAT THEREOF.,~O&DEDJN VOLU¥E 47 OF P4-tS,.PAGES 91 AND 92. RECORpS 'oF'IqN<;icquNtY •. :wAs.l.rrNGrm,r, LYING NOIttHERL Y AND EASTERL YQF TWHOLI;OwrNIs'jj~ClUB£b ~1NE: CO~CrNq AT THE NORTIIEAST cO~bF,SAJ6i.Crr8'; TI!p;¢E/' S()VTHJln7'39" EAST ALONG THE EASTLER1.y"LlNE OF-SAID LO)' 8 f. DISTA]iI~OF io2.27 FEET TO THE TRUE POINfOF 13EGINNINq FJ':iR :nns .rANE;/l'HS-lCE'SOUTH 05'51 '02" EAST A DISTANCE 0l.'42,72 ~1'; UmNCE ... t-lO~TH 114'4T51 ".~T A DISTANCE OF 8.02 FEET TO TIbt~y LINE i' OF $.AJP't.o:r ll'AND ~S OF THIS LINE DESCRlPTION . ./ ./ .".,. ',,_. ".' ,/'.'·"l •. /'''.~. : "'. ',j TO"GI!I1iER;;\vrfH mA;T llORTI:C)N OF NORTHWEST STH STREET, V ACA TED PURSUA.N1',TO"crfy OF'RENroN':.oRDINANCE NO. 4955. RECORDED UNDER RECORDINC.,NO. 2opio4o~6fu3S0"As·WOULD ATTACH BY OPERATION OF LAW. ",,,_.,/' (" •. , ... ,,""".'/': .• /f ... /:::'} ,.' .::. }: .:: ..... . :.;."" .. " .... ,...... .-:.'.~ -', . ," ... ' :~., .... ;." " ~ ./~ /: ,'" ....•... l" ,-. .~. .:: ';', ". ,-.... .. "~-' .-.... , ... , ., -:. "-, ":"".-.,,"" p.9 TO: Cill of Renton Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services Division - 6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 FROM: AHIH ... Date: I ~ I ~ I 0 '7 r I Phone: (1Ii'!) 1 ~" ty ~ 1.-Phone: (425) 430-11-ct c,.. Fax Phone: ~ '1 <6 7 '].,. trj 1 'Z I SUBJECT: C,fk7.r lA...-A REMARKS: 0 Original to be mailed o Urgent Fax Phone: (425) 430-1'" () Number of pages including cover sheet '1- o Reply ASAP o Please L For your Comment review i'HF .... O OF THF. r.URV£ -'"'~ ~ ij> i.\'. . , ..... i ~ '8~"I' I'l ,\t i" , ,. l. l~R -..II - CITY OF RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E~ Admi'listrator Kathy Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor December 7, 2005 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects 108 t 1 Main Street, . #110 Bellevue, WA 98004 SUBJECT: Sixth Street LotLine Adjustment File No. LUA-04-139, LLA Dear Mr. Wagner~ The City has Gompletedthe review your proposed lot line adjustment and is,nowready to sign and send the final version for reCording. Ph3asesubmittwosets of an origirial, mylar and a ,check for $15.73 made out to CD&L to mearthe sixth floor counter of City Hall., . " " Please verify that themylars have been signed by all ()wners ofrecord and have been' notarized with an ink stamp (not embossed)., The ,ink stamp must be legible so that King' County wiil promptly record' ihelot line adjustment. ' , ,,','" """ ';"';'" . ','".:-. "," This decision to approve the proposed 10tiinEi adjustment is s'ubject to a ,fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of ttiisleJ(er. Ahyappeals of the administrative aecision must be filed with theCiiy ofRentgn Hearing Examiner by 5:00, pm, December 21,2005. . . . . . '. . .... ".,.' :.'. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the-required ,$75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055-South GradyWay, Renton, INA 98055. ' Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- 110. Additional information regaraing the appeal process may beobtained from the ,Renton City Clerk'sOfflce, (425) 430-6510. , , If you have, further questions regarding this project, please call me at (425) 430-7286. Sincerely, \~)~JtO(hU~} Jennifer Henning Principal Planner cc: JDA Group, LLC & ID Kline/Owners Project File -------------lO~5~5~S-ou-t~h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-t-on-,~W7a~Sh~in-g-to-n-9~8~0755-------------~ * This paper contains 50"10 recycled malerial, 30'% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project 559 to 625 Rainier Ave. North Renton, Washington, Project No. 2002-062B Prepared By: The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 Lake City Way NE Seattle, W A 98125 Prepared for: IDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street Renton, Washington 98055 June 2, 2003 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 2,2003 IDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street Renton, Washington 98055 Attn: Mr. Jack Alhadeff Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project 559 to 625 Rainier Ave. North Renton, Washington Project No. 2002-062B The Riley Group, Inc. (Riley) has completed a geotechnical engineering study for the above referenced project. This report summarizes our findings and recommendations for the geotechnical aspects anticipated for the project design and construction. We previously completed an evaluation of the nature and origin of the steep slopes on the site, and summarized the results of our work in our letter dated October 29, 2002; and we completed a preliminary evaluation of slope stability and summarized the results of our work in our letter dated June 8, 2001. PROJECT DESCRIPTION In preparation of this report, we reviewed site plans provided by Rich Wagner of Baylis Architects on February I3 and April 1,2003, and discussed the project with him several times. We have reviewed several E-mails (sent in February 2003) from the City of Renton to Rich Wagner and/or Jack Alhadeff. Our understanding of the project is based on that information. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Project Understanding June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 20f45 The site is located at 559 to 625 Rainier Ave. North in Renton, Washington, as shown on the Site Vicinity Map, Figure 1. Existing buildings and proposed buildings are shown on the Site and Exploration Plan, Figure 2. Existing topography and existing buildings are shown on the Topographic Site Plan, Figure 3. We understand it is proposed to construct a mixed-use project that will include commercial development and private housing. These are considered to be 2 separate projects. Commercial Development Project The commercial development project will be in the level area adjacent to (on the west side of) Rainier Ave., and will include the following elements. I. Building 1 (north side of site) 2. Building 2 (center of site) . 100 feet by 80 feet footprint, 3 story 100 feet by 75 feet footprint, 2 story 3. Building 3 (south side of site) 130 feet by 70 feet footprint, 2 story 4. Parking Structure (west side of site) 250 feet by 60 feet, 21evels, 1 below grade 5. Retaining wall (between Bldg. 2 & 3) about 12 feet tall by 170 feet long All of these are currently located such that they cut into the toes of existing steep slopes. We assume that foundation loads for the commercial buildings will not exceed about 5 kips per linear foot for continuous wall footings and 200 kips for isolated column footings. Housing Project The housing project will be located on the west side ofthe site, east of the cul-de-sac at NW 6th Street, at the top of a steep slope down to the commercial area. There are 16 dwelling units planned, in a configuration of either 6 or 4 buildings. The units will require cuts into the existing top of slope of up to 9 or 10 feet. Also, some fill will be THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 3 of 45 placed on. the east-facing slope (in a topographic trough along a utility easement), and will require retaining structures. We assume that foundation loads for the residential structures will not exceed about 2 kips per linear foot for continuous wall footings and 50 kips for isolated column footings. The recommendations in the following sections of this report are based on our understanding of the design features described above. If actual features vary or changes are made, we should review them in order to modify our recommendations as required. In addition, we recommend that we be retained to review the final design drawings and specifications to verify that our project understanding is correct, and that our recommendations have been properly interpreted and incorporated into project design and construction. BACKGROUND The City of Renton Development Services Division expressed concern about the project with regard to slope stability. Specifically, there have been landslides north of the site, at NW 7th Street and Taylor Ave. NW. The City requested a geotechnical report for this project that meets the following requirements (based on an E-mail from Gregg Zimmerman [City of Renton), to Rich Wagner, dated 06 Feb 2003, at 09:10). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Incorporates a complete historical perspective of slide activity in the vicinity of this site Incorporates the information from previous geotechnical analyses done for this vicinity by the City Specifically addresses features of the current development proposal Identifies and characterizes the types of geotechnical problems that exist on the site and how these problems might be impacted by the proposed development Analyzes the aforesaid geotechnical conditions and the development proposal and makes specific recommendations regarding how such a development could be constructed in a safe manner both for the development itself and for uphill THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 40f45 Renton, Washington . and downhill properties (such recommendations to include such design features as construction methods, set backs, foundation systems, stabilizing/retaining structures that would be needed, drainage requirements, etc.) We also understand that the City would like the report to address the slopes to the north and south of the site, as well as the "central" slope (based on an E-mail from Lesley Nishihira [City of Renton], to Bill Klick, dated 14 February 2003, at 12: 18). ReferenceslInformation Provided by the City of Renton The City of Renton (Lesley Nishihira) provided us the following reports of previous geotechnical analyses done for this vicinity. Reports 1, 2, and 3 were done for the City; . reports 4 and 5 were done for private individuals. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. GeoEngineers; May 16, 1991; "Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Landslide and Broken Sewer Lines, Slope West of Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington"; for City of Renton GeoEngineers; October 4, 1991; "Report, Supplemental Geotechnical Engineering Services, Sewer Line Reconstruction and Slope Stabilization, Slope West of Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington"; for City of Renton GeoEngineers; November 6, 1997; "Report, Geotechnical Engineering Services, Sewer Line Reconstruction, Rainier Avenue North and NW 7th Street, Renton, Washington"; for City of Renton Geo Consultants; May 8, 1991; "Slope Failure Study, Mr. Chester Rindfuss' Residence, 676 Taylor Avenue Northwest, Renton, Washington"; for Mr. Chester Rindfuss Geo Group Northwest; February 18, 1993; "Slope Stability Analysis and Landslide Stabilization Design, 676 Taylor Avenue NW, Renton, Washington"; for Mr. John McFarland THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 5 of 45 ReferenceslInformation From Previous Work by Riley We also used information from previous work completed by Riley for the project site. This information included the following letters. 6. 7. The Riley Group; June 8,2001; "Preliminary Slope Stability Study, Meyer Property, 559 to 625 Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington"; for Mr. Jack Alhadeff The Riley Group; October 29, 2002; "Slope Evaluation, Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project, 559 to 625 Rainier Ave. North, Renton, Washington"; for Mr. Jack Alhadeff SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of our work was to explore and characterize the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, and develop ge~technical recommendations for design and construction of the proposed project. This included complying with the requirements of the City of Renton listed above. Based on the project understanding and background discussed above, our scope of services included the following tasks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Collect and review readily available information on historical slide activity in the area. Research and review readily available geotechnical studies done by the City in the area. Identify features of the currently proposed development that have geotechnical significance. Complete a subsurface exploration program with borings and test pits to characterize subsurface soil and groundwater conditions Identify and characterize types of geotechnical problems that exist on site, and evaluate how these problems might be affected by the proposed development. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I . Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002~62B Page 6of45 6. 7. Perform engineering analyses and/or develop recommendations regarding the items listed below. a) Slope stability for those slopes directly affected by the project, and for adjacent slopes. b) Construction methods. c) Setbacks from top and toe of slopes. d) Retaining structures. e) Foundations for buildings. t) Drainage. g) Seismic design considerations, including site seismicity, Uniform Building Code (UBC) Soil Profile Type,Iiquefaction potential, and potential liquefaction-induced settlement. . h) Site preparation and earthwork, including excavation, subgrade preparation, suitability of onsite soils for use as construction materials, fill placement, allowable cut and fill slopes, and potential necessity for dewatering during construction. i) Design pavement section. Prepare a report summarizing the results of our work. SURFACE CONDITIONS Existing conditions are shown on Figure 3. The site extends about 750 feet north-south along the west shoulder of Rainier Ave. North. At the NW 6th Street cul-de-sac, the site extends about 370 feet to the west of Rainier Ave. North. There are 3 slopes in the project vicinity, defined as follows for the purpose of this report. • The" north slope" starts at the north end of the site and continues north; its south- facing portion is adjacent to Building 1. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Jnne 2;'2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 7 of 45 • The "central slope" surrounds the cul-de-sac at NW 6th Street; its east-facing portion is adjacent to Buildings 2 and 3 and the retaining wall in between them. • The' "south slope" is south of the central slope, ,and is off of the project site; its north-facing portion is over 100 feet away from the proposed development. At the time of our field explorations, there were 3 buildings in the proposed commercial development area of the site. The ground surface was relatively level and flat, at about Elevation 50 feet (NAVD '88 Datum). Most of the site along Rainier Ave was paved with asphalt. Farther to the west there was some gravel surfacing with sparse grass, and some grassed areas. Between the level area and the NW 6th Street cul-de-sac was a steep slope ("central slope") up to the west that rose from Elevation 50 feet to Elevation 80 or 90 feet at average inclinations ranging from about 1.3 horizontal to 1 vertical (1.3H: 1 V) to 1. 7H: 1 V. There was a gully down the face of this east-facing slope associated with a utility easement where there apparently were 12-inch and 4-inch diameter water lines and an 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer. From the top of slope there was a gentle slope up to the west to about Elevation 105 feet at about a 1 OH: 1 V slope. North and south of this upper area were slopes down to the north and south (respectively) at about 1. 7H: 1 V. These slopes led to partially filled in ravines that trended west to east, sloping down to the east. The slopes were well vegetated with trees and brush. The slope south of the site ("south slope") sloped down to the north at about 1.5H:l V. The slope was well vegetated with trees and brush. The slope on the north side of the site ("north slope") had south-facing and east-facing slopes. Top of slope was about Elevation 100 feet. The south-facing slope sloped down to the commercial development area at about 1.5H: I V. The slope was well vegetated with trees and brush. The east-facing slope sloped down to Rainier Ave. at THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington --------------------- June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 8 of 45 about I.3H: 1 V to 1. 7H: I V. The northern part of this east-facing slope was where there have been stability problems in the past. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Field Explorations Subsurface conditions were explored with 4 borings and 12 test pits completed in April 2003. We also considered 2 monitoring wells that were installed by Riley on March 19, 2001. The approximate locations of all the explorations we considered are shown on the Site and Exploration Plan in Figure 2. The test pits (TP-I through TP-I2) were excavated April 7 to 11, 2003, to depths of about 4 to 14 feet below the existing ground surface, with a rubber-tired Case 580E backhoe equipped with an extendahoe. TI~ I through TP-5 were located on the central slope, and TP-6 through TP-12 were located in the lower, level area. The borings (B-1 through B-4) were drilled to depths of about 18 to 54 feet below the existing ground surface by a subcontractor using a track-mounted Mobile B-53 drill rig (B-1, B-2, B-3) or a truck-mounted Mobile B-6I drill rig (B-4). All borings were advanced with hollow stem auger, and samples were taken at 2-1/2 to 5-foot depth intervals in conjunction with performing Standard Penetration Tests (SPT). After completion, B-2, B-3 and B-4 were backfilled with bentonite. At B-1, a I-inch diameter standpipe groundwater observation well was installed, and a protective surface monument was placed. B-1 was located at the northeast comer of the housing area. It was about 48 feet deep, and was intended to explore soil and groundwater conditions for the full depth of the slope. The standpipe groundwater observation well was installed in it to allow long term monitoring of groundwater levels. B-2 was located at the southeast comer of the housing area, was about 18 feet deep, and was intended to check for consistent THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report . Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington .-. June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-Q62B Page 9 of 45 conditions across the slope. B-3 and B-4 were drilled to about 50 feet deep in the commercial development lower level area in locations where fill extended deeper than . the bottom of the test pits. Soil Conditions -Central Slope/ Housing Project On the central slope, soil conditions were explored with 2 borings (B-I and B-2) and 5 , test pits (TP-l through TP-5). B-1 was 48 feet deep and encountered mostly silty sand with some gravel that was very dense at and below depth 3 feet. There was a thin layer of sand and sandy gravel from depth 7 to 12 feet that was also very dense. At 4 I feet, we encountered sandy silt with some gravel that was very dense and continued to the termination depth of 48 feet. B-2 was 18 feet deep, and had conditions similar to those at B-I. Most of the soil was silty sand with some gravel that was very dense at and below 3 feet. TP-I through TP-4 were similar to the borings, and typically had silty sand that was very dense by depth 6 feet, and medium dense above that. At TP-5, the soil was medium dense sand with some silt to its full depth of 13 feet. Groundwater Conditions -Central Slope! Housing Project Only I sample (in 8-1 at 43 feet) was noted to be wet in the test pits and borings. A standpipe groundwater observation well was installed in it to allow long term monitoring of groundwater levels. The following measurements of depth to groundwater have been made to date. Table I. Groundwater Levels -Central Slope/ Housing Project Depth to Groundwater (feet) Date Boring B-1 installed 17 APRIL 2003 17APR2003 38.2 installed 17 April; not yet stabilized 30MAY2003 dry dry at 45.8 feet THE RILEY GROUP, INC. . , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Soil Conditions -Commercial Development June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002'{)62B Page 10 of45 In the commercial development area, soil conditions were explored with 2 borings (B-3 and B-4) and 7 test pits (TP-6 through TP-12). We also considered 2 monitoring wells (MW-I and MW-2) that were installed by Riley on March 19,2001. TP-7, TP-IO, TP-ll, and TP-12 were located at the base of slopes (north and central), and encountered denselhard sandy silt or dense silty sand by depth 2 feet. At TP-6 (excavated in conjunction with removing a hydraulic hoist), silty sand fill was noted. From 0 to 4 feet, the fill contained occasional wood debris, and was medium dense. From 4 to 14 feet deep no wood was noted, and the fill was medium dense to dense. We suspect the fill was associated with the hoist. In TP-8 and TP-9, fill was encountered to beyond the termination depths of 12 and 13 feet. In TP-9, the fill contained wood and auto debris from depth 5 to 13 feet. Because these test pits did not get through the fill, 2 borings were drilled in the general vicinity of the test pits. At B-3 (near TP-9), there was loose to medium dense silty sand and sandy silt fill down to depth 17 feet, and an "obstruction zone" from depth II to 17 feet (this may have represented auto debris, as was observed in TP-9). From 17 to 35 feet, there was medium dense silty sand with wood fragments and peat pockets, and 6-inch thick layers of peat were noted at depth 23 and 28 feet. Medium dense silty sand was encountered at about 35 feet deep, and from 41 to 49 feet there was very dense silty sand. In B-4 (near TP-8), there was silty sand fill down to depth IS feet that was dense down to about to feet and then was medium dense. From IS to 26 feet, there was medium dense sandy silt and silty sand. Between depth 26 and 37 feet we encountered mostly THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington '-June 2,2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page II of45 peat with some layers of silt. There was medium dense to dense sandy silt from 37 to 45 feet, and from 45 to 54 feet there was very dense silty sand. Monitoring well MW -I was located northeast of building 2. It encountered layers of silty sand and silty clay that ranged from about 5 to 10 feet thick. Although nothing material noted on the log definitely indicated fill (for example, man-made debris), the decreasing density/stiffness from about IS to 25 feet may indicate fill. The soil was then dense from 25 feet to the termination depth of 3 5 feet:- Monitoring well MW-2 was located on the north side of building 3. There was medium dense gravelly silty sand down to depth 10 feet. Below that, it encountered layers of gravelly silty sand, silt, and sand, all of which were very dense. As with MW-I, nothing material noted on the log definitely indicated fill versus native soil. However, based on the consistent high density from 10 feet to the termination depth of 30 feet, we suspect this was native soil. Groundwater Conditions -Commercial Development In the test pits in the commercial development area, there was moderate seepage in TP-6 at depth 4 feet, and minor seepage in TP-7 at depth 6 feet. We interpret this to be perched water. It is common for near-surface water to percolate through the upper, more permeable soil, and stop on the underlying, less permeable soil. This is referred to as "perched water". Volumes of perched water typically are greatest during the wet winter months, and they decrease (or disappear) during the drier parts of the year. No seepage was noted in TP-8 through TP-12. Water levels were measured in the current borings after each boring was completed and before the auger was pulled from the hole. At the end of drilling, the depth to water in B-3 was measured at about 17 feet, and the depth to water in B-4 was measured at about 31 feet. Because the water level was measured at the end of drilling, and did not have THE RILEY GROUP, INC. i I I I I I I I I I I I I • ,. ! 'I • I Geotechnical Engineering Report '- Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 120f45 time to stabilize (as it would in a standpipe groundwater observation well), it probably did not represent the static water level. At MW-l and MW-2, standpipe groundwater observation wells were installed to allow long term monitoring of groundwater levels. The measured levels should represent stabilized, static groundwater levels. Recent dates and depths to water are presented below. Table 2. Groundwater Levels -Commercial Development Depth to Groundwater (feet) Date Boring MW-l BoringMW-2 both installed 19 MARCH 2001 1 9MAR200 1 27 23 at time of drilling; not yet stabilized 03APR2003 17.3 21.3 More detailed descriptions of the subsurface conditions encountered are presented on the Boring and Test Pit Logs, Figures A-2 through A-20. A description of terms used for soil classification is presented on Figure A-I. Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing included determination of natural moisture content and grain size analyses. Moisture contents are presented on the boring and test pit logs adjacent to sample notation, and the results of grain size analyses are presented on Figures A-21 through A-24. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS Whole Site June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 13 of 45 The site is located within Zone 3 of the Seismic Zone Map shown as Figure 16-2 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC). This corresponds to a Seismic Zone Factor, Z, of 0.30. This, in tum, corresponds to an effective peak horizontal ground acceleration of 0.3g. We assumed the design seismic event was a Magnitude 7-112 earthquake with a peak horizontal ground acceleration ofO.3g. Central Siope/ Housing Project It is our opinion that site conditions for the Central Siope/ Housing Project best fit the UBC description for Soil Profile Type Sc, "Very Dense Soil and Soft Rock". Liquefaction is typically associated with loose, saturated fine to medium sand. Considering that the silty sand on the central slope is very dense, it is our opinion that there is not the potential for liquefaction. Commercial Development It is our opinion that site conditions for the Commercial Development best fit the UBC description for Soil Profile Type SD, "Stiff Soil Profile". Based on average soil density in the 4 borings considered, the potential for liquefaction is low. However, local areas of looser, saturated soil could liquefy. Considering the conditions observed in the borings (soil type, density, silt content; water table), it is our opinion that if there were liquefaction, it would be localized, of limited vertical and areal extent, and discontinuous. As a result, its effect would not be significant. Accordingly, the potential for liquefaction-induced settlement is also considered not to be significant. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington HISTORICAL SLIDE ACTIVITY IN THE SITE VICINITY North Slope Jnne 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-{)62B Page 14 of 45 There is a history of slide activity in the project site vicinity. Numerous slides have occurred on the east-facing portion of the north slope, typically in the area starting at the right-of-way for NW 7th Street and extending to the north to as far as S 117th Place. These are described in the referenced GeoEngineers reports. A slide in April 1991, located along the eastward extension ofNW 7th Street, sent slide debris onto Rainier Ave. and severed a sewer line. The line was reconstructed, but was damaged again in February 1996 by another slide. This slide activity was limited to the east-facing portion of the north slope, and located about 200 feet north of the project site. -"-. On the south-facing portion of the north slope, some sliding reportedly occurred in the late 1980's. This was located south of Taylor Ave, and was attributed to a road cut across the toe of the slope. Central Slope Our historical information for the central slope is based on review of aerial photos discussed in the Riley letter of June 8, 2001 (reference 6). There were no obvious features indicating a major landslide in the past. The central slope also is not shown on the Renton Slide Sensitive Areas map as "Very High Landslide Hazards", indicating it historically did not have known mappable landslide deposits. South Slope The south slope also did not have obvious features indicating a major landslide in the past, and it was not shown on the Renton Slide Sensitive Areas map as "Very High Landslide Hazards". THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '-Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 15 of 45 PREVIOUS GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSES DONE FOR TIDS VICINITY BY THE CITY OF RENTON The GeoEngineers work for the City of Renton concluded that soil conditions in the slide area that damaged the sewer consisted of silty sand over silt. Water would perch on the silt and saturate the silty sand. When there had been a large enough volume of water, the silty sand became unstable, and there were slides. GeoEngineers completed slope stability analyses for a slope section along the sewer line, as well as for slope sections south of the sewer line. Their analyses indicated the sewer line section would indeed become unstable when saturated, and their recommended slope repair included drainage measures (in combination with removal and replacement of slope debris). They also concluded that the sections south of the sewer line were stable, even when saturated. Further, they had the opinion that the slope south of the sewer slide area would likely remain stable, provided it was not destabilized by activities such as removal of vegetation, excavation, filling, or concentration of runoff. EV ALUA TION OF STABILITY OF NORTH, CENTRAL, & SOUTH SLOPES North Slope Based on the work by GeoEngineers, the south-facing portion of the north slope should remain stable, provided it was not destabilized by activities such removal of vegetation, excavation, filling, or concentration of runoff. Also, it was Riley's conclusion (reference 6), based on observation of apparent creep, that potential landslide activities would likely be limited to surficial failures. It is our conclusion that the south-facing portion of the north slope should remain stable with regard to deep failures, provided it was not destabilized by construction activities associated with the proposed development. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I. I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report . Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Central Slope June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 16of45 Based on our borings, it appears that the central slope is comprised of very dense granular soil (silty sand or non-plastic sandy silt, but not clay or clayey silt) to its full depth of 50 feet. The soil and perched groundwater conditions that are linked to the slides along the sewer on the north slope are not present in the central slope. Also, there are not surficial indications oflarge-scale landslides. We conclude that the central slope is stable with regard to large-scale instability, in its current configuration. Over time, weathering of near-surface soil could result in shallow, surficial ravelling of soil. This is supported by the current geometry of the east-facing portion of the central slope. It appears that it was the result of grading by man in about 1956 [Ref 7], and with the exception of subsequent modifications (access road, utility installation), it has maintained what was likely the original c~t slope inclination. This represents a period of about 50 years, which is a normal design life for the proposed structures. South Slope The south slope historically is not considered to have a significant potential for a major landslide. Even if it did, it is far enough away from our subject site that it does not need to be considered, with regard to setbacks. We conclude that the south slope will not have an impact on either the commercial development or the housing project, and that neither of these will have an impact on the south slope. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed mixed-use project will include commercial development and private housing. These are considered to be 2 separate projects. Considering that the soil conditions and geotechnical concerns for each project are different, recommendations are presented separately for each project. This is intended to avoid intermingling recommendations for the separate projects in order to reduce confusion regarding which THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-0628 Page 17 of45 recommendations apply to which project. repetition. However, it will also result In some General -Central Siope/ Housing Project Based on our study, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed housing project construction from a geotechnical standpoint. The buildings can be supported on conventional shallow spread footings bearing on medium dense to dense native soil. Setbacks from top of slope are recommended to reduce the impact of the structures on slope stability. Careful collection and disposal of surface water are necessary so this water does not flow over the face of the steep slopes or infiltrate into the core of the slope. Potential Impacts of Project -Central Siope/ Housing Project Potential impacts of the proposed project include those stemming from grading, surcharges from structures, and drainage. Cutting at the top of the slope would reduce the soil surcharge on the slope, and increase stability. Filling at the top of the slope, on the other hand, would increase the soil surcharge on the slope, and reduce stability. Filling on the face of the slope could reduce stability. The surcharge of structures near the top of slope could reduce slope stability. If the project resulted in additional water infiltrating the slope or flowing over the top of the slope, this could decrease stability. Measures to decrease the potential reductions in slope stability include limiting fill on the face or top of slope, providing setbacks from top of slope for structure foundations, and providing proper drainage. Setbacks from Top of Slope -Central Siope/ Housing Project We recommend that structure foundations for the housing project be set back at least 15 feet from the top of the steep slopes. This can be done by placing a normal depth footing about 15 feet back from the top ofthe slope. It can also be done by placing the THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I i ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002.Q62B Page 18 of 45 footings deep enough so that the bottom of the footing is a horizontal distance of at least 15 feet from the face of the slope, and thus providing an "effective setback". This is often done by deepening conventional spread footings, or by using drilled piers. Site Preparation and Grading -Central Slope! Housing Project Site Preparation The first step of construction should be to log and grub the site. Any utilities that are in the proposed building footprint should be relocated to outside of the building footprint, to facilitate future repair of the utility, if required. Topsoil and vegetation should be stripped. At our test pits, duff and topsoil typically were up to about 112 foot thick. However, TP-4 had roots and branches down to depth 2 feet. The near-surface soil exposed after stripping should be silty sand. The silty sand is moisture sensitive, and will be difficult, if not impossible, to work with if it is not near optimum moisture content. Grading may involve cut and fill. In areas to receive fill or to remain at existing grade, we recommend proof rolling all exposed surfaces with' a heavy piece of rubber-tired construction equipment (such as a loaded dump truck) to evaluate if any soft and yielding areas are present. If yielding areas are observed, they should be cut to firm bearing soil and filled to grade with structural fill. After cut areas are brought to final grade, they also should be proofrolled and repaired. As discussed above, the excavated silty sand is moisture sensitive, and will be difficult, if not impossible, to work in wet weather and/or if it is not near optimum moisture content. Fill Material It may be feasible to use the silty sand from excavation as fill in dry weather, if it is free of organics and debris, and properly moisture conditioned. If the site grading occurs in THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 19 of 45 the wet season or if additional structural fill material is required, we recommend importing material that meets the following grading requirements. Table 3. U.S. Standard Sieve Size Percent Passing 3 inches 100 percent No.4 sieve o -75 percent No. 200 sieve o -5 percent * *Based on the mmus 3/4-mch fractIOn. Prior to use, Riley should examine and test all materials imported to the site for use as structural fill. A geotechnical engineer shQuld be on site to monitor the site grading and verify soil compaction. Structural Fill Placement For the purpose of this report, structural fill is defined as fill that will support buildings, slabs-on-grade, pavement, and other settlement sensitive elements. Structural fill should be placed in uniform loose layers not more than 12 inches thick and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Maximum dry density, in this report, refers to that density as determined by the ASTM D 1557 compaction test procedure (Modified Proctor). The moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction should be within about 2 percent of its optimum. Temporary Cut Slopes We expect that unsupported temporary cut slopes will be used for basements and utility trenches, and we expect that the cuts will be made mostly in dense silty sand. For these soil conditions, we recommend temporary cut slopes up to 10 feet tall that are not subjected to seepage forces be no steeper than 1 horizontal to 1 vertical (Ill: 1 V). If THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 200f45 there were seepage, such as due to perched water, slopes at this inclination should be expected to be unstable. They might need to be made less steep. Permanent Cut and Fill Slopes If permanent cut or fill slopes are incorporated into design, they should not be steeper than 2H:IV. Foundation Support -Central Slope/ Housing Project We expect that soil at footing bearing elevation will consist of medium dense to dense silty sand. If undisturbed, this soil will be suitable to provide moderate to high design bearing pressures for conventional shallow spread footings. If the footing bearing surface is disturbed, it should be overexcavated to expose competent medium dense to dense native soil, and replaced with compacted, well- graded, granular, structural fill. The term "granular" refers to soil that is predominantly sand and/or gravel, and that is not predominantly silt or clay. The exposed subgrade should be cleaned of loose or soft soil before placing the structural fill. If it is not feasible to place and compact structural fill of the type described above (such as if there is water in the footing excavation), rock spalls or crushed rock could be used instead. Perimeter footings should bear at least 1.5 feet below final exterior grade for frost protection. Interior footings should bear at least 1 foot below the floor slab. We recommend footing widths of at least 18 and 24 inches for continuous strip footings and isolated column footings, respectively. As discussed previously, the footings should be set back at least 15 feet horizontally from the top of the steep slope. This can be done by placing a normal depth footing about 15 feet back from the top of the slope. Alternatively, an "effective setback" can be achieved by deepening the footing so that its bottom is 15 feet horizontally from the THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnic3J Engineering Report . Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington . Jnne 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 21 of 45 face of the slope at the same elevation. This can be done by conventional spread footings in trenches, or with drilled piers. We recommend that a geotechnical engineer be present on site to inspect the foundation subgrade preparation before pouring concrete. The foundation subgrade should be undisturbed and medium dense to dense. If loose or disturbed soil is observed, it should be removed and replaced with structural fill or crushed rock. If prepared footing subgrades are to remain exposed during the winter season· or periods of wet weather, it is recommended that they be covered with a lean concrete "mud mat" to help protect the subgrades after they have been inspected and until the footings are poured. For footings constructed as recommended, and bearing on undisturbed, competent ", (medium dense to dense) native soil, we recommend a design allowable bearing pressure of not more than 3000 pounds per square foot (ps£). For short-term loads, such as wind and seismic, a 113 increase in this allowable bearing pressure can be used, as long as this conforms with the appropriate current UBC loading combinations. With the expected structural loading and the recommended foundation bearing pressure, total settlement of footings should not be more than 1 inch, and differential settlement between adjacent footings or across a distance of about 20 feet should not be more than 112 inch. We expect that most of the settlement will occur by the end of construction. Lateral forces may be resisted by friction at the base of foundations and by passive soil resistance acting against the buried portion of foundations. To compute passive resistance, we recommend using an equivalent fluid density of 200 pounds per cubic foot (pc£). This value is based on the foundations being constructed neat against undisturbed competent soil or backfilled with structural fill, and assumes that the ground surface on the resisting side is level for a distance of at least 3 times the depth of the foundation. The upper I foot of soil should not be included in the passive resistance THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-{)62B Page 220f45 calculation because it can become disturbed by erosion or future grading activity. For base friction, a factor of 0.4 may be used between concrete and soil. The coefficient of friction should be applied to the vertical dead load only. These values include a safety factor of about 1.5 and 2 applied to the estimated ultimate values for frictional and passive resistance, respectively. We recommend that footing drains be installed on the outside of perimeter footings. The footing drains should consist of 4-inch-minimum diameter, perforated or slotted, smooth wall, rigid, PVC pipe, laid at the bottom of the footing. The drain line should be surrounded with free draining pea gravel or washed rock that is wrapped in filter fabric. The top I foot of backfill should consist of relatively impermeable material to limit surface water infiltration into the perimeter drain. A typical footing drain detail is shown on Figure 4. The footing drain~'" and roof downspouts should be tightlined separately to an approved discharge facility. Slabs-on-Grade -Central Slopel Housing Project Subgrades for slabs-on-grade should be proofrolled and repaired as necessary, as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. If the on site soil can not be compacted to provide a dense and unyielding surface, it should be replaced with 1 foot of compacted structural fill. Immediately below the floor slab, we recommend placing a 6-inch thick capillary break layer consisting of clean, free- draining gravel or sand and gravel that has less than 5 percent fines (material passing a U.S. No. 200 sieve). This material will reduce the potential for upward capillary movement of water from the underlying soil and subsequent wetting of the floor slab. A suitable vapor barrier should be placed on top of the capillary break. The vapor barrier may be covered with 2 inches of clean, moist sand to guard against damage to the vapor barrier during construction and to aid in curing of the concrete. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. '- I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Subsurface Walls -Central Siopel Housing Project Basement walls should be waterproofed and fully drained. ~ ---------------- June 2, 2003' Project No. 2002-062B Page 230f45 Wall drains should be similar to those recommended for perimeter footing drains. There should be a zone of free draining material at least I foot wide next to the wall. The top 1 foot of backfill should consist of relatively impermeable material to limit surface water infiltration into the wall drain. The perforated pipe should drain to daylight. A typical retaining wall drainage detail is shown on Figure 5. As an alternative to a layer of gravel, a pre- fabricated drainage panel, such as Miradrain, could be used. The lateral pressure acting on the wall is dependent on the nature and density ofthe soil behind the wall, the amount of lateral wall movement which can occur as backfill is placed, wall drainage conditions, and the inclination of the backfill. Subsurface walls should be provided with wall drains, as des';;i-ibed above. For walls that are free to yield at the top at least 0.001 times the height of the wall (active condition), soil pressures will be less than if movement is limited by such factors as wall stiffness or bracing (at- rest condition). We recommend that walls supporting horizontal backfill and not subjected to hydrostatic forces be designed using a triangular earth pressure distribution equivalent to that exerted by a fluid with a density of 35 pcf for yielding (active condition) walls, and 55 pcffor non-yielding (at-rest condition) walls. These recommended lateral earth pressures are based on the assumption of a horizontal ground surface adjacent to the wall for a distance of at least the subsurface height of the wall, and do not account for surcharges. Additional lateral earth pressures should be considered for surcharge loads acting adjacent to subsurface walls and within a distance equal to the subsurface height of the wall. This would include the effects of surcharges such as traffic loads, floor slab loads, or other surface loads. Increased lateral earth pressure due to adjacent areal vertical surcharge pressures (such as uniform floor slab loads) can be taken as a uniform pressure equal to 0.3 times the vertical surcharge pressure for active conditions, and 0.5 times the vertical surcharge pressure for at-rest THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ~------c-~-------------------------c-------- Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington .-June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 240f45 conditions. Traffic surcharges are often accounted for by assuming a surcharge equivalent to 2 feet of soil, which corresponds to about 250 psf vertical pressure. Lateral forces on subsurface retaining walls can be resisted by friction and passive resistance, as described for footings, as well as by structural elements of the building. Retaining Structures-Central Slope! Housing Project Current plans call for building some retaining structures and placing some fill in the gully along the utility easement on the east-facing portion of the central slope. Considering that this filling would tend to reestablish the slope grade that existed before the gully was dug, it should not have a negative impact on the stability of adjacent slopes. We expect the structures would not be more than 10 feet tall. They could be conventional concrete retaining walls, ~echanically stabilized earth walls (such as Keystone walls or similar), or ecology block walls. The subgrade for the walls should be excavated to provide a level base for the wall. Utilities in the gully should be located and potholed first so they do not get damaged. The subgrade should be medium dense to dense. If not, it should be repaired. Backfill behind the wall should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. For a manufacturer's design, the following soil parameters can be used. • 120 pcf dry density .35 degrees internal friction angle .2000 psf design allowable bearing pressure .0.4 frictional lateral resistance factor (includes safety factor of about 1.5) .35 pcf equivalent fluid for active pressure .200 pcf equivalent fluid for passive resistance (includes safety factor of about 2) THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I -------------------------------, Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Drainage -Central Slope! Housing Project Construction June 2, 2003· Project No. 2002-062B Page 250f45 We expect that water encountered during construction could come from shallow perched water, depending on the time of year. If minor water seepage is encountered or if rainfall collects in excavations during construction, we recommend that the contractor slope the bottom of excavations and collect the water into ditches and sump pits from which the water can be pumped and discharged into a storm drain. Surface Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage away from the building. Water should not pond or collect adjacent to the immediate building area. We recommend providing a drainage gradient of at least 3 percent for a distance of at least 10 feet from the building perimeter. All runoff water from paved areas, roofs, and other impervious surfaces should be collected and discharged to the storm drain system. If there are yards between the house and the slope, yard drains should be installed to collect water and discharge it to the storm drain system. Water should not be allowed to flow over the slope, or to pond in yards and infiltrate into the ground. Subsurface We recommend that wall drains be installed for all subsurface walls. This is discussed in the Subsurface Walls section of this report. We also recommend that perimeter footing drains be installed. This is discussed in the Foundation Support section of this report. Footing drains and roof downspouts should be tight lined separately to the storm drain. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Utilities -Central Slope! Housing Project ----------------- June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 26of45 We expect that any new utilities will be relatively shallow (say 5 feet deep or less). The soil within this depth can be excavated with a backhoe. Significant groundwater is not expected within this depth. Utility pipes should be bedded and backfilled in accordance with American Public Works Association (APWA) specifications. If local codes supercede APW A specifications, bedding and backfill should be completed in accordance with those codes. As a minimum, trench backfill should be placed and compacted as structural fill, as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. Where utilities are located below unimproved areas where some settlement of trench backfill is acceptable, the degree of compaction can be reduced to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined b~'the referenced ASTM D-1557 standard. Pavement -Central Slope! Housing Project Pavement subgrades should be proofrolled and repaired as necessary, as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. Regardless of the relative compaction achieved, the subgrade should be firm and unyielding before paving. As recommended for slab-on-grade subgrades, if the on site soil can not be compacted to provide a dense and unyielding surface, it should be replaced with 1 foot of compacted structural fill. The final subgrade should be proofrolled before paving. For residential passenger vehicle driveway and parking areas, we recommend a pavement section consisting of 2 inches of asphalt concrete over 4 inches of crushed rock base. As an alternative, the 4 inches of crushed rock base could be replaced with 3 inches of asphalt treated base. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington General -Commercial Development June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 270f45 Based on our study, it is our opinion that the site IS suitable for the proposed commercial development construction from a geotechnical standpoint. It appears that Buildings 2 and 3 can be supported on conventional shallow spread footings bearing on medium dense to dense or hard native soil. Building I and the parking structure are at least partially underlain by up to 40 feet of soil that is not suitable to provide shallow foundation support, and will therefore require pile supportwhere unsuitable soil is not removed. We recommend against the proposed cut into the toe of the north slope for Building I and the parking structure. The proposed cut into the toe of the central slope for Buildings 2 and 3 is considered feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. However, it will require a shoring system. Potential Impact of Project -Commercial Development Potential impacts of the proposed commercial development are associated primarily with the proposed cutting into the toe of slopes. The north and central slopes appear to be stable in their current condition with regard to deep-seated soil movement. However, due to their steepness, they are prone to surficial creep and surficial ravelling over time. To cut into the toe of these slopes without providing support would reduce their stability. Also, other modifications to these slopes (such as excavation, filling, increased levels of water, or removal of vegetation) could reduce their stability. Measures to maintain slope stability and protect the structures include providing support to the toe of slope and providing a structure setback from the toe. For the central slope, it is our opinion that for limited heights of cut (up to about \0 feet), cantilever soldier pile shoring will provide adequate support to the slope, and allow the buildings to be set into the slope. For the north slope, it is our opinion that it is best not to cut into the toe of slope, but instead to provide a structure setback. Any work "incidental" to the project (for example, landscaping) should not remove vegetation from steep slopes, or alter (increase) water on the slopes. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. ! I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Setbacks from Toe of Slope -Commercial Development· June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 280f45 For the central slope, we recommend a building setback of 10 feet from the toe of slope. As an alternative, the slope could be shored, and Buildings 2 and 3 could be set into the slope. For the north slope, we recommend against cutting into the. toe of the slope for Building I and the parking structure, and instead recommend a building setback 25 feet from the toe of slope. Alternatively, if a debris wall were constructed at the toe of slope, the setback could be reduced to 10 feet. Excavation -Commercial Development ... The proposed construction will have 2 potential areas of excavation. Excavation may take place at the toe of the central slope. This would require shoring. Excavation in the level area of the site will be required for the parking structure for its below grade level. This would probably be done with laid back, unsupported, open cuts. Temporary Cut Slopes The existing steep north and central slopes typically are at about I-l/2H: 1 V inclination. It is advisable not to cut them any steeper, even on a temporary basis. Accordingly, temporary cut slopes do not apply to the north and central slopes. We expect that unsupported temporary cut slopes will be used mostly for the excavation for the parking structure. It is our understanding that the excavation will be relatively shallow, and we assume it will not exceed 10 feet. We expect soil conditions in the depth of excavation to range from uncontrolled, loose silty sand fill with debris; to dense or hard sandy silt. For these soil conditions, we recommend temporary cut slopes up to 10 feet tall that are not subjected to seepage forces be no steeper than 1-l/2H: I V. If there were seepage, such as due to perched water, slopes at this inclination should be THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington ----------------- June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 290f45 expected to be unstable. They could require some support, or might need to be made less steep. Shoring If it is decided to cut into the toe of the central slope, we recommend that it be shored. We expect cut heights will not be more than about 10 feet. Cantilever soldier piles and lagging seems appropriate for these heights. The sh9ring will be against steep backslopes (typically about 1-1I2H:IV), and lateral earth pressures will be high. Our recommended earth pressures, parameters, and assumptions for design of a cantilever soldier pile wall with a 1-1I2H: 1 V backslope are presented on Figure 6. The pressures are presented in terms of equjvalent fluid density; i.e., a triangular earth pressure distribution equivalent to that which would be exerted by a fluid with the density noted. The following assumptions and recommendations apply to the figure. • The water table was assumed to be at the base of the excavation, on both sides of the soldier pile wall. • Active pressure above the base of the excavation acts on the full center-to- center pile spacing. • Below the base of the excavation, active pressure acts on 1 pile diameter, and passive resistance acts on 2 pile diameters. • Any nearby surcharges (within a horizontal distance equal to the height of the wall) should be considered on an individual basis. Lagging can be designed for pressures equal to 50 percent of those shown for design of piles, due to arching effects. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 i I I· Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 300f45 A monitoring program should be implemented to verify the performance of the shoring system. The first step in this program should consist of setting reference points for horizontal and vertical control, and setting monitoring points on the piles after they are installed and before any excavation is done. The documentation should include a photographic record. Monitoring of the shoring system should be done daily as !he excavation proceeds, and then weekly once the excavation is completed. A registered land surveyor should be retained to establish the baseline data, and to complete a survey every 2 weeks to check the contractor's readings. Daily monitoring can be done by the contractor. Monitoring should continue until the permanent building walls are adequately braced. Monitoring should include surveying the vertical and ll.orizontal alignment of the top of each soldier pile. Monitoring points should also be established at the middle height of the shoring at 25-foot horizontal intervals. These mid-level points should also be surveyed to record horizontal and vertical movements. The project's structural and geotechnical engineers should review the monitoring data weekly, and at any time there is unexpected movement. . Site Preparation and Grading -Commercial Development Site Preparation The first step of construction should be to demolish existing structures. Any utilities that are in the proposed building footprints should be relocated to outside of the building footprint. Pavement should be stripped. From a geotechnical standpoint, the concrete rubble and/or stripped asphalt could be used as fill if it were placed at the bottom of deeper fills in pavement (non building) areas, and at least 2 feet below fmal grade. If the rubble is to be used as fill, it should be broken up into pieces no larger than 6 inches, laid flat, and not "nested", and mixed with soil to avoid creating voids. Concrete debris that is placed as recommended should THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington . June 2, 2003 Project No. 2007-062B Page 310f45 perform adequately as structural fill; however, it could result in obstructions that would complicate trenching for utility installation. The near-surface soil exposed after stripping is expected to be silty sand or sandy silt. The silty sand is moisture sensitive, and will be difficult, if not impossible, to work with if it is not near optimum moisture content. The sandy silt is even more moisture sensitive, and generally is not suitable for reuse as fill. We suspect grading may involve cut and fill, but we expect it will be of limited height. Prior to placing fill, we recommend proofrolling all exposed surfaces with a heavy piece of rubber-tired construction equipment (such as a loaded dump truck) to evaluate if any soft and yielding areas are present. If yielfling areas are observed, they should be cut to firm bearing soil and filled to grade with structural fill. After cut areas are brought to final grade, they also should be proofrolled and repaired. As discussed above, the silty sand is moisture sensitive, and will be difficult, if not impossible, to work in wet weather and/or if it is not near optimum moisture content. Fill Material It may be feasible to use the silty sand from excavation as fill in dry weather, if it is free of organics and debris, and properly moisture conditioned. If it is decided not to reuse it, and structural fill material is required, we recommend importing material that meets the following gradation requirements. Table 4. u.s. Standard Sieve Size Percent Passing 3 inches 100 percent No.4 sieve o -75 percent No. 200 sieve o -5 percent • "Based on the mmus 3/4-mch fractIOn. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I ------------------------------------- Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed RAinier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 320f45 Prior to use, Riley should examine and test all materials imported to the site for use as structural fill. A geotechnical engineer should be on site to monitor the site grading and verify soil compaction. Structural Fill Placement For the purpose of this report, structural fill is defined as fill that will support buildings, slabs-on-grade, pavement, and other settlement sensitive elements. Structural fill should be placed in uniform loose layers not more than 12 inches thick and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Maximum dry density, in this report, refers to that density as determined by the ASTM D 1557 compaction test procedure (Modified Proctor). The moisture contentof the soil at the time of. compaction should be within about 2 percent of its optimum. Permanent Cut and Fill Slopes If permanent cut or fill slopes are incorporated into design, they should not be steeper than2H:IV. Foundation Support -Commercial Development Based on our exploration, it appears that Buildings 2 and 3 can be supported on conventional shallow spread footings bearing on medium dense to dense or hard native soil. Building I and the parking structure are at least partially underlain by up to 40 feet of fill and organic soil that is not suitable to provided shallow foundation support. They will require pile support in the areas of deep unsuitable soil. In other parts of the buildings, competent soil is at shallow depth. If the depth to competent native soil decreases enough across the building footprint, it would be acceptable to switch back to spread footings. A depth of 5 to 10 feet (to suitable bearing soil) is commonly considered the depth at which one switches from shallow foundations to deep foundations. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Shallow Spread Footings June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-{)62B Page 33 of 45 Based on the available soil information in the vicinity of Buildings 3 and 2, it appears that there is suitable bearing soil (medium dense to dense silty sand or sandy silt) within a depth of about 5 feet below existing grade. Accordingly, it appears that shallow spread footings are appropriate for Buildings 3 and 2. Footings should bear on undisturbed, medium dense to dense native silty sand or sandy silt. If the planned footing bearing surface is disturbed or consists of fill, it should be overexcavated to expose competent medium dense to dense native soil, and replaced with compacted, well-graded, granular, structural fill. The term "granular" refers to soil that is predominantly sand and/or gravel, and that is not predominantly silt or clay. The exposed subgrade should be cleaned of I~~se or soft soil before placing the structural fill. If it is not feasible to place and compact structural fill of the type described above (such as if there is water in the footing excavation from seepage or rain), rock spalls or crushed rock could be used instead. Perimeter footings should bear at least 1. 5 feet below final exterior grade for frost protection. Interior footings should bear at least 1 foot below the floor slab. We recommend footing widths of at least 18 and 24 inches for continuous strip footings and isolated column footings, respectively. We recommend that a geotechnical engineer be present on site to inspect the foundation subgrade preparation before pouring concrete. The foundation subgrade should be undisturbed and medium dense to dense. If loose or disturbed soil is observed, it should be removed and replaced with structural fill or crushed rock. If prepared footing subgrades are to remain exposed during the winter season or periods of wet weather, it is recommended that they be covered with a lean concrete "mud mat" to help protect the subgrades after they have been inspected and until the footings are poured. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 340f45 For footings constructed as recommended, and bearing on undisturbed, competent (medium dense to dense) native soil, we recommend a design allowable bearing pressure of not more than 3000 pounds per square foot (psf). For short-term loads, such as wind and seismic, a 113 increase in this allowable bearing pressure can be used, as long as this conforms with the appropriate current UBC loading combinations. With the expected structural loading and the recommended foundation bearing pressure, total settlement of footings should not be more than 1 inch, and differential settlement between adjacent footings or across a distance of about 20 feet should not be more than 112 inch. We expect that most of the settlement·will occur by the end of construction. Lateral forces may be resisted by friction at the base of foundations and by passive soil resistance acting against the buried portion of foundations. To compute passive resistance, we recommend using an equivalent fluid density of 200 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). This value is based on the foundations being constructed neat against undisturbed competent soil or backfilled with structural fill, and assumes that the ground surface on the resisting side is level for a distance of at least 3 times the depth of the foundation. The upper 1 foot of soil should not be included in the passive resistance calculation because it can become disturbed by erosion or future grading activity. For base friction, a factor ofD.4 may be used between concrete and soil. The coefficient of friction should be applied to the vertical dead load only. These values include a safety factor of about 1.5 and 2 applied to the estimated ultimate values for frictional and passive resistance, respectively. We recommend that footing drains be installed on the outside of perimeter footings. The footing drains should consist of 4-inch-minimum diameter, perforated or slotted, smooth wall, rigid, PVC pipe, laid at the bottom of the footing. The drain line should be surrounded with free draining pea gravel or washed rock that is wrapped in filter THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002~62B Page 35 of 45 fabric. The top 1 foot of backfill should consist of relatively impermeable material to limit surface water infiltration into the perimeter drain. A typical footing drain detail is shown on Figure 4. The footing drains and roof downspouts should be tightlined separately to an approved discharge facility. Pile Foundations General Building I and the parking structure are at least partially underlain by up to about 40 feet of fill and organic soil that is not suitable to provided shallow foundation support. They will require pile support in the areas of deep unsuitable soil. If the depth to competent native soil decreases enough across the building footprint, it may be desirable to switch back to spread footings. A depth of 5 to 10 feet (to suitable bearing ". soil) is commonly considered the depth at which one switches from shallow foundations to deep foundations. Pile Type We expect subsurface conditions include dense near-surface fill, deeper looser fill that contains obstructions (either natural or man-made), and suitable bearing soil at depths that will be highly variable. Drilled and cast-in-place piles (augercast piles) are not considered appropriate for the site subsurface conditions. These piles could be subject to loss of grout in debris (such as car parts) or oversized material, such as a pocket of cobbles and boulders. In addition, augercast pile equipment typically does not have the ability to crowd (exert downward pressure on) the auger, which could result in inadequate penetration into bearing soil. Driven piles appear to be the most appropriate type of deep foundation support. For this particular project, timber piles do not appear to be appropriate, due to their relatively THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I GeOtechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. i002-{)62B Page 360f45 low structural capacity, and the potential for damage to the pile during hard driving. Considering the anticipated variable depths of pile penetration, precast concrete piles also appear inappropriate due to their poor length flexibility (difficult cutting or splicing to adjust to changing field conditions). Accordingly, we recommend steel piles, due to their good length flexibility as well as their ability to withstand hard driving. Driven steel piles could consist of pipe piles or H-piles. It is our opinion that H-piles would probably be more successful in getting through or around debris and obstructions, and also more effective at penetrating into very dense bearing material. However, once driven, they could not be inspected for damage. Pipe piles would require harder driving to get past obstructions and into very dense bearing material, but they could be checked for damage after they were driven. We assumed that pipe piles would be used, and that they would have··design capacities in the range of 100 kipper pile. We recommend that pipe piles be seamless pipe (not spiral welded), with a wall thickness of at least 3/8 inch. The piles should be driven to practical refusal with an appropriately sized pile driving hammer. (Pile installation criteria are discussed in a later section of this report.) We recommend that the piles be driven closed-end and reinforced with a conical tip. The reinforcement is intended to aid in penetrating into very dense soil, as well as to advance through debris, boulders, or other obstructions that may be encountered. Piles should be placed at least 3 diameters apart (center to center) to avoid reduction in capacity due to group action. Allowable Design Capacity Piles should be driven through loose/soft compressible soil to refusal in the very dense silty sand unit that was encountered at about depths of 40 to 45 feet at the boring locations. The piles should be considered to act completely in end bearing. For undamaged piles that are driven to practical refusal with properly sized equipment, we THE RILEY GROUP, INC. -------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Repon Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B . Page 37 of 45 recommend an allowable design end bearing stress of 100 kips per square foot (kst). For a 12-inch diameter pile, this bearing stress corresponds to an allowable axial downward (compressive) design load of 80 kips, and for a 14-inchdiameter pile it corresponds to an allowable load of 110 kips. The recommended capacity is based on estimated soil characteristics only. Pile' capacities based on the strength of pile materials should be determined by the structural engineer. Settlements of pile foundations that are designed and constructed as recommended are . expected not to exceed about 112 inch under compressive loading. The majority of this should take place quickly after pile loading. The 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) allows a 113 increase in allowable soil stresses '-" for wind and seismic loads, for certain load combinations. If the appropriate load combinations are used, the allowable axial pile capacity recommended above can be increased by 113 when considering wind and seismic loads. Estimated Pile Penetration Depths Pile penetration depths will be a function of the depth to the top of the dense silty sand unit and the pile penetration into the dense soil. It is difficult to assess the depth of pile penetration, as it is dependent on the soil conditions and the driving equipment used. It is estimated that pipe piles may penetrate up to about 5 to I 0 feet into the dense sand. At the exploration locations, the depth to dense sand was about 40 to 45 feet. Based on this, it is estimated that pile penetration depths could range from about 45 to 55 feet below the existing ground surface at the exploration locations. Preliminary Pile Driving Recommendations Piles should be installed by driving continuously to virtual refusal with an appropriately sized air or diesel hammer. "Virtual refusal" is typically defined as a driving resistance on the order of 6 to 8 blows per inch. For preliminary planning purposes, we THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 38 of 45 recommend that the hammer should deliver at least 30,000 foot-pounds of driving energy per blow for the recommended pile type and capacity. It is noted that diesel hammers may experience difficulty in firing when driving through the loose/soft soil deposits. Specific driving criteria required to attain the recommended allowable capacity presented above can be established only after the actual pile size and driving equipment are chosen. We recommend that once the pile size and driving equipment have been selected, that a wave equation analysis (WEAP) be completed to evaluate better the driving requirements and compatibility of the pile and hammer. For this project and pile support conditions, we recommend that a safety factor of 3 be applied to ultimate dynamic driving resistance to evaluate driving criteria for the pile design capacity. To aid in the evaluation of the proposed driving equipment, we recommend that the contractor furnish the information requested to the geotechnical engineer for review at least three weeks before mobilizing pile driving equipment to the site. The results of the wave equation analysis should be checked at the start of actual pile driving operations. This will help confirm driving criteria, and provide better estimates of pile penetration. We recommend that the first piles be installed at design locations near the existing borings to act as test piles. Depending on the results of these test piles, additional test piles may be advisable. The test piles should be driven at design locations with the hammer that will be used for production driving. After being properly driven, test piles will serve as production piles. The test program should confirm driving criteria and give a better estimate of actual required pile lengths. Obstructions, in the form of boulders, debris, or possibly logs or stumps, could be encountered. This could prevent piles from penetrating to the necessary depth. If deep obstructions are encountered, it may be necessary to modify pile locations. If THE RILEY GROUP, INC. .- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington ------------~-- June 2, 2003 .- Project No. 2002..Q62B Page 39 of 45 obstructions are shallow, it may be possible to dig them out and maintain the planned pile location. After driving, the pipe piles should be "lamped" to check for damage. It is also advisable to carefully monitor piles for potential heave, or for potential degradation of bearing soil due to pile driving operations. Accordingly, it is recommended that the top elevation of each pile be recorded immediately after the pile is driven, and that top of pile elevations be checked periodically to check for potential heave. In addition, after pile installation has been completed, a number of piles should be redriven to refusal to check for potential heave andlor degradation of bearing soil. Slabs-on-Grade -Commercial Development Although soil conditions at B-3 and B:4 are not considered suitable for shallow foundation support, they probably are adequate to support a lightly loaded slab-on- grade. Uncontrolled fill is unpredictable, and a slab-on-grade supported on uncontrolled fill would have a greater potential to settle than if it were supported on competent native soil. However, to avoid settlement would require supporting the slab on piles, which would be difficult to justify from a cost perspective. Subgrades for slabs-on-grade should be proofrolled and repaired as necessary, as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. If the on site soil can not be compacted to provide a dense and unyielding surface, it should be replaced with 1 foot of compacted structural fill. Immediately below the floor slab, we recommend placing a 6-inch thick capillary break layer consisting of clean, free- draining gravel or sand and gravel that has less than 5 percent fines (material passing a U.S. No. 200 sieve). This material will reduce the potential for upward capillary movement of water from the underlying soil and subsequent wetting of the floor slab. A suitable vapor barrier should be placed on top of the capillary break. The vapor THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington --------------- June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 400f45 barrier may be covered with 2 inches of clean, moist sand to guard against damage to the vapor barrier during construction and to aid in curing of the concrete. Subsurface Walls -Commercial Development If building walls are cast directly against soldier pile shoring, they can be considered to . be subsurface walls. Proper drainage of walls cast against shoring is important both for the wall and the stability of the retained soil. These walls should be waterproofed and fully drained. We recommend a drainage system consisting of pre-fabricated drainage panels, such as Miradrain, that are attached to the lagging face and connected to a pipe at the base of the wall. The pipe should then be tightlined through the footing to collector pipes that lead to a sump for discharge of collected water. A typical wall drainage detail is shown on Figure 7. If walls are constructed against the shoring, they can be designed for the same pressures that were recommended for the shoring. If basement walls are constructed, and then backfilled (such as in temporary cut slope areas for the parking structure), different design wall ·pressures apply. The lateral pressure acting on the wall is dependent on the nature and density of the soil behind the wall, the amount of lateral wall movement which can occur as backfill is placed, wall drainage conditions, and the inclination of the backfill. Subsurface walls should be provided with wall drains, as described above. For walls that are free to yield at the top at least 0.001 times the height of the wall (active condition), soil pressures will be less than if movement is limited by such factors as wall stiffness or bracing (at -rest condition). We recommend that walls supporting horizontal backfill and not subjected to hydrostatic forces be designed using a triangular earth pressure distribution equivalent to that exerted by a fluid with a density of 35 pef for yielding (active condition) walls, and 55 peffor non-yielding (at-rest condition) walls. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use'Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 41 of 45 These recommended lateral earth pressures are based on the assumption of a horizontal ground surface adjacent to the wall for a distance of at least the subsurface height of the wall, and do not account for surcharges. Additional lateral earth pressures should be considered for surcharge loads acting adjacent to subsurface walls and within a distance equal to the subsurface height of the wall. This would include the effects of surcharges such as traffic loads, floor slab loads, or other surface loads. Increased lateral earth pressure due to adjacent areal vertical surcharge pressures (such as uniform floor slab loads) can be taken as a uniform pressure equal to 0.3 times the vertical surcharge pressure for active conditions, and 0.5 times the vertical surcharge pressure for at-rest conditions. Traffic surcharges are often accounted for by assuming a surcharge equivalent to 2 feet of soil, which corresponds to about 250 psf vertical pressure. Lateral forces on subsurface retaining walls can be resisted by friction and passive resistance, as described for footings, as well as by structural elements of the building. Drainage -Commercial Development , Construction We expect that water from shallow perched water could be encountered during construction. If it is, we expect it will be limited, and that the excavation could be dewatered with sumps and pumps. Surface Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage away from the building. Water should not pond or collect adjacent to the immediate building area. We recommend providing a drainage gradient of at least 3 percent for a distance of at least 10 feet from the building perimeter. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I il I I I I I I I I I I I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington Subsurface June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-0628 Page 42 of 45 We recommend that wall drains be installed for all subsurface walls. This is discussed in the Subsurface Walls section of this report. We also recommend that perimeter footing drains be installed. This is discussed in the Shallow Spread Footings section of this report. In pile-supported sections there should also be a drain by the grade beams, similar to perimeter footing drains. Footing drains and roof downspouts should be tightlined separately to the storm drain. Utilities -Commercial Development We expect that any new utilities will be relatively shallow (say 5 feet deep or less). The soil within this depth can be excavated easily with a backhoe. Significant groundwater is not expected within this depth. Utility pipes should be bedded and backfilled in accordance with American Public Works Association (APWA) specifications. If local codes supercede APW A specifications, bedding and backfill should be completed in accordance with those codes. As a minimum, trench backfill should be placed and compacted as structural fill, as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. Where utilities are located below unimproved areas where some settlement of trench backfill is acceptable, the degree of compaction can be reduced to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the referenced ASTM D-1557 standard. Pavement -Commercial Development Pavement subgrades should be proofrolled and repaired as necessary, as described in the Site Preparation' and Grading section of this report. Regardless of the relative compaction achieved, the subgrade should be firm and unyielding before paving. As recommended for slab-on-grade subgrades, if the on site soil can not be compacted to provide a dense and unyielding surface, it should be replaced with 1 foot of compacted structural fill. The final subgrade should be proofrolled before paving. This THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 430f45 preparation should provide adequate support for flexible pavement. However, in areas where fill and/or peat are left in place, there could be some settlement of the pavement surface over time. For passenger vehicle parking lot areas, we recommend a pavement section consisting of 2 inches of asphalt concrete over 5 inches of crushed rock base. For passenger vehicle parking lot entrances and traffic lanes used by heavy trucks, we recommend a pavement section consisting of 3 inches of asphalt concrete over 8 inches of crushed rock base. As an alternative, the 5 and 8 inches of crushed rock base could be replaced with 3-1/2 and 5-112 inches of asphalt treated base, respectively. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for IDA Group, LLC. . It is intended for specific application to the proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project in Renton, Washington, and for the exclusive use of IDA Group, LLC and their authorized representatives. The analyses and recommendations presented in this report are based on data obtained from the explorations on site. Variations in soil conditions can occur, the nature and extent of which may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, The Riley Group should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations in this report prior to proceeding further with construction. Within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget for our servIces, we have attempted to complete our work in accordance with generally accepted professional principles and practices in the tield of geotechnical engineering followed in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty, express or implied, is made. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002'{)62B Page 440f45 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you" If there are any questions or comments concerning this report, or if we can provide additional services, please call. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I EXPIRES OlYEJ;Z.Q;j41 William M. Klick, P.E. Senior Engineer Report Distribution JD A Group, LLC Baylis Architects Attachments Figure I Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure A-I Figures A-2 to A-II Figures A-12 to A-16 Figures A-17 to A-20 Figures A-2l to A-24 Site Vicinity Map Site and Exploration Plan Topographic Site Plan Typical Footing Drain Detail Retaining Wall Drainage Detail Shoring Pressure Diagram (1-1I2H: I V Backslope) Typical Wall Drainage Detail Unified Soil Classification System Boring Logs (E-I through B-4) Test Pit Logs (TP-I through TP-12) Monitoring Well Logs (MW-I and MW-2) Grain Size Analyses THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project Renton, Washington June 2, 2003 Project No. 2002-062B Page 450f45 References: ReferenceslInforrnation Provided by the City of Renton 1. GeoEngineers; May 16, 1991; "Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation, Landslide and Broken Sewer Lines, Slope West of Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington, for City of Renton" 2. GeoEngineers; October 4, 1991; "Report, Supplemental Geotechnical Engineering Services, Sewer Line Reconstruction and Slope Stabilization, Slope . West of Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington, for City of Renton" 3. 4. GeoEngineers; November 6, 1997; "Report, Geotechnical Engineering Services, Sewer Line Reconstruction, Rainier Avenue North and NW 7th Street, Renton, Washington", for City of Renton ..... Geo Consultants; May 8, 1991; "Slope Failure Study, Mr. Chester Rindfuss' Residence, 676 Taylor Avenue Northwest, Renton, Washington", for Mr. Chester Rindfuss 5. Geo Group Northwest; February 1 8, 1993; "Slope St<\bility Analysis and Landslide Stabilization Design, 676 Taylor Avenue NW, Renton, Washington", for Mr. John McFarland ReferenceslInformation from Previous Work by Riley 6. 7. The Riley Group; June 8,2001; "Preliminary Slope Stability Study, Meyer Property, 559 to 625 Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington"; for Mr. Jack Alhadeff The Riley Group; October 29,2002; "Slope Evaluation, Rainier Ave. Mixed Use Project, 559 to 625 Rainier Ave. North, Renton, Washington"; for Mr. Jack Alhadeff THE RILEY GROUP, INC. O!-=====~1I~2~~~~~~lmile approximate graphical scale SCALE 1: 24 000 CONTOUR INTERVAL 25 FEET The Riley Group, IIlC. 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE SEATILE, WASHINGTON 98125 USGS 7.5 MINUTE QUADRANGLE RENTON, WA-REVISED 1994 N + Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Site Vicinity Map Figure 1 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I II I 8 ftri "" , ~ = , i , , '0 I a , , -$- 8-2 , i TP-4 -fir- -$-TP-1 TP-5 -$- 601 Rainier Ave. N RAINIER AVENUE N. Reference: Survey & Site Plan (for Rainier Avenue Mixed Use), by Baylis Architects, dated 01 April 2003 -fir TP-<l , , . -.... ~~-,--.. -·0-·· ,",--,"--.. -,I .'''-, ..•.. ''.\._------,,---1.» .... The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 • Legend Test pit locations by Riley 7-11 April 2003 (TP-1 through TP-12) Boring locations by Riley 17-19 April 2003 (B-1 through B-4) Monitoring well location by Riley 19 March 2001 (MW-1 and MW-2) Graphical Scale: ,-= &J Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Site and Exploration Plan Figure 2 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I I I I I I • • • • • :. • • • • • • I "'_ ... " .. "". lID • ,II I ill i in :!q Reference: Boundary & Topographic Survey "Rainier Avenue Mixed Use", by Triad Associates, dated 26 September 2002 I J .. Pr .. D ...... ,. 't I !I J. , '\ \ The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAYNE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 I I Site "; .. " .: . ;~i ....;; ..• : : ::,V .~ j I I I , 8 • Graphical Scale: 1" = 00 Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Topographic Site Plan 559 -625 Rainier Avenue Figure 3 BUILDING SLAB .-__ ~ ___ ,...,..,_~.4 :: • . 4;. .,'."~ .', .', A '~. ~ ••• :;: •• :::,.-"::,,.-~.C"':. :"'_-;:.=>:: •. .-;.1"7.".--::0-:-=="....,,'/"77"7"="7"=-;-.' ...... ' .' .• '. ';. ". ~:;';:, i··.,~·:<~,;.~~<:::;,,:.~;/?<:·(: !:;,-;::-. <~«( /c'V,;(<..0-• • . . ..:. ~. ;., . ·~~;,t;~~y~;~~~:~:->~~~{(5~~~~~~·~· .. ' ". . _. ' <'COMPACTED •. : .•.• -...... • . /'-/<'S-TR" U· ·C· TURAL' . . -'.~~.,.,,,,.:: .• : . :'~'r::')::: ;J.::.::":~ .... . " :' ". :::';"":;BACKFILL"'~'~"'>"·· ~ ~/ ''\: ~~~~~~~~~/1 4" PERFORATED PIPE 3/4" WASHED ROCK OR PEA GRAVEL NOT TO SCALE FILTER FABRIC The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE SEATILE. WASHINGTON 98125 Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Typical Footing Drain Detail Figure 4 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington 12" MINIMUM WIDE FREE-DRAINING GRAVEL . SLOPE TO DRAIN 12" MIN. FlLlIR FABRIC MATERIAL .. . '. . :~ .. ~ .', ..... "":,,.0' .. ' .. ' . ..-. . . ~~ ... -,: .. .-. . .'. ." ".-. ..:.", ",. :. . . . . .-.. -. -. .'. • < . :.- .. .. ., ...... . 4" DIAMETER PVC PERFORATED PIPE • . .:;;~.. .." 0" .' " .... - NOT TO SCALE EXCAVATED SLOPE (SEE REPORT FOR APPROPRIATE INCUNAllONS) COMPACTED STRUCTURAL BACKFlLL (NATIVE OR IMPORT) The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE SEAlTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Retaining Wall Drainage Detail Figure 5 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I~" ~------------------------------~ EARTH PRESSURE DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR SOLDIER PILE CANTILEVER WALL -1-1/2H:IV BACKSLOPE -Jh----'t--'¥ - - Passive Earth Pressure = 200 pcf taken over 2 pile diameters 15 pcf over 1 pile diameter below base of excavation Note: Value includes Safety Factor of 1.5. I Passive I Active I NOT TO SCALE Note -Active pressure taken over full center-te-center pile spacing above base of excavation Active pressure taken over 1" pile diameter below base of excavation Passive pressure taken over. 2 pile diameters below base of excavation The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAYNE SEATILE. WASHINGTON 9812S Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Shoring Pressure Diagram Figure 6 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington DRAIN GRATE WOOD LAGGING " ... ' ..... :," • 4· ... -, 'c.. ',; .' .. ". ' .. : • • .A "" .. ~.: .... -, .... ",', ... : ,;." .. ;' • : .... : .. • ... 1 • . ' •• <f • • ' .. • .,_-CONCRETE FACING • • _r-.CONTINUOUS MIRADRAIN 6000 OR • • EQUIVALENT SLAB-ON-GRADE FLOOR .... -.. •. • • . 1. .. ". '. .4 . . ................. ... . A.. . .......... . rr---,::==~~--':'-' ..... " :::.:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:.:-:.: .. :::::: ', .. .. ,".. ;'" .. . . .. ...•.•••.................••.•.•.••. ~ .... . ·::::STRUCTURAL::. .... FILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .;," ...................... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ,::::::::::::::::::::.:-: ..... . ~::~·_·. __ ~~~4~_·~~·~:~·_.~.~~~,~.~:~ NOTE: DRAIN THROUGH WALL SHOULD BE INSTALLED AT MIDDLE OF LAGGING. The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKECI1YWAYNE SEATfLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Typical Wall Drainage Detail Figure 7 Site Address: 559·625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington , MAJOR DIVISIONS LEITER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL GRAVELS CLEAN GW well-graaea gravels, gravel-sana mixtures, liHfe .... GRAVELS or no fines . Q) More than 50% Poorly-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, 0 !? GP w 1!l of coarse <5% fines little or no fines. I Z . m Q) fraction Is .. GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, .-> ~oo .... Q) GRAVELS non-plastic fines .. Q).-larger than No. _ (/) with fines Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, . ttl 0 4 sieve GC I C)::::! Eo . clastic fines. oN w O e;:::. SANDS CLEAN SW Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no o 0 0000 l!)Z SANDS fines. ! c::: c: c: More than 50 % Poorly-graded sands or gravelly sands, little or ttl ttl <5% fines SP <3 .c.c of coarse no fines. --~ fraction is SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. 0 0 SANDS ~ smaller than with fines No.4 sieve SC . Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. I Q) ML inorganic Slits, roCK tlour, clayey Slits with Slight ttl > SILTS AND CLAYS plasticity . Cl • -Q) ..... -Q) (/) Inorganic Clays of low to medium plasucity,lfean W -0 Liquid limits CL Z ttl 0 clay). I -00 EN less than 50% <X:-1 ~ . O[ Organic silts and organic clays of low plasticity. o 0 0:::-OZ C)O l!) c: MH Inorganic silts, elastic. c: ttl I wOO ttI.c SILTS AND CLAYS .c _ Z -.... CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, (fat clays). Q) Q) Liquid limits greater -.... -LL olii than 50% I ~ E OH Organic clays of high plasticity. (/) HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat. I DEFINITION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS I ..... -1 Density SPT (Blows/Foot) 2" Outside diameter split spoon Ow Very loose 0-4 I sampler 0> Loose 4-10 ~~ Medium dense 10-30 I 2.4" Inside diameter ring sampler or I Dense 30-50 Shelby tube 00(9 Very dense >50 .... Water level (date) - I Consistenc:t SPT (Blows/Foot) Tr Torvane reading, tsf '-Very soft 0-2 Pp Penetrometer reading, tsf ° >-Soft 2-4 DD Dry density, pct I ~::5 Medium stiff 4-8 LL Liquid limit, percent -() Stiff 8-16 PI PlastiCity index 00 Very stiff 16-32 N Standard penetration, blows per foot I Hard >32 I • The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Unified Soil Classification System I Figure A-J SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 I Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington _____________ J - I '. - I Boring No. B-1 I Logged by: GJK Date: 4/17/03 Approximate Elev.: 97' -I Consistencyl Q) . , -a (N) Moisture Soil Description Relative Depth E Blows Content I Density (feet) ctl 1ft (%) (J) Brush, topsoil ! -f-- i -- Silty sand, grey-brown, fine to Very Dense --I coarse, with some gravel, 55 moist, very dense, (SM), TILL - - I --5 I --82 12.3 . I Sand, grey, fine to coarse, I -f-- I trace gravel, moist, very Very Dense 50/6" dense, (SP) -f-- I Sandy gravel, grey, fine 10 I gravel, fine to coarse sand, Very Dense --50/6" moist, very dense, (GP) I Very Dense --I 5015" I -- Silty sand, grey, fine to --15 I coarse, with some gravel, -- moist, very dense, (SM) -f-- I -f--I 50/4" -f-- I I I The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed UseProject 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Test Boring Log B-1 I FigureA-2 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 I Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington Boring No. B-1 (Cont.) LOgged by: GJK Date: 4/17103 Soil Description Silty sand, grey, fine to coarse, with some gravel, moist to wet, very dense, (SM) Consistencyl . . Relative . Depth Density (feet) Very Dense 25 30 35 Approximate Elev.: 97' Q) c.. E co C/) (N) Blows 1ft I 5015" I 50/3" I 50/5" I 5014" Moisture Content (%) 10.4 ... (4/18/03) The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAYNE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Test Boring Log B-1 FigureA-3 Site Address: 559·625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I I I i I I I I I I I -------------------------------------------~---------------------- Logged by : GjK Date: 4/17103 Soil Description Sandy silt, grey, with red~brown mottling, fine sand, . with some gravel, wet, very dense, (ML) Bottom of boring at 48 feet Depth of water at 38.2 feet on 18 Apr. 2003 Observation well installed to 48 feet screened from 48 to 43 feet sand from 48 to 38 feet bentonite seal at 38 feet Boring No. B-1 (Cont.) Consistencyl . ~ Relative Depth E Density (feet) ~ -I- Very Dense -l-I -f-- -I-45 -- '0.. - I -I- -I-50 -I- +. -f--55 -~ -I- -I-- -I- Approximate Elev.: 97' (N) Blows 1ft 5015" 5015" Moisture Content' (%) 17.8 Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project I • The Riley Group, Inc. ~ 10728LAKECITYWAYNE 'I< B L B 1 I ~ SEA TILE, WASH1NGlDN 98125 est oring og - 1~============================s=it=eA:d=~=e=ss=:5:5=9=-6=2=5R=a:in:ie=r=A,='e=nu=e=N=,,=R=en=ro=n,=w=a=shln=·=g=ro=n======~J FigureA-4 Logged by: GJK Date: 4/18/03 Soil Description Brush Sand, grey, fine to medium, with some silt, with some gravel, moist, very dense, (SP/SM) Silty sand, grey-brown, fine to coarse, with some gravel, moist, very dense, (SM) Bottom of boring at 18 feet No groundwater encountered Boring ~o. B~2 Approximate Elev.: 93' Consistencyl (J) (N) Moisture 0.. Relative Depth E Blows Content Density· (feet) [\] 1ft (%) C/) Very Dense I 50/6" 5 I Very Dense 5016" 12.1 I 50/6" 10 I 50/4" I 50/3" 15 ::r:: 50/3" The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAYNE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Test Boring Log B-2 FigureA-5 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I • I I Logged by: GJK Date: 4/18/03 Boring No. B-3 Approximate Elev.: 48' Consistencyl ~ Relative Depth~. (N) Blows 1ft Moisture Content (%) Soil Description Gravel fill Silty sand, dark brown, fine to coarse, with some gravel, pieces of charcoal, moist-wet, medium dense, (SM), FILL Sandy silt, grey, fine sand, with wood fragments, wet, loose, (ML), FILL Obstruction zone starting -11 ft Silty sand, grey, fine to coarse, with some gravel, wet, (SM),FILL Sampled on obstruction / Blow count not valid, possible auto debris or wood No recovery / Sampled on obstruction blow count not valid Silty sand, grey-brown, fine to medium, with organics (roots, wood fragments, peat pockets), wet, medium dense, (SM) The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Density (feet) CJ) Medium Dense Loose Medium Dense I 15 5 I 7 10 I 5014" 15 I 5014" '" (4/18/03) I 16 Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Test Boring Log B-3 FigureA-6 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I . I Boring No. B-3 (Cont.) I Logged by: GJK Date: 4/18/03' Approximate Elev.: 48' I Consistencyl Q) (N) Moisture. C. Soil Description Relative Depth E Blows Content I Density (feet) co 1ft (%) (f) (Silty sand -continued) --30 I -'- -- I - 6 inch peat layer at 23 ft Medium --I 22 Dense -- I -with peat layers up to 3 inch --25 thick -- I . :0. -.. - 6 inch peat layer at 28 ft I --20 88.1 I -- --30 I -- I -fine to coarse sand, with -- some gravel Dense --I 35 I -- 35 I - - Silty sand, grey, fine to -- I medium, with some gravel, I moist, medium dense, (SM) Medium --23 Dense -- I i I The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Test Boring Log B-3 I FigureA-7 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 I Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Logged by: GJK Date: 4/18/03 Soil Description Silty sand, grey-brown, fine, moist to wet, very dense, (SM) Bottom of boring at 49 feet Depth of water at 17 feet at time of drilling .. Boring No. 8-3 (Cont.) . Approximate Elev.: 48' Consistencyl CIl a. Relative Depth E Density (feet) ~ --. (N) Blows 1ft Very Dense -I- -I- I 50/6" -f-45 -I- -I-I 93 -f-50 -- -- -- -f- -I-55 -f- -f- -f- -f- Moisture Content (%) I • The Riley Group, Inc. ~ 10728LAKECITYWAYNE 'I< B . L B 3 I ~ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 est ormg og - 1-===========================~S=it=e=Ad=m=e=ss=:5=5=9=-6=2=5=Ra=in=ie=r=A=Ve=nu=e=N=.,=R=ro=m=n=,W=M=h=m=g=m=n======~J Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project FigureA-8 -- - I I Boring No. B-4 I Logged by: GJK . Date: 4/19/03 Approximate Elev.: 50' I Consistencyl (J) (N) Moisture a. Soil Description Relative Depth E Blows Content I Density (feet) ro 1ft (%) (J) Asphalt I -I- -- I Silty sand, grey, fine to --I medium, with some gravel, Dense 44 moist, dense, (SM), FILL -- I -I-5 I 47 -l- I 0", l- I I --46 - - I --10 I Medium 15 Silty sand, mottled grey and Dense -- I brown, fine to medium, with -I- some gravel, moist, medium I dense, (SM), FILL -I-13 I -I- 15 Sandy silt, grey with brown -- mottling, fine sand, with some gravel, moist, medium dense, -- (ML) Medium -l-I Sampled on gravel, blow count Dense 50/3" ? not valid -t- Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project • The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Test Boring Log B-4 I FigureA-9 SEA lTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Site Address: 559·625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I I '" Boring No. B-4 (Cont.) I Logged by : GJK Date: 4/19/03 Approximate Elev.: 50' I Consistencyl Q) (N) Moisture i5.. Soil Description . Relative Depth E Blows Content I Density (feet) C\l 1ft (%) . C/) ! Silty sand, grey, fine to -f- I medium, with some gravel, Medium I occasional layer cleaner sand,' -f-25 Dense occasional layer sandy silt, -f- I very moist, medium dense, f-25 (SM) - I '", f- I Peat, dark brown, fibrous, with , Stiff -'-22 167.3 ' I non fibrous layers, with silty -f-peat layers, moist, (Pt) -f-30 I -f-... (4/19/03) I -with some layers silt to sandy -f- silt -f-I 21 I -f- -f-35 I -f- I Sandy silt, grey, fine sand, Medium - -I trace wood fragments, moist, Dense 26 medium dense, (ML) -- I I I The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Test Boring Log B-4 I FigureA-lO SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 I Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington Boring No. B-4 (Cont.) Logged by: GJK Date: 4/19/03 Approximate Elev.: 50' Consistencyl Q) c.. E (N) Blows 1ft Moisture Content (%) Relative Depth Density· (feet) Soil Description -wet, dense Dense 45 ro C/) I 40 Silty sand. grey-brown, fine, moist, very dense, (SM) Very Dense I 78 -fine to medium sand, wet Bottom of boring at 54 feet Depth of water at 31 feet at time of drilling The Riley Group, lltc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAYNE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 50 I 70 55 Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Test Boring Log B-4 FigureA-ll Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I . . Logged By: GJK Date: 417103 Test Pit No. Depth (ft) Soil Description Sample TP-1 0.0 -0.3 Duff, topsoil depth (moisture) 0.3 -2.S Silty sand, light brown, fine to coarse, with 1 ft (14%) some gravel, moist, medium dense, (SM) 2.S -6.0 Silty sand, grey, fine to medium, with some 5ft gravel, moist, medium dense to very dense, (SM), TILL Bottom of test pit at 6 feet No seepage encountered No caving TP-2 0.0 -O.S Duff, topsoil 0.5 -4.0 Silty sand, light brown, fine to coarse, with. 2 ft (12%) some gravel, moist, medium dense, (SM) 4.0 -6.0 Silty sand, grey, fine to medium, trace Sft gravel, moist, medium dense to very dense, (SM), TILL Bottom of test pit at 6 feet No seepage encountered No caving TP-3 0.0 -0.2 Duff, topsoil 0.2 -4.0 Silty sand, brown, fine, moist, very dense, 3ft (SM) Bottom of test pit at 4 feet No seepage encountered No caving Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project ~ The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Test Pit Logs Figure A-I2 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, WA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Logged By: GJK Date: 417103 Test Pit No. Depth (ft) . Soil Description Sample TP-4 0.0 -2.0 Silty sand, dark brown, fine to medium, depth (moisture) trace gravel, with roots and branch pieces, 1 ft moist, loose, (SM) 2.0 -4.0 Silty sand, light brown, fine to medium, with 3ft some gravel, trace roots, moist, niedium dense, (SM) 4.0 -6.0 Silty sand, grey, fine to medium, with some 5ft gravel, moist, very dense, (SM), TILL ,- Bottom of test pit at 6 feet No seepage encountered No caving TP-5 0.0 -0.2 Duff 0.2 -5.0 Sand, light brown, fine to medium, with 3ft some silt, moist, medium dense, (SP/SM) 5 -13 Sand, light grey-brown, fine to medium, 6ft(11%) with some silt, moist, medium dense, (SP/SM) Bottom of test pit at 13 feet No seepage encountered No caving TP-6 0.0 -4.0 Silty sand with gravel, mottled grey, fine 2ft (419/03) to coarse, occasional wood debris, moist, medium dense, (SM), FILL 4 -14 Silty sand with gravel, mottled grey, fine 14 ft to coarse, moist, medium dense to dense, (SM), FILL Bottom of test pit at 14 feet Moderate seepage at 4 feet caving below 4 feet Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project ~ The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CllYWAYNE Test Pit Logs FigureA-13 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, WA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , Logged By: GJK Date: 4/11/03 Test Pit No. Depth (ft) Soil Description Sample TP-7 0.0 -1.5 Sandy silt, dark brown, fine sand, with some depth (moisture) , gravel, with roots and organics, moist, ' 1ft loose, (ML) 1.5 - 6 Sandy silt, light brown, fine sand, mOist, 3 ft (25%) I hard I very dense, (ML) 6-7 Sandy silt, grey, fine sand, moist, hard I 7 ft (25%) very dense, (ML) ,- Bottom of test pit at 7 feet' Minor seepage at 6 feet No caving TP-8 0.0 -0.2 Gravel 0.2 - 4 Silty sand, brown, fine to coarse, with some 2ft gravel, with brick fragments, moist, medium dense, (8M), FILL 4 -12 Silty gravelly sand, brown and grey, fine to 12 ft coarse, occasional roots, moist, dense, (SMlGM), FILL Bottom of test pit at 12 feet No seepage encountered No caving Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project ~ The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAYNE Test Pit Logs FigureA-14 SEATILE, WASHINGTON 98125 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, W A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Logged By: GJK Date: 4/11/03 Test Pit No. Depth (ft) Soil Description _ -Sample TP-9 0.0 -0.5 Topsoil, duff depth (moisture) 0.5 -2 Silty sand, grey-brown; mottled red-brown, 1ft fine to coarse, with some gravel, trace roots, moist, loose, (SM), FILL - 2-5 Silty gravelly sand, grey, fine to coarse, 3ft moist, loose, (SM/GM), FILL 5 -13 Silty gravelly sand, grey-brown, fine to 13 ft coarse, with wood, auto debris, tires and trash, moist, loose, (SM/GM), FILL Bottom of test pit at 13 feet No seepage encountered Moderate caving TP-10 0.0 -0.5 Topsoil -'. 0.5 -2 Sandy silt, brown, fine sand, with some 1 ft(19%) gravel, with roots, moist, hard, (ML) 2-4 Silt, light brown, moist, hard, (ML) 3 ft (30%) 4 ft (33%) Bottom of test pit at 4 feet No seepage encountered No caving TP-11 0.0 -0.5 Topsoil 0.5 -1 Sandy silt, light grey-brown, fine sand, 1 ft (24%) moist, loose to medium dense, (ML) 1 -4 Sandy silt, light brown, fine sand, moist, 3 ft (23%) hard I dense, (ML) Bottom of test pit at 4 feet No seepage encountered No caving ~ Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Test Pit Logs FigureA-15 SEA TILE, W ASIDNGTON 98125 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, W A ----------~------------------------~----------------------------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Logged By: GJK Date: 4/11/03 Test Pit No. Depth (ft) Soil Description Sample TP-12 0.0 -0.2 Topsoil depth (moisture) 0.2 - 4 Silty sand, light brown, fine to medium, with 3 ft (11%) some gravel, moist, dense, (SM) Bottom of test pit at 4 feet No seepage encountered No caving 1 •• The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CI1YWAYNE SEATILE, WASHINGTON 98125 Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project Test Pit Logs Figure A-16 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, WA , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - Boring No. MW-1 Logged by : TF Date: 3/19/01 Approximate Elev.: 50' Consistencyl Q) (N) Moisture a. Soil Description, Relative Depth E Blows Content Density (feet) III 1ft (%)' en Asphalt -'- I -I- Silty sand, grey, fine, with I some gravel, dry, very dense, Very Dense --58 (SM) -I- 5 -'- -'-r Silty clay, grey, moist, stiff, Stiff --I 16 (CL) -- --10 - - Silty sand, grey, fine, with --I 50/1" some gravel, dry, dense, (8M) Very Dense Sampled on a rock -- --15 -J -... (4/3/03) Silty clay, grey, moist, stiff, Stiff -1 -I 14 (CL) -- • The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAYNE Monitoring Well Log MW-J I FigureA-17 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington Boring No. MW-1(Cont.) Logged by : TF Date: 3/19/01 Soil Description No recovery. sampled on a rock Silty clayey sand. grey. wet. dense, (SM) Bottom of boring at 35 feet Monitoring well installed to 35 feet Depth to water: 27 ft on 19 Mar. 2001 17.3 ft on 03 Apr. 2003 Consistencyl Q) 0.. Relative. Depth E Density (feet) ~ I 25 Dense I 30 Approximate Elev.: 50' (N) Blows 1ft 24 37 Moisture Content (%) T (3/19/01) Very Dense I 50/6" 35 The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAYNE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Monitoring Well Log MW-J FigureA-18 Site Address: 559·625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington Logged by : TF Date: 3/19/01 Soil Description . Asphalt Gravelly silty sand, grey, damp, medium dense, (GM) Gravelly silty sand, grey-brown, damp, very dense, (GM) Silt, grey-brown, dry, hard, (ML) Boring NC). MW-2 Approximate Elev.: 48' Consistencyl ~ Relative Depth E Density (feet) ~ (N) Blows • 1ft Medium Dense I 18 5 I 26 10 Very Dense I 50/6" 15 Hard I 50/6" Moisture Content (%) The Riley Group, IIlC. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Monitoring Well Log MW-2 Figure A-19 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I ,- I Boring No. MW-2 (Cont.) I Logged by : TF. Date: 3/19/01 Approximate Elev.: 48' I Consistencyl Q) (N) Moisture is.. Soil Description Relative Depth E Blows Content I Density (feet) ro 1ft (%) (J) . I --... (4/3103) - - I ... (3/19/01) I Very Dense 50/5" -- I --25 Sand, grey, fine, wet, very dense, (SP) -- I '.~ - --I I 50/6" -- 30 I Bottom of boring at 30 feet Monitoring well installed to 30 -- feet - - I Depth to water: -- 23 ft on 19 Mar. 2001 I --21.3 ft on 03 Apr. 2003 --35 I -- -- I -- -- I I I The Riley Group, lltc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKEClTYWAYNE Monitoring Well Log MW-2 I FigureA-20 SEAITLE. WASHINGTON 98125 I Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N" Renton, Washington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ PERCENT.COARSER BY WEIGHT --' [L 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0, 0 0 8 .001 0 ' -'" '" '" '" "-III en -.001 -' . ' --' --' VJ .002 .002 VJ .003 .003 ~ ~ ~~ « :::E .004 .004 "'-Z :::E ~~ « i!: .006 .006 0- U) ::::0'" CY "-' .OOB .OOB w 0 t:i :z u w '" .01 .01 ' G: t::i :z ~ ~ 0 '" .02 CY .02 0 >-.03 .03 :r: .04 .04 .06 .05 200 .08 r- c .1 VJ ~ CY 100 w ~ t::i "-' z '" .2 ~ 0:: 0 60 :OJ vi .3 :::l 0.. :::j 50 'c <> :£ .4 ~ I-m 40 .. <.> ~ 0 i!: 30 .5 z a: "-' .8 w "-20 2 filj 16 IN fil ::E w (/) :::E "-Z VJ 0 10 2 -~ ffi 8 « "-' CY ~ II> 3 (9 ~ « Pz 4 <.> Z 4 -f-« f-1/4 5 w > 8 "-' w 3/B 10 z '" VJ 1/2 U) '" U "-' U) :c 5/.B ::> <.> 3,/4 20 -i!: 1 i!: ::5....-;--I I/.4 30 "-' '" ~ 0.._ :z 1 1,/2 40 .. -z o~ "-' 2 u "-50 ~ 0 o~ "-3 80 fooL.. [L 0 '" 4 100 '" -"-' U) 'c ~ N 1ii w S>---' 6 CD CD 200 0 u a;-12 300 '--"" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 en III "-'" '" .... '" '" --PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project -The Riley Group, Inc. 1 0728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Grain Size Analysis FigureA-21 SEAITLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N .• Renton. Washington to N ..; N ~ ~ 0; c;:; > > c c ~ ~ '" ." '" ., <> E c 0 ~ '" .... ..<:: ..c: "" .... ;0: 'j; 0 0 :z: ~ ()!i ~ ~ Vi Vi ::::0 ::::E en en ~ N ~ N I I [L c.. >->- 0 • l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I (/) (/) ~ « Z « 0:: w t;J ::2 0 0:: 0 >-::r: (/) (/) ~ « Z « W G:i (/) '"' '"' ~ w !7l z ~ <> '" ~ ~ v; ~ :r'" u ~ a:: w c.. :r en w '" "-0 ffi CD '" ::::> z I-- en w :r u ~ ~ <> z z w c.. 0 "-0 w N in .001 0 .002 .003 .004 .006 .008 .01 .02 .03 .04 .06 200 100 60 50 40 30 20 16 10 8 4 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/.8 3"/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 3 4 6 12 0 0 - . . PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHT ....J "-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -N .., .... on '" .... IX) '" -.001 r- ....J ....J .002 .003 ~ ~.!:5. .004 "'_ to '" ~fii d N .006 0-~ -(/) ::;;<: .008 W 0 u .01 :z: ;:;: .02 .03 .04 .06 .08 I-r .1 r.h 0:: w "iii t;J I~ > .2 ::2 <: 0 0 ~ :.::; 0> .3 :::l 0.. '':; ., <.J <.J .4 ::2 ., ~ "iii '" CI -> .6 Z "'" ~ c '" Ii 0 .8 W Q) ~ E IN . ., 0 -., (/) ., E .c Z 0 ='=' 2 « rn '"' 0:: I~ .c 0 3 -::l c.!l .~ 4 VJ 0 l-I-~ .?;- 6 Vi 8 10 (/) U ::E ::::E (/) (/) VJ ::::> 20 I- :S.....-;-30 0.._ to It) 40 ",-CI~ 60 ~ o==:: 80 "-It) -en I I c-"-100 .-rn tD (/) ~ '" >--W .g>--....J CD CD 200 0 u >. '" 0 • 300 '--::.<: 0 lil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '" .... '" on .... .., N - PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project I FigureA-22 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Grain Size Analysis SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98125 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I til til ~ -ex:: ::E Z ::E « i!:. e::: w W ~ ti '" z ::2 ~ 0 to e::: 0 >-:r: ~ ~ ~ .p tQ- i!: ffi a. ~ til u.. 0 til ffi ~ CD ::::E « :::> Z z -ex:: - W G:i -til '" w ::r: u ~ ~ to z z w "-0 u.. 0 w N v; .001 0 .002 .003 .004 .006 .. 008 .01 .02 .03 .04 .06 200 100 60 50 40 30 20 16 10 8 4 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/.8 3"/4 1 1 1/.4 1 1"/2 2 3 4 6 12 0 0 ~ PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHT -' a.. 0 0 0 ?l !;i! :5 0 0 16 0 0 ~ '" <0 " '" ~ .001 r-- ::l .002 .003 ~ "'~ .004 ~ "'-.... <Xl ]!~ 0 ,...: .006 0-~ ~ en ::0'" .008 w 0 <..> .01 :z G: .02 .03 .04 .06 .08 .1 til e::: w ti ... z '" .2 ::2 0:: 0 :,::; .3 :::l a. .;:: u .4 ::2 ,... en 0; 0; '" Cl > > 0 0 .6 z ~ ~ 0> 0> .8 w :20 '" '" => E u lN fa 0 0 ~ ::::E en -til ..r::; ..r::; -Z -'i 2 -ex:: I-'i ... Cl '::i e::: '" 3 (.!) ~ ~ en 4 u >. -0 f-1!-'" 6 Vi 0 en 8 ... 10 ~ en <..> ::0 -' en '" :::E ::> 20 I- :5......-:--30 ... l{) ~ '" 0.._ N N ~ .,-40 Cl~ N .... u 60 ~ o~ 80 1-'-a.. ~ ~ 0> I I '" -100 en ".:; ~ ID ID W Jll--' ID CD 200 0 <..> >-• 300 L....- ., 0 "" 0 a a 0 0 !;i! 0 0 0 0 '" DC r--<0 on .., '" ~ PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT The Riley Group, Inc. Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Grain Size Analysis FigureA-23 SEATILE, WASHINGTON 98125 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N.~ Renton, Washington I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .001 , .002 .003 .004 .006 .008 .01 .02 .03 .04 .06 200 100 60 50 40 30 20 16 10 8 4 1/4 3/8 1/2 ~~~ 1 1 I/.4 1 112 2 3 4 6 0 C> - o '" PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHT o N' o .., o .... o .... o o on to PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT o '" o - o .001 .002 .003 .004 .006 .008 .01 .02 .03 .04 .06 .08 .1 (f) OC W t:;J .2 ::2 .3 ::l .4 ::2 .6 Z .8 w IN 2 3 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 (f) z <: OC C,!) 60 80 100 200 300 rn w :z: "- rn w -' []J []J o u :::l -c:: .!!l c:: o U c:: 0 :.::; a. 'c U rn II> 0 rn u rn ~ ~ o:t::: "-'" c:: -.-rn ~ II> ,g>-- ~ "'" The Riley Group, Inc. 10728 LAKE CITY WAY NE Rainier Avenue Mixed Use Project SEA TILE, WASHINGTON 98125 Grain Size Analysis FigureA-24 Site Address: 559 -625 Rainier Avenue N., Renton, Washington Qi > " ~ '" Q) E 0 II> .<:: "" ;0: 0 ~ ~ Vi ~ rn to <"< I []J 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Riley Group Inc' .. . Technical Memorandum October 27, 2004 Mr. Jack Alhadeff IDA Group, LLC 95 South Tobin Street Renton, W A 98055 RE: Wetland and Stream Determination A1hadeff 6th Street Short Plat Riley Project #2002-061C Dear Mr. Alhadeff: . ) ." Per your request, The Riley Group, Inc." .. (Riley) has completed its determination of wetlands and streams on the· site. of the . proposed Alhadeff short plat project. The objective of the study was to determine if wetlands, streams or their buffers are present within 100 feet of the subject site (the Study Area); and if so, to determine their classification and buffer requirements. The project is located on the east side of the eastern terminus ofNW 6th Street in Renton, Washington at the top of a ridge overlooking Boeing Field. No wetlands or streams are located on the subject site. An approximately 16,600 square foot (0.38 acre) Class 3 wetland (the South Wetland) is located within a ravine at the toe of the slope to the south of the project. An approximately 21,700 square foot Class 2 wetland is located within another ravine approximately 450 feet north of the southern wetland. Class 3 wetlands are protected with a standard 25-foot buffer; Class 2 wetlands are protected with a standard 50-foot buffer. The proposed project lies well outside of the buffers of these areas. Study Area Description The proposed short plat construction area is primarily deciduous forest dominated by red alder (Alnus rubra) and big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum). Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menzeisii) and western red cedar (11zuja plicata) are also present. Himalayan blackberry (Rubus procerus) dominates in forest openings and beneath the canopy in some areas, though Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), Pacific blackberry (Rubus ursinus), and California hazelnut (Corylus cornuta) are also present in the understory. SERVING THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON NOV 0 ~ 2004 RECEIVED Seattle Office: 10728 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125 Tel (206) 417-0551 • Fax (206) 417-0552 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AlhadejfShort Plat 2 . Wetland & Stream Determination Technical Memorandum Background Research October 27. 2004 Riley Project#2002-06l c A wetland and stream study (Wetland Delineation & Conceptual Mitigation Report.· South Parking Lot. 559 to 625 Rainier Avenue North, Renton. Washington, dated July 22, 2004) was performed by The Riley Group, Inc. for the Alhadeff South Parking Lot. ~d . . .. ... . Wetland Delineation On January 6, 2003, Ms. CelesteBothawith The Riley Group, Inc. (Riley) examined the .. study area for indicators of critical areas, such as fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas (including streams, areas occupied by sensitive, threatened, or endangered species) and wetlands. Wetlands were identified based on the presence ofhydrophytic vegetation, hydric soil, and wetland hydrology using the method outlined in the 1997 Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (Washington State Manual), and . following City of Renton regulations.· The "routine on-sit~ determination method" was used to make the wetlands determination. The routine method is used for areas equal to or less than five acres in size, or for larger areas with relatively homogeneous vegetative, soil, and hydrologic properties. . During the study area evaluation, six detailed data points were located in distinct representative vegetation units in order to characterize the wetland and non-wetland cOmmunities within 100 feet of the subject$hort Plat site. Field observations at each data point were compiled on preformatted Wetlwiil Data Sheets, labeled 1 through 6. Vegetation Vegetation was evaluated across the study area to determine the presence ofhydrophytic plant communities. Plant communities are considered hydrophytic when more than 50 percent of the dominant species in the plant community have a wetland indicator status of facultative (FAC+, FAC, & FAC-), facultative wetland (FACW+, FACW, & FACW-), or obligate wetland (OBL), as listed in the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands, Region 9 -Northwest (Reed, 1993 and 1988). The indicator codes for plant species are noted in Table I. Table 1 Plant Indicator Codes . Indicator Code Frequency of Occurrence ill Wetlands Obligate Wetland (OBL) -occur almost always in wetlands >99% Facultative Wetland (F ACW*) -usually occur in wetlands 67-99% Facultative (F AC*) -equally likely to occur in wetlands or 34-66% non-wetlands Facultative Upland (F ACU*) -usually occur in non-wetlands 1-34% Obligate Upland {UPL) -occur almost always in non-wetlands <1% Not Listed (NL) -no indicator status - * Note: FACW, FAC, and F ACU also have + and -values to represent species near the wetter end of the spectrum (+) and species near the drier end of the spectrum (-i. Dominant species were recorded as species comprising more than 20 percent of the plant community in each stratum (tree, shrub, and/or herb layer). THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . AlhadejJShort Plat 3 . Wetland & Stream Determination Technical Memorandum Soils October 27. 2004 Rile!' Proiect#2002-061 c Anaerobic (saturated) conditions cause soils to fonn certain characteristics that can be observed in the field. Hydric indicators include: the presence of a matrix· chroma of I or less in umnottled soil or 2 or less in mottled soil, gleyed soil, organic soils (peats and mucks), and the accumulation of sulfidic material. Soil pits were dug in each data point, using a shovel to depths of 16 to 18 inches below ground surface (BGS). Soils textures were chliracterized using Natural Resources . Conservation SerVice protocol; and examined for hydric indicators as described by the WashingtOn State Manual. Soil colors .were identified using a Munsell soil color chart. (Kollmorgen Corporation, 1988). Depth of soil saturation was recorded for each data point Wetland Data Sheets are included in Appendix B. . Several secondary data points. were examined across the wetland/upland boundary in order to determine the approximate· boundary line, although data fonns were not completed at the secondary data points. The secondary data points were used to examine similarities or differences in soils between major data points and to establish mapped soil unit boundaries. Hydrology At each data point, observations of direct ~cl indirect wetland hydrology indicators were evaluated and recorded. Under normal conditions, hydrologic indicators are used to determine if the hydrology is either. currently present or can be inferred from the guidelines provided in the Washington State Manual. These indicators include: recorded data, visual observation of inundation or saturation, watermarks, drift lines, sediment deposits, drainage patterns, local soil survey data, oxidized root channels, and water- stained leaves. Wetland Study Results Riley identified and delineated two wetlands within the neighboring Alhadeff Parking Lot project boundaries but determined that no streams, wetlands or their buffers are present on the subject Alhadeff Short Plat project A summary of the vegetation, soils, and hydrology observed in the wetlands and the adjacent upland on this neighboring site is presented below. Vegetation The wetland south of the proposed Short Plat project is dominated by Himalayan blackberry, Pacific willow (Salix lasiandra), giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia) and lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina). Skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum), deadly nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) and vine maple (Acer circinatum) are also present. This primarily emergent plant community is represented by DP 5. An area characterized by the dominance of invasive species specifically Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), a Class B noxious weed in Washington State and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus procerus) is located at the east end ,of the wetland and watercourse lying within the wetland. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . AlhadeffShort Pial 4 Oc/ober 27. 2004 . Wetland & Stream Determination Technical Memorandum Riler Proiect#2002-06! c . Within the wetland lying northeast of the subject property, the low-lying areas are dominated by black cottonwood (Populus .balsamifera) and Pacific willow (Salix lasiandra) in the overstory and red osier dogwood (Comus stolonifera) in the shrub layer. Red alder (Alnus rubra) is also present in the overstory. The ground layer is sparse in . places but dominated in patches by various invasive exotic species, including reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinaceae), creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens) and .. English ivy (Hedera helix), although native species including sma1l-fruited bulruSh (Scirpus microcarpus), piggy-back plant (Tolmiea menziesii) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are also present. The eastern edge of the wetland is filled with primarily debris .. and dominated by Himalayan blackberry (Rubus procerus) which has also invaded the eastern end of the buffer. A small watercourse was flowing from west to east through the wetland. Data points 1, 2, and 6 represent this area .. Soil The site is not mapped in the Soil SUrvey of King CountY-Area Soil at DP 5 represents the southern wetland area Soil here has a surface layer comprised of 6 inches of silt . overlying gleyed sand to 16+ inches. DPs 1 and 2, which represent the northern wetland area, are located west of the property line. Soils at DP ·1 have a dark organic/silt surface . layer underlain by low chroma sand to 16+ inches. Soils at DP 2 further to the west are low chroma silt loam, which is mottled below 8-inches. Data sheet 6 includes a generalized description of vegetation within the wetland at the toe of slope north of the subj ect site. . ''''c Hydrology Direct evidence of wetland hydrology (i.e., inundation or soil saturation) was observed in DPs 1, 2, and 5 at the time of Riley's the delineation on the adjacent South Parking Lot site. City of Renton Regulations for Wetlands and Streams Class 3 wetlands are protected with a standard 25-foot buffer; Class 2 wetlands are protected with a standard 50-foot buffer. The proposed project lies well outside of the buffers of these areas. The City of Renton is in the process of revising the municipal code sections related to streams. The City of Renton defines stream, creek, river, or water- course as, "any portion of a channel, bed, bank, or bottom waterward of the ordinary high water mark in which fish may spawn, reside, or through which they may pass, and tributary waters with defined beds or bank which influence the quality of fish habitat downstream. This includes watercourses which flow on an intermittent basis or which fluctuate in level during the year, and applies to the entire bed of such watercourse whether or not the water is at peak leveL This definition does not include irrigation of ditches, canals, stormwater runoff devices, or other entirely artificial watercourses, except where they exist in a natural watercourse which has been altered by humans or except where there are salmonids." The watercourse lying within the wetland boundaries of the off-site wetlands meets the city's definition. At this point in time, there is no stream classification system or any stream buffer requirements in the municipal code. THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AlhadeffShort Plat . 5 .. Wetland & Stream Determination Technical Memorandum Wetland & Stream Impacts October 27, 2004 Rilev Pro;ect#2002-06 I c No impacts to wetlands, streams or their buffers are proposed related to construction Of . the Alhadeff Short Plat project. . . -.,' '. . . .' . . . Thank you for the opportUnity to provide you with this .information. Please do not . . hesitate to call with questions or comments. ~Yt~· + CelesWBotha . . Senior Wetland Associate , \ Paul Riley .-.- . President, The Riley Group, Inc. Attachment: AHBL SitePlan Wetland Data Forms (from Wetland Report dated July 22, 2004) cc.: Mr. Richard Wagner @Baylis Architects THE RILEY GROUP, INC. I-1= f l-I (f) (f) I a.. a.. a.. I I I .... \ I w =, , w :c VI I i '" w e; • u I I I I 1l£SD!PTKJ< .. """'" ..... ,," UGI1 P01ER(JDL P<lI I GUY WRE m£PHa£ .. ""'""" ""'" CAlOl BASIl • I -'" • "",,",I • SAM1ARY YH "" Inamn I fill{ OCP'T OO'OlCnCW lATER ,AL',( lATER uEIIR TRNflC SGN ...... BOX """'-PIl£ I OIl[ ",oe, O1A1H UNK FENCl _0_0-0_0- l1OOO """ "'''''lIS ----ill¥-- I Qri-9l[ Q.UJ!flc l.IIITS ~ ~ R5::~ STlMI IlU.II LIIE -0- IATfR \JII£ --w-- StaTARY SEllER UN[ -5-- ROO' ~Nlj UtE: -PO- I PR<I'C&II PA~ !~t:i~~~~] I I I D SUBST>IN<IS AAE I IF ~~~y STAT[, fEil[RAL (II LOC.'.-----r---'--C-I-T-Y--O-:P=---=R'-E=-N-::-:T=-O=-N=-----i I i I ! I D~TA FORMl(Revised) . . Routine Wetland Detennination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or' • 1987 Corp~Wetland DelineallonManual)' . Project/Site: /flhaa'e{,.£"Kd7 /Z,h Date: olft /02., • 'Applicant/owner: AI/;ltLlef-r .,.. ,. ..~~~;?: kt'r!, In'esti~ator(s): .·ceo IP'.t\' . . srrlR: • Do Nurmal Cin:umsl.1nces exist on the site? '.~ . no . commun. ity 10: .T".. p' Is the .ite signifiC3ntly disturbed (illypic:ll situatiolll~ , . yes > '@.' Transect 10:. j./ -'-( . Is the :u-ea a potential Problem Area'?' " yes,:'(!!!j)" PlotlD:;t:r:k':c,c;; n . . ..... , Explanation of atYpical or problem are.: . ' . ..dY' .. ' ",W4V-1 ([-144-.--' .1-='\i~'E~G:!!!!!E~T~A!.:T~I..!!O~N~'~(F..!:o:!..r.t:.strn~ta!::,!!;in~d~ic:!a'-te-T-, =;""'lr-ee-:-S-=-s-h""ru-b-: -H-=-h;';.-rb-: -Y-=-v-i-ne-)--..L.-_·;;:"F::·/,-. ';';"'_"':'!"":"';":"':"':"::"--':'!-l/ / .: /. Dominant Plant Species Stratum' Ok co"er Indicator ' 'Dominant Plant SpeCies' Stratum' 'k co\'er 'Indkato'r 1-1-'· c· P-o .. . . ..... VA-riA,;' '. . • ~~U~~h~',_'~~~.~/O~I_/~~r~;,_i-+_.~/o~· ~rF7~~~~~' ~+--'~'-----------+-----r~---r--~~ • f-/"-~",u,-,J,:,:,'//,:::.,.{_··<~11""f.~;e",-_ :=;c.;:...-·_·+-,,-.:;;;:5=:;.· ,--f-:..../..:O~,-l. ;.;' ·~F; .... *'..:.·,""'D;:;;.:c_'f-___ .-~ _____ --i ___ +-.,.-_--if---,_-l • • I • A,thvt. -h /, '/~T: . PAz::.: ' . In'DRQPlnTIC VEGETATIO!'i 1;\1>lCATORS: . . %cifdo~iri.ntsOBL FACW. &FAC 100' ." Check all indic:uors thai apply &: expl:'in below: . Visua(obsen'ation of plant species growing in. areas of prolonged inundation/saturation· Morphological adaptotions Technical"Literature .' Hydrophytic vegetation present? Rationale for decisionlRemarks: . f.V~) '~. no PhysiologicaJireprod~ctive adaptations \\' etland plant d:u3base.· . Personal knowledge of regional plant communities Other (explain) .. " , '" . I ~~~------~~~~·~~------~---~---~ HYDROLOGY Is it thl! growing season'? Q no I I I I Water Marks: yes 0!.?) Sediment Deposits: yes·~ on ) "'fi Based on: I/''';-J. -'soil temp (record temp ) D~inage Patterns: ~i no rr~~~~~~~o~t~h~er~(~e~XP£II~a~in~)==~~ __ ~ __ ~~~~~~~~~_~~_~ Drift Lines: yes CV Dept. 'of inundation: __ inches I . . Oxidized Root (I;"e roots) Local Soil Survey: yes ~ c;,o; . Channels <12 in:-2) no' I \;I.e I FAC Neulr31: 'yes ~ Depth to free ""ater in pit: ==--inches Depth to saturated soil: ~ inches Check all that apply & expl:tin below: Other (explain): Stream. Lake or gage data: __ Aerial ohotoeraphs: .Other: Wetland hydrology present? Rationale for decisionIRemarks: DO Water-stained Leaves yes 0 . .~---------~------------------------~-'------~ I .. . .. . . DATA. FORM l(Revis~d) . Routine Wetland Determination. ' . . . (\VA State Wetland Delineation Manual or I 1987 COrDS Wetland Delineation Manua\) ProjectlSite:' Rt2I""~ y-,4;.e.' Ke..t~. I APPlbntlown~r:41 A~d e{( ..... ' .... . . r~ ~ A Investi~atortsl: . C. f-;?,:-O I v '-"'-. ". Dat~: County: Smte: srrlR: Community 10: I Do Nurmal Circumsmnces exist on the site? . . @D no .• Is the site sii;nifi~tly disturbed (atypic:1l sit~tion I~ . .' .. ' ." . yes .~.. '. Is the area a potential Problem Area?· '. . .' " . ,yes '. ~'" Transect 10:· .' Plot 10: ....... Dp-L YflP~.'-. N;... >r' .... ExDlanation of atVDic:1l or oroblem 'area: ... ' .' .. ' I VEGETATION (For strata. indicate T = tree: S = shrub: H = herb:. V= vine) ,-I-. Dominant Plant Soecies ~ ; hat' v:}lab" IllA:,r1 ('011'1 .' ". 73 ~c, ht.k· .. . Stratum' .'. ~ co'·er. Indicator -r -~ .. , "&0 I1.?t7R 100 ...c-·-:-U .... , .'~ .. ' /.-,- "£,: ....-. -.1-. -~~,' . Dominant Plant Seecies . I HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATIOlli INDICATORS: .. 7. 9i: of dominantS OBL F,~cW. &: FAC lOOc: I Check all indic:nor.5th't :Ipply &: explain below: . Stratum 1-L I I I I ! I ,~ Visual observation of plant species growing in Physiologi.callreproductive ad:lptations \\' etland plant database Ck co\'er 10 /0 ·'·7 , 10 10 / I areas of prolonged inundation/s:lturation Morphological adapt:ltions" . . Personal knowledge of region'll pl:lnt communities Technical Literature' . . • I Hydrophytic vegetation present? Rationale for decisionlRemarks: I HYDROLOGY Is it th,t! growing season? I '.~. Q no DO Other (explain) . Water Marks: yes ~ on Drift Lines: yes· ® . Indic:ltor #.4[,;.., P4t'J/i/ I~ : . IVL .. rkC- PAat/+ ' .. W:lter-stained Le:l\'es yes ~ .' I Wetland hydrology present? . p, Rationale for decisionlRemarks:'~ DO .. I~~------~--------------~~~~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA FO&\ll (Revised) . , ...... Routine Wetland Detennmation .. . (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or . ., 1 1987 Corns Wetland Delineation Manua ) Project/Site: ·N~·/~0· Date: ?/1'7/02--. ~.' . . . . ". . Applicant/owner: Alii/{. d..:t;: County: [~. .-'. '() St~te: . ~( , In~estie~tor(s): . . 'K.-tP-'" srrlR: . Do N(lrmaICircumst~nces exist oil the site? . . :-c \OS ~ no .Community!D: D?~3 Is the site signific~!ly disturbed (atypical situ~tion I'? .. ." yes G9I .T~nsect !D:. .. Is the area it potenti~IProblem Area" . y\!S GD·. Plot !D: N.(ljJ~ MJ-/.:5 Ex!)lan~tion of atvDical or nroblem area:· VEGETATION (For strata, indicate T = tree: S = shrub: H = herb: V = vine) . ",.. -. . . . ,. . Do~in~nt PI~nt Soecies .• .Str~tum ~ cover Indic~tor Dominant Plant Species Str~tum 9C CO\'er Indic~tor A (rop",-,.d f,,,, ''1lch -&'0 ProrJ j !Jrf7' j' . /-1-6-C) . f1tC-i-YuV> i'lV...c£/ I c:"i /0 / .. .. iJryv,p(" ;+ T JJe- S~~ IttM' ..... .... :.--.--. 5 . ~k'v A-T!iu ··/2,h , I-f-·T .J74c. / '. /! .J.-... .~ I / .. . s;r//1dr yace .5 T 'FA-r..u . .. . I . T cc: .. er",Yl. oM· .... ~. . ..:f1tc 111/, . .. . HYDROPHYTIC VEGETA TIOS IlIol>ICATORS: .. . .. .. 'k of dominants OBL;FACW. &: FAC IQ() . • .. " , Check 311 indicators that ~pply &: explain below: " . -. ,"',-,, . . Visual obser\'~tion of pl~nt species gro\\ingin Physiologicallreproductive3daptations .. --are:>s of prolonged inund~tion1~tur~tion· .. --\\" e!land pl~t database --Morphologic~1 adaptatio~s . . --Personal knowledge of region~1 pl~tcommur.ities --Technical Literaiure Other (<<plain) .. ... . Hydrophytic vegetation present? ,.'.&-no·-\1 I· Rationale for decisionlRemarks: , .. HYDRQLQ~Y ls it th~ growing ~easo~? -BJ Water Marks: yes &J Sediment Deposits: yeS~ 1. no J.lT on o _ 'J . Based on: ,_" I soil temp (record temp ) Drift Lines: yes ~) Drain~ge P~ttems: yes \!!o/ other (e'DI~in) .. . ,'.7 .' Dept. 'of inund~tion: __ inches & .'jfl. . Oxidized Root (Ii~e roo~ Loc~1 Soil Survey: yes~ . 'UJ, -:t Channels <12 in, ves no. . .. Depth to free Water in pit:. ---.:.. inches· I~/. ,.0:;,-:"-F AC Neutral: yese, Water-stained Le~\'es yes(§) Depth to saturated soil: . -~tr~(,,/' I . ~lnches . Check all that apply & explain below: ie Other (explain): :(-~. Stream. Lake or gage data: .. --Aerial ohoto2raphs: . . Other: WeUand hydrology present? yes .. ~ . .;';.'. Rationale for decisionIRemarks: "' .. ~ C-J,-J)" /;:: , I \:::..~ .... f ' , tJ:/Z£:6. (krl-lk;u'i . ex·" / 1 r-1'_'t-. p..Aaf'/ t '\1 t..:/"r \.1 (""" : f""/ '" ....... .. ~.-;. ~/"'( J iJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA FORM 1 (Revised) Routine Wetland Detennination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Corns Wetland Delineation Manual) ProjecllSite: , -:-RCL-t rn :v,,-'/2vt'~ , Dat<: 'i51/1'/OL Applbnllo\l;ner: ' ft1 hf~d'" ff-County: , " State: ' Invest;,:atorts): pDrnt{, J , srrlR: , Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site?' '~'~' Community \D: DP~ L.! Is the ~ite significantly disturbed (atypical situationr~ yes ,n Transect .ID: I , ' 'Is the area a potential Problem Area? ' . ',veS" no 'Plot !D: " . ' N , ExDlanation of atyoicaJ or Droblem area: ,~ .. 7JW/~ flMA,,' VEGETATION (For smua. indicate T: tree: S': shrub: H : herb: V'= vine)' ~"',I, "' .. ' 'l;~ Dominant Plant Soedes Str:itum '1C cO\'er Indicator Dominant Plant Soecies Stratum 'k cover . Indicator' klvuJ. VIJ~/},yy- ~ T S1J J:?17 __ IJd&', fi.(l.J I!;' • < 1-/. LfO ," L-" I ' (g'Y'.Ar , 10 tVL-' - r--.. 3" I F/+t'N (I) t-.{) y, . 't1'AVuVl H ;--.' O"§E.L _." ",,,,,.L,, ,/1')../..J2....-' " }{',1-1, '.-.--I " 0Y£ .c::-I fA6!-' " " , I 1.0.' ' , ' V /0 ' , " 7 ". . FI\C{A,. , *J~_~' , F/;/U f~ t-f/s, , I ;2.0 ,:fN;L.< , , HYDROPHYTlC VEGETA TlOS L"DICA TORS: SiC oftiOminantsOB~~Acv.'. & FAC ' !sf) ,. ' , . '.; . Check all indic:uors th:uapply&' explain bei""·: '" - Visual observation of plant species growing'in Physiologicallreproductive adaptations . --areas of prolonged inundation/;;;lturation ' --Wetland plant database --Morphological adaptations ' '--' Personal knowledge of regional plant communiiies --Technical Literature-Other (e"olain) . , ,,' " , , " Hydropbytic vegetation present? Rationale for decisionlRemarks: -yes :. (3. . , ' HYDROLOGY eB ~ ,..--.. Is it th~ growing se~on? no Water Marks: . yes ~ Sediment Deposits: yes I,~ ~ ,..--.' , on 0··--"'I . . yes & yes,~ Based on: (7 "J..J!.. soil temp (record temp ) Drift Lines: Drainage P~tterr.s: -\ other (exolainJ , Dept. 'of inundation: ' .--.nches ' O,idized Root (Ii"e roots) Local Soil Sur ... ey: yes ,no) Channels'<12 in. \'os (no) L/ Depth to free w:uer in pit: "..:=. inches O~'y.J Iv FAC Neutral: yes(§) Water-stained Leaves yes;no~) Deoth to saturated soil: ,--inches 1 ::HJI/ ' , . '-----" Check all that apply & explain below: , Other (explain): Stream, Lake or gage data: --Aerial ohoto"raohs: Other: , Wetland hydrology present? Rationale for decisionIRemarks: yes t9 , ~ I I I I DATA FORM 1 (Revised) . Routine Wetland Determination (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual 01' 1987 Corps e and De ineation . anu W tI I M aI) Project/Site: RC//~ ~ . /~4r~ ~~ Applic~nt/own.r: ~;!H'-!Lbff- '. Investi~~tor(s): 'V~ ";/ . L..tJ.-.- Do Nunnaj CircumsLlnce~ exist on the site? .~ ·no. ·Is the site signific~tlydisturbed (atypical s.itu~tion l~ yes ~"" Is the ~ea a potential ProblemArea'?' .. . ',-yes no < Explan~tion of atypical or--,,-roblem area: VEGETATION . (For strata. indicate T = tree: S = shrub: H" herb: V = vine).' .. Dominant Plant Species . St~tum CK cover Indic:ltor Dominant Plant Species D31e: 11;2.'6" /6 ~ County: /</;ZC). SLlte: . srrlR: . - Community lD: 'DP {) T~nsect 10: "5 Plot 10: , "q;~_'t0f~ / .. . Str~tum ~ coyer . lridbtor '~ ,r 1 aJ,,~ I I I I "'J1»~, {.;I.,.!? -+0 P/Jo.t/ lii~ . . Ad~·· . 'rr rL-..L. '),tJ ~. . . I I I I I I I I I I I -I. • : VIz.J . MtU {..O ~:W . I .I'lL-. ~Ak ···BO I. . -'~'." V' f1tUA {Uc,! a /,.JJ)-.-/ . ' . r Of5' , c-- tI ! A----h1_ .:l-f PI'f'-CAAA'/ . ~ . . .' . V r·· . . . ;5)f} (r; duJc.. ~ ' . . ' .. . ' . .. , . .' , HYDROPHYTlC VEGETATlO:-; L'iDICATORS: .' ... lr ·1J;~~jfJ5H'~-:·{e~~u-· .. . .. . ft?& % of dominantS OBL FACW. &FAC .' .............. ~ ...... .. , . . Check ~II indic310rs that ~pply &.expliin below: --'" - d ," Physiologlc:l11reproductive adapLltions · Visual observation of plant species growing in --. areas of prolonged inundatiOn/saturation --W <[land pl~t daLlbaSe . .--Morphological adapwions' . .'-_. Personalknciwledge of regional plant c(\mmunitie~ .- Technical Literature . Other (explain) · Hydrophytic vegetation p'resent? . . ··rEV DO :. Rationale for decisionlRemarks: .- '. HYDROLOGY '@ Is it th~ growing selSon? no· Water Marks: yes. ~ Sediment Deposits: yes (no) 1./£ soil temp (record temp on .. Based on: ) Drift Lines: .. yes W Drain~ge Panerns@ n~ other (explain) .' · Dept. 'of inun&tion: __ inches . Oxidized Root (live roots) Loc~1 Soil Survey: yes~ (; inches Channels <12 irf.'Ves·' no Depth to free water in pit: FAC Neutral: yes~ Water-stained Le:l\'es~no' Depth to saturated soil: -y inches Check all that apply & explain below: Other (explain).: Stream. Lake or gage data: --Aerial photoeraphs: Other: Wetland hydrology present? (Y. . no Rationale for decisionlRemarks: . • ~ I···· ·c .,. . ~~ -," , I I . -." ~. I' -..... I I ..... . I· I I.·, 1 1 1 .. I' I I I I I I .. ' ... " ..... ProjecllSite: A1ltp~ Applicanlloo.-na: . DA TA~·UR.\l 1 (R~vised) . . ' .. Routine Wetland Detennination. . (WA State Wetland Delineation Manual or 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual) W/L· .. Do Nurmal Circumstances exist on the site~ 0~'·· no . Isthe site signifio;llly ·disturbed (atypic:1l situation I~ yes GO' D'lI~: 2-/12-/ c. K.t'yc. County: SQte: SITIR: Is the:u-ea a potential Problem Area~ . . yes ® .' .; Explanation of a!\'lIic:1l or problem area: . .' . . ' ;.' j CommunitylD: A / Transect ID: I v . PIOtIDi:~~ ... cl .. VEGET A TrON (For strata. indicate T = tree: S = shrub: H = herb: V = vine) . •... l .. . . : . Dominant Plant Soecies .'. St~tum~~~ln~ :~nt~~~~Hi:'/~ . :" ;. :. \ -,.L. ! '. 'P'G-7p,-r" ~.J________ .. '. r· EO PAr/~NJ. V~~ +f ", . c..c;J~~: . . r . I, t;;O' ~/tot/rFW ~-oA. HYDROPHYTIC VEGETATIO~ L'l>ICATORS: . .~ of dominarusOBLFACW. &FAC IO{) . . . .. ~k aIlindi=ors that :lpply &: expliinbel ow: VtsUaI obser\':uion of plant speciesgrc)\\;ng·;n areas of prolonged inund:itionls':lluration . ,Q.4> .. V "n A , . c:<:..A iit . U· .. . Physiologicallrcproducth-e adapt:llions \\'etland plant claQbase Morphologic:1l adaputions Te::hnicaILiteriuure .. Personal knowledge of repo,ul plant communiiies Hydrophytk vegetation present? . Rationale for dei:isionIRemarks: . HYDROLOGY· . U:V. Is ilth~ growing =n~ ~'es .~ DO Based On: ~SOiltemp (record temp ___ -'I other (explain I Dept. 'of inundation: ~inches • • . Other (e~ajn) . . Water Marks: on Drift Lines: , yes ~) Oxidized Root (Ii". rootsj Channels <12 in, Ve5 ;:;'0) Depth to fre< water in pit: ~ inches DePth to saturated soil: 0 inches {YJxl-FAC Neutral: yes (§) Check all that apply &: explain below: Stream. Lake or gage data: __ Aeri:1l photo!!Taohs: Wetland hydrology present?· Rationale for decisionlRelTlllrts: yes fj,' ! ~"I I! Other (explainJ: , Other: no Sediment D Local SoilS Water-stain! I DATA FOR;\ll (Revised).· . Routine Wetland Detennination . '. (W,~ Sta~Wet1and Delineatioll Manuaio'r ... i987 CorDs' Wetland De1ineationMmiual\ Dat·:.2/ / 2/0 'f . . . I 9~, L; r~lp~~';(J~/J I /:::)0,' ~:r ~()P/totV7-rWdJiL ~k /JUre I.~· ····10F/tcJt../,c;..n,· ."""J~"';-' I·~ .. ~'.t+:-<J(» ,JI_I'/~~-L I ·ttJ~ rukr .. '(". /0 f1tv. p~ ,(M' ~ ~C-V lJo Iflt-u,{ tJrf/cL'i7t' I :;:::::B~:::::~'1~TORS:, " . " l/ , I Ch-.. d: all indi=rs WI :.pply 8:. expUiJi belo"'~ , .. . . . I ;. Visual obsen':uion of pl""t species gTO\\inj; in Physioloj;icallreproducti ... " :ui:lpt:uions .' T"· ·T· MOrphologic! lldapl:ltioD> Personal b10wledge of rej;ional pl:mi communitieS . . I are:l5 of prolonged inuno±ltion/s;lluration· __ W.:lland pl:mtd,uabase' .' ." . <' •. ·~T~~~~~ni~c~a1~Ll7"t~~~·~w~re~~ ............ ~ ...... ~~~==~ ...... _·~O~th~e~r~(e~x~ol~m~n~l_· ...... ~~· ........................ _·~~.~.~~"",, __ ~===-·~ I H:rdrophytit v<getation p~nt? .' (' ~'es1' 110 . Rationale fordccision.IReniZks: '-!..7 . ..'- . .'. .. I HYDROLOGY .'. Is it the growing s=on? yes ® WaterMarks: yeseJ S~ment Depcisj!S~ no I Based on: ~SOil temp (record timp __ -,I ~ft Lines: yes ~ Drair.~ge Panerns~ 'no . other (exolain) .. I I-:::De-.. p-:t.-:'o~f,",jn-u=n=;d:I=u"'" o=n=: ~:!:!.'-==~. ';.1.-....... i'""n""'ch-es .................. ..:-.....:;-I-:ex:-. -:-jd7."jzed--:--=R-oo-t-:(::-lh-'e-roo->o--~""""""I-:Local Soil Survey:. yes (no') . Channels <12 in. \'es loo) .......,.., I Wetland hydrology present? Rationale for deCisionlRemarl:s: yes Other: DO If. W / ~ t8W.. M1'I.--' I~ ________ ~~~_-~(_b_~_. ____ ~ ______________ ~~~ _________ ~~ ______________ -J 1 1 1-----" -/:.-:-/' -".,' WETLAND BOUNDARY MAP 1 1 1 1 I I I ." ',' . . ",-. -.~ ," I ~ .... ", ," ;:-', .. _. ,:.-.;; I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. 2000 Wetland and Butter Functions and semi";quantitative Pertormanc~AssesSment Wetland # ;J~ \V~~,(-)vvd Staff c-8mftvc_ Date '9,-/ I q/O 2-. ."':-; ;,.-.. NfA= Not Applicable. Nil = No information 'avaJlabie .. Location 5 T R T bl 1 D a e : etennmtn " W IdS' '1. d et an ,zem an sca-,,-e c ontext Attribute . Low (1 pt.) Medium (2 pts.) High (3 pts.) . Total Absolute Size . . ;"::-5 acres') .' 5-10 acres > 10a=s I Wetland Loss in Basin '(>60%) 20-60% <20% . I .: -:,' Size Relative to Other Wetlands in Basin (on ' 100%of . 100 -200% oft > 200% of .. I . I '. NWImaos) ~OP.;'7' . .' averaae size S1Ze Buffer Size ' .. < 75 feet . . mJp_200.iee?" "> 200 feet .. <y.-. . Buffer Condition > 60% disturbed· 720-10"7. dis~ . < 20% disturbed .. ' 2-" If score is ~T nen give d!.e question a 1 score/S Relative Size Ifscore is 1.5 to 2 then give the question a 2 If score is 25 to >3 then give the Question a 3 '-rib" " . . . -." - - Function I ' ' Criteria . Groupl 1 pt Gtoup2 . 2pts Group 3 3pts '. Flood! ,.;;;;..stzecuinuJallw8Qlr8 (see Table 1) . Lstze Cll'lWlalfwsare (see Table 1) _stze CumuIatiw 8ccra (See Table 1) . Storm Water VrNertne. or~aNdeprBs'lon' . >" . ' ~_d _lake. depressions. heedwalels,. bogs Control _<10%_ ........ ':10-3O%_~ ~.QIWr •. r _ Uuic::u db aIi.ad outlet ". '. . . ~""ik:ullStJalli!d DUlleI . I outlet . c:r Z'Jcx:ated ~~ 113 of the drainage __ in middle .113.ofthe dralnage '';;;;'' _In upper 113 of the drainage poInIs- (max 151 '. "/ ... :. ' ... . . ·.·Base Flowl . LSlzaamiulaIIw 8Qlr8 (...;. Table 1) ~~ aJJinJtatNe sara (see Table 1) _SIze CumuIatiw 8Qlr8 (see TabIe'1) Ground Water ~......;.; Or shallow depresslorl .. .;;;;.. rrild-slopeci v.oetIan4. . lake.dejAessio"s. heedwalers,bogs - Support .... ,/ _In lower 1.0 of the drainage . '_Ioc:a!ed In mIcIdle 113 of the drai1age ~ located In upper 113 oflhe ctainage poInIs7 _ temporally _ or saturaled ~S8asonany or 89m>Permananlly . . _ penmnenIIyDooded orsaturaled, L.:. <20 ~ OBt SDBdes ... IIooded or saI!n!Ied or IntermIIIsnIly exposed . (max 151 20 10' 40 % OBl species >40 % OBLspecieS Erosionl _sptJ1S9 gnISSAlerbs or no \leg along ~_ wood orveg along OHWM _dense wood or veg along OHWM .Shoreline. OHWM Protection \~d ex!ends <so m from .' _ weUand e_ 30 -60 m from __ extends> 200 m tram points //'). OHWM OHWM. \Z~ne~. _>60",1, shoreline developed _2010 00%_ deYeloped (max!lL . . Wster Quality _rapid flow through sHe _moderate flow through site ~ow flow through sHe Improvement _<50 % veg cover ~-80 % cover . > 80 % \leg cover '/1 _<20",1, shoreline deYeloped.' _20 10 50% of basin upstream from \ ::<~1% of basin upstream from poIntsrV ~ isdeYeloped we1Iand Is developed (max 12) -resuft from Table 2 resolI from Table 2 -resutt from Table 2 SolI coarse il'avel. Sand, sandyloam ~ organic minerai mix SolI heavy organic mud< and peat I I I I I I I I ,. I ! I I I 2000 Wetland and Buffer Functions and Semi-quantitative Performance Assessment' Wetland #_....,......;,... ________ -'-....,..._ Staff ______ Date ' ________ ~ Table 2: Overland Flow Contained in Wetland " Attribute Low (1 pt.) Medium (2 pts.) Hi2h (3 pts.) Total Configuration, ?,Iare:sllaped ---' Shallow bowl-Deep Bowl-I ' , ,~ shaped shaped ' , Drainage Basin Size ' /<2_8cres .-J 2-5 acres > 5 acres I Outlet OoconstIained Semi -constrained ,--cOOst!3inoo " 1-' <:? Input Groundwater SurfaCeflowan~ "s-url'aCe1IOw ' " " onlv c.. -2-J(roundwater' , , Basin Condition <20% 20-40 % r->40"io.":) '7 impervious impervious ~ impervio ?, Flow Contained ' ,', Bcore/S ",/Qlr" / ' , Natural _slzeClllluiative """'" (see Tab18 1) , ' Uslze aIIIIUIdw """'" (see Table 1) ~ ~"""'" (seeTabI81) ',.' . . . . -. BIological ,-low connedlvll}dD wg'd bu1lers ' ~ mod c:onn8ciMtylD veg'd bull...,. _ alI1IIBCIIvIIy 10 veg'd buIIars, , Support __ ag land, lOw Wgllllucture ' " Z7"etaUoo', ' _hiItl veg strucIure ;,...seasonaI surIaca_", _ swtacewalel _open waler pools through summar .:..-oris haIita! !)'lIe ~-types ',' , ,~3_types I PAS PaN PEMPSS PFO EST , ''-PAS~~sT PAS PaN PEM PSSPFO EST _low plant dlvarslly « 6 species), ' ,.../ JOOdaiala pI8rrt dIYersI1y (7·15 spp) _high plant dIvarsIIy (> 15 spp) , ;....,> 50 % invasive species " _~50% invasive spedas , , _ < 10% invasive species , '~mDanIc~n ,,' ,/ rriocIerate org3I1Ic acamulallon ',-high'cigamc~ ,_IowOrgan;c export, ' " ,z:£ -high ixganIc export __ few ha!J11B11eaIu!es _many_fBatiJres " ~2' .:.... bul!er!lwiry dIsWIbeci , ~ notdis!urbed ' _ Isolated from upland habiIaIs ' _' par1IaIIyaJmeCledlD upland h_ ' -WeII .... iidBd lDupland _ -" (max 36) Overall __ size cumulallve ..... (see Table 1) ..,.'size'cumulative score (see TabI81) _size ~ score (see Table 1) , HabItat __ ,low habIIa! dlwrslty / moderate _ diversity , _~ habitat dIvarsIIy Functions '_low sandUary or refuge _moderale sancIUary or retuge , L -'high sancIUary or reluge poinIs~ " , (max91 , /' Specific _ low Invertebrate habItaI /' moderate irNertebra!e ha!JIIBI high __ Habitat _Iowamphlll/an habitat ~ amphlbian habnat _high amphibian habitat Functions, '\~ fish habllal ~'aIe fiSh habltal highlishhabltat poI.nts/() _low mammal habitat , \ .,.,de,-aIe mammal habitat ~ mammal habitat (max 15) _low bim habitat moderate bild habltal _high biId habItaI -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wetland # 2000 Wettand andBufferFUnctionS~d Semi~uanmalive PertonnanceAssessment '. fSfi.l::rfl. J fj)dC4AA»' .. ' .. Staff COJ>o-tt.v . Date S7ft'1 /O~·· Location S T R .' .. ' ". 'NlA~ NotAPpiicabJe, NIl: N6~fonn~~n avai~le . ' '" . . , '. ' - -. T hi I'D .. a e : etennmm~ W d d S· ';La d" e an lZe In n scape' c ontext· . .. -' Attribute Low~t.) Medium (2 pts.t FUgb (3 pts.) Total . Absolute Size . ~ 5-10 acres • > 10 acres .. ' 1 Wetbnd Loss in Basin .' (--">60o/D 20-60% .' '<20% 1 Size Relative to Other , Wetbnds in Basin (on "r; 10"OY. ~;)' 100~200% oft . :> 200% of . J NWImaps) . average S1Z . average size ,. aVe~size .. Buffer Size < " feet CJ5 to 200 feM' '.' > 200 feet ~ . Buffer Condition > 60% disturbed ~0-60% distur~ , < 20% disturbed .~ '.' . Ifscore is ~1 then give th.e question a 1 score/S Relative Size . If score is 1.5 to 2 then give the question a 2 . If score is 25 to >3 then give the question a 3 . . 1·.1/5""· . . . . Function ' .. Criteria Groupl Ipt .' .Group2·· 2pts GrtlIlP_3 . 3pts Flood! .' ~cumulaUYesall8 (seeTablet) ~sIze~score (_Table 1) . _size cumufa!i...e score (see Table 1) . Storm Water -V" .. '" .... . _mJd.cIoped _d _lake.depI : 51)j is, headwaters, bogs Z~:~~~.··.,. . '. Control. ~10·30%_cover .. :. 30% forested """'" ZISIIIi"Odou!iel . . .. .. . '. ~~outIot·.·· ~<:t .. serrd-ccAlStlailltitcl oUUet . .. -.,"" ',L.1oca!ed In~ 11.1 0I1he~; . _1ocaIed In middle ~ . __ In _113 011110 drainege . .. . " . . (ma'(15)' . L . . Baae Flowl _SIze alIIIUIaIIvescore (see Table 1) LSiz.e amwIaIiva score (seeTabie 1) _SIze aJIIIUIaIIve score (see Table. 1) Grourid Water ~ne:ashaJlOWdepr;"lon '.' ' .• _mld«lped ~ . -Iake,deplessions, heBdwaters,bogs Support' .' ~ Ioca!ed In _113 01.1110 drainage . z: middle ;1.1 of 1110 drai1sge __ In upper 11.1 of 1110 drainege ~1 _ tempcraDy 1Iooded asalUrB!ed _ or seml-pennanen1!y ' .•. _ permanently 1Iooded asaturaled, L . ,. _ asal!n!ed' ... Inteiildttellayexposed . ' (max 15) .... < 20 % OBL soecies 201040%OBLsoecieS '. > 40 % OBL soecies Eroslonl -.:. sparse grBSSIhetbs ... no \leg aIorg . . ~nse wood ... \leg along OHWM _sparse wood or iIeg along OHWM . Shoreline' ~HWM .. ' .... Protection. ,_ .... Uand_<30 mfrom .-wetland extends 30· 60 m from . _wetland extends > 200 m!rom ./. . . ~~ /-~~. OHWM OHWM _20 to 60% _ deWIoped . _<20",(, shoreline developed (max9) . . ;-- Water Quality -.:. rapid flow through site _ mode_ flow Ihrough site ~w flow through site . Improvement _<50%~cover _SO·80%cowt ~%\legcover . points Iy _<20% shoreline doYeIoped. _ 20 to 50% of basin upstream from _> 50% of basin upstream from vC:: Is developed wetland Isdeveloped (max 12) _resun from Table 2 _ resun from Table 2' -resun from Table 2 ZSoD coarse .gravel, Sand, sand)40am SoIl organic minefaJ mix So! he""Y organic mucl< and pea! . , , . "-•. ~ ".: c',";· I "' .. 2000 Wetland and BufferFGnctionsarld ,Semi-quanmative. PerformanceAssessrnE~nt '" :--. :",:.~. I· '. Wetland #?m-u rAy 1J);~$t~~ftd7m1t1.L Date Cf'1 /'1 / 0 '2---. ~ r . "_ ." . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 2: Ovcrland Flow Containcdin'Wctland ", . : .. : Basin Condition < 20% impervious. &..;;.F1;;.;.o:.;w.;..,..=c;.:;o;;;;;Dt;;;;;Il1::;;·n::;;c;:.:d:;.. . ..,-......,,......_._ .... _..,-..,--'-_..,----' ... -'-. '_" _, ,............, ______ ...... ,....=.sc;::o::.;;r.:;c""'/5::......1 tfj!! ............ : . " .. ~. " .. -.. Natural Biological' Support '. .... tel' . pcints-. _buffers wry dIsIurbecI . .~' .. . .' : _Iso!aledtrarit Upland haIlIta1s ••. Overall" Habitat' ·-FecumlJlalNg.sc:ore.(",""Tabie') 'Vslze~~ (see Table 1) V_loWlowhabllatdiYeJ8lly .' .... . .. ' ..•. _~~._ dlw.or~refuge' Functionk .pcints.!2 . Specific .. Habitat Functions palnIs <;( ~ (max 15) _"~~~or~e' J~ __ , . '_Iow invertabraIe habItaI .' _Iowamphiblan~ . 4w tish tiat>b.t '-~IOW;';ammal habltal _low bird habitat ./.: . inYertebraIe habI1at ~~mlhablla! _ moderaIe fish habitat ... . ' ..... ~ mamma/ habitat "Vmodera!eblrd hablla! ' .. -. _size aJI1\UIaIIw sa>rB (see Table 1) ._ high carUiectMty10 wg'dbuffers ' __ q,." wafer PoaS lIIroughmm": '. '~3 habItaIlypes • .PAB PON PEM PSS PFo EST . .;...hlghpiantdlYarslly(>'5~)' . . '. . --. . _. <'0% invasive species .. , _high organic accurnuIaIion· ..;...hIgh argaillc export .. '. _'many habItaI IBaIureS . ..:.. buffers not dis1urbed . ~ . wOo .... _10 upland habIta1s . ." -" ... _. size cum_ sciare. (see Table.') _hlghhabltal dlversIIy . ._. high Sanduary or _' . _high inYertebraIe habItaI _high amphlbiml hl!bItat _high fish habitat _high mammal habitat _high bird habitat ------------- SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL • RE: CONFIRMATION OF COMPLIANCE OF CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL March 28, 2007 CITY OF RENTON DTERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFIGANCE-MITIGATED MITGATION MEASURES: 1. Applicant shall comply with recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003, regarding "setbacks from top of slope- central slope/housing project". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during building construction. THIS PROJECT WAS DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REFERENCED GEOTECHNICIAL ENGINEERING REPORT AND WILL BE MONITORED FOR COMPLIANCE DURING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 2. This project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. PROJECT WAS DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH SAID REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE REFERENCE STORM PLAN AND PROFILE FILED UNDER PERMIT NUMBER UOS0112 AS APPROVED AUGUST 18, 2006. 3. In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor shall contact the State Archaeologist. NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL DEPOSITS HAVE BEEN FOUND. 4. Applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single family lot. FIRE MITIGATION FEE IN THE AM MOUNT OF $3416.00 WILL BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDING. 5. Applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. TRAFFIC MITIGATION FEE IN THE AMMOUNT OF $5024.25 WILL BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDING. 6. Applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot. PARKS MITIGATION FEE IN THE AMMOUNT OF $3715.00 WILL BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDING. HEARING EXAMINER SHORT PLAT APPROVAL CONDITIONS: 1. Applicant shall comply with the ERC conditions. COMPLIED. SEE SIX CONDITIONS ABOVE. 2. Applicant shall comply with any requirement imposed by the Fire Department. HYDRANTS HAVE BEEN ADDED AND FIRE SUPPRESSION MEASURES TAKEN AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. \ . .4 , ---------------------------------, • 3. The vacation of the walkway shall be finalized and approved prior to final approval of the short plat. THE WALKWAY VACATION WAS APPROVED UNDER CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. VAC.-05-002. ALL FEES ASSOCIATED WITH WALKWAY VACATION HAVE BEEN PAID AND VACATION HAS FINAL CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL. RECORDING IS PENDING AND WILL TAKE PLACE PRIOR TO RECORDING. 4. No construction, grading or other operations shall disturb city owned facilities. GRADING AND SITE WORK DONE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON REQUIREMENTS. 5. The front yard setbacks of lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be no less than 15 feet from the private access easement. The front yard setback shall be measured at a distance from the private access easement that creates a uniform front yard setback. A note shall be placed on the face of the final short plat stating the same. NOTE HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE FINAL SHORT PLAT. SITE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH NOTED CONDITION. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE MONITORED DURRING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 6. The lot line adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording the short plat. THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT WAS RECORDED DECEMBER 19, 2005 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20051219900014. 7. All single family residential addresses of lots not faCing a public street shall be visible from the public street by providing an approved street address sign. SITE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH NOTED CONDITION. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE MONITORED DURING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 8. A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. A PRIVATE ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE FACE OF THE FINAL SHORTPLAT. 9. Applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the front setback area of all lots within the short plat. Applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording to ensure that the two required trees are planted. A CONCEPTUAL TREE PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED AND SUBMITED ALONG WITH A COST ESTIMATE FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR. APPLICANT WILL POST A BOND OR SURETY WITH THE CITY OF RENTON PRIOR TO RECORDING OF SHORT PLAT TO ENSURE THAT THE TREES ARE PLANTED. • SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL RE: CONFIRMATION OF COMPLIANCE OF CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL March 28, 2007 CITY OF RENTONDTERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFIGANCE-MITIGATED MITGATION MEASURES: 1. Applicant shall comply with recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 2, 2003, regarding "setbacks from top of slope- central slope/housing project". The satisfaction of this requirement shall be reviewed and approved by Development Services during building construction. THIS PROJECT WAS DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REFERENCED GEOTECHNICIAL ENGINEERING REPORT AND WILL BE MONITORED FOR COMPLIANCE DURING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 2. This project shall be required to be designed and comply with the Department of Ecology's (DOE) Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. PROJECT WAS DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH SAID REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE REFERENCE STORM PLAN AND PROFILE FILED UNDER PERMIT NUMBER U050112 AS APPROVED AUGUST 18, 2006. 3. In the event that archaeological deposits are found during construction, work shall stop and the contractor shall contact the State Archaeologist. NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL DEPOSITS HAVE BEEN FOUND. 4. Applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single family lot. FIRE MITIGATION FEE IN THE AMMOUNT OF $3416.00 WILL BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDING. 5. Applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip aSSOCiated with the project. TRAFFIC MITIGATION FEE IN THE AMMOUNT OF $5024.25 WILL BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDING. 6. Applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot. PARKS MITIGATION FEE IN THE AMMOUNT OF $3715.00 WILL BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDING. HEARING EXAMINER SHORT PLAT APPROVAL CONDITIONS: 1. Applicant shall comply with the ERe conditions. COMPLIED. SEE SIX CONDmONS ABOVE. 2. Applicant shall comply with any requirement imposed by the Fire Department. HYDRANTS HAVE BEEN ADDED AND FIRE SUPPRESSION MEASURES TAKEN AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. .. 3. The vacation of the walkway shall be finalized and approved prior to final approval of the short plat. THE WALKWAY VACATION WAS APPROVED UNDER CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. VAC.-05-002. ALL FEES ASSOCIATED WITH WALKWAY VACATION HAVE BEEN PAID AND VACATION HAS FINAL CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL. RECORDING IS PENDING AND WILL TAKE PLACE PRIOR TO RECORDING. 4. No construction, grading or other operations shall disturb city owned facilities. GRADING AND SITE WORK DONE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON REQUIREMENTS. 5. The front yard setbacks of lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 shall be no less than 15 feet from the private access easement. The front yard setback shall be measured at a distance from the private access easement that creates a uniform front yard setback. A note shall be placed on the face of the final short plat stating the same. NOTE HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE FINAL SHORT PLAT. SITE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH NOTED CONDITION. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE MONITORED DURRING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 6. The lot line adjustment shall be recorded prior to recording the short plat. THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT WAS RECORDED DECEMBER 19, 2005 UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20051219900014. 7. All single family residential addresses of lots not facing a public street shall be visible from the public street by providing an approved street address sign. SITE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH NOTED CONDITION. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE MONITORED DURING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 8. A maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the short plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. A PRIVATE ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE FACE OF THE FINAL SHORTPLAT. 9. Applicant shall be required to plant two new approved trees within the front setback area of all lots within the short plat. Applicant shall be required to record a restrictive covenant against the property prior to final short plat recording to ensure that the two required trees are planted. A CONCEPTUAL TREE PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED AND SUBMITED ALONG WITH A COST ESTIMATE FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR. APPLICANT WILL POST A BOND OR SURETY WITH THE CITY OF RENTON PRIOR TO RECORDING OF SHORT PLAT TO ENSURE THAT THE TREES ARE PLANTED. I';' I' ~~ sr"ll CF ) OQUHJY CF l SS r CPlFY '!HAT , I0IO'II' 011 HAV[ SA.,...clOlO' EWlO4<I: »tAT IICJCO MS 1:IJDu. __ ~ it N • o1i.MEII) FlWl: NIl WUM'NIT ACT "'" K lists 11M) P\lW'OStS wtNlIOIO .. '* .-. RECORDER'S CERTtFfCA TE ~~'~':'\"9.Q~.ILI .1.1 DAY Of" ... APPROVALS: CITY CK RENTON OEPARNENT ~ PLANNING/ BUIlDINC/PUBUC WORKS CUWINIi't ..0 --.u 1MS -!L 0"" 'fJIF ~ 20~ LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE lWI3 LOT ~ AIAI.ISlloIEHT COMECfLY ~TS A WR'If:Y WQ£ 8Y lIE 0lIl t.M;)£Jl IoN [)IIIt[CT ~SION ... CCINI'CIItUNIC[ .. 1101 'IH[ Rl:QU'ROIENTS Of 1Hf: ~~TEAI«l RECOROIHG MO. VOL./pAGE DEPARllAENT OF ASSESSMENTS 2-00S-12-1"I'!OOO 1 [~m NIO ~ MS lkMkAY CF£Iprom L .. Qi. I "..... IF-I ScM Noble POfmOH OF "lI""! A ~I ' 2.~_1/4 of _2YL1/4, s. 0'7 T. 23 N., R.05...£"W.M. "lYi&fhAl ~.o.... iifiiUi"Y-~ PARCEL AREAS ~ p.wns PAIICU. • 12._ s.r. "MIlO., t1 ... ~ I.r. ~ PMttl.$ PutCn ... MI,~ U. P.oIIc:El. zo,812 Sor. EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE :; :.,.r. lOT ..... v ... _ uruZlOG SfJIICND ~ lIU.\IflIIIst: iIt'IIICm rtII C!M1IQ.. ...., ST.QOItO. .;F ''''''",- ," ~i " " IF: 'j ITE , ,} ~ 'il mn I ~ I r '"""" \1 ~, (~:. ' /. VlOiNITY MAP .,.::,J"'" ...... :"' ..... ; .,,, .•..... )..: :: .... '.' " .. " : .... . .... :~. ~(,>'" '" '-::1' ..•.. 2 DOS-1<..\ '1.'1 0 001 L\ . CITY:QF RENTON 6TH STREET LOT .LlNE ADJUSTMENT I ..... y---. L01-.'lINE ADJ\JSJMENT ,,",""''''''''' " ,,' •••• fNO 1/2" MollS "lUG II'/"NI'ICH IN ..... ILrA-04-].'l9-LL/y·· __ • "'" " 7'" . , I)OWoI us \ ~ . LND-JO-O~ " T8II ~ __ W _ ~J:: ~. ~'i:= ~ ......... ~ -----------"------.' ~ .• ""'~~-v. NW 6TH STREET .' ~ .... ~ ,... ,..,. ", ---=., ... ~. '~ ~ : .:'.. ""~.A"f...----'Of..., no.uT'"(p "'~ \~, ,.,.... "'\~. f:j ~~ "'" """" .'-...... .' ~ -~;<> ~/ '-"'., . -. ......... ,~~ ... ~ --..:.. feIIrr (I 1'I!N1QII17J) " .", " i. }i", . .... ..••• ,..~""''''A,SSt'£uO.~\H .. ,. ;.\ LOT 7, BLOCK 2 WOODY GLEN ADomON ,.,>. • ~ -...,..~ -",' 7:~" :---7." .... ~.-. "'" .,'. .,.' '.' ......... " .. . ~1 ~ ~~~_ :~':';:,i:(,/:~r: ,,;~~, _ ...... 'to .. ~" , i'-~ ~i.>. .... . r LOT 7\' BLOCK :s ·~.t .' ".:. ./' WO~Y GLEN A.QOITION o I ~~~ ./ ." wQOlh GLEN' ADQI'liON ~"". .• :.:. ',' ... :.;~ :»1 ~=:..':elH ,. ' .. ,.'c' ~":=.:~~-, ... ' . ,:/ :/,.: .... :;" .. < ~to!CN',DO'II1t1.7O' ',,', '. ~~;~;.:r~~r~ ., .... ,",:/ .",. ,.:/' PARCEL A r<1 ___ ~~~IY ,....., .,' ,_ .••• :'" " . NW 4}l1:l ST LOT 6, BLOCK.3 ~M"lQCU.~. :, •••• , •.... -J ":,,, ,,:.' 9~"64BO-0106·':'li05 .~; ., ~ \ .. -~ .:t •. ~~ '" ." ." .. "" /~~.",.. ""'" ~ ~,~. \--. I ... ; ... ;:;, .. t'·"··:/· :;.:,'." ,). , .. -:-...L. ~_$£P~AI£ N'l'UCA"JICIj) __ \ CRIT1~ SLOPE AREA .~'.~::"rt.. ~ : ............. \ "=:/ ..... ~\ -, "'\ .,,-i ~ , BLOCK:rI·. . WOOOY f.j . ADDITION . c....,.., BASIS OF BEARINGS ClTt' 01' IIDflOoI MAleY CONTItQ. IC/WI)RI( tICIfIltIIfT .... DA~lH ~ DAM.! '111113/Im W[1£Jt$ (M.t(I U!f1). CQMMlD to IJ3I fttT an or IIDI'RlN IIIJII"\€Y CCMRQ. ~, ' .. 0 2 Jt04 8II.lSS OISC II • II ~ • II CONCIIf1[ ~T "IIlH P\JIIOI YNI(, II MCtU.IEKT CASt AT "1M[ 111EJI2CJIOII 01' LICI "'...: H" ~ lAlUIt "'" H" , . ........., [ • .,. .... 1\1 CITY or IIDflOoI _~ CQtlllQ. _T 1_ fO.IfQ 1 IIICJ1 _ IIIIltt eN' ~ 1.7' ... '" 10 IN01 IIOH\.UlIIT tAl![ AT M II~ or TA"'I1..CR A\I( .... ''''"lUll! "'" "" AMI '"" 4ltt STIIttT. "_5&212.103 [·_U."lU -" D.C.F'. CMCJ). IY J,W.8. i LEGEND '; .. : ... .. ".,. ..." .. ,. . LOT;·.:·; I, BLOpk· 4 WOOO.r,.q~ ADOI~ON .: .............. .... GRAPHIC SCALE . .... .. .rII. F"tlJCI CITY 01' IIOIftW UCNJIIEIIT VM_ .... .o.g 1o$$ICJCIA1[S RmM " CAl' o u I_I P'(II ~ !!Uft£Y SlZ MOW: AT NQlT .. -II1II " I I ( 1M ,.,. ) 1_.:10 t\. """ ~Ol UN[ 1&L3it .,. ~tr IIDIM " ~ LSIlt10 .,~ .... .,:r,."" u.!M' ~ .-SS£tI II '",~ to M:SQ."': AMI m ~ I'OIIn NC) I.KS" ~ rH 1K M~ or .... G COUtIlY .... SHMilCtl _ R£e. !«IS. 2CIte07280021J41 " l(m072ftU1X1:17 '" AU.a.:D IT IIICW so. RARcEC'Ei"" . 956480-011 i),."Og\ ·::·~i/;;::'~····· .:"'~.: ,.,/: . . '.': .• uil: •• · 1G4'41'51't. .~ .~~~: ... ::e~-~.,~~~ .... "/4' C/o/', "'-'0. ' . .'" .""~ 7:\'\' .:":·~LS/s_ .. . :" ',,,,,,.,' .. '",:)&Ut'{I").:".· .~~~:: . S. 126TH STR&" .y :.: ---------~~;J~.I"P.:;~-I'-?- ~I"-(VACATED) ·s.~ T,.-!.-l._N., R.QLE.,W.M."' NO. oHft·fI(~ 1IQ-,.:lOO~l$(). f'O..Q.l(: II"-ItT"e.t$(YDH IlETMIEII. ~~~~=~:'$ ~~ ... ---·:·.· . .11 L • l~Je .. ' CITY OF RENTON ," . - ooIL ' -' KathY,Keolker-Wheeler. Mayor PlanningIBuildmwPublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator November 30, 2004 Richard Wagner Baylis Architects' 10801 Main Street #110 · Bellevue, WA 98004. Subject: Sixth. Street Short Plat with associated Lot Line Adjustment LUA04-'139, LLA, ECF, SHPL-H; V-H Dear Mr. Wagner: . The City of Henton has completed the initial review of your )ropo~ed lot line adjustment The following changes will be necessary in order for the City to approve your proposal: 1. See attached memowith comments from Property Services. Once the changes, as noted, above and in .the attached memo,. have been made, please submit three (3) copies Of the revised lot iirle' adjustment to niy' attention' at the sixth floor counter of City Hall. The revised 'plans .will berputed for final review and you will be notified when it is appropriate to submit the final mylarS .. '. '. . If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested above,· please contact me at425-43.0"7382. :4-;,....,.--, · Susan Fiala,AICP Senior Planner Attachment cc: JDA Group, LLC & ID Kline / Owners 'Project File --ReV~ls,"~q.dO~C-=O~S~h~G~d~~~~~~----~RENTO· N I 55 out ra y Way -Renton, Washington 98055 * This paper oontains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 29, 2004 Susan Fiala Sonja J. Fesseryr::!( Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-139-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The subject lot line adjustment must be approved by the city before the adjusted lots can be part of the subsequent proposed short plat. The issue of the encroachment upon adjusted Parcels A & B need to be resolved prior to the approval this lot line adjustment. The encroachment is of long standing and may invest the adjoiner with rights in the land at issue. On a separate note the southern portion of the eastern boundary upon the vacated street, although in agreement with the Record of Survey, under King County recording # 20030401900004 doesn't conform to the standard method of apportionment, to wit, lot line extended to the centerline of the vacated street. The line shown connects the previous lot comer to an angle point in the street centerline. The property adjoining to the east is currently under review for a lot line adjustment. Note the City of Renton land use action number and land record number, LUA-04-139-LLA and LND-30-0286, respectively, on the drawing. NOTE: The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide lot line adjustment and lot closure calculations. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used, per WAC 332-130-100. \H:\File Sys.\LND· Lund Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30· Lot Line Adjustments\0286\RV041129.doc November 29, 2004 Page 2 Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated. Note all easements, covenants and agreements of record on the drawing, if any. Indicate what has, or is to be, set at the new comers of the lot line adjustment. Change all references from "BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT' to LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (both drawing sheets). Note whether the adjoining properties are platted (give plat name and lot number) or unplatted. The original legal description (noted on Sheet I of 2) should be revised to note the pertinent plat for Parcel A, if the two subject parcels are to be described separately. For Parcel B, note the plat before the referenced vacation ordinance. See the legal description attached on Page 2 of the Pacific Northwest Title Company Second Amended Plat Certificate, Order No. 577298, dated October 22, 2004. The city does not require revised legal descriptions and therefore, did not review those noted on Sheet I of2. Remove the "ZONING" block from Sheet I of 2. Note (on the drawing) the bearing to center between City of Renton Mon #158 (center of cul-de- sac) and either one of the two corners of Parcel A that intersect with the cul-de-sac 45' radius line. Note that if there are restrictive covenants, agreements or easements to others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etc.) as part of this subdivision, they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjustment. The lot line adjustment drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The lot line adjustment will be recorded first (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with, but following the plat) need to be referenced on the lot line adjustment drawings. Fee Review Comments: Lots within or affected by the lot line adjustment are subject to the city's special charges, if any. H:\Filc Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustmcnts\0286\RV041129.doc\cor TO: Phone: Cill of Renlon P/B/PW Department Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Matt Weber AHBL (253) 383-2422 Fax Phone: (253) 383-2572 I SUBJECT: Sixth Street Short Plat Date: 11/17/05 FROM: Jennifer Henning Principal Planner Phone: (425) 430-7286 Fax Phone: (425) 430-7300 Number of pages including cover sheet 2 REMARKS: D Original to be mailed D Urgent D Reply ASAP D Please Comment c:: For your review ***REVISED MEMO A TT ACHED*** Matt -Comments just came back in from Property Services regarding the Sixth Street LLA. Please disregard earlier memo noted problem with geometry ... it does close. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 15, 2005 Jennifer Henning Sonja J. Fesser~ Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-04-139-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant: The "OWNER", "CIVIL ENGINEER" and "SURVEYOR" blocks should be removed from Sheet lof2. Note the recording number of the Agreement to Resolve and Fix Boundary Points and Lines document on the drawing in the space provided (Sheet 2 of 2). If said Agreement to Resolve and Fix document has been recorded, then the legal description for Parcel A must EXCEPT that portion of Parcel A taken per said document (Sheet 1 of 2). Remove the City of Renton Seal (upper left-hand corner of both drawing sheets). The word "SEPARATE" is misspelled in the reference to the wetland buffer (Sheet 2 of 2). Has there been an application for the vacation of the 10' walkway and relinquishment of the 10' utility easement? If not, remove language pertinent thereto. Indicate that the bearing from the monument at the center of the cul-de-sac is radial (R), or if it isn't, provide a bearing to center. \H:\File Sys\LND -Land Subdivision & Surveying Records\LND-30 -Lot Line Adjustments\0286\RV051 I 15.doc TO: Phone: CilV of Renlon P/B/PW Department Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Matt Weber AHBL (253) 383-2422 Date: 11/17105 FROM: Jennifer Henning Principal Planner Phone: (425) 430-7286 Fax Phone: (253) 383-2572 Fax Phone: (425) 430-7300 I SUBJECT: Sixth Street Short Plat REMARKS: 0 Original to be mailed o Urgent Number of pages including cover sheet 2 o Reply ASAP o Please Comment C Foryour review Matt -Comments just came back in from Property Services regarding the Sixth Street LLA. Renton. Ahead of the curve Matthew Weber, P.E. Associate Principal AHBL 2215 North 30th Street Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403-3350 253.383.2422 TEl 253.383.2572 FAX 253.208.4465 CELl mweber@ahbLcom EMAil www.ahbl.com DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNING/BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 4, 2005 Sonja Fesser, Property Services Jennifer Henning, Development services~ Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA04-139, LLA) Attached is the most recent version of the above·referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and your are now able to recommend recording of the lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require. additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Property Services Approval: Name Date cc: Yellow File h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev&plan.ing\jth\tempiates\piat memo doc -lla.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 23,2005 TO: Sonja Fesser, Property Services FROM: Jennifer Henning, DevelopmenUPlanning, x7286 SUBJECT: Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA·04·139,LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: Name Date Name Date cc: Yellow File H:\Oivision,s\Oevelop.senOev&plan,ing\kmc\planner manuaJ\LLA\Templates\lIa memo.doc Nov 22 2005 1:41PM OEVEWt>MI:N 1 SERVICES cm OF RENTON NOV 22 2005 AHBL, Inc. 2533832572 RECEIVED Letter of Transmittal To: Phone No.: Fax No.: WEARE SE Ms. Jennifer Hen~in9 City of Renton , 1055 S. Grady W~y, e'" Fir Renton, WA ge051; I NDING: i ; NO. COPIES DATE) Date: Project No.: Project Name: Regarding: November 18, 2005 203615.50 Task Rainier Mixed Use BLA DESCRIPTION 1 4/18/051 Approved street vacation request from City of Renton 1 7128105' ReGarded BLA agreement , , ! i THESE ARE SENT VIA: o Mail o FedEle ~ Hand Delivered THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: ! o For your review and comment o For your use ~ For approval REMARKS: Jennifer- o Client Pick-up o Other __ o RevieWed as noted o As requested If you have any questions, please contact Dave Follansbee at (253) 383-2422. Sincerely, Sheri Greene AHBL, Inc. ------------~--------- Post·1t" Fax NO!e To K:ICivilly,,;,2D0312036151203615-BlA-fiennlng-11-18-05.doc .. ''$ _:.~:,:Jl(' .-......... ' .. ".>"; ;.,,~ \ './ :~', ';. ..\, .. '........, . -;. p. 1 TACOMA 2215 N0f1II301lISIJoet SUilB300 Tatoma. WA 88403-3350 253.383.2422 "'- 253.383.2572 FAX www.Rhbl.1:om :". Nov 22 2005 1:41PM AHBL, Inc. 2533832572 p.2 .' '. :.-':: .... ., .. . .... ', .. ,',.-' ···.ClTYOF·RENTON CityCI~rk' .,':, ............ 6~· ....•. . " ;,01; . . '.-.. . BonDle I. WaltoD' .'. : . llaIby 1Ce91 .... -WheeJcr. Mayor ! ,- April 18, 2005 ';;Ji:3~/~ /;Z,~ ---.1 Jack D. Alhadeff . 95.S. Tobin, #201 Rcnton,WA 98055 . ._--:---- '. Re:. Street Vlll:alion Petitiori f<>rPoi!ionofWalIcway,easi ofNW6tb St~ . '. File V AC..:o5-002 .... :..".. '. . . ..' . • :··~Mr.·AlhadOff: .' ; .. ' .. "'. .-.. -. . " At the regUlar COuDcil in~ting of Aprl118; 2()OS; the Rentoii City Council approved the '. ' .. ,refer~ced5treet vacalici~request; $ub.J)lC~. to.the following conditions: ,... . .. " .. '" . • A utility easement for. th~ CitySbalibe. retained 'overJhe cniir.e rightCof-way .ar~; • No grading or filijng 8h~1l beallowCd'withiii tbc'e8seInent area; .~ ...... ' -, • The petitioner shallprovide.satisfactOl)' proOf that outSide u~lities have received. . and are satisfied V{ithanYCllSCJIlcnlli~.whi~h arel1ceessarYto proted their. facilities ~'.' in the req,uested yacation 1lI'Ca.~~:;,.+":'\' '::>, .' . ...... . . '-. ,,' . "" .. ":, ";'M _,",.:: ~: .. ::.x.'~::;~\:· ..... i": .. : __ .. ~'-':,· ' .. " l" .;'. . •.. ". _ "_. -.,.-; .~ At this time, a $250 street vacation piQceSshigJe¢;paYable'to't!ie,City of Renton, is due· , • to .the City·Clerk. CoJiciirrently, the pcititioner.iWJl also be responsible for submitting an ..•. , appnlisal in writing p..ep8redbyan MA't'k othet~Ualifitid appnnser. as aPproved by···· .. . . the City, and furnish the fC/1ults to. the Planning/Build.ingll'Ublic· Works Admiriistrator for . evaluation and rccommendlltion tei the City CoUncilJor acceptancCand determination of . the compensation due the City.' . . , .' . '-.", " -' .. .:: If I can'provide additional informatio~plii{lse feel fre;e to contact mc. ~in~y, Bonnie L Walton .. CitY Clerk cc: Mayor Kathy KeoIker-wheeler Council Pn:sidcnl Terri Briere' ", "; DaVid Christensen. Utility Engineering Supervisor, ....... . -;lno~s S~S'"oC:u::'ith:-;G"'flId=Y::-W=ay---'-Rne=-n-:CtoC:n:-.• Vl~ash"""'in:-:g::Clo:-n--:9;::;8"'075 S"----:(U42"S"')"'43<;O-<.i:-7.S"'1 O"'f7;F"'AX-=('-;:42"'S"") 4"'J;;;O~'{;"'5c;'16;--R E N T ~ ® Thispapov~SC% ~~. If.'t''K,.po.t~ ·"'Ii.E .... O ,OF THE. CU1VI!.: . 1 j, oeC-G8-Z81U 03:12PM FROlA-BAYlIS ARCHITeCTS 425-453-8013 T-B5T P,002 F-132 .-", rV"~ /--' .Jr-. fI' '--[50' 0 Iv\ ' CITY OF RENTON \/' PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS " f',tf. MEMORANDUM /,. to DATE: November 29. 2004 TO: •• -• ... I f}1 /I,~~ ". (' l'..y . C\t .' FROM: SUBJECf: . SOnjal.Fes'=~ '771 t- S~ Street Lot LIne Adjustment, WA-04-139-LLA Format aDd Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above ",ferenced J()( liDe adjustment subminaJ and have the following COJUD)ems: Commenq for the Applicqt: f:9'" 'IJ./ The subject lot line adjustment must be approved by the city hefo", the adjUSted lots can be pan: f"r ot" L o of the subsequent proposed shan plat. . 0"'" ~' . The issue of the encroacltmotOt UpOn adjusted Parcels A &: B need 10 he resolved prior to the _ 93.0 '-t ~ ~ approval thislotIine adjusrmem. Theencroacbmenr is of long StIIIJ<I\n!: and may invest the {,,>,Iv£' () adjoiner with rights in the land III issue. . On-a-scparare nore the sotnbem portion of the eastern boundBry upo,ube vacated s~.uthough C h..1l1\ ' LL I't in agteement with the Record of Survey. under King County recording II 200j()4()1900004 --.J ~ doesn't conform 10 the sraudardmethod ofapponlooment, 10 wit; lOt \!lie extended to the LS N centerline of the vacated strCCL The Jineshown connecu the pnovious lot comer to an angle point \J in the stnoet centerline. The property adjoiDing to the Cast is cwrently UIIder review for a lot line adjustmem. Note the City of Renton land usc action number and Jand record number, LUA~139-llA and LND-3()"()286, respectively. on the drawing. NOTE: The type size used for the land record number sbould be $!lIa1Iet than tluu used for the land use action number. Provide 101 line adjustment and Jot closure calculations. O\f--lncludc a statement of equipment and procedures used. per WAC 332-130-100. ~N R£CE\VEO AUG 3 1 ?\10e, Kt\l'" VtA.r\tJ,,, 7c.o "'"'" (0'<-cltt.#t ..... ~'.:>"wf 8UILDINGOIVISION 12108/04 WED 15:07 ITX/RX NO 75121 • DEC-oa-20ll<l 03:12PM FRmHlAYl.IS ARCHITECTS 425-453-8013 T-8ST p-ooa F-132 • November 29. 2004 Page 2 o It-Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculattod. o't/Note all easements. covenants and aareements ofreconl on the dmwiog. ifany. • 0'1--Indicate what bas. or is to be •• ~ at the new comen oflhe lot tine adjUStment. AL Change all references from "BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT' 10 LOT LINE _ cr ADJUSTMENT (both ckawing sheets). . D\JJ Note whether the adjoining properties arc planed (give plat name and lot number) or uup!atted_ _ _ _"lJ!~ ori,.gina! lega! .«~escrip!!'onJnO!ed on Sheet I o(2) should be revised to note the peninent plat (}Ffor Parcel A. iflhe tWO subjectPaTcels are to be deScrit.e<lSeparareJ.Y:-Yor1>arcerr.note-ihe-plif--- before the refenmced. vacaIioo ordinance. s..c the legal description attaChed on Page 2 of the P""ific Northwest TItle Company Second Amended Plat Certificate. Order No. 577298. dated October 22, 2004. v.-.; Th. city docs not require revised legal descriptions aneltherefore, did not review those noted on o Sheet t of2. o V-Remove the "ZONING" block from Sheet 1 of 2 • . Note (on the ckawing) the beating to cenler between City of Renton Mon #II Sg (center of cul-de-0'11-' sac) and ~ one of Ihe two corners of Parcel A that intersect with the cul-<lc:-sac 45' radius . line. Note that if tbere arc restrictive covenarus, agreements or easemerus to odten (City of Renton, neighboring propeny owners, ~.) as pan of this suhdivUion. they can be recorded concurrently with the lot line adjUStment. The lot line adjustment drawings and the associated documem(s) arc to be given to the Project Manager as a package. The 101 line adJusunent will be recorded first (with King County). The recording numbet(s) fOT the associated documcnt(s) (said documents recorded concurrently with. but following the plat) need to be referenced on the 101 line adjust,:""m drawings. Fee Review CornrpenIS: -Lots within or affected by the 100Iinc adjustmenl are subject to the city's special charges, if lilly. 12/08104 WED 15:07 ITX/RX NO 75121 • BLA LOT CLOSURES. txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- parcel name: NEW PARCEL A North: 182312.8861 Line Course: S 20-05-39 E North: 182192.1798 Line course: N 76-29-27 W North: 182216.1473 Line Course:S 01-04-37 W North: 182113.7654 Line Course: S 76-29-27 E North: 182079.4260 Line Course: N 88-46-50 E North: 182083.3908 Line Course: N 05-51-02 W North: 182105.1967 Line course: N 16-27-39 W North: 182299.1763 Line course: N 78-35-39 W North: 182336.8115 Curve Length: 35.96 Delta: 45-47-04 Chord: 35.01 Course In: N 65-58-28 W RP North: 182355.1330 End North: 182312.8981 East: 1297651.7062 Length: 128.53 East: 1297695.8645 Length: 102.60 East : 1297596.1032 Length: 102.40 East : 1297594.1785 Length: 147.00 East : 1297737.1114 Length: 186.30 East : 1297923.3692 Length: 21.92 East : 1297921.1348 Length: 202.27 East : 1297863.8196 Length: 190.31 East 1297677 . 2681 Radius: 45.00 Tangent: 19.00 Course: S 46-55-04 W Course Out: S 20-11-24 E East : 1297636.1667 East : 1297651.6977 perimeter: 1117.28 Area: 59,905 sq. ft. 1.38 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses Error Closure: 0.0147 Error North: 0.01197 precision 1: 76,006.12 listed courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 35-13-34 W East : -0.00845 Parcel name: NEW PARCEL B North: 182079.4199 East : 1297737.1157 Line Course: N 88-46-50 E Length: 186.30 North: 182083.3847 East 1297923.3735 Line Course: S 05-51-02 E Length: 20.80 North: 182062.6930 East 1297925.4937 Line course: N 84-47-51 E Length: 8.02 North: 182063.4202 East 1297933.4807 Line Course: S 16-27-39 E Length: 90.80 North: 181976.3418 East 1297959.2097 Line Course: S 89-57-59 W Length: 25.80 North: 181976.3267 East 1297933.4097 Line course: N 01-52-29 E Length: 4.36 North: 181980.6843 East 1297933.5524 Line Course: S 88-30-42 W Length: 158.86 North: 181976.5582 East : 1297774.7460 Line Course: N 20-05-39 W Length: 109.53 North: 182079.4210 East : 1297737.1154 perimeter: 604.48 Area: 19,282 sq. ft. 0.44 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Page 1 • Error Closure: 0.0012 Error North: 0.00113 Precision 1: 503,725.00 -------------------- BLA LOT CLOSURES. txt Course: N 13-28-00 W East : -0.00027 Page 2 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNINGIBUILDINGI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 4, 2005 Sonja Fesser, Property Services Jennifer Henning, Development servicescl\1 Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment, File No. LUA04-139, LLA) Attached is the most recent version ofthe above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and your are now able to recommend recording of the lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Property Services Approval: Name Date cc: Yellow File h:\division.s\deveiop.ser\dev&plan.ing\jth\tempiates\piat memo doc -lla.doc DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PLANNINGIBUILDINGI PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM November 4, 2005 Kayren Kittrick, Plan Review Supervisor Jennifer Henning, Principal Planner~ Sixth Street Lot Line Adjustment (File No. LUA04-139, LLA) Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However, if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Plan Review approval: Name Date cc: Yellow File h:\division.s\develop.ser\dev&plan.ing\jth\mcmos\6th street plat memo doc -lIa.doc DEC-oa-ZDIU 03: IZPM FROI+-8AYLIS ARCHITECTS 4Z5-m-8013 T-B5T P.DOZ F-I3Z 'V~ (~:~C\\ CITY OF RENTON \/- PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS" r-,l}" MEMORANDUM /" fO DATE: November 29. 2004 TO: Susan'Fiala fP 1-tjJ~ . (_l'" 1..\1). . FROM: SUBJECT: Sonja 1. Fe.'=~ 'I" I ~ Sixth Street LOt lJne Adjustment, LVA-04-139-LLA Format and LegIII Description Rcvlew Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced l(){ liDe adjustmem submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the APplicant: 'Iv'The subject lot line adjustment must be approved by the city before the adjusted lots can be part -iF o of the subsequem proposed sbon plat. 0"" ~l The issue of the encroachmeot UpOn adjusted Parcels A & B need ~ be resolved prior to the _ NJ approval this lot line adjustment. The encroachment is of long sUID~ng and may invest the .~ P 516.0 "'1 1. I,>..,\\I~ ( '0 adjoiner with rights io the land tU issue. . On .... sepatm:e note the sotlthern portion of-the eastern boundary upon· the """aled .ueel;-a1thoogh C \rx.. /lQo, . LL A in agreement with the Record of Survey. under King County recording" 20030401900004 ....J ~ doesn't conform to the standard method otapponionmenl, to wit; lor line extended to the LS ~ centerline of the vacared SlRet. The line shown connectS the previous lot comer to an angle poim \) in the street centerline. The prDpeny adjoining to the east is cwrently under review for a 10l line adjustment. Note the City of Renlon land use action IIIIJIIber and land record numbel-, LUA-04-139-LLA and LND-30-0286. respectively, on the drawing. NOTE, The rype size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Provide lot line adjustment and lot closure calculations. CI1YOfl'IltllTON R£CeWEO OV--lnCIUde a statement of equipment and procedute9 used, per WAC 332-130-100. AUG 3 pm'> K"v't"\ VlA.J\~r., 7c:;.o" (orf... cl.r" ......... <?ro~" 8UILDINGDIIJISION 12/08104 WED 15:07 [TX/RX NO 75121 DEC-Ga-Z004 03:12PM FROIHAYLIS ARCHITECTS November 29, 2004 Page 2 m-453-8013 T-85T P.003 o It-Note discrepancies between bearings and dislances of record and tho~ mellSured or calcula~d. Olt/No!e all easemenrs, covenants and aareemenls of record oD the drawing, if any. • O'f-Indicate what has, or is to be, set 111 the new cornel'S of the lot line adjUStment. AL Change all references from "BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT" 10 LOT LINE V" -ADJUSTMENT (both drawing sheets). o \Iv' Note whether the adjoining propenies an: planed (give pIa! name and lot number) or unplaued. F-132 . . _ Th~ori.&inallega! .. ~escriplionJ.nO!ed on Sheet I of2) should be revised 10 note the perunent plat (j.Pfor Parcel A, if the two subject PaTeel' are 10 be cl"scribtid Separately:-Tor 'ParcCf1S,note" me -pliif _. - ~ the referenced vacation ordinance. See the legal description auached on Page 2 of the P""ific Nonhwest Title Company Second Amended Pial Certificate, Order No. 577298, dared October 22. 2004. The city doe~ not require revised legal de~ptions and therefore, did nor review those nOled on Sheet! of2. o V--Remove the "ZONING" block from Sheet 1 of 2. " Note (on the drawing) the bearing to center between City of Renton Mon #158 (center of cul-<le-o'V-' sac) and either one oflbe two corners ofl'lvcel A that intenect with the cul-de-sac 45' radius line. NOlc that if'there are resuic\i ve covenants, agxeements or easementS 10 others (City of Renton, neighboring property owners, etC.) as pan of this subdivision. they can be recorded concurrently with Ihe lot line adj~t. The lot line adjuJtmem drawings and the associated document(s) are to be given 10 the Project Manager as a pacJcage. The lot line adjUstment will be recorded firsl (with King County). The recording number(s) for the associaied documenl(s) (said documenls recorded concurrently with. but following the pial) need 10 be referenced on the 101 line adjustment drawings. Fee Review Comments: LoIS Within or affected by Ibe lot line adjustmenl are subject to the city's special charges, if any. 12/08/04 WED 15:07 [TX/RX NO 75121 BLA LOT CLOSURES. txt parcel name: NEW PARCEL A North: 182312.8861 East : 1297651. 7062 Line course: S 20-05-39 E Length: 128.53 North: 182192.1798 East : 1297695.8645 Line Course: N 76-29-27 W Length: 102.60 North: 182216.1473 East : 1297596.1032 Line Course: S 01-04-37 W Length: 102.40 North: 182113.7654 East : 1297594.1785 Line Course: S 76-29-27 E Length: 147.00 North: 182079.4260 East : 1297737.1114 Line Course: N 88-46-50 E Length: 186.30 North: 182083.3908 East : 1297923.3692 Line course: N 05-51-02 W Length: 21.92 North: 182105.1967 East : 1297921.1348 Line Course: N 16-27-39 W Length: 202.27 North: 182299.1763 East : 1297863.8196 Line Course: N 78-35-39 W Length: 190.31 North: 182336.8115 East : 1297677.2681 Curve Len~th: 35.96 Radius: 45.00 De ta: 45-47-04 Tangent: 19.00 chord: 35.01 course: S 46-55-04 W Course In: N 65-58-28 W Course Out: S 20-11-24 E RP North: 182355.1330 East : 1297636.1667 End North: 182312.8981 East : 1297651. 6977 perimeter: 1117.28 Area: 59,905 sq. ft. 1.38 acres Mapcheck Closure -(uses listed Error Closure: 0.0147 courses, radii, and deltas) Course: N 35-13-34 W East : -0.00845 Error North: 0.01197 precision 1: 76,006.12 parcel name: NEW PARCEL B North: 182079.4199 Line Course: N 88-46-50 E North: 182083.3847 Line Course: S 05-51-02 E North: 182062.6930 Line course: N 84-47-51 E North: 182063.4202 Line course: S 16-27-39 E North: 181976.3418 Line Course: S 89-57-59 W North: 181976.3267 Line course: N 01-52-29 E North: 181980.6843 Line Course: S 88-30-42 W North: 181976.5582 Line Course: N 20-05-39 W North: 182079.4210 East : 1297737.1157 Length: 186.30 East 1297923.3735 Length: 20.80 East 1297925.4937 Length: 8.02 East 1297933 .4807 Length: 90.80 East 1297959.2097 Length: 25.80 East 1297933.4097 Length: 4.36 East 1297933.5524 Length: 158.86 East : 1297774.7460 Length: 109.53 East : 1297737.1154 perimeter: 604.48 Area: 19,282 sq. ft. 0.44 acres Mapcheck closure -(Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Page 1 • , Error Closure: 0.0012 Error North: 0.00113 Precision 1: 503,725.00 BLA LOT CLOSURES. txt course: N 13-28-00 W East : -0.00027 page 2 • DEC-DB-Z004 03:11PM FROM-BAYLIS ARCHITECTS --425-463-BOI3 T-a5T P.OOI H32 , .... ' /'r:;:·/j.~:;SN~~;;/ . .,.' . '. " ., -. .' . :', .' , ' Poat-il" Fax NoW 7671 ~~'2:> JIa"'~ ::.. ~".~ ~1. 1'\ "'-~ '.A(\.il.. /o.._-.n ~ Co., ~L.\O IPnono • _. I .... • ax. :', ", " , .~ .. :'. ::'kceiVeb.<· " <'~E~i~2"208(: , " . ' .-,,-: .. : ... '", . :'-. ..•. ~." "::: ,':' '--. .... : " ... . ' . .-. " '-.. -.' .... : . " :~ ,.:. .~ ":-.. : .. .'{ 0.' '", ~ . ,':'. . ,," -.:' , . . ~-' .. "' . . ' ...... , "", " .. Letter of Transmittal OJ To: Date: November 22, 2005 Jennifer Henning City of Renton Project No.: 203615.10 Task: Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Phone No.: (425) 430-7286 Fax No.: (425) 430-7300 WE ARE SENDING: NO. COPIES DATE Project Name: Regarding: Sixth Street LLA Fianl Check Prints DESCRIPTION 3 11/22105 3 sets of check prints per your request THESE ARE SENT VIA: o Mail t8l FedEx o Hand Delivered THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: t8l For your review and comment o For your use o For approval REMARKS: Jennifer, o Client Pick-up o Other: o Reviewed as noted o As requested Per our phone conversation, I am enclosing three sets of final check prints. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. LSIT Title c: Matt Weber TACOMA 2215 North 30th Str .. t Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403·3350 253.383.2422 TEl 253.383.2572 FAX www.ahbl.com CITY OF RENTON ~t'\t.2~6N~L~lS~PNG~~~-O'f~/~ 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT lin """A'll txa.uINI II4IJIIOO ~ IItCIIIIII MIl IOII!IS II '10 It OIIlA'IrO UI"Of4 DC IMl f7 LOTIIItOtII (lit 1MIS IHOIn' "-AT, :t..~~~"=:'Vl:OL~M~ If' tIC 1'IIM\1I ACCaI IAtOIDtl ~'IOUrfaI, '1MEIl N'PV111IPUrHCtI AlIO MAlltTDlNtC! ~ K:WDI '!HE ....... NIl) N~ or 1IC MYAtt: IilCCDlIIOoIO. GfIMWII ~ AHO STOIN .Am QU'lIlYIIIIt~~ ormtn:IM "ACIJ1'D ~-=TO:AfY 1HE a ~ 0fHUt UMT I'ftOW)fItt. WM4'![MNtOI: COITI1MMl,1I( 1HMltI RUHJ.Y.'NIMItCI ON 'IH[ 'AWlO .. M ACChS PSDIOO " NOMII1ID. UHI.QI PAWMENT 'M01H II GMA1!tI. 1tW4 10 mT. DECLARA TlON OF COVENANT lMI: __ tit ,.. LMD DIIMCID .,... tIftI ..,. P\.A~' • III'1\IM POll M: IDIImI to ACQIIlUIt ntOU Mt -..oMII 1'1' tIOMIIO MIIIlOIt CO'II:IWfIS Met AOIIID '10 COMWY '!HI: 1N1INI1' IN be ICW lMDGtlS IImIft ON MI IHIMT IlUT '10 1m N4D HJ. PU1UIIl PUItQtARIII aT '!HI: UJTI, ~ Of MY IWDMIICIN TMDIICF. THE CIMNNIT .u.u. lUI .ttI 1ME lAND AI ItIO'IIN CIt MlIHOItT I'I.AT. ""'!r ~,,;. tmm:IM III) ~~-::-CAIlPWO ~IN_ ---------Y'------~ -~ / . ~.AJ-.-"----NW 6TH s ./ i ~~ ~\ V ---R, TREET ~~~~ ~ ~~ 1-\. ---~~ ~~.~' ... r _WON.nc '/n~ IN .' CONe POST ~~~ .. 01 "'l » em " MHfOM r?i I ,:::: r:..WON....,'-:'ttI , 8/21/01 . 1.19' "2J.TI1ST --:=.-~ CRlnCA,l SLOPE: E:ASE:MtNT ARE:A 1" .... '/>P.) CUI-UC! I.HD I ID'AftA'II UA allt«TTAL../ ~ ............. CR/·nCAl _ ..L. ~ -,,-_ . SLOPE: BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY or IttHfQM ~ ootmIOL ttmIOIaI: HOItIZOHl'H. OAMI-HCIImI MaICM ClAg llN11m t«1W (MAD OON'NI11D '10 I1u,.ntT r~ ~GIIC:: ~~ POI1' '11TH I'\ItQt MMK. II ~ CAll AT M IN'ftJIIlImCl't Of" uct A .... IN MID tA"I\.OII ill IIW """"'14IN t.-IUI..oUN I ------~--- LEGEND RECORDING NO. VOL/l'AGE PORnON OF' ~'/4 of ~1/4, S . ..QL. T.~., R . .Q§J: .. W.M. LOT 5 IToDt .. It. ... - --- ~ r-' ..... ··· ""--.,. . , ... ' .. , '", ... ' , "' ........... "'. -, .. ", ... ", aT!' Of" tmm:IM IUIMY 0CI0IICl. PCItf1' 1II1II rouHO 1 INCH 110M .1M W 0CJMI1 I.T IN A 10 INCH IIIOtUIDn eASt "1' THt INTtIIItC1lDN f7 TA"I\.OII AVI: NW, TAn.oII '" NW NCI NW .ttI ITIICIT. H-ta:t1uOJ & rautO em f7 fIDmM IIOIUIIMT v ....... 1IIAO "DXlAta NloUI • W o I.S 111111 .vi 1'CJIIOCIWIHIo II,IIt\CY at HOtl AT IIIGHT ___ \ 47.1" , ~'. \' M': a"\t l~uo. \ . 'M..... \ lto.4I' I E-.1tIOIUl3M GRAPHIC SCALE I I , I I I I I ! I I !.. 'T T r ~-------J ~ 5 , •. ----e-I (linn) _ 1 .... 10 n. ~~~~-L~~----------------------~~ _____ ~ __ 7L . ,,\. ' ... , ; -,' ICH NOTE EHlER ANY ffiENOl 00 OTHER EXCAVATIOO rOOR 00 MORE FEET IN DEPTH THAT m THE em< PIT REWREllENlS ~ IISIJOT Sl'CTlOO 2-09.3{J)B. IT SHAll BE I CRIIlBED. THE CONTRACTal AlONE SHAll BE RESPtliSIBU: roo ¥m<ER SAfETY SSUMES NO RE9'ONSI!IUTY. All TRENOl SAFETY SYSTEMS SHAll MEET THE TS IF THE WASJilNG~ INDUSTRIAL. SNTIY AND HEALTH ACT, OiAPTER 49.17 RCW. TV NOTE INS ~ ElilSTING UNDERGROUND ununEs ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY AND HAlt NOT J<DENlLY \tR!FlD) BY THE O'IItlER 00 IlSREPRESENTAnVE. THE CONTRACTal SHAll IHF rxAr.r 1rY''&TV''IlI IV> III ~~ ................ ____ .... _ ... . THE 6TH STRE fTH1NE~rr QUARTER QF SECTlON 7, T SCAlE: '-=40' CITY OF RENTO I I I ! I \ \ , / \ I V~/~'e" ~m.Aq~~ £'1... 13 STA TIS TICAL PROJECT BREAKDC 80.295 Sf (I.M ACI .' '. " I. '., \~ 11/17/2005 THU 16:12 iR4570 JOB NO. ST. TIME PGS. 0037 11/17 16: 06 2 ***************** *** TX REPORT *** ***************** SEND DOCUMENT NAME TXI RX I NCOHPLETE TRANSACTION OK ERROR TO; 12533832572 Gill of Renton P/B/PW Department Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Malt Weber AHBL FROM: Phone: Date; 11/17105 Jennifer Henning Principal Planner (425) 430·7286 Phone: (253) 383-2422 Fax Phone: (253) 383·2572 Fax Phone; (425) 430·7300 I SUBJECT: Sixth Street Short Plat REMARKS: 0 Original to be mailed o Urgent I Number of pages Including cover sheet 2 o Reply ASAP o Please C For your Comment review Matt -Conunents just came back in from Property Services rcgardinS the Sixth Street LLA. idlo 01 11/17/2005 THU 16:12 TO: Phone: FAX 4254307300 City of Renton Ds/EDNSP *************************** *** FAX ERROR TX REPORT *** *************************** TX FUNCTION WAS NOT COMPLETED JOB NO. DESTINATION ADDRESS PSWO/SUBADDRESS DESTINATION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. RESULT Dill of Renton P/B/PW Department Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton. WA 98055 MatlWeber AHBL (253) 383-2422 0037 12533832572 11/17 16: 12 00· 00 o NG o FROM: #018 BUSY/NO SIGNAL Date: 11/17105 Jennifer Henning Principal Planner Fax Phone: (253) 383·2572 Phone: (425) 430·7286 Fax Phone: (425) 430·7300 I SUBJECT: Sixth Street Short Plat REMARKS: 0 Original to be mailed o Urgent I Number of pages Including cover sheet 2 o Reply ASAP o Please Comment C Foryour review Matt -Conunents just came back in from Property Services regarding the Sixth Street LLA. ~001 N J I . I 0":'" ~;-;: : I .•. . .. .... ;~. : .i.·-........ :~. ·l~~· ~".- ~ . . ~ ..... --.. ::: .:. =. ~. .. .... . :: .... ~ ;. --~ ;-." "": G " ,. ~ . ... ~ . •. .. ~: ~ w • • , . ·s - ' . • ~.' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HABITAT DATA REPORT Sixth Street Short Plat Renton, Washington October 28, 2004 DEVELOPMENT PlANNING CITY OF RENTON NOV 0 HOM RECEIVED RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC. --- I AA I I I I Report To: Mr. Jack Alhadeff c/o Baylis Architects 1080 I Main Street I Bellevue, W A 98004 I Title: Habitat Data Report for the Sixth Street Short Plat Renton, Washington I I Project Number: 2003-029-002 I I Prepared by: RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC. 5711 Northeast 63rd Street Seattle, Washington, 98115 I (206) 525-8122 I Date: October 28, 2004 I I I i I I RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC 5711 Northeast 63rd St. Seattle, \M:1 98115 [206) 525-8122 I ~I=====~======================== I I Principal: Kenneth 1. Raedeke, Ph.D. Certified Senior Ecologist, ESA I ! I I I I Current Project Personnel: Lisa Danielski, B.A. Wetland Biologist I I I I I I I I I 5711 Northeast 63rd St. Claude Mckenzie Landscape Architect Vickie Harris Technical Administrative Assistant RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC Seattle, \I1.JI 98115 (206) 525-8122 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ IV 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Statement of Purpose ............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Project Area ................................................................... , ....................................... 1 2.0 STUDY METHODS ..................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Background Research ............................................................................................ 2 2.2 . Field Sampling Procedures ......................................................... "'o.~,,~ .. ,::::.: .... :: . .:.~~_ .... ___ . _. _____ .. __ 3.0 EXISTING HABITAT CONDITIONS ....................................................................... .4 3.1 Plant Communities ................................................................................................ .4 3.2 Migration Corridors ............................................................................................... 5 3.3 Wildlife Communities ........................................................................................... 5 3.4 Habitat Disturbance ............................................................................................... 5 3.5 Wetland Functions and Values .............................................................................. 6 3.6 Development Impacts ............................................................................................ 7 4.0 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................. 8 5.0 LITERATURE CITED ................................................................................................. 9 FIGURES AND TABLES ................................................................................................. 12 iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I --------------------- LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page I. Site development plan ................. : .................................................................................. 13 2. Cover type map, topography and topographic cross-sections ........................................ 14 LIST OF TABLES Table Page I. Scientific and common names of animals expected to occur on the Sixth Street Short Plat property ............................................................................ 16 2. Summary of wetland functions and values assessment.. ............................................... 20 IV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The primary objective of this study is to provide baseline biological information on the existing conditions of the wildlife and vegetation for the proposed development, with special emphasis on Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive species. The specific objective of the report is to provide the information required by the City of Renton for Short Plat Submittals (nine or fewer lots) Item 20, the Habitat Data Report. 1.2 PROJECT AREA AND PROPOSED SITE PLAN The Sixth Street Short Plat project site is located in the City of Renton, Washington. The project site consists is 1.84·acres·in size and is located-west of Rainier -Avenue South, south ofNW 7th Street, east of Stevens Avenue, and north ofNW 5th Street if extended to Rainier Avenue South, as per the site plan provided by ABHL Inc. (Figure I). The current proposal is to divide the site into approximately seven residential lots, with an extension ofNW 6th Street for access to the residential lots. The site plan provides for the retention of the portion of the Class 3 wetland that is found in the ravine at the south boundary of the property within an open space tract. Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 2.0 STUDY METHODS 2.1 BACKGROUND RESEARCH The plant communities on the Sixth Street Short Plat site were classified and described through a review of existing federal, state, and local mappings, and interpretation of aerial photographs. Present land-use patterns at the site and on surrounding lands were noted from available aerial photographs (Washington Department of Natural Resources [WDNR] Series NW-C 2001). The classification of plant communities was based on both national and local systems. Wetland habitats were classified according to the U.S. Department ofInterior Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) system reported by Cowardin et al. (1992). Upland communities were classified based primarily on the system used by Anderson et al. (1976) and the King County (1987) Wildlife Habitat Profile, which is generally suitable for the area. We investigated potential animal use of the site through a compilation of information about the site provided by local agencies and published sources prior to field visits. Information about the site was also extrapolated from our research and management experience in the Puget Sound lowlands. 2 We consulted species accounts and descriptions of the Washington Natural Heritage Program (1997), Hitchcock and Cronquist (1976), and Pojar and MacKinnon (1994) for information on plant species of special concern (i.e., threatened, endangered, or sensitive) that might be found in the project area. We also compiled information from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW 2002) for documented information on the likelihood of occurrence of Priority Species and Habitats (PHS) on the project area and vicinity from their PHS/HRTG database. Species accounts and management recommendations (e.g., Rodrick and Milner 1991) were consulted to determine wildlife habitat preferences and to evaluate the likelihood of occurrences for species of concern on the project area. 2.2 FIELD SAMPLING PROCEDURES Plant communities were classified and described by field inspection. We traversed the site and described and classified vegetation communities and recorded wildlife use of the site. General habitat conditions and the presence and character of special habitat features were also noted. Scientific nomenclature of plant species generally follows Hitchcock and Cronquist (1976), as updated by Pojar and MacKinnon (1994), Hickman (1993), and Cooke (1997). Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 During the field investigation we recorded information regarding habitat use and activities of wildlife species and wildlife sign observed. Such information included concentrations of animals and special habitat features such as large trees, snags (standing dead or partially dead trees), or large downed logs. Field observations were augmented by information on species-habitat preferences in order to evaluate the likelihood of the occurrence of additional wildlife species. A general wildlife-habitat table for habitat types found on the site was developed based on the King County (1987) Wildlife Habitat Profile. We consulted additional information for wildlife-habitat relationships (Johnson and O'Neil 2001) and for specific animal groups, including Hunn (1982), Penland (1984), Smith et al. (1997), and Wahl and Paulson (1994) for birds, Guenther and Kucera (1978) and Johnson and Cassidy (1997) for mammals, and Brown et al. (1995), Dvornich et al. (1997), Guenther and Kucera (1978), Leonard et al. (1993), and Nussbaum et al. (1983) for reptiles and amphibians. During our plant community and wildlife reconnaissance, we also searched for the presence or sign of any sensitive plant and animal species suspected to occur on the project area or vicinity. Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke ASSOCiates, Inc. ------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 3.0 EXISTING HABITAT CONDITIONS 3.1 PLANT COMMUNITIES At the time of our site visits, the property was undeveloped and consisted primarily of third-growth deciduous forest communities. Several old roads and trails traverse the site. A portion of a Class 3 wetland that extends onto the southern most portion of the site was described and mapped by The Riley Group, Inc. (2004). Given that the entire site consists of one plant community cover type (plus the wetland) (see Figure 2). 3.1.1 Upland Communities The majority of the site was dominated by a stand of third growth deciduous forest (map symbol Fd) with big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) as a major canopy species. Other canopy species included red alder (Alnus rubra), and scattered conifers. The understory contained a sub-canopy of vine maple (Acer circinatum), Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii), hazelnut (Corylus corn uta), and non-native invasive species including English ivy (Hedera helix) and English holly (Ilex aquifolium). The herbaceous layer contained sword fern (Polystichum munitum), bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), and Cascade Oregongrape (Mahonia nervosa). 3.1.2 Wetland Communities The Class 3 wetland that extends onto the southern most portion of the site, in the bottom of the ravine, is described as a scrub-shrub wetland (The Riley Group, Inc. 2004). It is dominated by invasive species including Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor). Other species include Pacific willow (Salix lasidandra), deadly nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) and vine maple (Acer circinatum). A water feature that appears to be a dug ditch drains the wetland. At the lower end of the wetland, the watercourse enters a storrnwater drainage pipe that eventually empties into Lake Washington. 3.1.3 Special Habitat Features There were scattered small to moderate sized snags on the site, with the largest cedar snags associated with the Class 3 wetland in the southern ravine. Larger downed logs and stumps were uncommon. Sixth Street Short Plat -Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5 3.2 MIGRATION CORRIDORS The project site is part of a remnant patch of forest community that is almost entirely surrounded by urban residential and commercial development. Commercial development and Rainier A venue South, the Renton Airport farther to the east, and residential development bound the site to the south, west, and north. The forest patch is connected to several small remnant habitat areas surrounding commercial buildings to the north, but these areas are also isolated by surrounding residential and commercial development and are not connected to any significant habitat areas. Given the isolated nature of the site and the adjacent habitats, the site is not likely part of any wildlife migration or movement corridor. 3.3 WILDLIFE COMMUNITIES The forested and wetland plant communities on the site likely support a variety of wildlife species. King County's (1987) Wildlife Habitat Profile lists a potential of 113 species of wildlife that use the forest and wetland communities of the type and context that are found on the site (Table I). It should be noted that this is a potential pool of species that typically inhabit similar habitats in the region. However, given the small size and isolated nature of this site, and the surrounding urban disturbance, we would not expect many of these species to be present on the site. The most common species on the site would be those that are adapted to urban environments. As noted in Raedeke Associates, Inc. (2003) report (attached to this report), the WDFW (2002) PHS map and corresponding data do not document any federally or state listed Endangered, Threatened, Sensitive, or Candidate wildlife species on the project site or the immediate surrounding areas. No state or federally listed Endangered, Threatened, or Sensitive (ETS) species were observed on-site during our field visits. There are no Priority Species or Priority Habitats documented to occur on the Sixth Street Short Plat site. Other than the Class 3 wetland described above, there are no ecologically sensitive habitats present on the site or in the immediate vicinity. 3.4 HABITAT DISTURBANCE Past logging of the original forest, construction oflogging and access roads and trails, and more recent grading and clearing, especially along the eastern portions of the site, have disturbed the entire project area. The existing forest is a relatively young stand of volunteer deciduous trees in an area that would have historically been dominated by conifers. As noted above, there are numerous species of invasive, non-native plants that constitute a significant portion of the lower vegetation layers on the site. Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 Urban trash and refuse is common along the areas of existing development, especially on the lower slopes on the eastern edge of the property. 3.5 WETLAND FUNCTIONS AND VALUES Wetlands perform significant roles in the ecosystem, some of which are of immediate value to society. These roles vary greatly with the size, shape, type, hydrology, vegetation, and location of the wetland. The assessment of the functions of the wetland that extends onto the site was completed by The Riley Group, Inc. (2004; see Appendix C of their report) using the Wetland and Buffer Functions and Semi-quantitative Performance Assessments methods (Cooke 1995). The potential functions provided by wetlands include hydrologic support, shoreline protection, stormwater and floodwater storage, water quality, groundwater recharge, and provision of wildlife habitat. These functions are summarized below. Hydrologic support is defined by the measure of hydrologic stability and environmental integrity, which the wetland provides. This function is measured by the frequency of inundation and saturation by streamflow, runoff, and precipitation. Shoreline protection is defined as a measure of shielding from wave action, erosion, or storm damage, which a wetland provides. This function is not provided in this wetland, as there is no open water shoreline to protect. The stormwater and floodwater storage function is defined as the ability of a wetland to store water and retard flow during periods of flood or storm discharge. The water quality function is defined by the physical, biological, and chemical processes which wetlands provide to naturally purify water. The groundwater recharge function is defined by the interaction of the underlying geology and soils, and the surface topography. This function provides fro the movement of surface water into the groundwater systems. The habitat function or natural biological function is defined by the complexity of physical habitats and biological species within the wetland area. The summary of the functional ratings of the on-site wetlands is given in Table 2. The evaluation resulted in moderate values for all functions (47 to 56 percent of possible points), with the exception of Water Quality Improvement, which was rated high (e.g., 12 of 12 possible points). Sixth Street Short Plat -Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I ----- --------------- 3.6 DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS The site plan for the proposed development allows for retention of 43 percent of the site in open space (Figure I). These open space areas would be largely retained in native vegetation, with the exception of any areas that would be altered for stormwater management facilities. The remainder of the site (e.g., 57 percent) would be generally cleared and graded for roadways, driveways, residential units and associated lawns. 7 The clearing of the on-site habitat would result in a reduction in the amount of wildlife on the site. We do not expect a reduction in the number of species that use the site, but rather a reduction in the number of individuals of the different species present. There would also likely be an increase in the numbers of those species that are adapted to urban environments (e.g., robins, crows, starlings, squirrels, and raccoons). We do not expect any impacts to any threatened, endangered, or sensitive species of plants or animals, as none have been identified for the site. There would also be some increase in human intrusion into the retained habitat with residential development. However, the major open space areas retained are on steep slopes with relatively dense vegetation, and would not be attractive for causal incursions. Given the urbanized nature of the area, most species that would be present are quite likely adapted to some degree of human activity. The site plan provides substantial protection for the portion of the Class 3 wetland that extends onto the site. The wetland will be retained in an open space area that extends down from the top of the slope above the wetland (see Figure I). The effective buffer would be greater than the 25-foot buffer that is required by City of Renton code. Hydrologic support for the wetland is principally from the areas upslope to the west, and these areas are already developed. The site development plan protects that wetland from storrnwater discharges. The proposed storrnwater management system would collect runoff from the roadways and driveways in collection basins and treat through a bio-filtration system. The runoff would then be piped into the City's storrnwater system in Rainier Avenue South. Runoff from the roofs would be discharged from level spreaders at the top of the slopes. Sixth Street Short Plat -Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 4.0 LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for the exclusive use of Mr. Jack Alhadeff and his consultants. No other person or agency may rely upon the information, analysis, or conclusions contained herein without permission from Mr. Alhadeff. The determination of ecological system classifications, functions, values, and boundaries is an inexact science, and different individuals and agencies may reach different conclusions. We cannot guarantee the outcome of such determinations. Therefore, the conclusions of this report should be reviewed by the appropriate regulatory agencies. 8 We warrant that the work performed conforms to standards generally accepted in our field, and was prepared substantially in accordance with then-current technical guidelines and criteria. The conclusions of this report represent the results of our analysis of the information provided by the project proponent and their consultants, together with information gathered in the course of the study. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28. 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.0 LITERATURE CITED Anderson, J., E. Hardy, J. Roach, and R. Witmer. 1976. A land use and land cover classification system for use with remote sensor data. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 964. 28 pp. Brown, E, (ed.), 1985, Management of wildlife and fish habitats in forests of Western Oregon and Washington. U,S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Nortbwest Region, Portland, Oregon. 332 pp. Brown, H., R. Bury, D. Darda, 1. Diller, C. Peterson, and R. Storm. 1995. Reptiles of Washington and Oregon, Seattle Audubon Society. Seattle, Washington. 176 pp. Cooke, S. 1995, Wetland and buffer functions semi-quantitative assessment form. Cooke Scientific Services. 24 pp. Cooke, S. 1997. A field guide to common wetland plants of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon, Seattle Audubon Society, Seattle, Washington. Cowardin, 1., F. Golet, V. Carter, and E, LaRoe. 1992. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. U.S.D.l. Fish and Wildlife Service Publ. FWS/OBS-79/31. 103 pp. Dvornich, K" K. McAllister, and K, Aubry, 1997. Amphibians and reptiles of Washington State: Location data and predicted distributions, Volume 2 in K. Cassidy, C. Grue, M. Smith and K, Dvornich (eds). Washington State Gap Analysis, Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Washington, Seattle, 146 pp. Guenther, K, and T, Kucera. 1978, Wildlife in the Pacific Northwest: Occurrence by habitat, BLM district, and national forest. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. 128 pp. Hickman, J, 1993. The Jepson manual: higher plants of California, Univ, of Cal. Press, 1400 pp. Hitchcock, C, and A. Cronquist. 1976, Flora of the Pacific Northwest. Univ, of Washington Press, Seattle, Washington. 730 pp. Hunn, E, 1982, Birding in Seattle and King County. Seattle Audubon Society, Trailside Series, 160 pp. 9 Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 10 Johnson, R., and K. Cassidy. 1997. Terrestrial Mammals of Washington State. In K. Cassidy, C. Grue, M. Smith, and K. Dvomich (eds.). Vol. 3 Washington State Gap Analysis. Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. University of Washington, Seattle, 146 pp. Johnson, D. and O'Neil T. 2001. Wildlife-habitat relationships in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis OR. 736 pp. Jones, K. 1986. Deserts. Pages 123-147 in A.Y. Cooperrider, RJ. Boyd, and H.R. Stuart (eds.). Inventory and monitoring of wildlife habitat. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Service Center, Denver, CO. King County. 1987. Wildlife habitat profile. King County Open Space Program. Parks, Planning and Resources Development. Seattle, Washington. III pp. Leonard, W., H. Brown, 1. Jones, K. McAllister, and R. Storm. 1993. Amphibians of Washington and Oregon. Seattle Audubon Society, Seattle, Washington. 168 pp. Mueller-Dombois, D. and H. Ellenberg. 1974. Aims and methods of vegetation ecology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 547 pp. Nussbaum, R., E. Brodie, Jr., and R. Storm. 1983. Amphibians & reptiles of the Pacific Northwest. Univ. Press ofidaho, Moscow, Idaho. 332 pp. Penland, S. 1984. Avian response to a gradient of urbanization. PhD. Dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 407 pp. Pojar, J., and A. MacKinnon. 1994. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, and Alaska. B.C. Ministry of Forests; B.C. Forest Service; Research Program. Raedeke Associates, Inc. 2003. Wildlife reconnaissance of the AlhadeffUplands, Renton, Washington. Summary letter to JDA Group LLC. 4 pp. Riley Group, Inc. 2004. Conceptual wetland delineation & mitigation report, South Parking Lot. Report to JDA Group LLC. 18 pp. plus Appendices. Rodrick, E. and R. Milner, (eds.). 1991. Management recommendations for Washington's priority habitats and species. Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife, Fish Management and Habitat Management Divisions. Olympia, Washington. Smith, M., P. Mattocks Jr., and K. Cassidy. 1997. Breeding birds of Washington State. Volume 4In K. Cassidy, C. Grue, M. Smith, and K. Dvomich (eds.). Washington Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28. 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I State Gap Analysis. Seattle Audubon Society Publications in Zoology No.1, Seattle, Washington. 538 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2004. Attachment A: Listed and proposed endangered and threatened species, critical habitat, candidate species and species of concern that may occur in Western Washington, Pierce County. FWS REF: 1-3-04-sp- 0407. Western Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, Lacey, Washington. 2 pp. Wahl, T., and D. Paulson. 1994. A guide to bird finding in Washington. Bellingham, Washington. 139 pp. Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife. 1999. Priority habitats and species list. Habitat Program. Olympia, Washington. 32 pp. http:www.wa.gov/wdfwlhab/phslist.htm. Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife. 2002. Habitats and Species map for the project area: Renton Quadrangle. 11 Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife. 2004. State listed species, state candidate species. Olympia, Washington. Washington Natural Heritage Program. 1997. Endangered, threatened, and sensitive vascular plants of Washington -with working lists ofrare non-vascular species. Department of Natural Resources. Olympia, Washington. 62 pp. Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28, 2004 Raedeke Associates, inc. I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I::13NMO Q Z w " f·~ ~ ! l\fN:IlliOHS l.33l:LlS Hl9 , , z ~~ ~ . "ON 80r 18H'V -.; " ill II •• ~ I I .. ~ iSi H §~h ;; !!! I'I! ~l !C ., ~ I e.l!ljlOr , §g '1" Il l! :;; :H~I . _. i h -------------_ .. _-----,---' '~ FIGURE 2 JDA Group LLC SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT -..... RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES, INC. 5711 I<4ORTHEAST 63RD ST. sEATTLE. WA 98115 (206) 52&-8122 fA)h (20C1) ~2e-2I1!isa ~ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON COVER TYPE MAP and SECTIONS KEY --_ .. PSS Fd ;Delineated Wetland :Palustrine Shrub/Scrub 'Forested, Deciduous ::l 3.~ ::r 15 60 ~ ! o 3D RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES PROJECT: #2003-029-002 DATE: 10-28-04 DRAWN BY: CJM Bose information elevation-grid.dwg AHBL file 203615- I FIGURE 2A I JDA Group LLC SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT I CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON SECTIONS I 1~~ __________________________________________ _ I I I I I I I! ~ I: r;~"~~ 40 !II I I 20 '§ RAEDEKE ASSOCIATES PROJECT: #2003-029-002 II i I "z";:: Base information provided by Baylis Architrects; 5711 NORTHEAST 63RO ST. So.TILE. w~ 98115 10/27/0 W (206) 525-8122 'AX: (206) S2f-2B80 e\evotion-grid.dwg 4. etlond in fo. from ~~ __________ -=========::::::===:====== ____ ~A~H~B~L~f~il~e_2~0~36~15~-=£Ai(S~P~),~d~w~g~re~c~,~1QOL/~2§6~/~0~4~ __ ~ DATE: 10-28-04 ~"'====== RAEDEII:E A.SSOCIATES, INC. DRAWN BY: CJM I ---------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I Table I. Wildlife species detected and/or expected to occur on the Sixth Street Short Plat property, from the King County (1987) Wildlife Habitat Profile. Pacific Giant Salamander Roughskin Newt Sharp-shinned Hawk Hawk Sixth Slreet Short Plat - Habitat Data Report heron) tenebrosus Taricha granulosa eschscholtzii stria/us cooperii americana FCo/Se RIU Sm SIC Sg RIC RIC RIC FRESH- WATER 1-::-::::-::--,----, Jl 24B ~~ E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Raedeke Associates. Inc. October 28. 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table I. Continued. Western Screech-Owl Great Horned Owl Barred Owl Northern Saw-whet Owl Common Nighthawk' Black Swift' Vaux's Swift' Rufous Hummingbird . Red-breasted Sapsucker Downy Woodpecker Northern Flicker Pileated Woodpecker Western Wood-Pewee Willow Flycatcher Hammond's Flycatcher Pacific Slope Flycatcher Purple Martin' Tree Swallow' Violet-green Swallow' Northern Rough-winged Swallow' Bank Swallow , Cliff Swallow , Barn Swallow , Steller's Jay AmericanlNorthwestern Crow Black-capped Chickadee Bushtit Brown Creeper Bewick's Wren Marsh Wren Golden-crowned Kinglet Sixth Street Short Plat - Habitat Data Report Otus kennieollii Bubo virginianus Strix varia Aegolius aeadieus Chordeiles minor Cypseloides niger Chaetura vauxi Selasphorus rufus Sphyrapieus ruber Picoides pubescens Colaptes auratus Dryoeopus pileatus Contopus sordidulus Empidonax traillii Empidonax hammondii Empidonax diffieilis Progne subis Taehyeineta bieolor Tachyeineta thalassina Stelgidopteryx serripennis Riparia riparia Petroehelidon py"honota Hirundo rustiea Cyan ocilla stelleri Corvus brachyrhynchos Poeeile atricapillus Psal/riparus minimus Certhia americana Thryomanes bewickii Cisto/horus palus/ris Regulus satrapa FRESH- WATER UPLAND SIAl Status2 II 24B RIU E RIC E RIU E RIC E SIC S Sm SIC Sc SIC E SIC E RIC E RIC E RIU Sc E S/lJ E SIC FCo E S/lJ E SIC E S/lJ Sc SIC SIC SIC SIC SIC RIC E RIC E RIC E RIC E RIC E RIC E RIC E RIC E Raedeke Associates, Inc. October 28. 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table I. Continued. Ruby-crowned Kinglet Swainson's Thrush American Robin Varied Thrush Cedar Waxwing European Starling (1) Solitary Vireo Hutton's Vireo Warbling Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Orange-crowned Warbler Yellow Warbler Yellow-rurnped Warbler Black-throated Gray Warbler MacGillivray's Warbler Common Yellowthroat Wilson's Warbler Western Tanager Black-headed Grosbeak Evening Grosbeak Spotted Towhee (Rufous-sided) Fox Sparrow Song Sparrow Llnc.oln's Sparrow Dark-eyed Junco Red-winged Blackbird Brown-headed Cowbird Purple Flnc.h House Flnc.h Pine Siskin American GoldfInc.h MAM~$~:;,F§~~~~~~0),,·,:~·:;.:':' Common Opossum (I) Sixth Street Short Plat - Habitat Data Report Regulus calendula Catharus ustulatus Turdus migratorius Ixoreus naevius Bombycilla cedrorum Sturnus vulgaris Vireo cassini Vireo huttoni Vireo gilvus Vireo olivaceus Vermivora celata Dendroica petechia Dendroica coronata Dendroica nigrescens Oporornis tolmiei Geothlypis trichas Wi/sonia pusilla Piranga ludoviciana Pheucticus melanocephalus Coccothraustes vespertinus Pipilo maculatus Passerella iliaca Melospiza melodia Melospiza IInc.olnii Junco hyemalis Agelaius phoeniceus Molothrus ater Carpodacus purpureus Carpodacus mexican us Carduelis pinus Carduelis tristis . ',; ..... , .. ,i.:.:!.;(.;""··':: ',. ,;.;1:' '" .• :. Didelphis virginiana FRESH- WATER UPLAND SIAl Status2 II 24B WIC E SIC E RIC E WIC E SIC E RIU E SIC E RIC E S/U E SIC E SIC E E SIC E MlC E SIC E SIC E E SIC E SIC E SIC E SIC E RIC E RIC E RIC E RIC E E MlC E RIC E RIC E SIC E RIC E RIC E RIC E SIC E .:> .. -,; ~Ii;,,~j' .: . ·t . . '.: .'6::i{j E Rlledeke Associates, Inc. October 28. 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table I. Continued. Dusky Shrew Shrew-mole Townsend's Mole Coast Mole Little Brown Myotis 4 Yuma Myotis4 Long-eared Myotis4 California Myotis 4 Silver-haired Bat4 Big Brown Bat4 Hoary Bat4 Townsend's Big-eared Bat4 Snowshoe Hare Eastern Cottontail (I) Aplodontia (Mountain Beaver) Townsend's Chipmunk Northern Flying Squirrel Deer Mouse Bushy-tailed Woodrat Creeping Vole (Oregon) Muskrat Porcupine Raccoon Ermine (short-tailed weasel) Long-tailed Weasel Mink Striped Skunk Coyote Red Fox Columbian Black-Tailed Deer (Mule Deer) TOTAL NUMBER OF SPECIES5 Sixth Street Short Plat - Habitat Data Report FRESH- WATER UPLAND SIA' Status2 11 24B Sorex monticolus E Neurotrichus gibbsii E Scapanus lownsendii E Scapanus orarius E Myolis lucifugus Myolis yumanensis MyOlis evolis FColSm Myotis califomicus Lasionycteris noctivagans Eptesicus fuscus Lasiurus cinereus Plecotus lownsendii FColSc Lepus americanus E Sylvilagus jloridanus E Aplodonlia rufa E Tamias lownsendii E Glaucomys sabrinus E Peromyscus maniculalus E Neotoma cinerea E Microluus oregoni E Ondalra zibelhicus E Erelhizon dorsalum E Procyon lolor E Muslela erminea E Muslela frenata E Musleia vison Sg E Mephitis mephilis E Canis lalrans E Vulpes vulpes E Odocoileus hemionus E E 23 89 Raedeke Associates, Inc. October 28. 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I Table I. Continued. Notes: E = species expected to occur in the habitat indicated, during part or all of annual cycle. I = species introduced to the State of Washington. I S/ A = Seasonality/Abundance: Seasonality: F = fall; M = migrating; R = resident; S = summer; W = winter. Abundance: C = common; R = rare; U = uncommon. 2 Status: FCo = Federal species of concern; Fc = Federal candidate; Fe = Federal endangered; Fm = Federal monitor; Ft = Federal threatened; Sc = State candidate; Sg = State game; Sm = State monitor; St = State threatened; Se = State endangered ) Habitats: 11 = shrub wetland; 24B = second-growth lowland forest -deciduous 4 Forages aerially over many habitats. 5 Excludes aerial foragers indicated by (4). Sixth Street Short Plat- Habitat Data Report Raedeke Associates, Inc. October 28, 2004 I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 2. Summary of wetland functions and values assessment from The Riley Group, Inc. (2004). Function Score Possible Percent Flood/Stormwater control 8 15 53 percent Base flow/Ground water support 7 15 47 percent Erosion/Shoreline protection 5 9 56 percent Water quality improvement 12 12 100 percent Natural biological support 18 18 50 percent Overall habitat functions 8 9 56 percent Specific habitat functions 8 15 53 percent 14 Sixth Street Short Plat --Habitat Data Report October 28. 2004 Raedeke Associates, Inc. • • • • • • • • • e • • • ., .. .' (j • t • ~ • • • • • • • • ~N\NG OE"'a~~~ENTOI'I NO'J 0'- RECE-WED TACOMA· SEATTLE Technical Information Report PREPARED FOR: JDA Group LLC 95 South Tobin Street, Suite 201 Renton, WA 98055 PROJECT: 6th Street Short Plat City of Renton, Washington 203615.10 PREPARED BY: Glenn Hume, P.E. Project Engineer REVIEWED BY: J. Matthew Weber, P.E. Project Manager October 2004 • Civil Engineers • Structural Engineers • Landscape Architects • Community Planners • Land Surveyors • Neighbors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • I hereby state Ihat Ihis Technical Information Report for f!' Sireet Short Plat has been prepared by me or under my supervision and meeIs Ihe standard of care and expertise that is usual and customary in this community for professional engineers. I understand that King County does not and wiD not assume liabllily for Ihe sufficiency. suitability, or performance ofdrainage facilities prepared by me. Technica/lnformation-Re!!ort PREPARED FOR: JDA Group LLC 95 South Tobin Street Suite, 201 Renton, WA 98055 Contact: Jack Alhadrff PROJECT: 6th Street Short Plat City of Renton; WasIliogton 203615.10 PREPARED BY: Glenn Hume, P.E. Project Engineer REVIEWED BY: J. Matthew Weber, R.E. Project Manager October 2004 DEVELOPMENT PlANNING CITY OF RENTON NOV D 4 20IJIt RECEIVED • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q • • • • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'I' ABLE OF-CON1'EN'I'S· SECTION PAGE 1. Project Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................................•..... 1 1.3 Post-Development Conditions ......................................................................................................... , .. 1 2. Conditions and Requirements Summary ................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Core Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1.1 C.R. #1-Discharge at the Natural Location ............................................................................. 2 2.1.2 C.R,#2 -Off.siteA""rysi:l .......................................................................................... _ ........... 2 2.1.3 C.R. #3 -Runoff Control ............................................................................................................ 2 2.1.4 C.R. #4 -Conveyance System .................................................................................................... 3 2.1.5 C.R. #5 -Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan .................................................................... 3 2.1.6 C.R. #6 -Maintenance and Operations .................................................................................... 3 2.1.7 C.R. #7 -Bonds and Liability ..................................................................................................... 3 2:2" Special Requirements .................................................................................................................. _ ......... 3 2.2.1 S.R. #1 -Critical Drainage Areas .......................................................................................... , ... 3 2.2.2 Compliance with An Existing Master Drainage Plan ............................................................. 3 2.2.3 Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan ........................................................................ 3 2.2.4 Adopted Basin or Community Plans ........................................................................................ 3 2.2.5 Special Water Quality Controls .................................................................................................. 3 2.2.6 Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators ..................................................................................... 3 2.2.7 Closed Depressions ................................................................................................................... , .. 3 2.2.8 Use of Lakes, Wetlands or Closed Depressions For Peak Rate RunoffControl... ........... 3 2.2.9 Delineation of 1 00 Year Floodplain .......................................................................................... 3 2.2.10 Flood Protection Facilities for Type 1 and Type 2 Streams ............................................. 3 2..2.11 Geotechnical Analysis and R eratt ..................... 4 2.2.12 Soils Analysis and Report ....................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Preliminary Plat and SEPA Conditions ........................................................................................... , .. 4 3. Off-Site Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Downstream Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Upstream Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 4 4. FJo.w Contrcl mdWater-Q=Iity FttiIity. Analym mdDesigno" ......................................... _ ........... 4 4.1 Water Quality System ............................................................................................................................ 4 5. Conveyance System Analysis and Design ............................................................................................... 5 6. Special Reports And Studies ..................................................................................................................... 5 7. Condmion-., .................................................................................................................................................. 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • hppe:ndiees.. Appendix A Figures A-l A-2 A-3 A-4 A-S Vicinity Map Soils Map Existing Conditions Map Developed C6nditioss Map Downstream Drainage ¥ap Appendix B TIR Worksheet AppendixC Figures C-l C-2 C-3 C-4 C-S C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-l0 C-ll C-12 C-13 -C-14 SCS-WeMemW""hingttm RtHK>ff Cmvc Numbers 2-year, 24-hour Isopluvial 100-year, 24--hour Isopluvial Pre-Developed Basin Summary Pre-Developed 100-year, 24--hour Hydrograph Developed Basin Summary Devdoped I'tasin l00'year, 24'hour Hytkograph Treatment Basin Summary Treatment Basin 6-month, 24-hour Hydrograph Level Pool Summary Stormfilter Basin Summary Stormfilter Basin, 6-month, 24-hour H ydrograph CatchBasin Stormfilter Cut Sheet • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. PRefEcr OVERVIEW 1.1 Purpose and Scope Thi~ report accompanie~ the applIc:rt:ionforthe 6th SrreerShorr 1'hrr. This projcttwillinclude clearing and grubbing within the clearing limits, grading the site to design elevations, constructing storm facilities, provide finish surfaces & building, utility construction and providing temporary and permanent erosion control facilities. The project site is located in the City of Renton in the southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 23NorrIi, Range 5 East, WiITamette Meriruan in the Gty of Kenton, King County, Washington. This site is located at 505 Rainier Avenue North (see Appendix A, Exhibit A-I for Vicinity Map). The 6'" Street Short Plat project is proposed on three parcels (9564800100,9564800070, 9564800106) totaling approximately 1.84 acres. The proposed project includes a private road to serve 7 proposed residential lots. The proposed private road will extend from the 6'" Street public cul-de-sac which will be re-constructed to current emergency vehicle turnaround requirements. Utilities including stormwater managements systems will be provided to serve the proposed project. The design. for this proiect meets ot exceeds the requirements of the 1990 King County Surface Water Drainage Manual (KCSWDM), which establishes the methodology and design critel:ia used for this project. . 1.2 Existing Conditions The site is located at the top of a soft ridge with steep slopes (greater than 40 percent) on !hfee-.ides·(fIt>fih, _th& east}. Thereareexis~wetlaadsaHhe-base of !he-sorth.and south slopes. There is an existing ravine bisecting the project site. This ravine is associaUid with a utility and pedestrian access corridor. On each side of the ravine is a relatively flat area where the proposed building construction is being proposed. The site is predominately covered with second growth forest vegetation and dense UflderbfUslr. Stefmw.tter· runoff ffOffl-!he-site flews-·m.!he-northerly, se>!thefly, and easterly directions. These flow patterns will be maintained in the developed conditions. The SCS Soils Map indicates that Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgD) is the predominate soil class on the site. For stormwater modeling purposes, Alderwood is considered a Type C soil. The-.ire-lie.·wiiliin the-West Hill sHB B9.m of !he-Cetlat-River Basif .... nfl. Wrimatdy, drains to the south end of Lake Washington (see A-5, Appendix A for the Downstream Map). 1.3 Post-Development Conditions The project consists of constructing a private road to provide access to seven proposed residential lots. The site will be graded to provide forbuilding pads forand siie .~ Several rockeries are provided around the site to provide for grading transitions. 1 mmsll • • • • • • • • • 2. (i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Srormwattt disch:trge-from the-.rte will ~exiMing=nditiOfllj-by .....H.taicing the various flow paths. Some roof runoff discharge will be through level spreaders into the proposed Native Growth Protection Areas on the north and south side of ~e projeceo mamtatn flows to the eXlstmg wedands. . Road runoff will be treated via a catch basins stonnfilter prior to discharge to a proposed storm drain that runs east down tl\e stope to a point of connection is Rainier Ave= Driveway runoff that is not tributary to the catch basin stonnfilter will be treated in a proposed bio-retention cell and will discharge to the same proposed stonn conveyance as the stormfuter. CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 2.1 Core Requirements 2.1.1 C.R. #1-Discharge at the Natural Location Currently, runoff from the site sheets flows off the site in several directions. Runoff flows off the north and south slopes to the two existing wedands, while runoff from the central area of the site flows off the east sloped and onto the developed parcer east of the proposed project with an eventual discharge to the storm drain system in Rainier Avenue. The proposed project will mimic this flow pattern by allow some roof drainage to flow onto the northern and southern slopes, while the rest of the runoff will be connected to the Rainier Avenue storm system via a closed pipe. 2.1.2 C.R. #2-0fMite-Analy.i8 AHBL staff perfonned a Level 1 off-site drainage analysis in March 2003. The anaIrsis included: • Defining and mapping the study area; • Rcviewingava:il:ablc info1mation on-the study area; • Field inspecting the study area; and • Analyzing the existing drainage system including its existing and predicted problems, if any. The downstream conveyance system consists of an existing stonn drainage system located east of Rainier Avenue. The stormwater is conveyed north in this system for greater than a quarter mile to its ultimate discharge in Lake Washington. To our knowledge there are no existing downstream restrictions and the project site will only slightly increase the flows through this system. Therefore, the downstream conveyance system should have adequate capacity to convey the additional flows from this project. 2.1.3 c.R. #3 -RunoffConttol The project developed 100-year, 24-hour peak flow rate for the net increase in impervious area is 0.30 cubic feet per second which does not exceed 0.5 cubic feet per second greater thMt the-cxi.ring-&w rate of 052 eHb;e feet p"" sceon,J.. Therefore; stormwater <j'Wltity control facilities are not required for this project 2 &lIDS II ------ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Water-quality will-he provided thrtmgft .. rntch-'-in and bio"retemion-c~ as-described above. 2.1.4 C.R. #4 -Conveyance System A conveyance pipe will be provided down the eastern slope to a point of connection with the existing stonn drain in Rainier Avenue. 2.1.5 C.R. #5 -Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan An erosion and sediment control plan will be developed for this site. 2.1.6 C.R. #6 -Maintenance and Operations A maIDtenarn;,,-f>I-will 00 dev@k>peci.for this site. 2.1.7 C.R. #7 -Bonds and Liability This project will provide for a Drainage Facilities Restoration and Site Stabilization Financial Guarantee and a maintenance and defect bond. 2.2 Special-ReqtliremeftlS- 2.2.1 S.R. #1-Critical Drainage Areas The project does not lie within a critical drainage area. 2.2.2 Compliance with An Existing Master Drainage Plan The-proje<:t does-flO! lie-within aft MeftCOVered by aft approved Maste. Drainage Plan. 2.2.3 Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan The project does not meet any of the conditions requiting a Master Drainage Plan. 2.2.4 Adopted Basin or Community Plans The project does ftOt lie-within an-area-with-an-adoptedBasin or-Community Plan. 2.2.5 Special Water Quality Controls The project does not meet any of the conditions requiting special water quality controls. 2.2.6 Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators The project does-not meet any of ~conditions lcquning a-coalescing pial<! oil/water separator. 2.2.7 Closed Depressions The project does not discharge to a closed depression. 2.2$ Use-M'Lakes; Wetlands-Ot' ~Ie8edDepre88i6ft8· For Peak Rate-Rtmef£Control The project does not use lakes, wetlands, or closed depressions for peak rate runoff con\fol. 2.2.9 Delineation of 100 Year Floodplain 'Ibere are no floodplains associated with the project site. 2.2.10 Flood 1"totection-Facilities for Type taactType 2 Streams The project docs not meet the any oEthe conditions requiting-flood protection facilities. 3mlDSll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.2.11 6eoteehftieal Analysi!t-AfttHttport A geotechnical engineering report has been prepared for the project ~ite. 2.2.12 Soils Analysis and Report The soils underlying the project have been accurately mapped by the USGS; however, a geotechnical report was prepared by The Riley Group, Inc. 2.3 Preliminary Plat and SEPA Conditions To be detennined. 3. OFF-SITE ANALYSIS 3.1 3.2 4. Downstream Analysis Srormwa!ef!lews· frern-the-proje<:t site ale-wnveyed t& the eastthr~ aprepesed.12-inch storm drain to the existing storm system in Rainier Avenue. From here the runoff is combined with runoff from Rainier Avenue and adjacent developments and is conveyed north. To our knowledge there are no restrictions in the downstream system. Upstream Analysis Some stormwatermnoff from 6'" Stteer flows· onto dre·project site: This rmroffwill be collected by the on-site system to be treated and conveyed downstream. There is an exi~g pipe from 6'· Street that discharges on the slope at the northwest comer of the project sit~. This upstream drainage pattem will be maintained in the existing system. - FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN As stated earlier, stormwater peak discharge controls are not required per the 0.5 cubic feet per second increase exemption. Stormwater quality control systems are provided for the project. 4.1 Water Quality System -lbere are two separate water quality components for this project. The primary water quality facility is a catch basin stormfilter as manufactured by Stormwater Management Incorporat_ed. The storm filter treats the runoff from the proposed private road as well as runoff from part of the offsite cui-dc-sac. The 6 month flow rate to the stormftlter is 0.055 cubic feet per second... Thc.2-cartridgecatch basio. stann filter can treat up. to 0.066 cubic feet per second. The driveway runoff for lots 2, 3, 4 & 5 is not tributary to the catch basin stormftlter. Therefore a separate bio-inftltration cell as described in the 2002 Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual for Western Washington is also provided .. The primary treatment function of the system is through plant uptake and filtering through the bio-inftltration soil mix which is IS-inches thick in the bottom of the cell. Because the underlying native soils are tiII:, an nndermain systernis provided-beItnv· the-biO<-infiItration· soil· tni", !t>-et)lIed the.treated runoff and convey it downstream. The swale is designed to have a maximum ponding derf> of 6 inches during the 6-month, 24-hour storm event. The entire volume of the 6-month event is infiltr'l!ed through the soil mix -using a design infiltration rateili t inch per boer. The design flow rate for the 6-month storm event is 0;055 cubic feet per second. During larger 4 mmm .. • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5. 6. 7. mnt>ff events, a c:rtch basin·is·pro'\'itIed roailvw <Werllowfrom·the-..... aIe t&thedownstream conveyance system. CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Stotmwater conveyance calculations will be provided for engineering review. SPECIAL REpORTS AND STUDIES Wildlife Reconnaissance by Raedeke & Associates, Inc. CONCLUSION 1"hi..sife-willbedesigfledt&mee\" the J99fJ. Kilft;CfHtlft/5~ WtIt ... DesWt~guidelines for stotmwater management. This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to, or obtained by, AHBL, Inc. These documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared utilizing procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. We conclude that this project, as proposed, wilt not create any-rrewprabkms. within the existing downstream drainage system. AHBL, Inc. A/f~--- Glenn Hwne, P.E. Project Engineer GCH/jlg October 2004 2{}309{}H)ti!{}5{}.~oc 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A-I A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 APPENDIX A Figures Vicinity Map SomMap- Existing Conditions Map' Developed Conditions M~p Downstream Drainage Map • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S 11111 $I' VICINITY MAP Z2:15.1Ibldh ~ SL ..... - TecOlN, WA t8403111------=-;:;--~_:_:_ru_:__=_--__jf ~::=~!i Street Short Plat _ . .tmlcom 203615.10 A-l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • _ .. _-----_ ..... --.. -----. -------------.-------------. ~-... ---. __ ._---, -.--.-... ----•. ------.... 2215. North 3d" SL ...... 300 T~~~·~------~~~~~~~~------11 :i=::~ Street Short Plat A-2 _.IIhbt.com 203615.10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 "B 6r J;; ,~ ~r \ \i. ,,-, -' --' --. -- r.eo' ..... - TACOMA SEATTLE 2215 Nortl JOII ShIt. SUIt»), T.xrre. WA 98403 253.3S3lf22 1B. 316 0c:I:idInII A_ SoIJtI, &i113iIO. ...... WA 111104 2062112425 TB. \ \ .,r.) c§:;\ ,~, i ([) . ,,,,. ~----, \. ---~~.... ----- \ r_",\ 'IX; 0, ""\ ----- , () f'- -' -_. EXlSTIIG COIIM'T1ON8 IIAP A-3, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ._---''', \ \' " , \ .. \' ' '\ \' \ \ \' \ \ \ \ " \' \ \ \ \ , " \ \ DEVELOPED COIIMTIOI8 " .. ' \ _,! ,';~~~"i!1,"d1i" ~j'i!!" tiJ!;.-~ --.~- I / ~. " .. -.' , \ '> , I, • > . ' . " .' IMP A-4, • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 253.3a3.2572 FAX Rmtoo ~l AIrport Do-WNS.TREAM DRAINAGE Street Short Plat 203615.10 \ 1 i A-5 • • • • .' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i. I • • • • • • • • King-CeuAty,Depat1meRt ef.De'Jele:pment -aR&-ERYirenmeRlal SeNh: .. TECHNICAllNFORMATJON REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 , I?ROJECT O~NI;R At-JD , ' PROJECT ENGIN!=~R., " ,'" Project Owner JDA Group LLC Mr, Jack A/hadeff Address , 95-~ r~Stfeet. Renton, WA 98055 Phone Project Engineer G/enn Hume, PE Company AHBL, Inc. Address/Phone 253 383 2422 Poart 3 ... TYPE OF. PERMIT· APPLICATION •. Subdi¥ison X Short Subdivision o Grading Commercial o Other ________ _ '. 6~~~~~~?6~C~LO~:TIP,~ .. A~D:~~i~gtt~" Project Name Rainier Mixed Use Parking Expansion ' Location Township 23N Range 5E ............. Section SW~, 7 o DFWHPA o COE404 o DOE Dam Safety o FEMA Floodplain o COEWetlands . '. o Shoreline Manage~nt X Rockery o Structural Vaults X Other , .... , ". ',,: F'art 5 Sn'E COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN '<"'-, .. .' ,.'".. ':. ~': >-~'. " '.' Community Draiflage: Basifl. West Hill Drainage Basin/ Cedar River Part 6 'SITE CH~RACTERISTICS '., . DRiver o Floodplain ________ _ Wetlands ________ _ 0 Stream o Seeps/Springs 0 Critical Stream Reach o High Groundwater Table Depressions/Swales 0 Lake X Steep Slopes o Groundwater Rechar9.e o Other _________ _ • • • • • • • • • • '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '. I-• • - o o ." .. ,'" .. "" "',/,, <, ,: ";;,,,\.,?--.. "";' Soil Type AgD Slopes 15-40% o AdditionalSheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS' . o o o o . . REFERENCE o AdditionaiSheetsAllaclled MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION o Sedimentation Facilities o Stabilized Construction Entrance D. Perimeter Runoff Control o Clearing and Grading Restrictions o Cover Practices o Construction Seq uence o Other Erosion Potential Moderate to severe Erosive Vercotkl.s .. " ..... .. ". '",'. " LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION o Stabilize Exposed Surface o Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities o Clean and Rem(llleAII.Silt and Debris o Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities o Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas o Other • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Part10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM ; :., :, ' ',"0" " ,;' " ',' i;,',,:;:,,;{:i(~ _n" , ", ... :. D Grass Lined Tank X Infiltration Method of Analysis Channel 0 Vault D Depression SBUH X Pipe System 0 E"nergy Dissapator 0 Row Dispersal Cor rlpel IsatiortlM,iligati D 0 Wetland D Waiver on of Eliminated Si\e Open Channel Storage D Dry Pond D Stream D Regional Detention D Wet Pond Brief Description of System Operation Stann runoff drains from pavement into a catch basin stonnfilter for treatment. Some driveway runoff is directed to a bio-retention cell for treatment through top soil infiltration. The treated stonnwater is discharged through a closed pipe to the existing system in Rainier Avenue. Some roof runoff is discharge from site through level spreaders. Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation ,'", , Part 11, ,STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ' D Cast in Place Vault D Retaining Wall X Rockery > 4' High D Structural on Steep Slope X Other Part 12 EASEMENTSITRACTS D Drainage Easement X Access Easement X Native Growth Protection Easement D Tract Other . , ' '. , " , " . " Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAl ENGINEER ' ~->.,.,. . I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site "'\'.,1'] conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments, To the best qf my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. .1L C 1( /o~t.loi '" SianedlDBte - • • • • • • C-t • C-2 C-3 • C-4 • C-S C-6 • C-7 • C-8 C-9 • C-tO • C-l1 C-12 • C-13-C-t4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIXC Hydrologic Analysis SCS Western Washington Runoff CUlve Numbers 2-year; 24-hour Isopltwial .. tOO-year, 24-hour Isopluvial Pre-Developed Basin Summary Pre-Developed tOO-year, 24-hour Hydrograph Developed Basin Summary DnelopedBasin lOO--year, 24·hout ~aph Treatment Basin Summary . Treatment Basin 6-month, 24-hour Hydrograph Level Pool Summary Stormfilter Basin Summary Stormfiiter Basin 6--month;-2+-hmtdI,drograph CatchBasin Stormfilter Cut Sheet • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON,SU.RFACEWATERDESIGN MANUAL TABLE 3.S.2B SCS WESTERN WASHINGTON RUNOFF CURVE NUMBERS SCS WESTERN WASHINGTON RUNqFF CURVE NUM8ERS (published by SCS in,I982) Runoff curve numb .... for selected agricultural, SlJburban and urban land use fot Type IA rainfall dlstribulton, 24-hour storm duration. CURVE NUMBERS BY HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP LAND USE DESCRIPTION A, B C 0' ", CUltIvated Iand(!): winter 88 !It 94 95 " Mountain open areas: low growing brush and grasslands 74 82 89, 82 Meadow or pasture: 65 78 as 89 Wood ot forest land: undisturbed or older second growth 42 64 '~81 Wood or forestland: young second grC>Wlh or brush ' 55 728t,88 Orchard: with cover crop 81 88 94 Open spaces, lawns, , parks, goR courses, cemeteries, landscaping. good cond~lon: grass cover on 75% " or more of the area 68 80 9()' fair condition: grass cover on SO% to 75% Of the area n as 90 82 Gravel roads and parking lots 76 as 89 91 DIrt roads and parking lois 72 82 ,,87 89, Impervious SlJrUlCes, pavemen~ roofs, etc. '98' 98 98. Open water bodies: lakes, wetlands. ponds, etc. 100 100 100, 100 Single Family Resldantlal (2) 0WeI1Ing UnitIGross Acre %lmpeNlous (3) Separat9 ct/MI number 1.0, PUlGA 15 1.5 PUlGA 20 shall be selected 2.0 PUlGA 25 for pelV/ou8 and 2.5 PUlGA 30 ' , Impervious portion 3.0 PUlGA 34 of the ~e or basin 3.5 PUlGA 38 4.0 PUlGA 42 4.5, PUlGA 46 5.0 PUlGA, 46' 5.5 PUlGA ,50 6.0 PUlGA 52 6.5 PUlGA 54 7.0 PUlGA, ,56 Planned unit developments, '5lmpelVious ' ' condominiums, apanmenlS, must be computed cornrne<cIaI busInass and Indu&triaI ar .... , ' .. -, (I) For a more detailed description 01 agrlcutturalland use curve numbers refer to Natoonal Engoneenng Handbook, SectIon 4, Hydrclogy, Chapter 9, August 1972.· (2) Aaaumas roof and driveway runoff Is directed into streetlstorm system. (3) The remaining pervious areas (lawn) are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. 3.5.2-3 ''"'-Gts'T '~ f-P",,· v,,·~ ~ t>vo':P. " ' ,', 11192, .~,--~----------~------(-.I '-----------------------,> • • • • • • r'· '-'-.. • • • • • • • • • • · ." .' ~~ • • • • • • • • • • KIN 0 C 0 U N T y, WAS HI NOT 0 N,S U R PAC B W A T B R D IISI G N MAN U A L FIGURE 3.5.1C ZoYEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS <..~. " . • t·;;" 2-YEAR 24-HOURPRECIPITATION • ", -" ' ... 3.4 -ISOPLUVIALS OF 2·YEAR 24-HOUR TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES • • ..... -.- • o 1 2 3 4 I •. 7 eMU.- . 11300.000 3.5.1-8 1190 ___ ... Z~'1",2...,;~Z ..... ,.."O<.....JilJ!:"""--__ ~ ~. ", ,,01 Cz.ll\:-. l, z t." __ -l C-'Z. • • • • KIN 0 C 0 U N T Yo WAS H I NOT 0 No SUR PAC B W A T B R D B S ION MAN U A L • FIGURE3.5olH lOO·YEAH 24-HOURISOPLUVIALS • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • 10o-YEAR 24'HOUR PRECIPITATION • ... 3.4 ---ISOPLUVIALS OF 1OG-YEAR 24-HOUR • TOTAL PRECIPITAnON IN INCHES 01234557_8MUft 11 aoo.ooo 3.s.1·13 • • • ----1\.!!!CCUl'lI-J5t.-.. :::.~~'_'_·"'\_'__"-; .... ~----.. : .. ~. . . . C-'3 !. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PRJ:..SP-E'ient Summary: BasinlD Peak Q Peak T (cfs) (hrs) PRE-SP 0.52 8.00 Drainage Area: PRE-5P Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Area Pervious 0.9760 ac Impervious 0.0650 ac Total 1.0410 ac ~Datw. Pervious eN Data: 2ND GROWTH FOREST Impervious eN Data: EXST. PVMT Pervious Te Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed N"one E:n!erecf Impervious Te Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered CN 81.00 98.00 81.00 98.00 Peak Vol Area Method Raintype ~vent (ac-tt) ac floss 0.1856 1.04 SBUHISCS TYPE1A 100 yr loss Method: scs eN Number 0.20 SCSAbs: Intv: TC 0.08 hrs 0.08 hrs 0.9760 ac 0.0650 ac length: a.rolf length: 0.00 tt 10.00 min Slope: Coeff: Travel Time CJ":(JO"To s:ouurr 5:00l)1in Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min €-4- • • • Hydrograph If): PRE-5P -1-9&-yr • Area: 1.0410 ac Hyd In!: 10.00 min Base Flow: Peak Flow: 0.5158 cis Peak Time: 8.00 hrs HydVol: 0.1856 ~cft • Time Flow Time Flow Time Flow } hr cis hr cis hr cis • 0.67 0.0002 8.67 0.2451 16.33 0.0976 0.83 0.0007 8.83 0.2103 16.50 0.0978 1.~ a.oo.t4 9.OQ. Cl2135. 16..6.Z 0.0980 • 1.17 0.0022 9.17 0.1891 16.83 0.0982 1.33 0.0030 9.33 0.1640 17.00 o~r • 1.50 0.0035 9.50 0.1656 17.17 O. 53 1.67 0.0041 9.67 0.1587 17.33 O. 21 1.83 0.0046 9.83 0.1517 17.50 0.0923 • 2.00 0.0049 10.00 0.1528 17.67 0.0925 2.17 0.0054 10.17 0.1454 17.83 0.0926 8 2.33 0.0058 10.33 0.1378 18.00 0.0928 2.50 0.0061 10.50 0.1387 18.17 0.0896 2.67 0.0063 10.67 0.1337 18.33 0,0864 • 2.83 0.0065 10.83 0.1286 18.50 °ir 3.00 0.0066 11.00 0.1293 18.67 0:0 7 3.17 0.0067 11.17 0.1270 18.83 O. 8 • 3.33 0.0069 11.33 0.1246 19.00 0.0869 3.50 0.0070 11.50 0.1252 19.17 0.0837 • 3.67 0.0073 11.67 0.1228 19.33 0.0805 l.83. o.oozs. 1t.83. 0.12.03. 19..50-0.0806 4.00 0.0077 12.00 0.1208 19.67 0.0807 • 4.17 0.0082 12.17 0.1183 19.83 0.Q808 4.33 0.0100 12.33 0.1157 20.00 0.Q809 • 4.50 0.0128 12.50 0.1162 20.17 0.0610 4.67 0.0167 12.67 0.1135 20.33 0.0811 4.83 0.0209 12.83 0.1108 20.50 0.0812 • 5.00 0.0243 13.00 0.1112 20.67 0.0813 5.17 0.0290 13.17 0.1116 20.83 0.0814 5.33 0.0339 13.33 0.1119 21.00 0.0815 • 5.50 0.0376 13.50 0.1123 21.17 0,0815 5.67 0.0430 13.67 0.1095 21.33 0.o,s16 • 5.83 0.0487 13.83 0.1067 21.50 0.~17 6.00 0.0525 14.00 0.1070 21.67 O. 18 6.17 0.0610 14.17 0.1073 21.83 0.0819 • 6.33 0.0700 14.33 0.1076 22.00 0.0820 6.50 0.0746 14.50 0.1079 22.17 0.0787 • 6..6.Z Cl.08Zs. 14..6Z o.t05Q. =. 0.0753 6.83 0.1014 14.83 0.1020 22.50 0.0754 7.00 0.1073 15.00 0.1023 22.67 0·r55 • 7.17 0.1247 15.17 0.1025 22.83 O. 756 7.33 0.1430 15.33 0.1028 23.00 0.1J756 7.50 0.1502 15.50 0.1030 23.17 0.0757 • 7.67 0.3037 15.67 0.1000 23.33 0.0758 7.83 0.4754 15.83 0.0970 23.50 0.0758 • 8.00 0.5158 16.00 0.0972 23.67 0.0759 8.17 0.4012 16.17 0.0974 23.83 0:0760 8.33 0.2712 16.33 0.0976 24.00 0.0761 • 8.50 0.2781 16.50 0.0978 24.17 0.0380 • • • • • • • e-~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • DEV-SfL E't'ent Stlmmary: 8asiniD Peak Q Peak T (cis) (hrs) DEV-SP 0.81 8.00 Drainage Area: DEV-SP Hyd Method: S8UH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Pervious Impervious Total Area 0.3890 ac 0.6520 ac 1.0410 ac Sup,eFl:iRg Dal&; Pervious CN Data: LANDSCAPE Impervious CN Data: PAVEMENT Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed' N'one Enfered' Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered CN 86.00 98.00 86.00 98.00 Peak Vol Area Method Raintype ~vent (ac-tt) ac ILoss 0.2788 1.04 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A lOll yr Loss Method: SCS CN Number 0.20 SCSAbs: Intv: TC 0.08 hrs 0.08 hrs 0.3890 ac 0.6520 ac Length: a:orrf! Length: 0.00 tt 10.00 min Slope: Coeff: Travel Time a:OlJ% !>.000lT 5:00 min Slope: Coeff: Travel Time 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min • • • Ilydrograph I&. DE'o'-SP -100-l' • Area: 1.D410ae Hyd In\: 10.00 min Base Flow: Peak Flow: 0.8143 cfs Peak Time: 8.00 hrs HydVol: 0.2788 ,eft • Time Flow Time Flow Time Flow J hr efs hr cfs hr efs • 0.67 0.0017 8.67 0.3480 16.33 0.1164 0.83 0.0073 8.83 0.2944 16.50 0.1164 1.~ 1l11t43. 9..00 D.2954. 16..61. 0.1165 • 1.17 0.0222 9.17 0.2593 16.83 Q.1165 1.33 0.0297 9.33 0.2229 17.00 0.1166 • 1.50 0.0349 9.50 0.2234 17.17 0.1127 1.67 0.0408 9.67 0.2127 17.33 0.1089 1.83 0.0461 9.83 0.2020 17.50 0.1090 • 2.00 0.0495 10.00 0.2023 17.67 0.1090 2.17 0.0543 10.17 0.1914 17.83 0.1090 • 2.33 0.0587 10.33 0.1805 18.00 O.IOSI 2.50 0.0610 10.50 0.1808 18.17 0.1052 2.67 0.0630 10.67 0.1735 18.33 1»1014 • 2.83 0.0648 10.83 0.1662 18.50 O. ~014 3.00 0.0663 11.00 0.1664 18.67 0~14 3.17 0.0679 11.17 0.1628 18.83 O. 15 • 3.33 0.0699 11.33 0.1592 19.00 0.1015 3.50 0.0721 11.50 0.1594 19.17 0.0978 • 3.67 0.0765 11.67 0.1558 19.33 O.OS38 loin 1l080ll U.1n 0..1522. 19..5ll 0.0938 4.00 0.0829 12.00 0.1523 19.67 O.OS38 • 4.17 0.0899 12.17 0.1487 19.83 0~39 4.33 0.0970 12.33 0.1450 20.00 O. 39 • 4.50 0.OS90 12.50 0.1451 20.17 0.0039 4.67 0.1064 12.67 0.1414 20.33 0.OS39 4.83 0.1138 12.83 0.1377 20.50 0.0940 • 5.00 0.1158 13.00 0.1378 20.67 0.0940 5.17 0.1234 13.17 0.1380 20.83 0.0940 5.33 0.1311 13.33 0.1381 21.00 0.0941 • 5.50 0.1332 13.50 0.1382 21.17 (h0941 5.67 0.1410 13.67 0.1344 21.33 0.D,941 • 5.83 0.1489 13.83 0.1307 21.50 0:t1 6.00 0.1509 14.00 0.1308 21.67 O. 2 6.17 0.1652 14.17 0.1309 21.83 0.0942 • 6.33 0.1796 14.33 0.1310 22.00 0.0942 6.50 0.1818 14.50 0.1311 22.17 0.OS03 • 6..61 Q.2ll32. 14.61 o..tZl3. 22.3.3.. 0.0864 6.83 0.2248 14.83 0.1235 22.50 0.0864 7.00 0.2275 15.00 0.1238 22.67 O~ • 7.17 0.2532 15.17 0.1236 22.83 O. 5 7.33 0.2792 15.33 0.1237 23.00 0.QIj65 7.50 0.2822 15.50 0.1238 23.17 0.0865 • 7.67 0.5370 15.67 0.1200 23.33 0.0865 7.83 0.7987 15.83 0.1162 23.50 0.0865 • 8.00 0.8143 16.00 0.1162 23.67 0.0866 8.17 0.6093 16.17 0.1163 23.83 0.0866 8.33 0.3985 16.33 0.1164 24.00 (h0866 • 8.50 0.40OS 16.50 0.1164 24.17 0.0433 • • • • • • • €-7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • '. '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TREA"F(SP}-E'/ent Stlmmary: BasinlD Peak Q Peak T (cfs) (hrs) TREAT(SP) 0.01 8.00 Drainage Area: TREAT(SP) Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Peak Factor: 484.00 Storm Our: 24.00 hrs Area CN Pervious 0.0000 ac 86.00 Impervious 0.0500 ac 98.00 Total 0.0500 ac ~.Datw. Impervious CN Data: PAVEMENT 98.00 Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Fixed None Entered Peak Vol Area (ac-ft) ac 0.0044 0.05 Loss Method: SCS Abs: Intv: TC 0.00 hrs 0.08 hrs 0.0500 ac Method Raintype Event ILoss SBUHISCS TYPE1A 6-mo SCS CN Number 0.20 10.00 min Length: 0.00 ft Slope: 0.00% Coeff: 5.0000 Travel Time 5.00 min £-8- • • • Ilydrograph ID: TREA TtSPt--6-rfto. • Area: 0.0500 ae Hyd In!: 10.00 min Base Flow: Peak Flow: 0.0134 efs Peak Time: 8.00 hrs HydVol: 0.0044 \left • Time Flow Time Flow Time Flow hr efs hr efs hr efs • 1.83 0.0002 9.33 0.0036 16.67 0.0019 2.00 0.0003 9.50 0.0037 16.83 0.0019 2.t7 0.Q004. 9.61 0.= t7.oo. 0.0019 • 2.33 0.0005 9.83 0.0033 17.17 Q.0018 2.50 0.0006 10.00 0.0033 17.33 0.~18 • 2.67 0.0007 10.17 0.0031 17.50 O. 18 2.83 0.0006 10.33 0.0029 17.67 0.0018 3.00 0.0008 10.50 0.0029 17.83 0.0018 • 3.17 0.0009 10.67 0.0028 18.00 0.0018 3.33 0.0009 10.83 0.0027 18.17 0.0017 • 3.50 0.0010 11.00 0.0027 18.33 0.0016 3.67 0.0011 11.17 0.0026 18.50 0.0016 3.83 0.0012 11.33 0.0026 18.67 0,0016 • 4.00 0.0012 11.50 0.0026 18.83 0·i16 4.17 0.0013 11.67 0.0025 19.00 O. 16 4.33 0.0015 11.83 0.0025 19.17 O. 16 • 4.50 0.0015 12.00 0.0025 19.33 0.0015 4.67 0.0016 12.17 0.0024 19.50 0.0015 • 4.83 0.0018 12.33 0.0024 19.67 0.0015 5..0ll Q.Ollta t2.50. Q.llll2Il t9.lU 0.0015 5.17 0.0019 12.67 0.0023 20.00 Q.0015 • 5.33 0.0021 12.83 0.0022 20.17 0.Q015 5.50 0.0021 13.00 0.0022 20.33 0.0015 • 5.67 0.0023 13.17 0.0022 20.50 0.0015 5.83 0.0024 13.33 0.0022 20.67 0.0015 6.00 0.0024 13.50 0.0022 20.83 0.0015 • 6.17 0.0027 13.67 0.0022 21.00 0.0015 6.33 0.0029 13.83 0.0021 21.17 0.0015 6.50 0.0030 14.00 0.0021 21.33 0.0015 • 6.67 0.0033 14.17 0.0021 21.50 0,0015 6.83 0.0037 14.33 0.0021 21.67 0.op15 • 7.00 0.0037 14.50 0.0021 21.83 0~15 7.17 0.0042 14.67 0.0021 22.00 O. 15 7.33 0.0046 14.83 0.0020 22.17 0.0015 • 7.50 0.0047 15.00 0.0020 22.33 0.0014 7.67 0.0089 15.17 0.0020 22.50 0.0014 • 7.83. o.ot32-t5..33. 0Jl02CL 22.6Z 0.0014 8.00 0.0134 15.50 0.0020 22.83 0.0014 8.17 0.0100 15.67 0.0019 23.00 0.~14 • 8.33 0.0065 15.83 0.0019 23.17 O. 14 8.50 0.0066 16.00 0.0019 23.33 0.0014 8.67 0.0057 16.17 0.0019 23.50 0.0014 • 8.83 0.0048 16.33 0.0019 23.67 0.0014 9.00 0.0048 16.50 0.0019 23.83 0.0014 • 9.17 0.0042 16.67 0.0019 24.00 0.0014 • • • • • • • • C-9-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RlPCOMPU-TE (lEVEL.-Pom. (SP)}SUlUIIA5~¥ B-mo PeakQ= 0..0.134 cfs Peak Out Q: 0..0.0.58 cfs -Peak Stg: 93.57 ft -Active Vol: 15.~3 cf Summary Report of all RLPool Data Projeet Pree~ [2 yr] [5 yr] [10. yr] [25 yr] [1 DO. yr] [B-mo] BasinlD Peak Q (cfs) TREAT(SP) 0.0134 HydlD PeakQ \cfst QUT(SP) 0.01 2.QD in 3.10 in 3.B!; in 4.50. in 3.90. in 1.28 in Node ID: BIO-CELL PeakT (hrs) 8.00 PeakT (1m;)- 8.67 Desc: BID-INFilTRATION SWAlE StartEI: ft Contrib Basin: length ss1 ft 3.DDh:1v ss2 3.DDh:1v Peak Vol Area Method (ac-ft) ac floss 0.0044 0.05 SBUH/SCS Peak Vol Cant Area \ac~} (ac) 0.0047 0:00.00 Max EI: ft Contrib Hyd: Width ss3 13.11DOft 3.DDh:1v Raintype TYPE1A ssA 3.Dot):1v Control Structure ID: BIO-CELL INF -Infiltration control structure Descrip: Start EI 935000 ft. Intil: Multiple Orifice Max EI Increment 94.5llilll. ft. 0.1 a. 1.0.0. infhr Multiplier: 1.0.0. ~ent 6-mo C-l6- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S"FORMFlL"FER Eunt Summary: BasinlO Peak Q Peak T (cfs) (hrs) STORMFIL TER 0.05 B.OO Drainage Area: STORMFIL TER Peak Vol Area (ac-It) ac 0.0181 0.20 Method ILoss SBUH/SCS Raintype TYPE1A Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number P"ea~ Facror. 4lt4:00" SCS·Abs: 0,2-0 Storm Our: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00.min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 86.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.2040 ac 98.00 0.08 hrs Total 0.2040 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: PAVEMENT 98.00 0.2040 ac Impervious TC Data: Event 6-mo Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Fixed None Entered 0.00 It 0.00% 5.0000 5.00 min 0.0 " ',,/'I'll K 24· 7 51'"""'"' IS-j-pM/ cp-v-Ivi~ / I ~dt:U-S 24.7 ~,-=-,. & ~ Q C-H • •• • • • • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , i GRATE & FRAME SLOPED D1VERTER PLATE _---- OVERFLOW WEIR CREST ----_ .. ------- SCUM BAFFLE ------- DEBRIS SUMP -- CLEANOUT OPENING IN WEIR WITH HOLE & EXPANSION PLUG FILTER CHAMBER COVER . FILTER CHAMBER INLET CARTRIDGE SUPPORT BEAMS (2) ;'1·--·-StormFiiter CARTRIDGE FILTER CHAMBER OUTLET OUTLET PIPE ID~~ •• STORMWA~ER l;j' MANAGEMENT INC. P I d OR 972 0 1.).1'''',' 800,54'8.4667. ""80 . \~ 12021-9 NE Airport Way, ort an,. Z ,'W tit 0.561;1271 ;; stormwaterinc.com .i ( I \;- i ' • • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • L\ t~ i ;.~~;.~ 'T,', C(-.~""·;-·;·f~ .: .' :". '. . .:.' r"'~f~;~ 'P:-'C: ';;"JZI: B-.. ··· ./ . r ~'. : ,', . i-.-,.:~ .. :.:J~ :!l~ .~': -'~i . •• I • . ·,r~·;:"~~r" .: .'.:' 'c~i~Jd:~! U.S. P4To.NT Nc. 5.322,629. 5,624.576. ANO OTHER U.S. AND fOREIGN PATEN;S PENDING .. The' ~tormwat~r M~n-aq;'~'~nt, ~to;mFjlte-r:E: is. now "?V~;lable in .1-ste'el, c~~crete-or ~!dSti~ '~atch basin ~6nfi~uratlon~ T~e 'cat2~BaSin ,'StormFilter sy~tem, an 'ex'tensio~ of,the·'-~id~I.Y:acce-Dte~j_StormFi;t~(.-Be5t M'anaqe~enf P~~ctice, has be-en ~nqi~ee'ied 'to reolace the st"and~rd cat'c'~ :~:i3Sin.·:-ln th~ -C~t~h-~a.Sih -~t~;i~-m'fi,ter, -poi'ut~d ru~~ff"-en~ers 'fhe' ~~~'t~~jh;OUQ~ a ~;aU;~'b:~arin~ :qrate: In t~-~ inlet "·ch'a·m~er.-·~rima~Y S~tt1i()9:-~f the-~un6f.f _oaurs~-a~dfh~ .~~avier 'solids. dr~p to.a_su~p .. on ,·the·:vauJt:fl.oo~~ The 'water'is directed under a' .baft'le into-.the filter chari,ber _whe~e t~e -,S'tor~filter _ cartridq'e is' housed .. Durinq ,filt-ra'tion, finer' solids a~d soluble. DoBut'ants-are removed. 'Cle~n \vater i~ di~Cha{g~~ from;~h-e filter and directed-ar~un~ ~he ov-e'rflow 'bypass weir·to ihe.·QUtlet ~iDe. D~rinq -heavy · s'!~r~s"-~he~ t:~~ 'flO\~I::e~c~~~s the deskJ~_fl~W;_ ~ater in-ttle in!et~ __ ~_.amb~r SPill~ 6~er·. th~ bYDa.s~.w~ir, . pr~ve.ntinq the re:,susDe-nsion 9f 5~.d·if'!1e~ts ~nd ~blluta-nts trapped in the'ca-~tridq~ chamber,'- · SYSTEM FEATURES-AND BENEFITS .'. P~~ven StormFilter:technoloqy tar-gets sjte:S~~Cific P~llut~nts ~ Lo~ ~ost. heav; qau'qc, all steel constructiqn · .. . --" ~ !nternaf bypass' mj.n.il!lil~S_ re·suspe-nsio·n of. t~apped poJlut~nts _ • Simple, low'cost installation • Easy ~aintenanc(' supported by Storrnwater Manage!)lent • Operation and Maintenance Guidelines available-from Storm water Manaqement Inc. · ~ Als'o·availilbfe in cone-rete and plastic • StcrmF!lter,~apacity: ~ 5·15 qpnilCart'ridQe,!Up to 4 ~a_rtri~~e-~l • P""ak hydraulic capacity':' 1.0·c.fS or 3.0 cfs' • Hydrdu,lic'{jrop (Rim 'to. Invert) -2.3'.to 3~3' • 6Litl~i pipe diame.ter." -6~; to 12'" • load bearinq·capacitY-I--!·20 r'ateo • Optional ~orrosion'~esistant powder coating '2021~B NE'Airport ·Wav. Portland. OR 97220 'II' \\ 1f;Jl800~S4B.4557 ..• ]i< CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LNO-20-0398 CERTIFICATION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE TI-fESE PRESENTS TI-fAT WE fHE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREBY SHOR r SUBDIVIDED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION TI-fEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE TI-fE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF TI-fE SAME AND TI-fAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WlTI-f TI-fE FREE CONSENT ANI) IN ACCORDANCE WlTI-f TI-fE DESIRE OF TI-fE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SE~LS. SIGNED TI-fIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS1ER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR TI-fE USES AND PURPOSES t.4ENTlO ED IN TI-fE INSTRUMENT. DATED ~2~~~i;~~~F=~ SIGNA~RE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAME O~F ~~>..4,L....:;..,,~~--,--- NOTARY U BLI C --"""'--'-'7'-r'-.,.....t-,r?--=-~L....I--'-l::..:....:::...: TlTLE-L~~~~~Qd~T-__ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES is \ 2·<~r~~ STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) I CERTIFY TI-fAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TI-fAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ON OATI-f STATED TI-fAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTI-fORIZED TO EXECUTE TI-fE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS TI-fE _______________ OF~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO BE TI-fE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN TI-fE INSTRUMENT. DATED _____________________ _ SIGNA lURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC =-_______ __ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ________ _ TlTLE _____________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ________ __ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ...... . DAY OF ........... , 20 ..... .. AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .......... ,. ................................................ .. .. ........................................ "" "" ....................... .. MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED TI-fIS __ DAY OF ____ -o, 20, __ RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF ASSEssor _Sl_1 /4 of _SW_1 /4, S._~)7 20 07 EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS } 5 DAY OF II",,," s t Nil wtifA -ft>v DEPUTY ~SSESSOR ~-A-D-M-IN_IS-TR-ATO-R---------------------~A~CC~OU~NT~N~U~MB~E~R~===================_ _______ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER NO. 577198, 4TI-f AMENDMENT, DATED JULY 5, 2007. PARCEL 1: THE SOUTI-fWESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO TI-fE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH TI-fAT PORTION OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECTING NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACATION, ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECTING NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACATION, ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA EASEMENT THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT (NGPE) ON THE SIXTI-f STREET SHORT PLAT IDENTIFIES TI-fE STEEP SLOPES. ll-fE CREATION OF THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT (NGPE) CONVEYS TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA. THIS INTEREST SHALL BE FOR ll-fE PURPOSE OF PRESERVING NATIVE VEGETATION FOR THE CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER AND EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF OF SLOPE STABILITY, VISUAL AND AURAL BUFFERING, AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT (NGPE) IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUlURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE EASEMENT AREA ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC BY THE CITY OF RENTON, TO LEAVE UNDISlURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN TIiE EASEMENT AREA. TI-fE VEGETATION WlTIiIN NGPE MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, COVERED BY FILL, REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF RENTON. TI-fE RIGHT OF ENTRY GRANTED HEREIN SHALL APPLY TO TI-fE AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE OWNERS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS OF THE UNDERLYING PROPERTY. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATIJTE AND ORDINANCE IN A\\J.<"'',l~'t; 20 ...... ....... . .w. SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS PER f'ACIFIC NORTI-fWEST TITLE PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER NO. 577198, 4ll-f AMENDMENT, DATED JULY 5, 2007. 1. l,ITlLlTlES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. 8404090614. 2. IJTlLlTlES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. 20070530000609. 3. FlUILDlNG SETBACK LINES AS DELINEATED ON FACE OF PLAT TO BE DElE~MINED BY GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 4. fliGHTS OF PUBLIC TO MAKE SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS. 5. t.tA TTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY, REC. NO. 20030401900004. 6. cOVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CON1AINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-108-LLA, REC. NO. 20051115900010. 7. cOVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CON1AINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA, REC. NO. 2005121990C0"14. 8. ~GREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS, REC. NO. 20050728002138. PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PLAT 80,297 S.F. -1.84 ACRES LOT 1 7,857 S.F. LOT 2 7,061 S.F. LOT 3 6,560 S.F. LOT 4 5,542 S.F. LOT 5 17,305 S.F. LOT 6 11,115 S.F. LOT 7 24,812 S.F. PRIVA TE ROAD EASEMENT 4,952 S.F. CRITICAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31,975 S.F. TACOMA· SEATTLE Civil Engineers Structural Engineers Landscape Architec;ts Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, SuHe 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL s RENTON % MUNICIPAL ~. AIRPORT ~' . . . VICINITY MAP 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT OWN. BY D.C.F. CHKD. BY J. W.B. DATE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 1OF2 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LNO-20-0398 ACCESS AND UTLITIES PRIVATE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UllLlllES IS TO BE CREATED UPON TI-lE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON TI-lIS SHORT PLAT. TI-lE OWNERS OF LOTS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN TI-lE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF TI-lE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. TI-lESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE TI-lE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF TI-lE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY AND/OR DETENllON FACIUllES WlTI-lIN TI-lIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTI-lER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY TI-lE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UllLlTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON TI-lE PAVING IN TI-lE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER TI-lAN 20 FEET. (CITY OF RENTON 269) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN...-- CONC MON IN CASE ____ 5/26/04 ~----...-- ------- CURVE I Z °1 » < rr1 • CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON WITH 2" BRASS IN 4" CONC POST 5/26/01 t -a\~ ~~. . Q ... '& v" • of:. CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR ok CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3" TOTAL STAll ON USING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 WAC. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK C1 C2 C3 LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L2B L29 LJO L31 LJ2 LJ3 L34 LJ5 HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRElE POST WITH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECllON OF LIND AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N ... 55495.849M E=395359.44 7M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N-55212.103 E=395512.663M D'MII. BY D.C.F. CHKD. BY J. W.B. DATE JOB NO. 07 /10/07 203615.50 SCALE '''=30' SHEET 2 OF 2 RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT PORTION OF DECLARATION OF COVENANT TI-lE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WlTI-lIN TI-lIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON TI-lIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. _Sl_1/4 of _SW_1/4, S._Q? _ T._2~_N., R. 05_E.,W.M. TREE COVENANT LOT D 9564800007 5' PSE UllLlTY EASEMENT CENTERED ON LOT UNE THIS RESTRICllVE COVENANT REQUIRES TWO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES, A i CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 N78·.35'.39"W MINIMUM CALIPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW LOT, BE PLANTED AND ::: 78.82' MAINTAINED WITHIN THE 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW ::t 18 171·J2' LOT WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO ~ to CRfTtCAL 2.5 55.77' FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECllON. • ~ SEE EASEME SLOPE :2.50 LOT 6. BLOCK 2 /:)' <-0 AREANAnll£ GROwn., NT ARE ' ;J J WOODY GLEN ADDITION.! .I""T •. NOT£, ~~SEMENT PROT£cnoNA1 1"8" ~ 6.7.3 . ) 9564800066 ~" ~ ~f2 EET 1 OF 2 I , \..,9 ./ \ " (CITY OF RENTON 158 '":rc; "'-.J:.1.3 . L1 L\J8_----- FND 1/2 BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN ~ t'V'-., -"",-~i..--$-.6....h17' -"NAllVE GROWTH PROTECllON ~ CONC MON IN CAS~ / "-", .1 AREA EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING'~ DOWN 1.25.--" LOT 7. BLOCK 2 , f;t SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED IP. 5/26/04 " WOODY GLEN ADDITION I (l) BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) "\ f\--_ TBM "C"-TOP OF MON ELEV=105.73' 0 \\ LOT 1 I r LOT 2 NW 6TH V ~ \ 7,857 sq. ft. " 7,061 sq. ft. Q.'-\ 0.18 acres 1 .W 0.16 acres 15' PUBLIC UllUTY C1 \ 114 NW 6TH ST. I.~ 108 NW 6TH ST. EASEMENT, REC. NO \ I r'" " "' ....... -: .... STREET , 9 4.16 LOT 3 __ ~S:::=8~6;;:'55'10"E N88'36'04 "Ww----=2~6.::;:.S. 91~(M 265.94' (P") --~ (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE ""'1..,-,. l , S S1'!>''!)1- ~~~~~ I I ....... -... ....... ~ -, --- ~------, _____ ........... I , __ ..! _~ ___ " --..::::::! ~----....... -...;..,.---" ------.. ............ --- 6,560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres 102 NW 6TH ST. S----" ----... -::::::.. ----- .5'6. 1..1<' ----.;; --::::_ ~~~D~Y ~P~R~P~~':-':':-~ ~ --~ ~_ lJ:~{b<'s,j. . _ ""e., 8)t &:.1 .."Tor-- _ -~ -~~ -iCC(F :!! :i ---. 5272, ~ODY~ ~ ~ --- 2 , c-i_I.'.o.Ss -~ C. NO. 2~0~0 AD75i-nru. .. -C , --C:-Y.c-...-iIyO . rL \ -" 5.30 ',~V ~ ............... ,"IV!, ~ \&ii \ S78-35'.39"-_ 000609 LOT B CITY OF I~ENTON LLA A.F.N. 201)60719900005 .~ ~ ----~ ~ ~ • ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 ~ LENGTH RADIUS DELTA .............. '''''.... ~.>, • \ \ E 88.7;,--~~-..l ....... , I -- 114.44' 45.00 145'42'36" 33.66' 45.00 42'51'29" 80.78' 45.00 102'51'08" LINE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 55.54' S0712'48"W 34.63' N54'44'56"E 33.00' N65'43'18"W 30.00' S17"45'36"E 24.57' S46"22'29"E 29.12' N42"OS'32"W 21.26' N26'57'07"E 41.67' N20"05'39"W 5.00' N69'S4'21"E 8.12' N3Y43'53"W 3.70' N52'42' 49"W 10.78' N6Y42'38"W 22.20' N70'45'57"W 16.76' S64'38'29"W 2.48' S34 '43'21"W 11.77' N76'54'13"W 6.61' S86"56'12"W 23.65' S80'53'44"W 17.70' 574 "OO'21"W 14.44' S6516'09"W 9.23' S48"OO'16"W 17.19' S7Y32'22"E 7.17' N14'36'06"E 1.22' N60'16' 49"E w • LOT 7. BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDIllON 9564800105 SURVEYOR'S NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN WITH "0" HEREON DENOlES 1/2" REBAR AND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. '-~ I 15' PUBLIC UllUTY \ ~ I ;' EASEMENT, REC. NO. \ \ ~. I '~~ \ " ~ "- LOT 7 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres 117 NW 6TH ST. " '- LOT 4 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres 101 NW 6TH ST. "'"71'58'''' , <'5"", ....... 10' PSE UllLlTY EASEMENT LOT 8. BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 6 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6TH ST. ( SET 5/6" REBAR ok , CAP AT TOP OF BANK ~ ............ ~ ~ ,~ \3'. ~ Yb ---<" 1..!i5' _ --A llVE GROWTH LOT 5 17,305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6TH ST. rSET 5/8" REBAR ok '/ CAP AT TOP OF BANK NA llVE GROWTH PROTECllON AREA EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED - LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A. F. N. 20060719900005 BLOCK 6 • \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ \ \ \ -- 24.67' S55'39' 43"E 24.70' S33"04'28"E ~ ;,. P 5 PROTECllON AREA EASEMENT BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800176 10.77' S39'39' 47"E 12.12' S64"26'30"E 6.52' S27"22'25"E 53.07' S70'46'37"E 34.63' S66"57'34"E 14.09' S79'33' 30"E 17.88' S83"05' 45"E 6.63' N6717'28"E 13.45' N77'27'32"E LEGEND ..dIL FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED o TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR ok CAP LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SET 5/8" REBAR ok CAP, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER OR POINT ON UNE AS SHOWN z SET MAGNEllC NAIL AND WASHER, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER AS SHOWN -------- LOT 11. BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800165 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN tEEt ) 1 inch = SO fL 47.56' \ 52.84' N88'46'50·E PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20051219900014 .-56.20' 186.30' -. 5/8" REBAR &: CAP LS 13670 AREA ADDRESSED IN "AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND UNES" RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER REC. NOS. 20050728002138 ok 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 5B.04 5/8" REBAR & CAF LS 13670 CAR PORT N16'21'3 43.56' '---'r-N84'47'51 "E 8.02' CITY OF RENTON MIL BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT (;3-r'\~ LUA-~N\\.,l CERTIFICA TION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED. 00 HEREBY MAKE A BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT THEREFORE PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAME STATE OF _________ ) )SS COUNTY OF _______ ) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED _____________________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAME O=F --------------- NOTARY PUBLIC ___________ _ TI~E ______________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE OF _______ ) ) SS COUNTY OF ______ ) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE OF -TO~BE~TH~E~FR~E~E-A-N""D-V"'OI.!-U-N--TARY-:A:-::C=T-:O=F-:SU::-:=:CH-;-:=P-:-:AR==TY::-:-:F::::O=-R-:TH:'-::E=--:-:U-=SE==S:-A:'7ND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ~-::-::--__________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC =--_______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC __________ _ TI~E ________________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ....... DAY OF ....•.. ..•.• 20 ...... . AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .• SU R'VE'Y'6"R"'S . 'N'AM E'" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF' ____ .... 20, __ RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF ASSESSOR _~l_1/4 of _~W_1 /4, S._Q-Z._ T._~J_N., R. 05_E.,W.M. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ____ -o, 20 __ ADMINISTRATOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUNBER ORIGINAL LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL A: THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. BLOCK 3. PARCEL 8: ALL OF LOT 8, BLOCK 3. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SOUTH 126TH STREET ABUT11NG ON THE SOUTH AS VACATED PER CITY OF' RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4955. REC. NO. 20020402002350. ALL IN WOODY GLEN ADDmON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS. PAGES 91 AND 92. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. OWNER JDA GROUP 95 SOUTH TOBIN STREET, SUITE 201 RENTON. WA 98055 CONTACT: JACK ALHADEFF CIVIL ENGINEER AHBL ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. & SURVEYORS 2215 NORTH 30TH STREET. SUITE 300 TACOMA, WA 98403 253-383-3572 CONTACT: MATT WEBER, PE ZONING EXISllNG ZONING R-8 SURVEYOR TOPOGRAPHY: TRIAD ASSOCIATES 11814 115TH AVENUE NE KIRKLAND, WA 98034 425-8448 CONTACT: MICK MATHESON, PE SHORT PLAT: AHBL, INC. COTACT: JOHN BECKER, PLS LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STAn.JTE AND ORDINAN hlO!\l., .. , 20.Q4 ~ ... tL)("..)~ ...... ):. ........ ~ .l!tttl10 . REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL A: THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. BLOCK 3. TOGETHER WITH LOT 8, EXCEPT THE SOUTHERLY 102.80 FEET THEREOF, BLOCK 3. ALL IN WOODY GLEN ADDmON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THE SOUTHERLY 102.80 FEET OF LOT 8, BLOCK 3. TOGETHER WITH THAT POR1l0N Of SOUTH 126TH STREET ABUT11NG ON THE SOUTH AS VACATED PER CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4955. REC. NO. 20020402002350. ALL IN WOODY GLEN ADDmON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS. PAGES 91 AND 92. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. PARCEL AREAS ORIGINAL PARCELS PARCEL A 12.480 S.F. PARCEL 8 67.483 S.F. EXPffiES REVISED PARCELS PARCEL A 59,951 S.F. PARCEL B 20,012 S.F. TACOMA· SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 CMf Engineers Structural Engineers Landscape Architects Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors 253.383.2422 TEL 206.267.2425 TEL , ; , , ,- " , -,'. " RENTON ~, MUNICIPAL ~o, AIRPORT \ .: .". " .. VICINITY MAP DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITV OF RENTON NOV 042004 RECEIVED 6TH LINE STREET BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT OWN. BY D.C.F. CHKO. BY J. W.B. DATE JOB NO. 11/01/04 203615.50 SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 1 OF 2 --------- CITY OF RENT()N 6TH STREET BOUNI)ARY LINE ADJUSTMENT MIL BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT ~-('\~ LUA-tN,\..! (CITY OF RENTON 269) FNO 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN ....... ---------, V' (CITY OF RENTON 158) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 1.25' 5/26/04- TBM "C"-TOP OF MON ElEV=105.73' • CONC MON IN CASE ___ 5/26/04 ~ --------- CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON WITH 2" BRASS IN 4" CONC POST 5/26/04 CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR & CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST . to N V' NW 6TH STREET __ ~S8~6~'55'10"E N88'36'04"W'..----:2::;6-=5.91..:...(M;t-) ___ ~ 265.94' (P) ~J~<. "'$~~~ ·00' " --. to N (CITY OF RENTON 273) FNO 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 - -, Il 45'47'04" R=45.00 L=35.96' .r.,~ . -'. '. ;-<'" >" SURVEYOR'S NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN SHOWN WITH "0" HEREON DENOTES 1/2" REBAR AND CAP LS #15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. OLD PARCEL A 12,480 sq. ft. 0.29 acres -------- ----'0' w. -- --~WAYP£RP------- \ \ ~\~ ~(':: Il'.\~ tAr ----OFWOOOyc -- ------ S78'35'39"E lEN ADDITION -;;---__ 190.31' 0 BE VACA7£o -- PARCEL A 956480-0106-05 NEW PARCEL A 59,951 sq. ft. 1.38 acres --------------\ ---- ...... '---..,--.., if!, "I/illflllfl/Il" 1-/1 1,/1, _, ?/' rf I - ' , ~OSP S/ ' _""t>, _.rr", f 1 ( PROPOSED WETLAND BUFFER J (UNDER SEPERATE APPLICATION) VD~\~ «\ \fI' ---I • I' i.:-..' '. 1"; SEPT. 2005 BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF UNO AVE NW AND TAYlOR Pl NW N=55495.849M E= 395359. 447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF TAYlOR AVE NW, TAYlOR Pl NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N=55212.103 E=395512.663M OWN. BY D.C.F. CHKD. BY DATE JOB NO. 11/01/04 203615.50 RECORDING NO. PORTION OF LEGEND A FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR & CAP o LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SEE NOTE AT RIGHT VOL/PAGE ------- 747.00' GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 tl J. W.B. SCALE 1"=30· SHEET 20F2 _SE __ 1 4 of _~~_1 4, S._Q] __ T._f..3 __ N., R . .Q~_E.,W.M. \ CRITICAL SLOPE AREA OLD PARCEL B 67,483 sq. ft. 1.55 acres I I I I ... ~ .... J:». --~j' • -~-\ -- o N88'46'50"E ~mCAL SLOPE AREA NEW LOT LINE 190.48' I I I I I .~. r--- 1 I_--n 1 I I • . \. • ,--',. ; BLDG. ',' ; i I \ 1 , -----' BUILDING, ASPHALT AND OVERHANG ENCROACH AS SHOWN PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 NEW PARCEL B 20,012 sq. ft. 0.46 acres 5/8· REBAR t;~~~~ NE ASPHALT W/4" CAP, TRIAD, NUMEROUS LS IS \...------------N~B~,:~.~;.:·,;::,~~'O::::;·E;:----------:~.,"----"----- S, 126TH STREET ". /")Il) . 0 ~ci NI') o Z 28.96' ! --SB8'46'SO"W AREA VACATED PER ORDINANCE (VACATED) NO. 4955, REC. NO. 20020402002350 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT RETAINED I • CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA- RENTON, WASHINGTON CERTIFICA TION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE Vv1TH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE Vv1TH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAME STATE OF ______ ~) ) S5 COUNTY OF _______ .} I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DAlEO _____________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC =--_______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ________ _ TIRE _____________________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STAlE OF ________ > > SS COUNTY OF _____ ._} I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWlEDGED IT AS THE OF ,.,..TO,.....,.,..BE~TH...,.E,.,..~FR~E~E....,A,.,..,N~D....,V":'::O~LU-::-N=TARY-A:-::C~T-~O...,.F,..-S,.,..U.,.."C.,..,.H--::P"...,A-:::R~TY-:-::::FO~R::-=:TH~E::-:":'US~E...,.S-A":-:'ND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ___________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC ;:--________ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ TlRE ________________________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ..•.•.• DAY OF ..........•• 20 ••..... AT .•...•. M IN BOOK .••...•... OF .•.•..•. AT PAGE .•......• AT THE REQUEST OF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SURVEYOR'S NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ • 20 __ _ ADMINISTRATOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2 TOGETHER WITH THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. LOT 8, EXCEPT THE SOUTHERLY 102.80 FEET ll-lEREOF. BLOCK 3 TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF PLATTED WALKWAY LYING BETWEEN LOT 7. BLOCK 2. AND LOT 8, BLOCK 3 All IN WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ • 20, __ ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUNBER RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE . PORTION OF _Sl_1/4 of _SW_1/4, S._QZ __ T._2~_N., R . ..95_E.,W.M. S 116TH ST S 1151 ST '. ~" '.'.1'. , " . ", '---'~!.!.-><.L-r"'..-I ". " . RENTON ~':': MUNICIPAL ~\ AIRPORT \~, . , N AIRPORT WAY S TOBIN ST VICINITY MAP .. . ..... OWNER ZONING PROPOSED LOT AREAS JDA GROUP R-8 8 95 SOUTH TOBIN STREET. SUITE 201 RENTON, WA 98055 CONTACT: JACK ALHADEFF EXISTING ZONING TOTAL LOTS ALLOWED TOTAL PROPOSED PROPOSED DENSITY FRONT yARD SETBACK SIDE YARD SETBACK REAR YARD SETBACK MAX BUILDING HEIGHT 7 RESIDENTIAL 7DU/AC CIVIL ENGINEER AHBL ENGINEERS. PLANNERS, & SURVEYORS 2215 NORTH 30TH STREET. SUITE 300 TACOMA. WA 98403 253-383-3572 CONTACT: MATT WEBER. PE SURVEYOR TOPOGRAPHY: TRIAD ASSOCIATES 11814 115TH AVENUE NE KIRKLAND. WA 98034 425-6448 20 FEET 5 FEET 20 FEET 30 FEET CONTACT: MICK MATHESON, PE SHORT PLAT: AHBL. INC. COTACT: JOHN BECKER, PLS LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY S~~TE AND ORDINANC w,O!'J...... 20. .. ~ .. ~ ..... L;]J! ) :.J. ..... ~ . .:i. '""-.,;~TlFICATE NO. \~~1.0 .. EXPIRES 2005 SHORT PLAT 80,297 S.F. -1.84 ACRES LOT 1 7,857 S.F. LOT 2 7,061 S.F. LOT .3 6,560 S.f. LOT 4 5,542 S.F. LOT 5 17.351 S.F. LOT 6 11.115 S.F. LOT 7 24,812 S.F. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4.952 S.F. CRITICAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31.975 S.F. TACOMA· SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma. WA 98403 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 eMI Engineers Structural Engineers Landscape Architects Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors 253.383.2422 TEL 206.267.2425 TEL T PLANNING OEV~~~~~NRENTON NO\} 0 4 2Ut)1l RECEWEO 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT OWN. BY D.C.F. CHKO. BY J. W.B. DATE JOB NO. 10/27/04 203615.50 SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 1 OF 2 ----------,,-- CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. LUA- RENTON s WASHINGTON PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUALITY ANO/OR DETENTION FACILITIES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT. PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY RENTON OR OTHER UTILITY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMtNT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 2(j FEET. (CITY OF RENTON 269) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN __ CONC MON IN CASE ~ 5/26/04 ~ VOL./PAGE RECORDING NO. 6TH STREET SI--10RT PLAT PORTION OF _~l_1 /4 of _~Yi_1 /4, S._Q,z._ T._f.;2,_N.,R . .Q.9_E., W.M. DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, ElY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS ANa AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. (CITY OF RENTON 158) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 1.25' 5/26/04 TBM "C" -TOP OF MON ElEV 105.73' NW 6TH \ \ \ \\ \ N7S''t5' NORTH CRITICAL SLOPE \ ~ .I.&J lR 78.8'''' oJ J9·W 4,095 sq. ft. \\ '\ . "'" C R "" 17 0.1D9 acres !~ ~ [I TICAL SL 1.32' \ \ ~; <?c AS[M[NT A?([ 55.n';J \ \ <! • ~ ~ "--eS8L (Typ) [A \..t) ':. ___ -~ 73' \ \ ~ "-' \.:\~~-----\ \ ~ -..;::: ~1.:!. L14.A;~ L17 _Lj§_ -r~ CRITICAL SLOPE <.,I \\'\.-1 ,,_,, ____ ' .,. __ -\, '" '" '---.5' -l I" EASEMENT, (REAR 8J~LDING ~ > ~ \ -~-" I" SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED Il), II>' \ ~ BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) \ .,.--"-" \ LOT 1 I re / LOT 2 \ \ 7,857 sq. ft.' ... ---' \ 0.18 (lcres I I 7,061 sq. ft. ___ ----__ ---#- \ I I' 0.16 acres -----~ \ \ • , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I ~ ~;W"'t--V'-STREET S86'55'10"E --~N8~8~'36'04"W~_-=2~65~.91' (M 26S.94"(P.t-) ---.j 15' UTILITIES EASEMENT ~ I --------9l1-·1~ ---I, ~ "l-I I ."t' ----\"~ ----\ Iff iO 0 \ \ \ I (\j L----..... ·7>2"£-:--<:{' 0 JB '\, \ Cl 1:' .? ~ :..---\ W (J) (:j I ,~--(: ~S \ \ --j_ I ~ ,----LOT 3 \ ~E~ \ \ CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON WITH 2" BRASS IN 4" CONC POST 5/26/04 EXPIRES SEPT. 2005 CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR & CAP. DOWN DO' 5/26/04 -41 H ST BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK CURVE Cl LINE L1 L2 L3 . L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 Ll0 L11 L12 L13 U4 U5 L16 L17 U8 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91). CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH MARK. IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF UNO AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N=55495.849M E=395359,44 1M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N=55212.103 E=395512.663M D'M-I. BY D.C.F. DATE JOB NO. 10/27/04 203615.50 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1 "=30' 2 OF 2 (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 33.66' 45.00 42'51'29" LINE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 55.54' 507'12' 48"W 34.83' N54"44'56"E 33.00' N65"43'18"W 30.00' Sl7'45'36"E 24.57' S46'22'29"E 29.12' N42'06'32"W 21.26' N26'57'07"E 41.67' N20'05'39"W 5.00' N69'54'21"E 8.12' N3Y43'53"W 3.70' N52'42' 49"W 10.78' N6Y42'38"W 22.20' N70'45'57"W 18.76' S84'38'29"W 2.48' S34'43'21"W 11.77' N76'54'13"W 8.81' S86'56'12"W 23.85' 580'53' 44"W 17.70' S74'OO'21"W 14.44' S65'16'09"W 9.23' S48'OO'16"W 17.19' S73'32'22"E 7.17' N14"38'06"E 1.22' N60'16'49"E 24.87' S55'39' 43"E 24.70' S33'04'28"E 10.77' S39'39'47"E 12.12' S64'26'30"E 6.52' S27'22'25"E 53.07' S70'46'37"E 34.63' S66'S7'34"E 14.09' S79'33'30"E 17.88' S83"05'45"E 8.63' N67'17'28"E 13.45' N77'27'32"E LEGEND 1'iIl. FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED o TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR & CAP LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SEE NOTE AT RIGHT ~ ~ p .-o z - - _ ----1.-I 6,560 sq. ft. \ -. i;l " \ ~ -----0.15 acres \ ;:;o~. \ ..:::..::: __ -.-_ ,--__ \ ::J<!I.&J ~~., \ .... _ __ --/flmoClJ \, \ ." """-.... ------• ~ 4t PUBUC UTILITY EASEMEW \;;;~:~:gi\ (;:/~%~~<' --~ ~ ~. ~:; i~:::: :: -=--=-: :_~\_ __ __ a. Q: f2 \~. \ REC, N~~::~~_O~~~~ ':~~:-:~:'\::) -.:!!!!.~s ""ct·~ /!! :i """-... ~LAr OF" Wo """--l.. -\, \ -"-'-/' /' -----~';:~;;~:~:~h ;:-~~~1At() ~ v.'l<' ~SZ8~~~~;;N -;; s----~..a =-=---------~-=-= ./ /' /' /' /' '~,~::~:?\ / -...... '-..... ,..... \ \ --138..]r.... -: ---= E: VACA_ (:) """-__ I'il l/' ,--/' \,':0-" ,'\ ./ _ .!.£;I... __ ___ ./ Ii i;/! ./ / ~ \,~';~'/)--' " ~ !:) I I ---./,!. J /' ./ /' ,.. ':~'::>;/';;f' \ I I 15' UTILITIES \ """-'i/~{ fl/li,'I" --e-/ /' ./ /' 'ii/it \ l\ I ( LOT 4 EASEMENT \ 'if . .,.- \!\ 'l'~ \ LOT 7 \ \ \ ~9~ I" ~o:{; ~i~e:' \ //1 'f/; ---"i { "., ,--;: \ • Jl:' /' " \ i// //! ,!i/ilili//filli/' . i,I, 0.0" \ 24,812 sq. ft. ~ 'f... ~// -....(", " '//, Ijijliri('llilj/i!!iI! " 'I,i, ""iii', 0', \ 0.57 acres \.......... ,.'~ -..... \ 'i1/'!lill,U 'iI'" , ;~··'lh #..1. ...... ___ ./ .... '---... \ I I, "-,,,---" ~ Il) \ \ " - -<-...... , ---j 'Ii ~ ;;; \ ~ -.... 11/, /i f" .~,\ ( ....... -----.. ,(.,. ,,'-...... \ I/!, J/i, \ "v \ -.... \ f! j , I) ..» \ \..~ '" ---i 11,1 ',1'/' -- ~" \ \ ~ \ \ ---III 'Ii SURVEYOR'S NOTE: V' \ \ ......... --1/' ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN iJ', \ \ \ \ ' ill " SHOWN WITH "0" HEREON DENOTES \ \ \ \ \ f/I 1/2" REBAR AND CAP LS 1115661 PER \ , '], &. \ \ \ \ ; if TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY \ '" ~ .... \ \ \ \ Iii TRIAD ASSOCIATES. ...... '1')' ,II. L~~.J~ <)s, \~ \ LOT f3 " \ . 11;, \ OLD LINE UNDER J \ SEPARATE LLA SUBMITIAL \ '-\0.0" \ 11115 ft \ LOT 5 /1' '\ Q\ ,sq.. \ \ j 1/ \ \~ \ 0.26 acres \ \ 17,351 sq. ft. '111 <~ \ "". \ 0.40 acres 'f;" ~\\£ \ \ \'/1 '\ \ \ \ " !0 (~~ ~\ \\ \\ 0, , \1'1 /1/ 'III(////,! /I! -" \"-~ \ \ '''/II/lf·1 d i .. ~ '0 .... If. ill, , _ ~ \~, \ \~ _'---I"--~--- \~ \ \~ .. ,-'"-''' 'GO-..... \ '" \ RITICAL SLOPE \ "1--- .......... \ \ EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING \ RITICAL SLOPE ..... \......, SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED BY \ ..» ~ ; , -" . .... f~ , " '~'{:'"f", ,~-' .: ¥ . _,I ,t:- , ">. l\.· '. , 'vi CR ~ iJ'. PROPOSED WETLAND BUFFER T! CAL SL EASEMENT -:-... GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) \ (,)/ ..... '-_ _-;.c:1 LJ2---~. \. ....... 1 , <~, ..... A .!':? ' _/9 ~ .. '? ...... h • ... _ J{UNDER SEPERATE APPLICATION) \ OPE ------- N76· .... 9· "" 27"W GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 30 ft. \--- \ ISOUTH CRITICAL SLOPE \ 27,880 sq. ft. \ \ 0.64 acres 47.56' 52.84' N88'46'50"E PROPOSED NEW LINE UNDER SEPARATE LLA SUBMITIAL L33 \..~'" 56.20' 190.48' I I I~ 01 1-" NI'3 ioll'!. ("lUI "01 ItTI' I I I BUILDING, ASPHALT AND OVERHANG ENCROACH AS SHOWN , I;. f L:, .... .l':i " 0 " it I' • -~ .----/;'if/////i :,"c'l,':'/, , :/. ;:; I _-I, , i,_ I 'I ' , i I ' I BLDG. ii, 33.88' " "'i, , ! I , " , :~';';l";///i I I I I I _-----' t;~~~~ ~ ASPHALT ---so so so-- · • • , · • ~ · • • ! , · • · " ! , , , ; 1 · , : j , , ; ( 1 l 1 , , ( , , , , , , • CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 ACCESS AND UTLITIES PRIVATE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UllL111ES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILlllES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WAlER QUALITY AND/OR DETENll0N FACILlllES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVAlE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UllL1TY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBllED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE 6TH STREET SHOR'r PLAT PORTION OF DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION. BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INlEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. _Sl_1 /4 of _SW_1 /4, S._O z.._ T._23 _N., R. 05_E., W.M. TREE COVENANT LOT D 9564800007 CITY OF RENTON LLA , PSE UllL1TY EASEMENT CENTERED ON LOT LINE THIS RESTRICllVE COVENANT REQUIRES TWO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES, A A.F.N. 20060719900005 i MINIMUM CALIPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO N78'J5'39-w 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW LOT, BE PLANTED AND :: • 78.82' " MAINTAINED WITHIN THE 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SE18ACK AREA OF EACH NEW ,,; l'O LOT WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO ."'''': CRITtCA 2.5~f',/£.., FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECll0N. .+ CV SEi EASEM L SLOPE 1 2.50 55.77' LOT 6, BLOCK 2 ~! <'-0 ARi. NA17\1E' GR EN T AR / ;J WOODY GLEN ADDITION'::-.I't7. NOr: E:ASElrfE:N?W7H PRO TE:C17 EA / 1 "8 I, \..?:O 9564800066 <:. C\I "'4, ,SHEET 1 ON 1 9 ,./ ~ (CITY OF RENTON 158) !:::-~, OF' 2. 1 ~-- FND 1/2" BRASSC~~~G M~~NN~~4~ ~ if1--.......... ...k1.:!. __ .J:.)i.. -$~ -h17/ L'-~--"'" NAllVE GROWTH PROlECll0N v;. 1 ' .I" "I .1 AREA EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING ~ DOWN .25 --" LOT 7, BLOCK 2 1 CV SETBACKS TO BE DElERMINED IP. 5/26/04 " WOODY GLEN ADDITION "? 36.73 LOT B CITY OF RI-:NTON LLA A.F.N. 20CJ60719900005 • • \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ \ \ -- LOT A \ f\ TBM "C"-TOP OF MON ELEV=105.73' \ 1 ~ BY GEOlECHNICAL ENGINEER.) ~-----'V'----0 \ LOT 1 1 I LOT 2 ~. \ 7,857 sq. ft. 1 1 7,061 sq. ft. (CITY OF RENTON 269) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W /pUNCH IN..-- CONC MON IN CASE ........--- 5/2S/04 ~ ..--NW 6TH 'l:' \ 0.18 acres 1 .w 0.16 acres , CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 ------~;W"}-------,,,_ STREET __ 2S8:;S~"55'10"E N88"36'04.W~_-=2~65:::.:.9.1' (1.1 265.94'-(P") ----.I. 15' PUBLIC UllL1TY C1 \ 114 NW 6TH ST. 1.r:F 108 NW 6TH ST • EASEMENT, REC. NO'~-\----" I ~ liS ~~---/ I 9 4.16 LOT 3 6.560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres 102 NW STH ST. I Z °1 » < rr1 " CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON WITH 2" SR.ASS 'N 4-CONe posr 5/26/04 CITY OF RENTON 1B96 FOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR ok CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3" TOTAL STAllON USING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 WAC. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK CURVE Cl C2 C3 UNE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Ll1 L12 L13 L14 L1S L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRElE POST WITH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INlERSECll0N OF LIND AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N-55495.849M E=395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECll0N OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N=55212.103 E=395512.663M OWN. BY D.C.F. DATE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 CHKO. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1 " = 30' 2 OF 2 (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 114.44' 45.00 145"42'36" 33.66' 45.00 42"51'29" BO.7B' 45.00 102"51'08" ,-------~ -, ,~---............ ----.......... ------...J --. ...........-:: --=...--... " ---------....----.......... ----"'"'--.. .......... ------.. ....... --....... ~---s, --,., ~. "" -_ S6, . .1'<" --_ ______ ~.~ _ ---_ --~ (j~/V-1 ;:'b<,'., - _ VACA7t~)' pt'if-Pli ~ - - _ ----_ Illt'e: "'J". "II __ E1)t ..." T ~ ----------.....!!..~s -1c~(" ~ .:J - - _ . 5272 or WOo[jy-_ --- ...... ~,"".~,..Ss -~ C. NO l!.E:NAD75-C2 ...... "'<:-1;'~ ,"",yO . rL \ \ --• 00705.30 1T79N ~ . ..r-___ ...... tv}' ~ '\&i \ S78-J5';-_ 000609 ./ '-...... '" .. \ ",9"'" --"""......" .... >,. \ r;. 88.71'--__ ............ I I ~ I I 15' PUBLIC UTlUTY \ <:p I / EASEMENT, REC. NO. ./ ./ ./ -./ ----... ./,,/ ------/ /" .. ------~ // o ---_ ,/ ..... --/" -./ ---~--~././ --~___ __ "III' / -~ ./ -------,./ --/ UNE TABLE LENGTH - BEARING --·.--------r~~~-~~·3 WOODY GLEN ADDITIOil 9564800105 \ \, "),,,. / \ \ .. j:' '\.~ 'f, / <.,. / LOT 4 55.54' S07' 2' 4B"W 34.B3· N54"44'56"E 33.00' N65"43'18"W 30.00' S17"45'36"E 24.57' S46"22'29"E 29.12' N42"06'32"W 21.26' N26"57'07"E 41.67' N20"05' 39"W 5.00' N69"54'21"E 8.12' N3Y43'53"W 3.70' N52"42' 49"W 10.78' N63"42'38"W 22.20' N70"4S'57"W 18.76' S84"38'29·W 2.4B' S34"4,J'21"W 11.77' N76"S4'13"W 8.81' SB6"56'12"W 23.85' S80"53'44"W 17.70' S7 4 "00'21·W 14.44' S65'6'09"W 9.23' S4B"OO'16"W 17.19' S73"32'22"E 7.17' N14"38'OS"E 1.22' N60' 6' 49"E 24.87' 555"39' 43"E 24.70' 533"04'28"E 10.77' S39"39' 47"E 12.12' S64"26'30"E 6.52' S27"22'25"E 53.07' S70"46'37"E 34.63' S66"57'34"E 14.09' S79"33' 30"E 17.8B' SB3"05' 45"E B.63' N6717'2B"E 13.45' N77"27'32"E LEGEND .LiIIl. FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED o TRIAD ASSOCIA lES REBAR ok CAP LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SET 5/8" REBAR ok CAP, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER OR POINT ON UNE AS SHOWN ~ o z SET MAGNEllC NAIL AND WASHER, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER AS SHOWN SURVEYOR'S NOlE: ALL EXTERIOR CORNEI~S SHOWN WITH ·0" HEREON DENOlES 1/2" REBAR AND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. -------- N78"29'27"W LOT 11, Bl.OCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800165 LOT 7 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres 117 NW 6TH ST. GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. " ...... - -- 10' PSE UllL1TY EASEMENT LOT 6 ./ 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6TH ST. ............... 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres 101 NW 6TH ST. ~"'7~7'S8~' ~5"W LOT B, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 5 17,305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6TH ST. ...... r SET 5/8" REBAR ok ! CAP AT TOP OF BANK LJO' ..... .......... NAllVE GROWTH PROTECll0N AREA EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 BLOCK 6 ATlVE GROWTH PROlECll0N AREA EASEMENT BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800176 47.56' "" \ 52.84' N88·46'50"E PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20051219900014 56.20' 186.30' \! LS 13670 g " "" \ ~-" o Co \ ""."". ~ B)-DG. 29.70' ..., ~ 5/8· REBAR ok CAP LS 13670 ~ \ CAR 01 \ PORT o. tl1S"27'3 . 43.56' AREA ADDRESSED IN "AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND UNES" RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER L-....\--N84·47·51·E 8.02' REC. NOS. 20050728002138 ok 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 CERTIFICATION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INlEREST ON THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. C~'I~ ''1''''/ '1c10'-.)VLJ (}-j'Q\ ()vJ /4~~\ (~\ t!)" I V\ ~ ~ 0l)(1-\ STAlE OF -\)<t~hl\ 0; , ~ SS ~'\ L=.LL- COUNTY OF '1\JV~ ) I CERTIFY ..]!:tAT I K~~ ~ I:lA ~ SA TISFAC:WRY EVIDENCE THAT _ s.) 6c.K il, AlJ00-OlQft ____ _ SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HISA!ER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MtNTIO~ED IN THE INSTRUMENT. ! DA lED -2:::~::::A~:::;tz:# SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY UBLIC TInE-L~~~~~~~~~ ____ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES '6-\ 2 .-ot~ STATE OF _________ ) ) SS COUNTY OF _______ ,) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ON OATH STAlED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUlE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE __ ~ ____________ ~OF~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~_ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ________________________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC TInE _____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES __________ __ CONFORMED COpy •••••••• 20 ........... .. 20070821900005 CITY OF RENTON SPM 111.00 PAGE001 OF 002 08/21/2007 14:51 KING COUNTY, IJA ' ...... A T .................................................................. .. ............................ ,. ........... " .............................. . MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS J 5 DAY OF AIi'1Hst , 20 t>7 Neil w4!t -fe-v ADMINISTRATOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST TInE PLAT CERTIFICAlE ORDER NO. 577196, 4TH AMENDMENT, DA lEO JULY 5, 2007. PARCEL 1: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACAlED PLATlED WALKWAY CONNECllNG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACATION, ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACAlED PLATlED WALKWAY CONNECTING NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACAlED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACAllON, ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAllON OF LAW. NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA EASEMENT THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT (NGPE) ON THE SIXTH STREET SHORT PLAT IDENllFiES THE STEEP SLOPES. THE CREA 1l0N OF THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT (NGPE) CONVEYS TO THE PUBUC A BENEFICIAL INlEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA. THIS INTEREST SHALL BE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESERVING NAllVE VEGETATION FOR THE CONTROL OF SURFACE WAlER AND EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF OF SLOPE STABILITY, VISUAL AND AURAL BUFFERING, AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE NAllVE GROWTH PROTECTION EASEMENT (NGPE) IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE EASEMENT AREA ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC BY THE CITY OF RENTON, TO LEAVE UNDISTURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETAllON WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA. THE VEGETATION WITHIN NGPE MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, COVERED BY FILL, REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITlEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF RENTON. THE RIGHT OF ENTRY GRAN lED HEREIN SHALL APPLY TO THE AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE OWNERS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS OF THE UNDERL VlNG PROPERTY. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE IN AU..(.a\.l~"t; 20 ...... .......... w.. ••••• ~ICATE NO. \~.~1~ ..... EXPIRES: RECORDING NO. VOl./PAGE KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS llxl. DAY oFC1t5ILA . 20("")1 PORTION OF _Sl_1/4 of _SW_1/4, S._Oz._ T._23_N., Scuh. NQUe A~~ss9R -fl_ . M~ If (11 'It(-!tL{2 ;;.- DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER C7.5{04W)-COlD t OIOro SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST TInE PLAT CERllFiCAlE ORDER NO. 577198, 4'rH AMENDMENT, DAlEO JULY 5, 2007. 1. UTILITIES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. 8404090614. 2. U1ILIllES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. 20070530000609. 3. BUILDING SETBACK LINES AS DELINEA lED ON FACE OF PLAT TO BE DElERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 4. RIGHTS OF PUBLIC TO MAKE SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS. 5. MATlERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY, REC. NO. 20030401900004. "'-...-,. 6. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-10B-LLA, REC. NO. 20051115900010. 7. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA, REC. NO. 20051219900014. 8. AOREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS, REC. I'lO. 20050728002138. PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PLAT 80,297 S.F. -1.64 ACRES LOT 1 7,B57 S.F. LOT 2 7,061 S.F. LOT 3 6,560 S.F. LOT 4 5,542 S.F. LOT 5 17,305 S.F. LOT 6 11,115 S.F. LOT 7 24,B12 S.F. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4,952 S.F. CRITICAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31,975 S.F. TACOMA· SEATTLE CMI Engineers Structural Engineers Landscape Architects Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL S 116TH ST 130TH S l S 121ST ST ~ NW 7TH ST SITE '---'--4 N RENTON %. MUNICIPAL ~, AIRPORT ~ RPORT WAY VICINITY MAP 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT OWN. BY D.C.F. CHKD. BY J. W.B. DATE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 1OF2 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 CERTIFICATION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED. DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTAll0N OF THE SAME AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAME STATE OF _______ -J) ) SS COUNTY OF ______ ...,) I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICAll0N AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENll0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ____________ __ SIGNA lURE OF NOTARY PUBUC ,.,.... _______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ llnL ___________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICAll0N AND ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE __________ OF-:-:=-::=-:~--___ ........ --___ -- TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENll0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ___________ __ SIGNA lURE OF NOTARY PUBUC ,.,.... _______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ llnL ___________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ....... DAY OF ............ 20 ...... . AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT lrtiE: ~~CJLJ~~1r ()~ ..•...••.•....•.......•.••.••..•... SURVEYOR'S NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ____ _o, 20, __ ADMINISTRATOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST llTLE PLAT CERllF1CATE ORDER NO. 57719B, 4TH AMENDMENT, DATED JULY 5. 2007. PARCEL 1: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2. WOODY GLEN ADDI110N, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS. PAGES 91 AND 92. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORll0N OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECllNG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609. WHICH. UPON VACAll ON. ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAll0N OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A. CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORll0N OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECllNG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACAlED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609. WHICH, UPON VACAll0N. ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAll0N OF LAW. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ---.,;_ DAY OF _____ • 20, __ ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST ll1lE PLAT CERllFiCATE ORDER NO. 57719B, 4TH AMENDMENT, DATED JULY 5. 2007. 1. UllUllES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON. REC. NO. B404090614. 2. UllUTES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON. REC. NO. 20070530000609. 3. BUILDING SETBACK UNES AS DEUNEATED ON FACE OF PLAT. 4. RIGHTS OF PUBUC TO MAKE SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS. 5. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY. REC. NO. 20030401900004. 6. COVENANTS. CONDI110NS. RESTRICll0NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT UNE AD.lISTMENT LUA-04-10B-LLA, REC. NO. 20051115900010. 7. COVENANTS, CONDI110NS. RESTRICll0NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA, REC. NO. 20051219900014. B. AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS. REC. NO. 20050728002138. RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF _~~_1/4 of __ ~YY __ 1/4, S. __ Q.7 T. __ ~~_N., R . .Q.9 __ E.,W.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT VICINITY MAP CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT: THOSE AREAS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 2 AND LABELED AS ·CRI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENT AND WETLAND BUFFER AREAS· ARE TO BE ESTABUSHED AS PERMANENT AND IRREVOCABLE EASEMENTS WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT. THESE PROTECllVE EASEMENTS SHALL BE HELD BY THE CURRENT AND FUlURE PROPERTY OWNERS. SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND. AND SHALL PROHIBIT DEVELOPMENT. ALTERAll0N. OR DISlURBANCE WITHIN THE EASEMENTS EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES OF HABITAT ENHANCEMENT AS PART OF AN ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHICH HAS RECEIVED PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY, AND FROM ANY OTHER AGENCY WITH JURISDICll0N OVER SUCH ACllViTY. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE Ar-.{D COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANC ~"",y. .... , 20~ .. .-.4!~ ... ~ .... w..t)) q ... '-~TIFICATE NO. ..l~1O .. PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PLAT BO.297 S.F. -1.84 ACRES LOT 1 7.B57 S.F. LOT 2 7.061 S.F. LOT 3 6.560 S.F. LOT 4 5.542 S.F. LOT 5 17,305 S.F. LOT 6 11.115 S.F. LOT 7 24,B12 S.F. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4,952 S.F. CRI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31,975 S.F. eM] EnglneelS Structural Engineers Landscape Architects Community Planners Land SurveyOl5 Nelghbots TACOMA· SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Stree~ Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL --------------------------- PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON jUL 3 1 ZUG7 RECEIVED 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT DWN. BY DATE JOB NO. D.C.F. 07/10/07 203615.50 CHKD. BY SCAlE SHEET J. W.B. 1 "=30' 1 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND Ul1Ul1ES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF lOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF lOTS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBIUTY FOR MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. lHESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUl1ES INCLUDE lHE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUAUTY AND/OR DETEN110N FACIUl1ES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY lHE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER Ul1UTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN lHE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER lHAN 20 FEET. RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT PORTION OF DECLARATION OF COVENANT lHE OWNER OF lHE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT,. IN REl1JR~ FOR lHE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM lHlS SUBDIVISION. BY SIGNING HERE()N COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN lHE Nf W EASEMENTS SHOWN ON lHlS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF lHE lOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION lHEREOF. lHE CO~NANT SHALL RUN WITH lHE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. _~1;.._1/4 of _~~_1/4, s._QI_ T._~~_N., R . .9'§_E.,W.M. TREE COVENANT lOT D 9564800007 CITY OF RENTON LLA lHlS RESTRICllVE COVENANT REQUIRES TWO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES, A A.F.N. 20060719900005 MINIMUM CAUPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO 1178'35'3: .. , PSE UllUTY EASEMENT CENTERED ON lOT UNE 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW lOT, BE PLANTED AND ;.. 78.82' 9 W MAINTAINED WllHlN lHE 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW ~ ~ ~ CRI-r 171.32' lOT WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO ~ '? !t:i I leA L s 2.51U",f.f1)/C....o FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECll0N. _., C\j Lop c-I .50 55.77' LOT 6, BLOCK 2 ~. <~ c. I ~~ WOODY GLEN ADDITION.! -'~7". NOTE C!Ut'P' A t'£ REA I I "B' 'IJ}).7 36.73 \ 9564800066 ~. cy '</.1", '...-r1Ol; T 1 nI'" !'J\$£lttn, I I ' :\9".. (CITY OF RENTON 158) ~ ~ "-.. vr ~,.. \.:,.. ~ FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN f:i ~........ ..kIt L14 ~~ L171 LL~_-VCRI11CAl SLOp (>l' CONC MON IN CASE I........ '-- -~. -f ' ~~ASEMfNIJ(REAR BUILDING f!' ~ DOWN 1.25' -." " lOT 7 BLOCK 2 I N SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED ~. LOT B CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 " '/. • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .. -.. 5/26/04 " WOODY GLEN ADDITION If? LOT 2 BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) 'f TBM -C--TOP OF MON ELEV=105.73' \. I ~ ~-----------\ LOT 1 f-, ~ 7,061 sq. ft. (CITY OF RENTON 269) FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN ...... CONC MON IN CASE _____ 5/26/04 ~ --- CURVE CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON WllH 2-BRASS IN 4-CONC POST 5/26/04 r \~ -~ Z ~\~ ~~. o I '-&~. » < rrl • . ~ "''-'1 ~1')tCJ1 CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MON WllH REBAR" CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3-TOTAL STAll ON USING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. THIS SURVEY MEE IS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 W.A.C. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK C1 C2 C3 UNE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 19 L10 l11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 l19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 l34 L35 HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WllH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECll0N OF UNO AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N=55495.849M E==395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECll0N OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR Pl NW AND NW 4lH STREET. N==55212.103 E=395512.663M DYr1'l. BY D.C.F. DAlE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 CHKD. BY J. W.B. SCALE SHEET 1"=30' 2 OF 2 : \ 7,857 sq. ft. f I 0.16 acres \ 0.18 acres f JU 108 NW 6TH ST. 15' PUBUC UllUTY . 114 NW 6TH ST. I_!f. NW 6TH STREET _. 94.16 LOT 3 LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 ' EASEMENT, REC. I'f"'-\--., I P 586'55'10-E .~ --~N8~8='36'04-Wrr-_-:2:;65;::,.91':"'(M2 ~ \. I ~ 6,560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres 102 NW 6TH ST. 265.94' (p.t") ---. '"" I .5"6.:''101. , "--- _ f (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGlH RADIUS DELTA 114.44' 45.00 145'42'36- 33.66' 45.00 42'51'29- SO.78' 45.00 102'51 'OS- UNE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 55.54' S07'2'48-W 34.83' N54'44'56-E 33.00' N65'43" 8-W 30.00' S17'45'36-E 24.57' S46'22'29-E 29.12' N42'06'32-W 21.26' N26'57'07-E 41.67' N20'05'39-W 5.00' N69'54'21-E 812' N33'43'53-W 3.70' N52'4~-W 10.78' N63'42'3S-W 22.20' N70'45'57-W 18.76' SS4'38'29-W 2.48' S34"43'21-W 11.77' N76'54'13-W 8.81' S86"56'12-W 23.85' S80·53'44·W 17.70' S74"OO'21-W 14.44' S6S'S'Og-W 9.23' S48"OO'16-W 17.19' S73'32'22-E 7.17' N14'38'06-E 1.22' N60'S'49-E 24.87' S55'39' 43-E 24.70' S33'04'28-E 10.77' S39'39'47-E 12.12' S64'26'30-E 6.52' S27'22'25-E 53.07' S70'46'37-E 34.63' S66'57'34-E 14.09' S79'33'30-E 17.88' S83'05' 45-E 8.63' N67,7'28-E 13.45' N77'27'32-E LEGEND ..dIlL FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR " CAP LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY o SET 5/8-REBAR Be CAP, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER OR POINT ON UNE AS SHOWN ~ o z A SET MAGNEllC NAIL AND WASHER, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER AS SHOWN u~< ___ .......... " ...... __ I __ __ ~~~~ -........ ----00' 4Ii; " --__ ...... ~ -~~ " ----..... -.....----" -..................... ---...... " ------~~ ----'" $, ~---............. ~.~" ................. ------~6'.r 'u<' ---.,....-=.;"""'" VA~A"~ -~ --l.J~~"..,b<~~;:.. • :4CATfi) ¥AY PtR ... ---_ ---"v"'c ...,. -BY r~fO;::-,-...... - - _ -~ -....... "e ... ".,..~ -e-:!) - - - _ • 5272 WOa-o"-- _ . "' '" ..t:" .:'-l;;~~ -I , C Nfl'll ~. --~ ....... --.... C2 ..... ....,~~. ~ -~ • o. 2057' AODrnp,y-----/ --., / / --,----/,,,., .......... ~}" ~. ~ \ \ S7B'j:';-9_-'::53000060 ;-.....-............... ~ .....:!) ... \ "'\1, .~ 8-""'" '" ~......... ~.>. , \ 0;; B.77' _ ----/' --' ---' ---..-,. --""'--./, o -_ /'., ~ "mITTr/ll> , III/I, ',,' LOT 7, BLOCK 3 ~ I WOODY GLEN \DDIllON /11 9564800105 /.l\ iJjduJ, SURVEYOR'S NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN WllH -0-HEFI.EON DENOTES 1/2-REBAR ~ND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCI.)' TES. ------- LOT 1" BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDI110N 9564800165 "'........ ' , I --... ""-.."", --' .................. \ I I 15' pueuc UllUTY -----",.., /' ------e-/" \ l \ f§' I I EASEMENT," --------/ ---/. \ \ ~. / \ '_.J!:' ,,9 "Y, " ..... -LOT 7 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres 117 NW 6lH ST. -- d -- 10' PSE UTiUTY EASEMENT LOT 6 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6lH ST. LOT 4 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres 101 NW 6TH ST. "'71'58' ' <5-.., LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 5 17,305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6TH ST. Rill CAL SL EASEM REAR BUILDING Rill CAL SLOPE EASEMENT KS TO BE DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) ..... \ 47.56' 52.84' N88'46'50-E --02-- --'--:::-~&'I LJ3 V" -56.20' 186.30' , , I~ en,'" ~tJ CDI~ totg - 'rtf I , , ---/' --./ LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 BLOCK 6 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800176 5/8-REBAR Be CAF LS 13670 GRAPHIC SCALE 5/8-REBAR " CAP LS 13670 ( IN F'Ut ) 1 inch == 30 ft. r PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20051219900014 AREA ADDRESSED IN -AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND UNES-RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER REC. NOS. 20050728002138 Be 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 \ ""'"'Ir-NS4'47'51-E 8.02' CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LNO-20-0398 CERTIFICA TION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH niE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAME STATE OF _______ ,) ) SS COUNTY OF -------J) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFAClORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICAll0N AND ACKNOWl..EDGEO IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENll0NED IN THE INSlRUMENT. DATED ':':"::-:":: _________ _ SIGNA lURE OF NOTARY PUBUC =--_______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ TITLE _____________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSlRUMENT AND ACKNOWl..EDGED IT AS THE OF =TO~BE=-=TH:-::E=-=FR~E=E~A":":N=-D"":'VO~LU~N=TA·RY~A~C=T-:OF~S-U-CH-P-AR-TY-F-O-R-TH---E -U-SE"""S-A-ND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSlRUMENT. DATED ______________ _ SIGNA lURE OF NOTARY PUBUC =--_______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ llTLE ___________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ....... DAY OF ............ 20 ••••••• AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .................................. . SURVEYOR'S NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ 20 __ RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF ASSESSOR _~1;.._1 /4 of _~W_1 /4, S._Q,Z_ T._f.~_N., R . .Q.9_E., W.M. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF ______ 20, __ ADMINISlRATOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIFIC NORniWEST llTLE PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER NO. 57719B, 4TH AMENDMENT, DATED JULY 5, 2007. PARCEL 1: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDIllON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORll0N OF VACATED PLATTED WAU<WAY CONNECllNG NORTHWEST 6TH SlREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACAllON, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAllON OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A, CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT WA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED PLATTED WAU<WAY CONNECllNG NORTHWEST 6TH SlREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACAllON, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAllON OF LAW. BUILDING SETBACK NOTE: THE FRONT YARD SETBACKS OF LOTS 3, 4, 5 AND 6 SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 15 FEET FROM THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT. THE FRONT YARD SETBACK SHALL BE MEASURED AT A DISTANCE FROM THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT THAT CREATES A UNIFORM FRONT YARD SElBACK. DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS PER PACIAC NORTHWEST llTLE PLAT CERllACATE ORDER NO. 577198, 4TH AMENDMENT, DATED JULY 5, 2007. 1. UllUllES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. B404090614. 2. UllUTES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. 20070530000609. 3. BUILDING SETBACK UNES AS DEUNEATED ON FACE OF PLAT. 4. RIGHTS OF PUBUC TO MAKE SLOPES FOR CUTS AND ALLS. 5. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY, REC. NO. 20030401900004. 6. COVENANTS, CONDI110NS, RESlRICll0NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-10B-LLA, REC. NO. 20051115900010. 7. COVENANTS, CONDIllONS, RESlRlCllONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-10B-LLA, REC. NO. 20051219900014. 8. AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS, REC. NO. 20050728002138. 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES. 10. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES. 11. DEED OF lRUST, REC. NO. 20060201001668. 12. LABOR AND MATERIAL UEN, REC. NO. 20070705000068. CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT: THOSE AREAS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 2 AND LABELED AS ·CRIllCAL SLOPE EASEMENT AND WETLAND BUFFER AREA~ ARE TO BE ESTABUSHED AS PERMANENT AND IRREVOCABLE EASEMENTS WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT. THESE PROTECllVE EASEMENTS SHALL BE HELD BY THE CURRENT AND FUlURE PROPERTY OWNERS, SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND, AND SHALL PROHIBIT DEVELOPMENT, ALTERATION, OR DISlURBANCE WITHIN THE EASEMENTS EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES OF HABITAT ENHANCEMENT AS PART OF AN ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHICH HAS RECEIVED PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY, AND FROM ANY OTHER AGENCY WITH JURISDICTION OVER SUCH ACllViTY. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANC ...l~.U.,r¥ ... , 200l ~"""'~:;".~.Q ) hum. ---C~TIFICATE NO. .1~~1O. EXPIRES: PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PLAT 80,297 S.F. -1.B4 ACRES LOT 1 7,B57 S.F. LOT 2 7,061 S.F. LOT 3 6,560 S.F. LOT 4 5,542 S.F. LOT 5 17,305 S.F. LOT 6 11,115 S.F. LOT 7 24,812 S.F. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4,952 S.F. CRI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31,975 S.F. eMI Errglneers StruQinaI Engineers Landscape Architects Community Planners Land SUtveyOTS Neighbors TACOMA· SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, Su~e 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT VICINITY MAP PLAN REVIEV'J OIlY OF RENTON J U l 1 i 2007 RECEIVED 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT OWN. BY D.C.F. CHI<D. BY J. W.B. DATE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 1 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND Ul1Ul1ES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOlS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOlS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBIUTY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUTlES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUAUTY AND/OR DElENl10N FACIUl1ES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT. PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUClURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UTlUTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. (CITY OF RENTON 269) FND 1/2· BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN ...... CONC MON IN CASE ~ 5/26/04 ____ ----- - CURVE r -Z °1 » < fTl • CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON WITH 2" BRASS IN 4· CONC POST 5/26/04 CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR & CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST ~"'~'Y lo,~o1 EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3· TOTAL STATlON USING STANDARD AELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. THIS SURVEY MEE IS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 W.A.C. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK C1 C2 C3 UNE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 HORIZONTAL DAlUM=NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 MElERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSEC110N OF UND AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N=55495.849M E=395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTlON OF TAYLOR AVE NW. TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N-55212.103 E=395512.663M DYtN. BY D.C.F. DAlE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 a-IKD. BY SCALE SHEET J.W.B. 1"=30' 20F2 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. IN RElU~N FOR THE BENEFIlS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION. BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANlS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEACIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENlS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. TREE COVENANT THIS RESTRICl1VE COVENANT REQUIRES TWO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES, A MINIMUM CAUPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW LOT. BE PLANTED AND MAINTAINED WITHIN THE 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO ANAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECllON. • LOT 0 9564800007 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 10178'35'39_ 78.82' IV RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF _~~_1/4 of _~.w_1/4, s._Q,I_ T._~~_N., R . .Q.9_E.,W,M, PSE UTlUTY EASEMENT CENTERED ON LOT UNE LOT B CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 I (CITY OF RENTON 158) LOT 6, BLOCK '2 S WOODY GLEN ADDITION..! 9564800066 ~ CRITICAL srfAStMtNrSLOPt I I NOTE, ~&Af ,AREA EAS~ R tAl I "e" ~ ....... "... OF 2. "''''ENT I I \.'\~"" FND 1/2· BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 1.25' 5/26/04 V'---TBM ·C·-TOP OF MON ELEV=105.73' -..k~ 1.14 ~ L~_-"'-"';" CRIT1CAL SLOPE ......... - -~ "EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING " LOT 7, BLOCK 2 I SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED "~OODY GLEN ADDITION I LOT 2 BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) \ LOT 1 I 7.061 sq. ft. \ 7,857 sq. ft. I I 0.16 acres LOT A STREET 15' UTlUTY EASEMENT m:.... NO. \ 0.18 acres I 108 NW 6TH ST. \ 114 NW 6TH ST. I I I LOT 3 6,560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres 102 NW 6TH ST. CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 ----~ (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2· BRASS PWG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 114.44' 45.00 145'42'36" 33.66' 45.00 42"51'29" 80.78' 45.00 102'51'08" UNE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 55.54' son2'48"W 34.83' N54'44'56"E 33.00' N65'4,3·18·W 3000' S17'45'36·E 24.57 S46'22'29"E 29.12' N42'06'32"W 21.26' N26"57'07"E 41.67 N20'05' 39"W 5.00' N69'54'2,"E 8.12' N33'43'53"W 3.70' N5T42'49"W 10.78' N6Y42'38"W 22.20' N70'45'57"W 18.76' S84'38'29"W 2.48' S34·43·21·W 11.77' N76'S4'13"W 8.81' S86'56'12·W 23.85' S80"53' 44·W 17.70' S74'OO'21"W 14.44' S65'6'09"W 9.23' S48'00'16"W 17.19' S73'32'22"E 7.17' N14'38·06·E 1.22' N60'6'49"E 24.87' S55'39' 43"E 24.70' S33'04'28"E 10.77' S39'39'47"E 12.12' S64'26'30"E 6.52' ;:)"I;u~E 53.07' S70'48'37"E 34.63' 566"57'34"E 14.09' S79'33'30"E 17.88' S83'05'45"E 8.63' N6n7'28"E 13.45' N77'27'32·E LEGEND ..l':ir... FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR & CAP LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY o SET 5/8" REBAR & CAP, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER OR POINT ON UNE AS SHOWN A SET MAGNEl1C NAIL AND WASHER, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER AS SHOWN ,..SIJRVEYC~R'S NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN WITH "0· HEREON DENOTES 1/2· REBAR AND CAP LS ,,5661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIA TE5. LOT 7 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres 117 NW 6TH ST. 1----___ _ --- N76~9'2rw LOT 11, BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800165 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN ,'EE'I' ) 1 inch -30 It. I I --.. -....... ,-------............ ~-----............. --- o d - ~ .. --:-.. "' ............. ----~~~~y ----~---------__ B)i -__ -. ",../ !:i .......... ---...... ----_ ,...,..., I -- \ \ ~~h:j -----./. ---./ /' ---------/' ".. . -----././ o --/ ..... ----,../ ----/' /' l 15' UTlUTY EAS;EME:NT-...J REC. NO. t LOT 4 5,542 sq. ft. . .. 0.13 acres 101 NW 6TH ST. -----/ ./ -./ ---0-' ------./ -----,....---",. ---./ LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 10' PSE Ul1UTY EASEMENT LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 6 11.115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6TH ST. --..... L3iJ ..... .......... '--CRIIT1CAL SLOPE EASEMENT PARCEL 8 956480-0110-09 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20051219900014 LOT 5 17.305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6TH ST. RIT1CAL SLOPE EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED BY BLOCK 6 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) ..... ....... ---~~ WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800176 LJ2-LJ'l-Sir \."'''', 100.,1V , I 1/1) f1It· ~ ,I::i (,lUI 001 I rtf I I I 5/8" REBAR & CAP LS 13670 AREA ADDRESSED IN -AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND AX BOUNDARY POINTS AND UNES" RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER REC. NOS. 20050728002138 & 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 5/8· REBAR & CAF LS 13670 /li/II/III/!; ~~~t3 111////1/ CAR \ PORT L......\:-N84·47·51·E 8.02' CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHFJL LNO-20-0398 CERTIFICATION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS llIAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF' INTEREST ON llIE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED. DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREF'ORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENT A 110N OF THE SAME AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH llIE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF' WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAME STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) I CERllF'Y THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFAClORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICAllON AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ---:----: _________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC PRINTED NAME OF~-------- NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ llnE _______________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE OF _________ -I) ) SS COUNTY OF -------1) I CERllF'Y THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED llIlS DEDICAll0N AND ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ~~~~==~~~~.OF~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENll0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ___________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC PRINTED NAME OF=---------- NOTARY PUBUC _________ _ llnE _____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ....... DAY OF ............ 20 ...... . AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT 1r~~ ~~~lJ~~lr ()~ .................................. . SURVEYOR'S NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS --------------- APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED llIlS __ DAY OF _____ , 20 __ RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF ASSESSOR _~~_1/4 of _~YY_1/4, s._Q,I_ T._~~_N., R . ..Q';>_E.,W.M. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ 20 __ ADMINISTRATOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIRC NORTHWEST TInE PLAT CERllRCATE ORDER NO. 577198. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT NO.3. DATED MAY 1, 2007. PARCEL 1: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. BLOCK 2. WOODY GLEN ADDITION. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS. PAGES 91 AND 92. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECllNG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, WHICH. UPON VACATION. ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAll0N OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A, CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. BEING A PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. AND ALL OF LOT 8, BLOCK 3. WOODY GLEN ADDIllON. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF' PLAT. PAGES 91 AND 92. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORll0N OF VACATED SOUTH 126111 STREET AS VACATED BY PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 4955. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020402002350. WHICH UPON VACAll0N. ATTAaiED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAll0N OF LAW. AND TOGETHER WITH THAT PORllON OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECllNG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272. WHICH. UPON VACAllON. ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAllON OF LAW. BUILDING SETBACK NOTE: THE FRONT YARD SETBACKS OF LOTS 3. 4. 5 AND 6 SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 15 FEET FROM THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT. THE FRONT YARD SETBACK SHALL BE MEASURED AT A DISTANCE FROM THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT llIAT CREATES A UNIFORM FRONT YARD SETBACK. DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT: 'THOSE AREAS SH~WN ON SHEET 2 OF 2 AND LABELED AS ·CRIllCAL SLOPE EASEMENT rAND WETLAND BUFFER AREAS· ARE TO BE ESTABUSHED AS PERMANENT AND IRREVOCABLE EASEMENTS WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT. THESE PROTECllVE EASEMENTS SHALL BE HELD BY THE CURRENT AND FUTURE PROPERTY OWNERS. SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND. AND SHALL PROHIBIT DEVELOPMENT. ALTERAllON. OR DISTURBANCE WITHIN THE EASEMENTS EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES OF HABITAT ENHANCEMENT AS PART OF AN ENHANCEMENT PRO.JECT WHICH HAS RECEIVED PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY. AND FROM ANY OTHER AGENCY WITH JURISDICllON OVER SUCH ACllViTY. OWNER PROPOSED LOT AREAS JDA GROUP 95 SOUTH TOBIN STREET, SUITE 201 RENTON. WA 98055 CONTACT: JACK ALHADEFF CIVIL ENGINEER AHBL ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. &: SURVEYORS 2215 NORTH 30TH STREET. SUITE 300 TACOMA, WA 98403 253-383-3572 CONTACT: MATT WEBER. PE SURVEYOR TOPOGRAPHY: TRIAD ASSOCIATES 11814 115TH AVENUE NE KIRKLAND. WA 98034 425-8448 CONTACT: MICK MATHESON. PE SHORT PLAT: AHBL, INC. CONTACT: JOHN BECKER. PLS LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE IN .MA':(.... 20.0:':\. ,.....a.~~""" .. W.t:S 02 .... .:0 .. TIFICATE NO. 1~tt1C . SHORT PLAT 80.297 S.F'. -1.84 ACRES LOT 1 7.857 S.F'. LOT 2 7.061 S.F. LOT 3 6.560 S.F. LOT 4 5.542 S.F. LOT 5 17.305 S.F. LOT 6 11.115 S.F. LOT 7 24.812 S.F. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4.952 S.F. CRITICAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31.975 S.F. CMI Engineers Structural EngineeJS Landscape Architects Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors TACOMA· SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT VICINITY MAP PLAN REV\EW CITY OF RENTON tfif\\f 'l ~\ Z~07 RECE\VED :. ;. ~ ~ i 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT OWN. BY DATE JOB NO. D.C.F. 05/16/07 203615.50 CHI<O. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1"=30' 1 OF 2 --------------- CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UllUllES IS TO BE CREATED UPON lHE SALE OF LOlS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOlS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN lHE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBIUTY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUllES INCLUDE lHE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD. DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUAUTY AND/OR DElENllON FACIUllES 'MTHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUC1URE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UllUTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSlS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN lHE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED. UNLESS PAVEMENT 'MOTH IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. (CITY OF RENTON 269) FNO 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN...- CONC MaN IN CASE _____ S/26/04 _____ ...- VOL./PAGE RECORDING NO. 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT DECLARATION OF COVENANT PORTION OF THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED 'MTHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFllS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANlS AND AGREES TO CONVEY lHE BENEFICIAL INlEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENlS SHOWN ON lHlS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF lHE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION lHEREOF. lHE COVENANT SHALL RUN 'MlH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. _~1;.._1/4 of _~W_1/4, s.~QI_ T._f.J_N., R . .Q.9_E.,W.M. TREE COVENANT THIS RESTRICllVE COVENANT REQUIRES TWO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES, A MINIMUM CAUPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW LOT, BE PLANTED AND MAINTAINED 'MTHIN THE 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT 'MlHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMit INSPECllON. LOT D 9564800007 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 , PSE UllUTY EASEMENT CENTERED ON LOT UNE N7835'39· ~ ; CRI TlCA 78.82' w 171.32' /:;5 ~ EASEMENL SLQP[2.5 55.7]' :! CI) <~ SE'E CRine TAR [A I I ;J LOT 6, BLOCK 2 ~ ~r.NOTt, SHEti 1A~EA EASEMEN I I ~O WOODY GLEN ADDITION rv~!2 'F' 2. T I I \9 ...,.,..~ 9564800066 ;;"'-I. \.: -- \ (CITY OF RENTON 158) FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 1.25' 5/26/04 '1-----~M ·C·-TOP OF MON ELEV-105.73' ev....... ~~ L14 ~~ L171 L-L~_--";" CRill CAL SLOPE ....... " ---- -~ -I .I "EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING ~ " LOT 7, BLOCK 2 I f;1 SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED iP# - NW 6TH " WOODY GLEN ADDITION I ~ BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) "\ LOT 1 I i LOT 2 \ 7.857 sq. ft. I I \ 0.18 acres I /U 7,061 sq. ft. 0.16 acres 108 NW 6TH ST. 94.16 LOT B CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 • \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ \ \ \ -- ----.-AJ~-V'-STREET _---,S~8;:;::6.:::'55·, O-E NSS'J6·04-W..--...:::2:.::.65~ •. 9t.:...(M 265.94' (pt-) ------' \ 114 NW 6TH ST. I.tq. NEW lS' PRIVATE -4---.1\ I ~ UllUTY EASEMENT .... _ l I 6 ~,--_ Ii ,':--,-,:J -- f:;;I.S~'i. 'l ..... 'fI, LOT 3 LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 CURVE EXPIRES SEPT. 3, 2007 CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON 'MTH 2· BRASS IN 4" CONC POST 5/26/04 CITY OF RENTON lS96 FOUND CASE MaN 'MTH REBAR & CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST ~A'1 ~t4r .'1.aCST EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3· TOTAL STAllON USING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. THIS SURVEY MEElS OR EXCEEDS lHE REQUIREMENlS OF lHE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 W.A.C. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK Cl C2 C3 UNE Ll L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Lll L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 MElERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST 'MTH PUNCH MARK. IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INlERSECllON OF UNO AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N-5549S.S49M E=395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR 'MlH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECllON OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N=55212.103 E=395512.663M OWN. BY D.C.F. DATE JOB NO. 05/16/07 203615.50 CHKD. BY SCAlE SHEET J.W.B. 1 "=30' 2 OF 2 '----- (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 114.44' 45.00 145'42'36" 33.66' 45.00 42·51'29- SO.78· 45.00 102'51'08· UNE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 55.54' S07'2'48·W 34.83' NS4·44'S6·E 33.00' N65'43'18~ 30.00' S17'45'36"E 24.57' S46'22'29"E 29.12' N42'06'32-W 21.26' _~.2§~l'07·E 41.67' N20'OS'39-W 5.00' N69'54'21-E 8.12' N33'43'53"W 3.70' N52'42·49·W 10.78' N63'42'3S-W 22.20' N70'45'57-W 18.76' S84'38'29-W 2.48' S34'43'21-W 11.77' N76·54'13·W 8.81' S86'56·12·W 23.85' SS0'53' 44-W 17.70' S74'OO'21-W 14.44' S65,6'09"W 9.23' S48'00·16·W 17.19' S73'32'22"E 7.17' N14·38'06-E 1.22' N60'"16' 49-E 24.87' S55"39' 43"E 24.70' S33'04'28·E 10.77' S39"39' 4 7·E 12.12' S64'26'3Q·E 6.52' S27'22'25"E 53.07' 570'46'3'-E 34.63' S66'57'34"E 14.09' 579'33'30·E 17.S8' 583'05' 45-E 8.63' N6T17'2S-E 13.45' N77'27'32-E LEGEND a FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR & CAP o LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SEE NOTE AT RIGHT NOTE: S/S-REBAR AND CAP, LS NO. 13670 TO BE SET AT EXTERIOR CORNERS OF ALL LOlS 'MlHIN lHlS SHORT PLAT. w i;; ~ ... o z ...... ----......... ...... ::::..~ "', ----v ....... -.... ......... ";:;;;;;.~- 6,560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres 102 NW 6TH ST. ~ -----...... '-- " .... ~-;.\ ......" ---...... ~ --,,("",.-., --" --..;:---;,; '<"'-'. ~ u. J: -1l7"'--,,----'i:~i~Zf:~f\ {J:1"-16~b;::;.. --: ..." !OD~~yPtR p,:;':-.:--:::: ----___ \~}:;~.-. -!:!.1Iero. JfC'r.~ ~ :t! "": - - _ 0...8 '"" Tor..,... -OO"'\; _ _ - _ _ ,.. L. -' •. ::;;;:. C2 " -4s~~· ... 't-= -'-1:,." AO ---_ PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMEN' REG. NO. 8404090614 ./ ./ ./ !-"":' i:\ " .. e;~\'o.. -- _ .. u r ~ ..... ----- -------~?'~";.'.. " -""'~t\' ~t\'O. \!h \ - - - - -OmaN -----9'9 -....... ",," ~ \ S7835'jg .. - - _ -:-------~-:ii.ft"\ '" '\ 'E 88.71:-- _ _ ~ ----__ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ./ ':;7'-;;::> , I .,. .... , I NEW 1S' PRIVATE -------------0-./ /' ./ ./ SURVEYOR'S NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN 'MTH ·0-HEREON DENOTES 1/2-REBAR AND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. 1---------- LOT 11, BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800165 LOT 7 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres 117 NW 6TH ST. GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN F'EI' ) 1 inch = 30 It. r I I UllUllES EASEMENT / LOT 4 5,S42 sq. ft. 0.13 acres 101 NW 6TH ST. --- . --------- - LOT A ---./ --./ --/ CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 10' PSE UllUTY EASEMENT LOT 8, BLOCK .3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 6 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6TH ST. ---1.;s7r-_ - 47.56' RIllCAL SLOPE EASEMENT PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 \ 52.84' CITY OF RENTON LLA A.r.N. 20051219900014 LOT 5 17,305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6TH ST. " Rill CAL SLOPE EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) ....... _ _'""1.~ LJ2---"" ...... ,. L"'~ I Lj'J V> 1 AND 1 IgJ -186.30' 56.20' (1)1-~tJ CDI~ c.tg: - 1...1' 1 1 1 SET 5/8-REBAR & CAP LS 13670 (TYPICAL) BLOCK 6 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800176 SET S/8-REBAR & LS 13670 AREA ADDRESSED IN -AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINlS AND UNES" RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER \ I.....lr-NS4·47·S1·E 8.02' REC. NOS. 20050728002138 & 20050728900027 --so so-- AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 ------------_._-------------------------~---------- CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LNO-20-0398 CERTIFICATION KNOW BY All. PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INlEREST ON THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED, DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTAll0N OF THE SAME AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WllNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAME STATE OF ________ > ) SS COUNTY OF _______ ) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HISjHER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED __________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC _______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBUC _______ _ TlnL ____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE OF ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ~~~~~~~~~OF.~~~---------TO BE THE FREE AND VOWNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENll0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED ___________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBUC ~ ______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBUC _______ _ llnL ___________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ••.• ... DAY OF ............ 20 ...... . AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT lr~~ ~~CJLJ~~lr ()~ .•••••.•..••.••.............•.••••• SURVEYOR'S NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ____ 20, __ ADMINISTRATOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST TlnL PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER NO. 5n198, 4TH AMENDMENT, DATED JULY 5, 2007. PARCEL 1: 11-IE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEEl OF LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDI110N, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOWME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGETHER Wl11-I 11-IAT POR110N OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNEC11NG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACATION, ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERA110N OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A, CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSlMENT LUA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. TOGETHER WITH THAT POR110N OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNEC11NG NOR11-IWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACAlION. ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERA110N OF LAW. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED 11-IIS __ DAY OF ____ , 20, __ ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS PER PAClFlC NORTHWEST 11nL PLAT CER11F1CATE ORDER NO. 577198, 4TH AMENDMENT. DATED JULY 5, 2007. 1. UnUTlES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. 8404090614. 2. U11UTES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. 20070530000609. 3. BUILDING SETBACK UNES AS DEUNEATED ON FACE OF PLAT. 4. RIGHTS OF PUBUC TO MAKE SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FlLl.S. 5. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY, REC. NO. 20030401900004. 6. COVENANTS, CONDI11ONS, RESTRIC110NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT UNE ADJUSlMENT LUA-04-108-LLA. REC. NO. 20051115900010. 7. COVENANTS, CONDI110NS, RESTRIC110NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT UNE ADJUSlMENT WA-04-139-LLA. REC. NO. 20051219900014. 8. AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FlX BOUNDARY POINTS, REC. NO. 20050728002138. RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF _~~_1/4 of _~YY_1/4, S._Q.'Z._ T._23_N., R . ..Q~_E.,W.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT VICINITY MAP CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT: 11-I0SE AREAS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 2 AND LABELED AS ·CRIlICAL SLOPE EASEMENT AND WETLAND BUFFER AREAS· ARE TO BE ESTABUSHED AS PERMANENT AND IRREVOCABLE EASEMENTS WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT. THESE PROTEC11VE EASEMENTS SHAll. BE HELD BY 11-IE CURRENT AND FUTURE PROPERTY OWNERS, SHAll. RUN WITH THE LAND, AND SHAll. PROHIBIT DEVELOPMENT, AL TERA 11ON. OR DISTURBANCE WITHIN THE EASEMENTS EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES OF HABITAT ENHANCEMENT AS PART OF AN ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHICH HAS RECEIVED PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY, AND FROM ANY OTHER AGENCY Wl11-I JURISDIC110N OVER SUCH AC11V1TY. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE TI-lIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH TI-lE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE Ati,D COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE ~Jw."1 .... , 20~ .. .--... iiIIIIIII~ .... ~.t)) ..... '-~T1FICA TE NO. .l~1O .. PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PLAT 80,297 S.F. -1.84 ACRES LOT 1 7,857 5.F. LOT 2 7,061 S.F. LOT 3 6,560 S.F. LOT 4 5,542 S.F. LOT 5 17,305 S.F. LOT 6 11,115 S.F. LOT 7 24,812 S.F. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4,952 5.F. CRIlICAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31.975 S.F. CIvil Engineers Landscape Archi1scts Community Planners Land SUlveyOlS Neighbors TACOMA· SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL PLAN REV1E\N CITY OF REN-fOi'i JUL 3 1 2uG7 RECEIVED 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT OWN. BY DAlE JOB NO. D.C.F. 07 10/07 203615.50 CHICO. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B • 1"=30' 1 OF 2 . . . _--------_ .. --_ .. _-_._-_ .... _--_._-------------------------------• CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UllUllES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. nlE OWNERS OF LOTS 1-7 SHAU. HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN nlE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBIUTY FOR MAINlENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUllES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINlENANCE OF THE PRIVAlE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUAUTY AND/OR DETENll0N FACIUllES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGNAGE, AND OniER INFRASTRUClURE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UllUTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN nlE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER nlAN 20 FEET. (CITY OF RENTON 269) FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN..- CONC MON IN CASE ___ 5/26/04 ____ ..------ CURVE CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MaN WITH 2" BRASS IN 4-CONC POST 5/26/04 ~'-Y~.~ CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR c!c CAP. DOWN 1.70' S/26/04 NW 4TH ST EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3-TOTAL STAll0N USING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. THIS SURVEY MEE IS OR EXCEEDS nlE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 W.A.C. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK C1 C2 C3 UNE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 HORIZONTAL DAlUM=NORTH AMERICAN DAlUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECll0N OF UNO AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N-55495.849M E=395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECll0N OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4n1 STREET. N==55212.103 E=39S512.663M OWN. BY D.C.F. DATE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1"=308 20F2 VOL./PAGE RECORDING NO. 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT DECLARATION OF COVENANT PORTION OF THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT,-IN RElURN FOR THE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY nlE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN nlE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON nilS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUlURE PURCHASERS OF nlE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION nlEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WlnI THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. _~~_1/4 of _SW_1/4. s._Q.I_ T._f.~_N .• R . .Q5_E .. W.M. TREE COVENANT LOT D 9564800007 CITY OF RENTON LLA THIS RESTRICllVE COVENANT REQUIRES 1WO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES, A A.F.N. 20060719900005 MINIMUM CAUPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO I N78'35' 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW LOT, BE PLANTED AND ;.. 78.B2' 39-.., MAINTAINED WITHIN THE 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW ~ co C LOT WlnllN THE SHORT PLAT. nlE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO ~/:1: RI TICAL 2.5~~ , PSE UllUTY EASEMENT CENTERED ON LOT UNE FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECll0N. ."1-rv EASE SLOPE ~.50 55.77' LOT 6, BLOCK 2 ~! <~ SE£' MEN T I I ,,/} WOODY GLEN ADDI110N.! 1~7. _ NOTE~CAL ARE:A AREA 1 ,,, ..:b0/ JB.7J (CITY OF RENTON 158) 9564800066 :ce~ ~ ""'<t~' £ET 1 OF lASEMENr 1 I B I, \.,~ ........ ~ \ FND 1/2w BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN f:/: ~..... ~~ \.14 ..J.Ii)1::!J L171 LLj! - -~ CRill CAL SLOPE "'- CONC MON IN CASE I '-........ - -~ "i' -I I EASEMENT (REAR BUILDING 01 , '--, .... DOWN 1.25 -" LOT 7, BLOCK 2 I N SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED cO. 5/26/04 " WOODY GLEN ADDITION I ~ LOT 2 BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) V' IBM wC--TOP OF MON ELEV=105.73' \. l'I ------\ LOT 1 1-, 7,061 sq. ft. \ 7,857 sq. ft. I 1 0.16 acres '----- (CITY OF RENTON 273) STREET S86"55'10"E --N:;;8~8~oJ6'04wWi;-_-=2~65~ •. 91~(M;f-__ -4 26S.94' (P) \ 0.18 acres I I'J 108 NW 6TH ST. 15' PUBUC UllUTY C1 \ 114 NW 6TH ST I CD EASEMEN. T, REC. NO • .~ '--~--\ I ~ ~ I~ -,--_ I 1 ~--~ -I ---,..... ----" ---.. , ..... _.......-. -~--" --~...... ""'-" -.. ..................... ----.. _. 6,560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres 102 NW 6TH ST. $,---' -----~~ -----.s'8J' .J'~, -..... ...,.".. ~ - - ------- LOT B CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 I/, LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE (J~v .. J).,.b<~"'~. • -_ VACA~D ~y PE:~"iA _ ---_--------__ 'fl.t,,'c: 'V~ II) -B)i~o ~"""r 0'"-----, ./ -,e-s .. c~.. ... !j --_ "\' . 5272 F' WOo1)y--__ --_ --__ _ ././ DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 114.44' 45.00 145°42'36" 33.66' 45.00 42"51'29" 80.78' 45.00 102'51'08" UNE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 55.54' S07'2'48"W 34.83' NS4°44'56"E 3~nn' N65°43'18"W 30.00' S1745'36wE 24.57' S46"22'29-E 29.12' N42"06'32wW 21.26' N26'57'07"E 41.67' N20"OS'39"W 5.00' N69'54'21-E 8.12' N33'43'S3-W 3.70' N52'42' 49-W 10.78' N63'42'38"W 22.20' N70'45'57"W 18.76' S84'38'29wW 2.48' S34°43'21-W 11.77' N76°54'13"W 8.81' S86'56'12-W 23.8S' sao'53' 44 "w 17.70' S74"OO'21 wW 14.44' S65'6'09"W 9.23' S48"OO'16-W 17.19' S73°32'22-E 7.17' N14°38'06"E 1.22' N60'6'49wE 24.87' 555°39' 43"E 24.70' 533"04'28"E 10.77' S~039'47"E 12.12' S64"26'30-E 6.52' S27'22'25-E 53.07' S70046'37-E 34.63' S66"57'34"E 14.09' S79'33'30"E 17.88' ~"05'45"E 8.63' N67'7'28"E 13.45' N77'27'32"E LEGEND ..I"'iIL FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR c!c CAP LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY o SET 5/8-REBAR c!c CAP, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER OR POINT ON UNE AS SHOWN t ~ -o z A SET MAGNEllC NAIL AND WASHER, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER AS SHOWN ----~ C2 , ~~"% .. ~ -' C. NO. 2~%~tDDi'ff9N------__ ./ ./ /"" -----..... " ~}-~ ~ ,/1.<$' \l \ \ S7BojS'j9,, __ ~000609 _ ------__ ./ ./ ./ miif( LOT 7, BLOCK .3 /I/i WOODY GLEN AODITIONJ1/,;I 9564800105 'I 11ll SURVEYOR'S NOTE: AU. EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN WITH "0-HEREON DENOTES 1/2-REBAR AND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. " '........... Q.)'3~.>.. \ \ £ 88.7,;--rt:':::~-.: b----_ ----..,/././ " '" I I ...... -...-=-_ --------__ ,/ // .......... \ , 15' PUBUC UllUTY ----__ --e./ ././ \ l\ <p I / EASEMENT, REC. NO. -------________ ././ \ \ ~ / \ \.-~ \.~ "Y, LOT 7 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres 117 NW 6TH ST. " ...... - d /' I<cs- / LOT 4 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres 101 NW 6TH ST. N7,,,,,.;;,, ' "0'25" ... ... 10' PSE UllUTY EASEMENT LOT B, BLOCK .3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 6 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6TH ST. ( SET 5/8" REBAR c!c I CAP AT TOP OF BANK ~ ---....... 17' % ,,~ i)\. ~ ~ -~I -1'Ja-_ --RI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENT LOT 5 17,305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6TH ST. SET 5/8" REBAR c!c CAP AT TOP OF BANK ...... RI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING SE IBACKS TO BE DETERMINED BY GEOlECHNICAL ENGINEER.) '-_ __-..&1 LJ2-lJ3 -~ \.~ ... , LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.r.N. 20060719900005 BLOCK 6 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800176 --------, N76'29~7"'" LOT 11. BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564B00165 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN pur ) 1 inoh -30 ft. 47.56' j PARCEL B 9564BO-0110-09 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20051219900014 .-56.20' 186.30' , I~ 01,-~tJ II) ,"'l ~~ 1m I I I - S/8-REBAR & CAF \.! LS 13670 ~ , 01 -'1/ If/-IIIII/"flli ",'6'273 ~ t:l V!I/JI-i ''l/! 43.56' o Co ~II Iii "\ ~0, BJ-DG. j/I 29.70' 1"1 ',~ /1/ ;.-? CAR ~ 813:~AR c!c CAP ~ \ PORT \ AREA ADDRESSED IN "AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND UNESw RECORDED IN nlE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER I...-Ir-N84°47'S1-E 8.02' REC. NOS. 20050728002138 c!c 200S0728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 CERTIFICA TION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED. DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTAll0N or THE SAME AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. - IN WllNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAME STAlE OF _______ -J) ) SS COUNTY OF _______ .) I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICAll0N AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENll0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DAlEO = ........ ----------SIGNA lURE OF NOTARY PUBUC PRINlED NAME or--------- NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ llnL ___________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STAlE OF _______ -J) ) S5 COUNTY OF -------J) I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSf"ACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICAll0N AND ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUlE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ___ ~~~~~~OF~~=_---------- TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR litE USES AND PURPOSES MENll0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DAlEO ___________ _ SIGNA lURE Of" NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBUC ________ _ llnL ___________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ______ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ....... DAY OF ............ 20 ...... . AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT 1r~~ ~~~lJ~~lr ()~ .................................. . SURVEYOR'S NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS --:_ DAY OF _____ • 20, __ _ ------- RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF ASSESSOR SE _1/4 of _~YJ_1 /4-, s._Q.I_ T._~~_N., R . ..Q.9_E., W.M. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ____ ..... 20, __ _ ADMINISTRATOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST llnL PLAT CERllFiCATE ORDER NO. 577198. 4TH AMENDMENT. DATED JULY 5. 2007. PARCEL 1: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEET Of" LOT 7. BLOCK 2, WOODY GLEN ADDI110N. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOWME 47 OF PLATS. PAGES 91 AND 92. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORll0N OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNEC11NG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY Of" RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACAll0N. ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAll0N OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A, CITY OF' RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSlMENT LUA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORll0N OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECllNG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER A VENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY Of" RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609, WHICH, UPON VACAll0N, ATIACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERAll0N OF LAW. DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST llnL PLAT CERllFiCAlE ORDER NO. 571198, 4TH AMENDMENT. DATED JULY 5, 2007. 1. UllUllES EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF CITY OF RENTON, REC. NO. 8404090614. 2. UllUlES EASEMENT IN FAVOR Of" CITY OF RENTON. REC. NO. 20070530000609. 3. BUILDING SETBACK UNES AS DEUNEAlED ON FACE OF PLAT. 4. RIGHTS Of" PUBUC TO MAKE SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS. 5. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY, REC. NO. 20030401900004. 6. COVENANTS, CONDI110NS. RESTRICll0NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT UNE ADJUSllAENT LUA-04-10B-LLA, REC. NO. 20051115900010. 7. COVENANTS, CONDI110NS, RESTRICll0NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT UNE ADJUSllAENT LUA-04-139-LLA, REC. NO. 20051219900014. 8. AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS, REC. NO. 20050728002138. CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT: THOSE AREAS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 2 AND LABELED AS ·CRI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENT AND WETLAND BUFFER AREAS· ARE TO BE ESTABUSHED AS PERMANENT AND IRREVOCABLE EASEMENTS WITH THE RECORDING Of" THIS SHORT PLAT. THESE PROlECllVE EASEMENTS SHALL BE HELD BY THE CURRENT AND f"UlURE PROPERTY OWNERS, SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND, AND SHALL PROHIBIT DEVElOPMENT, ALlERAll0N. OR DISlURBANCE WITHIN THE EASEMENTS EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES OF HABITAT ENHANCEMENT AS PART OF AN ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHICH HAS RECEIVED PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM 11iE CITY, AND FROM ANY OTHER AGENCY Willi JURISDICllON OVER SUCH ACllViTY. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AIiD COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANC ~J.y. .... , 20~ .. ... .. W.t) 'so ; ... TIFICA TE NO. ..l~1O .. PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PLAT 80.297 S.F. -1.84 ACRES LOT 1 7.857 S.f". LOT 2 7.061 S.f". LOT 3 6.560 S.f". LOT 4 5.542 S.f". LOT 5 17,305 S.F. LOT 6 11,115 S.F. LOT 7 24,812 S.f". PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4,952 S.F. CRI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31,975 S.F. eMf Engineers Stroclutal Engineers Landscape Architects Community P1annetS Land SUrveyors Neighbors TACOMA· SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383,2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT VICINITY MAP PLAN REVi E'i CITY OF AENT,-;·,; Jtn 3 1 zao; RECEIVED 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT DWN. BY DAlE JOB NO. D.C.F. 07/10/07 203615.50 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1 "=30' 1 OF 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------_____ • ______ oo-______ ~ __________ __ CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-039a PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UllUllES IS TO BE CREATED UPON lliE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON ntiS SHORT PLAT. lliE OWNERS OF LOTS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN lliE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBIUTY FOR MAINTENANCE OF lliE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. lliESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUl1ES INCLUDE lliE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ntE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUAUTY AND/OR DETENllON FACIUllES WlntlN llilS EASEMENT, PRIVATE SIGN AGE, AND alliER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY lliE CITY OF RENTON OR OlliER UllUTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON ntE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WlDlli IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. (CITY OF RENTON 269) FND 1/2· BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN __ CONC MON IN CASE ____ 5/26/04 _____ -- --- ----- CURVE CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON Willi 2" BRASS IN 4· CONC POST 5/26/04 ~"''1 ~.'ltt:d'f CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR'" CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3· TOTAL STA110N USING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. llilS SURVEY MEE IS OR EXCEEDS lHE REQUIREMENTS OF lliE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 W.A.C. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK C1 C2 C3 UNE L1 L2 l3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L1S L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 l30 l31 l32 l33 L34 l35 HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORlli AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 MElERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST Willi PUNCH MARK. IN MONUMENT CASE AT lliE INTERSEC110N OF UNO AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N=55495.849M E-395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROl POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR Willi CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT lliE INTERSECllON OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4lli STREET. N=55212.103 E=395512.663M OWN. BY D.C.F. DATE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 CHKD. BY J. W.B. SCALE SHEET 1"=30' 2 OF 2 RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT DECLARATION OF COVENANT PORTION OF lliE OWNER OF ntE LAND EMBRACED WlllilN llilS SHORT PLAT;. IN RETURN FOR lliE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM llilS SUBDIVISION. BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY lliE BENEFlCIAL INTEREST IN lliE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON ntiS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF lliE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION lliEREOF. lliE COVENANT SHALL RUN Willi lliE LAND AS SHOWN ON llilS SHORT PLAT. _~~_1/4 of _SYi_1/4. s._Q,I_ T._~d_N .• R . .9.9_E.,W.M. TREE COVENANT LOT D 9564800007 CITY OF RENTON LLA llilS RESTRICllVE COVENANT REQUIRES TWO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES. A A.F.N. 20060719900005 MINIMUM CAUPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO i N78'3S' 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW LOT, BE PLANTED AND ;.. 78.82' 3S·W MAINTAINED WlllilN ntE 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW ri ~ CRt LOT WlllilN lliE SHORT PLAT. ntE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO rC.' If') ~ TJ CA L 2 5,~1SJc... , PSE UllUTY EASEMENT CENTERED ON LOT UNE FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECllON. i:t C\j EASC"M SLop'E-~50 55.77' LOT 6, BLOCK 2 p! <..! s£'£' L.;. EN T I I ;J WOODY GLEN ADDITION~ 1~7 •. NOTECRj!}CAL AR£'A AREA I I 11 ~Q JB.73 9564800066 ~. Cy ""<.1,.1 '-l£'O" 1 £'ASD,(e-., I B" 9 ':;i' (CITY OF RENTON 158) ~ ~, OF' 2. ""'fT I \.:\ .... ...,...., \ FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN li: ~........ ~~ L14 J!i)1:J§ L171 1-Lj!_-~ CRIllCAL SLOPE t.l' CONC MON IN CASE I ...... " '-- -~. -1 ' EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING ~ DOWN 1.25' -" LOT 7, BLOCK 2 I i'I SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED d). 5/26/04 " WOODY GLEN ADDITION 1:2 LOT 2 BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) V' TBM "C·-TOP OF MON ELEV-105.73' '\ "" ---\ LOT 1 I-I 7,061 sq. ft. \ 7,857 sq. ft. 1 I 0.16 acres STREET S86'5S'10"E --niN8~8='36'04-W..--_-=2:;:65::::..91· eM 265.94'(P,t-) ---..4 \ 0.18 acres I rf'J 108 NW 6lli ST. 15' PUBUC UllUTY C1 \ 114 NW 6lli ST. I.~ EASEMENT, REC. NO,_-+-_,\ I ~ ~ I~ ''',:---__ I I ................ , ...... -I -__ _... -.. ,.... --"" ----....... ~--::::.. ,,---...... "'---" --............. "----..... ..... --...... ~---.. _. 94-:16 LOT 3 6,560 sq. ft. 0.15 acres 102 NW 6lli ST. LOT B CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 • \ \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ -- (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE ~~ S6.Ji.J;: --..:: .... ' "... ~~Y ~~p::':':,:,: ----____ __ iJ1}l(-4 ~ r<"$.J. • _ B')i ~O '" ~ T ai!:-~ - - _ ---,/ -......!!..e-S -4~"(" :t? :i --_ ,",' . 5272, r ~Oa.,,~__ -_ --__ __ ,/,/ DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGlli RADIUS DELTA 114.44' 45.00 145"42'36" 33.66' 45.00 42'51'29" 80.78' 45.00 102'51'08" UNE TABLE LENGlli BEARING 55.54' S07'2'48"W 34.83' N54'44'S6·E 33.00' N6S'43'18·W 30.00' S1T45'36"E 24.S7' S46'22'29"E 29.12' N42'06'32·W 21.26' N26'5T07·E 41.67' N20'OS'39"W 5.00' N69'54'21·E 8.12' N33"43'S3"W 3.70' NS2'42' 49-W 10.78' N63'42'38-W 22.20' N70·4S'S7·W 18.76' S84'38'29"W 2.48' S34'43'21·W 11.77' N76'54'13"W 8.81' S86'56'12"W 23.85' S80'S3'44"W 17.70' S74'00'21"W 14.44' S65'6'09"W 9.23' S48'OO'16"W 17.19' S73'32'22·E 7.17' N14'38'06-E 1.22' N60'6'49"E ?4.87· S55'39' 43·E 24.70' S33'04'28·E 10.77' S39'39·47·E 12.12' S64'26·30·E: -----"\ C2 ...... e:.,~Ss ~ --~ -.: NO. 20070~DDJ'ffPN------__ __ __ ,/ ,/ /' ",,--."., ............ ~}' Z) ~ ~ \ \ S78'J5'j" .. - _ ~OO060S __ _ ----__ ,/ /' ml% LOT 7. BLOCK 3 q WOODY GLEN ADDITION /I.~" 9564800105,/ 'iiLL" SURVEYOR'S NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN Willi -0" HEREON DENOTES 1/2· REBAR AND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. .................... ~>. , \ \ 9 E 88.77;-""" l="::::~-: !? -----_ __ __ -----...../ ,/,/ ...... " , I ---/'./ ......... ----. -----/ /' ......... I 15' PUBUC UllUTY ----__ __ ---e ,/ ,/ \ c:P I " EASEMENT, REC. NO. ------______ -/ ,/ ,/ \ \ ~. / LOT 7 \ .. y \'\~ 'f ... 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres 117 NW 6lli ST. 10' PSE UllUTY EASEMENT LOT 6 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6lli ST. LOT 4 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres 101 NW 6lli ST. "'71"58'" • <'S·w '. LOT 8. BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDIl10N LOT 5 17,305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6lli ST. ( SET 5/8" REBAR '" I CAP AT TOP OF BANK 'A --.. .. .:.lI~ ~ ,,~ ~ rSET 5/8-REBAR '" ~ ~, CAP AT TOP OF BANK --..... 1.30" _ RIl1CAL SLOPE -..... EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING '-CRII11CAL SLOPE :--........ SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED BY EASEMENT ~ Zl GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) \~ , ...... 10). '-L--...-,,51 AS 32 LJ'J-0}r 1 LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 BLOCK 6 WOODY GLEN ADDIl10N 9564800176 6.52' S27'22'25·E [MENT I AR[A "A ~N I~ 1----------53.07' S70'46'37·E 34.63' 566'57'34"E 14.09' S79'33'30·E 17.88' 583'05' 45·E 8.63" N67'7'28"E 13.45' Nn'27'32·E LEGEND a FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR '" CAP LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY o SET 5/8-REBAR " CAP, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER OR POINT ON UNE AS SHOWN A SET MAGNEllC NAIL AND WASHER, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER AS SHOWN ----------------'-- N76~'27"W LOT 11, BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDIl10N 9564800165 747.00' GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN li'EE'I' ) 1 inch -30 fl 47.56' PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20051219900014 0)1-~I~ 5/8-REBAR'" CAF "lUI \. I LS 13670 l:!f 1 w , .-56.20' 186.30' 1 I - • • Jj I Z S. S.. ~/II BLDG. If; 29.70' 1'1 '~I i III, t-) }YiiHIIII/!!////l S/8. E P 1'\ CAR LS 13~7gAR " CAP 3 \ PORT AREA ADDRESSED IN "AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND UNES· RECORDED IN lliE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER J......J,-N84·47·S1·E 8.02' REC. NOS. 20050728002138 '" 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 CERTIFICATION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED. DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DECLARE THIS MAP TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTA1l0N OF THE SAME AND THAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF' WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. I , "JD g 6 rou \"J L LC NAME ,- NAME I~~-----------~~ STATE OF w~) SS COUNTY OF -"'~-+-____ I I 6r"TI'IgV EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICA1l0N AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE AND VOLUNTARY ACT F'OR THE USES AND PURPOSES urltl''T1n''l INSTRUMENT. APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ 20 __ ADMINISTRATOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST 1lTLE PLAT CER1lFlCATE ORDER NO. 577198. 4TH AMENDMENT. DATED JULY 5. 2007. PARCEL 1: THE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. BLOCK 2. WOODY GLEN ADDI110N. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF' RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF' PLATS. PAGES 91 AND 92. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGETHER WITH THAT POR1lON OF VACATED PLATTED WAU<WAY CONNEC1lNG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609. WHICH. UPON VACAllON. ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERA1l0N OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A. CITY OF' RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSlMENT LUA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. TOGETHER WITH THAT POR1lON OF' VACATED PLATTED WAU<WAY CONNEC1lNG NORTHWEST 6TH STREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20070530000609. WHICH. UPON VACAllON. ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERA1l0N OF LAW. BUILDING SETBACK NOTE: THE FRONT YARD SETBACKS OF LOTS 3. 4. 5 AND 6 SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 15 FEET FROM THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT. THE FRONT YARD SETBACK SHALL BE MEASURED AT A DISTANCE FROM THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT THAT CREATES A UNIFORM FRONT YARD SETBACK. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF _____ • 20 __ ASSESSOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS PER PACIFIC NORTHWEST 1lTLE PLAT CER1lFlCATE ORDER NO. 57719B. 4TH AMENDMENT. DATED JULY 5. 2007. 1. U1lLl1lES EASEMENT IN F'AVOR OF' CITY OF' RENTON. REC. NO. 8404090614. 2. U1lLlTES EASEMENT IN F'AVOR OF CITY OF RENTON. REC. NO. 20070530000609. 3. BUILDING SETBACK LINES AS DELINEATED ON F'ACE OF PLAT. 4. RIGHTS OF PUBLIC TO MAKE SLOPES F'OR CUTS AND FILLS. 5. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY. REC. NO. 20030401900004. 6. COVENANTS. CONDl1l0NS. RESTRIC1l0NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSlMENT LUA-04-1OB-LLA. REC. NO. 20051115900010. 7. COVENANTS. CONDI11ONS. RESTRIC1l0NS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN LOT LINE ADJUSlMENT LUA-04-108-LLA. REC. NO. 20051219900014. 8. AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS. REC. NO. 20050728002138. 9. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES. 10. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES. 11. DEED OF TRUST. REC. NO. 2006020100166B. 12. LABOR AND MATERIAL LIEN. REC. NO. 20070705000068. RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF _S~_1/4 of _~W._1/1, s._Q,I_ T._23_N., R. 05_E.,W.M. ,:' ' RENTON % .. MUNICIPAL ~ AIRPORT ~. VICINITY MAP STAlE OF ~+ ) v-) SS COUNTY OF + A'b ) I CER1lFY THAT I KNO~ OR HAVE SA1lSF'A CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT: RY E\IIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICA1l0N AND ON OATH S THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECU THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE #~~~~~~~-~ OF sro l}. C"5'X~ I bL-C TO BE E EE AND VOLU TARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY F'OR USES AND PURPOSES MEN1l0NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. THOSE AREAS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF' 2 AND LABELED AS ·CRIllCAL SLOPE EASEMENT AND WETLAND BUF'F'ER AREAS· ARE TO BE ESTABLISHED AS PERMANENT AND IRREVOCABLE EASEMENTS WITH THE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT. THESE PROTEC1lVE EASEMENTS SHALL BE HELD BY THE CURRENT AND FUTURE PROPERTY OWNERS, SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND. AND SHALL PROHIBIT DEVELOPMENT. ALTERA1l0N, OR DISTURBANCE WITHIN THE EASEMENTS EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES OF' HABITAT ENHANCEMENT AS PART OF' AN ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHICH HAS RECEIVED PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DA TED tfuj~:~~~~~f~;~-1"'" CITY. AND FROM ANY OTHER AGENCY WITH JURISDIC1l0N OVER SUCH SIGNATURE OF AC1lVlTY. NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY 1lTLE~~~~~~~~~~ ____ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES ---'=-r-'-~""""''"-- RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ....... DAY OF ............ 20 ..... .. AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF .. SU·R·VE:·Y6'R··S .. ~iAME· .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . ..................................... . MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF' THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE IN ~IJ..'-~... 2;.;;.0~ .... .. w. .......... ~~ ""'--~TIFICATE NO. ~~" .. • PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PLAT BO.297 S.F. -1.84 ACRES LOT 1 7.857 S.F. LOT 2 7.061 S.F. LOT 3 6.560 S.F. LOT 4 5.542 S.F. LOT 5 17.305 S.F. LOT 6 11.115 S.F'. LOT 7 24.B12 S.F'. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4.952 S.F'. CRI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31.975 S.F'. TACOMA· SEATTLE eM Engineers StnJcilJral Engineers Landscape Architects Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors \ / ..... / ! _:./ __ .J 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT ( .. ;' f··.1 ~----_-,-______ ~ _____ ~ ·DWN. BY D.C.F. CHKD. BY J. W.B. DATE 07 SCALE 1"=30' JOB NO • 7 203615.50 SHEET 1 OF 2 VOL./PAGE RECORDING NO. 6TH STREET S~10RT PLAT PORTION OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 DECLARATION OF COVENANT TI-lE O'MIIER OF TI-lE LAND EMBRACED WlTI-lIN TI-lIS SHORT PLAT. IN RElU~N FOR TI-lE BENEFITS TO ACCRUE FROM TI-lIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEFEON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY TI-lE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN TI-lE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWl'll ON TI-lIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWl'll ON THIS SHORT PLAT. _S~_1/4 of _SW_1/4, S._07_ T._23_N., R. 05_E.,W.M. PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES AGREEMENT MAINTENANCE NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UllUllES IS TO BE CREATED UPON TI-lE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. TI-lE O'MIIERS OF LOTS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN TI-lE OWl'llERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINlENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS fASE~ENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUllES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD. DRAINAGE PIPES. AND STORM WAlER QUAUTY AND/OR DElENll0N FACIUllES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVA-IE SIGNAGE, AND OTI-lER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT O'MIIED BY THE CIl Y OF RENTON OR OTI-lER UllUTY PROVIDERS. MAINlENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON TI-lE PAVING IN TI-lE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED. UNLESS PAVEMENT WlDTI-l IS GREATER THAN 20 FEET. TREE COVENANT LOT D 9564800007 CITY OF RENTON LLA TI-lIS RESTRICllVE COVENANT REQUIRES TWO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES. A A.F.N. 20060719900005 i MINIMUM CAUPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO N78"3S' " • PSE UllUTY EASEMENT CENTERED ON LOT UNE 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW LOT. BE PLANTED AND ;... 78.82' 39 IV MAINTAINED WlTI-lIN TI-lE 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW ;;; co CR 171.32' LOT WlTI-lIN TI-lE SHORT PLAT. TI-lE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO t /<) : I T! CAL 2.5,V7/5I~ FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECll0N. ;... rv [A S[M S L 0 p[ I .50 55.77' LOT 6, BLOCK 2 P ! <"0 Sff [N T' ,,~ WOODY GLEN ADDITION,! I~" NOTEC~71CAL ARfA AR[A"" ...:!Q.,7 36.7J \ ( ) 9564800066 ~;... ~ "'<I.l< . 'HffT 1 OF' 2tASfMtNT " B " \ '\9 .....,. ~ CITY OF RENTON 158 _. ~. ... ;0..0' FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN ~ ~, ..kl~ L,4 ..A;jlJ..6 L171 L..L~_-~ CRITICAL SLOPE '6\ CONC MON IN CAS~ .I ' " -----.:; -, I EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING ..... DOWl'll 1.25 --" LOT 7. BLOCK 2 I '" SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED 10, 5/26/04 " WOODY GLEN ADDITION "'? LOT 2 BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) ~----V' TBM "C"-TOP OF MON ELEV-105.73· "I ~ (CITY OF RENTON 269) ______ ---\ LOT 1 ,-, FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN....-7.061 sq. ft. CONC MON IN CASE ____ \ 7.857 sq. ft. I, 0.16 acrea 5/26/04 ------N W 6 TH S TR E E T \ 0.18 acres 'JU 108 NW 6TH ST. ....-15' UllUTY EASEMENT C1 \ 114 NW 6TH ST. I.f!i. , -------~ ..dII...,..--V'-------__ -,SB:::=6~'5S'10"E REC. NO. \ I ~ ..,. ~~. ,~,'l.'\-~ 6.560 sq. ft . 0.15 acres 102 NW 6TH ST • ....---v 26591' (lI) ~~ I ~" S"':!I":!I .. ....-N88"36'04"WiJ--~~' -"'L___ " • A' ~~ 26S.94· (P) I 19~~ S6'.1b<, .------~~ ~I )' ~ ~ oJ' 1!S "" s.r~ ~ ~ _I ~ ~ -00' c.; " ---........ '-J , ....... ~........-: -~ __ CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON WITH 2" BRASS IN 4" CONC POST 5/26/04 -- CURVE C1 C2 C3 LINE L1 (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWl'll 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 114.44' 4S.00 145'42'36" 33.66' 45.00 42"51'29" 80.78' 45.00 102'51'08· UNE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 55.54' S07'2'48"W -----, LOT 7. BLOCK 3 _ WOODY GLEN ADDITION - 9564800105 " ----~....... --....----" --...................... --.............." ----..... ~ ----v! -_ ~ ~_ ~ $'6J' .J'<~ ...... -...:.."""",. ~ ----....... ..... ....... -----lI~/v .. ,.,..'b<,. - _ VACATE'D ~y fiE'if-p,,, ~ - - _ ~ ~ ~ ~ '{V"'c. \).1'" • -f1'ri ~T oF---~ -....... "~S -'Ieee-: ~ :t? :i - - - . 5272, WOoDy~ ~ ~ ---"' ...... f:.tt~Ss -~ C. No 2GJtN ADD ~ C2 , "4f~ .-'I,ya . I'l. \ -' 0070530 f710N~ ~ --......... ' -;::1' ~ ~ \ S78'jS'jg .. ___ 000609 ',,,,,,, ?:>. , \ \ £ 88.77'-- " I I ~ \ I I 15' UllUTY EASEMENT \ l \ ~ I I REC. NO. \ \ ~"J' / \ \ .. ~ ,,~ 'r, /<6' / LOT 4 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres LOT B CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 " '-L2 34.83' NS4'44'56"E 1 01 NW 6TH ST. / LOT 7 ~u ... ..., P). 'l.Cc:1l CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR &: CAP. DOWl'll 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST L3 L4 LS L6 L7 L8 L9 Ll0 Ll1 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 33.00' N65"43'18"W 30.00' S17"45'36"E 24.57' S46'22'29"E 29.12' N42"06'32"W 21.26' N26'57'07"E 41.67' N20"05'39"W 5.00' N69'54·21·E S.12· N3Y43·53·W 3.70' NS2'42' 49·W 10.78' N6Y42·38·W 22.20' N70'45'S7"W 18.76' S84'38'29"W 2.48' S34"43'21·W 11.77' N76'54'13"W 8.81' S86"56'12"W 23.85' S80"53·44·W 17.70' S74"OO'21"W 14.44' S65'6'09·W 9.23' S48"OO'16"W 17.19' S73"32·22·E 7.17' N14'38'06"E 1.22' N60'6'49"E w • .... ", SURVEYOR'S NOTE: ALL EXlERIOR CORNERS SHO'MII WITH ·0" HEREON DENOTES 1/2" REBAR AND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIA lES. 24,812 sq. ft. 0.57 acres 117 NW 6TH ST. -- 10' PSE UllUTY EASEMENT LOT 6 11.115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6TH ST. - LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 5 17.305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6TI-l ST. -....... l..Jer_ --RI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED BY RI11CAL SLOPE LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 BLOCK 6 • \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ \ \ -- L25 24.87' 555'39·43·E L26 24.70' 533'04'2S"E EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE ~ ... o z EASEMENT GEOlECHNICAL ENGINEER.) ..... WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800176 3" TOTAL STAll0N USING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SURVEY RECORDING ACT. CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 W.A.C. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 HORIZONTAL DAlUM=NORTI-l AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91). CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH MARK. IN MONUMENT CASE AT TI-lE INTERSECll0N OF UND AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N=55495.849M E=395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWl'll 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTlON OF TAYLOR AVE NW. TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N=55212.103 E=395512.663M DATE JOB NO. 07/10/07 203615.50 OWN. BY D.C.F. CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1 "=30' 2 OF 2 10.77' 539'39·47·E 12.12' 564'26'3O"E 6.52' S27'22'25"E 53.07' S70'46'37"E 34.63' 566'57'34"E 14.09' S79'33'3O"E 17.88' 583'05' 45"E 8.63' N67'7'28·E 13.45' N77'27'32"E LEGEND ft FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED o TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR &: CAP LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SET 5/8" REBAR &: CAP, LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER OR POINT ON LINE AS SHOWN SET MAGNEllC NAIL AND WASHER. LS 13670 AT LOT CORNER AS SHOWl'll -------- N76~9'27"1V LOT 11, BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800165 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN "EE'I' ) 1 inch = 30 ft. 47.56' r ~ "" \ 52.84' N88"46·50·E PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20051219900014 '--. .,-~5' 1.j2-LJ3 -\,.'!>tr \.. I .- I I l:g ~liJ CoI~ toIUI 'OJ I~ I I I - ~ UI \ _ U. N --...... • Co \--o to) - 29.70' I"l - 5/8" REBAR &: CAF LS 13670 N16"27'3 43.56' 56.20' 186.30' 5/8· REBAR &: CAP LS 13670 ~ \ CAR' ~ \ PORT AREA ADDRESSED IN "AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND UNES" RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON UNDER REC. NOS. 20050728002138 &: 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 • \ I.......J,-N84·47·51·E 8.02' CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 CERTIFICATION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE niESE PRESENTS niAT WE niE UNDERSIGNED OVtNERS OF INTEREST ON niE LAND HEREBY SHORT SUBDIVIDED. DO HEREBY MAKE A SHORT SUBDIVISION THEREFORE DEClARE nilS MAP TO BE niE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME AND niAT SHORT SUBDIVISION IS MADE Wlni THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH niE DESIRE OF THE OVtNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. NAME NAME NAME NAME STATE OF _______ -J) ) SS COUNTY OF ) I CERTIFY niAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE niAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR niE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN niE INSlRUMENT. DATED '"""'"':' ___ ----------SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC =--_______ _ PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ________ _ Tln.E _______________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE OF ___________ -J} ) SS COUNTY OF ---------1) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUniORIZED TO EXECUTE niE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOY4.EDGED IT AS THE OF ~TO~BE~TH~E~FR::-::E:=E~A:-:-:N~D.....,.V~O.....,.LU~N=TARY-:A:-::C=T-::O:::F""':S::7':U~CH:-:-::P":":AR:::':TY=-:-::F==O-=-R-=TH=E ":":U~SES=--:-:-AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSlRUMENT. DATED ___________ _ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAME OF=----------- NOTARY PUBLIC ________ _ Tln.E ____________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ....... DAY OF ............ 20 ...... . AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQU EST OF .................................. . SURVEYOR'S NAME ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED nilS __ DAY OF _____ 20 __ RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PORTION OF ASSESSOR _~~_1/4 of _~~_1/4, s._Q.I_ T._f.J_N., R.i>..9_E.,W.M. EXAMINED AND APPROVED nilS __ DAY OF _____ 20 __ ADMINISlRA TOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER PACIFIC NORniWEST Tln.E PLAT CERTIFICATE ORDER NO. 577198. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT NO.3. DATED MAY 1. 2007. PARCEL 1: niE SOUTHWESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. BLOCK 2. WOODY GLEN ADDITION. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT niEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLA 1S. PAGES 91 AND 92. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGEniER Wlni niAT PORTION OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECTING NORniWEST 6TH SlREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272. WHICH. UPON VACATION. ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. PARCEL 2: LOT A. CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20051219900014. BEING A PORTION OF niE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: THE SOUniERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. AND ALL OF LOT 8. BLOCK 3, WOODY GLEN ADDITION. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT niEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLAT. PAGES 91 AND 92, IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. TOGEniER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED SOUTH 126TH SlREET AS VACATED BY PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 4955. RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020402002350. WHICH UPON VACATION. ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. AND TOGETHER WITH niAT PORTION OF VACATED PLATTED WALKWAY CONNECTING NORniWEST 6TH SlREET TO RAINIER AVENUE AS VACATED PURSUANT TO CITY OF RENTON. WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER 5272. WHICH. UPON VACATION. ATTACHED TO SAID PROPERTY BY OPERATION OF LAW. BUILDING SETBACK NOTE: THE FRONT YARD SETBACKS OF LOTS 3, 4, 5 AND 6 SHALL BE NO LESS THAN 15 FEET FROM niE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT. THE FRONT YARD SETBACK SHALL BE MEASURED AT A DISTANCE FROM THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT THAT CREATES A UNIFORM FRONT YARD SETBACK. DEPUTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUMBER CRITICAL AREA PROTECTIVE EASEMENT: THOSE AREAS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF 2 AND LABELED AS ·CRITICAL SLOPE EASEMENT AND WETLAND BUFFER AREAS· ARE TO BE ESTABUSHED AS PERMANENT AND IRREVOCABLE EASEMENTS WITH niE RECORDING OF THIS SHORT PLAT. THESE PROTECTIVE EASEMENTS SHALL BE HELD BY niE CURRENT AND FUTURE PROPERTY OWNERS. SHALL RUN Wlni niE LAND. AND SHALL PROHIBIT DEVELOPMENT. ALTERATION, OR DISTURBANCE WlnilN THE EASEMENTS EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES OF HABITAT ENHANCEMENT AS PART OF AN ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHICH HAS RECEIVED PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM niE CITY. AND FROM ANY OTHER AGENCY WITH JURISDICTION OVER SUCH ACTIVITY. OWNER JDA GROUP 95 SOUni TOBIN SlREET, SUITE 201 RENTON, WA 9B055 CONTAC~ JACK ALHADEFF CIVIL ENGINEER AHBL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS. &: SURVEYORS 2215 NORTH 30TH SlREET. SUITE 300 TACOMA. WA 98403 253-383-3572 CONTACT: MATT WEBER. PE SURVEYOR TOPOGRAPHY: lRlAD ASSOCIATES 11814 115ni AVENUE NE KIRKLAND. WA 98034 425-8448 CONTACT: MICK MATHESON. PE SHORT PLAT: AHBL. INC, CONTACT: JOHN BECKER. PLS LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS SHORT PLAT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND COUNTY STATUTE AND ORDINANCE IN .MA":'t..... 20.0:1- . .. W.b.S ::2 ..... iA. TIFICA TE NO. 1~t.D10 . PROPOSED LOT AREAS SHORT PLAT BO,297 S.F. -1.B4 ACRES LOT 1 7.B57 S.F. LOT 2 7.061 S.F. LOT 3 6.560 S.F. LOT 4 5.542 S.F. LOT 5 17,305 S.F. LOT 6 11,115 S.F. LOT 7 24.B12 S.F. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT 4,952 S.F. CRITICAL SLOPE EASEMENTS 31,975 5.F. CM/ Engineers StrucIu131 Engineers Landscape Architects Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors TACOMA· SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 206.267.2425 TEL , . RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT VICINITY MAP PLAN REVIEViI CITY OF RENTON MAY 2 9 2007 RECEIVED 6TH STREET SHORT PLAT OWN. BY D.C.F. DAlE JOB NO. 05/16/07 203615.50 CHKO. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1 "=30' 1 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT LUA-04-139-SHPL LND-20-0398 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTLITIES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NEW PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND UllUllES IS TO BE CREATED UPON THE SALE OF LOTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1-7 SHALL HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBIUTY F'OR MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT APPURTENANCES. THESE APPURTENANCES AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBIUllES INCLUDE THE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF' THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD, DRAINAGE PIPES, AND STORM WATER QUAUTY AND/OR DETENll0N FACIUllES WITHIN THIS EASEMENT, PRIVAlE SIGNAGE, AND OTHER INFRASTRUCruRE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER UllUTY PROVIDERS. MAINTENANCE COSTS SHALL BE SHARED EQUALLY. PARKING ON THE PAVING IN THE ACCESS EASEMENT IS PROHIBITED, UNLESS PAVEMENT WIDTH IS GREATER lHAN 20 FEET. (CITY OF' RENTON 269) FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/PUNCH IN ...... CONC MaN IN CASE ___ 5/26/04 ~ RECORDING NO. 6TH STREET S~10RT PLAT VOL./PAGE DECLARATION OF COVENANT THE OWNER OF' THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFlTS TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HE~EON COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF' THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS SHORT PLAT. TREE COVENANT THIS RESTRICllVE COVENANT REQUIRES TWO NEW ORNAMENTAL TREES, A MINIMUM CAUPER OF 1-1/2 INCHES (DECIDUOUS) OR 6 TO 8 FEET IN HEIGHT (CONIFER) PER EACH NEW LOT, BE PLANTED AND MAINTAINED WITHIN THE 20 F'OOT FRONT YARD SETBACK AREA OF EACH NEW LOT WITHIN THE SHORT PLAT. THE TREES SHALL BE PLANTED PRIOR TO FINAL BUILDING PERMIT INSPECll0N. ;.. co , f.'\i P .. (CITY OF' RENTON 158) FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 1.25' 5/26/04 V'---~M -C--TOP OF MON ELEV-105.73' LOT 6, BLOCK 2 ~ WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800066 NW 6TH PORTION OF _~~_1 /4 of _~yj_1 /4, s'""7""Ql __ T._f.~_N., R . .Q.9_E., W,M, LOT D 9564800007 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 PSE UllUTY EASEMENT CENTERED ON LOT UNE N7B'Js'39_ CR IT/ C 78.82' W 171.32' EASEM:NL TSLOP["',l)~~50 ~ CRI7JCAL, AREA I I 07£, SHf£; AREA EA~roa. fl. ,,~ 1 OF" 2. ""-IYIENT ~ f I \.\~/ ..&~ L14 ...A;;~ L L-Lj!_--";" CRlllCAL SLOPE '-- -~ -"'" EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING " LOT 7, BLOCK 2 SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED '\. WOODY GLEN ADDITION BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) \\ LOT 1 LOT 2 \ 7,857 sq. ft. 7,061 sq. ft. \ 0.18 acres 0.16 acres LOT 11 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 ----~~V'----STREET _ 886°55"O-E --~N8=-=8='J6'04·Wu---=2:;:65~ •• 9'~CM.~) __ 265.94' (P) \ 114 NW 6TH ST. 108 NW 6TH ST. NEW 15' PRIVATE --\-....... 1 EASEMENT -~---LOT 3 LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 CURVE EXPIRES SEPT. 3. 2007 CITY OF RENTON 1S99 F'OUND CASE MON WITH 2-BRASS IN 4-CONC POST 5/26/04 CITY OF RENTON 1896 FOUND CASE MaN WITH REBAR & CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 NW 4TH ST N'lA,-( ~4r ,"l.C:»01 EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3-TOTAL STAll ON USING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS lHE REQUIREMENTS OF lHE SURVEY RECORDING ACT, CHAPTER 58.09 R.C.W. AND 332-130 W.A.C. BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK C1 C2 C3 UNE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L2S L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORTH AMERICAN DAruM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECll0N OF UNO AVE NW AND TAYLOR PL NW N-55495.849M E-395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 189B FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECll0N OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR PL NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N=55212.103 E=395512.663M OWN. BY D.C.F. CHKD. BY J. W.B. DAlE 05 SCALE 1"=30' JOB NO. 7 203615.50 SHEET 20F2 - (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2-BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MaN IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 CURVE TABLE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 114.44' 45.00 145'42'36- 33.66' 45.00 42°51'29- 80.7S' 45.00 102'5"08- UNE TABLE LENGlH BEARING 55.54' S07'2'48-W 34.83' N54°44'56-E 33.00' N65'43'18-W 30.00' S17°45'36-E 24.57' 546'22'29-E 29.12' N42'06'32·W 2126' N26'57'07-E 41.67' N20'05~W 5.00' N69'54'21-E 8.12' N33'43'53·W 3.70' N52°42'49-W 10.78' N63°42'38-W 22.20' N70~57-W 1S.76' S84'38'29·W 2.48' S34'43'21·W 11.77' N76'54'13·W S.81' S86'56'12-W 23.85' S80'53' 44-W 17.70' S74'OO'21·W 14.44' S65'6'09·W 9.23' S48'OO'16-W 17.19' S73'32'22-E 7.17' N14'38'06-E 1.22' N60"16'49-E 24.87' 555'39' 43-E 24.70' 533'04'2S-E 10.77' S39°39'47-E 12.12' S64"26'30-E 6.52' S27"22'25-E 53.07' S70'46'3rE 34.63' S66'57'34"E 14.09' S79°33'30-E 17.88' S83'05' 45-E 8.63' N67'7'28-E 13.45' N77"27'32-E LEGEND a FOUND CITY OF' RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR & CAP o LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SEE NOTE AT RIGHT NOTE: 5/8-REBAR AND CAP, LS NO. 13670 TO BE SET AT EXTERIOR CORNERS OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THIS SHORT PLAT. ~ ~ ... o z ...... " -----' ---" --_ ......... ::-ri-: .. _ ::::. ~ ........ ---.... ~-,-"':;;::;.---- 6,560 sq. ft . 0.15 acres 102 NW 6TH ST. " ...... -....., ....... ---~~ , --~~ ---PUBLIC UllLlTY EASEMEW REC. NO. 8404090614 .. s,~~ ---....... --~.......... -.. --- 10. --~-h~./' ~!'tl~.-VA --~ - - _ ------- -ADDITl".,. Y Ptr."t;; -:;-__ - - _ --__ ,/ SURVEYOR'S NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN WITH -0-HEREON DENOTES 1/2-REBAR AND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. LOT 7 24,812 sq. ft. 0,57 acres 117 NW BTH ST. t-----__ ---- N76~9'27"W LOT 11, BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800165 GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN lI'EE'l' ) 1 Inch = 30 fl r d .... -_'''' .. 1l,.. .... Ta-_ -_ - :; - -IF" WoODY ~ _ :: --_ _ __ ,/,/,/ \ \ !iDDITlON _ -----______ ,/,/,/,/ \ \ ~r:=:~~::::-:~~ ~ ---------__ -,/ ,/ ,/ t I -_ ---_,/,/ /' 'I NEW 15' PRI1iATlE--' --G ,/ -------,/'" I UllUllES EASEMENT --,/ / LOT 4 -------/,/ 5,542 sq. ft. 0.13 acres 101 NW 6TH ST. LOT A CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20060719900005 10' PSE UllUTY EASEMENT LOT 8. BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 6 11,115 sq. ft. 0.26 acres 111 NW 6TH ST. ---(JO"---RI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENT 47.56' NB8'46'50"E PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 CITY OF RENTON LLA A.F.N. 20051219900014 LOT 5 17,305 sq. ft. 0.40 acres 107 NW 6TH ST. RI11CAL SLOPE EASEMENT, (REAR BUILDING SETBACKS TO BE DETERMINED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.) BLOCK 6 -'-..... --1.~ WOODY GLEN ADDITION 9564800176 lJ2-l'J'T ........ ~ \. ... ~ I I AND I 0) II~ 186,30' t.)tJ iol~ ~C1I '0) l..f I I I SET 5/S-REBAR & CAFJ<; LS 13670 (TYPICAL) AREA ADDRESSED IN -AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND UNES-RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF' KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER REC. NOS. 20050728002138 & 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 .rSE~T 5/8-REBAR & LS 13670 . lli/ifi/lillil N16"27'3 dfli.' Ii 'I· 4356' I( • , !il!' I/! I ,n/II CAR \ PORT {, l..4--NIW47'S1-E 8.02' CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE AD,JUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA LND-30-0286 CERTIFICA liON KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THAT WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED. DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT UI'fE ADJUSTMENT THEREFORE PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME AND THAT SAID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. (J .. 1NESS ""EREOf "" SET OUR HANDS AND SEAlS AME NAME NAME STATE OF ___ . ____ > > SS COUNTY OF ________ > I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SA TISF ACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED _______ ---------- SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC ________ _ TIRE ____________ _ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ _ STATE oFWrI5U-.f\JG,.TON ) 1/., )5S COUNTY OF' ~iJG, _) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAllSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT H- SIGNED THIS DEDICAllON AND ON OATH STATED THAT i!SHE) WAS AQ'ruOR1ZEO TO E~:CUTE?T!:!E INSTRUMENT ~OWLEDGED IT AS THE ~.N~~~.eOF ;u)A~ lIe". TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES ,~m]lONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. "~a "1 \ I , , "., ~\ GI(~/,"'# ... ' ... >...~ .1-""1. '·A .. '~ ~ ... ~ :""~\S5'ON l:;; ..... :~ ');.. :: ...... cf· ~~..r ..... ,,' .. . ;.. : ~ NOTARy ~ ; : : -.-.... : : \ ~\. PUBLlC,./ ~! ~ -~ ••• S'19'OO" ~f':. • ... 'kit .... II ~ ... ... , 4\.... '#"".~~ ~ ,'" *'" OF Wfl..~~\ "" " .. t' '11,,,,..,, CONFORMED COpy I DATED~~~ SIGNA TUREOF' NOTARY PUBU __ PRINTED NAME OF £ : ~_ • !' ~ NOTARY PUBUC'" ~-. ~!::!1?J...Iio!I~-./...J["" "'l.,-yC_~~:!Io<:E....-:;t::-_ llRE /\JOT1+< £1 MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-8-aq/i ............ 20 ...... . ...... AT 20051219900014 CITY OF RENTON LLM 103.00 PAGE001 OF 002 12/19/2005 11:50 KING COUNTY, UA .......... " .. " .............. " ...... " .. " ....... " .. .................... " .......... " ...................... " ...... " . MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS --'I-DAY OF Dec., Nai uJJM -{Do{ 61e'4 2,wt*cvm'llv1 ADMINISTRATOR . 20p6 ORIGINAL LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL A: THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7. BLOCK 3, WOODY GLEN ADDl1l0N. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS. PAGES 91 AND 92. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: ALL OF LOT 8. BLOCK 3. WOODY GLEN AODI1lON. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS. PAGES 91 AND 92. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. EXCEPT THAT PORllON OF SAID LOT 8 L VlNG NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED UNE AS NOTED IN AN AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY UNES RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050728002138 AND RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050728900027. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE SOUTH 16"27'39" EAST ALONG THE EASTERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 8 A DISTANCE OF 202.27 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING FOR THIS UNE; THENCE SOUTH 05'51'02" EAST A DISTANCE OF 42.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 84'47'51" EAST A DISTANCE OF 8.02 FEET TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 8 AND TERMINUS OF THIS UNE DESCRIPTION. TOGETHER WITH THAT POR1l0N OF SOUTH 126TH STREET ABUTnNG ON THE SOUTH AS VACATED PER OTY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4955. REC. NO. 20020402002350. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND OUNTY STA1UTE AND ORDINANCE •..• 20.0~ --~""""""tv . ,,-..a~TIFICATE NO. .\3~1.t> ... RECORDING NO, VOL./PAGE PORTION OF DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS Jhri DAY oo§10244dk 1 <; 20 0 S Sco+J Nofie _Sl_1/4 of _SW_1/4, S,_07 _ T._23 _N" DEPUTY ASSESSOR . ACCOUNT NUNBER 9Sc,,1fD-OlbO JOt (0 PARCEL AREAS ORIGINAL PARCELS PARCEL A 12.480 S.F. PARCEL B 67.483 S.F. REVISED PARCELS PARCEL A 59.951 S.F. PARCEL B 20.012 S.F. EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3" TOTAL STAll ON UllUZING STANDARD FIELD TRAVERSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. TACOMA SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street. Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 S 1t,,'IU ST ClvH EngfneelS Structural EngineelS Landscape Architects Community Planners Land Surveyors NeighbolS 253.383.2422 TEL 206.267.2425 TEL RENTON ~ MUNICIPAL ~ AIRPORT ~ VICINITY MAP 6TH LINE STREET LOT ADJUSTMENT D~. BY DATE JOB NO. D.C.F. 12/06/05 203615.50 CHKO. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1 "=30' 1 OF' 2 CITY OF RENTON 6TH STREET LOT ~L NE ADJUSTMENT _--...n.. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA LNO-30-0286 • (CITY Of RENTON 269) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN...- CONC MON IN CASE ______ 5/26/04 ______ .------- CITY OF RENTON 1899 FOUND CASE MON WITH 2" BRASS IN 4" CONC POST 5/26/04 A ...- CI"Ty OF RENTON 1896 FOlINO CASE MON WITH REtlAR &: CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 (aTY OF RENTON 158) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 1.25' 5/26/04 ,, _____ TBM "CO-TOP OF MON ELEV=105.73' II) NW 6TH N " S86"5S'10"E N88'36'04"W It') N (CITY OF RENTON 273) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DOWN 0.7' 5/26/04 STREET 265.91' (M 265. 94'--(P) Il 45'47'04" R .. 45.00 l=35.96' ~ ~ 3 0 ~ LOT 7, BLOCK . ~ 'IJ' WOODY GLEN ADDITION ~ ~. • SURVEYOR'S NOTE: !"I LOT 7, BLOCK 2 WOODY GLEN ADDITION LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION , , ;. . '" , .. ' OSP ---- .' I .. ' ! / ! BLOCK 5 WOODY GLEN ., ADDITION Fl'IO. 1/2' LS 115661 0.02' Eo X Fl'IO. 1/2" LS 1I!!881 0.00' Eo X NW 4TH ST LOT 6, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION AU EXTERIOR CORNErtS SHOWN SHOWN WITH "0" HEflEON DENOTES 1/2" REBAR AND CAl' lS #15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVIDED BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. f' --..J ...... --...... PARCEL A 956480-0106-05 , ,"1 I ' , ._- BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROl NETWORK HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US FEET CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN 4 IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF UNO AVE NW AND TAYLOR Pl NW N=55495.849M E=395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROl POINT 1896 FOUND 1 INCH REBAR WITH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF TAYLOR AVE NW, TAYLOR Pl NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N=55212.103 E=395512.663t.4 OWN. BY D.C.F. DATE JOB NO. 12/06/05 203615.50 RECORDING NO. PORilON OF LEGEND d FOUND CITY OF RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR &: CAP o LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SEE NOTE AT RIGHT voL./pAGE . ~ N o - -o z OLD PARCEL A 12,480 sq. ft. 0.29 acres PROPOSED WETLAND BUFFER / (UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION) ------- LOT 11, BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION \ \ - GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch =-30 ft. . . CHKD. BY J. W.B. SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 20F2 _SE __ 1 4 of _SW_1 4, 'S._07 __ T._23_ .... N., R. O~_E.,W.M. - ...... "-\ \ \ \ "-. ....... '\ '--.. .............. NEW PARCEL A 59,905 sq. ft. 1.3S acres ....... .............. ....... .............. -... ....... ....... ....... ....... ---.., ----I -- BLOCK 6 WOODY ADDITION EN .. : CRITICAL SLOPE AREA ,---"" OLD PARCEL B 67,483 sq. ft. 1.55 acres RITICAL SLOPE AREA I I I : /SET 5/S" REBAR &: CAP ......... \. LS 13670 " I ~ "" I u: N I U'I ... ... . ·co _--~ N16"27'39"W 43.56' \ ON _------~:':":":':-:::::_+~:.:..!~~~;:_---..J-I ___ ~_:=. ~·1 ~ BjDG. NEW LOT LINE \1-" N88'46'50"E 186.30' ""-SET 5/S" REBAR &: CAP SET 5/S" REBAR &: CAP LS 13670 (TYPICAL) LS 13670 AREA ADDRESSED IN "AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND LINES· RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER REC. NOS. 20050728002138 &: 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 NEW PARCEL B 19,282 sq. ft. 0.44 acres NS4'47'51 "E S.02' SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY PER CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-108-UA S88°30' 42"W 158.86' 5/S" REBAR ~ W/4-CAP, TRIAD, NUMEROUS LS IS -. .-I , . 24.20, \ . .101 __ N87"07'29"E 159.15' (p) N89'57'59"E S, 126TH STREET (VACATED) AREA VACATED PER ORDINANCE NO. 4955, REC. NO. 20020402002350, PUBUC UTILITY EASEMENT RETAINED. AR~A VACATED SHOWN PER RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER A.F.N. 2oo0304019c10004. CITY OF RENTCIN LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-I_LA LND-30-0286 CERTIFICA TION KNOW BY ALL PEOPLE THESE PRESENTS THA r WE THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS Of INTEREST ON THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED, DO HEREBY MAKE A LOT LI"IE ADJUSTMENT THEREFORE PURSUANT TO RCW 58.17.040 AND DECLARE THIS ADJUSTMENT 10 BE TI-lE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SAME AND THAT S~ID ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE OWNERS. WITNESS M-fEREOf WE SET OUR HANDS ANO SEALS. NAME NAME STATE Of ________ ._) ) SS COUNTY Of ________ .) I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE (HIS/HER) FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTlONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED _______________ _ SIGNA TIJRE OF NOTARY PUBLIC =-______ ---- PRINTED NAME Of NOTARY PUBLIC ________ ---- TIRE _________________ __ MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _____ --- STATE OFWP16U:/~~Tl:>N ) COUNTY OF [LLI..Jes, _? SS I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT H'-: SIGNED THIS DEDICATION AND ON OATH STATED THAT i'SHE) WAS ~J~ EG..e~I~TR¥f6~~°r-E~:~ IT AS THE TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSE.~ I ~m]J9,NED IN THE INSTRUMENT. . " ,." u\ GPI:' ", ", J\.~l' .... " •• ~-';(;A. '~. ~~"':i~.c-__ ' ';:;" :""~'S"OH "-t~"':'i<' "\ DA TED f.AJl c::A..U v ~ ..-(p~ '9«", '__ ~ SIGN A TURE OF :: f NOTARy ~ ~ NOTARY PUBlI ~=-~..!OIC.~==::"--_ : : -+. +-: ~ PRINTED NAME OF ,._ ';: ........... ./) :. (ft:" PUBliC :' ~:: NOTARY PUBLIC ~-, ( (-,.y~t:::--/\--·c--:, -?.,. ...•. ~. 19 -~."" r'::-'-,: TITLE""'~ ...... "~ 1".111" ~"\;.I ,'" -I-~~~.!.._.!....!..:~=_I_----------- """ OF W~':J~\."" MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES 6-8-dCQY 1'11""." RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ................... . FILED FOR RECORD THIS ....... DAY OF ........... , 20 ..... .. AT ....... M IN BOOK .......... OF ........ AT PAGE ......... AT THE REQUEST OF . ~ .................................. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . MANAGER SUPT. OF RECORDS APPROVALS: CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING/ BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS RECORDING NO, VOL./PAGE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXjlMINED AND APPROvrO THIS __ DAY OF ___ ----<. 20__ PORTION OF AS:;ESSOR _Sl_1/4 of _SW_1/4, :;,_07 _ T,_23_N" R, 05_E"W.M. EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ~ DAY OF Dec. , 20PS .. I ,I,. J _ -It ~ i5'Er'LITY ASSESSOR NtAA WMNJ f"y 6"£,~ 2'tottlMcv,""v1 AOMINISTRA TOR ACc:OUN T NUNBER ~------------------------------------------------~ ORIGINAL LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL A: THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 3, WOODY GLEN ADDITlON, ACCORDING TO TI-lE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: ALL OF LOT 8, BLOCK 3, WOODY GLEN ADDITlON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOlUME 47 OF PLATS, PAGES 91 AND 92, RECORDS Of KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EXCEPT TI-lA T POR11ON OF SAID LOT 8 L ¥lNG NORTHERLY AND EASTERLY OF TI-lE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE AS NOTED IN AN AGREEMENT TO RESOl vr AND fiX BOUNDARY LINES RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050728002138 AND RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20050728900027, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE SOUTH 16'27'39-EAST ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 8 A DISTANCE OF 202.27 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF' BEGINNING FOR THIS LINE; THENCE SOUTH 05'51'02-EAST A DISTANCE Of 42.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 84'47'51-EAST A DISTANCE Of 8.02 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE Of SAID LOT 8 AND TERMINUS Of THIS LINE DESCRIPTION. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF' SOUTH 126TH STREET ABUT11NG ON THE SOUTH AS VACATED PER CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO. 4955, REC. NO. 20020402002350. LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE THIS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SURVEY MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROPRIATE STATE AND OUNTY STAlUTE AND ORDINANCE •.. , 20.Q!>, ...........-Ci~TlFICATE NO. .\~"1.t).. . PARCEL AREAS ORIGINAL PARCELS PARCEL A 12,480 S.F. PARCEL B 67,483 S.f. REV! SED PARCELS PARCEL A 59,951 S.F. PARCEL B 20,012 S.F. EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE 3" TOTAL STATION U11l1ZING STANDARD fIELD TRAvrRSE METHODS FOR CONTROL AND STAKING. TACOMA SEATTLE 2215 North 30th Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98403 316 Occidental Avenue South, Suite 320, Seattle, WA 98104 S 116lH Sf eMf EngineefS SlTucturaf Engineers Landscape Arr:hitects Community Planners Land Surveyors Neighbors 253.383.2422 TEL 206.267.2425 TEL S121ST Sf . ,J', . . ';;~ ';;" .;i ..'. , , " SITE'· RENTON %" MUNICIPAL ~: AIRPORT ~\ T WAY T VICINITY MAP "'~' . "t_ .' 6TH LINE STREET LOT ADJUSTMENT D~. BY OAIT JOB NO. D.C.F. 12/06/05 203615.50 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET J. W.B. 1"=30' 1 OF 2 CITY OF RENTON 6TH STREET LOT ~LINE ADJUSTMENT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LUA-04-139-LLA LNO-30-0286 \ (CITY Of RENTON 269) F'ND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W /PUNCH IN ___ CONC MON IN CASE ~ caTY or: RENTON 158) FND 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DO\\N 1.25' 5/26/04 TBM "C"-TOP Or: MON ELEV-105.73' LOT 7, BLOCK 2 WOODY GLEN ADDITION 051' • 5/26/04 _____ -------- CITY OF RENTON 1899 fOUND CASE MON Wlrn 2" BRASS IN 4" CONC POST 5/26/04 CITY or: RENTON 1896 fOUND CASE MON WITH REBAR &; CAP. DOWN 1.70' 5/26/04 . I(J N NW 6TH __ ~SB~6~"55'l O"E NB8'36'04"W (CITY Or: RENTON 273) !="NO 1/2" BRASS PLUG W/pUNCH IN CONC MON IN CASE DO\\N 0:7' 5/26/04 STREET 265.91' 265.94 ';_f----...1. - . :. b. 45'47'04" R ... 45.00 L=35.96' ~ ~ LOT 7, BLOCK 3 ~ ~ WOODY GLEN ADDITION;' \II. • SURVEYOR'S NOTE: t'" NW 4TH ST LOT 6, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION ALL EXTERIOR CORNERS SHOWN SHOWN WITH .. 0" HEREON DENOTES 1/2" REBAR AND CAP LS 115661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PROVlOE!) BY TRIAD ASSOCIATES. r-- -.J " -" BASIS OF BEARINGS CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL NETWORK HORIZONTAL DATUM=NORrn AMERICAN DATUM 1983/1991 METERS (NAD 83/91), CONVERTED TO US fEET aTY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1899 2 INCH BRASS DISC IN .. IN X 4 IN CONCRETE POST WITH PUNCH MARK, IN MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF LIND AVE NW AND TAYlOR Pl NW N-55495.849M E-395359.447M CITY OF RENTON SURVEY CONTROL POINT 1896 fOUND 1 INCH REBAR 'MTH CAP DOWN 1.7' IN A 10 INCH MONUMENT CASE AT THE INTERSECTION Of TAYlOR AVE NW, TAYlOR Pl NW AND NW 4TH STREET. N-55212.103 E=395512.663M OWN. BY D.C.F. CHKD. BY J. W. B. DATE JOB NO. 12/06/05 203615.50 SCALE 1"=30' SHEET 2 OF 2 RECORDING NO. PORTION OF _SE __ 1 4 of LEGEND d fOUND CITY Of RENTON MONUMENT V AS NOTED TRIAD ASSOCIATES REBAR & CAP o LS 15661 PER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SEE NOTE AT RIGHT ... o z OLD PARCEL A 1 2,480 sq. ft. 0.29 acres / PROPOSED WETlAND BUFFER (UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATION) ------- LOT 11, BLOCK 4 WOODY GLEN ADDITION \ \ - GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch -30 Il . . , - " "\ \ \ \ \ '-"-'\ LOT 8, BLOCK 3 WOODY GLEN ADDITION PARCEL A 956480-0106-05 \.... -..... NEW PARCEL A 59,905 sq. ft. 1.38 acres -------... "-"-- - BLOCK 5 ___ ~-1 --I : . i . i. , 1/ ,f i '; f l} . '//1 " FND. 1/2" LS 115661 0.02' Eo X FND. 1/2" LS l1~el 0.00' Eo X , , .' ' r , , I' . , , , ',' f ' . f I CRITICAL SLOPE r-\ -- AREA OLD PARCEL B 67,483 sq. ft. 1.55 acres I I I I RITICAl SLOPE AREA I I I I I / SET 5/8" REBAR & CAP \. LS 13670 "" \ ~ (]IN dt_ -. "CO ON N88'46'SO"E ""'--SET 5/8" REBAR &; CAP NEW LOT UNE 186.30' SET 5/8" REBAR & CAP LS 13670 (TYPICAL) LS 13670 AREA ADDRESSED IN "AGREEMENT TO RESOLVE AND FIX BOUNDARY POINTS AND LINES" RECORDED IN THE RECORDS Of KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON UNDER REC. NOS. 20050728002138 & 20050728900027 AS ALLOWED BY RCW 58.04 PARCEL B 956480-0110-09 NEW PARCEL B 19,282 sq. ft. 0.44 acres N84'47'51·E 8.02' SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY PER CITY Of RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LU A-04-1 08-llA S88'30' 42"W 158.86' 5/8" REBAR ~ W/4" CAP, TRIAD, NUMEROUS lS IS -. .- N87"07'29"E 159.15' (P) N01"52'29"E 4.36' S. 126TH STREET -- (VACATED) AREA VACATED PER ORDINANCE N16'27'39"W 43.56' 24.20', \. N89'S7'59"E - NO. 4955, REC. NO. 20020402002350, PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT RETAINED. AR~A VACATED SHOWN PER RECORD OF' SURVEY RECORDED UNDER A.F.N. 2000304019cJO004. --- - • , I, • • .. • -ci If' ... I I: , .. ,: I , II .; • . \ .. ... ~ .. : 1 .. .. • " -. .te • ,. "L • • ., ~ ,., \ (', . :l. .... .... '"" .,.. ,,. ,1 €) .,. . .. .... ,,' ,II .. ( .. ," .. ... '1t .. , ... '~ . ... . ~ .. ~ 'a u ... .. • WI '. ''i , ~ Z3 ~ . ~ , , ", ~~ " .' ~ ... , \~, ' \ .. ... .... :--: ~ . .. , ~~ -" ..~S' .. , I, ~ :.... ,,'I' , " , ~~~ .. ~ ... .. p, oO • , . .$:. ttl, .... ., L p .~ ,I. ... • • ----.:.'. --.,. It 1 ~.3-... ll ' ... j':"'_~·"~"~'.::f! ... ::'~r~"~"'~.'~I~Ir~.~":"::T-lr-r~::-~ 13 _ I ~J:" .... .. :.;.~" I ,#:> ~ .. -' 'c! ~ z.~ :i ,. .: t., • . : . o- J