HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-05-051CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: July 19, 2006 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office. Project Name: LUA (file) Number: ;' Cross-References: : AKA's: , Project Manager: 'i Acceptance Date: Applicant: '; Owner: : Contact: PID Number: , ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: , Administrative Approval: Appeal Period Ends: , Public Hearing Date: , Date Appealed to HEX: :; By Whom: HEX Decision: I Date Appealed to Council: "By Whom: i; Council Decision: " Mylar Recording Number: Pak Special Fence Permit LUA-05-051, SF Keri Weaver October 20, 2005 Jae Pak Jae Pak Jae Pak 5126310470 October 20, 2005 November 3, 2005 Date: Date: ;: Project Description: Special Fence Permit to allow a fence over 4 ft. within front yard setback. : Location: 5930 NE 2nd Court , Comments: February 1, 2006 City of Renton Planning/Building/Pub lic Works Department ATTN: Keri Weaver, Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: Pak Special Fence Permit LUA05-051, SF 5930 NE 2nd Court Dear Ms. Weaver: This letter is in response to your letter to me on January 18, 2006, regarding the required landscaping plan in connection with the Special Administrative Fence Permit (LUA05- 051) issued for the fence located at 5~30 NE 2nd COurt, on October 20,2005. I realize that this letter will reach you after the requested February 1, 2006, response deadline, but per our phone call last week, you indicated that you would be willing to extend this deadline. Per your request, submitted for your review below is my revised proposed landscaping plan: . • The setback areas between the fence and sidewalk on Pasco Drive shall be landscaped with a combination of perennial shrubs and annuals planted 2-3 feet apart along the entire length of the fence line on the side lot of the subject property. See attached document. Furthermore, the aforementioned setback area will be landscaped and maintained with beauty bark. I would be open to any additional landscaping measures that the Development Services Director may require. I look forward to your response. If you haye any questions, please contact me at (206) 251-3672. Sincerely, -'., .... , . . ... ,,,fJ/~ Z)..... '. :.~.' '" .. /) J . -. Jae B. Pak Jae Pak 5930 NE 2nd Ct Renton, WA 98059 '" ';:, 1\' • ", [U____ ---~-ELEVATIONi ---- ,. it 5 1 4fT 10' • All fence boards are cedar planks (natural). • All fence posts are pressure treated cedar posts. • Lineal feet of fence (front side only): 64' 5" KEf' : o .:: ~~y\I'~ oS ~ V'vb.! o ::= ~V\jI\,,~l5 ~ 'CITY. RENTON" , Kathy Keolker, Mayor PlanningIBullding/PublicWorks Departm~nt Gregg ZJmmerman ~.E;,AdliliriiStrator January 18,2006 Jae Pak , 5930 NE 2nd Court Renton, WA 98059 , , HE: 'PakSpecial-FencePermifLUA05-051,SF Landscaping Requirements, ' Dear Mr. Pak: \ 'This letter is regarding theSpecia(AdministrativeFence Permit (LUA05-051) that was issu~d' for the fence located at 5930 NE2nd Court, on October 20,2005. " '," . . '. . " , As ,stated in the permit condition~,you,are reqLlired topermanently,landsc~peand maintain the setback areas between the feri~ ahd the siqewalk, on Pasco Drive' NE,with appropria~e , landscaping materials such asffowers and other plantiiigs, trees; grass; beauty bark .a'nd landscaping gravel, etc. " " ' " " , , ' , . The iandscaping plan was requir~d ,to be Submitted for review no'later :than January 16, ' , 2006. ,On January 11 ,20.06/ ~he Division ~eceiv~da letter from you which .stated that , landscaping will consistof '~beauty,bal7k and/orlapdscapinggravel". ' -. ~. -" . -' . . . According to Ch. 4;.11~12(); R.entonM~niCiP91: Cpde, .Iandscaping is'defined as: "The' installation of lawns, trees, shrubs" floWers, ground coVer and similar items to ~nhance a,' propertY's attractivenes$, . prevent . ~rosior:l, 'improve security or for :similar purposes.~." Cori~istent with this code requi'rements,: lciriqscaping within ,the setback', ~re~must show a • reasonaqle number of plantings (trees; shrubs', flowers, etc.). Inorganic·deC9rativ~ materials such as ,peauty bark orgraveLmay be used oil th~ groLindsurface, but dO,n()fbythemselv~s cqnstitute landscaping.' Please Ilpte,that.avisuallandscaping plan (<;Irawll1g)that shows the, type, location and size of plantings is required to be approved byth'e Development Services' Director. ' " ' ' Please submit a landscaping planas described abQve.nolaterthan February 1;'2006. ,-If you have any questions,pl~ase contact m~ a«425)430-7382. ' Sincerely, fA;IJ!L~~. KeriWeaver SeniorPlanner Cc: Yellow File Paul Baker -:---'----,-----------,--.~ RENTON 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE January 3,2006 City of Renton PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department ATTN: Keri Weaver, Senior Planner 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: Pak Special Fence Permit LUA05-051, SF 5930 NE 2nd Court Dear Ms. Weaver: This letter is in response to your letter to me on November 16, 2005, regarding the required landscaping plan in connection with the Special Administrative Fence Permit (LUA05-051) issued for the fence located at 5930 NE 2nd Court, on October 20,2005. My proposed landscaping plan is respectfully submitted as follows: • The setback areas between the fence and sidewalk on Pasco Drive will .be permanently landscaped and maintained with beauty bark and/or landscaping gravel consistent with the then-current landscaping of the remainder of side lot of the subject property facing Pasco Drive. I would be open to any additional landscaping measures that the Development Services Director may require. I look forward to your response. If you have any questions, please contact me at (206) 251-3672. Sincerely, Jae B. Pak '" ,Y ~ .. "~~.'. '. . ..1/;' - CITY ( ? RENTON PlanningIBuildinglPublic Woiles DePartment Gregg ZhnmermanP;E., Administrator Kathy Ke?lker-Wheeler, Mayor November 16, 2005 Jae Pak 5930 NE 2nd Court Renton, WA 98059 RE: Pak Special Fence Permit LUA05-051, SF 5930NE 2nd Court De~rMr. Pak: . '. . . '. . . . ,. . . This letter is regarding theS'pecial Administrative Fence: Permit (LUA05-051) that was issued for the fence located at,5930 NE 2nd Court, on '.october20, 2005. The appeal perioq for the permit ended on November 3, 2005, and rid appeals Were filed. . .. As stated in the permit conditions, you are. requiredto: .' • The setback areas between the fence and the sidewalk on Pasco Drive NE shall be permanently . landscaped and· maintained . with appropriate. landscaping materials such as' flowers and other plantings, 'trees, grass, beauty bark and landscaping gravel, etc. 'A setback planting plan shall be submitted.for approval by the Development Services Director. ' The required landscaping plan must be submitted forreviElwno later than· January 16, 2006; All landscaping must be completed within 180 days .of the Division's approval of the landscaping plan. . If you have any questions,please' contact me at (425)430-7382; Sincerely, . KeriWeaver Senior Planner ------'---lO-,-S-S-s-'-o-ut-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-,-W-a-sh-in-g-to-n~9-8-0-SS-'-·-· ~----~ * This paper cOntains 50% recycled material. 30% post ~nsume~ AHEAD 0 F T HE CURVE '" ~.~"""""_~ ... r' I __________ -_-_-~~~~~ ________________________________ J , CITY ( 'F RENTON J.'-\ . Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor , PlahningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zhnmerman P.E., Administrator November 16, 2005 Jae Pak 5930 NE 2nd Court Renton, WA 98059 RE:Pak Special Fence Permit LUA05-051, SF 5930NE 2nd Court Dear Mr. Pak: This letter is regarding the Special Administrative Fence Permit ,(LUA05-051) that was issued for the fence located at 5930' NE2nd Court, on -OCtober20, 2005. The appeal perio<j for the permit ended on November, 3, 2005, and no appealS were filed . . ; - As stated in the permit conditions, you are requiredto: -,- • The setback, areas between theferice and the sidewalkori Pasco Drive NE shall be petmanentlylandscaped ,arid maintain~d ,with' appropriate landscaping materials such as flowers and ,other plantings, .tree~,grass, beauty bark and landscaping gravel, etc. 'A setback planting plan shall'be submitted. for approval by the Development Services Director. '" The required,landscaping plan must be submitted fdrrevi~wno later than January 16, 2006. All landscaping must be completed within 180 days of the Division's approval of the landscaping pl,an. " If you have any questions,please contact me at (425)430~7~82~ Sincerely, Keri Weaver Senior Planner -------'--,-lO~5-5-S'-ou-t-h-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-, -'W-as-h-in-g-to-I)-9-g-0-5S"---, -, ~----~ • * This paper contains 50% recyded material, 30% ~ost~nsumer .-AHEA'D OF THE CURVE City of Renton PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE FENCE PERMIT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION City of Renton File Number: LUA-05-051, SFP Project Description and Analysis: The proposal is to allow 72-inch high cedar fencing on a corner lot with a side yard that abuts a street. The fence was previously installed without a permit, approximately 2.5-3.0 feet from the side yard property line along Pasco Drive NE, as shown on Exhibit 2. In order to retain a fence greater than 48 inches in height within the side yard abutting Pasco Drive NE, the setback areas between the fence and the sidewalk must be permanently landscaped and maintained with appropriate landscaping materials. Location: 5930 NE 2nd Court King County Assessor's Property Identification Number: 5126310470 Applicant/Owner Name and Phone Number: Jae B. Pak, (425) 687-1739 Fence Location (check ALL applicable boxes): D Front Yard X Side Yard Along a Street D Rear Yard Along A Street D Clear Vision Area Fence Design (Which of the following measures have been employed?): D Permanent Landscaping X Quality Fence Materials X Modulation Of Fencing X Similar to Design and Material of Surrounding Fences D Increased Setbacks From Sidewalks D Ornamental Materials Or Construction Evaluation Criteria (Do the measures checked above satisfy the following objectives): Evaluation Criteria Achieved Not Achieved Improves Privacy X In Scale With Neighborhood X Limits Blank Walls Along Walkways X Aesthetically Pleasing X Does Not Create a Traffic Hazard X D Approved X . Approved with conditions D Denied Conditions of Approval: 1. The setback areas between the fence and the sidewalk on Pasco Drive NE shall be permanently landscaped and maintained with appropriate landscaping materials such as flowers and other plantings, trees, grass, beauty bark and landscaping gravel, etc. A setback planting plan shall be submitted for approval by the Development Services Director. Approved by the City of Renton Development Services Division Director Date Appeals: Appeals of permit issuance may be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by 5:00 PM on November 3, 2005. Phone: (425) 430-6510. Print Map Page ®King County __ _ Parcel Number Address Zipcode Taxpayer. 5126310470 PAKJAE Comments -U'6'- included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change King County makes no representations or warranties, express or Implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any. general, special, Indirect, inCidental, or consequential Idalma,~es including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this sale this or information on this written • King County I GIS Center I News I Services I Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. Jhedet~ 1 14 IJ ______ .~ ____ ..... __ , _____ ./~ ___ ... _1 .... !_ ...... __ m-!_+ n __ .... ""' .... ,.. "' ... _ Page 1 of 1 Print Map Page (i)l<ing County ____ -144yt"-Comments -i§ht"- Parcel Number Address Zipcode Taxpayer 5126310470 PAKJAE a variety sources and Is subject to change or Implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential from the use or misuse of the information contained on this written • King County I GIS Center I News I Services I Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. Iru!.Q~ httn'//ururw" mptrnkr. onv/n~rr.p1vipwprlPr1nt Prn~p.<;:<;: ~<;:n Page I.of 1 ~/?R/?OO" ~ITE 70' .-_. __ . . . ......... -~. j ! w l 2 ~ IV I ~ ! Q o u '" ~ ~ L ?AT/O NE 2ND C1 SC ALE:;, \ ~;~O~----------------~ ADD~ESS: 5C)30 tJ£ ;2~j) C.1 ~ENTD~ , wAC} 8dS9 L'tJ(AL FEeT OF FcIJc£: 7" '8 1/ vYlA)lIMUM FOJC.~ HEI61-1T : (,/ rJ :;. TOP SD\l .. ' ; -)( - -:: FEl\lLE ... • • ::: PR"Pe,eiY L.-J N£ ELEVATION 1 --I '-"c. ,f I J I ~f • All fence boards are cedar planks (natural). • All fence posts are pressure treated cedar posts. • Lineal feet offence (front side only): 64' 5" ELEVATION 2 - ---I to' S'iO'f • All fence boards are cedar planks (natural). • All fence posts are pressure treated cedar posts. • Lineal feet offence (front side only): 13' 3" ~~--L-()4cJ5-os{ CITY vI··RENTON Development Services Division I " . 'SPECIAL FENCE PERMIT APPLIC.ATION 1055 South Grady Way, Renton WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-7200 ALL REQUESTED ITEMS MUST BE PROVIDED IN ORDER TO PROCESS THIS APPLICATION 1. Property Address: 5'130 tJ£ ~ND CT) /?(NTDtJ I wlA ~~Oew~MEti[eLANNING I . OF RENTON 2. T~x Assessor Number: 51 ~ b310470 APR 1 8 2005 3. Property Owner:_J_A_E_B_ . .P_A_K~ ______ Phone: (LfZSj b%.fI_~C§VED Street Address: S93D N6 ;(f\JC GT City/State: ~rolJ I w)4 Zip: 9 ?S~ 4. Contact Person: JAE $. PA\" DaytimePhone:.-_.LLf25) b% 1-/13'1 (:<0(;.) 2S1-3b7a 5. I , Maximum Height of Proposed Fence: __ <O ____________ _ 6. Type of Material to be Use for Fence:_·_oC,_E_D_A_R __ -,-_______ _ 7. , .A PpPD" _ .2..5'-3,' Distance from Proposed Fence to Property Line:_n __ ..... _,,_. ____ "----__ 8. Project Value: IlPf~DX. 4\ l50o~ 9. Describe Landscaping to be Installed (if any>:_B_A_R_\<_VVl_U_L_L_l-/ ________ _ I certify that the information on this application furnished by me is true and correct and that the applicable requirements of the City of Renton will be met. I understand that this application is valid for six months from the application date. If a permit is not issued during this time period, the application will become void. This application does not constitute a permit to work. Work is not to commence until the building permit is posted on premises where work is to be performed. Certification is hereby rendered that no work is to be done except as described, anct~~t all work shall conform to the applicable codes. ~. Work in public rights-of-way and/or utility easements is not authorized<Under this application. Applicant Signature: <;b if· pd "I' Date: 03 -31-.200S , ,'. Q:web\pw\devserv\forms\building\BuildApp.doc Rev 3/03 ;. Via Hand Delivery City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 March 31, 2005 RE: Special Fence Permit Justification Letter 5930 NE 2nd Court Renton, W A 98059-8570 Service Request No. SR05-0258 Violation Index No. C05-0164 Dear Development Services Division: I. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this letter to respectfully request your approval for a special fence permit for the fence which has been built at our home at the abovementioned address (the "Property"), and is the subject of an Order to Correct letter issued by the City of Renton on March 10, 2005. As explained herein, you will find that all of the evaluation criteria as outlined in the special fence permit application form appear to be satisfied. Furthermore, I am willing to implement any further modifications, if so desired by the Development Services Division ("DSD"), as conditions on granting the special fence permit. To provide a brief description, the Property is located on the comer ofNE 2nd Court and Pasco Drive NE within the Maplewood home development in the Renton Highlands. The fence in question, which has been constructed a professional fence contractor, is situated along Pasco Drive NE, constituting the side lot on the West side of the Property (the "Nonconforming Fence"). Due the fact that the Maplewood development is a new home construction area, there is a constant stream of construction vehicles and delivery trucks that use Pasco Drive NE. In addition, many prospective home buyers frequently drive up and down Pasco Drive NE. Even after all of the homes have been built on Pasco Drive NE (which will not be until approximately December 2006, before construction on all of the homes in the development will be built), there will be a daily stream of traffic on Pasco Drive NE, which is one of the major streets in Maplewood development. All told, a fence that is only four feet in height would defeat the primary purpose why the Nonconforming Fence was built in the first place-for privacy and safety of my two small children, who are 3 years old and 18 months old. Special Fence Permit Request 5930 NE 2nd Court Renton, W A 98059 Page 1 of 4 Ultimately, my hope is that the DSD will grant the special fence permit, based on the explanation provided below in response to the criteria and measures as outlined in the DSD's special fence permit application form. II. JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING SPECIAL FENCE PERMIT In evaluating my special fence permit request, the DSD is asked to consider the following: A. The Nonconforming Fence satisfies the purpose stated in the DSD's special fence permit application form. As stated in the special fence permit application form, the purpose of the special fence permit process is to allow a residential property owner the opportunity to request City approval for the building of a fence in excess of 4-feet in height, but not exceeding 6-feet, located on the side lot line abutting a street, while still ensuring that the proposed fence: • Does not detract from the quality of the residential environment being out of scale or creating vast blank walls along public roadways; • Compliments the environment it serves in an aesthetically pleasing manner; • Does not present a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic; and • Is located outside of Right-of-Way on private property. In the present case, the Nonconforming Fence satisfies all of these goals. First, the Nonconforming Fence does not detract from the quality of the residential environment being out of scale or creating vast blank walls along public roadways. On the contrary,the fence portrays a consistency, in that the Nonconforming Fence was built using the same materials and same style of fence that is common with every other house along NE 2nd Court. In addition, based on my observation, a vast majority of the homes in the Maplewood development that have fences on their property are composed of the standard cedar planks. Second, the Nonconforming Fence compliments the environment it serves in· an aesthetically pleasing manner. As mentioned above, the fence was built with high-grade cedar planks, which compliments the Craftsman-style homes, which reflects the style of homes in the Maplewood development. Moreover, cedar (or comparable wood) is the only material allowed by the Maplewood Homeowners Association for purposes of building a fence. Third, the Nonconforming Fence does not present a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. The portion of the street which the Nonconforming Fence parallels, Pasco Drive NE, runs straight in a North~South direction. As such, it does not pose any visual hazards to vehicular traffic. Furthermore, the Nonconforming Fence is not located in a "Clear Vision Area." And being set back approximately three feet from the adjacent sidewalk, pedestrian traffic is also not inhibited in any manner. Special Fence Permit Request 5930 NE 2nd COurt Renton, W A 98059 Page 2 of4 Fourth, the Nonconforming Fence is believed to be located outside of Right-of-Way on private property, due to the fact that there is no known conflicting right-of-way on the Property where the Nonconforming Fence is located. B. The Nonconforming Fence can/does satisfy the measures, as stated in the DSD's special fence permit application form, used to meet the purpose of the special fence permit. In addition to satisfying the purpose of the special fence permit, the Nonconforming Fence also currently has incorporated, or is able to incorporate, the measures provided in the special fence permit form as follows to warrant the granting of such permit: 1. Permanent landscaDine alone the front of the fence. Currently, the landscaping along the front of the Nonconforming Fence is topsoil from the fence to the sidewalk which runs parallel to the fence. I have regularly maintained the weeding in this area, and intend to maintain a layer of bark mulch as part of my spring landscaping projects. I moved into my home last June, and wanted to wait to build the fence on the Property (which happened only last autumn) before addressing some of the landscaping details. 2. Quality of fence material, such as cedar fencing. The Nonconforming Fence was constructed by a professional fencing contractor, using high-grade cedar planks and pressure treated cedar posts. 3. Modulation of the fence. The Nonconforming Fence runs parallel to the adjacent sidewalk and street, Pasco Drive NE. The top line of the Nonconforming Fence runs straight across, without any undulations, so as to stay visually consistent with fencing on all of the remaining houses on NE 2nd COurt, when viewed from Pasco Drive NE. 4. Similar design and material as other fences in the surrounding neighborhood. The Nonconforming Fence is of similar design and material as required by the Maplewood Homeowners Association. Anecdotally, the adjoining property owner and I hired a professional fence contractor to build our respective fences at the same time, including the Nonconforming Fence, for the specific purpose of having fencing that would be of identical design to create uniformity among our two properties, as well as substantially similar to that of fencing on the other remaining homes on NE 2nd Court. 5. Increased setback from the adjacent sidewalk. The Nonconforming Fence was not built on the property line of the Property, but rather set back approximately three feet away from the adjacent sidewalk. The DSD's Order to Correct letter states that the required set back is up to fifteen (15) feet for lots greater than fifty eight (58) feet in width, which is believed to be applicable in the present case. Unfortunately, a concrete patio runs nearly two-thirds of the entire length of the Nonconforming Fence approximately three feet from the adjacent sidewalk, which was Special Fence Permit Request 5930 NE 2nd Court Renton, W A 98059 Page 3 of4 largely the reason why the Nonconforming Fence was built at the existing set back distance. 6. Ornamental materials or construction treatment. such as wrought iron. The Maplewood Homeowners Association does not allow any ornamental materials other than a plain "estate" style cedar fencing. As for the construction treatment, I intend to apply a wood preserving stain (in accordance with Maplewood Homeowners Association guidelines) once the weather permits. 7. Orientation of the finished face of the fence toward the street. The Nonconforming Fence runs parallel to the adjacent sidewalk and street, Pasco Drive NE. The Nonconforming Fence, in terms of its finished face appears toward Pasco Drive, consists of pressure-treated cedar posts spaced approximately eight feet apart, and cedar planks in between. 8. Other comparable construction or design methods. No other construction or design methods, other than as provided above, is noteworthy. III. CONCLUSION For the abovementioned reasons, I respectfully request that the City of Renton Development Services Division approve the enclosed Special Fence Permit request for the Nonconforming Fence on the Property. I would be pleased to answer any questions or provide further information that the DSD may need. I can be contacted at the phone number and/or email provided below. Thank you in advance for your consideration of my application. Sincerely, {}.-gm Jae B. Pak jaepak@homtail.com (206) 251-3672 Special Fence Permit Request 5930 NE 2nd Court Renton, W A 98059 Page 4 of4 Print Map Page O~County --- Parcel Number Address Zipcode Taxpayer 5126310470 PAKJAE Comments .S(4'. on this map has been compiled by King County staff sources to change King County makes no representations or warranties, express or Implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential lI,h"m"nA" including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the Information contained on this sale of this or information on this written " King County I GIS Center I News I Services I Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions ofthe site. Ib_e..Jie.t~Ill?., http://www5.metrokc.gov/parcelviewerlPrint_Process.asp Page 1 of 1 3/2812005 Print Map Page OKing County~ __ Parcel Number Address Zipcode Taxpayer 5126310470 PAKJAE on this map has been Comments King County I GIS Center I News I Services I Comments I Search By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditlons of the site. IheAe1~ 11ttn' / /www.:;.mp.trokc. pov/narce1vi ewerlPrint Process.aso Page 1 of 1 3/28/2005 ~ITE ....... --_.--..---.... HOU"se PATIO , ! NE 2ND CT SC ALE =-\ ~;;<O~---------------_J ADD~ESS; 5430 l\J£ ;2IJD cr f?.E.iJTD~ I t.\J A q 8dS'9 L I~(AL FEeT OF fCNcE: 7~ I <g II vYll'\)l/MUM FO.IC~ Hcl61-1T : £ 1(;3' :::. TDP 5D\L :---,c: - -= rENtE • • fI ::: PRDf'Eft-TY f-.IN€ "# ELEVATION 1 5 /1/1 10' • All fence boards are cedar planks'(natural). • All fence posts are pressure treated cedar posts. • Lineal feet of fence (front side only): 64' 5" ------ ELEVATION 2 ,f .s110" • All fence boards are cedar planks (natural). • All fence posts are pressure treated cedar posts. • Lineal feet offence (front side only): 13' 3" Via Us. Mail City of Renton ATTN: Laureen Nicolay Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 April 15, 2005 RE: Special Fence Permit Justification Letter 5930 NE 2nd Court Renton, W A 98059-8570 Service Request No. SR05-0258 Violation Index No. C05-0164 Dear Ms. Nicolay: Per your telephone call with my wife on April 14, 2005, enclosed is a check in the amount of $100.00 for the special fence permit fee, which your office originally returned to me when I submitted my special fence permit application on March 31, 2005. Please let me know if you require anything further from me to process my application. Thank you. {j':J'. p,1 Jae B. Pak jaepak@homtail.com (206) 251-3672 Special Fence Permit Request 5930 NE 2nd COurt Renton, W A 98059 Page 1 of 1 ~ITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 DEVELOPMENT PLANNINC CITY Of RENTON . Printed: 04-18-2005 Payment Made: Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-051 04/18/200502:12 PM Receipt Number: Total Payment: 100.00 Payee: JAE & RENEE PAK Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 100.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #3136 100.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 APR 1 8200S RECEIVED R0502031 CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 28th day of April, 2005, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Certificate of Exemption from Shoreline Substantial Development Permit documents. This information was sent to: Chris & Holly Oppfelt Owners Office of Attorney General State Agency State Dept. of Ecology State Agency ~ ,', ...... ""'" (Signature of Ser),deQ: --.... ~~ KA41~"" r --_ Q..~ ..... '" ~;.x" ff ~ ... -;f"sSION ~";:,o"~\ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : ~"'i! OTAJ? -;''''~ ~ ) SS : :0 ~ Y 1'1'~ ~ COUNTY OF KING ) ~ t p -u ·-c 00: j ~ <p '. BU ... ~ ~ " ".A '. • :0<;; ... I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Stacy Tucker \;~~···~:?~;~r! .. ···;;"O:: signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/herltheir free and volunt~~s~J,tSes and purposes mentioned in the instrument. '11\\\\ .................. .. Dated: d~/o S Notary (Print): ____ MIMIARm'L!nTYNrrrKAmomMC~H~EFF==_~-----.-.;...----- My appointment expires: M? APPOINIMENTEXPIRES 6-29-07 Oppfelt Shoreline Exemption LUA05-052, SME · "': i· •• · PARTIES OF RECORD OPPFELT ,SHORELINE EXEMPTION LUA05-052, SME W. Chris & Holly J. Oppfelt 3119 Mountain View Avenue N Renton, WA 98056 Chris Oppfelt 13028 NE 32nd Place Bellevue, WA 98005 tel: 425-891-4592 tel: 425-891-4592 (owner / applicant) Updated: 04/20/05 eml: chrisoppfelt@comcast.net (contact) (Page 1 of 1) City of Re ... on Department of Planning / Building / Public ~. _rks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: y~ COMMENTS DUE: MAY 9, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-052, SME DATE CIRCULATED: APRIL 25,2005 APPLICANT: Chris & Holly Oppfelt PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Hall PROJECT TITLE: Oppfelt Shoreline Exemption PLAN REVIEW: Kayren Kittrick SITE AREA: 8.290 square feet BUILDING AREA (gross): 4,800 square feet LOCATION: 3119 Mountain View Avenue N I WORK ORDER NO: 77419 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a shoreline exemption to demolish and existing 1,000 square foot cottage and construct a new 4,300 square foot residence with a 500 square foot detached garage. All new structures will not exceed the permitted height of 35 feet and will be located no closer than 2~ feet from the Lake Washington Shoreline. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas whe~ additional information is eded to properly assess this proposal. Date ~f \ ~ "--" ~" . , i ~ , I' k ----------il~ ~--~--------------~--------- :1'1': I[ , ______ "~'I_#_-~-~-~----------'--"-~---Crf-Y,0FAENTON'......----~ I~,~ e ~_ \<-~~" ~._~_. RECE\VED '~---------jH1 \ \ \ APR 2"9'-2005'--- \> \~"'~ 1\ CI,, __ ~_ v--~ \, ~ ~t\."~, ~~. 'II ~ ~" .'1" '. " ." \j" ::J'\ --"~-B"""'ui[(jING'DI\lISION ' ,----------,~~~~0._~_~~"----------- ... ·lli ~ ~~""--~~t~c~ ---s ~ "'\,,""'-~""~~'--~ '~ ------+Iil-j-I; -----------------'-----.-----------------'----1) ,i.i/ " "' '-i -, ."-,, ,.' ~""I ~ ""-A...$ ~S 1:1;"" ~~.~~ , ~~ ~r c. ~~" ~ ,. , 0.\ ( ~\\') <::. ~\.\ M1.... '--\L~ -~\'''~~~L <:\r- . ' "I::l""~ ''-\/....'r .... S'£ <"ar-S~~~ ""-'c..-\. :' '"" t:l~ U C "''''S 6~f~\\- , , . , .7 .. . -, . . , , l~ LEc.AL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 48 AND 49 IN BLOCK "A" OF C.D. HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO.1. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT TH~REOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLAT~ PAGE 6~ IN KING COUNT~ WASHINGTON: SCOPE OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION OF 2-STORY SINGLE FAMILY HOME WITH BASEMENT. EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO BE DEMOLISHED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. C) 'A~\'<\ "- ''''A:..~ , ~" 1 71. 98' CAl.:, C ' 0 I I 31 I I \ ;---r ---/--_s'-r$ET9AGK--/- I I I / I I I I \ I I / " \ I /LOT #4e / "'__ -_-.J- / LOT #4c:::r / I ; I ' / / / I / I I / , / // "',, ~ ~'-y--/ .tP ," I ' 8?51 '32"W CITYOFAENTON / " 'T~., "is. \ / ,,"'0'" /J.tr< LOT COVERAGE: LOT A~A :I 8.2S0 &QFT. EX. LOT COvEfoCAGsE C31:, &QFT. FROFOeeD 1.0T COVE~ 2,664 &QFT. LOT COVE~E 33% , \ , \ \ (242.84' ) RECEIVED PROPOSED ROOF OVERHANG 2'-0" ROCKERY APR 29 200S BUILDING DIVISION ~ fDropo.ec::l 'CD &1 iE !='1..AN I" = 20' Ine Ooofelt ramil PROPOSED RESIDENC,E MAIN FL. EL, = 413.0' RID~E EL= 500.4" ?119 Mruntain Ave North I R o ~»~)~'lETC T URE 1 IS 1 l 1st Aw.. lilt SEATTl[ II ,1111 206.300.7714 r ..brIanOmsn.com ARCHITECTURE PLUIIIIG. II J[IIOR OESIU ____ .. .-a-- EXEMPTION FILE NO.: PROJECT NAME: OWNER: APPLICANT/CONTACT: PROJECT MANAGER: PROPOSAL: PROJECT LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEC-TWN-R: WATER BODYIWETLAND: April 28, 200S LUA-OS-OS2, SME Oppfelt Shoreline Exemption W. Chris and Holly J. Oppfelt 3119 Mountain View Ave N Renton, WA 980S6 Chris Oppfelt 13028 NE 32nd Place Bellevue, WA 9800S Jill Hall, Associate Planner The applicant is proposing to demolish an existing approximately 1,000 square foot cottage and construct a new 4,300 square.foot single family residence with a SOO square foot detached garage. All work proposed is landward of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) and outside of the required 2S-foot setback from Lake Washington. The subject site is located within the Urban Shoreline Environment. 3119 Mountain View Ave N Lots 48 and 49 in Block A of C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden No.1 (See Attachment A) SE ~ 31-24-SE Lake Washington An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby granted on the proposed project described on the attached form for the following reason(s): Exemption from Shoreline Management.doc ~ Construction on shorelands by an owner, lessee or contract purchaser of a single- family residence for his/her own use or for the use of his/her family, which residence does not exceed a height of thirty-five (35) feet above average grade level and which meets all requirements of the 'State agency or local government having jurisdiction thereof, other than requirements imposed pursuant to this chapter. 1. "Single family" residence means a detached dwelling designed for and occupied by one family including those structures and developments within a contiguous ownership which are a normal appurtenance. An "appurtenance" is necessarily connected to the use and enjoyment of a single-family residence and is located landward of the ordinary high water mark and the perimeter of a wetland. On a statewide basis, normal appurtenances include a garage; deck; driveway; utilities; fences; installation of a septic tank and drainfield and grading which does not exceed two hundred fifty cubic yards and which does not involve placement of fill in any wetland or waterward of the ordinary highwater mark. 2. Construction authorized under this exemption shall be located landward of the ordinary high water mark. The granting of the shoreline exemption is not intended to serve as an approval of the submitted site plan for the proposed single family residence. The proposed development is consistent or inconsistent with (check one): CONSISTENT INCONSISTENT xx N/A Attachments: Legal Description Vicinity Map Site Plan cc: Owner/Applicant File Exemption from Shoreline Management.doc Policies of the Shoreline Management Act. The guidelines of the Department of Ecology where no Master Program has been finally approved or adapted by the Department. The Master Program. Neil Watts, Director Development Services Division