HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-05-130, , l II I I I I I S 47thSt I CITY OF RENTON 7 ~ N --I DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 242005 BECEIVED I SUBJECT SITE C/)~ •••• • •••••• -+ •••••• I(ING COUNTY I~ 1.= .. - ... -... -... --.. 1. b I I I I I I y~ ,51; HlsttJ ~I ----,( I SE 186tb St - I I- 1 I r I N EIG H BORHOOD DETAI L MAP SCALE: '"=2001 ~ .1 ~, ~ ,~, j,-,. N 1 - DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 2 4 2005 RECEIVEO SUBJECT SITE CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY SE 186th St NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP SCALE: ,"= 2001 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[~ o Parcel narrte: 5 D o North: 162395.2414 East: 1300425.2870 D Curve Length: 32.04 Radius: 157.00 [] Delta: 207.8421 Tangent: 16.07 D Chord: 31.98 Course: N 394.6164 "WTJ Course In: N 1101.4626 E Course Out: S 1309.3047 "WLJ RP North: 162469.0518 East: 1300563.8548 [-] End North: 162424.8514 East: 1300413.2051 l=t Line Course: S 1398.0523"W Length: 99.73 [J North: 162405.2080 East: 1300315.4288 [~J Line Course: S 21.7827"W Length: 63.14 C] North: 162342.0824 East: 1300314.0786 [=-1 Line Course: S 1102.0501 E Length: 27.79 0 North: 162329.0317 East: 1300338.6136 [~ Line Course: N 935.5062 E Length: 109.06 [J North: 162395.2385 East: 1300425.2781 LJ D Perirrteter: 33 1 .75 Area: 6,400 SQ. FT. O. 14 acres [~ [J lVlapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[-:J Error Closure: 0.0094 Course: S 1275.3054 "W[ Error North: -0.00294 East: -0.00892 L~] Precision 1: 35,287.23 D o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------r~ o Parcel name: 60 o North: 162360.0369 East: 1300450.8736 Cl Curve Length: 43.66 Radius: 157.00 [J Delta: 283.2663 Tangent: 21.97 C] Chord: 43.52 Course: N 640.1705 "W"r:::J Course In: N 818.1963 E Course Gut: S 1 101.4626 "W" CJ RP North: 162469.0518 East: 1300563.8548 [J End North: 162395.2410 East: 1300425.2873 LJ Line Course: S 935.5062"w" Length: 109.06 [J North: 162329.0342 East: 1300338.6228 1:::J Line Course: S 1102.0501 E Length: 57.06 [J North: 162302.2376 East: 1300388.9992 [-:J Line Course: S 698.4937 E Length: 12.10 [J North: 162292.8729 East: 1300396.6616 CJ Line Course: N 691.7236 E Length: 86.31 1--:-1 North: 162360.0341 East: 1300450.8721 IJ L:J Perimeter: 308.20 Area: 5,124 SQ. FT. 0.11 acresl=:J o l\I1apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)!:] Error Closure: 0.0031 Course: S 505.9518 "W"[I Error North: -0.00277 East: -0.00150 I.~J Precision 1: 99,370.97 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------LJ o Parcel nalTle: 70 o North: 162330.0279 East: 1300490.9071 0 Curve Length: 50.25 Radius: 157.00 CJ Delta: 325.9903 Tangent: 25.34 0 Chord: 50.03 Course: N 944.7988 "W"eJ Course In: N 492.2060 E Course Out: S 818.1963 "W" [] RP North: 162469.0518 East: 1300563.8548 [J End North: 162360.0356 East: 1300450.8754 [J Line Course: S 691.7236"w" Length: 86.31 LJ North: 162292.8743 East: 1300396.6648 [J Line Course: S 698.4937 E Length: 50.78 U North: 162253.5733 East: 1300428.8212 [] Curve Length: 0.00 Radius: 0.30 [] Delta: 0.9641 Tangent: 0.00 LJ Chord: 0.00 Course: N 901.9883 EL_.I Course In: S 698.4938 E Course Out: N 697.5297 "W"LJ RP North: 162253.3411 East: 1300429.0112 [J End North: 162253.5733 East: 1300428.8212 [I Curve Length: 0.41 Radius: 0.30 1.1 Delta: 1389.2534 Tangent: 0.24 [] Chord: 0.38 Course: N 1597.0969 Ee] Course In: S 697.5298 E Course Out: N 691.7236 ELl RP North: 162253.3409 East: 1300429.0109 rJ End North: 162253.5744 East: 1300429.2012 I] Line Course: N 691.7236 E Length: 98.25 1-.1 North: 162330.0266 East: 1300490.9112 U o PerilTleter: 286.00 Area: 4.554 SQ. FT. 0.10 acresi [~ ~apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)rl Error Closure: 0.0043 Course: S 1270.3276 ELJ Error North: -0.00136 East: 0.00405 U Precision 1: 66.453.49 0 D D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[J D Parcel naITle: 80 D North: 162287.0871 East: 1300505.8804 [] Line Course: N 360.7497 E Length: 34.02 [J North: 162318.9957 East: 1300517.6788 [~ Curve Length: 29.00 Radius: 157.00 L:-J Delta: 188.1272 Tangent: 14.54 [J Chord: 28.96 Course: N 1201.8576 VVLl Course In: N 304.0788 E Course Out: S 492.2060 VV [] RP North: 162469.0516 East: 1300563.8547 [] End North: 162330.0294 East: 1300490.9030 I:~J Line Course: S 691.7236 VV Length: 98.25 [-] North: 162253.5772 East: 1300429.1931 [-J Curve Length: 0.53 Radius: 0.30 [] Delta: 1809.7826 Tangent: 0.37 lJ Chord: 0.47 Course: S 03.3851 E[~ Course In: S 691.7236 VV Course Out: S 698.4938 E[-=:J RP North: 162253.3437 East: 1300429.0046 [] End North: 162253.1072 East: 1300429.1946 LJ Line Course: S 698.4937 E Length: 38.24 [~ North: 162223.5114 East: 1300453.4101 CI Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 52.89 I:J North: 162223.8611 East: 1300506.2989 CJ Line Course: N 06.7357 VV Length: 63.23 [:-1 North: 162287.0898 East: 1300505.8808 [] o PeriITleter: 3 16.16 Area: 5,612 SQ . FT. O. 12 acres LJ [] l\I1apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) lJ Error Closure: 0.0027 Course: N 163.2127 EI. J Error North: 0.00267 East: 0.00043 [J Precision 1: 117,059.26 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[] o Parcel name: 90 o North: 162312.1719 East: 1300557.7156 0 Curve Length: 40.73 Radius: 157.00 L-.J Delta: 264.2387 Tangent: 20.48 [~ Chord: 40.61 Course: N 1428.0406 VVCJ Course In: N 39.8401 E Course Out: S 304.0788 VV[~I RP North: 162469.0518 East: 1300563.8548 CJ End North: 162318.9952 East: 1300517.6830 CI Line Course: S 360.7497 VV Length: 34.02 [~J North: 162287.0866 East: 1300505.8846 L~J Line Course: S 06.7357 E Length: 63.23 CI North: 162223.8580 East: 1300506.3027 f~] Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 52.00 CI North: 162224.2018 East: 1300558.3015 [J Line Course: N 06.7357 VV Length: 87.97 r~ North: 162312.1699 East: 1300557.7198 [i C] Perimeter: 277.95 Area: 4,574 SQ. FT. 0.10 acres 1=1 CJ M:apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[] Error Closure: 0.0047 Course: S 1147.9112 EI-.l Error North: -0.00200 East: 0.00420 0 Precision 1: 59,112.77 0 D D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------I~ D Parcel name: 10 D D North: 162312.3516 East: 1300609.7156 D Line Course: S 1593.2643 ~ Length: 44.82 [J North: 162312.0553 East: 1300564.8966 D Curve Length: 7.18 Radius: 157.00 1.:"] Delta: 46.5758 Tangent: 3.59 C~} Chord: 7.18 Course: N 1583.4478 ~CI Course In: N 06.7357 ~ Course Out: S 39.8401 ~[J RP North: 162469.0518 East: 1300563.8584 r~] End North: 162312.1719 East: 1300557.7175 [~ Line Course: S 06.7357 E Length: 87.97 D North: 162224.2039 East: 1300558.2992 LJ Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 52.00 [-::1 North: 162224.5477 East: 1300610.2981 Ll Line Course: N 06.7357 ~ Length: 87.81 t=] North: 162312.3558 East: 1300609.7174 II CJ Perimeter: 279.78 Area: 4,566 SQ. FT. 0.10 acresL::-1 [] lVIapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[] Error Closure: 0.0045 Course: N 428.0641 ELJ Error North: 0.00414 East: 0.00185 C] Precision 1: 62,173.33 [] o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel name: 110 o North: 162312.8278 Line Course: S 1593.2643 North: 162312.4839 Line Course: S 06.7357 E North: 162224.6758 East: 1300681.7140 [] "W" Length: 52.00 L:J East: 1300629.7151 Length: 87.81 CI East: 1300630.2958 Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 52.00 [J North: 162225.0197 East: 1300682.2947 IJ Line Course: N 06.7357"W" Length: 87.81 0 North: 162312.8277 East: 1300681.7140 LJ [::::I Perimeter: 279.61 Area: 4,565 SQ. FT. 0.10 acresl~1 o l\I1apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)D Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 06.7361 Eel Error North: -0.00002 East: 0.00000 I~J Precision 1: 279,620,000.00 D [::J o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CJ o Parcel nalTle: 120 Cl North: 162313.1716 East: 1300733.7129 C] Line Course: S 1593.2643"W" Length: 52.00 0 North: 162312.8278 East: 1300681.7140 [J Line Course: S 06.7357 E Length: 87.81 LI North: 162225.0197 East: 1300682.2947 U Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 52.00 LJ North: 162225.3635 East: 1300734.2935 [1 Line Course: N 06.7357"W" Length: 87.81 LJ North: 162313.1716 East: 1300733.7129 [1 o PerilTleter: 279.61 Area: 4,565 SQ. FT. 0.10 acresCI Cl Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) [ Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 06.7361 Erl Error North: -0.00002 East: 0.00000 II Precision 1: 279,620,000.00 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel naIT1e: 130 o North: 162313.5155 East: 1300785.7117 D Line Course: S 1593.2643 VII Length: 52.00 0 North: 162313.1716 East: 1300733.7129 0 Line Course: S 06.7357 E Length: 87.81 [] North: 162225.3635 East: 1300734.2935 L-::I Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 52.00 1=1 North: 162225.7074 East: 1300786.2924 [.J Line Course: N 06.7357 VII Length: 87.81 L:=J North: 162313.5155 East: 1300785.7117 [::1 o PeriIT1eter: 279.61 Area: 4,565 SQ. FT. 0.10 acres[~ o :M:apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[] Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 06.7361 Ee] Error North: -0.00002 East: 0.00000 0 Precision 1: 279,620,000.00 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel naITle: 14D o North: 162314.5221 East: 1300837.7062 0 Curve Length: 12.67 Radius: 121.00 0 Delta: 106.6570 Tangent: 6.34 0 Chord: 12.66 Course: S 1539.9358 "W"o Course In: N 113.3927 "W" Course Out: S 06.7357 ED RP North: 162434.7731 East: 1300824.2639 0 End North: 162313.7760 East: 1300825.0682 C] Line Course: S 1593.2643"W" Length: 39.35 0 North: 162313.5157 East: 1300785.7191 r-'::J Line Course: S 06.7357 E Length: 87.81 0 North: 162225.7077 East: 1300786.2997 CJ Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 52.00 l-::-J North: 162226.0515 East: 1300838.2986 L-~ Line Course: N 06.7357"W" Length: 88.47 C] North: 162314.5196 East: 1300837.7136 [J o PeriITleter: 280.30 Area: 4,568 SQ. FT. 0.10 acres[~ D M:apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[] Error Closure: 0.0078 Course: S 1269.1099 EL.:.i Error North: -0.00248 East: 0.00736 [:J Precision 1: 35,934.62 D o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------r~ o Parcel naITle: 150 o North: 162323.4368 East: 1300887.6483 CJ Line Course: S 1413.8850 VV Length: 42.10 Ll North: 162315.7871 East: 1300846.2492 0 Curve Length: 8.64 Radius: 121.00 0 Delta: 72.7223 Tangent: 4.32 0 Chord: 8.64 Course: S 1450.2462 VVCJ Course In: N 186.1150 VV Course Out: S 113.3927 EL~I RP North: 162434.7729 East: 1300824.2631 L--:J End North: 162314.5215 East: 1300837.7024 1--1 Line Course: S 06.7357 E Length: 88.47 D North: 162226.0534 East: 1300838.2874 U Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 50.00 CJ North: 162226.3840 East: 1300888.2863 U Line Course: N 06.7357 VV Length: 97.05 [] North: 162323.4319 East: 1300887.6445 I-J [=1 PeriITleter: 286.26 Area: 4,631 SQ. FT. 0.10 acresC] o :Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)D Error Closure: 0.0062 Course: S 667.4230 VV [] Error North: -0.00495 East: -0.00380 1--:1 Precision 1: 46,170.97 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Cl o Parcel narrle: 160 o North: 162304.3952 East: 1300950.1966 0 Curve Length: 44.46 Radius: 25.00 D Delta: 1811.5179 Tangent: 30.82 Cl Chord: 38.83 Course: N 883.0350 VV[:::J Course In: N 1577.2760 VV Course Out: N 188.7939 VVL:J RP North: 162304.9529 East: 1300925.2028 [~J End North: 162329.5252 East: 1300920.5950 LJ Curve Length: 0.07 Radius: 25.00 [] Delta: 2.6789 Tangent: 0.03 C] Chord: 0.07 Course: N 1412.5456 E[=I Course In: S 188.7939 E Course Out: N 186.1150 VVl~ RP North: 162304.9534 East: 1300925.2022 [I End North: 162329.5380 East: 1300920.6638 D Line Course: S 1413.8850 VV Length: 33.57 [~I North: 162323.4382 East: 1300887.6527 r 1 Line Course: S 06.7357 E Length: 97.05 [] North: 162226.3904 East: 1300888.2944 [J Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 60.18 D North: 162226.7883 East: 1300948.4731 U Line Course: N 22.7240 E Length: 77.63 [J North: 162304.3990 East: 1300950.2048 [] o Perirrleter: 312.96 Area: 6,117 SQ. FT. 0.14 acres I 1 CI 1\I1apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)11 Error Closure: 0.0091 Course: N 1164.0537 ELJ Error North: 0.00376 East: 0.00824 I I Precision 1: 33,772.53 [-I D D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[J D Parcel naITle: 1 7 D D North: 162421.0322 East: 1300863.4965 C] Line Course: S 1593.2643"W' Length: 90.04 D North: 162420.4368 East: 1300773.4584 C) Line Course: S 21.7827"W' Length: 65.03 L-:J North: 162355.4217 East: 1300772.0679 [:J Line Course: N 1593.2643 E Length: 52.71 L~ North: 162355.7702 East: 1300824.7767 D Curve Length: 13.91 Radius: 79.00 1=:1 Delta: 179.3793 Tangent: 6.97 [] Chord: 13.89 Course: N 1503.5747 Eel Course In: N 06.7357"W' Course Out: S 186.1150 Ee::] RP North: 162434.7685 East: 1300824.2543 LI End North: 162357.0832 East: 1300838.6045 CJ Line Course: N 1413.8850 E Length: 24.00 [:1 North: 162361.4440 East: 1300862.2050 I~ Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 59.60 1-:::1 North: 162421.0304 East: 1300863.4795 CI D PeriITleter: 305.29 Area: 5,768 SQ. FT. 0.13 acreslJ D :Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords))-=:l Error Closure: 0.0171 Course: S 1492.4957 "W'1:=J Error North: -0.00180 East: -0.01700 [] Precision 1: 17,852.05 L::J o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel name: 180 o North: 162471.1727 East: 1300884.5735 r::'J Line Course: S 1593.2643 ~ Length: 110.04 [..::1 North: 162470.4450 East: 1300774.5359 0 Line Course: S 21. 7827 ~ Length: 50.02 0 North: 162420.4364 East: 1300773.4663 0 Line Course: N 1593.2643 E Length: 90.04 LJ North: 162421.0319 East: 1300863.5043 C) Line Course: S 21.7827 ~ Length: 59.60 CJ North: 162361.4455 East: 1300862.2298 [:J Line Course: N 1413.8850 E Length: 20.42 Cl North: 162365.1559 East: 1300882.3099 LJ Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 106.04 [J North: 162471.1716 East: 1300884.5774 I::J o Perimeter: 436.15 Area: 6,658 SQ. FT. 0.15 acreseJ o "Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[~J Error Closure: 0.0041 Course: S 1333.4955 Ee] Error North: -0.00106 East: 0.00396 Cl Precision 1: 106,380.49 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CJ o Parcel naITle: 190 o North: 162541.4215 East: 1300833.9845 0 Line Course: S 1590.8790"W" Length: 57.95 [] North: 162540.9026 East: 1300776.0368 [] Line Course: S 21.7827"W" Length: 70.47 [=1 North: 162470.4487 East: 1300774.5299 [~ Line Course: N 1593.2643 E Length: 110.04 I=:J North: 162471.1763 East: 1300884.5675 [] Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 16.05 [~J North: 162487.2227 East: 1300884.9107 L:l Line Course: N 768.3381 "W" Length: 74.38 L::I North: 162541.4264 East: 1300833.9761 D o PeriITleter: 328.89 Area: 6,342 SQ. FT. 0.14 acresLJ o M:apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)l:::] Error Closure: 0.0097 Course: N 1053.7451 "W"I.~I Error North: 0.00498 East: -0.00838 [-] Precision 1: 33,906.19 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel naITle: 200 o North: 162540.9026 East: 1300776.0397 0 Line Course: S 1590.8790 ~ Length: 58.93 0 North: 162540.3749 East: 1300717.1121 [:::J Line Course: S 21.7827 ~ Length: 95.04 0 North: 162445.3566 East: 1300715.0798 [] Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 58.93 0 North: 162445.8843 East: 1300774.0074 1=1 Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 95.04 0 North: 162540.9026 East: 1300776.0397 0 o PeriITleter: 307.94 Area: 5,598 SQ. FT. 0.12 acresO o "Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[J Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 EO Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 r~ Precision 1: 307,940,000.00 0 D D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[~ D Parcel name: 21 D D North: 162445.8806 East: 1300774.0074 C:J Line Course: S 1590.8790"W" Length: 58.93 D North: 162445.3529 East: 1300715.0797 CJ Line Course: S 21.7827"W" Length: 90.34 D North: 162355.0335 East: 1300713.1479 Cl Line Course: N 1593.2643 E Length: 58.92 [J North: 162355.4232 East: 1300772.0666 1:=1 Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.48 LJ North: 162445.8825 East: 1300774.0014 [::=I D Perimeter: 298.66 Area: 5,324 SQ. FT. 0.12 acresl:::J D lVIapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)CJ Error Closure: 0.0062 Course: N 1283.3303 "W" I-I Error North: 0.00191 East: -0.00593 U Precision 1: 48,172.58 D o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CJ o Parcel name: 220 o North: 162445.3529 East: 1300715.0826 0 Line Course: S 1590.8790 -W-Length: 58.93 0 North: 162444.8252 East: 1300656.1550 0 Line Course: S 21.7827 -W-Length: 90.20 0 North: 162354.6459 East: 1300654.2262 0 Line Course: N 1593.2643 E Length: 58.92 r~ North: 162355.0355 East: 1300713.1449 [] Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.34 [J North: 162445.3548 East: 1300715.0767 J::J o Perimeter: 298.39 Area: 5,316 SQ. FT. 0.12 acresCl o l'V1apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)l:=-J Error Closure: 0.0062 Course: N 1283.3303 -W-[~J Error North: 0.00191 East: -0.00593 U Precision 1: 48,127.42 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CJ o Parcel name: 230 o North: 162540.3749 East: 1300717.1150 LJ Line Course: S 1590.8790"W' Length: 58.93 0 North: 162539.8472 East: 1300658.1873 0 Line Course: S 21.7827"W' Length: 95.04 [] North: 162444.8290 East: 1300656.1550 [-~l Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 58.93 0 North: 162445.3567 East: 1300715.0827 1=-1 Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 95.04 0 North: 162540.3749 East: 1300717.1 150 1=-1 o Perimeter: 307.94 Area: 5,598 SQ. FT. 0.12 acresL:::J o M"apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)!:l Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 EU Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 [J Precision 1: 307,940,000.00 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------I~ o Parcel naITle: 240 o North: 162539.8473 East: 1300658.1902 0 Line Course: S 1590.8790"W' Length: 58.93 D North: 162539.3196 East: 1300599.2626 r~J Line Course: S 21.7827"W' Length: 95.04 D North: 162444.3013 East: 1300597.2303 1::-1 Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 58.93 C] North: 162444.8290 East: 1300656.1579 D Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 95.04 U North: 162539.8473 East: 1300658.1902 [J D PeriITleter: 307.94 Area: 5,598 SQ. FT. 0.12 acresC] [] lVlapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) c.-:.l Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 ED Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 [] Precision I: 307,940,000.00 D o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel naITle: 250 o North: 162444.8253 East: 1300656.1578 D Line Course: S 1590.8790 VV Length: 58.93 C] North: 162444.2976 East: 1300597.2302 r-=I Line Course: S 21.7827 VV Length: 90.06 CJ North: 162354.2582 East: 1300595.3044 [=1 Line Course: N 1593.2643 E Length: 58.92 r::J North: 162354.6478 East: 1300654.2231 [J Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.20 LJ North: 162444.8272 East: 1300656.1519 rJ o PeriITleter: 298.11 Area: 5,308 SQ. FT. 0.12 acresl~ o M"apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) I=-I Error Closure: 0.0062 Course: N 1283.3303 VV U Error North: 0.00191 East: -0.00593 LJ Precision 1: 48,082.26 [~ o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Cl o Parcel name: 260 o North: 162444.2976 East: 1300597.2331 CI Line Course: S 1590.8790"W" Length: 58.93 0 North: 162443.7699 East: 1300538.3054 Cl Line Course: S 21.7827"W" Length: 86.43 CI North: 162357.3597 East: 1300536.4573 [J Curve Length: 28.42 Radius: 115.00 L=l Delta: 251.7337 Tangent: 14.28 C] Chord: 28.35 Course: S 1480.8689 ED Course In: N 244.9980 E Course Out: S 06.7357 Eel RP North: 162469.0492 East: 1300563.8518 I-I End North: 162354.0515 East: 1300564.6136 [J Line Course: N 1593.2643 E Length: 30.69 [] North: 162354.2545 East: 1300595.3029 LJ Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.06 [~:I North: 162444.2939 East: 1300597.2287 Cl o Perimeter: 294.53 Area: 5,267 SQ. FT. 0.12 acresl.1 CI M:apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[-J Error Closure: 0.0057 Course: S 878.6418 "W" L] Error North': -0.00374 East: -0.00436 [:-1 Precision 1: 51,659.65 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ o Parcel naITle: 270 o North: 162539.3196 East: 1300599.2654 0 Line Course: S 1590.8790 VV Length: 58.93 I~l North: 162538.7919 East: 1300540.3378 [-=:I Line Course: S 21.7827 VV Length: 95.04 [] North: 162443.7737 East: 1300538.3055 [] Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 58.93 ["::1 North: 162444.3013 East: 1300597.2332 0 Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 95.04 r..::::J North: 162539.3196 East: 1300599.2654 [J D PeriITleter: 307.94 Area: 5,598 SQ. FT. 0.12 acres[:J C] :Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[J Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 Eel Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 [.::J Precision 1: 307,940,000.00 0 D D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CJ D Parcel narrle: 28 D D North: 162631.4423 East: 1300835.9099 Cl Line Course: S 1590.8790"W' Length: 57.95 [:] North: 162630.9234 East: 1300777.9622 D Line Course: S 21.7827"W' Length: 90.04 l~ North: 162540.9040 East: 1300776.0368 Cl Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 57.95 CJ North: 162541.4229 East: 1300833.9845 [J Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.04 Ll North: 162631.4423 East: 1300835.9099 1:::::1 D Perirrleter: 295.98 Area: 5,215 SQ. FT. 0.1 1 acresC] o M.apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)L_J Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 El-_-' Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 CJ Precision 1: 295,980,000.00 1=:1 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------l~ o Parcel name: 290 o North: 162630.9234 East: 1300777.9651 [] Line Course: S 1590.8790 VV Length: 58.93 0 North: 162630.3957 East: 1300719.0375 L~ Line Course: S 21.7827 VV Length: 90.04 Cl North: 162540.3763 East: 1300717.1121 CJ Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 58.93 [] North: 162540.9040 East: 1300776.0398 [J Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.04 0 North: 162630.9234 East: 1300777.9651 [] [] Perimeter: 297.94 Area: 5,303 SQ. FT. 0.12 acres [:::J [] M:apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[] Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 ECl Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 [:J Precision 1: 297,940,000.00 CJ o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel name: 300 o North: 162630.3958 East: 1300719.0404 0 Line Course: S 1590.8790"W" Length: 58.93 0 North: 162629.8681 East: 1300660.1 127 0 Line Course: S 21.7827"W" Length: 90.04 D North: 162539.8487 East: 1300658.1874 [J Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 58.93 C] North: 162540.3764 East: 1300717.1150 CJ Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.04 [J North: 162630.3958 East: 1300719.0404 LJ o Perimeter: 297.94 Area: 5,303 SQ. FT. 0.12 acres C] o l\I1apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)U Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 ELl Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 Ll Precision 1: 297 ,940,000.00 r~ o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CJ o Parcel nalTIe: 3 1 0 o North: 162629.8681 East: 1300660.1156 0 Line Course: S 1590.8790"VV Length: 58.93 0 North: 162629.3404 East: 1300601.1880 lJ Line Course: S 21.7827"VV Length: 90.04 [=J North: 162539.3210 East: 1300599.2626 [~J Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 58.93 r~] North: 162539.8487 East: 1300658.1902 [=r Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.04 [~] North: 162629.8681 East: 1300660.1156 LJ o PerilTIeter: 297.94 Area: 5.303 SQ. FT. 0.12 acres[~J [] lVlapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)D Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 EL~-J Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 [:r Precision 1: 297.940.000.00 [] o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel naITle: 320 o North: 162629.3405 East: 1300601.1909 [.J Line Course: S 1590.8790 ~ Length: 58.93 [] North: 162628.8128 East: 1300542.2632 [] Line Course: S 21. 7827 ~ Length: 90.04 f.:=J North: 162538.7934 East: 1300540.3378 U Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 58.93 0 North: 162539.3211 East: 1300599.2655 [] Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 90.04 0 North: 162629.3405 East: 1300601.1909 [] o PeriITleter: 297.94 Area: 5,303 SQ. FT. 0.12 acresl::J o ~apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)ll Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 E[:=[ Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 [1 Precision 1: 297,940,000.00 [J o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel naITIe: 330 o North: 162468.7757 East: 1300538.8432 D Line Course: S 1590.8790 VV Length: 89.99 [J North: 162467.9699 East: 1300448.8568 C-:J Curve Length: 151.90 Radius: 115.00 0 Delta: 1345.4196 Tangent: 89.33 [] Chord: 141.10 Course: S 682.2922 ED Course In: N 1590.4176 E Course Out: S 244.9980 VV[] RP North: 162469.0518 East: 1300563.8517 0 End North: 162357.3586 East: 1300536.4601 [:J Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 111.44 [-_I North: 162468.7731 East: 1300538.8430 CI o PeriITIeter: 353.32 Area: 7,338 SQ. FT. 0.16 acresl-] [J :Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[-) Error Closure: 0.0027 Course: S 47.3045 VVC[ Error North: -0.00265 East: -0.00012 l=:J Precision 1: 126,862.96 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[~ o Parcel name: 340 o North: 162518.7873 East: 1300539.9128 0 Line Course: S 1590.8790 VV Length: 90.04 [J North: 162517.9811 East: 1300449.8764 LJ Line Course: S 21.7827 VV Length: 46.48 0 North: 162471.5117 East: 1300448.8825 CJ Curve Length: 3.54 Radius: 1 15.00 D Delta: 31.3651 Tangent: 1.77 r--l Chord: 3.54 Course: S 06.1001 VVLJ Course In: S 1578.2173 E Course Out: S 1590.4176 VV LJ RP North: 162469.0526 East: 1300563.8562 [] End North: 162467.9718 East: 1300448.8613 [l Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 89.99 II North: 162468.7776 East: 1300538.8477 D Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 50.02 [J North: 162518.7861 East: 1300539.9173 0 o Perimeter: 280.07 Area: 4,502 SQ. FT. 0.10 acres r=1 L~ :Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)Cl Error Closure: 0.0047 Course: S 1335.8607 EI I Error North: -0.00119 East: 0.00450 '-I Precision 1: 59,589.36 [1 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------r~ o Parcel name: 350 o North: 162568.7989 East: 1300540.9825 [] Line Course: S 1590.8790 VV Length: 90.04 CJ North: 162567.9927 East: 1300450.9461 [~I Line Course: S 21.7827 VV Length: 50.02 [] North: 162517.9841 East: 1300449.8765 LJ Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 90.04 [-:1 North: 162518.7903 East: 1300539.9129 l~.1 Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 50.02 [-:::1 North: 162568.7989 East: 1300540.9825 [] o Perimeter: 280.13 Area: 4,502 SQ. FT. 0.10 acresl=.J [J 1VIapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)[ "I Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 EL[ Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 [I Precision 1: 280,120,000.00 0 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[~ o Parcel name: 360 o North: 162628.8128 East: 1300542.2661 [] Line Course: S 1590.8790 VV Length: 65.79 f.:=J North: 162628.2237 East: 1300476.4787 CI Curve Length: 2.89 Radius: 25.00 [J Delta: 1 17.5460 Tangent: 1 .44 U Chord: 2.88 Course: S 1532.1060 VVC:J Course In: S 09.1210 E Course Out: N 126.6670 VVCI RP North: 162603.2247 East: 1300476.7026 [J End North: 162628.0319 East: 1300473.6051 [] Curve Length: 35.63 Radius: 25.00 [] Delta: 1451.5503 Tangent: 21.60 [:J Chord: 32.69 Course: S 747.5579 VV[J Course In: S 126.6670 E Course Out: N 1578.2173 VV[[ RP North: 162603.2249 East: 1300476.7060 [:J End North: 162603.7576 East: 1300451.7100 1:::1 Line Course: S 21.7827 VV Length: 35.77 [J North: 162567.9958 East: 1300450.9451 LJ Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 90.04 CJ North: 162568.8020 East: 1300540.9815 Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 60.03 D North: 162628.8183 East: 1300542.2652 [ I Perimeter: 290.14 Area: 5,277 SQ. FT. 0.12 acres [ I [J Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)U Error Closure: 0.0056 Course: N 171.9899 VV [ 1 Error North: 0.00552 East: -0.00094 [-J Precision 1: 51,285.71 [] D D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------LJ D Parcel naITle: TRACT AD D North: 162302.2348 East: 1300389.0019 Cl Line Course: N 1102.0501 -W Length: 84.86 D North: 162342.0869 East: 1300314.0817 0 Line Course: S 21.7827 -W Length: 119.54 CJ North: 162222.5742 East: 130031 1.5255 CI Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 141.89 l~~J North: 162223.5124 East: 1300453.4124 0 Line Course: N 698.4937 -W Length: 101.72 r:J North: 162302.2384 East: 1300388.9982 r-~ o PeriITleter: 448.01 Area: 10,143 SQ. FT. 0.23 acres[J [::J M.apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)r:::J Error Closure: 0.0051 Course: N 809.4818 -W[:J Error North: 0.00355 East: -0.00362 CJ Precision 1: 87,845.10 D Cl o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[J D Parcel naITle: TRACT Be] D North: 162606.7436 East: 1300956.9429 U Curve Length: 40.05 Radius: 25.00 0 Delta: 1631.8450 Tangent: 25.79 D Chord: 35.90 Course: N 793.1985"W"D Course In: N 1577.2760"W" Course Out: N 09.1210 "W"LJ RP North: 162607.3013 East: 1300931.9491 [-] End North: 162632.2977 East: 1300931.7278 [J Line Course: S 1590.8790"W" Length: 95.82 [J North: 162631.4397 East: 1300835.9116 [:1 Line Course: S 21.7827"W" Length: 90.04 L] North: 162541.4203 East: 1300833.9863 1-=:1 Line Course: S 768.3381 E Length: 74.38 Cl North: 162487.2165 East: 1300884.9209 D Line Course: S 1577.2764 E Length: 69.34 [] North: 162485.6697 East: 1300954.2436 [] Line Course: N 22.7240 E Length: 121.10 LJ North: 162606.7396 East: 1300956.9450 L~ D PeriITleter: 490.73 Area: 16,089 SQ. FT. 0.36 acres 1-:1 L:.J ~apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)I::J Error Closure: 0.0046 Course: S 506.0772 EU Error North: -0.00404 East: 0.00219 [] Precision 1: 105,778.26 1::1 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CJ o Parcel name: TRACT CD o North: 162312.4839 East: 1300629.7151 [~ Line Course: S 1593.2643 VV Length: 20.00 0 North: 162312.3516 East: 1300609.7156 C] Line Course: S 06.7357 E Length: 87 .81 [~] North: 162224.5436 East: 1300610.2962 II Line Course: N 1593.2646 E Length: 20.00 [:1 North: 162224.6758 East: 1300630.2958 [] Line Course: N 06.7357 VV Length: 87.81 l-:::J North: 162312.4839 East: 1300629.7151 [] C[ Perimeter: 215.61 Area: 1,756 SQ. FT. 0.04 acresl:] D ~apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) 1-=1 Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 06.7237 Ell Error North: -0.00001 East: 0.00000 1.1 Precision 1: 215,620,000.00 [] o [] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------I~ L~ Parcel name: TRACT Dl-::J [-:J North: 162485.6734 East: 1300954.2414 [] Line Course: N 1577 .2764 ~ Length: 69.34 [] North: 162487.2202 East: 1300884.9187 I:-J Line Course: S 21.7827 ~ Length: 122.09 r-=I North: 162365.1581 East: 1300882.3080 [] Line Course: N 1413.8850 E Length: 50.37 [~l North: 162374.3105 East: 1300931 .8395 L~J Curve Length: 34.14 Radius: 25.00 0 Delta: 1391.1610 Tangent: 20.34 [J Chord: 31.55 Course: N 718.3045 Ec:J Course In: N 1 86.1150 ~ Course Out: S 1577.2760 E [-I RP North: 162398.8943 East: 1300927.2969 [I End North: 162398.3354 East: 1300952.2896 1::[ Line Course: N 22.7240 E Length: 87.36 [J North: 162485.6736 East: 1300954.2384 I~J 1-:-1 Perimeter: 363.30 Area: 7,878 SQ. FT. 0.18 acresU [] .Mapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)!:] Error Closure: 0.0031 Course: N 1531 .6214 ~I Error North: 0.00020 East: -0.00305 1 J Precision 1: 1 16,358.06 1:1 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[~ o Parcel name: TRACT ED o North: 162225.2849 East: 1300721.6783 0 Line Course: N 89-37-16 E Length: 226.79 0 North: 162226.7846 East: 1300948.4633 n Line Course: S 01-16-42 ~ Length: 2.20 [~] North: 162224.5851 East: 1300948.4142 [] Line Course: S 89-37-16 ~ Length: 226.79 '-=-1 North: 162223.0854 East: 1300721.6292 [:--, Line Course: N 01-13-31 E Length: 2.20 0 North: 162225.2849 East: 1300721.6762 l~ o Perimeter: 457.97 Area: 497 SQ. FT. 0.01 acresD o M:apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)Cl Error Closure: 0.0020 Course: N 88-44-53 ~ '-=~I Error North: 0.00004 East: -0.00204 LI Precision I: 228,990.00 0 ,01 [.J ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[_1 o Parcel name: TRACT FO o North: 162222.5727 East: 1300311.5265 [_I Line Course: N 89-37-16 E Length: 410.16 I] North: 162225.2850 East: 1300721.6775 D Line Course: S 01-13-31 ~ Length: 2.20 CI North: 162223.0855 East: 1300721.6305 I~ Line Course: S 89-37-16 ~ Length: 410.16 Il North: 162220.3732 East: 1300311.4795 I.] Line Course: N 01-13-31 E Length: 2.20 L] North: 162222.5727 East: 130031 1.5265 U 1:=..1 Perimeter: 824.71 Area: 900 SQ. FT. 0.02 acres 1 I 1.:1 lVlapcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)I~1 Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 90-00-00 EI-I Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 1 I Precision 1: 824,720,000.00 [J n [J ---------------------_________________________________ ---------------------rt n Parcel nar.nc: OVERALL BOUNDARY 0 1"] North: 162606.7436 East: 1300956.9429 rt Curve Length: 40.05 Ra.djus: 25.00 rt Dc1ta: 91-47-29 T<;l.nge:n.t: 25.79 n Chord: 35.90 Course: N 44-37-03 W'I..::J Course T'n: N 88-43-18 W Course Out: N 00-30-47 'W'r.J RP North: 162607.3014 East: .1.30093 J .9491 n End North; 16;263;2.2977 Bast: 1300931.7278 0 Line Cou'rse: S 89-29-13 VV Length: 611.58 D North: 162626.8213 East: 1300320.1723 U Lj.nc Course: S 01-1.3-31 'W' Len.gt.b: 406.54 n North: 162220.3743 East: : 130031 1.4790 ['"1 Line Course: N 89-37-16 E Length: 636.95 CI North: 162224.5863 East: 1300948.415J. U Line CO'urge: N 01.-.1.6-42 E Length: 382.25 C.I North: 1.62606.74]2 Ea..o;;;1:! 1300956.9428 n L.I Perirnetet.": 2077.37 Are~~.: .2.59.251 SQ. FT. 5.95 acrcsLl CI Ma.pc..::J::IC::::c..::k Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) r.1 Error C1osU're: 0.0024 COurse: S 00-52-) 3 'W'U Error North: -0.00244 Eas't : -O.OO()04 n Precision 1: 863,84 J .67 1.1 o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 o Parcel naITle: 1 0 o North: 162601.8659 East: 1300409.6596 LJ Curve Length: 40.03 Radius: 25.00 0 Delta: 1630.9037 Tangent: 25.77 CJ Chord: 35.89 Course: N 793.6691 ~Cl Course In: N 1578.2173 ~ Course Out: N 09.1210 ~[=:J RP North: 162602.4005 East: 1300384.6653 CI End North: 162627.4012 East: 1300384.4397 [] Line Course: S 1590.8790 ~ Length: 64.27 U North: 162626.8257 East: 1300320.1723 CJ Line Course: S 21. 7827 ~ Length: 60.03 CJ North: 162566.8095 East: 1300318.8886 [J Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 90.04 [=:J North: 162567.6157 East: 1300408.9250 [I Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 34.26 I:J North: 162601.8679 East: 1300409.6576 [I o PeriITleter: 288.63 Area: 5,258 SQ. FT. 0.12 acres[J o M.apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)LI Error Closure: 0.0027 Course: N 793.0146 ~I.J Error North: 0.00195 East: -0.00193 IJ Precision 1: 105,366.67 0 NiPLANNING DEV~~~? RENiON Ot1 2 ~ 200S RECE\'JEO o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[] o Parcel naITle: 20 o North: 162567.6164 East: 1300408.9270 [J Line Course: S 1590.8790 -W-Length: 90.04 0 North: 162566.8101 East: 1300318.8906 [] Line Course: S 21.7827 -W-Length: 50.02 C] North: 162516.8016 East: 1300317.8210 U Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 90.04 [l North: 162517.6078 East: 1300407.8574 LJ Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 50.02 0 North: 162567.6164 East: 1300408.9270 C] o PeriITleter: 280.13 Area: 4,502 SQ. FT. 0.10 acresL-:J o "M"apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)l] Error Closure: 0.0000 Course: S 1600.0000 E[J Error North: 0.00000 East: 0.00000 f.J Precision 1: 280,120,000.00 C] D D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------l~ D Parcel name: 3 D D North: 162517.6048 East: 1300407.8573 [~ Line Course: S 1590.8790"W" Length: 90.04 [::J North: 162516.7985 East: 1300317.8210 0 Line Course: S 21.7827"W" Length: 50.02 LJ North: 162466.7900 East: 1300316.7514 U Line Course: N 1590.8790 E Length: 90.12 [] North: 162467.5970 East: 1300406.8677 [] Curve Length: 4.82 Radius: 157.00 [J Delta: 31.2417 Tangent: 2.41 [] Chord: 4.82 Course: N 06.1619 EL::J Course In: N 1590.5410 E Course Out: N 1578.2173 "W"[] RP North: 162469.0549 East: 1300563.8610 [] End North: 162472.4169 East: 1300406.8969 [_] Line Course: N 21.7827 E Length: 45.21 [::J North: 162517.6165 East: 1300407.8636 I-J D Perimeter: 280.20 Area: 4,502 SQ. FT. 0.10 acresL] l~ ~apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords)!::J Error Closure: 0.0133 Course: N 502.1304 EI-:l Error North: 0.01173 East: 0.00630 [] Precision 1: 21 ,068.42 L~ o o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------[J o Parcel nalTle: 40 o North: 162467.5939 East: 1300406.8616 CJ Line Course: S 1590.8790"W' Length: 90.12 0 North: 162466.7869 East: 1300316.7452 [J Line Course: S 21.7827"W' Length: 61.59 0 North: 162405.2110 East: 1300315.4282 [::J Line Course: N 1398.0523 E Length: 99.73 LJ North: 162424.8543 East: 1300413.2045 C] Curve Length: 43.35 Radius: 157.00 0 Delta: 281.2363 Tangent: 21.81 [J Chord: 43.21 Course: N 150.0772 "W' 0 Course In: N 1309.3047 E Course Out: S 1590.5410"W'1 RP North: 162469.0547 East: 1300563.8542 L~J End North: 162467.5962 East: 1300406.8610 l:-J o PerilTleter: 294.78 Area: 4,882 SQ. FT. 0.11 acres!:] o lV1apcheck Closure -(Uses listed courses and chords) l-::-J Error Closure: 0.0024 Course: N 228.2558 "W'r:::1 Error North: 0.00231 East: -0.00053 1:::-1 Precision 1: 122,770.83 0 VOL G THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN LUA-05-130-FP LND-10-0411 NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. CITY OF RENTON, LEGAL DESCRIPTION' PARCEL A: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF lHE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER Of SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 3 EAST, WILlAMETTE: MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THE EAST 20 fEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 146138<4-; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY fOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER , 99908 1200 \ 27.3. PARCEL B; THE NORTH 72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER Of THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER Of SECl'lON 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WlLJ..AMElTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOf' CONVEYED TO KING COUNlY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY D£ED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1461384. EXCEPT AtN M081lf OR MANUFACTURED HOME LOCATED THEREON. RESTRICTIONS' 1. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATlONS CONTAINED IN OCED FROM PACIFIC COAST COAl... COMPANY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 3340970. 2. PROPER1Y IS SUBJECT TO THE AGREEMENT AND THE lERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF ~~~WoS U~~I( R~~~DI:D N~ ~~gJ~;~OT DEVElOPMENT PARTNERS, LLC 3. LOTS 1 &: 36, SHALL HAVE THE FRONT YMD SETBACK FAClNG BURNrn COURT S. AND LOT 16, SHALl. HAVE THE fRONT YARD SETBACK fACING S. 48TH STREET. GENERAL NOTES' 1. THE ROAD AND STORM DRAINAGE S'r'STEIoIS SHAi.l.. BE CON$TRUCTID ACCORDING TO THE APPROVtD PlAN AND PROfILE ON FlLE Wmi RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DMSION AND PH'( DEVIATION FROM THE APPRQllEO PLANS WILL REQUIRE WRlnEN APPROVAL fROM THE PROPER AGENCY. CURRENTLY RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OfVJSION. 2. ALL BUILDING DOWN SPOUTS. FOOTING DRAINS, AND [)fWNS FROM All Ilr,tPERVIOUS SURfACES SUCH AS PATIOS AND DRIVEWAYS SHAll. BE CONNECTED TO "THE PERMANENT STORM DRAIN OUTLET AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED CONS'TRUCTION DRAWINGS ON FILE WITH RENTON DEVELOPMENT SER\IICES DMSION THIS PLAN SHAlL BE SUBMmED WITH THE APPUCA,TlON Of IWY BUIlDING PERMIT. All CONNECTIONS Of THE DRAINS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED ANO APPROVED PRIOR TO FINAl BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL J. NO LOT OR PORTION Of A LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL BE OMDED AND SOLD OR RESOlD OR OWNERSHIP CHANGED OR TRANSFERRED WHEREBY THE OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION Of THIS PLAT SHAlL B£ LESS THAN THE AA£A REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISTRICT IN WHICH LOCATED, -4. THE ORIENTATION Of THE FRONT YARD OF LOT'S 1 AND 36 TO fACE BURNffi CT. S. AND LOT 16 TO FACE S, 48TH STRm.~ SENSITIVE AREA NOTE: DEDICATION Of A SENSITIVE AREA TRACT SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFfER CONVEYS TO THE PUBUC A BENEfICIAl INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE TRACT/SENSITJIIE AREA AND BUFFER. THIS INTEREST INCLUDES THE PRESERVATION Of' NATIVE VEGETATION FOR ALl PURPOSES THAT BENEm THE PUBLIC HEAlTH, SAfETY AND WELFARE, INCWDING CONTROL Of SURF-'CE WATER AND EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF SlOPE STABIUTY AND PROTECTION Of PlANT AND ANiMAl HABITAT. THE SENSITIVE AREA/TRACT SENSITIVE AREA AND BUfFER IMPOSES UPON ALl PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS Of THE lAND SUBJECT TO THE TRACT ISENSmVE AR£A AND ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE TRACT/SENSffiVE AREA. AND BUffER THAT THE VEGETATION WITHIN THE lRACT/SENSrTlVE AREA AND BUmR MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, COVERED BY FIll. REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT APPROVAL IN WRITING FROt.! THE CIlY or RENTON OEVELOPMENT SER\IICES otVISION. EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES' THE EASEMENTS DEPICTED ON THE MAP SHEETS OF THIS FlNAL PLAT ARE FOR THE UMITED PURPOSES USTEO BELOW AND ARE HER£BY CO/INE'r'ED FOLLOWING THE RECORDING OF THIS FlNAL PLAT AS SPECIFlEO ACCORDING TO THE RESERVATIONS UST'ED BElOW: THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEt.lENTS SHOWN HEREON TO REPAIR Am DEflCIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE F-'CIUTY IN THE EVENT THE OWNER(S} IS/ARE NEGUGENT IN THE WJNTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE fACIUTlES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER'S COST, 1. AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE Cil"'( or RENTON, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER OISTRlCT, QWEST, COMCAST, lHE OWNERS Of All LOTS WITHIN lHIS PLAT AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND foSSIGNS, UNDER, OVER AND UPON THOSE EASEMENTS DESICNATEO AS ·10' SIDEWALK AND UTIlITY EASo.fENI, THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET PARAlLEL W~NG THE STREET FRONTAGE OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS IN WHICH TO INSTALl., LAY CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONOiJITS, CABLE, PIPEUNE. AND WIRES WITH THE NECESSARY FACIUTIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE Of SER\I1CE TO THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH EI.£CTRiC, TElEPHONE, GAS, CABLE T,V, SERVICE, SEWER, WATER AND DRAINAGE TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENlER UPON THE EASEIrotENTS AT AlL Tlt.!ES fOR THE PURPOSES STATED. NO UNES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT, OR FOR TELEPHONE USE. CABLE TELEVISION, F1RE OR POLICE SIGNAL FOR OlHER PURPOSES, SHAlL BE PLACED UPON #('( LOT UNlESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING. 2. THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASo.fENTS ~ SHOWN ON THE MAP SHEETS Of THIS PLAT ARE FOR THE BENEfIT Of THE RESERVE AT STONEHAYEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. UNlESS SPECIFlCALLY NOTED OTHERWISE IN THESE EASEMENT PROVISIONS AND NOTES. THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOClAllON SHALl. BE RESPONSIBLE fOR THE MAINTENANCE Of THE PRIVATE D~tw;E FACIUTIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENTS, 3. AU.. PU8UC WATER AND SEWER EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE MAP SHEErS OF THIS PLAT Of THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN ARE HERESY CONVEYED AND GRANTED TO THE SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE Of PRCMDtNG THIS PLAT AND OTHER PROPERTlES WITH WATER AND SEWER SERvICE. AU. WATER NolO SEWER FACIUTIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENTS SHAlL BE OWNED AND I.4AINTAlNED BY THE SOOS CREEl< WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT. 4, THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1-16 AND 33 &: 34, SHALL BE RESPONSIBlE FOR THE ROOf AND FOOTING ORAIN SYSTEMS WITHIN THE 10' EASEMENT ADJACENT TO AND PARALLEl WITH bURNETT COURT SOUTH AND SOUTH 48TH STREn. SAID LOTS SHAlL BE EQUAlLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE PORTIONS Of THE DIW~E S'iSTEMS USED IN COtr.IMON 'MTH NO OWNER BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR #f'( PORTION THEREOF ABOVE THEIR CONNECTION POINT. 5. THE 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT OYER THE REAR PORnON Of LOTS 6-9 IS FOR l1iE BENEm Of LOTS 5, 6. &: 8-10, THE OWNERS Of LOTS 5-10 SHAll. BEAR EQUAL RESPONSlBlU1Y FOR MAINTENANCE Of' lHAT PORTION OF THE FACIUTlES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT USED IN COMMON, WfTH THE EXCEPTION THAT NO OWNER SHAll. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE Of THE rACIUTlES ABOVE THEIR CONNEcnON POINT. 32, TWP. 23N., KING COUNTY, RGE. 5E., W.M. WASHINGTON EASEMENT PROVISIONS /NOTES CONT.· 6. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 18, 19 &-28-32, SHALl 8E RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ROOf ANO FOOTING DRAIN SYSTEt.4S WITHIN THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ON SAID LOTS. SAJO LOTS SHALl. BE EQUALLY RESPONSIBl£ FOR THOSE PORTIONS OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTElotS USED IN COMMON WITH NO OWNER BEING RESPONSIBLE fOR /IH( PORTION THEREOf ABOVE THEIR CONNEcnON POINT. 7, THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER LOT 18 IS fOR THE BENEm Of LOTS 17 AND 19. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 17-19 SHALL SHARE IN EQUAl PARTS THE t.!AJNTEftW,lCE OF ALL FACtLmES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DRAlt+\GE AND SANITARY SEWER FACILmES. s. THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER LOTS 21 AND 22 IS FOR lHE BENEfIT OF LOTS 23 AND 20, THE OWNERS Of LOTS 23 AND 20 SHALL SHARE IN EQUAL PARTS THE MAINTENANCE OF All. FACIUTIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DRAINAGE fACIUTlES. 9. THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT DYER LOTS 25 AND 26 IS FOR THE BENEflT Of LOTS 24 AND 27. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 24 -'NO 27 SHAll. SHARE IN EQUAL PARTS THE WJNT[NANCE OF AU. fACIUTlES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DRAINAGE FACtUTIES. 10. THE DWNER(S) Of THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN lHlS PLAT, IN RETURN fOR THE BENEm TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON, COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAl INTEREST IN THE NEW EASD.4ENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT TO ANY AND ALL fUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDMSION lliEREOf. THIS CONVENANT SHALL RUN Willi THE LAND ~ SHOWN ON THE PlAT. 11. A 5' ACCESS -'NO MAINTENANCE EASEMENT IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO THE CITY Of RENTON, THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN HQWEOWNERS ASSOCIATJON AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AS SHOWN HEREON OYER LOTS ~-8. fOR THE MONITORING ANa MAINTENANCE OF THE WETL....o\ND Pl...ANTINGS WITHIN TRACT A. AND UAtNTENANCE Of THE fENCE AND WETlAND SIGNAG£ ALONG lHE BOUNDARY W1111 TRACT A. 12. TRACT A IS A NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA. THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA IS FOR PROTECTION Of A WETlAND AND ITS ASSOCIATED BUFFER. THE CREATION Of THE NGPA CONVEYS TO THE PUBUC A BENEFlCw.. INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE AREA. THIS INTEREST SHAlL BE fOR THE PURPOSE Of PRESERVING NATlYE: VEGETATION fOR THE CONTROL Of SURFACE WATER AND EROSION, VISUAL AND AURAl BUFFERING, AND PROTECTION Of PlANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE NGPA II.4POSES UPON All. PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE LAND, ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBUC BY THE CIlY OF RENTON, TO LEAVE UNDISTURBED ALl TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE NGPA. THE VEGETATION WITHIN THE NGPA MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED COVERED BY FILL, REMOVED OR ~ED WfTHOUT EXPRESS WRITrrN PERI.41SSl0N FROU THE CIlY OF RENTON, THE RIGHT OF ENTRY HEREIN SHAll APPLY TO 'THE AGENTS, OF REPRESENTATFYES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE OWNERS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS Of THE LAND. ADDRESSING BLOCK JOB NO. 04279 SHEET 2 Of 5 .ofT iHOUSET TRQ;ijj t<AME III .--soli j(j6 ~ Ja66 REf !87' rmo .M.~ <&ilmuvn-& .,4~. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE. N.E., STE. 104. WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN VOL PG LUA-05-130-fl'P LNO-10-0411 NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. 32, TWP. KING 23N., RGE. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY, WASHINGTON (j) PARCEL MJ. 3223059183 "'/21' 31 30 29 28 '{ f-------j t', ~----~------~----~------r------\ 24 ~ ~ :::> 23 20 19 33 ct) \ 22 18 21 17 '-, ________ N --S-".4Bth-ST. ___ ___________ '-, N , o 8 9 10 S. LINE, N. 72, S. 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 32, TWP. RGE. 5[. 60 0 60 120 180 ~.-•• ! Scale 1" = 60' M.EBl.QWt. PLAT Of WINDSOR HEIGHTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 173 OF PLATS AT PAGES 28-30, UNDER RECORDING NU ... SER 9504241079, RECORDS Of KING COUNlY, WASHINGTON. EQUIPMENT '" PROCEDURES' A 5-ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED FOR THIS FlELD TRAVERSE SURVEY. ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS WAC. ~32-1 30-090. REFERENCES' 1. PlAT OF WINDOS HEIGHTS. RECORDED IN VOLUME 173 OF PLATS AT PAGES 28-30, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9504241079, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. HELD FOR SECTION SUBDMSION. 2. PLAT or TALBOT RIDGE, RECORDED IN VOLUME 194 OF PLATS AT PAGES 15-17. UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20000404001056, RECOROS Of KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 3. CfT'( OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT ~LUA-02-045-UA RECORDED IN BOOt< 154 Of SURVEYS AT PAGES 235 &: 235A, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020823900003, RECORDS OF" KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ED F'OUNO SURVEY MONUMENT #oS NOTED. S.C.W.S.D. SOCS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT PARCEL NO. 3.e23059f71 L CONTROL LEGEND' G) NORTH 1/4 CORNER OF" SEC. 32, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E. POsmON CAlCULATED mOM REF"ERENCE NO.1. SoWE POINT AS CITY OF" RENTON CONTROL POINT 1866. NOT I/ISJTED ~~~=~O~O~~R~~·E3~6.~:· ~~~·'\Il~~o.5E., POsmON ® roUND 4")1 4· CONCRETE ~ONUMENT WITH 1 3/4" PUNCHED BRASS DISC STAldPED "22335-IN CASE. HELD posmON AS CALCULATED FROM REFERENCE NO.2. (6/05) Cf.6u~ ~6;m~~R~CerLAig:· ~~ ~~fE~i~ct~~, ~:.' NOT MONUt.4ENT POSSIBLY DESTROYED ~ CONSTRUCTION Of THE PLAT OF" iALSOT RIDGE~ tID roUND 1/2" REBAR WITH CAP "21464' AT CALCULATED PosmON, (6/0') 6 SOUTHWEST CORNER SEC. 32, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., 1.l0NUt.4ENT NOT mUND. POsmON CAlCULATED FROM REFERENCES 1 &: 2. AlSO CITY Of RENTON CONTROL PO!NT NO. 587. cuRVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA C19 40.05 25.00 91' r JOe NO. 04279 SHEET 3 OF 5 CONTROL LEGEND' (J) F"OUND CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 1/4" DOMED BRASS DISC SET DOWN 0.4' IN CASE APPROXtW.TELY 16' SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF WdN AVE. S. AND SE 192ND ST. MONUMENT IS STAMPED "WPA 17364". MONUMENT IS AT CALCULATED POSITION Of THE SOUTH 1/1eTH CORNER, PER REFERENCE 1. ® FOUND ." x 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 3/4" PUNCHED BRASS DISC DOWN OA' IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF" MAIN AVE. S. AND SE 185TH PL MONUMENT IS STAMPED ·,4490·. MONUMENT IS 0.25' NORTH AND 0.15' EAST OF CAlCULATED POSITION. (6/0S) ® FOUND 4H )( 4-CONCRETE MONUMENT WfTH 1 3/4-PUNCHED BRASS DISC DOWN O.f)' IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF MAIN AVE. S. AND SE 185TH PL MONUMENT IS STAMPED "14490". t.K>NUMENT IS 0.23' EAST or CAlCUlATED POSITlON. (6/05) .M,~ ~~ & .J4~. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE. N.E., STE. 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 I VOL PG THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN LUA-05-130-FP LND-1O-0411 NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. CITY OF RENTON, 32, TWP. 23N., KING COUNTY, RGE. 5E., W.M. WASHINGTON 3 6 16 ~ 17 L/~I_ SEE SHEET J FOR fOUND MONUMENTATION NOTES. , --------------~--~ 1'h__ N 89"2~3.1! to' SEWER EA5EI.IENT ~ PARCS£, C TO S.C.W.S.O. ~ 2.20' 10,143 SQ. n. NGPA CLASS 2 FORESTED ~TLAND 141.69' 0\0 0 0\0 80 120 ! P\.-.- Scale 1" J..EGEMIl;. 40' ) J $ FOUNL1 SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED. SET 1 /2~ REBAR wITH t 3/4" ORANGE PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "t.lEAD GILMAN & ASSOCIATES 29276/32434/35145/3681'" SET ... " )( 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 5/8" BRASS DISC WITH "X .. STAMPED "35145" IN STANDARD KING COUNTY CASE. PARCS£, NO. 3223059183 ;n 5 47TH 5T. _____ N _______________ ~5~ _ _ _____ ~ _ ~ , .. 35' -y-" U) I 33 7,336 SQ. FT. 31 30 5,303 sa. n. 23 ~~---' •. 9"3C-~~~~~~---;-- I );;~ 26 I ~ 18 5,267 SQ. ft. 15 I 25 5,308 SQ. n. --110' ~I- -------4-L __ L 22 Cte JO.6~' 58.92'Q © ~""-+---""""--4-'---'=~'0·'-:t;SlD'EW,jJ( 0: unuTY-<suT. S£E EASOAENT PROVlSlON/NOTES I' SHEE~2. -----~tF_----N89~ -260.18 'I 48th 5T. T-8.83.-1 PARCS£, NO. 3223059171 _____ z ~ 11 ~ ., 4,565 SQ. n. 10' WATER EASEIrAENT ~ TO S,C. W.S.D~ 52.00' 6 .95 12 CURVE TABlE UNE TABLE S.C.W.S.D. SODS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT * SEE GENERAL NOTE -4 SHEET 2 EASEMENT LEGEND' @ PUBUC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. SEE EASEt.4ENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NO.3, SHEET 2. ® © ® (!) @) PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT. SEE EASEIdENT PRO\o1s/oNS/NOTES NOS. 2 at: 5, SHEET 2. PRIVATE UTlUlY AND PRN'ATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, PUBUC WATER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2 & 5. SHEET 2. PRIVATE ACCESS, unUTY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2. at 9, SHEET 2. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT & PUBUC SANITARY SEWER EASEUENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2. 3, &I: 6, SHITT 2. PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NO.3, SHEET 2. ® ACCESS AND FENCE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS NOTES NO. 11. SHEET 2. CUR"" LENG'" Cl 40.03 C2 38.51 CJ 4.02 C4 43.35 CS 32.04 co 43.66 C7 48.25 C8 34.01 C" 37.71 Cl0 7.18 Cl. 26.4-2 C17 151,00 C18 3.54- RADIUS 25.00 25.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 157.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 DElTA "L4Ha" 8 "15'42- 1'45'26- 15'49'10· 11'4"28" 15"56'0'· 17'36' 6" 1 '24'47" lY45'44" '37'1 .. 4 • S- 75'40'47"" "45'51· JOB NO. ~279 SHEET 4 OF 5 LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 12.10 17' • 12 36.37 23'4 '56'" .M,uu/, '&~ & J4~ . PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE. N.£., STE. 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. 32, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON PARce/' NO. 3223059183 V) ---I------; _-N89'~13-'E-S 47TH ST. ----fi r -----<; 611.58' © 95.2 ~ I ~ I' 31 t;o-t--~~---, -------------------":11 :io~ II f--c:i ~,303 SQ. FT. ~ lu ~;z 5,303 sa. FT. I ~ ~ I ( I VOL PG LUA-05-130-FP LND-1O-0411 <:1 u~ TRACT B I!?~~I Q:: I;~ 18,089 SQ. FT. I ~ O'J ~ I PARCe/, NO. 3223059286 .::::J STORU DRAINAGE/DETENTION I ~ ~ CtJ ~I I 20' I 17' SE~ EASEMENT I ~ I _I ..;. TO S.C.W.S.D. II g 24 '>t.. N 88'43"8" W I 8~. -~~.~9~3~.·~-T~ 25 N 89'3"16-E 110.04' 18 6,658 SQ. FT. N 89'37'16" E 90.04' 17 5,768 sa. FT. 1 _I ® 20' L ___ L_L ____________ -;z;~ q 58.92' © 58.92' 52.71' 1 2.4· 10' SIDEWALK &: UTILITY ESMT. SEE EASEMENT PROVlSlON/NOTES " _ __ ASHE~2. ~ s N.'·"·"·E--SV4Bth ST. 260:,..--: •.• 3.J ~ 13 14 15 " 11 4,565 SQ. n, 4,568 SO. FT. ~ 4,631 sa. FT. ~ ~ 52.00' so.oo· 226.79 S. UN( TRACT E 636.95 TRACT E CON'v£rANCE TRACT 8 1:\ to '" ~ ~ ~ PARCe/, NO. 3223059171 PARCeL NO. 3223059170 Scale 1" 40' 120 ! lRACT D 7,878 SQ. FT. OPEN SPACE 20' SE\VER ESMT TO S.C.W.S.D. 16 8,117 sa. FT. * 60.18' 22 . I I I I I tG. I .. iil:ll !~ I I I© I J I;., I~ I" :© I I I~ II~ I~ 30' I ~ I I I I PARCe/, NO. 3223059298 ~ CUR\!( TABLE CURVE UNE TAB<£ BEARING E9 FOUND SURVEY 1.40NUMENT />s NOTED. SET 1/2-REBAR WITH , 3/4-ORANGE PlASTlCE CAP STAMPED "MEAD GILMAN &: ASSOCIAT£S 29276/32434/35145/36Bl'" SET 4-Ie 4~ CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 5/B-BRASS DISC WITH ~x" STAMPED -35145-IN STANDARD KING COUNTY CASE. S.C.W.s.D. sOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT * SEE GENERAL NOTE 4 SHm 2 EASEMENT LEGEND' ® © @ PUBUC SANITARY SEWER E'ASEI.4ENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NO.3, SHEET 2. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2 &; 5, SHEET 2. PRIVATE UTIun' AND PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, PUBUC WATER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVlS!ONS/NO'fES NOS. 2 &: 5, SHEET 2. PRIVATE ACCESS, DRAJNAGE AND VTlUTY [ASEMmr. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2 &; B, SHEET 2. PRIVATE ACCESS UTIUTY at DRAINAGE EASEMENT, AND PUBUC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2, 3, 6. ok 7, SHEET 2. ® PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT &. PUBUC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2, 3, &: 6, SHEET 2, C13 Cll C12 C14 CIS C19 C22 C23 12.67 B.64 34.14 13.91 40.05 ".69 17.61 JOB NO, 0.279 SHEET 5 OF 5 L3 N "1' M .Atlead C&ilnnam, & J4~. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE. N.E., STE. 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 VOL/PG THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN LUA-05-130-FP LND-l0-0411 NW1 /4, SW1 /4, SEC. CITY OF RENTON, QEptCADONlcERDfJctJJONo KNOW AlL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND HEREBY PLATTED, HEREBY DEClARE THIS PLAT AND DEDICATE/CERTIFY, TO THE USE or THE PUBUC FOREVER ALl STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBlIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES; ALSO THE RIGHT TO MIlKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FlUS UPON THE LOTS AND BLOCKS SHOWN ON THIS PUoT IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING Of THE STREETS AND AV£NUES SHOWN HEREON, AND FURTHER DEDICATE/CERTIFY TO THE USE OF THE PUBUC, ALL EASEt.4ENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT fOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INOlCAlEO THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE. UNLESS SUCH EASEIotENTS ARE SPECIF1CAU..Y CERTIFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED/CERTIFIED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PU8UC. IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE/CERTIFY SUCH STREETS AND EASEUENTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND toR THE PURPOSE STATED. TRACT A (SENSmvr AREA), IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE STONEHAVEN HOtoIEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE AClMTlES FOR SAID TRACT WILL BE THE RESPONSl81tm' Of THE HOA. IN THE EVENT THAT THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR OTHERWISE fAILS TO MEET ITS PROPERlY TAX OBLIGATIONS AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD or EIGHTEEN (16) MONTHS, THEN EACH LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL AS$Ut.4E AND HAVE AN EOUAL AND UNDMDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE TRACT PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE HOA AND HAVE THE ATTENDANT RESPQNSlBtLmES, INITIAL DEVELOPER RESPONSlBlUTY FOR NGPA: THE DEVELOPER. RATHER THAN THE HOt.4EOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, IS TO 8[ RESPONSI8LE fOR THE INITIAl INSTAllATION, MAINTENANCE AND MINIMUM 5 '!'EARS OF SUCCESSFUL WETLAND t.4mGATlON MONITORING PURSUANT TO THE APPROVED WETlAND MmGATION PLAN. THE TRANSFER OF RESPONSJBIUTY TO THE ~EOWNER'S ASSOCIATION SHALL NOT OCCUR UNTIL THE CITY OF RENTON RElEASES THE DEVElOPER IN WRmNG FROM FURTHER MAINTENANCE AND t.40NrrDRING UPON THE COMPl.£TION Of A MINIMUM Of FlVE SUCCESSFUL CONSECUTJIIE YEARS Of THE WETlAND MONITORING CONSISTENT WITH THE APPROVED WETlAND 1rA0NtTORING AND t.lAtNTENANCE PUVoI. TRACTS B (STORM DRAlNAGE/DETENllON), AND 0 (OPEN SPACE) ARE HEREBY GRAN1ED AND CONVEYED TO THE STONOiAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOClAllON (HOA). OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE ACTIV1T1ES fOR ~D TRACTS WILL BE THE RESPONSIBIUTY OF THE HOA. IN THE £VENT THAT THE HOA IS OISSOLVED OR OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEET ITS PROPERTY TAX OBUGATlONS AS EV1DENCED BY NON-PAYMENT Of PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD Of E1GHTEo-l (18) MONlHS, THEN EACH LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL ASSUME AND HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDMDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE TRACTS PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE HOA AND HAVE THE ATTENDANT RESPONS!BIUTIES. TRACT C (ACCESS) IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE CITY Of RENTON ALONG WITH ALL MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. AN EASEMENT FOR WATER MAINS !S HEREBY DEDICATED TO SODS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT OVER TRACT C. TRACT E IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE OWNERS AND fUTURE OWNERS OF THE PARCEL ABUTTING SAID TRACT ON THE SOUTH. (KING COUNTY TAX PARCEl 3223059170) UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. TRACT F' IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVtYED TO THE OWNERS AND F1JTURE OWNERS Of THE PARCEL ABumNG SAID TRACT ON THE SOUTH. (KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL 3223059171) UPON THE RECOROING Of THIS PLAT. AN ACCESS EASEMENT OVER TRACT 8 IS HEREBY DEDICATfD TO THE CITY OF RENTON fOR THE PURPOSE OF OBSERVING AND INSPECTING mE PRNATE DRAltiA.GE FACIUTIES WITHIN SAID TRACT TO ASSURE THAT THE OWNER. THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, ARE PROPERLY OPERATING AND MAINTAINING SAID FAClunES PURSUANT TO AN ENGINEERING PlAN APPROVED BY THE CITY OF RENTON F'OR THE PROJECT Of iHE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN-. THE CITY Of RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT aT ENTER SAID 'TRACT TO REPAIR At('( DEfiCIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACIUlY IN THE EVENT THE OWNER IS/AAE NEGUGENT IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAtW.GE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHAlL 8E AT THE OWNER'S COST. KNOW All PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE THE HEREIN BELOW SIGNED OWNERS IF FEE SIMPLE Of THE LAND HEREBY SUBDMDED, HEREBY CERTIfY THAT WE HAVE ESTABlISHED "THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN" HOIolEOWNERS ASSOCtA.TlON (HOA) IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE LAW WHICH IDENTIFIES EACH LOT OF THIS PLAT AS A M0A8ER Of SAID HOA. SAID HOA IS SUBJECT TO THE DEClARATION Of COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE PLAT Of i'HE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN-AS DISCLOSED BY INST'RVWENT UNDER KING COUNlY RECORDING NUMBER IN 'MTWESS WHEREOF WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. fu; lHE RESERVEAT STOOEHAV£N, LLc.-A WASHINGTON lIho1lTED LIABILITY CClMPANY. -,,,,-srr-R-UN-G S-"'N"'GS"'.""'ANj(::;;-:, C'-;/Oo--A:OC~TI:ON;:;­ IoIORTGAGE Dre. ARADON OF CQ\IfNANT' 'THE OWNER OF THE lAND EMBRACED ~IN THIS LONG PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEfiT TO ACCRUE FROIrA THIS SUBOlVISlON, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND HEREBY CONVEYS 'TrfE BENEFICIAl INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS LONG PLAT TO fJN( AND ALl. FUTURE PURCHASERS Of THE LOTS, OR Of ANY SUBD\IISION THEREOf. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN wITH THE lAND f.S SHOWN ON THIS LONG: PLAT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF _____ _ COUNTY Of _____ _ r CERTIFY 'THAT I KNOW OR HAV£ SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ________ _ _____________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT (H£/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWL£DGED IT AS THE OF 'THE RESER\f: AT S'TCI£HA\t)f LLC TO BE THE FREE AND VOlUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY fOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DAnD _____________ ._. _____ _ SIGNATURE Of NOTARY PUBLIC _. ____________ _ PRINTED NAt.4E ____________ _ TITLE _______________ _ IrAY APPOINT\lENT EXPIRES ________ _ STATE Of WASHINGTON COUNTY or _____ _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HA'v£ SATlSfACTORY EVIDENCE THAT ________ _ ______________ StGNED THIS INSTRUt.4ENT, ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED !T AS THE -----==-c--:---:-c-:c-::-c:::--------------Of SlERUNG SA\1NQS BAIf( TO BE THE fREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT Of SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES t.4ENTlONED IN THE INSTRUMENT, DATtD ________________ _ SIGNATURE Of NOTARY PUBLIC _____________ _ PRINTED NAhoIE ______ . _______ _ TITLE ___________________ _ holY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES _________ _ 32, TWP. 23N., KING COUNTY, JOB NO. 0<4-279 SHEET 1 Of 5 RGE. 5E., W.M. WASHINGTON COY OF RENTON APPROVALS CID' OF RfNION PLANNING/BUllDING/pllB[ IC WORKS QfPMIMENT EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS ___ DAY OF _____ , 2006. ADIoIINISTRATDR aTr Of RfNT9N MAYOR EXAt.4INED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ______ 2006. ""~-------------------- DIY Of BENTON EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _ DA Y Of _____ , 2006. CllY OF RENTON fiNANCE DIRECTOR'S CER]ElCATE j HEREBY CERTIfY THAT THERE ME NO DEUNOUENT SPECIAl ASSESSMENTS AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIfiED TO THE CITY TREASURER fOR COll£CTION ON ANi PROPERlY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED FOR STREETS, AlLEYS OR OTHER PUBLIC USES ARE PAID IN FULL THIS __ DAY OF ______ • 2005. ANANCE DIRECTOR COUNTY APPROVALS KING COUNTy QEPARTUfW Of ASSESSMENTS £XAMtNED AND APPROVED THIS __ DAY OF ____ 2006. 322305 9096-06 &; 322305 9022=05 ACCOUNT NOS. fiNANCE DMSION CfRDflCAJf I HEREBY CERTIfY THAT AlL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DEUNOUENT SPECIAl.. ASSESSMENTS CERTIfiED TO THIS OffiCE FOR COLLECTION ON Am OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALl.EYS OR fOR OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL THIS ___ DAr Of ______ 2006. WHAGER, FlNANCE DMSION OEPUlY SlJRVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CHRlSTOPHER SHANE BARNES HEREBY CERTIfY THAT mls PLAT Of THE RESERVE AT STONEHAV(N IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAl SURVEY AND SUBDMSION OF' SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 2.3 NDRlH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M .• THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY HEREON; THAT THE MONUWENTS WILL BE SET AND THE LOT CORNERS WILL BE STAKED CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND AS CONSTRUCTION IS COtAPL£TED AND THAT I HAVE FULLY COMPllED WITH THE PROVISIONS Of THE PLAmNG REGULAnoNS. RECORDING CER]FICATE FILED fOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST Of THE CITY Of RENTON THIS _ __ DAY Of ,2006 AT __ IrAINUTES PAST ___ Yo AND RECORDED IN YOW~ Of PLATS, PAGE(S) __ _ ____ _< RECORDS Of KING COUNT(, WASHINGTON. DMStON OF RECORDS AND EU:CTIONS !AANAGER SUPERINTENDENT Of RECORDS JA,uu/, '&ilnnon.-&-.A.~. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE. N,E., STE. 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 Denis Law Mayor July 29, 2013 Melanie Clark Westcott Homes 1010 Market Street Kirkland, WA 98033 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E."ChipnVincent, Administrator Subject: Receipt of Fourth and Final Annual Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation City of Renton File LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Mitchell: This letter is to inform you that I have accepted final annual maintenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven wetland mitigation project. Upon evaluation, it appears the project is in compliance with the established performance standards thereby satisfying the 5 year successful monitoring period requirement. I have initiated the paperwork to release the surety, in the amount of $8,772.15. If you have any general questions please contact me at (425) 430-7219 or Carrie Olson with questions in regards to the release of your surety at (425) 430-7235. Sincerely, ~~m~= Current Planning Division cc: City of Renton File LUAOS-130 Ed Sewell, Sewell Wetland Consulting Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Carrie, MEMORANDUM July 29, 2013 Carrie Olson Rocale Timmons Release of Assignment of Funds Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation City of Renton File LUAOS-130 Please initiate the paperwork to release, the bond for the mitigation project for the Reserve at Stonehave Mitigation Project. The amount is for approximately $8,772.15. A copy of the paperwork should also go in the yellow file and to the City Clerk's office. Thank you! h:\ced\planning\current planning\wetlands\stonehaven\release memo.docx Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Rocale Timmons City of Renton 27641 Covington Way SE #2 Covington WA ~ Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Re: Reserve At Stone haven -Final Monitoring report City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 SWC Job#12-161 Dear Rocale, Phore: 253-859-0515 Fax: 253-8524732 This report describes the results of Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. final monitoring of the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland mitigation project. Vicinity Map Stonehavenl#12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26,2013 Page 20/5 The site located off of South 47th Street just west of 102nd Avenue SE. The approved mitigation plan "Final Wetland Mitigation Plan and Maintenance/Monitoring Plan" was prepared by Alder NW and dated 1-12-06. The project was installed in March of 2006. 1.0 WETLAND MITIGATION CONCEPT AND GOALS 1.1 Restoration Goals Restoration Goals and Objectives When the Wetland Evaluation report for the property was being prepared in 2002, much of the property including the wetland buffer was being grazed by horses. At that time vegetation over the buffer area was closely grazed grasses and herbaceous cover. Since that time, the horses have been removed from the property and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), has become established. No large trees were affected by the construction. The general goal of the mitigation design for the disturbed buffer areas is to accelerate the reestablishment of native shrubs on the disturbed buffer area. This goal will be accomplished with plantings of native shrubs on the disturbed area, and control of Himalayan blackberry on the area included in the planting plan. In accordance with City of .Renton mitigation requirements. the area being included in the planting plan is erilarged to cover an area of 3,300sq.ft. This area includes the l,lOOsq.ft of buffi:r disturbed by the construction work and 2,200sq.ft. of the adjacent buffi:r area where Himalayan blackberry has become established. . 2.0 INTRODUCTION Although the success and final outcome of wetland mitigation, restoration and enhancement projects is never guaranteed, certain procedures can be utilized to increase the probability of success. One of the most important procedures for success following proper design and installation is the establishment of a monitoring plan to track changes and developments within the system. Monitoring provides the opportunity to evaluate the success of planted material within the system and observe early establishment of pioneer and volunteer species. By observing the success of planted and volunteer species during the first five years of the project, it may be possible to speculate on the successional pathway taken, and general success of the project. Monitoring at the Reserve at Stonehaven mitigation area was to be conducted over a five year period. This report represents the final monitoring report 7 years after installation. Stonehaven!#12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Page 30/5 3.0 STANDARDS OF SUCCESS Standards of Success A detennination of the success in achieving the buffer restoration goals and objectives will be based on the following quantitative standards. 1. A minimum of 80010 survival of planted shrubs at the end of each of the minimwn five years of the monitoring period. 2. Non-native and/or invasive plant species shall not exhibit more than 10 percent coverage within the buffer restoration area at the end of each growing season during the minimum five year monitoring period. These invasive species include but are not limited to reed canarygrass Himalayan blackberry, and Scot's broom. 3. A minimum of 70 percent average native vegetative cover of native shrubs on the area included in the restoration planting area. Plant species composition shall meet the intent of the mitigation goals. 4.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY As described in the approved plan, the sampling methods for the project are as follows; Sampling Methods Vegetative cover will be sampled by measurements along a 50-foot long permanently established transect placed parallel with the fifty foot buffer line. Data to be collected on this transect includes surviving plant numbers and aerial coverage by species. Permanent stakes will identifY the end points of each transect. A full count of the surviving plants on the restoration area will also be eonducted. In addition to the sample transects, pennanent photo points will be established from which the mitigation area can be photographed. These photos will provide a pictorial record of the development of the area over time and will be used to supplement the quantitative sample transects. 5.0 OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSION OF SITE CONDITIONS The following is our observations of the final monitoring of the mitigation site taken in March of2013. 5.1 Survival Statistics for Installed Plant Material As required by the Year 5 criteria, the survival rate for all planted species is to be 80% at this time. Review of the plantings revealed the following survival rates; Plant #Planted #Alive 0/0 Snowberry 80 69 86 Salal 20 17 85 Wild Rose 110 90 82 Stonehavenl#12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, 1nc. March 26,2013 Page 4 0/5 Based upon these survival rates, the 80% survival rate minimum has been exceeded, and as a result this criteria has been met for survival for the final Year 5 standards. 5.2 Invasive vegetation The enhanced buffer area was originally covered with blackberry. Blackberry has been maintained and as a result, weedy species coverage is below the 10% threshold. 5.3 Native Vegetation Coverage Coverage of native vegetation within the mitigation area is approximately 75%, exceeding the 70% cover criteria for the final Year 5 standards. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSION The site is meeting all of the monitoring requirements for the final Year 5 monitoring even though the installation has been in the ground 7 years. We recommend release of any monitoring/maintenance bond for the project as it has met all the goals set out for the project at its completion of a 5 year monitoring period. If you have any questions or need any additional information please contact me at (253) 859-0515 or by email atesewall@sewallwc.com. Sincerely, Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Ed Sewall Senior Wetland Ecologist PWS #212 Stonehaven!#12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Page 5 0/5 Above: Looking easterly across the mitigation site. Below: across the mit' Denis Law Mayor August 2, 2013 Melanie Clark Westcott Homes 10 10 Market Street Kirkland W A 98033 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E.I Chip"Vincent, Administrator ~SUBJECT: RELEASE OF WETLAND MITIGATION MAINTENANCE & MONITORING BOND FOR RESERVE AT STONEHA VEN LUA05-130 Gentlemen: This letter will serve as authority to release the Wetland Mitigation Maintenance & Monitoring Bond (Assignment of Funds #599993988468) in the amount of $8,772. 15. The original security device is enclosed for your files. Please notify Sterling Savings Bank of this release. If you have any questions, please contact Rocale Timmons at (425430-7219). Sincerely, ~'-fJ&~ Jennifer Henning Planning Manager Enclosure: Original Maintenance Bond EMAILEDTO:mclark@westcotthomes.com Cc: LUA05-130 file I:\PlanReview\COUNTER\BONDRELS\SENSITIVE AREA OR WETLAND MITIGATION MAINTENANCE BONDS RELEASE LETTERS: LUA05-130doclcolson Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov ~R-02-2006 15:11 CTTY OF RENTON 425 430 7231 P.0~ (On Your Bank Letterhead) ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS TO THE CITY OF RENTON STERLING~ SAVINGS BANK ~ Phone; Fax: Attention: Title: Qnl/ {6.Oub The above referenced bank hereby certifies that &i~f [brand &cJen hlbtldrd&uenfrrltPoc/t;/~ . dollars ($ 8'772./S) is on deposit in the account number .599939!?8 'II, 8 under the name of the City of Renton, to secure the applicant's performance of the following work required in connection with the plat orproject described below. Plat or Project: '1ne. Ileser t/.~ af 5:/anehall"h -,'. Location I Address of Plat or Project: S. t./7tJ S{t~f Qhd 1110;11 QU6S . Ae h/-o n /AJ Il- The required work is generally described as follows: lJ..)eJ. /ahcl If} On i for ,-hj amd maj ~ fen an(,e -fo;-6 '(.farS The bank hereby certifies and agrees that these funds will not be released without written instructions from an authorized agent of the City of Renton (the City). We further agree that these funds will be paid to the City within 10 days of receiving written notice that the City has detennined that the required work has not been properly performed. The bank: shall have no duty or right to evaluate the correctness or appropriateness of any such notice or determination by the City and shall not interplead or in any manner delay payment of said funds to the City. The applicant hereby agrees to this assignment of fimds and that" its obligation to perfonn the required work is not limited to the amoUnt of funds held by the bank. This Assignment of funds is irrevocable and cannot be cancelled by the bank or applicant, These funds may not be assigned, pledged, used as security or otherwise made available to the applicant, bank or a third party without the prior written consent of the City. ~!'errcv ~ A ~2 Authonzed ignarure ~d~~dlfVlO:v-r. Vtl"~ Pre.S. f()art<. S. "Donne r J iOahCcqer \ I I ~c...A L u:.- Nanle, Tltle J Name, Title • I D-'\0-4ajt'-'eJ..:.:&~/~[) .... <e_-------""l 1 4 0 ~:-; .~ -.; P ~E. 340 PHONE BEL L E ~~ WAg 8 0 0 4 - 6 4 3 1 1-800-982-1767, (425)453-1208 FAX (425)453-0524 TOTAL F " . ;. '".'\: Denis Law 'Mayor' July 29, 2013 ',Melanie Clark , 'Westcott Homes 'lOin" M.arke:t,Str~et " ' ,l<irl(la~d,WA 98p33 " , " .,'.::" . " '.~. 'SubjeCt: Receipt ofFourth and FinalAnilual Maintenance and Mo'n'itori~g:,Report' -Re'~erVeatStorllihaven, Wetl,and Mh:igation " , ' CitY-of Renton File LUA05,130 " . -. DkarMr. Mitchell:, ., " 'Thisletterls:toinform'you thai I ha~e accepted finaLannualmaintenan~'e ~lndmonitoring report for the Reserve a,t Stonehaven,'wetland rnittgation project. ,Upon evaluation,jtappearsthe project is r~,compliancewith the establish~ci' perf6rlllance standards ttlE~rebysatisfying tileS " 'yearsuccessfulmohitoring:period requirement, ' ",' -" ,.' " . " " :'. 'I) ave i.riitiated thepa perwo'rk to .release the, Sljrety; :in'the. amo(jnt-of $8,772.15.. :If you have any: general :questions please contact me, at(425) ASO-7219 or 'Carrie :DIson with questions.' in,' " nigardstothe rt!iease ofyou~suretyat (425) 430-7235.' , " '" .' "," .. . .. " '. .' .,. : Sincerely, ~, i,-/?~~ ~;'cfenn"n~ns, SeniotPI~~ner · , Currerit Planning Division' " , , .' .' . cc: City afRenton File LUAO~-130' , . Ed Sewell;se..vell Wetla~d C6n~ulting '. ~' ;.. :." ", . . " ' ,...... .' .',' '" " ' .......... : '., ..... " , . "Renton City Hall '~1055 South GradyWay.o; Renton;WashingtOn 98057 • rentonwa~gov -" .' ',', . .". -, " . "." .. ,:' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Carrie, MEMORANDUM July 29, 2013 Carrie Olson Rocale Timmons Release of Assignment of Funds Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation City of Renton File LUAOS-130 Please initiate the paperwork to release, the bond for the mitigation project for the Reserve at Stonehave Mitigation Project. The amount is for approximately $8,772.15. A copy of the paperwork should also go in the yellow file and to the City Clerk's office. Thankyou! h:\ced\planning\current planning\wetlands\stonehaven\release memo.docx Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 19515 North Creek parkway #300 Bothell, Washington 98011 Subject: Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Renton, Washington City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: AlderNW In accordance with monitoring requirements for the Wetland Mitigation Area for the Reserve at Stonehaven, I conducted a monitoring visit on April 8, 2009 The mitigation design for the project is presented on the Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated February 21, 2006, by AlderNW. Work in the mitigation area was completed during March of 2006, as reported in my letter dated March 1,2006. Previous monitoring visits were conducted in June, October, December, and March, 2007. This letter presents the monitoring results after the plant materials have been in place for 3 years. The plant materials on the mitigation area generally appear in good condition and have initiated new spring growth. The count of surviving plant materials is presented on Table 1. The survival rate of 89% exceeds the standard for plant survival. Hawthorn mortality is related to animal browsing. In the course of completing the more detailed estimates of cover along the transect a number of short hawthorn plants were located. These plants had apparently been browsed leaving a short stem of 12" or so. Some of these plants may survive although they were not included in the count of surviving plant materials for this monitoring report. A 50ft sample transect to measure of the level of plant cover over the mitigation area has been established. Results of the % cover sampling are presented on Table 2. The overall average % cover by shrubs along the transect is along the 50ft transect is approximately 37%. This result at the beginning of the third growing season after installation of the plantings indicates satisfactory growth toward meeting the standard of 70% shrub cover by the end of the 5 year monitoring period. This monitoring visit was completed at the beginning of April. Plant materials had initiated growth with the opening of buds but had not added new growth for the year. 812 NE 83rd Street, Seattle, Washington 98115-Phone (206)334-1338 email aldernw@comcast.net Mr. Kerek Edwards April 9, 2009 Maintenance Recommendations At the time of this monitoring visit in early April, Himalayan blackberry had not initiated new spring growth. The level of cover by the Himalayan blackberry as measured along the transect is less than the 10% standard. Blackberry is becoming established on the mitigation area and is encroaching into the area from. ,,\} NM.( At the time of this monitoring visit, the level of cover by Himalayan blackberry was less than the allowed standard. However, blackberry grows rapidly and will quickly take over the area and will potentially affect the growth and survival of the desired native plants in the absence of control measures. Work to control Himalayan blackberry during the spring and summer will be required. At the time of this monitoring visit in April, 2009, the buffer restoration area is meeting the applicable standards that there be 80% survival of planted materials, and that there be less than 10% cover by non native shrub species. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW .t~~~ ~P.Munger Enclosures Count of Surviving Plant Materials Transect Results. Project No. 51601a Page No.2 TABLE 1 COUNT OF SURVIVING PLANT MATERIALS (April, 2009) Scientific Name Common Name Quantity (from plan) (actual) Symphoricarpos alba snowberry 80 (58) Gaultheria shallon salal 20 (5) Rosa gymnocarpa wild rose 110 (105) Crataegus douglas;; Hawthorn 0 (8) Amelanchier Serviceberry 0 (11) Total shrubs 210 (187) 187/210 ==89% survival TABLE 2 TRANSECT DATA April 8, 2009 Transect # 1 Distance Herbaceous Woody cover Non native Other Along groundcover (native) shrubs (% cover) Transect (% cover) (% cover) (% cover) (feet) 0-5 20 20 (2) 0 5-10 10 10 (1) 0 20 (2) 10-15 10 30 (2) 10 15-20 20 10 (1) 10 40 (2) 20-25 20 40 (2) 10 25-30 10 30 (2) 20 30-35 10 20(2) 20 35-40 20 50 (1) 10 40-45 20 10 (1) 10 40 (2) 45-50 10 40 (1) 0 10 (2) Notes: ( ) Identification of plant species along transect. (1) Snow berry (2) wild rose Photo 1 April 8, 2009 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area View looking southeast from NW comer of mitigation area. Photo 2 April 8, 2009 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area. View looking northwest from southeast corner of mitigation area Denis Law Mayor December 28, 2012 Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 19515 North Creek Parkway Suite 300 ~othell, WA 98011 Department of Community and Economic Development C.E.I Chip"Vincent,Administrator Subject: ~equest for Status of Maintenance and Monitoring Reserve at Stbneh~~~I1, Wetland Mitigation City of Renton ~MO' Dear Mr. Edwards: City of Renton Municipal Code requires that maintenance and monitoring reports be. received quarterly for the first year and annually. thereafter. The City has yet to receive your 3rd and 4th annual reports which were due on March 1st of 2010 and 2011. This letter serves as notice that you have 30 days upon receipt of this letter to submit the status of the mitigation project, or the matter will be turned over to the Code Compliance Section. Please submit this and all subsequent materials relating to the wetland mitigation project to my attention. I can be reached at 425-439-7219 with any questions. Sincerely, Rocale Timmons Associate Planner cc: City of Renton File LUAOs-130 Garet P. Munger, Alder NW Jennifer Henning, Current Planning Manager Donna Locher, Code Compliance Inspector Renton City Hall. 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov Denis Law Mayor May4,2009 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 19515 North Creek Parkway Ste # 300 Bothell,WA 98011 Department of Community & Economic Development Subject: Receipt of 2nd Annual Wetland Maintenance & Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: I received the 2nd annual maintenance and monitoring report for the Stonehaven Final Plat, which was due to the City of Renton on March 1st, 2009. Everything appears to be in compliance. Please follow the biologist recommendations to grub out blackberries on a regular basis and remove trash from the area. Receipt of this report satisfies Renton's code requirement for 2nd annual monitoring report. Your third annual report will be due to the City by March 1st, 2010. Please send two copies to my attention. If you have any questions I can be reached at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, t:J.c:,m~~ Current Planning Division cc: City of Renton File No. LUAOS-130 Garet Munger, AlderNW Renton City Hall • 1055 South Grady Way • Renton, Washington 98057 • rentonwa.gov CITY F)F RENT ~ April 21, 2008 Mr. Kcrek Edwards Westcott Homes ",\ ~N~ 19515 North Creek Parkway Ste # 300 ~ Bothell, WA 98011 D.:;,partment of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Subject: Receipt of lSI Annual Wetland Maintenance & Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: [ recel ved the 1 Sf annual mamtenance and monitoring report for the Stone haven Final Plat, which was due to the City of Renton on March 1 st, 2008. Everything appears to be in compliance. Please follow the biologist recommendations to grub out blackberries on a regular basis and remove trash from the area. Receipt of this report satisfies Renton's code requirement for 151 annual monitoring report. Your second annual report will be due to the City by March 1 SI, 2009. Please send two copies to my attention. If you have any questions I can be reached at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, . ./,' /-~ ~-, . ..-::\." ~ -. 'A' r / , ~ ~ c {. ,_ '-..-. . '/ , ............ ---,-- Ro!a\e Timmons, Planner Development ServIces DiVIsion cc City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Garet Munger, AlderN W ------l-O-SS-S-o-uth-a-ra-d-y-W-a-y..--R-e-n-to-n,-w-a-s-hin-gt-o-n-9S-0-S7------~ ® This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Denis Law, Mayor April 21, 2008 Mr. Kcrek Edwards Westcott Homes 19515 North Creek Parkway Ste # 300 Bothell, W A 98011 CITY ::>F RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Subject: Receipt of 151 Annual Wetland Maintenance & Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: [ recel ved the 1 st annual maintenance and monitoring report for the Stonehaven Final Plat, which was due to the City of Renton on March 1 S\ 2008. Everything appears to be in compliance. Please follow the biologist recommendations to grub out blackberries on a regular basis and remove trash from the area. Receipt of this report satisfies Renton's code requirement for lSI annual monitoring report. Your second annual report will be due to the City by March 151 ,2009. Please send two copies to my attention. If you have any questions I can be reached at (425) 430-7219. Sincerely, CC CIty of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Garet Munger, AlderNW ------l-O-SS-S-o-uth-G-ra-d-y-W-ay--,--R-e-n-to-n,-w-as-hin-gt-o-n-9S-0-S7------.~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE " ~lJ'~!lliIIWJ!lIml'llltl:II_I>." m-J..', -----:e-64.;;....~-CO.....;.~-~-1 -W-w...;;et...;;ay....;I:-~-~"--co;;.......;;...n-S..;;....;;...~..;..;I!=::.;..:;.. ~~' ~ln;.;;.c.;;;..~;;...5- March 26,2013 Rocale Timmons City of Renton Covington WA ~ Fax: 253-852-4732 Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Re: Reserve At Stonehaven -Final Monitoring report City of Renton File No. LUA05-l30 SWC lob#12-161 Dear Rocale, This report describes the results of Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. final monitoring of the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland mitigation project. Stonehavenl# 12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Page 2 of5 The site located off of South 47th Street just west of 1 02nd Avenue SE. The approved mitigation plan "Final Wetland Mitigation Plan and Maintenance/Monitoring Plan" was prepared by Alder NW and dated 1-12-06. The project was installed in March of2006. 1.0 WETLAND MITIGATION CONCEPT AND GOALS 1.1 Restoration Goals Restoration Goals and Objectives When the Wetland Evaluation report for the property was being prepared in 2002, much of the property including the wetland buffer was being grazed by horses. At that time vegetation over the buffer area was c10selv grazed grasses and herbaceous cover. Since that time, the horses have been removed from the property and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), has become established. No large trees were affected by the construction. The general goal of the mitigation design for the disturbed buffer areas is to accelerate the reestablishment of native shrubs on the disturbed buffer area. This goal will be accomplished with plantings of native shrubs on the disturbed area, and control of Himalayan blackberry on the area included in the planting plan. In accordance with City of Renton mitigation requirements, the area being included in the planting plan is enlarged to cover an area of 3,300sq.ft. This area includes the I, IOOsq.ft of buffer disturbed by the construction work and 2,200sq.ft. of the adjacent buffer area where Himalayan blackberry has become established. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Although the success and final outcome of wetland mitigation, restoration and enhancement projects is never guaranteed, certain procedures can be utilized to increase the probability of success. One of the most important procedures for success following proper design and installation is the establishment of a monitoring plan to track changes and developments within the system. Monitoring provides the opportunity to evaluate the success of planted material within the system and observe early establishment of pioneer and volunteer species. By observing the success of planted and volunteer species during the first five years of the project, it may be possible to speculate on the successional pathway taken, and general success of the project. Monitoring at the Reserve at Stonehaven mitigation area was to be conducted over a five year period. This report represents the final monitoring report 7 years after installation. Stonehavenl#12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Page 3 of5 3.0 STANDARDS OF SUCCESS Standards of Success A dctennination of the success in achieving the buffer restoration goals and objectives will be based on the following quantitative standards. I. A minimum of 80% survival of planted shrubs at the end of each of the minimum five years of the monitoring period. 2. Non-native and/or invasive plant species shall not exhibit more than 10 percent coverage within the buffer restoration area at the end of each growing season during the minimum five year monitoring period These invasive species include but arc not limited to reed canarygrass Himalayan blackberry, and Sco(s broom. 3. A minimum of 70 percent average native vegetative cover of native shrubs on the area included in the restoration planting area. Plant species composition shall meet the intent of the mitigation goals. 4.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY As described in the approved plan, the sampling methods for the project are as follows; Sampling Methods Vegetative cover will be sampled by measurements along a 50-foot long pennanent/y established transect placed parallel with the fifty foot buffer line. Data to be collected on this transect includes surviving plant numbers and aerial coverage by species. Pennanent stakes will identify the end points of each transect. A full count of the surviving plants on the restoration area will also be conducted. In addition to the sample transects, pennanent photo points will be established from which the mitigation area can be photographed. These photos will provide a pictorial record of the development of the area over time and will be used to supplement the quantitative sample transects. 5.0 OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSION OF SITE CONDITIONS The following is our observations of the final monitoring of the mitigation site taken in March of2013. 5.1 Survival Statistics for Installed Plant Material As required by the Year 5 criteria, the survival rate for all planted species is to be 80% at this time. Review of the plantings revealed the following survival rates; Plant #Planted #Alive % Snowberry 80 69 86 Salal 20 17 85 Wild Rose 110 90 82 R{ Stonehavenl# 12 -161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Page 4 0/5 Based upon these survival rates, the 80% survival rate minimum has been exceeded, and as a result this criteria has been met for survival for the final Year 5 standards. 5.2 Invasive vegetation The enhanced buffer area was originally covered with blackberry. Blackberry has been maintained and as a result, weedy species coverage is below the 10% threshold. 5.3 Native Vegetation Coverage Coverage of native vegetation within the mitigation area is approximately 75%, exceeding the 70% cover criteria for the final Year 5 standards. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSION The site is meeting all of the monitoring requirements for the final Year 5 monitoring even though the installation has been in the ground 7 years. We recommend release of any monitoring/maintenance bond for the project as it has met all the goals set out for the project at its completion of a 5 year monitoring period. If you have any questions or need any additional information please contact me at (253) 859-0515 or by email atesewall@sewallwc.com. Sincerely, Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Ed Sewall Senior Wetland Ecologist PWS #212 Stonehavenl# 12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc, March 26, 2013 Page 5 0/5 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26,2013 Rocale Timmons City of Renton 27641 Covington Way SE #2 Covington WA ~ Department of Community and Economic Development 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98057 Re: Reserve At Stonehaven -Final Monitoring report City of Renton File N~~J() , SWC lob#12-161 -'n~-'-''"' Dear Rocale, Phore: 253-859-0515 Fax: 253-852-4732 This report describes the results of Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. final monitoring of the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland mitigation project. Vicinity Map Stonehavenl# 12 -161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Page 20/5 The site located off of South 47th Street just west of 102nd Avenue SE. The approved mitigation plan "Final Wetland Mitigation Plan and Maintenance/Monitoring Plan" was prepared by Alder NW and dated 1-12-06. The project was installed in March of2006. 1.0 WETLAND MITIGATION CONCEPT AND GOALS 1.1 Restoration Goals Restoration GoaJs and Objectives When the Wetland Evaluation report for the property was being prepared in 2002, much of the property including the wetland buffer was being grazed by horses. At that time vegetation over the buffer area was c10selv grazed grasses and herbaceous cover. Since that time, the horses have been removed from the property and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), has become established. No large trees were affected by the construction. The general goal of the mitigation design for the disturbed buffer areas is to accelerate the reestablishment of native shrubs on the disturbed buffer area. This goal will be accomplished with plantings of native shrubs on the disturbed area, and control of Himalayan blackberry on the area included in the planting plan. In accordance with City of Renton mitigation requirements, the area being included in the planting plan is enlarged to cover an area of 3,300sq. ft. This area includes the 1,IOOsq.ft of buffer disturbed by the construction work and 2,2oosq.ft. of the adjacent buffer area where Himalayan blackberry has become established. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Although the success and final outcome of wetland mitigation, restoration and enhancement projects is never guaranteed, certain procedures can be utilized to increase the probability of success. One of the most important procedures for success following proper design and installation is the establishment of a monitoring plan to track changes and developments within the system. Monitoring provides the opportunity to evaluate the success of planted material within the system and observe early establishment of pioneer and volunteer species. By observing the success of planted and volunteer species during the first five years of the project, it may be possible to speculate on the successional pathway taken, and general success of the project. Monitoring at the Reserve at Stonehaven mitigation area was to be conducted over a five year period. This report represents the final monitoring report 7 years after installation. .' C ):, '. Stonehavenl# 12 -161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Page 3 of5 3.0 STANDARDS OF SUCCESS Standards of Success A detennination of the success in achieving the buffer restoration goals and objectives will be based on the following quantitative standards. I. A minimum of 800/0 survival of planted shrubs at the end of each of the minimum five years of the monitoring period. 2. Non-native and/or invasive plant species shall not exhibit more than 10 percent coverage within the buffer restoration area at the end of each growing season during the minimum five year monitoring period. These invasive species include but are not limited to reed canarygrass Himalayan blackberry, and Scot's broom. 3. A minimum of 70 percent average native vegetative cover of native shrubs on the area included in the restoration planting area. Plant species composition shall meet the intent of the mitigation goals. 4.0 SAMPLING METHODOLOGY As described in the approved plan, the sampling methods for the project are as follows; Sampling Methods Vegetative cover will be sampled by measurements along a 50-foot long permanently established transect placed parallel with the fifty foot buffer line. Data to be collected on this transect includes surviving plant numbers and aerial coverage by species. Permanent stakes will identify the end points of each transect. A full count of the surviving plants on the restoration area will also be conducted. In addition to the sample transects, permanent photo points will be established from which the mitigation area can be photographed. These photos will provide a pictorial record of the development of the area over time and will be used to supplement the quantitative sample transects. 5.0 OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSION OF SITE CONDITIONS The following is our observations of the final monitoring of the mitigation site taken in March of20l3. 5.1 Survival Statistics for Installed Plant Material As required by the Year 5 criteria, the survival rate for all planted species is to be 80% at this time. Review of the plantings revealed the following survival rates; Plant #Planted #Alive 0/0 Snowberry 80 69 86 Salal 20 17 85 Wild Rose 110 90 82 ,"l ~\~i; ... Stonehavenl#12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26, 2013 Page 4 0/5 Based upon these survival rates, the 80% survival rate minimum has been exceeded, and as a result this criteria has been met for survival for the final Year 5 standards. 5.2 Invasive vegetation The enhanced buffer area was originally covered with blackberry. Blackberry has been maintained and as a result, weedy species coverage is below the 10% threshold. 5.3 Native Vegetation Coverage Coverage of native vegetation within the mitigation area is approximately 75%, exceeding the 70% cover criteria for the final Year 5 standards. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSION The site is meeting all of the monitoring requirements for the final Year 5 monitoring even though the installation has been in the ground 7 years. We recommend release of any monitoring/maintenance bond for the project as it has met all the goals set out for the project at its completion of a 5 year monitoring period. If you have any questions or need any additional information please contact me at (253) 859-0515 or by email atesewall@sewallwc.com. Sincerely, Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Ed Sewall Senior Wetland Ecologist PWS #212 Stonehavenl#12-161 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 26,2013 Page 5 0/5 March 23, 2009 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 19515 North Creek Parkway Ste #300 Bothell, WA 98011 CITYflF RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Subject: Request for Second Annual Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to inform you that the second annual maintenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation Project was due to the City of Renton on March 1, 2008. Please submit the required report to my attention by April 20, 2009 or the matter will be turned over to our Code Compliance Inspector. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7219. sinccr~~ ~e Timmons, Planncr '~it Planning Division cc: City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Paul Baker, Code Compliance Inspector Garet Munger, AlderNW -------------10-5-5-S0-u-th-G-r-a-dy-W--aY---R-e-nt-o-n,-w-~--hi-n~--on--98-0-5-7-------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE Suite 1 Everett, Washington 98205 SUbject: First Annual Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Renton, Washington City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: AlderNW April 17,2008 Project No. 71803a In accordance with monitoring requirements for the Wetland Mitigation Area for the Reserve at Stonehaven, I conducted a monitoring visit on April 3, 2008 The mitigation design for the project is presented on the Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated February 21, 2006, by AlderNW. Work in the mitigation area was completed during March of 2006, as reported in my letter dated March 1, 2006. Previous monitoring visits were conducted in June, October, December, and March,2007. This letter presents the results of first annual monitoring inspection. The plant materials on the mitigation area appear in good condition and have initiated new spring growth. With the exception of salal, the plant species included in the original planting materials are surviving and show signs of new growth. The count of surviving plant materials is presented on Table 1. the survival rate of 94% exceeds the standard for plant survival. A 50ft sample transect to measure of the level of plant cover over the mitigation area has been established. Results of the % cover sampling are presented on Table 2. The overall average % cover by shrubs along the transect is along the 50ft transect is approximately 20%. This result at the beginning of the second growing season after installation of the plantings indicates satisfactory growth toward meeting the standard of 70% shrub cover by the end of the 5 year monitoring period. This monitoring visit was completed at the end of March. Plant materials had initiated growth with the opening of buds but had not added new growth for the year. Other than continuing periodic maintenance to remove trash as it may appear on the area, no additional work is required at this time. It should be anticipated that continuing work to control Himalayan blackberry during the spring and summer will be required as indicated in the original mitigation plan for the project. At the time of the March monitoring visit there was minimal growth of Himalayan blackberry. However it does grow quickly and in accordance with maintenance recommendations in the mitigation the area should be visited during the summer to cut any blackberry which has sprouted on the area. 518 North 59th Street, Seattle, Washington 98103· Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernw@comcast.net Mr. Kerek Edwards April 17,2008 There was no measurable growth of Himalayan blackberry or other non native invasive species as sampled along the sample transect. At the time of this monitoring visit in April, 2008, the buffer restoration area is meeting the applicable standards that there be 80% survival of planted materials, and that there be less than 10% cover by non native species. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW GJ~f.:~ Enclosures Count of Surviving Plant Materials Transect Results. Project No. 5160la Page No. 2 TABLEt COUNT OF SURVIVING PLANT MATERIALS (March, 2008) Scientific NameCommon Name Quantity (from plan) (actual) Symphoricarpos alba snowberry 80 (60) Gaultheria shallon salal 20 (5) Rosa gymnocarpa wild rose 110 (103) Crataegus douglasii Hawthorn 0 (19) Amelanchier Serviceberry 0 (11) Total shrubs 210 (227 227/210 =94% survival TABLE 2 TRANSECT DATA March 30, 2008 Transect # 1 Distance Herbaceous Woody cover Non native Other Along groundcover (native) shrubs (% cover) Transect (% cover) (% cover) (% cover) (feet) 0-5 10 10 (2) + 5-10 10 10 (1) + 10-15 20 30 (2) + 15-20 50 10 (1) 0 10 (2) 20-25 40 10 (2) + 25-30 10 10 (2) 0 Alder seedling 30-35 10 10 (2) 0 35-40 20 40 (1) 0 40-45 20 40(1) 0 Cottonwood 10 (2) seedling 45-50 10 20 (1) 0 Notes: ( ) Identification of plant species along transect. (1) Snow berry (2) wild rose Photo 1 April 3, 2008 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area. View looking southeast from northwest comer of mitigation area Photo 2 April 3, 2008 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area. View looking northwest from southeast comer of mitigation area Denis Law, Mayor April 8, 2008 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CIT1 )F RENTON Department of Community and Economic Development Alex Pietsch, Administrator Subject: Second Request for 1 st Annual Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat CIty of Renton file No.ad r_ Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to inform you that the 1 st annual maintenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation Project was due to the City of Renton on March 1, 2008. This letter serves as the second request for the report. Please send two copies of the report to my attention by Tuesday, April 15th or you will receive an Order to Correct for being out of compliance. This matter has been referred to our Code Compliance Inspector. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 42SA30.7219. Sll1cerely, i<C("vU-~ £Jale Timmons Current Planning Division cc: City of Renton File No. LUA05-l30 Paul Baker. Code Compliance Inspector Garet Munger, AlderNW ------------1-O-55-S-o-u-ili-G-rn-d-y-w-a-y7--R-~-to-n-,w--M-hm-. ~--on--98-0-5-7~----------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE CIT~ :>F RENTON Department of Community and . Economic Development Denis Law, Mayor Alex Pietsch, Administrator March 17, 2008 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Hon-ies 10519 20 th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 Subject: Request for First Annual Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to inform you that the first annual majntenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at StonehavenWetland Mitigation Project was due to the City of Renton on March 1, 2008. Please submit the required report to my attention by April 1, 2008 or the matter will be tumedover to our Code Compliance Inspector. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(425) 430-7219. Sincerely, 1f~m~ Development Services Division cc: Paul Baker,Code Compliance Inspector Garet Munger, AlderNW . ~--'-------~~-~~-----~---'--~N TO··.··· N.· .. 1055 South.Grady Way -Renton,Washington 98057 ® . Tl]is paper cOntains 50%recycJed mateiial, 30% 'post consumer AHE.A·D OF THIl CURVE -' ,'. KathyKeolker, Mayor July 12,2007 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CIT~ RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department· Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Receipt of 4th Quarterly Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat .- City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to inform you that I received the updated 4th quarterly maintenance and mo~itoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation Project. Per your biologist, the mitigation project appears to be in compliance with the established performance standards: Receipt of this report fulfills your obligation for quarterly reports for the first year of 1110hitoring. The next report (lSI Yearly), is due to the City po l<i.ter than March 1, 2008 .. Please submit two copies of the required report to my attention. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (425) 430:'7270. ~ Andrea Petzel, Planner Development Services Division cc: Garet Munger, AlderNW . . ""--, '----'...::.....---,---'~"--'-~rO,....,.55-. -::S~-:-u"""~-6-:-·nid-'-... -y-W-:-·.··~..:-y~.·~.-R..,..:en-~o-::n-;W-.· ·-as-'-hl-·n..:..gt..:-Qn..:-... ..:..98....,.'O".,.:S..:-;-'-·:....-· "":""";'--:-, -, . ...:.. -=---'.:....; ••• -::-'-••....•.. ~. . ·· .. '.$.:.in1Sp~r~~~~rial,~~~~Cons~~C. AHI;:AI>'O,R Tiu S,URV}) Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE Suite 1 Everett, Washington 98205 Subject: Quarterly Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Renton, Washington ·~ ... n1Ifi_&~t30 Dear Mr. Edwards: AlderNW March 30, 2007 Revision July 9,2007 Project No. 71803a In accordance with monitoring requirements for the Wetland Mitigation Area for the Reserve at Stonehaven, I conducted a monitoring visit on March 29, 2007 The mitigation design for the project is presented on the Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated February 21, 2006, by AlderNW. Work in the mitigation area was completed during March of 2006, as reported in my letter dated March 1,2006. Previous monitoring visits were conducted in June, October, and December, 2006. This letter presents the results of the fourth of the first year quarterly monitoring inspections. The plant materials on the mitigation area are in good condition and have initiated new spring growth. We identified only one dead serviceberry within the planting area. With the exception of salal, the plant species included in the original planting materials are surviving and show signs of new growth. The count of surviving plant materials is presented on Table 1. A 50ft sample transect to measure of the level of plant cover over the mitigation area has been established. Results of the % cover sampling are presented on Table 2. The overall average % cover along the 50ft transect is 30%. This result at the beginning of the second growing season after installation of the plantings indicates satisfactory growth toward meeting the standard of 70% shrub cover by the end of the 5 year monitoring period. Other than continuing periodic maintenance to remove trash as it may appear on the area, no additional work is required at this time. It should be anticipated that continuing work to control Himalayan blackberry during the spring and summer will be required as indicated in the original mitigation plan for the project. At the time of the March monitoring visit there was minimal growth of Himalayan blackberry. However it does grow quickly and in accordance with maintenance recommendations in the mitigation the area should be visited in late April or May to cut any blackberry which has sprouted on the area. 518 North 59th Street, Seattle, Washington 98103· Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernw@comcast.net I' Mr. Kerek Edwards March 30, 2007 Revision July 9, 2007 There was no measurable growth of Himalayan blackberry or other non native invasive species as sampled along the sample transect. The next monitoring inspection for the project is scheduled to be conducted during late June or July of 2007. That monitoring visit will be the first of the annual monitoring inspections for the project. At the time of this monitoring visit in March, 2007, the buffer restoration area is meeting the applicable standards that there be 100% survival of planted materials at the end of the first year, and that there be less than 10% cover by non native species. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW ~~~ Enclosures Count of Surviving Plant Materials Transect Results. Project No. 51601a Page No. 2 TABLEt COUNT OF SURVIVING PLANT MATERIALS (March, 2007) Scientific NameCommon Name Ouantity (from plan) (actual) Symphoricarpos alba snowberry 80 (73) Gaultheria shallon salal 20 (8) Rosa gymnocarpa wild rose 110 (104) Crataegus douglasii Hawthorn 0 (31) Amelanchier Serviceberry 0 (11) Total shrubs 210 (227 227/210 = 108% survival , TABLE 1 TRANSECT DATA March 30, 2007 Transect # 1 Distance Herbaceous Woody cover Nonnative Other Along groundcover (native) shrubs (% cover) Transect (% cover) (% cover) (% cover) (feet) 0-5 60 50 (1) 0 5-10 50 40 (' 1) 0 10-15 40 30 (2) 15-20 50 0 0 20-25 40 0 0 25-30 40 40 (1) 0 30-35 50 50 (1) 0 35-40 30 20(1) 0 40-45 30 10(1) 0 10 (2) 45-50 40 40 (1) 0 Notes: ( ) Identification of plant species along transect. (1) Snow berry (2) wild rose Kathy Keolker, Mayor June 21, 2007 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CITY -F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Additional Information Needed for Fourth Quarterly Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File LUA 05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: I received a copy of the fourth quarterly monitoring report from your biologist on June 15, 2007. After reviewing the third quarterly monitoring report (attached), I requested that your biologist verify that non-native and/or invasive plant species comprise no more than 10 percent coverage. This information is not in the 4th quarterly report. Please have your biologist submit an additional statement addressing this performance standard by July 9, 2007. There should also be a clear, direct statement that the project is meeting performance standards, not "satisfactorily progressing toward meeting stated performance standards for the project". Two hardcopies are required for review. I'm confident that the project is in compliance, but I need your biologist to confirm this in writing. Andrea Petzel, Planner Development Services Division cc: City of Renton File LUA 05-130 Paul Baker, Code Compliance Inspector Garet Munger, AlderNW 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, Washington 98057 ® This paper contains 50% recycled material, 300/0 post consumer RENTON AHEAD OF TH E CURVE Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE Suite 1 Everett, Washington 98205 Subject: Quarterly Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Dear Mr. Edwards: AlderNW March 30, 2007 Project No. 71803a ~1e.oPYENT. p~ING .....-. 0fTY OF RENTON JUN 1'~ 2007 RECEIVED In accordance with monitoring requirements for the Wetland Mitigation Area for the Reserve at Stonehaven, I conducted a monitoring visit on March 29, 2007 The mitigation design for the project is presented on the Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated February 21, 2006, by AlderNW. Work in the mitigation area was completed during March of 2006, as reported in my letter dated March 1,2006. Previous monitoring visits were conducted in June, October, and December, 2006. This letter presents the results of the fourth of the first year quarterly monitoring inspections. Conditions on the mitigation area are illustrated with the attached photographs. The plant materials on the mitigation area are in good condition and have initiated new spring growth. We identified only one dead serviceberry within the planting area. With the exception of salal, the plant species included in the original planting materials are surviving and show signs of new growth. The count of surviving plant materials is presented on Table 1. A 50ft sample transect to measure of the level of plant cover over the mitigation area has been established. Results of the % cover sampling are presented on Table 2. The overall average % cover along the 50ft transect is 30%. This result at the beginning of the second growing season after installation of the plantings indicates satisfactory growth toward meeting the standard of 70% shrub cover by the end of the 5 year monitoring period. Other than continuing periodic maintenance to remove trash as it may appear on the area, no additional work is required at this time. It should be anticipated that continuing work to control Himalayan blackberry during the spring and summer will be required as indicated in the original mitigation plan for the project. At the time of the March monitoring visit there was minimal growth of Himalayan blackberry. However it does grow quickly and in accordance with maintenance recommendations in the mitigation the area should be visited in late April or May to cut any blackberry which has sprouted on the area. 518 North 59th Street, Seattle, Washington 98103· Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernw@comcast.net Mr. Kerek Edwards March 30, 2007 The next monitoring inspection for the project is scheduled to be conducted during late June or July of 2007. That monitoring visit will be the first of the annual monitoring inspections for the project. It is my observation that the mitigation area is satisfactorily progressing toward meeting stated performance standards for the project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW j~.E~ Enclosures Photos of Mitigation Area. Count of Surviving Plant Materials Transect Results. Project No. 5160la Page No. 2 " TABLE 1 COUNT OF SURVIVING PLANT MATERIALS (March, 2007) Scientific NameCommon Name Ouantity (from plan) (actual) Symphoricarpos alba snowberry 80 (73) Gaultheria shallon salal 20 (8) Rosa gymnocarpa wild rose 110 (104) Crataegus douglasii Hawthorn 0 (31) Amelanchier Serviceberry 0 (11) Total shrubs 210 (227 227/210 =108% survival TABLE 2 TRANSECT DATA March 30, 2007 Transect # 1 Distance Herbaceous Woody cover Non native Other Along groundcover (native) shrubs (% cover) Transect (% cover) (% cover) (% cover) (feet) 0-5 60 50 (1) 0 5-10 50 40 (' 1) 0 10-15 40 30 (2) 15-20 50 0 0 20-25 40 0 0 25-30 40 40 (1) 0 30-35 50 50 (1) 0 35-40 30 20 (1) 0 40-45 30 10(1) 0 10 (2) 45-50 40 40 (1) 0 Notes: ( ) Identification of plant species along transect. (1) Snow berry (2) wild rose Photo 1 March 29, 2007 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area View looking southeast from NW comer of mitigation area . '\ . . " . Photo 2 March 29, 2007 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area. View looking northwest from southeast comer of mitigation area March 19,2007 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CITY )F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Request for 4th Quarterly Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to inform you that the 4th quarterly maintenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation Project was due to the City of Renton on March 1, 2007. Please submit the required report to my attention within 30 days of the date on this letter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (425) 430.7289. Sincerely, /I~~f' " JOe. //.:.i., /.~'.) IJ I! k:.1Ltr ;" II"· P/··· /' / v ~ ....,' / .!/ I .. -> Andrea Pet~erPtarill Development Services Division cc: City of Renton File LUA05-130 Garet Munger, AlderNW Ameta Henninger -------------lO-5-5-So-u-th-G-r-ad-Y-w--~---R-e-n-to-n,-W-a-s-hi-ng-t-on--98-0-5-7-------------~ .ttl!. _ AHEAD OF THE CURVE Kathy Keolker, Mayor January 22, 2007 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CIT.F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Receipt Third Quarter Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File LUA 05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter confirms receipt of the third quarterly wetland maintenance and monitoring report and revised planting plan for the wetland buffer mitigation projects for the Reserve at Stonehaven. The project is meeting the established performance standards; however, in the next quarterly monitoring report your wetland biologist should specifically address the following items: • Non-native and/or invasive plant species comprise no more than 10 percent coverage. • A minimum of 70 percent average native vegetative cover of shrubs in the restoration planting area at the end of the monitoring period. I look forward to receiving your fourth maintenance and monitoring report after the March inspection. Please ensure that two hardcopies are submitted to the City for review. Sincerely, ;-. [~fk!tJ{ Andrea Petzel, Planner Development Services Division cc: City of Renton File LUA 05-130 Garet Munger. AlderNW ------1-0-5-5 -So-u-th-a-r-ad-Y-W-aY---R-e-nt-on-,-w-as-h-j-ng-t-on-98-0-5-7 -------~ ~ This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE · ,. Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE Suite 1 Everett, Washington 98205 Subject: Quarterly Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Renton, Washington City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: AlderNW January 9. 2007 Project No. 71803a In accordance with monitoring requirements for the Wetland Mitigation Area for the Reserve at Stonehaven, I conducted a monitoring visit on December 6, 2006. The mitigation design for the project is presented on the Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated February 21, 2006, by AlderNW. Work in the mitigation area was completed during March of 2006, as reported in my letter dated March 1, 2006. A previous letter dated October 30, 2006, presented the results of the monitoring visit completed on October 13,2006. Conditions on the mitigation area are illustrated with the attached photographs. I had completed a count of the surviving plant materials at the time or the previous monitoring visit in October,2006. Another count was completed in December with results as presented on Table 1. There had been no change in the surviving plants. With the inclusion of the hawthorn and serviceberry, the plantings are meeting the required level of survival. The average rate of survival for all planted shrubs (191survivingl210 from Plan) exceeds the minimum survival standard of 80% based on the number of shrubs included on the planting plan. With inclusion of serviceberry and hawthorn the number of surviving plants is III % of the number included on the planting plan. Plant materials in place in December, 2006 are shown on Figure 1 (Mitigation Area Plantings (December, 2006). Other than continuing periodic maintenance to remove trash as it may appear on the area, no additional work is required at this time. It should be anticipated that continuing work to control Himalayan blackberry during the spring and summer will be required as indicated in the original mitigation plan for the project. The next monitoring inspection for the project is scheduled to be conducted during the month of March, 2007. That monitoring visit will be the last of the first year quarterly monitoring inspections for the project. 518 North 59th Street. Seattle. Washington 98103-Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernw@comcast.net , , ,;, Mr. Kerek Edwards January 9, 2007 It is my observation that the mitigation area is satisfactorily progressing toward meeting stated performance standards for the project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW ~.~~~ Enclosures Photos of Mitigation Area. Count of Surviving Plant Materials Mitigation Area Plantings (12-06) Project No. 51601a Page No. 2 COUNT OF SURVIVING PLANT MATERIALS (December, 2006) Scieg@is NameCQnntJol! ~lJ1le Opaptity (ftompJan) <actuall Symphoricarpos alba snowberry 80 (73) Gaultheria shallon salal 20 (14) Rosa gymnocarpa wild rose 110 (104) Crataegus douglasii Hawthorn 0 (31) Amelanchier Serviceberry 0 (12) Total shrubs 210 (234) 234/210 = 111 % survival .; , . Photo 1 December 6, 2006 Reserve at Stonebaven Mitigation Area View looking southeast from NW comer of mitigation area. .' Photo 2 December 6, 2006 ReselVe at Stonehaven Mitigation Area. View looking northwest from southeast comer of mitigation area ->-'. '.l/ t ~ I '.l/ x ~ '.l/ I I I \ w~ '.l/ '.l/ '.l/ A '.l/ ~ ~ '.l/ '.l/ Y--t: '.l/ '.l/ Q '.l/ '.l/ <:'/ '.l/ '.l/ ~ '.l/ " ,\~ , I, '.l/ '.l/ '.l/ APPROXIMATE SCALE 20 0 20 40feet r-.-__ w-.-_ 6 \ r JJ ' ~ 7 f Rockery f f II B '~ # "\ ,'" # A derNW Mitigation Area Plantings (12-06) Stonehaven Renton, Washington Proj. No. 5160 1 a I Date Jan., 2007 I Figure 1 January 5, 2007 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 1051920th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CIT~ )F RENTON PlanningIBuilding/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P .E., Administrator Subject: RequesUor 3rd Quarter Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Phit CityofR(lnton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to inform you that the 3rd quarter maintenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation Project was due to the City of Renton on December 15,2006. Please submit the required report to niyattentiofi within 30 days of the date on this letter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me 425.430.7289; Sincerely, cc: .'5jWIt."File.WAOS:UO-, Garet Munger, AlderNW . Arneta Henninger Jennifer Henning -------IO-S-S -So-u-th-G-r-ad-y-W-a-y---Re-n-to-n,-W-as-.-hln-gt-o-n-98-0-SS------~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE November 20, 2006 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 • ell )F RENTON PlanningIBuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Receipt of Q2 Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter confirms receipt of the second quarterly wetland maintenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven. The wetland mitigation project is meeting performance standards; however, it appears that the original City-approved planting plan was revised after a field inspection by your wetlands biologist. Please submit a revised planting plan along with your third quarterly maintenance and monitoring report. The revised plan should clearly indicate where the replacement hawthorn and serviceberry Were installed. I look forward to receiving your· third maintenance and monitoring report after the December inspection. ~oM Andrea Petzel .' .. Development Services Division cc: City of'Renton File No. LUA05-l30 Garet Munger, AlderNW Jennifer Henning Ameta Henninger -------------1-05-5-S-ou-ili--G-ra-dy--w-~---R-e-n-to-n-,W--M-hm-· -~-on--9-80-5-5------------~ I1i>t. ~, ________ ~_, __ on., ___ ... '_" ___ ._._ •• n", ___ • _________ _ AHEAD OF THE CURVE Mr. Kerek Edwards westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE Suite 1 Everett, Washington 98205 Subject: Quarterly Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Edwards: F'MENT PlANNING (OF RENTON NOV 1 5 2006 RECEIVED AIderNW October 30, 2006 Project No. 71803a In accordance with monitoring requirements for the Wetland Mitigation Area for the Reserve at Stonehaven, I conducted a monitoring visit on October 13,2006. The mitigation design for the project is presented on the Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated February 21, 2006, by AlderNW. Work in the mitigation area was completed during March of 2006, as reported in my letter dated March 1, 2006. A previous letter dated July 11,2006, presented the results of the monitoring visit completed on June 5, 2006. Conditions on the mitigation area are illustrated with the attached photographs. I completed a count of the surviving plant materials within the designated mitigation area. Results of this count are presented on Table 1. The hawthorn and serviceberry included in the plant count were not included on the original plant schedule. They were installed as additional materials at the time the original plantings were installed. With the inclusion of the hawthorn and serviceberry, the plantings are meeting the required level of survival. The rate of survival for all planted shrubs exceeds the minimum survival standard based on the number of shrubs included on the planting plan. Serviceberry and hawthorn are suitable as replacement plantings for the rose, salal, and snowberry which have not survived. At the time of the previous monitoring visit in June, 2005, I noted the presence of construction debris within the mitigation area, and the growth of Himalayan blackberry within the mitigation area. My letter of July 11, 2006 recommended that maintenance work to remove the debris and to control the blackberry should be completed. In October, that work had been completed satisfactorily. Other than continuing periodic maintenance to remove trash as it may appear on the area, no additional work is required at this time. It should be anticipated that continuing work to control Himalayan 518 North 59th Street, Seattle, Washington 98103· Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernw@Comcast.net .' Mr. Kerek Edwards October 30, 2006 blackberry during the spring and summer will be required as indicated in the original mitigation plan for the project. The next monitoring inspection for the project is scheduled to be conducted during the month of December, 2006. Another count of the surviving plant materials will be made at that time. That count will determine any requirements for replanting to be completed before the scheduled monitoring visit in March, 2007. It is my observation that the mitigation area is satisfactorily progressing toward meeting stated perfonnance standards for the project. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW ~~O)~J Enclosures Photos of Mitigation Area. Count of Surviving Plant Materials Project No. 5160 la Page No. 2 ./ Photo 1 October 13, 2006 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area View looking southeast from NW comer of mitigation area. Photo 2 October 13, 2006 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area. View looking northwest from southeast comer of mitigation area COUNT OF SURVIVING PLANT MATERIALS §Cientifi\( N8Ql! CgmmonNaine QJlantitv from plan (actual) Symphoricarpos alba snowberry 80 (73) Gaultheria shallon saIal 20 (14) Rosa gymnocarpa wildrose 110 (104) Crataegus douglas;; Hawthorn 0 (31) Amelanchier Serviceberry 0 (12) Total shrubs 210 (234) 234/210 = III % survival October 24, 2006 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CITY -F RENTON PlanningIBuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Second Request for 2nd Quarter Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven FinalPlat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to inform you that the 2nd quarter maintenance 'and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation Project was due to the City of Renton on September 1,2006. This ~etter serv~s as the second re~uest for the repor: .. Plea.se submit the' required report t? my attention by Fnday, November 10 or the matter W111 be turned over to our Code Comphance Inspector. If you have any questions, please feel freeto contact me at 425.430.7289. Zfkrk~ Development Services Division cc: City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Paul Baker, Code Compliance Inspector Garet Munger, AlderNW Arpeta Henninger, City of Renton Jennifer Henning, City of Renton -------------1o-5-5-So-u-fu-G-r-ad-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-,W--~-hm-~-o-n--98-0-55-------------~ -AHEAD OF THE CURVE September 19,2006 Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CIT"' :IF RENTON PlanningIBuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Request for 2nd Quarter Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat Ctty of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to ihform you that the 2nd quarter maintenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven Wetland Mitigation Project was due to the. City of Renton on September 1, 2006. Please submit the required report to my attention within 30. days of receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, please feel fredo contact me 425.430.7289. Sincerely, ~t?1/J Andrea Petzel' ~ Development Services Division cc: City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Garet Munger, AlderNW Ameta Henninger Jennifer Henning -------l-OS-S-S-o-uth-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-, W-as-h-in-gt-o-n-9-80-S-S------~ ,.,.. Th' _________ 0_' __ en., ___ .. _,_" __ 0 ___ ' ~n., ___ 0 ____ •• __ _ AHEAD OF THE CURVE Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 PlanningIBuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: City Acceptance of Mitigation Installation and Surety Device for Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter is to confirm the beginning of the maintenance and monitoring phase for the wetland mitigation project at the Reserve at Stonehaven. The City of Renton received a surety device in the amount of $8772.15 to cover the (:ost of a minimum five years successful maintenance and monitoring. In addition, the City received a certificate of plant installation from AlderNW dated March 1,2006. This date represents the begimiirig Qfyour minimum five-year monitoring period. In order to assure the quickest possible release of your surety device, please ensure prompt monitoring and maintenance are performed for the duration of your monitoring period. Renton Municipal code requires quarterly maintenance and monitoring reports for the first year and annual reports thereafter. The mitigation project shall be monitored for a period necessary to establish that performance standards have been met, but not for a period less than five (5) years. If at any time during your minimum five-year monitoring period the mitigation project falls below performance standards, the monitoring period will be placed on hold. Once the mitigation project regains compliance with approved performance standards, the maintenance and monitoring time frame will restart for a period necessary to establish that performance standards have been met. I look forward to receiving your first quarterly maintenance and monitoring report, which was due June 2006. Development Services Division cc: Garet Munger, AlderNW City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Ameta Henninger Jennifer Henning -------l-OS-S-S-o-uth-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y--R-e-n-to-n-, W-as-h-in-gt-on-9-80-S-S------~ ~-AHEAD OF THE CURVE Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 CIT~ .F RENTON Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Receipt of First Wetland Maintenance and Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat City of Renton File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: This letter confirms receipt of the first quarterly wetland maintenance and monitoring report for the Reserve at Stonehaven. Please ensure that the two recommendations from AlderNW are completed as soon as possible so that performance standards continue to be met. I look forward to receiving your second maintenance and monitoring report after the September inspection. cc: Garet Munger, AlderNW . " City o(RentoD File·No. LUA05-130 Ameta Henninger Jennifer Henning -------------lo-5-5-S-ou-t-h-G-ra-dy-w--~---R-e-n-to-n,-W-~--hi-n~--on--98-0-5-5------------~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE Suite 1 Everett, Washington 98205 Subject: Quarterly Monitoring Report Reserve at Stonehaven Remon, Washington City ofRentoo File No. LUA05-130 Dear Mr. Edwards: AlderNW July 11, 2006 Project No. 71803a In accordance with monitoring requirements for the Wetland Mitigation Area for the Reserve at Stonebaven, I conducted a monitoring visit on June 5, 2006. The mitigation design for the project is presented on the Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated February 21, 2006, by AlderNW. Work in the mitigation area was completed during March of 2006, as reported in my letter dated March 1,2006. Conditions on the mitigation area are illustrated with the attached photographs. Based on observations of cooditioos on the mitigation area, I have the following recommendations for maintenance ~vities, to be completed during July and August: 1. Himalayan blackberry is moving into the mitigation area from the acljaccnt area to the south. Blackberry where it is present within the mitigation area should be removed from the area. 2. Contractors working on houses adjacent to the mitigation area have discarded construction debris into the mitigation area. This debris should be removed. The next monitoring inspection for the project is scheduled to be conducted during the month of September. During the monitoring inspection in September, 2006, the growth and survival of the planted materials will be evaluated for canpliance with the Standards of Success for the project. Standards of success require that there shall be no more than 10% coverage over the mitigation area at the end of the growing season. With completion of the recommended maintenance activity, the mitigation area can be in compliance with this standard. A count of the surviving plant materials will be made at the time of the September monitoring inspection. That count will detennine requirements for replanting to be completed before the scheduled monitoring visit in December, 2006. 518 North 59th Street, Seattle, Washington 98103· Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernwOcomcast.net " It is my observation that with the recommended and scheduled maintenance work, the mitigation area is satisfactorily progressing to meeting stated perfonnance standards for the project. If you have any questions or require additional infonnation, please call. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW J~QO)~ Garet P. Munger Enclosures Photos of Mitigation Area. Project No. 51601a Page No. 2 Photo I June 5, 2006 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area View looking southeast from NW comer of mitigation area. , . Photo 2 June 5, 2006 Reserve at Stonehaven Mitigation Area. View looking northwest from southeast comer of mitigation area LUA05~1'30 PLANNINGIBUII NG/ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: March 10, 2006 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Arneta Henninger . ~ Laureen Nicolay, Senior Planner () Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat, LUA05-130, FP The following changes are needed in order for the planning section to recommend recording of the final plat: Comments regarding BOA/covenants: The majority of changes needed generally relate to the time of transfer of wetland tract maintenance responsibility from the developer to the homeowners association. The City regulations hold the developer responsible for the successful reestablishment of the wetland mitigation area. Please make changes to the following Articles in order to clarify that the developer, rather than the homeowners association is to be responsible for the initial establishment of the mitigation project. Please make the following changes: Article 2.1: Please add the following language to this paragraph: "Provided that the developer, rather than the homeowner's association, is to be responsible for the initial minimum 5 years of successful wetland maintenance and mitigation monitoring pursuant to the approved wetland mitigation plan. The transfer of responsibility to the Homeowner's Association shall not occur until the City of Renton releases the developer in writing from further maintenance and monitoring upon the completion of a minimum of five successful consecutive years of the wetland monitoring consistent with the approved wetland monitoring and maintenance plan." Article 3.1.4: Please insert the following language at the beginning of this Section: "Upon agency approval,". Please also add the following language to this Section to clarify that the association is not authorized to grant easements across the wetland Tract A or the drainage Tract B: "Provided that no easements may be granted over the wetland tract A or the drainage Tract B without prior written City of Renton approval". As an alternative, you could amend the language to only authorize the association to grant easements over Tracts C and D. Please also amend the last sentence of this section to add additional wording as follows " ... to a governmental entity which shall agree to maintain such ponds or facilities." Article 4.6, Second paragraph: Inset the following language at the beginning of the second sentence: "Except for initial wetland mitigation maintenance monitoring as provided in Article 2.1, ... " Article 7.7: lease remove the last sentence of this section: No building or other structure shall be located within any building setback line sho't'ffl on the plat map. Renton does not record final plats with setback lines and no setback lines are included on the Reserve at Stonehaven final plat map. Article 12.2: Please insert the following language at the beginning of the Article: " Except as provided in Article 3.l.4,". Comments regarding Plat Map set: Sheets 4 and 5: Please review all proposed easements and ensure that each easement is identified by type in text or legend form (we prefer text). ~eet 1: Revise the second an rd paragraphs of the "Dedication/Certifi4 1" section on Sheet 1 by making separate sections for Tracts A a 1. Then please insert the following langu ~ into the paragraph addressing Tract A": Initial Developer Responsibility for NGPA: The developer, rather than the homeowner's association, is to be responsible for the initial installation, maintenance and minimum 5 years of successful wetland mitigation monitoring pursuant to the approved wetland mitigation plan. The transfer of responsibility to the Homeowner's Association shall not occur until the City of Renton releases the developer in writing from further maintenance and monitoring upon the completion of a minimum of five successful consecutive years of the wetland monitoring consistent with the approved wetland monitoring and maintenance plan. Sheet 2: Remove the following text from the Sheet 2 of 5 under the heading "Sensitive Area Note": ~ otherwise provided by lavi. Sheet 2: Insert the following additional language to Sheet 2 of 5 under Note 11: ... and maintenance of the fence and wetland signage along the boundary with Tract A. Sheet 2: Add language required by the Hearing Examiner. The Examiner's original condition language was as follows: "The applicant shall indicate on the face of the final plat the orientation of the front yard of Lots 1, 16, 17,21,27, and 36 to face Road A and Lots 28 and 32 to face Road B." However, since the preliminary plat stage, the street names and layouts have changed and the lots have been reoriented. The Examiner's original working no longer is consistent with the new layout. In order to comply with the intent of the Examiner's condition, please add the following revised language to Sheet 2 (perhaps in place of General Note #3): "The orientation of the front yard of Lots 1 and 36 to face Burnett Ct. S. and Lot 16 to face S 48th Street." Sheets 4 and 5: Please review all proposed easements and ensure that each easement is identified by type in text or legend form (we prefer text). General Final Plat submittal requirement: Once all changes have been made to the plan set, please provide one set ofPMT reductions of each finalized plat plan sheet. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 15, 2006 Laureen Nicolay, Senior Planner Arneta Henninger, X7298 STONEHAVEN FINAL PLAT LUA 05-130FP FINAL REVIEW & APPROVAL FORM If all concerns have been addressed and you recommend recording of the mylar, please sign this memo below and return to me. Thank you. ( Approval: 0==45 cY ~Wc-¥tf(c)!; Name Title Date cc: Yellow File Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE Suite 1 Everett, Washington 98205 Subject: As-Built Report Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Reserve at Stonehaven Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Edwards: AlderNW March 1,2006 Project No. 71803a As requested, I have reviewed the work completed for the wetland mitigation requirements for the Reserve at Stonehaven project in Renton, Washington. Mitigation was required for the project to compensate for buffer impacts resulting from construction of the project. The mitigation design for the project is presented on the Wetland Mitigation Plan, dated February 21,2006, by AlderNW. In completing this review and the preparation of the as-built report for the wetland mitigation work, I visited the site on March 1,2006. Work in the mitigation areas was complete, at the time of the site visit. In general, the mitigation work has been completed in accordance with the Final Wetland Mitigation Planting Plan. It is our observation that mitigation plantings have been satisfactorily completed. Photographs illustrating conditions at the time of the monitoring visit on March 1, 2006, were taken. These photographs are being maintained in AlderNW files, for reference in future monitoring visits. In accordance with mitigation design requirements the project will be monitored over a five year monitoring period. The initial monitoring visit should be completed early in June of 2006. The wetland mitigation work for the project should be accepted as being complete as of the time of our monitoring visit on March 1, 2006. Work within the buffer mitigation area has been completed in accordance with the mitigation plan dated February 21, 2006. That plan illustrates the work completed and serves as the as-built drawing for the project. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW a!~~' 518 North 59th Street, Seattle, Washington 98103· Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernw@Comcast.net DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 15,2006 Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Arneta Henninger, Development Services ;.ttl THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN FINAL PLAT LUA 05-130FP S 47TH ST AND MAIN AVE S I am submitting the attached final plat mylar for your signature for recording. Construction is complete. A security device is in place for the deferred item. Technical Services, Planning, Fire and Development Services all recommend approval for recording the final plat. I have been the plan reviewer and project manager on this project. The yellow file is attached for your use. If you have any questions please call me at X7298. Thank you. cc: Kayren K NeilW. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGIBUILDINGIPUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM March 9, 2006 Bob Mac Onie Sonja Fesser, Technical Servic~s ~ Arneta Henninger, X7298 {\JY' STONEHAVEN FINAL PLAT LUA 05-130FP FINAL REVIEW & APPROVAL FORM If all concerns have been addressed and you recommend recording of the mylar, please sign this memo below and return to me. Thank you. Approval: Name Title Date Approval: I lA"{!/,, ) f} . dts>otJv ajqjow Name . Ie Date cc: Yellow File 1 0519 20TH Street SE, #1 Everett, WA 98205 Phone #: 425·397~8D7D Fax #: 425-377-2341 To: Fax: Phone: Re: Stonehavan Wetland Maintenance contract Brian J. Darrow (425) 216-4052 WESTCOTT HOMES From: Cheryl Cardwell Pages: 3 (including cover page) Date: February 28, 2006 cc: Laureen Nicolay Fax: (425) 430-7231 o Urgent ~ For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply Here is the contract for Maintenance of the wetlands at Stonehaven, ThanK you, C/U;ry( Carawe[[ Land Development 425-397-8070 Ext 104 NOTICE: Information contaIned In this communlcatlan Is privileged and/or confiderrtJal, Jrrtended only far the IndividusVentlty named above. H reader of this cover page is not the Jntended recipient, yau are hereby notHied that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this Information is strictly prohibited. H you received this fax in error. please immediately notify us by phone (425) 397-8070 and return this fax to below address via U.S. Mail. Yau will be reimbursed for your postsge. Thank you, J.B.'s Landscaping, Inc. 16026 Motor P L Lynnwood, WA 98087 425-744-0930 NAME/ADDRESS Westcott HomE:s 10519 20th ST Lake Stevens, W A 98205 ITEM DESCRIPTION STONEHA VEN MAINTENANCE PROPOSAL FOR 5 YEARS: Mainl,en!lIlCe To visit the site 4 hOles per year the first year, one time in each sca.c;on. Then we wiil visit one time per year there after. We will perfonn the following. Removal of invasive weeds, removal of weeds in bark circles, removal of dead plants, and hauling away of debris generated. There will be 8 total visits. I am estimating 10 mhrs per visit with drive time. Di~po~al Measure in cubic yards. Plant Package I am c.!ltimating a average of 15% of plant loss tbc first year, 10% the second year, and 5% the following three years. This is only an approximation. We will bill f01" the actual amount of plants n:pJaccd. We will only replace plantsl time per year. It will be during the early faU to allow along time for cstabli~bment before the drought season. Sales Tax Thank you for the opportunity to serve you! aTY \ 8 ) /cl.)I ( Ivu! -? I I 10 1 TOTAL Estimate prepared by __________ of l8.1s Landscaping. Estimate DATE ESTIMATE # 218/2006 973837 PROJECT Maintenance for ... COST TOTAL 330.00 2,640.00T 25.00 250.00T 545.40 545.40T 3,435.40 8.80% 302.32 $3,737.72 SCOPE OF WORK This Scope of Work is between the parties below. This Scope of Work incorporates the Master . Agreement between Subcontra.ctor and Westcott Holdings, Ioc., ("Master Agreement''). The provisions of the Master Agreement shall apply to this Scope of Work, and the Master Agreement is incorporated into this Scope of Work as iffully set forth herein. FROM:Tbe Re$erve at Stonehaveo, LtC TO:J.B.'s I-alldscaping, Inc. "Contractor" "Subcontractor" Address: Address: 10519 20TH St SE #1 16026 Motor PI. Everett, W A 98205 Lvnnwood,WA 98087 Phone: 425-397-8070 Phone: 425-744-0930 Facsimile: 425-377-2341 Facsimile: Contact Person: Cheryl Cardwell Con,tact Person: Subcontractor agrees to perform the Work set forth in this Scope of Work a.s set forth herein. All notices for this Scope of Work shall be: sent both to Westcott Holclings, Inc., and to the persons listed above. SUBDIVISION OR PLAT: Jhe Reserve at Stonehaven DATE: February 28, 2006 DESCRIPTION OF PLANS' Project Plan Number The Reserve at Stonehaven AlderNW wetland mitigation plan. Dated 2/21105 CQNSTRUCTION TRADE: Landscaping CDNTRACT PRICE: Subcontractor shall perform the Work set forth in this Scope of Work for the price(s) set forth in the attached bid sheets or as follows: per estimate #973837 dated 218106/or on amount not to exceed $3737.72, attached as exhibit A. The Contract Price shall not be changed without written Change Order signed by the Contractor. SCQPE OF WORK: Subcontractor shall perform the Work set forth in referenced Plans and Specifications. All Work to be performed shall comply with the Plans and Specifications. Subcontractor acknowledges that it has reviewed the referenced Plans and Specifications in their entirely. Unless specified. in writing to the contrary, t.he price to be paid to the Subcontractor shall include all necessary labor, equipment. machinery, tools, fasteners, scaffolding, man-lifts, fork-lifts, safety protection, etc., as required to perfonn the stated Scope per the referenced specifications. Per the estimate #973837 dated 21812006, see description. This contract will include cost of plant maintenance and replacement as well compliance with Renton City Code requirements. The contract also ensures that structures, improvements. and mitigation perform satisfactorilyfor a period of 5 years. See also contractors bid exhibit A. SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS/CONDITIONS: 1. ~: Subcor.tnlL::tor sball fi:lW1y c:omp1d:e the Work for a Prqfect within ~ified tll1~ sa: lbrth b-~; Carltractor, . 2. ~J. MilCliT.Pruc!l.i Subcontractor shall be paid punuaor. te! the rollooring l'aymc!l11: sc.n~. S\l~r !Ohall submit invclcCII ~I the (1cmcllWon of each Payment MiklJtOnt. Subeontractor !MJl t,e peid 011 the ! Om clll.y of the month Ilfler the: Payrnmf Mile$tone i~ crunpJ &.cd. 3. Ti.,",c is ().ftbe et;.~ce jJ1 [hi8 SC»PEl of Work. TIle ContrGatorret;ains the solo right, at its discretion, to modify the Ume 11':l:1'!)CIlII ~J' ~jIXt'J.1~t milesmn0:!l compll:1tioo of too Subcon1::tzdot.'3 ~·or.i:. The Reserve It Stonel1tVl!tI. t.LC 10519 lOrl S1reer SR. Suite: 1 .T.B. ':! La:ru:Iscaping. hu::. I 6026 Mowr PI. t~d.~A 98087 ~-y: Its: Mr. Kerek Edwards Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE Suite 1 Everett, Washlllgton 98205 Subject: Authorization Buffer Enhancement Monitoring Reserve at Stonehaven Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Edwards: AlderNW February 28, 2006 Project No. 71803a As requested, I have prepared an estimate of costs for providing the mitigation monitoring services outlined on the Buffer Enhancement Plan, dated February 21, 2006 prepared by AlderNW, for the Reserve at Stonehaven residential development in the City of Renton. Mitigation monitoring is to be carried out over a five year period following completion of the project. Annual wetland monitoring. A requirement of the mitigation plan is for annual monitoring over the five year period following completion of the work in the Wetland and Buffer enhancement area. This includes a photographic record of the mitigation area as well as quantitative measurements along a sample transect. A monitoring report for each monitoring visit is to be prepared for submittal to the City of Renton. Monitoring during the first year following completion of the mitigation work is to be conducted four times (March, June, September, and December). The initial monitoring visit should be completed during June of 2006. Costs to complete each of the monitoring visits and reports will be $360. The total for the first year will be $1.440. Monitoring is to be conducted annually during years two, three, and four. Costs for the annual monitoring visits and preparation of report will be $440, with a total over the three years to be $1.320. Final Monitoring Report A final monitoring visit and report is to be completed in the fifth year following installation of the mitigation plantings. Costs to complete the final monitoring report will be $520. 518 North 59th Street, Seattle, Washington 98103· Phone (206)783-1036 email aldernW@Comcast.net -y \:. Mr. Kerek Edwards February 28, 2006 The monitoring costs listed above do not include costs for preparation of remediation or contingency plans which may be required in the event the Buffer Enhancement Area is not developing as intended in the approved final enhancement plan design. Monitoring reports will address the progress of the project in achieving the stated mitigation standards and will include recommendations, as warranted, for maintenance work to be completed on the area. The scope of work included in this authorization does not include maintenance work. In the event of a follow-up monitoring visit to review completed maintenance work, there will be additional charges. Fees will be calculated on a time and materials basis, with my time being charged at the rate of S80.00/hour. Charges will include mileage and other office costs for copies etc. If this scope of work and fees are acceptable to you, please sign one copy of this authorization letter and return it to my office. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please call. Sincerely yours, ALDERNW J':M!sr;;~ I accept the above scope of work and estimated costs, and authorize AlderNW to provide the buffer enhancement monitoring services for the Reserve at Stonehaven project. Name: Title: Date: kUIl-~. CfJWA#l" iJ:~ or ~,v~ /)ve--oflIVJe-A/j- Project No. 71803a Page No. 2 MAR-02-2006 15:11 CTTY OF RENTON (On Your Bank Letterhead) ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS TO THE CITY OF RENTON l-UfO«=:; -130 425 4~ 7231 P.0~ STERLI N G r;;:l SAVINGS BANK~ APPLIC~: S fh~ &~tJ~ af4~ ~be~ (~l~rrBOANKAhlV:-: -----.:S::--;;i~c:~r'{ :-;j b~1::--<::SQ::::-:---LJ""'; tt=-~=-:$'::-IJ:;,-r'-F.Lb 77«------ Owner: The J2.esen,J(ar SlnntOlweJillf! Branch: &/leAE &.sines! &jtz/"J:t~ Address: /.Q511 tA1!Y.sf..;:;£. Su.i.k.1 Address: f/t.Joo Stf ~ §I./sucbL"51D eo e Y' e ff WfJ-fig US te 1ft: () ld c wI}-qKDO'I Phone; '12.-5-::/17-8070 Phone: 4Z5, k rr .?71'29 Fax: 42-<5 -B 7 7 -Z ';Y-l ( Fax: 4-z,:5, A ':153 -65;2Y . teChd~ tUood Attention: ~ flkidin!J.-Cr CPa 'title: j).;J~;;~£1c j h,Zif>rr Attention: Title: GJ1t/ t6. Club The above referenced bank hereby certifies that &i~f fhoasand &Veh hlk1lliral&pe"lirtwoc0/~ dollars ($ [772./S) is on deposit in the account nwnber SqqC;3988 tjt, 8 under the name of the City of Renton, to secure the applicant's performance of the following work required in connection with the plat orproject described below. Plat or Project: ~6e /U5.er tL~ 41 Sit>nebal/"h ','. Location I Address of Plat or Project: S. "1 t!1 SUGef Qhd Il}aib OueS ' Ae 11/-0 n t<J !i- The required work is generally described as follows: lJ..)eJ-!ahcl If} ()l) i j-tyr ,-hj tvnd mai ~ fr-h an (,c .f() r 6 '(-furs The bank hereby certifies and agrees that these funds will not be released without written instructions from an authorized agent of the City of Renton (the City). We further agree that these funds will be paid to the City within 10 days of receiving written notice that the City has detennined that the required work has not been properly performed. The bank shall have no duty or right to evaluate the correctness or appropriateness of any such notice or detennination by the City and shall not interplead or in any manner delay payment of said funds to the City. The applicant hereby agrees to this assignment of1i.mds and thai its obligation to perfonn the required work is not limited to the amount of funds held by the bank. This Assignment of funds is irrevocable and cannot be cancelled by the bank or applicant. These funds may not be assigned, pledged, used as security or otherwise made available to the applicant, bank or a third party without the prior written consent of the City. B . . ~Y:nY)f.J t1 J. ictr 2 Authorized ignature ~thorized Signature ' -cJj n trf<r I< S. Von De r J manaaer r=e+h 1YI. fY'e.3,:::j If'C}0r L V I ce, Ire S. Name, Title J Name, Title i I D-" ...... a5t ...... eL...;;&"-+-I-O ...... Ce---------., 1 4 0 ~~ .~-;P ~E. 340 8 ELL E ~<? W A 9 8 0 0 4 -6 4 3 1 1-800-982-1767, (425)453-1208 PHONE FAX (425)453-0524 TOTAL F STERLING ~sm SAVINGS BANI ~ BETH MEIDINGER VP / Business Bankillg Officer 11400 SE 8TH STREET, SUITE 340 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 425·588-9829 800·982-1757 .AX: 425·453-0524 CELL: 205·972-3584 E-MAIL: beth.meidil1ger@sterlingsm.illgs.cam 25 CENTRAL WAY. SUITE 400 • KIRKLAND. WA • 98033 OFFICE. 425.216.4051 • 888.493.9424 FAX. 425.216.4052 GROUP February 22, 2006 Laureen Nicolay City of Renton Planning Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: Stone haven Plat LUA 05-130 Wetland Mitigation Plan Dear Laureen, CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED FEB 222006 BUILDING DIVISION Below are our responses to your two letters dated January 26, 2006 regarding the wetland mitigation plans prepared for the above referenced project. Monitoring and Maintenance Surety Amount A copy of the signed maintenance and monitoring contract has been provided as part of the resubmittal package. The contract should address all your comments. Installation Confirmation/Monitoring and Maintenance Period Start Date After the mitigation project has been installed, our wetland biologist will provide the City with written confirmation that all was installed according to the approved plan. Wetland Information Needed on Final Plat Map The final plat map has been updated to show Tract A as NGPA and the wetland has been labeled as a Category 2 Forested Wetland. Fence and sign details The fence cannot be located in the Tract because of the 4_6' high rockery along the backs of Lots 5-8. Per discussions with the City, the fence has been located at the top of the rockery on the backs of Lots 5-8. A five foot access and fence maintenance has been provided (see final plat map). Also, per discussion with City staff, the fence detail has been modified to show a 6' high cedar fence (rather than a split rail). The note "final fence design by others" has been removed. Standards of Success Plan Text Item #3 has been clarified to show the 70% success shrub cover criteria is to be achieved at the end of the 5 year monitoring period. CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING \ Please feel free to contact me at (425) 216-4051 ext 222 if you have any further questions. Sincerely, ~UEUNE G~:U~ Brian Darrow, PE Principal enclosures la -RE: Stonehaven Wetland Fence From: To: Date: Subject: Laureen - "Brian J. Darrow" <bdarrow@thebluelinegroup.com> "Laureen Nicolay" <Lnicolay@cLrenton.wa.us> Tuesday, February 14, 20065:13:48 PM RE: Stonehaven Wetland Fence Here is the language our surveyor came up with for access to the wetland tract: A 5' ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON, THE STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AS SHOWN HEREON, FOR THE MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WETLAND PLANTINGS WITHIN TRACT A, AND MAINTENANCE OF THE FENCE ALONG THE TRACT A BOUNDARY. Here is the language our surveyor borrowed from a previously recorded plat they did in Renton for the NGPA Note on the face of the plat: TRACT A IS A NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA. THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA IS FOR PROTECTION OF THE WETLAND AND ASSOCIATED BUFFER. THE CREATION OF THE NGPA CONVEYS TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE AREA. THIS INTEREST SHALL BE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESERVING NATIVE VEGETATION FOR THE CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER AND EROSION, VISUAL AND AURAL BUFFERING, AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE NGPA IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE LAND, ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC BY THE CITY OF RENTON, TO LEAVE UNDISTURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE NGPA. THE VEGETATION WITHIN THE NGPA MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED COVERED BY FILL, REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF RENTON",~ROVIDED Ile'o'Ii'EVE~, TH~T THE eW~~ERS OF TilE LAPm M/W ~c~40\lE ...ola~f\SED TR~~S. THE RIGHT OF ENTRY HEREIN SHALL APPLY TO THE AGENTS, OF REPRESENTATIVES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE OWNERS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS THE LAND. Do you have any comments on the above? I just want to get the language right so we can wrap this project up. Thank you, Brian THE BLUELINE GROUP 25 Central Way, Suite 400 * Kirkland, WA 98033 p: 425.216.4051 * 888.493.9424 * f: 425.216.4052 www.thebluelinegroup.com -----Original Message----- From: Laureen Nicolay [mailto:Lnicolay@cLrenton.wa.us] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 20064:29 PM To: Brian J. Darrow Subject: Re: Stonehaven Wetland Fence I think you would also need to allow access to the wetland tract for others beyond the City to be able to do wetland maintenance and monitoring (e.g. homeowners association and/or deSignated agents?). Maybe ask your attorney or surveyor for language? Pa e 1 I Caureen Nicolay -RE: Stonehaven Wetland Fence From the City Code Regarding NGPAs: iii. Tract and Deed Restriction: The permit holder shall establish and record a permanent and irrevocable deed restriction on the property title of any critical area management tract or tracts created as a condition of a permit. Such deed restriction(s) shall prohibit development, alteration, or disturbance within the tract except for purposes of habitat enhancement as part of an enhancement project which has received prior written approval from the City, and from any other agency with jurisdiction over such activity. A covenant shall be placed on the tract restricting its separate sale. Each abutting lot owner or the homeowners' association shall have an undivided interest in the tract. I would also put similar language on the face of the plat. Hope this helps somewhat. »> "Brian J. Darrow" <bdarrow@thebluelinegroup.com> 2/1/062:25:27 PM »> »> Laureen - I talked to our surveyor who recommended that we use the following notation for the fence easement along the backs of Lots 5-8 (adjacent to the wetland buffer): "5' Access and Maintenance Easement to the City of Renton" Is this acceptable? Also, the surveyor is updating the final plat per your comments. We are adding the notes regarding Tract A being NGPA and adding the wetland category to the map as well. The surveyor asked if there are any standard City of Renton NGPA notes that need to be added to the final plat map. Thanks, Brian <http://www.thebluelinegroup.com/> Laureen Nicolay City of Renton Development Services 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 Phone: (425) 430-7294 Fax: (425) 430-7231 Inicolay@ci.renton.wa.us Page 21 CIT' ">F RENTON January 27,2006 The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, W A 98205 Re: The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat, File No. LUA-05-130, FP Dear Applicant: City Clerk Bonnie I. Walton At the regular Council meeting of January 23, 2006, the Renton City Council approved the referenced final plat by adopting Resolution No. 3788. A copy of the resolution is enclosed for your files. If I can provide additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Enclosure BW:js cc: Mayor Kathy Keolker Council President Randy Corman Arneta Henninger, Development Services Division Cheryl Cardwell, Westcott Homes, 10519 20th St. SE, Ste. 1, Everett, 98025 -1-0-55-S-o-u-th-G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---Re-n-to-n-, W-as-hi-ngt-on-98-0-55-.-(-42-5-) -43-0-.6-5-10-/-F-A-X-(-42-5-) 4-3-0-.6-5-16-~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material. 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE Kathy Keolker, Mayor January 26, 2006 Wescott Homes 10519 20th Street SE #1 Everett, W A 98205 CITY.F RENTON PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Wetland Mitigation PlanlProposed Maintenance & Monitoring Information needed prior to recording of Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat, File No. LUAOS-130 Monitoring and Maintenance Surety Amount: In order to provide you with the amount of security necessary for the maintenance and monitoring of the wetland mitigation plantings, signage, and fencing, we will need a copy of the signed maintenance and monitoring contract for this work. The scope of the contract must clearly cover the cost of plant maintenance and replacement as well. The contract should also ensure that "structures, improvements, and mitigation perform satisfactorily for a period of 5 years" (e.g. add provisions for plant replacement and weed removal referencing compliance with the survival rates noted in the final approved wetland mitigation plan. The contract must include quarterly monitoring reports for the first year and annual reports thereafter. Installation Confirmation/Monitoring and Maintenance Period Start Date: Once the final wetland plan is approved, and the mitigation project has been installed, please provide me with the wetland consultant's written confirmation of installation pursuant to the final approved mitigation plan. The date the City receives this written confirmation will constitute the beginning of the minimum 5- . year maintenance and monitoring period. " Wetland Information Needed on Final Plat Map: RMC Section 4-3-050G3 requires that all critical areas and their buffers be placed in either a Native Growth Protection Tract or Native Growth Protection Easement. If you haven't already done so, please clearly identify Tract A as a Native Growth Protection Area on the final Plat along with the wetland type and category (Category 2 Forested Wetland). Please send all revised wetland-related information/plans to my attention. Feel free to contact me at 425-430-7294 if you have any questions regarding this letter. Sincerely, A-IJtw0 "Laureen Nicolay Senior Planner cc: File LUA05-073 Arneta Henninger Jennifer Henning Garet P. Munger, AlderNW -------------1-05-5-S-o-uili--G-ra-d-y-W-a-y---Re-n-to-n-,W--~-h-in-~-on--9-80-5-5-------------~ AHEAD OF THE CURVE Kathy Keolker, Mayor January 26, 2006 Wescott Homes 10519 20th Street SE #1 Everett, W A 98205 CIT~OF RENTON Planning/BuildingJPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Subject: Changes needed to Final Wetland Mitigation PlanlProposed Maintenance & Monitoring, Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat, File No. LUAOS-130 Thank you for submitting the revised final wetland mitigation plan/monitoring proposal for the Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat. You have addressed the items listed in my December 30, 2005 letter. Based on the new information, I need several clarifications prior to approving the plans: Fence and sign details: Thank you for clarifying the boundary lines between the wetland tract and the future lots and indicating the proposed wetland fencing and signage locations. Please either revise the mitigation plan drawings to show the fencing and signage within the tract or we will need to create an easement across the future lots 5-8 rear line to accommodate the out of tract fencing and signage. . Also, since this plan set will be the final mitigation plan proposal, please finalize your fence detail and omit the following text from the plan: "Final fence design by others". Standards of Success Plan Text: Please clarify Item #3. Is the 70% success shrub cover criteria to be achieved at the end of each monitoring period? Please send all revised wetland-related information/plans to my attention. Feel free to contact me at 425-430-7294 if you have any questions regarding this letter. Sincerely, Laureen Nicolay Senior Planner cc: File LUA05-073 Arneta Henninger Jennifer Henning Garet P. Munger, AlderNW -------l-OS-S-s-o-ut-h-Gr-a-d-y-W-a-y---R-en-to-n-, -W-as-h-in-gt-o-n-9-g-0S-S------~ Il:l\ ~c. _________ o_. __ <n", ___ .. _'_.' .•. _0_"_' on", .• __ 0 ___ _ AHEAD OF THE CURVE - L u.,4-o 5-( 30 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 III III 7000 CITY OF RENTON as 33.00 PAGE001 OF 002 03/0712006 10:40 KING COUNTY, LlA BILL OF SALE I Property Tax Parcel Number:,~t~I)'i.1;/;u,;05C1"~ Project File tr{R :3 1.. Y2.. I Strc:~ Jnters~on: ~ ~. lI-\ ST MM" kIE . 1 Address: 4&01 HM~ /WE ~ Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference nwnbers are on page __ . Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. 1}{~ ~e /'rT '~t:.i1AJ£t-I. L-t..V. l. City of Renton, a Mtmicipal Corporation 2. The Grantor, as named above, for, and in consideration ofmutuaI benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sells and delivers to the Grantee, as named above, the following described personal property: WATER SYSTEM: ten&ili Size ~ (~/~' ~{; ,,~) -L.F. of .. Water Main L.F. of .. Water Main - L.F. of .. Water Main ea~h of " Gate Valves ~of " Gate Valves each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size ~ -(tJ,/Pr-S~ ~) L.F. of .. Sewer Main L.F. of .. Sewer Main L.F. of .. Sewer Main each of " Diameter Manholes each of " Diameter Manholes each of " Diameter Manholes STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length Size ~ 14'"2 L.F. of I""V .. Storm Line reh L.F.of "Z4-.. Storm Line L.F. of .. Storm Line 1-each of .. ~/V1 Storm Inlet/Outlet 16 each of .. j:/:I:L-Stonn Catch Basin 1-each of 54-.. j1:. Manhole STREET IMPROVEMENTS: (Including Cuxb, Gu~er, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk ~O L.F. Asphalt Pavement: ~10C7 SY or L.F. of Width STREET LIGHTING: # of Poles S By this conveyance, Grantor will warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantee against all and every person or persons, whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same. This conveyance shall bind the heirs, ~utors, administrators and assigns forever. "d-DDfo -ro I a.h~ H:\FILE.SYS\FRM\&4HNDOU1\BILLSALE.DOC\MAB Page 1 .' Fonn 84 OOOllbh IN WTINESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the da"VImaw Otten below. INDIYIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF W ASIiINGTON ) SS COUN1Y OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _______ _ ________________ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be hislher/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrwnent Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print)_· ___________ _ My appointment expires: ___________ _ Dated: RBPRESENTATWE FORM OF ACKNOWLEIXJMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUN1Y O~ 5~"¥ I certify that I knQw or have satisfactory evidence that '1dack 5 ' Dqvelf signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/shelthey waslwere authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the t11,UJ4 ge<r and ___ ~-:-__ _ of r& lZcUl'r' sf SI.w, utiiW, cu.to be the free and voluntary act of such partylparties for the pwposes mentio in the instnnnent Notary Pi! ic in an for eState of Washington Notary (Print) 0.( hN t:. L<£tN'J'J My appointment expires: 0'2. f;.;J. /p 7 Dated: -t P1~ ~~ CORPORATE FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUN1Y OF KING ) On this day of • 19---, before me personally appeared to me known to ~-------------------~--be of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) ____________ _ My appointment expires: _____________ _ Dated: Page 2 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerks Office City of Renton 1055 s. Grady Way Renton, W A 98055 111111111111111 200603 1000568 CITY OF RENTON COY 69.11 PAGEII1 OF 138 83/21/2116 18: US KING COUNTY, UA LI/A-o.-;--r~o Document Title: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of The Reserve at Stonehaven Grantor: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC Grantee: Plat of The Reserve at Stonehaven Legal Description: Abbreviated Legal Description: NW1I4, NW1I4, SEC. 32, TWP. 23N, ROE. 5E., W.M. Full Legal Description: See Exhibit A attached. Assessor's Tax Parcel Nos.: 322305-9096-06 & 322305-9022-05 Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: N/A Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\sTONEHA VEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC • DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF THE RESERVE AT STONEHA VEN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND ............................................................................................ 1 ARTICLE 1: INTERPRETATION ....................................................................................... 1 1.1 Liberal Construction ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Covenant Running with Land ................................................................................. 1 1.3 Declarant is Original Owner .................................................................................... 2 1.4 Captions ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Def"mitions .................................................................................................................. 2 1.6 Percentage of Mortgagees ........................................................................................ 3 1.7 Percentage of Owners ............................................................................................... 4 ARTICLE 2: OWNERSHIP OF COMMON AREA ........................................................... .4 2.1 Ownership of Common Area .................................................................................... 4 ARTICLE 3: OWNER'S PROPERTY RIGHTS .................................................................. .4 3.1 Owner's Rights of Enjoyment .................................................................................. 4 3.2 Delegation of Use ....................................................................................................... 5 ARTICLE 4: OWNERS' ASSOCIATION ............................................................................ 5 4.1 Establishment ............................................................................................................. 5 4.2 Form of Association ................................................................................................... 5 4.3 Membership ............................................................................................................... 6 4.3.1 Qualification ........................................................................................................... 6 4.3.2 Transfer of Membership ....................................................................................... 6 4.4 Voting ......................................................................................................................... 6 4.5 Bylaws of Association ................................................................................................ 6 ARTICLE 5: MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION ................................................. 7 5.1 Administration of the Development ........................................................................ 7 5.2 Management by Declarant ....................................................................................... 7 5.3 Management by Elected Board of Directors .......................................................... 7 5.4 Authoritv and Duties of the Board .......................................................................... 7 5.4.1 Assessments ....................................................................................................... 7 5.4.2 Service ................................................................................................................ 8 5.4.3 Utilities ............................................................................................................... 8 5.4.4 Insurance ........................................................................................................... 8 5.4.5 Maintenance and Repair of Common Areas .................................................. 8 5.4.6 Maintenance of Rights of Way, etc .................................................................. 8 Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 5.4.7 Fences. Landscaping. etc .................................................................................. 8 5.4.8 Enforce Declaration .......................................................................................... 8 5.4.9 Contracting and Payment for Materials. Services. etc .................................. 9 5.4.10 Attorney-in-Fact ................................................................................................ 9 5.4.11 Borrowing of Funds .......................................................................................... 9 5.4.12 Adoption of Rules and Regulations; Fines ..................................................... 9 5.4.13 Additional Powers of Association .................................................................... 9 ARTICLE 6: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL ................................................................... 9 6.1 Construction and Exterior Alteration or Repair ................................................... 9 6.2 Sales Facilities of Declarant ................................................................................... 11 6.3 Variances ................................................................................................................. 11 6.4 Appeals ..................................................................................................................... 12 ARTICLE 7: USE AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATION OF OWNERS .................... 12 7.1 Maintenance of Lots ............................................................................................... 12 7.2 Residential Use ........................................................................................................ 12 7.3 Restriction on Further Subdivision ....................................................................... 12 7.4 Rental Lots ............................................................................................................... 12 7.5 Zoning Regulations ................................................................................................. 13 7.6 Business Use ............................................................................................................. 13 7.7 Building Setback Requirements ............................................................................ 13 7.8 Oil and Mining Operations .................................................................................... 13 7.9 Catch Basin .............................................................................................................. 13 7.10 Lot Size ..................................................................................................................... 14 7.11 Garages .................................................................................................................... 14 7.12 Square Footage ........................................................................................................ 14 7.13 Mobile or Manufactured Housing ......................................................................... 14 7.14 Driveway Standards ............................................................................................... 14 7.15 Parking ..................................................................................................................... 14 7.16 Roof .......................................................................................................................... 14 7.17 Exterior Finish ........................................................................................................ 15 7 .18 Utilities ..................................................................................................................... 15 7.19 Antenna .................................................................................................................... 15 7.20 Fencing ..................................................................................................................... 15 7.21 Fireplace Chimneys ................................................................................................ 15 7.22 Garbage and Refuse ................................................................................................ 15 7.23 Games and Play Structures .................................................................................... 16 7.24 Construction of Significant Recreation Facilities ................................................ 16 7.25 Livestock and Poultry ............................................................................................. 16 7.26 Landscaping ............................................................................................................ 16 7.27 Signs ......................................................................................................................... 16 7.28 Temporary Structures ............................................................................................ 16 7.29 Completion of Construction ................................................................................... 17 7.30 Easements ................................................................................................................ 17 7.31 Use During Construction ........................................................................................ 17 Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLA1\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 7.32 Excavations .............................................................................................................. 17 7.33 Nuisances ................................................................................................................. 17 7.34 Clothes Lines. Other Structures ............................................................................ 17 7.35 Common Drives ....................................................................................................... 17 7.36 Building Height ....................................................................................................... 17 7.37 Storm Runoff ........................................................................................................... 18 ARTICLE 8: COMMON EXPENSES AND ASSESSMENTS ......................................... 18 8.1 Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments .............................. 18 8.2 Uniform Rate ........................................................................................................... 18 8.3 Initial Assessment Amount ...................................................................................... 18 8.4 Limitation on Annual Assessment Amount.. .......................................................... 18 8.4.1 Board Authority ................................................................................................... 19 8.4.2 Annual Increase in Dollar Limit. ........................................................................ 19 8.4.3 Owner Approval Required .................................................................................. 19 8.5 Manner and Time of Payment ................................................................................ 19 8.6 Accounts ................................................................................................................... 19 8.7 Lien ........................................................................................................................... 19 8.8 Waiver of Homestead .............................................................................................. 20 8.9 Continuing Liability for Assessments ..................................................................... 20 8.10 Records. Financial Statements ................................................................................ 20 8.11 Certificate of Assessment ......................................................................................... 20 8.12 Foreclosure of Assessment Lien, Attorneys' Fees and Costs ................................. 20 8.13 Curing of Default ..................................................................................................... 21 8.14 Omission of Assessment ........................................................................................... 21 8.15 Assessment Deposit .................................................................................................. 21 8.16 Exempt Property ...................................................................................................... 21 8.17 Effect of Legal Proceedings ..................................................................................... 22 ARTICLE 9: COMPLIANCE WITH DECLARATION ..................................................... 22 9.1 Enforcement ............................................................................................................. 22 9.1.1 Compliance of Owner .......................................................................................... 22 9.1.2 Compliance of Lessee ........................................................................................... 22 9.1.3 Attorneys' Fees ..................................................................................................... 22 9.2 No Waiver of Strict Performance ........................................................................... 22 9.3 Right of Entry .......................................................................................................... 23 9.4 Remedies Cumulative .............................................................................................. 23 ARTICLE 10: LIMITATION OF LIABILITY .................................................................... 23 10.1 No Personal Liability ............................................................................................... 23 10.2 Indemnification of Board Members ....................................................................... 23 ARTICLE 11: MORTGAGEE PROTECTION .................................................................. 24 11.1 Priority of Mortgagee .............................................................................................. 24 11.2 Effect of Declaration Amendments ......................................................................... 24 11.3 Right of Lien Holder ................................................................................................ 24 11.4 Change in Manner of Architectural Review and Maintenance Within Project...24 11.5 Copies of Notices ...................................................................................................... 24 Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLA1\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 11.6 Furnishing of Documents ........................................................................................ 25 ARTICLE 12: EASEMENTS ................................................................................................ 25 12.1 Association Functions .............................................................................................. 25 12.2 Easements Over Common Areas ............................................................................ 25 12.3 Access to Public Streets ........................................................................................... 25 12.4 Utility Easements ..................................................................................................... 25 12.5 Storm Drainage and Maintenance Easements ....................................................... 25 ARTICLE 13: TERM OF DECLARATION ....................................................................... 26 13.1 Duration of Covenants ............................................................................................. 26 13.2 Abandonment of Subdivision Status ....................................................................... 26 ARTICLE 14: AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION. PLAT MAP ................................... 26 14.1 Declaration Amendment ......................................................................................... 26 14.2 Plat Map ................................................................................................................... 27 14.3 Amendments to Conform to Construction ............................................................. 27 14.4 Amendments to Conform to Lending Institution Guidelines ................................ 27 14.5 Article 16 Amendments ........................................................................................... 27 ARTICLE 15: INSURANCE ................................................................................................. 27 15.1 Insurance .................................................................................................................. 27 ARTICLE 16: ANNEXATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES ......................................................................................................................... 28 16.1 Annexation and Withdrawal by Declarant ............................................................ 28 16.2 Non-Declarant Annexations .................................................................................... 29 16.3 Common Areas Within Additional Lands .............................................................. 29 ARTICLE 17: MISCELLANEOUS ...................................................................................... 29 17.1 Notices ...................................................................................................................... 29 17.2 Conveyances. Notice Required ................................................................................ 29 17.3 Successor and Assigns ............................................................................................. 30 17.4 Joint and Several Liability ...................................................................................... 30 17.5 Mortgagee's Acceptance .......................................................................................... 30 17.5.1 Priority of Mortgage ........................................................................................ 30 17.5.2 Acceptance Upon First Conveyance ............................................................... 30 17.6 Severability ............................................................................................................... 30 17.7 Effective Date ........................................................................................................... 30 17.8 Government Right of Access ................................................................................... 30 EXHIBIT A -Legal Description of the Project EXHIBIT B -Common Fence Design Standards Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF THERESERVEATSTONEHAVEN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON THIS DECLARATION is made this _2_ day of _March---> 2006, by the undersigned, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Declarant." DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND A. Declarant owns certain real property located within the State of Washington, which property and improvements are commonly known as The Reserve at Stonehaven, located in King County, Washington, and legally described in attached Exhibit A (the "Project"). All Common Areas of the Project are shown on the Plat Maps recorded in conjunction with this Declaration. B. For the benefit and protection of the Project, to enhance its value and attractiveness, and as an inducement to lenders and investors to make and purchase loans secured by Lots within the Project, Declarant agrees to provide herein for a method of use and architectural control within the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that the Lots described herein shall be held, conveyed, encumbered, leased, rented, used, occupied and improved subject to the following uniform covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, grants of easement, rights, rights-of-way, liens, charges and equitable servitudes. Any conveyance, transfer, sale, assignment, lease or sublease of a Lot in the Project, shall and hereby is deemed to incorporate by reference all provisions of this Declaration. The provisions of this Declaration shall be enforceable by Declarant, any Lot Owner, the Association, and any first mortgagee of any Lot. ARTICLE 1: INTERPRETATION 1.1 Liberal Construction. The provisions of this Declaration shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purpose of creating a uniform plan for the operation and maintenance of the Project. 1.2 Covenant Running with Land. It is intended that this Declaration shall be operative as a set of covenants running with the land, or equitable servitudes, as applicable, binding on Declarant, its successors and assigns, all subsequent Owners of the Project or any Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA 1\RS_HOA-CCRS.DOC Lots, together with their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, administrators, devisees or assigns. 1.3 Declarant is Original Owner. Declarant is the original Owner of all Lots and Project and will continue to be deemed the Owner thereof except as conveyances or documents changing such ownership regarding specifically described Lots or portions of the Project are filed of record by Declarant. 1.4 Captions. Captions given to the various articles and sections herein are for convenience only and are not intended to modify or affect the meaning of any of the substantive provisions hereof. 1.5 Def"mitions. 1.5.1 "ACC" shall mean the Architectural Control Committee provided for in Article 6. 1.5.2 "Association" shall mean the Owners' Association provided for In Article 4 and its successors and assigns. 1.5.3 "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Association provided for in Article 5. 1.5.4 "Bylaws" shall mean the duly adopted bylaws of the Association. 1.5.5 "Common Area" shall mean all real property (including the improvements thereto) owned by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners and shall include (unless/until dedicated to a governmental entity): all Common Areas described on the Plat Map including but not limited to Tracts A, B, C, D, E, G, I, J, K, L, Q, R, U and V; Project entry sign(s) and landscaping; planter islands on roads or cul-de- sacs; and mailbox stands serving more than one Lot. 1.5.6 "Declarant" shall mean the undersigned (being the sole Owner of the real property described in Exhibit A hereof), and its successors and assigns if such successors or assigns should acquire more than one undeveloped Lot from the Declarant for the purpose of development and by written instrument in recordable form be specifically assigned the rights and duties of Declarant. 1.5.7 "Declarant Control Period" shall mean the period of time from the date of recording ofthis Declaration until one (1) year after the date upon which all of the Lots and any other portion of the Project (excluding Common Areas) that are subject to this Declaration have been sold, or any earlier period as may be agreed to by Declarant. A partial delegation of authority by Declarant of any of its management duties described in the Declaration shall not terminate the Declarant Control Period. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA-CCRS.DOC 1.5.8 "Declaration" shall mean this declaration and any amendments thereto. 1.5.9 "Home" shall mean and refer to any structure, or portion of a structure, located on a Lot, which structure is designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residence by a single family or which is intended for use in connection with such residence. 1.5.10 "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land shown upon any recorded Plat Map of the Project excluding Common Areas, provided the "Lot" shall not include any land now or hereafter owned by the Association or by all of the Lot Owners as tenants in common, nor include any land shown on a Plat Map but dedicated to the public or to a governmental entity. 1.5.11 "Mortgage" shall mean a recorded mortgage or deed of trust that creates a lien against a Lot and shall also mean a real estate contract for the sale of a Lot. 1.5.12 "Mortgagee" shall mean the beneficial holder, or the designee of the beneficial holder, of an encumbrance on a Lot created by mortgage or deed of trust and shall also mean the vendor, or the designee of a vendor, of a real estate contract for the sale of a Lot. 1.5.13 "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record Owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot which is a part of the Project, and, except as may be otherwise expressly provided herein, shall, in the case of a Lot which has been sold pursuant to a real estate contract, include any person of record holding a vendee's interest under such real estate contract, to the exclusion of the vendor thereunder. Any person or entity having such an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation shall not be considered an Owner. 1.5.14 "Person" shall include natural persons, partnerships, limited liability companies, corporations, associations and personal representatives. 1.5.15 "Project" shall mean the real estate described in Exhibit A and all improvements and structures thereon, including such additions thereto as may hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of the Association. 1.5.16 "Plat Map" shall mean the Plat Map(s) approved by the appropriate governmental entity and recorded in conjunction with or subsequent to this Declaration, which Plat Maps depict the layout of the Lots on the Project. 1.6 Percentage of Mortgagees. For purposes of determining the percentage of first Mortgagees approving a proposed decision or course of action, a Mortgagee shall be deemed a separate Mortgagee for each Lot on which it holds a mortgage that constitutes a first lien on said Lot. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA_CCRS.OOC 1.7 Percentage of Owners. For purposes of detennining the percentage of Owners approving a proposed decision or course of action, an Owner shall be deemed a separate Owner for each Lot owned. ARTICLE 2: OWNERSHIP OF COMMON AREA 2.1 Ownership of Common Area. The Common Areas, if any, within any Additional Lands (as defined in Article 16) will be deemed to be conveyed to the Association upon the recording of an amendment to this Declaration incorporating such Additional Lands within the Project and will be depicted on the Plat Map recorded in conjunction with such amendment. The Common Area shall exclude those portions of common areas (and improvements thereto) which have been or may hereafter be, dedicated to and owned by the public or a governmental entity. The Common Area shall for all purposes be under the control, management and administration of the Declarant during the Declarant Control Period, and under the control, management and administration of the Association thereafter. The Association (and the Owners who are members thereof) have the responsibility and obligation to maintain, repair and administer the Common Area in a clean, attractive, sanitary and safe condition and in full compliance with applicable, governmental laws, rules and regulations and the provisions of this Declaration. Provided that the developer, rather than the homeowner's association, is to be responsible for the initial minimum 5 years of successful wetland maintenance and mitigation monitoring pursuant to the approved wetland mitigation plan. The transfer of responsibility to the Homeowners Association shall not occur until the City of Renton releases the developer in writing from further maintenance and monitoring upon the completion of a minimum of 5 years successful consecutive years of the wetland monitoring consistent with the approved wetland monitoring and maintenance plan. ARTICLE 3: OWNER'S PROPERTY RIGHTS 3.1 Owner's Rights of Enjoyment. Every Owner shall have a non-exclusive right and easement, in common with all Owners, of enjoyment in and to the Common Area which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Lot, subject to the following provisions: 3.1.1 The right of the Association to limit access to those portions of the Common Areas, which in the opinion of the Board are dangerous. 3.1.2 The right of the Association to charge reasonable admission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility situated upon any Common Area. 3.1.3 The right of the Association to suspend the voting rights and right to use of the Common Areas by an Owner: for any period during which any assessment against such Owner's Lot remains unpaid; and for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days for any infraction of its published rules and regulations. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 3.1.4 Upon agency approval the rights of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area, including easements across said properties, to any public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the members of the Association. Provided that no easements may be granted over the wetland Tract A or the drainage Tract B with out prior written City of Renton Approval. No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument agreeing to such dedication or transfer signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the Owners has been recorded and the provisions of Article 12 hereof have been observed; provided, only a majority of Owners will be necessary to approve dedicating a storm retention pond or similar facility, if any, to a governmental entity which shall agree to maintain such ponds or facilities. 3.1.5 The right of the Association to limit the number of guests of members. 3.1.6 The right of the Association, in accordance with this Declaration and its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, to borrow money for the purpose of improving the Common Area and facilities and in aid thereof to mortgage said property, but the rights of such Mortgagee in said property shall be subordinate to the rights of the Owners hereunder and subject to the provisions of Section 11.5. 3.1.7 The right of the Association to take such steps as are reasonably necessary to protect any property mortgaged in accordance with Section 3.1.6 against foreclosure, including, but not limited to, the right to charge admission and other fees as a condition to continued enjoyment by the Owners and, if necessary, to open the enjoyment of such properties to the public. 3.1.8 During the Declarant Control Period, the exercise of all of the rights and powers set forth in subsections 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 shall require the prior written approval of Declarant. 3.2 Delegation of Use. Any Owner may delegate (in accordance with the Bylaws), hislher right of enjoyment to the Common Area and facilities to the members of hislher family, or hislher tenants or contract purchasers who reside on the Owner's Lot and (subject to regulation by the Association) to hislher temporary guests. ARTICLE 4: OWNERS' ASSOCIATION 4.1 Establishment. There is hereby created an association to be called THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION (referred to hereinafter as the "Association"). 4.2 Form of Association. The Association shall be a nonprofit corporation formed and operated pursuant to Title 24 and Chapter 64.38, Revised Code of Washington. In the event of any conflict between this Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws for such nonprofit corporation, the provisions of this Declaration shall prevail. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA..-CCRS.DOC 4.3 Membership. 4.3.1 Oualification. Each Owner ofa Lot in the Project (including Declarant) shall be a member of the Association and shall be entitled to one membership for each Lot so owned. Ownership of a Lot shall be the sole qualification for membership in the Association. 4.3.2 Transfer of Membership. The Association membership of each Owner (including Declarant) shall be appurtenant to the Lot giving rise to such membership, and shall not be assigned, conveyed, pledged or alienated in any way except upon the transfer of title to said Lot and then only to the transferee of title to such Lot. Any attempt to make a prohibited transfer of membership shall be void. Any transfer of title to a Lot shall operate automatically to transfer the membership in the Association appurtenant thereto to the new Owner thereof. 4.4 Voting. The total voting power of all Owners shall equal the number of Lots at any given time and the total number of votes available to Owners of anyone Lot shall be one (1) vote. 4.5 Bylaws of Association. Bylaws for the administration of the Association and the Project and to further the intent of this Declaration, may be adopted or amended by the Owners at a regular or special meeting; provided, that the initial Bylaws shall be adopted by Declarant, and during the Declarant Control Period, Declarant shall have the sole right to amend the Bylaws. In the event of any conflict between this Declaration and any Bylaws, the provisions of this Declaration shall prevail. 4.6 Declarant Control Period. During the Declarant Control Period, the Association and the ACC (as defined in Section 6.1 below), together with all Common Areas administered by the Association shall, for all purposes, be under the management and administration of Declarant or its assignees. During the Declarant Control Period, Declarant shall appoint the directors of the Association as provided in the Bylaws. Declarant may appoint any persons Declarant chooses as directors. At the Declarant's sole discretion, Declarant may appoint members of the Association to such committees or positions in the Association, including the ACC, as Declarant deems appropriate, to serve at Declarant's discretion, and Declarant may assign such responsibilities, privileges and duties to the members as Declarant determines, or for such time as Declarant determines. Members appointed by Declarant during the Declarant Control Period may be dismissed at Declarant's discretion. Declarant's control of the Association during the Declarant Control Period is established in order to insure that the Project and the Association will be adequately administered in the initial phases of development and to insure an orderly transition of Association operations. Except for initial wetland mitigation maintenance monitoring as provided in Article 2.1, from and after the end of the Declarant Control Period, the Association shall have the authority and obligation to manage and administer the Common Areas and to enforce this Declaration. Such authority shall include all authority provided for in the Association's articles, bylaws, rules and regulations and this Declaration, together with other duties that may be assigned to the Association in any easement or in the plat of The Reserve at Stonehaven. From and after the end Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA l\RS_HOA_CCRS.OOC of the Declarant Control Period, the Association shall also have the authority and obligation to manage and administer the activities of the ACC and its responsibilities. ARTICLE 5: MANAGEMENT OF THE ASSOCIATION 5.1 Administration of the Development. The Owners covenant and agree that the administration of the Project shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws of the Association. 5.2 Management by Declarant. The Project shall be managed on behalf of the Association by the Declarant during the Declarant Control Period. Declarant may terminate the Declarant Control Period as to all or a part of the Project by giving at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice of Declarant's election to permanently relinquish all of its authority under this Section 5.2 by written notice to all Owners. So long as Declarant is managing the Project, Declarant or a managing agent selected by Declarant shall have the exclusive power and authority to exercise all the rights, duties and functions of the Board and the Association set forth or necessarily implied in this Declaration; provided, however, that the Association may not be bound directly or indirectly to any contracts or leases without the right of termination exercisable without cause and without penalty at any time after transfer of control to the Board elected pursuant to Section 5.3, upon not more than ninety (90) days notice to the other party to the contract. 5.3 Management by Elected Board of Directors. At the expiration of Declarant Control Period, the Association shall hold an election to elect the Board of Directors. Power and authority shall vest in the Board of Directors elected from among the Lot Owners. The number of directors shall be specified in the Bylaws and shall be sufficient to adequately handle the affairs of the Association. The Board may delegate all or any portion of its management duties to a managing agent or officer of the Association as provided for in the Bylaws. All Board offices shall be open for election at an organizational meeting. The Board shall elect from among its members a president who shall preside over meetings of the Board and the meetings of the Association. 5.4 Authority and Duties of the Board. On behalf of and acting for the Association, the Board (or the Declarant or Declarant's managing agent as provided in Section 5.2 hereof), for the benefit of the Project and the Owners, shall have all powers and authority permitted to the Board under this Declaration and any applicable law, including but not limited to the following: 5.4.1 Assessments. Establish and collect regular assessments (and to the extent necessary and permitted hereunder, special assessments) to defray expenses attributable to carrying out its duties hereunder and maintain an adequate reserve fund for the maintenance, repair, improvement and replacement of those portions of the Common Area or facilities which must be maintained, repaired or replaced on a periodic basis, which reserve shall be funded by the above assessments. The Association may impose and collect charges for late payments of assessments Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 5.4.2 Service. Obtain the services of persons or finns as required to properly manage the affairs of the Project to the extent deemed advisable by the Board including legal and accounting services, property management services as well as such other personnel as the Board shall detennine are necessary or proper for the operation of the Common Area, whether such personnel are employed directly by the Board or are furnished by the manager or management firm or agent. 5.4.3 Utilities. Obtain water, sewer, garbage collection, electrical, telephone, gas and any other necessary utility service, including utility easements and street lighting, as required for the Common Area; and install, activate and operate street lights for roadways within the Project. The Association shall payoff any sums owed for street light installation prior to conveying street lights and related landscape areas and roads to the City of Renton. 5.4.4 Insurance. Obtain and pay for policies of insurance or bonds providing Common Area casualty and liability coverage, and for fidelity of Association officers and other employees, the requirements of which are more fully set forth in Article 15. 5.4.5 Maintenance and Repair of Common Areas. Pay for the costs of painting, maintenance, repair and all landscaping and gardening work for all Common Area, and improvements located thereon, so as to keep the Project in a good, clean, attractive, sanitary and safe condition and in full compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations and the provisions of this Declaration. The foregoing shall include: the cost of maintaining storm retention ponds or similar facilities, if any; the cost of maintaining, repairing and replacing mailbox stands that serve more than one (1) Lot; and such replacing and repairing of furnishings and equipment, if any, for the Common Area as the Board shall detennine are necessary and proper. 5.4.6 Maintenance of Rights of Way, Etc. To the extent deemed advisable by the Board, pay for the costs of maintaining and landscaping rights of way, traffic islands and medians, or other similar areas which are within or adjacent to the Project boundaries, and which are owned by or dedicated to a governmental entity, if said governmental entity fails to do so; provided, the Lot Owner at the Owner's expense (rather than the Association) shall maintain and landscape such areas as are adjacent to such Owner's Lot. 5.4.7 Fences, Landscaping. Etc. To the extent deemed advisable by the Board, pay for the cost of constructing, maintaining, repairing and replacing: perimeter and interior fences, if any; and landscaping and improvements on easements, if any, which are located on or across Lots; provided, the Board at its option may require a Lot Owner at the Owner's expense to maintain, repair and replace such fences, landscaping and improvements as are adjacent to such Owner's Lot. All such perimeter and interior fences shall be constructed, maintained, repaired and replaced in accordance with the Common Fence Design Standards contained in attached Exhibit B. 5.4.8 Enforce Declaration. Enforce the applicable proVISIons of the Declaration for the management and control of the Project. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED'SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 5.4.9 Contracting and Payment for Materials, Services, Etc. Contract and pay for any materials, supplies, labor or services which the Board should determine are necessary or proper for the enforcement of this Declaration, including legal, accounting, management or other services; provided that if for any reason any materials, supplies, labor or services are provided for particular Lots or their Owners, the cost thereof shall be specially charged to the Owners of such Lots. 5.4.10 Attorney-in-Fact. Each Owner, by the mere act of becoming an Owner, shall irrevocably appoint the Association as his/her attorney-in-fact, with full power of substitution, to take such action as reasonably necessary to promptly perform the duties of the Association and Board hereunder, including but not limited to the duties to maintain, repair and improve the Project, to deal with the Project upon damage or destruction, and to secure insurance proceeds. 5.4.11 Borrowing of Funds. In the discharge of its duties and the exercise of its powers as set forth herein, but subject to the limitations set forth herein, the Board may borrow funds on behalf of the Association. 5.4.12 Adoption of Rules and Regulations; Fines. When and to the extent deemed advisable by the Board, to adopt reasonable rules and regulations governing the maintenance and use of the Project and other matters of mutual concern to the Lot Owners, which rules and regulations are not inconsistent with this Declaration and the Bylaws and which treat all Owners fairly and on a non-discriminatory basis. The Board may impose and collect charges for late payments of assessments and, after notice and an opportunity to be heard by the Board or by a representative designated by the Board in accordance with procedures as provided in the Bylaws or rules and regulations adopted by the Board, levy reasonable fines in accordance with a previously established schedule adopted by the Board and furnished to the Owners for violation of the Bylaws, rules and regulations of the Association. 5.4.13 Additional Powers of Association. In addition to the duties and powers of the Association as specified in this Declaration, but subject to the provisions of this Declaration, the Association, acting through its Board, shall have the power to do all other things that it may deem reasonably necessary to carry out its duties and the purposes of this Declaration. ARTICLE 6: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL 6.1 Construction and Exterior Alteration or Repair. 6.1.1 All buildings and structures (including, without limitation, concrete or masonry walls, rockeries, fences, sheds, swimming pools, if any, or other structures) to be constructed within the Project, and all exterior alterations and repairs (including, but not limited to, reroofing or repainting) of any buildings or structures on the Project and visible from any public street, Common Area or other Lot must be approved in writing by the Board, Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\sTONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC or by an Architectural Control Committee ("ACC") composed of three (3) or more representatives appointed by the Board, at least two (2) of whom shall be Board members; provided that during the Declarant Control Period, Declarant at its option may exercise all of the rights and powers of the Board under Section 6.1 including without limitation the appointment of members of the ACC. References in this Article 6 to the ACC shall be deemed to include the ACC, the Board, or the Declarant, as circumstances may dictate. Complete plans and specifications, including colors, of all such proposed buildings, structures, and exterior alterations and repairs, together with detailed plans showing the proposed location of the same on the particular building site and other data requested by the ACC, shall be submitted to the ACC along with a written request for approval signed by the Owner. Any exterior modifications in accordance with plans and specifications developed by the Declarant and filed with the Board at the time of transfer (pursuant to Article 5.3) shall be deemed approved exterior modifications. 6.1.2 The ACC will review all requests for approval of construction, alteration or repair for quality of workmanship and materials planned and for conformity and harmony of the external design with proposed or existing structures on the Lots, and for location of the building with respect to topography, finish grade elevation and building setback restrictions. 6.1.3 In the event the ACC fails to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the plans and specifications submitted by an Owner within thirty (30) days after submission of an application therefore, then the applicant may request in writing a response within an additional fourteen (14) days. In the event there remains no response, the application shall be deemed approved, provided, however, the plans and specifications must still comply with this Declaration in all aspects. 6.1.4 All plans and specifications for approval by the ACC must be submitted in duplicate, at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed construction or exterior alteration or repair starting date. Construction, alteration or repair shall not be started until written approval thereof is given by the ACC. 6.1.5 The ACC may require that said plans or specifications be prepared by an architect or a competent house designer, approved by the ACC. One complete set of said plans and specifications shall in each case be delivered to and permanently retained by the ACC. All buildings or structures (including but not limited to garden sheds) shall be erected or constructed, and all exterior alterations or repairs made, by a contractor, house builder or other person or entity approved by the ACe. The ACC shall have the right to refuse to approve any design, plan or color for such improvements, construction, or exterior alteration or repair visible from a public street, Common Area or other Lot which is not suitable or desirable, in the ACC's reasonable opinion, aesthetic or otherwise. 6.1.6 In so passing upon such design, the ACC shall have the right to take into consideration the suitability of the proposed building or other structure, and the material of which it is to be built, and the exterior color scheme, to the site upon which it is proposed Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\sTONEHAVEN\FINAL PLA 1\RS_HOA-CCRS.DOC to be erected, the harmony thereof with the surroundings, and the effect or impairment that said structure will have on the view or outlook of surrounding building sites, and any and all factors, which, in the ACC's opinion, could affect the desirability or suitability of such proposed structure, improvements, or exterior alteration or repair. 6.1.7 The ACC shall have the right to disapprove the design or installation of a swimming pool or any other recreational structure or equipment, in the ACC's reasonable opinion, aesthetic or otherwise. In so passing upon such design or proposed installation, the ACC shall have the right to take into consideration the visual impact of the structure and the noise impact of the related activities upon all of the properties located in close proximity. Any enclosure or cover used in connection with such a recreational structure or equipment, whether temporary, collapsible, seasonal, or otherwise, shall be treated as a permanent structure for the purposes of these covenants, and shall be subject to all the conditions, restrictions, and requirements as set forth herein for all buildings and structures. 6.1.8 The ACC shall have the right to require, at a Lot Owner's expense, the trimming or topping (or, if deemed necessary by the ACC, removal) of any tree, hedge or shrub on a Lot which the ACC determines is unreasonably blocking or interfering with the view or access to sunlight of another Lot. 6.1.9 The ACC shall have the right to specify precisely the size, color and style of mailboxes, and of the post or support on which such mailboxes are affixed, and their location within the Project, whether or not such mailbox stand is a Common Area. 6.1.10 Approval by the ACC is independent of, in addition to, and not to be construed as a representation as to compliance with, any requirements for a permit, license or other approval by the City of Renton or other applicable governmental or quasi-governmental entity. The Lot Owner is responsible for obtaining any such governmental approvals. 6.1.11 Declarant (including any successor in interest to Declarant's status as Declarant) shall not be subject to the restrictions of this Section 6.1 as to any Lot owned by Declarant, either during or after the Declarant Control Period. 6.2 Sales Facilities of Declarant. Notwithstanding any proViSIOn in this Declaration to the contrary, Declarant (and its agents, employees and contractors) shall be permitted to maintain during the period of sale of Lots and/or Homes upon such portion of the Project as Declarant still owns and as Declarant may choose, such facilities as in the sole opinion of the Declarant may be reasonably required, convenient or incidental to the construction, sale or rental of Lots and Homes, including but not limited to, a business office, storage area, signs, model units, sales office, construction office, and parking areas for all prospective tenants or purchasers of Declarant. 6.3 Variances. So long as Declarant owns any Lot, the Board may in its reasonable discretion, upon written request of the Declarant, grant a variance from the requirements of Article 7; thereafter, the Board may, upon written request of an Owner, grant Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC a variance from the requirements of Article 7 only in cases where, because of the physical characteristics of the Lots, strict enforcement would result in an unnecessary hardship. Beginning at such time that Declarant owns no Lot, the Board may only grant a variance from the provisions of Sections 7.11 through 7.17, 7.19 through 7.21,7.23, 7.29, or 7.36. The Board's authority to grant such a variance shall not be delegated to the ACC. Prior to granting such a variance, the Board shall hold an open hearing at which other Owners may comment. At least fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing, the Bo~d shall give written notice of the nature of the requested variance: to the Owner of each Lot immediately adjacent to the Lot for which the variance is requested; to other Owners that would reasonably be affected by the variance; and by requiring the Owner requesting the variance to post a notice on such Owner's Lot in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Board. 6.4 Appeals. Any aggrieved Owner may appeal a decision of the ACC to the Board by written notice within sixty (60) days after the ACC's written decision. The Board will review the ACC decision at the Board's next regularly scheduled meeting (but in any event not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice of appeal). The Board shall give written notice to the appealing Owner of the time and place of such meeting at least five (5) days in advance. During the Declarant Control Period, the Declarant shall perform the role of the Board described in this Section 6.4. ARTICLE 7: USE AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATION OF OWNERS 7.1 Maintenance of Lots. Each Owner, at said Owner's sole cost and expense, shall promptly and continuously maintain, repair and restore said Owner's Lot (including the yard and landscaping) and Home and other improvements located thereon, and also such other areas as maybe required pursuant to Sections 5.4.6 and 5.4.7, in a good, clean, attractive, safe and sanitary condition and in full compliance with all applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations and the provisions of this Declaration and the rules and regulations of the Association. 7.2 Residential Use. Except as provided in Section 7.6, all Lots and improvements located thereon shall be used, improved and devoted exclusively to residential use. 7.3 Restriction on Further Subdivision. No Lot or portion of a Lot shall be divided and sold or resold, nor ownership changed or transferred whereby the ownership of any portion of this Project shall be less than the area required for the use district in which located; provided, the foregoing shall not prohibit deeds of correction, deeds to resolve boundary disputes and similar corrective instruments. Lots may be joined and joined Lots may subsequently be subdivided only into the Lots originally joined. 7.4 Rental Lots. 7.4.1 With respect to the leasing, renting, or creating of any kind of tenancy of a Lot and improvements thereon by its Owners, such Owner shall be prohibited from Y;\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA 1\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC leasing or renting less than the entire Lot or improvements thereon, or (with the exception of a lender in possession of a Lot and improvements thereon following a default in a first mortgage, a foreclosure proceeding or any deed of trust sale or other arrangement in lieu of a foreclosure) for a term of less than six (6) months; and all leasing or rental agreements shall be in writing, and shall be subject to the Declaration and Bylaws (with a default of the tenant in complying with the Declaration and Bylaws constituting a default under the lease or rental agreement). 7.4.2 If a Lot or Home is rented by its Owner, the Board on behalf of the Association may collect, and the tenant or lessee shall pay over to the Board, so much of the rent for such Lot or Home as is required to pay any amounts due the Association hereunder, plus interest and costs, if the same are in default over thirty (30) days. The renter or lessee shall not have the right to challenge payment over to the Board, and such payment will discharge the lessee's or renter's duty of payment to the Owner for rent, to the extent such rent is paid to the Association, but will not discharge the liability of the Owner or the Lot under this Declaration for assessments and charges, or operate as an approval of the lease. The Board shall not exercise this power where a receiver has been appointed with respect to the Lot or its Owner, nor in derogation of any rights which a mortgagee of such Lot may have with respect to such rents. Other than as stated in this Article 7 there are no restrictions on the right of any Owner to lease or otherwise rent such Owner's Lot or Home. 7.5 Zoning Regulations. Zoning regulations, building regulations, environmental regulations and other similar governmental regulations applicable to the Project shall be observed. In the event of any conflict between any provision of such governmental regulations and the restrictions of this Declaration, the more restrictive provision shall apply. 7.6 Business Use. No business of any kind shall be conducted on any Lot with the exception of: (a) the business of Declarant in developing and selling all of the Lots; and (b) such home occupation as may be permitted by the appropriate local government and which is not otherwise in violation of the provisions of this Declaration. 7.7 Building Setback Requirements. All buildings and other Lot improvements shall comply with all applicable governmental requirements, including without limitation minimum setback requirements. 7.8 Oil and Mining Operations. No oil drilling, oil development operations, oil refining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted upon or in any Lot; nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations or shafts be permitted upon or in any Lot. No derrick or other structure designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected, maintained or permitted upon any Lot. 7.9 Catch Basin. The Owner of each Lot shall ensure the cleaning of all catch basins, if any, located on such Lot at least once prior to September 15 of each calendar year. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA_CCRS.OOC 7.10 Lot Size. No residential structure shall be erected or placed on any Lot which has a Lot area of less than that required by the government entity having appropriate jurisdiction over the Project. 7.11 Garages. Every Home must have a garage capable of holding at least two full- size cars, but no more than three full-size vehicles (any car, boat, recreational vehicle, etc. shall be deemed one car for purposes of this limitation). All vehicles must be stored in garages or in a manner which the Board reasonably determines is not offensive when viewed from the street or from the ground level of adjacent Lots or Common Areas. 7.12 Square Footage. Each single family residence must include a minimum of 1,400 square feet for single story Homes and 1,600 square feet for two-story Homes, excluding garage, porches and decks. 7.13 Mobile or Manufactured Housing. Custom designs by licensed architects shall be strongly encouraged and any use of repetitive design shall be strongly discouraged and/or prohibited at the discretion of the ACC. The ACC may refuse to approve a plan based on design or repetitive use of a plan, or for failure to meet the approved criteria as set forth. There shall be no mobile or manufactured housing. 7.14 Driveway Standards. All driveways shall be constructed of concrete with a minimum of aggregate finish or other material approved by ACC. 7.15 Parking. Unless substantially screened from view from the street or from the ground level of adjacent Lots and Common Area in a manner reasonably approved by the ACC, no recreational vehicles, commercial vehicles, construction or like equipment, motorcycles, or trailers (utility, boat, camping, horse, or otherwise), shall be allowed to be parked or stored on any Lot or street for a cumulative period in excess of fourteen (14) days in anyone (1) calendar year. No motor vehicles of any kind shall be parked overnight on any street adjoining any Lot or Common Area; provided that, such vehicles belonging to guests of a Lot Owner may occasionally be so parked so long as such parking will not violate any other provision of this Section 7.15. No motor vehicle of any kind that is inoperative by reason of mechanical failure shall be parked or stored on any Lot or in any right-of-way or street adjoining any Lot or Common Area for more than seventy-two (72) hours. The Board shall have full authority to determine, in its sole discretion, if any vehicle is obnoxious or undesirable to other Lot Owners and to enforce this covenant. Pursuant to Article 9 of this Declaration, the Association may levy fines or have vehicles that are parked in violation of this Section towed and impounded at the Owner's expense. 7.16 Roof. The exterior of all roofs shall be composed of materials approved by ACC. All roofs must have a pitch of at least 4/12 (four on twelve), unless approved by the ACC based on considerations regarding a specific Lot. Under no circumstances are flat roofs allowed. Roof material shall be at least twenty-five (25) year architectural composition asphalt shingle, charcoal color or other color approved by the ACC, and by a manufacturer approved and accepted by ACC. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA-CCRS.OOC 7.17 Exterior Finish. The exterior of each Home shall be designed, built and maintained in such a manner as to blend in with the natural surroundings, existing structures and landscaping of the Project. All exterior materials and all exterior colors must be approved by the ACC in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration. Exterior trim, fences, doors, railing, decks, eaves, gutters and the exterior finish of garages and other accessory buildings (including garden sheds) shall be designed, built and maintained to be compatible with the exterior of the structures they adjoin. Homes and other structures may be finished in vinyl siding if approved by the ACC. In no event shall T -111 panelized type siding be pennitted on any Home or other structure. 7.18 Utilities. All utilities shall be installed underground. No fuel tank shall be maintained above ground unless properly screened in a manner acceptable to the ACC. All Lots shall be served by public water and sewer. No wells or septic systems shall be constructed or maintained on any Lot. 7.19 Antenna. No antenna, satellite dish or other similar type of exterior equipment shall be allowed on any Lot unless approved in writing by the ACe. As a condition of approval the ACC may require reasonable shielding of such antenna, satellite dish or equipment from view from the street and the ground level of adjacent Lots or Common Areas. In no event shall any satellite dish or similar antenna greater than one (1) meter in diameter be permitted. 7.20 Fencing. No fences or site-screening improvements shall be erected without the prior written approval of the ACC. Fences may only be placed along the rear property line, along the front building line, and from the front building line to the rear Lot line, cannot exceed six (6) feet in height above the ground, under no circumstances may obstruct view from any other Lot, must be constructed of wood or other material approved by the ACC, and shall be constructed, maintained, repaired and replaced in accordance with the Common Fence Design Standards contained in attached Exhibit B; provided that the foregoing height limitation shall not apply to site screening approved by the ACC pursuant to Section 7.15. Hedges or other solid screen planting may be used as Lot line barriers subject to the same height restrictions as fences. No chain-link fences shall be pennitted on a Lot. No fence, wall or hedge shall be pennitted on a Lot any nearer to any street than a building is permitted under Section 7.7, except that nothing shall prevent the erection of a necessary retaining wall, the top of which does not extend more than three (3) feet above the finished grade at the back of said retaining wall. 7.21 Fireplace Chimneys. Fireplace chimneys must be constructed with material approved by the ACC and as otherwise required by this Declaration. 7.22 Garbage and Refuse. No garbage, refuse, rubbish, cuttings, or debris of any kind shall be deposited on or left upon any Lot unless placed in an attractive container suitably located and screened from view from the street and from the ground level of adjacent Lots and Common Area. Such containers shall be returned to the screened location by the end of each scheduled pick-up day. All equipment for the storage or disposal of such materials Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\sTONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA-CCRS.OOC , ' shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. No building material of any kind shall be placed or stored on any property within the Project until the Lot Owner is ready to commence construction, and then such materials shall be placed within the boundary lines of the Lot upon which its use is intended. Garbage cans may only be placed in public view on the day of garbage pick-up. All woodpiles and storage areas must be placed so that they do not obstruct or hamper any other Lot Owner's view and must be suitably screened from view from the street and from the ground level of adjacent Lots and Common Area. 7.23 Games and Play Structures. No deck, platform, dog house, playhouse or structure of a similar kind or nature shall be constructed on any part of a Lot located in front of the rear line of the residence constructed thereon, and any such structure must have prior approval of the ACC. 7.24 Construction of Simificant Recreation Facilities. The construction of any significant recreational facilities on any Lot including, but not limited to, such items as swimming pools and tennis, badminton or pickle ball courts shall require the approval of the ACC and shall be subject to the requirements adopted by the ACC. 7.25 Livestock and Poultry. No animals or reptiles of any kind shall be kept on the Project, except that dogs, cats, and other indoor household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purpose. No individual Lot Owner shall keep more than two (2) dogs. 7.26 Landscaping. All cleared areas between the front building line and the street shall be fully landscaped within thirty (30) days, depending on weather conditions, of the time when Home is ready for occupancy. Owner shall install or have installed fully landscaped rear and side yards within nine (9) months of occupancy unless a longer time is approved by the ACC. 7.27 Sims. No signs of any kind, nor for any uses, shall be erected, posted, painted or displayed on any Lot or Common Area whatsoever, except for public notices by political divisions of the State or County or as required by law. Any builder or the builder's agent may erect and display signs during the period the builder is building and selling property in the Project only with prior approval from ACC. Any Lot Owner or the Lot Owner's agent wishing to sell that Owner's Lot may place one (1) "For Sale" sign on the Lot, provided such sign complies with any rules published by the ACC. 7.28 Temporary Structures. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings or any structure of a temporary character erected or placed on the Project shall at any time be used as a residence, even temporarily. No building or structure shall be moved on to the Project from any land outside the Project. A trailer may be placed and occupied by the designated subdivision sales agent with the prior written approval of the ACC. A construction shack may be used by an Owner's construction contractor during the construction period. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLAl\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 7.29 Completion of Construction. All construction shall begin within eighteen (18) months of the date of closing of the sale from the Declarant for each Lot. Any dwelling or structure erected or placed on any Lot shall be completed as to external appearance, including finish painting or staining, and shall be connected to sewers within eight (8) months from the date of commencement of construction, unless some longer period of time is approved in writing by the ACC. 7.30 Easements. Easements for the installation and maintenance of utilities, drainage and irrigation facilities are reserved as shown on the Plat Map and as described in Article 12. Within these easements no structure, planting or other materials shall be placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation and/or maintenance of such utilities, or which may change the directions of flow of water through a drainage channel in the easement, or which may obstruct or retard the flow of water through drainage channels in the easement. Any easement or portion thereof located on any Lot and all improvements thereon shall be maintained continuously by the Lot Owner. 7.31 Use During Construction. Except with the approval of the ACC, no person shall reside in any structure on any Lot until such time as the improvements to be erected thereon in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the ACC have been completed. Completion shall be considered receipt of a final inspection of the dwelling unit by the King County Building Department or other applicable government official. 7.32 Excavations. Except with the permission of the ACC, or except as may be necessary in connection with the construction of any approved improvement, no excavation shall be made nor shall any dirt be removed from or added to any Lot. Except with permission of ACC, no retaining wall of more than four feet (4) in height (exposed height) may be constructed on any Lot. 7.33 Nuisances. No noxious or undesirable thing, or noxious or undesirable use shall be permitted or maintained upon any Lot or upon any other portion of the Project. If the Board determines that a thing or use is undesirable or noxious, that determination shall be conclusive. 7.34 Clothes Lines. Other Structures. No clothes lines or other structures of a similar nature shall be visible from any street or the ground level of any adjacent Lot or Common Area. 7.35 Common Drives. Common drives, walks (if any) and paths (if any) shall be used exclusively for normal transit and no obstructions shall be placed thereon or therein except by express written consent of the Board. 7.36 Building Height. Except with the permission of the ACC, no building height shall exceed thirty five (35) feet, as measured from the lowest floor elevation of the house (either garage floor or living area floor) to the maximum point on the roof or as otherwise limited by the building code of the applicable jurisdiction or government entity. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA...CCRS.DOC 7.37 Storm Runoff. Each Lot Owner shall ensure that all roof down spout drains are properly cleaned and maintained, and that the tight line drainage lines or storm infiltration system on each Lot are clean and free of any debris. Due diligence shall be exercised by each Lot Owner to prevent adverse impact of storm runoff onto down stream Lots. ARTICLE 8: COMMON EXPENSES AND ASSESSMENTS 8.1 Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments. The Declarant, for each Lot owned within the Project, hereby covenants, and each Owner of any Lot by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association any assessment duly levied by the Association as provided herein. Such assessments, together with interest, costs, late charges and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessment is made. Each such assessment, together with interest, costs, late charges and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. The personal obligation for delinquent assessments shall not pass to successors in title unless the lien for such delinquent assessments had been properly recorded prior to title transfer or unless expressly assumed by them. Provided, however, that in the case of a sale of any Lot which is charged with the payment of an assessment or assessments payable in installments, the person or entity who is the Owner immediately prior to the date of any such sale shall be personally liable only for the amount of the installments due prior to said date. The new Owner shall be personally liable for installments which become due on and after said date. 8.2 Uniform Rate. Any assessments which may be levied from time to time pursuant to the authority of the Board as set forth in Section 5.4.1, shall be fixed at a uniform rate for each Lot, except for assessments levied against an Owner for the purpose of reimbursing the Association for costs incurred in bringing the Owner or hislher Home and/or Lot into compliance with the provisions of this Declaration. Declarant shall not be obligated to pay any assessment levied against any Lots owned by it. An assessment against a Lot shall be the joint and several personal obligation of all Owners of that Lot. 8.3 Initial Assessment Amount. Upon the sale of each Lot by the Declarant (whether to a builder or otherwise), each Lot Owner, at the time ofhislher purchase of the Lot, shall pay an initial start-up assessment to the Association in the amount of $300.00. Such initial assessment shall be in addition to any annual assessment provided for in this Article 8 and shall be for the purpose of reimbursing the Declarant and/or Association for maintenance and operating expenses of and for the Common Areas during the initial development and house sales period, and for costs incurred by the Declarant and/or Association for the installation, activation and operation of street lights within the Project. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth above, the Declarant shall not be liable for any initial assessments assessed or due so long as Declarant owns any Lot. 8.4 Limitation on Annual Assessment Amount. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 8.4.1 Board Authority. At any time after the sale of the first Lot by the Declarant (whether to a builder or otherwise), the Board shall have the authority, without obtaining prior approval of the Owners, to levy assessments in a given calendar year totaling not more than $285.00 per Lot. Assessments included in the foregoing calculation shall not include any assessments which are levied against an Owner for reimbursing the Association for costs incurred in bringing the Owner or his/her Home and/or Lot into compliance with the provisions of this Declaration nor any initial assessments provided for in Section 8.3. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth above, the Declarant shall not be liable for any fees or assessments assessed or due so long as Declarant owns any Lot. 8.4.2 Annual Increase in Dollar Limit. The maximum dollar amount specified in Section 8.4.1 shall not be increased by more than fifteen percent (15%) without the approval of a majority of the Lot Owners voting at a meeting duly called for such purpose. 8.4.3 Owner Approval Required. Any assessment to be levied in a given calendar year which would cause the total of all assessments for the year to exceed the sum per Lot permitted by Sections 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 shall require the calling of a meeting of the Association upon notice sent to all members not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting, and the approval at such meeting of the levy of such assessment by a majority of the Lots represented at such meeting, provided a quorum is present as defined in the Bylaws. 8.5 Manner and Time of Payment. Assessments shall be payable by each Owner in such reasonable manner as the Board shall designate. Any assessment or installment thereof which remains unpaid for at least fifteen (15) days after the due date thereof shall bear interest at an annual rate equal to the greater of twelve percent (12%) or the Prime Rate plus three percent (3%), and the Board may also assess a late charge in an amount not exceeding twenty-five (25%) of any unpaid assessment which has been delinquent for more than fifteen (15) days. "Prime Rate" means the prime business lending rate, detennined and quoted from time to time by U.S. Bank:, Seattle Main Branch (or its successor), as the same may be adjusted from time to time. If u.S. Bank: ceases to quote a prime rate or a similar rate, the interest rate shall be based upon such similar prime business lending rate as is determined and quoted from time to time by the Wall Street Journal or, if the Wall Street Journal ceases to quote such rate, by a nationally recognized financial publication selected by the Board. If any such prime rate is determined and quoted as a range of rates, the simple average of the high and low rates of such range shall be used. 8.6 Accounts. Any assessments collected by the Association shall be deposited in one or more insured institutional depository accounts established by the Board. The Board shall have exclusive control of such accounts and shall maintain accurate records thereof; provided, however, that the Board may exercise such control through a property manager retained pursuant to Section 5.4.2. No withdrawal shall be made from said accounts except to pay for charges and expenses authorized by this Declaration. 8.7 Lien. In the event any assessment or installment thereof remains delinquent for more than thirty (30) days, the Board may, upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the Owner of such Lot of the existence of the default, accelerate and demand immediate payment of Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA l\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC the entire assessment. The amount of any assessment assessed or charged to any Lot plus interest, costs, late charges and reasonable attorneys' fees, shall be a lien upon such Lot. A claim of lien may be recorded in the office where real estate conveyances are recorded for the county in which this Project is located. Such claim of lien may be filed at any time at least fifteen (15) days following delivery of the notice of default referred to above. The lien for payment of such assessments and charges shall have priority over all other liens and encumbrances, recorded or unrecorded, limited as provided in Section 11.1. Suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid assessments or charges shall be maintainable with or without foreclosure or waiver of the lien securing the same. 8.8 Waiver of Homestead. Each Owner hereby waives, to the extent of any liens created pursuant to this Article, the benefit of any homestead or exemption law in effect at the time any assessment or installment thereof becomes delinquent or any lien is imposed pursuant to the terms hereof. 8.9 Continuing Liabilitv for Assessments. No Owner may exempt himselflherself from liability for hislher Assessments by abandonment ofhislher Lot. 8.10 Records. Financial Statements. The Board shall prepare or cause to be prepared, for any calendar year in which the Association levies or collects any assessments, and shall distribute to all Owners, a balance sheet and an operating (income/expense) statement for the Association, which shall include a schedule of assessments received and receivable, identified by the number of the Lot and the name of the Owner so assessed. The Board shall cause detailed and accurate records of the receipts and expenditures of the Association to be kept specifying and itemizing the maintenance, operating, and any other expenses incurred. Such records, copies of this Declaration, the Articles and the Bylaws, and any resolutions authorizing expenditures of Association funds shall be available for examination by any Owner at reasonably convenient hours. 8.11 Certificate of Assessment. A certificate executed and acknowledged by the treasurer or the president of the Board, or an authorized agent thereof if neither the president nor treasurer is available, stating the indebtedness for assessments and charges or lack thereof secured by the assessment lien upon any Lot shall be conclusive upon the Association as to the amount of such indebtedness on the date of the certificate, in favor of all persons who rely thereon in good faith. Such a certificate shall be furnished to any Owner or any encumbrancer of a Lot within a reasonable time after request, in recordable form, at a reasonable fee. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any encumbrancer holding a lien on a Lot may pay any unpaid assessments or charges with respect to such Lot, and, upon such payment, shall have a lien on such Lot for the amounts paid of the same rank as the lien ofhislher encumbrance. 8.12 Foreclosure of Assessment Lien. Attorneys' Fees and Costs. The Declarant or Board, on behalf of the Association, may initiate action to foreclose the lien of, or collect, any assessment. In any action to foreclose the lien of, or otherwise collect, delinquent assessments or charges, any judgment rendered in favor of the Association shall include a reasonable sum for attorneys' fees and all costs and expenses reasonably incurred in preparation for or in the Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA_CCRS.OOC prosecution of said action (including in any arbitration, on appeal, and in any bankruptcy proceeding), in addition to taxable costs permitted by law. 8.13 Curing of Default The Board shall prepare and record a satisfaction and release of the lien for which a claim of lien has been filed and recorded in accordance with this Article upon timely payment or other satisfaction of all delinquent assessments set forth in the Notice, and all other assessments which have become due and payable following the date of such recordation with respect to the Lot as to which such claim oflien was recorded, together with all costs, late charges and interest which have accrued thereon. An additional administrative fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) covering the cost of preparation and recordation shall be paid to the Association prior to such action. The satisfaction of the lien created by the claim of lien shall be executed by the president or treasurer of the Association or by any authorized representative of the Board. For the purposes ofthis paragraph, the term "costs" shall include costs and expenses actually incurred or expended by the Association in connection with the cost of preparation and recordation of the claim of lien and in efforts to collect the delinquent assessments secured by the lien and a reasonable sum for attorneys' fees. 8.14 Omission of Assessment. The omission by the Board or the Association to fix the estimate for assessments and charges hereunder for the next year before the expiration of any current year shall not be deemed a waiver or modification in any respect of the provisions of this Declaration, or a release of the Owner from the obligation to pay the assessments and charges, or any installment thereof for that or any subsequent year. The assessment and charge fixed for the preceding year shall continue until a new assessment or charge is fixed. 8.15 Assessment Deposit. A Lot Owner may be required, by the Board or by the managing agent, from time to time, to make and maintain a deposit of not more than the total of: one (1) annual assessment; plus either one (1) special assessment if special assessments are payable on an annual basis, or three (3) special assessment installments if special assessments are payable on a monthly or other periodic basis. Such deposit may be collected as are other assessments and charges. Such deposit shall be held in a separate fund, be credited to such Owner, and be for the purpose of establishing a working capital fund for the initial Project operations and a reserve for delinquent assessments. Resort may be had thereto at any time when such Owner is ten (10) days or more delinquent in paying hislher assessments and charges, to meet unforeseen expenditures, to acquire additional equipment or services deemed necessary or desirable by the Board, or as a credit against any annual or special assessments to become due from such Owner. Said deposits shall not be considered as advance payments of annual assessments. All or any portion of such deposit may at any time be refunded to the Owner by the Association in the discretion of the Board, such refund being made as a cash refund or a credit against assessments subsequently to become due or a combination thereof 8.16 Exempt Property. The following property subject to this Declaration shall be exempt from the assessments created herein: 8.16.1 All properties dedicated to and accepted by a governmental entity; Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 8.16.2 All Common Areas; and 8.16.3 All properties owned by a charitable or nonprofit organization or an organization exempt from taxation by the laws of the State of Washington. However, the land or improvements, which are referred to in Sections 8.16.1, 8.16.2 and 8.16.3 and which are devoted to dwelling use, shall not be exempt from said assessments. 8.17 Effect of Legal Proceedings. In any legal proceeding commenced pursuant to Section 9.1.1, and notwithstanding the assessment limitations provided for in this Declaration, the court having jurisdiction over such proceeding shall also have jurisdiction and power to cause assessments to be levied and collected on an equal per Lot basis in such amounts as is reasonably necessary to cause the Project to be properly administered in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws, or to cause the provisions of this Declaration and the Bylaws to be properly applied and enforced. ARTICLE 9: COMPLIANCE WITH DECLARATION 9.1 Enforcement. 9.1.1 Compliance of Owner. Each Owner, Board member and the Association shall comply strictly with the provisions of this Declaration and with the Bylaws and administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Association (as the same may be lawfully amended from time to time). Failure to comply shall be grounds for an action to recover sums due for damages, or injunctive relief, or both, maintainable by the Board (acting through its officers on behalf of the Association and the Owners), or by the aggrieved Owner on hislher own against the party (including an Owner or the Association) failing to comply. In addition, the Association may impose and collect fines as provided in Section 5.4.12 of this Declaration. 9.1.2 Compliance of Lessee. Each Owner who shall rent or lease hislher Lot shall insure that the lease or rental agreement is in writing and subject to the terms of this Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws. Said agreement shall further provide that failure of any lessee to comply with the provisions of said documents shall be a default under the lease. 9.1.3 Attorneys' Fees. In any action to enforce the provisions of this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws, the prevailing party in such legal action shall be entitled to an award for reasonable attorneys' fees and all costs and expenses reasonably incurred in preparation for or prosecution of said action (including in any arbitration, on appeal, or in any bankruptcy proceeding), in addition to taxable costs permitted by law. 9.2 No Waiver of Strict Performance. The failure of the Board, or Declarant or Declarant's managing agent, as applicable, in anyone or more instances to insist upon or enforce the strict performance of any of the terms, covenants, conditions or restrictions of this Declaration, or of any Bylaws or administrative rules or regulations, shall not be construed as a Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLATlRS_HOA_CCRS.DOC waiver or a relinquishment for the future of such tenn, covenant, condition or restriction, but such tenn, covenant, condition or restriction shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver by the Board of any provision hereof shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by the Board. 9.3 Right of Entry. Violation of any of the provisions hereof shall give to Declarant, its successors, or the Association, the right to enter upon the Lot as to which such violation exists and to abate, correct and remove, at the expense of the Owner thereof, any erection, thing or condition that may be or exists thereon contrary to the provisions hereof. Such entry shall be made only after three (3) days notice to said Owner and with as little inconvenience to the Owner as possible, and any damage caused thereby shall be repaired by the Association. Declarant, its successors, or the Association shall not be deemed guilty of any manner of trespass by such entry, abatement or removal. 9.4 Remedies Cumulative. The remedies provided are cumulative, and the Board may pursue them concurrently, as well as any other remedies which may be available under law although not expressed herein. ARTICLE 10: LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 10.1 No Personal Liability. So long as a Board member, Association committee member, Association officer, Association agent, or Declarant exercising the powers of the Board, has acted in good faith, without willful or intentional misconduct, upon the basis of such information as may be possessed by such person, no such person shall be personally liable to any Owner, or other party, including the Association, for any damage, loss or prejudice suffered or claimed on account of any act, omission, error, negligence (except gross negligence), any discretionary decision, or failure to make a discretionary decision, by such person in such person's official capacity; PROVIDED, that this section shall not apply where the consequences of such act, omission, error or negligence are covered by insurance or bonds obtained by the Board pursuant to this Declaration. 10.2 Indemnification of Board Members. Each Board member or Association committee member, or Association officer, Association agent, or Declarant exercising the powers of the Board, and their respective heirs and successors, shall be indemnified by the Association against all expenses and liabilities, including attorneys' fees, reasonably incurred by or imposed in connection with any proceeding to which he/she may be a party, or in which he/she may become involved, by reason of being or having held such position at the time such expenses or liabilities are incurred, except in such cases wherein such person is adjudged guilty of intentional misconduct or gross negligence or a knowing violation of law in the performance of his/her duties, and except in such cases where such person has participated in a transaction from which said person will personally receive a benefit in money, property, or services to which said person is not legally entitled; PROVIDED, that, in the event of a settlement, the indemnification shall apply only when the Board approves such settlement and reimbursement as being in the best interest of the Association. Nothing contained in this Section 10.2 shall, however, be deemed to obligate the Association to indemnify any Owner of a Lot who is or has Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\sTONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA l\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC been a Board member or officer of the Association with respect to any duties or obligations assumed or liabilities incurred by him under and by virtue of the Declaration as an Owner of a Lot covered thereby and not as a Board member or officer of the Association. ARTICLE 11: MORTGAGEE PROTECTION 11.1 Priority of Mortgagee. Notwithstanding all other provisions hereof, the liens created under this Declaration upon any Lot for assessments shall be subject to tax liens on the Lot in favor of any assessing unit and/or special district and be subject to the rights of the secured party in the case of any indebtedness secured by first lien Mortgages which were made in good faith and for value upon the Lot. Where the Mortgagee of a Lot, or other purchaser of a Lot, obtains possession of a Lot as a result of Mortgage judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure or deed in lieu thereof, such possessor and its successors and assigns shall not be liable for the share of any assessment by the Association chargeable to such Lot which becomes due prior to such possession, but will be liable for any assessment accruing after such possession. Such unpaid share of common expenses or assessments shall be deemed to be common expenses collectible from all of the Lot Owners including such possessor, its successor and assigns. 11.2 Effect of Declaration Amendments. No amendment to this Declaration shall be effective to modify, change, limit or alter the rights expressly conferred upon Mortgagees in this instrument with respect to any unsatisfied Mortgage duly recorded unless the amendment shall be consented to in writing by the holder of such Mortgage. Any provision of this Article concerning rights of Mortgagees that is inconsistent with any other provision of this Declaration shall control over such other inconsistent provisions. 11.3 Right of Lien Holder. A breach of any of the prOVISIOns, conditions, restrictions, covenants, easements or reservations herein contained shall not affect or impair the lien or charge of any bona fide Mortgage made in good faith and for value on any Lots; provided, however, that any subsequent Owner of the Lot shall be bound by these provisions whether such Owner's title was acquired by foreclosure or trustee's sale or otherwise. 11.4 Change in Manner of Architectural Review and Maintenance Within Project. The Association shall not, without prior written approval of seventy-five percent (75%) of all first Mortgagees (based upon one (1) vote for each first Mortgage owned) and seventy-five percent (75%) of all Owners (other than Declarant) of record by act or omission change, waive or abandon any scheme of regulations, or enforcement thereof, pertaining to the architectural design or the exterior appearance of Homes, the exterior maintenance of Homes, maintenance of walkways, fences and driveways, or the upkeep of lawns and plantings in the development, including the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 hereof 11.5 Copies of Notices. If the first Mortgagee of any Lot so requests the Association in writing, the Association shall give written notice to such first Mortgagee if an Owner/Mortgagor of a Lot has for more than sixty (60) days failed to meet any obligation under this Declaration. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA1iRS_HOA_CCRS.DOC 11.6 Furnishing of Documents. The Association shall make available to prospective purchasers, Mortgagees, insurers, and guarantors, at their request, current copies of the Declaration, Bylaws, and other rules governing the Project, and the most recent balance sheet and income/expense statement for the Association, if any has been prepared. ARTICLE 12: EASEMENTS 12.1 Association Functions. There is hereby reserved to Declarant and the Association, or their duly authorized agents and representatives, such easements as are necessary to perform the duties and obligations of the Association as are set forth in the Declaration, or in the Bylaws, and rules and regulations adopted by the Association. 12.2 Easements Over Common Areas. Except as provided in Article 3.1.4, the Board, on behalf of the Association and all members thereof, shall have authority to grant (in accordance with applicable governmental laws and regulations) utility, road and similar easements, licenses and permits, under, through or over the Common Area, which easements the Board determines are reasonably necessary to the ongoing development and operation of the Project. 12.3 Access to Public Streets. Each Owner and his/her guests and invitees shall have a perpetual, non-exclusive easement across all roadways constructed within the Project, thereby providing access throughout the Project and to public streets. 12.4 Utility Easements. On each Lot, easements are reserved as provided by the Plat Map and applicable laws, ordinances and other governmental rules and regulations for utility installation and maintenance, including but not limited to, underground electric power, telephone, water, sewer, drainage, and accessory equipment, together with the right to enter upon the Lots at all times for said purposes. 12.5 Storm Drainage and Maintenance Easements. A private perpetual, nonexclusive easement for storm drainage, grading, landscaping and maintenance is hereby granted and conveyed to the Lot Owners and the Association under and upon the exterior five (5) feet adjoining each side and rear boundary line of each Lot and Tract. If the boundary line of any Lot or Tract is altered, the easement shall relocate accordingly. The Association shall have the right of ingress and egress and the right to excavate, construct, operate, maintain, repair and/or rebuild: (i) an enclosed or open channel storm water conveyance system and/or other drainage facilities under, upon or through the drainage easement, provided that each Lot Owner shall have the explicit responsibility for maintaining the portion of the system located on the Owner's Lot; and (ii) landscaping, including retaining walls and similar improvements, fencing, and any regrading that the Association deems reasonable to advance the safety, beautification or value of the Project, provided that each Lot Owner shall have the explicit responsibility for maintaining the portion of any such improvements located on the Owner's Lot. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.OOC " ARTICLE 13: TERM OF DECLARATION 13.1 Duration of Covenants. The covenants contained herein shall run with and bind the land for a tenn of thirty (30) years from the date this Declaration is recorded, after which time the covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods often (10) years each, unless an instrument executed in accordance with Section 14.1 below shall be recorded, abandoning or terminating this Declaration. 13.2 Abandonment of Subdivision Status. The Association shall not, without the prior written approval of the governmental entity having jurisdiction over the Project and without prior written approval of one hundred percent (100%) of all first Mortgagees (based upon one (1) vote for each first Mortgage owned) and one hundred percent (100%) of all Owners (other than Declarant) of record, seek by act or omission to abandon or tenninate the subdivision status of the Project as approved by the governmental entity having appropriate jurisdiction over the Project. ARTICLE 14: AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION. PLAT MAP 14.1 Declaration Amendment. Amendments to the Declaration shall be made by an instrument in writing entitled "Amendment to Declaration" which sets forth the entire amendment. Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Declaration, any proposed amendment must be approved by a majority of the Board prior to its adoption by the Owners. Amendments may be adopted at a meeting of the Owners if seventy-five percent (75%) of the Owners vote for such amendment, or without any meeting if all Owners have been duly notified and seventy-five percent (75%) of all the Owners consent in writing to such amendment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any amendment to a provision of the Declaration establishing, providing for, governing or regulating the following shall require the consent of seventy-five percent (75%) of all the Owners and seventy-five percent (75%) of all the Mortgagees and the consent of the Declarant (during the Declarant Control Period): voting; assessments, assessment liens or subordination of such liens; reserves for maintenance, repair and replacements of Common Areas; insurance or bonds; use of Common Areas; responsibility for maintenance or repairs; expansion or construction of the Project or the addition, annexation or withdrawal of property to or from the Project; boundaries of Lots; converting of Lots into Common Areas or vice versa; leasing of Lots; provisions for the benefit of the Declarant; provisions for benefit of first Mortgagees, or holders, insures or guarantors of first Mortgages; the interests in Common Areas; or imposition of any right of first refusal or similar restrictions on the right of an Owner to sell, transfer or otherwise convey a Lot; provided, that a Mortgagee who fails to respond in writing within thirty (30) days of a written request to approve an amendment shall be deemed to have approved the request. In all events, the amendment when adopted shall bear the signature of the President of the Association and shall be attested by the Secretary, who shall state whether the amendment was properly adopted, and shall be acknowledged by them as officers of the Association. Amendments once properly adopted shall be effective upon recording in the appropriate governmental offices where real estate conveyances are recorded for the county in which the Project is located. It is specifically covenanted and understood that any amendment to Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC this Declaration properly adopted will be completely effective to amend any or all of the covenants, conditions and restrictions contained herein that may be affected and any or all clauses of this Declaration unless otherwise specifically provided in the section being amended or the amendment itself 14.2 Plat Map. Except as otherwise provided herein, to effect an amendment to the Declaration adopted as provided for in Section 14.1, the Plat Map may be amended by revised versions or revised portions thereof, provided that the revised version or revised portions reference the adopted amendment to this Declaration. Copies of any such proposed amendment to the Plat Map shall be made available for the examination of every Owner. Such amendment to the Plat Map shall be effective, once properly adopted, upon having received any governmental approval required by law and recordation in conjunction with the Declaration amendment in the appropriate governmental office where real estate conveyances are recorded for the county in which the Project is located. The declaration may not be amended to eliminate the responsibility to maintain the storm water detention ponds or similar facilities without the permission of the City of Renton. 14.3 Amendments to Conform to Construction. Declarant, upon Declarant's sole signature, and as an attorney-in-fact for all Lot Owners with an irrevocable power coupled with an interest, may at any time, until all Lots have been sold by Declarant, file an amendment to the Declaration and to the Plat Map to conform data depicted therein to improvements as actually constructed and to establish, vacate and relocate utility easements and access road easements. 14.4 Amendments to Conform to Lending Institution Guidelines. So long as Declarant continues to own one or more Lots, Declarant, upon Declarant's sole signature, and as an attorney-in-fact for all Lot Owners with an irrevocable power coupled with an interest, may at any time, until all Lots have been sold by Declarant, file such amendments to the Declaration and Plat Map as are necessary to meet the then requirements of Federal National Mortgage Association, Veterans Administration, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, or other agencies, institutions or lenders financing andlor title insuring the purchase of a Lot from the Declarant. 14.5 Article 16 Amendments. Declarant, upon Declarant's sole signature, and as an attorney-in-fact for all Lot Owners with an irrevocable power coupled with an interest, may at any time, until all Lots have been sold by Declarant, file such amendments to the Declaration and Plat Map as are necessary in the exercise of Declarant's powers under Article 16. Annexations provided for in Article 16 shall be approved and recorded as an amendment to this Declaration as provided in this Article 14. ARTICLE 15: INSURANCE 15.1 Insurance. The Board shall have authority in the exercise of its discretion to obtain and maintain at all times as a common expense a policy or policies and bonds of liability insurance and property insurance covering the ownership, use and operation of all of the Common Area (and Common Area improvements), if any, including common personal property Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA 1\RS_HOA_CCRS.OOC , " and supplies belonging to the Association; fidelity coverage for Association Board members (including Declarant), officers, employees or agents; and such other insurance as the Board may deem advisable or as may be required by the Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association, Veterans Administration or similar agencies or lending institutions. In the event of damage to or destruction of any part of the Common Area improvements, the Association shall repair or replace the same from the insurance proceeds available. If such insurance proceeds are insufficient to cover the costs of repair or replacement of the property damaged or destroyed, the Association may make a reconstruction assessment against all Lot Owners to cover the additional cost of repair or replacement not covered by the insurance proceeds, in addition to any other common assessments made against such Lot Owners. ARTICLE 16: ANNEXATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES 16.1 Annexation and Withdrawal by Declarant. Although not obligated to do so, Declarant reserves the right to develop as single family residential subdivisions additional lands that would be in addition to and are nearby the land described in Exhibit A ("Additional Lands"). Declarant may cause all or any portion of such Additional Lands to be annexed to the existing Project without the assent of the members of the Association; PROVIDED, however, that the annexation of Additional Lands described in this Article shall be adjacent to the then existing Project. Such Additional Lands shall be deemed "adjacent" to the existing Project even if separated therefrom by land which: (i) is owned by Declarant (or any entity under common control with Declarant), the Association or the Lot Owners as tenants in common; or (ii) is owned by or dedicated to the public or a governmental agency or instrumentality; or (iii) is available for the use or benefit of the Association or Lot Owners by easement or otherwise; or (iv) is a public or private street, path, bicycle path, railroad track or other improvement or easement for public transportation or utility service. Any Additional Lands shall be added to the Project covered by this Declaration by the filing for record of an amendment to this Declaration. All Lot Owners hereby covenant and agree to burden the Project and any Additional Lands with all of the duties, responsibilities, costs and expenses related to the management, administration, maintenance and improvement of the Common Areas, and such additional Common Areas as may be included in the Additional Lands. This Declaration does not give the Association or any Lot Owners any rights to any Additional Lands until such Additional Lands are subjected to this Declaration. When any Additional Lands are subjected to the terms of this Declaration, then the Additional Lands shall become part of the Project and the owners of the Additional Lands, including Lot Owners, shall automatically become members of the Association and shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits, and subject to all of the obligations of, the members of the Association. Although not obligated to do so, Declarant reserves the right to discontinue development of and withdraw from the Project any unplatted land within the Project, including any Additional Lands previously annexed, without the assent of the members of the Association. When any Additional Lands are made subject to this Declaration, they shall also become subject to assessment. Assessments may be adjusted to reflect the total number of Lots obligated to contribute to the Association budget. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\sTONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA l\RS_HOA-CCRS.DOC 16.2 Non-Declarant Annexations. Annexation of Additional Lands other than Declarant annexations provided for in Section 16.1 hereof shall require the assent of the Owners, Mortgagees and Declarant as provided in Section 14.1. 16.3 Common Areas Within Additional Lands. Common Areas within any Additional Lands subsequently annexed to the existing Project shall be available for the common use of all Owners of Lots within the existing Project as well as within such subsequently annexed Additional Lands. Likewise, Common Areas within the existing Project shall be available for the common use of all Owners of Lots within such subsequently annexed Additional Lands as well as within the existing Project. ARTICLE 17: MISCELLANEOUS 17.1 Notices. Any written notice, or other document as required by this Declaration, may be delivered personally or by mail. If by mail, such notice, unless expressly provided for herein to the contrary with regard to the type of notice being given, shall be deemed to have been delivered and received forty-eight (48) hours after a copy thereof has been deposited in the United States first-class mail, postage prepaid, properly addressed as follows: (a) If to an Owner, other than Declarant, to the registered address of such Owner, as filed in writing with the Board pursuant to the requirements of the Bylaws. (b) If to Declarant, whether in its capacity as an Owner, or in any other capacity, to the address which Declarant shall have advised the Board in writing. (c) During the Declarant Control Period, notices to the Board shall be addressed to the address set forth in (b) above. Thereafter, notices to the Board shall be addressed either to an address to be posted by the Board at all times in a conspicuous place or to the registered office of the Association. In addition, from and after the expiration of the Declarant's management authority, notice of the address of the Association shall be given by the Board to each Owner, within a reasonable time after the Board has received actual notice of such Owner's purchase of a Lot. 17.2 Conveyances. Notice Required. The right of an Owner to sell, transfer, or otherwise convey his/her Lot shall not be subject to any right of approval, disapproval, first refusal, or similar restriction by the Association or the Board or anyone acting on their behalf. An Owner intending to sell a Lot shall deliver a written notice to the Board at least two (2) weeks before closing, specifying: the Lot being sold; the name and address of the purchaser, of the closing agent, and of the title insurance company insuring the purchaser's interest; and the estimated closing date. The failure of an Owner to properly give such notice to the Board shall not invalidate the sale. The Board shall have the right to notify the purchaser, the title insurance company, and the closing agent of the amount of unpaid assessments and charges outstanding against the Lot, whether or not such infonnation is requested. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLA1\RS_HOA-CCRS.DOC , ' 17.3 Successor and Assigns. This Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of Declarant, and the heirs, personal representatives, grantees, lessees, subleases and assignees of the Owners. 17.4 Joint and Several Liability. In the case of joint ownership of a Lot, the liability of each of the Owners thereof in connection with the liabilities and obligations of Owners set forth in or imposed by this Declaration shall be joint and several. 17.5 Mortgagee's Acceptance. 17.5.1 Priority of Mort2a2e. This Declaration shall not initially be binding upon any Mortgagee of record at the time of recording of this Declaration but rather shall be subject and subordinate to said Mortgage. 17.5.2 Acceptance Upon First Conveyance. Declarant shall not consummate the conveyance of title to any Lot until each Mortgagee of record at the time of recording of this Declaration shall have accepted the provisions of this Declaration and made appropriate arrangements for partial release of Lots from the lien of said Mortgage. The issuance and recording of the first such partial release by said Mortgagee shall constitute its acceptance of the provisions of this Declaration and acknowledgment that this Declaration is binding upon all of the Lots remaining subject to its Mortgage; provided, that, except as to Lots so released, said Mortgage shall remain in full effect. 17.6 Severability. The provisions hereof shall be deemed independent and severable, and the invalidity or partial invalidity or unenforceability of anyone provision or portion thereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof. 17.7 Effective Date. The Declaration shall take effect upon recording. 17.8 Government Right of Access. Governmental entities shall have rights of access and inspection for the open space area and any drainage facilities contained therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed this Declaration the day and year first hereinabove written. DECLARANT: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC By: ,~Jc242i Belinda M. Wood Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHAVEN\FINAL PLAT\RS_HOA_CCRS.OOC STATEOFWASHINGTON ) ~O'fvn,.,. is I.. ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this /J-rt. day of ma(ui , 200~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Belinda Wood, known to me to be the C. to. of The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC, the limited liability company that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto a the day and year in the certificate above written. Print Name NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at EueL~ If My commission expires o.;z !;Z;Z(o 7 Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.OOC .-.... PARCEL A: EXHIBIT A Legal Description As Prepared by Chicago Title Insurance Company Order No.: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1461384; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 19990812001273. PARCELB; THE NORTH 72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1461384. EXCEPT ANY MOBILE OR MANUFACTURED HOME LOCATED THEREON. Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\sTONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA 1\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC EXHffiITB Common Fence Design Standards FULL PANEL STYLE CBDAR FENCE Fence Heillht 6' Post Size: 4x4 Pressure Treated Board Size: Ix4x6'Cedar CaP: I" Cedar Stringer: 2x4Cedar TOIl CaD Board 2x4Cedar Trim: lx4Cedar' Post Spacing: 8'Maximum Post Depth: 8" Diameter and 24" Deep t. &. '. . ,.1..;--, ' . " FRONT VIEW '. " , t . .. L....-.. ," .. -........ Y:\LAND ACQUISITION\PRELIMED SITES\STONEHA VEN\FINAL PLA T\RS_HOA_CCRS.DOC . , , 'I ., , . " , . . . '; . ... . SIDEvmw " CITY OF RENTON, W ASIllNGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3788 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN; FILE NO. LUA-05-130FP). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract ofland as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASIllNGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONL The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTIONll. The final plat approved by the Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3788 (The J?roperty, consisting of approximately 5.95 acres, is located in the vicinity of S. 47 St. and Main Avenue S.) is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department dated January 12, 2006. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of_--=J::...:a=D=-:u::..::a::..::r'-"-y __ --..J, 2006. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2 3 r d day of __ J;:...a:::.;D:.:...u:::.;a:::.;r:....y'--___ -...:>, 2006. Kathy Keolker, Mayor d:,.ved as to fonn: ~dW~ Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney RES. 1151: 1I17/06:ma -.. • 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3788 EXHIBIT 'AI PARCEL A: LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. J 46 J 384; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. J 99908 J 200 J 273. PARCEL B: THE NORTH 72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. J 46 J 384. S 43rd ST RESOLUTION NO. 3788 S 55th ST SE 187th ST ~ ~ "{ "b ~ ~ ...... VICINITY MAP SE 172nd ST SE 176th ST ~ ~ "{ t--_SE_'_82_n_d---=-S-,--T_-I :S ~ .... SE 186th ST SE 192nd ST January 23, 2006 Police: Jail Inmate Health Services, Occupational Health Services CAG: 04-143, 2004 Lift Station Rehabilitation, RL Alia Company WSDOT: Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank Concurrence CORRESPONDENCE Citizen Comment: Cam West - Oversizing Reimbursement for Sewer Line at Shamrock Heights UNFINISHED BUSINESS Utilities Committee Utility: Rates & System Development Charges Study, Financial ConSUlting Solutions Group Finance Committee Finance: Vouchers RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution #3788 Plat: The Reserve at Stonehaven, S 47th St, FP-05- l30 - Planning: Multi-Family Housing Property Tax Exemption Renton City Council Minutes Page 19 Police Department recommended approval of a contract with Occupational Health Services (Public Hospital District No.1 of King County) in the amount of $167,970 for health services for Renton jail inmates for 2006. Council concur. Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-04-143, 2004 Lift Station Rehabilitation; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $2,595, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $6,026.24 to R.L. Alia Company, contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a concurrence letter with Washington State Department of Transportation regarding draft agreements associated with the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. A letter was read from Sara Slatten, CamWest Development, Inc., 9720 NE 20th PI., Suite 100, Kirkland, 98034, requesting reimbursement in the amount of $4,474.60 for oversizing the sewer line for the Shamrock Heights plat at the City's request. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the consultant contract with Financial Consulting Solutions Group, Inc. in the amount of $97,940 for a water, wastewater, and surface water comprehensive rate study and system development charges study, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Claim Vouchers 243896 -244180 and 244373 -244798 and four wire transfers totaling $1,991,509.98; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 61307 - 61672, two wire transfers, and 1197 direct deposits totaling $3,808,311.03. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: A resolution was read approving The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat; 5.95 acres located in the vicinity of S. 47th St. and Main Ave. S. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-1-220.D of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, and Section 4-11-040 of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code in order to correct an error in the designation of property eligible for property tax exemption for multi-family housing, and to correct an error in the definition of · , January 23, 2006 CONSENT AGENDA Council Meeting Minutes of 119/2006 CAG: 05-165, NE Sunset Blvd/Duvall Ave NE Intersection Improvements, Sanders General Construction City Clerk: Quarterly Contract List, 10/112005 to 1213112005 Plat: The Reserve at Stonehaven, S 47th St, FP-05- 130 - Planning: Multi-Family Housing Property Tax Exemption Annexation: Aster Park, Sunset Blvd NE Annexation: Preserve our Plateau, SE 128th St Fire: Prevention Fees Development Services: Nuisance Ordinance Renton City Council Minutes Page 18 facility. He said this factor also contributed to the City's decision to offer to pay the proportionate share of the maintenance for Sundance's wet vault. Councilman Persson pointed out the merits of the City's offer. Councilman Clawson noted the antiquated way stormwater is handled, and expressed his hope that the future will bring about a way for more of the water to infiltrate into the ground rather than running over impervious surface. Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 1/9/2006. Council concur. City Clerk reported bid opening on 1111512005 for CAG-05-165, NE Sunset Blvd. (SR-900)/Duvall Ave. NE Intersection Improvements; nine bids; engineer's estimate $1,350,596.18; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to Sanders General Construction Company in the amount of $1,655,345.54. Approval was also sought to transfer $1,528,369 from Fund 317 year-end fund balance to this project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. City Clerk submitted Quarterly Contract List for period of 10/112005 to 12/3112005; 47 contracts and 15 addenda totaling $4,108,290.03. Information. I, Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat; 36 single-family lots on 5.95 acres located at S. 47th St. and Main Ave. S. Council concur. (See page 19 for resolution.) Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended adoption of an ordinance correcting the designation of property (Southport) eligible for multi-family housing property tax exemption, and correcting the definition of net density. Council concur. (See page 19 for ordinance.) Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submitted 10% Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Aster Park Annexation, and recommended a public meeting be set on 2/1312006 to consider the petition; 16.58 acres located along the south side of Sunset Blvd. NE, west of 148th Ave. SE. Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended a public hearing be set on 2/1312006 to consider the 10% Notice of Intent to annex petition by election for the proposed Preserve Our Plateau Annexation; approximately 1,475 acres located in the vicinity of SE 128th St. and 184th Ave. SE. Council concur. Fire Department recommended adoption of an ordinance amending the fire prevention fees effective 2/1/2006, with two fee changes to more accurately reflect the cost of services. Council concur. (See page 20 for ordinance.) Legal Division recommended adoption of an ordinance updating definitions, including nuisances, and clarifying civil and criminal violations and penalties. Refer to Public Safety Committee. ~,-,--OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDJ LL I AI#: '5' ·ct· Submitting Data: PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works For Agenda of: January 23.2006 DeptlDivlBoard .. Development Services Division Staff Contact.. .... Arneta Henninger X7298 Agenda Status Consent. ............ .x Subject: Public Hearing .. THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN FINAL PLAT Correspondence .. Ordinance ............. File No.: LUA 05-130FP (Preliminary Plat LUA 04-Resolution ............ X 003) Old Business ...... ,. Exhibits: New Business ....... l. Resolution and legal description Study Sessions ...... 2. Staffreport and Recommendation January 12,2006 Information ......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur Legal Dept.. ....... X Finance Dept.. ... . Other .............. . Fiscal Impact: N/ A Expenditure Required ... Transfer/Amendment. ..... . Amount Budgeted ...... . Revenue Generated ........ . Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The recommendation for approval of the referenced final plat is submitted for Council action. This final plat subdivides 5.95 acres into 36 single family residential lots with water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, street lighting, curb and gutter, sidewalks and street improvements. Design and construction of utilities, lighting and pavement will be approved, accepted or deferred (and a security device posted) as required through the Board of Public Works prior to recording the plat. All conditions placed on the preliminary plat by the City of Renton will be met prior to recording the plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat, LUA 05-130FP, with the following conditions and adopt the resolution. 1. All plat fees shall be paid prior to recording the plat. 2. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to recording the plat. I:\Templates\AGNBHPII,doc/ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. --- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN; FILE NO. LUA-05-130FP). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the PlanninglBuiIding/Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, schoolgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTIONL The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTIONH. The final plat approved by the PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereofas iffully set forth 1 RESOLUTION NO. __ (The J?roperty, consisting of approximately 5.95 acres, is located in the vicinity of S. 47 St. and Main Avenue S.) is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the Planning/BuildinglPubIic Works Department dated January 12, 2006. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ___ day of ______ --', 2006. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ___ day of ________ -", 2006. Kathy KooIker, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney RES.II51: 1I17/06:ma 2 EXHIBIT IAI PARCEL A: LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1461384; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 19990812001273. PARCEL B: THE NORTH 72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1461384. S 43rd ST ST b/ ~ SE 782nd "C :S ~ ...... A. SE 786th ST ~ V) f.E SE 187th ST b/ ~ ...... ~ ~ "C -..l "b ~ ~ ~ ~ S 55th ST ...... SE 192nd ST ~ EB vICINITY MAP DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION BUILDINGIPLANNINGIPUBLIC WORKS CITY OF RENTON STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: RECOMMENDATION: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat (Preliminary Plat LUA 04-003PP) File: LUA 05-130FP S 47th St and Main Ave S Section 32, Twp. 23 N. Rng. 5 E. Final Plat for 36 single family residential lots with water, sewer, storm, streets and lighting. Approve With Conditions FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record documents in this matter, staff now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC, filed a request for approval of a 36 lot Final Plat. 2. The yellow file containing all staff reports, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit No.1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated on March 2, 2004, for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at S 47th St and Main Ave S. The new plat is located in Section 32, Twp. 23 N. Rng. 5 E. 6. The subject site is a 5.95 acre parcel. 7. The Preliminary Plat received City of Renton Council approval on July 19, 2004. 8. The property is located within the R-8 Zoning. 9. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 10. The Preliminary Plat was subject to a number of conditions as a result of both environmental review and plat review. The applicant has complied with the conditions imposed by the ERe: 1. The erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology (DOE) manual shall be complied with for the plat. All erosion control measures were complied with during the utility construction phase. All erosion control measures will be complied with during the construction of the residences. 2. During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland area and buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Silt fences and orange fencing are currently installed along the wetland buffer. 3. After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i. e. split-rail fence or other approved barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland buffer to denote the critical area. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. The split rail fence will be installed with approved signage prior to recording of the final plat. 4. The storm drainage system shall be designed according to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual for the 100 year storm event, with a 30% safety factor. The storm drainage system has been designed and built per the requirements above. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488. 00 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. All mitigation fees shall be paid immediately prior to recording of the final plat. 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. All mitigation fees shall be paid immediately prior to recording of the final plat. 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. All mitigation fees shall be paid immediately prior to recording of the final plat. 11. In addition, the applicant has complied with the conditions imposed as a result of Preliminary Plat: 2 1. The applicant shall indicate on the face of the final plat the orientation of the front yards of Lots 1,16, 17, 21 and 36 toface Road A and Lots 28 and 32 toface Road B. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. This condition was written to define the orientation of corner lots. Due to an approved reconfiguration of the plat, only lots 1, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, and 36 are corner lots. A note has been added to the final plat indicating the orientation of the front yards of lots to comply with this condition. Lots 27, 28, and 32 are no longer corner lots and can only have one orientation so no notes have been added to the final plat for these lots. STONEHA VENFP.DOCI 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. Two demolition permits (B05-0283 and B06-0002) were approved and finaled for the buildings located on the property. 3. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. A draft of the document(s), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. A draft copy of the homeowner's association was included with the final plat application package. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Water and Sewer A vailability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The certificate shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division prior to the issuance of a utility construction permit. A Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability has been obtained from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. All necessary utility construction permits have been applied for, inspected, and approved. 5. The applicant shall comply with the Conditions imposed by the ERe. The applicant complied with the conditions imposed by ERe. The Final Plat generally appears to satisfY the conditions imposed by the preliminary plat process and therefore should be approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the Final Plat with the following conditions: I) All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2) All fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the plat. SUBMITTED TIDS 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2006 3 STONEHA VENFP.DOCI 5 43rd 5T 555th 5T 5T 5E 187th 5T b1 ~ "C " ~ c::; ..... 5E 772nd 5T £ 5E 776th 5T RD S'~ _-i---------=-_---I (/~~ 5E 786th 5T 5E 792nd 5T VICINITY MAP ... 2 3 4 TRACT A (WETLAND/ 8U F"F"ER) ~ N ,-- \ J: I--::l 0 U) I--D:: ::l 0 (.) 1= W Z D:: ::l m 2 36 3S 34 \ 33 8 9 SOUTH 47th STREET 32 31 3D 29 28 TRACT 8 (STORM DETENTION) J: I--::l 0 19 U) 27 24 23 20 W ::l Z w 18 TRACT D ~ (OPEN SPACE) Z ~ 26 2S 22 21 .:IE 17 SOUTH 48th STREET ..... , UlD I-lD 10 IUWI 1 1 12 13 14 1 S «U ~U I-~ 16 BASIC SITE PLAN MAP SCALE: 111=801 NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. CITY OF RENTON, 32, KING TW P . 23 N . , R G E. 5 E. , W. M . COUNTY, WASHINGTON (2) ~1' :' "H" 1 I ~'io ST. ---546.35' ,'Xl 17 18 0 .... -: 0 '13" E S-47TH-. / x'O .... <0 _ , "" • --c~ _ I , ON. 611.56 , z , .....-, 0 ,"' < =--'"'' N >0' ~ '" ~~'''' " R. E 29 28 TRACT B ~I +O,'~ -'-I r , , PARCE£, NO 3223059183 ,2 I ~ I tJ#~1 ~ ~ -L&~~J !~ ;S ~ 0 ~ ,,:,: '" ~ 7 PARCE£, C ~ ~'\i ~<ftl 1!0 ~~ \:J~ ~&: ~ I ,,-~~ "l~ ~ ® w , ;;; ;,., r 0 z UJ • p; I') r (5 z 'io <Ii '" <0 '" 36 30 21'1 '" 32 31 1o~ ':; f~'v ~ g.... 3: W ~ 'f 35 il! ~. ~." _ K~, Zt () 3 20 19 "'-------, ~ D:: '0CiJ I 2 ~ • ,~ t:'-" 27 24 "':~ .,0' t;j 34 ..... . V ~ " 18 TRACT D Is!;~ .' ::l , "<: z. .0 Cl:l ~.., I w ~ j,v \ 33 ~'lo, 21 w ~ ~o If ~ 25 22 17 ~ ~ Wr 1 26 .~ 10 ~,.... r-,- I ~~"'II-.-----'0 I rS \ • "~,. r~ Z . I f/&'o, 30 " ' ,~ ~ ~I ~ SOp. S2 8 -'------,',.,. 48th-ST. - -~ g ~ If' J:: 173. %1 '--------------:>-", ." V I '0 1/4, s:. 32, T\\!,~ 23N., RGE.·5E 4 · ~5 16 -i'~ ~~ i L 20 ' 131 m ~ If-12" '\ / 9 1 0 ~ ";, 5£ 185th PL. <II TRACT A 8 >-, e"'--_ ---.; @ . "I J TRACT F s 1/2, NWI/4, NW PARCEL'''Q 3223059170 ~ S. LINE. N. 72. . 32, TWP 23N, "c 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. L, §-., RGE. 5E. PARCE£, NO. 3223059171 __ "" ,~ ~ I l' , , , , 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXHIBIT IAI PARCEL A: LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNlY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNlY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1461384; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 19990812001273. PARCEL B: THE NORTH 72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNlY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 1461384. .. January 23,2006 Monday, 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEMBERS CITY STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Added PROCLAMATION Toastmasters Week- 1130/2006 to 21512006 ADMINISTRA TIVE REPORT AUDIENCE COMMENT Citizen Comment: McGinnis - Evergreen City Ballet Citizen Comment: Coder -The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat, S 47th St, FP-05-13Q - RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting MINUTES Council Chambers Renton City Hall Mayor Kathy Keolker called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. TONI NELSON, Council President Pro Tern; DAN CLAWSON; DENIS LAW; MARCIE PALMER; DON PERSSON. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS RANDY CORMAN AND TERRI BRIERE. CARRIED. KATHY KEOLKER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/BuildinglPublic Works Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH, Economic Development Administrator; BEN WOLTERS; Economic Development Director; COMMANDER KATIE MCCLINCY, Police Department. A proclamation by Mayor Keolker was read declaring the week of January 30, 2006, through February 5, 2006, to be "Toastmasters Week" in the City of Renton, encouraging all citizens to recognize the many accomplishments and opportunities in communication and public speaking provided by this outstanding organization. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. Dennis Boyd, Public Relation Officer for District 2 Toastmasters, accepted the proclamation with appreciation. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2006 and beyond. Items noted included: .. Valley Community Players presents the comedy You Can't Take it With You from February 3rd through February 19th at Carco Theatre. .. Washington State's Salmon Recovery Funding Board awarded $2.5 million for six salmon habitat restoration projects within Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA) 8 and 9, which include Renton. Roger McGinnis, 710 S. 2nd St., Renton, 98055, introduced himself as a member of the Evergreen City Ballet (ECB) Board of Directors, and expressed appreciation for the warm welcome that ECB has received from the community. He explained that this non-profit organization was founded in 1994, and its Artistic Director, Wade Walthall, was a principal dancer with Pacific Northwest Ballet. Mr. McGinnis reported that ECB conducts school outreach programs, offers scholarships, and gives four to five performances per year. He stated that ECB is trying to schedule performances in Renton, and will soon hold a community open house. Mayor Keolker noted that ECB's new studio is located in the old McLendon's Hardware store (710 S. 2nd St.). Mathew Coder, 4701 Smithers Ave. S., Renton, 98055, referred to the consent agenda item recommending approval of The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat, and asked that action on the matter be deferred until the issue regarding stormwater runoff is resolved. He explained that he lives in the adjacent .. ' J~nuary 23, 2006 Citizen Comment: Hansen - The Reserve at Stoneha ven Final Plat, S 47th St, FP-05- 130 Renton City Council Minutes Page 17 Sundance development, and due to the geography of the area, four of the 36 lots planned for the Stonehaven development are tied to the City's drainage system, which drains into Sundance's private wet vault. Mr. Coder requested that the owners of the four lots be required to help pay for the maintenance of the wet vault, as do the homeowners in the Sundance development. Councilman Clawson reported that he reviewed the situation with PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, and is satisfied with the recommendation to approve the project. Ron Hansen, 4717 Smithers Ave. S., Renton, 98055, stated that he is a member of the Sundance at Talbot Ridge Homeowners Association, and expressed concern regarding the allowing of residents outside the Sundance development use of the private wet vault. Mr. Hansen pointed out that the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual indicates that the owners of all properties are required to maintain the quality of the water that exits the property, but the water has to exit the property at the same level of quality at which it entered the property. He said the subject four lots are relying solely on the existence of Sundance's wet vault in order to comply with the surface water manual. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the City has been working with representatives of the Sundance at Talbot Ridge Homeowners Association on this issue. He assured that Sundance's wet vault was designed in accordance to the surface water manual, which states that the facility needs to be designed large enough to handle the flow from the sub-basin. Mr. Zimmerman reported that the City sent a letter to the homeowners association offering to pay the proportionate share of the maintenance of the wet vault for the four lots that reside outside of the Sundance development. He noted that some of the surface water that drains into the facility also comes from the City street. Mr. Zimmerman indicated that the City has not yet received a response to the letter. Continuing, Mr. Zimmerman pointed out that the issue relating to how flow is handled from offsite to onsite stormwater facilities maintained by homeowners associations is currently under review, and different options are being investigated. He recommended that the decision on the final plat not be delayed, as the offer the City has made addresses the homeowner association's concern about payment for the maintenance of the wet vault. In response to Councilwoman Palmer's inquiry regarding the City's use of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual, Mr. Zimmerman stated that the staff is considering incorporating a look at the City's own manual into its surface water comprehensive plan because the City will have to comply with the requirements of the Federal NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit program within one year. Once the provisions of the permit are known, they can be incorporated into the City'S new standards. He pointed out that the City imposes a higher level of standard on surface water flow in sensitive drainage basins through the SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) process. . Responding to Ms. Palmer's inquiry, Mr. Zimmerman indicated that he assumes the owners of the four subject lots will pay dues to the Stonehaven development homeowners association, part of which will be used to maintain Stonehaven's water detention facility even though the flow from the lots will not go to that ~nuary 23, 2006 CONSENT AGENDA Council Meeting Minutes of 119/2006 CAG: 05-165, NE Sunset Blvd/Duvall Ave NE Intersection Improvements, Sanders General Construction City Clerk: Quarterly Contract List, 10/1/2005 to 12131/2005 Plat: The Reserve at Stonehaven, S 47th St, FP-05- l30 Planning: Multi-Family Housing Property Tax Exemption Annexation: Aster Park, Sunset Blvd NE Annexation: Preserve our Plateau, SE 128th St Fire: Prevention Fees Development Services: Nuisance Ordinance Renton City Council Minutes Page 18 facility. He said this factor also contributed to the City's decision to offer to pay the proportionate share of the maintenance for Sundance's wet vault. Councilman Persson pointed out the merits of the City's offer. Councilman Clawson noted the antiquated way stormwater is handled, and expressed his hope that the future will bring about a way for more of the water to infiltrate into the ground rather than running over impervious surface. Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Approval of Council meeting minutes of 119/2006. Council concur. City Clerk reported bid opening on 11115/2005 for CAG-05-165, NE Sunset Blvd. (SR-900)lDuvall Ave. NE Intersection Improvements; nine bids; engineer's estimate $1,350,596.18; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to Sanders General Construction Company in the amount of $1,655,345.54. Approval was also sought to transfer $1,528,369 from Fund 317 year-end fund balance to this project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. City Clerk submitted Quarterly Contract List for period of 10/1/2005 to 12/31/2005; 47 contracts and 15 addenda totaling $4,108,290.03. Information. Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat; 36 single-family lots on 5.95 acres located at S. 47th St. and Main Ave. S. Council concur. (See page 19 for resolution. ) Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended adoption of an ordinance correcting the designation of property (Southport) eligible for multi-family housing property tax exemption, and correcting the definition of net density. Council concur. (See page 19 for ordinance.) Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department submitted 10% Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Aster Park Annexation, and recommended a public meeting be set on 2/l3/2006 to consider the petition; 16.58 acres located along the south side of Sunset Blvd. NE, west of 148th Ave. SE. Council concur. Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department recommended a public hearing be set On 2/l3/2006 to consider the 10% Notice of Intent to annex petition by election for the proposed Preserve Our Plateau Annexation; approximately 1,475 acres located in the vicinity of SE 128th St. and 184th Ave. SE. Council concur. Fire Department recommended adoption of an ordinance amending the fire prevention fees effective 2/1/2006, with two fee changes to more accurately reflect the cost of services. Council concur. (See page 20 for ordinance.) Legal Division recommended adoption of an ordinance updating definitions, including nuisances, and clarifying civil and criminal violations and penalties. Refer to Public Safety Committee. City of Renton InterOffice Memo To: From: Date: Subject: Larry Warren, City Attomex. Ameta Henninger {)v~ January 12, 2006 The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat LUA OS-130FP Attached for your action are a copy of the agenda Bill and a draft version Resolution for the Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat. The proposed date for consideration by the Council is January 23, 2006. If I may be of assistance in expediting this request please call me at 430-7298. Thank you. cc: Kayren Kittrick Yellow File LUA 05-130FP CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: January 13, 2006 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subject: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office Project Name: Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat LUA (file) Number: LUA-05-130, FP Cross-References: Stonehaven LUA04-003, PP, ECF AKA's: Project Manager: Arneta Henninger Acceptance Date: November 2, 2005 Applicant: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC Owner: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC Contact: Cheryl Caldwell, Westcott Homes PID Number: 3223059096; 3223059022 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Denial: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: A plat for 36 single-family residences installing storm, street improvements and street lights. The sewer is Soos Creek and the water is Soos Creek. Site is located in Section 32 Twp 23 N Rng 5E at the southwest corener of the intersection of 5 47th Street and Main Avenue S. Location: 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue 5 Comments: DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM January 3, 2006 JanC. Arneta Henninger X7298 STONEHA VEN FINAL PLAT REVIEW The developer has submitted the attached plans. Please review and comment. You may use this memo to note any comments, corrections, concerns or approval. Thank you! Please call if you have any questions. I:\memo.doc\cor · \ ~ ~ ~ APPLICATION FOR CITY OF RENTON CITY Of Rl!llr .. ON RECEIVED RIGHT OF WAY USE -DEFERRALS - W ANERS -VARIANCES 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055 .·DEC21mi (425) 430-7204 PROJECT NAME: \\:1(, R~ At S~ktf1.veVt'1 SITE ADDRESS: S. L{J i-V 51 CW\l1 mq,h M IJt . S . BUILDING DIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: -'"5eL...o.==----=q:.w..~....>.....L.=~L~"""'_ ___________ _ Include King County Assessors Parcel No: -=3=z."",2-::...!3~O""'S=.L-9......,O~2-=L=--_~_-,,3::::.=2-==Z __ 3 .... 0=sg,,-.uOoo<..q-,--",b~ __ _ APPLICANT: I"'~ '~ct±~ie-nehave+z ,L4--c... PHONE: l.(lS -~'J-~070 CELL: 42-5 -Z~3 -e2-39S= '~~i3S- Zip Code ATTACH A SEPARATE LETTER STATING IN DETAIL: 1. The request 2. Applicable City Code 3. Items and quantities involved 4. Justification for request 5. Amount of time requested 6. Pictures may be included Attach a 1 = 100 drawing of your site and mail the completed application and map to: CITY OF RENTON Development Services Division Jan lllian, Coordinator 1055 -S. Grady Way 6lh FIoor Renton, W A 98058 425-430-7216 Completed applications will be reviewed and a written determination issued approximately 3-4 weeks from date of receipt of application. You will be contacted if applicatIon is incomplete or if additional information is required. APPLICANT'SSIGNATURE: ____________ ~ ________________ DATE: ____________ _ OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICE USE ONLY DEFERRAL () New () Extension V ARlANCE () New () Extension Offsite ________________ _ ( ) Underground ( ) Driveway Onsite _______________________ _ ,( ) Slope Grades ( ) Noise EXCESS RJW () H:\File sys\BPW -Board of Public Works\APPLICA TION\BPW.doc / 10, 1 50S6 \\O&ost53 Eyh'1 \31j A LEGAJ..._QE6CR.LFTION _ ,_._ PARCEL A. THE NORTi4 i4AL-!= OF TI-IE: NO~THl.l..eeT aUA~TER ,OF TI-4E ~O~THUJE5T QUAR.TER OF THe 60UTI-1WeST QUARTEfit OF $EC1"ION ZI:2"TOlUN5t-fIF ~~ NORTI-I, ~NCig S EAeT, W.M., IN I<.INCis COUNTY. LL1A$I4INGTON;' e.XCEFT THe gAoT 20 FeeT tHeReOF CONVEYEO TO KINe:. caUNrr FOR F!QAO FU~j=Oeee 16"( OE5D ~COR05D UNOER ~CORDING NO. l4elt~e4; A1-eO exceFT TI4AT PORTION TH5~OF CONVEygD TO tc::.ING COUNTY FOR !<OAP FU~Foee6 6"'( OEED ~C"~EO UNDE~ ~CO~INC5 NO. 1~~!JoaI20012'~,- PARCeL 6~ T145 NO~TI4 12 FEET a= THE $OUTl-i I4ALt= OF Ti45 NO~Tl-lweST QUA~TER OF Tf.le NO~THWEeT QUAfi!T5~ 01= THE 60Uj~5T . C!UA~R OF seCTION 32, TOU,NSf..IIF 2$ NO~I4, f~GE s EAST, Wl1., IN KING COUNTY, WA51-1INGTON: SXCEFT T145 5Mi 20 ~eT il-IE~OF CONveYE'O iO KING COUNT"r FOFa ~OAP t=U~F'CJSES 6Y DEED RECOFeDeD UNPEfii ~CO~ING NO. 1~1$.e4. ' --1- 5.258 SO. n. J r ...J1..JU( 90.0" 3 ~ 35 ".502 50. n. ~I~ 26 I r -I ;"6 "I' s~ 29 $.303 SO. n. 5.598 SO. n. N 89'2t'13~ E 58.93' -I,o',oL 22 I I 21 !Ul' .so. "T,I . 1,.324 SO. f'T. I ®I /;;: '.2.7 SO. FT.I f@' -'0"0'---___ -'_ 1 _____ _ L.:. __ L_L ___ _ 30.... I .... 2· © o. !l&.92' I J 58.92' i; 28 '0 5.215 SO. F"T. g ... ~'~ ~',s :Tg " g,s =l 19 &.342 SO. FT. N 8 '37'115- HO.04' 18 8,858 SO. rT. N 89'37'1!;~ E 90.~' 17 5,7fa so. rr. -i; .8mi'" S48th sf. 2.........--- C\1r:Y1 TRACT 8 18.089 SO. F'T. '-I ~.: 'Ii I I ~ I s I IE) TRACTI ~ I ... 7,878 sa. rT. I .. I©S 20' I z ! ---i>~\ 4: 1~4~ -I 1: ------.0/,. J 8 :il -----r-~~z . z z z z i 16 I .. ~ 9" ~: .~ ~~' ...... 1 J FT ~~ ••• ..1}". ~.t .. ~ ~ n. ~. t .. : ~ n ~ ~ •. .,!,? ,J.: 8."7>0. FT I ~' I' TACT r" ., ., ., ' I ~ lIE \...J. :I • .: lIE I :© 20.00 $2.00' 52.00' 52.00' 52.00' I 50.00' 60.18' 8JS.95' TRACT E 2 ;:~ i CI),.. ~ "C ~ ~ .,~ .~~ ~I~ I I I ~ I I I I r- I I ~ !:; l ~ '-. S£ Jan lllian, Coordinator Development Services Division City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, W A 98058 RE: The Reserve at Stonehaven -Deferrals for Final Plat Approval Jan lllian, It is our request, under the Subdivision Regulation, to defer the completion of the street lights until February of2006, in order to obtain Final Plat approval. We have the light polls on order and they will arrive in mid January, 2006. The cost of the lights amount to $33925.?0, it is our intent. to. bonji this construction. in the amount of 150%, in the name of the CIty of Renton. (rh~J (9(\('{Jf'~ ~., (S,I,) A/(('l L',Vnj.\.< Sincerely, Cheryl Cardwell Land Development Associate , . . . 09/22/2005 16:34 FAX 253 272 5214 TOTEM ELECTRIC ~ 002/1 " TO. ~ _ECTRIC OF TACOMA, INt.. TO: Cheryl Cardwell FAX #253-272-5214 " TACOMA #253-383-5022 * Wescott Homes -425-377-2341 RE: Stonehaven Development -Renton DATE: 9/2212005 We are pleased to provide this letter of darity as to the scope of those items we plan to offer within our proposal for the referenced project. Weo r e 0 owmg, usmg ffe th fI # e I orm quan th b'd fl titi esan emnum ers: dlf! b Bid Description Qty Unit Unit Price ExtensIon Ilom 1 Illumination System 1 LS _so 31,175.00 $ 2 Anchor Bolt extension· If aoollcable. 1 LS iii 2.750.00 $ Proposal Total $ Any modifications to our bid must be agreed to prior to bid opening (I.e. no bid it$m may be deleted without discussion). Exclusions: 1 Traffic Control 2 Bond Fee 1 Bond Available f Call for rate. 3 SUNeyed layout. 4 Testing or Engineering 5 Temporary power services, Temporary lighting, or power cost. 6 Permits other than electrical. 7 Conduit Run #2 across roadway intersection of Burnett Ct Sand S 47th 8t 8 Trench and Backfill, except for conduit run between lights 2 and 3 we will perform. 9 Any Taxes. (Wescott Homes can provide a resale certificate) We include: 1 Insurance & premium at our cost 31,175.00 2,i'~O.OO 33.925.00 2 Trench and backfill for our work between lights 2 & 3 only. All other trench and backfill by Wescott Homes. 3 We will coordinate street light conduit installation in joint utility trench. CondItions: 1 General Contractor to Provide Lay Down Area for Totem Equipment. Matenals Storage and I O~ Office Trailer 2 Our proposal is based on the receipt of a standard AGC subcontract, latest addition. Contact the undersigned for any questions at 253-383-5022. Sincerely: Totem Electric of Tacoma, Inc. lf~ 'D. ~«4 Bryson D. Huie, P.E. WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY F RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor PlanningIBuildinglPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator December 13, 2005 Brian Darrow PE The Blue Line Group 25 Central Way Suite 400 Kitkland, WA 98033 Dear Mr. Darrow: SUBJECT:' STONEHA YEN PLAT LUA 05-130 S 47TH ST AND MAIN AYE S PLAT COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITIES REQUIREMENTS U050011, U050046 RT 3232 Staff has completed the review of the [mal plat submittal and has the following comments. Once you have completed the reVisions please resubmit 3 copies of blueprints to my office. Planning Comments Project needs to complete and install the split rail fence and the signage. General A copy of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and RestriCtions was sent to the City Attorney for review and his comments are as follows. "Section 14.2 should have added a sentence, which reads, 'The declaration may not be amended to eliminate the responsibility to maintain the storm water detention ponds or similar facilities without the permission of the City of Renton. , 'Otherwise, the' covenants are approved as to legal form." It is a team effort of all of the abo~eCity divisions your engineer and your surveyor to get your plat to final plat approval. If you haye any questions, please contact me at 425-430-7298. Thank you for your cooperation. Arneta Henninger Engineering Specialist cc: Kayren Kittrick -------=-1 O::-:5=-=5-=S:-ou-t-=-h-:::G:-ra-;d-y7:W:-=-a-y""""'-R:::-e-n-:-to-n""""', W:;;-;-as-;-h-;-in-g-:-to-n-;9~8~05:;-;5;-------.~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE ·:tt CITY. RENTON Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor To: From: Date: MEMORANDUM Arneta Henninger, PBPW Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney December 12, 2005 Office of the City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren Senior Assistant City Attorneys Mark Barber Zanetta L. Fontes Assistant City Attorneys Ann S. Nielsen Garmon Newsom II Sasha P. Alessi CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED DEC f 32005 BUILDING DIVISION Subject: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements and Restrictions Stonehaven Final Plat LUA 05-130FP Section 14.2 should have added a sentence, which reads, ''The declaration may not be amended to eliminate the responsibility to maintain the storm water detention ponds or similar facilities without the permission of the City of Renton." Otherwise, the covenants are approved as to legal form. LJW:tmj cc: Jay Covington Gregg A. Zimmerman, PE Kayren Kittrick C'tA-"'j Lawrence J. vlarren -P-o-st-O-ffi-lc-e-B-ox-6-2-6---Re-n-to-n-, W.-as-hi-ngt-on-9S-0-S7---(-42-S-) -2S-S--S-6-7S-/-F-'A-X-(4-2-S-) 2-S-S--S'-4-74-~ * This paper contains 50% recycled malenal, 30% posl consumer AHEAD ·OF THE CU RVE City of Re. I Department of Planning / Building / Public ~ s ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 16, 2005 APPLICATION NO: LUA05-130, FP DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER 2, 2005 APPLICANT: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Arneta Hennin er PROJECT TITLE: The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat SITE AREA: 5.95 acres BUILDING AREA ross: N/A LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue S I WORK ORDER NO: 77497 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: A plat for 36 single-family residences installing storm, street improvements and~r is Soos Creek and the water is Soos Creek. Site is located in Section 32 Twp 23 N Rng 5E at the southwest corner of the intersection of S 4ih Street and Main Avenue S. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Environment Minor Major Information Environment Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14.000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS --(0 c.~\e~ 5i>\\-\--~\\ ~~ \ 'S'Sv\'C2>e... \ \~~\, C. CODE-RELA TED COMMENTS Probable Probable More Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where add' iona/t)·n orm ion is needed to properly assess this proposal. ,./ 1 • \;;1, \3-0" Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date City of Re Department of Planning / Building / Public s ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: R rt..-COMMENTS DUE: NOVEMBER 16, 2005 " APPLICATION NO: LUA05-130, FP DATE CIRCULATED: NOVEMBER~, 2005 APPLICANT: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: ArnetafHenninger PROJECT TITLE: The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat PLAN REVIEW: Nancy Weil ~lnl/" ,)ME: .v .. '-UUJ , SITE AREA: 5.95 acres BUILDING AREA (Qross~ N/A I" j LOCATION: 4801 & 4815 Main Avenue S WORK ORDER NO: 77497 "----;';Ty-:-u([;,Tr;-~~:,;-,;---.J SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: A plat for 36 single-family residences installing storm, street in\proverllerits ~rld-streeHigh~s. The seJer is Soos Creek and the water is Soos Creek. Site is located in Section 32 Twp 23 N Rng 5E at the southwest corner of the intersection of S 47'h Street and Main Avenue S. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Liqht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. (!~7~4> Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date Project Name STD~G~\JeJl)· pp Project A~dress L\9Dl Jv\A\\\:) ~ S Contact Person SWp-l?§ (L Address ______________ _ Phone Number ._. ___________ _ Permit Number L\jP. 04-003 Proje~t Description ~le Lo, SItJ~l£ mtv\\~¥ ?t,Al. Wl1l{ :tWO (2j (sntJ~ \¥U~1ES l \ ~:»"P\\\")\~ ss7 ~ land Us'e Type: .~£~ . Method of CalculatIon: • ('"2..-\ ~ S.f" , ~Residential 'Ett ITE Trip Generation Manual 0 . . o Retail o Non·retail [iii Traffic Study· C~\$rorlfe1Z-'B.\2.o'V.,)"-.J ,"'" AS-bOO An? tJ Other \0/' s/;wv::. f\c,.. Ao~(;)8"'D Calculation: "3'-\ ~ c\'~Sl ~ ~:<5,1>6 ~w ~vf~ 6d-S, ~ 't ~ 'lS :; ~~'\,~t()3. SO Transportation Mitigation Fee: $~L\, YD~j So Calculated by: ¥. ¥~ Account Number: __________ _ Date of Payment ______ --,--____ _ Date: C)I-.J Zl'?;/ UJo~ • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM November 2,2005 Sonja Arneta Henninger X7298 MON.CARDSSTONEHAVEN Attached and hand delivered are the monument cards for the above project. Please call if you have any questions. I:\memo.doc\cor .~4~ tnt ..&L - CITY .-1? RENTON PlanningIBuildingIPublic Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor November 2,2005 Cheryl Caldwell Westcott Homes 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 Everett, WA 98205 Subject: The Reserve at Stonehaven Final Plat LUA05-130, FP Dear Ms. Caldwell: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7298 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~ /cut-.r~v Arneta Henninger Project Manager cc: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC / Owner ------------.l-O-S-S-s-ou-th-G--m-dy--W.-ay---R-e-n-w-n-,W--as-h-in-g-to-n-9-8-0S-S-------------~ * This paper contains 50% recycled material, 30% Post consumer AHEAD OF THE CURVE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON City of Renton OCT 242005 LAND USE PERMIT RECEIVEoMASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION NAME: The Reserve at Stonehaven, LLC PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: The Reserve at Stonehaven ADDRESS: 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: CITY: Everett ZIP: 98205 4801 and 4815 Main Ave South TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 397-8070 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 3223059096 and 3223059022 APPLICANT (if other than owner) EXISTING LAND USE(S): Vacant and Single NAME: Family Residence (to remain). COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): 36 Lot Subdivision ADDRESS: EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Residential Single Family (RSF) CITY: ZIP: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION TELEPHONE NUMBER (if applicable): Residential Single Family (RSF) CONTACT PERSON EXISTING ZONING: R-8 NAME: Cheryl Cardwell PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): R-8 SITE AREA (in square feet): 259,251 square feet COMPANY (if applicable): Westcott Homes SQUARE FOOTAGE OF ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED FOR SUBDIVISIONS OR PRIVATE STREETS SERVING ADDRESS: 10519 20th Street SE, Suite 1 THREE LOTS OR MORE (if applicable): 25,329 CITY: Everett z1p:98205 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (if applicable):-8:tQ (. Z, TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS: NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (if applicable): 36 (425) 397-8070 ccardwell@westcotthomes.com Q:web/pw/devserv/fonns/planninglmasterapp.doc 10/20105 NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 36 PROJECT VALUE: 2.8MM land -2.0MM Dev = 4.8 MM Tot NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): BUILDINGS (if applicable): 105,000 Total Square Feet o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): None o AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL o FLOOD HAZARD AREA BUILDINGS (if applicable): None o GEOLOGIC HAZARD SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL o HABITAT CONSERVATION BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NA o SHORELINE STREAMS AND LAKES NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): None o WETLANDS NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): None LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. ___ sq. ft. 3,129 sq. ft. (Attach legal description on separate sheet with the following information included) SITUATE IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23, RANGE§, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: 1_ FINAL PLAT APPROVAL ~' i v 3. 2, 4. Staff will calculate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) rn~v'1L S' DCI'rI nVV-, declare that I am (please check one) _ the current owner of the property involved in this pp~~:m or ~ the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing -. statements a:(a ~,lS\rerein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. v';' \ I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that mar k. 5. YPnn t:r , , signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the ...... _-----uses and purposes mentioned' e instrument. (Signature of Owner/Representative) £t vJW'U/U C{ ct~q- Notary Public in and for the State of Washington (Signature of Owner/Representative) Notary (Print) 5ie 1m a 'II t..~1 '.> My appointment eXPires:--=-O-,;;;~/,---",~,--",;J.~A---,t7-----L-7 __ _ Q:web/pw/devserv/fonns/pJanning/masterapp,doc 10/20/05 _0.7 '''as ',' n Secretary of State ~~ :J' ~ Corporations Division -Registration Data Search THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN, LLC UBI Number 602409519 Category Limited Liability Regular Profit/Nonprofit Profit Active/Inactive Active State of Incorporation WA Date of Incorporation 07/02/2004 License Expiration Date 07/31/2006 Registered Agent Information Agent Name Address City State ZIP MARK DONNER 10519 20TH ST SE STE 1 EVERETT WA 98205 Special Address Information Address City State Zip Disclaimer Information in the Secretary of State's Online Corporations Database is updated Monday through Friday by 5:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (state holidays excluded). Neither the State of Washington nor any agency, officer, or employee of the State of Washington warrants the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information in the Public Access System and shall not be liable for any losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, portions may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity who relies on information obtained from the System does so at his or her own risk. You can find this information at: http://www.secstate.wa.gov/corps/search_detail.aspx?name=THE% 20RESERVE%20AT%20STONEHAVEN,%20LLC&ubi=602409519 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. J 46 J 384; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. J 99908 J 200 J 273. PARCEL 8: THE NORTH 72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. J 46 J 384. :VELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS irement be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: &2~ar-~~ t 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section 4. Development Planning Section DATE: ~/o~/f~{ +!-l..6~!::J=--__ _ I I Q:\WEB\Pw\OEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver.xls JJ7/29~~~5 ') DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVIS WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement 2 AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites 2 AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2 AND 3 Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2 AND 3 Photosimulations 2 AND 3 This requirement may be waived by: ,. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: ) Public Works Plan Review Sectioh:'·,tELOPMENT PLANNING 3 B 'Id' S t" :::;ITY OF RENTON , UI mg ec Ion DATE: L Development Planning Section OCT 242005 Q:\WEB\Pw\OEVSERv\Forms\Planning\waiver,xls 07/29/2005 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 2 4 2005 RECEIVED DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1.2 CSCt 2. S \ square feet 2. Deductions:, Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public ~treets·* Private access easements·· Critical Areas· Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 for net area: 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned: . .3"Z.SG:. :s square feet . 3-s \'1 square feet .3 \ 2. ~ square feet 2. 4~ 2..\<:) 3. 2lc., 04\ square feet square feet 4. 4-9_~'1 b acres 5. 3~ units/lots ....... ,,--;;;;'----- 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: 6. t-~ = dwelling units/acre *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:\ WEB\PW\DEVSER V\Fonns\Planning\density.doc Last updated: 1110812004 1 THE BLUE LIN E 25 CENTRAL WAY. SUITE 400 • KIRKLAND. WA • 98033 nt;,\l.EUlPMENJPLANNiNG OFFICE. 425.216.4051 • 888.493.9424 FAX. 425.216.4052 't3 ~I"'" ~IIA'ENTON OCT 242005 RECEIVED The Reserve at Stonehaven Conditions of Approval I. The applicant shall indicate on the face of the final plat the orientation of the front yard of Lots I, 16, 17, 21, 27, 36 to face Road A and Lots 28, 32 to face Road B. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. This condition was written to define the orientation of corner lots. Due to an approved reconfiguration of the plat, only lots I, 16, 17, 2 I, 22, 25, 26, and 36 are corner lots. A note has been added to the final plat indicating the orientation of the front yards of lots to comply with this condition. Lots 27, 28, and 32 are no longer corner lots and can only have one orientation so no notes have been added to the final plat for these lots. 2. The applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project manager. A demolition permit (805-0283) was approved and finaled 3. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. A draft of the documentls), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to recording of the final plat. A draft copy of the homeowner's association is included with this final plat application package. 4. The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Water and Sewer Availability from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District. The certificate shall be submitted to the City of Renton Development Services Division prior to the issuance of a utility construction permit. A Certificate of Water and Sewer A vailability has been obtained from Soos Creek Water and Sewer District All necessary utility construction permits have been applied for, inspected, and approved 5. The applicant shall comply with the Conditions imposed by the ERe. ERC Mitigation Measures: I. The erosion control measures per the Department of Ecology I DOE) manual shall be complied with for the plat. All erosion control measures were complied with during tl7e utility construction phase. All erosion control measures wi/I be complied WIth during the construction of the residences. http/jintranet.thebluelinegroup.comjShared DocumentsjProjectsj04-082jConditions of approval.doc Page J of 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING. LAND DEVELOPMEN..T CONSULTING · . 2. During site preparation and construction of improvements and residences, the applicant shall install silt fencing with brightly colored construction flags to indicate the boundaries of the wetland area and buffer. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division. Silt fences and orange fencing are currently installed along the wetland buffer. 3. After the development of roadway and utility improvements, the applicant shall install permanent fencing (i.e. split rail fence or other approval barrier) and signage along the entire edge of the wetland buffer to denote the critical area. The satisfaction of this requirement shall be subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the recording of the final plat. The split rail fence will be installed with approved signage after development of the grading and utility improvements. 4. The storm drainage system shall be designed according to the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual for the 100 year storm event, with a 30% safety factor. The storm drainage system has been designed and built per the requirements above. 5. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee based on a rate of $488.00 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. All mitigation fees shall be paid immediately prior to recording of the final plat 6. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Traffic Mitigation Fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. All mitigation fees shall be paid immediately prior to recording of the final plat 7. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Parks Mitigation Fee based on $530.76 per new single family lot. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. All mitigation fees shall be paid immediately prior to recording of the final plat http://intranetthebluelinegroup.com/Shared Documents/Projects/04-082/Conditions of approval.doc Page 2 of 2 I·~~"~~~~~~~~::~~::~~~~~::~~~ ~ STA.TES Of'.tll... rtf'; V . J"~.l? h .... \-sl ".~ 't;Jl.;". ~(.t,-.. ~ . ,:..,-' .. ~:)': ~~ Secretary of State I, SAM REED, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian ofits seal, hereby i.ssue this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION to THE RESERVE AT STONEHA VEN HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION alan WA Non-Profit Corporation. Charter documents are effective on the date indicated below. Date: 10/19/2005 UBI Number: 602-549-381 APPID: 397927 Given onder my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia. the State Capital Sam Reed. Secro(ary of 5 cate APPLICATION' FORM A NONPROFIT CORPORATION (Per Chapter 24.03 RCV>? • Please PRINT or TYPE in black ink 8S-C,9",_ ;::-; EXPEDITED (24-HOUR) SERVICE AVAILABLE _ $20 PER ENTITY ~ FEE: $30 Sign. date and return original AND ONE COP;-Y'%£(:"D INCLUDE FEE AND WRITE MEXPEDITE" IN BOLD LETTERS 0(1 0;::-ON OUTSIDE OF ENVELOPE CORPORATIONS DIVISION l../ I Sf: OLYMPIA. WA 98504-0234 (:"O;::-~ ?OOS FILED I I UBI.!.j5:J..54q3g/ 801 CAPITOL WAY SOUTH· P<§'~ 40234{ 9 "If:1FOROFFICEUSEONLY BE SURE TO INCLUDE FILING FEE. Check~S.,,/t\t, CORPORATION NUMBER should be made payable to "Secretary of State" Gl'OIV '---------------------------' IMPORTANT! Person to contact about this filing 1 10).. Daytime Phone Number (with area codet {q2~) 3 Cf7-BC'7U ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION NAME OF CORPORATION (May contain designations such as "Association" "Services" or "Committee." May not contain a corporate designation such as "Corporation" "Incorporated" or "Umited" or the abbreviation "Corp." "Inc." "Co." or "Ltd. ") --n~~ e S-e '\V --z .J-3-\-0 ~Q~V -€. v,""", tb}YlQ 0 L,un.~\S' AsSo C~CA -h'cJ. EFFECTIVE DATE OF INCORPORATION TERM OF EXISTENCE (Specified effective date may be up to 30 days after receipt of the document by the Secretary of State) o Specific Date: b3(upon filing by the Secretary of State (Check one box only) )g Perpetual 0 ____ Years (Please indicate number of years) NAME ~ ADDRESS OF WASHINGTON STATE REGISTERED AGENT Name \')c ~i\\(RQ C~'()oJ .. ' r;', . State iJv{-\ ZIP '1b'ZOS-Street Address (Required) PO Box (Optional-Must be in same city as street address) _____________ ZIP (If different than street ZIP) ______ _ I consent to serve as Registered Agent in the State of Washington for the above named corporation. I understand it will be my responsibility to accept Service of Process on behalf of the corporation; to forward mail to the corporation; and to immediately notify the Office of the Secretary of State if I resign or change the Registered Office Address. &bA'!Utzr/ SigfJature of Agent Printed Name NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF EACH INrTIAL BOARD DIRECTOR (If necessary; attach additional names and addresses) Name L()v \ CY l\f{'~\ Address ) D5f 9'-? 0 --I h Sf-SE st E:.-) NAMES Name~~~~~~~~ __ ~~~~~ ________________________________________________________________ __ Address 1051 '1-Z 0-4h '::!:J-, SF 3f-'2--\ City _f'"'--...:W-=... (c---e=--H ___ State Vu A-ZIP 98 Ie' ':; SIGNATURE OF INCORPORATOR This document is hereby executed under penalties of perjury, and is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. ~ iJ&ci Signature of Incorporatot Join los Date • Title Printed Name CORPORATIONS INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE -360/753-7115 (TOO -3601753-1485) F 0 R 0 F F • c E u s E 0 N L Y F o R o F F I C E U S E o N L Y F o R o F F I C E U S E o N L Y 0-\11'>'-co ... L'IO nil 0""'" ~ . .-Z _. g~ CO;:l t ., '.0 (i '=' -:-:rr"'f .-0".:;. ;;:;"~...J •• J ~ '" .-o ...J 6~:;~ 0 0 "'0 .-'" •• J 005-004 (9/00) t)''aiAl~'lI(JJ'1 Secretary of State SAMREl~D Congratulations: You have completed the initial filing to create a new business entity. The next step in opening your new business is to.complete a Master Business Application. You may have completed this step already. The Master Business Application can be completed online . or downloaded at: http://www.dol.wa.gov/businesses.htm If you have any questions about the master application, or would like a master application package mailed to you, please call the Department of Licensing at 360-664-1400. BELINDA WOOD 10519 20TH ST SE # 1 EVERETT, W A 98205 IMPORTANT Ccrporallons Division James M. Dolliver Bunding 801 Gnpi!o! \"h;y South PO Box ~023·4 Olympia, lNA 98504·1.}234 Tel 360.753.711 5 Fax 360.664.8781 TDD 360.753.1485 www.secstal~.\Va.gcvtcorps You have completed the initial filing to create a new entity. To keep your filing status active and avoid administrative dissolution, you must: 1. File an Annual Report and pay the annual license fee each year before the anniversary of the filing date for the entity. A notice to file your annual report will be sent to your registered agent. It is the corporation or LLC's responsibility to file the report even if no notice is received. 2. Maintain a Registered Agent and registered office in this state. You must notifY the Corporations Division if there are any changes in your registered agent, agent's address, or registered office address. Failure to notifY the Corporations Division of changes will result in misrouted mail, and possibly administrative dissolution. If you have questions about report and registered agent requirements, please contact the Corporations Division at 360-753-7115 or visit our website at: http://www.secstate.wa.gov/corps . -.,--.. ........... ""'nl[:; ~c~[e OT WA secretary of State Check Date: 10/17/2005 Invoic~ Invoice Date Reference Amount Retention . RS2005HOA 10/14/2005 Stonehaven HOA AnnLication 50.00 -------------------- rota Ls 50.00 RECEIVED SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF WASHINGTON OCT 1 9 2005 CK ___ CASH --- VI!A Me ----- .00 Check: 1092 1092 Discount Net Amount .00 50.00 ---------------------- .00 50.00 f ,. .' . ........ "'Y' " '>I III\" L.oI\,.VL. ... II'1... VI\\.IVI 1"/\ I'IU. 1a/14/2B05 a8:56 4254966188 MEAD: GILMAN /". UU L PAGE 12 MAILBOX REQUIREMENTS NOTICE FOR ALL NEW PLATS AND SHORT PLATS City of Renton Development $ervioes DivIsion 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 960~:S Phone: 426-.430·7200 Fax: 425-430·7231 The Post Office wants to be involved In Mlpll'lg you loeate your mallbox~. bePom cOMirucllon begIns. Please take a copy ~f your pIal map along with thIs form to the elly of Renton Post Qffice, 314 Williams Avenue South, 'or their slg,,·of{, Please submit a 51gned copy of this form with your application, Property. _ location: SF. L.c<"'fler o~ \" DEVELOPMENTeNT~O \OEVSERV\Forms\Planning\mailbox,doc CITY OF RE :foN"-" -- OCT 242005 RECEIVED "( • d I •. JUN.'01-iUUO WeD 11:11 AM IHe 4' U\:llNt GROUP 30 ---------,1---- 23 "AtrC£L 22 I I I I ! I I I . I I I 1 \ 20 21 {)- 19 18 7 7 \<D~~( t Qf?,1.4 ~ uV\. i-\C01.J. ... , ....... . ',. '" ,',,' p. UUI! 16 ,JU~'Ul-(UUb WED 11: 1 J AM THE n. UEL I NE GROUP FAX No. 1-425-2'P-4051 p. 003 '--I / 36/ I 32 I I I 31 I 35 I I---L====_I----_=__-_- L __ ~ -1'--' ,---II I 34 27 I I 24 I I 4 33 I ~ I 26 I i I 25 I ~ I 5 _~ LtL __ . 6 "", -"r" ....•. ,. 1 •.•• s ....•... ".!.:\ 70 Printed: 10-2413g~LOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON OCT 242005 RECEIVED r<TTY OF RENTON 055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA05-130 Payment Made: 10/24/2005 02:09 PM Receipt Number: R0505784 Total Payment: 1,000.00 Payee: THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN, LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Trans Account Code Description Amount 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount Payment Check #1098 1,000.00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000.345.81.00.0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use or Fence Review 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 604. Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 Tax Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ---------- SITEMAP , III I I I I I ) I I BUFFER DISTURBED (1, IDDsq. ft BUFFER RESTORA T/ON AREA (J,300sq.ft,) GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS ) \9 , TIle subject property is an approximately 6 acre property located on the southeast comer of the intersection of 102nd Avenue SE and S, 47th Street in the City of Renton. Grading work for development of the property as a residential development began during the summer of 2006. Much of the work for road construction, underground utility installation and grading for the residential building lots was completed in mid November 2006, when this wetland buffer restoration plan was prepared, The Wetl' 'Evaluation Report dated January 29, 20' identified a wetland extending onto the southwest comer oflne property, Using the U, S, Fish and Wildllre Service wetland classification system Cowardin et al., 1979), the wetland includes two habitat dasscs: scrub-shnlb habitat and mixed t:ff~cidllfilI5l/co.nifcr forest. This wetland is designated as a City of Renton Class 2 wetland. As a Class 2 wetland it is assigoed a 50ft butler. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT A 16 lot residential development is being constructed on the property. Access to the residential building is provided by access roads entering the site from 102nd Avenue SE near the southeast comer and from S. 47th Street along the north. The site wetland is being set aside from development within Tract A This traet includes the wetland and a 50ft. buffer between the wetland limits and new development With preservation of the on-site wetland within the designated tract there is be no direct impacts to the wetland area, Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the residential development are located adjacent to the wetland tract, Their back lot lines follow the bOtUldary of the tract Grading for these lots involved the construction of a rockery along the back property lines. This work resulted in temporary disturbance to the wetland buffer in a narrow strip along the base of the rockery. There has also been work to install a water line across the northeast comer of the trac~ and work to install an outfall for roof and footing drains from the 4 lots adjacent to the Wetland Tract TIlls work resulted in temporary disturbance to approximately 1,100sq,ft of the outer limits of the fifty foot wetland buffer. We have prepared a Buffer Restoration Plan for the distl\rbed area, The area included in the buffer restoration plan is 3,300sq,j}, This provides a restoration ratio of3:1 (Buffer area disturbed for construction • buffer area enhanced). 27 26 ID / / 25 , , 1 1 23 22 , , , j 12 / .cP~ / If' I f--------'c--+II,--'--,'II' I I --J98-~,_~! B 17 14 15 , , -, 1 fh , ,- , \ , , I ! :J~~I.~~~ -=-~7q ... --/-1----·-~ , , , , , , , , , , \ ,I , , " , , I , I :1 ~'=== = ='=='= -=:-===0==::: =.~--~= ~~= ~--~-~~~",~'==-':'-~~c~-CC'=~='===' ,=~. ' I. 2, 3, 4_ 5, II Ir CONSTRUCTION NOTES Contractor shall be responsible to provide sound, healthy, vigorous plants without defects, Contractor will provide irrigation for new plant materials as necessary and shall warrant survivabthty of plants for one year after acceptance of planting. Plantings of nursery stock may be made depending on availability from suppliers. The preferred planting time is during the winter dormant season, November through March. Contractor should conlact suppliers to verity availability of plant materials for the anticipated planting season All planting and seeding adivities shall coillorm to normal landscape industry slandards, All installed plants should be clearly marked and identified at the time of plm'ting, to simplifY subsequent monitoring. Plant substitutions may be possible with approval of wetland biologist and City of Renton. substitutions will he native to the Puget Sound region, Any 'V Is.,£. w-l:S5TJ-! PL , , Iv I BUFFER RESTORATION PLAN Restoration Goals and Objectives When the Wetland Evaluation report for the property was being prepared in 2002, much of the property including the wetland buffer was being grazed by horses. At that time vegetation over the buffer area was closely grazed grasses and herbaceous cover. Since that time, the horses have been removed from the property and Himalayan blackberry (\._ JUS discolor), has become established. Nc_ Jge trees were affected by the construetion. The general goal of the mitigation des;...., for the disturbed buffer areas is to acceler "the reestablishment of native shrubs on the disturbed buffer "--_d, ",-,- This goal will he accomplished with plantings of native shrubs on the disturbed area, and control of Himalayan blackberry on the area included in the planting plan, In accordance with City of Renton mitigation requirements, the area being included in the planting plan is enlarged to cover an area of 3,300sq.ft, This area includes the I, 100sq,ft of buffer disturbed by the construction work and 2,200sq,ft, of the adjacent buller area where Himalayan blackberry has hecome established. Standards of Success A determination of the success in achieving the buffer restoration goals and objectives will be based on the following quantitative standards, I, A minimum of 80% survival of planted shrubs at the end of each of the five years of the monitoring period, This survival rate is established as a goal and may he adjusted where natural regeneration and growth has resulted in minimum plant cover as defined in item I, Weedy and invasive species such as reed canatygrass and Himalayan blackherry will not be considered as suitable substitutes for the planted species. 2, Non-native andlor invasive plant species shall not exhibit more than 10 percent coverage within the buffer restoration area at the end of each growing season during the three year monitoring period, These invasive species include but are not limited to reed canarygrass Himalayan blackberry, and Scot's broom. 3, A minimum of 70 percent average native vegetative cover of native shrubs on the area included in the restoration planting area. Plant species composition shall meet the intent of the mitigation goals, Mitigation Monitoring The restoration area will be monitored over the five year period following completion of the restoration work. The purpose of the monitoring is to verity that the restoration work has been implemented and that the restoration area is developing to meet the mitigation objectives, Monitoring will include measurements of vegetative cover and plant survival, Sampling Methods Vegetative cover wiU be sampled by measurements along a 50-foot long permanently established transect placed parallel with the fifty foot buffer line. Data to be coUected on this transect includes surviving plant numbers and aerial coverage by species, Permanent stakes wiU identity the end points of each transect A fuU count of the surviving plants on the restoration area will also be conducted. In addition to the sample transects, permanent photo points will be established trom which the mitigation area can be photographed. These photos will provide a pictorial record of the development of the area over time and will be used to supplement the quantitative sample transects, "\~-. ,-- Monitoring Schedule The project biologist should provide construction inspection services during implementation of the mitigation plan to ensure that mitigation design objectives are being met It is important that a wetland biologist provide observation and consultation services when work is underway within the restoration area. This is to assure that the restoration desigo is being appropriately interpreted, to he available to provide consultation and makc adjustments in the event changed conditions are encountered, and to identify the specific limits of work. An initial report describing the as-built conditions will be prepared for submittal to the City of Renton when construction work has been completed. This report will be prepared upon completion of the plantings for the project, and will identify the work completed and document the baseline conditions for defining the success of the project in subsequent monitoring reports. FolloWlllg completion of the project and acceplance of the plantings, the mitigation area will he monitored on the following schedule: ] 30 days after completion of the plantings, ] Quarterly during the first year after completion of the plantings, Monitoring shall be conducted during the months of March, June September, and December, of the first year after installation of the plant materials. ] During June orJuly of the second, third and fourth years after completion. ] Final inspection of the mitigation project five years after the restoration plantings are installed and the work accepted as complete, ] Maintenance inspections for control of invasive species shall be conducted twice annually, during April or May and during June or July, Maintenance to control invasive species growth shall be undertaken as necessary. The wetland biologist will monitor the project on the above schedule and prepare written reports addressing wetland hydrology, survivability and growth of plant materials, as well as any recommendations for mainteruUlCe or remediation. These reports will be submirted annually to the City of Renton. The wetland biologist will prepare a final report at the end of the five-year monitoring period to he submitted within 30 days of completing the final mitigation inspection, This report will address the success of the project in meeting the project objective, \ \ / ( '- \, \ \, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /' / \ APPROXIMATE SCALE o 20 40 feet ------------- / ~, \. PLANT SCHEDULE Symbol Scientific Name Common Name snow Symphoricarpos alba snowberry salal Gaullheria .hal/on salal rose Rosa gymnocarpa wild rose \ \ v ,~O v ,-0 N \ \ S? \ \ '-, \ \ I Size Quantity"'* 3gal I gal 3gal 80 20 110 "Number of shrubs to be pianted is based on an average spacing of 4ft o.c. on the 3,300sq.ft planting area. Care and Maintenance The buffer restoration area shall be examined twice annually during the five year monitoring period to determine the possible inva~ion of weedy pest species such as Scot's broom, reed canarygrass, and Himalayan blackberry, whid compete with more desirable native species, Maintenance activity need not be scheduled to coincidc with monitoring visits although monitoring results shall be communicated to maintenance personnel. Annual maintenance activitie5 to control invasive species shall be carried out in the spring (April or May) and again during the summ<r (July or August), Reed canarygrass can be periodically cut to control its growth, and blackberry or Scot's broom can be physically pulled out or cut down. Red alder and black cottonwood, or other tree seeclings which may become established, shall be thinned to 8 It. to 12 ft, centers, Irrigation may be required during the first summer and possibly during the second summer after installation, Water shall be applied as necessary depending on rainfall and soil moisture conditions. Irrigation should be provided by installation oftemporary irrigation pipes. Requirements fur replacement of dead plant materials shall be identified during the annual monitoring inspections. Replanting as neocssary will be carried out during the dormant season. Trash and effects of vandalisr.l shall be removed as soon as possible after appearance in the area. Contingency Plan The proposed restoration plarting plan has a high probability of success. If it becomes apparent from the monitoring program that the restoration objectives are not being met, a joint determination by the project applicant, the wetland biologii!, and the City of Renton will be made to implement a contingency pI",. The contingency plan can inelud,) measures such as replacing plants that have not survived and removing competing weedy species. Cfry OF flENTON RECEIVED DEC 21 2005 BUILDING DIVISION \ \ \ \ \ / Lfl w O (/)N CO en Q) C o ..c CO -0.. ~Q)Q) Lfl+-'-+-' Q) Of- Q) (/) N o +-' X Q) 60 APPROXIMATE SCALE o 60 120feet d -: I I I I I 5 BUFFER DlSTUR1ED (7, 100sq. ft ~ ~':c S"n'{~til ~~~~-~], ~~i::"~=~~ E'''0 BUFFER RESTORA nON AREA (.J 300 ft) ~~ , L sq. . on "" ~ EI 9 10 1 1 12 ta Sigll L(ication t ypicp'l, 13 14 15 115 , II , , , , , __ ==~ ...... ~",~~~_~~~~-:-::t,'-~" ~:,;_~ .. b===~:! !s~'-=-= ,-.: ~:.-= -=-=,=-==-=-':-, ,:.-, =-=-~-:::~= = = = ~se~sitive I I I --400----1------,-------I \ ----402----:.--------1-------~~ "= ,-" -~==-=or;;.'" i~-~- Areo Tract Umits BUFFER RESTORA nON PLAN GENERAL SITE COI'.'DITIONS The subject property is an approximately 6 acre property located on the southeast comer of the intersection ,f 102nd Avenue SE and S. 47th Street in the City of Renton. Grading work for development of the property as a residential development began during the summer of 2006. Much of the work for road constructiCtl, undergrowld utility installation and grading for the residential building lots was completed in mid November _~ when this wetland buffer restoration plan was prepared. lb. Wetland Evaluation Report dated January 29, 2003 identified a wetland extending onto the southwest comer of the properly. Using the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service wetland classification system Cowardin et aI., 1979), the wetland includes two habitat classes; scrob-shrub habitat and mixed deciduous/conifer forest. This wetland is designated as a City of Renton Class 2 wetland. As a Class 2 wetland it is assigned a 5(1ft buffer. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT A 16 lot residential development is being constructed on the property. Access to the resideutial building is provided by access roads entering the site from 102nd Avenue SE near the southeast corner and from S. 47th Street along the north. The site wetland is being set aside from development within Tract A. This tract includes the wetland and a SOil. buffer between the wetland limits and new development. With preservation of the on-site wetland within the designated tract there is be no direct impacts to the wetland area. Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the residential development are locaWd adjacent to the wetland tract. Their back lot bnes follow tlle bOlmdary of the tract. Grading for these lots in volved the construction of a rockery along the back property bnes. This work resulted in temporary disturbance to the wetland buffer in a narrow .1rip along the base of the rockery. There has also been work to install a water line across the northeast comer of the tract, and work to install an outfull for roof and footing drains from the 4 lots adjacent to the Wetland Tract. This work resulted in temporary disturbance to approximately 1,IOOsq.ft of the outer limits of the fifty foot wetland buffer. We have prepared a Bllffer Restoration Plan for the disturbed area. The area iucluded in the buffur restoration plan is 3,300sq.ft. This provides a restoration ratio of 3: 1 (Buffer area di.imbed for construction: buffer area enhaneed): BUFFER RESTORATION PLAN Restoration Goals aud Objectives When the Wetland Evaluation report for the property was being prepared in 2002, much of the property including the wetland buffer was being grazed by horses. At that time vegetation over the buffer area was closely grazed grasses and herbaceous cover. Since that time, the horses have been removed from the property and Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), has become established. No large trees were affected by the construction. 'The general goal of the mitigation design for the disturbed buffer areas is to accelerate the reestablishment of native shrubs 011 the disturbed buffer area. This goal will be accomplished with plantings of native shrubs on the disturbed area, and control of Himalayw blackberry on the area included in the planting plan. In accordance with City of Renton mitigation requirements, the area being included in the planting plan is enlarged to cover an area of 3,300sq.ft. This area includes the 1, 100sq.ft of buffer disturbed by the construction work and 2,200sq.tl. of the adjacent buffer area where Himalayan blackberry has become established. SITE MAP , , , : Ei.E"i --, Standards of Success A dewrmination of the success in achieving the buffer restoration goals and objectives will be based on the following quantitative standards 1. 2. 3. A minirmun of 80% survival of planted shrubs at the end of each of the minimum five years of the monitoring period. Non-native and/or invasive plant species shall not exhibit more th,;'Ul 10 percent coverage within the buffer restoration area at the end of each growing season during the minimum five year monitoring period. These invasive species include but are not limited to reed canarygrass Himalayan blackberry, and Scot's broom. A minimum of 70 percent average native vegetative cover of native shrubs 00 the area included in the restoration plantiug area at the end of the monitoring period. Plant species composition shall meet the intent of the mitigation goals. Mitigation Monitoring The restoration area will be monitored over the minimum five year period following completion of the restoration work. The purpose of the monitoring is to verilY that the restoration work has been implemented and that the restoration area is developing to meet the mitigation objectives. Monitoring will include measurements of vegetative cover and plant survival. Sampling Metbods Vegetative cover will be sampled by measurements aloug a 50-foot long permanently established transect placed parallel with the fifty foot buffer line. Data to be collected on this transect includes surviving plant numbers and aerial coverage by species. Permaneut stakes will identify the end points of each transect. A foIl couut of the surviving plants on the restoration area will also be conducted. Iu addition to the sample transects, pennanent photo points will be established from which the mitigation area can be photographed. These photos will provide a pictorial record of the development of the area over time and will be used to supplemeut the quantitative sample transects. Mouitoring Schedule The project biologist should provide construction inspection services during implementation of the mitigation . plan to ensure that mitigation design objectives are being met. It is important that a wetland biologist provide observation and consuhatioo services when work is underway within the restoration area. This is to assure that the restoration design is being appropriately interpreted, to be available to provide consultation and make adjustments in the event changed conditions are encountered, and to identify the specific limits of work. An initial report describing the as-built conditions will be prepared for submittal to the City of Reoton whcu construction work has been completed. This report will be prepared upon completion of the plantings for the project, and will identify the work completed and document the baseline conditions for defining the success of the project in subsequent monitoring reports. Following completion of the project and acceptauce of the plantings, the mitigation area will be monitored on the following schedule: J 30 days after completion of the plantings. J QuarWrly during the first year after completion of the plantings. Morntoring shall be conducted during the months of Marcl~ June September, and December, of the first year after installation of the plant materials. ] During JWle or July of the second, third and fourth years after completion. J Final inspection of the mitigation project a minimum of five years after the restoration plantings are insIalled and the work accepted as complete. J Maintenance inspections for control of invasive species shall be conducted twice annually, during April or May and during June or July. Maintenance to control invasive species growth shall be undertaken as necessary. The wetland biologist will monitor the project on the above schedule and prepare written reports addressing wetland hydrology, survivability and growth of plant luaterials, as well as any recommendations for maintenance or remediation. These reports will be submitted aonually to the City of Renton. The wetland biologist will prepare a final report at the end of the minimum five-year monitoring period to be submitted within 30 days of completing the final mitigation inspection. This report will address the success of the projc<'l in meeting the project objective. \ 20 Care aud Maintenauce 6 PLANTING PLAN APPROXIMATE SCALE o 20 7 40leel J The buffer restoration area sha1l be examined during Ule minimum five year monitoring period to detenninc the "",,"sible invasion of weedy pest species such as Scot's broom, reed canarygrass, and Himalayan blackberry, which compete with more desirable uative species. Maintenance activity need not be scheduled to coincide with monitoring visits although monitoring results shall be communicated to mainteuance persormel. Annual maintenance activities to control invasive species shall be carried out in the spring (April or May) and again during the summer (July or August). Reed canarygrass can be periodically cut to control its growth, and blackberry or Scot's broom can be physically pulled out or cut down. Red alder and black cottonwood, or other tree seedlings winch may become established, shall be thinned to 8 ft. to 12 ft. centers. Irrigation may be required during the first summer and possibly during the second summer after installation. Water shall be applied as necessary dependiug on rainfall and soil moisture conditions. Irrigation should be provided by installation of temporary irrigation pipes. Requirements for replacement of dead plant materials shall be identified during the aonual monitoring inspections. Replanting as necessary will be carried out during the dormant season. Trash and effects ofvandaIism shall be removed as soon as possible after appearance in the area. Cootingency PIau 'The proposed restomtion planting plan has a high probability of success. If it becomes apparent from the monitoring progrrun that the restoration objectives are not being met, a joint determination by the project applicant, the wetland biologiBt, and the City of Renton will be made to implement a contingency plan. The contingency plan can include measures such as replacing plants that have not survived and removing competing weedy species. CONSTRUCTION NOTES I. Contractor shall be responsible to provide sound, healthy, vigorous plants without defects. Contractor will provide irrigation for new plant materials as necessary and shall warrant survivability of plants for one year after acceptauce of planting. 2. Plantings of nursery stock may be made depending on availability frOID suppliers. The preferred planting time is during the winter dormant season, November through March. Contractor sbould contact suppliers to verifY availability of plant materials for the anticipated planting season 3. All planting and seeding activities shall conform to nonnaI landscape industry standards. 4. All installed plants should be clearly marked and identified al the time of planting, to simpli1Y subsequent monitoring. 5. Plant substitutions may be possible with approval of wetland biologist and City of Renton. Any substitutions will be native to the Puget Sound region. " 7 Rockery B ~.~-'+----- Sensitive o 9 Sign L co t/on ( typic Sensitive Area Tract Limits l'I,ANT SCHEDULE ~~~b~o~I==~S~ci~enutifi~·~c~N~run~e~ __ == __ ~C~OmrunmllOrnDuN~runrunet-__ ~S~'u~e __ =_1Q~u~a~DntiDrr~.~. snO'N Symphoricarpos alba salfii Gaultheria shal/on ros:. Rosa gymnocarpa snowberry saIaI wild rose 3gal I gal 3gal 80 20 110 "Number of shrubs to be planted is based on an average spacing of 4ft O.C. on the 3,300sq.ft planting area. 5 t. NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA THIS STREAM, WETLAND, AND UPLAND BUFFER ARE PROTECTED TO PROVlDE WILDUFE HABITAT AND MAINTAIN WATER QUALITY. PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB THIS VALUABLE RESOURCE. 'n r:: /vleM 12', 18" N.G.P.A: Sign as shown above Or Equivalent Cl.5 apP'iiV"CoL !:J --j}-e-c). -fj cP een-{CJI/ 4"x 4" pressure treated post CIT\' OF RENTON RECEIVED FEB 2 2 2006 BUILOING DIVISION . ' imbed 2 It. (min. in quick-.et coner te J .. ., WOOD FENCE DETAIL Nor ro S~ SENSITIVE AREA SIGN DETAIL SENSITIVE AREA FENCE DETAIL FULL PANEL CEDAR FENCE F[NC[ HE GH T.' POST SIZI: BOARD SI.(E: CAP: NOR/ZONY. ILS: TOp CAP ,IOARD: . FASCIA: POST SPAI 'NG: POST Df:P J. I: 6' 4-1/8")(4-1/8" PRESSURE mEATfO ,"x,,"x6' C£OAR nGHT KNOT 2" CEDAR nCHr KNOT 2",,4· CEDAR TlGHr KNOT 2")(4" CEDAR TlGHr KNOT t"x 4" CEDAR TiGH T KNO T e'MAXIMUM B" D/AMETF:R AND 24" DEEP N o ....... X (J) VOL/PG THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN Z33/044 I LUA-05-130-FP LND-10-0411 NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. CITY OF RENTON, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A: THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1461384; ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 19990812001273. PARCEL B; THE NORTH 72 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 1461384. EXCEPT ANY MOBILE OR MANUFACTURED HOME LOCATED THEREON. RESTRICTIONS: 1. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM PACIFIC COAST COAL COMPANY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 3340970. 2. PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF BETWEEN SO OS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND TALBOT DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS. LLC AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20010731000733. 3. LOTS 1 & 36. SHALL HAVE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FACING BURNETI COURT S. AND LOT 16. SHALL HAVE THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FACING S. 48TH STREET. GENERAL NOTES: 1 . THE ROAD AND STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN AND PROFILE ON FILE WITH RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AND ANY DEVIATION FROM THE APPROVED PLANS WILL REQUIRE WRITIEN APPROVAL FROM THE PROPER AGENCY. CURRENTLY RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION. 2. ALL BUILDING DOWN SPOUTS, FOOTING DRAINS. AND DRAINS FROM ALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES SUCH AS PATIOS AND DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE PERMANENT STORM DRAIN OUTLET AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ON FILE WITH RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION. THIS PLAN SHALL BE SUBMITIED WITH THE APPLICATION OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT. ALL CONNECTIONS OF THE DRAINS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND APPROVED r RIOR TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION APPROVAL. 3. NO LOT OR PORTION OF A LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL. BE DIVIDED AND SOLD OR RESc)LD OR OWNERSHIP CHANGED OR TRANSFERRED WHEREBY THE OWNERSHIP OF ANY PORTION OF THIS PLAT SHALL BE LESS THAN THE AREA REQUIRED FOR THE USE DISTRICT IN WHICH LOCATED. 4. THE ORIENTATION OF THE FRONT YARD OF LOTS 1 AND 36 TO FACE BURNETT CT. S. AND LOT 16 TO FACE S. 48TH STREET." SENSITIVE AREA NOTE: DEDICATION OF A SENSITIVE AREA TRACT SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER CONVEYS TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE TRACT/SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER. THIS INTEREST INCLUDES THE PRESERVATION OF NATIVE VEGETATION FOR ALL PURPOSES THAT BENEFIT THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE, INCLUDING CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER AND EROSION. MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE STABILITY AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE SENSITIVE AREA/TRACT SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE LAND SUBJECT TO THE TRACT/SENSITIVE AREA AND ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE TRACT/SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER THAT THE VEGETATION WITHIN THE TRACT/SENSITIVE AREA AND BUFFER MAY NOT BE CUT. PRUNED. COVERED BY FILL, REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT APPROVAL IN WRITING FROM THE CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION. EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES: THE EASEMENTS DEPICTED ON THE MAP SHEETS OF THIS FINAL PLAT ARE FOR THE LIMITED PURPOSES LISTED BELOW AND ARE HEREBY CONVEYED FOLLOWING THE RECORDING OF THIS FINAL PLAT AS SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE RESERVATIONS LISTED BELOW: THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON TO REPAIR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY IN THE EVENT THE OWNER(S) IS/ARE NEGLIGENT IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. 1. AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON. PUGET SOUND ENERGY. SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT. QWEST. COMCAST. THE OWNERS OF ALL LOTS WITHIN THIS PLAT AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, UNDER, OVER AND UPON THOSE EASEMENTS DESIGNATED AS "10' SIDEWALK AND UTILITY EASEMENT". THE EXTERIOR 1 0 FEET PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. CABLE. PIPELINE, AND WIRES WITH THE NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVICE TO THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC. TELEPHONE. GAS. CABLE T.V. SERVICE. SEWER, WATER AND DRAINAGE TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE EASEMENTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED. NO LINES OR WIRES FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. OR FOR TELEPHONE USE. CABLE TELEVISION, FIRE OR POLICE SIGNAL FOR OTHER PURPOSES, SHALL BE PLACED UPON ANY LOT UNLESS THE SAME SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN CONDUIT ATIACHED TO A BUILDING. 2. THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE MAP SHEETS OF THIS PLAT ARE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE IN THESE EASEMENT PROVISIONS AND NOTES. THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENTS. 3. ALL PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE MAP SHEETS OF THIS PLAT OF THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN ARE HEREBY CONVEYED AND GRANTED TO THE SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING THIS PLAT AND OTHER PROPERTIES WITH WATER AND SEWER SERVICE. ALL WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENTS SHALL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT. 4. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 1-16 AND 33 & 34. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ROOF AND FOOTING DRAIN SYSTEMS WITHIN THE 10' EASEMENT ADJACENT TO AND PARALLEL WITH BURNETT COURT SOUTH AND SOUTH 48TH STREET. SAID LOTS SHALL BE EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE PORTIONS OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS USED IN COMMON WITH NO OWNER BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PORTION THEREOF ABOVE THEIR CONNECTION POINT. 5. THE 10' PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT OVER THE REAR PORTION OF LOTS 6-9 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 5. 6, & 8-10. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 5-10 SHALL BEAR EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT USED IN COMMON, WITH THE EXCEPTION THAT NO OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE FACILITIES ABOVE THEIR CONNECTION POINT. 32 ,TW P . 23 N . , KING COUNTY, RGE. 5E., W.M. WASHINGTON EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES CONT.: 6. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 18, 19 & 28-32. SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ROOF AND FOOTING DRAIN SYSTEMS WITHIN THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ON SAID LOTS. SAID LOTS SHALL BE EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE PORTIONS OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS USED IN COMMON WITH NO OWNER BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PORTION THEREOF ABOVE THEIR CONNECTION POINT. 7. THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER LOT 18 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 17 AND 19. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 17-19 SHALL SHARE IN EQUAL PARTS THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES. 8. THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER LOTS 21 AND 22 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 23 AND 20. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 23 AND 20 SHALL SHARE IN EQUAL PARTS THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. 9. THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT OVER LOTS 25 AND 26 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 24 AND 27. THE OWNERS OF LOTS 24 AND 27 SHALL SHARE IN EQUAL PARTS THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL FACILITIES WITHIN SAID EASEMENT. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. 10. THE OWNER(S) OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON. COVENANTS AND AGREES TO CONVEY THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS. OR OF ANY SUBDIVISION THEREOF. THIS CONVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. 11. A 5' ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT IS HEREBY CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON, THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AS SHOWN HEREON OVER LOTS 5-8. FOR THE MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WETLAND PLANTINGS WITHIN TRACT A, AND MAINTENANCE OF THE FENCE AND WETLAND SIGNAGE ALONG THE BOUNDARY WITH TRACT A. 12. TRACT A IS A NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA. THE NATIVE GROWTH PROTECTION AREA IS FOR PROTECTION OF A WETLAND AND ITS ASSOCIATED BUFFER. THE CREATION OF THE NGPA CONVEYS TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LAND WITHIN THE AREA. THIS INTEREST SHALL BE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESERVING NATIVE VEGETATION FOR THE CONTROL OF SURFACE WATER AND EROSION. VISUAL AND AURAL BUFFERING. AND PROTECTION OF PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE NGPA IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT AND FUTURE OWNERS AND OCCUPIERS OF THE LAND. ENFORCEABLE ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC BY THE CITY OF RENTON. TO LEAVE UNDISTURBED ALL TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION WITHIN THE NGPA. THE VEGETATION WITHIN THE NGPA MAY NOT BE CUT. PRUNED COVERED BY FILL. REMOVED OR DAMAGED WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITIEN PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF RENTON, THE RIGHT OF ENTRY HEREIN SHALL APPLY TO THE AGENTS. OF REPRESENTATIVES AND EMPLOYEES OF THE OWNERS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS OF THE LAND. ADDRESSING BLOCK LOT # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 JOB NO. 04279 SHEET 2 OF 5 HOUSE # ROAD NAME 4703 BURNETT COURT S. 4709 BURNETT COURT S. 4715 BURNETT COURT S. 4721 BURNETT COURT S. 4727 BURNETT COURT S. 4733 BURNETT COURT S. 4739 BURNETT COURT S. 855 S. 48TH STREET 861 S. 48TH STREET 867 S. 48TH STREET 901 S. 48TH STREET 907 S. 48TH STREET 913 S. 48TH STREET 919 S. 48TH STREET 1005 S. 48TH STREET 1011 S. 48TH STREET 920 S. 48TH STREET 926 S. 48TH STREET 932 S. 48TH STREET 910 S. 48TH STREET 914 S. 48TH STREET 902 S. 48TH STREET 906 S. 48TH STREET 874 S. 48TH STREET 880 S. 48TH STREET 866 S. 48TH STREET 870 S. 48TH STREET 1003 S. 47TH STREET 911 S. 47TH STREET 903 S. 47TH STREET 873 S. 47TH STREET 865 S. 47TH STREET 4726 BURNETT COURT S. 4712 BURNETT COURT S. 4706 BURNETT COURT S. 4700 BURNETT COURT S. & PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE. N.E., STE. 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 9807:L MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 < o r :0- G) Zoo&osZ( ODOS-&;7 VOL PG THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN 233/0'13 LUA-05-130-FP LND-10-0411 NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. CITY OF RENTON, DEDICATION/CERTIFICATION: KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND HEREBY PLAnED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT AND DEDICATE/CERTIFY, TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES; ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS AND BLOCKS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF THE STREETS AND AVENUES SHOWN HEREON, AND FURTHER DEDICATE/CERTIFY TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC, ALL EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE, UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS ARE SPECIFICALLY CERTIFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED/CERTIFIED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY DEDICATE/CERTIFY SUCH STREETS AND EASEMENTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. TRACT A (SENSITIVE AREA), IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES FOR SAID TRACT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOA. IN THE EVENT THAT THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEET ITS PROPERTY TAX OBLIGATIONS AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS, THEN EACH LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL ASSUME AND HAVE AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE TRACT PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE HOA AND HAVE THE AnENDANT RESPONSIBILITIES. INITIAL DEVELOPER RESPONSIBILITY FOR NGPA: THE DEVELOPER, RATHER THAN THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, IS TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INITIAL INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND MINIMUM 5 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL WETLAND MITIGATION MONITORING PURSUANT TO THE APPROVED WETLAND MITIGATION PLAN. THE TRANSFER OF RESPONSIBILITY TO THE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION SHALL NOT OCCUR UNTIL THE CITY OF RENTON RELEASES THE DEVELOPER IN WRITING FROM FURTHER MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING UPON THE COMPLETION OF A MINIMUM OF FIVE SUCCESSFUL CONSECUTIVE YEARS OF THE WETLAND MONITORING CONSISTENT WITH THE APPROVED WETLAND MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN. TRACTS B (STORM DRAINAGE/DETENTION), AND 0 (OPEN SPACE) ARE HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES FOR SAID TRACTS WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOA. IN THE EVINT THAT THE HOA IS DISSOLVED OR OTHERWISE FAILS TO MEET ITS PROPERTY TAX OBUGATIONS AS EVIDENCED BY NON-PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES FOR A PERIOD OF EICHTEEN (18) MONTHS, THEN EACH LOT IN THIS PLAT SHALL ASSUME AND HAVE AN EQUAL A~II) UNDIVIDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE TRACTS PREVIOUSLY OWNED BY THE HOA AND HAVE THE AnENDANT RESPONSIBILITIES. TRACT C (ACCESS) IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON ALONG WITH ALL MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. AN EASEMENT FOR WATER MAINS IS HEREBY DEDICATED TO SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT OVER TRACT C. TRACT E IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE OWNERS AND FUTURE OWNERS OF THE PARCEL ABUTIING SAID TRACT ON THE SOUTH. (KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL 3223059170) UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. TRACT F IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE OWNERS AND FUTURE OWNERS OF THE PARCEL ABUnlNG SAID TRACT ON THE SOUTH. (KING COUNTY TAX PARCEL 3223059171) UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT. AN ACCESS EASEMENT OVER TRACT B IS HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBSERVING AND INSPECTING THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FACILITIES WITHIN SAID TRACT TO ASSURE THAT THE OWNER, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, ARE PROPERLY OPERATING AND MAINTAINING SAID FACILITIES PURSUANT TO AN ENGINEERING PLAN APPROVED BY THE CITY OF RENTON FOR THE PROJECT OF "THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN". THE CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT OT ENTER SAID TRACT TO REPAIR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITY IN THE EVENT THE OWNER IS/ARE NEGLIGENT IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE AT THE OWNER'S COST. KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE THE HEREIN BELOW SIGNED OWNERS IF FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE ESTABLISHED "THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN" HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON STATE LAW WHICH IDENTIFIES EACH LOT OF THIS PLAT AS A MEMBER OF SAID HOA. SAID HOA IS SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION Of COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE PLAT OF "THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN" AS DISCLQSED BY INSTRUMENT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER ZQ~~~~i~...oj::L~.1Da. F WE HAVE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. "~L=£;~_-=-_ --a._~ ________ _ for THE RESER EAT STONEHAVEN, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. for STERLING AVINGS BANK, C/O ACTION MORTGAGE DECLARATION OF COVENANT: THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED WITHIN THIS LONG PLAT, IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT TO ACCRUE FROM THIS SUBDIVISION, BY SIGNING HEREON COVENANTS AND HEREBY CONVEYS THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS LONG PLAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURCHASERS OF THE LOTS, OR OF ANY SUBDVISION THEREOF. THE COVENANT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND AS SHOWN ON THIS LONG PLAT. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS STATE OF J..d.L(J.;,..i.:Lw4:kPl---- COUNTY OF ~~aDt1.i.:sJ,.... __ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATlSFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT __ ·Yflil.r.k __ -.5..,-_j)p~#a _______________________ SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT JI]E/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE ---~~jLC-------------------------------------- OF ______ 1HE~~~~~~~T STONEI:!AVE~_LLC _____________ , TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY T OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. ~<V\'~~IO~ F~R~ ~ DA TED __ m..cl.aiL_~-!.~-AtZfl.~------------~ g~~OTARY '\ (j) ~~~::~RpEU~~C ~~~ ______ _ PRINTED NAME~~4. ___ ~ ___ ~eML.if ______ _ TITLE -LlLe:bu..f--------------------------- MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES __ t;!.i!L~-i!..LtJ1 ______ _ 32 , TW P . 23 N . , KING COUNTY, JOB NO. 04279 SHEET 1 OF 5 RGE. 5E., W.M. WASHINGTON CITY OF RENTON APPROVALS CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT EXAMINED AND APPROVED Tr.1IS J..6.!!fDAY OF Mll$tc.ti-_, 2006. _~~~ '21~ __________ _ ADMINISTRATOR! / ~. CITY OF RENTON MAYOR /1'l Yh EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS L1 __ DAY OF JJ_~~~ __ , 2006. M~~~ ------------- CITY OF RENTON 'fit EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS 1:L_ DAY OF _~_, 2006. -~~~~----------CITY CLERK CITY OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THE CITY TREASURER FOR COLLECTION ON ANY PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICATED FOR STREETS, ALLEYS OR OTHER PUBLIC USES ARE PAID IN FULL .J--->;~t.....~-----, 2006. COUNTY APPROVALS KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS 2l~.t DAY OF J::1Q-.J:~~ ___ 2006. __ Ss_ort_ll~~__ ~~ KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR 322305-9096-06 & 322305-9022-05 ACCOUNT NOS. FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CHRISTOPHER SHANE BARNES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT OF THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTLY HEREON; THAT THE MONUMENTS WILL BE SET AND THE LOT CORNERS WILL BE STAKED CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND AS CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THAT I HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PLAniNG REGULATIONS. EXPIRES: RECORDING CERTIFICATE 0----.--.-__ . __ _ ---------------------CHRISTOPHER SHANE BARNES, PLS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR STATE OF WASHINGTON CERTIFICATE NO. 35145 FILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF RENTON THIS _21_ DAY OF _~~~",,-, 2006 AT _-':J.5:.-_ MINUTES PAST ... i..D._11M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME_ 2-D OF PLATS, PAGE(S) __ _ __ ~ ~:z...-, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. ELECTIONS /J . J ~~~N~AG=E=R~-rr4-------~~~~T~Ccffi~ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE, N.E., STE. 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MArLING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 < o r '::0 GJ VOL PG THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN LUA-05-130-FP LND-10-0411 NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. 3 2 ~ TW P . 23 N . , KIf\IG COUNTY, RGE. 5E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON 17 7 21' 21' ..r o,L{) 2 ~<ci <.0 0 --------1 ~..r N 3 @ - 4 5 w It ..... n ~ r 6 a z w 1"")1--__ _ '" - -'f----'\. r (3 z TRACT A TRACT F 7 \ in N 8 PARCEL NO. 3223059183 N 89'2g'1~ E 5-47TH--ST.--546.35' 657.40' N 89'29 13" E 611.58 36 32 31 30 29 28 TRACT B 35 27 24 23 33 25 22 20 19 21 17 18 PRIVA IE DRAINAGE/ACCESS EASEMENT " . "- ------N--S~48th-ST.--N "-___ --~---~~-----~"-~--.------,-----~---1 I " ----+-- 9 10 N 89'37'16" E -r s. LINE. N-.-1---C/'---2,--'-NW1/4, NW 1/4,SW-:7 C.. 1/'4J SEC. 32, TYvP. 23N., RGE. SE. -~ r--u « et:: r-- I 12 "-"-13 , "- 636.95' "- 14 15 /lTRACTI E 16 I V) c:i <D W . C'J <t . <.0 r (3 I z 00 N to Ol S. LINE, N. 72', S. 1/2, NW 1/4, NW~ 1/4, SW 1/4, SEC. 32, TWP. 23N., "-"-"-"-PARCEL NO. @ SE 185th PL. d> 8_ --/''-------@f.A<D RGE. 5E. 6 5 60 0 60 120 180 Scale 1" 60' MERIDIAN: PLAT OF WINDSOR HEIGHTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 173 OF PLATS AT PAGES 28-30, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9504241079, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. EQUIPMENT & PROCEDURES: A 5" ELECTRONIC TOTAL STATION WAS USED FOR THIS FIELD TRAVERSE SURVEY. ACCURACY MEETS OR EXCEEDS W.A.C. 332-130-090. REFERENCES: 1. PLAT OF WINDOS HEIGHTS, RECORDED IN VOLUME 173 OF PLATS AT PAGES 28-30, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9504241079, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. HELD FOR SECTION SUBDIVISION. 2. PLAT OF TALBOT RIDGE, RECORDED IN VOLUME 194 OF PLATS AT PAGES 15-17, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20000404001056, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 3. CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT "LUA-02-045-LLA, RECORDED IN BOOK 154 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 235 & 235A, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 20020823900003, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. LEGEND: EB FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED. S.C.W.S.D. SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT PARCEL NO. 3223059171 L N 89'26'08" W -f-._ .. -- CONTROL LEGEND: <D NORTH 1/4 CORNER OF SEC. 32, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E. POSITION CALCULATED FROM REFERENCE NO.1. SAME POINT AS CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT 1866. NOT VISITED @ NORTHWEST CORNER SEC. 32, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., POSITION CALCULATED FROM REFERENCE NO.2. NOT VISITED. @ FOUND 4"x 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 3/4" PUNCHED BRASS DISC STAMPED "22335" IN CASE. HELD POSITION AS CALCULATED FROM REFERENCE NO.2. (6/05) @) WEST 1/4 CORNER OF SEC. ~)2, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., NOT FOUND. POSITION CALCULATED mOM REFERENCE NO.2. MONUMENT POSSIBLY DESTROYED WITH CONSTRUCTION OF THE PLAT OF "TALBOT RIDGE" ® FOUND 1/2" REBAR WITH CAP "21464' AT CALCULATED POSITION. (6/05) 6 SOUTHWEST CORNER SEC. 32, TWP. 23N., RGE. 5E., MONUMENT NOT FOUND. POSITION CALCULATED FROM REFERENCES 1 & 2. ALSO CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINT NO. 587. CURVE TABLE CURVE I LENGTH I RADIUS C19 140.05 l25.00 DELTA 91'47'29" JOB NO. 04279 SHEET 3 OF 5 3223059170 __ --=60..=.54. 64' _ CONTROL LEGEND: (j) FOUND CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 1/4" DOMED BRASS DISC SET DOWN 0.4' IN CASE APPROXIMATELY 16' SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF MAIN AVE. S. AND SE 192ND ST. MONUMENT IS STAMPED "WPA 17364". MONUMENT IS AT CALCULATED POSITION OF THE SOUTH 1 / 16TH CORNER, PER REFERENCE 1. ® FOUND 4" x 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 3/4" PUNCHED BRASS DISC DOWN 0.4' IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF MAIN AVE. S. AND SE 185TH PL. MONUMENT IS STAMPED "14490". MONUMENT IS 0.25' NORTH AND 0.15' EAST OF CALCULATED POSITION. (6/05) ® FOUND 4" x 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 3/4" PUNCHED BRASS DISC DOWN 0.6' IN CASE AT THE INTERSECTION OF MAIN AVE. S. AND SE 185TH PL. MONUMENT IS STAMPED "14490". MONUMENT IS 0.23' EAST OF CALCULATED POSITION. (6/05) PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS I EXPIRES: 17625 130TH AVE. N.E., STE. 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 < o r iJ G') VOL/PG I 233/ ()<f 7 f THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN LUA-05-130-FP LND-10-0411 I" NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. CITY OF RENTON, 32 , TW P . 23 N . , KING COUNTY, PARC1!:.l NO. 3223059183 In N 546.J5' RGE. 5E., W.M. WASHINGTON --1--N 89'29'13" E ----::.--=----------~1 In N S 47TH ST. c " 7,9 J 611,58' - - - - - -----©-C-..,..5..:"8.~93'".--ol...-....... --~:J~d .. :;9r3·---4I---,.;5"'1'7.."095~--."--. -"""";;©:::---~95~.8~27' ---=-... I------r-~--------------~-- \ I I I I I I~ o 0'1 "..0- g 30 ~ 29 "..0-28 ci d 5,303 SQ. FT. d 5,215 SQ. FT. W vi 5,303 SQ. FT. OJ OJ • 3~ ~ 31 e-:~ ::;;:VJ I VJw WI- ~~ -'-. --lz Fo ( :::Jifj <10> 0 yO::: --lQ... I <{ ;;:1-w::;;: oVJ I~ (7jw ~~ &1 '0« ,10' SEWER ESMT in Zl TRACT B PARCEL NO. 3223059286 24 25 W I 'OW ~UJ TW ~ ,TO S.C.W.S.~ ~ __ , ---" 16,089 SQ. FT. I U ---I ~ N89'29TI' E-.:, ~ _58.~ _ _ _58.93 -1--®_57.~_ )'/',.). ~ --10=l®c!-,---1--~",:,6/,.)O6'" STORM DRAINAGE/DETENTION ---5 ~ .\ " It- 23 Iw I ~ '" ",® 17' SEWER EASEMENT ..> TO S.C.W.S.D. ~v' 1;5>. I I I I I ~,~~I 2 0 ~ R 1 9 /> ~ w:q. 5,598 SQ. FT. V' 6,342 SQ. FT. ~ ~ IOz~ I 5,598 SQ. FT. , I N 88'43'18" W in'-~~~~~--~~ o 69.34' I n OJ N 89'37'16" E {!) I z 1 1 I I ,w 110.04' I I I ~ ~, I N 89'29'13" E "1 8 TRACT D 7,878 SQ. FT. OPEN SPACE 58.93" I 58.93' 0 g I © z 6,658 SQ. FT. _ __ 20' SEWER ESMT -l L -1 "..0-TO S.C.W.S.D. co -....J 10' 10' ~·w N 89'37'16" E ~ 4,565 SQ. FT. 4,565 SQ. FT. 4,568 SQ. FT. I in I ~ I co I ~ r<) I~ I I I© 20' TRACT F ~ CONVEYANCE TRA~T ~ 52.00' o (]l. 52.00' 52.00' 50.00' 636.95' 2.20~ I 30' a (!) ci 0 r') PARCEL NO. 3223059298 ~ ~ b 20 b ~ l ~ ~ I ~ N 89·37;~:E 1 L 12.62• ~ TR'AsC'T 1RAt I S£ 185th PL. I PARCEL NO. 3223059171 CONVEYANCE TRACT PARCEL iVo. 3223059170 40 0 40 80 120 t'--SEE SHEET 3 FOR FOUN~ MONUMENTATION NOTES. Scale 1" == 40' LEGEND: Ee FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED. o SET 1/2" REBAR WITH 1 3/4" ORANGE PLASTICE CAP STAMPED "MEAD GILMAN & ASSOCIATES 29276/32434/35145/36811" SET 4" x 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 5/8" BRASS DISC WITH "x" STAMPED "35145" IN STANDARD KING COUNTY CASE. S.C.W.S.D. SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT * SEE GENERAL NOTE 4 SHEET 2 EASEMENT LEGEND: ® © @ ® ® PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. NO.3, SHEET 2. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2 & 5, SHEET 2. PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2 & 5, SHEET 2. PRIVATE ACCESS, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2 & 8, SHEET 2. PRIVATE ACCESS UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT, AND PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2. 3, 6, & 7, SHEET 2. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT & PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2, 3, & 6, SHEET 2. CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA C13 44.4025.00101'44'50" C11 12.67 121.00 5'59'58" C12 8.64 121.00 4'05'26" C14 34.14 25.00 78'15'10" C15 13.91 79.00 10'05'24" C19 40.05 25.00 91'47'29" C22 11.69 100.00 6'41'42" C23 17.61 100.00 10'05'24" JOB NO, 04279 SHEET 5 OF 5 LINE TABLE LINE I LENGTH I BEARING L3 120.08 !N86'13'34"E PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE, N.E., STE, 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 < o r '-.... '1J C) VOL PG 235/0</&' THE RESERVE AT STONEHAVEN LUA-05-130-FP LND-10-0411 3 2 6 NW1/4, SW1/4, SEC. CITY OF RENTON, 17 32 , TW P . 23 N . , KING COUNTY, RGE. 5E., W.M. WASHINGTON PARCEL NO. 3223059183 SEE SHEET 3 FOR FOUND MONUMENTATION NOTES. \ N 89'29'13" E S 47TH ST. 657.40' 1 7 -++CD+-------:-11-1---=.0'"""4.-' ~ -~ 546.35' TO S.C.W.S.D. ~ r 10' SEWER EASEMEN T I § ~~~~~~-+~~~~~~~~~~-,~~~~--~~~---r------6 . 7 ® 46.78 ® © q w -l------"-\ 1 I t.O 5,258 SQ. FT. I * I I ------l~ --------r---- : 36 I g I ~ ~ 521' 21' r--I 5,277 SQ. FT. -1---5' ~ ~ ~ "I ('" ~ I * 15'-1 ® ~r 3 2 r<') W Z 0:; V) r<') I -I F ~ .... o d OJ 31 5,303 SQ. FT. .... o d OJ 30 ~ ~ ~ N 89'29'13" E 90.04' OJ 5,303 SQ. FT. t------!.~:::...=.~~=---_T_-.~ ~ ~ I I ::J~ I' 35 ' "ON = ~W~ mro G NO I ~ I I ~~S~MCE~TS.D. inU N 89'29'13" E I 90.04' I I 2 I ~ I 4,502 SQ. FT. d U --t-g :;£ CS Ilfllf)' g I ~ lfl, ...... ---..lN..L..::8~94·22,,9'-!,;1 3;::..."-E=----------'~..,.-;::-;;-8-;;9~3r-----.-- - - - -8~: ~I--__ I C J ....5B.,93 F -=c-'- 4,502 SQ. FT. I I N 89'29'13" E (f) w t;:J 1--N I 89'29'1...-=-n-:3 E -1_' 11--l ® r-r. t -t------!.~:::...=.~~=----+--. ~ bJ Uj I, I I ®....J,'--~""-'L_.. 10'-r-,:-"lfJ 90.04' ::;; I --("l T r-5' ~ <-rol ~ N wI 3 ~ ; II 34 ~ ~ 2 7 8.~ 1f)(})C? 24 4,502 SQ. FT. -...J 4,502 SQ. FT. ~, 5,598 SQ. FT.. 5,598 SQ. FT. CD I zOI r C18 f N 89'29'13" E I --110' I . w N , I Lri 0 1 I .... I"} :- I© 0 z C3", N 89'29'13" E 89.99' I I 90.12' w , 0 ...... r<') 0 :-Lri ° OJ z 23 4 33 ..... N 89'29'13" E .... ~--~~-,-~~,-~on~----.------58.93 58.93 4,882 SQ. FT. 25 o N 5,308 SQ. FT. d OJ 22 10' SIDEWALK & UTILITY ESMT. If) I- W W I (j) W W (j) PARCEL C SEE EASEMENT PROVISION/NOTES #1 SHEET 2. . ~ 10,143 SQ. FT. NGPA CLASS 2 FORESTED WETLAND 2.20' 40 0 40 80 120 Seal e 1" 40' LEGEND: e FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT AS NOTED. o SET 1/2" REBAR WITH 1 3/4" ORANGE PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "MEAD GILMAN & ASSOCIATES 29276/32434/35145/36811" SET 4" x 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1 5/8" BRASS DISC WITH "x" STAMPED "35145" IN STANDARD KING COUNTY CASE. S.C.W.S.D. SOOS CREEK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT * SEE GENERAL NOTE 4 SHEET 2 EASEMENT LEGEND: @ PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NO.3, SHEET 2. ® © @ ® @ PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2 & 5, SHEET 2. PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT, PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2 & 5, SHEET 2. PRIVATE ACCESS, UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2, & 9, SHEET 2. PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT & PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NOS. 2, 3, & 6, SHEET 2. PUBLIC WATER EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NO.3, SHEET 2. ACCESS AND FENCE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT. SEE EASEMENT PROVISIONS/NOTES NO. 11, SHEET 2. 141.89' 7 4,505 sq. ft. /v 8 52.89' N 89·3716 E z o (})q ~N . N o " o -I> --I> , :i! N89'37'16"E 48th -260.18T V .-------'>.'1 'jI--:fSv--l ST. T=8.83'~ -------flliSi-·---- ~ S crr-"'-'+---r"...,.,...-~"'--""-"------C""-;;:;V--"""----44.82 20.00' 52.00 C10 10 9 I I 4,566 SQ. FT. 4,506 sq.ft. ---CD -10' SEWER I:-.J I ESMT TO ~ S.C.W.S.D. --5' 52.00' PARCEl NO. 3223059171 o q N N +' -1>, ::;: 4,565 SQ. FT. 10' WATER EASEMENT ~ TO S.C.W.S.D.~ 52.00' 636.95 12 2.20' CURVE TABLE LINE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS C1 40.0.3 25.00 C2 38.51 25.00 C3 4.82 157.00 C4 43.35 157.00 C5 32.04 157.00 C6 43.66 157.00 C7 48.25 157.00 C8 34.01 157.00 C9 37.71 157.00 C10 7.18 157.00 C16 28.42 115.00 C17 151.90 115.00 C18 3.54 115.00 DELTA 91'44'18" 88'15'42" 1'45'26" 15'49'10" 11'41'28" 15'56'01" 17'36'26" 12'24'47" 13'45'44" 2'37'12" 14'09'36" 75'40'47" 1'45'51" JOB NO. 04279 SHEET 4 OF 5 LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 12.10 N39'17'25"W L2 36.37 N23'47'56"E PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 17625 130TH AVE. N.E., STE. 104, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 MAILING ADDRESS, P.O. BOX 289, WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 PHONE: (425) 486-1252 FAX: (425) 486-6108 < o r "--u G')