HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 5818 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5818 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 4-2-115 OF CHAPTER 2, ZONING DISTRICTS — USES AND STANDARDS, SECTION 4-6-060 OF CHAPTER 6, STREET AND UTILITY STANDARDS, SECTION 4-7-090, OF CHAPTER 7, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, AND SECTIONS 4-11-040, 4-11-120, 4- 11-160 AND 4-11-190, OF CHAPTER 11, DEFINITIONS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, BY ADDING REGULATIONS FOR UNIT LOT SUBDIVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS FOR "LOT, UNIT," "PARENT SITE" AND "SUBDIVISION, UNIT LOT," AND AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF "DENSITY, NET." THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Subsection 4-2-115.6.1 of section 4-2-115, Residential Design and Open Space Standards, of Chapter 2, Zoning Districts — Uses and Standards, of Tit�e IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: 1. This Section shall apply to all new dwelling units in the following zones: Resource Conservation (RC), Residential-1 (R-1), Residential-4 (R-4), Residential-6 (R-6), Residential-8 (R-8), Residential-10 (R-10), and Residential-14 (R-14), and Unit Lot Subdivisions within the RMF zone. The standards of the Site Design subsection are required to be addressed at the time of subdivision application. The standards of the Residential Design subsection are required to be addressed at the time of application for building permits. The standards of Residential Design are required to be addressed for the building for which the building permit is being issued. 1 ORDINANCE N0. 5818 SECTION 11. Subsection 4-6-060.K of section 4-6-060, Street Standards, of Chapter 6, Street and Utility Standards, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended to add new regulations for Unit Lot Drives, to read as follows: K.�F�e�ealed b�rd� �7�:r�A �A-�A�4�-UNIT LOT DRIVES: 1. Applicabilitv: Unit lot drives mav be constructed to serve Unit Lot Subdivisions. Each unit lot drive mav serve up to nine (9) unit lots. Each unit lot drive shall be accessed bv a public street. 2. Desi�n Standards: The desi�n of each unit lot drive shall meet the followin�standards: a. Roadwav Width: The paved roadwav shall be a minimum of sixteen feet (16') wide: the Fire Department mav require the paved roadwav to be up to twentv feet (20') wide. b. Curb: Except for points of in�ress/e�ress, curb shall be installed alon�the perimeter of the roadwav. c. Landscapin� Strip and Sidewalk: There shall be an ei�ht-foot f8') wide landscapin� strip between the curb and a five-foot (5') wide sidewalk alon� one (11 side of the unit lot drive. 3. Ownership: The Citv mav elect to have a unit lot drive dedicated as a public roadwav: however, the Citv mav reauire the unit lot drive to be privatelv owned pursuant to RMC 4-7-090.F.6.b. Maintenance of Common Facilities. 2 ORDINANCE N0. 5818 SECTION III. Section 4-7-090 of Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended to add new regulations for Unit Lot Subdivisions, to read as follows: 4-7-090 �^�'�Trr, ev nor, CC'f1 �� �n �nne� UNIT LOT SUBDIVISIONS A. PURPOSE: This Section is intended to allow the creation of unit lots for townhouse development throu�h established subdivision procedures while �enerally onlv applvin� development standards to the parent site as a whole rather than to individual unit lots, as discussed in Subsection E below, Exceptions. B. APPLICABILITY: The provisions of this Section shall onlv applv to the subdivision of land underlvin� existin� or proposed townhouse dwellin� units in the R-10, R-14, and RMF zones. C. PRINCIPLES OF ACCEPTABILITY: 1. Parent Site: The whole parent site shall complv with all development standards as thou�h it were a stand alone lot. 2. Access: The Parent Site shall have direct vehicular access to a public street. Each Unit Lot shall have direct vehicular access to either a public or private roadwav (see RMC 4-6-060.K Unit Lot Drives). 3. Phvsical Characteristics: A proposed subdivision mav be denied because of the presence of flood, inundation, wetland conditions, steep slopes, unstable soils, mineshafts or other unsuitable site characteristics. Construction 3 aRDINANCE NtJ. 5818 of pratective improvements mav be required as a condition of a�rproval. and such improvements shall be noted on the final plat. 4. Oraina�e: Make adequate provisian for draina�e wavs, streets, allevs, other public wavs. water suppiies and sanitarv wastes. D. SCOPE AND PROCE55: 1. Short Subdivision: Unit lot subdivisions of nine (91 or fewer unit lots shall be processed as short subdivisions, and subiect to al! provisions of RMC 47- Q7Q, Detailed Procedures for.Shart Subdivisians, unless otherwise specified bv this Section. 2. Subdivision: Unit lot subdivisians often (101 or mare unit lots shali be processed as subdivisions, and subiect to a1) provisions of RMC 4-7-080, Detailed Procedures for Subdivision, unless otherwise specified by this Section. 3. Site Plan Review: Unit lot subdivisions shall be sub�ect to RMC 4-9- 20Q, Master and Site Plan Review; however. RMC 4-9-200.C.2.b, SEPA Exempt Develot�ment, shall not applv. E. EXCEPTiONS: 1. Residential Devetapment Standards: Individual unit lats are exempt from the followin� standards af RMC 4-2-110.A, Development Standards for Residentia) Zonin� Desi�natians (Primarv and Attached Accessorv Structuresl: maximum net densitv, minimum lot size, minimum lot width, minimum lot depth, vard setbacks. maximum buildin� covera�e, and maximum impervious surface area. � 4 ORDINANCE N0. 5818 2. Landscapin�: Individual unit lots are exempt from the followin� subsections of Section 4-4-070, Landscapin�: a. RMC 4-4-070.F.1. Street Fronta�e Landscapin� Reauired; b. RMC 4-4-070.F.2, Street Trees and Landscaqin� Required Within the Ri�ht-of-Wav on Public Streets; and c. RMC 4-4-070.F.3, Front Yard Trees Reauired When Street Trees Are Not Located Within the Ri�ht-of-Way Abuttin� a Front Yard. 3. Parking: The number of parkin� spaces reauired for attached dwellin�s in the R-10, R-14, and RMF zones pursuant to RMC 4-4-080.F.10.d. Parkin� Spaces Reauired Based on Land Use, mav be avera�ed and dispersed amon� unit lots or within the parent site; however, at least one (1) parkin� space shall be provided within each unit lot. 4. Access: Primarv access for individual unit lots mav be from a qublic alley• 5. Existin� Nonconformin� Townhouse Developments: Le�allv established existin� townhouse developments that are nonconformin� with respect to development standards (e.�., maximum net densitvl shall be considered conformin� for the purpose of this Section and mav be subdivided pursuant to this Section; provided that as conditions of a unit lot subdivision approval the Citv mav require that anv nonconformin� development standard be brou�ht into compliance to the extent feasible, as determined bv the Administrator. 5 ORDINANCE N0. 5818 F. UNIT LOT SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS: 1. Unit Lots: Parent sites developed or proposed to be developed with attached townhouse dwellin�s mav be subdivided into unit lots and the remainder of the parent site shall be platted as one (11 or more tracts. The whole parent site shall meet applicable development standards. Anv private oqen space or private amenities for a dwellin� unit shall be provided on the same unit lot as the dwellin� unit. 2. Sitin� of Unit Lots: Unit lot subdivisions that propose to incorporate one or more Unit Lot Drives (refer to RMC 4-6-060.K, Unit Lot Drives), shall site unit lots as follows: a. For unit lot drives serving six (6) unit lots or less: At least one (1) unit lot shall be situated towards a public street with nothin� other than open space between the public ri�ht-of-wav and the unit lot. b. For unit lot drives serving seven (7) unit lots or more: At least two (2) unit lots shall be situated towards a public street with nothin�other than open space between the public ri�ht-of-wav and the unit lots. 3. Parent Site: Prior to a unit lot subdivision or anv subseauent plattin� actions, additions or modifications to the structure(s), the applicant shall demonstrate that the whole parent site will complv with applicable standards and requirements of Title IV (i.e., the parent site shall be reviewed as thou�h it is a sin�le lot without anv unit lots or tracts withinl. For example, buildin�covera�e of the parent site shall include all qualifvin� structures within the development, 6 QRDINANCE NtJ. 5828 includin� those lacated or praposed ta be located upon individua! unit lots. Portions of the parent site nat subdivided for individual unit lats shaN be platted as a tract and owned in common bv the owners of the individuai unit lats, or bv a homeowners' association com�rised of the owners of the individuai unit iots. 4. Densitv: The densitv af the parent site shall not exceed the maximum net densitv of the zone. Onlv one (1) dwellin� unit shall be located on a unit lot. 5. Desi�n and Open Space Standards: RMC 4-2-115, Residential Design and �t�en St�ace Standards. as applied to the R-1Q and R-14 zanes shal! aoplV to unit lat subdivisions within the RMF zone. Unit lot subdivisions within the RM� shall be exempt fram RMC 4-3-100, Urban Desi�n Re�ulatians. 6. Homeowners'Assaciation and Covenants: a. Covenants and Homeowners' Associatian: Prior to the recardin� of the plat, the aoplicant shall provide final cavenants, declarations and restrictians in a form satisfactorv to the Citv Attornev, and shall record the document with the Kin�Cauntv Recorder. b. Maintenance of Camman FaciEities: Alf comman apen space and facilities. private utili#v infrastructure, exterior buildin� facades and raofs. and other phvsical improvements to the land, as determined bv the Administrator, shall be maintained in �erqetuitv bv the homeawners' association, unless otherwise a�reed to bv the Citv. The cavenants, declarations and restrictions shall provide autnaritv for the Cit�r, after providin� reasonable written notice ta the homeov+rners' association and o�portunitv to perform required maintenance, 7 QRD{NANCE N0. 5818 to recover anv costs incurred bv the Gtv ta maintain private infrastructure or common areas due to a failure of the homeowners' assaciatian to ade�uatelv maintain privatelv owned imqrovements. In arder to ensure that the Ci#y can recover its costs far qerformin� required maintenance, the Citv mav fiie a lien a�ainst the propertV ar accept other aqprapriate securitV a�pproved bv the CitV. 7. Timin�: Site development and buildin� construction mau commence upon approval of a site plan and issuance af a buildin� permit(sl for such construction and prior to fina! subdivision a�proval and recordin� if all appficable permits and approvals have been obtained b�f the appHcant. However, no dweilin� unit or unit lot mav be sold. transferred. occupied ar conveved priar to final subdivision aaproval and recordin�. 8. Recorded Plat: Notes shall be placed on the plat recorded with the Kin�Countv Recorder to acknowled�e the faUowin�: a. The title of the plat shal4 include the phrase "Unit Lot, Subdivision;,, b. Subseauent plattin� actions. additians or modifications to the, structure(s) mav nat create ar increase anv nonconformitv of the parent site as a whoie; and c. The individual unit iots are not se�arate buildin� sites and additional development of the individual unit lots may be limited as a resuft of the applicatian of develanment standards ta the parent site. 8 �RDINANCE N�. 581$ SECTIQN !V. The definition of "Density, Net," ir► section 4-11-040, Definitions D, of Chapter 21, Definitions, of Title IV {pevelapment Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Cade, +s amended as follows: DENSITY, NET: A calculation of the number af housing units and/ar lots that wauld be allowed on a property after critical areas, i.e., very high landslide hazard areas, protected slopes (except evaluate on a case-by-case basis those protected slopes created by previous development�, wetlands, Class 1 ta 4 streams and lakes, or flaodways, and public rights-of-way and IegaNy recorded private access easements are sub#racted from the gross area (gross acres minus streets and criticai areas multiplied by allowable housing units per acre}. Developments meeting the definition of a shopping center are nat required to deduct areas within access easements from the gross site area for the purpase of calculating net density. Required critical area buffers, streams that have been daylighted including restored riparian and aquatic areas, public and private alleys, Unit �ot Drives, and trails, shall not be subtracted from gross acres for the purpose af net density calcuEations. All fractions which result from net density calculations shall be truncated at two (2) numbers past the decimal (e.g., 4,5678 becomes 4.56}. Calcuiations for minimum or maximum density which result in a fraction that is 0.50 or greater shall be rounded up ta the nearest whale number. Those density calculations resulting in a fraction that is less than 0.50 shall be rounded dawn to the nearest whole number. 9 ORDINANCE NO. 5818 .f 1".y ' " e ��'' P• �����,�, •• • • • [; :-}r,:;.�.�;�a�, i�: ;��� = � -= , '.� �. �...r� � y]� i ..� ;rs.. � - :`�,',� e��`^�'". 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Unit: A lot created from the subdivision of a qarent site, throu�h the unit lot subdivision process, exclusivelv for the construction and use of an attached townhouse dwellin�and anv accessorv facilities or private vards. SECTION VI. Section 4-11-160, Definitions P, of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended to add a new definition, in alphabetical order, of"Parent Site," to read as follows: Parent Site: (This definition for RMC 4-7-090, Unit Lot Subdivision, onlv) The a��re�ate of all land (irrespective of existin� or future unit lots, tracts, or other distinct properties) within the boundaries of the ori�inal lot(sl subiect to a unit lot subdivision within which townhouses exist or are proposed, and the land underlvin� the townhouses subdivided so that each townhouse dwellin� unit is located on a unit lot. 10 ORDINANCE N0. 5818 SECTION VII. Section 4-11-190, Definitions S, of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended to add a new definition, in alphabetical order, of"Subdivision, Unit Lot," to read as follows: Subdivision. Unit Lot: A division of land (parent site), for the purpose of sale. lease, or transfer or ownership, underlvin� existin� or proposed attached townhouse dwellin� units that creates a unit lot for each dwellin�, for which one (1) or more boundaries of the individual unit lots coincide with the walls of the townhouse structure which seaarate individual attached townhouse dwellin� units. SECTION VIII. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordnance's title. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of October , 2016. ` /�.i(/�'` �%Z1 J JasonfA. Seth, C�Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this this 17th day of October , 2016. � J �� �� Denis Law, Mayor 11 ORDINANCE NO. 5818 Approved as to form: �J��� V�I`'''"t��— .a•�;eP�„qn.,,�,.,,a.; 4 ��\�,�!\�'�y�.���1`/l�/r ���, \"+ `r , �,, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney :� '=: �� �� ��% Date of Publication: 10/21/2016 (summarv) = � � _ � — ��-� �� :� �s� :� ORD:1930:10/7/16:scr -� • '� �� ,�'� k: ���£r,;t�:;�.�. 12