HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0271 Re�olution of Intention � � � ( � � � ' R E S O L U T I fl N N O. G ` BE IT ORDAINLD BY TH� �ITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF RENTON: 9eetion 1: That it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of North Renton by the constr�action of sewers and sub-se�aer$ therein and to C reate a local improve- ment district herefor, which shall include a$ near a� may be all of the territory which can be sewered or drained thro�+gh �uch trunk sewer, sub-sewers and braneh gewera c�ounea�ed thereto. � �6IN TRtTi�K Beginning at a point on the nor�h margin of First Avenne north which is eight feet east of the ce�ter li�e of Faetory 3treQt; the�ce north 0 deg. 11� 15" west 1540 fee� ta a point eight feet sou th of the center line of �ourth Avenue; thenee south 89 deg. 19t 45" west 564 feet to s point eight feet east of the eenter line o� Garden �venue; thence north 0 aeg. llt 15" we�t 1320 feet �o a point eight �eet south of the eenter line of Sixth Avenue north; thence west 1713 �eet; thence �o�zth 89 deg. 44' wes� 1304 feet to an ontlet in �oYmnercial �daterway �istrict No. .2. SUB-SE�R' 1�0. 1 Beginning at a point whioh is eight feet north of the center line of Thi�d Avenue north aud on the center produced south of the alley in Block 20 Renton Farm Pla�; �hence north thron gh th e cent er of the alle� in Blo ck twenty, Renton Fa�m Plat , to the north margin of FaUrth gvenue North; thence northeasterly through the center of the alley �n Bloek 15, Re�.tc}n Farm Plat ta the north ma�rgin of Fif�th �4e. north; thence north through t�e center " �' �' , � �� � , FEB � 19�� I -------2 . of �he alley in Blaek 14 to an outle� in the propoeed trunk sewer in Si.gth gven�e north, _ . �UB-3E� DTfl� 2� Beginnin� at a point which �.s the interseetion of $ line eight feet nor theast of sad par�llel to the cent�r of First �ven�ae north and the center mf the alley in Bloek 25, Renton Farm Plat producec� south, thence north throUgh t3� eenter of �he alley in Blocks 2�5, 2�, 19, 16 and 13t, Renton Farm Plst �o an outlet in th� proposed trunk sewer in 3i.gth gvenue north. SIT�.=S� N0. 3 , Beginning at a point whieh is the intersection of a line ei�ht feet northe�ast of, and parallel to the center ofl First gve�ue north, a�d the center of the alley in Block 24, Renton Fa�m Plat produced eouth; thence north throvgh t� eenter af Bloc�s 2'�, 2�3, 18, 1'7 and 12, Renton �'arm Plat, to an ou�let in �he praposed trunk sewer in 3igth Avenne North. StB=��''�R N0. 4 Beginning at a point whieh is t he interseetion o� a line eight �eet northeast o�', and pa,rallel to t� center of First �venue north, a��c2 the center of t23e alley in Block 2, Renton Parm Plat, produced south; �henee north through the eenter o� blocks 2, �, &, 9 and 10, Renton Farm Plat to an outlet in the proposed trunk se�rer in Sizth gvenue north. ' SUB=3�'�ft I�O. 5 Beginning a��oin� which is the inters�ction of s line eight feet northe�ret of, and parallel to t�e eenter of Piret �venu e north and a line paral�el to an� feet eas� of the ��st 13n� of 3ar�oriev311e Add�tion; then.ce north on a line - feet east of anct parallel �o the west line� vf 3artorisville thro�gh Bla�eks 6, 5, 4., 3, 2� and 1 to�an outlet in the proposed trunk sewer in Sizth Avenue north. -�----� SUB=SEPIER �0. 6 Beginn3.ng at a point �hieh i� -�he intereeetion of a line eight 3eet north o� and parallel to the center of First Avenue nor�h and the center of the alley �n Block 1, Car �'ork� Addition produaed south, the�.ee north through the eenter of the alley in Bl�ek� 1, 2 and 3 to an outlet in the p�oposed trunk ' sewer in Favr th Bvenue north. SUB.=S�ft 1�0. fi Beginning at a pofnt t��i.ch is the intereectian of a line ei ght fee� narth o� and parallel to the center of First� . Avenue north and the ce�ter of the alle� in Bloek eight prodUeed �outh; thenc� north throngh tYje eenter of Bloc3�s 8, 7 and 6 �ar Works �ddi�ion �o an o�tlet in the proposect ae�rer ia Fourth Avenue narth. s�=s� rro. e Beginning at the nor'�h encl of the alley in Block 4, ' �ar Wor� Addation� thence soUth thrau h tbe center of the alle � � g � � in Bl�ak 4, �ar Works gddition tv auoutlet in the proposed trunk ge�ver in Fourth �venUe north. 3UB�SL�'�€F�Q N4. 9 Beginning at the nor th e�d of the alley in Blo ck 5, Car �tor�s gddition; thence south throUgh the center of �he allep in Bloek 5, �ar �iorks Addition �o an outlet in �he proposec� trunk . se�er in Fovrth gvenue north. :�IIB-3�' N�. 10 Beginning at a point which is on the center o� the ' alley in Block 12�, Car @Porks gddition:prodt�ced east �d ei$ht feet diata�nt from end northwest oi�� the center of xailroad. �venue; thence Re�t through the center of the alley in Block 12, �ar Work� Addition to an outlet in the proposed trunk sewer in Factory Stre�t. . - i i � -------4 SUB=S�� �"0. ll Be�.nnin� at a poin� �hi ch is on the center �f the all�y in Bloe� ll Car t�or� �ddi�ion praduced eas� and eight feet di stant from and north�est of the center of Railroad �venv�; the�ee west throUgh the center of t�ie alley in Bloek 11 �ar �orks �dditian �o an au�let in the propo�ed trunk s�raer �n Factary� Street. SUB-�E�, N4. 12 � Beginning 8t a poin� which is on �he ce�ter of the � � alley in Block 10 Car �orl�s �.dditian produeed eas� and eight �eet I di�sta�nt from and nc�r th�vest of t be center af Railroad �venue; �l�nce west through t� center vf �he a11e�r 3.n Black 14 Car �orl� �.dciit3on to sn autlet in the proposed trunk �e�er 3n Faetary �treet. ��=�`E��Q N4. 13 '� Beginu3.ng at a point which is an t he een�er af �he I al3ey in Blaek 9 �ar l�orks Add�.�iog prod�ced. east an� eight feet distant from and nor�hwest of �he ce�ter of Railro�►d �venUe; thenee w�est �hrough �he cemter of t he alley� in Block 9 �a,r �orks Addition to an autle� in �he proposed trunk �ewer �n Faetory Street. , and doing � ch ather wQrk as may be necessary in cannection there- ' writh, all in aecordance with plans to be prepared b� the Ci�y . � �hgineer. 8eation 2: That al2 persan8 who m� c�esire ta t�b,jeet � �hereta are hereby nQ�ified to ap�ear �d presen� sueh ob�eeti.ons at a meeting of the C3.t�r CoUneil to be held in the Counc2l Chamber� in the Gi�y Hall in the Ci�y of Rentan at 8 P. M. on the 1$�G da,� of �Iareh 1921, which time and plsce is hereb� fixed far hearing sll mat�ers rela�ing �Ga sa.�d pr�pased impra�ement, and all ob�e�- � tions there�o, �nd �'or determini�g the method c►� paymen�G �or said impr ovem�mt. Sectian 3: �hat the �ity ]�gineer shall, in �he manner prov�.dec� b�r law, �Ubmit ta the �ity Covneil, at or prior ,'� �i ------5 to sa�.d date, alI data a�nd inform8tion req�aired by law to be sub- mitted. � Section 4; Tha� the eost and expen.se vf said �im- provement shall be borne by and assessed against �he property liable there�or, as provided by lsw. . Appro�ed this � day o f � ���'"`� 1921. ' � f��� ��.,��-�' B�ayo r. Passed this � day of ,,,� � 1921. , , ' , �ity Clerk. �Jat� of first publication: �� �l,.c�'/'r�^-� -- �.� �ate of see�nd publieation: ' � , �i i � � � � �