HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/10/2011 - Minutes z t � + CfTY OF RENI�ON JUN 2 0 2011 City of Renton CITY C ERK'S OFFICE Board of Park Commissioners —_ - ° C�1O�0� '� Meeting Minutes May 10, 2011 4:30 p.m. — City Hall — 7th floor Conferencing Center CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair, AI Dieckman, called the May 10, 2011, meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. He requested roll call be taken. Members Mike O'Donin and Troy Wigestrand were absent. Cynthia Burns made a motion to excuse Troy and Mike. Larry Reymann seconded the motion, all were in favor, � motion carried. ' Additionally the following staff were in attendance: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betlach, Kelly Beymer, Terry Flatley, Bonnie Rerecich,Jennifer Spencer. Tim Williams, Kris Stimpson, Michael Nolan, Peter Renner I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Cynthia Burns and seconded by Tim Searing to approve the agenda as presented. All were in favor, motion carried, the May 2011 agenda was approved. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Marlene Winter and seconded by Larry Reymann to approve the April minutes as written, all were in favor, motion carried. The minutes were approved as submitted. III. DISCUSSION /ACTION ITEMS Donation for basketball court re-surfacing at Liberty Park-Leslie Betlach Leslie Betlach explained how three professional baske�tball players, who grew up playing at Liberty Park, wanted to give back to the community by resurfacing the basketball court. The players included Jamal Crawford, Brandon Roy, and Will Conroy. Their intent was to resurface the basketball court with "Nike Grind",which is made out of recycled tennis shoes. Their donation would include new hoops and posts and would be valued at approximately ' $100,000. The project is currently on hold but we are hopeful it will happen th'is fall. We have also requested the group's foundation cbntribute to maintenance of the court. Senior Center Remodel �� � Michael Nolan, Facilities Coordinator, explained the upcoming changes to take place in the � City of Renton • � Park Board Minutes � May 10,2011 Page 2 of 3 remodel of the lounge at the Senior Activity Center. The present area was built in 1978, while they hope to keep the feel of the living room they are planning on a complete remodel. They will replace the worn out elements and upgrade the lighting and technology, including the addition of a flat screen TV and entertainment cabinet. New carpet was selected that considered ease of use with wheelchairs and walkers. This project is being funded with the George Ikuda endowment. The project is already out to bid and will start in approximately three weeks and take five to six weeks to complete. There will be a dedication upon completion that the Board will be invited to. Election of Chair 2011 Cynthia Burns made a motion to nominate Larry Reymann as Chair at the end of AI's term, June 15, 2011. Tim Searing seconded the motion. All present were in favor of Larry serving as Chair, motion carried. Recreation Program Update Tim Williams and Kris Stimpson were present to give an update on the upcoming summer schedule and programs. Kris noted Moonlight an' Movies, Fishing Derby, Concert Series,Teen Musical, and the pool opening June 18. This year pass cards are available online. Ivar's will manage the concession stand again at the pool. Staff is making an effort to improve efforts on recycling. Recreation has hired approximately 155 staff for summer, 30 of those will run day camps and the rest will serve as lifeguards. IV. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Introduction Sandy Pilat introduced Jennifer Spencer, Recreation Coordinator. Jennifer is participating in a job shadow exercise Tim Williams, Recreation Director, initiated. Sandy will in turn visit the Community Center to participate in the `graduation' of the pre-school class in June. Updates Terry Higashiyama gave an update on the library and encouraged the Board members to visit the new library in Sammamish to see the new design. She also reviewed the press release regarding the Trail Ranger Program being rolled out during the Share the Trail Event. She explained the volunteers must be 21 years old, undergo a background checks, perform litter pickup, and provide minor first aid as needed. The volunteers will work in pairs and have radios. The Police Department is hiring more cadets who can be of assistance in this area. Safety is very important to the Mayor. We believe the more events and activity in areas,the less crime there will be. Terr noted the Best of y Renton 2011. in the category for Activities. the winner was the Community Center, first runner up was Coulon Beach, second runner up was the Cedar River H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2011ParkBoard\S.l lmin.docx i City of Renton • � � Park Board Minutes May 10, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Trail and third runner up was Henry Moses Aquatic Center. Under the category fitness facility the second runner up was the Senior Activity Center. Terry distributed the SIFF inagazine outlining events and times for the film festival. V. OLD BUSINESS Pro Plan Update Leslie gave an update on the Pro Plan alerting the members a mailing would be going out this week summarizing the visioning workshop. Some statistics that she found surprising were 20%did not want any new facilities and 25%of those surveyed do not recreate. Earth Day Wrap Up Bonnie Rerecich summarized the successful Earth Day/Arbor Day celebration. We had 180 volunteers contributing 720 hours of services that planted 15 trees, 330 shrubs, 100 day lilies, and spread 70 yards of bark. Our sponsors included Sams Club, Olympic Nursery, Cedar Grove Composting and Integrity network. VI. INFORMATION Marlene Winter was asked to forward requests/information on behalf of the Kennydale Nei hborhood Association re ardin L ons Park concernin aint and re air to si ns ate and g g g Y gp p g , g replacement of backboard. VII. ADJOURNMENT Larry Reymann made a motion seconded by Tim Searing to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor, motion carried,the May 10, 2011, meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. ��� r . � � I ;( 6� ���.�cu Signature o e�� � H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2011ParkBoard\S.l lmin.docx