HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract ,' � ' t ��,�C—�Q-042 . � . . T'HE AC�REDITATI4N PR.OGR:AM FOR LAW EN�URCE��NT AGENCIES APPLICA'TION Ft3R REACC:REDITATIUItiT .. . . _ : �� -:_� REACC'REDITAT�ON AGREEMENT . � JUL 0 8 2002 '; i � This Reaccreditation Agreement is entered into between the �i tyo uf Renton. W�cshi naton ^..__. �-- ------� {full name of agency} Pol ice Dept. withprincipal offices at 1n�� �_ r,r��tv ura�, � �ip 98Q55 telephone number{425 i 430-��aa hereafte��rred to as the "Agency," and the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies,Inc., a Maryland Corporation,with prineipal offices at 10306 Eaton Place, Suits 320, Fairfa�c, Vizginia 22430-2241,telephone nztmber(840)36&3757,hereafter referred ta as the"Commission." WIT'NESSETH The Agency and the Commission, �OI 8IIf1 711 CQI1SiC��TAt14II Of�18 IriLttUal COYCIl�I1tS S�t �OTC�I i]S fi,�11S Reaccreditation Agreement and tt3e campensa#ian to be paid ta the Commission as hereafter specified, covenant and agree to be bound by the provisians, terms, and cavenants contained herein, V�THEREFORE,each parly covenants and agrees as follaws: 1. PURP45E OF'T�IIS REACCREDITATYON AGREEMENTc 1.1 The putpose of this Reaccreditation Agreement is to maintain the relationships between,and set the responsibilities af, the parlies of the Reacereditation Agreement by the CORlI111SS10I1�S assessing the Agenay's continuing campliance witb. applicable standards established by the Cominission in order for the Commission to determxne if the Agency is eligible far designation as reaccredited. . 2. AGENCY'S RESP4NS�BII.ITTESt The Agency agrees to: 2.1 Provide all infozmation, documents, fiies, records, and other data as requi:red by the Cammission so far as fihe same may be provided in accordance with Iaws, reguiations, and ordinances of tlie state, cou.nty,Iocality,or municipality in which the Agency is located. 2.2 Fully and accurately respond to all cammunications from the Cammission within ten (10} business days frarn the reeeipt thereof. 3. CONIlVIISSION'S RESPONS1BIi,ITIES:The Cammissian agrees to; . 3.1 Provzde necessary dacumentatic�n,forms,and instcuctians regarding the reaccreditatian process. 3.2 Pravide Assessors for the purpose of conducting an on=site assessment of the Agency's compliance witt�applicable standards. 33 Promptly analyze campliance data and advise the Agency of the results of the on-site assessme�t a�d the need for additianal infam�ation,if any. 3.4 Conduct a hearing and certify the Agency as reaccredited if the relevant s#audards are complied with. 3.5 If the Agency is reaccredited, (a) provide a certificate, and (b} make available indicia of accreditation. . AUGUST 2001 • •Il • � � � 3.6 Tf the Agency is not reaccredited following an examination of compliance with applicable standards,provide the Agency with reasons for the Commission's decision. 3.7 If the agency is participating through a local accreditation program that is allied with the Commission, the Commission will provide the agency with any additional temis or conditions to which it may be entitled, consistent with any current written agreement between the � Commission and the local accreditation program through which the agency is currently participating. 4. TIME PERIOD COVERED BY TffiS REACCREDITATION AGREEMENT: 4.1 This Reaccreditation Agreement shall take effect when the Agency's Chief Executive Officer, or authorized representative, and the Executive Director of the Commission, acting on its behalf,sign the Reaccreditation Agreement. This Reaccreditation Agreement shall be effective upon signing by the second party,the"Effective Date". 4.2 The terms and covenants of this Reaccreditation Agreement shall govein each reaccreditation occurri.ng after the Effective Date and shall only terminate in the following circumstances: (a)Upon the execution of. a written agreement between the Agency and Commission ternunating this Reaccreditarion Agreement; or (b)Upon written notice by the Agency that it withdraws from the reaccreditation process; or (c)Upon ternunation pursuant to Section 5.2, 6.3 or 6.4 hereof; or - (d)Upon expiration or revocation of the Agency's accredited/reaccredited status; or (e)Notwithstanding any other provisions herein, the Agreement shall remain in effect until either party notifies the other of its desire to dissolve the Agreement. 5. MODIFICATION: 5.1 There shall be no modifications of this Reaccreditation Agreement except in writing, signed by both parties, and executed with the same formalities as this document. 5.2 The Agency recognizes and aclaiowledges that it will be necessary for the Commission to make reasonable modifications and amendments to this Reaccreditation Agreement and other related documents, including but not limited to the accreditation standards and procedures thereto and hereby agrees to endorse all modifications and amendments whicli tlie Agency deems reasonable. In the event the Agency deems such modifications or amendments unreasonable, the Cornmission reserves the right to terminate this Reaccreditation Agreement after due consideration thereof by giving notice by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, that in the event the Agency refuses to accept and execute such modifications or amendments,then and in such event,this Reaccreditation Agreement will be terminated. 6. TIME AND MAN1vER OF PAYMENT: . 6.1 The Agency may elect one of three options for payment of the Initial Reaccreditation fee, which is not refundable (except as noted in Subsection 6.3). .The "Initial Reaccreditation" is defined as the first reaccreditation award made under this Reaccreditation Agreement, even if the Agency had been reaccredited under prior agreements. Under option one and two, the Agency remits payment that does not include the on-site assessment charge. On-site assessment charge will be determined by the Commission and billed separately prior to the on- site assessment. Option three includes the estimated on-site assessment charge. Estimated on- site assessment charges are projections of actual assessment expenses. In the event the actual 2 Adm 61-8/Ol , } � � T assessment expenses are mare than the estrma#ed on-site assessment charges collected, the agency will be billed the overage. In ihe event the actual assessment expenses are less than the estimated an-site assessment charges coIlected,the excess amount wili be promptly returned to the agency: Installment gaymen#s include a smali serviaing cost. Instaliments may be prepaid. All reaccreditation fees must be paid'an fiill priar ta requestiug an on•site assessment. - 6.1 {a) Option 1-Single�'ayment(E�ciuding Qn-Site Assessment Charge} Our Agency was accreditedlreaccredited on , 20,�, and is currently authorized full-time emgloyees, including sworn and nonsworn. The Agency will remit to the Cornmission a single payrnent in the lump-sum amount af $ upon the signing of this Agreement by the Agency's Chief Executive Officer na later than the 2Sth month of accreditedlzeaccredited status. The amount of $ is herein rernitted ta the Commission or, Purchase Order No. is herein remitted to the Commission in the amount of$ . ANU The Agency will be billed for the Commi.ssion's projected on•site assessment charge(based on estimated costs), and payment will be required priar to the on-site assessment. 6.1 (b) Option 2-Twa Installments(E$clading On-S�te Assessment Charge) Our Agency was accreditedlreaccredited on November 16 , 2U 01 , and is currently autharized�'fuli-time employees, including �� sworn and 37 nonsworn. The Agency wiil rem�t ta the Com.mission payment in twa in.staliments of$ 7,,q l n.nct each.The first installment is due upon the signing of this Agreement by the Agency's Chief Executive Officer, no Iater than the 13th month of accredited/reaccredited status. The secand installment is payable by the end af the 25th month af accreditedJreaccredited status, The amount of$ �4�0.00 _ is herein remiited to #he Commission or, Purchase thder I�to. pOpp068 is herein remztted to tlae Commzssian in the amount of$2,�IO.00 . � The Agency will be billed for the Cammission's prt�jected an-sita assessment charge(based on estimated costs},and payment wilt he required prior ta the on-site assessment. 6.1 {c) Qption 3 - Three Installments (�stimated Un-Site Assessment Charges Included) Our Agency was accredited/reaccredited ou , 24�, and is currently authorized full-time employees,including swarn and nonsworn. The A.gency will remit to the Cornmission payment in three instauments of$ each. The f�rst installment is due upon the sigxung of this�Agreement by the Agenoy's Chief Executive Officer, The second installment is payable by the end af the 13th manth of ' accreditecUreaccredited status. The third installment is due by the 25th month of aceredited/reaccredited status or prior to the scheduled on-site assessment,whichever occurs first. This aption includes the estimated on-site assessment charge. The amount of $ is herein remitted to the Commissian or, Purchase Order No. is herein remitted to the Commission in the arnount af$ . 3 � •; � `� 6.2. If tl�e Agency's inirial an-site assessment is not successful for any reaccreditation under this Reaccreditation Agreement{i.e.,work after the initial an-site assessment is requzred to achieve compliance with applicable standards),the Agency shall pregay estimated eacpeuses plus a 25°l0 sezvice charge (based an estimated expenses} for a subsequent on-site assessrnent andlar additional staff/assessar assistance required on ar aff-site. The additional wark required must ' be completed within six months, In the event the actual exgenses are rnore than the estimated assessment chazges,the agency will be billed the overage. In the svent the actual assessment expenses are less than the esti�nated assessment charges,the Co�r�nission will proznptly retlun the excess amount#o the Agency. 6.3 Qne rnanth after the ini#ial accredita#ion award, the agency will be billed the �ual Continuation Fee.The Continuation Fee is defined as the Service Charge and estimated On-site Assessment Charge for reaceredita.tion as defined and estirnated in the Invoice attached as part of this Agreement, as adjusted from time to time subject to the limitations cantained in this Sectian 6.3. The Continuation Fee will be billed to the Agency and paid in three {3) annual installments, due by the lst, 13�', and 25�` months fallowing the Iuitial R�accreditation award and each subsequent reaccreditation award thereafter. Any adjustments ta annual Continuation Fees will be made at the beginnulg of each reaccreditation award period. 6.4 The Co�un.ission reserves the right to ternunate this Agreement if any payment required of Agency under this Agreement is delinquent by rnore than sixty(60)days. 7. THE CONIlVIISSION AS AN Il�TDEPENDENT COI�TTRACTOR: 7.1 In all matters pertaining to this Reaccred.itation Agreement, the Com�nission shall be acting as an.independent contractor, and neithex the Commission nor any afficer, ernployee, or agent of the Cammissian wiA be deemed an.emplayee of the Agency. Tb.e selection and designataon of the personnel af the Commission in performance of its responsibilities under this Reaccreditation Agreement shall be made by the Commission. 7.2 In all matters pertaining ta this Reaccreditatian Agreement and fihe relationship between t3ie parties thereto, the Executive Di,reetor of the Commission will act in the name af the Commission. 8.AUTHORITY: � 8.1 The persan signing on behalf af the Agency hereby represents and warrants that ha or she has the power and authori#y to execute this Reaccreditation Agreement and to bind said Agency to all terms and covenants contained herein including, but not limi#ed to, the pravisions af this Section 8. 9. mtTEGRATI41�i: _ 9.1 This instrument embadies the whole Reaccreditatian Agreernent of the parties. The parties warrant that there are no prornises;terms, conditians, or abligations other than thase contained herein. This Reaccreditatian Agreement shall supersede all previous communications, � representations,ar agreements,either verbal or written,between the parties hereto. � 1.0. 5EVERABILITY: 10.1 If an.y provision of this Reaccreditation Agreement or the application of such provision to any person ar circumstance shall be held invalid,�khe remainder af this Reaccreditation Agreement 4 Adm 6i-8l02 , ` '�rr+' """'r and the application af such pravisions ta persans ar circumstances other than those to which it is held innvalid shall not be affected thereby. 11. WARRANTY NOT Il�iTENDED OR Ill�LIED: 11.1It is understood that the Com�rnission's award af accreditation ar reaccreditation does not � constitute�a warranty,exgress ar implied,of total or continued compliance by the Agency with atl applicable standazds of accreditatian and, fizrther, that it is not a substitute for the Agency's , angoing and in-depth monitoring and evaluatian of its activities and the quality of its services. 12. WAIVI�R: 12,1 Any waiver by the Commission or any breach of this ReacereditatiQn Agreernent by the Agency shall relate only to that particular breach and shall not amowat to a ger�eral waiver. 13, NOTICE; I3.1 Any notice between the parties shall be in writing and sent postage prepaid to the addresses as specified in the preamble of.thi.s Reaccreditation Agreement ar to such other address as either pariy may specify in writing in accordance with this section. 14. HE�.,DlNG5: 14.1 The headings of tlus Reaccreditation Agreement shall nat be deemed part of it and shall not in any way affect its construction. I5. CONSENT TO BE BOUND: 15.1The Agency has read the fallowing documents and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of them,as am�nded from time to time,during the term of this Agreernent: {a)Standards for Law Enforcement Agencies: The Standards Manual af the Law Enforcement Agency Accreditatian 1'mgram,as amended fram tirne to time; (b)A�creditation Fracess.Book, as amended from time to time;and (c)Setf-assessment Manuttt, as amended from time to time. . $ Adm 61-$IQl ` '� ``,,,�,� IN`WITNESS WI3EREOF,The Agency has caused this Agreement to be executed on i���a �Lrt/ V L . _ 'V�2tI18SS: - gy gy /�lll�fi�' U Garry C. Anderson (typed namme} Ghief af Palice (title)* By By (typed name) (tit2e}** IN WI'INESS WI�REOF, the Conunission has caused this Agreement to be executed by the Executive Director of the Commission,acEing on its behalf,on J�,2,2 ,�4�7�..,.. Witness; � The Commission an Accreditation for Law Enforcernent Agencies,Inc. By ��.�c4���T.�t/ B � �1+ Exec ve Director � \ Sylvest-er Daughtry, Jr. *Title af the Agency's Chief Executive Officer. '��`Tifle of the appropriate civil authority in the event such signattue is required ta effect this Agreement.If not xequired,please so nate in tt�is sigaature block b Adm 61-8141