HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Comments_PRE20-000258PREAPPLICATION MEETING FOR Les Schwab; 354 Union Ave NE PRE 20-000258 CITY OF RENTON Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division November 12, 2020 Contact Information: Planner: Angelea Weihs, 425.430.7312, aweihs@rentonwa.gov Public Works Plan Reviewer: Nathan Janders, 425-430-7382, njanders@rentonwa.gov Fire Prevention Reviewer: Corey Thomas, 425.276.9582, cthomas@RentonRFA.org Building Department Reviewer: Rob Shuey, 425.430.7235 Please retain this packet throughout the course of your project as a reference. Consider giving copies of it to any engineers, architects, and contractors who work on the project. You will need to submit a copy of this packet when you apply for land use and/or environmental permits. Pre-screening: When you have the project application ready for submittal, call and schedule an appointment with the project manager to have it pre-screened before formal submittal. The pre-application meeting is informal and non-binding. The comments provided on the proposal are based on the codes and policies in effect at the time of review. The applicant is cautioned that the development regulations are regularly amended and the proposal will be formally reviewed under the regulations in effect at the time of project submittal. The information contained in this summary is subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Planning Director, Development Services Director, Department of Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator and City Council). FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:November 12, 2020 TO:Angelea Weihs, Associate Planner FROM:Corey Thomas, Lead Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT:Les Schwab; 354 Union Ave NE 1. No Comments DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:November 9, 2020 TO:Angelea Weihs, Planner FROM:Nathan Janders, Civil Engineer SUBJECT:Les Schwab #314 354 Union Ave NE PRE20-000258 NOTE: The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary is preliminary and non- binding and may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official City decision-makers. Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. I have completed a preliminary review for the above-referenced proposal located at parcel 5182100010 and 5182100016. The following comments are based on the pre-application submittal made to the City of Renton by the applicant. Water 1. The project is within the City of Renton’s water service area in the Highlands 565 Pressure Zone. 2. The static water pressure is approximately 70 psi at ground elevation of 404 feet. 3. There is an existing 8-inch water main located on parcel 5182100013 that can deliver a maximum flow capacity of 1,250 GPM (see water plan no. W-061601). 4. There is an existing 16-inch water main located in Union Ave NE that can deliver a maximum flow capacity of 5,700 GPM (see water plan no. W-024502). 5. There is an existing 1.5-inch domestic water meter (facility ID number MTR-013085) serving the existing property. 6. There is an existing DCVA on site for the domestic supply. The DCVA does not need to be upgraded at this time. 7. There is an existing 8-inch fire service with DCDA for the building (see water plan no. W-091201). The latest test failed inspection. It will need to be repaired and re-tested with test records provided to the City. 8. Based on the information provided with the pre-application submittal documents, the following developer’s installed water main improvements will be required to provide domestic and fire protection service to the development including but not limited to the items that follow. The sizing of the meter and of the private service line to the building shall be in accordance with the most recent edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. If the size required is a 1.5” then the existing service line and meter may be re-used. If a new service line is to be installed, a minimum 1-inch domestic water service is required for the building. Both the service and meter will be installed by City forces and a water meter permit is required. If a new service is installed, the existing service shall be cut, capped and abandoned. If a new service is installed a reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly (RPBA) is required for water meters for retail, commercial, industrial water use. The RPBA shall be installed inside an above-ground heated enclosure per City standard plan no. 350.2. The RPBA may be located inside the building if a drainage outlet for the relief valve is provided and the location is pre-approved by the City Plan Reviewer and City Water Utility Department. Installation of off-site and on-site fire hydrants. The location and number of hydrants will be determined by the RRFA based on the final fire flow demand and final site plan. 9. A conceptual utility plan will be required as part of the land use application for the subject development. 10. The development is subject to applicable water system development charges (SDC’s) and meter installation fees based on the number and size of the meters for domestic uses and for fire sprinkler use. The development is also subject to fees for water connections, cut and caps, and purity tests. Current fees can be found in the 2019 Development Fees Document on the City’s website. Fees will be charged based on the rate at the time of construction permit issuance. The SDC fee for water is based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. The current water fee is $22,000 for a 1.5-inch service and $35,200 for a 2-inch service. Water service installation charges for each proposed domestic water service is applicable. Water Service installation is $4,735.00 per 2-inch service line. Drop-in meter fee is $950.00 per 2-inch meter. A credit will be applied to the existing service if abandoned. The full fee schedule can be found at: https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/1/edoc/1059222/2017- 2018%20Fee%20Schedule.pdf Sanitary Sewer 1. The project is within the City of Renton’s sanitary sewer service area. 2. There is an 8-inch gravity wastewater main located in Union Ave NE (see record drawing S-015201). 3. There is an existing 6-inch PVC sewer stub serving the property. The stub can be CCTV’d and if found acceptable to the sewer department may be re-used and may require lining. All new sewer stubs shall conform to the standards in RMC 4-6-040 and City of Renton Standard Details. 4. An oil/water separator (OWS) is required. The existing OWS shall be verified for size per the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and if found acceptable may be re-used. a. As builts indicate that the sanitary sewer from the building is routed through the OWS. The existing building sewer shall connect to the side sewer downstream of the OWS and all maintenance bays/warehouse spaces shall be routed to the trap. 5. A conceptual utility plan will be required as part of the land use application for the project. 6. The development is subject to a wastewater system development charge (SDC) fee if there is an increase in size to the existing water services or if new services are proposed. SDC fee for sewer is based on the size of the new or upsized water meters to serve the project. Current fees can be found in the 2020 Development Fees Document on the City’s website. Fees will be charged based on the rate at the time of construction permit issuance. The current sewer fee for is $17,000 per 1-1/2 inch meter and $27,200 per 2-inch meter. Credit for the existing sewer service based on the size of the existing water services will be applied to any increase or addition of new water meters. Final determination of applicable fees will be made after the water meter size has been determined. The full fee schedule can be found at: https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/1/edoc/1059222/2017-2018%20Fee%20Schedule.pdf 7. The East Renton Interceptor Special Assessment District (SAD) is applicable on the project. The SAD has reached it’s maximum assessment and is 0.97 $/SF for commercial properties. Fees are due at the time of construction permit issuance. Surface Water 1. There is an existing private on site conveyance system serving the property (see tecord drawing R- 346212). 2. Drainage plans and a drainage report complying with the adopted 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual may be required. Refer to Figure 1.1.2.A – Flow Chart of the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM) to determine what type of drainage review is required for this site. The site falls within the City’s Flow Control Duration Standard – Matching Forested. The site falls within the Lower Cedar River drainage basin. 3. The current Surface Water Standard Plans shall be used in all drainage plan submittals. The current City of Renton Standard Details are available online in the City of Renton website https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/Browse.aspx?id=990403&dbid=0&repo=CityofRenton 4. Erosion control measures to meet the City requirements shall be provided. 5. The development is subject to a surface water system development charge (SDC) fees. Fees will be charged based on the rate at the time of construction permit issuance. The current SDC fee is $0.72 per square foot of new impervious surface but not less than $1,800. The full fee schedule can be found at: https://edocs.rentonwa.gov/Documents/1/edoc/1059222/2017- 2018%20Fee%20Schedule.pdf Transportation 1. Per City code 4-6-060 frontage improvements are required for new construction or additions in excess of $150,000. If frontage improvements are required, then the following should apply. The proposed development fronts Union Ave NE along the west property line(s). Union Ave NE is classified as a Collector Arterial Road. Existing right-of-way (ROW) width is approximately 60 feet. To meet the City’s complete street standards for Collector Arterial streets, minimum ROW is 94 feet. Dedication of 17 feet of ROW fronting the site will be required. Per City code 4-6-060, half street improvements shall include a pavement width of 57 feet (28.5 feet from centerline), a 0.5-foot curb, an 8-foot planting strip, an 8-foot sidewalk, street trees and storm drainage improvements. However, the adopted Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan includes a modified street section for the portion of Union Ave NE between NE 3rd Court and NE 4th Street. The adopted street section reduces the required pavement width to 44 feet (22 feet from centerline), which includes one 11-ft travel lane in each direction, one 12-ft two- way left turn lane, one 5-ft bike lane in each direction, and no on-street parking. The modified street standard requires a minimum ROW of 81 feet. Half-street improvements shall include a pavement width of 22-feet, as noted above, a 0.5-foot curb, an 8-foot planting strip, an 8- foot sidewalk, street trees and storm drainage improvements. Dedication of 10.5 feet of ROW fronting the site will be required to complete the required half street improvements. Applicant may submit an application to the City requesting a modification of the street frontage improvements to match the modified street section and ROW dedication in lieu of the complete street standards as outlined in City code 4-9-250C5d. 2. Street lighting is not required from a commercial project that consists of less than 5,000 SF. 3. Paving and trench restoration within the City of Renton right of way shall comply with the City’s Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. 4. The City requests that the existing driveways be upgraded to conform with ADA standards. 5. The development is subject to transportation impact fees. Fees will be charged based on the rate at the time of construction permit issuance. The 2020 transportation impact fee is $5.16 per square foot for manufacturing. The current property contains a service building, the applicant will receive a credit for the existing use. General Comments 1. If frontage improvements are required, all existing and proposed utility lines (i.e. electrical, phone, and cable services, etc.) along property frontage or within the site must be underground as outlined in RMC 4-6-090 – UTILITY LINES - UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton inspector. 2. Maximum exposed retaining wall height is 6-ft and shall be setback a minimum of 3-ft from the right- of-way as outlined in RMC 4-4-040 – Fences, Hedges and Retaining Walls. 3. Adequate separation between utilities as well as other features shall be provided in accordance with code requirements. a. 7-ft minimum horizontal and 1-ft vertical separation between storm and other utilities is required with the exception of water lines which require 10-ft horizontal and 1.5-ft vertical. b. The stormwater line should be minimum 5 feet away from any other structure or wall or building. c. Trench of any utility should not be in the zone of influence of the retaining wall or of the building. 4. All construction utility permits for utility and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall confirm to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. Please visit the Development Engineering Forms page for the most up- to-date plan submittal requirements: http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=42473 5. A landscaping plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. Each plan shall be on separate sheets. 6. Fees quoted in this document reflect the fees applicable in the year 2019 only and will be assessed based on the fee that is current at the time of the permit application or issuance, as applicable to the permit type. Please visit www.rentonwa.gov for the current development fee schedule. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:November 12, 2020 TO:Pre-Application File No. 20-000258 FROM:Angelea Weihs, Associate Planner SUBJECT:Les Schwab; 354 Union Ave NE General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available online at https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Renton/. Project Proposal: The project site is located at 354 Union Ave NE on two parcels (parcel numbers 5182100010 and 5182100016). Parcel number 5182100010 is 33,613 square feet and parcel number 5182100016 is 21,124 square feet. The property is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) Zone and Urban Design District D. The site is occupied by an existing 11,860 square foot Les Schwab auto service and retail structure. Currently the shared property line of the two structures goes through the existing structure and divides the parking areas. The applicant is proposing a tenant improvement that includes enclosing the existing service canopy with bays, increasing the existing warehousing, modifying the existing showroom, modifying the existing street-facing entrance, and modifying exterior paint and finishes. No exterior parking or landscaping modifications are proposed. Sensitive and protected slopes, wetlands, and a Type Ns stream are mapped to the west of the subject site, within 60 feet of the property boundary. Current Use: Currently the site is occupied with an 11,860 square foot auto service and retail shop with surface parking. Zoning: The subject property is located in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning classification, Urban Design District D overlay district, and Commercial Mixed Use comprehensive plan designation. No changes to the existing use are proposed. Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-120A, “Development Standards for Commercial Zoning Designations” effective at the time of complete application (noted as “CA standards” herein). Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth – The minimum lot size required in the CA zone is 5,000 square feet. There are no minimum width or depth requirements. Parcel number 5182100010 is 33,613 square feet and parcel Les Schwab November 12, 2020 PRE20-000258 number 5182100016 is 21,124 square feet, both of which exceeds the minimum lot size requirement. No changes are proposed to the existing lot size, width, or depth as a result of this proposal. Lot Coverage – The maximum building coverage permitted in the CA zone is 65% of the lot area or 75% if parking is provided within the building. No changes to building coverage are proposed. Setbacks – Setbacks are the distance between the building and the property line or any private access easement. Setback requirements in the CA zone are as follows: 15-foot minimum front/side yard along a street setback, which may be reduced to 0 feet through the site plan review process; a 20-foot maximum front/side yard along a street setback; and no rear or side yard setbacks, except 15 feet when the site abuts a residential zone. Per aerial photos, the existing front yard setback is approximately 10 feet. Any proposed expansions to the building in the future would be required to comply with the required setback areas. No expansion is proposed with this pre- application submittal. Building Height – The maximum building height permitted in the CA zone is 50 feet. It appears the existing structure is well beneath the 50-foot maximum height. No expansion or changes to building height is proposed with this pre-application submittal. Screening – Screening must be provided for all surface-mounted and roof top utility and mechanical equipment. Any new equipment installed as part of the project must meet the screening requirements in RMC 4-4-095. A site plan or building permit should include elevations and details for the proposed methods of screening. Refuse and Recycling Areas – All new developments for multi-family residences, commercial, industrial and other nonresidential uses shall provide on-site refuse and recyclables deposit areas and collection points for collection of refuse and recyclables. Refuse and recycling areas need to meet the requirements of RMC 4-4-090, “Refuse and Recyclables Standards.” There are general requirements for all uses for location, signage, screening, and setbacks for collection areas and specific requirements. In manufacturing and other nonresidential developments, a minimum of three (3) square feet per every one thousand (1,000) square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for recyclables deposit areas and a minimum of six (6) square feet per one thousand (1,000) square feet of building gross floor area shall be provided for refuse deposit areas. A total minimum area of one hundred (100) square feet shall be provided for recycling and refuse deposit areas. Compliance with this requirement would be verified at the time of formal land use or construction permit application. Building Design Standards – Any exterior modifications such as facade changes, windows, awnings, signage, etc., shall comply with the design requirements of Urban Design District D for the new portion of the structure, sign, or site improvement, per RMC 4-3-100. Please see RMC 4-3-100 for more information specific to Urban Design District D. Landscaping: Compliance with the landscape standards would be required if the addition to the existing building increases the gross square footage of the building by greater than one third or a remodel requires improvements equal to or greater than 50% of the assessed property valuation. Except for critical areas, all portions of the development area not covered by structures, required parking, access, circulation or service areas, must be landscaped with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. Street Frontage Landscaping - The minimum onsite landscape width required along street frontages is 10 feet, with the exception of areas for required walkways and driveways, and shall contain trees, shrubs, and landscaping. Internal Lot Landscaping - Surface parking lots with 15 to 50 stalls shall provide 15 square feet of internal lot landscaping for each parking stall. There shall also be no more than 50 feet between parking stalls and an interior parking lot landscape area and the interior parking lot landscaping dimensions must be at least eight feet (8’) by twelve feet (12’) not including the curb. Perimeter landscaping may not substitute for interior landscaping. Perimeter Parking Lot Landscaping - Surface parking lots shall contain a perimeter landscaping screen at least 10 feet in width measured from the right-of-way (ROW). Within this perimeter screen trees shall be planted at a Les Schwab November 12, 2020 PRE20-000258 minimum of 2-inch caliper at an average rate of 30 lineal feet of street frontage, shrubs at the minimum rate of one per 20 square feet, and groundcover in quantities that will provide at least 90 percent (90%) coverage within 3 years. Please refer to landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) for additional general and specific landscape requirements. A conceptual landscape plan and landscape analysis meeting the requirements in RMC 4-8-120.D.12, shall be submitted at the time of Land Use or Building Permit application submittal. Tree Preservation: If significant trees (greater than 6-inch caliper or 8-caliper inches for alders and cottonwoods) are proposed to be removed, a tree inventory, tree retention plan, arborist report, and tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application as defined in RMC 4-8-120. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 10% of significant trees, and indicate how proposed building footprints would be sited to accommodate preservation of significant trees that would be retained (RMC 4-4-130.H.1.a). When the required number of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a two-inch (2") caliper or an evergreen at least six feet (6') tall, shall be planted at a rate of twelve (12) caliper inches of new trees to replace each protected tree removed. The Administrator may authorize the planting of replacement trees on the site if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that an insufficient number of trees can be retained. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than 20%; significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and significant trees over 60’ in height or greater than 18” caliper. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and other significant non-native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. The Administrator may require an independent review of any land use application that involves tree removal and land clearing at the City's discretion. A formal tree retention worksheet would be required with the land use application. An inventory, retention plan, and arborist report would be required with the application if significant trees are to be removed. Parking – The remodeling of an existing building/structure by more than one-third (1/3) of the area of the building/structure would trigger compliance with parking regulations per RMC 4-4-080. The following ratios would be applicable to the site: Use Square Footage of Use Ratio Required Spaces Vehicle service and repair (large and small vehicles): 11,860 SF (gross area)A minimum and maximum of 2.5 per 1,000 square feet of net floor area. 30 Based on the provided site plan, the subject site has approximately 52 parking spaces. Based on gross area of building, the project requires a total of 30 parking spaces, which exceed parking requirements. It should be noted that the parking regulations specify standard stall dimensions. New surface parking stalls must be a minimum of 9 feet x 20 feet, compact dimensions of 8½ feet x 16 feet, and parallel stall dimensions of 9 feet x 23 feet; compact surface parking spaces shall not account for more than 30 percent of the spaces in the surface parking lots. ADA accessible stalls must be a minimum of 8 feet in width by 20 feet in length, with an adjacent Les Schwab November 12, 2020 PRE20-000258 access aisle of 8 feet in width for van accessible spaces. The appropriate amount of ADA accessible stalls based on the total number of spaces must be provided per RMC 4-4-80.F.8.g. An increase from the maximum number of parking spaces may be granted via the formal modification process (RMC 4-9-250D). The proposal would also be required to provide bicycle parking based on 10 percent of the required number of parking stalls. Bicycle parking shall be provided for secure extended use and shall protect the entire bicycle and its components and accessories from theft and weather. Acceptable examples include bike lockers, bike check-in systems, in-building parking, and limited access fenced areas with weather protection. The development would require a minimum of three (3) bicycle parking spaces. See RMC 4-4-080.F.11.c for bicycle parking standards. The applicant will be required at the time of formal land use or building permit application to provide detailed parking information (i.e. stall and drive aisle dimensions) and calculations of the subject site based on net building area. Access – Driveway widths are limited by the driveway standards, in RMC 4-4080I. Access to the site is proposed via an existing driveway curb cut off of Union Ave NE. Fence: The fence standards for commercial, industrial, and other uses can be found in Section 4-4-040(E). Location and Maximum Height: A maximum of eight (8’) anywhere on the lot provided the fence, retaining wall or hedge does not stand in or in front of any required landscaping or pose a traffic vision hazard. Electric Fence: All electric fences shall be posted with permanent signs a minimum of thirty six (36) square inches in area at intervals of fifteen feet (15’) stating that the fence is electrified. Barbed wire may only be used on top fences at least six feet (6’) high for commercial, industrial, utility and public uses. Critical Areas: Sensitive and protected slopes, wetlands, and a Type Ns stream are mapped to the west of the subject site, within 60 feet of the property boundary. Whenever a proposed development requires a development permit and a geologic hazard is present on the site of the proposed development or on abutting or adjacent sites within fifty feet (50') of the subject site, geotechnical studies by licensed professionals, such as a geotechnical engineer and/or engineering geologist, shall be required. A geotechnical report may be required for your proposal. In addition, a wetland is mapped within 100 feet of the project site. Any proposed work would need to comply with the critical area buffers, unless you are proposing maintenance or repair to existing improvements and no building expansion is proposed. A wetland delineation and report would be required with the building permit application to verify the category of wetland and determine wetland buffer. If temporary impacts are proposed to the wetland or buffer area a preliminary wetland mitigation plan would also be required. A Type Ns stream has been identified off-site to the east. Type Ns streams require a 50-foot buffer with a 15-foot building setback. If work is proposed within the stream buffer, a stream study would be required with the building permit application. If impacts are proposed to the stream or buffer area a preliminary mitigation plan and a supplemental stream study would also be required. The stream buffer and building setback should be shown on the site plan. Environmental Review: The repair, remodeling, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing private structures, facilities or equipment, involving no material expansions or changes in use beyond that previously existing is exempt from SEPA Environmental Review. Les Schwab November 12, 2020 PRE20-000258 Permit Requirements: The proposal would require a Lot Consolidation and a parking modification. The 2021 fee for a Lot Consolidation is 510 dollars, plus a 5% technology fee. The 2021 fee for a modification is $260 dollars, plus a 5% technology fee. In lieu of a lot consolidation, the applicant can also considered a Lot Line adjustment. The 2021 fee for a Lot Line Adjustment is $1090 dollars, plus a 5% technology fee. Detailed information regarding the land use application submittal can be found on the City’s new website by clicking “Land Use Applications” on the Community & Economic Development page, then “All Forms (A to Z).” The City now requires electronic plan submittal for all applications. In addition to the required land use permits, separate construction, building and sign permits would be required. Impact Mitigation Fees: In addition to the applicable building and construction fees, the following impact fees would be required prior to the issuance of building permits: A Transportation Mitigation Fee based on the fee established in the ITE manual would be required. Next Steps: Please contact Angelea Weihs, Associate Planner at aweihs@rentonwa.gov for information regarding parking modification submittal and Lot Consolidation or Lot Line Adjustment prescreen.