HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/14/2020 - MinutesMINUTESCityofRentonBoardofParkCommissionersMeetingTuesday,January14,2020,4:30pmAtRentonCityHall,1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA980571.CALLTOORDERChairTimSearingcalledthemeetingtoorderat4:30pm.MembersPresent:CynthiaBurns,AlDieckman,LarryReymann,TimSearing,ShunTakano,andTrayWigestrandMembersAbsent:MarleneWinterCityStaffPresent:KellyBeymer,CommunityServicesAdministrator;LeslieBetlach,ParksPlanningandNaturalResourcesDirector;andRobertaGraverAdministrativeAssistant2.APPROVALOFAGENDALarryReymannmotionedtoapprovetheagendaaspresented,motionedseconded,allinfavor,motioncarried.3.APPROVALOFMINUTESAlDieckmanmotionedtoapprovetheNovember12,2019minutesaspresented,motionseconded,allinfavor,motioncarried.4.ORALCOMMUNICATIONSIPUBLICCOMMENTSNone.5.DISCUSSION/ACTIONITEMSa.Parks,RecreationandNaturalAreasPlan-AllboardmembersreviewedthedraftplanandvotedviaemailonJanuary17,2020toKellyBeymerinconcurrencetoforwardtherecommendationtocounciltoadopttheParks,RecreationandNaturalAreaPlan.LesliesaidtheParksCommissionrecommendationandthefinalplangoesbeforethePlanningCommissionlaterthiseveningandthentoCouncilonJanuary21,2020.b.ExpulsionOrdinanceandParkRulesandRegulation-(ExpulsionOrdinance:RentonMunicipalCode6-30)KellyreviewedtheExpulsionOrdinancethat’sidentifiedinParkRulesandRegulationsSection10,AUTHORITYTOREMOVEPERSONSINPARKS.RentonPolicehastheauthorityto“trespass”persons,withintheguidelines,fromprivatepropertyandappliesonlytothatlocation.TheordinancewaspassedtogiveRentonPolicetheauthorityto“expel”personsfromcityownedproperty,facilities,parksandtrailsforagivenperiodoftime.Thereisanappealandhearingprocessavailablewhereitmayresultintheexpulsionbeingrevoked,reducedorenforced.Thisordinanceisunderreview.Kellywillfindoutifthepolicesharetheexpulsionswithotheragencies,andreportbacktotheboard.NewsignsaboutnodogsintheparkhavebeenpostedatCoulonParkandwillbecheckedtoseeiftheyareblockedwhencarsareparkedinfrontofthem.6.ADMINISTRATOR’SREPORTa.TheCommunityServicesDepartmentwillbegivingayear-endsummaryreporttocouncilinMarch,andthenwillshareitoutatParkBoardinMarchorApril2020.WheelchairAccessible.AmericanSignLanguage(ASL)interpreteravailableuponrequest.Forthisorotherassistance,pleasecall48hoursinadvance:711(TDD)or425-430-6600(voice). ParksCommissionMeetingJanuary22,2020Page2of2b.Councilwillstartaselectionprocessforthevacantcouncilpositionwhentheapplicationdeadlineclosestoday.CouncilwillreviewapplicationsandforwarduptosixcandidatesforaninterviewattheCommitteeoftheWholeonFebruary3rdc.200MillpropertyUpdate—Staffhasmetwiththedeveloperundercontractforthisproject,andtheyareinfinalnegotiations.Theplantotakedowntheoldcityhailbuildingwillbenosoonerthan2022.Internalbuildingandcelltowerleasesarestillineffectandwillberelocatedbeforedemolition.Moreinformationastotheuseanddevelopmentofthelandandriversidewillprovidedwhenitisavailable.7.OLDBUSINESSa.VandalismatKiwanisPark-ParkMaintenancecrewsrespondtovandalismreportsassoonastheycan.TroysaidthatherecentlysawallegedgangtagsonthefenceonUnionAve.nexttothepark.ParkcommissionersareencouragedtousetheRentonResponds(RR)app,ortheRRlinkonthecitywebsite,orcallthenon-emergencyPolicelinetoreportvandalism,dogsinCoulon,andparkissuestheyencounter.Thepolicenon-emergencylineis425-235-2121.Ifthere’sasafetyissueinvolved,theyareencouragedtocall911.Thecity’scodeenforcementandgraffitiabatementareintouchwiththepoliceregardingreportedissues.8.BOARDCOMMUNICATIONBoardmeetinglocations:Variouscityrecreation/parkfacilitieswillbeconsideredtoholdthemonthlyParksCommissionboardmeeting.Perboardfieldtrips,pendingweather,fieldtripscouldbescheduledforApril,May,June,AugustandSeptemberfor2020.LocationsuggestionswereRCC,GolfCourse,HighlandsNeighborhoodCenter,TiffanyPark,HighlandsLibrary(forprobableJunecompletionofSunsetNeighborhoodPark)andvisittoaparktheboardmembershavenotbeentointhepast.SuggestedtomeetatRCConFeb.1;th9.INFORMATIONa.HomelessResourceEventisheldmonthlyatthedowntownRentonLibrary,potentiallyexpandingtoalternativemonthsbeingheldattheHighlandsLibrary.Scheduletobedeterminedinmonthstocome.Eleventotwelveagencieshaveprovidedresourcesatfoureventstoover200homelessandpre-homelesspeople;thereisawaitinglistofinterestedagenciestoparticipate.b.LaketoSoundTrailRibbonCuttingwillbeFebruary26th,moreinformationcoming.c.Saturday,March7thistheSuburbanFarm&GardenExpoatNorthHighlandsCommunityCenter.U.EastTrailhasanewlogoandonlinebrandingfortherenamedtrail.e.BoardmemberaskedifRentonrecreationisexperiencingthesamecoach/refereeshortagethathasbeenreportedfortheregion.Kellyresponded,“Yes,theyare.”Recreationiscurrentlyperformingacost-recoveryexerciseevaluatingtheirprogrammingandoverallexpenses.Theyarealsoprovidedatrialincentiveprogramtoattractcoachesforyouthbasketball(uncertainofitseffectiveness)andrequireathleticprogramparticipantssignaparent/childcodeofconductagreement.10.ADJOURNMENTLarryReymannmotionedtoadjournat5:42pm;motionseconded,allinfavor,motioncarried.Minutaovedby:Z/i1Recorder:TimSeang,BoardChairDateRobertaGraverNEXTMTG:2/11/2020January22,2020WheelchairAccessible.AmericanSignLanguage(ASL)interpreteravailableuponrequest.Forthisorotherassistance,pleasecall48hoursinadvance:711(TOD)or425-430-6600(voice). From:Kelly Beymer To:"Tim Searing" Cc:Roberta Graver Subject:RE: Park Board meeting today Date:Friday, January 17, 2020 12:39:14 PM Attachments:image001.png Hi Tim, All commissioners responded with a YES in concurrence with staff’s recommendation to move the plan forward to Council for approval. On the rescheduling question: Most preferred the 22nd, except Marlene who is not available. Shun is not available for either date. Please let me know if you would like to move forward with the 22nd, and I’ll have Roberta send out an update. Thanks, Kelly From: Tim Searing <tjsearing@outlook.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 9:05 AM To: Kelly Beymer <Kbeymer@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: Park Board meeting today Hi Kelly. I am good with the staff recommendation on the Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Plan. As you know, I am good with either date but prefer the 22nd. Have you heard from others yet? Tim Searing 206 799-5175 From: Kelly Beymer <Kbeymer@Rentonwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 9:41 AM To: ccjrburns1@msn.com; dawgs49@comcast.net; fulmen8@hotmail.com; marlene@marlenewinter.com; shuntakano@hotmail.com; tjsearing@outlook.com; troywi@hotmail.com Cc: Leslie A Betlach <Lbetlach@Rentonwa.gov>; Cailin Hunsaker <CHunsaker@Rentonwa.gov>; Margaret Beitner <Mbeitner@Rentonwa.gov>; Erica Schmitz <ESchmitz@Rentonwa.gov>; Roberta Graver <RGraver@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Park Board meeting today Importance: High Good morning, Just spoke to Tim and we have decided to cancel the meeting today due to icy roads and the forecast of additional snow. Two items I need you to address via email: Please respond to me only so we don’t create a ‘virtual meeting’. I have attached the Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Plan ppt. - This is exactly the same information you have seen at four (4) previous meetings. 1. Pg. 22 – Staff’s recommendation - need your concurrence so we can forward to council for authorization a. Please respond no later than Thursday, 16th by 5pm. 2. We would like to reschedule the February meeting to either Wednesday the 22nd, or Tuesday the 28th - start time at 4:30 Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions, Kelly Kelly Beymer Community Services Administrator 425-430-6617 PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL AREAS PLANParks CommissionJanuary 14, 2020 PLAN OVERVIEW AND UPDATE PROCESS PLAN OVERVIEW•Provides a physical, policy and funding framework for guiding the City’s decision‐making over a 20‐year planning period•Reflects current community needs and desires•Blueprint for the system: development, expansion, programming and resource management•Grant funding eligibility for 6 years, upon Council adoption and State certificationWhy is the Plan important to the City?3 UPDATE PROCESS 4 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT2  Steering Committee Meetings3  Community Open House events2Staff Workshops6Stakeholder Interviews325Statistically valid survey Respondents623Community Open House Participants634Interactive Online Map Participants197  Inclusive Engagement ParticipantsA comprehensive and inclusive process 1,807+ Community Participants5 COMMUNITY INPUTResults across all engagement methods•Expand and improve natural areas •Increase sports field capacity: quantity and quality•Connect trail systems•Support gathering places•Enhance and diversify play opportunities 6 NEW AND UPDATED COMPONENTSResulting from community engagement and analysis•Natural area evaluation tool•Sports field inventory and condition assessment•Trailhead map and access analysis•Concept plans•Updated cost model•Updated funding strategies7 PLAN OVERVIEWVisionParks, Recreation and Natural Resource Areas provide the opportunity for the community to connect to, participate in, support and encourage a healthy environment and active lifestyle.•Goal A: Filling gaps in service•Goal B: Creating a connected system•Goal C: Building partnerships•Goal D: Creating identity•Goal E: Ensuring a sustainable system•Goal F: Promoting health and community through programming•Goal G: Protecting and conserving natural resourcesVision and goals for parks, recreation and natural areas8 RENTON’S PARK SYSTEM 10COMPONENTS OF RENTON’S PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL AREAS SYSTEM 11OPERATING RENTON’S PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL AREAS SYSTEM ANALYZING ACCESSIdentifying gaps•10 minute walk (1/2 mile)•5 minute walk (1/4 mile) in higher density areas•Evaluated Access to:•Developed Parks•Sports Fields•Natural Areas •Trailheads•Playgrounds•Indoor recreation space12 PLANNING CONTEXT•Supports the Comprehensive Plan•A companion to the Bicycle and Trails Master Plan•Supports and is supported by:•Downtown Civic Core Vision and Action Plan •City Center Community Plan•Benson Hill Community Plan Aligned with other plans13 PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS SYSTEMWIDE RECOMMENDATIONS•Provide Nearby Parks, Recreation Facilities, Programming and Natural Areas•Reinvest In Renton’s Community Assets•Expand And Support Renton’s Professional Parks, Recreation and Facilities Staff•Increase Park and Recreation Capacity and Use15 SYSTEMWIDE RECOMMENDATIONS•Improve Management of Natural Areas •Improve Access to Sports Fields •Increase Recreational Variety •Connect the Park and Natural Area System•Build Partnerships Through Programming16 CONCEPT PLANSTiffany‐Cascade Park17 IMPLEMENTATION HOW WE USE THIS PLAN•Secure property donations•Legislative funding requests•Federal, State and local grant applications•Develop Capital Improvement Plan•Guide partnership agreements•Prioritize capital renovation projects19 PUBLIC DRAFT PLAN REVIEW PUBLIC DRAFT REVIEW PROCESSPublic Draft Plan online for public comment (11/29‐12/13)Planning and Development Committee (1/13/20)•Parks Commission Deliberation and Recommendation (1/14/20)•Planning Commission Deliberation and Recommendation (1/15/20)•Planning and Development Committee (1/27/20)•Council Consideration of Adoption (1/27/20)21 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONStaff recommends:The Parks Commission concur with the staff recommendation to adopt the Parks,Recreation and Natural Areas Plan and that the recommendation be forwarded to the City Council 22 QUESTIONS?Parks CommissionJanuary 14, 2020 CITY OF RENTONPARK RULES and REGULATIONS 2 CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS A. GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. DEFINITIONS a. “Administrator” shall mean the Community Services Administrator or designee. b. “Authorized Personnel” shall include any City of Renton agent, contractor, employee, official, representative, and/or volunteer performing their assigned duties. c. “Park” shall include the following areas: facilities and buildings owned, operated, maintained or managed by the City of Renton; parks, trails, open space areas (a non-developed physical area, including but not limited to natural areas and wetlands); the Maplewood Golf Course; and recreation buildings. Section 2. PRIORITY OF USE Programs and activities scheduled by the Community Services Department will have first priority for use of parks and facilities. Otherwise, use of parks and facilities will be on a “first-come first-served” basis. Section 3. DESIGNEE OF ADMINISTRATOR The authority granted to the Administrator is granted to the Administrator’s designee. Section 4. EXEMPTIONS FROM RULES AND REGULATIONS a. Section B3, Possession of Weapons & Fireworks, does not apply to law enforce- ment personnel or to persons performing authorized duties. b. Section B5, Overweight Vehicles in Parks, does not apply to City of Renton main- tenance vehicles or to authorized or emergency vehicles. c. Section B6, Wildlife Harassment, does not apply to Administrator-authorized wildlife control efforts. d. Section B9, Domestic Animals in Parks, does not apply to law enforcement K-9 officers in the conduct of their official duties or to animals used by independent contractors if required in performance of the contract. e. Section C15, Parking and Moorage, does not apply to park maintenance or law enforce - ment watercraft. f. Section C9, SCUBA Diving, does not apply to Fire Department personnel, persons performing rescue operations, or authorized persons. B. CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS Unless otherwise posted, or approved by the Administrator in writing, it shall be a misde- meanor to do any of the following in a park: Section 1.  POSTING OF SIGNS Use, place or erect any advertising in any park; or to attach any notice bill, poster, sign, wire, rod, or cord to any tree, shrub, railing, post or structure within any park; or to place or erect in any park, a structure of any kind. Section 2.  PARK CLOSING Remain in any park after the posted closing time except when engaged in activities, programs and events scheduled by the Community Ser- vices Department. Section 3.  WEAPONS & FIREWORKS Possess any fireworks, firecracker, torpedo, explosive, air gun, sword, knife, bow and arrow, BB gun, paint ball gun, slingshot, or any other weapon, unless otherwise permitted by federal or state law. PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS Authorized by Ordinance No. 4419. Amended by Ordinance No. 5854, adopted August 7, 2017. CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS 3 Section 4.  SWIMMING AREAS Disobey rules, signs or lifelines designating swimming areas; transmit a false signal or false alarm of drowning; or disobey any posted rules and/or instruction of any lifeguard, facility man- ager, or other authorized Community Services Department employee. Swimming shall be permitted only within the designated swimming areas. Section 5.  OVERWEIGHT VEHICLES IN PARKS Operate or drive any vehicle with a gross weight of over 32,000 pounds or a maximum width of over 102 inches except for places set apart for such purposes by the Administrator and desig- nated by signs. Section 6.  WILDLIFE FEEDING & HARASSMENT Tease, annoy, disturb, molest, catch, injure or kill, throw any stone or missile of any kind at or strike with any stick or weapon, any animal, bird, or fowl in any manner; or to feed any fowl or bird in any park. Section 7  CONCESSIONS, SALES, COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES, DISTRIBUTION & POSTING PAMPHLETS Perform the following activities in a park area: a. Operating a fixed or mobile concession or event or traveling exhibition. b. Soliciting, selling, offering for sale, peddling, hawking, or vending any goods or services. c. Advertising any goods or services other than the direct handing of written advertising to any one person. d. Filming, recording, or photographing for commercial purposes without authorization from the Administrator. e. Conducting classes or organized competi- tions. f. Distributing any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or printed material of any kind in any Community Services buildings. These facilities are not public forums or lim- ited public forums and are designated solely to the specific purposes for which they are dedicated. g. Entering upon, using or traversing any portion of a park for commercial purpose, including fund raising and/or fund solicita- tion. h. Attaching or securing to any vehicle or struc- ture any commercial circular notice, leaflet, pamphlet or printed material of any kind. Section 8.  WATER CRAFT Have, keep or operate any boat, float, raft or other water craft in or upon any bay, lake, slough, river or creek, or to land the same at any point upon the shores of a park except at places set apart for such purposes by the Administrator and so designated by signs. It shall be unlawful to launch a boat or other water craft larger than 10,000 lbs. or longer than 30 feet, at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach boat launch. Section 9.  DOMESTIC ANIMALS IN PARKS Allow or permit any domestic animal, includ- ing service animals, to run at large, or enter any swimming area, pond or fountain. A dog brought into or kept in a park or trail area shall be on a leash not more than six (6) feet in length and under direct control of owner. Exceptions to leash requirements may be made only for approved scheduled events. a. No domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed in any park that permits swimming. Dogs, except for service animals, are not permitted in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Kennydale Beach Park, or the beach at Cedar River Park. b. Any person with a dog or other pet in their possession in any park shall be responsible for both the conduct of the animal and for removal from the park of feces deposited by such animal. The person with the dog or 4 CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS other pet must have in their possession the equipment or supplies required for feces removal. c. No domestic animals, except for service animals, will be allowed at any special event held neither at any park nor in any area in a park posted with signs, unless permission is granted by the Administrator. d. No domestic animals, except for service ani- mals, will be allowed at the Maplewood Golf Course, the Farmer’s Market and Meadow Crest Playground. Section 10.  AUTHORITY TO REMOVE PERSONS IN PARKS Stay in a park when directed to leave by an authorized Community Services Department employee or any police officer. Pursuant to RMC 6-30-2, any person violating these Park Rules and Regulations may be subject to expulsion from all city parks. Section 11.  VANDALISM Remove, destroy, mutilate, deface or tie any material to any structure, monument, statue, vase, fountain, wall fence, railing, vehicle, bench, shrub, tree, fern, plant, flower, lighting system or sprinkling system, or other park property. Section 12.  NOISE RESTRICTIONS Violate any applicable noise restrictions of the RMC 8-7, and in particular the following provi- sions: a. It is unlawful to play car stereos, radios, or portable audio equipment, such as tape or compact disc players or musical instruments so loudly as to interfere with normal con- versations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of 75 feet or more. b. It is unlawful to operate or use any loud- speaker or other mechanical means of amplifying sound in any park without a written permit from the Administrator. Section 13. CONDUCT Use abusive, vile, profane, or obscene language or threats, which interfere with the reasonable use of a park by the general public; engage in acts of violence, including but not limited to fights of any kind, or to act in a violent, threat- ening, intimidating, or hostile manner toward another person whereby such person is put in reasonable fear for his/her safety; jump off of any bridge or structure into a lake, river, creek or other body of water except as permitted in Section 5 in designated swim areas. Section 14. LOST PROPERTY Fail to turn in any property or objects found on any park premises to the park staff or directly to the office of the Police Department at City Hall, Renton, Washington. The article shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable city and state laws. Section 15. INTRODUCTION OF FOREIGN MATTER Construct any structure, wall, fence, footing, drive, walk, steps, or path on park property, or to deposit invasive plants onto park property, or to use or maintain park property as an extension of private property. Section 16. URINATING IN PUBLIC Urinate or defecate in a public place or in a place open to public view, consistent with RMC 6-18-11A4. Section 17. ADDITIONAL VIOLATIONS Violate any state or municipal criminal laws. C. CIVIL INFRACTIONS Unless otherwise posted, or approved by the Administrator, it shall be a civil infraction to do any of the following in a park: Section 1.  ACTIVITIES Practice or play golf, baseball, cricket, soccer, polo, archery, hockey, volleyball, badminton or other games of like character, or to fly a kite, or to hurl, propel, or fly any airborne or other missile, including model airplanes, radio oper- CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS 5 ated airplanes or other flying devices except in places and times set apart for such purposes by the Administrator; erect any inflatable structure, such as ‘bounce houses’, with the exception of city-sponsored events; or access Maplewood Golf Course property for the purpose of ‘hunt- ing’ golf balls, or to remove practice range balls from the Maplewood Golf Course driving range. Section 2.  TRAIL SIGNS Disregard or disobey trail signs. All trail users must obey all posted trail signs. It is not a defense in any proceeding that the trail user did not see the posted sign. Section 3.  MOTORIZED AND NON- MOTORIZED VEHICLES IN PARKS Ride, park or drive any bicycle, tricycle, motor- cycle, motor vehicle, skateboard, rollerblades, roller-skates, land sailing device, scooter, unicy- cles or any other wheeled or similar vehicle, horse or pony on, over, or through any park designated by signage; or use the Renton Skate Park at Liber- ty Park with any device other than a skateboard or in-line skates. This section does not apply to a disabled person using a wheelchair, wheeled prosthetic(s) or other wheeled vehicle. Section 4.  MOTORIZED VEHICLES ON TRAILS Operate any motorized vehicle on City of Renton trails, EXCEPT those vehicles used by Authorized Personnel in the performance of their assigned duties or authorized projects. Section 5.  DISMOUNT ZONES Bicycle operators must dismount their bicycle and remain dismounted in a “Dismount Zone”. Failure to dismount or remain dismounted in a Dismount Zone is a violation of these Rules and Regulations. Failure to see a sign is not a defense. For purposes of these Rules and Regu- lations the Dismount Zones on the Cedar River Trail (Trail) are: a. The Trail between the South East side of the Bronson Way bridge to the North West side of the Logan Avenue Bridge. b. The Trail between North 6th Street and the mouth of the Cedar River at Lake Washing- ton. c. The Pedestrian Bridge under I-405. d. For purposes of this Section C 5 the term “dismount” means: I. The bicycle operator walks on foot alongside the bicycle. II. It is not a dismount if the bicycle opera- tor remains seated on the bicycle seat. III. It is not a dismount if the bicycle oper- ator has either foot on a pedal of the bicycle, whether or not the bicycle is being propelled by the rotation of the front sprocket. Section 6.  SPEEDING ON TRAILS Travel on a trail at a speed in excess of posted speed limits or greater than is reasonable and prudent under the existing conditions or in disregard for actual and potential hazards (such as pedestrians or poor visibility). In every event, speed shall be so controlled as is necessary to avoid colliding with others using the trail. Travel at speeds in excess of 15 miles per hour on any trail shall constitute in evidence a prima facie pre- sumption that the person violated this section. Travel on the Cedar River Trail, i) between 149th Avenue SE and I-405 Termination Point, or ii) between the NW side of Logan Avenue to North 6th Street at speeds in excess of 10 miles per hour shall constitute in evidence a prima facie pre- sumption that the person violated this section. Section 7.  VEHICLE AND BOAT REPAIR IN PARKS Operate, repair or service any motor vehicle, motorcycle or boat on park property, including docks, for the purpose of testing, servicing or repairing. Section 8.  RACING IN PARKS Engage in, conduct or hold any trials or com- petitions for speed, endurance or hill climbing involving any vehicle, watercraft, aircraft, or animal. 6 CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS Section 9.  SCUBA DIVING Scuba diving from park docks or shorelines, or from areas of boat parking or moorage or at the boat ramp at Gene Coulon Park. Section 10.  CAMPING AND OVERNIGHT STAYS IN PARKS Erect a tent or other enclosed shelter or to arrange bedding, or both, on City property; or, park a camp trailer, camper or other vehicle at any time; all except in places and times set apart for such purposes by the Administrator. Section 11.  FIRES AND BARBECUES Build fires except in areas designed and set aside for such purpose by the Administrator; use any portable barbecue over 36 inches in length or less than 30 inches in height over a combustible surface unless said surface is protected by a heat shield or fireproof device placed under the barbecue; or place hot coals onto park grounds or into any trash containers or water bodies. Section 12.  METAL DETECTING Use in any park a device to detect ores or metals, without prior written Administrator approval. Section 13.  GLASS CONTAINERS IN PARKS WITH SWIMMING AREAS  Possess any glass container in any portion of the park or park facility that permits swimming. Section 14. GROUP RALLY/SPECIAL USE PERMIT Conduct any group rally in a park area or desig- nated facilities where such activities will conflict in any way with normal park usage, without prior written Administrator approval. Special permit required. Groups that desire to use City of Renton facilities may be granted Spe- cial Use Permits by the department, but will be subject to a user fee. Where appropriate, special conditions of use shall be established by the Community Services Department and so noted on the Special Use Permits. Section 15. PARKING AND MOORAGE a. Park in an area designated for a particular recreational activity, unless participating in that activity. Vehicles parked in violation of this section may be impounded at owner’s expense. b. Utilize the boat launch without a permit. Boat or watercraft users who are launching at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park with- out an annual permit must pay the posted usage fee. c. Moor any boat or watercraft beyond posted time limits. Watercraft moored in violation of this section may be impounded at the owner’s expense. Section 16. CITY EVENTS Disobey any city-sponsored event park signage that relates to special circumstances for that event. Section 17. ALCOHOL Possess an open container or consume alcoholic beverages except in areas designated by the Administrator and/or Administrator-authorized events. Designated areas are (a) Maplewood Golf Course, when such beverages are purchased and consumed within the concessionaire’s licensed premises; (b) and designated areas of the Renton Community Center and Renton Senior Activity Center facilities as part of a facility rental. All activities shall comply with all Washington State Liquor Control Board requirements. Section 18. SMOKING Smoking tobacco, tobacco byproducts or other smoke-emitting substances within Piazza Park, Gateway Park, the former Big 5 lot, and the north side of the Renton Pavilion Event Center. For purposes of this section, “smoking” is defined as the carrying or smoking of any kind of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, or any other lighted smok- ing equipment. CITY OF RENTON PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS 7 D. LITTERING: Littering is prohibited, pursuant to RCW 70.63.060 (Littering prohibited – Penalties – Litter cleanup restitution payment.) Littering includes throwing or depositing any refuse or other material in any park, except in designated receptacles; taking garbage or refuse generated outside a park to a park for disposal; unlawfully dumping yard waste, litter, or debris in any park; and failing to remove or properly dispose of party decorations, including but not limited to, piñatas, streamers, balloons, or picnic items, such as paper or plastic plates or cups or table coverings. E. PENALTIES Section 1. CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS Those Park Rules and Regulations identified as criminal violations are punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-1 and 6-10-1.F. For enforcement purposes, law enforcement and staff may cite to RMC 2-9-8 or this Park Rules and Regulations pamphlet. Section 2. CIVIL INFRACTIONS Those Park Rules and Regulations identified as civil infractions are punishable pursuant to RMC 1-3-2. For enforcement purposes, law enforce- ment and staff may cite to RMC 2-9-8 or this Park Rules and Regulations pamphlet. F. TRAIL ETIQUETTE 1. ALL USERS: a. Obey all trail signs and regulations. b. Show courtesy for other trail users at all times. c. Keep dogs on leash, maximum length 6 feet. (Dogs are not allowed in Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, Kennydale Beach Park, or the beach at Cedar River Park.)  d. When entering or crossing a trail at an uncontrolled point, yield to traffic already on the trail. e. No group of trail users shall occupy more than half of the trail nor impede the nor- mal movement of trail users. f. Stay to the right except to pass. g. Pass others, going your direction, on the left. Pass with ample separation and do not move back to the right until safely past. h. Use lights at night. 2. PEDESTRIANS: a. Listen for audible signals and allow faster trail users to pass safely. When possible walk to the right. 3. BICYCLISTS: a. Cyclists are required to wear safety hel- mets on all trails in King County. b. Yield to slower and oncoming users. Always give an early audible (voice, bell, horn) warning before passing another trail user, allowing them adequate time to react. c. When possible pass on the left. PARKS, TRAILS, RECREATION FACILITIES and NATURAL AREAS PARKS Burnett Linear Park 502 Burnett Ave S Cascade Park 16165 126th Ave SE Cedar River Dog Park (Off-Leash) 1500 Houser Way S Cedar River Park 1717 Maple Valley Hwy Cedar River Trail Park 1060 Nishiwaki Ln Earlington Park 272 Thomas Ave SW Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 1201 Lk Washington Blvd N Glencoe Park 4440 NE 24th St Heritage Park 233 Union Ave Highlands Park / Neighborhood Center 800 Edmonds Ave NE Jones Park 98 Wells Ave S Kennydale Beach Park 3501 Lk Washington Blvd N Kennydale Lions Park 2428 Aberdeen Ave NE Kiwanis Park 815 Union Ave NE Liberty Park & Skate Park 1101 Bronson Way N Maplewood Park 3400 SE 6th St Maplewood Roadside Park 3201 Maple Valley Hwy North Highlands Park & Neighborhood Center/ Meadow Crest Playground 3000 NE 16th St Philip Arnold Park 720 Jones Ave S Piazza – Gateway Park (Downtown) S 3rd St and Logan & Burnett Ave Riverview Park 2901 Maple Valley Hwy Ron Regis Park 1501 Orcas Ave SE Sit-In Park Mill Ave S at the base of Renton Hill Talbot Hill Reservoir Park 1900 Talbot Rd S Thomas Teasdale Park 601 South 23rd St Tiffany Park 1902 Lake Youngs Way SE Tonkin Park 399 Williams Ave S Veterans Memorial Park Intersection of Main Ave S and S 3rd St Windsor Hill Park 432 Windsor Way NE TRAILS Cedar River Trail From Lk Washington (1060 Nishiwaki Ln) to 149th Ave S (Ron Regis Park) Honey Creek Trail NE 27th St Lake Washington Loop Trail Lk Washington Blvd and NE 44th St May Creek Trail 4260 Lk Washington Blvd Springbrook Trail Begins at Black River Riparian Forest, follows Oakesdale SW to SW 43rd SPECIAL USE FACILITIES Henry Moses Aquatic Center 1719 Maple Valley Hwy Maplewood Golf Course 4050 Maple Valley Hwy Renton Community Center 1715 Maple Valley Hwy Renton History Museum 235 Mill Ave S Renton Senior Activity Center 211 Burnett Ave N NATURAL AREA Black River Riparian Forest Oakesdale SW & Monster Rd To report non-emergencies, please call 425-235-2121. For information call 425-430-6600 or visit rentonwa.gov/parks. Wed., January 15, 2020 10:30am–12:30pm Renton Downtown Library 100 Mill Ave S A city where the lives of all people matter. Renton Village of Hope & the City of Renton present: For information please contact the following individuals: Guy Williams 425-430-6652 • Dr. Linda M. Smith 425-221-1504 Rev. Kacey Hahn 425-226-2420 • Melissa Glenn 425-416-0591 Homeless Community Resource Event For Those Experiencing Homelessness or Near Homelessness URBAN CENTER#5 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead Free Socks Free Backpacks SnacksHousing & Shelter Info