HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/12/2020 - MinutesMINUTES Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners – SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 4:00 pm Video Conference – during Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home Stay Healthy” Order 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Tim Searing called the meeting to order at 4:00pm. Members Present: Cynthia Burns, Al Dieckman, Larry Reymann, Tim Searing, Shun Takano, and Troy Wigestrand, Marlene Winter Staff Present: Kelly Beymer, Community Services Administrator; Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director; Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director, Maryjane Van Cleave, Recreation and Neighborhood Director, Guy Williams, Human Services Manager, and Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS / PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 3. ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT A. Parks & Trails Division Updates: i. Parks are open, but parking lots, playgrounds, most restrooms, sport courts, Liberty Park Skate Park, and picnic shelters remain closed. Kennydale beach gate remains closed. Coulon parking is open. ii. Staff remain healthy. iii. Henry Moses Aquatic Center and swim beaches will remain closed. Signage and possibly fencing will go up if lifeguards are not hired this summer. iv. The Eastside Rail Trail to Coulon is postponed. North and South pedestrian gates remain closed to attempt to contain the number of visitors. v. Cedar River Trail south of the dog park remains closed. There has been geotechnic evaluations on damage from February 2020 flood. Waiting for the OK to open this section. vi. Cedar River Trail Trestle Bridge – repairs started 5/11/2020, trail section will be closed through August with hard closures equipment and detours. vii. Short-staffed at Coulon, so pulling staff from other shops to help at Coulon. B. Parks Planning and Natural Resources Updates: i. Team is busy teleworking. ii. Contract maintenance has been cut in half. Downtown hanging baskets contract has been cancelled. Not all areas were reduced equally. More visible areas were reduced less. iii. City events cancelled this summer – Memorial Day Ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Park, River Days, Return to Renton Car Show, July 4th at Coulon, concerts, movies in parks, etc. Cancelled due to current stay home order, funding and staff limitations. iv. Sunset Neighborhood Park construction continues; playground has been received at the port, the concrete’s been poured, trellis is up; estimated park completion to be July – September 2020. v. Coulon Playground replacement is still in design mode; 2 concept plans available; a community survey is going out for input. Should start construction by November. vi. Staff have applied for a grant for the Coulon Trestle Bridge project. C. Recreation and Neighborhoods Division Updates: i. Division with greatest change in business as all programming has been cancelled. All recreation buildings (and City Hall) remain closed. Senior Activity Center staff are providing drive-up, take home lunches to seniors. 4,600 lunches have been distributed; this was funded by grant and donation funds. ParksCommissionMeetingMay12,2020Page2of2homelunchestoseniors.4,600luncheshavebeendistributed;thiswasfundedbygrantanddonationfunds.ii.Workingoncommunityengagementactivities.ChalkYourWalkwassuccessful.WorkingonVirtualTrivia,andmultipleothersspanningthroughthesummer.iii.Twocommunitysurveysareprovidinghelpfulinformationtounderstandwhatthecommunitywantsandneedsduringthesechallengingtimes.Onefocusedonseniorsandasecondreachingoutto18,000intherecreationsoftwarewithover500responsessofar.iv.Recreationstaffarelookingtocontractwithpartnerstoprovide‘parkactivities’whenit’sfeasiblewiththephasedopenings.v.WatchfortheMemorialDayvirtualactivityoncitywebsite.D.HumanServicesUpdates:i.WorkingwithMaryjaneandEmergencyManagementcoordinatingdonationsandlocalfooddistribution.ii.TheHumanServicesResourceeventatthelibraryispostponed.iii.CenterofHopehasmovedfromtheircityhalllocationtoSt.MatthewsLutheranChurch,andlookingatmovingtotheNorthHighlandsCommunityCenteriv.It’stimeforthebiennialAgencyFundingCycle-$560,000todistribute.HumanServicesAdvisoryCommitteewillreviewapplicationswithstaffandmakearecommendationtocouncilforfundingamountsandrecipients.v.HousingRepairProgramisjustdoingemergencyrepairs.E.GolfCourseUpdates:i.Cannotfunctionwithoutsupplementalstaff,somayorapprovedthehiringofareducednumberofsupplementalstaff.ii.GolfCoursewasclosedfor44days.Staffhavebeenabletocompletemanyprojectsdoneduringtheclosure.iii.HaveheardthatthePGAhasrecognizedthequalityinMaplewood’sresponsetotheCOVID19preventionandmeetingre-openingrequirements.iv.Concessionaireremainsclosed.F.HistoryMuseumUpdates:i.Reducedstafffrom4to1.5fulltimeemployees.ii.Workingonvirtualprojects,training,engagingtheboardandpreparingforopeningwithplexiglassandotherprotectionmeasures.G.RedLionHotel—KingCountyhasplacedapproximately200homelesspeoplethere.Thishashadahugeimpactonpolice,fireanddowntownbusinesses.ThecityisworkingwithKingCountytoworkouttheagreement.H.FacilitiesUpdates:i.Short-staffed;deferringmanycapitalprojects;FamilyFirstCommunityCenterplanstobreakground2021.VolunteerProgramUpdate:Guidelinesforusingvolunteerscoming,notutilizingvolunteersatthistime.4.ADJOURNMENTbyTimSearing—5:l7pmMinutpovedby:7/t;tzO6Recorder:TimSealIng,BoardChoirDoteRobertoGraverWheelchairAccessible.AmericanSignLanguage(ASL)interpreteravailableuponrequest.Forthisorotherassistance,pleasecall48hoursinadvance:711(TDD)or425-430-6600(voice). PARK BOARD –5/12/20 COMMUNITY SERVICES –COVID IMPACTS UPDATE By Divisions: •Will address at a high level Budget impacts with each division •What services we are currently able to provide •Budget impacts moving forward PARKS AND TRAILS DIVISION •Parks and what ‘OPEN’ means •Staffing levels and impacts •Level of service •Beaches •Interim connection from ERC to Coulon –Postponed PARKS PLANNING & NATURAL AREAS DIVISION •Staffing/Teleworking •Grants/Bonds –update on projects •CIP Fund impacts •Contracted work impacts RECREATION AND NEIGHBORHOODS DIVISION •All buildings closed •Staffing impacts •Senior Center Lunches •Canceled events and why •HMAC closure/lifeguards/Beaches •What is being implemented and survey info. MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE •Staffing –operational impacts •Opening requirements •Physical distancing and Maintenance updates •Revenue/Expenses •Concessionaire/operations RENTON HISTORY MUSEUM •Staffing •Revenue Impacts •What does Re-opening look like? HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION •Staffing / level of service •Impacts to Housing Repair •Impacts to staff re: increased homelessness issues •Grant Funding cycle moving forward FACILITIES DIVISION •Staffing Impacts •Capital Projects or 504 Fund projects •Sanitizing and schedule •What does Re-opening look like? QUESTIONS?