HomeMy WebLinkAboutDemolition Permit Application rentonwa.gov/permitservices | permittech@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7215 2/12/2024 | Page 1 of 3 CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT SERVICES DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Application must be filled out completely and signed in order to be submitted for review and acceptance. This application is good for one (1) year from the application acceptance date. A one –time extension of one (1) year can be requested at a cost of half the plan review fee. Once issued, the permit is good for eighteen (18)months from the issue date. A one –time extension of eighteen (18) months can be requested at a cost of half the permit fee. Follow our Electronic File Standards when plan review is required. This application must be a .pdf and included in your submittal. LOCATION AND VALUATION INFORMATION JOB ADDRESS: PARCEL NUMBER: LOT NUMBER: VALUE OF WORK (Fair market value for time + materials): BOEING JOB NUMBER (If applicable): DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT #________________ PROJECT #___________________ LUA #_________________ DEMOLITION TYPE (CHOOSE FROM BELOW) FEES (Public Works disconnection/capping fees are separate): Fees are based on the current construction valuation of the building to be removed, refer to the current City of Renton Fee Schedule. + Add an Additional 5% Technology Surcharge to Calculated Fee. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE BEING DEMOLISHED? Each structure needs its own application. WILL THE DEMOLITION INVOLVE A BUILDING GREATER THAN 4,000 SQ FT? BUILDING INFORMATION CONTACT NUMBERS WATER METER REMOVED OR REMAIN IN PLACE? DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 425-430-7240 SEWER TO BE CAPPED OR REMAIN IN PLACE? SEPTIC SYSTEM? KING COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH 206-477-8050 SEPTIC SYSTEM TO BE FILLED? ELECTRICITY TO BE SHUT OFF AND METER REMOVED? PUGET SOUND ENERGY 888-225-5773 GAS TO BE SHUT OFF AND METER REMOVED? PUGET SOUND ENERGY 888-225-5773 REMOVE FUEL OR OIL TANKS? (Complete a RFA Tank Removal Permit Application) RENTON FIRE AUTHORITY 425-430-7000 FOUNDATION DESTROYED AND REMOVED? All debris to be removed and site to be restored to original condition. rentonwa.gov/permitservices | permittech@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7215 2/12/2024 | Page 2 of 3 DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION  DOING THE WORK AS THE HOMEOWNER. If yes, please fill out the Owner Affidavit form and include it with this document.  A LICENSED CONTRACTOR WILL BE DOING THE WORK. Fill out the portion below. NAME: PHONE: STATE OF WASHINGTON CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE: CITY OF RENTON BUSINESS LICENSE: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS You will need one application per structure. The items below are required at submittal and should follow our Electronic File Standards. 1. A Site Plan showing where the structure being demolished is located on the site. Show tree protection and erosion control measures taken to control any erosion or debris that may leave the property during demolition. 2. A copy of the Asbestos Abatement Report preformed by an approved asbestos remediation company. This application does not give permission to remove any trees on the property. TREES ARE TO BE PROTECTED DURING DEMOLITION. OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER Check to see if Puget Sound Clean Air Agency requires notification prior to proceeding with demolition. If structure to be demolished is over 4,000 sq. ft.—Environmental Checklist is required. Construction debris is to be taken to an approved disposal facility. See King County Solid Waste for information. If you have questions about disposing of asbestos, check with Puget Sound Clean Air Agency PCCCA regarding requirements. The Lot is to be restored to original condition. Please contact Renton Fire Authority astA@skcftc.org regarding their program that may demolish your structure for their fire fighter training purposes. CONTACT INFORMATION (This person will be the sole point of contact for this application) NAME: PHONE: EMAIL: OWNER INFORMATION NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: rentonwa.gov/permitservices | permittech@rentonwa.gov | 425-430-7215 2/12/2024 | Page 3 of 3 DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION I certify that the information on this application furnished by me is true and correct and that the applicable require- ments of the City of Renton will be met. I understand that this application is valid for one year from the application date. If a permit is not issued during this time period, the application will become void. This application does not con- stitute a permit to work. Work is not to commence until the building permit is posted on premises where work is to be performed. Certification is hereby rendered that no work is to be done except as described, and that all work shall conform to applicable codes. Work in public rights-of-way and/or utility easements are not authorized under this ap- plication. Any work done without the benefit of having a building permit issued is subject double the permit fee. Fees to be paid at permit intake. APPLICANT SIGNATURE:___________________________________________________DATE:_____________________ PRINT NAME:______________________________________________________________________________________