HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot CombinationreŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/perŵitceŶter | plaŶŶiŶgcustoŵerserǀice@reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮ9ϰ Ϯ/ϲ/ϮϬϮϯ Page ϭ of Ϯ CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER LOT COMBINATION GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND APPLICATION The Reǀised Code of WashiŶgtoŶ ;RCWͿ SeĐtioŶ ϱϴ.ϭϳ.ϬϰϬ ;ϲͿ alloǁs foƌ alteƌatioŶ ďLJ adjustiŶg the ďouŶdaƌLJ liŶes ;lot ĐoŵďiŶatioŶͿ ďetǁeeŶ ĐoŶtiguous pƌopeƌties pƌoǀided that: •No additioŶal lots, tƌaĐts, oƌ sites aƌe Đƌeated; aŶd •No paƌĐels aƌe estaďlished ǁhiĐh ĐoŶtaiŶ iŶsuffiĐieŶt aƌea aŶd diŵeŶsioŶ oƌ setďaĐks as ƌeƋuiƌed ďLJ zoŶiŶg oƌ otheƌ ƌegulatioŶs. IŶ oƌdeƌ to iŶsuƌe that a Lot CoŵďiŶatioŶ ŵeets these ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts, it ŵust ďe ƌeǀieǁed ďLJ the DepaƌtŵeŶt of CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt. OŶĐe appƌoǀed, it ŵust ďe ƌeĐoƌded ǁith the KiŶg CouŶtLJ ReĐoƌdeƌ’s OffiĐe. REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF A DECLARATION OF LOT COMBINATION ;SEE SAMPLE COPY ATTACHEDͿ ARE AS FOLLOWS ϭ.The DeĐlaƌatioŶ of Lot CoŵďiŶatioŶ doĐuŵeŶt ŵust ĐoŶtaiŶ the Đoŵplete aŶd aĐĐuƌate legal desĐƌiptioŶs, iŶ- ĐludiŶg aŶLJ ƌeĐoƌded easeŵeŶts aloŶg ǁith the paƌĐel Ŷuŵďeƌ;sͿ of the edžistiŶg/oƌigiŶal. WheŶ Đoŵpleted, the doĐuŵeŶt ŵust ĐoŶtaiŶ the Ŷotaƌized aĐkŶoǁledgeŵeŶts aŶd sigŶatuƌes of ALL iŶǀolǀed paƌties; Ϯ.AŶ aĐĐuƌate dƌaǁiŶg of the edžistiŶg/oƌigiŶal aŶd the ƌeǀised/ĐoŵďiŶed paƌĐels, depiĐtiŶg the paƌĐel Ŷuŵďeƌ, the loĐatioŶ of all ƌoads, easeŵeŶts, stƌuĐtuƌes, aŶd otheƌ featuƌes. The dƌaǁiŶg does Ŷot Ŷeed to ŵeet a paƌtiĐulaƌ sĐale, ďut it ŵust ďe legiďle aŶd ĐleaƌlLJ shoǁ pƌopeƌtLJ diŵeŶsioŶs, distaŶĐes fƌoŵ all stƌuĐtuƌes to pƌopeƌtLJ liŶes, aŶd aŶ aƌƌoǁ poiŶtiŶg Ŷoƌth. A Đleaƌ oŶe ;ϭͿ iŶĐh ŵaƌgiŶ shall ďe left oŶ all fouƌ ;ϰͿ sides of the dƌaǁiŶg. DƌaǁiŶgs should Ŷot edžĐeed ϴ ½͟ dž 1ϰ͟ iŶ size. The edžistiŶg/oƌigiŶal lots ŵust ďe laďeled PaƌĐel A, PaƌĐel B, aŶd so oŶ; ϯ.Deeds, deeds of tƌust, oƌ ŵoƌtgage ƌeleases if oǁŶeƌship is ďeiŶg tƌaŶsfeƌƌed; ϰ.͞DeĐlaƌatioŶ of Lot CoŵďiŶatioŶ͟ ŵust ďe ĐleaƌlLJ filled iŶ ǁith daƌk iŶk pƌiŶtiŶg oƌ tLJpiŶg. The doĐuŵeŶt ŵust haǀe edžaĐt State ƌeƋuiƌed ŵaƌgiŶs as folloǁs: ϯ͟ Top MaƌgiŶ, 1͟ oŶ eaĐh Side aŶd Bottoŵ of the page ;LJouƌ ƌe- tuƌŶ addƌess ĐaŶ ďe ǁithiŶ the ϯ͟ top ŵaƌgiŶͿ. All otheƌ sheets ŵust haǀe 1͟ ŵaƌgiŶs oŶ ďoth sides. OŶĐe dƌafted, the oƌigiŶal pƌoposed Lot CoŵďiŶatioŶ doĐuŵeŶts ;iŶĐludiŶg iteŵs ϭ thƌough ϰ aďoǀeͿ shall ďe suď- ŵitted to DepaƌtŵeŶt of CoŵŵuŶitLJ aŶd EĐoŶoŵiĐ DeǀelopŵeŶt aloŶg ǁith aŶLJ appliĐaďle pƌoĐessiŶg fee. IŶ the appliĐatioŶ, ďe suƌe to attaĐh the Ŷaŵe, addƌess, aŶd phoŶe Ŷuŵďeƌ of the peƌsoŶ ǁho should ďe ĐoŶtaĐted ǁheŶ the DeĐlaƌatioŶ of Lot CoŵďiŶatioŶ is ƌeadLJ to ƌeĐoƌd oƌ if a pƌoďleŵ aƌises. WheŶ appƌoǀed, the appliĐaŶts aƌe Ŷotified that theiƌ DeĐlaƌatioŶ of Lot CoŵďiŶatioŶ DoĐuŵeŶts aƌe ƌeadLJ foƌ ƌe- ĐoƌdiŶg ǁith KiŶg CouŶtLJ, aloŶg ǁith ŶeĐessaƌLJ suppoƌtiǀe doĐuŵeŶts suĐh as aŶ edžĐise tadž affidaǀit deed;sͿ, deed ;sͿ of tƌust, oƌ ŵoƌtgage ƌeleases. CAUTION: AppliĐaŶts ŵaLJ ǁish to oďtaiŶ a title ƌepoƌt aŶd haǀe the DeĐlaƌatioŶ ƌeǀieǁed ďLJ a liĐeŶsed laŶd suƌǀeLJ- oƌ aŶd/oƌ title offiĐeƌ to eŶsuƌe that all deeds, legal desĐƌiptioŶs, aŶd ŵaps aƌe ĐoƌƌeĐt aŶd aĐĐuƌate. The aĐĐuƌaĐLJ of the DeĐlaƌatioŶ aŶd the assoĐiated deeds is the ƌespoŶsiďilitLJ of the appliĐaŶt. The CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ assuŵes Ŷo liaďilitLJ foƌ aŶLJ eƌƌoƌs oƌ ĐoŵpliĐatioŶs that aƌise theƌefƌoŵ. reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/perŵitceŶter | plaŶŶiŶgcustoŵerserǀice@reŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-ϳϮ9ϰ Ϯ/ϲ/ϮϬϮϯ Page Ϯ of Ϯ LOT COMBINATION APPLICATION FOR LOT COMBINATION NATURE OF REQUEST: TAXPAYER/OWNER NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: APPLICANT NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: AGENT NAME: PHONE: ADDRESS: PARCEL DATA SITE ADDRESS: PARCEL #: QUARTER SECTION: SECTION: TOWNSHIP: RANGE: RELATED PARCELS: EXISTING ZONING: SHORELINE ENVIRONMENT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All diŵeŶsioŶs ŵust ďe shoǁŶ, total sƋuaƌe footage ŵust ďe shoǁŶ oŶ ƌeǀised lot dƌaǁiŶg. Please list paƌĐel Ŷuŵďeƌs foƌ the oƌigiŶal lots.