HomeMy WebLinkAboutModification of Urban Design RegulationsƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϭ of ϱ CITY OF RENTON Ι PERMIT CENTER URBAN DESIGN REGULATION MODIFICATION PURPOSE A ŵodifiĐatioŶ is a ŵeaŶs ďLJ ǁhiĐh aŶ appliĐaŶt ŵaLJ ƌeƋuest to ŵodifLJ a Code ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶt ǁheŶ theƌe aƌe pƌaĐtiĐal diffiĐulties iŶǀolǀed iŶ ĐaƌƌLJiŶg aŶLJ of the pƌoǀisioŶs of the UƌďaŶ DesigŶ RegulatioŶs ǁheŶ a speĐial iŶdiǀidual ƌeasoŶ ŵakes the stƌiĐt letteƌ of the Code iŵpƌaĐtiĐal. SpeĐial ReƋuiƌeŵeŶts foƌ UƌďaŶ DesigŶ DistƌiĐts ͚A͛ aŶd ͚B͛: ModifiĐatioŶs to the ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts iŶ RMC SeĐtioŶs ϰ-ϯ-ϭϬϬEϮa aŶd Eϯa aƌe liŵited to the folloǁiŶg ĐiƌĐuŵstaŶĐes: ϭ.WheŶ the ďuildiŶg is oƌieŶted to aŶ iŶteƌioƌ ĐouƌtLJaƌd, aŶd the ĐouƌtLJaƌd has a pƌoŵiŶeŶt eŶtƌLJ aŶd ǁalkǁaLJ ĐoŶŶeĐtiŶg diƌeĐtlLJ to the puďliĐ sideǁalk; oƌ Ϯ.WheŶ a ďuildiŶg iŶĐludes aŶ aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal featuƌe that ĐoŶŶeĐts the ďuildiŶg eŶtƌLJ to the puďliĐ sideǁalk; oƌ ϯ.IŶ Đoŵpledžes ǁith seǀeƌal ďuildiŶgs, ǁheŶ the ďuildiŶg is oƌieŶted to aŶ iŶteƌŶal iŶtegƌated ǁalkǁaLJ sLJsteŵ ǁith pƌoŵiŶeŶt ĐoŶŶeĐtioŶs to the puďliĐ sideǁalk;sͿ. FREE CONSULTATION MEETING Pƌioƌ to suďŵittiŶg aŶ appliĐatioŶ, the appliĐaŶt ŵaLJ iŶfoƌŵallLJ disĐuss the pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt ǁith the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ. The PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ ǁill pƌoǀide assistaŶĐe aŶd detailed iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ the CitLJ͛s ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts aŶd staŶdaƌds. AppliĐaŶts ŵaLJ also take this oppoƌtuŶitLJ to ƌeƋuest the ǁaiǀeƌ of the CitLJ͛s tLJpiĐal appliĐatioŶ suďŵittal ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts, ǁhiĐh ŵaLJ Ŷot ďe appliĐaďle to the speĐifiĐ pƌoposal. Foƌ fuƌtheƌ iŶfoƌŵatioŶ oŶ this ŵeetiŶg, see the iŶstƌuĐtioŶ sheet eŶtitled "Suďŵittal ReƋuiƌeŵeŶts: Pƌe-AppliĐatioŶ.͟ COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED IŶ oƌdeƌ to aĐĐept LJouƌ appliĐatioŶ, eaĐh of the Ŷuŵďeƌed iteŵs ŵust ďe suďŵitted at the saŵe tiŵe. If LJou haǀe ƌeĐeiǀed a pƌioƌ ǁƌitteŶ ǁaiǀeƌ of a suďŵittal iteŵ;sͿ duƌiŶg a pƌe-appliĐatioŶ ŵeetiŶg, please pƌoǀide the ǁaiǀeƌ foƌŵ iŶ lieu of aŶLJ suďŵittal iteŵ Ŷot pƌoǀided. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL HOURS AppliĐatioŶs should ďe suďŵitted to DeǀelopŵeŶt SeƌǀiĐes staff at the ϲth flooƌ ĐouŶteƌ of ReŶtoŶ CitLJ Hall, ϭϬϱϱ South GƌadLJ WaLJ, ďetǁeeŶ ϴ:ϬϬ A.M. aŶd ϰ:ϬϬ P.M. MoŶdaLJ thƌough FƌidaLJ. Please Đall LJouƌ assigŶed pƌojeĐt ŵaŶageƌ to sĐhedule aŶ appoiŶtŵeŶt oƌ Đall ;ϰϮϱͿ ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϬϬ to ƌeaĐh the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ. Due to the sĐƌeeŶiŶg tiŵe ƌeƋuiƌed, appliĐatioŶs deliǀeƌed ďLJ ŵesseŶgeƌ ĐaŶŶot ďe aĐĐepted. All PlaŶs aŶd AttaĐhŵeŶts aƌe suďjeĐt to EleĐtƌoŶiĐ File StaŶdaƌds. APPLICATION MATERIALS ϭ. Pƌe-AppliĐatioŶ MeetiŶg SuŵŵaƌLJ: If the appliĐatioŶ ǁas ƌeǀieǁed at a ͞pƌe-appliĐatioŶ ŵeetiŶg.͟ Ϯ. Waiǀeƌ Foƌŵ: If LJou ƌeĐeiǀed a ǁaiǀeƌ foƌŵ duƌiŶg oƌ afteƌ a ͞pƌe-appliĐatioŶ ŵeetiŶg.͟ ϯ. LaŶd Use Peƌŵit Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ Foƌŵ: Please pƌoǀide the COMPLETED CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ͛s Masteƌ AppliĐatioŶ foƌŵ. AppliĐatioŶ ŵust haǀe Ŷotaƌized sigŶatuƌes of ALL ĐuƌƌeŶt pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌs listed oŶ the Title Repoƌt. If the pƌopeƌtLJ oǁŶeƌ is a ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ, the authoƌized ƌepƌeseŶtatiǀe ŵust attaĐh pƌoof of sigŶiŶg authoƌitLJ oŶ ďehalf of the ĐoƌpoƌatioŶ. The legal desĐƌiptioŶ of the pƌopeƌtLJ ŵust ďe attaĐhed to the appliĐatioŶ foƌŵ. ϰ. Fees: The appliĐatioŶ ŵust ďe aĐĐoŵpaŶied ďLJ the ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fee ;see Fee SĐheduleͿ. Please Đall ϰϮϱ- ϰϯϬ-ϳϮϵϰ to ǀeƌifLJ the edžaĐt aŵouŶt ƌeƋuiƌed. CheĐks should ďe ŵade out to the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ aŶd ĐaŶŶot ďe ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page Ϯ of ϱ URBAN DESIGN REGULATION MODIFICATION aĐĐepted foƌ oǀeƌ the total fee aŵouŶt. Cƌedit Đaƌds ŵaLJ also ďe used to paLJ ƌeƋuiƌed appliĐatioŶ fees. Fees aƌe paid at Cashieƌ oŶ the ϭst Flooƌ CitLJ Hall.  ϱ. PƌojeĐt Naƌƌatiǀe: A Đleaƌ aŶd ĐoŶĐise desĐƌiptioŶ aŶd suŵŵaƌLJ of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt, iŶĐludiŶg the folloǁiŶg: a. PƌojeĐt Ŷaŵe, size aŶd loĐatioŶ of site; ď. ZoŶiŶg desigŶatioŶ of the site aŶd adjaĐeŶt pƌopeƌties; Đ. CuƌƌeŶt use of the site; d. SpeĐial site featuƌes ;i.e. ǁetlaŶds, ǁateƌ ďodies, steep slopesͿ; e. Pƌoposed use of the pƌopeƌtLJ aŶd sĐope of the pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt; f. Total estiŵated ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ Đost aŶd estiŵated faiƌ ŵaƌket ǀalue of the pƌoposed pƌojeĐt; g. Estiŵated ƋuaŶtities aŶd tLJpe of ŵateƌials iŶǀolǀed if aŶLJ fill oƌ edžĐaǀatioŶ is pƌoposed; aŶd h. Nuŵďeƌ, tLJpe aŶd size of tƌees to ďe ƌeŵoǀed.  ϲ. JustifiĐatioŶ foƌ the ModifiĐatioŶ ReƋuest: Please pƌoǀide a ǁƌitteŶ justifiĐatioŶ foƌ the ŵodifiĐatioŶ ƌeƋuest. The BuƌdeŶ of pƌoof as to the appƌopƌiateŶess of the appliĐatioŶ lies ǁith the appliĐaŶt. Please suďŵit a ǁƌitteŶ stateŵeŶt addƌessiŶg aŶd justifLJiŶg hoǁ the ŵodifiĐatioŶ ƌeƋuest Đoŵplies ǁith eaĐh of the folloǁiŶg issues to ďe ĐoŶsideƌed ďLJ the AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ: a. The iŶteŶt aŶd puƌpose of the goǀeƌŶiŶg laŶd use desigŶatioŶ of the CoŵpƌeheŶsiǀe PlaŶ is ŵet; ď. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ is iŶ ĐoŶfoƌŵitLJ ǁith the iŶteŶt aŶd puƌpose of the ReŶtoŶ MuŶiĐipal Code; Đ. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ suďstaŶtiallLJ iŵpleŵeŶts the poliĐLJ diƌeĐtioŶ of the poliĐies aŶd oďjeĐtiǀes of the CoŵpƌeheŶsiǀe PlaŶ LaŶd Use EleŵeŶt aŶd the CoŵŵuŶitLJ DesigŶ EleŵeŶt; d. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ is the ŵiŶiŵuŵ adjustŵeŶt ŶeĐessaƌLJ to iŵpleŵeŶt these poliĐies aŶd oďjeĐtiǀes; e. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill ŵeet the oďjeĐtiǀes aŶd safetLJ, fuŶĐtioŶ, appeaƌaŶĐe, eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶtal pƌoteĐtioŶ aŶd ŵaiŶtaiŶaďilitLJ iŶteŶded ďLJ the Code ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts, ďased upoŶ souŶd eŶgiŶeeƌiŶg judgŵeŶt; f. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill Ŷot ďe iŶjuƌious to otheƌ pƌopeƌtLJ;iesͿ iŶ the ǀiĐiŶitLJ; g. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ĐoŶfoƌŵs to the iŶteŶt aŶd puƌpose of the Code; h. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ĐaŶ ďe shoǁŶ to ďe justified aŶd ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ the use aŶd situatioŶ iŶteŶded; i. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill Ŷot Đƌeate adǀeƌse iŵpaĐts to otheƌ pƌopeƌtLJ;iesͿ iŶ the ǀiĐiŶitLJ; j. The pƌojeĐt as a ǁhole ŵeets the iŶteŶt of the ŵiŶiŵuŵ staŶdaƌds aŶd guideliŶes iŶ suďseĐtioŶs E, F, G, H, I, J, aŶd K of the desigŶ ƌegulatioŶs; k. The ƌeƋuested ŵodifiĐatioŶ ŵeets the iŶteŶt of the appliĐaďle desigŶ staŶdaƌd; l. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill Ŷot haǀe a detƌiŵeŶtal effeĐt oŶ ŶeaƌďLJ pƌopeƌties aŶd the CitLJ as a ǁhole; ŵ. The deǀiatioŶ ŵaŶifests high ƋualitLJ desigŶ; aŶd Ŷ. The ŵodifiĐatioŶ ǁill eŶhaŶĐe the pedestƌiaŶ eŶǀiƌoŶŵeŶt oŶ the aďuttiŶg aŶd/oƌ adjaĐeŶt stƌeets aŶd/oƌ pathǁaLJs.  ϳ. Neighďoƌhood Detail Map: A ŵap, dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals oŶe huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" = ϭϬϬ'Ϳ oƌ oŶe iŶĐh eƋuals tǁo huŶdƌed feet ;ϭ" = ϮϬϬ'Ϳ ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶ DiƌeĐtoƌ oƌ desigŶeeͿ. The ŵap shall shoǁ the loĐatioŶ of the suďjeĐt site ƌelatiǀe to the pƌopeƌtLJ ďouŶdaƌies of the suƌƌouŶdiŶg paƌĐels ǁithiŶ appƌodžiŵatelLJ oŶe thousaŶd feet ;ϭ,ϬϬϬ'Ϳ oƌ appƌodžiŵatelLJ tǁo thousaŶd fiǀe huŶdƌed feet ;Ϯ,ϱϬϬ'Ϳ foƌ pƌopeƌties oǀeƌ fiǀe ;ϱͿ aĐƌes aŶd ideŶtifLJiŶg the suďjeĐt site ǁith a daƌkeƌ peƌiŵeteƌ liŶe thaŶ that of suƌƌouŶdiŶg pƌopeƌties. The ŵap shall also shoǁ the pƌopeƌtLJ͛s lot liŶes, edžistiŶg laŶd uses, ďuildiŶg outliŶes, CitLJ ďouŶdaƌies of ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϯ of ϱ URBAN DESIGN REGULATION MODIFICATION the CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ;if appliĐaďleͿ, Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ ;oƌieŶted to the top of the plaŶ sheetͿ, gƌaphiĐ sĐale used foƌ the ŵap, aŶd CitLJ of ReŶtoŶ ;Ŷot KiŶg CouŶtLJͿ stƌeet Ŷaŵes foƌ all stƌeets shoǁŶ. ;Aŵd. Oƌd. ϰϵϲϯ, ϱ-ϭϯ-ϮϬϬϮͿ  Site PlaŶ: Please pƌoǀide a fullLJ-diŵeŶsioŶed plaŶ sheet dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of ϭ"=ϮϬ' ;oƌ otheƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶͿ. We pƌefeƌ the site plaŶ ďe dƌaǁŶ oŶ oŶe sheet of papeƌ uŶless the size of the site ƌeƋuiƌes seǀeƌal plaŶ sheets to ďe used. If LJou aƌe usiŶg ŵoƌe thaŶ a siŶgle plaŶ sheet, please iŶdiĐate ĐoŶŶeĐtiŶg poiŶts oŶ eaĐh sheet. The Site PlaŶ should shoǁ the folloǁiŶg: a. Naŵe of pƌoposed pƌojeĐt; ď. Date, sĐale, aŶd Ŷoƌth aƌƌoǁ ;oƌieŶted to the top of the papeƌ/plaŶ sheetͿ; Đ. DƌaǁiŶg of the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ ǁith all pƌopeƌtLJ liŶes diŵeŶsioŶed aŶd Ŷaŵes of adjaĐeŶt stƌeets; d. Widths of all adjaĐeŶt stƌeets aŶd alleLJs e. LoĐatioŶ of all edžistiŶg puďliĐ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to, Đuƌďs, gutteƌs, sideǁalks, ŵediaŶ islaŶds, stƌeet tƌees, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, utilitLJ poles, etĐ., aloŶg the full pƌopeƌtLJ fƌoŶtage f. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed: • StƌuĐtuƌes, iŶĐludiŶg setďaĐks fƌoŵ all lot liŶes • paƌkiŶg, off-stƌeet loadiŶg spaĐe, Đuƌď Đuts aŶd aisle ǁaLJs • feŶĐiŶg aŶd ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁalls • fƌee-staŶdiŶg sigŶs aŶd lightiŶg fidžtuƌes • ƌefuse aŶd ƌeĐLJĐliŶg aƌeas • utilitLJ juŶĐtioŶ ďodžes aŶd puďliĐ utilitLJ tƌaŶsfoƌŵeƌs • lot liŶes g. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of all easeŵeŶts ƌefeƌeŶĐed iŶ the title ƌepoƌt ǁith the ƌeĐoƌdiŶg Ŷuŵďeƌ aŶd tLJpe of easeŵeŶt ;e.g. aĐĐess, seǁeƌ, etĐ.Ϳ iŶdiĐated h. LoĐatioŶ aŶd diŵeŶsioŶs of Ŷatuƌal featuƌes suĐh as stƌeaŵs, lakes, ƌeƋuiƌed ďuffeƌ aƌeas, opeŶ spaĐes, aŶd ǁetlaŶds aŶd i. OƌdiŶaƌLJ high ǁateƌ ŵaƌk aŶd distaŶĐe to Đlosest aƌea of ǁoƌk foƌ aŶLJ pƌojeĐt loĐated ǁithiŶ ϮϬϬ-feet fƌoŵ a lake oƌ stƌeaŵ.  ϵ. AƌĐhiteĐtuƌal EleǀatioŶs: Please pƌoǀide ϱ Đopies, foƌ eaĐh ďuildiŶg aŶd eaĐh ďuildiŶg faĐe ;N,S,E,WͿ, of a Ϯϰ͟ dž ϯ6͟ fullLJ-diŵeŶsioŶed aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal eleǀatioŶ plaŶ dƌaǁŶ at a sĐale of ϭ/ϰ͟ = ϭ͛ oƌ ϭ/8͟ = ϭ͛ ;oƌ otheƌ size oƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶͿ. The plaŶs ŵust ĐleaƌlLJ iŶdiĐate the iŶfoƌŵatioŶ ƌeƋuiƌed ďLJ the ͞Peƌŵits͟ seĐtioŶ of the ĐuƌƌeŶtlLJ adopted UŶifoƌŵ BuildiŶg Code aŶd RCW ϭϵ.Ϯϳ ;State BuildiŶg Code AĐt, Stateǁide aŵeŶdŵeŶtsͿ, iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to the folloǁiŶg: a. IdeŶtifLJ ďuildiŶg eleǀatioŶs ďLJ stƌeet Ŷaŵe ;ǁheŶ appliĐaďleͿ aŶd oƌieŶtatioŶ i.e. BuƌŶett Aǀe. ;ǁestͿ eleǀatioŶ ď. EdžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed gƌouŶd eleǀatioŶs Đ. EdžistiŶg aǀeƌage gƌade leǀel uŶdeƌŶeath pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌe d. Height of edžistiŶg aŶd pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes shoǁiŶg fiŶished ƌoof top eleǀatioŶs ďased upoŶ site eleǀatioŶs foƌ pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes aŶd aŶLJ edžistiŶg/aďuttiŶg stƌuĐtuƌes e. BuildiŶg ŵateƌials aŶd Đoloƌs iŶĐludiŶg ƌoof, ǁalls, aŶLJ ǁiƌeless ĐoŵŵuŶiĐatioŶ faĐilities, aŶd eŶĐlosuƌes f. FeŶĐe oƌ ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁall ŵateƌials, Đoloƌs, aŶd aƌĐhiteĐtuƌal desigŶ g. AƌĐhiteĐtuƌal desigŶ of oŶ-site lightiŶg fidžtuƌes ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϰ of ϱ URBAN DESIGN REGULATION MODIFICATION h. SĐƌeeŶiŶg detail shoǁiŶg heights, eleǀatioŶs, aŶd ďuildiŶg ŵateƌials of pƌoposed sĐƌeeŶiŶg aŶd/oƌ pƌoposed laŶdsĐapiŶg foƌ ƌefuse/ƌeĐLJĐliŶg aƌeas i. Cƌoss seĐtioŶ of ƌoof shoǁiŶg loĐatioŶ aŶd height of ƌoof-top eƋuipŵeŶt ;iŶĐlude aiƌ ĐoŶditioŶeƌs, Đoŵpƌessoƌs, etĐ.Ϳ aŶd pƌoposed sĐƌeeŶiŶg  ϭϬ. Flooƌ PlaŶs: Please pƌoǀide ϱ Đopies of a plaŶ shoǁiŶg geŶeƌal ďuildiŶg laLJout, pƌoposed uses of spaĐe, ǁalls, edžits aŶd pƌoposed loĐatioŶs of kitĐheŶs, ďaths, aŶd flooƌ dƌaiŶs, ǁith suffiĐieŶt detail foƌ CitLJ staff to deteƌŵiŶe if aŶ oil/ǁateƌ sepaƌatoƌ oƌ gƌease iŶteƌĐeptoƌ is ƌeƋuiƌed aŶd to deteƌŵiŶe the siziŶg of a side seǁeƌ. If LJou do Ŷot pƌoǀide flooƌ plaŶs, LJouƌ pƌojeĐt Ŷaƌƌatiǀe ŵust state that the pƌojeĐt is a ͞speĐulatiǀe͟ pƌojeĐt.  ϭϭ. Utilities PlaŶ, GeŶeƌalized ;seǁeƌ, ǁateƌ, stoƌŵǁateƌ, tƌaŶspoƌtatioŶ iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶtsͿ: Please pƌoǀide ϱ Đopies of a plaŶ dƌaǁŶ oŶ ϮϮ" dž ϯϰ" plaŶ sheets usiŶg a gƌaphiĐ sĐale of ϭ" = ϰϬ' ;oƌ otheƌ size oƌ sĐale appƌoǀed ďLJ the PlaŶŶiŶg DiǀisioŶͿ ĐleaƌlLJ shoǁiŶg all edžistiŶg ;to ƌeŵaiŶͿ aŶd pƌoposed puďliĐ oƌ pƌiǀate iŵpƌoǀeŵeŶts to ďe dediĐated oƌ sold to the puďliĐ iŶĐludiŶg, ďut Ŷot liŵited to, Đuƌďs, gutteƌs, sideǁalks, ŵediaŶ islaŶds, stƌeet tƌees, fiƌe hLJdƌaŶts, utilitLJ poles, fƌee-staŶdiŶg lightiŶg fidžtuƌes, utilitLJ juŶĐtioŶ ďodžes, puďliĐ utilitLJ tƌaŶsfoƌŵeƌs, etĐ., aloŶg the full pƌopeƌtLJ fƌoŶtage. The fiŶished flooƌ eleǀatioŶs foƌ eaĐh flooƌ of pƌoposed aŶd edžistiŶg ;to ƌeŵaiŶͿ stƌuĐtuƌes shall also ďe shoǁŶ.  ϭϮ. GeoteĐhŶiĐal Repoƌt ;edžĐept ǁheŶ ǁaiǀed ďLJ PlaŶ Reǀieǁ SeĐtioŶͿ: Please pƌoǀide ϱ Đopies of a studLJ pƌepaƌed aŶd staŵped ďLJ a State of WashiŶgtoŶ liĐeŶsed pƌofessioŶal eŶgiŶeeƌ iŶĐludiŶg soils aŶd slope staďilitLJ aŶalLJsis, ďoƌiŶg aŶd test pit logs, aŶd ƌeĐoŵŵeŶdatioŶs oŶ slope setďaĐks, fouŶdatioŶ desigŶ, ƌetaiŶiŶg ǁall desigŶ, ŵateƌial seleĐtioŶ, aŶd all otheƌ peƌtiŶeŶt eleŵeŶts.  ϭϯ. Fill SouƌĐe StateŵeŶt: ;ReƋuiƌed oŶlLJ foƌ pƌojeĐts loĐated ǁithiŶ aŶ AƋuifeƌ PƌoteĐtioŶ AƌeaͿ: UŶless edžeŵpt ďLJ RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬf, if the pƌojeĐt ǁill iŶǀolǀe stoĐkpiliŶg oƌ gƌadiŶg of iŵpoƌted fill at the pƌojeĐt site iŶ edžĐess of ϱϬ ĐuďiĐ LJaƌds iŶ APA ZoŶe ϭ oƌ ϭϬϬ ĐuďiĐ LJaƌds iŶ APA ZoŶe Ϯ, please pƌoǀide ϱ Đopies of a ͞souƌĐe stateŵeŶt͟ Đeƌtified ďLJ a pƌofessioŶal eŶgiŶeeƌ liĐeŶsed iŶ the State of WashiŶgtoŶ. A souƌĐe stateŵeŶt, as defiŶed iŶ RMC ϰ- ϴ-ϭϮϬDϭϵ, shall ďe ƌeƋuiƌed foƌ eaĐh souƌĐe loĐatioŶ fƌoŵ ǁhiĐh iŵpoƌted fill ǁill ďe oďtaiŶed. If the pƌojeĐt is loĐated ǁithiŶ aŶ AƋuifeƌ PƌoteĐtioŶ Aƌea ďut Ŷo fill is plaŶŶed foƌ the site, please state this iŶ the ͞pƌojeĐt Naƌƌatiǀe͟. Hoǁeǀeƌ, if LJou do Ŷot kŶoǁ the souƌĐe of the fill at this stage, LJou ǁill ďe ƌeƋuiƌed to pƌoǀide this iŶfoƌŵatioŶ at the tiŵe of ďuildiŶg oƌ ĐoŶstƌuĐtioŶ peƌŵit appliĐatioŶ.  ϭϰ. WetlaŶd AssessŵeŶt: Please pƌoǀide ϭϮ Đopies of the ŵap aŶd ϱ Đopies of the ƌepoƌt if ANY ǁetlaŶds aƌe loĐated oŶ the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ oƌ ǁithiŶ ϭϬϬ feet of the suďjeĐt pƌopeƌtLJ. The ǁetlaŶd ƌepoƌt/deliŶeatioŶ ŵust iŶĐlude the iŶfoƌŵatioŶ speĐified iŶ RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬD. IŶ additioŶ, if aŶLJ alteƌatioŶ to the ǁetlaŶd oƌ ďuffeƌ is pƌoposed, ϱ Đopies of a ǁetlaŶd ŵitigatioŶ plaŶ aƌe also ƌeƋuiƌed. See RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬD foƌ plaŶ ĐoŶteŶt ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts.  ϭϱ. StaŶdaƌd Stƌeaŵ oƌ Lake StudLJ: Please pƌoǀide ϭϮ Đopies of a ƌepoƌt ĐoŶtaiŶiŶg the iŶfoƌŵatioŶ speĐified iŶ RMC SeĐtioŶ ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬD. IŶ additioŶ, if the pƌojeĐt iŶǀolǀes aŶ uŶĐlassified stƌeaŵ, a suppleŵeŶtal stƌeaŵ oƌ lake studLJ is also ƌeƋuiƌed ;ϭϮ ĐopiesͿ. If aŶLJ alteƌatioŶ to a ǁateƌ-ďodLJ oƌ ďuffeƌ is pƌoposed a suppleŵeŶtal stƌeaŵ oƌ lake studLJ ;ϭϮ ĐopiesͿ aŶd a ŵitigatioŶ plaŶ ;ϭϮ ĐopiesͿ aƌe also ƌeƋuiƌed. See RMC ϰ-ϴ-ϭϮϬD foƌ plaŶ ĐoŶteŶt ƌeƋuiƌeŵeŶts.  ϭϲ. Plat CeƌtifiĐate oƌ Title Repoƌt: Please pƌoǀide ϯ Đopies of a ĐuƌƌeŶt Plat CeƌtifiĐate oƌ Title Repoƌt oďtaiŶed fƌoŵ a title ĐoŵpaŶLJ doĐuŵeŶtiŶg oǁŶeƌship aŶd listiŶg all eŶĐuŵďƌaŶĐes of the iŶǀolǀed paƌĐel;sͿ. The Title Repoƌt should iŶĐlude all paƌĐels ďeiŶg deǀeloped, ďut Ŷo paƌĐels that aƌe Ŷot paƌt of the deǀelopŵeŶt. If the Plat CeƌtifiĐate oƌ Title Repoƌt ƌefeƌeŶĐes aŶLJ ƌeĐoƌded doĐuŵeŶts ;i.e. easeŵeŶts, dediĐatioŶs, ĐoǀeŶaŶtsͿ ϱ Đopies of the ƌefeƌeŶĐed ƌeĐoƌded doĐuŵeŶt;sͿ ŵust also ďe pƌoǀided. All easeŵeŶts ƌefeƌeŶĐed iŶ the Plat CeƌtifiĐate ŵust ďe loĐated, ideŶtified ďLJ tLJpe aŶd ƌeĐoƌdiŶg Ŷuŵďeƌ, aŶd diŵeŶsioŶed oŶ the Site PlaŶ.  ϭϳ. Flood Hazaƌd Data ;if appliĐaďleͿ: Please pƌoǀide ϭϮ Đopies of a sĐaled plaŶ shoǁiŶg the Ŷatuƌe, loĐatioŶ, diŵeŶsioŶs, aŶd eleǀatioŶs of the aƌea iŶ ƋuestioŶ; edžistiŶg oƌ pƌoposed stƌuĐtuƌes, fill, stoƌage of ŵateƌials, aŶd dƌaiŶage faĐilities. Also iŶdiĐate the folloǁiŶg: ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ/peƌŵitĐeŶteƌ | plaŶŶiŶgĐustoŵeƌseƌǀiĐe@ƌeŶtoŶǁa.goǀ | ϰϮϱ-ϰϯϬ-7Ϯ9ϰ ϭϭ/ϯ/ϮϬϮϮ Page ϱ of ϱ URBAN DESIGN REGULATION MODIFICATION a. EleǀatioŶ iŶ ƌelatioŶ to ŵeaŶ sea leǀel of the loǁest flooƌ ;iŶĐludiŶg ďaseŵeŶtͿ of all stƌuĐtuƌes ď. EleǀatioŶ iŶ ƌelatioŶ to ŵeaŶ sea leǀel to ǁhiĐh aŶLJ stƌuĐtuƌe has ďeeŶ flood pƌoofed Đ. CeƌtifiĐatioŶ ďLJ a ƌegisteƌed pƌofessioŶal eŶgiŶeeƌ oƌ aƌĐhiteĐt the flood pƌoofiŶg ŵethods Đƌiteƌia iŶ RMC ϰ -ϯ-ϬϱϬ haǀe ďeeŶ ŵet d. DesĐƌiptioŶ of the edžteŶt to ǁhiĐh a ǁateƌĐouƌse ǁill ďe alteƌed oƌ ƌeloĐated as a ƌesult of pƌoposed deǀelopŵeŶt  ϭϴ. PlaŶ ReduĐtioŶs: Please pƌoǀide oŶe ϴ ½" dž ϭϭ" legiďle ƌeduĐtioŶ of eaĐh full size plaŶ sheet ;uŶless ǁaiǀed ďLJ LJouƌ PƌojeĐt PlaŶŶeƌͿ. The sheets that aƌe alǁaLJs Ŷeeded iŶ ƌeduĐed foƌŵ aƌe: laŶdsĐape plaŶs, ĐoŶĐeptual utilitLJ plaŶs, site plaŶ oƌ plat plaŶ, Ŷeighďoƌhood detail ŵap, topogƌaphLJ ŵap, tƌee ĐuttiŶg/laŶd ĐleaƌiŶg plaŶ, ĐƌitiĐal aƌeas plaŶs, gƌadiŶg plaŶ, aŶd ďuildiŶg eleǀatioŶs. These ƌeduĐtioŶs aƌe used to pƌepaƌe puďliĐ ŶotiĐe posteƌs aŶd to pƌoǀide the puďliĐ ǁith iŶfoƌŵatioŶ aďout the pƌojeĐt. The ƋualitLJ of these ƌeduĐtioŶs ŵust ďe good eŶough so that a photoĐopLJ of the ƌeduĐed plaŶ sheet is also legiďle. The ƌeduĐed plaŶs aƌe tLJpiĐallLJ seŶt iŶ PDF foƌŵat to the pƌiŶt shop aŶd theŶ aƌe pƌiŶted oŶ opaƋue ǁhite ŵLJlaƌ-tLJpe papeƌ ;aka ƌhiŶo ĐoǀeƌͿ to eŶsuƌe legiďilitLJ. If LJouƌ ƌeduĐed plaŶs aƌe Ŷot legiďle oŶĐe photoĐopied, LJou ǁill Ŷeed to iŶĐƌease the foŶt size oƌ tƌLJ a diffeƌeŶt papeƌ tLJpe. Illegiďle ƌeduĐtioŶs ĐaŶŶot ďe aĐĐepted. Please also ďe suƌe the ƌeduĐed Neighďoƌhood Detail Map is legiďle aŶd ǁill displaLJ eŶough Đƌoss stƌeets to easilLJ ideŶtifLJ the pƌojeĐt loĐatioŶ ǁheŶ Đƌopped to fit iŶ a ϰ" ďLJ ϲ" puďliĐ ŶotiĐe spaĐe. OŶĐe the ƌeduĐtioŶs haǀe ďeeŶ ŵade, please also ŵake oŶe ϴ ½" dž ϭϭ" ƌegulaƌ photoĐopLJ of eaĐh photogƌaphiĐ ƌeduĐtioŶ sheet. Soŵe of the loĐal ReŶtoŶ pƌiŶt shops that should ďe aďle to pƌoǀide LJou ǁith ƌeduĐtioŶs of LJouƌ plaŶs aƌe AlliaŶĐe PƌiŶtiŶg ;ϰϮϱͿ ϳϵϯ-ϱϰϳϰ, AppeƌsoŶ PƌiŶt ResouƌĐes ;ϰϮϱͿ Ϯϱϭ-ϭϴϱϬ, aŶd PIP PƌiŶtiŶg ;ϰϮϱͿ ϮϮϲ-ϵϲϱϲ. NeaƌďLJ pƌiŶt shops aƌe Digital RepƌogƌaphiĐs ;ϰϮϱͿ ϴϴϮ-ϮϲϬϬ iŶ Belleǀue, Litho DesigŶ ;ϮϬϲͿ ϱϳϰ-ϯϬϬϬ aŶd RepƌogƌaphiĐs NW/Foƌd GƌaphiĐs ;ϮϬϲͿ ϲϮϰ-ϮϬϰϬ. REVIEW PROCESS The AdŵiŶistƌatoƌ ǁill ƌeǀieǁ LJouƌ ƌeƋuest foƌ ŵodifiĐatioŶ aŶd issue a ǁƌitteŶ deĐisioŶ ǁithiŶ seǀeƌal ǁeeks. A puďliĐ heaƌiŶg is Ŷot ƌeƋuiƌed uŶless theƌe is aŶ appeal filed.