HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/2015 - Minutes _. ' � __....�` . . .. : . _ . .. .. . . ' a*r o0 Renton Q - . . City of Renton - Board of Park Commissioners . . _ . Meetin Minutes g . O.cto:ber 13, 2015 4:30 p:m.:-,Maplewood Golf:Course-Conference Room _. .... L CALLTOORDER _. _. ., . In Attendance Th:e following members were presenfi:: : Memtiers: AI Dieckman,Troy Wigestrand, Mike.O'Donin, Marlene:Vllinter, Larry Reymann, Tim 5earing _ Sfaff: Terry Higashiyama, Roberta Graver;:Leslie Betlach:,Kris Stimpson, Ter.�y:Flatley Guests: Avni Mungra, Dhanji Mungra,John Parks; Barbara Parks ' _ .. . . � .. . �i Chair, Troy Wigest.rand; called the meeting to order at 4:30:p;m, Roll caf[was:taken; Cynthia :: :: . _ , Burns:was nbt present. Mike:O'Donin motivne`d:to excuse her absence,AI Dieckman. : . seconded:Cynthia.Burn's ab�ence was excused. ' _ � IL .APPROVAL.OF AGENDA . Marlene Winter made a motion seconded b .Larr Re mann to a rove the October:l3, , Y Y Y.. PP 2015 agenda as:presented. All were in faVor; motion car.ried;the agenda was approved. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ` Mike 0'Donin made a.motion, seconded by Marlene Winter to approve the September 8, - 2015 minutes as written.:All were in favor; motion:carried; the:minu.tes were approved.as : : _. , su mitte: . : ' IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS Maplewood Golf Course:River Rock Grill Owners Infroduced , .. .. . . Kelly_Beymer introduced John and Barbara_Parks who took over ownersh.ip of:River. Rock Gci.11 : in:March 2015..Higlilights since Ma'rch include a Iowe.r tu:r.noVer in employee; some hiring, _. . . _._ , new carpet:and bar stools, new menu changes.and the continuingstrong leadership ofthe ; . .. . .. . lead clief as responses.to menu additions deletions are acco.mmodated.:Marlene VVihter and IVfike O'Donin gave high praise for the food and service they`ve experienced. Mike asked for . clarification about fewer dinner options, and John confirmed that lunch entrees are available _ .. . . . . at dinner as well. . , . . . V.' �BOARD COMMUNICATION , City Center Plan—Mike 0'Donin : _ .. _ : September 28th; the Cifiy Center Development Plan was presented to the Corrimittee of the VVhole. The„next City Center Aduisory Committee meeting is scheduled for November 5tn, 6pm in the;7th floor Conferenci�g Center. , _ . . . . �i: .. . ._.. . ... . '. : ' : ..�.�-' . . . ... .. . . ... .. . . ... .. . , . .. . .. .. . . .., .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . . �.. ... ,�. ..� . .. .. . . , .. .. . . � . . . . .. . . . . ..... . .. . . ..... . .. . ..... . . . . ...: . .. �� . . ..... _ City of Renton-Park Board Minutes _ , t��T*oF.:� _ , _��� September 8,zo15 Reri on � : _ .. . Fage 2 of.3. :: :: . ,.. :: . . _. .. , _ .. . � . : Cedar River Stakeholders:-Mike 0'Donin and Larr:y Reymann , Larry Reymann shared a salmon journe oster with the rou , identif in areas of salrnon Y p. g. P Y g extinction in Washington. Photos were also distributed sho�niing debris near:cr.e.ek runoff and ,_ , nearby Coho.fatalities. Carry described the devastating impact on fatalities from the run:off. ` � Good news is that Chinook and Coho are being physically carried up above the dam and are . `: populating. ;. .: VI. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION ' -, . No communication at this time. - - - - , VII. DISCU5510N/ACTION ITEMS. : _ _ , .. . ; . Community Services Recreation V1/rap.Up/Kris St►mpson . • - -Kr:is shared a slide presentation describing the data and.outcomes from the summer . � recreation programs and 5pecial events. Highlights include the :2015 Endless Summer•' : ex erienced weather with an avera e dail tem erature of 80 de rees u one de ree p g _. Y p g p.. . g .. aVerage from last year),added summer lunchtime swim.lessons, new classes,:and a new Adult . :... . : th Kickball program:A volleyball tournament was added to the July 4 event at Gene Coul,on , � Park.The:Specialized Program's softball team went:to the state:level;competition,and :: - returned with many awards. New comm:u:nity garden installation will commen:ce in November next to the North Highfands Neigh6orfiood center.:The 5enior Center is now open:on Wednesday nights with cbmputer classes and they are working:on:getting a looping prqgram, _ . .. .. . g g Y , . . Y'. . alon with havin an:active Senior Advisor:y Counal and the earned a Renton River Da s Parade award for their float entr.y.The online Recr.eation guide is growing into more of a . 'magaiine' presence with helpful analytics for future design placemen# and program planning. : . Asmall, 'stand-alone' Free Library was installed at the.H'enry IVloses Aquatic Genter this _. . . _ . , summer. _ .. _ _. ,: Drqft Urban Fores#ry, Streef Tree Regulations Terry Flatley: Terry shared a slide p:resentation describing the evaluation:and implementation:process of the Street Tree Regulation, as identified in the Urban Forestry Development Plan. Currently ... .._ ,. there is no regulation in place for maintaining trees on city property: See the.attached slide _ _ resentation and re ulation descri tion for next ste s in tMe process. , p:. g p . : :: p . _ Bird Island Update/Kelly:Beymer ' � ' . Kelly shared the maintenance and development status of the Shoreline Stabilization Enhancement pro�ect in conjunction with the Department of Natural Resources: Educational ; , and Prbjeet Status storyboard si ns will be oin u soon describin the debris, concrete and . , g g. g . P g:. _ . metal removal and.extension of th,e boardwalk railing;during the 'fish window' in 2016. .. Nfarlene.asked about the garbage in tlie`SECO area which is owned.by the developer._Kelly .. said she would check into it Troy Wigestrand ask:ed if the trail 6etween Boeing and the:lake . had an easement. Leslie said thaf there is an easement, but the city is not currently exercising it:because of security:issues related to Boeing's military contract. H:\Boards and Commissions\Park Board\2015 Park Board\10.2015\10:13:15min DRAFT.docx � . .. _.... . . _ .. . _ ._ _ City of Re.nton-Park Board Minute.s "�-�� . .... September 8,2015 � erit n � Rage 3 of.3 . . . . VIII. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPO.RT Terry Higa:shi.yama'welcomed high school student; Avni Mungra asthe pending new Fark _. _ _ Board Commissioner:.The Mayor has sent her name to the council to be on the 10/26/15 consent agenda. She also identified the following ne,w employees: Facilities IVlanager,Jeff Minisci (sta:rting 10/21/15);and Parks Maintenance Workers, Kenny Rogers, Stephen . , _.. . Willenborg, and Donny:Sorensen. IX. OLD BUSFNESS _. Capital Project Updates'-Leslie Betlach � New.Land Acquisition-A parcel ad�acent to Cascade Park will expand parking and include a . restroom: Leslie will be working with Renton Housing Authority to set up a short-terrn Iease on:the current property until es such time the land can be converted to park needs. Fawcett Property-:5:2 acres of an original homestead Iocated on the south:side of May _ _ Creek: Leslie is working with.a City Attorney to finalize the list o#contingencies as apart of Purchase and Sale agreement. Sunset Neighborhood Park— Next step is working with designers for a modified:''Phase 1" with funding from a Department of Commerce grant. " Rive.rview Bridge-The bridge gr.and opening Iias been delayed until:Spring 2016. The bridge sliould be installed_10/20/15. (Note this:has been further delayed.) Coulorr Park Paver Project— ls completed, the final landscaping to be instalfed along with _ . concrete sealing. _ _ Meadow Crest Playground—Phase 11-:working with designers to finalize next stage of the : . interactive la round which is:scheduled for 201.6 construction.- p .Yg , .. . _ .. X: INFORMATION:.. ..... New Dog Park Committee— looking for:two small parcels of.land for off-leash dog parks. , Oct. 1Oth FaII.Festival at the Piaaza Park—was cut short due to inclement weather: ': Oct::24 Holiday Craft Bazaar-at the Senior Activify Center. Noye 20 & 21 Holiday Bazaar—at tlie Renton Community Genter Highlands Library Update- possible late Noyember or early December grand opening. _ XI. ADJOURNMENT , A motion was.made by Larry Reymann and seconded by Mike O'Donin to adjourn the _ September meeting at 6:00 p.m. All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned. ig tu e ` . E�XT�+��UL� ' J4'1'FETI!"!!�. ��ll�M"F ETi' 1 Q, 2�15 � 4' F P1V1,.. . �ENTOi1�LI�RAR (ou�:r Ced�rr R+���r —KI�11G'P�RKER /V1��7"GIVG ROO : H:\Boerds and Commissions\Park Board\2015 Park Board\10.2015\10:13.15min DRAFT.clocx � City of • � Q �< CITY OF I�I�1'I'Ol� - �OARD OF PA1�K CO1�IVLISSIOle1ERS SIGI�T-IN S�IEET DATE: October 13, 2015, Maplewood Golf Course I)o you wis�to Name �ddress City/Zip Phone speak? PLEASE PRINT Yes No -�l 1�1 l I'1'���vl� �('� ��� � Dl��n� ; f'Yl.c�v� v�.� — I�vic� �ccN�S 2c�( ���� �I '����,C��Q P�(�--� ���� ��C�-C� �I . . 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'y.^' °# 4x. �lub�7`� .'"'. � s'€�»1K� w, k.:.� ''4'� . ., . . . . . . .., .,�r � � � �e�E�ttte�"'�mes Toxic road runoff kills adult coho salmon in hours, study finds Origi��ally ��tiblisl�F�d October f3, "LO15 at 1 L(l� atr� I1p�lat���i C)ct��ber �, 2015 at E:25 an� A new study shows that stormwater runoff from urban roadways is so poisonous to coho salmon that it can kill adult fish in as little as 21/z hours. By Sandi Doughton S�>attle Times scie�lce re�or�ter � A new study shows that stormwater runoff from urban roadways is so toxic to coho salmon that it can kill adult fish in as little as 2�/z hours. But the research by Seattle scientists also points to a relatively easy fix: Filtration through a simple, soil-based system. "It's basically ... letting the Earth do what it does so well,what it has done For eons: cleaning things up," said Julann Spromberg, a toxicologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and co-author of the report published Thursday in the Journal of Applied Ecology. In the Pacific Northwest, contamination in rain runoff is killing salmon before they can spawn. Scientists are working on solutions, but to help the salmon, they first must sacrifice a few in an experiment. (Video by Associated Press,2014) Scientists have long suspected that the mixture of oil, heavy metals and grime that washes off highways and roads can be poisonous to coho,but the study is the first to prove it. The research got its start more than a decade ago,when habitat-restoration projects began coaxing a trickle of coho back to several urban streams in the Puget Sound area. But many of those fish died before they could spawn.And the deaths seemed to coincide with rainstorms that sent runoff surging through drainage pipes and into the waterways. In some place, like Longfellow Creek in West Seattle's Delridge area, up to 90 percent of females were killed. "It was apparent that something coming out of those pipes was causing it," Spromberg said. She and her colleagues tried to reproduce the effect in the lab. But the artificial mixture of oil and other chemicals they concocted had no effect on the fish. So their next step was to try the real thing: Actual runoff, collected at NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center from a downspout that drains a Highway 520 onramp near Montlake. "When we brought out the real urban runoff: Bang! They were down,they were sick,they were dead," said co-author Jenifer Mclntyre, a researcher at Washington State University's Puyallup Research and Extension Center. In experiments at the Suquamish tribal hatchery near Poulsbo,every coho exposed to the runoff died —some within a few hours,all within a day. Before death,the fish became lethargic, rolled around and swam to the surface as if gulping for air, Mclntrye said. The fact that actual runoff proved fatal while the scientists' concoction did not underscores an unsolved mystery about which chemical or combination of chemicals are so toxic to the fish. It could be any number of compounds that weren't part of the artificial brew, including byproducts of oil and gasoline combustion, chemicals released by tires or tiny particles from brake linings, Spromberg said. "We still need to keep looking at what exact compounds are involved." But whatever the chemical culprit,the scientists found it could be removed by passing the runoff through 55-gallon drums packed with layers of gravel, soil and compost. None of the fish exposed to the filtered stormwater died or fell ill. "It was remarkable," Mclntyre said. The finding is a strong endorsement of rain gardens,grassy swales and other"green"alternatives to traditional drains and pipes designed to collect stormwater.The idea is instead to let the runoff percolate through the ground, as it did before so much of the area was paved and developed. State regulations strongly encourage developments to use such approaches,according to the Washington Department of Ecology.A project called 12,000 Rain Gardens in Puget Sound is also promoting their use, "We should be seeing more and more of these systems in the future," Mclntyre said. Coho,which were once abundant throughout the Northwest, may be particularly vulnerable to toxic runoff because they spawn in the fall, prompted by seasonal rains. Habitat destruction, fishing and other factors almost certainly contributed to the species' precipitous decline,Spromberg said, Chum salmon,whose habitat and spawning seasons overlap those of coho in many places, don't appear to be as affected by runoff— something the scientists plan to investigate this fall. Perhaps the major limitation of the study is the small sample size. Only 60 coho were used in the experiments, 20 in each of two experimental and one control groups.The scientists were lucky to get that many, thanks to the cooperation of the Suquamish Tribe, Mctntryre said. Also,the urban runoff collected near Montlake was undiluted in the experiments and represents about the worst possible case: runoff from a busy highway in a big city, a DOE official who was not involved in the study pointed out. "It's great that the treatment gets rid of toxicity from this nasty stuff," Karen Dinicola of DOE's stormwater program wrote in an email. But it's particularly challenging to retrofit urban-collection systems with greener alternatives,she said. But the results of the research could help guide future development in rural watersheds where coho runs remain,the researchers said.And it can also be used to help inform urban-restoration projects as well,so fish aren't lured back to appealing habitats, only to be clobbered by toxic runoff. The researchers are preparing for their next round of studies,which will include tests to zero in on what is actually killing the coho. The rain that soaked the region Wednesday also filled their runoff-collection barrels,Spromberg said. "We only have one shot a year,when the fish come back and we can do the experiments and take the samples,"she said. "Hopefully,with this rain we'll have more fish coming in soon." Sandi Doughton at:206-464-2491 orsdoughton@seattletimes.com Get a copy of the What's Happening Renton Activities Guide for more fun! C I T Y 0 F R E N T 0 N . � � ' _,,:;, ' �,,.. • � `o « � 1` � ,s � e��' � - . . . , �W �„wM � � � ` � .. � .. .._... �� • • I/' '� // '� ` � / / • HASSLE FREE OVER 100 � VENDORS � � FREE ADMISSION Food, refreshments, and ATM available on site � RENTON COMMUNITY CENTER // 1715 SE MAPLE VALLEY HWY, RENTON �1 20 � 2�, 20�5 FRI: 11AM-6PM // SAT: 9AM-5PM 425.430.6700 // rentonwa.gov/holidaybazaar/ �..� �. � CITY OP i/� _ _ �Renton O L �, : �� • � : � w t�i. Starting November 20 : 1 I "Giving Trees"will be RENTON CITY ; RENTON YOUTH on displaywith angel CONCERT BAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA gifttagsat: SUNDAY, 2PM DEC. 13 SUNDAY, 3PM, DEC. 13 , Renton City Hall Renton IKEA Performing Carco Theatre 1055 S Grady Way Arts Center,400 S 2nd St. 1717 SE Maple Valley Hwy &Renton Comm.Center Come enjoy the sounds of the : Enjoy music performed by 1715 SE Maple Valley Hwy season with this 65 member r the young and talented band under the direction Youth Symphony Orchestra Gifts will benefit low income families in the Renton area. of Mike Simpson. ��, and the Debut Orchestra. Donations to the Gift of Play Recreation Scholarship fund will ; TICKETS S�o Adu�ts C TICKETS 510 Adults,57 Studencs assist low income seniors,yoUth and people with disabilities ` 57 Students and Seniors � �`, and Seniors,S5 Children with registration fees. Information,call 425-430-6694. � � Tickets can be purchased at the door or at the Renton Community Center. FOR MORE INfORMATION CALL 425-430-6700. / .•• � � � , � � ` � � � � � _ {t_ �h w � - . :F - ,`����,,,,� , t . �",����, „���,. � ��� ����.�± , ,*`.m� ,,.��"�',.'".� ,.,�- �,d+rt" . • ,�. r p,. � � � � � � � i • • • ' . . . � - - . - � � . . � � . � � - �� R • f i • :�":. . ����. � F , , . � -.�-��-Y������� �..N-� � ANNUAL � \ � � - � � ., ,.. � � � �� > � .. �= :� � ��► � � �� �; �. , � _ ► ��� °� �' � . � � Friday, January 1 • llam Y � � ��.�,,,� ,,�,� . r� `'-� Start your NewYear right with a quick dip `` l ► into the icy waters of Lake Washington at ��� • . , Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. � �,� FUH �UN `+ The Polar Bear Dip begins at 11:OOam on Friday,January 1, � AND Wp�K at the south end of the park and promises to be exhilarating for all adventurous participants. No registration is required and a lifeguard will be on duty. - 9�15AM » SUNL�AY » L�ECEMBE� 6 Co-sponsoredbylvars.Formore � � information visit our website at . rentonwa.gov. BuDu The 5K run/walk will start at 9:15am at the RACING """ Renton Community Center,1715 SE Maple Valley Hwy, ` `-., and travel along the Cedar River Trail before looping back to �V v the Center.Competitive runners,fun runners,walkers,junior �� .<' athletes,families(with or without dogs)are all invited. � tialanced athlete Reqister at signmeup.com/109786 �„�oF �Renton O rentonwa.gov • 10/13/2015 � �e .P �wx �. Ty � � .y ur�i�y 5er�x ��� ' ��������� Recreation Division 2015 Summer Wrap-Up and Fall Preview! CITY OF — enton ; �. , s . � � � �A��� � ����re�t i�� : � � ���►r� �� � �-� . . �.. _ - _....:�"`�`:. �''�� , , . W . �,_ , �q:.� � . .,°�"�-+�,�,, r � 4 � i � .* _ "?���. K��ry � � 'f,, ,:f.�� `�� � . . " , �� , .q�,,. ,� j,,,r. '" � ��+}�, ���� . R � 'q��A7.hN'�'vn ��� �i � .3 � � � { . �� ��,, � � � � � �� ;` �."'�'.rryy�,. . �",�. �r,:M�:. ' ,.»..,r�c:�_� .�.. ,,,s', �`' _. < ..y , X � ` .�u, f,�,. . .. � � � _ �� . .,.-, � .: .x� �'/� .� � ..�srw�7l��� _ ..: �';. ��� 4''.' .. �� �p r� ��..,... s:.. r � •'� tkv. . f yv yq?�x�,,�, <ro . . �,: . ., ,.,.... . > � , ; �. .. . . - ��,.'�'�'�� .,., . ... . � 1 10/13/2015 • �� .� _. �un� n , . .�_ . . .�,�.� _ , ������ ����`��� `�:enter° ...�w__ � �_ ,, _ � � � � � ..�,� �, .. -''� • lunior Lifeguard ,�. ,�. �� �� � Day Camp y,.T�� " • Little Free Library �' `'� Kiosk at HMAC �: . . ,.: � Free lunch time � � -- � swim lessons at ��; -�� "' Coulon Beach =-- ,_.....����� - `„,���-� • Saturday morning "`�`��'''"�"�� ``� �- � swim lessons at HMAC � � . , � �:.���+�:. �:.§- � .. ..� �, . ... ,��� :���. _�..��.,.�,._W.. .��.,.�„� _� ��. � .�, ____ _ _ ..__ .__,, _ , _. `� ° • Attendance — 72,605 �:�,..�._ - �= �,�� :,.......a...��'� ��' `������ �� �� � • Passcard Revenues - $158,462 • Total Revenues - $700,000 �� � ��� . 2 • 10/13/2015 ��-���.�,a�..� m,� . ... . . _ '�.� �������� �1� - �;�''�„��,� 1� 5 star review "My kids ADORE �yejp�;� this water park! I just wish we had one like it in Redmond:' 5 star review "An amazing `"°� place to have fun with your kids we are so lucky to have in Renton!!" , ,arP, bs�- �� ,,.r ,�,,.°, N�; .r� �, ,.F , s� �� � , ,�a_...., ..:, ����;�s � ��.��-� � . � � � " li „��1—'"', - � 4-�� � � ` :� r �a;s�w'� 3` - _.. ''��. ` .^'��' , _m .�..�� -! „ �li�E JACKET �,�.�,��������� ._� .1t3",i.t '. ��� ��66ffiV ". .iiL�1rT-. _ y� �- . .�-�.- . _ . _ " v R"�Iaa .� I � �.:. `... ..wii '.: TSR�•r:.�. F ` .a s.,���� �- , . . � � /c � _ �Y' '��� t • Boat Launches ' � f Passes-$34,853 , .�, � �-� �� � Daily Launch Fees-$102,834 3 10/13/2015 • �. ��a�� �.� ��.,r���� Participants Camps Offered Revenues 1,918 campers 115 $201,485 "Please pass along our thanks, admiration, and sincere gratitude to all the Highland's camp counselors for the great job that they do every year with all the kids...this is Duncan's 7th year(!) and he always looks forward to the next one:' - Michelle Hintz aka Duncan's mom. ��: x'� �. � �.� - � � Sport Camps �,; � � � Baseball &T-Ball Leagues � ' '' /- ���,' Tennis Programs with Aces �, ;��__^� _, � Tennis r�:: _ ,.�� ���5-������: e Seahawks-sponsored free "��. �°`�� °�� � ��� ���� football camp for 250 `�� �� � youth every summer , -., . ' Land of Frost donates � a= 4�.— ���-- Y� �►-- $12,000 to Renton Youth � Sports every year � 5 E A T T L E , � �+ �` /.`'� 5������� Grt•af fastin�I.�u�chm�at 4 ' 10/13/2015 �;� � ��� �� �; ;, � ���� � � � �� , � i � !: . , ,, ; . i� _ _ +- �. ��" � '' " r. �,,.� ,�� �, ;�;� . �s Our Spring/Summer Track Program has 206 members! .V.. � ZY fv.,%.,r„6y„�h� . .�j.u., . , � ���P .... % •Two softball teams went to the State Tournament in Everett •The softball program has approximately 70 participants •Other sports include bowling,basketball,golf,soccer,track and field,cycling,and flag football � - � �� ��' �s'��' r� � IIY I� � ,� . � ��' X � � �. . � . �k.� >`,�� ./� . uv+»« a µ'� } `����°� �� �F �� """` -���-; `�-; �: ����i,�*� �h� *, �, ' �; """"` _ _ 't1°'+� 1 ► '.I .11: r 5 10/13/2015 ' �R:.. , � � ��� �_��._ �7��"��1°��► Current Garden �`� � � ��� 1 ' <�� , •41 Plots with a waiting list � �`��'6 'y,lj•�f.•.f.'.�...� •Oldest Participant is 85 •Youngest Participant is 24 �� �� ' � � . �*' * ; ,� ,,. :x.` ��, �� r: New community garden coming � � �"�q° �� soon,adjacent to the North ``'• Highlands Neighborhood Center .,. ,� ,� ., ,., . ..o. . , , ..�., , a. � w �., .� � � � � � . ,:. . �� � � _-..���,�� . _ �... ..��a. ,��t:��°�. . � p • 63 hikers in the �� �������. ' summer hiking - .�� � �� program '�` '�r�`` .�. �� ��: . ,� t "'���� '�'� �'�(��� • Now open f A � fqR �, f�� "���,'� Wednesday nights ,� "�'� � ��' '�� for pickleball and �"�' �� '� `��� � computer classes �'��� - 6 ' 10/13/2015 ,,, �,,. ti,.M�„ �. � 776 Classes Offered 45% Registered On-Line 4,885 Residents Registered for Classes 1,369 Non-Residents Registered for Classes $304,622 Class Revenue (does not include rentals, membership, or drop in feesJ 51% viewed our rec guide digital version from a PC 39% viewed our rec guide digital version from their phone 8.9% viewed our rec guide digital version from their tablet � w,,, _, � s ,,,, ,v. a�� •�,�e,,.�,��r.� ;�� <�� :'t . . .,,�,fs{r.,7CR.� . .t�� . l: �;.: �i � � ��=q.„ra` � �I �"'V`'.j��. 1�.,. ' QTv ": 4 .�"y �. �. ��� � �� ' ���� �� KCLS Partnership =� � � fi°��� �, '� '��:�� • 12 Events �, � • Including HMAC ��,����'� � ��� �� Swimming Lesson ���� Visit — � � ' ` � �_ �� t . �4. e b J� � s�"`� � �[a���_.A.3 . �.. ��. �' 1 � � �`.-...:: ,�� �.� '.. ".. e.'... 7 10/13/2015 • d,y„�. .�„s =3': t'",.,.e�; N �x.:;_ t'�"i f.r,{. a;. x S1 �;.., e .... i�'j�%` "P-i.. �� r Pooch Plunge — Record Numbers! 250 Dogs! Event Sold Out! �x, L � b � ��,, . . � ;AitSr nt.Y, �*AY.:��:.x . .. � ,. . . .� � ' � � a , 1 � , • • � ' M � � ' � � FORHI�S a� ; . AGES 70 ANDUNDER • Already SOLD OUT! s ` 10/13/2015 ,� ., � . .. .. .*YJ.�.<. ... a . �;�m �,,, � � s� � "���-� �,� ,, �! � , � �a ��._.,�,� :a , .� � �,. � �x � , � ; ;. ,r. � � l��l'1_'(1�tI =��] .: � � REM7c>NCO,h�nq Nrrrc�r,�rra f� ,. � ��� Nov 20 11.� ..-. ��y�,�. [onwag Aoliwy6ur� , �.•�a'+.� "��iiE?' `1" t,.....,.,.. . ,., . ..... � `� .�'_ ... . New marketing . . . v�� e�. ,��.� �� � °�����,. � ��� �� � � ������� �� fi � � � �,� ��A'� ��� � �; L�� � � . �, ;� � ,�. '���� .. y4 ,,3 'ti_ ��� �� ..... ... � . tyy^�y� �.��^\., � �` :�'\ � � �- � �� � �,�� r ,�—. r _ � b, .. : _ . :� � �:� . . . ��. ' ' � 4�� ..r_,,,. _ � K9 Candy Cane 5K Fun Run and Waik — December 6th 9 10/13/2015 ' ��;�. � , ,...,. : .. . � � �,� -�� _ :� ��_��;;�:-. - � �� �� �� . ��- �� ' � .y� �$1 �i� K I N G � I ' 1 4�i�1�,� � � COUNTY .1 �.� � � � IIBRARY g }����� 9 { � ..,.� � 17 � � � I D S E A T T L E qenroniUnleasnea ' 5������� Furty fnenUs /�aMdu.ya.� a�itiaG.� � . .,.�«'V'�1$:� ,. . . . `�'� ��� � �'��.:.�� � �:,�+ �` ,_�ron & St��� �u rveys =� �.�s+"�""��d����^ � , • Annual Aquatic Summer Staff Survey • Annual Aquatic Patron Survey • Annual Recreation Survey • Senior Activity Center Survey — NEW this Fall! 10 10/13/2015 , . . n ,. ..�„�,. ..n , A special thanks to Parks, Facilities, Human Services, Neighborhoods, Resources and Events for their support! We aren't able to have the successful programs without them! _,F}>, , a.�,,�„M � , � ������ � � � �;: -�.�. CITY OF — enton .� �. 11 . � 10/13/2015 . .} � ,,, � �, �a��s��+ .,� �zt �,, � , r . �- � ����� : � � "� "'�"1"'� � .- � ,�.. �„+ti� �� rP;r , "�1 �r' ' e � x,_ '��� • „�'�'� r� ....,. Managing �� -t � , E .�w- � � ��� °. � .�s�weU��i�,, yiF�� ��t ��c: W. � Y � t d`� '� +z U rb a n � � `��� �� �� � .++'` "rs �: < F �OI"@Sf' �`�'� �� �.� � Parks Commission October 13,2015 - �� - Tree Pruning , Second Edition Mariagin�Tia r�.; I ?��� Ql4CiP1� � COl1�fY';<[I�:ti �,\ I s��' ` ,`i _-- _�- . I � �. ,� - � � � . ,� `�� — �� �"�i-i t�f§� I .. • " �� � �� ' —� � i/�i _ _ � _ d T�"p'� �}:A'".. � Li I � � BM Ps :x.:� _ �� {:.� � � ,:; � �.,�.,� .� �� ..�,� . ,. .,,�:�. � ;�-� �� .�. , ,,.,�,,�,:, n . ,� .,,, , , � , � 10/13/2015 � -- l __ ____ _ ______ � �-����j� - � ��° ��: ��� � ��� &����� ` p *'4.. i�..' rilri� � � �V � "Tree Board" or "Board" shall mean � A subcommittee of three Park Commissioners of the City of Renton. a The Board serves an advisory capacity to the Parks ' Commission, other commissions, and City Council on tree-related issues. � ,I ���j �� � � ������ �"�`�� ��,�'�' ,�'�, 'r �*::+�� +� �.�-- �,'�a;�� �r�r;�` ! �, " ���r�r� I � ,� ,, 1 � I �'��''�,`-"�t�' �'. � I s� �. � . �e �} ,� � n�'" rv : & " : �:� � h f d F d � i�� �� � . � � . I yi.. �T "'i" "� {G y ��� � ,. �" 1�;,t �' ,°�T' � "� �� � �� f..' 6 � , I � '�:� ���� . Y�_�;�Y�LI. �. ' ... I `�._�...,�. j I 2 10/13/2015 ____ -- — — . '� � .,. �:��....: �.��� ,�n.a.;,����1�,V s��;�.x;,... � , ' PLANTING tIM1TAT10NS - SPACIt��:�:� ��` ��� �` �a�z � � � ��� b �. � � � � �� � � �� � ��� ��� � �� �����"" � ��°� �"�r ' �� z� �, ��$�� ��g�: � 6 � } ��i,)��;�4p ��5+# }e M a�����,� ��� R �y ,� . 3 {.�L'R,'U�i iy } �,< � , . ���YY9'� �r� � dR '�' b8� jV� �b Y n . �.A.. � , .k 4r^a: . �. �...� � A� j�e��. �.r. .... . .. . nir�`�JtC� . �. ��.-,.� ;, '�.+a: . ;�```.. .k ; a'e.�4 91 1 �' �% tt� � �i ;,7„+.�"` g > ,�. . . . .�,�;< n� �.�'a�ibe� .�. .. . I li � ��� �������� "� � ��I �; � An International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) �,�;:��� Certified Arborist shall prune street trees. r°°� ,��. ' �� j a�� �!, r� Waived if person performing pruning has the ���$ required knowledge, skill; and is �`��p � ,. � o Supervised by a Certified Arborist. ��✓ ; ; � - �. 3 10/13/2015 ��: � ��,�� : --- -- ����� _ �� ��u � � � .i � � �a ��� ,� , ° � ���i — '� ��.� ez.^,„,�.�5�¢..,''�-*:r�A� F��:�i`.^..�.,.,.�',�`k".,; ..���" Y`�i.''" � TOPPIN� PROHIBITED �� � �t� �h� r� � .,. �� �,, � N,. �.� �<� s� ��.�: � �� ���� � � �,�;> �, �. � �� Ar�� , �; � .� ��� � ,5 �. �,� � m _ � _ _---_ ___. _ _--- ����� , I � , ; �'���T�����''�'��?� ���� �T�EET TREES I i ;� � ��� �>,�r—. � � �^"� � �� , I .�"*" '*,�� ..t �,.r� ,���� � �y,, <,k k � a "* � r�, fi �a� � 'ror ' a �� '�'� � � � � � � ' � ,�- ;� � , �� ��� � � ��� �� � � � � `� �r . �� ' � � ,�"' 'x `"� � �`� � � 'S' b $t'�.`ry� �RF'w"�fig�.���� °�i .�I�":�1 �, y:_s•v t x��� � �' � ; �,a ._,:.;� ,r,�. .�-.�^^^ "^� W,��'" �°'���.. w�;a � � 4 . ' 10/13/2015 I ' � �_ _ _ _-- __.. ', �4�'""�'�"� �"!�'° �. '�'� �`°�:� �� � �-.,� � �. ���"" �, � I . `'' "`._ < 3, 3 , R _. ` ; n " � �. ,.�� (< k . I' � Tree removals and planting - 2 weeks o Appeals - UF & NR Manager � I a Owner can appeal to written orders for tree j work, public nuisance, and withholding ', permits � ' o Tree Board _ _ _ _ _ -- - - - __ —1 ', NEXT � � �:� _ Iil o Gather Parks Commissioners comments � I ��� CED discussion, revision, and legislate I � Other commissions ' o City Council approval i i 5 10/13/2015 ;�. � <�;µ .� ; � � � � ��" ��;. �,��,. 4 � �� � � �� -�� _������ �,� ��kf�'`� b��� :a ��„�_ � y�� ���� �.�� , � ;t��'`� l * � � � �' z . ��>� ���.� � �:� � �� � � � ,� �� ���� �x �'���� ��€., ,' � � � ����; � ���� �. � x _�* , ":4' ! £+4�) ��f,k "'�,�38yk�� . ��Cy,� �" �. � � d } �� �''s n.i`� � � . i ,,��J �5 r,�� ��}'oa �1 r"� �}p,;3't,�"��p' � c d'' °��er-- f}�`. �� � � aC"xg., �w��Y� b &, � �':. `��F� ��.t'.+ ��.",# S�'��n1 ^ ':{K, �. a �+wP.kF ,ty�., �� �r . µ � /„`" ...�'d� � _ ��f3x�:' � �r� � f��� �y �' ` ��! ���`'.. .. � � . '�r�� K' ���A..� . , n� " : ' w , � . »N ' 1 ,� �,.'".. . . , .P� .�.<*, �"'�r R,�'! , � . . .��., r �;.o�. _ : _ � ' � . .. .. ,..,.r� . � �, �. �„ ��� ��ii� �5�' a� ��.�� . i � . ,8 . .. _. . . t�".,+a.�- . . ., . . � R �7� . �..:,�..v ' �: �,.,,,�*�, s;� .���:. � -.... ��—_ ___._..--'-~I�.�11t�11 Y : . 6 !+� "� �t � STREET TREE REGULATIONS—10/8/15 Draft Version OVERVIEW: There is no formal policy to guide planting and maintenance of street trees. During 2009, numerous street tree issues were identified by stakeholders during the preparation of the � Urban and Community Forestry Development Plan. These stakeholders comprised the task � force consisting of representatives from various City departments. The need to regulate planting and maintenance and reduce damage and maintenance costs was the primary concern of the task force members. The following policy is proposed from the fask forces' effort to have beautiful street trees, improve public safety and reduce damage to sidewalks, light poles and � ' other infrastructure. Policies and regulations concerning trees exist and reside in development code and elsewhere, the bulk of which address private property trees. For example, Chapter.l3 is entitled "Trees and Shrubbery". Chapter 13 is concerned with the appearance of caterpillars in trees. Other tree-related regulations are administered by the Community and Economic Development Department. CHAPTER GU/DE:The proposed policy contains regulations governing trees'and vegetation on public property. In particular it addresses street trees along the public right-of-ways. It does not contain specific standards or guidelines;these are covered in manuals such as best management practices,tree standards and other guidelines referenced within this Chapter. The backbone of this policy resides in 1.1.50. Regulations Respecting Trees in Public Right-Of- Ways. It is considered the backbone because 90%or more of the issues with trees as they currently exist will be resolved implemeriting that section. 13-1-010 INTENT AND PURPOSE: � A. It is.hereby declared to be the policy of the City of Renton to regulate trees in the city in order to promote the public health, safety and welfare, enhance aesthetics and reduce the potential for. trees becomirig public nuisances. B. Trees contribute to the quality of life in Renton and provide numerous public � benefits as single trees and as a forest. The most valuable trees are the healthiest, largest- maturing species,that maximize public benefits. Furthermore,trees are a valuable resource that enhance the livability and value of property, prevent soil erosion,filter airborne pollutants, minimize stormwater runoff, reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, and amerliorate harsh climatic conditions,thereby reducing energy consumption from a local to a global aspect. C. Trees minimize the impacts of lantl disturbing activities and impervious surfaces reducing the public and private costs for stormwater control,water treatment and utility maintenance. Trees stimulate the economy for businesses and tourism and create a greater sense of community and livability that attracts new residents, businesses and visitors to the city. ` 1 . . �. .. .��. � . . �. .. .�. . . . .. . . � . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . C. . � . .. ... .. . .. .:.. .. . .. " ... .. . .. ... . . . . . . . .. .... �. .... .. . � ....' . �...-.. � .. ...�:.� . .. . .. . � .. .. . .. .. . .. . . �: .. ... . .. .. �.� �... � .. �... .... . .. ... ..... .. ... ..... . . � � :. �... ..... . .... �...� .. �... :...� :: �.: . . . . :...� :. � .. ....� 1.1.2Q.. ;DEFINITIONS , .. . ,.:. . -..Whenever the followin words or terms are_used in tliis ocdinance,.they sCiafl be . ,. _. , = ': construed to have:the:following meanings; ; . A. ."Person:'shall mean any p:er.son,firm, asso.ciat�on or,corporation. :: . . ,. B..� :;.. "City" shall.mean:fhe City of Renton,:V1lashington. ;; .:. :... ` , D:: :; . .Certified Arborist shall mean a�perso:n that possesses an:arb.orist certificatian . . numbe:r:from the Interna.tio:nal Society of:Ar,bariculture. E... "Best IVlenagement Practices" shall include the most recent.versions of.the . . - :, Internationel Socie:ty of Arboriculture series on Best IVlanagement Practices;for , . trees::Specific reference is made depending upon the subject as it relates to . trees(e.g. Managing Trees:During Construction:).. . : . � , F.. : ANSI shall mean_tfie American National Standards Institute:and includes the - ,. .. . _ .... __ current editions of publications-for s�andard practices. . ' G. Landscaped strip shall mean an area between the curb (or edge of a street with - ;... no curbing):and the:sidewalk or.private;property lot line wit:hin the public right=: . of-way also:knowrras a planting strip:. , . , _ ,: _ :` H. ` g Y.�� P Y 'en the private : lot lines on both sides of streets.including the eurb,.pavement or s Pu.. ic.Ri t-o -Wa s,_a...inc u e t at art a.:ever street betwe . freet. ine,,. .:. - - sidewalks, and landscape strips: For:the purposes of this.ordinance, a dedicated ; . ' " street-right-way shall:be construed to be:part of this def'in'ition. I. _: "Public Property" she:ll.be construed to m:ean:all:public right-of-ways;City �: parkways, bo.uleyards, medians; parks;:natural areas and:other lands owned, r.estir.cted by easement, or leased bythe;City... - . 1. "Public Trees" shall mean any tree locate.d or. to be planted in or upon an'y,public: . . . _ . . property. :: _ :. ;... „ ,,. K;. :: :_. Private Property .shall mean a:ll.lands not owned, controlled with easement:or. _ leased 6y the City. - - ` ... L. .. . .."Private Tr.ees".shall mean any tree.lo.cated or to be.planted in or:upon private_ , .. . ;. premises. : ,: .. ' M: "Public Nuisance"shall mean:any tree or part:thereof which:by reason of its , conditio:n,interferes witli:tlie use of any p:ublic;area; or which is irifected with a plant disease.,• or which is infested witfi:injurious insects or pests that tfireaten : _ _ ubli.c or. rivate ro ert or whicH endan ers the ublic health, safety and . p P p p Y.... g p welfar.e. � . -. N. : :"Replacement Tree" shall mean a tree that replaces a tree previously removed.:. � O Tree Bank is a ter.m to describea City revenue fund for receiving in-lieu=of a ments collected for s ecific re ulator re uirements that:cannot'be . . ' '... ' P Y _ .... p._, g Y q :... : accorrimodated on.a ro ert' for'ust cause. It does not relieve the ro ert . . p p Y J p p Y.:. -. : . , ,: 2: r owner of City requirements but assists property owners in meeting City regulatory requirements. P. Tree Topping shall mean the indiscriminate rernoval of branch and trunk ends and also referred to as rounding-over, heading, hat-racking and other similar � , terms. Reference: "Why.Topping Hurts Trees," International Society of � _ Arboriculture publication. � Q. Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) is the area around a tree or group oftrees in which � no grading or construction activity.may occur. The TPZ is more accurately located using the publication, "Best Management Practices Managing Trees for - � ,Construction," an International Soaiety of Arboriculture publication. � R. Tree Removal shall be construed to mean the�removal of at least forty(40%) � percent of live branches. - S. Manager shall mean the Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager, responsible for administering this ordinance and the Urban Forestry Program or the Manager's designated representative. - T. "Urban Forestry Program" shall mean a comprehensive plan that includes � � planning strategies, maintenance,inventory and new plantings with budget � projections for annual and long range implementation. U. "Visual Clearance" shall be defined as provided in Chapter 4, City-wide Property Development Standards. , 1.1.30. AUTHORITY � A. Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager. 1. The City may employ an Urban Forestry and Natural Resource Manager (Manager), or designate a City employee to perform the duties thereof,who, under the supervision of the Administrator of Community Services and the . Tree Board, shall exercise designated-authority and duties: � 2. Conducts or authorizes inspections,tests, and issues permits as necessary to � implement the Urban Forestry Program, City policies and this ordinance. ` Inspections of private propertyshall be at reasonable times with the consent of the'owner or person in charge or by Special Inspection Warrant. 3. Assist other City departments with issues, concerns,formation of ,. regulations,:inspections and other information required concerning trees and vegetation. 4. Promulgate written guidelines for permitted work,to be filed in the Community Services Department. B. Tree City USA Program and Growth Award. The Manager shall prepare annually a Recertification Application and Growth Award Application, if qualified, and � submit to the State of Washington and the Arbor Day Foundation, 1.1.40. FORESTRY PERMIt , 3 y A. Permit Requirement. No person shall remove, plant, replace, prune; alter, perform surgery on a tree, or disturb the land within the dripline of•any tree within public right-of-ways, or cause such work to be done by others,without first obtaining a . written permit for such work from the Manager, as herein.provided. The permit holder shall be responsible for paying for.the cost of all work performed, unless acting under contract with the City. - B. Permit Exemptions. No person shall be required to obtain a permit to water trees, add mulch to trees, mow lawn or maintain shrubs or ground covers beneath trees in the public right-of-way abutting their property.Such activities shall not result in � damage to`trees. City staff performing tree work directed by the Manager. C. Permit Application. Any person who applies for a permit shall make said application in writing, on City forms. D. Permit Issuance, Fee and Term. When the Manager determines that any proposed work described in an application for a permit is in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance,taking into account the public health, safety and welfare,the location of utilities above and below ground, public sidewalks, driveways,street lights and signs, the general character of the area in which the tree is located or proposed to be located,the type of soil,the characteristics and physiological need of the genus, � � species and variety of the tree,then a permit may be issued or denied'as appropriate under circumstances, with conditions.or limitations. It shall be recommended by the Parks Commission to City Council an appropriate fee, if any, for permits. Tree Bank in-lieu-of payments may be collected from a property owner for each tree removed but not replaced. E. Permit and Duration. Every permit under this section issued by the Manager shall ° include a description of the work to be performed and shall specify the genus, species,variety, size, nursery grade, location of trees and other conditions. Any work performed under such permit shall expire on the date stated on the permit. F. Permit Violation. It shall be a violation of this Ordinance for any person to perform work under a permit contrary to the,permit terms and provisions of this Ordinance. A permit violator shall be responsible for the repair and replacement of any tree damaged or destroyed due to defective work or noncompliance with this Ordinance for a minimum of two (2)full growing seasons following performa�nce of repair or replacement work,.unless otherwise required by the Manager. G. Annual Public Utility and Contractor Permits. .Public utilities,franchise utilities and contractors may apply for and obtain, in accordance witli this Ordinance, an Annual Forestry Permit subject to the following additional conditions, unless waived for just cause by the Manager. " . a. Provide the Manager with fifteen (15) days advance, written notice of work to be - performed. The Manager shall have (15) days to review said notice and to respond back to the utility. b. Perform work in conformance with this Ordinance and written guidelines and directives of the City. c. Perform work in conformance to the most recent edition of Best Management 'Practices Utility Pruning of Trees (International Society of Arboriculture 4 . 1 � , . publication) and American National Standards lnstitute A300 Part 1:Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance—Standard Practices Pruning. d. All costs of pruning; removal, stump grinding, site restoration, r.eplacement trees, plantirig and site preparation sliall be paid by the utility. 1.1.50. REGULATIONS.RESPECTING TREES IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS The following regulations respecfing trees in public right-of-ways shall apply, unless a variance �is granted for just cause by the Manager. ' A. Genus, Species;Variety,Size and Manner of Planting. The Manager shall approve the � genus, species,variety, size and manner of planting of trees planted in the public right- of-way. B. Minimum Size for Planting. The minimum size of any tree planted in the public right-of- way shall be two (2") inches in diarneter measured at six(6") inches above the ground � or top of root ball. - C. Planting Limitations. Trees shall be planted in the public right-of-way with the following limitations: a. Street corner and traffic signs—minimum distance to sign or corner is 40 feet. b. Street light and power pole—minimum distance to pole is 30 feet. c. Traffic signal—minimum distance to signal is 80 feet. . d. Private tree- minimum distance to tree is 40 feet e. Planting strip size—minimum width shall be 3 feet or wider. f. No more than one (1)tree shall be planted in�the public right-of-way abutting a single lot having a frontage at the street of less than one hundred twenty(120') feet. g. The species, quantity and site location will be determined by the Manager prior to planting a tree. h. Forestry Permit Required: i. Standards and Specifications for Tree Planting. Trees shall be planted according to the most recent edition of ANSI A300 Part 6:Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Maintenance—Standard Practices (Transplanting) and ISA Best Management Practices Tree Planting. D. Tree Pruning. Trees planted within any public right-of-way shall be pruned so that any � branches or foliage projecting over any public street or alley which is the subject of vehicular traffi�provide a clearance of not less than fifteen (15')feet from the � pavement.Trees planted within any public right-of-way shall be pruned so that any branches or foliage projecting over any public sidewalk which is the subject of pedestrian traffic shall provide a clearance of not less than eight and one-half(8.5')feet from the pavement or ground. a. Only an International Society of Arboriculture (fSA) Certified Arborist shall prune any tree in the public right-of-way. The Manager may waive this requirement if it can be demonstrated that a person has the required knowledge for pruning and that person is being supervised by an ISA Certified Arborist. � , . ' � � ` 5 . b. Standards and Specifications for Tree Pruning. Trees shall be pruned properly according to the current edition of ANSI A300 Part 1:Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management—Standard Practices (Pruning) and the ISA Best Management Practices Tree Pruning. c. Forestry Permit Required. � d. A permit is not required for pruning trees on private property. E. Tree Topping Prohibited. Removing live branches from more than forty(40%) percent of a trees total height and/or removing live branches without respect for branch unions or branch nodes shall be considered topping. Topping shall be subject to penalities and fines defined in RMC 1-3.,The Manager shall determine topping within the definition section of this Ordinance. a. Tree removal,stump grinding, root removal, renovating the tree site and tree planting may be required in addition to penalties for tree topping under RMC 1-3 as determined by the City. F. Tree Removal. Trees within the public right-of-way which are permitted to be cut down shall be removed with the root and stump grubbed or ground out to a depth of at least nine (9") inches below surface grade. Surface roots beyond the main stump are to be removed to a depth of five (5") inches below grade. All wood and debris shall be , removed from the site and no wood or debris shall be permitted to remain on the street or sidewalk at the end of the work day. Holes shall be properly barricaded or immediately filled to match the existing grade. The site shall be barricaded to protect the public any time work is in progress. A Forestry Permit to an abutting property owner to remove a street tree, having a diameter in excess of six(6") inches measured fifty-four(54") inches from grade, shall be conditioned upon proof of liability insurance , covering death and personal injury and property loss or damage in the amount of one million ($1,000,000) dollars per occurrence. , G. Tree Replacement. A replacement tree may be required in the public right-of-way whenever a tree is removed as determined by the Manager and in accordance with a planting permit(see section 1.1.40). H. Construction near Street Trees. Damage to street trees, including their root systems is prohibited. Construction activity near street trees shall be conducted using only hand equipment whenever such work will affect the tree, unless authorized in writing by the Manager. Roots greater than two inches in diameter shall not be servered without prior approval of the Manager. a. Sidewalks and Curbing. Sidewalks, paving and impervious surfaces should not be constructed closer than three feet from the root crown of a tree. Special engineering methods may be required whenever such surfaces are closer than three feet as determined by the Manager. 6 b. Roots. Root removal and cutting limitations shall be determined by the Manager. Roots that are permitted to be cut must be cleanly cut so that the bark and wood of the root are smooth and not jagged, splintered or fractured. Use of machinery that grabs and pulls roots is prohibited. c. Mulch. A wood-chip mulch 6 inches thick shall be placed by hand around tree root systems prior to beginning work within the Tree Protection Zone in accordance with the most recent version of Best Management Practices Managing Trees During Construction (International Society of Arboriculture). d. Tree Protection Zone. Tree roots, branches and trunk shall be protected from � damage using the appropriate techniques described in Best Management Practices Managing Trees During Construction (ISA) and as determined by the . Manager. � , e. Trenching, Excavations and Directional Boring. Trenching, excavation and directional boring specifications shall be determined by the Manager and is dependent upon tree size with reference to the Best Management Practices Managing Trees During Construction as specified by the Manager. f. Repairs of Damage. Damage to street trees shall be repaired by the City and the costs of repairs invoiced to the person or persons causing the damage. Damages shall be assessed by the Manager using the most recent edition of the Guide for Plant Apparisal Trunk Formula Method. Where damage is severe,the Manager may request the removal of the tree in,stead of repair. The person(s) causing the damage shall pay all costs of removal, including all site renovation costs, the damages assessed according to the Guide for Plant Appraisal and tree replacement costs. I. Sanitary Sewers Clogged with Tree Roots. Abutting property owners shall be responsible for cleaning and repairing sanitary sewer lateral lines which are clogged with _ the roots of street trees. The abutting property owner,when performing any work within the Tree Protection Zone of a healthy tree,shall take such measures as directed by the Manager to protect trees from injury and damage, up to and including tunneling or directional boring (see Section 3-1-50-G above). J. Notice of Street Tree Planting or Removal. Whenever the City proposes the planting or removal of a tree,two (2) weeks advance written notice will be provided to the owner of record of the parcel of land or property adjacent to the land on which such tree stands or will stand. Said written notice shall advise that written, detailed objections may be sent or served upon the Manager within said two (2)week period. Said.notice shall specify in detail the street, avenue or boulevard from which trees are proposed to be removed or planted and the general nature and character of the changes and � improvements contemplated. After reviewing any written objections which may be submitted, the Manager will advise the owner of record of the parcel of land adjacent to the land on which the tree stands or will stand, in writing, of the final decision regarding the tree. No prior notices by the City are required for the pruning of living trees or for 7 the removal of dead or dangerous trees. The absence of a timely notice shall not render any work perforrned invalid. K. Appeal. The final written order of the Manager may be appealed to the Tree Board upon written notice of appeal to the Manager, served or postmarked within ten (10) days of the final decision. Appeal will be heard at the next scheduled meeting of the Tree Board, provided that the notice of appeal is received by the City at least seven (7) days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Board. The Tree Board shall make the final decision for or against the appeal. 1.1.60. PUBLIC NUISANCE—PRIVATE PREMISES A. Notice to Abate Public Nuisance. Whenever the City shall find that any tree or part , thereof growing or located upon private property is a public nuisance,the owner of record shall be notified in writing that the nuisance must be abated as directed in the notice within the time specified,which shall not be less than thirty(30) days, unless the Manager shall determine that immediate action is necessary to preserve the public health,safety and welfare in which event a lesser period of time for abatement shall be provided. . Notice shall be served on the owner of record of said parcel identifying those conditions which constitute a public nuisance and demanding abatement by a time certain in the manner and to the extent prescribed by said notice. Service shall be in the manner provided for service of a Summons in the Circuit Court or by Delivery Confirmation Receipt,the order may be served by posting it on the main entrance of the building or structure, if any, or where no building or structure is present, by posting a sign on each side of said lot, and by publishing as a Class One (1) Notice, under Washington Statutes. A. Failure to Abate. If said owner fails to remedy or improve the condition complained of in accordance with the written notice furnished by the City,then said City shall, after the expiration of the period specified in the written notice, cause said nuisance to be abated. B. Abatement by City. The abatement may be by City personnel or by a contractual agreement with others entered into with the City. C. Hearing. The owner, upon written request to the City, served and postmarked during the notice period, shall be granted a hearing before the Tree Board.Where possible, said hearing should be within ten (10) days following the request therefor. Said hearing shall give the owner the opportunity to contest the existence of facts sufficient to form the basis for the finding of a public nuisance as herein described. Following the hearing, a written statement of the findings of the Tree Board shall be sent by regular mail to the 8 : • . owner at the address given by the owner at said hearing.The City may,for good cause, extend the period of time for abatement of the nuisance. D. Appeal. The writte,n order of the City,where a hearing has been held, may be appealed to the Parks Commission upon written request to the City, served or postmarked within ten (10) days of the date of said written order. Where possible, said appeal should be heard at the next scheduled meeting of the Parks Commission, provided that the request for review is received by the City at least seven (7) days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Commission. E. Special Assessment. Following abatement of said public nuisance,the Manager shall bill � the owner for the cost of abatement. If such bill is not paid within thirty(30) days, said bill shall be processed as a special assessment against said property. F. Emergency Procedure. The above specified notice procedure does not apply when circumstances arise which require immediate action to protect the public from imminent harms, such as sickness, disease or personal injury. In determining imminent harm,there must be a balancing of the rights of the landowner to notice and appeal procedures with the right of the public to be protected from a risk of harm which could be avoided by prompt action. However,where possible,the landowner should be given a notice prior to City abatement action.The above regulations shall otherwise apply, except for the notice and appeal procedures,which shall be as herein stated. 1.1.70. PERMIT REVOCATION Any Permit granted under authority of this Ordinance may be revoked by the Manager for cause upon ten (10) days advance,written notice and an opportunity to be heard.The revocation of any Permit may be appealed to the Tree Board within ten (10) days of receipt of written notice of revocation. 1.1.80. NO GUARANTEE, WARRANTY OR CAUSES OF ACTION CREATED This Ordinance is not intended to guarantee or to expressly or impliedly warrant to any person that this Ordinance will accomplish its intended purpose, especially in regard to private trees, and no causes of action are intended to be created or vested in any person either against the City or against any other party. 1.1.90. INJURY TO TREES PROHIBITED A. No person, upon public property, shall: 1. Injure, destroy,damage, mutilate, deface or commit any act which will prevent the growth or cause the death of any tree. 2. Secure, attach,fasten, nail or run through any rope, cable,wire, sign or fixture to, around or through any tree. 3. Deposit, place or permit the deposit of any toxic or hazardous substance on or about any tree. 9 4. Excavate or disturb the ground within the Tree Protection Zone of any tree without a permit. 5. Perform any work within the dripline of any tree without taking measures as directed by the City to protect the tree from injury and damage, up to and � - including tunneling or boring. 6. Remove any guard, stake or other protective device or close or obstruct any open space about the base of a tree designed to permit access of air,water or fertilizer. 7. Perform any other act contrary to this Ordinance. 1.1.110. ENFORCEMENT • This Chapter shall be enforced by the Manager and designees thereof. Any City Department which observes a violation of this Chapter shall bring said violations to the attention of the Manager. 1.1.120. ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES Until the provisions of this Chapter, including the conditions on any Permits issued thereunder, have been fully met, the City shall withhold issuance of any Land Use Permit, Building Permit,� Certifi.cate of Occupancy or inspection required under the current City Building Code or issue stop orders for any land development involving tree removal. 1.1.130. APPEALS Any person aggrieved by the administration or interpretation of any of the terms or provisions of this Chapter,who is not in violation of this Ordinance, may appeal to the Parks Commission within fifteen (15)working days of receiving notice of such administration or interpretation, which, after a hearing,with notice to the appellant, may reverse, affirm or modify, in whole or in part, the order, requirement, decision or determination of the Manager, and to that end shall have all the powers of the Manager. The notice of appeal shall be filed with the Parks Commission. 1.1.140. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS The City may specially assess any property for work performed by or at the dirction os the City, where any work is done on such property in the lawn park area abutting such property to secure compliance with the Ordinance, under circumstances where the property owner has been notified of the�work to be performed and has failed to timely perform the work. The special assessment shall include a seventy-five ($75) dollar adrriinistrative fee. 1.1.150. PENALTY Any person who by himself/herself or by his/her agent or employee, shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter, shall, upon conviction, pay a forfeiture of not less than Twenty-five 10 � ;. , ($25.00) Dollars and not more than One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars, and in default of payment thereof, be imprisoned in the County Jail for a period not to exceed ninety(90) days.A separate offense shall be deemed to have been committed on every day on which a violation occurs or continues. � 11 " � City of . Y� c� ., � • � .���� , ' � � . , ���. _�r�,� CITY OF IZEI�TT'Ol� BOAl� OF PA1�I� COIVIIVII5SI01`�E1zS SIGI�TT-IloT S�IEET DATEo October 13, 2015, IVIaplewood Golf Course Do you vaish to l�laane Address City/Zip Phone speak? PLEASE PRINT Yes No �"l V In l I���In. 1�1� �N�-'� � �I�.�v�� j V��,�u� �,,� — I��t-U�1 ��cN�S '1Zc� ��x�'—�i �I `��r�axQ ���i�-S ��v� P��I l (