HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA-00-156 E DE O � Denis Law Mayor : �. : Community&Economic Development C.E."Chip"Vincent,Administrator August 16, 2016 Scott Rosenstock Southport, LLC 1083 Lake Washington Blvd N, Suite #50 Renton, WA 98056 Subject: Approval of Final Mitigation Plan/Proposed Maintenance & Monitoring Southport Road Improvement, LUA00-156 To Whom It May Concern: Mitigation Plan Approval: We have reviewed and approved the final stream mitigation plan/monitoring proposal for the Southport Access Road Improvement project, dated July 18, 2016 and received by the City on July 19, 2016. Please provide me with an electronic copy of the final mitigation plan, dated July 18, 2016. The mitigation project shall be installed in conformance with the approved plan prior final inspection. Next Steps: Work with Jan Illian in the Plan Review Section to obtain construction permits and begin work on stream mitigation installation consistent with the approved plan. Mitigation Installation and Approval: Once the stream mitigation has been installed (plants, signage, fencing, etc.) pursuant to the approved plan, please have biologist provide me with written verification that the installation is in conformance with the approved plan. You may be planning on installing the mitigation project after the commencement of construction; in order to provide you with the amount of security necessary for the installation of the plantings, signage, fencing; we will need a copy of the signed installation contract for this work. Surety Amount: In order to provide you with the amount of security necessary for the installations and/or maintenance and monitoring of the stream mitigation plantings, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057• rentonwa.gov August 16,2016 Page 2 signage, and fencing, we will need a copy of the signed installation/maintenance and monitoring contract for this work. Based on the opinion of probable mitigation costs I received for installation, . maintenance, and monitoring for the mitigation project, the total amount of your installation surety device is $47,981.25 and the maintenance and monitoring surety device is$30,000.00. The specific breakdown is as follows: Installation 38 385.00 TOTAL @125% $47,981.25 Maintenance & Monitoring 24 000.00 TOTAL @125% $30,000.00 These amounts are deemed sufficient to guarantee that structures, improvements, and mitigation required by permit condition will be installed according to plan and perform satisfactorily for a minimum of five (5) years after they have been completed. Please come to the 6th Floor of Renton City Hall to pay the surety device. � The following security devices are acceptable for the purposes of installation of required critical areas mitigation performance and critical areas monitoring/maintenance: 1. Cash; 2. Letter of credit; 3. Set aside letter; provided, that the funds cannot be withdrawn, spent, or committed to any third party; 4. Savings account assigned to the City and blocked as to withdrawal by the secured party without the City's approval; or Any security device must be payable to the City upon demand by the City. In the event that improvements are not completed as required or maintenance is not performed satisfactorily, the City will notify the applicant/developer, property owner and guarantor in writing. The notice will state the specific defects that must be remedied and the date the work shall be completed. In the event the applicant/developer fails to complete all improvement work required in compliance with approved mitigation plan, dated July 18, 2016, the City reserves the right to proceed against the security for funds necessary to complete the improvements. If the amount of security is less than the expense incurred by the City, the applicant/developer shall be liable to City for the difference. The installation surety will be released upon written approval of the City once installation of all improvements is completed per the approved mitigation plan or alternatively per an approved as-built plan. August 16, 2016 Page 3 The maintenance and monitoring surety will be released upon written approval of the City once the five year maintenance and monitoring program is completed, and all performance measures are met, per the approved mitigation plan. As Built Plans for the Mitigation Area: A copy of the as-built plans of the approved mitigation plan, prior to final inspection shall be provided to the City; unless plantings are installed as exactly per plan. Please send all required information to my attention. Feel free to contact me at 425- 430-7219 if you have any questions regarding this letter. Sincerely, Ro ale Timmons Senior Planner ' cc: File No.LUA00-156 : , _. . , : Stream Assessment and Final.Mitigation Plan . Southport Access Ro:ad Improvements Renton;Washi.ngton _ ... . : ,. . for CITY OF RENTON southpo�t, �Lc RE.CEIVED �uiy 1a, 2oi6 : JUL. 1 9 2016 6UILDING DIVISION : : • � , ,. _ . --- .. _ _. _ � . _ _ _. . _ � _ . _ _ ; _ ... . ,... , , :: : �, �:. ,. _ . _ . _ : -. _. _ . ,:: _ , ,. _. _ - , . .. ... ... . .. ... ... . .. ... ... . .. ... ... . .. ... ... . .. ... ... . � . . .... . . . .... . . . .... . . . .... . . . .... . . . .... . . � .� .. ... ... . .. . ... .� .�. . . ... .� .. ... .... .� ... ... � _ .. ... .� .�. . . . I . .... . .... . .... . .... . .... . . . . . . ... . . . . �... . . . . ... . . . .. ... . . . . ... . . . . .. i � . . ... ... . .. ... .. . .. ... ... .. ... ... . .. ... ... . .. ... .. . � . . .... . . . ... . . . .... . . . ... . . . .:.. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... ... . . . . .. . . ... .. . . . . .. . i.. . .... . . . .... .� . . .... . .. . .. . . .. . Stream Assessment and Final Mitigation Plan Southport Access Road.Im:provements _ _ . Renton;Washi_ngton : , for _ ` ' - S:outhport, LLC , , - July 18, 2016 ... :S. _ � ... ... .. ... " . .. ... ... . .. . . ... . - . . . . .... . . .. . ': .::�: : . '. .... _.. .. . ... . ' . . ... ' ' i GEO�NGINEERS: . � : . _ _ - 1101 SoUth Fawcett Avenue;Suite 200 - _ Tacoma, Washington 98402 � _ _ 253.383.4940 , _ _ � _ _ : � _ . Stream Assessment and Final Mi#igation:Plan : _ Southport Access Road Improvements _. _ - Ren#on, Washington ; File No. 21�54=001-00 : ;: ,. July 18, 2016 : :.: ::: : Frepared for: Southport, LLC.. . _ . 1083 Lake Washington Boulevard Nortfi; Suite 50 Renton, Washington 98056 :. Attention:Scott Ros.enstock Prepared:by:: : ::: GeoEngineers, Inc. : . : : :.: 1101 So.uth Fawcett Avenue,:Suite 200 _. ... . Tacoma,Washington 98402 : . :: : 253.:383.4940 — . : _ . � � . � , e . . �.. _.. _ _ Qavid B. Conlin, PWS :.: ::: : Project Bi.ologi.s.t _. _..: Jos h : Call ghan, PWS _. . _ . ,. . . , _. . As . , _.. . DBC:JOC:ab. _ Disclaimer:Any electronicfnrm,facsimile or hard copyofthe original document(email,fext,table,antl/orfigure);if provided,and any attachments are only a copy ofthe original document.The:original document is stored by GeoEngineers;Inc.and will serve as the official document of record. _ _. :.. _. :.. : CITY OF REMTOR9:. � ECEIVED : - JIJL 19 2016 _ BUI LDING DIVISIOIl� GEOEPVGINEERS� . _ _.. __ _,.. ��b.�� O� �0�1$��l.tS::: . , , _ INTRODUCTION.::................... .. ..1 ................ ................. ................ ' : City of.Renton Requirements.......................:::..:....::.................. ................. ................. .:1 . _ . . . _ : Coordination with Other Agencies..:.:..::......:::. .....:.:..:......:: :. ...::::..:..... .... :....2.. STREAM ASSESSMEfVT...........::...::: :.: : ........ ...................2 _ .......................................................................... .................:. ... : Water Type.............::..:.:....::::. ................ . ................ . ................ . ................ .:2:. -- � Ordinary:High VUater Mark.....::........:::::....................::........::.::.:..................;:........::::::...................::........::::. ...2 Riparian Vegetation Conditions:.:.:..:::.:.:..................::.:........:... ...... ..............:... ...... ..............:... .3 . -. Fishand Wildlife Use,.... . ..................... .. . . ................... . . ....... ................... . ... ................... .:3 . Stream Summary:...................:.;....:.::::::.:................. .... ............... .... ............... .... 3:.. . PROPOSED PROJECT..............::.:.::: :.. .. :::.....:... ...... ..............:.. ..4 _ :: Analysis of Alternatives:...:.:::.....................:..:::...:.:::.....................:...::..::..::........................:...............................::5: . . � Impact Evaluation..................::.....::.:::..:.:..................::...... ................. ..... .................. . ..... ...5 StreamHabifat.:...:.......::..:..::: : ...... ..:.:.:....:....: ...... ...:.::.....:..... ...... ...:.:::....:....: .6 . _ : , Riparian Buffer Vegetation....................:.:.:..:::.................. ................ ................ .:6. PROPOSEDMI`iIGATION.........::.....::.::....:...................::.....:..:::.::.....................:........: .............................. .......7 _. Mitigation Actions.::..........:::.................. _ ................ ................ ................ :7 .. ; � Funcfional Evaluation.......:..... . ............:..... . ....,.........:....... .................. . .7:.. . - Long-Term Monitoringand Maintenance................::......:.: .................. .................. ..8 Surety DeVice:.............:........:..:.....:..:.....:.. .... :.:.:....:....: ..... :.::.....:....: ..... :.:::....:....: _ .9 $UMMARY. . ......:.....:.:... . :........:.:..... .. ::..........:.......... . .........:..:.:... . .10 _ LIMITATIONS....... ................... . .. .. ................... ....................... .. ... .. ........................ ... . .10 —, REFERENCES ;: ................ ................. , ........ ................. .................. .. .11 LIST OF FIGURES . ` Figur.e 1.Vicinity Map _ Figur.e 2. Baseline Conditions - Figure 3. Proposed Conditions _ . APPENDICES _ _ . _ � A endix A. Biolo icaf Evaluation and Joint A uatic Resources Permit A lication JARPA Drawin s Pp g _ q PP � ) g. ; , A endix:B.Stream Ma � pp pping Databas:e Printouts _ ... _ _ : _ _ _ ... .. . , _. _. :::. , -: . � GEOENGINEER� July�8;2016 E Page i � � � . � � � File No.21854-0OS-00� � _ , ... . , _ ... INTRODUCTION : :: GeoEngineers,Inc..(GeoE:ngineers)was Gontracted bySECO Development, Inc.(SECO)to complete a stream ; . _ ... . _ :.. : assessment, stream_cha:nnel design, and:mitigation plan for the Southport Access:Road.lmprovements: . .:. project, which:'is:an action inter.refafed to the Southport::Development Master Plan. The project:site is �.::: :.. . located.in Renton;Washington, between the.Southport Development and Lake 1Nashington.Boulevard near. . . .. - tfie intersection with tfie access road to:Gerie Coulon Memorial:Beach Park (see Figure:1, Vicinity Map). : � , , The South ort Develo ment Froject is a 17.5-acre:mixed=use community waterfront site that.will inelude a , . waterFront.hotel; convention center; and parking gar.age: These facilities.have already been:or::are in the , process of being designe.d. and constructed.:To improve traffic fl.ow entering and exitin.g the Southport Development,.improvements,to the.surrounding public,:a,nd private roadways. and infrastructure;will be completed.:In or.derto complete tYie Southport Access Road Improvements project,the existingJotiris:Creek :: , crossing needs to be replaced, including removal:of three existing pipe culverts under fhe existing road fill prism; removal of fill, and replacement with:a:single box culvert:sufficient to accommodate the increaseel: : , — - road width, convey anticipated stream flows, and provide:aclequate fish pass�ge: . City of Renton Requirements � This report has been prepared to document baseline : i � stream conditions, project impacts .and .p.roposed ' : ? _; mitigation. This report fqllows City of: Renton (City) � , _ Municipal Code:(RMC) requirements in accordance:with :: ��:= z . . . . ... r � �.::: : RMC. Title._IV :(Development :Regulations),.Cha.pter::3 : '_.' (Envir.onmental Regulations and Overlay Districts), as ���UM�� . � �� ,��.� welf as Chapter. 8 (Permits), Section 120 (Submittal .:� ' • ` ' Requirements - Specific to Application Type). :: �, ���� � , � '�4p, , . .. .�,,, , : Specifically, this report.includes companents:required �'°� ' � ` � . . .. _ ,,..ti:l� for a Stream. Assessment Narrative, Stream Mitigation. . , �� � � _ Plan, and . Stream Supplerriental: 5tudy (AKA Flflal : : �istingSouthportAccessRnadcrossingofJohns.Creek,viewed _. . Mltlgatl0fl Plall). fromtheeasl. :: _ _.. , .... . This plan:was developed by GeoEngi:neers biologists with:Professional Wetland:Scientist(PWS)credentials . . . . ... _ and a Professional Engineer (PE):witfi stream design:and tiydraulic modeling�ezpertise on behalf ofSECO : Development, Inc.,and Southport, LLC. Mitigation actions pro:posed:as part of this Stream Assessment and , _ . _ _ Final Mitigation.Plan were developed using recommendations from the interagen'cy guidance document; Wetland:Mi.tigation in Washington State - Part 2:Dev.eloping Mitigation:Plans:,:which was produced jointly _.. . : _ by th:e:Washington:Department of Ecology,U..S.:Army Corps of En.gi:n:eers (USACE),:and.U:S. Environmental.. ::: : _.. ,.. Protection Agency; and represents,.the =Best Available Science at, this. tim'e. This plan. .includes ,:_ _. �- recom,me;ndations for buffer enhancement and riparian buffer functions;for,streams as well as wetlands. �' ! ., Ttiisreport includes;refere.nceto Civil Design D;rawings(subm,itted separatelytothe City:by;Southport, LLC,:; ;: :� : . , . -�- and not ipcluded in this reporC)and the Biological Evaluation and appended:Jaint Aquatic Resources Permit ,.:. Application:(3ARPA) Drawings (Appendix A). Drawingsincluded in the JARFA are at 1"=40' scale.:Drawings included in the Civil Design Drawings are at 1".=10' or 1"=20' (varies between sheets). Figures 2 and 3 . .. _ (Baseline Conditions and Proposed:Conditions, respectiuely) are at 1°=20'. A.Boundary and Topographic ,. Survey of:the sife is included in the:Civil Design Drawings.: : _ :.. : _ . GEOENGIN�ERS� . , . 18,:2016 (Page 1 � , . ' �.: ._. . . ..:.... . . ..:..... . . ..:.... . . . ' FIeNo.23854-001•00. . .. _ _ . , : ;: , � Coordination with O#her:Agencies ' The JARPA appli.cation has be:en provided to the USAGE i.n.support of a Clean:lNater Act permit, an:d..to the „r�Y: Wash.ington Department of,Fish and Wildlife(WDFW)in support of a:Hydraulic Project Approval permit:The � Biologi,cal Evaluatio.n :has:also been proyided:to the USACE and appropriate federal:regulatory agencies: ::. , _ r—,: administering the Endangered Species Act. The pr.oject was previously evaluated for compliance with the � _ .. _. , � .. - State Environmental Policy Act:as:documented in: an EnVironmental Iinpact Statement and:associated � ; : Mitigation Document that was recorded:by the:City as part of:the Southport Planned Aetion: ,... . _.. . - t ,. : ;: , _ ... .. _ STREAM ASSESSMENT:_ ' '� . , . U�aferType . . � :: . _ , _. , , . . .. . For.the ur oses of this assessrrient;Jbhns Creek.iscons � - idered a.T. e F fish bearin strearri atthe ro ect. . P P YP. . .i ... _... . g) p J ,-, location.According to ttie RMC,Type F streams require a 115=fo.o:f bu.ffer measured from the Ordinary High : i i , Water Mark(OHWM).The"Streams�nd Lakes:Water Classe.s"figure produced bythe City of R.enton(2013) ' � _ _ . indicates:Johns Creek as a Class.2 stream below Lake Washington Boulevard; and Class 4 abov.e. Class 2 streams are considered fish-bearing an.d Cla.ss,4 are not. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (WD.NR) Forest Practices. Application. Review System (FPARS).:o.nline system .(DNR.2015) identifies:Jofins:Creek as Type F.Tfie:WDFW Priority Habifat and Species (PHS):map viewer(WDF1N:2015) _ : : .::� ., :: does not identify a.stream:at this location: Map printouts obtairied:from these sources:are included. in ; ; A endix B,Stream:Ma in Database Pr.intouts. ' . pp pp� g . _ , Ordinary High'Water Mark : :: _ . GeoEngineers biologists :eonducted a field:aSsessment on July:9,:0etober 19, and:October 27, 2015:to.: � characterize tfie.stream within the project area and delinea'te the OHWIVI,whic:h is the jurisdictional:limit of in-stream ,.. ' versus u land habitat b re ulato a encies.fihe OHWM was identified by examining breaks in :: p Y g rY. g topography, drift I'r.nes; shifts in vegetation,::and signs of :water.:marks, accordin.g to USACE protocol. (USACE 2005)::: :and the Wasfiin ton Administrative Code g (WAC): : definition : of. .:OHWM � _ .. ,. __. (WAC 173-22-030§.11)� . .. : .::: : ,:z �,,� ��_ .�,�� - � �. _. ��;; ,;i � r _ �� � ,� �` '°`' ''� R r � ^ '-.� : � r - ,�,,w.:. � a . . E '��; � 4 � � '� ��{� - � � � ` � �' �.�-;�,..;. _ .�- :-�, L-Ri Johns Creek stream c6anriel arid:invasive shrub riparian vegetation on the upstream{soutb)side of the existing crossing where the roadway and culvert � ' ... . wifl be ex anded;existin � p g pipe eulverts;stream.channel and riparlan vegetation off-site on the downstream(north)side ofUte site;which will be preserved. � gg Y g b Y y �. g _ . The OHWM was fla ed in the#ielcl b a GeoEn ineers biolo ist and surv:e ed:b a Bush Roed &:Hitchin s, - , , Inc.,::Professional Land Surveyor (PLS). The OHWM is depicted on JARPA Sheet 3 of 10; as well as ofher ; ! JARPA Sheets and the Civil Design Drawings. ; _ GEOENGINEERS� 18,2016:f:Page 2 .. . . . . ._ . . ..:. �, . ..:..� . �.::... . . . FIe No 5 .. .218 4-001-00� � ;. _, `- R[paro�n l/ege�ation.C�ndition§ , _ . - Vegetation on,�he north side;of the existing roadway contains native and ornamental planted landscape � � . . , . . ... ` species.l`he riparia.n buff.er in'this area-is generally limited to 70 feet:at most and much less-in some places '' (see:Figure 2).The south side of the existin:g raadway is dominated:by Himalayan.blaekberry and a grassy. : . ,... . . _., : . � dog park to the southwest of the site:The riparian buffer in tliis area is completely:degraded,with remaining : ,... ... invasive shrub:vegetation Iimifed ta 25 feet from tfie:QHWM. , ' Ezisting riparian vegefation pravides very limited function o.n the south (upstream)side of the:culverts due to its lirriited witlth and dominance by invasive slirubs tliat provide little:habitat value, woody inputs; or -. .... . . . , `shade:to the stream. Ezisti:ng vegetation on the:norfh (downstream):side of the.culverts:provides more function due to an ov.erhead tree canopy that contributes leaf:litter;shade,and some woody de6ris inputs. . Most vegetation within the clearing limits is less than 6 inches.in diameter and 'includes.smaller landscape. . . .. tree.s:and native sh.rubs on:the north side, and:invasive shru:bs (Himalayan blackber.ryj and grass on the: : ::: _. .. .. � � ' - soufh side..A totai:of nine trees with:dia:meters ranging from;6 to 14 inches were identified within the s.urvey ` ,. ,.: . limits, including some installed :during previous: landscaping as well as some native species:>in the . ; '; undeveioped riparian buffer: A tree survey is incfuded in the.Boundary and Topographie Survey drawings... , , ... � ' Basefine vegetation communities.are. also ilfustrated.on..Figure 2. Impacts to riparian vegetation are ` ;.,:.. ,. . ,, ... . _ :. :. addresse:d in tfie:next section.: . : : ::: - ;: Fish:�rad Wildlife Us� . _ -, Johns Creek:is identified as fish,bearing but there is no documented use by salmon. However., Larry:Fisher _. . ,. ... . . ._ . . , :: (personal communication, December 21, 2015):provides anecdotal evidence that coho and sockeye have bee.n;observed spawning in the creek in the vicinity of the pro�ect..No other sensitrve,animal species have. :- ,_ . , been reported:i,n,the area.An:osprey,nest is identified by;WDFW(2015) northeast of the site; on th.e other ,. .� � side of.fnterstate 405. .It.would be expected.that common human-commensal species,.such as sma,ll. . - ' rotlents, raccoons,deer,and songbirds, are likely to utilize riparian liabitats near fhe project site at times i� �. - , �trearn �umreaary THe:following table provieles a summary of. observed and documented stream characferistics for Jofins: : , , ...: . ._ , � Creek at;the peoject location.:. � ; . . ... : ! - _. :� i .. ) �� , _. . . � . . , _. ,. ;, :; � : _ ;.. : '.: _. i ; � . . -; . . . ... ,: : ,; : ° : ; :.: : g � .::: :. . .. . _ . ,. � ; , ; , � . ti . .... . .... .- .... . ':: :::.� :' - . GEoENGINEERS� : 18,:2016:f:Page 3 ; , ..:; �� . . ...:..... -. . . : . ... �.� . . . ..: . �. : ����. , . . . .� .. . . . . . � Fle No.21854-Q01-00. . . . .. . . July TA�LE 1.JOFlNS CFtEEK STF2EANl SUiVIIVIARY:::. � Basic:informat+on �� - . K,.. .�_..��: .._.M.: w ,_ _ __ _ , _.v ___ _a�_ _. �., ___W� _.� .,� . . . . . , Water Resources .i� i �{ Inventory Area �+� 8(Cedar Sammamish) j Y_,,..:..._.:.....,._ ,........__ _ .._.._�_....ti. ___.._,.,.__._,_.__.._.....�__.___..._.,.... ' y. .. ;... _._ __ - -- Y_ _ . . . . _. .._. . _ __ .. _. . __ _ . , Local Jurisdiction ' Cit of Renton ` ` ` ,_: ._ .n:.._ _:__.___ __�.:____---.. __r�.___---�-__-------- �----=-:, .-�,�� �____�� -_.: r.__.:� �_�:_u.�_ .�.._:_.___. �� , , I _ . � f y Fish-bearing(F)1 • Stream T pe , :- i._.._..,..,.,.__._.__...._.,_._.__,�_.,__ _._.___`_._._......_,.a.__..._,... _....._...____._..__.._ __._..,.....,.. _......._.,..._..._.._.,......_......__..._:...,,,_...,.._.._.._. ,. ......�....__:..___.:ti- _._._'_ . __.. ._..,. ._......'_ ..._.., ...__ .. ....._. . _...__ . ......... ... _ ... ._. ........ .__..._ _ _ ._....... ..._.._._._ ..,.._._.. ,__ ..... .... .__. „ ....... . . __.__ .. , Standard Riparian Buffer 115 feet? - � , - _�v , :.._.- . ___u�.. .._. _ ,._._. _._,__.... ,_ :::_ .-. ,..__ .r_.� _ __ : ...._� _.._�., w � ,�ChannEl�Width , 8-12 feet3 �, ,, ,` ` � � `" ,'"� � w �. ,._ _ �._� ._ _ �m. e. .,� _ .__� ���._ _:._.._ _ ._ v_ .. �� .. ._._... ���_.. .. �._.. _ _., .: � �� , . � � � � �uGraciient � _ � ��!+ 0 to-3%3 > � � � � � �� ',,. � ,.': �.._...'..__�._.__.... � .:�1 ., ,,.,_...��_._... . :7 ,� . ; ' � � Seasonality t Perennial - � _. n __. � r_ _.._, ..._ ,� _ __ ;__..., �: �___.�_ -� �_. . w . ..�. �. . ._ �...._ . , _. _: , � ,.: ,: ,�, ..... � __ � ._. ........ _ ..,.. _ _.., ._ ., - ,.,... , ,...�� , . . ,' ShorelineJurisdiction ; Notapplicable � ` .: ,, . F . ; �, . . . .. � . . . ::" . :` ;�. � - Habitat:Ciiaracteristics '' ': ' -- ._�_. ___.,. . . ---__ ...._..._ _.____�._. - ---- ._ .. _ ..._.�� . . ... .. __. ._ ..__.- - - - -. _. _.., . .__.,_ __. _ . . , .._, � Documented Fish Use ". None° ; _ ,.:.. _�_��_: _ r,..._ - -_.: _ �_w:r ��- ��_ �7 . _ , .. .. _.. _ ... _. . __�_._.- - -._ ,_. ._.._ . __.__� __ �__ y � a Connectivity ' Drains northwest into Lake Washington app�roximatel 1;000 feet from the site,� , ' w :.. .- .._,., .=_._ __��:. _ �,._. .,_._., �._ _ „_� �__ ..,_ __ ,:. > - _ .rc,-. . , . ...:.:..—. . :�.__� :_.._ .,_ ....�., . -.:.. . ...:.�� ... .; -w..:. , : ° - � Channel is�entrenched through the site and'banks are defined by roadway;raElroad and � t � �'; other fill historically placed during development of,the area. The channel substrate is ; �� r Channel D"escription �; �� � - �.: � -: � <• ��� �-� �� � � ��'dominated �by fin.,'e,,sediments with� some;gravel and�� limited�cobble,,,including isorne ;�,-���. � � ��� -�`�� � � � � y�i sediment deposition insrde the cuiverts �� ��� � ,� ���� ` _�`���� � .. ... : ' . ,..._ .,,..__., ....m,_.a._.._. .............14_r.,,... ......_.. ' . ... s . . . . . . .,... ................«.....�...__ _....,��,.,--,.. � . ,.+,... ...:�_:';m __..::"......«........ ,. ',:',_:. � ...�...:.'.: ..,....,., r-_...:.:..:. ...��...._... _ �'»_-_•• ..,.� . .. . .. ... ... . .. �.,� ..� a q .. N . - Q � �„ f v n.�._.�•:�$ � " �, The.buffer is disturbed with roads antl urban commercial and indus$rial�devefopment. � i Riparian/Buffer Condition i? Smali strips of fiimalayan black6erry (Rubus'armeniacus} extend along'the.banks. � � ;; Dominant vegetation along the stream-channel consists of Himalayan blackberry and i !, '� reed canarygrass(Phalaris arundinacea). � � � ,��_____..,.__.�__.__ _.___._._._._. ____�____.__,.________..__�____�__,____ � . . . .. . . -.... .r ..._. � �-,., _ __ ..-�.......:,...e,:..,�._..-.._.�.y.___1 .. ...� Notes; _ 1.Stream type according to:Washington State D.epa.rtment of Natural Resource.s(DNR)Forest Practices Application Review System �FPARS)(DNR�2Q07). � `, 2.RMC 4-3-050§G(2). ,. 3..Average channel width and gradient based on general site observations.:: 4:Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW)Priority Habitat and Species mapping application(WDFW 2015). , HoweVer,anecdotal evidence(Larry Fisher,:personal communication);inclicates that sockeye and colio salmon may occur in:the creek in the vicinity of the project location: PROPOSED.PROJECT The:purpose of the project is to increase the roadway wi:dth: ofi the access road, :which is the only. : , ingress/egress route from the.Southport Development,for improved ve.h.icle and pedestrian traffic flow.To ,. accomplish this project,three 60 inch culverts,60 feet in. length,which currently conveyJohns Creek under the ezisting access road;.will be removed..Tfie culverts will be ceplaced with a single-span concrete box. : , culvert, 61 feet in.lengfh by 25.feet in span.The channel.ofJohns Creek.will be re-established through the _ box culvert where currently no charine:l exists due fo the:eonveyance by pipe culverts. , The proposed culvert plan is depicted on Civil Design Drawings Sheets S101 and C2-303,:as well as JARPA Sheets 3 and 4 of 10. Proposed.grading where the culverts will be removed and the channel restored, is GEOENGINEERS� July 1.8,:201S:f:Page 4 F�ie r�o.ziasa-aoi-oo _ _ _ -- , , . � illustrated on the Civil Design Drawings Sheet C2-302. Existing and pxoposed contours are also shown on" _. . F'igures 2,and 3:- - . _ _ . Aro�fysis of Aiterriativ.es:; : _. ... . --� ' Several alternatives have bee:n consid.e.red fo acco.mplish t.h.e project: , . �.,_ Preferred Alterna#ive::This alternative..is:to replace the existing pipe culvert.s..with a single-span.. ::. : �- structure and.restore ttie stream channel ffirough the.structure:This alternative includes two.stru.c.turak " design optaons that are functionally very similar: Both:structural designs wou:fd pass the 100 year flood ,.. ,.. . . . , . ... . � evenf_and enable restoration of stream channel habitaf and fish.passage through the.road crossing: .._ ' ■ Option 1(Propose.d Alternative).This alternatiye involves replacing.the existing pipe.culyerts � with.a large conc:rete box culvert. This alternative requires:no faunclation other:than;the bed - . - . , . ;. ' rr�aterial on.whicfi the bottom of. the culvert'will rest.and is anticipated,to.require a shorter. . ,. - construction`duration, redu:cing both environmental an:d traffic impaets dur.ing construction: . . ... � This alternative requires more excavation than.the other structural design option, but does:not — - reguire pile driving.; or:;other foundation. .improvemenfs. .This:;alternative is the. least _ . ; .. environmentall.y dariiaging alternative because it enables restoration of fish.,habifat and fish passage and:�as minimal other:en.v.ironmental irrlpacts:::: : �: Option 2.This alternative involves replacing tlie existing pipe cul.verts with a single-span bridge r ` ' .::structure supported;on:pile-driven foundations. Piles are tYte.:o:nly foundation type:feasible at ' this location _because of the preserrce of peat in the SubsurFace soils. This;option would be functionallysimilarto,Option`1; butwouldbemoreexpensivean.d,time-consumingtocons.truct; , , , _ would require pile driying,which may be challenging with the overhead lines present a#the site, ' and would.result in more temporary construct'ion impacts.to the environme.nt. � ■: Pipe Culverts.This alternative would be to replace the existing pipe culverts with longer pipe culverts: : .. ; to aecommodate the increased:.roadway width. This;alternative would result in more environmental . ; . . . ,:. � ' impact than either.the.No Action or Proposed Alternatives due to displacement.of.more fish habitat. . . .. with no hab'itat improvements. This alternative would also :riot likely be supported by regulatory - ' agencies and::not be permittable in the current.regulatory environmsnt. , ... . _. ... . ,. :.. � No Action:This alternative would not meet the project objectives, resulfing in poor traffic access to.the site.This alternativ.e is also not the least environmentally:damaging option beeause'the culverts are a. - _ _ . .. . __ . ' ; partial fis.h:passage barrierthat:needs to be corrected:and this alter[�ative:would not enable the;habitat , ,. _. _. [�� .: improvements that.are proposed as part of the project: ` _ . . _ Based on the.information presented above, the .Rroposed Alternat'ive, Opti.o.n 1, is preferable fo.other - alternatives,be,c,a.use it is the ieast environmentally damagi,ng, provides:the:opportunity to improve:sfream ,.. . _. . ch:an;nel and fish habitat;conditions, is preferred`by regulatory agencies, and meets alf project objectives..: :: : ,- , . , , Tkie:Proposed Alternative also includes appropriate minimization, r.estoration, and:'rriitigation measures ta rectify a:nd com:pensate for project impacts; as descrrbed more fully iti the:subsequent sections:of this , ... ... _ report. _ . .... . , . @mpact Evaluati�n ; .. . , _ : _. ° Impacts ofthe proposed project can be divided into two primary eategories impacts to stream habitat and impacts to riparian:vegetation. Both categories include temporary and permanent:impacts. These are: : . _ ; _.. . addressed separately in the following sections. ' ` . ,, � , _.. ._ . . , � .. . . _ . , _ , .. ,.. ,. _ �� f :: _ _ . GEOENGINEERS� 1.8,;2016.�:Page 5 `: : July . . .,..... .. . . . . . . ..:.. - . . . : .. . . . � F�eNo.siss - . . .. , .. �.: - 4-Q01 00� �.: . .... . " . . . . . .... . � . .. .... . . . . . . .... . ' . . . . � . . � � � . . . .... . � . . . ..��.'� Strea.m.�Habitat i l , , . .,. Impacts to strea.m habitat are primarily beneficial: In-pa:rticular, permanent:impacts will improve stream - - , _ ... ... . ,. � chan.nel habitat conditions.and fish passage.Temporary impacts, including stream diverSion and grading , actiqities below the:OH.1NM.;will be fully restored upon project.completion and the adverse iinpacts of these,: ;: _. . activities are more than offset by the permanent improvements. " ' : - :: ;"-� � ; _.. . . i � - A.fundamental component;of the project.is to remove three existing undersize pipe culverts and to replace. : _ tliem with a. la.rge box culVert and.natural stream, channel Tfiis action, which results in restoration of '�, approximately:8Q0 square feet(SF)of"stream channel:within the propos:ed OHUIIM and 700 SF.ofi adjacent ; , ... _ ,:. floodpl:ain within the 100-ye:ar flood elevation;:will result in substantial:overall enhancement to fish habit�t. _ ... . — : The existing culverts that will:be removed:are approximately 60 feet:irr length.The pr:o.posed'culvert crossing: : �' - �' � is approximately.61 feet in length along the stream and:partially overla:ps the:area where th.e culve.rts will a i be removed.: . _ . . ' .. 1 I ,.. . Culvert replacement and stream habitat restorafion are anticipated to;have beneficial effects on habitat _ . _ . , . conditions.for all:fish species:that may occur within this;reach of Johns:Creek: JARPA Sheets 5 and :10 of 10. illustrate proposed.stream channel:restora�ion (designs:have:�6een advanced as illustrated on Civil.. :: : Design Draw.ings.Sheefs C2 303 and CZ�402): � __i Riparian Buffer Vegetation: . ,n.� A total of 12,727.SF of exiSting riparian vegefated areas.is.present at the project site within the 115-foot � , standard:buffer::f.or Johns Cre:ek (Figure 2). Vegetation on:the north side:of:the roadway includes:mixed - < . , shrubs:and frees, including:some landseaped:areas and sorne areas:with invasive species: Vegetation.on' the south side of the:roadway is degraded;: consisting of an inyas'ive.Himalayan bla.ckberry monoculture. ; stand next to tfie stream and an off=leash dog park west of the stream witliin the riparian buffer that r-� includes soriie mowed grass coVer and bare dirt.. - ' , . ; . , : _ °: . ;_ i _. .. Tfie project wrll:not reduce the existing riparian buffer width.. Some existing degraded vegetated areas will - ,: . ;: , = , be displaced:by:the re-aligned roadway. Of the existin�vegetation,the proposecl project wilL � ' : ���. �. ; , . .. , I �: Preserve 5,300 SF; :.: : � Temporarily impact 3,579 SF,wfiich will be fully resfored and enhanced upon project completGon; and _ : _ :. �: Permanently displace 3;848 SF. - , ...: . � , � j Permanent impacts(3,848 SF)will occur exclusivefy to the degraded vegetation (Himalayan blackber.ry and grasSy dog park) on:the.south side of the road (see Figure 2).:All.terriporary impaets will be stabilized with.. ::: : , . . ... _. _ ` native vegetation. Temporary impact.areas are identifi:ed .as "Restored/Enhanced" on Figur.e 2.and the _ .. . planting plan is i:ncluded as JARPA Sheets 6 and 7 of 10:All:restoration/enhancement oftemporary impacts - _ , will utilize native riparian:pla:nfings resulting in funct'ional improvernent fo the existing riparian buffer. ,- � � Two 6-inch con:ifer trees will be remoyed from previously'landscaped a.reas within the clea:r'ing:limits. All other vegetation tha,t will be removed is,less than 6 incfies in diameter and includes,sm.aller fandscape, . r�7 tree;s and native shrubs on:the north side, and.invasive shrubs _(Him:alayan blackber,ry):and grass on the: : . �, � ,. ._ . ; soufh side. Seven frees within the survey limits with diameters ranging from.6 fo 14 inches, which are : ,:. : generally native .species in the undeveloped riparian buffer, will be:preserved and pro�ected :during - , , _ _ . _ � GEOENGINEERS� ': 18,:2016.{:Page 6 ::. luly '�`I : ` . . .. . . . ' . . .. � � ... . '. Fle No.21854-p01-00. . ._. ... �... ... ... ... ,�! _. _ _ _ _. . . . _. co:nstruction. Protective rneasures will include placement of high:vis.i.bility fencing at the clearing Iimits::All: : ::: , ... ... . _. .. temporarily cleared constructian areas:will be restored at completion of the project. PROPOSED MITIGATION Mitigation .is!pYoposed to offset:terriporary impacts to: i.n=stream habitat.resulCing from strearn::diversion, gradi..n.g, and other construction activities, as well as permanent and.temporary impacts:to riparian buffer _ .. vegetation resw.lting from clearing.:a.nd grading; excavation; and construction of the new_culvert and roadway;:Anticipated impacts: of:tfie:project are:documented in the previous sections. 1'he mitigation _. . discussed in the followirig sections has been designed to mitigate these impacts. ;. Nlitiga�ion Actions Propose mitigation ocuses on two pnmary actions: _ — _ ::: : � Stream.channel improve:merets.The proposetl project:will result in:improvements to fish habifat that are.integral to the projecf design. As described in the preceding section, temporary impacts to stream ehannel habitat will inelude stream diversion and grading activities below the'QH1NM: The temporary: : _ ... ... . _ ... ... . _ . - impacts of these activities will be:mitigated through removal of existing pipe culverts and associated road fill, replacement with a larger box culvert, and re-establishment of open channel wheCe the pipe culverts and fill were;formerly located: A:total of approximately 1,500 SF:of str.eam channel and associated;floodplain will,be re,-established as a result.of tlie project where.tfie culverts and fill were formerly located. ■ Riparian vegefation restoration/enhancement and re-establishment.As de5cribed.in the preceding _. . section,the.project will result in:botfi temporary and.permanent impacts to riparian buff.er vegetation: Temporary.:impacts will be fully restored and enhanced upon project:comp.letion, resulting:in`greater . r.iparian functian than:the existing degrad.ed conditions:provide.: Most existing riparian vegetation is _ _ degraded.and will be replaced_with suitabie native s.pecies within the site parcel boundary.u.pstream and downstream of the projec.t ar.e.a. Permanent im,pacts,which amount:to 3;848 SF of highl,y d.egraded : existing riparian vegetation tfiat will;be displacetl by the:new roadway;will be;mitigated in part by:the _ . : functional lift provided by vegetation enhancement where temporary impacts occur:(grading and site: :: : access).and :in part through.re-establishment of.riparian vegetation.where no vegetation currently exists. Restoration/enhancement is proposed in the amount of.3,579 SF of temporarily impacted vegetation and re-esCablishment is proposed:in the amount of2;348 SF of currentl.y un=vegetated area. _ Figure 3 illustrates proposed reStorafion and mitigation:plantings.JARPA Sheets 6 and 7 of 10 ilfustrate _. the proposed.planting areas;and plant species selection. , ; _ . Functional Evaluation ._ _ The proposed project will resu.lt in an overall aesthetic improvement:tq tiie site. The plan :wilf. not be materially detrimental to any other property or the City as a wfiole, Proposed mitigafion in the form of culyert and filf remo�al, chanhel restoration and riparian plantings will be completed on-site and would•not result in future:mitigation requirements for::adjacent or abufting properties because::there will not be an.y new buffer requirements created:as a result.of this project. . _ _ __ Stream channel improvements will:provide a nef:benef.it:to fish habitat.conditions, including improved � � channel configuration,sediment charaeteristics,and fish passage f.unctions. Fish passage will be enhanced _ GEOE►vGINEER� July 1.8,:2016:(:Page 7 .. . . . . . . . . . . Fle No.21854-001-00 .. _. � _. . i _ _. . _. _ _. . _ . _ . _. ... . _ i : due:to:removal of the:existing culverts;:which:improves fish: passage over a range of:flows. Permanent: � creation of new stream channel and associated floodplain habitat will be accomplished where the culyerts _. . are remo.ved. :The entire sectio.n of c.hannel witfiin::the project limits:wiJl be restored with.:.s.treambed sediment(cobbles and gravel)and boulder clusters forfish habitatenhancement. Replacingthe undersiied - pipe culverts with.a larger box culvert wilf not only impro�e fisfi passage but.will also allow for more.naturaf ., � hydraulic processes as the water flows vary across seasons and yeacs. Please see also the:Biological ' ; � : Evaluation (Appendix A) #oY a complete analysis of impacts antl benefits to fish habitat and riparian _ _ . condi#ions. , � _ __ _ , _ _, , _. _ _. � Riparian buffer restoration/enhancement and re-establishment will .resulC in no net loss.of stream and ' riparian function because improvements:to wate:r quality, hydrologi:c;:and habitat functions:are anticipated - : _. _. ._ _ ..: . . . " � , as a result of improved vegetation quality in the riparian buffer. Clearing, grading, and other,cons.truction activities wi.11:result in removal of:invasive vegetation,.l:imited native vegetation,and some landscaped areas ' on.tfie stream embankments. Permanent buffer impacts are Iimited:to existing degraded ar.eas with limited _ . functions. _.. . _. . __ _ ' i _ . The.buffer width will be increased in some places as a result of re-establishment.of vegetation: There.will be no:reduction in buffer width,although there will be a limited reducti.on in total buffer area(approximately 1,500 SF: 3,84;8:SF of perma:nent iinpact less 2,348 SF::of riparian vegetation:r.e-establishment) r.esulting _ _. from.roadway widening atthe crossing.This impact is limited to highly degraded vegetation.areas adjacent : to the::existing roadway :an:d is offset by improyements to riparian.:.functions in the restored/enhanced. : ::. (3,579 SF) and re-established (2,348;SF) buffer areas, as well as the. re=esta:blisfiment'of_ 1,500 SF of _ _ stream channel:and associated floodplain habitat where:fhe existing culverts:and road fill will be:removed. Restoration/enhancement following tempora:ry impacts and re-establishment of ripar.ian:area will result in.. a functional lift.to.riparian functions, including water quality functionS, by replacing degraded habitat with _ _ _ . _ ig er-quality native riparian habitat::: �-� Vegetation that wilf:be rernoved generally includes shrubs with .only two small trees,:6 inches in diameter,. which were installed as previous landscaping.There are no native trees that.will b.e affected by:construction; -� _. � all. a.ffected frees were planted as part of prior landseaping. Most exist'ing vegetation is limited to shrubs , : and:s:mall trees due:tothe presence of overh.ead power lines atthe site.The planting plan includes a variety, ; : of native shrub.and groundcover species. Several of th;ese sfirub species; including Pacific willow.(Saliz _ . lucida)and uine:maple(Acer circinatum)can grow intosmall trees as they mafure but would be:acceptable _ as.plantings under:power lines. _ . . . _ . . . _ ._ ._ - _. _ . � _ Vegetation enhancements antl amentled soils wilf also irriprove flow retention and naturaE infiltration of � _. stormwater within the riparian buffer. Stormwater runoff from new paved surfaces associated with .the : upgCaded crossing :will: receive flow control in: new�catch basins:and basic water:qual:ity treatment via: : . _ _ . Contech ZPGTM cartridges installed in the catch basins. El.irnination of the dog:park from within the:riparian buffer is also likely to improve water quality by.removing a potential.source of water quality degradation.. : _ Long-Term fVloqaitoring and Niaintenarace _ _ Th.e. property is owned.and operated by Southport, LLC, and is used for ingress to and egress from the . . _ _ Southport Development and Puget Sound En.ergy's property. Southport, LLC, provides:landscape a,nd _ roadway maintenance at the project site and will continue to do so following completion of the project.The GEOENGINEER� JUIy 18,2016 I:Page 8 ` . . . . .. . � ' . . . . . FIeNa21854-aQ1-00 - _ _ ... _ ... .. _ . _ . _ . _.. _. . _. . _ _ _ _ _. _ _ . _. .. - . . . ... _ . _ proposed project is anticip.ated to be benef[cial to stream :ecological processes. No:other actions are: : -. proposed.at th.is site that woul.d affect the mitigation area. : _ : Channel enhancements will be documented in:an as-built record.at:the conclusion of construction, which.. . will be pro.vided.to.the City as eyidence,of successful.mitigati.on. �iparian pla.ntings will also be docume.nted in an as=built record and maintained and monitored for:5 years post=constru.ction to ensure sur.vival of plantings and success of:re-vegetation efforts:.Maintenance.actions may include. periodic weed removal, _. ... . water:ing during drought seasons, replacement:of plants that do nof survive,and removal:of trash or debris.: : _ Monitoringwill be conducted annually.duringYears:l,2,3:and 5(fourtotal monitoringevents)to document _. :: plant survival and vegetation cover: Specific .performance. standards 'Ghat will be. evaluated during. . _ monitoring events are:: : ::: � Minimum 90:percentsurvival:of:planted individual.sthroughoutthe:mo.nitori:ngperiod. : � Maximum 20 percent cover by invasive:weed species identified:as Regulated Class A; B or C Noxious . Weeds bythe:King County.Weed Board. Construction activities that: may affect;stream and riparian.:habitats will be monitored by a consulti.ng _ biologist. GeoEngineers routinely. provides as=built documentation and.post.co.nstruction monitoring fioe wetland,: stream and other :habitat.mitigation projects: GeoEngineers biologists have tlie necessary _ . ... . ex er.ience and ex ertise .to com lete habitat monitorin and to su est corrective .actions if ri arian p. p p g gg p plantings do not sueceed::SECO Developme.nt,:fnc., will retain GeoEngineers biologists, or:another equally: _ . . ,. qualified::firm,::to provide design.guidance during advaneement of �he design drawings; construction monitoring for'fish. protection and habitat installations; and post=construction documentation and : monit.o.ring. _ : �ur�ty D�vic�.: : _ SECO::bevelopment, Inc., i.s prepared to provide a surety d.evice as required by the City. According to: _ : _ .. _ . RMC 4=8-120;the:standard su,rety device for s stream mitigation plan is 150 perceht of the estimated cost _ . . . of remedial actions if the mifigation plan is unsuccessfu:I.:SECO Development; lnc., and outhport; L , have:the financial.resoueces to implement.the project as demonstrated through ongoing development. : activities associated with the site.and r.evenue gene.rated as a result. _. _ : An estimafed cost.to implemenf the mitigation plan, and proposed Surety Device in the amounf of 150 percent of this cost, is.ineluded in Table 2,:belo:w. _ . _ TABLE 2.OPINION OF PRO�ABLE I►�ITIGATION COSTS: ::: : . .... . , fk .j�^ .. �¢! ��i"i` � '� �:µl- ��v�u� �3'�A.'�" �4n " �`'7F 1 � �.�' �.. .. , iteret �'_ ,.� ,� �orm� � � :�,�Quant�ty Unit�Cost � � 'totalCost � �-�-�,� .��,,,� � ���*�,�t�� ,� ,� �..,�,� ,�.�,��,��^,�.�;, ��s�._ �1;Planttngs(installed) �� � ' — 4 Y- . _.. ..,_, .� �� ,.—, �;. ._ r x _., _ . _._,_ # �Deciduous ShrubS/Trees; f containerized � 80 'a+= $12 00 ;, ' �N $960 00 ;.z ._._�j .. _M:::.:_ . M..__>a.� ... ._.,.��n .w,��_ .�., _.�,. ....._v_...�_,_. �i .�_ , ..;w _tiµ _� ..� «-�- _-,_ --__ _..., __, �.e-.: �s �� � � � � Perenniais and Grasses• ,� �containerized "�T � �: � �i 40 � $12 00 ; $480 00 . . . , ' . . f�� .S ' t . ... . � ' . " __ ".=:: ^ .. .._ f . 1 '.,,.: . ..'.:_.. -.... ..� �.......:_. F. ,::..�.,... . . ..�:�._ _..._ _ ';'.: '..... ._... :.. ......._ _ . � � � Willows and Salmonberry ;: live stakes . �' � 225 :� $9 00' ' $2 025 00 � �. � � � . � �__.�.w_.�.�u�.__.___��_� . �. .,..__.,_ .,_.:r... �,:_x_. _, .W. .__ ...�.._ .��.__� ..._.___ _�_ u�,... .;_� _a � � _ _ ., _, .# Irrigation� 1 � LS �` $5,000 00�� , °;$5,000 00 � � , x • _-...:. ._..,��..:. . . ,,.,_�'„___.,,.... m . . .�.,;._.,, r.,.�._ ,.:,_��, _.. .. ._,_. �_...., � ,_,,.,_...,._ .,. . ..... ..,.a��,.,_ �.� . _ .. �J A GEOENGINEERS� JUIy 18,201:6:f.Page 9 . . . FIe No 21854-001-00 ,.. .. . �� � .I it�i� � Y . . ', �::.' ��i ; � , , � � I�orm Quantiiy Unit Cost . 'fotal Cost , �� ,-�,«�,-,��.,,.�,�,.- ��,,.�,�...�,-�...,,.,� �.�.�.��.- ,��, --�-�,�� ��.-,��,�,<�-��--? . . 1':Plantings(installed) r�" �y�`' ���3� � s ; � .�.. ----- ____- ; i Mulch . � , �� 45 CY ` $60 00 : if ;$2,700 00 � -- t� ..:�. �.�� �t,� �..� I � }�--�. , _.; ��� , k ° t = susroTa�. ° s�,�.s�o0 3 � � � � � � �c�e�� �,�'r�r hl''�;t R�'���'�,''��'��^,r+'t���. 3 i ��^�-�Yi'�`,t�a 1 . ,�n'+�"""�,^�"`�?�-r�*n�;""�"�*^� ;�,.,-�,�.^,�^^..,�,,^^ .�a,^ ��m�.-,n-� ... _) .. . .:'. 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' 1� x ,� �` a,� � ,5 w�,. :x-� ar ��.r a.&i �'.� r ,;�.,� .az�.�. � � � Maintenance&Monitonng(5 years @$4 000/year) `� °� �� F t=� ` �r � ' $20,000 00 �` �,. .�. � Nz...,_ ,.��.� s� � � � � � ,_,� _�, �� _ ._u� . .. .�� . ..._� .... -. c-^ »�. .r w� .-..- �-,--..- � � ,„-, ._..- .-..- .: ,.-_._.. .�.. .,� �As-built Design Plan'(one-time event) ,� , - �� �� $4,000 00 �., , ; . { .. ,: , , ,. ti � ,.. ,_ . � � , i � 4 SUBTOTAL � 524,000 00 N� I P f S --� � k i� Sl � � k� � ��' ' � � TOTAL COST TO IMPLEMENT MITIGATION PLA�1�� $73,55Q 00 � I ��.- ...�.� �..u.._ ...a� � '. ' �. „� i_.., , ,' ...:. '..., . . .�[. : �m+• � j k �� �.� l ._�� ��Requlred Amount for Bond '; ; � r � TOTAL AMOUNT FQR BONDING(150%OF TOTAI.COS��' $110�325 00 � � �.�� . .w.�, .� w�..�,__ . .._� .r ....� __..,.� _.. �� ,.. �w..�,.�,.�... .m .�,�..���u_,.�t __��. �� ... SUMMARY. . . .. : .... ... . _ ... ... . GeoEngineers has .completed this 8tream AsseSsrrient and. Finaf Mitigation Plan.. on behalf .of. ' : Southport, LLC,to support Cand Use permit applications with the:City of Renton and to ensure compliance _ , with applicable components:of the RMC. The project will affect in-stream and riparian buffer habitat •`� associated:witti Johns Creek, a.:fish-bearing tributary.:of Lake Washington,:as a.result of culvert removal, �,' . � replacement, and associafed activities.Stream:channel improvements and restoration/enhancement and : ... re=esfablishment.of riparian vegetation are proposed in.mitigation for temporary anel permanent impacts: ' These mitigation actions are expected to fully mitigate project actions resulting;in no net loss of ecological . :: function. The net result :of:the project will be an improvemenfto in-stream and. riparian buffer habifat , - _. , co:nditions that will benefit fish species that occupy the stream;:as well as other wildLife that may use the: ! . affected:habitat areas. _ ,... : _. --,, _. ,.. . , LIMITATIONS.:.. , , - _. ._ . _, GeoEngineers has prepared this report in general accordance with the scope and limitations of our ._._. -.. . I : propos.al. Within the:limitations of scope,.;schedule and budget; our services have :kie.en executed i:n ! i accordance .with the generally.accepted practices for:stream assessment; delineation;: and: habitat GEOENGINEERS� . - . luly 18,2016� Page 10 Fle No.21854-001-00� ',: � . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. ;. ... .. . + � . .. . , _ _. ... : _. .. _. .. _ mitigation in this area at the time this report:was prepared. No:war:ranty or other conditions, express or; : _. . , ... . implied, shouid be understood: . Th.is::report has been prepared for the exclus:ive use of SECO D.evelopment, Inc.;:au.thori:zed agents a.nd. . ::: : regulafory.agencies following the described metliods a.n.d.information available at the time of the work. No other party.may.rely on the product:of our services:uniess_we agree in advance.to such reliance in.writing. : The information contained.herein sfiould not be applied for any purpose or project except.the one origfnally cnnfemp ate . The a Iicant is advised to contact all a ro riate re ulato a encies local; state and federal rior to • pp PP. .P g . .. ry. g. . ( . ) P _ _ design or constructi:on of:any development to obtain necessary permits and approVals: : :. ,. _.. . REFERENCES _ . City of Renton.2013: Figure 4 3.Streams and Lakes:Water Classes. :: : City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC): Title N. DeVelopment Regulations. : Available :.at: ; _ . _ ' http://www.cbdepublishing.corri/WA/Renton/#!/RentonNT:fitml Riley, Don T: 2005. Ordinary Higfi VVater.Mark Identification. . United Stafes Army. Corps of Engineers (USACE), Regulatory Guidance Letter,:No. 05-05). - Washington State Administrative: : Code. 2007: 1NAC 173-22-030: Definitions. Available at: http://apps.leg.wa:gov/WAC/de.fault.aspx?cite=173 22-030 : Washington State Administrative C.ode. 1997. WAC 222=16-030. Water Typ`ing System. :Available at: httpf/apps.leg.wa.gav/WACLdefault:aspx?cite=222-16-030. Washington State:Department of Fish:and Wildlife:(WDFW). 2015. Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) on _ . ;. the:Web. .Available at: htt wdfw.wa. ov ma P// . g / . pp�n�phs/ : _. Wsshington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). 2015: Forest Practices Application .Review System:(FPARS) MappingApplication. Avaifable a.t:. _. . _ . . . httiis:l/fortress.wa:govJdnr/protectiongis/fpamt/index.html?maptiieme=Water.:. Type&extent=- 14385498.437950825.5552851.051296187,-12532.664:872318646:6457865.466192433:. U.S. Army .Corps of Engineers. 2005: Regulatory Guidance Letter No. 05-05; Ordinary High Water Mark � ;: . Identification, December 7, 2005. �. , _ _. , GEOENGINEER� _ 18,2.016 j Rage 11 luly � � , � � � � . File No.21854-001-00� � NCNNYDAIF ' � - ;i"��.�...: �.� .. Nf:itxr`,INF?ts:St .. : � N;611x,St . ' � ;;';ri?^3th S4 ,E N Y9tF pl N t7th PJ ; , , .. . - Q , f o ..� -_ ;F�,,, . F s � � 2 '`t z j Gf ' • NE 3�Ch St 4H��4th SK � � . . �.s � � 3tVE13rd91 Q � NFZ#IA57 A � � � ` � > X._ > i _ , Z Z m � � ,r e.n.t�t>f'Y � � N n m a q � � m . � a� � n m � , . � T NF tUthSi '� � y � W Y r Z T o . 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W O cl .. . ... . . . : O c N Ev rett `� W ��� }? 0 Inc! E Shorel�ne ' S � � Batn�ndge Island 2,��� � 2,��� = Seattle > o a Feet 0 0 � Vicinity Map � Notes: � � 1.The locations of all features shown are approximate. 0 2.This drawing is for information purposes.It is intended to assist in Johns Creek Bridge Project � showing features discussed in an attached document.GeoEngineers,Inc. �' cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files.The master Renton, Washington c� ti file is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc.and will serve as the official record of athis communication. � GEOENGINEERS � g °ti° Data Source:Mapbox Open Street Map,2015 � FI u re 1 N rl � Projection:NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10N a � �,, �, '. . . . '�,.Y� � . *� n '� .�..w . ..MF . . t .. � + y n . �R n *' �r , , v � �. � r � n �� " ,- � � � , �o �'y . N �� �� . ��..y ���*.:' R > . N N �j . . � . N ,F...,..�:,.. �,� , W � j y $ �, rq ��i y � T k a� .. � � , k +� �' � r , . � . 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Wi �r.- °' .aNA. � a '� �� �� ° 1d4���', � ���' � ' �, : � 0 � Notes: Le end N 0 0 1.The locations of all features shown are approxima[e. BaS@�I11@ L'OI1C�It1011S � 2.This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended Site Boundary Grass turf(dog park) °�,° to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. �;� E N GeoEngineers,lnacannotguaranteetheaccuracyandcontent Zo Existing Contours Invasive shrub monoculture (Himalayan blackberry) � . � ofelectronicfiles. ThemasterfileisstoredbyGeoEngineers,lnc. . SOUtrlpOft ACCeSS ROaC� �Cllpl"OVe�1lelltS � and will serve asthe official record of this communication. EXIStltlg CUIV@I't Mixed shrubs and trees S � Renton, Washington � Data Source:Existing vegetation from cad files,Aerial from o Google Earth 2014 - Existing OHWM Johns Creek 20 0 20 � GEOENGINEERS � Figure 2 � � N N Projection:NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washing[on North FIPS 4601 Feet Feet � , .� w:: �".`� �s" d „ � :". t�, f; Y' 2 f'-`�' .. � �.y�z;`. Y? 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' ' . ,. , 0 � Notes: Le end 0 o � 1.The locations of all features shown are approximate. PrO osed Conditions � 2.This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended Site Boundary Proposed Vegetation p � to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. � wt �. E GeoEngineers,Inc.cannot guarantee the accuracy and content 2�;: 's? Proposed Contours Preserved (5,300 sq ft) � of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc. SOUtrlpOrt ACCe$S ROad �171pr�Vel�el�ts � andwiuserveastheofficia�recordofthiscommunication. �� PfOPOS@Cl R08d � Restored/Enhanced (3,579 sq ft) � Renton, Washington � � Data Source:Proposed vegetation from cad files,Aerial from - g coogie Ea�ch 2ooa _ __.; Proposed Bridge and Curb Lines '��.• Re-Established (2,348 sq ft) 20 0 20 � . Proposed Channel (restore 800 sq ft) Q Permanent Impact (3,848 sq ft) FlguYe 3 GEOENGINEERS� N Projection:NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet Feet � _ '� (�:. . . . _ . ..... . . ..... . . . ...._ _ . . . . . __.. . _ ' , .. , .... . . . . . . ..... . . .. . �. .. . . .. . . .. . �. .. . ..: . . .,. .. . .. .� . . .. . �. .� f� . . .. ... ..�. .� ... ... . .. .._. .... : �. ... ... . ... _.. �.. �� ... . ..'...._ ...�_ ' .. �.... . . .... . .�...� . �.i S ,..- . . . .:. .- . . .. .... ... . . :'... . . . . . :., �: : . .._ .� . . . ... � ... . .. . ....... . . . . ..:.... .. ' '.:.... .. . . . . . . . . � �.:.:.. . ....:,. . . .:. I ..� . �. - .. . .. .. . � ... .. . .. .. . .. . .. ' . :. �, .� .. : . ' .. -.:: : ...�. . �:. . - .. : . � ... : . '� :.. . . ... .� .. .. ..:. . . : . ... .� - . ... V.�:... :. . . . . . . . ... . .. . ..�. . :. .. . �::.�. ..... .. � . •.. "...... . ; .. . . ... .. . ....... . .� .� .. . .. : ��:. .... � ;� .. ,:: APPENDIX A ; _ � � Biological 'Evaluation (and JARPA Drawings) , j , _ :.... , :; �, , , ;. , . . :.;. , . . _ _ - , ; _ . ; Biological:Evaluat6on , , lohns Creek Bridge Project : _ . Rentorr;Washington for . Southpt��fi LLC . ... . _ , , March 3, 2016 : ::: i� I k.,��"'��4"�'.`v'r'�. �' "%�'� .�' `��,�er° ..��'�i`" � .� ti ti �'"'��'.��"� " p',��.?`� ,"y��+`».,ts".�°'��,�`�'�,�,..,e.�� �°'� sw-; ��.��i�,� W�,�ss - . � s,' � �• 1 , , _. :_ : , { ,. �___� _ , ; _. ... . ; _ :, , � i. ,.. ;: : _.. . _ , �_J ... :.. :' :.: ... :.. :' ;: ... :.. :' :: ... :.. :' '; ... _ � ... .. .. . .._.. . . . .... . . . .... . . . .... . . . _... . � . ' . .... . .. ; . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ..� . . . . . . , , iologicai.Evaluation J:ohns Creek Bridge Project: : ' Renton;Washington _. ..., for . . . ��tt�7�po�'t LLC , : __ _ March 3, 2016 � _ G ' EO�IdGIfVEERS� . . . .. - - 1101 South Fawcett Avenue;Suite:200 ; _. _. . Tacoma; Washington 984.02 253.383.4940 :' � _ .�: �A .. ... .:. .� �. ... ... .� .. ... . . .� .. .. .���;. .. .. . . � , _ .: :.:. , . , .. � _ �iolo�ical Evaluation Johns Creek �ridge Project , Renton, Washin�'ton:. . _ __ File No.29.8.54=001-00 , Ma.rch 3, 2016 _ Frepared for: � , Southport LLC .. .. : 1083:Lake Washington Boulevard Nortfi; Suite 50 � Renton,Washington 98056 :. ` _ _ . , .. Attention:Scott Ros.enstock ' : _ :.. : ,I _ Pre ared:b p Y: :::. _ ,. . - � _. � GeoEhgineers, Inc.: I 1101 So.uth Fawc:ett Avenue,:Suite 200 _. _ Tacoma,Washirrgkon 98402 _.:, � _ . 253:383.4940 ;: _ :. . ` ; 1 . �:: � �.` :-,�:.:..�...� : �_ David B. Conlin, PWS :.: ::: , Biologist:: .. ::: _- � _ . G� 5 . Bruce A.:Stirling,:PWS ; i Senior:Bio ogist y ,. . ,:. i , . . .: , _.. - Jos ; .h. Call ghar�, RWS.,: , Associate �ologist � DBC:BAS:JOG:ab:: . ' ,.. _ j Disclaimer:Any electronic form,.facsimife or hard copy of the original document(email,text,table,and/orfigure),if provided,and any attachments are only a.copy: : , , of the original docyment:The original document is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc.and wilf serve as the official documenYof record. . :. _ i _ ... . _. _. ... . i . . _. . _ . _ —:. _ GEOENGINEER� . . . _ : _ :� ����� �'� �OB�'���'�S ::: : ;.. ; 1.0 INTi20bUC710N ..................... ..................... ..1 , .... � .:.. . _ .. �� 1:1.::�roject Purpose.:::...::.::....................:...:c:...::.::..............:.. ..... ....... ..................:1 _. �- 1:2. Project L-ocation'and Site Desceiption ...... ....... .:........... .... ....:::........ .... .1 .... , , , . 2.0 PROJECT D�SCRIPTION......:::..�::..:...... .................2 _. ._ _ . 2.1.:'Construction Acti�ities...................::: . . : ::. ;: ............... . ................2 ' . 2.2. Timing.......................................:..::............. :.... ..'........................:..... .....................:... .. .3 ' - 2.3. .Interrelatetl'and InterdependentActions.. .............:...::............. ......... ....... ...... ...................3. - 2 4. :G:onstruction Equipment and Materials ................. .. .................... .................. 3 , : . a . , . . _. . ' , 2.5. ImpactAyoidance and Minimization Measure.s.., :.'.:...................:.:...........:.............. ...: .4 ,... . ,. , . ... :;; :- . 3.0. PROJECT AND ACTI.ON.AREAS..:..:....................:..:::::..:::..:....................:..::::...:::.::...................:....:::.....:....5: , ,... ' 3 1`: Construction-Related Noise................ ' .....................5 �. ` 3.2. Hab:itat A:lteration ' .................. .... .6 . : 3.3,.:Fish Exclusion, Remoyal and Dewatering.. :........:.................�.:. .................. ...... . ...... ........ 6 , i 3:4. UVater Quality:.. _ ................... ..................,. .................... .:................6 _.. . : , 4.0 SPECIES AND CRITICAL HABITA.T.:...................: • ..7 — ..:. . ;: , . 5.0 : ENVIRONMENTAL BASELIIVE...........:.:....:.::::::.:...................:.:...:..:::::::...................:......:.:.:.:::::...................8 ;.. :. 5:1. Terrestrial.Habitat.......: .... ...::::...:....: .... ...::::..::....:. .... ......:..: . .... 8 ... . , 5.2. Freshwaterand Riparian Ha.bitats..............:. , .................... ....................: . .9 .... , , 6:0 ::ANALYSIS OF EFFECTS:...................::....:::.:::.:::...................::...::.:.:::.::...................:::...:::..:::.::..................9 ... - ::': 6.1. Constr.uation-Related Noise....:::::....................::........::::.:................... .......... ... ..... :10 ' , . 6.2. Habitat Alteration..... ................................. .................... .. ..... .................:............. .. .................10. : 6 3. Fish Exclusion; Remov.al and Dewatering.:..:.........................:......:.......................... ................10 . 6.4. Degradation of UVater Qwality �::.......:........ � , _ _. ... ... ............ .. .............. .. .11 _ ..: > � .::: : 7A. .EFFECT DETERMINATIONS.::..:::..::.............. ..:::.::. ..:..:::: : ...... ................:11 .. : 8.0 ::C.ONCLUSIONS..:.:..:::.::....................::....::..::::.:....................::..:.:...:::::................... . ...............11 � 9A LIMITATIONS :: _. ::: : ................ .:12 , 10.0:R;EFERENCES. ............................. . . ................. ..... ....... ................12. , _. .. . , _. , . � ;.. : LIST OF FIGURES'' _ Figu:re 1.Vicinity Map � _ _ . Figure 2..Action.Area Map � APPENDICES : _ ; ' AppendixA. Essential Fish:Habitat(EFH) Evaluation Appendix:B..proj�ct Design Plans: , ,.. ,.. Append.ix C:Species.Lists.from NMFS and USFWS - ' Appen,dix D.Site Photographs , :� � . ;.. :. , \ GEOENGINEERS� . h 3,2016E Page i : . . ._ . . ..'..... . . ..:..... .. . . . ..:..�� �� �:� -..�� . . . . . :.Fle No.21854-001-00. . . ; Marc ' ... . _ - : ; . <.. :: __ ,. ,.. . _.. . � , . ... . . . ... . . . .:. _ i : -. , ,. � ,. . 1.0 IN7RODUCTION.... i _.. . � The Southport Development:is a 17.5-acre mixed-use community waterfront development that 'includes a ' ', , ... . .. 353:-room hotel, conyention center, and. associated parking ga.rage.7he development is located adjacent; to the Gene Coulon Memoriai Beac}i Park and Lake Washington in Renton,Washington (Figure.l). To �1 � � � :. � � improve traffic flow entering and eziting the.Southport Development,.widenirfg of the existing access road: : : . is:proposed. Wideriing:tfie:existing access. road:will be accomplishe.d by removing tliree:existing 60-inch: : ::: : , _. . �. _ . ' .. p:p y y :. . . . g tfie culverts � g g p. p , I i e culverts that:currentl co.nve Johns Creek thr.ou h the existin roa.d rism; and re lacin with a singl:e-span bridge. , GeoEngineer.s, Inc. was contracte.d by.SouthporC LLG to.prepare this Biological Evaluation (BE) addressing the Johns C.reek:Bridge Project("praject").The project ad.dressed in this BE.inc.ludes all eleme:nts nec.e.ssary . to make tfie access road_improvements at:the Johns Creek crossing, such as: removal of culverts, , ... . , ... . . : constru.ction of a :repl.acement bridge,. associated roadway work: on the bridge:over the water, and.: ::_ : associated work in the existing and newly created:channel where the culuerts are removed::Construction - ,.. , - _ . of.the project will involve.work within, adjacent to, and oVer the stream channel; including.Jimited work.in. . . .. the ehannel below:the:existing ordinary. high:water mark (OHWM):,:as well as creation:of a new channel � � : , . where.the culverts are removed: The:project req.uires a permit from :the U:S::Army Corps:.of Engineers � (USACE):under their authority to::administer Section:404 of the Clean:Water Act (CWA). Bec�use of this , , federal nexus,the project:is also required to comply with Section 7:of the Endangered Species Act(ESA).of �, � , . ... ,:. 1973 and the.Magnuson=Steyens Fishery 1Vlanagement.Act (MSA): The.pur.pose.of tiiis BE is.to.present a : description" of�project effects and project-specific species and habitat information pertinent :to the , , I consultation process for E6A and MSA compliance. An Essential Fish:Habitat (EFH) eValuation is included �, i .. . , ,. � � as Appendix A to facilitate MSA compliance:: : � ,. , _ ,1.�...Pr.�j���Purpose . � i ,.. � _ ... , _. . . . _. ... . � Access.road improvements;.specifically:roadway.widening and.an increase in the:n.umber of traffic lanes,: ,. . are needed to :accommodate inereased antici ated traffic levels on�e the::mixed-use develo ment is � _ p . p:.:. cornplete. The existing c.ulverts and road fill.will be removed and:replaced with a bridge to allow for a w..idened roadway with,a minimal increase to th:e:footprint of the.crossing along tlie length:of Johns Creek,-; ,: as well as to:i,m;prove flood flow conveyance and improve:fish habitat and passage conditions(Appendix B, ' � Sheets 3, 5,9 and 10). � .� ,. _ ° _.:.: 1:2: Project Logation a�d Site D.�s��iption ,: .. . ,_ � , : , . , . . . _ ::. : , , , , � The Johns Creek Bridge site is:loeated west of the Lake:lNashington Boulevard:and Houser Way intersection in Renfon, Washington (Figure 1). The crossing is located withrn::Section 8 of TownShip 23 North and --� Range 05 East:of the Willamette Meridian (W.M.). The :P.roject Area was investigated for .wetlands ana ; i , ._ : �. . - streams by;.Ge:o:Engineers. No wetlands were identified at the project s'ite..and the OHWM of Johns Creek . was:flagged and surveye:d :for incorporation �nto site plans (Appendix B, Sheet 3) Riparian vegetation . :: : � , _ ; i , surrounding the strearn cliannel is dominated by.inyasiye Himalaysn blackberry. For more information on i baseline:habitat.conditions af the site; refer to Section;5:,0:of this report: : ; : ': . ; _ :: : . : _.� : _ ::: : ; ; - i ;: , GEOENGINEER� . Ii3;2016}:Page1 � ` .. . : . . .. . . ..:.. ' '-.: . . . � .:. . . Fle No.2385 Marc , . ' '.' 4001-00- '.': ; � ! _ _ :� , : _ _ . � � 2:0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' " _ ,.:. � .... . ;:: 2.1. Cons$r�ction Activities ` - ' Preliminary design drawin.gs are includeCi in Appendix B..Project co:nstruction activities,which are listed in , . .. ;. .. ,.. . , . ... ._ . the approximate.anticrpated constru.c.tion sequence, include: " . , ,. , :.. , ,. _.. . , - � Tra.ffic Control:.Traffic :Control Devices will:be 'installed prio.r to beginning.construction activities. -:: ,. . . Signage, barriers.and flagging stations,. if.applicable, will be placed within the road right-of-way and. � ! - outside of critical areas. �.-: ,... . , ,... . .. - ■ Temporary Erosion :and Sedimentation Control (TESC) BMP Installation General TESC Best _. : � : Management P:ractices(BMPs)will be installed in accordance witti.an approved TESG and Construction , " Storriiwater:Pollution Prevention:Pfan. ,.. . , , � . Vegetation Clearing. The project will r.equire the removal of some existing sheub and herbaceous . :. : . , ` vegetation(pr.imarily invasive.blackberry and landscape.plantingsj along the.stream channel.within the� - work area. However, the;disturb;ed vegetation,will co:.n.sist primarily of.Himalayan blackbe.rry a:n:d the . ,.. , , ,.. ... . . , , .,.. . , , clearing'activities will be:confined to the minirrium area required to remove culverts; install the bridge, ,. , construct the new:roadbed, and perform stream channel:improuements. ,... . ■ . Culvert_Removal and Bridge Construction. It is anticipated that the bndge:will be constructed:in two :: ' phases to maintain road access to Soufhport during consfrucfion::The southern half of:the bridge and : � _:. _.: . :::' associated abutmentS will be constructed firsf while traffic;continues to use part:or all of the existing: :' road.:Once traffic can be re-direeted onto the new half-bridge,the ezisting r:oadway will be demo:lished, ; i f.ill:prism excav.ated, culverts removed, and.n�w stream channel.constructed, This will be followed by , - ; construction of the second (northern).half ;of the bridge and;:associated abutments: The proposed_: ... , bridge consists of two structura:l :plate (galvanized ;steel) single-span,st,rucfures placed: on.con.crete ° � . abufinents; which will be:cast in=place and located outside of the OH.1NM: Concrete abutments will be �.__� .: - pile-supported;.8'-inch steel pipe piles are:anticipated to be driven using an impact fiammer. � ; ■ Earthwork.The project will require:earthwork both within and outside of the OHWM.The majority of the } i .: project's earthw.ork.will.eonsist of excavating tfie roadway.embankmenf over the:existing eulverts.. . . _ , . , Excavation,gra:ding and limited backfill.will be necessaryto construct bridge abutments and the stream:: : :: channel and new roadway.embankments after.removing the existing culverts.Temporary shoring:may , _. . be used to isolate the excavatior� areas for th.e a:butments, which are:.qutside of the OH.WM, f.rom the _ stream channel Approximately 55 cubic ya:rds of streambed sediment will be placed to a depth of 1 > ; �. " foot throughout tfie restored.stream channel to enhance fisfi habitat conditions. Streambed gravef _: :. _ . sizing and distribution will 6e :in accordance:wifh JNashington State :Department of Transporfation :; :.` (WSDOT)Standard Specification 9-03.11(WSDOT, 2016).:Approximately 25 cubic yards of streamtaed , ,. sediment or 4-inc.h sfreambed cobbles:per VVSDOT Standar.d Specification 9-03 11 will be placed on : the stream:.banks outside the:.ordinary high wate:r. (OHW) within #he:.bridge footprint as:_scour ; __ counte�measure. _ . :� : .... � Road Construction: Each bridge s.ection and br.idge approaches will, be fi.nished with hot-m.ix asphalt � and gravel.base course(approach:es only),and:then.striping and gu:ard rails will be added. . :� � ■. Work Area Exclusion; Fish Removal'and Dewatering. It is anticipated that abutment:construction and ; , _ placement.of.the first bridge half..wilf be completed without in=water work..Removal of culuerts and ._ assoeiated fill will require a.temporary stream diversion (Appendix;B,.Sheet 8). The wor.k area.will be , GEOENGINEERS:� . h3,:20i6E:Page2 � :: , ,, ... Marc , . � . ' � ' ' ' ' �FleNo.21854-QOS-00� � , � ii _. _.. _ . _ _ � isolated and fish traill:be:excluded and remov.ed prior to d:ewater[ng. Fish exclusion and dewatering:wilf. follow approved protocol :in accor.dance with the ESA consultation a.nd W:ashington State Department _ _ of Fish.and_1Nildlife(WDFW).Hyd.rau.lic ProjectApprovaf(HPA) permit:lt isanticipated thatthe:temporary ' stream diversion will require a system of coffer dams, pumps and hoses to convey tlie stream around _ _ _ the work.area. Once the. removal of cufverts and fill are complete.and the cfiannel has been consfructed,: flow will be retlirected back info the: Stream channel.and::exclusion systems will be , removed. _ - � Mitigation and Restoration Activities: All temporary:construction impaets. will be restored following completion :of construction activities. Within the riparian buffer of Johns Greek, native shrubs:and/or ' � tre.es will be installed:to establish a:native riparian community;as shown in Append.ix B,Sheets 6 a,nd. 7. Outside,of the riparian buffer,,exposed bare soi.ls will be restore.d with landscaping and/or grass ; � _ _ , hydroseed:::.: �, 2:2: 7iming _ .- , . . . , Construction is planned to begin in summer 2016 and will require approximately 3 months to:complefe.All work:within�he OHWM will be conducted during.the in=water work window for fisfi protection,whicYi is fr.om " July 1 through August.3l;:or as modified in peYmit conditions that apply to the project as:a result of WDFW � , HPA and: USACE: Clean Water Act: approvals. Site mobilization, preparation, :and specific:construction activities outside the OHWM that do not require i.n-wafer work,may.be.conducted o.utside of the'approved. . . . . _ _ :.. : , in=water work window, . � _ _ 2.3. Interre9at.ed and Interdeper►dent Actions i Interrelated actions a.re actions that are part of a larger action:an:d: depend on the:larger action for its: _ . : . justification (50 CFR 402.02). The,pr,oposed actio;n itself.can be part;of a larger action, or may. reguire _ _ . _ . additional related actions for its completion.The proposetl Johns Creek Bridge:project is interrelated to the , Southport Development, representing one component of the overall pl:an for the sife. However,access road . :: . � improvements .and asSociated culvert removal are a voluntary component of.the project and. are not _ _ _ required in order. to complete other:parts of the development. The Southport Development has:already _ _ . � received local Cit of Renton SEPA a pproval and many components:of the Southport Development have y. _ already.been comp:leted or are currently u.nder construction. None:of the other elem:e:nts of the Southport: Development construction involve. in=water work and :are therefore, not Subject to Clean Wafer Act ermittin or ESA com Iiance. Tlierefore,for the ur ose of environmental ermittin for the Johns Creek . . . p g P ... p p _ P g .. Bridge Project, it is:considered an independent component proposed to ease traffic congestion at the site and improve environmental conditions within, and:adjacent to,the creek. ° � _.. . _.. . Intertlependent actions aYe actions that have.no independent utilityapartfrom the propoSed action(50 CFR. :: 402.02).There.are no interdependent actions associated with the proposed.project. � _. . 2.4.:Construction.Equiprnent aa�d IViaterials. , Granes will be us.ed to drive bridge piles, construct.bridge piers and place bridge girders. Standard heavy ! _ equipment will be used to remove road embankme.nt material, replace.and:compact backfill:materials : , around the bridge and to:place streambed grayel.The following equipment is antic.ipated to be used duCing � project construction.This list is not exha.ustive;and may be modified bythe contractor:based on equipment ' and material availability and/or other unforeseen events that may occur dueing construction:; _ :.: , _ :.. :. March 3;2016 C.Pa e 3 GEOENGINEERS� . _ _ . g ; - � � - �� File No.21S54-001-00 .:. � � .. . . . .. . . ; .. . .... i _. . �: Excavator _ ... . _ ... .. , . .. , � Backhoe _ _ ,. _.. , . �... Road grader - . � Compactor:.. _ � Front-end loader � Crane , -� .... . � Impact:pile driver _ :. : �: Paver and roller . : : ::: - ■ Pumps _ ;: �.. Hoses ,. __ The following is a list of anticipated consumable materials to be used during construction. � . .Geushed rock _. :.. : � Structural fiill _ �. 8-inch steel pipe piles : _. . : , . . � Strucfural plate bridge and poured concrete foo�ings - � Asplialf: � Roadwa finish materials e. ' ' y g.,.paint,signage, guar eai s; etc. ,. � Soil amendments, native plants and mulch � Str:eambed gravel an:d:fish habitat boulders : . ; ; 2.5. Im�a��Av�ida�ce and i�ir�a�t'ixatia�n M�a�ur�s : A.vari:e.ty of conservation:measures and BMPs:will be utilized to:reduce impacts to the.environment during. `:. construction Th:e following conser.vation measures will be taken to ensure that impacts to plants,fish and wildlife.are mitigated throughout the duration of the project: , . ... i ,_ � The project:will obtain and comply with cond'itions that.will be outlined in t.he HPR permit.issued.forthe ' - project:by WDFW and the Clean.:.W.ater Act Section;404 Permit issued by tfie:USACE. _ � All work within the OWWM of the stream channel will be cond.ucted during the ap,proved work windows: : _ ._ for fish species that may occur in the Project Area. .:. _ �. .Disturbance will be limited fo those areas necessary for construction, which will .be identified on site. plans and marked on tfie site before constr.uction begins. _ _ ;: . �e If at any time, as a result of project activities, fish are.observed in distress, a fish kill occurs; or water _. .. . _ . ualit roblems develo � ' includin e ui ment leaks or s ills , immediate notification shall be made q .. Y p p �� g:, q I? P� ). to the WDFW Area.Biologist listed in the:H:PA. GEOENGIN�ER� - March 3,:2026{:Page 4 � � � � � �� � File No.21854-001-00- � _ _. _ �, � �: Gonstruction activitie.s:.w.ill be performed d:uri:ng daylight hours,wh'ich are expected to:be from 7:00 AM: � to 8:00 FM Monday throUgh Friday, and 9:00 AM to 8:Q0 PM Saturday. ■ Equipment staging an.d/or maferials storage wilt be lim.ited to non-vegetated surfaces, sucfi as the , _ _ . existing road bed:.or:adjacent cleared. areas whenever possible. Minor vegetation removal and site.: : _ _ preparation activities will be employed as necessary to.maintain staging a:nd materials storage sites. , I � � A Construction.Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP),:.including TESC measures will be fully , _ . irriplemented, in accordance with Iocal:perrriit requirements..Appropriate erosion:confrol measures will: : - _ , be implemented at appropriate:locations. ' :: ■ A Spill Preventi.on Control and Countermeasure (SPCC):.Plan:will be prepared, appeoved by City of _ .. . Renton, and implemented by the co:ntracfor:The plan will be site=specific and.cqver the project scope.: o wo:rk: _ : _ _.. . _ ■ SWPP and SPCC ,Pl.ans will be monitored :by a Certified .E.ro.sion Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) _ _. according.to Ecology regulations. , � _. ... . ■ Equipment used for this project shall be free of external petroleum=based products whife the work is pe orme around.tfie water. Equipment sfiall be checked daily for leaks, and any:necessary repairs , , _ shall be completetl prior to commencing work activities along or above the creek. Heavy equipment ' shall be washed free of dele.terio:us material pr.ior to:e:ommencement of work. ■ All debris resulting fr.om construction shall be removed frorri:the Project Area and prevented from i _ . entering the.stream. ■. .Waste rriaterials.will be transporEed off site and for disposal in accordance with app.licable regulations.. ' _ . _ �: Work will be in co.mpliance with all other:applicable local,state and federal regulat[ons a.nd restrictions : : _ _ . _ . 3:0 PROJECT AND i4CTI0N AREAS The Project Area.includes all areas where construction aetivities will occur, including those areas impacted ; by removal of culverts; construction of the bridge; and associated earthwork, channel construction, and � road:construction.The Pr.oject Area is identified;as a roughly rectangular area around the existing crossing,: :: approximately:120 feet in length (North-South)alongthe;Johns Creek channel between property l_ines, and 60 feet in width East-West ( ) perpendicular to the stream. , __ Tfie Action Area for the project is defined by tlie geographical effects of the action on the environment and ; , _ was identifietl:foY this BE by temporary construcfion=related noise, habitaf alteration, fish removal; and � water quality. Figure 2 provitles a detailed illustration of the:Project and Action Areas: Descriptions of:the spatiaF extent(zone of influence)for each effect of the project used:to identify the Action Area are included in the following sections. �� 3.�.; Gonstruction-R�lated Noise - We used:guidance provided by WSDOT (2015) to:identify the extent that in-air noise will permeate the enviconment surrounding the project site.The extent construction .noise is expected to permeate the in.-air - envi:ronment is dictated: by operation of.construction equipm_ent: There will be no :underwater noise __ : associated witli this project because construction:activities:within the OH1NM will be completed when the stream channel is dry. . .. ; GEOENGINEER� : March 3,:2016 f:Pa e 5 - - � � �� - - - File No.21854-001-00 , .� .. ..: ... .� .. ... ... .� .. .... . .. .. . .. .. ... ... - Construction equipment,:such as graders, pavers and rollers, are anticipated to generate in-air noise;for: : ::: ,. � most of t:he project actions at the approximate level of 91 d.ecibels(dB)at 50 feet from the saurce(WSDOT; ,. , : 2015). However; an impact pile:driver,_which will be.used for approximately 2 to 3 days for:installation of � steel::pipe piles, generates:in-air noise:at.an approximate Ievel.of �10 dB at 50 feet:from the source.. : : : , , (1NSDOT, 2015).,The pro�ect site is.surroundetl by a:combination of paved,.vegetated and'built areas with � a substantial level of vertical structure (e.g.,trees and:buildings), resulfing in:a:"soft-site" condition:that is ,. . ,.. . :. anticipated to attenuate point-source construetion noise at an'approximate rate of.7.5 dBA:per doubling of --�; distance from the noise source (WSDQT,I 2Q15). According to the WSDOT Blological Assessment: : � � Preparation Manual, urban areas are characterized by ambient sound levels.that range from 60.to 65 .�� : decibels(WSD07,2015).,Since fFie project is located in an urban area adjacent to.railroad,tracks and busy :a- roadways (Lake Wasliington Boulevardj, tlie;ambient baseline sound levels are estimated to be 65 . ... . ; �. decibels. ; - :;- No�ise analysis indieates ffiat in-air noise generated by pile driving.rriay exceed ambient conditions for up to . � : i . . ... _. i �. approximately 3,200 feet (0.6 . mile) surrounding .the project site. . The. zone 'of influence for construction=related noise is therefore centered at the project site and:extencis approximately.3;20.0 feet , ... . ,.. . . (0.6:mile) into the air hernispherical abov.e land surfaces.This zone:of influence does no't aff.ect underwater ` , , , � envi:ronments, including:Johns Creek, and:doe5 not extend into:aquatic habitat.associated with Lake: : : . .. : > Washington:_ ;::.: ,..:.. : : <.. : ;: � -i ... . ? j 3;2; �Iabata#Alteratqon :: _ The zone of inffuence for habitat alteration is limited to portions of the existingstream channef;and adjacent riparian areas wifhin the ProjectArea that may.be affected bythe project.The zone.of.influeneefor hab,itat. .,, ,.. - alteration is therefore,the same as the'Pro�ect Area.The existi.ng stream crossing'has not been identified: : :: . ,... . , as a complete. fish passage barrier, so improved passage:conditions:resulting:from the project are not , � anticipafed:to result in introduction:o,f new fish species above the project.si#e. ' .. � ( ' _ , : _.:. 3:3:'Fi�h Exclu�ion; Fte�raoval ancf Q�watering ; . Fish exclus:ion an.d removal, :fol:lowed.by dewatering a portion of the :cr.eek.is'proposed prior.to ct�lvert removal and in-channel work. A temporary str:eam bypass system:that likely will :utilize:temporary coffer - � pp .: ..:.. dams, pump systems; and flexible hose, wi11 be used to.dewater the area see.A endix B; Sheet,8). Fish � , removal will:be;completed witliinthe'isolated areas and tfie_n the work area wil.f:be dewatered, Fish .r.emoval _. .... . : activities will follow:current:lNDFW or US:FWS standards of practice:to reduce effects.:on:fish encountered.:. .:: ,. `, . : w:ithin'the work area as:a"result of captur.e:and handling.:Tlie zone of influence:for:fish removal and: : ' dewatering iscQ.ntained within:thestream channel and cul.�erted portion;ofthe:FrojectArea,w:hich i:ncludes . _. , . : a 120-foot'section of existing and newly created ehannel ha�itat associated with aohns.Cr.eek. ' ' ,. . . 3.4. VI/a#er Q�aa[i#y o , ,. . � , Potential impacts to wate.r. ualit include s illin hazardous materials;releasin etroleum-based roducts " :; . q , Y p� g:. gp P ; associated with constr.uction equipment, and sediment dispersal do:wnstream. However;:impacts to water: . quality will be: controlled utilizing standard BMPs for d:ewatering, temporary:erosion control and spill :: , , . ., preyention and cleanup..Consequenfly; no impacts to water qu.ality are anticipated beyond thie project site.. . ;, ; Work:will.be performed.d:u;ri.ng the in-water work:window,'which,oceurs during the driest part of the year in. : :-: ;.. . - .::. summer, when:wafer levels within the Strearri sfiould be.at their lowest and.precipifation is less.tikely fo _ ... ; : occur.The zone of influence for water quality impaets is ttie:same defined as aquatic portionsof:the:Project j i . March3,;2016{:Page6 ; .:.. '. GEOENGIN�ER� . . 1 i . . ..�... � . � �.:.. . �.� . '.: . Fle Na.2185 � - . .. . .. .: ... :... :� :: .,. :.. : :: ... :.. .� :: ... :.. . d-ooi o0 � r _ ... . _. _ _ _ ... . __. _ _. _. : . � , _ _ , _. . _.. . _ . _ . _. ... . _. . , _. . , : Are�;:which includes a 120-footsection of existing and newly created:channel habitat assoclated with Johns: : ' _. . _.. . Creek. _. 4.0 SPECIES AND.CRITICAL H�4BITAT _.. Species listed under the ESA fall:under the jurisdiction ofone of two federa:l:agencies: USFWS for:terrestrial , _.. _ and:freshwater species and National Oceanic and Atmospher'r.c Administration (NOAA) F'r.sheries for marine _ species..lnformation on species listed under the.ESA, .a.nd potentialiy present in tfie Project Ar.ea; was " `:: obtained firom the USFWS (USFWS,.2Q16),the NOAA;FisFieries Service(:NOAA.Fisheries) listing for Western � : Washington (NOAA:Fisfieries, 2015), the.WDFW:priority habitat and species (PHS) maps (WDFW, 2016a), the :WDFW SalmonScape application (WDFW; 2016b) and Washington State :Department of Natural: Resources (WD.NR). Official species:lists from USFVIIS and:NOAA Fisheries are:included in Appendix:C. ' Tfie:WSFWS provides a project-specific list of species and critical:habitat that may occ:ur:in:the Action Area: � _. . _ . (USFWS,:2016.):NOAA Fisheries identifies species and critic.al habitat potentially present anywhere in Puget � _ _. . Sound (NOAA Fisheries,2015j.Not a11 species in thes:e lists will necessarily:be expected to occur:within the Actio.n.Area.WDFW PHS a.n.d SalmonScape datasets provide additional information,regarding the presence of lisfed.species within tlie Action Area:According to WDFW data, ther,e are,n.o fish present withi.n.Johns � _ Creek WDFW; 2016a and 2016b �:however ' ' ( ), . , personal communication with:Larry Fisher: (WDFW:Area :. Habitat Biologist) indicatesthat sockeye salmon:and coho salmon, which are not ESA=listed species in:the � _. Lake Vllashington system; fiave been observed in the lower reaches of Johns Creek (Fisher, 2015). Lake: Washington is the closest waterbody to the projec:'t site:that is mapped as containing listed fish:species , mcludin Chinook salmon, bull trout .and steelhead Lake Washin ton is a � � (� g ): g pproximately 1,000 feet northwest of the Project:Ar.ea; the Action Area:extends over a:portion of Lake V11as.h.ingtqn but does not_ _. permeate in,to:aquatic habitats below-the water surface:associated with the lake. There are:no ESA=listed terrestrial species identified by 1NDF1N. or USFWS within tfie Action Area (WDFW, 2016a; USFINS; 2016). , The:WDNR database does not include any sensitive plant records in the vicinity of tlie project (WDNR; - _. 2015). _. _.. � Tlie species identified below are include.d on tlie lists obtaine.d from USFWS and NOAA F:islieries (Appendix ' _ _ .. . G). However, these species are not expectetl to be impacted.based on available mapped information and. : - lack of suitable habitat;the project is.therefore, anticipated to have no effect:on these species. �; _ � Bull trout(Salvelinus conf/uentus). Bull tro.ut are present in Lake Washington:but will:.not be impac.ted � because t.here will be no:project effects to aquatic:habitat associated with Lake Washington. There �, i _ _ .. _ , have been no documented obs.ervations within Johns Creek and the projectarea lacks suitable habitat _ for this species: There is no designated o:r;proposed critical habitat for this species_:within the Acti.on.� _. Area. . � _ _ . ■ Puget Sound Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). P:uget Sound Chinook salmon are _ . present in Lake:Washington but wilF not be:impacted by the proposed project.:There:will be no project � , effects to.:aquat'ic habitat associated with Lake .Washington. There have been no. documented ' � _ observations within Johns Creek and the project area lacks suitable habitat for this species. There is , no designated or proposed critical h:abitat:for this species withm the Action Area... � � _ , � Puget Sound steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Puget Sound_ steelhead are present in Lake Wasfiington but will not be impacfed by the pro.posed project.There wil.l.be no project effects to:aquatic - � � �i � _ � GEOENGINEERS� 202.6(:Page 7 March 3, . . . . .. .. . .. . . ..:.. . . . . . File No.21854•001-00. . . .. '' ' __ ... ... _ _. <.. . _ _ _ _ ... _ __ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ .. habitat associated:with:Lake Washi.ngton.:There have been.no d:ocumented observations of steelhead. within Johns Creek and the project area lacks suitable habitat for this species. There is no design:ated or proposed critical habitat for this species within the Action Area. ; . _. __ � Marbled murrelet,(Brachyramphus marmoratus). Marbled:mu.rrelet foraging habitat:occurs in marine. _ . waters and nesting occurs in old growth and mature forested habitats, Ther.e are no marine waters or - _ forested:nesfing habitat suitabke for marbled mur.r.elet wit in or a �acent:fo t e ro�ect rea. ar e _ _ _ _. murrelets are therefore; not expected to oecur within the Action Area. _ _ ■ Streaked horned lark (Eremophila alpestris strigataj: This species typically utilizes:open spaces dominated by grasses.and other herbac.eous vegetation, such as native prairies,.coastal dunes, _ agricultural fields :and:other grass field.s::such as those. fou:n:d around airports :(USFWS, 2014). The Project Area is located within a developed:land s.etting. Remaini.ng populations of this species are _ ... . _ _ .. concentrated.in the Willamette Valley in Oregon (USFWS, 2014).:Fu.rthermore, there have been no recent sightings of streaked horned larks within the Project or Action Areas(WDFW,2016a)and critical ' habitat does..not occur near the.project (USFWS, 2016). Therefore, streaked horned larks are not expeeted to:occur within the Action Area. _ _ ■ Yellow-billed cuckoo(Coccyzus americanus).Yellow-billed:cuekoos are associated with.open deciduous _ woodlands:and deciduous riparian foreststhat.are at least 25 acres.in size.(NatureServe, 2016).There is no suitable habitat for yell.ow=billed cuckoos in the:Action Area. �: Ca.nada lynx(Lynx canadensis). Canada:lynx:typically occ.upy:mountainous terrain:at.higher elevations , :.: . _. ,.. . such„as th,at;occurring at the Cas,cade Crest in eastern King County. There:is no suitable habitat for _ Canada Iynz in the Action Area : _ �: Golden paintbrush (Castilleja levisecta);The project site and adjacent vicinity are well developed and heavif im acted b human activities.Golden aintbhusli has not been identified within th.e Project Area .. . . . . __ ,.Y ...p. . Y � .: (DNR, 2015j:Therefore, golden paintbrush are not expected to occur.in the Action Area. 5.0 EN1/IRONMENTAL BASELINE : . GeoEngineers biologists:�isited the site in July and October. 201:5.to observe baselirie.site conditions. - Appendix D eontains photographs of.the worK area;taken.dunng fhe site visits: lnformation from.the Sife visits,together with available publis.hed information on the Johns Creek watershed,was used to document . envi:ronmental baseline conditions in the Action Area. The Action:Area includes terrestrial, riparian and _ freshwater aquatic habitafs. Environmental conditio.ns in these habitats are discussed below.. _. . 5:1,:'Terrestria6 Biabit�#.:. The upland topography in the ProjectArea is generallyflat with steep slopes alongthe banks of Johns Creek: Terrestrial hab.itat conditions within the project corridor:a:re generally degraded.and consist primarily of a narrow strip of riparian vegetation with high densities of inyasivespecies. Vegetation within fhe project stretch of Johns Creek is:generally limited:to: invasive species:including reed eanarygrass (Phalaris. arundinacea), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and Scotch . broom (Cytisus scoparius). _ _. A waterfront park containing managed Iawns and landscaped areas.is located north ofthe P.rojectArea and partially within the Action:Area. GEOENGINEER� a 2026 Pa e8 M rch 3,. f g � .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . � . . . - � Rle No�21854-001-00 . .. - - -- , � : _. :.. , . ... F � J _: _. . ; � The Action Area does not:co:ntain suitable habitat for listed mammal:species due to th:e hlgh level or urban: : ::: -- development and:the lack of forested:areas.The A.ction Area only conta.i.ns narrow strips of isolated native ; .... . and invasive riparian vegetation;:as well as develope.d.:p.ark and mixed-use:areas.. . . . .. • _ _i :. . . 5:2: Freshwater and Ri aria� Habitats.: ` : ` P -- Johns Creek;is located in the:Lake UVashington Subbasin within Wafer Resource Inventory Area (1NRIA) 8. } The:surFace waters of the stream discharge.to Lake Washington..The:daylight port.ions of the creek within-: ,.. . tiie Acfion.Area appear to originate from several culverts that discharge to a depression on the east side of , 7 ,. _ , Lake Washin on Boulevard.:Th.e.s ecific sources of these culverts were'nof:verified, but in eneral the f � . P g . , . - :: waterslied is highly developed with residenti:al,::transportation and industrial infrastructure, including a , Puget Sound Energy SUbstation immediately adjacent upstrearn of the project site. FCom this depresslon,; : � , ; the stream flows west across Lake:UVashington Boulevard.; north through a ditch between the roa:d._and a ; � , ,.. , ... railroad corrrdoY,west through culverts u.nder the rail prisrii,and then north to tfie project site where it flows- ,: . - � through as sef of three existing culverts that are the subject ofthe project,.and then confinues north through '::: :; � : .. .. another set of off-site culverts,evenfually dischargi.ng into Lake Washington approximately 1,000 feet from � � the Project Area. —, , j � _ Tfie stream channel at fhe project site is tlifched and is.characferized by.steep banks; a straightened �,_; channel,:and a narrow invasive riparian vegetation buffer.Aquatic vegetation is:limited to reed ca.narygrass. - Stream:substrate consists of.fine sediments:The:stream channel ranges from 8 to:10 feet wide on average � i _ _. . , at the OHWM within the Froject Area. Habitat features such as large woody debris (LWD) and small pools — are generally absent. Portions:of the'.banks of Johns Creek.are lined with riprap. - ' �Johns Creek is not on the 1Nashington State bepartment of;Ecology (Ecology) Water:Q.uality Assessment. : _ ma for:the 303 d fist Ecolo p O ( gy, 2016). However; Lake Wasliington :i.s included on the 303(d):list for bacteria atthe"mouth ofJohns Creek;:which is outsidetheAction Area. ;, � _ .. � Tfie:Action Area extends over aquatic habitat associated with Lake:Washington as a_result of the potential for in-air noise generated during consfruction, but does not penetrate below the water surfaee into habitat r . _ . '" that.coufd be occu ied b fish or other a uatic.s ecies. Lake Washin on contains ESA-listed o ulations ' p. Y �. q p � _ p p �_� of:Chinook salmon,steelhead and bull traut,:as:well as non-ESA-listed populations of coho:salmon,sockeye: ::. ,... . , . , salmon, :kokanee; rainbow trout,.and:coastal cutthroat;trout, as well as other: non-salmonid native and ! I , .. . ; � introduced fish species..Non.e of these species,occur within the Action.Area forthe project,,which does not mclude aquatic habitat;in Lake Washington. : , _ _ ' ; , _ _ ,.. . _ _ .:. : i { ) � _. . , 6.0 ANALYSIS OF EFFECTS ' ,.. .- ,�, . ... , _ . _._ : � � _ In this section; we provide analysis of each of.the.project effecfs identified in Section 3.0 of this reporE. ! , , Direct effects are impacts that oecur at, or very close:to, the time of the.project (WSDOT, 2015).;Ind.irect effects are effects caused:by the proposed action later in time.but:are still reasonably:certain to oceur.. : :: j 1 :. ;. . . : .:: (1NSDOT, 2015). Anticipafed project effects will be direct; there are no indirect.effects resulting fr.om the � � _ . „ , - project since tfie project will not result in changes :fo land use patterns, traffic capacity, stormwater , -_ � � � discharge,fish passage, or-any other eff.ects tfiaf:would be indirectly caused by the action: : I � �_ Direct eff.ects of.the proposed action are discusse:d in the following seetions::Because there:are no listed . ,. species expected to.occur within the aetion area,the project will have.no effect on listed species. ; I _ :: ' i . , . � � GEOENGINEER� . h3,:2016� Page9 . _ Marc I � � � � � � � �� - � - Fle No.21854-001-00 � , _. .. _ , _ _. . 6:1: Construc�ion�#de#at�d Pdoise _ _ Construction-rel.ated noise is considered a direct effect:of the project;:but Will only be terrlporary.. Once - _ ,.. construction is complete; noise in the Action.Area will return to.pre-projecf levels: There will be no . underwater noise associ.ated with this project because the project:will be conducted iri the dry (i.e. the: :_ _ stream will be dewatered within tfie work area). Consequently, there will 6e no impacts to:listed:aquatic � species (fish). :. : _ _ 6:2: Habi.tat,41f�ration _ The project includes alterations.to in=stream and riparian habitats. Because:tfie project involVes r.emoval of pipe:culverts, replacement with a bridge, and re-establishment of:open channel where:the culverts were , _ formerly.located, effec�s of habitat alteration are primarily beneficial. _ : Clearing, grading, and other:construction activities will result in removal of invasive vegetation and some _ ... _. . landscaped areas on the stream embankments. There are. .n.o:native trees that::will be affected by: : construction: Disturbed areas with_i.n the riparian buffer will be re-p:lanted:.with native species. once construction sctivities haue been completed., Wildlife species .ma tem oraril be .dis laced durin Y P Y p g : constr.uction. Re-planting disturbed areas within the riparian kiuffer:with native plant species is anticipated to result:in a beneficial effect:on terrestrial riparian and aquatic species. _. . _. . , Permanent habitat:alterations within tlie aquatic environment.include creation of new stream channel _ where the culverts will kie remov.ed,..some grading within adjacent sections..of existing channel,. antl installing scour:protection rocks and streambed material. The existing culverts that will be remov:ed are _ ._ . approxirriately 60 feet in:length, which represents the amount of chan.nel that will be newly created by:the : _ _ . . . _ project.. The proposed::bridge crossing is approximately 65 feet:in length along the:st.ream and partially overlaps the area where the culverts:will be removed. Becau..sethe projectw.iil replace undersized pipe:culvertswith a brid.ge:and open chan.nel.st.ream,alteration_ : : : : _ . of stream conditions is primarily beneficial. Fish passage will be enhanced due to removal of the:existing constricted culVerts, which improves fish passage over a range of flows.There:will also be some grading in existingsections of:the stream channel,which will be restored with appropriate hakiitatsubstrate to improve _ liabitat conditions.Replacing the culverts with a bridge will not only impro.ve fish passage but will also.allow for more:natural:hydraulic and sediment processes as:the water volumes and sediment loads vary across seasons and years: , ' . 6.3. Fish Exclusion, F2emoval and Dewatering _.. Fish:exclusion, removal and subsequent stream dewatering will be required with.in Johns:Creek for work ; w.ithin the OHWM. Th.ese:processes have the potential to injure:or_harm individual fish:that are captured. � . during fish removal or that are stranded during dewatering. Specific efforts. will be made. to-minimize _ impacts to fish during removal and dewatering. Fish recovered from the work area will.include fierding fish in.Johns Creek outside ofi the work area, but:listed fish species are.not expected to be within the Creek. , _ In-water:work, including fish removal;:will be restricted fo the approved work window for fish protection. _ _ Once all in:channel work is cornpleted, the bypass and: dewatering system will be removed, flow will be returned to the affected and newly created stream channel, and fish exclusion nets will be removed. _ M rch 3,2016� P.age 10 a G EO E NG I N EERS� — Fie No.2is5d-ooi-oo .... . . . .... . � . . ... . . . .... . ' . . .... . � . . .... . � � . ...." i ... . . ... . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .... . .. . � � . .... . .... . .. . ; .... . .... . .... . . . ... . . . . . � �;4; [8egradation o�Wa#er Quality _ � Although there::'is a slight chance for release of:delete.rious materials from.equipment, BMRs:.will be impl.e.mented fo prevent the release of fuel or oils to the surface,subsurface or water bodies.There is also � � _ : potential for temporary.water quality impacts resulting from fine:sedi.ments traveling downstream once the: : _. dewatering or bypass system is removed and water flows through the newly:created stream channel. � _ � Sediments are not expected to.traVel out of the Action Area when the stream is introduced back:tfirough � _ the channel.Any potential:impacts are ezpeeted to be temporary and minor and will be controlled through _. proper implementations of the TESC.PIan. , : 7.0 EFFECT DETERMINATIONS The project will:have no effect on ESA=listed species or deSignated critical habifats.As described in Section - 4.O,:there are no ESA-lis�e.d:species or eritical:habitats anticipated:tb be present within::the project Action Area:There are no ESA-listed species or habitats within Johns Creek; ESA-listed aquatic species.(fish) and , � _ . associated.habitats are present.with:i:n Lake Washington::However, the:only project effect impacting:Lake : Was.hington is in-air noise resulting from:pile driving;this effect does not penetrate:below the water surface and the Action Area therefore, does not incfude aquatic habitat:in:Lake Washington.::There will be no , � in-water noise as a result of the.pro�ect, and potential water quality and habitat impacts are restricted to Johns Creek. Theref.ore, no.impacts to ESA,listed species oe habitats are anticipated. Additionally, the. � ro'ee:t is not antici atetl:to affect re s ecies:for ESA-listed:s ecies .... . P.. 1... . p ... ... . p Y p ... ... . p . ... . ; _. � 8.O CONCLUSIONS. i _ .. . _ This BE was prepared to assess tfie anticipated:impacts:of the proposed bridge project on ESA-listed species and:crifieal habitat. Three existing 60-inch pipe eulverts under the access road to the Southport _ � Development in Renton,:lNashington, will be:replaced with a bridge: The existing culv.erts convey Johns - Creek under an access road approximately 60 linear feet:(LF).The new bridge.is being installed to allow for the access road to be widened as wel:l as improve hydraul'i.c and habitat condition.s atthe crossing.Although ' - the existing culverts are n:oti mapped as_a fish;barrier,the new bridge;will improve:fisli passage conditions. � across a range of flows and.allow more naturaf hydraulic and secJiment processes to:occur.The proposed , single-span concrete bridge will be supported on poured:concrete abufinents:located outside the:OHWM. � i _ _ , � Proposed bridge dimensions are approximately 65 feet in .length .with a 35-foot span. Construction is - planned for summer 2016 and will require approximately 3 months:to complete. � , _ _.. _ _ � Constructio:n activities will result in temporary noise impaets,temporary an.d permanent habitat.alteration, -. and:p.otential temporary impacts to water quality:Fish exclusion and:dewatering will also be required during - _ construction: The Action Area for the. project is defined as.the sum ofi extents. of all project effects.on the � � ,. � environrraent:and extends approximately 3,200 feet in all:directions from the project site above la.nd and/or _. . water surfaces,as well as below water surfaces within the affected section of Johns Creek::The Action Aeea �, , ; includes a 120-foot length of open and cul�erted stream cliannel as well as terreStrial areas developed ' ; , ' with a public park; railroad tracks, roads and other urban:development. ESA=listed species or critical habitats will not be:impacted as a result of the project..Overall, the project is � I _. ... . � anticipated to have beneficial impacts on environmental contlitions as a result of culvert removal. and _ .. . daylighting the stream channel, as:well as associated channel and riparian enhancement. Theref.ore, the I GEOENGINEERS� „ March3,2016j P.age11 I .. .. . . . . . Flle No.23854-QOS-00. . . _ _ _ ,. . _ - _.. . _. _ .. ... . _ _ _ . _. _. __ _ _. _.. _ .. .. _ . _ . _ _ project will have no effect on listed species or:habitats. It is our.understanding that this "No Effects" letter. : satisfies the proje:ct proponent's responsibilities under Section 7(c) of the ESQ: ;: 9.0111VIITAYIONS _ _ _ GeoEngineers has developed'this:BE on behalf of our:client,.Southport CLG;:in;general accordance w'ith the _ scope.and limitations of:qur proposal. Within:the limitations of scqpe; schedule and budget, our services _. _ have been executed in accordance.with the generally ac.c.epted practices for Biological Evaluations in this area at t}ie:time_this report was:prepared. No warranty or other conditions; express or implied,.sfiould be _.. . _ , _ un erstoo . _ _ _. _ _ _ _ . _ . _.. . _. This report has been prepared.for the exclusive: use :of:Southport LLC,..tfieir authorized agerits; and _ regulatory agencies follo.wing the described methods antl information.available at the time.of our serVices. No other party may rely:on:the product of:ouY:services unless we:agree in advance to:such reliance in writing.The inf.ormation contained herein should not be.applied for any.purpose:or project except:the one _. originally contemplated.This BE:.has been prepared with:preliminary designs and may need to be revised if there:are significant changes to the finalized design plans. 10.0.REFERENCE� Code of Federal.Regulations. 2005.:Title 50:Wildlife and:Fisheries:Section 402:02=befinitions. _ . _ Washington State:Department of Ecology. 20.16. Water Quality Assessment :for Washington (WQA). Available at: httpJ/www.ecy.wa:gov/programs/Wq/303d/index.html Fisher, .Larry. 2015..Personal Communication. Email firom Larry.Fisher (Washington State.Department of Fish and Wildlife)to David Conlin (GeoE.ngineers, Inc;) on: De.c.ember 21, 2015: : : NatureServe 2Q16.Available at.http:%/www.natureserve:org/. -- National Oceanic and Atrriospheric Administration - Fisheries Division. 2015. Speci.es Lists. Available at:: : htt�/Iwww.westcoast.fisheries.noaa.gov/protected species/species list/. United: States Fish and :Wildlife Service :(USFWS). 2016; O.fficial Species List:. Consultation Code. 0.1EWFW00-2016-SLI-0317. . _. . _ . United;States Fish:and. Wildlife Service.. 2014::Species Fact Sheet:: Streaked Horned; Lark (Eremophila,. : . _ _. alpestris sfrigata). Washington Fish and Wildlife Office.Available at; http•//www fws gov/wafwo/species/Fact%20sheets/streakedfiornedlarkfinal pdf. --. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). 2016a Priority Habitat and Species Data Mapper.. Available:at: htt�//wdfw.wa:gov/mapping/phs/. Washington Departmenf of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). 2016b. SalmonScape Application, Version 4.0. Available.at: htt�J/wdfw.wa.gov/mapping/salmonscape/. _ � March 3,2016 j:Page 12 , GEOENGINEER� , FieNaused-ooi-oo — , _. . Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). 2015. Sections that Contain Natural Heritage: : Featur.es:Associated with Wetl.ands. Data C.urren.t as of July 24, 2015.Available at: : http:/�wwwl.dnr.wa.gov/nhp%refdesk/datasearch/wn hpwetlands.pdf. _ Washington State Department of Tra.nsportation. 2015..Advanced Training Manual: Biological Assess.ment - Freparation for Transportation Projects. Version 2015.Available at: ::: ; p.�� g.../... . / gY%.. ./ � ry � htf www.wsdot.wa. ov Environment Biolo BA BA uidance.fitm, revised Februa 2015: _ Washington Department of Transportation. 2016:: Standard Specifications for Road; Bridge, and:Municipal Construction 2016. M 41-10.Available at: http://www:wsdot.wa.gov/publications/manuals/fulltext/M41-10�SS2016.pdf ::. _ ' ; _. , . _ . _ ._ . - ; _ . , _ . _.. : �. GEOENGINEER� . MaYch 3,2016] P.age 13 , , .. . . .... . . ..... IE 0. 8 -OOI-OO ' .� HCNNYDAI�E ' �� . ., ., . �E:9txS��.MF§tvt;rt _. � �' N$fiti�54 • � y*5 T*}th St u za�h vs N YJtA Pf 0. . . � � +',.� '� .... ..rf�.i,�. A . � "P/ r,�'"-� �� N[33th St� yNE 34th St � � .. = 3P�'E23+dpi '�,a�. �� yyR � �e zs��s� ..::�5 'AJ '3 . .'.:.ry ryj p _ '.�.���� � � . .w � 9 2 � + � .ur,4 3 3 � Q m � � G 4 {y� M ? 2 � «„ .. . � � Z A T �NF:t�izM St '� ^ `v � � a �. ., 4 } � c i{�SITE11 � � � �� ��}� t.... . � NF.5At1a$f � P 6. * .. ....��"��,.e:.,. AFcicn�*t N.4Mx 2 ���% � �� 'Jf i Z h 5Y�i h;t`. ... i'�,� NE S�ChSf •. � ;i4St �''�r�"�l'��§f��'Y. re .t. M�'� .�.1� � � � v ����`� o ^., S1t5i17pd �. -� � S� Mr�+3sri 4S � ,�. .. � q3'�� e - �� � - e..r'..e... 4: �C� ' � ,x G x 2� •a d NE"�zhPl .. ,� sa��rn�e � ;�; � �ta�ttce� .p x s� � � � .._ 5!4?t4rCi a,,�, P t m Q P"F4t.�yk ' ,'"ry _ sYtsthS: � : "-� � '� 1� � - � Ntandm�ntay § AiFRddr,4x � .,a„5�> r .•. � 5SfqthSi '/�� < PSBth5iN8rl,5t . d •t.. . .. f,Si : � cy gtk�,SQ . .. .; �l. . � t � �,r= M��;�.�,tA � MI6XLANOS tABN 5 d243t St �� � x c ��� w.. - . ::r754 �'r. $ r p . '� _ wvi'�t,5c t * �. - . , . �,. t`.+ �` a.' .. S . �r�r � a .�:!RI H�F�. 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Ordinary High Water Mark S 700 0 700 ------ Streams (King County) Feet Project and Action Areas Notes: Johns Creek Bridge Project 1.The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2.This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached Renton, Washington document. GeoEngineers,Inc.cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc.and will serve as the official record of this communication. Data Source:Aerials from ESRI,Streams from King County August 2015. G EO E N G I N E E R S � Figu re 2 Projection:NAD 1983 StatePlane Washington North FIPS 4601 Feet � _ _ _ -. ... _ :.. : ,. ':. : � /4PPEIVDIX A ; , Essential F'ish Habitat �EF'H) Evaluation : ; _ .. , , . � .. _. , , _ , _ _ _ : � ; � � _ _ : : ; _ _ . — _ : ; , ; . _ _ _ _ . � _ _ _ _ ,, __. ,., . , . , _ ; j �fH Conse�va�ion �ti�a�ure� . , : .. , - ' A number of ineasures will be impl.emented to minimize.the potential:adverse effects to fish h�:bitat in , ... . . : ' gen.e.Cal.These measures:a.re Iisted belaw. ` ` . . . ;- ; e� The contractor will develop and implement a TESC Plan. The contractor:will. use the BMPs to>c.o.ntrol .. ` sediments:from all vegetation removal orground;distuebingactivities,::: :_ �: 'Fhe contractorshall prepare a SPCC Pla:n;priorto beginning;construction.The 5PCC Plan shall identify: :;:_: 'f � the appropriate spill containment rrmaterials,wfiich will be available:at the project site at all times: , , : , } ,... �_. ..., . ■ All equiprrienf used for construction activities will be cleaned:and inspected prior.:to a'rriving at the- .:.. . _ ... . _ :.. . ; -7 project site to ensure::no potentially hazardous materials are ezposed, no leaks.are:present, and fhe: , � ,. � ' equipment:is:functioning pro.per.ly: � . :.. : :.. :_ ,. . :: : �� Construction equipment used for projeCt activities will be oper;2te:d from existtng approach roads and :' :: - � � structures above.the:OHWM. Construction equipment will.n�t enter below OHWM: : -�—. _ . e All in=channel work will be performed according to the;requirements and:conditions of the.HPA to be ... , ,.. . _ ,. .. ass.ued by the WDFV11::: __ ! � ,_� , See Section 2.5:of the BE for additional information rega.rding conservation measures. _ .... . , , ,. '� ! : - ,, : . . . ... CONCLUSION.:.. _ :. .. . -. ,. _ ' i The,p.roposed acfio:n will not adversely affect E.FH for Facific salmon:pccurring at or neaC:the project site: If , ; . `� � more:detailed information:i.s desired conce.r:ni:ng:the determination:of effect of all listed.:species occurring, _ within the Actio:n Area, please::refe.rto:Sections 6.O:and.7:0 in the main:text of the BE. _-._< .. .. . _ k � .� .. ..�.. . .... . .... . .... � ': .... ..�:�.� � ..: ...�: � ... . . . .... . . ' . .... . � . . .... . �� � . . . . . . . "�. . .... :. . .... . . . . ... . . .. REF�RENCE. . .: , . �_,�.: ; ;_ Pacific:Fishery Management Gouncil. 1978. Fishery`Management Plan for Commercial.and Recreatio.n.al. . . Salmon Fisheries:off the Coasts of 1Nashington, Oregon,"a:nd California Commencing in 1978:: _v '. March 1978:... . _. Y ,, , . .Vs,::: :.: : ; :.: : ; _ i _ .. . ,. ! f. _ : , : ,. :.. :. � s. ..: :::. :; ; :. � ' i , ' __., , _.. . :I � � ` GEOENGINEERS� . h 3,20�6J.PageA-2 a rc � . . . .�: .... . . . ... . . . ... .:.. , ,. Fle No.21854-W 5-00� '.:..� _. _ _ _ _ � �.:�. � _. �. _ _. . . . �-t' ': N�2ulh�Sk � , . . C}:i2�`d'tS1St... . . : :.. ..:'. ' "_ „ , . e. � Pa2Zt�S6'I. . � �- . ' .; s �., t -�w . . _. . � . � ' ;. .ra:. � � �� ' ?t#z ,t : .�, � .. , � �- � _ -�X€�2 � . .:. , • . . ..., �"�r� . . .. 4 �� . . „" .. . .�.. - ;.' ` . .,, . . . �' .., .,ry . .� , . ...,.Pa� �t126th�t n ; . , . ��.. - '. .. ' �' ..�� :� �.:;� - .r .�, .�. � � " , � .. . i . � €� �' ` �u .. 4 � a + , , _ �. �.�.. �.. .: .:�� n. , i� : . �� . �-- ��„ .. ,. . .,. . . . �. �• `�� . . . . . . . .. , . .. . .. a � � . a. ... . . .: ... .. 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EASEMENT PLAN n_� � _ . , a�-� 5;� cc�unrl�.�Nt�t .,� NNELCON r)It�7t�17�y 1. t� r�7:j •.� � _ 3 PLANING , .. �� � , - , .. � PROPOSED CONDITIONS GEOMETRY a, ��'�*'i�'�,�� ��L.�1����) �. �� � � ^� � r�,+� �: 1 � ` " . 4S �» �, S&i4t� 4 P,LAN �. I*�GI73 7Tt "'i 4'`�4C x � t 7-'"d a! ��ZQI tR yt�tlalb ��� � �` �r � �t�1¢d��1��` i fi � 5 P ANOS�EDCONDITIONSCHANNEL :_ � ;. ��������� ���� � �L�U � � � ���,a�������� 4���� �' ,� � �6 � PLANTING PLAN� � � ,. �v r � � � .���'`� '���t'+F� ,i���at�l� '°' :�, � 'i 7 RCANTING NOTES AND QUANTITIES �� � _ �9� ` . �� v � �"�iun�{ai� i'� ;�� � fi �'���< ` `:f'9iEF��'"EF� C��hhfff� :. � EROSIONANDSEDIMENTCO'NTROL e ��ier. ,��' �kt; ;BG��str5wla �i' �, � ,�, �� "• : � �; .� ��, �1t€�it�`� � � �' ' � , ; f;S�fi4+ LAN 8 P • ?rw �".�,.° �'lr"�t� � LONGITUDINAL PROFILE SECTION �zs° ,� . , .. �� ; > �ou2lt,._�,rtlr, ` '���,J;�t��'E���E Pt TE F���r � 9 A=A'.�_ Q� � T �" ��? 4 �, ' � ' � . . . �..�_ _. . . _ _... . a . � ' " hi�tt`t�t7�d�tt�[; ; , ' 10 CROSS SECTION B-.B'. . � ', r't � r�r T�r�r= ; u „ ��� '�tc+�7�rt, �� _ } �� , � � , , � ���I�urat ,R�v Yst�ii-H�i��h2� EIIi�t �� .�. Ei l.I Fd;(E�'J t� -�, ��- 4 �— . �. :� SITE LOCATION � � � !,,�:� � '�����1�`,�'�`.t€:,�� � � � x. . . . . _. . ,.. , . PURPOSE: CITY OF: RENTON : CULVERT REPLACEMENT COUNTY OF: KING COUNTY � 70HNS CREEK VICINITY MAP 3 STATE,O.F: WASHINGTON - APPLICATION _. DATUM:NAD83;-.Ff., NAVD88-F[._ - - BY: SOUTHPORT LLC ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: SECTION: 8 ' TOWNSHIP: 23 N a 1. CITY OF RENTON RANGE::05 E . CREATED BY:GEOENGINEERS,INC: 2. BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD LATITUDE: 47.502875'N 3. PUGET SOUND ENERGY LON.GITU.D:E;-122.200656° W SHEET:1 OF 10 DATE:FEBRUARY 24,2016.. _ . _ a _ ... , < . . . EXISTING CULVERTS • . EXISTING AREA ... T0 REMAIN:. � EXISTING W.ITHIN PROJECT ; TOP OF BANK::: :REACH=2,818 SE . :: : ; _ � . 10 4 Ff OH1N I / PARCEL N0.334450-0775 EXISTING ORDINARY - CITY OF RENTON HIGH.WATER \ � C , �OHW). . . . ; — 1 _. PROPERTY LINE : r—: . ,. 22.0 Ff OHW�I�� '1 � / ' ` . l V I I: � DIA �..:. � _ . . .. \: 1.:/ . EXISTING 60" PARCEL N0.082305-9055 CULVERTS(3) 1 � .. 1 :.- BUILDING:C AT SOUTHPORT LLC: :: \ TO BE REMOVED � w w � , , � � , m � \. . �� � � � ,��t � � � \ _ _ i i o:� �� v.a; i .: � � �{::�� � � � � .. � �� �1.� I. 1 \ : _ � /: ::: 1 �1 � I I � � i :.. .. j:: :.. .. � �� ���.:�: : Sa II . .. . : � / �Typ : ,:.: / c�R::. T � _ / / ���_ �� �iyTRq . ..:.. . � / STING RO.ADWAY / ( \ �cFR�qp � � / /. I:: :. �� : \ / / �� `: : \ , . , , � � � _ -- , � , � _ � � � . i � , �� , : ,., __ , , , � , � � �: ` � , , , . , � � � �, � � � � � � � , . ' // PROP�R��\NE ... \ \ \ � \ � � �� : 1 ._, � , , , ; � _ : . � I: .::. I. 2 , I � ` \ � , .. .. . � � I � : � �/ PARCEL N0.082305-9027 � : � c> o4j BURLINGTON.NORTHERN � ....� : � PARCEL N0.082305=9191 I m �- RAILROAD °� : :;: PUGETSOUND:ENERGY I::� I � , .. ... . �. .. . I.:.. . _. _.. . � : :: i 1 � : : r EXISTING TOP: \\ _ '� I I I : ANK ' _ �. . : � � _ OF B , . I. � a � = EXISTING ORDINARY _ : ; � \ � - ` ... HIGH.WATER 1 \ � , (OHW) ` / :: m. ' �. � � NORT�i RN.� a 0 40 80 EXIS7ING CULVERTS � RAILRQAD . -, ' Feet TO REMAIN �� 3 HORIZONTAL SCALE 1'-40' � / �. - i PURPOSE: ... :: : _ :.. : CIN OF: RENTON CULVERT REPLACEMENT KING COUNTY � � �oHNs cREEK EXISTING CHANNEL CONDITIONS courvN o F: � PLAN STATE OF: WASHINGTON - _ _. APPLICATION. DATUM:NAD83:=;FT.,NAVD88-FG. BY: SOUTHPORT LLC r SECTION: 8 ,_ ADJACENT.PROPERTY OWNERS: a __ -TOWNSHIP: 23 N... _ a 1. CITY OF RENTON RANGE:05 E':; CREATED;BY:GEOENGINEERS,INC: 2. :BURLINGTON NORTNERN RAILROAD ':: ' LATITUDE: 47.502875°.N 3. PUGET SOUND ENERGY LONGITUD.E:-122.200656° W : _ SHEET:3 OF 10 DATE:FEBRUARY 24;20.16.. : a , . :PARCEL.NO.334450-0775 :.. ., ... , CITY OF RENTON EXISTING : v : :. TOP OF BANK _ . EXISTING ORDINARY : i HIGH WATER (OHW) I . . .. . , : _ � . PROPERTY:LINE PARCEL N0.082305-9055 � c �; I r— BUILDING C AT SOUTHPORT CLC \ � p / � � � � 1 \ ���,. : � ,a � ; �. PROPOSED:ORDINARY �" �'° � HABITAT BOULDERS HIGH WATER(OHW) � ��" (TYPj r ` ` PROPOSED TOP . �j T�� � _. . OF BANK . .: __/. ��.�`� /�/� m�� / N� _ �- " / v � � � / ��:. ��. : : � � � : APPROXIMATE:. : , �: ���, � �=O�' '. �\ ,�4„ f�:. LIMITS OF � . „_ _ If e i —: ��SN-WAT RCE /:. �}� B� �Qr �1\ k ,, � V� / . /B � '� _ . . t�:`� u .. :. . ... d �� i i_: � � i � ��, I�: �. ��� � : :��� i'��t oCu e k �. � � . . ..., . - / � / c Q� � � � / / ,� pROPOSED � / . �ROP�. '_.;'Y� °��, . I BRIDGE . � _ _ . , � . . j���' � / NG ` '` ' �`e�' �` LOCATION PROPOSED /'�� // � �N R��N��P 1 . r � '\§�� i. � :, . : � Qp t � , �,F � . �� ROADWAY /��� ` /SpV — �. � e , �_ ` MODIFICATIO.NS Pr� : : /:: � � , , � _ ,, , �. _ ,a:.��` � " /.:. � , �- � : �/. � —� • � : � \ . - � � : ��� �`�' F, �,�/ -�.j��N _ � E � . R �l�,�/��'�j PROPE RIPRAP ` � �. �. . � �F,�`/. ARMORI_NG \1 �,P/ . �.� �. � ::: � £ EXISTING � TOP OF BANK I . I � � ' . ` � � / � ,; _ ` -b � N` N ....� .... ... �` . .. . ..� .. ,� . ..." . ,.. . '' ���. . .. .. :..� . .... ., . . .� .. . .. . . . . .. . , N . � . ._I .� . � ..�: �� . ,... .� . . � . � .� . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .` ��. . . . . .. . � _ � �' �`� ` PARCEL N0.082305 9191 = ,. ; � . � z PUGET SOUND ENERGY n Q�.. ' ; m � . , e. _ . : . - I � 4 PARCEL.NO 082305 9027 � „ EXISTING ORDINARY . :: . I.. : : : BURLINGTON NQRFHERN , . , � RAILROAD HIGH WATER : : (OHW) � _. � Q� _ . � /. . � `\ • 0 40 80 �./�� \ -... � \� : Feet \ \ � _ _ �\ � \ � HORIZONTAL SCAL�.1'=4�' _ �. .. . , . :' � PURPOSE: ._ : . : CITY OF: RENTON _. : , CULVERT REP.LACEMENT > PROPOSED CON_DITIONS CHANNEL CouNnoF: KiNG couNrY 3 JOHNS CREEK P�N STATE O.F: WASHINGTON _ ICATI _. APPL ..: ON DATUM:NAD8.3:=:F1'.,NAVD88-FT: BY� SO.UTHPORT LLC SECTION: 8 ADJACEN.T.PROPERTY OWNERS: � _ TOWNSHIP: 23.N. . � 1. :CITY OF RENTON : RANGE::05 E : CREATED:BY:GEOENGWEERS,INC: 2. :BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD LATITUDE: 47.502875° N 3. PUGETSOUND ENERGY LONGITUDE;-122.200656°W SHEET:5 OF 10.DATE:FEBRUARY 24,2016.. .. . a . . . . ... . . . ... . . ... . . ... . . ... - PLANTIfVG PALLETTE 1'2 Avg.Spacing Riparian Bank Riparian Upland Common Name Latin Name Form (ft.) (QTY) (QTY) Shrubs 1750(SF) 3650(SF) Hooker Willow Salixhookeriana Live stakes 3 85 -- Pacific Willow Solix lucido var.lasiondra Live stakes 3 85 -- Pacific Ninebark Physocarpus capitatus Container-grown 6 -- 15 Salmonberry Rubusspectabilis Container-grown 6 55 25 Vine Maple Acer circinatum Container-grown 6 -- 25 •_� Indian Plum Oemleria cerasiformis Container-grown 6 -- 15 , Ground Cover - Sword Fern Polystichum munitum Container-grown 6 -- 20 � Low Oregon Grape Mahonia nervosa Container-grown 6 -- 20 ; ", FOOTNOTES: 1. CONTAINER-GROWN PLANT MATERIAL STOCK SHOULD BE AT LEAST 2-GALLON SIZE FOR TREES AND AT LEAST '__ 1-GALLON SIZE FOR SHRUBS AND GROUND-COVER SPECIES;WILLOW LIVE STAKES SHOULD BE 36 TO 48 INCHES IN LENGTH. 2. BARE ROOT PLANT MATERIAL STOCK CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR CONTAINER-GROWN STOCK,BUT INCREASED ' � MORTALITY AND SUBSEQUENT PLANT REPLACEMENT COSTS SHOULD BE ANTICIPATED AND CONSIDERED. a � a � ; a m � _£ d a , :� I ' a m a _� � � PURPOSE: CITY OF: RENTON CULVERT REPLACEMENT COUNTY OF: KING COUNTY � JOHNS CREEK PLANTING NOTES AND QUANTITIES � STATE OF: WASHINGTON - APPLICATION DATUM:NAD83-FT., NAVD88-Ff. gy; — ADJACENT PROPERN OWNERS: SECTION: 8 SOUTHPORT LLC o TOWNSHIP: 23 N a 1. CITY OF RENTON RANGE: 05 E CREATED BY:GEOENGINEERS,INC. 2. BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD LATITUDE: 47.502875° N 3. PUGET SOUND ENERGY LONGITUDE:-122.200656° W SHEET:7 OF 10 DATE:FEBRUARY 24,2016 � . , . _ . _, ;_ : PROPQSED ;: _ _. EXISTING GROUND SOU7HPORT BRIDGE ,.. ... . W (SOUTHPORT RQAD). :.. : F ..Q w.: , _ � . o _, :.. : � :: _ :.: : a ... _. � W � __, . 30— � zZ _ Fw � - ¢.�.� _ Wmcnrn � zF : .� . . :� :� �.:X p0 : :.:' J 00 (O ._ .. . . . . ...� � W.c-I . . . . . �f M: ' 2c'J_ . Z � 2 jl: / / .. :Q � W � . . p V > . wH �--i , r� � .: :.:�: - � . . . . . : . .. . . . .... . '�. .... . . — . .... . . . .... . -.. OLLQW � OC.) �� J ..: � �. . . .... � . 0 �.�.W :." a Q J ' : :�: ... :..-:' :: ... ... . � .: .. ... � . .... . .... . . . .. . . ... . . . . ... ' - ' ... .., . � :.: : .. . .::7zQ_ . . .... . . , ... . �. .':' LL `: � O � W. : � — _. . _. . EXISTING CHANNEL EXISTING CULVERTS :: FROPOSED:CHANNEL _ ... . _ .:. . , GRADE . TO BE REMOVED: : : GRADE � ,. a .�. .� ' . . . . . . .... . ' . . . . . .... . ' . . . .. . ... . � . . . . .... . ' . . .... . ' . . ... . :� �.:... :.. �.:..� :� �.: :� �.:... .. :. � .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. :. :� �.. :. �::.... . 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LON.GITU.D.E;-122.200656°W SHEET:9 OF 10 DATE:FEBRUARY 24;2016. a __ _. ... . ; � _ :: �������� ; ; , _ Species Lists frorn NMFS and USF1nIS. , . _ _ , - � _. _ _ ; , _ . _ , , _ . , , , � _ _ .. � _. : � � , _ ; _ , , _ � _ _ Status of ESA Listings & Critical Habitat Designations for West Coast Salmon & Steelhead PUGET SOUND DOMAIN •Puget Sound Chinook(T) [FCH 912/05] •Hood Canal Summer Chum(T) � ' """"""" "' � [FCH9/2105] ���l�f���"��� � •Ozette Lake Sockeye(T) INTERIOR COLUMBIA DOMAIN [FCH 9t2105] •Snake River Sockeye(E) [FCH 12l28/93] •Puget Sound Steelhead(T) r z"�; � t ,a��� : •Snake River Fall Chinook(T) [FCH 12/28193] [CH under dev.;ANPR 1/10/11] .,-�..� ���� � � `� �"��r;�'E�� � •Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook(T) �� ,_ ` � ���� IFCH 12128/93;10/25199j ��S�;Ga1if� � p � •Snake River Steelhead(T) [FCH 9/2/05] m,, � *2n8tCheG � •Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook(E) [FCH 9/2/05] WILLAMETTE/LOWER COLUMBIA E ''-, •Upper Columbia River Steelhead(T) [FCH 9/2/05] DOMAIN �''� `*` � �t'� '� •Middle Columbia River Steelhead(T) [FCH 9/2/05] � 'C�lym�rf� F � •Columbia River Chum(T) ,`�% � �r �� � "� -� -^ � � [FCH 9/2/05J a ��lt[�t�'" '�a-t •Lower Columbia River Coho(T) " '' " � AStorK�„ �� ' p [CH Under dev.;ANPR 1/10/11) l` �"\,� , W�t1�I 4AlAIC�. � •Lower Columbia River Chinook(T) r�' � _ I .. � ,`:. ; � . [FCH 9/2/05] d � � t •Lower Columbia River Steelhead(T) � yy�FY(Sl���� ,�,rTM���� [FCH 9/21O5j � � `�� � �" •Upper Willamette River Chinook(T) , ��' ;,� � , [FCH 912/OS] � i� � °� ��� i� ( •Upper Willamette River Steelhead(T) p '� SSIe1'Pt �� � � "' � �. t �, $ [FCH 912/OS] y , ��'*� J � ���� E� ���� � � � �,�, , ;. ; �.«�� OREGON COAST DOMAIN , , + ������ o € �.. �� 8erttl '�'`"t. � ''� � !'"e � � 1 - •Oregon Coast Coho(T) 9 � P �� [FCH 2/11108] �'GObS 68� ..„,r�,����� "'s.,�,w i� �80158 w��.a�- ly �4ti �' �� ' t ..' � ��QealEllO � � - � � �` � � ��[ SOUTHERN (y�e�(p� 1 3� OREGON/NORTHERN '� � ���� � � CAUFORNIA COAST DOMAIN ?` ` .._�. .._,...,.__.. ' •Southern Oregon/Northem `- ��� �'""""" "��� ' �� � � � �� ������� � � �� � i�Y{' �� Califomia Coast Coho(T) �, ' CRITICAL HABITAT RULES CITED [FCH 5l5/99] � ,�,W.� � .� •6/16/93(58 FR 33212)Final CHD for Sacramento „t�'ka .,,,„„,m� River Winter-run Chinook �' � �,� CENTRAL VALLEY DOMAIN •�2128�93(58 FR 68543)Final CHD for Snake River � � �', Chinook and Sockeye �„w s�eddir� •Sacramento River WinterChinook(E) •5/5/99(64 FR 24049)Final CHD for Central CA Coast �� � � [FCH 6l16/93] and SONCC Coho ,�`, c __ •Central Valley Spring Chinook(T) •10/25/99(64FR57399)Revised CHD for Snake River '� [FCH 9/2(OS] Spring/Summer Chinook �����- ""�� � •Central Valle Steelhead T Y � ) •9/2/05(70 FR 52630)Final CHD for 12 ESUs of [FCH 9/2105] Salmon and Steelhead ��« � •2/11/08(73 FR 7816)Final CHD for Oregon Coast � � �':+'"' Coho � �� Lake Tah4(� •1110/11(76 FR 1392)Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking;CHDs for Lower Columbia Coho and ���Q Puget Sound Steelhead INORTH-CENTRAL CALIPORNIA COAST �" DOMAIN / FY2t1 `..� �"�, •Central California Coast Coho(E) �n � ""M� [FCH 5/5/99] ��. v�"� ��` LEGEND � •California Coastal Chinook(T) � '"� � [FCH sl2io5] ` � ��, '�'"� (E)Endangered •Northem Califomia Steelhead(T) � [FCH 9/2/05] S�nta Cruz, °�� "�� �C�� � (T)Threatened •Central Califomia Coast Steelhead(T) ' �te�n [FCH 9/2/05] ' ' �. (FCH)Final Critical Habitat Designated "3 ;`°, `� � Domain Overlap �,,� , ISOUTH-CENTRALISOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COAST DOMAIN __ ..,.__ y�Y� ���`°"' ~, �__„_., d �i„_4.,,, � •South-Central California Coast Steelhead(T) `� � i [FCH 9/2105j 7""` ��-- � •Southern California Coast Steelhead(E) �`-�--�,������`�r�����`y [FCH 9l2/05] ' los Angetas��r'"t� :`�,,y�.�,_ �� #� �,.,� �� � . ,'t~�, *� r° 5 1rv „., 0 1W 2�M��Ba � `. I t � � 1 , ����9° ' :_ ' � ',, __ Updated 10-31-12 United States Department of the Interior F SSputG$ \ PSSH�R IVLGDLSFB �. ,;' ?:� �, �' �. ��y FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE , > � Washington Fish and Wildlife Office ��;� ��� �.�;,� � �� 510 DESMOND DRIVE SE, SUITE 102 LACEY, WA 98503 PHONE: (360)753-9440 FAX: (360)753-9405 URL: www.fws.gov/wafwo/ Consultation Code: OlEWFW00-2016-SLI-0317 January 06, 2016 Event Code: O 1 EWFW00-2016-E-00229 Project Name: Southport Development Project Lake Washington Boulevard North Road Improvements Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location, and/or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The enclosed species list identifies threatened, endangered, and proposed species, designated and proposed critical habitat, and candidate species that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factars could change this list. The species list is currently compiled at the county level. Additional information is available from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Priority Habitats and Species website: http://wdfw.wa.gov/ma�ing[phs/or at our office website: http://www.fws.gov/wafwo/s�ecies new.html. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. The purpose of the Act is to provide a means whereby threatened and endangered species and the ecosystems upon which they depend may be conserved. Under sections 7(a)(1) and 7(a)(2) of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 402 et seq.), Federal agencies are required to utilize their authorities to carry out programs for the conservation of threatened and endangered species and to determine whether projects may affect threatened and endangered species and/or designated critical habitat. � A Biological Assessment is required for construction projects (or other undertakings having similar physical impacts) that are major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment as defined in the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2) (c)). For projects other than major construction activities, the Service suggests that a biological evaluation similar to a Biological Assessment be prepared to determine whether or not the project may affect listed or proposed species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat. Recommended contents of a Biological Assessment are described at 50 CFR 402.12. If a Federal agency determines, based on the Biological Assessment or biological evaluation, that listed species and/or designated critical habitat may be affected by the proposed project, the agency is required to consult with the Service pursuant to 50 CFR 402. In addition, the Service recommends that candidate species, proposed species, and proposed critical habitat be addressed within the consultation. More information on the regulations and procedures for section 7 consultation, including the role of permit or license applicants, can be found in the "Endangered Species Consultation Handbook" at: http://www.fws.gov/endangered/esa-library/pdf/TOC-GLOS.PDF Please be aware that bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668 et seq.). You may visit our website at htt�://www.fws.�ov/pacific/eagle/for information on disturbance or take of the species and information on how to get a permit and what current guidelines and regulations are. Some projects affecting these species may require development of an eagle conservation plan: ( htt�://www.fws.�ov/windener,g,v/eagle guidance.html). Additionally, wind energy projects should follow the wind energy guidelines (htt�://www.fws.gov/windenergy� for minimizing impacts to migratory birds and bats. Also be aware that all marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). The MMPA prohibits, with certain exceptions, the "take" of marine mammals in U.S. waters and by U.S. citizens on the high seas. The importation of marine mammals and marine mammal products into the U.S. is also prohibited. More information can be found on the MMPA website: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/�r/laws/mm�a/. We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Tracking Number in the header of this letter with any request for consultation ar correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. Related website: National Marine Fisheries Service: hCtp://www.nwr.noaa.�bov/protected species/species list/species lists.html Attachment 2 V 5. � � °m"""°'°"`� United States Department of Interior SHRVICB � �`� Fish and Wildlife Service . ;*.^.-' ,�,+':;. �- •% Project name: Southport Development Project Lake Washington Boulevard North Road Improvements Official Species List Provided by: Washington Fish and Wildlife Office 510 DESMOND DRIVE SE,SUITE 102 LACEY,WA 98503 (360)753-9440 http://www.fws.gov/wafwo/ Consultation Code: OIEWFW00-2016-SLI-0317 Event Code: OIEWFW00-2016-E-00229 Project Type: BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE Project Name: Southport Development Project Lake Washington Boulevard North Road Improvements Project Description: To improve traffic flow entering and exiting the Southport development site, improvements to surrounding roadways and infrastructure will be completed. As part of the Southport road improvements, the entrance will be widened and an existing set of three 60-inch pipe culverts will be replaced with a bridge that will span Johns Creek. Please Note: The FWS office may have modified the Project Name and/or Project Description, so it may be different from what was submitted in your previous request. If the Consultation Code matches, the FWS considers this to be the same project. Contact the office in the 'Provided by' section of your previous Official Species list if you have any questions or concerns. http://ecos.fws.gov/ipac,O1/06/2016 08:37 AM 1 I°fi""""a`s`$ United States Department of Interior �$� �f I� �� ��.� Fish and Wildlife Service �° � ���n� . ,� w.... ,;�� �!!�`�- Project name: Southport Development Project Lake Washington Boulevard Norih Road � Improvements Project Location Map: �.�``' �' � �c�� �� � 1 ir y�a � v 3-, �.°'� ' a'�.4` u. � �,„,'+;. .. �a i � � �K. %, (`. . �,. wS 5i � ,�" ``�� � t; �'a '� � � �> � � _ � � ��, `g � � _ , ar�=�;^{i�n' ° . � � � � �,f,:.�n,Pf�s . .�4� Nf: 4�'�"iY'z?k�.:. . �i Q ` � � � .,g�N' �r,�w� :, ; j � � � � '' 'a't�,� �`a � :r'� 1 �'4„ a ��� ����� i -;, .g;.�� d �,7i"..'�F3 q �� ta �� �s� �� „c9,, r��' 4� �� . m`� ���� x� 4%� � ` �°. � ` T Yr�+ ��' Lt�'+zlirs� "�i�:4t�``� �� � � �_x� ��. W,�,,�,a�'r Project Coordinates: MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.20113050963846 47.50307511918143, - 122.20093642470603 47.50255051543696, -122.20031307959289 47.50266097414467, - 122.20055834062805 47.50316484768524, -122.20113050963846 47.50307511918143))) Project Counties: King, WA http://ecos.fws.gov/ipac,01/06/2016 08:37 AM 2 H'�"V'""�'�� United States Department of Interior 58RVtC8 �*-=�"mxc"f,.�x� _�' � -�� Fish and Wildlife Service µ "'��� Project name: Southport Development Project Lake Washington Boulevard North Road Improvements Endangered Species Act Species List There are a total of 6 threatened or endangered species on your species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area.For example,certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. Critical habitats listed under the Has Critical Habitat column may or may not lie within your project area. See the Critical habitats within�our project area section further below for critical habitat that lies within your project. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. Birds Status Has Critical Habitat Condition(s) Marbled murrelet(Brachyramphus Threatened Final designated marmoratus) Population:CA,OR,WA Streaked Horned lark(Eremophila Threatened Final designated alpestris strigata) Yellow-Billed Cuckoo(Coccyzus Threatened Proposed americanus) Population:Westem U.S.DPS Fishes Bull Trout(Salveliniis confluentus) Threatened Final designated Population:U.S.A.,conterminous,lower 48 states Flowering Plants Golden Paintbrush(Castilleja Threatened levisecta) Mammals Canada Lynx(Lyn.x canadensis) Threatened Final designated Population:Contiguous U.S.DPS http://ecos.fws.gov/ipac,O1/06/2016 08:37 AM 3 V 5. �'�"'""�'�' United States Department of Interior 58RViC8 �'�`` Fish and Wildlife Service ..� ~ �`��'� = Project name: Southport Development Project Lake Washington Boulevard North Road Improvements Critical habitats that lie within your project area There are no critical habitats within your project area. http://ecos.fws.gov/ipac,O1/06/2016 08:37 AM 4 APPENDIX D Site Photographs �# N"i v��.M �i' P.�e 4,t� .y�1{A ¢'. 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N a Site Photographs � d � Southport Development Project � Renton, Washington � 0 o Appendix g GEOENGINEERS � p-1 � � � N � ��� 1 .i �b E y� �^.�7# n'f';i� � � � � �. � .��*P� �,"���7'"A 5.,�'C„'� � 'V w� .,� 9 �; � "�,4 '�yl�.b T ,yye�"� 'w +S ..`y "'�w� +�3 ��,�� �N» � � �"� ��. ' ,r `x� ;�r�d a a ��i�yr�� *�_ � � °"� p � ` ����„ ,� �. = ��� ._ �„�.-� � *' � � � �� � �yt � � f �, 5"�� ..y'",R.a`� � �' r�, ��i4`a' "� �^,R`,�"k�'�p i � ��.� f" s$r� � &{ M , *S {,2`dc� ��,�.,, y ., t e yNp . ��$.;��.�*^� k ^� p�"�' 4 ��e+ ��,'; '.4 �„i �t " . � � ���.� �� ��p �� ��yt� � � / r�� �� �� ��� 4 r� ..:F�� �ro �'�"a�^ .�y+�M'" �� "t' +�-µ. �� .a.�.i^� .�� 2y n?+it � �� „�� 7*.� � .S��,i �,��� �`� �,.�., � •,p.'a. '+�"'9 ��'�i °�"� �.W'�*`s� ^+i�z"q $ ��`-� , '�� � �� a�-_� aau"° i. ° .. .Q �� „�. 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Photograph 3.Two of the three culverts that will be removed and replaced with a bridge over the creek.These culverts are located under the Southport access road. � '� z��. b �� �� �'t i ����� � � � '�' ��` .� s� �: ����,.Y�S4d .eq � �''^�y r ,y i *�'.,�` "'�',�, ��,` �r�.�-�' '" .t' r rw y `��i i �, •' +�. n:;i� ,��'�,7�' ": ,� '�e R �, �„,J- 3 fidAC ; � .it, i�+����.i��_ S° ;.,� '�u-4 ��h'a�`, y�JiY � y,: ��.� � : EyF„ x+„ -0� P . ..�k. � ✓+ .4< hiP d �t C ` � • �` � � � �y '"�y mr �"v�`�. p" .�j � {�s r„�,� .� , z � � "S °� - z � "�f ,$ �t �� �9� � '� �'7 "� d":�" �.:��. r* � rc' ,�.�� � .� m°. .d°� .,� S,,��! �l i`�r"� *'� ` ,. S ' +�.,� v us � ��r3�'"x� „a `'�b5'. �,� �� �� '�a �ti�.h''��� ��t � � �f'�` y �, �' c 'dk .`7="Y� � �. ^,� �.�� � �i xs.-� > t�"" ,�ne �` .�,y,q��._ �';>'h 3 �y�i ��r",��'��"«"µ `� ^�" .c �'.,. ,� � ,. � ���`" r.7� ` {s, � � �� ,yr ^'*�°�';. a"a '""•^._ �YF. 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Po �. . 9.\ � '�a� �F y.�`� iAm� :rt,° q+ � 'l'�9�` �1 f .. .� F �,. �,�' �-�..�...: .�: , � � �, � ; ,,,, � ��'" �;� �, �s�d. , e � �w�,� � � � ��' � � _ p� " xb r .. ��:�*" i .,�� C A��� � £.��. �' �,"��,,..��'� IMG.+ .� �� I t''. - �'^ �, R��:. �'°�,'S� �•..� " 5.� t �:4� `�i'. m x�.e... ... � ��.�. ..a�s4�1. . „ ..�:�E Photograph 5.Johns Creekjust north of the project area where the culverts will be replaced with a bridge. 7his section of the creek had a forested canopythatoverhungshrub and herbaceousvegetation. � ; Site Photographs � � � � Southport Development Project x � Renton, Washington 0 q Appendix � GEOENGINEERS � g D-3 � N APPENDIX B Stream Mapping Database Printouts FOREST PRACTICE WATER TYPE MAP TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH HALF 0, RANGE 05 EAST(W.M.) HALF 0, SECTION 8 Application#: ( \ �.�,w ,.�I li � , ----- --— � _---- — �a- � ��� _ --- — -- —�� ,i `�� �;�� 'i , � � _' S Lake Washington \ \� ;; � � `� 4 �� � � ,, � �5 � � �I X, ;�� _ —�—� � � '�,�' — „ � � i � 1729168 �7 2��0 I����I +172926 � +72926 � + 1 I,I , �- � - _ -- � ; � , � ` /� ' � ,I �� � � _ � / " i�gR-`��� / I�i � -,, ;1, � � ��-� _ \�\ \ r >< � �v i � ������ � _ , � —= t �� I I �, ���' T �'i I �,�'� � — � � �� �---�, �� _� � ; _,-�- „ ;;, �I =--_= � i�72 4 �,�/ 172 4�_ \` �/ 17292d'� - + + + � +�� \,, � i � � \ � � ._ a �— — � �� i �� �� � �� I , �i ,, ' �\�, '�- ' - --��—� �- — ` � j -- i,i�- - �1 = = 9 'i � I I� I 'I , � I; I , � � i I I � I 'i i' — � +1729 r128 �i *i17 0 i�� 1 ;�2 � -�i + 922 �� I�; � ��- - � �,�� -- I I -_- +' I / I \ i' i r I �� II, I __ � — _ �! ��II I li // � �I ; � / / % /, I I � It - � .� � „ tl / ; /,' �� r �� � � ,1, �� '� ���� � �. .__ �} � I� '� i ;� , ; ) - 7�91�8 172 �00 � � �/ �I7292 �� 29 , //� � i �� �. �� +� � �� `, (�� /, � �'� ��,�" � � ��\ � — _— $�_-� �. //`'� f;!� \� \\" -i' i :� ��� �� - , ��� ` � i ; � � , /� 7� ,,, � �'�a �j � � � l/i� , � ��� � �^� 1��� v `\� \ I a.l / �\� ��� � ,;I�I F �� � � �. _ �� �River ! � f.� �� � -�� �`_ _ ��I'�ii 7 � � �c i i;l ,i r � �j ,i � II p�0� \ 69 / � �'�, , -, � , � , /�- � � � � � , `�� 5� �i Feet� � � ���I� � %� � � � �,�,.�,,.� �.� ,a_ ��;�U00 � � Date:7/8J2015 Time: 10:04:27 AM NAD 83 Contour Interval:40 Feet WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE PRIORITY HABITATS AND SPECIES REPORT SOURCE DATASET: PHSPIusPublic Query ID: P151201101611 REPORT DATE: 12/01/2015 10.16 Common Name Site Name Priority Area Accuracy Federal Status Sensitive Daia Source Entity Scientific Name Source Dataset Occurrence Type State Status Resolution Geometry Type Source Record More Information(URL) PHS Listing Status Notes Source Date Mgmt Recommendations Osprey BOEING RENTON CELL N/A 1/4 mile(Quarter N/A N WA Dept.of Fish and Wildlife Pandion haliaetus WS_OccurPoint Nest Monitored AS MAPPED Points 69900 August 19,2003 N/A NOT A PHS LISTED DISCLAIMER. This report includes information that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW)maintains in a central computer database. It is not an attempt to provide you with an official agency response as to the impacts of your project on fish and wildlife. This information only documents the location of fish and wildlife resources to the best of our knowledge. It is not a complete inventory and it is important to note that fish and wildlife resources may occur in areas not currently known to WDFW biologists,or in areas for which comprehensive surveys have not been conducted. Site specific surveys are frequently necesssary to rule out the presence of priority resources. Locations oi fish and wildlife resources are subject to vraition caused by disturbance,changes in season and weather,and other factors. WDFW does not recommend using reports more than six months old. 12/01/2015 10.16 1 WDFW Test Map , . x . � .�, � � K� -�.. � � tN� IQItt�+t �, �a � i! t��'�t��`�° �� � � � , , � � � � � � � � +S 4a �' *' t't �` � � � �, C ,, - ?� "� � A �It �1 � IL '� � �' i ft;t�i at�t:: 1, � � � � tt+ ��k �'�4 �� � 'Q# � 1�1�$IU�h 5 L� trsd � � ts 1 ":�,.�; �, � � '�" � ,, } � � � � �, � � �� � � � 1 �- ,i�n � `� _ � � � ��5 � ,,r�t � � ,. � 't+ w, 1` .� . . . . '� ���,F�k Z= � a` Y � } i �,s� � a� - � ;� }'ti � '. 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