HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract , '� Uf�? �CnRD:I.�+IG �turn Zb: CAG-9?-�)89 ' ' L�n}a �. Psstig � e �e.ux� Cam�ercial �.x'p].an� Gxoup P_(3. �n: 3707, M%S 76--52 S�ttle, washi�-igton 98129-2207 It�CREA�"�ONAL T�t�►xL S�A.�E�LENT A.,ND A.4R�EML�'� THTS RECRF�A.TIONAL '�RAIL ENT AGR EMENT ("Ag�re�ment"} is dat�d �s� of th�is �-- day oP ],992, and is made by a�nd b�twee O �NG COMME IRPLANE GRQUQr a da.vis�.on a£ T�� Hbeing Comp�ny, a Delaware cozpox'afil�on ("Hae�n+�"') , a�nd �H� CITX aF RENTON, a municipal corpoaratzon o� the State o� wa6hinqton �the "City") , with re�erence to t�e #ollow�.ng faats. A. �aeing has a�n �nteregt in certain real pro�erty (the ,� "Easemez'�t .Area") more a?articular3.y described on Exh�bit A and ^�� depicted on �xhibi� �, whiak� such exhibita are a�tac�ed heretv ��> az�d i.ncoarpoxated here�.n by '�hi.s zeference_ f�- — B. �, boathouse wi.th a�ttach�d pier (callective].y, the � "�aathouse") i.s �ituated upon a portion o� th� Eagement Axea- ,R� By se�aaza�ts instrument, Soeix�q has severed f�om the underlyxnq cr, realty and tzansferred �v the C�.ty t�ny and al]. right, title ox xntexest a�t has �n and to th� Boathouse. C. The City desix'es to eause certaa.n improvements to be made t� the Easemen�. Aacea and to use such improvements, together wxth the 4oa�.house, as an i�ntegrated paxtion a� �-�� � xecreational trail sys�em. D, Boei.ng desire� to make certa�in impravements tQ zts z[djacet�t aircraft maz�ufacturinq facility (the "Renton Plant �$�iii��") , zn oxder ta undertak� such 3.mpravements, Boei.z�g � app�ied fox and the C�lty issusd Substan�ia� Developme�nt Permit R No. SM-47].-89 dated November 15, �969 (the "Perxai.t"') �x� acco�rdance w�th t�e City's 5hore1ln� Maater Program. Th4 Perm�.� xequfr�s 8oe�.ng to �ransfer the Boathouse to the City q� and to enter inta this Agreement. � �'. Sub�ect to the terres and conditi.ons o.f thi� Ag�'��n4ent, Boei�rsg �ow CZPE�_x'A4 �o make the Boathous� and the � F.asemen� Ar�a available t� �he Ci.ty �ox �,aub�.ic use i.x� a�cc�xdance with the Perzni�. and the legi.slatzv� purposes � expz+es�ed in RCW 4.2� �200 anc� RCW A� .24� . 2].0. � NOW, TA�REF�RP, �ar qaod a�nd valt�abl.e con�s�.derativn, the �receiQt and sufficiencX v� whick� are hereby acknowle�lged, 1F �3oeing conveys and +�uitc�aims to the C�.�y, �or tihe use, ,, bezae�it zxt�d enjoyme�nt o� the qsneral �ublic, a per�etua , � � �rnonexc�u��.ve easement ugon, over, a�oz�g, �crass and thzou t� ; � the �asement .A.rs� for such purposea and subject to such tex s , � -,- and condi�i.ons as ars h�exeinafter set �or r� �� -7'!l`f �• {'.__ r'=-'s t� � , � _ ���.•�::>:,_ ,�., . �._jl ....�.•,_,�:_t7 � � Kis�g�;�. fi•�c-�rc��,::>i�i�ii��t , � ,. � r, ;`i ;, • !i! --� �'�_ �.���� �'t3epu4y �'� . 1'�..:::..,�----- EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT a9� x �� w. [00000-000amiwi i e+o.oa�i �/71112 " ,r , . , � , � , �, i. FuX�ose�, The City sha�ll �ave the right to us� the Easement Area �or the purpases af: (i) developing, constructing, mair�ta�ining, repai.ring and operating a public recrea�tional �raiJ.; and (i.i) maintaining, repairingr x'eplscfxlg and operatinq the Boathaus� as � gublic reareati.ona�l amenity» sucta u�se o£ the Easement Area by the e�.�y shall h�reinafter be referr�d �o as the "P�ermitted Use. " x� rt�►nnaz a� l�a�aacais��g tb. �ewa�aittad� vse�. z��. Except as pr�vided a.n pa�ac�aph ]., th� City shal7, not use, ar all.ow the us� of, th� Easement Area �'az any pur�ose whatsaevex. a.2 The Czty �sha�l, at a11 times, cause the P�rmitted Use to Yae undextaken in a ma�nner sv as to �xevQ�nt badi.ly harm to persons (wk�omsoevez�) and damage to praperty (whatsoever) - �.3 The de�inxtions a� recreatianal use in RCw 4 .2a_210 nvtwithstanding, the Permitted Use i� restricted to use of the Easement Area during dayliglht hour�, except �oar �. regu2ar�.y scheduled and supervised City sponsored events� � occurrinq after dayligh�t haurs. Vehicular use of the Easement -- �S,z�ea is proh3.bited (excspt �oX emergency vehicles and such r'' vehicles owned ox o�erated by Qr on behal� o� the City or f, HQei.nq �.n cannectian wi�h authari�zed activiti.es) , �'he City �} sha].�, be solely respon�ible xor ensuring that the public �� camplies with a�.� restrictfons an use of the Easetnent Area, � whether �h� �am� ar� z�equa.red by tha.s .A�greement ar applicabl� law. x.� The C�ty sha].I, mai�ntain and repair the Easement Ax�ea (and improvements there4n) as necessary to keep the same in a nea�, cJ.ean and safe condition and otherwise suiCable for �k'�:� Perxni��ed Use. z.� The city may temporarily close all., or portions of, tha Easement Area to th�e qe.neral public far purpose�s af pe�rfoz-m�na 3�ts xesponsai.bal.xtx�s hereundex� or otherwise �o �'acilitate the Permittad Use. However, nc�twithstanding such closures, 8oe�ng (und i.�s e�ployees, agents, contractors and designated r�px��enta�ivesj shall at all times hav� the zigh�. to enter upon the �asement ,Area at a zeasonabl� �ime, a.n a xeasonable mann�r, upan x�asonable priar notice (if such prior notic�e i�s posa�.bl.e) » The City �hal�. g�.ve S��ing ��n (�o) days ' advance written notice of any such closure (except closure� �ec�ui.red for emexqenci�es) . During such c].osure Boe.�nq shall cooperate wzt� the City so as to rea�onabl accommodate tlae City's acti�vi�.ie� withi�n the Easement Area. x.�G �h,e C�.ty sk�all not cause or permit the EASEMENT AND AGREEM�H'1' Page 2 l00000 oaoomnst t�io.oan •nr�a developm�nt, const�uc��a�, raodificatian, alteration, demoX�txon, remova� ox othar change of any new or ex�sting �mprov�ments (colleative�y, "Alteration of Improvemente") upon az within the Easement Azem without first obtaining Boeing's pr�ox written consent (which such cons�nt shall no� be unr�asonably withheld) . Such consent may be conditioned upon Boeing's review of an� sati���c�io� with d�taiZed plans and speci��cations, schedul.ing or such other matitexs relating to the praposed� Alterati��n o� Improvements. Any ��fusal by Bo�inq to ao�sent to anx Altera�ion o� zmprovements on th� grounds that the sa�e �ay h�ndex, �mpair ox atherw��e xn�erfexe with the o��rat�on �nd use of the Renton Plant Fa�il�ty sh�ll nat be deem�d utuceasonable, ae suc� determinations are xe:ierv�d ta Hoeing's sole jadqment and discxetion. I� Boeir.q shall consent to any one or �ore A�teratxon of Z�pxovemE�nts, the City shall cause the same tv be done in strict accerdanae with any plans, specifications, sah�duling, direction�: or other conditions of Boeing's canse�t. Boeing's consent to any one ar m�re Alteration o� Impravem�nts sha�� not b� d�emed ta be cons�nt to any othex Alt�ratxon of �mprovements, z_7 The Cit�r shall at all time� ensure tha� the Permztted Us� and all a.ctxvxties undertaken in accordance with this Agr�ement are in co��liance with all applicable laws_ The Citx sha�l nat cha�-g�, callect or receive £rom t�e pub�ic �. a �ee of any k�nd f�r the use q� the Easament Area (�xcept '�' charges, su�h as �oat xentals or othe� charqes f�r canc�ssions � made avai�able to the �ub��c which ax� �ncidental ta the � �ermi�ted Us�) . � 2 .e The Cit:y shal� not cause ar pern►it any � equipment, supplies, vahicJ.es or other x�em� to b� kept ox s� skored upon the Easemert Axea without �irst abtaining Boeing's p�rior w7r�.ttan conaent thereto, which such consant shall not b� unreasonabl.y w:Lthheld. Upar� completion of activities which may dis�urb the surfr�ce or subsurface of the Easement Area (or any i�mprovem�►nts therecn) , th� City shal� restore the Easament .Axea (and any improv�ez�fants thereon} to a canditian as good or bette7r t�an. t�?.e condi.tion fihe Easement Axea (vr such improvements) was in px�.ox to such disturbance. If and tv the e�tent the Ci.ty may ca��.�se an}( excavat�or�s withi.n the Eaaement Area, such excavations shal�. b� dane and comp].eted with th.e h.�gheSt degaree o� cara. �.9� The City sh�ll prompt�Y P�Y tand secuxe �he dischaxge o�' any lxen� against the J�asement Area asserted b ) all, pezsox�s and ent�t�ec �C�xrnishing any tabvr. �quxpmen�. se�c-v�ces, supplies, ma_ter�.a.ls vz othex i�tems i�n conn�cti�n with the �'ermitted Use. 3�. Boe�.�ag`� �.��ertre��i Riqlat�s. EAS�MENT ,AND AGRE�MEN�` Page 3 (OOO�O�OOOOlil��1 1A SO.OS7I A��� .. - , ' . « �_X Boeing reserves the right to use the Easement Area, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, fvr any and all purpose� not inconsistenC with the City's righta h�reunder. without lxm��ing the �orego�ng, Hoeing has h�storically and canC�nues to pe�iadica��y move a�rcraft to, fza�, in and azound the Rentvn �lant Facility. �n connection with auch historical mnd peziodic �ovement of �uch airvzaft, porti�ns thex�of overha�g, or otheacwise enaroach upon, the Easament Area� and adjvin�ng portian� o� the City's recreation traal system (including poxtion� th�reaf subject Ca that cexta�n "Bridq� Perm�t" bX and between the parties dated September 29, Z9b9 (the ��T4W Patb") and Qartians thex'eo� ta be acc�uired b� the GitX and d�veZoped alang cer��in rea� property adjacent to the Rentox� Plant �'acility and nc�rth of the Lake Washinqton inner harbor lane (the "5tate�Owned Area") ) . The Tow Path and the State-owned Area are dega.cted in Exhibit H, As to the Easement 1#rea, Bo�ing reserves the right to uee tiie same for such overhang oz encroachment of aircxa�t. As to tha Tow Pat� and the State-Owned Area, the City shall. accoxnmodat� such movement, overhang �n� encraachment o� a�rcxaft, and the C�ty shuil nat otheXwi.se undesz-tak� any use, developments or operat�.ans thereir� ox thereaf which �xeclude or materia�ly .interfeare with such histori.c z�nd pezioda,c movament, r�verl�ang ox eaxcroachment af aircraft. 3.2 Sub�cc� to �he City's prior wri.tten con�ent „p.. (wh.ich sha3.1 nat be unxeasonably withhel.d) , the City shall, � withxn ten� (�.0) days o� x+�ceiving a w�acitten rcques� fxam ' �aeing to do sa, clase ta the public �.ha port�.on af tk�e �`' Easement Area identified i�.n such reques�. and keep it alosed �. d'uring the period or peri�od� af time requesCed by Baeing. The � period or periads of time th� Easement Area shall be so closed N shall be t�e shortest p+eriod of time necessarX to t�ccomznodate �'T Boeing's ne�d to close the Easement Area. Boeinq reserves the right to clas� the Easement Area to construc�ion, development, maintenance or u�e for a xeasonable period a.n the� event af an emergezacy ar other sim�.xar reason. �,3 In the event �he City fai ls to perf o7rm any ot �ts obligations a�ising und�ex' this Agr��:ment, Boei.ng may (wiChout obliqation to do �a} perforxn the sa�ne at the Catx's so�.e ri�k and expense. �4. �nde�mn�it!�. The C��y agrea�s to release, defend, zndamnifX and h4l.d BoeingR Boeing"� dir+ectora, off�.�ers, emp�ayees, agen�s, servan�s and r�paresentatives (and the aresp�ctive successors and as�igns �f each and all of th� foregoi�g) harm�ess fzom �nd ac�ainst az�y and all claim�, �iens, dexuands, ac�ao�ns, costs, �.osses, expenses, ha�ca+`. damages and �iabi�.itX (includin4, but not limited to, attorneys' £ees) o� any kind or charactex asserted or arising directl.y oz indirectl.y from, o�n account o�, a�r in connectiota EASEMENT .AND AGREEMF.N'� F'aq�'- 4 �e000eaooaena���ta.oa�l �nivz . ' , „ �. with the C�ty's operation, maintenance and aontral. af the Easement Area {and imprvvementa thereon) . With xespect to a21 ox� a�ay partion of �he� �'oregoing abli�qation whiah may be heid to bs with�n the �uxvie�.► of RCW 4_24.115, �uah obligation shall applx on�y to �he nnaxfmum extent permitted by RCW 4.24�.115. As between the paxti�s and �oz purpose� only af the ob�3.gations herein as�umed, the City waives any immunity, defense or ather protecti.on that may be affordec� by al'�y workers' compensation, �.ndustrial. inaurance or ��.mi].ax laws {includ�ng, but not limited �o, the Wa�ahington Industrial znsurarce Ac�, �i.tle �1 af th� Rev�.secl Cati� of Waehzngtc�n) , �. allo �1r�rz�.nt i,e�►. s,l Baeing does �nc�t waxrant title to the Easament Area or the �oathouse and 9ha11 not be liabl� far defQc�s �h�reta ox ��i.luare thsxeo�, and the City aacepts the same "as �s, " w�,th all fault� ox defects, whether or not such faults ar defect� are �nown to the C�.ty. 5.2 Any plans, specifications, scheduling, documents or other infoxmation (collectively, `•Submittal•') �x�ovided by the City to Bo��.ng purauant to this Agreement are �or Bae�ng's ir�fvrmational purposes only. Hoeing's receipt o� az�xX such Submi.ttaz, or any review, analy�is, apprava�, or --�- other cans�deration or d.isposit�.an �hereaf by Boeing, or � Boei.nq's f�:i�uxe to revi.ew, ar�a�.yze, apprvve or a�herwise considex ar�r dispase a� any such �ubmittal (inc].udi.ng, withaut f`� lima.�ation, �ail,ure ta d�,scaver any error, def�et ar �;� ix�ad�quacy a� such Sabmittal) sha].1 not reliev� the City af `� any oa� i.ts ob�.igations under this Agreement. Boeinq h$reby C�! expxessly disclaims any and all warranties, �xparess or �T' imp�.ied, with xespect to any dne az more Submittal�, or anx othex glans, speci�ications, documents or in�ormation developed, r�viewed ax prova.cied by Hoeing to the City as a condition o� this Agreement. s. �taticaa. Any notice, rac�uest, degiqnation, dixection, state�n�nt ox other cammunication under this Agreem+ent shall be in wx�zting an�d shz�lt b� delzvered in per�on or mailad, pro�erly addressed and stamped with the required postage, to the xntended rec.ipient as �olJ.ows: �f ta �aeing: Boe�.ng Commerc�.al Airp�ane Group Rer�tan Divi�ion �'.0. �lox 3?07 Seattle, WA 98�24-2207 At.tn: D.�rectar of �'acili�iea � � I� to t�1e CS.ty: '�'tae Ci.ty d� Renton lFarke atnd Recreatian 2ri0 M�11 �A,venu� Sout� EASEMENT �AND AGREEMENT Page 5 �00000.00eo�ehst t�to.oa�i anM� Rentan, WA 98455 Attn: Parks and Recr�ation Q�xectox �ither party may change xts addxe�s specified in this paraqraph by g�ving the othex �arty notic� o� suah ahanga in aacaxdanca with th�s paxagXaph. 7. eaacaa�ar�. The Citx"� x�ghts and abl�gations under thi� �gre�m�nt sha�� not be assiqned w�thout Baexng'� priar writ�en consEnt. Subject to the foregaing restriction an aasxgnment, this Agreement and the texms and cond�tions cantained herein sha�k be bznding upon and �ha�l inure tQ the benefit of the parties hexeto and their re�pective successQr� and �ssigns. �. Tsxaq�x�atioa. �.1 Tn the event of any materia�. breach by the Ci�.y of any o� the tezms or �+rovieions hex-ein, �in addition to all other zight� az xe�medies i.t �may hav�a, Boeing anay terminate this Agreemer�t by sixty (60) day�s' advaxxce wri.tCelti andtice, which not�ce shall speci.fical�y state the reason far such tex-mination. No �uch termination, however, shall be effective if, w3�thxn si�tty (60) days afiter such no�.ice, th� City has � cur�d �he breach and has taken ar comm�nc�d acti.on i.n goad � f a itk� to �revent such bxeach� f ram x�cuxx i.ng. r�- e.� Thi.� Agreem�nt and a17. o� the City�s rights � hereunder gha�� terminate and r�vear� to Bo+�ing upon �v abandancnent o� the Permitted Use by the City. 'I'he City shall �7` be presumed to have abandoned the Permitted Use if the City ceaaes ta maintain and u�e the �asement Axea therefar far a peri�od a� two (z) successxve yeaxss, 8.3 Upon terminatian of this Agreetaent, the City, at its sole cost end expenge, shal� xemovs from the Easemex�t .Aarea any and all improvem�nts therean and restor� the Ease�caent Area to a conditi�on ae gvad as or bett�r than it was prior to constxuation of said 3_�nn�x�vements; �+r.avided, however, the City shal�. have no ob�.igation to xemove impravements and restore the Easemen�. Az'�a �� Boe�.ng shal,�. elect, xn writing, ta accept �he city'� abandonment af such impravements in t�eir then cuarx�snt cand�,ti,on and ].ocation. �.� No texm�.nation Qf this Agreemen� shall release the C�ty from anX 13.ability vx obliqatl�on with respect to anX matter_ occurri�ng pr�.ar_ �a such terminst�on, nox- aha11 sudh tezm�inatian re].ease the Ci.ty Eroxn xt� ohligation to close th�e �asement Area to publ�.c use. Dated as o:f the date f�rst writteta above, L�'A.S�iENT AND AGRE�'IENT �'aq� � i00000�u000news�i��o.oari +n�sz ����� ]90�I�IC3 CO��tCIAL JIIRPLANE QROUF, a cii�v��i�on c�� The Hosxng Campany � �x i J.1. Nslson pitector, Facilities art� Set�►I� �' �oeing Cammercial Airplane Gtoup THE CITY: 7C� C oF RBNTOt�► . � �x Zt , Cl er M r _ ATTES� ` � lQ� �'`�'G�' __ k[arzlyn . ' tersen., City Cie7rk '"�' k[� � S�ATE OF WAS INGT N ) � j ss. � covN�rx o� � T4n this -^ttay of , 1992, before me, the undersign d, a Notary u c xn an for the State af W shin o �,�u oaumi.ssianed d swarn, persanally appeared , to me known to be the p�rson wha s gne as , . S C.��',af �OEING Co2+aLERCIAL AIRPLANE GROUP, a d v siom o� Tk�.cS Boeing Company, the carporntxoz� that executed the within and �oxegoing instrum�nt, �nd acacnowledgpd said ix�stzwmeht to be the free and voluntary act and de�d of_ said caxpo�ratia�t �or the u�e� �,Gnd purposes tk�ere�an mentiozted, a.nd an oath �tated that -�Z�=�- was duly authora.zed by the Board a� Di.reclr.ors o� the �orparatiar► tv �xec+u�e sai.d �ns�.z�ument and that tt�s seal. af�ixed, if any, :ls the carporate aea� of said COX'�O�e'���.flx1. WITNESS my hand and of f icial seal. hereto a�f ixed tha day and y�ar in �his aex�.i.��.cafie above wri.t��n. i EA.S�'tENT AND AGREE�MENT F'�9�'• � IOOOW-00601[IA�1 ld 10.037I A/7�R7 .f f' • `�� J / i � . /� I / .� 7 �1 +` '+' 1 4 � ; �� � �;: i� �, NOT T'UB C �.n a fo e S te of , ..;,, � , :�.�:� .,' ,� Washingtori, acesiding at � , i , ,' . ',�� �"/� � . •' , } ,.� ' . k�y �tppai�nt�oo,e�t �ac�si.x��: STATE L7F WASHINGTC3N ) ) ��- COLT�TY 4F W -�� ) On this �� day o� , 1992, before me, the undexsigned, a Notary Pu c n and �vr the 5tate o� Washington, dular cdiam�issioned �nd eswo�r-n, personally appear�ed , ta me knotan ta be tRie person who sxgn� as ` af �'HE C�TX OF RENTON, the muraicipal oar o at on that �xecut�d the within and �oregaing 3.nstx�umet�t, and acknowledqed said instzument to be the xree and voluntaxX act and deed o� saa.d municipal. cprQorati.an for the usea and puxposes therefn menti.oned, and � on oath stated that s/he wa� daly elected, qualifisd and �n r�cti�g �a sa�.d o���G�x of the �munici�all carporation, that sJhe �'~ was authorized to execute �a�,d instrument and �hat th� seal ,T., ���'ix�d, a.� a�y, :�s the corporate seal af sa�.d municip�� � corporat�on. �! �7� WITNESS my hanc� and o£ficial aea�. h�xeta af£ix�d the day and year irk this certifica�e above written. , �a �� _11.c,.t� NQT Y UBLIC in and for e Statq af washington, residing at �st,u�Fs'iv�.J My a�apointment expires: << LoZ9 �95' I � �.ASEMEN'X` A�ID AGREEMEN�' Paqe 8 Icr0000•0000snrt i��o.osrl ���n'2 EXNIBIT A Leg�l D�script�on o� �as�ment Axea EXNIBIT B Ease�ent ,Axea Depictian Tow Path DepiGtion Stat��Owned Arsa Depiation � lC7 f�- �,T'� � Rl (T I � EASEMENT AND AGREEHENT Page 9 r00000-0000ronst�a�o.w�► rn�e] Recreation Trai� Easement And Agre�me�t �hibxt A (1 of 2�_ "The Easement Area" ,A. Tha 30 �'oot EaSement: P,N E.�ISEMEtJT, THE MAJ�RITY �F WHICH IS THIRTY FEET IN WIDTH, SITUATED IN BLOCK C, THIRD 5UPPLEMENTAL MAP OF I.AKE WASHINGTON Sfi�RELANDS (KTNG COU�tTX AUDIT�R' S �`IL� N0. 592758z) HEING xN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER C�F SECTI�N ?, TCIWNSHII? 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. , KING C(?UNTX, WASHZNGTOht SAID EASEMENT B�ING DE5C�2IBED A5 FOL�,�WS: BEGINNING A�' THE P30RTHW�ST CORNER OF �'Hl1T TRACT OF' LAND AC.OLJIR�l7 BX BOEING FROM T�3E ST,F#TE OF WASNrNG'T(J2�1 I3.S DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT P,�CORDED UNpER AUDZTC�P."�� F�LE No• 6025859 , SAID COR1dE�2 BExNG c�N TF1]? INNER HA�2tHOR LINE C)�' LAKE WASH�NGTUN; '�HENCE 50CJTH 12°47 ' 42" EA:�T ALUNG THE WEST�RLY T�ZN]E QF SA.�D 7'RI�CT 30. 24 FEE'T; TNENC� "Cf- NORTH Rd°25 '26" EAST 4i17 . 04 �'E�T; TEIENCE SOUx`H 05°12 ' 4n" EAST i.,f� 7,� . r,l F�ET; TEIENC� NQRTH 84°23 ' 15" EAST 27 - 04 FEET; TFIENC� td�RTF� � 05°57 ' S2" WE5'S �.1. 59 FEE�'; THENCE NC)RTH 84°25 ' 26" EAST 572 .74 FEET; TI-IEtdCE NORTFi 39°06 ' 33" EAS't' 1.2 . 5b FEE`X'; THENCE I�ORTH � 28��oG ' 53" EA5`� 2S, 33 FEET ��0 ,A POIrrT oH SAID INNER HARF3oR LZt�E; �-� THENCE SOUTH 84°25 '26" WEST ALOPdG SAID IPdNER HARBOR I.ItdE 1.033 . 35 �, r���r Ta �rxE �ox�� o� HEGItJNING, CONTAZPiZNG 30,948 SQUARE F�ET, MOR� OR LESS. S, The l0 Foot Ea�ement: ,AN EASEMEN'i', TEN FEET IN WIDTH, LYING IN TH� 13l�RTHWEST Q[TARTER O�' SEC�'zON 8, TOWNSNTIx 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 �AST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY WASHI27GTON, �EING IN THE LA.KE WA.SHINGTON SfiOR�LAND5 AS SHOWN ON MA.p PREPARED BX UDO HESSE UNDER 1CIP1G CdUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE 230. �.56371, SRZD EASENIENT BBING DES�RIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIIdNING A'I' 'Z'f3E NORTliEA�TP:RLY COFtNER OF THAT TR1#CT OP �.AND BOEZNG ,�1.CVUIREU FEBFZUFLRY 1]_, 1966 k'RQN[ E'UGET S�Ui1fJ POWEF2 & LZGH7' COMPA2JY, DESCR��ED 115 SHUF'FL�`I`ON B ���7 z�ocvrs�rrT RECORDEI� CTND�R AUDT.TOR'S FILE 230• 5588091, SAIU CORNER BEING OI�f TEIE INNER }i1�RBOR LIN�; THENCE SOUTII 43°06'S5" EI�ST A.LONG �H� EASTERLX BOUNDARY aF SAID TR.ACT 21.94 F��� TO THE TRUE �OINT OF �EGINNING QF HER�1N DESCRIBED �ASEMENT; THENCE CON�ZNU�NG SQUTH 43°06'56" EAST ALONG 51��D FASTERLY BOUN�7ARX 194. 23 FFF:T; THENC� SQUTH 46°26' �.3" W�ST 10.0o F�ET; THENCE NO�tTI{ 43°Q6`56" WEST 183 , 84 �'EET; THENCE 50UTH 7��03 ' 18" WEST' 69 .37 k'�E7C '�'U SAID INNER kIAR$dR LINE; THENC� �30R'�H �6°52 '27" EAS'� AL�NG SA�D 7NNER HARHOR LxNE 24 . 4� FEET; TF[�N�E NORTkI 71.^03 ' 18" EAST 53 . 57 F'EET TO TI�E TRUE �'C1II3T OF t3EGINttI G- CONTAT.NZNG 2, 485 SQUA�2E FEET, MflRE OTt LESS. � ' i , ' . . . . �. - �------____. " Recreatzon Trail Easement And Agr�ement �xha.bit A [2 of 2) '"'�he Easement Area" C. The �aathous� �asemen�- AN EASEMENT ENCOMPASSING A PORTION (�F F30EING�S RENTf)N �'ACILITX BU��+DING 4-67� ANp ,�1TTA,CHED RAMP SITUAT�D ZN BL.00K C, THIRD SUPPLIc".MENTAL MAP OF LAKE 4TASHZNGTON SHORELANDS (�CTNG COUNTX AUDITO�t'S FILE N0. 5927582) BEING �N T�iE NORTHEAST QUARTER DF SECTTON 7 , T�W�iSHI� 23 N�RTH, RANG� 5 F.A,ST, W.M. , �CYNG COLTNTY. WA5Hz�G`rON, SAID �:ASEMENT BEING DESCRIB�D AS FOLLaWS: BEGIt3NI[JG AT THE NURTEiWEST CORNER OF THAT 'I'R�1CT OF LAND AC(ZUIREC) B7t BOEING k'ROM THE STATE OF WASI�ING'I'ON AS DESCRIBED �N DOC(JMEtJ'.�' RECORQED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 6025859, SAID CORNER BE�NG C�N THE XNNER EiARBOR LII�(E Ok' LAKE WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 12°47 '42" EAST AI,ONG THE WESTERLX LI31E C1F SAYTa TR.ACT 30. 24 FE�T; THENCE ,q- NORTH 8 4"2 5 '2 6" EA.ST 5 5.8 6 FEET TO T'HE TRUE POINT OP' $EG INI�I ING; LC7 '1HENCE SDU'T'fi Q4°37 ' 43" F�ST 23 . 20 F'�ET� � THENCE SOUTii 51�26' ].4" WEST 57-88 FEET TC7 A POINT ON SAID WESTERLX LINE OF SAID TRAC'�; �'� '3''HENCE SOUTH 12°47 '42" F�1.ST ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE 16. 36 FEET; � THENC� NORTI-[ 5I°2 7. ' 2 5" EAST 7?. . 7 Q P'�ET; J. THENCE NORTfi 04°3z ' a9" W�ST 3 .75 F�ET; TH�NCE NORT��i 85°28 '00" �AST 31.08 FEET; TIiENCE SOUTH �45°33 '29" EAST lO. OS FE�T; THENCE SOUTH 04°43 ' U9" EASx 46. �.3 FEE'�; THENC� I�IC�RTH 85°16' S1�' EAS'i' Z4 . 00 FEE'I'; TE[EISCE NOF2TEi 04Q43 '09" WES`i` 37 .95 FEET; TNk'.NCF 2JORTii 85°28 '00" EAST 22 . 30 1'EET; TIiENC� PIUP,TH 04�3� �OfJ" WEST 15.75 FEET; THENCE IJORTH 85°28' Ub" EAST 17 . 86 FEET; Tt�ENC� NORTN 04°32 ' 00" WEST 21. 00 FEET; TE#E�ICE N4RTH 85°28 '(70" EAS`I' 125.00 k'E�T; THE�ICE IJORTH 04°32 `00" WEST 10.47 FEET TO A POINT �N A LINE WHICH BEARS NORTH 84°25'25" EAST �'ROM THE TRUE P{�XNT (3F BEGINNING; THENCE 50UTH II4°25 ' 26" WEST 231 . 52 P�ET TO THE TRUE POT2d'x' �F' BEGIIdNING. CQNTAINZNG �,258 SQUARE FE��, MORE oR LESS. � � � �I`,�+ �t �j .t�r!� / I V.Y'1. �i/� � �\�1��V. �:��h, �L. C .�-i1 V V V �36,ii?79 � •_ , t��. �;2,���.E_ ��4, ��c. ?,r. 23 ra.,� 5 E.,w.,�n. �.��;. .,_ o - $��,��.,�s;`E . � t(I�IG COui�ITY, �,YASHINGTON • .,,'a+ ;� ..,,�,.T,�, •_ Z,«,-�E, \�—� ,3� , . n i65.500 } . � � �`1����\`�`" ' � ����pd� ,�� v�b^LI2YE� V `�j1 �p C `^� 't 2�.M � �f-�/.,�? N J '3 � � �l s`tb3:i'f` ���' 1 4L S1 .1 _ � �IC'�RuIL��SEMfNT' � W W / Sa6�2913�'Y• � OOV' \ `� �—$� MO 5C _ IMp 2^G t —. .•�� . . _,. � � :r��-��.�--� �—..._... • sca�e u.rFtr ��, � BOER+G.tWV�aEO�. 1_ °:i�G �,y I A F M0.598609� ���Z�«Td� OA7LN:'M65MNGTCN COOAOINAIE �� wA�NI��TON +;,�ti`" �"T o""��e YA6EZ'1�RTH ZONE ) i1 P��N,� ?t' \��•{ - '� ti� �'� 'L NOTt f LWSL7.'iFFERS TG GFtMEIRY SiqWN '-�_.. . .. '-~ p�� � �:N?IAP CF L.a�E �MdSNRIGTCN SNORf �. . .. .._ �I�.t➢ '1;, - �aflpi � a_ 4 `I IY.r'251�"E 5]74� I `(� t� ',dRl��r,Y�x-. isae' N �6pt}J ��7 �.38526t `.'SJ�^L�2���M �?n' � � .•:1.= �D —/ ^d'S�Zli :'�:w�]2o�'[ 3'5' ����. �-� ��� ? � �e;ses•,eo•s'. ,�-ce' i^99.824 ICMSL4 �� � N i65,97E.93 `.i=: la. r}nse�le�za"• �..�+a' ^�'95.3�� —�r��,:�<�r; 'x ...33 � ` E i,550,0T8A� ` „i�•�, r^_..�oa=.3'c%�+9.�1 y ia'�5 26.E 129^�:]5 xjl ERSENEKT���: _..39'.�,..M ` - . ♦,� .n:;es ._..= ,.s�• !Nt�ER NAHEGR �tt!E- ;a. 9A.r—;n.ia' �x.ers'� i' t .7i �`y 'A ' rs ;l +zs � : ,�='xf + _8P29�i ,;L �-5M��75+.�E �_�O / `',t\.. '(3t]3 � lt?.66 � - C WS°&sS..Y�� f.59 r ,�'1..�.' .� . aP��� ,1� , / t F � � <a•:5'�'e"r 8t'�EIN6 ALd.RREO � � C( -th_±i �G> '`O� .J����C 2T9J i 22 6fi '., . , :cl . \�`�es•,d� � �.u' ,LF NO.6J25859 ' � STATE �;F 'MASfi1NGT:N � �C�s __ ''.e6 �tTHE BGaTT1DUSE�:S�EMENTI j — i�'� � ' �so�a�^.'e ,� �,� �'� 7 ',�' i519 n' 1 ir"1.' � ti� l Se6°�c'S"wl _ ..�['. _ %]�'' �1 l� � 5 aoo �^e.ne,.�, . 6� � (,. � s�,=.3��c� Zz�a —f�l;��'� ��L1r�L�,;i=1'�-�:�i1 ^il��r �_lr �1.}`.= �% l �- ' srr�' `:�Y���i-��I'l'jT'JIy �T)OF'= I �I�.J(�.� {. ..�,,,�'��e��?l7�%�i �� ��80 i'll // '2 �..:"i'.!=-_� i I�_F.. ... � � E�ING�+IC�7UWE��• - 5 BB'S2�33'E 3�8.7 -( ,�i 0.F�HO.'.988Q9� : . . __. . �(' 4 PVGEt S�.Y1N0?rJhER d y , LIGHT �:pMppNY „i �-$Q � /� Q � _ N 185,5�p , . :,. :;, -�J � 4 80£iNG.4COUIRFD 8-1�'62 - r3.f.Np.5474d'j°f CpYENANTSI ,J.5.0. _ ,/ � N ��P t�� ;:..�.,. al. a�� ° EXHIBIT 8 t I OF 3} ;�i`, '."� RECREATI«N TRGI� E45EMENT � . 8 AGREEMErIT . i Hurton DPnnis & .-�.s.sociates. Inc ;uR�fe��o�'s c�F-iF ..s`c RECORD OF SURVEY REC�RC��'� ..�RT F+c�TE I LL 11tL�:� _?�swtinq Enqineen � . r,,. ,vo ..,,.. � .�,....�. ,..,... .. . .,�.� .. ,.�•, ~ -..,,, ,. � . ;� ,.•se e. i Q( ;,a . ww <_f�,� K,_.,.,�-_: � ,.���_-�;* °.,.�°:.. .':K,: ;. �,-.;�,_.,,� ... .. ���E��:c co�v�r��Rc,a� -,�-.�,.. ,. .,w .. � , � f: m - . . y�� ' ;¢w" 3 :s._�ar_: 9. [��.% I_ raRG4 �992 ?�95:, '.�. �� �� � ,T��...,• _ — _ ._... .c �... _, .. tc[• ..� — '��� � 3—,,:,j� 'j KiR!'�ANE �,�Cl1F _ ...., �. 7�_�;.ai �-ti�C_-4 �... _. :. . '�-•---4..:.__ _:�'---•.� � � ... � ...�—,..�am, „ �...,,,. NW`�,UEg,S�C. ?,T. 23�i., R. �� `N. �vi. V�o-'��y4� ��'�I � f�ii�IG C4Ui�1TY, `�1�1S�llNGTOi�E ��� +�+��v y� .�`avP ;s , . � Q5 a ��' .N ;�� •� - 9� .h� �5 jt2 E 6. 6 5���2,, J a'�� C�i< �`4. ga'�? VNN£F. �4R8C.p I�NE 1299.H2O lLV1$l� J:� ..2 N B4°'i ZE��E II59.�ti �VNSU I. �J4 25 �� N35^'.7'�31�c lCIISL�` ' llW5L1 � E ei,5i2 0�3 tT9.22 �-�.,v i85 85:.6� ` —^' _ � +C '.0 0 ap �I`.�1.19 '.L'MSL 1 ` ` �� ` � r� � J 1J jS � SCALE �fV FEET Z04 tlWSL� Z 2 1t i. i.•_ r6' i38� x � e..W � � � 9 � .+�.�" . . � J� � l i 2.:�i ,;�/ �✓ �'�ti O�„�p qq �} �" `�0: �.��K^t �i'e:` � PI f •d J MCR120N?51 OATUN- 'lf651NN,TON �qptQINATE J, �, "� f. 'f �t n» . ','� 1 �+ SYSTcM NORTH Z�ME y 1 f ry� ,Du��fD F�ECt. t1 f1 ) lNAO�'. y �y (J j� s'.� �'' 'r�' TOW PRTH NIPA'DD"X—^y '� . •;cwowr.rro� r f J n � f} � Ij! fl 7 � l rr :.� 1 ;. f c�lj � � � s f�� f �. _ X � y�W,t7 _j 11 ] (} � M[STE� fLWSLI4EFEAS t0 i#OMfTRr y�(,'hru N � t � l 1( � �1 .� C] � � � � CN !AdP Cf L.1KE 'HYSNINGT0t4 "� ? �l f � � I1 � I iHOHE 1..1ND5_ „�f, _ — >� -y ;J f ri �.,�,�.o - + ( . � p � � 1 _ . . �, � ,f``N�n. �j f� �J f� r t fl i1 � I ��.�I ..CXC aRt9.E £� O�L i�'+ t£ � �� � . l N { �� � r_) 1 � �3 Z ` tt �y � '� � ! ;o l 'c� ` y „���` y F � y��`' �� ��-N � so . 4 I� 1 j�, � � , �n.i �.�.��;'. .����_i_. �, � I -- � G'��v g4��� �.�f Jvn BOEING l+C4UIRE0 I_..._. � ' P ;'22'66 4 -�:i= I Fry � , � L y,g' }iO 6025959 j ;�.,a�� n£'ue.aa�t\�:: _�1L� �p�E OF YIASHIN6YON .: � ..+ — t"" ` 4 -' tiT��N YkL 1 1 35E SS fLW�li - 0 to� � ( f �Sa �. 1�W5�1 iB3 i67 � � � (tw$i! 1 'to EkSr" � lLwslk , r�- � �� �J9.;2 rL�vSl) 5 98'S.37�E �yo ` B�COb: i ae°5[ j� E �..EGaLDESCitcFilOP: ,g i dre�v�u-�, TO\v Pf�7H ��t� �� 6LOCX 'i'. 'itilFG SUPPLEh(FT7hL MAP OF LA}:E WASkINGTOY SH�P.ELAVpS tk(NG COUNSY' �'" -��..�i --� AUDRnR'S F[LE NO.59175i_)aS SHOV1'i:On?HE�PUT �'� �- THERE+iF 0� F1LE :N THfi QFF�CE QF THE � � � � � ��80 f0�1ISSi6NEA Of PUBLIC L.4nD5 AT 6LYatPfn, � J � �: � _ _ WwSki1NG7'ON. ✓ i - - , �% v .�� r+'• � aoeixc�acoumev� � y � B'i�'S2 AF N0.25��4�29(CdiENANT51 N i95�SOC�-- � y`-J � `.�r �_ �y IJ.S.A. � o �' "'� ;� . � l o �1 ~ L � ;� " ' EXHIBIT 8 (2 4F 3) � W TflW P4TH . � ,'jortrn i?Pnnis �i- _-�sspciatr.c, fnc � ;�� � RECORDER'S CERTiF�CATE SuR�EY0R�5 �E�TiF ?E RECORC t1F SLJRVEY �l : 4onsui!ing E^qGnetrs ., r,e.. _ , _� .... _ �.... .e.. �, .�.. F�.a �� «.a�..._ ' .... . �—. 3.3, faf . i ' . �, F_S:JG, YA.M�Vs`�:!: {'��, � . . . � ..��n� V P � iw � xC� r�, ��: � , a 1�. a .�.. 8CE1hG ;^��nti���c��� � �. , ;.._� ,� , �s,��.��_5.�.< F'..f( 4nR.:+ .)c7 4�� `3 Y bw.iLomivn. , ci[n ..a0: ] _ . ..is . �3333�il STy �" �.19_ ---.__o. � , .� . s- . � , . , . .,..:�� �..;....:.r.�,p�—�. ;aiR'F��(�1E ��?QUP �, ............,. ., .�,.,. . . .. . .. . .._.� .. n�9�r / s��::E���r� ��t. il2,N.�. �/�, S�C. ?, T. 23 N. , �. 5 E. ,��1. ;+�I. "��'���� � '�- . ' _�.. _ _ '�. 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Sf1 � � � � i �1 � SCALE ,N �EET `� ��'p�.2� bh 1 f SNi;FFLETCN 8 1 �'_�oC � p' �a 90EiNG ACOUtRED 1MGTON � �► � 2-��-� .'��NTAL pATUM WIISHlMG'GN ;Lbrro�NarE �AS� \ �^'ery t SY57rN,r�GaTH 2�NE 1 l 4.F NO.5968091 vc PUGET SGUNp POWER 8 t++a� x7� S..A l�G ��11 � UGNT CAMPaNr ��l �i2 5T4iE CwNEO aREu _ - (L'MSlj iE�ERS T0 7EOME�R'/ 3NpWN _ ---" � � N!.MpP/}F �AKE YAiNINC�9N a710AE -� � � LdNOS. ���� c 1Y,y�.ia�� � . 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