HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing LettersPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION • 235-2540 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WA 98055 February 25, 1976 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Following is a list of address changes made necessary because of the recent Adams Vista annexation to the City of Renton: OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS 9906 134th Ave. S.E. 2518 Whitman Court N.E. 9912 134th Ave. S.E: 2512 Whitman Court N.E. 9922 134th Ave. S.E. 2506 Whitman Court N.E. 9926 134th Ave. S.E. 2500 Whitman Court N.E. 9925 134th Ave. S.E. 2503 Whitman Court N.E. 9921 134th Ave. S.E. 2509 Whitman Court N.E. 9911 134th Ave. S.E. 2515 Whitman Court N.E. 9907 134th Ave. S.E. 2521 Whitman Court N.E. 9904 133rd Ave. S.E. 2520 Vashon Court N.E. 9914 133rd Ave. S.E. 2514 Vashon Court N.E. 9922 133rd Ave. S.E. 2508 Vashon Court N.E. 9926 133rd Ave. S.E. 2502 Vashon Court N.E. 9925 133rd Ave. S.E. 2501 Vashon Court N.E. 9921 133rd Avenue S.E. 2507 Vashon Court N.E. 9913 133rd Ave. S.E. 2513 Vashon Court N.E. 9905 133rd Ave. S.E. 2519 Vashon Court N.E. 9904 132nd Ave. S.E. 4101 N.E. 25th Place 9814 132nd Ave. S.E. 2504 Union Ave. N.E. 9926 132nd Ave. S.E. 2500 Union Ave. N.E. Sincerely, WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR / James C. Hanson Permit a Environmental Administrator JCH:sn STREET NAME AND HOUSE NUMBER DIRECTORY 1. Harley Hoppe, King County Assessor 2. King County Election Department 3. Residential Department, King County Department of Assessments 4. " 5. Personal Property Department, King County Department of Assessments 6. Residential Appraisal Department, King County Department of Assessments 7. Pacific Northwest Bell, 300 S.W. 7th Street, Renton - Attn: C. Maydon, Room 124 8. " " " " " Attn: Office Manager 9. " "' " " " Attn Plant Service Manager Room 152.�'. 10. Washington State Div. of Motor Vehicles, 3221 N.E. Sunset Blvd. 11. Puget Sound Power & Light, P.O. Box 329, Renton 12. If 11 11 i/ 13. Washington Natural Gas Company, 319 South 3rd Street 14. If if 15. Postmaster, Renton, Washington 16. " 17. 18. " 19. " 20. " 21. " 22. IT 23. " 24. " 25. R.L. Polk & Company, Room 2519 Second Ave., Seattle 98121 26. Dalpay & Associates, 4033 N.E. Sunset Boulevard, Renton 27. Police Department _ 0 February 25, 1976 Mr. Donald Sullivan 9906 - 134th Avenue S.L. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: Because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2518 Whitman Court N.E. The Post Office, Pacific Northwest bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. however, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, 14ARREN C. GONNASON, P.E�. PUBLIC WORil's DIRECTOR James C. Hanson Permit & Lnvironmental Administrator JCH/mP February 25, 1976 Mr. Douglas Johnson 9912 - 134th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2512 Whitutan Court N.E. The Post Office, Pacific Northwest Bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. "however, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARRLN C. GONNASOb, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. Manson Permit & Environmental Adtiiiiistrafor JCII/mp February 25, 1976 Mr. Calvin Doss 9925 - 134th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be, changed to cofrespond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2503 Whitnan Court N.E. The Post Office, Pacific Northwest Bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. however, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARRLN C. GONNASSUN, r.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. Lanson Permit & Lnvironmental Administrator JCh/mP February 25, 1976 Ms. Karen Lawberton 9921 - 134th Axenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Ms. Lamberton: because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2509 Whitman Court N.E. the Post Office, Pacific Northwest bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. ha ever, it Is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, k&RRLN C. GONNASON, P.E. PUBLIC WORAS DIRECTUR James C. Manson Perwit 6 Environmental Administrator JCh/MP February 25, 1976 M I r. Larry Marcoe 9911 - 134th Avenue S.L. Renton, Was 98055 Dear Sir; Because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2515 Whitman Court The Post Office, Pacific Northwest Bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. 1-.m�,ever, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GONNASON, P.h. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTUR James C. hanson Peru:it & Ltivironmental Administrator JC11/mp February 25, 1976 Mr. Clera Martins 9907 - 134th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: Because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2521 Whitman Court The Post Office, Pacific Northwest bell, ant! other utilities have been advised of your address change. llowever, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, W4RREN- C. GONNASON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. haason Permit & Environmental AdmiRistrator JC1i/MP February 27, 1976 Mr. R. L. Cluff 9904 - 133rd Avenue S.L. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: Because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your riew address is 2520 Vashon Court N.E. The Post office, Pacific Northwest 'Bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. However, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GUNhASON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. hansom, Permit & Lnvironriental Administrator JC11/mp February 25, 1'176 �Ir. F. Von Linbacb 9914 - 133rd Avenue S.L. kenton, Washington 98055 , Dear 1-1r. Von Linbach: Because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address syster. Your new address is 2514 Vashon Court N.E. the Post Office, Pacific Northwest Bell, and other utilities nave been advised of your address change. '11,owever, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARKEN C. GONNASON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Jawes C. Hauson Permit & Environmental Administrator JCH/MP February 25, 1976 Ms. Hary AlMber& 9922 - 133rd Avenue S.E. Benton, Washington 98055 Dear :ls . Alraberg because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2508 Vashon Court N.E. Tlie Post Office, Pacific Northwest :bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address c4ange. however, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WAI RLN C. GONNASONt, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ,lames C. hanson Permit & Environmental Administrator JCti/uap February 25, 1976 Ms. Fran Noon 9926 - 133rd Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Tear 14s. 'L�oou: because of your recent arnexation to the City of Renton, your address mist be ebanged to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2502 Vashon Court The Post Uffice, Pacific Northwest bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. However, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GONNASON, P.B. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. 11anson Permit & Environmental Administrator February 25, 1976 Mr. henry Schinidt 9925 - 133rd Avenue S.L. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear sir. Scliwidt: because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address ii.,ust be changed to correspond with the City's addres8 system. Your new address is 2501 Vashon Court N.E. The Post Uffice, Pacific Northwest Bell, and other utilities heave been advised of your address change. however, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GUNHASUN, P.E. PUBLIC WU"S DIRECTOR James C. hanson Permit & Environmental Administrator JCh/MP February 25, 1976 Mr. Thomas J. Puritt 9921 - 133rd Avenue S.E. Renton, Wasiiington 98055 Dear .11,1r. Puritt: because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address systern. Your new address is 2507 Vashon Court N.E. The Post Office, Pacific Northwest Bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. however, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GONNASU-114, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. hanson Feruit & Lnvironneutal Administrator JCh1mP February 25, 1976 mr. John Lieske 9913 - 133rd Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington Dear it L-Leske: because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the Gity's address system. Your new address is 2513 Vashon Court JaJ.. The Post office, Pacific Northwest Bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. however, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GUNNASUN, P.E. PULLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James G. Ranson Permit & Environmental Administrator JCIi/MP February 25, 1976 Mr. Michael Curtin 9905 - 133rd Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington near 1.1r. Curtin. Because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2519 Vashon Court N.E. The Post office, Pacific 13orthwest Bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. However, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GUNtL&SON, P. K. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. 11anson Permit & Environmental Administrator JCh/mp February 25, 1976 As. Dorris Catlin 99U4 - 132nd Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear As. Catlin; because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 4101 N.E. 25th Place The Post Office, Pacific :'Northwest Bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address chanj;e. However, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GUNNASON, P.E. PUBLIC WURKS DIRMTOR James C. lianson Permit & Luvironmental Administrator JC1i/mP February 25, 1976 Mr. Stanley bauck 9814 - 132nd Avenue S.E. Kenton, Washington 98055 Dear Mr. Banek, Because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address systera. Your new address is 2504 Union avenue N.E. The Post Office, Pacific 1111orthwest Bell, and otlier utilities liave been advised of your address change. however, it is advisaLle for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARRLN C. GONNASON, P.E. PUBLIC WO"S DIRECTOR James G. iiansori Permit 6: Enviromitental Administrator. Julml, February 25, 1976 Mr. Alvin Hooker 9926 - 132nd Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: Lecause of your recent annexation to t'Oe City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address systear,. Your new address is 2500 Union Avenue N.E. The Post Office, Pacific Northwest bell, and other utilities have beeu advised of your address change. Rcr-,iever, it is advisable to you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARRLN C. GUNNASOh, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. hanson Permit & Luvirotwiental Adrinistrator JCH/Mp February 25, 1976 Mr. 6erton L. haugum 9922 - 134th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: because of your recent annexation to the City of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 25U6 Whitman Court N.B. The Post Office, Pacific Northwest bell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. However, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Sincerely, WARREN C. GONNASON, P.L. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. Janson Permit & Environmental Administrator jCh/mp February 25, 1976 Ur. Donald E. Mann 9926 - 134th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washing -,ton 98055 bear Sir: Because of your recent annexation to the City Of Renton, your address must be changed to correspond with the City's address system. Your new address is 2500 Whitman Court N.E. The Post Office, Pacific t4orthwest Rell, and other utilities have been advised of your address change. However, it is advisable for you also to advise all necessary parties. Siacerely, WARRLN C. GONNASON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR James C. hanson Permit & Environmental Administrator jCk/MP 0 o� o o�grE ���� D SEPK TO: FROM: RE: ALL DEPARTMENTS MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 O 235-2550 MEMORANDUM Gary R. Kruger Planning Department ADAMS VISTA ANNEXATION January 30, 1976 Effective Wednesday, February 4, 1976, the Adams Vista Annexation (see attached map) will be officially incorporated into the City. A census found 59 residents, 18 single-family dwellings, and one trailer with a permanent addition. Below is a listing of the residents: Donald Sullivan 9906 134th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 ,5'i6 W N j7—wJ CT .V E Douglas Johnson S912 134th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 a51Z woer 4,0 C-T �1L` Berton L. Haugum 9922 134th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 46 Donald E. Mann 9926 13•1th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 a$G p W A.-r" AMd Calvin Doss 9925 134th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 K..1 ri-) r ,1j N AJ GT us Yaren Lamberton 9921 134th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Larry Marcoe 01911 134th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Attachment GRK:ms Clem liartins 9907 134th Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 d I r.0 1-f .'rrm la R. E . Cluff 9904 133rd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 9805 �aao u ly-ao'a C •r Faye Von Linbach 9914 133rd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055_ Mary Almbe 9922 133rd Ave. S.E. Renton .WA 98055,E Fran Noon 9926 133rd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 r I (^. ,.., L) C 7 Henry Schmidt 9925 133rd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 p. C7- lt5 1 v Thomas J. Puritt 9921 133rd Avenue S.E. Renton, WA 98055 J e7 0-� 640- c T John Lieske 9913 133rd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 �5/', 61Ctsl4o�u Gi UE Michael Curtin 9905 133rd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Dorris Catlin 9904 132nd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 jje 4LSrK 7'4- Stanley Banek 9814 132nd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 Alvin Hooker 9926 132nd Ave. S.E. Renton, WA 98055 v -.r a� rn cn .. I— c c: F-wq