HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 8CAG-19-271 Renewal #1 ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM NO. #8 City of Renton ON-CALL TREE MAINTENANCE, PLANTING AND REMOVAL SERVICES Name: Ian Gray Date: 12/06/2021 This ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM NO. 8 is made and entered in to on March 19th, 2021, between the City of Renton, (City) and Trelstad Tree, LLC (Contractor) collectively (Parties) pursuant to and in compliance with the MASTER AGREEMENT FOR ON-CALL TREE MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL SERVICES CAG-19-271 Renewal #1 dated 25 January, 2021 (Agreement) following bid proposal process. The Parties agree as follows: Each and every provision of the MASTER AGREEMENT FOR ON-CALL TREE MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL SERVICES CAG-19-271 Renewal #1 dated 25 January, 2021 (Agreement) shall remain in full force and effect and the CAG-19-271 Renewal #1 ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM NO. 8 is as follows: 1.Project Name: On-Call Tree Maintenance, Planting and Removal Services 2.City Division: ComServ/PPNR - Forestry City Project Manager or Contact for WORK ORDER Addendum: Ian Gray- Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Manager 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 igray@rentonwa.gov (425-430-6601) 3.Scope of Services: As set forth in CAG-19-271 Renewal #1 4.Technical Approach: The removal and pruning of various failing or damaged trees in the city, and as set forth in CAG-19-271 Renewal #1 5.Deliverables: Tree removals, cabling, pruning and stump grinding observed by City Forester, as invoiced by Contractor (#14921, #14922). 6.Schedule Removal, cabling, pruning and grinding of various trees completed. 7.Cost/Hour Estimates Contractor agrees to perform the services as described above for the amount not to exceed $9,380.52 unless modified by the City in a signed written subsequent CAG-19-271 Renewal #1 ON-CALL WORK ORDER ADDENDUM. CAG-19-271, Adden #8-22 8.DueDateorCompletionDate:pecemberG20219.TotalAmountPayabletotheContractorundertheMasterOn-CallAgreementissummarizedasfollows:OriginalNon-ExclusiveMASTERAGREEMENTFORON-CALLTREEMAINTENANCEANDREMOVALSERVICESCAcE-19-271Renewal#1authorizedamountnottoexceedperthedurationoftheAgreement:$35,000.00CAG-19-27lRenewal#1ON-CALLWORKORDERADDENDUMNO.6CAG-19-271Renewal#1ON-CALLWORKORDERADDENDUMNO.7CAG-19-271Renewal#1ON-CALLWORKORDERADDENDUMNO.$GrandtotalofCAG-19-271Renewal#1ON-CALLWORKORDERADDENDUMS$14,531.00BalanceforMASTERAGREEMENTFORON-CALLFORTREESERVICESCAG-19-271RENEWAL#1:$20,469.00INWITNESSWHEREOF,thePartieshavevoluntarilyenteredintothisON-CALLWORKORDERADDENDUMasofthedatelastsignedbythePartiesbelow.CITYOFRENTONKellyBeyParksandRcreationAdministratorDateCONTRACTORBruceTrelstad,ownerTreistadTree,LLC%9)tiDateApprovedastoform:ShaneMoloneyCityAttorneyNon-standard10/24/19clb(644)CAG-19-271RENEWAL#1ON-CALLWORKORDERADDENDUMNO.8Exhibit1:ContractorInvoices0PAGE2Of2$2,113.92$3,036.56$9,380.52(approved via email from Cheryl Beyer) TreistadTree,LLCInvoiceP0Box1167MapleValley,WA98038-1167BillToCITYOFRENTON.1055SGRADYWAYRENTON,WA.98057AUN:IANGRAYDateInvoiceNo.P.O.NumberTerms[Project11/09/2114921CAG-19-277DueonreceiptItemDescriptionQuantityRateAmountREMOVALREMOVALOFSECTIONINMAPLE@VICTORIA900.0090i00TGREENBELT11/8THANKYOUFORYOURBUSINESSSubtotal$900.00SalesTax(10.1%)$90.90Total$990.90 State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Affidavit of Wages Paid Project Detail - Project Dashboard Document Received Date: 11/11/2021 Intent Id: 1016541 Affidavit Id: 1071387 Status: Approved on 11/30/2021 Company Details Name TRELSTAD TREE Address PO BOX 1167 MAPLE VALLEY,WA,98038 WA UBI no. 603311307 Contractor Registration no. TRELST*871OJ Industrial Insurance Account Id 85434502 OMWBE Certifications as of 10/21/2019 No active certifications existed when Intent was submitted Email Address trelstadtree@earthlink.net Filed By TRELSTAD, DENISE Prime Contractor  Prime contractor name TRELSTAD TREE Prime contractor registration no. TRELST*871OJ Prime contractor Phone Number 206-935-4116 Project Information  Awarding agency: RENTON, CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WA - 98055 Awarding agency contact: IAN GREY Awarding agency contact phone number: 425-430-6601 Contract no. CAG-19-271 Project name TREE WORK Project Description TREE WORK IN RENTON Dollar amount of your contract: $ 990.90 Bid due date 9/4/2019 Contract award date 9/10/2019 Job site address/directions: Payment Details Check Number: Transaction Id: 108380747 Page 1 of 2 1/14/2022https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagelookup/AffidavitDetails.aspx Project Details County where work was performed King City where work was performed RENTON Prime contractor Intent form Id# for this project 1016541 Intent filed date 10/21/2019 Job start date:MM-DD-YYYY 11/8/2021 Date work completed:MM-DD-YYYY 11/8/2021 Project Completion Did your company hire any subcontractors? No Did your company have employees perform work on this project? Yes Did you use apprentice employees on this project? No Company Owner Information How many owner/operators performed work on the project that own 30% or more of the company? 1 First Name Last Name Trade BRUCE TRELSTAD Laborers Affidavit Subcontractor(s) No subcontractor is selected for this affidavit. Journeylevel Wages County Trade Occupation Wages Fringes # Workers # Hours King Truck Drivers Dump Truck 59.90 0.85 1 1.00 King Laborers Faller & Bucker Chain Saw 50.95 0.85 3 3.00 King Laborers General Laborer 50.01 0.85 1 1.00 Apprentice Wages Public Notes Show/Hide Existing Notes No note exists Page 2 of 2 1/14/2022https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagelookup/AffidavitDetails.aspx WashingtonStateDepartmentofLabor&IndustriesPrevailingWageSectionTelephone360—902—5335P0Box44540,Olympia,WA98504-4540PrevailingWageAffidavitDocumentReceivedDate:11/11/2021IntentId:1016541AffidavitId:1071387AffidavitStatus:ApproviYourCompanyInformationTREISTADTREEUB1:603311307P0BOX1167Regs:TREIST”8710JMAPLEVALLEY,WA98038Email:trelstadtree@earrtilink.netFiledBy:TRELSTAD,DENISEOMWBECertificationsas of10/21/2019Noactivecertificationsexistforthisbusiness.WorkersCompensationAccountID854,345—02ProjectInformationAwardingAgencyNameRENTON,CITYOFAwardingAgencyAddress10555GRADYWAYRENTON,WA-98055AwardingAgencyContactNameIANGREYAwardingAgencyContactPhoneNumber425—430—6601ProjectDetailsProjectNameTREEWORKCountiesWhereWorkWasPerformedKingCityWhereWorkWasPerformedRENTONApprenticeutilizationisrequiredNoOMWBEutilizationisrequiredNoProjectSiteAddressorDirectionsProject DescriptionTREEWORKINRENTONPrimeContractorNameTRELSTADTREEPrimeContractorRegistrationNumberTRELST*8710JPrimeContractor081Number603311307 Prime Contractor Phone Number Prime Contractor Intent form ID# for this project Hiring Contractor Name Hiring Contractor Registration Number Hiring Contractor UBI Number Dollar Amount of Your Contract 206-935-4116 1016541 N/A $990.90 Contract Type Bid Due Date Limited Public Works (Less than $50,000) Contract Award Date Intent filed Date Job Start Date Job End Date 9/4/2019 9/10/2019 10/21/2019 11/8/2021 11/8/2021 Project Completion Did your company hire ANY subcontractors? No Did your company have employees perform work on this project? Yes Did your company have apprentices perform work on this project? No How many owner/operators performing work on the project own 1 30% or more of the company? First Na.me BRUCE Subcontractors No subcontractors selected. Journey Level Wage Details County Trade Klng Truck Onvers King Laborers �Ing Apprentice Details No apprentice selections. Last Na.me TREl5TAD Occupation Dump Truck Faller & Bucker Chain Saw General Laborer Laborers Prevailing Wage S60.75 SSl.80 $50.86 Wage Fringe S59.90 S0.85 SS0.95 S0.85 SS0.01 SO.BS # Workers Hours 3 TreistadTree,LLCInvoiceP0Box1167MapleValley,WA98038-1167BillToCITYOFRENTON.1055SGRADYWAYRENTON,WA.98057AUN:IANGRAYDateInvoiceNo.RO.NumberTermsProject[11/09/2114922CAG-19-271DueonreceiptItemDescriptionQuantityRateAmountREMOVALREMOVALSOFCOTONWOODS@1520TAYLOR13.5120.001,620.001AVESWREMOVALREMOVALOFBROKENBRANCH/SECTIONOF13120.001,560.OOTWILLOW,6/29,7/6@BENSONDR.PRUNEPRUNEASH6/3@2505MONROECTNE3120.00360.OOTREMOVALREMOVALOFCOTTONWOOD@1921199THPLS16120.001,920.OOTGRINDGRINDSTUMP@1804NE27TH11/25.5120.00660.OOTPRUNECABLETULIPTREE1,500.001,500.OOTTHANKYOUFOR YOURBUSINESSSubtotal$7,620.00SalesTax(10.1%)$769.62Total$8,389.62 State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Affidavit of Wages Paid Project Detail - Project Dashboard Document Received Date: 11/30/2021 Intent Id: 1016541 Affidavit Id: 1075217 Status: Approved on 12/14/2021 Company Details Name TRELSTAD TREE Address PO BOX 1167 MAPLE VALLEY,WA,98038 WA UBI no. 603311307 Contractor Registration no. TRELST*871OJ Industrial Insurance Account Id 85434502 OMWBE Certifications as of 10/21/2019 No active certifications existed when Intent was submitted Email Address trelstadtree@earthlink.net Filed By TRELSTAD, DENISE Prime Contractor  Prime contractor name TRELSTAD TREE Prime contractor registration no. TRELST*871OJ Prime contractor Phone Number 206-935-4116 Project Information  Awarding agency: RENTON, CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WA - 98055 Awarding agency contact: IAN GREY Awarding agency contact phone number: 425-430-6601 Contract no. CAG-19-271 Project name TREE WORK Project Description TREE WORK IN RENTON Dollar amount of your contract: $ 8,389.62 Bid due date 9/4/2019 Contract award date 9/10/2019 Job site address/directions: Payment Details Check Number: Transaction Id: 108406132 Page 1 of 2 1/14/2022https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagelookup/AffidavitDetails.aspx Project Details County where work was performed King City where work was performed RENTON Prime contractor Intent form Id# for this project 1016541 Intent filed date 10/21/2019 Job start date:MM-DD-YYYY 4/15/2021 Date work completed:MM-DD-YYYY 11/8/2021 Project Completion Did your company hire any subcontractors? No Did your company have employees perform work on this project? Yes Did you use apprentice employees on this project? No Company Owner Information How many owner/operators performed work on the project that own 30% or more of the company? 1 First Name Last Name Trade BRUCE TRELSTAD Laborers Affidavit Subcontractor(s) No subcontractor is selected for this affidavit. Journeylevel Wages County Trade Occupation Wages Fringes # Workers # Hours King Truck Drivers Dump Truck 59.90 0.85 1 2.00 King Laborers Faller & Bucker Chain Saw 50.95 0.85 2 10.00 King Laborers General Laborer 50.01 0.85 6 42.00 Apprentice Wages Public Notes Show/Hide Existing Notes -- On 11/30/2021:-- Page 2 of 2 1/14/2022https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagelookup/AffidavitDetails.aspx WashingtonStateDepartmentofLabor&IndustriesPrevailingWageSection—Telephone360—902—5335P0Box44540,Olympia,WA98504-4540PrevailingWageAffidavitDocumentReceivedDate:11/30/2021IntentId:1016541AffidavitId:1075217AffidavitStatus:SubmittedC—..YourCompanyInformationTRELSTADTREEUB1:603311307P0BOXi167Reg#.TRELST8710.JMAPLEVALLEY,WA98038Email:trelstadtree@eartfflink.netFiledBy:TRELSTAD,DENISEOMWBECertificationsasof10/21/2019Noactivecertificationsexistforthisbusiness.Workers’CompensationAccountID854,345—02ProjectInformationAwardingAgencyNameRENTON,CITYOFAwardingAgencyAddress1055SGRADYWAYRENTON,WA-98055AwardingAgencyContactNameIANGREYAwardingAgencyContactPhoneNumber425—430—6601ProjectDetailsProjectNameTREEWORKCountiesWhereWorkWasPerformedKingCityWhereWorkWasPerformedRENTONApprenticeutilizationisrequiredNoOMWBEutilizationisrequiredNoProjectSiteAddressorDirectionsProjectDescriptionTREEWORKINRENTONPrimeContractorNameTRELSTADTREEPrimeContractorstratiofb,JumherTRELST871O3 PrimeContractorUBINumber603311307PrimeContractorPhoneNumber206—935—4116PrimeContractorIntentformID#forthisproject1016541HiringContractorNameHiringContractorRegistrationNumberHiringContractorUBINumberN/ADollarAmountofYourContract58,389.62ContractTypeLimitedPublicWorks(Lessthan$50,000)BidDueDate9/4/2019ContractAwardDate9/10/2019IntentFiledDate10/21/2019jobStartDate4/15/2021jobEndDate11/8/2021ProjectCompletionDidyourcompanyhireANYsubcontractors?NoDidyourcompanyhaveemployeesperformworkonthisproject?YesDidyourcompanyhaveapprenticesperformworkonthisproject?NoHowmanyowner/operatorsperformingworkontheprojectown130%ormoreofthecompany?FirstNameLastNameTradeBRUCETRELSTADLaborersSubcontractorsNosubcontractorsselected.JourneyLevelWageDetailsCountyTradeOccupationPrevailingWageFringe#WorkersHoursWageKingTruckDriversDumpTruckS60.75S59.90$0.8512KingLaborersFaller&BuckerChainSaw$5180550.9550.85210KingLaborersGeneralLaborer550.86$50.0150.85642ApprenticeDetailsNoapprenticeselections. State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone 360-902-5335 PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504-4540 Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage Project Detail - Project Dashboard Document Received Date: 10/21/2019 Intent ID: 1016541 Affidavit ID: 893227 893245 925935 928366 946011 993351 1012337 1014984 1014989 1071387 1075217 1080896 Status: Approved On 10/21/2019 Company Details Company Name: TRELSTAD TREE Address: PO BOX 1167 MAPLE VALLEY, WA, 98038 Contractor Registration No. TRELST*871OJ WA UBI Number 603311307 Phone Number 206-935-4116 Industrial Insurance Account ID 85434502 OMWBE Certifications as of 10/21/2019 No active certifications existed when Intent was submitted Email Address trelstadtree@earthlink.net Filed By DENISE TRELSTAD Prime Contractor Company Name TRELSTAD TREE Contractor Registration No. TRELST*871OJ WA UBI Number 603311307 Phone Number 206-935-4116 Project Information  Awarding Agency RENTON, CITY OF 1055 S GRADY WAY RENTON, WA - 98055 Awarding Agency Contact IAN GREY Awarding Agency Contact Phone Number 425-430-6601 Contract Number CAG-19-271 Project Name TREE WORK Project Description TREE WORK IN RENTON Contract Amount Contract Type Description *Limited Public Works (Less than $50,000) Page 1 of 2 1/14/2022https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagelookup/IntentDetails.aspx Bid due date 9/4/2019 Award Date 9/10/2019 Project Site Address or Directions Payment Details Check Number: Transaction Id: 107163059 Intent Details Expected project start date: (MM/DD/YYYY) 10/2/2019 In what county (or counties) will the work be performed? King In what city (or nearest city) will the work be performed? RENTON What is the estimated contract amount? OR is this a time and materials estimate? Time and materials Does your company intend to hire ANY subcontractors? No Will your company have employees perform work on this project? Yes Do you intend to use any apprentices? (Apprentices are considered employees.) No How many owner/operators performing work on the project own 30% or more of the company? 1 First Name Last Name Trade BRUCE TRELSTAD Laborers Journey Level Wages County Trade Occupation Wage Fringe # Workers King Laborers Faller & Bucker Chain Saw $50.95 $0.85 4 King Laborers General Laborer $50.01 $0.85 8 Public Notes Show/Hide Existing Notes No note exists Page 2 of 2 1/14/2022https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagelookup/IntentDetails.aspx