HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract  'ZDEd&KZWZK&^^/KE>^Zs/^  d,/^'ZDEd͕ĚĂƚĞĚĨŽƌƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƉƵƌƉŽƐĞƐŽŶůLJĂƐEŽǀĞŵďĞƌϯϬ͕ϮϬϮϭ͕ŝƐďLJĂŶĚďĞƚǁĞĞŶ ƚŚĞ ŝƚLJ ŽĨ ZĞŶƚŽŶ ;ƚŚĞ ͞ŝƚLJ͟Ϳ͕ Ă tĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ ŵƵŶŝĐŝƉĂů ĐŽƌƉŽƌĂƚŝŽŶ͕ ĂŶĚ DĂĐŬĞŶnjŝĞ ;͞ŽŶƐƵůƚĂŶƚ͟Ϳ͘dŚĞŝƚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞŽŶƐƵůƚĂŶƚĂƌĞƌĞĨĞƌƌĞĚƚŽĐŽůůĞĐƚŝǀĞůLJŝŶƚŚŝƐŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚĂƐƚŚĞ ͞WĂƌƚŝĞƐ͘͟KŶĐĞĨƵůůLJĞdžĞĐƵƚĞĚďLJƚŚĞWĂƌƚŝĞƐ͕ƚŚŝƐŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚŝƐĞĨĨĞĐƚŝǀĞĂƐŽĨƚŚĞůĂƐƚĚĂƚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚ ďLJďŽƚŚƉĂƌƚŝĞƐ͘  ϭ͘^ĐŽƉĞŽĨtŽƌŬ͗ŽŶƐƵůƚĂŶƚĂŐƌĞĞƐƚŽƉƌŽǀŝĚĞŐƵŝĚĂŶĐĞŝŶĚĞĨŝŶŝŶŐƚŚĞƉƌŽũĞĐƚǀŝƐŝŽŶ͕ŐŽĂůƐ ĂŶĚĚĞƐŝŐŶŽďũĞĐƚŝǀĞƐĂƐƐƉĞĐŝĨŝĞĚŝŶdžŚŝďŝƚ͕ǁŚŝĐŚŝƐĂƚƚĂĐŚĞĚĂŶĚŝŶĐŽƌƉŽƌĂƚĞĚŚĞƌĞŝŶ ĂŶĚŵĂLJŚĞƌĞŝŶĂĨƚĞƌďĞƌĞĨĞƌƌĞĚƚŽĂƐƚŚĞ͞tŽƌŬ͘͟  Ϯ͘ŚĂŶŐĞƐŝŶ^ĐŽƉĞŽĨtŽƌŬ͗dŚĞŝƚLJ͕ǁŝƚŚŽƵƚŝŶǀĂůŝĚĂƚŝŶŐƚŚŝƐŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚ͕ŵĂLJŽƌĚĞƌ ĐŚĂŶŐĞƐƚŽƚŚĞtŽƌŬĐŽŶƐŝƐƚŝŶŐŽĨĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶƐ͕ĚĞůĞƚŝŽŶƐŽƌŵŽĚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ͘ŶLJƐƵĐŚĐŚĂŶŐĞƐ ƚŽƚŚĞtŽƌŬƐŚĂůůďĞŽƌĚĞƌĞĚďLJƚŚĞŝƚLJŝŶǁƌŝƚŝŶŐĂŶĚƚŚĞŽŵƉĞŶƐĂƚŝŽŶƐŚĂůůďĞ ĞƋƵŝƚĂďůLJĂĚũƵƐƚĞĚĐŽŶƐŝƐƚĞŶƚǁŝƚŚƚŚĞƌĂƚĞƐƐĞƚĨŽƌƚŚŝŶdžŚŝďŝƚŽƌĂƐŽƚŚĞƌǁŝƐĞŵƵƚƵĂůůLJ ĂŐƌĞĞĚďLJƚŚĞWĂƌƚŝĞƐ͘  ϯ͘dŝŵĞ ŽĨ WĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ͗ŽŶƐƵůƚĂŶƚ ƐŚĂůů ĐŽŵŵĞŶĐĞ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚ 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Seth, City Clerk   ƉƉƌŽǀĞĚĂƐƚŽ>ĞŐĂů&Žƌŵ LJ͗ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ ^ŚĂŶĞDŽůŽŶĞLJ ŝƚLJƚƚŽƌŶĞLJ  ůďϭϭͲϭͲϮϭ;ϭϲϭϳͿEŽŶ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ ATTEST: Date 2-23-2022 Approved by Cheryl Beyer via 11/5/2022 email October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021) (Revised November 17, 2021) City of Renton Attention: Jeff Minisci 1055 S Grady Way, Suite 600 Renton, WA 98057 Re:City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 Dear Jeff: Mackenzie appreciates this opportunity, and we are pleased to present to the City of Renton (“Client”)the following Scope of Services and fee proposal for the Human Resource Tenant Improvement to the east end of the 7th floor. Mackenzie’s integrated team of design professionals will provide Architectural and Interior Design services for the above project.In addition, Mackenzie will retain Mechanical, Electrical,Plumbing (BCE Engineers, Inc.) and Cost Estimating (Roen Associates) consultants to complete the team. See attached proposals from our consultants (Attachment B and C respectively). Our Basis of Design along with our detailed Scope of Services by phase is as follows: BASIS OF DESIGN We understand that the scope of the project will be to complete Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding, and Construction Contract Administration for an approximate 3,200SF tenant improvement to the 7thfloor for the Human Resources Department at Renton City Hall (refer to concept plan in Attachment A). The tenant improvement will update interior finish materials (to match materials used on the 4th floor Police Training and City Attorney space) including updating acoustic ceiling tile. The following phases outline base services provided by the design team for design and construction contract administration of building design from Construction Documents through Project Close-out. SCOPE OF SERVICES Kick-off Meeting Time Duration: 1 Day At the beginning of the project, the design team will meet with the Clientand stakeholders at the City of Renton to initiate the project. At this meeting, the design team will review previous steps taken up to this point and discuss the next steps for theproject and any critical information needed from the Clientor stakeholdersandvalidate and make any adjustments to previous concept plan (Attachment A). Meeting minutes will be distributed to the Clientand full design team throughout the process. October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021)(Revised Novembe City of Renton Attention:Jeff Minisci 1055 S Grady Way, Suite 600 Renton, WA 98057 Re:City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Im Project Number 2210142.00 Dear Jeff: Mackenzie appreciates this opport of Rento of Services and fee proposal for the east en ckenzie’s integrated tea ctural and Interi t.In addition, Mac bing (BCE Engineers es)consultan oposals from our con y). es by phase is as follows: l be to complete Design Development, Co an approximate 3,200 SF tenant improvemen (refer to concept plan in Attachment A). The t terials used on the 4th floor Police Training and base services provided by the design team for des a sign from Construction Documents through Project Close-ou SCOPE OF SERVICES Kick-off Meet At the beginning of the project, the design team will meet with the Client and stakeholder the project. At this meeting, the design team will review previous steps taken up to this p for the project and any critical information needed from the Client or stakeholders and val to previous concept plan (Attachment A). Meeting m inutes will be distributed t o t he C lient the process. ber 17, 2021) t Improvement rtunity, and we are pleased to present to the City of Renton (“Client”)the following Scope o or the Human Resource Tenant Improvement to the east end of the 7th floor. Mack eam of design professionals will provide Architectural and Interior Design services for the above project.ackenzie will retain Mechanical, Electrical,Plumbin s, Inc.) and Cost Estimating (Roen Associates)ants to complete the team. See attached propo nsultants (Attachment B and C respectively). Our Basis of Design along with our detailed Scope of Services B A S I S O F DES IGN We understand that the scope of the project will be to complete Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding, and Construction Contract Administration for an nt to the 7th floor for the H uman Resources Department at Renton City Hall (r tenant improvement will update interior finish materials (to match mater d City Attorney space) including updating acoustic ceiling tile. The following phases outline b sign and construction contract administration of building desig ut. PE OF SERVICES eeting Time Duration: 1 Day s at the City of Renton to initiate point and discuss the next steps idate and m ake any adjustments and full design team throughout P 2 06.749 .9993 F 5 03.228.1285 W M C KNZE.COM Logan Building , 500 Union Streett, #410, Seattle, WA 98101 ARCHITECTURE INTERIORS STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND USE PLANNING TRANSPORRTATI ON PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Portland, Oregon Vancouver, Washington Seattle, Washington džŚŝďŝƚ City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021) (Revised November 17, 2021) Page 2 1. Produce updated space plan based on any updates desired by the Client, space plan to include all design criteria noted. Design Development Time Duration: 7 Weeks Design documents shall illustrate and describe the refinement of the design of the project, establishing the scope, relationships, forms, size, and appearance of the project by means of floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, interior elevations, and details. Our goal will be to provide the Client with the necessary information to make educated decisions throughout this phase of the project, particularly so we can hone in onstrategies that will enable the project to achieve a successful design within the established budget. Careful consideration of cost of material versus longevity will need to be weighed to prevent the building being built for less money but with compromised longevity. At the conclusion of this task, design development documents will be reviewed by the design team, the Client, and stakeholders. Design Development Documents shall include: 1. Provide design development documents based on approved concept design documents. Design documents shall illustrate and describe the refinement of the design of the project, establishing the scope, relationships, forms, size, and appearance of the project by means of: A. Code analysis and egress plans for entire 7th floor (Verification egress is maintained). B. Architectural floor plan, Finish floor Plan (to include preliminary furniture layout), Schedule of Interior Finishes. C. Reflected ceiling plan to include new LED light fixtures and new acoustic ceiling tile. D. Interior elevations and details. E. Electrical plan (Electrical and lighting). F. Preliminary project manual consisting of: identification architectural materials, systems, and equipment and their criteria and quality standards; investigation of availability and suitability of architectural materials, systems, and equipment; coordination of similar activities of other disciplines. 2. Issue Design Development Documents for the Client and stakeholders to review. 3. Meet at the Client’s Office to review design development documents. 4. Obtain written approval from the Client to proceed with construction documents. Construction Documents Time Duration: 7 Weeks Following approval of Design Development Documents, the design team will initiate the 100% Construction Document phase. The design team will provide those services necessary to prepare drawings and other documents illustrating the general scope, scale, and relationship of project components for approval by the Client. Provide construction documents based on the approved design development documents. The construction documents shall set forth in detail the requirements for construction of the project. 1. Provide construction documents consisting of drawings and specifications, based on the approved Design Development Documents. Design documents shall illustrate and describe the refinement of the design of the project, establishing the scope, relationships, forms, size, and appearance of the project by means of: A. Code analysis and egress plans for entire 7th floor (Verification egress is maintained). City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021)(Revised November 17, 2021) Page 2 1.Produce updated space plan based on any updates desired by noted. Design Development Design documents shall illustrate and describe the ref relationships, forms, size, and appearance of the p elevations,and details. Our goal will be to provide the Client with the n of the project, particularly so we can hone in o the established budget. Careful considerat building being built for less money but w At the conclusion of this task, des stakeholders. sign Development Docum Provide design d lustrate and , and a Co Con Following phase. The d by th concept design docu e project, establishing oor (Verification egress is ma to include preliminary furnitu ED light fixtures and new acoustic ce ing). sisting of: identification architectural materia andards; investigation of availability and suita coordination of similar activities of other disciplin ocuments for the Client and stakeholders to review. to review design development documents. l from the Client to proceed with construction documents f Design Development Documents, the design team will initiate the team will provide those services necessary to prepare drawings and o general scope, scale,and relationship of project components for approval by the Client.P based on the approved design development documents. The construction documen requirements for construction of the project. 1.Provide construction documents consisting of drawings and specifications, b Development Documents. Design documents shall illustrate and describe the r project, establishing the scope, relationships, forms, size, and appearance of the A.Code analysis and egress plans for entire 7th floor (Verification egress is ma by the Client, space plan to include all design criteria Time Duration:7 Weeks efinement of the design of the project, establishing the scope, project by means of floor plans, reflected ceiling plans, interior e necessary information to make educated decisions throughout this phase n on strategies that will enable the project to achieve a successful design within ation of cost of material versus longevity will need to be weighed to prevent the t with compromised longevity. design development documents will be reviewed by the design team,the Client,and Desig uments shall include: 1.Provide design development documents based on approved con uments. Design documents shall illustrate and describe the refinement of the design of the project, establishing the scope, relationships, forms, size, and appearance of the project by means of: A.Code analysis and egress plans for entire 7th floor (Verification egress is maintained). B.Architectural floor plan, Finish floor Plan (to include preliminary furniture layout),Schedule of Interior Finishes. C.Reflected ceiling plan to include new LED eiling tile. D.Interior elevations and details. E.Electrical plan (Electrical and lighting F.Preliminary project manual consisting of: identification architectural materials, systems, and equipment and their criteria and quality standards; investigation of availability and suitability of architectural materials, systems, and equipment; co nes. 2.Issue Design Development Doc 3.Meet at the Client’s Office to 4.Obtain written approval f s. onstruction Documents Time Duration: 7 Weeks ng approval of D e 100% Construction Document e design te other documents illustrating the pe, sca Provide construction documents approved design development documents. The construction documents shall set forth in detail the based on the approved Design refinement of the design of the project by means of: aintained). City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021) (Revised November 17, 2021) Page 3 B. Architectural floor plan, Finish floor Plan (to include preliminary furniture layout), Schedule of Interior Finishes. C. Reflected ceiling plan to include new LED light fixtures and new acoustic ceiling tile. D. Interior elevations and details. E. Electrical plan (Electrical and lighting). F. Preliminary project manual consisting of: identification architectural materials, systems, and equipment and their criteria and quality standards; investigation of availability and suitability of architectural materials, systems, and equipment; coordination of similar activities of other disciplines. 2. Issue the Construction Documents for the Client and stakeholders to review. 3. Meet at the Client’s office to review the Construction Documents. Permitting Assistance (Hourly)Time Duration: 1-2 Weeks Mackenzie’s involvement in permitting of the project includes submitting for and resolving (to the extent defined below), plan review by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) which includes the following permits and respective plan review correction notices from AHJ: 1. Prepare permit application and associated forms for the following permit: Building permit. 2. Submit building permit application to City. 3. Update plans/respond to plan check comments. Respond to comments from the building department for each permit. 4. Monitor building permit review (track Citystaff approval timelines weekly and follow up with reviewers), and work with City reviewers and permit technicians to encourage the permit to be issued efficiently and fees assessed accurately. Provide updates to Client. Assumes 8 hours. Bid Assistance (Hourly)Estimated Time Duration: 4 Weeks Mackenzie will assist the Client in obtaining competitive bids for the construction of the work as follows: 1. Coordinating Client-provided Division 00 specifications for the project (instruction to bidders, bid forms, general conditions). 2. Issue bid documents consisting of bidding requirements, proposed contract forms, general conditions, supplementary conditions, drawings, and specifications to General Contractors for bidding. 3. Consider Substitution Requests, properly submitted as allowed by the Contract Documents, and include any approved Substitution Requests in addenda. 4. Organize, prepare agenda, and attend pre-bid meeting at project site. 5. Prepare pre-bid meeting minutes and issue to attendees. 6. Respond to written questions from General Contractors during the bid period, via addenda as appropriate, to address clarifications to bid documents prepared by Mackenzie and/or our consultants. 7. Assist the Client in reviewing and qualifying General Contractors for inclusion as a selected bidder (to include that they are in good standing with the state, include bid security with submission, acknowledge all addenda’s, and that the bid is signed and sealed). 8. Open and review sealed bids with the Client to evaluate conformance with bid criteria. Architect will document and distribute bid results to General Contractor bidders upon the Client’s written approval to do so. City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021)(Revised November 17, 2021) Page 3 B.Architectural floor plan, Finish floor Plan (to include Finishes. C.Reflected ceiling plan to include new LED light fixtu D.Interior elevations and details. E.Electrical plan (Electrical and lighting). F.Preliminary project manual consisting of:id their criteria and quality standards; inv systems, and equipment; coordinatio 2.Issue the Construction Documents for th 3.Meet at the Client’s office to review th Permitting Assistance (Hourly) Mackenzie’s involvement in permitt plan review by the Authority Hav correction notices from AHJ: Prepare permit app Submit building Update plans/ mit. tor 4. esolvin wing perm g permit: Buildin to comments from th al timelines weekly and follo ourage the permit to be issue hours. Est ompetitive bids for the construction of the w sion 00 specifications for the project (instructio isting of bidding requirements, proposed contra s, drawings, and specifications to General Contractors fo Requests, properly submitted as allowed by the Contrac on Requests in addenda. e agenda, and attend pre-bid meeting at project site. 5.d meeting minutes and issue to attendees. 6.Respond to written questions from General Contractors during the bid period, address clarifications to bid documents prepared by Mackenzie and/or our consu 7.Assist the Client in reviewing and qualifying General Contractors for inclusion as a they are in good standing with the state, include bid security with submission, a that the bid is signed and sealed). 8.Open and review sealed bids with the Client to evaluate conformance with bid c and distribute bid results to General Contractor bidders upon the Client’s written e preliminary furniture layout), Schedule of Interior xtures and new acoustic ceiling tile. identification architectural materials, systems, and equipment and nvestigation of availability and suitability of architectural materials, tion of similar activities of other disciplines. the Client and stakeholders to review. the Construction Documents. Time Duration: 1-2 Weeks tting of the project includes submitting for and resolving (to the extent defined below), aving Jurisdiction (AHJ) which includes the following permits and respective plan review co 1.pplication and associated forms for the following permit: Building permit. 2.g permit application to City. 3.Update plans/respond to plan check comments. Respond to comments from the building department for each perm 4.Monitor building permit review (track City staff approval timelines weekly and follow up with reviewers), and work with City reviewers and permit technicians to encou ed efficiently and fees assessed accurately. Provide updates to Client.Assumes 8 ho Bid Assistance (Hourly)timated Time Duration: 4 Weeks Mackenzie will assist the Client in obtaining competitive bids for the construction of the work as follows: 1.Coordinating Client-provided Division 00 specifications for the project (instruction to bidders, bid forms, general conditions). 2.Issue bid documents consisting of bidding requirements, proposed contract forms, general conditions, supplementary conditions, drawings, and specifications to General Contractors for bidding. 3.Consider Substitution Re ct Documents, and include any approved Substitution Organize, prepare a Prepare pre-bid m Respond to w via addenda as appropriate, to dress clarifications to bid documents prepared by Mackenzie and/or our consultants. t the a selected bidder (to include that acknowledge all addenda’s, and criteria. Architect will document n approval to do so. City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021) (Revised November 17, 2021) Page 4 Construction Contract Administration (Hourly)Estimated Time Duration: 12-15 Weeks In the Construction Contract Administration Phase, the design team will provide those services necessary for the administration of the construction contract as set forth in the General Conditions and Supplementary General Conditions of the construction contract. The Construction Phase for the project will commence with the start of construction and will terminate when final completion is obtained, and the project has been closed out. This phase anticipates thirty (30) Client meetings via conference call, two (2) every week through the duration of construction, which is estimated at twelve (12) to fifteen(15) weeks (including project closeout).The anticipation of these meetings will be as needed in an on-call status. Mackenzie will provide administration of the construction contract between the Client and the General Contractor as follows: 1. Mackenzie Project Manager will attend pre-construction meeting at the Client’s office. 2. Review and act on properly prepared specified submittals once. 3. Provide in-office support to assist with normal construction contract administration duties for items such as phone calls and requests for additional information (RFIs) for clarification to contract documents prepared by Mackenzie and our consultants as follows: A. Project Manager for up to four (4) hours a week for up to fifteen (15) weeks. 4. Conduct job site visits to observe the work in progress and prepare written field observation report(s) as follows: A. Project Manager to attend up to two (2) job site visits during the course of construction. 5. Will keep a project log for items such as substitution requests, RFIs, submittals, COPs, and change orders. 6. Will process and review monthly properly prepared applications for payment from the General Contractor, both draft and final monthly applications. 7. Mackenzie will conduct a punch list site visit to observe the substantially complete work-in-progress, prepare written punch list report, prepare and issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion. If needed, punch list verification will occur once work has been complete and documented by the General Contractor. Warranty Review of site observation at 11 months after substantial completion. Mackenzie will review the facility and provide recommendation to the Client in connection with inadequate performance of materials, systems and equipment under warranty; inspection(s) prior to expiration of the warranty period to ascertain adequacy of performance of materials, systems, and equipment; documenting defects or deficiencies and assisting the Client in preparing instructions to the Contractor for correction of noted defects. FEE SUMMARY Our fixed and hourly fees for the disciplines and related design services described above are as follows: City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021)(Revised November 17, 2021) Page 4 Construction Contract Administration (Hourly) In the Construction Contract Administration Phase, the desig administration of the construction contract as set forth in the of the construction contract. The Construction Phase for the terminate when final completion is obtained,and the pro meetings via conference call, two (2) every week throu to fifteen (15) weeks (including project closeout).Th Mackenzie will provide administration of the follows: 1.Mackenzie Project Manager will 2.Review and act on properly p 3.Provide i n-office support to calls and requests for ad and our consultants a A.Project Mana Conduct job site A Project l keep a roc s o nistratio ontract doc fteen (15) week pare written field o during the course of uests, RFIs, submittals, C pplications for payment fro observe the substantially comp e a Certificate of Substantial Com complete and documented by the Gen onths after substantial completion.Macke onnection with inadequate performance of ma expiration of the warranty period to ascertain ocumenting defects or deficiencies and assisting the noted defects. F Our fixe es for the disciplines and related design services described above a Estimated Time Duration: 12-15 Weeks sign team will provide those services necessary for the e General Conditions and Supplementary General Conditions he project will commence with the start of construction and will project has been closed out. This phase anticipates thirty (30) Client rough the duration of construction, which is estimated at twelve (12) The anticipation of these meetings will be as needed in an on-call status. e construction contract between the Client and the General Contractor as ill attend pre-construction meeting at the Client’s office. prepared specified submittals once. to assist with normal construction contract administration duties for items such as phone additional information (RFIs) for clarification to contract documents prepared by Mackenzie as follows: nager for up to four (4) hours a week for up to fifte ks. 4.te visits to observe the work in progress and prepare written field observation report(s) as follows: A.ct Manager to attend up to two (2) job site visits during the course of construction. 5.Will keep a project log for items such as substitution requests, RFIs, submittals, COPs, and change orders. 6.Will process and review monthly properly prepared applications for payment from the General Contractor, both draft and final monthly applications. 7.Mackenzie will conduct a punch list site visit to observe the substantially complete work-in-progress, prepare written punch list report, prepare and issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion. If needed, punch list verification will occur once work has been complete and documented by the General Contractor. Warranty Review of site observation at 11 mon enzie will review the facility and provide recommendation to the Client in connection with inadequate performance of materials, systems and equipment under warranty; inspection(s) prior to expiration of the warranty period to ascertain adequacy of performance of materials, systems, and equipment; doc e Client in preparing instructions to the Contractor for correction of no FEE SUMMARY ixed and hourly fees are as follows: City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021) (Revised November 17, 2021) Page 5 Design Development:$50,500 Construction Documents:$34,700 Subtotal (fixed fee):$85,200 Permitting (hourly):$12,463 Bid Assistance (hourly):$13,479 Construction Contract Administration (hourly):$76,430 Subtotal (hourly):$102,372 TOTAL (hourly + fixed):$187,572 Reimbursable expenses (printing, copying deliveries, ride share vehicles, application-based transportation, mileage, etc.) are not included in the fee outlined above and will be invoiced at 1.12 times cost. ASSUMPTIONS Please review and notify Mackenzie if Client believes that any of the Assumptions listed here are either inaccurate or unreasonable prior to project commencement. Please also notify Mackenzie if any additional clarity is needed for the client to fully understand these Assumptions. In addition to the Scope of Services outlined above, we have assumed the following: 1. Client will provide current electronic files of existing building, Revit model of existing facilities and any other reports and/or surveys that are available, and other studies and/or reports as may be necessary for completion of the project. A. If the Client provides a Revit model of existing facilities, it is assumed that the Client-provided Revit model will be developed to a Level of Development (LOD) of 200 – 300 as necessary for Mackenzie to facilitate design and produce Construction Documents. Mackenzie will have the opportunity to review the Revit model in advance of starting design services and to generally assess the LOD of the Client-provided Revit model. If it is discovered that the Revit model provided for Basis of Design is not accurate compared to existing as-built conditions, any corresponding redesign effort will be assessed at the time of discovery and impacts to scope, fees and schedule will be addressed via additional services agreement. 2. Scope and fee are based on Client not hiring a third party Client Representative to act on their behalf during any phase(s) of the project. If a third-party PM is hired by the Client, Mackenzie reserves the right to estimate scope and fee impacts that will result in additional services. 3. The Client will not be pursuing sustainability certification for the project (i.e., LEED, Green Globes, WELL, etc.). 4. The Client will approve the Documents at the conclusion of each phase prior to proceeding with the next phase. Redesign efforts after prior Client approvals, including but not limited to Client-driven design modifications, value engineering, cost reduction alternatives to the approved design, or other such changes, will be provided as an additional service, with scope, schedule, and fees to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 5. Mackenzie Scope of Service and fees are based on project phases running in sequential order without delay, pause or project being put on hold for any reason between phases. 6. Client is responsible for all fees paid to public bodies having jurisdiction over the project. 7. Subject to the applicable Standard of Care, Mackenzie will design the Project in accordance with applicable laws, including current Federal ADA Accessibility Standards and as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021)(Revised November 17, 2021) Page 5 Design Development: Construction Documents: Subtotal (fixed fee): Permitting (hourly): Bid Assistance (hourly): Construction Contract A Subtotal (hourly): TOTAL (hourly Reimbursable expenses (printing, cop base are not included in the fee outlined SSUMPTIONS e review and notify Assumptions liste nable prior to project commencement. Please also notify Mackenzie if any add lly under Scope of Services outline ting building,Revit model of e other studies and/or reports as m of existing facilities, it is assumed that t evelopment (LOD) of 200 –300 as neces ion Documents. Mackenzie will have the o g design services and to generally assess the L that the Revit model provided for Basis of Desig ions, any corresponding redesign effort will be asses es and schedule will be addressed via additional service d on Client not hiring a third party Client Representative t ect. If a third-party PM is hired by the Client, Mackenzie rese hat will result in additional services. 3.not be pursuing sustainability certification for the project (i.e.,LEE 4.Th will approve the Documents at the conclusion of each phase prior to p Redesign efforts after prior Client approvals, including but not limited to Client-dr engineering, cost reduction alternatives to the approved design, or other such additional service, with scope, schedule, and fees to be evaluated on a case-by-ca 5.Mackenzie Scope of Service and fees are based on project phases running in seque or project being put on hold for any reason between phases. 6.Client is responsible for all fees paid to public bodies having jurisdiction over the 7.Subject to the applicable Standard of Care, Mackenzie will design the Project in a including current Federal ADA Accessibility Standards and as required by the Aut $50,500 $34,700 $85,200 $12,463 $13,479 t Administration (hourly):$76,430 $102,372 rly + fixed):$187,572 opying deliveries, ride share vehicles, application-based transportation, mileage, etc.) ed above and will be invoiced at 1.12 times cost. AS Please review and notify Mackenzie if Client believes that any of the A ed here are either inaccurate or unreasonable prior to project commencement. Please also notify Mackenzie if any additional clarity is needed for the client to fully understand these Assumptions. In addition to the Sco ed above,we have assumed the following: 1.Client will provide current electronic files of existin existing facilities and any other reports and/or surveys that are available, and other studies and/or reports as may be necessary for completion of the project. A.If the Client provides a Revit model of existing facilities, it is assumed that the Client-provided Revit model will be developed to a Level of Dev ssary for Mackenzie to facilitate design and produce Construction Documents. Mackenzie will have the opportunity to review the Revit model in advance of starting d LOD of the Client-provided Revit model. If it is discovered that the Revit model provided for Basis of Design is not accurate compared to existing as-built conditions, any corresponding redesign effort will be assessed at the time of discovery and impacts to scope, fees and schedule will be addressed via additional services agreement. 2.Scope and fee are based o to act on their behalf during any phase(s) of the project rves the right to estimate scope and fee impacts that The Client will no D, Green Globes, WELL, etc.). The Client will proceeding with the next phase. design eff riven design modifications, value eer changes, will be provided as an ase basis. ential order without delay, pause project. accordance with applicable laws, thority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021) (Revised November 17, 2021) Page 6 for Building Permit per the AHJ’s current edition of the governing building code, and by reference therein ANSI ICC/A117.1 (“Building Code”) for new construction. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, the Client acknowledges that various governmental codes and regulations, including without limitation the ADA and FHA, are subject to varying and sometimes contradictory interpretation and that the ADA is not a detailed building code. In the case of such conflicts or differing interpretations, Mackenzie will notify the Client thereof and will endeavor to design to the most stringent interpretation acceptable to the AHJ. 8. The Client acknowledges that in order to construct the Work, the Client’s contractor will provide additional information stipulated in the Construction Documents that include shop drawings, product data, samples and other similar submittals, which the Architect and other disciplines included herein shall review to the extent of confirming consistency with the design intent depicted in the Construction Documents. 9. All meetings will occur as described in each phase in the scope of work, other than construction site meetings unless specifically noted otherwise within the Scope of Services outlined above. We will record and distribute minutes following each meeting for all meetings through all phases up to Construction Contract Administration. During Construction Contract Administration, the General Contractor will provide meeting minutes. Mackenzie will review these minutes for accuracy. 10. Building/Site Renovation: Mackenzie will work with the Client to align on the Client’s program for the Project, including goals and objectives, and will develop the design in accordance with applicable codes and laws, subject to and in accordance with the applicable standard of care. Client acknowledges that Projects involving additions and remodels of existing sites/buildings (compared to new construction) create more uncertainty and subjectivity as to code and law interpretation and increases the chance that applicable agencies will have differing interpretations that might require redesign services. Such agency interpretations may not be made known until the Construction Documents and/or Plan Check phase of the Project. Accordingly, Client acknowledges and agrees that Mackenzie expressly excludes any services necessary to address these types of differing code and law interpretation issues from Mackenzie’s scope of services, and that such services (including any necessary redesign services) will, upon Client’s approval, be performed by Mackenzie as an additional service. 11. Conditions not depicted on available existing site and/or building documents, provided by the Client, or readily visible on project walkthroughs are excluded. Such impacts will be evaluated at the time of discovery and addressed via additional services as necessary. 12. Mackenzie will rely on Client-provided existing facilities information for project, including but not limited to type of construction, building area, occupancy classification and other such parameters affecting design, construction documents, and permitting. 13. Based upon our limited initial understanding of the project, it does not appear that a seismic upgrade will be required to the existing facilities as triggered by code or other jurisdictional requirements. These triggers typically include, but are not limited to, change of use/occupancy classification or modification to existing structural systems. Should it be determined throughout the course of the project that a seismic upgrade is required, such as through further understanding of the program, code analysis, or feedback from the authority having jurisdiction, those impacts will be evaluated and added as additional services. 14. Square footage calculations will be provided as required to confirm compliance with building and zoning code requirements only. 15. Mackenzie will utilize Revit as the documentation platform for the project. Our proposed scope/fee is based on the Revit model Level of Development (LOD) of 200 - 300 as necessary for Mackenzie to facilitate design and produce Construction Documents. We anticipate that Client’s consultants/vendors will also utilize Revit for their documentation, will be responsible for modeling and detailing their respective components, and will comply with Mackenzie’s expectations for document control standards. Mackenzie will develop the base model file and provide it to the consultant team for coordination. City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021)(Revised November 17, 2021) Page 6 for Building Permit per the AHJ’s current edition of the gove ICC/A117.1 (“Building Code”) for new construction. No acknowledges that various governmental codes and reg are subject to varying and sometimes contradictory code.In the case of such conflicts or differing inte endeavor to design to the most stringent interpr 8.The Client acknowledges that in order to co information stipulated in the Construction other similar submittals, which the Arch confirming consistency with the desig 9.All meetings will occur as describe unless specifically noted otherw ve minutes following each meeti onstr During Construction Contra l provid will review these minutes 10.Building/Site Renovati ign on the C including goals and objectives, and will develop the design in accordance with ap to and in accorda nt acknowledges t and remodels of existing sites/buildings (compared to new construction) create m to code and law interpretation and increases the chance that applicabl pret uch agency interpretations se of the Project.Accordingly, necessary to address these ty of services, and that such services (i rformed by Mackenzie as an additiona sting site and/or building documents, pr excluded. Such impacts will be evaluated necessary. vided existing facilities information for project, i occupancy classification and other such paramete initial understanding of the project, it does not appear g facilities as triggered by code or other jurisdictional requir ot limited to, change of use/occupancy classification or mo it be determined throughout the course of the project that a seis t er understanding of the program, code analysis, or feedback from t those impacts will be evaluated and added as additional services. 14.Square footage calculations will be provided as required to confirm compliance requirements only. 15.Mackenzie will utilize Revit as the documentation platform for the project. Our p the Revit model Level of Development (LOD) of 200 -300 as necessary for Ma produce Construction Documents. We anticipate that Client’s consultants/vendo documentation, will be responsible for modeling and detailing their respective co Mackenzie’s expectations for document control standards. Mackenzie will develop it to the consultant team for coordination. verning building code, and by reference therein ANSI Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, the Client egulations, including without limitation the ADA and FHA, ry interpretation and that the ADA is not a detailed building terpretations, Mackenzie will notify the Client thereof and will pretation acceptable to the AHJ. construct the Work,the Client’s contractor will provide additional on Documents that include shop drawings, product data, samples and chitect and other disciplines included herein shall review to the extent of ign intent depicted in the Construction Documents. bed in each phase in the scope of work, other than construction site meetings rwise within the Scope of Services outlined above. We will record and distribute eting for all meetings through all phases up to Construction Contract Administration. tract Administration, the General Contractor will provide meeting minutes. Mackenzie tes for accuracy. 10 ation:Mackenzie will work with the Client to align Client’s program for the Project, nd objectives, and will develop the design in accordance with applicable codes and laws, subject rdance with the applicable standard of care.Client that Projects involving additions and remodels of existing sites/buildings (compared to new construction) create more uncertainty and subjectivity as to code and law interpretation and increases the chance that applicable agencies will have differing interpretations that might require redesign services.Such agency interpretations may not be made known until the Construction Documents and/or Plan Check phase o Client acknowledges and agrees that Mackenzie expressly excludes any services necessary to address these types of differing code and law interpretation issues from Mackenzie’s scope of services, and that such services (including any necessary redesign services) will, upon Client’s approval, be perfo al service. 11.Conditions not depicted on available existi rovided by the Client, or readily visible on project walkthroughs are excluded. Such impacts will be evaluated at the time of discovery and addressed via additional services as ne 12.Mackenzie will rely on Client-provided existing facilities information for project, including but not limited to type of construction, building area, occupancy classification and other such parameters affecting design, construction documents, and permitting. 13.Based upon our limited initial understanding of the project, it does not appear that a seismic upgrade will be required to the existing facilities as triggered by code or other jurisdictional requirements. These triggers typically include, but are not limited to, change of use/occupancy classification or modification to existing structural systems. Should it be determined throughout the course of the project that a seismic upgrade is required, such as through further understanding of the program, code analysis, or feedback from the authority having jurisdiction, hose impact are footage calculations will be provided as required to confirm compliance with building and zoning code proposed scope/fee is based on ackenzie to facilitate design and ors will also utilize Revit for their omponents, and will comply with p the base model file and provide City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021) (Revised November 17, 2021) Page 7 16. Regardless of level of Revit Model Level of Development (LOD) and anticipated and/or non-anticipated use by the Client, Client’s consultants, vendors, General Contractor and/or any other third party not the original author of the Revit model and data contained therein; with or without Mackenzie’s knowledge, nothing in the Revit model supersedes the formally issued stamped and signed hard copy Construction Documents. 17. For additional Assumptions related to the Scope of Services of our retained consultants, refer to their attached proposals. EXCLUSIONS Please review and notify Mackenzie if Client believes that any of the Exclusions listed here are to be included in Mackenzie’s Scope of Services prior to project commencement. Please also notify Mackenzie if any clarity is needed for the Client to fully understand these Exclusions. In addition to any Exclusions outlined within the proposal above, we have also excluded the following from our proposed scope of services. 1. Client-provided consultant services 1.a. Coordination of Client-provided consultants not identified at the date of this proposal. 2. Land Use Process/Permitting 2.a. Appeals, variances, public hearings, land use approvals, conditional use reviews, or any required adjustments other than as specifically outlined within our Scope of Services above. 2.b. Meetings with public agencies or other meetings other than those specifically identified in Scope of Services above. 2.c. Formal Building code interpretation requests and/or appeals. 2.d. Permits other than those identified within the proposal identified above (e.g., phased permitting, trade permits, separate demolition permit, any other special permits). 3. Standard Design Items 3.a. Square footage calculations beyond those required to confirm compliance with building and zoning code requirements. (Calculation of gross, net, and rentable square footages, such as BOMA calculations, are not included). 4. Other Design Disciplines 4.a. Traffic Engineering, Planning, Analysis. 4.b. Acoustical engineering design and/or services. 5. Unique Design Services 5.a. Special foundation systems. 5.b. Floor vibration analysis and design for footfall impact. 5.c. Vibration analysis and design. (Equipment and/or sources other than footfall impact). 5.d. Equipment support or racking systems. 5.e. Graphics and/or signage design, permitting, and related coordination. 5.f. Furniture selection, specifications, requirements and all related coordination. 5.g. Sustainability Certification Services. City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021)(Revised November 17, 2021) Page 7 16.Regardless of level of Revit Model Level of Development (LOD Client,Client’s consultants, vendors, General Contractor a the Revit model and data contained therein; with or with supersedes the formally issued stamped and signed h 17.For additional Assumptions related to the Scope o proposals. E X C LUSI O N S Please review and notify Mackenzie if Clie Mackenzie’s Scope of Services prior to pro the Client to fully understand these Excl also excluded the following from our 1.Client-provided consult 1.a.Coordination with at the date of t Land Use Proces .a.Appeals, variances, public hearings, land use approvals, conditional adjustments other than as specifically outlined within our Scope of Servic etings other than those sp uests and/or appeals. within the proposal identified above mit, any other special permits). ns beyond those required to confirm complianc tion of gross, net, and rentable square footages, es eering, Planning, Analysis. l engineering design and/or services. 5.Unique Design Services 5.a.pecial foundation systems. 5.b.Floor vibration analysis and design for footfall impact. 5.c.Vibration analysis and design. (Equipment and/or sources other than foot 5.d.Equipment support or racking systems. 5.e.Graphics and/or signage design, permitting, and related coordination. 5.f.Furniture selection, specifications, requirements and all related coordina 5.g.Sustainability Certification Services. OD) and anticipated and/or non-anticipated use by the and/or any other third party not the original author of without Mackenzie’s knowledge, nothing in the Revit model hard copy Construction Documents. of Services of our retained consultants, refer to their attached ient believes that any of the Exclusions listed here are to be included in project commencement. Please also notify Mackenzie if any clarity is needed for clusions.In addition to any Exclusions outlined within the proposal above, we have ur proposed scope of services. ultant services on of Client-provided consultants not identified at the date of this proposal. 2.Land Use Process/Permitting 2.a peals, variances, public hearings, land use approvals, conditional use reviews, or any required adjustments other than as specifically outlined wit ces above. 2.b.Meetings with public agencies or other meeti pecifically identified in Scope of Services above. 2.c.Formal Building code interpretation reque 2.d.Permits other than those identified within the proposal identified above (e.g., phased permitting, trade permits, separate demolition permit, 3.Standard Design Items 3.a.Square footage calculations beyond those required to confirm compliance with building and zoning code requirements. (Calculation of gross, net, and rentable square footages, such as BOMA calculations, are not included). 4.Other Design Disciplines 4.a.Traffic Enginee 4.b.Acoustical e Unique Design Spe F tfall impact). tion. City of Renton City of Renton – 7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021) (Revised November 17, 2021) Page 8 6. Construction Process 6.a. Process and act on partial or incorrect (multiple rounds) of non-compliant submittals. 6.b. Materials testing/special inspections. 6.c. As-built certification to local jurisdiction unless noted specifically above within our Scope of Services. 7. Graphics/BIM 7.a. Presentation-level 3D renderings other than conceptual studies to describe design intent or as utilized as part of Mackenzie's design process unless specifically noted within our Scope of Services above. 7.b. Marketing materials. 7.c. No Navisworks files or Clashing will be provided or performed. Deliverables shall be PDF and/or hardcopy only. Revit models and sheets will be created to Mackenzie standards. 7.d. No formal BIM Execution Plan will be provided. Nothing in the Revit model supersedes the formally issued stamped and signed hard copy Construction Documents. 7.e. Use of CAD Drawings or BIM models by any parties other than the design team. 8. Expenses/Billing 8.a. Reimbursable expenses. 8.b. Special billing requirements required by Client outside of Mackenzie's standard billing procedures. 8.c. Building permit fees, design review fees, or any other fees paid to public bodies having jurisdiction over the project. It is our understanding the project will start in the next 30 days. If the proposal is agreeable to you, we can preparea quick contract. Please note that this proposal is valid for 90 days. We look forward to working with City of Renton on this new project. If you need additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Kim Doyle Brett Hanson Project Manager Architect of Record Enclosure(s): Hourly Billing Rate Schedule Reimbursable Rates Schedule Attachment A – Concept Floor Plan dated September 12, 2021 Attachment B – BCE Engineers, Inc. proposal dated September 22, 2021 Attachment C – Roen Associates proposal dated October 1, 2021 c: Ben Hedin – BCE Engineers, Inc. Matt Wiggins – Roen Associates City of Renton City of Renton –7th Floor HR Tenant Improvement Project Number 2210142.00 October 5, 2021 (Revised November 9, 2021)(Revised November 17, 2021) Page 8 6.Construction Process 6.a.Process and act on partial or incorrect (multiple ro 6.b.Materials testing/special inspections. 6.c.As-built certification to local jurisdiction unle 7.Graphics/BIM 7.a.Presentation-level 3D renderings othe part of Mackenzie's design process 7.b.Marketing materials. 7.c.No Navisworks files or Clashin only.Revit models and she 7.d.No f ormal BIM Execution stamped and signed h 7.e.Use of CAD Drawin 8 Expenses/Billing 8.a.Reimbursa 8.b.Special b de e design of Mackenzie's sta 8.c.Building permit fees, design review fees, or any other fees paid to public the ays.If the proposal is agreeabl ys. n this new project. If you need add Brett Hanson Architect of Record Enclo lling Rate Schedule ursable Rates Schedule achment A –Concept Floor Plan dated September 12, 2021 Attachment B –BCE Engineers, Inc. proposal dated September 22, 2021 Attachment C –Roen Associates proposal dated October 1, 2021 c:Ben Hedin –BCE Engineers, Inc. Matt Wiggins –Roen Associates rounds) of non-compliant submittals. less noted specifically above within our Scope of Services. ther than conceptual studies to describe design intent or as utilized as ess unless specifically noted within our Scope of Services above. hing will be provided or performed. Deliverables shall be PDF and/or hardcopy heets will be created to Mackenzie standards. on Plan will be provided. Nothing in the Revit model supersedes the formally issued d hard copy Construction Documents. wings or BIM models by any parties other than the design team. sable expenses. l billing requirements required by Client outside of Mackenzie's standard billing procedures. 8. 8.c ding permit fees, design review fees, or any other fees paid to public bodies having jurisdiction over he project. It is our understanding the project will start in the next 30 days e to you, we can prepare a quick contract. Please note that this proposal is valid for 90 days We look forward to working with City of Renton on itional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Kim Doyle Project Manager closure(s):Hourly Billi Reimbur Attac Att O:\WP\WP Library\ADMIN-GENERAL OFFICE\Rate and Reimbursable Schedules\SEA Hourly Billing Rate Schedule-210929.docx HOURLY BILLING RATE SCHEDULE* PRINCIPALS $160–$280 ARCHITECTURE/LANDSCAPE Design Director $ 175 – $ 220 Senior Project Architect $ 160 – $ 250 Project Architect I – III $ 100– $ 200 Architectural Designer II-III $ 80 – $ 165 Architectural Designer I $ 60 – $ 95 Designer/Drafter $ 50 – $ 80 Intern $ 50 – $ 75 ENGINEERING Senior Project Engineer $ 160 – $ 250 Project Engineer I – III $ 100 – $ 200 Designer I – II $ 70 – $ 140 Transportation Analyst I – II $ 65 – $ 115 Designer/Drafter $ 80 – $ 130 Intern $ 50 – $ 75 PLANNING Senior Project Planner $ 150 – $ 235 Project Planner I – IV $ 90 – $ 200 Permit Coordinator $ 55 – $ 95 Assistant Planner $ 65 – $ 100 Intern $ 50 – $ 75 INTERIOR DESIGN Senior Project Interior Designer $ 150 – $ 230 Interior Designer III – V $ 100– $ 175 Interior Designer I – II $ 60 – $ 135 Intern $ 50 – $ 75 ADMINISTRATION Administrator $ 60 – $ 175 Word Processor $ 70 – $ 110 Graphic Artist $ 85 – $ 130 *Subject to change April 2022 O:\WP\WP Library\ADMIN-GENERAL OFFICE\Rate and Reimbursable Schedules\SEA Hourly Billing Rate Schedul HOURLY BILLING RAT PRINCIPALS ARCHITECTURE/LANDSCAPE Design Director Senior Project Architect Project Architect I –III Architectural Designer II-III Architectural Designer I Designer/Drafter Intern ENGINEERING Senior Project En Project Engine signer I por ior Designer r III –V Interior Designer I –II Int ADMINISTRATION Administrator Word Processor Graphic Artist *Subject to change April 2022 le-210929.docx ATE SCHEDULE* $160 –$280 $175 –$220 $ 160 –$ 250 $100 –$200 $80 –$165 $60 –$ 95 $50 –$ 80 $ 50 –$ 75 Engineer $ 160 –$ 250 Project Engineer I –III $100 –$200 Designer I –II $70 –$140 Transportation Analyst I –II $65 –$115 Designer/Drafter $80 –$130 Intern $ 50 –$ 75 PLANNING Senior Project Planner $ 150 –$ 235 Project Planner I –IV $90 –$200 Permit Coordinator $55 –$ 95 Assistant Planner $65 –$100 Intern $ 50 –$ 75 INTERIOR DESIGN Senior Project Interio $ 150 –$ 230 Interior Designer II $100 –$175 Interior Designe $60 –$135 ntern $50 –$ 75 $60 –$175 $70 –$110 $85 –$130 O:\WP\WP Library\ADMIN-GENERAL OFFICE\Rate and Reimbursable Schedules\Reimbursables-SEA.docx April 2018 REIMBURSABLE CHARGES Mackenzie will charge the following standard, cost-based rates for in-house reimbursable items listed below: IN-HOUSE PRINTING Scanning – Black & White Small Format: $0.25/sheet (8-1/2 x 11 - 11 x 17) Large Format: $1.00/sheet (Including Half Size) Scanning –Color Small Format: $0.50/sheet (8-1/2 x 11 - 11 x 17) Large Format: $3.00/sheet (Including Half Size) Printing/Copying – All Sizes Black & White: $0.21/sq. ft. Full Color: $4.00/sq. ft. Fax Local: $1.00/sheet Long distance: $1.30/sheet OTHER IN-HOUSE REIMBURSABLE ITEMS Digital Photo Documentation $15.00/download Check Generation Fee $25.00 Automobile Mileage Billed according to IRS guidelines Delivery Service Fixed rates: $7.75 to $54.40 (depending on mileage) Data Supplies CD documentation: $15.00 DVD documentation: $30.00 Report Binder Without tabs: $3.00/book With tabs: $4.00/book Foamcore:$4.25/sheet O:\WP\WP Library\ADMIN-GENERAL OFFICE\Rate and Reimbursable Schedules\Reimbursables-SEA.docx REIMBURSABLE Mackenzie will charge the following standard, cost below: IN Scanning –Black & White Small Format: $0 (8-1/2 x 11 -11 x Large Forma (Including Scanning – Sm : cal: Long distance: HOUSE REIMBURSABLE ITEMS d Mileage Billed according to IRS guidelines ery Service Fixed rates:$7.75 to $54.40 (depending on mileage) Data Supplies CD documentat DVD document Report Binder Without tabs: With tabs: Foamcore: April 2018 E CHARGES st-based rates for in-house reimbursable items listed IN-HOUSE PRINTING $0.25/sheet 1 x 17) mat:$1.00/sheet ng Half Size) –Color Small Format: $0.50/sheet (8-1/2 x 11 -11 x 17) Large Format:$3.00/sheet (Including Half Size) Printing/Copyinggg –All Sizes Black & White:$0.21/sq. ft. Full Color:$4.00/sq. ft. Fax Local $1.00/sheet Lo $1.30/sheet OTHER IN-HO Digital Photo Documentation $15.00/download Check Generation Fee $25.00 Automobile Mil Bil Delivery tion:$15.00 ation:$30.00 $3.00/book $4.00/book $4.25/sheet RENTON CITY HALL RENOVATIONS 07.27.21 FLOOR PLAN OPTIONS 2200326.00 SEVENTH FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16" - 1'-0" ƒ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ttachment A - Page 1 of 1 SMALL CONF ANALYST 4(8x10)ANALYST 5(8x10)ANALYST 6(8x10)MANAGER 3 OFFICE MANAGER (11x10) ELLEN MANAGER 2 MANAGER 1 ANALYST 1 (8x10) ANALYST 2 (8x10) ANALYST 3 (8x10) WAITING SHARED BREAK ROOM SMALL CONF COPY AREA |SUPPLYSTORAGESECURE FILES WORK | MTG TABLE VENDING RECEPTIONWS (8x9) MEDIUM CONF Attachment B - Page 1 of 2 Attachment B - Page 2 of 2 Recap Fee Quote Estimating Services 500 Union Street, Suite 927 121 S. Wall St. Seattle, Washington 98101 Spokane, Washington 99201 206 343 1003 509 838 8688 Estimator Role Hours Rate Extension Subtotal Estimator Hours Rate Extension Subtotal Total Schematic Design Roger Roen Review 145$ -$ Mechanical 145$ -$ Estimate Skott Young Estimator 145$ -$ Electrical 145$ -$ Matt Wiggins Lead 145$ -$ Subtotal Estimating Fee, Schematic Design -$ -$ -$ Design Roger Roen Review 1 145$ 145$ Mechanical 4 145$ 580$ Development Skott Young Estimator 12 145$ 1,740$ Electrical 4 145$ 580$ Estimate Matt Wiggins Lead 8 145$ 1,160$ Subtotal Fee, Design Development Estimate 3,045$ 1,160$ 4,205$ Construction Roger Roen Review 1 145$ 145$ Wade Botting Mechanical 4 145$ 580$ Documents Skott Young Estimator 8 145$ 1,160$ Jerrod Gummer Electrical 4 145$ 580$ Estimate Matt Wiggins Lead 8 145$ 1,160$ Subtotal Fee, Construction Dosucments Estimate 2,465$ 1,160$ 3,625$ Total Fee Quote 5,510$ 2,320$ 7,830$ 1. Estimates are for construction only. 2. Fees include one round of review and modifications with architect/engineer and owner for each of the work areas. 3. Allow one week from reciept of documents to complete the estimate. 4. Includes one review meeting with the City at each phase. 5. There will be no SD estimate by Roen Renton 7th Floor TI Project Revised Fees 10-1-2021 Divisions 1 - 14, 31-33 Divisions 21-23, 26-28 Cost Estimating Fee Quote Design Development and Construction Documents MacKenzie Architects Renton TI Fee Quote Rev 10-1-2021 Printed on 10/1/2021 Attachment C - Page 1 of 1