HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeadowVue Reconsideration CITY OF RENTON . , �:IiPm JUN 0 6 2Q17 C,�yl RECEIVED 1 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 2 c�..���� � ��.-�-r,� 0�..�,ri.�,�-�� � 2- l�-h��. 3 4 S � BEFORE THE HEARING EXA1LiINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON 7 8 ln re: Meado���Vue NO. I,tJA 17-000106, �FT. PP,MUD g Preliminary Plat , MU'I�ION FOR RF,CONSID�RATION �� I,lJA17-000106, L'FT, PP, MOI� 11 � ___ _.____ � 12 CnMES NOW SSH1, I.LC, dba DR llorion ("UR Horton'') liereby submits this 13 rnotion for reconsideration of� the Final llccision of the Heas•in� ��aminer of thc City of 14 Renton, dated Ma}� 2i, 2017, and puc�suant to Renton Municipal Code 4-8-1 10(E){8) and 4-8- �5 100(G)(5) and (9). �� 'I'hi5 reconsideration is based on what UR Horion belie��es to bc an error of law in the 17 decision which unnecessarily and inadvertcntlti• restricts the llepartment's review authority 1'� under Renton Code. 19 Under RMG 4-4-070(E), all landscaping plans are reviewed and approved by thc 20 Community and F,conomic De��clopi»ent Administrator. For this particular project and in 21 partic�ilar related to the storm draina�e facility�, the landscaping requircmcnts provide that 22 there be a minimum litteen foot �15') �vide strip outside the facility fei�c:e "unless other�visc 23 determined through tl�e site plan revie�� or subdivision review process." RMC 4-4- 24 070(I I)(6). Undcr RMC 4-4-070, the decision-making authority for��-hen to deviate froin the 25 generaliy presumed I S' strip lies ulith the Department Adininistrator. That decision may be A�or�o,��F�nkRE:r-o,��sip�;r;,a�ro:�� P:��E 1 JoxNs MovROE 117�7'st!N.ac.a KUt.o�sKovn PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW t 1201 S.E. 8'� St., Suitc 120 I3ellcvuc, l��ashin�ton 98U04 Tel: (42�)451 2812;'Fax: (425)451 2818 � made at any time during the subdivision review process, i.e. including during site specific 2 engineering. From a practical standpoint, that is logica] and reasonable as the site 3 engineering and constructian plan process involves the final and detailed landscaping plans. 4 It may be lhat there is good reason to de��iate from the 15' presumption upon final S engineering. In addition, Rcntan Code d�es not specify that the landscape area be within the b storm tract; instead Code provides the area be outside the facility ience. In sum, Renton � Code's reservation of such authority to the Depairtment Administrator is appropriate and g should not be restricted by the preliminary plat dccisi�n. y Bascd on this analysis, UR Horton respectlully requests that Che Hearin� Examincr �� reconsider Condition 4 and revise such condition in the following manner 1� (strikethrough/underline iormat): 12 13 4� The applica��t shall pro��idc a ����^ ��* r��'� ldnascaped area around the entire detention pond �� +��� C*,....... 'I' r pursuant to 4-4-U70(6)(c). A tinal 14 detailed landscapc plan consistent with RMC 4-8-120 shall be submitted to and a}�proved by the City of Renton Pr�ject Manager prior lo issuance of a �5 construction permit. l6 17 RF.SPEC1'I�UI,LY StJBMI�I'"I'L-'I) this s�day of__���__ ---_ __, 2017. lg .fOHNS M�NRUL MITSt1NAGA & KOLOUSKOVA, Pf,LC 19 20 1 � By 21 j�uana ' . olousknva, WSEit1 #275_ 22 ���t rneys for SSI-II, LLC, dba DR I�orton 23 24 �22-3 Motinn for Recun.cideration D6-O.i-17 ?5 MnTm:�•h�vrrRcCO:�`5'U)F.R.�tT1UA'—PAGt,'Z JOHNS M(7NROE(1'IITSUNAG.a Ko�o��shov.a PLLC ATTORNF. YS AT LAW 1 l201 S.E. 8`�' St._ Suite 120 Bellcwc, Washington 98004 Tcl:(42i)45l ?813 /Fax: (425)�151 2818