HomeMy WebLinkAboutA 20031103002855SanitArSewer" Extension Nmenrec t io'�go� rty Tax Parcel Number: 345000-0080 Project File # *q�*-Interscction SE107"PI&1361h Ave SE Reference Nu;;t,(.s.)..Qfl) ocunie`ntsag's'�igne or releas6d,'Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): C, I Morar, loan ity of Renton, Oi a] Corporation �o a Muiii 2 Morar, Donna LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 8, Honeydew Court according to Plaii)Qorded in V61urne 72.,of plats, Pages 11-423. in King County, Washington The Grantor, as named above, for or and in congideri6ort'-of the City of Rentoiiwasiewa�ergranttng a permit to connect to a sanitary sewer. ' main at the intersection of SE 107'h'place',M'd 130'•,Avcnuc SE forihe Dove described properly;` "The owner(s) of above-descnbcd property, their successors, heirs and assigns '; d hereby:agrdean c6enanfihe following conditions'.' I To participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any Locatimprovement District (LID)j' , 2 To-�part14ai:6. in or sign a petition m support of any other City-initi ated.prop6sal, gthii"t4an antll?,'`and.oay their fair Share thireof, 3 ,Otherwise financially or physically participate in any proposal, City -initiated or otherwise, . . .'e for thi purp&e of extension of a sanitary sewer in SE 107 1h Place (NE 17'b Street) whei reqti et) ; - `ireA . by th Renton %:.. Subdivision:'Ordininceor re angUage iii City Code to the a&d� cted by the Adrmnistrator of Public Works Despite�ayl, conirary,the und6sigiied will connect to a sanitary sewer, even if such sewer is installedby iacvcj6per for the purpose of meeting plattmg,rcquiriements and the undersigned is not an owner within the confines of said plat IN"WITNESS WHMEOr" I have hi'reunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below ""L "0y ?7-1 ;o Grantor Signature(s) INPUMDUAL FORM 0P,1 CKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be W:'ithan.b6x STATE OF WkSHINGT'ON COUNTY OF KING ovkx I cerLify that I 1q.fi*. ow 6r havo'satisfact,.evidence that L Mbsigned this instrument and CHARLES F. KOKKO ackrio'wiedgid it tribe InAerfihei r'free dfid volurqary act for the uses and purposes . NOTARY PUBLIC mentioned ln:.th instrument STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 19, 2006 Notary Public in a d ox,th. "State'of WMMOP.;. Notary (Print) p. My appointinentpxpires Dated 0 W \WWP-2 1 -0000 Sewer Availability\MorarOl doc Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 02855 Sanitary Sewer Extension Agreement Lroperty Tax Parcel Number: 345000-0080 Project File #: —4 Street Intersection: SE 1071Pl & 1361Ave SE Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. Morar, Ioan 1. City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation ' 2 Morar, Dorina LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8, Honeydew Court according to Plat recorded in Volume 72 of plats, Pages 41-42, in King County, Washington The Grantor, as named above, for or and in consideration of the City of Renton Wastewater granting a permit to connectiti too a sanitary sewer main at the intersection of SE 107`h Place and 1361h Avenue SE for the above described property; "The owner(s) of the above -described property, their successors, heirs and assigns, hereby agree and covenant the owing - conditions: 1. To participate in, sign a petition in support of, and accept any Local Improvement District (LID), 2. To participate in or sign a petition in support of any other City -initiated proposal, other than an LID, and pay t fair share thereof, 3. Otherwise financially or physically participate in any proposal, City -initiated or otherwise, for the purpose of extension of a sanitary sewer in SE 107`h Place (NE 17`h Street) when required by the Re t�n Subdivision Ordinance or as directed by the Administrator of Public Works. Despite any language in City Code to the contrary, the undersigned will connect to a sanitary sewer, even if such sewer is installed by a developer for the purpose of meeting platting requirements and the undersigned is not an owner within the confines of said plan IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year as written below. 4� Grantor Signature(s) INDIVIDUAL FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) r� if I cc that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Imo/, Ky\ signed this i ent and CH/4RLES F. KOKK0 acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the us and purposes NOTARY PUBLIC mentioned in th instrument. STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 19, 2006 NotaryPublic in a d for the State of W)Zhiogon Notary (Print) k1a VV P My appointment expires: Dated: D 21� W:\WWP-21-0000 Sewer Availability\Morar0l.doc Pa e 1 9/2�01�AOOO1/bh g �3 Qb