HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet CITY OF RENTON AGENDA - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, May 23, 2022 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Councilmembers are attending this meeting remotely through Zoom. Audience comments will be accommodated through Zoom. Speakers must click the link to the registration form (linked below), fill it out, and submit it by 5 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting. The public may also submit comments in writing to cityclerk@rentonwa.gov by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Registration is not required for those who wish to speak during public hearings. Registration for Audience Comment Registration will be open at all times, but speakers must register by 5 p.m. on the day of a Council meeting in order to be called upon. Anyone who registers after 5 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting will not be called upon to speak and will be required to re-register for the next Council meeting if they wish to speak at that next meeting. • Request to Speak Registration Form • You may also copy/paste the following URL into your browser: https://forms.office.com/g/bTJUj6NrEE • You may also call 425-430-6501 or email jsubia@rentonwa.gov or cityclerk@rentonwa.gov to register. Please provide your full name, city of residence, email address and/or phone number, and topic in your message. • Instructions for Virtual Attendance For those wishing to attend by Zoom, please (1) click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84938072917?pwd=TUNCcnppbjNjbjNRMWpZaXk2bjJnZz09 (or copy the URL and paste into a web browser) or (2) call-in to the Zoom meeting by dialing 253- 215-8782 and entering 849 3807 2917 Passcode 156708, or (3) call 425-430-6501 by 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting to request an invite with a link to the meeting. Those providing audience comments will be limited to 5 minutes each speaker unless an exception is granted by the Council. Attendees will be muted and not audible to the Council except during times they are designated to speak. Advance instructions for how to address the Council will be provided to those who sign up in advance to speak and again during the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PROCLAMATION a) Safe Boating & Paddling Week Proclamation - May 21 - 27, 2022 4. PUBLIC HEARING a) Economic Recovery Emergency Ord Extending Interim Zoning Controls 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a) Administrative Report 6. AUDIENCE COMMENTS NOTICE to all participants: Pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of May 16, 2022. Council Concur b) AB - 3133 City Clerk reports bid opening on April 21, 2022 for CAG-22-009, Curb Ramps and Overlay project, and submits the staff recommendation to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder Apcon Tech, Inc., in the amount of $484,228. Council Concur c) AB - 3131 City Clerk recommends adoption of a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 4465, directing meetings covered by the Open Public Meetings Act be located at a physical location for public attendance, and contemplating that additional opportunities and means of attending and/or listening to meetings remotely may be separately provided. Council Concur d) AB - 3124 Public Works Utility Systems Division recommends approval of Amendment No. 6 to CAG-15-224, with Tetra Tech, Inc., in the amount of $337,210 for Phase 3 of the Cedar River 205 Project Levee Certification. Refer to Utilities Committee 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Committee of the Whole Committee: Clean Economy Strategy 2.0 b) Finance Committee: Vouchers; WSDOT Agreement Supplement for the Rainier Avenue S Corridor Improvements – Phase 4 Project; WSDOT Agreement for the Bronson Way Bridge ‐ Seismic Retrofit and Painting Project; Public Works Department Reorganization to Establish the Sustainability and Solid Waste Section; Utility Bill Leak Adjustment Request for 2801 Sunset Blvd, LLC; Utility Bill Leak Adjustment Request for M2 Renton LLC; Springbrook Creek Wetlands Mitigation Bank Credit Sale Agreement 9. LEGISLATION Resolutions: a) Resolution No. 4469: Resolution Rescinding RES 4465 (See item 7.c) b) Resolution No. 4470: Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank Credit Sale (See Item 8.b) Ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: c) Ordinance No. 6065: Extending Some Interim Zoning Controls for Economic Development Recovery (See Item 4.a) Ordinances for first reading: d) Ordinance No. 6066: Public Works Reorganization (See Item 8.b) e) Ordinance No. 6067: Salary Table Adjustment (See Item 8.b) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION a) To discuss potential litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for approximately 30 minutes. 12. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 5:45 p.m. -MEETING REMOTELY Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings ArmondoPavoneMayorProctamationWfiereas,theCityofRentonisboundedbyLakeWashingtonshorelineandencompassesnumerouswaterways;andWfiereas,alargenumberofRenton’sresidentsofallagesengageinrecreationalboating;andWhereas,onaverage,700peopledieeachyearinboatingrelatedaccidentsintheU.S.,withthevastmajorityofthoseaccidentscausedbyhumanerrorandpoorjudgmentandnotbytheboat,equipment,orenvironmentalfactors;and‘Whereas,asignificantnumberofboaterswholosetheirlivesbydrowningeachyearwouldbealivetodayhadtheyworntheirlifejackets;andW1ereas,themissionoftheUnitedStatesCoastGuardAuxiliaryRentonFlotilla,130-02-05,istopromoteandimproverecreationalbpatingsafetybyteachingboatingsafetycoursesandconductingvesselsafetychecks;Wow,therefore,I,ArmondoPavone,MayoroftheCityofRenton,doherebyproclaimMay21-27,2022,tobeSafe‘BoatingantiPadf(ingWeek,intheCityofRenton,andIencourageallcitizenstodedicatethemselvestolearningaboutandpracticingsafeboating,includingwearinglifejackets.InwitnesswhereofIhavehereuntosetmyhandandcausedthesealoftheCityofRentontobeaffixedthis23rddayofMay,2022.ArmondPvone,MayorCityofRèqn,WashingtonRentonCityHall,7thFloor1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.rentonwa.govAGENDA ITEM #3. a) PUBLIC HEARING FOR EXTENDING INTERIM ZONING CONTROLS FOR ECONOMIC RECOVERY: Renton City Council May 23, 2022 Presented by: Brittany Gillia, Associate Planner 425-430-7246 bgillia@rentonwa.gov AGENDA ITEM #4. a) BACKGROUND ➢Emergency Ordinance 5974 was adopted on July 13, 2020 ➢Established interim zoning control to temporarily allow: •“Economic Recovery Right-of-Way Use Permits”; and •“Economic Recovery Signs” ➢Ord. 5974 was extended and amended via Ord 5997, extended via Ord. 6018, and extended again via Ord 6039. ➢If Ord. 6039 is not extended it is set to expire on June 6, 2022.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) BACKGROUND The ordinance states: ➢The ongoing presence of the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting businesses; and ➢On June 30th, 2021 Washington state reopened under the “Washington Ready Plan”; and ➢Washington is still in a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and ➢There is a continued need for economic recovery mitigation measures to assist businesses.AGENDA ITEM #4. a) BACKGROUND ➢Ord. 6039 extended the allowance of: •“Economic Recovery Right-of-Way Use Permits”; and •“Economic Recovery Signs” ➢“Economic Recovery Right-of-Way Use Permits” that were issued as part of Ord. 5974, Ord. 5997 and Ord. 6018 that remained valid through December 7, 2021 were extended to coincide with the new expiration period AGENDA ITEM #4. a) BACKGROUND Ordinance 6039 extended the following: ➢A statement that parklets that are “pre-fabricated and engineered” as well as parklets without structural components are within the scope of Economic Recovery Revocable Right-of-Way Permits ➢Required Temporary Use Permits for businesses who wish to temporarily expand their operations into an adjacent tenant space are temporarily waived AGENDA ITEM #4. a) BACKGROUND Ordinance 6039 further extended the following: ➢A limited number of short-term parking stalls are established for curbside pick-up or to go orders within the Center Downtown (CD) zone ➢City Center Parking Garage fees are waived for parking periods up to 10 hours AGENDA ITEM #4. a) PROPOSED EXTENSION ➢Interim zoning controls are proposed to be extended until November 23, 2022 ➢“Economic Recovery Right-of-Way Use Permits” are proposed to be available until November 23, 2022 ➢“Economic Recovery Right-of-Way Use Permits” that were issued as part of Ord. 5974, Ord. 5997, Ord. 6018 and/or Ord. 6039 and remain valid through June 6, 2022 are proposed to be extended to coincide with the new expiration period AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Staff Contact: Brittany Gillia, Associate Planner 425-430-7246 bgillia@rentonwa.gov NEXT STEPS ➢Tonight:Accept public testimony regarding the proposed extension of interim zoning controls, with first and second reading, to be effective immediately upon adoption ➢If adopted, the Ordinance will sunset on November 23, 2022 and all Economic Recovery business expansions and signage must be removed ➢Contact Brittany Gillia at bgillia@rentonwa.gov or via the Business Assistance Hotline at (206)503-1742 to schedule a 30-minute planning session for permit applications AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Staff Contact: Brittany Gillia, Associate Planner 425-430-7246 bgillia@rentonwa.gov QUESTIONS?AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Mayor’s Office Memorandum DATE: May 23, 2022 TO: Ryan McIrvin, Council President Members of Renton City Council FROM: Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Administrative Report • Construction for the Cascade Park Playground Replacement project began today, May 23, with completion scheduled for mid-July 2022. The project will expand the playground and relocate it to an area with better drainage and more visibility from 126th Avenue SW. Cascade Park will remain open, but the work area including the existing playground, new play area, and a portion of the paved drive off of 126th Avenue SW will be closed to the public during construction. Additional information can be found at rentonwa.gov/currentprojects and questions may be directed to Betsy Severtsen: 425-757-6657. • On Wednesday, June 1, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm is the Annual Scout Night, hosted by Renton Regional Fire Authority (RRFA) and Renton Police Department (RPD) at Fire Station 14. All scouting groups within Renton Service areas (through 5th grade) are invited to join us for this free event. There will be learning stations for home safety, basic first aid, fire and law enforcement careers and more. In addition, scouts can bring canned goods and/or a monetary donation for a local food bank. Pre-registration is required: www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-scout-night-at-the-fire-station-tickets- 318958211597 • Renton PD is partnering with Renton Regional Fire Authority to offer our first Senior Public Safety Academy on Thursdays, June 2 through July 7, from 9:00-10:30 am at the Senior Activity Center. The 6-week program offers older adults (ages 50 and up) the chance to learn more about public safety through educational presentations and fun interactive activities. Topics include Police and Fire Operations, 911 dispatch, current scams and fraud prevention, home safety, police K9 Unit, and more. Activities will include Bingo with the Chiefs, Safety Trivia, and Coffee with a Cop & Firefighter. Space is limited, register today with course #10719 at rentonwa.gov/register • The City of Renton, in partnership with Renton Technical College and Renton Chamber of Commerce, will host the Renton Career Fair on Friday, June 3, from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Renton Technical College Cafeteria, Roberts Campus Center (Building I), 3000 NE 4th St. There will 55+ organizations who are hiring and admission is free. Also AGENDA ITEM #5. a) Ryan McIrvin, Council President Members of Renton City Council Page 2 of 3 May 23, 2022 take advantage of a drop-in zoom Resume Help workshop on May 31 and June 1, 3:00 to 4:00 pm, rtcedu.zoom.us/j/84434709990, Meeting ID: 844 3470 9990, Passcode: 499917. For more information on the fair and to register, go to gorenton.com/renton- career-fair • Join your neighbors and police officers for coffee and conversation at “Coffee with a Cop” on June 8 at The Rose Gift House & Coffee, 226 Main Ave S, from 10 am to noon. Representatives from the Renton Police department will be available to answer your questions about crime prevention, traffic enforcement, investigations, recruitment or community programs, and services that are available to the Renton community. • Solid Waste Utility’s second event in their series of three mini Recycle events will be on Saturday, June 11, from 10 am to 2 pm at Renton Technical College north parking lot, NE 6th Place & Monroe Avenue NE. Bring mattresses, cardboard and vehicle tires for recycling. The first event on May 7 served approximately 315 participants and prevented over 10 tons of scrap metal and 790 pounds of Styrofoam™ from going to landfill disposal. In addition, 87 pounds of food were donated by Recycle Event participants to The Salvation Army Food Bank. • Information about preventative street maintenance, traffic impact projects, and road closures happening this week can be found at http://rentonwa.gov/traffic. All projects are weather permitting and unless otherwise noted, streets will always remain open. Preventative street maintenance, traffic impact projects, and road closures will be at the following locations:  Monday, May 23 through Friday, May 27, 7:00 am to 2:30 pm. Single intermittent lane closures on the southernmost eastbound lane on NE Sunset Boulevard between Aberdeen Ave NE overpass and Harrington Avenue NE due to utility construction. Questions may be directed to Brad Stocco, 425-282-2373.  Monday, May 23 through Friday, May 27, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Intermittent lane closures on Logan Avenue N just south of N 8th Street due to roadway construction. Questions may be directed to Brad Stocco, 425-282-2373.  Monday, May 23 through Friday, May 27, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Intermittent lane closures on N 8th Street between Logan Avenue N and Park Avenue N due to roadway construction. Questions may be directed to Brad Stocco, 425-282-2373.  Monday, May 23 through Friday, May 27, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Intermittent lane closures in both directions of Duvall Avenue NE between NE 12th Street and NE Sunset Blvd due to utility construction. Questions may be directed to Tom Main, 206-999-1833.  Tuesday, May 24 through Thursday, May 26, 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. Asphalt repairs on Talbot Road S. between S. 45th and S. 55th St, weather permitting. Flaggers will be on site to direct traffic. AGENDA ITEM #5. a) Ryan McIrvin, Council President Members of Renton City Council Page 3 of 3 May 23, 2022  Duvall Avenue NE Project. Long term double lane closure on the west side of Duvall Ave NE between NE 9th Street and Sunset Boulevard for road construction. One lane of traffic will be provided in each direction, tentative through August 29.  Downtown Utility Improvement Project. Pavement restoration of S. 3rd Street into the intersection with Rainier has been delayed until early June due to weather concerns and scheduling. Expect intermittent lane closures, parking restrictions and detours as the contractor moves around the downtown core finishing up work. Additional information can be found at rentonwa.gov/duip.  On-going Street Closure through October 4, 2023 (City of Renton Resolution No. 4446). FULL STREET CLOSURE on Sunset Lane NE between NE 10th Street and Harrington Place NE in support of the Solera Development Project (LUA20-000305). Questions may be directed to Brad Stocco, 425-282-2373. AGENDA ITEM #5. a) May 16, 2022 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES CITY OF RENTON MINUTES - City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, May 16, 2022 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pavone called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Ryan McIrvin, Council President James Alberson, Jr., Council Position No. 1 Carmen Rivera, Council Position No. 2 Valerie O'Halloran, Council Position No. 3 Ed Prince, Council Position No. 5 Ruth Pérez, Council Position No. 6 Kim-Khánh Vǎn, Council Position No. 7 Councilmembers Absent: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Armondo Pavone, Mayor Ed VanValey, Chief Administrative Officer Cheryl Beyer, Senior Assistant City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Judith Subia, Council Liaison Kristi Rowland, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator Ellen Bradley-Mak, Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator Rob Shuey, Building Official Ron Straka, Public Works Utility Systems Director Deputy Chief Jeff Hardin, Police Department Administrator Commander Tracy Wilkinson, Police Department AGENDA ITEM #7. a) May 16, 2022 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES PROCLAMATION a) National Public Works Week - May 15 - 21, 2022: A proclamation by Mayor Pavone was read declaring May 15 - 21, 2022 to be National Public Works Week in the City of Renton, encouraging all citizens to join in this special observance. Public Works Administrator, Martin Pastucha, accepted the proclamation with appreciation. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. b) Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Heritage Month - May, 2022: A proclamation by Mayor Pavone was read declaring May 2022 to be Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the City of Renton, encouraging all citizens to join in this special observance. MOVED BY VǍN, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT CAO Ed VanValey reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2022 and beyond. Items noted were: • On May 4, the King County Library System (KCLS) cleared late fines for all patrons with a new initiative called A Fresh Start for All. This one-time waiver gives patrons a fresh start on their account and enables access to all KCLS materials. A Fresh Start for All was approved by the KCLS Board of Trustees on April 27, 2022. KCLS will return to pre-pandemic circulation practices on September 15 and will start assessing late fines again at that time. After their accounts have been cleared on May 4, patrons will have until September 15 to return items before late fines resume. • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following this listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of May 9, 2022. Council Concur. b) AB - 3130 Community & Economic Development Department recommended approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a mitigation credit purchase agreement with the Renton School District, for the sale of 0.196 Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank (SMB) credits, in the amount of $230,300, to the district in compensation for anticipated 0.28 acres of permanent wetland impacts for the RSD Elementary School #16 project. Refer to Finance Committee. c) AB - 3128 Finance Department submitted a utility billing adjustment request from 2801 NE Sunset Blvd, LLC, a multi-family property owner, and recommended adjusting the account in the amount of $2,950.26 for excess consumption caused by a qualified water line leak in accordance with RMC 8-4-46 and 8-5-23. Refer to Finance Committee. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) May 16, 2022 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES d) AB - 3129 Finance Department submitted a utility bill adjustment request from M2 Renton LLC, a non-residential property owner, and recommended an adjustment in the amount of $20,919.15 for excess sewer consumption caused by a qualified water line leak in accordance with RMC 8-5-23. Refer to Finance Committee. e) AB - 3127 Public Works Administration recommended approval of a department reorganization to establish a Sustainability Section within the Administrator's Office focused on development and implementation of programs and activities to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and impacts of infrastructure development and program operations on the natural environment; authorizing the requested retitle and salary re-grade of the existing Solid Waste Coordinator, Senior Program Specialists, and Program Specialist positions (M25,A15,A13) to a Solid Waste Programs Manager, Senior Sustainability Program Specialist, and Sustainability Programs Specialist (M25,A18,A16); authorize the addition of 1 FTE (Full- time equivalent) Sustainability and Senior Solid Waste Manager, .5 FTE Sustainability Program Specialist, 1.5 FTEs Sustainability Program Specialists, and 2 FTE Maintenance Service Worker I positions; authorizing hiring preferred candidates at Step E of the different salary grades, and adopt ordinances updating the Salary Table and Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 3-7 to incorporate these changes. Additionally, a budget adjustment to cover any budget gap will be completed as part of the 2nd Quarter Budget Amendment process. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY MCIRVIN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Utilities Committee: Chair Alberson presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve Amendment No. 4 to CAG-19-313 with Otak, Inc. in the amount of $1,145,100 for Phase 3 design services for the Monroe Ave NE Storm Improvement Project. MOVED BY ALBERSON, SECONDED BY RIVERA, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. b) Transportation Committee: Chair Văn presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve close out of CAG-21-184 with Road Construction Northwest, Inc. for $47,201.97 for the 2021 Runway PCC Panel Repair Project. MOVED BY VǍN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. c) Transportation Committee: Chair Văn presented a report concurring in the staff recommendation to approve the professional services agreement with Moore Iacofanco Goltsman (MIG), Inc. to provide preliminary and final design services totaling $1,244,283.67 for the Renton Connector Project. MOVED BY VǍN, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #7. a) May 16, 2022 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY MCIRVIN, COUNCIL ADJOURNED, CARRIED. TIME: 7:15 P.M. Jason A. Seth, MMC, City Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder 16 May 2022 AGENDA ITEM #7. a)   Council Committee Meeting Calendar  May 16, 2022      May 23, 2022  Monday    3:15 PM Finance Committee, Chair O’Halloran – VIDEOCONFERENCE  1. WSDOT Agreement Supplement for the Rainier Avenue S Corridor  Improvements – Phase 4 Project *  2. WSDOT Agreement for the Bronson Way Bridge ‐ Seismic Retrofit and  Painting Project  3. Public Works Department Reorganization to Establish the Sustainability  and Solid Waste Section  4. Utility Bill Leak Adjustment Request for 2801 Sunset Blvd, LLC  5. Utility Bill Leak Adjustment Request for M2 Renton LLC  6. Port of Seattle’s Economic Development Support Program Grant *  7. Springbrook Creek Wetlands Mitigation Bank Credit Sale Agreement  8. New Hire Step Approval Process  9. Vouchers   10. Emerging Issues in Finance     4:30 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Prince – VIDEOCONFERENCE  1. Retail Pet Sales Briefing  2. Docket 17 Briefing  3. Emerging Issues in CED     5:45 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair McIrvin  1. Clean Economy Strategy 2.0     7:00 PM Council Meeting – VIDEOCONFERENCE    * revised 05/17/22  AGENDA ITEM #7. a) AB - 3133 City Council Regular Meeting - 23 May 2022 SUBJECT/TITLE: CONTRACT AWARD: Curb Ramps for Overlay Project; CAG-22-009 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: Contract Amount: $484,228 Total Budget: $1,361,294 Engineer's Estimate: $573,330 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City Clerk Division publicly opened bids for the Curb Ramps Overlay Project, CAG-22-009 on April 21, 2022. There were four bids received. The bid opening met the following Council criteria: 1) There was more than one bid received, 2) The lowest responsive and responsible bid was within the project budget; and 3) The lowest responsive and responsible bid had no irregularities Therefore, staff recommends awarding the Curb Ramps and Overlay project, CAG-22-009, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder Apcon Tech, Inc., in the amount of $484,228. EXHIBITS: A. Staff Recommendation Memo B. TIP I C. Staff Bid Tab D. Clerk Bid Tab STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the Curb Ramps and Overlay project, CAG-22-009, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Apcon Tech, Inc., in the amount of $484,228. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:May 16, 2022 TO:Jason Seth, City Clerk FROM:Bob Hanson, Transportation Design Manager, x7223 Hebé C. Bernardo, Transportation Project Manager, x7264 Jayson Grant, Pavement Management Tech, x2238 SUBJECT:2022 Curb Ramps for Overlay Project – Construction Contract CAG-22-009 The Transportation Systems Division recommends that the 2022 Curb Ramps for Overlay construction contract in the amount of $ $484,228.00 be awarded to Apcon Tech, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 7385, Bellevue, WA, 98008. Proposals were received and publicly opened via Zoom on April 21, 2022. After opening the proposals, Hebé Bernardo, the Project Manager checked proposals for correctness, responsibility and responsiveness in accordance with sections 1-02.13 and 1-02.14 of the Contract Special Provisions. Apcon Tech, Inc. met all the above criteria, and has been determined to be a successful bidder with the lowest responsive bid. The bid submitted by Apcon Tech, Inc. is below the Engineer’s Estimate of $573,330.00 by 89,102.00. After analysis of the bids, we feel that Apcon Tech Inc, bid is a fair representation of the cost of the work associated with this project. To date, none of the bidders have filed a bid protest. The 2022 budget for the Street Overlay is $1,361,294. The total expenditures and encumbrances are shown in the table below. There is sufficient budget in the Project account to cover this construction contract. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Jason Seth, City Clerk Page 2 of 2 February 15, 2021 Attachments: TIP #21-1, Lake Washington Loop Trail Phase 3 Bid Tabulations cc: Martin Pastucha, Public Works Administrator Jim Seitz, Transportation Systems Director Heather Gregersen, Transportation Administrative Secretary I Des cription Amount Totals Remaining Funds Curbramp Agreement: Gray & Osborne- CAG-19-334 $86,016.43 Previous Supplements $75,267.07 Supplement No. 2 $36,081.80 Total $197,365.30 $46,348.87 2020 Overlay Agreement: Gray and Osborne - CAG-19-333 $23,565.16 Previous Supplements:1 $54,790.29 This Supplement No. __ Total $78,355.45 CURB RAMPS Cons truction Contract: CAG-22-009 $484,228.00 Previous Change Orders: This Change Order No: Total $484,228.00 OVERLAY Construction Contract: Previous Change Orders: This Change Order No: Total SOFT CAPI TAL EXPENSES $100,000.00 Total $100,000.00 Encumbrance Grand Total $708,932.32 Project Revenue $1,361,294.69 Remaining Constr. Revenue Budget $652,362.37 Project Contractual Encumbrance AGENDA ITEM #7. b) GENERAL BID INFORMATION:CITY CONTACT:CONSULTANT CONTACT:APPROVED FOR BIDAPPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTIONVOLUME 2 OF 2SUBMITTED BY:VICINITY MAPWILLIAMS AVE SVICINITY MAPTAYLOR AVE NW & TAYLOR PLACE NWVICINITY MAPSE 158TH STREETRENTONMUNICIPALAIRPORTRENTON AVE EXTAIRPORT WAYS TOBIN STRAINIER AVE S STEVENS AVE NWTAYLOR AVE NWTAY L O R P L A C E N W NW 4TH STNW 3RD PLNW 3RD STNW 2ND PLNW 2ND STNW 5TH STNW 6TH STRENTONMUNICIPALAIRPORTRENTON AVE EXTAIRPORT WAYS TOBIN STRAINIER AVE S STEVENS AVE NWTAYLOR AVE NWNW 4TH STNW 2ND PLNW 2ND STNW 5TH STNW 6TH STWILLIAMS AVE SWILLIAMS AVE SWELLS AVE SWELLS AVE SS 2ND STS 2ND STS 3RD STS 3RD STMAIN AVE SMAIN AVE SHOUSER WAY SHOUSER WAY SVICINITY MAPLAKE YOUNGS WAY SEPROJECTLOCATIONPROJECTLOCATIONNW 3RD PLNW 3RD STPROJECTLOCATIONPROJECTLOCATIONTAY L O R P L A C E N W PROJECTLOCATIONROYAL HILLS DR S E 140TH AVE SERENTON-MAPLE VALLEY RDS TOBIN STS TOBIN STLAK E Y O U N S W A Y S E LAK E Y O U N S W A Y S E BEA C O N W A Y S E BEA C O N W A Y S E 116TH AVE SE116TH AVE SE02/16/2022AGENDA ITEM #7. b) City Account #: 122108 PlanningArea: Citywide Project Description: This program funds the resurfacing and repairing of neighborhood (local), collector streets and alleyways. Installation of ADA‐ compliant curb ramps is incorporated into the overlay program in accordance to federal requirements. Status/Changes: The 2020 "Pavement Management Program State of the Streets Report", prepared by a Consultant, rated the average Pavement  Condition Index (PCI) as 73. The work for the overlay was separated into concrete work and pavement work.  State fuel tax  allocation typically helps fund this program.  Funding programmed in 2021 will complete curb ramp work and funding in 2022 will  complete Overlay work.  Funding Status:Other‐Program Funding Project Length:various TIP#: 21‐01 Street Overlay Program Maintenance and Preservation Planning:$0 Preliminary Engineering:$400,000 ROW:$0 Construction:$2,713,332 Purpose: To extend the useful life of the pavement surface and reduce the need for  roadway reconstruction. Priority Rank: 2 Street Classification:varies Total Cost:$3,113,332 Construction Services:$0 *For Projects, expenditures are for the life of the project.  For Programs, they are the total expenditures programmed for the 6 years in the TIP, 2022‐2027. EXPENDITURES* Other‐Misc:$0 Revenue Description Prior Years 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Grants ‐ Federal $125,544 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Arterial Street Fund $6,220,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B & O Tax $4,930,915 $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fuel Tax $944,099 $465,901 $606,000 $515,100 $437,835 $372,160 $316,336 REET1 $80,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other $10,660 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Revenues, by year:$12,311,219 $865,901 $606,000 $515,100 $437,835 $372,160 $316,336 $3,113,332 2022‐2027 Total 27 RESOLUTION NO. 4447 AGENDA ITEM #7. b) ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTIONSPEC. SECTIONUNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE* EXTENSION UNIT PRICE* EXTENSION UNIT PRICE* EXTENSION UNIT PRICE* EXTENSION UNIT PRICE* EXTENSION1ADA FEATURE SURVEYING1-05.4LS16,000.00$ $6,000.00 $12,200.00 $12,200.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $11,235.86$11,235.86 $11,700.00 $11,700.002ROADWAY SURVEYING1-05.4LS112,000.00$ $12,000.00$9,900.00$9,900.00$7,500.00$7,500.00$3,723.41$3,723.41$3,900.00$3,900.003LICENSED SURVEYING1-05.4FA16,000.00$ $6,000.00$6,000.00$6,000.00$6,000.00$6,000.00$6,000.00$6,000.00$6,000.00$6,000.004SPCC PLAN1-07.15(1)LS1500.00$ $500.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,340.25 $1,340.25 $500.00 $500.005MOBILIZATION1-09.7LS175,000.00$ $75,000.00$35,000.00$35,000.00$50,000.00$50,000.00$49,841.00$49,841.00$129,022.00$129,022.006TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPERVISOR1-10.5(2)LS114,400.00$ $14,400.00$28,000.00$28,000.00$25,000.00$25,000.00$40,575.60$40,575.60$45,000.00$45,000.007PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC CONTROL1-10.5(2)LS117,280.00$ $17,280.00$3,200.00$3,200.00$5,000.00$5,000.00$11,342.85$11,342.85$49,000.00$49,000.008FLAGGERS1-10.5(2)HR48060.00$ $28,800.00$1.00$480.00$65.00$31,200.00$85.92$41,241.60$95.00$45,600.009CONSTRUCTION SIGNS CLASS A1-10.5(2)SF1,20030.00$ $36,000.00$9.00$10,800.00$1.00$1,200.00$4.97$5,964.00$40.00$48,000.0010PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN1-10.5(2)HR3,0245.00$ $15,120.00 $3.00 $9,072.00 $2.00 $6,048.00 $1.55 $4,687.20 $4.25 $12,852.0011OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROL1-10.5(2)LS110,000.00$ $10,000.00$42,426.00$42,426.00$500.00$500.00$10,143.90$10,143.90$3,000.00$3,000.0012OFF DUTY POLICE OFFICER WITH MARKED PATROL CAR1-10.5(2)HR24135.00$ $3,240.00$120.00$2,880.00$200.00$4,800.00$95.47$2,291.28$160.00$3,840.0013REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS2-02.5LS12,000.00$ $2,000.00$2,500.00$2,500.00$50,000.00$50,000.00$17,901.00$17,901.00$8,000.00$8,000.0014REMOVAL OF CURB AND GUTTER2-02.5LF92016.00$ $14,720.00$18.00$16,560.00$15.00$13,800.00$13.60$12,512.00$21.00$19,320.0015REMOVAL OF CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK2-02.5SY70030.00$ $21,000.00$30.00$21,000.00$50.00$35,000.00$43.39$30,373.00$30.00$21,000.0016REMOVAL OF ASPHALT CONC. PAVEMENT2-02.5SY10025.00$ $2,500.00$30.00$3,000.00$50.00$5,000.00$29.79$2,979.00$23.00$2,300.00#REF!SAWCUTTING2-02.5LF1,7854.00$ $7,140.00$6.00$10,710.00$8.00$14,280.00$9.55$17,046.75$7.00$12,495.0017ROADWAY EXCAVATION, INCL. HAUL2-02.5CY160180.00$ $28,800.00$40.00$6,400.00$50.00$8,000.00$73.80$11,808.00$101.00$16,160.0018LOCATE EXISTING UTILTIES2-03.5CY17,000.00$ $7,000.00$1,000.00$1,000.00$500.00$500.00$11,934.00$11,934.00$23,000.00$23,000.0019POTHOLE2-09.5LS3500.00$ $1,500.00$750.00$2,250.00$100.00$300.00$2,565.81$7,697.43$750.00$2,250.0020CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE2-09.5EACH340150.00$ $51,000.00$70.00$23,800.00$30.00$10,200.00$49.06$16,680.40$102.00$34,680.0021ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN2-09.5TON4500.00$ $2,000.00$1,000.00$4,000.00$1,000.00$4,000.00$650.63$2,602.52$750.00$3,000.0022ADJUST EXISTING WATER VALVE BOX5-04.5EACH1400.00$ $400.00$1,200.00$1,200.00$500.00$500.00$239.85$239.85$750.00$750.0023ADJUST EXISTING WATER METER BOX5-04.5EACH1300.00$ $300.00$600.00$600.00$500.00$500.00$305.23$305.23$750.00$750.0024HMA CL. 1/2" PG 58H-225-04.5EACH30250.00$ $7,500.00$400.00$12,000.00$500.00$15,000.00$477.36$14,320.80$520.00$15,600.0025EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION5-04.5TON113,000.00$ $13,000.00$2,500.00$2,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$2,533.65$2,533.65$26,000.00$26,000.0026INLET PROTECTION8-01.5LS22100.00$ $2,200.00$90.00$1,980.00$100.00$2,200.00$69.65$1,532.30$82.00$1,804.0027WATTLE8-01.5EACH30024.00$ $7,200.00$10.00$3,000.00$5.00$1,500.00$8.83$2,649.00$5.00$1,500.0028PROPERTY RESTORATION8-01.5LF110,000.00$ $10,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.00$10,000.0029SEEDING, FERTILIZING AND MULCHING8-02.5FA3306.00$ $1,980.00$45.00$14,850.00$2.00$660.00$5.97$1,970.10$4.50$1,485.0030TOPSOIL, TYPE A8-02.5SY60100.00$ $6,000.00$90.00$5,400.00$100.00$6,000.00$160.27$9,616.20$125.00$7,500.0031BARK OR WOOD CHIP MULCH8-02.5CY5100.00$ $500.00$80.00$400.00$100.00$500.00$364.49$1,822.45$250.00$1,250.0032CEMENT CONC. TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER8-02.5CY1,00040.00$ $40,000.00$49.00$49,000.00$35.00$35,000.00$34.65$34,650.00$50.00$50,000.0033CEMENT CONC. SIDEWALK8-04.5LF20070.00$ $14,000.00$135.00$27,000.00$100.00$20,000.00$104.23$20,846.00$115.00$23,000.0034CEMENT CONC. CURB RAMP, TYPE PARALLEL8-14.5SY312,700.00$ $83,700.00$2,700.00$83,700.00$3,500.00$108,500.00$2,599.60$80,587.60$3,125.00$96,875.0035CEMENT CONC. CURB RAMP, TYPE PERPENDICULAR8-14.5EACH13,300.00$ $3,300.00$2,880.00$2,880.00$3,500.00$3,500.00$2,521.30$2,521.30$2,625.00$2,625.0036CEMENT CONC. CURB RAMP, TYPE COMBINATION8-14.5EACH33,300.00$ $9,900.00$2,880.00$8,640.00$3,500.00$10,500.00$2,614.24$7,842.72$4,750.00$14,250.0037MAILBOX SUPPORT, TYPE 18-14.5EACH3450.00$ $1,350.00$2,500.00$7,500.00$500.00$1,500.00$703.11$2,109.33$650.00$1,950.0038PERMANENT SIGNING8-18.5EACH110,000.00$ $10,000.00$1,200.00$1,200.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$943.11$943.11$2,800.00$2,800.00TOTAL AMOUNT = $573,330.00$484,228.00$498,688.00$514,410.69$758,758.00-$89,102.00$24,211.40 -$74,642.00 -$58,919.31 $185,428.00ENGINEER'S ESTIMATEBID TABULATIONS2022 Curb Ramps for Overlay, CAG-22-009, Bid Date: April 21, 2022Bid Opening: April 21, 2022Apcon Tech, Inc. Westwater Construction Company Reign City Services, LLC Northwest Cascade, Inc. Page 1 of 2AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Project: Curb Ramps for Overlay Project - CAG-22-009 Due Date: April 21, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. Opening Date: April 21, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. (Video Conference) CITY OF RENTON BID TABULATION SHEET Bid Total from Cover Prop Non-Coll Bid Sub Recycle Wage Sched Addens Schedule of Prices Sheet Prop Sign Dec Bond List Mat Comp Prices 1,2,3 *Includes Sales Tax Apcon Tech, Inc PO Box 7385 1 Bellevue x x x x x x x x x x $484,228.00 WA 98008 Lyudmila Vorontsova Northwest Cascade, Inc PO Box 73399 2 Puyallup x x x x x x x x x x $758,758.00 WA 98373 Clinton Myers Reign City Services, LLC 100 Andover Park W, Ste 150 #349 3 Tukwila x x x x x x x x x x $514,410.69 WA 98188 Michael Schirmer Bidder FORMS Engineer's Estimate $566,430.00 AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Project: Curb Ramps for Overlay Project - CAG-22-009 Due Date: April 21, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. Opening Date: April 21, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. (Video Conference) CITY OF RENTON BID TABULATION SHEET Bid Total from Cover Prop Non-Coll Bid Sub Recycle Wage Sched Addens Schedule of Prices Sheet Prop Sign Dec Bond List Mat Comp Prices 1,2,3 *Includes Sales Tax Bidder FORMS Westwater Construction Company PO Box 59237 4 Renton x x x x x x x x x x $498,688.00 WA 98058 Michael Caplis 5 6 Engineer's Estimate $566,430.00 AGENDA ITEM #7. b) AB - 3131 City Council Regular Meeting - 23 May 2022 SUBJECT/TITLE: Adopt Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 4465 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Background: • March 24, 2020 - Governor Inslee issued Proclamation 20-28, that among other things, prohibited conducting meetings subject to the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA), chapter 42.30 RCW, in -person and instead directed that meetings be held electronically due to the COVID-19 emergency. • June 15, 2020 - Council passed Resolution No. 4410 authorizing remote meetings and hearings due to the COVID-19 emergency. • December 8, 2020 - Proclamation 20-28 was amended, requiring meetings subject to OPMA be held remotely with an in-person component optional. • March 15, 2021 - Resolution No. 4410 was amended by Resolution No. 4427 to update staff account information for conducting remote meetings. • March 24, 2022 - Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1349 (HB 1349) was signed into l aw, which updated and clarified the OPMA, providing that if a local, state, or federal agency has declared an emergency and the public agency determines that a meeting cannot be held in -person safely, the meeting may be held partially or fully remotely. • April 11, 2022 - Council passed Resolution No. 4465, which repealed and replaced Resolution No. 4410, as it was previously amended by Resolution No. 4427, with updating procedures that reflected HB 1329, the City's ongoing work to renovate the Council Chambe rs, and Proclamation 20-28 which continued to require meetings be held remotely for purposes of public attendance. • April 29, 2022 - Governor Inslee proclaimed that while the State of Emergency continues to exist, he is terminating/rescinding Proclamation 20-28 effective June 1, 2022. • Starting June 1, 2022 - The City can safely open physical locations for public to attend meeting in compliance with the OPMA. Next Steps: Upon the expiration of the Governor's Proclamation 20-28 on June 1, the OMPA will once again require the official meeting location to be a physical location. Although the physical location will be the official location of all meetings, City staff intend to continue accommodating remote attendance and participation at Council, commission, and board meetings through Zoom, telephone, rentonwa.gov/streaming, and/or the AGENDA ITEM #7. c) Channel 21 broadcast as feasible until/unless the Council and/or other impacted governing bodies adopt rules that direct otherwise. If the Council desires to establish rules or guidelines for remote attendance or public comment, staff recommends that be done in a future Council Policy amendment. The proposed resolution includes regular meeting location and times for all commissions and boards that are governed by the OPMA so that the public will know where they can expect to attend the official location. The resolution defers to those boards and commissions to revise the regular meeting times and locations as needed. EXHIBITS: A. Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution rescinding Resolution No. 4465 effective June 1, 2022, directing meetings covered by the Open Public Meetings Act be located at a physical location for public attendance, and contemplating that additional opportunities and means of attending and/or listening to meetings remotely may be separately provided. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. ________    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, RESCINDING  RESOLUTION NO. 4465 EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2022, DIRECTING MEETINGS COVERED  BY THE OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT BE LOCATED AT A PHYSICAL LOCATION FOR  PUBLIC ATTENDANCE, AND CONTEMPLATING THAT ADDITIONAL  OPPORTUNITIES AND MEANS OF ATTENDING AND/OR LISTENING TO MEETINGS  REMOTELY MAY BE SEPARATELY PROVIDED.    WHEREAS, on March 24, 2020, Governor Jay Inslee issued Proclamation 20‐28, that  among other things, issued a prohibition on conducting meetings subject to the Open Public  Meetings Act (OPMA), chapter 42.30 RCW, in‐person and instead directing that any meetings be  held entirely electronically and be limited to consideration of necessary and routine matters or  those related to the COVID‐19 emergency; and  WHEREAS, the City Council passed Resolution No. 4410 on June 15, 2020, authorizing  remote meetings and hearings due to the COVID‐19 public health emergency; and  WHEREAS, Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20‐28 was subsequently amended by  Proclamation 20‐28.14, dated December 8, 2020 and later extended by Proclamations 20‐28.15‐ 28, requiring meetings subject to the OPMA be held remotely, with an in‐person component  optional; and  WHEREAS, Resolution No. 4410 was amended by Resolution No. 4427 on March 15, 2021  in order to update the staff account information for the telephonic / virtual meeting platform  used by the City; and   WHEREAS, Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1329 (HB 1329) was signed into law on March  24, 2022, which updates and clarifies the OPMA; and  AGENDA ITEM #7. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________   2  WHEREAS, HB 1329 provides that if a local, state, or federal agency has declared an  emergency and the public agency determines that a meeting can’t be safely made fully open to  the public or participants in person, the meeting may be fully or partially remote with a cost‐free  option to attend the meeting in real time, either by telephone or another readily available  alternative; and  WHEREAS, on April 11, 2022, the Council passed Resolution No. 4465, which repealed and  replaced Resolution No. 4410, as it was previously amended by Resolution No. 4427, with  updated meeting procedures that reflected HB 1329, the City’s ongoing work to renovate the  City’s council chambers, and Governor Inslee’s still in effect Proclamation 20‐28, which continued  to require meetings be held remotely for purposes of public attendance; and   WHEREAS, on April 29, 2022, Governor Inslee proclaimed that while the State of  Emergency continues to exist, he is terminating/rescinding Proclamation 20‐28 effective 12:01  a.m. on June 1, 2022; and   WHEREAS, when Proclamation 20‐28 terminates, OMPA governed meetings will once  again be required to be located at a physical location, except to the extent holding such meetings  at a physical location in person would be unsafe.  In most circumstances, HB 1329 does not  require remote attendance and/or remote viewing of meetings be provided, but it does allow  the City, in its discretion, to provide such viewing and/or attendance as an option; and     WHEREAS, the City’s council chambers are undergoing renovations and are scheduled to  be completed by June 1, 2022, and when complete, will better enable the City to conduct Council  meetings in person and open to the public while continuing to provide the public with enhanced  remote viewing opportunities; and  AGENDA ITEM #7. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________   3  WHEREAS, starting June 1, 2022, the City can safely open physical locations for the public  to attend meetings in compliance with the OPMA;    NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. Resolution No. 4465 Is Rescinded.   A. Resolution No. 4465 is hereby rescinded effective at 12:01 a.m. on June 1, 2022.   Pursuant to Section 4.1 of Council Policy 800‐02, the Council reestablishes the regular  business meetings of the City Council where the public can attend Council meetings in  person as: Council Chambers, Room 728, of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057.    In addition to such location, the City may publish additional means of viewing and  listening to the meetings in the meeting agendas, which means may include a phone  number, streaming on Channel 21, video teleconferences and / or internet streaming.     The provision of such alternative means of attending virtual meetings shall not serve to  change the official meeting location from the physical location identified Council Policy  800‐02 or such other physical location as may be designated for regular or special  meetings. Any technical difficulties that may prevent or limit attendance or viewing by  alternative remote means shall not serve to invalidate a meeting.    B. The City Council further directs all boards and commissions that are subject to the  OPMA to provide physical locations for their meetings.  Each board and/or commission  may, in coordination with City staff, establish their own regular physical location and  meeting time through by‐laws or other documented action.  However, in order to provide  AGENDA ITEM #7. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________   4  for a regular location and time in advance of the repeal of Resolution No. 4465, the City  Council establishes the below schedule of locations and times for meetings at which the  public may attend board and commission meetings until such time each board and/or  commission changes such schedule.     Board/Commission Schedule Location  Civil Service Commission 4th Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Equity Commission 2nd Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Room 728,  Renton City Hall, 1055 South  Grady Way, Renton, WA  98057  Firefighters’ Pension Board 3rd Thursday at 2:00  p.m. Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Human Services Advisory Committee 3rd Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Independent Salary Commission Every 4 years Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  LEOFF Disability Board 4th Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Once a year Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Parks Commission 2nd Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. 7th Floor Conferencing Center,  Room 726, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  AGENDA ITEM #7. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________   5  Planning Commission 1st & 3rd Wednesday at  6:00 p.m.  Council Chambers,  Room 728, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Renton Airport Advisory Committee As Needed 7th Floor Conferencing Center,  Room 726, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Renton Municipal Arts Commission 1st Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.  7th Floor Conferencing Center,  Room 726, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Senior Citizens Advisory Committee 1st Monday at 3:30 p.m. Senior Activity Center  211 Burnett Avenue North  Renton, WA 98057  C.The City Council reserves in itself and each City board or commission discretion to separately adopt rules, guidelines, and/or requirements relating to remote attendance  and/or viewing of City Council, Council committee meetings, and/or board and  commission meetings.  Until such rules, guidelines, and/or requirements relating to  remote attendance are adopted, City staff, through the direction of the Mayor, are  authorized to continue providing remote viewing and/or attendance options as optional  alternative and supplemental means of viewing or participating in meetings as such  viewing and/or attendance is deemed by the staff to be necessary or advisable.      SECTION II. Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Resolution are held to be  unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of  this Resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect.    AGENDA ITEM #7. c) RESOLUTION NO. ________   6   SECTION III. Effective Date of Resolution.  This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force immediately upon passage by the City  Council.   PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of May, 2022.  ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23rd day of May, 2022.  ______________________________  Armondo Pavone, Mayor   Approved as to form:  ______________________________  Shane Moloney, City Attorney  RES‐COUNCIL:1910:5/18/22  AGENDA ITEM #7. c) AB - 3124 City Council Regular Meeting - 23 May 2022 SUBJECT/TITLE: Amendment No. 6 for additional design work to complete CAG -15- 224 with Tetra Tech, Inc. for the Cedar River 205 Project Levee Certification RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Utilities Committee DEPARTMENT: Public Works Utility Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Joe Farah, Surface Water Utility Engineering Manager EXT.: 7205 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: Funding for Amendment No. 6 to CAG-15-224 with Tetra Tech, Inc. in the amount of $337,210, is available from the approved adjusted 2022 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget for the Cedar River 205 Levee Recertification (427.475501). The project is fully funded through a King County Flood Control District CIP grant in the amount of $5,00 0,000. There is sufficient funding in the budget to cover this amendment. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Cedar River 205 Project levee system certification to FEMA levee standards allows for accreditation of the levee system as providing a 100-year level of flood protection. Certification of this levee system ensures that the areas protected by the levees and floodwalls in the lower 1.25 miles of the Cedar River would not have to comply with floodplain insurance and development regulations. Tetra Tech, Inc. is the consultant selected to certify the levee system. Three phases were needed to certify the leve e system. Phase 1 consisted of data collection and preliminary analyses to define the scope of Phase 2 and was completed in July 2016. Phase 2 consisted of the initial technical analyses required for levee certification, including structural stability, foundation stability, seismic behavior, settlement, and freeboard and was completed in December 2018. Phases 1 and 2 found deficiencies within the levee system inhibiting certification, which required the initiation of Phase 3. Phase 3 work was executed in Ju ly 2019 covering the design, permitting, and construction of the levee system improvements to meet certification requirements and the submission of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision to FEMA for accreditation. Amendment No. 6 to CAG-15-224 with Tetra Tech, Inc. covers additional costs incurred in the design and adds support services during construction. These changes have been coordinated and requested by city stakeholders. Changes that contributed to additional costs include the redesign of the floo dwall along the Senior Center to achieve an aesthetically pleasant integrated landscape feature, minor redesign of the floodwall along the airport perimeter to avoid conflicting with future airport security improvements, and minor redesign of the levee at Logan Ave S on the Washington Loop Trail Project, as well as a redesign of the left bank floodwall at Logan Ave S to significantly reduce the risk of conflict with or additional pressure on Boeing water lines and PSE gas lines. EXHIBITS: A. Agreement B. Exhibits AGENDA ITEM #7. d) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Execute Amendment No. 6 to CAG-15-224 with Tetra Tech, Inc. in the amount of $337,210 for Phase 3 of the Cedar River 205 Project Levee Certification. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO AGREEMENT FOR CEDAR RIVER 205 PROJECT LEVEE CERTIFICATION CAG-15-224 THIS AMENDMENT, dated for reference purposes only as April 26, 2022, is by and between the City of Renton (the “City”), a Washington municipal corporation, and Tetra Tech, Inc. (“Consultant”), a Washington Corporation. The City and the Consultant are referred to collectively in this Amendment as the “Parties.” Once fully executed by the Parties, this Amendment is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. Whereas, the City engaged the services of the Consultant under Agreement CAG-15-224, dated December 7, 2015, to provide necessary services for the Cedar River 205 Project levee Certification (referred to herein as the “Agreement”); Whereas, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement to change the scope of work, change the time for performance, and change the compensation in order to address changes in the design, additional design and actions required to meet the levee certification and accreditation requirements, and construction support services. NOW THEREFORE, It is mutually agreed upon that CAG-15-224 is amended as follows: 1. Scope of Work: Section 1, Scope of Work, is amended to add work as specified in Exhibit A-6, which is attached and incorporated herein. 2.Time of Performance: Section 3, Time of Performance, is amended pursuant to the schedule(s) set forth in Exhibit B-6. All Work shall be performed by no later than December 31, 2024. 3. Compensation: Section 4, Compensation, is amended so that the maximum amount of compensation payable to Consultant is increased by $337,210 from $1,327,694 to $1,664,904, plus any applicable state and local sales taxes. The additional compensation shall be paid based upon Work actually performed according to the rate(s) or amounts specified in Exhibit C-6, which is attached and incorporated herein]. 4.All terms of the Agreement not explicitly modified herein shall remain in full force and effect and such terms shall apply to Work performed according to this Amendment as if fully set forth herein. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) PAGE 2 OF 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Amendment as of the date last signed by the Parties below. CITY OF RENTON By:_____________________________ CONSULTANT By:____________________________ Armondo Pavone Mayor Kathy Cox-Czosnyka Vice President, Tetra Tech Inc. _____________________________ Date _____________________________ Date Attest _____________________________ Jason A. Seth City Clerk Approved as to Legal Form By: __________________________ Shane Maloney Renton City Attorney Contract Template Updated 06/17/2021 AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-1 April 2022 EXHIBIT A-6 CEDAR RIVER 205 PROJECT LEVEE CERTIFICATION PHASE III - ENGINEERING DESIGN AMENDMENT 6 SCOPE OF WORK OVERVIEW The following scope of work is an amendment to the Phase III Scope providing professional engineering consulting services to design improvements and perform permitting necessary to certify the Cedar River 205 Levees in accordance with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements as codified in 44 CFR Section 65.10. The levee system is located between Lake Washington and approximately the Williams Avenue South Bridge and is approximately 2.5 miles in length (1.25 miles on each side of the river). During the design and permitting phase of this project additional scope items were identified that will require revisions to reports and associated designs for the project. The scope will be amended to add the following activities. • Boeing water lines – Shallow waterlines under the existing Levee near the Logan Avenue Bridge required an MSE wall system to reduce loading above the waterlines. This required additional analysis and design and a minor roadway shift. A monitoring during construction plan will also be required. • Uniform Report Stationing – The levee system has an inconsistent legacy stationing (location reference) which required all associated report and plans to have a consistent reference and will expedite both USACE and FEMA reviews. This will also benefit the Levee system by establishing consistent stationing that did not previously exist. • Airport Fence Up grades – In areas where the project is impacting fence, upgrades are identified and shown in areas adjacent to the project. • Additional Habitat Mitigation – The WDFW is requiring more vegetation mitigation than was originally scoped. • Senior Center Wall – Adjustments to a proposed floodwall to meet aesthetics and operational needs of the facility. To support the implementation of the project the following scope will be added to the project: • Engineering During Construction – Support City of Renton staff during the construction of the project. • Establishment of Final Project Alignment Stationing – The post construction alignment of the project will be documented and incorporated into the record drawings. General Assumptions 1. CONSULTANT responsibility for any permit support is limited to scope as previously defined in Phase III scope of work. CITY will finalize and submit all permit applications and pay all permit fees. If additional support is requested by the City, Task 12 funds can be authorized by mutual agreement between the City and consultant. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-2 April 2022 2. Coordination of agency reviews will be handled by the CITY. 3. Document review and resolution of conflicting comments from CITY staff or stakeholders will be managed by CITY. 4. In providing opinions of cost, financial analyses, economic feasibility projections, and schedules for the Project, CONSULTANT has no control over cost or price of labor and materials; unknown or latent conditions of existing equipment or structures that may affect operation or maintenance costs; competitive bidding procedures and market conditions; time or quality of performance by operating personnel or third parties; and other economic and operational factors that may materially affect the ultimate Project cost or schedule. Therefore, CONSULTANT makes no warranty that CITY’s actual Project costs, financial aspects, economic feasibility, or schedules will not vary from CONSULTANT’s opinions, analyses, projections, or estimates. If CITY wishes greater assurance as to any element of Project cost, feasibility, or schedule, CITY will employ an independent cost estimator, contractor, or other appropriate advisor. 5. In soils, foundation, groundwater, and other subsurface investigations, the actual characteristics may vary significantly between successive test points and sample intervals and at locations other than where observations, exploration, and investigations have been made. Because of the inherent uncertainties in subsurface evaluations, changed or unanticipated underground conditions may occur that could affect total project cost and/or execution. These conditions and cost/execution effects are not the responsibility of CONSULTANT. 6. The CONSULTANT’s development of construction schedules and/or sequencing is for the purpose of estimating number of days to complete a project, and for identifying potential schedule and coordination challenges and determining compliance with the construction contract. Neither that activity nor review of and comment on Contractor submitted schedules will be considered as a guarantee or confirmation that the Contractor will complete the work in accordance with the contract for construction, or within the time period suggested in CONSULTANT-developed schedules, as means and methods are the responsibility of the construction contractor. 7. The presence or duties of CONSULTANT’s personnel onsite, whether as onsite representatives or otherwise, do not make CONSULTANT or CONSULTANT’s personnel in any way responsible for those duties that belong to the CITY and/or other entities, including the construction contractor(s), and it is understood that CONSULTANT will assume no responsibility for: proper construction means, methods, techniques; or for the failure of any other entity to perform its work in accordance with laws, contracts, regulations, or CITY’s expectations. CONSULTANT IS not responsible for the construction contractor(s)’ actions relating to health and safety, or for the construction contractor(s)’ failure to maintain a safe worksite. 8. The CONSULTANT’s review of all shop drawings, samples and submittals will be for general conformance with the design concept and general compliance with the requirements of the contract for construction. Such review will not relieve the Contractor from its responsibility for performance in accordance with the contract for construction, nor is such review a guarantee that the work covered by the shop drawings, samples and submittals is free of errors, inconsistencies or omissions. 9. The CONSULTANT will not, except as part of Additional Services, undertake comprehensive and detailed investigation or analysis of Contractor’s claims and disputes, nor participate in judicial or alternative dispute resolution procedures for the claims or disputes. 10. The CITY will verify that the required permits, bonds and insurance have been obtained and submitted by the contractor. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-3 April 2022 PHASE III – Engineering Design, Permitting and Environmental Compliance Scope of Work (Amendment 6) PHASE III – Engineering Design Amendment 6 Summary The amendment covers additional scope and future services previously described in the project overview section. These items were identified while developing the Phase III project. Task 13 has been added to provide engineering support during Construction for the improvements. Construction is anticipated to occur in 2023. The additional scope impacts the following tasks: Task 1. Project Management and Meetings – This task is being amended for additional PM time to Manage and address new scope. Task 7 75% Design – This task is being amended to add updates the 75% plans based upon City comments and team input. A revised (updated) submittal will be created with design related revisions. Addition of an inadvertent discovery plan will be included. Task 9 Update CLOMR Submittals – This task is being amended to update reports for 408 submittals focused on wall analysis, stability and updates related to project standard reference stationing. This will also apply later to CLOMR submittal and allow for a final project stationing to be developed after construction of the improvements. Task 12 Contingency (Unforeseen Design/Permitting Changes) – Amend this task to provide budget for unforeseen design or permitting Changes. One example of this is the USACE Requesting an EA review and approval process for the project. This can also be used to provide additional field support or analysis during the implementation of the project if requested by the City. Task 13 Engineering Support During Construction – This is a new task to provide engineering support during construction of the levee improvements and establish new project alignment and stationing. The scope details are discussed below. Task 1 - Project Management and Meetings (Amended Task) Project management activities required for the completion of the Levee Improvement design (henceforth referred to as “design”) are described below. Subtask 1.1 – General Management (Amended Subtask) The CONSULTANT will prepare and submit an updated project schedule to the CITY that details activities and clearly defines the critical path work elements. It will also include identification of potential the time frames associated with uncertainties connected with approvals of permits and other submittals by agencies. The CITY will provide direction on the durations for review periods to incorporate in the schedule. The schedule will be used to determine what tasks will go forward while submittal approvals are awaiting. Risks associated with going forward with certain tasks or subtasks prior to receipt of permit approval will also be identified and discussed to help inform scheduling decisions. The schedule will be updated monthly or as needed. Additional project management activities will involve; team management, invoicing and budget monitoring. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-4 April 2022 Subtask 1.2 – Coordination Meetings (Amended Subtask) Two additional coordination meetings with the client will be held during Phase III. Each will be a 1-hour via Teams meeting. The first will be a kickoff meeting, the second will occur after submittal of updated 75% PS&E. Up to five staff from the consultant team may attend each meeting: the PM, the lead Geotechnical Engineer, the lead Hydraulic Engineer, the lead Landscape Architect, and the Lead Environmental Scientist (permitting). Subtask 1.3 – Monthly 30 Minute Phone Call (Amended Subtask) Monthly 30-minute calls to discuss project progress will be held between the Renton PM and the Tetra Tech PM. Eight (8) additional meetings are assumed for the duration of Phase III. Task leaders will attend those meetings when there are specific issues that need to be discussed in detail for their task. Prior to these meetings, internal staff progress and coordination meetings will be conducted. Subtask 1.5 – QA/QC (New Subtask) The Project team will coordinate and perform QA/QC on the updated 75% deliverables and report updates. Comments will be documented and saved in a QA/QC folder. Task 1 - Assumptions • Coordination meetings are 1-hour duration. • Monthly progress meetings are 30-minute duration Phone Call. • Additional project design execution period is approximately 8 months (including FEMA and ESA review periods). • Support during project constriction is approximately 6 Months Task 1 - Deliverables • Notes actions and comments identified during coordination meetings with the City of Renton. • Notes and Actions Identified during 30-minute Phone Calls. • Schedule Updates. • Monthly progress reports • Monthly invoices ▪ Task 7 – 75% Design (Amended Task) Task 7 will be supplemented to address changes to the design associated with the following items: • Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall design and alignment change at Logan Avenue Bridge. • Roadway adjustments to East Perimeter Drive including the analysis of turning movements to reduce impacts to the Boeing Water System. This includes paving, traffic signage, pavement stripping and drainage and utility cover adjustments. • Changing the Wall design at the Senior Center to meet additional aesthetic needs for wall treatment and geometry changes. • Modification of Wall system to a berm next to the Renton stadium Parking lot, which was coordinated with the Lake Washington Bike trail. • Additional Plan Sheets (8) will be created to address the vegetation mitigation and restoration requirements due to WDFW permitting comments. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-5 April 2022 Comments from the City on the 75% design plans along with increased level of detail will be incorporated into the updated 75% design level plans. The specifications and cost estimate will also be updated to include an inadvertent discovery plan (IDP). Subtask 7.5 – Update 75% Landscape Design (New Subtask) Multiple landscape areas were identified as part of the mitigation plan associated with the project improvements. Landscape design will be updated to incorporate comments from the 75% design level plans and will consist of the following items: • Visit Site to Review Existing Irrigation systems. • Update Landscape Planting Plans—Updates to these plans will include updates based upon project design changes for the 75% plan set. These plans will also include graphic locations of areas to be planted. Additional Plan Sheets (8) will be created to address the vegetation mitigation and restoration requirements due to WDFW permitting comments (See attachment 1). • Update Irrigation Plans - (TBD based on whether temporary or permanent irrigation is deemed appropriate). • Update Landscape Architectural Specifications - Draft specifications in WSDOT/APWA format. • Update Construction Cost Estimate - Updated Estimate from 75% submittal. Subtask 7.6 – Update 75% Civil Design (New Subtask) Civil engineering design will be updated to incorporate comments from the 75% design level plans and additional details. This effort will consist of the following items: • Update Erosion Control Plans – These plans will implement erosion control features and BMP’s for the project. • Update Site Plans--These plans will include the locations of new or improved floodwalls, fill areas and grading listed above. • Update Civil Details-- Sections and details for constructing fill areas and floodwalls. • Update Civil Specifications – Draft specifications in WSDOT/APWA format. • Update Construction Cost Estimate-- Updated Estimate from 75% submittal. • Incorporate Inadvertent Discovery Plan (IDP) into Specification Subtask 7.7 – Update 75% Structural Design (New Subtask) Structural design will be updated to incorporate comments from the 75% design level plans and will consist of the following items: • Update Construction Details-- Typical sections and details for constructing the floodwalls. • Update Construction Specifications--This task includes draft technical construction specifications. • Update Construction Cost Estimate-- Updated Estimate from 75% submittal. Subtask 7.8 – Update 75% Geotechnical Design (New Subtask) Geotechnical aspect of review comments on the 75% design of the retaining walls (new and modified), modified levee sections, modified floodwall sections, and roadways/pavement sections. This task AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-6 April 2022 provides geotechnical support for the updated 75% design and the USACE Section 408 Submittal and includes the following items: • Review project plans and specifications developed or advanced by the project team. • Revise slope stability analyses to include comparison of existing conditions to proposed conditions. Revisions will also include presenting multiple analysis methods including circular and block failure analyses with optimized and non-optimized failure surfaces. • Update Consolidate analysis of modified areas into document for USACE Section 408 submittal. • Provide geotechnical input WSDOT/APWA format to draft plans and specifications associated with MSE wall near the Logan Ave Bridge. Task 7 - Assumptions • Slope stability analyses can be performed and submitted in Slope/W. Local USACE District (Seattle) review or a national USACE Risk Management Center review will not require different analysis tools or methods. Task 7 - Deliverables • Updated 75% Plans in PDF and AutoCAD formats, Draft Specifications, and Updated Cost Estimate. • Updated Geotechnical Levee Analysis Report. • Inadvertent Discovery Plan (IDP) Attachment for Specifications Task 9 – Update CLOMR Submittal and Prepare USACE Section 408 Submittal (Amended Task) The body of the certification report summarizes the results of the technical analyses and the report attachments include the supporting information. Under this task, a new CLOMR submittal will be developed. The new submittal will be an update of the material in the original (Phase II) April 2018 CLOMR submitted to FEMA in April 2018. The material will be updated to reflect the 75% design of the modifications identified in Phase II and document compliance with ESA. The following CLOMR Submittal items will be updated from the Phase II work previously completed for the project or added based on the current permitting effort conducted under Tasks 4 and 5. The USACE Section 408 submittal will also be compiled as part of this Task. The Project (USACE) did not have a standard set of stationing for the project. The Reports previously produced for the project contained more than one alignment. In order to clarify the location of modifications to the Levee system and help the USACE review the proposed modifications. The Tetra Tech team will update the report alignments. This updated alignment effort was not previously scoped and will be used as the Basis for establishing a constructed alignment once the improvements are constructed. Subtask 9.5 – Update Report Alignments to Record Drawing Standard for USACE Section 408 Submittal (New Subtask) The project team will modify the engineering materials developed for the FEMA CLOMR submittal to fit the requirements of the USACE Section 408 submittal. The technical appendices from the CLOMR AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-7 April 2022 submittal will serve as discipline reports and a basis of design report will be developed from the certification report Task 9 – Updated Appendices May Include: • As-builts of the original Section 205 project (from Phase II submittal). • Plans of Improvements (updated to reflect 75% submittal). • Updated MT-2 Forms (updated to reflect 75% design and environmental compliance). • Updated Previous Inspection Reports (Updated from Phase II submittal if more recent USACE inspections available). • Updated Operations & Maintenance Manual and Emergency Preparedness Plan (from Phase II Submittal with minor updates to reflect proposed improvements including new closures). • Updated Hydrologic/Hydraulic Reports (R&U analysis updated from Phase II to reflect design height of levees and floodwalls). • Updated Geotechnical Report (Updated per Task 3 of this scope of work). Task 9 - Assumptions: • Inspection Reports will not be Updated (A separate alignment and stationing is currently a different standard for this Report) Task 9 - Deliverables: • Updated applicable reports: 1. CEDAR RIVER CERTIFICATION REPORT 2. ATTACHMENT A Hydrology 3. ATTACHMENT B: Riverine Hydraulics and Freeboard 4. ATTACHMENT D: Work maps 5. ATTACHMENT F: Updated Operations and Maintenance Manual 6. ATTACHMENT H: Embankment Protection 7. ATTACHMENT I: Levee System Stability and Certification Report 8. ATTACHMENT J: Structural Assessment Report 9. ATTACHMENT L: Contract Plans 10. ATTACHMENT M: Biological Assessment 11. EXHIBIT 1: MT-2 Forms 12. Cultural Resources Report 13. Hazardous Materials Report Task 12 Contingency (Unforeseen Design/Permitting Changes) (Amended Task) This task was created to provide a pool of hours to cover unforeseen design changes and permitting needs that come up as the project is executed. The funds under this task may be distributed to any of the Tetra Tech team members as determined appropriate by the City and Tetra Tech to perform the unforeseen work. Task 12— Assumptions • Funds in this task will be allocated to the appropriate Tetra Tech team members when unforeseen work is identified. • When the need for conducting work covered by this task arises, Tetra Tech will prepare a scope of work and cost estimate and submit it to the City's Project Manager for approval. Task 12- Deliverables AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-8 April 2022 • To be determined and identified in the scope of work for each unforeseen work effort. TASK 13 Support During Construction and Record Drawings (New Task) Task 13.1 Support During Construction The CONSULTANT shall provide support during construction including responding to City and Contractor Submittals, RFI’s and Questions. Task 13.1.1 Kickoff meeting The CONSULTANT will attend a kickoff meeting with the City and Construction Contractor Assumptions: • City will Lead Kickoff Meeting • Up to Four (4) Consultant Team Members will attend Deliverables: • Notes with Action Items Task 13.1.2 Submittal Reviews The CONSULTANT will review submittals and RFI’s for the project. • Civil/Structural (6 submittals, 6 RFI's, 3 Resubmittals) • Geotechnical (3 submittals, 3 RFI's, 2 Resubmittals) • Landscaping (3 submittals, 3 RFI's, 2 Resubmittals) • Environmental Compliance (3 RFI's) Assumptions: • The number of submittals, resubmittals and RFI are described above. Deliverables: • Up to 12 submittals and 7 resubmittals • Up to 15 RFI’s Task 13.1.3 Field Visits The CONSULTANT will provide site visits to observe project progress and answer City questions. The following design disciplines are anticipated to perform these visits. • Civil/Structural • Geotechnical • Landscaping • Environmental Compliance AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-9 April 2022 Assumptions • Six site visits per Discipline (24 Total) • City is the Inspection Lead • All communications with Contractor will go through City staff. Deliverables: • Notes and communication back to the City. • Photos Task 13.1.4 Record Drawings The CONSULTANT will incorporate Contractor provided Markups into record drawings for the project. Assumptions • All communications with Contractor will go through City staff. • Consultant will not stamp Record Drawings • Consultant will not be liable for inaccurate information provided by City and City’s contactor. Deliverables: • Draft Record Drawings • Final Record Drawings Task 13.1.5 High Point Survey The CONSULTANT will incorporate Contractor provided high point survey and stationing Markups into record drawings for the project. Assumptions • All communications with Contractor will go through City staff. • Consultant will not stamp Record Drawings • Consultant will not be liable for inaccurate information provided by City and City’s contactor. • High Point Survey is Required by USACE and or FEMA for 205/408, CLOMAR/LOMAR process. Deliverables: • Draft Record Drawings with High Point and Stationing • Final Record Drawings with High Point and Stationing Task 13.1.6 Mitigation Compliance The CONSULTANT will document mitigation compliance at the conclusion of construction activities and prepare a permit compliance report addressing compensatory riparian planting mitigation completed for the project, for submission to regulatory agencies. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-10 April 2022 Assumptions • 1 (one) site visit to verify extents of planting installation, establish monitoring stations and gather initial monitoring data. • Permits have not yet been obtained for the project; mitigation compliance requirements are assumed to be consistent with the Riparian Mitigation Plan submitted, including post-construction monitoring requirements specified therein. • Mitigation Compliance Report will be submitted to Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife and/or City of Renton Planning Department, as required, to document compliance with the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) permit and City of Renton Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, including Critical Areas approval. A permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Section 404 of the Clean Water Act is not anticipated at this time, which could have increased mitigation compliance and monitoring requirements. • Post-construction mitigation monitoring for 5 years is anticipated to be required and is not included at this time. Deliverables: • Draft Mitigation Compliance Report • Final Mitigation Compliance Report AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-11 April 2022 EXHIBIT B-6 CEDAR RIVER 205 PROJECT LEVEE CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE AGENDA ITEM #7. d) IDTask NameDurationStartFinish1Cedar River 205 Project Levees Certification1273 days?Thu 08/08/19Mon 06/24/2421.0 Project Management and Meetings1225 daysThu 08/08/19Wed 04/17/2431.1 General Management1233 daysThu 08/08/19Mon 04/29/2441.2 Coordination Meetings1233 daysThu 08/08/19Mon 04/29/2451.3 Bi-Weekly 30 Min Phone Call1233 daysThu 08/08/19Mon 04/29/2461.4 Site Visit and Kickoff20 daysThu 08/08/19Wed 09/04/1972.0 Topographic Survey212 daysThu 08/08/19Fri 05/29/20113.0 Geotechnical Support 30% Design377 daysTue 11/26/19Wed 05/05/21123.1 Revise and Develop Design Cross sections15 daysTue 11/26/19Mon 12/16/19133.2 Certification Report Revisions and MT-2 Forms20 daysThu 04/08/21Wed 05/05/21143.3 Roadway Retaining Wall Design and Contruction Recommendations15 daysTue 12/17/19Mon 01/06/20153.4 Geotechnical Specifications10 daysTue 01/07/20Mon 01/20/20164.0 Environmental Permitting893 daysThu 08/08/19Mon 01/09/23174.1 Field Work35 daysThu 08/08/19Wed 09/25/19184.2 Critical Areas Report (baseline)50 daysThu 09/26/19Wed 12/04/1919Habitat Mitigation Plan180 daysThu 06/25/20Wed 03/03/21204.3 Cultural Resource Investigation50 daysThu 09/26/19Wed 12/04/19214.4 SEPA Checklist85 daysTue 08/09/22Mon 12/05/2222Draft SEPA20 daysTue 08/09/22Mon 09/05/2223City Review10 daysTue 09/06/22Mon 09/19/2224Final for City Use10 daysTue 09/20/22Mon 10/03/2225City SEPA Process/notification45 daysTue 10/04/22Mon 12/05/22264.5 Hydraulic Project Approval40 daysTue 09/06/22Mon 10/31/2227Draft Application20 daysTue 09/06/22Mon 10/03/2228City Review10 daysTue 10/04/22Mon 10/17/2229Finalize10 daysTue 10/18/22Mon 10/31/22304.6 Submit to WDFW and Coordination HPA45 daysTue 11/01/22Mon 01/02/2331HPA Issued by WDFW5 daysTue 01/03/23Mon 01/09/23325.0 ESA Compliance803 daysThu 08/08/19Mon 09/05/22335.1 NEPA Coordination and Kickoff Meeting803 daysThu 08/08/19Mon 09/05/22375.2 Biological Assessment Report290 daysThu 06/25/20Wed 08/04/21415.3 Endangered Species Act Coodination Est (Corps with NMFS)120 daysTue 03/22/22Mon 09/05/22425.4 Hazardous Materials Investigation140 daysThu 06/25/20Wed 01/06/21466.0 30% Design137 daysTue 12/17/19Wed 06/24/20517.0 75% Design645 daysTue 04/14/20Mon 10/03/22527.2 Civil design230 daysTue 04/14/20Mon 03/01/21537.1 Landscape Design230 daysTue 04/14/20Mon 03/01/2108/0806/24Cedar River 205 Project Levees Certification08/0804/291.1 General Management08/0804/291.2 Coordination Meetings08/0804/291.3 Bi-Weekly 30 Min Phone Call08/0809/041.4 Site Visit and Kickoff08/0805/292.0 Topographic Survey11/2605/053.0 Geotechnical Support 30% Design11/2612/163.1 Revise and Develop Design Cross sections04/0805/053.2 Certification Report Revisions and MT-2 Forms12/1701/063.3 Roadway Retaining Wall Design and Contruction Recommendations01/0701/203.4 Geotechnical Specifications08/0801/094.0 Environmental Permitting08/0809/254.1 Field Work09/2612/044.2 Critical Areas Report (baseline)06/2503/03Habitat Mitigation Plan09/2612/044.3 Cultural Resource Investigation08/0912/054.4 SEPA Checklist08/0909/05Draft SEPA09/0609/19City Review09/2010/03Final for City Use10/0412/05City SEPA Process/notification09/0610/314.5 Hydraulic Project Approval09/0610/03Draft Application10/0410/17City Review10/1810/31Finalize11/0101/024.6 Submit to WDFW and Coordination HPA01/0301/09HPA Issued by WDFW08/0809/055.0 ESA Compliance08/0809/055.1 NEPA Coordination and Kickoff Meeting06/2508/045.2 Biological Assessment Report03/2209/055.3 Endangered Species Act Coodination Est (Corps with NMFS)06/2501/065.4 Hazardous Materials Investigation12/1706/246.0 30% Design04/1410/037.0 75% Design04/1403/017.2 Civil design04/1403/017.1 Landscape DesignQtr 2, 2019Qtr 3, 2019Qtr 4, 2019Qtr 1, 2020Qtr 2, 2020Qtr 3, 2020Qtr 4, 2020Qtr 1, 2021Qtr 2, 2021Qtr 3, 2021Qtr 4, 2021Qtr 1, 2022Qtr 2, 2022Qtr 3, 2022Qtr 4, 2022Qtr 1, 2023Qtr 2, 2023Qtr 3, 2023Qtr 4, 2023Qtr 1, 2024Qtr 2, 2024Qtr 3, 2024Qtr 4, 2024TaskSplitMilestoneSummaryProject SummaryInactive TaskInactive MilestoneInactive SummaryManual TaskDuration-onlyManual Summary RollupManual SummaryStart-onlyFinish-onlyExternal TasksExternal MilestoneDeadlinePath Predecessor Milestone TaskPath Predecessor Summary TaskPath Predecessor Normal TaskCriticalCritical SplitProgressManual ProgressPage 1Project: schedule062420Date: Wed 04/20/22AGENDA ITEM #7. d) IDTask NameDurationStartFinish547.3 Structural Design230 daysTue 04/14/20Mon 03/01/21557.4 Geotechnical Design230 daysTue 04/14/20Mon 03/01/2156City Review (Boeing, Airport, Senior Center, Mitigation plan)80 daysTue 03/02/21Mon 06/21/2157Project Amendment60 daysTue 03/15/22Mon 06/06/225875% Update70 daysTue 06/07/22Mon 09/12/2259City Review15 daysTue 09/13/22Mon 10/03/22608.0 100% Design - Improvement50 daysTue 01/10/23Mon 03/20/23618.1 Landscape Design40 daysTue 01/10/23Mon 03/06/23628.2 Civil Design40 daysTue 01/10/23Mon 03/06/23638.3 Structural Design40 daysTue 01/10/23Mon 03/06/23648.3 Geotechnical Design40 daysTue 01/10/23Mon 03/06/2365City Review10 daysTue 03/07/23Mon 03/20/23669.0 Update CLOMR Submittal and Prepare USACE Section 408 Submittal255 daysTue 06/22/21Mon 06/13/22679.1 Update Structural Attachment40 daysTue 06/22/21Mon 08/16/21689.2 Update Hydraulic Evaluation149 daysTue 06/22/21Fri 11/04/22699.3 Update Overall Certification Report40 daysTue 06/22/21Mon 08/16/21709.4 - Compile USACE Section 408 Submittal10 daysTue 08/03/21Mon 08/16/21719.5 Report Updates for Alignments150 daysTue 08/17/21Mon 03/14/2272City Reviews5 daysTue 03/15/22Mon 03/21/2273USACE Review (90 days assumed) 408 Submittal60 daysTue 03/22/22Mon 06/13/2274Task 10 - Respond to FEMA Comments80 daysTue 09/06/22Mon 12/26/227510.1 FEMA Comment Responses (up to 120 days assumed)80 daysTue 09/06/22Mon 12/26/2276Task 11 Construction Bidding Support20 daysTue 03/21/23Mon 04/17/237711.1 Construction Bidding Support20 daysTue 03/21/23Mon 04/17/2378Task 12 Additional Work1095 days?Tue 04/14/20Mon 06/24/2483Task 13 Support During Construction and Record Drawins305 daysTue 04/25/23Mon 06/24/2484Support During Construction265 daysTue 04/25/23Mon 04/29/2485Record Drawings and High Point Survey40 daysTue 04/30/24Mon 06/24/2486Project Construction270 daysTue 04/18/23Mon 04/29/2487Review Bids and Award40 daysTue 04/18/23Mon 06/12/2388Construction230 daysTue 06/13/23Mon 04/29/2489Levee and Wall Work Misc120 daysTue 06/13/23Mon 11/27/2390Boeing Water System Outage21 daysSun 12/03/23Fri 12/29/2391Logan Ave/E. Perimeter Wall30 daysTue 11/28/23Mon 01/08/2492Cleanup20 daysTue 01/09/24Mon 02/05/2493Vegitation Mitigation/Restration60 daysTue 02/06/24Mon 04/29/2494Construction Complete0 daysMon 04/29/24Mon 04/29/2404/1403/017.3 Structural Design04/1403/017.4 Geotechnical Design03/0206/21City Review (Boeing, Airport, Senior Center, Mitigation plan)03/1506/06Project Amendment06/0709/1275% Update09/1310/03City Review01/1003/208.0 100% Design - Improvement01/1003/068.1 Landscape Design01/1003/068.2 Civil Design01/1003/068.3 Structural Design01/1003/068.3 Geotechnical Design03/0703/20City Review06/2206/139.0 Update CLOMR Submittal and Prepare USACE Section 408 Submittal06/2208/169.1 Update Structural Attachment06/2211/049.2 Update Hydraulic Evaluation06/2208/169.3 Update Overall Certification Report08/0308/169.4 - Compile USACE Section 408 Submittal08/1703/149.5 Report Updates for Alignments03/1503/21City Reviews03/2206/13USACE Review (90 days assumed) 408 Submittal09/0612/26Task 10 - Respond to FEMA Comments09/0612/2610.1 FEMA Comment Responses (up to 120 days assumed)03/2104/17Task 11 Construction Bidding Support03/2104/1711.1 Construction Bidding Support04/1406/24Task 12 Additional Work04/2506/24Task 13 Support During Construction and Record Drawins04/2504/29Support During Construction04/3006/24Record Drawings and High Point Survey04/1804/29Project Construction04/1806/12Review Bids and Award06/1304/29Construction06/1311/27Levee and Wall Work Misc12/0312/29Boeing Water System Outage11/2801/08Logan Ave/E. Perimeter Wall01/0902/05Cleanup02/0604/29Vegitation Mitigation/Restration04/2904/29Construction CompleteQtr 2, 2019Qtr 3, 2019Qtr 4, 2019Qtr 1, 2020Qtr 2, 2020Qtr 3, 2020Qtr 4, 2020Qtr 1, 2021Qtr 2, 2021Qtr 3, 2021Qtr 4, 2021Qtr 1, 2022Qtr 2, 2022Qtr 3, 2022Qtr 4, 2022Qtr 1, 2023Qtr 2, 2023Qtr 3, 2023Qtr 4, 2023Qtr 1, 2024Qtr 2, 2024Qtr 3, 2024Qtr 4, 2024TaskSplitMilestoneSummaryProject SummaryInactive TaskInactive MilestoneInactive SummaryManual TaskDuration-onlyManual Summary RollupManual SummaryStart-onlyFinish-onlyExternal TasksExternal MilestoneDeadlinePath Predecessor Milestone TaskPath Predecessor Summary TaskPath Predecessor Normal TaskCriticalCritical SplitProgressManual ProgressPage 2Project: schedule062420Date: Wed 04/20/22AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-11 April 2022 EXHIBIT C-6 CEDAR RIVER 205 PROJECT LEVEE CERTIFICATION FEE AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-2 April 2022 AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-3 April 2022 AGENDA ITEM #7. d) C-4 April 2022 AGENDA ITEM #7. d) Attach 2-1 June 2019 ATTACHMENT 1 ANTICIPATED CEDAR RIVER 205 PROJECT LEVEE CERTIFICATION Additional Sheet List Sheet List Number of Sheets Description Landscape Plans Plans 6 Senior Center and Mitigation Areas Details 2 Senior Center and Mitigation Areas Total (Additional) 8 AGENDA ITEM #7. d) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. ________    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, RESCINDING  RESOLUTION NO. 4465 EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2022, DIRECTING MEETINGS COVERED  BY THE OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT BE LOCATED AT A PHYSICAL LOCATION FOR  PUBLIC ATTENDANCE, AND CONTEMPLATING THAT ADDITIONAL  OPPORTUNITIES AND MEANS OF ATTENDING AND/OR LISTENING TO MEETINGS  REMOTELY MAY BE SEPARATELY PROVIDED.    WHEREAS, on March 24, 2020, Governor Jay Inslee issued Proclamation 20‐28, that  among other things, issued a prohibition on conducting meetings subject to the Open Public  Meetings Act (OPMA), chapter 42.30 RCW, in‐person and instead directing that any meetings be  held entirely electronically and be limited to consideration of necessary and routine matters or  those related to the COVID‐19 emergency; and  WHEREAS, the City Council passed Resolution No. 4410 on June 15, 2020, authorizing  remote meetings and hearings due to the COVID‐19 public health emergency; and  WHEREAS, Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20‐28 was subsequently amended by  Proclamation 20‐28.14, dated December 8, 2020 and later extended by Proclamations 20‐28.15‐ 28, requiring meetings subject to the OPMA be held remotely, with an in‐person component  optional; and  WHEREAS, Resolution No. 4410 was amended by Resolution No. 4427 on March 15, 2021  in order to update the staff account information for the telephonic / virtual meeting platform  used by the City; and   WHEREAS, Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1329 (HB 1329) was signed into law on March  24, 2022, which updates and clarifies the OPMA; and  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________   2  WHEREAS, HB 1329 provides that if a local, state, or federal agency has declared an  emergency and the public agency determines that a meeting can’t be safely made fully open to  the public or participants in person, the meeting may be fully or partially remote with a cost‐free  option to attend the meeting in real time, either by telephone or another readily available  alternative; and  WHEREAS, on April 11, 2022, the Council passed Resolution No. 4465, which repealed and  replaced Resolution No. 4410, as it was previously amended by Resolution No. 4427, with  updated meeting procedures that reflected HB 1329, the City’s ongoing work to renovate the  City’s council chambers, and Governor Inslee’s still in effect Proclamation 20‐28, which continued  to require meetings be held remotely for purposes of public attendance; and   WHEREAS, on April 29, 2022, Governor Inslee proclaimed that while the State of  Emergency continues to exist, he is terminating/rescinding Proclamation 20‐28 effective 12:01  a.m. on June 1, 2022; and   WHEREAS, when Proclamation 20‐28 terminates, OMPA governed meetings will once  again be required to be located at a physical location, except to the extent holding such meetings  at a physical location in person would be unsafe.  In most circumstances, HB 1329 does not  require remote attendance and/or remote viewing of meetings be provided, but it does allow  the City, in its discretion, to provide such viewing and/or attendance as an option; and     WHEREAS, the City’s council chambers are undergoing renovations and are scheduled to  be completed by June 1, 2022, and when complete, will better enable the City to conduct Council  meetings in person and open to the public while continuing to provide the public with enhanced  remote viewing opportunities; and  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________   3  WHEREAS, starting June 1, 2022, the City can safely open physical locations for the public  to attend meetings in compliance with the OPMA;    NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. Resolution No. 4465 Is Rescinded.   A. Resolution No. 4465 is hereby rescinded effective at 12:01 a.m. on June 1, 2022.   Pursuant to Section 4.1 of Council Policy 800‐02, the Council reestablishes the regular  business meetings of the City Council where the public can attend Council meetings in  person as: Council Chambers, Room 728, of Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057.    In addition to such location, the City may publish additional means of viewing and  listening to the meetings in the meeting agendas, which means may include a phone  number, streaming on Channel 21, video teleconferences and / or internet streaming.     The provision of such alternative means of attending virtual meetings shall not serve to  change the official meeting location from the physical location identified Council Policy  800‐02 or such other physical location as may be designated for regular or special  meetings. Any technical difficulties that may prevent or limit attendance or viewing by  alternative remote means shall not serve to invalidate a meeting.    B. The City Council further directs all boards and commissions that are subject to the  OPMA to provide physical locations for their meetings.  Each board and/or commission  may, in coordination with City staff, establish their own regular physical location and  meeting time through by‐laws or other documented action.  However, in order to provide  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________   4  for a regular location and time in advance of the repeal of Resolution No. 4465, the City  Council establishes the below schedule of locations and times for meetings at which the  public may attend board and commission meetings until such time each board and/or  commission changes such schedule.     Board/Commission Schedule Location  Civil Service Commission 4th Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Equity Commission 2nd Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Room 728,  Renton City Hall, 1055 South  Grady Way, Renton, WA  98057  Firefighters’ Pension Board 3rd Thursday at 2:00  p.m. Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Human Services Advisory Committee 3rd Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Independent Salary Commission Every 4 years Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  LEOFF Disability Board 4th Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Once a year Council Conference Room,  Room 720, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Parks Commission 2nd Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. 7th Floor Conferencing Center,  Room 726, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________   5  Planning Commission 1st & 3rd Wednesday at  6:00 p.m.  Council Chambers,  Room 728, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Renton Airport Advisory Committee As Needed 7th Floor Conferencing Center,  Room 726, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Renton Municipal Arts Commission 1st Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.  7th Floor Conferencing Center,  Room 726, Renton City Hall,  1055 South Grady Way,  Renton, WA 98057  Senior Citizens Advisory Committee 1st Monday at 3:30 p.m. Senior Activity Center  211 Burnett Avenue North  Renton, WA 98057  C.The City Council reserves in itself and each City board or commission discretion to separately adopt rules, guidelines, and/or requirements relating to remote attendance  and/or viewing of City Council, Council committee meetings, and/or board and  commission meetings.  Until such rules, guidelines, and/or requirements relating to  remote attendance are adopted, City staff, through the direction of the Mayor, are  authorized to continue providing remote viewing and/or attendance options as optional  alternative and supplemental means of viewing or participating in meetings as such  viewing and/or attendance is deemed by the staff to be necessary or advisable.      SECTION II. Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this Resolution are held to be  unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of  this Resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect.    AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) RESOLUTION NO. ________   6   SECTION III. Effective Date of Resolution.  This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force immediately upon passage by the City  Council.   PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 23rd day of May, 2022.  ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 23rd day of May, 2022.  ______________________________  Armondo Pavone, Mayor   Approved as to form:  ______________________________  Shane Moloney, City Attorney  RES‐COUNCIL:1910:5/18/22  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. _______    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE  MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO A MITIGATION CREDIT PURCHASE  AGREEMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT WITH RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.  403 AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF 0.196 CREDITS FROM THE  SPRINGBROOK CREEK WETLAND MITIGATION BANK FOR THE SUM OF  $230,300.00.     WHEREAS, the Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank (“SMB”) was established  August 8, 2006 through the execution of a Mitigation Bank Instrument developed by the City and  the Washington State Department of Transportation, and approved by the City, the Washington  State Department of Ecology, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and  Wildlife Service, the Federal Highway Administration, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and  WHEREAS, the SMB was established to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable  adverse impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, and to aquatic habitat, which  result from activities authorized by Federal, State, and local authorities; and  WHEREAS, the Renton School District No. 403 (“RSD”) has land use approval for a new  elementary school at 1024 Duvall Ave NE (LUA21‐000167). The project includes a 77,000 square  foot school building, associated surface parking area, an outdoor classroom area, multipurpose  playfield, hard/soft play areas, and a covered play area (the “Project”); and   WHEREAS, the Project site contains two wetlands, one of which is located near the middle  of the site and presents a significant challenge to development of the site for the purpose of a  new elementary school campus; and  AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) RESOLUTION NO. _______  2   WHEREAS, the two existing wetlands on the site include a Category III wetland with a total  size of approximately 0.48 and a Category IV wetland with a total size of approximately 0.28  acres. The project will avoid impacts to the higher functioning, Category III wetland near the rear  of the site, but proposes to permanently fill the lower functioning, centrally located Category IV  wetland; and    WHEREAS, although on‐site wetland mitigation is the preferred mitigation method  pursuant to the Renton Municipal Code, RSD determined such a method to be infeasible due to  a lack of suitable areas that would still allow for the building size and amenities required for an  elementary school; and  WHEREAS, as an alternative to on‐site mitigation, RSD proposed as part of its land use  application to fill the Category IV wetlands on the site and purchase 0.196 mitigation credits from  the SMB;    NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into a Mitigation  Credit Purchase Agreement and Acknowledgment with Renton School District No. 403, attached  hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by this reference.   SECTION II. The City Council hereby authorizes the sale of 0.196 credits from the SMB  for the sum of $230,300.00 in compensation for the Project’s anticipated 0.28 acres of permanent  wetland impacts.  AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) RESOLUTION NO. _______  3  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _____________________, 2022.        ______________________________  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk      APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _____________________, 2022.        ______________________________   Armondo Pavone, Mayor             Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Shane Moloney, City Attorney    RES‐CED:1909:4/22/22     AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) RESOLUTION NO. _______  4                  EXHIBIT “A”  MITIGATION CREDIT PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND  ACKNOWLEDGMENT WITH RENTON SCHOOL  DISTRICT NO. 403    AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) SPRINGBROOK CREEK WETLAND MITIGATION BANKMITIGATION CREDIT PURCHASE AGREEMENT ANDACKNOWLEDGEMENTTHIS AGREEMENT, dated for reference purposes as February 28, 2022, is by and between theCity of Renton (the "City"), a Washington municipal corporation/ and Renton School DistrictNo. 403 ("Applicant")/ a Washington municipal corporation The City and the Appiicant arereferred to collectively in this Agreement as the "Parties." Once fully executed by the Parties,this Agreement is effective as of the last date signed by both parties.RECITALS:WHEREAS, the Springbrook Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank ("SMB") was established August8, 2006 through the execution of a Mitigation Bank Instrument ("MBF) developed by the Cityand the Washington State Department of Transportation/ and approved by the City/ theWashington State Department of Ecology, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/ the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service/ the Federal Highway Administration/ and the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers (the "Corps"). The MBI established guidelines and responsibilities for theestablishment/ use, operation/ and maintenance of the SMB; andWHEREAS, the SMB was established to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidableadverse impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, and to aquatic habitat/which result from activities authorized by Federal, State/ and local authorities; andWHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions and conditions of the MBI governing the SMB/ the Cityhas performed reestablishment, rehabilitation, and enhancement of wetlands/ combined withthe enhancement of upland and riparian areas. In recognition of meeting objectives andperformance standards established through the MBI, the Interagency Review Team ("IRT")has released to the SMB mitigation credits for use in compensation for future activitiesunavoidably impacting aquatic resources; andWHEREAS/ pursuant to Section 4.3 of the MB!, City is authorized to sell, transfer, or use thereleased SMB mitigation credits for its own activities, or for activities undertaken by public orother private entities; andAGENDA ITEM # 9. b) WHEREAS/ SMB has available mitigation credits, generated through SMB establishment andreleased by the IRT pursuant to Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the MBI, that have not been utilizedby the City, have not been otherwise sold or transferred to third parties, and are active on theSMB credit ledger maintained pursuant to Section 4.4 of the MBI. These credits are availableto utilize in the SMB service area, portions of Water Resource Inventory Areas (WIRAs ) 8 and9, as defined in Section 1.3 of the MB1; andWHEREAS, Applicant is proposing a 77,000 square foot elementary school at 1075 Duvall AveNE, more fully described in paragraph 4 below (hereinafter the "Project"}. The purpose of theProject is to provide a new neighborhood elementary school. The Project is owned, operated/and maintained by the Renton School District; andWHEREAS, Applicant acted as lead agency for the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)Review for the Project and on June 21, 2021, issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) for the Project with certain mitigation measures.a) There are two existing wetlands on-site. The Project avoids impacts to the higher"functioning. Category 111, Wetland C, and Nmits permanent impacts to the iower-functioning. Category IV, Wetland B. The buffer area temporarily impacted byclearing and grading associated with the installation of the multi-use playfield isvegetated with invasive or non-native vegetation. IVIitigation and restoration ofWetland C will be provided consistent with City standards. A comprehensive five-year maintenance and monitoring plan is included in the mitigation plan. This planwill ensure that proposed enhancement plantings will be maintained, monitored,and successfully established within the first five years following implementation;andb) The proposed filling of Wetland B wiif be mitigated through the use of a wetlandbank/ as approved by the City; andWHEREAS, due to unavoidable construction impacts, the Project will encompass and fil!approximately 0.28 acre(s) of Category IV wetlands. Wetlands are located on the easternportion of the site near Duvall Ave NE. The Project and the impacted wetlands fall inside theservice area of the SMB. The SMB is in the immediate region and contains wetlandcharacteristics representative of the environment of wetlands affected at the project site; andWHEREAS/ pursuant to 33 Code of Federal Regulations §336.1(a), the Corps does not seek orobtain permits, in conjunction with its own activities, for !oss of or impacts to wetlands orother aquatic resources falling within the scope of waters of the United States as definedAGENDA ITEM # 9. b) under the Clean Water Act. !n lieu thereof/ the Corps applies all substantive legalrequirements of the Clean Water Act, and evaluates the impacts of the pertinent waterresources impacts under Section 404(b)(l) of the Clean Water Act, applying the Guidelinespromulgated in 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 230; andWHEREAS/ the Corps has determined pursuant to Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(l) that theimpacts to 0.28 acre(s) of Category IV wetlands are unavoidable in the execution of theProject, and that compensatory mitigation is required. In light of the preference expressed in33 Code of Federal Regulations §332.3(a)(l) and (b)(2) for achieving compensatory mitigationthrough mitigation bank credits, and in light of the impracticability of developing andmaintaining project-specific, on- or off-site mitigation associated with the Project, theApplicant has determined that satisfaction of its compensatory mitigation obligations throughacquisition of credits from the SMB is most advantageous, and that universal creditsgenerated by the SMB are fully appropriate and sufficient mitigation for the Project's impacts;andWHEREAS, the Applicant desires to acquire 0.196 credits from the SMB, in compensation forthe Project's anticipated 0.28 acre(s) of wetland impacts, applying the adjustment factor of0.7 for Category IV wetlands impact; andWHEREAS/ the City desires to sell the Applicant 0.196 mitigation credits from the SMB; andWHEREAS, the City and the Applicant desire to enter into this Agreement to set forth theterms and conditions pursuant to which the sale and transfer of aquatic resource mitigationcredits will be impacted.AGREEMENT:NOW, THEREFORE/ in consideration of the foregoing recitals and other good and valuableconsideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties herebyagree as follows:1. Purchase/Sale: The City hereby sells to Applicant and Applicant hereby buys from theCity 0.196 mitigation credits on the terms, covenants, and conditions set forth in thisAgreement.2. Compensation: The City has determined it to be in the City's best interest to sel! 0.196credits from the SMB to Applicant, at the rate of $1,175,000.00 per credit adjusted byAGENDA ITEM # 9. b) a factor or 0.7 for Category IV wetlands, for the total credit price of $230,300.00. TheApplicant shall pay said sum upon execution of this Agreement.3. Effective Date: The effective date of the credit transaction shall be the date uponwhich this Agreement is fuliy executed by both Parties/ and payment to the City ismade as provided herein.4. Project: The Project, permit(s), and related information is as follows:A. Appiicant's Name, Address, Telephone Number, E-mail Address:Traci Brewer-Rogstad, Facilities Program Director, Capita! Planning andConstruction, 300 SW 7th St, Renton, WA 98057, (425) 204-4472/tracy.brewerrogstad@rentonschools.us.B. Land Use Action Number: LUA21-000167.C. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit Number: NWS-2020-848 dated February II/2022.D. Brief Description of Impact(s) to be Compensated for by the Project MitigationCredits: Permanent filling of 0.28-acre Category IV wetlands.E. Other Permits (as applicable): Critical Areas Exemption, Construction Permit,Building Permit.Construction Permit Number: C21004289.* This Agreement does not relieve the Applicant from obtaining any requiredfederal, state, or local permits not related to wetland impacts.5. Responsibility of the Applicant: Upon delivery of full payment as described above,the obligations of the Applicant under this Agreement shall be satisfied.6. Responsibility of the City:A. The City certifies that sufficient credits are available in the SMB ledger to satisfythe credit transaction called for in this Agreement.L"?!PAGE 4 OF 9AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) B. The City will record the transaction in the SMB ledger and make applicablenotifications and reports to the members of the IRT, pursuant to Section 4.4 of theMBI.C. Pursuant to 33 Code of Federal Regulations §332.3(1)(3)/ the City and its successorsand assigns, accept responsibility for providing mitigation in compensation foraquatic resource function loss/ equivalent to 0.196 mitigation credits generatedthrough the establishment/ management/ and maintenance of the SMB, upon theeffective date of the credit transaction provided for under this Agreement.7. Record Maintenance: The Applicant shall maintain accounts and records, whichproperly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended and work provided in theperformance of this Agreement and retain such records for as long as may be requiredby applicable Washington State records retention laws, but in any event no less thansix years after the termination of this Agreement The Applicant agrees to provideaccess to and copies of any records related to this Agreement as required by the Cityto audit expenditures and charges and/or to comply with the Washington State PubiicRecords Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW). The provisions of this section shall survive theexpiration or termination of this Agreement.8. Public Records Compliance: To the full extent the City determines necessary to complywith the Washington State Public Records Act, Applicant shall make a due diligentsearch of ail records in its possession or control relating to this Agreement and theProject, including, but not limited to, e-mail, correspondence, notes/ saved telephonemessages, recordings/ photos, or drawings and provide them to the City forproduction. In the event Applicant believes said records need to be protected fromdisclosure/it may/at Applicant's own expense, seek judicial protection. Applicant shallindemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City for ail costs/ including attorneys' fees,attendant to any claim or litigation related to a Public Records Act request for whichApplicant has responsive records and for which Applicant has withheld records orinformation contained therein, or not provided them to the City in a timely manner.Applicant shal! produce for distribution any and all records responsive to the PublicRecords Act request in a timely manner, unless those records are protected by courtorder. The provisions of this section shai! survive the expiration or termination of thisAgreement.PAGE 5 OF 9AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) D. General Administration and Management. The City's project manager is AiexMorganroth, Senior Planner, Community and Economic DevelopmentDepartment.E. Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may be amended only by aninstrument in writing, duly executed by both Parties.F. Conflicts. In the event of any inconsistencies between Applicant proposals and thisAgreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. Any exhibits/attachmentsto this Agreement are incorporated by reference only to the extent of the purposefor which they are referenced within this Agreement. To the extent an Applicantprepared exhibit conflicts with the terms in the body of this Agreement or containsterms that are extraneous to the purpose for which it is referenced/ the terms inthe body of this Agreement shall prevail and the extraneous terms shall not beincorporated herein.G. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be made in and shall be governed by andinterpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and the City ofRenton.H. Joint Drafting Effort. This Agreement shall be considered for al! purposes asprepared by the Joint efforts of the Parties and shall not be construed against oneparty or the other as a result of the preparation, substitution, submission or otherevent of negotiation, drafting or execution.I. Jurisdiction and Venue. Any lawsuit or legal action brought by any party to enforceor interpret this Agreement or any of its terms or covenants shall be brought in theKing County Superior Court for the State of Washington at the Maleng RegionalJustice Center in Kent, King County/ Washington, or its replacement orsuccessor. Applicant hereby expressly consents to the personal and exclusivejurisdiction and venue of such court even if Applicant is a foreign corporation notregistered with the State of Washington.J. Severability. A court of competent Jurisdiction's determination that any provisionor part of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable shall not cancel or invalidatethe remainder of this Agreement/ which shall remain in full force and effect.PAGE 7 OF 9AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) K. So!e and Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of theParties and any representations or understandings/ whether oral or written, notincorporated are excluded.L Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and allof its provisions in which performance is a factor.M. Third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement is Intended to, nor shall beconstrued to give any rights or benefits in the Agreement to anyone other than theParties, and all duties and responsibilities undertaken pursuant to this Agreementwiil be for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Parties and no one else.N. Binding Effect. The Parties each bind themselves, their partners, successors,assigns, and legal representatives to the other Party to this Agreement, and to thepartners, successors/ assigns, and legal representatives of such other party withrespect to all covenants of the Agreement.0. Waivers. All waivers shall be in writing and signed by the waiving party. EitherParty's failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be a waiver andshal! not prevent either the City or Applicant from enforcing that provision or anyother provision of this Agreement in the future. Waiver of breach of any provisionof this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any prior or subsequentbreach unless it is expressly waived in writing.P. Counterparts. The Parties may execute this Agreement in any number ofcounterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which willtogether constitute this one Agreement.Q. Recording. A Notice of Wetland Mitigation Credit Sales in substantially the sameor similar form as that attached hereto as Exhibit A shall be recorded with the KingCounty Recorder's office.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Agreement as of thedate last signed by the Parties below.AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) CITYOFRENTONAPPLICANTBy:.Armondo PavoneMayorDateAttestDatN ^\y^/y] ^f/b^y}^ //&TJtie: L^^y?/^(^/^/_^33^-Jason A. SethCity ClerkApproved as to Legal FormBy:Shane MoloneyCity AttorneySMB NS Contract Template Updated 2-28-22 (939)i>lPAGE 9 OF 9AGENDA ITEM # 9. b) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON  ORDINANCE NO. ________  AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, EXTENDING THE  INTERIM ZONING CONTROLS ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5974, AND  EXTENDED AND AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 5997, EXTENDED BY ORDINANCE  6018, AND EXTENDED AGAIN BY ORDINANCE 6039; PROVIDING FOR  SEVERABILITY; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND ESTABLISHING AN IMMEDIATE  EFFECTIVE DATE.  WHEREAS, on July 13, 2020, in response to business‐related impacts due to the novel  coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic, the City Council adopted interim zoning controls via  Ordinance No. 5974, valid through December 31, 2020 or the date that the City enters Phase 4  of the Governor’s Safe Start plan, whichever occurred first; and  WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 5974 established a new type of temporary right‐of‐way permit  known as an “Economic Recovery Revocable Right‐of‐Way Permit” which is similar to existing  right‐of‐way permits but does not carry a permit fee to assist businesses that are able to use  public right‐of‐way and/or their private parking lot areas in order to expand the area within which  customers could be served – in keeping with appropriate social distancing standards and other  public health guidelines – in order to help struggling businesses including restaurants survive and  help keep the employees who depend on the jobs that have been impacted and jeopardized by  the coronavirus shut‐downs employed; and   WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 5974 also established and temporarily allowed businesses to  place signs known as “Economic Recovery Signs” in the form of A‐Frame Signs and Event Signs,  through December 31, 2020; and  AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  WHEREAS, on December 7, 2020, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 5997 extending  and amending Ordinance No. 5974, which was valid until June 7, 2021, in response to the  continued impacts the COVID‐19 public health emergency has had on businesses; and  WHEREAS, in order to assist the struggling downtown business community, Ordinance  No. 5997 approved the designation of a limited number of existing public parking stalls within  the area zoned Center Downtown (CD) as short‐term parking for curbside pick‐up or to go orders;  and  WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 5997 also established that parklets and prefabricated outdoor  spaces meet the intended purpose of “expanding the area within which a business may provide  goods or services to customers while keeping with public health guidelines” that served as the  basis for establishing Economic Recovery Revocable Right‐of‐Way Permits, and, thus, the City  Council wishes to allow for them as an element of encouraging economic recovery in the City;  and   WHEREAS, in addition to extending and amending the interim zoning controls established  in Ordinance No. 5974, Ordinance No. 5997 waived the requirement to obtain a Temporary Use  Permit for the temporary expansion of a business into an adjacent vacant space in a multi‐tenant  building in compliance with the Governor’s Safe Start plan and public heath guidelines for COVID‐ 19; and   WHEREAS, in order to accommodate the anticipated increases in short‐term parking in  the area zoned Center Downtown (CD) and to assist the struggling downtown business  community, Ordinance No. 5997 added the designation of temporary short term parking stalls  within the Center Downtown (CD) zoning district for curbside pick‐up or to go orders, and  AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  temporarily waived hourly parking fees in the City’s City Center Parking Garage located at 655 S  2nd St. for parking periods of up to 10 hours; and   WHEREAS, on June 7, 2021, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 6018 extending  Ordinance No. 5997 in response to the ongoing impacts the COVID‐19 public health emergency  has had on businesses through December 7, 2021; and  WHEREAS, on December 6, 2021, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 6039 extending  Ordinance No. 6018 in response to the ongoing impacts the COVID‐19 public health emergency  has had on businesses through June 6, 2022; and  WHEREAS, since the adoption of Ordinance Nos. 6018 and 6039 the “Safe Start  Washington” and “Healthy Washington‐ Roadmap to Recovery” plans are no longer in effect and  on June 30, 2021, Washington state reopened under the “Washington Ready” Plan, and on March  17, 2022 released the “ForWArd” Plan; and   WHEREAS, the most recent Proclamation issued by the Governor, 20‐25.19 states that  Proclamation 20‐25, et seq., will continue to be in effect until the state of emergency, issued on  February 29, 2020 pursuant to Proclamation 20‐05, is rescinded; and   WHEREAS, due to the continued state of emergency the City Council has determined that  there is a need to extend beyond June 6, 2022 the interim zoning controls establishing the  Economic Recovery Revocable Right‐of Way Permit, establishing and allowing Economic  Recovery Signs, waiving the requirement to obtain a temporary use permit for temporary  expansion of business into an adjacent vacant space in a multi‐tenant building, permitting the  temporary designation of short term parking stalls within the Center Downtown (CD) zoning  AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  district for curbside pick‐up or to go orders, and waiving parking fees for the City Center Parking  garage; and  WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on May 23, 2022, to consider a six‐month  extension of the interim zoning controls established in Ordinance No. 5974, extended and  amended by Ordinance No. 5997, extended by Ordinance No. 6018, and extended again by  Ordinance No. 6039;   NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I.  The above recitals are adopted as findings of fact in support of the interim  controls extended herein pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 and RCW 36.70A.390 and are found to be  true and correct in all respects.   SECTION II.   The interim zoning controls established by Ordinance No. 5974, extended  and amended by Ordinance No. 5997, extended by Ordinance No. 6018, and extended again by  Ordinance No. 6039 are hereby extended and shall remain in effect until November 23, 2022  unless ended earlier by subsequent City Council action, or unless subsequently extended by the  City Council pursuant to state law.    SECTION III. The Mayor or his designee is authorized to implement any and all  administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation.   SECTION IV.  A public hearing was held on May 23, 2022.  SECTION V.  If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance  should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court or competent jurisdiction, such  AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) ORDINANCE NO. ________  5  invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the constitutionality of any other section,  subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance.  SECTION VI.  The City Council declares an emergency for the protection of the public  welfare and to enable the purpose and intent of this ordinance to be accomplished. This  ordinance shall take effect immediately when passed by the City Council. The City Clerk shall  cause to be published a summary of this ordinance in the City’s official newspaper.  The summary  shall consist of this ordinance’s title.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2022.                             Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2022.                             Armondo Pavone, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney    Date of Publication:        ORD‐CED:2221:5/19/22  AGENDA ITEM # 9. c) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER  3‐7 OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE TO UPDATE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT  DIVISIONS PURSUANT TO REORGANIZATIONS, AUTHORIZING CORRECTIONS,  PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.     WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has requested a reorganization to add a new  Public Works Sustainability and Solid Waste section under Public Works Administration; and  WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend chapter 3‐7 RMC to codify the addition of the new  Public Works Sustainability and Solid Waste section and make other housekeeping revisions;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. All portions of the Renton Municipal Code in this ordinance not shown in  strikethrough and underline edits remain in effect and unchanged.  SECTION II. Chapter 3‐7 of the Renton Municipal Code is amended as follows:  CHAPTER 7  PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT  SECTION:  3‐7‐1:    Establishment Of Department  3‐7‐2:    Appointment Of Administrator  3‐7‐3:    Duties Of Administrator  3‐7‐4:    Qualifications Of Administrator  3‐7‐5:    Divisions    3‐7‐1 ESTABLISHMENT OF DEPARTMENT:  There is hereby created and established a Department of Public Works, also  referred to as the Public Works Department, which shall be under the supervision  of the Public Works Department Administrator.   AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  3‐7‐2 APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR:  The Public Works Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to  confirmation by a majority of the City Council.   3‐7‐3 DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATOR:  The duties of the Administrator shall be to plan, organize, coordinate, direct and  supervise all Public Works Department functions and divisions, including the  Sustainability and Solid Waste Section; oversee work plans and provide relevant  information to the Mayor and City Council; and supervise and evaluate the  performance of assigned personnel.   3‐7‐4 QUALIFICATIONS OF ADMINISTRATOR:  The Public Works Administrator must possess those qualifications deemed  necessary for this job by the Mayor, indicated on the City’s Public Works  Administrator job classification.   3‐7‐5 DIVISIONS:  A.Transportation Systems Division: The Transportation Systems Division, under the supervision of the Deputy Public Works Administrator – Transportation,  shall plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain a transportation system that  provides safe and efficient movement of people and goods, enhances  environmental quality, and is compatible with local and regional mobility goals  and development objectives. Management of the Renton Municipal Airport is also  included in this division.  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  B.    Utility Systems Division: The Utility Systems Division, including water,  sewer, and  surface water, and solid waste, under the supervision of the Utility  Systems Director, shall ensure water, wastewater, and surface water, and solid  waste systems are characterized by quality planning, engineering, operations,  financial integrity, and customer services.  C.    Maintenance Services Division: The Maintenance Services Division,  including street maintenance, water maintenance, wastewater maintenance and  vehicle fleet maintenance, shall operate and maintain the City’s infrastructure  including streets, sidewalks, bridges, equipment, rolling stock, water, wastewater,  and surface water utility systems, and the solid waste utility litter control program.  D.    Airport Division: The Airport Division shall be responsible for all aspects of  the Renton Municipal Airport including management and operations of airport  properties in compliance with FAA requirements, management of aviation and  non‐aviation property leases, airport planning, airport capital improvements,  financial sustainability, community and tenant relations, and customer service.  E.    Facilities Division: The Facilities Division develops and maintains City  buildings and manages the delivery of building‐related services to the public and  the City workforce in a safe, customer‐focused manner.   3‐7‐6 SUSTAINABILITY AND SOLID WASTE:  The Department of Public Works shall include a Sustainability and Solid Waste Section  that is responsible for a broad range of sustainability and climate resilience programs that  yield environmental benefits to the community, oversee the management of Solid Waste  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4  contracts and activities that reduce the use of landfills and emphasize recycling,  composting, waste diversion and waste prevention and are characterized by quality  planning, system design, financial integrity, and customer service.  SECTION III. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to direct  the codifier to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the corrections of  scriveners or clerical errors; references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or  regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering and references.  SECTION IV. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or work of this  ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court or competent jurisdiction,  such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the constitutionality of any other  section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance.  SECTION V. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on June 16, 2022.  No later  than five (5) days prior to such effective date, a summary of this ordinance consisting of its title  shall be published in the City’s official newspaper.     PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2021.                         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk    APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _____________________, 2021.                         Armondo Pavone, Mayor    AGENDA ITEM # 9. d) ORDINANCE NO. ________  5  Approved as to form:             Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD‐PW:2219:5/11/22  AGENDA ITEM # 9. d)   1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING AN  AMENDED 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE TO IMPLEMENT AN  AUTHORIZED REORGANIZATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND   REINSERTING AN EXISTING POSITION THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY INADVERTENTLY  OMITTED FROM THE SALARY TABLE,  AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.    WHEREAS, the City Council has approved changes in compensation that impact the City  of Renton Salary Table for 2022 to implement an authorized reorganization of the Public Works  Department; and  WHEREAS, the Grants Program Manager position was approved and added to the 2021  Salary Table, but then inadvertently omitted from previous versions of the 2022 Salary Table; and  WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the 2022 City of Renton Salary Table to  incorporate changes in compensation related to the reorganization and to reinsert the  inadvertently omitted position; and  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The City Council hereby adopts the amended 2022 City of Renton Salary  Table, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit A.  SECTION II.        The Salary Table is intended to be consistent with all applicable collective  bargaining agreements.  In the event of conflicts, applicable collective bargaining agreement(s)  control.   SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication  of a summary of this ordinance consisting of its title in the City’s official newspaper. The salary  AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  changes adopted herein to implement the Public Works Department reorganization shall be in  effect on June 16, 2022, subject to any changes negotiated through collective bargaining  agreement(s).  Any past salary earned by the Grants Program Manager in accordance with the  previously approved salary for that position plus cost of living adjustments granted to all non‐ represented staff are ratified and the salary adopted herein for that position shall be retroactive  to March 1, 2022. Once effective, the amended Salary Table  shall remain in effect until changes  are authorized by the City Council.     PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _____ day of ________________, 2022.  Jason A. Seth, City Clerk  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _____ day of ________________, 2022.  Armondo Pavone, Mayor  Approved as to form:  Shane Moloney, City Attorney  Date of Publication:   ORD‐HR:2220:5/17/22  AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3          EXHIBIT A  2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE     AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual e10 1030 Mayor (1) 15,963 191,556 15,963 191,556 e09 1005 City Council President (2)(7)2,050 24,600   e09 1000 City Council Members (2) 1,750 21,000   e08 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 12,780 153,360 13,425 161,100 e11 1020 Municipal Court Judge (6) 15,051 180,614 15,051 180,614 Salary effective July 2020 ‐ June 30, 2022 Salary is 95% of District Court Judge Salary m53 1035 Chief Administrative Officer (3) 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 16,768 201,216 17,609 211,308 m52 14,105 169,260 14,819 177,828 15,576 186,912 16,364 196,368 17,182 206,184 m51 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 16,768 201,216 m50 13,425 161,100 14,105 169,260 14,819 177,828 15,576 186,912 16,364 196,368 m49 1400 City Attorney (3) 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1109 Parks & Recreation Administrator (3) 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1105 Community & Economic Development Administrato 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1036 Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (3) 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1101 Finance Administrator (3) 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1107 Equity, Housing & Human Services Administrator (3)13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1104 Human Resources & Risk Mgmt Administrator (3) 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1110 Judicial Administrative Officer 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1103 Public Works Administrator (3) 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m49 1201 Police Chief (3) 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 15,963 191,556 m48 12,780 153,360 13,425 161,100 14,105 169,260 14,819 177,828 15,576 186,912 m47 12,470 149,640 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 15,196 182,352 m46 1535 Police Deputy Chief (4) 12,165 145,980 12,780 153,360 13,425 161,100 14,105 169,260 14,819 177,828 m46 1405 Prosecution Director 12,165 145,980 12,780 153,360 13,425 161,100 14,105 169,260 14,819 177,828 m45 11,869 142,428 12,470 149,640 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 14,459 173,508 m44 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 12,780 153,360 13,425 161,100 14,105 169,260 m43 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 12,470 149,640 13,102 157,224 13,762 165,144 m42 1401 Sr Assistant City Attorney 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 12,780 153,360 13,425 161,100 m41 1212 Information Technology Director 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 12,470 149,640 13,102 157,224 m40 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 12,780 153,360 m39 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 12,470 149,640 m38 2178 Airport Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 2011 City Clerk/Public Records Officer 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1204 Communications & Engagement Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 2373 Development Engineering Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1575 Development Services Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1501 Economic Development Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE NON‐REPRESENTED Effective March 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E ELECTED OFFICIALS MANAGEMENT & SUPERVISORY (NON‐UNION) AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE NON‐REPRESENTED Effective March 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E m38 2044 Emergency Management Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1207 Facilities Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1210 Fiscal Services Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 2463 HR Labor Relations & Compensation Manager 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1406 Lead Prosecutor 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1571 Maintenance Services Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 8084 Parks and Trails Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1208 Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1502 Planning Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 2031 Police Commander (5) 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1214 Recreation Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1570 Utility Systems Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m38 1572 Transportation Systems Director 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 12,165 145,980 m37 2148 Application Support Manager 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 m37 2175 ITS and Maintenance Manager 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 m37 2176 Transportation Design Manager 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 m37 2075 Transportation Operations Manager 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 m37 2177 Transportation Planning Manager 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 m37 2172 Utility Engineering Manager 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 11,869 142,428 m36 2024 Construction Engineering Manager 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 m36 2021 Current Planning Manager 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 m36 2073 Development Engineering Manager 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 m36 2501 Economic Development Assistant Director 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 m36 2020 Long Range Planning Manager 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 11,581 138,972 m35 1402 Assistant City Attorney 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 11,295 135,540 m34 2462 Human Resources Benefits Manager 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 m34 2413 Network Systems Manager 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 m34 2460 Organizational Development  Manager 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 m34 2409 Risk Manager 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 11,021 132,252 m33 5015 Budget & Accounting Manager 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 m33 1578 Community Development & Housing Manager 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 m33 Sustainability & Solid Waste Manager *8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 m33 3072 Water Maintenance Manager 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 10,754 129,048 m32 4480 Capital Projects Manager 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 m32 1577 Economic Development Manager 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 m32 3073 Fleet Manager 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 m32 4470 Parks Planning Manager 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 m32 3071 Street Maintenance Manager 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 m32 3083 Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 m32 3070 Waste Water/Special Operations Manager 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 10,493 125,916 m31 3086 Facilities Manager 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 m31 8010 Parks Maintenance Manager 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 10,236 122,832 m30 2407 GIS Manager 8,196 98,352 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 m30 2033 Police Manager 8,196 98,352 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 9,987 119,844 m29 2202 Communications Manager 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 m29 3084 Golf Course Manager 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 m29 1522 Human Services Manager 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 m29 1404 Prosecuting Attorney 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 m29 2087 Recreation Manager 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 9,746 116,952 m28 6031 Financial Operations Manager 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 m28 5254 Permit Services Manager 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE NON‐REPRESENTED Effective March 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E m28 1116 Tax & Licensing Manager 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 9,506 114,072 m27 3011 Enterprise Content Manager 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 m27 1310 Grants Program Manager **7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 m27 2578 Housing Programs Manager 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 9,272 111,264 m26 7,425 89,100 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 8,609 103,308 9,042 108,504 m25 2086 Head Golf Professional 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 m25 2562 Senior Benefits Analyst 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 m25 2563 Senior Employee Relations Analyst 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 m25 2410 Senior Finance Analyst 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 m25 2561 Senior Risk Analyst 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 m25 Solid Waste Program Manager ***7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 m25 2479 Solid Waste Coordinator 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 8,825 105,900 m24 5112 Deputy City Clerk/Public Records Officer 7,071 84,852 7,425 89,100 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 8,609 103,308 m23 3562 Benefits Analyst 6,891 82,692 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 m23 3563 Employee Relations Analyst 6,891 82,692 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 m23 2080 Recreation Supervisor 6,891 82,692 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 m23 2461 Risk Analyst 6,891 82,692 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 8,401 100,812 m22 2404 Community Events Coordinator 6,729 80,748 7,071 84,852 7,425 89,100 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 m22 1510 Court Services Supervisor 6,729 80,748 7,071 84,852 7,425 89,100 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 m22 3461 Employee Health & Safety Coordinator 6,729 80,748 7,071 84,852 7,425 89,100 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 m22 8007 Golf Course Supervisor 6,729 80,748 7,071 84,852 7,425 89,100 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 m22 2091 Museum Manager 6,729 80,748 7,071 84,852 7,425 89,100 7,803 93,636 8,196 98,352 m21 2218 Tax & Licensing Auditor, Senior 6,562 78,744 6,891 82,692 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 7,990 95,880 m20 6,402 76,824 6,729 80,748 7,071 84,852 7,425 89,100 7,803 93,636 m19 6150 City Council Liaison 6,249 74,988 6,562 78,744 6,891 82,692 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 m19 6103 Executive Assistant 6,249 74,988 6,562 78,744 6,891 82,692 7,244 86,928 7,611 91,332 m18 5416 Payroll Technician 3 6,092 73,104 6,402 76,824 6,729 80,748 7,071 84,852 7,425 89,100 m17 5000 Legal Analyst 5,947 71,364 6,249 74,988 6,562 78,744 6,891 82,692 7,244 86,928 n16 multiple Administrative Assistants (All Depts) 5,778 69,336 6,070 72,840 6,367 76,404 6,695 80,340 7,029 84,348 n16 5118 Finance Analyst 3 5,778 69,336 6,070 72,840 6,367 76,404 6,695 80,340 7,029 84,348 n16 2217 Tax & Licensing Auditor 2 5,778 69,336 6,070 72,840 6,367 76,404 6,695 80,340 7,029 84,348 n15  5,628 67,536 5,919 71,028 6,216 74,592 6,532 78,384 6,866 82,392 n14 5,496 65,952 5,778 69,336 6,070 72,840 6,367 76,404 6,695 80,340 n13 5115 Finance Analyst 2 5,360 64,320 5,628 67,536 5,919 71,028 6,216 74,592 6,532 78,384 n13 2662 Human Resources Specialist 5,360 64,320 5,628 67,536 5,919 71,028 6,216 74,592 6,532 78,384 n13 5032 Payroll Technician 2 5,360 64,320 5,628 67,536 5,919 71,028 6,216 74,592 6,532 78,384 n13 2216 Tax & Licensing Auditor 1 5,360 64,320 5,628 67,536 5,919 71,028 6,216 74,592 6,532 78,384 n12 5,234 62,808 5,496 65,952 5,778 69,336 6,070 72,840 6,367 76,404 n11 2488 Assistant Golf Professional 5,102 61,224 5,360 64,320 5,628 67,536 5,919 71,028 6,216 74,592 n10 5114 Finance Analyst 1 4,980 59,760 5,234 62,808 5,496 65,952 5,778 69,336 6,070 72,840 n10 5216 Payroll Technician 1 4,980 59,760 5,234 62,808 5,496 65,952 5,778 69,336 6,070 72,840 NON‐UNION (CLERICAL, OTHER) AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE NON‐REPRESENTED Effective March 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E n09 4,861 58,332 5,102 61,224 5,360 64,320 5,628 67,536 5,919 71,028 n08 4,739 56,868 4,980 59,760 5,234 62,808 5,496 65,952 5,778 69,336 n07 4,625 55,500 4,861 58,332 5,102 61,224 5,360 64,320 5,628 67,536 n06 4,510 54,120 4,739 56,868 4,980 59,760 5,234 62,808 5,496 65,952 n05 4,401 52,812 4,625 55,500 4,861 58,332 5,102 61,224 5,360 64,320 n04 4,296 51,552 4,510 54,120 4,739 56,868 4,980 59,760 5,234 62,808 n03 4,195 50,340 4,401 52,812 4,625 55,500 4,861 58,332 5,102 61,224 n02 4,093 49,116 4,296 51,552 4,510 54,120 4,739 56,868 4,980 59,760 n01 5138 Office Specialist 3,998 47,976 4,195 50,340 4,401 52,812 4,625 55,500 4,861 58,332 * New Position effective June 16, 2022 ** Existing Position inadvertently omitted from previous salary table, salary effective March 1, 2022 *** Retitled Position Effective June 16, 2022 $6,638 Completion of 5 Yrs Completion of 10 Yrs Completion of 15 Yrs Completion of 20 Yrs Completion of 25 Yrs Completion of 30 Yrs (1) In addition to salary receives annual car allowance of $4800 or use of a city vehicle. (2) (3) Not eligible for Longevity/Education or Uniform Allowance (4) Not eligible for Longevity/Education or Uniform Allowance Eligible for 3% cash premium or 3% into deferred compensation per employee's discretion for passing physical fitness. (5)Receive Education/Longevity & Uniform Allowance based on Union Contract. Eligible for 3% deferred compensation for passing physical fitness.  Eligible for P2 paid job injury leave based on Union Contract. (6) 4 year term  (7) Council president to be paid $300/month above council members salary. for Management and Non‐Represented employees; except for CAO receives 11% per year. 5% Step a14E $332 per month 6% Step a14E $398 per month 7% Step a14E $465 per month Council members salary set per Salary Commission effective 4/1/20.  Council receives 2% of salary for deferred comp.  If members are  prohibited from participating in PERS, they receive an extra 1.4 % of salary for deferred compensation.   The City contributes 4% of employee's base wage per year to a deferred compensation account  3% Step a14E $199 per month 4% Step a14E $266 per month 2% Step a14E $133 per month NON‐REPRESENTED LONGEVITY PAY as of 1/1/2021 Step a14, E = AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6.0% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual a40 10,331 123,972 10,847 130,164 11,397 136,764 11,976 143,712 12,580 150,960 a39 10,097 121,164 10,598 127,176 11,118 133,416 11,683 140,196 12,275 147,300 ‐ a38 9,839 118,068 10,331 123,972 10,847 130,164 11,397 136,764 11,976 143,712 a37 9,613 115,356 10,097 121,164 10,598 127,176 11,118 133,416 11,683 140,196 a36 2428 Principal Civil Engineer 9,369 112,428 9,839 118,068 10,331 123,972 10,847 130,164 11,397 136,764 a35 9,145 109,740 9,613 115,356 10,097 121,164 10,598 127,176 11,118 133,416 a34 8,922 107,064 9,369 112,428 9,839 118,068 10,331 123,972 10,847 130,164 a33 2475 Civil Engineer 3 8,707 104,484 9,145 109,740 9,613 115,356 10,097 121,164 10,598 127,176 a32 2425 Utility/GIS Engineer 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 9,369 112,428 9,839 118,068 10,331 123,972 a31 2078 Assistant Airport Manager 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 9,145 109,740 9,613 115,356 10,097 121,164 a31 2022 Principal Planner 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 9,145 109,740 9,613 115,356 10,097 121,164 a31 Structural Plans Examiner 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 9,145 109,740 9,613 115,356 10,097 121,164 a30 2512 Client Technology Sys & Support Super. 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 9,369 112,428 9,839 118,068 a30 2474 Civil Engineer 2 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 9,369 112,428 9,839 118,068 a29 2570 Program Development Coordinator 2 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 9,145 109,740 9,613 115,356 a29 2451 Senior Systems Analyst 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 9,145 109,740 9,613 115,356 a28 2422 Senior Planner 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 9,369 112,428 a28 2480 Capital Project Coordinator 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 9,369 112,428 a28 2416 Senior Network Systems Specialist 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 9,369 112,428 a27 2452 Senior Business Systems Analyst 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 9,145 109,740 a26 2473 Civil Engineer I 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 a26 2506 GIS Analyst 3 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 a26 2417 Systems Analyst 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 a26 3473 Water Utilities Maintenance Supervisor 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 8,922 107,064 a25 2481 Facilities Coordinator 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 a25 3484 Lead Electrical/Ctrl Systems Technician 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 a25 2470 Program Development Coordinator 1 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 a25 2170 Property Services Agent 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 a25 8179 Signal/Electronic Systems Supervisor 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 8,707 104,484 a24 2420 Database Technician 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 a24 3450 Lead Building Inspector 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 a24 2430 Lead Code Compliance Inspector 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 a24 3469 Lead Construction Engineering Inspector 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 a24 2403 Senior Economic Development Specialist 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 a24 2419 Network Systems Specialist 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6.0% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E a24 2476 Transportation Planner 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 8,496 101,952 a23 8475 Airport Ops & Maintenance Supervisor 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 2429 Building Plan Reviewer 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 2421 Business Systems Analyst 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 2472 Engineering Specialist 3 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 2505 GIS Analyst 2 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 8175 Pavement Management Technician 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 2450 Plan Reviewer 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 2484 Property Services Specialist 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 8001 Street Maintenance Services Supervisor 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 8002 Waste Water Maint. Services Supervisor 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a23 8000 Water Maintenance Services Supervisor 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 8,282 99,384 a22 5197 Neighborhood Program Coordinator 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 a22 5002 Senior Paralegal 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 a22 6129 Utility Accounts Supervisor 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 8,084 97,008 a21 2424 Associate Planner 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 3452 Building Inspector/Combination 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 3451 Building Inspector/Electrical 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 2016 Case Manager 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 2427 Code Compliance Inspector 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 2200 Communications Specialist 2 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 3472 Construction Engineering Inspector 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 8008 Custodial Maintenance Supervisor 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 5130 Emergency Management Coordinator 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 3089 Facilities Supervisor 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 5111 GIS Analyst 1 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 8006 Parks Maintenance Supervisor 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 3483 Signal/Electronics Systems Technician 3 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 8004 Traffic Signage & Marking Supervisor 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a21 8011 Water Meter Tech. Services Supervisor 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 7,887 94,644 a20 2079 Business Coordinator ‐ Airport 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 a20 2402 Economic Development Specialist 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 a20 2487 Housing Repair Coordinator 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 a20 2489 Human Services Coordinator 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 7,692 92,304 a19 6128 Accounting Supervisor 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 a19 2612 Client Technology Services Specialist 2 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 a19 7182 Electrical Technician 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 a19 3453 Energy Plans Reviewer 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 a19 2471 Engineering Specialist 2 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 a19 3485 HVAC Systems Technician 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 a19 7172 Lead Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 a19 8178 Water Utility Instr./SCADA Technician 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 7,506 90,072 a18 3456 Development Services Representative 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 a18 5195 Farmers Market Coordinator 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 a18 2015 Probation Officer 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6.0% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E a18 2083 Recreation Program Coordinator 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 a18 Senior Sustainability Program Specialist*6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 7,321 87,852 a17 2423 Assistant Planner 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 a17 8374 Maintenance Buyer 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 a17 5001 Paralegal 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 a17 5012 Public Records Specialist 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 a17 3482 Signal/Electronics Systems Technician 2 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 a17 3470 Water Quality/Treatment Plant Operator 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 a17 2205 Digital Communications Specialist 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 7,143 85,716 a16 8284 Lead Golf Course Maintenance Worker 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 a16 8074 Lead Maintenance Services Worker 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 a16 8080 Lead Parks Maintenance Worker 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 a16 5196 Program Assistant 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 a16 Sustainability Program Specialist*5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 6,970 83,640 a15 4014 City Clerk Specialist 2 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 2613 Client Technology Services Specialist 1 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 6167 Court Operations Specialist 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 7181 Facilities Technician 2 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 7184 Grounds Equipment Mechanic 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 8174 Lift Station Technician 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 5122 Planning Technician 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 5180 Senior Program Specialist 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 8574 Senior Traffic Maintenance Worker 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 7170 Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a15 3474 Water Utility Maintenance Technician 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 6,802 81,624 a14 5161 Asset Management Systems Technician 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 a14 5160 Recreation Systems Technician 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 6,638 79,656 a13 8474 Airport Operations Specialist 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 a13 3471 Engineering Specialist 1 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 a13 7180 Facilities Technician 1 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 a13 3487 Housing Maintenance Technician 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 a13 6263 Permit Services Specialist 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 a13 7110 Print & Mail Supervisor 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 a13 5179 Program Specialist 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 a13 3481 Signal/Electronics Systems Technician 1 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 6,471 77,652 a12 2201 Communications Specialist 1 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 a12 8283 Golf Course Maintenance Worker 3 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 a12 6166 Judicial Specialist 2 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 a12 8173 Maintenance Services Worker 3 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 a12 8083 Parks Maintenance Worker 3 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 a12 8573 Traffic Maintenance Worker 2 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 6,313 75,756 a11 8473 Airport Maintenance Worker 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 a11 5014 City Clerk Specialist 1 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 a11 7173 Fleet Management Technician 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6.0% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E a11 8183 Lead Maintenance Custodian 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 a11 6265 Payroll Analyst 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 a11 5007 Public Records Specialist 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 a11 2486 Recreation Specialist 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 a11 8109 Water Meter System Specialist 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 6,158 73,896 a10 6164 Judicial Specialist/Trainer 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 a10 6165 Legal Assistant 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 a10 6263 Permit Technician 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 a10 6163 Probation Clerk 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 6,013 72,156 a09 6131 Accounting Assistant 4 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 a09 6151 Administrative Secretary 1 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 a09 8286 Golf Course Operations Assistant 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 a09 8070 Mechanic's Assistant 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 a09 2085 Recreation Assistant 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 5,863 70,356 a08 8282 Golf Course Maintenance Worker 2 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 a08 7126 Housing Repair Technician 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 a08 6162 Judicial Specialist 1 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 a08 6109 Lead Office Assistant 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 a08 8172 Maintenance Services Worker 2 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 a08 8082 Parks Maintenance Worker 2 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 a08 8375 Purchasing Assistant 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 a08 8572 Traffic Maintenance Worker 1 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 5,726 68,712 a07 6132 Accounting Assistant 3 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 a07 8184 Maintenance Custodian 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 a07 7112 Print & Mail Operator 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 a07 6142 Secretary 2 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 a07 8111 Water Meter Technician 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 5,579 66,948 a06 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 5,447 65,364 a05 6134 Accounting Assistant 2 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 a05 6130 Office Assistant 3 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 a05 6141 Secretary 1 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 5,312 63,744 a04 6160 Court Security Officer 4,259 51,108 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 a04 8281 Golf Course Maintenance Worker 1 4,259 51,108 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 a04 8181 Lead Custodian 4,259 51,108 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 a04 8171 Maintenance Services Worker 1 4,259 51,108 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 a04 8081 Parks Maintenance Worker 1 4,259 51,108 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 a04 6282 Pro Shop Assistant 4,259 51,108 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 a04 8576 Solid Waste Maintenance Worker 4,259 51,108 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 5,186 62,232 a03 6136 Accounting Assistant 1 4,155 49,860 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 a03 6120 Office Assistant 2 4,155 49,860 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 a03 8079 Parks Maintenance Assistant 2 4,155 49,860 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 a03 7111 Print & Mail Assistant 4,155 49,860 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 5,057 60,684 AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) COLA 6.0% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2022 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E a02 4,061 48,732 4,259 51,108 4,476 53,712 4,697 56,364 4,934 59,208 a01 8182 Custodian 3,955 47,460 4,155 49,860 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 a01 6281 Golf Course Associate 3,955 47,460 4,155 49,860 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 a01 6111 Office Assistant 1 3,955 47,460 4,155 49,860 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 a01 7079 Parks Maintenance Assistant 1 3,955 47,460 4,155 49,860 4,364 52,368 4,583 54,996 4,813 57,756 * $6,638 Completion of 5 Yrs Completion of 10 Yrs Completion of 15 Yrs Completion of 20 Yrs Completion of 25 Yrs Completion of 30 Yrs New positions effective June 16, 2022.  These positions are subject to any changes negotiated through collective bargaining  agreement(s). The City contributes 1% of employee's base wage per year to a VEBA account.  The City contributes 3% of employee's base wage per year to a deferred compensation account. (Article 14) 6% Step a14E $398 per month 7% Step a14E $465 per month per month  LONGEVITY PAY Step a14, E = 2% Step a14E $133 per month 3% Step a14E $199 per month 4% Step a14E $266 per month 5% Step a14E $332 AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) Grade Code Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Police Chief See Management & Supervisory Matrix, Grade m49 Police Deputy Chief See Management & Supervisory Matrix, Grade m46 Police Commander See Management & Supervisory Matrix, Grade m38 pc61 3035 Sergeant*9,384 112,609 9,853 118,240 (15% over Police Officer)*Step increase at 24 months pc60 4131 Patrol Officer II 6,097 73,165 6,614 79,363 7,134 85,613 7,646 91,747 8,161 97,932 pc59 4130 Patrol Officer I 5,738 68,861 6,225 74,699 6,715 80,575 7,196 86,347 7,681 92,172 Percent      Interpreters ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐3%      Detectives ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      Traffic Assignment‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      Motorcycle Assignment‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 2%      Canine Officer ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐3%      Corporal Assignment ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐7.5%      Field Training Officer ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      Training Officer‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      SWAT Assignment ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      SRO Assignment‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%       Civil Disturbance Unit ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Paid at rate of double time with 3 hrs minimum when called to emergency.     Crisis Communication Unit‐‐‐‐‐‐Paid at rate of double time with 3 hrs minimum when called to emergency. Percentage (of base wage) Percentage (of base wage) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Patrol Officer II:  Effective 1‐1‐18 Patrol Officer II and Sergeant had 6.25% added to their base pay to reflect the additional 109  hours worked in a calendar year.  This is reflected in the ranges above. Effective January 1, 2008, Sergeants assigned to Investigation and Traffic Unit will not receive the 3% premium if they have been  in the position of Sergeant for 24 months. NOTE:  Please refer to the current labor agreement for specific information. AA Degree (90 credits) 4% BA Degree/Masters Degree 6% The City contributes 2.0% of employee's wage base toward deferred compensation. (Appendix A.2.3) The City will contribute 3.0% of employee's wage base toward deferred compensation for passing physical fitness. (Article 6.8.4,  and Appendix A.2.4) Beginning 1‐1‐2020 the City will contribute 1% of employee's wage base to a VEBA plan.  (Article 14.11) Completion of 10 Yrs 4% Completion of 15 Yrs 6% Completion of 20 Yrs 10% Completion of 25 Yrs 12% Completion of 30 Yrs 14% MONTHLY EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY  (Appendix B) Position Title HAZARD DUTY AND PREMIUM PAY (Article 6.7 and 6.8) MONTHLY LONGEVITY PAY  (Appendix B) Years of Service Completion of   5 Yrs 2% 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE POLICE DEPARTMENT ‐ Commissioned Officers In Negotiations STEP ASTEP BSTEP CSTEP DSTEP E AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual pn70 6,008 72,096 6,495 77,940 7,137 85,644 7,843 94,116 8,256 99,072 pn69 5,861 70,332 6,337 76,044 6,963 83,556 7,652 91,824 8,055 96,660 pn68 5,718 68,616 6,182 74,184 6,793 81,516 7,465 89,580 7,858 94,296 pn67 4140 Community Engagement Coord. 5,579 66,948 6,031 72,372 6,628 79,536 7,283 87,396 7,667 92,004 pn66 5,443 65,316 5,884 70,608 6,466 77,592 7,106 85,272 7,480 89,760 pn65 5,310 63,720 5,741 68,892 6,308 75,696 6,932 83,184 7,297 87,564 pn64 5,181 62,172 5,601 67,212 6,155 73,860 6,763 81,156 7,119 85,428 pn63 5,054 60,648 5,464 65,568 6,004 72,048 6,598 79,176 6,946 83,352 pn58 6178 Police Service Specialist Supv 6,454 77,448 6,776 81,312 Step A(15% above Specialist, Step E) Step E (5% above Supervisor, Step A) pn57 6182 Police Service Specialist Lead 6,032 72,384 6,032 72,384 (7.5% above Specialist, Step E) pn54 4138 Police Community Prgm Coord 4,993 59,916 5,396 64,752 5,928 71,136 6,390 76,680 6,710 80,520 pn54 4120 Crime Analyst 4,993 59,916 5,396 64,752 5,928 71,136 6,390 76,680 6,710 80,520 pn56 4133 Electronic Home Detention Coord 4,926 59,112 5,316 63,792 5,854 70,248 6,436 77,232 6,756 81,072 pn53 3432 Evidence Technician 4,700 56,400 5,073 60,876 5,583 66,996 6,142 73,704 6,458 77,496 pn61 4121 Domestic Violence Victim Advocate 4,661 55,932 5,063 60,756 5,627 67,524 6,186 74,232 6,513 78,156 pn60 4,445 53,340 4,828 57,936 5,364 64,368 5,898 70,776 6,205 74,460 pn52 4135 Animal Control Officer 4,433 53,196 4,793 57,516 5,270 63,240 5,795 69,540 6,086 73,032 pn62 6181 Police Service Specialist 4,088 49,056 4,416 52,992 4,860 58,320 5,346 64,152 5,612 67,344 pn51 6183 Police Secretary 3,829 45,948 4,133 49,596 4,550 54,600 5,008 60,096 5,254 63,048 pn51 4137 Parking Enforcement Officer 3,829 45,948 4,133 49,596 4,550 54,600 5,008 60,096 5,254 63,048 Interpreter Premium………………………………..………………….……………. 3% of base pay (Article 6.5.2) 2.5% of base pay  (Article 6.5.3) 4% of base pay (Article 6.5.1) NON‐ COMMISSIONED PREMIUM PAY (Articles 6.4 and 6.5) Public Records Act Premium…………………………………………………………… Field Training Officer, FTO (Police Service Specialist)…………........… 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE POLICE DEPARTMENT ‐ Non‐Commissioned Officers In Negotiations STEP ASTEP BSTEP CSTEP DSTEP E AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) Double time with 3 hrs min (Article 6.4) ‐ Beginning 1/1/2020 the City will contribute 1% of the employee's base wage to a VEBA plan.  (Article 14.10) ‐ The City will contribute an additional 3.0% of employee's wage base toward deferred comp for passing physical fitness prior  to beginning of each calendar year. (Article 6.8.3) Completion of 25 Yrs 12% Completion of 30 Yrs 14% MONTHLY EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY SCHEDULE (Appendix B.2) Percentage (of base wage) AA Degree (90 credits) 4% BA/BS Degree or Masters Degree 6% ‐ The City contributes 4.5% of the employee's base wage to a deferred comp account.  (Appendix A.3) Completion of 10 Yrs 4% Completion of 15 Yrs 6% Completion of 20 Yrs 10% Completion of   5 Yrs 2% Crisis Communication Unit………………………………………..…...……… POLICE NON‐COMMISSIONED‐ MONTHLY LONGEVITY INCENTIVE PAY SCHEDULE (Article 12, Appendix B.1) Years of Service Percentage (of base wage) AGENDA ITEM # 9. e) Grade STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E h07 14.50 14.75 h08 15.00 15.25 15.50 15.75 16.00 h09 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 h10 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25 18.50 h11 18.75 19.00 19.25 19.50 19.75 h12 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 h13 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 h14 25.00 25.50 26.00 26.50 27.00 h15 27.50 28.00 28.50 29.00 29.50 h16 30.00 30.50 31.00 31.50 32.00 h17 32.50 33.00 33.50 34.00 34.50 h18 35.00 35.50 36.00 36.50 37.00 h19 37.50 38.00 38.50 39.00 39.50 h20 40.00 40.50 41.00 41.50 42.00 h21 42.25 42.50 42.75 43.00 43.25 h22 43.50 43.75 44.00 44.25 44.50 h23 45.00 45.50 46.00 46.50 47.00 h24 47.50 48.00 48.50 49.00 49.50 h25 50.00 51.00 52.00 53.00 54.00 h26 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 h27 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 h28 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00 2022 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE SUPPLEMENTAL EMPLOYEE WAGE TABLE AGENDA ITEM # 9. e)